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XXVI Int. Symp.

on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum - Mumbai, India – 2014

XXVI Int. Symp. on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum - Mumbai, India – 2014

Interruption performance at frequency 50 or

60Hz for generator breaker equipped with
vacuum interrupters
D. Gentsch1, S. Goettlich1, M. Wember1, A. Lawall2, N. Anger2 and E. Taylor2
ABB AG, Calor Emag Mittelspannungsprodukte, Oberhausener Str. 33, 40472 Ratingen, GERMANY
Siemens AG, Rohrdamm 88, Berlin, 13629 GERMANY

Abstract – Vacuum interrupters are serving worldwide in contact systems for generator circuit-breaker
distribution circuits, meeting the electrical and mechanical applications.
requirements specified in the IEC and/or ANSI standards Here the constricted arc column is forced by the self-
for low and medium voltage applications. generated radial or axial magnetic field to reduce the
Generator circuits require special generator circuit- time at which the arc-root is acting on the contacts.
breakers and are tested according to IEC 62271-37.013 / The VIs based on an optimized TMF or “axial magnetic
ANSI/IEEE C37.013. Traditionally, generator circuit- field” (AMF) contact systems, are designed to interrupt
breakers have been very large devices based on air- or
SF6- blast interruption technology.
Over the last 35 years, the short circuit interruption
performance of vacuum interrupters has been dramatically
increased due to continuous development, especially of
contact system design and contact materials. These
improvements allow the application of vacuum interrupter Fig. 1: Basic single line diagram of a generator circuit, on the left the
technology to generator circuit-breakers. generator and the generator circuit breaker, on the right the
Three phase vacuum circuit-breakers are available for this transformer to feed the power into the high voltage network [1].
application in generator circuits at 50 and 60 Hz. To fulfil high short-circuit current ratings of a short-current of
the required short circuit interruption ability, the test has
50kA or higher with a compact generator circuit
to be performed at 50Hz for IEC markets and at 60Hz /
50Hz for ANSI markets. When the short circuit breaker. The designs are able to meet all requirements
interruption ability is tested at 50Hz, the results can be and covers all needs in generator circuits, both to protect
transferred to 60Hz because the arcing time is reduced, the generator and the connected system.
while the di/dt is slightly steeper at current zero. Four
main factors related to vacuum technology are
investigated: The influence of the arcing time duration
before current zero (CZ), the transferred charge I x dt,
di/dt steepness at CZ, and finally the transient recovery
voltage (TRV).

Index Term– Circuit-breaker, Generator

circuit-breaker, Contact system, Vacuum Interrupter
(VI), Delayed Current Zero (DCZ), Out of Phase (OoP),
Frequency 50/60Hz.
In low, medium and high voltage applications the short- Fig. 2: Image of compact generator circuit breaker (15kV-50kA-
circuit interrupting capability of vacuum interrupters VIs 3150… 4000A-50/60Hz), Type: ABB
has been increased significantly over the past years. The
short circuit interrupting ability was mainly developed
Compared to the well-known applications in the low and
for the requirements of the low and medium voltage
medium voltage range, in generator circuits the VI has
range. Further research and development of the VI-
to cope high short-circuit currents with high
physics, e.g. more detailed understanding of the plasma
asymmetrical components at long time constants. This
arc behaviour under vacuum and the interaction between
can cause long arcing times and is accompanied with
the arc and contact material, led to the development of a
steep Rates of Rise of Recovery Voltage (RRRV) and a
safe system based on “transverse magnetic field“ (TMF)
high TRV peak value after the current interruption.

© 2014 ©2014 IEEE
©2014 IEEE 429
A three-phase vacuum circuit-breaker with a fast spring generator, operating conditions and the complex short-
drive actuator is already designed and tested to cover all circuit impedance of the generator. This can lead to
demands to single and three phase tests according to superimposed DC component with more than 100% of
ANSI/IEEE C37-013-1997 and the IEC 62271-37.013 the peak value of the related AC current. The short-
currently in CDV state [1,2]. circuit current becomes that high that no current zero
This paper focuses on the properties of the VI design crossing (CZ) will occur during the first several tens of
itself and on the impacts from VI testing under those milliseconds. This effect is called “delayed current zero”
severe conditions especially when the short circuit (DCZ). In case of an arc voltage generated by the
interruption ability is tested at 50Hz, and how results circuit-breaker in a range of 50 to 150 V the time
can be transferred to 60Hz. The high power tests constant (τ = L/R) of the network is decreased and the
presented here were carried out at the KEMA High first CZ is forced to happen earlier (this is valid for all
Power Laboratory. types of generators).
Out of phase condition is a short-circuit interruption
II. GENERATOR CIRCUIT BREAKER (GCB) AND producing the high stress for the generator circuit-
CIRCUIT CONFIGURATIONS breaker and especially for the VI. If the generator and
This in contrast to the values of the short-circuit current the circuit is closed into the maximum opposite of 90°
under OoP-conditions according IEC 62271-100 The (electrical) the short-circuit current in the circuit is
basic design of the generator circuit configuration is increased.
displayed in Fig. 1. The generator circuit-breaker (GCB)
TABLE 1: Main test values of the generator circuit breaker (GCB) assembly to meet all
is very often located between the generator and the step- requirements for the rating 15kV / 50 kA according to the both mentioned standard [1,2].
up transformer of the high voltage network.
In generator circuits two different faults are possible The OoP-values based on a phase difference of 90°,
with a combination of high short-circuit current at high were done according to the IEC 62271-37.013 OoP with
asymmetrical components: The system-source fault Example 50kA - GCB step A) step B)
(fault on the generator side, Fig.1 a) and the generator-
System-source TD1 TD2
source fault (fault on the transformer side, Fig.1 b).
interrupting capability ↓ ↓
In case of a “bad” synchronisation a generator circuit-
Symmetrical [kA] 50 50
breaker may close into a condition that is known as
“out-of phase” (OoP). If this occurs, with a phase angle asymmetrical component 0% 75 %
of up to 90°, the generator circuit-breaker has to TRVpeak [kV] 27.6 27.6
interrupt short-circuit current values nearly as high as Rate of rise of recovery 3.5 3.5
the system source fault (see [2] and Table 1, incl. the voltage
test duties (TD))., which is 25 % of the rated short RRRV [kV/µs]
circuit current. tdelay < 1�s < 1µs
If a system-source fault occurs, the short-circuit current time constant � 133ms 133 ms
is established at high magnitudes and the breaker is Generator-source (DCZ) TD4/5 TD6
located close to the generator. The energy of the system interrupting capability ↓ ↓
feeds the fault from the system through the transformer. Symmetrical [kA] 31.5/(50) 23.5/(37)
Only the impedance of the transformer and the asymmetrical component - /110 % 130 %
impedance of the short bus conductor connection limit TRVpeak [kV] 27.6/32.2 31.5
the current. The asymmetrical component during arcing RRRV [kV/µs] 3.4/1.84 1.84
can be up to 75 % at short-circuit current (Table 1, tdelay < 0.5 �s < 0.5 �s
step B). time constant � 133 ms 133 ms
As an example some values are displayed for the GCB Out of Phase (OoP 90°) OP1 OP2
for 50kA. To clear the current, the generator circuit- interrupting capability ↓ ↓
breaker must be tested at the asymmetrical current Symmetrical [kA] 25 25
combined with long arcing times and with a faster Rate
asymmetrical component -% 75 %
of Rise of Recovery Voltage (RRRV) than usual in
TRVpeak [kV] 39 39
medium voltage distribution circuits tested according to
RRRV [kV/µs] 3.3 3.3
In case of generator-source fault, the fault occurs tdelay < 1 �s < 1 �s
between the circuit breaker and the transformer. The time constant � 133 ms 133 ms
short circuit current coming from the generator-source the specified test duties OP1 and OP2.
produces nearly 31.5 (50 kA) (Table 1; step A; TD5) The needed values to perform all three fault conditions
respectively 37 kA (step B; TD6). However, the are presented in Table 1 according to the standard.
asymmetrical component of the short-circuit current can To reduce the area for the arrangement and to reduce
be considerably higher, reaching up to 110 % (step A; power losses, a compact breaker design with low
TD5) or 130 % (step B; TD6). This fault characteristic resistance and a short bus conductor connection is
with high asymmetrical currents is due to the type of preferable. A compact design of the circuit-breaker with

an optimized arrangement at high efficiency and low A)
impedance is feasible. Vacuum circuit-breakers enable
such a compact design, and are able to carry continuous
currents up to 6300A.
The VIs under consideration are equipped with an
optimized TMF or AMF contact system [3].


Fig. 4: Image of a vacuum interrupter (17.5kV and 72kA) in a GCB,

Three phase vacuum circuit-breakers are available for
application in generator circuits at 50/60 Hz. To fulfil
the required short circuit interruption ability, the test has C)
to be performed at 50Hz for IEC markets and at 60Hz
for ANSI markets.
When the short circuit interruption ability is tested at
50Hz the transferred charge after contact separation is
investigated by a simulation of a three phase direct
generator circuit. The chosen generator is a cylindrical
rotor machine with a power of 198MVA and an
excitation current of 828A. The simulation result can be
taken from Fig. 3 50Hz; A) and 60Hz; B). The
simulation allows a direct comparison of the short
circuit current under nearly the same severe condition
for both frequencies. The three phase direct “delayed Fig. 3: The chosen generator has two poles with a power of 198MVA
current zero” (DCZ) current interruption simulation with an excitation current of 828A. Three phase direct DCZ
done at 50kA, giving information regarding the resulting interruption simulation: At 50kA short circuit current and 110% DC:
A) done for 50Hz and B) for 60Hz frequency. The transferred charge
arcing time and the occurrence of the transferred charge
during arcing is shown as the area according to A) as A50 and B) as
following the equation: A60. At A50 the transferred charge in [C] = 1281As and in case B) =
840As. C) TD4 – Single phase testing: TRV 27.6kV; RRRV
3.5kV/µs; Current 50kA, 50Hz done at KEMA laboratories.
Coulomb C: [As] and the current I: [A] and the arcing maximum transferred change at the vacuum interrupter
time t: [s]. of about 1281As according to the area A50 the integral
of I x dt after the contact separation. The interruption
After contact separation the arc voltage inside the will be done under similar condition Fig. 3; B) with the
vacuum interrupter is taken into account with 50V at the same generator breaker at 60Hz. The arc duration time
current interruption operation. When a higher arc during the interruption operation is much shorter, with
voltage is applied, the simulation current zero crossing the result that the integral I x dt is about 840As.
will occur earlier during the current interruption At current zero the “transient recovery voltage” (TRV)
operation. across the vacuum interrupter can be held easier with
During the short circuit interruption at 50Hz under the less transferred charge history which results in a
above mentioned condition Fig. 3 A), phase L2 has the temperature heating up effect inside the VI of the GCB.

This was observed during a large number of interruption history at current zero the TRV can be withstood more
validation tests of VIs done at high power laboratories. easily with the lower transferred charge for 60Hz.
The current crosses the point of “current zero” for In contrast to DCZ, testing under Out-of-phase
interruption at a frequency of 60Hz with the di/dt being conditions with a short circuit current e.g. at 50kA rating
a factor of 1.21 higher compared to 50Hz. and RRRV value up to 3.3kV/µs [7] produces shorter
In general the interruption operation at higher frequency arcing times, but also severe for the VI. The result of
has a minor influence at the interruption performance three phase direct tests performed at 60Hz is illustrated
especially at frequencies between 50 … 100Hz [4]. in Fig. 3; C). The successful interruptions were
All the interruption performance investigation and type demonstrated at TD4. After arcing up to 10.1ms, the VI
tests were done using TMF or AMF based contact saw TRV values up to 27.6kVpeak. The steepness of the
systems with copper-chromium material. The thickness RRRV is observed with more than 3.4kV/µs.
of the contact material and the dimensions overall are Nevertheless, higher values of the RRRV were
minimized [5] for the GCB application to keep the interrupted successfully in direct or synthetic tests at the
dimensions of the VI as small as possible. high power laboratory.
• Vacuum circuit breakers are able to meet the
IV. CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION requirements for generator circuit breaker for
Generator circuit breaker (GCB) developed VI´s are example at values up to 15kV - 50kA - 50/60Hz and
able to fulfil the requirements for 50 and 60Hz based on GCBs are available up to 72kA according to the
the presented simulation results and a number of type standard IEC 62271-37.013 / ANSI/IEEE C37.013.
test which are performed on same vacuum interrupter at • A robust system for GCB ratings is available in a
50 or at 60Hz and according to [4]. The short-circuit compact design and able to use for 50 and 60Hz
interruption performance of the GCB were investigated based on the simulation results.
and type tested mainly at the KEMA high power • One of the main limitation factor at DCZ is the
laboratory (HPL). The short circuit interruption tests transferred current, which is reduced in case of
were carried out with single- (depending on the rated 60Hz application.
voltage and current) and three phase direct test up to • As shown at the test duty TD4 interruption at 50Hz
50kA at KEMA and with a synthetic circuit test at after crossing the current zero and an arcing time of
higher ratings. The GCB is able to interrupt the required 10.1ms the “Rate of Rise Recovery Voltage”
short circuit current of up to 50kA at a voltage rating of (RRRV) up to 3.4kV/µs can be applied.
15 kV (50/60Hz) according to the requirements IEC
62271-37.013 (CDV) / ANSI/IEEE C37.013. When the REFERENCES
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turns out under that condition and the arcing period E-mail of the author(s):


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