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Test Lab Guide: Creating a Microsoft Azure

Active Directory and Windows Server Active

Directory Environment using Microsoft Azure
Active Directory Sync Services
Microsoft Corporation
Published: December 2014
Author: Mark Grimes

Special thanks to the following people for reviewing and providing invaluable feedback for this
Joe Davies, Bill Mathers, Andreas Kjellman

This document will assist IT professionals, administrators, architects, and developers with in
creating a test lab that uses Microsoft Azure Active Directory and Windows Server AD. The on-
premises Active Directory identities will be synchronized by using Azure AD Sync.
The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation
on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to
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Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the
date of publication.
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Test Lab Guide: Creating a Microsoft Azure AD and Windows Server AD Environment using
Azure AD Sync........................................................................................................................................... 4
In This Guide .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Test Lab Overview .................................................................................................................................... 4
Test Lab Guide Specific Requirements ................................................................................................. 5
Steps for Creating a Microsoft Azure AD and Windows Server AD Environment Test Lab .......... 6
Test Lab Guide Specific Information and Instructions ......................................................................... 6

Step 1: Set Up the Configuring the Windows Server 2012 R2 Base Configuration Test Lab for
Hybrid Identities Synchronization............................................................................................................ 7
PowerShell you Windows Server 2012 R2 VM to make a DC fast! .................................................. 7

Step 2: Sign-up for a Microsoft Azure 30-Day Trial ................................................................................ 8

Sign-up for a Microsoft Azure 30-Day Free Trial.................................................................................. 8

Step 3: Create a Microsoft Azure AD Tenant ........................................................................................12

Create a Microsoft Azure AD Tenant ...................................................................................................12

Step 4: Prepare the Microsoft Azure AD Tenant for Synchronization ...............................................14

Verify your domain ..................................................................................................................................14
Set domain as Primary ...........................................................................................................................16
Create a global administrator account in our Microsoft Azure AD tenant. .....................................17
Activate Microsoft Azure AD Tenant for Synchronization .................................................................25

Step 5: Create Organizational Units and Test Users in Windows Server AD ..................................26
Create Organizational Units...................................................................................................................26
Create Test Users ...................................................................................................................................27

Step 6: Download and Install Azure AD Sync .......................................................................................28

System Requirements ............................................................................................................................28
Download and Install the Microsoft Azure AD Synchronization .......................................................28
Configure Microsoft Azure Active Directory Sync ..............................................................................32

Step 7: Configure Azure AD Sync to specific Organizational Units ...................................................37

Create a service account to run the Active Directory Connector ..Error! Bookmark not defined.
Configure Azure AD Sync to Specific Organizational Units..............................................................37

Step 8: Run Azure AD Sync and Verify Results....................................................................................40

Verify the User has been synchronized ...............................................................................................40
Verify the password has been synchronized. .....................................................................................41

Summary ......................................................................................................................................................44
Test Lab Guide: Creating a Microsoft Azure
AD and Windows Server AD Environment
using Azure AD Sync
Microsoft Azure AD and Windows Server AD

In This Guide
Whether you already have Microsoft Azure and an available domain controller, or not, this guide
contains instructions for setting up a test lab for Azure AD Sync between Microsoft Azure and
Windows Server Active Directory. This Test Lab Guide is partially based on the existing Test
Lab Guide: Creating a Microsoft Azure AD and Windows Server AD Environment. This
guide is also a reference article for SMB Common Identities, an article to help small and
medium sized business understand all of the common identity scenarios that will enable identity
integration with Microsoft Azure and Windows Server Active Directory. Once a common identity
is established, then Microsoft Azure, acting as an identity hub, can facilitate seamless sign-on
with SaaS applications along with various other capabilities such as mobile scenarios and using

A full copy of this document is available for offline viewing here.

NOTE: If your small or medium sized business is going to have only Cloud Identities i.e. you will
not maintain servers on-premises and will only use Microsoft Azure Active Directory, then this
Test Lab Guide does not have a use case. This Test Lab Guide is ONLY to provide guidance in
simplifying synchronization of an on-premises Active Directory Domain Controller with Microsoft
Azure Active Directory.

Test Lab Overview

In this test lab, we move from the original base configuration to using the base configuration that
is enabled for cloud related technologies. This means that the machines are no longer isolated
from the internet and are able to communicate with cloud services such as Microsoft Azure. No
additional servers or machines are required beyond those that are required for the base
configuration outlined in step 1. However this guide does deviate some from that configuration so
see the Test Lab Guide Specific Information and Instructions below.
The following is an architectural diagram of this test lab guide.

Test Lab Guide Specific Requirements
There are no additional hardware requirements. There is one additional requirement, which is to
use Azure AD Sync. There are also few specific things that this test lab will require. The table
below provides a list of these requirements.
The following table provides a summary of the required items for this test lab guide.

Requirement Comment

Microsoft Azure 30-day Trial Microsoft Azure Free Trial

A Microsoft Account Microsoft account

A Mobile Phone that can receive text Required for Microsoft Azure verification.

A valid Credit Card Required for Microsoft Azure Free Trial.

Microsoft Azure AD Sync Microsoft Azure AD Sync

Windows Server 2012 R2 installation files This includes .NET 4.5 which is required by
Azure AD Sync. This is installed as a Feature
in the Server 2012 R2 Server Manager.

Steps for Creating a Microsoft Azure AD and
Windows Server AD Environment Test Lab
There are eight steps to follow when setting up the Creating a Microsoft Azure AD and Windows
Server AD Environment Test Lab Guide.
 Step 1: Set Up the Configuring the Windows Server 2012 Base Configuration Test Lab for
Public Cloud Technologies - The Base Configuration is the core of all Test Lab Guide
scenarios. This test lab guide has been modified so that the base configuration can be used
with cloud technologies.
 Step 2: Sign-up for a Microsoft Azure 30-Day Trial – In this step we sign up for our Microsoft
Azure trial.
 Step 3: Create a Microsoft Azure AD Tenant – In this step we create our Microsoft Azure
Active Directory tenant.
 Step 4: Prepare the Microsoft Azure AD Tenant for Synchronization – In this step we
configure our tenant so that it can synchronize with our on-premises Active Directory.
 Step 5: Create Organizational Units and Test Users in Windows Server AD – In this step, we
create the on-premises AD structure that we are going to synchronize with our Microsoft
Azure AD tenant.
 Step 6: Download and Install Azure AD Sync – In this step we download, install, and do an
initial configure of the software that will be used to synchronize our directories.
 Step 7: Configure Azure AD Sync to specific Organizational Units – In this step, we
customize Microsoft Azure AD Syncto only synchronize certain users from our on-premises
 Step 8: Run Azure AD Sync and Verify Results – In this step we run the tool and verify the

Test Lab Guide Specific Information and

The following section is a list of additional information on configuring the test lab. It also includes
items that may be omitted from the test lab guides that this test lab builds upon. This is to allow
for quicker deployment.
The following is a list of general information and instructions

 This test lab can be setup with just one DC1 either on-premises or within Azure Active
Directory. No other machines from the base configuration are required. If you already have
an on-premises Domain Controller or else Microsoft Azure and a Domain Controller in Azure
Active Directory, then you can skip the relevant sections below. Assuming you have Azure
Active Directory setup in your tenant and also a Domain Controller, then you could skip to
Step 4 to prepare the Azure AD Tenant for synchronization.

Step 1: Set Up the Configuring the Windows
Server 2012 R2 Base Configuration Test Lab
for Hybrid Identities Synchronization
Set up the Base Configuration test lab based on the instructions in Windows Server 2012 R2 Test
Lab Guide. The TechNet article Configuring the Windows Server 2012 Base Configuration Test
Lab for Public Cloud Technologies further describes the overall setup. For the purposes of this
Test Lab Guide, the APP1 server will not be used. But it can be built for other Test Lab Guides on
TechNet. You ONLY need a DC1 built for this scenario.
NOTE: If you already have a Domain Controller setup on-premises, then there is no need to
complete this step. OR, if you have a base Windows Server 2012 R2 server in Hyper-V or built in
your Azure Portal. This example lab was setup with a Domain Controller running in Hyper-V on a
Windows 8.1 host along with an MSDN subscription to Microsoft Azure. Below are the
PowerShell commands that will elevate your Windows Server to a Domain controller quicker than
you can click it!

PowerShell you Windows Server 2012 R2 VM to

make a DC fast!
If you already have a base Windows Server 2012 R2 image lying around and can use it for this
lab, simply run the following two commands from PowerShell ISE.

Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools

Install-ADDSForest -DomainName

Note: for a testing lab you can use or else a domain name you have
registered and own. If so, either one will be the name to use throughout the document
whenever you see <On-premises Domain Name>

The command above comes from the Windows Server 2012R2 Test Lab Guide. That document
will also have you create a test user as well. Any user accounts necessary to set up Azure AD
Synchronization are fully described in the steps below.

Step 2: Sign-up for a Microsoft Azure 30-Day
The first thing we are going to do after setting up the Base Configuration for Cloud Technologies
is to sign-up for a Microsoft Azure 30 Free Trial. You will need a Microsoft account, a mobile
phone and a credit card to complete this step.* The free trial accounts do have account limits so
the charge card will not be charged. Unless, of course you do not heed the warnings and go over
the limits, then you will incur costs. So watch the warnings in the Microsoft Azure Portal.
* NOTE: if you have used the same mobile phone to set up other tenants or trials, the mobile
verification may fail. This is for security. If that does happen, contact the support on that same
page and they will fix this to allow the same mobile number to be reused 
Signing up for Azure involves the following steps below.

Sign-up for a Microsoft Azure 30-Day Free Trial

Use the following procedure to sign-up for a Microsoft Azure free trial.

To Sign-up for a Microsoft Azure 30-Day Free Trial

1. Open Internet Explorer and navigate to
2. At the very top, click Free Trial. This will go to the free trial page.

3. On the free trial page, click Try it now. You will be asked to sign-in with your Microsoft

4. After signing in, you will see the sign-up page. Verify the information in section 1, About

5. In section 2, enter your mobile phone number and click Send Text Message. Wait for
the message to be sent to your phone.

6. Enter the code that was sent to your phone and click Verify Code.

7. Next enter your valid credit card information in section 3 as shown below.

8. Read the Microsoft Azure Agreement, Offer Details, and Privacy Statement then place
two checks in the boxes and click Sign Up. This will take you to a screen that provides a
summary of your subscription. At the top click Portal.

9. This will take you to the Microsoft Azure Portal. You will be presented with the Microsoft
Azure Tour wizard. If you haven’t taken the tour before it is short and worth walking
through. Otherwise you can close it.

Step 3: Create a Microsoft Azure AD Tenant
Now that we have a Microsoft Azure subscription, we are going to create a Microsoft Azure Active
Directory Tenant. This will be the cloud directory that we synchronize our on-premises AD
directory with.

Create a Microsoft Azure AD Tenant

Use the following procedure to sign-up for a Microsoft Azure free trial.

To Create a Microsoft Azure AD Tenant

1. If you are not already signed in to the Microsoft Azure Portal, do this first.
2. In the Microsoft Azure Portal, on the left, scroll down and click Active Directory. This
will take you to the active directory screen in the Microsoft Azure portal.

4. At the bottom, click New. This will bring up a pop up menu, where you will select
Directory on the right-most column.

5. Click Custom Create. Then fill out the fields below in the Add directory dialog box. For
the name, use a unique name that you would like to use for your lab. If the new is not
unique, the interface will let you know! The green check mark lets you know when it is

5. Ensure Create new directory is selected and then enter the Name, Domain Name, and
select a country or region from the drop-down. Click the check mark in the lower right
hand corner.
6. The directory should now be created and will appear at the top of the “active directory”
page in the Azure Portal.

Step 4: Prepare the Microsoft Azure AD

Tenant for Synchronization
Now that we have a tenant, we must prepare it in order to synchronize it with our on-premises
Active Directory. This step involves the following:
 Verify your domain
 Set domain as Primary
 Create a global administrator account in our Microsoft Azure AD tenant.
 Active Microsoft Azure AD Tenant for Synchronization

Verify your domain

When you create the Microsoft Azure AD tenant, a basic domain with <your domain
name> is created. But if you want to use a domain name that is registered and
you own, then you can add and use a custom domain. Because we had a custom domain for this
demo setup, we chose to use as the domain name in our Microsoft Azure AD tenant. Therefore,

the first thing we had to do was verify the domain. If you choose to take the same approach, then
use the following steps to verify your domain.
NOTE: This is NOT required to do this lab. Although in our example, we did purchase a domain
name and set it up. If you have or do purchase a Domain Name at a Registrar, the detailed steps
are included at Verify a domain at any domain name registrar on MSDN. The example steps used
in the validation of this lab are outlined below. Once your new domain name is verified, then
further bellow you will set it to be the primary domain name to be used.

To verify your domain

1. If you are not already signed in to the Microsoft Azure Portal, do this first.
2. In the Microsoft Azure Portal, on the left, scroll down and click Active Directory. This
will take you to the active directory screen in the Microsoft Azure portal.
3. On the right, click on our newly created tenant. This will bring up <Your Directory>
directory screen.
4. At the top, click on Domains, this will bring up the domains screen.

5. At the bottom of the “Domains” page, click Add. This will bring up the add domain
6. Enter your registered <domain name> in the box and click add.

Do not place a check in the single sign-on box. This TLG does not demonstrate
single sign-on.

7. You should see a notice that the domain was successfully added. Click the right arrow.
This will bring up a Verify the domain screen.

8. Microsoft Azure AD uses a DNS record that you create at your domain name registrar to
confirm that you own the domain. At this point, you need to add the value in the
Destination or Points to Address to a DNS record at your domain name registrar. For
example, if you use you would sign in there and add the DNS record to
your domain. Use the steps outlined here to assist with this.

9. This may take a little while but once it is verified you will see the status change to verified.

Set domain as Primary

Now that the domain has been verified, we need to set the domain as our primary domain. Use
the following procedure to set our verified domain to the primary domain.

To set domain as primary

1. If you are not already signed in to the Microsoft Azure Portal, do this first.
2. In the Microsoft Azure Portal, on the left, scroll down and click Active Directory. This
will take you to the active directory screen in the Microsoft Azure portal.
3. On the right, click on your newly created tenant above the Default Directory. This will
bring up your new directory’s screen.

4. At the top, click on Domains, this will bring up the domains screen.

5. At the bottom of the screen, click Change Primary. This will bring up a change primary
6. Make sure that your domain is selected under the New Primary Domain heading and
click the check mark.

7. Your domain should now be set as the primary domain.

Create a global administrator account in our

Microsoft Azure AD tenant.
In order to synchronize with Microsoft Azure AD, the directory synchronization utility (Azure AD
Sync) needs to know of an account with administrative privileges so that it can create, delete, and
update users and groups. Use the following procedure to create a global administrator account in
our new tenant.

To Create a Microsoft Azure AD global administrator

1. If you are not already signed in to the Microsoft Azure Portal, do this first.
2. In the Microsoft Azure Portal, on the left, scroll down and click Active Directory. This
will take you to the active directory screen in the Microsoft Azure portal.
3. On the right, click on our newly created tenant. This will bring up your directory screen.

4. At the top, click on Users, this will bring up the users screen. There should be only one
account in here, the Microsoft account you used to sign-up for your Azure subscription.
5. At the bottom, click Add User. This will bring up the add user wizard.
6. Enter a user name for the user and then click the arrow in the lower right.

7. Enter the first name, last name, display name, and select Global Administrator from the
drop-down. Click the right arrow.

8. Click the create button to create the user and get a temporary password.

8. This will create the account and assign it a temporary password. Use the icon next to the
temporary password to copy it to the clipboard.
NOTE: by default this password will only work for a month. For this lab, that is
appropriate, but in a Production environment, the account should be set to “password
does not expire”.

10. This will bring up a pop-up asking whether or not to allow Internet Explorer access to the
clipboard. Click allow access. Click the check mark.

11. Now, in the portal, at the top, click the user account you are logged in as and select sign
out from the drop-down.

12. This will sign you out and you will see a screen that says you have been signed out.
Click Sign In Using Your Organizational Account.

13. Now sign-in to the portal with the newly created administrator account using the
password we copied to the clipboard. The Organizational Account consists of your
user name, the @ symbol, and the primary domain name for your te nant. Example:

14. Once signed in, you will be prompted to change your password. Go ahead and set the
password to one of your choosing. This password will be required again when we setup
the Azure AD Sync tool so don’t forget it! Click submit.

15. Microsoft Azure will now attempt to log you on. You will see a screen that says you do
not have a Microsoft Azure subscription associated with this account. This is correct as
our subscription is associated with our Microsoft account. At this point, just close Internet
Explorer because the password has been changed.

Activate Microsoft Azure AD Tenant for
Finally, we need to flip the switch that allows us to synchronize with this directory in Microsoft
Azure. Use the following procedure to activate this Microsoft Azure AD tenant.

To Active Microsoft Azure AD Tenant for Synchronization

1. Sign back in to the Microsoft Azure Portal with the original account you first started with.
2. In the Microsoft Azure Portal, on the left, scroll down and click Active Directory. This
will take you to the active directory screen in the Microsoft Azure portal.
3. On the right, click on your new tena nt. This will bring up your directory screen.
4. At the top, click on Directory Integration, this will bring up the directory integration
5. In the middle of the screen, next to Directory Sync, change Deactivated to Activated. At
the bottom, click Save at the bottom.

Step 5: Create Organizational Units and Test
Users in Windows Server AD
Now that we have Microsoft Azure AD set up, we need to create the Organizational Unit structure
in our on-premises AD environment and populate the OU’s with a couple of users. This step
consists of the following.
 Create Organizational Units
 Create Test Users

Create Organizational Units

Use the following procedure to create the organizational units.

To create the Organizational Units

1. On DC1 (Or whatever DC you are using), open Active Directory Users and Computers
2. Right-click on <On-premises Domain Name> (or the name of your forest) and select New
and then select Organizational Unit.
3. In the name box, enter AADSYNC_USERS and click Ok.
4. Right-click on AADSYNC_USERS and select New and then select Organizational Unit.
5. In the name box, enter Engineering and click Ok.
6. Right-click on AADSYNC_USERS and select New and then select Organizational Unit.
7. In the name box, enter Sales and click Ok.
8. The OU structure should now look like this

Create Test Users

Now we will create one user in each of the new OUs that we created. One in Engineering and
one in Sales. Use the following procedure to create the Users.

To create test users

1. Right-click on Engineering and select New and then select User.
2. Enter the following and then click Next.
 First Name: Britta
 Last Name: Simon
 Full Name Britta Simon
 User logon name: bsimon
3. Enter a password for the user, remove the check from User must change password at
next logon and place a check in Password never expires.
4. Click Finish.
5. Right-click on Sales and select New and then select User.
6. Enter the following and then click Next.
 First Name: Lola
 Last Name: Jacobson
 Full Name Lola Jacobson
 User logon name: ljacobson
7. Enter a password for the user, remove the check from User must change password at
next logon and place a check in Password never expires.
8. Click Finish.

Step 6: Download and Install Azure AD Sync
Now that we have prepared Microsoft Azure AD and created our test OU structure and populated
it with users, we can download and install the Azure AD Sync tool. The following section consists
of the following:

 Download and Install the Microsoft Azure AD Synchronization Tool

 Configure the Microsoft Azure AD Sync Tool

System Requirements
You need an account with local administrator privileges on your computer to install AADSync.
Additionally, an Azure Account needs to be created in your AAD Tenant that has the Global
Administrator Role selected.

AADSync requires a SQL Server database to store identity data. By default a SQL Server
Express LocalDB (a light version of SQL Server Express) is installed and the service account for
the service is created on the local machine.

These are both the minimum and the supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2008,
Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2.
SQL Server Express has a 10GB size limit that enables you to manage approximately 100.000
objects. If you need to manager a higher volume of directory objects, you need to point the
installation process to a different version of SQL Server.

Create a Service Account for the installation

For purposes of this test lab, we will make the service account a member of domain admins. For
information on restricting the connector with the least amount of privileges required, see the
Forefront Identity Manager documentation. Use the procedure to create a service account.

To create a service account

1. In Active Directory Users and Computers, right-click on the Users OU and select New
and then select User.

2. Enter the following and then click Next.
 First Name: AD Connector
 Last Name: Account
 Full Name AD Connector Account
 User logon name: adconn
3. Enter a password for the user, remove the check from User must change password at
next logon and place a check in Password never expires.
4. Click Finish.
5. In the users OU, right-click on the new AD Connector Account and select properties.
6. In the properties, at the top, click Member Of and click Add.
7. In the Select Groups box, enter domain admins and click Check Names. This will
resolve with an underline. Click Ok.
8. Click Apply. Click Ok. Close Active Directory Users and Computers.

Download and Install the Microsoft Azure AD

Now we will download and install the Microsoft Azure AD Sync Services, also known as Azure AD
Sync. You will install this in your Domain Controller in <On-premises Domain Name>. Use the
following procedure to download and install Azure AD Sync.

1. You can download the Azure AD Sync tool from Microsoft Azure AD Sync tool – 64 bit.
2. Once the download is complete, navigate to the file that was downloaded and double-
click on Azure AD Sync.exe. You may get a security warning asking if you want to run
this file. Click Run.
3. On the Welcome screen, click Next.

4. On the License Terms screen, review the terms, click the I agree to the license terms
check box, and then click Install in the lower right of the window.

5. It will now start installing the components. This may take a few minutes.

6. In the Connect to Azure AD window, enter the Username and Password for your
Global Administrator account, and then click Next.

7. If the step above fails, exit the dialog box. Click the start menu and type
DirectorySyncTool. You will see the requirement as noted below

8. Now log off of DC1 and log back on. The reason for this is that the account you installed
the Azure AD Sync tool with was added to newly created security groups and we want to
refresh your security token.

This step is only required when installing the Azure AD Sync tool on a domain
controller. If it is installed on a member server, you do not have to log off and
then back on prior to running the configuration wizard.

Configure Microsoft Azure Active Directory Sync
Now, log back on to DC1 and we will begin with the initial configuration of the Azure AD Sync
tool. This will be a simple configuration and the next step will walk us through the advanced
configuration of scoping our OUs. Use the following procedure to run the Azure AD Sync
Configuration Wizard.

To configure the Microsoft Azure AD Sync

1. On your Domain Controller, click the Windows Icon in the lower left corner, this will take
you to the Start screen.
2. On the Start Screen, type Dir to find the DirectorySyncTool and Select it

3. On the Azure AD Credentials screen, enter the username and password of the global
administrator account you created for your tenant. Click Next.

4. On the AD DS Credential window, enter your Active Directory Forest, Username and
Password for the adconn Service Account created above. Click Add Forest and then
click Next. For this lab, the Domain admin as shown below can be used, but as a Best
Practice, a dedicated service account should be specified for this with domain admin

5. On the User Matching window below, most SMB organizations will just click Next. If
other options need to be considered, see the article Matching across forests for more
information on the options shown below.

The sourceAnchor attribute is an attribute which is not changing during the lifetime of a user object. In
single-forest and environments and where the account is never moved between forests, then objectGUID is a
good candidate. If the user is moved between forests or domains, then an alternative attribute must be

The userPrincipalName attribute is the user’s login ID in Azure AD. By default the userPrincipalName
attribute in ADDS is used. If this attribute is not routable or not suitable as the login ID a different attribute,
such as mail, can be selected during the install.

8. On the Optional Features windows, leave the defaults and click Next. Note the little blue
information icons which will also go to that specific page to learn more 

9. This will begin the Configuration. Once the configuration is complete, click Next.

10. On the Finished screen, deselect the check mark out of Synchronize now and click

Step 7: Configure Azure AD Sync to specific

Organizational Units
Now that we have installed and initially configured Azure AD Sync, we are going to do some
advanced configuration so as to only synchronize certain OUs and not our entire on-premises
Active Directory. This section consists of the following:
 Configure Azure AD Sync to Specific Organizational Units

Configure Azure AD Sync to Specific

Organizational Units
Use the following procedure below to configure Azure AD Sync to only synchronize specific
organizational units of your on-premises AD.

To configure Azure AD Sync to specific organizational units

1. Look for the shortcut on the desktop for “Synchronization Service”.
Shortcut Tip: click the Start menu and type miisclient, then select it.
2. In the Synchronization Service Manager tool, first click the Connectors button beneath
the menu, and then double-click on the “Active Directory Domain Servers” Connector to
bring up the Active Directory Connector properties again.
3. On the left, click Configure Directory Partitions. This will bring up the Configure
Directory Partitions section.

4. Click the Containers button. You will be prompted for the Password for the User Name
account. Any account can be used below as it is just reading the directory.
Administrator or adconn can be used for this lab.

5. Now the containers screen will come up. The easiest way to configure this is to deselect
the check box from the root of the tree. In this example below, DC=contoso,DC=com.
This will remove all of the checks. Now place a check mark in just the
AADSYNC_USERS container. This will check that container and all child containers. In
our case, this includes the Engineering and Sales containers.

6. Click OK. Click OK again. The Active Directory Connector properties should have closed
and we have successfully set the scope. In the next section we will run synchs and verify
our results.
7.Since we deselected Synchronize now at the end of the Azure AD Sync tool, it created
a “disabled” task in Task Schedule. You will need to enable this for synchronization to
occur. From the Start menu, start typing Task Scheduler until it appears in the menu
and then select it.

8.Click on Tasks Scheduler Library on the left window, and then right click on Azure AD
Sync Scheduler in the middle pane and select Enable.

9.From the Actions pane on the right, select Run to force a synchronization so that the
results will appear below. After that, the synchronization will repeat e very 3 hours.

Step 8: Run Azure AD Sync and Verify

Now it is time to verify the results are synchronized to Microsoft Azure AD. The default task
scheduled would happen in 3 hours. This is the automatic synchronization interval for the Azure
AD Sync tool. But since we triggered it above, the results will be seen within minutes. Although
the ability to run the connectors manually is available in the UI, this is not supported as this will
interfere with the automatic schedule. This section consists of the following:
 Verify the User has been synchronized
 Verify the password has been synchronized.

Verify the User has been synchronized

Now we will verify that the users have been synchronized. Use the following procedure to verify
the user has been synchronized.

To verify the User has been synchronized

1. Open Internet Explorer and navigate to and log in with
your Microsoft account.
2. In the Microsoft Azure Portal, on the left, scroll down and click Active Directory. This
will take you to the active directory screen in the Microsoft Azure portal.
3. On the right, click on your domain. This will bring up your directory screen.
4. At the top of the window, click on Users, this will bring up the users screen. You should
see our two new users.

Verify the password has been synchronized.
Now we will verify that the password has been synchronized. To do this we will log on to with Lola Jacobson’s account. This will show her the applications
that she has access to and she will also be able to view attributes associated with her account.
This site uses cloud authentication against your instance of Microsoft Azure AD.

To verify the password has been synchronized.

1. Sign out of Microsoft Azure and close any open browsers. Then re-open Internet
Explorer and navigate to

2. Log in as Lola Jacobson @ your domain. You should see the applications screen similar
to the one below.

3. Now, at the top, click profile. You should see the attributes and have the ability to
change your password.

The attributes actually will say N/A since we did not configure any of these.

4. You can now close Internet Explorer.

This ends the Test Lab Guide: Setting up Azure Active Directory and Azure AD Sync. We have
successfully synchronized our on-premises Active Directory with Microsoft Azure AD using Azure
Active Directory Sync. This test lab guide will be used as the basis for additional test lab guides
in the future that take advantage of using a Hybrid environment.


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