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BSRIA 2007 - Controls For End Users

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Controls for End Users

a guide for good design and implementation

⻬ ⴒ
by Bill Bordass, Adrian Leaman and Roderic Bunn

Compiled for the BCIA by Supported by

Usable Buildings Trust

Controls for End Users
a guide for good design and implementation

This guide was written and produced by BSRIA Ltd for the British Controls Industry
Association (BCIA). It was supported by The Carbon Trust as part of the UK
Government's strategy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from buildings.

The guidance was drawn from knowledge and expertise in the Usable Buildings Trust
(UBT), and was managed by a BCIA task group comprising Doug Robins of Priva
Building Intelligence, David Kitching of Siemens, and Adrian Leaman and Bill Bordass
of The Usable Buildings Trust. Roderic Bunn of BSRIA was the guide's principal
author and research manager. BSRIA's David Bleicher provided quality assurance. Ann
Hull of the BCIA acted as the secretariat.

Copies of this guide can be obtained from

Building Controls Industry Association

c/o Federation of Environmental Trade Associations
2 Waltham Court
Milley Lane
Hare Hatch
Reading, Berkshire
RG10 9TH

Tel: 0118 940 3416


The guide is freely downloadable from

Controls for End Users: a guide to

good design and implementation
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written
permission of the BCIA or BSRIA. Contents reproduced by
permission of The Carbon Trust.

BSRIA May 2007 ISBN 978 0 86022 6703

Printed by ImageData Group

Introduction page 6

The psychology of user controls page 8

Essential design principles page 12

Examples of controls usability page 14

BCIA recommended iconography page 22


䊳 for building designers page 24

䊳 for manufacturers and suppliers page 25

䊳 for controls installers and

facilities managers page 26

Further reading page 27

This Guide concentrates on the strategy, implementation and the user
interfaces of control devices located in occupied spaces and operated by
individual users – the people for whom buildings are designed. These users
want to make adjustments as quickly and simply as possible to obtain an
environment that suits their needs (such as working, living and cleaning).
They are not interested in the technology, only the results.

The content focuses on user controls for heating, cooling and ventilation –
the main interests of BCIA members. It also covers natural ventilation,
which is increasingly important in low-energy buildings but tends to be
outside the experience of the HVAC industry. It also touches upon the
control of natural and artificial lighting, glare and solar gain, for which the
principles are often similar. The Guide is particularly concerned with
achieving good results with minimum energy use, especially through good
integration of natural and mechanical systems and in ways to avoid
equipment running unnecessarily.

This guidance does not cover controls located in plantrooms. However, the
principles of good user controls still apply, and not just because many
facilities managers are not building services and controls specialists. Well-
The usability of local designed controls with good user interfaces benefit everyone.
controls for lights,
blinds, heating, Why user controls matter
ventilation and cooling
will affect how well a Control interfaces are where the users and the technology of a building
building performs come together. The usability of local controls for lights, blinds, heating,
ventilation and cooling will affect how well a building performs in many

䊳 User satisfaction. Case studies in non-domestic buildings reveal

positive relationships between occupant satisfaction and levels of
perceived control

䊳 Avoiding discomfort. Occupant surveys suggest that people prefer

conditions that are relatively coarsely controlled, provided that at the
same time they incorporate control facilities to avoid conditions that
are too hot or cold, glary or gloomy, stuffy or draughty

䊳 Rapid response.The faster a building responds to human needs,

the better occupants tend to like it. Rapid response is key to good
user satisfaction and perceived control. The response does not have
to be perfect, but it must be rapid, detectable, and in the right

䊳 Assisting management. Only a small number of buildings have

sufficient central control and facilities management support to
deliver genuinely rapid response via a helpdesk. It can be more cost-
effective for individual users to deal with local problems using local

䊳 Energy efficiency. Buildings with good local controls tend to be

energy efficient because systems are more likely to operate only
when occupants need them. Equipment is less likely to be left on

or because people have found the controls too difficult to use or do
not understand what they need to do.

Better controls are an important way of saving energy and reducing carbon
dioxide emissions. Usually they are a more cost-effective way of saving
energy than adding renewable energy systems. To invest in renewable energy
without first making sure that the controls are as effective as possible would
be a waste of resources.

Unfortunately, case studies reveal that:

䊳 Many environmental control systems do not work as well as they

should – not just electronic ones, but also simple switches, window
gear, sunblinds and room thermostats are often not well thought-
through or well integrated

䊳 Electronic controls can be too complex. Designs are often driven by

the producer rather than the users, and may require more setting-up
and commissioning than the design team, the client and the
contractor think

䊳 In a completed building, features that users and management do

not understand or find complicated or confusing tend to be ignored
or by-passed

䊳 Effective user controls can be simple and unobtrusive. Simple does

not mean low-technology, but simple to understand, use, operate
and maintain

䊳 The better performing systems are not necessarily expensive.

However, they tend to have received careful attention to detail in
briefing, design, specification, installation, commissioning and
handover, and also in the user interfaces.

Perhaps the main obstacle to cost-effective, energy efficient and sensible

controls is that clients seldom ask for them. They also fail to realise the
effort that may be required to deliver a high level of functionality and
usability to make user controls obvious and intuitive. Consequently, design
and building teams are not united in their response to the usability
problem, and control suppliers and installers are not geared-up to meet
their needs.

Considerable attention to detail is required to devise effective and durable

controls that will do their job well and reliably. This guidance addresses
ways in which the technology can be suitably configured, designed,
annotated and labelled. Designers and the controls industry will also need
to improve their understanding, strategy and attention to detail so that a
new generation of user controls offer useful user interaction and
information rather than simply extra features.

The psychology of user controls
In his book Designing Web Usability, Jakob Nielsen says that usability is
essential because people will go away if they cannot find what they want
quickly and easily. With web pages, feedback is immediate. With building
controls, poor functionality will not be detected until after the designers and
installers have left site.

If user controls are ambiguous in intent, poorly labelled, or fail to show

whether anything has changed when they are operated, then the systems
that lie behind them are unlikely to operate effectively or efficiently.
Unsuccessful attempts by building occupants to get the conditions they
want may then be read by facilities managers as tampering or even sabotage.

Freely-adjustable thermostats
can be a problem because
people either turn them up too
far and waste energy, or down
too far and then complain about
being too cold the next
morning. Tamper-proof
thermostats don't solve the
problem: if people are hot they
open the window and the
If user controls are thermostat calls for more heat.
ambiguous in intent, If it's too cold, the vandals
break into the thermostat and
poorly labelled, or fail to turn it up, but the law-abiding
show whether anything won't break in to turn it down,
so open windows instead.
has changed when they
are operated, then the Vicious circles may subsequently ensue where occupants are not allowed to
systems that lie behind make changes. Controls may be over-ridden and may even be disconnected.
them are unlikely to As a consequence, both occupant satisfaction and energy efficiency tend to
operate effectively or suffer.
The problems that arise include:

䊳 Lack of understanding of users and their needs. This requires more

knowledge-gathering by designers and controls specialists

䊳 Lack of clarity of design intent

䊳 Lack of design integration (particularly of natural, mechanical,

electrical and control systems)

䊳 Poorly-defined responsibilities for controls development

䊳 Specifications poorly defined and not adhered-to

䊳 Cost-saving pressures. These can be severe because controls are

installed late in the construction process and their importance is
not well understood

䊳 Poor dialogue between controls specialists, designers, clients and


䊳 Lack of communication of the design intent of the control devices

to users

䊳 Inability of systems to handle low demands efficiently.

Designers, controls manufacturers and systems integrators are rarely aware

of such consequences and how to deal with them. The controls specialist
may be called back to site to resolve problems, but the lessons learned may
not percolate back up the supply chain. Often the facilities manager will
side with the controls specialist, as by this late stage neither of them has the
opportunity or the budget to get to the root of the problem being complained
about by the users.

In his book The Inmates are Running the Asylum, Alan Cooper uses the term
'dancing bearware' for feature-bloated software with complicated user
interfaces: you can teach a bear to dance, but it won’t do it very well. Most
controls-rich buildings can also be seen as dancing bears: they are stuffed
with features and functions, but always seem to promise rather more than
they deliver. The shortcomings are hardly ever put right.

Overcoming the barriers

Figure 1 summarises the barriers that tend to come between the intention to
provide good controls and the user experience in practice.

Design intent User perception

Design realiity may not match ng and discussion on

practical reality Controls Clients do not realise
system user interfaces

Lack of good specificattions for usability. As imagined of clients agreeing

Poor feed-forward of su
upplier experience ails, and little

Design intent becom

mes blurred during Actuality drifts away from client
implementation expectation during g implementation

Detailed provisionss not discussed with

Lack of products with good usability.
clients and users. Management not
Insights lost down the supply chain. As installed
involved in agreein
ng details. Handover
Fine details (location and labelling) are
procedures and da ata are often poor

Managem ment gets involved Users experience b

both intended
when it doesn't need to be and unintended coonsequences

System performance
in use

Lacck of feedback on Design intent and system

n-use performance response often unc
clear to user

Lack of feedback to
controls manufacturers

Figure 1: To the left are the intentions and activities of the design and building team. To the right are the perceptions and activities of client
and users.

Building users like to work with technologies that help them to participate
creatively in solutions without feeling alienated or looking silly. Good user
interfaces work well because they give unobtrusive clues to the user about
which actions will be appropriate.

Mechanical, direct-acting controls often map naturally onto the physical

layout of the device they control, for example with door handles near the
edge of a door that opens. People can usually work out what more
complicated controls do if they are used in relatively well-defined situations
(such as cookers in kitchens, or dashboard switches in cars), and suitably

For remote controls, some de facto standards have arisen over the years. For

䊳 Light switches tend to be beside the door and click up and down

䊳 Control knobs on cookers, radios and televisions turn clockwise for

higher output and anticlockwise for off. They are also usually
labelled for what they do

䊳 Water taps turn clockwise for off – the opposite direction to the
electrical control knobs above. However, people are quite used to

Innovation, electronics, and attempts to provide greater choice are tending

to undermine familiar conventions and mappings. One can even buy a wall
clock with a mirror-image face – known as the anti-clock. This creates
variety and fun. For critical systems like car dashboards, playing with
conventions in this way is inappropriate. Not only can it seed confusion,
it might also be dangerous.

Many control systems in buildings are nowhere near the functionality of a

typical car dashboard. Indeed, they are often far less usable than the anti-
clock: they challenge rather than assist, and confuse rather than inform. For
example, something that looks like a familiar toggle light switch may instead

Interval timers

The interval timer is a practical and economical local control that allows a user to
operate a device (or to over-ride its control setting) for a pre-set period. The
system will revert to normal control after that period.

This example was developed in the

1980s to operate fan convector heaters
in seminar rooms at York University.
Although no longer in production, it
demonstrates many attributes of good
usability that are seldom present in
contemporary interval timers:

䊳 Its purpose is self-explanatory

䊳 Users can override the system to

'off' as well as to 'on'.

䊳 An indicator lamp (at top left)

shows when the override is on.

be a multi-function, push-button device, where successive pushes deliver
different levels and/or patterns of electric light. Persistent pressing may
eventually turn off the lights.

Newer controls, such as thermostats, imply one function (such as volume

control via a dial) while delivering another (altering temperature set-points).
This offers potential for confusion and misuse.

End-user requirements
If they are to be operated as intended, control devices designed to suit the
end user should adhere to the following criteria:

䊳 Be easy to understand and preferably intuitively obvious. If it is

necessary to ask for advice or refer to instructions, ideally this
should need to happen only once: what is required should become
obvious after it has been explained.

䊳 Be easy to use, otherwise people may not exercise control or choose

a more convenient route

䊳 Work effectively, with sufficient fine control to give the required

level of adjustment

䊳 Give instant, tangible feedback (such as a click) to indicate to the

user that the device has operated
Case study
䊳 Give rapid feedback to show that the intended effect has occurred
At York University, designers (such as a readout, an indicator light, or some other form of visual
recognised that they needed three indication)
specifications of room thermostat,
depending on the room occupancy:
䊳 Not need to be used too often. People do not want relatively trivial
䊳 For individual offices and decisions and actions constantly intruding on what they are
living accommodation, freely supposed to be doing
adjustable thermostats with
high and low limits to avoid 䊳 Take into account that some devices may be used only occasionally,
waste and freezing so that people may forget basic actions.

䊳 For larger rooms, such as 䊳 Not require users to intervene too much. It can be particularly
libraries and seminar rooms, frustrating where an automated system restores a default state too
accurately-calibrated thermostats rapidly. (In one building, the user over-ride on its automated
with pre-set high and low
windows was countermanded after 60 seconds.)
settings, selectable by the users,
sometimes with interval timers
for the high setting in 䊳 Be located as close to the point of need as possible. The point of
intermittently-used rooms need and the control required may vary with time and user. For
example, office workers may need to adjust things from their
䊳 For large rooms, such as lecture workstations butalso switch them off at the door; cleaners and
rooms and dining halls, control security staff may have completely different requirements.
by a building management
system, including occupant-
responsive push-buttons in
certain areas.

Selection of the best devices on

the basis of durability, precision and
price was a lengthy process.

Essential design principles

1 What is the control for?

Designers need to think this through carefully. User controls are provided
for two main reasons:

䊳 To allow users to select the conditions they need; or more precisely

to avoid conditions they don’t need. People tend to exercise control
when entering or leaving a space, or if they find the conditions
don’t suit them.

䊳 To help ensure that systems operate efficiently, thereby reducing a

building's carbon dioxide emissions rather than contributing to
them. People will tend not to exercise control if the environment is
not troubling them.

2 Who is the control for?

Buildings have a variety of end-users. Needs for control vary with both with
the type of user (such as regular users, visitors, and security guards) and
the type of space. In small rooms, all users can often use the same devices.
As spaces get larger, the requirements of different users tend to diverge.

3 Where should the controls be put?

User controls should be at the point or points of need. These include:

䊳 The entrance to the space. This is a really important place for

switching things off. Precise placement is important – for example if
a control is not conveniently and immediately accessible beside
the door, it may be overlooked and even get covered up with furniture.

䊳 Near the item being controlled. This is particularly useful for

windows, lights and blinds, as it assists an intuitive connection
between the user, the controller and the item being controlled.

䊳 At the point of user need. Some users need good local control in
order to function. For others, it is convenient to adjust environmental
conditions without moving from their workstations, for example to
cancel glare from a distant window.

4 Is the design intent clear to the end users?

Does the control tell the user what it is for and how to use it? Historically,
light switches, thermostats, speed controls and window and blind controls
looked different. Many electronic controllers can now do a wide range of
things, so their purpose needs to be made explicit, in layout and labelling,
to make the intent clear.

5 Is the system status clear to the users?
Often the action taken by operating a remote control will not be immediately
apparent to the user: the controlled device may be completely hidden, such
as a fan or an automatically-operated window that may not be visible from
the point of control. Even where the item is visible, there may be a delay
while the building's controls scan the system, and the device responding to
the building user. The controller therefore needs to communicate to the user
what is happening.

6 Are controls well integrated and energy efficient?

Good controls should operate systems efficiently when people need them
and adopt low-energy default states otherwise. The general rule – manual on
(or manual boost from standby) manual and auto off – is often overlooked,
so automatic systems turn equipment on or up unnecessarily, wasting
energy, and do not revert to low-energy default states fast enough.

Automatic occupancy sensors are good at switching things on when people

arrive and off after they leave. Providing buttons and using an occupancy
sensor to switch things off when they are no longer required will be more
economical than purely automatic operation. Not all people entering a space
will need the service.
Many electronic controllers
can do a wide range of things, Even though an occupancy sensor or interval timer will switch things off
so their purpose needs to be automatically, it is normally good to provide an "off" button, and where
made explicit, in layout and necessary other override facilities, to allow users to get the conditions they
labelling, to make the intent want and to switch things off when they leave.
Sometimes the control may need to give advice: for example, in a building
with mixed-mode ventilation, to indicate whether or not the user would be
well-advised to open the window.

7 How long should user override last?

There needs to be a careful balance. Too long, and energy may be wasted.
Too short, and users will be frustrated.

Ideally automatic controls should ask (or tell) people how long they have got
(particularly important for interval timers), or restore default states when
people are absent (for example, using presence detectors at the end of the
day). Where this is not possible, people can get used to default states being
restored at precise times during the working day.

Examples of controls usability
While a designer or controls supplier may know what a device is supposed
to do, controllers provided for those devices do not always make the device
functions clear to the end-user. This section shows photographs of a range
of controls commonly found in buildings, discusses their function (insofar
as it is known), and ranks them on a five-point scale against six usability

䊳 Clarity of purpose

䊳 Intuitive switching

䊳 Usefulness of labelling and annotation

䊳 Ease of use

䊳 Indication of system response/feedback

䊳 Degree of fine control.

The examples of controls that follow have been rendered anonymous. The
usability grading is not absolute, but made by the authors based on their
knowledge of the applications where the controls have been used. In most
cases the criticisms and comments are directed at all those responsible in a
building's supply chain – not solely the controls supplier. A lack of proper
briefing is often the cause of much poor design.

Ranking (controller as supplied)

1 Usability criteria
Poor Excellent

Clarity of purpose

Intuitive switching

Labelling and annotation

Ease of use

Indication of system response

Degree of fine control

This control had a well-intentioned aim to give occupants some control over
their environment, but has shortcomings in terms of usability, in particular
the absence of any information on operating status, such as an indicator
light. The control is a button, not an on-off switch. There is no indication
whether the controller is already on or off, and no feedback as to what will
happen (and for how long) when the button is depressed. Unless the system
reacts immediately, the user may prod the button repeatedly, possibly
turning the system off when they wanted it to be on.

The controller needs to have some indication as to system status, and

feedback to the user when the button is depressed. Without status
indication, there is also a risk that the ventilation system will default to on.

2 Ranking (controller as supplied)
Usability criteria
Poor Excellent

Clarity of purpose

Intuitive switching

Labelling and annotation

Ease of use

Indication of system response

Degree of fine control

This device has no labelling or annotation. It looks like an on/off switch but is a push-button for an unidentified
system. The switch is for stepless operation depending on the length of time the switch is depressed.

Ranking (controller as supplied) 3

Usability criteria
Poor Excellent

Clarity of purpose

Intuitive switching

Labelling and annotation

Ease of use

Indication of system response

Degree of fine control

This control for lighting has clear switching with four settings clearly illuminated, plus an off setting. The numbers
by the setting are arbitrary. Apart from the numbering, the switch is not labelled as to what it does. The red light for
setting 1 is on the far left of its button, hinting that there be more than one stage for each setting. Is the off button
for system off, or does it apply to each of the four stages in turn? Does the vertical button to the right raise or lower
the lighting generally, or on each setting? In the absence of clear annotation, the user is forced to experiment.

4 Ranking (controller as supplied)

Usability criteria
Poor Excellent

Clarity of purpose

Intuitive switching

Labelling and annotation

Ease of use

Indication of system response

Degree of fine control

This controller is clearly a control device for ventilation. The knob at the lower left appears to offer control over a
setpoint (presumably for temperature), against an arbitrary scale of plus or minus. In the absence of controller
feedback, the user would need to learn the settings by experimentation. The function of the knob on the right is
clearer, with three fan speed-settings, but is it for room ventilation or a fan in a heating/cooling unit? Probably the
latter, as experience has forced the facilities manager to append a label telling users not to switch off the fan.

5 Ranking (controller as supplied)
Usability criteria
Poor Excellent

Clarity of purpose

Intuitive switching

Labelling and annotation

Ease of use

Indication of system response

Degree of fine control

This is typical of many types of off-the-shelf, generic controller. If positioned in close proximity to the device being
controlled (such as a blind or a window), and in the absence of any other user control with which it may be
confused, this controller may be intuitive to use and clear in its intent. Instant feedback from the device will also
confirm the controller’s purpose, and any fine control will be rapidly learned.

The absence of labelling and annotation is unhelpful: the occupant has to learn through experimentation,
particularly if the unit is at some distance from the device under control, or is installed beside other controllers.

Being generic, the controller may have two settings: open and close; or control may be fine, with the motors only
operating while the buttons are depressed; or the motors may continue to run until the centre button is depressed.
Users may be alienated by a control that suggests the ability to fine-tune, but in reality gives too much or too little
of what is needed.

What can happen when two

three-gang controllers, similar to
the example above left, are
placed beside each other with no
annotation specific to the
devices under control (windows,
blinds and rooflights).

The building occupants have

had to experiment to associate
each controller with its
respective device, then use an
indelible marker to label the

Note that the ambient light

sensor on the far left control has
been covered with sticky tape.
As this played a role in raising
and lowering the blinds, it is
assumed that automatic settings
did not suit the needs of the
occupant, who worked out how
to defeat the system.

Ranking (controller as supplied)
6 Usability criteria
Poor Excellent

Clarity of purpose

Intuitive switching

Labelling and annotation

Ease of use

Indication of system response

Degree of fine control

These three controllers have icons at the top which suggest they are something to do with windows. Their mounting
position is neither close to the items they control nor convenient for the user, but presumably it suited the installer.
The users have had to find out what they do and annotate the controllers with a marker pen.

It's clear that the upper switch of each unit can be clicked to the left or the right to open or close the device, or
vice-versa. But what about lower push button? Does it stop the device opening or closing? Is it a one-shot button for
rapid opening and/or closing? Does the upper switch operate something else (such as a blind) when the lower
button is pressed? Or is it just a plate to carry the labels for the upper switches? If the lower switches are blank
plates, and the annotation relates to the upper switch, then only one of the icons (Velux) provided by the controls
manufacturer is related to the image above it. The handwritten labelling may be adding to the confusion rather than
resolving it.

7 Ranking (controller as supplied)

Usability criteria
Poor Excellent

Clarity of purpose

Intuitive switching

Labelling and annotation

Ease of use

Indication of system response

Degree of fine control

A well-intentioned but ultimately unsuccessful attempt to provide control of classroom lighting using iconography.
The idea was to associate an icon with a switch in order to save energy by matching the amount of electric lighting
with the prevailing levels of daylight in a classroom. Unfortunately, what was installed fails to meet a number of
usability criteria.

The iconography is unclear: the far right icon might be thought to represent full sun when actually it represents full
electric light. The symbols look as if they relate to the switches directly beneath them, but they don’t. The left hand
switch is a key-operated isolator and the centre one is blank. The user control is a single repeat-push switch on the
right. Users have to prod this through its three cycles before they achieve a desired lighting condition. There is no
off button.

Whatever the cause for the change in specification, the two components – the bank of light switches and the
explanatory icons above – no longer map intuitively onto each other. Building users are confused that each icon on
the panel does not line up with a switch they can operate. To make matters worse, other versions of this controller
installed around the school have switches in the reverse order, so that the push-button is located beneath the partial
cloud symbol.

8 Ranking (controller as supplied)
Usability criteria
Poor Excellent

Clarity of purpose

Intuitive switching

Labelling and annotation

Ease of use

Indication of system response

Degree of fine control

This is a very carefully designed, high-quality, multiple-purpose controller. However, it lacks any form of clear
labelling or annotation, possibly because the designer believed that the iconography would be self-explanatory. The
three numbered buttons and lamps around the central dial fail to explain what they do, and only experiment would
reveal their purpose. The central button appears to link to an exit strategy, but it doesn’t say how it controls the
mechanical or electrical systems serving the room.

The three numbered buttons are fixed settings for electric lighting. The indicator lights beside them are illuminated
when the settings are engaged. The button with arrows that completes the circle provides stepless dimming control.
The button on the right opens and closes the blinds. The button in the middle allows people to leave before the
controller switches all the lights off after a time interval. The ring around it lights up to confirm that exit mode has
been engaged; and stays lit after the lights are off so that the switch can be located.

In spite of such careful design, this switch was still confusing occupiers of a school over a year after occupation.
While this type of layout may eventually become clear to users, clear explanations for the switches are desirable.

As an exercise in quality injection moulding, the controller is peerless. In terms of the range of control provided, the
controller offers plenty of options. From a usability standpoint, the controller is unhelpful and defeats many users. It
lacks clear labelling, annotation and explanation.

Ranking (controller as supplied) 9

Usability criteria
Poor Excellent

Clarity of purpose

Intuitive switching

Labelling and annotation

Ease of use

Indication of system response

Degree of fine control

A bank of control switches in a west-facing glazed entrance to a multi-tenanted, three-storey office block. The
controls are easy to understand (being based on the familiar light switch), with clear annotation in plain English
rather than icons that could confuse people. User understanding would be improved by writing out L/L and H/L as
Lower Windows and Upper Windows respectively – there is room for the full terms and it would avoid building users
from having to guess.

Although the designers may have assumed the entrance was to be occupied by a reception desk, in this instance it
is unoccupied. The space is therefore not owned by anyone. This means the controller has to be operated by the site
facilities manager unless there is automatic BMS override. The latter was not evident.

This multipurpose controller, in a German building, controls
everything and gives good user feedback, although it is not
immediately obvious what it does:

䊳 At the top in the centre are two light switches. The rocker
to their left is for temperature regulation rocker (push the
top to increase, the bottom to decrease). To their right is an
override for the presence detector

䊳 The row of lamps below this show the room temperature

status, with frost protection to the left and night setback to
the right. (The room is 1°C above the setpoint temperature.)

䊳 Below this, the rocker to the far left opens (up) and closes
(down) the window, while the one to the far right opens and
closes the blinds. A spare light switch and a blackout switch
are located inbetween

䊳 The plastic panel below this is an occupancy sensor, which

puts the room into a low-energy state once it is unoccupied

䊳 The large button at the bottom is an emergency stop for the

window, for example if something has got trapped in it.

Ranking (controller as supplied)

Usability criteria
Poor Excellent

Clarity of purpose

Intuitive switching

Labelling and annotation

Ease of use

Indication of system response

Degree of fine control

Ranking (controller as supplied) 11

Usability criteria
Poor Excellent

Clarity of purpose

Intuitive switching

Labelling and annotation

Ease of use

Indication of system response

Degree of fine control

An unhelpful rotary dial, marked with a circular dimple, connected to a meeting room ventilation system. The black
dots on the dial indicate six settings, but no indication as to what those six settings will provide in terms of comfort
conditions. Investigation by a BSRIA researcher revealed that adjustment of the dial leads to immediate sounds of
air movement from a ceiling grille, although it is not clear whether this was supplying or extracting air, providing
fresh air or recycled air, or whether it was controlling heating and cooling. The only labelling on the device is for
technical details (its IP rating and switching capacity), which would only be of interest to the installer.

Ranking (controller as supplied)
12 Usability criteria
Poor Excellent

Clarity of purpose

Intuitive switching

Labelling and annotation

Ease of use

Indication of system response

Degree of fine control

These controllers at the lectern in a lecture room are well marked, so visiting lecturers will know what they need to
do. The lights by the switches also provide feedback on system status. However, it is not immediately clear that the
small black buttons at the bottom provide fine control of the window shading.

The fan control to the right is very clear. However, it may not be very efficient because once the fan speed has been
set by the lecturer, there seems to be no way of changing it.

Ranking (controller as supplied)

13 Usability criteria
Poor Excellent

Clarity of purpose

Intuitive switching

Labelling and annotation

Ease of use

Indication of system response

Degree of fine control

Another example of a well-designed and intuitive-to-use controller. This device has been seen installed in a hotel
meeting room. Usable controls are of particular importance in meeting rooms, where control systems for lights,
windows and HVAC systems need to accommodate a wide range of uses, settings and occupancy levels.

The controller does all that is required of it: the annotation is clear, the controls intuitive to use (and rightfully
robust for the context in which the device is installed), and the controller gives users instant feedback on system
operation and status. The left-hand controller has four settings, while the temperature controller shows stepless

A minor criticism is that the user is not aware whether the fan speed is for fresh air, recirculation, or extract.
However, this may well be unnecessary in a meeting room if the HVAC has been designed to respond rapidly and
intuitively to user demands. In addition, the controller has no facilities for restoring the room to a low-energy state
once the occupants have left. In this particular installation, this had been seen as a task for the staff.


Ranking (controller as supplied) An example of a well-designed window and blind

Usability criteria controller, installed in a cellular office occupied by
Poor Excellent
a single person. The controller provides manual
Clarity of purpose controls of motorised blinds and windows.User
settings can be overridden by the central building
Intuitive switching management system, for example when it rains, or
Labelling and annotation
to facilitate nighttime ventilation.

Ease of use The annotation make clear that the controller

operates high level windows, low level windows and
Indication of system response window blinds. The control buttons at the bottom
Degree of fine control
have arrows to each side to show that pressing
them to the left and right will open or close the
named device.

Feedback from the system is immediate, courtesy of the four red lights. Despite the close proximity of the user to
the blinds, the occupant may need to know at a glance whether there is any additional window adjustment left,
which would be helpful when an open window is partially blocked from view by a blind.

The stepless icon immediately below the red lights is arguably unnecessary. The lights indicate four steps of device
positioning, and a user's familiarity with the left and right symbols either side of the button would quickly reveal
which direction was associated with open and close. However, if the controller was used in a multiple-occupancy
environment (and some distance from the device it is controlling), it may be more necessary to know which
direction is for open and close. The more reinforcing information is provided (and the more a given control device
can suit a range of contexts and still be useful) the better.

Even this unit is not entirely above criticism: the writing is a bit small and the control buttons fiddly; it does not say
which blinds it controls. The 'weather override' annotation looks too much like a title, but it has an important role of
telling the user when the BMS has taken control.

BCIA recommended iconography
Icon (based on BS Description Supporting or Application Indication of action (symbol may
EN 12098-1:1996) alternative (To be recorded in be usefully raised to aid the
annotation O&M manuals and partially sighted)

'On' symbol On (also see All applications where Symbol should be used with off and
'standby' below) on/off control is standby symbols with LCD read-outs, or
required illuminated icons on a button

'Off' symbol Off (also see All applications where Symbol should be used with off and
'standby' below) on/off control is standby symbols with LCD read-outs or
required as illuminated icons on a button

'Standby' or Standby or All applications where Symbol should be used with off and
automatic automatic (can also on/off control is standby symbols with LCD read-outs or
symbol (Also incorporate all the required as illuminated icons on a button,
used as on/off above in a single possibly under remote control

Clock- Timer or clock All applications where Symbol should be used with off and
scheduled on/off control is standby symbols with LCD read-outs or
automatic required as illuminated icons

Continuous, Self For controllers where Should be supported by indication or

linear explanatory adjustment is truly linear confirmation of a user action by a
adjustment or finely stepped change in the display of a scale until the
required condition is achieved

Stepped 1-3 or 1-5 steps Where adjustment is Should be supported by indication or

adjustment for slider or knob, stepped, or where the lack confirmation of a user action by a change
or 'low', 'medium' of linear control would be in the display of a scale until the
and 'high' detectable required condition is achieved

Up or increase Increase, For rocker or push-button If control is stepped or continuous,

(can also be to higher, more control. Not suitable for provide indication/confirmation by change
left and right) on/off operation in display of a scale or readout when the
required condition is achieved

Down or Decrease, For rocker or push- If control is stepped or continuous,

decrease (can lower, less button control. Not provide indication/confirmation by change
also be to left suitable for on/off in display of a scale or readout when the
and right) operation required condition is achieved

Return Keypad For controls with LCD LCD or touchpad-type controls should
return screens where control use the same iconography and labelling
selections have to be as simpler, switch-based controls. Over-
entered for a change to reliance on icons will not improve user
occur understanding

Linear Self For rotating controllers If control is stepped or continuous,

increase/ explanatory where control provide indication/confirmation by change
decrease for adjustment is truly in display of a scale or readout when the
rotating linear or finely stepped required condition is achieved. This bar
controller can be usefully colour-graded

To show the A symbol to All applications where Suitable for use with LCD readouts. Not
operation of a show the on/off control is suitable as a symbol on a push-button or
fan operation of a required similar without supporting annotation or
ventilation feedback on status

Icon (based on BS Description Supporting or Application Indication of action
EN 12098-1:1996) alternative (To be recorded in
annotation O&M manuals and
Symbols for Lighting control To show the switching Care should be taken with lighting
electric light (do or dimming (possibly in controls to indicate the relationship
not use symbols stages alongside between user action and change in
that imply suitable icons) of electric lighting. Words are often more
sunlight) electric lighting effective than status indicators (see p18)

Heating/ Heating and/or To signify the control of Could be linked to a change in a display
cooling control cooling heating or cooling (with until the required condition is achieved.
system-specific For a user control, icon must be used with
annotation) an on, off, or stepped controller. In red, it
can depict a heating condition

Cooling control Cooling To signify the control of Action could be linked to a change in
cooling colour of scale or other display until the
required condition is achieved. In blue,
it can depict a cooling condition.

Temperature Increase/decrease To signify temperature or Acceptable as an icon on an LCD display.

control functions associated with For simpler controls, action could be
temperature linked to a change in a display, or
supported by a readout or illuminated

Inside Increase/ To signify temperature or Acceptable as an icon on an LCD display.

temperature decrease functions associated with For simpler controls, action could be
temperature linked to a change in a display, or
supported by a readout or illuminated

Outside Increase/ To signify outside Acceptable as an icon for access to

temperature decrease temperature or functions functions on an LCD display. Usually only
associated with outside suitable for status indication, not for
temperature occupant control

Increase Increase, To signify the operation Acceptable as an icon on an LCD display.

temperature higher, more of a system that is For simpler user controls, action should be
increasing (inside) linked to a change in colour of the icon, or
temperature supported by a display or scale

Decrease Decrease, lower, To signify the operation Acceptable as an icon on an LCD display.
temperature less of a system that is For simpler user controls, action should be
decreasing (inside) linked to a change in colour of the icon, or
temperature supported by a display or scale

Occupied To signify that the Suitable for use with LCD readouts, not
mode system under control is as a push-button control without
working under an supporting annotation or information
occupied condition

Standby mode To signify that the system Suitable for use with LCD readouts, not
under control is working in as a push-button control without
a standby condition supporting annotation or information

Unoccupied To signify that the system Suitable for use with LCD readouts, not
mode under control is set to a as a push-button control without
mode without occupants supporting annotation or information

Checklist for building designers
The following items should be checked with the controls specification. Tick and make comment if needed.
9 Tick those that apply and comment This form is available as a separate download in Word from,

Does the controls specification require the controls supplier(s) and installer(s) to adopt the guidance in
Controls for End Users published by the Building Controls Industry Association (BCIA)?

Does the controls specification require controls to be accessible to the building's users at the point of

Has the specification for user controls been based on evidence from known occupant requirements, such
as occupant satisfaction surveys?

Does the brief make clear the anticipated energy savings and occupant satisfaction that should accrue
from well-designed, installed and fine-tuned user controls?

Does the controls specification cover the effective, reliable, and economic operation of user

Does the controls specification make clear that the controls solution has to respond to the specific
context? (The use of a generic controls solution may not deliver the anticipated end-user benefits.)

Does the specification require the controls to deliver a quick response to the user on what is happening?
(Note that some systems respond slowly, such as underfloor heating)

Does the controls specification require the user controls to give instant, tangible feedback? (Such as a
click followed up by visual indication of system status, such as a readout or light.)

Does the controls specification require systems to revert to their lowest-energy mode when they are not
required. (A general rule is manual on, manual and auto-off.)

Does the controls specification issued to the controls subcontractor contain clauses covering clarity of
purpose, intuitive switching, appropriate and clear labelling and annotation, ease of use, indication of
system response, and appropriate fine degree of fine control?

Does the controls specification include reasonable tolerances on setpoints? Note that tight control of
conditions is often wasteful and inappropriate, and that relaxed settings might be more appropriate,
particularly for control of space temperature.

Does the controls specification require the controls supplier(s) and installer(s) to provide the facility and/
or space on or beside the controller for explanatory labelling?

Does the controls specification clearly request the use of industry-standard controls symbols as shown in
Controls for End Users published by the Building Controls Industry Association (BCIA)?

Is the controls specification clear when the the occupant controls are linked to, and communicating over,
the building management system communications network?

Does the controls specification make clear the degree to which the occupant controls can control the
relevant items of plant in each particular specification?

Does the controls specification make clear the conditions under which a field controller will override
settings changed by users on their local control?

Does the controls specification contain a clause requiring override facilities to control the operation of
devices during out-of-hours occupation?

Does the controls specification contain provision for requirements for reviewing and improving the
performance of user controls and the systems they control, in the first 6-12 months of building
occupation? (This would benefit from a fully-funded contract provision that covers whole building fine-
tuning, outside of snagging and defects liabilities.)

Designers should also follow the guidance in Section 3 of the Checklist for Controls Installers and
Facilities Managers on page 26.

Checklist for controls manufacturers and suppliers
The following items should be checked with the controls specification. Tick and make comment if needed.
9 Tick those that apply and comment This form is available as a separate download in Word from,, and

Have you adopted the guidance in Controls for End Users published by the Building Controls Industry
Association (BCIA) in the design of your range of user controls?

Have you made the controls installer or system integrator aware of the BCIA guidance?

Do you have a mechanism by which the design team can define a special (non-catalogue) user controller
or labelling system that could be better tailored to specific devices in the building (such as lights and

Have the building services designers (consultants and contractors) adopted the BCIA guidance in the
controls specification?

Have you made the architect aware of the BCIA guidance, and are you aware of any specific controls
requirements made by the architect? (To control windows and blinds, for example.)

Does your guidance to the controls installer include specific advice on the importance of placing a
controller in a position suitable for needs of the users, and for the effect of the controller on space

Check the following against the designer's controls specification

Are the proposed user controls well-matched to the specific controls task? Do they possess clarity of
purpose? (Generic controls products that are not matched to the context may cause problems).

Are the proposed controls simple to understand, use and maintain?

Will generic, off-the-shelf control devices have sufficient functionality, or will they need further attention
if what they do in respect of the specific controls task is to be intuitively obvious?

Do your proposed user controls provide enough fine or stepped control?

Does the labelling and annotation provided on your controls possess sufficient detail to be understood by
the average building user?

Do your proposed user controls give clear and tangible feedback on system status and operation, such as
an audible click and/or display of system status and operation?

Check the following with the system installer

Has the installer been informed and/or educated on the context-specific requirements where your
controls will be used?

Has the installer received guidance on the importance of having context-specific solutions (and avoiding
off-the-shelf controls which do not have clear user information) for critical devices like HVAC units,
blinds and windows?

Can the installer demonstrate that it has attended training from the BCIA on the importance of providing
usable controls?

Has the installer been instructed to provide fine-tuning and user familiarisation during handover and the
initial months of building occupation?

When working directly for clients, can the system installer demonstrate that it has involved building
users, facilities staff and maintenance staff in the selection of user controls?

Is the installer prepared to provide additional labelling of user controls in the light of early end-user
experience, and has this been included in the cost plan?

Have you included provisions for initial training in the use of controls for the building occupants (such
as computer-based training on controls operation)?

Checklist for controls installers and facilities managers
The following items should be checked with the controls manufacturer. Tick and make comment if
9 Tick those that apply and comment needed. This form is available as a separate download in Word from,, and

1. General guidance

Have you adopted the guidance in Controls for End Users published by the Building Controls Industry
Association (BCIA)?

Do the user controls possess a level of functionality appropriate to the specific task, as understood by
the building’s users rather than design specialists?

Are the architects and site contractors aware of the need to locate the user controllers close to the
devices they control or where the users want to access them?

Have you provided the right annotation or enough labelling to ensure that users will know precisely how
to operate the controls?

2. During commissioning

Do all user controls in the building have suitable annotations or labels?

Is the facilities manager fully aware of the purpose of each controller?

Do the operation and maintenance documents explain the purpose of the controls, and ways to adjust
them within the limits set by the design?

Do the user controls possess a level of functionality appropriate to the specific task, as understood by
the building’s users rather than design specialists?

3. During ongoing occupation (some of the following may require extra provisions in the contract)

Will you solicit feedback from building users on usability, and propose any remedial actions to improve
the as-installed controls?

Will you check whether any user controls need fine-tuning, particularly to match changes in main plant
operation? (This should be separate from snagging and defects remediation)

Will you check whether any user control presets need resetting to balance user satisfaction and energy
efficiency objectives/targets?

Will you check to ensure that user controls are not defaulting systems to on, wasting energy and
annoying the occupants?

Will you check to ensure that user controls are not being unnecessarily overridden by central controls in
a way that conflicts with the original design intent and controls specification?

Are the setpoints in user controls suitably flexible to allow users to change their comfort conditions
without causing disruption to central controls or wasting energy?

Can building occupants use their local controls to achieve timely, effective and lasting changes to their
comfort conditions? (Note: systems must be commissioned to operate within their design parameters

The usability and performance of user controls can be improved by adopting a long term
(12 months) separately-funded controls fine-tuning agreement with the buildlng owner. This would not
necessarily include maintenance, but would include staff training and additional explanatory labelling
for user controls.

Further reading
Dale H C A, Crawshaw, C M
Ergonomic Aspects of Heating Controls
Building Services Engineering Research & Technology 4(1) 22-25

Mill P
Office Ecology: Intelligent Boundaries for Productivity in the ’90s
Designing for Environmental Quality 1990, Conference preprint

Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers

Applications Manual : Automatic Controls, page 3 (1985)

Donald I
Putting the Workers in their Place: Environmental, Organisational and
Contributions to the Office Experience
Designing for Environmental Quality 1989, Conference proceedings

Cooper A
The Inmates are Running the Asylum, Samms/Macmillan, 1999

Cooper I
Environmental quality: responding to a new agenda, signing for
Environmental quality 1989, Conference proceedings.

Nielsen J,
Usability Engineering, Academic Press, 1993

Nielsen J
Designing Web Usability, New Riders Publishing, 2000

Norman D
The Design of Everyday Things, New York: Basic Books, 1988

Norman D
The Invisible Computer, MIT Press, 1998

Tenner E
Why Things Bite Back - New Technology and the Revenge Effect,
4th Estate, London 1996

Winograd T (ed)
Bringing Design to Software, ACM Press, 1996

Useful websites

Usable Buildings:

Alan Cooper:
System Concepts:


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