Assignment - A Q1. A) What Is A Set? Explain Various Methods To Represent A Setin Set Theory - Ans 1a)
Assignment - A Q1. A) What Is A Set? Explain Various Methods To Represent A Setin Set Theory - Ans 1a)
Assignment - A Q1. A) What Is A Set? Explain Various Methods To Represent A Setin Set Theory - Ans 1a)
Ans 1a): A set is a group or collection of objects or numbers, considered as an entityunto itself. Sets are usually symbolized by uppercase, italicized, boldface letters such as A, B, S, or Z. Each object or number in a set is called a member or element of the set.Examples include the set of all computers in the world, the set of all apples on a tree,and the set of all irrational numbers between 0 and 1.When the elements of a set can be listed or enumerated, it is customary to enclose thelist in curly brackets. Thus, for example, we might speak of the set (call it K) of allnatural numbers between, and including, 5 and 10 as:K = {5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
Methods to represent a set: There are two methods to represent a set. One is Rule method, another one is Roster method.Rule is a method of naming a set by describing its elements.For example, { x: x > 3, x is a whole number} describes the set with elements 4, 5, 6,.T h e r e f o r e , { x : x > 3 , x i s a w h o l e n u m b e r } i s t h e s a m e a s { 4 , 5 , 6 , } . { x : x > 3 } describes all numbers greater than 3. This set of numbers cannot be represented as alist and is represented using a number line graph.Roster is a method of naming a set by listing its members. For example, {1,2,3} is theset consisting of only the elements 1,2, and 3. There are many ways to represent thisset using a rule.Two correct methods are as follows:{x: x < 4, x is a natural number} {x: 0 < x < 4, x is a whole
number} An incorrect method would be {x:0 < x < 4} because this rule includes ALL numbersbetween 0 and 4, not just the numbers 1, 2, and 3. Q1 b): Define the following with the help of suitable examples. () i Singleton Set () ii Finite Set () iii Cardinality of a Set () iv Subset of a SetAns 1b): Singleton Set A set having exactly one element is called Singleton set. A singleton set is denoted byand is the simplest example of a nonempty set. Any set other than the empty set istherefore a nonempty set. For example {a} Finite Sets: