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Draught Beer Quality Manual - 2nd Edition

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brewers association

draught beer
quality manual

Prepared by the
Technical Committee of
the Brewers Association
t he Draught Beer Quality working group was
formed in March 2007 under the direction of
the Brewers Association Technical Committee.
Our overriding mission was to improve the quality of
draught beer dispensed to our customers. We seek
our mission
To improve the quality of draught beer
for all beer drinkers.
to preserve the great flavor and aroma of beer creat-
ed by the brewer, and to deliver it to the consumer at our goal
retail. Great beer must be handled conscientiously
To make our website information available
to arrive in the glass in perfect condition.
to as many beverage industry members
and consumers as possible, and work to-
Distributors, wholesalers, retailers, or draught instal-
ward being the definitive draught quality
lation teams may install a draught system. But once in
resource for the USA.
place, each system commonly pours a wide range of
brewers’ and suppliers’ products. We have sought to
bring the industry together to agree upon guidelines
that present everyone’s beer in an optimal condition.

When handled properly from brewery to bar to glass, This second version of the Draught Beer Quality Man-
draught beer delivers what many consider to be the ual includes several updates, and we will continue to
freshest, most flavorful beer available to the customer. refine it in the future. Our goal is to provide useful and
But the job does not end once the keg is tapped and current information for all industry members, manufac-
the beer begins to flow. Good beer quality depends turers, distributors, retailers, and consumers.
on proper alignment of the dispense variables and
consistent housekeeping practices. As one industry This manual and excerpts from it are available at www.
insider quipped, “Even the Mona Lisa would look This website is in wiki form, and
terrible in a museum with lousy lighting.” also contains far more information than this manual,
in the form of downloadable forms and links to techni-
The draught quality group focused on these and other cal and supplier resources. For example, the website
areas to develop a clear and well-researched resource contains beer line cleaning logs you can download,
of best practices for draught beer. Of course, individ- print, and post on your walk-in coolers to encourage
ual brewers may have additional quality requirements routine cleaning every 14 days. We encourage all in-
or recommendations for various brands beyond these dustry members and affiliated groups to link to the
commonly agreed upon guidelines. website. n

draught beer quality manual 1

We would like to thank our industry colleagues whose continued input allowed for the significant updates included
in this edition of this manual. We appreciate their expertise and commitment to consistently deliver the highest
possible quality draught beer to the consumer. If we overlooked anyone who contributed, we sincerely apologize.

Special thanks are extended to Ken Grossman, President of Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. As the 2008 Chair of the
Brewers Association Technical Committee, Ken galvanized the creation of this manual through a collaborative effort
with the brewing community, and we appreciate the time and dedication he and his colleagues put forth to bring
this project to fruition.

Anheuser-Busch InBev: Cian Hickey, Tim Raw

Boulevard Brewing Company: Neil Witte
Brewers Association: Paul Gatza, Charlie Papazian,
Bob Pease, Tim Sloan, Chris Swersey
Cicerone Certification Program: Ray Daniels We are grateful to our industry equipment suppliers
Draught Beer Guild: Martin Schuster who graciously allowed the use of their graphics and
The Gambrinus Company: Jaime Jurado equipment information in this manual:
Lucky Bucket Brewing Company: Zac Triemert
MillerCoors: Steve Armstrong, Jeff Ball, Automatic Bar Controls, Inc.
Ernie Jimenez, Scott Nielsen Banner Equipment Company
New Belgium Brewing Company: Matt Meadows McDantim, Inc.
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.: Rob Gerrity, Micro Matic, Inc.
Ken Grossman, Laura Harter, Charles Kyle Perlick Corporation

Front cover photo by Michael Lichter Photography.

Special thanks to Avery Brewing Company, Boulder, Colorado. Thanks also to Block 15 Brewing Company, Corvallis,
Oregon and Real Ale Brewing Company, Blanco, Texas for providing images.

The Brewers Association wishes to thank the United States Department of Agriculture and the Colorado State
Department of Agriculture for their support and funding of this project. State funds for this project were matched
with federal funds under the Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program of the Agricultural Marketing Service,
U.S. Department of Agriculture.

SECOND EDITION © Brewers Association, 2011. Chapter heading photos ©2011, Shutterstock, LLC, Jupiter Images, and Getty Images

2 draught beer quality manual

table of contents
Preface.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Chapter 4: Equipment and Configurations
Acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for Long-Draw Draught Systems. . . . . . . . . 25

Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Beer .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Section I: Draught Equipment and System Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Configurations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Barrier Tubing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Chapter 1: Essential Draught System Choker Line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Wall Brackets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Refrigeration/Cooling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 FOB (Foam on Beer). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Keg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Beer Pumps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Keg Valve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Quick-Connect (or Push) Fittings. . . . . . . . 29
Coupler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Beer Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Carbon Dioxide Gas (CO2). . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Faucet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Nitrogen Gas (N2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Gas Source. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Blended Gas Bottles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Gas Line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Gas Blenders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Nitrogen Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Pressure and Pressure Gauges. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Gas Leak Detectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
A Few Words about Elevation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Gas Filters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Tail Pieces and Connectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Cooling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
A Word about Metal Parts & Hygienic Design. . 18 Section II: Draught Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Chapter 2: Temporary Draught Dispense. . . . 19 Chapter 5: A Matter of Balance. . . . . . . . . . . 35
Picnic Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Units of Carbonation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Jockey Boxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Carbonation Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Jockey Box Setup and Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 CO2 Percentage Adjustment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Cleaning and Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Applied Pressure Adjustment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Chapter 3: Equipment and Configurations System Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
for Direct Draw Draught Systems. . . . . . . . 22
Designing For Resistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Drip Tray. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Mixed Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Towers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Dispense Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Shadow Box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Balancing Draught Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Shanks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

draught beer quality manual 3

Chapter 6: Preparation to Pour . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Chapter 9: Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Cold Storage and Proper Chilling of Kegs Off Flavors in Draught Beer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
before Serving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Appendix A: ISBT Guidelines for
Linking Kegs in Series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Beverage Grade Carbon Dioxide . . . . . . . . 66

Chapter 7: Serving Draught Beer. . . . . . . . . . 46 Appendix B: CO2 Gauge Pressure, Temperature

and Carbonation Level Reference Chart. . . 67
Glassware Cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Appendix C: Carbonation, Blended Gas,
Manual or Hand Cleaning in the
Gas Laws & Partial Pressures. . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Three-Tub Sink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Appendix D: Notes on Serving Cask Ale . . . . 73
Automatic Glass Washing Machines. . . . . . . 47
Appendix E: Tools of the Trade . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Handling Clean Glasses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Draught Beer Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Testing for “Beer-Clean” Glass. . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Glassware Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Pouring Draught Beer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Technique. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Pouring Hygiene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Free-Flow Pouring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Pouring Growlers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Faucet Hygiene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Chapter 8: System Maintenance
and Cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Cleaning Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Common Issues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Cleaning Safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
System Design and Cleanliness. . . . . . . . . . . 53
A Few Words About Mechanical Cleaning. . 53
Other Line Cleaning Methods. . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Line Replacement and Material. . . . . . . . . . . 54
Detailed Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Cleaning Frequency and Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Cleaning Solutions And Their Usage . . . . . . 54
Caustic-Based Cleaning Chemistry. . . . . . 54
Acid Chemical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Water Rinsing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Cleaning Methods and Procedures. . . . . . . . 56
Before You Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Recirculation-Electric Pump Cleaning
Step By-Step Procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Static – Pressure Pot Step-By-Step
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Glycol Chiller Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

4 draught beer quality manual


w alk into nearly any establishment that

serves beer these days and you’re
likely to find draught beer for sale. But
these days you’ll also see fancy options like nitro
beers, highly spritzy German weissbier, and lightly
While equipment and system layout drive the initial
performance of a draught system, other factors play an
equal role in the consumer’s experience. To help you
understand and operate your draught system, we’ll
look at the balance equation that can keep perfect beer
carbonated English-style “cask” ales. Glassware flowing from the taps. We’ll also review pouring and
varies from run-of-the-mill pints to shapely half-liters glassware cleaning and show you how to check to see if a
and diminutive snifters with every possible shape glass is “beer clean.” Finally, we’ll focus on the cleaning
and size in between. and maintenance of your draught system. Without
regular—and proper—maintenance, your investment
We find draught taps so often that we assume it must in draught technology won’t bring you the dividends
be relatively simple to keep and serve beer this way. you expect. We’ll conclude this manual by telling you
But behind the simple flick of a handle that sends what to look for in proper system maintenance, whether
beer streaming into our glass at the bar, you’ll find doing it yourself or supervising the work of a supplier.
systems that require precise design, exact operating
conditions, and careful, regular maintenance to To present this information, we have divided this
ensure the proper flow of high-quality beer. manual into two sections. Section I focuses on
draught system components and complete system
In this guide, we’ll consider the equipment and layouts. From a simple party tap to a complex long-
anatomy of draught systems, then look at their draw draught system, we reviewed all the options.
operation and maintenance. We’ll include a brief
discussion of temporary systems such as picnic Section II of this manual covers all the operation and
taps and jockey boxes, but the majority of our maintenance issues for draught systems. It begins
attention will be given to systems usually seen in with a look at system balance, then progresses to
permanent installations: direct-draw and long-draw the details of pouring, glass cleaning, and other
draught equipment. essentials of the perfect pint before finishing with
cleaning and maintenance. n

draught beer quality manual 5

section I

draught equipment and

system configurations

a mong draught systems, we find three gen-

eral types based on equipment and design:
temporary systems, direct-draw systems, and
long-draw systems. In the course of this manual, we’ll
look closely at the layout, operation, and maintenance
preserve its flavor. In most draught systems, the dis-
pense gas also propels beer from the keg to the fau-
cet. Because the dispense gas comes into direct con-
tact with the beer, it must meet strict criteria for purity.
And because of the damage it does, compressed air
for each system. In Section I of this manual, we pres- should never be used to dispense draught beer.
ent four chapters that focus on system components For the purposes of this manual, as a convention in
from faucets to tubing connectors and see how they discussions involving mixed gas, the proportion of
are assembled to create different systems. Along the CO2 will always be shown first, followed by the pro-
way, we’ll review important features of each compo- portion of N2.
nent that can help prevent operating problems or beer
quality issues in your system. Beer
Most draught systems use the gases mentioned
Before we jump into the components themselves, let’s above to drive beer from the keg, through tubing
review some key concepts by looking briefly at the and to the faucet where it will flow into the customer’s
three sub-systems for draught: gas, beer, and cooling. glass. During the journey from keg to glass, we want
to protect the beer from anything that would com-
Gas promise its flavor or alter the carbonation created by
Draught systems use CO2 alone or mixed with nitro- the brewery. The beer should flow through well main-
gen in varying proportions depending on the require- tained proper beer lines and avoid any contact with
ments of the system and the beers being served. brass parts that would impart a metallic flavor. We
When properly selected and set, dispense gas main- also want the beer to flow at a specific rate and arrive
tains the correct carbonation in the beer and helps to with the ideal carbonation level. The key to getting

6 draught beer quality manual

this right is balance between the applied gas pres-
sure and the resistance provided by the tubing and

temporary systems
fixtures the beer passes through during its journey to
the bar.
Picnic Tap
Cooling Jockey Box
The cooling system should hold beer at a constant
temperature from keg to glass. Any increase in beer direct draw
temperature between the cooler and the faucet
Keg Box
can lead to dispense problems such as foaming. In
Walk-in Cooler
a simple direct-draw system, a refrigerated cabinet

long draw
maintains the temperature of the keg and provides
cooling to the beer as it travels the short distance
to the faucet. Many long-draw systems use a walk-in Air-Cooled
refrigerator to cool the kegs, plus chilled glycol that Glycol-Cooled
circulates in tubes next to the beer lines all the way to Beer Pump
the faucet, to ensure that the beer stays cold all the Mixed Gas Dispense

way to the glass.

For each draught dispense system, suitable equip-

ment and designs must be chosen for each of these the design, setup, use, and maintenance of the two
three components—gas, beer, and cooling. In Section I main systems: picnic taps and jockey boxes.
of this manual, we’ll examine the equipment used in
draught systems and the various system designs com- Moving to permanent draught installations, direct-
monly employed. draw systems offer the simplest approach. In Chap-
ter 3, we’ll talk about the anatomy of a keg box or
Chapter 1 examines nine components common to “kegerator” and discuss how this basic approach is
nearly all draught systems, such as couplers, faucets, implemented in a walk-in cooler design. Both here
and beer lines. Understanding these basic elements and in Chapter 4, we’ll find some new components
will help you operate every draught system you en- beyond the nine “guidelines” from Chapter 1. In each
counter. Of course, additional components play a role chapter, we’ll learn about the new components be-
in sophisticated systems—we’ll introduce and discuss fore looking at the anatomy of the overall system.
those as we encounter them in Chapters 3 and 4.
Once we’ve reviewed the common draught compo- Permanent installations where the kegs cannot be
nents, we’ll be ready to see how they get used in vari- located near the serving bar require long-draw
ous system designs. draught systems. Chapter 4 delves into the anatomy
and operation of air-cooled and glycol-cooled long-
The simplest draught systems serve a temporary draw systems, and also looks at beer pumps and
need. We find these systems at picnics, beer festivals, mixed gas dispense solutions to moving beer through
and other short-term events. In Chapter 2, we cover long-draw dispense systems. n

draught beer quality manual 7

chapter 1

essential draught
system components

a s a prelude to studying different draught

system designs, let’s review the equipment
commonly found in all draught dispense
setups, from the backyard picnic tap to the ballpark
beer vendor. Here we cover nine components:
benefit the installation by removing the source of heat
from inside a room or building; however, this requires
additional refrigerant piping and possibly higher cost.

Condenser cooling can utilize either air or water;

both methods have their strengths and weaknesses.
Refrigeration/Cooling Gas Source
In warm climates, air-cooled compressors can lose
Keg Regulator
significant cooling capacity on a hot day when it is
Coupler Gas Line
needed most. Water-cooled systems operate more
Beer Line Tail Pieces and
efficiently, but require more maintenance and invest-
ment cost. Proper preventive care for either system is
imperative, such as regularly cleaning condenser fins
Refrigeration/Cooling for air-cooled systems, and cooling water treatment
Consistent and controlled beer dispense requires that for water-cooled equipment to prevent condenser
the beer traveling from keg to glass be maintained at fouling, which diminishes cooling capacity. Acid
a temperature of 34° to 38°F. While temporary service cleaning or “roding” out the heat exchanger may be
may employ ice for cooling, most permanent installa- required to remedy this. Many draught system prob-
tions employ refrigeration systems. lems are revealed on the first hot day of the season
due to a lack of preventive maintenance. Although
Cold box refrigeration systems can provide cooling R22 refrigerant is still in use, most new installations
for a small direct-draw box cooler or a large walk-in. will utilize a more environmentally friendly substitute
The refrigeration itself can either be self-contained such as 404a.
with the compressor and condenser mounted on
the unit or with a remotely mounted compressor and Glycol systems are also used, as we will see when we
condenser. Remotely mounting the compressor can examine long-draw systems.

8 draught beer quality manual

Kegs enable beer transport and dispense while main-
taining its quality and integrity. Their design protects
beer from both air and light while enabling easy and
rapid dispense. Most brewers use kegs made of stain-
less steel, but you also see rubber-coated, aluminum,
steel—and recently plastic—kegs in the marketplace.
Rubber Sided Bulged Non-Straight Wall
1/4 Barrel Keg 1/4 Barrel Keg
When tapped, the keg’s valve admits gas to the head
space where it applies the pressure needed to push
beer up through the spear or down tube and out of
the keg, while maintaining correct carbonation in the
remaining beer.

Keg Valve
Kegs are pressurized vessels and can be dangerous if
mishandled. Nearly all modern kegs use some form of
Sankey valve and stem. There are two main types of San-
key valves and corresponding keg necks: “drop-in,” and
threaded. From a user standpoint, the valves function
identically; from above, they appear nearly indistinguish-
able to the untrained eye. Drop-in Sankey valves are
held in place by a lock ring or circlip. The lock ring and
valve should never be removed in the field. Very rarely a
lock ring can fail, possibly loosening the valve, creating a
potentially dangerous situation. Threaded Sankey valves
screw into the neck of the keg. Very rarely a threaded
valve can inadvertently loosen or become unseated when
disengaging a coupler, creating a potentially dangerous
situation. Keg valves should never be removed in the
field. Kegs should only be serviced by trained personnel.

Older keg designs, although rarely encountered, uti-

lize different tapping methods not covered here. Keg
sizes vary from approximately 5 to 15.5 gallons.

Sankey Valves and Keg Necks

Lock Ring
Threaded Drop-In

Keg Neck Keg Neck

Valve Valve

draught beer quality manual 9

Capacity 1
⁄6 Barrel or Pony Keg ¼ Barrel Full-Size Keg Euro Keg
Cylinder (¼ Barrel) (½ Barrel)
Gallons 5- 5.16 7.75 7.75 15.50 13.2
Ounces 661 992 992 1984 1690
# of 12 oz. beers 55 82 82 165 140
Weight (Full) 58 Pounds 87 Pounds 87 Pounds 161 Pounds 137 pounds

Coupler Couplers include two types of one-way valves:

Gas flows in and beer flows out of a keg through the • Thomas valve – This valve allows CO2 to flow into
coupler. While this device has many casual names the keg but prevents the beer from backing up
in beer cellars around the country, the industry into the gas line if gas pressure drops. This pro-
adopted the term “coupler” as the standard term tects the gas regulators from damage. (Thomas
for the device. valves are removed when kegs are dispensed in
series, see page 45)
When you attach a coupler to a keg to tap it, a probe • Check valve – When the coupler is disconnected
on the bottom depresses a ball or poppet in the keg from the keg, this valve prevents beer from the
valve, allowing CO2 or mixed gas to enter the keg beer line flowing out through the coupler. This
thereby applying pressure to the beer. This forces the prevents beer spillage in keg tapping areas.
beer to travel up the down tube (spear) and drive the
beer to the faucet. A keg coupler should also contain an integral pres-
sure relief valve. If excessive gas pressure were
The coupler is attached to a jumper or a beer line applied to a keg, this valve would open to prevent
using a washer, tail piece, and beer nut. In the US, damage to the keg and coupler. The valve can also be
the threads on beer nuts and couplers are standard opened manually, and this should be done periodi-
sized with the “Cleveland thread,” which is 29/32” cally to test the safety relief valve. The manual release
diameter, and 14 threads per inch pitch. Be aware that usually looks like a small metal pin fitted with a wire
some couplers from other countries may use different ring. To test the valve, pull on the ring to slide the pin
sized threads. Check for leaks after installing a beer a short distance out of the coupler and release a small
nut onto any coupler. amount of gas.

10 draught beer quality manual

Sankey “D” Twin Probe “S” “A”

“G” “U” “M”

At the time of this writing, most breweries worldwide

The diagram below shows all the features of a coupler use kegs valves compatible with one of six variations
of the Sankey-type coupler (see images above). Most
U.S. breweries use the Sankey “D” coupler, unless oth-
Cut-away of Sankey “D” Coupler
erwise noted. A few U.S. breweries still use the twin
probe Hoff-Stevens valve and coupler system.

Vinyl Barrier

How Coupler Interacts with Keg to Draw Beer


Beer Line
Between coupler and faucet, beer travels through
beer line selected to fit the needs of the specific
draught application. Options range from vinyl to spe-
cialized barrier tubing and even stainless steel.

Most draught systems use clear vinyl tubing for all or

part of the beer line. In picnic and direct-draw sys-
tems, beer often runs most or the entire route from
coupler to faucet in vinyl tubing. In long-draw sys-
tems, beer commonly passes through two sections of
vinyl hose but travels most of the way in special bar-
rier tubing (See Chapter 4). While vinyl tubing is highly

draught beer quality manual 11

flexible, it is best used where lines are not secured in other designs are now becoming widely available
place and where it can easily be replaced. and are used either for their aesthetic appeal or for
serving a specific style of beer. Nitro-Beer faucets are
In later pages, we will encounter other types of tubing used for nitrogenated beers, such as certain stouts.
such as: These faucets use a diaphragm and restrictor plate to
• Colored vinyl and braided vinyl used for CO2 gas “cream” the beer.
• Stainless steel tubing found in jockey boxes and
tap towers In the U.S., all faucets attach to shanks with a stan-
• Barrier tubing; a low-resistance, easy-to-clean dard thread size of 1-1/8” diameter, and 18 threads
beer line for long-draw systems per inch pitch. Be aware that some faucets from other
• Polyethylene tubing used to carry glycol coolant countries may use different thread sizes, and may re-
quire adapters or special shanks. For example, the
Faucet flow control faucet in the chart below is shown with
Faucets dispense beer to the glass. They also hold an adapter to allow it to be used on a standard U.S.
the tap marker to identify the type of beer being shank and tower.
dispensed. The most common faucets are gener-
ally suitable for dispensing both ales and lagers. At retail, most faucets are fitted with tap markers
The most common or “standard” U.S. faucet is that clearly display the brand being dispensed; in
rear-sealing and has vent holes that need to be many states this is required. The tap marker must be
carefully cleaned and inspected during routine clean- aligned properly in order to be read easily by the
ings. Ventless or forward-sealing faucets are easy consumer and sales staff. The tap marker is fitted
to clean and are available in stainless steel. Several with a standard-sized threaded sleeve for easy

Standard European Ventless With Shaft Ventless Without Nitro


Spring-Loaded Flow Control Roto-Faucet Speed Nozzle

Cam-Actuated attachment

12 draught beer quality manual

Pros and Cons of Various Faucet Designs
Type Valve Flow Pro Con
Standard Vertical, seals in back of Smooth Low velocity Barrel interior susceptible to
shaft microbial growth
European Vertical, seals in back of Smooth Low velocity Barrel interior susceptible to
shaft microbial growth; may have
threads that differ from standard
U.S. thread size
Ventless with Vertical, seals in front of Slightly twisting Low susceptibility to High velocity flow may result in
Shaft shaft microbial growth turbulence
Ventless Vertical, seals in front of Slightly twisting Low susceptibility to High velocity flow may result in
without Shaft faucet body microbial growth turbulence
Nitro-Beer Spring loaded cam- Cascade of tiny Gives unique texture Nozzle susceptible to microbial
actuated plunger style bubbles needed for nitro beers growth from beer retained inside
valve. Restrictor plate narrow opening; small nozzle parts
and flow straightener in require manual cleaning; use only
nozzle with nitro beers
Spring-loaded, Horizontal, top of nozzle Slightly twisting Low susceptibility to Nozzle susceptible to microbial
cam-actuated microbial growth growth from beer retained inside
narrow opening; many small parts
to clean
Flow Control Vertical, seals in back of Smooth adjustable Adjustable velocity Barrel interior susceptible to
shaft flow rate may allow for increased microbial growth; may have
dispense pressure threads that differ from standard
U.S. thread size
Roto-faucet Internal, rotating ball Rapid velocity Few parts, simple to Some flow
clean turbulence
Speed-nozzle Attaches to traditional Rapid flow Allows for increased Nozzle immersed in beer,
attachments vented faucet pour rate for high compromising hygiene standards
volume dispense

Faucet Designs - Standard and Ventless

Standard Ventless
1..........Faucet Knob 1..........Faucet Body
2..........Lever Collar 2..........O-Ring
3..........Lever Bonnet 3..........O-Ring Seat
4..........Friction Washer 4..........Coupling Gasket
5..........Ball Washer 5..........Handle Lever
6..........Lever 6..........Bearing Cup
7..........Body 7..........Compression
8..........Coupling Washer Bonnet
9..........Shaft 8..........Handle Jacket
10........Shaft Seat
11........Shaft Nut
12........Faucet Shaft Assembly

draught beer quality manual 13

No Air Compressors,

Systems that use compressed air as a

dispense gas expose beer to oxygen, which
produces stale paper- or cardboard-like
aromas and flavors in the beer. Brewers
go to great lengths to keep oxygen out
of beer to avoid these undesirable stale
characteristics. Air compressors also push
contaminants from the outside atmosphere
into the keg, increasing the chance of beer-
spoiling bacteria and off-flavors. For these
reasons, compressed air should never be
used in direct contact with beer.

installation onto the faucet lever; in many cases, to pressurize a keg as the oxygen in the air gener-
however, the tap marker may not be aligned properly ates stale flavors in beer within just a few hours. All
when seated fully on the lever. For this reason, gas used for beer dispense should meet the speci-
nearly all faucets are also fitted with a lever collar fications of the International Society of Beverage
or handle jacket on the lever (see images above). Technologists or the Compressed Gas Association
These allow the tap marker to be aligned properly, (See Appendix A).
as well as installed securely. Install the tap marker on
the faucet lever and check to make sure it’s aligned Retailers may purchase beverage grade gas in cyl-
appropriately. If not, unscrew the marker just enough inders that will be delivered by the gas vendor and
to align it correctly, then back the lever collar up swapped out when empty. Such cylinders are filled,
under the marker, and tighten the tap marker snugly maintained, and inspected by the vendor. High vol-
onto the lever collar or handle jacket. ume users may purchase a bulk gas vessel known as
a Dewar that will be filled on location from a bulk
Gas Source gas truck. Bulk tanks can provide CO2 for both soda
Draught systems depend on gas pressure to push and beer.
beer from the keg to the faucet. To achieve this, kegs
should be pressurized with carbon dioxide, or a car- CO2 tanks contain both liquid and gas phases. The
bon dioxide and nitrogen mix. tank pressure is dependent on ambient temperature
and—regardless of tank fill level—will vary from 600
Gas used for draught dispense should be “beverage – 1200 psi until empty. For safety reasons, CO2 tanks
grade.” Gas selection and purity affect the freshness should never be located inside the refrigerator or
and quality of the beer served through the draught walk-in cooler. A gas filter may be installed to help
system. Remember: The gas you use fills the keg as reduce the likelihood that any contaminants in the
the beer drains. Thus, off-flavors or impurities in the gas reach the beer (be sure to follow manufacturer
gas quickly migrate to the beer to spoil its freshness recommendations for filter maintenance intervals; see
and flavor. Compressed air should never be used page 32 for more information).

14 draught beer quality manual

Note: Breathing high concentrations of CO2
can be deadly! Take care to prevent CO2 buildup
in enclosed spaces such as cold boxes. System leaks
or beer pumps using CO2 can cause this gas to accu-
mulate in the cooler. To prevent this, beer pumps
driven by CO2 must be vented to the atmosphere.
CO2 warning alarms are available and recommended
Primary CO2 Primary Nitrogen
for installations with enclosed areas such as cold Bottle Regulator Bottle Regulator

boxes containing CO2 fittings and gas lines.

Secondary Regulators

Braided Vinyl

A regulator adjusts and controls the flow of gas from

any source. Each regulator typically has at least one

Gas Line and often two pressure gauges that help in setting

Gas line should be selected to withstand the pres- pressures and monitoring gas levels. Valves and an

sures expected in the draught system. Vinyl tubing adjustment screw control the actual flow of gas from

is often used as gas line. Vinyl tubing intended to source to destination.

be used as gas line often has a greater wall thick-

ness than vinyl beer line tubing. To help distinguish All gas systems employ a primary regulator attached

between gas line and beer line, colored vinyl is used to the gas source, namely a portable bottle or bulk

for CO2 supply lines in some systems. Clear vinyl tank. This regulator typically contains two gauges:

may also be used as it aids in troubleshooting by one high-pressure showing the tank or supply pres-

allowing you to see if beer has escaped the coupler sure, and a second low- or regulated pressure gauge

and entered the gas line due to a faulty or missing showing what is being delivered to the keg. Some

Thomas valve. And because vinyl gas line will fail simpler regulators may contain only one gauge

at lower pressures than braided vinyl or poly, it can displaying the delivered pressure, making it more

also serve an important safety function in the event difficult to predict when the bottle is getting low on

of secondary regulator failure by blowing off before CO2. Some suppliers provide jockey box regulators

a keg becomes overpressurized. preset with no gauges, since these are easily dam-
aged in transit.

Braided vinyl is often used for CO2, particularly in

high pressure situations (50+ psi) and in long CO2 Regulators are attached to the gas bottle with either

runs. Braided vinyl is commonly used in soft drink an integrated “O” ring seal in the face of the regu-

lines for both beverage and gas. lator fitting, or a fiber or Teflon flat washer. These
parts need to be replaced occasionally to prevent

draught beer quality manual 15

leaks and should be inspected every time the bottle of the dispense gas applied to beer beyond the
is changed. Many regulators are also equipped with local atmospheric pressure level. This is called
one or more shut-off valves located on the low-pres- gauge pressure or psig. Gauges in draught beer
sure outlet, allowing the CO2 to be shut off without systems will nearly always read in psig. (Some spe-
changing the set-screw or shutting off the main tank cialized gauges are designed to measure the total
valve. pressure on the beer, or absolute pressure, in units
of psia; these are very rare in draught beer dis-
A primary regulator must also contain a safety relief pense systems.)
valve to prevent dangerous system pressures in case
of a malfunction or frozen regulator. Bottled CO2 As draught beer is dispensed, the carbonation
pressure can exceed 1000 psi, creating an extreme level will depend on the absolute pressure of the
hazard if not handled properly. dispense gas, not the gauge pressure of the dis-
pense gas. This is true for both straight CO2 as well
Nitrogen regulators are designed for higher pres- as blended gas. The carbonation level in a beer is
sures and have a male thread with a conical fitting set by the brewer to maximize flavor, aroma, and pre-
that (depending on the design) seats with or without sentation, and one goal of draught beer dispensing
an O ring. is to maintain this level. If the absolute pressure of
the dispense gas is too high, the carbonation level
Pressure and Pressure Gauges of the beer will increase over time. If the absolute
For the purposes of this manual, pressure is the pressure of the dispense gas is too low, the carbon-
amount of force acting on the surface of beer in a keg ation level of the beer will decrease over time. More
or serving vessel, and is often expressed in pounds information about this very important topic can be
per square inch (psi). Absolute pressure is the total found in Appendix C.
pressure on the beer, and is the sum of atmospheric
pressure plus any additional applied pressure from A Few Words About Elevation
dispense gas. Atmospheric pressure is the amount Because atmospheric pressure changes depending
of force exerted by the weight of air in the Earth’s on elevation, therefore so does the absolute pressure.
atmosphere above an object. At sea level, atmo- So we’ll need to take elevation into account while
spheric pressure is equal to 14.7 psi. If the dispense designing draught beer dispensing systems and when
gas is applied at 15 psi, then the absolute pressure on we read carbonation tables. At higher elevations,
the beer is 29.7 psi (14.7 psi + 15 psi). the layer of air is thinner and therefore weighs less,
so atmospheric pressure is also less. A good rule of
Pressure can be measured several ways. Most pres- thumb is that atmospheric pressure decreases by
sure gauges are designed to measure the pressure about 1 psi per 2,000 feet in elevation.

Elevation Atmospheric Pressure Dispense Pressure Absolute Pressure

(feet above sea level) (PSI) (PSIG) (PSIA)
0 14.7 15 29.7
2,000 13.7 15 28.7
4,000 12.7 15 27.7
5,000 12.2 15 27.2
8,000 10.7 15 25.7
10,000 9.7 15 24.7

16 draught beer quality manual

Elevation Atmospheric Pressure Dispense Pressure Absolute Pressure
(feet above sea level) (PSI) (PSIG) (PSIA)
0 14.7 15 29.7
2,000 13.7 16 29.7
4,000 12.7 17 29.7
5,000 12.2 17.5 29.7
8,000 10.7 19 29.7
10,000 9.7 20 29.7

Let’s look at an example in which the ideal dispense

gas pressure for a beer brand in a particular draught
beer system at sea level is determined to be 15 psig.
At sea level, atmospheric pressure is equal to 14.7 psi,
so at sea level a keg of beer with dispense gas pressure
of 15 psig is under an absolute pressure of 29.7 psia (15 Step-less hose clamp

psig + 14.7 psi). That same keg of beer at an altitude of

5,000 feet with the same dispense gas pressure of 15
psig is only under 27.2 psia (15 psig +14.7 psi– 2.5 psi).
The chart on page 16 illustrates the absolute pressure
on a keg of beer at different elevations, assuming 15
psig dispense gas pressure. Hex Nut

Even though the gauge pressure on the keg of beer

reads the same, the absolute pressure of the dispense
gas on the keg is decreasing with elevation. Over time,
the carbonation level of the beer being dispensed at Wing Nut

elevation will slowly decrease because the absolute

pressure of the dispense gas is lower than at sea level.

The chart above illustrates that in order to maintain the

carbonation level of beer being dispensed at eleva-
tion, the gauge pressure of the dispense gas needs to
be increased above the calculated dispense pressure Tail Piece
at sea level.

Tail Pieces and Connectors

Tail pieces connect couplers, wall brackets, shanks—or
any other piece of equipment—to vinyl tubing or other Sealing washer

types of beer line. Chromed brass and stainless steel

tail pieces come in several sizes to match common
tubing diameters. They are held in place with a nut and Beer nut and faucet wrench
sealing washer. A clamp secures the tubing to the tail 1 1/32” opening for beer hex nuts

piece on the barbed side. A nut and sealing washer

draught beer quality manual 17

attach the tail piece to the coupler or other equipment Manufacturers offer all faucets, shanks, tail pieces,
on its flat side. In the U.S., beer nut and coupler threads splicers, wall brackets, and probes mentioned in this
are one standard size, the so-called “Cleveland thread,” manual in stainless steel. If your system already con-
which is 29/32” diameter with 14 threads per inch. tains chrome-plated brass components, inspect the
beer contact surfaces regularly for exposed brass
A Few Words about Metal Parts and replace those components immediately when
& Hygienic Design this is detected.
For many years, suppliers made metal parts for draught
systems with chrome-plated brass. While chrome has no All system components should be designed to facilitate
negative effect on beer quality, beer that has any contact cleaning and to preclude contamination, particularly
with brass reacts and picks up a metallic off-taste. Exposed due to microbial growth. Indentations, recesses, dead
brass is also difficult to clean. While the chrome coating space, and gaps should be avoided. If dead spaces
on these parts rarely wears away on the outside, cleaning cannot be avoided at the junction between tubing and
and beer flow eventually expose the brass on the inside fittings, their depth should be smaller than the smallest
of these parts, bringing the beer in contact with the brass. dimension of their cross section to facilitate clean-
ing. Edges at protrusions, transitions, and extensions
To avoid brass contact, brewers recommend stainless should be rounded. Components should be designed
steel parts for draught dispense. In addition to being so that they permit an unobstructed flow of liquids and
inert in contact with beer, they are easier to clean and are easy to drain. n
thus help to maintain high quality draught dispense.

18 draught beer quality manual

chapter 2

temporary draught

d raught beer goes great with outdoor

events, but the temporary setting prohibits
use of traditional direct-draw or long-draw
draught equipment. Instead, we usually use one of
two different systems: picnic pumps or jockey boxes.
In the simplest systems, the beer flows to a sim-
ple plastic faucet attached to short section of vinyl
hose. Gas pressure comes from compressed air
introduced by way of a hand-operated pump inte-
grated into the coupler. The pictures at left show
plastic- and metal-construction examples of a
Picnic Pumps picnic tap.
Picnic pumps or party taps allow draught beer
dispense for a one-day occasion or event. These sys- Since these systems introduce compressed air into
tems compromise accepted standards of draught the keg, they are suitable only for situations where
dispense in order to offer a simple method for serving the beer will be consumed in a single day. Also, these
draught beer. dispensing systems typically do not produce the best
serving results, since balancing the correct top pres-
sure is very imprecise. For best results, the keg must
be kept in ice and consistently—but not excessively—
pumped as the contents are dispensed.

Improved designs use single-use CO2 cartridges with

an integrated regulator. These units may also include
a traditional vented faucet mounted on a short length
of stainless steel beer line. This design overcomes the
Plastic Metal with CO2 Cartridge
key shortcomings of hand-pumped picnic taps.

draught beer quality manual 19

temperature (64° – 74°F). If the ambient temperature
is above that, the coil-box kegs should be iced as well.

Setup affects the efficiency of both jockey box styles.

To set up a cold plate:

Jockey Boxes • Tap the keg and run beer through the faucet
Jockey boxes offer another way to improve on the before adding ice to the jockey box. This removes
picnic tap as a solution for portable dispense. Here, a water left behind during the cleaning process
normal coupler is attached to the keg and CO2 is used before temperatures in the plate get cold enough
to pressurize the system. Beer in route from keg to to freeze it, causing turbulence or blockage of the
faucet passes through a cold plate or stainless steel beer flow.
tubing inside an ice chest in order to cool it to the • Place ice both underneath and on top of the
proper dispense temperature. A cold-plate-equipped cold plate in the ice chest. As time passes, the ice
jockey box uses ice to cool beer flowing through the will “bridge” and should be removed for better
cold plate. A jockey box equipped with stainless steel contact with the cold plate. Ice should be added
coils uses ice and water to chill beer flowing through periodically and water drained from the ice chest.
the coil. • Set CO2 pressure to 25 to 35 psi. This will vary
depending on how many lines are contained in
These systems are not appropriate for day-to-day the plate and thus how much resistance to flow
use, as draught beer is perishable and room tem- is built into each line. Pressure can be adjusted to
perature storage accelerates that process. They are obtain desired flow rate.
also used with high pressure CO2, which can over-
carbonate a typical keg when tapped longer than a To set up a coil box:
day. Partial kegs remaining from temporary service • Tap the keg and run beer through the coil and out
are not usable in other settings. the faucet.
• Add ice to the ice chest and completely cover
Jockey Box Setup and Use the coil.
Because they have a relatively high surface area for • Add cold water to the top of the coil. This causes
chilling beer, coil-style jockey boxes can pour beer at an ice bath, giving excellent surface contact.
a faster rate than those equipped with a cold plate. • Set CO2 pressure to 35 to 40 psi on 120 ft. coils.
Thus, they better suit situations where faster pour Shorter coils are not recommended, but if used,
rates and volumes are needed. With lower surface should dispense at 30 – 35 psi.
areas for chilling, the cold-plate style is appropriate
when beer dispense needs are a bit slower. Cleaning and Maintenance
Temporary dispense equipment must be cleaned
Kegs used with a cold plate should be iced if the immediately after use. It is nearly impossible to
ambient temperature is above 55°F since they have remove the mold and biofilms that can result from
limited cooling capacity; however, coil boxes can storing a cold plate or jockey box improperly, packed
pour beer efficiently even with the kegs at room with beer.

20 draught beer quality manual

For cleaning jockey boxes, refer to the detailed elec-
tric cleaning pump procedures outlined in Chapter 8.
Afterwards, the water in the lines must be blown out
to prevent mold growth.

• If the recirculation pump is capable of being

run dry:
-- Before breaking down recirculation loop,
remove inlet from rinse water with pump run-
ning so air pushes out all of the rinse water in
the lines.
• If the recirculation pump is not capable of being
run dry:
-- After breaking down the recirculation loop and
reattaching faucets, tap an empty cleaning
canister and use the gas pressure to blow all of
the water out of the lines. n

draught beer quality manual 21

chapter 3

equipment and
configurations for direct
draw draught systems
r etailers use direct-draw systems in situations
where the kegs can be kept refrigerated in
very close proximity to the dispense point or
faucet. In some cases, the beer sits in a cooler below
the counter at the bar. In other cases, the keg cooler
• A walk-in cooler with beer dispense directly
through the wall from the keg to the faucet.

The nine components discussed in Chapter 1 appear

in both direct-draw systems; only a little additional
shares a wall with the bar, keeping the beer close to equipment comes into play. As with temporary
the point of dispense. Let’s look at these two types of systems, most direct-draw systems employ vinyl beer
direct-draw systems: line and pure CO2 gas. Compared to barrier tubing,
• A self-contained refrigerator (keg box or “kegera- vinyl beer line is relatively permeable to oxygen
tor”) where the number of kegs accommodated ingress, and the flavor of beer stored in these lines
will vary based on box and keg sizes. can change overnight. As part of their opening

Direct Draw Kegerator Walk-in Cooler

22 draught beer quality manual

Short Draw System Direct Draw System

procedures each day, some retailers will dispense

enough beer to repack their vinyl beer lines, and use
the collected beer for cooking.

As permanent installations, direct-draw systems

typically include a drip tray, and some systems also
incorporate a tap tower. In addition, shanks support Two-Faucet Tower Eight-Faucet Pass-Thru
the faucets in either tower or wall-mount applica- (forced-air or glycol) (forced-air or glycol)

tions. The following sections discuss these elements

of the system. Towers
Direct-draw keg boxes and most long-draw systems
mount the dispensing faucet on a tower. This tower
attaches to the top of the bar or keg box. Towers
come in various shapes and sizes and may have any-
where from one to dozens of faucets.

To achieve proper beer service, the beer line running

through the tower to the faucet must be kept at the
Surface Mount Drip Tray Wall Mount Drip Tray
same temperature as the beer cooler. Direct-draw sys-
tems use air cooling, while long-draw systems usually
Drip Tray use glycol cooling. The air-cooled towers are insulated
Many draught systems include a drip tray placed below on the inside and cold air from the cooler circulates
the faucets and most health departments require them. around the beer lines and shanks. This works with direct-
draw systems thanks to the close proximity of the tower
Many walk-in based direct-draw systems use a wall- to the cold box. Some keg boxes have specialized corru-
mounted drip tray that includes a back splash. This gated tubing connected to the refrigerator’s evaporator
design may be used on some air-cooled long-draw sys- housing. This tubing is designed to be inserted in the
tems as well. Bars typically place surface or recessed tower to provide for cold air flow up to the faucet. Typi-
drip trays under draught towers. The drip trays should cally cold air is supplied directly from the discharge of
be plumbed to drain into a drain or floor sink. the evaporator and is colder than the keg temperature.

draught beer quality manual 23

Bent Tube Shank Nipple Shank

Most draught systems firmly mount the faucet to
either a tower or a wall, making it a stable point for
beer dispense. A threaded shank with securing nuts
creates the solid connection to the supporting tower
or wall. The faucet then connects to one side of the
shank and beer line connects to the other side by
either an attached nipple or a tail piece connected
with the usual washer and nut. Today, shanks with
1/4” and 5/16” bore diameters are most commonly
available and recommended in the U.S., along with
3/16” bore diameter shanks, which are less common.
The once-common practice of drilling out a 3/16”
Shadow Box bore diameter shank to one of the larger sizes is
In some direct-draw applications inside a walk-in not recommended as the resulting unfinished brass
cooler, it may be necessary to cut a section out of shank bore surface will be detrimental to draught
the cooler wall where the shanks are placed. The wall beer quality, and because drilling will likely dam-
is then recessed in a “shadow box” to minimize the age shanks and glycol chilled towers beyond repair,
shank length and keep foaming to a minimum. meaning expensive replacement will be necessary. n

24 draught beer quality manual

chapter 4

equipment and
configurations for
long-draw draught
t he most complex draught systems fall into the long-
draw category. Designed to deliver beer to bars
well away from the keg cooler, these systems usually
employ equipment not seen in temporary and direct-draw
setups. From around 1990 to 2010, the average long draw
While exceptions exist, most long-draw systems still
push beer from kegs. Beer exits the keg through a
coupler and usually enters a vinyl beer line just as we
have seen with temporary and direct-draw systems.
system had doubled in complexity from roughly five fau- But here the vinyl doesn’t last long. It typically goes
cets to more than 10 faucets. Today it’s not uncommon to about six feet before connecting to a wall bracket
find very complex draught beer systems at retail with doz- that serves as a transition to specialized barrier tub-
ens of faucets, dispensing up to many dozens of beer ing. Designed for minimum resistance and superior
brands. While long-draw systems offer designers the cleanliness, barrier tubing should carry beer most of
option to put beer far from the bar, providing keg handling the distance from keg to faucet in long-draw systems.
or layout flexibility, the distances they cover come with But barrier tubing isn’t the end of the journey; most
increased opportunities for problems and increased costs draught towers use stainless steel tubing to carry the
for equipment, cooling, and beer waste. As with all systems, beer to the faucet. In addition, many systems install
it’s important to minimize line length and diameter where some length of narrow-gauge vinyl tubing called
possible to minimize beer loss and facilitate cleaning. “choker” between the end of the barrier tubing and
the stainless steel tubing of the draught tower, to pro-
Let’s consider the three draught dispense sub-systems vide a way to accurately balance the system. In the
of beer, gas, and cooling to see what long-draw systems end, however, the beer flows through a faucet just as
include. we saw with the direct-draw systems.

draught beer quality manual 25

Long-Draw System

You may also find Foam On Beer (FOB) detectors on Many older long-draw systems installed single-wall
the beer lines of many long-draw systems. Located in polyethylene tubing. This relatively porous material
the cooler at or near the wall bracket, these devices allows oxygen ingress, carbon dioxide to escape, and
fill with dispense gas when beer from a keg runs out, makes cleaning difficult, resulting in stale, flat, and
thereby shutting off flow to the main beer line. This potentially tainted beer in the lines. Today, you may
prevents beer loss by keeping the main beer line full find blue and red polyethylene tubing carrying glycol
of pressurized beer while the keg is changed. The from and to your glycol power pack; this is the only rec-
jumper line between the keg and FOB is then purged ommended use for polyethylene tubing in long-draw
and normal beer service can resume. See page 27 for systems. Long-draw systems with vinyl or poly lines
more information about FOBs. (typical of much older systems) should be repacked
with fresh beer each day due to the detrimental effects
Components: of oxidation; the beer drained during this process can
be used for cooking. This expense alone can signifi-
Barrier Tubing cantly decrease the payback time when replacing an
Barrier tubing has a “glass-smooth” lining that inhibits old long-draw system with barrier tubing.
beer or mineral stone deposits and microbial growth to
maintain beer freshness. Its properties make it the only Vinyl tubing should only be used as jumpers between
industry-approved beer line for long-draw systems. keg couplers and long-draw barrier tubing trunks,
and as restriction tubing between barrier tubing
Barrier tubing may be purchased by itself in various trunks and faucet shanks. Vinyl and polyethylene
diameters, but most suppliers sell it in prepared bun- tubing should never be used in long-draw bundles.
dles (called bundle or trunk housing) with beer lines
and glycol coolant lines wrapped inside an insulating Choker Line
cover. These bundles vary by the number of beer lines Choker line, also known as restriction tubing, is a sec-
they carry with popular sizes matching the number of tion of 3/16” ID vinyl tubing of variable length installed
faucets commonly found on tap towers. at the tower end of a long-draw system. The purpose is

26 draught beer quality manual

to add to the overall system restriction and thus achieve
the target flow rate at the faucet. It is connected at one
end to the barrier tubing in the trunk housing with a
reducing splicer, and at the other to a hose barb on
either the back side of the shank inside the tower, or to
the stainless tubing extending from the tower.

A few different specially designed devices can be Stainless

Plastic FOB Plastic FOB
Steel FOB
used as alternatives to constructing final choker
restriction with long lengths of 3/16” ID polyvinyl
hose. One such device is a series of plastic segments FOB (Foam On Beer)
that are inserted into a short section of 1/4” ID barrier FOBs stop the flow of beer through a line once the
tubing just below the tower; another is a wire mesh keg empties. This reduces the beer loss normally
device installed in the shank just behind the faucet. associated with changing a keg and therefore reduces
These devices are of varying restriction and, while operating costs. While available in different designs,
potentially useful, also have some potential down- most feature a float in a sealed bowl that drops when
side. For one, these items prevent beer line cleaning beer flow from the keg stops. The FOB allows the
with sponges as an option. Additionally, the increased beer lines to stay packed. This makes for less prod-
surface area may increase the likelihood of bacterial uct loss and generates savings for the account. FOBs
buildup or foaming. should be cleaned every two weeks when the draught
system is cleaned and completely disassembled and
manually cleaned quarterly to assure a clean system.

One-Faucet Wall Bracket Two-Faucet Wall Bracket

Wall Brackets
Wall brackets join tubing together in a long-draw cold
box. The wall bracket gives a solid connecting spot Another version of an FOB that performs the same
for jumper lines from the keg. Tubing is connected function is available as an existing feature on a keg
with a washer, nut, tail piece, and clamp combina- coupler, as shown above. This variety does not have
tion. (Most of these installed in the past were made of a float but smaller moving parts that shut off the flow
plated brass, and should be inspected for wear and of beer when gas is present. It is not as easily dis-
replaced with stainless steel.) assembled or cleaned as the wall-mounted varieties

draught beer quality manual 27

and must be removed and cleaned separately from Also, high quality air compressors that clean and dry
the beer line system. the air must be used to avoid damaging beer pumps;
smaller, less expensive air compressors can deliver air
with small amounts of moisture or oil that can dam-
age beer pumps over time. Air compressors can break
down, leaving the retailer unable to dispense beer.

Some portion of the pump contacts the beer and

like anything else, it must be regularly cleaned to
prevent beer stone buildup and microbial infection.
See special cleaning considerations on page 56 of
this manual.
Beer Pumps
Beer pumps draw beer from a keg or other beer- Beer pump setups require two operational pres-
serving vessel and deliver it to the faucet. Rather sures: CO2 pressure on the keg or tank to maintain
than using gas pressure to drive beer, beer pumps beer carbonation, and separate gas pressure to the
use mechanical force to propel the beer through the pump to propel the beer to the faucet. There are two
system. We find beers pumps in draught systems basic beer pump types: fixed pressure and additive
when working pressures for gas dispense get too pressure. Fixed pressure pumps are becoming much
high (above 35 or 40 psi). This includes very long runs less common today. Because fixed pressure pumps
(>200 feet) or high vertical lifts. Above these pres- deliver beer at the same pressure being applied to
sures, beer will absorb enough nitrogen from the the beer keg or tank, they are less useful in systems
blended dispense gas to create longlasting, smaller- balanced at higher pressures. Additive pressure beer
sized foam bubbles that in turn can cause problems pumps are most useful for very long draw systems,
dispensing beer. We also see beer pumps used on since the pressure applied to the keg is added to the
multi-barrel brewpub serving tanks that have low- pressure of the gas driving the beer pump. Additive
pressure limits. Also, very few tanks are pressure pressure pumps have one other advantage—beer
rated for safely dispensing beer above 30 psi. may still be dispensed (although much more slowly)
if they fail; whereas beer cannot be served if a fixed
Beer pumps themselves are powered by high-pres- pressure pump fails.
sure gas or compressed air that does not come into
contact with the beer. Most retailers power their beer Here are some good rules of thumb for using beer
pumps with CO2; in these cases, the pump exhaust pumps in draught beer dispensing systems:
CO2 gas must be vented outside the cooler or • Be sure to refer to detailed cleaning procedures
building to avoid CO2 buildup and asphyxiation. provided by the pump manufacturer, and to pro-
CO2 can be relatively expensive to use to power beer cedures found on page 56 of this manual. Don’t let
pumps compared to compressed air, but CO2 is usu- your cleaning solution get too hot, or you’ll dam-
ally already available at any location serving draught age your pump.
beer, so is often simpler to use. • Only use beer pumps that come fitted with a diverter
or backflush fitting, so the pump can be properly
If using compressed air to drive beer pumps, pump cleaned using recirculation pumps, in either forward
and keg regulators must be separated—compressed or backward direction. One such pump fitted with a
air should never come into contact with draught beer. flow diverter is shown on the top of the page.

28 draught beer quality manual

• Proper CO2 pressure should be applied to the keg
or tank to maintain the beer’s carbonation level (See Defining
Appendix B). Here the only caveat is that this pres- Mixed Gases
sure must at least equal that required to maintain
proper carbonation in the keg in order to prevent For the purposes of this manual, as a con-
carbonation breakout in the beer lines. vention in discussions involving mixed gas,
• When using additive pressure type pumps, set the proportion of CO2 will always be shown
pump pressure so that the sum total of the keg pres- first, followed by the proportion of N2.
sure plus pump pressure together equal system
resistance pressure.
• Most draught beer systems with beer pumps also
use FOBs placed immediately after the beer pump. Gas
This keeps the pump from running dry when the To push beer across the distances found in long-draw
beer supply to the pump runs out, a primary cause systems usually calls for gas pressures well above what
of pump failure. is needed to maintain proper beer carbonation levels.

Most long-draw systems employ a CO2/N2 blend

to prevent overcarbonation of the beer. The use of
blended gas to dispense draught beer can to some
degree help eliminate foaming caused by tempera-
ture fluctuations in a walk-in cooler or in beer lines, by
Coupler Vinyl adapter keeping beer packed several pounds above the car-
bonation breakout pressure. The exact blend needed
• Use the handy check valves supplied by the man- will depend on the system parameters and operat-
ufacturer. ing pressure. The correct blend might be purchased
• Vent CO2 out of the cooler for the pump exhaust. pre-mixed in blended gas bottles, or custom blends
• Don’t run more than two faucets per beer pump. can be mixed onsite from separate carbon dioxide
• Don’t run more than two beer pumps per secondary and nitrogen sources. The use of custom gas blends
regulator. brings new equipment into play, including gas blend-
• Be sure to install beer pumps less than 5 feet above ers and possibly nitrogen generators.
cooler floor height.
• Beer pumps should be installed below the level of In some long-draw systems, gas plays an entirely dif-
the faucet at the bar. ferent role, powering beer pumps used to move the
beer (see page 27-28).
Quick-Connect (or Push) Fittings
Special fittings can join the different types of beer line Carbon Dioxide Gas (CO2)
found in long-draw systems. Quick-connect fittings work CO2 is the primary gas used to dispense draught
on hard or rigid tubing including polyethylene (used beer. CO2 in the headspace of the keg or tank serves
for glycol), barrier line, and stainless tubing. Couplers to maintain proper carbonation within the beer,
attach to square-cut tubing ends with an O-ring and and also provides pressure to help move the beer
gripper. Adding a vinyl adapter to the coupler allows for from the cooler through the beer lines to the faucet.
transition from barrier or stainless to vinyl tubing. CO2 used for beverage dispense must be of suffi-

draught beer quality manual 29

cient purity and free of off aromas or organic or other The physical characteristics of CO2 limit the amount of
contaminants. See Appendix A for detailed purity blended gas that can be stored in a blended gas bot-
specifications. tle, compared to pure CO2 or N2. CO2 becomes liquid
at the very high pressures needed to compress nitro-
Nitrogen Gas (N2) gen, meaning the blended gas being dispensed from
Nitrogen gas (N 2) is blended with CO 2 to aid in the headspace of the bottle will not be the blend pro-
dispensing beers in systems requiring delivery portion anticipated if the bottle is overfilled. For this
pressures above CO2 equilibrium. Nitrogen is not reason, blended gas bottles are relatively expensive
easily absorbed by beer. As an inert gas, it does not compared to gas blenders. Because bottled blends
degrade the flavor of the beer, making it perfect are relatively expensive, the payback period for a gas
for blending with CO 2. A blend of these gases is blender is usually under a year.
one option for dispensing beer over long distances
without overcarbonating the beer in the keg. In addition, the tolerances of bottled blended gas are
Blended gases are also necessary for dispensing very difficult to manage during filling. And, unless the
nitrogenated beers. bottled blend is well mixed, or if the bottle is over-
pressurized and the CO2 becomes a liquid, the gas
Blended Gas Bottles being dispensed will likely vary considerably from the
Blended gas bottles are vendor-mixed CO2 and nitrogen desired mixture. This deviation can result in over- or
gas mixes. It may not be possible to find the exact blend under-carbonated beer, therefore increasing expense
needed for a particular draught beer dispensing sys- and decreasing draught beer quality.
tem. These blends are typically available in blends of
approximately 70% CO2 / 30% N2 for dispensing regularly Pre-mixed cylinders containing a mix of between
carbonated beer, and approximately 25% CO2 / 75% N2 30-25% CO2 and 70-75% N2 are intended for use with
used to dispense nitrogenated beers (often called nitrogen-infused beers or “nitro” beers, such as some
“G-Mix” or “Guinness Gas”). In some markets, custom stouts. These blends are not intended for use with
blends may be ordered from some vendors. regularly carbonated beers (those with more than
2.0 volumes or 3.9 grams/liter of CO2), even in high-
For simplicity, many retailers will opt for a default pressure long-draw systems. Use of “nitro” beer gas
blended gas solution, although we don’t recommend on regular beers causes the beers to lose carbonation
this practice. In the past, the default blend for regu- in the keg, resulting in flat beer being served within
larly carbonated beers was often 60% CO2/40% N2. three to five days. The flat beer is most noticeable
Recent studies in retail establishments have shown near the end of the keg, with the amount of flat beer
that a 70% CO2 / 30% N2 blend will more likely result increasing the longer the beer is in contact with this
in proper carbonation of draught beer in most retail gas. Similarly, straight CO2 should not be used to dis-
draught beer systems. However, the best approach pense nitro beers.
for high quality draught beer is to identify and use the
exact correct gas blend for your particular draught Straight CO2 should only be used in a long-draw
beer system. See Appendix C of this manual for system when 1) ideal gauge pressure is sufficient to
examples of this calculation, or consult your profes- produce the proper flow rate, and 2) there is abso-
sional draught beer equipment installer or supplier lutely no temperature increase in the draught lines
for more advice. outside the cooler, both of which are highly unlikely.

30 draught beer quality manual

Since ideal dispense pressure with straight CO2 is rel-
atively low, even a slight temperature increase from
the keg cooler to the draught line can allow the CO2
to escape from the beer in the draught line, causing
foamy beer at the tap.

Gas Blenders
Gas blenders mix pure tank CO2 and pure tank nitro-
gen to specified ratios. Blenders can be ordered to
specific ratios and provide one, two, or even three
blends. Three product blenders will usually be set to
dispense beers at 2.7 volumes of CO2, 2.5 volumes of

Single Mix Blender CO2, and nitrogenated beers. Existing one and two
mix blenders can sometimes be upgraded to two and
three blends; be sure to check with your supplier. Rec-
ommended features for a gas blender include:
• Output mix is preset by the manufacturer and is
not adjustable onsite.
• Blender shuts down when either gas supply runs out,
preventing damage from running on only one gas.
• Blender produces two or three blends so that both
“nitro” and regularly carbonated beers can be
served. The blends for regularly carbonated beers
can adequately serve products with a reasonable
range of CO2 volumes (e.g. 2.2-2.8 volumes of CO2).

Two Mix Blender

Nitrogen Generator Nitrogen Generator


Nitrogen Generators
Three Mix Blender
Nitrogen generators extract nitrogen from the
atmosphere. Air is supplied by either a remote or

draught beer quality manual 31

integrated air compressor. Nitrogen generators are Electronic CO2 monitors are also available for instal-
typically equipped with a built-in gas blender. lation in walk-in coolers. Such devices can prevent
serious injury or death from CO2 inhalation by sound-
To protect nitrogen purity from compromising draught ing an alarm when CO2 levels are elevated.
beer quality, nitrogen generators should have the fol-
lowing features:

• Produce nitrogen with a purity of at least 99.7%.

• Have air inlets equipped with both an oil/water fil-
ter and a sterile air filter.
• Use “oil-free”-type air compressors. Gas Filters
Beverage grade CO2 comes from many commercial
All nitrogen generator filters should be inspected and and industrial operations and is supplied for many uses
replaced according to the manufacturer’s specifications. besides beverages. (e.g., fire extinguishers, welding,
food processing, etc.) CO2 bottles can be contaminated
by poor handling and storage. They can be contami-
nated by beer or soft drinks if a check valve malfunctions
and the beer or soft drink flows back into an empty CO2
bottle. A gas filter helps safeguard beer by removing
unwanted impurities or contaminants from the gas.
Filters must be replaced periodically per the manufac-
turer’s instructions.

As with direct-draw systems, kegs reside in a walk-
in cooler held at 34° to 38°F. But to keep beer cold
throughout its journey from keg to faucet requires
additional cooling components that surround the
beer lines themselves. We find two common designs:
In-Line Gas Leak
air-cooled and glycol-cooled.

In a forced-air long-draw system, beer lines travel

Gas Leak Detectors through a tube or chase kept cold by a continuously
Gas leaks in a draught system can not only cost operating recirculation fan. The fan pushes cold air from
money in lost gas, but can also potentially cause pres- a condensing unit inside the cooler into and through the
sure drops that can lead to foamy beer. In enclosed ductwork. In both single-duct and double-duct systems,
spaces, large CO2 leaks can be extremely dangerous cold air travels a route from the cooler to and through
or even deadly. Gas leak detectors are available that the tap tower as well as a return route back to the cooler.
are plumbed directly into the gas supply line to the Single-duct systems use a tube-in-tube design effective
draught system. When no beer is being poured, a for runs of up to 15 feet. Runs of up to 25 feet can be cre-
float inside the device will rise if gas is leaking. ated using double-duct systems where separate tubes

32 draught beer quality manual

carry the outbound and return flows. These systems can
Trunk Line
be especially vulnerable to temperature fluctuations in
the outside environment. All ductwork should be well
insulated with at least 1/2”� thick insulation. Careful
assessment of the room temperature should be taken
into consideration before installation. It is important to
note that temperatures near the ceiling of an already
hot basement or storage room where the ducts may run
can be significantly higher than at ground-level.
Glycol Chiller

It is also important to consider the extra cooling load

to be placed on the keg cooler with such an installa-
tion. Many coolers are specifically designed to cool the
exact dimensions of the cold box, and adding a forced
air system may overload and compromise the entire
cooling system.

Glycol-cooled long-draw systems service runs lon-

ger than 25 feet. Here, a separate chiller pumps a
chilled mixture of water and food-grade liquid pro-
pylene glycol through cooling lines parallel to and
in contact with the beer lines. These systems require
well-insulated and carefully configured trunk line (see
photo). Each beer line (usually barrier line) in a trunk
touches a glycol line to keep the beer cold as it trav-
els from keg to the faucet. Glycol chillers work well as
long as they are maintained; see suggested mainte-
nance points on page 59.

Glycol towers attach coolant lines parallel to the beer

lines (typically stainless) and surround them tightly
Typical Long-Draw Glycol System with insulation. This cooling method allows towers to
be located remotely from the cold box, up to several
hundred feet away.

In addition to the glycol chiller used to maintain

temperature of the beer lines, some systems, like
those using frosted or “ice” towers, use a separate
glycol cooling system to chill the tap tower. n

draught beer quality manual 33

section II

draught operations

d raught systems from simple to complex

can deliver high-quality beer—but only
when properly operated and suitably
maintained. Many who work with draught beer will
never have the chance to buy or install the system
concepts and their relationship with each other, you’ll
be much better equipped for successful draught sys-
tem operation.

Chapter 6 covers practical issues related to the cooler

components discussed in Section I, but all will pour and other “behind the scenes” aspects of beer ser-
beer from the faucet and nearly everyone will expe- vice. Chapter 7 looks at glass cleaning and the proper
rience foaming or other problems at some time that way to pour a beer.
can be traced to operating conditions. In Section II
of this manual, we consider all the issues involved Chapter 8 concludes our discussion of operating is-
in operating a draught system and serving the cus- sues by taking a close look at maintenance and clean-
tomer a top-quality draught beer. ing. Whether you clean your system yourself or hire an
outside service, you owe it to yourself to understand
In Chapter 5, we focus on the heart of draught opera- proper cleaning methods. Without this knowledge,
tion by looking at the dynamics of carbonation, pres- you can’t defend against a decline in beer quality at
sure, and system resistance. By understanding these your establishment. n

34 draught beer quality manual

chapter 5

a matter of balance

a ll beer contains dissolved carbon dioxide (or

CO2). Brewers control the amount of CO2 in
each beer to influence the overall character
of the beer. For beer servers, its presence can be both
a blessing and a curse.
is critical to achieve proper flow rates and pouring
characteristics. To put beautiful, high-quality beer in
the glass and maximize consumer satisfaction as well
as retailer profits, we must consider the components
of balance and how they apply to draught systems.
This chapter introduces the concepts, then looks at
Ideally, we deliver beer to the consumer’s glass while some practical examples.
maintaining its CO2 content. When this happens, the
beer pours “clear” without foaming and we create Components of Balance
a pleasing head on the beer without waste. But too To understand and manage draught system balance,
many draught systems fail at this goal. Foamy beer we’ll look at four measurements: beer temperature,
comes out of the faucet and servers overflow the applied pressure, resistance, and beer carbonation level.
glass trying to get a decent pour. Beer quality and
retailer economics both suffer. In this manual we will be using degrees Fahrenheit (or
°F) for all temperature measurements. Just remember
The ideal draught beer dispense system moves an that we want to know the temperature of the actual
incredibly fragile liquid from the safety of a stainless beer. Since it takes a keg of beer many hours to stabilize
steel keg to the customer’s glass without changing its at the temperature of the cooler, the beer temperature
properties, at a flow rate of about 1 gallon per minute, can vary quite a bit from the setting of the thermostat
or 2 ounces per second. The design of the system in your cooler. (See page 44 for further details.)

draught beer quality manual 35

We measure applied pressure in pounds per- 0.5 pounds of pressure per foot of elevation. If the
square-inch-gauge abbreviated as “psig,” or often beer travels to a faucet above keg level, each foot of
just “psi.” The pressure applied to any keg is shown increased height will add approximately 0.5 pounds
by the gas regulator attached to it. of resistance to the system. If the beer travels to a fau-
cet below keg level, each foot of decreased elevation
Resistance comes from draught system compo- will subtract approximately 0.5 pounds of resistance
nents like the beer line and changes in elevation as from the system. The gravity factor remains the same
the beer flows from keg to glass. We measure resis- regardless of tube length, bends, junctions, or other
tance in pounds and account for two types: static and configuration issues. When the keg and faucet heads
dynamic. For the purposes of this manual, and gener- are at the same height, there is no static resistance
ally speaking in the trade, pounds of resistance are and this factor has a value of zero. In the past, the ele-
considered equivalent to pounds per square inch of vation difference used to determine static resistance
pressure when balancing a draught beer system. was often measured from the base of the kegs being
dispensed to the faucet height. Because a full keg will
Static resistance comes from the effect of gravity, contain about 2 1/2 feet of beer, we recommend mea-
which slows the flow of beer being pushed to a level suring from the middle of the keg being dispensed
above the keg. Here’s one way to think about static to the faucet height. Likewise for large serving ves-
pressure: if you have a U-tube filled with water, you sels: measure from the middle of the serving vessel fill
can blow in one side and push the liquid up the other height to the faucet height.
side of the tube. The weight of the liquid pushes back
with hydrostatic (or “still-liquid”) pressure. Each foot Dynamic resistance derives primarily from beer
of increased elevation adds 0.43 pounds of hydro- line, and also from some of the many components
static pressure to a draught beer system that must be in a draught beer system (so-called “hardware resis-
overcome by dispense gas pressure. A figure of 0.5 tance”). Items like couplers and faucets usually have
pounds is often used in the trade for ease of calcu- negligible resistance values, although some might
lation, and for purposes of discussion and examples have a specified value. Faucet towers can range from
in this manual, we follow this convention by using 0 pounds to as high as 8 pounds of dynamic resis-
tance; be sure to check with the manufacturer for
exact tower resistance.
Type Size Restriction Volume
The combination of beer line tubing may include a
Vinyl 3/16” ID 3.00 lbs/ft 1/6 oz/ft
jumper, trunk line, and choker, all of which can have
Vinyl 1/4” ID 0.85 lbs/ft 1/3 oz/ft
different restriction values due to the varying diam-
Vinyl 5/16” ID 0.40 lbs/ft 1/2 oz/ft
eters and smoothness of the interior walls. These
Vinyl 3/8” ID 0.20 lbs/ft 3/4 oz/ft
Vinyl 1/2” ID 0.025 lbs/ft 1-1/3 oz/ft values are tabulated based on a certain resistance

Barrier 1/4” ID 0.30 lbs/ft 1/3 oz/ft for each foot the beer travels. We have mentioned
Barrier 5/16” ID 0.10 lbs/ft 1/2 oz/ft beer lines made from vinyl, barrier tubing, and even
Barrier 3/8” ID 0.06 lbs/ft 3/4 oz/ft stainless steel. Each type and diameter has a differ-
Stainless 1/4” OD 1.20 lbs/ft 1/6 oz/ft ent resistance (stated as “restriction”) to beer flow
Stainless 5/16” OD 0.30 lbs/ft 1/3 oz/ft as shown in the chart. (Note: This chart is provided
Stainless 3/8” OD 0.12 lbs/ft 1/2 oz/ft as an example only. Please consult your equipment

36 draught beer quality manual

manufacturer for exact values for your specific beer
CO2 pressure
lines and system components.) 9 psi 11 psi 13 psi

34 °F 2.5 2.7 2.9
Units of Carbonation 38 °F 2.3 2.5* 2.7
In the U.S. and some other countries, the industry mea- 42 °F 2.1 2.3 2.5
sures beer carbonation in units of “volumes of CO2”. A
typical value might be 2.5 volumes of CO2, meaning lit-
CO2 pressure
erally that 2.5 keg-volumes of uncompressed CO2 have
9 psi 11 psi 13 psi
been dissolved into one keg of beer. Carbonation lev- 34 °F 2.5 2.7 2.9

els in typical beers run from 2.2 to 2.8 volumes of CO2, 38 °F 2.3 2.5* 2.7
but values can range from as little as 1.2 to as high as 42 °F 2.1 2.3 2.5
4.0 in specialty beers. * Pressures rounded for purposes of illustration.
Do not use these charts for system adjustment.

In Europe and other countries, the industry may measure

CO2 pressure
carbonation in terms of “grams CO2 per liter of beer”. A
9 psi 11 psi 13 psi
good rule of thumb is to multiply volumes of CO2 by 2 to
34 °F 2.5 2.7 2.9

estimate grams per liter. So, a beer with 2.5 volumes of
38 °F 2.3 2.5* 2.7
CO2 would contain about 5 grams per liter of CO2. For
42 °F 2.1 2.3 2.5
more information on this calculation, see Appendix B.
Beer in a keg at 38°F needs a pressure of 11 psi to
Now that we understand the concepts of beer temper- maintain 2.5 volumes of CO2 as the beer is served.
ature, applied pressure, resistance, and carbonation, As long as the temperature and pressure remain con-
let’s look at how they interact in a draught system. stant, the beer maintains the same carbonation level.

Carbonation Dynamics If the temperature of the beer changes, so does the

Beer carbonation responds to changes in storage and required internal keg pressure. Here we see that if
serving conditions. Let’s consider an average keg with the pressure remains at 11 psi but the temperature of
a carbonation of 2.5 volumes of CO2 and see what the beer rises to 42°F, carbonation will begin to move
happens when conditions change. from the beer to the headspace. Over a few days and
as the keg empties, the overall carbonation in the
Beer temperature and the CO2 pressure applied beer drops to 2.3 volumes of CO2.
through the coupler influence the amount of CO2
dissolved in any keg of beer. At any temperature, a Alternately, if the temperature remains at 38°F, but
specific pressure must be applied to a keg to main- the CO2 pressure increases to 13 psi, then the carbon-
tain the carbonation established by the brewery. If ation level of the beer in the keg will increase as the
temperature or pressure varies, carbonation levels beer slowly absorbs additional CO2.
will change. Here’s an example.
The “ideal gauge pressure” for a beer is the pressure
Beer in a keg at 38°F needs a pressure of 11 psi to at which CO2 is not diffusing from beer into the head-
maintain 2.5 volumes of CO2 as the beer is served. As space and excess CO2 is not absorbing in the beer. This
long as the temperature and pressure remain constant, value varies from account to account depending upon
the beer maintains the same carbonation level. factors such as temperature, altitude, and carbonation

draught beer quality manual 37

Determination of CO2 equilibrium pressure given volumes of CO2 and temperature
Vol. CO2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1
Temp. ºF psi psi psi psi psi psi psi psi psi psi psi
33 5.0 6.0 6.9 7.9 8.8 9.8 10.7 11.7 12.6 13.6 14.5
34 5.2 6.2 7.2 8.1 9.1 10.1 11.1 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0
35 5.6 6.6 7.6 8.6 9.7 10.7 11.7 12.7 13.7 14.8 15.8
36 6.1 7.1 8.2 9.2 10.2 11.3 12.3 13.4 14.4 15.5 16.5
37 6.6 7.6 8.7 9.8 10.8 11.9 12.9 14.0 15.1 16.1 17.2
38 7.0 8.1 9.2 10.3 11.3 12.4 13.5 14.5 15.6 16.7 17.8
39 7.6 8.7 9.8 10.8 11.9 13.0 14.1 15.2 16.3 17.4 18.5
40 8.0 9.1 10.2 11.3 12.4 13.5 14.6 15.7 16.8 17.9 19.0
41 8.3 9.4 10.6 11.7 12.8 13.9 15.1 16.2 17.3 18.4 19.5
42 8.8 9.9 11.0 12.2 13.3 14.4 15.6 16.7 17.8 19.0 20.1
* Chart assumes sea-level altitudes. Add 1 psi for every 2,000 feet above sea level.

level of the beer. Because beer carbonation can vary The key to maintaining a keg’s carbonation relies
with the temperature of your cooler and the pressure on fine-tuning four elements:
applied to the keg, you must take care to maintain
steady values suited to your system and beers. 1. CO2 percentage
2. Applied pressure
Pressure gauges used on draught systems measure 3. Keg temperature
in pounds-per-square-inch gauge, or “psig“. This is 4. A particular beer’s carbonation level
the difference between the pressure in the keg and
atmospheric pressure (14.7 psi at sea level). When When all the elements are in balance, the beer will
dispensing beer at elevation, the carbonation level of stay properly carbonated. For many systems using a
the beer doesn’t change but the pressure displayed single gas blend for regularly carbonated beers, the
on the gauge will read low, by approximately 1 psi per appropriate blend will be 70% CO2. For this reason,
every 2,000 feet. So a keg dispensed at 10,000 feet 70% CO2 is the default setting for most gas blenders
would need to have the gauge pressure increased by when no other is specified. To see the mathematical
approximately 5 psig above the calculated dispense relationship between these factors as well as how to
pressure at sea level. See pages 16-17 for more details figure exact gas blends for various carbonation levels,
on correcting for elevation. see Appendix C.

You can determine ideal gauge pressure for pure CO2 A common issue in many draught systems is that many
from the chart shown in the table above and in Appen- beers with different levels of carbonation are being
dix B. If you do not know the carbonation level in the poured on the same system. With the other three
beer, you can estimate it using the procedure found in previously mentioned elements remaining the same,
Appendix B. many beers can become flat. The solution lies in mak-
ing adjustments to either of the two elements we can

38 draught beer quality manual

psi at 60% CO2 psi at 65% CO2 psi at 70% CO2
2.5 v/v 2.7 v/v 2.5 v/v 2.7 v/v 2.5 v/v 2.7 v/v
temp 40 27-33 temp 40 24-30 27-33 temp 40 21-26 24-29
°F 38 25-31 29-35 °F 38 22-28 26-31 °F 38 20-25 23-28
37 25-30 28-34 37 22-27 25-30 37 19-24 22-27
35 23-28 26-32 35 20-25 23-28 35 18-22 20-25

psi at 75% CO2 psi at 80% CO2 psi at 85% CO2

2.5 v/v 2.7 v/v 2.5 v/v 2.7 v/v 2.5 v/v 2.7 v/v
temp 40 19-24 22-25 temp 40 17-21 19-24 temp 40 15-19 17-22
°F 38 17-22 20-25 °F 38 15-20 18-22 °F 38 14-18 16-20
37 17-21 20-24 37 15-19 17-21 37 13-17 16-19
35 16-20 18-22 35 14-18 16-20 35 12-16 14-18
*Add 1 psi for every 2,000 feet of elevation to account for differences in atmospheric pressure.

readily adjust: CO2 percentage, and applied pressure.

Let’s look at these individually.
Draught System
CO2 Percentage Adjustment
The adjustment of CO2 percentages for different beers When applied pressure equals resistance, a

has historically been difficult if not impossible. Gas draught system will pour clear-flowing beer

blending panels usually have only one CO2-rich blend at the rate of 1 gallon per minute, or approx-

available, with dual blend panels typically accommo- imately 2 ounces per second.

dating nitrogenated beers with the second blend.

Gas blending panels are now available that offer three
blends: the nitro beer blend and two different CO2-rich Applied Pressure Adjustment
blends for regularly carbonated beers. As it turns out, Installers may choose to use a single gas blend for
most regularly carbonated beers can be divided into regularly carbonated beers and adjust the applied
two general groups of carbonation levels. These new pressures on individual kegs to maintain proper car-
panels allow the installer to customize a gas blend for bonation. This is a helpful option in existing systems
each of these two ranges by following the chart below: with a single CO2-rich gas blend or when a multi-
blend gas blender is not available for use. When
regularly carbonated beers are divided into two dif-
2.5 v/v Median
ferent groups, depending on their carbonation level,
Pressure Storage Temp. Storage Temp.
35-37° 38-40° appropriate pressures for individual beers can be
16-20 psi 75% - 80% 80% - 85% determined from the chart above.
20-25 psi 65% 70%
Most systems have all lines restricted equally, so
applying different pressures to different beers will
2.7 v/v Median
result in certain beers flowing faster or slower than
Pressure Storage Temp. Storage Temp.
35-37° 38-40° others in the same system. These flow rate variances
16-20 psi 80% - 85% 80% - 90% are normally not an issue, still allowing for nearly opti-
20-25 psi 70% 75% mal flow rates of 2 ounces per second as long as the

draught beer quality manual 39

Nitro Pour Pressure Designing For Resistance
While the individual components in any draught

Most nitrogenated beers are poured through system have a fixed resistance value, draught sys-

a special faucet that, because of its added re- tem designers select from a variety of choices to

striction, requires the beer to be dispensed create systems with a target total resistance value.

between 30 – 40 psi. Even though the solu- For instance, a 20-ft. run of 1/4” internal diameter

bility of nitrogen is relatively low, this high vinyl beer line gives a total resistance of 17 psi while

dispense pressure does provide for some 5/16” barrier tubing of the same length only gener-

increased absorption of nitrogen, creating ates 2 pounds of resistance. If our target resistance

a creamy head when dispensed through the value is 20 psi, the 1/4” vinyl system would need 1

nitro faucet. foot of 3/16” choker line added at the tower end to
achieve the total system target resistance, whereas
the 5/16” barrier system would need 6 feet of 3/16”
pressure variance between different beers is kept at choker added at the tower end to reach the same
or below 5 psi. target (see chart of beer tubing restriction values
on page 36).
System Balance
So far we’ve seen what happens to a beer’s carbon- Thus, any draught system can be designed to operate
ation in the keg as the result of applied pressure under a range of applied pressure values. Whenever
and temperature. But of course beer must travel possible, the operating pressure will be set to main-
from the keg to the glass, and along the way it tain the carbonation of the beer being served.
encounters the fourth measure we introduced,
namely resistance. The beer line and changes in Unfortunately, in some systems this doesn’t work.
elevation impart resistance to the flow of beer from Consider the resistance created by long beer lines
the keg to the faucet. and climbs of two or more floors. Even with the low-
est resistance components, the applied pressures for
The pressure applied to the keg overcomes this resis- these systems often exceed that needed to maintain
tance and drives the beer through the system and to beer carbonation. These systems must use mixed gas
the customer’s glass. To achieve proper flow and beer or pneumatic beer pumps to overcome the problem.
quality, the pressure applied to the keg must equal
the total resistance of the draught system. Mixed Gas
As we have seen, beer readily absorbs carbon diox-
We have already seen that the pressure applied to ide. Any change in CO2 pressure on a beer results
the keg needs to be matched to the carbonation in a change in the carbonation of the beer. Nitro-
level of the beer. This means we have two differ- gen is different. Beer does not absorb nitrogen
ent factors to consider when deciding the pressure gas to any significant degree. This means we can
to apply to a keg. This creates a problem when apply nitrogen pressure to beer without changing
the resistance of the system calls for more—or the properties of the beer. Thus, in high resistance
less—pressure than is needed to maintain the car- draught systems, we use a mixture of CO2 and N2
bonation of the beer. To prevent conflicts, draught to achieve two objectives: 1) maintain proper beer
technicians design system resistance to match the carbonation and 2) overcome the system resistance
pressure applied to the beer. to achieve a proper pour.

40 draught beer quality manual

The exact mix of CO2 and nitrogen depends on all
the factors we have discussed: beer temperature and
Example 1:
carbonation, system resistance, and the total applied Direct-Draw System
pressure that’s required. The details of these calcula-
tions are shown in Appendix C. There are also some • Beer Conditions:
excellent resources online to help determine the exact - Beer temperature: 38°F
custom blend needed for your draught beer system - Beer carbonation: 2.8 volumes of
(see the online wiki version of this manual for links). CO2 per volume of beer
While some systems use a premixed blend, other instal- - Dispense gas: 100% CO2
lations may require a custom mix created from separate - Gas pressure needed to maintain
nitrogen and CO2 tanks by an onsite gas blender. carbonation = 14.5 psig
• Static Pressure:
Dispense Goals - Vertical lift = 5 feet (Tap 5 feet
A balanced draught system delivers clear-pouring above the center of the keg)
beer at the rate of 2 ounces per second. This means - Static resistance from gravity = 5
it takes about eight seconds to fill a pint glass and feet x 0.5 pounds/foot = 2.5 pounds
about one minute to pour 1 gallon of beer. • Balance
- Applied pressure of 14.5 psi must
Some high-volume settings benefit from faster be balanced by total system
pours. If you try to achieve faster pours by increas- resistance
ing the gas pressure, you will create overcarbonated - Since static resistance equals
beer, foam at the taps, and slower pours. If you need 2.5 psi, a total of 12 pounds of
faster pour flows, your draught technician can alter system resistance will be needed:
the system resistance to achieve this result. Gas Restriction = 14.5 – 2.5 = 12 pounds
pressure, once set for a particular beer, remains con- - To achieve this: 4 feet of 3/16”
stant and should never be adjusted to alter the flow polyvinyl beer line (choker) @
rate of the beer. 3 pounds per foot would give
the right pressure balance of 12
Balancing Draught Systems pounds, but would be a shorter
Having reviewed all the concepts behind draught sys- run than the 5 feet represented by
tem balance, let’s examine three example systems to elevation gain to the tap. So, use
see how these variables are adjusted to create bal- a combination of larger diameter
anced draught systems in several different settings. n vinyl, followed by a shorter length
of choker:

3.5 feet of 1/4” vinyl @ 0.85 pounds

per foot = 3 pounds resistance

3 feet of 3/16” vinyl @ 3.0 pounds per

foot = 9 pounds resistance

3 + 9 = 12 pounds of system resistance

draught beer quality manual 41

Example 2: Long-Draw, Closed-Remote System

This example assumes that the dispense gas blend mixture is already fixed, a vertical lift of 12 feet, and
a beer trunk line total run of 120 feet. Find the operating pressure of the system, and then determine
appropriate tubing size for the trunks, and length of restriction tubing.
• Beer Conditions
-- Beer temperature: 35°F
-- Beer carbonation: 2.6 volumes of CO2 per volume of beer
-- Dispense gas: 70% CO2 /30% nitrogen blend from Appendix C,
a = ((b+14.7)/c) – 14.7
where a is the pressure, b is the ideal pressure of straight CO2 for this situation (in this case, 10.7
psi, see chart in Appendix B), c is the proportion of CO2 in the blended gas
a = ((10.7+14.7)/0.70) – 14.7
a = (25.4/0.70) – 14.7
a = 36.3 – 14.7
a = 21.6, or round to 22 psi
-- Gas pressure needed to maintain carbonation = 22 psig
• Static Pressure
-- Vertical lift = 12 feet (Tap 12 feet above the center of the keg)
-- Static resistance from gravity = 12 ft. x 0.5 pounds/foot = 6.0 pounds
• Balance
-- Applied dispense gas pressure of 22 psi must be balanced by total system resistance
-- Since static resistance equals 6 pounds, the system will need a total of 16 pounds of dynamic
-- Restriction = 22 - 6 = 16 pounds
120 ft. of 5/16” barrier @ 0.1 pounds per foot = 12 pounds
1.3 ft. 3/16” vinyl choker = 4 pounds
12 + 4 = 16 pounds

42 draught beer quality manual

Example 3: Forced-Air 10 Ft. Run
In this example, the beer cooler is directly over the bar. There is a 10-foot fall from the middle of the
kegs to the faucet height, and the total run length is also exactly 10 feet.
• Beer Conditions
-- Beer temperature: 33°F
-- Beer carbonation: 2.8 volumes of CO2 per volume of beer
-- Dispense gas: 100% CO2
-- Gas pressure needed to maintain carbonation = 11.7 psig (from chart in Appendix B)
• Static Pressure
-- Vertical fall = 10 feet (Faucet is 10 feet below the center of the keg)
-- Static resistance from gravity = 10 ft. x -0.5 pounds/foot = -5.0 pounds
• Balance
-- The applied dispense pressure of 11.7 psi, along with 5 pounds of static pressure, must be
balanced by a total system resistance of 16.7 pounds
-- Restriction = 16.7 pounds
10 ft. of 1/4” barrier @ 0.3 pounds per foot = 3 pounds
4.6 ft. of 3/16” vinyl choker @ 3 pounds per foot = 13.7 pounds)
= 3 pounds + 13.7 pounds = 16.7 pounds

Direct Draw Draught System Balance

At 38ºF

Carbonation (Volumes CO2) 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9
psig Applied CO2 9.2 10.3 11.3 12.4 13.5 14.5 15.6
3/16” Vinyl beer line length 3’3” 3’5” 3’9” 4’2” 4’6” 4’10” 5’7”

draught beer quality manual 43

chapter 6

preparation to pour

w hile many of the issues relating to draught

quality concern system settings and
activities that occur at the bar, some oper-
ating issues require attention behind the scenes as
well. In this chapter, we’ll look at keg handling and
especially excessive foaming. Ideally all draught beer
delivered to retail will be stored cold until served.

Accounts that lack cold storage for their entire inven-

tory of draught beer should allow adequate chilling
other behind-the-scenes preparations to serve beer time for recently refrigerated kegs in order to avoid
that affect draught performance. The first sections dispense problems. In a similar vein, recently arrived
address the important detail of keg chilling: Warm kegs should be allowed adequate chilling time as
kegs cause more problems at the tap than nearly any they usually warm to some degree during delivery. In
other issue. Second, we’ll cover some guidelines for order to avoid dispense problems, every keg must be
linking kegs in series. at or below 38°F while being served.

Cold Storage and Proper Chilling of To help ensure that your kegs are properly chilled
Kegs before Serving before serving, Chart 1 provides a guide to the
To ensure fresh flavor and ease of dispense, approximate time needed to properly chill a keg to
draught beer should remain at or slightly below 38°F from a given starting temperature. Note that
38°F throughout distribution, warehousing, and even kegs that “feel cold” (e.g., 44°F) may need to
delivery. Brewers and distributors use refrigerated chill overnight in order to ensure proper dispense.
storage for draught beer. In warm climates or long
routes, they may also use insulating blankets or Chart 2 shows how quickly a keg will warm up when
refrigerated delivery trucks to minimize tempera- exposed to temperatures above 38°F. From this you
ture increases during shipping. can see that a keg will warm up during delivery or
storage at ambient temperature from 38° to 44°F in
At retail, even a few degrees’ increase above the only four or five hours. But looking back at Chart 1,
ideal maximum of 38°F can create pouring problems, we see that same keg will need to be in the cooler

44 draught beer quality manual

Chart 1 A series arrangement should only be used in ac-

Start Temp Time to 38° F counts that will “turn” or empty kegs rapidly. The

50° F 25 hrs account needs to completely empty the entire se-

48° F 23.5 hrs ries on a regular basis. Failure to empty the series
46° F 21 hrs completely leaves old beer in the system. If a fresh
44° F 18 hrs keg is being rotated into a system that is not run
40° F 7 hrs dry, it is important to tap it in front of any empty or
38° F 0 hrs partial kegs in the system. This prevents foaming
Chart 2 from beer entering a keg that is not already full.
Time Temp The diagrams below illustrate the progressive emp-
0 hrs 38° F tying of chained kegs. n
1 hrs 39° F
2 hrs 41° F
Kegs linked in series
3 hrs 42° F
4 hrs 43° F
5 hrs 45° F
6 hrs 48° F

for a full 18 hours before reaching a proper serving

temperature of 38°F again.

Linking Kegs in Series

Busy accounts may connect kegs in a series or in a chain
to meet peak capacity demands. Chaining two or three
kegs of the same product together allows all of the
chained kegs to be emptied before beer stops flowing.

The first keg in the series will be tapped with a normal

coupler. The second (and subsequent) kegs in the series
require that the Thomas valve be removed from the gas
side of the coupler.

Tap the first keg with the normal coupler. Instead of

sending the beer line from this first coupler to the
bar faucet, connect it to the CO2 inlet on the second
keg’s coupler. Subsequent kegs can be attached the
same way.

When pressurized and pouring, beer flows from the first

keg to the second and on to the third before it travels
to the faucet. Once set, this arrangement will pour the
contents of all the chained kegs before it runs empty.

draught beer quality manual 45

chapter 7

serving draught beer

p roperly designed and appropriately oper-

ated, your draught system pours perfect
draught beer from its faucets. But the con-
sumer’s experience can still be ruined by improper
pouring, glass residue, and unsanitary practices. In this
A freshly cleaned glass should be used for every pour.
We recommend that accounts never refill a used glass.
This practice may also violate local health codes.

Two systems deliver effective beer glass cleaning:

chapter, we review the serving practices required to 1. Manual cleaning in the three-tub sink, or
deliver high quality draught beer. 2. Dedicated automatic glass washers.

To achieve the qualities the brewer intended, beer Each approach requires specific techniques and a cer-
must be served following specific conditions and tain degree of discipline. Let’s look at what’s involved
techniques. Let’s review some of the critical condi- with each one.
tions necessary for proper draught dispense.
Manual or Hand Cleaning in the
• Beer stored between 34° - 38ºF. Three-Tub Sink
• Beer served between 38° - 44ºF. 1. Clean sinks and work area prior to starting to
• To accomplish this, the glycol cooling the beer lines remove any chemicals, oils, or grease from other
in a long-draw system should be set to 27º - 32ºF. cleaning activities.
• Balanced draught settings (pressure = resistance).
• Normal flow rate of 2 ounces per second.

Glassware Cleaning
A perfectly poured beer requires a properly cleaned
glass. As a starting point, glassware must be free of
visible soil and marks. A beer-clean glass is also free
of foam-killing residues and lingering aromatics such
as sanitizer.

46 draught beer quality manual

2. Empty residual 2. Use correct detergent, sanitizer, and rinse agents
liquid from the in properly metered amounts.
glass to a drain. 3. Check concentrations once each day using kits,
Glasses should or follow detergent and sanitizer supplier recom-
NOT be emptied mendations.
into the cleaning 4. Use water temperatures of 130º to 140ºF. High
water as it will temperature machines designed to operate at
dilute the clean- 180ºF can be used without additional chemical
ing solutions. sanitizers. Please check your health department
3. Clean the glass in hot water and suitable deter- for local requirements.
gent. Detergent must not be fat- or oil-based. 5. Maintain the machine to assure good water flow
Detergents suitable for beer glass cleaning are through the system including free flow through
available through restaurant and bar suppliers. each nozzle and washer arm.
4. Scrub the glass with cleaning brushes to 6. Regularly service the machine based on the manu-
remove film, lipstick, and other residue. Rotate facturer’s or installer’s guidelines.
the glass on the brushes to scrub all interior
and exterior surfaces. Be sure to clean the bot- Handling Clean Glasses
tom of the glass. Keep glassware clean and odor-free after washing:
5. Rinse glass bottom/butt down in cold water. Water 1. Air-dry glassware. Drying glasses with a towel can
for the rinse should not be stagnant but should be leave lint and may transmit germs and odors.
continually refreshed via an overflow tube. If time 2. Dry and store glasses in a stainless-steel wire bas-
permits, a double dunk is recommended and pre- ket to provide maximum air circulation. Similar
ferred. deeply corrugated baskets or surfaces also work.
6. Sanitize in third 3. Do not dry or store glassware on a towel, rubber
sink filled with drain pad, or other smooth surface, as they can
hot water and an transfer odors to the glass and slow the drying
appropriate sani- process.
tizer. Sanitizers 4. Store glassware in an area free of odors, smoke,
typically contain grease, or dust.
chlorine so check
the pH and chlo-
rine content of the sanitizing bath periodically to
maintain proper conditions. Water temperature
should be at a minimum 90ºF. Chlorine concentra-
tion should be 100 ppm or at the required local
health department concentration.

Automatic Glass Washing Machines

1. Dedicate this machine to cleaning bar and beer
glassware only. Do not subject it to food or dairy
product residue.

draught beer quality manual 47

5. Store chilled glasses in a separate refrigera- Glassware Temperature
tor away from food products such as meat, fish, • Serving between 38º to 44ºF delivers the best
cheese, or onions as they can impart an odor to taste experience for most beer styles. Domes-
the glasses. tic lager beer can be enjoyed at 38º to 40ºF if
6. Store beer glasses dry in a chiller. Never use a served in a chilled glass. Beer served at near-fro-
freezer. Chill glasses at 36° – 40ºF. zen temperatures retains more CO2 gas (resulting
in a more filling experience for the consumer)
Testing for “Beer-Clean” Glass and blinds the taste experience (taste buds are
Beer poured to a beer-clean glass forms a proper head “numbed,” resulting in a bland taste experience)
and creates residual lacing as the beer is consumed. in comparison with beer served at recommended
After cleaning, you can test your glasses for beer-clean temperatures.
status using three different techniques: sheeting, the • Room temperature glasses are preferred for craft
salt test, and lacing. Let’s review each technique. beer but may cause foaming on highly carbon-
1. Sheeting Test: Dip the glass in water. If the glass is ated beer.
clean, water evenly coats the glass when lifted out of • Chilled glasses are preferred for domestic lager
the water. If the glass still has an invisible film, water beer, but they should be DRY before chilling. Wet
will break up into droplets on the inside surface. glassware should not be placed in a freezer or cooler
2. Salt Test: Salt sprinkled on the interior of a wet as it may create a sheet of ice inside the glass.
glass will adhere evenly to the clean surface, • Frozen glasses will create foaming due to a sheet
but will not adhere to the parts that still contain of ice being formed when the beer is introduced
a greasy film. Poorly cleaned glasses show an to the glass. Extremely cold glass surfaces will
uneven distribution of salt. cause beer to foam due to a rapid release of CO2
3. Lacing Test: Fill the glass with beer. If the glass is from the product.
clean, foam will adhere to the inside of the glass in • Water mist devices may be used to pre-wet and
parallel rings after each sip, forming a lacing pat- chill the glass interior prior to dispense. Glass
tern. If not properly cleaned, foam will adhere in a interior should be mostly free of excess water
random pattern, or may not adhere at all. before pouring.

Sheeting Salt Lacing

48 draught beer quality manual

Pouring Draught Beer prefer beer poured with about a one-inch
Proper serving of draught beer is intended to have collar of foam (“head”).
a “controlled” release of carbonation to give a bet- -- A one-inch head maximizes retailer profit, as
ter tasting and sensory experience. The evolution of foam is 25% beer. Filling glass to the rim is really
CO2 gas during pouring builds the foam head and over-pouring.
releases desirable flavors and aromas.

Perfect Under Over

Carbonation Carbonation Carbonation

-- A proper head on a draught beer delivers

the total sensory experience, including the
following sensory benefits:
o Visual appeal of a good pour
o Aromatic volatiles in beer released
Technique o Palate-cleansing effect of carbonation en-
1. Hold glass at a 45º angle, open faucet fully. hanced
2. Gradually tilt glass upright once beer has reached • Textural and sensorial qualities of beer better pre-
about the halfway point in the glass. sented to consumer
3. Pour beer straight down into the glass, work- Free-Flow Pouring
ing the glass to form a one-inch collar of foam • Beer pours best from a fully open faucet.
(“head”). This is for visual appeal as well as car- • To control the faucet during operation, hold the
bonation release. handle firmly at the base.
4. Close faucet quickly to avoid wasteful overflow. • Partially open faucets cause inefficiency and poor
quality, namely:
Pouring Hygiene -- Turbulent flow
• In no instance should a faucet nozzle touch the -- Excessive foaming
inside of the glass. -- Waste (inefficiency)
-- Nozzles can cause glassware breakage; nozzles
can transfer contamination from dried beer to Pouring Growlers
glassware. Growlers are a great way to share the draught beer expe-
• In no instance should the faucet nozzle become rience. They are a modern-day, clean way to bring beer
immersed in the consumer’s beer. home. Whether it is from a brewpub that doesn’t bottle
-- Nozzles dipped in beer become a breeding or for a person who wants a sustainable package, the
ground for microorganisms. tradition was started long ago. In the late 1800s, custom-
• Importance of one-inch foam collar: ers would take home beer in a galvanized pail with a lid.
-- While retailers struggle with customers who Today, glass jugs with tight-sealing lids are used in place
demand their beer “filled to the rim,” brewers of the old pail. Those lids can be flip-top or screw-on.

draught beer quality manual 49

Growlers are typically about 1/2 gallon in size and the faucets and beer lines stay significantly cleaner. As
are filled off the faucet of your local establishment. an added benefit, the faucet won’t become sticky as
This section will help guide you through a successful beer dries out, so the first pour the next day will be
growler filling experience. It is important to note that much easier since the handle will move readily.
the bottle should be rinsed immediately upon empty-
ing to keep from infecting future refills. Faucet plugs are available that insert in or cover the
faucet opening when beer is not being poured for
A good procedure for filling is to rinse the growler out extended periods. This may help to keep the faucet
with cold water immediately before filling. This helps to cleaner and more sanitary.
cool down the glass that could have been sitting in a
warm car or out in the sun. This cooling process helps to For notes on proper dispense hygiene
keep the beer from excessive foaming during the fill. A when using a cask ale “beer engine,” see
tube is then inserted into the faucet that reaches to the Appendix D. n
bottom of the bottle. A 3/8” i.d. x 1/2’’ o.d. works per-
fectly for standard faucets. The faucet handle is opened
all the way and the growler fills from the bottom up. If the
glass is cold enough, when foam starts to come out of
the top, you can close the faucet, remove the tube from
the growler, and seal. Typically the growler will need to be
rinsed off on the outside. Seal the top with tape or heat-
shrink seal. Put a tag or label indicating what product is
inside and you’re good to go. The filling tubes should be
rinsed inside and out and put aside to dry.

Helpful hints:

• Laws vary from state to state, so check ahead before

starting a program. Some states require that estab-
lishments can only fill growlers with their logo or that
they have sold.
• Pre-rinse growler before filling with fresh water run
through a cold plate to pre-chill the growler prior
to filling.
• Keep a container of sanitizer for the fill tubes behind
the bar.
• Keep extra seals for either style cap behind the bar in
case a customer brings in a different type of growler.
• Use brown bottles instead of clear glass. Brown glass
will protect beer from the harmful effects of light.

Faucet Hygiene
We recommend quickly rinsing faucets with fresh water
at the close of business each day. Studies have indi-
cated that in retail locations that use this simple step,

50 draught beer quality manual

chapter 8

system maintenance
and cleaning

i n addition to alcohol and carbon dioxide, fin-

ished beer contains proteins, carbohydrates
and hundreds of other organic compounds.
Yeast and bacteria routinely enter draught systems
where they feed on beer and attach to draught lines.
diligently executed maintenance plan ensures trouble-
free draught system operation and fresh, flavorful beer.

Cleaning Guidelines
Many states require regular draught line cleaning, but
Minerals also precipitate from beer, leaving deposits all too often the methods used fall short of what is
in lines and fixtures. needed to actually maintain draught quality. In pre-
paring this manual, our committee polled all sectors
Within days of installing a brand new draught system, of the beer industry and called on our own many
deposits begin to build up on the beer contact sur- decades of cumulative experience to determine
faces. Without proper cleaning, these deposits soon the necessary and sufficient conditions for proper
affect beer flavor and undermine the system’s ability draught maintenance. In this chapter, we recommend
to pour quality beer. and detail the practices that have proven effective in
sustaining draught quality.
draught beer line soil types
Hop resin sticky
Please note that all parts of the recommendations
Grain protein gummy
must be implemented. The proper cleaning solution
Yeast & micro resistant
strength won’t be effective if the temperature is too
Minerals hard
Bio-film homogenous mass cool or there is insufficient contact time with the lines.
The lines themselves will remain vulnerable to rapid
decline if faucets and couplers aren’t hand-cleaned
When undertaken using proper solutions and proce- following the recommended procedures.
dures, line cleaning prevents the buildup of organic
material and mineral deposits while eliminating fla- As a retailer, you may or may not clean your own
vor-changing microbes. Thus, a well-designed and draught lines, but you have a vested interest in mak-

draught beer quality manual 51

Summary of Draught System Cleaning
and Service Recommendations
These guidelines reflect the key actions needed to maintain draught systems and pour trouble-free
high-quality beer. Before performing these actions, please read the detailed recommendations found
at as they contain many details important to effective and successful cleaning.

Perform draught line cleaning at a minimum every two

weeks [14 days], as follows:
• Clearly posted documentation of line cleaning and servicing records is recommended in all keg
coolers (visit for a printable line cleaning log).
• Push beer from lines with cold water.
• Clean lines with caustic solution at 2% or greater concentration for routine cleaning of well-main-
tained lines, or at 3% for older or more problematic lines. Contact your chemical manufacturer to
determine how much chemical is needed to achieve these recommended concentrations. If you
use non-caustic-based cleaners such as acid-based or silicate-based cleaners, be sure to use the
cleaning concentrations recommended by the manufacturer. For best results, maintain a solution
temperature of 80º - 110ºF during the cleaning process.
• Using an electric pump, caustic solution should be circulated through the lines at a minimum of
15 minutes at a velocity of up to 2 gallons per minute. If a static or pressure pot is used (though
not recommended), the solution needs to be left standing in the lines for no less than 20 minutes
before purging with clean water.
• Disassemble, service, and hand-clean faucets; hand-clean couplers.
• After cleaning, flush lines with cold water until pH matches that of tap water and no visible debris
is being carried from the lines.

Acid Cleaning quarterly [every three months], as follows:

• Disassemble, service, and hand-clean all FOB-stop devices (a.k.a. beer savers, foam detectors).
• Disassemble, service, and hand-clean all couplers.
• Perform acid cleaning of draught lines as follows:
-- Push beer or caustic cleaner from lines with cold water.
-- Clean lines with an acid line cleaner mixed to manufacturer’s guidelines. Maintain a solution
temperature of 80°-110°F.
-- Circulate the acid solution through the lines for 15 minutes at a velocity of up to 2 gallons
per minute for electric pump cleaning, or let stand in the lines for no less than 20 minutes for
static cleaning,
-- After acid cleaning, flush lines with cold water until pH matches that of tap water and no vis-
ible debris is being carried from the lines.

52 draught beer quality manual

ing sure the cleaning is done properly. Clean lines System Design and Cleanliness
make for quality draught beer that looks good, tastes Draught system designs should always strive for the
great, and pours without waste. shortest possible draw length to help reduce operat-
ing challenges and line cleaning costs. Foaming beer
Take the time to review the guidelines in this manual and other pouring problems waste beer in greater
and monitor your draught line cleaners—no matter volumes as draw length increases. Line cleaning
who they are—to ensure that your system receives the wastes beer equal to the volume of the beer lines
service it needs to serve you and your customers well. themselves. Longer runs also place greater burdens
Simple checks like maintaining cleaning logs, using on mechanical components, increasing repair and
a straw to scrape the inside of a faucet, and checking replacement costs.
keg couplers for visible buildup will help to ensure
your beer lines are being properly maintained and Be sure to check with the manufacturers of the various
serviced. components in any draught beer system to ensure
that all components (line material, fittings, faucets,
Common Issues couplers, pneumatic pumps, fobs, etc.) are compat-
Later in this chapter, we cover the details of cleaning ible with the cleaning methods and procedures you
solutions and procedures, but first let’s review some plan to use. The acceptable range of variables such
related issues. We’ll start with an important look at as cleaning solution concentration, temperature, and
safety, then briefly discuss design considerations pressure can vary by component and manufacturer.
and wrap up with the long-term maintenance issue
of line replacement. Large venues like stadiums, arenas, and casinos often
combine very long draught runs with long periods of
Cleaning Safety system inactivity that further complicate cleaning and
Line cleaning involves working with hazardous chemi- maintenance. Additional maintenance costs eventually
cals. The following precautions should be taken: outweigh any perceived benefits of a longer system.
• Cleaning personnel should be well trained in han-
dling hazardous chemicals. A Few Words About Mechanical Cleaning
• Personal protection equipment including rub- Mechanical cleaning methods use sponges to physi-
ber gloves and eye protection should be used cally scrub the interior of beer lines. Because couplers,
whenever handling line cleaning chemicals. faucets, beer pumps, and FOBs need to be cleaned
• Cleaning solution suppliers offer Material Safety every two weeks, mechanical cleaning at an interval
Data Sheets (MSDS) on their products. Cleaning longer than every two weeks is not recommended.
personnel should have these sheets and follow their There are advantages and disadvantages to mechani-
procedures while handling line cleaning chemicals. cal cleaning. Potential advantages include potentially
• When diluting chemical concentrate, always add more thorough cleaning relative to chemical clean-
chemical to water and never add water to the ing alone, and time savings for draught beer cleaning
chemical. Adding water to concentrated caustic service providers. Potential disadvantages include
chemical can cause a rapid increase in tempera- possible abrasion of the smooth beer line interior over
ture, possible leading to violent and dangerous time via scrubbing of the interior of the beer line by the
spattering or eruption of the chemical. sponge, and fittings or beer line that are too small in

draught beer quality manual 53

diameter, resulting in possible stuck sponges. Mechan- solutions and procedures. The final pages of this
ical cleaning should only be used in draught systems chapter detail the procedures for electric pump and
that have been specifically designed to be cleaned in pressure pot cleaning.
this way.
Cleaning Frequency and Tasks
Other Line Cleaning Methods • Every two weeks (14 days)
Devices that purport to electrically or sonically clean -- Draught lines should be cleaned with a
draught lines are not a suitable substitute for chemi- caustic line-cleaning chemical following the
cal line cleaning. Although some sonic cleaners may procedures outlined in this chapter.

inhibit bacteria and yeast growth, they have little or -- All faucets should be completely disassem-
bled and cleaned.
no cleaning effect on draught hardware and fittings.
-- All keg couplers or tapping devices should
be scrubbed clean.
Line Replacement and Material
-- All FOB-stop devices (a.k.a. beer savers,
• All vinyl jumpers and vinyl direct draw lines should
foam detectors) should be cleaned in line,
be replaced every year.
and cleaning solution vented out of the top.
• All long-draw trunk line should be replaced in the
• Quarterly (every three months)
following instances:
-- Draught beer lines should be de-stoned with
-- When the system is 10 years or older.
an acid line cleaning chemical or a strong
-- When flavor changes are imparted in a beer’s
chelator that is added to or part of the alka-
draught line from an adjacent draught line.
line chemical formulation. (The DBQ working
-- When any line chronically induces flavor
group is working with brewing industry
changes in beer.
researchers to complete further studies on
• Draught lines may need to be replaced after pour- line-cleaning chemistry, including additives
ing root beer, fruit-flavored beers, margaritas, or such as EDTA.)
ciders. Such beverages may permanently contami- -- All FOB-stop devices (a.k.a. beer savers,
nate a draught line and possibly adjacent draught foam detectors) should be completely disas-
lines in the same bundle. Such contamination pre- sembled and hand-detailed (cleaned).
cludes future use of that draught line for beer. -- All couplers should be completely disassem-
• In the case where a coupler’s gas backflow valve bled and detailed.
(Thomas valve) is or ever has been missing, the
gas line may have been compromised and should Cleaning Solutions and Their Usage
be replaced. Caustic-Based Cleaning Chemistry

• Ensure the material used in the manufacture of the • Caustic chemicals remove organic material from

draught beer lines is compatible with the chemicals, the interior of the draught line, hardware, and fit-

dilution rates, and temperatures outlined on the fol- tings. The removal of this buildup prevents growth

lowing pages (also see “Beer Line” in Chapter 1). of beer-spoiling bacteria such as lactobacillus,
pediococcus, and pectinatus.
Detailed Recommendations • Use a caustic cleaner specifically designed for
The following sections detail more specific recom- draught line cleaning that uses either sodium
mendations on draught line cleaning. We begin with hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, or a combina-
the basic issue of tasks and their frequency, then tion of both.
move into the more involved questions of cleaning • Routine use of caustic line-cleaning chemical

54 draught beer quality manual

products that are “built” with EDTA or other che- and may decrease the need to clean regularly with
lating agents may help remove calcium oxalate an acid-based cleaner. Acid-based line cleaners
(beer stone) from draught lines. Brewery testing suitable for draught line cleaning contain solu-
has indicated that these additives can provide sig- tions of phosphoric acid.
nificant cleaning benefit. • Some acid-based cleaners use acids that can harm
• Never use solutions that contain any amount of your draught equipment:
chlorine for line cleaning. Testing indicates that -- Hydrochloric acid corrodes stainless steel
properly formulated caustic-based cleaners with- and should not be used for cleaning draught
out chlorine can be just as effective at cleaning lines.

draught beer lines. Chlorine is not compatible -- Nitric acid is not compatible with nylon
products, including some commonly used
with some beer line materials, and residual chlo-
draught line tubing, and should not be used
rine can cause flavor changes in draught beer.
for cleaning draught lines.
• Based on brewery and independent lab testing,
• Mix acid line cleaner to the solution strength rec-
we recommend mixing caustic-based line clean-
ommended by the manufacturer.
ing solutions to a working strength of at least 2%
• Mix acid line cleaner with water warmed to a tem-
caustic (as sodium hydroxide). A 3% caustic solu-
perature between 80º -110ºF.
tion is more appropriate for problem systems,
• Acid solution must remain in contact with the
heavily soiled systems, systems with older lines,
draught line for at least:
or for any line that imparts a flavor change to
-- 15 minutes when solution is being recircu-
the beer served from it. Contact your chemical
lated, or
manufacturer to determine how much chemical
-- 20 minutes for static or pressure pot cleaning.
is needed to achieve these recommended con-
Water Rinsing
• We recommend the use of portable titration kits
• Always flush draught lines with fresh water before
to confirm the working caustic strength of beer
pumping chemical into the line.
line-cleaning solutions.
• Always flush draught lines with water after using
• Mix caustic solution with water warmed to a tem-
any chemical solution (caustic and acid).
perature between 80º - 110ºF.
• Continue water flushing until:
• Caustic cleaner must remain in contact with the
-- No solid matter appears in the rinse water.
draught line for at least: -- No chemical residue remains in the draught
-- 15 minutes when solution is being recirculated, line.
• Confirm chemical removal by testing the solution
-- 20 minutes for static or pressure pot cleaning.
with pH strips or a pH meter.
-- Before beginning the rinse, draw a reference
Acid Chemical sample of tap water and test its pH.
• Acid line cleaner removes inorganic materials -- During rinsing, test the rinse water exiting
such as calcium oxalate (beer stone) and calcium the draught system periodically.
carbonate (water stone) from the interior of the -- When the pH of the rinse water matches that
draught line, hardware, and fittings. of the tap water, the chemical is fully flushed
• Routine use of caustic cleaning solutions with out.
EDTA or other chelating agent additives may • Chemical solution must never be flushed from
reduce calcium oxalate buildup in draught lines draught lines with beer.

draught beer quality manual 55

Cleaning Methods and Procedures -- The flow rate can be tested in a 15-second test.
Because every draught beer system is different, there Multiply the volume of liquid dispensed by 4 to
is no definitive procedure for cleaning them. There determine the ounces or gallons per minute (1
are, however, certain principles that apply to cleaning gallon = 128 ounces).
every system. To be effective, cleaning solutions need • The pressure on the draught lines during recircula-
to reach every inch of beer line and every nook and tion should never exceed 60 psi.
cranny of the connectors and hardware. You can hand • Under these conditions, chemical solution should
clean some items like couplers and faucets, but most recirculate for a minimum of 15 minutes.
of the system must be reached by fluid flowing through
the beer lines. The industry currently uses two clean- Static or pressure pot cleaning offers an alterna-
ing procedures for beer lines: recirculation by electric tive method to clean runs of less than 15 feet. This
pump, and static or pressure pot cleaning. requires 20 minutes of contact time with the cleaning
solutions to make up for the lack of circulation.
Electric recirculating pump cleaning is recommended
as the preferred method for nearly all systems. Recir- The remainder of this chapter covers use of these
culation pump cleaning uses the combination of cleaning methods, starting with setup and proceed-
chemical cleaning and mechanical action to effec- ing to the detailed steps for each procedure.
tively clean a draught system, by increasing the
normal flow rate through the beer lines during the Before You Start
cleaning process. Regardless of your cleaning methods, some system
designs require specific attention before you begin
While static or pressure pot cleaning is an alter- cleaning. Here’s a list of items to check and consider.
native, it is significantly less effective and is not a • In pneumatic beer pump systems:
recommended method for cleaning. This procedure -- Turn off the gas supply to the pumps.
requires additional time to ensure that the cleaning -- On the line(s) to be backflushed, set the pump
solutions have the right contact time in line, to make valve or flow diverter orientation to “Backflush”
up for the lack of mechanical force. so that cleaning solution may flow through the
pump body in the appropriate direction as
Key considerations in setting up an electric pump needed. Pumps that lack a “backflush” option
cleaning: may be damaged by cleaning and should be
• The chemical flow should be the reverse of the cleaned using a different method.
beer flow wherever possible. • All legs in “split lines” (lines that are “teed” in
• Ideal chemical flow rate achieves twice the flow the cooler or under the bar to feed more than
rate of the beer. In standard systems, beer flows at one faucet from a single keg) must be cleaned
1 gallon per minute (gpm), and ideal chemical flow as completely separate draught line.
rate is 2 gpm. 2 gpm may not be attainable for
all systems. In these cases, a minimum of 1 gpm Recirculation-Electric Pump Cleaning Step-By-Step
should be achieved. Procedure:
-- The flow rate can be controlled by: 1. Begin by connecting two keg couplers with a
oo Minimizing the number of draught lines cleaning adapter or cleaning cup. Cleaning adapt-
cleaned at one time. ers are available to accommodate many different
oo Increasing the size of the pump used. combinations of coupler types, with the most

56 draught beer quality manual

common being “D” type to “D” type as shown.
Do not engage the couplers, or cleaning solution
may travel up the gas line. The shaft on each side
of the adapter raises the check ball within the cou-
Coupler Cleaning Adapter
pler (see diagram on page 10) to allow cleaning
solution to flow in either direction.
• If cleaning four lines, connect a second set of
lines with another cleaning coupler, creating a
second “loop.” Cleaning more than four lines
at once is not recommended, as it will be dif- Cleaning Adapter
ficult to achieve the proper chemical flow rate.
2. On the corresponding lines at the bar, remove
• To clean the lines and couplers used for series
both faucets from their shanks.
kegs, connect the couplers attached to the gas
• When cleaning two lines, attach the “Out” hose
lines and place series caps with check ball lift-
from the pump to one shank and a drain hose or
ers on all other couplers.
spare faucet to the other shank.
• When cleaning four lines, attach the “Out” hose
from the pump to one shank, connect the other
shank in the loop to a shank in the second loop
with a “jumper” hose fitted with two cleaning
adapters (one on each end), and attach a drain
hose or spare faucet to the remaining shank in
the second loop.
• When cleaning four lines, ensure that the drain
hose and “Out” hose from the pump are not on
the same coupler “loop.”
3. Fill a bucket (“Water Bucket”) with warm water and
place the “In” hose into the water.
• Turn pump on and flush beer into a second
bucket (“Chemical Bucket”) until the line runs
clear with water.
• Shut pump off and discard the flushed beer.
4. Turn pump back on, allowing warm water to run
into the clean Chemical Bucket.
• Measure the flow rate of the liquid by filling a
beer pitcher or some container with a known
volume. Flow rate should be up to 2 gallons (256
oz.) per minute
-- If cleaning is configured for four lines and
flow rate is too slow, remove the jumpers
and clean each pair of lines separately.
Re-circulation-Electric Pumps
• Allow bucket to fill with just enough water to

draught beer quality manual 57

cover the inlet hose of the pump. 5. Tap the canister again. Please
• Add the appropriate amount of line cleaning note: When applying CO2 to a
chemical to achieve 2-3% caustic in solution pressure pot containing a caustic
based on age and condition of beer line. solution, the CO2 will weaken or
5. Remove the “In” hose from the Water Bucket and neutralize the caustic solution.
place into the Chemical Bucket. It is best not to agitate or let it
• There should now be a closed loop. stand in the same container for
• Water should be draining into the same bucket an extended period. For the
that the pump is pulling from. same reason, the use of pressure
6. Allow solution to recirculate for a minimum of 15 pots that feature a “spitting” action, whereby CO2
minutes. is injected directly into the outflow of solution, is
• While waiting, clean your faucets. not recommended.
• Fill Water Bucket with cold water. 6. Open the faucet until the water is flushed out and
7. Begin your rinse by removing the “In” hose from chemical solution is pouring from the faucet.
Chemical Bucket and placing it into the Water 7. Shut off the faucet and untap the canister.
Bucket (filled with cold water). • If the system is driven with pneumatic beer
8. Continue pumping cold water from the Water pumps, shut off the gas supply to the pumps
Bucket into the Chemical Bucket (shutting off pump to turn them off.
and dumping Chemical Bucket as needed) until all 8. Remove the faucet and clean.
chemical has been pushed out of the draught lines 9. Replace faucet and retap the canister.
and there is no solid matter in the rinse water. 10. Run cleaning solution again to fully repack the con-
9. Finish up by shutting off the pump, detaching the tents of the draught line.
cleaning coupler, and replacing the faucets. 11. Allow cleaning solution and beer line to be in con-
tact for no less than 20 minutes.
When Finished 12. Untap canister, empty, and rinse.
• Be sure to return all system components to their 13. Fill the canister with clean, cold water and retap.
original functional settings; e.g., turn on gas sup- 14. Open the faucet and rinse until all chemical has
ply to pneumatic beer pumps, reset FOBs and been flushed out and there is no solid matter in
pneumatic pump flow diverters, etc. the rinse water.
15. Finish by untapping the canister, retapping the
Static – Pressure Pot Step-By-Step Procedure: keg and pouring beer until it dispenses clear.
1. Fill the cleaning canister with clean water.
2. Untap the keg and tap the cleaning canister. When Finished
Engage the tapping device. • Be sure to return all system components to their
• When cleaning series kegs, connect the tap- original functional settings; e.g., reset FOBs, reset
ping devices attached to the gas lines and pneumatic beer pump cleaning diverters to dis-
place series caps on all other tapping devices. pense setting and turn on pump gas supply, etc.
3. Open faucet until the beer is flushed out and clear
water is pouring. Glycol Chiller Maintenance
4. Untap the canister and fill the canister with clean- Glycol chillers are key components to long draw dis-
ing chemical mixed to the appropriate strength to pense systems. Chilled glycol helps to maintain the
achieve 2-3% caustic in solution based on age and temperature of draught beer in the beer lines between
condition of beer line. the keg and the faucet. Glycol chillers are much less

58 draught beer quality manual

expensive to maintain than they are to replace; regu- • Inspect condenser monthly for dirt and airflow
lar maintenance will increase both their service life and obstructions and clean as necessary. Remove and
dependability. Here are some recommended mainte- clean grills to expose the condenser fins. Remove
nance practices; be sure to check with your manufacturer all contaminants from the fin surface by using a
for items and procedures specific to your chillers. stiff bristle brush, vacuum cleaner, or compressed
gas discharged from the fan side of the condenser.
• Glycol bath: Keep the cover of the glycol bath • Visually inspect trunk lines every six months for
closed to prevent water vapor from diluting the signs of ice buildup, insulation damage and glycol
strength of the glycol. leakage.
• Glycol bath temperature: Check every two weeks, • Glycol strength: Check viscosity and condition of
making sure the bath temperature is within the glycol-water cooling mixture every six months.
range specified by the manufacturer. Many chillers Test freezing point every 18 months with a refrac-
have temperature gauges that are easily visible tometer and adjust or replace glycol mixture as
from the outside. needed. Typical ranges are 20-25% glycol; be sure
• Check motors monthly for smooth-sounding oper- the glycol concentration follows manufacturer rec-
ation and no signs of overheating. ommendations. n
• Check pumps monthly; check connections and
insulation for leaks or missing insulation, and for
smooth-sounding operation.

draught beer quality manual 59

chapter 9


p erfectly poured draught beer is the

result of proper temperature, gas pres-
sure and mixture, and a well-maintained
draught beer system. It’s easy to take all the variables
for granted when beer is pouring well. But improperly
be. In air-cooled and glycol-cooled systems, the next
step is to check the temperature of the beer being
delivered to the faucet, confirming that the air and
glycol systems used to maintain proper beer line
temperature are working properly.
pouring beer can be very frustrating, and can result in
loss of sales. This chapter is intended to provide use- The troubleshooting steps that follow are organized
ful troubleshooting steps anyone can follow to solve by the type of draught beer system and how the sys-
draught beer dispense problems. tems are cooled, using air or glycol. Direct-draw sys-
tems and long-draw systems cooled by air or glycol
The single most common cause of problems encoun- each have unique features that are addressed in the
tered in draught beer dispense systems is tempera- troubleshooting steps.
ture control. The first step in solving any dispensing
problem is to confirm that the temperature of the Other steps including gas pressure and supply, beer
keg and the cooler are where they are supposed to supply, and mechanical issues are also discussed.

Perfect Under Over

Carbonation Carbonation Carbonation

60 draught beer quality manual

Direct Draw Systems
Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
Beer Foaming Temperature too warm (should be 38º F) Adjust temperature control or call qualified
service person
Temperature too cold/frozen beer in lines Adjust temperature control or call qualified
(should be 38º F) service person
Kinked beer line Change beer line
Wrong diameter or length beer line Change beer line
(should be 4 to 5 ft. of 3/16” vinyl tubing
or possibly even longer)
Applied pressure too high Adjust CO2 regulator to brewer’s
(should be 12 to 14 psi for most beers) specification
Applied pressure too low Adjust CO2 regulator to brewer’s
(should be 12 to 14 psi for most beers) specification
Coupler washers bad Replace coupler washers
Faucet washer bad Replace faucet washers
System dirty Clean system or call customer’s line cleaning
CO2 leaks or out of CO2 Check fittings, clamps, shut-offs and
regulators, replace as necessary
Beer foaming in jumper – keg valve seal If seal is ripped/torn, gas enters the liquid
torn or ripped flow stream causing foaming. Replace keg
and report defective keg to distributor
Beer foaming in jumper - physical Remove any physical obstructions or debris
obstructions at coupler-valve junction (e.g. a piece of a dust cover) that could allow
gas to enter the liquid flow
Beer foaming at faucet – clogged vent Disassemble and clean faucet, or call line
hole(s) cleaning service
No Beer at Faucet Empty CO2 bottle Replace with full CO2 bottle
Regulator shutoff closed Open shutoff
CO2 bottle main valve turned off Turn on CO2 bottle main valve
Keg empty Replace with full keg
Coupler not engaged Tap keg properly and engage coupler
Check ball in coupler stuck Free check ball
Line/faucet dirty Clean line/faucet

draught beer quality manual 61

For air-cooled systems, the maximum recommended distance for a double-duct system is 25 feet (tube side by side)
and for a single-duct system is 15 feet (tube within a tube).

Air Cooled Systems

Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
Beer Foaming Check temperature at faucet - too warm Blower fan air flow obstructed
(should be 38º F) Adjust temperature control or call qualified
service person
System designed improperly: too long,
wrong size fan, etc.
Check temperature at faucet too cold Adjust temperature control or call qualified
(should be 38º F) service person
Kinked beer line Change beer line
Wrong size beer line Change beer line
Applied pressure too high Adjust CO2 regulator to brewer’s
(should be 12 to 14 psi for most beers) specification
Applied pressure too low Adjust CO2 regulator to brewer’s
(should be 12 to 14 psi for most beers) specification
Wrong gas (mixed gas blenders Change to mixed gas blender, use target
recommended) pressure
Coupler washers bad Replace coupler washers
Faucet washer bad Replace faucet washers
System dirty Clean system or call customer's line cleaning
Beer foaming in jumper – keg valve seal If seal is ripped/torn, gas enters the liquid
torn or ripped flow stream, causing foaming. Replace keg
and report defective keg to distributor
Beer foaming in jumper - physical Remove any physical obstructions or debris
obstructions at coupler-valve junction (e.g. a piece of a dust cover) that could allow
gas to enter the liquid flow
Beer foaming at faucet – clogged vent Disassemble and clean faucet, or call line
hole(s) cleaning service
No Beer at Faucet Empty CO2 bottle, N2 bottle, or mixed Replace with appropriate full gas bottle
gas bottle
Regulator shutoff closed Open shutoff
Gas bottle main valve turned off Turn on gas bottle main valve
Keg empty Replace with full keg
Coupler not engaged Tap keg properly and engage coupler
Check ball in coupler stuck Free check ball
Line/faucet dirty Clean line/faucet

62 draught beer quality manual

A glycol system is designed to maintain liquid beer temperature from the cooler to the point of dispense.

Glycol Chilled Systems

Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
Beer Foaming Check temperature at faucet - too warm Check glycol chillers for proper operation; adjust
(should be 38º F) glycol bath temperature if too warm (most
systems are designed to operate between 28º
and 34º F, check unit’s manufacturer specs)
Adjust temperature control or call qualified
service person
Check temperature at faucet - too cold Check glycol chillers for proper operation;
(should be 38º F) adjust glycol bath temperature if too cold (most
systems are designed to operate between 28º
and 34º F, check unit’s manufacturer specs)
Adjust temperature control or call qualified
service person
Wrong gas (glycol systems usually require Change to mixed gas blender, use target
a mixed gas blender) pressure
Glycol pump functioning (check return Call qualified serviceman to adjust glycol chiller
line) temperature or operation
Gas regulators incorrectly set Contact installer
Applied pressure too low Adjust CO2 regulator to brewer's specification
(should be 12 to 14 psi for most beers)
Coupler washers bad Replace coupler washers
Faucet washer bad Replace faucet washers
System dirty Clean system or call customer's line cleaning
Power pack – check condenser, glycol Call qualified serviceman to clean clogged
concentration condenser fins, check glycol strength, service
glycol chiller
Beer foaming in jumper – keg valve seal If seal is ripped/torn, gas enters the liquid flow
torn or ripped stream causing foaming. Replace keg and report
defective keg to distributor.
Beer foaming in jumper - physical Remove any physical obstructions or debris (e.g.
obstructions at coupler-valve junction a piece of a dust cover) that could allow gas to
enter the liquid flow
Beer foaming at faucet – clogged vent Disassemble and clean faucet, or call line
hole(s) cleaning service
No Beer at Empty CO2 source, N2 source, or mixed Replace with appropriate full gas bottle,
Faucet gas bottle refill bulk CO2 or N2 receiver, check nitrogen
Regulator shutoff closed Open shutoff
Gas bottle or bulk tank main valve turned Turn on gas bottle or tank main valve
Keg empty Replace with full keg
Coupler not engaged Tap keg properly and engage coupler
Check ball in coupler stuck Free check ball
Line/faucet dirty Clean line/faucet
FOB detector Reset FOB detector
Pneumatic beer pumps Check gas supply to pumps; check pump
diverter setting

draught beer quality manual 63

Off Flavors in Draught Beer ing beer lines at great expense. Staying ahead of these

The purpose of this manual is to explain how to main- potentially costly outcomes is key to serving great tast-

tain the brewery-intended flavor of draught beer prod- ing draught beer.

ucts. When fresh and properly dispensed, draught beer

tastes the way the brewer intended—clean, flavorful, The chart on page 65 lists the most common off flavors

and enjoyable. Draught beer is susceptible to damage that occur due to post-brewery unhygienic conditions

from a host of factors, such as age, heat, and air. But the and the mishandling of draught products. Beer-spoiling

number one factor affecting the quality of draught beer bacteria will ruin a beer’s flavor and aroma, and will in-

flavor and aroma is poor hygiene. Improper cleaning of evitably lead to lost repeat business and potential sales.

beer system lines and components from the coupler in While these microorganisms are not health risks, they

the cooler to the faucet at the bar can lead to significant will cause bacterial infections in draught systems that are

changes in beer flavor, all of them unwelcome. Over often difficult, if not impossible, to completely remove.

time, poor beer line hygiene will inevitably result in loss By following the guidelines outlined in this manual, the

of sales due to customer dissatisfaction, and to replac- occurrence of these off flavors can be prevented. n

64 draught beer quality manual

Off Flavor Flavor Description Bacteria Likely Causes How to Prevent and Resolve
Diacetyl Buttery, Buttered Anaerobic Pediococcus and Lactobacillus occur from unhygienic conditions Removing a bacterial infection from a beer
popcorn, Butterscotch, Bacteria* in draught beer systems. Diacetyl is the most common off flavor line can be very difficult, if not impossible to
Caramel, can have a slick Pediococcus associated with dirty draught systems. These bacteria are most likely to completely remove. Even after a cleaning,
or milky mouthfeel at (most likely), develop when: these bacteria may remain in the beer line
high levels Lactobacillus • The cleaning frequency is allowed to span beyond a two-week cycle and keg at initially undetectable levels.
(less likely) • Regular use of an electric recirculating line cleaning pump is not in use However, in a short time, these anaerobic
Lactic Acid Sour, Sour Milk, Acidic Anaerobic • Associated draught equipment is not properly disassembled, serviced, bacteria will resurface as an overpowering
(note- the bacterial load Bacteria* and hand-cleaned on the recommended intervals infection. The goal is to completely rid the
would have to be very Lactobacillus • Improper chemicals or low chemical concentrations are used system of any traces of bacteria so the off-
large to pick up this (most likely), • Beer lines are older than their recommended age flavors never return.
flavor) Pediococcus • Kegs in series are not completely emptied on a weekly basis
(less likely) • Ineffective line cleaning procedures are used Prior to cleaning, begin by replacing infected
hardware and beer lines wherever possible,
and always replace any kegs that have been
tapped into an infected system. Follow the
step-by-step pump cleaning procedures in
Chapter 8, rotating between caustic and acid
cycles to maximize your chances of removal.
Acetic Acid Sour, Vinegar Aerobic Acetobactor will often begin its growth in dirty drains, spill trays, bar Serving staff should be thoroughly trained
Bacteria* tops, or used bar rags and will eventually spread to the beer dispense on proper serving techniques (Chapter 7).
Acetobactor faucet.
Beer faucets should be completely
Serving staff submerging a faucet into a beer will increase the growth- disassembled and hand-detailed using
rate of these bacteria. caustic chemicals every two weeks.

The leading cause of acetobactor comes from faucets not being Stainless steel is the best material for
completely disassembled and hand-detailed on a two-week cycle. faucets to prevent bacterial buildup.
Oxidation Papery, Cardboard, N/A. Oxidation Oxidation comes from time, temperature, or direct exposure to oxygen. Monitor brewery-recommended best-
Fruity, Bready, Vinous, in beer is a All beers have an expiration date. This is the date by when a brewery consumed-by-dates and temperature
Vegetal (These are reaction that feels the beer has taken on significant oxidative properties, and that the specifications.
only a few descriptors occurs when a beer no longer represents the brewery-intended flavor.
as oxidation is a very beer is exposed Ensure any kegs in series have been
broad term and different to oxygen This expiration date can easily be shortened with the addition of warm completely emptied (series kegs should be
ingredients will take molecules. temperatures. Draught beer should be kept cold (below 50° F) at all times completely emptied and replaced once per
on different oxidative to maximize its freshness. The longer a beer is kept warm and/or the week).
properties) higher the temperature, the faster the beer will oxidize. If a beer ever rises
above 80° F, for any amount of time, the beer is likely ruined. Never use compressed air in direct contact
with draught beer.
In draught beers, oxidation can happen with the use of an air
compressor. If an air compressor is used to dispense draught beer, Use barrier and stainless steel tubing
oxygen will be forced into the keg, and can oxidize a beer within 24 whenever possible.
hours (Chapter 1).

Porous beer tubing material will allow oxygen to leach through to the
beer after extended pouring delays (Chapter 4).
appendix a

ISBT guidelines for

beverage grade
carbon dioxide
Purity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99.9% min*
Moisture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ppm max
Oxygen.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 ppm max
Carbon monoxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ppm max
Ammonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 ppm max
Nitric oxide/nitrogen dioxide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 ppm max each
Nonvolatile residue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ppm (wt) max
Nonvolatile organic residue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ppm (wt) max
Phosphine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.3 ppm max
Total volatile hydrocarbons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 ppm max
Acetaldehyde. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.2 ppm max
Aromatic hydrocarbon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ppb max
Total sulfur content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1 ppm max
Sulfur dioxide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ppm max
Odor of solid CO2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No foreign odor
Appearance in water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No color or turbidity
Odor and taste in water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No foreign taste or odor

All specification based on volume (v/v) unless otherwise noted.

66 draught beer quality manual

appendix b

C02 gauge pressure,

temperature and
carbonation level
reference chart
Table 1. Determination of CO2 equilibrium pressure given volumes of CO2 and temperature
Vol. CO2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1
Temp. ºF psi psi psi psi psi psi psi psi psi psi psi
33 5.0 6.0 6.9 7.9 8.8 9.8 10.7 11.7 12.6 13.6 14.5
34 5.2 6.2 7.2 8.1 9.1 10.1 11.1 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0
35 5.6 6.6 7.6 8.6 9.7 10.7 11.7 12.7 13.7 14.8 15.8
36 6.1 7.1 8.2 9.2 10.2 11.3 12.3 13.4 14.4 15.5 16.5
37 6.6 7.6 8.7 9.8 10.8 11.9 12.9 14.0 15.1 16.1 17.2
38 7.0 8.1 9.2 10.3 11.3 12.4 13.5 14.5 15.6 16.7 17.8
39 7.6 8.7 9.8 10.8 11.9 13.0 14.1 15.2 16.3 17.4 18.5
40 8.0 9.1 10.2 11.3 12.4 13.5 14.6 15.7 16.8 17.9 19.0
41 8.3 9.4 10.6 11.7 12.8 13.9 15.1 16.2 17.3 18.4 19.5
42 8.8 9.9 11.0 12.2 13.3 14.4 15.6 16.7 17.8 19.0 20.1
Based on Data from “Methods of Analysis,” American Society of Brewing Chemists, 5th Edition - 1949

• The values in this table assume sea-level altitude, beer specific gravity of 1.015, and beer alcohol content at 3.8%
abw or 4.8% abv. Values shown are in psig, or gauge pressure.
• It’s important to remember that carbonation is proportional to absolute pressure, not gauge pressure. Atmospher-
ic pressure drops as elevation goes up. Therefore, the gauge pressure needed to achieve proper carbonation at
elevations above sea level must be increased. Add 1 psi for every 2,000 feet above sea level. For example, a retailer
at sea level would use 11.3 psi gauge pressure to maintain 2.5 volumes of CO2 in beer served at 38º F. That same
retailer would need 13.3 psi gauge pressure at 4,000 feet elevation to maintain 2.5 volumes of CO2.

draught beer quality manual 67

Figuring ideal gauge pressure of A first approximation can be found by assuming that
straight CO2 when carbonation level CO2 has a molar mass of 44 grams per mol and that
is not known: one mol of gas at STP conditions (0oC, 1 ATM) oc-
1. Set the regulator pressure to 5 psi. cupies a volume of 22.4 liters. Converting from g/L to
2. Tap a fresh keg. Make sure the keg has been v/v is then,
in the cooler long enough to be at the cooler 1g CO2 1mol CO2 22.4L 22.4
= 0.509
temperature. 1g 1L
2 2
1mol CO2 22.444
= 0.509
3. Pour a small amount of beer through the faucet. 1L Beer 44g CO2 1mol CO2 44
4. Observe the beer in the draught line directly
above the keg coupler (with a flashlight if neces- Inverting this value gives us the conversion factor for
sary), inspecting for bubbles rising up from the converting from v/v to g/l.
beer in the keg.
5. If bubbles are present, raise the regulator pres- = 1.965
sure 1 psi. = 1.965
6. Repeat steps 3 - 5 until no bubbles are present. For a slightly more accurate answer we can use the
7. Check the keg temperature 24 hours after setting value of 44.01 g/mol for CO2 and 22.426 L/mol for the
the initial gauge pressure to assure tempera- STP volume of the gas. We can also take account of
ture stability, and to reset the gauge pressure as the fact that CO2 does not behave strictly in accor-
needed due to a change in keg temperature. dance11.9+14.7 26.6Law and has a compressibil-
with the Ideal Gas
c= = = .767 or 77% CO2 rounding up
ity 20+14.7
factor (Z) of 34.7
0.99952 under
c= = = .767the
or stated
77% COconditions.
rounding up
This is the lowest pressure at which the gas in the beer 20+14.7 34.7
Using these values we get 1.966 instead of 1.965. Not
is not escaping. This is your ideal gauge pressure. much improvement there, but perhaps a better sense
of accuracy.
Converting Volumes of CO2 to Grams
per Liter of CO2: c=
Another tool is the 28.8
= NIST Standard Reference
= .830 or 83% CO2Data-
20+14.7 28.8
14.1+14.7 34.7
In the U.S., carbonation is expressed in units of “vol- c =base 23, Ver 9.0,
= 2010. This= database gives
.830 or 83% COa value for
20+14.7 34.7
umes of CO2”. What this means is that one keg of the density of CO2 at STP conditions of 1.9768 g/L.
beer carbonated to 2.5 volumes of CO2 contains 2.5 This may be accepted as the most accurate value and
kegs worth of CO2 compressed and dissolved into it is the one to use if doing an exact analysis.
the beer. In other countries, carbonation is often
expressed in units of grams per liter. To convert be- So, for quick conversions that most people can do
tween volumes of CO2 and grams per liter, the quick in their head, “2” is an acceptable answer. In cases
and easy answer is 2 g/L equals 1 v/v. where one wants to have more accuracy, they can use
1.9768 or whatever rounded-off value they feel com-
However,”2” is not exactly correct. Several alterna- fortable with. n
tive values and a method to calculate the value are
listed below.

68 draught beer quality manual

appendix c

blended gas, gas laws
& partial pressures
Carbonation beer, then all of the pressure on that keg is due to CO2.
In general, the amount of carbonation in beer de- But what if the gas being used is a blend of 75% CO2
pends primarily on the pressure of CO2 applied to the / 25% N2? In this case, Dalton’s Law can help us figure
keg of beer being dispensed, and the temperature of out what’s going on. Dalton’s Law of partial pressures
the beer. In reality, many other factors can also affect says that the total pressure exerted by a gaseous mix-
carbonation levels including blended gas proportion ture is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of each
of CO2, alcohol content, and specific gravity. Knowing individual component in a gas mixture. This means the
a bit about these factors can help you finetune your partial pressure of CO2 is equal to the proportion of
draught dispense system to achieve the perfect pour CO2 in the gas, in this case 75%, times the total abso-
for every brand dispensed. lute pressure of the blended gas, or 34.7 psia (20 psig
+14.7 psi atmospheric pressure = 34.7 psia). In this
Temperature: In general, gas is less soluble in liquid case, the partial pressure of CO2 is:
as the temperature rises. This seems obvious—a nice
cold keg of beer dispenses easily, while that same keg 75% x 34.7 psia = 26.0 psia
of beer dispenses as foam if it gets warm. 26.0 psia – 14.7 psi atmospheric = 11.3 psi gauge.

Proportion of CO2 in blended gas: This is directly re- So, in this example using blended gas, the carbonation
lated to the pressure of the CO2 in the headspace over of the beer will be proportional to 11.3 psi of CO2,
the beer within the keg. Two different gas laws (Dal- NOT 20 psi CO2. It’s important to note this calculation
ton’s Law of Partial Pressures and Henry’s Law) can help must be done in absolute pressure, then converted to
us make sense of what’s going on. This is most easily gauge pressure (if you used gauge pressure of 20 psi
described by example, along with a little math. Con- rather than 34.7 psia, 75% of that value would result
sider a situation in which a keg of beer is dispensed in 15 psi as the partial pressure of CO2 in this scenar-
using gas at 20 psi. If pure CO2 is used to dispense io, which is not correct.) Consulting the carbonation

draught beer quality manual 69

chart on page 67 and assuming a temperature of 38 and alcohol, along with a certain amount of dissolved
°F and 11.3 psi CO2 pressure, the carbonation level in solids such as carbohydrates and proteins that pro-
this example would be 2.5 volumes (rather than 2.8-2.9 vide mouthfeel, body, color, and flavor. CO2 is soluble
volumes, which would be the 15 psi result if you had in the liquid in beer, NOT in the solids in beer. So, the
incorrectly used gauge pressure). more solids there are in a beer, the less CO2 can dis-
solve in the beer.
Alcohol Content: Most of the liquid in beer is wa-
ter. The standard carbonation table assumes a beer If the specific gravity of a beer is above the refer-
containing 4.8% abv, meaning that about 95% of the ence value of 1.015, it will contain very slightly less
liquid is water. As it turns out, CO2 is quite a bit less carbonation than the value shown in the table. Like-
soluble in ethanol than it is in water—this has to do wise, if the specific gravity of a beer is below the
with the basic physical properties of these substanc- reference value of 1.015, it will contain very slightly
es. So what happens in beer that contains higher more carbonation than the value shown in the table.
alcohol levels? Generally speaking, the carbonation The effect of SG on carbonation is very small, and for
level in a beer will decrease from the standard val- practical purposes is difficult to determine with ac-
ues shown as the alcohol content increases above curacy or to observe or do anything about in a retail
4.8% abv. This factor is secondary to temperature and setting. Suffice to say that a beer with SG of 1.030
pressure, but is noticeable in many brands of beer would contain approximately 0.05 fewer volumes of
with higher alcohol content. CO2 than a beer with SG of 1.015 at the same tem-
perature and pressure.
Consider a beer being served at 38º F with pure CO2
at 13 psi. If the beer contains 4.8% abv, the resulting Blended Gas Dispense Examples
carbonation level will be 2.66 volumes of CO2. Now Henry’s Law states: “At a constant temperature, the
consider a beer much higher in alcohol, for example a amount of a given gas that dissolves in a given type
barley wine containing 11 % abv. The carbonation lev- and volume of liquid is directly proportional to the
el of that beer will be about 2.51 volumes. This is not partial pressure of that gas in equilibrium with that
a huge change, but it is noticeable at retail, and may liquid.” This turns out to be really useful when dis-
explain to some degree the slow decrease in head pensing beer in systems where more than 12-15 psi
foam sometimes observed over time in high alcohol of dispense pressure is needed to move beer to the
beers served at retail. In this same instance, increas- taps, such as long-draw systems.
ing the pressure from 13 psi to 14.5 psi will maintain
the 2.66 volumes of carbonation desired by the brew- The partial pressure of a gas within a blend can be
er. Visit the Draught Quality wiki for links to online calculated by multiplying the total pressure of the gas
calculators you can use to determine the effects of blend (in psia, not psig) times the proportion of that
alcohol content on carbonation. gas in the blend. Let’s consider a couple of scenarios
in which draught beer is 1) dispensed using blend-
Specific Gravity: The standard carbonation table ed gas at 70% CO2/ 30% N2, and 2) dispensed using
shown in Appendix B assumes that a beer has a spe- straight CO2. In both scenarios, let’s assume the dis-
cific gravity of 1.015. Specific gravity is a measure of pense temperature is the same at 39ºF, and that the
the density of beer compared to water, and is often system has been designed and balanced to dispense
expressed as SG. A beer with SG of 1.015 is 1.5% beer at an operating pressure of 20 psig, or, 20 + 14.7
more dense than water. Beer contains mostly water = 34.7 psia.

70 draught beer quality manual

Scenario 1: verting back and forth between gauge pressure and
Dispensing with blended gas at 70% CO2 /30% N2 absolute pressure, and proportion of CO2 in a blend:
The carbonation in the beer will depend on the par- b + 14.7
tial pressure of CO2, which equals 34 psia (the total a + 14.7 , where
dispense pressure) x 70% (proportion of CO2 in the a = gauge pressure of the blended gas;
blend) = 23.8 psia. At sea level, atmospheric pressure b = ideal gauge pressure of straight CO2 (from the
is 14.7 psi; 23.8 psia – 14.7 = 9.1 psig. A partial pres- carbonation table in Appendix B);
sure of 9.1 psi for CO2 at 38ºF would result in about c = % of CO2 in the blend
2.3 volumes of carbonation in beer. For most brands
of beer, this carbonation rate is a bit lower than typi- Determining the ideal blend of CO2 / N2
cal values of 2.5 – 2.7 volumes. mixed 1mol
1g CO2
gas CO
for a given
dispense system.
1L Beer 44g CO 1mol CO 2
44 2

Scenario 2: Let’s get back to our example above, in which a

Dispensing with straight CO2 1g CO
draught beer
1mol CO
dispense system
was designed 22.4
to oper-
= 0.509
The carbonation in the beer will depend on the par- 1L Beer 44g CO
ate at 39ºF, and at 20 psig. 1mol CO
2 Let’s also assume
44 the
tial pressure of CO2, which equals 34.7 psia (the total beers being poured contain 2.5 volumes of CO2.
dispense pressure) x 100% (proportion of CO2 in the 1
= 1.965
blend) = 34.7 psia. At sea level, atmospheric pressure From the carbonation
0.509 table, we see that a beer at 2.5
is 14.7 PSI; 34.7 psia – 14.7 = 20 psig. A partial pres- volumes of CO2 at 39ºF has an equilibrium pressure of
sure of 20 psi for CO2 at 38ºF would result in about 3.3 11.9 psi of CO2.
= 1.965
volumes of carbonation in beer. For most brands of 0.509
beer, this carbonation rate is a bit higher than typical So now we know that a = 20 psi, and b = 11.9 psi.
values of 2.5 – 2.7 volumes.
11.9+14.7 26.6
c= = = .767 or 77% CO2 rounding up
20+14.7 34.7
From these examples, we can see that at the operat-
ing parameters of the system in question, straight CO2 What if we wanted to also dispense beers with 2.7
would result in carbonation levels that are too high. volumes11.9+14.7 26.6
c = of CO2 in=this same=retail establishment?
.767 or 77% CO2 rounding up
20+14.7 34.7
The blend we chose, at 70% CO2, would result in car- From the carbonation table, we see that a beer at 2.7
bonation levels that are a bit too low. So, is there a way volumes of CO2 at 39ºF has an equilibrium pressure
14.1+14.7 28.8
to use Henry’s Law to figure out the exact blend for our = .830
c = of 14.1 psi of= CO . In this case,ora 83%
= 20CO
2 and b =
20+14.7 34.7

draught beer system? And, looking at this another way, 14.1 psi.
is there a way to use this math to figure out the ideal
14.1+14.7 28.8
pressure to use, given a certain blend of gas? c= = = .830 or 83% CO2
20+14.7 34.7

As it turns out, there are tools available online to do In this case, a gas blender with more than one blend
both of these tasks with a great degree of accuracy. of mixed gas would be very helpful. You would use
There are also some relatively straightforward calcu- the 77% CO2 to dispense the beers with 2.5 volumes
lations that do the same things very quickly, shown of carbonation, and the 83% blend to dispense the
here. The following equation is very useful for con- beers with 2.7 volumes of carbonation.

draught beer quality manual 71

Determining the correct pressure for
a given blend of CO2 / N2 mixed gas
What if in the above example, we only had access to
one blend of gas? Could we adjust the pressure a bit
to achieve more than one level of carbonation, and
still dispense beer in the same draught beer system?
Well, maybe. This is very similar to the procedure out-
lined on Page 38 of this manual. Let’s get back to our
example above, in which a draught beer dispense
system was designed to operated at 39º F and at 20
psig. We want to dispense beers containing both 2.5
and 2.7 volumes of CO2.

From the above example, we know that the 77% CO2

blend is correct for the 2.5 volume beers. What pres-
sure would we have to use to correctly dispense beers
with 2.7 volumes of CO2 using this 77% blend?

Looking back at our equation:

b + 14.7
a + 14.7 , where
a = gauge pressure of the blended gas; in this case,
a is our unknown
b = ideal gauge pressure of straight CO2 (from the car-
bonation table in Appendix B); in this case, b = 14.1
c = % of CO2 in the blend; in this case, c = 0.77

a = (b + 14.7)/c – 14.7
a = 28.8/.77 – 14.7
a = 37.4 – 14.7
a = 22.7 psi

So in theory if we increase the dispense pressure from

20 psi up to 22.7 psi on those kegs of beer with 2.7 vol-
umes of CO2, we could use the same 77% CO2 blend
to dispense them and maintain proper carbonation.
This may or may not work in reality—the beer might
pour too fast at the bar, creating turbulence within the
glassware. Or it might result in an acceptable pour
with the right amount of carbonation. Experimenta-
tion at the bar would reveal if the pressure increase
worked, or if an additional blend were needed to
pour these beers. n

72 draught beer quality manual

appendix d

notes on serving
cask ale
Cask Ale
Cask ale, sometimes called “cask conditioned beer” means that CO2 is not as soluble in the beer, so it
or “real ale,” is draught beer dispensed and served contains far less carbonation. (See below).
in a traditional method. Cask ale is usually served
at warmer temperatures than regularly carbonated Carbonation
draught beer, and without applied pressure. The re- Because cask ale is handled at warmer temperatures,
sult is a beer with different presentation, flavor, and and since CO2 is less soluble at warmer temperatures,
aroma, wholly unique from the same beer filtered, cask ale contains much lower levels of carbonation
force carbonated, and dispensed with CO2 or mixed than regular draught beer. Cask beer typically contains
gas top pressure. from 0.9-1.2 volumes of CO2, far less than the 2.5 to 2.7
volumes typical of carbonated draught beer.
In this manual, we’ll focus on a few particulars of dis-
pensing cask ale that represent basic knowledge and The carbonation in cask ale arises from natural sec-
best practices. The care and handling of cask ale is an ondary fermentation within the cask, rather than from
art unto itself, sometimes referred to as “cellarman- force carbonation at the brewery. The relatively warm-
ship,” the details of which are well beyond the scope er cellaring temperatures allow this fermentation to
of this manual. Please refer to the online version of occur after the cask leaves the brewery.
this manual for supplier and knowledge links.
Dispensing Cask Ale
Temperature Cask ale is normally dispensed from a cask located
Cask ale is typically conditioned and dispensed at relatively close to the bar, or even on the bar or back
45º-55ºF, unlike the colder 36º-40ºF range for regularly bar. Most modern casks are metal, although a few
carbonated draught beer. This temperature is warm wooden varieties are sometimes still found. Most
enough to allow the beer within the cask to develop casks contain two openings that are filled with wood-
its own natural carbonation. This temperature also en or plastic plugs called shives (for letting gas in)

draught beer quality manual 73

and keystones (for tapping and removing beer). The Beer Engines
cask is placed on its side with the shive up and the Beer engines dispense cask beer. Pulling the han-
keystone down. Cask ale is dispensed without top dle actuates a piston or chamber of the engine and
pressure, meaning that it either pours from the cask pumps beer from the cask to the customer’s glass.
through a faucet-like tap directly into the glass using Beer engines can be clamp-on or built into a bar.
gravity, or the beer is pumped a short distance using Some breweries that make cask ales will require a
a pump called a beer engine. sparkler (perforated disk) that attaches to the end of
the pouring spout.
Gas is allowed to enter the cask being emptied in or-
der to prevent a vacuum from forming. Busy bars that
empty a cask in one to three days will sometimes al-
low air to enter the cask, while other locations will use
CO2 at atmospheric pressure to fill the headspace.
CO2 is preferable in terms of preserving the beer;
there may be some disagreement about whether this
practice is “proper” or traditional, but this manual is
not the forum for that discussion.

Cask Ale Pouring, Hygiene,

Cask ale dispensed directly from a cask using a grav- and Best Practices
ity dispense tap will usually have very low amounts Pouring cask ale from a swan neck beer engine faucet is
of foam in the glass. Cask ale dispensed from a beer the only instance when the faucet should come into con-
engine will often be poured through a fitting called a tact with the inside of a beer glass. Due to the unique
sparkler that serves to create foam from the very low nature of this beer dispense system, a list of guidelines
level of carbonation present. must be followed to ensure proper sanitation and high
product quality.

1. At the start of the day, discard the first pull of

beer as this empties the beer engine cylinder of
beer that has been sitting overnight.
2. Always use a clean glass for every serving of cask
ale dispensed from a beer engine. This is the
case when pouring any draught beer, but even

74 draught beer quality manual

more so with cask ale due to the potential to 7. Cleanliness is paramount in the handling of cask
transfer germs from one glass to another. ale. Unlike kegged draught beer, items are being
3. The closing bartender should do one final clean inserted into beer such as taps, spiles, ale extrac-
of the cask faucet, drip tray, and the surface of the tors, etc. These all give an opportunity for bacteria
entire cask pump when the bar closes. This clean- to be introduced.
ing should be done with restaurant/bar sanitizer ap-
proved by your local and state health code. If the Importance of one-inch collar of foam:
cask faucet uses a sparkler, the sparkler should be re- • Well-prepared cask ale will easily allow for 1-inch
moved and soaked overnight in the same sanitizer at of head or more if a sparkler is fitted on the end
a soaking concentration listed by the manufacturer. of the faucet. Without the sparkler device, a full
4. The opening bartender should wipe the cask 1-inch collar of foam may be difficult to achieve.
faucet with a clean towel wetted with fresh water The bar or restaurant manager should consult the
before the first cask beer is pulled to ensure any brewer to discuss how their particular beer is in-
residual sanitizer from the previous night is re- tended to be served.
moved. If the cask pump is fitted with a sparkler,
thoroughly rinse the sparkler under fresh water The purpose of a proper head on any cask ale
before attaching it to the cask faucet. is the same as a draught beer; the head helps
to deliver the total sensory experience, including
Notes On Cask System Hygiene the following sensory benefits:
5. Run clean, warm water through the beer line and • Visual appeal of a good pour
beer engine between every cask. • Aromatic volatiles in a beer are released
6. Perform regular beer line cleaning every 14 days, • Palate-cleansing effect of carbonation is
just like regular draught beer lines. Be sure to enhanced
check with the manufacturer of the beer engine to • Textural and sensorial qualities of beer
ensure the cleaning solution concentration is com- are better presented to consumer. n
patible with the piston, so as not to damage it.

draught beer quality manual 75

appendix e

tools of the trade

Quality draught beer requires the technician to be equipped with the proper tools assuring professional installation
and service. Valuable tips and lists of suggested tools and equipment for draught beer service professionals follow:

Tool Tips
• Put safety first and always wear eye protection
• Buy the best tools you can afford, as they will last a lifetime
• Always use the right tool for the job
• Keep your tools clean, sharp, calibrated, and organized

Beer Hand Tools 21. 12’ & 100’ Tape Measure

1. Side Cutters & O-Clamp Crimpers 22. Combination Square
2. Spanner / Faucet Wrench 23. Pinch Off Pliers - Vise Grip Brand
3. Tube Gauge 24. Allen Wrench Set
4. Faucet Brushes - 3/8” & Mini Wire Brush 25. Torpedo Level
5. Box and Open End Wrench Set, Particularly 9/16” 26. Chalk Line & Chalk
6. Tower Wrench- 1”& 1-1/6” 27. Pencils / Markers
7. Multi Screwdriver 28. Stud Finder
8. Large 12” Flat Blade Screwdriver 29. Rope & String
9. 10” Crescent Wrench 30. Rope Puller Come Along
10. Small & Large Channel Lock 31. Heavy Duty Fish Tape/Chain Hoist
11. Needle Nose Pliers 32. Hack Saw
12. Side Cutter Pliers 33. Small Utility Hand Saw
13. Small Pipe Wrench 34. Scissors
14. Vise Grip 35. Tin Shears
15. 3/8” Drive Socket Set 36. Razor Knife & Blades
16. Awl or Center Punch 37. Hose Cutters
17. Hammer 38. Knife
18. Rubber Mallet 39. Pipe Cutter
19. Small Pry Bar 40. Sharpie Pen
20. Bolt Cutter 41. Pull lube (Poly G)

76 draught beer quality manual

Miscellaneous Power Tools
42. Tool Box / Bag 76. 1/2” Hammer drill motor
43. Parts Organizers 77. Hole Saw
44. Graduated Cylinder 78. Reciprocating Saw
45. Soldering Torch, Gas, Sand Paper & Flux 79. Dremel Tool
46. Quick-Grip Clamps 80. Angle Grinder
47. Sponge/ Bucket 81. Circular Saw
48. Small Vacuum 82. Impact Driver
49. Extension Cords 83. Angle Drill
50. 3-Way Plug
51. Step Ladder Specialty Tools
52. Work Lights 84. Cobalt Steel Bits
53. Flashlight 85. Refractometer – Glycol Checker
54. Headlamp 86. ATP Meter
55. Voltmeter 87. Pressure Tester
56. First Aid Kit 88. Thermometer - Two Types
57. Safety Glasses (Recording thermometer)

58. Lifting Belt 89. Beer Gas Analyzer

59. Hard Hat 90. Cleaning Kit – Recirculating Pump, Line

Cleaner, Cleaning Pot, Titration Kit, Fittings
60. Moving Blankets
91. CO2 Bottle with Regulators & Adapters for
61. Gloves - Work & Latex Various Tubing Connections
62. Box of Rags
63. 5 Gallon Buckets
64. Cargo Straps
65. Tool Belt
66. Hand Truck
67. Walkie Talkies
68. Cell Phone
69. Labels or Labeler

70. Drill Bit Set - Cobalt Steel Bits with 135° Points
71. 12 1/4” Drill Bit
72. Hole Saw Extender
73. Hole Saws - Many Sizes
74. Cutting Oil
75. Coring Bits For Stone / Concrete

draught beer quality manual 77

draught beer glossary

Acid Cleaner – Although several blends of acid Caustic Potash or KOH or Potassium Hydrox-
cleaners are recommended to assist in beer stone ide - Similar to sodium hydroxide, but offers slightly
and water stone removal, some acids react with sys- different chemical properties in a blended cleaning
tem components. Phosphoric acid-based blends are solution.
the only ones safe on all materials.
CO2 – Carbon dioxide, a natural product of fermenta-
Balance – Ensuring that the applied pressure match- tion and the gas used to push beer in draught beer
es the system requirements so that the beer dispens- systems. CO2 leaks in the gas system are dangerous
es at the optimum rate of about 2 ounces per second because high concentrations of CO2 will displace air
or 1 gallon per minute while maintaining brewery- and cause asphyxiation.
specified carbonation level.
CO2 Volumes – The concentration of CO2 in beer
Barrier Tubing – Plastic tubing with a lining of nylon expressed as volumes of gas at standard conditions
or PET that provides a gas barrier to better protect per volume of beer.
the beer from oxidation.
Coil Box – A cooling system to bring beer to serving
Beer Pump – A mechanical pump that is generally temperature at the point of dispense consisting of a
driven by compressed air or CO2 that can move beer coil of stainless steel immersed in ice water. Often
great distances without changing the dissolved gases. used at picnics or events where normal keg tempera-
ture cannot be maintained.
Beer Stone- Calcium Oxalate – A mineral deposit
that forms slowly on a surface from beer and is very Cold Plate – A cooling system to bring beer to serv-
difficult to remove. ing temperature at the point of dispense consisting of
a stainless steel coil embedded in an aluminum plate
Caustic or Caustic Soda or NaOH – Sodium in contact with the ice. Cooling is the result of melt-
hydroxide – a high pH chemical commonly used in ing the ice rather than just heat transfer, so water must
blending draught line cleaning solutions that will re- be drained away from the cold plate. Often used at
act with organic deposits in the draught beer line. picnics or events where normal keg temperature can-
Very effective, but also very dangerous. Commonly not be maintained.
used in oven cleaners.

78 draught beer quality manual

Coupler – The connector to the keg. Lift – The change in height from the keg to the faucet
that is a component of system balance.
Dewar – An insulated, pressurized container for
liquified gas such as CO2. Line – Tubing that makes up the draught beer flow
Direct Draw – A draught beer system that has a
short jumper connection from the keg to the faucet. Long Draw – A draught beer system over 50 feet long
that uses barrier tubing in a refrigerated bundle that
EDTA – Ethylene Diamine Tetracetic Acid – A clean- typically requires a mixed gas to avoid overcarbonation.
ing solution additive that can dissolve calcium min-
eral deposits in draught beer systems. Nitrogen Generator – A system designed to sepa-
rate nitrogen from compressed air, typically by mem-
Faucet – The dispensing end of the draught beer brane. Nitrogen used for beer dispense in a mixed
system that controls the flow of beer. gas application must be >99% pure.

Flash Chillers – Mechanical cooling systems to bring NSF – National Sanitation Foundation: An organiza-
beer to serving temperature at the point of dispense. tion that certifies food service equipment for perfor-
Often used with flash-pasteurized kegs that can be mance and cleanability.
stored at room temperature.
Party Pump or Picnic Pump - A hand pump that
FOB – Foam on Beer detector. A device that stops uses compressed air to dispense beer. This type of
the flow of beer when the keg is empty before the pump should only be used when the entire keg will
beer line is filled with foam. be dispensed at one time, because oxygen will dam-
age the beer.
Glycol or Propylene Glycol – A food-grade re-
frigerant that is recirculated through insulated tubing PE – Polyethylene – Stiffer tubing used in older
bundles to maintain beer temperature. refrigerated bundles (this oxygen-permeable mate-
rial contributed to oxidation of the beer remaining
ISBT – International Society of Beverage Technolo- in the lines and is now only recommended for use as
gists, who created a quality standard for CO2 for bev- glycol tubing).
erage use.
Pot – Pressure Pot, Cleaning Pot – A canister for
Jockey Box – A cooler with a coiling coil or cold plate cleaning solution or rinse water that is connected to
and faucets to chill the beer at the point of dispense. a pressure source pushing the solution through the
lines like beer. Does not give sufficient velocity for
John Guest Fittings – A specific brand of quick (mechanical) cleaning, so this should only be used on
connect for stiff plastic tubing. short lines with longer chemical exposure.

Jumper Tubing – The flexible piece of vinyl tubing PSI – Pounds per square inch. A unit of measure of
used between the keg and draught beer system that gas pressure.
should be replaced annually.

draught beer quality manual 79

PSIA – Pounds per square inch, absolute. A measure Short Draw – A draught system under 50 feet long
of gas pressure against a perfect vacuum so it includes that can be run on straight CO2 or mixed gas, and can
the atmospheric pressure of 14.7 psi at sea level. use air-cooled or refrigerated lines.

PSIG – Pounds per square inch, gauge. A measure Surfactants – Compounds used in blended draught
of gas pressure against the atmospheric pressure, beer line cleaners that lower surface tension to en-
typically seen on gas regulator gauges. Since atmo- hance surface wetting, break the bond between de-
spheric pressure varies with altitude, the gauge pres- posits and the tubing surface, and suspend soils in
sure must be adjusted with altitude. cleaning solution so they can be removed.

PVC – Polyvinyl Chloride – Flexible jumper tubing. Tail Pieces – The connectors that allow a piece of
tubing to be attached to a piece of equipment.
Regulator – A gas control valve that delivers a set
gas pressure regardless of tank pressure. There may Tap – The connector from the draught system to the
be a primary regulator on the gas source and a sec- keg (more properly referred to as a coupler).
ondary regulator at the gas connection for each keg.
Tavern Head – The connector from the draught sys-
Resistance (or System/Component/Line tem to the keg (more properly referred to as a coupler).
Resistance) – A measure of the pressure drop
across a component or over a length of tubing at Tower – The mount on the bar that holds the faucets
the optimum beer flow rate. and is cooled to maintain beer temperature up to the
point of dispense.
Sanitizer – An EPA-registered product that is de-
signed to kill microorganisms. Water Conditioners – A component of a blended
cleaner that is intended to carry away soils.
Sankey – The modern style of keg coupler. It is avail-
able in several versions to fit specific styles of keg Water Stone – Calcium Carbonate – A mineral de-
valves produced in Europe and the U.S. posit that forms from water and can be removed with
acid. n
Sequestrants – Chemicals that hold metal ions in
solution and prevent mineral deposits.

Series Kegs – Hooking multiple kegs together so

the beer from the first flows through the second and
then into the next so that the kegs can be changed
less frequently.

Shank – The connecting piece that goes through the

cold box wall or tower and connects the tubing and
tail piece to the tap. It also can help provide system
pressure reduction.

80 draught beer quality manual

Brewers Association
736 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
303.447.0816 • 888.822.6273
Brewers Association
$6.95 U.S.

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