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Geometry Viewed As A Difficult Mathematics

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Volume 3, Issue 11, November – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Geometry Viewed as a Difficult Mathematics

Edmund Egwu Ubi, Asuque Udonwu Odiong Ofor Inyqng Igiri
Department of General Studies Health information Department
College of Health Technology College of Health Technology
Calabar Calabar

Abstract:- Geometry in Senior Secondary School in May/June students’ in Cross River State 2010, 2011, 2012,
Cross River State is viewed as a difficult mathematics 2013, 2014 had performance wonderful poor in geometry
concept. This study focuses in 450 SS-2 students made up questions.
of 230 female and 220 male from 30 schools in Cross
River State which were the randomly selected within the Geometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with
three senatorial District. The perceived difficult different figures and their parts. Paulina (2007) Geometry is
mathematics concept was study through the instrument a branch of mathematics which deals with the study of
of 20-item questionnaire. Three research questions were shapes or figures and their properties. These branches of
answered using frequency counts and percentage while mathematics play an important role in primary and
the only formulated hypothesis was tested using chi- secondary school mathematics curriculum in Nigeria.
square (x2) statistics. Eight out of 20 concept were Geometry is applicable to the day to day activities of
perceived difficult to the learner, this include coordinate different fields and relevant employment skills. It
geometry, circle theorem, construction etc and reasons curriculum is harshly appreciated in science, art and
given for viewing geometry concept as difficult is as a technology.
result irregular class practices, unavailability of
Lack of poor reasoning skill on geometry, geometry
instructional materials, teacher’s method of teaching,
language comprehension, lack of visualizing abilities,
bad and inadequate timing etc. Student gender quality
had a great influence on the learning concepts on teaching method, poor background knowledge, student
geometry at 0.05 level of significant in favour of female knowledge on proofs, gender qualities, non-availability of
students. Approximate teaching method and effective instructional materials among others, contribute to the
instructional materials should be used to derive a better students perceived difficulty in learning geometry as a
understanding on the identified difficult geometry mathematics concept.
concepts. According to Nigerian Educational Research and
I. INTRODUCTION Development Council (2012) observed that difficult
concepts in mathematics referred to any concept that posed
It is generally acknowledge that mathematics is a challenges to teachers and learners. Empirical studies on
subject that cut across other fields. Ayinla (2011) perceived difficult concept in Mathematics have been
“mathematics is the pillar of all knowledge showing its addressed by some researchers [i.e Beharvard (2001),
relevance to all disciplines”, Michael (2008) described Uduoson (2011), Hyludo (2002) Gbode and Olaleyi (2006).]
mathematics as “a language of sciences that allows scientists
to communicate ideas using universally accepted II. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
terminologies.” In Salman (2005) “mathematics is the Studies revealed that difficulty in teaching and
indispensable tool in the study of science, humanities and learning of mathematics especially geometry has resulted in
technology”. mass failure in examination (NMC 2009). Adegun and
Mathematics is a basic requirement in most of the Aalegun (2013) student generally encountered difficulties in
course in the Nigerian University if not all for admission geometry and performed poorly in secondary school
into year 1. the National Policy on Education FRN (2003) mathematics lesson. Telima (2012) found out that many
submitted that mathematics is one of the core subject offered students fail to grasp key concepts in geometry and leave
by all students at both junior and senior secondary school. math classes without learning basic terminology.
Despite the relevance of mathematics, students’ The teaching and learning of geometry is viewed as a
performance in the subject in West African Examination difficult mathematics concept as a result of the following
(WAEC) and National Examination Council (NECO) has factors. The teaching method, geometric language,
remained constantly poor. Most educated mathematics elite visualizing abilities (Noramini, 2006 and Axsen 2012).
try do their best to identify the hindrance that is given rise to Mason (2002); Udo Usoro (2011); and NERDC (2012) that
poor performance, and they believe, is the lack of incentive other factors include non-availability and obsolescence of
for teachers, unqualified teachers in the system and lack of instructional materials, gender difference, poor reasoning
learner’s interest. It is also interesting to note that the skill, bad and inadequate time, inadequate school curriculum
students perception of geometry as a difficulty, large and lack of proof by students. This has a great negative
number of students in class and psychological fear of the influence on the learner effectiveness in geometry. In
subject can never be rule out as a factor in this poor respect of gender difference, Adebule (2004) observed that
achievement in mathematics in respect of public gender has no specific effect on the learning of math and
examination. In considering the WAEC performance of

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Volume 3, Issue 11, November – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Udo Usoro (2011) was the opinion that mathematics is district. The random sampling techniques involved was
gender friendly. Abiam and Odok (2006) found no effective to come up with the following number of students
significant relationship between gender and achievement in participation, 180(40%) from the central district, 135(30%)
number and numeration, algebraic process and statistics. from the south senatorial district and 135 (30%) from Cross
River North.
Report from the chief examiners (2010, 2011, 2012,
2013 and 2014) shows and confirmed weaknesses in  Research Instrument
mensuration, construction, circle theorems etc. This makes A researcher developed base questionnaire for the
the student performed woefully in the examination. Burlon perceived difficult geometry concepts in mathematics
(1999) “poor performance of student especially in geometry consist of three different sections, section A contained of
has been in the minds of mathematics educator, parent and respondents personal information, section B contained 20
the government”. A lot of research has shown that geometry collected concepts in geometry from Senior Secondary
as a topic among abstract and complex aspect of Mathematics Curriculum from which the students were to
mathematics that student find difficulty to learn (Akinlade, identify difficult concept perceived to learn. The four (4)
2004). With these obnoxious facts, geometry has been alternative responsive include, very difficult, difficult
identified as mathematics perceived difficult concept in moderately, difficult and not difficult. The last section C
senior secondary school in Cross River State of Nigeria. contained reason why the concepts were perceived relatively
difficult to learn.
 Validation of The Research Instrument
To identify Geometry as mathematics perceived The questionnaire was given to two experience
difficult concept in Senior Secondary School in Cross River mathematics educators for proper scrutiny of the instrument
State of Nigeria. for both face and content validity. The reliability of the
instrument was determined by the test-retest method with an
The study seeks to interval of 3weeks. The trial was done on 50 students from
1. The identification of geometry concepts perceived participatory schools in interval of two weeks and data
difficult to learn collected was subjected to person product moment
2. Acceptable causes of the perceived difficult of geometry correlation coefficient to obtain the reliability index at 0.05
concepts significant as well as have a coefficient of 0.70 which was
3. The level of difficulty of geometry concepts is perceived felt good for the study.
4. The gender effect on student’s perception of difficult
geometry concepts.  Procedure For Data Collections
The questionnaires were administered in the selected
 Research Questions schools under the permission of their management. The
In this study, answers were provided to the following resear consent and cooperation of the mathematics teachers, the
ch questions: students that are participating in the study and their parent
1) What are the topics that are viewed difficult concept in were sought, through the PTA, before commencing the
geometry to the Senior Secondary School learner in study. The questionnaire where given to the respondents for
Cross River State, Nigeria? accurate response while the completed ones were collected
2) What are the general acceptable causes of the perceived immediately. The completion of the information consent
difficulty in geometry? form helped to document their willing to participate in the
3) At what level does geometry difficult concept is study and address related in their participation in the study.
4) Does gender influences student’s perception of difficult V. DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULT
The data collected were analyzed by descriptive and
 Research Hypothesis inferential statistics frequency counts and percentages were
Base on the investigation, the null hypothesis was also used for answering the 3 research question. The chi-
formulated and tested for the study. HO1: There is no square (X2) as a statistical tool was used to test the only one
significant difference in the number of geometry concepts formulated hypothesis (HO1) which landed at the tested
perceived difficult in male and female students significant level of 0.05. In the course of analysis “very
difficult” “difficult” and “moderately difficult” were merged
 Research Type and classified as difficult. As well as “not difficult” was
The use of questionnaire for collection of information regarded as easy. The answer questions 1, 2 and 3 include:
on the difficult geometry concepts in mathematics was done
which is descriptive and survey type population.  Research Questions 1
What are the topics that are very difficult concepts in g
IV. SAMPLE AND SAMPLE TECHNIQUES eometry to the SS2 learners in Cross River State, Nigeria?
The population involved is 450 Senior Secondary Table 1: Shows the number of students as respondents
School Students in Cross River State which was randomly that viewed some topics as difficult concepts in geometry.
selected and the target population was just the SS2 student The concepts for which percentage for response for
from 30 Senior Secondary School from this three senatorial

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Volume 3, Issue 11, November – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
difficulty falls below 60% are grouped as not difficult (easy) are viewed not difficult (easy) by the students. They include;
and that which falls in 6.0% or above are grouped as triangles, angles and lines, similar triangles, theorems on
difficult. Out of 20 concept, 8 concept are perceived difficult triangles, circles polygons, quadrilaterals, length, area and
by the students. They include congruent triangle, circle parameters of plane figure, areas and sectors of circles,
theorem, construction and locus, surface area of solid figure, chords and segment angle of elevation and depression in
volume of solid figure, longitude and latitude, coordinate Pythagoras.
geometry and bearing and distance. Twelve (12) concepts

S/n Topic viewed as concepts Frequency count and % Frequency c

ount and percentage of No of respo
number respondents of difficult con ndents of (easy) concept
1. Angles and lines 117.00(26.00%) 333 (74.00)
2. Triangle 108 (24.00%) 342 (76.00)
3. Theorem of Triangle 243 (54.00%) 208 (46.00)
4. Similar triangles 261 (58.00%) 189 (42.00%)
5. Congruent triangles 315 (70.00%) 135 (30%)
6. Circles 99 (22.00%) 351 (78%)
7. Polygon 155 (34.00%) 297 (66%)
8. Quadrilaterals 198 (44.00%) 252 (56%)
9. Circle theorem 351 (78.00%) 99 (22%)
10. Construction and locus 405 (90.00%) 45 (10%)
11. Length, areas and parameter of place figu 171 (38.00%) 279 (62%)
12. Areas and sector of circle 207 (46.00%) 243 (54%)
13. Chords and segment of circles 216 (48.00%) 234 (52%)
14. Surface area of solid figure 342 (76.00%) 108 (24%)
15. Volume of solid figure 324 (72.40%) 126 (28%)
16. Longitude and latitude 333 (74.00%) 117 (26%)
17. Coordinate geometry 378 (84.00%) 72 (16%)
18. Pythagoras’s theorem 189 (42.00%) 261 (58%)
19. Angle of elevation 126 (28.00%) 324 (72%)
20. Bearing and distance 342 (76.00%) 108 (24%)
4878 (1084%) 4122 (916%)
Table 1 Percentage Difficulty Level Of Frequency Counts

 Research Questions 2
What are the general causes of the perceived difficulty in geometry?

S/n Reasons Frequency count Percentage %

1. Unavailability of instructional materials/i 152 33.80%
nsufficient time allocation
2. Teaching method 125 27.80
3. Complexity 74 16.40
4. Student gender 55 12.20
5. Misconception of concept 44 9.80
Table 2:- Shows the frequency counts and percentage of reason adduced by indicates in concepts perceived difficult to learn.
In this table above it is discovered that the follows arranged: Teaching method (27.80%), Complexity
unavailability of instructional materials/insufficient time has (16.4%), Students gender (12.20%) an\d misconception of
the highest percentage of (33.40%) as the major reason for concept has the lowest percentage (9.80%).
perceiving the concepts difficult to learn, while the rest as

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Volume 3, Issue 11, November – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Research question 3
At what observed level does geometry difficult concept is perceived?

S/n Topic view as concept Frequency count and no of resp Frequence count & no of respondent
ondents of difficult conception not difficult (easy)
1. Angle and line 117 333
2. Triangles 108 343
3. Theorem of triangle 243 207
4. Similar triangle 261 189
5. Congruent triangle 315 135
6. Circles 99 351
7. Polygon 153 297
8. Quadrilaterals 198 252
9. Circle theorems 351 99
10. Construction and locus 405 45
11. Length, Arcs and Parameter of plane 171 279
12. Arcs and sector of circles 207 243
13. Chords and segment of circles 216 234
14. Surface area of solid figure 342 108
15. Volume of solid figure 324 126
16. Longitude and latitude 333 117
17. Coordinate geometry 378 172
18. Pythagoras 189 261
19. Angle of elevation and depression 126 324
20. Bearing and distance 342 108
Total 4878 (54.20%) 4122 (45.8)
Table 3:- Below shows frequency count and the members of the respondent of geometry difficult concept.
The table 3 Show’s the frequency counts and their and gave rise to a total of 9000 (100%). The observable
number of the respondents of geometry difficult concepts. level that geometry difficult concepts perceived is at 54.20%
The frequency counts and percentages of difficult concept while that of not difficult (easy) is 45.80%. This means that
line to be 4878 (54.2%), while frequency counts and difficult generating concept is higher than those perceived
percentage of not difficult (easy) concepts is 4122 (45.8%) not difficult (easy) to learn by the students.

 Research question 4
Does gender influences student’s perception of difficult geometry concepts?
Ho1: There is no significant difference in the number of geometry concept perceived difficult by male and female students.

Gender VD D MD ND DF X2Cal X2tab

Male 7.7% 8.5% 9.2% 2.4% 3 28.01 7.82
692 765 828 1836
628.54 754.87 801.60 1955.93
Female 2.1% 9.7% 10.1% 26.7
695 873 909 2403
759.41 883.13 935.40 2283.07
Table 4

The above table 4 shows that the X2cal= 28.01 while VI. DISCUSSION
X lab=7.82 with diff=3 at the level of significant of 0.05
since X2cal value is greater than X2tab value hypothesis 1 is Eight out of twenty geometry concepts were perceived
rejected. This implies that there is a significant difference in difficult to learner while 12 were not perceived difficult by
the number of geometry concept perceived difficult to learn the learner. Thereason for perceiving the concept difficult
of male and female students in favour of female students. were unavailability instructional materials/insufficient time
This finding also provides an answer to research question 4. allocation 152 (35.80%) teaching method 125(27.80%)
That is to say gender influence student’s perception of complexity 74 (16.40%), student gender 55(12.20%) and
difficult geometry concept. misconception 44 (9.80%). This result agreed the early
findings. The difficulty of geometry concepts perceived
difficulty by students was 4878(54.2%) while not difficult
(easy) was 4122(45.8%). Female students were favoured by
a significant difference in number of geometry concept
perceived difficult. This means that female students do

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Volume 3, Issue 11, November – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
better compare to their male counterpart. This agreed with REFERENCES
Kurumeh (2004) and Gimba (2006) who found out that
female students performed better them male students when [1]. WAEC WAEC cluf txanum Report 200.
expose to geometry, measurement and 3 dimensional [2]. RIW. Gimba (2013) Effects of compule.
mathematics instruction material respectively. [3]. Package on achievement.
[4]. Retention and interest in set theory.

It is believed that;
 The concepts perceived difficult by the learner were
eight in number while twelve were also perceived not
difficult (easy).
 It is obviously observed that difficulty in the learning of
these geometry concepts could be attributed methods of
teaching, unavailability of instruction
material/insufficient time allocation, student gender,
complexity and misconception of concepts.
 The percentage level of difficulty of difficult geometry
concepts was 54.2% while that of not difficult (easy)
 Student gender quality had a significant influence on the
member of geometry concept perceived difficult by male
and female student in favour of female students. This
means that female students do better in geometry then
male students.


Based on these result, those suggestion are consider must be

 Appropriate teaching method of instruction that match
with difficult geometry concept in mathematics should
be engaged.
 Government should intervene through Federal and State
Ministry of Education, in the provision of relevant
instructional material to schools.
 Workshops and seminars should be organized for teacher
on how to teach these difficult concepts in geometry.
 Sufficient time should be allocated in the school time
table for geometry concepts
 Rearrangements of the geometry concept in school
curriculum not to be complex for teacher to teach.

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