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Chicken Grill

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The ultimate
muscle food
Sure, you can buy chicken in a bucket. But then you don’t get to stuff a bird with a beer can or play with
sharp sticks. And you don’t get to serve your best girl or best friends dishes with names like “Bad-Ass BBQ
Chicken,” “Bock-Bock Kebabs,” or “Foghorn Leghorn Fajitas.” These recipes are easy to prepare, and they
grill up quickly. Hardware requirements are easy, too: About all you’ll need is a hot grill and a sharp can

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Beer-Can Chicken

3 Tbsp salt-free How to make it Fire up your grill for medium,

chicken grilling blend indirect grilling. In a small bowl, mix the grilling
blend, brown sugar, and salt. Remove the giblets and

+ fat from inside the chicken. Rinse the chicken inside

and out, and pat it dry with paper towels. Rub 1
teaspoon of the salty-sugar grilling blend inside.

1 chicken (about 4 lb) Coat the outside with cooking spray, then rub the
remaining blend over the outside. Chug half of the

beer. If you have an old-fashioned pointy manual can
opener, pop a few extra holes in the top of the can.
Hold the chicken upright with its butt facing down
and slide it over the beer can. Tuck its wings behind
12-oz can beer its back. Put it on the grill, over indirect heat. Pull
the legs forward to make a tripod. Close the lid (with
Also: 1 Tbsp brown the vents partly open). The chicken will be done 1¼
sugar, 1½ tsp salt
to 1½ hours later. (If you’re using a charcoal grill,
you’ll have to add more coals after about 45
minutes, when the old ones burn out.) It’s done when
an instant-read thermometer shows about 180°F, the
skin is brown and crisp, and the juices run clear in
the thickest part of a thigh. Rest on a platter for 5
minutes. Lift the bird off the can and onto a cutting
board. Carve and serve.

» Makes 6 servings

» per serving 202 calories, 4 g fat (17% of calories),

32 g protein, 4 g carbohydrates (0 g fiber),
706 mg sodium

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Bad-Ass BBQ Chicken

15-oz can barbecue How to make it Mix everything but the chicken in a
sloppy joe sauce big ziplock bag. Plunk in the chicken. Seal the bag
and refrigerate for a few hours. Fire up your grill to

+ medium. Once the rack is hot, debag the chicken

and throw it on the grill, turning and basting with
sauce a few times, for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the

4-oz can sliced or juices run clear in the thickest portion (about 170°F
chopped jalapeños, on an instant-read thermometer).
» Makes 6 servings

» per serving 351 calories, 11 g fat (26% of calories),
43 g protein, 14 g carbohydrates (1 g fiber),
788 mg sodium

6 oz beer (½ can)

6 each bone-in,
skinless chicken
thighs and
drumsticks (4 lb

Also: 2 Tbsp Dijon

mustard, 2 Tbsp

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Bock-Bock Kebabs

14-oz can whole new How to make it Fire up your grill to medium.
potatoes, drained Double-skewer all the vegetables and the chicken by
stabbing two skewers through each ingredient,

+ alternating potatoes, peppers, chicken, tomatoes,

and artichokes. (Each kebab will have one piece of
artichoke and two pieces of everything else.) In a

1½ lb boneless, small bowl, mix the dressing, poultry seasoning, and

skinless chicken paprika. Brush all over the kebab, then slap those
breast halves, cut into things on the grill. Close the lid (with the vents partly
open) and grill, turning and basting with the dressing
a few times, for about 20 minutes, or until the

+ chicken is no longer pink in the center.

» Makes 8 kebabs

14-oz can artichoke » per kebab 205 calories, 5 g fat (23% of calories),
hearts, drained 23 g protein, 17 g carbohydrates (5 g fiber),
590 mg sodium

+ » a few pointy pointers To keep wooden skewers

from burning on the grill, soak them in water for
30 minutes before stabbing the food. If you’re
¾ cup low-fat creamy attracted to shiny objects, go for metal double-
Italian salad dressing skewers—each one has two prongs for better
stability on the grill rack.
Also: 1 green bell
pepper, cut into » extra credit Serve with instant rice.
chunks; 1 pint cherry
tomatoes; ½ tsp
poultry seasoning;
½ tsp paprika

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Foghorn Leghorn Fajitas

6 oz beer (½ can) How to make it Mix the beer and enchilada sauce
in a big ziplock bag, reserving some to use for

basting later. Drop in the chicken, and refrigerate for
1 hour or overnight. Fire up your grill to medium. Cut
the peppers in quarters lengthwise and remove the
seeds and cores. Peel the onions and cut them in half
15-oz can hot
enchilada sauce from roots to tips. Debag the chicken and grill,
turning and basting with the reserved marinade a few

times, for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the center is no
longer pink and the juices run clear (about 160°F on
an instant-read thermometer). Grill the peppers and
onions, turning and basting with the marinade, for
1½ lb boneless, about 5 minutes, or until tender but still a little
skinless chicken
crunchy. Wrap the tortillas in foil and grill, turning
breast halves
once, for about 5 minutes, or until heated through.

Slice the chicken, onions, and peppers into strips. For
each fajita, put some chicken and vegetables on a
tortilla, slop on some salsa and sour cream, then roll
6 large (10") flour
tortillas (preferably » Makes 6 fajitas
» per fajita 490 calories, 11 g fat (20% of calories),
36 g protein, 59 g carbohydrates (6 g fiber),
Also: 2 large bell
peppers (1 red and 1 790 mg sodium
green), 2 onions, 1 cup
chunky salsa, ½ cup
low-fat sour cream

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Holy-Mole Pollo

½ 6-oz can smoke- How to make it Fire up your grill to medium.

house almonds Whiz the almonds in a food processor until very
finely ground. Dump in the tomatoes, lime juice,

+ cocoa, chili powder, and cinnamon. Process to

a pretty smooth sauce. Set aside ½ cup and
leave the rest in the processor. Peel the onion

14-oz can diced and cut it in half from root to tip. Brush with a
tomatoes with zesty little sauce. Grill, turning once, for about 5
jalapeños (with juice) minutes a side, or until charred and just cooked
through. Roughly chop and toss into the

+ processor. Process until pretty smooth. Coat a

pot with cooking spray and put it over medium
heat on the stove (or on the burner attached to
your grill). Add the garlic and cook for 4
Juice of ½ lime
minutes, or until soft. Add the sauce from the

processor, reduce the heat to low, and cook for
20 minutes. Coat the chicken with cooking
spray and the reserved sauce. Grill, turning and
basting a few times, for 10 to 15 minutes, or
6 boneless, skinless until the center is no longer pink and the juices
chicken breast halves
run clear (about 160°F on an instant-read
(about 2 lb total)
thermometer). Pour on the remaining sauce.

Also: 2 Tbsp cocoa » Makes 6 servings

powder, 1 Tbsp chili
powder, ½ tsp » per serving 309 calories, 6 g fat (48% of
cinnamon, 1 onion, 2 calories), 2 g protein, 14 g carbohydrates
minced garlic cloves
(7 g fiber), 890 mg sodium

» if you wanna get technical....The sauce is called

mole (MOH-lay). That’s Spanish for sauce. Pollo
is Spanish for chicken, if you haven’t figured
that out.

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Spicy Bangkok Birdies

¼ cup canned low- How to make it In a big microwavable bowl, nuke

sodium chicken broth everything but the chicken, cornstarch, and water for
30 seconds or so, until lukewarm. Stir until well-

+ mixed. Dump in the chicken, cover, and refrigerate

for a few hours. Fire up your grill to medium. Once
the fire is ready, debag the chicken, and throw it on

14-oz can light the grill, turning and basting with marinade a few
coconut milk times, for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the center is no
longer pink and the juices run clear (about 160°F on

an instant-read thermometer). In a pot, boil the
remaining marinade over high heat on the stove (or
on the burner attached to your grill). In a cup,
dissolve the cornstarch in the water. Stir into the
Juice and zest of
marinade and cook for 2 minutes, until slightly
½ lime
thickened. Pour over the chicken.

+ » Makes 6 servings

» per serving 325 calories, 16 g fat (45% of calories),

37 g protein, 8 g carbohydrates (1 g fiber),
6 boneless, skinless 280 mg sodium
chicken breast halves
(about 2 lb total) » really thai one on Serve over rice and top with
peanuts and cilantro.
Also: 2 Tbsp red curry
base, 2 Tbsp light » where to find the fixins Look for the coconut milk and
teriyaki sauce, 1 Tbsp red curry base in the international aisle of the
brown sugar, 1 Tbsp supermarket.
minced garlic, 1 Tbsp
chopped fresh ginger,
1 Tbsp cornstarch,
1 Tbsp water

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San Diego Chicken

1 lemon and 1 lime How to make it Grate the zest from the lemon and
lime into a big ziplock bag. Squeeze the fruits until

their juice is in the bag being careful to catch any
pulp or seeds. Mix in everything else except the
chicken and salsa (Reserve some of the marinade for
later). Drop in the chicken. Seal the bag and refriger-
8-oz can tomato sauce
ate for a few hours or overnight. Fire up your grill to

medium. Once the fire is ready, debag the chicken,
and throw it on the grill, turning and basting with the
reserved marinade a few times, for 10 to 15 minutes,
or until the center is no longer pink and the juices run
6-oz can frozen clear (about 160°F on an instant-read thermometer).
orange juice Serve with the salsa.
concentrate, thawed
» Makes 6 servings

+ » per serving 242 calories, 2 g fat (8% of calories),

37 g protein, 18 g carbohydrates (2 g fiber),
540 mg sodium
6 boneless, skinless
chicken breast halves
(about 2 lb total)

Also: 2 minced garlic

cloves, 1 tsp dried
Italian seasoning, 1 tsp
hot-pepper sauce,
1 cup chunky salsa

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Chicken ’n’ Cherries

12-oz can or bottle How to make it Pour half of the soda into a big
black cherry soda ziplock bag. Set aside the rest. Mix in the grilling
blend, preserves, lemon juice, oil, salt, and

+ cinnamon. Drop in the chicken. Seal the bag and

refrigerate for a few hours or overnight. Fire up
your grill to medium. Once the fire is ready, debag

2 Tbsp salt-free the chicken and throw it on the grill, turning and
chicken grilling blend basting with the marinade a few times, for 10 to 15
minutes, or until the center is no longer pink and

the juices run clear (about 160°F on an instant-read
thermometer). In a pot, boil the remaining mari-
nade, the reserved soda, and the canned cherries
over high heat on the stove (or on the burner
6 boneless, skinless
attached to your grill). In a cup, dissolve the
chicken breast
halves (about 2 lb cornstarch in the water. Stir into the cherry sauce
total) and cook for 2 minutes, until slightly thickened.
Pour over the chicken.

+ » Makes 6 servings

» per serving 310 calories, 7 g fat (20% of calories),

36 g protein, 25 g carbohydrates (2 g fiber),
17-oz can dark sweet
Bing cherries, drained 490 mg sodium

» extra credit Serve with white rice.

Also: 3 Tbsp cherry
preserves, 2 Tbsp
lemon juice, 2 Tbsp
olive oil, 1 tsp salt,
¼ tsp cinnamon,
1 Tbsp cornstarch,
1 Tbsp water

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Bird of Paradise

6 boneless, skinless
How to make it Mix the tomato sauce and chili
chicken breast halves
(about 2 lb total) powder in a big ziplock bag. Drop in the chicken. Seal
the bag and refrigerate for a few hours or overnight.

In a big bowl, mix the oranges, tomatoes, pineapple,
and pepper. Let it sit for 30 minutes or so. Fire up
your grill to medium. Once the fire is ready, debag
the chicken and throw it on the grill, turning and
15-oz can mandarin basting with the marinade a few times, for about 10
oranges in light syrup,
minutes, or until the center is no longer pink and the
juices run clear (about 160°F on an instant-read

thermometer). Dump the orange-pineapple mix on

» Makes 6 servings

14-oz can diced » per serving 244 calories, 2 g fat (8% of calories),
tomatoes with zesty
36 g protein, 19 g carbohydrates (2 g fiber),
jalapeños, drained
550 mg sodium

8-oz can pineapple
chunks in juice,

Also: 8-oz can Italian-

style tomato sauce,
1 tsp chili powder,
½ cup chopped red
bell pepper

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Smokin’ Chicken-Bean Wedges

16-oz can refried How to make it Coat your grill rack with cooking
black beans spray and fire up your grill to medium - low. In a big
bowl, mix everything but the cheese and tortillas.

+ Put a layer of cheese on one tortilla. Slop on some

chicken-bean mix. Put another tortilla on top.
Grill for 2 to 3 minutes a side. Rest on a plate for

5-oz can chunk white a few minutes, then cut into wedges. Repeat with
chicken in water, the remaining ingredients.
drained and flaked
» Makes 6 servings

+ » per serving 374 calories, 11 g fat (26% of calories),

19 g protein, 46 g carbohydrates (7 g fiber),
1,160 mg sodium

4-oz can sliced or

chopped jalapeños,

2-oz can sliced
black olives

Also: ½ tsp chipotle

hot-pepper sauce,
1 cup shredded
reduced-fat Cheddar
or Monterey Jack
cheese, 8 medium (8")
flour tortillas

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Poultry with Polenta Pucks

A spicy turkey-sausage winner

2 14-oz cans Italian- HOW TO MAKE IT Heat your grill to medium. On the
style diced tomatoes stove, heat the oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add
(with juice)
the peppers, onions, and garlic. Cook for 10 minutes,
or until soft. Stir in the tomatoes, mushrooms, and

+ rosemary. Boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to

medium - low and cook for about 20 minutes. Slice
the polenta into ½" thick pucks. Coat both sides of
6-oz can sliced each puck with cooking spray. Slap the pucks and
mushrooms, drained sausage on the grill and close the lid (with the vents
open). Grill, turning a few times, for about 5 minutes

a side, or until cooked through. Remove the sausage
to a cutting board, slice it up, add it to the sauce, and
cook for 10 minutes. Dump the sauced sausage over
the pucks.
2 16-oz packages
prepared polenta
» Makes 6 servings
(from the produce
cold case) » per serving 449 calories, 13 g fat (26% of calories),
18 g protein, 64 g carbohydrates (6 g fiber),

+ 850 mg sodium

¾ lb reduced-fat hot
Italian turkey sausage


2 Tbsp olive oil;
2 bell peppers (1 red,
1 green), chopped;
1 onion, chopped;
3 garlic cloves,
minced; 1 tsp dried

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Spicy Chicken Kickoff “Wings”

12 chicken tenders HOW TO MAKE IT Preheat a nonstick skillet on

medium - high. Stir together the honey, hot sauce,

Worcestershire sauce, garlic, and paprika in a small
microwavable bowl. Microwave for 10 seconds,
stirring if the honey clumps. Place the chicken and
half of the spice mixture in a large ziplock bag and
3 tsp honey
shake until coated. Put the coated tenders on the grill

and cook for 2 to 3 minutes a side, checking to make
sure they’re cooked sufficiently inside. Baste with the
remaining spice mixture.

» Makes 2 servings
3 Tbsp hot sauce
» eat with Celery sticks, baby carrots, and 4 Tbsp

(2 Tbsp per serving) of a good, chunky blue cheese
dressing that’s reasonably low in fat, such as
Ken’s Steak House Lite.

2 Tbsp low-sodium » extra credit Go light on the blue cheese.

Worcestershire sauce
» per serving (including sides) 466 calories,
33 g protein, 54 g carbohydrates, 14 g fat (5 g fiber)
½ tsp minced garlic, 615 mg sodium
½ tsp paprika

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Are you a leg man? Currently the most abundant livestock in the world, lamb is
a staple in many regions, including New Zealand, Greece, and
Try this excellent source of
the Middle East. However, you don’t see it often in the United
protein on the grill States. We tend to favor beef and chicken on our grills. But

lamb is a good and healthy way to jazz up your menu. Just 110
hat have the Romans ever given us? Well, grams of lamb provides 60 percent of your daily protein
apart from straight roads, public baths, sani- requirement and almost a fifth of your iron.
tation, and wine, the footsoldiers of the Lamb is also an excellent source of vitamin B12
, which sup-
empire’s army also brought forth what is for ports the production of red blood cells and helps your body
much of the world a cornerstone of the Sun- metabolize protein, carbohydrates, and fat.
day roast and the Friday-night kebab—sheep. So it seems we It’s is also one of the best meats to cook quickly with a fierce
have Claudius to thank for a meat that, despite its high satu- heat, so the outside is crisp and charred and the inside sweet
rated fat content, is an excellent source of protein and other and juicy. “While it doesn’t always top the shopping list when it
nutrients. comes to barbecues, it’s an ideal meat to cook outdoors over

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charcoal with some robust herbs thrown on,” says honey, 2 crushed cloves garlic, and 2 tsp dry ginger.
John Woodward, the head chef at the Malmaison
Slap on a rub If you haven’t had time to marinate your
Brasserie & Bar in London. It also goes really well
lamb, rub in some flavor before cooking. “Any kind of
with red wine. No wonder the Romans were such big
marinade really enhances the flavor of lamb,” says
Peter Heanen, owner of award-winning H.G. Walter
butchers in Barons Court, London. “It shows your
Things Ewe Should Know About Lamb guests that you’ve made the extra effort.”
Bright isn’t best “Vivid red meat with minimal fat may
seem to be the best choice, but it’ll have less flavor Stoke the fire Lamb is best cooked fast at high heat, so
and too firm a texture,” chef Woodward says. His light your grill at least 30 minutes before you want to
choice for tenderness and flavor is matured lamb, use it and wait until the coals are white and scorching.
which is deep red in color, with creamy-colored fat If you haven’t used a marinade, coat the meat with
and a slight odor. olive oil. And remember to take your lamb out of the

Find some fat For a succulent roast it pays to select

a cut with some fat attached. Leaner, well-trimmed
cuts are preferable for quicker cooking methods
such as frying, grilling, or barbecuing.

Collect butterflies When you’re buying a leg of lamb

for the grill, ask the butcher to butterfly it for you.
This involves taking the meat off the bone in one
piece and flattening it, which allows it to cook more

Tending to Your Flock

Keep it cool As soon as possible after shopping,
rewrap the meat in fresh plastic wrap and put it on a
plate (to prevent blood dripping onto other foods) in
the fridge or freezer. Get to know your fridge tem-
perature gauge and check that it’s operating between
0° and 5° C.

Cover and thaw Fresh lamb should be eaten within 3

days of purchase, while frozen meat must be thawed
overnight before cooking it. Put the meat on a plate,
cover it, and leave it on the side; it won’t thaw in the

Give It a Grilling
Add flavor Marinating the meat overnight allows the
flavors to really penetrate although you should still
enjoy tasty results if you do it for an hour of two
before. Try this recipe: ¾ cup soy sauce, 1 Tbsp

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Vital Statistics: Woolly Facts

There are roughly a billion sheep on the planet—
fridge about 20 minutes before cooking or else your
our editor counted them during one sleepless
meat may be tough and chewy.
night—just 11 million of which are living in Wales.
Time to move Chump chops and cutlets are smaller

Half a pound of wool can be spun into 20 miles
cuts that are great for grilling. Larger cuts can taste too
of fine yarn, and a mature ewe produces about
charred by the time they’re cooked. So after 15 to 20
10 pounds of newly shorn wool a year—enough to
minutes on the barbie, transfer them to a hot oven
make a suit.
(360° F) for an additional 30 minutes. This way the

meat won’t burn and you won’t lose any flavors from Sheep haven’t always been shy, retiring types—in
the grill. the past they made a hell of a racket. Unfortu-
nately for the lambs, it was the type John McEnroe
Give ’em a break Always “relax” any meat for a mini-
would throw around the tennis court. It took the intes-
mum of 5 minutes by allowing it to sit after cooking.
tines of 11 sheep to make one ace-smasher.
This ensures that the meat will tenderize and means

you won’t lose any of the natural juices when carving. Your average lamb is a fangless soul. They have
no top front teeth. This makes them poor whis-
tlers, though at least the roof of the mouth is hard so
they can eat tough vegetation.

If you’re ever celebrating a sheep’s first birth-
day, you might want to know that, for formal
addressing, a sheep aged 1 or over is a “hogget.”
Don’t buy it a cake, though—the absence of top teeth
means it won’t be able to blow out the candles.

Sheep have mostly escaped the attention of fac-
tory farmers and thrive on rough, often inaccessi-
ble pastures and outcrops. This makes them the least
likely of all animals to be contaminated with antibiotic
residues—but the most likely to terrify unsuspecting rock

If you see a sheep stranded on its back, roll it
over. A sheep can’t get up from that position
and will eventually die if left there.

Chop Talk
Impress your butcher with an in-depth knowledge of
ovine anatomy:

Vitamins and Minerals

• Lean lamb is a great source of protein, B vita-
mins, vitamin D, and minerals, particularly iron and

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• The iron in lamb is in a form that’s Grilled Leg of Lamb

easily absorbed by the body. Lamb also Get your butcher to butterfly a 5- to 6-lb leg of lamb. You can marinate
it using this recipe.
aids the absorption of iron from other
foods. Marinade
• The vitamin D potency of lamb is 2 cloves of garlic, crushed
particularly good, and this helps with 1 red chili pepper, chopped
bone mineral density and the absorption 1 bunch of rosemary
of calcium. 1 bay leaf
Zest of 1 lemon
Set a rack of ribs: This section is very
1 Tbsp of sea salt
popular as it’s the quickest to roast. It
1 Tbsp black black pepper
can be served as a whole rack of lamb—
1 Tbsp coriander seeds (crushed)
cooked in 20 minutes or less—or in indi-
7 Tbsp olive oil
vidual portions.

Be sold shoulder: Not as expensive as

rib or loin, this can be roasted, sliced and
tied, rolled and tied, or boned. It’s also Mix, rub well into the lamb, place
very good for kebabs and stews. the lot in a bowl, and cover with
plastic wrap.
Get a loin collection: Otherwise known
as the saddle, this can be cut into chops Cooking Grill your leg for 8 to 10
or served as a boneless loin roast. It’s minutes on each side, turning
very tender and tasty, and can be roasted occasionally. Continue to do this
or grilled. for a further 30 to 40 minutes—or
transfer to a hot oven for 30
Pull a leg of lamb: This classic cut is
minutes to carry on the cooking.
available in four varieties: boneless, bone-
After cooking, let the lamb rest
in, rolled, and tied or butterflied. It’s very
for 7 minutes, and carve. Serve
lean and can be roasted, cut into leg
the lamb with a simple salad and
steaks, or chopped into cubes for a
balsamic dressing, plus new
potatoes with mint. Or grill some
Fat Content pita bread to go alongside a
• Most of the unsaturated fat is mono- mixed salad and a bowl of
unsaturated; this is the type of fat associ- hummus.
ated with healthy Mediterranean diets. And to Drink . . . Barbera d’Alba
• Lamb contains omega-3 polyunsatu- Fontanelle 2001, Ascheri.
rates, which are thought to protect Voluptuous, soft, and plummy,
against fatal heart disease. this wine requires a rich meat to
soften its tannins. It makes an
ideal complement to lamb.

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