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Pbi-Multi-Day-Planner Week 2 2 1

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Project-Based Instruction

Multi-Day Planner

Week 2
Day 6
How will you budget your road trip?

Standards (full text not just numbers and letters)

A1: F-LE.A.1
Distinguish between situations that can be modeled with linear functions and with exponential
A1: F-IF.B.6
Determine the slope of a line from a graph.
Develop and use the formula for slope.

Student Learning Objectives (SWBAT)

SWBAT: Finish finding budget for their project or move on to finding lodging and food places
for their trip

Lesson/inquiry/investigation ideas
Students will complete the work they started on Friday,Day 5 where they began finding a budget
for their trip. If they completed this task students will continue on to the next step, start finding
food and lodging stops.

Student artifacts/assessment
The formative assessments that will be collected and grades for the linear function benchmark
day will be an exit ticket, gallery walk worksheet, and bell ringer.

Students will complete work from friday once they have a car they will need to decide how many
days there trip will take and how many days they need to account for lodging and resting. They
will be using chromebooks to conduct research.

October 2015
Project-Based Instruction Multi-Day Planner

Day 7
Driving question/problem
What will be your lodging and what would you eat during your trip?

Student Learning Objectives (SWBAT)

SWBAT: Research lodging, and food while comparing prices

Standards (full text not just numbers and letters)

A1: F-LE.A.1
● Distinguish between situations that can be modeled with linear functions and with
exponential functions.
A1: F-IF.B.6
● Determine the slope of a line from a graph.
● Develop and use the formula for slope.

Lesson/inquiry/investigation ideas
Students will complete the work they started on Monday, Day 6. They will also continue to the
next step, start finding food and lodging stops.

Student artifacts/assessment
Students will input information into their project notebooks to show their progress with
inputting what they found and learned for their lodging, and food and relate to linear functions if
applicable. This will help students stay organized and the teachers to monitor student progress.
This will be picked up on day 10.

Chromebooks will be used

October 2015 2
Project-Based Instruction Multi-Day Planner

Day 8
Driving question/problem
How can you find an exponential function based on the data you collected during week 1?

Student Learning Objectives (SWBAT)

SWBAT: Research lodging, and food while comparing prices
SWBAT graphically represent data
SWBAT analyze and interpret data collected
SWBAT show graphical representation of linear functions based on tables.
SWBAT create an equation from the graph.
SWBAT create an equation from the table.

Standards (full text not just numbers and letters)

A1: F-LE.A.1
● Distinguish between situations that can be modeled with linear functions and with
exponential functions.
A1: F-IF.B.6
● Determine the slope of a line from a graph.
● Develop and use the formula for slope.

Lesson/inquiry/investigation ideas
Day 8 will be for a work day. The students will be given this day to catch up and complete steps

Student artifacts/assessment (Include reflection and presentation rubrics.)

The students will complete their project notebook entries if they did not finish from the previous
day. Again, this will be picked up on day 10.

Chromebooks if needed

October 2015 3
Project-Based Instruction Multi-Day Planner

Day 9
Driving question/problem
How to identify and solve exponential functions graphically, based on a table, and an equation?

Student Learning Objectives (SWBAT)

1. State the important characteristics of linear functions
2. Write Linear equations/functions from data tables
3. Identify Linear functions and state their important characteristics
4. Use linear functions to find input given output or find output given input
5. Graph linear functions
Standards (full text not just numbers and letters)
A1: F-LE.A.1
● Distinguish between situations that can be modeled with linear functions and with
exponential functions.
A1: F-IF.B.6
● Determine the slope of a line from a graph.
● Develop and use the formula for slope.

Lesson/inquiry/investigation ideas
This day will be a benchmark day where the students will learn about linear functions. They
lesson will consist of finding slope, writing equations, identifying y-intercepts from graphs and
tables, and creating a linear equation and using that to graph it.

Student artifacts/assessment (final project rubric)

The formative assessments that will be collected and grades for the linear function benchmark
day will be an exit ticket, gallery walk worksheet, and bell ringer.

What will you do with these?

They will be used to assess the students understanding of linear functions. We will gain whether
or not the students understand how to solve, graph, and analyze tables and translate that to linear
functions and creating an equation for the data.


October 2015 4
Project-Based Instruction Multi-Day Planner

Day 10
Driving question/problem
How can you find an exponential function based on the data you collected during week 1?

Student Learning Objectives (SWBAT)

SWBAT: Budget and express graphically their budgets
SWBAT: Create graphical representations that they have discovered and
SWBAT: Write a equation slope and what kind of equation it represents if they do not have a
graphical representation of some sort yet they need to make one.

Standards (full text not just numbers and letters)

A1: F-LE.A.1
● Distinguish between situations that can be modeled with linear functions and with
exponential functions.
A1: F-IF.B.6
● Determine the slope of a line from a graph.
● Develop and use the formula for slope.

Lesson/inquiry/investigation ideas
This willan investigation day for the students. They will take what they learned about linear
functions on day 9 and will take all graphical representations that they have discovered and write
a equation slope and what kind of equation it represents if they do not have a graphical
representation of some sort yet they need to make one.
Student artifacts/assessment
We will collect their project notebooks which they completed throughout the week. This will be
graded and the students will be given feedback, this will be given to them when the project
notebooks are passed back out on Monday Day 11.

Chromebooks and graphing calculators will be used

October 2015 5

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