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Metal Fatigue Spreadsheets

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John Andrew, PE Rev: 19 Sep 2015

"# Co$%onen! &re de!i'ned o wih!&nd( dire) for)e!, $o$en! &nd or!ion#
2# The!e *o&d! $&+ e &%%*ied 'r&d-&**+, !-dden*+, or re%e&ed*+#
.# A !&i) !re!! &n&*+!i! *e&d! o & d+n&$i) !re!! e/&*-&ion#
<# Sre!! i! For)e %er -ni Are&, 9 1 F  A 3%!i or P&4
5# Sr&in i! e0en!ion di/ided + ori'in&* Len'h, e 1 0  L 3n-$er4
# Sren'h i! he Sre!! of & e!ed $&eri&* & f&i*-re, S 1 F$&0  A 3%!i or P&4

 6 Noe( 3  4 1 M-*i%*+ 8 S 1 M&

M&eri&* &**ow&*e !re!!
9 1 A%%*ied
A%%*ied dire) !re!!
: 1 A%%*ied
A%%*ied !he&r !re!!
S%re&d Shee Mehod( F 1 For)
For)e e
"# T+%e
T+%e in /&*-e! for he in%- d&&# A 1 Are&
2# Ener# e 1 Sr&
"# An!wer( X 1 wi** e )&*)-*&ed# 0 1 E0en
E0en!i !ion
$# %&tomatic calc&lations are o*d +%e# L 1 Len'
M-*i%*+( + O&in
For)e *  Newton's
";; <#<<= 1 <<5 N
Sre!!, %!i  Pascals
";; #=>5 1 => KPa
Sre!!, %!i  Million Pa
";; ;#;;=>5 1 ;#> MPa
Len'h, in  Millimeter 
";; 25#<;; 1 25<;#; mm
Len'h, in  Meter 
";; ;#;25< 1 2#5<; m
?or!e Power, h%  Watts
";; 7<5#7 1 7<57; W
?or!e Power, h%  in-lbsec
";; ;; 1 ;;;; in-lbsec
@e/o*-ion! %er Min-e, r%$  ra!ianssec
";; >#5<> 1 >55 ra!sec
@o&ion, de'  ra!ians
";; 57#2>5= 1 572>#5= ra!
C&ni*e/er e&$

(e cantilever en! loa! )*+ an! tor,&e )+ are balance! b
ben!in. an! s(ear stresses wit(in t(e beam#

(e stress element )%+ at t(e top s&r/ace o/ t(e beam above is s&becte!
to a ben!in. stress )3+ an! torsional s(ear stress a& )<+#
Note: n t(is case 3 4 0#
(e maim&m stress !&e to t(ese two stresses are t(e principal stresses
31 actin. on t(e planes incline! at an.le = !e.rees an! = > 90 !e.rees#

1# %pplie! tensile stress

stres s 3 4 *  % 4 *orce  %rea )psi or Pa+

2# %pplie! ben!in. stress 3 4 M 6 c   4 7oa!  %rea )psi or Pa+

"# ensile
ensile stress stren.t( S 4 este!
este! brea8in. loa!  %rea )psi or Pa+

$# Strain e 4 tension  ri.inal len.t( 4   7 )n&mber+

5# Mo!&l&s o/ elasticit
elasticit  4 Stress  Strain 4 3  ; )psi or Pa+
C&ni*e/er e&$

(e cantilever en! loa! )*+ an! tor,&e )+ are balance! b
ben!in. an! s(ear stresses wit(in t(e beam#

(e stress element )%+ at t(e top s&r/ace o/ t(e beam above is s&becte!
to a ben!in. stress )3+ an! torsional s(ear stress a& )<+#
Note: n t(is case 3 4 0#
(e maim&m stress !&e to t(ese two stresses are t(e principal stresses
31 actin. on t(e planes incline! at an.le = !e.rees an! = > 90 !e.rees#

1# %pplie! tensile stress

stres s 3 4 *  % 4 *orce  %rea )psi or Pa+

2# %pplie! ben!in. stress 3 4 M 6 c   4 7oa!  %rea )psi or Pa+

"# ensile
ensile stress stren.t( S 4 este!
este! brea8in. loa!  %rea )psi or Pa+

$# Strain e 4 tension  ri.inal len.t( 4   7 )n&mber+

5# Mo!&l&s o/ elasticit
elasticit  4 Stress  Strain 4 3  ; )psi or Pa+
?# S(ear mo!&l&s @ 4 S(ear Stress  S(ear Strain 4 <  = )psi or Pa+

A# S(ear strain (eta = 4 wist an.le meas&re! in ra!ians )ra!+

B#orsion s(ear stress S&s 4  6 r  C )psi or Pa+

9# Den!in. s(ear stress a&

a& < 4 K 6 S(ear 7oa!  %rea 4 E  % )psi or Pa+

Prin)i%&* Sre!!e!
Principal stresses are t(e maim&m )31+ an! minim&m )32+ normal
stresses an! t(e act on principal planes at 90 !e.rees to eac( ot(er#
(ere is Fero s(ear stress on t(e principal planes#
Ma s(ear stress a& ) <ma+ is on t(e plane $5 !e.rees to t(e principal planes#

Prin)i%&* !re!! 3"4 9" 1 390  9+4 2  6390 B 9+4 282  :2;#5
Prin)i%&* !re!! 324 92 1  390  9+4 2 B 6390 B 9+4 282  :2;#5
M&0 !he&r !re!!, :$&0 1 39" B 9.4 2

(e tensile stress at point )%+ in t(e beam above is 5000 psi !&e to
ben!in. an! t(e s(ear stress is 2000 psi !&e to t(e transverse loa! )*+#
Galc&late t(e principal stresses an! t(e maim&m s(ear stress#

3 4 50000 psi
3 4 20000 psi
<4 2000 psi
Prin)i%&* !re!! 3"4, 9" 1 390  9+4 2  6390 B 9+4 282  :2;#5
9" 1 5;".. %!i

Prin)i%&* !re!! 324, 92 1 390  9+4 2 B 6390 B 9+4 282  :2;#5

92 1 ">=7 %!i

M&0 !he&r !re!!, T&-(

:$&0 1 39" B 924 2
:$&0 1 "5"..

She&r &re& !h&%e f&)or, 34 Are& 

Soli! Gircle 1#"""
Hollow clin!er 2#000
Rectan.le 1#500
10# Iirect s(ear stress 
a& < 4 S(ear 7oa!  %rea 4 E  % )psi or Pa+

Sren'h &nd F&i'-e F&i*-re Theorie!

I&ctile materials stretc( 5J or more be/ore brea8in. at t(eir s(ear stren.t(s#
Drittle materials stretc( less t(an 5J an! brea8 at t(eir tensile stren.t(s#

"# M&0i$-$ &**ow&*e !&i) dire) !re!!#

Material static stren.t( is !etermine! b increasin. t(e tension loa! &ntil it /ract&res#
(e compressive stren.t( is e,&al to t(e tensile stren.t( in !&ctile materials#

2# Di!orion ener'+
Iistortion ener. or von Mises-Hen8 t(eor is t(e most acc&rate /ail&re t(eor#
(e von Mises' e//ective stress is t(e &ni-aial tensile stress t(at wo&l! create t(e
 same !istortion ener. as is create! b t(e act&al combination o/ applie! /orces#
(e !istortion ener. stress )3+ is t(e !irect stress e,&ivalent to an combination
o/ tensions an! s(ears#
/on Mi!e!H
Mi!e!H effe)i/
e !re!!, 9 1 6 3 9"2  922922  9"92 8;#5

/on Mi!e!H
Mi!e!H effe)i/e !re!!, 9 1 6 3 902  9+2  909+  .:0+2 8;#5

M&eri&* +ie*d
+ie*d !&fe+
!&fe+ f&)or
f&)or,, N 1 S+  9
S+ 1 M&eri&*
M&eri&* en!ion
en!ion +ie*d
+ie*d !re!!
n t(e case o/ p&re torsion 3 4 0 an! 3 4 0#
9 1 3 .:0+2
.:0+2 4;#5
Material s(ear sa/et /actor
/actor N 4 St  3
 N 4 St
St ) "6<L
"6<L22 +L0#5
 N 4 St
St ) 1#A"26
M&eri&* !he&r +ie*d
+ie*d !re!!,
!re!!, S+! 1 #577  S+ S+
Gi/en %rin)i%&* !re!!e!( In%- D&&
31 4 $000 psi
31 4 2000 psi
/on Mi!e!H effe)i/e !re!!, 9 1 6 3 9"2  922  9"92 8;#5
9 1 .<< %!i

Gi/en 0 &nd + dire)ion !re!!e!( In%- D&&

3 4 "0000 psi
3 4 5000 psi
< 4 2000 psi
Material tension iel! stress St 4 "?000 psi
/on Mi!e!H effe)i/e !re!!, 9 1 6 3 902  9+2  909+  .:0+2 8;#5
9 1 2=;5< %!i
M&eri&* +ie*d !&fe+ f&)or, N 1 S+  9
N1 "#2=

In he )&!e of %-re or!ion, 90 1 ; &nd 9+ 1 ;#

/on Mi!e!H effe)i/e !re!!, 9 1 3 .:0+2 4;#5
9 1 .<<

M&eri&* !he&r !&fe+ f&)or, N 1 S+  9

N1 ";#<

M&eri&* !he&r +ie*d !re!!, S+! 1 #577  S+

S+! 1 2;772 %!i

M&eri&* !he&r !&fe+ f&)or, N 1 S+ 3 .:0+2 4;#5

N1 ";#<

M&eri&* !he&r !&fe+ f&)or, N 1 S+ 3 "#7.2:0+4

N1 ";#<

(e maim&m s(ear-stress t(eor states t(at /ail&re occ&rs w(en t(e ma s(ear
stress in a part ecee!s t(e s(ear stress in a tensile specimen at iel!#
ne (al/ o/ t(e tensile iel!: In%- D&&
Material tensile iel! stress S 4 "?000 psi
M&eri&* !he&r +ie*d !re!!, S+! 1 ;#5;  S+
S+! 1 "=;;; psi

(e stress element s(own (ere ill&strates torsion w(ic( ca&ses p&re s(ear#

The MohrH! )ir)*e di&'r&$ for or!ion !how!(

31 is normal to plane θ
32 is paralel to plane = In%- D&&
Principal stress 31 4 "0000 psi
Principal stress 32 4 20000 psi
M&0 !he&r !re!!, :$&0 1 39"  924  2
:$&0 1 25;;; %!i
9&/' 1 39"  924  2
:$&0 1

(is stress element s(ows p&re tension

!&e to ben!in. or aial loa!in.#

The Moore )ir)*e di&'r&$ for en!ion !how!(

In%- D&&
3 4 31 4 "0000
32 4 0
M&0 !he&r !re!!, :$&0 1 9"  2
:$&0 1 "5;;; %!i
or M&0 !he&r !re!!, :$&0 1 90  2
:$&0 1 "5;;; %!i

M&eri&*! Ten!ion &nd She&r E 3%!i4 G 3%!i4

M&eri&* ";7 ";
r&!! "#5; ;#55
ronKe "#7; ;#5
C&! Iron "#<; ;#;
D-r&*-$in "#;5 ;#.=
Mone* Me&* 2#; "#;;
Mi*d See* 2#>; "#"5
Ni)e*BChro$e See* 2#>; "#"=

Ten!i*e !re!!, 9 1 P  A 1 Lo&d  Are& 3%!i or P&4

Sr&in,  1 E0en!ion  Ori'in&* *en'h 1 3L  Lo4  Lo 1 L  Lo 3no -ni!4

7o 4ri.inal len.t( 7 4 7en.t( w(en loa! is applie!#
Mod-*-! of e*&!i)i+, E 1 Sre!!  Sr&in 1 9   3%!i or P&4

She&r !re!!, : 1 She&r Lo&d  Are& 1   A 3%!i or P&4

U*i$&e !he&r !re!!, S-! 1 T  r  J 3%!i or P&4 6Noe(  1 M-*i%*+8

She&r !r&in,  1 Twi! &n'*e $e&!-red in r&di&n!

J 1 Po*&r $o$en of ineri& 3in<4

She&r $od-*-!, G 1 She&r Sre!!  She&r Sr&in 1 :   3%!i or P&4

Mod-*-! of ri'idi+, G 1 :  Lo  3r  4 3%!i or P&4

Or G 1 E  23"  Q4 3%!i or P&4

Mo! !ee* &**o+! h&/e &n E 1 .; M%!i 1 2;7 GP&

D-)i*e $&eri&*! !re)h 5R or $ore efore re&in'#

See*!( S-! 1 ;#=;  S-

She&r +ie*d !re!!, S-! 1 ;#75  Ten!i*e -*i$&e !re!!

F&i'-e Sren'h &nd End-r&n)e Li$i 1 )+)*e! & & !re!! *e/e* o f&i*-re#
See*! &nd !o$e i&ni-$ &**o+! h&/e &n end-r&n)e *i$i !re!!
e*ow whi)h he+ wi** no f&i*, no $&er how $&n+ *o&d )+)*e! &re &%%*ied#

W(en &sin. cel's @oal See8 &nprotect t(e sprea! s(eet b selectin.:
Dro% down $en-( Too*!  Proe)ion  Un%roe) Shee  O
W(en cel's @oal See8 is not nee!e! restore protection wit(:
Dro% down $en-( Too*!  Proe)ion  Proe) Shee  O

NI * I*NNS

de ?&/i**&nd Co$e
(e Dritis( !e Havillan! I#H#10? Gomet airliner b&ilt in 19$9 &se! /o&r !e Havillan! @(ost 50 t&rboet
en.ines mo&nte! in t(e win.s#

 %/ter 500 (o&rs o/ /li.(t testin. commercial operations in earl 1952# % Gomet msterio&sl
cras(e! s(ortl a/ter ta8eo// on 2 Ma 195"# wo similar cras(es /ollowe! in earl 195$#

 %/ter several t(o&san! o/ ccles o/ repeate!l press&riFin. an! !epress&riFin. t(e /&sela.e in water
/ati.&e crac8s !evelope! at t(e s,&are corners in t(e cabin win!ows# (ese crac8s .rew over time &ntil
t(e cabin eplo!e!#

(e corners o/ all et airliners are now ro&n!e! to re!&ce stress concentration#

F&i'-e Te!in' of Me&*!

T+%i)&* F&i'-e Te!

 % /ati.&e test piece is s(own above# ac( en! is clampe! in a rotatin. ben!in. mac(ine# (e
stress at all points aro&n! t(e circ&m/erence o/ t(e nec8e! !own center are s&becte! to
time varin. stress levels /rom maim&m tension to maim&m compression# % /ew tests (ave
been !one b applin. repeate! ccles o/ aial tension an! compression wit( no ben!in.#

Most /ati.&e testin. (as been !one wit( metal t(at is ro&n! small in !iameter an! (i.(l
polis(e!# (e (ave been teste! t(ro&.( man ccles &ntil /ati.&e / ail&re occ&rs# (is is
!one at several stress levels an! t(e res&lts are plotte! in a Stress vs# N&mber o/ Gcles
)S-N+ !ia.ram# Corre)ion f&)or! $-! e &%%*ied o %&r! h& differ in !iKe,
!e)ion !h&%e, !-rf&)e fini!h, e$%er&-re, &nd !&i) !ren'h#

@e/er!ed Sre!! C+)*e!

(e rotatin. /ati.&e test stress varies /rom maim&m tension )Sma+ to maim&m
compression )Sma+ as s(own in t(e !ia.ram above#

@e%e&ed Sre!! C+)*e!

Stress varies /rom Fero to maim&m tension )Sma+#

F*-)-&in' Sre!! C+)*e!

Stress varies /rom minim&m tension )Smin+ to
maim&m tension )Sma+#

SBN Di&'r&$ for T+%i)&* See* &nd A*-$in-$ A**o+!

*ati.&e testin. o/ metals at a (i.( stress level res&lts in a low n&mber o/ ccles to /ail&re# estin. at a
lower stress level res&lts in a .reater n&mber o/ ccles to /ail&re#

S&t 4 Material &ltimate static tensile stress#

Sm 4 Material en!&rance stress at 1000 ccles#
Se' 4 ncorrecte! stress en!&rance limit /or steel 4 n/inite n&mber o/ ccles#
Se 4 Gorrecte! stress en!&rance limit /or steel 4 n/inite n&mber o/ ccles#
S/ 4 Stress en!&rance limit /or al&min&m  copper allos 4 *inite n&mber o/ ccles#
n t(e case o/ steel t(ere is a low stress level at w(ic( /ati.&e /ail&re !oes not (appen no matter (ow
man ccles o/ stress are applie!# (is )Se+#

 %l&min&m an! copper allos !o not (ave an en!&rance limit# % n&mber o/ al&min&m allos (ave a
/ati.&e stren.t( o/ $0J o/ t(eir &ltimate tensile stren.t( at 5  10LB ccles#
M&eri&* end-r&n)e !re!! & ";;; )+)*e! 3S$4
Den!in. Sm 4 #9 6 S&t psi
 %ial loa!in. Sm 4 #A5 6 S&t psi P.
Un)orre)ed f&i'-e end-r&n)e *i$i! &re 'i/en e*ow(
Steels Se' 4 0#5 6 S&t i/ S&t O 200000 psi
n!&rance /actor Ke 4 0#5
rons Se' 4 0#$ 6 S&t i/ S&t O ?0000 psi
n!&rance /actor Ke 4 0#$
 %l&min&ms Se' 4 0#$ 6 S&t i/ S&t O $B000 psi
n!&rance /actor Ke 4 0#$
Gopper %llos Se' 4 0#$ 6 S&t i/ S&t O $0000 psi

SBN Di&'r&$ Wih Corre)ion F&)or!

(e above S-N !ia.ram was constr&cte! &sin. /ati.&e correction /actors )G+#

Corre)ed end-r&n)e *i$i, Se 1 C*o&dC!iKeC!-rfCe$%Cre*i&SeH

Lo&d F&)or 
Den!in. Gloa! 4 1#000
 %ial loa!in. Gloa! 4 0#A50
P&re orsion Gloa! 4 1#000

SiKe of Cir)-*&r Se)ion! F&i'-e e!in' i! done wih !$&** di&$eer $e&*#
For d V ;#. in, C!iKe 1 "#;;;
In%- D&&
Part !iameter ! 4 1#500 in
For ;#.; V d V "; in#, C!iKe 1 ;#=>  d B;#;>7
C!iKe 1 ;#=.5 P<

F&i'-e E-i/&*en SiKe of Non Cir)-*&r Se)ion!

Non-ro&n! section areas in ben!in.  a re stresse! above 95J o/ t(eir maim&m stress near t(e s&r/ace#
(is area o/ (i.(est stress is calle! t(e %95 e//ective area#
(e e,&ivalent !iameter o/ non-ro&n! parts is Ie#
In%- D&&
Soli! or (ollow ro&n! section ! 4 2#000
,&iv area Rotatin. %95 4 ;#;75d2
 %95 4 ;#.; inL2
,&iv area Non-rotatin. %95 4 ;#;";<5d2
 %95 4 ;#;<2 inL2

In%- D&&
Rectan.le base b 4 1#000
Rectan.le (ei.(t ( 4 2#000
,&iv area %95 4 ;#;5h
 %95 4 ;#";; inL2

Deam wit( t  0#0256b In%- D&&

Deam base b 4 1#000
Deam (ei.(t ( 4 2#000
,&iv area %95 4 ;#;5h
 %95 4 ;#";; inL2

In%- D&&
,&iv area %95 4 0#100
E-i/&*en di&$eer, De-i/ 1 3A>5  ;#;74;#5
De-i/ 1 "#"<. in
C!iKe 1 "#"=>De-i/B;#;>7
C!iKe 1 "#"7< in

S-rf&)e Fini!h F&)or 

S&r/ace *inis( *actor Gs&r/ 4 %6)S&t+L b A 
/ s&r/ace /actor is .reater t(an 1#00 @ro&n! 1#"$0 -0#0B5
set Gs&r/ 4 1#00 Mac(ine! 2#A00 -0#2?5
Gol! Rolle! 2#A00 -0#2?5
Hot Rolle! 1$#$00 -0#A1B
 %s *or.e! "9#900 -0#995
In%- D&&
S&r/ace /actor /rom table % 4 1#"$0
S&r/ace /actor /rom table b 4 -0#0B5
Material &ltimate tensile stren.t( S&t 4 B0 )8psi+
C!-rf 1 A3S-4 
C!-rf 1 ;#>2.

Te$%er&-re F&)or 
*or  O4 $50 !e. G Gtemp 4 1#000

emperat&re !e. G  4 $B0
For, <5; VTV55; de' C, Ce$% 1 "B;#;;5=3TB<5;4
 Ce$% 1 ;#=2

emperat&re !e. G  4 A00
For, 55; VTV=<; de' C, Ce$% 1 "B;#;;.23TB=<;4
 Ce$% 1 "#<<=

@e*i&i*i+ Cre*i&
@e*i&i*i+ F&)or  50#000 1#000
*rom t(e Reliabilit table at t(e ri.(t: In%- D&& 90#000 0#B9A
 %ss&me! percent reliabilit J 4 90#000 99#000 0#B1$
Greliab 4 0#B9A 99#900 0#A5"
99#990 0#A02
99#999 0#?59

E-&ion of SBN *ine eween %oin! P &nd Y i!( N2 Z

p""" n!&rance stress S)N+ 4 a 6 NL b 1#0>0? -"#000
7o. S)N+ 4 7o. a > b 6 7o. N 5#0>0? -"#?99
b 4 )1Q+ 6 7o. )SmSe+ 1#0>0A $#000
Q 4 7o. N1 - 7o. N2 5#0>0A $#?99
1#0>0B 5#000
Note N&mber o/ ccles N1 4 1000 5#0>0B 5#?99
an! 7o. )1000+ 4 "#000 1#0>09 ?#000
5#0>09 ?#?99

N2 is .iven in t(e table on t(e ri.(t#

7o. a 4 7o. )Sm+ - b 6 7o. )N1+

or 7o. a 4 7o. )Sm+ - "6b

(e e,&ation to t(e en!&rance stress line between P an!  is S)N+

 S)N+ 4 a 6 NL b

N&mber o/ ccles at t(e intersect )N+

N 4  )S)N+  a TL )1b+
@e/i!e hi! E0&$%*e for +o-r &%%*i)&ion(
A !ee* &r h&! &n -*i$&e en!i*e !ren'h of =7;;; %!i,
I h&! & 5#> in)h !-&re !e)ion &nd & hoBro**ed fini!h#
?ow $&n+ )+)*e! of f-**+ re/er!ed endin' !re!! of
"<5;; %!i )&n e e0%e)ed & 5 ;; de'# C[
The re*i&i*i+ i! &!!-$ed o e >>#>R

The @e/er!in' endin' !re!! /! C+)*e! 3SBN4 'r&%h e*ow

w&! )on!r-)ed fro$ he )&*)-*&ed re!-*! e*ow#
1# (e &ncorrecte! en!&rance stren.t( )Se' + is calc&late!:
In%- D&&
ltimate static
static stren.
t( S&t 4 9$ %!i
Material en!&rance
en!&rance /actor
/actor /rom above Ke 4 0#5
Un)orre)ed end-r&n)e !ren'h,SeH
!ren'h,SeH 1 e  S-
SeH 1 <7#; %!i

2# 7oa! /actor /rom above )Gloa!+ In%- D&&

Iata /rom above
above Gloa! 4 1#00

"# SiFe /actor /rom above )GsiFe+ In%- D&&

,&iv area /rom
/rom above %95 4 0#100
,&iv area /rom
/rom above GsiFe
GsiFe 4 1#1A$

$# S&r/ace /actor )Gs&r/+ /or (ot rolle! /inis(: In%- D&&

 % 4 1#"$0
b 4 -0#0
C!-rf 1 A  S-
C!-rf 1 ;#>"

5# emperat&re /actor )Gtemp+ In%- D&&

See temperat&re /actor calc&lation above  4 A00 !e. G
 Gtempp 4 1#$$

?# Reliabilit /actor )Greliab+ In%- D&&

Reliabilit 4 99#990 J
ab 4 0#A02

7# Corre)
ed end-r&
n)e *i$i,
*i$i, Se 1 C*o&d
Se 1 5"#;= %!i

B# (e 1000 ccles stren.t( )Sm+ C&*)-*&ion

Fro$ in%- d&& &o/e, S-
S- 1 ><
><#; %!i
S$ 1 ;#>;
;#>;  S-
S$ 1 =5 %!i
9# (e Stress vs Gcles S-N .rap( is ma!e /rom t(e res&lts above#

10# (e n&mber o/ ccles at 3 psi will now be calc&late!#

(e /&ll reverse! ben!in. stress o/ 3 psi intersects

t(e Sm to Se line at t(e en!&rance n&mber o/ ccles )N+
at t(e /ati.&e /ail&re point on t(e above .rap(# P=
Find n-$er of )+)*e! 3N4 & f&i'-e !re!! S3N4(
Fro$ &o/e, S3N4 1 1$#50 %!i
The e-&ion for he end-r&n)e !re!! *ine eween P &nd Y i! S3N4 on & *o'B*o' !)&*e(
 S3N4 1 &  N
N 

 1 B3".4
B3".4  Lo'3S
$  Se4
 1 B;#;
7.;< <

Lo'3&4 1 Lo'3S$4
Lo'3S$4 B .  
Lo'3&44 1 2#"<
&1 "; Lo'3
&1 "<;#

The e-&ion o he end-r&n)e !re!! *ine eween P &nd Y i! S3N4

 S3N4 1 &  N
N 

N-$er of )+)*e! & he iner!e), 3N4

N 1 6 3S3N4
3S3N4  & 8 3"4
An!wer( N 1 .;,755,2.,.;2,..2 )+)*e!
or An!wer( N 1 .#
.#;=E". )+)*e!

@eferen)e( \M&)hine De!i'n\ + Noron

W(en &sin. cel's @oal See8 &nprotect t(e sprea! s(eet b selectin.:
Dro% down $en-( Too*!  Proe)ion  Un%roe) Shee  O
W(en cel's @oal See8 is not nee!e! restore protection wit(:
Dro% down $en-( Too*!  Proe)ion  Proe) Shee  O
1# Static !irect ben!in. an! torsion stresses are calc&late! /irst#

2# Static stress concentration /actors are applie! to t(e above static stresses#

"# *ati.&e stress concentration /actors mo!i/ t(e static stress concentration#

S&i) Sre!! in @o-nd Sh&f! In%- D&&

ension *orce )>+ Gompression )-+ * 4 150 lbs
Moment concave )>+ conve )-+ M 4 $000 in-lbs
orsion  4 90 lb-in
S(a/t Iiameter I 4 1#000 in
Se)ion Are&, A 1 ]D2  < in2
Se)ion Are&, A 1 ;#7=55 in2
Se)ond Mo$en of Are&, I 1 ]D<  .2 in<
 I 1 ;#;>=2
Po*&r Mo$en of Are&, J 1 ]D<  < in<
J1 ;#;<>" in<
Dire) !re!! 34 en!ion, 3B4 )o$%, 9d 1 F A
9d 1 ">" %!i
endin' !re!!, 9$ 1 MD  32I4
9$ 1 2;.> %!i $0A"B#"B"2
Tor!ion&* !re!!, :0+ 1 TD  32J4
:0+ 1 >"7 %!i $5B#"0?B11

Gi/en 0 &nd + !re!!e! &o/e find !&i) !&fe+ f&)or 3N4(

In%- D&&
Material tension iel! stress St 4 "?000 psi
Fro$ &o/e, 90 1 9d  9$ 1 2;5; %!i
Fro$ &o/e, 9+ 1 ; %!i
Fro$ &o/e, :0+ 1 >"7 %!i
/on Mi!e!H effe)i/e !re!!, 9 1 6 3 902  9+2  909+  .:0+2 8;#5
9 1 2;2" %!i
M&eri&* +ie*d !&fe+ f&)or, N 1 S+  9
N1 "#75

Geo$eri) !re!! )on)enr&ion Dd A 

f&)or 34 in !&i) endin'# ?#00 0#BAB?B -0#""2$"
"#00 0#B9""$ -0#"0B?0
2#00 0#90BA9 -0#2B59B
1#50 0#9"B"? -0#25A59
1#20 0#9A09B -0#21A9?
1#10 0#95120 -0#2"A5A
1#0A 0#9A52A -0#2095B
1#05 0#9B1"A -0#19?5"
1#0" 0#9B0?1 -0#1B"B1
1#02 0#9?0$B -0#1AA11
1#01 0#919"B -0#1A0"2

S&i) !re!! )on)enr&ion f&)or for he ro-nd !h&f &o/e(

In%- D&& !iameter I 4 "#"A5 in
Smaller !iameter ! 4 2#250 in
Notc( ra!i&s r 4 0#125 in
Dd 1 "#5;
In%- D&& Fro$ T&*e
nter val&e /rom table above % 4 0#9"B"? -
nter val&e /rom table above b 4 -0#25A59 -
 1 A 3r  d4
An!wer(  1 "#>= -
 i! he !re!! )on)enr&ion f&)or 34 in !&i) endin'#
In%- D&&
Galc&late! nominal !irect stress 3 4 2$000 psi
Static notc( concentration /actor Kt 4 1#9B -
C&*)-*&ed $&0 dire) !re!!, 9 1 9
9 1 <752; %!i

S&i) !re!! )on)enr&ion f&)or of & re)&n'-*&r &r in endin'#

  Dd1 Dd1"#2
rd  
0#"0 1#$1 1#"5
 T&*e
0#25 1#$B 1#$0
@eometric stress concentration
/actor 34 in static ben!in.# 0#20 1#5B 1#$?
0#15 1#A" 1#52
0#10 2#50 1#50
0#05 2#?B 2#0A
 i! he !re!! )on)enr&ion f&)or 34 in !&i) endin'#
In%- D&&
Notc( ra!i&s r 4 0#125
Plate small !ept( ! 4 1#250 -
Plate lar.e !ept( I 4 1#500 -
rd 1 ;#"; B
Dd 1 "#2
In%- D&&
Galc&late! nominal !irect stress 3 4 "0A20 psi
Static concentration /actor /rom table Kt 4 1#50
C&*)-*&ed $&0 !&i) dire) !re!!, 9 1 9
9 1 <;=; %!i

No)he! &nd Sre!! Con)enr&ion in F&i'-e C+)*i) Lo&din'

@eometric stress concentration /actor ) K/ + in /ati.&e ben!in.#

*ati.&e notc( sensitivit /actor , 4 )K/ - 1+ )Kt - 1+
or *ati.&e notc( sensitivit /actor , 4 1  )1 > aL0#5 rL0#5+
aL0#5 4 Ne&ber Gonstant
r 4 Notc( Ra!i&s

F&i'-e !re!! )on)enr&ion f&)or 3f4 S- 3%!i4 3&4;#5

50 0#1"0
55 0#11B
(e /ati.&e stress concentration /actor )K/+ is a ?0 0#10B
/&nction o/ t(e sensitivit /actor ),+# A0 0#09"
B0 0#0B0
In%- D&& 90 0#0A0
@iven &ltimate tensile stress 8psi S&t 4 B0 100 0#0?2
pe inp&t /rom table )a+L0#5 4 0#0B0 110 0#055
Notc( Ra!i&s inc(es r 4 0#125 120 0#0$9
Gop Kt !ata /om table above Kt 4 1#500 1"0 0#0$$
C&*)-*&ion! 1$0 0#0"9
F&i'-e no)h !en!ii/i+ f&)or,  1 "  3"  &;#5 r;#54 1?0 0#0"1
 1 ;#="5 1B0 0#02$
200 0#01B
F&i'-e )on)enr&ion f&)or, 3f4 1 "    3 B "4 220 0#01"
An!wer( 3f4 1 "#<;= 2$0 0#009

F&i'-e No)h Sen!ii/i+ F&)or,  &%%*ied o he no$in&* !re!!(

In%- D&&
ension )> +compression )-+ loa! P 4 1000 lbs
Section area )se below+ % 4 $#125 inL2
 %pplie! moment M 4 ?000 in-lbs
Section secon! area o/ moment )see below+  4 2#?00 inL$
Iistance ne&tral ais to s&r/ace c 4 1#"A5 in P.
no$in&* !re!!, 9no$ 1 PA  M) I
no$in&* !re!!, 9no$ 1 .<" %!i

De!i'n f&i'-e end-r&n)e !re!!, 9e 1 f  9no$

Fro$ )&*)-*&ion &o/e, f 1 "#<;= -
9e 1 <=;= %!i

@e)&n'-*&r Se)ion!( In%- D&&

&!e, in)he!,  1 0#500
?ei'h, in)he!, ? 1 1#250
C&*)-*&ion! H
Se)ion Are&, A 1 ?
A1 ;#25 in2
Se)ion /eri)&* !e)ond &re& of $o$en, I 1 ?.  "2
I1 ;#;=" in< D

Cir)-*&r Se)ion!( In%- D&&

Di&$eer, in)he!, D 1 1#500 in
Se)ion Are&, A 1 ]D2  < I
A1 "#77 in2
Se)ion /eri)&* !e)ond &re& of $o$en, I 1 ]D<  <
I1 ;#2<=5 in<
Se)ion %o*&r !e)ond &re& of $o$en, J 1 ]D<  .2
J1 ;#<>7; in<

W(en &sin. cel's @oal See8 &nprotect t(e sprea! s(eet b selectin.:
Dro% down $en-( Too*!  Proe)ion  Un%roe) Shee  O
W(en cel's @oal See8 is not nee!e! restore protection wit(:
Dro% down $en-( Too*!  Proe)ion  Proe) Shee  O

F&i'-e S&fe+ F&)or De!i'n

(e mac(ine brac8et s(own above is s&becte! to a

/&ll reverse! transverse /orce *#

@e/i!e /&*-e! in hi! e0&$%*e for +o-r %ro*e$(

Iesi.n t(e brac8et /or /&ll reverse! loa! * /or N ccles wit( 99#99J reliabilit#

In%- D&&
*&ll reverse! loa! * 4 200 lb/  
Wi!t( b 4 0#500 in
Small !ept( ! 4 1#250 in
7ar.e !ept( I 4 1#500 in
*illet ra!i&s r 4 0#125 in
7oa! !istance /rom s&pport a 4 20#000 in
Deam span 7 4 20#000 in
Material &ltimate stren.t( S&t 4 B0000 psi
 4 "0000000 psi
Reliabilit 4 99#90 J P"

M&0 $o$en i! & fi0ed end, M 1 F&
M1 <;;; inB*f  
I1 d. "2
I1 ;#;="< in<
)1 d2
)1 ;#. in
Si'$& no$ 1 M)  i
9no$ 1 .;72; %!i

=# S&i) !re!! )on)enr&ion f&)or# C&*)-*&ion!

Fro$ &o/e, Dd 1 "#2; -
Fro$ &o/e, rd 1 ;#"; -
In%- D&&
nter val&e /rom UNotc(esU tab Kt 4 1#50 -
/or Dd an! rd above#

C&ni*e/er r&)e for F-**+ @e/er!ed endin'

># No)h !en!ii/i+ #

In%- D&&
*rom above inp&t !ata S&t 4 B0000 psi
*rom UNotc(esU tab aL0#5 4 0#0B -
 1 "  3"  &;#5  r;#54
 1 ;#="5 B
";# F&i'-e !re!! )on)enr&ion f&)or f#
f 1 "  3 B "4
f 1 "#<" B

A%%*ied &*ern&in' !re!!, Si'$& & 1 fSi'$& no$

9& 1 <.2< %!i

""# Un)orre)ed end-r&n)e *i$i !re!!#

For !ee*, SeH 1 ;#5S-
SeH 1 <;;;; %!i

E-i/&*en di&$eer, de-i/ 1 3A>5  ;#;74;#5 /rom above:

A>5 1 ;#;5d !4 1#25
A>5 1 ;#;. in2 b4 0#50

de-i/ 1 ;#.> in
E-&ion #7d, %.27, C!iKe 1 #=>3de-i/4B#;>7
C!iKe 1 ;#>;=
"2# @e$&inin' )orre)ion f&)or!# In%- D&&
*rom US-N G&rveU tab Gloa! 4 1#00
In%- D&&
*rom US-N G&rveU tab % 4 2#A0
*rom US-N G&rveU tab b 4 -0#2?5
S-rf&)e Fini!h F&)or, C!-rf 1 A3S-4  Note:S&t 4 8psi not psi#
C!-rf 1 ;#=<5
In%- D&&
*rom US-N G&rveU tab Gtemp 4 0#B2?

Fro$ %ro*e$ &o/e, @e*i&i*i+ 1 >>#>;

In%- D&&
*rom US-N G&rveU tab Greliab 4 0#A5"

Corre)ed end-r&n)e *i$i !re!!, Se 1 Sn#

Se 1 Sn 1 C*o&dC!iKeC!-rfCe$%Cre*i&SeH
Sn 1 ">;=> %!i

".# F&i'-e *o&d )+)*e !&fe+ f&)or#

Nf 1 Sn  Si'$& &
An!wer( Nf 1 ;#< 8a

&1 2;#;; /rom above

0 1L1 2;#;; /rom above
Def*e)ion & *o&d, + 1 3F  3EI4430. B .&02 B 30 B &4.44
+1 B;#2"= in

W(en &sin. cel's @oal See8 &nprotect t(e sprea! s(eet b selectin.:
Dro% down $en-( Too*!  Proe)ion  Un%roe) Shee  O
W(en cel's @oal See8 is not nee!e! restore protection wit(:
Dro% down $en-( Too*!  Proe)ion  Proe) Shee  O
22. A steel cantilever bracket having a span of 20 in. and an
ultimate tensile strength of 80,000 psi, with rectangular
section: base width, b = 0.0 in, constant depth d !was "# =
$.20 in over the span of the beam. %hat is the cantilever
beam section second moment of area at the free end&
!new# 'he beam root depth is $.00 in.
a. ) = 0.08$ in*+
b. ) = 0.0$ in*+
c. ) = 0.$0$ in*+ -

0#A5" 0#A02
F&i'-e S&fe+ F&)or De!i'n
Iesi.n t(e brac8et below /or a /&ll reversin. loa! * 4 >-500 lb /or 10L9 ccles wit( no /ail&re#

(e mac(ine partt s(own above is s&becte! to a /&ll reverse!

 transverse /orce )*+ near t(e en! o/ t(e brac8et#

The hree For)e! 3F4 o e &n&*+Ked &re( In%- D&&

Maim&m /orce *ma 4 1100 lb/  
Minim&m /orce *min 4 100 lb/  
Mean /orce *av 4 )*ma > *min+ 2 lb/  
*av 4 ?00 lb/  

A!!-$%ion!( In%- D&&

Drac8et brea!t( b 4 2#00 in
!ept( ! 4 1#00 in
Deam root !ept( I 4 1#1" in
*illet ra!i&s r 4 0#50 in
*orce !istance /rom wall a 4 5#00 in
Deam span 7 4 ?#00 in
Material &lt stress S% 10$0 S&t 4 B0000 psi
Deam material Vo&n.'s Mo!&l&s  4 "0000000 psi
Reliabilit 4 99#99 J P"

Three $o$en! & fi0ed end, 3M4( C&*)-*&ion!

M&0i$-$ $o$en, M$&0 1 5#;;  F$&0
55;; inB*f  
Mini$-$ $o$en, M$in 1 5#;;  F$in
5;; inB*f  
Me&n $o$en, M&/ 1 5#;;  F&/
.;;; inB*f  

e&$ !e)ion di$en!ion!, ri&* '-e!!e!(

e&$ !e)ion %ro%erie!(
Se)ond $o$en of &re&, I 1 d. "2
I1 ;#"7 in<
M&0 e&$ !-rf&)e o , ) 1 d2
ne-r&* &0i! di!&n)e, ) 1 ;#5; in

Three endin' !re!!e!, Si'$&, 394( See !re!! 'r&%h &o/e#

9$&0 1 M$&0)  I
"5;; %!i
9$in 1 M$in)  I
"5;; %!i

No$in&* $e&n !re!!, 9no$B&/ 1 39$&0  9$in4 2

 9no$B&/ 1 >;;; %!i

No$in&* &*ern&in' !re!!, 9no$B&* 1 39$&0 B 9$in4 2

9no$B&* 1 75;; %!i

S&i) !re!! )on)enr&ion f&)or ( See \No)he!\ &#

 1 A3r  d4
D& 1 "#".
rd 1 ;#5;
*actors )%+  )b+ /rom UNotc(esU tab: In%- D&&
 % 4 1#0120
b4 -0#2210
S&i) !re!! )on)enr&ion f&)or,  1 "#"=

F&i'-e !re!! )on)enr&ion f&)or, f#

 No)h !en!ii/i+, # See \No)he!\ &#
Ten!i*e !ren'h fro$ &o/e, S- 1 =;;;; %!i
In%- D&&
aL0#5 4 0#0B
 1 "  3"  &;#5  r;#54
 1 ;#=>=
f 1 "  3 B "4
f 1 "#"

A%%*ied !re!!e! d-e o $o$en &nd no)h !re!! )on)enr&ion( P2

F&)ored $e&n !re!!, 9&/ 1 f  9no$B&/
9&/ 1 ";<52 %!i

F&)ored &*ern&in' !re!!, 9&* 1 f  9no$B&*

9&* 1 =7"; %!i

The /on Mi!e!H effe)i/e !re!!, 394 or di!orion ener'+ !re!! i! he
dire) !re!! e-i/&*en o &n+ )o$in&ion of en!ion! &nd !he&r!#
9&/ 1 6 3 902  9+2  909+  .:0+2 8;#5
9+ _ :0+ 1 ; !o h&, 9&/ 1 9&/
9&/ 1 ";<52 %!i

9+ _ :0+ 1 ; !o h&, 9&* 1 9&*

9&* 1 =7"; %!i

(e ma applie! mean )3av+ an! alternatin. )3alt+ stresses in t(e beam (ave been calc&late! ab ove#
Now t(e allowable /ati.&e en!&rance stress /or t(e be am material will be estimate!#

Un)orre)ed f&i'-e end-r&n)e *i$i !re!!#

For !ee*, SeH 1 ;#5S- if S- V 2;;,;;; %!i
SeH 1 <;;;; %!i

E-i/&*en di&$eer, de-i/ 1 3A>5  ;#;74;#5 /rom above:

 A>5 1 ;#;5d !4 1#00
A>5 1 ;#"; in2 b4 2#00

de-i/ 1 "#"<. in
C!iKe 1 #=>3de-i/4B#;>7
C!iKe 1 ;#=5=

12# Remainin. correction /actors# In%- D&&

Gloa! 4 1#00
 % 4 2#A0
b4 -0#2?5
C&*)-*&ion! Note:
C!-rf 1 A3S-4 S&t 4 8psi
C!-rf 1 ;#=<5
In%- D&&
Gtemp 4 1#00

Greliab 4 0#A5"

Corre)ed end-r&n)e *i$i !re!!, SeH#

Se 1 C*o&dC!iKeC!-rfCe$%Cre*i&Se
Se 1 2"=<. %!i
Fro$ &o/e, S- 1 =;;;; %!i


F&i'-e *o&d )+)*e !&fe+ f&)or#

(e ratio o/ material /ati.&e en!&rance stress to applie! alternatin. stress )Se'+  3alt
is combine wit( t(e ratio o/ material iel! stress to applie! mean stress )S+  3av
in t(e /orm&la below /or /ati.&e sa/ et /actor )N/+#
See UMo!i/ie! @oo!man !ia.ramU below#

Nf 1 SeH  S-  3 9&*  S-  9&/  Se4

An!wer( Nf 1 "#> 8a

The $&0i$-$ e&$ def*e)ion 3+$&04 i! 'i/en r he e-&ion e*ow(

&1 5#;; fro$ &o/e

01L1 #;; fro$ &o/e
Def*e)ion & e&$ free end, +$&0 1 3F$&0  3EI4430. B .&02 B 30 B &4.44
+$&0 1 B;#;; in

W(en &sin. cel's @oal See8 &nprotect t(e sprea! s(eet b selectin.:
Dro% down $en-( Too*!  Proe)ion  Un%roe) Shee  O
W(en cel's @oal See8 is not nee!e! restore protection wit(:
Dro% down $en-( Too*!  Proe)ion  Proe) Shee  O


1# (e obective is to calc&late t(e s(a/t siFe (avin. t(e stren.t(

an! ri.i!it re,&ire! to transmit an applie! tor,&e#

2# (e !esi.n ben!in. is e,&al to t(e applie! moment m&ltiplie!

b a combine! stress concentration an! /ati.&e /actor K/#

2# (e stren.t( in torsion o/ s(a/ts ma!e o/ !&ctile materials

are &s&all calc&late! on t(e basis o / t(e maim&m s(ear t(eor#

"# (e !esi.n torsion is e,&al to t(e applie! to torsion m&ltiplie!

b a combine! stress concentration an! /ati.&e /actor Ks#

Sh&f Di&$eer for Co$ined Tor!ion &nd endin'

F&i'-e S&fe+ F&)or De!i'n

SPU@ GEA@ FO@CES In%- D&&

Motor power P 4 "0 (p
S(a/t spee! N 4 1A50 rpm
Sp&r .ear pitc( circle !iameter I 4 10#000 in
@ear press&re an.le % 4 20 !e.
Moor or-e, T 1 ..;;;P  32]N4
 Tor-e, fB *!, Tf% 1 >; fB*!
 Tor-e, inB *!, T 1 ";=; inB*!
Ge&r %i)h )ir)*e r&di-!, @ 1 D  2
Ge&r %i)h )ir)*e r&di-!, @ 1 5#;;; in
T&n'eni&* for)e, F 1 Ti%  @ inB*!
F 1 2" *!
@&di&* for)e, Fr 1 F  T&n A inB*!
Fr 1 5>< *!


(e above tan.ential *t an! ra!ial *r /orces

ca&se /&ll reverse! ben!in. in t(e s(a/t
as it rotates#

Iriver .ear applies /orces *t an! *r

to t(e !riven .ear# ,&al an! opposite
*t an! *r /orces are applie! to t(e !river 
.ear# )Newton's /irst law+

Sh&f Mo$en &nd Tor-e

U!e hi! !ide o !o*/e %ro*e$! In%- D&&
7en.t( /rom le/t bearin. to .ear % 4 "#00 in
7en.t( /rom ri.(t bearin. to .ear D 4 5#00 in
eri)&* !h&f endin' $o$en
S-$ of $o$en! &o- &n+ %oin in he !h&f 1 ;
S-$ of $o$en! &o- he ri'h e&rin' 1 @"3A4 B Fr
@"/ 1 Fr  3A4
@"/ 1 .7" *!
M/ 1 @"A
M/ 1 """. inB*!
?oriKon&* !h&f endin' $o$en
S-$ of $o$en! &o- &n+ %oin in he !h&f 1 ;
S-$ of $o$en! &o- he ri'h e&rin' 1 @"3A4 B Fr
@"h 1 F  3A4
@"h 1 ".5 *!
Mh 1 @"A
Mh 1 <;5 inB*!
M&0i$-$ f-**+ re/er!ed f&i'-e endin' $o$en in he !h&f 3M$&04(
M$&0 1 3M/2  Mh24;#5
M$&0 1 ""=5 inB*!

ASME Code Lo&d F&)or!

S&ion&r+ !h&f( Load Case Cm
Lo&d 'r&d-&**+ &%%*ied A 1#0
Lo&d !-den*+ &%%*ied B 1#5 to 2#0
@o&in' !h&f(
Lo&d 'r&d-&**+ &%%*ied 1#5
Lo&d !-den*+ &%%*ied 3$inor !ho)4 C 1#5 to 2#0
Lo&d !-den*+ &%%*ied 3he&/+ !ho)4 D 2#0 to "#0

ASME Code for Co$$er)i&* See* Sh&fin'

 Sh&f! wiho- e+w&+, S& 1 B000 psi
Sh&f! wih e+w&+, S& 1 5B00 psi
ASME Code for See* P-r)h&!ed Under Definie S%e)ifi)&ion!
S& 1 "0J o/ t(e iel! stren.t( b&t not o
stren.t( in tension /or s(a/ts wit(o
(ese val&es are to be re!&ce! b

In%- D&&
S(a/t material eil! stress S 4 "?000 psi
S(a/t material &ltimate stress S& 4 ?2000 psi
Sh&f Wiho- e+w&+
"0J o/ material iel! stren.t( 4 10B00 psi
1BJ o/ material &ltimate stren.t( 4 111?0 psi
Sh&f Wih e+w&+
25J o/ "0J o/ material iel! stren.t( 4 B100 psi
25J o/ 1BJ o/ material &ltimate stren.t( 4 B"A0 psi

C&*)-*&e Sh&f Di&$eer 

In%- D&&
 %llowable s(a/t s(ear stress Sa 4 5B00 psi
 %SM Go!e 7oa! Gase 4 G -
 %SM Go!e 7oa! *actor Gm 4 2#0 -
 %SM Go!e 7oa! *actor Gt 4 2#0 B
@iven sa/et /actor S* 4 2#00 -
S(a/t o&tsi!e !iameter I 4 1#2"B in
S(a/t insi!e !iameter ! 4 0#000 in
Moor or-e 3fro$ &o/e4, T 1 ";=; inB*
Sh&f $&0i$-$ $o$en 3fro$ &o/e4 M$&0 1 M 1 ""=5 inB*
@&io of inner o o-er di&$eer! of he !h&f,  1 ;#;;;;
 1 ; for & !o*id !h&f e)&-!e inner di&$eer i! Kero
A**ow&*e !h&f !he&r !re!!, S& 1 3"  33]D.43"B<444  333C$M
S-r&) S&, ; 1 3"  33]D.43"B<444  333C$M
U!e Go&* See D /&*-e o $&e e-&ion 1 ; 1 ; %!i
Go&* See Sh&f di&$eer fro$ &o/e, D' 1 "#2.= in
Ne0 *&r'er !&nd&rd !h&f di&$eer, D 1 "#25; in

Ge&r Tr&in
In%- D&&
Iriver @ear eet( N1 4 12
Iriven @ear eet( N2 4 2$
Iriver @ear eet( N" 4 10
Iriven @ear eet( N$ 4 20
Ge&r r&in /e*o)i+ r&io, @ 1 3N"N243N.N<4
@ 1 ;#25;
In%- D&&
Iriver @ear 1 or,&e 1 4 100 in-lbs
Dri/en Ge&r < Tor-e, T< 1 T"@
T< 1 <;; inB*!

U!e he In%- D&& &nd C&*)-*&ion! in %&'e! " hro-'h . &o/e
o )&*)-*&e !h&f di&$eer! in he 'e&r r&in !hown here#

W(en &sin. cel's @oal See8 &nprotect t(e sprea! s(eet b selectin.:
Dro% down $en-( Too*!  Proe)ion  Un%roe) Shee  O
W(en cel's @oal See8 is not nee!e! restore protection wit(:
Dro% down $en-( Too*!  Proe)ion  Proe) Shee  O
1#5 to 2#0

1#5 to 2#0
1#5 to "#0

55 Mpa
$0 Mpa

er 1BJ o/ t(e &ltimate

t 8ewas#
25J /or t(e presence o/ 8ewas#

2$B Mpa
$2A Mpa
$0#0 Mpa

See \Go&* See\ & e*ow#

 33&FD3" 24=442  3CT4243"24

 33&FD3" 24=442  3CT4243"24 B S&
Sh&f Mo$en &nd Tor-e
U!e hi! !ide i! &n e0&$%*e In%- D&&
7en.t( /rom le/t bearin. to .ear % 4 "#00 in
7en.t( /rom ri.(t bearin. to .ear D 4 5#00 in
eri)&* !h&f endin' $o$en
S-$ of $o$en! &o- &n+ %oin in he !h&f 1 ;
S-$ of $o$en! &o- he ri'h e&rin' 1 @"3A4 B Fr
@"/ 1 Fr  3A4
@"/ 1 ; *!
M/ 1 @"A
M/ 1 ; inB*!
?oriKon&* !h&f endin' $o$en
S-$ of $o$en! &o- &n+ %oin in he !h&f 1 ;
S-$ of $o$en! &o- he ri'h e&rin' 1 @"3A4 B Fr
@"h 1 F  3A4
@"h 1 ; *!
Mh 1 @"A
Mh 1 ; inB*!
M&0i$-$ f-**+ re/er!ed f&i'-e endin' $o$en in he !h&f 3M$&04(
M$&0 1 3M/2  Mh24;#5
M$&0 1 ; inB*!

ASME Code Lo&d F&)or!

S&ion&r+ !h&f( Load Case Cm Ct
Lo&d 'r&d-&**+ &%%*ied A 1#0 1#0
Lo&d !-den*+ &%%*ied B 1#5 to 2#0 1#5 to 2#0
@o&in' !h&f(
Lo&d 'r&d-&**+ &%%*ied 1#5 1#0
Lo&d !-den*+ &%%*ied 3$inor !ho)4 C 1#5 to 2#0 1#5 to 2#0
Lo&d !-den*+ &%%*ied 3he&/+ !ho)4 D 2#0 to "#0 1#5 to "#0

ASME Code for Co$$er)i&* See* Sh&fin'

 Sh&f! wiho- e+w&+, S& 1 B000 psi 55 Mpa
Sh&f! wih e+w&+, S& 1 5B00 psi $0 Mpa
ASME Code for See* P-r)h&!ed Under Definie S%e)ifi)&ion!
S& 1 "0J o/ t(e iel! stren.t( b&t not over 1BJ o/ t(e
stren.t( in tension /or s(a/ts wit(o&t 8ewas#
(ese val&es are to be re!&ce! b 25J /or t(e pr

In%- D&&
S(a/t material eil! stress S 4 "?000 psi 2$B Mpa
S(a/t material &ltimate stress S& 4 ?2000 psi $2A Mpa
Sh&f Wiho- e+w&+
"0J o/ material iel! stren.t( 4 10B00 psi
1BJ o/ material &ltimate stren.t( 4 111?0 psi
Sh&f Wih e+w&+
25J o/ "0J o/ material iel! stren.t( 4 B100 psi
25J o/ 1BJ o/ material &ltimate stren.t( 4 B"A0 psi

C&*)-*&e Sh&f Di&$eer 

In%- D&&
 %llowable s(a/t s(ear stress Sa 4 5B00 psi $0#0 Mpa
 %SM Go!e 7oa! Gase 4 G -
 %SM Go!e 7oa! *actor Gm 4 2#0 -
 %SM Go!e 7oa! *actor Gt 4 2#0 B
@iven sa/et /actor S* 4 2#00 -
S(a/t o&tsi!e !iameter I 4 0#010 in
S(a/t insi!e !iameter ! 4 0#000 in
Moor or-e 3fro$ &o/e4, T 1 ; inB*
Sh&f $&0i$-$ $o$en 3fro$ &o/e4 M$&0 1 M 1 ; inB*
@&io of inner o o-er di&$eer! of he !h&f,  1 ;#;;;;
 1 ; for & !o*id !h&f e)&-!e inner di&$eer i! Kero
A**ow&*e !h&f !he&r !re!!, S& 1 3"  33]D.43"B<444  333C$M  33&FD3" 
S-r&) S&, ; 1 3"  33]D.43"B<444  333C$M  33&FD3" 
U!e Go&* See D /&*-e o $&e e-&ion 1 ; 1 ; %!i
Go&* See Sh&f di&$eer fro$ &o/e, D' 1 ;#;"; in
Ne0 *&r'er !&nd&rd !h&f di&$eer, D 1 "#25; in

esence o/ 8ewas#
24=442  3CT4243"24
24=442  3CT4243"24 B S&

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