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Abbreviations used in DAP

Last updated: 20-04-2005

ABC activity-based costing
ABCM activity-based cost management
acct. accounting
ACB accepted consumer belief (marketing)
AD agreement for delivery
ADL Arthur D. Little (consulting firm)
AF allowance factor
AG Article Group
now known as Line of Business
AGM Article Group Manager
former name of the person now known as the Line of Business
AI annual incentive
AIDA attention, interest, desire, action
denoting the progressive steps of customer reaction in the
process of making a purchase
AM account manager
AMD architecture module design
AND activity network diagram
one of the MP tools of GOAL/QPC
ANOVA analysis of variance
a.k.a. also known as
AOB any other business
in Dutch: w.v.t.t.k.
AOP annual operating plan
A&P advertising & promotion
AP accounts payable
A/P Asia Pacific
APP architecture planning process
AQL acceptable quality level
a quality level which is the limit of a satisfactory process
AR accounts receivable
ARC Application Research Center
a.s.a.p as soon as possible
ASO auto shut-off
ASC Advertising Steering Committee
ASC authorised service centre
ASP average selling price
ASR Approbation Standardisation and Radio interference.
This department in Drachten is DAP’s approbation office. It
also gives advice on approbation, standardisation and EMC
ASW Authorised Service Workshop
AT Article Team
ATC Advanced Technology Centre
a-t-l above the line
above-the-line advertising is any form of advertising for which
a fee is paid to an agency
ATM Article Team Meeting: meeting of at least LoB and IPC
ATR awareness-trial-repeat
AVS automatic voltage selection
AWB airway bill

BA&E Break Away & Excite
B2B Business-to-Business (e-commerce)
B2C Business-to-Consumer (e-commerce)
BAF budget application form
BAF budget adaptation form (Drachten)
BB Black Belt
BBH Body Beauty & Health (BU within DAP until 1-10-2002)
BBS Balanced Business Scorecard
BBSC Balanced Business ScoreCard
BCG Boston Consultancy Group
BCM Busines Category Manager
BCP Business Creation Process
BCPSG Business Creation Process Steering Group
BEAB British Electrotechnical Approvals Board
BEAT Brand Equity Assessment Tool
BEB Brand Equity Board
BEST Business Excellence through Speed and Teamwork
BI business intelligence
B-I-C best in class
BIC Budget Investment Committee
BJP Benelux January price
B/L bill of lading
BM Business Manager, manager of the Line of Business
BM breakthrough management
BMT Business unit Management Team
team within F&B consisting of Business managers, controllers,
RD&I Manager, Marketing Manager and BU Manager
B&MC rand & Marketing Council
BOB Beleidsontwikkelingsbespreking – policy development meeting
attended by BU manager, Business manager, plant manager,
development manager, RD&I manager, BU controller
BOL bill of labour
listing of required capacity and key resources required to
make one unit (capacity planning)
BoM Board of Management
BOM bill of material
llisting of all the subassemblies, components and raw
materials required to make a product.
BPA Business Performance Accounting
BPC Business Priority Council
BPITC Business Process & IT Council
council chaired by DAP's CFO
BPM blood pressure monitor
BPSS business plan summary sheet
used to approve the ordering of equipment and tools in PCP
BPR Business Process Re-engineering
BPT Business Planning Team
BPW Business Planning Workbench
BQSG Business Quality Steering Group
BRT Business Review Team
BSC Balanced ScoreCard
BSI British Standards Institute
BTC Business Team Coffee makers
b-t-l below the line advertising activities for which no fees are paid
to agencies, e.g. direct mail, exhibitions, demonstrations, POS
BT&F Boiling, Toasting & Frying (LoB)
BU Business Unit
BUM Business Unit Manager
BU-MT BU Management Team

CA Commerciële Afdeling (commercial department)
CA communication architecture
c.a.d. cash against documents (terms of delivery)
CAD computer-aided design
CAE computer-aided engineering
CAG commitment article group (logistics)
grouping of sales items in order to conclude commitments
CAGR commitment article group realised (logistics)
CAGR compound annual growth rate
cumulative average growth rate
CH&W Consumer Health & Wellness
CAM computer-aided manufacturing
CAO collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst (collective labour agreement)
CAP commercial assembly proposal
CAP computer-aided production
CAP corrective action plan
CASE computer-aided software engineering
CAT cross-functional action team
CB certification body
CB commitment business (commitment line of business)
CBA cost-benefit analysis
CBU completely built-up
CC Corporate Centre
CC Customising Centre
CC concept consolidation (PCP)
C&C The former BU Cooking and Comfort, located in Hong Kong.
CCA Cenelec Certification Agreement
CCA conformance cycle audit
CCC Customer Care Centre
CCP commercial change proposal
CCR capital cost rate
CD creative development (Marcom)
CDA confidential disclosure agreement
CDD complete direct delivery
CDP commercial development proposal
CDP campaign development process
CDT CoC Development Managers Team Meeting
CDT competence centre managers & development managers team
CE Conformité Européenne (CE marking within the European
CED Central Electronic Development (subdept. of ATC)
CEDEO Centre for Documentation, Education and Training
CEEO Corporate Environmental and Energy Office
CENELEC Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CES consolidation engineering series (PCP)
CES consolidated engineering samples
CF cash flow
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CFR cost and freight (logistics)
terms of delivery/logistics
c.& f. Centrum voor Fabricage Technieken
Centre for manufacturing technology
CHRM Corporate Human Resources Management
CHW consumer health & wellness
CI capital investment
CIAN Centrale Inkomens Administratie Nederland/ Central Income
Administration Netherlands
salary accounts office of Philips in the Netherlands
CIC Capital Investment Committee
CIG consumer insight generation (marketing)
CIF cost, insurance freight (incoterm/logistics)
CIO Chief Information Officer
CIP carriage and insurance paid (incoterm/logistics)
CIS Confederation of Independent States
CJP Concern January price
CKD completely knocked down
CLIP Committed Line Item Performance
CLIPS Committed Line Item Performance Supplier
CM contribution margin
CM contract manufacturing
CM coffee maker
CMT Content Management Team
CMM Capability Maturity Model
CMO Chief marketing officer
CMS content management system
CMI Consumer Marker Intelligence
CN change note
CNC computerised numerical control
CO Centrale Ontvangst (central goods receiving department)
c/o care of (in addresses); carried over (accounting); change-over
CoC Centre of Competence
COD Commercial Order Printed Matter
c.o.d. cash on delivery (terms of delivery)
COGS cost of goods sold
COINS Commercial Information System
COO Chief Operating Officer
COO cost of organisation
CoO Country of Origin
COS costs of sales
COSAM consumer satisfaction measurement in the service channel
Cp process capability value
Cp = (Tu – TL) / (6 * S t)
CP change proposal
CP consolidation prototype (PCP)
CPC continuous process control
CPD Campaign Development Process (MCD)
CPFR Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment
Cpk process capability value
Cpk = MIN (X-TL, Tu-X) / (3 * St)
CPO Chief Purchasing Officer
CPR Central Personnel Registration
CQB Corporate Quality Bureau
CQC Corporate Quality Council
CQD Central Quality Department
CQS Corporate Quality Support
CRB Consumer Reference Board
CRDS call rate data sheet
CRD consumer relations desk
CRE call rate estimation
CRE Corporate Research Exhibition
CREM call rate estimation model
CRM customer relationship management
CRP capacity requirements planning
CSD Corporate Standardisation Department
CSF critical success factor
CSM customer satisfaction measurement
CSM computer software maintenance
CSO Corporate Sustainability Office
CS consumer satisfaction prediction
CST Corporate Stationery Tool (templates)
CT competence team
CT cycle time
CTC Customer Test Centre
CTO Chief Technology Officer
CTOS cosmetics, toiletries and other substances (a field of activity
within the ATC)
CTQ critical to quality
CTR click-through rate (Internet/e-commerce)
CTR cycle-time reduction
CTRN customer’s treatment reference number
CTROTG Change The Rules Of The Game
CTV commercial type version
CUSSAT customer satisfaction (survey by P3C)
CVMP committed volume mix performance
CVMPS committed volume mix performance supplier
CV curriculum vitae
CVO country of origin certificate
CVP committed volume performance
CVPS committed volume performance supplier
CVT conformity verification test
CW Central Workshop
CWC Central Workers’ Council (= COR in Dutch)
CWI centre for work & income
DA Former BU Domestic Appliances
DA decision analysis
DAISY Domestic Appliances Information System
DAP Domestic Appliances and Personal care
DAPPER DAP PERson registration
DAS DFU approval sheet
DB database
DBA database administrator
DBM database management
DC Development Centre
DCF discounted cash flow
DCP Drachten Catalyst Platform
DCT Department Contact Team (English version of ACT =
DDC Drachten Distribution Centre
DDM Divisional Data Management
DDS Development Department Shavers
department in Drachten
DEC department environmental coordinator
dept. department
DFA Design for Assembly
DFF deep-fat fryer
DFM design for manufacturability
DFMA design for manufacturability and assembly
DfP design for processability
DFS direct factory shipment (in Dutch: DFZ)
DFU directions for use
DLS DAP Logistics System
DM direct marketing
DM data mining
DMS document management system
DoE design of experiments
DOR Documents of Representations
DP demand planning (Logistics)
DP development project
DPM daily progress meeting (Dutch abbreviation: DVV)
DPO days of payment outstanding
DPS Development Production Systems
department in Hoogeveen; Dutch abbreviation: OPS =
Ontwikkeling Productie Systemen
DPU dust pick-up (vacuum cleaners)
DQD Development Quality Department
departments in Drachten & Hoogeveen
DQT departmental quality team
DRM direct response marketing
DRP distribution resource planning
DSC DAP Supply Chain Management
DSO days of sale outstanding
DSO divisional standardisation officer
DSL dealer service list(s)
DSO divisional standardisation officer
DSS Development Shaving Systems
department in Drachten
DTC design to cost
DTC direct to consumer
DTP desktop publishing
DTS dry, travel & steam irons
DVT design verification test

EAN European Article Number
EBIT earnings before interest and taxes
EBITA earnings before interest, taxes and amortisation
EBITDA earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation
EC European Commission
ECM electrochemical machining
ECO environmental contact officer
ECP electrochemical processing
ECR efficient consumer response
e-CRM electronic customer relationship management
EDI electronic data interchange
EDM electronic document management
EDP electronic data processing
EDS Electrical Development Shavers
department in Drachten
EEA European Economic Area
15 EU countries + Norway, Iceland & Liechtenstein
EES Employee Engagement Survey
EES Employee Expense System
EFQM European Foundation for Quality Management
EI employee involvement
EL executive level
ELS European Local Server
local systems for forms & archiving, maintained by RSS
EM electromagnetic (EM radiation)
EMC Executive Management Committee of DAP
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMEA Europe , Middle East & Africa
EMI electromagnetic interference
EMPP European marketing planning process
EMS electromagnetic susceptibility
EMS Employee Motivation Survey
EMS Environmental Management System
EMS European Monetary System
EMT European Management Team
team responsible for the European distribution strategy,
distribution marketing and international account management,
HRM, quality of processes and the Europe 2000 project
EMT executive management team
EMU Economic and Monetary Union
Eng. Engineering (department)/engineer
EO environmental officer
EOL end of line
e.g. EOL inspection
EoS economies of scale
EP economic profit
EPR economic profit realised
ERP enterprise resource planning
ESD electrostatic discharge
ESG Environmental Support Group
ESI early supplier involvement
ETA expected time of arrival
ETB electrical toothbrush
ETD expected time of departure
ETO engineered to order
EU European Union
EV enterprise value
EVA Economic Value Added
EYP environmental year plan

F2F face to face
F&A Finance & Accounting
F&B Food & Beverage
BU within DAP
FAG Fault Analysis Group
group investigating call rate measurements
f.a.o. for the attention of
FAQ frequently asked question
FAS free alongside ship (incoterm/logistics)
FaS facility services (Amersfoort dept.)
FASIM forwarding and safety infomation materials
FC Floorcare
FCF free cash flow
FCL full container load
FCO field change order
FCP Function Creation Process (CTC)
FCR field call rate
fcst Forecast
FE Far East
Fem. Dep. Female Depilation
FG finished goods
FIFO first in, first out
FLS First-Level Support
FM facility management
FMCG fast moving consumer goods
FMEA Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
FMVT failure mode verification test
f.o.b. free on board
FOC fall-off costs
FOR fall-off rate
FOS first-off samples
FOT first off-tool
FP food processor
FPIQM Frits Philips Institute for Quality Management
FQD Factory Quality Department
FS functional specification
FSP factory standard price
FTA fault-tree analysis
FTL full truck load
FTPR first time pass rate
FTT factory throughput time
FUNLOC function location
FY financial year
f.y.i. for your information

GAAP generally accepted accounting principles
GAAP generally accepted accounting procedures
G&A General & Administrative, e.g. G&A expenses (F&A)
GBM Global Brand Management
GBS Global Business Services acct. mgr. at Philips Corporate level)
GD Graphical Development
GDG Graphical Design Group
GDP gross domestic product
GKAM global key account manager (key
GM gross margin
GMC Group Management Committee
GMR goods movement report(ing)
GMS goods movement survey
GMT Goods Movement Team
GPSD general product safety directive
GPT Global Planning Tool
GRP gross rating points (advertising delivery)
GSA general service agreement
GSP General System of Preference
= APS in Dutch
GSU General Support Unit
GSU Global Service Unit
GTS general test specifications
GTSS general test specifications shavers
GWD group work discussions
= GWO in Dutch
GWM Glass Wall Management

HALT highly accelerated life test
HAST highly accelerated stress test
HCT horizontal cycle time (time in process, when work is being
HE high end
HEC Home Environment Care (BU within DAP)
HEC high-end coffeemaker
HEE human effort effect (vacuum cleaners)
HEPA high-efficiency particulate air
filter type
HFS Health, Fitness & Suncare
former article group within former BU Personal Care, now
known as Health & Well-Being
HR human resources
HRD human resources development
HRM Human Resources Management
HRO Human Resources Officer
HGW Haushaltgeräte Werk
German name of DAP factory in Klagenfurt
HQA headquarter audit
HSE health, safety and environment
HTML HyperText Markup Language
language used for writing Web pages
HV high voltage
HW hardware
HWB Health & Well-Being

IATS International Accounts Tracking System

IC innovation centre
IC initial costs
Icam Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing
ICE Industrial Cost Engineering
ICM INtranet Content Management
ICRM internet customer relationship management
ICP Innovation creation process
ICS Industrial Coordination and Support
former department reporting to CTO
ICS internal control standard (F&A)
ICSL internal customer service level
ICT information and communication technology
ICT Innovation Conditioning Team
IDM International Distribution & Marketing
IDP individual development plan
IDP International DAP Platform – meeting held twice a year
IE industrial engineering
IEAs innovators and early adopters (marketing)
IDEF Icam DEFinition
IDEF Integrated DEFinition method (a process modelling tool)
IDOC Intermediate Document
IEC International Electrotechnical Committee
IFIS International Forwarding Information System
IFO income from operations
IGB Inspectie Gezondheidsbescherming
voorheen 'Keuringsdienst van Waren' ; Inspectorate for Health
IKA international key account
IKAM International Key Account Manager
IL iimport licence
IM injection moulding
IMC International Management Council of DAP
IMD individual management development
IMD in-mould decoration
IMS Innovation Means and Systems
department in Drachten
IP invoice price
IP improvement project
IPC international production centre
IPP international pallet pool
IPP innovation planning proces
IPPF improvement plan progress form
used in DAP's CC
IPR intellectual property rights
IPS Introduction Planning Sheet
part of PIP procedure
IPS Intranet Publishing Services
IPSC international production and supply centre
IPO International Purchasing Office
IPT Industrial Policy Team
IQE Innovation Quality Engineering
IR infrared
IRB Intranet Reference Board
IR-RMC infrared remote control
IS Information Services (new name of ISA)
IS information system
ISA Information Systems and Automation
IT department located in Drachten (now named IS)
ISB Industrial Steering Board
ISC international supply centre
ISD Industrial Support Department in Drachten
ISG Industrial Support Group
ISGS International Supply Group Shavers
ISO International Standardisation Organisation
IT information technology
ITM Innovation To Market (process comprising PCP and FCP)
ITC Improvement Team Competition
ITM innovation to market (PST score)
IWG International Working Group

JE juice extractor
JIT just in time (logistics)
JIT delivery
JPM junior product manager
JSA joint service agreement
JV joint venture

KAM key account manager
KAR key area of responsibility
KB kilobyte
= 1024 bytes
KB knowledge base
KBD key business driver
KDB knowledge database
KCV key control variable

KCV key critical variable

KE knowledge engineer
KM knowledge management
K-net knowledge net
KOL key opinion leader
kpcs 1000 pieces
e.g. sales in kpcs
KPI key performance indicator
KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
KSF key success factor
KVD Key Value Driver(s)

LAN local area network
LAP line acceptance performance
Latam Latin America
LBC local business country
L/C Letter of Credit
LCL less than container load (logistics)
LD launch date
LE low end
LEC low-end coffeemaker
LFL local-for-local
LIA logistic indicator application
LIC local investment committee
LIFO last in, first out
LJP local January price
LfL local for local
LM Logistics Manager
LMT logistic management team
consisting of at least the Business manager, Business logistics
manager and the planner
L+O labour and overheads
LoB Line of Business
LOI letter of intent
LPM logistics performance measurement
LSO local security officer
LSP logistic service provider
LST local security team
LT lead time
LTL less than truck load
LTP long-term planning
LTS logistic tracking sheet
planning document used in PIP
LTV lifetime value
LVD low-voltage directive

MAA moving annual average
The (weighted) average of a number of successive figures in a
12 month period per month
MAC maximum admissible concentration
MAD mean absolute deviation
The average of the absolute values of the deviations of some
observed value from some expected value
MAG Main Article Group – a financial category
MAG Management Article Group meeting,
Now known as Management-Business meeting
MAL Material Availability List
MANCOVA multiple analysis of covariance
MANOVA multiple analysis of variance
manuf. Manufacturing
marcom marketing communications
MarCom Marketing Communications
department in DAP's CC
MAT moving annual total
financial and/or quantitative value of a particular variable, e.g.
demand, turnover, etc, in the period 12 months up to a given
date, revised per month by adding to the last MAT the figure
for the new month and subtracting from it the figure for the
corresponding month of the previous year
Mat. Man. Material Management
Mat. Mgt. Material Management
MB megabyte
more than one million bytes
MBB master black belt
MBM Management Business Meeting
meeting of DAP management and LoB
MBR Monthly Business Review
MBRM monthly business review meeting
attended by CEO, CFO, VC, head of Acct., Business Units and
MC mini-company
M&C Motors & Components (department in Hoogeveen)
MCC Marketing Core Curriculum
MCD marketing communications department
MCM marketing communication manager
MCP Means Creation Process (= Middelen Creatieproces)
MD management development
MDD Medical Device Directive
EU directive concerning medical appliances and devices, e.g.
electronic thermometers
MEC means-end chain
MECA means-end chain analysis
MEDIC measure/map; explore/evaluate; define solutions/describe
modified process; implement/improve; control/conform
MEOST multiple environmental overstress test
MEP Marketing Excellence Program
Mercosur trade block in South America (Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay &
mgr Manager
mgt Management
MH Materials Handling
MI marketing intelligence
MIO marketing intelligence officer
MIPS millions (of) instructions per second
MIS management information system
MIS marketing information system
MITI Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Japan)
mktg marketing
MLO material, labour & overheads
element of the standard cost price
mln million
MM Marketing Management/Manager
MM Material Manager/Management
MMI man-machine interface
MOA manufacturing opportunity assessment
MOA market opportunity analysis
MoB make or buy
MOU memo of understanding
MPP marketing planning proces
MP management & planning tools (GOAL/ QPC)
MPEC manufacturing process and equipment creation
MPS master production schedule (logistics: detailed manufacturing
MPPS most penetrating particle size (HEPA filters)
MR Marketing Research/Marketing Researcher
MRB Material Review Board
MRC material requirement calculation
Dutch abbreviation: MBB
MRO maintenance, repair and office (DAP)
machine, repair and operating supplies
MRP material requirements planning
MRPI marketing research performance indicators
MRP-I material requirements planning
MRP-II manufacturing resources planning
MR&S Marketing Research & Strategy
staff department in DAP's CC
MS market share
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
MS&G Male Shaving & Grooming (BU within DAP until 1-10-2002)
MSM Marketing Strategy Meeting
MSP material standard price
MSQ master sales quantity
MST medical social team (HRM)
MT Management Team
MT Marketing Team (CC)
MT machine time
MTBA mean time between assists
MTBF mean time between failures
MTBF mean time before failure
how long the manufacturer thinks something will last
MTO make to order
MTP medium-term planning
MTT manufacturing throughput time
MTTF mean time to failure
MTTR mean time to repair
MUB make-up brief
MW mechanical workshop
MWA management walk-around

n/a not applicable; not available
NA normal allowance
NB notified body
organizations designated by the national governments of the
member states as being competent to make independent
judgments about whether or not a product complies with the
protection (essential safety) requirements laid down by each
CE marking directive.
NBI new business intitiative
NC numeric code
N-C non-conformance
NCR non-conformance report
NDA non-disclosure agreement
NGT nominal group technique
idea development technique
NHA next higher assembly
the assembled product in the next higher level in the product
NIC newly industrialised country
NiCd nickel cadmium
NIH not invented here
NiMH nickel metal hydride
no. number
NO National Organisation
NOC net operating capital
NOPAT net operating profit after tax(es)
NOS network operating system
NP net profit
NPD new product development
NPI new product introduction
NPNL no profit, no loss
NPR Non Product Related
NPS new product specification
NPV net present value
nr. near
NSO national sales organization

OC operating capital
OCAP out of control action plan
OCOO other cost of organisation
OCR optical character recognition
OCT Organisation Contact Team
ODF order-driven factory
ODM original design manufacturer
ODP order delivery performance
O&E Organisation & Efficiency
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OGSM objectives, goals, strategies & measures
OHC Oral Health Care (new BU within DAP since 1-10-2002)
OHS occupational health and safety (Arbo in the Netherlands)
OLDP order-line delivery performance
OLTP on-line transaction processing
OOBPR Object-Oriented Business Process Re-engineering
OP operational plan
OR Ondernemingsraad, Dutch word for works council
OSD Operational Support Department
OSD over, short and damaged
ovhd overhead
OSHA Occupational Safety & Health Administration
P3C Philips customer care centres
organisation coordinating the customer care centres
p.a. per annum, per year
PA personal assistant
PA performance appraisal
PAC Packaging & Accessories
used to be called VOB
PACC Platform Acceleration Challenge Change
PAC-CP packaging creation process
PAI production, adaptation and implementation
PAS product announcement sheet
part of the PIP procedure
PB Projects Bureau (Drachten)
PBE Philips Business Excellence
PBT pay-back time
PBT profit before taxes
PC Former BU Personal Care
PCA personal contribution agreement (part of PPM, HRM)
PCCC Philips Customer Care Centre
PCD Philips Corporate Design
now known as Philips Design
PCI Personal Care Institute
PCP Product Creation Process
PCS Philips Consumer Service
PCS problem, cause, solution (PCS method)
PCS process capability study
PD product division
PDCA Plan Do Check Act
PDF planning-driven factory
PDF portable document format
PDIP Philips DAP Industries Poland
PDM product data management
PDP personal development plan (HRM)
PDPC process decision programme chart
PDRA product design release advice
PDRD product design release decision
PDS Product Development Shavers
department in Drachten
PE Plant Engineering
department Drachten
PE Process Engineering
department Hoogeveen
PE project evaluation (PCP)
PEC plant environmental coordinator
PEMTS Predetermined Elemental Motion Time Study
PERSYS PERsonnel registration SYStem
PERT project evaluation and review technique
PG Product Group
PGP Philips General Purchasing
PI performance indicator
PICOSH Philips International Committee on Occupational Safety &
PIP Product Introduction Process
PIP Philips Intranet Program
PIPS Philips Intranet Publishing Services
PIS Personnel Information System
PIT Product Innovation Team
PIT process improvement team
P&L profit and loss
P/L profit and loss (P/L account)
PL project leader
PLC Philips Leadership Competencies
PLC product life cycle (marketing)
PLC programmable logic control/controller
PLC Pipeline Control (function in COINS)
PLM production line manager
PM product management/manager
PM plant manager/management
PM project management
PMC product-market combination
PMD personal management development
PMS personnel management system
PMT process management team
PMTS Predetermined Motion Time Study/System
PMW precision metalworking
PO project order
PO purchase order
POD proof of delivery
POD printing on demand
POH Philips Oral Healthcare
POI proof of identity
POI personal outlook inventory
POI purchase order invoice
POI point of information
POP point of purchase
POS point of sale
POT pay-off time
PP product profile
PPA personal performance appraisal
PPA potential problem analysis
PPCP plastic product creation process
PPD project progress discussion
Dutch abbreviation: PVB
PPM people performance management
ppm parts per million
PQA Philips Quality Award
PQD Product Quality Department
PQI product quality improvement
PQM Product Quality Manager (CQS)
PRB Program Reference Board
PRC People’s Republic of China
PRP product realisation process
development, preparation & realisation phases of PCP
PS Plant Services
department in Drachten
PS project start (PCP)
PSCS Philips supply chain security
PSA price sensitivity analysis
PSB Purchasing Steering Board
PSO Project Support Office (Drachten)
PST Process Survey Tools
PT Product Team
PT project team
PTB power toothbrush
PTS Product Tracking Sheet
part of PIP procedure
PWB Personal Well-Being
= MS&G + BBH
PY prior year, previous year
PYP Philips Yellow Pages

Q quality
Q quarter
Q1, Q2, Q3 & Q4
QA quality assurance
QCT quality complaint teams at product category level
QD Quality Department
QD quality description
QDS quality description sheet
QFD quality function deployment
QIC quality improvement competition
QIT Quality Improvement Team
QM quality manager
QM quality manual
QMS Quality Management System
QOP quality operating plan
QR Quick Response
QRM quick-response manufacturing
QRF quality reliability figure
QSC Quality Steering Committee
QSD Quality Statistics Department
QST Quality Steering Team
QSG quality steering groups at LoB level

R&A responsibilities & authority
RACI responsible, accountable, consulted, informed
RAPEX rapid alert system for non-food products
RBT return before taxes

R&D Research & Development

RD release for delivery (PCP)
RDC regional distribution centre
RD&I Research, Development & Industry
RETB rechargeable electric toothbrush
RF rolling forecast
RfD release for delivery (PCP)
RFI radio frequency interference
RfP release for production (PCP)
RFQ request for quotation
RH relative humidity
RIS radio interference suppression
RLIP requested line item performance
RM relationship marketing
RM regional manager
RMD Regional Marketing Director
R&M Repair & Maintenance
RMC remote control
RMP regional marketing plan
RMSE root mean square error
RMM Regional Marketing Manager
RoFo Rolling Forecast
RO regional office
ROA return on assets
indicator of profitability, determined by dividing net income for
the past 12 months by total average assets
ROCE return on capital employed accounting ratio expressing the
profit of an organization for a financial year as a percentage of
the capital employed
ROE return on equity indicator of profitability, determined by
dividing net income for the past 12 months by common
stockholder equity
ROI return on investment
(see ROCE)
RONA return on net assets
PI showing relation between IFO and NOC
ROS return on sales
net income/sales
ROTA return on total assets
ROW rest of the world
RP release for production (PCP)
RPTB rechargeable power toothbrush
RRP recommended retail price
RRP resource requirements planning
planning of man hours, machine hours, storage and stock
levels on the basis of the MSP
RSI repetitive strain injury/repetitive stress injury
RSO Regional Sales Organisation
RSS Regional SAP Support
exisiting in Europe & US as department of DAP ISA
RWF ready work factor (industrial engineering)

SAD seasonal affective disorder
SAG sub-article group
a financial category
SAP service assembly proposal
SAP Systems, Applications &Products in Data Processing
SAM strategic alignment meeting
S&B Shaving & Beauty (new BU within DAP since 1-10-2002)
SBC statement of business controls
SC supply centre
SC supply chain
SCE Shaving & Cutting Elements
SCM supply chain management
S&DC supply & distribution centre
SDA small domestic appliances
SEA social economic department (corporate department)
SEL supplier evaluation list
SEZ special economic zone
e.g. Shenzhen in China
SFC simplified full costing
SG support group
SG&A selling, general & administrative (expenses)
SHE super-high-end
SIT Strategic Implementation Team
SKD semi-knocked-down
SKU stock-keeping unit
an item at a particular geographic location
SLS Second-Level Support
SLA service level agreement
SMART specific – measurable – ambitious – realistic – time-phased
SMBM Strategic Management Business Meeting
SMD standardized mean difference
SMED single minute exchange of dies
SMM Senior Marketing Manager
SMO strategic marketing objective
SmoB structural make or buy
SMOS slow-moving & obsolete stocks (logistics)
S&P Systems & Procedure
group within DSC
SMP strategic marketing plan
SMR Senior Marketing Researcher
SMRM senior marketing research manager
SMT Strategic Marketing Team
consists of BU manager, Business managers and key NSOs
SMT Social Medical Team
consists of HRM officer, occupational health officer and
department manager
SNP supply network planning (Logistics)
SOP standard operating procedure
SOP standard of performance
SOP start of production (PCP)
SOR summary of results
SOS shot of steam
SoV share of voice
the promotion of a brand compared with that of its c
competitors represents its share of voice, leading to an
equivalent share of mind
SP sales promotion
SPA strategic positioning analysis
SPC statistical process control
SPM senior product manager
SPR supplier performance rating
SPRC supplier performance rating card (DAP CC)
SPRS supplier performance rating system (DAP CC)
SQA Singapore Quality Award
SQA supplier quality assurance
SQC statistical quality control
SQD Supplier Quality Department (department in Drachten and
SR Strategy Review
SR supply reliability
SR shipment result
SRA safety risk assessment
SRC supplier rating card
SRS supplier rating system
STCP special tool creation process
STIL supplier technical information list
STM Stock Movement list
STP survey of transport packaging
STP short-term plan(ning)
STP Stock Positioning list
SVA Strategic Value Agreement
SVB supervisory board
SVP Senior Vice President
SW software
SWOT strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

TA technical assistance
TAP temporary acceptance procedure
TAPA Technology Asset Protection Association
t.b.c. to be confirmed, to be continued
t.b.d. to be determined
TBL triple bottom line (TBL management)
t.b.s. to be specified
TC Transit Centre
in Drachten
TC telephone conference
TCA technical change administration
TCM Technical Commercial Manager
TCO thermal cut-out
TCO total cost of ownership
TCP technical change proposal
T&C terms and conditions
TE Technical Engineering
department Hoogeveen
TF task force
TFA tangible fixed assets
T&F toasting & frying
TIC tool investment costs
T&M test & measurement
e.g. T&M equipment
TM traffic manager
TM trade marketing
TM trademark
TMS Travel Management Services
TO turnover
TOP towards one Philips
TOR terms of reference
TP top potential
TPD technical product documentation
TPM third-party maintenance
TPP technology planning process
TQC total quality control
TQM Total Quality Management
TRD talent review discussion
TRM technology road map
TS test specification
TS technical specification
TSG Technical Support Group
TS & VP target specification & verification program
TRASAM Trade Satisfaction Measurement
TRM technology roadmap
TTC Table Top Cooking
Frying, Grilling, Snacking & Toasting
TTS technology trend spotting
TTM time to market
TTTR Trade Transaction Tansport
TVC TV commercial

U&A usage & attitude (study) (marketing)
UG Unigraphics
UL Underwriters Laboratories
American certification body
UMC unit management costs
UPC universal product code
URL uniform resource locator
= Internet/Intranet address
USI user satisfaction index (CTC)
USP Unique Selling Proposition/Point
USM user satisfaction model (CTC)
UV ultraviolet

VA value analysis
VAS value-added services
e.g. minor assembly operations included in packing line
VAT value added tax
= BTW in Dutch
VBM value-based management
VC Vice-Chairman
VC video conference
VC vacuum cleaner
VCT vertical cycle time (idle time, time when no value is being
VMI vendor-managed inventory
VP Vice President
VTAG Visual Trends Analysis Group
VWF Very easy Work Factor

WACC weighted average cost of capital
WAF wife acceptance factor (marketing)
WAN wide area network
WAP wireless application protocol
for Internet access on mobile phones
WCE world-class excellence
WCL world-class logistics
WCM world-class manufacturing
WEDI Warehouse Electronic Data Interface
WIP work in progress
WMS warehouse management system
w/o without
WLI water level indicator
WoW Way of Working
WOW way of working
WRT with regard to, with respect to

Xmas Christmas

YCS Yellow Cover Sheet

other name for PDRD
YP Yellow Pages
YTD year to date
e.g. YTD results
YTY year to year

ZBB zero-base budget/budgeting
cash-flow budget in which budgeted expenditure is justified
from a zero base (no commitment to spend any money)

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