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Tensors Made Easy

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The text provides an introduction to tensors and their applications in general relativity and geometry. It discusses vectors, covectors, and higher order tensors and how they can be represented using matrices and geometric models. It also covers topics like curvature, manifolds, and the metric tensor.

Tensors are mathematical objects that can represent physical quantities like vectors, scalars, and higher order objects. The text introduces tensors and discusses ways of representing them using outer products of vectors and covectors, matrices, and a 'T-mosaic' geometric model. Higher order tensors are built from outer products of lower order tensors.

Tensors are central to the formulation of general relativity, where concepts like curvature and manifolds are described using tensors. The text discusses how tensors allow the description of concepts like parallel transport, geodesics, curvature, and the Riemann tensor that are important in general relativity.

Giancarlo Bernacchi

made easy
An informal introduction
to Maths of General Relativity

To Sophie, Alexandre and Elena

6th edition – September 2018
 Giancarlo Bernacchi
ISBN 978-1-326-23097-5 (printed book)
ISBN 978-1-326-23104-0 (e-book)
All rights reserved

Cover: photo by the author

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Giancarlo Bernacchi
Rho - Milano - IT

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(except some figures)
Introduction 3
Notations and conventions 5

1 Vectors and Covectors 7

1.1 Vectors 7
1.2 Basis-vectors and components 7
1.3 Covectors 9
1.4 Scalar product (heterogeneous) 11
1.5 The Kronecker δ 12
1.6 Metaphors and models 13
1.7 The “T-mosaic” model 14

2 Tensors 19
2.1 Outer product between vectors and covectors 21
2.2 Matrix representation of tensors 23
2.3 Sum of tensors and product by a number 26
2.4 Symmetry and skew-symmetry 26
2.5 Representing tensors in T-mosaic 27
2.6 Tensors in T-mosaic model: definitions 28
2.7 Tensor inner product 30
2.8 Outer product in T-mosaic 39
2.9 Contraction 40
2.10 Inner product as outer product + contraction 42
2.11 Multiple connection of tensors 42
2.12 “Scalar product” or “identity” tensor 43
2.13 Inverse tensor 44
2.14 Vector-covector “dual switch” tensor 47
2.15 Vectors / covectors homogeneous scalar product 48
2.16 G applied to basis-vectors 51
2.17 G applied to a tensor 51
2.18 Relations between I, G, δ 53

3 Change of basis 56
3.1 Basis change in T-mosaic 59
3.2 Invariance of the null tensor 62
3.3 Invariance of tensor equations 63

4 Tensors in manifolds 64
4.1 Coordinate systems 66
4.2 Coordinate lines and surfaces 66
4.3 Coordinate bases 67
4.4 Coordinate bases and non-coordinate bases 70
4.5 Change of the coordinate system 72
4.6 Contravariant and covariant tensors 74
4.7 Affine tensors 75
4.8 Cartesian tensors 76
4.9 Magnitude of vectors 76
4.10 Distance and metric tensor 76
4.11 Euclidean distance 78
4.12 Generalized distances 79
4.13 Tensors and not – 80
4.14 Covariant derivative 81
4.15 The gradient ∇ ̃ at work 85
4.16 Gradient of some fundamental tensors 91
4.17 Covariant derivative and index raising / lowering 92
4.18 Christoffel symbols 92
4.19 Covariant derivative and invariance of tensor equations 96
4.20 T-mosaic representation of gradient, divergence 97
and covariant derivative
4.21 Derivative of a scalar or vector along a line 99
4.22 T-mosaic representation of derivatives along a line 103

5 Curved manifolds 105

5.1 Extrinsic and intrinsic curvature 105
5.2 Flat and curved manifold 107
5.3 Flat local system 109
5.4 Local flatness theorem 111
5.5 “Comma goes to semicolon” in flat local references 116
5.6 Intrinsic curvature and parallel transport 117
5.7 Parallel transport of a vector along a line 122
5.8 Geodesics 122
5.9 Riemann tensor 127
5.10 Relation between Riemann R and curvature 132
5.11 Symmetries of tensor R 134
5.12 Bianchi identity 136
5.13 Ricci tensor and Ricci scalar 137
5.14 Measure of the curvature 140
5.15 Riemann curvature 141
5.16 Isotropic spaces, spaces with constant curvature 145
5.17 Einstein tensor 148
5.18 Einstein spaces 151

Appendix 155

Bibliographic references 167

This book aims to be an introduction, the simplest and most informal possible, to
Tensor Analysis, whose concepts and methods are illustrated. It is not a popular
divulging book, but rather a book that wants to do math, in a somewhat casual and
laid-back but not superficial way.
Tensor Analysis seems to be made to drown the student in a sea of formulas and a
swirl of indexes, leaving implicit or taking for granted the underlying concepts; this
also happens in many introductory texts. In this sense "Tensors made easy" wants to
set itself in counter-trend. The attempt is to accompany the reader from the
beginning to a fair level of knowledge of the topic by giving transparency to the line
of reasoning, without taking anything for granted, emphasizing the logical links and
giving justification of the statements, even at the cost of some redundancy.
Not wanting to appear pedestrian is the factor that increases the illegibility of
mathematics books by an order of magnitude; it seemed to us better to let it go and
accept the risk of being judged somewhat dull by those who presume to know the
the story in depth.
There is no way to do math without writing formulas (in the text there are many);
nevertheless the accent always wants to be on the concepts and on the logical plot.
Even in mathematics, often "the devil is in the details": whether or not to face the
devil in the first place is a choice that depends on the circumstances; in cases in
which it has been renounced to do so consists most of the simplification promised by
the title, that is of the "discounts" granted in favor of simplicity.
Tensors are an important tool in various branches of physics, but completely
unavoidable for the understanding of General Relativity. Right at GR this book pays
special attention and is proposed as a useful introduction.
As a general approach, we fully agree on the opportunity of the "geometrical
approach" to the Tensor Analysis: it does not really require more effort, but it gives a
solidity to the concept of tensor that the old traditional "by component" approach,
still present in many texts, cannot give.
Approaching to the various topics we have adopted a "top-down" strategy. We are
convinced that it is always better, also didactically, to tackle the problems in their
generality (not Cartesian tensors as introduction to general tensors, not flat spaces
before the curved ones); to shrink, to go into details, etc. there is always time, but it
would be better a later time (there is a strategy better than the others to open the
Chinese boxes: start from the biggest). This should in some way contain the
irresistible temptation to unduly transfer to a general context results that apply only
in particular instances. We have also endeavored not to introduce restrictive
assumptions before the need (this is the reason why, for example, a "dual converter"
was introduced before the metric tensor).
We will cite in the bibliography those articles or handouts that are closer to our
approach and to which we have referred while writing the present notes. This book
does not claim to a great originality, but aims to didactics. With one exception: the
model (or metaphor) that depicts the tensor as a piece or "tessera" of a mosaic (we'll
call it "T-mosaic"). We are not aware that this metaphor, useful for writing without

embarrassment tensor equations, and even a little obvious, has ever been presented
in a text. Which can even be surprising. But the magicians never reveal their tricks;
and mathematicians sometimes resemble them. If it will be appreciated, we will be
happy to have been just us to uncover the trick.
The comprehension of the text requires the operational knowledge of the differential
calculus, up to the Taylor series and to partial derivatives. Some notions of Linear
Algebra can help; about matrices, it will be enough to know that they are tables with
rows and columns (and that swapping them a great confusion can be created), or
little more.
We will constantly use the Einstein sum convention for repeated indexes which
greatly simplifies the writing of tensor equations.
The author's hope for these notes is that they can be useful for those starting to study
the topic.
G.B. May 2018

Preface to the edition 2015 “with problems”

A number of problems is the substantial novelty of this new edition. Being a text
dedicated to use for self-study, it seemed appropriate not only to propose the
problems (with or without suggestions for the resolution) but also discuss and solve
them in details. A choice imposed by the need to avoid interruptions of the text was
then to group them in a second special section - in a sense autonomous. Inserting
references to the problems in the text would have been difficult for the fact that a
single issue usually relates to more subjects; it was decided to list in a separate index
the main topics of each problem, to facilitate the reader the search for a specific
The problems tend to go through, with completeness and sometimes with some more
depth, the theoretical arguments presented in the first part. Various problems deal
with tensor products, not a very attractive subject, but as basic as the rules of algebra
can be. To curved spaces are dedicated some of the final problems, whose cut we
wanted to make as intuitive as possible.
However, we believe that at first reading of the text one should not worry so much
about solving problems (they may nevertheless be used to seek some clarification or
explanation); only in a subsequent reading it would be important to face them in a
systematic way to achieve that working knowledge without which the theoretical
concepts are precariously “glued”.

G.B. March 2015

Notations and conventions
In these notes we'll use the standard notation for components of tensors, namely

upper (apexes) and lower (subscript) indexes in Greek letters, for example T  , as
usual in Relativity. The coordinates will be marked by upper indexes, such as x  ,
basis-vectors will be represented by e , basis-covectors by e  .

In a tensor formula such as P  = g   V the index α that appears once at left side
member and once at right side member is a “free” index, while β that occurs twice in
the right member only is a repeated or “dummy” index.
We will constantly use the Einstein sum convention, whereby a repeated index

means an implicit summation over that index. For example, P  = g   V is for
1 2 n
P  = g  1 V g  2 V ...g  n V . Further examples are: A B = ∑ A B ,
 

n n
   1 2 n
A  B  = ∑∑ A
 =1 =1
 
 B


and A = A  A ...A
 1 2 n .
We note that, due to the sum convention, the “chain rule” for partial derivatives can

f  f x
be simply written  =   and the sum over μ comes automatically.
x x x
A dummy index, unlike a free index, does not survive the summation and thus it
does not appear in the result. Its name can be freely changed as long as it does not
collide with other homonymous indexes in the same term.
In all equations the dummy indexes must always be balanced up-down and they
cannot occur more than twice in each term. The free indexes appear only once in
each term. In an equation both left and right members must have the same free
These conventions make it much easier writing correct relationships.
The little needed of matrix algebra will be said when necessary. We only note that
the multiplication of two matrices requires us to “devise” a dummy index. Thus, for
 
instance, the product of matrices [ A  ] and [B ] becomes [ A ]⋅[ B ] (also
for matrices we locate indexes up or down depending on the tensors they represent,
without a particular meaning for the matrix itself).
The mark  will be used indiscriminately for scalar products between vectors and
covectors, both heterogeneous and homogeneous, as well as for tensor inner
Other notations will be explained when introduced: there is some redundancy in
notations and we will use them with easiness according to convenience. In fact, we
had better getting familiar with all various alternative notations that can be found in
the literature.
The indented paragraphs marked ▫ are “inserts” in the thread of the speech and they
can, if desired, be skipped at first reading (they are usually justifications or proofs).
“Mnemo” boxes suggest simple rules to remind complex formulas.

“Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler”
A. Einstein

1 Vectors and covectors
1.1 Vectors
A set where we can define operations of addition between any two
elements and multiplication of an element by a number (such that the
result is still an element of the set) is called a vector space and its
elements vectors.**
The usual vectors of physics are oriented quantities that fall under this
definition; we will denote them generically by V .
In particular, we deal with the vector space formed by the set of
vectors defined at some point P.

1.2 Basis-vectors and components

The maximum number n of vectors independent to one another that
we can put together is the dimension of a vector space. These n
vectors, chosen arbitrarily, form a basis of vectors (it doesn't matter
they are unit or equal length vectors).
We denote the basis-vectors by e1 , e2 , ... en (the generic basis-vector
by e ,  = 1, 2, 3, ... n and the basis as a whole by {e } ).
Any other vector can be expressed as a linear combination of the n
basis-vectors. In other words, any vector can be written as an
expansion (or decomposition) on the basis:
V = e1 V  e2 V ... en V
1 2 n
that, using Einstein's sum convention, we write:
V = e V  1.2

The n numbers V (α = 1, 2, ... n) are the components of the vector

V upon the basis we have chosen  ∀ V ∈ ℝ .
This way of representing the vector V is simply its “recipe”:
e1 , e2 ,... en (i.e. the e ) is the list of all ingredients, and
V 1 ,V 2 , ...V n (i.e. the V ) are the quantities of each one.

The choice of the n basis-vectors, provided not parallel, is arbitrary.

Obviously, the components V  of a given vector V change when
the chosen basis changes (unlike the vector itself!)
 = a Ab B
* In fact, it must be defined C  , where A
 ,B
 ,C
 are elements of the
set and a, b numbers ∈ ℝ. We gloss over other more obvious requests.

The expansion eq.1.1 allows us to represent a vector as an n-tuple:
V 1 , V 2 , ...V n 
provided there is a basis e1 , e2 ,... en fixed in advance.
As an alternative to eq.1.2 we will also write V  V  with the
same meaning.
▪ As an example we graphically represent the vector-space of plane
vectors (n = 2) that branch off from P , drawing only some vectors
among the infinite ones:


A ≡ e1 
B ≡ e2

Once selected  A ≡ e1 ,  

B ≡ e2 as basis-vectors, a third vector C
is no more independent, but it can be expressed as a linear combina­
tion of the first two; in this case:
 = − 1 e12 e2
 on the established basis are thus (‒½, 2).
The components of C
▪ We observe that the expansion (or “recipe”) of a basis-vector on its
own basis (i.e. the basis made by themselves) cannot be anything but:
e1  1,0 ,0 ,... 0
e2   0,1,0 , ...0
en  0,0,0 , ... 1
regardless whether they are unit basis-vector or not and their length.

1.3 Covectors
We define covector P (or dual vector or “one-form”) a linear scalar
function**of the vector V . Roughly speaking: P applied to a
vector results in a number:
P  V
 = number ∈ ℝ 1.3
P can thus be seen as an “operator” (or “functional”) that for any
vector taken in input gives a number as output.
By what rule? One of the possible rules has a particular interest
because it establishes a sort of reciprocity or duality between the
vectors V and covectors P , and it is what we aim to formalize.
▪ To begin with, we apply the covector P to a basis-vector (instead
of a generic vector). By definition, let's call the result the α-th
component of P :
P  e  = P 1.4
We can get in this way n numbers P  (α = 1, 2, ... n), the components
of the covector P̃ (as well as the V  were the components of the
vector V ).
In operational terms we can state a rule (which will be generalized
later on):

Apply the covector P̃ to the basis-vectors e to get the

components of the covector P̃ itself.

Note that this definition of component sets up a precise relationship

between vectors and covectors.
Due to that definition, also a covector can be represented as an n-tuple
 P 1 , P 2 , ... P n 
associated with a basis e 1 , e 2 ,... e n of covectors.
Even a covector can then be expressed as an expansion on its own
P = e  P  (α = 1, 2, ... n) 1.5
using the components Pα as coefficients of the expansion.

* A function f is scalar if its range is a numeric field: f ( X ) = number.

A function f is linear if f ( X +Y )= f ( X )+ f (Y ) and f ( a⋅ X )=a ⋅ f ( X ) or,
more syntetically: f ( a⋅ X +b ⋅Y )= a⋅ f ( X )+ b⋅ f (Y )

By itself, the choice of the basis of covectors is arbitrary, but at this
point, having already fixed both the covector P and (by means of
eq.1.4) its components, the basis of covectors {e  } follows, in order
the last equation (eq.1.5) be true. In short, once used the vector basis
{e } to define the components of the covector, the choice of the
covector basis {e  } is obliged.
▪ Before giving a mathematical form to the link between the two
bases, we observe that, by using the definition eq.1.4 given above,
the rule according to which P̃ acts on the generic vector V can be
specified as:
P  V  = P  e V   = V  P  e = V  P  1.6

Apply P̃ to V means multiply neatly in pairs the components

of both and sum up.
In this way the meaning of P is completely defined.
It is now possible to define also on the set of covectors P operations
of sum of covectors and multiplication of a covector by a number.
This bestows to the set of covectors too the status of a vector space.**
We have so far defined two separate vector spaces, one for vectors, the
other for covectors (both related to a point P), equal in dimension and
in dual relationship between each other.
▪ We can now clarify how the duality relationship between the two

vector spaces links the bases {e } and {e }.
Provided V = e V  and P = e P  we can write:

P  V  = e  P  V  e  = P  V  e   e
but, on the other hand, (eq.1.6):
P  V  = P  V 
Both expansions are identical only if:

ẽ β ( e⃗ ) = 1 for β=

0 otherwise
* From the definition given for P  V   it follows that: i) the application P is
linear: P a Ab B = P   a A b B  = a P  A b P  B = a P  
    
   
Ab P B ;

ii) the set of covectors P is also a vector space: a Pb Q  V    =
=a P  V b Q
 V
  = a P  V b Q  V  = a P b Q  V  = R  V  = R
  V 

After defined the Kronecker symbol as : β
δ = 1 for β= 1.7
0 otherwise
we can write the duality condition:
e   e =   1.8
A vector space of vectors and a vector space of covectors are dual if
and only if their bases are related in that way.
▪ We observe now that P  V  = V P  (eq.16) lends itself to an

alternative interpretation.
Because of its symmetry, the product V  P  can be interpreted not
only as P  V  but also as V  P  , interchanging operator and
V  P
 = V  P  = number ∈ ℝ 1.9
In this “reversed” interpretation a vector can be seen as a linear scalar
function of a covector P̃ . * *
As a final step, if we want the duality to be complete, it would be
possible to express the components V  of a vector as the result of the
application of V to the basis-covectors e  (by symmetry with the
definition of component of covector eq.1.4):
V = V   e   1.10
▫ It 's easy to see that this is the case, because:
V  P
 = V  e  P   = P  V  e  
but since V  P
 = P  V  (eq.1.9), equaling the right members
the assumption follows.
Eq.1.10 is the dual of eq.1.4 and together they express a general rule:
To get the components of a vector or covector apply the vector or
covector to its dual basis.

1.4 Scalar product (heterogeneous)

The application of a covector to a vector or vice versa (the result does
not change) so far denoted by notations like P  V  or V  P
 has the
meaning of a scalar product between the two ones. An alternative
* It's easy to verify that the application V is linear:
V  a Pb
 Q  = V  a P bQ   = a V  P bV  Q  = a V
  P b V
  Q 

notation makes use of parentheses 〈... 〉 emphasizing the symmetry
of the two operands.
The linearity of the operation is already known.
All writings:
P  V  = V  P
 = 〈 P , V
 〉 = 〈 V , P 〉 = V  P  1.11
are equivalent and represent the heterogeneous scalar product between
a vector and a covector.
By the new introduced notation the duality condition between bases
eq.1.8 is currently expressed as:
〈 e  , e 〉 =  1.12
The homogeneous scalar product between vectors or covectors of the
same kind requires a different definition that will be given further on.

1.5 The Kronecker δ

for β=
Eq.1.7 defines the Kronecker δ: δ = 1

0 otherwise
A remarkable property of the Kronecker δ often used in practical
calculations is that  acts as an operator that identifies the two
indexes α, β turning one into the other.
For example: δβ V  = V β ; δβ Pβ = P 1.13
Note that the summation that is implicit in the first member collapses

to the single value of the second member. This happens because  
removes from the sum all terms whose indexes α, β are different,
making them equal to zero.
Roughly speaking:   hooks by its first index the index of the
operand and changes it into its own second index: what survives is the
free index (note the “balance” of the indexes in both eq.1.13).
▫ We prove the first of eq.1.13:
  
Multiplying  = e  e  (eq.1.8) by V gives:
  V  = e   e V  = e   V  = V 
(the last equality of the chain is the rule eq.1.10).
Similarly for the other equation eq.1.13.
In practice, this property of Kronecker δ turns useful each time we can


make a product like e  e  to appear in an expression: we can
replace it by   , that soon produces a change of the index in one of
the factors, as shown in eq.1.13.

So far we have considered the Kronecker symbol  as a number; we
will see later that   is to be considered as a component of a tensor.

1.6 Metaphors and models

The fact that vectors and covectors can both be represented as a
double array of basis elements and components
e1 e2 e3 ... en e 1 e 2 e 3 ... e n
and P 1 P 2 P 3 ... P n
V 1 V 2 V 3 ... V n
suggests an useful metaphor to display graphically the formulas.
▪ Vectors and covectors are represented as interlocking cubes or
“building blocks” bearing pins and holes that allow to hookup each

P ≡ P2
e 2
e 3
V ≡ V2

Vectors are cubes with pins upward; covectors are cubes with holes
downward. We'll refer to pins and holes as “connectors”.
Pins and holes are in number of n, the dimension of space.
Each pin represents a e (α = 1, 2, ... n); each hole is for a e  .
In correspondence with the various pins or holes we have to imagine
the respective components written sideways on the body of the cube,
as shown in the picture.
The example above refers to a 3D space (for n = 4 the cubes would
have 4 pins or holes, and so on).
The n pins and the n holes must connect together simultaneously.
Their connection emulates the heterogeneous scalar product between
vectors and covectors and creates an object with no exposed
connectors (a scalar). The heterogeneous scalar product
e  P 
product P V 

e V
may be indeed put in a pattern that may be interpreted as the metaphor
of interlocking cubes:
1 2 3 n
e×  e×  e× .... e×
P1 P2 P3 Pn P1 P2 P3 Pn
scalar ×  ×  × .... ×
product V1 V2 V 3 V n
e 1 e 2 e 3 e n
×  ×  × .... ×
1 2 3
V V V Vn

as shown in the previous picture, once we imagine to have connected

the two cubes.

1.7 The “T-mosaic” model

In the following we will adopt a more simple drawing without
perspective, representing the cube as seen from the short side, like a
piece of a mosaic (a “tessera”) in two dimensions with no depth, so
that all the pins and holes will be aligned along the line of sight and
merge into one which represents them collectively. The generic name

of the array  e for pins or e for holes is thought as written upon

it, while the generic name of the component array ( V  for vectors
or P  for covectors) is written in the body of the piece. This
representation is the basis of the model that we call “T-mosaic” for its
ability to be generalized to the case of tensors.
▪ So, from now on we will use the two-dimensional representation:


Vector V ≡ Covector P ≡ P

V 
Blocks like those in the figure give a synthetic representation of the
expansion by components on the given basis (the “recipe” eq.1.2,
▪ The connection of the blocks, i.e. the connection of a block to
another, represents the heterogeneous scalar product:


P  V  = V  P
 = 〈 P , V
〉 ≡ → = P  V =


The connection is made between homonymous connectors ( = with the

same index: in this example e  and e ). When the blocks fit
together, the connectors disappear and bodies merge multiplying to
each other.
▪ Basis-vector will be drawn as:

and basis-covector as:

e 

For simplicity, nothing will be written in the body of the tessera which
represents a basis-vector or basis-covector, but we have to remember
that, according to the perspective representation, a series of 0 together
with a single 1 are inscribed in the side of the block.
Example in 5D:

e2 ≡ 1

This means that, in the scalar product, all the products that enter in the
sum go to zero, except one.
▪ The application of a covector to a basis-vector to get the covector
components (eq.1.4) is rendered by the connection:


P  e  = P  : e  → = P

Similarly, the application of a vector to a basis-covector to get the

components of the vector (eq.1.10) has as image the connection:

e 
V  e  = V  : → 
= V
e V


A “smooth” block, i.e. a block without free connectors, is a scalar ( = a
▪ Note that:
In T-mosaic representation the connection always occurs between
connectors with the same index (same name), in contrast to what
happens in algebraic formulas (where it is necessary to diversify
them in order to avoid the summations interfere with each other).
▪ However, it is still possible to perform blockwise the connection
between different indexes, in which case we have to insert a block of
Kronecker δ as a “plug adapter”:

P   P  e   A e  = P  A e
A =  P  A  = 
  e  =  P  A
 

P P P

e  e  e  P
e e

 
e 
→   →   → e → P  A

 
e e  A
e A

A A

The chain of equalities above is the usual sequence of steps when

using the conventional algebraic notation, which makes use of
different indexes and the symbol Kronecker δ.
Note the correspondence between successive steps in algebraic
formulas and blocks.

It is worth to note that in the usual T-mosaic representation the
 
connection occurs directly between P  e and A e by means of
the homonymic α-connectors, skipping the first 3 steps.
▪ The T-mosaic representation of the duality relation (eq.1.8 or
eq.1.12) is a significant example of the use of Kronecker δ as a “plug

e  e 

〈 e  , e 〉 ≡ →   →   = 

e 
e e

In practice, it does not matter plugging directly connectors of the same

name or connectors with different index via an interposed plug
adapter; the first way is easier and faster, the second allows a better
correspondence with algebraic formulas.
We will see later that using the Kronecker δ as a “plug adapter” block
is justified by its tensor character.

2 Tensors
The concept of tensor T is an extension of those of vector and
A tensor is a linear scalar function of h covectors and k vectors (h, k =
0, 1, 2, ...).
We may see T as an operator that takes h covectors and k vectors in
input to give a number as a result:
A ,
B , ... P , Q , ... = number ∈ ℝ 2.1



By h or even r = hk we denote the rank or order of the tensor.

0 1 0
A tensor 0  is a scalar; a tensor 0  is a vector; a tensor 1  is a
Warning: in the notation T  , , ... the brackets following the
symbol of tensor contain the list of arguments or objects that the
tensor takes as input (input list). It does not simply “qualify” the
tensor, but it represents an operation already performed. In fact,
T  , , ... is the result of applying T to the list within parentheses.
The “naked tensor” is simply written T.
▪ The components of a tensor T are defined in a way similar to
vectors and covectors by applying the tensor to basis-vectors and
covectors. In simple words: we input into the tensor T the required
amount of basis-vectors and basis-covectors (h basis-covectors and k
basis-vectors); the number that comes out is the component of the
tensor on the given bases. For example, the components of a  2
tensor result by giving to the tensor the various pairs e , e :
T  e , e  = T   2.2
in order to obtain n2 numbers marked by the double index α β (for
instance, giving e1 , e2 we get T 12 , and so on).

In general:
    . ..
T  e , e , ... e , e , ... = T   . .. 2.3
▪ This equation allows us to specify the calculation rule left
undetermined by eq.2.1 (which number does come out by applying the
tensor to an input list?). For example, given a tensor S of rank 1  for
which eq.2.3 becomes S e , e   = S  , we get:
S V , P
 = S e V  , e  P   = V  P  S e , e   = V  P  S  2.4
In general eq.2.1 works as follows:
TA ,
B , ... P , Q , ... = A B ⋅⋅⋅P  Q⋅⋅⋅T   .. .
   .. .
and its result is a number (one for each set of values μ, ν, α, β, ...).
An expression like A B  P  Q T   that contains only balanced
dummy indexes is a scalar because no index survives in the result
of the implicit multiple summation.

Eq.2.4, eq.2.5 appear as an extension to tensors of eq.1.6, eq.1.9 valid

for vectors and covectors. To apply the tensor T to its input list
( , , ...) looks like the application V  P or P V  of a vector or
covector to its respective argument, meaning heterogeneous scalar
product. It may be seen as a sort of multiple scalar product, i.e. a
sequence of scalar products between the tensor and the vectors /
covectors of the list (indeed, it is a tensor “inner product” similar to
the scalar product of vectors and covectors as we'll explain later on).
▪ Speaking of tensor components we have so far referenced to bases of
vectors and covectors. However, it is possible to express the tensor as
an expansion by components on its own basis. That is to say, in the
case of a  2 tensor:
T = e   T   2.6
(it's the “recipe” of the tensor, similar to that of vectors). This time the
basis is a tensorial one and consists of basis-tensors e   with double
index, in number of n2.
This expression has only a formal meaning until we specify what sort
of basis is that and how it is related to the basis of vectors / covectors
already defined. To do this we have to define first the outer product
between vectors and /or covectors.

2.1 Outer product between vectors and covectors
Given the vectors A  and the covectors P , Q
 ,B  we define a vector
outer product between the vectors 
A and B:
 B such that: 
A⊗  A⊗   = A  P
B  P , Q   
B  Q 2.7
Namely:  A⊗ B is an operator acting on a couple of covectors (i.e.
vectors of the opposite kind) in terms of two scalar products, as stated
in the right member. The result is here again a number ∈ ℝ .
It can be immediately seen that the outer product ⊗ is non-
commutative: A⊗ 
B ≠  B ⊗ A (indeed, note that  B⊗ 
A against the
same operand would give as a different result   
B  P  ).
A  Q
Also note that  A⊗ B is a rank 0  tensor because it matches the
definition given for a tensor: it takes 2 covectors as input and gives a
number as result.
Similarly we can define the outer products between covectors or
0 1
between vectors and covectors, ranked 2  and 1  rispectively:
P ⊗ Q such that: P ⊗Q  A ,B  = P  
A  
Q B and also
P ⊗ A such that: P ⊗ A    = P  B
B , Q  A  Q
 etc.
▪ Starting from vectors and covectors and making outer products
between them we can build tensors of gradually increasing rank.
In general, the inverse is not true: not all tensors can be expressed as
outer product of tensors of lower rank.
▪ We can now characterize the tensor-basis in terms of outer product of
basis-vectors and / or covectors. To fix on the case ( 02) , it is:

e   = e  ⊗ e  2.8
▫ In fact, ** from the definition of component T  β = T( e⃗ , e⃗β )
(eq.2.2), using the expansion T = T   e   (eq.2.6) we get:
T   = T  e    e , e  , which is true only if:

* The most direct demonstration, based on a comparison between the two forms
     
 Q = P  e ⊗ Q  e = P  Q e ⊗ e = T   e ⊗ e and T = T  e  
T = P⊗
holds only in the case of tensors decomposable as tensor outer product.

e    e , e  =    because in this case:
T   = T      .
Since  = e   e  and   = e   e  the second-last equation
  
e  e , e  = e  e e  e 
which, by definition of ⊗ (eq.2.7), means:
  
e = e ⊗ e , q.e.d.
Hence, the basis of tensors has been reduced to the basis of
(co)vectors. The 2  tensor under consideration can then be
expanded on the basis of covectors:
T = T   e ⊗ e  2.9
It's again the “recipe” of the tensor, as well as eq.2.6, but this time it
uses basis-vectors and basis-covectors as “ingredients”.
▪ In general, a tensor can be written as a linear combination of (or as
an expansion over the basis of) elementary outer products
e ⊗ e ⊗... e  ⊗ e  ⊗ ... whose coefficients are the components.
For instance, a  1  tensor can be expanded as:
  
T = T e⊗ e ⊗ e ⊗ e 2.10
which is usually simply written:
T = T    e e e e  2.11
Note the “balance” of upper / lower indexes.
The symbol ⊗ can be normally omitted without ambiguity.

▫ In fact, products ⃗
A⃗ ⃗ P̃ can be unambiguously interpreted
B or V
as ⃗A⊗ ⃗B or V⃗ ⊗ P̃ because for other products other explicit
symbols are used, such as V⃗ ( P)
̃ , 〈 V⃗ , P̃ 〉 or V⃗ W
⃗ for scalar
products, T(...) or even  for tensor inner products.
▪ The order of the indexes is important and is stated by eq.2.10 or
eq.2.11 which represent the tensor in terms of an outer product: it is
understood that changing the order of the indexes means to change the
order of factors in the outer product, in general non-commutative.

Thus, in general T    ≠ T    ≠ T    .. . .
To preserve the order of the indexes a notation with a double sequence
for upper and lower indexes like Y    is often enough. However, this
notation is ambiguous and turns out to be improper when indexes are
raised / lowered. Actually, it would be convenient to use a scanning
with reserved columns like Y ∣⋅∣⋅∣⋅∣ ; it aligns in a single sequence
upper and lower indexes and assigns to each index a specific place
wherein it may move up and down without colliding with other
indexes. To avoid any ambiguity we ought to use a notation such as
 ⋅ ⋅
Y ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , where the dot ⋅ is used to keep busy the column, or
simply Y   replacing the dot with a blank.

2.2 Matrix representation of tensors

• A tensor of rank 0 (a scalar) is a number

0 1
• a tensor of rank 1, that is 1  or 0  , is an n-tuple of numbers
2 1 0
• a tensor of rank 2, that is   ,   ,   , is a square matrix n × n
0 1 2
• a tensor of rank 3 is a “cubic lattice” of n × n × n numbers, etc...
(In each case the numbers are the components of the tensor).
A tensor of rank r can be thought of as an r-dimensional grid of
numbers, or components (a single number or n-array or n×n matrix,
etc.); in all cases we must think the component grid as associated with
an underlying “bases grid” of the same dimension.
On the contrary, not every n-tuple of numbers or n × n matrix, and so
on, is a vectors, tensor, etc.
Only tensors of rank 1 and 2, since represented as vectors or matrices,
can be treated with the usual rules of matrix calculus (the advantage to
do that may be due to the fact that the inner product between tensors
of these ranks is reduced to the product of matrices).
2 1 0
In particular, tensors 0  , 1  or  2 can all be represented by
matrices, although built on different bases grids. For instance, for
tensors of rank 0  the basis grid is:

e1 ⊗e1 e1⊗ e2 ⋯ e1 ⊗ en
e2 ⊗ e1 e2⊗ e2 e2 ⊗ en
⋮ ⋮
en ⊗ e1 en ⊗e2 ⋯ en ⊗ en

On this basis the matrix of the tensor is:

[ ]
T 11 T 12 ⋯ T 1 n
21 22 2n
T ≡ T T T = [T ] 2.12
⋮ ⋮
T n1 T n2 ⋯ T nn
for 1  tensor: T ≡ [ T  ] on grid e ⊗ e


for 0  tensor: T ≡ [ T   ] on grid e  ⊗ e 


▪ The outer product between vectors and tensors has similarities with
the Cartesian product (= set of pairs).
For example V ⊗ W  generates a basis grid e ⊗ e that includes all
the pairs that can be formed by e and e and a related matrix of
components with all possible pairs such as V  W β ( = T  β), all
ordered by row and column.
2  produces a
If X is a rank 0  tensor, the outer product X ⊗ V
3-dimensional cubic grid e ⊗ e ⊗ e of all the triplets built by
e , e , e and a similar cubic structure of all possible pairs
X  T  .
▪ It should be emphasized that the dimension of the space on which
the tensor extends is the rank r of the tensor and has nothing to do
with n, the dimension of geometric space. For instance, a rank 2 tensor
is a matrix (2-dimensional) in a space of any dimension; what varies is
the number n of rows and columns.
Also the T-mosaic blockwise representation is invariant with the
dimension of space: the number of connectors does not change since
they are not individually represented, but as arrays.

▪ A physical example useful to make the notion of tensor more
concrete can be the "stress tensor". It is a particular double tensor in
the usual 3D space that plays a role in mechanics.
In a material body under stress we isolate a small tetrahedron OABC
1 2 3
and look at the forces ⃗s , ⃗s , ⃗s , ⃗s acting on each of its faces,
respectively ABC, OBC, OCA, OAB, transmitted from the surrounding
material (in the drawing the x1 axis is to be seen enter into the sheet).


⃗s 1
s 13

s23 s12
⃗s 2
s22 ⃗s
ss1221 x2
O s32s
ss 13

A s33

⃗s 3

The figure shows the forces (stresses) acting on each face; ⃗s 1, ⃗s 2, ⃗s 3

are decomposed into their respective components along coordinate
axes. Static equilibrium implies ⃗s + ⃗s 1+⃗s 2 +⃗s 3 = 0, so that ⃗s 1, ⃗s 2, ⃗s 3
only, or the set of their components s β , can describe the stress
condition at the point.
The matrix [s  β ] represent an entity that enjoys tensor properties:
s11 s12 s13 σ 11 τ 12 τ 13
s [ s ] = s21 s22 s23 = τ 21 σ 22 τ 23 ,

s31 s32 s33 τ 31 τ 32 σ33 ][ ]

the Cauchy stress tensor.
(σ are called normal stresses, τ shear stresses)

2.3 Sum of tensors and product by a number
As in the case of vectors and covectors, the set of all tensors of a given
rank  k  defined at a point P has the structure of a vector space, once
defined operations of sum between tensors and multiplication of
tensors by numbers.
The sum of tensors (of the same rank!) gives a tensor whose
components are the sums of the components:
  ...   ...   ...
AB = C  C  ... = A ...  B  ... 2.13
The product of a number a by a tensor has the effect of multiplying by
a all the components:
comp   ...
a A  a A  ... 2.14

2.4 Symmetry and skew-symmetry

A tensor is told symmetric with respect to a pair of indexes if their
exchange leaves it unchanged; skew-symmetric if the exchange of the
two indexes produces a change of sign (the two indexes must be both
upper or both lower indexes).
For example: T    . . . is
• symmetric with respect to indexes α, γ if T    . . . = T    . . .
• skew-symmetric with respect to indexes β, γ if T    . . . =−T    . . .

Note that the symmetry has to do with the order of the arguments in
the input list of the tensor. For example, taken a  2 tensor:
T A , 
B  = A B T  e , e  = A B T  
T 
A  = B A T  e , e = A B  T 
⇒ the order of the arguments in the list is not relevant if and only if
the tensor is symmetric, since:
T =T  T   =T  
A ,B B , A 2.15
0 2
▪ For tensors of rank  2 or  0 , represented by a matrix, symmetry /
skew-symmetry reflect into their matrices:
• symmetric tensor ⇒ symmetric matrix: [ T   ] = [ T   ]

• skew-symmetric tensor ⇒ skew-symmetric matrix [ T   ] =− [ T   ]

0 2
▪ Any tensor T ranked  2 or  0 can always be decomposed into a
symmetric part S and a skew-symmetric part A :
T = SA
that is T   = S    A  where: 2.16
S  β = 1 (T  β +T β ) and A  = 1 T   −T    2.17
2 2
Tensors of rank greater than 2 can have more complex symmetries
with respect to exchanges of 3 or more indexes, or even groups of
▪ The symmetries are intrinsic properties of the tensor and do not
depend on the choice of bases: if a tensor has a symmetry in a basis, it
keeps the same in other bases (as it will become clear later).

2.5 Representing tensors in T-mosaic

▪ Tensor T “naked”: it consists of a body that bears the indication of
the components (in the shaded band); at edges the connectors:
• pins e (in the top edge)
• holes e  (in the bottom edge)

e e e

T μ β γ ẽ μ e⃗ e⃗β e⃗γ

T =⏟
T ≡ T
 

component & connectors

▫ When necessary to make explicit the order of indexes by means
of reserved columns a representation by compartments will be
used, as:
e e e

 

for T = T    e e  e e

The exposed connectors correspond to free indexes; they state the

number of pins e
rank, given by  k  = number of holes e  or even by r = hk .
▪ Blocks representing tensors can connect to each other with the usual
rule: pins or holes of a tensor can connect with holes or pins (with
equal generic index) of vectors / covectors, or other tensors. The
meaning of each single connection is similar to that of the
heterogeneous scalar product of vectors and covectors: connectors
disappear and bodies merge multiplying to each other.
▪ When (at least) one of the factors is a tensor (r > 1) we properly refer
to the product as tensor inner product.
▪ The shapes of the blocks can be deformed for graphic reasons
without changing the order of the connectors. It is convenient to keep
fixed the orientation of the connectors (pins “on”, holes “down”).

2.6 Tensors in T-mosaic model: definitions

Previously stated definitions for tensors and tensor components have
simple graphical representation in T-mosaic as follows:
▪ Definition of tensor: plug all r connectors of the tensor with vectors
or covectors:
T A , P , Q
 = T A e , P e  , Q e   = A P Q T e , e , e   =

= A P  Q  T   = X
P Q

e  e  P  Q
e e

T T   X
→ =

A μν 
T  A Pμ Q ν = X

The result is a single number X (all the indexes are dummy).
▪ Components of tensor T : produced by saturating with basis-vectors
and basis-covectors all connectors of the “naked” tensor. For example:

e  e 
e e

→ = T  
T  T 

e 
T  e  , e  , e  = T  

The result T   are n3 numbers, the components (3 are the indexes).

Intermediate cases between the previous two can occur too:
▪ Input list with basis- and other vectors / covectors:
T e , P , e   = T  e , P  e  , e   = P  T  e , e  , e   = P T   = Y 


e  e 
e e

T   T   Y 
→ =

e 
e T
P = Y 

The result Y  are n2 numbers (survived indexes are 2): they are the
ν 
components of a double tensor Y = Y  e⃗ν ẽ ; but it is improper to say
that the result is a tensor!
▪ The order of connection, stated by the input list, is important. Note
that a different result T e , e  , P  = Z  ≠ T e , P , e   = Y 
would be given by connecting P with e  instead of e  .
▪ In general a “coated” or “saturated” tensor, that is a tensor with all
connectors plugged (by vector, covectors or other) so as to become a
“smooth object” is a number or a multiplicity of numbers.
▪ It is worth to emphasize the different meaning of notations which
are similar in appearance:

T = T μ β e⃗ e⃗β ẽ μ is the tensor “naked”

 β β
T(̃e , ẽ , e⃗μ ) = T μ is the result of applying the tensor to the
list of basis-vectors (i.e. a component).
Input list:
“T applied to ...”
▪ The input list may also be incomplete (i.e. it may contain a number
of arguments < r , rank of the tensor), so that some connectors remain
unplugged. The application of a tensor to an incomplete list cannot
result in a number or a set of number, but is a tensor lowered in rank.

2.7 Tensor inner product

The tensor inner product consists in the connection of two tensors T
and Y realized by means of a pair of connectors (indexes) of different
kind belonging one to T , the other to Y. The connection is single and
involves only one ⃗e and only one ẽ , but if the tensors are of high
rank it can be realized in more than one way.
To denote the tensor inner product we will use the symbol  and we'll
write T • Y to denote the product of the tensor T by Y , even if this
writing can be ambiguous and requires further clarifications.
The two tensors that connect can be vectors, covectors or tensors of
rank r > 1.

A particular case of tensor inner product is the already known
heterogeneous scalar (or dot) product between a vector and a covector.
Let's define the total rank R of the inner product as the sum of ranks of
the two tensors involved: R = r1 + r2 (R is the total number of
connectors of the tensors involved in the product). For the
heterogeneous scalar product is R =1 + 1=2 .
In a less trivial or strict sense the tensor inner product occurs between
tensors of which at least one of rank r > 1, that is, R > 2. In any case,
the tensor inner product lowers by 2 the rank R of the result.
We will examine examples of tensor inner products of total rank R
gradually increasing, detecting their properties and peculiarities.

▪ Tensor inner product tensor • vector / covector ( R=3)

For the moment we limit ourselves to the case T  V⃗ or T  P̃ for
which R = 2 +1 = 3.
Let's exemplify the case T  P̃ . We observe that the tensor inner
2 μν
product of a rank ( 0 ) tensor T = T e⃗μ e⃗ν with a covector P means
applying the former to an incomplete list formed by the single element
P̃ , instead of a complete list like T( P̃ , Q).
We immediately see that this product T  P̃ can be made in two ways,
depending on which one of the two connectors ⃗e of T is involved,
and the results are in general different; we will distinguish them by
writing T( P̃ , ) or T( , P̃ ) where the space is for the missing
argument. The respective schemes are:

e e e

T ( P̃ , ) ≡ e e → T μν → T μ ν Pμ =

T μν
T Pμ = V ν

e e e

̃ ≡
T ( , P) → T μν → T μν Pν = W
e e

T μν set:
T μ ν Pν = W μ
Only one connector of the tensor is plugged and then the rank r of the
tensor decrease by 1 (in the examples the result is a vector ( 10) ).
Algebraic expressions corresponding to the two cases are:
T • P̃ = T
μν  μν 
e⃗μ e⃗ν ( P  ẽ ) = T P  e⃗μ e⃗ν ( ẽ ) =
μν  μν  μν ν
T P  e⃗μ e⃗ν ( ẽ ) = T P  e⃗ν δμ = T Pμ e⃗ν = V e⃗ν

= 

T μ ν P  e⃗μ e⃗ν ( ẽ  ) = T μ ν P  e⃗μ δν =T μ ν P ν e⃗μ = W μ e⃗μ


The notation T( P̃ ) or T • P̃ may designate both cases, but it turns to

be ambiguous because it does not specify the indexes involved in the
inner product. Likewise ambiguous is the writing e e  e   in the
equations written above.
In fact, in algebra as well as in T-mosaic block connection, we need to
know which connectors plug (directly or by means of a Kronecker δ)
i.e. by which indexes the inner product is performed.
Only if T is symmetrical with respect to μ, ν the result is the same and
there is no ambiguity.
▪ In general, a writing like e  e  e e  e   (which stands for
e ⊗ e  ⊗ e ⊗ e  e   with ⊗ implied) has the meaning of an inner
product of the covector e  by one element among those of the
different kind aligned in the chain of outer products, for example:
e  e  e e  e   = e  e  e  or e  e  e e  e   = e  e  e 
   

The results are different depending on the element (the index)
“hooked” to form a δ , that must be known from the context (no matter

the position of e or e in the chain).
Likewise, when the inner product is made with a vector, as in
e  e  e e  e  we have two chances:
e  e  e e  e  = e  e e   or e  e  e e  e  = e  e e 
   
depending on whether the dot product goes to hook ẽ  or ẽ β .
Formally, the inner product of a vector or covector e⃗κ or ẽ
addressed to some element (different in kind) inside a tensorial chain
e  e  e e⋅⋅⋅ removes the “hooked” element from the chain and
insert a δ with the vanished indexes. The chain welds itself with a ring
less, without changing the order of the remaining ones.
Note that product P̃  T on fixed indexes cannot give a result different
from T  P̃ . Hence P̃  T = T  P̃ and the tensor inner product is
commutattive in this case.
▪ Similar is the case of tensor inner product tensor • basis-covector.
Here as well, the product can be performed in two ways:
μ 
T( ẽ ) or T( ẽ ). We linger on the latter case only, using the same T
of previous examples:
T ( , ẽ  ) = T  ẽ  = T μ ν e⃗μ e⃗ν ( ẽ  ) = T μ ν e⃗μ δν = T μ  e⃗μ

which we draw as:

 e e
e e → = μ
μ T

T , the component of T , would be the result if the input list had


been complete. Having omitted a basis-covector in the input list has

the effect to leave uncovered a connector ⃗e , so that the result is a
vector. (note that the result T μ ⃗eμ is, for each value of  , a single

vector. The index says which basis-covector enters the product. For
example, if the product is made with the covector-base ẽ 1 , then
=1 and the result is the vector T μ1 ⃗eμ ).

Similar considerations apply to tensor inner products tensor • vector

where T is ranked ( 02 ) .
▪ If T is ranked ( 1) the tensor inner products T  V⃗ and T  P̃ have an
unique (not ambiguous) meaning because in both cases there is only
one obliged way to perform them (it is clear in T-mosaic).
Here too the products commute: for example T  V⃗ = V⃗  T .
▪ In conclusion: tensor inner products with rank R = 3 may or may not
be twofold, but they are anyways commutative.

▪ Tensor inner product tensor • tensor ( R 4)

When the inner tensor product occurs between tensors that have both
rank r  2 the multiplicity of possible products rapidly increases and
further complications arise, due to the non-commutativity of the
products and for what concerns the order of the indexes that survive
(when they come from both tensors, how put them in sequence?).
▪ Let's specify some definitions:
• we mean by multiplicity the number of possible inner products that
are grouped under the writing A • B **
• let's say mirror-products the two products A • B and B • A ****
• a product is commutative if it equals its mirror: A • B = B • A **
• The multiplicity of B • A is clearly the same as that of its mirror-
product A • B (for each product there is a mirror).
▪ The number of different products grouped under the writing A • B is
less than multiplicity (possible products) when A , B are symmetrical:
symmetries (i.e. the presence of equivalent interchangeable indexes)
makes some products give the same result.

* In this sense it is a measure of the ambiguity of the notation A• B.

** Here the pair of indexes (connectors) on which the products are made is assumed
to be prefixed, so that A• B indicates a specific product (and so too B• A) .

▪ The total number of different products doable with two tensors A , B
(both as A • B and as B • A) is also reduced by the presence of
commutative products: we have to consider that commutative pairs
should be counted as a single product instead of two.

▪ Example: a case R = 4 is the following, with A (0) and B (2).

2 0
u Multiplicity
4 different tensor inner products A • B are possible, depending on
which connectors plug (that is, which indexes are involved):

A B = ( Aμ ν ẽ μ ẽ ν )  (B β e⃗ e⃗β )=

μ ,
= Aμ ν B β ẽ ν e⃗β δμ = A ν B β ẽ ν e⃗β = Cβν ẽ ν e⃗β
= Aμ ν B β ẽ μ e⃗β δν = Aμ  B β ẽ μ e⃗β = Dβμ ẽ μ e⃗β
= μ ,β
= Aμ ν B β ẽ ν e⃗ δμβ = Aβ ν B β ẽ ν e⃗ = E ν ẽ ν e⃗
= Aμ ν B β ẽ μ e⃗ δβν = Aμ β B β ẽ μ e⃗ = F μ ẽ μ e⃗
which correspond respectively to the T-mosaic patterns: **

Aμ ν Aμ ν Aμ ν Aμ ν

e  e  e  e  e  e  e  e 
e e⃗ν e e⃗ν

   δμβ δβ

e  e  ẽ β ẽ β
e e e e e e⃗β e e

β β

* We use here the trick of δ as “plug adapter” to keep the correspondence of in­
dexes between equations and blocks.

▪ The 4 results of A • B are in general different. But it may happen that:

A symmetrical (⇒ ẽ μ , ẽ ν interchangeable) ⇒ 1° product = 2°

3° product = 4°
B symmetrical ( ⇒ ⃗e  , ⃗e β interchangeable) ⇒ 1° product = 3°
2° product = 4°
The 4 products coincide only if both A and B are symmetrical.

v Commutativity and indexes' arrangement

Mirrored product B • A stands for 4 more inner products, distinct from
one another and different from the previous ones *;*e.g. the first one is
(product on α , μ):
β μ ν β ν
BA=(B e⃗ e⃗β)(Aμ ν ẽ ẽ ) =C ν e⃗β ẽ .
Comparison with the first among the products above states that the
tensor inner product on a given pair of indexes between tensors of
rank r = 2 is non-commutative: A • B ≠ B • A.
▪ Note that in T-mosaic the graphic representation for A • B and B • A is
the same. How do we account for the different results?
The distinction lies in a different reading of the result that takes
account of the order of the factors and gives them the correct priority.
In fact, the result must be constructed by the following rule: ****
list first surviving free connectors (indexes) of the first operand,
then free connectors (indexes) survived from the second one.
Reading of the connectors (indexes) is always from left to right.
Obviously indexes that make the connection don't appear in the result.

▪ To conclude, in the treated example, the writing A • B includes 4

different products (multiplicity = 4); as many are its mirror-products.
All products are non-commutative.

* Of course, the 4 possible pairs of indexes (connectors) are the same as the
previous case, but their order is inverted. Note that the multiplicities of A•B are
counted separately from those of B • A .
** This rule is fully consistent with the usual interpretation of the tensor inner
product as "outer tensor product + contraction" which will be given later on.

▪ It is easy to realize that in general:
inner tensor products are commutative only when one of the two
factors is a vector or a covector; if both factors are tensors of rank
r ≥ 2 the products are non-commutative.
Indeed, in the inner tensor product vectors or covectors "disappear"
without leaving residual indexes, so that the result can be read in one
way only. Rank ≥ 2 tensors leave residual indexes; if both factors are
such, the reading order is twofold.
▪ Possible products grow very rapidly in number with the rank of the
tensors involved; only the presence of symmetries in the tensors can
drastically reduce the number of different products.
The counting of the multiplicity of the inner tensor product A • B will
be dealt with later, after introduced the contraction operation.

▪ Incomplete input lists and tensor inner product

There is a partial overlap of the notions of inner product and the ap­
plication of a tensor to an “input list”. It is true that the complete input
list is used to saturate all the connectors (indexes) of the tensor in or­
der to give a number as a result; however, the list may be incomplete,
and then one or more connectors (indexes) residual of the tensor are
found in the result, which turns out to be a tensor of lowered rank. The
extreme case of “incomplete input list” is just the tensor inner product
tensor • vector or covector, where all the arguments of the list are
missing, except one. Conversely the application of a tensor to a list
(complete or not) can be seen as a sequence of more than one single
tensor inner products with vectors and covectors.
The higher the rank r of the tensor, the larger the number of possible
incomplete input lists, i.e. of intermediate situations between the com­
plete list and the single tensor inner product by vector or covector.
For example, for r = 3 there are 6 possible cases of incomplete list. **
In case of a ( 1) tensor one among them is:

* 3 lists lacking of one argument + 3 lists lacking of 2 arguments.

  Y ν
T  , P , e  ≡
 e e → =
e e T 

e 
T e 
e  T   P  = Y 

The result are n covectors, one for each value of ν.

This scheme can be interpreted as a tensor inner product between the
tensor T and the covector P , followed by a second tensor inner
product between the result and the basis-covector ẽ , treated as such
in algebraic terms:
i) T( P)= μν  κ μν  κ μν  ν 
T  ẽ e⃗μ e⃗ν ( P κ ẽ ) =T  P κ ẽ e⃗ν δμ = T  Pμ ẽ e⃗ν =Y  ẽ e⃗ν

       
ii) Y  e e  e  = Y  e  = Y  e

2.8 Outer product in T-mosaic

According to T-mosaic metaphor the tensor outer product ⊗ means
“union by side gluing”. It may involve vectors, covectors or tensors.
Of the more general case is part the outer product between vectors
and/or covectors; for example:

e e e e e e

 ⊗ B → A  B = A B

A⊗ 
B = A B  e⊗ e = A B e e = T   e e = T

or else:
e e e

P ⊗ A → P  A = P  A

e  e

e 
P ⊗ 
A = P  A e  ⊗ e = P  A e  e = Y  e  e = Y

The outer product makes the bodies to blend together and components
multiply (without the sum convention comes in operation).
It is clear from the T-mosaic representation that the symbol ⊗ has a
meaning similar to that of the conjunction “and” in a list of items and
can usually be omitted without ambiguity.
▪ The same logic applies to tensors of rank r >1, and in such cases we
speak of outer tensor product.
The outer tensor product operates on tensors of any rank, and merges
them into one “by side gluing” The result is a composite tensor of rank
equal to the sum of the ranks.
For example, in a case A( 11) ⊗ B( 12) = C( 23) :

e e e e e e

A B  A B 

C 
⊗ → \ =
β 
e  e  e  e  e  e  ẽ e  e

A B = C  
 
 

 A e⊗ e   ⊗  B   e ⊗ e  ⊗ e   = A B  e⊗ e  ⊗ e ⊗ e  ⊗ e  =

= C   ⊗ e  ⊗ e ⊗ e  ⊗ e 
  e
usually written C    e e  e e  e  .

▪ Note the non-commutativity: A ⊗ B ≠ B ⊗ A .

2.9 Contraction
Identifying two indexes of different kind (one upper and one lower), a
tensor undergoes a contraction (the repeated index becomes dummy
and appears no longer in the result). Contraction is an “unary”
The tensor rank lowers from  hk  to  h−1
k −1 .

In T-mosaic metaphor both a pin and a hole belonging to the same
tensor disappear.
Example: contraction for α = ζ :

e e e e e

μ contraction μ
C βν ζ =
C βν  C 
 =

e  e  e  e  e  e  e  e 

It is worth noting that the contraction is not a simple canceling or

“simplification” of equal upper and lower indexes, but a sum which is
triggered by repeated indexes. For example:
C   = C 1 1 C 2 2... C n n = C 
▪ In a sense, the contraction consists of an inner product that operates
inside the tensor itself, plugging two connectors of different kind.
▪ The contraction may be seen as the result of an inner product by a
tensor carrying a connector (an index) which is already present, with
opposite kind, in the operand. This tensor can be a Kronecker δ.
For example:
   
C     = C    = C   where contraction is on index α .
The T-mosaic picture for the latter is the following:

e e

e e e

C 
  
C  C 
e e e → =
e 
e  e  e  e 

e 

e 
▪ For subsequent repeated contractions a tensor (h) can be reduced
until h = 0 or k = 0. A tensor of rank (h) can be reduced to a scalar.
▪ The contraction of a 1  tensor gives a scalar, the sum of the main
diagonal elements of its matrix, and is called the trace:
A = A11 A22... Ann 2.18

The trace of I is   = 11... = n , dimension of the manifold.**

2.10 Inner product as outer product + contraction

The tensor inner product A B can be interpreted as tensor outer
product A ⊗ B followed by a contraction of indexes:
A B = contraction of ( A ⊗ B) .
The multiplicity of possible contractions of indexes gives an account
of the multiplicity of the tensor inner product represented by A B.

For example, in the case A( 02 )  B( 30 ) = C( 21 ) :

comp . . β γ
A B → Aβν⋅B β γ = C βν = C ν.  γ (product on β):

* I is the tensor “identity” whose components are Kronecker-δ : see later.

e e e e e⃗β e e e

Aβ ν  B  βγ = C β. ν.  βγ = . γ

ẽ β e β
e  ẽ ν

The 1st step (outer product) is univocal; the 2 nd step (contraction)
implies the choice of indexes (connectors) on which contraction must
take place. Gradually choosing a connector after the other exhausts the
choice of possibilities (multiplicity) of the inner product A B. The
same considerations apply to the mirror product B  A.
▪ This 2-steps procedure is equivalent to the rules stated to write down
the result of the tensor inner product. Its usefulness lies especially in
complex cases such as:
A μ⋅⋅ν⋅β ⋅ζ B⋅β ⋅ μ ν⋅ζ ⋅ β⋅ μ ν ζ ⋅⋅
 ⋅γ = C ⋅⋅β⋅  ⋅ γ = C ⋅ ⋅⋅  γ 2.19
▪ Once interpreted as outer product + contraction, it is easy to compute
the multiplicity of the inner tensor product A B in terms of number
of contractions:
Given A ( h 1) and B ( h 2) the number of possible contractions of the
k1 k2
outer tensor product of the two tensors equals the pairs that can be
formed between a ⃗ e connector of A and a ẽ connector of B, and
between a ẽ connector of A and a ⃗e connector of B, that is:
multiplicity of AB = h1⋅k 2 + h2⋅ k 1
Identical multiplicity for the mirror-product B  A .

2.11 Multiple connection of tensors

In T-mosaic the tensor inner product is always performed by means of
a simple connection between a single pin e of a tensor and a single
hole e of the other.
Multiple connections between two tensors, easy to fulfill in T-mosaic,
can be algebraically described as an inner product followed by
contractions in number of m ‒1, where m is the number of plugged

2.12 “Scalar product” or “identity” tensor
The operation of (heterogeneous) scalar product takes in input a vector
and a covector to give a number ⇒ it is a tensor of rank  1 . We
denote it by I :
I P , V
  ≡  P , V
 〉 = PV  2.20
and expand it as: I = I  e ⊗ e  , that is I = I  e e  .
How is it I ? Let us find its components giving to it the dual basis-
vectors as input list: then
I  = I e , e  =  e  , e 〉 =  2.21

by eq.2.20. Hence: I =   e  e 2.22

⇒ the Kronecker δ symbol has tensor character:

[ ][
〈 e 1 , e1 〉 〈 e 1 , e2 〉 ⋯ 〈 e 1 , en 〉
〈 e 2 , en 〉 = 1 0 ...
2 2
δ ≡ I ≡ [   ] = 〈 e , e1 〉 〈 e , e2 〉 0 1 ...
⋮ ⋮ ... ... 1
〈 e n , e1 〉 〈 e n , e2 〉 ⋯ 〈 e n , en 〉
namely: δ ≡ I    2.24

The heterogeneous scalar product is the tensor I , identity tensor

its components are the Kronecker's  
it is represented by the unit matrix I = diag (+1)
How does I act? Its complete input list contains two arguments: a
vector and a covector. Let's apply it to a partial list that contains only
one of the two; there are 2 possibilities:
⃗ ) = δβ ẽ β e⃗ (V γ ⃗
u I( V e γ ) = δβ V γ ẽ β e⃗ ( ⃗
e γ ) = δβ δβγ V γ e⃗ =
= δγ V⃗γ e⃗ = V  e⃗ = V

̃ = δβ ẽ β e⃗ ( P γ ẽ γ )= δβ P γ ẽ β e⃗ ( ẽ γ ) = δβ δγ P γ ẽ β =

v I( P)
δγ = δβγ P γ ẽ β = Pβ ẽ β = P̃

 β 
(note: δβ δ γ = δγ )
The T-mosaic blockwise representation of I( V⃗ ) is:

 
I ≡ e

→ → V ≡ V
e V

V ≡

Actually, I transforms a vector into itself and a covector into itself:

 = V
I V  ;  = P
I  P 2.25
whence its name “identity tensor”.
The same tensor is also called “fundamental mixed tensor”.**
We also observe that, for ∀ T :
TI = IT = T 2.26

2.10 Inverse tensor

Given a tensor T , if there exists a single tensor Y such that T Y = I ,
we say that Y is the inverse of T , i.e. Y = T -1 and
T  T -1 = I 2.27
Only tensors T of rank 2, and among them only 1  type or symmetric
( 0)
or ( 20) type tensors, can satisfy these conditions**** and have an
inverse T -1 .
* Hereafter the notation δ will be abandoned in favor of I.
** That eq.2.27 is satisfied by tensors T and T both ranked r = 2 can easily be
-1 0 2
shown in terms of T-mosaic blocks. If T e T are tensors ranked ( 2) or ( 0) ,
eq.2.27 stands for 4 different inner products and, for a given T , can be satisfied
for more than one T -1 ; only if we ask T to be symmetric ( ⇒ T symmetric
too) the tensor T that satisfies is unique and the uniqueness of the inverse is
guaranteed. For this reason one restricts to symmetric tensors only.

For tensors of rank r ≠ 2 the inverse is not defined.
▪The inverse T -1 of a symmetric tensor T of rank  02 or 2 
has the
following properties:
• the indexes position interchanges upper ↔ lower *
• it is represented by the inverse matrix
• it is symmetric

For example: given the  2 comp

symmetric tensor T  T  , its inverse
is the  0 tensor T -1
2  T μ ν such that:
T T   =   2.28
Furthermore, denoting T and T the matrices associated to T and
T -1 , we have:
T ⋅T = I 2.29
where I is the unit matrix; namely, the matrices T and T are inverse
to each other.
▫ Indeed, for  0 tensors the definition eq.2.27 turns into eq.2.28.
But the latter, written down in matrix terms, takes the form
[T   ]⋅ [ T   ] = I , which is equivalent to eq.2.29.

Since the inverse of a symmetric matrix is symmetric as well, the

symmetry of T -1 follows: if a tensor is symmetric, then its inverse is
symmetric, too.

▪ The correspondence between the inverse matrix and the inverse

tensor forwards to the tensor other properties of the inverse matrix:
• the commutativity T⋅T = T⋅T = I , which applies to inverse
matrices, is also true for inverse tensors: T  T -1 = T -1  T = I
• in order that T -1 exists, the inverse matrix must also exist and for
that it is required to be det T ≠ 0 . ** **

* This fact is often expressed by saying that the inverse of a double-contravariant

tensor is a double-covariant tensor, and vice versa.
** A matrix can have an inverse only if its determinant is not zero.

Currently we say that tensors T and T   are inverse to each
other: usually we call the components of both tensors with the same
symbol T and distinguish them only by the position of the indexes.
However, it is worth realizing that we are dealing with different
tensors, and they cannot run both under the same symbol T (if we call
T one of the two, we must use another name for the other: in this
instance T -1 ) .
▪ It should also be reminded that (only) if T  β is diagonal (i.e.
T  ≠ 0 only for  =  ) its inverse will be diagonal as well, with
components T  β = 1  T , and viceversa.
▪ The property of a tensor to have an inverse is intrinsic to the tensor
itself and does not depend on the choice of bases: if a tensor has
inverse in a basis, it has inverse in any other basis, too (as will become
clear later on).
▪ An obvious property belongs to the mixed tensor T  of rank 1 
“related” with both T   and T   defined by their inner product:
 
T  = T T 
 
Comparing this relation with eq.2.28 (written as T T   =   with
β in place of ν) we see that:
T β = δβ 2.30

Indeed, the mixed fundamental tensor ( 11) δ , or tensor I , is the
“common relative” of all couples of inverse tensors T  β , T ).**
▪ The mixed fundamental tensor I  δ β has (with few others **)**
the property to be the inverse of itself.
▫ Indeed, an already seen ******property of Kronecker's δ:
δ β δβγ = δγ

is the condition of inverse (similar to eq.2.28) for δ β .
(T-mosaic icastically shows the meaning of this relation).

* That does not mean, of course, that it is the only existing mixed double tensor
 
(think to C  = A  B when A e B are not related to each other).
** Also auto-inverse are the tensors (1 ) , whose matrices are mirror images of I.
̃ .
***Already met while calculating I( P)

2.14 Vector-covector “dual switch” tensor
A tensor of rank 2  needs two vectors as input to give a scalar. If the
input list is incomplete and consists in one vector only, the result is a
G( V⃗ )= G β ẽ  ẽ β (V γ e⃗γ ) = G β V γ ẽ  ẽ β  e⃗γ = G  β V  ẽ β = P β ẽ β = P̃
 δ αγ
after set G   V = P  .
The T-mosaic representation is:

G  G  P
G ≡ → =

e  e  
V  e e 

V ≡ V
G  V  = P 

to be read: GV  = G   V  e  = P  e  = P
By means of a 2  tensor we can therefore transform a vector V
into a covector P̃ that belongs to the dual space.
Let us pick out a 2  tensor G as a “dual switch” to be used from
now on to transform any vector V into its “dual” covector V :
GV  = V 2.29
G sets up a correspondence G : V  V between the two dual vector
spaces (we use here the same name V with different marks above in
order to emphasize the relationship and the term “dual” as “related
through G in the dual space”).
The choice of G is arbitrary, nevertheless we must choose a tensor
which has inverse G-1 in order to perform the “switching” in the
opposite sense as well, from V to V . In addition, if we want the
inverse G-1 to be unique, we must pick out a G which is symmetric, as
we know. Note that, at this point, using one or the other of the two ẽ
connectors of G becomes indifferent.

Applying G-1 to the switch definition eq.2.31:
G-1 G V
  = G-1  V 
but G -1 G  = I and IV  = V , then:
V = G  V  2.32
 .
G-1 thus sets up an inverse correspondence G-1 : V  V
In T-mosaic terms:

V ≡ V

e 
e e e e

G-1 ≡ →  = V
G  G

 
G V = V
G  V  = G V  e = V e = V
-1  
to be read

▪ The vector ↔ covector switching can be expressed componentwise.

In terms of components GV  = V is written as:
G  V  = V  2.33
which is roughly interpreted: G  “lowers the index”.
Conversely, G-1  V  = V can be written:
G V = V

and interpreted as: G “raises the index”.

2.15 Vectors / covectors homogeneous scalar product

It presupposes the notion of switch tensor G.
We define the homogeneous scalar product between two vectors as the
scalar product between one vector and the dual covector of the other:


A⃗ B ≝ ⃗ A , B̃ 〉 or, likewise, ≝  Ã , ⃗B〉 2.35
From the first equality, expanding on the bases and using the switch G
we get:

B =  ⃗A , B̃ 〉 =  A e⃗ , Bγ ẽ γ 〉 =  A e⃗ , G Bβ ẽ γ 〉 =
⏟ βγ

= G   A B   e , e  〉 = G  A B   = G   A B  = G  A , 

In short: A  B
 = G  
A ,B 2.36
Hence, the dual switch tensor G is also the “scalar product between
two vectors” tensor.
The same result follows from the second equality eq.2.35.
The symmetry of G guarantees the commutative property of the scalar
A  B
B  A
or G  = G 
A ,B B,
A 2.37
(note this is just the condition of symmetry for the tensor G eq.2.15).
▪ The homogeneous scalar product between two covectors is then
defined by means of G -1 :
  B = G-1  A , B
A  2.38
G -1 , the inverse dual switch, is thus the “scalar product between
two covector” tensor.
▪ In the T-mosaic metaphor the scalar (or inner) product between two
vectors takes the form:

G  G 
→ = G   A B 
e  e 
A B
e e

A B 
B = G   A B 

while the scalar (or inner) product between two covectors is:

A B A  B = G   A B

e  e  A B
e e
→ = G   A B 

G  G 

The result is a number in both cases.

▪ How is it G? Let's compute as usual its components using as

arguments the basis-vectors instead of generic ⃗
A, ⃗
B :
G  = G e , e  = e  e ⇒

[ ]
e⃗1  e⃗1 e⃗1  e⃗2 ⋯ e⃗1  e⃗n
e e e e e⃗2  e⃗n 2.39
⇒ G ≡ [ G β ] = ⃗2 ⃗1 ⃗2 ⃗2
⋮ ⋮
e⃗n  e⃗1 e⃗n  e⃗2 ⋯ e⃗n  e⃗n

It 's clear that the symmetry of G is related to the commutativity of the

scalar product:
e  e = e  e  G  = G    G symmetric
and that its associated matrix is also symmetric.

In a similar way for the inverse switch:

G  = G-1  e  , e   = e   e  ⇒

[ ]
ẽ 1  ẽ 1 ẽ 1  ẽ 2 ⋯ ẽ 1  ẽ n
2 1 2 2 2.40
ẽ 2  ẽ n
≡ [ G  β] = ẽ  ẽ ẽ  ẽ
⇒ G
⋮ ⋮
ẽ  ẽ ẽ  ẽ ⋯ ẽ  ẽ n
n 1 n 2 n

Various equivalent writings for the homogeneous scalar product are:
▪ between vectors:

B = 
B  A =    ,B
A , B 〉 =  A  〉 = G 
A, 
B = G  
B ,
▪ between covectors:
 B
A  = B  A  ,
 = A A , B 〉 = G-1  A
B〉 =    = G-1  B , A
 , B 
The notation 〈 , 〉 is reserved to heterogeneous scalar product

2.16 G applied to basis-vectors

G transforms a basis-vector into a covector, but in general not into a
G ( e⃗ ) = Gμ ν ẽ μ ẽ ν ( e⃗ ) = Gμ ν ẽ μ δ ν = Gμ  ẽ μ 2.41
and this is not = ẽ because μ
 G e
̃ μ
is a sum over all ̃ and can't
collapse to a single value ẽ  (except particular cases). Likewise:
-1  μν  μν  μ
G ( ẽ ) = G ⃗
eμ ⃗
e ν ( ẽ ) = G ⃗e μ δν = G ⃗e μ ≠e⃗ 2.42
▫ Notice that in eq.2.41 we have made use of the duality condition
(eq.1.8) that link the bases of vectors and covectors; it is a
relation different from that stated by the “dual switching”.

2.17 G applied to a tensor

Can we assume that the converter G acts on the single index of the
tensor (i.e. on the single connector e⃗ ) as if the latter were isolated,
in the same way it would act on a vector, that is changing it into a e 
without altering other indices and their sequence? Not exactly. (The
same question concerns its inverse G-1 ).
We see that the application of G to the tensor ( 3 ) X = X
e⃗ e⃗β e⃗γ :
 βγ ⋅ βγ
G ν X =X ν

has, in this example, really the effect of lowering the index α involved
in the product without altering the order of the remaining others.
However, this is not the case for any index. What we need is to
examine a series of cases more extensive than a single example,
having in mind that the application of G to a tensor according to usual
rules of the tensor inner product G (T) = G  T gives rise to a

multiplicity of different products (the same applies to G-1 ). To do so,
let's think of the inner product as of the various possible contractions
of the outer product: in this interpretation it is up to the different
contractions to produce multiplicity.
▫ Referring to the case, let's examine the other inner products we
can do on the various indices, passing through the outer product
 βγ ⋅⋅  βγ
Gμν X = Xμν and then performing the contractions.
⋅⋅  β γ ⋅β γ
The μ-α contraction leads to the known result X  ν =X ν ; in
⋅⋅  β γ ⋅ γ
• contraction μ-β gives X βν = X ν
⋅⋅  β γ ⋅ β
• contraction μ-γ gives X γ ν = X ν
(since G is symmetric, contractions of ν with α, β or γ give the
same results as the contractions of μ).
Other results rise by the application of G in post-multiplication:
 βγ  βγ
from X G μ ν = X ⋅⋅⋅ μ ν we get X β⋅⋅γ ν , X ⋅⋅γν , X ⋅⋅β ν and other
similar contractions for ν .
We observe that, among the results, there are lowerings of indices
⋅β γ
(e.g. X ν , lowering α(ν , and X ⋅⋅ ν , lowering γ(ν ), together

with other results that are not simple lowerings of indices (for
⋅γ ⋅γ
example X ν : β is lowered β(ν but also shifted). X ν does
not appear among the results: it is therefore not possible to get by
means of G the transformation:
e e e e e

αβγ → X αν⋅ γ

as if e⃗β were isolated. *

* Why not to use the tool of the incomplete input lists? In the present case
X (... , G , ...) would seem able to lower the central index. However, inserting
tensors (instead of vectors or covectors) into the input list creates problems,
especially if the inserted tensor is of high rank (how to position in the result the
surviving indexes of that tensor?). In the present instance, too, even admitting that
G placed in the input list lowers the central index, the definition of inner product
as outer product + contraction would be lost.

It's easy to see that, given the usual rules of the inner tensor product,
only indices placed at the beginning or at the end of the string can be
raised / lowered by G (a similar conclusion applies to G-1 ).
It is clear, however, that this limitation does not manifest itself until
the indexes' string includes only two, that is, for tensors of rank r = 2 .
▪ For tensors of rank r =2 and, restricted to extreme indexes for tensors
of higher rank, we can enunciate the rules:
G applied to a tensor lowers an index (the one by which it connects).
μ ⋅
The writing by components, e.g. Gμ ν T ⋅ ⋅ γ = T ν ⋅ γ , clarifies which
indexes are involved.
G-1 applied to a tensor raises an index (the one by which it connects).
β μν  β⋅ ν
For example T ⋅⋅ γμ G = T ⋅⋅ γ .


Examples: G κ ν T κ⋅⋅ β = T ⋅ν ⋅β : hook κ , lower it, rename it ν

G κ ν T ⋅⋅ β ν⋅β
κ = T ⋅ : hook κ , raise up it, rename it ν

T ⋅ β⋅λ μ G μ ν = T ⋅β⋅ ⋅λ ν : hook μ, raise up it, rename it ν

▪ A special case is when the tensor G applies to its inverse G-1:

 
G  G = G
which can be thought to as a raising as well as a lowering of an index.
But since the two tensors G and G-1 are inverse to each other:
 
G  G = 
and from the last two it follows (not surprisingly, given the eq.2.30!)
G =  2.43

2.18 Relations between I, G, δ

All equivalent to 〈 A , 
B〉 = 〈 A , B〉
 =
A   B and to one another
are the following expressions:
I A B = I  
 ,  = G 
A , B B  = G-1  A
A,   , B
 2.44

that is easy to ascertain using T-mosaic.

▫ In fact, all the expressions written above give as a result the

same product whose T-mosaic representation is the connection
of the four blocks together:

Gβ Bγ

β γ
ẽ  ẽ ẽ
e⃗ e⃗β e⃗γ
A G

The blocks can be connected two by two according to various

sequences; depending on how you start, the next moves that
lead to the result will be described by one of the expressions
above. For example, by connecting as first step the block
G β with A , the final result will be written in the form
G-1( A ̃ ; if, on the other hand, the blocks G  β and Gβγ
̃ , B)
are initially connected, the final product will take the form
I( ⃗ ̃ if you connect first G β to A and Gβγ to B γ ,
A, B);
the product will take the form 〈 A,̃ ⃗B〉 , and so on.

▪ The componentwise writing for GG-1  = I gives:

G  = I  ,
that, together with eq.2.43, leads to:
G = I  =   2.45
= I
= 
; G  = I   =   2.46

▫ That does not mean that G and I are the same tensor. We observe
that the name G is reserved to the tensor whose components are
G   ; the other two tensors, whose components are
G  and G   , are different tensors and cannot be labeled by

the same name. In fact, the tensor with components G   is G-1,

while that one whose components are Gβ coincides with I.
It is thus matter of three distinct tensors:**
I  G  = I  =  
G  G = I  = 
G -1  G   = I   =  
even if the components' names are somewhat misleading.
Note that only   is the Kronecker delta, represented by the
matrix diag (+1).
β β
Besides, neither I  β nor I (and not even δ  β and δ ) deal
with the identity tensor I (but rather with G which determine
their form; their matrix may be diag (+1) or not).
The conclusion is that we can label by the same name tensors
with indexes moved up / down when using a componentwise
notation, but we must be careful, when switching to the tensor
notation, to avoid identifying different tensors as one.
Just to avoid any confusion, in practice the notations I  β , I ,
δ  β , δ  β are almost never used. Usually it is meant:
I → δ β
G → Gβ
-1 comp
G → Gβ

G β is sometimes used as a synonym for δβ .
To signify the metric tensor diag (+1) it is sometimes used δβ
(see later on).

* The rank is also different:  11,  02 , 02 respectively. Their matrix representation may
be formally the same if G ≡ diag (+1), but on a different “basis grid”!

3 Change of basis
The vector V has expansion V  e on the vector basis {e}.
Its components will change as the basis changes. In which way?
By the way, it's worth noting that the components change, but the
vector V⃗ does not!
Let us denote by V β' the components on the new basis { e  ' } ; it is
now V⃗ = V ⃗e β' , hence:

V⃗ = V ⃗e β' = V ⃗e 
β' 
In other words, the same vector can be expanded on the new basis as
well as it was expanded on the old one (from now on the upper ' will
denote the new basis).
▪ Like all vectors, each basis-vector of the new basis ⃗e β' can be
expanded on the old basis-vectors e  :
⃗e β' = Λβ' e⃗ ( β ' =1, 2,...n) 3.2
Λ β' are the coefficients of the expansion that describes the “recipe”
of the new ⃗e β' on the old basis { e  } (i.e. on the basis of the old
Taken as a whole, these coefficients express the new basis in terms of
the old one; they can be arranged in a matrix n × n [ Λ β' ]

▪ Conversely we can express the old basis-vectors on the basis of new

ones as:
e⃗ = Λ  e⃗β' ( = 1,2, ...n) 3.3
The two matrices that appear in eq.3.2 and eq.3.3 are inverse to each
other: exchanging the indexes the matrix is inverted because the sense
of the transformation reverses; applying both them one after the other
we return to the starting point.
▪ We now aim to find the relation between the new components of a
given vector V and the old ones. Using eq.3.3:

V⃗ = V  e⃗ = V  Λ β'
 ⃗e β'
⇒ V β' = Λ β'
 V

V⃗ = V ⃗e β'
and since:

▪ What about covectors? First let us deduce the transformation law for
components. From P  = P e   eq.1.4, which also holds in the new
basis, by means of the transformation of basis-vectors eq.3.2 that we
already know, we get:
̃ e β' ) = P(
P β' = P(⃗ ̃ Λ β' e⃗) = Λ β' P̃ (⃗e  ) = Λ β' P  3.5
Then, from the definition of component of P and using eq.3.5 above,
we deduce the inverse transformation for basis-covectors (from new to
old ones):
P = P  e    β'
⇒ ẽ = Λ β' ẽ
̃P = P β' ẽ β' = Λ β' P  ẽ β'

and so the direct one from old to new:

β' β' 
ẽ = Λ  ẽ 3.6

▪ To summarize, all direct transformations (from old to new basis) are

ruled by two matrices:
[ Λβ' ] expresses the transformation of the components of vectors
(eq.3.4) and of basis-covectors (eq.3.6)
[ Λβ' ] expresses the transformation of the components of covectors
(eq.3.5) and of basis-vectors (eq.3.2)
The two matrices are one the transposed inverse** of the other.

* The transpose M.T of a matrix M is obtained by interchanging rows and columns;

the transposed inverse ( M −1 ) T coincides with the inverse transpose  M T −1 .
The notation we use cannot distinguish a matrix from its transpose (and the trans-
posed inverse from the inverse, too) because the upper / lower indexes do not
qualify rows and columns in a fixed way. Hence, the two matrices Λ  in
eq.3.3 and eq.3.6 are not the same: they are the inverse in the first case and the
transposed inverse in the second. It can be seen by expanding the two equations:

{ } [ ]
e⃗1 = Λ11 ' ⃗e 1 ' + Λ 21 ' ⃗e 2 ' +... Λ 1'1 Λ 2'1 ⋯
⇒ [ Λ ]= Λ 1'2 Λ 2'2 ⋯
1' 2' β'
eq.3.3: e⃗ = Λ ⃗
 e β' ⇒ e⃗2 = Λ2 ⃗e 1 ' + Λ 2 ⃗e 2 ' +... 

............ ⋯

{ } [ ]
e 1 ' =  11 ' e 1  12 ' e 2 ... Λ 1'1 Λ12 ' ⋯
β' β' 
⇒ [ Λ ]= Λ 2'1 Λ 22 ' ⋯
2' 2' 1 2' 2 β'
eq.3.6: ẽ =Λ ẽ ⇒
 e =  1 e   2 e  ... 

............ ⋯

On the contrary, the inverse transformation (from old to new basis) is
ruled by two matrices that are the inverse of the previous two.
So, just one matrix (with its inverse and transposed inverse) is enough
to describe all the transformations of (components of) vectors and
covectors, basis-vectors and basis-covectors under change of basis.
▪ Let us agree to denote  (without further specification) the matrix
that transforms vector components and basis-covectors from the old
bases system with index  to the new system indexed β ' :

[ ]
Λ 11 ' Λ12' ⋯
Λ ≝ [Λ β'
 ]= Λ 12 ' Λ 2'2 ⋯ 3.7

Once set this position, the transformations of bases and components

are summarized in the following table:
( Λ−1 ) Λ
e⃗ → e⃗β' ẽ  → ẽ β'
−1 T
Λ (Λ )

→ V
P → P β'

Roughly speaking: if the bases vary in a way, the components vary in

the opposite one in order to leave the vector unchanged (as well as the
number that expresses the measure of a quantity increases by making
smaller the unit we use, and viceversa).
▪ The transformations in the opposite sense (←) require to invert all
the matrices of the table (remind that the inverse of   −1  is  T ).
▪ For a transformation to be reversible, it is required that its matrix
 is invertible, that means det  ≠ 0 .
▪ The duality relation between bases of vectors and covectors holds in
the new basis too:
 ẽ ν' , e⃗β' 〉 =  Λ νμ' ẽ μ , Λβ' e⃗ 〉 = Λ νμ' Λ β'  ẽ μ , e⃗ 〉 =
= Λ νμ' Λβ' δμ = Λ ν' Λ β' = δνβ''
(the two matrices are inverse to each other, [ Λ ν'
μ ] = [ Λ β' ]

and hence
ν'  ν'
related by Λ Λ β' = δ β' ).
▪ The matrix Λ that rules the transformations can be written in terms
of both old and new basis. That can be seen by noting that:

δμ =  e⃗ , ẽ μ 〉 =  e⃗ , Λμν ' ẽ ν ' 〉 = Λμν '  e⃗ , ẽ ν ' 〉 ,
possible only if  e , e  ' 〉 =   ' because then δμ = Λ μν ' Λ ν ' .
Hence, the element of the transformation matrix Λ is:
Λ ν ' =  e⃗ , ẽ ν ' 〉 3.9
built up crossing together old and new bases.
▪ In practice, it's not convenient trying to remember the transformation
matrices to use in each different case, nor reasoning in terms of matrix
calculus: the balance of the indexes inherent in the sum convention is
an automatic mechanism that leads to write the right formulas in every
The transformation of a given object is correctly written by simply
taking care to balance the indexes. For example, the transformation
of components of covector from new to old basis, provisionally
written P μ = Λ P ν' , can only be completed as P μ = Λ μ P ν' ⇒
the matrix element to use here is Λμ

3.1 Basis change in T-mosaic

In T-mosaic metaphor, the change of basis requires each connector to
be converted. To convert apply a “basis converter” extra-block to the
connector; for convenience we represent it as a standard block with a
pin and a hole (but beware: it is not a tensor!).
The basis-converter block is one and only one, in two variants
distinguished by the different position of the indices with apex ' :

e e '

 '
 '
Λ ' 
' 

e '
e 

β' '
* We use indifferently e.g. Λ  or Λ  entrusting to the apex the distinction.

The connection is made “wearing” the basis-converters blocks as
“shoes” on the connectors of the tensor, docking them on the pin-side
or the hole-side as needed, "apex on apex" or "non-apex on non-apex".
The body of the converter blocks will be marked with the element of
the transformation matrix Λ ' or Λ ' with apexes ' up or down
turned in the same way as those of connectors (this implicitly leads to
the correct choice of Λ  ' or Λ  ' ).

For example, to basis-transform the components of the vector V e
we must put on the e connector a converter block that plug up and
replaces it with ⃗e  ' :
⃗e  '
e  '
  ' e  '
Λ  '
e  → = V

e 
'  '
since: Λ V = V

Likewise, to basis-transform the components of the covector P  e ,

the appropriate converter block applies to the old connector e in
order to leave the new connector ẽ ' exposed:

 P'
e → =
e '
  ' ẽ

Λ  ' ẽ

since: Λ  ' P = P  '

▪ This rule doesn't apply to basis-vectors (the converter block
would contain in that case the inverse matrix, if one); however the
block representation of these instances has no practical interest.
▪ Subject to a basis transformation, a tensor needs to convert all its
connectors; an appropriate conversion block must be applied to each
For example:

e '

  '
e '

e   ' e '

T μ ν T μ'' ν'
→ T μ ν =
ẽ μ ẽ ν ẽ

μ ν
e⃗μ e Λ μ' Λ ν'

Λ μμ' Λ νν ' μ' ν'

ẽ ẽ
since: Λ  ' Λμμ ' Λ νν ' T μν = T μ'' ν '
μ' ν'
ẽ ẽ

The position just made:

' ' μ ν 
T μ ' ν ' = Λ  Λμ ' Λ ν ' T μ ν 3.10
exemplifies the transformation rule for tensors:

to old → new basis transform the components of a tensor we must

apply as many Λ ' as upper indexes and as many Λ ' as lower

 
▪ A very special case is that of tensor I =   e e whose components
never change:   = diag 1 is true in any basis:

e '

e '
 

e  
e '

δβ → δβ = '

δ β'

e⃗β Λ ββ' ẽ β'

Λ β' β'


' β  ' β '
since: Λ  Λ β' δ β = Λ β Λ β' = δ β'

3.2 Invariance of the null tensor

A tensor is the null tensor when all its components are zero:
 .. . *
C= 0  ∀ C  ... = 0 * 3.11
If a tensor is null in a certain basis, it is also null in any other basis.
▫ In fact:
 . ..  ' . .. '   .. .
C = 0 ⇒ C  .. . = 0 ⇒ C  ' . .. =     ' . .. C  .. . = 0 3.12
' 
for all  ,   ' ... , that is for any transformation of bases.

From that the invariance of tensor equations follows.

* It makes no sense equaling a tensor to a number; writing C = 0 is only a

. . .
conventional notation for C = 0 or ∀ C  . .. = 0.

3.3 Invariance of tensor equations
Vectors, covectors and tensors are the invariants of a given
“landscape”: changing the basis, only the way by which they are
represented by their components varies. Then, also the relationships
between them, or tensor equations, are invariant. For tensor equations
we mean equations in which only tensors (vectors, covectors and
scalars included) are involved, no matter whether written in tensor
notation T , V , ecc. or componentwise.
Reduced to its essential terms, a tensor equation is an equality
between two tensors like:
 ...  .. .
A =B or A. .. = B . .. 3.13
Now, it's enough to put A - B = C to reduce to the equivalent form
eq.3.12 C = 0 or C μ.. .... = 0 that, once valid in a basis, is valid in all
bases. It follows that also eq.3.13, once valid in a basis, is valid in all
bases. Hence the equations in tensor form are not affected by the
particular basis chosen, but they hold in all bases without changes.
In practice
an equation derived in a system of bases, once expressed in tensor
form, applies as well in any system of bases.
Also some properties of tensors, if expressed by tensor relations, are
valid regardless of the basis. It is the case, inter alia, of the properties
of symmetry / skew-symmetry and invertibility. For example, eq.2.15
that expresses the symmetry properties of a double tensor is a tensor
equation, and that ensures that the symmetries of a tensor are the same
in any basis.
The invertibility condition eq.2.27, eq.2.28, is a tensor equation too,
and therefore a tensor which has inverse in a basis has inverse in any
other basis.
As will be seen in the following paragraphs, the change of bases can
be induced by a transformation of coordinates of the space in which
tensors are set. Tensor equations, inasmuch invariant under change of
basis regardless of the reason that this is due, will be invariant under
coordinate transformation (that is, valid in any reference accessible
via coordinate transformation).
In these features lies the strength and the greatest interest of the tensor

4 Tensors in manifolds
We have so far considered vectors and tensors defined at a single point
P . This does not mean that P should be an isolated point: vectors and
tensors are usually given as vector fields or tensor fields defined in
some domain or continuum of points.
Henceforth we will not restrict to ℝ n space, but we shall consider a
wider class of spaces that retain some basic analytical properties of
ℝ n , such as the differentiability (of functions therein defined).
Belongs to this larger class any n-dimensional space M whose points
may be put in a one-to-one (= bijective) and continuous correspond­
ence with the points of ℝ n (or its subsets). Continuity of correspond­
ence means that points close in space M have as image points also
close in ℝ n , that is a requisite for the differentiability in M .
Under these conditions we refer to M as a differentiable manifold.
(Here we'll also use, instead of the term “manifold”, the less technical
“space” with the same meaning).
Roughly speaking, a differentiable manifold of dimension n is a space
that can be continuously “mapped” in ℝ n (with the possible excep­
tion of some points).

▫ In more precise terms:

It is required that every infinitesimal neighborhood of the
generic point P ∈ M has as image an infinitesimal neighbor­
hood of the corresponding point P' in ℝ n or, turning to finite
terms, that for every open set U  M there is a continuous
correspondence φ: U → ℝ n . A couple of elements (U, φ) is
called a “chart”.
▪ One complication comes from the fact that, in general, there is
not a correspondence that transports the whole space M into
ℝ n , i.e. there is not a single chart (M , φ). To map M com­
pletely we need a collection of charts (Ui , φi), called “atlas”.
▪ The charts of the atlas must have overlapping areas at the
edges to ensure the transition between one chart to the other.
Some points (or rather, some neighborhoods) will appear on
more than one charts, each of which being the result of a
different correspondence rule. For example, a point Q will be
mapped as point φ(Q) on a chart and as ψ(Q) on another one: it

is required that the correspondence φ(Q) ↔ ψ(Q) is itself
continuous and differentiable.

An example of a differentiable manifold is a two-dimensional

spherical surface like the Earth's surface, that can be covered by two-
dimensional plane charts (even though no single chart can cover the
whole globe and some points, different depending on the type of
correspondence used, are left out; for example, the Mercator
projection excludes the poles).
That there is not a single correspondence able to transport the whole
manifold into ℝ n is not a heavy limitation when, as often occurs,
only single points are left out. One correspondence can suffice in these
cases to describe almost completely the space. In practical terms, we
can say that there is a correspondence φ: M → ℝ n , meaning now
with M the space deprived of some points.**
In any case is still valid the limitation that has brought us to consider
so far vectors branching off from a single point: each vector or tensor
is related to the point where it is defined and cannot be “operated”
with vectors or tensors defined at different points, except they are
infinitely close. This limitation comes out from the fact that we cannot
presume to freely transport vectors (and tensors) in any space as it is
usually done in the plane or in spaces ℝ n .
As already mentioned, the set of tensors of rank h defined at a
point P is itself a vector space of dimension n . In particular, the
already known vector space of dimension n of the vectors defined at a
point P is called the tangent space; the similar for covectors is named
the cotangent space.
Due to the regularity of the correspondence φ , a small enough
neighborhood of any point P of the differentiable manifold will
behave as a neighborhood of ℝ n : a differentiable manifold appears
locally like a flat one, even if its overall structure is different.
In practice, the term differentiable manifold means a space to which
we can apply a coordinate system: this is indeed the meaning of the

* In the following, when we talk about a coordinate system defined on a manifold,

we will tacitly assume that some single points can be left outside. To be more
precise, may be that “null measure sets” (as is a line in a 2D space) are excluded.

correspondence φ .

4.1 Coordinate systems

Given a n-dimensional differentiable manifold M , defining a certain
correspondence φ: M → ℝ n means “tagging” each point P of M with
n numbers x   = 1, 2,... n that identify it uniquely. The n-tuple
expresses the coordinates of P (another way, punctual, to designate the

correspondence φ is to write P ↔ {x } ).
Since the manifold is differentiable, the correspondence is continuous
and transforms each neighborhood of P into a neighborhood of {x }.
The numbers that express the coordinates may be lengths, angles or
else. We note that a coordinate system does not presuppose any
definition of distance between two points of the manifold.

4.2 Coordinate lines and surfaces

In the neighborhood of a point P whose coordinates are ( x1 , x 2 ,... x n )
no other points can have the same coordinates, but there are points
that have some coordinates equal to those of P (provided that one at
least is different).
The points that share with P only a single coordinate form a (hyper)
surface in n−1 dimensions. These coordinate surfaces passing
through P are n in number, one for each coordinate which remains
The points that share with P n−1 coordinates and differ only in one,
 
let's call it x , align on a line along which only x changes.
n coordinate lines of this kind branch out from P .
A coordinate line originates from the intersection of n−1 coordinate
(hyper)surfaces (the intersection leaves only one coordinate free).
Thus, at each point P of the manifold n coordinate surfaces and n
coordinate lines intersect.
▫ The visualization comes easy in 3D:
At any point P three coordinate surfaces intersect; on each of
them the value of a coordinate remains constant. These surfaces,
intersecting two by two, generate 3 coordinate lines; on each of
them two coordinates are constant and only the third varies. The
coordinate surfaces are labeled by the coordinate that remains
constant, the coordinate lines by the coordinate that varies, as

shown in the figure.


x 2 = const x 1 = const

x 3 = const

Roughly speaking: to define a coordinate system in a manifold means

drawing an infinitely dense n-dimensional grid of coordinate lines (in
general not straight nor intersecting at right angle) within the space.

4.3 Coordinate bases

An opportunity that arises once defined a coordinate system is to link
the bases of vectors and covectors to the coordinates themselves.
The idea is to associate to the coordinates a basis of vectors consisting
of n basis-vectors, each of which tangent to one of the n coordinate
lines that intersect at the point.

d x x

Given a generic point P of coordinate x , infinite parametric lines**

pass through it; let l be one among them. Moving along l by an
infinitesimal the point moves from P to P' while the parameter
* A parametric line in a n-dimensional manifold is defined by a system of n
equations x  = x   s with parameter s (μ = 1, 2, ... n). To each value of s
corresponds a point of the line.

increases from s to s + ds and the coordinates of the point move from
x1 , x 2 , ... x n to x1dx 1 , x 2dx 2 , ... x ndx n .
The displacement from P to P' is then d ⃗x → dxμ , or:
d ⃗x = dx μ e⃗μ . 4.1
This equation works as a definition of a vector basis {e⃗μ } in P , in
such a way that each basis-vector is tangent to a coordinate line.
Note that d ⃗x is a vector (inasmuch it is independent of the
coordinate system which we refer to).
A basis of vectors defined in this way, tied to the coordinates, is called
a coordinate vector basis. Of course it is a basis among all the
possible ones, but the easiest to use because only here d ⃗x → dx μ **
It is worth to note that this basis is in general P-depending: ⃗eμ =⃗e μ ( P) .
▪ A further relation between d x and its components dx is:
dxμ =  ẽ μ , d ⃗x 〉 4.2
(it is nothing but the rule eq.1.10, according to which we get the
components by applying the vector to the dual basis); its blockwise
representation in T-mosaic metaphor is:

ẽ μ ≡
e 
e⃗μ → dx μ

d x ≡ dx μ

The basis { ẽ } is the coordinate covector basis, dual to the previ­
ously introduced coordinate vector basis.
▪ We aim now to link even this covector basis to the coordinates.
Let us consider a scalar function of the point f defined on the manifold
(at least along l) as a function of the coordinates. Its variation from the
initial point P along a path d ⃗x is given by its total differential:
f μ
df = μ dx 4.3
* If the basis is not that defined by eq.4.1, we can still decompose d ⃗x along the
μ μ
coordinate lines x , but d x is no longer a component along a basis-vector.

We note that the derivatives are the components of a covector
 xμ
because their product by components d x of the vector d ⃗x gives
the scalar df (in other words, eq.4.3 can be interpreted as an
heterogeneous scalar product).**
̃ f comp f
Let us denote by ∇ → μ this covector, whose components
in a coordinate basis are the partial derivatives of the function f , so
that it can be identified with the gradient of f itself.
In symbols, in a coordinate basis:
̃ ̃ → 
grad ≡ ∇ 4.4
 xμ

or, in short notation μ ≡ μ for partial derivatives:
∇̃ comp
→ μ 4.5
Note that the gradient is a covector, not a vector.
The total differential (eq.4.3) can now be written in vector form:
̃ f ( d ⃗x ) =  ∇
df =∇ ̃ f , d ⃗x 〉
If as scalar function f we take one of the coordinates x ****we get:
 x  , d x 〉
dx  =  
By comparison with the already known dx  =e  , d x 〉 (eq.4.2) ⇒
⇒  x  in a coordinate basis
e  =  4.6

This means that in coordinate bases the basis-covector e coincides

with the gradient of the coordinate x and is therefore oriented in
direction of the faster variation of the coordinate itself, which is the
direction normal to the coordinate surface x = const .

In summary, provided we use coordinate bases:

• the basis-vectors e⃗μ are tangent to coordinate lines
• the basis-covectors e  are normal to coordinate surfaces

* Note that, as we ask dx μ to be the μ -component of d ⃗x , we assume to work

in a coordinate basis.
** It means taking as line l the coordinate line x .

as shown in the following figures that illustrate the 3D case:


x 1 = const
P e2
 t P
2 = e
x e
 x 2

x 1 x 3 = const

When the coordinate system is orthogonal ( ⇒ the coordinate lines,

in general not straight, intersect at each point at right angle) basis-
vectors and basis-covectors have the same direction.* * If the
coordinates are not orthogonal the two sets of vectors and covectors
are differently oriented.
Covectors, as well as vectors, can be represented by arrows, although
we must keep in mind that they are entities of a different kind (for
instance, vectors and covectors are not directly summable).****

4.4 Coordinate bases and non-coordinate bases

In 3D rectangular coordinates it is usual to write the infinitesimal
displacement as:
d ⃗x =⃗i dx + ⃗j dy + ⃗k dz
or, labeling by e the unit vectors:
1 2 3
d x = e1 dx  e2 dx e3 dx = e dx

which is just the condition of coordinate basis d ⃗x = e⃗μ dx (eq.4.1)
provided e⃗μ = êμ .
This means that unit vectors êμ , or ⃗i , ⃗j , ⃗k , are a coordinate basis.
Vectors ⃗i , ⃗j , ⃗k , are in fact everywhere oriented as coordinate lines,
and they are the same in the whole space ℝ 3 .
That is not always the case. For example, in plane polar coordinates
* In general, however, they will not match in length or magnitude.
** Some authors shy away from this representation, that is entirely lawful with the
warning of the diversity of kind.

(ρ, θ) d ⃗x is given by:
d ⃗x = êρ d ρ+êθ ρd θ 4.8
that is compatible with the coordinate basis condition d ⃗x = e⃗μ dx
provided we take as a basis:
e = e  , e =  e  4.9
Here the basis-vector e “includes” ρ , it's no longer a unit vector and
also varies from point to point. Conversely, the basis of unit vectors
{ e  , e } which is currently used in Vector Analysis for polar
coordinates is not a coordinate basis.
▫ An example of a non-coordinate basis in 3D rectangular
coordinates is obtained by applying a 45° rotation to unit vectors
⃗i , ⃗j in the horizontal plane, leaving ⃗k unchanged.
Writing ⃗i , ⃗j in terms of the new rotated vectors ⃗i ' , ⃗j' we get
for d x :
d ⃗x = √ 2 ( ⃗i '−⃗j' )dx + √ 2 ( ⃗i ' + ⃗j') dy + ⃗
k dz , 4.10
2 2
and this relation matches the coordinate bases condition (eq.4.1)
only by taking as basis vectors:
√ 2 ( ⃗i '−⃗j') , √ 2 ( ⃗i ' +⃗j') , ⃗
2 2
that is nothing but the old coordinate basis {⃗i , ⃗j , ⃗
k } . It goes
without saying that the rotated basis {⃗i ' ,⃗j' , ⃗k } is not a
coordinate basis (as we clearly see from eq.4.10).
This example shows that, as already said, only in a coordinate
basis d ⃗x → dx μ is true. Not otherwise!

▪ The dual coordinate basis of covectors can be deduced from the

duality relation 〈 e  , e 〉 =   in both cases, as follows:
u In 3D rectangular coordinates it is easy to see that the vector
coordinate basis { ⃗e ν } ≡ {⃗i , ⃗j , ⃗k } overlaps the covector coordinate
basis { ẽ μ } ≡ { ̃i , ̃j , k̃ } obtained by duality**

* ⃗i and ̃i (in general ⃗e ν and ẽ ) remain distinct entities, although super-
imposable. In Cartesian they have the same expansion by components and their
"arrows" coincide, but under change of coordinates they return to differ.

▫ Indeed, it is already known that in rectangular the coordinate
basis is made by the unit vectors ⃗i , ⃗j , ⃗
k . They can be written in
terms of components:
⃗i = (1 , 0 , 0) , ⃗j =(0 ,1 , 0) , ⃗ k = (0 , 0 ,1)
Then the coordinate covector basis will necessarily be:
ĩ = (1 ,0 , 0) , ̃j = (0 , 1 , 0) , k̃ = (0 , 0 ,1)
because in this way only you get:
〈 ̃i , ⃗i 〉 = 1 , 〈 ̃i , ⃗j〉 = 0 , 〈 ̃i , ⃗
k〉=0 ,
〈 ̃j , ⃗i 〉 = 0 , 〈 ̃j , ⃗j〉 = 1 , 〈 ̃j , ⃗k 〉 = 0 ,
〈 k̃ , ⃗i 〉 = 0 , 〈 k̃ , ⃗j 〉 = 0 , 〈 k̃ , ⃗k 〉 = 1 ,
as required by the condition of duality.
v In polar coordinates, on the contrary, the vector coordinate basis
{e⃗ν } ≡ { ⃗e ρ , e⃗θ } does not match with the covector basis deduced from
ν ρ θ
duality condition {ẽ } ≡ { ẽ , ẽ } .
▫iIndeed: unit vectors in polar coordinates are by definition:
ê ρ =(1 , 0) , ê θ = (0 , 1) . Thus, from eq.4.9:
e⃗ρ = (1 , 0) , e⃗θ = (0 , ρ )
ρ μ μ
Taking ẽ = (a ,b) , ẽ θ = (c , d ) , from 〈 ẽ , e⃗ν 〉 = δ ν ⇒
1 = 〈 ẽ ρ , e⃗ρ 〉 = ( a ,b)  (1 ,0)= a
0 = 〈 ẽ , e⃗θ 〉 = (a ,b) (0 ,ρ)= b ρ ⇒ b=0 ⇒ ẽ ρ=(1 , 0)
⇒ θ
0 = 〈 ẽ , e⃗ρ 〉 = (c , d )  (1 , 0) = c
1 = 〈 ẽ θ , e⃗θ 〉 = ( c ,d ) ( 0 , ρ ) = d ρ ⇒ d = ρ1 ⇒ ẽ θ=(0 , ρ )

Note that the dual switch tensor G , even if previously defined, has no
role in the calculation of a basis from its dual.

4.5 Change of the coordinate system

The change of coordinates, by itself, does not request the change of
bases, but we must do it if we want to continue working in coordinate
basis in the new system as well. As usual, the change of basis will be
performed by means of a transformation matrix Λ = [ Λ νμ' ] which
depends upon both old { x } and new { x ' } coordinate systems (an

apex ' marks the new one). But which Λ must we use for a given
transformation of coordinates?
To find the actual form of Λ we impose to vector basis a twofold
condition: that the starting basis is a coordinate basis (first equality)
and that the arrival basis is a coordinated basis too (second equality):
μ ν'
d ⃗x = e⃗μ d x = e⃗ν' d x 4.11
Each new coordinate x ' will be related to all the old coordinates
1 2 n ν' ν' 1 2 n
x , x , ... x by a function x = x (x , x ,... x ) , i.e.
x ν ' = x ν ' (... , x μ , ...)
whose total differential is:
 x ν' μ
dx ν' =
 xμ
Substituting into the double equality eq.4.11:
ν' ν'
x x
d ⃗x = e⃗μ dx μ = e⃗ν ' μ
μ dx ⇒ e⃗μ = e⃗ν ' 4.12
x  xμ
A comparison with the change of basis-vectors eq.3.3 (inverse, from
new to old):
e⃗μ = Λ μ e⃗ν '
leads to the conclusion that:
Λ νμ ' =
μ 4.13
⇒ Λ νμ' is the matrix element of  complying with the definition
eq.3.7 that we were looking for.**
Since the Jacobian matrix of the transformation is defined as:

[ ]
 x1 '  x1 '  x 1'
1 2 ⋯ n
x x x
 x2 '  x2 '  x 2'
[ ]
J ≝ x
x =
 xμ
⋮ ⋮
 xn ' x n'
 x n'

 x1  x2  xn

* Or equally, as in the case, element of its transpose Λ T .

we can identify:
≡J 4.15
▪ The coordinate transformation has thus as related matrix the
Jacobian matrix J (whose elements are the partial derivatives of the
new coordinates with respect to the old ones). It states, together with
its inverse and transpose, how the old coordinate bases transform into
the new coordinate bases, and consequently how the components of
vectors and tensors transform when coordinates change.
After a coordinate transformation we have to transform bases and
components by means of the related matrix  ≡ J (and its
inverse / transpose) to continue working in a coordinate basis.
▪ As always, to avoid confusion, it is more practical to start from the
transformation formulas and take care to balance the indexes; the
indexes of  will suggest the proper partial derivatives to be taken.
μ μ  xμ
For example, P ν ' = Λ ν ' Pμ ⇒ use the matrix Λ ν ' = .
 x ν'
Note that the upper / lower position of the index marked ' in partial
derivatives agrees with the upper / lower position on the symbol  .

4.6 Contravariant and covariant tensors

We summarize the transformation laws for components of vectors and
covectors in a coordinate basis:
vector components: x μ (contravariant scheme)
• V ν' = μ V
 xμ
• covector components: P ν ' = P μ (covariant scheme)
 xν'
According to the traditional formulation of Tensor Calculus “by
components”, the two transformation schemes above are assumed as
definitions of contravariant vector and covariant vector respectively.
The equivalence with the terminology used so far is:
• vector ↔ contravariant vector
• covector (or “1-form”) ↔ covariant vector
• For a tensor of higher rank, for example  2 , the following law of
transformation of the components applies:

 x  '  xμ  x ν 
T μ '' ν ' = Tμ ν 4.16
 x  x μ '  xν'
which is only a different way to write eq.3.10, in coordinate basis.
The generalization of eq.3.10 to tensors of any rank is obvious.
In general, a tensor of rank  k  is told contravariant of order (= rank)
h and covariant of order k.
Traditional texts begin here, using the transformation laws under
coordinate transformation of components**as a definition: a tensor is
defined as a multidimensional entity whose components transform
according to example eq.4.16.

4.7 Affine tensors

As required by the traditional definition, tensors are those quantities
that transform according to the contravariant or covariant schemes un­
der any admissible coordinate transformation. If we restrict the class
of the allowed coordinate transformations, increases the set of quantit­
ies that comply the schemes of “tensorial” (contravariant / covariant)
transformation. In particular, if we restrict to consider linear trans­
formations only, we identify the class of affine tensors, wider than that
of tensors without further qualification.
The coordinate transformations to which we restrict in this case have
ν' ν' μ ν'
the form x = a μ x where a μ are purely numerical coefficients.
These coefficients can be arranged in a matrix [ a μ ] that expresses

the law of coordinate transformation. But in this case also the

transformation matrix for vector components, i.e. the Jacobian matrix
ν'  x ν'
J given by Λ μ = is made by the same numerical coefficients
 xμ
 xν ' ν'
because here is = aμ .
 xμ
Hence, for affine tensors, the law of coordinate transformation and the
transformation law for vector components coincide and are both
expressed by the same matrix  (the components of covectors
transform as usual by the transposed inverse of  ).

* Although the traditional “by components” approach avoids speaking about bases,
it is implied that there one always works in a coordinate basis (both old and new).

4.8 Cartesian tensors
If we further restrict to linear orthogonal transformations, we identify
the class of Cartesian tensors (wider than affine tensors' one).
A linear orthogonal transformation is represented by an orthogonal
matrix.** Also for Cartesian tensors the same matrix [ a μ ] rules both

the coordinate transformation and the transformation of vector

components. Moreover, since an orthogonal matrix coincides with its
transposed inverse, the same matrix [ a μ ] transforms as well covector

components. Hence, since vectors and covectors transform in the same

way, they are the same thing: the distinction between vectors and
covectors (or contravariant tensors and covariant tensors) falls when it
comes to Cartesian tensors.
Each tensor is a Cartesian tensor, but not every Cartesian tensor is a

4.9 Magnitude of vectors

⃗ ∣ such
We define magnitude (or norm) of a vector V the scalar ∣V
∣V⃗ ∣2 = V⃗  V⃗ = G( V⃗ , V⃗ ) 4.17
Note that this definition, given by means of a scalar product, depends
on the switch G that has been chosen (although ∣V∣ ⃗ is an invariant
under change of coordinates).

4.10 Distance and metric tensor

In a manifold with a coordinate system x a distance ds from a point
P to a point P' shifted by d x can be defined as:
ds 2 = ∣d x∣ 2 = G d x , d x  4.18
In fact, what has been defined is an infinitesimal distance, also called
“arc element”.
After defined a distance the manifold becomes a metric space.
Since its definition is given by scalar product, the distance depends on
the G we use. If we want the distance to be defined in a certain way, it

* A matrix is orthogonal when its rows are orthogonal vectors (i.e. scalar product
in pairs = 0), and so its columns too.

follows that G must be chosen appropriately.
We will denote g the tensor ( 2 ) we pick out among the possible
switches G to get the desired definition of distance.
The distance ds given by the tensor equation:
ds 2 = gd x , d x  4.19
is an invariant scalar and does not depend on the coordinate system.
At this point, the tensor g defines the geometry of the manifold, i.e. its
metric properties, based on the definition of distance between two
points. For this reason g is called metric tensor, or “metric”.
▪ If (and only if) we use coordinate bases, the distance can be written:
2  
ds = g   dx dx 4.20
▫ Indeed, (only) in a coordinate basis d x = e dx  holds, hence:
ds 2 = gd x , d x  = g e dx , e dx   = g e , e  dx  dx  =
= g   dx dx 

▪ Of course, the role and properties of G are carried on g; from now

on g will summarize the functions of both "dual converter" and of
metric tensor. In particular:
g ≡ scalar product tensor: ⃗A  ⃗ B = g(⃗ A, ⃗
B ) (eq.2.36)
g  β = g( e⃗ , e⃗β ) = e⃗  e⃗β (eq.2.39); also:
I → g β = I β = δβ
g → g  β = I  β = δ β
g-1 → g  β = I  β = δ β

Other definitions of scalars depend on g. The choice made in favor of
some g conditions the result of the vector scalar product, and through
this, the value of scalars such as the vector magnitude, the arc length
or distance, and others scalars defined by g itself.
On the other hand, the definitions of scalar product between vectors,
vector magnitude, arc length and so on are given by tensor equations,
the results of which are invariant.

To overcome the apparent contradiction, let us imagine the steps that
lead to the construction of a metric space:
• given a “landscape”, i.e. a space with a coordinate system and
containing “objects” like scalars, vectors, tensors,
• let's drop upon this space some g as a “native” metric;
• by means of that we calculate scalar products, vector magnitudes,
distances, etc. The value that results for these scalars obviously
depends on the imposed g.
• from this point on, against all the possible changes of coordinates,
the result of the scalar product between vectors no longer changes.
In fact, when a coordinate change is made, both the components of
the vectors ⃗ ⃗ and the components of g change in such a way
A ,B
that g( ⃗ ⃗ ) remains unchanged; then the vector magnitude, the
A ,B
distance, etc. remain unchanged too.
The vector scalar product and all the resulting scalars are therefore
invariant under coordinates transformation, although they are affected
by the “native” metric imposed to the space in the first instance.

4.11 Euclidean distance

If the manifold is the usual Euclidean space ℝ 3 , using a Cartesian
rectangular coordinate system, the distance is classically defined:
ds =  dx 2 dy 2 dz 2 4.21
ds 2 =  dx1 2 dx 22  dx 32 4.22
which is nothing but the Pythagoras theorem and coincides with the
form (eq.4.20) that applies in coordinate bases
2 1 2 2 2 3 2  
ds =  dx   dx    dx  = g   dx dx 4.23
provided we take:

[ ]
1 0 0
g β = 1 for  = β
0 for  ≠ β } i.e. g = 0 1 0 = diag 1
0 0 1
-1 
Note that in this case g = g , namely g   = g .

4.12 Generalized distances
The definition of distance given by eq.4.20 is more general than the
Euclidean case and includes any bilinear form in dx1 , dx 2 , ... dx n such
g 11dx 1 dx 1g 12dx 1 dx 2 g 13dx 1 dx 3... g 21 dx 2dx 1 g 22 dx 2 dx 2... g nn dx n dx n
where the   are subject to few restrictions. Inasmuch they build up
the matrix that represents the metric tensor g, we must at least require
that their matrix is symmetric and det [ g  β ]≠0 so that g is invertible
in order g to exist.
▫ Note, however, that in any case g is symmetrizable: for example,
if it were g 12≠g 21 in the bilinear form eq.4.25, just replacing
them by g ' 12 = g ' 21 = ( g 12+g 21 ) 2 nothing would change in
the definition of distance.
Metric spaces where the distance is defined by eq.4.19 with any g ,
provided symmetric and invertible, are called Riemann spaces.
▪ Given a manifold, its metric properties are fully described by the
metric tensor g associated to it. As tensor, g does not depend on the
coordinate system imposed onto the manifold: g does not change if
the coordinate system changes. However, we do not know how to
represent g by itself: its representation is only possible in terms of
components g   and they do depend upon the specific coordinate
system (and therefore upon coordinate basis). For a given g we then
have different matrices [ g   ] , one for each coordinate system, which
mean the same g , i.e. the same metric properties for the manifold.
For instance, for the 2D Euclidean plane, the metric tensor g , which
expresses the usual Euclidean metric properties is represented by
[ g   ] = [ 10 0
1 ] in Cartesian coordinates and by [ g  ' β' ] = 10[ ] in 0
polar coordinates. Of course, there are countless other which [ gμ ' ν' ]
can be obtained from the previous ones by coordinate transformation
and consequent change of basis by means of the related matrix 
Λμ ' Λβν'
(remind that [ g β ] → [ g μ ' ν' ] , i.e. g μ ' ν' = Λ μ' Λ ν ' g  β ).
 β

In other words, the same Euclidean metric can be expressed by all the

[ g '  ' ] attainable by coordinate transformation from the Cartesian

[ ]
1 0
rectangular [ g   ] = 0 1 .

▪ Summary: { geometry of manifold  g ⇒ ⇒ g

coordinate system ⇒ 
4.13 Tensors and not -
The contra / covariant transformation laws (exemplified by eq.4.16)
provide a criterion to state whether a mathematical quantity is a
only if its components change according to the schemes contra /
covariant (eq.4.16), the quantity is a tensor.

For example, under coordinate transformation x ν  x ' the compon­

ents of the infinitesimal displacement d x transform:
 x ν' μ
dx ν' = dx
 xμ
(≡ total differential of the function x '= x  '( x ν ) ) confirming that the
displacement vector d x is a contravariant tensor of the first order.
▪ Instead, is not a tensor the “position vector” x whose components
transform according to the law of coordinate transformation (which in
general has nothing to do with the contra / covariant schemes).
 V⃗
▪ The derivative of vector is a tensor too; but its components are
 xμ
not simply partial derivatives. In fact:
Taken a vector V ⃗ = ⃗e ν V ν let us build a vector V⃗ ' whose compon­
ents are the derivatives of the components of V⃗ ; its expansion is:
⃗ V ν ⃗
V '= ⃗e ν μ or, in short form V ' = ⃗e ν μ V
Let's check now whether it is a tensor.
From (inverse) transformation of components of the vector V⃗ :
 xν
V ν = V ' 4.26
 x'

we get, taking its derivative, the transformation rule for derivatives of
the components of V ⃗' : **
ν ' ν ν ' κ' ν 2 ν
V V  x '  x V  x  x '  x
μ = μ +V μ = μ +V '
x  x  x '  x  x ' x
 x x
' μ
x x
that is not the tensor components' transformation scheme eq.4.16
because of the presence of an additional  2 term. It follows that V ⃗'
is not a tensor. However, against the first appearance, V ⃗ ' is not the

derivative of vector V .
In the next paragraph a true vector “derivative of vector” μ V⃗ will be
built and it will appear to be a tensor.

4.14 Covariant derivative

▪ Indeed, the derivative of a vector (itself a vector) does not end just in
the derivatives of the components, because even the basis-vectors vary
from point to point in the manifold: the derivative deals with basis
vectors too:
≡  μ V⃗ = μ ( e⃗ν V ν ) = e⃗ν  μ V ν + V ν μ e⃗ν 4.28
 xμ
Of the two terms, the first describes the variability of the components
of the vector, the second the variability of the basis-vectors along the
coordinate lines x .
We observe that μ e⃗ν , the partial derivative of a basis-vector,
although not a tensor (see Appendix) is a vector in a geometric sense
(because it represents the change of the basis vector e along the
μ μ
infinitesimal arc dx on the coordinate line x ) and therefore can
be expanded on the basis of vectors.
Hence, setting μ e⃗ν = Γ⃗ , we can expand it:
 =   e
 4.29
But in reality   is already labeled with lower indexes  ,  , hence
⃗ λ
Γμ ν = Γμ ν e⃗λ , so that:
μ e⃗ν = Γ μ ν e⃗λ 4.30
The vectors Γ ⃗ μ ν are n in number, one for each pair μ ,ν , with n

* Leibniz rule for the derivative of product: (f ∙ g)' = f ' ∙ g + f ∙ g' and then the
“chain rule”.

components Γμ ν each (for λ = 1,2,... n).
The coefficients Γμ ν are called Christoffel symbols or connection
coefficients; they are in total n3 coefficients.
Eq.4.30 is equivalent to:
μ e⃗ν → Γμλ ν 4.31

The Christoffel symbols   are therefore the components of the
vectors “partial derivative of a basis vector” on the basis of the
vectors themselves
The “recipe” of the partial derivative of a basis vector uses as
“ingredients” the same basis vectors while Christoffel symbols
represent their amounts.
Inserting eq.4.30 into eq.4.28, the latter becomes:
μ V⃗ = e⃗ν  μ V ν + Γλμ ν e⃗λ V ν =
in the last right term  ,  are dummy summation
indexes: they can therefore be freely changed (and
interchanged). Interchanging  ,  :
= e⃗ν  μ V ν + Γνμ λ e⃗ν V λ = e⃗ν ( μ V ν + Γμν λ V λ )

In short: μ V⃗ = e⃗ν ( ν ν λ
μ V + Γμ λ V ) 4.32
⏟ ν
V ;μ

We define covariant derivative of a vector with respect to x :
ν ν ν λ
V ;μ ≝  μ V + Γμ λ V 4.33
(we introduce here the subscript ; to denote the covariant derivative).
The covariant derivative V ;μ is a scalar which differs from the
respective partial derivative  μ V by a corrective term in Γ .
So far, we did nothing but writing in a new form the derivative of a
vector, introducing by the way the Christoffel symbol Γ and the
covariant derivative.
▪ The important fact is that, unlike the ordinary derivative, the
covariant derivative has tensorial features in the sense that the n2
covariant derivatives eq.4.33 transform according to eq.4.16 (see in

Appendix a check in extenso) and can therefore be considered
components of tensors.
▪ From eq.4.32 we see that the derivative of a vector is a vector whose
components are the covariant derivatives of the vector, that means a
μ V⃗ = e⃗ν V ν;μ 4.34
The partial derivative of a vector is a vector (tensor) whose scalar
components are the n covariant derivatives of the vector.
▪ When covariant derivative and partial derivative identify?
From eq.4.33 we see that for this to happen it must be ∀ Γ = 0 . Since
eq.4.30 means the implication
∀⃗e ν = constant  ∀ Γ = 0
we deduce that:
when all basis-vectors ⃗ e ν are constant the covariant derivative
equals the partial derivative. This is the case of Euclidean-
Cartesian spaces (and of flat-metric spaces in general).
It is in these same cases that the derivative of a vector takes the simple
 V⃗ V ν
= e

 xμ ν
 xμ

▪ In a similar way the case of derivative of covector is dealt:

̃ ̃ ν Aν ) = ẽ ν μ Aν + Aν μ ẽ ν
μ =  μ A = μ ( e 4.35
As in the previous case, the term μ ẽ describes the variability of the
ν μ
basis-covector ẽ along the coordinate line x and, though not a
covector in tensorial sense, can be expanded on the basis of covectors.
Set μ ẽ = L̃ , we write:

L̃ = L λ ẽ λ
Really, L̃ is labeled with an upper  and a lower μ index, then:
L̃νμ = Lμν λ ẽ λ

ν ν λ
μ ẽ = Lμ λ ẽ 4.36

which, placed into eq.4.35, gives:
̃ = ẽ ν μ Aν + Lμν λ ẽ λ Aν =
μ A
interchanging the dummy indexes  ,  in the last term:
= ẽ ν  μ Aν + Lμλ ν ẽ ν Aλ = ẽ ν ( μ Aν + Lμλ ν Aλ ) 4.37
▪ How are related Γ and L ? They simply differ by a sign:
Lλμ ν =−Γμλ ν 4.38

▫ It can be shown by calculating separately the derivatives of both

right and left members of the duality condition 〈 e  , e 〉 =  .
 
Since   = 0 or 1 (however a constant), then      = 0 .
μ μ μ
On the other hand:  κ 〈 ẽ , e⃗ν 〉 = 〈  κ ẽ , e⃗ν 〉 + 〈 ẽ ,  κ e⃗ν 〉
= 〈Lμκ λ ẽ λ , e⃗ν 〉 + 〈 ẽ μ , Γ λκν e⃗λ 〉
= Lμκλ 〈 ẽ λ , e⃗ν 〉 + Γλκ ν 〈 ẽ μ , e⃗λ 〉
= Lμκλ δλν + Γ λκ ν δμλ
= Lμκ ν + Γμκν
Hence 0 = Lμκ ν + Γμκ ν ⇒ eq.4.38, q.e.d.
ν ν λ
Therefore: μ ẽ =−Γμ λ ẽ 4.39
and from eq.4.37: ̃ = ẽ ( μ Aν − Γ Aλ )
μ A ν λ
⏟ μν

Aν ;μ
We define covariant derivative of a covector with respect to x :
Aν ; μ ≝ μ Aν − Γμ ν Aλ 4.41
analogous to eq.4.33. It is likewise a scalar.

▪ The derivative of a covector can be written (from eq.4.40):

̃ = ẽ ν Aν ;μ
μ A 4.42
The partial derivative of a covector is a covector whose scalar
components are n covariant derivatives of the covector.

̃ at work
4.15 The gradient ∇
We have already stated that the gradient ∇  is a covector whose
components in coordinate bases are the partial derivatives with
respect to the coordinates (eq.4.4, eq.4.5):
grad ̃
≡ ∇ → μ

namely ̃ = ẽ μ  μ
∇ 4.43

▫ That ∇ is a tensor was deduced from eq.4.3 in case of ∇ 

applied to f , but it is in general true, confirmed by the fact that
 xμ
the “chain rule” applied to its components  ν ' = μ ν'
coincides with the covariant transformation scheme eq.4.16.

Inasmuch a tensor, several tensor operations can be performed by 
applying it to other tensors. We will examine the cases:
• outer product with vector, covector or tensor ⇒ gradient
• inner product with vector or tensor ⇒ divergence

 ⊗ vector
u Tensor outer product ∇
The result is the tensor 1  gradient of vector. In coordinate bases:
̃ ⊗ V⃗ = ẽ μ μ ⊗ V⃗

that is to say:** ∇̃ V⃗ = ẽ μ  μ V
⃗ 4.44
μ V⃗ comes from eq.4.32 ; substituting:
̃ V⃗ = ẽ μ e⃗ν ( μ V ν + Γμν λ V λ )
∇ 4.45
On the other hand, ∇ V may be formally written as expansion on its
components we'll denote by ∇ μ V :
̃ V⃗ = ∇ μ V ν ẽ μ e⃗ν
∇ 4.46
and by comparison between the last two we see that
ν ν ν λ
∇ μ V = μ V + Γμ λ V 4.47

* It is convenient to think of the symbol ⊗ as a connective between tensors. In

μ ⃗
T-mosaic it means to juxtapose and past the two blocks ẽ μ and V

or, in the alternative notation suggested by eq.4.33:
∇ μ V ν ≡ V ν;μ 4.48
Eq.4.47 qualifies the covariant derivative of vector as component of
the tensor ∇ ̃ V⃗ (≡ ∇
̃ ⊗ V⃗ ) gradient of vector, while introducing a
further notation ∇ μ for the covariant derivative.
The covariant derivatives of a vector ∇ μ V are the n2 components
of tensor “gradient of vector”  ⊗V (usually written  V ).

▫-In Appendix it is shown that the covariant derivatives V ; 
transform according to the tensor contra / covariant scheme
exemplified by eq.4.16 and this confirms that the gradient  V
of the vector of which they are components is indeed a tensor.

▪ The partial derivative of a vector (eq.4.34) may be rewritten in the

new notation in terms of   as:

μ V⃗ = e⃗ν ∇ μ V ν 4.49
that is:
μ V⃗ → ∇μ V ν 4.50

▪ What we have seen about gradient tensor and derivative of a vector

can be summarized in the sketch:
gradient derivative
n2 components Vν ν λ
 V
  ∇μ V ν = + Γμλ V
 xμ
n n derivative of
components components component

μ V⃗  V⃗

 xμ

compliant with eq.4.44, eq.4.49:

∇̃ V⃗ = ẽ μ  μV⃗ = ẽ μ e⃗ν ∇ μ V ν

▪ In particular, when the vector is a basis-vector e the sketch above
reduces to:
n2 components
̃ e⃗ν

Γμ ν
n n
 μ e⃗ν

according to eq.4.44, eq.4.31:

̃ ⃗e ν = ẽ μ μ ⃗e ν = ẽ μ⃗e λ Γμλ ν .
∇ 4.51

We reserve the term “covariant derivative” to the scalar components

which all together form the “gradient tensor”:
̃ V⃗ ν ν ν

∇ → ∇ V
⏟ μ = μV
⏟ + Γ
⏟μ λ
gradient covariant partial Christoffel
tensor derivative derivative symbol

The covariant derivative of V  with respect to x is denoted by
∇μ V ν or V ν;μ
Not to be confused with the partial derivative , denoted by
 x
μ V ν or V ν,μ
The lower index after the , means partial derivative
The lower index after the ; means covariant derivative

 ⊗ covector
v Tensor outer product ∇
The result is the  0 tensor gradient of covector. In coordinate bases:
∇̃ ⊗A
̃ = ẽ μ μ ⊗ Ã
or ̃ A
∇ ̃ = ẽ μ  μ Ã 4.52
We go on as in the case of gradient of a vector:
̃ comes from eq.4.40; replacing it:
μ A
∇̃ A
̃ = ẽ μ ẽ ν ( μ Aν − Γλμ ν Aλ ) 4.53

and by comparison with the generic definition
∇̃ A
̃ = ∇ μ Aν ẽ μ ẽ ν 4.54
we get:
∇ μ Aν = μ A ν− Γμ ν Aλ 4.55
which is equivalent to eq.4.48 with the alternative notation:
∇ μ Aν ≡ Aν ;μ 4.56
Eq.4.55 represents the covariant derivative of covector and qualifies it
as a component of the tensor gradient of covector  A (≡  ⊗ A ) .
Eq.4.55 is the analogous of eq.4.47, which was stated for vectors.
▪ The partial derivative of a covector (eq.4.42) may be written in the
new notation in terms of   as:
̃ = e⃗ν ∇ μ Aν
μ A 4.57
which means:
̃ → ∇ μ Aν
μ A 4.58
▪ For the gradient and the derivative of a covector a sketch like that
drawn for vectors applies, according to eq.4.52, eq.4.57:
̃ A
∇ ̃ = ẽ μ  μ A
̃ = ẽ μ e⃗ν ∇ μ Aν

To write the covariant derivative of vectors and covectors:
▪ we had better writing the Γ before the component, not vice versa
▪ 1st step:
∇ μ Aν = μ A ν+Γμν or ∇ μ Aν = μ Aν −Γμ ν
(adjust the indexes of Γ according to those of the 1st member)
▪ 2nd step: paste a dummy index to Γ and to the component A that
follows in order to balance the upper / lower indexes:
. . . . . . . . +Γμν κ Aκ or . . . . . . . −Γμκ ν Aκ

w Tensor outer product  ⊗ tensor

  h
̃ T ) is a
̃ ⊗ T (or ∇
∇  h  tensor, the gradient of tensor.
k 1
By the same procedure of previous cases we can find that, for example
for a rank  1 tensor T = T γ β e⃗ e⃗β ẽ γ is:

̃ T = ∇ μ T γ β e⃗μ e⃗ ⃗e β ẽ γ
∇ namely:
̃ T comp
∇ → ∇ μT β
γ =  μ T β  κβ β κ κ β
γ + Γμ κ T γ + Γμκ T γ − Γμ γ T κ 4.59
In general, the covariant derivative of a tensor  k  is obtained by
attaching to the partial derivative h terms in Γ with positive sign
and k terms in Γ with negative sign. Treat the indexes individually,
one after the other in succession.

Covariant derivatives are n r+1 in number when the tensor has rank r.
Each covariant derivative consists of r terms in Γ since each one takes
into account the variability of a single index of basis-vector (or
covector), whose total number is r .

To write the covariant derivative of tensors, for example ∇  T   :
▪ after the term in   consider the indexes of T one by one:

▪ write the first term in Γ as it were ∇  T , then complete T
  
with its remaining indexes  :        T 

▪ write the second term in Γ as it were   T , then complete T
  
with its remaining indexes  :         T 
▪ write the third Γ as it were   T  , then complete T
   
with its remaining indexes :  −    −   T 

▪ Comments on the form of components of tensor 
∇̃ comp
→  μ holds in general for tensors of any rank r :
̃ T comp
∇ → μ T
 μT are in any case the n components of ∇ ̃ T ; however, except the
case r = 0 , they are not the scalar components but just the first level-
components, n in number.
Instead, scalar components of ∇ ̃ T are the n r+1 covariant derivatives
̃ T when T has rank r ).
∇ μ ... (r +1 is the rank of ∇
For r = 0, or T ≡ f scalar, first level-components  μ T and scalar
components coincide. For r =1,  μT are vectors and for r >1 they are

We write in general:
∇̃ comp
→ ∇μ 4.60
where ∇ μ are the covariant derivatives (scalar components).
For the very way in which they are defined, the covariant derivatives
∇ μ automatically assume different form depending on the object to
which the gradient ∇ ̃ is applied:

•  μ vhen ∇ ̃ is applied to a scalar

• μ + Γ ... when applied to a vector V
• μ −Γ ... when applied to a covector P
• μ± various terms in Γ ... according to the rank of tensor T
increasing in complexity and number as r increases.

  vector
x Inner product 
̃ (V
∇ ⃗ ) = ∇ μ V μ = V μ;μ = div V⃗ 4.61
It is the scalar divergence of a vector.
Note that ∇  applied as inner product to a vector looks like a
covariant derivative:
∇ μ V μ = μ V μ + Γμμ κ V κ 4.62
but with equal indexes (dummy), and is actually a number.
The divergence of a vector div V ⃗ looks like a covariant derivative,
μ μ
except for a single repeated index: ∇ μ V or V ;μ
To justify the presence of additional terms in  it is appropriate to
think of the divergence ∇ μ V as a covariant derivative   V

followed by an index contraction  =  (strictly speaking it is a

contraction of the gradient):
̃ ⊗ V⃗ = ∇ ν V μ ẽ ν ⊗ e⃗μ contraction ν=μ
∇ ∇μ V μ 4.63
which results in a scalar product, that is an invariant scalar.
This definition of divergence is a direct generalization of the
divergence as known from Vector Analysis, where it is defined in
Cartesian coordinates as the sum of the partial derivatives of
components of the vector. In fact, in a Cartesian frame, it is
div V = ∇  V  =   V  because the coefficients  are null.

  tensor  h
y Inner product 
Divergence(s) of tensors of higher order can similarly be defined
provided at least one upper index exists.
It results in a tensor of rank  k  , tensor divergence of a tensor.
If there are more than one upper index, various divergences can be
defined, one for each upper index. For each index of the tensor, both
upper or lower, including the one involved, an adequate term in 
must be added. For example, the divergence with respect to β index of
2 1
the rank ( 1) tensor T = T γ β e⃗ e⃗β ẽ γ is the ( 1) tensor:
̃ (T) = ∇ β T γ β e⃗ ẽ γ
∇ namely:
̃ (T) ∇ β T γ β = β T γ β + Γβ κ T κβ β κ κ β
∇ → γ + Γ βκ T γ −Γβ γ T κ

̃ T ( eq.4.59 ) for μ = β .
Note that it is the contraction of ∇

4.16 Gradient of some fundamental tensors

It is interesting to calculate the gradient of some fundamental tensors:
the identity tensor and the metric tensor.
▪ ∇ ̃ I comp
→ ∇ δ  =  δ + Γ δκ − Γ κ δ =
μ β μ β μκ β μβ κ
 
= 0+Γ −Γ μβ μβ = 0 4.65
as might be expected.
̃ g comp
▪ ∇ → ∇ μ g  β = μ g β −Γμκ  g κβ − Γμβ
gκ = 0 4.66

▫ Indeed (eq.2.37, eq.4.30):

μ g  β =  μ ( e⃗  e⃗β) = ⏟
μ e⃗  e⃗β + e⃗  
⏟ μ e⃗β =
=Γμκ  e⃗κ =Γ κμβ e⃗κ
= Γμκ e⃗κ  e⃗β + e⃗  Γμβ
κ κ
e⃗κ = Γμ g κβ + Γμκβ g  κ **
This important result, known as “covariant constancy”, states that
in each point of any manifold with Riemannian metric it is:
̃ g =0
∇ 4.67
Likewise:  g-1 = 0
 4.68
*  g = 0 in every point does not mean that g is constant, but stationary in
covariant sense: the Γ terms compensate partial derivatives ≠ 0.

▫ It can be obtained like eq.4.66, passing through ∇ μ g  β and
β   κ
μ g and then considering that μ ẽ =−Γμ κ ẽ (eq.4.39).
The last eq.4.67, eq.4.68 are often respectively written as:
∇ κ gβ = 0 or g  β; κ = 0
μν μν 4.69
and: ∇κ g =0 or g ;κ =0

4.17 Covariant derivative and index raising / lowering

The covariant derivative and the raising or lowering of the indexes are
operations that commute (= you can reverse the order in which they
take place). For example:
g  μ T  β ; κ = T μβ ;κ 4.70
(on the left, covariant derivative followed by raising the index; on the
right, raised index followed by covariant derivative).
▫ Indeed:
T μβ ;κ = ( g  μ T  β ); κ = ⏟
g  μ; κ T  β + g  μ T  β ; κ = g  μ T  β ; κ
having used the eq.4.69.**
It is thus allowed “to raise/lower indexes under covariant derivative”.

4.18 Christoffel symbols

Christoffel symbols Γμ ν give account of the variability of basis-
vectors from one point to the other of the manifold: as already noted,
if basis-vectors are constant, all Γ are null.
▪ In the usual 3D Euclidean space described by a Cartesian coordinate
system, basis-vectors do not vary from point to point and
consequently ∀  = 0 everywhere (so that covariant derivatives
coincide with partial derivatives).
That is no longer true when the same space is described by a spherical
coordinate system ρ , ϕ , θ because in this case the basis-vectors
e⃗ρ , e⃗ϕ , e⃗θ are functions of the point (as we have seen for plane polar
coordinates) and this implies that at least some  are ≠ 0.
Just this fact makes sure that the Γμ ν cannot be the components of a
hypothetical tensor  2 as might seem: the hypothetical tensor Γ
* Taking for granted the Leibniz rule for covariant derivatives too (see further on).

would be null in Cartesian (since all its components are zero) and not
null in spherical coordinates, against the invariance of a tensor under
change of coordinates.
The Christoffel symbols are rather a set of n 3 coefficients depending
on 3 indexes but do not form any tensor. However, observing the way
in which it was introduced ( ⃗ Γ = Γ λ e⃗λ , eq.4.29 ) , each  related
to a fixed pair of lower indexes is a vector whose components are
marked by the upper index λ. It is therefore valid (only for this index)
raising / lowering by means of g:
g κ λ Γμ ν = Γμ ν κ 4.71
▪ An important property of the Christoffel symbols is to be symmetric
in coordinate basis with respect to the exchange of lower indexes:
λ λ
Γμ ν = Γ ν μ 4.72

▫.To prove this we operate a change of coordinates and the

consequent transformation of coordinate basis by the appropriate
related matrix. Let us express the old Γμ ν in terms of the new
κ'  xκ'
basis (using for this purpose the matrix Λ ν = ) :
 xν
Γλμ ν e⃗λ ≝  μ e⃗ν =  μ (Λ κν ' e⃗κ' ) = ( μ Λ κ' κ'
ν ) e⃗
κ ' + Λ ν (μ e⃗

 x κ'  x κ'  2 x κ'  xκ '  xλ ' 

= μ e
ν κ'⃗ + ν  e⃗
μ κ' = μ e⃗
ν κ' + ν μ e⃗κ'
x x x x  x  x  xλ '
where we have used the chain rule to insert x'.
Since this expression is symmetric with respect to the indexes
μ,.ν, the same result is obtained by calculating Γν μ e⃗λ ≝  ν e⃗μ
λ λ
on the new basis, then Γμ ν = Γ ν μ .
▪ To get a better understanding of the meaning of connection
coefficients Γ and related indexes, let's write eq.4.30  μ e⃗ν = Γμ ν e⃗λ in
1 2 3
 1 ⃗e 1 = Γ 11 ⃗
e 1 +Γ 11 ⃗e 2 +Γ11 ⃗e 3 +.. .
1 2 3
 1 ⃗e 2 = Γ12 ⃗e 1 +Γ12 ⃗e 2 +Γ 12 ⃗e 3 +. ..
e 1 = Γ121 ⃗
2 ⃗ e 1 + Γ221 ⃗e 2 + Γ321 ⃗
e3 + . . .

and take into consideration, for instance, the coefficient Γ 21 from
the last equation. By observing the role it plays in the equation where
it appears, it can be understood as:

3 component along ⃗e 3 ...

Γ21 ...of the derivative respect to x 2 ...

...of the basis-vector ⃗

In general:
Γμλ ν can be understood as “component along ⃗e λ of the
derivative  μ of the basis-vector ⃗e ν ”.

The whole story is: moving a small step d ⃗x from an initial point, all
basis-vectors change; among others the ν-th basis-vector ⃗e ν will
change; n partial derivatives will describe its variation along each of
the n coordinate lines; in particular μ e⃗ν will stand for its variation
rate along the coordinate line x ; μ e⃗ν is a vector that can be
decomposed into n components in direction of each basis-vectors. We
denote Γμ ν the component in the direction of ⃗e λ .

▪ An important relationship links  to g and shows that in

coordinate bases the coefficients  are functions of g and its first
derivatives only :
Γκμβ = 1 g κ (− g μβ ,  + g β ,μ +g  μ ,β ) 4.73
(note the cyclicity of indexes μ, β, α within the parenthesis).

▫ It follows from the Riemann spaces property eq.4.67:

∇̃ g=0 ⇒ ∇ μ g  β =  μ g  β − Γ λμ g λβ − Γμλ β g  λ = 0

⇒ (using the comma instead of  as derivative symbol) :

g  β , μ = Γμλ  g λβ + Γλμβ g  λ 4.74
Cyclically rotating the three indexes α, β, μ we can write two
other similar equations for g   ,  = .... and g  ,  = ....

By summing member to member: 1st – 2nd + 3rd equation and
using the symmetry properties of the lower indexes eq.4.72
(which applies in coordinate bases) we get:
g  β ,μ − g βμ ,  + g μ  ,β = 2 g λ  Γμ β
Multiplying both members by g   and since g   g  =   : **
κ 1 κ
Γμβ = g ( g  β ,μ − g βμ ,  +g μ  ,β ) , c.v.

This result has as important consequence:****

∀ g  = constant  ∀=0 4.75
If the components g   of the metric tensor g are constant, all the
coefficients  are zero, and vice versa.
This is especially true in Cartesian coordinate systems.

▪ The following properties constitute an indivisible “take or leave”

e μ = costant
∀ g μ ν = costant (i.e. g = costant)
∀Γ = 0
∇ μ =  μ (covariant derivatives = partial derivatives)

in the sense that, for a given space, all are valid or none.
▫ In fact all propositions make a single indivisible block because
they imply each other, as can be easily seen by eq.2.39, eq.4.31,
eq.4.47, eq.4.73.
In general we will qualify “flat” a metric where all these properties
hold (particularly ∀ Γ = 0 ). ******

* From eq.2.28, since g and g-1are inverse tensors.

** Which is already implicit in eq.2.39 and eq.4.31.
***Even if flatness (or not) should be a feature of the space. Note that flat metric
⇒ flat space, but a space can be flat without the metric being flat. In any case,
flat space ⇒ ∃ a coordinate system in which the properties in question are
verified, as we will further on.

4.19 Covariant derivative and invariance of tensor equations
A tensor equation contains only tensors, thus it may contain covariant
derivatives but not ordinary derivatives (which are not tensors). For
instance,  g = 0 or its componentwise equivalent   g   = 0
(which actually stands for n 3 equations) are tensor equations; it is not
the case of eq.4.73.
A strategy often used to obtain tensor equations is called “comma goes
to semi-colon” and takes advantage of the fact that in a “flat”
coordinate system, the ordinary derivative and the covariant derivative
coincide since all Γ are zero. In practice:
Working in a “flat” coordinate system (e.g., Cartesian), a partial de­
rivatives equation that proves to be valid in this system can be
turned into a tensor equation simply by replacing partial derivatives
with covariant derivatives, i.e. by replacing commas with semi­
colons. The tensor equation obtained in this way is invariant and
applies in any reference accessible via coordinate transformation.**
Of course this is possible in flat spaces only. However, if the space is
curved, the strategy can be implemented punctually because any
curved space is locally flat in every (not "pathological") point, as we
will see later.

* To avoid possible misunderstandings it is worth to clarify that saying "in any

reference" does not mean "in any space": the validity of the tensorial equation is
limited to the specific space you deal with and does not extend outside to other
spaces, unless the space in question is intended to be a generic representative of a
whole class of spaces..

4.20 T-mosaic representation of gradient, divergence and
covariant derivative

 is the covector
∇ ∇ that applies to scalars, vectors or tensors.


▪ Gradient of scalar: ̃ f
∇ = ∇ = f = ∇ f


e 

e e

▪ Gradient of vector:  ⊗ V
∇ =  = =
∇ V ∇ V 

e  e

=  V e  e

▪ Gradient of covector:  ⊗ P
∇ = ∇ P  = ∇  P =

e  e  e  e 

= ∇   e 
 P e

▪ Gradient of tensor,

e.g. g:  ⊗g
∇ = ∇ g  = ∇ g 

     
e e e e e e
▪ Divergence of vector:

 ∇
div 
A =   A
∇ = → = ∇  A


▪ Divergence of tensor T = T   e e e  (with respect to index μ):

 e e
e e
  T
∇ = → T   = ∇ μ T νλ μ
e  e 
 e

= X νλ


The possible divergences of a tensor are as many as the upper


4.21 Derivative of a scalar or vector along a line
So far we have considered derivatives and covariant derivatives along
coordinate lines. Now we want to extend the concept to any lines.
▪ Given a scalar or a vector defined (at least at the points of a
parametric line) within the manifold, let us express the derivatives of
the scalar or vector along the line as the incremental ratio of the scalar
or vector with respect to the parameter.
The line l is defined by n parametric equations x μ( τ). The parameter
τ can be (or not) the arc length. At each point of the line let be defined
a tangent vector (a unit vector only if τ is the arc):
⃗ = d ⃗x
U 4.77

d xμ comp μ
⇒ Uμ= ⃗  d x in coordinate bases.
i.e. U
dτ dτ

u derivative of a scalar f along a line

f μ
From the total differential of f : df = μ dx we immediately de­
duce the definition of derivative along a line:
df  f d xμ
= μ 4.78
dτ x d τ
and, since for a scalar f partial and covariant derivatives identify, in a
coordinate base is:
df μ μ ̃ f ,U
= U μ f ≡ U ∇ μ f = 〈 ∇ 4.79

Roughly speaking: the derivative of f along the line can be seen as a
“projection” or a “component” of the gradient in direction of the
tangent vector. It is a scalar.

▪ The derivative of a scalar along a line is a generalization of the

partial   (or covariant ∇  ) derivative and reduces to it along
coordinate lines.

▫-Indeed: along a coordinate line xμ̄ it is U ⃗ // e⃗μ ⇒ U μ̄ is the
only nonzero component;** the summation on μ implicit in
U μ ∇ μ f (eq.4.79) thus collapses to the single  -th term.
μ μ d xμ̄
Moreover, if  is the arc, then d τ≡ d x ̄ ⇒ U ̄ = =1 .

For these reasons, eq.4.79 reduces to:
df μ
= U ̄ ∇ μ̄ f [no sum] = ∇ ̄μ f **** 4.80

▪ Inasmuch projection on U ⃗ of the gradient ∇ f the derivative of a
scalar along a line is also denoted:
≡ ∇ U f 4.81
▪ Eq.4.79 and eq.4.81 enable us to write symbolically (for a scalar):
= ∇ U⃗ = U μ  μ = U μ ∇ μ 4.82

 along a line
v derivative of a vector V
In analogy with the result just found for the scalar f (eq.4.79) we
define the derivative of a vector V along a line l whose tangent
 as the “projection” or “component” of the gradient on
vector is U
the tangent vector:
dV  V
≝〈∇  ,U〉 4.83
 V is a 1 
The derivative of a vector along a line is a vector, since ∇ 1
tensor. Expanding on the bases:
d V⃗ ̃ V⃗ ,U
⃗ 〉 = 〈∇ μV ν ẽ μ e⃗ν ,U κe⃗κ 〉 = ∇ μV ν U κ 〈⏟ μ
=〈∇ ẽ , e⃗κ 〉 e⃗ν =
dτ μ

* Note that along the coordinate line x ̄μ, provided  is the arc:
μ μ̄
U⃗ ≝ d ⃗x = e⃗μ dx = e⃗̄μ dxμ [no sum ] = e⃗μ
dτ dτ dx ̄ ̄

**The indication [no sum] offs the summation convention for repeated indexes in
the case.

μ ν DV ν
= U
⏟ ∇ μ V e⃗ν = e⃗
dτ ν 4.84
DV ν

d V comp DV 
Hence:  4.85
d d
after set: ≝ U μ ∇μ V ν 4.86

DV  d V
is the ν-component of the derivative of vector and is
d d
referred to as covariant derivative along line or directional covariant
derivative or absolute derivative; it can be expressed as:
DV ν ν
μ ν μ V ν λ  V ν dx μ ν λ μ
dτ ⏟
≝ U ∇μ V = U (
μ x
μ +Γ μλ V ) = μ
x d τ
+ Γμλ V U =

d Vν ν
= +Γμλ V λU μ 4.87

A new derivative symbol has been introduced since the components of
d V dVν
are not simply d τ , but take the more complex form of eq.4.87
DV ν dVν
(only when ∀Γ= 0 expressions and are equivalent).
dτ dτ

▪ Inasmuch projection on U ̃ V⃗ the derivative of a

 of the gradient ∇
vector along a line is also denoted by:
d V
≡ ∇ U V 4.88

▪ Let us recapitulate the various notations for the derivative of a vector

along a line and for its components. Beside the definition eq.4.83
d V  V , U
 〉 , eq.4.88, eq.4.85, eq.4.86 have been appended,
≝ 〈∇
summarized in:
d V⃗
⃗ comp DV
≡ ∇ U⃗ V → ≡ U μ ∇μ V ν 4.89
dτ dτ

or, symbolically:
d comp D μ
≡ ∇ U⃗ → ≡ U ∇μ 4.90
dτ dτ
▪ The relationship between the derivative of a vector along a line and
the covariant derivative becomes apparent when the line l is a
coordinate line x ̄μ .
▫ In this case U = 1 provided  is the arc and the summation
on μ̄ collapses, as already seen (eq.4.80) for the derivative of a
scalar; then the chain eq.4.84 changes into:
dV ⃗ μ ν ν 4.91
= U ̄ ∇ ̄μ V e⃗ν = ∇ μ̄ V e⃗ν

d V⃗ comp
namely: → ∇ μ̄ V ν

The derivative of a vector along a coordinate line x ̄μ has the n covari­
ant derivatives corresponding to the blocked index μ ̄ as components.

Derivatives along a line of :

df ̃ f ,U
⃗ 〉 = ∇ U⃗ f =U μ ∇ μ f
• scalar f : = 〈∇ (=U μ  μ f )

⃗: d V⃗ ̃ V⃗ , U
⃗ 〉 = ∇ U⃗ V⃗
• vector V = 〈∇

comp DV μ
= U μ ∇ μV ν ( =U μV ν;μ )

▪ Comparing the two cases of derivative along a line of a scalar and of

a vector we see (eq.4.82, eq.4.90) that in both cases the derivative is
denoted by = ∇ U but the operator ∇ U⃗ has a different meaning:
• ∇ U⃗ = U μ ∇ μ for a scalar
comp μ
• ∇ U⃗ → U ∇ μ for a vector.

4.22 T-mosaic representation of derivatives along a line
u Derivative along a line of a scalar:

∇ f
∇ f

df e
 f ,U
= 〈∇ 〉 = → = U  ∇ f =
d e  U 


= ∇ U f


v Derivative along a line of a vector:

e  e 

∇ V ∇ V 
e 

dV e  e 
 V , U
= 〈∇ 〉 = → = =
d e  e  U  ∇ V 

U U

e 

DV ≡
= ∇ U V

Derivative along a line of a vector: the previous block diagram can
help recalling the right formulas.
 recalls the
In particular, writing ∇ U V
disposition of the symbols in the block: ∇ V

Also note that: 


dV  V
▪ ≡〈∇  〉 ≡ ∇  V contain the symbol → and are vectors
 ,U
d U
DV μ ν
▪ ≡ U ∇ μ V are scalar components ( without symbol → )

If a single thing is to keep in mind choose this:
▪ directional covariant derivative ≡U ∇ μ : applies to both a scalar
and vector components.
In case of scalar, remember that ∇ μ =μ
In case of vector, it differs from covariant derivative for:
i) the derivative is with respect to τ
ii) there is one more U connected to Γ

5 Curved manifolds

5.1 Extrinsic and intrinsic curvature

The notion of curvature of lines (1D) and surfaces (2D) is intuitive (it
is curved every line that is not a straight line and every surface that is
not a plane). Ours one is a judgment by external observers. In both
cases we see objects that we can consider respectively 1D and 2D
spaces embedded in our 3D space; we have an extrinsic vision, from
outside or "from an extra dimension". Our judgment on the curvature
is related to this extrinsic vision: we see the curvature being realized
in a dimension that is extraneous and additional to the dimensionality
of the spaces themselves.
▪ Taking as an example 2D manifolds consisting of surfaces we can
establish a first tipology to distinguish various kinds of curvature:
positive (as for a spherical or ellipsoidal surface), negative (hyperbolic
surface), in addition to zero curvature (plane). In a positive curvature
manifold the sum of the internal angles of a triangle is > 180 °, the
ratio circumference to diameter is < π and two initially parallel
straight lines end up intersecting; in a negative curvature manifold the
sum of the internal angles of a triangle is <180°, the ratio
circumference to diameter is > π and two initially parallel lines end up
diverging. In both cases Euclidean geometry is no longer valid.
A spherical / ellipsoidal curvature is that of a ball; a negative or
hyperbolic curvature is less easy to imagine.
An intuitive model that accounts for both positive and negative
curvature manifolds consists of a flat metal plate (a) that is unevenly
heated. The thermal dilatation will be greater in the points where the
higher is the temperature.
If the plate is heated more in the central part the termal dilating will be
greater at the center and the foil will sag dome-shaped (b).
If the plate is more heated in the periphery, the termal dilation will be
greater in the outer band and the plate will “embark” assuming a wavy
shape (c).
The simplest case of negative curvature (c) is shown, in which the
curved surface has the shape of a hyperbolic paraboloid (the form
often assumed by fried potato chips).

The graphic representation that can be given for the three cases can
only be an external view, of extrinsic kind.

a) flat space

b) space with
positive curvature

c) space with
negative curvature

▪ By analogy with what happens in the case of a 2D manifold, we

admit that even a 3D manifold or a higher dimension one may be
curved; how to realize that? In order to assert – in an extrinsic sense –
the curvature of a 3D-dimensional manifold (or in general n-
dimensional) we should set it in a space with an extra dimension, and
place us there it to attain an external view.
In reality it is possible to evaluate the curvature of a space of any
dimensionality from inside, without leaving the space itself and
without appealing to additional dimensions. This chance makes it
possible to extend – after carefully defined – the notion of curvature to
3D or n-dimensional manifolds. The curvature defined in this way is

"intrinsic", and we will refer to it as a rule when speaking of curved
spaces (it will be seen later on that the concepts of extrinsic and
intrinsic curvature are not always superimposable).
So, curved is a space with intrinsic non-zero curvature.
A quantitative measure of the intrinsic curvature needs first a
definition of the Riemann tensor (and even earlier the notion of
parallel transport of a vector along a line); for a qualitative evaluation
“curved space or flat space”, an examination of the metric tensor g is

5.2 Flat and curved manifold

The metric tensor g fully characterizes the geometry of the manifold,
in particular its being flat or curved.** Now, either g is constant all
over the manifold (i.e. it is unvarying) or varies with the point P . By
g constant  flat manifold 5.1
and conversely:
g = g( P )  curved manifold 5.2
Since g is a tensor, it is independent of the coordinate system, but its
representation by components g μ ν depends upon it. Now:
∀g μ ν constant ⇒ g constant, but not viceversa ,
hence ∀g μ ν constant ⇒ flat manifold, but not viceversa .
In fact, despite the manifold is flat (that is g is constant all over the
manifold) it may happen that in some coordinate system its
components g μ ν are P-dependent; ** on the contrary,**to be sure that
g is P-dependent, some P-dependent g μ ν must always appear in
every coordinate system; then g = g( P ) and the manifold is curved.
A practical criterion to state the global flatness / not flatness of a
manifold is:
∃ reference where ∀g μ ν =const ⇒ flat manifold; otherwise curved.

* It will be seen later on apropos of Riemann's tensor.

** It is useful to keep in mind as a good example the polar coordinates (ρ, θ), where
g θ θ = 1/ ρ despite the flatness of the plane.

What is crucial is the existence of a reference system wherein all
g μ ν are independent of the point P , that is all elements of the
matrix [ g μν ] are numerical constants. If such a system exists, the
manifold is flat, otherwise** it is curved.
▪ Note however that flatness or not – are intrinsic features of the
manifold, independent of the reference system.
▪ In a flat manifold, in the reference system where ∀g μν =const , it is
 gμ ν
∀  =0 5.3
everywhere, and so on for second derivatives and the subsequent ones.
In a curved manifold not all derivatives of the metric are null (always
null are the covariant derivatives, due to the property ∇ ̃ g=0
(eq.4.67) which is valid in any Riemann' manifold. It means that
derivatives of the metric g μν are equal and opposite in sign to the
terms in Γ that appear in the (null) covariant derivative).
Recall that in a flat space ∀Γ=0 in each point.
▪ Because of a theorem of matrix calculus, any invertible symmetric
matrix like [ g μ ν ] can be diagonalized and set into canonical form
[ημ' ν' ]= diag (±1) by means of a matrix Λ in the following way: **
** Λμμ' Λ νν ' gμ ν = η μ' ν ' 5.4
(we use the symbol η for the metric in canonical form diag (±1), a
diagonal matrix whit only +1 or –1 in the main diagonal *** ).***
For a flat manifold, being the metric independent of the point, the
matrix Λ holds globally for the whole manifold.
It is easy to recognize in Λ the Jacobian matrix J related to a
coordinate transformation; it performs the change of bases required to
maintain coordinate bases (it is not the transformation but it comes
down from). Eq.5.4 express the resulting change of metric.

* Quite a problematic “otherwise”: how to exclude all reference systems?

** In matrix terms: Λ g Λ= η
***Also included here are indefinite metrics. The positive definite metrics can be
diagonalized to the Euclidean-Cartesian canonical form diag (+1).

Hence, a flat space admits a coordinate system in which the metric
tensor assumes canonical form
[ g μ ν ] = [ η μ ν ] = diag (1) 5.5
due to the matrix Λ related to the transformation.
This property can be assumed as a definition of flatness:
It is flat a manifold where g μ ν assumes everywhere the canonical
diag ( 1) form in some (appropriate) coordinate system.
In particular, when [ g μ ν ] = diag(+1) the manifold is an Euclidean
space; if [ g μ ν ] = diag ( 1) with a single ‒1 it is a “Minkowski-like”
space. The occurrences of +1 and ‒1 in the main diagonal, or their
sum called “signature”, is a characteristic of the given space: under
coordinate tranformation the +1 and ‒1 can exchange their places in
the diagonal but do not change in number (Sylvester's theorem).

5.3 Flat local system

It is an intuitive notion that a curved manifold appears flat in the
neighborhood of each point (excluding cusps or angular points): just
take a small enough neighborhood and the curvature will be
We can define a concept of “local flatness” by adapting to a local
context the demands made for the global flatness of the manifold.
For a curved space to be locally flat in a point P , two conditions must
be fulfilled in that point:
 gμ ν
∀  ( P )=0 , [ g μ ν ] = [ η μ ν ] = diag (1) at P 5.6
Thus, it must be possible to define in the neighborhood of P a
coordinate system such that in P all first derivatives of g μν are null
and [g μ ν ] assumes canonical form. This coordinate system is called
“flat local system” or “locally flat system”.
▪ For curved manifolds, being g μν P-dependent, it does not exist a
coordinate system capable to carry the metric into canonical form
diag (±1) with null derivatives in the whole manifold. That can be
done only punctually by means of a coordinate transformation and its
related matrix Λ . But that works well only in that point: the coordinate

transformation whose Λ is the related matrix good for P does not work
for all the other points of the manifold, where the metric remains non-
stationary and non-canonical.
▪ Asking for null first derivatives means to ask for g μν to be
“stationary” in P , so that its value remains almost unchanged in the
neighborhood and holds even locally in the neighborhood of the point,
except for infinitesimals of higher order respect to the displacements
Δ x κ. ** This is enough to ensure that the metric is flat in P. The
demand g μν stationary is the “weak” analogy of the demand g μν
constant made for a flat manifold as a whole. The variability of the
metric in the neighborhood of P is only due to the second derivatives
that, unlike what happens in a flat space, cannot be all null. In the
same way in the frame locally flat in P , all the Γ are null, but not null
all their first derivatives.
▪ It is important not to confuse the locally flat coordinate system with
the tangent plane (or space): the first is however “drawn” with its
coordinates lines on the given space and is part of it, the second one is
external to it.
▪ Of the two conditions eq.5.6 crucial is the first; the second is
accessory and can follow. We can proceed in two steps: first transform
from the current reference to a new one in which the derivatives of all
g μν are null (at this point g μν are stationary coefficients); then
apply a linear transformation of coordinates of matrix Λ and bring the
new g μν to canonical form by applying twice the same Λ as in
eq.5.4. In itself, Λ expresses a linear transformation that, as such,
preserves the nullity of the derivatives obtained from the first trans­
formation (the derivatives of the new g μν are linear combinations of
previous ones, all null).
▪ It happens that, given a curved manifold and some reference system,
there are locally flat points, that is, points where the metric
“spontaneously” fulfill the local flatness conditions. Which are these
points depends on the reference system: if you change the reference,
the points of “spontaneous” flatness change. Ultimately, local flatness,
* An analogy is given by a function f ( x) which is stationary at its maximum or
minimum points. In those points it is f '= 0 and for small displacements to the
right or to the left f ( x) only varies for infinitesimal of higher order with
respect to the displacement.

while being a property of each point of all Riemann manifolds, is
manifested as a feature of the reference system.
All this is formalized in the following theorem.

5.4 Local flatness theorem

Given a differentiable manifold and any point P in it, it is possible to
find a coordinate system { x κ' } that reduces the metric to the form:
g μ ' ν' ( P' ) = ημ' ν' (P )+ O [( x κ'−x κ'
0 ) ]
P ( x κ0 ' ).
whereis P ' (x ) a point of the neighborhood of **The
term O[...] is an infinitesimal of the second order with respect to the
κ' κ'
displacement from P ( x 0 ) to P ' ( x ), which we have denoted for
κ' κ'
simplicity by ( x − x 0 ).
The above equation is merely the beginning of a Taylor expansion
 gμ ν
around the point P , missing of the first order term ( x κ' − x 0κ' ) ( P)
 x κ'
because the first derivatives are supposed to be null in P .
Eq.5.7 is expression of the stationarity of g μ' ν' with respect to the
value ημ' ν' in the neighborhood of the point P .
We explicitly observe that the neighborhood of P containing P'
belongs to the manifold, not to the tangent space. The metric of the
locally flat system is not the flat metric of the tangent space, even if
in P it takes the same value.
▫ The proof of the theorem is a semi-constructive one: it is shown
that there is a coordinate transformation whose related matrix
 makes the metric canonical in P with all its first derivatives
null; then we'll try to rebuild the coordinate transformation and
its related matrix as series expansions.
Here we report a scheme of proof.
▫ Given a manifold with metric g β in a coordinate system x

and a point P in it, let's transform to new coordinates xμ ' in

order to bring the metric into canonical form at P with zero first
* Here we use the apex ' to better highlight transformed coordinates.
We indicate with O [x] a quantity of the same order of magnitude of x.

While at P is g μ' ν' (P ) = ημ ' ν' ( P ) , at any other point P' of the
P-neighborhood the transformation gives:
g μ ' ν' ( P ' ) = Λ μ' Λβν ' g  β ( P ' ) 5.8
(denoted Λμ ' the related matrix  (see eq.3.7, eq.3.8), to
transform g   we have to use twice its transposed inverse).
In the last formula both g and  are meant to be calculated in P'.
In a differentiable manifold, what happens in P' can be
approximated by what happens in P by means of a Taylor series.
We expand in Taylor series around P both members of eq.5.8,
first the left: **
γ' γ'
g μ ' ν '( P ' ) = g μ' ν' ( P ) + ( x −x 0 )g μ' ν' , γ' ( P) +

+ 1 ( x γ'−x γ' λ' λ'

0 )( x −x 0 )g μ' ν' ,γ' λ' ( P) +.... 5.9

and then the right:

Λμ' Λβν ' g  β( P' ) =Λ μ' Λβν' g β ( P)+( x γ'−x γ'
0 ) γ'
( Λμ' Λβν ' g  β) ( P) +

+ 1 (x γ'−x γ' λ' λ'
0 )( x −x 0 ) (Λμ' Λ βν ' g β )( P ) +.... 5.10
2  x  x λ'

* Henceforth we will often use comma , to denote partial derivatives.

Eq.5.9 expresses Taylor's formula for the function of multiple variables g μ' ν'

(in the present case the n variables x ).
For a function f of 2 variables x , y Taylor's formula is often written in the
following form (denoting f , x , f , y , f , x y , ... the partial derivatives):
f ( x0+h, y0+k )= f ( x 0 , y 0)+ f , x( x 0 , y 0)h + f , y( x 0 , y 0)k+
+1 [ f ,xx
( x 0 , y 0)h2+2 f ,xy
( x 0 , y 0 )hk+ f ,yy
( x 0 , y 0)k 2 ]+...
which is equivalent to:
f ( P' )= f ( P)+( x− x0 ) f , x (P)+( y− y 0 ) f , y (P )+
+1 [( x−x 0 )2 f +( x− x0 )( y− y 0) f
,x x ,x y
+( y− y0 )( x−x 0) f , y x+( y− y0 )2 f ,yy
The latter form is suitable to be generalized to n variables: by adopting the sum
convention for repeated indexes it leads directly to eq.5.9.

Now let's equal order by order the right terms of eq.5.9 and
eq.5.10 :
I) g μ ' ν' ( P) = Λμ' Λβν ' g  β ( P) 5.11

II) g μ ' ν ' , γ ' ( P ) = γ'
( Λμ ' Λ βν ' g  β ) ( P ) 5.12
III) g μ ' ν' , γ ' λ ' ( P) = γ' λ'
(Λ μ ' Λ βν ' g  β ) ( P) 5.13
x x
Hereafter all terms are calculated in P and for that we omit this
specification below.
  x
Recalling that Λμ ' = and carrying out the derivatives of
 xμ '
product we get:
 x   xβ
I) g μ ' ν' = g β 5.14
 xμ '  x ν'
2 x   x β x   2 x β  x  x β
II) g μ' ν' , γ' = γ' μ' g  β+ μ' γ' ν' g  β+ μ ' ν' g β, γ'
 x  x  x ν'  x x  x  x x
3 x   xβ
III) g μ ' ν ' , γ ' λ ' = g  β +... 5.16
 x γ'  x λ '  x μ '  x ν '
The right side members of these equations contain terms such as
g   , ' that can be rewritten, using the chain rule, as
 xσ
g  β ,γ ' = g  β , σ γ' . The typology of the right side member
terms then reduces to:
• known terms: the g   and their derivatives with respect to the
old coordinates, such as g   ,
• unknowns terms to be determined: the derivatives of the old
coordinates with respect to the new ones.
(We'll see that just the derivatives of various order of the old
coordinates with respect to the new ones allow us to rebuild the
matrix  related to the transformation and the transformation

▫ Now let's perform the counting of equations and unknowns for
the case n = 4 , the most interesting for General Relativity.
The equations are counted by the left side members of I, II, III ;
the unknowns by the right side members of them.
I) There are 10 equations, as many as the independent elements of
the 4×4 symmetric tensor g ' ' . The g   are known.
To get g μ ' ν' = ημ ' ν ' ⇒ we have to put = 0 or ± 1 each of the 10
independent elements of g μ ' ν ' (in the right side member) in
order to get the desired metric diag (±1).
 x
Consequently, among the 16 unknown elements of matrix
 xμ '
6 can be arbitrarily assigned, while the other 10 are determined
by equations I (eq.5.14). (The presence of six degrees of freedom
means that there is a multiplicity of transformations and hence of
matrices  able to make canonical the metric). In this way have
been assigned or calculated values for all 16 first derivatives.
II)There are 40 equations ( g μ ' ν' has 10 independent elements; γ'
can take 4 values). Also the independent second derivatives like
 2 x
γ' μ ' are 40 (4 values for α at numerator; 10 different pairs
x x
of γ', μ' at denominator).
All the g  β and their first derivatives are already known. Hence,
we can set = 0 all the 40 g μ ' ν' , γ ' at first member (as it was in
our intent) and determine all the 40 second derivatives as a
III) There are 100 equations (10 independent elements g μ ' ν ' to
derive with respect to the 10 different pairs generated by 4
numbers). Known the other factors, 80 third derivatives like
3 x 
λ' γ' μ ' are to be determined (the 3 indexes at
 x  x x
denominator give 20 combinations,** the index at numerator 4
choices yet). Now, it is not possible to find a set of values for the
80 third derivatives such that all the 100 g μ ' ν ' , γ ' λ ' vanish; 20
among them remain nonzero.

* It is a matter of combinations (in the case of 4 items) with repeats, different for at
least one element.

We have thus shown that, for any point P, by assigning
appropriate values to the derivatives of various order, it is
possible to get (more than) one metric g '  ' such that at P :
• g μ ' ν' = ημ ' ν ' , the metric of flat manifold diag (±1)
• all its first derivatives are null: ∀ g μ ' ν ' , γ ' = 0
• some second derivatives are nonzero: ∃ some g μ' ν ' , γ ' λ' ≠ 0
▪ This metric ημ ' ν ' with zero first derivatives and second derivatives
not all zero qualifies the flat local system in P (even though the
manifold itself is curved because of the nonzero second derivatives).
A metric with zero first and second derivatives is conversely the
metric of the tangent space in P (which is a space everywhere flat).
The flat local metric of the manifold and that of the tangent space
coincide in P and (the metric being stationary) even in its
neighborhood except for a difference of infinitesimals of higher order.
▫ Finally, we note that, once calculated or assigned appropriate
values to the derivatives of various order of old coordinates with
respect to the new ones, we can reconstruct the series expansions
for the (inverse) transformation of coordinates x  (x μ ' ) and for

the elements of matrix Λμ ' (inverse of  ). Indeed, in their
series expansions in terms of new coordinates x around P :
  γ' γ'  x
x ( x μ' ) → x ( P ' ) = x ( P) + ( x −x 0 ) (P)+
 xγ '
2 x 
+ 1 ( x − x 0 )( x −x 0 )
γ' γ' λ' λ'
( P ) +... 5.17
2  x γ'  x λ'

 μ'   γ' γ'  Λμ '

Λ μ' ( x ) → Λ μ' (P ') =Λ μ' ( P) + (x − x ) 0 (P) +
 xγ '
2 Λ μ '
+ 1 ( x γ' − x γ0 ' )(x λ ' −x λ0 ' ) ( P ) +... =
2  x γ'  x λ'

 x γ' γ' 2 x 
= ( P ) + ( x − x 0 ) (P) +
 xμ '  x γ '  xμ '
3 x 
+ 1 ( x − x 0 )(x −x 0 ) γ ' λ ' μ ' ( P ) +...
γ' γ' λ' λ'
2  x  x x

only the already known derivatives of the old coordinates with
respect to the new ones appear as coefficients.
Once known its inverse, both the direct transformation xμ ' ( x  )
and the related matrix Λ = [ Λμ' ] that induce the canonical
metric in P are in principle implicitly determined, as desired.

5.5 “Comma goes to semicolon” in flat local references

The “comma goes to semicolon” strategy, which is used in flat spaces
to easily obtain some results, can also be applied in globally curved
spaces when restricted to the flat local system at a single point. In fact,
eq.4.73 ensures that even in the flat local system it is ∀ Γ = 0 in the
point of flatness and therefore the covariant derivatives ∇ μ coincide
with the ordinary derivatives μ .
Let's describe the logical steps which the “comma goes to semicolon”
“procedure” consists of, including the chances of generalizing the
u Let's place ourselves in a point P of a space M mapped by a
reference system {xμ } locally flat in P
v Let's write a relation valid in P expressing all its elements (vectors,
tensors, metrics, derivatives, ...) in the coordinate system {xμ }
w The change ,  ; is applied, obtaining a tensor equation that is
valid at P and expressed in the reference {xμ }. This same equation
will be valid for the point P in any other coordinate system {x ν' }
reachable by transformation of coordinates xμ  x ν'
x If (and only if) the point P is generic and arbitrarily chosen within
the space M , the tensor equation will hold in the whole space
y If (and only if) the space M is generic and arbitrarily chosen, the
tensor equation will be valid in every other space, too *.*
The last two steps can be applicable or not. When this happens, the
power of the method that allows a generalization point → space → all
spaces appears particularly noticeable.
Here we exemplify two cases in which the generalization concerns all
the spaces.

* If M represents a certain class of spaces only, the validity of the obtained tensor
equation will be limited to that class.

̃ g = 0 or “covariant constancy” property (eq.4.67)
▪ ∇
In the system locally flat at P of a given space it is by definition
g β ,μ ( P ) = 0 ; the commutation ,  ; leads to the tensor
equation g β ;μ ≡ ∇ μ g  β = 0 (i.e. ∇̃ g = 0 ) valid at P in any
other permissible coordinate system for the same space. But, since
the chosen point P can be any, and likewise the chosen space, its
validity is quite general
▪ Leibniz rule for the covariant derivative of product
We show how the Leibniz rule for the derivative of product extends
to the covariant derivative in the particular case of outer product
between vector and covector (but the same considerations apply to
any outer or inner tensor products)
In the locally flat system at P of a given space, the Leibniz rule
applies (as in any flat space):
( A B β ) , κ = A, κ ⋅ Bβ + A ⋅ Bβ , κ
The equation becomes a tensor equation by switching ,  ;
( A B β );κ = A; κ ⋅ Bβ + A ⋅ Bβ; κ
so as to make it valid at P in any other reference; but since the
space and its point P are chosen arbitrarily, the equation has
universal validity.l

5.6 Intrinsic curvature and parallel transport

Consider a spherical surface within the usual 3D Euclidean space. The
spherical surface is a manifold (or space) 2D. A 3D observer, or O3D ,
which has an outside view, sees the extrinsic curvature of the spherical
surface in the third dimension. A 2D observer O2D who lives on the
spherical surface has no outside view at all. While O3D sees light rays
propagate on the spherical surface along maximum circle arcs; for O2D
they will be straight lines by definition (they are the only possible
inertial trajectories, run in absence of forces). How can O2D realize that
his space is curved?
By studying geometry in his local context O2D will discover the usual
properties of the 2D Euclidean geometry, or plane geometry. For

example, he will find that the ratio of the circumference to diameter is
a constant = π for all circles and that the sum of the inner angles of
any triangle is 180°. In fact, in its environment, i.e. in the small
portion of the spherical surface on which his life takes place, his two-
dimensional space is locally flat, as for us is flat the surface of a water
pool on the Earth's surface (the observer O3D sees this neighborhood
practically lying on the plane tangent to the spherical surface at the
point where O2D is located).
However, when O2D comes to consider very large circles, he realizes
that the circumference / diameter ratio is no more a constant and it is
smaller and smaller than π as the circle enlarges, and that the sum of
the inner angles of a triangle is variable but always > 180°.
O2D can deduce from these facts that his space is curved, though not
capable to understand a third dimension. In this particular case he will
observe an intrinsic positive curvature.
The curvature of a space is thus an intrinsic property of the space itself
and there is no need of an outside view to describe it. In other words,
it is not necessary for a n-dimensional space to be considered
embedded in another n + 1 dimensional space to reveal the curvature
(as it is not necessary to introduce a fifth dimension to affirm the
curvature of our 4D space-time).
▪ Another circumstance that allows O2D to discover the curvature of his
space is that, carrying a vector parallel to itself on a large enough
closed loop, the returned vector is no longer parallel ( = does not
overlap) the initial vector.
In a flat space such as the Euclidean space vectors can be transported
parallel to themselves without difficulty, so that they can be often
considered delocalized. For example, to measure the relative velocity
of two particles far apart, we may imagine to transport the vector ⃗v 2
parallel to itself from the second particle to the first so as to make their
origins coincide in order to carry out the subtraction ⃗v 2 −⃗ v1 .
But what does it mean a parallel transport in a curved space?
In a curved space, this expression has not an immediately clear
meaning. However, O2D can think to perform a parallel transport of a
vector by a step-by-step strategy, taking advantage from the fact that
in the neighborhood of each point his space looks substantially flat.

Let l be the curve along which he wants to parallel-transport the (foot
of the) vector V . At first the observer O2D and the vector are in P1 ;
the vector is transported parallel to itself to P2 , a point of the
(infinitesimal) neighborhood of P1 . Then O2D goes to P2 and parallel
transports the vector to P3 that belongs to the neighborhood of P2 ,
and so on. In this way the transport is always within a neighborhood in
which the space looks flat and the notion of parallel transport is not
ambiguous: vector in P1 // vector in P2 ; vector in P2 // vector in P3 ,
and so on.
But the question is: is vector in P1 // vector in Pn ? That is: does the
parallelism which works locally step-by-step by infinitesimal amounts
hold as well globally?
To answer this question we ought to transport the vector along a
closed path: only if the vector that returns from parallel transport is
superimposable onto the initial vector we can conclude for global
parallelism to have been preserved.
In fact it is not like that, at least for large enough circuits: just take for
example the transport A-B-C-A along the meridians and the equator on
a spherical surface:


The mismatch between the initial vector and the one that returns after
the parallel transport can give a measure of the degree of curvature of
the space (this measure is fully accessible to the two-dimensional
observer O2D).
To do that quantitatively we'll give further on a more precise
mathematical definition of parallel transport of a vector along a line.
▪ A different explanation of how parallel transport of a vector works in
a curved space can be given in terms of tangent plane; for that it is
necessary to think the space in question as embedded in a space with
an extra-dimension. Let's describe here the parallel transport on a 2D
curved surface as seen by an observer by a O3D observer.
Let a vector V⃗ be defined at a point P of the surface, to be parallel-
transported along a line l defined on the surface.
The transport of the vector works as follows:
● Let us take the tangent plane to the surface at P .
● If you move the plane keeping it in contact with the curved surface
without slipping, the tangency point will move too. We'll move the
plane so that the tangency point goes forward continously along the
curve l.
● Along this route, from each instantaneous point of tangency, we draw

on the plan a vector parallel to the initial one V⃗ (no problem to do

that on a plane). Since the plane and the curved surface coincide in the
tangency point, the vector belongs to both them. We imagine to draw it
on the surface too.
● At the end of the journey the plane will keep track of the line l (it is a

different curve because flattened). In each point of this line we'll find
drawn a vector pointing outward; all these vectors are parallel to each
other and to the initial vector V⃗ .
● Also on the curved surface we will find a vector coming out from

each point of the line l , all them equal to V⃗ in magnitude but not in
direction: all vectors drawn on the curved surface will have a different
orientation to one another and different from V⃗ . In particular, for a
closed path on the surface: V⃗ fin ≠V⃗ init .
The reason is that, along the route, the tangent plane has been
continuously changing its spatial orientation in order to adhere to the
surface all along the line, describing complex rotations, so that the
vector, always parallel to itself in the plane, progressively changes its

orientation on the curved surface.


This mode of moving the vector V⃗ on the curved surface is what is

meant by “parallel transport” of a vector along a line on a curved
surface (although the parallelism is only on the tangent mobile plan,
not on the curved surface).
It is worth noting that, in the neighborhood of the tangency point, the
distance between the curved surface and the tangent plane is an
infinitesimal of higher order than the displacement from the tangency
point; hence also the plan orientation's change and the variation of the
vector are infinitesimal of higher order than the displacement along l .
We also note that cutting out of the curved surface a narrow strip
containing the line, extending it on a plane, and associating to each
point a vector parallel to V⃗init , we get a figure that is identical and
superimposable to that one drawn on the mobile plan. The two
procedures are therefore equivalent. We'll use the latter further on.
All that applies to a O3D observer; a O2D observer has no notion of a
tangent plane and, as mentioned before, will carry the vector parallel
to itself without problems, point after point, in his locally flat 2D
space, as if acting in a plane (except to find a different-oriented vector
at the end of a closed circuit).
▪ The parallel transport of a vector along a closed circuit allows to
state whether the space is flat or curved, depending on whether the
final vector overlaps or not the initial one. The magnitude of the
orientation shift after a small closed circuit can give in some way a
local measure of the curvature. This basic idea, once mathematically
defined the notion of parallel transport of vectors along a line, leads
directly to the definition of curvature by means of the Riemann tensor.

5.7 Parallel transport of a vector along a line
Let V a vector defined in each point of a parametric line x (τ) .
Moving from the point P  to a point P   the vector
undergoes an increase:
d V⃗
V⃗ ( τ+Δ τ) = V⃗ ( τ) + (τ) Δ τ + O[( Δ τ)2 ] * *

If the first degree term is missing, namely:
d V⃗
V⃗ ( τ+Δ τ) = V⃗ ( τ) + O[(Δ τ)2 ]  =0 5.19

we say that the vector V is parallel transported.
In other words, transporting its origin along the line for an amount
  the vector undergoes only a variation of the 2nd order,
infinitesimal respect to   (i.e. keeps itself almost unchanged).
The parallel transport of a vector V is defined locally, in its own flat
neighborhood: over a finite length the parallelism between initial and
transported vector is no longer maintained .
▪ In each point of the line let a tangent vector U  = d x be defined.
 
The parallel transport condition of V along U can be expressed by
one of the following forms:
∇ U⃗ V⃗ = 0 , 〈 ∇ ̃ V
⃗ ,U
⃗ 〉 = 0 , U μ ∇μ V ν = 0 5.20
all equivalent to the definition eq.5.19 because (eq.4.83, eq.4.89):
d V⃗ ⃗ 〉 comp
̃ V⃗ , U
∇ U⃗ V⃗ = = 〈∇ → U μ ∇μ V ν .


Given a vector V defined at a point of a regular line x (τ), it is
always possible to parallel transport it along the line (that does not
mean V⃗ init and V⃗ fin will overlap). The vector to be transported can
have any orientation with respect to U .

5.8 Geodesics
When it happens that the tangent vector U  is transported parallel to
itself along a line, the line is a geodesic.
* We denote by O(x) a quantity of the same order of x. In this case it is matter of a
quantity of the same order of (Δ τ)2 , i.e. of the second order with respect to Δ τ.

Geodesic condition for a line is then:
dU 
= 0 along the line 5.21
Equivalent to eq.5.21 are the following statements:
∇U  =0 , 〈∇U ,U
 〉=0 5.22
or componentwise:
DU ν

U μ ∇μ U ν = 0
+Γνμ λ U λ U μ = 0

d 2 xν λ μ
ν dx dx
+Γμλ =0
d τ2 dτ dτ
which come respectively from eq.4.85, eq.4.86, eq.4.87 (and eq.4.77).
All eq.5.21, eq.5.22, eq.5.23 are equivalent and represent the
equations of the geodesic.
Some properties of geodesics are the following:
▪ Along a geodesic the tangent vector is constant in magnitude.**
⃗ 2= g U  U β is a scalar, hence (eq.4.79):
▫.Indeed: ∣U∣ β
( g β U  U β)=U μ ∇ μ (g  β U  U β )=

= U μ ( g  β U  ∇ μ U β +g  β U β ∇ μ U  +U  U β ∇ g  β ) = 0
μ β μ 
because U ∇ μ U = U ∇ μU = 0 is the parallel transport
 along the geodesic and ∇ μ g β =0 (eq.4.67).
condition of U
⃗ 2 = const ,q.e.d.
Hence: g β U  U β = const ⇒ ∣U∣

▪ A geodesic parameterized by a parameter  is still a geodesic when

re-parameterized ****with an “affine” parameter s like s = ab 

* The converse is not true: the constancy in magnitude of the tangent vector is not
a sufficient condition for a path to be a geodesic. See further on.
** A line may be parametrized in more than one way. For example, a parabola can

(two parameters are called affine if linked by a linear relationship).
▪ In a flat space, the geodesics are straight lines. In a curved space the
geodesics take their place preserving some properties. They are “the
straightest possible lines”, the minimum distance lines (see Appendix)
Given two points of the space, there is only one geodesic that connects
them, via the shortest possible route; its length measures the distance
between the two points.
▪ The geodesics of a curved space can be thought of as inertial
trajectories of particles not subject to external forces; along them a
particle transports its velocity vector parallel to itself, constant in
magnitude and tangent to the path without undergoing acceleration.
In a generic curved space let be a geodesic parametrized with the time
t as parameter. The tangent vector is then the velocity vector:
⃗ = d ⃗x =⃗v . Since the definition of geodesic d ⃗v =0 , along the
dt dt
geodesic the acceleration is null:
ν ν
d ⃗v Dv dv
⃗ =0 and aν = = +Γμν λ v λ vμ = 0 (eq.5.23)
dt dt dt
(that happens because the two terms in d d t and Γ, in general ≠ 0
and variable with the point, compensate each other, zeroing).
Hence geodesics are inertial paths, as mentioned before.
We note by the way that the acceleration results to be the covariant
v along the line.
derivative of the vector velocity ⃗
We also note that the vector v⃗ is transported along the geodesics
constant in magnitude: ∣⃗v ∣= v = const . Hence, if τ is the arc-
length, then τ = v t and the two parameters τ and t are affine.
Therefore taking the geodesic parametrized by t is not limiting
because the re-parameterization preserves the geodeticity.
A different description of the same motion is given thinking of the
curved space as embedded inside a flat space (e.g. Euclidean) with an
extra dimension: here the path is no longer a geodesic (here geodesics
are straight lines) and the same motion is described as accelerated. In
fact, in the new context it is ∀Γ =0 due to the flatness and therefore

2 3 6
be parametrized by x = t ; y = t or x = t ; y = t .

ν d vν
a = ≠0 and a
⃗ ≠0.

The two different points of view suggest that the same motion can be
described either in terms of space curvature or as acceleration.. The
equivalence between space curvature and acceleration is one of the
cornerstones of General Relativity.
▪ We enounce, without further deepen the intuitive meaning, a
property that is an exclusive feature of the geodesics of a 2D space
(surface): in each point of the geodetic line the vector normal to the
line coincides with the normal vector to the surface.
▪ Along a geodesic the tangent vector (it may be, as seen, the velocity
vector) is transported tangent to the curve and constant in magnitude.
Conversely, it is worth to note that it is not enough that the tangent
vector keeps tangent to a curve and constant in magnitude for a curve
to be geodesics. For a curve to be geodesics it is required the parallel
transport, which is a more stringent request.
For instance, on a 2D spherical surface geodesics are the greatest
circles, i.e. the equator and the meridians, but not the parallels: along
parallels the velocity vector can be transported tangent to the path and
constant in magnitude, but the parallel transport does not occur. As
they are not geodetic paths, parallels are not inertial trajectories and
can be traveled only if a constant acceleration directed along the
meridian is in action.

▫ We work a concrete example in order to clarify a situation that is

not immediately intuitive.
An aircraft flying along a parallel with speed v tangent to the
parallel itself does not parallel-transport this vector along its
path. A question arises about how would evolve a vector E  at
first coincident with v , but for which we require to be parallel
transported all along the same trip.
For this purpose, as already mentioned about parallel transport,
let's imagine to cut off from the spherical surface a narrow
ribbon containing the path, in this case the whole Earth's
parallel. This ribbon can be flattened and laid down on a plane;
in this plane the path is an arc of a circumference (whose radius
is the generatrix of the cone whose axis coincides with the

Earth's axis and is tangent to the spherical surface on the
parallel); the length of the arc will be that of the Earth's parallel.
Let's now parallel-transport on the plane the vector E0 initially
tangent to the circumference until the end of the flattened arc
(working on a plan, there is no ambiguity about the meaning of
parallel transport). Let E  fin be the vector at the end of the
transport. Now we imagine to bring back to its original place on
the spherical surface the ribbon with the various subsequent
positions taken by the vector E ⃗ drawn on attached to it. In that
way we achieve a graphical representation of the evolution of
the vector E  parallel transported along the Earth's parallel.
The steps of the procedure are explained in the figure below.
After having traveled a full circle of parallel transport on the
Earth's parallel of latitude  the vector E  has undergone a
clockwise rotation by an angle  = 2  r cos = 2  sin  , from
r / tg 
E0 to E
 fin .
Only for  = 0 (along the equator) we get  = 0 after a turn.

The trick to flatten on the plane the tape containing the trajectory
works whatever is the initial orientation of the vector you want
to parallel-transport.

5.9 Riemann tensor
Riemann tensor is the tool that provides a decisive criterion to state
whether a space (or a neighborhood) is flat or curved, and also
provides a quantitative measurement of curvature at any point (both in
cases of definite or indefinite metric).
▪ After parallel-transported a vector along a closed line in a curved
manifold, the final vector differs from the initial by an amount  V
due to the curvature. This amount  V depends on the path, but it can
be used as a measure of the curvature in a point if calculated along a
closed infinitesimal loop around that point.
Given a point A of the n-dimensional manifold we build a “parallelo-
gram loop” ABCD leaning on the coordinate lines of two generic
coordinates x , x  picked among n and we parallel-transport the
vector V along the circuit ABCDAfin****


β C
 x x

(of course, the construction and all what follows should be thought as
repeated for all possible pairs of coordinates with  ,β = 1, 2,... n ).
Tangent to the coordinates are the basis-vectors e⃗ , e⃗β , coordinated
to x  , x β .

The parallel transport of V requires to be = 0 or, component­

 ν
wise U ∇  V = 0 (eq.4.89), a condition which along a segment of
coordinate line x reduces to ∇  V = 0 (eq.4.91). But:

** The path ABCDAfin is a closed loop: in fact it lies on the surface or

“hypersurface” in which the n – 2 not involved coordinates are constant.

V  V 
 V  = 0 ⇒    
   V = 0 ⇒  = −   V 5.24
x x
and a similar relation comes from the transport along xβ .
Due to the transport along the line segment AB, the components of the
vector V undergo an increase:
V ν
ν ν
V ( B) =V ( A)+ ( )
 x ( AB)
Δ x  = V ν ( A)−( Γν λ V λ )( AB) Δ x  5.25

where (AB) means “calculated in an intermediate point between A and

B”. Along each of the four segments of the path there are variations:
AB: V   B = V   A −    V   AB  x 
BC : V ν (C ) = V ν ( B) − ( Γνβλ V λ ) Δ xβ
( BC )
V  D  = V C       V CD  x
    
CD :
V ν ( A fin ) = V ν ( D) + ( Γβλ
DA fin : V λ )( DA) Δ xβ

(in the last two segments Δ x  ,Δ xβ are negative in sign). Adding up

member to member, terms V ν ( B) , V ν(C) , V ν( D) cancel out; hence:

V ν ( A fin ) −V ν ( A) = ( Γνβλ V λ ) Δ xβ − ( Γβλ

V λ) Δ xβ +
( DA) ( BC )
    V  CD   x  −     V   AB  x 

= (Γ νβλ V λ )( DA) − ( Γβλ
V λ )( BC) Δ xβ + ]
     V  CD −    V   AB  x  ]
using again the finite-increments theorem:

(Γβλν V λ )( BC )= (Γ νβλ V λ )( DA)+  x  ( Γνβλ V λ )Δ x 

(ΓβλνV λ )( AB)= (Γβλν V λ )(CD)− x  ( Γβλν V λ )Δ xβ
where the derivatives are now calculated in
intermediate points inside the loop, omitting to
indicate it. We get:

 ν λ  β  ν λ β 
 ( βλ
=− Γ V ) Δ x Δ x + β (Γ  λ V ) Δ x Δ x
x x

( V λ
) (
=− Γνβλ , V λ+Γβλ

x 
Δ x 
Δ x β
+ Γ ν
λ , β V λ
+Γ ν V
β Δx Δ x

and using the already known result 
= −Γλ μ V μ (eq.5.24):
=−( Γνβλ ,  V λ−Γ νβλ Γλ μ V μ ) Δ x  Δ x β + ( Γ ν λ ,β V λ −Γν λ Γλβμ V μ ) Δ xβ Δ x 

Writing μ as dummy index instead of λ in the 1st and 3rd term:

=−( Γνβμ , V μ −Γνβλ Γ λμ V μ ) Δ x  Δ xβ + ( Γν μ ,β V μ−Γν λ Γβμ
V μ ) Δ xβ Δ x 

= V μ Δ x  Δ x β ( −Γνβμ , +Γ νβλ Γλ μ+Γ ν μ ,β −Γ ν λ Γλβμ)

We conclude:
Δ V ν = V μ Δ x  Δ x β⏟
(−Γβμν , +Γ ν μ ,β +Γνβλ Γλ μ−Γν λ Γβμλ )
Rμ β 
Rμν β must be a tensor because the other factors are tensors as well as
1 1 1 1 1 1
 V  . Its rank is  3 for the rank balancing:  0 = 0  0  0 ⋅ 3 .
The position made in eq.5.26 is reordered, rewritten changing the
name of the indexes ↔ ν , β↔μ and using the symmetries of Γ, for
compliance with the commonly adopted notation:
Rβμ ν = Γβν , μ− Γβμ ,ν + Γλ μ Γλβ ν− Γ λ ν Γβλ μ 5.27
▪ Eq.5.26, rewritten with new indexes is:
ΔV  =V β Δ x ν Δ xμ Rβμ ν 5.28
If P̃ is any covector:
P̃ (Δ V⃗ )= P  Δ V  = P  V β Δ x ν Δ x μ Rβ μ ν = R( P̃ , V⃗ , Δ⃗x , Δ⃗x) 5.29

Besides, multiplying eq.5.28 by e⃗ :

Δ V⃗ = e⃗ V β Δ x ν Δ x μ Rβμ ν 5.30
All previous expressions eq.5.28, eq.5.29, 5.30 can be used to unfold

the conformation and meaning of R . * *

▫ Eq.5.28 lends to a rough intuitive interpretation of the Riemann

tensor as “proportionality constant between a relative variation
of the vector parallel-transported along the loop and the area
of the loop ” (the interpretation is roughly approximate because
here it is not dealt exactly with a relative variation ΔV  V 

and R βμ ν is not a simple proportionality coefficient, but a
tensor). To say better:
ν μ β 
▪ R ≡ Rμ β e⃗ν ẽ ẽ ẽ , the Riemann tensor, expresses the link
between the change undergone by a parallel transported vector along
an infinitesimal loop around a point P in a curved space and the area
ν μ
of the loop Δ x Δ x ; in that way it gives a measure of the local
curvature of the space.
In general it depends on the point: R = R(P) .
▪ When defining R it is always tacitly supposed a passage to the limit
Δ x  , Δ xβ  0 : R and its components are related to the point P to
which the infinitesimal loop degenerates and so punctually defined.

R is a function of Γ and their first derivatives (eq.5.27), that is of g

and its first and second derivatives (see eq.4.73).
This confirms that the primary entity that contains all the information
about the space (including curvature) is the metric g .

* Eq.5.30 means R applied to an incomplete input list, as represented below.

When completing the list we get eq.5.29.
Eq.5.29 specifies R in terms of its input list.

R βμ ν
ẽ β ẽ μ ẽ
e⃗β e⃗μ e⃗ν = ΔV 

V Δ xμ Δ xν

▪ The Riemann tensor is related to the fact that the covariant order of
derivation for covariant second derivatives is not indifferent:
V β;μ ν ≠V β; νμ 5.31
so that: V β;μ ν −V β; νμ = V  Rβμ ν . 5.32
▫ On the model of covariant derivative with respect to x ν of a
λ λ
tensor V βμ , given by V βμ; ν =  ν V βμ −Γ νβ V λμ −Γ νμ V βλ we
can write the covariant derivative of V β;μ with respect to x ν
(i.e. the double covariant derivative of (co)vector V β with
respect to xμ and x ν ) as: **
V β;μ ν =  ν V β ;μ −Γ λνβ V λ;μ −Γ λνμ V β; λ =
= ν ( μ V β−ΓμβV λ )−Γ λνβ( μV λ −Γμλ V )−Γλνμ ( λ V β− ΓλβV  )=
=  2νμ V β−V λ  ν Γμβ
λ λ
−Γμβ  νV λ −
−Γλνβ  μ V λ + Γλνβ Γμλ V  −
−Γλνμ λ V β + Γλνμ Γλβ V 
By exchanging μ, ν to each other we get the analogue for V β; νμ :

V β; νμ =μ2 ν V β−V λ  μ Γ λνβ −Γ λνβ  μ V λ −

−Γλμβ  ν V λ + Γλμβ Γ ν λ V  −
−Γλμν  λ V β + Γλμν Γλβ V 
1 3467
Subtracting, 2nd member terms 14 367 cancel ↕ in pairs, yelding:

V β;μ ν −V β;νμ =−V λ  νΓ λμβ +V λ  μ Γλνβ + Γ λνβ Γμλ V  −Γλμβ Γνλ V  =

exchanging dummies λ → α in the first two terms:
=V  ( μ Γ νβ − ν Γμβ + Γ λνβ Γμλ −Γμβ
Γ ν λ )=
( Γνβ;μ −Γμβ;
=V ⏟  λ  λ  
ν + Γ νβ Γμ λ −Γμβ Γν λ ) = V  R βμ ν

In the end: V β;μν −V β; νμ = V  R βμν , q.e.d.

* V β; μ is a (0 ) tensor like V βμ and can be treated as such.


2 2
Therefore the switching property of derivation order μ ν =  νμ which
is valid for mixed second partial derivatives does not apply to covari­

ant derivatives, unless R βμ ν=0 , which means flat space.
The difference between the mixed second covariant derivatives is a
curvature effect and can be used to give a formal alternative definition
of R .

5.10 Relation between Riemann R and curvature

The Riemann tensor R contains the whole information about the
curvature at point P where it is computed.
▪ If R = 0 from eq.5.30 it follows  V = 0 ⇒ the vector V
overlaps itself after the parallel transport along the infinitesimal loop
around the point P ⇒ the manifold is flat at that point. The reverse
also applies, so:
R (P) = 0  manifold flat in P 5.33
If R ≠ 0 in P , the manifold is curved at that point (although it is
possible to define a local flat system in P ) , and vice versa:
R (P) ≠ 0  curved manifold in P 5.34
▪ Moving on to consider the manifold as a whole, we observe that:
Being R a function of the first and second derivatives of g , in a space
where g is constant (i.e. ∀g  β =const in some reference frame),
hence flat, it is R = 0 anywhere.
Therefore for a space the implications hold globally:
R = 0  g constant  flat space 5.35
and their converse too:
R ≠0  g = g( P)  curved space 5.36
which contain and widen eq.5.1, eq.5.2.
▪ In the flat local coordinate system of a generic point of a generic
manifold, where g assumes the canonical form with zero first
derivatives, R depends only on the second derivatives of g. Let us
specify now this dependence (remind that, as a tensor, R is indifferent
to the coordinate system and its calculation can be performed in any
system, including that one locally flat).

Since at any point of any manifold in its own flat local system it is

∀ Γ = 0 , in that point the definition eq.5.27 given for R βμ ν
reduces to:
  
Rβμ ν =−Γ μ β ,ν +Γν β ,μ 5.37
From eq.4.73 which gives  as functions of g and its derivatives:
 ρ
Γμβ = 1 g (−g μβ ,ρ +g βρ ,μ+g ρμ ,β ) and since
 ρ
g =0 :
2  xν
R βμ ν =− 1 g  ρ (−g μβ , ρν +g βρ ,μ ν+ g ρμ ,β ν)+
+ 1 g (−g ν β ,ρμ+g βρ , νμ +g ρ ν ,βμ)

= 1 g  ρ (+g μβ ,ρ ν− g ρμ ,β ν− g ν β ,ρμ+g ρ ν ,βμ)

and multiplying both members by g  κ we get (recall that g  κ g  ρ=δρκ
and hence ρ  κ ) :
R κβμ ν = 1 (g μ β , κν −g κ μ ,β ν−g ν β ,κμ +g κ ν ,βμ)
To write, as usual, α β as first pair and μ ν as second it's enough to
make the index exchange κ  and use the symmetry of g   to
get, after rearranged the terms:
R  βμ ν = 1 (g  ν ,βμ+g βμ , ν−g  μ ,β ν− g βν , μ ) 5.38
that is true in any point of any manifold in its respective flat local
system, provided taking as metric g  β the local flat metric in that
▫ It is worth noting that the eq.5.38 is no longer valid in a generic
coordinate system because it is not a tensor equation **: outside
the flat local system we need to retrieve the last two terms in
  from eq.5.27. Hence, in a generic coordinate system it is:
R βμ ν = 1 (g  ν ,βμ+g βμ , ν−g μ ,βν−g βν ,μ )+ g η ( Γημλ Γ λν β−Γ ην λ Γμβ
after some counts. 5.39

* Nor tensorial it can be made: g  ν, β μ ≠ g ν ; β μ even in the flat local system.

Note that the trick “comma goes to semicolon” does not apply to second
derivatives because in the double covariant derivative appear derivatives of the Γ
that are not null even in the flat local system, where μ Γ≠0 despite Γ=0 .
Eq.5.38 is valid in each point, but not in any reference system.

▪ Let us clarify a matter that seems to be a paradox: how is it possible
to calculate the curvature tensor R in P just placing, as eq.5.38 does,
in a system locally flat in P ? The explanation is that R as a tensor
does not depend on the coordinate system: to calculate it in some point
P it makes no difference to take as a coordinate system that one
locally flat in P and as metric its own metric g β . Even in the
locally flat system the result will be R ≠ 0 if the space is not globally
flat, because in P the first derivatives of Γ and second derivatives of
g β are not null.

To write down R     in the local flat system (eq.5.38) the “Pascal
snail” can be used as a mnemonic aid to suggest the pairs of the
indexes before the comma:
 +g  ν ,..+g βμ , ..
 β μ ν
− −g  μ ,..−g β ν , ..
Use the remaining indexes for pairs after the comma.

▪ In R     it is usual to identify two pairs of indexes: R 

  

1 st 2nd
pair pair

▪ The Riemann tensor R provides a flatness criterion equivalent to that

stated by eq.5.1 and eq.5.2, but more manageable and conclusive (also
in cases of P-dependent metrics superimposed to flat spaces or non-
definite positive metrics).

5.11 Symmetries of tensor R

The symmetries of R  βμ ν can be studied in the (generic) flat local
system by interchanging indexes in eq.5.38.
For example, exchanging the indexes α↔β within the first pair gives:

Rβ  μ ν = 1 (g β ν , μ +g  μ ,β ν−g βμ , ν− g  ν ,βμ )

whose right side member is the same as in the equation we started
from, but changed in sign and thus ⇒ Rβ μ ν = − R βμ ν .
It turns out from eq.5.38 that R is: i) skew-symmetric with respect to
the exchange of indexes within a pair; ii) symmetric with respect to
the exchange of a pair with the other; it also enjoys a property such
that: iii) the sum with cyclicity in the last 3 indexes is null:
i) Rβ  μ ν =− R  βμ ν R  βν μ =− R  βμ ν 5.40
ii) Rμ ν  β = R βμ ν 5.41
iii) R  βμ ν + R μ νβ + R ν βμ = 0 5.42
The four previous relations, deduced in a generic flat local system
(eq.5.38 applies only there ) are tensor equations and thus valid in any
reference frame, in any point, and in any space.
From i) it follows that the components with repeated indexes within
the same pair are null (for example R 11μ ν = Rβ 33 = R221ν = R1111 = 0 ).
Indeed, from i): R   μ ν =−R  μ ν ⇒ R  μ ν = 0 ; and so on.
▪ On balance, because of its symmetries, among the n 4 components of
R     are independent and significant (possibly ≠ 0) only
2 2
n ( n −1) 12 5.43
(namely 1 for n = 2; 6 for n = 3; 20 for n = 4; ...).
▫ The count is performed on the base of the number of repeated
indexes in R βμν taking into account symmetries i, ii, iii :
(eq.5.40, eq.5.41, eq.5.42)
• 4 repeated indexes ⇒ ∀ component = 0 ⇒ no significant
• 3 repeated indexes ⇒ ∀ component = 0 component
since in these cases there are pairs of equal indexes
• 2 repeated indexes, such as Rαβ αβ :
for 1st index: n possible choices
⇒ n (n−1) pairs
for 2nd index: n – 1 possible choices
to be halved by the symmetry i) within the 1st pair, in order
to count as one the pairs β, β ⇒
⇒ n (n−1) 2 first independent pairs, which, repeated,
constitute as many independent components.

• 1 repeated index, such as R β ν or similar:
for 1st pair n (n−1)2 independent choices are possible
(as above)
for 3rd index: 2 possible choices (one
among the 2 indexes of the 1st pair) ⇒ 2 (n−2)
for 4 index: (n−2) possible choices second pairs,
to be halved by the symmetry i) on the second pair ⇒
⇒ n (n−1)(n−2) 2 independent components
• no repeated index, such as Rαβ μν :
possible alignments with 4 different indexes are:
n ( n−1)( n−2)(n−3) (n choices for the 1st index, n−1
choices for the 2nd index, n−2 for the 3rd index, n−3
for the 4td index), to halven:
a first time for the symmetry i) within the 1st pair
a second time for the symmetry i) within the 2nd pair ⇒
a third time for the symmetry ii) of pairs' exchange
⇒ n ( n−1)(n−2)(n−3)8
For symmetry iii), only 2 components out of 3 are
independent, so the result must be multiplied by 2/3 ⇒
⇒ n (n−1)( n−2)(n−3)12 independent components
Summing up the three addends:
n(n−1)2 + n(n−1)(n−2)2 + n(n−1)(n−2)(n−3)12 =
=n 2(n 2−1)12 , q.e.d.

5.12 Bianchi identity

It 's another relation linking the covariant first derivatives of R  βμ ν :
R  βμ ν ; λ + R βν λ ;μ + R β λμ ; ν = 0 5.44
(the first two indexes α β are fixed; the others μ ν λ rotate).

▫.To get this result we place again in the (generic) flat local system
of a point P and calculate the derivatives of R  βμ ν by eq.5.38 :
 1
R  βμ ν ,λ = λ
( g  ν ,βμ+ g βμ , ν −g  μ ,βν −g β ν ,  μ)
x 2

= 1 ( g  ν ,βμ λ +g βμ ,  ν λ −g  μ ,βν λ −g βν ,  μ λ )
and similarly for R  βν λ ,μ e R β λμ ,ν .
Adding up member to member the three equations and taking
into account that in g   ,   the indexes α β , γ δ κ ** can be
permuted at will within the two groups, the right member
vanishes so that:
R  βμ ν ,λ + R β ν λ ,μ + R βλ μ , ν = 0
Since in the flat local system there is no difference between
(first) derivative and covariant derivative, namely:
R  βμ ν ; λ = R βμ ν ,λ ; R  βν λ ;μ = R βν λ ,μ ; R  βλμ ;ν = R βλ μ , ν
we can write R  βμ ν ; λ + R βν λ ;μ + R β λμ ; ν = 0 which is a tensor
relationship and thus holds in any coordinate system, in any
point, in any manifold, q.e.d.

5.13 Ricci tensor and Ricci scalar

R     may be contracted ****on indexes of the same pair or on
indexes of different pairs. In the first case the result is 0, in the second
it is significant.
These schemes illustrate some possible contractions and their results
(remind that g β is symmetric):
R   R    R 
↓= ⇒ R  = 0
−R    −R  −R 

 
R   R    R 
↓= ⇒ R  = R 
R     R 
   R 

Other similar cases still give as result 0 or  Rβ ν .

* g β is symmetric and the derivation order doesn't matter.

** In fact, it is R    to undergo a contraction.

We define Ricci tensor the 0 tensor with components:
st rd
Rβ ν ≝ contraction of R βμ ν with respect to 1 and 3 index 5.46
The Ricci tensor is normally denoted by Ric to avoid confusion with
the Riemann tensor.
▪ Caution should be paid when contracting Riemann tensor on any two
indexes: before contracting we must move the two indexes to contract
in 1st and 3rd position using the symmetries of R  βμ ν , in order to
perform anyway the contraction 1-3 whose result is known and
positive by definition.
In such manner, due to the symmetries of R  βμ ν and using schemes
like eq.5.45 we see that:
• have sign + the results of contraction on indexes 1-3 or 2-4
• have sign – the results of contraction on indexers 1-4 or 2-3
(while contractions on indexes 1-2 or 3-4 give 0 as result)
▪ The tensor Rβ ν is symmetric (see eq.5.45).
▪ Rβ ν is a double tensor, represented by an n × n matrix. As for all
symmetric double tensors, the number of its independent (that is
significant) components amounts to n(n+1)2
▫ The count includes the n elements of the main diagonal, the n – 1
underlying the diagonal, the n – 2 still below, and so on until
reaching the single element in the lower left corner. In total:
n+(n−1)+(n−2)+ . . . +1= n (n−1)2
(remind that the sum of the first n numbers is n(n+1)2 ).

▪ By further contraction we get the Ricci scalar R :

Rβ ν  R νν  R ( = trace of Rβ ν ) . * 5.47

The scalar R is an invariant, sometimes referred to as Ricci curvature.

μ μ
* Remind that the trace is defined for a mixed tensor T ν as the sum T μ of
elements of the main diagonal of its matrix. Instead, the trace of T μν or T μν is
κμ μν
by definition the trace of g T μ ν or, rispectively, of g κμ T .

▪ The Ricci tensor Ric and the Ricci scalar R , inasmuch contractions of
Riemann tensor R , retain only part of the information on the curvature
of the space carried by R because the number of significant
components reduces when contracting from R to Ric to R .
If the complete information on the curvature at a point requires
n2(n2−1)12 numbers, the components of the tensor R, passing to
its contraction Ric that counts only n(n+1)2 components, or even
worse to R which is a single number, part of the information is lost.
▪ The number of significant components of R, Ric, R depending on the
dimension n of the space is:
n R Ric R
2 1 1 1
3 6 6 1
4 20 10 1
• for n = 2 : R contains as much information as Ric and R and it's
enough to define completely the curvature;
• for n = 3 : Ric contains as much information as R and it's enough to
define completely the curvature;
• for n ≥ 4 : only R completely defines the curvature.
▫ In general, if B = contraction of A and the number of signi­
ficant components reduces going from A to B , the following
implications are valid:
A =0 ⇒ B= 0 and its counter-nominal B≠0 ⇒ A≠0 ,
but not the reverse ones. Hence the result B = 0 is ambiguous
and doesn't allow to conclude whether A is null or not.
In particular:
R=0 ⇒ R ic=0 ⇒ R=0, but not vice versa; as well as:
R≠0 ⇒ R ic≠0 ⇒ R≠0 , but not vice versa
R=0 as well as R ic =0 are (for n > 3) ambiguous results and do not
allow to say that the space is flat. In fact may be R = 0 without being
Ric = 0 , and Ric = 0 without being R = 0 .
In the case R = 0 it is necessary to go back to Ric ; if Ric ≠ 0 the space
is curved; if also Ric = 0 it's necessary to go back to R to conclude.

5.14 Measure of the curvature

Non-zero R , Ric or R allow not only to detect the curvature but also to
give it a measure.
For that we need to give a precise definition of curvature which is
generally valid for spaces of any dimension.
▪ For an observer confined in a one-dimensional space, or a line, it's
nonsense to talk about curvature: there is no intrinsic curvature in a
1D space. The curvature of the line can only be detected extrinsically
by an observer who sees the curve embedded in a higher dimension
▪ It is reasonable to define (extrinsically) the curvature of the line l at
a point P on the basis of the radius r of the osculating circle ** at that
point. The more the radius of the osculating circle is small, the greater
is the curvature. As a measure of the curvature at point P we assume:
k= 5.48
▪ If the space is a 2D surface, for an O3D observer it will be reasonable
to define the curvature of the surface at a point P in terms of the
curvatures of the lines obtained by cutting the surface with planes
passing through P and normal to the surface itself. In practice, once
identified the normal to the surface in P , consider the bundle of planes
containing this straight line; each plane will intersect the surface
according to some line, whose curvature in P is given by the definition
given above.
In general the curvatures will be different line by line, ranging from a
minimum k min to a maximum k max. The two lines which correspond to
minimum and maximum are called main sections and the two planes
that generate them are called main directions. It can be shown that the
main directions are orthogonal to each other. Sectional curvature or
Gauss curvature of the surface at point P is then defined as:
k s = k min ⋅ k max 5.49

*The osculating circle in P is that circle which has 3 points infinitely close to each
other in common with the line in P (3 are in fact the points that identify a
circumference). Note that the circumferences tangent to the line in P are infinite,
each with only two points in common with the line. This makes the difference
between tangent circumferences and osculating circumference.

k s has positive sign if the osculating circles of the two curves in P
lay on the same side with respect to the surface, negative otherwise. If
one of the two osculating circles or both have infinite radius (i.e. they
are straight lines) the curvature of the surface is null.
The set of cases is as follows:

k s>0 k s=0 k s<0

and includes the examples of positive, negative curvature or flat
surfaces previously illustrated, with the addition of a further case of a
cylindrical “curved” surface with curvature k s = 0 . The apparent
contradiction depends on the fact that, according to the Gaussian
acceptation and against current use, have null curvature not only the
planes, but also the surfaces that can be developed flat in a plane, such
as the cylinder or the cone, which appear curved only if embedded in a
higher dimension space, but are intrinsically flat.**
In fact, it is possible to show that the Gaussian curvature expressed by
eq.5.49 is the same that an O2D observer is able to measure as intrinsic
curvature of his 2D space (Gauss' “Theorema Egregium”).
The Gauss curvature k s gives a measure of the intrinsic
curvature of a surface in terms of the extrinsic curvatures of the
mean sections.

5.15 Riemann curvature

For spaces of dimension n > 2 it is no longer possible to define
uniquely the curvature at a point P as a function of the point only, as it
was in the 2D case. By means of the Riemann tensor it is possible to
* On a cylindrical or conical surface the sum of the internal angles of any triangle is
180°, the ratio circumference to diameter is always π, the parallel transport of a
vector along a closed circuit does not cause any shift. No curvature is therefore
intrinsically detectable ⇒ the curvature is null.

give a definition of generalized curvature K which applies to spaces of
any dimension, such as it reduces to the Gauss curvature in the 2D
case. This generalized curvature, however, is a function not only of the
point P but also of the direction: for each given point P of the space,
the curvature will be different according to the direction. Note that a
point P and a direction univocally define a plane P passing through P
and whose normal is oriented in the chosen direction.
▪ From the Riemann curvature tensor we get a generalized curvature
definition step by step as follows.
u Apply Riemann tensor R to an input list composed of two alternat­
ively repeated vectors ⃗ A,⃗B : **
R( ⃗
A, ⃗
A, ⃗
B )= R βμ ν A B β Aμ B ν
It is meant that R is calculated at point P and that the two vectors

A,⃗ B depart from this point: they will then identify a plane P . The
 β μ ν
result R βμ ν A B A B is an invariant scalar.
 β μ ν
v One wonders how changes R βμ ν A B A B by changing the
selected vectors, however limiting to vectors of the same plane P
(which can be expressed as linear combination of ⃗ A and ⃗
B ). Take
for example:
⃗ =a ⃗
X A +b ⃗
B , Y⃗ =c ⃗ A +d ⃗
⃗ ⃗
and apply R to them in place of A and B ; the result is:
⃗ ,Y⃗ )= R β μ ν A Bβ A μ Bν ( ad −bc )2
⃗ , Y⃗ , X
R( X

▫ Indeed:
⃗ , Y⃗ , X
R( X ⃗ ,Y⃗ )= R β μ ν X  Y β X μ Y ν =

= R β μ ν( aA+bB )( cAβ+dBβ )(aAμ+bBμ )(cA ν+dB ν )=

=R βμ ν(acA Aβ+adA Bβ+bcB Aβ+bdB Bβ)⋅
⋅( acAμ Aν+adAμ B ν+bcB μ Aν+bdBμ B ν )=

* The reason for the alternation ⃗A , B⃗ , ⃗A , ⃗B lies in the fact that R β μ ν is anti-
symmetric for exchanges within the pairs α β e μ ν. The sequence A ⃗ , A,
⃗ B⃗ ,B

 β  β
would result in zero : R ,β ,μ,ν A A ...=−R β , ,μ,ν A A ... , but α,β are dummy
β β
indexes and can be exchanged, so that R ,β ,μ,ν A A ...=−R  ,β ,μ,ν A A ...=0

=Rβμ ν⋅
⋅(a c A  Aβ Aμ A ν+a 2cd A  Aβ Aμ B ν+abc 2 A Aβ Bμ Aν+abcd A  Aβ B μ B ν+
2 2

2 2 2 2
+a cd A  B β Aμ A ν+a d A Bβ Aμ B ν+abcd A  B β Bμ Aν+abd A  B β Bμ B ν+
2 2 2 2
+abc B  A β Aμ A ν+abcd B  Aβ Aμ B ν+b c B  Aβ B μ A ν+b cd B  Aβ Bμ B ν+
2 2 2 2
+abcd B B β Aμ A ν+abd B B β Aμ B ν+b cd B  Bβ Bμ Aν+b d B  Bβ Bμ B ν )=
only terms like ABAB, ABBA, BAAB, BABA are ≠ 0; the
symmetries of R β μ ν state its signs and make null terms
 β μ ν  β
like R βμ ν A A .. , Rβ μν .. A A , R βμ ν B B ...
 β μ ν 2 2 2 2
= R β μ ν A B A B (a d −abcd −abcd +b c )=
 β μ ν 2
= R βμ ν A B A B ( ad −bc) , q.e.d.
Thus, switching from ⃗ A,⃗B to coplanar vectors the result changes
only by a constant scale factor (ad −bc)2.
w Instead, we need an invariant that holds for the plan P regardless of
the chosen vectors. For this purpose we must “normalize” the result
just obtained by eliminating the scale factor (ad −bc)2 .
We note that another invariant built on the same vectors, precisely
 β μ ν
( g μ g β ν − g ν g βμ ) X Y X Y , serves the purpose if it is used as
denominator of the previous result, since
 β μ ν
(g μ g β ν−g ν g βμ ) X Y X Y =
2  β μ ν
=( ad −bc) ( g μ g β ν − g ν g βμ ) A B A B **

* The calculation in full is as follows:

β μ β β μ μ
( g μ g βν−g  ν gβμ ) X Y X Y ν= g μ g βν(aA+bB )(cA +dB )( aA +bB )(cAν+dB ν)−
−g  ν gβμ( aA+bB )( cAβ+dBβ )( aAμ+bBμ )(cA ν+dB ν)=
=g μ ( aA+bB )(aAμ+bBμ ) g βν (cAβ+dBβ )(cA ν+dB ν)−
−g  ν(aA+bB )(cAν+dBν )g βμ (cAβ+dB β)( aAμ +bBμ )=
=(aAμ+bBμ )(aAμ+bBμ )(cAν+dBν )(cA ν+dB ν)−
−(aAν+bB ν )(cAν+dBν )(cAμ+dBμ )( aAμ +bBμ )=
A∣2 = A2 , Bμ Bμ =∣⃗
denoting: Aμ Aμ =∣⃗ B∣2 = B 2 , Aμ Bμ = ⃗
A ⃗
=(a 2 A 2+b2 B 2+2ab ⃗ B )(c 2 A 2+d 2 B 2+2cd A
A ⃗ ⃗ ⃗
B )−
2 2
−(acA +bdB +ad A ⃗ ⃗B+bc ⃗ B )( acA 2+bdB 2+cb ⃗
A ⃗ A ⃗
B+ad ⃗A ⃗
B )=

Indeed the ratio between the two invariants:
R β μ ν X  Y β X μ Y ν
K=  β μ ν
( g μ g βν − g  ν g βμ )X Y X Y

R βμ ν A Bβ Aμ B ν( ad−bc) 2
= =
(ad −bc)2( g μ g βν−g ν g βμ )A Bβ Aμ B ν

R βμ ν A B β Aμ B ν
= 5.50
( g μ g βν −g  ν g βμ )A B β Aμ Bν
is in turn an invariant scalar that does not change switching from vec­
tors ⃗ A,⃗B to coplanars X ⃗ , Y⃗ . This means that the ratio K does not
depend on the particular pair of vectors taken but on the plane P they
identify; in other words it is K = K ( P , P ).
K is defined Riemann curvature, in spaces of any dimension n ≥ 2.
For n = 2 Riemann curvature K reduces to Gauss curvature k s , being
K = k s) .**
It is K = 0 when R β μ ν =0 and vice versa: in these cases spaces are
intrinsically flat.****
When K ≠ 0 the space is intrinsically curved; if K > 0 the space has a
spherical curvature, if K < 0 the curvature is of hyperbolic type.

=a2c 2 A4+a 2d 2 A2 B 2+2a 2cdA2⃗A ⃗

B+b2c 2 A 2B 2+b2 d 2 B4 +2b 2 cd B 2 ⃗
A ⃗
+2abc A A  B+2abd B A B+4abcd ( A  B ) −a c A −abcd A2 B 2 −
2 2⃗ ⃗ 2 2⃗ ⃗ ⃗ ⃗ 2 2 2 4

−abc 2 A 2 ⃗
A⃗B−a2 cd A 2 ⃗
A⃗B−abcd A 2 B 2−b 2d 2 B 4−b2 cd B 2 ⃗A ⃗ B−
2 2⃗ ⃗ 2 2⃗ ⃗ 2 2⃗ ⃗ ⃗ ⃗ 2 2 2 ⃗ ⃗ 2
−abd B A  B−a cd A A  B−abd B A  B−abcd ( A  B ) −a d ( A  B ) −
−abc 2 A 2 ⃗
A⃗B−b2cd B 2 ⃗
A⃗B −b2 c2 ( ⃗ B ) 2−abcd( ⃗A ⃗
A ⃗ B )2 =
=a 2d 2 A2 B 2+b2c 2 A2 B 2−2abcd A 2 B 2+2abcd( ⃗A B⃗ )2−a 2 d 2( ⃗A B
⃗ )2−b 2 c 2( ⃗ B )2 =
A ⃗
=(ad −bc )2 A2 B 2 −(ad −bc )2( ⃗ B )2 =(ad −bc )2( A 2 B 2−( ⃗
A ⃗ B ) 2)=
A ⃗
=(ad −bc )2( Aμ B ν Aμ B ν − Aν Bμ Aμ B ν)=
=(ad −bc )2( g μ g βν A B β Aμ B ν − g  ν g βμ A  B β Aμ B ν)=
=(ad −bc )2( g μ g βν− g  ν g βμ ) A Bβ Aμ B ν
* For the particular case of spherical surface see problem 33.
** Note that even spaces whose metric is not positive definite can be flat, such as the
Minkowski spaces of Special Relativity, which have a diag (±1). metric.

5.16 Isotropic spaces, spaces with constant curvature
▪ It can happen that the curvature K does not depend on the plane P
but only on the point P , so that it is the same in any direction. In these
cases, the space is called isotropic.
▪ If the curvature K is independent of P the space is said to be a space
with constant curvature.
▪ 2D spaces are necessarily isotropic, since only one (tangent) plane
pass through each point P ; the curvature K may, however, be different
from point to point, so they have not necessarily constant curvature.
▪ Spaces of dimension n >2, if isotropic, are spaces with constant
curvature K (Schur's theorem).
▫ Demonstration of Schur's theorem: definition eq.5.50
R βμ ν A B β A μ B ν
K= is equivalent to:
( g μ g βν − g  ν g βμ ) A B β A μ B ν

[ K(g μ g βν − g  ν g βμ )− R βμ ν ] A B β A μ B ν =0
in isotropic spaces where K = K (P ), i.e. K = K( x 1 ,x 2 ,... x n)
regardless of orientation, this must hold for ∀ ⃗
A, ⃗
B , that is:
K (g  μ g βν − g  ν g βμ )− R β μ ν = 0
R βμ ν= K ( g μ g βν− g  ν g βμ ) 5.51
Taking the covariant derivative:
R βμ ν ; λ = K ; λ g μ g βν + K( g μ ;λ g βν − g μ g βν ; λ )+
− K ; λ g  ν g βμ − K(g  ν ; λ g βμ − g  ν g βμ ; λ )=
and since ∀ g β; λ = 0:
= K ; λ( g μ g βν − g  ν g βμ )

From Bianchi's identity R βμ ν; λ + R β νλ ;μ + R β λμ ; ν =0 :

= K ;λ (g  μ g βν −g  ν g βμ )+ K ;μ ( g  ν g βλ − g  λ g βν )+
+ K ; ν(g  λ g βμ − g  μ g βλ )=0
Multiplying by g  μ g βν :

= K ;λ ( g  μ g βν g μ g βν− g  μ g βν g  ν g βμ )+
+ K ;μ (g  μ g βν g  ν g βλ − g  μ g βν g  λ g βν)+
+ K ; ν(g μ g βν g  λ g βμ − g  μ g βν g  μ g βλ )=0
=K ;λ( g μμ g νν−g μν g μν )+K ;μ ( g μν g νλ−g μλ g νν)+K ; ν( gμλ g μν−g μμ g νλ )=0
= K ;λ (n ⋅n− δμν δ νμ)+ K ;μ( δμν δ νλ −δμλ n)+K ; ν( δμλδ νμ −n δλν )=0
= K ;λ (n 2−n)+ K ;μ ( δμλ − δμλ n)+ K ;ν( δλν −n δ νλ )=0
= K ;λ (n 2−n)+ K ;μ ( δμλ (1−n))+ K ;ν( δνλ(1−n))=0
= K ;λ (n 2−n)+ K ;λ (1−n)+ K ;λ (1−n)=0
= K ;λ (n 2−3n +2)=0
= K ;λ (n−1)(n−2)=0
which is always fulfilled for n = 2 , ∀ K ;λ ; for n > 2 it must be
K ; λ =0 i.e. (being K an invariant scalar) K , λ =0 that is K
= const , q.e.d.
▪ Vice versa, spaces of dimension n > 2 with constant curvature K are
isotropic: in a curved space of dimension n > 2 one can not define "the
same direction" in different points because direction-vectors outgoing
from different points are not comparable. Hence a constant curvature
can only be achieved independent of the direction.


In the previous calculations, the noteworthy identities concerning

g μν and δμν have been repeatedly used :
g  μ g  ν = g μν = δμν
g μ g  μ = gμμ = δμμ = δ11 +δ 22+ ... +δ nn= n
g μν gμν = δμν δμν = δμμ =n

▪ Schur's Theorem establishes a “constitutional” difference between

2D spaces and spaces with a higher dimension: for n = 2 a space is
isotropic but may have variable curvature; for n > 2 a space can be
isotropic, but if it is, it has constant curvature.

▪ Summary: for spaces of dimension n the implications are valid:
n=2 ⇒ isotropy
n>2 : isotropy  constant curvature

▪ For isotropic spaces (all 2D spaces and nD spaces with constant

curvature) proportional relationships relate the curvature K to Ricci
scalar R and Ric to g , coming from the definition of isotropy eq.5.51.
They are:
i) R = K n ( n −1) 5.52
ii ) R βμ = K( n−1) g βμ 5.53

▫ i ) multiplying R βμ ν=K( g μ g βν−g  ν g βμ ) by g  ν g βμ

g  ν g βμ R βμ ν =K ( g  ν g βμ g μ g βν − g  ν g βμ g  ν g βμ )
g βμ Rνβμ ν = K( g νμ g μν − g  ν g  ν g βμ g βμ )
g βμ (−R βμ )= K (g μμ −n⋅n)
Rβμ has sign − since contraction of R on indexes 1,4
g  ν g  ν = g νν =δ11 +δ22 +...=n ; g βμ Rβμ = R

−R= K (n −n2 )
R= K n ( n−1) , q.e.d..

▫ ii) multiplying R βμ ν=K(g μ g βν−g  ν g βμ ) by g  μ yelds:

g  μ R  βμ ν = K( gμμ g βν − g μν g βμ )
R β ν = K( n g βν −δμν g βμ )=
= K (n g βν − g βν)=
= K (n−1) g βν , q.e.d.

▪ From eq.5.52 we deduce that for spaces with constant curvature:
R=2 K for n = 2
R=6 K for n = 3
R=12 K for n = 4
In particular:
for 2D spaces the Riemann curvature is 1 2 Ricci curvature.

5.17 Einstein tensor

From Bianchi identity eq.5.44, raising and contracting twice the in­
dexes to reduce Riemann to Ricci tensors and using the commutative
property between index raising and covariant derivative:
g β ν g  μ(R βμν ;λ + R βνλ ;μ + Rβλμ ;ν ) =0
g β ν(Rμβμν ;λ + Rμ βν λ ;μ + Rμβλμ ;ν )= 0
contracting R μ βμν ; λ on indexes 1-3 (sign +)
and R μ βλμ ;ν on indexes 1-4 (sign – ) :
βν μ
g (Rβ ν ;λ + R βν λ ;μ − Rβλ ;ν )= 0
βν μ μ
since g R βν λ;μ=−R λ ;μ , with sign – due
to the fact that the operation results in a
contraction on indexes 2-3 (sign – ) : **
R νν ; λ − Rμλ ;μ − R νλ ;ν = 0
The first term contracts again; the 2nd and 3rd term differ for a dummy
index and are in fact the same:
R ; − 2 R ; = 0 5.54

* g βν R μβνλ is a double inner product solvable as an external product followed by

two contractions:
e⃗β e⃗ν e⃗μ e⃗β e⃗ν e⃗μ e⃗μ

 R βν λ = g
Rμβ νλ = Rμλ

β β λ
ẽ ẽ ν ẽ λ ẽ ẽ ν ẽ λ ẽ
The result is a Ricci tensor as produced by a contraction 2-3.

  
that, thanks to the identity 2 R − R; ≡ 2 R ;  −R;  , may be
written as:
2 R − R; = 0 5.55
This expression or its equivalent eq.5.54 are sometimes called twice
contracted Bianchi identities.
Operating a further raising of the indexes:
g ν λ ( 2 Rμλ −δμλ R) ;μ = 0

( 2 Rν μ−δ ν μ R);μ = 0
that, since δ ν μ ≡ g ν μ (eq.2.46), yields:
( 2 Rν μ−g ν μ R);μ = 0

(R νμ 1
− g
R )

=0 5.56

We define Einstein tensor (or Hilbert-Einstein tensor) the 0 tensor

G*whose components are: *
G ν μ ≝ Rν μ − 1 g ν μ R 5.57
The eq.5.56 can then be written:
G ν μ;μ = 0 5.58
which states that the tensor G has null divergence.
Since both R ν μ and g ν μ are symmetric under indexes exchange, G
is symmetric too: G νμ =G μ ν .
▪ Alternative forms for the Einstein tensor are the following: ****
Gμν ≝ R μν− 1 δ μν R 5.59

G ν μ ≝ Rν μ − 1 g ν μ R 5.60
obtained by lowering the indexes once or twice by means of g  β .

* No reference, of course, to the “dual switch” earlier denoted by the same symbol!
**Note that in equations that contain tensors of the same rank, reducible to the form
V β =W β or V β= W β , it is possible to lower / raise indexes simultaneously
and concurrently, even in groups.

In the first it is written δ μν in place of g μν (remind that δ μν = g μν ).
▪ First form eq.5.59 is already ready for contraction μ = ν :
μ μ 1
μ 1
G = G μ = R μ − δ μ R = R − n R = R 1− n
2 ( 1
2 )
that is: (
G == R 1− n
2 ) 5.60

G is the trace of G as well as R is the trace of Ric .

For n = 2 , G = 0 while for n > 2 R and G have opposite signs.
▪ Note that in a curved space (Riemann R ≠ 0) it can be G = 0 or not,
as it may be Ric , R = 0 or not.
The tensor G has an important role in General Relativity because it is
the only divergence-free double-tensor that can be derived from R and
as such contains the information about the curvature of the manifold *
(it is not all the information contained in R (R has 20 independent
components, while G, like Ric , has only 10), but it is the part that
serves the purpose).**
* In this footnote we briefly discuss the role of the various curvature tensors in the
construction of the gravitational field equations of General Relativity (GR).
▪ The fundamental idea of GR is to relate the density of matter-energy with the
curvature of space (a point-to-point and direct-proportional relationship is
▪ The density of matter-energy in four-dimensional space-time is represented in
GR by a rank 2 tensor T , the energy-moment tensor, which generalizes into 4D
the stress tensor of mechanics, including energy and moments. It is therefore T
to induce the curvature of space-time. It is a matter of how to express a proper
mathematical relationship between T and some curvature tensor.
▪ The first possibility is to relate T with the Riemann tensor R. But doing so, in
the absence of matter (T = 0) would be R = 0 (flat space). In this way the gravita­
tional field extending into the void (outside the mass that creates it) would not be
described in terms of curvature.
▪ A second possibility is to relate T with the Ricci tensor Ric . In this case, in the
absence of matter (T = 0) it can be Ric = 0 without being R = 0 (note that this
possibility exists only for spaces with dimension n ≥ 4). Then R ≠ 0 would
describe the gravitational field in empty space in terms of curvature. Ric = 0 is
therefore acceptable as a description of the field in the empty space (note that
this would not work in a 3D space where, as already seen, R and Ric have the
same number of components, i.e. the same information content, and so are either
both null or both not null: in 3D the General Relativity would not work!).
▪ In presence of matter (i.e. within the mass, source of the field), however, T

5.18 Einstein spaces
Einstein space**is by definition a space where:
G νμ =λ g νμ with λ=const 5.62

that is G μν =λ δμν which by contraction gives:

G=λ n ⇒ λ= hence: 5.63
G νμ = g which placed in the definition of G νμ gives:
n νμ
g = R νμ− 1 g νμ R and thanks to eq.5.61:
n νμ 2

R 1− n
( 2) g
νμ = Rνμ − 1 g νμ R
n 2

cannot be related to Ric : for the conservation of matter-energy-moment it is

required to the tensor T to have zero divergence, while Ric is not a zero-
divergence tensor. Instead, it is the Einstein tensor G to have zero divergence;
therefore T can be related to G. In the end, the gravitational field can be
described in terms of curvature of the space by:
G=kT that is Gν μ = R νμ − 1 g νμ R= k T νμ
which in empty space reduces to G = 0 , that is Ric = 0 .
▪ Later on Einstein introduced a further term that induces a non-zero curvature
even in a completely empty universe (devoid of matter and gravitational field): it
would be the metric of space by itself to “produce” the curvature:
void void
G =λg that is Gν μ = λ g ν μ
(this is nothing but the definition of “Einstein space”). The proportionality
coefficient λ (also denoted Λ) is told “cosmological constant”.
▪ For a universe containing matter, the equation of the gravitational field
becomes therefore:
G + λ g = k T that is G = k T – λ g
where λ > 0 gives rise to a repulsive term that can be interpreted as “energy of
the void”. The term in λ was introduced by Einstein to make static his model of
universe, according to what was believed at the time. No longer necessary for an
expanding universe, it has been restored to account for the “dark energy” that
constitutes the most part of our universe and accelerates its expansion.
* This designation does not mean that GR spaces are Einstein spaces!

R νμ = R 1 − 1 g νμ + 1 g νμ R
(n 2) 2
R νμ = g 5.64
n νμ
This relationship between the Ricci tensor and the metric tensor
characterizes Einstein spaces.
Note that in a space of Einstein from R we can go back to Ric .
In particular, if R=0 also R νμ=0.

▪ For Einstein spaces these statements hold:

• for dimension n = 2 ∀2D space is Einstein space;
• for dimension n > 2 in a Einstein space it is R = const
▫ Indeed: equation eq.5.64, written as:
R μν = δμν
replaced in twice contracted Bianchi identity eq.5.55
( 2 R μλ− δμλ R) ;μ = 0 gives:

(2 Rn δ − δ R ) = 0

(δ R ( 1n − 12 )) =0

δμν is constant (0 or 1) and can be taken out, with the other

constants, of the covariant derivative

( 1n − 12 )R ; ν=0

or, since R is an invariant scalar:

( 1n − 12 )R , ν=0

For n = 2 always fulfilled, ∀R ;

for n >2 fulfilled for R = const , q.e.d.
▪ For n >2 an Einstein space is therefore characterized by R = const
(possibly also = 0).

This was also true for spaces with constant curvature. In fact, there is
an inclusion relationship between the two classes of spaces:
▪ Each space with constant curvature is an Einstein space
▫ Indeed:
the Einstein tensor G β ν ≝ Rβν − g βν R , recalling eq.5.53
valid in spaces with constant curvature, can be written:
G β ν = K ( n − 1) g β ν− g β ν R =
= g β ν K (n − 1) −
2 )
R = and by eq.5.52:

= gβ ν R ( 1n − 12 ) 5.65

which by eq.5.61 defines an Einstein space with λ :

λ=R ( 1n − 12 )
Einstein spaces therefore include:
• all spaces with n = 2
• spaces with n > 2 with constant curvature.

▫ From eq.5.64 we see that in an Einstein space it is always null a

tensor Z of components Z  μ derived from Ricci tensor and defined
as: Z  μ ≝ Rμ − g 5.66
n μ
which is obtained by subtracting from the Ricci tensor a term
including its trace R , and called “Ricci traceless”. This tensor, unlike
Ricci tensor has null trace:
g  μ Z μ = Z μμ = Z 11 +Z 22 +...= trace (Z  μ ) but also
g  μ Z μ = g  μ R μ −
n )
g μ = R− g μμ = R− n = 0
n n
and hence trace(Z μ )=0.

For n = 2 Z coincides with the Einstein tensor G.


G is our last stop. But just G is the beginning of a new story. More than a
hundred years have passed since the day when, mixing physics and
mathematics with an overdose of intuition, Einstein wrote:
G =  T 
anticipating, according to some, a theory of the Third Millennium to the
twentieth century, capable of reforming our understanding of the Universe
on a large scale. This equation states a direct proportionality between the
content of matter-energy represented by the “stress-energy-momentum”
tensor T ‒ a generalization in the four-dimensional space-time of the
stress tensor – and the curvature of space expressed by G. In a sense, T
belongs to the realm of physics, while G is matter of mathematics: that
maths we have toyed with so far. Compatibility with the Newton's
gravitation law allows to give a value to the constant κ and set the
fundamental equation of General Relativity in the form:

G   = 8 4G T  
which, beside the two glorious tensors, grants a place of honor to
fundamental constants such as the universal gravitational constant G and
the speed of light c. We note, dismayed, the serious and unjustified
absence of Planck's constant h. Who does not lack is the indefectible π,
which seems to claim its fundamental role in the architecture of the world,
although no one seems to make a great concern of that (those who think
of this observation as trivial try to imagine an Universe in which π is, yes,
a constant, but different from 3.14 ....).


1 - Transformation of Γ under coordinate change
 
We explicit   from eq.4.30   e =  e by (scalar) multiplying
both members by e  :
  〈
e , e  〉 = 〈  e , e  〉

  = 〈 e , e  〉
Now let us operate a coordinate change x  x  ' (and coordinate
bases, too) and express the right member in the new frame:
  = 〈  e , e  〉

〈 〉
=  x   '   ' e '  ,   ' e  ' (chain rule on x ' )
 x x

= '

〈 
x '
   ' e '  ,   ' e  '

= ' 
 '
〈 
x '
  ' e '  , e  '

=    '

〈  e '
   e '

'  , e  ' 〉
=    '  
 '
〈 , 〉
 e '
' e
' '
    '
 
'   〈 e ' , e
 〉

=    '  
 '
〈, 〉
 e '
' e
' '
    '
 
 ' '
 '   '

  ' '
' ' ' 
= '   '
 
   '     '  '     ' '
' κ β' γ' x  x'
2 x β '
=Λμ Λ γ' Λ ν Γ ' β' + μ
 x  x  x '  x ν

'  ' '  x  2 x ' '

=    '     '  ' '   (chain rule on x )
x  x  x

The first term would describe a tensor transform, but the additional

term leads to a different law and confirms that   is not a tensor.

2 - Transformation of covariant derivative under coordinate change
To V ; = V ,     V 
let's apply a coordinate change x ξ  x ζ ' and express the right
member in the new coordinate frame:
V ; = V ,     V 

=      ' V  ' (transformation of  )  ' V  '


= '
 '
  ' V  ' (transformation of  )   ' V  '
'  V' ' '  
=    ' ' V  '   ' 
x x

 
 2 '
   '   '   '   ''  '   x '  x    ' V  '
 x  x x
' V'
 ' '  
=    ' ' V  '   ' 
x x
'  '  '  '  x  2 x '  '
    '     '  '   ' V   '     ' V
x x  x
'   V ' ' '   x
=    ' ' V   ' ' 
x x x
'  ' '  x  2 x  ' ' *
    '  '  ' V  '   ' V
x x  x
'  V' '  x
2 x 
=    ' V  
 x  x'  x  '
'  ' '  x  2 x  ' '
    '  '  ' V  '  ' V
x x  x
or, changing some dummy indexes:
'  V' '  x
2 x 
=    ' V  
 x  x '  x '
'  ' '  x   2 x ' '
    '  '  ' V  '  ' V
x x  x
'  '
' x x x

* Recall that     ' =  = =  ''
 x  x'  x '

' ' ' 2
= '  ' 
   ' V , '     '   '  ' V terms in 
'  ' ' ' 2
=    ' V , '   '  ' V terms in 
The two terms in  2 cancel each other because opposite in sign. To
show that let's compute:
  x
x  x
 =
' 
  x '  x 
x x
' = 
x x x 
 x '   x   x    x  '
' '  ' '
x  x x
 =

 x ' 2 x   x  2 x  '
=  ' '  ' ' 
x  x x x x x
  x  
On the other hand: '  =  '   = 0 , hence:
x  x x
 x '  2 x  x  2 x '
 ' ' = − ' '  , q.e.d.
x  x x  x x x

The transformation for V ; is then:
    '  ' ' ' '  '
V ; = V ,     V =     ' V ,  '  '  ' V  =     ' V ; ' ⇒
⇒ V ;  transforms as a (component of a) 11  tensor.

That allows us to define a tensor ∇ V comp

 V . ;

3 - Non-tensoriality of basis-vectors, their derivatives and gradients
Are not tensors: a) basis-vectors ⃗e ν ; b) their derivatives  μ ⃗e ν ; c)
their gradients ∇̃ ⃗e ν
a) "Basis-vector" is a role that is given to certain vectors: within a
vector space n vectors are chosen to wear the "jacket" of basis-vectors.
Under change of basis these vectors remain unchanged, tensorially
transforming their components (according to the usual contravariant
scheme eq.3.4), while their role of basis-vectors is transferred to other
vectors of the vector space. More than a law of transformation of
basis-vectors, eq.3.2 is the law ruling the role or jacket transfer.
For instance, under transformation from Cartesian coordinates to
spherical, the vector V⃗ ≡(1 ,0 ,0) that in Cartesian plays the role of
basis-vector ⃗i transforms its components by eq.3.4 and remains
unchanged, but loses the role of basis-vector which is transferred to
new vectors according to eq.3.2 (which looks like a covariant scheme).
Vectors underlying basis-vectors have then a tensor character that
does not belong to basis-vectors as such.
b) Scalar components of  μ⃗e ν are the Christoffel symbols (eq.4.30,
eq.4.31) which, as shown in Appendix 1, do not behave as tensors: that
excludes that  μ ⃗e ν is a tensor.
The same conclusion is reached seing that the derivatives of basic-
vectors  μ⃗e ν are null in Cartesian coordinates but not in spherical
ones. Since a tensor which is null in a reference must be zero in all,
the derivatives of basis-vectors  μ ⃗e ν are not tensors.
c) Also the gradients of basis-vectors ∇̃ ⃗e ν have as scalar components
the Christoffel symbols (eq.4.51); since they have not a tensor
character (see Appendix 1), it follows that gradients of basis-vectors
̃ ⃗e ν are not tensors.

As above, the same conclusion is reached seing that the ∇̃ ⃗e ν are zero
in Cartesian but not zero in spherical coordinates.
We note that this does not conflict with the fact that  V⃗ , ∇̃ V⃗ own
tensor character: the scalar components of both are the covariant
derivatives which transform as tensors.
Similar considerations apply to basis-covectors.

4 – Equation of geodesic
The equation of the geodesic is obtained as curve of minimal length
between two points A and B.
l δx

Let the geodesic l between A and B be the parametric curve

xμ=x μ(t)
whose arc-lenght is

dxμ dx ν
s=∫t g μ ν
dt dt

where in general g μν is function of the point, i.e. g μν = gμ ν(x ) .
Let's define in each point x of the curve l a small arbitrary vector
⃗δ x variable with continuity, with components ⃗δ x comp
→ δ xμ that
turns to zero in A and B.
In this way a curve l is defined by equations
μ μ μ
̄x = x + δ x I
whose arc-lenght is:

d ̄x μ d ̄x ν
̄s =∫t ̄g μν
A dt dt
ḡ μ ν being now calculated in the varied points ̄xμ
ḡ μ ν = ḡ μ ν( x̄μ)
The value of ḡ μ ν at point ̄x can be given from to the value of

g μ ν at point xμ by series expansion (limited here to the first term):

 g μν
̄g μ ν =g μ ν + δ x ξ + .. . . (ξ =1,2 ,... n)
 xξ
The other two factors that appear under root can be written from eq.I
d ̄x
d μ μ dx
d (δ xμ )
= (x + δx ) = +
dt dt dt dt

d ̄x ν d ν ν d x ν d (δ x )
= (x + δx ) = +
dt dt dt dt
The radical quantity is thus:

 g μν
μ ν
d xμ d xν d x μ d (δ x ) d x ν d (δ x )
g μ ν ̄ ̄ dt = g μ ν +
dt dt  xξ
δ x ξ
dt dt
dt )( )
a product like ( A+a)(B+b)(C +c) where the capital means a finite
term and the lowercase means an infinitesimal term. Carrying out the
( A+a )(B+b)(C+c)=ABC+ABc+AbC+Abc+aBC+a Bc+abC+abc
Finite terms or first-order infinitesimal has been underlined; the others
are infinitesimal of higher order, therefore negligible. So we get:
μ ν μ ν μ ν μ
d̄x d ̄x dx dx d x d(δx ) d (δ x ) d x ν
gμ ν
̄ = g μν +g μ ν +g μ ν +
dt dt dt dt dt dt dt dt
g d xμ d xν
+ μξν δ x ξ
x dt dt
and being the 2nd and 3dt term the same one (just swap the dummies
μ , ν in the 3dt (here possible because g μ ν is simmetric):
d x μ d (δ x )  g μν
d xμ d xν d xμ d x ν d xμ d x ν
ḡ μ ν ̄ ̄ = g μν +2 g μ ν + ξ δ xξ
dt dt dt dt dt dt x dt dt
a+ε a , preponderant term ε , corrective term

From the calculation with small numbers it is known that:**

√ a+ε ≃ √ a + ε ⇒ √ a+ε − √ a ≃ ε thus:
2√ a 2√ a
d xμ d ( δ x ) 1  gμ ν
ν μ ν
ξ d x d x
gμ ν + δx

√ ̄g μ ν
d ̄x μ d ̄x ν
dt dt √
− gμ ν
d xμ d xν
dt dt
dt dt

g μν

2  xξ
dx dx
dt dt
dt dt

by integrating:
t t t g ...
δ s = ̄s −s =∫t √ ̄g μ ν ... dt − ∫t √ g μν ... dt =∫t μ ν dt

√ g μ ν ...

* First terms of Taylor expansion of √ x around x = a .

If the arc s is chosen as parameter t the denominator radical quantity
μ ν 2
is = 1 because g μ ν dx dx =ds and thus:

d x μ d ( δ x ) 1  gμ ν
ν μ ν
ξ d x d x
δ s =∫s ( gμ ν + δx )ds =
A ds ds 2 x ξ ds ds
d xμ d (δ x ) g d xμ d x ν
ds +∫s 1 μξν δ x ξ
gμ ν ds =
⏟ds ⏟ ds 2 x ds dsA

u dv
Integration by parts ∫ u dv =u v −∫ v du yelds:
d xμ ν d xμ g d xμ d x ν
[ d
s B

)ds+∫ 1 μνξ δ x ξ
δ x −∫s δx ν ( g μν
= g μν ds=
⏟ ds s ds ds A
s 2 x
A ds ds A

The term within brackets is = 0 because δ x =0 in A and B; by
swapping the dummies ν ,ξ in the last integral:
s d dx
g μ
ν d x d x
) ds +∫s 1 μξ
=−∫s δ x ν (g μ ν

ν δx ds=
ds A ds 2 x ds ds A

[ d xμ 1  gμ ξ d x d x
μ ξ
sB d
=−∫s δ x
(g μ ν ) ds− ν ds
A ds ds 2 x ds ds
We calculate separately the term:
d d xμ d 2 x μ d g dxμ d 2 xμ d g μν dx μ dx ξ
( gμ ν )= g μν 2 + μ ν = gμ ν 2 + =
ds ds ds ds ds ds dx ξ ds ds
d 2 xμ 1 d g μ ν dx μ dx ξ 1 d g ξν dx ξ dxμ
+ =g μ ν
ξ + μ
ds 2 2 dx ds ds 2 dx ds ds
having swapped the dummies μ , ξ in the last cut-in-half-term.
By replacing what calculated above:

A [
d 2 xμ d g dx μ dx ξ 1 d g ξν dx ξ dxμ 1  g μξ d xμ d x ξ
=−∫s δ x ν g μ ν 2 +1 μξ ν

+ −
2 dx ds ds 2 dxμ ds ds 2 x ν ds ds
[ ]
2 μ μ ξ
sB d x dx dx 1
=−∫s δ x ν g μ ν 2
+ ⋅ ( g μν ,ξ+g ξν ,μ−g μξ ,ν ) ds
ds ds ds 2
For δ s = ̄s −s =0 (geodesic condition) the curve l overlaps the

geodesic l and the integral vanishes. Since δ x is arbitrary, to satisfy
the geodesic condition δ s =0 the square bracket must vanish too:
d 2 xμ dxμ dx ξ 1
gμ ν 2 + ⋅ (g μ ν ,ξ + g ξ ν ,μ − g μ ξ ,ν )=0
ds ds ds 2
Multiplying by g ν λ :
d 2 x μ dxμ dx ξ 1 ν λ
g μλ + ⋅ g ( g μ ν , ξ + g ξ ν ,μ − g μ ξ ,ν ) = 0
ds2 ds ds ⏟ 2
Γμ ξ
2 μ 2 μ 2 λ
λ λ d x d x d x
Since g μ =δμ ⇒ g λμ
= δμλ 2 = 2 we get the differential
ds ds ds
equation(s) of the geodesic:

d 2 x λ dx μ dx ξ λ
+ Γ =0
ds2 ds ds μ ξ

5 – Riemannian metrics / spaces in general
A space is not associated with a particular metric (the metric changes
with the coordinate system you choose); however some characteristics
of the metric can imply precise properties of space. This is the case of
flat metrics (i.e. matrix with elements, or coefficients, constant) that
imply flat space (but not viceversa) as well as defined positive /
indefinite metrics that imply respectively space with positive distances
( ( ds > 0 ) or with distances of variable sign.
Here we classify Riemannian spaces based on some properties of the
spaces themselves or their metrics, referring to 4 attributes (0 = NO,
1 = YES). Forbidden combinations are barred.

g positiv. g const. flat Euclidean Examples or

defined coeffic. space space reasons for exclusion
0 0 0 0 example 1
0 0 0 1 a
0 0 1 0 example 2
0 0 1 1 b
0 1 0 0 c
0 1 0 1 a
0 1 1 0 Minkowski-like
0 1 1 1 b
1 0 0 0 example 3
1 0 0 1 a
1 0 1 0 d
1 0 1 1 example 4
1 1 0 0 c
1 1 0 1 a
1 1 1 0 d
1 1 1 1 Euclidean-rectangular

(“flat” and “Euclidean” refer here to space, not to the metric;

“constant coefficients” means ∀ g μν = const ; note that “constant
coefficients”  “flat metric” ⇒ “flat space”)

• Reason for exclusion: a: Euclidean space ⇒ flat space
b: Euclidean sp. ⇒ g positive definite
c: g constant coefficients ⇒ flat sp.

{ }
d: g positive definite ⇒ Euclidean sp.
flat sp.
• Examples:

[ ]
example 1: [ g μν ]= 1
⇒ ∃ Γ≠0 ; R≠0

[ ]
example 2: [ g μν ]= 1 0
0 −(x 2 )2
⇒ ∃ Γ≠0 ; R=0

example 3: [ g μ ν ]= 1
] 0
1 2
0 ( x ) +1
⇒ ∃ Γ≠0 ; R≠0

[ ]
example 4: [ g μ ν ]= 1 01 2
0 (x )
(Euclidean metric in polar coordinates)
⇒ ∃ Γ≠0 ; R=0

▪ The whole set of cases has graphical representation in the diagram:

Riemannian spaces

6 – Curvature in 2D spaces
A 2D space (surface) can have a variable curvature but is necessarily
isotropic, so as its Riemann curvature K
R βμ ν A B β A μ B ν
( g μ g βν − g  ν g βμ ) A B β A μ B ν
does not depend on the direction, that is independent of vectors ⃗
A, ⃗
The summations of numerator and denominator contain addends with
any combination of the values 1, 2 in the indexes  ,β,μ , ν , but in
the numerator only terms containing R1212 , R1221 , R 2112 , R2121 are
≠ 0, therefore in the formula for K only terms corresponding to the
alignments  βμ ν =1212, 1221, 2112, 2121 must be considered
• at numerator:
R1212 A1 B 2 A1 B2 +R1221 A1 B 2 A2 B 1+R2112 A2 B1 A1 B 2+R 2121 A2 B1 A2 B1
• at denominator:
(g 11 g 22 − g 12 g 21 )A1 B 2 A1 B 2+( g 12 g 21 −g 11 g 22 )A1 B 2 A2 B1 +
+(g 21 g 12 −g 22 g 11 )A 2 B1 A1 B2 +( g 22 g 11 − g 21 g 12 ) A2 B1 A2 B1

Since ⃗
A, ⃗
B are any vectors, we can choose:
A=( 1,0) that is A1=1, A2 =0

B=(0,1) that is B1 =0, B2=1

In this way all the terms that contain A2 o B1 in numerator and
denominator vanish, giving:
R1212 A1 B2 A1 B2 R1212
K= =
( g 11 g 22 −g 12 g 21 )A1 B2 A1 B 2 det [ g β ]

▪ We report here (without proof) that the following three ways to

obtain the curvature K of a 2D space are equivalent:
R1212 R
K = = = kS
det [ g  β ] 2
where R = Ricci scalar and kS = Gauss curvature.

Bibliographic references
▪ Among texts specifically devoted to Tensor Analysis the following retain a
relatively soft profile:

Bertschinger, E. 1999, Introduction to Tensor Calculus for General Relativity,

Massachusset Institute of Technology – Physics 8.962, pag. 34
In just over 30 pages a systematic, well structured and clear though concise
treatment of Tensor Analysis aimed to General Relativity. The approach to tensors is
of the geometric type, the best suited to acquire the basic concepts in a systematic
way. The notation conforms to standard texts of Relativity. No use is made of matrix
calculus. These notes are modeled in part on this text, possibly the best among those
known to the author. Recommended without reserve; it can be at times challenging
at first approach.

Kay, D. C. 1988, Tensor Calculus, McGraw-Hill, pag. 228

This book belongs to the mythical “Schaum Outline Series”, but without having the
qualities. The approach to Tensor Analysis is the most traditional “by components”
(except a final chapter where the broad lines of the geometric approach are piled up
in a very formal and almost incomprehensible summary). The traditional separation
between statements and problems characteristic of Schaum's Outline is here
interpreted in a not very happy way: the theoretical parts are somewhat abstract and
formal, the problems are mostly examples of mechanisms not suitable to clarify the
concepts. In fact, the conceptual part is the great absent in this book (which you can
read almost to the end without having clear the very fundamental invariance
properties of vectors and tensors subject to coordinate transformations!). Extensive
use of matrix calculus (to which a far too insufficient review chapter is devoted).
The second half of the book is dedicated to topics of interest for Differential
Geometry but marginal for General Relativity. The notations used are not always
standard. This text is not recommended as an introduction to the mathematics of
General Relativity, to which it is rather misleading. Self-study risky. On the contrary
it is no doubt useful for consultation of certain subjects, when the same are
somewhat known.

Lovelock, D., Rund, H. 1989, Tensors, Differential Forms and Variational

Principles, Dover Publication, pag. 366
Text with a somewhat mathematical setting, but still accessible and attentive to the
conceptual propositions. The approach is that traditional “by components” ; are first
introduced affine tensors and then general tensors according to a (questionable)
policy of gradualism. The topics that are preliminary to General Relativity do not
exceed one third of the book. It may be useful as a summary and reference for some
single subjects.

Fleisch, D.A. 2012, A Student's Guide to Vectors and Tensors, Cambridge University
Press, pag. 133
A very "friendly" introduction to Vector and Tensor Analysis, understandable even
without special prerequisites, neverthless with a good completeness (until the
introduction of the Riemann tensor, but without going into curved spaces). The
approach to tensor is traditional. Beautiful illustrations, many examples from
physics, many calculations carried out in full, together with a speech that gives the
impression of proceeding methodically and safely, without jumps and without
leaving behind dark spots, make this book an excellent autodidactict tool, also
accessible to a good high school student.

Spain, B. 2003, Tensor Calculus -A Concise Course, Dover Publications, pag. 125
A dense booklet, not so easy and quite old-style, but comprehensive and interesting
for the clever treatment of some topics (included the deduction of the equation of the
geodesic without resorting Euler-Lagrange equation, we referred to in Appendix 4).

▪ Among the texts of General Relativity (GR), the following contains a

sufficiently practicable introduction to Tensor Analysis carried on by a
geometrical approach:

Schutz, B. F. 1985, A First Course in General Relativity, Cambridge University

Press, pag. 376
Classic introductory text to General Relativity, it contains a quite systematic and
complete discussion, although fragmented, of tensors. At least in the first part of the
book (the one that concerns us here), the discourse is carefully argued, even
meticulous, with all the explanations of the case and only few occasional
disconnection (even if the impression is sometimes that of a bit cumbersome
“machinery”). This is a good introduction to the topic which has the only defect of
“flattening” significantly concepts and results without giving a different emphasis
depending on their importance. For that it would be better dealing with it with some
landmark already acquired. It has been used in various circumstances as a reference
while writing these notes.

Dunsby, P. K. S. 2000 An Introduction to Tensors and Relativity, University of Cape

Town, South Africa, pag. 130
Download: (PS format)
This is a schematic but well-made summary that follows the text of Schutz. With
few variations, some simplifications and much more incisiveness.

Carroll, S.M. 2004 Spacetime and geometry, Addison-Wesley, pag. 513

Text that has established itself as a leader among those recently published on the
subject GR. It's a fascinating example of scientific prose of conversational style:
reading it sequentially you may have the impression of participating in a course of
lectures. Tensors are introduced and developed closely integrated with the GR. This
text places itself at a level of difficulty somewhat higher than that of Schutz.

Carroll, S. M. 1997 Lecture Notes on General Relativity, University of California
Santa Barbara, pag. 231
These are the original readings, in a even more conversational tone, from which the
text quoted above has been developed. All that is important is located here, too,
except for some advanced topics of GR.

Dettmann, C. P. 2007 General Relativity, Universty of Bristol, pag.36

A thorough and original synthesis of the entire GR in few pages, including tensors.
Readable, despite the compression. The structure of the text makes it easy to consult,
even with regard to tensors.

McMahon, D. 2006 Relativity Demystified, Mc Graw-Hill, pag. 344

One of the “Self-teaching Guide”of the “Demystified” Series. It aims to achieve a
“working knowledge” of the subject, without dwelling too much upon theory and
subtilizing concepts. Pragmatic approach, sometimes a little rough, but interesting
for a number of exercises developed in full. Useful, but not sufficient for those not
satisfied by the approximative.

Ta-Pei Cheng 2010 Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology – A Basic introduction,

Oxford University Press, pag.435
A beautiful volume from the Oxford Master Series that deals exhaustively both GR
and cosmology. The setting is teaching, and various topics are covered thoroughly,
widely, and sometimes in a somewhat insisted way. In short, it is difficult not to
understand, but first there is a lot to read. Tensors are first introduced in outline in
the early chapters, but then, prior to Part IV "Relativity: full tensor formulation", two
chapters are dedicated to them, albeit shrinking to what is interesting for GR.
Appreciable discussion and examples of curved spaces. The book is also worthy of
consideration for the considerable number of problems proposed, and in many cases


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