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Lesson Plan Cold War Unit Plan 1

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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction — Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Shin Kim

Date November 05, 2018 Subject/ Topic/ Theme Global Studies Grade___12___________

I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
The unit is going to be about the Cold War and the perspective of the small countries around the world about the Cold War.

cognitive- physical socio-

Learners will be able to: R U Ap An E C* development emotional

 Have deeper knowledge and understanding of the Cold War.

U, An X
 Tell the detailed difference between communism and capitalism. R, E
 Label the geographical regions of South East Asia. Ap, R X
 Explain the relationship between the United States and South East Asian countries. U, An X
 Able to see the Cold War in the perspective of a third person country. An X
Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed:
(Note: Write as many as needed. Indicate taxonomy levels and connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to particular learners
write the name(s) of the learner(s) to whom it applies.)
*remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create

II. Before you start

Identify prerequisite The students must know what led the two countries into the Cold War and their side effects. They must
knowledge and skills. also know how the Cold War ended.

Pre-assessment (for learning): Before the students come to class, they should read the short quotes from the
leaders of the Cold War and answer the short questions that I am going to assign them.

Formative (for learning): I will require them to make a poster in a small group, just from the quote reading that
they did before the class to see how much they already know about the Cold War, and switch into the atmosphere
of learning about the Cold War. This will allow me to learn how much the students already know about the Cold
War, and what I have to emphasize and concentrate on, during my lecture about the Cold War.

Outline assessment Formative (as learning): The students will be assessing their own knowledge and the level of understanding by
activities drawing a concept map about the topic. Through the big group discussion, they will know if the answers that they
(applicable to this lesson) have answered by themselves and in their own small group, is correct. I am going to let the students compare their
answers and summary and analysis together with their peers. They will also have question guidelines to answer
while they listen to the lecture and watch the videos.

Summative (of learning): The students will be asked to write a reflection paper and a summary on what
they have learned about the Cold War on the back of the question guidelines and will hand them in for
a grade. The students will also be given out question to bring home to answer and submit it via
“classroom”, or google doc.

Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of Action
Engagement Representation and Expression

Provide options for self-regulation- Provide options for comprehension- Provide options for executive
expectations, personal skills and activate, apply & highlight functions- coordinate short & long-
strategies, self-assessment & term goals, monitor progress, and
reflection - There will be PPT, presented modify strategies
on the screen. The PPT will be
- The students will compare presented in the mixture of - I am going to write the
their answers with their peers both descriptions and visuals. objective of the day on the
and check if their own ideas or - I will also use group board in the beginning of the
answers were correct. discussion and Jigsaw as class so that the students have
- The students will be searching activities for the students to the clear directions of where
for another options and learn from and teach each they are heading in the
opinions to answer the other of their individual classroom.
questions, as the questions will opinions. - The students will have the
be asked about the students’ - I will also have the syllabus in the beginning of
opinion with the details of the “perspective game” for the the semester with clear
subject. students to be part of during directions throughout the
- The students will be asked to the lesson, where they will be whole semester.
write reflection papers and in small groups and answer the - They will have study guide
discuss with the peers. same questions through given lines, as questions, to answer,
- The students are going to perspective. during the lecture so that they
compare the poster that they - They will be doing a need to focus and make it
have made in the beginning of simulation based on the things easier for them to understand
the class before they were that they have learned, to try what they have to study for the
taught about the Cold War, to make a different choice coming exam.
and reflect on how their from the leaders in the past
thoughts have changed and and see what difference would
what stayed the same. that make on the World today.
Provide options for sustaining Provide options for language, Provide options for expression and
effort and persistence- optimize mathematical expressions, and communication- increase medium
What barriers might this challenge, collaboration, mastery- symbols- clarify & connect of expression
lesson present? oriented feedback language
- I will have my email address
- The class as whole, will - I will clarify the definition of and my phone number given
What will it take – discuss about the questions communism. For the students out the students, for them to
neurodevelopmentally, they have answered or the and some historical events and communicate with me.
experientially, details that is learned the characters of the event so - They will also be required to
emotionally, etc., for your throughout the lesson. that the students will have the write a short reflection for
- The students will be required clear understanding and also every class of what they
students to do this lesson?
to make question as small see what part of their answers thought about the lesson that
groups. (they must come up are different from mine, and we went through.
with at least 4-5 questions what they need to change.
each. Ps. More challenging,

Provide options for recruiting Provide options for perception- Provide options for physical action-
interest- choice, relevance, value, making information perceptible increase options for interaction
authenticity, minimize threats
- After the small group - For the Jigsaw activity, they
- The small groups will be discussion, before the will have to move around in
divided by the teacher. It will beginning of the lecture, I am other small groups to teach
depend how they set up the going to show the class a short each other about the
sittings among their small video clip of the Cold War. perspective of their original
groups or how they divide the - I will also have PPT for the small groups.
work, but the small group will class, with both visual and
be divided by the lead teacher. partial descriptions for the
students. I am going to
highlight the important
information in the power point
for the students to take notes
on and study for the upcoming
- I will also write down the
chronicles of the event in a
timeline fashion so that the
students won’t get lost
throughout the lesson.

Materials-what materials - Textbook
(books, handouts, etc) do - Notebooks
- Utensils
you need for this lesson
- Their reflection papers (hard copy)
and are they ready to - PPT (What I need to prepare of the class.)
use? - Posters
- Colored Markers
I will set of the class so that four to five students would be in a small group. There will be four to five small
groups in the class. The desks of the small groups will be facing each other so that the discussion will be easy for
the students. However for the lecture part, the students will be required to turn and face the board and no back
How will your classroom should be turned towards the front.
be set up for this lesson?

III. The Plan

Describe teacher activities AND student activities
Time Components for each component of the lesson. Include important higher order thinking questions and/or
1. Tell the students to draw or write anything of what - Students will be divided into groups of three and create
Motivation they know about the Cold War and Communism on a poster of what they think about the Cold War.
(opening/ the poster that is provided with the colored pens and
introduction/ pencils as small groups of three.
engagement) 2. The students are going to, in the small groups that - Students will go around and present their ideas to the
they made posters with, present their thoughts about rest of the class.
the Cold War and what they know about
communism to the rest of the Class.
Development 1. ask the students to discuss what they have read and - Answer the questions that are on the board as a
(the largest learned through the reading assignments with the small small group
component or groups
i. What is communism?
main body of
ii. What government does it form?
the lesson) iii. What do you think the results will be if the
country is run by a communist system?
iv. What countries are still communist?
v. Would you recommend communism?

2. Big class discussion. (after giving the students - Share the individual thoughts to the whole class.
individual time to talk about the reading they did as an
assignment, they are going to turn their chairs to face the
board. The students will be asked to share their thoughts
as a large class. I am going to write down the good ideas
on the board so that students who are shy or students

with language barriers like myself will be able to take
notes on what their peers have said.)

3. Show the class the video clip of the nuclear bomb test - Watch the video.
during the Cold War

4. PPT presentation. (I am going to create a PPT before - Listen to the presentation and take notes on the
the class with important information about the reading highlighted parts of the description and the notes
and the lesson. Here, the most important information that taken on the board through the discussions
from the descriptions in the power point will be during the lecture.
highlighted or colored in a different color, so that it will
be easy for the students to catch the most important facts
in the discussion. The PPT however, will mostly be
pictures. I am going to lecture about the events in a
debate and discussion form with the students as a class.
As the discussion is being done, I will be asking
questions to the students to see if they are understanding
what I want to teach. Also, as the students answer the
questions or give out good opinions and thoughts, I am
going to write them down on the board, next to the
opened PPT for the students to take notes as they follow
along the lecture.)

5. Watch another video, but this time, it will be a video - Watch the video
about the increasing numbers of the nuclear bomb
throughout the world, during the Cold War, over time

6. Jigsaw activity (I am going to number out the students - Join the numbered groups and explain the expected
in each small group and ask them to move to the desk life of the person they were assigned.
that is nominated with the same number they have. After
they are all moved to the desks with the peers with the
same number, they are going to tell each other of what
they each thought about the event in the specific
perspective they were given.)

1. In large group, let the students have the final - Discuss what they have learned through the lecture
Closure discussion about what they have learned through the and the group discussions as a class and take final
(conclusion, lesson and the lecture. notes
2. Give out homework assignment. (Make the students - Write a reflection on their thoughts about the lecture
write a short reflection about the lesson and class and the lesson, and also answer the same questions,
discussion, based on the questions they have answered in given in the beginning of the class.
the beginning of the class. They are going to write about,
what thoughts stayed the same or what thoughts have
changed before and after the lecture.)

Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for improvement
for next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson, focus on the
process of preparing the lesson.)
While I was preparing for the class, I focused on what I could do to make the subject more shocking and interesting to the students. I focused on the
activities and how to help the students to participate in the lesson. As a person who speaks English as my third language, I also wanted to find a way
to help the students who might find, taking notes and understanding the concept challenging. For the students like this, I decided to assist their note
taking by highlighting the important facts in the PPT and to write it on the board.


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