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Special Contract Sem 2 2021

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F.Y.LL.B. (Sem-II) Examination
January - 2021
Special Contract
New Course

[ Total Marks: 100

k|Q“p : / Instructions
“uQ¡ v$ip®h¡g  r“ip“uhpmu rhNsp¡ DÑfhlu ‘f Ahíe gMhu. Seat No.:
Fill up strictly the details of  signs on your answer book
Name of the Examination:
 F.Y.LL.B. (Sem-II)
Name of the Subject :
 Special Contract New Course
Subject Code No.: 1905000102010001 Student’s Signature

(2) Ap‘¡g DÑf kpd¡ ep¡Áe âí“ ¾$dp„L$ v$ip®hp¡.

(3) S>dZu bpSy>“p A„L$ âí““p ‘|fp NyZ v$ip®h¡ R>¡.
(4) sdpfp DÑfp¡“p kd’®“dp„ Av$pgsu Q|L$v$pAp¡ V$p„L$p¡.

â-1. QQp® L$fp¡: 14

1. cpNuv$pf“u “pv$pfu“p ‘qfZpd
2. rhkS>®“ ‘R>u NyX$hug“y„ h¡QpZ
â-1. cpNuv$pfp¡“p l¼L$p¡ A“¡ afÅ¡ kdÅhp¡. 14

â-2. cpNuv$pfu ‘¡Y$u“u “p¢^Zu ‘f krhõsf “p¢^ gMp¡. 14

â-2. cpNuv$pf“p rls“p lõsp„sf N°rlsp“p l½$p¡ QQp£. 14

â-3. Å¡X$psp A“¡ R|>V$p ’sp„ cpNuv$pfp¡ rhj¡ QQp® L$fp¡. 14


RAN-1905000102010001 ] [1] [ P.T.O. ]

â-3. "cpNuv$pfu ‘¡Y$u“u “p¢^Zu L$fphhu afrS>eps “’u ‘f„sy AphíeL$ R>¡' QQp£. 14

â-4. "Mfuv$“pf kph^p“' A‘hpv$ krls kdÅhp¡. 14

â-4. h¡QpZ A¡V$g¡ iy„? dpg g¡bg L$fpf l¡W$m L$fpfc„N dpV$¡“p D‘pep¡ kdÅhp¡. 14

â-5. "nrs‘|rs®“p¡ L$fpf' A“¡ 'Ådu“Nufu“p¡ L$fpf' “u ìep¿ep Ap‘u b„“¡ hÃQ¡ saphs 14
â-5. r“n¡‘ A¡V$g¡ iy„? r“n¡‘L$ A“¡ r“n¡‘N°prls“p l½$p¡ A“¡ afÅ¡ hZ®hp¡. 14

â-6. A¡S>Þku L$fpf“u kdS|>su Ap‘p¡, A¡S>Þku“p L$fpf“p¡ ¼ep k„Å¡Np¡dp„ A„s gphu iL$pe? 14
â-6. Ådu“v$pf L$ep„ k„Å¡Np¡dp„ dy¼s ’pe R>¡ A“¡ L$ep„ k„Å¡Np¡dp„ dy¼s ’sp¡ “’u? 14

â-7. V|$„L$ “p¢^ gMp¡ (L$p¡C ‘Z b¡) 16

1. cpNuv$pfu A“¡ kNuf.
2. cpNuv$pf“¡ L$pY$u d|L$hp“y„.
3. dpg“p “pi“u Akf.
4. hZeyL$ìep¡ h¡Q“pf“p dpg rh{Ù“p l½$p¡.

(1) Mention proper question number against attempted answer.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(3) Cite important court decisions in support of your answer.

Q-1. Discuss: 10
1. Effect of insolvency of Partner.
2. Sale of goodwill after the dissolution.
Q-1. Explain rights and duties of Partners. 14

Q-2. Write a detailed note on Registration of Partnership Firm. 14

Q-2. Discuss the rights of Transferee of a Partner’s Interest. 14

RAN-1905000102010001 ] [2] [ Contd.

Q-3. Discuss in brief about incoming and outgoing Partners 14
Q-3. ‘Registration of Partnership firm is not compulsory but necessary 14
- Discuss.

Q-4. ‘Caveat Emptor’. Explain with exception. 14

Q-4. What is Sale? Explain the remedies for breach of Contract of Sale. 14

Q-5. Define ‘Contract of Indemnity’ and ‘Contract of Guarantee’ and 14

distinguish between them.
Q-5. What is Bailment? Describe the rights and duties of Bailor and Bailee. 14

Q-6. Explain the concept of Agency, in which circumstances is the Agency 14

Q-6. Explain the circumstances in which Surety is discharged and the 14
circumstances in which surety is not discharged.

Q-7. Write short note (Any two) 16

1. Partnership and Minor.
2. Expulsion of Partner.
3. Effect of Destruction of Goods.
4. Right of Unpaid Seller.


RAN-1905000102010001 ] [3] [ 740 ]

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