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Mechanisms of probiosis and prebiosis: considerations for

enhanced functional foods
Delphine MA Saulnier1,4, Jennifer K Spinler1,4, Glenn R Gibson3 and
James Versalovic1,2,4

The technologies of metagenomics and metabolomics are largely administered through functional foods such as dairy
broadening our knowledge of the roles the human gut products. Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are currently the
microbiota play in health and disease. For many years now, most marketed probiotic bacteria worldwide. Prebiotics, or
probiotics and prebiotics have been included in foods for their ‘nondigestible food ingredients that beneficially affect the
health benefits; however, we have only recently begun to host by selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of
understand their modes of action. This review highlights recent one or a limited number of bacteria that can improve the
advances in deciphering the mechanisms of probiosis and host health’ [5], are an alternative (or adjunct) approach to
prebiosis, and describes how this knowledge could be probiotics and target indigenous beneficial bacteria already
transferred to select for enhancing functional foods targeting established in the gut.
different populations. A special focus will be given to the
addition of prebiotics and probiotics in functional foods for As foods are supplemented with probiotics and new
infants and seniors. functional ingredients, it is important to understand the
Addresses beneficial properties of these products and how they aim
Department of Pathology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, to improve human health. Here, we explain mechanisms
of probiosis and prebiosis and describe how this knowl-
Department of Molecular Virology & Microbiology, Baylor College of edge can help to design food with improved functionality
Medicine, Houston, TX, USA
Food Microbial Sciences Unit, Department of Food Biosciences,
to target certain populations. Both probiotics and prebio-
University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom tics must be consumed regularly in order to measure the
Department of Pathology, Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, TX, USA health benefits reported on the related human studies.
Corresponding author: Saulnier, Delphine MA (
Mechanisms of probiosis
The probiotic arsenal includes multiple mechanisms for
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2009, 20:135–141 preventing infection and enhancing the immune system
and providing increased nutritional value to food
This review comes from a themed issue on
(Figure 1). Each mechanism of action is strain-depend-
Food biotechnology
Edited by Max Teplitski and Anita Wright ent, making it important to select and scientifically com-
pare individual probiotics for their intended purpose(s).
Available online 24th February 2009

0958-1669/$ – see front matter Probiotic protection against pathogens

# 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Probiotics can enhance the host defense system against
DOI 10.1016/j.copbio.2009.01.002
pathogens. The mucosal epithelial cell barrier is the first
line of defense against pathogen attack that may be
enhanced by the promotion of mucin production or
reduction of gut permeability. Promoting mucin pro-
Introduction duction and reducing intestinal permeability may prevent
Our knowledge regarding the microbial community that penetration of pathogenic organisms and toxic substances.
inhabits the human body is expanding at a rapid pace. Factors from probiotic microorganisms can increase mucin
New worldwide initiatives like sequencing of the human production in cell culture [6], prevent enteropathogen-
microbiome [1] along with rapid advances in metabolo- induced epithelial cell injury [7], and reduce intestinal
mics to detect and quantify the products of microbial permeability in mice [8]. Certain proteins are important for
metabolism [2] are contributing to a better comprehen- probiotic adhesion to host cell surfaces and can obstruct
sion of the role of symbionts for health and disease. For pathogen adhesion to the same surface. For example,
instance, activities of the gut microbiota are now known to surface-layer (S-layer) proteins present on the surfaces of
play a central role in host energy requirements [3]. Lactobacillus crispatus and Lactobacillus helveticus were able
to prevent adhesion of the foodborne pathogen, Escherichia
For well over a century, certain microorganisms have been coli O157:H7 to Hela, HEp-2, and T84 cells [9,10].
regarded as probiotics, defined recently as ‘live microor-
ganisms which when administered in adequate amounts Another line of probiotic defense against infection is the
confer a health benefit on the host’ [4]. Probiotics are production of an array of antimicrobial compounds Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2009, 20:135–141

136 Food biotechnology

Figure 1

Depiction of the beneficial roles of probiotics in the mammalian gastrointestinal tract. IgA, immunoglobulin A; TLR, Toll-like receptor.

capable of inhibiting the growth of many foodborne like receptor-4 on the surfaces of epithelial cells in the
pathogens. In general, lactic acid bacteria produce organic colonic mucosa of mice [15]. Also, mutant strains of L.
acids, predominantly lactate and acetate, which create an casei deficient in cell-wall-associated polysaccharides are
acidic environment that is inhibitory to pathogens. Pro- unable to exert immunosuppressive effects on macro-
biotics can also synthesize proteins or peptides capable of phage cytokine production as seen by the wild-type
inhibiting specific pathogenic strains. Many lactic acid strains [16]. Probiotic bacteria are also known to secrete
bacteria produce well-characterized inhibitory peptides factors responsible for modulating immune responses.
which include, but are not limited to: lantibiotics (class I), For instance, secreted factors from L. reuteri decrease
peptide bacteriocins (class II), and bacteriolysins (class nuclear factor-kB-dependent gene expression, resulting
III) [11]; however, antimicrobial compounds produced by in diminished cell proliferation, and enhanced mitogen-
Bifidobacterium spp. are not especially well understood activated protein kinase activities important for inducing
[12]. The probiotic, L. reuteri, produces an antimicrobial apoptosis [17]. As fermented milk drinks are popular
agent, reuterin. Reuterin has broad-spectrum activity sources of probiotics, it is important to note that L.
against a variety of pathogens including bacteria, fungi, helveticus is capable of producing factors during milk
protozoa and viruses, and can be differentially expressed fermentation responsible for increasing calcineurin
by various L. reuteri strains [13]. These antimicrobial expression, resulting in an augmented population of mast
compounds have potential applications as food preserva- and goblet cells in the GI tracts of mice [18].
tives or prophylactic agents against enteric infections.
Delivery formulations and probiotics: special
Immunomodulation by probiotics considerations
Different strains of probiotics can either stimulate or Probiotic concentrations and mechanisms can be affected
suppress aspects of the immune response [14]. Probiotics in many ways from food processing to ingestion. Foods are
can stimulate immunity by increasing mucosal antibody altered by the production process, food matrix effects,
production, boosting pro-inflammatory cytokine expres- digestion, and metabolism [19]. These factors ultimately
sion, and enhancing host defensin production. Suppres- affect the final form of food that reaches the target site.
sive effects are manifested by decreasing cytokine Microencapsulation can increase the survival and stability
expression, systemic inflammation, cellular proliferation, of bioactive ingredients through food processing, storage,
and increasing apoptosis. Surface proteins have been and GI transit [20,21]. However, only a limited number of
implicated as key factors involved in immunomodulation. studies have documented effects of probiotics in different
For example, aggregation-competent (but not aggrega- food matrices and the possible synergies or inhibitions
tion-deficient) L. crispatus modulates the expression of that could occur in the presence of other nutrients.
innate immune receptors Toll-like receptor-2 and Toll- Survival and activity of probiotics can be enhanced by

Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2009, 20:135–141

Probiosis and prebiosis mechanisms Saulnier et al. 137

encapsulation in the presence of prebiotics utilized by compounds, producing butyrate as an end-product of

probiotics [5]. While food processing is a concern, cell fermentation [29]. Products of prebiotic fermentation
survival through the GI tract is an important probiotic by lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, such as lactic and acetic
consideration. Recent genomic studies have highlighted acid, can be subsequently degraded by other bacteria
the intrinsic ability of certain probiotics to resist bile and such as Anaerostipes caccae or Roseburia intestinalis
acid shock during GI transit [22,23]. The functionality of [30,31,32]. These close relationships between microbes
probiotics may be affected by food matrices and delivery explain the increase in short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs),
strategies. including butyrate, often seen in the presence of pre-
biotics, despite the fact that lactic acid bacteria fail to
Mechanisms of prebiosis produce butyrate.
The effects of prebiotics have been primarily directed
toward the colon, but an increased amount of evidence Changes in SCFA affect immunomodulation and host
demonstrates that prebiotics exert their effect beyond the metabolism
GI tract [24]. Prebiotics selectively stimulate beneficial By changing the composition and functionality of the
microbes within the gut microbiota. These compounds microbiota, prebiotics play a role not only by facilitating
may directly stimulate immunity, protect against patho- competitive exclusion of potential pathogens, but also in
gens, and facilitate host metabolism and mineral absorp- modulating the immune system and enhancing host
tion [24]. The different mechanisms of prebiotic action defenses [33]. SCFAs are able to improve mucosal
are summarized in Figure 2. morphology by increasing mucin production and decreas-
ing translocation by binding to SCFA receptors on
Selective stimulation of beneficial bacteria immune cells within the gut lymphoid-associated tissue
In the GI tract, prebiotics selectively stimulate indigen- (GALT) [33]. One SCFA especially, butyrate, has
ous beneficial bacteria such as bifidobacteria and lacto- attracted ample attention as a product of prebiotic fer-
bacilli. Current studies aim to understand the selective mentation that inhibits the growth of colonic cancer cells
fermentation of prebiotics, such as fructooligosaccharides in vitro [34]. SCFAs may be important in host metabolism
(FOS) and galactooligosaccharides (GOS). Investigation as these compounds provide energy to the host. Butyrate
of the genes responsible for fermentation of prebiotics in is a primary energy source for colonocytes. SCFAs can
lactobacilli and bifidobacteria has highlighted the role of bind to specific receptors, such as G-protein coupled
specific enzymes and oligosaccharide transporters for receptor 41 (Gpr41). This receptor is a strong regulator
degradation of prebiotics [25–28]. However, recent stu- of host energy balance whose effects are dependent upon
dies show that other gut commensals, such as Faecalibac- the gut microbiota [35]. Hepatic lipogenesis was
terium prausnitzii, also have the ability to degrade these reduced in Gpr41-deficient mice, consistent with reduced

Figure 2

Depiction of the beneficial roles of prebiotics in the mammalian gastrointestinal tract and their systemic effects. Ca2+, calcium; GLP-1, glucagon-like
peptide-1; Gpr41, G-protein coupled receptor 41; SCFA, short-chain fatty acid. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2009, 20:135–141

138 Food biotechnology

intestinal absorption and delivery of SCFAs. In rats, FOS magnesium). Recent advances in this field show that
increased intestinal hormone glucagon-like peptide-1 inulin-type fructans enhanced calcium absorption prim-
(GLP-1) levels in the portal vein, and proglucagon mRNA arily via the colonic mucosa in humans [39]. Crude frac-
in the proximal colon leading to an increase satiety, as tions of chicory (a source of inulin) have shown improved
well as glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity [36]. bone parameters relative to native or reformulated inulin
These different mechanisms illustrate the complexity in rats, suggesting possible synergies between inulin-type
of regulation of the immune system and host metabolism fructans and other nutrients [40].
by prebiotics.
Probiotics and prebiotics in foods tailored for
Antiadhesive prebiotics specific populations
An extension to the prebiotic concept is the use of Food products have been developed for specific age
oligosaccharides that selectively prevent adhesion of cer- groups such as infants or the elderly [41]. These popu-
tain bacterial species by mimicking binding sites. Recent lations are of particular interest because of the early
studies suggest that prebiotics can act as a decoy for immune development in infants and a marked decline
pathogen-binding cellular receptors in the gut [37]. in immune function (immunosenescence) in the elderly.
GOS reduced the adherence of enteropathogenic E. coli Functional foods containing probiotics or prebiotics are
in HeP and CaCo2 cells [38]. Although this field of quickly gaining attention in the U.S. We have used the
research is intriguing, no human trials have examined U.S. market as an example for illustrating some tailored
prebiotics in prophylactic studies and it warrants further probiotic and prebiotic products for certain populations
investigation. (Table 1).

Mineral absorption Probiotics and prebiotics in infants

Addition of prebiotics in food may offer other benefits by Human trials have been performed in order to assess the
improving host absorption of minerals (like calcium or effects of probiotics in a variety of disorders including

Table 1

List of selected food products marketed in the USA containing probiotics and prebiotics

Product Functional additive (quantity Health claim

per serving when indicated)
Infants and children
GOOD START1 NATURAL B. lactis Increases levels of key antibodies, and promote
CULTURESTM Infant Formula natural protective barrier in the digestive tract
Early AdvanceTM Infant Formula Galacto-oligosaccharides Help stimulate growth of healthy bacteria, which
support developing immune system
BiogaiaAB Reuteri Drops L. reuteri Protectis ATCC 55730 (100 million) Reduces infantile colic
DanActiveTM Dairy Drink L. casei DN-114001 ImmunitasTM Strengthens body’s defenses
Danimals1 Yogurt L. rhamnosus GGTM Positive effects on gastrointestinal
and immune function, and oral health
Stonyfield Farm1 Yo-Baby Yogurts L. bulgaricus, S. thermophilus, Helps aid in digestion and supports
L. acidophilus, bifidobacteria, immune system
L. casei, and L. rhamnosus
BiogaiaAB Probiotic Straw L. reuteri ATCC 55730 (100 million) Maintains overall gut health
and LifeTop Cap
Adults and elderly
Activia1 Yogurt B. animalis DN-173 010 RegularisTM Regulates the digestive system by
helping reduce long intestinal transit time
BiogaiaAB Probiotic LifeTop Cap L. reuteri ATCC 55730 Maintain overall gut health
BiogaiaAB Prodentis Chewing L. reuteri ATCC 55730 and Reduces gingivitis
Gum and Lozenges L. reuteri Prodentis ATCC PTA 5289
DanActiveTM Dairy Drink L. casei DN-114001 Helps strengthen body’s defenses
LiveActiveTM Cheese B. lactis and L. rhamnosus Replenish live cultures in digestive
system, promoting digestive health
LiveActiveTM Cottage Cheese Inulin (3 g) Serves as food source for probiotic bacteria
Silk plus for Bone Health Soy Milk Fructan (1 g) Helps promotes bone health
LiveActiveTM Cereals Inulin (3 g) Helps promote digestive health
Stonyfield Farm1 Yogurts L. bulgaricus, S. thermophilus, Help aid in digestion and supports
and Smoothies L. acidophilus, bifidobacteria, immune system
L. casei, and L. rhamnosus
Yo-PlusTM Yogurt B. lactis Bb-12TM and inulin Help maintain healthy balance of friendly
bacteria in digestive system

Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2009, 20:135–141

Probiosis and prebiosis mechanisms Saulnier et al. 139

infantile colic, infectious or antibiotic-associated diarrhea, gut microbial composition and immune status. By eluci-
and atopic dermatitis [42–45]. Prebiotics are also relevant dating the mechanisms of probiosis and prebiosis, scien-
in infant nutrition, as formula-fed infants usually have tists can design enhanced functional foods tailored to
lower numbers of bifidobacteria compared to the breast- improve host health.
fed infants [46] and many infant studies have shown
prebiotic effects [46]. Prebiotics can simulate the bifido- Acknowledgements
genic effects of breast milk oligosaccharides and have JV currently receives support from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
(NIDDK R01 DK065075; NCCAM R01 AT004326; NCCAM R21
been shown to exert long-term effects (up to two years) AT003482), the Office of Naval Research, the Defense Advanced Research
for protecting against infection and lowering the inci- Projects Agency (DARPA), and Public Health Service Grant DK56338,
dence of allergy [46,47]. GOS is one prebiotic compound which funds the Texas Medical Center Digestive Diseases Center.
widely studied in infant feeding. In an effort to investi-
gate the broad effects upon the host, a combination of two References and recommended reading
Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review,
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tested using integrative metabolic profiling and modeling
of multiple compartments in germ-free mice [2].  of special interest
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of detrimental bacteria at the expense of more beneficial tion of prebiotic and probiotic using integrative metabolic profiling and
modeling of multiple compartments in germ-free mice.
groups [48]. This population is also prone to immunose-
3. Turnbaugh PJ, Backhed F, Fulton L, Gordon JI: Diet-induced
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