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Gas Turbines Based CHP

Clean, Green & Sustainable

Géraldine Roy - Proposals Manager – FEED

Richard Williamson – Framework Support Manager
Derek Fothergill - Consultant

Melton Mowbray, June 2013

© Siemens AG, 2012

Gas Turbine heritage

First established in 1857 - Joseph Ruston

Gas Turbines since 1946 - Frank Whittle

Agriculture Industry

Gas Turbines

Military Transport

Page 2 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

Industrial Gas Turbines

Page 3 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

Siemens Industrial gas Turbines
Product Applications

Power Pumping Compression CHP Comb. Cycle


An SGT-100 Thirty SGT-200 Two SGT-700 An SGT-800 CHP Two SGT-400

generating set is driven pump sets driven Siemens plant for InfraServ generating sets
installed on Norske on the OZ2 pipeline compressors for Bavernwerk’s operating in
Shell's Troll Field operated by natural gas chemical plant in cogeneration/
platform in the North Sonatrach, Algeria liquefaction plant Gendorf, combined cycle
Sea owned by UGDC Germany. for BIEP at BP’s
at Port Said, Bulwer Island
Egypt. refinery, Australia

Page 4 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

Siemens Industrial Power:
Industrial Turbines for all Your Needs

Gas Turbines
 Gas turbines for power generation,
combined heat & power and mechanical
drives for all industrial applications.
 Small gas turbines from 5 up to 13 MW
 Medium gas turbines from 18.5 up to 50 MW

Steam Turbines
 Steam turbines for power generation,
combined heat & power and mechanical
drives for all industrial applications
 Various design paradigms including:
• Pre–designed steam turbines up to 10 MW
• Industrial steam turbines up to 250 MW

Page 5 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

Global Power market –
Demand for Power is steadily growing

Power generation mix +2.8% p.a.
worldwide, in TWh 13% Renewables

15% Water

22,100 11% Nuclear

24% Gas

22% 3% Oil

67% 34% Coal


2011 2030
Fossil fuels remain the backbone - Renewables gain in importance
Source: Siemens

Page 6 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

Gas Turbines < 60 MW in CHP
The Global Picture (1993-2012)

GT orders 1993-2012 8000


'93-'97 ´98-´02 '03-´07 '08-12

Africa America Latin America North

Asia Europe Middle East


 GT based CHP < 60 MW - mainly used in

Europe, USA and in Asia (SE Asia, Japan,
India), lately also in emerging markets

 The total market has been declining but it is 5000

slowly recovering 0
'93-'97 ´98-´02 '03-´07 '08-12

Poly. (World)

Page 7 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

Conventional Energy Supply

Central electricity generation Local production of heat

and distribution through grid with fossil fuel

Conventional energy supply:

Waste heat from power Less efficient, more emissions
generation is emitted
with exhaust gases

Power plant Residential area Industry

Page 8 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

Combined Heat and Power (CHP) or Cogeneration

Medium-voltage Local electricity

Simultaneous production of power
power grid connection generation
and heat from a single fuel source

Combined Heat and Power:

More efficient and lower emissions
due to the recovery of waste heat

Power plant Residential area Industry

Local power
area plant Industry

Page 9 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

CHP Benefits

Environmental protection
The high overall thermal efficiency of cogeneration
minimizes the production of carbon dioxide. Other
exhaust emissions can be controlled by the use of
low emission combustion technology

Energy costs can be a high proportion of the
product cost in many industries. CHP can help
reduce the energy costs by up to 30%

Security of Supply
CHP can increase the reliability of power supply.
Production processes need to avoid unscheduled

Page 10 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

CHP: The drivers

Business Drivers
Energy cost
Security of supply
Improving spark spread ; energy cost : Environmental
Gas/Oil prices Vs Electricity prices. image
Growing gas supply diversity and network.
Shale Gas, Landfill and other Bio gases.
Security of energy supply.

Legal/Environmental Drivers
Climate change and reduction of emissions
Government / EU Energy Directives - Reduced emissions of CO2.
Reduced emissions of NOx, particles, UHC, etc.
National production subsidies. Reduction of
National tax exemptions or investment incentives. greenhouse gases
CCL. and other emissions

Page 11 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

Steam Raising Applications
Based on SGT-100 Gas Turbine

69.5 % 14 %
Power Output GT Power Output 30.0 %
9.5 % 53 %
Exhaust Loss 14 %
Steam Output
37.5 % ST Power Output 9.5 %
By-pass Low Grade Heat 37.5 %
Stack 6.0 %
TOTAL. 91 %

Damper Difference is due to

Gear, Generator, vent
and Oil System

Exhaust Heat

Power Output
Boiler Feed Fuel
WaterGas Input
30.0 % 100 %

Page 12 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

Steam Raising Applications
Based on SGT-100 Gas Turbine

Steam 400 OC
Turbine 42 bar g
126 OC
Power Output
9.5 %
100 OC Steam Output
60 OC By-pass
103OC Stack


544 OC

Power Output Fuel Gas Input Boiler Feed Water

30.0 % 100 %

Page 13 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

Tri-generation Installation
Network support – Riverbay Co-op Development

“Hurricane Sandy hit Co-op City

about as hard as it hit most
anywhere else in New York City,
but everybody in Co-op City had
power before, during and after the
storm, ” said Community Principal,
Herb Freedman

The Scheme provides:-

 electricity, heating and cooling for 60,000 residents in
Riverbay Co-Op Development (New York)
the Bronx area of New York.
Co-op City is located in the northeast of New York
 40 MW electrical power is produced by two SGT-400
and comprises 14,000 apartment units, 35 high-rise
gas turbines and SST-300 steam turbine.
buildings, 8 parking garages, 3 shopping centres and
 Up to 16MW of electricity not used locally enters the
6 schools
New York power grid.

Page 14 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

Tri-generation Installation
Network support – Riverbay Co-op Development

Power Export
HP Steam
Co-op Power Use
SST 300
40.0 MW
12.47 kV Exhaust Steam
11.5% Waste Heat Turbine
Exhaust By-pass
Heat Stack
17% Heat to
Power Output Electricity
SGT 400
LP Steam Cooling Water

Boiler Feed
17.5 % Heat to
Electricity Fuel Gas Exhaust
Input 11.5% Waste Heat Cooling Water
Absorption Return
Exhaust By-pass
Heat Stack Chiller

Power Output SGT 400


Boiler Feed
Chilled Water Chilled Water
Flow Return
17.5 % Heat to
Fuel Gas 25% Usable Heat
Electricity 100 % Heat as Fuel Gas

Page 15 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

Option 1 Maximum Electrical Generation

Breather Vent Air Outlet

Oil Cooler By-Pass
Combined Combustion Inlet Stack Boiler
Air & Vent HEPA Air Filter Silencer Stack

Roof Line

Make-up Tank


Waste Heat
Silencer Diverter Steam
Valve Generator

SGT 100-1 Gas Turbine Generating Set

Fire Panel

Boiler Feed Water Pumps

Fuel Gas Compressor Air Compressor

SST-110 Steam Turbine Generating

Set Water Treatment
Battery Switchgear Control To District Heating (16 bar g,100
Room Room Room O
From District Heating (8 bar g, 60

Condensate Return

Page 16 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

Option 2 Maximum Heat Generation

Breather Vent Air Outlet

Oil Cooler By-Pass
Combined Combustion Inlet Stack Boiler
Air & Vent HEPA Air Filter Silencer Stack

Roof Line

Make-up Tank


Waste Heat
Silencer Diverter Hot Water
Valve Generator

SGT 100-1 Gas Turbine Generating Set Water Treatment

Fire Panel
From District Heating (8 bar g,60 OC)

Fuel Gas Compressor Air Compressor

To District Heating (16 bar g,100 OC)

Battery Switchgear Control

Room Room Room

Page 17 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

Heat Transmission & Distribution Network

Heat production from Heat

Only Boilers maybe
2000 m needed
800 m 500 m 700 m

CHP Plant HOB Plant

500 m
Thermal Storage for full
or partial storage (load
levelling) maybe needed Shops Shops

750 m
Housing Housing

Heat Interface Unit

800 m

Housing Housing Factory

Distance Pressure Pressure Loss Total Loss

Housing Housing m Loss Pa/m bar bar
Main 1600 100 1.6
Housing 1600 250 4.0
Housing Housing Main 2600 100 2.6
Shops 1000 250 2.5
Main 4000 100 4.0
Factories 1500 250 3.75

Page 18 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

Indirect Domestic Heat Interface Unit

PI Pressure Indicator
TI Temperature Indicator TE
Domestic Hot
TE Thermal Element Water
FE Flow Element

Isolating Valve
Domestic Cold
Modulating Valve Water (Mains)
Drain Valve Heat Thermostat
Double Check Controller Filling Loop
Valve PI
Relief Valve

District Hot
Water Flow
& Return TE FE PI TI

District heating supply temperature can be as high as 100 OC minimising flow rate and hence pipe
Page 19 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector
Performance Summary SGT- 100- 1S

Power Generated kW Power Used (Run) kW

Gas Turbine at 15OC 5242 Gas Turbine 55.9
Steam Turbine 1700 Steam Turbine 28.4
Total Power Generated 6942 Auxiliaries 497
Total District Heat 6527 System Usage 581.3
Cycle efficiency 76.5%

Operation at 15OC kW
Power Generated 6942.0
Power Used 581.3 Study assumes all power is
sold to a power company
Power for Export 6360.7
For Wind Farms the ratio is 1
kW per Home with the Grid
taking up the peak loads

Page 20 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

Performance Summary SGT 400

Power Generated kW Power Used (Run) kW

Gas Turbine at 15OC 14049 Gas Turbine 73.2
Steam Turbine 4160 Steam Turbine 28.4
Total Power Generated 18209 Auxiliaries 497
Total District Heat 13899 System Usage 598.6
Cycle efficiency 80.1%

Operation at 15OC kW
Power Generated 18209.0
Power Used 589.6 Study assumes all power is
sold to a power company
Power for Export 17610.4
For Wind Farms the ratio is 1
kW per Home with the Grid
taking up the peak loads

Page 21 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

Possible Incremental Efficiency Improvements

Low grade heat recovery

Source Amount Use
Cooling air from the Heat available is approximately Space heating
generators 2% of the generated power

Ventilation air Heat available is approximately Space heating via an air/air

2% of the generated power heat exchanger

Oil coolers coolant water Heat available is approximately Pre-heat boiler make-up water
2½% of the generated power

Page 22 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

Payback Period

SGT 100-1S Scheme

Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Hardware £6,601,500 £6,601,500 £6,601,500 £6,601,500 £6,601,500 £6,601,500 £6,601,500 £6,601,500 £6,601,500 £6,601,500

Building +
Costs £3,484,500 £3,484,500 £3,484,500 £3,484,500 £3,484,500 £3,484,500 £3,484,500 £3,484,500 £3,484,500 £3,484,500

O&M £394,400 £788,800 £1,183,200 £1,577,600 £1,972,000 £2,366,400 £2,760,800 £3,155,200 £3,549,600 £3,944,000

Fuel Cost £4,086,825 £8,173,650 £12,260,475 £16,347,300 £20,434,125 £24,520,950 £28,607,775 £32,694,600 £36,781,425 £40,868,250

Total Cost £14,567,225 £19,048,450 £23,529,675 £28,010,900 £32,492,125 £36,973,350 £41,454,575 £45,935,800 £50,417,025 £54,898,250

Income £5,899,422 £11,798,844 £17,698,266 £23,597,688 £29,497,110 £35,396,532 £41,295,954 £47,195,376 £53,094,798 £58,994,220

Payback -Years 2.4693 1.6144 1.3295 1.1870 1.1015 1.0445 1.0038 0.9733 0.9496 0.9306

Simple Payback in just over 7 years

SGT 400 Scheme
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Hardware £12,264,750 £11,724,750 £11,724,750 £11,724,750 £11,724,750 £11,724,750 £11,724,750 £11,724,750 £11,724,750 £11,724,750

Building +
Costs £4,384,250 £4,384,250 £4,384,250 £4,384,250 £4,384,250 £4,384,250 £4,384,250 £4,384,250 £4,384,250 £4,384,250

O&M £422,500 £845,000 £1,267,500 £1,690,000 £2,112,500 £2,535,000 £2,957,500 £3,380,000 £3,802,500 £4,225,000

Fuel Cost £9,305,100 £18,610,200 £27,915,300 £37,220,400 £46,525,500 £55,830,600 £65,135,700 £74,440,800 £83,745,900 £93,051,000

Total Cost £26,376,600 £35,564,200 £45,291,800 £55,019,400 £64,747,000 £74,474,600 £84,202,200 £93,929,800 £103,657,400 £113,385,000

Income £14,063,304 £28,126,608 £42,189,912 £56,253,216 £70,316,520 £84,379,824 £98,443,128 £112,506,432 £126,569,736 £140,633,040

Payback -Years 1.88 1.26 1.07 0.98 0.92 0.88 0.86 0.83 0.82 0.81

Simple Payback in less than 4 years

Payback calculations ignore amortisation, inflation, cost escalation and any grants
Page 23 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector
Effect of Ambient Temperature on Power

Export Power - kW Max & Min Temperature (1971 – 2000)

Export Power - kW
7500 40
at Waddington(68 m amsl)
Extreme Max
Extreme Min
7000 30
- kW
P ow e r- kW

Temperature Deg - C
N e t Power



-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Jan
1 Feb
2 Mar
3 Apr
4 May
5 Jun
6 Jul
7 Aug
8 Sep
9 Oct Nov
10 11 Dec
Ambient Temperature
Temperature Deg
– Deg CC Month
Average Daily Total Consumption - kWh








0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Page 24 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

Summary – CHP high efficiency, cost effective, secure and proven
Combined heat and power installations using gas turbines are well proven and
widely used across process, manufacturing industries and District Heating

Gas turbines are the key to high efficiency CHP solutions. Waste heat is
predominantly ejected through exhaust. This can be harnessed for steam

 Gas Turbines are capable of accepting base load whilst still providing acceptably
high availability and reliability. Further enhancing security of power supply.

We believe district hot water and heating is cost effective for new build projects
such as housing, swimming pools, hotels and commercial buildings.

Not so easy for existing especially old housing, due to cost of retrospective

Page 25 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

Summary – Savings and Improvements

CHP gives cost savings with potential short payback periods.

Matching the combination of units to optimise efficiency and financial return.

Ducted hot air for adjacent buildings.

Management of heat use from coolers and condensers will push efficiency up.

Power utilised locally and exported.

Large reduction in use of fossil fuel, to reduce carbon profile through efficiency
and use of alternative gas sources (biogas from green waste, landfill gas from
refuse, coke oven gas etc.).

Page 26 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

Thank you! Geraldine Roy
Proposals Manager - FEED
T (0)1522 58 6819

Richard Williamson
Framework Support Manager – FEED
(0)1522 58 4213

Po Box 1
United Kingdom

© Siemens AG, 2012

Fuel Flexibility in Gas Turbines
BIOMASS & Other gas
High Hydrogen
COAL GASIFICATION Refinery Gases Associated Gas

3.5 Landfill & Sewage 37 49 65


Siemens Diffusion
Off-shore lean IPG Ceramics Off-shore rich gas Experience
Well head gas
Siemens DLE Units operating
DLE Capability Under

Quality NG
Low Calorific SIT Ltd.
Medium Calorific Value (MCV) ‘’Normal’’ High Calorific Value
Value (LCV)

10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Wobbe Index (MJ/Nm³)
Page 28 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector
SGT–300, Fuel Flexibility with Low Emissions
University of New Hampshire (UNH)

 7.6 MW electrical power output

 35 MWth steam output
 Overall CHP efficiency >77%
 Tri-fuel: Nat Gas or Nat Gas/Landfill Gas blend
(Gas Wobbe Index range 32 to 49 MJ/Nm3) or
Liquid Fuel
 Low Emissions to atmosphere: Nox > 15 ppmv
 Ambient temperature: -28OC to +32OC

The cogeneration plant provides:-

 95% of steam demand
 75% of electrical load
 Fuel efficiency of nearly 80%
 30% reduction in Nox & 60% Sox

Page 29 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

SGT–300, Fuel Flexibility with Low Emissions
University of New Hampshire (UNH)

Page 30 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

BBC Television Centre - London

BBC Television Centre, Wood Lane, London The Scheme provides:-

The Centre provides studio, production and office facilities  electricity, heating and cooling for the complex

for its operations in the UK and abroad.  4.9 MW electrical power is produced by a dual fuel, low
emissions SGT-100-1S gas turbine.
There is a continual demand for heating and electrical
power from the offices, post-production areas, computer  Unfired waste heat steam generator produces 11,000
kg/h of 3.8 bar g steam.
suites and studio lighting
 Standby power ( Auto switch to Island Mode)

Page 31 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

BBC Television Centre - London

Steam Steam Steam

Output Output Output
Air Air Air

Forced Forced Forced

Draught Draught Draught Fan
Fan Fan
Boiler Feed Water
Hot Standby Boiler
Cold Standby Boilers Exhaust
From/To Grid Chilled Water Chilled Water
Steam Output Return Flow
Peak Demand Stack
11 kV Absorption
7 MW

Power Absorption
Output SGT 100-1S
4.15 MW Damper Absorption


Make Up
Water Water
Fuel Gas Input Boiler Feed Water

Page 32 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

SGT-400 Industrial Gas Turbine
CHP Installation - Wastewater Treatment plant

Psyttalia  EU granted €40 million of funding for the

1 x SGT-400 generator set with WHRU Ministry of Public works to commission a
new sludge-drying plant on the island ,
In Commercial operation since 2007
fuelled by natural gas

Page 33 June 2013 Siemens Energy Sector

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