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Inner Smile Meditation

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Front Line:
1. Sit comfortably near the edge of your chair with your feet flat on the floor. Keep your back straight, but not
stiff, stay relaxed & clasp your palms together on your lap, left palm on bottom, right palm on top. Ultimately,
you can practice the inner smile anywhere, in any position.

2. Close your eyes & become aware of the soles of your feet, feel their connection to the ground & the energy of
the earth.

3. Become aware of yourself sitting on the chair with the hands together & the tongue gently pressed against
the palate. Allow a smiling energy to dance into your eyes. If you like, raise the corners of your mouth ever
so slightly, like someone who knows a really cool secret but doesn't need to tell.

4. Allow the smiling energy to flow down from the eyes through your face, relaxing the cheeks, nose, mouth &
all the facial muscles. Let it flow down through your neck. You can roll your head slowly & gently from side to
side as you do this.

5. Let the smiling energy flow down to the Thymus Gland (behind the upper part of the sternum & above the
heart). Imagine it glowing with vibrant health. Feel the thymus gland become warm as it begins to vibrate &
expand like a flower blossoming.

6. Feel the warm smiling energy spread from the Thymus gland into the Heart. Draw more smiling energy from
the source you created through the mid-eyebrow & let it flow like a waterfall down into the Heart. And as you
smile generate the feeling of Joy & happiness. To help activate the heart energy you can raise the clasped
palms & place both thumbs lightly against the heart centre. Spend as much time here as you need to feel the
heart relax. Negative emotions associated with the heart hastiness, arrogance & cruelty. When you smile into
the heart, these energies will dissipate, creating space for love & Joy to expand. Smile to the heart until it
smiles back at you.

7. Let the joy & happiness generated in the heart flow down to the Spleen/ Pancreas (within the left lower
ribcage, extending from the solar plexus area, & under the Liver & directly below the left lung). The Spleen is
connected to our lips. Smile to your Spleen & feel its shape under your left ribs Imagine the Spleen filling up
with bright yellow light. Let worry dissipate as you smile to it & and get in touch with a feeling of fairness.

8. Let the smiling energy flow to your Lungs. You can clear the lungs of energetic, emotional & physical
pollution by smiling into them as you mentally increase the amount of Chi absorbed with each breath. Feel the
air flow from the tip of the nose down into the lungs & the little air sacks where oxygen is exchanged for carbon
dioxide. As you smile into your lungs feel courage & righteousness. Thank your lungs for breathing & helping
to sustain your life. Negative emotions associated with the Lungs are sadness & depression as you smile into
your lungs these will dissipate creating space for courage & righteousness to expand.

9. Let the smiling energy flow down to your kidneys (these are in your back either side of the spine
behind / below your lower ribs). The kidneys manifest in the world through our ears. Smile to your kidneys; feel
them in your body & with your mind imagine them filling up with bright blue light. Let fear melt away as you
smile to them & replace it with gentleness.

10. Let the smiling energy flow to your Liver (the liver is the largest organ in the body & its situated just below
the right lung under the rib cage). The Liver controls the energy of the eyes & is associated with sight so use
your inner vision to determine the state of your liver. Its surface should be smooth & glossy & it should feel
relaxed & uncongested. You can use your eyes to smooth out any part of its surface or to relax any area that
seems tense. Smile to the Liver & feel its shape under your right ribs. Imagine it filling up with bright green
light. Let anger evaporate & replace it with kindness.
Middle line:
11. Go back to the source of your smiling energy in your eyes & let it flow down to your mouth. Move your
tongue around your mouth for 5 to 10 seconds & build up saliva in your mouth. Feel this saliva filling up with
the smiling energy. When you are ready swallow the saliva/smiling energy down to your stomach / gall
bladder/ small intestines / large intestines. Smile to your bladder

Back line:
12. Go back to the source of your smiling energy in your eyes and let it flow to the left side of your brain Feel
the left side of your brain. now smile to the right side of your brain feel it. Bring the two sides together as one.
As they do so let the smiling energy flow from your "jointed" brain down your spinal cord in a spiraling motion
all the way down.

13. Get in touch with your smiling energy & smile down the whole of the front part of your body.
Smile to the centre part of your body heat to feet. Smile to the back part of your body heat to feet.

14. Go back to the source of your smiling energy. & this time move the smiling energy quickly to the Heart,
Lungs, Kidneys, Liver, Spleen, Sexual organs. Feel all the emotions of Joy, Courage, Gentleness, Kindness,
Fairness & hold them as one within your chest/abdomen.

Now imagine / feel all the organs smiling back at YOU.

15. Holding the blend of smiling feelings within yourself. Imagine about 6 to 9 feet in front of
you any person that you feel negative about i.e. with dislike, hate, anger, fearful of etc., and
smile at them.

Collecting the Smiling Energy at the Navel

It's very important to end by storing the smiling energy in the navel. Most ill effects of meditation are caused by
excess energy in the head or heart. The navel area can safely handle the increased energy generated by the Inner
To collect the smile's energy, concentrate in your navel area, which is about one and a half inches inside your
body. Then mentally move that energy in an outward spiral around your navel 36 times; don't go above
the diaphragm or below the pubic bone. Women, start the spiral counterclockwise. Men, start the spiral
clockwise. Next, reverse the direction of the spiral and bring it back into the navel, circling it 24 times. Use
your finger as a guide the first few times. The energy is now safely stored in your navel, available to you
whenever you need it and for whatever part of your body needs it. You have now completed the Inner Smile.

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