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Classic Beer Style Series #03 - Lambic by Jean Guinard (1990)

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By Jean-Xavier Guinard
Classic Beer Style Series
Edited by Virginia Thomas
Copyright 1990 by Jean-Xavier Guinard

ISBN: 0-937381-22-5
Printed in the United States of America
10 9 8 7 6 5 4

Published by Brewers Publications,

a division of the Association of Brewers.
PO Box 1679, Boulder, Colorado. 80306-1679 USA
(303)447-0816 - FAX: (303)447-2825

Direct all inquiries/orders to the above address.

All rights reserved. Except for use in a review, no

portion of this book may be reproduced in any form
without the express written permission of the publisher.

Neither the author, editor nor the publisher

assumes any responsibility for the use or misuse of
Information contained in this book.

Cover design by Robert L. Schram

Cover photography by Michael Lichter, Michael Lichter Photography
Cask courtesy of North Denver Cellar
To Cristina

Acknowledgements ...................................................................................... vii

About the Author............................................................................................ ix
Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 1: History of Lambic Beers ........................................................ 7
Chapter 2: Sensory Profile ......................................................................... 25
Chapter 3: Physical and Chemical Composition ........................ 33
Chapter 4: The Lambic Brewing Process ........................................... 55
Ingredients 55
Malt 55
Wheat 55
Water 58
Hops 58
Brewing Operations 59
Milling 59
Mashing 60
Wort Boiling 64
Wort Cooling, Aeration and Inoculation 65
The Old Brewing Process 66
Chapter 5: Lambic Fermentation and Cellaring .......................... 71
Microbiology of the Lambic Fermentation 71
Products of the Lambic Fermentation 85
Fermentation Equipment and Procedures 89
Lambic, Mars and Faro 94

Chapter 6: Gueuze and Fruit Lambics ................................................ 97

Microbiology of Gueuze 97
Gueuze 98
Fruit Lambics 102

Chapter 7: Serving Lambic Beers ......................................................... 107

Storage Conditions 107
Serving Conditions 107

Chapter 8: Formulations ........................................................................... 111

Brewing Lambic 111
Yeast and Bacteria Cultures 113
Brewing and Fermentation Equipment and Procedures 116
5-Gallon Extract Formulations 121
5-Gallon All Grain Formulations 123
1-Barrel All Grain Formulations 131

Appendix ............................................................................................................137
Glossary .............................................................................................................. 147
Index ...................................................................................................................... 151
Bibliography .................................................................................................... 155


My deepest appreciation is extended to Professor

Michael Lewis, my brewing teacher, for supporting this
I am grateful to Jean-Pierre and Claude Van Roy (Bras-
serie Cantillon and Musée Bruxellois de la Gueuze) who
provided a wealth of information for this text.
I am pleased to ac knowledge the assistance and
contributions of the following researchers, students and
brewers: Professor H. Verachtert (Katholieke Universiteit,
Leuven), Professor Herman Phaff (University of California,
Davis), Eric Hamacher and Malcolm McDonald (University
of California, Davis), René Lindemans (Brasserie Lindemans),
Henny Fonteyn (Brasserie Belle-Vue), Robert Everaerts and M.
Van Campenhout (Brouwerij De Neve), Christian Berger (La
Microbrasserie, Paris), and Jan De Brabanter (Confédération
des Brasseries de Belgique).
Were it not for Thierry Claudon, I might never have
developed a passion for lambic beers. My thanks to Charlie
Papazian for giving me the opportunity to write about them.

About the Author

Born on the 4th of July, 1961, and bred in Paris, France,

Jean-Xavier Guinard has lived in the United States and
enjoyed the fireworks for his birthday for the last 7 years. He
holds a degree in Food and Agricultural Engineering from the
French Institute of Brewing in Nancy, a master's degree in
Sensory Science from the University of Paris, and a master's
degree in Enology from UC Davis. He is currently finishing
his Ph.D. in Microbiology under Michael Lewis at UC Davis.
Jean-Xavier Guinard teaches undergraduate and ex-
tension courses in Food Science in the U.S. and in France and
has worked in the wine and beer industries in Europe. A
member of the Master Brewers Association of the Americas
and of the American Society for Enology and Viticulture, he
is the author of several scientific publications in sensory
science, brewing, enology and microbiology.
Jean-Xavier plans to open a California-style brewpub
in Paris soon. To him, Belgium is paradise for beers. He loves
soccer, classical music, Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale . . . and lambics.


Once a student of biology in Paris, I remember being

dragged away from my books one night by a good friend. He
took me to the Pinte, a typical pub of the Quartier Latin, with
dozens of beers on tap and live entertainment. This friend of
mine, Epicurean and down to earth in nature, knew a great
deal about beer, a strength I valued much less at the time
than those of being well-read, fluent in Latin, at ease with
mathematics, and generally well-regarded by members of the
opposite sex. When we sat down at the bar, I let him order for
us as usual. The week having brought poor grades and
dreadful assignments, he suggested I try a kriek.
“A what?” I asked.
“A kriek”, he repeated. “It’s a wheat beer from
Belgium made by spontaneous fermentation and with
macerated cherries”.
Upon looking up at the board listing the prices of the
beers on tap, I glanced at him and asked if he was kidding.
“No. I am not!” he said. “It’s worth it; it's the best beer in the
world, and I am buying!”
I watched the bartender place the rim of the tilted
glass (which was huge) against the tap, and a burgundy red,

bubbly liquid flowed down into it, producing a white foam
tinged with pink, which the bartender made sure not to
waste. There I sat in front of my glass of kriek, my friend
eagerly waiting for his.
What followed was a unique sensory experience. The
beer had a notably smooth and full body and a creaminess
that my friend related to the stable foam and medium
carbonation. It was quite sour and acetic, a trifle on the Sweet
side, with hints of cheesy aroma against a woody
background and lots of cherry aroma that seemed to fill the
room. The finish was dry and cidery. Needless to say, I did not
pick up all these unusual attributes myself. My friend
pointed them out to me one by one. Something I could smell,
however, but not describe, was later identified by him as the
characteristic aroma of the yeast Brettanomyces, which I had
never heard of before, convinced as I was that only
Saccharomyces could change wort into beer. Yet, he told me,
Brettanomyces is unique to the fermentation, process of
lambics, the family of beers to which kriek belongs.
Lambic is the only beer of its kind in the world. It is
made by spontaneous fermentation of a wort produced from
40 percent unmalted wheat and 60 percent barley malt.
Mashing follows a temperature profile. The temperature is
increased by one or two decoctions of portions of the mash
and by additions of boiling water. The wort is boiled for at
least three hours with aged (surannés) hops that have lost
their bittering power but have retained their antiseptic
properties. Lambic is brewed mostly within ten miles of the
city of Brussels, because the proper microbial flora is found
only in that limited area. Production is concentrated in the
western districts of Brussels, spreading out into the nearby
farming villages collectively known as Payottenland.
Traditionally, lambic is brewed only from October 15 to May
15 because high summer temperatures can spoil the

fermentations. The inoculation of the wort with the local
microbial flora is achieved by letting the hot wort cool
overnight in a wide and shallow cooling tun (bac
refroidissoir) which leaves a large wort surface area in contact
with the atmosphere. The next morning, the wort is pumped
into wooden casks (tonnes, pipes, and foudres ranging in
capacity from two to twenty-five barrels), in which it picks
up some additional microorganisms among those lodged in
the wood from previous uses.
The fermentation involves a sequence of yeasts and

bacteria, the combined action of which produces over a
period of several months a lambic that is fruity, acetic, and
sour but not bitter. It starts three to seven days after the wort
has been cooled, with the development of Kloeckera yeasts
and enteric bacteria that produce large amounts of acetic
acid. After two to three weeks, these organisms are
overgrown by Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeasts that
complete the main alcoholic fermentation in three to four
months. A strong bacterial activity is observed next with
strains of the lactic acid bacteria Pediococcus and
Lactobacillus. As their names indicate, these bacteria produce
tremendous amounts of lactic acid and cause a large pH drop
in the wort. After five to eight months, a new population of
yeasts of the species Brettanomyces bruxellensis and
Brettanomyces lambicus appears in the fermenting lambic
wort. These yeasts further reduce the residual extract and
give the lambic its unique flavor. Lambics of different ages
are then blended and bottled to make gueuze.
A secondary fermentation takes place in the bottle, as
in the méthode Champenoise used to make Champagne. For
this fermentation to occur and to produce the right flavor
and amount of carbon dioxide, the brewer must skillfully
blend his lambics to achieve the right amount of
fermentable extract in the bottle. It takes at least a year in the
bottle to make a good gueuze (6 to 8 percent alcohol by
volume). Some breweries and cafés offer sweetened young
(fox) lambic called lambic doux fresh out of the cask. A few
breweries also produce a version of lambic that has been aged
for three years in wood and one year in the bottle. This
version, called vieux lambic (old lambic), is devoid of carbon
dioxide and is sour and very dry.
In the old days, the lambic brewer used to make faro
by blending lambics produced from high- and low-gravity
worts, respectively. Faro was served with a lump of sugar in

the glass (like absinthe). Today, faro is a lambic made from
moderate-gravity wort (6 to 8 degrees Plato), sweetened with
candy sugar. The lambic produced from the late, low-gravity
worts was called mars beer. People from Brussels drank it at
home with their family, but rarely at the pub, and today
mars beer is no longer commercialized.
Fruit derivatives of lambic (kriek, framboise, cassis,
pêche, and muscat or “druiven”) surely have their origins in
the days before hops were used in beer. They are produced by
macerating whole fruits with a blend of young lambics
(about fifty pounds of fruit per barrel of lambic) into wooden
casks and bottling the resulting beer after six months with a
dose of young lambic to allow for an additional
fermentation in the bottle.

History of Lambic Beers


The very old brewing tradition of Belgium offers the

most numerous, diverse, and individualistic brews in the
world. To quote the bard Emile Verhaeren, “In Belgium, the
magistrate has the dignity of a prince but by Bacchus, it is
true that the brewer is king.”
Brewing technology was introduced in Belgium by
the Celts. In those days, beer was generally brewed by
women. Beer was considered a food and also was consumed
because surface water frequently was polluted. In the sixth
century, monks began to take a very keen interest in brewing
and in developing new brewing practices, for example, by
adding herbs and spices to the wort. The brewing skill in
Belgium was to remain the exclusive privilege of abbeys until
the twelfth century. Arnold, a Benedictine monk and
distinguished brewer, founded St. Peter's Abbey at
Oudenburg, near Ostende, in the late 1000s. He was
canonized after his death and became the patron saint of
Belgian brewers.
Towards the end of the Middle Ages, brewing
gradually became a middle-class craft and gave rise to

powerful, influential guilds. The first guild of brewers dates
back to 1303. In 1357, the first trade association was founded
in the city of Liège, and applicants were carefully scrutinized
before being granted membership. Illegitimate children,
people convicted of concubinage and those who had been
excommunicated were excluded. Brewing apprentices were
required to produce a certificate of good conduct and to pay
registration dues before being admitted. For the first time,
strict rules were laid down for the commerce of beer. In
Brussels, brewers who used illegal adjuncts and prohibited
practices risked being burned at the stake.
In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the
brewer was considered an artisan in largely agrarian
communities. Local farmers supplied grain to the brewery in
exchange for kegs of beer on a simple credit system. The
spent grains were returned to the farmers for winter feed, and
the brewer sold his surplus to local taverns for profit. The
brewer kept track of the transactions in a ledger. A look at
these accounts shows that the farmers consumed a lot of beer
and often were in the brewer's debt. Alternatively, some
breweries were also farms. The workforce was used in the
fields in the spring and summer months to care for and
harvest the crops, and in the brewery the rest of the year to
malt the barley and brew the beer. This is another reason
why lambic is traditionally brewed only between October
and May. It also explains why lambic was once written off as
a “farmers' drink."


Lambic brewing is the oldest brewing method still in
use in the Western world. As pointed out by Marcel Gocar, a
Belgian brewing expert and historian, there are striking
similarities between sikaru, the beer produced 5,000 years

ago in Mesopotamia by Sumerians, and lambic. An ancient
Sumerian tablet in cuneiform writing reveals that the basic
composition of sikaru was virtually identical to that of
today's lambic. Indeed, Sumerian brewer Amarkiskar used
sixty “silas” of barley malt and thirty-six “silas” of a Sumerian
variety of wheat called épeautre, that is, 62.5 percent malt
and 37.5 percent raw grain. Today, to brew his lambic at
Cantillon, Jean-Pierre Van Roy uses 1,830 pounds (830 kg) of
barley malt and 1,014 pounds (460 kg) of unmalted wheat,
which comes to 65 percent malt and 35 percent raw grain.
Lambic wort is boiled with aged hops, which contribute
some aroma but no bitterness. The hop was not known to
Sumerians and Amarkiskar used spices such as cinnamon to
add flavor to his Sikaru.
The spontaneous fermentation of the sikaru wort
was triggered by the local microbial flora of wild
Saccharomyces and Schizosaccharomyces yeasts.
Schizosaccharomyces is the only yeast that reproduces by
fission instead of budding. It ferments glucose and maltose
very well, and to a lesser extent some dextrins, and it is
resistant to high levels of acetic acid, a property of
importance at times when beers were almost always infected
with acetic acid-producing yeasts and bacteria. Similarly, the
spontaneous fermentation of lambic wort involves the local
microbial flora of enteric and lactic acid bacteria and
Saccharomyces and Brettanomyces yeasts, which altogether
produce high amounts of acetic and lactic acids.
Finally, both sikaru and lambic or its derivatives are
luxury items. The Sumerian tablet mentions that the sikaru
formulation yielded premium quality beer. Sikaru was used
as payment of the salaries and fees of both the working class
and their managers. Gueuze is often called the “Burgundy of
beers” or “Brussels Champagne,” and kriek or framboise are
regarded as very refined and sophisticated beverages. These

beers are rather expensive except when they are purchased
locally. A pint of draft lambic at a pub in one of the Small
towns around Brussels is about fifty cents. However, a bottle
of gueuze, kriek or framboise runs about six dollars in Paris,
the city with the greatest selection of lambic beers in the
world after Brussels. Similar prices apply in the United States
where the selection is very limited.

According to a writer from the Tirailleur newspaper
in 1883, the term lambic has its origin in the peasants' belief
that lambic, being very harsh to the palate, was a distilled
beverage. The peasants would often call it the alambic, in
reference to the distilling apparatus. Belgian historian
Godefroi Kurth agrees that lambic derives from alambic, but
according to him, alambic was the old name for the mashing
vessel used to brew lambic beer. The dictionary of the
Academy of Gastronomy suggests that the etymology of the
term lambic is found in the Latin verb lambere meaning to
sip. It could also be that lambic, which often appears as
lambiek, is derived from the village of Lembeek in
As for the term faro, it comes from the Spanish words
farro meaning barley wine, a wine from Portugal, or a
lighthouse. Indeed, Belgian rumor has it that after drinking a
few pints of faro, people would become very enlightening.
Faro was the main drink in Belgium in the nineteenth
century. In 1855, a two-cent increase in the price of a glass of
faro almost caused a riot among “Brusseleers” for whom the
daily mug of faro was a necessity. A group of actors from
famous cabarets even staged a play to denounce the price
The gueuze appellation was born in Lembecq, a small
town outside Brussels, which was very fortunate not to have

to pay any excise tax on the brews it produced until 1860. In
1870, the mayor of Lembecq, who owned a brewery, hired an
engineer by the name of Cayaerts. Together, they decided to
apply the méthode Champenoise to referment lambic beer
in a bottle. Gueuze was born. This new invention was called
“lambic from the gueux” because the liberal ideas of the
mayor were those of the political party of the gueux. The
lambic of the gueux soon became known as gueuze.
According to Dutch writer Anton Van Duinkerken, the term
gueuze more simply originated during the War of the Gueux
in the sixteenth century.
Finally, kriek is Flemish for cherry, and framboise is
French for raspberry.


The importance of lambic beers in Belgium's
everyday life is emphasized in Belgian art, literature and
gastronomy. The simplicity and refinement of lambic beers
is in the tradition of the works by the great Flemish masters.
Their paintings, which mixed realism and poetry, radiate a
peculiar mixture of proud self-confidence and jovial love of
life in their representation of the festive atmosphere of
seventeenth century taverns. The depiction of beery excess
by Brueghel The Elder and, after him, Teniers the Younger
and Jacob Joardens demonstrates the familiarity of these
painters with Belgian brews. A strong conviviality is
apparent in the Village Fair scenes by Pierre Paul Rubens and
Peter Brueghel the Younger. The aptly named Brauwer, an
elegant gentleman of intellectual culture who turned
buffoon and died at the age of thirty-two, painted many
coarse scenes in low taverns where lambic flowed freely. The
Flemish Party is another illustration of festive beer drinking

by the son of a brewer, Jan Steen, himself brewer and tavern
owner at one time. His art studies led him from tavern to
tavern, and many of his paintings represent voluptuous
waitresses serving ever-thirsty customers. There is little
doubt that if we could reach for one of the stoneware pots of
beer painted by these masters and taste its contents, we
would recognize the acidic and fruity flavor of lambic.
Lambic beers have inspired many writers, although
not always in the best of ways. It is not known whether his
love for wine or the complete failure of the series of
conferences he gave in Belgium made the French poet
Baudelaire so resentful of lambic beers. Even though lambic
is not everyone's drink, one can only be surprised by the
definitive and expeditious judgement of faro by the author
of the Fleurs du Mal, who wrote, “Faro is drawn from the great
latrine, the Senne; it is a beverage extracted from the
excrements of the city through its sewer system. That is how
the city has been drinking its own urine for centuries.”
Belgian poets and writers have understandably been

much kinder to lambic beers. The great Walloon poet Emile
Verhaeren wrote many verses on their virtues. In 1863, faro
was definitely the main character in Ch. Flor O'Squarr's play
Ouye. Ouye.. Ouye... staged at the Galeries St-Hubert Theater
in Brussels. From the play, we learn that a glass of faro cost
fifteen centimes (cents) at the time (most likely in a very
fancy café). The Memoirs of Jef Lambic, however, are the
most notorious piece of “lambic” literature. The story has it
that the memoirs were discovered during the demolition of
an old Brussels mansion to make room for the building of a
swimming pool. Workers collapsed the wall of a hidden
cellar and found a small wooden cask that they trusted to
city officials. Much to their disappointment, the cask did not
contain any liquid treasure, but instead a manuscript
carefully wrapped in women's pink and blue garters. The
label on the manuscript read “Memoirs of a Pottezuyper, by
Jef Lambic”. The memoirs give an interesting account of life
in Brussels in the late 1800s and show how it was customary
for people to meet after work in cafés over the traditional
glasses of lambic and faro. They also describe the scare among
lambic brewers caused in the 1860s by the emergence of
German bottom-fermented lagers on the Belgian market. Jef
Lambic was an avid drinker of lambic beers and a good man.
Suffice it to say that he lived ninety-one years and that all
1,756 empty gueuze bottles and forty-nine empty lambic or
faro casks recovered from his cellar were auctioned at his
death to benefit the city's orphanage.
In Belgium, beer was used as a flavoring agent in
family home cooking for centuries. This tradition was
replaced in 1830 with the French practice of cooking with
wine. Cooking with beer did not come back into style until
1955. The Belgian rationale for cooking with beer is not to
impart to the dish a beery taste, but rather to enhance the
original flavor of the dish through the moderate use of beer.

Notorious Belgian dishes prepared with gueuze or lambic
include Albert Vossen's eels, Curnonsky's Choesels (beef or
veal pancreas) and Flemish Carbonnades (beef stew), Raoul
Morleghem’s Pork Meat Pie, Uylenspiegel Fowl, and
Brewmasters' Witloof. Morleghem also offers delicious
recipes with kriek such as Cherry Duckling and Saint-Michel
Cherry Pie. Gueuze also is regarded as an excellent tonic and
was prescribed many times by doctors during war times. The
best tonic of all is a simple cocktail made with egg yolk,
Sugar, and gueuze.


As in most countries, the production of beer in

Belgium is now concentrated around a few large brewing
groups. This concentration movement has not stopped new,
small, artisanal breweries from arising, however. The
explanation for that phenomenon lies in the resurgence of
specialty beer drinkers. This definite trend also has incited
medium-sized lager breweries to begin producing specialty
beers, while the big brewing groups have gotten themselves
a large part of the specialty beers market by takeovers of
existing breweries. The two major Belgian breweries (Stella
Artois and Maes Pils) and other large European breweries
(Whitbread) are slowly but surely Swallowing up local
competitors. The number of small, family-operated
breweries has shrunk from more than 3,000 in 1900 to as few
as 60 today.
According to the Belgian Brewers' Association, the
lambic brewing industry has not escaped major
concentrations. At the beginning of this century, there still
were some fifty lambic brewers in the Brussels area and about
eighty in the Senne Valley. Today, about twenty lambic
breweries remain, plus a number of small firms (blenders)
that buy their wort from bigger breweries and then attend to

the fermentation and blending themselves. Lambic beers
account for 2.5 percent of the volume of beer produced in
Belgium. (A list of lambic breweries and their products is
presented in Appendix 1.) There are usually about a hundred
products of the lambic kind on the market, though many are
obtainable only on a very limited scale and in specialist cafés.


Traditional lambic brewers offer products of the

highest quality and safeguard old, artisanal lambic brewing
techniques through their care and craftsmanship. Chief
among them is the Cantillon brewery, 56-58 rue Gheude in
Brussels, operated as a brewery and museum (Musée
Bruxellois de la Gueuze) by Jean-Pierre and Claude Van Roy.

In 1937, Paul Cantillon, a beer merchant who blended his
own lambics in Lambeek, built the small brewery with his
two sons Robert and Marcel. The 1950s were glorious times,
with father and sons brewing up to fifty-five batches of
lambic a year. But with the disappearance of the traditional
café clientèle in the late 1960s, production slowed down.
Jean-Pierre Van Roy, a teacher turned brewmaster in
1969, understood the need to educate the public and develop
a market of home consumers for his lambic beers. With his
wife Claude, he created the Gueuze Museum in 1978 to
preserve and promote the artisanal brewing of lambic beers
and to protect their qualities and reputation. The live
museum is a non-profit organization. It features the
permanent display of brewing tools and equipment, the
organization of tours, temporary exhibits and seminars, and
extensive tastings of lambic products. The number of visitors
steadily increases each year and reached 11,000 in 1989.
Running the museum leaves little time for brewing, and
production is down to a dozen batches of lambic a year. This
is unfortunate because Cantillon brews are standards of
lambic excellence.
Vandervelden produces some of the most authentic-
tasting lambic beers in appropriately named Beersel. The Oud
Beersel products of the brewery are very dry and quite Sour.
Girardin, in Sint-Ulriks-Kapelle, has been brewing since 1882
another traditional line of lambic products with outstanding
qualities. When ordered in a Paris café, a bottle of Girardin
gueuze or kriek is ceremoniously presented to the Customer
in a wine basket. Other brewers who make lambic beers by
traditional methods include De Troch in Wambeek,
Eylenbosh (formerly owned by Whitbread and just recently
sold to the Maes group) in Schepdaal, Timmermans in
Itterbeek, and Vander Linden in Halle.
The Lindemans brewery, installed on an eighteenth

century farm in Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, is the biggest exporter of
lambic beer to the United States. Brewmaster René
Lindemans combines traditional mashing and wort cooling
with fermentation in large stainless-steel tanks, the addition
of fruit syrups, filtration, and pasteurization. Lindemans
kriek and framboise are well known to American beer
connoisseurs and have captured the imagination of many
American wine lovers.
The De Keersmaeker brewery in Kobbegem has
brewed its famous Mort Subite line of lambic beers for 250
years. From 500,000 to 1 million gallons of Mort Subite are
sold every year, mostly in Belgium and France. Mort Subite is
French for sudden death. The name goes back to the
beginning of this century, when brokers and bankers from
the banking district in Brussels frequented the bistro La Cour
Royale when the banks closed at midday. There they played
a dice game called pietjesbak in which the loser (the dead)
bought the beers. When the bell tolled, announcing the
reopening of the banks, one last roll of the dice determined
who would loose by “sudden death” and pick up the tab. The
term also applied to a player having to vacate his spot during
the game. In contradiction with the Belgian saying “from
beer to bier,” the Mort Subite brews, with an alcohol content
on the low side, are not especially lethal.
A few breweries in West Flanders also have launched
into the lambic side of the brewing market, despite their
location away from the traditional zone for brewing lambic.
Examples are the Bocker brewery in Courtrai and the Saint
Louis brewery in Ingelmunster.
The Belle-Vue brewing group, founded in 1913 by
Vanden Stock, is one of the largest brewing groups in
Belgium. Over the past two decades, Belle-Vue has taken over
several lambic breweries, including Brasseries Unies, De
Keersmaeker, Brabrux, and De Neve. It brews some 75

percent of the total gueuze and kriek production in its units
at Schepdaal, Molenbeek, Wolvertem, and Sint-Pieters-
Leeuw. Belle-Vue uses the most advanced technology
throughout most of the brewing process. Traditional
techniques are still employed, however, for cooling the wort
in open vats, fermenting in wooden casks, and blending
different lambics. The Vanden Stock group is the leading
brewer of filtered gueuze (especially under the Belle-Vue
label), but it also brews and markets a small amount of
gueuze, kriek, and framboise produced entirely in the
traditional manner. An example is the unfiltered,
refermented gueuze produced by De Neve. Belle-Vue
received the Exportation Oscar from the Belgian
Government in 1981 for selling gueuze, kriek, and framboise
throughout the world.
The survival of lambic breweries is jeopardized by the
very nature of their product. Lambic beers and their
derivatives spend from several weeks to a few years in the
brewery from the time they are brewed, to the time they are
distributed in the trade. This means that large amounts of
capital are tied up in casks and bottles. Even a small brewery
may have between $100,000 and $300,000 tied up in
maturing beer. Furthermore, the tax system is more stringent
for lambic brewers. They must pay taxes on their product
within a year after it is brewed. In short, since authentic
lambic beers are not supposed to be sold before a year or two,
lambic brewers end up lending money to the Belgian tax-
collecting agencies. Some lambic brewers prefer to sell their
lambic before it is mature to avoid losing money. In contrast,
ale and lager brewers have thirty days to pay taxes on the
products they make in two to four weeks. Another problem
experienced by lambic brewers is facing retirement knowing
that none of their offspring are willing to dedicate their lives
to an old and arduous craft.

Belgian cafés, sometimes called éstaminets, are an
important part of the lambic tradition. Not long ago, there
was one café per 165 inhabitants in Belgium. A 1919 law
banned spirit drinks from Belgian cafés, at the same time
when restrictions on alcohol were being imposed in many
parts of the world. This law, which is not always observed or
enforced today, no doubt helped popularize strong beers
such as gueuze, kriek, and framboise in Belgium. Sipping a
few beers after work was, and still is a well-developed habit
made possible by the large number and variety of cafés in
Belgian cities and villages. Brussels has many estaminets with
a wide selection of lambic products. The Art Nouveau café De
Ultieme Hallucinatie, at 316 rue Royale, needs no translation
from the Flemish. Le Spinnekop, at Place du Jardin aux Fleurs,
offers a large selection of authentic gueuze and kriek.
The remarkably garish La Mort Subite, serving the

Lambic beers of the same name, is located at 17 rue
Montagneaux-Herbes Potagères. The pub, which looks like
an old railway station restaurant, has an interesting
background. In 1926, Théophile Vossen was expropriated
from the estaminet La Mort Subite (formerly La Cour
Royale), which he had been running for a decade. Vossen
moved to the rue Montagne-aux-Herbes and kept the same
name for his café. Ironically, the new location for the Mort
Subite café was next to a mortician's shop, which later went
out of business. There, Vossenblended his own line of Mort
Subite products. The tradition was carried on by his son
Albert Vossen until 1962. The café now serves the Mort Subite
products from the De Keersmaeker brewery.
The café La Bécasse, located at 11 rue Tabora, a small
alley off the Grand Place, is most famous for its lambic doux.
It also serves lambic beers brewed for the house by the
Brabrux and De Neve breweries with delicious Snacks like
Cream cheese toasts, bread with radishes and scallions, or
charcuterie. Upon special request, one can also taste some
authentic gueuze at the famous Toone puppet theater in
Brussels, and at the Abbaye du Rouge Cloître in Auderghem.
At the periphery of the city, other lambic cafés include
Boendaalse at Steenweg 441; Le Miroir at Place Reine Astrid
24 in Jette, Moeder Lambic at Savoiestraat 68 in St. Gillis, and
Le Jugement Dernierat Chaussée de Hachtin Schaarbeek. In
Payottenland, each village has at least one café serving
lambic beers. The Drie Fonteinen and Oude Pruim cafés in
Beersel blend their own lambic.
Before World War I, there were about 300 beer mer-
chants in Brussels who bought lambics, young and old,
which they blended and refermented themselves to make
gueuze. The considerable skills and experience required for
Such an exercise were a determinant factor in keeping up the
quality of lambic beers over the years. Most merchants also

owned an estaminet where they served their lambic, faro,
and gueuze.
Today, there are about half a dozen companies called
"blenders” that contract or buy lambic brews which they
then ferment, mature, and blend in their own cellars. Frank
Boon is a well-respected blender of lambic beers whose
contribution to the renewed interest in lambic styles has
been significant. He started blending his own products a few
years back at the former De Vit brewery in Lembeek. His
"Mariage Parfait" line of specialty blends is unique. Other
blenders include De Koninck and De Troch, neither
connected with the breweries of the same name, Moriau,
Hanssens and Wets.


The lambic and gueuze appellations are ill-protected.

The gueuze drunk in Brussels is often different from exported
gueuze. Since 1965, a royal order regulates the use of the
lambic, gueuze, and so-called “gueuze lambic" appellations.
These beers must be produced by spontaneous fermentation
from at least 30 percent unmalted wheat; the exact
proportions of malt and wheat must be entered in a register
verifiable by the Ministry; the wort must have a gravity of at
least 1.020 (5 degrees Plato); and the label on the bottle must
Show the name of the brewer and the location of the
brewery, as well as list one of the three protected
appellations. This order remains very vague, however, and
leaves room for many different interpretations.
The royal order fails to address several points. There
are no restrictions as to where lambic and gueuze can be
brewed. Only the wheat fraction of the mash is defined,
allowing some lambic brewers to substitute part of the malt
fraction with lightly malted barley or even adjunct. The

term spontaneous fermentation is not defined, which leads
some brewers to artificially inoculate their wort to speed up
the main fermentation. There are no limitations on the use
of additives. There is no regulation of the kriek, framboise,
cassis, pêche, and muscat appellations, and most brewers
have long replaced whole fruit with syrups and artificial
flavors. Likewise, while it is the blending of pure lambics of
different ages (and residual fermentable extracts) that creates
the natural carbonation of a true gueuze in the bottle,
unfortunately, few breweries still use this method. Most
artificially carbonate their beer or blend lambic with a top
fermented wheat beer that they have produced especially for
this purpose. Another departure from tradition by some is
the filtration (and sometimes pasteurization) of their gueuze
before bottling.
It would be only fair of his Majesty King Baudouin to
revise the order of 1965 and create distinct appellations for
filtered, bulk-fermented gueuze and gueuze refermented in
the bottle, and new ones for the many fruit derivatives of
lambic. Gueuze and fruit lambics produced by fermentation
in bulk should so state on the label to prevent them from
competing unfairly with the more costly bottle-fermented
lambics. The survival of small, traditional lambic brewers
and their fine products may depend on it. Several proposals
by small brewers to establish distinct appellations for bottle
and bulk-fermented lambics never made it to the Belgian
Congress because of lobbying by influential big brewers. A
recent attempt by the Association of Lambic Brewers to write
a brochure for the promotion of lambic beers fell short
because some members were not willing to have some of
their “modern” brewing practices disclosed to the general
Why do spontaneous fermentation and ancient
brewing practices still prevail in modern brewing only in the

Brussels area in Belgium? It is certain that the local microbial
flora has a lot to do with it. The microorganisms that are
required to successfully complete a lambic fermentation
have found a niche perfectly suited for their ecological
requirements in lambic breweries. Despite the tremendous
amount of research performed at the University of Leuven
and elsewhere, the lambic fermentation is not yet
completely understood, and lambic beers remain an
unresolved Scientific issue in many ways. Also, blending
houses keep the lambic tradition alive there. Blending
became popular because the spontaneous fermentation of
the lambic wort can have such unpredictable results. The last
factor has to be the country and its people. Lambic beers are
a very significant part of Belgium’s brewing heritage and
culture. To quote the beer writer Michael Jackson, “A nation
divided between two different cultures (Flemish and
Walloon) is inherently parochial and introspective, not
always to its detriment.” Belgium must protect lambic beers
to remain the paradise of specialty beers, with more than 400
different kinds.

Sensory Profile

"The lambic family are not everybody's glass of beer,

but no one with a keen interest in alcoholic drink would find
them anything less than fascinating. In their “wildness” and
unpredictibility, these are exciting brews. At their best, they
are the meeting point between beer and wine. At their worst,
they offer a taste of history.” This statement from Michael
Jackson sets the tone for introducing the sensory properties
of lambic beers. The reaction of a first time lambic drinker is
inevitably one of surprise, sometimes shock. He/she finds
characters that are not present in mainstream beers, such as
excessive acidity, Brettanomyces character, wood aroma and
astringency, little or no bitterness, and lots of fruit aroma.
The ensuing relationship between the drinker and the beer is
usually one of passionate love or hate. Lambic beers always
generate extreme statements and are alternatively regarded
as the best or the worst beers in the world by experts. Before
tasting a glass of gueuze, kriek, or framboise, it is important
to understand that some sensory attributes that are regarded
as defects in other beers (volatile acidity, lactic acid,
Brettanomyces character, etc.) are desirable in lambic beers.

The following table summarizes the terms that apply
to describing lambic beers. The list differs somewhat from
the “beer flavor wheel" because it accommodates descriptors
unique to lambic and excludes descriptors that are
appropriate only for other beers.



Color (lambic & gueuze) Ruby red

Golden yellow Dark red
Brownish yellow Purple
Light amber
Honey Turbidity
Pale apricot Microbiological haze
Physical haze
Color (fruit lambics)
Orange Foam
Pink Stable - Collapsing


Fruity* (fruit lambics)

Cherry Linalool
Black currant Estery
Grapes/Muscat Ethyl acetate
Peach Ethyl lactate

Fruity* Winey/Vinous
Apple Wine
Apricot Port
Red currant Sherry
Raisin Cidery
‘Artificial’ fruit Apple cider

Vegetative Grainy
Aged hops Malt
Hay/Straw Barley
Tea Wheat


Acetic acid (vinegarlike) Pungent
Woody Spicy
Pine Oxidized
Smoky Acetaldehyde
Nutty Fruit pit
Walnut Pits
Yeasty Caramel
Saccharomyces Butterscotch
Sulfury Chocolate
Toasty Brettanomyces
Horse blanket
Animal Barn
Caprylic/goaty Sweat
Leather Dairy
Other Cheesy
Earthy Butyric
Moldy Rancid

Sourness Sweet - Dry

Lactic acid
Sweetness ISO-alpha-acids


Thin - Thick Carbonation
Oily/Ropy Flat - Gassy
Astringency Stingy
Smooth - Rough

* Refers to one or several of the following: fresh fruit, cooked fruit, preserves, fruit skins.

A young or fox lambic is cloudy and still because the
carbonation is not retained in the casks in which it has been
fermented. The color is still close to the golden yellow of the
wort, bordering on light amber as months go by.
The fermentation bouquet as we know it for ales or
lagers has vanished, and the aroma includes vinegar notes
from acetic acid and ethyl acetate, wine and cider scents, the
beginning of a strong Brettanomyces character, and some
The taste is usually very sour (lactic sourness) with
Some residual sweetness if the lambic is only one- to three
months old but quite dry otherwise. A very young lambic is
not a well-balanced product because a few attributes
predominate in an otherwise bland sensory background.
After a year, lambic mellows, gaining in fruity aromas and
gradually losing some of its sourness. The flavor becomes
much more complex because many different compounds in
moderate concentration make up the sensory properties of
the beer.
Old lambic takes on a pinkish, sherry like, amber
color. It is completely devoid of carbon dioxide and very
clear. The sour and oxidized flavor and the mellow, almost
viscous mouthfeel are reminiscent of Château Chalon wines
from the Jura region in France.
Faro is a very drinkable, moderately carbonated
product. It retains most of the attributes of young lambic, but
these are tempered with the caramel and raisin aromas and
the Sweet taste of the added dark candy sugar, bringing forth
fruitiness at the onset and a complex aftertaste in the finish.

The color of gueuze ranges from a golden yellow for
a young gueuze to light amber for an old one. Apricotlike

orange and sherrylike or honeylike brown also are common
for gueuze. Authentic, bottle-fermented gueuze can have a
high carbonation level and be very “gassy” like Champagne.
The beer often gushes out of the bottle. A head of gueuze
foam is midway between a normal white beer foam and a
yellowish, Sparkling wine foam. Bubbles are big and collapse
quickly. This phenomenon is also enhanced by the relatively
high serving temperature of 54 degrees F or higher (12 degrees
C). The foam of bulk-fermented, filtered gueuze is similar to
that of most ales.

Several kinds of aromas escape from a glass of gueuze.
The volatile acidity is usually high and produces vinegarlike
and goaty/cheesy aromas. Lots of fruit aromas are present,
ranging from apple or melon to redcurrant and apricot. The
Brettanomyces character comes through next, best described
as horse blanket, leathery, barnlike, or horsey. It must have a
reasonably low intensity not to border on the mousy or wet
dog aromas and become objectionable to some drinkers.
Ideally, it is balanced with the fruity notes, the wood and
vanilla characters from the barrels, and the caramel aroma
from the long wort boil. Nutty aromas and pine kernel notes
are common. Some toasty notes (as in Champagne) from
autolyzed yeast in the bottle may also be found. The unusual
combination of aromas in gueuze often results in the use of
terms such as cidery or winey to describe its overall aroma.
The taste of gueuze is sour, acidic, and sometimes
harsh, Gueuze is usually devoid of bitterness. A few breweries
have departed from that tradition, however, and produce
gueuze that may be quite bitter. The sweetness depends on
the amounts of residual sugar in the bottle. Gueuze ranges
from being very dry for aged, bottle-fermented gueuze to
distinctively sweet for mainstream bulk-fermented and
filtered gueuze.
The mouthfeel of gueuze is unique: the high
carbonation in the beer makes it foam inside the mouth and
sting the tongue and palate. Traditional gueuze is usually
astringent and thin because it has picked up tannins from the
wheat and wood, and has a low real extract. Bulk-fermented
gueuze has a much thicker and smoother mouthfeel.
The finish or aftertaste of gueuze usually combines a
warming feeling from the high ethanol content with
lingering, fruity and horsey aromas and a dry, puckery
feeling from the sourness and astringency of the beer.


- Kriek -

A kriek displays a wide range of colors and flavors

because of the many variations in the way it is processed.
Authentic, traditional kriek combines the characteristics of
bottle-fermented gueuze with the fresh fruit and pit aromas
of the whole cherries and the residual sweetness of the young
lambic added to the refermented, matured blend of lambics
and cherries.
Kriek has a dark, ruby-red color with hints of purple
and brown. The carbonation can be as erratic as that of
gueuze, but the foam is usually more stable, with a smaller
average bubble size. The dominant aroma should obviously
be that of fresh cherry. Vanilla and caramel notes bridge the
gap between the fruit character and the microbial aromas
(volatile acidity and Brettanomyces character). The sourness
is intense, but it is balanced by some residual sweetness.
Compared to gueuze, kriek exhibits more astringency as a
result of the cherries and pits.

- Framboise -

The color of framboise is ruby red, bordering on

orange or brown depending on the age of the beer. The
raspberry aroma is always very strong and masks part or most
of the volatile acidity and Brettanomyces character. The
aroma of the vanilla Sometimes added to the brew blends
nicely with the woody background. Traditional framboise is
very dry, quite sour, and astringent. Mainstream framboise is
on the smooth and sweet side.

- Cassis -

The cassis lambics on the market are designed to

quench the thirst of young consumers. They are rather sweet
and sour, with an overwhelming syruplike black currant
aroma and virtually no Brettanomyces character.

- Pêche -
(patented by the Lindemans Brewery)
Pêche, commercialized under the name Pêcheresse, is
a slightly turbid, apricot-orange beer, pasteurized, but only
roughly filtered. The turbidity and the color come from the
addition of whole fruit and peach concentrate to a blend of
young lambics. The peach aroma that comes through
resembles that of peach yogurt and peach preserves. It is
slightly lactic and cooked or “artificial” as opposed to tasting
like fresh fruit. It is so overwhelming that little volatile
acidity or Brettanomyces character are perceived. Some
woody/ pit character is detectable, however, because of the
use of wooden chips in the process. A good balance is
achieved between sweetness and sourness, both being of
medium intensity.

- Muscat -
Muscat or druiven is reminiscent of wine with Some
port and sherry notes. The color is pale violet/purple with
shades of brown. The fresh-fruit aroma from the muscat
should balance the volatile acidity. The wood character is
pronounced, while the Brettanomyces aroma is kept low, yet
detectable. Muscat lambic also exhibits astringency from the


Physical and Chemical

Lambic, gueuze, and related beers are complex
mixtures, the unique character of which depends on a few
key components. Some of these components are derived
from the unique raw materials used in their brewing process,
e.g., unmalted wheat, aged hops, fruit, etc. Others arise from
the unique brewing and fermentation processes themselves.
In discussing lambic beers, it is essential to review their
composition and compare it to that of other beers, as well as
to examine the relationship between the composition of
lambic beers and their sensory properties. In the table at the
end of this chapter, the composition of lambic beers is
contrasted with that of typical American lagers. Beer
constituents are listed with their concentration range and
the reference from which it was obtained. Additional data
collected by the author is given without citation.
The specific gravity of lambic wort ranges from 1.048
to 1.055 (11.80 to 13.50 degrees Plato) for gueuze, and 1.040 to
1.072 (10 to 17.40 degrees Plato) for fruit lambics. A very high
extraction of wort soluble solids is achieved during the long
and complex lambic mashing process. The high original
extract values found for some fruit lambics are caused by the
addition of fruit or fruit syrups to the lambic.

Their contribution to the extract is added to that of the original
Starting with the same specific gravity of 1.048 (12
degrees Plato), the real extract of gueuze and fruit lambics can
be as low as 1.008 (2.2 degrees Plato), that is, half that of
typical ales and lagers at 1.015 to 1.019 (3.7 to 4.8 degrees Plato).
This is because of the higher degrees of attenuation and
fermentation of lambic beers. The real degree of
fermentation (RDF) of gueuze, which varies between 63 and
82 percent, exceeds by far that of American lagers, that are
fermented only between 50 and 68 percent. The attenuation
of Sugars in gueuze, kriek, or framboise can be complete,
leaving no sugars at all. This makes lambic beers attractive
beverages for diabetic patients. Reducing sugars (expressed as
maltose) range between traces and 0.8 percent in gueuze and
between traces and 2 percent in fruit lambics. The high value
of 2 percent sometimes occurs in the syrup-sweetened beers
that undergo only a limited secondary fermentation and are
quickly filtered and pasteurized. These beers have a
pronounced sweet taste.
Virtually no dextrins are found in gueuze and fruit
lambics, provided they have gone through the traditional
primary fermentation in casks and secondary fermentation
in the bottle. Otherwise, some dextrins may remain in the
beer from unmalted wheat or lightly malted barley that give
worts higher in dextrin than fully malted barley. The low
level of dextrins in authentic lambics is one of the reasons
why their mouthfeel is characterized as being rather “thin."
A wide range of alcohol concentrations is found in
lambic products. Faro averages 3.5 percent ethanol by
volume (2.8 percent w/w). A young lambic contains about 4.5
percent v/v (3.6 percent w/w) ethanol. The alcoholic content
of gueuze varies from 5.3 to 6.2 percent v/v (42 percent to 5
percent w/w). That of fruit lambics can be

slightly higher, up to 6.5 percent v/v (5.2 percent w/w)
because of the additional fermentable extract contributed by
the fruit. These ethanol concentrations are reached from a 12
to 13 degrees Plato original extract because of the high
attenuation observed in lambic and gueuze produced the
traditional way. However, to produce kriek or framboise,
some brewers mix fruit syrups and young lambic and stop
the fermentation by pasteurizing shortly thereafter. Beers
produced that way are much lower in ethanol, down to 3.7
percent v/v (2.9 percent w/w), and very sweet. To resolve the
confusion about the alcohol content in their beers, some
producers put the ethanol by volume on the label.
An accurate determination of the ethanol concentra-
tion is required because, in Belgium, as in most brewing
countries, the excise tax is levied on the measured alcoholic
content of the beer. The unit of taxation is the hectolitre-
degré (hL-degré). One hL-degré corresponds to one hectoliter
of beer with 1 percent ethanol by volume (0.79 percent w/w).
For example, starting with 50.3 barrels (60 hl) of lambic wort,
Jean-Pierre Van Roy at the Cantillon Brewery produces 43.6
barrels (52 hL) of gueuze at 6 percent ethanol v/v (4.8 percent
w/w) that is, 52 x 6 = 312 taxable hD-degrés. The excise tax
currently runs at 67 Belgian Francs ($1.80 U.S.) per hL-degré.
Most lambic beers get their calories from the ethanol
they contain and not from their residual extract, which is
very low. They have a slightly higher caloric value than
American lagers. Some fruit lambics, not fermented dry and
pasteurized, can be much more caloric as a result of their high
residual Sugar.
The level of acetaldehyde, the oxidation product of
ethanol, is surprisingly low in lambic beers (2.5 to 8.2 mg/L),
considering the potential for oxidation of the lambic in
wooden casks or during transfer operations.

All beers of the lambic style are acetic in smell and
sour in taste because they contain high levels of organic
acids. Their total acidity is three to eight times that of
American lagers. The pH of lambic ranges from 3.4 for "hard"
lambic, that is, lambic infected with acetic acid bacteria, to
3.9 for “soft" lambic. “Ropy" lambics that contain a high
density of Pediococcus have a pH of about 3.5. The pH of
gueuze, kriek, and framboise is even lower, ranging from 3.32
to 3.51 for gueuze, and 3.30 to 3.51 for fruit lambics. This is due
to further microbial activity resulting in the production of
acetic and lactic acids, and/or to the acidity of the fruits
(usually sour varieties) macerated in kriek, framboise, pêche,
and cassis. In comparison, the pH of American lagers is
between 3.8 and 4.7.
The concentration of acetic acid in gueuze may be as
high as 1,200 mg/L. On average, it is generally higher in
refermented gueuze than in filtered gueuze. Most of the
acetic acid is produced early in the lambic fermentation. In
lambic casks infected with acetic acid bacteria, it may reach
4,000 mg/L. These lambics have excessive pungent and
vinegar characters, and they are eventually used for
blending. Some acetic acid is lost to evaporation and
esterification, by which it is converted to ethyl acetate.
With regard to lactic acid, the evolution of the
concentration Over time differs from that of acetic acid.
About 800 mg/L is found in lambic after the first month of
fermentation. The concentration of lactic acid then rises to
values of 2,000 to 4,000 mg/L in the next six to eight months.
Exceptionally, concentrations of 10,000 mg/L and up have
been measured in ropy lambics heavily infected with
Pediococcus strains. In gueuze, kriek, and framboise, the
concentration of lactic acid may be as high as 6,300 mg/L.
More common values, however, are 1,500 to 3,500 mg/L. On
average, it is higher in refermented gueuze than in

filtered gueuze. The level of lactic acid in lambic beers is the
main determinant of their low pH and their sourness. In
comparison, other beers usually contain 55 to 145 mg/L of
acetic acid and 40 to 150 mg/L of lactic acid, unless they have
been infected.
Propionic, isobutyric, and butyric acids are also
found at higher concentrations in lambic beers causing
dairy, cheesy flavors. Butyric acid averages 4 and 5 mg/L in
filtered and refermented gueuze, respectively, compared to
only 0.6 mg/L in other beers.
Interestingly, malic acid is found in some fruit
lambics, at concentrations as high as 6,600 mg/L. There is
virtually no malic acid in any of the ingredients normally
used to make beer. Indeed, the concentration range for ales
and lagers is 15 to 105 mg/L. Most fruits and fruit syrups,
however, contain high amounts of malic acid. In wine,

malic acid from grapes can be converted to lactic acid
through the malolactic fermentation, which is effected by
lactic acid bacteria of the Lactobacillus or Leuconostoc
genera. Given time and the proper conditions of temperature
and pH, it is likely that fruit lambics also can undergo a
malolactic fermentation because they contain Pediococcus
or Lactobacillus bacteria that can effect the malolactic
fermentation. Examining the malic acid concentration in
kriek, framboise, and other fruit lambics might therefore be
a good way to assess how long the beer was refermented and
matured after addition of the fruit.
The higher fatty acid (HFA) profile of lambic and
gueuze differs from that of other beers. HFAs have an impact
on foam structure and flavor—either directly or indirectly—
through the formation of esters. These acids usually occur in
beer in total amounts of 10 to 20 mg/L. While the total HFA
content of lambic and gueuze is only slightly higher (14 to 36
mg/L), these beers have two or three times more caprylic (C 8)
and capric (C10) acids than do other beers. This is especially
true of refermented gueuze. The additive flavor effect of the
C6-C12, fatty acids in lambic and gueuze often exceeds their
combined flavor threshold of about 10 mg/L and may result
in a goaty or “caprylic" flavor.
The concentrations of higher alcohols (fusel oils) in
lambics are not different from those found in ales or lagers.
Filtered gueuze usually has higher levels of propanol than
does refermented gueuze. During the extensive storage of
bottled lambic beers, higher alcohols can be oxidized to
aldehydes by melanoidins. Aldehydes affect the flavor of the
beer (giving it apple, oxidized characters), whereas
melanoidins give it a darker color and thicker, more viscous
With respect to esters, very large differences are ob.
served between lambic or gueuze and other beers. Much of

the peculiar fruity flavor of gueuze is a result of its ester
composition. The volatile terpenes that make up most of the
essential hop oils are not a factor in lambic beers because old
hops are used in the brewing process. The average
concentration of ethyl acetate is much higher, ranging from
12 to 31 mg/L in lambic, 33 to 68 mg/L in filtered gueuze, and
61 to 167 mg/L in refermented gueuze (Van Oevelen et al.;
1976). In the case of hard lambic, (again, lambic infected with
acetic acid bacteria), the concentration of ethyl acetate
maybe as high as 540 mg/L. The normal range in American
ales and lagers is 6-23 mg/L.
The acetic, vinegarlike odor of lambics is a result of
both acetic acid and ethyl acetate. These two compounds are
usually produced simultaneously and proportionately, but
because ethyl acetate has a lower detection threshold, it
contributes more than acetic acid to the acetic smell of
lambic beers. Most striking is the difference in ethyl lactate
concentration between lambics and other beers. Whereas
ethyl lactate averages only 0.1 mg/L in other beers, it ranges
from 22 to 140 mg/L in lambic, 107 to 143 mg/L in filtered
gueuze, and 361 to 483 mg/L in refermented gueuze. On the
other hand, the concentration of iso-amyl acetate (<0.1 to
0.19 mg/L in lambic and 0.1 to 5.0 mg/L in gueuze) is usually
lower than that found in other beers (0.7 to 3.3 mg/ L). Gueuze
also is characterized by a relatively low content of phenethyl
acetate. High amounts of the fatty acid esters ethyl caprylate
(0.16 to 0.59 mg/L) and ethyl caprate (0.07 to 0.28 mg/L) also
are found in lambic and gueuze. Since ethyl caprate is almost
absent in other beers, it is likely to be a major component of
the aroma of lambic and gueuze (Spaepen et al.; 1979).
Other volatile compounds such as diacetyl or
dimethyl sulfide (DMS) are found in lambic beers at
concentrations similar to those observed for ales and lagers.

These compounds are usually produced early in the lambic
fermentation and evaporate to some extent during
maturation (Van Oevelen et al.; 1978). A high diacetyl content
in lambic beers usually indicates strong Pediococcus activity
or oxidation problems.
The unique contribution of Brettanomyces to the
aroma of lambic and gueuze is a result of not only the high
amounts of ethyl acetate and ethyl lactate it produces, but
also the formation of some tetrahydropyridines and volatile
phenols (Craig and Heresztyn; 1984; Heresztyn; 1986 a, b). The
tetrahydropyridines likely are responsible for the horsey,
leathery aroma of lambic beers, and the volatile phenols
probably account for Some of the spicy, smokelike, or
clovelike odors sometimes found in lambic and gueuze.

Bitterness units (BUs), as determined by the ASBC
method of extraction with isooctane followed by measure-
ment of the absorbance of the extract at 275 nanometers
(nm) are supposed to express the bitter taste of beer satisfac-
torily, regardless of whether the beer was made with fresh or
old hops. [In this method, degased, acidified beer (10 mL) is
extracted with isooctane (20 ml) by agitating the mixture for
fifteen minutes. The absorbance of the isooctane layer is then
read at 275 nm in a spectrophotometer. BUs are equal to fifty
times absorbance of the isooctane extracts—the bitter
principles (mostly iso-alpha acids) from the beer. These
principles absorb light at 275 nm.] Lambic beers have roughly
the same amount of BUs (11.7 to 22.4) as American lagers (10
to 23), and yet they taste much less bitter. There are two
explanations for this discrepancy. The hopping rate of
lambic wort is much higher than that of lager wort, but all
the alpha- and beta-acids in the old hops used for lambic are

oxidized. Although they are extracted by the isooctane, they
do not absorb as well at 275 nanometers as the iso-alpha-acids
of lager beers. Yet, they still absorb some, and since there is
more of them, they probably account for the 12 to 23
measured BUs. Also, the high acidity in gueuze and the
residual sweetness in some fruit lambics probably mask what
little bitterness might be present in these beers. Some brewers
use hops that have not been thoroughly aged (and oxidized)
and produce the few bitter lambics on the market.


The carbon dioxide content of lambic beers varies

widely, especially in bottle-fermented gueuze. A high CO2,
level combined with the presence of oxidative yeasts in the
bottle can cause gushing upon opening. Bulk-fermented and
filtered products typically have a slightly lower CO2, content
(2.0 to 2.4 volumes) than do mainstream ales and lagers (2.4
to 2.8 volumes).

Some lambic beers are hazy because they have not
been through a polish filtration or because they have been
bottle-conditioned. In such cases, a biological haze made of
viable yeasts and bacteria is sometimes visible, even without
disturbance of the sediment at the bottom. In addition, some
lambic beers might throw a chill haze because of their
protein and polyphenol content. The incidence of
nonbiological haze, however, is lower than with other beers.
This is because the total protein content (sediment not
included) of lambic beers is usually low. The measurement of
total protein in beer using the Bradford method based on the
staining of proteins with Coomassie Brilliant Blue gives

concentrations of 42 to 55 mg/L for gueuze, 30 to 69 mg/L for
fruit lambics, versus 95 to 147 mg/L for commercial lagers.
This is an interesting phenomenon because starting with raw
ingredients (notably wheat) higher in protein than those
used by lager brewers, the lambic brewer makes a product
with a lower level of residual, undegraded protein. The
rationale for this difference is found in the extensive boiling
of the wort and the long fermentation and maturation
processes. Basic aminoacids (arginine and lysine) from the
wort are almost completely depleted by enteric bacteria
during the first month of the lambic fermentation. From 100
mg/L in the original wort, their concentration drops to 10
mg/L (Verachtert; 1983). In contrast, the average
concentration of essential aminoacids valine, leucine,
isoleucine, methionine, phenylalanine, lysine, threonine,
and histidine is four times higher in refermented gueuze than
in other beers (Verachtert; 1983). This is probably a result of
the release of aminoacids from autolyzed yeasts or bacteria
into the beer.


The phenolic compounds in lambic beers range from

relatively simple compounds produced by the wheat and
malt grains (and the fruits in fruit lambics) to complex
tannin-type substances extracted from the wood of the casks
(and the pits, seeds, and skins in fruit lambics) during
fermentation and aging. Although phenol extraction from
the wood is limited because old, used casks house the lambic
fermentations, it is still significant because of the very long
time the lambics spend in these casks (sometimes up to three
years). Phenols are important because they determine the
fruit lambics´ color (anthocyanins), impart a woody flavor
(volatile phenols) and an astringent mouthfeel

(tannins), serve as a reservoir for oxygen reduction, and are a
source of browning substrate. The astringency of lambic
tannins is further increased by the very low pH of the beer.
This is because at low pH, tannins exist in a molecular
configuration that is more astringent. The total phenol
concentration of gueuze (560 to 600 mg/L) is twice that of
American lagers (245 to 340 mg/L). Fruit lambics contain
even more phenols, ranging from 600 to 960 mg/L.


Lambic beers exhibit a wide array of colors, some of

which are most unusual for beer. Accepted methods of beer
color measurement (degrees EBC, Lovibond, or SRM) are
inappropriate in the case of fruit lambics, the color of which
is obviously determined almost exclusively by the fruit. The
maceration of fruits in the lambic usually modifies the hue
(pink, red, purple, brown, or orange) and the saturation of
color by increasing the concentration of anthocyanins.
The color of lambic and gueuze can be examined
with traditional methods. Generally, it varies from golden
yellow for young lambic to light amber for gueuze. Gueuze
ranges from 7 to 10 degrees Lovibond (8 to 13 degrees SRM). In
comparison, American lagers have a lighter color, ranging
from 2 to 4 degrees Lovibond (2 to 5 degrees SRM). The
unmalted wheat used in the lambic mash has little effect on
color, and the malt comprising the rest of the grist is pale.
Color formation takes place during the very extensive
boiling of the wort through Maillard reactions between
amines and sugars yielding melanoidins and caramel.
Additional color is picked up in the casks (directly from the
wood or from browning — Oxidation — reactions) during
fermentation and maturation of the lambic.

Figures 1 and 2 show the HPLC (high performance
liquid chromatography) profiles of selected lambic beers.
These profiles provide a good picture of their composition
and give some insight on the brewing practices used to make
them. They show sugars, low-molecular-weight dextrins,
organic acids, and ethanol. The size of the peak
corresponding to a given compound is directly proportional
to the concentration of that compound in the beer. The
value listed next to each peak indicates the retention time in
minutes of the corresponding compound(s): salts' buffer (2.3);
malic acid (2.7); lactic acid (2.9); acetic acid (3.2); glucose (3.2);
maltose (3.7); maltotriose — double-peak — (4.6, 5.0);
maltotetraose — double-peak — (5.7, 6.2); and ethanol (6.8).
Retention times may vary slightly due to pressure changes in
the column between runs.
Figure 1, a, shows the profile of gueuze refermented in
the bottle made the traditional way from a mixture of young
and old lambics. Lactic and acetic acids peaks are very high,
there is virtually no glucose and maltose, and some dextrins
are left (probably from wheat). The high ethanol indicates a
high original extract or a high degree of fermentation.
Figure 1, b, shows the profile of gueuze refermented in
the bottle made with young lambics with insufficient fer-
mentation and maturation. Lactic and acetic acid peaks are
average, and fairly significant amounts of carbohydrates
(glucose, maltose, maltotriose, maltotetraose, DP6, and DP7)
are left. There is correspondingly little ethanol.
Figure 2, a, shows the profile of kriek produced the
traditional way with maceration of whole fruits, lengthy
fermentation and maturation in casks, and bottle-
conditioning. No malic acid is left from the fruit, there are
high amounts of lactic and acetic acids, and virtually no
residual sugars and dextrins remain. Ethanol is very high,
though Some of it was probably lost in casks by evaporation.

Figure 2, b, shows kriek made with cherry
concentrate, filtered and pasteurized after limited
fermentation and aging. High malic acid from the
concentrate is present, there are glucose/fructose peaks, with
some maltose and low ethanol.
Figure 2, c, shows cassis made with black currant
concentrate or cream (which contains ethanol), filtered and
pasteurized after short fermentation and aging; it could
contain top-fermented beer. High malic acid remains with

high glucose/fructose and maltose, and some maltotriose and
maltotetraose. There is a fairly high amount of ethanol.
Figure 2, d, shows pêche produced from peach syrup.
Malic acid is high, and there is glucose and fructose, some
maltose, and little ethanol.


Apparent extract (% w/w)

0.091-3.352 (gueuze) 2.000–3.100
0.615-8.502 (fruit)

Real extract (% w/w) (S.G.)

4.479 (1.0176) (soft lambic)a 3.700–4.800
3.750 (1.0147) (hard lambic)a
4.730 (1.0186) (roby lambic)a
2.230–5.258 (1.0087-1.0207) (guenze)
2.240 (1.0088) (guenze)b
2.324–9.791 (1.0091-1.0392) (fruit)

Original extract (% w/w) (S.G.)

11.83-13.43 (1.0477–1.0544) (guenze) 11.00–12.50
12.10 (1.0488) (guenze)b
12.21 (1.0493) (guenze)c
10.01-17.37 (1.0401–1.0714) (fruit)

Ethanol (% w/w)
4.25–4.95 (guenze) 3.50-4.20
5.20 (guenze)b
4.05 (guenze)c
2.92–4.65 (fruit)

Ethanol (% v/v)
4.50 (lambic)d 4.20-5.00
3.50 (faro)d
5.34-6.20 (guenze)
5.50 (guenze)d
5.30-8.30 (guenze)e
3.68-5.84 (fruit)
6.00 (fruit)


Apparent Degree of Fermentation (%)

75.04–99.23 (guenze) 65.00–75.00
44.61–93.86 (fruit)

Real Degree of Fermentation (%)

62.55–82.09 (guenze) 50.00–68.00
38.14–77.72 (fruit)

Reducing Sugars (% w/v as maltose)

Traces–0.80 (guenze) 0.40–0.90
0.25 (guenze)b
Traces–2.00 (fruit)

Calories (Cal/100 mL)

44.5 (guenze) 29.0–32.0

Bitterness Units (Bus)

11.70–22.35 (guenze) 10.00–23.00
15.35–21.35 (fruit)

Color (Degrees Lovibond)

7.0–10.0 (guenze) 2.0–4.0

Color (Degrees S.R.M.)

8.0–13.0 (guenze) 2.0–5.0

Total Proteins (mg/L., Bradford method)

42.0–55.0 (guenze) 95.0–147.0
30.0–69.0 (fruit)

Total Phenois (mg/L., gallic acid equivalents)

564–603 (guenze) 245–340
596–962 (fruit)


Total Acidity (% as lactic acid)

0.62–1.10 (guenze) 0.09–0.20
0.78–1.71 (fruit)

3.90 (soft lambic)a 3.80–4.70
3.40 (hard lambic)a
3.50 (ropy lambic)a
3.32–3.51 (guenze)
3.25–3.40 (ref. guenze) a
3.20–3.45 (fil. guenze) a
3.30–3.51 (fruit)

Acetic acid (mg/L)

766 (soft lambic)a 55–145
3944 (hard lambic)
530 (ropy lambic)a
656–1210 (ref. guenze) a
538–1177 (fil. guenze) a

Lactic acid (mg/L)

492 (soft lambic)a 40–150
3677 (hard lambic)
13446 (ropy lambic)a
1441–3820 (guenze)
1890–3434 (ref. guenze) a
2071–2890 (fil. guenze) a
806–6276 (fruit)

Malic acid (mg/L)

100–6620 (fruit) 15–105
3944 (hard lambic)

Butyric acid (mg/L.) rancid, sour milk

3.4–6.0 (ref. guenze) a 0.4–0.7
2.0–6.3 (fil. guenze)


Propionic acid (mg/L.) cheesy

1.0–52.5 (ref. guenze) a N.A.
1.3–5.8 (fil. guenze)

Propionic acid (mg/L.) cheesy

3.5–7.0 (ref. gueuze)a 2.5–3.5
1.1–2.5 (fil. gueuze) a

Caproic (C6) acid (mg/L) goaty

3.96–9.79 (ref. gueuze)g 3.10–5,80*
4.28–10.55 (fil. gueuze) g

Caprylic (C8) acid (mg/L) goaty

12.40–21.85 (ref. gueuze)f 6.30–12.30*
7.15–13.04 (ref. gueuze)g
6.76–18.79 (fil. gueuze) g

Capric (C10) acid (mg/L) goaty

2.30–3.90 (ref. gueuze)f 0.40–1,80*
1.06–3.56 (ref. gueuze) g
1.51-4.62 (fil. gueuze) g

Propanol (mg/L) fusel or fusel oils

9.2 (soft lambic)a 5.40
8.7 (hard lambic)a
5.0 (ropy lambic)a
17.1 (lambic)h
9.3–23.7 (ref. gueuze)a
17.6–38.6 (fil. gueuze)a

Butanol (mg/L) fusel or fusel oils

<0.1 (soft, hard, ropy lambic)a N. A.
0.1–0.5 (ref. gueuze)a
0.1–0.4 (fil. gueuze)a


Isobutanol (mg/L) fusel or fusel oils

18.8 (soft lambic)a N. A.
15.4 (hard lambic)a
7.0 (ropy lambic)a
20.5 (lambic)h
16.3–21.0 (ref. gueuze)a
14,0–18,0 (fil. gueuze)a
24.2 (gueuze)h

Isoamyl alcohol (mg/L) fusel or fusel oils

57.9 (soft lambic)a N. A.
53.1 (hard lambic)a
39.5 (ropy lambic)a
31.0 (lambic)h
44.3–59.2 (ref. gueuze)a
42.5–67.1 (fil. gueuze)a
44.0 (gueuze)h

D-Amyl alcohol (mg/L) fusel or fusel oils

15.6 (soft lambic)a N. A.
11.4 (hard lambic)a
9.0 (ropy lambic)a
11.7–19.7 (ref. gueuze)a
13.9–19.8 (fil. gueuze)a

Phenethyl alcohol (mg/L) rose

45.8 (soft lambic)a 19.5
38.1 (hard lambic)a
64.0 (ropy lambic)a
207–54.0 (ref. gueuze)a
32.0–42.0 (fil. gueuze)a


Ethyl acetate (mg/L) solventlike, vinegary

30.1 (soft lambic)a 8.0–23.0
539.8 (hard lambic) a
12.2 (ropy lambic)a
31.4 (lambic)h
95.0 (gueuze)h
96.3 (gueuze)i
60.9–167.0 (ref. gueuze)a
33.4–67.6 (fil. gueuze)a

Ethyl lactate (mg/L) fruity, ethereal

21.9 (soft lambic)a 0.0—0.1
140.3 (hard lambic)a
79.0 (ropy lambic)a
407.0 (gueuze)i
361.0–483.0 (ref. gueuze)a
107.0–143.0 (fil, gueuze)a

Isoamyl acetate (mg/L) banana

<0.1 (soft, hard, ropy lambics)a 0.70–3.30
0.19 (lambic)h
0.28 (gueuze)h
0.50 (gueuze)i
0.10–4.90 (ref. gueuze)a
0.60–5.00 (fil. gueuze)a

Ethyl caproate (mg/L) fruity, estery, winey

0.19 (ref. gueuze)f 0.14–0.28*
0.17–0.35 (ref. gueuze)g
0.14–0.31 (fil. gueuze)g

Ethyl caprylate (mg/L) fruity, estery, winey

0.49 (ref, gueuze)f 0.17–0.22*
0.38–0.59 (ref. gueuze)
0.16–0.51 (fil. gueuze)g


Ethyl caprate (mg/L) fruity, estery, winey

0.26 (ref. gueuze)f 0
0.15-0.28 (ref. gueuze)g
0.07–0.10 (fil. gueuze)g

Phenethyl acetate (mg/L) honey or rose

0.09 (ref. gueuze)f 0.40–0.60
0.05-0.15 (ref. gueuze)g
0.15–0.53 (fil. gueuze)g

Acetaldehyde (mg/L)
2.5-8.2 (ref. gueuze)a 2.0—18.0
3.0–5.5 (fil. gueuze) a

Dimethyl sulfide (mg/L)

100 (lambic) 59–106

Diacetyl (mg/L)
45 (lambic)l 20–200

*Belgian lagers
N.A. Not available

a. Van Oevelen et al.; 1976

b. Plevoets and Van Ginderachter; 1988
c. Wanbelle et al.; 1972
d. Jackson; 1988
e. Berger and Duboë–Laurence; 1985
f. Spaepen et al.; 1978
g. Spaepen et al.; 1979
h. De Keersmaeker; 1974
i. Spaepen and Verachtert; 1982
j. Van Oevelen et al.; 1978

The Lambic
Brewing Process
- Malt -

The malt used to brew lambic beers is pale, highly

enzymic malt made mostly from spring-sown, two-row
barley grown in Europe. Examples of varieties are Plaisant
and Triumph. Germination is conducted until the rootlets
reach -half an inch in length. The malt is dried rather slowly
and is never kilned (cured). So-called “wind-malts” some-
times find some use in lambic brewing: they are prepared in
Belgium by thinly spreading green malt from six-row barley
on screens in special lofts, and leaving it to dry. The resulting
material supposedly has a very high enzyme content. The
largest lambic brewery uses mostly French winter bailey
malted under contract by Belgian maltsters.

- Wheat -

The use of a high percentage of raw (unmalted) wheat

in their mash (up to 40 percent) sets lambic brewers apart

from other brewers. The germination of wheat is a difficult
operation to conduct on an industrial scale because of its
complex chemical composition. This is why unmalted
wheat has traditionally been used to brew lambic beers. In
consequence, the requirements for gelatinizing and
converting the starch contained in the wheat kernel result in
special mashing practices. Wheat selected for brewing lambic
beers is usually a “soft" variety (as opposed to “hard” or
“durum” varieties), more often white than red, having a
“mealy" or “floury” endosperm. Traditional brewers use local
varieties like the “Petit Roux du Brabant.”
All the wheat supply used in lambic beers comes from
Belgium. Compared to barley, wheat contains more starch
and protein and less cellulose (fiber) and lipids. A high protein
content in a cereal is not a desirable feature for brewing.
Whereas wheat is regarded as a cereal with a high nitrogen
(and protein) content, the soft, white varieties used in lambic
brewing remain reasonably low in total nitrogen, with
values ranging between 1.8 and 2.1 percent of the grain dry
weight. In comparison, the total nitrogen in barley is
between 1.5 and 1.8 percent. Wheat also contributes some
bitterness and astringency to lambic beers and lowers their
chill stability. One problem associated with the use of Soft,
white wheat is that it does not lauter as well as hard, red
wheat. The lambic mash indeed is much more gummy in
appearance than regular malt mashes. Ideally, the moisture
of the wheat at milling should be between 15 and 17 percent.
A lower moisture makes the grain harder, although it
facilitates its storage.
Another part of the wheat plant, the chaff or kaf, may
also find a use in lambic brewing as a filter aid. When wheat
is harvested, the kernels are separated from their envelopes or
chaff, which is a light material made of cellulose and fiber.
Unlike barley kernels, wheat kernels do not have a

husk. In a mash with up to 40 percent wheat, there is
not enough husk material (only the husks from the 60
percent barley malt) to ensure proper lautering. This is why
wheat chaff is sometimes used by brewers to improve the
lautering of lambic worts. This material contains virtually no
soluble substances. However, when it is boiled with part of
the mash during a decoction or simply in contact with hot
sparging water, it can contribute a yellow color and a marked
strawlike odor to the wort. These sensory characteristics used
to be part of the lambic bouquet. Now, however, very few
lambic brewers use wheat chaff.
Wheat is sometimes replaced in part by rice or corn
in lambic mashes. The resulting worts seem to ferment and
mature faster, but they lose some of the characteristic flavor
notes imparted by wheat. Beers in which wheat has been
substituted by rice or corn do not deserve the lambic appel-
lation. They are not true to type, as easily detected by taste.

One lambic brewer, who makes the famous Mort Subite, uses
a rye grain called tarwe instead of, or in combination with

- Water -

Some brewing centers of the world have become re-

nowned for the special quality of their water, which truly
contributes to the unique quality of the beers they produce.
Thus, Burton-on-Trent is famous for its strong pale ale,
London and Dublin for their dark ales, Munich for its dark
lagers, and Plzên for its pale lagers. Such is not the case in
Brussels and its surroundings. Most lambic brewers use well
water that does not have any outstanding qualities. Some
brewers add calcium carbonate or calcium sulfate to adjust
the hardness of the water. The lambic breweries located in
Brussels use city and well water. The city water has a high
hardness, which is treated by softening it or by scrubbing the
kettle every once in a while, depending on the size and
means of the brewery. The largest lambic brewery, located in
Brussels, consumes 85 percent ground water (for brewing
purposes) and 15 percent city water (for cleaning purposes).

- Hops -
The lambic brewer uses aged (surannés) hops that
have lost most, if not all of their bittering properties.
Traditionally, these hops came from the Alost and
Poperinhge regions in Belgium. Now, Belgium has only about
2,000 acres (800 hectares) of hops under cultivation. These
hops have been replaced in lambic beers by hops from the
Kent region in England. Interestingly, the English hop
industry dates back to the Middle Ages when Flemish
(Belgian) weavers took hops across the Channel. The number
of hop varieties grown commercially today in England
exceeds that of any other country.

The most commonly used varieties are Brewers Gold,
Northern Brewer, Bramling Cross, Fuggles, and to a lesser
extent, Bullion and Goldings. Hops from Alsace and central
Europe generally are not recommended for lambic beers
because with age, their bitterness turns into an acridity that
is undesirable. Yet a significant amount of Saaz and Hallertau
hops are used by the large lambic breweries.
Only whole hops are used because there is no
industry to convert aged hops into pellets. The hops are aged
for one to three years. From a biochemical point of view,
aging hops results in their oxidation. Upon oxidation, alpha-
acids, the main bittering acids in hops, lose their bittering
ability. On the other hand, beta-acids, which are not bitter,
gain bittering power upon oxidation. The amount of bitter
beta-acid oxidation products is not sufficient, however, to
compensate for the loss of alpha-acids, and the bittering
potential decreases. After being aged (oxidized) for two or
three years, hops have lost virtually all their bittering power.
Old hops usually develop an unpleasant cheesy aroma as a
result of oxidation of the hop resins. The volatile acids
responsible for that cheesy aroma are expelled during wort
boiling, which is particularly long and vigorous for lambic
wort. The preservative value of hops is not lost upon aging,
however, and remains the primary reason for their use in
lambic brewing, since the hops contribute virtually no
aroma (long boil) and no bitterness (aged hops).

- Milling -
First, the wheat is milled. Wheat, in contrast to most barley
varieties, is a naked grain (no husk) with a deep crease

running along its ventral side, which complicates the milling
process. It is also much harder than barley malt, having not
been malted. The main objective in milling the wheat is to
separate the starchy endosperm both from the embryo and
the bran (pericarp, testa and aleurone layer). A good
conversion of the wheat starch during mashing also depends
on the adequate disruption of the cell walls in the
endosperm. As a result, a rather fine grist is wanted.
Traditionally, hammer-milling has been the method
of choice for crushing wheat, but mostly roller mills are
found in lambic breweries because they can be used to mill
both wheat and malt. The gap settings between the rollers
simply are increased from 0.04 to 0.06 inches for wheat and
malt milling (respectively). The malt is coarse-ground to
break the endosperm and to keep the huskintact. The kinds
of mills (concasseur) found in lambic breweries vary just as
much as they do in the lager or ale brewing industries. The
smallest breweries use simple two- or four-roll mills, while
the larger breweries use more complex ones.

- Mashing -
Typically, 35 percent wheat and 65 percent barley
malt make up the grist for a lambic brew. Sometimes, the
wheat is replaced with corn or rice, but as mentioned
previously, the resulting lambic is of lower quality. Three
types of beers can be produced from this typical brew:
lambic, faro and mars beer depending on the specific gravity
of the wort. Mashing takes place in a traditional mash tun
(cuve matière) with a slotted false bottom to draw the wort.
The mash tun is equipped with a system of rotating rakes for
mixing the mash. Since the wheat is milled first, most of the
grist at the bottom of the mash tun is wheat. Some wheat

chaff might be mixed with the grist before mashing for the
purpose of facilitating lautering. Alternatively, after the false-
bottom of the mash tun has been covered with hot water,
wheat chaff may be layered on top of the water before the
grist is sent into the tun.
The mashing of lambic beers follows a temperature
profile. The temperature changes are achieved by decoction
(boiling) of portions of the mash, and by injecting boiling
water to the main mash several times during the mashing
process. The initial temperature of the mash is from 113 to 120
degrees F (45 to 48 degrees C). This is achieved with a Strike
water temperature of about 144 degrees F (62 degrees C). The
water/grist ratio is very high, typically 8:1 or even 9:1 by
weight at the end of mashing, when all the water has been
added to the mash. Because the wheat starches are not
modified, the mash has a milky-white appearance. A ten
minute rest is allowed after the steeping (empatage) of the
grist is complete.
The temperature of the mash is brought up to 136
degrees F (58 degrees C) by injecting boiling water through
the filter plates at the bottom of the mash vessel. About one-
fifth (18 percent) of the total volume of the mash is pumped
into a cooker (macérateur) and boiled gently. The
temperature of the main mash is increased to 149 degrees F
(65 degrees C) by injecting more boiling water through the
bottom of the vessel. Another one-fifth (18 percent) of the
main mash is pumped to the cooker where it is boiled. The
contents of the cooker are then pumped back into the mash
vessel. This brings the temperature of the mash up to 162
degrees F (72 degrees C). Conversion of the starch into Sugars
takes about twenty minutes. Even at these low temperatures,
the amylase enzymes can be denatured before all the starch
has been converted. A starch haze may remain visible even
after mashing off at 170 degrees F (76 degrees C)

with one last infusion with boiling water. The mash-mixing
devices are turned off at this point and the mash is allowed
to settle for twenty minutes.
Alternatively, some lambic brewers mix all the wheat
flour with a small amount of malt and bring it to a boil in the
cooker before returning it to the main mash. This process is
identical to the American mashing process with adjunct
(corn or rice).
The mashing process takes about two-and-a-half
hours. The wort is then lautered through the bottom filter
plates. The first worts are recirculated until clear. Sparging
begins as soon as the grain bed is visible. The device used for
sparging, a cross-shaped rotating head, is called a “Scottish
cross” because it delivers water in scarce quantities. The
temperature of the sparging water traditionally is about 173
degrees F (72 degrees C). However, the lambic brewer intends
to obtain highly dextrinous wort. This is why the
temperature of the sparging water might be raised even to
200 degrees F (95 degrees C) to solubilize any starch that
might be left in the grist. The late worts usually stain iodine
blue, indicating the presence of soluble and insoluble starch.
Starch and dextrins are not undesirable in lambic wort. With
time (remember that the fermentation takes about two
years), most carbohydrates are eventually degraded and
converted to various fermentation products by the mixed
microbial flora of yeast and bacteria in the lambic
A multiple-stage infusion method is another
alternative used by some lambic brewers. Mash-in is at 95
degrees F (35 degrees C). By additions of boiling water, the
mash temperature is brought up to 113 degrees F (45 degrees
C), 131 degrees F (55 degrees C), and 149 degrees F (65 degrees
C), each stage lasting about fifteen minutes. After mash-off at
162 to 164 degrees F (72 to 73 degrees C), the whole mash is
pumped into the kettle where it is brought to a boil. It is then

pumped back into the mash tun (which now acts as a lauter
tun), where it sits for fifteen minutes. Once lautering is under
way, sparging begins, with the water at 200degrees F (95
degrees C). The amount of sparging water applied, or the
duration of sparging, is a function of the desired final gravity.

- Wort Boiling -

The wort is pumped into a copper kettle equipped

with impellers and coils for a vigorous and uniform boil. The
aged hops are added at the beginning of the boil. The
hopping rate is about 2.5 pounds per 100 pounds of grain or
from 21 and 27 ounces of hops per barrel of finished beer (500
to 650 g/hL). This value is much higher than what is common
in the ale and lager brewing industry because the hops have
lost most of their bittering power. The wort is boiled for at
least three-and-a-half hours to as long as six

hours. The extensive boil compensates for the high
water/grist ratio by evaporating a huge amount of water.
Indeed, the volume of the wort is reduced by up to 30 percent
during the boil. The hot wort is then pumped into the hop
filter (bac à houblon) where the spent hops are recovered.
Until recently, faro was made by blending equal
amounts of lambic and mars beer, and adding candy sugar to
the blend. In that case, the first worts were used for lambic,
and the late worts were used for mars beer. They had to be
kept separate from that stage of the process until blending
after fermentation. The high-gravity lambic wort was boiled
in the kettle, and the low-gravity mars wort was boiled in the
cooker-turned-kettle for a few hours.

- Wort Cooling, Aeration and Inoculation -

Cooling, aeration, and inoculation (using the local
microbial flora) of the wort are conducted in an unusual
fashion, which is unique to the brewing of lambic beers.
From the hop filter, the wort is pumped into a cooling tun
(bac refroidissoir), which is very wide and shallow (about
forty square feet in area and one foot deep in most lambic
breweries). Because the wort is spread over a large area, a
considerable surface area is exposed to the atmosphere. This
copper cooling tun is located in the highest part of the
brewery — the loft up under the tile roof. Outdoor air is
allowed to enter the loft between the vented tiles and
through open louvers. It is so important to leave the local
microbial flora undisturbed that a Brussels' brewer, whose
roof was in precarious shape, elected to cover the old tiles
with new tiles rather than to rebuild his roof from scratch,
convinced as he was that the tiles housed a host of precious
microorganisms. The more modern breweries, however, are
equipped with a complex system of fans that evenly

distributes the flow of air over the wort. The wort is left
overnight to settle, cool, and pick up the oxygen and the
microbial flora that are required for the lambic fermentation.
The next morning (between 5 and 9 a.m. depending
on the weather), the wort has cooled down to 68 to 73 degrees
F (20 to 23 degrees C) and is ready to be racked into the
wooden casks where the fermentation starts after a few days.
First, it is pumped from the cooling tun into a mixing tun
(cuve guilloire) to obtain a homogeneous liquid. From there,
it is pumped into individual casks.
For the production of faro, the lambic and mars worts
— which, remember, have been processed separately — are
cooled and inoculated in the cooling tun and mixing tun,


It is interesting to see how the brewing process for

lambic beers has evolved over the years. Compared to the
main brewing industry, the lambic industry is a very
traditional one. And yet very significant changes have
occurred. In consulting European brewing manuals from the
1850s, I was able to reconstruct the lambic brewing process as
it was in those days.
Equal amounts of unmalted wheat and malted barley
were used to produce the traditional lambic, faro, and mars
beer. The malt was barley, germinated slowly and very
lightly kilned. The grains were mixed together and coarse-
milled. First, water at 113 degrees F (45 degrees C) was poured
into the mash tun to cover the false bottom by a few inches.
Then, two or three "bags" of wheat chaff were layered on the
bottom, followed by the grist and the water until the tun was
full. The mash liquor consisted of water at 113 degrees F (45
degrees C) injected through the false bottom and

boiling striking water poured onto the grist and quickly
mixed in by mechanical devices. About 220 pounds (100 kg)
of grist yielded 2.2 barrels (260 L) each of lambic and mars
beer, or 3.9 barrels (460 L) of faro.
The surface of the mash was covered with a small
layer of wheat chaff. Conical wicker-baskets (stuykmanden),
as deep as the mashing vessel and about three feet in
diameter, were immediately placed on top of the mash and
pushed deep into it to separate the liquor from the grist. The
turbid mashing liquor collected inside the baskets would
then be Scooped with copper pans (kleyn ketels) and dumped
into a kettle (slym-ketel), where it was heated to a boil with
the clear liquid simultaneously run off the false bottom of
the mash tun. Boiling water was added to the grist in the
mash tun, and a second mashing stage was conducted. The
liquid portion of the mash was separated from the spent
grain as before, and boiled in the kettle with

the first portion for twenty minutes. In the meantime, the
spent grains were pushed to the sides of the mash tun, the
false bottom was covered with a new layer of wheat chaff,
the bed of spent grains was reconstructed on top of it, and the
boiled liquid (slym) was returned to the mash tun. The mash
was mixed again carefully without disturbing the bottom
layer. It was allowed to settle for one hour, and the wort was
then run off through the false bottom. Two additional
mashing stages were conducted with boiling water in the
same fashion, thereby achieving the equivalent of sparging
operations in modern brewing. As mentioned previously, the
late worts run off after these two mashing stages had a lower
gravity than the first worts and were used to make faro and
mars beer, whereas lambic was produced only from the first
The wort for lambic production was boiled in the
kettle for five to six hours with 32 to 36 ounces of Alost or
Poperinhge hops per barrel of wort (780 to 860 g/hL). Then
the boiled wort was poured into the hop strainer, cooled, and
oxygenated in a wort cooler, a large, vertical copper plate
open to the atmosphere, on each side of which the wort
trickled as a thin film. It was collected at 50 to 60 degrees F (10
to 15 degrees C), depending on the weather, in the mixing
tun. The wort was immediately distributed into casks
without any artificial inoculation.
The same process was applied to the late worts for
mars beer except that these were boiled in the cooker. The
stage in which the wort picked up the microbial flora from
the brewery atmosphere did not exist at the time. Some
brewers, however, added to the cool wort in the mixing tun
about 5 percent wort that had not been boiled. This wort had
been sitting in the open for a few hours and had picked up
microbes from the surroundings. These microorganisms

caused the fermentation to start faster. The wort for faro and
mars beer production was boiled for twelve to fifteen hours
with the spent hops from the lambic boil, and 17 to 21 ounces
of hops per barrel of wort (400 to 500 g/hL), before it was
processed as described for lambic wort.
The filled casks were then transported within the
next twenty-four hours to the fermentation cellar where
they were stored in up to three levels with their bung-hole
left open. The casks were regularly refilled during the spring
and summer of the first year to compensate for fermentation
and evaporation losses so the beer would not oxidize.
Fermentation would start after a few days or a few months
and last for eight to twenty months. Lambic beer was not
considered ready before two years. The gravity of the lambic
wort ranged from 1.050 to 1.060 (12 to 15 degrees Plato) to
1.015 to 1.020 (3.8 to 6 degrees Plato) over these two years.
Why did brewers then not intend for the wort to pick up as
much natural microbial flora as possible, as is presently the
case with the use of the cooling tun? In the 1850s, the
presence of a lactic flavor or a ropy appearance (caused by
lactic acid bacteria and considered "normal" in today's lambic
fermentations) was regarded as a defect. It was felt that by
shortening the exposure of the wort to the environment,
such contamination was avoided. It is likely that the agents
of the lambic fermentation came mostly from the casks in
which the wort was placed.

Lambic Fermentation
and Cellaring


The microbiology of lambic beers is what makes

them so unique. Lambic beers undergo a “spontaneous” or
“natural” fermentation, that is, they are fermented by the
microbial flora found in the brewery and the atmosphere
surrounding it. This practice in itself is not so unique and
many great wines are still made this way today in such
famous wine-making regions as Bordeaux or Burgundy. It is
the resulting combination of microorganisms involved in
the lambic fermentation that is unique. It is comprised of
both yeasts and bacteria, a truly surprising fact for most
brewers who recognize yeast — but not just any yeast, only
Saccharomyces cerevisiae or Saccharomyces Carlsbergensis
— as the only agents that may turn their wort into a quality
beer, and rightfully fear bacteria as the agents of beer
contamination or spoilage.
Indeed, if we look at the history of brewing, top-
fermenting S. cerevisiae for the making of ales, and bottom
fermenting S. carlsbergensis for the making of lagers, are the
only desirable yeast species in a brewery. Other yeasts,

which may belong to the genera Saccharomyces,
Brettanomyces, Dekkera, Kloeckera, Hansenula, Candida,
Pichia, Hanseniaspora, Cryptococcus, and Rhodotorula, are
regarded as contaminants and are usually grouped under the
term “wild yeast,” as in “out of the brewer's control.”
Similarly, the few bacterial genera that can tolerate the
drastic conditions of pH, alcohol, and hop resins in beer — as
well as the yeast used to ferment it — are dreaded
contaminants. They include lactic acid bacteria (Pediococcus
and Lactobacillus), acetic acid bacteria (Acetobacter and
Acetomonas), entericbacteria (Klebsiella and Hafnia), and
Zymomonas. These bacteria spoil the flavor of beer.
However, they do not endanger the health of the consumer,
that is, they are not pathogenic. Fortunately, pathogenic
microorganisms fail to grow or survive in beer for extended
periods because of beer's low pH and high alcohol content.
Although we sometimes speak of fermentation as
“controlled spoilage," because we now understand this vital
microbial process and have developed the modern
technologies to control it, lambic fermentations remain an
exception in that we often lose control of them. One of the
purposes of this text, however, is to offer away of producing
lambic like beers through a “controlled" fermentation
process. If we quickly review the list of the main organisms
involved in lambic fermentation (Saccharomyces,
Brettanomyces, Dekkera, Kloeckera, Pediococcus, and enteric
bacteria), we find that all but the first one are usually
associated with beer spoilage. As brewers, we should
therefore refer to the lambic fermentation as a combination
and sequence of “desirable" spoilages, if not entirely
“controlled" ones. As lambic drinkers, on the other hand, we
should avoid using the word “spoilage" out of respect for the
skilled (and susceptible) brewers who produce it.

As mentioned previously, traditional lambic
fermentations take about two years. Based on the very
thorough studies of Professor Verachtert and his
Collaborators at the University of Leuven in Belgium, we
know that several microorganisms work in sequence to
produce the unique flavor of lambic beers. The following
pattern of microbial development is observed. Three to
seven days after the wort has been cooled and allowed to pick
up microorganisms from the atmosphere, fermentation
starts with the development of wort enteric bacteria and
strains of Kloeckera apiculata. After three to four weeks, these
organisms are overgrown by strains of S. cerevisiae and S.
bayanus, and these are responsible for the main, alcoholic
fermentation, which lasts for three to four months. A strong
bacterial activity is observed next. Strains of Pediococcus
damnosus, a lactic acid bacterium, take over the
fermentation. These organisms reach their maximum
density during the summer months and cause a five-fold
increase in lactic acid concentration and a big drop in pH.
They may also cause ropiness in some casks. At this stage, the
presence of air in the casks may favor the development of
acetic acid bacteria of the genus Acetobacter and cause
spoilage of the beer.
After eight months, a new population of yeast cells is
found in the beers. These are strains of Brettanomyces
bruxellensis and Brettanomyces lambicus. They are
responsible for a further reduction of the residual extract and
the development of special flavors. Oxidative yeasts of the
genera Candida, Pichia, Hansenula, and Cryptococcus may
also be detected after the main fermentation and may cause
the formation of a film on the beer surface.
In all, as many as a dozen kinds of microorganisms
may participate in the fermentation of a lambic beer! The
reader should now begin to realize the complexity of such a
beer. It requires a great deal more microorganisms than ales

or lagers, and these organisms have to work in a particular
sequence. The possibility of spoilage also exists! What a
challenge for a brewer! This gives rise to the need for a
discussion of the organisms in the sequence in which appear
during the lambic fermentation, their main features and
characteristics and their contribution to the character of
lambic beers. (The pattern of microbial development during
the lambic fermentation is summarized in Figure 3.)

- Enteric bacteria -
(3 to 7 days)
Enteric bacteria in the wort reach a very high cell
concentration within a few days after cooling of the wort.
Concentrations of 108 cells/mL after two weeks are common.
The viability of these enteric bacteria decreases rapidly, and
after two months they are usually absent from the
fermenting wort. Enteric bacteria or Enterobacteriaceae are
gram-negative bacteria. Some of the strains found in lambic
fermentations are closely related to the most well-known
example of the family, Escherichia coli, strains of which are
present in large numbers in the gut of mammals. They may
include species of Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, and
In wort, they produce a variety of flavors and aromas
ranging from sweet, honey, and fruity to vegetable and fecal.
Enteric bacteria can readily utilize glucose in wort for their
growth. However, they cannot use maltose or maltotriose,
the main sugars in wort. They metabolize glucose into lactic
acid, acetic acid, ethanol and carbon dioxide through the so-
called “mixed-acid fermentation." Most of the acetic acid
found in the final product is synthesized at this early stage of
the fermentation, mostly by these enteric bacteria. The
mixed-acid fermentation (which result

in the emission of CO2) is responsible for the formation of
foam at this stage. The enteric bacteria consume most of the
aminoacids available in the lambic wort and produce a
variety of amines and peptides that impart a very peculiar
(and temporary) flavor to the lambic. The aminoacid
depletion is believed to account for the very slow start of the
main, alcoholic fermentation (Verachtert; 1983).
Since wort Enterobacteriaceae are known to produce
Several sulfur compounds, carbonyls, and phenols, they
definitely contribute to the flavor of lambic beers, although
some of these early fermentation products disappear during
later phases, entrapped by the CO2 bubbles from the main
fermentation. Dimethylsulfide (DMS) is a good illustration of
this phenomenon. Significant amounts of DMS-up to 450
parts per billion (ppb) — are produced by enteric bacteria
during the first two weeks of the fermentation (Van Oevelen
et al.; 1978). The DMS concentration falls to 100 ppb after
most of it has been stripped by fermentation gases.

- Kloeckera apiculata -
(3 to 7 days)

Strains of the yeast Kloeckera apiculata are found in

the wort at the same time as the enteric bacteria, that is,
during the first two weeks of fermentation. Maximum
Concentrations of 105 cells/mL are found after a week. After
two weeks, Kloeckera is overgrown by Saccharomyces
species and disappears. The same phenomenon is observed in
the spontaneous fermentations of wine and cider. This
similarity could account for some of the winey and cidery
characters of lambic beers. Kloeckera ferments glucose but
not maltose. The fermentation is a mixed-acid fermentation,
similar but not identical to the one observed with enteric
bacteria. The very fast growth of K. apiculata and of wort

Enterobacteriaceae results in a decrease in pH from 5.1 to 4.6,
as a result of the synthesis of acetic and lactic acids.
One interesting property of the yeast K. apiculata is
the ability to secrete proteases (enzymes that break down
proteins) into the medium in which they are growing.
Although the yeast does not survive for a longtime in the
wort (two weeks at most) and does not reach a very high cell
density (105 cells/mL of wort), we believe that it contributes
to breaking down a significant amount of the wort proteins
that did not precipitate during the boil. That amount is
higher than in all-malt wort because of the wheat used in the
mash. Indeed, wheat is a cereal with a particularly high
protein content. Proteins are partially responsible for chill
haze in beer, and it is therefore beneficial to have a yeast with
some proteolytic activity at some point in the fermentation.
The contribution of K. apiculata to the flavor of the final
product is minor, namely a few esters with floral and fruity
characters, which are probably stripped off during the main
fermentation because of their high volatility.

- Saccharomyces species -
(2 weeks)

After two weeks, K. apiculata is overgrown by yeast

Strains belonging to the Saccharomyces genus. These strains
perform the main alcoholic fermentation and are
responsible for most of the attenuation of the wort. They
dominate the wort's microbial flora during the first seven
months of fermentation, reaching maximum cell densities of
about 5 x 106 cells/mL after three to four weeks. Such a cell
density is still well below the densities of 108 cells/mL found
in commercial top or bottom fermentations.
The isolates found in the lambic wort belong to
either of two species, S. bayanus or S. cerevisiae. S. bayanus is

now considered as a race of the species S. cerevisiae according
to the latest yeast classification by Kreger-van Rij (1984). Both
races are very vigorous fermenters of glucose, maltose, and in
some cases maltotriose, the main sugars in wort. Another race
of the species S. cerevisiae, S. globosus, is found less regularly
during the fermentation and at a much lower density (no
more than 103 cells/mL). It does not ferment maltose, a
limitation which likely accounts for its minor role in the
lambic fermentation. Despite the fact that Saccharomyces
species ferment most of the sugar in lambic wort, they are
not the main contributors to the characteristic flavor of
lambic beers.

- Lactic acid bacteria -

(3 to 4 months)

After three to four months, the main fermentation is

complete. The yeast population decreases, while the bacterial
population increases. Most bacterial isolates found during
that period are lactic acid bacteria of the genera Pediococcus,
of which the predominant species usually is P. damnosus.
Some Lactobacillus isolates may also be found. The
population of lactic acid bacteria reaches a maximum after
seven months, which coincides with the beginning of
summer. The warmer temperature in the cellar around that
time of the year seems to be required for lactic acid bacteria
to grow. Indeed, the same phenomenon is observed during
the second year of the lambic fermentation; that is, the
population of lactic acid bacteria peaks again at the onset of
the second summer. We suspect that one way to speed up the
lambic fermentation would be to set the casks at a warmer
temperature as soon as the main, alcoholic fermentation is
complete. This could simply be achieved by having
temperature-controlled cellars, a luxury that few lambic

breweries can afford because of their old age (the buildings
usually are not very well insulated).
Tolerance to hop antiseptic is important in P.
damnosus, which grows in hopped wort while other species
of lactic acid bacteria are inhibited. As lactic acid bacteria, P.
damnosus ferment glucose into lactic acid without emitting
carbon dioxide. Their presence in the lambic fermentation
coincides with the large increase in lactic acid concentration
observed after a few months. Lactic acid is responsible for the
sour taste of lambic beers. It is definitely one of the key
components of lambic flavor. The increase in lactic acid
concentration during bacterial proliferation is rather slow,
however, because these bacteria are very fastidious (slow-
growing, with complex nutritional requirements) and never
reach a very high cell density in the lambic wort. P.
damnosus strains readily produce acetoin and diacetyl
which may contribute a buttery aroma to the beer. Diacetyl
concentrations of greater than 200 ppb are produced by
Pediococcus. However, these levels later drop to about 45 ppb
(Van Oevelen et al.; 1978).
Frequently, a disorder develops at this stage of the
lambic fermentation that makes the beer oily or even ropy.
The ropiness may be accompanied or followed by a haze that
cannot be eliminated by filtration. In 1900, Van Laer
published the first account of a rope-forming bacterium in
lambic worts. The bacterium, which was called Bacillus
viscosus bruxellensis at the time, was thought to be
responsible for the appearance of ropiness in some casks. This
disorder is caused by some strains of P. damnosus (formerly P.
cerevisiae), which may produce slime from glucose or
maltose in the wort (Van Oevelen and Verachtert, 1979). The
slime is composed of carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and
proteins. Its effect is only aesthetic, and it is not harmful to
the consumer. Fortunately, if slime is produced, it is usually

hydrolyzed later during the lambic fermentation by growing
cells of Brettanomyces yeasts.
It is also worth mentioning the occasional presence
of Some acetic acid bacteria after the main fermentation
period, but at irregular times and in variable amounts. We
suspect that poor handling of the casks resulting in the
lambic wort being exposed to air causes contamination by
acetic acid bacteria in addition to damage to the beer by
oxidation. Indeed, acetic acid bacteria are strict aerobes, that
is, they cannot grow without oxygen. In other words, their
presence in the lambic fermentation is not regarded as a
desirable feature and can be avoided by keeping the casks

- Yeasts of the Brettanomyces genus -

(8 months)

After about eight months of fermentation, the yeast

population increases again. This time, it is dominated by
strains belonging to the species Brettanomyces bruxellensis
and Brettanomyces lambicus. These strains remain in the
lambic wort for the next sixteen months and are the main
contributors to the aroma of lambic beers. Their growth
coincides with a further slow decrease in residual extract.
Organisms of the genus Brettanomyces have at various times
been part of the history of brewing. The earliest reference to
Brettanomyces is a patent for the use of these organisms in
the secondary fermentation of English beers, which was
taken out in 1903 by N. Hjelte Claussen, a brewing
microbiologist in Copenhagen at Carlsberg Brewery.
Unfortunately for Claussen's discovery, the strength of
British beers, owing to an increase in the taxation of their
alcohol content, began to decline. British brewers, instead of
welcoming Claussen's outstanding work as it deserved,

decided that the type of flavor produced by
Brettanomyces was no longer desirable. Who says brewers are
not practical people?
Brettanomyces species are still fairly common
organisms in top-fermentation breweries, but they now
belong in the ranks of ignominious contaminants. These
organisms are very difficult to get rid of in a brewery,
especially one that is fairly old. They are found in the
atmosphere of the brewery and inside the wood fibers of the
casks used in the lambic fermentation. An interesting
situation exists in the French wine industry. Some wines of
great reputation are infected with Brettanomyces, which is
then said to add to the complexity and delicacy of the flavor.
Tullo, at the Guinness brewery, had already isolated in 1899
two types of “secondary yeast” from Irish stout. This
exported beer depended indeed on these yeasts not only for
its characteristic flavor, but also for the production of CO2, in
the bottle due to their apparent ability to ferment higher
polysaccharides (those we today call dextrins), which the
“primary yeast” (Saccharomyces) could not ferment. In 1940,
Custers published an outstanding monograph on
Brettanomyces, which reported the first systematic
investigation of the genus. In all, he studied seventeen
different strains isolated from English ale and stout, and from
lambic beer.
At this point, it is necessary to review the regulation
of sugar metabolism in yeast (as investigated mostly in the
genus Saccharomyces) in order to understand what makes
Brettanomyces such a unique organism. Carbohydrate
metabolism is carefully regulated in yeast. Since glucose
utilization yields more energy by aerobic respiration than by
alcoholic fermentation, yeasts respire whenever they can,
especially in the presence of high oxygen and low sugar
concentration, and there by increase biomass or cell density.
This phenomenon is known as the “Pasteur effect." It is
exemplified by the commercial production of bakers' yeast

from molasses when the "fermentation" (it actually is a
respiration) is carried out in highly aerated vessels, and the
molasses is pulsed into the vessels in small increments that
maintain the concentration of fermentable Sugar at or below
0.5 percent. On the other hand, glucose concentrations in
excess of 0.5 percent or so, even in the presence of oxygen, are
fermented by yeast into ethanol and CO 2, this phenomenon
is known as the “Crabtree effect.”
One of the most interesting characteristics of the
metabolism of Brettanomyces is that young aerobic cultures
exhibit a negative Pasteur effect, that is, they have a very
much stronger fermentative ability under aerobic
conditions than under anaerobic conditions, unlike all other
yeasts. This property is consistent with their ability to form
a film or pellicle on the surface of the beer inside the casks.
All lambic brewers make it very clear that this pellicle (which
is probably made of yeasts of the genera Pichia and Candida
in addition to Brettanomyces) is not to be cracked at any
time during the fermentation or the beer will be damaged by
Another important characteristic of the genus
Brettanomyces is that secondary products of fermentation
accumulate to a much greater extent than is the case with
Saccharomyces. These secondary products are crucially
important to the lambic character. Although they still
account for only a small proportion of the total fermented
sugars, they comprise many different kinds of compounds,
each in a fairly low concentration, but many with even
lower detection thresholds (easily smelled or tasted at low
concentration). Chief among these compounds are the esters
ethyl acetate and ethyl lactate. These esters may be formed
chemically or enzymatically (by the enzyme called esterase)
as a result of the reaction between an organic acid and an
alcohol. Unlike Kloeckera and Saccharomyces,

Brettanomyces yeasts display a high esterase activity
(Spaepen and Verachtert; 1982). The esterase enzyme can
work both ways; that is, it can trigger either the synthesis of
an ester from an organic acid and an alcohol, or the
hydrolysis of the ester into the acid and the alcohol.
The unique contribution of Brettanomyces to the
lambic flavor is the result of a high synthesis by its esterase of
ethyl acetate and ethyl lactate from ethanol and acetic and
lactic acids, and to the hydrolysis by that same esterase of the
iso-amylacetate produced earlier in the fermentation by
Saccharomyces. Some acetic acid is sometimes produced by
Brettanomyces yeasts at this stage of the fermentation.
Brettanomyces strains may also develop a strong horsey
flavor, which is very objectionable at high concentration.
This phenomenon is especially acute in wines infected with
the organism. In lambic beers, however, the horsey character
may be strong or weak, depending on the conditions of the
fermentation. What causes this character to appear is not yet
well understood. The compounds responsible for it are
tetrahydropyridines (Heresztyn; 1986 a, b). It seems that they
might only be produced when ethanol and the aminoacid
lysine are present in the growth medium. Since wort contains
lysine and ethanol once the fermentation is under way, the
conditions are set for the horsey flavor to be produced when
Brettanomyces is the predominant species in lambic wort. At
a low level, nevertheless, it is a desirable part of the lambic
The contribution of the Brettanomyces species to
lambic flavor, although paramount, is very slow, as was the
case with the Pediococcus species. The reason is identical.
Brettanomyces species are fastidious (slow) growers, and their
cell density in lambic wort remains relatively low even at the
late stages of the fermentation. The constituency of the
microbial flora differs between Brussels and its surroundings.

Whereas B. bruxellensis is the predominant yeast in the city,
B. lambicus is the main yeast in the country-side breweries.
Their respective contributions to the flavor of lambic beers
is different. René Lindemans' comment that “the wild yeast
(Brettanomyces) is better in the country that in Brussels —
which is contaminated by city smog" likely relates to the
above-mentioned difference in the make up of the flora.

- Yeasts of the genera Pichia, Candida, Hansenula

and Cryptococcus -
(8 months)

Oxidative yeasts of the genera Pichia, Candida,

Hansenula, and Cryptococcus also are detected late in lambic
fermentations and are responsible (along with
Brettanomyces) for the formation of a film on the surface of
the beer after the main fermentation. It is believed that they
produce a few esters and other volatiles that may contribute
slightly to the fruity/cidery character of lambic beers.
Hansenula and Pichia produce large quantities of ethyl
acetate by aerobic fermentation. The predominant species
are Candida lambica and its perfect counterpart Pichia
fermentans. These yeasts are found at the surface of the beer
because they are oxidative and because they form a
pseudomycelium (semi-solid network of branched chains of
elongated cells), which gives them the ability to float.

- A Specific Sequence -

The conclusion of the extensive studies of Professor

Verachtert and his collaborators at the University of Leuven,
Belgium, and of our own experiments at the University of
California at Davis on the microbiology of the lambic
fermentation, is that the main microbial species involved in
the lambic fermentation are (in this sequence):

• wort Enterobacteriaceae (bacteria),
• Kloeckera apiculata (yeast),
• Saccharomyces Species (yeast),
• Pediococcus damnosus (bacteria), and
• Brettanomyces species (yeast).

Because it is a spontaneous fermentation, the lambic

fermentation is very hard to control, and the resulting
lambic may vary considerably. Indeed, casks filled with wort
from the same brew, cooled, and inoculated in the same
conditions, can produce very different lambics. This
indicates that potential microbial infections from the
wooden fibers in the casks, handling of the casks by the
brewer, and oxygen level in the casks are key factors in the
lambic fermentation. Casks lying in dry places or near
vibrating machinery risk spoilage by acetic acid bacteria
because oxygen can get into the lambic through the wood
and/or through the broken film of surface yeast. Some
extreme types of lambics obtained as a result of uncontrolled
conditions include hard lambic characterized by a sharp,
sour taste and fruity aroma associated with very high acetic
acid and ethyl acetate levels from spoilage by acetic acid
bacteria; soft lambic characterized by a low acidity, an
astringent mouthfeel, and a celerylike flavor from
insufficient bacterial seeding and growth; and ropy lambic
characterized by an oily texture resulting from high
amounts of pediococci.


Various products comprise the unique flavor of
lambic and gueuze beers, and they are produced in a
sequence that follows very closely the sequence of
microorganisms. Van Oevelen et al. (1976), Spaepen et al.
(1978), and Van Oevelen et al. (1978) studied the evolution of
some key lambic components over a

twenty-four-month fermentation period. (Their findings are
reproduced in Figure 4.)

- Phase One of Fermentation -

The first phase of the fermentation takes about three
months during which most of the ethanol is produced and
about 80 percent of the sugars are consumed, mostly by
Saccharomyces yeast. The synthesis of higher alcohols
(propanol, amyl alcohol, isobutanol, isoamyl alcohol, and
phenethyl alcohol) closely follows the synthesis of ethanol.
Acetic acid is produced in large amounts during the
first month by Enteric bacteria. In some casks infected with
acetic acid bacteria (which would indicate poor protection of
the beer against oxygen since these bacteria are strict
aerobes), the level of acetic acid can reach 4,000 mg/L. An
important amount of the main ester ethyl acetate is
produced during the first phase of fermentation in part
because its precursors — ethanol and acetic acid — are
already present. The concentration of ethyl acetate
continues to increase through the second phase of the
Two fatty acids—caprylic (C8) and capric (C10) acids —
and the corresponding esters ethyl caprylate and ethyl
caprate, are produced in the first phase of the fermentation
by Kloeckera and Saccharomyces yeast. These contribute a
very characteristic goaty, cheesy flavor to some lambic
products. Fatty acids from C12 to C18 increase slowly during
the first months. Myristic acid (C 14) and the higher
unsaturated fatty acids C18:2 (linoleic), and C18:3 (linolenic) are
produced early on by enterobacteria.

- Phase Two of Fermentation -

The second phase of the fermentation starts with the
lowering of the pH by Pediococcus bacteria. It lasts for up to
two years during which the pH might drop from 4 to 3. This

drop is due mostly to the conversion of Sugars into lactic acid
by pediococci. The residual extract is lowered further from
1.022 to 1.012, half of that reduction taking place in the first
six to eight months. The concentration of ethanol remains
constant because little is produced by Brettanomyces yeast,
barely enough to compensate for losses due to evaporation
or esterification.
About 800 mg/L of lactic acid is found after the first
month of fermentation. There is a slight increase in lactic
acid during the next five to six months followed by a large,
two- to five-fold increase as the second phase of the
fermentation takes place. Exceptionally high values of up to
13 g/ L may be found in ropy lambics. A large increase in ethyl
lactate follows the increase in lactic acid concentration.
Maximum levels of ethyl lactate are usually obtained about
three months after lactic acid has reached its highest
concentration. Interestingly, the high levels of the esters
ethyl acetate and ethyl lactate cannot be explained by
chemical esterification only (the simple reaction between an
alcohol and an acid), indicating that some enzymatic
synthesis is effected by the microorganisms involved.
The concentration of isoamyl acetate, an important
ester in most beers, remains below the detection threshold of
0.5 mg/L. It is believed that what little isoamyl acetate is
produced during the first phase of the fermentation by
Saccharomyces is metabolized during the second phase by
Brettanomyces. Higher fatty acids, such as caprylic and
capric acids are known growth-promoting factors for many
yeasts. Among other things, they make these yeasts ethanol-
tolerant. It is possible that the high amounts of these fatty
acids produced during the first months of the lambic
fermentation promote the growth of the unusual yeast flora
found in lambic during the second phase of the fermentation
when the ethanol concentration is already high.

The concentrations of caprylic (C8) and capric (C10)
acids increase slowly but steadily during the later months of
the fermentation, along with the concentration of lauric acid
(C12). This production pattern is ascribed to Brettanomyces
yeast. The resulting flavor is a key part of the Brettanomyces
character in lambic. The level of the higher unsaturated fatty
acids decreases as the lambic becomes older and some
disappear completely, especially C18:2 (linoleic) and C18:3 (li-
nolenic) because they are taken up by yeasts and pediococci.
Up to 200 ppb of DMS are formed by wort
Enterobacteriaceae during the first two weeks of the
fermentation. DMS levels fall below 100 ppb after the main
fermentation as a result of stripping by fermentation gases.
Diacetyl concentrations of more than 200 ppb are produced
by Pediococcus strains after the main fermentation. These
levels decrease to about 45 ppb during the later phase of the
lambic fermentation.


- Fermentation Casks -
Brussels used to harbor the commerce of the finest
European wines. Wine merchants, after selling their Spanish,
Portuguese, and French wines in Northern Europe, would sell
the wooden casks in which the wines were transported to
British and Belgian brewers. Today, the lambic fermentation
is still carried out in these used casks from the Cognac, Porto,
Sherry, and Madeira regions—and even from Bordeaux
although these are used to a lesser extent because of their
prohibitive price. Fermentation casks are classified according
to their capacity. The tonne or tonneau bruxellois is 2.2
barrels (267 L), the pipe has a capacity of 5.5 barrels (650 L),
and the foudre holds 25 barrels (3000 L). Made

of oak or chestnut wood, these wine barrels have a round
bung hole, unlike beer barrels. Once they are in a brewery,
however, a rectangular bung-hole four by six inches is cut to
allow for cleaning, and the barrels are sulfur-fumigated to
control mold growth.
The lambic brewer must be an accomplished cooper's
craftsman to keep his casks in good condition. An alterna-
tive chosen by the Belle-Vue brewery is to employ a number
of coopers or apprentices. The barrels must be carefully
cleaned before filling. This is a very delicate task because of
the need for preserving certain microorganisms required for
the fermentation of lambics and to protect the beer against
unwanted infections.
The casks are rolled to a part of the brewery devoted
only to barrel cleaning operations. They are first cleaned
manually with a special brush ( ramon), the bristles of which
are of birchwood sticks. This brush removes most of the lees
(dik-dik) or sediments and solids left after drawing off the

beer from the cask. Traditionally, the dik-dik was scrubbed
out of the barrel and saved in a bucket. It turned sour and
acetic after a few days, and the slurry was used to clean the
brewery's copper vessels. Next, the barrel is cleaned with
brushes, chains with sharp scraping edges and a hot water
stream is applied inside the rotating barrel, leaving it clean
and ready for use. Most brewers today add a steam injection
to the cycle, although they make sure not to completely
sterilize their casks before filling them with wort. The largest
lambic brewery uses only a high-pressure, hot-water system
to clean its casks. If the casks are not used immediately, they
are sanitized with a burning sulfur tablet and plugged. Since
these barrels are hard to find, the brewery repairs them rather
than discard them when they begin to rot. It is not
uncommon when walking through the fermentation cellars
of a lambic brewery to run across old barrels with a few new
If wooden casks are unavailable, oak chips in stainless
steel fermentation and conditioning tanks are a cheap but
efficient substitute. Their use is becoming widespread in large
lambic breweries.

- Fermentation Cellars -

The fermentation cellars of a lambic brewery look

just like winery cellars, with wooden casks stacked two or
more levels high. The aisles need to be at least one barrel wide
so the brewer has room to replace leaking ones. The most
common method of cask storage is to place the larger pipes
on pallets or cradles on the lower level and the smaller tonnes
on top. The casks are stabilized by small wooden blocks
called slotjes. Each cask bears the date the brew went "to it.
Each brewing year is identified with a letter of the

alphabet. The visitor thus realizes that casks from up to four
different years may be found in the cellars.
Spider webs are a common sight in the cellars of
lambic breweries. Some brewers believe that the presence of
spiders is essential to maintaining the proper microbial flora
inside the brewery. The fermenting wort foaming out of
open casks attracts lots of insects — especially fruit flies —
which carry many undesirable microorganisms including
wild yeast that might contaminate or spoil the wort. As
predators of flies, the spiders Tegenaria parietina,
Lepthyphantes leprosus, Pholcus phalangioides, and other
varieties guard the lambic wort against such infections and
are treated with respect and care by most lambic brewers.
Killing a spider in their brewery is considered a crime.

- Fermentation Operations -

The fermentation casks are filled as soon as the wort

has cooled down to about 64 degrees F (18 degrees C). The
bung-hole is left open during the course of the main
fermentation, letting out a white foam that turns brownish-
yellow and hardens a few days into the fermentation,
thereby forming a natural plug that limits the risks of
oxidation and infection. The bung is closed after a few weeks
to minimize oxidation of the beer. An additional protection
against oxidation occurs when a film forms on the beer's
surface as a result of oxidative yeasts of the Brettanomyces,
Pichia, and Candida genera. A special effort is made to avoid
vibrations and disturbances that might break this film. The
temperature in the cellars naturally remains relatively
constant because of limited fluctuations in the weather.
Some very cold years, however, may bring freezing
conditions into the cellars and cause some casks to explode if
they are too full.

Wooden casks serve a special role in the maturation
of lambic by allowing a little oxygen to slowly contact the
beer. This access, if sufficiently slow and limited, produces
some of the desirable changes of aging and allows the
microbial flora to develop better. Water and ethanol vapor
also steadily escape from the cask. Depending on the relative
humidity in the cellar, the aging lambic may become more
(during dry conditions) or less (during moist conditions)
concentrated in alcohol because of the different diffusion
rates of ethanol and water through the wood. As water and
alcohol escape, the real extract of the lambic increases
slightly and the decrease in volume appears as ullage
(headspace). This allows more air to enter the cask. To
prevent oxidation, the ullage is lessened frequently by
adding more of the same lambic from another cask, making
sure not to disturb the film of yeast on top of the beer.

The science of lambic brewing is not an exact one,
and many brews are lost to contamination because of barrel-
to barrel quality variations and poor temperature control. It
is remarkable to observe how a batch of wort can yield com.
pletely different lambics after the fermentation and aging
process have been completed. For some unexplained real son,
the flora in a few barrels of every batch fails to complete the
fermentation, and the lambic becomes contaminated with
acetic acid bacteria and turns to vinegar. This lambic vinegar
is sometimes used as a cleanser for the copper vessels and
cooling tun.


Almost all the lambic brewed goes towards the

production of gueuze and fruit lambics, although a small
percentage is still sold as straight lambic, lambic doux, vieux
lambic, and faro. Lambic in its basic form is hard to find, but
it is sometimes served on draft in some cafés in Brussels and
in the Senne Valley. If a brew of less than six months is sold,
it is customarily identified as “young” (jong) or "fox" (vos)
lambic. Lambic doux (sweet lambic) is lambic sweetened
with sugar. It is the specialty of a few cafés, especially La
Bécasse in Brussels.
The Cantillon brewery makes about 2,000 bottles of
vieux lambic (aged lambic) every year. This limited produc-
tion is not sold but is reserved for the distinguished visitors
of the Gueuze Museum located at the Cantillon brewery.
Vieux lambic is aged for three years in wood and one year in
the bottle. It has a pinkish, sherrylike color and virtually no
carbon dioxide. A 95 percent attenuation is not uncommon
for this aged lambic, a rather sour, oxidized beer that tastes
more like a Vin Jaune from Arbois, France than a beverage
fermented from barley. Both beverages owe part of their

flavor to the film of oxidative yeasts that forms at the surface
of the liquid during maturation in casks. Vieux lambic ac-
companies, fish, and seafood as well as a dry white wine does.
In the late 1800s, the lambic brewer produced about
two barrels each of lambic and mars beer from 200 pounds of
grain. At 5.5 to 6 percent v/v (4.4 to 4.8 percent w/v), lambic
was the product of the first, high-gravity worts, and mars
beer, at 3 percent v/v (2.4 percent w/v) was made from the
late, low-gravity worts. Faro was prepared by blending
varying amounts of lambic and mars beer and sometimes
adding candy sugar or cane molasses. The quality of the faro
depended essentially on the proportions of lambic and mars
used. The best faro, called half en half (derived from the En-
glish half-and-half), was a blend of equal amounts of lambic
and mars. Faro was a sweet, light table beer that had to be
brewed and sold before the heat of summer to avoid fermen-
tation accidents and spoilage. In turn, the mars beer used in
the faro blends was only brewed until the month of March,
from which it derived its name. Today, faro is a blended
version of young lambic sweetened with dark candy sugar
and caramel and is about 4.5 percent ethanol by volume (3.6


Gueuze and Fruit Lambics


To make gueuze, lambics of different ages are

blended, roughly filtered, and then bottled. Professor H.
Verachtert (1983) and his collaborators followed the
evolution and activity of the microbial population in
hundreds of gueuze bottles over a one-year period. They
concluded that bottle fermentation can be divided into three
The first phase is characterized by the growth of
aerobic yeasts such as Candida, Torulopsis, and Pichia, which
likely have their origin in the film formed at the surface of
the lambic in casks. The aeration that inevitably takes place
during racking, blending, filtering, and bottling operations
Probably accounts for the growth of these oxidative yeasts.
Every effort must be made to keep that aeration to a mini-
mum because these yeasts are responsible for beer gushing.
The availability of oxygen can also promote the develop-
ment of acetic acid bacteria (which are strict aerobes).
The second phase is the longest and most important
one. It starts about three weeks into fermentation and is
characterized by the fast growth of Pediococcus and

Brettanomyces strains. The natural carbonation of gueuze is
achieved during that phase.
During the third phase, the density of Pediococcus
and Brettanomyces cells slowly drops until only a few live
cells remain in the bottle. Autolysis of the dead cells ensues.
It has not yet been established that the presence of
pediococci is required for the fermentation to go to
completion. Verachtert suggests that these organisms
hydrolyze high-molecular-weight dextrins. In the same way
as they cause ropiness in lambic casks when present in
excessive amounts, pediococci can be responsible for oily
bottles. To avoid carrying over a high density of pediococci
from the lambic into the gueuze fermentation, it is crucial
not to disturb the lees (solids) at the bottom of the casks
when the lambics are racked for blending.


Gueuze is to beer what Champagne is to wine. It is

made from a mixture of young and old lambics that is
refermented in the bottle. The art of making a good gueuze
lies in blending lambics that are one, two, or even three years
old. At Cantillon, for example, the brewmaster uses one-third
each of one-, two- and three-year-old lambics. Other brewers
typically use 70 percent one-year-old lambic and 30 percent
two-year-old lambic.
First, the lambics are racked into a mixing tank. Once
the mixing tank is full, the blend of lambics goes through a
filtration that clarifies it but does not remove all the
microorganisms. Indeed, some microorganisms are needed to
referment in the bottle. The blend coming out of the plate-
and-frame filter is bottled into Champagne bottles (25 oz) or
splits (12 oz) that are made of heavy glass, and the push-up or
punt at the bottom gives added strength. The bottles are

corked, metal capped, and then stacked horizontally in the
The result of the fermentation in the bottle is a
sparkling, fruity, and sometimes dry beer known as gueuze.
This version of gueuze is the authentic, bottle-fermented
gueuze, also called “refermented” gueuze earlier in this text.

It takes three to nine months, including one summer, to
make a good gueuze. Warm temperatures are needed to get
the fermentation going in the bottle and achieve the right
combination of flavors. The alternation of cold and warm
periods of 36 to 75 degrees F (2 to 24 degrees C) is a desirable
feature during bottle-conditioning, and is indirectly
responsible for the special mouthfeel, bouquet, and brilliance
of gueuze. This is because the various microorganisms
involved in the gueuze fermentation (most of which come
from the lambic fermentation) have different optimum
temperatures for growth, and because temperature
fluctuations precipitate some of the haze components. As the
bottles remain undisturbed for several months, yeasts and
bacteria settle and die. The following autolysis of the thin
film of microbial cells on the wall of the bottle liberates
many chemical compounds that also contribute to the uni-
que flavor of gueuze. Gueuze continues to improve for one
or two years after leaving the brewery cellars. Some gueuzes
may even be aged for five years before they are drunk.
The traditional gueuze-making process is in many
ways similar to the méthode champenoise used to make
Champagne. Champagne begins with a blend of dry white
wines called cuvée to which fresh yeast starter and sugar are
added before it is bottled. A second fermentation in the
bottle produces additional alcohol and about six
atmospheres of CO2. One difference in the gueuze-making
process, however, is that there is no remuage (slowly placing
the bottles neck down) or disgorging (removing the collected
yeast sediment from the bottle). Authentic gueuze is still a
live product when it is distributed and it must be handled
cautiously. In 1931, more than 3 million bottles of gueuze
were lost to hot weather in Brussels.
The other method for producing gueuze is the bulk-
or tank-fermentation method, introduced in 1947 by the

DeKoster Brewery (now Belle-Vue). The end of the World
War II marked the beginning of the exportation of gueuze to
Belgian colonies in Africa. The need for a biologically stable
product lead DeKoster to develop bulk-fermented gueuze,
also called “filtered” gueuze earlier in this text. The selection
of the lambics and their preparation for the second
fermentation is nearly the same as for bottle-fermenting. The
lambics are filtered and blended into fermentation tanks
made of inert, non-reactive materials such as stainless steel or
glass coated steel or cement. The tanks, constructed to
withstand high pressure, are relatively small by normal
industry standards (twenty-five barrels) so that temperature
and pressure can be controlled more economically.
The fermentation is ideally conducted at 60 degrees F
(15.5 degrees C) and is complete in about two weeks.
Carbonation of the beer can be natural or done artificially by
passing the proper amount of CO2, under moderate pressure
into beer that is just above freezing temperature. Bulk-
fermented gueuze is ordinarily filtered cold and under
pressure to remove yeast cells and precipitated materials,
then bottled. The filtration is not a sterile one, however, and
bulk-processed gueuze is usually pasteurized to stop further
fermentation of the remaining extract and to guarantee the
microbial stability of the beer.
Further variations of the traditional way of gueuze-
making are found within the industry. Some brewers
inoculate the lambic blend with a fresh ale starter. Some do
not even go through a complete second fermentation before
they artificially carbonate the lambic blend, pasteurize it
(flash pasteurization), and bottle it. Last, but not least, some
brewers have been accused (rightfully so) of blending top-
fermented beer with lambic and artificially carbonating the
mixture before bottling and labeling their mixture “gueuze.”

Kriek, framboise, cassis, muscat, and pêche certainly
originated in the days before the hop was used although
some of these fruit lambics seem to have developed only
recently. Traditionally, fruit lambic is made by macerating
whole fruit with young lambic in wooden casks. A second
fermentation of the sugars from the lambic and the fruit
takes place, and the fermentation cellar becomes quite
colorful, with pink, orange, and yellow foam coming out of
the casks. The fruit lambic then is matured for several
months. It is bottled with some young lambic for natural
carbonation in the bottle. Today, there are many variations
on this theme, including the use of fruit concentrates, syrups
and essences, as well as artificial carbonation in stainless steel
tanks, filtration, and pasteurization. Regardless of the way
they are produced, fruit derivatives of lambic beers have
become very popular with consumers of all ages.

- Fruits -
(Cherry, Raspberry, Peach,
Black Currant, Grapes)

The fruits used to make kriek, framboise, pêche, cassis

and muscat are cherries, raspberries, peaches, black currants,
and grapes, respectively. Some brewers use only whole fruits
(and regard their beers as the only authentic fruit lambics),
while most of them use a combination of fruits and juices,
syrups, concentrates, and essences.
Around the twentieth of July of each year, the lambic
brewer gets a call from the local orchards announcing that
the crop of Shaarbeek cherries is ready to be added to his
young lambics to make kriek beer. Shaarbeek cherries, which

are now almost impossible to find in the markets of Brussels,
are grown in a few orchards of the Payottenland. Small, flat,
almost black, very sour, and having a large pit, they are
harvested without the stem at a very ripe stage. The harvest
is conducted with quavers or trills that shake the tree and
detach the cherries from their stems. These cherries offer the
right balance of sweetness and acidity and a unique fresh,
strong, and natural cherry scent in contrast to the cooked,
artificial cherry flavor of most syrups or concentrates. The
pulp/pit ratio in these cherries is much lower than in other
commercial varieties, so a very high amount of cherries is
added to lambic casks (330 pounds or 150 kg per 5.5-barrel
Too few orchards of Schaarbeek cherries are left to
supply the entire lambic industry, so Moreno cherries

(griottes) from Northern France, Belgium, and Germany
make up most of the crop used today. These cherries meet the
standards of fruitiness, acidity, and pulp/pit ratio required for
making kriek lambic.
Sour fruits almost always are preferred for making
framboise, pêche, or cassis lambics. As the name indicates,
muscat lambic is made with muscat grapes that were
traditionally from the local vineyards of the Notre-Dame-
Aux-Bois district. Today, they are imported from Italy. Most
of the fruit juices used by the lambic trade are pasteurized
juices from Germany prepared with a combination of
different varieties. Some lambic brewers also have
experimented fermenting lambic with bananas or mirabelles
(a variety of plum).

Kriek. The sour cherries to be used in kriek

traditionally are harvested between July 20 and August 5 in
Belgium and Northern France. As soon as they arrive at the
brewery, they are poured into clean, empty casks. A 5.5-barrel
pipe (650 L) receives 350 pounds (150 kg) of cherries and is
then filled with 10 or 12 U.S. gallons (40-45 L) of young lambic
that is three to eighteen months old. Only 110 pounds (50 to
60 kg) of cherries are used in 2.2-barrel tonnes.
The amount of cherries used for lambic varies among
breweries. Typically, the small, traditional breweries use
more. The brewer must be careful not to use any ropy lambic
at this stage because the ropiness may not disappear during
the fermentation and maturation of the kriek-lambic. The
temperature in old lambic breweries is quite high at this time
of the year, and the new fermentation gets under way after
about five days and is completed very rapidly (by August 15).
The bung-hole is left open for the first two weeks to let the
CO2 from the active fermentation escape. The bung-hole is
stuffed with a bundle of small wooden sticks to

prevent the cherry pits floating on the top of the beer from
plugging it. The sticks are removed and the bungs closed at
the end of the fermentation.
The kriek-lambic is then matured in the cask for three
to six months. This long maturation is required to extract all
the flavor and color from the fruit. Bottling operations
usually start around October. Typically, the brewer pumps
two pipes of first-extract kriek-lambic and two pipes of
second-extract kriek-lambic into a foudre. Second-extract
(maceration) kriek-lambic is obtained by a second filling of
kriek-lambic casks with the fruit left inside followed by
further fermentation and maturation. Some young lambic
also is blended in the mixing tank with the kriek-lambic to
provide fermentable extract for bottle-conditioning. A
suitable ratio usually is two-thirds kriek-lambic and one-
third young lambic. The blend is then bottled where it ages
from three to five months.
Although krieks refermented in the bottle get better
with age, most of them are at their best within a year of
labeling. Kriek-lambic should not be kept too long (no more
than two years) because it becomes too dry and too high in
ethanol and loses some of its cherry character. In addition, its
color changes from a dark cherry red to a pastel, tile red.

Framboise, Cassis, Pêche and Muscat lambics.

Cantillon's famous framboise is made with 75 percent
raspberries, 25 percent cherries, and 0.05 percent vanilla
macerated in young lambic. About 440 pounds (200 kg) of
the fruit mixture is added to a 5.5-barrel pipe, and young
lambic is pumped in on top until the cask is full. Other
breweries use less fruit, some as little as 110 to 130 pounds (50
to 60kg) of raspberries per pipe. Raspberries get completely
decomposed during the fermentation and this can result in
filtration problems (mostly due to the pectins in the fruit).

The breweries that produce cassis and pêche use
concentrates and essences with a small percentage of fruit.
The blend is quickly fermented in two-barrel stainless steel
tanks, roughly filtered, bottled, and pasteurized.
For muscat, 330 to 440 pounds (150 to 200 kg) of
grapes are added per pipe. After the fermentation, three-
fourths muscat lambic is mixed with one-fourth young
lambic, and then it is filtered and bottle-conditioned.


Serving Lambic Beers


Lambic beers, like other top-fermented beers, are best

stored at temperatures from 50 to 59 degrees F (10 to 15
degrees C). Bottle-fermented, corked gueuze and fruit lambics
should be stored horizontally, label facing upwards, to keep
the cork wet and allow the yeasts and bacteria to settle on the
side of the bottle. They should never be opened right after
transport. Instead, they should be allowed two to three weeks
in the cellar before serving. They will benefit from a month
to five years in the cellar depending on the kind of lambic.
The temperature of these beers should not be raised or
lowered too precipitously or the beers might throw a haze or
pick up flavors from the sediment that would be undesirable
at this late stage of the aging process.


Lambic has traditional rites and gestures when it

comes to drinking it, which ranks it among the aristocracy of
A good way to enjoy a lambic, kriek, or framboise is
to get a glassful drafted fresh from the cask in one of Brussels'

cafés because of the special care the proprietors provide for
these beers. Belgium takes beer serving techniques very
seriously. The Office National du Débit de la Bière (ONDB),
founded in 1951, promotes the art of drawing off and serving
beer by means of courses and training programs. At the end
of the training cycle, the successful participants receive a
Certified Publican diploma. Their pubs are then regularly
visited by ONDB inspectors who check whether the publican
continues to serve his beer according to ONDB standards.
Lambic is ordered by the pitcher and drafted into as to new
are pitcher at 50 to 55 degrees F (10 to 13 degrees C) so that the
customer may pour it at his convenience. A side order of
sliced dry sausage or saveloy is customary in Brussels'
For serving at home, when a bottle-conditioned
gueuze or fruit lambic is brought up from the cellar, it must
be kept horizontal to prevent the sediment from mixing
with the beer. A wine basket may come in handy to set the
bottle in before pouring.
Different glasses are used for different kinds of
lambics. Gueuze is usually served in the traditional, tall beer
glass with a straight or inverted-parentheses shape (verre à
gueuze). A large brandy type glass with a balloon shape
closing towards the top is used to drink kriek. Framboise is
traditionally served in a flute or Champagne glass. Other
lambic beers are served in glasses with a variety of shapes and
Wine corkscrews are perfectly suited for opening
bottles of lambic beers. First, the foil covering the top of the
bottle is cut off well below the rim. Then, the bottle cap is
removed as for a regular beer bottle. The neck of the bottle
and the top of the cork should be carefully cleaned to
prevent any of the surface material from getting into the
beer. Removing the cork can be tricky. Just after corking,

the closure is rather hard and may stick. Corks that have been
bottled several years may become spongy in the center and
stick to the sides.
Gueuze might foam out upon opening because of the
high CO2 content and rather warm serving temperature of 54
degrees F (12 degrees C). It is recommended to have an empty
glass handy. Gueuze should be poured very slowly, first with
the glass tilted, then upright, making sure not to

empty the bottle completely because of the sediment.
Ideally, the head of foam should be at the meeting point
between beer foam and Champagne foam. It usually subsides
Kriek is traditionally drunk in the summer. It is a very
refreshing drink which is best served at 50 to 54 degrees F (10
to 12 degrees C) with a large piece of brown bread covered
with cream cheese, onions, chives, and radishes. Some people
enjoy kriek as an elegant apéritif over ice. A few years back, it
was customary in cafés to give the customer a small dish
containing two lumps of sugar and a stoemper (a sort of
pestle) with his glass of kriek. The customer could balance the
sometimes excessive sourness of his kriek by adding a lump
of sugar into the glass and dissolving it with the stoemper.
This practice is still recommended at home when drinking
one of the few traditional, dry and sour krieks left on the
market. Bulk-fermented or sweetened and pasteurized
versions do not require any special treatment and are best
drunk at cooler temperatures from 45 to 50 degrees F (7 to 10
degrees C).
Faro should be drunk within a week of purchase,
preferably at a cool temperature of 46 degrees F (8 degrees C).
Vieux lambic is served in a wine glass at 54 degrees F (10
degrees C) like a white wine.
Framboise is served cool at 44 degrees F (7 degrees C).
With a little raspberry cream, it makes a great apéritif. Most
fruit lambic producers recommend cool serving
temperatures for their beers, ranging from 41 degreees F (5
degrees C) for cassis to 54 degrees F (10 degrees C) for pêche.
The standard mechanics of beer tasting apply to
lambic beers. The head of foam, color, and clarity of the beer
are examined first, then the beer is smelled to evaluate its
aroma, and finally the taste, flavor and texture of the beer are
evaluated by mouth.




It should now be obvious to the reader that brewing

lambic beers is a major enterprise that requires more than
patience, time, and expertise. Authentic, true-to-type lambic
beers can only be produced in the Payottenland in Belgium
because of the presence of a unique microbial flora. This text
is not going to change that fact of brewing. One can try,
however, to use the information provided here to duplicate
the lambic brewing process and brew beers “in the lambic
style." But each interpretation of the lambic style brewed
outside the Payottenland will have to stand on its own
Out of consideration and respect for Belgian brewers
and their lambic products, and out of professional integrity,
none of the beers that maybe brewed using the formulations
that follow should be sold with “lambic,” “gueuze,” “kriek,”
or “framboise" printed on the label. It is tempting to use
famous appellations to boost consumer interest and product
sales. The illegitimate use of the prestigious “Champagne,”

“Chablis,” and “Burgundy" appellations for mediocre, bulk-
processed wines is a good example. Such abuse only creates
confusion for the consumer and resentment from the people
who produce the real thing (and sometimes law suits, as
recently experienced by producers of bulk-fermented
sparkling wines). At the same time as we endeavor to
duplicate lambic beers as best we can, we embrace the noble
cause of small traditional lambic brewers who are fighting
for the survival of their product and have embarked on a
crusade not unlike the British CAMRA (Campaign for Real
The guidelines and formulations that follow are the
result of an extensive laboratory study that involved
brewing trials and fermentation experiments with mixed
cultures. In all, about twenty experimental beers were
brewed over a two-year period to optimize the formulations.
The beers were brewed in the five-gallon pilot plant at the
Brewing Laboratory of the University of California at Davis.
Compared to other brewing enterprises, brewing lambic
beers challenges the homebrewer's and the microbrewer's
skills in several ways. It involves the following:
• the use of raw wheat as an adjunct;
• the use of pure, propagated cultures of yeasts and
bacteria in a particular sequence for the fermentation;
• the use of oak casks (or oak chips in glass or stainless
steel fermenters);
• a great deal of time.
The last point is particularly important. A lambic
brew will improve only with time and it will take between
six and twenty-six weeks to get the most out of the proposed
formulations. In addition, success is by no means guaranteed
because of the highly unpredictible behavior of the
organisms involved in the lambic fermentation. Having Said
that, the rewards can be well worth the time and labor.

- A Word of Caution for Microbrewers -
If you cannot afford a separate fermentation and
conditioning set-up to brew lambic-style beers, it is best to
give up the idea. Introducing a host of microorganisms other
than your own Saccharomyces brewing strain into the
brewery is a very risky business. These “wild" organisms
spread very easily to pumps, hoses, and tanks where they do
not belong. This point cannot be stressed enough, especially
at times when contamination is the main concern of


Since the unique microbial flora of the Payottenland
in Belgium is not available anywhere else, it has to be
artificially recreated by using pure cultures. Pure cultures can
be obtained from the Centraalbureau voor
Schimmelcultures (CBS) in Baarn, Holland, or the American
Type Culture Collection (ATCC). (Address ATCC orders
Atten: Sales Department, 12301 Parklawn Drive, Rockville,
MD 20852 USA. Telephone orders should be directed to (800)
638-6597.) The ATCC restricts its distribution of cultures to
those trained in microbiology who have access to a properly
equipped laboratory. Requests for cultures should show, by a
business letterhead, requisition form, or in some other way,
that this condition is met. The fee per item is about $45 for
non-profit institutions and $60 for commercial firms. Most
yeast items also are available from the Yeast Culture
Collection of the University of California at Davis (Attn:
Mary Miranda, Department of Food Science & Technology,
University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA). Cost is $45 for
three items.
When cultures are received in the freeze-dried form,
the first step is to recover the culture. A sterile liquid medium

(malt extract, wort, water, or MRS broth for bacteria and
wort) is aseptically added to the vial containing the culture.
After mixing, the contents of the vial are transferred to a test
tube containing 6 mL of the proper broth. A loopful of the
culture is then streaked onto an agar slant. The culture will
be ready for use after a few days unless it is a fastidious (slow-
growing) organism.
The medium used should be chosen to suit a
particular organism. Wort is perfectly suited for
Saccharomyces, Kloeckera, and Candida. For Brettanomyces,
some calcium carbonate (CaCO3) must be added to the wort
to buffer the acidity produced by the yeast or the culture has
a short life span. Pediococcus is best cultured in Lactobacilli
MRS broth (from Difco in Detroit, Michigan) or wort
supplemented with Some apple or tomato juice.
To make slants for storage of the cultures, simply add
2 percent agar to liquid broth and autoclave. The medium
solidifies upon cooling down. The organisms are propagated
by successive transfers in jars of increasing volume.
Cultures of interest to lambic brewers are listed below (the
culture type is shown in bold print):

Kloeckera apiculata: ATCC 32856 (CBS 104).

Pediococcus damnosus: ATCC 25248, 25249 and
Brettanomyces bruxellensis: ATCC 10560 (CBS 72)
and 9775.
Brettanomyces lambicus: ATCC 10563 (CBS 75).
Candida lambica: ATCC 24750 (CBS 1876).

Any number of these should be used in conjunction

with a good, pure Saccharomyces cerevisiae ale strain.
Another option is to harvest the microbial flora of your first
successful lambic brew and to reuse it for the next one.

An alternative to the use of pure cultures is to
reculture yeasts and bacteria from a bottle of lambic beer.
The success of this operation is dependent upon a number of
factors. The product must be a bottle-fermented (bottle-
conditioned), unpasteurized gueuze or fruit lambic. It must
be reasonably young. Most microbial cells die shortly after
fermentation in the bottle is completed, and one risks
culturing an “incomplete” flora missing one or several of the
key microorganisms involved in the lambic fermentation by
using an old bottle. This is especially true since the lambic
organisms almost all produce high amounts of acids that can
cause their premature death (the ecological rationale for such
a “suicidal” behavior has yet to be determined).
Many distinguished homebrewers have been
successful in the enterprise of culturing yeast from the bottle.
A good technique is to funnel sterile wort onto the lees in a
freshly emptied bottle, cap it, and thoroughly rouse the
mixture (Matucheski; 1989). Be sure to briefly flame the neck
of the bottle before and after transferring the wort. The cap is
then removed and the bottle fitted with an airlock. From this
stage, the culture is propagated by transferring it to fresh,
sterile wort in half- and full-gallon jars to build up cell mass
before pitching it into the main wort. Problems usually arise
at this stage for two reasons: one organism may take over the
fermentation and wipe out the rest of the microbial flora, or
the mixed culture may die as a result of a low original
viability or nutrient deficiency in the wort. The task is not
facilitated by the different growth requirements of the
various organisms involved. Whereas Saccharomyces,
Kloeckera, Pichia, or Candida grow fairly quickly after the
addition of fresh wort, fastidious organisms like
Brettanomyces and lactic acid bacteria do not leave their lag
phase for a long time and only do so in the presence of a
number of growth factors (fatty acids and vitamins).

With luck, however, one might get a viable culture of the
basic lambic combination Saccharomyces-Pediococcus-
Additional detailed procedures for propagating and
maintaining pure yeast cultures, collecting yeast while
traveling, collecting and reusing live brewer's yeast and
isolating and culturing yeasts and bacteria from bottle-
conditioned beers can be found in the 1989 Special Issue of
zymurgy on yeast.


The guidelines that follow apply to “authentic”
formulations, that is, formulations with unmalted wheat,
pale malt, whole fruits, mixed yeast and bacteria cultures,
primary and secondary fermentation in oak casks, and
bottle-conditioning. These formulations have a bold-print
heading. Other formulations, in which some ingredients are
substituted and some steps are modified or skipped, should
be brewed using common procedures unless otherwise
specified in the “Specifics" section for these formulations.

- Milling -

If brewing at home, crush the wheat and malt with a

hand-cranked, Corona-type grain mill. For the malt, use the
same coarse grind setting as usual, but for the wheat, make
the grind finer. Stay away from flour size, however, because
it might result in excessive astringency in the beer.
For microbrewers, mill settings of 0.04 and 0.06
inches are recommended for the wheat and malt,
respectively. Mill the wheat first, increase the gap between
the rolls, and then mill the malt.

- Brewing water -
If you use water from a municipal supply, obtain a
complete analysis (it usually is free) from the water company
and adjust the levels of calcium and bicarbonate accordingly.
If you have easy access to distilled or deionized water, you
should use it. Before brewing with it, add 150 ppm calcium
sulfate and 60 ppm sodium chloride.

- Mashing -

The use of unmalted wheat is not common among

U.S. microbrewers and homebrewers. The starches inside the
wheat are not modified and cannot be mashed in their raw
state. They must be gelatinized (solubilized in water) by
cooking the grain. Otherwise, the amylases from the malt do
not have access to the wheat starches and cannot convert
them to sugars. In a cooker, mix the wheat with 10 percent of
the malt and bring it to a boil after a fifteen-minute rest at 158
degrees F (70 degrees C). Boil for thirty to sixty minutes with
adequate stirring. While the wheat is boiling, start the main
mash by mixing the remaining 90 percent of the malt with
water. Mash in at 120 degrees F (46 degrees C). Extensive
research in our laboratory has shown that there is no
significant proteolysis during the so-called “protein rest.” It is
only justified for β-glucanase action and to achieve a 140
degrees F (60 degrees C) temperature after mixing the boiled
wheat in. Mix the contents of the cooker in the mash tun and
after a fifteen-minute β-amylase rest at 140 degrees F (60
degrees C), mash at 158 degrees F (70 degrees C) until
conversion is complete. Mash off at 170 degrees F (76.5 degrees
C) for ten minutes.
An alternative is to introduce wheat flakes directly
into the mash tun. The starches in flakes are already

gelatinized and are converted by malt amylases in the mash
along with the modified malt starches. In that case, a regular
infusion mash for one hour at 155 to 158 degrees F (68 to 70
degrees C) is recommended.

- Lautering and Sparging -

At the beginning of lautering, the wort should be
very turbid because the mash itself is very turbid, with lots of
particulate matter in suspension. Recycle the first half-gallon
(10 percent) through the grain bed. The run off will remain
turbid but to a lesser extent. Use water at 170 degrees F (76.5
degrees C) at the beginning of sparging and finish with water
heated to 190 degrees F (87 degrees C). That will extract
unconverted starch granules and husk phenols left in the
grains. This practice is undesirable for brewing any other
kind of beer but is required for lambic to give the microbial
flora a chance to hydrolyze and utilize the insoluble starch
during maturation and aging.

- Wort Boiling -

Boil the wort for about two hours. As long as the

gravity of the wort is not too high at the beginning of the
boil (ideally 1.030 to 1.032 or 7.5 to 8 degrees Plato), the wort
can take a long boil without excessive caramelization. At
home, use a large boiler to achieve as low a wort gravity as
the formulation permits. An extensive, rolling boil is
required to precipitate as much hot break (mostly proteins
and some phenols) as possible and to start hydrolyzing some
of the complex, high-molecular-weight carbohydrates left in
the wort. Only whole aged hops are used to brew lambic
because pellets of aged hops are not available on the market.
Lambic brewers store hops at room temperature in a dry

place for two or three years, but homebrewers can use aged
hops that have been stored for a considerable length of time.
The hops should be added early into the boil. Hopping rates
are given in ounces of hops per five-gallon brew because
Homebrewing Bittering Units (HBUs) only apply when fresh
hops are used.

- Fruits -
Fruits used in brewing must be clean and perfectly
ripe. Bruised, overripe, and cull fruit will not make quality
fruit lambics. Use whole fruits, including the pits for cherries.
Fruits should be frozen for storage until used.

- Oak Casks -

A new cask has to be “broken in” or “infected” with

the proper microbial flora. A good cask, that is, a cask housing
the right microbial flora, is one of the keys to many
successful lambic fermentations.
Beer casks are available in a variety of sizes, all of
which are derived from the British Barrel (1.4 U.S. barrels). The
pin (5.4 U.S. gallons) is the cask best suited for homebrewers
as it is fairly light and accommodates five-gallon brews. The
barrel (1.4 U.S. barrels), the hogshead (1.6 U.S. barrels), the
puncheon (2.8 U.S. barrels) and the butt (4.2 US barrels) are
recommended for microbreweries and brewpubs. Either new
or second-hand casks may be used. Small, new or used barrels
from wineries also make very good lambic casks.
The first step is to clean the cask. If the cask is lined
with paraffin, several washings with boiling water are
required to remove most of the paraffin lining. The cask
should be soaked with cold water for a few days. Then, about
one ounce of soda ash should be added per gallon of cold

water. After two days, the cask should be thoroughly rinsed
with hot water followed by a dilute (one teaspoon per gallon)
citric acid solution and cold water. Alternatively, the cask
may be cleaned with a sodium metabisulfite solution and
then rinsed with cold water.

- Fermentation and Maturation in Oak Cask -

Fill the cask with wort right up to the bung-hole.

Inoculate with the first culture in the sequence, a top-
fermenting ales train of Saccharomyces. The fermentation
will be quite vigorous, with a lot of foam coming out of the
hole. To avoid contamination, connect a hose to the bung-
hole and dip its loose end into a bucket full of water or an
empty bottle plugged with cotton wool. After the main
fermentation is almost complete (two weeks), inoculate the
wort with cultures of Pediococcus and Brettanomyces. Place
the cask on its stillage, gently tap in a softwood peg, and leave
the lambic wort to ferment further and mature.
Conditioning or maturing lambics in oak casks is
tricky—even for the experienced lambic brewers of Belgium.
As explained earlier, in this text, the volume of lambic in the
casks drops as ethanol and water are lost by evaporation. The
result is the ullage formed on top of the beer. While some
transfer of oxygen to the beer and the formation of a film of
oxidative yeasts on top of the beer are desirable, too much
ullage allows spoilage organisms such as acetic acid bacteria
to develop. The problem is less after a month of maturation,
when the production of CO2 has subsided substantially. The
ullage should be filled from time to time with lambic from
another cask or with fresh Wort.
Unless it is going to be used immediately for another
lambic fermentation, a freshly emptied cask should be rinsed
with hot water several times until the water runs

clear. Allow the cask to drip dry and then burn a small piece
of sulfur wick through the bung-hole. Close and store the
cask in a cool place. Alternatively, to preserve some of the
lambic flora housed inside the cask, fill the keg with water
after rinsing it clean. The addition of one-half teaspoon of
sodium metabisulfite and one-half teaspoon of citric acid per
gallon will prevent spoilage.

- Bottle-conditioning -
To bottle-condition the lambic, rack the beer off the
cask as you would off a glass carboy, making sure not to
disturb the lees. The application of a CO2 blanket to the beer
is recommended. Bottle-condition with a freshly mixed
culture of Saccharomyces-Pediococcus-Brettanomyces and
dextrose or corn sugar for priming. Allow four to eight weeks
at 65 to 75 degrees F for bottle-conditioning.
The beer might throw a haze if you store it in your
refrigerator before serving because it has not been cold-
conditioned. This problem can be avoided by racking the
beer off the cask into a glass carboy, conditioning the beer at
36 degrees F for a week and then bottle-conditioning.


- Gueuze-lambic -

3 lbs (1.4 kg) pale malt extract
2 lbs (0.9 kg) wheat malt extract
1/2 lb (227 g) corn sugar
1/2 oz (14.2 g) each of Fuggles and Hallertau hops (3
years old)
Fresh mixed starter culture of Saccharomyces-
Brettanomyces-Pediococcus or mixed culture
prepared from a bottle of gueuze
3/4 cup corn sugar for priming

Original Specific Gravity: 1,044 (11.0 degrees Plato)
Terminal Specific Gravity: 1,009 (2.3 degrees Plato)
Boiling time: 45 minutes
Fermentation: 3 weeks at 64 degrees F (17.5 degrees C)
Conditioning: 1 week
Type of fermenter: glass

Heat water to a boil, dissolve the malt and wheat extracts and
the corn Sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil and add the hops.
Cool the wort to 65 degrees F (180 degrees C), inoculate and
ferment in a glass carboy. Rack the beer into another carboy
and condition it for a week at a cool temperature. Bottle-
condition using the corn sugar for priming.

- Kriek-lambic -

5 lbs (2.3 kg) light malt extract
2 lbs (0.9 kg) wheat malt extract
3.5 oz (100 g) corn dextrin powder
1 oz (28.4 g) of Saaz or Hallertau hops (3 years old)
3 pints (1.4 L) of pure cherry juice
Fresh mixed starter culture of Saccharomyces-
Brettanomyces-Pediococcus or mixed culture
prepared from a bottle of gueuze
3/4 cup corn sugar for priming

Original Specific Gravity: 1,048 (12.0 degrees Plato)
Terminal Specific Gravity: 1,009 (2.3 degrees Plato)
Boiling time: 45 minutes
Fermentation: 3 weeks at 64 degrees F (17.5 degrees C)

Conditioning: 1 week
Type of fermenter: glass

Dissolve the malt extract, wheat extract, and dextrin powder
in as much water as your kettle can hold. Bring to a boil and
add the hops. Strain hops and bring the volume of the cooled
wort to 4.5 gallons. Add the cherry juice, inoculate and
ferment for 3 weeks. Rack the beer into another carboy and
condition it for a week at a cool temperature. Bottle-
condition using the corn sugar for priming.


- Light Framboise -

7 lbs (3.2 kg) Klages pale malt
1 lb (450 g) wheat flakes
1 1/2 oz (43 g) Crystal malt (40 degrees Lovibond)
3/4 oz (21 g) Hallertau or Tettnang hops (3 years old)
18 oz (510 g) frozen raspberries
2.5 oz (70 g) sucrose for secondary fermentation
3/4 cup dextrose or corn sugar for priming
Sierra Nevada ale yeast culture
Brettanomyces culture
Pediococcus culture
Mixed culture of Saccharomyces-Brettanomyces-
Pediococcus for bottle-conditioning

Original Specific Gravity: 1,051 (12.6 degrees Plato)
Terminal Specific Gravity: 1,013 (3.3 degrees Plato)
Boiling time: 60 minutes

Primary fermentation: 1 week at 64 degrees F
(17.5 degrees C)
Conditioning: 1 week at 36 degrees F (2.5 degrees C)
Secondary fermentation: 2 weeks at 64 degrees F
(17.5 degrees C)
Conditioning: 1 week at 36 degrees F (2.5 degrees C)
Type of fermenter: glass (oak chips optional)

Mash 15 min. at 130 degrees F (55 degrees C), 10 min. at 140
degrees F (60 degrees C), 45 min. at 158 degrees F (70 degrees
C), and 10 min. at 170 degrees F (76.5 degrees C). Inoculate the
wort with the Saccharomyces culture for the first
fermentation. After the first week of conditioning, rack the
beer into another carboy containing the raspberries (6 oz
raspberries crushed in a blender and 12 oz whole raspberries)
and the sucrose. Inoculate the blend with the Brettanomyces
and Pediococcus cultures and ferment for 2 weeks. Rack and
condition again before bottling with the fresh mixed culture.

- Pale Kriek -
4 1/4 lbs (1.9 kg) Klages pale malt
4 lbs (1.8 kg) wheat malt
1/2 oz (14.2 g) each of Hallertau and Tettnang hops (3
years old)
Mixed starter culture and sub-culture of
5 lbs (2.3 kg) dark, sour cherries with pits, slightly
Lactic acid (85%) to adjust pH to 4.0
3.5 oz (100 g) dextrose

Original Specific Gravity: 1.046 (11.4 degrees Plato) for the
Terminal Specific Gravity: 1.015 (3.8 degrees Plato)
Boiling time: 60 minutes
Primary fermentation: 2 weeks at 64 degrees F
(17.5 degrees C)
Secondary fermentation: 4 weeks at 64 degrees F
(17.5 degrees C)
Conditioning: 1 week at 36 degrees F (2.5 degrees C)
Type of fermenter: glass (with oak chips for secondary

Infusion mash for 1 hour at 155 degrees F (68 degrees C).
Primary fermentation with mixed starter culture. The
cherries, lactic acid and dextrose are added for the secondary
fermentation. The beer is racked and conditioned before
being bottled with the mixed sub-culture.

- Vanille-Framboise -
5 lbs (2.3 kg) Klages pale malt
3 lbs (1.4 kg). Wheat malt
1/2 lb (227 g) Crystal malt (60 degrees Lovibond)
3/4 oz (21.3 g) Hallertau, Saaz or Tettnang hops (3 years
1 oz (30 mL) vanilla extract
3 lbs (1.4 kg) whole frozen raspberries
1 pint (475 mL) raspberry concentrate (65 degrees
Sierra Nevada ale yeast starter
Mixed starter culture and sub-culture of
3/4 cup dextrose or corn sugar for priming

Original Specific Gravity: 1.050 (12.4 degrees Plato) for the
Terminal Specific Gravity: 1.015 (3.8 degrees Plato)
Boiling time: 60 minutes
Primary fermentation: 1 week at 64 degrees F
(17.5 degrees C)
Conditioning: 1 week at 36 degrees F (2.5 degrees C)
Secondary fermentation: 2 weeks at 64 degrees F
(17.5 degrees C)
Conditioning: 1 week at 36 degrees F (2.5 degrees C)
Type of fermenter: glass (with oak chips for the secondary

Mash 15 min. at 130 degrees F (50 degrees C), 10 min. at 140
degrees F (60 degrees C), 45 min. at 158 degrees F (70 degrees
C), and 10 min. at 170 degrees F (76.5 degrees C). Inoculate the
wort with the Saccharomyces culture for the first
fermentation. After the first week of conditioning, rack the
beer into a carboy containing the vanilla, raspberries,
raspberry concentrate and oak chips. Inoculate with the
mixed starter culture of Brettanomyces and Pediococcus.
After two weeks, rack and condition again before bottling
with the fresh mixed sub-culture and dextrose for priming.

- Gueuze-lambic -

6.8 lbs (3.1 kg) Klages pale malt
3.3 lbs (1.5 kg) wheat
1/2 lb (227 g) Crystal malt (40 degrees Lovibond)
1/3 oz (9.5 g) each of Fuggles, Northern Brewer and
Bullion hops (3 years old)

Saccharomyces culture (Sierra Nevada ale yeast)
Brettanomyces culture
Pediococcus culture
Mixed culture of Saccharomyces-Brettanomyces
Pediococcus for bottle-conditioning
3/4 cup dextrose for priming

Original Specific Gravity: 1.053 (13.2 degrees Plato)
Terminal Specific Gravity: 1.013 (3.2 degrees Plato)
Boiling time: 2 hours
Primary fermentation (Saccharomyces): 1 week at 63 degrees
F (17 degrees C)
Secondary fermentation (Pediococcus and Brettanomyces):
2 weeks at 69 degrees F (20.5 degrees C) and
4 weeks at 62 degrees F (17 degrees C).
Type of fermenter: oak cask

Mix 1.4 gallons of water at 140 degrees F (60 degrees C) with
the milled wheat and 10 percent of the Klages pale malt. In a
cooker, bring to a boil after a 10-min, rest at 158 degrees F (70
degrees C). Boil for 30 to 45 minutes. Start the main mash by
mixing 1.7 gallons of water at 130 degrees F (55 degrees C) with
the Klages and Crystal malts. Hold for 15 min. at 140 degrees F
(60 degrees C). Drop the boiled adjunct into the main mash,
hold at 158 degrees F (70 degrees C) for 30 min. and mash off
at 170 degrees F (76.5 degrees C). Slowly run off and sparge. Boil
the wort for 2 hours, adding the hops early into the boil. Fill
the cask with cooled wort and inoculate with the
Saccharomyces culture. After one week, inoculate with the
Pediococcus culture and after three weeks with the
Brettanomyces culture. Make up the ullage in the cask every
other week with fresh wort. Rack

and bottle-condition with the fresh mixed culture and
dextrose for priming.

- Kriek-lambic –

6.8 lbs (3.1 kg) Klages pale malt
3.3 lbs (1.5 kg) wheat
1/3 oz (9.5 g) each of Fuggles, Northern Brewer and
Bullion hops (3 years old)
Saccharomyces culture (Sierra Nevada ale yeast)
Brettanomyces culture
Pediococcus culture
10 lbs (4.5 kg) of dark, sour cherries with pits
Mixed culture of Saccharomyces-Brettanomyces-
Pediococcus for bottle-conditioning
3/4 cup dextrose for priming

Original Specific Gravity: 1.048 (12.0 degrees Plato) for the
Terminal Specific Gravity: 1.015 (3.8 degrees Plato)
Boiling time: 2 hours
Primary fermentation (Saccharomyces): 1 week at 63 degrees
F (17 degrees C)
Secondary fermentation (Pediococcus and Brettanomyces):
2 weeks at 69 degrees F (20.5 degrees C) and
4 weeks at 63 degrees F (17 degrees C).
Type of fermenter: glass for primary fermentation and oak
cask for Secondary fermentation

Mix 1.4 gallons of water at 140 degrees F (60 degrees C) with
the milled wheat and 10 percent of the Klages pale malt. In a
cooker, bring to a boil after a 10-min. rest at 158 degrees F

(70 degrees C). Boil for 30 to 45 minutes. Start the main mash
by mixing 1.6 gallons of water at 130 degrees F (55 degrees C)
with the Klages malt. Hold for 15 min. at 140 degrees F (60
degrees C). Drop the boiled adjunct into the main mash, hold
at 158 degrees F (70 degrees C) for 30 min. and mash off at 170
degrees F (76.5 degrees C). Slowly run off and sparge. Boil the
wort for 2 hours, adding the hops early into the boil. Fill the
glass carboy with cooled wort and inoculate with the
Saccharomyces culture. After one week, pour the cherries
into the wooden cask and rack the fermenting wort on top
until the cask is almost full. Inoculate with the Pediococcus
culture and after three weeks with the Brettanomyces
culture. Save the left over wort into a smaller glass container
capped with a fermentation lock and make up the ullage in
the cask every other week with it. Rack the kriek off the
cherries and bottle-condition with the fresh mixed culture,
any beer left over from the primary fermentation and
dextrose for priming.

- Framboise -
6.8 lbs (3.1 kg) Klages pale malt
3.3 lbs (1.5 kg) wheat
1/3 oz (9.5 g) each of Saaz, Fuggles and Alsace hops (3
years old)
Saccharomyces culture (Sierra Nevada ale yeast)
Brettanomyces culture
Pediococcus culture
8.5 lbs (3.9 kg) of fresh or frozen raspberries
1 oz (30 mL) vanilla extract
Mixed culture of Saccharomyces-Brettanomyces-
Pediococcus for bottle-conditioning
3/4 cup dextrose for priming

Original Specific Gravity: 1.048 (12.0 degrees Plato) for the
Terminal Specific Gravity: 1.015 (3.8 degrees Plato)
Boiling time: 2 hours
Primary fermentation (Saccharomyces): 1 week at 63 degrees
F (17 degrees C)
Secondary fermentation (Pediococcus and Brettanomyces):
2 weeks at 69 degrees F (20.5 degrees C) and
4 weeks at 62 degrees F (17 degrees C).
Type of fermenter: glass for primary fermentation and oak
cask for secondary fermentation

Mix 1.4 gallons of water at 140 degrees F (60 degrees C) with
the milled wheat and 10 percent of the Klages pale malt. In a
cooker, bring to a boil after a 10-min. rest at 158 degrees F (70
degrees C). Boil for 30 to 45 minutes. Start the main mash by
mixing 1.6 gallons of water at 130 degrees F (55 degrees C) with
the Klages malt. Hold for 15 min. at 140 degrees F (60 degrees
C). Drop the boiled adjunct into the main mash, hold at 158
degrees F (70 degrees C) for 30 min. and mash off at 170
degrees F (76.5 degrees C). Slowly run off and sparge. Boil the
wort for 2 hours, adding the hops early into the boil. Fill the
glass carboy with cooled wort and inoculate with the
Saccharomyces culture. After one week, pour the raspberries
and vanilla into the wooden cask and rack the fermenting
wort on top until the cask is almost full. Inoculate with the
Pediococcus culture and after three weeks with the
Brettanomyces culture. Save the left over wort into a smaller
glass container capped with a fermentation lock and make
up the ullage in the cask every other week with it. Rack the
framboise off the raspberries and bottle-condition with the

fresh mixed culture, any beer left over from the primary
fermentation and dextrose for priming.


- Lambic-style Ale -
31.5 lbs (14.3 kg) Klages pale malt
15 lbs (6.8 kg) wheat malt
4 lbs (1.8 kg) Dextrin malt (40 degrees Lovibond)
4 oz (113g) each of Fuggles and Hallertau hops (3
years old)
Ale yeast culture (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
Pediococcus culture
Brettanomyces culture

Original Specific Gravity: 1.049 (12.2 degrees Plato)
Terminal Specific Gravity: 1.010 (2.6 degrees Plato)
Boiling time: 60 minutes
Type of fermenter: stainless steel

Mash in at 142 degrees F (61 degrees C) and hold for 20
minutes. Increase the temperature 2 degrees F/5 min. to 158
degrees F (70 degrees C). Hold for 30 minutes. Mash off at 170
degrees F (76.5 degrees C) for 10 minutes. Lauter with 175
degrees F (79.5 degrees C) sparging water. Add the hops early
into the boil. Inoculate the cool wort with the ale yeast
culture and ferment at 64 degrees F (17.5 degrees C) for one
week. Rack to another fermenter containing oak chips and
inoculate with the Pediococcus and Brettanomyces cultures.
Ferment at 64 degrees F for 4 weeks. Cellar at 36 degrees F (2.5
degrees C) for one week. Filter, carbonate to 2.8 to 3.0 volumes
of CO2 and bottle.

- Gueuze-lambic -

32 lbs (14.5 kg) Klages pale malt
12 lbs (5.5 kg) wheat
4 lbs (1.8 kg) Crystal malt (40 degrees Lovibond)
3.5 oz (100 g) each of Fuggles and Northern Brewer
hops (3 years old)
Ale yeast culture (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
Pediococcus culture
Brettanomyces culture
Mixed culture of Saccharomyces-Pediococcus-

Original Specific Gravity: 1.053 (13.2 degrees Plato)
Terminal Specific Gravity: 1.013 (3.2 degrees Plato)
Boiling time: 2 hours
Primary fermentation (Saccharomyces): 1 week at 63 degrees
F (17 degrees C)
Secondary fermentation (Pediococcus and Brettanomyces):
2 weeks at 69 degrees F (20.5 degrees C) and
4 weeks at 62 degrees F (17 degrees C)
Cellaring: 1 week at 36 degrees F (2.5 degrees C)
Type of fermenter: stainless steel for the primary fermenta-
tion and cellaring, and oak casks for the secondary

Mix 140 degrees F (60 degrees C) water with the milled wheat
and 10 percent of the Klages pale malt in the cereal cooker.
Bring to a boil after a 10 min. rest at 158 degrees F (70 degrees
C). Boil for 30 to 45 minutes. Start the main mash by mixing
130 degrees F (55 degrees C) water with the Klages

and Crystal malts. Hold for 15 min. at 140 degrees F (60 degrees
C). Drop the boiled adjunct into the main mash, hold at 158
degrees F (70 degrees C) for 45 min. and mash off at 170 degrees
F (76.5 degrees C). Slowly run off and sparge with 175 degrees
F (80 degrees C) water. Boil the wort for 2 hours, adding the
hops early into the boil. Pump the cooled wort into the
fermenter and inoculate with the Saccharomyces culture.
After one week, transfer the beer into wooden casks.
Inoculate with the Pediococcus culture and after three weeks
with the Brettanomyces culture. Make up the ullage in the
casks every week with fresh wort. Transfer the beer to a
stainless steel tank for cellaring. Bottle-condition with the
mixed culture of Saccharomyces-Pediococcus-
Brettanomyces and fresh wort.

- Fruit Lambic -

31.5 lbs (14.3 kg) Klages pale malt
15 lbs (6.8 kg) wheat malt
4 lbs (1.8 kg) Crystal malt (40 degrees Lovibond)
4 oz (113g) each of Fuggles and Hallertau hops (3
years old)
Ale yeast culture (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
1.5-2.5 gallons of cherry, raspberry, grape or peach
concentrate (65 degrees Brix)
Pediococcus culture
Brettanomyces culture

Original Specific Gravity: 1,049 (12.2 degrees Plato) for the
Terminal Specific Gravity: 1,020 (5.1 degrees Plato)
Boiling time: 60 minutes
Type of fermenter: stainless steel

Mash in at 142 degrees F (61 degrees C) and hold for 20
minutes. Increase the temperature 2 degrees F/5 min. to 158
degrees F (70 degrees C). Hold for 30 minutes. Mash off at 170
degrees F (76.5 degrees C) for 10 minutes. Lauter with 175
degrees F (79.5 degrees C) sparging water. Add the hops early
into the boil. Inoculate the cool wort with the ale yeast
culture and ferment at 64 degrees F (17.5 degrees C) for one
week. Rack to another fermenter containing the fruit
concentrate and oak chips and inoculate with the
Pediococcus and Brettanomyces cultures. Ferment at 64
degrees F for 3 weeks. Cellar at 36 degrees F (2.5 degrees C) for
one week. Filter, carbonate to 2.8 to 3.0 volumes of CO 2 and

- Fruit Lambic -

30 lbs (14.5 kg) Klages pale malt
11 lbs (5.5 kg) wheat
3.5 lbs (1.8 kg) Crystal malt (40 degrees Lovibond)
3.5 oz (100 g) each of Fuggles and Northern Brewer
hops (3 years old)
50 lbs (22.7 kg) of cherries with pits, or
65 lbs (29.5 kg) of raspberries or Muscat grapes
Ale yeast culture (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
Pediococcus culture
Brettanomyces culture
Mixed culture of Saccharomyces-Pediococcus-

Original Specific Gravity: 1,048 (11.9 degrees Plato) Terminal
Specific Gravity: 1,016 (4.1 degrees Plato)
Boiling time: 2 hours

Primary fermentation (Saccharomyces): 1 week at 63 degrees
F (17 degrees C)
Secondary fermentation (Pediococcus and Brettanomyces):
2 weeks at 69 degrees F (20.5 degrees C) and
4 weeks at 62 degrees F (17 degrees C)
Cellaring: 1 week at 36 degrees F (2.5 degrees C)
Type of fermenter: stainless steel for the primary fermenta-
tion and cellaring, and oak casks for the secondary

Mix 140 degrees F (60 degrees C) water with the milled wheat
and 10 percent of the Klages pale malt in the cereal cooker.
Bring to a boil after a 10 min, rest at 158 degrees F (70 degrees
C). Boil for 30 to 45 minutes. Start the main mash by mixing
130 degrees F (55 degrees C) water with the Klages and Crystal
malts. Hold for 15 min. at 140 degrees F (60 degrees C). Drop
the boiled adjunct into the main mash, hold at 158 degrees F
(70 degrees C) for 45 min. and mash off at 170 degrees F (76.5
degrees C). Slowly run off and sparge with 175 degrees F (80
degrees C) water. Boil the wort for 2 hours, adding the hops
early into the boil. Pump the cooled wort into the fermenter
and inoculate with the Saccharomyces culture. After one
week, transfer the beer into the wooden casks with the fruits
inside. Inoculate with the Pediococcus culture and after three
weeks with the Brettanomyces culture. Make up the ullage in
the casks every week with fresh wort. Rack the beer off the
fruits into a stainless steel tank for cellaring. Filter and bottle-
condition with the mixed culture of Saccharomyces-
Pediococcus-Brettanomyces and fresh wort.



List of the breweries that produce lambic beers and related

products. Some tasting notes are included. The breweries are
listed in alphabetical order, with their complete address, the
names of the owner(s) and/or brewmaster, and the brands

58-60, rue Delaunoy, 1080 Brussels
Phone#: (02) 522-19-35
Director: C. Vandenstock
Gueuze: very mild; quite fruity; little sourness and a high
residual sweetness.
Kriek: strong cherry aroma (artificial cherrylike, as in syrup
or bubble-gum); residual sweetness; medium
Framboise: very drinkable, Smooth, light-red framboise with
lots of raspberry aroma. A little too sweet and not
sour enough.

Brouwerij Bockor
Kwabrugstraat 5, 8540 Kortrijk (Bellegem)
Phone #: (056) 21-65-71
Manager: O. Vander Ghinste
Gueuze Lambic Jacobins: amber color, turbid; strong mousy
and butyric characters, not acetic nor Sour, in short
"incomplete"; slightly sweet.
Kriek Jacobins

Brasserie Frank Boon

Steenweg naar Edingen 238, 1520 Halle (Lembeek)
Phone #: (02) 356-33-99 / 356-12-01
Director: F. Boon
Marriage Parfait: apricot color; turbid; abundant head;
woody and green aroma; pungent; very dry, sour and
bitter; astringent.

Brouwerij Brabrux
Statiestraat 14, 1870 Wolvertem
Phone #: (02) 269-14-02 / 569-55-92
Gueuze Bécasse: nice volatile acidity (acetic), pungent and
spicy aroma; some horsey/sweaty notes typical of
Brettanomyces; not very sour, no bitterness, some
residual sweetness.
Kriek Bécasse: mild and natural cherry character; quite tart
and Sour; little residual Sweetness and no bitterness.

Brasserie Cantillon
56-58, rue Gheude, 1070 Brussels
Phone #: (02) 521-49-28/520-28-91
Manager and Brewmaster. J.-P. Van Roy
Faro: high volatile acidity combined with caramel and
vanilla notes; good balance between sweetness and
sourness; light horsey aroma.

Gueuze: amber color turning to brown; turbid; almost flat;
very strong wood character; good balance between
the fruity (apple cider) notes, the moderate volatile
acidity and the mild Brettanomyces character; sherry
very dry,
sour and
have a
moldy cork
Vieille Gueuze: nice
Color; high
foams a lot in the glass but the head eventually goes
down; oxidized and acetic aromas; very sour, no
Kriek: orange, ruby, dark red color; a very woody nose which
overwhelms the cherry and acetic characters; very
slight Brettanomyces aroma; very sour; astringency
from the wood and pits; pungent and sour aftertaste.

Framboise: pink, brown and orange tints and a high
carbonation; strong fresh raspberry and oak
characters; a touch of volatile acidity but no
Brettanomyces character; extremely sour; dry and
astringent; the raspberry aroma lingers by mouth
along with some vanilla and caramel notes.
Muscat: light brownish-orange color; almost still; subtle
muscat character; mild sourness; light body; dry,
astringent and winey.
Vieux Lambic: perfect example of the style; light amber
color; devoid of carbon dioxide; sour and dry.

Brouwerij De Keersmaeker
Brusselstraat 1, 1703 Asse (Kobbegem)
Phone #: (02) 452-47-47
Owners: Paul and André De Keersmaeker
Gueuze: dark golden, sherrylike color; turbid; firm, abundant
head that collapses unevenly; typical Brettanomyces
aroma, slightly sulfury, though; cidery; very sour and
dry; high carbonation.
Kriek Mort Subite: bright red color; clear; strong, lasting
cherry character (fresh cherry and artificial,
chemical-like cherry); slightly sweet and bitter, but
not sour; slight plastic like off-flavor in the aftertaste.
Cassis Mort Subite: brownish orange color; high, fresh black
currant aroma; very low volatile acidity and
Brettanomyces character (made from very young
lambic); virtually no sourness but very sweet; slightly
bitter; the fruity notes linger in the mouth.

Brouwerij De Neve
Isabellastraat 50, 1750 Dilbeek (Schepdaal)
Phone #: (02) 569-09-02
Director: R. Everaerts

Lambic De Neve: “almondy, aperitif dryness" (Jackson; 1988).
Gueuze De Neve: golden color; stable head; high volatile
acidity (acetic acid/ethyl acetate); cidery aroma and
Brettanomyces character, but on the off-flavor side,
i.e., mousy; low sourness.
Kriek De Neve: brownish red color; strong cherry character
(cooked cherry/artificial cherry, as in cherry-flavored
cough syrups) combined with vanilla and caramel
notes; low volatile acidity; pleasant sourness (not too
Framboise De Neve: very strong framboise aroma (over-
whelming), slightly malty, high vanilla aroma; nice
sweetness, no bitterness; moderate carbonation.

Brouwerij De Troch
Langestraat 20, 1741 Ternat (Wambeek)
Phone #: (02) 582-10-27
Director: J. Raes
Gueuze-Lambic De Troch: golden color; flat; oak aroma;
light-bodied; low bitterness.
Kriek-Lambic De Troch

Brouwerij Eylenbosch
Ninoofsesteenweg 5, 1750 Schepdaal
Director: Dr. E. Hoebeeck
Frater Ambrosius
Faro Extra
Gueuze Lambic: nice amber color, clear (filtered); low, stable
foam, low carbonation; strong volatile acidity which
dissipates quickly; woody and mousy aromas; good
balance between the volatile acidity and the
Brettanomyces character; quite sour, slight sweetness
and bitterness (artificial sweetener?); dry but not
Gueuze Spanik: (filtered) amber color; light aroma; strong and
balanced taste.
Gueuze Extra
Gueuze Festival
Kriek Extra

Brasserie Girardin
Lindenbergstraat 10-12, 1744 St. Ulricks Kapelle
Phone #: (02) 452-64-19
Owner: L. Girardin
Lambic Girardin: “big-bodied, fruity and rather bitter" (Jack-
son; 1988)
Gueuze Girardin: nice golden honey-like color; low volatile
acidity combined with a mild to strong
Brettanomyces aroma depending on the bottle; well-
balanced nose with woody, leather, smoke, spicy and

cheesy notes; very sour, with no sweetness;
sometimes bitter; very dry (no aftertaste).
Kriek Girardin: purple, dark, ruby red; nice, stable, milky
foam; perfect balance between the cherry, oak and
pits aromas; almost no volatile acidity but a very
pronounced Brettanomyces character; barely
detectable solvent note; moderate sourness and
bitterness; slightly sweet and astringent.

Brouwerij Lindemans
Lenniksebaan 257, 1712 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw (Vlezenbeek)
Phone #: (02) 569-03-90
Owner and Brewmaster: R. Lindemans
Gueuze: (filtered) copper-colored and turbid; low foam sta-
bility; very fruity (cherry, peach) and cidery; little

volatile acidity, mild Brettanomyces character which
comes through by mouth; oxidized; medium
sourness which dissipates quickly; Sweet taste; dry
and astringent. Not a strong gueuze but true to type.
Faro Lambic: (filtered) amber, sherrylike color; high
carbonation and low, unstable foam; mild lambic
aromas (acetic acid and Brettanomyces character that
comes through as wet wool or warm bread)
combined with woody, caramel, vanilla, raisin,
prune, yeasty, cooked vegetables and olive aromas;
slightly oxidized; quite sour (dissipates quickly,
though) and sweet.
Kriek: bright, dark red; very strong (artificial) cherry flavor
with some wood; freshly cut grass aroma; no volatile
acidity or Brettanomyces character; rather sweet;
lingering sourness and cherry aroma.
Framboise: dark red, sparkling framboise; the very strong
raspberry aroma is on the syrup/concentrate side;
some volatile acidity and a slight sourness; too sweet
for the style.

Pécheresse: apricot color with some turbidity; strong peach
aroma (between peach yogurt and peach preserves);
virtually no Brettanomyces character and little
volatile acidity; some woody/pit notes; good balance
between sweetness and sourness; a very drinkable
product overall.

Brouwerij van Roy

Nieuwstraat 1, 9380 Lebbeke (Wieze)
Phone #: (053) 21-52-01
Director: R. Thevelin
Kriek & Faro Extra

Brasserie Timmermanns
11, rue de l'Eglise, 1711 Dilbeek (Itterbeek)
Phone #: (02) 569-03-57/569-03-58
Director: J. van Cutsem
Gueuze: golden, oxidized color; pleasant balance between
high fruit, volatile acidity and Brettanomyces
aromas; horsey by mouth, pungent, not too sour and
not bitter; slight tar/wood character by mouth; some
residual sweetness.

Brasserie Vander Linden

Berendries 1, 1500 Halle
Phone #: (02) 356-50-59
Brewmaster: O. Vander Linden
Gueuze “Vieux Foudre”: “full color; dense, soft, rocky head,
smooth and dry palate; sour apple tartness” (Jackson;

Kriek “Vieux Foudre”: “lively, with lots of aroma, starting
with hints of sweetness and finishing with a dry
bitterness” (Jackson; 1988)
Faro Frambozenbier
Duivel: “odd combination of a lambic with a conventional
top-fermenting beer” (Jackson; 1988)

Brouwerij Vandervelden
Oud Beersel: a very good example of the traditional,
authentic gueuze; light brownish amber color; strong
Brettanomyces aroma and volatile acidity; very dry
with hints of wood and pine.

Brouwerij Van Honsebrouck

Oostrozebekestraat 43, 8770 Ingelmunster
Phone #: (051) 30-31-14
Brewmaster: J. Maes
Gueuze Lambic St. Louis
Kriek Lambic St. Louis
Framboise St. Louis

adjunct. Any unmalted grain or other fermentable ingredient
added to the mash.
aeration. The action of introducing air to the wort at various
stages of the brewing process.
alcohol by volume (v/v). The percentage of volume of
alcohol per volume of beer. To calculate the
approximate volumetric alcohol content, subtract
the terminal gravity from the original gravity and
divide the result by 75. For example: 1.050–1.012 =
.038/75 = 5% v/v.
alcohol by weight. The percentage weight of alcohol per
volume of beer. For example: 3.2% alcohol by weight
= 3.2 grams of alcohol per 100 centiliters of beer.
attenuation. The reduction in the wort's specific gravity
caused by the transformation of sugars into alcohol
and carbon dioxide gas.
bac à houblon. Hop filter.
bac refroidissoir. A shallow cooling tun.
Balling. A saccharometer invented by Carl Joseph Napoleon
Balling in 1843. It is calibrated for 63.5 degrees F (17.5
degrees C), and graduated in grams per hundred,
giving a direct reading of the percentage of extract by
weight per 100 grams solution. For example, 10
degrees B = 10 grams of Sugar per 100 grams of wort.
blenders. Companies that contract or buy lambic beers
which they ferment, mature, and blend.
Brettanomyces. A strain of yeast in the fermentation of
lambic beers that reduces the residual extract and
helps give lambic its unique flavor.

carbonation. The process of introducing carbon dioxide gas
into a liquid by 1. injecting the finished beer with
carbon dioxide;
2. adding young fermenting beer to finished beer for
a renewed fermentation (kraeusening);
3. priming (adding sugar) to fermented wort prior to
bottling, creating a secondary fermentation in the
cassis. A fruit derivative of lambic made by macerating black
currants in a blend of young lambics.
chill haze. Haziness caused by protein and tannin during the
secondary fermentation.
cuve guilloire. Mixing tun.
enteric bacteria. Gram-negative bacteria that are known to
produce in wort several sulfur compounds,
carbonyls, phenols, and therefore contribute
significantly to the flavor of lambic beers.
éstaminets. Belgian cafés or bistros.
faro. A blended young lambic made from moderate-gravity
wort and sweetened with candy sugar.
final specific gravity. The specific gravity of a beer when
fermentation is complete.
flocculation. The behavior in which yeast cells join into
masses and settle out toward the end of fermentation.
foudre. A wooden cask with a capacity of 25 barrels.
fox lambic. Young lambic.
framboise. A fruit derivitive of lambic made by macerating
raspberries in a blend of young lambics.
fruit extract. A concentrate or syrup made from various fruits
that is sometimes used instead of whole fruit in
making fruit derivative lambics.
gueuze. A style in which one-, two-, and three-year-old
lambics are blended. One type is “refermented” or
bottle-fermented, while another type is “filtered” or
bulk-fermented in tanks.

half en half. An old-style lambic made from a blend of equal
parts of lambic and mars.
Kloeckera. A yeast strain appearing early on in lambic
kriek. A fruit derivitive of lambic made by macerating
cherries in a blend of young lambics.
Lactobacillus. A strain of lactic acid bacteria vital in the
production of lambic beers.
lambic. A beer style produced from spontaneous
fermentation from at least 30 percent unmalted
wheat, with a wort gravity of at least 1.020 (5 degrees
Plato), traditionally in oak casks.
lambic doux. Sweetened young lambic.
lees. Dik-dik or sediments.
mars. An old-style lambic produced from late, low-gravity
macerate. The process of softening and separating the parts
of a substance by steeping it in liquid.
malt. Barley that has been steeped in water, germinated and
dried in kilns to convert insoluble starches to soluble
substances and sugars.
mashing. Mixing ground malt with water to extract the
fermentables, degrade haze-forming proteins and
convert grain starches to fermentable sugars and
nonfermentable carbohydrates.
méthode Champenoise. A secondary fermentation that takes
place in the bottle as used to make Champagne.
muscat. A fruit derivitive of lambic made by macerating
grapes in a blend of young lambics.
original gravity. The specific gravity of wort previous to
fermentation and compared to the density of water
at 39.2 degrees F (4 degrees C), which is given the value
1,000. A measure of the total amount of dissolved
solids in wort.
pH. A measure of acidity or alkalinity of a solution, usually
on a scale of 0 to 14, where 7 is neutral.

Pediococcus. A strain of lactic acid bacteria vital in the
production of lambic beers because it produces lactic
acid and causes a pH drop in the wort.
pêche. A fruit derivitive of lambic made by macerating
peaches in a blend of young lambics.
pipe. A wooden cask with a capacity of 5.5 barrels.
Plato. A saccharometer that expresses specific gravity as
extract weight in a one-hundred-gram solution at 68
degrees F (20 degrees C). A revised, more accurate
version of Balling, by Dr. Plato.
primary fermentation. The first stage of fermentation, during
which most fermentable sugars are converted to
ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide.
secondary fermentation. 1. The second, slower stage of
fermentation lasting from a few weeks to years,
depending on the type of beer. 2. A fermentation
occurring in bottles or casks and initiated by priming
or adding yeast.
sparging. Spraying the spent grains in the mash with hot
water to retrieve the remaining malt sugar.
specific gravity. A measure of the substance's density as
compared to that of water, which is given the value
of 1.000 at 39.2 degrees F (4 degrees C). Specific gravity
is dimensionless, with non accompanying units
because it is expressed as a ratio.
surannés hops. Aged hops.
tonne. A wooden cask with a capacity of 2.2 barrels.
ullage. The empty space between a liquid and the top of its
container. Also called airspace or headspace.
vieux lambic. Old lambic, or lambic aged three years in a cask
and one year in a bottle.
wort. The mixture that results from mashing the malt and
boiling the hops, before it is fermented into beer.


acetic acid 36, 44, 86 Cantillon Brasserie 15,

acidity 25, 36 138
aged 58 cap 99, 108
alcohol 34 carbonation 41
appearance 26 casks 89, 93, 119
aroma 26 cassis 5, 32, 102, 105
astringency 25 cellars 91
attenuation 34 chaff 56
autolysis 100 cherries 102
bac à houblon 65 clarity 41
bac refroidissoir 65 color 43
Belle-Vue 17, 137 concasseur 60
bitterness 25, 40 conditioning 121
black currants 102 cooling tun 65
blenders 21 cork 108
Bockor Brouwerij 138 corked 99
boiling 118 Cryptococcus 73, 84
Boon, Frank 21 culture 121
Boon, Frank Brasserie cultures 113
138 cuve guilloire 66
bottle-fermented 99 cuve matière 60
Brabrux Brouwerij De Keersmaeker
138 Brouwerij 17, 140
Brettanomyces 25, De Neve Brouwerij
28, 30, 40, 72, 80, 18, 140
88, 89, 98, 114, 120 De Troch Brouwerij
breweries 15, 137 16, 142
Brussels 2, 8, 13 degree of
bulk-fermented 101 fermentation 34
butyric acid 37 Dekkera 72
Candida 73, 84, 97, DeKoster Brewery 101
114 dextrins 34, 44
diacetyl 39, 89

dik-dik 90 kriek 1, 5, 11, 31, 102,
dimethylsulfide 39 104, 108, 110, 122,
DMS 89 128
druiven 5, 32 La Bécasse Café 20
empatage 62 La Mort Subite Café
enteric 72, 74, 86 19
éstaminets 19, 108 lactic acid 25, 36, 44,
esters 38 88
ethanol 34, 44, 86 lambic 2, 10, 21, 65,
ethyl acetate 39, 86 66, 94, 131
ethyl lactate 39, 88 lambic doux 4, 94
excise tax 35 lautered 63, 118
extract 121 Lindemans Brouwerij
Eylenbosch 16,143
Brouwerij 142 macérateur 62
Eylenbosh 16 maceration 105
faro 4, 10, 28, 65, 94, malic acid 37, 44
110 malt 55, 116
fatty acid 38, 86 maltose 44
fermentation 71, 89, maltotriose 44
92, 99, 120 mars 5, 65,94
filtration 98, 101 mashing 117
foam 109, 120 milling 116
foudre 89, 105 Mort Subite 17
fox 28 mouthfeel 27
framboise 5, 11, 31, muscat 5, 32, 102, 105
102, 105, 108, 110, pasteurized 101
129 Payottenland 2, 103,
fruit lambic 133, 134 111
fusel oils 38 peaches 102
Girardin 16 pêche 5, 32, 102, 105
Girardin Brasserie 142 Pediococcus 36, 72,
glasses 108 86, 97, 114, 120
glucose 44 pH 36, 37, 86
grapes 102 phenolic 42
gueuze 4, 10, 21, 28, Pichia 73, 84, 97
97,98, 108, 109, 121, pipe 89, 105
126, 132 pit 103, 105
half en half 95 protein 41, 56
Hansenula 73, 84 ramon 90
hops 58 raspberries 102
HPLC 44 real extract 34
Jef Lambic 13 reducing sugars 34
Kloeckera 72, 76, 86, ropy 36, 104

royal order 21 Timmermanns
Saccharomyces 72, Brasserie 145
77, 86, 114, 120 Timmermans 16
Saccharomyces- tonne 89
Pediococcus- Torulopsis 97
Brettanomyces ullage 93
121 Van Honsebrouck
sensory 26 Brouwerij 146
serving 107 Van Roy, Jean-Pierre
Shaarbeek 102 9, 15
sikaru 8 van Roy Brouwerij
sparging 63, 118 145
specific gravity 33 Vander Linden
spider 92 Brasserie 16, 145
stoemper 110 Vandervelden
storage 107 Brouwerij 16, 146
sugars 44 Verachtert, Professor
surannés 58 73, 97
tarwe 58 vieux lambic 4, 94,
taste 27 110
tetrahydropyridines water 58, 117
40 wheat 55, 116
wood 25
wort 63, 118

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