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6001b Failure QTR July-Sept PP 64-66

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EG Repair & Maintenance

Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine

Hot-End Bearing Failure
The rotors of heavy-duty gas turbines are exposed to the heat of combustion during their
operation. This thermal loading, in addition to the mechanical loading due to self-weight and
rotation, provides a challenge to the designers of gas turbines when aiming for the reliability
demanded by the commercial requirements of operation.
By Dr. Matthew Smillie, Consultant Engineer, Quest Integrity Group
This article is based on a presentation originally given by the author at the 12th Australian Gas Turbine Users Conference, 2011.

number of technological and
scientific advances through the ages
have helped us reach the standard
of living we enjoy today. One of the most
important was the development of anti-
friction bearings. These bearings allowed
the design, construction and operation of
innumerous mechanical devices for countless
mechanical purposes. For example, rotating
machinery relies on anti-friction bearings to
support and align their rotating components Figure 1 MS6001B rotor. Arrow indicates the hot-end bearing journal
during operation. They also help prevent
catastrophic clashes between the rotating and requirement for accommodating Case Study: MS6001B Number 2
and stationary parts. misalignment due to rotor flex or casing Bearing Failure
The rotors of heavy-duty gas turbines are distortion during operation of the turbine. Background
exposed to the heat of combustion during Although it is not addressed further in this The MS6001B (or Frame 6B) is a widely
their operation. This thermal loading, in article, a thrust bearing is always utilised to utilised General Electric heavy-duty design.
addition to the mechanical loading due locate the shaft axially. It is generally used for power generation,
to self-weight and rotation, provides a All modern heavy-duty gas turbines follow at both 50 and 60 Hz, outputting between
challenge to the designers of gas turbines the same form factor: ambient air enters 38 and 42 MW depending on the model.
when aiming for the reliability demanded by an axial-flow compressor and then exits The design is “E-class”, derived from 1970s
the commercial requirements of operation. into one or many combustion chambers at technology, but has been continuously
This article briefly introduces the particular high pressure and temperature due to the upgraded since its introduction in 1978.
issues of bearings in heavy-duty gas turbines, compression. Then, due to combustion, Although it uses a reasonably flexible built-
and then reviews a case study of a gas a further rise in temperature occurs, and up rotor, it requires only two radial bearings
turbine bearing that could no longer hold its the resultant hot-gas stream is expanded for support (Figure 1). Both are plain elliptical
load and the situation surrounding its failure. through an axial-flow turbine, running on journal bearings. Power is taken off the hot
the same shaft as the compressor, to extract (turbine) end of the machine.
Gas Turbine Bearings power. The hot combustion gases flow The particular unit in question was in a
Large gas turbines (greater than 20 MW through the turbine, between the shaft co-generation role, supplying steam and
power output) can be generally split and casing (both protected from most of power to neighbouring industry. The unit
between the aero-derivative models and the the heat by a combination of heat shielding had seen approximately 120,000 fired hours
heavy-duty or frame-type industrial turbines. and cooling air) before exiting the rear of and an average of five starts per year after
Aero-derivatives, because of their aviation the machine. The exhaust temperatures of commissioning. Due to demand fluctuations,
heritage, size and general multiple-shaft most heavy-duty gas turbines are generally the unit was running base load during the
layout, tend to use typical rolling-element between 500 °C and 600 °C, depending on day and part load at night.
bearings to support and locate the shafts. the duty, fuel and efficiency of the turbine. The unit did have a history of vibration
Because of the lower restrictions on weight It is in this hot exhaust gas that the hot- and alignment issues during commissioning
and size of components, heavy-duty gas end bearing must sit, relying on extensive and while in service. Alarm levels of vibration
turbines exclusively use large and rigid fluid- thermal management of the exhaust frame, (approximately 13 mm/s) were often
film plain journal bearings to support and lubrication oil and cooling air to maintain its exceeded during start-up. Base load levels
locate the rotor radially within the casings. position (and that of the spinning rotor) and of vibration were within the OEM limits
Some older designs required three bearings to maintain its own integrity. Many design but always close to alarm. Two bearing
to maintain the required clearances along the solutions from the major manufacturers have temperatures for the hot-end bearing were
shaft (e.g. MS7001EA, MS9001E). Smaller, been incorporated to minimise the impact of measured as part of the control package.
more modern designs with stiffer rotors thermal distortion on the hot-end bearing These temperatures were always noted
reduced this to two bearings (e.g. MS6001B, (e.g. MHI’s tangential struts for their M501 to be high, but below alarm. A number of
GT13E2, etc.). Plain-journal bearings or and M701 models or Alstom’s adjustable bearings had been replaced during the life
tilt-pad bearings are used, depending on bearing housing supports in their GT13E2 of the unit, based on their condition during
the particular manufacturer’s preference model). scheduled or opportunistic maintenance.

64 Energy Generation July-September 2012


The replacement cost of the bearing was of bearings previously removed from the
low, so there were little to no cost pressures unit was undertaken (e.g. Figure 2). The
to solve what appeared to be an acceptably following was noted:
managed “quirk” of the unit. • Features typical of long-term fatigue
failure of the bearing white metal were
The Incident observed in a number of the replaced
One afternoon the alarm temperature (130 bearings.
°C) on the hot-end bearing was reached. The • There were indications of edge loading
load on the unit was reduced immediately. due to slight angular misalignment with
A subsequent reduction in the bearing respect to the shaft.
temperature was observed. Plant operations • Extrusion of white metal over the edge Figure 3 Insulation pads inside exhaust frame
decided to monitor and shutdown the unit of the bearing indicated creep of the protect cooling air for struts (flow path arrowed).
Lower half pads had dropped, blocking the flow
if the temperature exceeded 150 °C. It is white metal during service due to high
of cooling air to (bearing supporting) lower struts.
important to note that there was no trip limit operating temperatures of the bearing.
on bearing temperature in the OEM package. maintained at a uniform temperature in order
Later in the evening, the alarm temperature to control the central position of the rotor
on the bearing was reached again. Thirty in relation to the stator. This temperature
seconds later 150 °C was reached and stabilization is accomplished by protecting
a manual shutdown was initiated. Two the struts from exhaust gases with a metal
minutes after the shutdown was initiated, wrapper fabricated into the diffuser. This
the bearing temperature was measured wrapper also provides a circuit for cooling air.
at 200 °C. The vibration levels increased, Turbine shell cooling air flows through the
causing an automatic trip of the unit five Figure 2 Lower half of the hot-end bearing space between the struts and the wrapper to
minutes after the shutdown was initiated. previously removed from machine. The damage maintain uniform temperature of the struts.
During the rundown, bearing temperatures seen was typical of edge-loading causing fatigue This describes the method by which
in the white metal.
up to 420 °C were measured. The tin-based thermal expansion of the hot exhaust frame
white metal used in journal bearings melts The physical features indicating edge-loading (and location of the hot-end bearing) is
between 180 and 240 °C (depending on the were unexpected, as numerous alignment managed. The loss of insulation and partial
lead content). checks performed at outages showed no loss of cooling air resulted in an in-service
indications of serious misalignment. Further (hot) condition that could not maintain the
The Aftermath inspection of the bearing housing and required (cold) alignment. The increased
Disassembly of the bearing housing revealed exhaust frame revealed the following: loading on the bearing was exacerbated
an extensively scored shaft journal, also • The bearing housing was nose-up by the inherent vibration of the rotor.
deposited with remains of the bearing white relative to the axis of the machine. The combination of all factors resulted
metal. The top half of the bearing was • Fibre insulation in the outer skin of the in an increased loading on – and higher
relatively unaffected. The bottom half had exhaust frame was almost completely temperature of – the hot-end bearing,
almost all the white metal removed from the missing. directly resulting in a decreased service life
steel shell of the bearing, which was itself • Internal insulating pads (Figure 3) inside and ultimately failure during operation.
severely rubbed, overheated and distorted. the exhaust frame had dropped in the During the investigations, a number
The material condition of the rotor journal lower half of the exhaust frame, partially of other examples of MS6001B hot-end
was of great concern. The journal was blocking the entry of cooling air on one bearings were found with similar indications
part of a stub shaft bolted to the turbine side on the machine (Figure 4). of distress, revealing that the problems
section of the rotor. Replacement of the stub with this unit were not unique. The later
shaft would require shipping to a facility The latter findings were quite significant, as GE “F-class” designs have a completely
capable of disassembly, replacement of the the manual for the turbine [General Electric, different bearing arrangement using two
shaft, and balancing the reassembled rotor MS6001B Gas Turbine Manual, Volume II, tilt-pad bearings, and driving from the cold
before shipping back to site. Metallurgical 1995] states (emphasis added): (compressor) end of the machine, which “…
inspection of the journal surface revealed Exhaust frame radial struts cross the eliminates the alignment issue at turbine
localised regions of high hardness (exceeding exhaust gas stream. The struts must be end bearing” according to the Electric
600 HV) and transformation microstructures
that showed that parts of the journal surface
had exceeded 720 °C during the incident.
The hardening extended to a depth beyond
the re-machining limit of the journal. The
rotor stub shaft was in a non-serviceable

The consideration of shipping and repair lead
times led to the decision to replace the entire
rotor, as this would return the machine to
service much quicker than any other option.
As a replacement rotor was sourced, an
investigation into the physical cause of
the bearing failure was undertaken. Since
most of the physical evidence on the failed Figure 4 Note dropped pad blocking cooling holes on one side of the lower exhaust frame (left).
bearing itself was missing, examination Compare with pad held in place and unblocked holes on other side of lower exhaust frame (right).
Continued over 4 Energy Generation 65
EG Repair & Maintenance
Continued from page 65
Power Research Institute [Design Evolution, Durability and Reliability Acknowledgements
of General Electric Heavy-Duty Combustion Turbines: Pedigree The author would like to acknowledge the following:
Matrices, Volume 3, Palo Alto, CA, 2007]. • The affected facility, which graciously gave permission for this
case study to be discussed and the findings shared publically, on
Recovery the condition of anonymity.
During reassembly, the insulation and cooling flow was restored • Dr. Maxine Watson, Director – Power Resources, Quest Integrity
to the exhaust frame. The housing alignment was corrected using Group, for her contributions in relation to the tribological
angled shims. Laser alignment of the bearings was undertaken to aspects of the investigation.
ensure the required tolerances were reached in the fully assembled
A replacement rotor was installed in the machine. Vibration levels
and bearing temperatures were considerably lower with the new
APT Publications invites all personnel of the
rotor. The plant installed new instrumentation, alarm and trip limits Electricity Generation Industry within Australia and
related to bearing performance monitoring. The unit has been New Zealand who are responsible for the development,
running with little issue for more than a year since the incident. use, specification and procurement of industry relevant
EG products and services to receive Energy Generation,
personally addressed in hard copy or digitally
Epilogue at no charge.
The damaged rotor was recently shipped to a repair facility for
refurbishment. During de-stacking of the built-up rotor, it was Register on-line at
apparent that there had been loss of interference fit on a number
of compressor wheels that made up the compressor rotor. It is
speculative at this stage, but such a loss of interference fit may have Telephone:
influenced both the rigidity and heat transfer through the rotor
during thermal transient conditions (such as start-up), leading to +61 7 3374 2877
distortion (e.g. bowing) during the thermal transients and resulting
in increased vibration. It also may have contributed to the noted To receive this magazine in digital format,
thermal sensitivity of the rotor and high vibration levels during base- register on-line at
load operation.

reliable online
monitoring of SF6
Operational efficiency can be maximised while risks are minimised,
maintenance can be optimised, and equipment lifetime can be
extended, all of which translates into considerable savings.

ondition-monitoring systems are increasingly incorporating The paper concludes with a clear set of recommendations that will
online measurements. The ability to gather data online not help to ensure optimal dew point measurement performance. The
only minimises the time needed for field operations, it also complete white paper is available at
provides constantly up-to-date trending data and enables rapid
decision-making. TechCon® welcomed new ideas
In the power industry, online monitoring offers a wide variety SF6 online dew point monitoring was also one topic in the recent
of benefits for critical equipment such as power tranformers or TechCon® Asia-Pacific conference in Sydney, where the author
switchgears. However, the factors that affect the reliability of online of the Vaisala white paper, Mrs. Senja Leivo spoke about the
measurement, especially regarding online monitoring of static SF6 measurement challenges. Mostly Australian and Indian grid
gas, are not so well known. operators were interested in discussing and finding out more
If you are keen on knowing more about the topic, Vaisala has about online measurements which are becoming increasingly
created a non-commercial white paper around the SF6 online popular in the industry.
dew point monitoring. The paper examines the online dew point As labor shortage is becoming a challenge and unmanned
measurement of static SF6 gas which is used as an insulator in substations popular, online measurements are naturally welcomed,
switchgears and circuit breakers. Moisture in SF6 can cause arcing so Vaisala’s recently launched new multiparameter measurement
and equipment failure. product, proved somewhat of an eyebrow-raiser. The DPT145
The critical factors in obtaining reliable data include: 1) where transmitter for SF6 provides online data of up to seven parameters at
the sensor is installed, 2) how the sensor is installed, and 3) what once including dew point, density and pressure. Combining online
the required sensor features are. One key phenomenon, which is measurement capability with multiparameter information seems the
not very well understood but which greatly impacts these factors, way to prepare for the future.
is related to moisture transients between solid materials and SF6. See further at

66 Energy Generation July-September 2012

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