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Q) From The Passage, Bansilal Emerges As

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(1) Direction: Read the passage and answer the question given below.

Bansilal's train was late and it reached Bombay a little after midnight. It was his first visit to the city, and he didn't know where to
go. He thought he would go to a choultry where he would not have to pay rent, but he did not know how to find one at that hour.
He asked a porter to get him a cheap room. The porter said that if Bansilal gave him three rupees, he would take him to one. But
Bansilal waved him away and walked out of the station. He wandered through the streets and asked a number of people, but
could not find a room cheap enough for him. He sat down on a park bench to think what he should do next. He was very tired and
fell asleep on the bench. He woke up the next morning stiff in every limb---but he smiled when he realised that it was the
cheapest night's lodging he had ever had.

Q) From the passage, Bansilal emerges as:-

 An adventure-seeking person
 An extravagant spender
 A fun-loving person
 A thrifty person

(2) Direction: Read the passage and answer the question given below.

Bansilal's train was late and it reached Bombay a little after midnight. It was his first visit to the city, and he didn't know where to
go. He thought he would go to a choultry where he would not have to pay rent, but he did not know how to find one at that hour.
He asked a porter to get him a cheap room. The porter said that if Bansilal gave him three rupees, he would take him to one. But
Bansilal waved him away and walked out of the station. He wandered through the streets and asked a number of people, but
could not find a room cheap enough for him. He sat down on a park bench to think what he should do next. He was very tired and
fell asleep on the bench. He woke up the next morning stiff in every limb---but he smiled when he realised that it was the
cheapest night's lodging he had ever had.

Q) The porter refused to help Bansilal because:-

 He spoke a language which the porter could not understand

 He had no previous acquaintance with porter
 He refused to pay to the porter any tips
 He was rude to the porter

(3) Direction: Read the passage and answer the question given below.

Bansilal's train was late and it reached Bombay a little after midnight. It was his first visit to the city, and he didn't know where to
go. He thought he would go to a choultry where he would not have to pay rent, but he did not know how to find one at that hour.
He asked a porter to get him a cheap room. The porter said that if Bansilal gave him three rupees, he would take him to one. But
Bansilal waved him away and walked out of the station. He wandered through the streets and asked a number of people, but
could not find a room cheap enough for him. He sat down on a park bench to think what he should do next. He was very tired and
fell asleep on the bench. He woke up the next morning stiff in every limb---but he smiled when he realised that it was the
cheapest night's lodging he had ever had.

Q) Bansilal could not get any accommodation for the night because:-
 All the hotels in the city were closed
 All the hotel rooms were booked
 He wanted to spend the night in the open
 The hotels were too expensive for him to afford

(4) Direction: Read the passage and answer the question given below.

Bansilal's train was late and it reached Bombay a little after midnight. It was his first visit to the city, and he didn't know where to
go. He thought he would go to a choultry where he would not have to pay rent, but he did not know how to find one at that hour.
He asked a porter to get him a cheap room. The porter said that if Bansilal gave him three rupees, he would take him to one. But
Bansilal waved him away and walked out of the station. He wandered through the streets and asked a number of people, but
could not find a room cheap enough for him. He sat down on a park bench to think what he should do next. He was very tired and
fell asleep on the bench. He woke up the next morning stiff in every limb---but he smiled when he realised that it was the
cheapest night's lodging he had ever had.

Q) The night long in the open:-

 Made his limbs stronger

 Gave him aches all over his body
 Did not effect him at all
 Refreshed Bansilal

(5) Which connectionless protocol is used for its low overhead and speed?

 TCP and ARP

(6) In 1 kg of mixture of sand and iron, 20% is iron. How much sand should be added so that the proportion of iron becomes

 1.8 kg
 1 kg
 800 gm
 200 gm

(7) _______ is a special field value, distinct from 0, blank or any other value, that indicates that the value for field is missing or
otherwise unknown.

 Hashed value
 BLOB value
 Null value
 Designated value

(8) The time difference between IST and GMT is:-

 9 hrs
 5 1/2 hrs
 12 1/2 hrs
 8 1/2 hrs

(9) Select the right choice which has the correct spelling.

 Couragous
 Couragaous
 Courageous
 Couragious

(10) All formula in Excel start with:-

 .
 *
 =
 -

(11) Irrational fear of objects or events are known as:-

 Delusions
 Anxieties
 Phobias
 Stressors

(12) Diagnostic tests are usually given individually to school students when:-

 student's capacity to solve real life problem needs to be assessed

 a student's performance needs to be predicted
 the future potential of a student is to be revealed
 learning problems are suspected

(13) __________ are used to refer to Java methods or variables that belongs to other classes.

 Method calls
 Simple names
 External names
 Keywords

(14) Guthrie is most closely associated with which of the following in learning theory?

 S-R connection
 Reinforcement
 Contiguity of S and R
 Habit Strength

(15) The foreign key is not necessarily the _______ in its current table.
 Data dictionary
 Report generator
 Primary key
 Foreign key

(16) A/An ________ can shield electronic equipment from power spikes.

 Antivirus
 Firewall
 Surge protector

(17) In a box carrying one dozen of oranges, 1/3 have become bad, If 3 oranges are taken out from the box at random, what is the
probability that at least one orange out of the three oranges picked up is good?

 Mar-55
 Jan-55
 45/55
 54/55

(18) NITI Aayog has replaced the:-

 Finance Commission
 National Development Council
 Election Commission
 Planning Commission

(19) Which of the following is not an appropriate tool for Formative Assessment?

 quiz and games

 assignment
 oral questions
 term test

(20) The sentence has been given in Direct Speech. In the options, four changed forms of reported speech have been given out of
which one is correct. Select the correct one.

The teacher said," Speak truth always".

 The teacher requested to speak truth always.

 The teacher said that speak truth.
 The teacher advised to speak truth always.
 The teacher told speak truth always.

(21) Which of the following terms is used specially to identify the entity created when encapsulating data inside data link layer
headers and trailers?

 Frame
 Packet
 Data
 Segment

(22) Alberuni was the historian during the period of:-

 Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq
 Mahmud of Ghazni
 Akbar
 Balban

(23) The Education Commission in Independent India which focused on Secondary Education is chaired by:-

 Triguna Sen
 Dr. D S Kothari
 Dr. Radhakrishnan
 A Laxmiswami Mudiliar

(24) Change the following sentence given in Direct Speech into Indirect Speech and select correct answer choosing from options

The prince said that "It gives me great pleasure to be there this evening".

 The prince said that it gave him great pleasure to be there that evening.
 The prince said that it gives him great pleasure to be there this evening.
 The prince said that it gives him great pleasure to be there that evening.
 The prince said that it gave him great pleasure to be there this evening.

(25) Who is the ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha?

 Leader of Opposition
 President of India
 Minister of Parliamentary Affairs
 Vice-President of India

(26) _______ is a computer with a Web server that serves the pages for one or more websites.

 Host
 Portal
 Business Service Provider
 Backbone

(27) In a democracy country like India, school should concentrate on it:-

 Development of traits of good citizenship

 Development of trait to hurdle of daily life
 Preparation for academic excellence
 Inculcation of value cherished by the society
(28) India switched to the decimal system coinage in:-

 1962
 1947
 1957
 1950

(29) The network database model uses:-

 Data dictionary
 Rows and fields
 Keys
 Data elements

(30) The Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed in the year:-

 1940
 1930
 1925
 1931

(31) Gestalt is associated with:-

 Wertheimer
 Motivation
 Organization in verbal learning
 Colour

(32) What is performance test?

 Special ability test

 A power test
 A test which does not involve the use of language
 A test of mechanical ability

(33) If the height of a triangle is decreased by 40% and its base is increased by 40%, what will be the effect on its area?

 16% decrease
 8% increase
 8% decrease
 16% increase

(34) Select the right choice which has the correct spelling.

 greatutous
 gratutious
 gratuitous
 gratutous
(35) What will come in place of (?) in the given no. series?


 67
 57
 55
 52

(36) How many meaningful English words can be made with the letters TSFI using each letter only once in each word?

 Three
 None
 One
 Two

(37) The Uri hydroelectric project is located in:-

 Haryana
 Jammu and Kashmir
 Uttar Pradesh
 Himachal Pradesh

(38) The 'Sea of Tranquillity' is located in:-

 They West Coast of India

 South East Africa
 The Moon
 The West Coast of Russia

(39) Select the choice that best explains the meaning of the given word.


 Latin musical group

 Illegal goods
 Money belt
 Customs inspector

(40) What will be your approach if a student interrupts in your class?

 You will give him extra home work

 You will ask him to leave the class
 You will assess his reason to do the same
 You will ask him to behave properly

(41) Direction Read the given information carefully to answer the given question.
Q is the sister of T. T is the mother of D. T has only one son. D is the brother of J. J is married to M. Y is the daughter of M.

Q) How is Y related to T?

 Niece
 Daughter
 Daughter-in-law
 Cannot be determined

(42) Fill in the blank.

In a classroom students are to be trained to love ______________.

 Altogether
 Each other
 One another
 All others

(43) The concept of 'zero administration' is associated with:-

 Network Computers
 Desktop Computers
 PDA's and Organizers
 Mini Computers

(44) Which of the following ensures that only authorized users can use or apply specific software applications?

 Private key
 Service level agreement
 Dongle
 Access log

(45) Applications communicate with kernel by using:-

 C Programs
 Unit Calls
 System calls
 Shell script

(46) Select the choice with the similar meaning of the word.

GREENHORN means someone who is:-

 Inexperienced
 Overly sensitive
 Jealous
 Aggressive
(47) School should be concerned with the development of child which should include:-

 Acquisition of skills required by healthy person

 Acquisition of knowledge of child
 Acquisition of skills required by nation
 Acquisition of life skill by the child

(48) Which of the following values of P satisfy the inequality?

P(P-3) < 4P - 12?

 P = 4, P = -3
 P > 4 or P < 3="">
 P > 3; P ≥ 5
 4 ≤ P < 7="">

(49) Direction: Read the given information carefully to answer the given question.

Each of the six persons P,Q,R,S,T and U has lived in India for a different number of days. S has stayed for more number of days
than R but less than T. P has stayed for more number of days than U. T has not stayed for the most number of days. The one
stayed for the second least number of days stayed for 14 days in India. The one who stayed for second highest number of days
stayed for 47 days, S stayed for 15 days less than T.

Q) For how many days did R possibly stay in India?

 25
 56
 33
 41

(50) Evidence of validity can be related to:-

 stagnancy
 content
 constructs
 criterion

(51) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.

I kept ________ gazing at him till I remembered who he was.

 out
 in
 on
 at

(52) Tarachand Committee provided recommendation on:-

 Secondary Education
 Student Unrest
 Vocationalisation of Education
 Religious and Moral Education

(53) A relational database model uses ______________ to contain and organize information.

 Foreign key
 Records and fields
 Columns and rows
 Image, audio, documents

(54) Data transmission technologies vary. Which one does ethernet use?


(55) Behaviors that can be learned with a moderate amount of difficulty are said to be:-

 prepared behaviour
 contra prepared
 unconditioned behavior
 unprepared behavior

(56) The latest national curriculum framework by NCERT came into existence in:-

 2006
 2000
 2005
 2004

(57) Direction: Read the given information carefully to answer the given question.

Each of the six persons P,Q,R,S,T and U has lived in India for a different number of days. S has stayed for more number of days
than R but less than T. P has stayed for more number of days than U. T has not stayed for the most number of days. The one
stayed for the second least number of days stayed for 14 days in India. The one who stayed for second highest number of days
stayed for 47 days, S stayed for 15 days less than T.

Q) Who amongst the following stayed for second highest number of days?

 R
 U
 Q
 T
(58) Choose one of the alternatives to select the correct meaning of the word.

'Persona Non Grata' means a person who is:-

 Unacceptable
 Popular
 Proud
 Grateful

(59) Correct the following sentence.

Coffee is more preferable to tea.

 Coffee as well as tea is preferred

 Coffee is preferred to tea
 Coffee is preferred as tea
 Coffee is preferable then tea

(60) The top of a 15-metre-high tower makes an angle of elevation of 60° with the bottom of an electric pole and an angle of
elevation of 30° with the top of the pole. What is the height of the electric pole?

 12 metres
 5 metres
 10 metres
 8 metres

(61) Latent learning means:-

 Observational learning
 Over learning
 Obvious learning
 Hidden learning

(62) A test to assess the potential of students for specific abilities and skills such as music, spatial ability or logical ability is
called a/an:-

 achievement test
 aptitude test
 proficiency test
 attitude test

(63) Change the following sentence into correct passive voice.

They ought not to blame others.

 Others ought not be blamed by them

 Others ought not to be blamed by them
 Others should not be blamed by them
 Others should not blame them

(64) Choose the correct answer.

Your clock is _______ hour fast.

 Your
 The
 An
 A

(65) Letters of the word DIRECTOR are arranged in such a way that all the vowels come together. Find out the total number of
ways for making such arrangement.

 120
 4320
 2160
 720

(66) A good example of an operating system that makes your computer function and controls the working environment is:-

 Windows 8
 Microsoft Account
 Microsoft Office 2013
 File Explorer

(67) The Vijayanagar empire owes its origin to:-

 Rajaraja Chola
 Krishnadeva Rao
 Balaji Viswanath
 Harihara and Bukka

(68) Direction Read the given information carefully to answer the given question.

Q is the sister of T. T is the mother of D. T has only one son. D is the brother of J. J is married to M. Y is the daughter of M.

Q) How is J related to Q?

 Niece
 Son
 Daughter
 Daughter-in-law

(69) The denominator of a fraction is 2 more that thrice its numerator. If the numerator as well as the denominator are increased
by one, the fraction becomes 1/3. What was the original fraction?

 5-Nov
 Apr-13
 May-13
 3-Nov

(70) Choose the correct preposition to fill in the blank.

Shyam lives _____________ 45, Dalal Street.

 for
 in
 with
 at

(71) Learning is:-

 Change in the nature of Student

 A change in behaviour
 Relatively permanent change in behaviour
 The result of experience or practice

(72) ___________ is a device that has been customised to perform few specialised computing tasks well with minimal effort.

 Server appliance
 Dedicate appliance
 Shopping bot
 Information appliance

(73) ________ is a communication medium where data are transformed into light pulses.

 Satellite
 Twisted pair cable
 Coaxial cable
 Optical fibre

(74) The evaluation of personality is best made through:-

 projective test
 survey test
 inventory test
 preference test

(75) Lord Buddha delivered his first sermon at:-

 Kushinagar
 Bodh gaya
 Sarnath
 Sanchi

(76) If there are no functional dependencies between two (or more) non-primary key attributes, this describes:-
 First normal form
 Third normal form
 Second normal form
 Fifth normal form

(77) Standardized tests are most often:-

 norm referenced
 stanine test
 criterion referenced
 judgmental in nature

(78) Indian Constitution does not provide any procedure to remove the:-

 Governors
 President
 Judges of Supreme Court
 Vice-President

(79) Chalukya ruler, Pulakesian II, defeated:-

 Dharmapala
 Samudragupta
 Harshvardhan
 Chandragupta II

(80) Collecting personal information and effectively posing as another individual is a crime known as:-

 Personality theft
 Spoofing
 Hacking
 Identity theft

(81) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs/tenses given in bracket.

When I _______ (have) another look, I __________ (realise) the shirt in the laundry ________ (shrink).

 have, realised, shrinking

 have, will realise, has shrunk
 had, would realise, is shrinking
 had, realised, had shrunk

(82) Which spread spectrum technology does the 802.11b standard define for operation?

(83) The term 'Fourth Estate' refers to:-

 The Press
 Underdeveloped countries
 Executive
 Judiciary

(84) In norm referenced tests:-

 student's readiness for handling advanced material is assessed

 the mastery of very specific objectives is measured
 scores are compared to a pre-established standard
 a student's performance is compared to the average performance of others

(85) Each word given in the alternatives is matched with its synonym and antonym. One is not correctly matched. Select the one
not correctly matched.

 Acquit Convict Exonerate

 Abscond Flee Remain
 Abashed Confused Confident
 Abate Suppress Raise

(86) Gateway of India was built in:-

 1947
 1911
 1857
 1927

(87) Direction: Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given
statements, disregarding commonly know facts.


Some Cats are Rats

Some rats are Ants
Some Ants are Flies


I. Some Flies are Cats

II. Some Flies are not Ants
III. No Rat is Fly
IV. No Cat is Fly

 Only I, II follows
 Only I & IV follows
 Only I & III follows
 Only II follows

(88) Fill in the blank using correct tense.

When Shivansh came to the school in 1996. Mr. Rakesh _________ there for seven years.

 Will have already been teaching

 Has already been teaching
 Have already been teaching
 Had already been teaching

(89) A trader has 600 kgs of rice, a part of which he sells at 15% profit and the remaining quantity at 20% loss. On the whole, he
incurs an overall loss of 6%. What is the quantity of rice he sold at 20% loss?

 360 Kgs
 250 Kgs
 420 Kgs
 320 Kgs

(90) Article 356 of the Constitution of India provides for:-

 Imposition of President's Rule in a state

 Reservation of jobs for backward Classes
 A special status for Jammu and Kashmir
 Protection of religious monuments

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