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Cpu Scheduling Algorithm: Switches From Waiting To Ready Exits

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A multiprogramming operating system allows more than one process to be loaded into the executable
memory at a time and for the loaded process to share the CPU using time-multiplexing. Part of the
reason for using multiprogramming is that the operating system itself is implemented as one or more
processes, so there must be a way for the operating system and application processes to share the
CPU. The assignment of physical processors to processes allows processors to accomplish work. The
problem of determining when processors should be assigned and to which processes is called CPU
scheduling. How do we select a CPU Scheduling algorithm for a particular system? Since we have
different scheduling algorithm with its own parameter selection can be difficult. To select an
algorithm we must first define the relative importance of CPU Scheduling criteria. Next we use an
evaluation method. This paper presents an algorithm and a life simulation of the CPU Scheduling
algorithms using exponential distribution to generate the random numbers for the burst times, arrival
times and processes with Ms Visual Basic 2010 for the Scheduling algorithms and comparing their
average waiting time to know which has the least average waiting time.

A multiprogramming operating system allows more than one process to be loaded into the executable
memory at a time and for the loaded process to share the CPU using time-multiplexing. Part of the
reason for using multiprogramming is that the operating system itself is implemented as one or more
processes, so there must be a way for the operating system and application processes to share the
CPU. Another main reason is the need for processes to perform I/O operations in the normal course
of computation. Since I/O operations ordinarily require orders of magnitude more time to complete
than do CPU instructions, multiprogramming systems allocate the CPU to another process whenever
a process invokes an I/O operation. The assignment of physical processors to processes allow
processors to accomplish work. The problem of determining when processors should be assigned and
to which processes is called processor scheduling or CPU scheduling. When more than one process
is runnable, the operating system must decide which one first. The part of the operating system
concerned with this decision is called the scheduler, and algorithm it uses is called the scheduling

The scheduling problem:
Have K jobs ready to run
Have N _ 1 CPUs
Which jobs to assign to which CPU(s) When do we make decision? Scheduling decisions may
take place when a process:
Switches from running to waiting state
Switches from running to ready state
Switches from waiting to ready
To make sure that scheduling strategy is good enough with the following criteria:

Utilisation/Efficiency: keeps the CPU busy 100% of the time with useful work.

Throughput: maximises the number of jobs processed per hour.

Turnaround time: from the time of submission to the time of completion and minimise the
time batch users must wait for output.

Waiting time: Sum of times spent in ready queue.

Response Time: time from submission till the first response is produced and minimise
response time for interactive users.

Fairness: make sure each process gets a fair share of the CPU.


The Scheduling algorithms can be divided into two categories with respect to how they deal with
clock interrupts:


A scheduling discipline is non pre-emptive if, once a process has been given the CPU, the CPU cannot
be taken away from that process. The following are some characteristics of non pre-emptive

Short jobs are made to wait by longer jobs but the overall treatment of all processes is fair.

Response times are more predictable because incoming high priority jobs cannot displace
waiting jobs.

In non pre-emptive scheduling, a scheduler executes jobs in the following two situations.

When a process switches from running state to the waiting state.

When a process terminates.

A scheduling discipline is pre-emptive if, once a process has been given the CPU can taken away.
The strategy of allowing processes that are logically runable to be temporarily suspended is called
pre-emptive Scheduling and it is contrast to the "run to completion" method.


CPU scheduling deals with the problem of deciding which of the processes in the ready queue is to
be allocated the CPU. The Basic CPU Scheduling algorithms are First-Come, First-Served, Shortest
Job First, Round Robin and Priority Based Scheduling.


It is non-pre-emptive, Ready queue is a FIFO queue, Jobs arriving are placed at the end of queue,
Dispatcher selects first job in queue and this job runs to completion of CPU burst. The advantages of
FCFS is that it is simple and has low overhead. And has disadvantages of inappropriate for interactive
systems and large fluctuations in average turnaround time are possible.


It is non-pre-emptive, Ready queue treated as a priority queue based on smallest CPU time
requirement, arriving jobs inserted at proper position in queue, dispatcher selects shortest job (1st in
queue) and runs to completion. Its advantage is that it is provably optimal from turnaround/waiting
point of view. The disadvantages of SJF are that in general, it cannot be implemented, also starvation
is possible, Can do it approximately: use exponential averaging to predict length of next CPU burst.

It is the pre-emptive version of FCFS, treat ready queue as circular, arriving jobs are placed at the
end, dispatcher selects first job in queue and runs until completion of CPU burst, or until time
quantum expires if quantum expires, job is again placed at end. The advantages of Round Robin are
that it is simple, low overhead, works for interactive systems and has the following disadvantages if
quantum is too small, there will be too much time wasted in context switching and if too large (i.e.,
longer than mean CPU burst), it approaches FCFS


Run highest-priority processes first, use round-robin among processes of equal priority. Re-insert
process in run queue behind all processes of greater or equal priority. Allows CPU to be given
preferentially to important processes. Scheduler adjusts dispatcher priorities to achieve the desired
overall priorities for the processes, e.g. one process gets 90% of the CPU. The disadvantage of the
Priority Based Scheduling is that it may cause low-priority processes to starve.

How do we select a CPU Scheduling algorithm for a particular system? Since we have different
scheduling algorithm with its own parameter selection can be difficult. To select an algorithm we
must first define the relative importance of CPU Scheduling criteria (which have been discussed
above). Next we use an evaluation method. The various evaluation methods for evaluating CPU
Scheduling algorithms are discussed below:

one major class of evaluation methods is analytic evaluation. Analytic evaluation uses the given
algorithm and the system workload to produce a formula or number that evaluates the performance
of the algorithm for that workload. One type of analytic evaluation is deterministic modelling. This
method takes a particular predetermined workload and defines the performance of each algorithm for
that workload.

On many systems, the processes that are run vary from day to day, so there is no static set of processes
(or times) to use for deterministic modelling. What can be determined; however, is the distribution of
CPU and I/O bursts. These distributions can be measured and then approximated or simply estimated.
The result is a mathematical formula describing the probability of a particular CPU burst. Commonly,
this distribution is exponential is described by its mean. Similarly, we can describe the distribution of
times when processes arrive in the system (the arrival-time distribution). From these two distributions,
it is possible to compute the average throughput, utilisation, waiting time, and so on for most
algorithms. The computer system is described as a network of servers. Each server has a queue of
waiting processes. The CPU is a server with its ready queue, as is the I/O system with its device
queues. Knowing arrival rates and service rates, we can compute utilisation, average queue length,
average wait, and so on. This area is called queueing-network analysis.

This is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time. Whether done by
hand or on a computer, simulation involves the generation of an artificial history of a system and the
observation of that artificial history to draw inferences concerning the operating characteristics of the
real system (Bank et al 2005). To get a more accurate evaluation of scheduling algorithms, we can
use simulations.

This approach puts the actual algorithm in the real system for evaluation under real operating
conditions. The major difficult y with this approach is the high cost. The expense is incurred not only
in coding the algorithm and modifying the operating system to support it (along with its required data
structures) but also in the reaction of the users to a constantly changing operating system. Another
difficultly is the environment in which the algorithm is used will change. The environment will
change not only in the usual way, as new programs are written and the types of problems change, but
also as a result of the performance of the scheduler. If short processed are given priority, then users
may break larger processes are given priority, then users may break larger processes into sets of
smaller processes. If interactive processes are given priority over non interactive processes, then users
may switch to interactive use.


In this paper to get a more accurate evaluation of scheduling algorithms, we decided to use
simulations. Running simulations involves programming a model of the computer system. Software
data structures represent the major components of the system. The simulator has a variable
representing a clock; as this variable value is increased, the simulator modifies the system state to
reflect the activities of the devices, the processes and the scheduler. As the simulation executes,
statistics that indicate algorithm performance are gathered and printed.

The data to drive the simulation can be generated in several ways. The most common method uses a
random-number generator, which is programmed to generate processes; CPU burst times, arrivals,
departures and so on, according to probability distributions. The distributions can be defined
mathematically (uniform, exponential, poisson) or empirically. If a distribution is to be defined
empirically, measurements of the actual system under study are taken.

After running and comparing the waiting times, and average waiting time of each scheduling
algorithm (FCFS, SJF and RR) using exponential distribution, we noticed that RR resulted in a
minimal average waiting time, though we encountered some difficulties in generating index numbers
for SJF. Finally, simulations can be expensive, often requiring a lot of hours. Simulation approach
provides more accurate results in evaluating the Scheduling Algorithms.

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