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Business Environment & Entrepreneurship


(1) A contract of sale is a contract for the sale of

(a) Movable goods (b) Immoveable goods
(c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of these

(2) The subject-matter of the contract of sale, other than the ‘goods’, can be
(a) Money (b) actionable claim
(c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of these

(3) For the validity of a contract of sale, there must be transfer of

(a) Possession of goods to the buyer (b) Custody of goods to the buyer
(c) Property in the goods to the buyer (d) possession & custody of goods to buyer

(4) The expression ‘Property in goods’ means the physical possession of goods
(a) True, as without physical possession there cannot be the ownership of goods
(b) False, as it means the ownership of goods which can be there without the physical

(5)A contract to sell new currency notes at premium to a person is

(a) Void (b) Voidable
(c) Valid (d) None of these

(6) Money consideration for the sale of goods is known as____________________

(a) Consideration (b) Cash sale
(c) Price (d) None of these

(7) The consideration for a contract of sale is _____________________

(a) Price (b) Buyer’s promise
(c) Seller’s promise (d) Exchange of prmeses

(8) The consideration for a contract of sale

(a) Must be in terms of money only
(b) Must be in terms of valued up goods only
(c) May be partly in cash & partly in terms of valued up goods
(d) May be in any form as there is no specific requirement in this regard

(9) A delivered to B, 52 bullocks valued at Rs. 1,000 per bullock. In exchange of it, B
Delivered to A, 100 quintal of barley valued at Rs. 300 per quintal and paid the
Difference in cash this is
(a) An exchange (b) A barter
(c) Contract of sale (d) Exchange cum sale

(10) A agree to deliver his old car valued at Rs. 80,000 to B, a car dealer, in exchange for a new
Car, and agree to pay the difference in cash, it is
(a) Contract of sale (b) Barter
(c) Exchange (d) None of these

(11) Which of the following are not the essential elements of a contract of sale?
(a) Movable goods and price
(b) Transfer of property in the goods
(c) Transfer of possession of goods
(d) Three distinct parties i.e., buyer, seller and guarantor
(a) (i), (ii) (b) (ii), (iii)
(c) (iii), (iv) (d) (i), (iv)


(1) A contract of sale made by an

(a) Offer to buy only (b) Offer to sell only
(c) Offer to buy or sell (d) None of these

(2) A contract of sale is made by an offer to buy or sell by one person and its acceptance
By another person
(a) True (b) False

(3) The modes of making a contract of sale are provided in which of the following section
Of the sale of goods Act,1930?
(a) Section 4 (1) (b) Section 5 (1)
(c) Section 6 (1) (d) Section 7 (1)

(4) A contract of sale which provided for the immediate delivery of goods, but the payment of
Price at some future date, is a
(a) Valid contract of sale (b) Void contract of sale
(c) Voidable contact of sale (d) forbidden contract of sale

(5) A contract of sale which provides for the immediate payment of price, but delivery to be
Made at some future date, is a
(a) Valid contract of sale (b) Void contract of sale
(c) Voidable contact of sale (d) forbidden contract of sale

(6) A contract of sale which provides for the immediate payment of price and immediate
Delivery of goods is a
(a) Valid contract of sale (b) Void contract of sale
(c) Voidable contact of sale (d) forbidden contract of sale

(7) A contract of sale which provides for the postponement of both the payment of price and
Delivery of goods, is a
(a) Valid contract of sale (b) Void contract of sale
(c) Voidable contact of sale (d) Invalid contract of sale

(8) A contract of sale which provides for the payment of price and the delivery of goods in
Instalment, is not a valid contract of sale.
(a) True (b) False

(9) As per section 5 (1) of the sale of goods Act, 1930, which of the following is a recognised
Mode of a contract of sale?
(a) The price and delivery of the goods may be postponed
(b) The price and delivery of the goods may be agreed to be made in instalments.
(c) The price and delivery of the goods may be agreed to be made immediately.
(d) All of these

(10) In which of the followings modes, a contract of sale can be validly made?
(a)There may be immediate delivery of goods, but the price to be paid at some future date
(b) There may be immediate payment of price, but the delivery of the goods to be made at
Some future date
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

(11) A contract of sale may be made in writing or by words of mouth

(a) True (b) False

(12) A contract of sale may be made partly in writing and partly by words of mouth.
(a) True (b) False

(13) Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding contract of sale?

(a) A contract of sale may be implied from the conduct of the parties.
(b) a contract of sale must be made in a particular mode if any such mode is
Prescribed by any law
(c) a contract of sale cannot be partly in writing and partly by words of mouth
(d) A contract of sale may be made in writing or by words of mouth

(14) A agreed to sell 100 coolers to B a6t Rs. 2,000 per cooler after six month from date. And B
also agreed to pay the price after six month i.e. on delivery. This contract f sale is
(a) Void (b) Voidable
(c) Valid (d) contingent

(15) A agreed to supply 1,000 bags of price at Rs. 500 per bag in 10 instalments of 100 bags each
B also agreed to pay the price in 10 equal monthly instalments this is a
(a) Contract of sale (b) Sale on approval
(c) Hire-purchase agreement (d) Conditional sale


(1) In which section of the sale of goods Act, 1930,the definition of goods is given?
(a) Section 2 (4) (b) Section 2 (5)
(c) Section 2 (6) (d) Section 2 (7)

(2) The term ‘goods’ mean every kind of movable property and includes
(a) Stock and shares
(b) Growing crops, grass
(c) The thing attached to or forming a part of the land which can be severed from land
(d) All of these.

(3) Which of the following is not included in the term goods?

(a) Money (b) actionable claim
(c) Stock and share (d) Both (a) and (b)

(4) A agreed to sell to B certain standing trees grown in A’s field. They agreed that upon
Payment of price, B may cut the trees and take them away. It is
(a) Valid contract of sale as the trees can be severed from land
(b) void contract of sale as the trees are not included in growing crop
(c) Voidable at B’s option as he may enforce the contract if he so wishes
(d) contingent contract of sale dependent on B’s act of cutting the trees

(5) A agreed to sell 100 old rare silver coins to B at Rs. 500 per coin, it is a
(a) Void contract of sale as money cannot be the subject-matter of a contract of sale
(b) Valid contract of sale as old rare coins are not included in money
(c) Voidable contract enforce at B’s option
(d) None of these

(6) The term ‘goods’ for the purpose of sales of goods Act, 1930, does not include
(i) Money (ii) actionable claim
(iii) Immovable property (iv) Growing crops, grass
(a) (i), (ii), (iii) (b) (ii), (iii), (iv)
(c) (i), (ii), (iv) (d) (i), (iii), (iv)

(7) Which of the following types of goods can form the subject-matter of contract of sale?
(a) Existing goods (b) future goods
(c) contingent goods (d)All of these

(8) the goods which have been identified by the parties at the time of contract of sale, are

Known as
(a) ascertained goods (b) specific goods
(d)unascertained goods (d) None of these

(9) The goods which are identified after the formation of the contract of sale, are known as
(a) ascertained goods (b) specific goods
(d)unascertained goods (d) None of these

(10) The specific gods are those goods which are identified
(a) At the time of contract of sale.
(b) after the formation of contract of sale.
(c) during the performance of contract of sale
(d) At the time of enforcement of contract of sale

(11) A had ten horses. He agreed to sell one horse to B this is a contract for the sale of
(a) Specific goods (b) Ascertained goods
(c) Unascertained goods (d) Contingent goods

(12) The goods which are to be produce or manufactured buy the seller after the contract of
Sale is made, are known as
(a) Contingent goods (b) unascertained goods
(c) Future goods (d) None of these

(13) A contract for the sale of ‘future goods’, is

(a) Void (b) Voidable
(c) sale (d) Agreement to sell.

(14) A agreed to sell to B certain goods which are to be arrived by a ship, it is contract
For the sale of
(a) Contingent goods (b) Future goods
(c) Unascertained goods (d) None of these

(15) The contingent goods are those which, at the time of contract of sale, are
(a) In existence (b) Not in existence
(c) Specified (d) unascertained .

(16) A contract for the sale of ‘unascertained goods’, is

(a) Void (b) Voidable
(c) Contract of sale (d) Agreement to sell.


(1) Where before making the contract of sale, the goods had perished without the knowledge
Of the seller, the contract of sale is void if the contract is for the sale of
(a) Specific goods (b) Future goods
(c) Contingent goods (d) Unascertained goods

(2) A agreed to sell to B 100 bags of cement 1ying in his godown. But unknown to the seller, the
cement had already been destroyed by leakage of water in godown. This contract of sale is
(a) Valid (b) Void
(c) Void (d) contingent.
(3) Where after an agreement to sell for the sale of specific goods, the goods parish without any
Fault of the seller or buyer, the contract of sale becomes void if the goods parish
(a) Without any knowledge of the seller (b) Without any knowledge of the buyer
(c) Before the risk passes to the buyer (d) After the risk passes to the buyer

(4) In a contract of sale for unascertained goods, the goods parish after an agreement to sell but
Before the risk passes to the buyer (i.e. before the agreement to sell becomes the sale), the
(a) Contract of sale becomes void
(b) Contract of sale does not become void
(c) seller becomes liable to pay damages for breach of contract
(d) Both (b) and (c).

(5) The legal provision which provides that a contract for sale of specific goods becomes void
Where the goods had already perished before the contract of sale, is contained in which
Section of the sale of goods Act,1930?
(a) Section 5 (b) Section 6
(c) Section 6 (d) Section 7

(6)The legal provision which provides that a contract for sale of specific goods become void
Where the goods parish, without any party’s fault, after an agreement to sell but before sale
Is completed, is contained in which section of the sale of goods Act, 1930?
(a) Section 7 (b) Section 8
(c) Section 9 (d) Section 10

(7) A agreed to sell to B 10 bales of Egyptian cotton out of 100 bales lying in his godown. But
Unknown to both the parties, the cotton had already destroyed by the fire. In this case, the
Contract of sale is
(a) Void as the goods had already destroyed before the making of the contract of sale.
(b) Not void as the contract of sale is for the sale of unascertained goods.
(c) A would be liable to pay damages to B for breach of contract on his failure to supply
The contracted goods.
(d) Both (b) and (c)

(8) A agreed to sell to B all the 100 bales of long staple cotton lying in his godown. Unknown

To both the parties, the cotton had already destroyed in an accidental fire. In this case, the
Contract of sale is
(a) Void as the contract of sale is for specific goods.
(b) Not void as the contract of sale is for unascertained goods.
(c) Voidable at the option of the buyer
(d) Voidable at the option of the seller

(9) A agreed to sell and delivered a horse to B for trial for eight day. It was agreed that the sale
Would be completed if the horse was found suitable for B’s purpose. The horse died on the
Third day without any fault of either party. here the contract of sale is
(a) Void (b) Not void
(c) Voidable (d) None of these
(10) A contract of sale for the sale of ‘future goods’ is ____________________
(a) Sale (b) Agreement to sell
(c) Void (d) Voidable

(11) In a sale, if he goods are destroyed, the loss falls on the

(a) Buyer (b) Seller
(c) Both buyer & seller (d) None of these

(12) In an agreement to sell, if the goods are destroyed, the loss falls on the _________________
(a) Buyer (b) Seller
(c) Jointly on buyer & seller (d) None of these


(1) There can be no valid sale without the price

(a) true (b) False

(2) The term ‘price’ is defined in which of the following section of the sale of goods Act, 1930?
(a) Section 2 (7) (b) Section 2 (8)
(c) Section 2 (9) (d) Section 2 (10)

(3) Price means

(a) Exchange value for sale of goods. (d) money consideration for sale of good
(c) Value of the goods agreed to be sold (d) Cost of goods agreed to be sold.

(4) Price is the money consideration for sale of goods, and the money here means
(a) Currency in circulation. (b) Old silver & gold coins.
(c) Cheques of nationalized (d) Both (b) & (c)

(5) The modes of fixation of price of goods are provided in


(a) Section 7 (b) Section 8

(c) Section 9 (d) None of these

(6) The price of goods may be fixed by

(a) Contract of sale (b) Manner provided in the contract of sal
(c) Course of dealing between the parties (d) All of these

(7) Which of the following statements about the modes of fixation of price is correct?
(a) The price may be fixed by the contract of sale i.e. by the parties themselves.
(b) The price may be fixed in the maner, provided in the contract of sale. for determination
Of price.
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these

(8) Where the customs or usages of trade provide certain principles for determination of the price
Then the price may be determined from the
(a) Conduct of the buyer
(b) Conduct of the seller
(c)notification issued by the appropriate government
(d) course of dealings between the parties

(9) If the price of goods is not determined by the parties in any manner, the contract of sale is
(a) Void (b) Voidable
(c) Valid (d) Unlawful

(10) If the price of goods is not determined by the by the parties in any manner, then the buyer
Shall pay the
(a) Price fixed by buyer (b) Price fixed by seller
(c) price fixed by third party. (d) Reasonable price.

(11) A contract of sale which provides that the buyer shall pay the price fixed by some third
Party, is
(a) Void (b) Valid
(c) Uncertain (d) Voidable

(12) A agrees to sell to B his Maruti 800 car at a price fixed by C, a car dealer. This contract of
Sale is
(a) Void (b) Valid
(c) Uncertain (d) Voidable

(13) A agreed to sell his 100 bags of rice to B at a price to be fixed by C. but C failed to fix
The price. Here the contract of sale becomes
(a) Void (b) Voidable

(c) Enforceable (d) None of these

(14) Where the price is to be fixed by the third party, but such third party is prevented by the
Seller or the buyer from fixing the price, then the innocent party may recover damages from
The defaulting party.
(a) True (b) false

(15) Where the third party fails to fix the price, but the buyer has received and appropriated the
Goods, then the buyer is liable to pay?
(a) Penalty (b) Damages
(c) Reasonable price (d) According to seller’s demand

(16) Which of the following statement is incorrect?

(a) ‘Earnest money’ is liable to be forfeited (b) ‘Part payment’ cannot be forfeited
(c) Both of these (d) None of these


(1) In a hire-purchase agreement, the hirer

(a) Must buy the goods (b) must return the goods
(c) Has an option to buy the goods (d) Is not given the possession of the

(2) Until al the instalments are paid by the hirer in a hire-purchase agreement, the position of
Hirer is that of a
(a) Buyer (b) Bailee
(c) Part-owner (d) None of these

(3) A delivered a block of marble to B for the purpose of carving it into a statue. B agreed to
Do so for Rs.50,000. this is a
(a) contract of sale (b) Agreement to sell
(c) Contract for work and skill (d) completed sale

(4) The sale of goods Act, 1930 does not apply to contracts for work and skill.
(a) True (b)False

(5) Where in a contract, goods are exchanged by one person for some goods of another person
The transaction is known as
(a) Limited sale (b) Exchanged goods
(c) Exchange (d) Barter

(6) Where money is exchanged by one person for some money with another person, the
Transaction is known as
(a) Barter (b) exchange
(c) Money sale (d) None of these

(7) Gift of goods is not a sale as the following essential elements of sale is missing
(a) Subject-matter (b) Requirement of contract
(c) Price (d) All of these

(8) Though the price element is missing in gift, but for all other purpose gifts are governed
By the provisions of the sale of goods Act, 1930.
(a) True (b) False

(9) Bailment of goods is not a sale as the following essential element of sale is missing
(a) Transfer of ownership (b) Requirment of two parties
(c) Subject-matter i.e., goods (d) All of the above

(10) Bailment is adequately governed by the provisions of the sale of goods Act, 1930.
(a) True (b) False



(1)_______________ are the subject-matter of contract of sale under the sales of goods
Act, 193.
(a) Movable goods only (b) Both movable & immovable goods
(c) Immovable goods (d) All goods except ornaments

(2) The term ‘property’ in goods means___________________ of goods

(a) Possession (b) Ownership
(c) Custody (d) Subject-matter

(3) In________________ property in the goods is transferred to the buyer at the time of contract.
(a) Contract of sale (d) Agreement to sale
(c) Sale (d) Both (a) & (c).

(4) __________________ is legally included in contract of sale

(a) Agreement to sell (b) Hire-purchase agreement
(b) Sale (d) Both (a) and (c)

(5) a contract of sale is ____________________ if it provides that buyer shall pay the price fixed
By some third party.
(a) Valid (b) Void
(c) Voidable (d) Illgal’


(I) Pledge (a) Goods not specifically identified

(ii) Existing goods (b) goods acquisition of which depend upon

(iii) contingent goods (c) goods in existence at the time of contract

(iv) Unascertained goods (d) goods not in existence at the time of contract

(i)D (ii) C (iii) B (iv) A


(i) Pledge (a) exchange of goods for goods

(ii) Barter (b) delivery of goods as security for lone

(iii) Bailment (c) delivery of goods o hire with on option to buy

(iv) Hire-purchase (d) delivery of goods for some specific purpose

e.g., safe custody.
(i) b (ii) a (iii) d (iv) c
(i) Sale (a) exchange of money for money

(ii) Agreement to sell (b) transfer to ownership without price

(iii) Exchange (c) Property transfer at the time of contract

(iv) Gift (d) Property transfer at some future data

(i) C (ii) d (iii) a (iv) b


(1) The contract of sale includes both ‘sale’ as well as an ‘agreement to sell’

(a) Correct (b) Incorrect

(2) The term ‘goods’ means every kind of movable property other than actionable claim or
(a) Correct (b) Incorrect

(3) Actionable claim is a subject- matter of contract of sale.

(a) Correct (b) Incorrect

(4) Exchange of goods for goods between two parties amounts to sale under a sale of goods
Act, 1930.
(a) Correct (b) Incorrect

(5) consideration in a contract of sale of goods can also be paid partly in money and partly
In goods.
(a) Correct (b) Incorrect

(6) In a agreement to sell, the ownership of the goods passes to the buyer immediately.
(a) Correct (b) Incorrect

(7) A contract for the sale of future goods is always an agreement to sell
(a) Correct (b) Incorrect

(8) a contract for the sale of specific goods is voidable if at the time of contract, the gods have
Without the knowledge of the seller
(a) Correct (b) Incorrect

(9) The parties to a contract of sale can get the price of goods fixed by a third party.
(a) Correct (b) Incorrect

(10) A hire-purchase agreement has two aspects namely, bailment and an agreement to sell.
(a) Correct (b) Incorrect

(11) A railway receipt is not a document of tital

(a) Correct (b) Incorrect

CS FOUNDATION - Business Environment and Entrepreneurship

Indian Contract Act, 1872

1. An agreement enforceable by law is contract.

2. Every promises or set of promises forming consideration for each other is
an agreement.
3. An agreement must create legal obligation.
4. All contract are agreements but all agreements are not contracts.
5. Contract made by written or spoken words are express contracts
6. Implied Contract is inferred from conduct of parties or the
circumstances of a particular case.
7. Contract where both parties to the contract have fulfilled their
obligations are valid contracts
8. Void contracts are the contracts where the parties have still to perform
their respective obligations
9. The contracts which satisfy all the conditions prescribed by law is called
as valid contract.

10. Void contracts are the contracts which are valid when entered into but
subsequently become void due to impossibility of performance or
change of law.
11. A contract is void when obligation is absent
12. Third parties can’t acquire rights in case of trust,familysettlement
acknowledgement agreement.
13. The agreement where the object is unlawful is as void agreement.
14. Illegal agreements are always void
15. When the main agreement is illegal the collateral agreement is void.
16. All void agreements need not be illegal.
17. Contract which can’t be enforced because of some technical defect is
unenforceable contract.
18. Offer+acceptance =agreement
19. Consideration means something in return.
20. The person making the proposal is called proposer,offeroror promisor.
21. The person to whom proposal is made is called as proposes, offeror or
22. Offer when made by words spoken or written is anvalid offer
23. Implied offer is an offer which is made otherwise than in words.
24. An offer may be general or specific.
25. Offer made to a definite person or particular group of persons is an
specific offer

26. An offer made to world at large is called general offer.

27. A proposal when accepted becomes a promise.
28. Express acceptance is given by words spoken or written
29. Implied acceptance is inferred from conduct of parties or circumstances
of the case.
30. An absolute and unqualified acceptance is a valid acceptance
31. A qualified and conditional acceptance amounts to making of counter
32. Qualified acceptance is not a valid acceptance.
33. Acceptance given after lapse of offer is an invalid acceptance
34. A person is said to be competent to contract when he has
___________________, ___________________ and _________________
35. An agreement with minor is void
36. An agreement with a minor can’t be ratified even after attaining age of
37. Minor can be agent, partner and shareholder.
38. Minor can’t be declared as insolvent.
39. Minor may be held liable in torts.
40. Idiot, lunatic or drunken person are called as person of unsound mind
41. A person who is permanently of unsound mind is an idiot.
42. A contract with an idiot is null or void.
43. A citizen of a foreign country whose country is at peace with the Republic
of India is an alien friend
44. A person is called convict during the period of his sentence.
45. A convict can’t enter into contract which after expiration of period of
46. A company’s contractual capacity is determined by object clause of
47. Quid pro quo is something in return(consideration)
48. Consideration must always move at the desire of the promisor.
49. Consideration may be executory, executed or past.
50. Consideration must be real and not vague.
51. Consideration must be something other than promise
52. Consideration must be lawful.
53. Promise to pay a time barred debt is a law of limitation.
54. Agreement between two persons on the same thing in the same sense is
called as consensus ad idem.
55. Consent is said to be free when it is not caused by co-ercion,undue
influence, fraud, mistake or misrepresentation.
56. Coercion is an act forbidden by Indian penal code.
57.legalpresuption is presumed in case of contract entered into with a
pardanashin woman
58. Willful misrepresentation of fact is called fraud.
59. False misrepresentation of fact made innocently is called

60. Fraud means a false representation of fact made willfully with a view to
deceive the other party
61. The contract is valid in case of mistake of Indian law
62. Mistake of fact can be unilateral or bilateral.
63. Where both the parties to the agreement are under mistake it is called
bilateral mistake
64. The contract is void in case of bilateral mistake of fact
65. In case of unilateral mistake of fact the contract is valid
66. The contract is valid in case of unilateral mistake of foreign law
67. If one of the several considerations or objects is unlawful, the agreement
is illegal/void
68. An agreement in restraint of marriage is void.
69. An agreement between two persons under which money or money’s
worth is payable to another person on happening or non happening of a
future uncertain event is called wagering contract.
70. Wagering agreement is illegal in Mumbai and void in rest of India.
71. Restitution means return or restoration of benefit
72. Principles of restitution is not applicable in case of void-ab-initio

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