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Possible Artifacts For Danielson Domains 1 and 4

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Possible Artifacts for Danielson Domains One and Four

Note: Educators will provide artifacts as evidence for Domains 1 and 4. These are the ‘behind the scenes’
components, typically not observable in a classroom setting. Evidence for Domains 2 and 3 will be collected
via classroom observations and mini-walkthroughs.

This list was compiled from the contributions of a number of educators in the CESA #4 Educator
Effectiveness Pilot (2013-2014). It is intended to guide thinking about artifacts that might be considered for
each component. Please note that no educator would want or need to upload all of these, and that there
may be other high quality artifacts that would provide evidence for a given component.


1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy

 Unit plan that include common misconceptions & where they will be addressed
 Lesson plans (template)—with list of intended questions to spur deep thinking
 Curriculum committee evidence
 Written reflections regarding the sequence of instruction and learning activities
 Spreadsheet of testing data
 Notes from committees I belong to
 Exit tickets—application of skills
 College courses/transcripts
 Sample of online collaboration w/colleagues regarding curriculum and instruction
1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
 Written reflections related to how instruction should/is be adjusted to meet the unique needs of
the students I teach
 ‘Getting to know students’ handout & results from first day
 Student interest notecards/inventory and/or data of it
 Sample of student learning profile data
 Lesson that incorporates cultural sharing or activities into lesson
 Certificate of cultural event attended w/reflection
 Parent/student surveys results analysis
 Intervention/enrichment group plans
 Seating chart—students seated for particular reasons
 Notes about learner special needs including those from IEP, 504 and GT plans
 Lesson plan with differentiated options for learning and assessment (multiple points of entry)
1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes
 Lesson/unit plans that contain learning outcomes that are rigorous and represent a range of
important learning
 Lesson plans that show a variety of instructional strategies leading to an outcome
 Samples of differentiated learning activities, materials, assessment strategies, benchmarks
 Learning targets/ “I can” statements in lesson plan or posted in the room (picture)
 Rubrics that identify proficiency for an outcome
 List of essential questions that are linked to outcomes
Educator Effectiveness Pilot Network April 2014
Possible Artifacts for Danielson Domains One and Four

1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources

 Lesson/unit/intervention plan(s) that includes appropriate technology applications
 Research and implementation of Response to Intervention strategies or resources
 Teaching bulletin boards (picture)
 Common core lessons/assessments I created
 Lesson or unit plan that shows effective use of 1:1 technology
 Varied text levels identified in a lesson or unit plan
 Pictures of field trips (community resources)
 Lesson or unit plan that utilizes community resources or speakers

1e: Designing Coherent Instruction

 Learning activities sequenced and connected within the lesson or unit plan
 Plan that includes variety of instructional groupings and instructional materials
 Use of resources related to standards
 Instructional plan that is tied to learning standards
 Plan that includes tech resources
 Plan that includes guiding/essential questions
 Materials or lesson plans that show planning for differentiation
 Print-out of a complete Curriculum Companion module/lesson plan

1f: Designing Student Assessments

 Lesson or unit plan that contains appropriate assessment plan tied to standards and outcomes
 Rubrics tied to lesson/unit outcome
 Sample of student self-analysis of work using rubric
 Anecdotal notes from reader/writer conferences with students
 Student data folder
 Proficiency checklists for students
 Unit or lesson plan that shows where assessments are built in (formative & summative)
 Unit plan that shows a reteach loop I’ve built in after each formative assessment (if necessary)
 Sample of modified assessments
 Sample performance task with rubric
 Sample Exit tickets with reflection about how the information was used
 Surveys that gather student feedback
 Reflective notes about how instruction was adjusted after formative feedback
 Sample of student input/reflections/journals
 Collaborative team planning notes
 Documentation showing student choice in assessment
 Common formative or summative assessments w/ notes about how the results were used
 Student-designed assessments tied to learning outcomes
 Reflection on an assessment including what I would change

Educator Effectiveness Pilot Network April 2014

Possible Artifacts for Danielson Domains One and Four


4a: Reflecting on Teaching

 Written reflections on lesson implementation and changes to make in the future
 Documentation of discussion with principal/colleague/PLC team
 Reflection related to data analysis, student surveys, parent surveys
 Reflection from a conference or workshop attended
 Grade book entries (reflecting on student learning with a narrative)
 PDP reflections
 Reflective notes related to observing a colleague or a colleague observing me

4b: Maintaining Accurate Records

 Photocopy or login access to my electronic grading system
 Link to classroom website with accurate, updated, class-related information
 Picture/sample of how I organize student data including AIMSweb, STAR, MAP, F & P, etc.
 List of reader/writer conferences with students
 List of individual student feedback conferences
 Professional Development Plans
 Log of parent or community contact/communication
 Pages from lesson plan book showing planning organization
 Student data folder
 Student portfolios
 Sample of a completed progress report
 Picture or summary of procedure to manage things like field-trip slips, conference sign-up note,
homework, etc.
 Attendance records
 Sample of process used to track instructional minutes/strategies for students with special needs
such as IEP, 504, GT, ELL, Tier II and III, etc.
 Sample of a progress-monitoring spreadsheet

4c: Communicating With Families

 PTC log with reflections
 Parent communication log (includes phone, email, in-person contacts)
 Log of school functions attended
 Parent-teacher conference schedule
 Calendar and sample of classroom newsletters/parent letters
 Parent notes and/or letters to me
 Website that shows how I keep parents informed about what is happening in the classroom on a
regular basis
 Parent involvement in classroom
 Evidence of appropriate use of social media with parents/families

Educator Effectiveness Pilot Network April 2014

Possible Artifacts for Danielson Domains One and Four

4d: Participating in a Professional Community

 PowerPoint or outline of something I presented to others
 Agenda from School Leadership Team
 Log of all leadership activities
 Documentation of sharing information or learning with staff
 Meeting or committee notes
 PLC agendas/notes
 Anything that shows how I collaborate with colleagues to improve student learning
(enrichment/remediation planning, book study with applied learning, action research, etc.)
 Evidence of community involvement—planning events
 Evidence of participation in a School Data Retreat
 Evidence of participation on an interview panel
 Evidence of serving as a mentor or PDP Review Team Member
 List of voluntarily attended school functions (athletic events, Fun Fair, Family Reading Night, etc.)

4e: Growing and Developing Professionally

 Book study groups (could include agenda, notes, actions taken)
 List of course(s) taken or transcript w/reflection
 Plans, handouts, agenda or certificate of attendance from workshops or conferences w/reflection
 National Board Certification
 Online portfolio
 Presentation handouts w/plans for implementation
 Technology resources used to enhance my knowledge or skill
 PDP activities completed within the year
 Leading district, school, and department-level professional development (presentation handouts)
 Evidence of membership in professional organizations
 List of professional publication subscriptions
 Samples of professional reading w/reflection on how they have impacted practice
 Reflective notes related to observing a colleague or a colleague observing me
 PLC agendas/notes

4f: Showing Professionalism

 List of committee participation in the school or district
 PLCs agendas and notes
 Any type of evidence that shows I advocate for a student or students
 Ways I have provided students with resources ‘above and beyond’ (working lunches, after-school
support, mentoring students, organizing the Holiday Adopt a Family event at my school)
 Letter(s), emails, notes that speak to my standards, integrity, or contribution to the positive culture
of my school
 Personal attendance record
 Serving as a new-teacher mentor

Educator Effectiveness Pilot Network April 2014

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