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Bharat Kosh

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User Guide


(Government of India Receipt Portal)

Controller General of Accounts
User Guide- BharatKosh (GoI Receipt Portal)

Table of Content

1 Roles and responsibilities of Stakeholders........................................................................................ 4

2 Step wise – procedure to do payments at Bharatkosh...................................................................... 4
3 User Registration ........................................................................................................................... 11
4 Track your payment....................................................................................................................... 13

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©PFMS 2014, All Rights Reserved with PFMS, O/o Controller General of Accounts, Min. of. Fin., GOI
User Guide- BharatKosh (GoI Receipt Portal)

Table of Figures

Figure 1: Bharatkosh portal home page ........................................................................................................................4

Figure 2: Bharatkosh - Home Page ................................................................................................................................5
Figure 3: Payment Purpose page ...................................................................................................................................5
Figure 4: Payment Purpose page- Purpose search option .............................................................................................6
Figure 5: Payment Purpose page- Add purpose.............................................................................................................7
Figure 6: Depositor details page ....................................................................................................................................7
Figure 7: Payment Page .................................................................................................................................................8
Figure 8: Payment Gateway- SBI epay...........................................................................................................................9
Figure 9: Success Page ...................................................................................................................................................9
Figure 10: User Registration page ...............................................................................................................................11
Figure 11: User Registration page ...............................................................................................................................12
Figure 12: Welcome page ............................................................................................................................................12
Figure 13: Track your transaction page .......................................................................................................................13
Figure 14: Track your payment (pop up window) ........................................................................................................14
Figure 15: Verify mobile no. (Track your payment) .....................................................................................................14
Figure 16: Track your transaction page for unregistered user ....................................................................................15

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User Guide- BharatKosh (GoI Receipt Portal)

1 Roles and responsibilities of Stakeholders

 These users will do Payment for various purposes, in return of any service provided by the
 Users will also utilize this portal to do donation for various agencies like “Swachh Bharat Kosh”
 Users will also utilize this portal for Payment of various types of fees, to the Government. Like
Exam fee, tender fee etc.

Corporate/ Commercial Undertaking

 These users will do Donation for various agencies like “Swacch Bharat Kosh” and contribute to
their Corporate Social Responsibility.
 These users will do Payment of various fees to Government, like Tender fee, Exhibition Fee,
License Fee etc.

Government Employees
 These users will utilize Bharatkosh for doing intra department payments.

2 Step wise – procedure to do payments at Bharatkosh

I. Open the web browser and write the URL and click enter.

II. You will reach at the home page of Bharatkosh portal.

Figure 1: Bharatkosh portal home page

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User Guide- BharatKosh (GoI Receipt Portal)

III. Un-registered users, who want to pay without login , can click on the links/ options coming
under section “Proceed to pay without login”.

Un-registered users can

click on any of the
options mentioned in
this section to directly
go to the Payment
purpose page

Figure 2: Bharatkosh - Home Page

IV. User is navigated to Payment Purpose page, at the Payment purpose page, select the Depositor
type. i.e. either Individual, Corporate/ Commercial Undertaking, Govt. Employees, PAO/ DDO.

Figure 3: Payment Purpose page

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V. At the Purpose textbox, user will type few characters of the Purpose that he/she wants to
search and clicks on Search icon adjacent to the textbox, a new pop up window will appear and
the desired search results will be displayed at the bottom of the pop up window.

Select the desired

options, from the result
provided by your
search action

Figure 4: Payment Purpose page- Purpose search option

VI. User will select the desired purpose from the search results displayed.

VII. Agency text box will be auto-filled as Swachh Bharat Kosh; user will type the desired Amount,
select the payment period/ frequency and type his/ her remarks.

VIII. For Purposes wherein; there is no limit for payment, user can enter the maximum allowed
amount as per RBI guidelines for online payments. If the selected purpose requires you to enter
an exact value (for ex. Tender fee, exam fee etc.), then system will only accept the exact
amount. Depositor Category, Purpose, Amount and Payment Period/ Frequency fields are

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User Guide- BharatKosh (GoI Receipt Portal)

Figure 5: Payment Purpose page- Add purpose

IX. User will click on Add button, followed by Next button and will be navigated to Depositor details

Figure 6: Depositor details page

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X. User will enter his/her details at the Depositor details page. Depositor Name, Address 1,
Country, State, District, Mobile No. and Email id are mandatory fields.

XI. User will click on “Next “button, and he/she will be navigated to Payment Page.

XII. At the Payment page, user will click on any of the desired payment channels, these options are
displayed on the page as tabs, and users can select either “Net Banking, Debit Card or Credit
Card, IMPS or CSC Wallet.

Figure 7: Payment Page

XIII. If User clicks on “Net Banking “tab, user will have an option to select SBI ePay radio button, user
will select SBI ePay, all banks mapped with SBIepay will get populated in “Select your bank”
dropdown. User should select his bank of choice from the drop down list.

XIV. User then types the Word verification as per the words displayed in the image shown at the
bottom of this page. User will then click on “Pay” button.

XV. User will be navigated to the Payment gateway; in this case it will be the login screen of the
selected bank.

XVI. User will type his/ her login credentials, enter into the bank’s website and type the amount and
click on Pay button.

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User Guide- BharatKosh (GoI Receipt Portal)

Figure 8: Payment Gateway- SBI epay

XVII. If payment is successfully received by the bank, user will be redirected back to BharatKosh
portal at the Success page.

Figure 9: Success Page

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XVIII. User can download his GAR 6 (Receipt) from this Success Page. User can also click on “Track your
payment” (to track the status of his payment) button, “Make another payment” button (to do
another payment at this portal).

XIX. User will also receive an SMS, at the mobile no. provided by him/ her at the Depositor details
page. SMS will inform users to download his/ her Receipt from Bharatkosh portal.

XX. If Payment is not received by the Bank (refer point no.XVI), user will be redirected back to the
portal, a failure page will be displayed. User can click on any of the following buttons at this
page “Track your Payment”, “Retry Payment”, Make another Payment”.

XXI. If user clicks on the button” Track your Payment”, user will be navigated to the “Verify Mobile
No” page, user will have to type his/ her mobile no. and security code displayed at this page.
User will have to then click on “Send OTP” button; user will receive a 6 digit OTP at his/ her
mobile no. User will have to type the OTP code at the portal and click on “Verify” button.

XXII. If OTP code is correctly typed, then user will be navigated to the “ Track your payment “ page
with his/ her mobile no. as non editable and all transactions done through this mobile no. will
be listed in a tabular format. User can view the status of each transaction, under the Status

XXIII. User can click on the Transaction Reference number, and a new pop up window will appear. This
pop up window will have all details pertaining to that specific transaction.

XXIV. User can download his GAR 6 (receipt), GAR 7 (Challan), Letter of Thanks and all other
documents pertaining to that transaction, from this pop up window.

XXV. Referring to point no XII, i.e. at the Pay page, if user clicks on “Debit Card” tab, user will have an
option to select the Aggregator, which is SBI ePay in this case. User will select the radio button
SBI epay, followed by the choice of Card Merchant’s i.e. VISA, Master, Maestro and RuPay. User
can select any option and he/she will be prompted to enter card details. Once the user has
typed the card details, he/she will click on “Pay” button. At the instance, user will be navigated
to Payment gateway.

XXVI. Payment successful or failure event and the proceeding flow will be same as mentioned from
point no. XVII to XXIV.

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User Guide- BharatKosh (GoI Receipt Portal)

3 User Registration
a) If user wants to register at Bharatkosh portal, then he can click on the “Register as a Regular
user” link at the Home page.

Figure 10: User Registration page

b) User will be navigated to the User Registration page; user will have to enter his details like First
Name, Last Name, Email Id, and Mobile No.
c) User will then click on “Send OTP” button.
d) User will receive OTP at the mobile no. entered by him at step b), user will enter the details at
the “Enter OTP“textbox and click on “Verify “button. If OTP code is correctly entered, user will
have to type a User Name, Password and Confirm Password at the respective textboxes on this

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Figure 11: User Registration page

e) User will click on “Submit” button, and will get a message User Successfully Registered on the
same page.
f) At the same page, user can view a link” Click here for Login”. When user clicks on that link, user
will be navigated to the home page, wherein user can enter his user credentials and log in to
Bharatkosh portal.
g) When user logs into Bharatkosh, with valid credentials, he will be to view the menu bar at the
top as depicted in the image given below.

Figure 12: Welcome page

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User Guide- BharatKosh (GoI Receipt Portal)

h) User can navigate to Make your payment, Track your payment, Log Out, My Account>>Change
Password options from the Menu bar listed above.
4 Track your payment
i. Registered user can click on the top menu bar option “Track your payment “and the user will be
navigated to Track your payment page.
ii. User can view the Status of the transactions, under the Status column of the table depicted at
the bottom of the page.

Click on Transaction
reference number link to
view the transaction details

Figure 13: Track your transaction page

iii. User can click on the Transaction Ref. No link, a pop up window will appear; users can view the
transaction details and download all relevant documents like GAR 6(Receipt), GAR 7 (Challan)
and Letter of Thanks.

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Users can
download GAR
6 (Receipt) from

Users can
download the
Letter of thanks
from here
Figure 14: Track your payment (pop up window)

iv. Un-registered user can view the track your payment page, by clicking on the “track your
payment” link at the home page. User will be prompted to enter his / her mobile number to
receive the OTP code.

Figure 15: Verify mobile no. (Track your payment)

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v. Once user has verified the OTP received on his mobile number, he/ she can view the track your
payment page.

Figure 16: Track your transaction page for unregistered user

vi. To download GAR 6(Receipt) and other documents, refer step no iii.

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