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Effect of Geogebra Software On Students' Academic Performance in Mensuration at The Senior High School Level

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Effect of Geogebra Software on Students’ Academic

Performance in Mensuration at the Senior High
School Level
Vincent Kofi Akwensi1 Muddey Donne Komla2
1 2
Department of Mathematics and ICT, Bongo Senior High Department of Statistics, Ho Technical University, P. O
School, P. O. Box 7, Bongo Box HP 217, Ho

Churcher Kwesi Amanyi3 Christopher Saaha Bornaa4

3 4
Department of Mathematics and ICT Education, School of Department of Mathematics and ICT Education, School of
Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, C. K. Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, C. K.
Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences, P. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences, P.
O. Box 24 UE/R, Navrongo, Ghana O. Box 24 UE/R, Navrongo, Ghana

Abdulai Mumuni Abugri5 Ambrose Kombat6

Department of Mathematics, Pentecost Senior High School- 6
Department of Mathematics, St. Bernadett’s Technical
Bremang, P. O. Box KS 14958, Adum Kumasi, Ashanti Institute, Navrongo
Region, Ghana

Corresponding Author’s Name: Vincent Kofi Akwensi

Abstract:- This study investigated the effects of I. INTRODUCTION

GeoGebra software on students’ academic performance
in mensuration at the Senior High School level. The Mathematics is one of the major subjects considered
study employed a quantitative research method which throughout Ghanaian Educational levels. The field of social
adopted a quasi-experimental research design with sciences helps us to be able to decode the environment and
pretest-posttest non-equivalent control groups. Test and find solutions to problems in the world, be they social,
questionnaire were used to collect data for the study and scientific, or economic (Wilson, 2018). It opens up the
the collected data was analysed using descriptive understanding of people to various phenomena and fields of
statistics and an independent sample t-test. Two intact study, which can be social, economic, or historical facts
classes comprising 60 second-year Senior High School (Carvajalino, 2018). Hence it has become an adequate tool
students of the Upper East Region were used for both and skill to acquire knowledge and present facts from the
control and experimental groups. The independent t-test environment. It is a subject that is learned by all pre-tertiary
analysis revealed a significant difference in the posttest institutions in Ghana. According to Bassey (2020),
mean scores between the control and experimental mathematics is a foundation for global and national growth,
groups. Again, the descriptive statistics of the mathematics is essential for understanding and using science
questionnaire showed positive feedback from students and technology. Mathematics is important for both literate
towards incorporating GeoGebra software in the and illiterate members of society because of its applications
teaching and learning of Mensuration. The study, in daily life, including transportation, business of all kinds,
therefore, recommended that the use of GeoGebra and contributions to scientific and technological
should be made to form an integral part of the Senior advancement. (Golji & Damgpe, 2016).
High School Curriculum and teachers should be trained
on how to use it. Also, Teachers should incorporate Mathematics is one of the subjects considered a
GeoGebra in teaching mathematics in Senior High prerequisite for admission into tertiary institutions and state
Schools since it has positive effects on students’ academic agencies in Ghana. One cannot be admitted without a pass in
performance. mathematics. Despite this, research has shown that
mathematics is one of the challenging subjects and the
Keywords:- GeoGebra software, Traditional Method, majority of students in Ghana have difficulties
Students’ Academic Performance, Students’ Perception. understanding different concepts in the subject most
especially geometry (Mensah-Wonkyi & Adu, 2016). For
this reason, various educational stakeholders and curriculum
developers are looking for ways to learn mathematics,

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
especially the basic Schools and Senior High Schools for good performance in their academics. GeoGebra is an
students to have a good foundation in the subject. accessible and dynamic mathematics software that combines
geometry, algebra, and calculus into a single, approachable
Geometry, one of the oldest branches of mathematics tool (Hohenwater, Jarvis, & Lavicza, 2008). Features from
originates from two Greek words, “Earth and Measuring” prior versions of Geometer’s Sketchpad, Maple, Derive, and
which means earth measurement. The first country to have Cabri were included in this program (Sahaa, Ayub, &
civilization in geometry is the Egyptians. It was developed Tarmizi, 2010). The free and user-friendly application of
partly for re-establishing landmarks and boundaries after the GeoGebra software enables us to connect geometry with
Nile floods. Geometry helps represent and resolve issues in algebra (Wallace, Clark & White, 2012). The support
other branches of mathematics in practical contexts and resources for GeoGebra software are really good
instils in students’ fundamental abilities like analysis, (Particularly for a free tool). With user-contributed
comparison, and generation. Euclidean geometry is the additions, these resources are extremely succinct, readily
name given to the earliest type of geometry (named after available, and expertly produced. According to the
Euclid, the famous Greek mathematician). The development GeoGebra website, this collaborative learning environment
of Lobachevsky’s geometry later added to the plane emphasizes "quality against quantity" (Grandgenett, 2007).
geometry of Euclidean geometry to create the foundation for
modern solid geometry (Bonola, 1995). Right from its II. PROBLEM STATEMENT
onsets, students had always found geometry uninteresting.
Even famous Pythagoras found it difficult to get a willing Geometry has been of special interest to all
student in Geometry (Maor, 2019). The pre-tertiary stakeholders of education in Ghana. Much research has
mathematics curriculum (CRDD, 2010) outlines the revealed that mathematics is abstract, especially shapes and
mathematics syllabus into seven primary sections of which diagrams (Idris, 2010). According to Idris (2010), students
geometry had four. The four major themes deal with the do not see the essence of geometry because educators have
relations and qualities of lines, points, planes and solid failed to develop a visualization of geometrical concepts in
figures, making them an important component in the field of learning. Many students move out of class when it is time
mathematics. for mathematics such as Mensuration and other related
Geometry topics. While the teacher provides the necessary
The whole world and its activities are full of information (Charts and Carboards demonstration) to let
geometrical applications, it makes one understand the world students understand the ideas of mensuration, students
(Schopenhaur, 2016). Architectural, engineering works, etc. appear to have difficulty applying this knowledge to a given
are all integral aspects of Geometry; hence it is obvious that activity. It seems as though additional guidance is needed to
the world cannot do anything without geometry. “Without help students manipulate geometry properties for them to
the world, geometry does not exist and without geometry, completely comprehend and visualize geometry properties.
the world does not exist”. According to Serin (2018), our This perspective is reinforced by the studies (Battista, 1999;
life is full of Geometrical shapes. Therefore, geometry is Prescott, Mitchelmore & White, 2002) which show that
recommended for all basic and pre-tertiary education. The students struggle to understand the ideas and necessary
purpose of teaching geometry is to assist students in seeing information when learning geometry.
forms and flat figures that may not be readily seen and
understood (Clements, & Saarama, 2022). Many students do The teaching of geometry has been of great concern to
not like the area of mensuration when it comes to topics in mathematicians and educational stakeholders (Mesa,
mathematics. Countries over the world are putting more Gomez, & Cheah, 2012). A research report presented by Mji
effort into finding new and effective ways of teaching and Makgato (2006) revealed that there is a critical issue
geometry to promote academic achievement and students’ regarding teaching and learning mathematics in South
interest to learn. In other to make mathematics lessons Africa. Also, the Chief examiners’ reports for the past eight
interesting, learning must be integrated with ICT since years (2015 to 2022) revealed that students performed
technology is one of the most effective tools that influence abysmally poorly in the area of geometry (West Africa
students’ participation in learning in today’s era. The Secondary School Examination). It has frequently been
twenty-first-century students are well equipped with various observed in Bongo District that, students still struggle to
mobile phone apps due to their constant usage of mobile understand mensuration when it is taught and learned. It
phones, and other electronic gadgets. seems as though additional guidance is needed to help
students explore geometry properties for them to completely
GeoGebra is one of the software developed by two comprehend and visualize geometry properties. These
graduate students (Marcus Hohenwater & Yves Keris) in challenges students faced in geometry could be attributed to
2001. The software was developed to aid mathematics a lack of visualization of geometrical properties during the
lessons at the basic and Senior High School levels and teaching and learning of geometry. Hence there is a need for
college of education (Hohenwater & Preiner, 2007). innovative methods of teaching geometry. One such
GeoGebra is a package with much interactive geometry innovative way is the use of GeoGebra software. Though the
software for mathematics lessons (Dahal, Shrestha & Pant GeoGebra software has been in existence for a very long
2019). According to Bhagat and Chang (2015), the time little is seen of its effects on students’ academic
integration of ICT into mathematics lessons tends performance in geometry in the Upper East Region of
motivating students at the same levels. Thereby leading to Ghana. This study, therefore, examines the effects and the

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
perceptions of GeoGebra software on students’ academic Tanzania introduced ICT in the year 2002, as a teaching
performance in Geometry. tool, not just as a subject to be taught but also should be
integrated as a teaching pedagogy in learning mathematics
 Research Objectives and science (Kayyulilo & Voogt, 2015).
This study sought to find out how well students'
understanding of Mensuration improved after using According to one study, GeoGebra can assist students
GeoGebra and also elicit students' perceptions of GeoGebra in understanding experimental, problem-based, and
software in the Bongo Senior High School in the Upper East research-based mathematics learning both in the classroom
Region of Ghana. The specific objectives sought to: and at home (Dikovi, 2009,). Students can benefit from this
program by being able to “understand the principles buried
 determine whether there is a difference between the in technology" (Pandiscio 2002). In another study, geometry
posttest mean scores of students taught using the teaching improved students' learning outcomes (Saha, Ayub,
GeoGebra software and those taught without the use of & Tarmizi, 2010). The coordinate system's geometry. Other
the GeoGebra software. research employed GeoGebra and found that there were
 determine students’ perception of the GeoGebra software substantial variations in the scores of the two groups
during the teaching and learning of mensuration. (control and experimental). (Shadaan & Eu, 2013; Zengin,
Furkan, & Kutluca, 2012). In these conditions, the
 Research Hypotheses experimental group outperformed the control group in a big
way.” According to Guven (2012), the experimental group
 there is no significant difference between the posttest outperformed the control group in terms of academic
mean scores of students taught using GeoGebra and accomplishment as well as levels of learning of
students taught without GeoGebra. transformation geometry when GeoGebra was used as a
teaching tool. GeoGebra is an example of dynamic software
 Research Question that benefits student learning and achievement.
Additionally, it has been seen to have a good impact on
 What is students’ perception of GeoGebra software as a students (Dogan & Içel, 2011). An open-source program for
technological tool in the teaching and learning of studying mathematics is called GeoGebra. GeoGebra
Mensuration? validates various dynamic representations' constituent parts
and offers a wide range of computational tools for modelling
III. LITERATURE REVIEW and simulation. Numerous mathematical materials are
accessible to people all around the world with GeoGebra's
Research conducted by Krueger and Kumar (2004), user-friendly interface and web platform. Below is the
has revealed that in some countries ICT has been integrated GeoGebra software for learning the various topics of
into the educational structure and method of teaching. The mathematics.
Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT) of

Fig 2 shows various GeoGebra Software

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Figure 2 above depicts the six kinds of GeoGebra perceptions of the use of GeoGebra were generally good,
software. To study functions, solve equations, create according to Shadaan and Leong (2013).
geometry shapes, and create three-dimensional objects, one
uses a calculator suite: Calculator for graphing, which is Tay and Wonkyi (2018), investigated the impact of
also used to examine graph equations and plot data. The GeoGebra on Senior High School students' GeoGebra
GeoGebra 3D calculator provides a visual representation of performance with an emphasis on circles. Additionally, 49
3D graphing operations and is used to determine the surface pupils from a quasi-experimental non-equivalent control
area of 3D objects. The construction of circles, angles, group were used in the study”. The children were divided
transformations, and other objects all involve geometry. into two groups from two schools in the study using
Finally, the CAS calculator is used to solve equations, purposive sampling, with one group receiving instruction
expand and factorize equations, and calculate the derivatives using GeoGebra and the other receiving instruction using
and integrals of functions. GeoGebra Classic 6 is utilized for the conventional approach. Tay and Wonkyi discovered that
geometry worksheets and probability. pupils who used the GeoGebra software to learn geometry
showed improvement. GeoGebra-based instruction,
Numerous studies have shown that GeoGebra can be according to Tay and Wonkyi (2018), made lessons in the
utilized to raise student achievement. These studies included classroom more engaging and useful for pupils”. According
one by Saha et al (2010). “The main objective was to to the relevant reviewed literature, GeoGebra has a
determine how utilizing GeoGebra to teach Coordinate substantial edge when it comes to teaching mathematics and
Geometry affected students' performance. 53 secondary its applications in daily life. Kemp (2006) discovered in a
school students participated in the study and were divided different study that high-ability Grade 9 males found the
into two groups: the control group and the experimental lesson to be fascinating. Students were satisfied and
group. While the control group did not utilize the software, involved in the session when utilizing the GeoGebra
the experimental group received instruction using program, and they went above what the teacher had
GeoGebra. The outcome was that the experimental group prescribed in terms of learning.
outperformed the control group by a large margin. The
implication was that the use of GeoGebra in blended Angers and Machtmes (2005), reported on instructors'
instruction was a valuable addition to the traditional attitudes and beliefs on the use of ICT as a learning tool.
approach to teaching mathematics. The research tool for the They concluded that they have positive attitudes. Also,
study was an accomplishment test. “The sample was divided Sanders and Morrison Shetlar (2002), also reviewed
into two groups: the experimental group (17 students), who “Students’ Attitudes toward technology in Teaching and
received instruction using the software, and the control Learning” Their study confirmed that students' attitudes
group (15 students), who received instruction at an toward technology are influential in determining the
elementary school for 11 hours without using the software. educational benefits of online learning resources and
The study's conclusions showed that the experimental group experiences. Much of this research showed that the majority
and the control group differed significantly from one of students see the use of ICT in learning favourably and
another. This result shows that using GeoGebra helped the hence have a positive perception. ICT offers students a
students who use the software with a great outcome score learning environment that encourages independent learning
than the traditional instruction students. Additionally, it as well as more opportunities to share, interact, and
showed that the students who used the software recalled collaborate with other students.
information better than the kids who learned in a computer-
free environment and learned more efficiently using IV. METHODOLOGY
GeoGebra. Selçik and Bilgici's (2011) findings were
comparable to Zengin, Furkan, and Kutlucaa's (2012) study. The study adopted a quasi-experimental design with
The goal of Zengin et al (2012), study was to ascertain pretest-posttest non-equivalent control groups. According to
GeoGebra's impact on students' trigonometry performance. Vanderstoep and Johnson (2009), a quasi-experimental
According to Zengina, et al. (2012) findings, GeoGebra study uses empirical data to determine the causal effects of
raised learners' proficiency more effectively than the treatment (intervention) on the population it is intended to
students who were taught using the conventional method. reach. The two schools were assigned into two categories,
The usage of GeoGebra in mathematics lessons was cited as thus experimental and control groups in a non-random
a successful constructivist instructional technique by manner as part of the research design. The Quasi-
Zengina, et al. (2012). experimental research design was employed for this study
because the study was carried out in a normal school setting
A study by Shadaan and Leong (2013) sought to where intact classes were used thereby making
determine how GeoGebra affected students' comprehension randomization impossible. An intervention planned was
of the teaching and learning of circles. Ninety-five students taken by teaching. The students received planned and
were divided into the treatment group and the control group delivered instruction. The Researcher used tests and
for the study. Pre- and post-tests were used in the study to questionnaires to collect data for the study. The researcher
evaluate the impact of GeoGebra on students' performance administered the pretest before the interventions. The tests
in learning circles. The study's results revealed that pupils contain twenty-five questions (25) for both objective (20)
who used GeoGebra to learn about circles outperformed and subjective (5). Two groups (control and experimental
their colleagues who did not utilize the program. Students' groups) wrote the pretest at the same time and same day.

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The Researcher took six weeks for the interventions Pearson Product Moment Coefficient for the test which
(treatment) to teach both the concept and the content of yielded a coefficient of 0.81 and 0.86 for the pretest and
Mensuration. Problems were solved in the same period. posttest respectively. Also, the reliability of the
Mensuration was taught using GeoGebra Software to the questionnaire was determined by calculating the Cronbach
experimental group and the control group was taught with alpha, which yielded 0.72. Descriptive statistics and t-test
the traditional way of teaching. After the intervention statistics at 𝑃≤ 0.05 level of significance were used to
posttest was conducted for both groups and marked answer the objective and the null hypothesis. The SPSS was
appropriately. The test item was thoroughly vetted by used in computing the p-value or Sig. value of the t-test and
supervisors and experts in the mathematics education field four-point Likert Scale (1 – 4).
of study to establish its validity. The reliability of the
instrument was ensured by using a pilot study from V. RESULTS
Bolgatanga Senior High School in the Bolgatanga
Municipality on both the Test and questionnaire. A test-  Objective One
retest method was used; the instrument was administered to Determine the effects of GeoGebra on students’
the respondents and re-administered to them after six weeks. Performance
The two sets of scores obtained were correlated using the

Table 1 Statistical Analysis of Pretest Posttest Mean and Standard Deviation Scores of Experimental and Control Group.
Pretest Posttest
Group N Mean Std. Deviation Mean Std. Deviation
Control 30 9.13 3.71 10.67 3.38
Experimental 30 9.10 3.74 14.87 4.69
Source: fieldwork 2022.

A cursory look at Table 1 indicates that the group table that, for each of the groups, the posttest means were
taught using traditional method teaching (Control group) has greater than the pretest means with the experimental group
a pretest mean of 9.13 with a standard deviation of 3.711 having the highest mean. This proves that incorporating
while the group taught using GeoGebra software GeoGebra into teaching mathematics has a more positive
(Experimental group) had a pretest mean score of 9.10 with effect on students’ performance than that of the traditional
a standard deviation of 3.736. The results in the table also method.
show the posttest mean scores and standard deviations for
the two groups. The control had a posttest mean of 10.67 Ho1 There is no statistically significant difference
with a standard deviation of 3.38 while the Experimental between the posttest mean scores of students taught using
group had a posttest mean score of 14.87 with a standard GeoGebra and students taught without GeoGebra.
deviation of 4.69. However, it can be observed from the

Table 2 Independent Samples T-Test for the Experimental and Control Groups' Posttest Results.
Groups N Mean Std. Dev. t-value Df Sig-value
Control 30 10.67 3.377 -3.259 58 .003
Experimental 30 14.87 4.696
Source: Field Survey, 2022.

The results in Table 2 indicate that there was a experimental group improved from GeoGebra by acquiring
statistically significant difference between the control and a solid conceptual knowledge of the diagrams in the post-
experimental groups, as indicated by the significance value test questions, which improved their approaches to offering
of 0.003 from the t-test performed on the means of the 0.05 solutions and the precision of their work. Correct geometric
significance level. We rule out the null hypothesis that there idea visualization will help pupils perform better on
is no statistical difference between the posttest mean scores accomplishment tests (Shadaan & Leong, 2013).
of the two groups due to the significant value of 0.003.
Since we reject the null hypothesis, we can conclude that  Research Question Two
there is a significant difference between the control and What is students’ perception of GeoGebra as a
experimental group posttest mean scores in favour of the technological tool in the teaching and learning of
experimental. This result indicated that students in the Mensuration?

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 3 Students’ Perceptions of GeoGebra as a Technological Tool in Teaching Mensuration
SA A D SD Total
Statement N % N % N % N % N %
I was excited about using the GeoGebra software, 21 70 9 30 0 0 0 0 30 100
GeoGebra helped me learn a lot. 19 63.3 11 36.7 0 0 0 0 30 100
During the class activity, I felt comfortable using the 9 30 19 63.3 2 6.7 0 0 30 100
GeoGebra program.
I gave my entire attention to the learning process. 23 76.7 7 23.3 0 0 0 0 30 100
The connection between the teacher and students was 22 73.3 5 16.7 3 10 0 0 30 100
beneficial to me.
I was able to think creatively during the discussions 20 66.7 4 13.3 6 20 0 0 30 100
and Q&A session
GeoGebra made learning mathematics much more 23 76.7 7 23.3 0 0 0 0 30 100
enjoyable for me.
I was able to form better connections between 18 60 7 23.3 5 16.7 0 0 30 100
previous learning and new learning.
I wish to use GeoGebra all the time in mathematics 17 56.7 10 33.3 3 10 0 0 30 100

Table 3 shows the results of students’ perceptions. The and sig. value it can be inferred that the students who used
results above indicated that students gave positive feedback Geoebra software performed better than their counterparts
towards the incorporation of GeoGebra software in teaching taught using the traditional method. The findings confirm
and learning. The majority of the students strongly agreed Zengina, Furkan, and Kutlucaa's (2012) results. According
(70%) and agreed (30%) that they were excited about using to their findings, GeoGebra was able to raise students'
GeoGebra software, meanwhile, 63.3% strongly agreed and performance in trigonometry more effectively than the
36.7% agreed that the GeoGebra software helped them learn conventional method of teaching and learning. The findings
a lot. During the class activity, 30% and 63.3% strongly also supported the results of Guven (2012), whose findings
agreed and agreed respectively that they felt comfortable indicated that the experimental group outperformed the
using the GeoGebra program only 2 students disagree with control group in terms of academic accomplishment as well
the statement. Most of the students affirm that they gave as levels of learning of transformation geometry when
their entire attention to the learning process during the GeoGebra was used as a teaching tool. The results support
GeoGebra lesson (23% strongly agreed and 76.7% agreed Shadaan and Leong (2013) study. The study's results
with the statement) while 23.3% disagreed. For student- revealed that pupils who used GeoGebra to learn about
teacher relationships, 73.3% (strongly agreed) and 16.7% circles outperformed their colleagues who did not utilize the
agreed that there were good relationships between the program. Finally, from Table 3 it was found that students’
teacher and students concluding that the teacher-student responses to the questionnaire that the students have a
relationship was beneficial. Finally, 56.7% strongly agreed positive perception towards the use of GeoGebra learning,
and 33.3% agreed that GeoGebra software should be used this confirmed the assertion made by Shadaan & Leong
all the time in mathematics lessons. However, some students (2013) that students have a positive perception.
disagreed (10%) that the GeoGebra software should not be
used during mathematics. VII. CONCLUSION

VI. DISCUSSION GeoGebra as a teaching and learning tool enhanced

students' performance in mathematics, hence it would be of
The results in Table 1 indicate that the mean scores of great advantage when GeoGebra is incorporated as a
students during the pretest are very close. This implies that teaching and learning tool. Also, students’ perceptions of
all the two groups are of the same level in terms of their GeoGebra as a technological tool in teaching Mensuration
academic performances. Hence the results support the were positive. Therefore, students would embrace the
assumption that students in each treatment group had software when it is introduced as a technological tool.
equivalent mathematical skills. For the posttest result,
though there was an improvement in the academic RECOMMENDATION
performance of students in both groups after treatment, it is
obvious from Table 1 that, the difference found was in It is recommended that; policymakers and mathematics
favour of the experiment group students in terms of the post- curriculum developers ensure GeoGebra is made an integral
test mean scores. part of the Senior High School Curriculum and teachers
should be trained on how to use it. Teachers should take
The analysis of the posttest results revealed that there advantage of ICT software such as GeoGebra in teaching
was a statistically significant difference (𝑝 = 0.003 < mathematics in Senior High Schools since students are
0.05) between the control and experimental groups; hence happy using GeoGebra. The Government should equip the
hypothesis two was rejected. Hence, based on the p-value SHS ICT Labs for students to use.

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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