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Chapter 8 Utility and Demand

1) Utility is best defined as

A) the amount one is willing to pay for a good.
B) the price of a good.
C) the satisfaction from consuming a good.
D) the practical usefulness of a good.

2) Total utility describes

A) the benefit gained from all consumption.
B) an increase in consumption multiplied by the gain in utility.
C) total consumption multiplied by marginal utility.
D) total consumption divided by marginal utility.

3) Which of the following statements is true?

A) As more of a good is consumed, its total utility increases,
unless the good is subject to diminishing marginal utility.
B) As more of a good is consumed, its total utility increases,
even if the good is subject to diminishing marginal utility.
C) No two people have identical utility functions, just as no two
people have identical fingerprints.
D) Both A and C above.

4) Which of the following is NOT an assumption of marginal

utility theory?
A) A consumer derives utility from the goods consumed.
B) Each additional unit of consumption yields additional utility.
C) Consumers maximize their total utility.
D) As more of a good is consumed, the decrease in the marginal
utility from the good means that the total utility from the good
decreases also.

5) The satisfaction that a person receives from consuming a

good or service is called ________.
A) total satisfaction
B) marginal benefit
C) utility
D) marginal utility

6) Marginal utility is the

A) total satisfaction that a person gets from the consumption of
all of the units of a good consumed.
B) change in satisfaction that results from a one-unit increase in
the quantity of a good consumed.
C) maximum price that a consumer is willing to pay for an
additional unit of a good.
D) additional cost to a consumer when an additional unit of a
good is consumed.

7) The marginal utility from the consumption of a good is

equal to the
A) total utility divided by the quantity consumed.
B) total utility divided by the price.
C) change in total utility divided by the change in the quantity
D) change in total utility divided by the change in price.

8) Marginal utility measures the

A) total utility from consumption.
B) additional utility from an additional unit of consumption.
C) average utility from an additional unit of consumption.
D) additional cost of an additional unit of consumption.

9) Diminishing marginal utility means that

A) Ralph will enjoy his second hamburger less than the first.
B) the total utility from one hamburger exceeds the total utility
from two hamburgers.
C) the price of two hamburgers is twice the price of one.
D) beyond a certain point, total utility decreases as income rises.

10) According to the principle of diminishing marginal

utility, as the quantity of a good or service consumed
increases, total utility
A) increases.
B) decreases.
C) is unchanging.
D) is zero.

11) The principle of diminishing marginal utility means that

as you eat fewer slices of pizza, your total utility from pizza
will ________ and your marginal utility from each
additional slice of pizza will ________.
A) increase; decrease
B) decrease; increase
C) increase; increase
D) decrease; decrease

(pounds per Homer's
week) total utility
0 0
1 5
2 8
3 12
4 14
5 15
12) The above table gives the total utility that Homer obtains
from consuming various quantities of chocolate chip cookies.
The marginal utility from the fifth pound of cookies is
A) 1.
B) 2.
C) 3.
D) 15.

13) The above table gives the total utility that Homer obtains
from consuming various quantities of chocolate chip cookies.
The marginal utility from the third pound of cookies is
A) 3.
B) 4.
C) 9.
D) 12.
14) In the figure above, diminishing marginal utility is
shown by
A) total utility curve A.
B) total utility curve B.
C) total utility curve C.
D) all three curves.

15) In the figure above, the marginal utility of the third crate
of tomatoes for the person with total utility curve C is
A) 13 units of utility.
B) 16 units of utility.
C) 32 units of utility.
D) 45 units of utility.

16) If marginal utility is positive but diminishing, as more

units of a good are consumed, then the total utility from the
good must be
A) falling.
B) positive and rising at an increasing rate.
C) positive and rising at a decreasing rate.
D) positive and rising at any rate.
Quantity Total utility utility
0 0
1 250
2 180
3 580
4 700
5 100

17) The above table gives some of Tammy's total and

marginal utilities from comedy videos. Which of the
following statements is true?
A) Tammy's marginal utility from the third comedy video is
equal to 580/3.
B) Tammy's total utility from five comedy videos is 800.
C) Tammy's marginal utility from the first comedy video is less
than her marginal utility from the third comedy video.
D) None of the above answers are correct.

Quantity of
(cups per day)
1 50
2 80
3 90
4 92
18) Betsy's utility depending from her consumption of coffee
is shown in the table above. If the price of a cup of coffee is
$2, Betsy's marginal utility per dollar from the 2nd cup of
coffee per day is
A) 15
B) 40
C) 20
D) 32.5

19) Consumer equilibrium occurs when a consumer has

allocated all available income in the way that, given the
prices of goods and services,
A) total utility is maximized.
B) total utility per dollar is maximized.
C) marginal utility is maximized.
D) marginal utility per dollar is maximized.

20) Total utility is maximized when a consumer has spent all

of his or her income and
A) spent equal amounts on all goods.
B) marginal utility is maximized.
C) the total utility per dollar from all goods is equal.
D) the marginal utility per dollar from all goods is equal.

Bags of Popcorn Bottles of soda

Marginal Marginal
Quantity Quantity
utility utility
1 100 1 60
2 80 2 50
3 60 3 30
4 50 4 20

21) In the table above, if Brent maximizes his utility by

consuming 3 bags of popcorn and 3 bottles of soda, then the
ratio of the price of popcorn to the price of soda must be
A) 1/2.
B) 5/6.
C) 6/5.
D) 2.

22) Let MUa and MUb stand for the marginal utilities of
apples and bagels. Let Pa and Pb stand for their prices. The
general necessary condition for consumer equilibrium is
A) MUa = MUb.
B) MUa = MUb and Pa = Pb.
C) MUa/Pa = MUb/Pb.
D) MUa/MUb = Pb/Pa.
Marginal Quantity
Quantity utility of
of gasoline from hamburger
gasoline s
1 35 1 20
2 25 2 18
3 16 3 17
4 10 4 10
5 5 5 8
6 4 6 7

23) Given the data in the above table, income of $13, a price
of $1 for a gallon of gasoline and $2.00 for a hamburger,
what is the marginal utility per dollar spent on the fifth
A) 10 utils
B) 8 utils
C) 6 utils
D) 4 utils

24) Given the data in the above table, income of $13, a price
of $1 for a gallon of gasoline and $2 for a hamburger, what
is the quantity of gasoline and the quantity of hamburgers
that will maximize the consumer's total utility?
A) 5 gallons of gasoline and 4 hamburgers
B) 4 gallons of gasoline and 4 hamburgers
C) 1 gallon of gasoline and 6 hamburgers
D) 6 gallons of gasoline and 6 hamburgers

25) Given the data in the above table, income of $13, a price
of $1 for a gallon of gasoline and $2 for a hamburger, what
is the marginal utility per dollar spent on gasoline and on
hamburgers when the consumer is in consumer
A) 20 utils per dollar spent
B) 10 utils per dollar spent
C) 5 utils per dollar spent
D) 1 utils per dollar spent

26) Given the data in the above table, if income is $16, and
the price is $1 for a gallon of gasoline and $2 for a
hamburger, what is the quantity of gasoline and the quantity
of hamburgers that will maximize the consumer's total
A) 5 gallons of gasoline and 5 hamburgers
B) 4 gallons of gasoline and 6 hamburgers
C) 6 gallons of gasoline and 5 hamburgers
D) 6 gallons of gasoline and 6 hamburgers

27) Economists using marginal utility theory assume that

consumers' objectives are to
A) maximize their total utility.
B) maximize their marginal utility.
C) maximize their income.
D) none of the above
Essay Questions
1) If utility could actually be measured in numerical units,
how would you compute the total utility derived from
consuming five hamburgers using marginal utilities?
Answer: The total utility from consuming any product is the
sum of the marginal utilities of each unit of the product. So, if
the five hamburgers yielded marginal utilities of 12, 8, 7, 5, and
3, respectively, the total utility from hamburgers would equal 35

2) "Diminishing marginal utility means a downward sloping

total utility curve." True or false? Explain.
Answer: False. Diminishing marginal utility means a
downward sloping marginal utility curve. A total utility curve
stays upward-sloping as long as marginal utility is positive.

3) What are the two conditions that are met if a consumer is

maximizing utility?
Answer: There are two conditions: (1) The consumer spends all
his or her income. (2) The consumer equalizes the marginal
utility per on all goods.

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