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Are Women Weaker Than Men Today

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Persuasive Essay

Are Women Weaker Than Men Today?


The question of whether women are weaker than men has often elicited raging
debates with conservationists arguing that women are certainly weaker than men. The
converse is, however, true and if the 21st-century woman is to be taken as an
example, women are certainly as strong as men if not stronger across all comparable
platforms. The era of male dominance came to an end with the rise of the feminine
power and gone are the days when men were the more dominant of the human
species. As the saying goes, “what men can do, women can do better," the women of
today can do almost everything men can do and as just as good.

The assumption that women are weaker than men is however so deeply rooted
in the society that it is very hard to eradicate it. The extent of which this notion is
engraved in society can be seen in the works of even great scientists such as Charles
Darwin. Darwin put forth a theory about the racism of evolution which argued that
females are biologically weaker than and less inferior to men. He argued that women
were less revolutionary than men and that their only roles in the society were to
please and be of service to men.

Whether Darwin’s argument does or does not hold true is still debatable. What
is factual is that women are certainly equal to men. This paper discusses the issue
regarding the equality of men and women across three perspectives and attempts to
show why women are just as strong as men. In the essay, the strength of a womAn is
examined from a family perspective, work perspective and from a society
The Strength of a Woman from a Family Perspective

In the past, women were often required to stay at home and take care of
domestic matters. The roles in the society revolved around cooking, cleaning, and
taking care of other small errands at home. The more important roles in the society
such as seeking livelihoods for the family were left to men. Women would also not be
involved in making family decisions, and most of the matters were decided on their
behalf by either their fathers or husbands. It is thus safe to say that women were the
weaker sex in the past.

The modern woman, however, does just about anything that men do. A
majority of the women today are not contented with staying at home (except when
they are on maternity leave) and seek greater roles in the society other than just that
of the homemaker. They have thus also up jobs and are as actively involved as men
are in bringing food to the table for the family. Women today have also demanded a
more proactive role in making family decisions and participate in making almost
every decision that affects them at the family level.

Women have achieved all these without neglecting their family duties. Women
have to juggle their work and family obligations and maintain a balance of both
something which men have for a long time experienced difficulty at doing. Their
success at doing this serves as a testimony to their strength and ability hence we can
safely conclude that women are just as strong as men are if not stronger.

It would be expected that men and women doing the same jobs would be paid
equal salary amounts. This is however not the case, and in most instances, men are
paid more than women even in scenarios where they are both doing equal amounts of
work. Women on average continue to earn significantly less than men and the gender
wage gap as of 2015 was 20 percent in the United States. This means that full-time
female employees made only 80 cents for each dollar that males earned. They are

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also not accorded equal career development opportunities that men are. ("Pay Equity
& Discrimination").

The Strength of a Woman from a work perspective

As Charles Darwin’s postulations portray, people of the female gender were

thought to have less developed brains than that of men and were therefore considered
to be less intelligent. Women were therefore expected not to perform well in tasks
that required the application of knowledge and intelligence and such jobs were
assigned to men. Contrary to this belief, women are just as intelligent as men. Though
women have not performed well in emotional intelligence as men have, when
compared on general intelligence terms, women are just as good as men. This means
that they can handle tasks that were previously designated for men and performed just
as well as men do in these tasks.

The number of females who are enrolling in technical courses such as

Engineering has significantly improved over the last 25 years. 18 to 20 percent of all
Engineering students in the United States of America are of the female gender ("The
Latest Stats on Women in Tech"). It is not surprising to see that more of women are
taking up professional jobs and jobs that require high intelligence such as
Engineering, Astronautics, and medicine. In fact, as of 2016, 26 percent of persons
employed in computer and mathematical occupations were women. Also, 57 percent
of women as of 2016 participated in the labor force, and this has reduced the
unemployment rates of women ("Women in the Labor Force").

Moreover, a number of studies carried out over the recent past have also shown
a relationship between the gender distribution in the management of a company and
its profitability. Research conducted by the McKinsey Management Consulting
company has revealed that businesses across all industries that had a majority of its
board members being female significantly outperformed businesses that had no
female representation. On average, companies that had a majority of its board
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members being female had a return on equity and operating results that were 41
percent and 56 percent more than that of companies that did not have female
representation on their management boards ("Women And Work: The Facts").

Conservationists who support the notion that women are weaker than men may
argue that the lack of emotional intelligence inhibits their ability to work in situations
that are demanding. Their lack of emotional intelligence has made women vulnerable
at the workplace and ineffectual at carrying out their work duties. The requirement of
women to balance work and family duties may also prove to be a distraction thus
reducing even further the effectivity of women to carry out their work duties.

Conservationists will also argue that women get pregnant and occasionally
have to go on maternity leave. Their value to a company is thus lesser than that have
men who do not get pregnant and do not have to go maternity leave. However, a
counter-argument to this is their giving birth is an essential part of the continuity of
human life forms. Women play a crucial role in ensuring that human populations do
not decrease and therefore their ineffectiveness to do work due to pregnancies can be

The Strength of a Woman from a society perspective

Women play a critical role in the society just as they do in the work and family
perspectives. As discussed earlier, women in the past played a passive role in the
society and were often not involved in making any decisions even those that affected
them. All decisions were made by men be it their husbands or their fathers. Back
then, it was safe to say that women were weaker than men.

Women today have demanded a more proactive role in the society and are
involved in making almost every decision that affects them at the society level. It is
not surprising therefore that they are going for elective posts in many countries across
the globe. Most countries today have women leaders in their judicial and executive
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systems. The current president of South Korea, Park Geun-Hye and the former
Argentinian President, Cristina Elisabet Fernández de Kirchner, for instance, were
both women. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the current president of Liberia, is another great
woman is credited to being Africa's first women president ("Female Presidents").

The percentage of women holding elective posts is however still small as

compared to men. Men continue to dominate major positions of power and are thus
still involved in making major decisions regarding the affairs of the world. The onus
is thus on women to vie for more elective posts and seek powerful positions. That
way, women will have a greater chance of voicing their opinions and will have a
more important role in making decisions that affect them and those around them
("Women in Power").


We cannot refute the fact that women in the past weaker than men. Women
were required to stay at home take care of domestic matters and their roles in the
society revolved around cooking, cleaning, and taking care of other small errands at
home. The more important functions in the society such as seeking livelihoods for the
family were left to men. Women would also not be involved in making decisions, and
most of the matters were decided on their behalf by either their fathers or husbands. It
is thus safe to say that women were the weaker sex in the past.

The 21st Century woman is, however, different and continues to seek a more
active role in the society. Women today continue to demand a more proactive role in
making family and society decisions and are involved in making almost every
decision that affects them. Women are nowadays seeking elective posts, and some
countries such as South Korea even have women presidents. Women are also seeking
work opportunities and have consistently managed to maintain a balance of both
work and family duties something which men have for a long time experienced

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difficulty at doing. Their success at doing this serves as a testimony to their strength
and ability hence we can safely conclude that women are just as strong as men.

"Female Presidents". N.p., 2017. Web. 20 Mar. 2017.
"Pay Equity & Discrimination". Institute for Women's Policy Research. N.p., 2015. Web. 19 Mar. 2017.
"The Latest Stats on Women in Tech". N.p., 2017. Web. 19 Mar. 2017.
"Women and Work: The Facts". Gender. N.p., 2017. Web. 19 Mar. 2017.
"Women in Power". N.p., 2017. Web. 20 Mar. 2017.
"Women in the Labor Force". N.p., 2017. Web. 19 Mar. 2017.

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