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Chapter 13 Questionaire

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Legal Medicine

Chapter XIII, Gunshot Wound

1. It is an instrument used for the propulsion of a projectile by the expansive force

of gases coming from the burning of gunpowder.
a. Firecracker
b. Gun
c. Firearm
d. None of the above
Answer: The answer is letter C. The answer is not letter B this is because a
gun is only a weapon that has a metal tube where bullets are fired at a high
velocity into a flat ballistic arc. The answer is not letter A, because a firecracker
is usually a paper cylinder containing an explosive and a fuse and set off to
make a noise.
2. Which of the following is not a small firearm which is of medico-legal interest?
a. Muskets
b. Revolver
c. Automatic Pistol
d. Shotgun

Answer: The answer is letter A, this is because the types of firearms which
are of Medico-Legal Interest are Revolver, Automatic Pistol, Rifle, and Shotgun.

3. This is a firing weapon in which the empty shell is ejected when the cartridge
is fired and a new cartridge is slipped into the breech automatically as a result
of the recoil.
a. Rifle
b. Automatic Pistol
c. Revolver
d. Shotgun

Answer: The answer is letter B. The answer is not letter A, because a rifle is
only firearm with a long barrel and butt. The answer is not letter C, because a
revolver is only a firearm which has a cylindrical magazine situated at the rear
of the bare, capable of revolving motion and which can accommodate five/six
cartridges; each of which is housed in a separate chamber. The answer is not
letter D, because a shotgun is only a firearm whose projectile is a collection of
lead pellets which varies in sizes with the type of the cartridge applied.
4. Most of theses are principal parts of a cartridge or ammunition, except?
a. Bullet or projectile
b. Cartridge case or shell
c. Primer
d. firing pin

Answer: The answer is letter D. This is because the principal parts of a

cartridge or ammunition are the cartridge case or shell, primer, powder or
propellant and bullet or projectile.

5. It is a metallic or non-metallic cylindrical container which serves as the

projector for the propellant against moisture?
a. Gun Powder or Propellant
b. Bullet
c. Primer
d. The Cartridge case or shell
Answer: The answer is letter D. The answer is not letter A, because the
gunpowder or propellant is the primary propulsive force in a cartridge which
when exploded will cause the bullet to be driven forward towards the gun
muzzle. The answer is not letter B, because a bullet is only a metallic object
attached to the free end of the cylindrical tip of the cartridge case, propelled
by the expansive force of the propellant, and responsible in the production of
damages in the target. The answer is not letter C, because the main function
of the primer is the transformation of mechanical energy by the hit of the firing
pin on the percussion cap to chemical energy by its rapid combustion.
6. It is a firearm with a long barrel and butt.
a. Shotgun
b. Automatic pistol
c. Revolver
d. Rifle

Answer: The answer is letter D. The answer is not letter A, because a shotgun
is only a firearm whose projectile is a collection of lead pellets which varies in
sizes with the type of the cartridge applied. The answer in not letter B, because
an automatic pistol is only a firing weapon in which the empty shell is ejected
when the cartridge is fired and a new cartridge is slipped into the breech
automatically as a result of the recoil. The answer in not letter C, because a
revolver is only a firearm which has a cylindrical magazine situated at the rear
of the bare, capable of revolving motion and which can accommodate five/six
cartridges; each of which is housed in a separate chamber.
7. All of the following are penal provisions pertaining to firearms, except?
a. Section 2692, Revised Administrative Code
b. Section 2690, Revised Administrative Code
c. Section 2693, Revised Administrative Code
d. Section 2691, Revised Administrative Code

Answer: The answer is letter C, because letters A, B, and D are only penal
provisions pertaining to firearms.
8. What initiates the combustion of the gunpowder in a shell?
a. Hammer
b. Primer
c. Trigger
d. Firing Pin

Answer: The answer is letter B this is because it is the primer that imparts
ignition to the gunpowder. The answer is not letter A considering that the
hammer merely pushes the firing pin. The answer is not letter C since the
trigger merely releases the hammer, and the answer is not letter D, since the
firing pin only hits the primer.

9. It is a primary propulsive force in a cartridge which when exploded will cause

the bullet to be driven forward towards the gun muzzle.
a. Primer
b. Cartridge case or shell
c. Bullet
d. Gunpowder/ Projectile

Answer: The answer is letter D. The answer is not letter A, because the main
function of the primer is the transformation of mechanical energy by the hit of
the firing pin on the percussion cap to mechanical energy by its rapid
combustion. The answer is not letter B, because a cartridge case or shell is a
cylindrical structure with a base which houses the powder, the primer at the
base and with the bullet attached at the tip. The answer is not letter C, because
a bullet is only a metallic object attached to the free end of the cylindrical tip
of the cartridge case, propelled by the expansive force of the propellant, and
responsible in the production of damages in the target.
10. It is an object attached to the free end of the cylindrical tip of the cartridge
case, propelled by the expansive force of the propellant, and responsible in the
production of damages in the target.
a. Cartridge case or Shell
b. Primer
c. Gunpowder/ Propellant
d. Bullet

Answer: The answer is letter D. The answer is not letter A, because a cartridge
case or shell is a cylindrical structure with a base which houses the powder,
the primer at the base and with the bullet attached at the tip. The answer is
not letter B, because the main function of the primer is the transformation of
mechanical energy by the hit of the firing pin on the percussion cap to
mechanical energy by its rapid combustion. The answer is not letter C, because
a gunpowder or propellant is only a primary propulsive force in a cartridge
which when exploded will cause the bullet to be driven forward towards the
gun muzzle.

11. It refers to the instantaneous radial displacement of the soft tissues during the
passage of the bullet due to the liberation of the kinetic energy.
a. Hydrostatic Force
b. Shock Wave
c. Laceration and Permanent Cavity in the Bullet Trajectory
d. Temporary Cavity

Answer: The Answer is letter D. The answer is not letter A, because in

hydrostatic force, the displaced fluid carries with it the kinetic energy which in
turn acts as a secondary projectile causing destruction of tissues not on the
path of the bullet. The answer is not letter B, because when we speak of shock
wave, it refers to the dissipation of kinetic energy in a radial direction
perpendicular to the path of the bullet when the velocity is more than the speed
of sound. The answer is not letter C, because laceration in the bullet trajectory,
the pressure of the speeding bullet merely produces severe pressure on the
tisues and organs causing laceration and mechanically creates a permanent

12. It refers to the dissipation of kinetic energy in a radial direction perpendicular

to the path of the bullet when the bullet volocity is made more than the speed
of sound.
a. Muzzle blast in contact fire
b. Temporary Activity
c. Fragmentation of hard brittle objet in the trajectory
d. Shock wave
Answer: The answer is letter D. The answer is not letter A, because a muzzle
blast in contact fire only refers to the explosive effect which will cause extensive
laceration of soft tissues and fructure of bones. The answer is not letter C,
because fragmentation of hard brittle object in trajectory only speaks of the
bone involvement along the trajectory which may cause comminuted fracture
and each bone fragment may cause additional damage on the sorrounding
tissues and even in the wound of exit. The answer is not letter B, because
temporary activity only refers to the instantaneous radial displacement of the
soft tissues during the passage of the bullet due to the liberation of the kinetic

13. A type of firearm which propels a number of lead pellets in one charge to a
smooth bore barrel is________.
a. Automatic Pistol
b. Rifle
c. Revolver
d. Shotgun

Answer: The answer is letter D. The answer is not letter A, because an

automatic pistol is a firing weapon in which the empty shell is ejected when the
cartridge is fired and a new cartridge is slipped into the breech automatically
as a result of the recoil. The answer in not letter B, because a rifle is only a
firearm with a long barrel and butt.The answer is not letter C, because a
revolver is only a firearm which has a cylindrical magazine situated at the rear
of the bare, capable of revolving motion and which can accommodate five/six
cartridges; each of which is housed in a separate chamber.

14. Death or physical injuries brought about by powder propelled substnces may
be due to the following except:
a. Detonation of high explosives
b. Firearm Shot
c. All of the Above
d. None of the Above

Answer: The answer is letter C.

15. The physical phenomenon when there is more “shocking or knock down
power” of the bullet is:
a. Laceration and Permanent Cavity in the Bullet Trajectory
b. Hydrostatic Force
c. Muzzle blast in contact fire
d. Fragmentation of Disintegration of the Bullet
Answer: The answer is letter D. The answer is not letter A, because laceration
in the bullet trajectory, the pressure of the speeding bullet merely produces
severe pressure on the tisues and organs causing laceration and mechanically
creates a permanent cavity. The answer is not letter B, because in hydrostatic
force, the displaced fluid carries with it the kinetic energy which in turn acts as
a secondary projectile causing destruction of tissues not on the path of the
bullet. The answer is not letter C, because a muzzle blast in contact fire only
refers to the explosive effect which will cause extensive laceration of soft tissues
and fructure of bones.

16. What type of a hand firearm has a rotating cylinder that serves as the magazine
and which succesively places cartridge into position for firing?
a. Automatic Pistol
b. Rifle
c. Shotgun
d. Revolver

Answer: The answer is letter D. The answer is not letter A, because an

automatic pistol is a firing weapon in which the empty shell is ejected when the
cartridge is fired and a new cartridge is slipped into the breech automatically
as a result of the recoil. The answer is not letter B, because a rifle is only firearm
with a long barrel and butt. The answer is not letter C, because a shot gun is a
firearm whose projectile is a collection of lead pellets which varies in sizes with
the type of the cartridge applied.

17. Which is true regarding entrance wounds?

a. Smaller than the missile
b. No definite Shape
c. Contusion collar is absent
d. Always Absent

Answer: The answer is letter A, because the other choices are

characteristics of exit wounds.

18. Which is true regarding exit wounds?

a. Always Absent
b. “Contusion Collar” present
c. Tattoing/Smudging maybe present
d. Underlying tissues are not protruding

Answer: The answer is letter A, because the other choices are characteristics
of entance wounds.
19. The effects of the garments on the movement of the bullet depend upon:
a. The number of layers of fabric between the muzzle and subjacent skin;
b. Nature of the fabric which may be closely woven or loose mesh, light or
heavy, cotton or synthetic fibers.
c. Muzzle-clothing distance.
d. All of the above

Answer: The answer is letter D.

20. Medical and Surgical Intervention is one of the problems confronting Forensic
Physician in the Identification of Gunshot Wounds because:
a. Problem Inherent to the Injury Itself
b. Embalming trocar may be introduced on the gunshot wound itself or the
trocar mark itself may be mistaken for a gunshot wound
c. Drying, decomposition, healing process, infection
d. Wound may be scrubbed medication applied, or surgically debrided,
extended exercised or sutured. The answer is not A considering tht it has
no connection regarding said proble.

Answer: The answer is letter D. The answer is not letter B, because said
problem refers to emambling. The answer is not letter C, bacause said problem
refers to alteration of the lesion due to natural resources. The answer is not
letter A, considering that it doesn’t refer to the medical and surgical

21. These are pieces of evidence that tend to show that the gunshot(s) wound is
Suicidal, except:
a. The shot was fired in a closed or locked room, usually in the office or
b. There maybe a disturbance of the sorroundings on account of previous
c. The death weapon is almost always found near the place where the victim
was found.
d. The shot is usually solitary.

Answer: The answer is letter B, this is because the remaining choices are
pieces of evidence that tend to show that the gunshot(s) wound is Suicidal.

22. These are pieces of evidence that tend to show that the gunshot(s) wound is
Homicidal, except:
a. The site or sites of wound of entrance has no point of election.
b. The shot was fired with the muzzle of the gun in contact with the part
of the body involved or at close range.
c. The fire is made when the victim is usually at some distance from
d. Wounding firearm usually is not found at the scene of the crime.

Answer: The answer is letter B, this is because the other choices are pieces
of evidence that tend to show that the gunshot(s) wound is Homicidal.
23. These are pieces of evidence that tend to show that the gunshot(s) wound is
Accidental, except:
a. There is no special area of the body involved
b. Signs of struggle (defense wounds) may be present in the victim
c. Usually there is but one shot
d. Considerations of the testimony of the assailant and determination as to
whether it is possible to be accidental by knowing the relative position
of the victiom and the assailant.

Answer: The answer is letter B, this is because the other choices are
pieces of evidence that tend to show that the gunshot(s) wound is

24. The length of survival of the victim may be inferred from the following,
a. Nature of the gunshot wound
b. Age of wound
c. Amount of Blood loss
d. Physical Condition of the victim
Answer: The answer is letter B, this is because the length of survival of
the victim may be inferred from the nature of the gunshot wound,
amount of blood loss, and physical condition of the victim.

25. A shoulder-fired firearm having a barrel that is smooth bored and is intended for
the firing of a charged compound of one or more round balls or pellets.
a. Rifle
b. Automatic Pistol
c. Shotgun
d. Revolver
Answer: The answer is letter C. The answer is not letter A, because a
rifle is only firearm with a long barrel and butt. The answer is not letter
B, because an automatic pistol is only a firing weapon in which the empty
shell is ejected when the cartridge is fired and a new cartridge is slipped
into the breech automatically as a result of the recoil. The answer is not
letter D, because a revolver is only a firearm which has a cylindrical
magazine situated at the rear of the bare, capable of revolving motion
and which can accommodate five/six cartridges; each of which is housed
in a separate chamber.
26. X-ray examinations are useful in:
a. The magnification of gunpowder elements.
b. The determination of chemical changes in the barrel of a gun.
c. The determination of gunpowder and its components.
d. Facilitating the location and extraction of the bullet lodged.
Answer: X-ray examinations are useful in facilitating the location and
extraction of the bullet lodged.
27. It is the study of mobility of the projetile?
a. Pathology
b. Forensics
c. Ballistics
d. None of the Above

Answer: The answer is letter C. The answer is not letter A, because

Pathology is known as the science of the causes and effects of diseases,
especially the branch of medicine that deals with the laboratory
examination of samples of body tissue for diagnostic or forensic
purposes. The answer is not letter B, because Forensic refers to the
application of scientific methods and techniques to the investigation of

28. A game wherein a group of persons may agree to load a revolver with a
single live cartridge and each member of the group will cock and pull the
trigger with the muzzle pressed or directed to the temple or towards other
vital parts of the body. The person who will pull the trigger with the live
cartridge in the firing chamber will suffer the fatal consequence.
a. Roulette
b. American Roulette
c. Russian Roulette
d. French Roullete

Answer: The answer is letter C, this is because the other choices are all
casino games which are considered to have a formidable potential for
29. The following are the factors that must be utilized in the identification of
firearm used in the commission of the crime, except?
a. Fingerprints, Caliber of the Weapon
b. Serial number, Fourling of the barrel
c. Ballistic examination alone is sufficient
d. All of the above

Answer: The answer is letter C, on the ground that the only factors are
letters A and B.

30. All of the following are marks found in the shell, except?
a. Marks of the firing pin
b. Marks of the extractor
c. Number of lands and grooves
d. Marks of the ejector

Answer: The answer is letter C this is because such mark is only found in
the bullet not in the shell.

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