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Correctional Administration MICHAEL PRISONS or Hospice De San

o The shower bath was a gadget so constructed
Prepared by
as to drop volume of water on the head of the
offender caused so much pain and extreme
Nolie Z. Ingcad
shock that prisoners immediately sank into
comas due to the shock and sudden drop in
o The study of punishment for crime or of
body temperature. SING-SING PRISON
criminal offenders. It includes the study of o It is a building plan made by Jeremy
control and prevention of crime through
Bentham, The cells were arranged around a
punishment of criminal offenders.
central apartment from which the custodians
could keep all cells under close supervision.
o Latin word “POENA” which means
PUNISHMENT/Suffering) JUNE-DEC.2017 o The prisoners are confined in their own cells
o Greek word “Poine” – Pain, Penalty
during the night and congregate work in
o Spanish word of JAIL = JAULA and CAULA shops during the day. Complete silence was
o French Word of JAIL = GAOL enforced. The prison system called the
o Greco – Roman word of Prison = PRESIDIO “Congregate System” or “New York system”.
o A branch of the Criminal Justice System o Prisoners are confined in single cells day and
concerned with the custody, supervision and night where they lived, they slept, and they
rehabilitation of criminal offenders. ate and receive religious instructions.
CORRECTION Complete Silence was also enforced. The
o The study and practice of a systematic prisons system called “Solitary System” or
management of jails or prisons and other “Separate System”. PENNSYLVANIA PRISON
institutions concerned with the custody, SYSTEM
treatment, and rehabilitation of criminal o The first juvenile reformatory which was
offenders. Correction Administration opened in January 1825 and located in New
o First formal laws dealing with the imposition York City. NEW YORK HOUSE OF REFUGE
of justice, concept of Justice Lex Talionis or o Considered forerunner of modern penology
“an eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth” because it had all the elements of a modern
Oculo pro oculo, dente pro dente. CODE OF system. ELMIRA REFORMATORY
HAMURRABI o The Director/Founder of the Elmira
o It is the foundation of all public and private Reformatory. Zebulon Reed Brockway
law of the Romans until the time of o Exclusively for male offenders between 16 to
Justinian. It is also a collection of legal 21 applying individualized treatment. Sir
principles engraved on metal tablets and set Evelyn Ruggles Brise director of English
up on the forum. THE TWELVE TABLES Prison responsible in opening it. BOARSTAL
o Harsh code that provides the same PRISON)
punishment for both citizens and the slaves o Putting the offender into shame or
as it incorporates primitive concepts humiliation. SOCIAL DEGRADATION or
o Punishment is according to social class of the o Placing the lawbreaker in prison for the
offenders. BURGUNDIAN CODE (KING reason of defending the public against
o Law that favored the imposition of justice o The first penalty ever imposed. This was
instead of vengeance. It also allows imposed by God to evil rebels lead by Lucifer
restorative justice which is also emerging up by throwing them out of the heaven. Second,
to now. (UR-NAMMU CODE when Adam and eve broke the law of god,
o Attempts to re-establish the lost relationship they were thrown out from the Garden of
between the involved parties in the crime that Eden. EXILE OR BANISHMENT
existed before the commission of the crime. o Not less 20 kilometers but not more than 250
o An act that mandated the establishment of a o An Ancient form of discipline giving the same
prison system based on solitary confinement, food that is “off” diet, or requiring the
hard labor and religious instruction. This we prisoners to perform drab or boring daily
PENITTENTIARY ACT OF 1779 or the o Mass living in cell blocks, mass eating, mass
“GAOL ACT” recreation, mass bathing. MASS MOVEMENT
o It is used to confine slaves where they were o The prisoners is treated equally “the fault of
attached to workbenches and forced to do one is the fault of all”. UNIFORMITY
hard labor in the period of their o Uttering offensive or insulting words or
imprisonment. ERGASTULUM languages on the part of prison staff to the
o Use to detain offenders undergoing trial in prisoners to degrade or break the confidence
some cases and to hold sentenced offender of prisoners. SOCIAL DEGRADATION or
where they were starved to death. PUBLIC HUMILIATION
UNDERGROUND CISTERN o Denial of everything except the bare
o It pioneered the segregation of prisoners and essentials of existence. DEPRIVATION
forced silenced to make prisoners o It is a form of suffering giving cruel or brutal
contemplate their wrong doing. ST punishment or employing physical force to

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threaten a delinquent/felonious inmate. o A newly arrived inmate committed for the

CORPORAL PUNISHMENT first time. He is classified as a __________
o What juridical Conditions of Penalty in which among the classification of inmates according
the guilty one must be the one to be to privileges. 2ND CLASS INMATE
punished, no proxy. It should be suffered by o Previously committed as a sentenced prisoner
the offender and not transferred to another. for three times or more. 3rd Class Inmate
PERSONAL o The SKILLED and one who was promoted
o Different crimes must be punished with from a lower class. 1st class inmate
different penalties (Art. 25, RPC). o What is the lowest authorized disciplinary
COMMENSURATE WITH THE OFFENSE punishment imposable to inmates?
o The consequence must be in accordance with REPRIMAND
the law. It is a result of a judgment rendered o Close confinement in a cell in BJMP shall be
by a court of justice. LEGAL between _____in any calendar month provided
o No one must escape its EFFECTS. CERTAIN that this punishment shall be imposed only
o Equal for all persons or due process. EQUAL in the case of an incorrigible prisoner, when
o Officially registered as the trademark other disciplinary measured had been proven
products of inmates. CAPIC ineffective.
o It refers to a court to settle tribal and  BJMP - 1-7 days
individual. BODONG  BUCOR = 30 to 60 DAYS
o What governing law of Aklan and Panay o Inmate’s _________ may be excused from
based on the beliefs, customs and practices, mandatory prison labor. 60 YEARS OLD
It is also reflects the level of uprightness and o Before the actual date of interview of
morality of the people? KALANTIAW CODE minimum and medium prisoner, the media
o 1st oldest code in the Philippines (Maragtas shall file request within _______. 3DAYS
Code) o Inmate’s earnings that may be used to buy
o 2nd oldest code in the Philippines his needs. ½ of EARNINGS
(KALANTIAW CODE) o A colonist when classified by the director of
o 1870 – 1880 = Golden age of Penology the Bureau of Corrections who is punished
o Examination of Contraband = SHAKEDOWN with reclusion perpetua will have benefit from
o Inside the jail to Check bedding, locks, an automatic reduction from a maximum
personal bedding. OPERATION term of forty years to ______. 30 YEARS
GREYHOUND o Duration of viewing privilege of a deceased
o Checking all Prison facility – OPLAN relative is limited to___. 3 HOURS
GALUGAD o How many days before election there would
o Chairman of Classification and Disciplinary be NO release of prisoner? 60 DAYS
Board. ASSISTANT WARDEN  30 days After Election
o When the offender is in transit, the ratio of o Who among the following inmates may not be
______ for every offender shall be observed. allowed to see the remains of a dead
1:1+1 immediate family member? MAXIMUM
o Custodial Guarding. 1:7 SECURITY
o REFORMATION OFFICER 1:24 o How high is the wall in Maximum Security
o VAN VEHICLE – 1:8 Compound? 18 – 25 FEET
o 2 Van (front)  8 to 12 Feet = Minimum
o 3 Van (Middle)  12 – 14 feet = Medium
o If escorting an inmate a guard shall keep
o It renamed the Bureau of Prison to Bureau of
distance of not less than ___ paces from his
Correction = EO 292
charge. 10 PACES
o The first Bureau Prison Director? LT.
o A chemical that is injected to a Death Convict
that puts him into deep sleep in lethal
o Under Special Time Allowance for loyalty, the
deduction of the period of sentence to any
o Pancuronium Bromide = PARALYZE the
prisoner having evaded due to calamity
within 48 hours after the announcing of
o Potassium Chloride = in order to STOP THE
passing away of the calamity. 1/5 deduction
to imprisonment HEART BEAT
o DEDUCTION if CHOOSES TO STAY 2/5 o It is a continuing state of good order. PRISON
deduction to imprisonment DISCIPLINE
o Under RA 10592 a prisoner with 4 years of o The first person to be executed through
Good Behavior shall be deducted of? 23 Lethal Injection = LEO ECHEGARAY
DAYS PER MONTH o Which of these authorizes the release of a
 1 – 2 Years = 20 Days/mos detainee who has undergone preventive
 3-5 years = 23 Days/mos imprisonment equivalent to the maximum
 6 – 10 years = 25 Days/mos imposable sentence for the offense he is
 11 years above = 30 Days/mos charged with? BP 85
o Convicts committed to BUCOR are brought to o Elmira Reformatory is otherwise
RDC for a total period of ______ for known______? THE HILL or THE JUNIOR
classification and determination of PRISON
appropriate program. 60 DAYS 55 days = o It was built at San Francisco Bay on 1933
STAY 5 days = QUARANTINE and later closed on 1963 due to financial
o Inmate Classification and Counselling Unit insufficiency. The prison built for Super
– 30 days to 60 days (BJMP) Maximum prisoners also known as “The

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Rock” or “The Escape Proof Prison” = jail or prison authorities to receive inmates
ALCATRAZ for custody or service of sentence imposed
o Oldest prison built by the American there in. MITTIMUS
colonizers at Puerto Princesa Palawan for o An authorization that permits inmate to leave
Incorrigible inmates. (Iuhit Penal Farm) place of confinement for emergency reasons.
o The Prison without wall = IWAHIG PRISON FURLOUGH
o The act of prisoner trying to convert or induce o COMMAND GROUP OF BJMP
another to change his religious beliefs, sect or  Chief, BJMP
the like to another while under confinement  Deputy Chief for Operation
is referred to as? PROSELYTIZING  Deputy Chief for Administration
o Within the radius by road from the  Chief of Directorial Staff
confinement facility and the actual stay of the o This theory assumes that people are law
inmates to view the remains. Not more than abiding but under great pressure they will
= 30 KM radius from the Penal Institution resort to crime and that disparity between
o Under RA 9344, what happens to the goals and means provides that pressure.
sentence of a Child in Conflict with the law STRAIN THEORY
after conviction of a trial Court? HIS o Which of the following unusual offenders
SENTENCE IS SUSPENDED should be under the close supervision of the
o It served as the cornerstone of rehabilitation. jail physician? MENTALL ILL and SICK
PRISON EDUCATION o This are the basic needs of a convicted
o Under the prison service manual, the person under custody. FOOD, SHELTER,
prescribed color of prison uniform for DRINKS
maximum security prison is = TANGERINE o The socializing process by which the inmate
or ORANGE) learn the rules and regulation of the
o Yellow (Detainee of BJMP) institution and the informal rules, values,
o Blue (Medium) customs and general culture of the
o Brown (Minimum penitentiary whether formal or informal?
o Gray (Detention Prisoner/ Detainee in PRISONIZATION
Bureau of Corrections) o PROSELYTIZING (force change of Religion
o This was the right in ecclesiastical court inside Prison)
during the middle ages particularly in o PROSELYTE = TAO
o If the inmate fails to claim his letter within o DETERRENCE (Fear to be punish)
______after it has been posted, the mail o The central tower form the hub, under this
should be delivered to him. 24 HOURS tower was the chapel. PANOPTICON DESIGN
o Minimum number of times in counting the
inmates on a daily basis. At least 4 times SAN RAMON PRISON AND PENAL FARM. It
o BJMP – At least 5-6 times was named after RAMON BLANCO.
o The BJMP Disciplinary Board shall resolve o REGION IX
the issue within ____. 48 HOURS o August 18, 1870
o Board of Discipline - BUCOR = within 5 o Zamboanga City
DAYS o Muslim rebels and Political Prisoners.
o Theory which states that criminal behavior is o COPRA.
learned in interaction with other persons in IWAHIG PRISON AND PENAL FARM
the process of communication. o Region IV-B
o If a regular convicted prisoner has 3 shifting o Prison without wall
guards, X which is a Death Convict should o November 16, 1904
have __________. 4 SHIFTING GUARDS o Iuhit Penal Settlement.
o What is the population of a type A Jail? More o Puerto Princesa, Palawan.
than 100 o Established on 1904 through the
 21 to 99 (Type B) ORDERS OF GOV. FORBES.
 20 or less (Type C) o GOV. LUKE E. WRIGHT made the
o How do inmates know that they have letters? suggestion of the construction of this
A LIST OF MAILS FOR INMATES IS penal institution.
POSTED o Sub-Colonies (SIMC)
o Mother who gave birth? o Sta Lucia- 9,685 hectares;
 12 months - BUCOR o Inagawan - 13,000 hectares.
 1 month and maybe extended o Central - 14,700 hectares;
(BJMP) o Montible - 8,000 hectares
o It is the national record of a prisoner in New o Tagumpay Settlement - 1,000 Hectares
Bilibid Prison. CARPETA o Settlers - Six (6) hectares
o It is just a sheet of paper containing the
sentence of the person. PRISON RECORD o National Capital Region
o A written order of the court or any other
o CA 67
competent authority consigning an offender
o January 22, 1941 – Officially opened
to a jail or prison for confinement.
o Muntinlupa City
o A warrant issued by a court bearing its seal DAVAO PRISON AND PENAL FARM (DAPECOL)
o Region XI
and the signature of the judge, directing the

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o January 21, 1932 o "Indeterminate sentence Law" (December 5,

o Act 3732 1933) Act 4103
o Tagum development Company in a 3, 000 o Executive Order 83, Series of 1937 • It
hectare banana plantation. TADECO renamed the board of Indeterminate Sentence
o Sub-colonies (PK) to Board of Pardons
o Panabo o Executive Order 94, Series of 1947 "The
o Kapalong Reorganization Law of 1947" It abolished the
o Tanglaw settlement Board of Pardons and created the Board of
o Region IV-B o Parole is granted by _______. BPP
o Sablayan Occidental, Mindoro. o Executive Clemency is given. PRESIDENT
o Proclamation no. 72 CONGRESS. Amnesty
o 4 sub-colonies (CPPY) o Probation is granted by ____. TRIAL COURT
o Central, o The member of the BPP shall have a term of?
o Yapang. o In Parole, Director of Prisons has the
LEYTE REGIONAL PRISON – responsibility to forward the document
o Region 8 (CARPETA) to the board, _______ before the
expiration of prisoner’s minimum sentence.
o Last and Youngest Penal facility to be
o The prisoner upon serving the MINIMUM
o Abuyog, Leyte.
o Established in January 16, 1973
o If the petitioner’s application in Parole is
o Proclamation no. 1101 by Pres. Marcos.
considered The BOARD will issue a_______ to
CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTE FOR WOMEN the Parole and Probation Administration.
o November 27, 1929 REFERRAL (Request TO INVESTIGATE
o Act 3579 o The PPA shall conduct Pre-Parole
o WELFARE VILLE MANDALUYONG – 50 Investigation (PPI) and submit Pre-Parole
building Investigation Report (PPIR) within ____. 30
o Total land area of 18 hectares. DAYS
o Latest CIW was constructed in DAVAO on o The decision or action of the BOARD to grant
September 18, 2007. parole must be supported by _____of the
o DILG, Created by sec 60, RA 6975, 3 year VOTES
and below of imprisonment. BJMP o If Parole is granted, BOARD will issue a
o CITY and District = 1 DAY – 3 YEARS as? DISCHARGE ON PAROLE
o PROVINCIAL PRISONER = 6 MOS 1 DAY – 3 o Mandatory condition of Parole after granted –
YEARS (under Provincial Government) report within 45 days to Chief Probation
o HEAD of Bucor – DIRECTOR GENERAL and Parole Officer (CPPO)
 DEPUTY DIR. GEN. of Correction o Other conditions for Parole after grant report-
Positions within manila at least twice/month.
 2nd in command. DEP. DIR FOR outside manila at least once/month
ADMINISTRATION o If the conditions are completed in, The
 3rd in command. DEP. DIR FOR Probation and Parole officer will submit to the
SECURITY AND OPERATION board a ______on his supervision on the
 4th in command. DEP. DIR FOR Parolee through Chief Probation and parole
REFORMATION Officer a month before the completion of
o OIC of BJMP – WARDEN/WARDRESS sentence thru parole or pardon. SUMMARY
(Wardina) REPORT
o OIC of BuCors for PRISONS – SUPT. o Upon receipt of the Summary report, the
/FEMALE SUPT. BOARD will issue a _______to the parolee.
o Inmate awaiting final judgement, under Certificate of FINAL RELEASE AND
investigation or awaiting or under trial. DISCHARGE (FRD) or FINAL REPORT
o The word Parole was derived from French o Progress Report = During Supervision
word ______. WORD OF HONOR o Infraction Report = NEW CRIME WHILE
o Parole as a Penal Practice is part of the SUPERVISION WITH FINAL JUDGMENT
reformatory idea which originated in o Status Report – Pending cases
EUROPE. o Upon receipt of the Report the board will
o The first man who use the word Parole? DR issue _______ of the Parolee. ORDER OF
o Father of Modern Penology and o What is the effect of the recommitment of the
Governor/Superintendent in Norfolk Island, a Parolee? SERVE THE REMAINING PORTION
penal Colony in the East of Australia and OF THE SENTECNCE
initiated the famous “Mark System”. o Father of English Probation? MATHEW
o He perfected the work of Maconochie “Irish COUNTRIES)
System” created by = WALTER CROFTON

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o Father of US Probation and the Fist o Probation starts = Upon issuance of the
Volunteer Probation Officer = JOHN Probation Order
AUGUSTUS (BOSTON SHOE MAKER) o Convicted of RA 9165 are qualified for
o Priest of Boston similar to John Augustus probation only for the following
practiced early probation thru representation  Sec 12,
of supervision to alcoholics and juvenile  Sec, 14,
delinquents. = FR. COOK  Sec 17, and
o The 1st paid probation officer and First true  Sec 70
probation officer of Boston after the o Probation was originated and first to use as
enactment of first probation in punitive imprisonment thru Judicial Reprieve
Massachusetts and Vermont. EDWARD in = ENGLAND
SAVAGE o Part of prison management, the use of force
o “Philippine Probation Act of 1935” = ACT is used only by correctional institutions or
4221 correctional officers in order to = ENFORCE
o What case declared Act 4221 DISCIPLINE
unconstitutional? PP. VS. VERA o A ___, also called a 'block' or 'isolation cell',
o The Adult Probation law of the Philippines? used to separate unruly, dangerous, or
PD 968 vulnerable prisoners from the general
 Signed on July 24, 1976 population, also sometimes used as
 Took Effect on January 3, 1978 punishment. SEGREGATION UNIT
o How many days is given to prosecutor to give o Elmira Correctional Facility, known otherwise
comment? 10 DAYS COURT (PD 1257) as ___, is a maximum security prison located
o PSIR = must be submitted within 60 days in New York in the USA. The prison is located
to the court in Chemung County, New York in the City of
o If the Probationer did not comply he shall Elmira. “THE HILL or THE JUNIOR
ORIGINAL SENTENCE OF IMPRISONMENT o A prison model where incarcerated persons
IN FULL. are allowed to work outside the institution
o Board - Board of Pardons and Parole that houses them. WORK RELEASE or
o Executive Director - the Executive FURLOUGH
Director/Secretary of the Board o In managing the prison facility, prison work
o Administration - Parole and Probation assignments are usually given to prisoners,
Administration At early morning hours
o Administrator - the Administrator of the o A maximum security institution is: WALLED
Parole and Probation Administration MAJORITY OF THE PRISONERS
o Regional Director - the Head of the Parole CONFINED IN CELLS
and Probation Administration in the region o Instrument of restraint shall be applied only-
o Probation and Parole Officer - the Probation TO PREVENT ESCAPE AS WAY TO COURT
and Parole Officer undertaking the TRIAL
supervision of the client o Imprisonment is not always advisable.
o Petitioner - the prisoner who applies for the Placing a person to custodial coercion is to
grant of executive clemency or parole place him in physical jeopardy, thus
o Parolee - a prisoner who is released on parole drastically narrowing his access to source of
o Pardonee - a prisoner who is released on personal satisfaction and reducing his self-
conditional pardon esteem. HUMANITARIAN ASPECT
o Client - a parolee/pardonee who is placed o This principle is based on the ____ of
under supervision of a Probation and Parole community based treatment programs.
NOTE IN PROBATION: o A deduction of sentence given to prisoner in
o If the Penalty does NOT carries a Penalty a recognition of his good conduct or good
Penalty of NOT more than Six (6) Years and behavior. GCTA
accused does not file An Appeal to the o A continuing application of the treatment
Judgment within the 15 days.= APPEALING program after the treatment application
PERIOD THE ACCUSED MAY FILE FOR started from its confinement until the
PROBATION. inmate’s actual release. Reclassification
o Application for Probation shall be filed with o A finally convicted able–bodied inmates
the Trial Court which has jurisdiction over maybe required to work for at least how many
the case. SAME COURT WHERE YOU HAD hours in a day? MINIMUM OF 8 HOURS
BEEN CONVICTED o An inmate maybe excused from mandatory
o If you applied for Probation – SHALL NOT BE labor = IF THE INMATE IS OVER 60 YEARS
APPEALABLE and given just once to the OF AGE
first offense o An open institution usually a penal farm or
o If appealed to the higher appealing courts camp = MINIMUM SECURITY INSTITUTION
(CA and SC)– NOT ELLIGIBLE for Probation o Intelligence and personality test are
o if the sentence is imprisonment for 1 year or administered by = PSYCHOLOGIST
less the supervision is: NOT MORE THAN 2 o It insures a more careful selection of the
YEARS institution in which the prisoner is to be
o if the sentence is imprisonment for more than confined. RECEPTION AND DIAGNOSTIC
1 year the supervision is : NOT MORE THAN CENTER(RDC) or DIRECTORATE FOR
amended by RA 10575

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o The basis of this old school of penology is the Bentham in 1785. The concept of the design
human free-will. = CLASSICAL SCHOOL was derived from the word meaning of “pan”
o It is the primary objective of custodial and and “opticon”. “Opticon’ means: TO ALLOW
SAFEKEEPING OF INMATES o The privilege to view the deceased relative is
o The Primary objectives of Technical Officers permitted if the wake is in the place within a
in the Prisons. = REFORMATION AND radius 30 km by road from the prison, if more
REHABILITATION OF INMATES than 30 km, the privilege may be extended in
o A municipal warden must have the minimum the inmate provided the inmate can return to
rank of. J/INSP his place of confinement
o Clinical services geared toward improving during_______________ hours of the same day
inmates behavior are administered by = = DAYLIGHT or DAYTIME
PSYCHOLOGIST o The procedure in admitting prisoners which
o Force is used only by correctional institution purpose is to insure that the person being
to: ENFORCE DISCIPLINE committed is the same as the person being
o inmate maybe transferred by the Prison named in the commitment order =
Director upon the recommendation of the ADMISSION PROCEDURE OF
____ concerned to another prison facility to IDENTIFICATION
bring said inmate closer to family or as part o The procedure in the admission of prisoners
of his rehabilitation program. the purpose of which is to make sure that
SUPERINTENDENT documents contains the signature of the
o The punishment which affords the society, judge or the signature of the clerk of court,
the king or state who was wronged, the and the seal of the court is termed as:
opportunity to impose upon the offender such CHECKING OF MITTIMUS PAPERS
suitable punishment as may be enforced = o The society is protected from the further
RETRIBUTION depredations of criminals if they are all
o Giving punishment to a person so to serve as imprisoned immediately after committing a
an example to others is the = THEORY OF crime”. This justification of penalty is known
o Operation conducted by the BJMP or BUCOR o Which of the following is a maximum security
where a prisoner maybe checked at any time prison in Ossining, New York, USA? It is
their lockers, beddings and personal located approximately 30 miles (48 km) North
belongings as a kind of search for of New York City on the banks of the Hudson
contraband. = OPERATION GREYHOUND River which the Auburn Prison system was
o Person who are deemed instrumental on the applied = SING SING PRISON
reformation of prisoners due to their daily o The end purpose of classification is = TO
o A kind of search conducted before an o The infamous gulag prison in Germany was
admission to the prison compound. the place where thousands of Jews were
SEARCHING slaughtered during the reign of Adolf Hitler
 Pat down Search Gulag = PRISON OF ALEKSANDR
 Strip Search o How many years of service of sentence for a
 Visual Body Cavity Search first time offenders meted with life
o It is regarded as the most important program imprisonment may be classified as Medium
that aids in the rehabilitation or prisoners. Security. AFTER SERVING 5 YEARS in
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM Maximum security with record of Good
o Formerly it is a fortress of defense in Paris behaviour
France and it was a symbol of absolutism o If the inmate agrees to abide by the same
before the French revolution but in 17th disciplinary rules upon convicted prisoners, =
century it was converted as prisons on where Detainee Manifestation (Agreement)
hundreds of political prisoners are tortured o MANIFESTATION of agreement of inmate to
and died. BASTILLE PRISONS abide to the rules imposed to regular
o It involves supervision of prisoners to ensure convicted inmates resulting of = FULL
punctual and orderly movement from the GRANT OF INMATES PREVENTIVE
dormitories, place of work, hospital and IMPRISONMENT OR 100% OF
churches in accordance with the daily PREVENTIVE IMPRISONMENT
schedules. CONTROL o In prison, it is commonly through of a
o It is a method whereby a prisoner has been procedure to prevent escapes, riots and
released from correctional facilities either disorders and the punishment of those
temporary or absolute to which acceptance of involved. PREVENTIVE DISCIPLINE
the members of the society is expected also o Is that kind of prisoners discipline applied
known as final stage of Rehabilitation after an offense has been committed, in these
program. REINTEGRATION that may cases, and punishment does not
o The idea that re-entry of an offender should enter. NEGATIVE DISCIPLINE
be in the mainstream of society rather than o A criminal can seek refuge in a church in
the usual abrupt re-entry at the end of a order to avoid punishment in a period of 40
o The Panopticon is a type of prison building o Code originated about 500 A.D., specified
designed by English philosopher Jeremy punishment according to the social classes of

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offenders, dividing them into nobles, middle o The process of determining the needs and
and lower classes and specifying the value of requirements of prisoners for assigning them
life of each person in society according to his to programs according to their existing
social status; BURGUNDIAN CODE resources is called: CLASSIFICATION
o Every violation of jail/prison discipline shall o Who from among the following has the
be dealt with accordingly. In extreme cases, authority to approved transfer of an inmate
where the violation necessitate immediate found to be suffering from mental illness or is
action, the warden or the Officer of the Day insane to mental hospital? PRISON
may administer the necessary restraints and DIRECTOR
reports the action taken to the Disciplinary o Diversification means = Proper Segregation
Board. The statement refers to: AS A of Prisoners
GENERAL RULE o He wrote his book “State of the Prisons” and
o The __________ prison official who shall he was also considered as the great prison
conduct investigation for reported violation of reformer. JOHN HOWARD
prison rules and regulations as responded by o This takes care of the social case work study
the Custodial officers and forwarded the of the individual prisoners by making
report to the Warden. = DESK OFFICER interviews, home visits referral to community
o In what period when the first house of resources free legal services and liaison
correction appeared in England, on the works for the inmates. SOCIO-CULTURAL
petition of Bishop Ridley of London for help in SERVICES
dealing with the sturdy vagabonds of the city, o This branch of service also conducts
the king gave his place, for the lewd and idle, psychiatric and psychological examination.
and a place for the employment of the MEDICAL AND HEALTH SERVICES
unemployed and the training of children in o Prison facility that administers the day to day
Middle of the 16th century as the. = food services managed by the Mess service
o Take charge of financial matters especially in o Utensils used for mess service is made of
programming, budgeting, accounting and ________. It must be accounted after the meal
other activities related to financial services. It service. PLASTIC
consolidates and prepares financial reports o Opponents of capital punishment claim that
and related statements of subsistence outlays a prisoner's isolation and uncertainty over
and disbursements in the operational of the their fate constitute a form of mental cruelty
jail. BUDGET AND FINANCE BRANCH and those especially long-time death row
o What is the dual purpose of the Correctional inmates are liable to become mentally ill, if
System here in the Philippines? TO they are not already. This is referred to as =
o A married prisoner is visited by his wife and o What document is issued to a parolee when
they are granted time for their marital sexual the maximum period of his prison term has
obligations. This privilege is called? expired? CERTIFICATE OF FINAL RELEASE
o Instrument of restraint shall be applied only o Philippine Legislature enacted the Probation
= To prevent escape as way to court trial, Act (Act No. 4221) creating a Probation
Hospital for treatment or viewing of the Officer under the Department of Justice lead
remains of Deceased immediate relatives by Chief Probation Officer appointed by the
o Justice according to the Supreme Court is American Governor General Frank Murphy
symbolically represented by a blindfolded with the advice and consent of the US Senate.
woman holding a sword and with a balance, AUGUST 7, 1935
meaning it is? ADMINISTERED WITH o Probation was first legally established in the
RESPECT TO PERSONS, EQUALITY AND __________, but to trace its origins to earlier
JUSTICE schemes for humanizing criminal justice
o The imprisonment a convicted offender may under the common law of England. These
serve, at the rate of a certain amount per day procedures were brought over with the law
subject to certain rules, for failure to pay a and customs of England and were adopted by
fine and if ordered to do so by the judgment the colonists who settled the eastern shores
is referred to as = SUBSIDIARY of United States. MASSACHUSETTS,
(highest Minimum wage) o The Gov. of Massachusetts who signed the
o What is the modern concept of Penology? first probation law in US. = GOV.
AND REHABILITATION PROGRAM. o This aims to assist the court in determining
o Which of the following are the functions of whether or not the ends of justice and the
correction? SAFEKEEPING, best interest of the public as well as the
REHABILITATION AND EDUCATION petitioner will be served by the grant or denial
o Which of the following are the major goals of of probation. POST SENTENCE
INCAPACITATION, REHABILITATION o For how many days shall the Judge of the
o A unit of the prison or a section of the RDC court who issued an order for the conduct of
where the prisoner is given thorough physical Post Sentence investigation to resolve and
examination including blood test, x-rays, decide on the issue of whether or not to grant
vaccinations and immunity is the: probation applied for by the petitioner? 5

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o An investigation conducted by a probation o The continuing relationship between

agency or other designated authority at the probation officer and probationer is known as
request of a court into the past behavior, = Probation SUPERVISION
family circumstances, and personality of an o The first Federal Probation bill was
adult who has been convicted of a crime, to introduced by the Lower and Upper chambers
assist the court in determining the most of U.S congress sponsored by________ and
appropriate sentence. = POST SENTENCE ________. However, their proposal were both
INVESTIGATION within 60days after failed. Rep. McCall of Massachusetts and
referral of the court Sen. Robert T. Owen of Oklahoma
o If you were convicted of a crime for a penalty o Second Federal Probation Bill was passed by
of not greater than six years, where are you ______________ which was approved in two
going to apply your petition for the grant of separate chambers and signed by President.
o After release, from jail or prison, when does a o The first Federal Probation Act 1925 took
parolee present himself to the Parole and effect on March 24, 1925 and signed by
Probation Officer? WITHIN 45 days PERIOD _______________ and enforced thru out United
DOCUMENT o The first salaried federal probation officer.
o Post sentence investigation report must be RICHARD MCSWEENEY
submitted by the probation officer to the o A recipient of absolute pardon is ________
court within. WITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER THE from civil liability imposed upon him by the
JUDGE o Formerly, pardon was applied to a member of
o Pardon of the president can be granted to all the ____ who committed crimes and
Crimes after conviction of Final Judgement of occasionally to those convicted to offenses
the Court except in cases of? = against the Royal power. ROYAL FAMILY
IMPEACHMENT o The case where the Supreme Court laid down
o Which of the following are qualified to avail the doctrine that the absolute pardon
probation? THOSE SENTENCE BY THE removes all that is left of the consequences of
COURT FOR IMPRISONMENT OF NOT conviction, and that it is absolute in so far it
EXCEEDING 6 YEARS. restores the pardonee to full civil and political
o They assist probation and parole officers in rights. CRISTOBAL VS. LABRADOR
the supervision of probationers. VOLUNTEER o A self-help social learning treatment model
PROBATION AIDE’S (VPA) used in the rehabilitation of drug offenders
o The court is mandated to resolve the petition and other clients with behavioral problems.
for probation = NOT LATER THAN 5 DAYS This treatment model adheres to the precepts
o When to file the application for probation? o In the hearing for the violation committed by
UPON CONVICTION, AFTER CONVICTION the probationer, the latter shall have the right
OR WIHTIN 15 DAYS OF APPEALING to be informed of the violation charged and to
PERIOD adduce evidence in his favor. This right is in
o What should the court do where the accused pursuant to his right to ___? = DUE
violated the terms and conditions of his PROCESS OF LAW
probation? REVOKE THE PROBATION AND o After granting the probation report, the
ORDER THE ARREST OF THE CONVICT probationer must present himself to the
AND SERVE THE FULL IMPRISONMENT OF probation officer within; 72 hours after the
THE SENTENCE receipt of the order from the judge as
o A Boston shoemaker who advocated in behalf mandatory requirement
of alcoholic and youthful offenders and o A condition and privileged given by the
known as the father of probation. = JOHN President during his/her birthday or every
o This is considered as the blueprint of the o Brief of an investigation conducted by
Parole system adopted in every country, it probation officer not within the jurisdiction of
was pioneered by Alexander Maconochie = the court for applicants under supervision in
MARK SYSTEM Metro manila but stayed longer in provinces.
o An early practiced of courts in England that COURTESY INVESTIGATION REPORT
extended to an offender in which modifying o He is the officer of Boston first appointed
the severity of the law or temporary probation officer in the world. EDWARD
withholding the imposition of sentence. Also SAVAGE
known as the origin of PROBATION in o What is the country, whose early schemes for
England? JUDICIAL REPRIEVE humanizing the criminal justice under its
o In what instances that Probation can be common law, originated probation?
o Probation can be granted to a penitent o This is submitted by the PPO concerned to
offender which penalty is not more than 6 the Board thru the Technical Services of
years and not less than 1 month after the PPA, not later than 15 working days
conviction of Final Judgement of the Court regarding the date the parolee reported for
and given ___________ for the first offense. = supervision. ARRIVAL REPORT.
JUST ONCE o What is the action of the court in case a
probationer violated his/her probation

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conditions = COURT REVOKES PROBATION established the privileged of Benefits of Clergy

o A convict whose application for probation has o The old warship and Merchant ships that was
been granted but fails to report to the proper used as alterative for prisons in England
probation officer within 72 hours upon used for transportation in 16th century.
receipt of notice = ABSCONDING Which prisoners were confined in more
PETITIONER degrading condition and serves as the floating
o A probationer whose whereabouts cannot be Hell were Iron chain balls were first utilized. =
determined for more than a month = (HULK)
ABSCONDING PROBATIONER o An old long low narrow ship propelled by
o The conviction and sentence clause of the sailed usually rowed by criminals as
statutory definition of probation clearly alternative for imprisonment in 16th century
signifies that probation affects = ONLY THE and means for transportation of Criminals.
o Articles 1706-1722 of the revised o The amount of compensation by the criminal
Administrative Code as amended is known to the suspect as form of restitution for the
as. = Prison Law crime/offense committed in the early
o The law passed by President Benigno Simeon centuries was called as. = WERGILD
Aquino III that modernized the Bureau of (PAYMENT FOR THE VICTIM)
Correction in 2013 and changing the concept o The first penitentiary in United States after
of correction to safekeeping and rehabilitation the independence war against the British. =
o A warrant issued by the court bearing its seal o A conditional release and alternative for
and signature of the judge directing the jail or imprisonment granted by the Judge after the
Prison authorities to receive the convicted promulgation of final judgement for the first
offender for service of sentence or detention is offense to penitent offenders which penalties
known as. = MITTIMUS ORDER is not more than 6 years = PROBATION
o The mechanical device or contrivance, tools o A conditional release granted by the BOARD
or implement used to hold back, keep in (BPP) after serving the minimum sentence
check or under control is the. = imposed in a penal institution as
INSTRUMENT OF RESTRAINT continuation for the service of sentence
o How many days that a national offender be outside the institution. = PAROLE
confined at the separation center before the o Parole originated in.= EUROPE
Actual release? 30 DAYS before the actual o The act of grace given by the president after
release the pronouncement of final judgement which
o In the history of Correction, thinkers during has condition and granted to a rehabilitated
the reformatory movement were the major inmate after serving the half of sentence in
influence of today’s correctional system, Prison. = CONDITIONAL PARDON
Alexander Moonachie was the one who o The act of grace granted by the president
introduced the: MARK SYSTEM after promulgation of judgement to any kind
o In Babylon, about 1990 B.C. credited as the of offense except in cases of impeachment
oldest code prescribing savage punishment without condition. Thus, extinguished the
but in fact. = HAMMURABI CODE Criminal liability, Civil liability and restoring
o In 1936, the city of Manila exchange its the civil right or political rights of the person.
Muntinlupa property with the Bureau of = ABSOLUTE PARDON
prisons originally intended as a site for “Boy’s o The sole power of the president to temporarily
training school” the old bilibid prison is now? suspend the execution of final judgment
MAY HALIQUE STATE commonly used to Death penalty case for
o The only early roman place of confinement such interval of time. Also known as “To
which is built under the main sewer of Rome make back”. = REPRIEVE
in 64 B.C. MAMERTINE PRISON o The power of the executive to grant general
o The program which is contusive to change pardon or oblivion to personalities who
behavior and moral by changing Prisoner’s violated mostly political crimes which was
attitude for a useful education refers to? given in concurrence with the Congress
PRISON DISCIPLINE before final judgement or while under trial. =
o A private person who, in 1669, established a AMNESTY
workhouse in Hamburg at his own expense o The lowering, shortening, reducing or
because he had observed that thieves and changing the higher penalty such as Death to
prostitutes were made worse instead by Reclusion perpetua after the completion of
better by the pillory and he hoped that they condition given by the president as form of
might be improved by work and religious Executive Clemency. COMMUTATION
instruction in the workhouse. He is: PETER o The orientation of rules and regulations and
RENTZEL customs inside the jails are the sole
o Among the different common law practices, it responsibilities of the. = THE OFFICER OF
is considered as the earliest device for THE DAY AND THE CHIEF CUSTODDIAL
softening brutal severity of punishment? OFFICER
BENEFITS OF THE CLERGY o The use of segregation cell according to the
o He mandated that there must be jails in every U.N Prison rules can only be enforce as a.=
countries in England known as Gaols and LAST RESORT after all disciplinary

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measured has been exhausted for  Failing to turn over any

incorrigible inmates implements/articles issued after the
o The Prison institution located near Poland work detail;
used as confinement for Jewish peoples by  Committing any act prejudicial to or
Adolf Hitler with the punishment of Black which is not necessary to good order
hole and place for mass execution of Jews in and discipline.
WWII. = Auschwitz Concentration Camp In
Poland o Grave Offense
 Making untruthful statement or lies
o Minor Offense in official communication, transaction
 Selling or Bartering with fellow or investigation;
offenders items not classified as  Keeping or concealing keys or locks of
Contraband; places in the jails where it is off-limits
 Rendering personal service to fellow to offender;
offender;  Giving gifts, selling to, or bartering
 Untidy or Dirty in his personal with jail personnel;
appearance;  Keeping in his possession money,
 Littering or failing to maintain jewellery or other contraband which
cleanliness and orderliness in his the rules prohibit;
quarters and/ or surroundings;  Tattooing others or allowing him to be
 Making frivolous or groundless tattooed on any part of the body, or
complaints; keeping any paraphernalia to use in
 Taking the cudgel for or reporting tattooing;
complaints on behalf of other  Forcibly taking o extracting money
offenders; from fellow inmates;
 Late in formation or duty without  Punishing or inflicting injury or harm
justifiable reasons; upon himself or other inmates;
 Willful waste of food.  Receiving, keeping, taking or drinking
liquor and other prohibited drugs;
o Less Grave Offense  Making, Improvising or keeping any
 Failure to report for work detail kind of deadly weapon;
without sufficient justification;  Concealing or withholding information
 Failure to render assistance to an on plans of attempted escapes;
injured personnel or inmate;  Unruly conduct and behavior and
 Failure to assist in putting out fires flagrant disregard of discipline and
inside the jail; instructions;
 Acting boisterously during religious,  Escaping, attempting, or planning to
social and other group functions; escape from the institution or from
 Swearing, cursing or using profane or any guard;
defamatory language, directed  Helping, aiding or abetting other to
personally toward other persons; escape;
 Malingering or reporting for sick  Fighting, causing any disturbance or
call to escape work assignment; participating therein and/ or agitating
 Spreading rumours or maliciously to cause such disturbance or riot.
intriguing against honor of any  Indecent immoral or lascivious acts
person, particularly members of the by himself or others and/ or allowing
custom dial force; being the subject of such indecent
 Failing to stand at attention and give immoral or lascivious acts;
due respect when confronted by or  Wilful disobedience to lawful order
reporting to any officer or members of issued by an officer or member of the
the custodial force; custodial force;
 Forcing fellow inmates to render  Assaulting any officer or member of
personal service to him and/ or other; the custodial force;
 Exchanging uniform or wearing  Damaging any government property
clothes other than those issued to or equipment issued to the inmates;
him for the purpose of circumventing  Participating in any kangaroo court,
jail rules; an unauthorized or irregular court
 Loitering or being in an unauthorized conducted with disregard for or
place; perversion of legal procedures as a
 Using the telephone without authority mock court by offender in a
from the desk officer/warden; jail/prison.
 Writing defacing or drawing on walls.  Affiliating oneself to any gang or
Floors or any furniture or equipment; faction whose main purpose is to
 Withholding information which is foment (to cause) regionalism or to
inimical and prejudicial to the jail segregate them from others;
administration;  Failing to inform the authorities
 Possession of lewd or pornographic concerned when afflicted with
literature and/ or photographs; communicable disease, like Venereal
 Absence from cell, brigade place of Disease ,etc.;
work during headcounts, or at any  Engage in gambling or any game of
time without justification reasons; chance;

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 Committing any act which is in institution has been a home for orphans, the
violation of any law or ordinance, in abandoned, special needs, and the elderly.
which case, he shall separately be o The Bedford Hills Correctional Facility for
prosecuted criminally in accordance Women is a prison in Bedford Hills,
with the law. Westchester County, New York, USA. It is the
o A program or a self-help social learning largest women's prison in New York State and
treatment that ensure development of the has hosted many infamous (notorious)
inmates (client) and each participant is prisoners. What is the old name of the said
expected to be a contributing member of the Facility? Westfield State Farm. (The Only
society. (Therapeutic Community Modality MAXIMUM CIW IN NEW YORK)
program)  Albion Correctional Facility - a
o The backbone program of the BJMP in medium security women's prison in
inmate development? (TCMP) Albion, New York, United States
o When was the TCMP introduced in the (Orleans County)
BJMP? (1998)  Bayview Correctional Facility - a
o The light in the BJMP dormitory shall be off medium-security women's prison
at? (10:00 pm) located at the south corner of West
o Phase I, in the TCMP, the inmate shall 20th Street and 11th Avenue in
undergo different examination and be placed Manhattan,
at? (Reception and Diagnostic Room or  Beacon Correctional Facility - a
Orientation Room) female minimum security state
o How do you call a person who will provide prison, located in Beacon, New York,
support and will walk him through the  Taconic Correctional Facility - a
orientation phase or entry? (Big Brother) medium security women's prison in
o On the second phase he will be considered as Bedford Hills, New York
__ of the Housekeeping Department until he  (Sister Elaine Roulet)
gradually ascend in the hierarchy. (CREW o SALIC LAW “Lex Salica” “Law of
MEMBER) Succession” - A law excluding females
o The former inmate shall report how many from dynastic succession, especially as
times a week in the outreach center to ensure the alleged fundamental law of the French
the adjustment in the community? (Twice a monarchy. (King Clovis)
week) o The Inmate Roles
o The resident shall comply with the cardinal  Wolves – were older, physically
rules and house rule and shall serve as ____ tough inmate who played
to their peers with the aim of correcting aggressive masculine role
erring members. (WATCH DOG) (Heterosexual before confinement)
o The Pre-Morning Meeting shall be conducted  Punks – were their younger and
daily before Morning Meetings to discuss the weaker victims (Heterosexual before
attitude of client previous day. This shall be confinement). Habitual offenders
last? (15 minutes) who have been involved in
o EXECUTION BY FIRING SQUAD – It is prostitution, drugs numbers and
known as fusillading (from the French fusil,
 Fags – were homosexuals on the
street, and simply continued this
o A criminal can seek refuge in a church in
behavior once incarcerated.
order to avoid punishment in a period of
o Guillotine (Abolished 1981)
o Republic Act 8369 - This Act shall be known  France designed by Antoine Louis.
as the "Family Courts Act of 1997".  Named after Dr. Joseph Ignace
o The first and longest who served as warden in Guillotin
the Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary from  Nicolas Jacques Pelletier – first to
September 15, 1874 to September 7, 1954? be executed via guillotine on April
(CLE-APRIL-2017) James Aloysius Johnston 25, 1792
“Old Saltwater” o Ostracism – it is exclusion from a society
o JAMES V. BENNETT – The Director of or group
Federal Bureau of Prison, who wrote about o Expungement (Expunction) - a court-
the closing of Alcatraz. ordered to remove all record
o OLIN G. BLACKWELL – The last warden of o Exoneration – Absolving the person
ALCATRAZ o Four basic role orientations to adapt to
VILLAIN XIV - Father of Modern Penitentiary  Doing Time - (Avoiding time)
Science and founder of the House of  Gleaning - improve their minds
Correction in Ghent, Belgium. and prospects for success after
o AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT (Age of Reason) – release.
When people began to value reason,  Jailing - the choice of those who
rationality and human dignity. cut themselves off from the outside
o 1870 – 1880 – It is considered as the and try to construct a life within
the prison.
“Golden Age of Penology”
 Disorganized Criminal - low
o HOSPICIO DE SAN JOSÉ - a Roman Catholic
intelligence or afflicted with
welfare institution in the City of Manila, the
disabilities; have difficulty
Philippines. It is the first social welfare
functioning within prison society;
agency in the country, and as a foster care

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o Inmate Social Code (Sykes) - A set of hectares of land at an area considered at

rules of conduct that reflect the values that time to be "remote"
and norms of the prison social system and o Act No. 3732 - The Davao Penal Colony is
help to define for inmates the the first penal settlement founded and
characteristics associated with the model organized under Filipino administration.
prisoner. (Inmate Code or Convict Code) The settlement, which originally had an
o When an individual’s commits a crime area of approximately 30,000 hectares in
they let the person drink pungent poison the districts of Panabo and Tagum, Davao
to drive away the evil spirit inside his Del Norte, was formally established on
body which leads him in the commission January 21, 1932
of crime. How do you call this early forms o Act 1723 - the Philippine Commission of
of correction treatment? (Pungent Poison) the United States government passed the
o Piece Price System – A system of inmate law in 1907 classifying the Iuhit
labor used wherein materials and the settlement as a penal institution (Iwahig
products and produced by the prisons Prison and Penal Farm)
brought by the private business. o Royal Decree promulgated in 1869 - the
o Contract System – A system of inmate San Ramon Prison was established in
labor used wherein materials were provide southern Zamboanga on August 21, 1870
by the private business its manufacturing o Jail Officer – Person responsible in the
process was supervised inside the prison. safekeeping and development of inmates
o Public Account System - a system under detained in all district, city and municipal
which the state buys raw (fresh) materials jails while undergoing/awaiting trial in
for processing in prison factories and sells courts.
the products in the open market o Anti-Riot Group
o What system was referred to where  First Anti-Riot Group - Wicker
prisoner were employed in the production Shield - Protective Headgear, Gas
of goods and services used only in Mask, Night Stick or Baton and
government institute and agencies? (State Only to Disperse the rioters and get
Use System) the leaders.
o Lease System - Prisoners were taken to  Second Anti-Riot Group - Tear
the work site under the supervision of Gas Gun and Gas Grenade
armed guards. Once there, they were  Third Anti-Riot Group - Trained in
turned over to the private contractor, who the Proper handling and used of
employed them and maintained discipline. Firearms and under the direct
o JAIL WARDEN – Person charged with the command of the Guard-in-Charge
overall operational and administrative o In the event of riots or other prison
control of jail. disturbances, all officials and employees
o On June 5, 2014, Department of Justice of the prison where the incident occurs
Undersecretary Francisco Baraan III, shall be placed on Twenty Four (24)
supervising official on the Bureau of Hours alert to perform such task as may
Corrections and the NBP said that the be necessary to quell (suppress) the
National Penitentiary will be moved to disorder or normalize the situation.
Barangay San Isidro in Laur, Nueva o In BJMP
Ecija.  The QRT-weapons unit commander
o Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso shall be designated as QRT
Realonda (Pepe) was imprisoned and armorer
detained for the crime of Rebellion before  Quick Response Team (QRT) -
the execution of death to Firing Squad at Each jail shall establish a full-
the Bagong Bayan know now as Luneta. strength QRT with ten members,
The Fort Santiago is located at? consisting of a Weapons Unit and
Intramuros, Manila Negotiations Unit.
o Republic Act 6127 – full granting of time o Weapons Unit shall be composed of 6
allowance and/or full credit of Preventive staff and weapons unit commander. (6+1)
Imprisonment. o Negotiations Unit shall be composed of
o Act 2489 – the “Industrial Good Time primary negotiator, secondary/intelligence
Law”. Life imprisonment is also negotiator and the negotiations unit
automatically reduced to thirty years commander (2+1)
imprisonment upon being classified as a Take note: Jails that do not have enough
trusty or penal colonist. The Philippine personnel to compose a 10-man QRT may create
Legislature authorizes special a 5-man QRT consisting of 3-man weapon unit,
compensation for exceptional conduct and 1 negotiator and a QRT commander.
workmanship. o The Incident Commander shall respond
o Republic Act 10389 - "Recognizance Act according to five (5) level of responses:
of 2012”  Level A - Initial Response
o Act No. 3579 - on November 27, 1929,  Level B - Activation of the Quick
which authorized the transfer of all- Response Team (QRT)
women inmates of the Old Bilibid Prison  Level C - Request Augmentation
in Manila to a new facility from the adjacent jail’s QRT
o Commonwealth Act No. 67 - a new  Level D - Activation of the BJMP
prison was built in Muntinlupa with 551 STAR Team

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 Level E - Request Augmentation identity and authority. Also, he or she

from other Law Enforcement reviews the completeness of the following
Agencies. documents before the person bringing an
o Section 19, BJMP Manual 2015 - Inmates inmate/the committing officer is allowed
security classification. According to to enter the facility. (BJMP) (CLE-
security risk: DECEMBER-2017)
 High Profile Inmate – famous and o Desk Officer – It books the newly
rich. Politician, Artist, Religious committed inmate in the jail blotter;
Leader. assigns the inmate to a reception area, if
 High Risk Inmate - Highly any, where he/she shall be scheduled for
dangerous and troublemaker orientation on jail rules and regulation,
 High Value Target (HVT) - an and shall undergo risk assessment and
enemy combatant, high ranking classification, evaluation and conduct of
official or a civilian in danger of further medical evaluation/screening by
capture or death, typically in the Medical Officer.
possession of critical intelligence, o Chief Custodial Officer - the personnel
data, or authority marked as an in-charge in the overall supervision of all
objective for a mission custodial functions
 Security Threat Group - street o Visiting days are from Tuesday to
gangs, prison gangs, outlaw gangs, Sunday only.
traditional organized crime, o Monday is a non-visiting day and is
aboriginal gangs, subversive groups reserved as inmates’ wash day and for the
and terrorist organizations. maintenance and clean-up of the entire
 Subversive Group - to jail facility.
overthrow or undermine an o According to United Nations Standard
established government Minimum Rules for the Treatment of
 Terrorist Group – a group of Prisoners “In some countries it is
persons that commits any of considered that the population of such
the following: piracy and prisons should not exceed 500.” (the
mutiny in the high seas or in Nelson Mandela Rules):
the Philippine waters, o The minimum number of times in
rebellion or insurrection, counting the inmates on a daily basis.
coup d’état, murder, (Bureau of Corrections) - At least 4 times
kidnapping and serious (4 times)
illegal detention and others o Conduct regular count of inmates at least
 Violent Extremist Offender five to six (5-6) times within a 24-hour
(VEO) - aspirations resorting period and strictly implement the
to the employment of established procedures in counting
violence in the furtherance of inmates. Personnel conducting the count
his/her beliefs. (ISIS) shall record the result. (BJMP)
o Jail Aide - an inmate who requires less o Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary with a total
supervision than other inmates. Although of 12-13 times counting of inmates
he/she may be assigned special tasks, made in 24 hours.
he/she has no special privileges, and is o “Separation and Placement Center” to
not allowed to work alone nor exercise any prepare him for reentry into free society.
authority over other inmates. (BJMP) (30 days)
o Colonist - the first class which was given o Pre-release seminar – all inmates eligible
privilege. They can wear civilian cloth for release shall undergo a One-day
during program. They can even request seminar preparation for his life outside
their wife from CIW to transfer in the prison.
colony or even with the entire family. o The first female executed through lethal
injection for the crime related on drug
o To be considered as the forgotten victim?
case in the Philippines upon the
(CLE-2014 and June 2017) (Women) reinstatement of death penalty? (Josefina
o Conjugal Visitation – It refers to the visit Esparas)
by the wife for a short period, usually an o Proclamation no. 551, Series of 1995, the
hour, more or less, to her incarcerated National Correctional Week is being
husband during which they are allowed celebrated every when? (Every last week
privacy and are generally understood to of October)
have sexual contact o Proclamation No. 360 - Declaring the
o Who shall exercise authority if the warden
month of March of every year as “Burn
is taken as the hostage, and for all intents Prevention Month”
and purposes the warden shall ceases o The first week of September of every year
(stops) authority to command and the
is being observed as the National Crime
next in command or the ______ must takes
Prevention Week by virtue of Presidential
charges (Most Senior)
Proclamation No. 461, dated August 31,
Take note: if the question is in Prison or Bureau
of Corrections the answer is Assistant
 LGBT-Q – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Transgender and Queer
o Gater - He or she checks the credentials
of the person bringing the inmate/the
committing officer to determine his/her

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 August 6, 1890 – Electrocution was first

used at the Auburn State Prison in the
New York State
 1889 –William Kemmler first
electrocuted in New York  
 March 20, 1899 – Martha M. Place first
women executed by electric chair in Sing-
Sing Prison
 Good Conduct Time Allowance (GCTA) –
a privilege granted to a prisoner, whether
detained or convicted by final judgment,
entitling him to a reduction of his jail or
prison term for every month of actual
detention or service of sentence as a
reward for good conduct and exemplary
behavior. (IRR RA 10592 and GCTA
 A case where the Special time allowance
not given due to non-escape of prisoner
during the calamity. The prisoner must
escape and return to the prescribed
period. (Fortunato vs Director of
Prison). Under old law
 What if the prisoner did not escape during
calamity under RA 10592? 2/5 from the
original period
 Pitcher – Heterosexual
 Catcher – all gay
 A process by which a prison inmate obtain
wealth influence. (Baroning)
 (3)Deputy Directors in Bureau of
 Administration
 Security and Operation
 Reformation
o 75 Pesos per Prisoner (Proposed)
o 60 Pesos per Prisoner (Current or now)
o 50 Pesos per Prisoner (Old allowance)

“But seek first his kingdom and his

righteousness, and all these things will be given
to you as well.” - Matthew 6:33

“Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that

men should do to you, do ye even so to them; for
this is the law and the prophets” - Matthew

“God always bless us, and those who believe in

Luck has no faith in God” – Nolie Ingcad

God bless you and see you in the Oath Taking

Page 14 of 14 – Prepared by Nolie Z. Ingcad (0926-056-8167)

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