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Chapter 3 Cast in India

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3.1 Introduction
3.2 Definitions of Caste
3.3 Th@ Caste System in India
3.4 Theories of Caste
3.5 Scheduled Castes :Meaning and
Government Policies
3.6 Conclusion

3.1 Introduction: The researcher has analysed the "Socio-Economic Status"

of the Castes of' Scheduled Castes with special reference to 'Kolhapur'

District. Although the research topic is based on empirical analysis, in order to

give a clear understanding about the Scheduled Castes, the researcher has

discussed the 'Caste System in India". The Scheduled Castes cannot be

discussed without considering their social background. Under this chapter, the

researcher has given the caste system in India and related issues. The

researcher has covered, definitions of Caste in the beginn!ng. Further, the

researcher has discussed the 'Caste System in India' from ancient period

(4000 BC) to Post-Independence period. All the analysis has been given on

the secondary source. The researcher also has discussed selective theories of

the origin of Castes. ~n ~he last part, the' researcher has given the Meaning of

Scheduled Castes and Government Policies concerned to them.

3.2 Definitions of Caste

3.2.1 The Indian Caste System has unique features among the systems of

social stratification. It is, infact, the significance of Caste that more than

anything else that characterises India. Every Hindu necessarily belongs to the

Caste of his parents and in that Caste he inevitably remains. No accumulation

of wealth and no exercise of talents can alter his caste status. 1 Caste System

has no basis in Hindu Religion and is a product of Hindu traditional law and of

the weakness of the central political authority during much of India's history?

Important among the attributes of caste is its rigid rank order. The hierarchical

order of the caste system is built like this: 'Brahman' , having higher rank,

'Kshatriya', the warriors having the next higher, the 'Vaishya', the merchants

having the third higher rank and the 'Sudras', the workers at the bottom rank. 3
'A caste was a group with a separate arrangement for meeting out justice to its

members apart from that of the community as a whole, within which the caste

was included as only one of the group. This means that, in this caste bound

society the amount of community feeling must have been restricted and that

the citizens owed moral allegiance to their caste first, rather than to the

coriununity as a whole,.4 According to Kroeber (1950i 'Castes are a special

form of social classes, their customs and laws are rigid and separated from one

another'. From this it is clear that, there was strict stratification on the basis of

castes and every caste had its own rules imposed by the Caste System. In this

stratification, 'Sudras' were kept at the lower with severe social, economic and

political restrictions. This explains the rigidity of the ancient Caste System in


3.2.2 The word, 'Caste' is of Spanish and Portuguese origin. Casta means

lineage or race, it is derived from the latin word 'Castus', which means pure.

The Spaniards were the first to use it, but its Indian application is from the

Portuguese, who had applieq it in the middle of the fifteenth century.6


Several studies have been done on the Caste and different scholars

have defined 'the Caste' in diff~rent ways. Some of the important definitions

can be given as below.

According to Ketkar S. V. (1909) A Caste is a social group having two

characteristics: one, membership is confined to those who are born of

members and includes all persons so born and two, the members are forbidden

by an inexorable social law to marry outside the group.7 The author, instead

of giving clear definition, prefers to give the characteristics of caste, because

he thinks that, this can give clear identity to the caste. Further the author also

has stated about the sub-c~ste as, " the word caste and sub-caste are not

absolute but comparative in signification. The larger group will be called as

'Caste', while smaller group will be called as 'sub-caste",.8

According to Kroeber AC. (1950) Castes are a special form of social

classes, which in tendency at least are present in every society. Further he says

that, Castes have emerged into social consciousness to the point that custom

and law attempt their rigid and permanent separation from one another. 9

Boungle (1958) explains that, the caste as hereditarily specialised and

hierarchically arranged gr~ups. The author has given three characteristics of

the caste system: hierarchy, hereditary specialisation and repulsion. 10


Bailey (1960) and Srinivas M.N. (1962)11 have avoided the problem of

definition of caste. They see the castes as a structure. Opler Morris (1950)

also states that, a short definition of caste is not satisfactory, so it is more

illuminating to talk in terms of the characteristics of caste. He further states

that, " Caste is hereditary and endogamous. It regulates social intercourse, is

graded in rank and has an assembly or a governing body which regulates its

internal affair". 12

Ghurye (1961) also has stated in similar way. According to him, a

caste refers to hereditary membership, caste councils, hierarchy and endogamy

as the important features , besides that, the author also refers to the restrictions

on feeding and social_ in!ercourse, lack of unrestricted choice of occupation

and civil and religious disabilities. 13

From above all defirlitions , the conclusion can be drawn as, defining

'the caste' is not a simple task. It cannot be defined in clear and in short, since

it has got several supportive aspects. Therefore, all definitions differ from one

another. Instead of defining 'the caste', many scholars have explained the

structure of caste system or characteristics of caste system.

3.3 Caste System in India

The Caste System In India has been studied in three perspectives:

Indological, socio-anthropological and sociological. The Indologists have


viewed Castes from the spiritual point of view, the social anthropologists- from

the cultural" point of view and the Sociologists from the Stratification point of

view. 14 The sociological perspective views the caste system in terms of social

stratification in the society. The Caste System, as it exists today, has grown

and developed through many centuries. Ahuja Ram (1999: 228-248) has

explained the Caste System in India by dividing Indian Social History into

four periods: first, the Ancient Period (4000 BC to 700 AD), second,

Medieval Period (700 AD to 1757 AD), third, the British Period (1757 - 1947)

and fourth, the Post-Independence Period (. After 1947) According to the

author, the Caste System is very old concept. The author explains in following


3.3.1 Ancient Period (4000 BC to 700 AD)

The ancient period' is very long period, which includes Vedic Period,

Brahmanical Period, Mourya Period, Post Mourya period and Harshavardhan

Period. The author says that, in every period, there exists caste system. The

society was divided into different social groups on the basis of either Varna or

Caste. There was clear cut differentiation in these groups from one another,

and were living under sev~ral social rules. The Sudras were classified as

lower, which lived with severe social restrictions. The clear idea can be given

in f~llowing heads. IS
74 Vedic Period (4000 BC.,to 1000 BC) 16

There are two schools of thought regarding the caste system in Vedic

Period. One school holds that, the broad frame of the caste system had existed

even in the earlier portion of the Rig Veda (approximate date 1500 BC) and

the 'Brahmana', 'Kshatriya' and 'Vaishya' were the three castes divisions that

the society of the Rig .veda clearly recognised. According to this school, the

'Sudra' caste was not existed at this initial period of 'Rig Veda', but it arisen

at the end of the Rig Veda. The other school maintains that, these three were

not Castes, but 'Varnas',' which were not hereditary but flexible. Some

exponents of this view are Weber Max (1882)17 and Ghurye(1932)18. But Outt

(1940i 9 and Apte(1940io and other scholars have rejected this view. They

say that, Caste System did exist in the time of 'Rig Veda'. Kamble B.R.

(1979)21 argued that, 'Caste System was sufficiently developed in the Rig

Veda time and this system was not flexible but had raised enough barriers'. Brahmanical Period (1000 BC to 600 BC)

Later Vedic period or end of 'Rigvedic' period is known as

'Brahmanical Period'. The literature of this period includes, 'Brahmanas' and

'Upanishads'. In this period the hierarchical system of four 'Varnas' was

firmly established and remained enduring for all times to come. There was

spectacular growth of 'Brahminism'. Caste distinctions became very clear.

The Fourth 'Varna' includes 'the Sudras', as the lowest position in the

'Varna' System. The 'Brahmins'

succeeded in organising themselves as an

exclusive 'Varna'. In the la,ter part they took conscious efforts to organise the

social life of the people by writing the 'Grihsutras' (700 BC to 300 BC) and

'Dharmasutras'. (600 BC to 300 BC) Th~ former prescribed the details about

the duties of man from his birth to burial and later one dealt with a code of

social behaviours and relationship. Therefore it may be stated that, the


beginning of the Caste System was in later Vedic period or in 'Brahmanical'

period 22. Mourya Period (322 BC to 184 BC)

'Mourya' Period started in 322 BC after the fall of 'Nanda' Dynasty.

'Chandragupta Mourya' (322 BC--298 ~C) and 'Ashoka' (273 to 233 BC)

were the two important rulers in the 'Mourya' period. The social system in this

period was not much rigid. This can be known through the writings of

'Koutilya'. Ahuja(1999) writes that, "In this period, the 'Sudra' rulers tried to

remove various restrictions imposed by the 'Br~ins' on the 'Sudras'.

, Ashoka' religious policy was broadly based on toleration and universal

brotherhood, which didn't recognize the caste barriers or geographical

boundaries. Therefore, the caste system in this period could not develop in a

rigid form,,23. But other scholars like, Pandey (1986)24 have given very

opposite explanation to this, according to them the caste system was existed in

Koutilya's period, with its rigid form.

76 Post-Mourya Per:iod ( 184 BC to 606 AD)

The last 'Mourya' ruler was killed by his 'Brahmin' Cornmander-in-

Chief, 'Pushyamitra Sunga' in 184 BC. Later on, 'Sunga' beCame a ruler and

established a new dynasty called 'Sunga Dynasty'. This dynasty was an ardent

patron of 'Brahminism'. Hence revival of 'Brahminism' and development of

Caste System began in this period. Ahuja (1999) says that, the probable date

of 'Manu Smriti' is believed to be 185 BC. But others scholars have given this

date as different. Dr. Buhler George has estimated that, the date of

'Manusmriti' is between 200 BC to 200 AD.25 But Ketkar(1909) differs from

his estimate. According to him, the 'Manu' was created between 227 AD to

320 AD. Through this 'Smriti', the 'Brahmins' once again succeeded in

organising the supremacy and imposed severe restrictions on the 'Sudras'.

'Manusmriti' mentioned that, 'the Sudra, who insults a twice born man, shall

have his tongue cut out; ifhe mentions the names and 'Jatis' of the twice born

with contempt, an iron-nail shall be thrust in his mouth; if he arrogantly

teaches the Brahmins their duty, a hot oil to be poured into his mouth and into

his ears'. Such and many other severe restrictions were imposed on the

(Sudras'. Thus the equality was completely destroyed and the Caste System

was developed on a very rigid line. 26

3.3.2 Harsha Vardhan and Later Period (606 AD to 700 AD)

Under Harsh Vardliana (606 AD to 647 AD) and in his next phase, the

Caste System continued with the same structure. Chinese scholar 'Hieun

Tsang', who visited India in 630 AD , writes that, "Brahminism dominated the

country, Caste ruled the social structure and the persons following unclean

occupations like butchers, scavengers had to live outside the city". This shows

that, there was existence of the Caste System in Indian on a rigid line. After

'Harsha Vardhana', the system continued with same rigidity 27.

3.3.3 Medieval Period (700 AD to 1757 AD)

The 'Medieval' Period i~cludes two major periods, i.e., one, 'Rajput'

Period (700 AD to 1200 AE» and 'Muslim' Period (1200 to 1757 AD). After

the death of 'Harshavardhana' in the middle of seventh century, the

'Medieval' period began. There was no much change in the structure or

system of Caste. Infact, earlier structure was forwarded in this period. One

~~ change that occurred is, the caste disintegration began in this period. This

change occurred specially before the beginning of Muslim Period. Castes and

sub-castes were known from their territorial 28.

3.3.4 Rajput Period (700 to 1200 AD)

During the 'Rajput' Period, the Indian Social System did not change.

Society became static and the caste system became rigid. Brahmins gave

themselves more privileges and permitted flesh, wine and women in the

worship. Consequently, when foreign armies attacked India, a large number

of new castes and sprang up. The 'Brahmins' tightened their bonds

of caste and defended themselves by the increased rigidity of caste association.

The process of disintegration began in this period. 'Brahmins' came to be

known by their territorial limits as 'Kanouji Brahmin', 'Konkan Brahmin',


'Telagu Brahmin' etc. Similarly subdiv:ision of 'Kshatriya' and 'Vaishyas'

soon followed. Thus before the advent of 'Muslims', a distinct change had

came about in our social structure in the form of multiplicity of castes and

rigid observance of the caste rul;s 29.


3.3.5 Muslim Period (1200 to 1757 AD)

'Mahmood Ghori' !aid the real foundation of the 'Muslim Empire' in

India in 1175. Within thirty years, he conquered many parts of India and thus

Muslim period started. In the next ph~se, several Muslim Dynasties ruled

India. Some of them are, 'Khilji Dynasty'(1290-1320),'Tughalak

Dynasty'(1320-1412), 'Sayyid Dynasty'(1414-1451), 'Lodhi Dynasty'(1451-

1525) and 'Mughal Dynasty'(1526-1757). The 'Mughul Dynasty' includes

'Babar'(1526-1530), 'Humayun' (1530-1555), 'Akbar'(1556-1605),

'Jahangir'(1605-1627), 'Shahajahan'(1627-1658), 'Aurangazeb'(1658-1707)

and 'Bahaddurshah' (1707~1757). The Caste System in the 'Muslim' period

became more rigid because 'Muslims' were not absorbed in the elastic Hindu-

fold, but they tried to convert the people to Muslim. In this period also,

Brahmin succeeded in imposing their leadership on 'Hindus' in religious and

social fields. The Caste System continued with its rigid form even in Muslim

period 30.

3.3.6 British Period (1757 to 1.947)

'The East India Company' secured some commercial privileges from

the 'Mughals' and started the British period in 1774, when 'Warren Hasting'

was appointed the first 'Governor General of India'. The administration and

socio-economic policies of the 'British Government' in the next phase brought

some changes in religious practices and also in the caste structure of the

society. The government passed some Acts in order to bring socio-economic

reforms in India. Some of them are, 'The Caste Disabilities Removal Act-

1850', 'the Widow Remarriage

, Act-1856', and 'the Special Marriage Act-

1872'. Through these acts, government gave a blow to the caste system.

However, some scholars have argued that, these measures were taken for

administrative purpose and not to abolish the caste system31 . In this regard,

Ghurye (1961) writes that, "most of the activities of the British Government

were dictated by prudence of administration and not by a desire to reduce the

rigidity of caste" 32. Whatever the reason may be, but It is a fact that, some sort

of social reforms in a constructive way began in the British period .

In the same period, some social movements attacked the Caste System

in India. In this regards, Pimpley Prakash and Sharma Satish (1985) writes

that, socio-religious movements have declined the Caste System in India. The

author mentions some important movements, they are, 'The Arya Samaj'

founded in 1875 by Swami Dayanand Saraswati, 'The Dev Samaj' founded in

1887 by Shiv Narayait Agnihotri, 'The Sanatam Dharm Sabha' founded in

1895, 'The Brahmo Samaj' founded in 1928 by 'Raja Ram Mohan Roy' and

'The Prarthana Samaj'(1849) and several other socio-religious movements

attacked the traditional caste system. These social movements generated social

awareness in the Society. However, they did not succeed in removing the

rigidity of the Caste System , though some structural features of Castes were

definitely affected 33.

After the World War-I (1914-1918), India came to be industrialised

country, which led to the niigration of the people from villages to cities. i.e.

the process of industrialisation and the. process of urbanisation began in this

phase, which could bring some changes in the rigid form of the Caste System.

Srinivas M. N. (1962) has argued that, 'due to the migration of Brahmins to

the towns, the non-Brahmins refuse to show the same respect which they

showed before and inter-caste eating and drinking taboos are also some what

weakened' 34. Ghurye (1962) writes that, 'the changes in the rigidities of the

Caste System are due to the "'growth of the city life with its migratory
population' .35 Thus in the British Period, the rigid nature of the Caste became

weak and inter-caste social relations began.

3.3.7 Post Independence Period ( After 1947 to till now)

The process of 'Industrialisation' and the process 'Urbanisation' continued

more constructively in Independent India, which already had weakened the

rigid nature of the Caste ,System. Besides that, the Government of India

enacted several laws, which controlled the social disabilities. Some important

Acts are, Article 14 - 'Ensures equality -before law', Article 15 - 'Prohibits

discrimination on the grounds of religion, sex, place of birth, race and caste',

Article 16 - 'Prescribes equality of opportunity in public employment' and

Article 17 - 'Abolition of ~ntouchability'. As a whole, these legal provisions

have reduced the rigidity of Caste System in India. There are some other

factors which attacked the Caste System in India, are, spread of education,

socio-religious reforms, 'Westernisation' , 'Spacial mobility' , 'growth of

market economy' etc. The Constitution of India brought the concept of

'Liberty, Justice and Equality' to all persons irrespective of their different

castes or religion. The Caste System no longer functions on rigid lines in

contemporary India 36.

Education made people liberal, broadminded, rational and democratic.

They don't accept the caste norms and caste practices blindly. Old social

practices of imposing social restrictions have dwindled. Caste no longer

restricts the individual freedom. Caste does not determine the occupational

career of an individual. Inter-caste social relations have increased in the

contemporary period. Finally, it can be stated that, the Caste System has got a

big blow in post-independence period and hence it has lost its rigid nature.

During the last five decades, there has been a considerable change in the

Caste System. Though the two important features , hereditary membership and

hierarchy, have not changed at all. But there are the changes in traditional

occupations, in the idea of purity and pollution, in the social restrictions etc.

The scholars like, Majumdar D.N.(l956)37, Kuppuswami(1971)38, Srinivas


M.N.(l961)39, Ghurye(1961)40 and others have stated that, the caste system is

fast changing and is weakening, though it is not being disintegrated or

abolished. Ghurye(196 I) argued that, 'caste no longer rigidly determines an

individual's occupation, but continues to prescribe almost in its old vigour

and the circle into which one has to marry. One has still to depend very largely

on one's caste for help at critical periods of one's life like marriage and

death,.41 Thus the rigId nature of Caste System has abolished, but the caste

system still can be seen in all parts of India.

3.4 Theories of Caste

The origin of the Caste System could be understood more clearly

through the various theories propounded by different scholars. These theories

differ from one another. There is no similarity between these. Besides this, no

one theory properly explains the origin of the caste system. Risley(1915)42

says that, ' the origin ·of caste is due to racial differences' , whereas

Nesfield(1885)43 says, 'due to the occupational factors', Abbe Dubois(1817)44

refers to the role played by Brahmins and Hutten (l961t5 : 184-185) refers to

belief in Mana is its origin. The present study considers only the important

theories. Ahuja Ram (1999 : 249-266) explains some important theories of

origin of caste system in th~ following way.

3.4.1 Traditional Theory

The Traditioncil Theory believes that, the Caste System has been

established by divine ordinance or at least with divine approval. Nagendra S.P.


(1968)46 gives the best analysis of the traditional theory. The traditional

theory has two versions : Mythical and Metaphysical.

The Mythical verSiOn regards fours 'Varnas' as four Castes and

believes that, these fouf" Varnas have emerged from the different parts of

Brahma's body. "The 'Brahmin' was born from his mouth, the 'Kshatriya'

from his arms, the 'Vaishyas' from his thighs and the 'Sudra' from his feet".47

It considers caste as a naturally determined organisation of social functions

and explains the membership of an individual in particular caste in terms of

'Karma' and 'Dharma' d~ctrine. According to 'Karma Doctrine', a man is

born in a particular caste because of his action performed in his previous

incarnation. If he had performed better a<?tions, he would have been born in a

higher Caste. He was born in that Caste because he deserved to be born.

According to 'Dharma Doctrine', a man who accepts and living according to


the dharma is rewarded , while the violation if dharma is punished. If a man

observes the rules of dharma, he will be born in his next birth in a high and

rich· caste and if a man violates the dharma, he will be born in a low and poor

caste. 48

The Metaphysical version explains the hierarchy and fixed occupation

of the caste. Each Cast~ has a separate function and is determined by the

'nature' or 'swabhav' and 'qualities' or 'guna' of the caste members. The

'swabhav' comprises two sets.,. of qualities-gotrika and namika. The gotra

(lineage) qualities are hereditary, where as namika (individual) qualities are

specifically one's own. It is the gotrika qualities, which determines his


ascriptive nature and entitled him the st~tus in a caste. This is a hereditary

membership of the Caste System. 'Swabhav' (nature) and 'Action'

(occupation) cannot be separated from each other. This is nothing but fixed

occupation of the concerned castes. There are two types of functions- Ordinary

and Extraordinary. Brahmins were engaged in cultural-religious functions,

'Kshatriya' in military-administration, 'Vaishyas' in commercial-economic

function and the 'Sudras' were engaged in ordinary function. It was believed

that, since the first three have undergone training in previous births, they were

rightly called 'dwijas', where as the 'Sudras' were not. This was a clear-cut

differentiation of hierarchical functions. 49

3.4.2 Brahmanical Theory .,.

According to Abbe Dubois(1857) 50 , the caste system originated and

developed in India because of 'Brahmins'. 'Brahmins' imposed sever social

restrictions on 'non-Brahmins' , especially on the 'Sudras', to preserve their

purity. They gave themselves a higher status in the "Brahmanas' and in other

books and declared all others as inferior to them. Sudras were classified as

most inferior to anyone else. Ghurye (1961) supports 'Brahmanical Theory'.

He believes that, the role of Brahmin was vital in the origin of Caste System in

India. Further the author says that, "The Brahman literature classified

'dwijas' and 'ekjati' (the Sudra). The restrictions on marriage, acceptance of

food etc., contemplated only four classes in the society, came to be the

characteristics of each and every well marked group". 51 Finally the author

says that, 'the Caste in India is a 'Brahmanic' child of the Indo-Aryan


Culture' .52 Thus according to this theory, the Caste System was created by the

Brahmins to maintain their superiority in the society.

3.4.3 Racial Theory

According to Herbert Risley(1915)53 in 'Racial Theory', "the clash of

cultures and contact of races crystallised the Castes in India". The migrant

'Aryans' had their own. ideas of ceremonial purity. They considered the

original inhabitants as inferior to them. The 'Aryans' were essentially

'Patrilineal' in nature, while local population, whom they conquered was

matrilineal. Therefore, they 'married with the daughters of the aboriginals but

refused to give their daughters to them. The children of such marriages had to

be assigned the lowest position in the society and were called as 'Chandals'.

Thus the origin of 'half-breeds' group', as well as the feeling of racial

superiority ultimately became responsible for the origin of the Caste System in

India. Risley has referred to six processes in the formation of Castes. They are,

Change in traditional occupation, Change III Customs, Migration,

Preservations of old tradition, Enrolling orieself into the rank of Hinduism and
Role of Religious enthusiasts. 54 These all ultimately, according to the author,

have developed the Caste System in India.

3.4.4 Occupation Theory .

Nesfield (1885)55 believes that, 'the origin of Caste has nothing to do with

the racial affinity, but it mainly due to functions or occupations. The skill of

occupation was passed on hereditarily from generation to generation and


because of practicing the same occupation over a long period of time,

"Occupational Guilds" came into existence, which later on came to be known

as Castes.' The author: explains how the Brahmins were classified as highest

status, that, the 'Brahmins' were specialised in the occupation of 'sacrifice and

hymns and rituals'. Since sacrifices were very important in the social life of

the people, 'Brahmins' becaine the most important and respected people in the

Society. 56 Thus every occupation became hereditary and through which the

Caste System into existence.

3.4.5 Ketkar's Theory

Ketkar S. V. (1909) believes that, 'the origin of Caste was from early

tribes and the psychological prejudicial tendencies of human beings.'

According to the author, there were numerous tribes living in different parts of

India. Many of these tribes ~ere in struggle with each other on the issues like,

boundaries, kidnapping a girl from other tribe etc. Because of such conflicts,

people avoided other tribes in marriage and social relations and confined

social interaction in all respects to members of their own tribe. Thus the

author's view is that, the castes originated from the tribes. Further he explains

that, the phrase 'origin of caste' has no meaning, though endogamy has its

origin, hereditary occupation and social restrictions have their origin,

association of purity and impurity to various objects also has its origin. 57

Ketkar (1909) further explains about psychological prejudicial

tendencies. He says that, the psychology of endogamy came to be practiced

because of three factors: one, due to the feelings of sympathy and affection for

the members of one's own group, two, to maintain bJoodpurity and, three, the

social adjustment. According to'" the author, the superiority and inferiority are

the cause or the result of endogamy. Such feeling brought the social

restrictions and clear-cut differentiation of the people into different groups or

different castes. 58

3.4.6 Senart's Theory

Senart (1930)59 gives· historically parallel explanation to support the origin

of caste. Senart finds certain similarities in the three systems: 'Indian, Greek

and Romans'. All of the three Me the Aryans and their civilisations are oldest

one. There are many similarities in the social relations, social practices and

customs among these three systems, Just as in India, there is a custom that,

after marriage, a woman transfers from her gotra to that of her husband's, the

same custom existed in Rome. Also, just like caste panchayats in India, there

exist similar councils in Rome and Greece. On the basis of these comparisons,

Senart says that, the Caste is the normal development of ancient Aryan

Institutions. 60

3.4.7 Hutton's Theory of 'Mana'

According to Hutton (1961), 'mana' is a mysterious impersonal power

attached to individuals, objects and places. Wherever the belief in 'mana'

prevails, a corresponding belief in the value of taboo as protective measures is

also to be found. Taboos were, therefore, imposed on commensality, inter-

marriage, social interaction etc., to save the members of one's tribe from the

mana of the other tribe. The restrictions on sharing food with others and

having contact with them are based on the belief that, these food and contacts
may be infected with the dangerous soul matters of strangers. Thus Senart

says that, people believes in 'mana', which ultimately created the Caste

System in India.

3.4.8 Ambedkar B. R. (1946) .,.argues that, the 'Shudras' were originally king

and in the later period they became slaves. The author writes that, "The kings

belongs to the 'Shudra' group. The Shudras were one of the 'Aryan'

communities of solar race. The 'Shudras' ranked as the 'Kshatriya Varna' in

the 'Indo-Aryan' society. There was a time when the 'Aryan' society

recognized only three 'Varnas', namely, 'Brahmin'" 'Kshatriya' and

'Vaishyas'. The 'Shudras' were not a separate 'Varna', but a part of the

'Kshatriya Varna' There was a continuous feud between the 'Shudra' kings

and the 'Brahmins', in which tire BrahminS were subjected to many tyrannies

and indignities. As a result of the hatred towards the 'Shudras' due to their

tyrannies and oppression, the 'Brahmins' refused to invest the 'Shudras' with

the sacred thread. Owing to the loss of the sacred thread, the 'Shudras' became

socially degraded, fell below the rank of the Vaishyas and came to from the


3.5 Scheduled Castes: Meaning and Government Policies

3.5.1 The 'Sudras' were classified as inferior and the last 'Varna' to other

Ithree 'Varnas'
. ' in ancient social system in India. Along with this several

social, economic and political restrictions were imposed on them. This

classified 'Sudras' includes various caste groups, which have suffered social

and economic inequity since the ages. They had to stay outside the village.

The concept of pollution was attached to them and they were treated as

untouchable castes. 63 These, untouchable or castes were officially defined as

depressed castes in 1932 and they were systematically listed in the 1931-

Census of India. 64 Gandhi named the untouchables as 'Harijans". 'Hari' means

'God' and 'Jan' means 'people', i.e. 'people of God'. The meaning of this

word in Hindi, Marathi and other languages is, ' a child whose father's

identity is unknown' .65 Therefore the name 'Harijan' was opposed and hated

by the untouchables.

The Simon Commission In 1935 first coined the term 'Scheduled

Castes'. All the untouchable castes, which were listed in 1931-Census of

India, came to be known as the 'Scheduled Castes' (SCs) through the

Government of India Act of 1935. In the mean time, the government

published a list of Scheduled Castes under the Government of India

(Scheduled Castes) 9rder, 1936. The Government of India In. post-

independence period carried same idea. According to the Constitution of

India, under article 341(1) , the,.President of India after consultation with the

Governor may specify, ' the castes, races, tribes or parts of groups within

castes or races, which shall be deemed to be Scheduled Castes. Accordingly

the President has notified the Scheduled Castes in the order called

'Constitution (Scheduled CasteS) Order-1950 and the Scheduled Castes and

Scheduled Tribes List (Modification) Order-1956 66.

However, under ru:ticle 341(2), the Parliament of India by law can

include or exclude the abovementioned groups from the list of the Scheduled

Castes. In a simple way, in contempor~ period, the Scheduled Castes is

defined under article 366(244) of the Constitution of India as, " the Scheduled

Castes means such Castes, Races, Tribes or parts of or groups within such
Castes, races or tribes, deemed under article 341 to be Scheduled Castes for

the purpose of this Constitution." Thus the Scheduled Castes are those castes,

which are listed as Scheduled Castes in the Constitution ofIndia 67.

3.5.2 After the Independence, the Government of India has undertaken various

policies and programmes in order to improve the socio-economic conditions of

Scheduled Castes. Santh~mari (1980) 68 explains the measures taken by the

Government of India in order to improve the educational conditions of the

Scheduled Castes. She says that, various incentives and concessions were

provided to them, in the post-independence period, to improve their

educational status. In this regard, a very recent study, undertaken by Singh

Hoshiar and Malik A.S. (2001)69 explains the policies and programmes of the

government to uplift the Scheduled Castes. The author explains as below:

Even before the adoption of the Constitution, 'the Minimum Wage Act'

was passed in 1948, which helped to safeguard the interests of Scheduled

Castes landless agricultural labourers in the country. In the later period, the

President of India appointed a 'Backward Class Commission', popularly

known as 'Kakasaheb Kalekar Commission', which submitted its report in

March 1955. The Commission classified the Scheduled Castes masses into

various categories based ~pon their occupation, so that the Government could

formulate appropriate policy/programmes for their development. In the same

phase, 'the Untouchability (Offences) Act' was passed in 1955 and which was

further amended 1976. After the amendment, the act termed as the Protection

of Civil Rights Act of 1955. Subsequently, a study group on the welfare of the

weaker sections of the village community was constituted in 1960 under the

chairmanship of Jai Prakash Narayan, after which, 'the Department of Social

Security' was created in 1964. This department was redesignated in 1966 as

'the Department of Social Welfare'. Later on this department was elevated as

an independent Ministry on August, 24, 1979 , and various issues related to

the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Women, Children etc., were

transferred to this Ministry.7d

The Ministry for Social Welfare appointed several Committees,

Commissions, Study Groups, which helped the government to derive the

approach for the development of the Scheduled Castes and to formulate

various policies and programmes to achieve the objective as enshrined in the

Constitution of India. The First and Second Five Year Plans laid major stress

on carrying out the development programmes in the field of education and

training. The author further writes that, such and other several assistance

continued in every five years plans. The main programme was for generating

Income <?f the Scheduled Castes through , National Rural Employment


Programme (NREP), Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP),and

the Programme for Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Fishery etc. In addition to

these, the basic needs of these communities were met through 'Minimum

Needs Programme'. Some other important additional steps taken by the

Government of India were, 'Special Component Plans', 'Special Central

Assistance', 'Scheduled Castes Development Corporation', 'Scheduled Castes

Finance and Development Corporation', 'National Scheduled Castes and

Scheduled Tribes Finance and ~ Development Corporation' etc. Finally, the

author says that, the Goverhment of India has helped in all aspects in which

the Scheduled Castes were weak and suffered. The government introduced

social, economic and political measures. As a result of these all, the Scheduled

Castes are living with the good status compared to their ancient status. 71

3.6 Conclusion: Thus several scholars have given different theories for

the origin of the Caste System. One differs from another. Whatever the truth

may be, but it is clear that, the 'Sudras' were classified as lowest status

groups. Several sever social,, economic and political

, restrictions were imposed

on them. The 'Sudras' lives with such all injustice for several thousands of

years. This gives the clear idea of social stratification in India. The Scheduled

Castes were known as untouchables. The nomenclature differs from state to

state. In Maharashtra, 59 castes have been declared as 'Scheduled Castes'. All

of these castes had same social history.



1 Indian Statutory Commission (1930) p. 3568

2. Panikkar K.M.(1955), 'Hindu Society at the Crossroads',

Asia Publishing House, Bombay. p. 121

3. Pandey R.(1986), 'The Caste System in India: Myth and Reality',

Criterion Publication, New Delhi. p.3

4. Ghurye (1961), 'Caste, C-:lass and Occupation' ,

Popular Prakashan, ~ombay. pp.19-23

5. Kroeber (1950), 'Caste' in Edwin, Seligman and Johnson Alvin (ed.),

'Encyclopedia of Social Sciences',
MacMillan Company, New York. Pp. 254-257

6. Ketkar S. V. (1909; reprinted in 1990), 'History of Caste in India',

Low Price Publication, New Delhi. p. 12

7. Ibid. pp. 15-16

8. Ibid. pp. 15-18-

9. Kroeber A.C. (1950) op.cit. pp. 254-257

10. Boungle (1958), 'The Ess~ence and the Reality of the Caste System'
in 'Contribution to Indian Sociology', No.2, p. 9

11. Srinivas M.N. (1962) , 'C!'Ste in Modern India and other Essays',
Media Publishers, Bombay

12. Opler Morris (950 : 284) j

13. Ghurye (1961) 'Caste, Class and Occupation', -
Popular Prakashan, Bombay. spp. 2-19

14. Ahuja Ram(1999), 'Indian Social System',

Rawat Publicat{on~ New Delhi.: 228

15. Ibid. pp.228-448

16. Ibid.

17. Weber Max (1882)" The History ofIndian Literature'

18. Ghurye(1961), op.cit. pp.142- 143)


19. Dutt N.K. (193i);'Origin and Growth of Caste in India'

quoted in Ahuja Ram(1999) op. cit. pp. 228-448

20. Apte(1940), 'Bulletin ofthe Deccan College Research Institute',

Poona, Nov.-1940 in Ahuja Ram (1999) op. cit. pp.228-236

21. Kamble B.R. (1979), 'Caste and Philosophy in Pre-Buddhist India'


22. Ahuja Ram(1999) Op.cit. pp. 228-448

23. Ibid.

24. Pandey (1986), op.cit.

25. Ketkar S.V(19Q9). op.cit. p.62)

26. Ahuja Ram (1999) Op.cit. pp. 228-448

27. Ibid.

28. Ibid.

29. Ibid.

30. Ibid.

31. Ibid.

32. Ghurye (1961) op. cit. p.190)

33. Pimpley Prakash and Sharma Satish (1985), , Struggle for Status' ,
B.R. Publishing Corp., Delhi. pp. 126 -150

34. Srinivas M. N. (1962) , op.cit. pp. 85-86 ..

35. Ghurye (1961) op.cit., p.202

36. Singh Hoshiar and Malik A.S. (2001), , Socio-economic Development

of Scheduled Castes in India', Alekh Publishers, Jaipur. p. 7

37. Majumdar D.N.(1958), 'Caste and Communication In an Indian

Village', Asia Publishing House, Bombay.

38. Kuppuswami(1971),

39. Srinivas M.N.(1961), op.cit.


40. Ghurye(1961) op.cit.

41. Ghurye(1961),op.cit. pp.209-210

42. Risley(1915) p. 56

43. Nesfield(1885) p.88

44. Abbe Dubois( 1857), 'A description of the People of India', quoted by
Hutton (1961) and requoted in Ahuja Ram (1999) , Op. cit.

45. Hutten J.R. (1961), 'Caste in India: Its Nature, Function and Origin',
Low Price Publication, New Delhi .

46. Nagendra S.P. (1968)' 'The Traditional Theory of Caste'

in Unnithan, Indra Deva and Yogendra Singh (ed.) (1980) : ' Towards
a Sociology of Culture in India: Essays in Honour of Professor D.P.
Mukherji', Prentice-Hall Publication, New Delhi. p. 262

47. Vasishtha Dharma Sutras, Chapter-IV,

quoted in Kamble N.D.(1982) op.cit. p. 8

48. Ahuja Ram (1999) Op. Cit. pp.228-448

49. Ibid.

50. Abbe Dubois(19 )' A Description of the People ofIndia', 1817,

quoted by Hutton (1961),

51. Ghurye (1961) Op .. cit. pp. 169-172

52. Ibid.

53. Risley(1915) p.56)

54. Ahuja Ram (1999) op. cit. pp. 228-448

55. Nesfield (1885) p. 88

56. Ahuja Ram (1999) Op. cit. pp. 171-172)

57. Ketkar S.Y. (1909) op.cit. pp.16-28

58. Ibid. pp.27-29

59. Senart (1930) in Ahuja Ram (1999) op.cit. pp. 172-176


60. Ibid.

6l. Hutton (1961) in Ahuja Ram(1999} Op.cit. pp.184-185},

62. Amebdkar B. R(1946}, 'Who Were the Shudras ?',

Thacker and Co. ltd. Bombay, p. 239.}

63. Kamble N.D.(1982), 'The Scheduled Castes',

Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi. :30

64. Issac Harrold R 1965 : 36

65. Ibid. :40

66. The Constitution of India

67. Ibid.

68. Santhakumari (1980), 'Scheduled Castes and Welfare Measures',

Classical Pub. Co., New Delhi. pp. 5-9
69. Singh Hoshiar and Malik AS. (2001) op. cit. pp. 18-29

70. Ibid.

7l.· Ibid.

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