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Unit 1 Sets, Functions And: Fields

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Subsets, Union, Intersection
Venn Diagrams
Cartesian Product of Sets
Composition of Functions
Binary Operation

This unit seeks to introduce you to the pre-requisites of linear algebra. We recall the
concepts of sets, relations and functions here. These are fundamental to the study of
any branch of mathematics. In particular, we study binaryoperations on a set, since this
concept is necessary for the study of algebra. We conclude with defining a field, which
is a very important algebraic structure, and give some examples of it.

After studying this unit, you should be able to
identify and work with sets, relations, functions and binary operations;
recognise a field;
give examples of finite and infinite fields.

1.2 SETS
We shall recall that the term set is used to describe any well defined collection of objects,
that is, every set should be so described that given any object it should be clear whether
the given object belongs to the set or not.
For instance,
a) the cdllection N of all natural numbers, and
b) the collection of all positive integers which divide 48 (namely, the integers
1.2,3.4,6,8,12,16,24 and 48) are well defined, and hence, are sets.
But the collection of all rich people is not a set. because there is no way of deciding
whether a human being is rich or not.
If S is a set, an object a in the collection S iscalled an element c f S. This fact is expressed
in symbols a; a E S (read "a is in S" or "a belongs to S"). If a is not in S, we write The Greek letter epsilon, c ,
a t S. For example, 3 E R, the set of real numbers. But 6 1 f R, denotes 'belongs to' .
There are usually two ways of describing a set (1) Roster Method, and (2) Set
Builder Method.
Roster Method: In this method, we list all the elements of the set within braces. For
instance, as we have mentioned above, the collection of all positive divisors of 48
contains 1.2,3,4.6.8,12,16.24 and 48 as itselements. So this set may be written as
In this description of a set. the following two conventions arc followed :
convention I : The order in which the elements of the sct itrc listed is not important.
Camventioa 2: No element% *-itten more hanolloc: that is, every element must be
written exactly once.
Forexample, consider the set Sof all integers between 11 and 4#. o b v h d y , thew
integers are 2.3 and 4. So we may write
S = {2;3,4).
We may also write S = (3.2.4). but we must not write S = {2,3,2,4). Why? Isn't this
what Convention 2 says?
The roster method is sometimes used to list the elements of a large set also. In thiscase
we may not want to list all the elements of the set. We list some and give an indication
of the rest of the elements. For example, the set of integers lying bltween 0 and 100is
{0,1,2 ,....,loo).
Another method that we can use for describing a get is the
Set Builder Method: In this method we first try to find a property which characterises
the elements of the set, that is, a property P which all elements of the set possess, and
which no other objects possess. Then We describe the set as
{x I x has property P), or as I

{x : x has property p}.

This is to be read as?'the set of all x such that x has propefty P".
For example, the set S of all integcn lying between 1 and 4-1 can alsd be written as
S=(x:xisanintegerand l f < x < 17}. 1
Example 1: Write the set N by the set builder method and the roster method.
Solution: By the set builder method we have the set
N = (x 1 x is a natural number).
By the roster method wehave N = {1.2;3, ....).

E E l ) Write the following sets by the roster method.

A = {x 1 xis an integer and 10 C x C 15)
B = (x ( x is an even integer and 10 C x < 15)
C = {x 1 x is a positive divisor of 20)
D -- {p/q I p.q megn and 1 s p < q 1 . 3 )

E ~ 2Write
) the following sets by the set builder methob.
P = (7.8.9); Q = {1,2,3,5.7.11); R = (3.6.9 ,...).

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