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Cpu Scheduling

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CPU Scheduling in Operating System

CPU scheduling is a process that allows one process to use the CPU while the execution of another process
is on hold (in a waiting state) due to unavailability of any resource like I/O etc, thereby making full use of
the CPU. The aim of CPU scheduling is to make the system efficient, fast, and fair.
Whenever the CPU becomes idle, the operating system must select one of the processes in the ready queue
to be executed. The selection process is carried out by the short-term scheduler (or CPU scheduler). The
scheduler selects from among the processes in memory that are ready to execute and allocates the CPU to
one of them.
CPU Scheduling: Dispatcher
Another component involved in the CPU scheduling function is the Dispatcher. The dispatcher is the module
that gives control of the CPU to the process selected by the short-term scheduler. This function involves:
• Switching context
• Switching to user mode
• Jumping to the proper location in the user program to restart that program from where it left last
The dispatcher should be as fast as possible, given that it is invoked during every process switch. The time
taken by the dispatcher to stop one process and start another process is known as the Dispatch Latency.
Dispatch Latency can be explained using the below figure:

Types of CPU Scheduling

CPU scheduling decisions may take place under the following four circumstances:

1. When a process switches from the running state to the waiting state(for I/O request or invocation of
wait for the termination of one of the child processes).
2. When a process switches from the running state to the ready state (for example, when an interrupt

3. When a process switches from the waiting state to the ready state (for example, completion of I/O).

4. When a process terminates.

5. In circumstances 1 and 4, there is no choice in terms of scheduling. A new process (if one exists in
the ready queue) must be selected for execution. There is a choice, however in circumstances 2 and

6. When Scheduling takes place only under circumstances 1 and 4, we say the scheduling scheme is
non-preemptive; otherwise, the scheduling scheme is preemptive.

Non-Preemptive Scheduling
Under non-preemptive scheduling, once the CPU has been allocated to a process, the process keeps the CPU
until it releases the CPU either by terminating or by switching to the waiting state.
This scheduling method is used by the Microsoft Windows 3.1 and by the Apple Macintosh operating
It is the only method that can be used on certain hardware platforms because It does not require the special
hardware (for example a timer) needed for preemptive scheduling.
In non-preemptive scheduling, it does not interrupt a process running CPU in the middle of the execution.
Instead, it waits till the process completes its CPU burst time, and then after that, it can allocate the CPU to
any other process.
Some Algorithms based on non-preemptive scheduling are: Shortest Job First (SJF basically non-
preemptive) Scheduling and Priority (non-preemptive version) Scheduling, etc.
Preemptive Scheduling
In this type of Scheduling, the tasks are usually assigned with priorities. At times it is necessary to run a
certain task that has a higher priority before another task although it is running. Therefore, the running task
is interrupted for some time and resumed later when the priority task has finished its execution.
Thus this type of scheduling is used mainly when a process switches either from running state to ready state
or from waiting for state to ready state. The resources (that is CPU cycles) are mainly allocated to the
process for a limited amount of time and then are taken away, and after that, the process is again placed back
in the ready queue in the case if that process still has a CPU burst time remaining. That process stays in the
ready queue until it gets the next chance to execute.
Some Algorithms that are based on preemptive scheduling are Round Robin Scheduling (RR), Shortest
Remaining Time First (SRTF), Priority (preemptive version) Scheduling, etc.

CPU Scheduling: Scheduling Criteria

There are many different criteria to check when considering the "best" scheduling algorithm, they are:
CPU Utilization
To make out the best use of the CPU and not to waste any CPU cycle, the CPU would be working most of
the time(Ideally 100% of the time). Considering a real system, CPU usage should range from 40% (lightly
loaded) to 90% (heavily loaded.)
It is the total number of processes completed per unit of time or rather says the total amount of work done in
a unit of time. This may range from 10/seconds to 1/hour depending on the specific processes.
Turnaround Time
It is the amount of time taken to execute a particular process, i.e. The interval from the time of submission of
the process to the time of completion of the process (Wall clock time).
Waiting Time
The sum of the periods spent waiting in the ready queue amount of time a process has been waiting in the
ready queue to acquire get control of the CPU.
Load Average
It is the average number of processes residing in the ready queue waiting for their turn to get into the CPU.
Response Time
The amount of time it takes from when a request was submitted until the first response is produced.
Remember, it is the time till the first response and not the completion of process execution (final response).
In general CPU utilization and Throughput are maximized and other factors are reduced for proper
Scheduling Algorithms
1. First Come First Serve (FCFS) Scheduling
2. Shortest-Job-First (SJF) Scheduling
3. Priority Scheduling
4. Round Robin (RR) Scheduling
5. Multilevel Queue Scheduling
6. Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling
7. Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF)

First Come First Serve Scheduling

In the "First come first serve" scheduling algorithm, as the name suggests, the process which arrives first,
gets executed first, or we can say that the process which requests the CPU first, gets the CPU allocated first.
• First Come First Serve, is just like FIFO(First in First out) Queue data structure, where the data
element which is added to the queue first, is the one who leaves the queue first.
• This is used in Batch Systems.
• It's easy to understand and implement programmatically, using a Queue data structure, where a
new process enters through the tail of the queue, and the scheduler selects the process from
the head of the queue.
• A perfect real-life example of FCFS scheduling is buying tickets at the ticket counter.

Calculating Average Waiting Time

For every scheduling algorithm, Average waiting time is a crucial parameter to judge it's performance.
AWT or Average waiting time is the average of the waiting times of the processes in the queue, waiting for
the scheduler to pick them for execution.
Lower the Average Waiting Time, better the scheduling algorithm.
Consider the processes P1, P2, P3, P4 given in the below table, arrive for execution in the same order,
with Arrival Time 0, and given Burst Time, let's find the average waiting time using the FCFS scheduling

The average waiting time will be 18.75 ms

For the above given processes, first P1 will be provided with the CPU resources,
• Hence, waiting time for P1 will be 0
• P1 requires 21 ms for completion, hence waiting time for P2 will be 21 ms
• Similarly, waiting time for process P3 will be execution time of P1 + execution time for P2, which
will be (21 + 3) ms = 24 ms.
• For process P4 it will be the sum of execution times of P1, P2 and P3.
The GANTT chart above perfectly represents the waiting time for each process.

Problems with FCFS Scheduling

Below we have a few shortcomings or problems with the FCFS scheduling algorithm:
1. It is non-pre-emptive algorithm, which means the process priority doesn't matter.
If a process with very least priority is being executed, more like daily routine backup process, which takes
more time, and all of a sudden, some other high priority process arrives, like interrupt to avoid system
crash, the high priority process will have to wait, and hence in this case, the system will crash, just because
of improper process scheduling.
2. Not optimal Average Waiting Time.
3. Resources utilization in parallel is not possible, which leads to Convoy Effect, and hence poor
resource (CPU, I/O etc) utilization.
What is Convoy Effect?
Convoy Effect is a situation where many processes, who need to use a resource for short time are blocked by
one process holding that resource for a long time.
This essentially leads to poor utilization of resources and hence poor performance.

Program for FCFS Scheduling

Here we have a simple C++ program for processes with arrival time as 0.
If you are not familiar with C++ language, we would recommend you to first Learn C++ language.
In the program, we will be calculating the Average waiting time and Average turnaround time for a
given array of Burst times for the list of processes.
/* Simple C++ program for implementation
of FCFS scheduling */

using namespace std;
// function to find the waiting time for all processes
void findWaitingTime(int processes[], int n, int bt[], int wt[])
// waiting time for first process will be 0
wt[0] = 0;

// calculating waiting time

for (int i = 1; i < n ; i++)
wt[i] = bt[i-1] + wt[i-1];
// function to calculate turn around time
void findTurnAroundTime( int processes[], int n, int bt[], int wt[], int tat[])
// calculating turnaround time by adding
// bt[i] + wt[i]
for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++)
tat[i] = bt[i] + wt[i];
// function to calculate average time
void findAverageTime( int processes[], int n, int bt[])
int wt[n], tat[n], total_wt = 0, total_tat = 0;
// function to find waiting time of all processes
findWaitingTime(processes, n, bt, wt);

// function to find turn around time for all processes

findTurnAroundTime(processes, n, bt, wt, tat);

// display processes along with all details

cout << "Processes "<< " Burst time "<< " Waiting time " << " Turn around time\n";
// calculate total waiting time and total turn around time
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
total_wt = total_wt + wt[i];
total_tat = total_tat + tat[i];
cout << " " << i+1 << "\t\t" << bt[i] <<"\t "<< wt[i] <<"\t\t " << tat[i] <<endl;

cout << "Average waiting time = "<< (float)total_wt / (float)n;

cout << "\nAverage turn around time = "<< (float)total_tat / (float)n;
// main function
int main()
// process ids
int processes[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4};
int n = sizeof processes / sizeof processes[0];

// burst time of all processes

int burst_time[] = {21, 3, 6, 2};
findAverageTime(processes, n, burst_time);
return 0;


Processes Burst time Waiting time Turn around time

1 21 0 21
2 3 21 24
3 6 24 30
4 2 30 32
Average waiting time = 18.75
Average turnaround time = 26.75

Completion Time: Time taken for the execution to complete, starting from arrival time.
Turn Around Time: Time taken to complete after arrival. In simple words, it is the difference between the
Completion time and the Arrival time.
Waiting Time: Total time the process has to wait before its execution begins. It is the difference between
the Turn Around time and the Burst time of the process.
For the program above, we have considered the arrival time to be 0 for all the processes, try to implement a
program with variable arrival times.

Shortest Job First (SJF) Scheduling

Shortest Job First scheduling works on the process with the shortest burst time or duration first.
• This is the best approach to minimize waiting time.
• This is used in Batch Systems.
• It is of two types:
0. Non-Preemptive
1. Pre-emptive
• To successfully implement it, the burst time/duration time of the processes should be known to the
processor in advance, which is practically not feasible all the time.
• This scheduling algorithm is optimal if all the jobs/processes are available at the same time. (Either
Arrival time is 0 for all, or Arrival time is same for all)

Non-Pre-emptive Shortest Job First

Consider the below processes available in the ready queue for execution, with arrival time as 0 for all and
given burst times.

As you can see in the GANTT chart above, the process P4 will be picked up first as it has the shortest burst
time, then P2, followed by P3 and at last P1.
We scheduled the same set of processes using the First come first serve algorithm in the past, and got
average waiting time to be 18.75 ms, whereas with SJF, the average waiting time comes out 4.5 ms.

Problem with Non Pre-emptive SJF

If the arrival time for processes are different, which means all the processes are not available in the ready
queue at time 0, and some jobs arrive after some time, in such situation, sometimes process with short burst
time have to wait for the current process's execution to finish, because in Non Pre-emptive SJF, on arrival of
a process with short duration, the existing job/process's execution is not halted/stopped to execute the short
job first.
This leads to the problem of Starvation, where a shorter process has to wait for a long time until the current
longer process gets executed. This happens if shorter jobs keep coming, but this can be solved using the
concept of aging.

Pre-emptive Shortest Job First

In Preemptive Shortest Job First Scheduling, jobs are put into ready queue as they arrive, but as a process
with short burst time arrives, the existing process is pre-empted or removed from execution, and the shorter
job is executed first.

The average waiting time will be, ((5-3) +(6-2) +(12-1))/4=8.75

The average waiting time for preemptive shortest job first scheduling is less than both, on preemptive SJF
scheduling and FCFS scheduling
As you can see in the GANTT chart above, as P1 arrives first, hence its execution starts immediately, but
just after 1 ms, process P2 arrives with a burst time of 3 ms which is less than the burst time of P1, hence
the process P1(1 ms done, 20 ms left) is pre emptied and process P2 is executed.
As P2 is getting executed, after 1 ms, P3 arrives, but it has a burst time greater than that of P2, hence the
execution of P2 continues. But after another millisecond, P4 arrives with a burst time of 2 ms, as a
result P2(2 ms done, 1 ms left) is pre emptied and P4 is executed.
After the completion of P4, process P2 is picked up and finished, then P2 will get executed and at last P1.
The Pre-emptive SJF is also known as Shortest Remaining Time First, because at any given point of time,
the job with the shortest remaining time is executed first.

Program for SJF Scheduling

In the below program, we consider the arrival time of all the jobs to be 0.
Also, in the program, we will sort all the jobs based on their burst time and then execute them one by one,
just like we did in FCFS scheduling program.

// c++ program to implement Shortest Job first


using namespace std;

struct Process
int pid; // process ID
int bt; // burst Time

this function is used for sorting all
processes in increasing order of burst time
bool comparison(Process a, Process b)
return ( <;

// function to find the waiting time for all processes

void findWaitingTime(Process proc[], int n, int wt[])
// waiting time for first process is 0
wt[0] = 0;

// calculating waiting time

for (int i = 1; i < n ; i++)
wt[i] = proc[i-1].bt + wt[i-1] ;

// function to calculate turn around time

void findTurnAroundTime(Process proc[], int n, int wt[], int tat[])
// calculating turnaround time by adding bt[i] + wt[i]
for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++)
tat[i] = proc[i].bt + wt[i];

// function to calculate average time

void findAverageTime(Process proc[], int n)
int wt[n], tat[n], total_wt = 0, total_tat = 0;

// function to find waiting time of all processes

findWaitingTime(proc, n, wt);

// function to find turnaround time for all processes

findTurnAroundTime(proc, n, wt, tat);

// display processes along with all details

cout << "\nProcesses "<< " Burst time "
<< " Waiting time " << " Turnaround time\n";

// calculate total waiting time and total turnaround time

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
total_wt = total_wt + wt[i];
total_tat = total_tat + tat[i];
cout << " " << proc[i].pid << "\t\t"
<< proc[i].bt << "\t " << wt[i]
<< "\t\t " << tat[i] <<endl;

cout << "Average waiting time = "

<< (float)total_wt / (float)n;
cout << "\nAverage turnaround time = "
<< (float)total_tat / (float)n;

// main function
int main()
Process proc[] = {{1, 21}, {2, 3}, {3, 6}, {4, 2}};
int n = sizeof proc / sizeof proc[0];

// sorting processes by burst time.

sort(proc, proc + n, comparison);

cout << "Order in which process gets executed\n";

for (int i = 0 ; i < n; i++)
cout << proc[i].pid <<" ";

findAverageTime(proc, n);

return 0;
Order in which process gets executed
Processes Burst time Waiting time Turnaround time
4 2 0 2
2 3 2 5
3 6 5 11
1 21 11 32
Average waiting time = 4.5
Average turnaround time = 12.5

Shortest Remaining Time First Scheduling Algorithm

The Preemptive version of Shortest Job First(SJF) scheduling is known as Shortest Remaining Time First
(SRTF). With the help of the SRTF algorithm, the process having the smallest amount of time remaining
until completion is selected first to execute.
So basically in SRTF, the processes are scheduled according to the shortest remaining time.
However, the SRTF algorithm involves more overheads than the Shortest job first (SJF)scheduling, because
in SRTF OS is required frequently in order to monitor the CPU time of the jobs in the READY queue and to
perform context switching.
In the SRTF scheduling algorithm, the execution of any process can be stopped after a certain amount of
time. On arrival of every process, the short-term scheduler schedules those processes from the list of
available processes & running processes that have the least remaining burst time.
After all the processes are available in the ready queue, then, No preemption will be done and then the
algorithm will work the same as SJF scheduling. In the Process Control Block, the context of the process is
saved, when the process is removed from the execution and when the next process is scheduled. The PCB is
accessed on the next execution of this process.
Advantages of SRTF
The main advantage of the SRTF algorithm is that it makes the processing of the jobs faster than the SJF
algorithm, mentioned it’s overhead charges are not counted.
Disadvantages of SRTF
In SRTF, the context switching is done a lot more times than in SJN due to more consumption of the CPU's
valuable time for processing. The consumed time of CPU then adds up to its processing time and which then
diminishes the advantage of fast processing of this algorithm.
• At the 0th unit of the CPU, there is only one process that is P1, so P1 gets executed for the 1 time
• At the 1st unit of the CPU, Process P2 arrives. Now, the P1 needs 6 more units more to be executed,
and the P2 needs only 3 units. So, P2 is executed first by preempting P1.
• At the 3rd unit of time, the process P3 arrives, and the burst time of P3 is 4 units which is more than
the completion time of P2 that is 1 unit, so P2 continues its execution.
• Now after the completion of P2, the burst time of P3 is 4 units that means it needs only 4 units for
completion while P1 needs 6 units for completion.
• So, this algorithm picks P3 above P1 due to the reason that the completion time of P3 is less than
that of P1
• P3 gets completed at time unit 8, there are no new processes arrived.
• So again, P1 is sent for execution, and it gets completed at the 14th unit.
As Arrival Time and Burst time for three processes P1, P2, P3 are given in the above diagram. Let us
calculate Turn around time, completion time, and waiting time.
Turn around Time Waiting Time
Arrival Burst Completion Turn Around Time = Waiting Time = Turn
Time Time time Completion Time – Around Time – Burst
Arrival Time Time

P1 0 7 14 14-0=14 14-7=7

P2 1 3 4 4-1=3 3-3=0

P3 3 4 8 8-3=5 5-4=1
Average waiting time is calculated by adding the waiting time of all processes and then dividing them by no.
of processes.
average waiting time = waiting for time of all processes/ no.of processes
average waiting time=7+0+1=8/3 = 2.66ms
Given below is the C++ Implementation of Shortest Remaining Time First scheduling :
Priority CPU Scheduling

In the Shortest Job First scheduling algorithm, the priority of a process is generally the inverse of the CPU
burst time, i.e., the larger the burst time the lower is the priority of that process.
In case of priority scheduling the priority is not always set as the inverse of the CPU burst time, rather it can
be internally or externally set, but yes, the scheduling is done on the basis of priority of the process where
the process which is most urgent is processed first, followed by the ones with lesser priority in order.
Processes with same priority are executed in FCFS manner.
The priority of process, when internally defined, can be decided based on memory requirements, time
limits, number of open files, ratio of I/O burst to CPU burst etc.
Whereas, external priorities are set based on criteria outside the operating system, like the importance of the
process, funds paid for the computer resource use, market factor etc.

Types of Priority Scheduling Algorithm

Priority scheduling can be of two types:
1. Preemptive Priority Scheduling: If the new process arrived at the ready queue has a higher priority
than the currently running process, the CPU is pre-empted, which means the processing of the
current process is stopped and the incoming new process with higher priority gets the CPU for its
2. Non-Preemptive Priority Scheduling: In case of non-preemptive priority scheduling algorithm if a
new process arrives with a higher priority than the current running process, the incoming process is
put at the head of the ready queue, which means after the execution of the current process it will be

Example of Priority Scheduling Algorithm

Consider the below table for processes with their respective CPU burst times and the priorities.

As you can see in the GANTT chart that the processes are given CPU time just on the basis of the priorities.
Problem with Priority Scheduling Algorithm
In priority scheduling algorithm, the chances of indefinite blocking or starvation.
A process is considered blocked when it is ready to run but has to wait for the CPU as some other process is
running currently.
But in case of priority scheduling if new higher priority processes keep coming in the ready queue, then the
processes waiting in the ready queue with lower priority may have to wait for long durations before getting
the CPU for execution.
In 1973, when the IBM 7904 machine was shut down at MIT, a low-priority process was found which was
submitted in 1967 and had not yet been run.

Using Aging Technique with Priority Scheduling

To prevent starvation of any process, we can use the concept of aging where we keep on increasing the
priority of low-priority process based on the its waiting time.
For example, if we decide the aging factor to be 0.5 for each day of waiting, then if a process with
priority 20(which is comparatively low priority) comes in the ready queue. After one day of waiting, its
priority is increased to 19.5 and so on.
Doing so, we can ensure that no process will have to wait for indefinite time for getting CPU time for

Implementing Priority Scheduling Algorithm in C++

Implementing priority scheduling algorithm is easy. All we have to do is to sort the processes based on their
priority and CPU burst time, and then apply FCFS Algorithm on it.
Here is the C++ code for priority scheduling algorithm:

// Implementation of Priority scheduling algorithm

using namespace std;

struct Process
// this is the process ID
int pid;
// the CPU burst time
int bt;
// priority of the process
int priority;

// sort the processes based on priority

bool sortProcesses(Process a, Process b)
return (a.priority > b.priority);

// Function to find the waiting time for all processes

void findWaitingTime(Process proc[], int n,
int wt[])
// waiting time for first process is 0
wt[0] = 0;
// calculating waiting time
for (int i = 1; i < n ; i++ )
wt[i] = proc[i-1].bt + wt[i-1] ;

// Function to calculate turn around time

void findTurnAroundTime( Process proc[], int n,
int wt[], int tat[])
// calculating turnaround time by adding
// bt[i] + wt[i]
for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++)
tat[i] = proc[i].bt + wt[i];

//Function to calculate average time

void findavgTime(Process proc[], int n)
int wt[n], tat[n], total_wt = 0, total_tat = 0;

//Function to find waiting time of all processes

findWaitingTime(proc, n, wt);

//Function to find turn around time for all processes

findTurnAroundTime(proc, n, wt, tat);

//Display processes along with all details

cout << "\nProcesses "<< " Burst time "
<< " Waiting time " << " Turn around time\n";

// Calculate total waiting time and total turn

// around time
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
total_wt = total_wt + wt[i];
total_tat = total_tat + tat[i];
cout << " " << proc[i].pid << "\t\t"
<< proc[i].bt << "\t " << wt[i]
<< "\t\t " << tat[i] <<endl;

cout << "\nAverage waiting time = "

<< (float)total_wt / (float)n;
cout << "\nAverage turn around time = "
<< (float)total_tat / (float)n;

void priorityScheduling(Process proc[], int n)

// Sort processes by priority
sort(proc, proc + n, sortProcesses);

cout<< "Order in which processes gets executed \n";

for (int i = 0 ; i < n; i++)
cout << proc[i].pid <<" " ;

findavgTime(proc, n);

// Driver code
int main()
Process proc[] = {{1, 10, 2}, {2, 5, 0}, {3, 8, 1}};
int n = sizeof proc / sizeof proc[0];
priorityScheduling(proc, n);
return 0;

Round Robin Scheduling

Round Robin (RR) scheduling algorithm is mainly designed for time-sharing systems. This algorithm is
similar to FCFS scheduling, but in Round Robin (RR) scheduling, preemption is added which enables the
system to switch between processes.
• A fixed time is allotted to each process, called a quantum, for execution.
• Once a process is executed for the given time period that process is pre-empted and another process
executes for the given time period.
• Context switching is used to save states of pre-empted processes.
• This algorithm is simple and easy to implement and the most important is thing is this algorithm is
starvation-free as all processes get a fair share of CPU.
• It is important to note here that the length of time quantum is generally from 10 to 100 milliseconds
in length.
Some important characteristics of the Round Robin (RR) Algorithm are as follows:
1. Round Robin Scheduling algorithm resides under the category of Preemptive Algorithms.
2. This algorithm is one of the oldest, easiest, and fairest algorithms.
3. This Algorithm is a real-time algorithm because it responds to the event within a specific time limit.
4. In this algorithm, the time slice should be the minimum that is assigned to a specific task that needs
to be processed. Though it may vary for different operating systems.
5. This is a hybrid model and is clock-driven in nature.
6. This is a widely used scheduling method in the traditional operating system.
Important terms
1. Completion Time It is the time at which any process completes its execution.
2. Turn Around Time This mainly indicates the time Difference between completion time and arrival
time. The Formula to calculate the same is: Turn Around Time = Completion Time – Arrival
3. Waiting Time(W.T): It Indicates the time Difference between turnaround time and burst time. And
is calculated as Waiting Time = Turn Around Time – Burst Time
Let us now cover an example of the same:
In the above diagram, arrival time is not mentioned so it is taken as 0 for all processes.
Note: If arrival time is not given for any problem statement, then it is taken as 0 for all processes; if it is
given then the problem can be solved accordingly.
The value of time quantum in the above example is 5. Let us now calculate the Turnaround time and waiting
time for the above example :
Turn Around Time Waiting Time
Processes Turn Around Time = Completion Waiting Time = Turn Around
Time – Arrival Time Time – Burst Time

P1 21 32-0=32 32-21=11

P2 3 8-0=8 8-3=5

P3 6 21-0=21 21-6=15

P4 2 15-0=15 15-2=13
Average waiting time is calculated by adding the waiting time of all processes and then dividing them by
no.of processes.
average waiting time = waiting time of all processes/ no.of processes
average waiting time=11+5+15+13/4 = 44/4= 11ms
C++ Implementation For RR Scheduling
// Program implementation in C++ for Round Robin scheduling
using namespace std;

//The Function to find the waiting time for all processes

void fWaitingTime(int processes[], int n,
int bt[], int wt[], int quantum)
// Let us Make a copy of burst times bt[] to store remaining burst times

int rem_bt[n];
for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
rem_bt[i] = bt[i];
int t = 0; // for Current time

// Let us keep traverse the processes in the round robin manner until all of them are not done.

while (1)
bool done = true;

//let us Traverse all processes one by one repeatedly

for (int i = 0 ; i < n; i++)
// If burst time of a process is greater than 0 then there is a need to process further
if (rem_bt[i] > 0)
done = false; // indicates there is a pending process

if (rem_bt[i] > quantum)

// By Increasing the value of t it shows how much time a process has been processed
t += quantum;

// Decreasing the burst_time of current process by the quantum

rem_bt[i] -= quantum;

// If burst time is smaller than or equal to the quantum then it is Last cycle for this process
// Increase the value of t to show how much time a process has been processed
t = t + rem_bt[i];

// Waiting time is current time minus time used by this process.

wt[i] = t - bt[i];

// As the process gets fully executed thus remaining burst time becomes 0.

rem_bt[i] = 0;

// If all the processes are done

if (done == true)

// Function used to calculate the turn around time

void fTurnAroundTime(int processes[], int n,
int bt[], int wt[], int tat[])
// calculating turnaround time by adding bt[i] + wt[i]
for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++)
tat[i] = bt[i] + wt[i];

// Function to calculate the average time

void findavgTime(int processes[], int n, int bt[],
int quantum)
int wt[n], tat[n], total_wt = 0, total_tat = 0;

// Function to find waiting time of all processes

fWaitingTime(processes, n, bt, wt, quantum);

// Function to find turn around time for all processes

fTurnAroundTime(processes, n, bt, wt, tat);

// Display processes along with all details

cout << "Processes "<< " Burst time "
<< " Waiting time " << " Turn around time\n";

// Calculate the total waiting time and total turn

// around time
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
total_wt = total_wt + wt[i];
total_tat = total_tat + tat[i];
cout << " " << i+1 << "\t\t" << bt[i] <<"\t "
<< wt[i] <<"\t\t " << tat[i] <<endl;

cout << "Average waiting time = "

<< (float)total_wt / (float)n;
cout << "\nAverage turn around time = "
<< (float)total_tat / (float)n;

//Given below is the Driver Code

int main()
// process id's
int processes[] = { 1, 2, 3,4};
int x = sizeof processes / sizeof processes[0];

// Burst time of all processes

int burst_time[] = {21, 13, 6,12};

// Time quantum
int quantum = 2;
findavgTime(processes, x, burst_time, quantum);
return 0;
The output of the above code is as follows:

Advantages of Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm

Some advantages of the Round Robin scheduling algorithm are as follows:
• While performing this scheduling algorithm, a particular time quantum is allocated to different jobs.
• In terms of average response time, this algorithm gives the best performance.
• With the help of this algorithm, all the jobs get a fair allocation of CPU.
• In this algorithm, there are no issues of starvation or convoy effect.
• This algorithm deals with all processes without any priority.
• This algorithm is cyclic in nature.
• In this, the newly created process is added to the end of the ready queue.
• Also, in this, a round-robin scheduler generally employs time-sharing which means providing each
job a time slot or quantum.
• In this scheduling algorithm, each process gets a chance to reschedule after a particular quantum
Disadvantages of Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm
Some disadvantages of the Round Robin scheduling algorithm are as follows:
• This algorithm spends more time on context switches.
• For small quantum, it is time-consuming scheduling.
• This algorithm offers a larger waiting time and response time.
• In this, there is low throughput.
• If time quantum is less for scheduling then its Gantt chart seems to be too big.
Some Points to Remember
1.Decreasing value of Time quantum
With the decreasing value of time quantum
• The number of context switches increases.
• The Response Time decreases
• Chances of starvation decrease in this case.
For the smaller value of time quantum, it becomes better in terms of response time.
2.Increasing value of Time quantum
With the increasing value of time quantum
• The number of context switch decreases
• The Response Time increases
• Chances of starvation increases in this case.
For the higher value of time quantum, it becomes better in terms of the number of the context switches.
3. If the value of time quantum is increasing then Round Robin Scheduling tends to become FCFS
4. In this case, when the value of time quantum tends to infinity then the Round Robin Scheduling becomes
FCFS Scheduling.
5. Thus the performance of Round Robin scheduling mainly depends on the value of the time quantum.
6. And the value of the time quantum should be such that it is neither too big nor too small.

Multilevel Queue Scheduling Algorithm

Another class of scheduling algorithms has been created for situations in which processes are easily
classified into different groups.
For example, A common division is made between foreground(or interactive) processes and background (or
batch) processes. These two types of processes have different response-time requirements, and so might
have different scheduling needs. In addition, foreground processes may have priority over background
A multi-level queue scheduling algorithm partitions the ready queue into several separate queues. The
processes are permanently assigned to one queue, generally based on some property of the process, such as
memory size, process priority, or process type. Each queue has its own scheduling algorithm.
For example, separate queues might be used for foreground and background processes. The foreground
queue might be scheduled by the Round Robin algorithm, while the background queue is scheduled by an
FCFS algorithm.
In addition, there must be scheduling among the queues, which is commonly implemented as fixed-priority
preemptive scheduling. For example, The foreground queue may have absolute priority over the
background queue.
Let us consider an example of a multilevel queue-scheduling algorithm with five queues:
1. System Processes
2. Interactive Processes
3. Interactive Editing Processes
4. Batch Processes
5. Student Processes
Each queue has absolute priority over lower-priority queues. No process in the batch queue, for example,
could run unless the queues for system processes, interactive processes, and interactive editing processes
were all empty. If an interactive editing process entered the ready queue while a batch process was running,
the batch process will be pre-empted.

In this case, if there are no processes on the higher priority queue only then the processes on the low priority
queues will run. For Example: Once processes on the system queue, the Interactive queue, and Interactive
editing queue become empty, only then the processes on the batch queue will run.
The Description of the processes in the above diagram is as follows:
• System Process The Operating system itself has its own process to run and is termed as System
• Interactive Process The Interactive Process is a process in which there should be the same kind of
interaction (basically an online game ).
• Batch Processes Batch processing is basically a technique in the Operating system that collects the
programs and data together in the form of the batch before the processing starts.
• Student Process The system process always gets the highest priority while the student processes
always get the lowest priority.
In an operating system, there are many processes, in order to obtain the result we cannot put all processes in
a queue; thus this process is solved by Multilevel queue scheduling.
Given below is the C implementation of Multilevel Queue Scheduling:
int main()
int p[20],bt[20], su[20], wt[20],tat[20],i, k, n, temp;
float wtavg, tatavg;
printf("Enter the number of processes:");
p[i] = i;
printf("Enter the Burst Time of Process%d:", i);
printf("System/User Process (0/1) ? ");
scanf("%d", &su[i]);
if(su[i] > su[k])
wtavg = wt[0] = 0;
tatavg = tat[0] = bt[0];
wt[i] = wt[i-1] + bt[i-1];
tat[i] = tat[i-1] + bt[i];
wtavg = wtavg + wt[i];
tatavg = tatavg + tat[i];
printf("\n%d \t\t %d \t\t %d \t\t %d \t\t %d ",p[i],su[i],bt[i],wt[i],tat[i]);
printf("\nAverage Waiting Time is --- %f",wtavg/n);
printf("\nAverage Turnaround Time is --- %f",tatavg/n);
return 0;
The output of the above code is as follows:

Advantages of Multilevel Queue Scheduling

With the help of this scheduling we can apply various kind of scheduling for different kind of processes:
For System Processes: First Come First Serve(FCFS) Scheduling.
For Interactive Processes: Shortest Job First (SJF) Scheduling.
For Batch Processes: Round Robin(RR) Scheduling
For Student Processes: Priority Scheduling
Disadvantages of Multilevel Queue Scheduling
The main disadvantage of Multilevel Queue Scheduling is the problem of starvation for lower-level
Let us understand what is starvation?
Due to starvation lower-level processes either never execute or have to wait for a long amount of time
because of lower priority or higher priority processes taking a large amount of time.

Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling

In a multilevel queue-scheduling algorithm, processes are permanently assigned to a queue on entry to the
system. Processes do not move between queues. This setup has the advantage of low scheduling overhead,
but the disadvantage of being inflexible.
Multilevel feedback queue scheduling, however, allows a process to move between queues. The idea is to
separate processes with different CPU-burst characteristics. If a process uses too much CPU time, it will be
moved to a lower-priority queue. Similarly, a process that waits too long in a lower-priority queue may be
moved to a higher-priority queue. This form of aging prevents starvation.
In general, a multilevel feedback queue scheduler is defined by the following parameters:
• The number of queues.
• The scheduling algorithm for each queue.
• The method used to determine when to upgrade a process to a higher-priority queue.
• The method used to determine when to demote a process to a lower-priority queue.
• The method used to determine which queue a process will enter when that process needs service.
The definition of a multilevel feedback queue scheduler makes it the most general CPU-scheduling
algorithm. It can be configured to match a specific system under design. Unfortunately, it also requires some
means of selecting values for all the parameters to define the best scheduler. Although a multilevel feedback
queue is the most general scheme, it is also the most complex.

An example of a multilevel feedback queue can be seen in the above figure.

First of all, Suppose that queues 1 and 2 follow round robin with time quantum 8 and 16 respectively and
queue 3 follows FCFS. One of the implementations of Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling is as follows:
1. If any process starts executing then firstly it enters queue 1.
2. In queue 1, the process executes for 8 unit and if it completes in these 8 units or it gives CPU for I/O
operation in these 8 units unit than the priority of this process does not change, and if for some
reasons it again comes in the ready queue than it again starts its execution in the Queue 1.
3. If a process that is in queue 1 does not complete in 8 units then its priority gets reduced and it gets
shifted to queue 2.
4. Above points 2 and 3 are also true for processes in queue 2 but the time quantum is 16 units.
Generally, if any process does not complete in a given time quantum then it gets shifted to the lower
priority queue.
5. After that in the last queue, all processes are scheduled in an FCFS manner.
6. It is important to note that a process that is in a lower priority queue can only execute only when the
higher priority queues are empty.
7. Any running process in the lower priority queue can be interrupted by a process arriving in the
higher priority queue.
Also, the above implementation may differ for the example in which the last queue will follow Round-
robin Scheduling.
In the above Implementation, there is a problem and that is; Any process that is in the lower priority
queue has to suffer starvation due to some short processes that are taking all the CPU time.
And the solution to this problem is: There is a solution that is to boost the priority of all the process after
regular intervals then place all the processes in the highest priority queue.
The need for Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling (MFQS)
Following are some points to understand the need for such complex scheduling:
• This scheduling is more flexible than Multilevel queue scheduling.
• This algorithm helps in reducing the response time.
• In order to optimize the turnaround time, the SJF algorithm is needed which basically requires the
running time of processes in order to schedule them. As we know that the running time of processes
is not known in advance. Also, this scheduling mainly runs a process for a time quantum and after
that, it can change the priority of the process if the process is long. Thus, this scheduling algorithm
mainly learns from the past behaviour of the processes and then it can predict the future behaviour of
the processes. In this way, MFQS tries to run a shorter process first which in return leads to
optimizing the turnaround time.
Advantages of MFQS
• This is a flexible Scheduling Algorithm
• This scheduling algorithm allows different processes to move between different queues.
• In this algorithm, A process that waits too long in a lower priority queue may be moved to a higher
priority queue which helps in preventing starvation.
Disadvantages of MFQS
• This algorithm is too complex.
• As processes are moving around different queues which leads to the production of more CPU
• In order to select the best scheduler this algorithm requires some other means to select the values

Comparison of Scheduling Algorithms

By now, you must have understood how CPU can apply different scheduling algorithms to schedule
processes. Now, let us examine the advantages and disadvantages of each scheduling algorithms that
we have studied so far.

First Come First Serve (FCFS)

Let's start with the Advantages:
• FCFS algorithm doesn't include any complex logic, it just puts the process requests in a queue and
executes it one by one.
• Hence, FCFS is pretty simple and easy to implement.
• Eventually, every process will get a chance to run, so starvation doesn't occur.
It's time for the Disadvantages:
• There is no option for pre-emption of a process. If a process is started, then CPU executes the
process until it ends.
• Because there is no pre-emption, if a process executes for a long time, the processes in the back of
the queue will have to wait for a long time before they get a chance to be executed.

Shortest Job First (SJF)

Starting with the Advantages: of the Shortest Job First scheduling algorithm.
• According to the definition, short processes are executed first and then followed by longer processes.
• The throughput is increased because more processes can be executed in less amount of time.
And the Disadvantages:
• The time taken by a process must be known by the CPU beforehand, which is not possible.
• Longer processes will have more waiting time, and eventually they'll suffer starvation.
Note: Preemptive Shortest Job First scheduling will have the same advantages and disadvantages as those
for SJF.

Round Robin (RR)

Here are some Advantages: of using the Round Robin Scheduling:
• Each process is served by the CPU for a fixed time quantum, so all processes are given the same
• Starvation doesn't occur because for each round robin cycle, every process is given a fixed time to
execute. No process is left behind.
and here comes the Disadvantages:
• The throughput in RR largely depends on the choice of the length of the time quantum. If time
quantum is longer than needed, it tends to exhibit the same behavior as FCFS.
• If time quantum is shorter than needed, the number of times that CPU switches from one process to
another process, increases. This leads to decrease in CPU efficiency.

Priority based Scheduling

Advantages of Priority Scheduling:
• The priority of a process can be selected based on memory requirement, time requirement or user
preference. For example, a high end game will have better graphics, that means the process which
updates the screen in a game will have higher priority so as to achieve better graphics performance.
Some Disadvantages:
• A second scheduling algorithm is required to schedule the processes which have same priority.
• In preemptive priority scheduling, a higher priority process can execute ahead of an already
executing lower priority process. If lower priority process keeps waiting for higher priority
processes, starvation occurs.

Usage of Scheduling Algorithms in Different Situations

Every scheduling algorithm has a type of a situation where it is the best choice. Let's look at
different such situations:
Situation 1:
The incoming processes are short and there is no need for the processes to execute in a specific
In this case, FCFS works best when compared to SJF and RR because the processes are short which
means that no process will wait for a longer time. When each process is executed one by one, every
process will be executed eventually.
Situation 2:
The processes are a mix of long and short processes and the task will only be completed if all the
processes are executed successfully in a given time.
Round Robin scheduling works efficiently here because it does not cause starvation and also gives
equal time quantum for each process.
Situation 3:
The processes are a mix of user-based and kernel-based processes.
Priority-based scheduling works efficiently in this case because generally, kernel-based processes
have higher priority when compared to user-based processes.
For example, the scheduler itself is a kernel-based process, it should run first so that it can schedule
other processes.

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