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4th Year Syllabus

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4th year (2015-16)

Department of

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

University of Dhaka
EEE-401 Optical Fiber Communication 3 credit (45 Lectures)

Introduction: Optical fibers; Structure, Step-index and graded-index fibers, Modes of propagation,
modal theory for circular waveguide, Modal equations, Waveguide equations, Power flow in optical
fibers, Signal degradation in optical fibers, Fiber attenuation, Distortion in optical guides, Dispersions,
Mode coupling.

Optical Sources and Detectors: Light emitting diode (LED) and semiconductor laser diode (SLD),
Structures, Modulation capability, Transient response, Power bandwidth product, Modal noise,
Temperature Effects and reliability; p-i-n and avalanche photo detectors, Structures, Principles of

Optical modulation and detection schemes, Direct and coherent detection receivers: Configuration,
operation, noise sources, sensitivity calculation, performance curves, Optical Amplifiers, Design of
analog and digital receivers.

Wavelength Division, Multiplexing (WDM), Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) and
Optical frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission schemes.

Optical data coding, links, power budget. Optical data buses, optical networks, Fiber Distributed Data
Interface (FDDI) and Synchronous Optical Network (SONET)/SDH.

Reference Books:

1. Optical Fiber Communications, Principles and Practice (2nd edition), John M. Senior.
2. Fiber-Optic Communications Technology, Djafar K Maenbaev.
EEE-402 Microwave and Satellite Communication 3 Credit (45 Lectures)

Microwave generation: Klystrons, Reflex Klystrons, Magnetrons and other devices, Microwave tubes,
Microwave components, Microwave measurements, power, frequency, wavelength, microwave
transmission media, Anisotropy media, impedance, Hollow, surface wave, dielectric waveguide, waves
on a transmission line, standing wave ration, quarter wave transformers.

Micro-strip lines: wave propagation and micro-strip lines, dielectric constants, characteristic impedance,
attenuation factors.

Microwave Circuit Design: Low frequency parameters, s-, y-, z-, h-parameter, ABCD parameters,
transmission matrix, passive circuit design, the Smith Chart, mixer design, microwave control circuit
design, wireless microwave systems, noise in microwave circuits, Microwave IC, HMICs, MMICs.

Microwave Engineering for wireless system: Microwave networks, Active networks, Design of
matching networks, Noise, Microwave link, Rectifier and Detector Design, Frequency and Modulation
Techniques, Transmitting and Receiving Equipment.

Satellite Communication: Introduction, Orbits, station keeping, satellite altitude, transmission path, path
loss, noise consideration, satellite system, saturation flux density, effective isotropic radiated power,
multiple access methods, earth station antenna, satellite link design, frequency plan, satellite
communication for Internet, VSAT network, One-way, two-way and open-sky satellite communication,
GNSS-GPS and Galioleo systems and GIS, Satellite Navigation, DBS-TV.

Radar: Basic principles, Radar equation, factors influencing maximum range, effect of noise, power and
frequencies used in Radar, types of Radar, Basic pulsed Radar system, Modulators, receivers, Bandwidth
requirements, factors governing pulse characteristics, Duplexer, moving target indicator (MTI), tracking
Radar systems and search systems.

Reference Books:

1. Radio Frequency and Microwave Electronics, Mathew M. Radmanesh, Pearson Education.

2. Electromagnetic waves and radiating systems, Zedan and Balmani.
3. Foundations for Microwave Engineering, R. E. Collin, McGraw Hill.
4. Microwave devices and Circuits, S. Y. Lao.
5. Satellite Communication, Robert M Gagliardi.
6. Satellite Communications, Timothy Pratt, Charles W. Bostian.
7. Principle of Radar communication, Grolsky.

Advanced Electronic Communications System Tomasi 6ed

Communication Electronics:Principle & Application Frenzel 3ed
EEE-403 Data Communication and Computer Network 3 Credits (45 Lectures)

Data Communication Networking: Data communication model, Network topologies, Protocol layer
architecture, OSI reference architecture, TCP/IP reference architecture, Local area network (LAN),
metropolitan area network (MAN) and wide area network (WAN), Circuit switching versus packet
switching, Datagram and virtual circuits, LAN, MAN and WAN standards, Network Interconnections
bridges, hubs, switches, routers and gateways.

Physical Layer and Media: Analog and digital data transmission, Spectrum and bandwidth, Data rate
and channel capacity, Transmission impairments; Twisted-pair, Co-axial and Fiber-optic cable, Wireless
media; Multiplexing Frequency division multiplexing, International FDR carrier standards,
Synchronous time division multiplexing (TDM) and international TDR carrier standards, Statistical TDM
and wavelength division multiplexing; Digital data, digital signals: Signal encoding schemes NRZ,
NRZ-L, NRZI, BipolarAMI and pseudoternary, Manchester and differential Manchester, B8ZS, HDB3,

Data Link Layer: Asynchronous and synchronous transmission, Flow control and error control, Data
link layer protocols Stop-and-wait flow control, Sliding window flow control, Stop-and-wait ARQ, Go
back NARQ, selective repeat ARQ; Error detection and error correction, HDLC, PPP; Medium Access
Control (MAC) Sublayer: Multiple access protocols ALOHA, CSMA, CSMA/CD, Binary exponential
backoff algorithm, MACA; IEEE802.2 LLC.

Network standards: IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet) specifications, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, 10 Gigabit
Ethernet; IEEE802.11 (WiFi) protocol architecture, Physical layer, MAC sublayer; IEEE 802.16
(WiMAX) Standard; Frame relay, ATM.

Network Layer: Network layer design issues Store and forward packet switching, Implementation of
connectionless service, Implementation of connection-oriented service; Routing algorithms The
optimality principle, Shortest path routing, Flooding, Distance vector routing, Link state routing,
Broadcast and multicast routing, Routing in ad-hoc networks; Congestion control, QoS; Network layer in
the Internet the Internet Protocol (IP), IP address, IPv4, IPv6, Mobile IP, Internet control protocols

Transport Layer: The transport service, UDP, TCP, TCP congestion control.

Network Security: Introduction to network security, Encryption DES, AES, Public key encryption and
digital signatures, IP security, Authentication protocols.

Recommended Books:

1. Data and Computer Communications by W. Stalling, Macmillan, 1997

2. Computer Networks by A.S. Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall
3. Data Communications and Networking by Behrouz A. Forouzan.
EEE-404 Digital Signal Processing 3 Credits (45 Lectures)

Introduction: Signals, Systems and Signal Processing, Classification of Signals, Analog-to-Digital and
Digital-to-Analog Conversion.

Discrete Time Signals and Systems: Discrete Time Signals, Discrete Time Systems, Analysis of
Discrete Time Linear Time-Invariant Systems, Discrete Time Systems Described by Difference
Equations, Correlation of Discrete-Time Signals

The Z-Transform: The z-transform, properties of z-Transform, Rational z-Transform, Inversion of z

transform, One-sided z-transform, Analysis of Linear Time-Invariant Systems in the z-Domain.

Frequency Analysis of Signals and Systems: Frequency Analysis of Discrete-Time Signals, Properties
of the Fourier Transform for Discrete Time Signals, Frequency Domain Characteristics of Linear Time
Invariant Systems.

Discrete Fourier Transform: Frequency Domain Sampling: The Discrete Fourier Transform, Properties
of the DFT, Frequency Analysis of Signals Using DFT

Fast Fourier Transform: FFT Algorithms, Application of FFT Algorithms, Quantization Effects in the
Computation of the DFT

Digital Filter Design: Structures of FIR and IIR Filters, Design of FIR filters using: windows method,
Frequency Sampling Method, Chebyshev Approximation Method, Design of IIR Filters: Impulse
Variance, Bilinear Transform, Approximation of Derivatives.

Reference Books:

1. Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms and Applications, JG Proakis and DG Manolakis.
2. Digital Signal Processing, Ifeachor and Jervis.
3. Digital Signal Processing, Thomas J Cavicchi.
4. Adaptive Filters, Simon Haykin.

Digital signal processing John g. proakis & dimitris g.Manolokis 3ed

Signal processing for Paulo prondoni & martin vetterli
An introduction to programing J. Michael fits Patrick & Akos ledeczi
EEE-405 Scientific, Industrial and Biomedical Instrumentation 3 Credits (45 Lectures)

Instrument Classification & Characteristics: Instrument classification, Standards, Static

Characteristics of Instruments, Dynamic Characteristics of Instruments, Calibration, Choice of

Measurement system errors: Introduction, Systemic errors, Random errors, Total measurement of
system errors.

Instrument Calibration: Introduction, Process instrument calibration, Standards laboratories, Validation

of standards laboratories, primary reference standards, trace ability, Documentation un the work place.

Instrumentation and measurements: Significance and methods of measurements, direct and indirect
method, and standard Types of Instruments.

Transducers: Active and passive type, application realms of transducer

Analog Voltmeters: RMS and quasi-responding voltmeters. Average responding voltmeters, Amplifier
driven type, D'Arsonvel types, Direct compile type, chopper type, Potentiometric type, Accuracy and
error of analog Voltmeters.

Analog Ammeters: Different types of ammeters, Accuracy and error of analog ammeters.

Digital voltmeters: Stair-case ramp type, Successive approximation type, Integrating type, Dual slope
integrating type, Delta pulse modulation type.

Oscilloscopes: Single beam, Dual beam, Sampling, and storage types, Conversion of single beam to multi
beam oscilloscope. Oscilloscope measurements Digital signal measurement, FFT measurement, Basic
time domain reflectometry.

Signal generators: Sine wave sources , Imperfection in sine wave sources Frequency accuracy,
frequency stability, Amplitude accuracy, Distortion, Spurious responses, Close-in sidebands Sweep
frequency generators, Function generators, Pulse generators, RF Signal generators, Frequency

Analyzers: Wave analyzer, Spectrum analyzer: Bank of filters spectrum Analyzers, FFT spectrum
Analyzers, Swept spectrum Analyzers, Network analyzers, Distortion Analyzers, RF power measurement,
RF power meter.

Analytical instruments: pH meter, Thermal conductivity meters, Gas chromatography,

Spectrophotometers and Mass Spectrophotometers.

Medical instruments: ECG, EEG, EMG, Blood-dialysis machine, Endoscopy, Blood sugar meter, Blood
pressure meter, Analog and digital Pace makers.

Imaging system: X-ray, CT scan, Ultrasonic imaging system, Magnetic imaging system.
Industrial Instruments: Measurement and control of temperature, pressure, flow, strain, acceleration,
Vibration, Liquid level and humidity.

Data Acquisition: Data loggers, Data acquisition and control, PC-based instrumentation, Grounding of

Geographical Prospecting and Remote Sensing: Seismic reflection & refraction method, Electrical,
Magnetic, & Gravity methods, Instrumentation for remote sensing & SAR.

Reference Books:

1. Instrumentation Measurements ajut Feedbu, ti. B.E. Jones.

2. Electronic Instrumentation and Heasttrem.'n; Techniques, W.D. Copper
3. Instrumentation Technology, B.B. Jones, Butterworths.
4. Elements of Electronic Instrumentation & Measurements, Joseph J. Carr.

Modern electronic instrument & measuring techniques William David Cooper

Principals of measurement & instrument K. Alan s. morris
EEE-406 Semiconductor and VLSI Technology 3 Credits (45 Lectures)

Physics of Semiconductor: Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor, Compound Hetrosturcture

Semiconductors, Group III-V, III-nitride and II-V semiconductors, Band gap Engineering.

Vacuum Science and Plasma: Production of Vacuum, Pressure ranges and Vacuum Pumps: Ion Pump,
Oil Free Pump, Turbo Molecular Pump, Vacuum Seals and Pressure Measurements, The DC Glow
Discharge and RF Discharge, High-Density Plasma.

Crystal Growth Technology: Phase Diagram and Solid Solubility, Metallurgical Grade and Electronic
Grade of Growth, Purification of Grown Crystals, Czhorkralski method, Wafer Preparation and
Specifications, Shaping of Wafers, Solution growth, sol gel method, traveling heater method, zone
processes: Zone refining and zone leveling, polysilicon and amorphous silicon deposition.

Epitaxial growth: Epitaxy, Gas Kinetics, Vapor Phase Epitaxy, Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Metal Organic
Chemical Vapor Deposition, Organo Metallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy, HVPE, Gas Source MBE and
Chemical Beam Epitaxy, Atomic Layer Deposition.

Clean Room: Clean room technology and contamination control, impurities control, Classification of
Clean Room, Design Strategy and construction of Clean Room.

Wafer Fabrication Technology: Preparation of Wafers: Scribing, Chemical Mechanical Polishing,

Cleaning and Inspection of Wafers.

Hot Processing and Ion Implantation:

Diffusion: Interstitial and substitutional diffusion, Diffusion in a concentration gradient, Ficks 1

Dimensional Diffusion Equation, Diffusion Coefficients and Dopant Materials, Control of Impurities,
Formation of p-n junction in transistors by diffusion process for Impurities, Solid-source and liquidsource
diffusion system.

Passivation for Dielectrics: Thermal Oxidation and Nitridation, Polysilicon

Rapid Thermal Processing: Rapid thermal Activation of Impurities, Rapid Thermal Processing of
Dielectrics, Rapid Thermal Annealing Process, Silicidation and Formation of Contacts.

Ion Implantation: Idealized Ion Implantation System, Formation of Shallow Junction Buried Dielectrics.

Pattern Transfer:

Basic Patterning: Fabrication of Optical Masks, Concepts on Mask, Optical Lithography,

Photolithography, Types of Photoresists, Photoresist Materials.

Non-optical Lithography: Direct Write Electron Beam Lithography, Projection X-ray Lithography,
Projection Electron Beam Lithography, E-beam and X-ray resists, Membrane Masks, Radiation Damage
in MOS Devices.
Etching: Wet Etching, Dry etching: Plasma Etching, Reactive Ion Etching, High-density Plasma Etching,
Lift-off techniques, Stripping of Resist Materials, Control and Measurement of Etch Profiles:
Profilometers and Scanning Electron Microscopic Measurements for Etched profiles.

Thin Films:

Physical Deposition: Evaporation and Sputtering: Physics of Sputtering, High-Density Plasma

Sputtering, Sputtering Methods, Stress in Deposited layers, Thermal Vacuum Deposition, Electron Beam
Deposition, and Deposition for Metallization.

Chemical Vapor Deposition: Simple CVD System and Deposition of Silicon and Oxide layers,
Chemical Equilibrium and the Law of mass Action, Low Pressure CVD, Plasma Assisted- and Plasma
Enhanced-CVD and Metal CVD.

Process Integration:

Device isolation, Contacts and Metallization: Junction and Oxide Isolation, LOCOS methods, Trench
isolation, Silicon on Insulator Isolation Techniques, SOS, SIMOX, Schottky Contacts, Ohmic Contacts,
Alloyed Contacts, Metallization, Formation of Contact Layers, Multilevel Metallization, Planarization
and Advanced Interconnects.

Assembly and Encapsulation:

Bonding and Packaging: Die Bonding, Wire Bonding, Wedge Bonding,

Packaging Processes: Package/Bare Die Strategy, Package Design, and Encapsulation.

Process and Device Evaluation: Wafer Electrical measurement, Physical measurement methods, Layer
thickness measurement, General Surface Characterization, Device Electrical Measurement.

Organic Semiconductors: Introduction to Organic Semiconductor, Application of Organic

Semiconductor in the Fabrication of Devices, Room Temperature Solution Growth and Synthesis for
Organic Semiconductor

Nanofabrication Technology: Introduction to nanofabrication

VLSI Technology: Introduction to CMOS Logic, The Complementary CMOS Inverter DC

Characteristics, Basic CMOS Technology : Basic Long-channel device Behaviors, The Basic 3-micron
technology, Device Scaling, Latchup, A basic n-well CMOS Process, The p-well Process, Twin Tub
Process, Silicon on Insulator, Layout Design Rules, CMOS n-well Rules, Layer Assignments, SOI Rules,
CMOS Logic Gate Design, Typical CMOS NAND and NOR Delays, Transistor Sizing, CMOS testing,
Manufacturing test Principles, Design Strategy for Test, Chip-level test techniques, System-Level Test
techniques, Fabrication of IC, PIC and OEIC, Process Integration : Bipolar IC, MOS, NMOS and CMOS

Manufacturing of Integrated Circuits: Management of IC Fabrication House, Economic aspects of

fabrication industry, Yield Prediction and Yield Tracking, Yield Measurement Points, Accumulative
WaferFabrication yield, Mechanism of Yield Loss in VLSI, Assembly, Modeling of Yield Loss,
Reliability Requirement of for VLSI, Failure Distribution and rates, Final Test yield, Scaling and limits to
miniaturization, speed-power product, Wafer Fabrication Costs, Factory-level Automation, Statistical
Process Control, Inventory and Quality Control, ISO 9000 Certification, Line Organization.

Reference Books:

1. The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication, Stephen A. Campbell, Oxford University
Press, 2001.
2. Fabrication Engineering at Micro and nano Scale, Stephen A. Campbell, Oxford University Press,
3. Quirk and Serda,
4. Microchip Fabrication: A Practical Guide to Semiconductor Processing, Peter Van Zant, McGraw Hill
5. VLSI Technology, SM Sze, McGraw Hill.
6. VLSI fabrication Principles: Silicon and Gallium Arsenide, Sorab K Gandhi, A Wiley Interscience
Publication John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
7. Integrated Circuit Fabrication Technology, David J Elliott.
8. Gallium Arsenide Processing Technique, R.E. Williams.
9. Metal Semiconductor Contacts, E.H. Rhoderick and R.H. Williams.
10. VLSI Handbook, Einspruch, N.J., McGraw Hill.
11. Silicon Processing. for VLSI era, Wolf & Touber.
12. Principles of CMOS Technology: A Systems Perspective, Neil H E Weste and Kamran Eshraghian,
Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte Limited.
13. The Growth of Crystal for the Melt, I C Brice.
14. Stringfellow, OMVPE Growth.

Semiconductor manufacturing technology Michael quirk & Julian serda

VLSI fabrication principles silicon & gallium Sorob k. ghand 2ed
Microchip fabrication Peter van zant 5ed
Principles of CMOS VLSI design: A system Neil h. eweste & Kamran eshrghian 2ed
The basics of crystallography & diffraction Christofer hammond 2ed
EEE-407 Control Engineering 3 Credits (45 Lectures)

Introduction: Introduction to control systems, Definitions and Mathematical background.

Writing System Equations: State concepts, Transfer function and block diagram, Mechanical translation
systems, Mechanical rotational systems.

Solution of Differential Equations: Standard inputs to Control systems, Steady-state response and
transient response.

Laplace Transform: Definition, Laplace transform theorems, Application of the Laplace transforms to
differential equations, Inverse transformation, Heaviside partial-fraction expansion theorems.

System Representation: Block diagrams, Determination of the over I transfer junction, Standard block
diagram I A terminology, Simulation digamms, Signal flow graphs.

Control System Characteristics: Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion, Feedback system types, Analysis of
system. types, Steady-Mate error coefficients, Non unity-feedback system.

Root Locus: Plotting roots of a characteristics equation, Qualitative analysis of the root locus, Op-M
loop transfer function, Poles of the control ratio, Applications Of the magnitude and angle condition.

Frequency Response: Correlation of the sinusoidal. and time responses, Frequency response curves,
Bude plots (Logarithmic plots), Geiser ;1frequency transfer function relationship, Nyquists criterion,
definitions of phase margin and their relation to stability.

Root Locus compensation Design: Introduction to design, transient response dominant complex poles,
additional significant poles, ideal integral cascade compensation (PI controller), Ideal derivative cascade
compensation (FD controller), FID controller, Introduction to feedback compensation.

Introduction Digital Control systems: Introduction, sampling, ideal sampling z-transform theorems,
synthesis in the z-domain (direct method), the inverse z-transform, zero-order hold, analog controller
design, basics of digital control, representation of digital control systems in s-plane and z-plane,
interpretation of polezero maps in z-plane, frequency-folding effects, digital design by emulation.

Reference Books:

1. Linear Control System and Design, John J D Azzo and Constantine, 4th Edition.
2. Control Engineering. C.C. Bissel, 2nd Tuition, 1904, Publisher ; Chapman & Hall.
3. Modern Control Systems, R.C. Dorf, 9th Edition, Publisher ; Addition Wesley.
4. Automatic Control systems, Kuo, EEE.
5. Control System, Kevin Warwick.

Control system engineering Norman s. Nise

Modern control engineering Katsuhiko ogata
Linear control system analysis & design John j. Diazzo & Constantine h.
EEE-408 Communication Theory 3 Credits (45 Lectures)

Spectral Analysis: Fourier Series, The Sampling Function, Response of a Linear System, Normalized
Power, Normalized Power in a Fourier Expansion, Power Spectral Density, The Fourier Transform,
Convolution, Parsevals Theorem, Correlation between Waveforms, Autocorrelation.

Random Variables and Processes: Probability, Cumulative distribution function, Probability Density
Function, Tchebycheffs Inequality, The Gaussian Probability Density, The Error Function, The Rayleigh
Probability Density, Correlation between random variables, the central-limit Theorem, Random
Processes, Autocorrelation, Power Spectral Density of a Sequence of Random Pulses, Power Spectral
Density of Digital Data, Effect of rudimentary filters of digital data, the complimentary error function.

Mathematical Representation of Noise: Some sources of noise, a frequency-domain representation of

noise, spectral components of noise, response of a narrowband filter to noise, effect of a filter on the
power spectral density of noise, superposition of noises, mixing involving noise, linear filtering, noise
bandwidth, quadrate components of noise, power spectral density of nc(t) and ns(t), Probability density of
nc(t) ,ns(t) and their time derivatives.

Information theory: Discrete message, the concept of amount of information, average information,
Entropy, Information rate, coding to increase average information per bit, shannons theorem, channel
capacity, capacity of a Gaussian channel, bandwidth-S/N tradeoff, use of orthogonal signals to attain
Shannons limit, efficiency of orthogonal signal transmission

Communication System and Noise Calculations: Resistor noise, multiple resistor noise sources,
networks with reactive elements, an example, available power, noise temperature, two ports, noise
bandwidth, effective input-noise temperature, noise figure, noise figure and equivalent noise temperature
of a cascade, an example of a receiving system, antennas, system calculation.

Reference Books:

1. Principles of Communication Systems

Author: Herbert Taub & Donald L. Schilling
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Book Company
EEE-409 Computer Peripherals and Interfacing 3 Credits (45 Lectures)

Part01: Peripherals:

Keyboard: Keyboard function, & Keyboard display controller.

Printer: Types of Printer-, (.dot matrix, Laser inkjet,. etc.), Censorings interface, programming sequence,
Hardware overview, I/O configurations, and subsystem, Printer mechanism, new generation printer

Hard Disk Drive (HDD): Overview of HDD organization, Disk drive types & interfacing, HDD
commands & Command block-, Controller design, Types of HDD. Universal Disk controller. 9224, HDD
board layout.

FDD: Overview of FDD organization, FDD system interface, Disk drive types & interfacing, FDD
commands, Types of FDD, FDD interfacing Circuit, FDD 9216B.

CD ROM/CD Writer: Types of CD, Photo CD players, CD, DVD, Recording process of CD, Physical
Characteristics of CD.

Display Adapter: Color Monitors, CRT Interfacing, Video process Logic, Motorola 6845 CRT
controller. MDA Design organization, CGA, HGA, EGA, VGA, AGF, Display adapter device interfacing.

Others: Sensors, transducers and signal conditioning-circuits, interfacing memory and I/O devices, Some
special purpose interface cards, stepper motor.-, and peripheral devices.

Special Peripherals: Plotter, Light Pen, Joystick-. Digitizer T or Graphic Tablet, Mouse, Scanner, Sound

Part02: Interfacing:

Modern Serial & Parallel interfacing, RS232, IEEE-488. TSA & PCI buses, 8255 UART. Peripheral
worlds, sensor, transducers and signal conditioning circuit, Interfacing memory and I/O, optical
interfacing, study and applications of peripheral chips including 8212, 8155, 8251, 8279, 8237.

Reference Books:

1. IBM PC & Clones: Hardware, Troubleshooting & mainance, G. Govindarajahre.

2. Microcomputer Systems: Architecture, programming & Design, Yu Chong LILT,Glenn A Gilson.
3. Interfacing to the IBM Personal Computer, Lewis C. Eggebrech, 2nd Edition, SAMS.
4. Microprocessor: Applications & softivare, Gaoakar.
5. Computer Peripherals, Barry Wilkinson.

The Intel microprocessor Barry b. Brey

Computer peripheral & interfacing Mathevanam
EEE-410 Mobile Cellular Communication Credits: 03 (45 Lectures)

Introduction to Mobile Cellular Communication: Evolution and concept of Mobile Radio

Communication, Concept of Cellular Mobile System, Generations of Cellular Mobile Systems,
Specifications of Analog Cellular systems.

Cellular Mobile System Fundamentals: Frequency reuse and frequency planning, Co-channel
interference, Hand off, Traffic intensity, Grade of Service (GOS), Capacity calculation, Trunking
efficiency, Cell splitting.

Mobile radio propagation: Propagation characteristics, Multipath propagation, Multipath fading, Delay
spread, Doppler shift, Models for radio propagation.

Frequency Management and Channel Assignment: Fundamentals, spectrum utilization, fundamentals

of channel assignment, fixed channel assignment, non-fixed channel assignment, traffic and channel
assignment, Sectorization.

Handoffs and Dropped Calls: Reasons and types, forced handoffs, mobile assisted handoffs and
dropped call rate.

Diversity Techniques: Concept of diversity branch and signal paths, carrier to noise and carrier to
interference ratio performance.

Digital Cellular Systems: Concept of TDMA and CDMA; IS-54/136 (NA-TDMA); GSM GSM system
architecture, Protocol layers, GSM air interface specification, IS-95; Mobile Cellular Data Networks:

Recommended Books:

1. Mobile Cellular Telecommunications Analog and Digital Systems by William C.Y. Lee.
2. Cellular Mobile System Engineering by Saleh Faruque.
3. Wireless Digital Communication by Kamilo Feher.
4. Telecommunications Engineering by J. Dunlop and D.G. Smith.
EEE-411 Laboratory Work 6 Credits (Lectures)


1) Determination of voltage standing wave ration for microwave.

2) Design, implementation and study of a flash type A/D converter and ladder type D/A converter.
3) Study of PLL IC: Modulation and Demodulation, Frequency synthesis, lockrange, caperture
range & FSK.
4) Study of characteristic of different transducers: thermocouple, thermistor, TM35
5) Design and implementation of CPU using ALU IC
6) Design, construction and implementation of relay ON/OFF circuit using PIC Microcontroller.
7) Design, construction and implementation of steeper motor control circuit using PIC
8) Design, construction and implementation of 0 to 9 counter circuit using PIC Microcontroller.
9) Design, construction and implementation of LED brightness control circuit using PIC


Numerical Analysis Laboratory:

1) Interpolation, Extrapolation.
2) Numerical solution of algebraic equation (Newton-Graph on method Secant method, etc.)
3) Numerical solution of differential equation (various method, etc.)
4) Numerical solution of partial differential equation.
5) Numerical integration and differentiation.
6) Monte Carlo Calculation.
7) Random number generation.

Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB:

1) To develop elementary signal function modules (m-files) for unit sample, unit step, exponential
and unit ramp sequences.
2) (a)To develop program for discrete convolution and correlation.
(b) To develop program for finding the response of the LTI system described by the difference
3) (a)To develop program for computing inverse Z-transform
(b) To develop program for finding magnitude and phase response of LTI system described by
the system function H(Z).
4) (a) To develop program for computing DFT and IDFT.
(b) To develop program for computing circular convolution.
5) (a) To develop program for designing FIR filter.
(b) To develop program for designing IIR filter.
Assembly Language Programing:

1) Write a program to sum of 4 different numbers/to search odd or even number.

2) Write a program to calculate largest number from N numbers/to sort 10 numbers in ascending
3) Write a program to display any 10 decimal numbers and its corresponding ASCII character etc.
EEE-412 Project Work 4 Credits

1. This four credits course consist of two parts, first one is a close work (i.e., complete simulation and/or
experimental work) (2 credits) supervised by a teacher of the department and second one is viva-voce (2

2. A project report to be evaluated has to be submitted to examination committee. Submitted project

report will be evaluated based on two-examiners (from the same department) system.

::: The End :::

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