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Unit 1 IC Fabrication: Advantages of Integrated Circuits

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Unit 1

IC Fabrication
IC classification, fundamental of monolithic IC technology, epitaxial growth, masking and etching,
diffusion of impurities. Realisation of monolithic ICs and packaging. Fabrication of diodes,
capacitance, resistance and FETs

Integrated Circuits:

An integrated circuit (IC) is a miniature, low cost electronic circuit consisting of active and passive
components fabricated together on a single crystal of silicon. The active components are transistors and
diodes and passive components are resistors and capacitors.

Advantages of integrated circuits:

 Miniaturization and hence increased equipment density.

 Cost reduction due to batch processing.
 Increased system reliability due to the elimination of soldered joints.
 Improved functional performance.
 Matched devices.
 Increased operating speeds.
 Reduction in power consumption


Integrated circuits can be classified into analog, digital and mixed signal (both analog and digital
on the same chip). Based upon above requirement two different IC technology namely Monolithic
Technology and Hybrid Technology have been developed. In monolithic IC ,all circuit components ,both
active and passive elements and their interconnections are manufactured into or on top of a single chip
of silicon. In hybrid circuits, separate component parts are attached to a ceramic substrate and
interconnected by means of either metallization pattern or wire bounds.

Digital integrated circuits can contain anything from one to millions of logic gates, flip-flops,
multiplexers, and other circuits in a few square millimeters. The small size of these circuits allows high
speed, low power dissipation, and reduced manufacturing cost compared with board-level integration.
These digital ICs, typically microprocessors, DSPs, and micro controllers work using binary mathematics
to process "one" and "zero" signals.

Analog ICs, such as sensors, power management circuits, and operational amplifiers, work by
processing continuous signals. They perform functions like amplification, active filtering, demodulation,
mixing, etc. Analog ICs ease the burden on circuit designers by having expertly designed analog circuits
available instead of designing a difficult analog circuit from scratch.

ICs can also combine analog and digital circuits on a single chip to create functions such as A/D converters
and D/A converters. Such circuits offer smaller size and lower cost, but must carefully account for signal
Construction of a Monolithic Bipolar Transistor:

The fabrication of a monolithic transistor includes the following steps.

1. Epitaxial growth
2. Oxidation
3. Photolithography
4. Isolation diffusion
5. Base diffusion
6. Emitter diffusion
7. Contact mask
8. Aluminium metallization
9. Passivation
The letters P and N in the figures refer to type of doping, and a minus (-) or plus (+) with P and N indicates
lighter or heavier doping respectively.

1. Epitaxial growth:

The first step in transistor fabrication is creation of the collector region. We normally require a
low resistivity path for the collector current. This is due to the fact that, the collector contact is normally
taken at the top, thus increasing the collector series resistance and the VCE(Sat) of the device.
The higher collector resistance is reduced by a process called buried layer as shown in figure. In
this arrangement, a heavily doped ‘N’ region is sandwiched between the N-type epitaxial layer and P –
type substrate. This buried N+ layer provides a low resistance path in the active collector region to the
collector contact C. In effect, the buried layer provides a low resistance shunt path for the flow of current.

For fabricating an NPN transistor, we begin with a P-type silicon substrate having a resistivity of
typically 1Ω-cm, corresponding to an acceptor ion concentration of 1.4 * 1015 atoms/cm3 . An oxide mask
with the necessary pattern for buried layer diffusion is prepared. This is followed by masking and etching
the oxide in the buried layer mask.

The N-type buried layer is now diffused into the substrate. A slow-diffusing material such as
arsenic or antimony us used, so that the buried layer will stay-put during subsequent diffusions. The
junction depth is typically a few microns, with sheet resistivity of around 20Ω per square.

Then, an epitaxial layer of lightly doped N-silicon is grown on the P-type substrate by placing the
wafer in the furnace at 12000 C and introducing a gas containing phosphorus (donor impurity). The
resulting structure is shown in figure.

The subsequent diffusions are done in this epitaxial layer. All active and passive components are
formed on the thin N-layer epitaxial layer grown over the P-type substrate. Obtaining an epitaxial layer of
the proper thickness and doping with high crystal quality is perhaps the most formidable challenge in
bipolar device processing.

2. Oxidation:
As shown in figure, a thin layer of silicon dioxide (SiO2) is grown over the N-type layer by exposing
the silicon wafer to an oxygen atmosphere at about 10000 C.

3. Photolithography:

The prime use of photolithography in IC manufacturing is to selectively etch or remove the SiO2
layer. As shown in figure, the surface of the oxide is first covered with a thin uniform layer of
photosensitive emulsion (Photo resist). The mask, a black and white negative of the requied pattern, is
placed over the structure. When exposed to ultraviolet light, the photo resist under the transparent
region of the mask becomes poly-merized. The mask is then removed and the wafer is treated chemically
that removes the unexposed portions of the photoresist film. The polymerized region is cured so that it
becomes resistant to corrosion. Then the chip is dipped in an etching solution of hydrofluoric acid which
removes the oxide layer not protected by the polymerized photoresist. This creates openings in the SiO2
layer through which P-type or N-type impurities can be diffused using the isolation diffusion process as
shown in figure. After diffusion of impurities, the polymerized photoresist is removed with sulphuric acid
and by a mechanical abrasion process.

4. Isolation Diffusion:

The integrated circuit contains many devices. Since a number of devices are to be fabricated on
the same IC chip, it becomes necessary to provide good isolation between various components and their

The most important techniques for isolation are:

1. PN junction Isolation
2. Dielectric Isolation

In PN junction isolation technique, the P+ type impurities are selectively diffused into the N-type
epitaxial layer so that it touches the P-type substrate at the bottom. This method generated N-type
isolation regions surrounded by P-type moats. If the P-substrate is held at the most negative

potential, the diodes will become reverse-biased, thus providing isolation between these islands. The
individual components are fabricated inside these islands. This method is very economical, and is the most
commonly used isolation method for general purpose integrated circuits.
In dielectric isolation method, a layer of solid dielectric such as silicon dioxide or ruby surrounds
each component and this dielectric provides isolation. The isolation is both physical and electrical. This
method is very expensive due to additional processing steps needed and this is mostly used for fabricating
IC’s required for special application in military and aerospace. The PN junction isolation diffusion method
is shown in figure. The process take place in a furnace using boron source. The diffusion depth must be
atleast equal to the epitaxial thickness in order to obtain complete isolation. Poor isolation results in
device failures as all transistors might get shorted together. The N-type island shown in figure forms the
collector region of the NPN transistor. The heavily doped P-type regions marked P+ are the isolation
regions for the active and passive components that will be formed in the various N-type islands of the
epitaxial layer.

5. Base diffusion:

Formation of the base is a critical step in the construction of a bipolar transistor. The base must
be aligned, so that, during diffusion, it does not come into contact with either the isolation region or the
buried layer. Frequently, the base diffusion step is also used in parallel to fabricate diffused resistors for
the circuit. The value of these resistors depends on the diffusion conditions and the width of the opening
made during etching. The base width influences the transistor parameters very strongly. Therefore, the
base junction depth and resistivity must be tightly controlled. The base sheet resistivity should be fairly
high (200- 500Ω per square) so that the base does not inject carriers into the emitter. For NPN transistor,
the base is diffused in a furnace using a boron source. The diffusion process is done in two steps, pre
deposition of dopants at 9000 C and driving them in at about 12000 C. The drive-in is done in an oxidizing
ambience, so that oxide is grown over the base region for subsequent fabrication steps. Figure shows that
P-type base region of the transistor diffused in the N-type island (collector region) using photolithography
and isolation diffusion processes.

6. Emitter Diffusion:

Emitter Diffusion is the final step in the fabrication of the transistor. The emitter opening must lie
wholly within the base. Emitter masking not only opens windows for the emitter, but also for the contact
point, which provides a low resistivity ohmic contact path for the emitter terminal.

The emitter diffusion is normally a heavy N-type diffusion, producing low-resistivity layer that can
inject charge easily into the base. A Phosphorus source is commonly used so that the diffusion time id
shortened and the previous layers do not diffuse further. The emitter is diffused into the base, so that the
emitter junction depth very closely approaches the base junction depth. The active base is then a P-region
between these two junctions which can be made very narrow by adjusting the emitter diffusion time.
Various diffusion and drive in cycles can be used to fabricate the emitter. The Resistivity of the emitter is
usually not too critical.

The N-type emitter region of the transistor diffused into the P-type base region is shown below.
However, this is not needed to fabricate a resistor where the resistivity of the P-type base region itself
will serve the purpose. In this way, an NPN transistor and a resistor are fabricated simultaneously.

7. Contact Mask:

After the fabrication of emitter, windows are etched into the N-type regions where contacts are
to be made for collector and emitter terminals. Heavily concentrated phosphorus N+ dopant is diffused
into these regions simultaneously.
The reasons for the use of heavy N+ diffusion is explained as follows: Aluminium, being a good
conductor used for interconnection, is a P-type of impurity when used with silicon. Therefore, it can
produce an unwanted diode or rectifying contact with the lightly doped N-material. Introducing a high
concentration of N+ dopant caused the Si lattice at the surface semi-metallic. Thus the N+ layer makes a
very good ohmic contact with the Aluminium layer. This is done by the oxidation, photolithography and
isolation diffusion processes.

8. Metallization:

The IC chip is now complete with the active and passive devices, and the metal leads are to be
formed for making connections with the terminals of the devices. Aluminium is deposited over the entire
wafer by vacuum deposition. The thickness for single layer metal is 1μ m. Metallization is carried out by
evaporating aluminium over the entire surface and then selectively etching away aluminium to leave
behind the desired interconnection and bonding pads as shown in figure.

Metallization is done for making interconnection between the various components fabricated in
an IC and providing bonding pads around the circumference of the IC chip for later connection of wires.

9. Passivation/ Assembly and Packaging:

Metallization is followed by passivation, in which an insulating and protective layer is deposited

over the whole device. This protects it against mechanical and chemical damage during subsequent
processing steps. Doped or undoped silicon oxide or silicon nitride, or some combination of them, are
usually chosen for passivation of layers. The layer is deposited by chemical vapour deposition (CVD)
technique at a temperature low enough not to harm the metallization.

Transistor Fabrication:

PNP Transistor:

The integrated PNP transistors are fabricated in one of the following three structures.

1. Substrate or Vertical PNP

2. Lateral or horizontal PNP and
3. Triple diffused PNP

Substrate or Vertical PNP:

The P-substrate of the IC is used as the collector, the N-epitaxial layer is used as the base and the
next P-diffusion is used as the emitter region of the PNP transistor. The structure of a vertical monolithic
PNP transistor Q1 is shown in figure. The base region of an NPN transistor structure is formed in parallel
with the emitter region of the PNP transistor.

The method of fabrication has the disadvantage of having its collector held at a fixed negative
potential. This is due to the fact that the P-substrate of the IC is always held at a negative potential
normally for providing good isolation between the circuit components and the substrate.

Triple diffused PNP:

This type of PNP transistor is formed by including an additional diffusion process over the standard
NPN transistor processing steps. This is called a triple diffusion process, because it involves an additional
diffusion of P-region in the second N-diffusion region of a NPN transistor. The structure of the triple
diffused monolithic PNP transistor Q2 is also shown in the below figure. This has the limitations of requiring
additional fabrication steps and sophisticated fabrication assemblies.

Lateral or Horizontal PNP:

This is the most commonly used form of integrated PNP transistor fabrication method. This has
the advantage that it can be fabricated simultaneously with the processing steps of an NPN transistor and
therefore it requires as the base of the PNP transistor. During the P-type base diffusion process of NPN
transistor, two parallel P-regions are formed which make the emitter and collector regions of the
horizontal PNP transistor.

Comparison of monolithic NPN and PNP transistor:

Normally, the NPN transistor is preferred in monolithic circuits due to the following reasons:

1. The vertical PNP transistor must have his collector held at a fixed negative voltage.

2. The lateral PNP transistor has very wide base region and has the limitation due to the lateral diffusion
of P-type impurities into the N-type base region. This makes the photographic mask making, alignment
and etching processes very difficult. This reduces the current gain of lateral PNP transistors as low as 1.5
to 30 as against 50 to 300 for a monolithic NPN transistor.

3. The collector region is formed prior to the formation of base and emitter diffusion. During the later
diffusion steps, the collector impurities diffuse on either side of the defined collector junction. Since the
N-type impurities have smaller diffusion constant compared to P-type impurities the N-type collector
performs better than the P-type collector. This makes the NPN transistor preferable for monolithic
fabrication due to the easier process control.

Transistor with multiple emitters: The applications such as transistor- transistor logic (TTL) require
multiple emitters. The below figure shows the circuit sectional view of three N-emitter regions diffused in
three places inside the P-type base. This arrangement saves the chip area and enhances the component
density of the IC.

Schottky Barrier Diode:

The metal contacts are required to be ohmic and no PN junctions to be formed between the metal
and silicon layers. The N+ diffusion region serves the purpose of generating ohmic contacts. On the other
hand, if aluminium is deposited directly on the N-type silicon, then a metal semiconductor diode can be
said to be formed. Such a metal semiconductor diode junction exhibits the same type of V-I Characteristics
as that of an ordinary PN junction.

The cross sectional view and symbol of a Schottky barrier diode as shown in figure. Contact 1
shown in figure is a Schottky barrier and the contact 2 is an ohmic contact. The contact potential between
the semiconductor and the metal generated a barrier for the flow of conducting electrons from
semiconductor to metal. When the junction is forward biased this barrier is lowered and the electron flow
is allowed from semiconductor to metal, where the electrons are in large quantities.

The minority carriers carry the conduction current in the Schottky diode whereas in the PN
junction diode, minority carriers carry the conduction current and it incurs an appreciable time delay from
ON state to OFF state. This is due to the fact that the minority carriers stored in the junction have to be
totally removed. This characteristic puts the Schottky barrier diode at an advantage since it exhibits
negligible time to flow the electron from N-type silicon into aluminum almost right at the contact surface,
where they mix with the free electrons. The other advantage of this diode is that it has less forward voltage
(approximately 0.4V). Thus it can be used for clamping and detection in high frequency applications and
microwave integrated circuits.

Schottky transistor:

The cross-sectional view of a transistor employing a Schottky barrier diode clamped between its
base and collector regions is shown in figure. The equivalent circuit and the symbolic representation of
the Schottky transistor are shown in figure. The Schottky diode is formed by allowing aluminium
metallization for the base lead which makes contact with the N-type collector region also as shown in

When the base current is increased to saturate the transistor, the voltage at the collector C
reduces and this makes the diode Ds conduct. The base to collector voltage reduces to 0.4V, which is less
the cut-in-voltage of a silicon base-collector junction. Therefore, the transistor does not get saturated.

Monolithic diodes:
The diode used in integrated circuits are made using transistor structures in one of the five
possible connections. The three most popular structures are shown in figure. The diode is obtained from
a transistor structure using one of the following structures.

1. The emitter-base diode, with collector short circuited to the base.

2. The emitter-base diode with the collector open and
3. The collector –base diode, with the emitter open-circuited.

The choice of the diode structure depends on the performance and application desired. Collector-
base diodes have higher collector-base arrays breaking rating, and they are suitable for common-cathode
diode arrays diffused within a single isolation island. The emitter-base diffusion is very popular for the
fabrication of diodes, provided the reverse-voltage requirement of the circuit does not exceed the lower
base-emitter breakdown voltage.

Integrated Resistors:

A resistor in a monolithic integrated circuit is obtained by utilizing the bulk resistivity of the
diffused volume of semiconductor region. The commonly used methods for fabricating integrated
resistors are 1. Diffused 2. Epitaxial 3. Pinched and 4. Thin film techniques.

Diffused Resistor:
The diffused resistor is formed in any one of the isolated regions of epitaxial layer during base or
emitter diffusion processes. This type of resistor fabrication is very economical as it runs in parallel to the
bipolar transistor fabrication. The N-type emitter diffusion and P-type base diffusion are commonly used
to realize the monolithic resistor.

The diffused resistor has a severe limitation in that, only small valued resistors can be fabricated.
The surface geometry such as the length, width and the diffused impurity profile determine the resistance
value. The commonly used parameter for defining this resistance is called the sheet resistance. It is
defined as the resistance in ohms/square offered by the diffused area.

In the monolithic resistor, the resistance value is expressed by

R = Rs 1/w where R= resistance offered (in ohms)

Rs = sheet resistance of the particular fabrication process involved (in ohms/square)

l = length of the diffused area and

w = width of the diffused area.

The sheet resistance of the base and emitter diffusion in 200Ω/Square and 2.2Ω/square
respectively. For example, an emitter-diffused strip of 2mil wide and 20 mil long will offer a resistance of
22Ω. For higher values of resistance, the diffusion region can be formed in a zig-zag fashion resulting in
larger effective length. The poly silicon layer can also be used for resistor realization.

Epitaxial Resistor:

The N-epitaxial layer can be used for realizing large resistance values. The figure shows the cross-sectional
view of the epitaxial resistor formed in the epitaxial layer between the two N+ aluminium metal contacts.

Pinched resistor:
The sheet resistance offered by the diffusion regions can be increased by narrowing down its
cross-sectional area. This type of resistance is normally achieved in the base region. Figure shows a
pinched base diffused resistor. It can offer resistance of the order of mega ohms in a comparatively smaller
area. In the structure shown, no current can flow in the N-type material since the diode realized at contact
2 is biased in reversed direction. Only very small reverse saturation current can flow in conduction path
for the current has been reduced or pinched. Therefore, the resistance between the contact 1 and 2
increases as the width narrows down and hence it acts as a pinched resistor.

Thin film resistor:

The thin film deposition technique can also be used for the fabrication of monolithic resistors. A
very thin metallic film of thickness less than 1μm is deposited on the silicon dioxide layer by vapour
deposition techniques. Normally, Nichrome (NiCr) is used for this process. Desired geometry is achieved
using masked etching processes to obtain suitable value of resistors. Ohmic contacts are made using
aluminium metallization as discussed in earlier sections.

The cross-sectional view of a thin film resistor as shown in figure. Sheet resistances of 40 to 400Ω/
square can be easily obtained in this method and thus 20kΩ to 50kΩ values are very practical.
The advantages of thin film resistors are as follows:

1. They have smaller parasitic components which makes their high frequency behaviour good.
2. The thin film resistor values can be very minutely controlled using laser trimming.
3. They have low temperature coefficient of resistance and this makes them more stable.
The thin film resistor can be obtained by the use of tantalum deposited over silicon dioxide layer. The
main disadvantage of thin film resistor is that its fabrication requires additional processing steps.

Monolithic Capacitors:

Monolithic capacitors are not frequently used in integrated circuits since they are limited in the
range of values obtained and their performance. There are, however, two types available, the junction
capacitor is a reverse biased PN junction formed by the collector-base or emitter-base diffusion of the
transistor. The capacitance is proportional to the area of the junction and inversely proportional to the
depletion thickness. The capacitance value thus obtainable can be around 1.2nF/mm2.

The thin film or metal oxide silicon capacitor uses a thin layer of silicon dioxide as the dielectric.
One plate is the connecting metal and the other is a heavily doped layer of silicon, which is formed during
the emitter diffusion. This capacitor has a lower leakage current and is non-directional, since emitter plate
can be biased positively. The capacitance value of this method can be varied between 0.3 and 0.8nF/mm2.


No satisfactory integrated inductors exist. If high Q inductors with inductance of values larger than
5μH are required, they are usually supplied by a wound inductor which is connected externally to the chip.
Therefore, the use of inductors is normally avoided when integrated circuits are used.

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