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Class - X - English - Final Term Examination - QP - Set - B - 2018-19

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Roll Number SET B


CLASS: X Sub. Code: 101 Time Allotted: 3 Hrs
27.11.2018 Max. Marks: 80
General Instructions:
(i) The question paper is divided into three sections :
Section A : Reading 20 marks
Section B : Writing and Grammar 30 marks
Section C : Literature 30 marks
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) You may attempt any section at a time.
(iv) All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order.


1 Read the following passage carefully: 1x8=8
1. Thornfield Hall was a large gentleman‟s house in the country near a town called Millcote. There
after my sixteen-hour journey, I was welcomed by Mrs. Fairfax. She was a little old lady dressed
in black who seemed glad to have someone else to talk to, apart from the servants. Although the
house was dark and frightening with its big rooms full of heavy furniture, I was excited at being in
a new place and looked forward to my new life there working for kind Mrs. Fairfax.
2. But I was surprised to discover on my first full day at Thornfield that Mrs. Fairfax was not in
fact the owner as I had assumed but the housekeeper and that my new master was a Mr. Rochester
who was often away from home. My pupil was a girl called Adèle, seven or eight years old, who
was born in France and could hardly speak English. Luckily I had learnt French very well at
Lowood and had no difficulty in communicating with young Adèle, a pretty, cheerful child. It
appeared that Mr. Rochester, who had known Adèle and her mother very well had brought Adèle
back to England to live with him after her mother had died. I taught her for several hours every
day in the library, although it was not easy to make her concentrate on anything for long as she
was clearly not used to the discipline of lessons.
3. One day I took the opportunity of asking Mrs. Fairfax a few questions about Mr. Rochester, as I
was curious about him and the little housekeeper seemed happy to talk. „Is he liked by most
people?‟ was my first question. „Oh yes, his family has always been respected here.

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They‟ve owned the land around here for years,‟ she replied.
„But do you like him? What is his character like?‟
4. „I have always liked him, and I think he‟s a fair master to his servants. He‟s a little peculiar,
perhaps. He‟s travelled a lot you know. I expect he‟s clever, but I can‟t tell, really.‟
„What do you mean peculiar?‟ I asked, interested. It‟s not easy to describe. You‟re never sure
whether he‟s serious or joking. You don‟t really understand him, at least I don‟t. But that doesn‟t
matter, he‟s a very good master.‟
1.1 On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer any eight of the questions
that follow :
(a) Why was Mrs. Fairfax glad to receive the narrator?
(b) Why was the narrator excited?
(c) What wrong assumption was made by her?
(d) Why had she come to Thornfield Hall?
(e) How do we know that Mr. Rochester was a man of noble nature?
(f) Why was it difficult to make Adèle study for long hours?
(g) Why was Mr. Rochester liked by most people?
(h) What was peculiar about the nature of Mr. Rochester?
(i) How does the narrator describe Adèle?

2. Read the passage given below : 12

1. People who smoke are being hounded out of all public places – offices, restaurants, educational
institutions, buses, trains etc. Away from home now it is becoming nearly impossible to find a
place to smoke. Growing restrictions and the fear of various diseases caused by tobacco are
prompting many smokers to stop smoking.19 states in the U.S. have made laws against smoking.
Taxes on tobacco products are being raised.
2. Smoking is banned at several places. Still the number of smokers is rising in India. More than
25 crore people in India are addicted to tobacco. And according to a WHO report around half of
them will die of tobacco related diseases. Unfortunately most people in India still need a strict
warning based on a test report before they decide to give up smoking. Patients too seek medical
help only after they show serious symptoms of an illness. Some hospitals have set up centres to
identify risk factors among the young so that they can take preventive measures like giving up
smoking early in life.
3. Tobacco is the second biggest cause of death in the world. It is responsible for the death of five
crore people each year all over the world. Half of the people who are addicted to tobacco will
ultimately be killed by this addiction. Many people get rid of this habit on their own and those
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who are willing to, but can‟t, go to de addiction centres. These centres use counselling, nicotine
replacement therapy and prescriptive drugs to deal with withdrawal problems. Quitting cold
turkey – stopping the use of tobacco at once – works well but only for those who have control and
determination to quit.

2.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four of the following questions in 30
- 40 words each :
(a) For which two reasons do smokers give up smoking?
(b) Name two steps taken in India against smoking.
(c) Why is the situation unfortunate in India?
(d) How do people get rid of smoking?
(e) What does „cold turkey‟ mean?

2.2 On the basis of your reading of the passage, fill in any two of the following blanks with
appropriate words/phrase:

(a) In the U.S. _________ states have passed laws against smoking.
(b) In India one can‟t smoke at a _________.
(c) Tobacco is the _________ biggest killer in the world.

2.3 Choose the meanings of the given words/phrases from the options that follow each
word/phrase: (any two)

(a) hounded out

(i) driven out (ii) given out (iii) washed (iv) endangered
(b) restrictions
(i) checks (ii) imitations (iii) failures (iv) defeats
(c) prompting
(i) abusing (ii) initiating (iii) empowering (iv) encouraging


3 You are Sumit Arora, the proprietor of S.A. Traders Ludhiana. You want to purchase some 8
electrical appliances. Write a letter to place the order with M/s R.N. Appliances, G.T. Road

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Two main parks in your locality have suffered from neglect on the part of local authorities. As a
result the residents have stopped going to the parks. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor
of a local newspaper expressing your concern about the problems the neglect has created and
suggest measures to reclaim the parks for children. You are Gautam/Gauri 2, Gobind Enclave,
4 Write a story in 150-200 words based on the input given below : 10
a) It was a dark night. We had lost our way among the fields. Then I saw a light in the distance.
We started walking in that direction......
b) Friends decided to party – collected at one place – took lift from a stranger – the stranger tried
to attack them – managed to run – learnt a lesson – to be careful.

5. Fill in any four of the blanks in the sentences given below choosing the most appropriate options 1 × 4 =
from the ones that follow. 4

Rakesh ___(_a)___ not quarrel with anyone in ___(b_)___ jail. Then one day I saw him
___(_c)___ his cool. In his ward ___(d_)___ was a young man ___(_e)___ did not look like a
(a) (i) do (ii) does (iii) did (iv) doing
(b) (i) a (ii) an (iii) the (iv) some
(c) (i) lose (ii) loses (iii) lost (iv) is losing
(d) (i) there (ii) their (iii) here (iv) nowhere
(e) (i) which (ii) who (iii) that (iv) whose

6. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the error and 1x4=4
its correction as shown in the example: (any four )
Error Correction
Many schools used the play way method a)_____________ _______________
at the early years. As children b)_____________ _______________
grow older a number of play hours c)_____________ _______________
in the time-table started falling rapidly. d)_____________ _______________
Many schools does not have even playgrounds. e)_____________ _______________

7. Rearrange any four of the following word clusters to make meaningful sentences : 1×4=4
(a) were / on the / Ram / standing / and / beach / Sham/at/sunset
(b) at the / waves / were / rising and falling / they / looking
(c) a boat / a wave / they / top of / saw / on the

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(d) the wave / up and down / was / with / it / going
(e) in the / two men / there / sitting / were / boat

SECTION – C (Literature) 30

8. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow : 1×4=4

a) Till the birds and beasts grew tired

At a voice so uninspired
And the ticket office gross
Crashed, and she grew more morose
(a) Name the poem and the poet.
(b) Why did the creatures lose interest in the song?
(c) Explain: „and the ticket office gross crashed‟.
(d) Why did the Nightingale grow morose?

b) O pardon me thou bleeding piece of earth,
That I am meek and gentle with these butchers,
Thou art the ruins of the noblest man,
That ever lived in the tide of times,
Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood,

(a) What does bleeding piece of earth refer to?

(b) Who are „these butchers‟?
(c) Why is the speaker meek and gentle with these butchers?
(d) What prophesy does Antony make over his body?

9. Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each : 2×4=8
(a) Why did the narrator decline to go inside while the three siblings sat together?
(b) How does Mrs. Slater plan to outshine the Jordons? Why?
(c)What will Shakespeare‟s friend realize when he rises on the Day of Judgment?
(d) Why did the narrator feel sorry after throwing a stick at the snake?
(e) Why does the author say that Louisa Mebbin had a “protective elder sister” attitude towards

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10. Attempt any one out of the two following long answer type questions in 100-120 words: 8
a) When the Albatross arrived on the ship, the Mariners experienced a sense of joy and were
infused with new hope. Comment.
b) What is the theme of the lesson „The Letter‟ written by Dhumaketu?

11 Answer any one of the following questions in 200-250 words: 10

(a) Describe the relationship between Anne and Margot?

Give a pen sketch of Anne‟s father as a parent?

(b) What were Helen‟s opinions about examinations?

Attempt a character sketch of Mr. Gilman.

End of the Question Paper

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