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GSP Gen Nav

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Form of the Earth 3


2 Basic Navigation Principles 11
3 Practical Navigation Plotting 29
4 Plotting on other Charts 43
5 Grid Navigation 50
6 Radio Navigation Charts 52
7 Relative Motion 71


8 Principles of Flight Planning 85
9 Choice of Route and Area Navigation 102
10 Weight Calculation 106
11 Point of No Return 112
12 Critical Point 121
13 Flight Planning Re-check 131
14 Cruise Controls, Fuel Reserves and EROPs 147
15 Computer and A TC Flight Plans 157

Appendix 1 Glossary of Abbreviations 171

Appendix 2 Conversion Factors 177
Appendix 3 Navigation Equipment, Charts, etc. ]79

Answers to Multi-choice Test Questions 182

The earth
The earth is not a true sphere but is flattened slightly at the poles. The more
correct description of its shape is an ellipsoid of revolution. Its equatorial
diameter of 6884nm exceeds its polar diameter by about 23 nm. This flattening
is known as compression, which is merely the ratio of the difference between
the two diameters to the larger diameter. Expressed in mathematical terms:

Co .equatorial diameter -polar diameter

mpresslon =
equatorial diameter

and its value approximates .1lxi. However, for our purposes, we will consider
the earth as a sphere.

Great circle (GC)

We would all agree that a line which directly joins any two places on the
earth represents the shortest distance between them. Now, if we continue one
end of this line in the same direction right round the earth until it finally joins
up at the other end, we find that the circle we have drawn just divides the
earth into two equal halves. Try it on an orange, keeping the knife blade at
90° to the skin. Putting the story in reverse we can state that the smaller arc
of a great circle always represents the shortest distance between two places.
This is all-important from our point of view.
To define it, a GC is a circle on the surface of the sphere whose centre is
the centre of the earth, whose radius is the radius of the earth and which
divides the earth into two equal parts. Rather a lengthy one to learn, but
know it and keep it in mind when dealing with GC problems. The definition
in fact tells us more about the nature of a great circle than just its contents:

.that only one GC could be drawn through any two places -try again on
an orange
.but if those two places were diametrically opposite an infinite number
of GCs could be drawn. Lines joining the two poles on the earth are
The equator and all the lines of longitude (meridians) are examples of GCs
(although, technically, meridians are semi-great Circles) .
4 Plotting and Flight Planning

Small circle
A small circle stands in contrast to a GC. By definition, any circle on the
surface of the earth whose centre and radius are not those of the sphere itself
is a small circle. All parallels of latitudes (except the equator) are small
circles. They do not represent the shortest distance between two places.

Latitude and longitude

A reference system in international use of which you have no doubt heard.
First of all, a GC is drawn round the earth through the North and South
Poles passing through Greenwich. That half of the GC between the two poles
which passes through Greenwich is called the Prime or Greenwich Meridian.
The other half is called the Greenwich anti-meridian. The Greenwich meridian
is labelled 00 and its anti-meridian, 180°. Thus, with this E- W division
established, more GCs in the form of meridians could be drawn, both to the
east of Greenwich and to the west.
The next step is to have a datum point for N-S divisions. This is obtained
by dividing the earth by a GC mid-way between the two poles, all points on it
being equidistant from the poles. Such a GC is called the equator, and
labelled 0° latitude. Small circles are now drawn, parallel to the equator,
towards both poles -these are parallels of latitude.

Definition of latitude
It is the arc of a meridian intercepted between the equator and the refer-
ence point. It is measured in degrees, minutes and seconds, and is termed
north or south according to whether the place is to the north or south of the
equator .

Definition of longitude
Longitude is the shorter arc of the equator intercepted between the Greenwich
Meridian and the reference point. It is measured east or west of the Prime
Meridian in degrees, minutes and seconds.
It is the meridians themselves that indicate North-South direction: the
parallels run East- West.
The whole network of latitude and longitude (also called parallels and
meridians) imagined to cover the earth is called a graticule. Thus, on a
complete graticule we would see meridians starting from Greenwich as 00
going right round to the East and West up to 179°59'59"£ and 179°59'59"W.
180° is common. Similarly to N-S, we would have parallels right up to 9O0N
and S, the poles. A degree is divided into 60 minutes, and each minute is
divided into 60 seconds (1° = 60'; l' = 60").
And while on the subject of latitudes and longitudes, there are two more
definitions you ought to be familiar with. They are: change of longitude (ch
long) and change of latitude (ch lat).
Form of the Earth 5

Fig. Ch lat and ch long.

Fig. .2 Rhumb line and GC.

Change of longitude
It is the smaller arc of the equator intercepted between the meridians of the
reference points. It is named East or West according to the direction of the

Change of latitude
It is the arc of the meridian intercepted between the parallels of the two
places and is named North or South according to the direction of the change.
In Fig. 1.1, if the flight was made from A to B, the ch long is 2°E; ch lat is
soN. If the flight was from B to A, the ch long is 2°W and ch lat soS.

Rhumb line (RL)

We established above that the shortest distance between any two places is
along the GC. This would be the ideal line (call it a track) to fly. However,
there is this disadvantage: the GC from one point to another will cross the
converging meridians at different angles. Since the meridians form the basis
of our track angle measurements, this would mean continuous alterations to
the track angles as the flight progresses (Fig. 1.2).
Apart from a 0900/2700RL (i.e. a parallel of latitude or the equator), all
others spiral towards the poles. Their curvature and so their disparity from
the equivalent GC, which is the nearest approach possible to a straight line
6 Plotting and Flight Planning

.; ~
, "
/ "'


Fig. .3 Rhumb line ~nd GC distances.

on the curved surface of the earth, increases with latitude. It follows that, in
low latitudes, GC and RL distances will show little difference. After all, the
equator is both a GC and an RL. In high latitudes, however, there can be a
great and wholly unacceptable difference.

RL and GC distances comparison

Consider a flight from 80°N OO°EWto 80°N 180°EW (Fig. 1.3). The GC route
is over the pole and the distance will equal 20° of latitude or 20 x 60 =
1200nm. Simple plane geometry suggests that the RL distance around the
parallel will be 600 7[ = 1885nm. In fact, on the spherical earth as opposed to
a flat diagram, the exact distance is 180 x 60 x cos 80° = 1875nm.

RL and GC directions comparison

It is often said that flying a GC, with a need to constantly change true
direction unless flying due North or South (meridians are semi-GCs) or East
or West along the equator, creates practical steering problems. In practice,
only aircraft with automatic ( computerised) navigation systems are likely to
fly true headings and these will quite easily direct the auto-pilot no matter
how many changes are required.
Consider two North Atlantic routes:

Shannon-Gander (GC 1715 nm RL 1748 nm)

Initial Final Direction
direction direction change
(T) (M) (T) (M) (T) (M)
GC 281° 294° 245° 275° 36° 19°
RL 263° 276° 263° 293° 00 17°

Form of the Earth 7

Belfast-Kefiavik (GC 747nm RL 749nm)

Initial Final Direction
direction direction change
(T) (M) (T) (M) (T) (M)
~ 325° 336° 311° 337° 14° 1°
RL 318° 329° 318° 344° 00 15°

It will be seen that on some routes less change of magnetic track direction
is involved when flying the GC. Remember, also, the GC always has the
distance advantage. In any case, on long routes, regular alterations of heading
will have to be made to conform with air traffic routes and/or to take account
of varying wind conditions. These considerations further blur any clear dis-
tinction between the number of direction changes required to fly the two
types of route.

Distances on the earth's surface

The basic unit used for aviation track distances is the International Nautical
Mile (nm) which is 1852 metres in length. For practical purposes, it can be
assumed to be the length of l' of GC arc on a spherical earth. The true earth
is not a perfect sphere. Modern on-board automatic navigation computers
make allowances in their calculations fo! t~e non-spheri~-~ shape of the earth
but the differences are not of any significance in any practical calculations
that a pilot may have to make for himself.
The equator is a GC and so the 360° of longitude around it represents 360
X 60 = 21600 nm. As meridians are semi-GCs, l' of geographical latitude
can be assumed to be 1 nm. Do not fall into the trap of treating l' of
longitude as a nm -this is only true at the equator but elsewhere it only
equals cos latitude nm (see volume 3). The distance along a meridian from
the equator to the pole is 90 X 60 = 5400nm.
The metric system provides for the decimalisation of the angular system
with a right angle being divided into 100 grade (French for degree) and each
grade being divided into 100 minuit (French for minute). Using this system,
the minuit was established as the basic unit for large distances, i.e. the
kilometre (km). It follows that the distance from the equator to the pole will
be 100 x 100 minuit of latitude or 10000km and so:
10000km = 5400nm
and so lkm = 0.54nm
or 1.852km = Inm
(1852 m)

Conversions of distance units

The only other large distance unit encountered, and then only when dealing
with the public, is the statute mile (sm). This is an arbitrary legal measure of
5280ft or approximately 1610m = 1.61 km.

1nm = 1.852km = 1.15sm

8 Plotting and Flight Planning

These conversions are available on aviation circular slide rules and can
easily be effected using the above values and the electronic calculator. Many
maps give scale lines for all three units and these may be used as convenient
conversion scales.
Most aviation work is done in nm and it should always be remembered that
l' of geographical latitude for all practical purposes can be used as 1 nm and
so, providing a map has a latitude scale that is reasonably well sub-divided, a
simple nm scale line is always available.
For shorter distances (runway lengths, visibilities), the metre is gradually
becoming the standard unit although feet are still commonly used for altitudes
and elevations. The following conversions will be useful:
lm = 3.28ft or 39.37 in
lin = 25.4mm
Part 2
These days it is very unusual to operate an aircraft using just the simple
navigational techniques that will be described in this Chapter. However, they
represent the basic principles on which all navigation systems operate and
should also be regarded as useful 'fall-back' procedures for use when the
more sophisticated modem systems fail or become suspect.

The 'art' of navigation

All navigation is the art of being able to give good answers to the following
Where am I now?
How did I get here?
What am I going to do about it?
It is interesting to note that modem technology can give incredibly accurate
answers to the first two questions but can only offer suggestions for the third.
It is not given to a mere mortal to know what the future holds so any method
of forecasting must make assumptions which mayor may not prove to be
valid. This element of uncertainty is why navigation is often referred to as an
art instead of a science. Certain basic procedures will have to be mastered
before we can start practising this art.

The velocity triangle

It is easy to appreciate that, to steer a motor-boat directly across a fast
flowing river, it will be necessary to head the boat up-stream so that the
combined velocities ( speeds in defined directions) of the stream and the boat
through the water will give a resultant velocity acting at 90° to the flow
(Fig. 2.1).
The problem is solved by constructing a velocity triangle. Note that the two
component velocities -the boat's 5 kt through the water and the water's flow
of 4 kt form two sides of a triangle with the arrows indicating the directions of
motion following each other round the triangle and opposing the direction
indicated by the arrows on the resultant velocity of the boat's actual motion
over the ground (i.e. the river bed). Note that the unit of speed we use is
the knot which means one nautical mile per hour. This would seem to be
appropriate when talking about boats but we will continue to use it for
12 Plotting and Flight Planning

Fig. 2.1 Basic triangle of velocities.

aviation because of the simple relationship of the nautical mile to earth

distances (see Chapter 1). The triangle could be solved by a scale drawing or
by simple mathematics. In either case the answer would be obtained that the
boat should be headed up-stream through an angle of 53° and the resultant
speed across the river would be 3 kt. We could say that we are expecting the
boat to be drifted 53° to starboard (right) and that its ground speed is 3 kt.

The aircraft velocity triangle

The situation with an aircraft is exactly the same. The air mass in which it is
flying will have motion in just the same way as the river. The motion of the
air is given by the wind velocity (WV) which is expressed by giving the
direction from which the wind is blowing (WD) and the speed of the air's
motion over the ground (WS) in knots (Fig. 2.2).
A WV of 280°/50kt would indicate that a free balloon would move in a
direction of 100° under its influence at a speed of 50 kt.
The equivalent of the boat's motion through the water is the aircraft's air
velocity represented by the True Airspeed (TAS) and the True Heading
(Hdg (T) ) The aircraft's air velocity would equate to its motion over the
ground only in calm or still air conditions.

True airspeed (TAS)

In practice, this will usually be derived from the airspeed indicator (ASI) or
the Machmeter -see volume 3 for details. Modem on-board automatic
navigation systems will obtain TAS from the air data computer (ADC).
Aircraft with ADC may have TAS indicators but all aircraft will have the
direct-reading, pressure-actuated ASI, as they playa very important part in
pilotage techniques. Critical aircraft speeds are always expressed as Indicated
Airspeeds (IAS), i.e. the speeds given by the ASI. Aircraft capable of high
speeds will also carry Machmeters which are also direct-reading, pressure-
actuated instruments. These will give the aircraft's T AS as a proportion of
the speed of sound through the air for the particular temperature conditions.
Basic Navigation Principles 13

Fig. 2.2 Wind direction

Standard navigational computers such as the Airtour CRP 5 carry conversion

scales which are specially designed to compute the TAS. Refer to the instruc-
tional handbook for your computer and note that by setting the corrected
outside air temperature (COAT), sometimes referred to as the ambient
temperature, against the pressure altitude (PA) (altimeter reading with
1013mb on the sub-scale) it becomes possible to read off the T AS on the
main circular slide rule outer scale against the Rectified Airspeed (RAS) on
the inner scale. The RAS or the Calibrated Airspeed (CAS), as the Americans
call it, is the IAS corrected for various instrument and installation errors (see
volume 3). It will only equal TAS when the air has the calibration density
(pressure 1013mb, temperature + 15°C). The computer makes the necessary
density correction to produce the TAS.
Check you are doing it correctly with this example:

PA lOOOOft COAT 15°C RAS 150 kt Solution 111.!!

Be careful if the TAS when calculated exceeds 300 kt. In this case an
additional correction is required using an additional sub-scale on the computer .
Computers usually refer to this as camp. carr. (compressibility correction).
Try this example:

PA 30000ft COAT -45°C RAS 250 kt

On a first setting a TAS of 400kt will be obtained but, after adjustment

using the comp. corr .scale, a more correct T AS of 394 kt will be obtained.
If you have an electronic navigational computer that has a program for
calculating TAS, it will give the correct answer regardless of the TAS. You
can test the truth of this statement by solving the last example on an electronic
calculator. Incidentally, the CAA do not permit the use of this type of
calculator in their examinations.
Plotting and Flight Planning

Obtaining T AS from Mach No.

Modem aircraft often cruise at an indicated Mach No. Again the standard
navigation computers provide a method of obtaining the TAS. The COAT is
set against a Mach Index on a special sub-scale and the T AS can then be read
off on the main outer scale against the Mach No. on the inner scale of the
circular slide rule. Try this example:

Mach No. 0.82 COAT -45°C TAS = ~

An alternative solution, if you are using an electronic calculator, is to make

use of this formula which is set out here for the calculator:

°c + 273 = vx39 x Mach No. = TAS

Remember, if required to make the temperature negative, to use the +1-

key after putting in the temperature. Try the previous example by this
Now try this calculation by both methods in readiness for when you are
flying Concorde:

COAT -57°C Mach No. 2.05 TAS 1175kt

Aircraft heading (Hdg)

The direction in which the aircraft is pointing measured clockwise from a
particular direction datum is known as the aircraft heading (Fig. 2.3). In
practice the following headings will be encountered:

Hd~:(T) True heading

Hd~:(M) Magnetic heading
Hd~:(C) Compass heading
Hd~:(G) Grid heading (see Chapter 5)

To convert compass direction to magnetic direction, the correction referred

to as deviation (see Ground Studies for Pilots, Volume 3) should be applied
and to convert magnetic direction to true direction, variation should be
+ E dev + E var
= (M) = (T)
-W dev -Wvar
and so conversely

-E var -Edev
= (M) = (C)

+ W var + W dev

See how this works with the examples illustrated in Figs. 2.4 and 2.5.
In modem compass systems, the deviations are usually very slight. Variation
can be very large and will be obtained from the isogonals on the chart (see
Volume 3 again). It is important to check that the variation is up to date. A
Basic Navigation Principles 15

heading 070(T) heading 320(GI

Fig. 2.3 Expressing aircraft heading.

Figs. 2.4 and 2.5 Examples of expressing aircraft heading.

note in the margin of the chart or an annotation on the actual isogonals will
indicate the year for which the variation is given. If more than two or three
years out of date, it may be necessary to up-date the values using the
corrections noted on the chart.
16 Plotting and Flight Planning

Track and groundspeed (Tr and GS)

In UK usage, track refers to the aircraft's actual movement over the ground.
It may be the required or desired track, the calculated or DR (dead reckoning)
track or the track already achieved usually referred to as the TMG (track
made good).
In USA usage, and so often encountered when operating American aircraft
and instrument systems, course is used to indicate the required track and
track is reserved to describe the actual path over the ground. In radio
navigation, a simple VOR set-up will have a course deviation indicator (CDI)
which shows if the aircraft is deviating from the required track (course).
The GS is the speed the aircraft is making good or is expected to make
good (DR GS) over the ground. Obviously in still air conditions (zero WV),
the T AS and the GS will be the same. With a dead tail wind the GS will be
the sum of the TAS and WS and with a dead head wind the GS will be the
difference of the TAS and the WS.
It is a useful check on calculations to remember these two simple relation-
ships for they place absolute limits on the GS that may be found with given
values of T AS and WS and so can be used to reject impossible answers that
may be presented.

The aircraft velocity triangle

This is illustrated in Fig. 2.6. It will be noticed that the single arrow on the
aircraft air velocity vector is followed round the triangle by the three arrows
of the WV vector. The two arrows on the aircraft ground velocity vector are
in the opposite direction around the triangle. Try drawing this vector triangle
for yourself using a simple and convenient scale such as 1 cm = 10 kt.

Hdg 090(T) T AS 180kt WV 040/45 kt

Solution 'r 103(T) GS 156kt

Consider the significance of the vector triangle in Fig. 2.6. Try to think
yourself into the pilot's seat -you would be pointing the aircraft's nose due

t t


L- I I

1ig. 2.6 Aircraft velocity triangle.

Basic Navigation Principles



Fig. 2.7 Drift

East and the wind blowing from 040° (round about NE) would be coming at
you from ahead and to your left. Naturally it would have the effect of
'drifting' you to the right and slowing you down. In this case the aircraft
would be drifted 13° to the right (starboard) and the aircraft would move
crabwise along a track of 103°. In Fig. 2.7, the movement of an aircraft with a
heading of 256°(T) and a drift of 14°P giving a track of 242°(T) is illustrated.

Navigation computers
In practice, the solution of the vector triangle is accomplished by using a
specially designed computer. It may be of the analogue type which effectively
provides a simple method of drawing the vector triangle -these are often
referred to as Dalton computers after Dr Dalton who invented the system -
and typical of these are the CRP series produced by Airtour International. A
computer of this type is essential for the CAA exams. There are also electronic
digital calculators available where it is only necessary to type in the basic
information, e.g. TAS, WD, WS and Tr, and then ask the machine to
compute the required heading and as. At present the use of these is not
permitted by the CAA. By their nature they tend to be a little more accurate
but they are certainly no more rapid than a Dalton in experienced hands.
You must acquire a Dalton-type computer, study the handbook carefully and
practise assiduously until it becomes second nature.
18 Plotting and Flight Planning

.%' JG'

/ radius T AS

0 kt 100


Fig. 2.8 Finding heading and groundspeed.

The heading and GS problem

In practice, finding these is the commonest problem. Before flight, for example,
a flight plan will require this problem to be solved for each stage of the flight.
To solve this problem by drawing requires a slightly different sequence of
working. In Fig. 2.8, the track required is 225°(T), TAS 200kt and wv
280°/40 kt.
Before we start on the solution, stop and think yourself into the situation.
Sitting in the aircraft, the wind will be coming at you from a direction of 55°
to your right (280 -225) and so will cause left (port) drift and a GS less than
the TAS. Make sure that the final answer agrees with this.
The sequence of working is indicated by the letters. Try drawing it for
yourself using a scale of 1 cm = 10 kt. The correct answers are: Hdg 234°(T)
GS !1!!! drift ~. Your answers should be within 2° and 4kt. Now try"ilie
problem on your Dalton computer .
If AB represented on a chart the track required, a pilot would need to
leave A and head his aircraft 9° to the right of the required track and rely on
the wind to drift him 9° to the left so that the required track of 225°(T) is
made good. Notice that as we foresaw the GS less than the T AS.
Basic Navigation Principles 19

Wind components
These are often referred to in aviation. Cross-wind components ( cwc) are
usually identified as such although a more accurate description would be
cross-track or cross-runway components. The other type of wind component
is usually identified by the addition of 'head' or 'tail' or by the signs ,-, or
'+'. A word of warning here -in aircraft performance calculations when
dealing with take-off and landing problems, the sign convention is reversed.
The more common components -head -are given the sign '+' and the tail
components are '-'.
Strictly, there are two distinct types of along-track or along-runway
'effective' wind components = GS -TAS
'true' wind components = WV resolved along the Tr or RW direction
(i.e. WS x cos wind/track angle)
In practice, the expressions effective and true are rarely seen. For flight
planning purposes, the tables of wind components produced for a specified
TAS are always effective components. In performance manuals tables and
diagrams give true components.

(Effective) wind components

A few examples first. Ideally you should have a copy of the CAA's Flight
Planning Data Sheet 33 -this is essential for Chapter 8 -and also your
Dalton computer. Start by calculating the OS in these cases:

Tr TAS WV Answer (OS)

050 380 140/120 JQQ
050 480 140/120 ~

In these cases the (effective) wind components would be:

360 -380 = -20 kt or 20 kt head wind component (hwc
466- 480 = -14kt or 14kthwc

Now compare these results with those given on pages 24 and 25 of Data
Sheet 33 entering with a wind/track angle of 90° (140 -050) and a w;ind
speed of 120kt. Note, that even in these conditions of maximum drift due to
a high wind speed at 90° to track, the effective component only changes by
6 kt with a change of T AS of 100kt. It will be realised that at a T AS of 430 kt,
the correct component would be -17 kt but if interpolation was ignored, the
answer from either table in this extreme case would only be in error by 3 kL
In practice therefore, an effective wind table for a specified T AS can be used
quite reasonably for any T AS within :!:50 kt. Notice that a wind at 90° to
track gives a significant effective head wind component and that, if the pilot
flew on the reciprocal track, there would be exactly the same effective hwc.
This demonstrates that an effective hwc on a track does not necessarily
indicate that there will be a corresponding tail wind component (twc) on
20 Plotting and Flight Planning

Fig. 2.9 Wind components

the recriprocal track. Assuming this in the 380kt TAS case would cause an
error of 40 kt (400 -360) when assessingthe as on the reciprocal track.

(True) wind components

This is the component of the wind resolved along the track or, more commonJy,
the runway. Unlike (effective) wind components, (true) wind components are
not dependent on the TAS. The other significant difference is that the (true)
component is zero with a wind at 90° to the track whereas, the (effective )
component can be quite a significant head wind as was seen in the previous
paragraph. It will be noted in Fig. 2.9, which shows the difference between
the two types of component, that the (effective) wind component is less
favourable than the (true) wind component. Whenever there is any drift this
will always be the case. Naturally, when flying up and down wind, there will
be no drift and no difference between the two components, both of which will
be equal to the WS. On the other hand, as already noted, the other extreme
is with the wind at 90° to track when there will be no (true) component but
there will be an (effective) hwc.
(True) components are normally used for landing and take-off performance
calculations where the cross-wind (90° to the runway) is also important. Both
of these (true) components can be evaluated with the Dalton computer using
the square graticule on the slide, or by scale diagrams or tables (both of
which may be found in Flight Manuals), or by simple calculation on the
electronic calculator:

along-runway component WS X 9 cos =

across-runway component ws X 9sine =

where 9 is the difference between the wind direction and the runway.
The above formulae, which are written as they will be entered into the
calculator, will give positive results in the case of head winds (9 less than 90°
Basic Navigation Principles 21

or more than 2700) but negative for tail winds (0 090° through 180° to 270°).
This accords with the standard practice for this type of calculation.
When evaluating runway components, it should be realised that runways
are normally described by their magnetic directions and so the WV should be
converted into a magnetic direction also. This is demonstrated in the following
What are the along- and across-runway components of a WV 090o-r/40kt
on runway 07? Magnetic variation is 10°W.

Magnetic WV 100°M/40 kt Runway 070°M

0 = 100 -070 = 30°
Head wind = 40 cos30° = ~ (nearest kt)
Cross wind = 40 sin 30° = :?:Q.!!

Note that if landing in the opposite direction:

Headwind = 40 cos 150° (250 -100) = ~
indicating a 35 kt twc.

Chart work
In aviation in most latitudes, the commonest chart available for general use is
the Lambert's Conformal Conic with two standard parallels. In equatorial
regions, the standard Mercator chart may be encountered and in polar regions,
the Polar Stereog!aphic. Ground Studies for Pilots Volume 3, Navigation
General and Instruments gives greater detail about these charts. It can be
assumed that, provided the use of the chart is confined to the areas for which
it is best suited and that it is a conformal (orthomorphic) chart, the following
properties may be assumed:

.reasonably constant scale over one chart;

.great circles practically straight lines;

.angles are correctly represented (conformality).

Using the Lambert's Chart

For the purpose of this chapter, we will demonstrate navigation procedures
on a Lambert's Chart -reference to using a Mercator or a Stereographic will
be found in subsequent chapters. The chart used for demonstration purposes
in this Chapter will be the CAA Instructional Plotting Chart-Europe as
used in their examinations. This is a 1: 1000000 Lambert's and so a 20 in
(SOcm) 1: 1000000 scale ruler reading in nm will prove very useful. In
addition, a pair of dividers, a pencil compass, a S in (13 cm) protractor and a
navigational computer will be needed. Using an HB pencil will make it easier
to rub out ready for re-use although fairly frequent use of a pencil sharpener
may be required to keep a good working point. A draughtsman's clutch
pencil will be found verv satisfactorv .
22 Plotting and Flight Planning

Fig. 2.10 Position on the chart

Plotting positions on the chart

The chart has a 30' graticule, so the square protractor will be used to plot and
to read off positions accurately. In Fig. 2.10 the comer of the protractor has
been placed on the beacon ODN and carefully aligned with the chart graticule
enabling the latitude 55°35'N and longitude 10°39'E to be read off. Conversely,
the protractor could have been aligned to cut the graduations for 55°35'N and
10039'E and the comer of the protractor would indicate the required position.

Measuring distancesand angles

In many caseson standard routes, directions and distances can simply be read
off the chart. For example, in Fig. 2.11, the distance from VOR OSN to
Basic Navigation Principles 23

4 ~ :7°E (i~&i;;~
E ~
00:0::0.:.:: ~
00.00 -::1
5 ..:::..
1 ~((fg!!) BREMEN FIR

~!~.: -"r-'-'- DUSSELDORF FIR -
~~ ~~ I 41
~~ - :

I OSN114.

~ / CRKN
1168 l""J ,-
t--, ~
Fig. 2.11
,. Measuring distances and angles. L

VOR RKN is 56 nm. Check this with your dividers using the latitude scale (1'
of latitude = Inm) and also using your scale ruler.
The magnetic track can also be read as 269°. Alternatively, measuring the
track at the mid-meridian (7°30'E) to be 266°(T) and applying the local
variation of 3°W will give the same result. Notice also that the approximate
magnetic direction could be read from the compass rose around the OSN
VOR which is orientated to Magnetic North (MN).
To improve on this accuracy, try aligning the protractor with MN as
indicated by the compass rose and then reading the track direction. Although
this technique will not be used for measuring tracks that already have the
answer printed on the chart, it will be used for plotting radio bearings.

Plotting radio bearings

As an essential part of fixing an aircraft's position, it could well be required
to plot position lines derived from radio bearings or ranges. The information
that will normally be available to any aircraft equipped for IFR flight will be:

.VHF or VOR bearings (QDM or QDR)

.ADF bearings (relative or magnetic)

.Radar/DME ranges
(Refer to Ground Studies for Pilots Volume 1 for more details.)
All of these will give a position line -that is a line along which the aircraft
is believed to lie at a given time. It is customary, having drawn this line on
the chart, to put a single arrow at each end of it and write the time along it.

Range position lines

These will be derived from DME or by airborne radar measuring the range of
an identifiable ground feature such as a small island or headland. Plotting is
24 Plotting and Flight Planning

Fig. 2.12 Range position line

just a matter of drawing the arc of a circle with a radius of the range
measured around the DME beacon or ground feature (see Fig. 2.12).

Plotting VHF or VOR bearings

Basically these are GC bearings measured at a ground station -usually the
station magnetic variation is applied and then the magnetic bearing (QDR
or radial) or its reciprocal (QDM) is transmitted to the aircraft either by
electronic means so as to give a display on the cockpit indicator, as in the
case of VOR, or by radiotelephony (RTF) to give the bearing to the pilot
orally. In each case the procedure for reducing the bearing to obtain the
direction to plot on the chart is the same. If it is not in the form of a magnetic
bearing from the ground station (QDR or radial) but as its reciprocal (QDM),
apply 1800.Then, having aligned the protractor with the magnetic meridian
through the ground station, plot the QDR directly. In Fig. 2.13, a QDM of
135° obtained from VOR WSR has been converted, by adding 180°, to get
the equivalent QDR of 315°. The protractor is aligned with the magnetic
meridian at WSR and the bearing of 315°(M) plotted. The compass rose at
the VOR station was not used for measuring the angle because of the
difficulty of reading it to the same accuracy as can be achieved with the

Plotting ADF bearings

These are the bearings of the NDBs measured by the ADF in the aircraft (see
Volume 1). It is important to realise that, unlike VOR and VDF, the bearing
Basic Navigation Principles 25

Fig. 2.13 Plotting a bearing.

measurement is actually done in the aircraft, i.e. at the aircraft meridian, but
the resulting position line will be drawn from the meridian at the NDB
position. GCs do not cut all meridians at the same angle and this will have to
be taken into account in our procedure for dealing with these bearings. ADF
bearings may be presented in the aircraft either as relative bearings (i.e.
measured from the aircraft's nose) or on a radio magnetic indicator (RMI) as
magnetic bearings. The reading against the head of the needle on these is
often referred as a QDM but this is not strictly correct: QDMs are reciprocals
of bearings measured at the ground station meridian whereas these are
measured at the aircraft's meridian.
In Fig. 2.14, an aircraft at a calculated (DR) position marked with a
square, obtains an ADF bearing of 0900(M) of NDB LO on the RMI. As a
double-check, the bearing is noted to be 0800on the relative bearing indicator
(RBI) with the aircraft on a heading of 010°(M). Proceed as follows:
Basic Navigation Principles 27

Bearing obtained 090(M) 080(rel)
Aircraft Yarn. -4 ~ OlO(M) -4
GC bearing 086(T) 086(T)

Chart convergency
(ch long 6!E to 9!E) X 0.8
= 3 X 0.8
correction applied towards the
Reciprocal of bearing to plot equator, i.e. towards 180°

Plot from NDB

For further details of convergency, see Ground Studies for Pilots Volume 3 ,
On this chart, convergency is approximately 0.8° per degree of ch long. This
indicates the change in direction of a GC as it crosses successive meridians
turning always towards the equator. The convergency correction is always
applied to bring the bearing measured towards the equator (i,e. nearer to
1800in Northern latitudes). Having then formed the reciprocal, the bearing is
plotted with the protractor aligned with the true meridian through the NDB -
note that a small section of the true meridian has been drawn in to facilitate
the alignment of the protractor. When the position line has been drawn in, it
can be checked with the protractor that its direction in the vicinity of the DR
position is indeed 086°,

Practical exerciseson the chart

In the next Chapter we deal with obtaining fixes using the position lines
obtained at different times. Here, for practice purposes, you are asked to plot
the bearings given and then read off the latitude and longitude of the inter-
section position. These would be referred to as simultaneous fixes. In each
case the suggested correct answer is given in brackets. Your answer should
normally be within 2' of latitude and 4' of longitude.

(1) 1015 DR position 54°N 03°E
spy VOR (5232N 0451E) QDM 148
spy DME Range 111nm
(Bearings plotted ~ Fix 5401N 0301E)
(2) 1120 DR position 5430N 0600E
EEL VOR (5310N 0640E) QDM 166
DHE VOR (5411N 0755E) QDM 111
(Bearings plotted ~, ~ Fix 5430N 0555E)
28 Plotting and Flight Planning

(3) 1245 DR position 54N 06E

WM NDB (5334N 0748E) bears 116 on RMI
LAK NDB (5231N 0534E) bears 194 on RMI
(Bearings plotted ~, ~ Fix 5401N 0602E)
(4) 1415 DR position 5430N 0230E Hdg 050(M)
WM NDB 064(rel)
LAK NDB 093(rel)
(Bearings plotted 292(T), 319(T) Fix 5448N 0209E)
The cut here is noTVery gOOd(27°) and so even a slight inaccuracy in
a bearing or in its plotting may produce several minutes difference in
the answer .

(5) 1520 DR position 5400N 0230E

GV NDB (5206N 0415E) bears 157(M)
spy DME 121nm
(Bearings plotted 332(T), 292(M»
In this case, the threepoSiliODlines do not meet at a point but form a
triangle (cocked hat). In practice, it could well be decided that the
VOR/DME information is more reliable than the NDB bearing and so
the fix could be taken as the intersection of these two position lines
(5355N 0226E). If all position lines are given equal weight, the centre of
the cocked hat (strictly the intersection of the bisectors of the angles
of the triangle) will be taken as the fix (5357N 0230E).
Equipment required
All the examples in this Chapter are based on the CAA Instructional Plotting
Chart -Europe. It is recommended that each example is plotted as described.
Note that examples are given using universal co-ordinated time (UTC), which
is gradually replacing GMT in aviation, but is for all practical purposes the
same as GMT. In addition to the chart, the following equipment will be

.navigation computer

.electronic calculator (not essential but useful)



.1: 1000000 scale ruler

.pencil compasses

.HB pencil, sharpener and eraser,

Finding initial heading and ETA

10S0UTC Overhead YES YOR (SS36N 0818E) SH (set heading)
EEL YOR (S310N 0640E) TAS 240kt Forecast WV 230/30 kt
What is the initial Hdg (M) required and the ETA?

From chart Tr(M) is 205° (printed along the route).
Applying 4°W variation the Magnetic WV will be 234/30 kt and using the
computer we can find: Hdg 208° (M), as 213 kt.
Distance to EEL again using charted data 84 + 73 = 157nm

Using either the circular slide rule on the back of the computer (see computer
handbook) or the electronic calculator:
157 + 213 X 60 = 44 min
so ETA = 1050 + 44 = 1134 UTC.
30 Plotting and Flight Planning

Finding a simple simultaneousfix

YES DME Range 83nm
What is the aircraft's position at 1114?

YES QDM 027 + 180 = QDR 207

Plot 207 from YES with the protractor aligned with the magnetic meridian
through the VOR beacon. To help in aligning the protractor it may be found
helpful to extend the 000/180 points of the compass rose printed at YES.
Now draw in the range position circle of radius 83 nm and centre YES. The
intersection of the two position lines (P/L) gives the fix position 5420N 0719E
(answer should be within 2' latitude and 3' longitude).

Finding Tr and as WV
Using the information in the preceding paragraph, deduce the average (mean)
WV that affected the aircraft since leaving YES, if the pilot steered 205(M).

Hdg(M) 205 T AS 240 kt TMG 207 ( = QDR) and so the drift is 2° starboard.
The GS is 83 nm in 24 min and so by slide rule or calculator:
83 + 24 x 60 = 207kt

Setting heading 205 and TAS 240kt on the computer, mark in the point
where the drift line for 2° starboard cuts the speed arc for 207kt (see
computer handbook). The WV can then be read off: 193M/34kt (answer
should be within 5° and 2 kt).
It will be noted that the magnetic heading was set against the Hdg(T) index
on the computer -as a result the wv found is also magnetic. The equivalent
true WV would be 189/34kt.
This could be obtained either by using the Hdg(T) of 201° on the computer
or by applying the variation to 193°M wind direction already obtained.

Finding a local WV and comparing it with the mean WV

In aircraft fitted with Doppler (see Ground Studies for Pilots, Volume 1) or
with on-board automatic navigatioQal computers, it is likely that instantaneous
values of drift and GS will be available. From these, the value of the local or
spot WV can be found using the same procedure as just described. The only
difference will be the source of the information.
The question of which is the more accurate and which is the more useful
WV cannot be answered v.ithout a careful analysis of the circumstances. In its
nature the Doppler-derived WV will be a very accurate 'spot' WV, but
whether this is a good average WV for the area would have to be a question
Practical Navigation Plotting 31

of subjective judgement. The most useful WV is that which is going to affect

the aircraft in the future and who can say what this might be? The WV to
use is also, therefore, a question of personal judgement with due regard to
the prevailing meteorological situation. It is worth remembering that even
the professional Met forecasters can get it wrong so we must not be too
disappointed if our estimates do not always work out.

Finding a DR position and revising Hdg and ETA

Using modem radio aids, an aircraft will usually be kept on the required
track by a process of continual adjustment of the heading so as to maintain
the correct TMG and Tr required readings on the indicators in front of the
pilot. The following procedure is not, therefore, likely to be encountered
often. It could well be tested in a CAA examination question designed to en-
sure a candidate could handle the situation in the event of a systems failure.
Carrying on from the previous example -when the position at 1114 was
established, you were required to calculate a new heading and ETA from
1117. It is quite common to 'DR ahead' for three or six minutes to give time
to complete all the necessary calculations. Choosing three or six minutes
(1/20 or 1/10 of an hour) simplifies the calculations.

Extend the TMG line between YES and the 1114 fix by a distance of 10nm
(3min at GS 207kt). This gives the DR position (marked with a square) at
1117 as: 5410N 07l2E.
From here the new required Tr to EEL of 198° (T) with a distance to go of
64nm can be measured. Using the WV found of 189o-r/34kt, the new Hdg
required and corresponding GS are: 197(T), 206 kt.
The revised flight time for 64 nm willbeI9 minand so the revised ETA will
be 1117 + 19 = 1136UTC.
The answers required are: Hdg 201(M), ETA 1136.
It must be emphasised that the solution will only be valid if the calculations
are completed within the three minutes after the fix and if the WY used is a
fair estimate of what will be experienced until arrival at EEL YOR.

Finding DR position at the top of climb (TOC)

During climb, TAS and WV will be continually changing and so it is not
usually possible to establish an accurate top of climb position by calculation.
In practice, if climbing away from a VOR/DME, there would be no need for
the calculation as the actual position could be established so easily by a
simultaneous fix. Similarly, if using an automatic on-board navigation facility,
the aircraft position will be continuously available. In the absence of these
facilities, calculating the DR position at the top of climb will have to rely on
an estimated mean WV -usually the forecast WV for the mean altitude- and
on an estimated T AS based on the planned mean RAS and the forecast
32 Plotting and Flight Planning

temperature at the mean altitude. The procedure is best illustrated by an

1215UTC Position 5330N 0500E FL 100 COAT +4°C Climbing on Hdg
315(T). Constant RAS 185kt, mean forecast WV 220/45 kt.
1245 Top of climb FL 240 COAT -24°C
What is the DR position of the top of climb?

Mean FL = ~(100 + 240) = ~ x 340 = 170
Mean temp = 1(+4- 24) = 1 x -20 = -10
From circular slide rule (see handbook) Mean TAS = ~.
From computer using Hdg, WV and TAS, OR Tr and GS: 325(T),252kt.
On chart draw Tr 325(T) from 1215 position for a distance oTI26 nffi(30 min
at 252 kt) to establish the 1245 OR position: 5513N 0256E.
If your answer does not agree exactly, check that your mean Tr of 325(T) is
correctly measured relative to the mean meridian of 4°E.

Finding the DR position at the top of descent(TOD)

Modern aircraft perform better at higher levels and so it is advantageous to
delay descending as long as possible -ideally the descent should be timed so
that the aircraft arrives at the terminal radio facility at just the required FL
for the commencement of the approach procedures. In practice, such perfection
is rarely achieved but calculations will often be done in the hope of achieving
it. The procedure is very similar to that for the climb and will be illustrated
by an example:
1415UTC Fix at SFR (5522N 0500E) on Tr to DHE (5411N 0755E) TAS
200 kt WV 270150kt FL 170. Clearance received to descend so as
to arrive at DHE at FL 50. Mean RAS for descent 150kt, mean
temp -15°C mean WV 240/35 kt, rate of descent 800 ft/min.
Give the DR position and the latest time to commence descent, ETA at
DHE and the Hdg(M) to steer on the descent.

Tr to DHE = 125°(T)
From computer Hdg(T) and GS for level flight: ~, ~
Descent mean FL !(170 + 50) = 110, mean TAS 11ru
From computer Hdg(T) and GS: ~18lkt
Descent time 12000 feet at 800 ft per min: li!!!!!!
Descent distance 15 min at 187 kt: .41.!!!!!
On chart measure 47nm back along the Tr from DHE to give the DR
position for TOD: 5438N 0648E
Distance from SFR to TOD: 1inm
At cruising speed 239 kt, time: 1.2.!!!jn
Practical Navigation Plotting 33

ETA at TOD 1415 + 19: ~

ETA at DHE 1434 + 15: ~
Hdg(M) on descent 135 + 4: ~

Transferring P /Ls to obtain a fix

Situations may arise when, because of the shortage of aircraft equipment or
ground facilities, it is not possible to obtain simultaneous fixes as we did in
the last Chapter. In these cases, it may be necessary to transfer position lines
taken at different times so that they can be used together at a common time
to obtain a 'running' fix. The basic technique requires a sensible assessment
to be made of the aircraft's ground movement during the period of transfer
and then to ensure that all points on the original position line are transferred
accordingly. Consider the situation in Fig. 3.1, where three successiveposition
lines have been obtained from one beacon using ADF and an RBI. The
aircraft is on a heading of 2700(T) and the best estimate of the TMG is
259°(T) with a GS of 200 kt.
Figure 3.2 illustrates the procedure for obtaining a 'running' fix. Assume
the aircraft is actually at position A on the 1705 P/L -this is the point where
it cuts the DR Tr line. Twelve minutes later at 1717, the aircraft would be at
B. Distance AB = 12min at 200kt = 40nm. Through B the transferred P/L
is drawn parallel to the original P/L. The square navigational protractor with


Fig.3. Successive bearings from one station.

Fig. 3.2 Running fix.
34 Plotting and Flight Planning

its rectangular grid will be found particularly useful for drawing parallel lines.
It will be realised that every single point on the original PiL will have been
moved to a corresponding point on the transferred P/L assuming that the
aircraft movement is correctly represented in direction and distance by the
vector AB.
Transferred P/Ls will suffer not only from any original inaccuracy but also
additional inaccuracy due to the incorrect assessment of the aircraft's move-
ment during the period of transfer. Of course, these errors could tend to
cancel out but they could just as easily add together. In general, the longer
the period of transfer, the more suspect the transferred P/L must be. It
follows that periods of transfer should be kept to a minimum and the best
possible assessmentof the Tr and GS prevailing during the transfer should be
made. A Doppler Tr and GS, if available, will be particularly useful.
Referring again to Fig. 3.2, which is not drawn to scale, the 1711 P/L
is transferred in a similar manner. The point X being moved for 6min at
200 kt = 20 nm to Y and the transferred P/L drawn through Y parallel to the
original 1711 P/L. Note that original P/Ls are marked by single arrows at
each end and the time they were obtained is written against them. Transferred
P/Ls are marked with double arrows and no times.

The cocked hat

Figure 3.3 shows a situation which often arises in practice -'a cocked hat'.
This has already been referred to in the previous Chapter. While cocked hats
indicate that some error is present, it is not necessarily true that the size of
the cocked hat indicates the magnitude of the error of the fix. With a
consistent error present (e.g. compass deviation error in the case of ADF
bearings), a fix obtained from bearings all on the same side of the aircraft as
in Fig. 3.1 could give practically no cocked hat but the error would have
moved all the P/Ls by approximately the same vector and so the apparently
good fix will be in error by this amount.
If the bearings had been taken from beacons spread around the aircraft,
ideally at 120° intervals, the constant error would have produced a larger
cocked hat but its centre would be quite an accurate fix. The errors would
tend to cancel each other out.

Fig. 3.3 The cocked hat.

Practical Navigation Plotting 35

AI x
- -
- -- T
-- 0811

0820 ,
~ 0811 DME 50nm from
--- stotion X fO be
tronsferred to 0820 fO
cut the 8rg from y

M"ve X for 9 min ot o/c's
G/S pnrollel to Trock
onJ the Fix is there

Fig.3.4 Circular position line transfer.

Transferring circular P/Ls

The principle here is exactly the same as for linear P/Ls. To ensure all points
are transferred for the actual ground movement of the aircraft during the
transfer period, we move the centre of the circular P/L (i.e. the DME
beacon) as shown in Fig. 3.4 and then draw in the transferred P/L from
this new centre. In practice, it would only be necessary to draw in the
transferred P/L.

Practical example of a three P/Lfix

Referring to Fig. 3.5, suppose the aircraft is in the vicinity of the Dutch coast
around latitude 53°N and has been flying various headings and has now
settled down on a Hdg of 085°(T) at a T AS of 180kt with a forecast WV of
000/30kt. The following readings are then taken:
1215UTC SPY DME range 25nm
1218 ENK NDB bears 191(M)
1221 ENK NDB bears 219(M)

First use the computer to calculate the DR Tr and GS: 095°(T), 180kt.
In the absence of any other information as to the aircfaft;;- pOSitiOn, just
draw in a track line of 095° anywhere in the general area. For transfer
purposes we are only interested in the direction and distance of movement -
the actual track location is irrelevant unless there was a question of deciding
aircraft magnetic variation or the convergency values required with the NDB
bearings. Through the SPY position draw in a transfer track of 095°(T) for a
length of 6 min at 180kt = 18 nm and then from this new centre describe the
arc of the transferred P/L using a radius of 25 nm. Now calculate the bearings
to plot:
36 Plotting and Flight Planning


~- "


I /




Fig. 3.5 Three position line fix.

a/c var May have to be revised if area assumed
for the aircraft proves to be wrong

take recip.
plot (T)

Practical Navigation Plotting 37

The 1218 P/L is now drawn in a direction of 006°(T) from ENK and the point
where it cuts the assumed track (drawn in anywhere) is then moved along it
for 3 min at 180 kt = 9 nm. The transferred P/L is then drawn through this
point parallel to the original P/L.
Finally the 1221 P/L of 034°(T) is drawn in from ENK.
Position of the fix at 1221: 5256N 0532E

The airplot
The procedures described up to now should be quite satisfactory for all
normal navigation purposes but unusual situations can be visualised which
would create problems for the methods just described. The airplot provides a
very powerful solution which has the advantage of being comparatively simple
to understand and use. An airplot, which is always started from a reliable fix
is a graphical method of recording the true headings and air distances flown.
In a still air situation, it would be a track plot. In the usual situation, the
discrepancy, at any instant, between the airplot position and the actual
ground position indicates the effect of the wind since the last fix, presuming
all the information used is absolutely accurate.
In Fig. 3.6, if there had been no wind since the 1000 fix, the 1020 air
position would also indicate the ground position at 1020. In this case, the
aircraft is fixed at a position 244°/12 nm away from the air position. This
indicates the effect of a WV blowing away from a direction of 064°(T) at a
speed of 12 nm in 20 min = 36 kt. Alternatively, if it was known that the WV
for the area was 064/36 kt, drawing in a wind effect (WE) vector of 12 nm in a
direction of 244° (i.e. away from 064°) would give a OR position at 1020. Of
course, this could also be done by calculating the Tr and as for both the
headings flown and then carrying out a track plot. The final result, if everything
is perfect, should be exactly the same. In simple cases, involving only one
heading, TAS and WV, the Tr and as method is probably quicker and
simpler but in multi-track cases the airplot will prove much simpler, par-
ticularly when a WV has to be found.

Fig. 3.6 The airplot

Plotting and Flight Planning

Finding an airplot wv
The following example is illustrated in Fig. 3.7.

1200UTC Fix 55°N 02°E Hdg 045(T) T AS 240 kt

1210 Alter heading (A/H) 090(T)
1215 Reduce T AS to 210 kt
25 A/H 120(T)
33 Fix 5520N 0430E
Find the mean WV from 1200 to 1233.
Figure 3.7 should be self-explanatory. It will be seen that at 1233 the
aircraft's position indicates that the average effect of the WV since the airplot
started at 1200 has been to blow the aircraft 23 nm in 33 min in a direction of
283°(T), i.e. away from a direction of 103°. The wind effect is therefore
103°/23nm in 33 min and from this the wv is calculated to be 103°/42kt (23
+ 33 x 60 = 42). Note the single arrow vectors for the airplot and the three
arrows for the WE blowing from the 1233 air position to the 1233 fix position.
Note also that the airplot involves a change of TAS and this is dealt with
quite simply. Plotting the air position for 1215 when the TAS changed was
not essential. The total air distance from 1210 to 1225 could be calculated:
(5min at 240 kt) + (10min at 210kt) = 55nm

and used to find the 1225 air position from the 1210 position.

Finding a DR position by airplot

Having found an average (mean) WV by airplot, it may be required to 'DR
ahead' i.e. to find a OR position for (say) six minutes after the latest fix.
From this, having measured the new required track and distance to reach the
destination, a new heading and ETA can be obtained. Referring to Fig. 3.7,
the procedure to DR ahead for six minutes would be to start a new airplot
from the 1233 fix by drawing in an airplot vector 1200(T) for 21 nm (6 min of
TAS). From the resulting 1239 air position, a WE vector is drawn parallel to
the 1233 WE vector and of length 4.2nm (6min at 42 kt). From the resulting
DR position (5511N 0453E), the normal procedure of drawing in the Tr and
distance required to reach a destination can be carried out. It is worth noting
that, if this is done, and then further fixing and wind finding is required
before reaching the destination, the airplot should be continued from the 1239
air position and NOT restarted from the 1239 DR position. If subsequent
wind vectors are drawn in they will represent WEs since the fix at 1233 NOT
from 1239.

Practical exercises
Tlle following exercises are set in the form favoured by the CAA in their
navigation papers. Having calculated the required answer and selected the
nearest of the four choices offered, it is best to use the CAA answer for
further calculations. For example, if you calculated that the TAS should be
-- ,
~ -

~II ~~I~I~~~:~~:~~~~.~ 111+-+- ~

HI.i HSI.1.10:)S w'




! ~,t
~ ~

~ ~
- -
(I) I Z
- - ~ O
- 1°
- -
-OZ (I) I-'

- -
o I I, -

12 I

w r-:
~~ oN bO
40 Plotting and Flight Planning

182 kt and the nearest answer offered was 180 kt, it is recommended that you
then use 180 kt for any subsequent calculations.

The following data relating to a flight should be used together with Instruc-
tional Plotting Chart-£urope to answer questions 1 to 9 inclusive.

1027 DR position (5430N 0330£), set heading for SPY VORTAC (5233N
0451£) FL 50, TAS 220kt, forecast WV 050°/30kt.
You are cleared to join airway G9 at PAM VOR (5220N 0506£) at FL
90 and to commence the climb when overhead SPY VORTAC.
Assume for the climb: Mean TAS 150kt.
Mean WV 070°/55kt.
1110 Overhead PAM VOR, FL 90, set heading for RKN VOR (5208N
0645£), WV 130°/60kt, RAS 200 kt, temperature -10°C.
1133 Overhead RKN VOR, alter heading for OSN VOR (5212N 0817£).
1139 Alter heading 10° to port.
1145 Heading 090°(M) Doppler drift l°S GS 188kt.
1152 Overhead OSN VOR.

(1) The mean heading O(M) required at 1027 is:
(a) 170 (b) 146 (c) 156 (d) 160

(2) The initial ETA for spy VORTAC is:

(a) 1044 (b) 11~ (c) 1059 (d) 1043

(3) At spy VOR the heading O(M) for PAM VOR is:
(a) 169 (b) 128 (c) 118 (d) 159
(4) The rate of climb in ft/min required from spy VOR is:
(a) 530 (b) 1060 (c) 400 (d) 800

(5) The cruising TAS from PAM VOR is:

(a) 235 (b) 232 (c) 223 (d) 226

(6) The mean heading O(M) to steer at 1110 is:

(a) 116 (b) 098 (c) 112 (d) 104

(7) At 1110 the ETA for RKN VOR is:

(a) 1130 (b) 1134 (c) 1132 (d) 1147

(8) The mean WV between 1133 and 1152 is:

(a) 098/48 (b) 088/37 (c) 120/74 (d) 098/70

(9) The local WV at 1145 is:

(a) 098/48 (b) 088/37 (c) 130/60 (d) 082/37
The following data should be used when answering questions 10 to 16 inclusive:
1707 SPL VOR/DME (5217N 0445E) RMI reads 098°, range 90nm, Fl
110, TAS 258 kt, WV 250°150kt, heading 023°(T).
Practical Navigation Plotting 41

1728 GV NDB (5205N 0415E) RMI reads 178°

1732 NDO NDB (5347N 0849E) RMI reads 100°
1738 Alter headingSFR (5520N 0500E)

(10) The position of the aircraft at 1707 is:

(a) 5251N 0217E (b) 5229N 0219E (c) 5221N 0343E
(d) 5221N 0217E

The theoretical range in nm of the SPL VOR/DME assuming its aerials

are at sea level will be:
(a) 131 (b) 95 (c) 38 (d) 48

The OR TrO(T) and as in kt at 1707 is:

(a) 015/288 (b) 023/293 (c) 030/297 (d) 030/293

Assuming a VHF range of 100nm and a as of 300 kt, the aircraft will
leave the coverage provided by the SPY VOR/DME at:
(a) 1724 (b) 1728 (c) 1726 (d) 1731

The position of the aircraft at 1732 is:

(a) 5404N 0408E (b) 5405N 0347E (c) 5423N 0341E
(d) 5355N 0410E

(15) The mean WV from 1707 to 1732 is:

(a) 250/50 (b) 146/56 (c) 326/56 (d) 259/56

(16) The DR position at 1738 is:

(a) 5450N 0402E (b) 5418N O44OE (c) 5429N 0436E
(d) 5430N 0408E
The following data should be used when answering question 17:
1400 EEL VOR/DME (5310N 0640E) set heading 013°(T), TAS 190kt on
track to YES NDB/DME (5536N 0818E)
1435 Doppler drift 5°S GS 210 kt
1440 HUU NDB (5428N 0905E) bears 121° relative
1440 YES DME (5536N 0818E) range 37nm
1444 JEV NDB (5331N 0801E) bears l71° relative

(17) The aircraft position is:

(a) 5458N 0813E (b) 5508N 0814E (c) 5511N 0822E
(d) 5513N 0815E
The following data should be used when answering questions 18 to 20 inclusive:

1705 Overhead EEL VOR/DME (5310N 0640E) set heading spy VORTAC
(5232N 0450E), TAS 160kt, FL 80, WV 220°/30 kt.
You are instructed to cross ENK NDB (5240N 0514E) at 2000ft.
Mean rate of descent 500 ft/min at constant RAS 120kt, mean tem-
Derature + lo°C and mean WV 250°/25 kt.
42 Plotting and Flight Planning

The as at 1705 is:

(a) 188 (b) 160 (c) 132 (d) 140
The DR position at the top of descent is:
(a) 5251N 0546E (b) 5251N 0516E (c) 5256N 0558E
(d) 5238N 0522E
The ETA at the top of descent is:
(a) 1717! (b) 1722! (c) 1719 (d) 1729!
Up to now all plotting procedures have been done on the Lambert's Conformal
Conic. This is quite logical as the chances are that any plotting required will
be done on charts which are readily available on the flight deck. These are
likely to be Radio Facility Charts and the majority of these are on the
Lambert's Projection. It is just possible, however, that other charts may be
encountered and this Chapter will highlight any differences encountered in
comparison with the Lambert's.

Chart conformality (orthomorphism)

Sensibly, any chart that is used for navigational plotting should be conformal.
Ground Studies for Pilots Volume 3 gives greater detail on this property, but
here we should note that, unless a chart is conformal, measuring directions
and distances on it will be extremely difficult if accurate results are required.
Fortunately, the majority of charts encountered in civil aviation will be
conformal (orthomorphic).
Practically every chart used will have its method of projection noted on it.
Often the word conformal or orthomorphic will appear in the name. For your
information the projections encountered are likely to be as follows:

Conformal Not conformal

Lambert's Conformal Conic Gnomonic (Polar, Oblique, Equatorial)
(Standard) Mercator (cylindrical
Transverse Mercator
Oblique Mercator
Stereographic (Polar , Oblique,

Classification of charts for plotting

For plotting purposes, all conformal charts can be placed into two categories:

Category M (Standard) Mercator

Category L All others -usually one of the following:
Lambert's Conformal
Oblique Mercator
Transverse Mercator
Polar Stereographic
44 Plotting and Flight Planning

Using category L (for Lambert's)

The use of Lambert's has already been dealt with in Chapters 2 and 3. Using
any of the other charts in this category will not cause any problems if similar
procedures are adopted. It will be necessary to remember that the value of
chart convergency varies from chart to chart as is explained in Volume 3. In
addition, certain problems will occur when flying in polar regions but these
can be overcome by using grid navigation techniques as described in the next
Chapter. Grid navigation can be used outside polar regions but inside these
regions it is essential that it is used.

The suitability of category M charts for navigational plotting

In the past, the standard Mercator chart has been used extensively for
plotting. The RAP , for example, produced Mercator plotting charts covering
the whole world apart from the Arctic and Antarctic. As is described in
Volume 3, the Mercator is an excellent chart for use in equatorial regions
(say 15°N to 15°S) but outside these areas, its use is rather impracticable and
fraught with all sorts of problems. Measuring distances requires considerable
care and straight lines on the chart represent RLs which are not the shortest
routes for an aircraft to follow and are not the paths taken by radio signals. It
is interesting to note that automatic on-board navigation systems direct aircraft
along GC routes, i.e. along curved lines on a Mercator chart. This is why
one international airline issued their captains with non-conformal Oblique
Gnomonic charts to cover their main routes. Although non-conformal, they
had the one great virtue of accurately showing a GC as a straight line, and so
a line drawn between two points would precisely represent the route followed
by an automatically navigated aircraft.

Using the Mercator in equatorial regions

It is here that the Mercator comes into its own. Everything is right. Consider
the properties:

This is practically constant. In general, the use of scale rulers is quite
satisfactory .

Great circles
In equatorial regions these are almost identical with RLs and these are
straight lines on the chart.

This is rectangular and practically square which makes for great ease when
reading off or plotting positions.
Plotting on other Charts 45

Radio bearings
These are GCs but in these areas almost identical with RLs, i.e. cutting all
meridians at the same angle, so no corrections are required when plotting
these bearings to allow for convergency.

In short, nothing could be easier. Use it like a Lambert's but forget about
convergency corrections for the ADF/NDB position lines.

Using the Mercator in other regions

The best advice here is Don't. If nothing else is available, the following points
will need to be remembered:

GC routes
Straight lines represent RLs so long routes will need to be broken down into
a series of RLs which, taken together, will approximate to the GC required.

Measuring distances
The scale in middle latitudes is already varying quite rapidly, e.g. from 54° to
55° latitude, the scale increases by 2!% ! It is very necessary to measure
distances very carefully at the correct appropriate latitude. Scale rulers must
not be used.

Plotting radio bearings

The best procedure is to convert the GC bearing measured, whether at the
station (VDF/VOR) or at the aircraft (ADF), into the equivalent RL bearing
and this, or its reciprocal, can then be plotted without further problems.

Plotting radio bearings on Mercator charts in middle latitudes

Two procedures need to be recognised according to whether the bearing is
being basically measured at the aircraft (ADF) or at the ground station
(VDF/VOR). The following tabulations show the working sequence:

Type of bearing VOR/VDF


Stn var



To plot ~
To plot
46 Plotting and Flight Planning

Notice the two important differences between the methods:

(1) Station variation is used for VORNDF but aircraft variation for

(2) Conversion angle (CA) is applied to the bearing measured at the a/c
for ADF and to bearing measured at the station (QTE) for VDFNOR.
In both cases the CA is applied to bring the bearing nearer to the equator ,
i.e. nearer to 180° in north latitudes and nearer to 000° in south latitudes.

Obtaining CA
This is dealt with in more detail in Volume 3. Here, we are concerned with
the practical methods of obtaining and using it.
CA is the difference between corresponding RL and GC bearings and can
be obtained by:
(1) Calculation: CA = !ch long x sine mean lat

(2) ABAC scale (chart margin), see Fig. 4.1

5 ..
in ;: c
Q;-c;, 2 ~
> "
" " ~ "
o -'

Fig. 4.1 Using the ABAC scale.

Plotting on other Charts 47

(3) Approximate factor:

tat .0 6 18 30 45 64 90
factor 0 0. 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

DR position 5715N 0010E, NDB 5522N 0300W
Approximate mean lat 56°N, approximate ch long 3°
On calculator: 0.5 X 3 x 56 sin = 1£
On ABAC (Fig. 4.1): 3° ch long off the scale so use 6° and divide answer
by 2 = 1£
Using factors: from the table, factor for 55° lat is 0.4°,
CA = 0.4 X ch long (3) = 1£

Applying CA
CA should always be applied to the GC bearing measured to bring it nearer
to the equator. For example, in the above example, if the aircraft had been
on a heading of 330° (T) and a bearing of 267° had been obtained on the RBI
of an NDB:

Brg (rei) 267

Hdg (T) 330
GC Brg(T 237
RL Brg(T 236

Plot ~(T

Figure 4.2 demonstrates the principle -the dotted GC shown is, of course,
not a true representation. With a CA of only 1°, it would have been difficult
to distinguish between the GC and the RL if they had been drawn in
accurately. The diagram does demonstrate the correct senseof CA application,
i.e. in this case it should be subtracted from 237° to bring the bearing nearer
to 180°. If, in Fig. 4.2, the ground station was a VOR or VDF, the GC
measured would have been 055° and it would have been necessary to add the
1° CA to obtain the RL of 056° to plot. Notice the application is still towards
the equator (180° in Northern latitudes).
Consider now a Southern hemisphere case as shown in Fig. 4.3. The GC
bearing measured at the aircraft position is 093° and the CA approximately 2°
(4 x 0.4 = 1.6) and so applying the correction towards the equator gives an
RL bearing of 091°. The reciprocal of 271° (T) is then plotted from the NDB.
48 Plotting and Flight Planning


57 '01

4W 3W 2W IW 0 IE 2E

Fig. 4.2 Applying conversion angle -Northern hemisphere.

Fig. 4.3 Applying conversion angle -Southern hemisphere.

Examination questions
It is not likely that examination plotting on a Mercator will be required unless
it happens to be in the equatorial region. In this case, plotting is extremely
simple as no angular corrections to bearings are required and a scale ruler can
be used for distance measurement. The practice questions given here, therefore,
will deal merely with the resolution of bearings to plot and not the actual
chart work.

Questions 1-3
An aircraft is in DR position 60°N OS0£where the magnetic variation is 3°£,
An RMI reading on an NDB at 600N 20°£ where variation is SO£is obtained
of 080°, Give the bearing to plot from the true meridian at the NDB on the
Plotting on other Charts 49

(1) A Polar Stereographic where the chart convergency equals the ch long:
(a) 278 (b) 275 (c) 270 (d) 280
(2) A Lambert's Conformal Conic on which the chart convergency for every
degree of ch long is 0.8°:
(a) 278 (b) 275 (c) 270 (d) 277

(3) A Mercator:
(a) 278 (b) 275 (c) 270 (d) 272

Questions 4-6
The relative bearing of an NDB is measured as 235° by an aircraft on a
heading of 065° (M) where the variations is 4°W. The ch long between the
aircraft and the NDB is 11° and the mean latitude is 67°S. Give the true
bearing to plot from the NDB on the following charts:

(4) Mercator:
(a) 111 (b) 119 (c) 121 (d) 129
(5) Polar Stereographic where chart convergency = ch long:
(a) 135 (b) 127 (c) 113 (d) 105
(6) Lambert's Conformal where chart convergency equals 0.75° per degree
of ch long:
(a) 108 (b) 116 (c) 124 (d) 132

(8) Polar Stereographic chart:

(a) 264 (b) 273 (c) 275 (d) 286
(9) Lambert's chart on which chart convergency is 0.85° per degree of ch
(a) 266 (b) 273 (c) 275 (d) 284
Here we will touch only on the practical plotting on a grid chart, as the
theory of the system is discussed fully in Ground Studies for Pilots Volume 3.
The use of the grid chart for air navigation is the easiest thing in the world,
overprinted on any chart with converging meridians.
A reference meridian is paralleled across the chart in an outstanding
colour, and this grid line is used to measure angles, ignoring the meridians,
to obtain, for example, a ~fr (G). Also dotted across the chart are the grid
variation isogonals, called lines of grivation (Griv). Before you mutter any
imprecations, the happy word is that Tr (G) :t griv = Tr (M) and the sign of
grivation is treated as for variation. Similarly for a heading, of course, so that
you at once have the Hdg (M) to steer, and all problems of angular measurement
on a chart with converging meridians are avoided.
A Hdg (G) will in fact differ from the Hdg (T) at any meridian by the
convergence between that meridian and the reference meridian. This con-
vergence has been applied algebraically to the variation to give grivation
so that:
Hdg (a) :t griv = Hdg (T) :t variation.

When working on the chart, then, all angles (including WV) can be used
quite satisfactorily in grid.
Have a check on the following run down, on a bit of the gridded Lambert's
Chart, North Atlantic (see Fig. 5.1): the reference meridian on this one is in
fact the Greenwich meridian, and n for the sheet is given as 0.748819,
another way of saying 0.75. Convergence thus becomes for the North Atlantic

ch long x 0.75

A 5000N 4000W to B 5500N 5000W

(1) Measured from the 45W meridian: Mean GC Track 310

RL Track 310
Convergence = ch long X n
= 10 X 0.75
= 8°
This gives the initial GC Tr of 314 (RL 310 + ! convergence) and final
GC Tr of 306 (RL 310 -! convergence)
Grid Navigation 51

(2) Now the mean GC Track of 310, keeping to the 45W meridian, would
be 340 (M). The grid track there is 344 (G), grivation there is 4E
giving a Tr of 340 (M), no different from the basic solution. The grid
can be used overall, holding the a/c on the mean GC, avoiding the
complications of the converging meridians.
There must be no mixing, of course; all the information in grid will
evolve the correct navigational information. Take this example, on
the computer:

Conventionally: Mean GC Tr 310 (T), TAS 300 kt

WV 250/40
...Hdg 303(T), Var 30W
= Hdg 333(M) and GS 280 kt
Grid: Tr 344(G), TAS 300 kt
WV 284/40(G)
...Hdg 337(G), Griv 4E
= Hdg 333(M) and GS 280 kt

The relationship between Tr (T) and Tr (G) is the value of the convergence
of the reference meridian or grid line and the longitude in question; in this
case, just a straight 45 X 0.75 = 34°, as the grid line is the Greenwich
The main producers of these are British Airways (AERAD) and Jeppesen.
When one becomes familiar with one of these systems, it is not too difficult to
transfer to using the other system. Every pilot has his own preference -
usually for the first charts they learnt to use! Each has certain advantages and
disadvantages but there is no clear winner. Both companies are constantly
seeking to improve their products and ensure that the competition does not
establish an unassailable advantage.
In this chapter, the AERAD charts will be used and it is quite important to
obtain a recent edition of EUR 1/2 on which to follow out the examples
quoted. Of course, it is possible that you will come across some discrepancies
and, after careful checking to ensure that you are not reading the chart
incorrectly, you should believe your more up-to-date edition. To maintain a
high level of reliability, charts are republished several times a year with often
only very slight changes. It is, however, very dangerous to use out-of-date
charts for operational purposes. Once a new edition of a chart is received, the
previous one should be destroyed or clearly marked to show that it is no
longer valid.
These charts are iQvaluable sources of information, not only on Radio Aids
but also on all aspects of controlled airspace, restricted areas and radio
communications. The charts are only part of the complete systems which
incorporate manuals or supplements full of essential information regarding
general aspects of aircraft operation plus local area, instrument approach
charts, aerodrome plans and charts detailing standard instrument departures
(Sill) and standard terminal approach routes (STAR). The complete system
package will be accepted as an integral part of the aircraft Operations Manual
(OM) which every public transport aircraft has to carry.
AERAD charts are mostly on Lambert's Projection and sometimes this
will be noted in a corner as LCO (Lambert's Conical Orthomorphic) together
with the scale. Different series of charts have different colour conventions.

EUR 1/2
The following information is to be found in black:

Airway centrelines Graticule figures

Radio facilities Bearings and radials
Control zone boundaries CfR, TMA, A TZ limits
FIR and ASR boundaries Aerodromes listed in the Supplement
Radio Navigation Charts 53

Under the blue colour look for the variation (isogonal) lines -the dates
that these are valid are noted under the titles of the chart but they may be
assumed to be accurate enough when using the current chart even if the chart
and isogonal dates do not agree. Various types of restricted areas are also
shown, aerodromes not listed in the Supplement, training and military areas,
water features, safe clearance altitudes for latitude and longitude blocks.
Now to learn to recognise things on the chart:

(1) Controlled airspace

Airspace left uncoloured on the chart (and this applies to other specification
charts) -that is, all airspace shown in white- is controlled airspace. The rules
regarding a flight in controlled airspace are fully dealt with in our companion
volume Aviation Law/or Pilots.

(2) Airway
Airway centre line is shown in thick black line, with the name of the airway
in the centre. In Fig. 6.1 it is ALPHA 47. Immediately on top of the airway
name is the distance figure. This is the distance between two reporting points,
compulsory or on request, the triangles at start and finish in Fig. 6.1. In this
casethe distance is ~ (all distances are in nautical miles) between Daventry
and Lichfield. Daventry is shown as on request by an open triangle and
Lichfield as a compulsory reporting point by a solid triangle. Facilities as
shown in Fig. 6.2 are often superimposed upon the triangles.
Be careful when extracting distances. Distance breakdown occurs between
reporting points and can happen between a reporting point and a sector point
(X) on the route. If you have time, open up your dividers between two points
and check the figure against the nautical mile (nm) scale (and not, please not,
against kilometre (km» given on top of the chart. If after a rough check your
distance agrees reasonably with the printed distance, take printed distance. If
you have made a careful check and the printed distance agrees within 2-3
miles, take the printed distance.
However, the printers do make mistakes and if your measured distance
disagrees with the printed distance beyond the above limits, take the measured
distance, but do point out in your answers in an examination why you are
using measured distance.

lichfield Fl 245 Daventry

-.153- ~ 40 "F["45"
.~ ~~ -333 A

FL 60

Fig. 6. Airway A47.

54 Plotting and Flight Planning

Track angles are given at the beginning, immediately after the facility/reporting
point. These tracks are Magnetic. In fact, no tracks, headings, bearings or
radials on this (or any other) AERAD chart are True -they are all Magnetic.
A one-way airway would have the track shown on one end only: the airway
designation box indicates that the airway is one way, thus:

on the route from :lacton to Amsterdam

Minimum flight level

The minimum flight level available on that particular sector of the airway is
given immediately below the Airway designation: FL 60 in Fig. 6.1. This is
the lowest level you can apply and get clearance for flight on this sector .
However it is usual for A TC to allocate either ODD or EVEN FLs -
usually in accordance with the semi-circular rules ( see A viation Law for
Pilots) but this is not necessarily so. AERADs (and Jeppesen) indicate by
using either 0> and E> or ODD and EVEN when the FLs differ from what
would be expected. Alternatively, the minimum flight limit may be defined in
terms of both, FL and altitude, e.g.
(min alt 4500)
This simply means that FL 50 is available for flight provided it at least
equates 4500ft on QNH.

Airway vertical limits

Airway vertical limits must not be confused with minimum flight levels. These
vertical limits legally define the controlled airspace forming an airway, CfR,
TMA, etc. In our illustration the airway out from Daventry stretches from FL
45 (the base of the airway) to FL 245 (the ceiling of the Airway-Upper ATS
routes start at FL 250). If these limits were to change, a pecked line at right
angles to the airway centre line would indicate where the change takes place,
and the ceiling and base limits would be printed on each side of this dividing
line. This lowering of the base does not affect the minimum flight level
available for flight on the sector .
The easiest way to distinguish between the two is: where a FL or altitude
figure stands on its own on the chart it is the lowest limit at which the flight
can be made; where FL or Alt appear in the form of a fraction, then those
are the vertical limits imposed.
It may be mentioned that the base of an airway, or TMA need not be in terms
ofFL, it may be given as altitude as well, e.g. the vertical limits of ISLE OF MAN
CfR sector 1 on EUR/l are

Radio Navigation Charts 55

Lastly, in the UK there is at least a 500 it clearance between the base of the
airway and the lowest clearance allocated by ATC on the airway.

Safe clearance altitude

The method of showing this along the airway in thousands of feet (3.3 =
3300ft) is being replaced by the area system. Every 'box' of latitude and
longitude on the chart will contain figures in large blue type:

indicating a safe clearance altitude for the 'box' of 3400ft. The figure incor-
porates the following clearances:

Terrain up to (1000 ft) 5 over 5

Clearance (1000 ft) 1 2
It should be emphasised that a professional pilot is required to use the
clearances laid down in his Company's OM which might exceed these.
That's just about all as far as airway symbols are concerned. We must warn
you that the layout shown above (Fig. 6.1) is the ideal layout. In congested
areas, information may be scattered all over the place.
(3) Now for the remaining symbols that you will see on the chart.

Reporting points
Small triangles, as shown above at Daventry and Lichfield. A full black
triangle (complete block) is a compulsory reporting point and you must
report there unless the current official advice is to do otherwise. A hollow
black triangle is an 'on request' reporting point where A TC may request you
to report.


Those tiny black flags above NDB symbols (but some distance away) are not
indicative of holes at the local golf course. The flag direction is the direction
of MN at the NDB below it. The flag to the west of the vertical line indicates
westerly variation. In Fig. 6.2, the variation is easterly.

The direction of MN is indicated by a line with a flag at its top, from the 0000
radial. The convention regarding easterly/westerly variation applies.
Note that a VOR on test has a special symbol (circle without calibration
points) whereas an NDB on test has no separate symbol. In practice, an NDB
is not inserted on the chart until it becomes fully operational.
56 Plotting and Flight Planning


Non-directional ,~
radio beacon and cc

magnetic north indicatIOn

T ACAN or DME wIth

name ident
channel & Alconbury
equIvalent AlC Ch 21 <J
VOR freq 1101.8/

F.n Mark.r wI.h Dolle

PLN cod. Dolle(DLV) - O
or id.n.. .-

Fig. 6.2 Radio facilities.

Although ICAO has separated the two, a single symbol is used on AERADs
to indicate both. The separation is achieved in the information box, see

Facility frequencies
Against each facility symbol, the call sign and frequencies of the radio
facilities are given. SND 362.5 for example is SOUTHEND NDB on frequency
362.5 kHz, call sign SND. In no time flat after some experience you will
recognize VORs, NDBs, TACANs and so on, just from the frequencies
given. On actual airways, the information is enclosed in a box. SND has no
official route going through it.
Another point to note is that the callsign 'SND' is in quotes, as is practically
every other NDB in the UK. This indicates that the emission is NON A2A
(or A2 as it used to be called). As explained in volume 1, the signals of this
type can be heard without switching to BFO or CW on the ADF. Omission of
the quotes indicates that the emission is NON AlA (or Al) for which it will
be necessary to switch to CW /BFO to hear the callsign. NDBs of this latter
type will still be found in many parts of the world.
Radio Navigation Charts 57

As for DME and TACAN let us take a look at the following frequencies
noted on the chart:
Pole Hill Coningsby Macrihanish
POL 112.1 CGY Ch 48 MAC 116.0
Ch 58 (DME) (111.1) MAZ Ch 107
You will find the first and second of these on Fig. 6.6. Pole Hill is a typical
airways VOR/DME using the standard frequency pairing. Tuning the VOR
to 112.1MHz will automatically set the DME to Channel 58 and the pilot
will have a continuous read-out of bearing to and distance from Pole Hill.
Coningsby is a military TACAN from which ranges can be obtained by tuning
the VOR to 111.lMHz and so automatically selecting Channel 48 on the
DME. Bearings will not, however, be obtainable. Macrihanish is typical of a
DME which is not co-located with the VOR. This is indicated by the DME
having a different callsign ending in Z. In such casesthey are fairly close together
(say I nm apart) and frequency paired so that they can be used en route to obtain
bearing and distance fIXes.

Control Zones (CTRs), Control Areas, Military ATZs

CfRs are shown as white areas outlined by a black pecked line, Control and
Terminal Manoeuvring Areas are surrounded by a thicker grey line. MA TZ
are shown as white areas outlined with a black pecked line. The vertical limits
are shown:

A[timeter setting regions (ASRs)

These are shown by longish pecked lines in black, the lines defining the
boundaries. The names of the regions appear somewhere along the pecked
lines, and when you cross this line, you should change your altimeter setting
to the QNH value of the region you are entering if you wish to check for
terrain clearance. For normal en-route flying, the standard altimeter setting
of 1013mb will be used.

FIR boundaries (Fig. 6.3)

The name of the FIR, its ICAO four-letter code, and the upper limit of the
FIR which in each case is FL 245 is given. It is worth mentioning that the FIR
does not have to be a straight line. FIR boundaries quite often coincide with
national frontiers. On Fig. 6.8 find and note the shape of the" boundary
between the PARIS and FRANKFURT FIRs.
58 Plotting and Flight Planning



Fig. 6.3 FIR boundaries.

N5152.1 ~
WOO222.8 \


Fig. 6.4 Radial 330 from SAM,

Bearings and radials

These generally define reporting points, where they are not co-Iocated with
radio facilities; in the main they are on-request points. There are a few left,
but now they are invariably radials, as illustrated in Fig. 6.4. If you do come
across an odd NDB bearing, follow the line down to the NDB itself where
the bearing figure is inserted.
In Fig. 6.4 note that the two reporting points MALBY and CHEL T are
defined by the radial 330 from SAM from which they are distant respectively
47 and 67 nm and, as SAM is off the chart, its callsign and frequency is given.
Note also the ICAO practice of using five-figure identifiers for reporting
points which are not located at a facility (i.e. CHELT).

Advisory routes (ADRs)

An advisory route (Class F airspace) is shown as a black line with white
'tramlines' 5 nm away on each side to indicate the route boundaries. The
designators for ADRs always end in the letter D, e.g. W928D (Whiskey 928
Delta) from BLACA to IOM VOR. Being uncontrolled airspace, the FLs
used will be quadrantal and it will be noted on this route across the Irish Sea
that the minimum FL available is 55 and, of course, this would only be used
Radio Navigation Charts 59

going from BLACA to the Isle of Man (2nd quadrant). Check in Aviation Law
for Pi/ots for more details on these rules. Find this route on your own EUR/l.

Direct track
You will find, out of Ottringham, for example, a series of routes over the
North Sea simply designated by a rectangle containing the letters DT for
direct track:

These are commonly used routes over the uncongested areas. The distances
have been calculated by AERAD themselves, and they are therefore unofficial
as it were, but they like to be helpful.

Danger areas
Danger areas should be checked before flight; the chart shows permanent
danger/restricted areas as a continuous blue line; temporary ones (that is,
those activated by Notam) are shown by small pecked lines. Prohibited areas
are filled in with tiny blue dots.
On the last fold on each side of the chart you will find the airspace
restriction panel which sorts out danger and restricted areas (which otherwise
look alike on the chart: continuous line if permanent or during published
hours, broken if temporary) and give pertinent details about those and
prohibited areas. It is necessarythat you are able to decode printers' shorthand.
Here are a few examples, taken from 'France' (EUR/2 1995).
R99A FL 195
(S) M-Th 0615-1510 (W) + I hr
Restricted area 99A up to FL 195
Active summer M-Th 0615-1510
In winter add 1 hour.
R77 FL 60 Permanent
Here the limit is from ground or sea whichever happens to occupy the area up
to FL 60 (on 1013.2 setting).

D43 FL 1950-55 HJ (VMC) HN and Notified

This is a danger area (D), limits are obvious but under the remarks column
we have been given times of operation: daylight hours if VMC, at night or
when notified in Notam.
If the limit was given, say, as 1000-FL 55, it means both limits on 1013.2.
1000 above ground is given as 1000 g. Other abbreviations used are:

Unltd -unlimited
Wkd -weekdays, Monday to Saturday (inc.)
M -Monday
Tu -Tuesday, and so on
60 Plotting and Flight Planning

HJ -daylight hours (proof of the mapmakers' deep knowledge of the

French tongue)
HN -night
agl -above ground level
(S) -Summer
(W) -Winter .

TMA boundaries
These are perhaps the most difficult ones to spot. Main boundary and all sub-
divisions of the TMA within it are shown by white areas (controlled airspace)
bounded by thickish grey lines. What makes it difficult to trace is the fact that
these boundaries generally run along the outer boundaries of airways -just
where the white colour finishes and the grey starts -and the lines seem to
merge with the background grey. However, with a little practice you will
soon be able to keep it in sight. Try Scottish TMA for a starter on your own
copy of BUR 1.

These are shown as blue lines. The date and annual rate of change are shown
just under the chart title EUR 1. For practical purposes it can be accepted
that the isogonals are accurate enough, as long as the chart that you are using
is itself in date, although the magnetic information is several years adrift.

(4) Miscellaneous
Authorised routes (which are neither airways nor ADRs) are shown as ATS
routes by thin black lines, with track and arrow at both ends if the route is
two-way. If the route is one-way, the route line ends with an arrow. Se~
routes in the area north of 54N and around 02 lOW, north of Pole Hill (N53
44.6 WOO206.1) on EUR 1 in CUMBRIA (Fig. 6.5).

Airway frequencies
For UK and Germany, frequencies for use on the airways are no longer
shown on the chart. If required, they will be found in the appropriate
ABRAD Supplement.
On BUR 2 you will notice that countries on the continent sectorise the
territory into convenient communication sectors, and the frequency for use in
a particular sector is given in a prominent (so they say) place inside the sector
(boxed in a parallelogram).
Paris Ctl Brussels Ctl Sector W
{NW of Paris) (W of Brussels)
136.075 131.1

Paris Control and Brussels Control are the callsigns.

More frequencies are listed on the front fold of the chart -CTR, FIS, and
so forth. Have a look at them.
Radio Navigation Charts 61

Fig. 6.5 A TS routes.

Flight levels
Generally semi-circular rules apply on airways, and AERAD inserts ODD
and EVEN when necessary on the airways (e.g. A25 at Dean Cross) although
these are sometimes left out in cluttered areas. In the absence of these, fly
odd thousands when Tr(M) lies between 000-179; fly evens when Tr(M)
between 180-359. This is, however, only a general rule and many exceptions
occur (perhaps you remember that rules of quadrantal and semi-circular
flying do not apply in controlled airspace in IFR: you fly the level given to

Information not on EUR 1/2

Any information on routes at FL 250 and above is contained on high level charts
such as H203 and H112. Recent introductions have been RNA V routes on which
clear four-pointed stars indicate waypoints to be overflown. If the tips are black,
the turn should be made prior to the waypoint.
Information on holding (holding point, pattern, time and min. alt.) is
contained in a panel on 'area charts'.
The remaining symbols on BUR 1/2 are

Civil AID Civil & Mil. AID Mil. AID

62 Plotting and Flight Planning

Notes on airway flying

(1) To stress the point again, distances are given between compulsory or
on-request reporting points, the solid or open black triangles, most of
the time, also between intersection or turning points marked with a
cross, so watch it.
(2) A report is not necessarily required on crossing a boundary from one
Flight Information Region (FIR) to another, but you must be aware
you have crossed it for your subsequent reports. The parallel of
latitude 55N from 0500E to 0530W is marked with a pecked lipe
indicating such a boundary , and the name of the appropriate FIR
region set on either side of it, London & Scottish. Three boundaries
meet on the 0530W meridian at 5355N, for example, easy to recognise
here, but on B29 on 294M out of Nicky near Brussels the boundary is
a winding river which is crossed four times in about 30 nm.
(3) A report is made only to the Air Traffic Control Centre (ATCC) of
the FIR in which the aircraft is flying: thus, a report in the London
FIR is to London airways.
(4) The message content is crisp and its form invariable, once com-
munication has been established (Scottish airways, this is Golf Alpha
Sierra Tango on 124.9, do you read?). 'Scottish airways, this is Golf
Alpha Sierra Tango, Lichfield 27, Flight Level 80, estimate Oldham
39, over'. That's all. Who you are, where you are, your Flight Level,
ETA next point, over, and memorise the form.

Let us consider a stage of a flight from HEATHROW to PRESTWICK via

Bravo 4 from the time of passing over BROOKMANS PARK (5145N 0006W)
part of which is shown in Fig. 6.6 from EUR 1.
BROOKMANS PARK is a non-compulsory reporting point with a
VOR/DME, callsign BPK and frequency 117.5 Channel 122. The route is
clearly Westbound (334M) and so in the absence of any contra-indication, we
will fly at an EVEN FL. The lowest acceptable is shown on the chart as 110
and so we will choose FL 120. We will be flying under the instructions of
London Control and in accordance with the clearance they issued in response
to the flight plan we would have submitted before take-off.
BEDFO is the next reporting point (on request only), it is 33nm from BPK
on a Tr 334(M). If arrival here is to be confirmed, the most accurate cross-
check would be using DAVENTRY VOR/DME, QDM 270, range 20nm
( dividers or a suitable ruler will be needed to check this) .These readings
should be obtained simply by tuning 116.4MHz on the VOR and checking
the cis DTY is being received before accepting the readings.
Another question that may be posed concerns the readings that would be
expected on the BPK VOR. If the aircraft is fitted with an RMI, the answer
is very simple. The head of the needle would indicate the QDM back to
BPK, i.e. 154, or conversely the tail of the needle would indicate the QDR
334- always presuming that you are accurately on track! If the aircraft is only
64 Plotting and Flight Planning

fitted with a RBI the tail of the needle should indicate the actual drift being
experienced, i.e. 10°S would show as 0100(rel) or 10°P as 3500(rel).
The next significant reporting point is POLE HILL VOR/DME. Fly-
ing at FL 120 the reception range of VHF signals will be approximately
12.5\1(120) = 137nm approximately. Referring to the chart, the total dis-
tance from BPK to POL is 33 + 52 + 55 = 140nm. It follows that POL could
be used for most of the flight to give positive checks on the aircraft's position
in terms of QDM and distance to go.
How clear are we of high ground? Flying on an airway in the UK always
guarantees a clearance of at least 1500ft above the highest obstruction within
15 nm of the centreline of the airway but apart from this, we can check the
minimum clearance altitudes for the 1° lat/l° long 'boxes' along the route.
These give altitudes of 2200,2600 and 3600ft as far as POL.
Shortly before arriving at POL, the new Tr(M) required from POL of
345(M) would be selected for automatic flight or, if flying manually, it would
be set on the omni-bearing selector (OBS). Arrival at POL would be indi-
cated by the DME reading about 2nm -at 12000ft, the aircraft would be
about this distance above the ground beacon. Having passed POL, the VOR
indications will reverse. On the RMI, the head of the needle will now show
QDM 165° and on the L/R indicator, the word FROM will appear in the
window of the indicator instead of TO .
A word about other controlled airspace on this route. The route starts in
the London TMA, passes over the Bedford (Mil)A TZ, the Daventry Cf A
(not apparent on the chart) and the Nottingham (E Midlands) CfR (g to FL
75) and then goes through the Manchester TMA (up to FL 245). The actual
positions of entry and exit are not easily identified on this involved area of
the chart but this need not concern the pilot too much. Having been cleared
to fly on Bravo 4, he will be instructed when to change from one controller to
another. Although it cannot be deduced from this chart, an aircraft flying
below FL 155 will be controlled by Manchester from abeam Birmingham
(about 5225N) until Shapp (5430N) and then it comes under Scottish Control.
To find out the details, if interested, it is necessary to either consult the
AERAD Supplement or the COM section of the UK Air Pilot.
From Pole Hill until reaching the next significant point in the flight, MARGO,
the total distance is 62 nm. There are VOR/DMEs at each end of the stage
POLE HILL to TALLA on B4 and from our previous assessment, they
should both be within range for the whole stage. Navigation, therefore,
should be quite simple. If fitted with twin VOR/DME, it will be possible to
have a constant display of both TMG and Tr required as well as distance
gone and distance to go. The DMEs fitted in many light aircraft, have a
simple arrangement whereby, when locked on to a DME ahead of the
aircraft, both the GS and time to go can be displayed. In this case, Talla
would be providing the means for a constant up-date of the ETA.
A point about this route to be noted is that the box surrounding the airway
identifier or designator B4 is arrowed to indicate that this route is only
Radio Navigation Charts 65

normally available for traffic in the north-westerly direction. It is an interesting

exercise to try to work out the route to follow for the reverse flight.
From MARGO, instead of flying along B4, the most direct path that could
be followed would be the A TS route to Turnberry .The track is shown as
305°(M) and distance 78 nm (23 + 55).
If clearance was given for this route, how would it be navigated? Even if
the aircraft only had the very basic navigation aid 'fit' required for airways
flight, navigation of this route would be quite simple. The arrival at MARGO
would be identified by the readings on the Talla VOR/DME of 344°W52 nm.
Prior to this, assuming another VOR/DME available on the aircraft, TRN VOR
should have been tuned in and identified and a Tr(M) to steer of 307° selected.
On arrival at T ALLA, it would then simply be a matter of turning to make good
the new Tr. In practice, the turn would probably have been started just before
arriving at T ALLA so as to turn smoothly on to the new track. (Refer to inset
map in top left hand corner of EUR I. )
A large scale area chart is available for busy areas shown on these charts by
black double-lined rectangles: London area is an example. Also, each airfield
has its approach charts. Area charts are simply blown up charts of the areas
shown on the AERADs in a 'picture frame' .Further information is given to
ease the pilot's load when in a busy area, calling for prompt attention
to control instructions. There is no change in symbols, etc. , but holding
points and patterns, communication frequencies for the various airports when
departing therefrom or arriving thereto, special charts for specific aerodromes
with their departure/arrival routes are clearly shown.
Approach charts simply blow up the facilities at a particular aerodrome,
and give every detail about them.
High altitude charts, labelled with an H, such as H203/4, are similar to the
types we have been studying. They are for flight at or above FL 250, and
since greater speeds are involved, a smaller scale is used so giving a larger
ground area on each chart.
Tracks, distances, bearings, frequencies: all these change from time to
time, changes incorporated every 28 days by UKAIP AIRAC amendments.
So, if any of the above information does not match your chart, do not worry,
so long as you understand what we are trying to convey.
Before leaving the topic, it is convenient to run over transition altitude
(TA), transition level and transition layer. On take-off and landing, climb
and descent, they are quite distinct.
The TA is the altitude (QNH-based) in the vicinity of an aerodrome below
which the vertical position of an aircraft is controlled using altitude (QNH-
based). Transition level is the lowest FL available for use which is physically
(not necessarily numerically) above the TA. For example, taking-off at an
aerodrome where QNH is 1000mb and T A is 4000 ft, the pilot will use an
altimeter setting of 1000mb when complying with A TC instructions regarding
the altitudes at which to fly. On reaching altitude 4000 ft, he will reset his
altimeter sub-scale to 1013mb and so increase the indicated altitude by
66 Plotting and Flight Planning

Level (1013-2)
Report transition loyer Report
level Altitude (QNH)

Report Report
Altitude ude (ONH)
altitude on oirfield ON H

/ \
Take-Off Land

Fig. 6.7 Flight levels and altitudes.

approximately 13 x 30 = 390 ft to 4390 ft. It is likely that the first FL

available will be 50 (5000ft on an altimeter set to 1013mb) and this will be
the transition level. When at the end of a flight an aircraft approaching this
aerodrome is cleared from an FL to an altitude during its descent, the current
QNH will be given. On leaving its present FL, the pilot will change his
altimeter setting to the QNH unless further FL passing reports are required.
Once below the transition level altitudes will always be used. The transition
level is the very latest level at which the change from the standard setting of
1013mb to QNH will be made (Fig. 6.7).
The ABRAD charts are of course constantly being brought up to date, and
the operational use of the very latest issue is imperative.
Now try this exercise, using Fig. 6.8 and then any available BUR 2 for the
latter part of the flight.
You are planning an airways flight from STUlTGART (4842N 0913B) to
REIMS (4919N 0403B) via R11, R7 and Rl10. You join the airway R11 at
TANGO reporting point and leave at MONTMEDY VOR. You are cleared
to fly direct between GTQ and LUXIB. TAS 280kt. You are equipped with
twin ADFs, VORs and DMEs. Descend from MONTMBDY VOR.

(1) In the absence of any other information, are you expected to fly at
ODD flight levels or EVEN flight levels?
(2) Give a complete list of the compulsory reporting points.

(3) State TANGO NDB's frequency, ident and type of emission.

(4) Is there any facility at TANGO from which you could receive range
information? If so, state how you would use it.
(5) About half-way between TANGO and SUL, a grey line running
North/South cuts your track on the chart. What purpose does this line
Radio Navigation Charts 67

~z FL 2.5 ~z
~.' \
1 0. .
..,'. . ':~\
~'~ \;;

-"-r-- ~g\Q< ~

~ ~<Jo'~ u-~
u~~ ~~
w;~ <
\ "
'.3 r-;;.--
1°.- \ . '..

""0 .di ]~"
~U" \ ~c


~~\~ "
~ -\:ill \ '"'1"-
- ) 1 \
~ 1..-00-.1

'cr #
\g\~ ..
m ~

~IJ ig -
;(j ,:\8
o~~ ~


Fig. 6.8 Section of AERAD chart EUR 2.

68 Plotting and Flight Planning

(6) Arriving at the ETA for SUL reporting point, how would you check
that you were at SUL if the facility there was not operating?

(7) Between SUL and STRASBOURG

(a) what is your track?

(b) what is the distance?

(c) below the airway centre line, this information is given:

FL 170

Give the meaning of each item.

7 nm from STRASBOURG, you cross a broken black line on the chart and
18 om later an open triangle.
(8) What is the broken black line for?

(9) What does the open triangle signify?

(10) Just before crossing the broken black line, in whose TMA are you
(11) Are you flying in any CfR at this time?
(12) How would you know from the DME when you are overhead
You leave STRASBOURG VOR at 1000 on heading 322°(M) for GROS
TENQUIN. Your VORs are tuned to STR and GTQ beacons and your ADF
to STR NDB. TAS is 280 kt.
(13) If you are on track, what readings do you expect on the RMI for the
VOR beacons and on the RBI for the ADF?

You arrive over GROS TENQUIN at 1011.

(14) What WV was experienced on this leg?

You are cleared to fly direct from GROS TENQUIN to LUX VOR.

(15) What is your ETA at LUX?

(16) How would your VORs and ADFs be tuned on this leg?

You are overhead LUX at 1022, FL180.

(17) Assuming that the WV remains unchanged, give your full position
report at !022.
(18) What information would you expect to receive in return?

(19) When at MONTMEDY VOR, to whom would you pass your position
report and request permission to leave the airway and proceed to
REIMS? On what frequency?
Radio Navigation Charts 69

(20) Are you now in p ARIS TMA ?

(21) On your last leg to REIMS, while descending what is your minimum
clearance altitude?

(22) What navigation facilities are available at REIMS which you could

(23) Between GROS TENQUIN and LUXEMBOURG, the route is subject

to some kind of restricted airspace. What can you tell about it?

(24) Why is Germany shown with a white background whereas France

Belgium and Luxembourg have areas of grey?

(25) Does any of the flight pass through BRUSSELS FIR? If so, where did
you enter and leave?

Answers (correct on 1995 chart)

(1) EVEN


(3) 422 kHz TGO NON A2A

(4) DME. Tune VOR to 112.5 MHz.

(5) Stuttgart TMA boundary.

(6) Use TGO 240 Radial 28 nm range.

(7) (a) Tr 268(M) becoming 305(M)

(b) 45 nm

(c) Upper & lower limits of airway (not on 1995 chart).

(8) STRASBOURG CTR boundary.

(9) Non-compulsory reporting point at FIR boundary.

(10) STRASBOURG TMA sector 2.
(11) No. Too high. TheCTR upper limit is 4000 ft.

(12) The DME will read the aircraft FL (i.e. if at FL 120, it will read 2 nm).

(13) On RMI heads of needles -313(M) and 133(M). RBI for 9P drift reads
(14) 003M/57 kt. (From Hdg 322 Tr 313 GS 44 in 11 min = 240 kt)

(15) ETA 1022. (From WV 006/60; TK 335; TAS 280 kt. So GS = 228 kt.
42 nm = 11 min)

(16) VORl LUX 112.25; VOR2 GTQ 111.25; ADF WLU 348.
70 Plotting and Flight Planning

(17) Brussels Control -My ident -LUXIE 22- Estimate MONTMEDY 31.
(Using GS 297 kt Distance 44 nm)
(18) None.

(19) Paris Control on 128.1 MHz.

(20) No.

(21) 3000 ft, to give 1000 ft clearance.

(22) REM VOR and DME 112.3 MHz.

(23) R163A: Restricted area up to 4000 ft. Summer Mon-Fri 0700-1500.

Winter +1 hr. Restricted area R45N 820 ft agl-2600 ft agl. Summer
Mon-Fri sunset to sunrise -30 min, 0730-1500. Winter +1 hr.
(24) Grey is used for areas outside controlled airspace (Classes F and G).

(25) The flight enters Brussels FIR at the sector point 30 nm from GTQ and
leaves at the sector point 15 nm from LUXIE en route to MMD.
Relative motion
This is defined as the motion of one body relative to another. Mathematically
it is the vector difference between the velocities of two bodies. To obtain a
vector difference it is necessary to add vectorially one vector to the other
vector reversed. The resultant will be the vector difference.

Single track relative motion

To begin, we will consider the simplest case of relative motion when the two
bodies are both moving along the same track either in the same or opposite
directions. The easiest way to understand these problems is to take an actual
example and explain each step of the procedure to be followed to reach a

Example 1 -The overtaking case

Aircraft X is leaving A at 1015 at GS 300 kt. y is also due to leave A at 1045
along the same track but at GS 400 kt. When will Y overtake X and when will
the two aircraft be within 60 nm of each other?

(1) In any relative motion problem always start by drawing a diagram and
then establish the relative positions of the two aircraft at the earliest time
when they are both in motion. The relative motion calculation starts
from this moment (Fig. 7.1). In this case the earliest time would be 1045
and so X has moved by 30min of GS along the track at 300 kt, a
distance of 150nm.
(2) Establish the distance to close (d to c). Obviously in this case at 1045 it
will be 150nm. Imagine yourself as the pilot of aircraft y looking ahead
(perhaps with the help of radar) and seeing the aircraft that you intend
overtaking 150nm away.

(3) The closing speed (CS) at which you will be overtaking the aircraft will
be the difference of the two speeds (relative velocity equals the vector
difference of the two velocities) which is 100kt.
72 Plotting and Flight Planning

1015 1045
30min @ 300kt= 150nm
x 0.. , 0 GS300kt


y 0 GS400kt-
Fig.7. Aircraft overtaking.

(4) The time to close (t to c) is derived from the distance to close at the
closing speed. 150nm @ lookt = 90min. So the time of overtaking will
be 1045 + Ihr 30min = ~.

(5) The solution can always be checked by calculating where the two aircraft
will be at the overtaking time.
X will have flown 1015-1215 = 2hr @ 300 kt = 600nm from A
y will have flown 1045-1215 = 1 hr 30 min @ 400 kt = 600 nm from A

(6) The two aircraft will be 60nm apart when aircraft y has closed a
distance of 150 -60 = 90nm. Time to close at lookt will be 54min.
Aircraft will first be within 60 nm at 1045 + 54 = 1lli.

(7) They will remain within 60 nm until y is 60 nm ahead of X. In other

words, y will have travelled a relative distance of 120nm from 60 nm
behind to 60 nm ahead. At the relative speed of 100kt, this will take 1 hr
12min and so ETA for 60nm beyond will be 1139 + 1 hr 12min = @.

Example 2 -The meeting case

The distance from p to Q is 700nm. An aircraft leaves p at 1200 flying at a
GS of 300kt towards Q. Another aircraft leaves Q at 1300 flying towards p at
180kt. When and where will they meet?

(1) Diagram first, showing the respective positions of the aircraft at 1300
(Fig. 7.2).
(2) At the first time when they are both in motion, the distance to close is
400nm (see Fig. 7.2).
(3) Speed of closing 300 + 180 = 480 kt.

(4) Time to close 400 @ 480kt = 50min. So ETA of meeting is 1300 +

50min = ~.

(5) At 1350, aircraft from P will have flown 1 hr 50 min at 300 kt = 550 nm
or aircraft from a will have flown 50min at 180kt = 150nm from a.
Check 550 + 150 = 700nm (total distance pa).
Relative Motion 73

1200 lh @ 300 kt = 300nm


, .G- 300 kt

P0 -0Q
700 om

180kt -8

d to c = 700 ~= 4OOnm -1

Fig. 7.2 Aircraft meeting.

The effect of wind on relative velocity problems

If both aircraft involved are in the same air mass, the effect of the wind can
be ignored asfar as the relative motion part of the problem is concerned. It is a
similar situation to two people playing table tennis on a moving ship. However ,
if it is required to know the position of the aircraft in relation to the ground,
the effect of wind must be considered. Consider how the previous problem
would be affected if the speeds quoted were T AS and there was a wind of
60 kt blowing along the track from Q to p .

Solution (Fig. 7.3)

(1) At 1300, d to c = 460nm

(2) CS = 240 + 240 = 480 kt (relative speed unaffected)

(3) t to c = 460 @ 480 = 57.5min

(4) ETA of meeting 1300 + 57.5min = ~

(5) At 1357.5 aircraft from p will have flown 1 hr 57.5 min @ 240 kt =

470 nm from p
(6) Check- at 1357.5 aircraft from a will have flown 57.5min @ 240 kt =
230nm from 0.230 + 470 = 700 (total distance pa).

What has changed the problem is the positioning of the two aircraft before
the relative motion commenced. If both aircraft had started at the same time,
the wind would not have affected the meeting time but would have moved
the meeting position downwind.

The changing speed problem

As presented, this is not a relative velocity problem and it can be solved by
conventional algebra although it may get you involved in rather large numbers.
A simpler solution is to convert it into a relative motion problem involving, in
the speed reduction case, overtaking an imaginary slower aircraft that is
scheduled to arrive at the destination at the required time. When your
74 Plotting and Flight Planning

<C:::oE Wind 6Okt

1200 1300

~.~.(f!j.9~.~~?~!.::.~.?~ G- 240 kt

P0- 0Q



dtoc=700-240=460nm .1

Fig. 7.3 Wind effect on solution of relative velocity problems.


1200 300kt-
6OOnm = 2h Original ETA 1400
B 0°
Revised ETA 1410
~ G
Imaginary a/c 130 min @ 240 kt = 52Onm

Fig. 7.4 Aircraft changing speed.

aircraft overtakes this imaginary aircraft, it will be necessary to reduce speed

to that of the slower aircraft so as to achieve the desired ETA.

Example 3 -The changing speedproblem

At 1200 an aircraft is flying at a GS 300 kt and is 600 nm from its destination
D. It is required to delay arrival by 10min and this will be done by reducing
speed to 240 kt. What is the latest time that this adjustment can be made?
(See Fig. 7.4).

(1) At 1200 d to c = 80nm

(2) CS is 300 -240 = 6Okt

(3) t to c = 80 @ 60kt = 80min

( 4) ET A of overtaking 1200 + 1 hr 20 min = ~

At 1320 aircraft will need to reduce speed to 240 kt so as to arrive at
destination at 1410.
Relative Motion 75

Relative motion between aircraft on different tracks

These problems are all solved vectorially either by scale drawing or by
trigonometrical calculation. Squared paper will be provided and, even if you
prefer a calculated solution, use should be made of this to prepare a reasonable
sketch of the problem.
The following points are extremely important:
(1) It is always necessary, before commencing the relative velocity calcu-
lation, to establish the geographical positions of the two aircraft when
they are both in motion. We did just the same in the single track
(2) On the sketch there will be two diagrams to be drawn usually to
different scales:
.speed (vector) scale (knots)
.distance scale (nm)
(3) The speed scale diagram will be representing the velocities of the two
aircraft and their vector difference which will be the relative velocity
between them. The distance scale diagram will be the geographical
diagram representing the actual physical movements of the two aircraft.

General method or solution

The sequence of working will vary between problems but in general it should
be noted:
.Always establish the geographical position of the two aircraft at the
earliest time when they are both in motion. Use the distance scale for
. The speed scale will be used to draw the vector representing the
velocity of one aircraft and to this will be added vectorially the vector
reversed of the other aircraft's velocity. The remaining side of the
triangle created will represent the vector difference between the two
velocities which will be the relative motion between the two aircraft.
This vector is only a convenient method of representing the direction
and magnitude of the relative motion -it does not represent the geo-
graphical motion of either aircraft.

Typical general relative velocity problem

Example 4
Position y is 44nm due East of position X. At 1010, aircraft B left Yon a
track of 335°(T) as 150 kt and at 1015, aircraft A left X on a track of 041°(T)
as 200 kt.

(1 When will the aircraft first be within 15 nm of each other?

76 Plotting and Flight Planning

O 100 200 kt

O 50nm

\ /

\ /~ A's velocity reversed

8's real ~
velocity \
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
Fig. 7.5 Determining relative velocity.

(2) When will the aircraft be nearest to each other and what will the
bearing and distance of B from A at this time?

Solution (Fig. 7.5)

(1) Both aircraft will be in motion at 1015 and so B's position is found at
this time (P) using a track plot and the distance scale (nm).
(2) Consider the pilot in aircraft A. He will see B moving under the
influence of two simultaneous velocities -B's real motion and the effect
of his own motion reversed. The diagram to establish this relative
motion could be drawn anywhere. In Fig. 7.5 the drawing has been
commenced at P and from here PO has been drawn to represent A's
velocity reversed (vector scale 221° 200kt). From O the vector OR is
Relative Motion 77

drawn to represent D's real motion (335° 150kt). Note that the arrows
on the vectors follow each other round. This is most important as this
indicates vectorial addition.
(3) RP , the third side of the triangle, represents the resultant relative
motion of B relative to A. This represents how B is apparently moving to
the observer in A. B is not actually moving along PR but, if A was
stationary at X and B did move along PR, the relative positions of the
two aircraft will be exactly the same at any moment as they would be in
the geographical diagram With both aircraft moving. A radar PPI in
aircraft A would give exactly the same presentation in either case.

(4) It is easier to solve, either graphically or by calculation, any problem

relating to the relative positions of the two aircraft on the vector diagram
PQR than on the geographical diagram. To find when B is within 15 nm
of A, draw an arc with centre X and radius 15 nm (distance scale) to cut
PR at L. If B had left P at 1015 and travelled to L, it would have gone
26nm (distance scale) at a relative speed of PR (196kt speed scale).
This gives a time of 8 min or ~r when they are~!st within 5 nm.

(5) The answer has been arrived at by assuming that A was not moving and
B was moving along PR. This is not the real situation. To demonstrate
the truth of the answer, the geographical positions of A and B have
been plotted in, using simple track and groundspeed methods. It will be
seen that the bearing and distance at this time between the 1023 DR
positions is the same as that measured between X and L.
(6) If B was moving along PR while A was stationary at X, it would be
nearest to A at point M which is where a perpendicular from A cuts PR.
PM is 4Onm (distance scale) which at the relative speed of 196kt equals
12 min. The aircraft will be nearest at 1027 and at this time the bearing
and distance Will be 353°/8nm these being the direction and length
(distance scale) of XM.
(7) In the diagram, the DR positions at 1027 have been plotted to confirm
the bearing and distance obtained.

The meeting case (interception)

In Fig. 7.6, two aircraft X and Yare due to meet at 05 min. Their respective
positions at minute intervals are shown before and after their meeting. It will
be seen that the lines joining the two aircraft are always in the same direction.
This is referred to as the line of constant bearing (LCB). For two aircraft to
meet, an LCB must be maintained and the aircraft must be converging.
Aircraft flying on diverging tracks or parallel tracks can also maintain LCBs.
The direction of the LCB represents the direction of the relative motion
between the two aircraft and the rate at which its length is changing is the
relative speed. In a potential collision situation, a pilot will see the other
aircraft moving towards him along the LCB at the relative speed.
78 Plotting and Flight Planning

Aircraft X

06 07 08 ~ 10

00 01 02 03 04 05
Aircraft y 06

Fig. 7.6 Line of constant bearing,

Conditions for aircraft to meet

For converging aircraft to meet at a point, it will be necessary for the relative
motion between the two aircraft to be along the direction of the LCB. The
direction of the LCB can easily be established by taking the bearing of one
aircraft from the other at the beginning of the problem. For example in the
case shown in Fig. 7.6, it would be the direction of the line joining the two 00
positions (030°).

Example 5 -A meeting problem

At 1025, Aircraft A with a TAS of 180 kt and a heading of 010°(T) observes
aircraft B on a relative bearing of 0300 at a range of 50nm. If B with a TAS
of 240 kt is on a collision course, what is:

(1) B's true heading?

(2) the relative velocity of B with respect to A ?

(3) the time at which the aircraft would meet?

Solution (see Fig. 7.7)

The direction of 030°(rel) to A or 0300 + 0100(T) = 0400(T) must be the LCE
that must be maintained and the relative motion between A and E must be in
this direction. In the relative motion triangle, one side (A's speed and
direction) is known, together with the magnitude of another side (E's speed)
and the direction of the third side (LCE direction) so the triangle can be
solved. The drawing sequence is as follows:
(1) Plot in the positions of A and E at the beginning of the problem (use
distance scale).
Relative Motion 79


B's real velocity

240 kt .JC'

/ /
/ .../- / B 1025
(" /
A 's velocity /
reversed / / B's track over the ground
180 kt

~;: point /

LCB & relative motion vector

A 1025

Fig. 7.7 Determining an interception.

(2) Draw PA to represent A's motion reversed (speed scale).

(3) With centre P and radius 240 kt (B's speed at speed scale) cut off at Q
along the line AB extended if necessary.
(4) The required relative velocity triangle is APQ and B's heading (QP)
can be measured as 2401:!2 .

(5) The relative velocity of B to A is given by QA- 2200(T)/382kt.

(6) The distance to close is 50nm and at a speed of 382kt the time to
close will be 8min. Estimated time of interception (ETI) will be 1025
+ 8min = 1033.

Point of No Alternate (PNA)

An aircraft is on a flight where there are no nearby destination alternates.
The aircraft has not got sufficient fuel to reach the destination and then still
be able to divert to the distant alternate which has been passed, some way off
80 Plotting and Flight Planning

track, on the flight. It is necessary for the Captain to know the latest point
along the track from which it would still be able to make a safe diversion to
the alternate.

Trial and error solution for the PNA

There are many methods of solving this problem. One method that can, in
experienced hands, be very successfulis a trial and error solution. An estimate is
made as to a likely PNA position and then a check is carried out to find the
time required to reach the estimated PNA and then to divert to the alternate.
The total time required is then compared with the safe endurance available.
Even if the result does not agree, it is probable that a further estimate will
prove to be reasonably accurate.

Relative motion solution for the PNA

Here, we will describe a rather more scientific method which is based on
relative motion. It is not proposed to give a detailed explanation of the
theory but having worked through some examples you may begin to see that
we are simply flying away from an imaginary moving base and after a time
altering heading to intercept it. The imaginary moving base is moving from
the departure point to the alternate in exactly the time of the safe endurance
to be used in the PNA problem.

Example 6
A flight is to be made from A to X, track 0900(T), TAS 200 kt WV 045~/40kt
Distance 500 nm. The safe endurance is 3 hours. The alternate is situated
315~/150nm from X. Find the time and distance from A to the PNA.

Solution (Fig. 7.8)

(1) It is suggested that the lettering used in the diagram is always employed
when using this method. Even if the diagrams that evolve look different,
the lettering will always be a safe guide to what each line represents.

(2) On a piece of squared paper plot in A, X and the alternate B using the
data given and a suitable scale (say lcm = 20nm).

(3) Measure the distance AB (407nm) and note it on the diagram. Using
the safe endurance (180min) calculate the speed of the moving base
(407nm in 180min = 136kt) and note this also.
(4) Using a suitable vector scale (say lcm = 20 kt) lay in a wind vector AC
blowing away from A (225° and 2cm).
(5) With centre C and radius TAS 200kt (10cm vector scale) describe an
arc to cut outward track AX at D. ADC is the vector triangle for the
outward flight and AD measured at 8.5 cm equals the outward GS of
170kt (vector scale). Note this value on the diagram.
Relative Motion 81

I , I I I ,

0 40 80 120 160 200

" kt&nm

Fig. 7.8 Point of no alternate.

(6) From A measure off the speed of the moving base 136kt (6.8cm) to
obtain point E. DE represents the LCB between the aircraft and the
moving base.

(7) Extend DE so as to cut the TAS circle at F. AF will represent the track
required to reintercept the moving base at a GS of 172kt (8.6cm). The
direction of this track is 354°.

(8) Plotting a track of 354° into the alternate B gives a PNA at point G.
(9) The distance
of 170 kt, thisAG to athe
gives PNA
time (G) is 401 nm- and with the outward GS
of 141!min.

(10) Checking with the distance GB 106nm and GS AF 172kt, the time to
reach the alternate from the PNA is 37 min. This gives a total time for
the operation of 178!min which is l!min less than the safe endurance.
1 min per hour of endurance is an acceptable error but, if an adjustment
was required, it can be made by intelligent guesswork. In this case, for
example, moving the PNA further along track will hardly affect the
distance GB and so a more accurate PNA time would probably be

Variations on the PNA problem

The PNA can be posed in two other ways:

(1) The initial heading is given instead of the track. In this case, commence
by plotting the wind vector AC and then draw from C a line in the
direction of the initial true heading to cut the airspeed circle at D.
Then proceed as before.
(2) A destination/alternate Critical Point is required. This will be the point
where the flying times to the destination and the alternate are the
same. In this case having obtained the outward GS (AD in Fig. 7.8),
82 Plotting and Flight Planning

calculate the flying time from A to the destination. Use this flying
time as the safe endurance for the problem. In this way the ETA at
the alternate, having diverted at the PNA, should correspond with the
ETA at the destination.

Practice questions
The following examples can all be done at a reasonable scale on sheets of A4
metric graph paper. Answers should be obtained within an accuracy of 1
minute per 1 hour of endurance.

(1) Destination given

A flight is to be made from A to X, track 090°(T), WV 045o-r140kt, TAS
200kt, distance 500nm. The safe endurance is 3hr. The alternate B is
situated 315o-rl150nm from X.
Calculate the time and distance from A to reach the PNA.

(2) Heading given

An aircraft sets heading from P 060°(T), TAS 300kt, safe endurance
2hr. The alternate Q is OOOo-rl200nmfrom P. WV 310°160kt.
Calculate the time and distance from P to the PNA.

(3) Track given

An aircraft sets heading from X to maintain a track of 135°(T), TAS
250 kt, WV 040o-r135kt. The safe endurance is 2hr 15min. The alternate
Z is 170°1150nm from X.
Calculate the time and distance from X to the PNA.
(4) Critical point
An aircraft is on a flight from L to M, distance 450nm, track 148°(T),
T AS 350 kt, WV 100o-r/75 kt. The alternate N is situated 172o-r1300nm
from L. Calculate the time and distance from L to the CP between M
and N.

(1) 398nm 14~min

(2) 217 nm 50 min

(3) 332nm 80min

(4) 344nm 70min.

Part 3
Before flight in the commercial business of carrying passengers or cargo for
hire or reward, a very comprehensive flight plan must be made, giving the
Hdgs(M) to steer, the time on each leg, the fuel to be consumed, the height
to fly, the alternates available, and any other detail useful for the trip. It is a
plan, a guide, and its main purpose is safety, ensuring primarily that sufficient
fuel is uplifted plus a bit extra for mother. In the air, amendments to Hdgs
and times will be made, with a continuous check on fuel consumption and
weather ahead, by actual navigation.
The first prerequisite on arrival at the field is to obtain the latest Met.
information for the route, and for all the aerodromes likely to be used;
forecast WV and temperatures at pertinent heights will be given, and from
these, the flight plan can be filled in. This done, adequate fuel can be ordered
and other matters such as range, point of no return can be duly entered. The
complete plan will be reported to A TC, so that in the air a full surveillance of
the aircraft's progress will be kept.
A couple of lines of a flight plan might look like the example in Table 8.1.
Having gaped at that lot for a moment or two (and perhaps checked the
TAS, times, Hdgs on your computer), you will appreciate that here is most
of the information required for the trip and on the trip; but of course,
temperatures, WVs are forecast, fuel consumption may not go according to
the book, ETAs will invariably change, but the plan is there.
You will have remarked that fuel consumption has decreased slightly on
the second leg: as the weight of the aircraft decreases with fuel being bummed
off, so there is less weight to heave through the air, and consumption will be
reduced. It is commonsense that as an aircraft gets lighter, with the fuel being
consumed, its performance will improve assuming that there is no significant
wind change. By an improved performance, we mean a smaller value for the
ratio of fuel flow to TAS. This is usually expressed as nm/kg, often referred
to as the economy figure. Modern turbo-jet aircraft are usually operated at a
constant Mach No. -in fact on some routes it is an ATC requirement that
this is done. Usually the Captain has very little choice in the speeds at which
he may operate. As set out in the OM for a modern tri-jet it is:
86 Plotting and Flight Planning



Q) =
e .-
E:: e


.~ e
Q =









"'-= §
~ .~-=
~C) -
-= x

~ e
E-o ~
Principles of Flight Planning 87

High speed (HS) cruise

Flying at Mach 0.85 subject to not exceeding the engine limitations.

Long range (LR) cruise

Flying at Mach 0.82.
In both cases, of course, the economy will improve as the aircraft gets
Apart from the speed selected and the wind, over which we have no
control, the other factor having a marked effect on the economy is FL.
Generally speaking with modern turbo-jets it is best to fly as high as is
possible and permitted. This should be done even to the extent of increasing
level as the aircraft gets lighter. Maximum economy would be achieved by a
gradual upward drift throughout cruising flight. This cruise-climb technique
is used by supersonic aircraft but in the more crowded levels, ATC prefer
constant level cruising.
It is possible, that at intervals, an aircraft may be permitted to 'step up' to
the next available FL (usually 4000 ft higher) .This is only likely every three
to four hours even with the biggest modern aircraft.
It is quite often stated that air temperature affects operating economy. This
is not, in general, of practical significance. Cruising at constant Mach No. , a
higher temperature produces a higher TAS at the expense of more engine
power and so higher fuel flows. Practical tests show that the two effects tend
to balance out producing no significant change in the overall economy (kg/nm).
The higher TAS will, of course, give a slightly better flight time.

The principles of flight planning

In the very first place, with the information available before flight, the
problem is one of work with the computer to resolve this information into
the essentials for the flight itself. After this, as the pilot considers fuel,
it is aircraft weight which is the governing factor; this weight decreases
dramatically as the trip progresses with the high rate of fuel consumption,
and a mean consumption or a mean TAS per sector must be deduced.
Aircraft manufacturers set out this data in the aircraft manual, and for a
'weight at start' of a leg will, for the altitude and temperature, proffer a
consumption for the next hour, or even for only the next half-hour, as we
shall see. Such data sheets are used in the ATPL exam, but in CPL the
knowledge of principles is introduced, and the averages of consumption or
T AS must be calculated.
Let us consider first a flight plan for a voyage where the TAS is reasonably
constant, or in other words, is given, but the fuel consumption varies as the
aircraft's weight reduces.
A snippet from the data:
88 Plotting and Flight Planning

Consumption (kg/h) at varying weights (kg)

70 000 65000 60000 55000

4200 4000 3900 3800

Take-offwt (TOW): 68500 kg

Climb: MeaDTAS340kt,time
38 miD, fuel used 3900kg

The body of the flight plan -RAS, GS, times, distance covered on the climb
and descent, ETAs, can be completed straight off. The weight at start is
68500 kg, so at the top of climb, having used 3900 kg, it will be ~kg for
the commencement of level flight. We need the mean weight on the next leg
in order to estimate as closely as possible the average consumption on it.
Assume for ease of example that the leg will take one hour; from the table
above, after half an hour, about 2000kg will have been burnt off, giving a
weight in mid-Ieg of 62600 kg; using this figure to enter the table, a mean
consumption will be extracted of 3950 kg, rounded off to avoid pedantic
To proceed, the weight at start of the next leg is 60 650 kg (having flown for
one hour at a consumption of 3950kg/h from a start of 64600 kg): say the leg
will take 4Omin. After 20min at 3910kg/h -and do not strain here, visual
and mental calculation is enough -1300 kg will be burnt off and the mean
weight may be taken to be 59350 kg. This weight from the tables gives a
consumption of 3890 kg/h, which is entered on the plan, and in 40 min will
use 2590kg, giving a weight at start of the next sector of 58060kg. And
so on.
A flight plan with a constant consumption but varying T AS is somewhat
more involved; the plan must be done line by line, and the estimation of
weights to find a mean T AS has its hazards, since no times on the legs are
A snippet from the data:

Consumption Mean Weight (kg) v TAS (kt)

kg/h 79000 77000 74000 72000

2400 300 308 319 326

Weight at commencement of climb: 81000 kg

Climb: Mean T AS 235 kt, time 48 min, fuel used 2250 kg

The climb leg can be solved for as, time, distance and the rest, and the
weight at start of level flight is 78750 kg.
The best technique is to commence by estimating an approximate economy
(kg/nm) figure. In this case, using conveniently rounded off figures of
Principles of Flight Planning 89

2400kg/h and 300 kt, the eoonomy figure would be 8 kg/nm in still air .If the
next stage was 190nm, the appropriate fuel used for half the stage would be
4 x 190 = 760 kg. The mean weight would, therefore, be 78750 -760 =
approx 78000 kg.
Use this weight to extract the TAS from the table = 304kt and oomplete
the leg of the flight plan. The actual fuel used will be 1560kg. Check. The
weight at start of next leg is 77190 kg, whence to continue the exercise.
On finishing the final line to destination, the fuel used from departure to
destination can be totted up, often called 'burn off , and the weight over the
destination field calculated; this weight, less any fuel used for final descent
and landing, will give the anticipated landing weight.
In calculating the fuel or T AS for the alternate from the data given, it is
sufficient to use the weight at destination as a leader into the requirements
for the leg.
The fuel to destination plus alternate fuel plus oontingency fuel plus taxi,
take-off, circuit, landing plus any other reserves or percentages will give the
total fuel required for the trip; from this figure, the payload can be worked
out, and this is what keeps us in business.
All this, the type of flight plan in qualifying exams for pilot licences, may
have astounded you in its vagaries and guesswork; have no fear, it is but a
presentation of the principles of the stuff to be student pilot: the manuals are
of oourse much more precise, full of information garnered from tests and
checks carried out with care and accuracy, but still on mean weights as
shown, though for a specified period of time. We will move on to this
practical matter at once.

Presentation of data
Every aircraft type produces a Cruise Control Manual, wherein all information
at all heights at all temperatures for each specific purpose is shown, either
graphically or tabulated, the latter by far the more popular. Climb, short
range diversion, level cruise by appropriate methods, four-engines, three-
engines, two-engines, level cruise; in fact anything that the pilot requires for
his aircraft for his route, presented succinctly, for rapid production of the
flight plan with the station manager breathing down his neck to get him away,
the fuel wallah palpitating for the fuel requirements, the load people agitating
for pay load particulars. You won't get the aircraft type on your licence till
you've mastered the manual, but for examination purposes, the CAA has
produced some Data Sheets set out along the accepted lines. Data Sheets 33
are part of your equipment, so we'll refer to them constantly and work out a
flight plan sample.
The performance of an aircraft is dependent on pressure and temperature
which in turn determine air density. The pressure is conveniently expressed
as the pressure altitude, i.e. the altimeter reading with 1013mb on the sub-
scale. The temperature is normally described by the temperature deviation
which is:
90 Plotting and Flight Planning

correct outside air temperature (COAT) -standard temperature

The standard temperature is the standard used for each particular FL in the
preparation of the tables. In Data Sheets 33, these standard temperatures are
detailed in Table 33F. This table differs from that used in most tables which
generally use an approximation to the International Standard Atmosphere
(ISA). The first step in working out a flight plan is to deduce the temperature
deviation for each stage. When extracting performance for any part of the
flight, it is important to check that the table being used is for the appropriate
temperature deviation range as shown at the top of the table.
Let us now plough gently through the following flight plan, assisted by
Data Sheets 33. See Tables 8.2 and 8.3. Remember the penalties are heavy
for serious arithmetical inaccuracies in the exam as well as in the air: -you
would feel a real charlie to find in mid trip that you'd uplifted 1000kg too
little fuel.
Information is as follows:
A flight is to be made from ROME TO ACCRA. LAGOS is the terminal
alternate. Route details are given on the proforma.

Loading: Weight at start of take-off is 130000 kg.

Climb: Climb on track from 1000it over ROME to FL 340 (Table
Cruise: Cruise at the levels given in the flight plan (Table 33C).
Descent: Descend on Track to arrive over ACCRA at 1000it (Table
Alternate: Use Table 33G. Assume diversion is commenced 1000it over
ACCRA and ends at 1000it over LAGOS.
Fuel: Sufficient for take-off and climb to 1000it over ROME, plus:
Sufficient for flight from ROME to ACCRA and to alternate
LAGOS, plus:
800 kg for circuit and landing, plus:
9000 kg reserve.
Complete the flight plan.
What weight of fuel is required?

Before starting, note that computer work is reduced by drift and wind
component tables (pages 24 and 25 of the Data Sheet). The TAS is regarded
broadly to give sufficient accuracy for flight planning purposes: a set is
provided for each aircraft, with its mean cruising speed, mean climb and
mean diversion speed. Here we have two tables, 480 kt and 380 kt; the wind
speed is set out across the top, with the angle between wind direction and
Track down the side. Thus, a drift and wind component can be read off,
though the port or starboard bit must be determined. Thus, Tr 180(T), WV
290/70, your expected TAS 486 kt -angle is 110° down the side, against WS
70, drift is 8, component +20; use GS 506kt, and with a southerly Tr with
rough westerly wind, drift is clearly port. The appropriate table can be used
to press on with the flight plan.
Principles of Flight Planning 91
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92 Plotting and Flight Planning
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Principles of Flight Planning 93

Aircraft weights
It is necessary to keep a running record of the aircraft weight. We will keep
the record in thousands of kg (tonnes (t» to an accuracy of 1 decimal place
(i.e. 100kg). This will be quite accurate enough for entering the performance
tables. Fuel amounts will be calculated to the nearest 10kg. We start our
weight record by putting the take-off weight, 130.0 t, on the first line in the
weight column. Turn to Table 33A on page 4 (temp devn -5 to -1°C).
Footnote 2 gives us our first line entries -time and fuel to 1000ft, 2 min and
1000kg. Subtracting It from 130.0 gives the weight at the start of the main
climb, 129.0, and this is entered on the ROME to TOC line in the weight

Table 33A is now entered with the take-off weight and the FL 340 for the fIrst
cruise stage. This is a surprising FL because under the semi-circular rules 340
is not generally used. Against the figure for 34000 TAS 379 kt is read being
the mean TAS for the climb, and along the same line under 130000 kg, read
off the fuel required and the minutes to reach 34000 ft -4400 kg and 20 min.
Write these in the plan and subtract 4.4 t from 129 to get the weight, 124.6,
for the start of cruise. Using your calculator obtain the distance gone on the
climb (20 min at 379 kt), 131nm, and subtracting from the total stage length
to PALERMO from ROME obtain the balance of the distance to go in
cruising flight.

All the time the temp dev and FL must be watched: there is absolutely no
reason why one shouldn't move from one page to another. And as an obiter
dictum: flight level is the same thing as pressure height. Here we go to Table
33C, Standard 0 to +9°C. The top line is separated into individual hours of
cruise, and the side has again pressure height and mean TAS: if you started
at 137000 kg, at 34000 ft and flew at that pressure height, provided the
temperature did not go outside the limits for the table, one could go steadily
along the line. In this case, our weight at start is 124600 kg, at 34000ft, TAS
is straight 488 kt, but we must interpolate for fuel flow between the column:

129: 7300 and 122: 6900

The columnar weight difference is 7000 kg for a consumption difference of
400 kg


consumption for 124600 kg initial weight

is 6900 + 150 = 7050 k~
94 Plotting and Flight Planning

which enter, and complete the PALERMO line, and be careful where you
enter the fuel required of 1470kg (that's what you made it, I hope). The
biggest boobs in flight planning are invariably arithmetical, cocking up a
thousand with a hundred digit.
Proceed now with a start weight of 123100 kg to IDRIS, checking the temp
dev, OK, keep the same page: but the pressure height is now 35000 ft. From
the notes on page 2 of the Data Sheets, an en-route climb of 4000 ft is ignored
for time, but add 200 kg to fuel used: to be perfect then, we need to throw in
50 kg to the fuel required on the IDRIS leg for a 1000ft climb. From Table
33C, TAS 486kt, and 6900kg is accurate enough for 123100kg weight at
start. Complete the line, and you'll find 39!min gives you 4550kg required,
+50kg, a round 4600. Weight at start for GHAT 118500kg. Into the Tables
again, check the temp dev, OK. Interpolate as before, between 123: 6900 kg
and 116 :6600 kg for a consumption at 118500kg aircraft weight.

2500 750
x 300 = = 110kg

7000 7

to be added to the 116000 weight consumption = 6710kg, and the TAS is

still 486kt.
Complete the GHAT and NIAMY lines. We now must deal with the
descent line to find time and distance covered before we can find out how far
along the Tr NIAMY- ACCRA to fly before commencing the descent. This
is Table 33E, and is as plain as a pikestaff: as we're leaving 35 00Oft, TAS is
369 kt, fuel used 700 kg, time 15imin. Complete the descent line, enter
distances for the level and descent bits, and now to finish off NIAMY- TOD:
the temp dev is + 12°C, so with a weight at start of 100190 kg on the table
marked 'Standard + lo°C to + 14°C' , enter at 35000 ft, T AS 494 kt, inter-
polate for 100000 kg between 103:6200 and 96:6000, giving 115kg to add to
6000, giving 6115 kg consumption. Finish off so far: add the burn off fuel
requirements from departure to destination and above all check that your
weight at ACCRA + this figure = 130000 kg.
The alternate must now be dealt with, Table 330. The explanatory notes
are reasonably clear: enter the tables for your conditions, and then make
corrections. We're at l000ft, will climb to 35000ft and descend to arrive over
LAGOS at l000ft. From drift and wind component table for TAS 380kt,
extract drift 2P, wind component + 12, enter 330 and with a spot of visual
interpolation: 35 min, 3620kg. Corrections are: none for height, weight is
94400 kg ...add 3%, 108kg say 110, used 3730kg. The corrections are all
straightforward, and they are set out for you: no need to learn them by heart;
it is automatic to check them, though, in every flight plan.
All that needs be done now is to tot up the fuel on board (FOB) require-
ments, as demanded by the question, or by the station officer on the route. It
is wise to set it out as on a fuel chit.
Principles of Flight Planning 95

Burn off 35550

Alternate 3730
Circuit and Landing 800
Reserve 9000
FOB 49080 kg
This makes it easy to deduce the landing weight at ACCRA, for example:
you will use the 800 kg for circuit and landing, but still have alternate and
reserve fuel in the tanks, so landing weight = 130000 -36350 = 93650 kg.

Divers problems in flight planning (Data Sheets 33)

The quite practical type of problem that involves a trip of a certain distance,
part at low altitude (29000it or below), part at high, hold and descent,
is straightforward once you know your way around the Data Sheets. The
information presented to you in an examination or in the Briefing Room must
be complete enough for an answer to be arrived at, and there should be no
difficulty, for example, in working out a descent before solving the time and
fuel for cruise: there's nothing new in that. Table 33E for descent couldn't
really be easier. I'm not trying to offend your intelligence in reminding you
that a hold is a hold, where a ground speed is unnecessary: in the artificial
atmosphere of the exam room, it is easy to start hunting for the absurd like
'how far have I gone on the hold leg'.
Table 33D gives the low level cruise information, and do, oh do, notice the
footnote about the mean weight of 100000kg. A mean weight of 135000kg
increases the consumption at 15000 ft at ISA + 7, by 705 kg/h. The table
otherwise is self explanatory , calling for only the simplest interpolation.
A climb from 15000 ft to 34000 it in Table 33A demands a simple subtraction
of fuel at 15000it for the weight at start of climb from the fuel at 34000it,
but a visual interpolation is required at bottom and top for intermediate
weights. Keeping ISA +7, with a weight of 133840kg at 15000ft to start the
climb to 34000 it, the table says -

135000 kg 130000 kg

Press Mean Fuel Time Fuel Time

Height TAS kg miD kg miD

34000 387 5800 31 5300 28

15000 324 2100 9 2000 9

Fuel at 15000 ft for 133840 kg aircraft weight is 2080 kg

Fuel at 34000 ft for 133840 kg aircraft weight is 5700 kg
Fuel used for this climb, then, is 3620 kg, and such a round-off figure is quite
adequate, as is the similarly subtractive time of 22 miD.
The mean T AS for this climb demands an entry into the graph labelled for
96 Plotting and Flight Planning

the exercise as Table 33B: enter with top of climb height across to the
appropriate start of climb height curve, drop to the reference line, and then
parallel up or down as far as the temp dev axis, and read off the mean TAS.
Our example above gives 418kt. Interpolation of the bottom of climb curve is
visually done. Don't make a large theoretical chore of any of this: the table,
anyway, gives an example, which is worth a moment's study.
Descent is plain sailing (Table 33£) just read off TAS, fuel used and time
taken from altitude to 1000ft: if the bottom of descent is not 1000ft, subtract
one fuel from t'other, ditto time; add the two TAS and subtract 290. Hold is
taken at the altitude on Table 33D, and the fuel calculated for the time of

Try this, using Data SheetsNo.33

An aircraft is to fly from A to B, a distance of 950nm on a Tr of 250(T).
Take-off weight is 140000kg, and the aircraft will successively:

(a) Climb from 1000ft to 15000ft, and then cruise at this level for 25min
(Table 33D).
(b) Climb from 15000 ft to 34000 ft and cruise at this level until a descent
is made to arrive over B at 6000 ft.

(c) Hold at 6000ft over B for 30min (Table 33D) and then descend over
B to 1000ft.

Details of these stages, temp dev and WV are given below.

Complete the flight plan, giving the total fuel required and the total time.

STAGE Temp wv TAS Wind as Dist Time Fuel Start Fuel

Press Alt Dev Component min Flow Weight kg
kg/h kg

Take-off &
climb to l000ft

1000-15 000 ft +3 200/40

Level15000ft +6 240150 25

15000-34000ft +6 260/60

Level34000ft +8 290/70

34{)()()-6{)()()ft 230/50

Hold at 6OOOft 30

6000-1000 ft


Answer: 24 !XXJkg; 3h 2min (:1:200 kg :I: 2min)

Principles of Flight Planning 97

The following problem is really an exercise in figure manipulation and

logical method, but it has a very practical role, for often the weight of the
aircraft at destination is the limiting factor .
Using Data Sheets 33, a flight is to be made from A to B, distance
1150nm, to arrive over B at 6000ft at weight 98000 kg.

On Track from 1000ft over A to FL 340 (Temp dev +6°, hwc 30 kt)

Four-engine level cruise at 0.86 Mach at FL 340 (Temp dev +6°, hwc 55 kt)

On Track to arrive over B at 6000 it (head wind component 25 kt) .
Give the time and fuel required for:

.Climb from l000it



Descent first, from Table 33E:
T AS (367 + 300) -290 = 377 kt:
:. as is 352 kt. Time given 12 min, so distance 70 nm:
Fuel given 600 kg:
Weight at start of descent is therefore ~kg.
Level next, Table 33C, temp dev +6°C:
TAS 488 kt :. as 433 kt.
The aircraft's weight is going to finish the cruise sector at 98600 kg; in the
Table, from 102000 to 98600 kg gives fuel 3400 kg.
At noted consumption of 6200 kg/h, this takes 33 min:

33 min at as 433 kt gives distance 238 nm

The preceding hour uses 6400 kg and distance 433 nm.

A mental check indicates that there may be little cruise distance left, so take
a summary:
After the climb and an undetermined period of cruise, the all-up-weight
(AUW) is:
98000 + 600 + 3400 + 6400 = 108400kg

Similarly, the distance gone is:

1150- (70 + 238 + 433) = 4O9nm

To enter the climb table, the TOW is required, so this must at this stage be
estimated as accurately as possible. A glance at the appropriate page of Table
98 Plotting and Flight Planning

33A suggests a 22 min climb at a TOW of 115000 kg, fuel used 4300 kg; the
climb as 357 kt for this time means 131nm will be covered on the climb, and
278nm is left for the very first cruise bit. Continuing with this procedure,
enter the level cruise Table, read off the consumption 6700 kg/h, calculate the
time to do 278nm at as 433kt; thus, 3~min and fuel used 4300 kg. The
approximate TOW is:
108400 + 4300 + 4300 = 117000kg,

and although the climb table gives fuel and time from 1000ft which is just
what the question demands, the top line is classified as TOW and 1000kg
must be included in the TOW figure for the initial take-off climb. Entering
the table then with 118000 kg:
Climb takes 23 min, uses 4500 kg, distance 137 nm. Level flight starts at
112500 kg all-up-weight (the initial climb fuel of 1000kg being allowed for),
and so this portion will take 38min to fly the 272nm at GS 433kt, at fuel
consumption 6600 kg/h = 4200 kg. There is an element of meaning-off the
extracted figures from the entered figures in the tables for intermediate
weights, but there is no need for pedantic precision.
The answers are:

.Climb: 23 min, fuel 4500 kg

.Cruise: 2h 11min, fuel 14000 kg

.Descent: 12min, fuel 600 kg

Diversion and hold

Another practical problem in this paper is a diversion arranged for you
somewhere in the closing stages of a trip. As the examiner wants to know if
you are really familiar with the tables, he will divert you half way down the
descent, and give you a hold. At one fell swoop, he's got you in every table in
the book, and a good thing too. Since a diversion is assumed to be demanded
after a shot at landing which has proved out of the question, diversion tables
have overshoot, climb to a suitable level, reserve fuel all included in the
figures; to peel off on the way down and head for the alternate field must
require suitable corrections to these figures. In Data Sheets 33 these corrections
are clearly shown, but in Sheets 34 they are not, and circumstances will
decide which of the more thumbed tables are appropriate in the latter case,
not forgetting the low level cruise set.
Perhaps it's opportune to take a look at Data Sheets 34; these are geared
for heavier aircraft, but are similar in format, and mainly self-explanatory,
though watch the footnotes as before. Interpolations for fuel consumption
between stated weights are definitely only to the nearest 100kg, and the low
level cruise table is the one to use if holding.
An aircraft cruising at 0.83 indicated Mach at FL 350 is on Tr to destination
B which is 640 nm distant. Aircraft weight is 238500 kg, temp dev + 7°C,
hwc 40 kt.
Principles of Flight Planning 99

Later, descent on Tr is commenced, hwc 20 kt

(a) Give the time and fuel required for:

. Descent

The aircraft arrives at B, but diverts after an overshoot to D, 156nm

distant, twc 30 kt, temp dev +8°C.

(b) Give the aircraft weight at commencement of diversion.

(c) Determine time, flight level, and fuel required for diversion. The
aircraft holds over D at FL 160 for 17min, temp dev +14° (Table
( d) Give the fuel required for holding.

Descent 15min, 2000 kg, TAS 378kt, from Table 34E

:. as 358 kt, distance run 9Onm.
Cruise which will be for 550 nm
TAS 484 kt, :. as 444 kt, time 75!min
AUW 238500kg
Enter Table 34C, temp devn 0 to +9°C (page 10) at the FL 350 and
guestimate a fuel flow for the stage of 9400 kg/h. The fact that it is just over
an hour is not significant.
Cruise fuel = 75!min at 9400kg/h = 11830kg
Answer (a) 75!min 11830kg, 15min 2000 kg
Now for the diversion; fuel used to B is 14000kg, and the aircraft weight
after overshoot is 238500 -14000 = 224500kg.
Entering Table 34B, interpolate for 156nm and a 30kt tailwind, read fuel
13900 kg, FL 220, time 31 min. The start of diversion weight is 30500 kg less
than tabulated, so footnote correction (a) must be applied; this is 6% of
13900, subtractive, 800 kg, = 13100 kg.
Answer (b) 224500kg, (c) 31 min, FL 220, 13100kg.
For the hold, TAS 434 kt is extracted from the Table 34D, but the fuel flow
must be checked against aircraft weight as per the footnote. Diversion started
at 224500 kg AUW, and 13100 kg was to be used; this figure contains 7500 kg
reserve, and the aircraft has descended only to FL 160. Of the actual fuel
required, 5600 kg (13100 -7500), the amount unused at the hold point would
be the descent from FL 160 to landing, a figure of 1800kg from the descent
table. A round estimate of what fuel has in fact been burnt off would be
3800kg, and the AUW at holding 220700kg. Thus, the noted consumption
of 12500 kg in the Table is satisfactory, and the correction element is
not applicable.
Answer (d) 17min at 12500kg/h = 3550kg.
This example has put you into the diversion table, but if the descent had
been broken off, say, at FL 180, whence to proceed direct to the alternate,
then the calculations must be made from the descent, climb and cruise tables,
100 Plotting and Flight Planning

starting from the AUW at the time of break off; since the diversion table
showed that FL 220 would be climbed to, then from FL 180 a climb to around
FL 340 would be possible and advisable.
Just to make sure you're not betting on avoiding a question on three-
engine operation, take a look at Table 34G in Data Sheets 34 for such a
problem as the following.
An aircraft en route to K goes on three engines at 1307.
Descent will be made on Tr. Details are:
Distance 926 nm
Cruise wind comp -33 kt
Descent wind comp -36kt
FL 310
Temp dev +8°C
Aircraft weight at 1307 is 235700 kg
Fuel in tanks at 1307 is 41300 kg

(a) Give ETA K

(b) How much fuel remaining on landing?

Descent first: TAS 358 kt, fue11900kg, time 14min

:. GS 322 kt, distance 75 nm, and cruise distance is then
851 nm.
AUW 235700kg, mean TAS 451 kt, 9700kg/h at first, from the appropriate
section of Table 34G. (Mean weight will be about 230000 kg in first hour)

.', GS 418kt, time 2h 2min

Fuel first hour 9700 kg
next 62min 9500kg (use consumption 9200kg/h)
Cruise fuel 19200 kg
+ Descent fuel 1900 kg
Total used 21100 kg

This total subtracted from fuel available at 1307 gives 20200 kg left on
ETA 1307 + 2h,2min cruise + 14min descent = 1523hrs
Answer (a) ETA K 1523, (b) 20200kg.
Quite straightforward, providing you have familiarity. As a rider, the
three-engine cruise in our favourite Data Sheets 33, Table 33H, is set out
page by page for temp dev from standard, giving TAS at height and
consumption per hour for a given weight at start: descent would call for
normal descent Table 33E. Take a look at it right now or you'll be sorry.
To sum up for the flight plan itself, and such matters just discussed, you
will need to do some of the published exam papers to get up some reasonable
speed with accuracy: there is no need to be pedantic about fuel consumption.
For instance, the tables themselves are not precise to a couple of hundred
kilos- a weight of 101100kg gives a consumption 6400kg/h and the following
Principles of Flight Planning 101

hour the AUW at start is 95000 kg. There is a lot of averaging out, and
though precision is always to be aimed for, it must be reasonable. You will
find too the drift and wind component table at the end of the book helps
speed things along, using the appropriate table for the climb or level: all
that computer work is avoided. The failing point in flight planning is pure
arithmetical error, frequently induced by examination neurosis.
Flight planning examinations are now in the multi-choice format. If you
find it difficult to envisage how this can be done you should obtain CAP 505
or CAP 511 (see Appendix 3). You will find that it is still necessary to
complete a flight plan as a preliminary to answering a series of objective
On an airline running scheduled services, it would appear at first sight that
the Captain has precious little say: certainly the majority of local trips around
the UK to the European continent are fixed on an airways route at pre-
arranged altitudes, and fortunately for pilot morale, however much they may
appear to resemble a taxi service, the vagaries of weather and the need to
practise all types of let-downs are ever present. On long routes, despite the
firm establishment of various different tracks across the water or desert, the
Captain must study the overall weather picture at selected heights and pick
the best route for speed, the best height for his particular aircraft under the
conditions, never forgetting passenger comfort (or animal comfort if he's
carrying a load of monkeys), viewing the whole thing with an eye on fuel
consumption and safety at all times. This takes some expertise to do briskly
and surely, and while there is nothing worse than the type who hums and ha's
muttering 'ye canna be too careful', it is positively better than the impulsive
one who decides too quickly and pours his 100 ton flying cigar into turbulent
weather away from operating navigation aids.
The scheduled services are but a part of the airline picture: any number of
firms specialise in charter operations, and the majority are prepared to do
charters, hiring aircraft if necessary from their competitors. Immediately, the
profit motive could incite the Captain to take undue risks, especially if he is
recently promoted to command and is anxious to make a name for himself as
a good company man. Happily, by the time he is ready for such elevation, he
has learnt more sense, apart from the legislative exercises he has had to
In such operations, the route and height are his decision: he will have in
good time pondered the variables, and be ready at the briefing with a
selection of possible routes from which to make a quick and safe choice; in
fact, he may already have decided from his bedside after listening to the met
man and the operations chap, so that on arrival at the field the flight plan is
prepared and he needs only to check and corroborate that the latest information
confirms his previous telephone briefing.
The procedure hardly varies; knowing his aircraft's heights for optimum
operation, power- and fuel-wise, he will view a route first which will give him
the best time track, examine it for trappy forecasts of turbulence or icing; for
navaids en route; for active danger areas notified for the time on the Notams;
for ATC restrictions and requirements; for safe clearance of topographical
Choice of Route 103

obstacles. Can he get over the highest mountains en route at the weight he
will be at the time he gets there? Not only over them, but well over them?
The broad decision now taken, he must at once examine the forecast weather
at destination and departure field and at suitable alternates; not only alternates
at his destination, but at the departure point, in case of return. Is there an
en-route aerodrome available for landing if the destination clamps, thereby
avoiding a possible diversion to some destination alternate when fuel is
getting low, and the destination alternate is suffering from the same foul
weather as the destination itself? Is a chosen alternate not only far enough
away from the clamped destination to be reached comfortably with the fuel
aboard, forecast OK for weather, but also politically OK for the passengers
and crew to be allowed through immigration in the case of a long wait? Is the
required type of fuel available there? Are the take-off and landing conditions
restrictive? Are the necessary services available there at the possible arrival
time? The world is scattered with airfields which do not fill all these
requirements, only useful in case of force majeure.
The next check is on TOW and landing conditions: at expected TOW will
the met conditions allow a safe unstick? With that TOW, less the expected
fuel consumption from departure to destination (burn off + oil and water
used, + extra required for climb, taxi, T/O, circuit and landing), is the
maximum landing weight greater than the maximum allowed for the aircraft
or by the airfield itself? If so, will the fuel uplift be reduced to allow a safe
operation? Or should the payload be reduced?
He can now address himself to cruise control and fuel: long range or high
speed cruise, depending on whether fuel conservation is more important than
speed, or whether speed is possible with no fuel problems. All aircraft
manufacturers produce their tables, and a little experience of their operation
makes the decision more or less immediate. With the burn off + fuel
required for alternate (latter usually at Long Range Cruise) he now considers
his reserves, bearing in mind all the previous factors mentioned. A Route
Contingency reserve is usually laid down by the Company, a percentage of
burn off, with a maximum amount: this allows for the hard trip when actual
winds are more adverse than forecast or for any of those happenings which
are part of the flying game, such as being ordered to fly at an unsatisfactory
altitude for the aircraft, or to move off flight planned track for any reason,
weather or traffic. The amount of contingency fuel is normally determined by
the route: over country plentifully supplied with good airfields, the percentage
of burn off would not be so large as that over the oceans or deserts. A similar
percentage is usually applied to the alternate fuel, and for the same reasons.
An emergency reserve is frequently added for Mother, plus a goodly quantity
for stand off, climb out, and taxi, the amount depending on the aircraft, and
the complexity of the traffic at destination. It is almost normal in dodgy
weather to have a stack of twenty aircraft at a place like NEW YORK, and
plaintive cries from pilots that fuel is low and precedence is required are
viewed very palely indeed from the other poor devils holding at precise
altitudes for hours on end.
104 Plotting and Flight Planning

The only likely major difference to this type of routine will be if the
destination is an island set solitary-Iike in the silver sea, a hearty distance
from another aerodrome. Then, once having passed the PNR, or the latest
time to divert to a suitable field on the beam of Tr, and a landing at
destination becomes obligatory , an island reserve is substituted for alternate
fuel, reserve fuel, and stand off fuel, to permit a long hold.
Add the lot up, and that's the load sheet fuel: an endurance is worked out
from this from a graph or a rule of thumb average to give the maximum time
the aircraft can be airborne.
Sundry wrinkles will become apparent, nearly all allowed for in the Aircraft
Type Manual. The total FOB may include a quantity of unusable fuel in the
tanks: the only interest in this for the operation is that it's part of the weight.
Climb, taxi, take-off fuel will be laid down in the Manual, and included on
the flight plan; en-route climb and allowances for it will be considered in the
body of the flight plan from an appropriate table or graph; fuel for heaters,
de-icers and so on are similarly allowed for. One pretty point often overlooked
especially on shortish sectors is to jug up to the gills with fuel where the price
is cheap, or to take the minimum consonant with safety where it is high: this
will endear you to the commercial side of the company, for the savings can be
appreciable. However, companies will usually lay down very precise rules as
to when excess fuel is to be loaded.

Area Navigation (RNA V)

Traditionally, air navigation for commercial flights evolved from the use of
point-source aids such as described in volume 1, initially with radio-ranges
and NDBs, later to be followed by VORs, DMEs etc. These point-source
aids led to the current A TS route structure which is particularly complex
in the European/Mediterranean region and which is inherently inflexible.
Unfortunately too, the present route structure offers little scope for expanding
traffic capacity, options available to pilots or improving on the current levels
of efficiency which already impose high workloads on air traffic controllers
and pilots alike, especially in terminal areas. Also it has to be borne
in mind that aircraft using airways vary considerably in their age, their
performance and the degree of sophistication of their on-board equipment,
leading to varying standards of navigation, even though they are meeting the
internationally-agreed mandatory minimum requirements for airways flying.
Even the national A TS systems in adjoining countries may differ in operating
concepts and procedures within the internationally-agreed parameters, all
adding to the difficulties encountered when trying to improve route capacity
and all-round efficiency, at the same time as trying to offer pilots a practical
choice of routes when flight planning.
For the closing years of the 1990s it is believed that the development of
Area Navigation (RNA V) will overcome the present deficiencies and enable
ATS systems to accommodate the increasing need for operators to enjoy a
greater route flexibility and traffic capacity, handled safely and efficiently. So
what is RNAV? In ICAO Annex 11, RNAV is defined as a method of
Choice of Route 105

navigation which permits aircraft operation on any desired flight path within
the coverage of station-referenced navigation aids, or within the limits of the
capability of self-contained aids, or a combination of these. Thus RNA V
may, in general terms, be considered as any system of navigation which is
capable of maintaining track and time to a specified degree of accuracy
without having to overfly a point-source aid.
The advantages of adopting the RNA V principle over the present fixed
route system stem from the introduction which will then be possible of more
direct routeing so reducing flight distances, times and fuel required. It could
lead to increasing existing or new route capacities by enabling the use of dual
or parallel routes, reduced separation horizontally and vertically between
routes and of the basic volume of protected airspace. It will allow pilots and
operators to exercise greater freedom of choice while also giving ATC greater
All this however depends upon the time when virtually all aircraft are
equipped to the necessary RNA V standard -hopefully well within this
decade. It is recognised that there will be difficulties to be overcome during
the transitional stage because there will still be aircraft operating wholly
dependent on over-flying point-source navigation aids. In Europe, time scales
are being established and initially RNA V will be used within the existing
ATS route system. Then it is envisaged that as most aircraft come to meet the
approved minimum equipment standards, there will be 'Fixed RNA V Routes'
(published permanent ATS routes which can only be fiight-planned by aircraft
with the appropriate RNA V capability), 'Contingency RNA V Routes'
(published A TS routes usable by RNA V capability aircraft during specific
time-Iimited periods) and 'Random RNA V Routes' (unpublished routes
which can be fiight-planned within certain designated RNA V areas) which
will be options open to 'pilots.
Within the RNA V concept itself, there are two recognised levels of accuracy
of operation -Basic RNA V (B-RNA V) of which the accuracy is comparable
with that of aircraft operating the present system on routes defined by
VOR/DME, and Precision RNA V (P-RNA V) which requires a track-keeping
accuracy of 0.5 nm standard deviation or better. Already many UK-registered
aircraft are fitted with RNA V capability equipment and as the phases of
introduction are implemented, so in the UK the Air Navigation Order
(ANO) will be amended to lay down the rules for approval of RNA V
equipment, its installation and maintenance together with the operational
procedures to be used. The current position is laid down in Articles
42-44 of the ANO (1995) and expanded in a yellow (Ops/ ATS) Aeronautical
Information Circular. The intention is that carriage of RNA V equipment will be
mandatory from 1st January 1998 within the airspace of ECAC member states.
By then, the pilot's choice of route will have been usefully extended, even in
heavily-trafficked areas, if his aircraft is RNA V fitted.
Being in an international business the pilot is constantly plagued with units
different from the ones he's been brought up on, and despite efforts to bring
them all to one acceptable type world-wide, there's always the nation which
won't conform or won't agree. In general, kilograms are becoming the
accepted weight unit, though the pilot will find pounds aplenty on the trips.
Volume should thus be in litres, and this comes hard to many, used to
Imperial gallons. The US gallon is only about 4/5 of the Imperial gallon, so
there's another snag. It is quite unnecessary to memorise the conversion
units, they're all on the computer anyway or in the Flight Manual, but when
dealing with large figures, you should have an approximate idea of the
relationship in order to get the number of noughts correct.

I kilogram is 2.21b
I litre is about 1/5th Imperial gallon
I litre is about 1/4th of a US gallon
The weight of fuel varies with temperature and air pressure: the conversion
from volume occupied (i.e. litres or gallons) to weight (kg or Ib) is found by
knowing the fuel's specific gravity at the time of loading. An engineer will
have used his hydrometer to find this, and the sum is simple. It must of
course be entered on the load sheet; on the flight plan, weight is the only
The specific gravity is simply the relation of the weight of fuel at the time
for a given volume to the weight of water for the same volume (the water
being under standard conditions of temperature and pressure) (see Fig. 10.1).
The circular slide rule works all this out for you, and you will see that kg
to Ib is straightforward, but you cannot convert litres to kg, gals to Ib, or
any variant of these without knowing the sg -the errors can be considerable,
and there must be no guesswork at all.
The precautions to be observed with respect to maximum TOW and
maximum landing weight after obtaining total fuel requirements have already
been mentioned; the fuel requirements, although calculated with precision,
are the minimum requirements for safe operation, for there would be no
point in lugging excess fuel around; thence, the payload carried must be such
that these maxima are not exceeded, and off-loading passengersor freight is a
serious decision in a commercial concern. But just as maxima are laid down
Weight Calculation 107

Weighs 10lb if water

So 1 gallon weighs 7.5 lb if
sg is 0.75


or 1 000 cc, weigh 1 kg if water .
IfsgO.75 1 litre weighs 0.75 kg
and 1 kg occupies o:h = 1.3 titres

Fig. 10.1 Specific gravity,

for aircraft weight, so for each flight there must be a maximum payload that
can be carried.
Consider the following example:

Maximum TOW 250000 kg

Maximum Idg wt 190000kg
Weight without fuel or payload 170000 kg
FOB 23535 kg
Fuel required from departure to destination 16535 kg

The point to start with is max Idg wt 190000kg. The only difference between
this imperative maximum and the actual TOW is the fuel used up from
departure to destination, the burn off.

So 190000 kg
16535 kg
206535kg is the TOW
This is well below the maximum TOW, but dare not be exceeded, for if it
was, the aircraft would be above maximum landing weight at the destination
and would be forced to chunter around simply to use fuel and get the weight
The weight without fuel or payload, 170000 kg, may now be added to the
total fuel on board to give 193535 kg, the weight without payload. Then
206535 -193535 = 13000 kg payload, pretty poor for such a heavy aircraft,
but when going to spots like Iceland, calling for much fuel for an alternate in
Scotland, such a case can frequently happen.
Another example:
Maximum TOW 47300 kg
Weight less fuel and payload 33400 kg
Fuel required from departure to destination 9775 kg
108 Plotting and Flight Planning

Reserve fuel (assume unused) 1985kg

What is maximum payload that can be carried?
47300 -33400 = 13900 kg = fuel + payload.
FOB is 9775 + 1985 = 11760 kg
:. playload is 2140kg
All the problems boil down to either of these types, and in practice the
Station Duty Officer has a simple form to resolve them. The burn off may
include not only the fuel used from departure to destination but also oil and
A further example:
Regulated landing weight (RL W) 52618 kg Max TOW under forecast
Burn off 18240 conditions 72575
70858 kg
Max permissible TOW 70858 kg
Estimated weight, no fuel
(empty tank weight) 42628 (including traffic load)
Max fuel uplift 28230 kg
Flight plan fuel 28230 kg
Excess available NIL
Loadsheet fuel 28230 kg
+ taxi and etc. 500
This is the fuel in your tanks 28730 kg TOW 70858 kg

And you will see that the restricting factor on this trip was ldg wt, and the
fuel uplifted exactly the flight plan requirement.

Zero fuel weight (ZFW)

There is one further restriction -the Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW).
Modem aircraft carry most, if not all, of their fuel in the wings. If the tanks
are empty, there will be a maximum permissible weight for the aircraft
including all its contents (equipment, crew, passengersand cargo). Exceeding
this weight would put an unacceptable load on the aircraft structure. To
check that all three restrictions are complied with, the following procedure,
illustrated by an example, is recommended.

Example 1
RTOW 167t (tonne = lOOOkg)
RLW 139.55t
MZFW 132 t

Aircraft weight without fuel and payload 90 t (often called the aircraft
prepared for service (APS) weight)

Reserve fuel 3t
Flight time 3 h 33 min
Weight Calculation 109

Diversion time 51 min

Fuel flow throughout 2.5 t/hr
What is the maximum permissible TOW and payload?


TOW (t) RLW (t) ZFW (t) Burn off 8.875 t

139.55 132 Diversion 2.125 t

Bum off 8.88 Total FOB 14 Reserve 3.000t

167 148.43 146 Total 14.000t

maximum payload 42t

Example 2

APS weight 40.00 t

RLW 49.55t
RTOW 65.00t
MZFW 48.00t
Bum-off 12.89 t
Reserve 1.65t
Calculate the maximum permissible TOW and payload.


TOW (t) RLW (t) ZFW (t)

49.55 48.00 Burn off 12.89

Bum off 12.89 Total FOB 14.54 Reserve 1.65

65 62.44 62.54 Total 14.54

Maximum permissible TOW ~t

APS 40.00
Total FOB 14.54 54.54t

Maximum payload 7.9t

110 Plotting and Flight Planning

Example 3

Load sheet reads

A/c wt, no fuel, no payload 63200 kg

Max TOW 99 ()()()kg
Route fuel (excluding reserve) 18200 kg
Reserve (assume unused) 3000 kg
If max Idg wt is 76500 kg, and MZFW 74000 kg, find:
(a) TOW when maximum payload is carried.

(b) Maximum payload.


TOW (t) RLW (t) ZFW (t)

76.5 74.0 Bum off 18.2

Bum off 18.2 Total FOB 21.2 Reserve 3

99 94.7 95.2 Total 21.2

Maximum permissible TOW 2.1::Lt

APS weight 63.2
Total FOB 21.2 84.4t

Maximum payload 10.3t

Example 4
You are fly from P to O where your fuel is not available, and return to P: a
maximum payload is to be off-loaded at O, and a maximum payload uplifted
there. The following are the pertinent data:
Distance P to O 610 nm
Wt, no fuel, no payload 36500 kg
Max ldg wt 52400 kg
Max TOW 63000 kg
Reserve (unused) 4000kg
Fuel for each flight 500 kg
(circuit, take-off, etc.)
Mean consumption 1350 kg/h
Mean GS P-O 240 kt
Mean GS O-P 280 kt
Give (a) The fuel which must be uplifted at P.
(b) Maximum payload which can be carried from P to O.
(c) Maximum payload which can be carried from O to P .
Weight Calculation

Both flights use less fuel than MTOW -ML W , so ML W is restricting.
P-O: 610nm @ 240 kt = 2h 32min @ 1350kg/h = 3420kg fuel.
O- P: 610 nm @ 280 kt = 2 h 10 min @ 1350 kg/h = 2925 kg fuel.

:. FOB at P 3420kg (P-O)

2925kg (O-P)
Reserve 4000 kg
Circuit !..QQQkg (500forretumtoP)
FUEL REaD. ~kg ...(a)
Wt, no fuel, no payload 36500kg Max Idg wt
FOB +~ kg Fuel used
Wt, no payload ~ kg Circuit
Wt, no payload

Wt, no fuel, no payload 36500 kg Max ldg wt 52400kg
Q-P fuel 2925 kg Fuel used 2925 kg
Reserve 4000 kg Circuit +~kg
Circuit + -.:?:.QQ
kg TOW ~kg
Wt, no payload ~kg
:.TOW 55825 kg
Wt, no payload -43 92~ kg
PAYLOAD Q to P ~kg (c)
PNR is the point beyond which an aircraft cannot go and still return to its
departure field within its endurance.
This is entirely a fuel problem, and some reserve for holding or diversion
should always be allowed for before setting about the calculation. A PNR is
scarcely pertinent on trips over land well served with airfields, though a pilot
will often prefer, if his destination and destination alternates are forecast en
route to be below limits for his ET A, to return home rather than lob into an
airfield where conditions for waiting with a crowd of passengersare miserable,
expensive or politically troublesome. But over the oceans and deserts, a PNR
is a must; the time to it is noted on the flight plan, and the ETA thereat put
in on departure: it can be amended on the way if forecast winds are diabolically
different from actual, or the flight is conducted at a different height or power
than planned.
The solution of the problem can be found by formula, simply solved on the
computer. The distance to the PNR is the distance to be covered back if the
aircraft returns, i.e. distance out = distance home. The time for this distance
at as Out plus the time for this distance at as Home will equal your
endurance time excluding reserves.

If E = total endurance in hours (excluding reserve)

T = Time to PNR in hours
O = GS Out
H = GS Home
R = Distance to the PNR

EOH = R(O + H)

and since
Point of No Return 113

Work in minutes, if you like, as the computer work is eased; and beware of
assuming that a wind component Out of + 20 must give a wind component
Home of -20; at lower as, drift is greater, so check the as out and home
against Tr Out and Home. Having obtained the time to PNR, the distance
can be readily found at as Out, e.g. endurance 4 hr, excluding 45 min
reserve, Tr 300(T), WV 270/40, TAS 200 kt

All straightforward and the accuracy of the result can be checked -2 h

21 min out + 386 nm at as 234 kt or 1 h 39 min = 4 h endurance .

PNR on two or more legs

Weather systems and ATC systems seldom permit a long drag on a single
track nowadays, and finding the PNR on a route where one or more changes
of Tr are involved is quite simple, and rational, even with the changing flight
conditions such as a return with one engine failed.

Following are route details: ignore climb and descent

Tr(T) Distance wv

TAIPEH-KAGOSHIMA 042 606 260/110


SHIZUOKA- TOKYO 011 61 290/50


TAS 410kt (four engines) 350kt (three engines)
Fuel consumption 3000kg/h (four engines) 2800kg/h (three engines)
Reserve (assume unused) 45min
FOB 15000kg

Give distance to and ETA at the PNR assuming the return flight will be on
three engines.
}}4 Plotting and Flight Planning

The method used is a very powerful one that can take account of any number
of variables. Although it may seem a little laborious, it should be remembered
that nearly half the work will have already been done when the flight plan
was prepared. Briefly the technique is:
(1) Progressively check the total fuel required to go out to and back from
each successive turning point.
(2) Eventually the fuel available will not be sufficient to go out to and
return from a turning point. From the previous turning point decide
how much fuel is available to go from there to the PNR and back to
the point.

(3) Comparing this amount with the total fuel required to go out and
back on the complete stage will give the ratio of distance and time out
to the PNR compared with the stage distance and time out.
The importance of a systematic layout cannot be over-emphasised:

Outward flight; TAS 410 kt Fuel consumption 3000 kg/h

Tr as Dist Time Fuel
"T kt Dm miD
TAI-KAG 042 491 606 74 3700
KAG-SHI 064 472 417 53 2650
SHI-TOK 011 399 61 9! 480

Return flight: TAS 350 kt Fuel consumption 2800 kg/h

TOK-SHI 191 354 61 10:! 490
SHI-KAG 244 282 417 89 4150
KAG-TAI 222 257 606 141! 6600

Fuel analysis. Out Home Out + Home Total

TAI-KAG 3700 6600 10300 10300
KAG-SHI 2650 4150 6800 17100
SHI-TOK 480 490 970 18070

6830 11240

Check that this figure agrees with the
~kg running total (underlined) above.

FOB 15000 kg
Reserve 45 miD @ 2800 kg/h 2100
PNR fuel 12 900
Fuel TAI-KAG- TAl 10300
Fuel KAG-PNR-KAG 2600
Fuel KAG-SHI-KAG 6800
Point of No Return 115


400 800 1200 1600

naulical I

Fig.ll, Finding PNR.

Graphical solution
Given: FOB 750gal, TAS 180kt, consumption 95gal/h
HWC 25 kt
Find the PNR, leaving 50 gal in reserve.
Steps: (1) Endurance for 700 gal at 95gal/h = 442min

(2) Distance OUT for 442 min = 442 min at aS 155kt

= 1142nm

(3) Distance HOME for 442 min = 442 min at GS 205 kt

= 1505nm

(4) With coordinates fuel and distance, plot these curves (Fig. 11.1).
The point of intersection is the PNR.
116 Plotting and Flight Planning

Fig. 11.2 Howgozit chart.

This can be checked correct with the formulae. On the graph, as large a scale
as possible should be chosen to ensure an accurate result.

Progress charts (Howgozits )

To find a PNR graphically as part of the usual flight involving various FLs,
WVs, speeds, etc. , will necessitate the use of a progress chart or, as the
Americans say, a Howgozit. The basic idea behind this is to present the pilot
with a graphical forecast of how the fuel will be used during the flight. The
graphs may be drawn upwards as in Fig. 11.2, or downwards (Fig. 11.3)
starting with the total FOB and showing the fuel expected to be left at each
turning point. This chart can then be used to obtain the PNR and also the CP
as explained in the next Chapter .
Proceed as follows:

(1) Complete the flight plan.

(2) Plot the fuel/distance Out, starting with TOC and ending with TOD,
reading the stages off the flight plan. This is in fact the chart to be
used for the flight progress; as the turning or reporting points are
reached, the fuel used so far is entered on the graph, and a comparison
with fuel planned is at once visually apparent.
(3) Draw a line across the graph to represent the fuel available for PNR
calculation; where this line meets the fuel coordinate may now be
Point of No Return 117


deemed the 'departure point' whither the aircraft is returning having

used the PNR fuel.

(4) From this point, work backwards to TOD and thenceforth in fuel
used per sector, until the curves cross. Fig. 11.2.

Practical solution or PNR on progress chart

In practice, it is usual to approximate the return flight, when obtaining the
PNR, assuming one speed and one consumption throughout. Here is an
example for a flight from Z to T via B, R, A and E worked out for you (Fig.


(1) Outward flight of 2190nm taking 260min as plotted on the chart

derived from the flight plan.

(2) Average return TAS 496 kt.

(3) Average return wind component -13 kt.

(4) Average return fuel flow 10Sookg/h. PNR reserve is IS 000 kg.
118 Plotting and Flight Planning

Choose a convenient retur. Jle about i of flight time -in this case choose
3 hr at 10500 kg/h = 31500 kg at as 483 kt = 1449nm
PNR reserve 15000
Total return fuel 46 500
Plot 46500 kg at 2190 -1449 = 741nm to go (P).
Plot 15000kg at 2190nm to go (a).
Join and extend op to cut outward fuel graph at Y.
y is the PNR- 6OOnm to go to T.
Dropping a perpendicular down to the time line will give the time to reach
the PNR from Z as 193min.
The reasoning behind the method is as follows. At any point, for example
A, the fuel to return to Z is represented by the distance from the outward
fuel graph upwards ( at A about 31.5 t) .Similarly the distance downwards
represents the fuel to return to Z with a 15 t reserve (at A about 42 t). The
distance between the two graphs at any point (at A about 15 t) represents the
fuel surplus to the requirement to be able to go out and still be able to return
with 15 t available to Z. At y this surplus has disappeared and so the
requirement can only just be satisfied. y is, therefore, the PNR required.
The great advantage of this technique for finding the PNR is its extreme
flexibility. For example, if it was required to find the PNR for a return to B
retaining a reserve of 10 t, it would be done by drawing a line through the 10 t
point at B (point S) parallel to op so that it cuts the outward fuel line at Vat
170nm to go. Time to V, 204min.

Practical significance or the PNR

Knowledge of the PNR is useful in caseswhere there is some doubt about the
availability of the destination and its alternates. The most likely reason for
this is weather but there are a number of other reasons why airports may be
closed to traffic. One that could well affect all airports in a country is political
unrest. Obviously before reaching the PNR, the Captain must make his
decision as to whether or not to proceed with the flight. After the PNR, he is
committed to carrying on to the destination or an alternate to it.

Engine failure PNR

The common practice of assuming that the return flight from the PNR will be
with one engine failed is designed to produce a PNR that is valid even if,
after deciding to return at the PNR because of some emergency at the
destination, the engine then fails with a resulting loss in economy on the
return flight. It must be emphasised that the primary emergency is still that at
the destination. If the failure of the engine was the primary emergency, it is
more likely that the main point of concern would be: How soon can a safe
landing be made? This is dealt with in the next Chapter .
Point of No Return 119

Significance of PNR reserves

Any PNR calculated must, inevitably, be inaccurate. There are so many
possible causesof error- WVs, temperature, FLs, route, aircraft performance -
to mention just some of them! The safeguard is in the reserves allowed. If
these are sensibly adequate, any PNR should be valid, even if the assumptions
made in the calculation are not accurate. The leeway that an adequate
reserve provides enables many operators to rely on PNR tables for a particular
aircraft. These are entered with TOW, fuel load and estimated average wind
component for the operation and a distance to the PNR can then be extracted.
Errors caused by the approximations involved should be taken care of by the
reserves employed.

Factors affecting the PNR

The maximum distance to the PNR will be achieved in still air conditions. In
fact, a very quick approximation is to use half the still air range as the
distance to the PNR. Any wind will reduce the distance for either or both of
the following reasons:

(1) If there is any drift, the effective head wind component on a track is
more than the effective tail wind component on the reciprocal track.

(2) The aircraft will take longer and so experience more head wind effect
(time x wind component) when flying into a head wind than it will
experience tail wind effect on the reciprocal track.

The other two factors are simpler to understand:

(1) Fuel available. Other things being equal, the distance to the PNR will
vary directly with the fuel available: 10% more fuel available will
mean 10% greater distance to the PNR if nothing else, such as wind
component, changes.

(2) Aircraft performance. The better (more economical) the performance,

the greater the distance.

Practical examination questions

(1) If the PNR is calculated to be 880nm with 10000kg of fuel available,
the distance to the PNR with 11 000 kg available, other things being
equal, will be approximately:
(a) 928nm (b) 968nm (c) 960nm (d) 920nm.
(2) On a flight an aircraft is found to be achieving GSs 10% higher than
planned. Assuming all conditions remain the same, the revised distance
to the PNR will be:
(a) Less (b) More (c) Unchanged
( d) It is impossible to say.
120 Plotting and Flight Planning

(3) The distance to a PNR flying directly into a 50 kt head wind is 1200nm.
The distance to the PNR with an exactly reciprocal WV will be:
(a) Less than 1200nm (b) More than 1200nm
(c) 1200nm (d) It could be any value.
(4) With a TAS of 400 kt, the distance to a PNR in still air is 1200nm. The
distance (nm) with a forecast WV at 90° to the track of 40 kt will be:
(a) 1194 (b) 1206 (c) 1140 (d) 1200.

(5) The primary emergency for which a PNR with engine failure is computed
for is:
(a) Engine failure
(b) Emergency at the destination and its alternates
(c) Any on-board emergency requiring a landing to be made as soon
as possible
(d) Fuel shortage.
(6) In-flight checks reveal that the fuel flows are 4% greater than expected
at preflight planning. If everything else is as expected, the distance to
the PNR will be:
(a) 4% more (b) Unchanged (c) 2% less (d) 4% less.
Critical point is the point from which it would take equal time to continue to
destination as to return to a suitable aerodrome.
This is not a function of fuel: there is a critical point when crossing the road
or swimming a river: distance and related GS are the factors to consider and
it is important to bear in mind that it is a flight plan problem initially, to
prepare for some eventuality like an engine failure when an instant decision
must be taken to proceed or return, the quicker being the choice as there is
some concern among those present.
Again, the solution is done by simple formula, and the ETA CP entered on
the flight plan; the same arguments hold as previously as to the trips on which
a CP is vital.
Take a straightforward case first (Fig. 12.1).
Where D = total distance
p = the CP
X = distance to CP (in nautical miles)
O = GS Out (in knots)
H = GS Home (in knots)

Then by definition:
p to A at GS Home = p to B at GS Out
i.e. H=-o
ox = H(D -X)
OX + HX = HD
= X, the distance to the CP .
Now the CP is bursting with importance when the aircraft is acting up,
usually an engine out, not in itself an emergency, but leading towards it if
something else happens: an aircraft on three engines will not go as fast as
on four, strangely enough, especially when fuel conservation is high
priority. An operator, therefore, lays down in the manual an average
three-engined and two-engined TAS at specified heights; thus, the CP
data must be worked using the reduced T AS so that the equal times home
Plotting and Flight Planning

H 0

Fig. 12.1 Finding CP.

and away from the CP are appropriate to the conditions should the
exigency occur. In the air, once the CP is passed (and the ETA to it will
be calculated at normal OS, just like a reporting point), the pilot will
proceed to his destination. A separate CP at full T AS can be calculated
readily, to cope with serious situations like a loose panther in the hold, or
a berserk and frothing passenger which affect the safety of the aircraft
and its occupants, but not its power. But in a pressurisation failure, for
instance, while the power is unaffected, the CP is dependent on a TAS at
a new enforced height with implications very similar to the engine failure
cases. This, too, calls for a separate CP, not an arduous calculation since
the action for the pressurisation failure will be laid down and the optimum
height with the appropriate data is set out in the aircraft manual.
There are several pertinent possibilities, then; and bear in mind that
they are just that. One or more CPs are noted on the flight plan to be
referred to as though they are turning points, with their ETA. Once a CP
is passed, the pilot's action is clear: if a near-emergency arises, he will
aim for the destination airfield. The CP is but a preparation in case of
emergency, and if that emergency happens, he has the facts before him
at once.

Some samples:

(1) Track 240(T), WV 310/35, TAS 260 kt distance 530nm

:. as on = 245 kt as Home = 270 kt

Distance to CP =

530 x 270
245 + 270
= 278 nm
and time to CP = 278 at GS on 245 kt = 1 h 08 min
278 at GS Home 270 kt = 1 h 2 min
(530 -278) at GS on 245 kt = 1 h 2 min

(2) What is distance to CP en route from DARWIN and MELBOURNE

distance 1728nm, cruise TAS 425 kt, 3-engine TAS 400kt, hwc from
Critical Point 123

CP to MELBOURNE 5 kt, headwind component CP to DARWIN

20 kt?
:. for the CP calculation: GS on = 395 kt,
GS Home = 380kt, }
both at reduced T AS

Distance to CP =
1728 x 380
395 + 380

= 847 om

You check.
The ETA CP can then be found simply from the normal flight plan after
departure; this type of problem is most frequently used in practice and,
despite finding the wind components by inspection, is proved reasonably
accurate: with a long trip going fairly to plan until an engine drops out, a
pilot who turns back because it happens five minutes before the CP cannot be
criticised for being dogmatically correct, but his employers and passengers
might think him rather lacking in dash and elan.
(3) Now for the several Track CP .
TAS 200 kt engine failure TAS 160kt

BAGHDAD-BASRA Track 115(T), Dist 170nm WV 180/20
BASRA-KUWAIT Track 178(T), Dist 110nm WV 230/30
KUWAIT-BAHRAIN Track 129(T), Dist 147nm WV 250/15
Find ETA CP if ATD BAGHDAD is 1115.
Using the reduced T AS to obtain the GSs, calculate the onward and return

Tr GS dist time

BGW-BAS 115 151 170 671

BAS- KWI 178 140 110 47 ONWARD
KWI-BAH 129 167 147 53

BAS-BGW 295 167 170 61

KWI-BAS 358 177 110 37! RETURN
BAH-KWI 309 152 147 58

Now prepare a diagram, as in Fig. 12.2, to show from each turning point the
total time on to BAHRAIN and back to BAGHDAD. At the CP, the 4if-
ference between the two totals will need to be zero. From inspection, it can
be seen that a zero difference will be found between BASRA and KUW AIT .
Interpolate between the time differences of -39 and +45! to find the zero
124 Plotting and Flight Planning


-0 +-- 61 ~98.5 --157.5

+- 61 -37.5 +-58



67.5- 47 --+ 53-+


Tola1167.5 -- 100 -+ 53 -+ 0-


Fig. 12.2 Critical point on multi-leg flight

dist time

BGW-BAS 170 53~ (170nm/GS 191kt)

BAS-CP 50 17

h l0:!min = l225~.

Graphical solution
A simple graphical solution of the following problem is shown in Fig. 12.3.

Flight from A to B:
distance 850nm; wind components: out -45 kt, back +40kt
full TAS 280 kt; engine failure TAS 240 kt.
Find the CP with and without engine failure.
126 Plotting and Flight Planning

z total fuel B R A E T

Time on at the full TAS CP = 92

Total time A to B at full TAS = ill
Time to reach full TAS CP = 125

To find the ETA for the reduced TAS CP is a little more complex and
involves checking the distance to go on the full TAS 'ON' graph first. See if
you can figure it out -check your answer by calculation.

Critical point by using progress charts

In the previous Chapter, it was seen that the PNR could be derived from the
progress chart. The CP can also be obtained although, strictly speaking, it
has no connection with fuel. The method is to find the point where the fuel
needed to fly to the two aerodromes being considered is the same. As we are
considering one particular aircraft, at the same weight and operating in a
fairly consistent ambience of temperature and pressure, it would indicate that
equal fuel represents equal time.
Figure 12.4 is a reproduction of Fig. 11.3 with the outward time graph
omitted for the sake of clarity. To obtain the CP between Z and T, draw a
line US from the zero fuel point at Z (point U) parallel to the return fuel line
QPY. SU represents a return flight to Z to dry tanks (0 reserve). Similarly,
draw in the line NW parallel to the outward fuel line ZYL. As ZYL is not a
straight line, paralleling it is best done by using a pair of dividers, opened to
the distance LW (the outward flight fuel reserve), to drop each plotting point
on ZYL by the same amount. The intersection of NW and SU at 'C' will give
Critical Point 127

the required full TAS CP. A reduced TAS CP would necessitate adjusting
the slopes of the two dry tank fuel lines (SO and NW) for the change in
economy at the lower speed.
The triangle OCW forms what is sometimes referred to as the danger zone.
If in flight, plots of fuel remaining against distance to go show a trend of
running into the triangle OCW, it would indicate a very serious situation.
Within the danger zone neither Z nor T could be reached even by flying
down to dry tanks!

Comparison of PNR and CP

These are quite often confused. The following distinctions should be

(1) PNR is required when there is no possibility of a safe landing being

made at the destination or its alternates. The CP is required ~gainst
the possibility of an emergency in the aircraft requiring a landing to
be made as soon as possible

(2) Although the symbols a and H are used in both the CP and the PNR
formulae, they have different meanings:

Symbol PNR CP

0 Full GS out from A to PNR Full or reduced as FROM

CP ON to B
H Full or reduced GS Home Fullor reduced as FROM
from PNR to A CP Home to A

Careful inspection will show that in a case with varying wind com-
ponents throughout the flight and/or a requirement for engine failure
to be considered, there could be considerable differences between the
values used for the CP and PNR calculations.

(3) PNR depends on endurance. It is quite possible, given sufficient fuel

for the PNR, for the PNR to be at the destination. This just indicates
that the reserves are sufficient to fly out to the destination and return
without refuelling. To some isolated places or aerodromes where the
price of fuel is very high, this may be a very sensible arrangement. On
the other hand the CP is dependent not on fuel but on the total
distance between the two bases. It will always tend to be around the
mid-point area.

Relationship of CP and PNR

Having insisted on the distinctions between the CP and the PNR, let us now
consider their affinity to each other. In a straightforward case with only one
track, WV and TAS to consider, the 'H' and '0' values would be identical in
the two formulae and so if the CP and PNR are to coincide:
128 Plotting and Flight Planning


Fig. 12.5 Relationship between critical point/PNR

CP ==

so DH = EOH
or D = EO
or -=E

Distance divided by the GS out is the flight time and so when the PNR
endurance equals the flight time, the PNR and CP will coincide in this simple
case. However, even in a more realistic complicated case of varying wind
components and performance, the relationship can still hold good. In Fig.
12.5, a flight is due to reach the CP at 1500 and the destination B at 1800. By
definition, if the aircraft turned round and returned to A at the CP, the ETA
back at A must be identical with the ETA at B, i.e. 1800 in this case. So, if
the aircraft in this case had a PNR endurance equal to the flight time (seven
hours), the CP and the PNR would be coincident. Notice that no provisos
have been put in about constant wind components or performance. It is,
therefore, true in all casesnot involving engine failure, that the CP and PNR
will be coincident if the PNR endurance equals the flight time. This implies
that the PNR reserves will be the same as those being carried for the flight
outward. PNR reserves will normally consist of a holding reserve and a
diversion reserve, whereas the flight outward reserves will probably include a
contingency reserve also. As a result the PNR will usually lie beyond the
CP although, if the return diversion is much greater than the destination
diversion, this may not be true.

Factors affecting the CP

In still air conditions or with a wind at 90° to track giving an equal effective
hwc in both directions, the CP will be exactly half-way between the two
bases being considered. The factors affecting the position of the CP are:

(1) Total distance between the two bases.

(2) The wind components -the CP will always be along track and up-
wind of the mid-point.

(3) The TAS -reducing the speed will increase the significance of the
wind and so cause the CP to move further along track into the wind.
Critical Point 129

This means that the CP will be displaced from the mid-point by a distance
equal to:



Based on this some OMs provide a simple table for adjusting the halfway
point to derive a CP. Here is a typical example:
This table gives the percentage increase of the half-way distance necessary to
allow for a 10 kt hwc.

TAS 100 200 300 400 500 600

% 10 5 3.3 2.5 2.0 1.7
(note% = 1000-7- TAS)

Taking the first example in this Chapter, the approximate wind component
was 12!kt (15kt out and 10kt back) and the TAS 260 kt. The above table
suggests about 4% adjustment for a 10kt wind at a TAS of 260kt. This
represents 5% for 12! kt. The total distance was 530nm and so the half-
distance is 265 nm; 5% of this is 13nm. Adding, because it is a head wind
(CP moves into wind) gives the correct distance to the CP of 278 nm.

Practical multi-choice questions

(1) The effect on the position of the CP of reducing the TAS if there is a
hwc will be to:
(a) Increase the distance
(b) Decrease the distance
(c) Leave the distance unchanged
(d) Move it nearer the half-way point.
(2) In flight and flying at the planned T AS, it is found that the aircraft is
achieving faster stage times than planned. Presuming the situation remains
unchanged, the CP's position will be:
(a) Unchanged
(b) Nearer to the half-way point if tail winds were forecast
(c) Nearer to the destination
( d) Nearer to the departure point.
(3) A CP is calculated for a 1500nm flight assuming a 50 kt hwc out and
a 50 kt tail wind component coming back and comes to 825 nm. It is dis-
130 Plotting and Flight Planning

covered that the winds are the wrong way round. The correct distance to
the CP will be:
(a) 675nm (b) 825nm (c) 750nm (d) Some other value.
(4) In the event of a return to the departure point, 10000 kg of fuel should
be available when back over the departure aerodrome. The flight reserves
being carried are 15000 kg, the average fuel flow is 5000 kg/h, T AS
400 kt and there is a 'dead' head wind out of 100kt. The position of the
PNR in relation to the CP will be:
(a) 200 nm further
(b) 250nm further
(c) 188nm less
( d) 188nm further .

(5) Compared with still air conditions, the CP with a strong wind at 90° to
track will be:
(a) In the same position, with an earlier ETA
(b) In the same position, with a later ETA
(c) At greater distance, with the same ETA
(d) At shorter distance, with the same ETA.

(6) Flying across the North Atlantic with the usual westerly winds the CP
will be:
(a) Only nearer to North America when flying eastwards
(b) Only nearer to North America when flying westwards
(c) Always nearer to North America
(d) Always nearer to Europe.
(7) The effect on the CP of reducing the TAS is to:
(a) Always increase the distance to the CP
(b) Always reduce the distance to the CP
(c) Always move it along the track further away from the mid-point
(d) Have no effect in the case of zero winds or winds at 90° to track.
(8) To calculate distance and time to the CP in the case of engine failure
use the:
(a) Reduced T AS for all calculations
(b) Reduced TAS for all the distance calculation only
(c) Reduced TAS for GS back but full TAS for GS on
(d) Full TAS for all calculations.
We have laid down the principles and methods of flight planning, but for all
the pages a student will be faced with in the professional examinations, speed
and accuracy are positively vital in this for satisfying the examiner. So plenty
of practice is required in preparation -and there is not much time for cogita-
tion when practically called on while flogging the routes either. Incidentally,
polish up the old examination technique; allot the appropriate time to a
question that its marks warrant. Divide the number of questions into the time
allowed so that you can easily check if you are keeping up with the clock. Do
not waste time on any unfamiliar or awkward question. Leave it and, hope-
fully, you will have time to return to it when you have dealt with all the easier
CP/PNR invariably feature on the planning papers. When dealing with
them it is important to remember that;
PNR distance out is the same as the distance home. Its position depends on
the fuel available for its calculation.
CP time home is the same as the time to destination.

Example 1
An aircraft is to fly from A to B on a Tr of 280T distance 959nm, mean TAS
230 kt. WV for the first 430 nm is 200/50, and 260/65 for the remaining
distance. FOB is 26500 kg, 3100kg to be held in reserve: consumption
3400kg/h. Give the time and distance to:

(a) PNR,
(b) CP, assuming engine failure at the CP and a reduced TAS of 190kt.

(a) PNR Draw a diagram first, and insert what is known: a rough direction
is adequate, of course (Fig. 13.1).
Tr 280T
TAS 230 kt
Endurance = (26500 -3100) kg @ 3400 kg/h
= 23400 kg @ 3400 kg/h
= 413min
132 Plotting and Flight Planning

0167 529 200150

~ H 291 ~60165 430

0217 A
H 232

Fig. 13.1 Finding PNR and CP.

Insert on the diagram the OS for each leg evolved from the computer,
Treat as two legs, and try to lose A to X in the first place.
A-X out 430nm @ 217kt = 119min
X-A home 430nm @ 232 kt = !lJmin
230 miD

Thus, as the total endurance is 413 min, the PNR is beyond X, and we have
endurance from X of 413 -230 = 183min for the calculation.

= -min
= 116 miD or 1 h 56 miD

and at 167 kt = 324 nm from X.

Thus distance to PNR from A is (430 + 324)nm = 754nm

Time to PNR from A is
lh 59 miD from A-X
+ 324 om @ 167 kt 1 h 56 miD from X- PNR
3h 55 miD from A-PNR

Should the time out from A-X, plus the time home from X-A come to more
than the endurance of 6 hr 53 min, then the PNR is on AX, and the second
leg is superfluous: the formula could be entered at once. You should be so
A quick check for correctness:
A-X 1h 59 mm
X-PNR 1h 56 mill
PNR-X (324nm @ 291 kt) 1h 07 mill
X-A 1h 51 mill
6 h 53 min which is our endurance
Flight Planning Re-check 133

From Fig. 13.2, CP lies between X and B and so

114 d
114 + 261 529 190
d = 161 t = 58

dist time

A-X 430 119

X-CP 161 58

A-CP 591 177 = 2h 57min

CP-B = (529"'- 161)nm @ 128kt = 368nm @ 128kt = 2h 52min
CP-X = 161nm @ 250kt = 38min
X-A = 430nm @ 192kt = 2h 14mi~

2h 52min

Example 2
This one is severely practical

Max TOW weight 61000kg
Weight, no fuel, no payload 37000 kg
TAS 410 kt
Distance 2250 nm
Consumption 2800 kg/h
Reserve (assume unused) 3200 kg
Wind component outwards -40kt
Wind component back +40 kt
(a) Maximum payload that can be carried
(b) Time and distance to the CP

(c) Time and distance to the PNR

GS 370kt, distance 2250nm
:. time to destination 6 h 5 min
134 Plotting and Flight Planning


-0 ~ 134 -261

A ~ 134 x +- 127 B

395 -.. 248~ 0-+


Diffs +261

Fig. 13.2 Finding CP with a reduced T A~.

At 2800kg/h, fuel used = 17035 kg, rounded off.

Empty wt 37000 kg Max TOW 61000kg

Fuel 17035 kg Wt, no payload ~kg
Reserve ~ kg PAYLOAD ~ kg
Wt, no payload ~ kg
as Out, 370 kt; as Home, 450 kt

Distance to CP =
2250 x 450
370 + 450nm
2250 X 450
= om

= 1235 nm

And time is 1235 nm (iij OS 370 kt = 3 h 20 min

1235 Dm @ 450 kt = 2 h 45 miD
1015 Dm @ 370 kt = 2h 45 miD

365 x 450
= 370 + 450 mill
Flight Planning Re-check 135

~ ~525


TAS 500 kt 4 eng: 5300 kg/h
Reduced TAS 435 kt 3 eng: 4100 kg/h

Fig. 13.3 Finding PNR on a multi-track route.

820 min
T = 3h 20min (c)
And distance is 3h 2Omin @ 370kt = 1233nm ...(c)

but we did not have to do this calculation for the PNR. As the PNR
endurance is the flight time, the CP and the PNR should coincide!

Example 3
This is a PNR involving a return to base on three engines on several Tracks.
Practical enough, but there are pitfalls easily fallen into, if you are rushed
for time.
An aircraft is to fly from F to G via K and M; the data is as follows:
Stage Wind component (kt) Distance (nm)
F-K +20 400
K-M +15 630
M-G +25 605
Mean TAS 500 kt
Mean T AS (three engines) 435 kt
Mean fuel consumption (four engines) 5300 kg/h
Mean fuel consumption (three engines) 4100 kg/h
FOB (inc. reserve, 5500 kg, assume unused) 30000 kg

Calculate the time and distance to the PNR from departure F, the return
flight to F to be made on three engines.

Flight out (T AS 500 kt) (Fig. 13.3)

Wind comp GS dist time kg/h kg

F-K +20 520 400 46 5300 4060

K-M +15 515 630 73!
5300 6490
M-G +25 525 605 69 5300 6100
136 Plotting and Flight Planning

Flight back (TAS 435 kt)

K-F -20 415 400 58 4100 3960
M-K -15 420 630 90 4100 6150
G-M -25 410 605 881 4100 6050

Fuel analysis
Out Back Out + Back Total

F-K 4060 3960 8020 8020

K-M 6490 6150 12 640 20 660
M-G 6100 6050 12150~32810
16650 16160
16650 check

Total FOB 30000

PNR reserve 5500
PNR fuel 24500
Fuel K-M-K 20660
Fuel M-PNR-M 3840
Fuel M-G-M 12150

dist time

P-M 1030 119,!


M-PNR 191 22

P-PNR 1221 141!

Dm miD
PNR is 400 + 630 + 191 = 1221Dm from P
and 46 + 73! + 22 = 141!min (2h 21!min) from F.

Example 4
On a trip from P to R via Q, an aircraft is ordered in the event of turning back
to proceed to its alternate y via Q. TAS on four engines is 500kt, on three
engines is 420 kt.

Stage Wind component (kt) Distance (nm)

P-Q -25 565
Q-R -45 900
Q- y +30 240
Flight Planning Re-check 137

(a) Give the time and distance from P to the three-engined CP between
R and Y.
(b) FOB 38000 kg, consumption 6300kg/h, reserve (assume unused)
6500 kg, and the whole flight is made on four engines, what is the
distance from P to PNR to Y?


(a) CP

Full TAS (500kt)

wind comp as dist time

P-O -25 475 565 71!

O-R -45 455 900 118
Reduced TAS (420kt)

ON Back
wind comp OS time w/c as time dist

O-R -45 375 144 +45 465 116 900

a-Y +30 450 32 240
From Fig. 13.4, CP is between a and R.

112 d t
260 900 118

d = 388 t = 51

dist time

P-O 565 71~

O-CP 388 51

p-cp 953 122!

Time and distancefrom p to CP = 2h 2!min, 953nm.

(b) PNR
Fli~t out (TAS SOOkt)

Wind comp US dist time kg/h kg

P-O -25 475 565 711

6300 7510

O-R -45 455 900 118 6300 12390

Flight back (TAS 500 kt)

R-Q +45 545 900 99 6300 10400
Q-Y +30 530 240 27 6300 2840
138 Plotting and Flight Planning

144 -+ 0-


Fig 3.4 Finding CP after one-engine shutdown

Fuel analysis

Out Home Out + Home Total

P-O 7510
10350 10350
O-Y 2840
O-R 12390 10400 22790
13240 /
19900 ." check /

Total FOB 38 000
PNR reserve 6500
PNR fuel 31500
Fuel P-Q- y 10350
Fuel Q-PNR-Q 21150
Fuel Q-R-Q 22790

d t

P-O 565 71!

O-PNR 835

P-PNR 1400 181

Distance from P to PNR = 1400 Dm

Flight Planning Re-check 139

Example 5
There is a lot to be said for working out a full flight plan, completing it with a
CP and PNR: after all, that is what would happen on the routes when you are
forced to land at a field not manned by your own company's personnel.
Let us take one step-by-step with the trimmings left out:
A flight is to be made from A to D at cruise Mach 0.75: FOB 23000 kg,
reserve fuel ( assume unused) 4000 kg. Ignore descent.

Complete the flight plan and calculate

(a) time and distance for PNR to A
(b) time and distance for CP between A and D.
In our print-out of the flight plan (Fig. 13.5), the data given has the column
marked with an asterisk.

(1) Evolve the temperature at FL from the temperature deviation column,
Standard temperature at FL 330 is -51°C
(33000ft @ 2°C per 1000ft = -66°C
Standard at sea level = + 15°C

:. A to B = -42
B to C = -46
C to D = -53
Fill in the return temperature details.
(2) Evolve T AS from Mach 0.75 from computer .
Mach index in airspeed window v ambient temperature and read speed
of sound (5 of S) on outer scale against 1 on the inner .
Do you agree consecutively 593, 587, 579, 583, 593, 600?

Then~ = Mach 0.75, or simply 593 on outer scale against 10 on

inner, and read off 445 on outer against 0.75 on inner, and so on, and
the TAS is as shown on the flight plan.
(3) Complete the flight plan. We have 19000kg usable fuel, adequate for
A-D and some suitable alternate.

The PNR will be:

Fuel analysis

A-B 4200 3410 7610

B-C 3450 2900 6350 13 960
140 Plotting and Flight Planning
0> .~


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Flight Planning Re-check 141

Fuel analysis
Out Home Out + Home Total

C-D 3430 3000 6430 ...,:,,20390

11080 9310
~ check
20390 ~

Total FOB 23000

PNR reserve 4000
PNR fuel 19000
Fuel A-C-A 13960
Fuel C-PNR-C 5040
5040 b t
Fuel C-D-C 6430 --
6430 386 58

d=303nm t = 45!min

A-C 119
C-PNR 45~
A-PNR 164! = 2h 44!min (a)

CP (See Fig. 13.6)

From Fig. 13.6, CP between B and C

102~ -365 -56

d = 208nm t = 32min

dist time
A-B 430 63
B-CP 208 32
A-CP 638 95 = lh 35min (b)

Now a few worked examples which hurl you into the tables.

An aircraft is at FL 350 over aerodrome B: its weight is 123000 kg, and it is

cruising at Mach 0.86, mean headwind component 60 kt, temperature devia-
tion -7°C. Fuel on board excluding reserves is 21000 kg.

Example 6
What is the range of the aircraft which will permit it to return to overhead B
at the same FL? (use Table 33C)

142 Plotting and Flight Planning


On 58 -+
114 -+ 0-


Fig. 13.6 Finding CP.

Table 33C in the -10°C to -1°C temperature deviation set, with a lucky
123000 kg AUW gives
Fuel flow 6700 for 1st hour :. 14300 kg left
6500 for 2nd hour :. 7800 kg left
~ for 3rd hour :. 1600 kg left
19400 in 3 hours

and 1600kg at the 4th hour flow of 6000 kg/h will be used in 16 min. So
endurance is 3h 16min.
TAS is 475 kt, so O and H can be inserted on diagram (Fig. 13.7), and the
formula entered.

196 x 535
415 + 535
196 x 535
= 110min or 1 h 50 min

and at 415 kt, the distance out is 760nm.

A quick check will verify this.
We must try the other tables, so there follows a descent and hold job: for
the holding, use Table 330.

Example 7
An aircraft is over its destination field (elevation 3000ft) at 30000ft, weight
88000 kg, temperature deviation -3°C. The aircraft is instructed to hold at
Flight Planning Re-check 143


O 415

Fig. 13.7 Finding aircraft range.

FL 140. Allowing fuel for circuit and landing from 1000ft of 1000kg, how
long can it hold if fuel to be used before landing must not exceed 5000 kg?

From the descent table (Table 33£), the descent from FL 300 to FL 40
(1000ft over the field) takes 12min and uses 500kg. Add to this the circuit
and landing fuel of 1000kg, then we have (5000 -1500) kg, 3500 kg for
In Table 330, read off against pressure height and temp dev the fuel flow
6600 kg/h. But watch the footnote: 1!% reduction in flow for every 5000 kg in
mean weight below 100000kg.
The hold will start at 87700 kg A OW, since the descent from FL 300 to FL
140 uses 300kg, a simple substraction in Table 33£; and the hold will use
3500 kg, so the mean weight will be (87700 -1750) kg = 85950 kg, call it
86000 kg.
A decrease of 14000 kg in weight = 4.2%, and 4.2% of 6600 kg is 277kg
(we are keeping up the pedantic work) :. flow is 6320 kg, rounding off the
digits and 3500 kg @ 6320kg/h = 33min, holding.

Keep going

Example 8
An aircraft diverts from 1000ft overhead its destination aerodrome (elevation
4000ft) to its alternate (elevation 2700ft). Weight is 75000kg, distance is
515 nm, mean wind component -45 kt.
The diversion is made at FL 320, temp dev -8°C.

(a) What fuel is required to overhead alternate (Table 33G)?

(b) Give mean TAS for climb from FL r--
200 to FL 320. temp dev -6°(
(Table 33B),

(a) A spot of interpolation in Table 33G; against ground distances 510nm
and 520 nm, and in hwc columns 40 and 50.
144 Plotting and Flight Planning

515 om at -50 reads 7485 kg, 85 mio at FL 420.

515 om at -40 reads 7355 kg, 83 mio at FL 420.
So at -45, use 7420 kg, 84mio at FL 420.
Now for the corrections:

(1) Start diversion at 5000ft -300 kg

(2) End diversion at 3700 ft Nil

(3) Start diversion at 75000 kg

so subtract 1% of fuel for each 1500 kg below 90000 kg
10% of 7420 kg -740 kg

( 4) Cruise at FL 320 for 84 min

If at FL 350, +240kg for 84min
If at FL 300, + 1020 kg for 84min
:. 84min at FL 320 = 1020- (~ x 780) = +1.QQkg

:. fuel required 7080 kg ...(a)

(b) Table 33B. Cross from 32 TOC height to the 20000ft curve, down to
the reference line, then UP to -6°C temp dev. Read 412 kt?

The following is quite a difficult problem; we have already done one of these,
but not with an entrance into the tables, nor calling for some inspired
guesswork. Use Tables 34C and 340 as appropriate.

Example 9
An aircraft is to fly from PETALING to GLINKA, via KARVEL (See
Fig. 13.8). Should an engine fail after overlying KARVEL, the return must
be made to the alternate QUONTEK, via KARVEL.



Fig. 13.8 Diversion to alternate after one-engine shutdown

Flight Planning Re-check 145

The route details are as follows:

Weight at start 280000 kg, fuel available excluding reserves 61000 kg: ignore
climb and descent.

(a) If an engine fails after KARVEL, how far can it travel towards
GLINKA before turning for QUONTEK as directed?

(b) How long after leaving PETALING will this point be reached?

Diagram first, and do not move without consulting it and the table of route
Here is the working for the outward and return flights. The return flight
was worked backwards (i.e. upwards from the bottom line of the flight plan
Table 13.1) from the known landing weight at QUONTEK, i.e. TOW less
the PNR fuel weight.

PET 250 +17 517 -20 497 870 { 497 60 13900 280.0 13900
K 250 +17 517 -20 497 373 45 13700 266.1 10280
260 +14 510 -30 480 { 480 60 12900 255.8 12900
-30 480 640 160 20 l2700 242.9
260 +14 510 4230
250 +13 444 +30 474 640 {
173 22 10900 4000
K 250 +13 437 +30 467 467 60 10500 246.3 10500
260 +14 436 -25 411 700 { 297 43! 10000 235.8 7250
Q 260 +14 428 -25 403 403 60 9500 228.5 9500
TOW 280t -PNR fuel 61 t = 219.0
146 Plotting and Flight Planning

Fuel analysis
Out Home Out + Home Total

KAR-QUON 40930

PNR fuel
Fuel P-K-Q
Fuel K-PNR-K
Fuel K-G-K

K-PNR 406 om

P-K 105
K-PNR 51
P-PNR 156 miD = 2 h 36 miD
In this Chapter we look at a number of things which have a great bearing on
the fuel to be loaded before a flight can be safely undertaken.

Methods or cruise control

The Operations Manual (OM) will lay down the various methods by which
the aircraft can be operated. It is not the purpose here to go into all the
theory of cruise control but just to draw attention to the various methods that
may be encountered and to appreciate the effect that the different techniques
will have on the aircraft performance throughout the flight.
Table 14.1 gives some methods which will be frequently employed together
with the changes encountered during flight as fuel is used and the aircraft gets
lighter .
In each case the economy of operation (kg/nm) will improve as the aircraft
gets lighter. It is fairly obvious that less work will need to be done to move a
lighter aircraft a given distance and so less energy and less fuel will be

Stepped cruise
To get the best possible range out of a modern jet aircraft the ideal method
would be to do a cruise-climb. In this, the aircraft is taken up to the
maximum possible level where the ideal airspeed for economy can be achieved
using the engines at their maximum continuous power settings. As the aircraft
gets lighter with fuel used, the aircraft is permitted gradually to increase
altitude while still maintaining the power settings and the required best
speed. This technique is not popular with ATC and only very high flying
(supersonic) aircraft are likely to be found using this method. An approximation
to this method is for the aircraft to fly as high as possible at the beginning of
cruise and then, when the aircraft weight reduces sufficiently to be able to
operate at the next available flight level, stepping up to that level. Table 14.2
shows typical economy figures for a modern jet aircraft flying at a constant
Mach No. Notice how the economy improves both as the aircraft gets lighter
and as the aircraft flies higher. The absence of figures indicates that the
operational ceiling for this speed has been exceeded.
If at the beginning of cruise the aircraft was weighing 205 t the maximum
148 Plotting and Flight Planning

Table 14. Methods of cruise control

Power Fuel flow Airspeed Economy

Constant FL
constant power constant constant increases improve!
Constant FL
constant speed decrease decrease constant improves
Constant FL
maximum range decrease decrease decrease improves

Table 14.2 Economy figures (kg/nm) for flight at constant Mach No: MO.82

weight (t) FL

250 270 290 310 330 350 370 390

205 19.47 18. 74 18. 23 17.86

200 19.23 18. 50 17. 92 17.50 17.63
195 19.00 18. 22 17., 61 17.17 17.03
190 18.80 17. 98 17. 32 16.86 16.57
185 18.60 17. 74 17.1 05 16.55 16.19 16.48
180 18.40 17. 51 16. 79 16.24 15.84 15.84
175 18.21 17. 29 16. 54 15.95 15.52 15.30
170 18.00 17. 09 16" 30 15.66 15.22 14.90 15.35
165 17.78 16. 89 16.' 07 15.40 14.90 14.54 14.63
160 17.56 16. 71 15. 85 15.16 14.60 14.22 14.04
155 17.33 16. 49 15. 65 14.92 14.32 13.91 13.63
150 17.11 16. 27 15. 46 14.69 14.07 13.60 13.27 13.37

FL available would be 310 but, if the aircraft was required to fly at ODD FL,
it would have to operate at FL 290. This aircraft uses fuel at about 8 t/h and
so in less than an hour it would be down to 200 t and so could request a 'step'
clearance to FL 330. The table indicates that this is achievable at 200t. The
next FL would probably be 370 and this requires the weight to be down to
170t. Another 30 t of fuel used would take about 4 h. A computer generated
flight plan would quite probably plan the flight to allow for these steps to be
made. Note how the economy would have improved even if flying at one
level and then note how much better it is when the steps are carried out.

Choosing the best level for economy

The only certain method to select the best level for economy is to check the
actual economy figures by dividing the fuel flows by the speeds. If TAS is
used it will only be valid for still air but using as, allowance will be made for
the wind effect. In practice with modem aircraft, changing from the best still
air FL to improve the economy is only likely to be effective if the vertical
Cruise Controls, Fuel Reserves and EROPs 149

Table 14.3 Figures for operating for best range

FL Weight (t)

110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75

410 kg/h 3230 3000 2850

TAS 458 458 458
kg/nm 7.05 6.55 6.25
390 kg/h 3600 3350 3140 2970 2850
TAS 458 458 458 458 457
kg/nm 7.86 7.31 6.86 6.48 6.24
370 kg/h 4280 3950 3690 3480 3290 3130 2970 2810
TAS 460 459 459 459 458 458 455 449
kg/nm 9.30 8.61 8.04 7.58 7.18 6.83 6.53 6.26
350 kg/h 4050 3830 3640 3480 3320 3160 2990 2820
TAS 463 462 461 460 459 455 447 439
kg/nm 8.75 8.29 7.90 7.57 7.23 6.95 6.69 6.42
330 kg/h 4010 3850 3680 3520 3400 3180 3010 2830
TAS 465 464 462 460 455 447 438 427
kg/nm 8.62 8.30 7.96 7.65 7.47 7.11 6.87 6.62
310 kg/h 4050 3890 3730 3550 3380 3200 3010 2840
TAS 468 465 460 453 446 437 426 416
kg/nm 8.65 8.36 8.11 7.84 7.58 7.32 7.06 6.83

Table 14.4 Preserving contingency fuel

370 350 330 310

kg/h 4280 4050 4010 4050

TAS 456 460 465 468
still air 9.39 8.80 8.62* 8.65
wind comp -20 -35 -50 -40
OS 436 425 415 428
wind 9.82 9.53 9.66 9.46*
* indicates best FL economy

wind shear gives something like a 5 kt, or greater, more favourable component.
In Table 14.3 typical figures are given for the operating of a modem aircraft
for best range. To make the table more useful, the still air economy figures
have been inserted. Table 14.4 shows the effect on the economy figures when
the aircraft is at a weight of 110t and consideration might be given to moving
away from FL 330 -the best still air level. It will be seen that with a
considerable wind shear of 5kt/1000ft, there would be some advantage in
flying at FL 310. Of course it is quite possible that this might not be available.
150 Plotting and Flight Planning

Effect of temperature on time and fuel

Flight planning tables are often provided for different temperature deviation
conditions. Quite often, however, the tables are only provided for ISA
conditions with possibly correction provided for other conditions. In practice
with modem jet aircraft, temperature has little effect on the fuel required for
a particular flight but will have some effect on the time required. Flying at a
constant Mach No., a higher temperature will result in a higher TAS but to
achieve the higher speed more power will be required with a consequent rise
in fuel flow. The percentage increases will usually just about balance each
other out.
In tables for a typical modem aircraft that are presented only for ISA
conditions, a correction suggested for 10° rise in temperature would be to
increase the TAS by 10kt (this assumes the same Mach No. is maintained)
and the fuel flow by 3%. If the aircraft was flying at about 450kt, a 10kt
increase would represent a speed rise of 2.2% so in still air the result would
be a cruise flight time reduction of 2.2% or just over a minute per hour and a
fuel required increase of 0.8% (3 -2.2).
The following figures have been extracted from the Data Sheets 34 for a
large four-jet aircraft at a given FL, weight and Mach No.:

+ 12°(


The economy variation is not significant. The slight differences are quite
likely to be due to the fact that the speeds and fuel flows have all been
rounded off and are not the exact values.

The effect of wind on range

Quite obviously, wind affects the ranges that can be achieved. No matter how
fast the aircraft is, a 50 kt hwc over a five hour flight will require an additional
250nm of air distance to be flown in addition to the route distance. If an
aircraft is being operated at its most economical speed for still air conditions,
it is possible that flying faster into a head wind might be slightly beneficial to
the economy. The shorter flight time would mean that the total head wind
effect experienced during the flight would be less and this could more than
compensate for the slightly poorer economy caused by increasing the speed.
No general rule can be given for this -checking the resultant economy figures
(kg/h + as) for different speeds would indicate if there was any advantage to
be gained.
Cruise Controls, Fuel Reserves and EROPs 151

Fuel reserves
Any usable fuel on board the aircraft that is not required for the actual flight
from starting the engines to engines off at the destination will be regarded as
the fuel reserves for the flight. Sometimes some of this fuel is only being
'tankered' if the company policy is to load as much fuel as possible at certain
aerodromes and as little as possible at others. The reason for carrying the fuel
is of no significance in fuel calculations -if it is on board obviously it can be

The law regarding fuel

The law simply requires that the aircraft captain should be satisfied that
sufficient fuel is being carried so that the flight and all foreseeable contingencies
can be accommodated. For Public Transport operations, however, the flight
must be conducted in accordance with the OM which has been approved by
the authority (the CAA in the UK). The OM will lay down the operator's
fuel policy. The fuel to be carried may be given either as 'block' fuel figures
for particular operations or in the form of a formula which can be applied to
any operation.
The CAA publishes a guide as to what will be acceptable in the OM ( CAP
360 -Air Operators' Certificates). It says that it should be planned to arrive
overhead the destination with sufficient fuel to:

(1) make an approach to land

(2) carry out a missed approach

(3) fly to an alternate aerodrome

(4) hold at the alternate and then carry out an approach and landing for:

(a) 45 min for propeller-driven aircraft

(b) 30 min at 1500ft in ISA conditions for jets

(5) allow for contingencies that cause more fuel to be required

Holding fuel -'island' reserve

When no suitable alternate is available because the aerodrome of intended
landing is geographically isolated, items (2), (3) and (4) in the previous
paragraph may be replaced by a holding reserve related to the statistical data
on local weather conditions. The minimum acceptable will be two hours at
normal cruise consumption.
In Fig. 14.1, the aircraft could only reach B and divert to C if all the
contingency reserve was used. In practice, a Point of No Alternate (PNA)
would be calculated so that the aircraft would take eight hours to reach C if a
diversion was initiated at the PNA. This would leave a reserve of one hour
for contingencies.
152 Plotting and Flight Planning

Flight 6h PNA
---:~=z- B

Fit fuel 6h
Island reserve 2h
Contingency lh

Fig. 14.1 Preserving contingency fuel

Contingency reserve
This need not be shown as a separate quantity if, as is sometimes done, an
adequate safety reserve is built into the tabulated figures. Typical contingencies
that this reserve should provide for are:

.forecast wind errors

.navigation errors
.A TC restrictions on altitude and route

.power plant failure

.weather causing route or altitude variations

.inaccuracy of tabulated data.

If there is an adequate and available en-route alternate (ERA), the contingency
fuel carried may be reduced but there must be unambiguous instructions that
a technical stop is made at the ERA unless the fuel remaining at the descent
point for the ERA is sufficent to complete the flight safely with all the
reserves (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). In this case, the OM should contain specific
instructions on the in-flight fuel checks to be made and the replanning
calculations to be made to ensure that the flight can be completed safely. In
no case should the reduction of contingency fuel prejudice the basic need to
have sufficient fuel to allow arrival at the ERA with all the reserves (1), (2),
(3), (4) and (5).

Alternate fuel requirements

These should provide for a diversion from Decision Height (DH) or Minimum
Descent Height (MDH) above the intended destination to a suitable alternate
using a realistic route and en-route altitude. It is the usual practice to provide
a table or graph to assessthe alternate fuel requirement. This is done in Data
Sheets 33 and 34. The basic entry will usually be total distance and the
average wind component and the total fuel, time and the cruising FL will be
extracted. The figures will probably allow for an optimum procedure for
diversion -a climb to the FL shown, possibly a cruise at this FL and then a
descent to the destination. An allowance may also be built into the table for
overshoot and holding. It is necessary to check the notes for the particular
table. Diversion tables have to make various assumptions concerning tempera-
Cruise Controls, Fuel Reserves and EROPs 153

ture, aircraft weight (often maximum authorised Idg wt), altitudes at the
beginning and end of diversion (usually sea level) and that the aircraft will
operate up to the FL shown in the table. Provision may be made for making
corrections if these conditions are varied. For example a percentage correction
to the fuel quantity for each 10 t that the aircraft weight is below the one
assumed for the table.

Additional fuel reserves

Allowances should also be made for the following:

.taxiing and power checks

.operating de-icing systems, heaters and auxiliary power units (APUs).

Consideration should be given to the effect on fuel requirements in

the event of engine or systems failure (e.g. pressurisation) particularly on
sectors where there is no suitable ERA.
An extra allowance should be considered when the operation involves a
congested air traffic area or when there is a need to climb or descend from
the en-route safety altitude whilst in the vicinity of the departure or arrival
aerodrome (e.g. Beirut).

Continuing flight without full reserves

The OM may include instructions allowing a flight that is within an hour of a
destination and close to a usable ERA, to be continued even if full diversion
and holding fuel will not be available. This is only permissible if there is
sufficient fuel to reach the destination with contingency fuel and to be able to
hold for one hour at a realistic altitude and

.the actual and forecast met conditions permit a visual approach to

landing with a visibility over 8 km and no significant cross winds until
one hour after ETA

.there are no known or probable ATC delays for the period to one hour
after ETA

.there are two independent runways suitable for landing

Fuel monitoring and balancing

The OM must lay down the rules for fuel monitoring. For a flight of between
one and two hours' duration at least one check should be made. On multi-
crew aircraft, the instructions for fuel balancing must cover the following
.when an abnormal fuel feed procedure is used to balance fuel, the
Captain must be informed and at least two crew members must monitor
the operation
154 Plotting and Flight Planning

.with more than two engines, one engine, if practical, should remain on
direct feed. Preference should be given to an engine with an operative
electrical generator and, where applicable, a hydraulic pump.

Extended range operations (EROPs) twin engine aircraft (ETOPs)

More detailed information on these are contained in CAP 513 -Extended
Range Twin Operations (ETOPS). Any expressions that are in bold type will
be defined in CAP 513.
ETOPs flights are taken to be flights that at any time are more than 60
minutes flying time (in still air) at one-engine speed from an adequate airport.
Alternatively, the relevant authority may lay down a threshold distance and
then all flights beyond this will be regarded as being ETOPs flights.
ETOPs flights will be permitted only when certain conditions have been
satisfied and then the flights will be subject to further time restrictions.
Values of 90, 105, 120, 135 and 180 minutes may be encountered. The factors
that the licensing authority will consider before granting an extension of the
threshold time include:

.propulsion system reliability record

.modification and maintenance programme

.flight dispatch requirements

.training evaluation programme

.operations limitation

.operations specifications
.operational validation flight

.continuing surveillance and engine reliability reporting.

Different authorities will approach the above factors in different ways but in
the end they will grant to a particular operator the right to operate a particular
aircraft to a given time threshold. When the time threshold is known together
with the one-engined speed to be used, route planning can be commenced.
~is is best illustrated by a practical example as in Fig. 14.2.
Obviously the direct flight from A to B is not permissible with a 90 minute
threshold. Circles are drawn around all the available bases and a track has to
be selected that passes through the areas encompassed by these circles and
deviates as little as possible from the direct route. The operator will be
hoping that after operating for some time without incident under the 90
minute rule, the authority might be persuaded to extend the threshold to
permit a direct flight. Currently the maximum time threshold being granted is
180 minutes but operators usually have to work up to this figure.

ETOPS despatch considerations

The CAP specifically refers to the following conditions to be satisfied before
despatch on an ETOPs flight:
Cruise Controls, Fuel Reserves and EROPs 155


\ / ,...1 Circles are radius

90 min at

, ,\ 1/
one-engine speed

'\x Y//

L ~--- ,

1 4hflight I 0 B

Fig. 14.2 Principle of ETOPs.

(1) Minimum equipment list (MEL) will be specially designed for these
operations and must be rigorously adhered to.

(2) Communication and navigation facilities must be available to give full

and adequate coverage for the route and any foreseeable diversion
that may be required.

(3) Fuel and oil supply must comply with the normal OM requirements
and must also be adequate to cover an engine or systems failure at the
most critical point on the flight in terms of fuel and oil requirements
along the planned route. In this connection the CAP describes a
Critical Fuel Scenario which requires the operator to consider the
implications of a simultaneous failure of an engine and total pressuris-
ation failure at the CP based on time to a suitable alternate.

(4) Alternate Aerodromes that may be required for any part of the flight
that comes within the Extended Range part of the operation (often
based on a 60 minute Threshold Time) are all adequate and available
from one hour before to one hour after the likely earliest and latest
times they may be required. All essential information about these
alternates must be available on the flight deck during flight.

(5) Aeroplane Performance Data in the OM must cover all possible require-
ments for a one-engine diversion including a possible drift-down to
lO000 ft.

Points of equal time (PET)

In Fig. 14.2 Points X and y will represent the PET between A and the ERA
and the ERA and B in still air conditions. A-X- y -B will represent the best
acceptable ETOPs route. If the circles were drawn around the end of a 90
156 Plotting and Flight Planning

minute wind vector blowing into the respective bases, the intersections would
then represent genuine PETs. Ignoring the wind effect, X and y will represent
the most critical points on the flight in terms of fuel. Between A and X a
return to A should be less than 90 minutes at single-engined speed and then
between X and Y, ERA would be within 90 minutes.

Fuel planning for EROPs flights

It is interesting to consider the F AA requirements in these cases. The FOB
should be adequate to meet the following critical fuel scenario:

(a) fly to the most critical point in terms of fuel required and assume
engine and pressurisation fail at this point
(b) cruise at 10000ft and descend to 1500ft at chosen aerodrome

(c) allow 15min for missed approach, approach and land

( d) allow up to 10% contingency reserve

(e) allow for APU and MEL fuel penalties

(f) allow for possible anti-icing as well as the effect of icing on un-
protected surfaces
(g) repeat steps (b) to (f) with no engine failure but cruising at 10000ft
due to pressurisation failure.

The critical fuel is the greater of (b)-(f) or (g) and it should be checked that
the fuel loaded will satisfy this requirement.
Most modern airlines use computer flight planning. Some have their own
system and others will make use of the service offered by several international
providers of a planning service. One of the best known of these is Jeppesen
Dataplan and it is by their kind permission that the computer flight plan
illustrations used in this Chapter are reproduced. Smaller operators may
make use of one of the numerous software packages that are available so that
an operator can produce his own comparatively simple computer flight planning
procedure suitable for running on a typical IBM personal computer .

General principles
All flight planning computers work on the same basic principles. There will
be a database which will hold some or all of the following pieces of information:

(1) coordinates and 'idents' of all beacons, waypoints and aerodromes

likely to be used

(2) the necessary Met information (winds, temperatures, weather etc.

for the areas to be used) .In the big mainframe computers this will be
automatically fed in from one of the main International Met. Offices
(e.g. Bracknell). For simple computers this may have to be fed in
manually for each particular flight.

(3) the operator's standard routes (OM)

(4) relevant ATC routeings and altitude/FL allocations -Airways,

Advisory Routes, Preferred Routes, SIDs, STARs etc. For areas
like the North Atlantic where there is a daily broadcast of the routes
to be used, the mainframe computers will have this information fed
in automatically.

(5) the operator's fuel reserves policy and when additional fuel will be
loaded for economic or other reasons (OM)

(6) details of individual aircraft, weights, fuel capacities, hold and pass-
enger capacities. Individual aircraft performance particularly with
regard to speeds, fuel flows and take-off and landing performance
158 Plotting and Flight Planning

(7) aerodrome details probably related to the particular aircraft, the

wind, pressure and temperature conditions and the runway expected
to be used so that the regulated take-off and landing weights can be
extracted (OM)

(8) the operator's preferred alternates, possibly with a priority rating

(9) the method the operator wishes to use to cost the flight

(10) the operator's preferred method of operating the aircraft -constant

speed, constant power, cruise climb etc.

General procedure
There will usually be a standard procedure for feeding in the necessary
information that the computer needs when a flight plan is required. Most
modem systems are 'user friendly' and the terminal in use will guide the user
step by step on a question and answer basis. Fairly obviously the computer
will have to know certain basic facts:

.the aircraft to be used

.the proposed time off-blocks

.the departure point and the destination

.special instructions regarding the route, method of cruise control, load

required etc.

These would be a bare minimum. It is quite possible for the computer in

the big systems to handle everything else BUT it must always be remembered
that the computer is an idiot. A very sophisticated one, but an idiot all the
same. Unless the particular fault that you have committed has been foreseen
by the programmer, the computer will endeavour to perform any task given
without question. Fairly obviously if you ask the wrong questions you will get
right answers to the wrong questions and not the ones that you were expecting.
Ask the aircraft to fly from New York to London and it will give a perfect
answer even though you really wanted to go from London to New York. Tell
the computer that you are flying Concorde when you are operating a Viscount
and it will do its best to accommodate you! Remember the computer phrase
GIGO: Garbage In-Garbage Out.

General method of solution

When the route to be flown has been decided, either by nominating the
company's route identifier or by giving departure and destination aerodromes,
the computer will select the route according to any instruction given e.g.:

.best direct track -selected by the computer

.best direct track for navaids -selected by the computer

Computer and ATC Flight Plans 159

.best direct track on airways -selected by the computer

.least fuel or least time track

.any known constraints of fuel, traffic loads, levels to be flown etc.

.special characteristics of the aircraft if not known to the computer .

The route having been selected, the tracks to be flown and the distances
between waypoints are calculated by the computer from the coordinates
stored in the database. The calculations are for GC tracks and, in the more
sophisticated computers, allowance will also be made for the spheroidal
shape of the earth. Using the Met information available either from the direct
Met office links or by manual feed-in and the aircraft performance details
either from the database or by manual feed-in, the plan is then calculated.
All necessary details for the flight are then produced. Figure 15.1 shows a
very comprehensive style of presentation and Fig. 15.2 gives a full print-out
of a short flight from Gatwick (EGKK) to Frankfurt (EDDF).

Interpreting a computer flight plan

Every computer flight plan program will use its own particular format so it is
not possible to give a comprehensive listing of all the abbreviations that will
be encountered. However, because the end product in every case must, in
general, be giving the same sort of information, familiarity with one style of
plan will make it not too difficult to interpret others. Every producer of
computer flight plans will provide a glossary of the abbreviations they use and
usually an explanation of their standard formats. One company might produce a
wide variety of formats to satisfy the particular requirements of their various
Referring to Fig. 15.2, the following notes will help in understanding the
Line 1 The departure and destination, the aircraft, the cruise control used
(Mach 0.8) and the date (American style)
Line 2 The times of computation, Em and of Met. Prognostic used
(0000 UTC on the 30th of the month), weight units used (kg)
Line 3 A V PLD = available payload OPNL WT ~ operational weight
(weight less fuel and payload)
Line 4 POA = point of arrival (EDDF FRANKFURT). Flight time in
hours and minutes. Flight distance in nm. Take-off and landing
weights in kg. Sometimes hundreds of kg or Ib are used
Line 5 ALT = alternate (EDDL DUSSELDORF) COMP = wind com-
ponent used = minus (M) 15 kt
Line 6 HLD = holding reserve
Line 7 CON = contingency reserve
Line 8 Fuel required (less taxi)
Line 9 XTR = extra fuel being carried (if any)
Line 10 Total FOB at take-off and equivalent time
PIQUing and Flight Planning
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and ATC Flight Plans 161
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162 Plotting and Flight Planning

1 PLAN 6329 EGKK TO EDDF 757B M80/F IFR 09/30/92
4 POA EDDF 003091 00/55 0362 1925Z 077390 074299 012500 058638
5 ALT EDDL 001485 00/24 0101 1949Z COMP M015
6 HLD 001521 00/30
7 CON 000155 00/03
8 REQ 006252 01/52
9 XTR 000000 00/00
10 TOT 006252 01/52
12 WIND P029 MXSH 5/KOK TEMP P01 NAM 0337
13 FL 370
14 LRC FL370 003091 00/56
15 LRC FL33O 003180 00/57
16 LRC FL410 003111 00/55
17 EGKK ELEV 00202FT
20 DVR6M DVR 092 ..068 0/11 ..0/11 ...0294 ...
21 023 114.95
22 UG1 TOC 097 ..014 0/02 ..0/13 ...0280 0046
23 023
24 UG1 KONAN 097 L01 010 0/01 ..0/14 27045 P045 502 0270 0045
25 023
26 UG1 KOK 097 L01 025 0/03 ..0/17 26041 P040 497 0245 0043
27 023 114.5
28 UG1 REMBA 108 L02 090 0/11 ..0/28 27030 P028 488 0155 0038
29 026
30 UG1 NUVIL 109 L01 024 0/03 ..0/31 27025 P024 485 0131 0036
31 034
32 UG1 SPI 110 L01 004 0/01 ..0/32 27025 P024 485 0127 0036
33 034 113.1
34 UG1 LARED 131 L02 009 0/01 ..0/33 28025 P020 481 0118 0036
35 034
36 UG1 TOD 131 L03 007 0/01 ..0/34 28025 P021 481 0111 0035
37 043
38 UG1 NTM 131 030 0/06 ..0/40 ...0081
39 043 115.3
40 NTM1A EDDF 089 081 0/16 ..0/55 ...0000 0032
41 043
42 ELEV 00364FT
43 EGKK N51089WOO0113 DVR N51097EO01217 KONAN N51078EO02000
44 KOK N51057EO02392 REMBA N50398EO04549 NUVIL N50322EO05315
45 SPI N50309EO05375 LARED N50252EO05480 NTM N50010EO06320
46 EDDF N50021EO08343
47 FIRS EBUR/0014 EDDU/0036
48 (FPL-JD105-IN
49 -B757/M-SXI/C
50 -EGKK1830
51 -N0457F370 DVR6M DVR UG1 NTM NTM1A
53 -EET/EBUR0014 EDDUO036
55 E/0152 P/121 RN S/M J/L D/6 150 C YELLOW

Fig. 15.2 Computer flight plan for G-ABCD from Gatwick to Frankfurt

Line 11 Summary of route being followed including SID and STAR

assumed to be used
Line 12 Average wind component plus (P) 29kt. Maximum vertical wind-
shear expected in kt/1000 ft and its location (KOK). Shears of five
Computer and ATC Flight Plans 163

or more could indicate moving to another FL might give some

advantage in economy. Windshears of these magnitudes also in-
dicate a chance of Clear Air Turbulence (CAT) being encountered.
Average temperature deviation is Plus (P) 1. Air miles to be flown
337 nm. Compare with flight distance and flight time to get the the
average wind component ( +29)
Line 13 The FL or FLs chosen for the flight
Lines 14 Summary of fuel burn/flight time at long range cruise for the same
to 16 route at the adjacent available FLs
Line 17 Departure aerodrome EGKK (GATWICK) and its elevation
Line 18 AWY = Airway. WPT = waypoint. MTR = magnetic track.
DFT = Drift. ZD = zone (stage) distance. ZT = zone time in
hr/min. ETA and ATA are left blank for the pilots' use in flight.
WIND will be a five figure group 27045 27 = 270° 045 = 45 kt.
COMP = wind component. GRS = ground speed. DSTR = total
distance remaining. REM = fuel remaining in 100kg units.
Line 19 MSA = minimum safe altitude (as shown on Jeppesen)
FRO = frequency of facility at waypoint
Line 22 TOC = top of climb
Line 36 TOD = top of descent
Lines 43 Precise coordinates of waypoints in the form for entering into on-
to 46 board auto-nav keyboards
Line 47 estimated elapsed times to crossing of FIR boundaries
Lines 48 entries required for ATC flight plan. Figure 15.3 shows the plan
to 55 produced from this. ATC may be prepared to accept the plan as
printed on this computer flight plan.

Commonsense checking of computer flight plans

Obviously the computer will produce very accurate plans very quickly but, as
already mentioned, errors can creep in because the wrong information was
asked for. What can the user do to try to pick up these errors? The answer is
to use commonsense checking. Do not accept the answers blindly believing
that because the computer produced it, it must be right. Consider the
information being produced and test it against your own general knowledge
of the situation. Here are some suggestions of simple checks that can be
.It is quite probable that the flight is one that you have prepared many
times before for the same type of aircraft. In this case all the answers
must be reasonably familiar. If the fuel amounts are noticeably different
from usual, don't be satisfied until you have tracked down the reason.

.Look at the tracks. Are they in the right general direction?

.Does the average wind component fit in with the general Met. situation?

.Is the total distance about right for the flight?

164 Plotting and Flight Planning




«=(FPL -1.1ID1I1OIS1 1 I -[!J GJ«~
-0 1""115111 /~ -lsx1: /cl«=
-1~,&-,I<,KI 11,$,)101«=
NO 4-51 INTM

- j«=

-1E.,Djt)jr:1 10,015,51 -IEjbjb,L-I -I, I II«=


s E.i:7w x \1 Z-


-El ro-:-iT5~ -PI [I;:;;]J -RI ~ ~ ~

~'ffilENT :'fJ!j:R D;T MA~'ME J~E .:.AQjTS IL\iJT FL.iES i: ,8:

-[Q]I~-.~-.~-.L \-1 E.L- Lo 0 W 1«=
A/ I ~ Q..e: y / 'Bl-vE. ~-

-[&]/1 J«=
C/ I I )«=

Fi~. 15.3 ATC flight Dlan.

Computer and ATC Flight Plans 165

.Is the alternate selected the one you would have chosen?

.Is the cruise control the one you would have chosen?

.Does the route appear sensible?

If there seems to be a serious discrepancy which you cannot resolve, your
first move will be to ask advice from colleagues who are in the vicinity. If this
does not work and you are using one of the computer planning companies,
they will almost certainly have a helpline procedure for just such situations.

Additional services offered

The computer planning companies will usually offer many additional services.
Referring to Fig. 15.1, it will be seen that weather information in the form of
TAFs and METARs can be appended to the plan. In addition provision can
be made to supply the latest relevant NOTAMs affecting the proposed flight.
Arrangement can also be made for providing more extensive Met. information
in the form of full colour charts. Handling arrangements can also be dealt
with and the transmission of the A TC plans to the appropriate authority.
These companies are constantly reviewing their services so as to provide
every conceivable assistance to the airlines of the world, so you may well find
many other ways in which they can be of service to you and your company.

A TC flight plan
Figure 15.3 shows an ATC plan derived from the flight shown in Fig. 15.2.
Full details of how to complete an ICAO flight plan are in a current yellow
Aeronautical Information circular and also in CAA publication CAP 511 (see
Appendix 3). The following notes highlight some particularly important points
to watch out for when preparing an ATC flight plan.

Item 7 Frequently this will be the flight number, in this case JD105 -the
aircraft registration is then shown under Item 18 (the scratch pad) -
Item 8 Invariably I for IFR for most public transport flights. Type of flight
will be N for non-scheduled or S for scheduled
Item 9 Number -only used for formation flights
Type -only ICAO-approved abbreviation to be used.
Wake Turbulence Cat. -H, M or L -see AIC or CAP for the
weight limits
Item 10 S for standard is always used. In the UK this would indicate the full
requirements for airways operation and there is no need to elaborate
further. This aircraft was also carrying INS and the automatic
navigation fit required for flight in MNPS airspace (X). Omission of
the X would result in a rejection of the plan if this were a North
Atlantic flight. C indicates that the SSR has an altitude transmitting
Item 13 Only use ICAO identifiers for the aerodrome. Provision is made
166 Plotting and Flight Planning

for cases where none exists but this is unlikely with public transport
operations. The time is the estimated time off blocks in UTC (four-
figure group )
Item 15 Cruising speed will usually be either N (for knots!) and a four-
figure group for the speed -in this case 0457 for 457 kt or M and a
three-figure group for the Mach No. i.e. M082 for Mach 0.82.
Level will usually be F (for FL) followed by a three-figure group.
In this case the FL is 370. If it had been 90, it would have been
shown F090.
The speed and FL group must be regarded as one entity. If there
is a FL change or a significant (over 5%) speed change en route,
the whole speedIFL group must be shown after the point where it
occurred. For example, if it was intended to change the cruising
level at SPI to FL 330, the entry would read SPI/N0457F330.
Route -here the minimum necessary detail to describe the route
unambiguously. Each waypoint must be shown where the route
nomenclature changes. Every section of the route must be given a
name. If there is no ATC title DCT is used to indicate a direct
track between the two named waypoints. Waypoints are described
using beacon callsigns or the published five-Ietter names for points
without beacons. Provision is made for using latitude and longitude
or bearings and distances from known positions -see the AIC or
CAP for examples.
There is no need to include Sills or STARs in the route. ATC
will decide which of these you are to use at the time. For this
reason the route will usually terminate at the holding beacon for
the airfield. From here the A TC will direct.
Item 16 Use ICAO code for the destination and show the estimated flight
time from airborne to arrival at the final beacon. A TC can then
make their own calculations using the notified airborne time and
their own estimate of interval from arrival at the beacon to landing
at their airfield. Provision is made for showing two alternates. It is
not always necessary to nominate two alternates.
Item 18 'The Scratchpad' is used for miscellaneous information. Each piece
of information will have to be identified by an abbreviation. Accept-
able ones are listed in the AIC and CAP; mostly they are self-
evident. In this case EET stands for estimated elapsed time at the
international FIR boundaries which are identified by the ICAO
codes for the respective A TCCs. The times are four-figure groups
giving the hours and minutes from airborne to reaching the bound-
aries. The aircraft registration has already been mentioned under
item 7. The other entry indicates that the SELCAL code for this
aircraft is WXYZ.
Item 19 Endurance -the maximum time in hours and minutes (four-figure
group) that the aircraft can remain airborne on this particular
Computer and ATC Flight Plans 167

Persons on board -frequently TBN (to be notified) is used. The

pilot will give the actual number on board over the RTF probably
when asking for taxiing clearance. Emergency Radio -just cross
out the frequencies not available with the emergencyradio equipment
on board. Survival equipment -just cross out the equipment not
Dinghies -the total number of dinghies and their total capacity.
a/c aircraft


ADF automatic direction finding equipment

ADIZ air defence identification zone
ADR advisory route

agl above ground level

A/H alter heading
alt or Alt altitude
amsl above mean sea level
APS aircraft prepared for service (weight )

auxiliary power unit

airspeed indicator
ASR altimeter setting region
ATA actual time of arrival
air traffic control centre
ATD actual time of departure
ATZ air traffic control zone
AUW all-up weight
Brg bearing
BS broadcasting station
°C degrees Celsius, hitherto called Centigrade

degrees Compass
CA conversion angle
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CAP Civil Aviation Publication
172 Appendix 1

CAVOK weather fine and clear

calibrated airspeed

ch lat change of latitude

ch long change of longitude

CL chart length

cm centimetre( s)

CofG centre of gravity

COAT corrected outside air temperature

CP critical point
CS or cs call sign
CTR control zone
cwc cross wind component
Dev deviation
DF direction finding
DH decision height
diS't or d distance
DME distance measuring equipment
DR dead reckoning

expected approach time

estimated elapsed time
ERA en route alternate

EROPS extended range operations

estimated time of arrival

estimated time of departure

ETOPS extended range twin-engined operations
ETW empty tank weight
Federal Aviation Authority
FIR Flight Information Region
FIS Flight Information Service
FL flight level
Glossary of Abbreviations 173

fuel on board

It feet

feet per minute

degrees Grid
GC great circle

ground controlled approach

GD Greenwich date
GMT Greenwich Mean Time (see also UTC)
Griv grivation
GS ground speed
operates 24 hours daily

HF high frequency
HI daylight hours
hms hours minutes seconds
h hour(s)
ht height
hwc head wind component
Hz Hertz (or) cycles per second
IAS indicated airspeed

International Civil Aviation Organization

IFR instrument flight rules
ILS instrument landing system
INS inertial navigation system
IMC instrument meteorological conditions
in inch
ISA International Standard Atmosphere
kg kilogram(s)
kg/h kilograms per hour
kHz kilohertz, or kilocycles per hour

kilometres per hour

174 Appendix 1

KT or kt knot(s)
ldg wt landing weight
LD local date; also landing distance

LF low frequency
LMT local mean time

LRC long range cruise
M Mach

°(M) degrees Magnetic

Mb or mb millibar(s)
MDH minimum descent height

minimum equipment list

METAR aerodrome routine weather report

operates Mon to Fri only

MF Medium frequency

MHz megahertz, or megacycles per second

indicated Mach number
mm millimetre(s)
MN Mach number, magnetic north

MNPS minimum navigation performance

statute miles per hour
msl mean sea level

MZFW maximum zero fuel weight

NDB non-directional radio beacon

NM or nm nautical mile(s)

OM outer marker/operations manual

p port
PA, Press Alt pressure altitude
Glossary of Abbreviations 175

point of equal time

PL position line

point of no alternate

point of no return

posn position
plan position indicator

QDM, QDR, QNH, QTE defined in the text

RAS rectified airspeed

REI relative bearing indicator

Rei relative
RL rhumb line
RLW regulated landing weight
RMI radio magnetic indicator

RTOW regulated take-off weight

RW runway
sg specific gravity
S/H set heading
sm statute mile(s)
SSR secondary surveillance radar
Stb Starboard
Stn station

tonne, time

degrees True
TAF aerodrome forecast
TAS true airspeed

terminal control area

track made good

TO take-off
TOC top of climb
TOD top of descent, take-off distance
176 Appendix 1

take-off weight
Tr track

TVOR terminal VHF omni-directional range

twc tail wind component

Tx transmitter

UKAIP United Kingdom Aeronautical Information

Publication, known as the UK Air Pilot

co-ordinated universal time (see also GMT)

UHF ultra high frequency

u/s unserviceable

Var variation

VDF VHF direction finding

VFR visual flight rules
VHF very high frequency
vis visibility
VMC visual meteorological conditions

VNE never exceed speed

VNO normal speed

VHF omni-directional range

wind direction
wind camp wind component

WE wind effect

WS wind speed

wt weight
wv wind velocity
zero fuel weight
Imp gal to litres multiply by 4.546
litres Imp gal 0.220
Imp gal US gal 1.205
US gal Imp gal 0.833
gal cubic it 0.161
cubic ft gal 6.250

lb/sq in kg/cm2 0.070

lb kg 0.454
kg Ib 2.205

ft metres 0.305
metres ft 3.281
sm om 0.868
om sm 1.152
sm km 1.609
km sm 0.621
om km 1.852
km om 0.540

III mb 33.860
mb in 0.030

oc op use formula (OC x ~) + 32

oF °c use formula (Of -32) x ~
Plotting gear
Can be bought at a number of shops providing for draughtsmen, but is best
obtained from those specialising in pilots' requirements. Airtour International,
at Elstree Aerodrome, Herts WD6 3A W has a large stock; they have other
Dividers: buy the compass-divider type (those vast contraptions that look like
instruments for getting the tops off bottles of pickles are strictly for the
Protractor: 5-inch square (e.g. Airtour PP2).

Rule: a 30cm clear plastic ruler is a good investment, with inches, tenths, and
centimetres, millimetres.

Scale ruler: 20" showing nm for 1:1000000 scale (e.g. Airtour NM4).

Computer: there are numerous types, avoid movable wind-arms, make sure it
goes up to high speeds and has all the refinements like sg, Mach, etc. on the
circular slide rule (e.g. Airtour CRP 5).

Electronic calculators: simple scientific as recommended for GCSE. It is

worth considering a model with solar cells so removing the dependence on

Maps and charts

Obtainable from CAA Chart Room or accredited agents (see green AIC)
including Edward Stanford Ltd, 12-14 Long Acre, London, WC2E 9LP;
Airtour International, as above.
Instructional Plotting Chart UK (Lambert's) 1:1000000 and Instructional
Plotting Chart Europe (Lambert's) 1:1000000 are also available from CAA
Chart Room, CAA House, 45-59 King sway, London WC2B 6TE.

Aeronautical Information Circulars

These are obtainable from Civil Aviation Authority Printing and Publication
Services, GreviUe House, 37 Gratton Road, Cheltenham, Glos GL50 2BN on
payment of annual postage. The circular on aviation charts is a handy reference,
and it has a list of chart symbols.
180 Appendix 3

Data Sheets (currently numbers 33 and 34) for Flight Planning,

CAP 360 Air Operators' Certificates, Part 1,
CAP 505 Objective Testing for Professional Licences,
Specimen Examination Questions and Papers,
CAP 511 Instructions for Completion of the Flight Plan Form;

these are all also available from CAA, Greville House, 37 Gratton Road
Cheltenham, Glos GL50 2BN .

AERAD charts
The useful one for this book is any fairly recent BUR 1/2. Available from
British Airways ABRAD Customer Services, ABRAD House, BLDG 254/490,
Heathrow Airport (London) , Hounslow, Middlesex TW 6 21A or from Airtour .

Jeppesenenroute charts
The principal symbols which appear on Jeppesen enroute charts which differ
from those on AERAD comprise:

(1) Indication of Fu If FLs disagree with the semicircular rules, on

Jeppesen the routes are annotated 0> or E> depending upon whether
ODDs or EVENs are in use respectively.

(2) Total distancesbetweenradio facilities In addition to distances between

reporting points and/or sector points, Jeppesen include values in hexa-
gons to show the total distance between successive radio facilities.

~-- 35- @ 45 ("1"\

~ 35 A 45 ~

Copyright 1988 JeppeseIl & COo

(3) DME ranges The letter D indicates DME range in nm, either as

0 56 -P ~ KILO

Copyright 1988 Jeppesen & C,

indicating that KILO would be determined by radial and DME range

56 nm from the station, or as

---=- 274°~


Copyright 1988 Jeppesen & Co.

where KILO is on radial 274 at a range of 95 nm from xYZ DME/

VOR, frequency 114.5.
Navigation Equipment, Charts, etc. 181

(4) Direct tracks A capital D in a blue square is used.

(5) Danger/restricted/prohibited areas Identity includes ICAO two-letter

locator, and, unless space prohibits, the activity is specified in the area
on the chart. SFC means surface. In '. EG(D)136', the '.' indicates
always active, as scheduled.
(6) Minimum off-route altitudes (MORA) Although they may be shown
as grid values (1° lat/1° long), MORA are given in feet along routes
followed by a suffix a. e.g. 3500a. The clearance within 10nm of the
route centreline given by MORA from terrain and known obstacles is

1000ft for MORA up to 7000a and

2000ft for MORA greater than 7000a.
(7) Radio frequency sector boundary Shown on Jeppesen by an outline
of 'telephone hand-sets' in green: v -v n .Within the boundary,
the common authority callsign and frequency are given, an asterisk (*)
indicating not H24 service and (R) indicating Radar.
Chapter 3
Ql (c), Q2 (b), Q3 (b), Q4 (a), Q5 (d), Q6 (c), Q7 (c), Q8 (a), Q9 (d), QI0
(d), Qll (a), Q12 (d), Q13 (d), Q14 (a), Q15 (d), Q16 (c), Q17 (d), Q18 (c),
Q19 (a), Q20 (b).

Chapter 4
01 (a), 02 (b), 03 (c), 04 (c), 05 (b), 06 (c), 07 (b), 08 (c), 09 (c)

Chapter 11
Q1 (b), Q2 (d), Q3 (c), Q4 (a), Q5 (b), Q6 (d).

Chapter 12
Q1 (a), A2 (d), Q3 (a), Q4 (d), Q5 (b), Q6 (c), Q7 (d), Q8 (b)
ABAC scale, 46 dead (deduced) reckoning, 31
ADF, 24,45 decision height (DH), 152
advisory routes, 58 descent, navigation on, 32
AERAD, 52 deviation, 14
airplot, 37 temperature, 89
air position, 37 distances and units, 7, 22
airspeed, 12 diversion,98
airway, 53, 54,60,62 divert, latest time to, 80
altimeter setting region (ASR), 57 DME, 23, 56
answers, 182 drift, 16
approach chart, 65 DR position, 31,38
APS weight, 108
area navigation (RNA V), 102, 104 economy, cruise control, 148
ATC flight plan, 164, 166 effective wind component, 19
enroute alternate (ERA), 152
bum-off,95, 107 equal time point (PET), 155
equatorial plotting, 44
change of latitude, 5 estimated elapsed time (EET), 29, 167
change of longitude, 5 flight time, 29
chart work, 21,29 time of arrival (ETA), 29
choice of route, 102 extended range operations
circular position line, 23 (EROPs/ETOPs), 154
clearance altitude, safe, 55
climb, navigation on, 31, 93 facilities, 55, 56
closing speed, 71 fan marker, 56
COAT,13 FIR boundaries, 57
cocked hat, 34 fix, 27, 33
compression of the earth, 3 flight level (FL), 61, 93
computers, 13, 17, 19 flight plan, 85
computerised flight plan, 157, 159, 163 ATC, 164
constant bearing, line of, 77 computer, 157, 159
contingency reserve, 152 fuel on board, 95, 108, 151, 156
controlled airspace, 53 fuel, weight calculation, 93, 151, 153, 156
Control Zones, 57
convergency, 27, 47 graticule, 4, 44
conversion angle, 46, 47 great circle (GC), 3, 159
conversion of units, 7, 8, 177 and rhumb line, comparisons, 6
critical fuel scenario, 157 Greenwich meridian, 4
critical point, 121 grid navigation, 50
comparison with PNR, 127 grivation, 50
graphical solution, 125 ground speed, 16, 18
cruise control, 87, 89, 147
stepped, 87, 147
headings, true, magnetic, compass, 14, 18,
dangerareas,59, 181 headwind component, 19
data sheets,89 high altitude chart, 65
184 Index

high speed(HS) cruise, 87 QDM, QDR, 23

hold, 61, 98, 151 QNH, 57
Howgozitcharts,116 questions,40, 49, 66, 68, 82, 119,129

indicated airspeed(IAS), 13 radials, 58

interception, 77 radio bearings, plotting, 23, 45
island reserve,151 radio navigation charts, 52
isogonal, 15,51,53, 60 range position line, 23
Rectified Airspeed (RAS), 13
Jeppesen,52, 157,180 regulated landing weight, 108
regulated take-off weight, 108
kilometre, 7 relative bearing, 25, 78
knot, 11, 167 relative motion, 71, 80
report (airways), 55
Lambert's conformal, plotting on, 21,44, 52 reporting points, 55
latitude, 4 restricted area, 59, 181
line of constant bearing, 77 rhumb line, 5
local wind, 30 RMI bearing, 25,45
long range cruise, 87
RNAV, 102,104
longitude, 4 route contingency reserve, 103, 152
running r1X,33
Mach number, 12, 14
mean wind, 30
Mercator, plotting on, 45 safe clearance altitude, 55
meridian, 3, 4, 50 semi-great circle, 3
military ATZ, 57 simultaneous fiX, 27, 30
minimum descent height, 152 small circle, 4
equipment list, 155 specific gravity (SO), 106
flight level, 54 standard temperature, 90
navigation performance, 166 deviation,89
off-route altitude (MORA), 181 stepped cruise, 87, 147

nautical mile, 7 TACAN, 56

navigation computer, 17, 19 tailwind component, 19
navigation on the climb, 31, 93 take-off weight, 88, 103
on the descent, 32 temperature deviation, 89
non-directional beacon (NDB), 24, 55 terrain clearance, 55, 181
time threshold, 154
oblique Mercator, 43 TMA boundary , 60
operationsmanual (OM), 147 track, 16, 54, 59
measurement, 23
parallel of latitude, 4 transition altitude, layer, level, 65, 66
plotting on Lambert chart, 21,44 transverse Mercator, 43
plotting on Mercator chart, 44 triangle of velocities, 11, 16
point of equal time (PET), 155 true airspeed (TAS), 12, 14
point of no alternate (PNA), 79 true wind component, 19, 20
point of no return (PNR), 112
comparison with CP, 127 variation, 14, 75
graphical solution, 115
vector scale diagram, 11
Polar Stereographic, 43
VOR, 24, 55
position lines, 23 et seq
transferring, 33, 35
position report, 55 weight calculation, 93, 106
pressure altitude (PA), 13 wind components, 19
prime meridian, 4 wind velocity, 12, 30, 150
progress charts, 116, 126
prohibited area, 59, 181 zero fuel weight (ZFW), 108

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