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Guide To Church Making

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A Practical Program on What to Prepare and Execute in

Establishing a Church of Your Own

BEFORE SCROLLING DOWN you have to REMEMBER the following:

1. This is just an attempt to capsulize the beginning of a lifetime of a Church, this program
does not have any research basis to hold on but the author’s experience of the Church
he saw and served on to.
2. This does not talk about establishing a Church from a scratch, but just the preparation of
the transition of being a Chapel to growing bigger- a parish.

CRITERIA of the Chapel transitioning into a Church:

1. Established for decades or just years but the number of the usual church goers are
good, in fact very good.
2. The collection (financial gains) from donations and pledges is more than enough and
is stable to initiate an upgrade
3. Already has a set of Chapel leaders
4. Already have mandated organizations and functioning leaders of the said

The Proposed Procedure

STEP 1: Formulation of the Parish Pastoral Council

Rationale: No priest could survive a parish without the help from his parishioners
so with all humility he would be needing people who would help him to go
through all the difficulties especially when he is just starting to build the
a. The Parish Priest must initiate a General Assembly of all the Chapel leaders
including all the members of mandated organization residing on the Chapel
territory. The GA would act upon the following agenda:
a.1 The appointment or election of the first Chairman or President of the
a.2 The appointment or election of the Vice- Chair, Secretary and Treasurer
of the PPC
a.3 The appointment or election of the presidents of each mandated
organizations whose presidents would comprise the Board of Presidents
answering directly to the Parish Priest but is under the PPC as well.
b. After distinguishing the leaders, the Parish Priest would motivate the PPC to
work on the Vision and Mission of the Parish which is expected to be in
consonance with the VMGO of the whole Diocese.

STEP 2: THE SURVEY for THE NEEDS of the PARISH and Home Visitation
Rationale: The Parish Priest should cater to the spiritual as well as the other
aspects of life of the faithful, to make it more meaningful he must be aware of the
urgent needs of the community. A needs assessment coming from the leaders of
the Chapel (turning into church) must be made to address the urgent cases the
parish priest must focus on, while house visitation would promote the attendance
of parishioners knowing their importance in the church community.
a. Under the guidance of the parish priest, the PPC must create a
questionnaire to be administered verbally or in a form of testing material
after each mass for the whole month to different people attending the
b. Mass Campaign and needs assessment will be administered by the PPC and
all mandated organizations through home visitations in a schedule they
opted in the limited time allotted by the PPC. The Parish Priest would also
go house to house especially during weekdays to lead the group for the
needs assessment that would strengthen the activities to be implemented
in the church.


Rationale: As the result of the needs assessment, the Parish Priest together with
the PPC would decide on what other mandated organizations shall be added
toboost more the growth of the faithful. Benchmarking of other parishes on the
different organization and their proceedings is also suggested.
a. The home visitation would not just include the mass campaign and the
needs assessment but also an invitation to a specific date wherein a talk on
“SERVICE” and “MINISTRY” will be given by the parish priest himself. This
gathering will be prepared for by the PPC and the leaders of the
organizations themselves for it would also be the day that they would let
other people choose what ministry they would join in as they are suited for
it. The term marketing here implies motivating people to join the
organizations creatively presented by the working presidents of each
mandated organizations.
b. The enlisting and training of each new member will be initiated on the
marketing day until they are fully prepared to be presented duly members
of the said organizations, thereby they would pledge affiliations and loyalty
to the group/s they would belong to.


Rationale: Mandated organizations act on the different charisms their group has,
but their task does not just stop there. As the parish priests acts as the head of
the certain parish, others would serve as the hands that helps, the heart that
loves and etc.
a. Distinguishing the different committees and assigning them to the
mandated organizations.

There could be 7 different focuses in the life of a faithful, and each focus
corresponds to the different committees to be filled with mandated groups
in charge:

Table 1: Committees and The Proposed Mandated Organizations Assignment

1. Worship Committee – Music Ministry, Altar Servers, LCPG,
responsible for the prayer life Extra-ordinary Ministers of the
of the community especially Eucharist
the liturgical celebrations

2. Education Committee – Catechetical Apostolate, Neo-

responsible for the catechumenal Way, Biblical Apostolate,
evangelization and promotion CL and Theology Teachers of the
of Church teaching immediate school (if there are any)
3. Services – caters for the social Legion of Mary, The Mother Butlers
and spiritual services that the Guild, Holy Name Society
community needs
4. Temporalities – deals with the Knights of Columbus, Catholic Women’s
financial and temporal needs League, BCBP
of the community.
5. Family and Life – experts in Couples for Christ, KFC, SFC, HOC,
the dealings of preservation of
a quality family life and
promotion of life itself.
6. Youth – activating youth in all Youth Ministry: Youth Choir, knights of
their talents and capabilities the Altar, LCPG Youth, etc.
to be made use in service of
God and participation as a
worthy member of a
7. Children’s Ministry Catechists, jr.LCPG, Legionaries Jr.,
Committee- The initiation of Knights of the Altar Jr., Kids Choir,.. etc.
an active participation of
church in the life of the
children through the guidance
of their parents.

Rationale: To further enhance the functionality and dependability of each of different Church
Committees, a clear vision of what to achieve and what to do (mission) to reach the vision
must be properly set –in line with the parochial vision and the larger aims of the whole
a. Brainstorming on VMGO – in consideration to those church members and leaders who
got regular jobs, the brainstorming and creation of VMGO must be set during
weekends together or the committee leaders and members may meet on their
universal vacant period to get every possible
b. Annual Plan of different mandated organizations could be made separately but after
the prescribed date limit, a meeting should be made call by the parish priest and map
their groups annual plan, synchronizing each to avoid schedule conflicts.


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