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The Diabetes Miracle

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The Diabetes Miracle

Disclaimer: What you’re about to read is not doctor’s advice, this is from experience and what
we have seen to work for others living with diabetes.

Taking some foods and limiting others can help manage your blood sugar level if you are
suffering from diabetes and meals rich in vegetables, fruits and healthful proteins can have
tremendous benefits for you as well.

You don’t have to feel deprived because you are diabetic. Instead you can learn to make
balanced meals and healthful choices whilst still including the foods you love eating. However,
sugar and carbohydrates are culprits in increasing your blood sugar level but you can include
these in your meals as part of a balanced meal plan.

Carbohydrates needs vary depending on your level of activity and medications such as insulin.
So it is important to keep an eye on the total amount of carbohydrate in a particular meal.

Please consult with your dietitian to recommend specific carbohydrates guidelines that best
suits your needs but a general rule of thumb to include no more than a quarter plate of starchy
carbs in one meal plan.
The key to a beneficial are:
● Include fruits and vegetables
● Eat lean proteins
● Choose foods with less added sugar
● Avoid trans fats
Below is a list of some fruits, vegetables, and foods with less added sugar:

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1. Green Leafy Vegetables: These are high in antioxidants and starch digestive enzymes.
People can include green leafy vegetables in their diet in salads, side dishes, soups, and
dinners. Combine them with a source of lean protein, such as chicken or tofu.
Green leafy vegetables are packed full of essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. They also
have minimal impact on blood sugar levels. Leafy greens, including spinach and kale, are a key
plant-based source of potassium, vitamin A, and calcium. They also provide protein and fibre.
Green leafy vegetables include:

● spinach
● kale
● cabbage
● broccoli
● Swap white bread and or white pasta for whole grains.

2. Whole Grains: Whole grains contain high levels of fibre and more nutrients than refined
white grains.

Eating a diet high in fibre is important for people with diabetes because fiber slows down the
digestion process. A slower absorption of nutrients helps keep blood sugar levels stable.

Whole wheat and whole grains are lower on the glycemic index (GI) scale than white breads and
rice. This means that they have less of an impact on blood sugar.

Good examples of whole grains to include in the diet are:

● brown rice
● whole-grain bread
● whole-grain pasta
● buckwheat
● quinoa
● millet
● bulgur
● rye

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3. Fatty Fish: Fatty fish is a healthful addition to any diet. It contains important omega-3 fatty
acids called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

People need a certain amount of healthful fats to keep their body functioning and to promote
heart and brain health. A diet high in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats can improve
blood sugar control and blood lipids in people with diabetes.

Certain fish are a rich source of both polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. These are:

● salmon
● mackerel
● sardines
● albacore tuna
● herring
● trout

You can eat seaweed, such as kelp and spirulina, as plant-based alternative sources of these
fatty acids.

Instead of fried fish, which contains saturated and trans fats, people can try baked, roasted, or
grilled fish. Pair with a mix of vegetables for a healthful meal choice.

3. Beans: Beans are an excellent food option for people with diabetes. They are a source of
plant-based protein, and they can satisfy the appetite while helping people reduce their
carbohydrate intake.

Beans are also low on the GI scale and are better for blood sugar regulation than many other
starchy foods. Also, beans may help people manage their blood sugar levels. They are a complex
carbohydrate, so the body digests them slower than it does other carbohydrates.

Eating beans can also help with weight loss and could help regulate a person’s blood pressure
and cholesterol. There is a wide range of beans for people to choose from, including:

● kidney beans
● pinto beans
● black beans
● navy beans
● adzuki beans

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These beans also contain important nutrients, including iron, potassium, and magnesium. Beans
are a highly versatile food choice. You can include a variety of beans in a chili or stew, or in
tortilla wraps with salad.

NOTE: When using canned beans, be sure to choose an option with no added salt(sodium).
Otherwise, drain and rinse the beans to remove any added salt.

6. Citrus Fruits: Research has shown that citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, and lemons,
have antidiabetic effects. Eating citrus fruits is a great way to get vitamins and minerals from
fruit without the carbohydrates.

Two bioflavonoid antioxidants, called hesperidin and naringin, are responsible for the
antidiabetic effects of oranges according to some scholars.

Citrus fruits are also a great source of:

● vitamin C
● folate
● potassium

7. Berries: Berries are full of antioxidants, which can help prevent oxidative stress. Oxidative
stress is linked with a wide range of health conditions, including heart disease and
some cancers.

Studies have found chronic levels of oxidative stress in people with diabetes. Oxidative stress
occurs when there is an imbalance between antioxidants and unstable molecules called free
radicals in the body.

Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and raspberries all contain high levels of antioxidants
and fibre. They also contain important other vitamins and minerals, including:

● vitamin C
● vitamin K
● manganese
● potassium

You can add fresh berries to their breakfast, eat a handful as a snack, or use frozen berries in a

Your health is your greatest wealth...Always take care of you

8. Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes have a lower GI than white potatoes. This makes them a
great alternative for people with diabetes, as they release sugar more slowly and do not raise
blood sugar as much.

Sweet potatoes are also a great source of:

● fibre
● vitamin A
● vitamin C
● potassium

Enjoy sweet potatoes in a range of ways, including baked, boiled, roasted, or mashed. For a
balanced meal, eat them with a source of lean protein and green leafy vegetables or a salad.

9. Probiotic Yoghurt: Probiotics are the helpful bacteria that live in the human gut and improve
digestion and overall health.

Some research from 2011 suggested that eating probiotic yogurt could improve cholesterol
levels in people with type 2 diabetes. This could help lower the risk of heart disease. One review
study suggested that consuming probiotic foods may reduce inflammation  and oxidative stress,
as well as increase insulin sensitivity.

People can choose a natural yogurt, such as Greek yogurt, with no added sugar. A probiotic
yogurt will contain live and active cultures called Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium.

People can add berries and nuts to yogurt for a healthful breakfast or dessert.

In summary, A healthy diet is essential to reversing prediabetes. There are no foods, herbs,
drinks, or supplements that lower blood sugar. Only medication and exercise can. But there are
things you can eat and drink that have a low Glycemic Index (GI).

This means these foods won’t raise your blood sugar and may help you avoid a blood sugar
spike. In addition to diet changes, staying or becoming active is also important.

You need to understand that Diabetes management can be efficiently done by following the
right diet, being active, getting enough sleep, perhaps, in some cases, taking medication as
prescribed by your doctor. (while you take the holistic tea don’t go off your medication until
your sugar level is completely under control)

Your health is your greatest wealth...Always take care of you

So many factors have to be taken into consideration when it comes to regulating your blood
sugar levels in order to avoid the lows and the highs. It is recommended by experts that one
keep their blood sugars in control by diet, as in, eating healthy.

For that, you have to make some healthy choices. It is no surprise that type 2 diabetes is
becoming an epidemic globally as more and more people are being diagnosed with it. If you or
someone close to you have recently been diagnosed, it is not a death sentence, yet. But, there
are some common mistakes that you might want to avoid to keep your blood sugar levels in

1. Not keeping blood sugar logs: This is one of the biggest most common mistakes that
people with diabetes make. In order for diabetes to be properly managed, it requires a
lot of work from both the patients and their doctors.

Your doctor needs to know a trend of blood sugars a few times a day in order to decide
the best course of action.

The solution is that if you are showing signs of “pre-diabetes” or Type 2 Diabetes, have
your doctor write a prescription for a blood sugar monitor and test strips. Test twice
daily and keep the numbers in a log book. This way your doctor can see trends. And
don’t think about “fudging” the numbers either. Your Haemoglobin A1C will tell your
doctor an average of what your blood sugars were over the last 3 months.

2. Think about the types of carbohydrates you are taking: It is no surprise that carb intake
should be greatly reduced because carbohydrates are converted to sugar by the body.

This has led to diets that are too low in carbohydrates and beneficial nutrients are lost.

There are “good carbs” out there and diabetics need to know which ones to eat more of
and which ones to eat less of (please see our recommendation and also confirm with
your dietician).

The solution is to start the day with a breakfast that contains complex carbohydrates
AND some lean protein! Many people make the mistake of skipping breakfast or eating a
higher sugar one which starts the day off on the wrong foot.

Aim for complex carbohydrates such as oatmeal, fruit, whole grain toast or high fibre

Your health is your greatest wealth...Always take care of you

English muffins paired with lean protein such as peanut butter, eggs, or Greek yogurt.

3. Skipping Meals: Skipping a meal is risky for anyone, diabetic or not. When you miss a
meal, your liver begins to use up a precursor to glucose known as glycogen. Studies have
shown that the combination of increased cortisol from the stress of not eating and
glycogen may actually raise blood sugar more than a meal.

High cortisol levels (which is a steroid our body uses to combat stress) can also lead to
insulin resistance.

The solution is eating small frequent meals about every 3-4 hours starting with
breakfast. This helps to stabilize sugars leading to less ups and downs throughout the

4. Not pairing carbohydrates with a protein: Always remember that any carb by itself has
the potential to raise your blood sugar. They burn up fast and convert to sugar even
quicker when eaten alone. Protein helps to coat carbohydrates in a rich sauce that slows
the burn and keeps the spike more stable.

The solution is to pair healthy carbohydrates such as fruit, whole grain crackers, rice
cakes with some protein such as nuts, yogurt, string cheese sticks, or peanut butter.

5. Not talking to your doctor: One of the common mistakes in diabetes management is
lack of communication between you and your doctor. Your doctor needs to know your
blood sugar levels, your symptoms, and things you are implementing to manage your
blood sugar levels.

It’s perfectly your choice to try alternative remedies, but your doctor needs to know this
to help balance your treatment and avoid adverse reactions.

The solution: Make sure you check with your doctor before trying alternative remedies
and give him or her a full list of things you are taking over-the-counter and prescriptions.
Both of you are a team and can work together to bring your health back into balance

6. Underestimating the benefits of exercise: For people with diabetes, exercise makes all
the difference between proper management and complications! Exercising helps type 1
diabetic patients to use the insulin they take better and helps type 2 diabetic patients to
decrease insulin resistance. It will also help in maintaining a healthy weight and for you
to feel more energetic!

The solution is Schedule time for you during the week and get some exercise. Just be
sure to check your blood sugar before and after exercise and eat a light snack to prevent

Your health is your greatest wealth...Always take care of you

your blood sugar from going too low and being active for about 30 minutes every day
can actually help you in this journey to managing diabetes.

7. Taking regular check ups for granted: Diabetes affects many parts of a person’s body; it
raises your risk of heart disease, kidney disease, infections, and dental problems. People
with diabetes are more likely to have eye problems, gum problems, or some form of
nerve damage.

There might be numbness, tingling, or pain in the feet, which should be brought to a
doctor’s attention immediately. 

The solution is Moisturize your feet and trim your toenails regularly. It’s also important
to keep blood flowing to your feet. You can do that by wiggling your toes and moving
your ankles 2 or 3 times a day. Also, don't sit with your legs crossed for a long time.

Don’t skip doctor’s appointments and ensure to discuss any major body changes. Also,
stick to your regular medication as prescribed by your physician to help manage your
blood sugar levels because lifestyle changes alone are not sufficient to control your

8. Not storing insulin properly: If you’re currently on insulin, keep it as cool as possible, but
not frozen. Insulin doesn't work as well if it gets too warm or too cold. If that happens, it
will not control your blood sugar levels properly. It should not be stored at room
temperature in a kitchen cabinet, desk drawer, or bedside table. Also, keep insulin out of
the sun.

The solution is to keep insulin cool in the refrigerator. While traveling, be sure to keep
insulin in a cooler.

9. Using The Holistic Tea: The tea is packed with some very effective flavonoid and herbs to
control your sugar level.

The instructions are included in the pack. However, when you take, don’t take the same
time you take your orthodox medications, space it out 2 to 3 hrs and twice daily if
already diabetic .

If just diagnosed, once a day is fine. If you have questions, always ask in the support
group. We are here to help you overcome diabetes.


Holistic Bloom

Your health is your greatest wealth...Always take care of you

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