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Facilitating Learning

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The text discusses different educational concepts such as constructivism, effective teaching traits, and research methods. It also talks about assessment tools like portfolios, rubrics, and their purposes.

Research methods discussed include case studies, experiments, questionnaires, and observations. These were presented in the context of choosing appropriate research designs.

Assessment tools mentioned include portfolios, rubrics, checklists, and performance assessments. Electronic portfolios and grading systems were also referenced.


A Tool for Effective Teaching 9.A _______ describes how closely two constructs D Make decisions about the effectiveness of a
are related. particular behavioristic classroom management
1.Current educational reform emphasizes the use A correlation program.
of which of the following types of activities or B hypothesis
assignments? C theory 16.Which of the following is NOT true concerning
A Writing reports D principle the need to be cautious about what is reported in
B Completing worksheets the popular media?
C Working in groups 10.In a study comparing the effects of studying A. Views expressed in the media are never
D Using calculators with music versus no music on reading grounded in systematic educational
comprehension, an investigator administers a research.
2.Who was the first individual to use the term comprehension test after a reading study period. B. Sometimes when information to report is not
"gifted" to describe students who scored She finds that scores were higher for the group sensational enough, there is a chance it
exceptionally high on intelligence tests? who listened to classical pieces. What is the might be embellished to keep audiences
A Mamie Clark independent variable in this study? tuned to their programming.
B William James A Studying C. Most journalists are not scientifically trained
C John Dewey B Reading comprehension score in educational research, so they may
D Leta Hollingsworth C Study period sometimes not make sound decisions about
D Presence or absence of music during reporting information.
3.An individual who takes a constructivist studying. D. Media often do not go enough into detail
approach to teaching would most likely about a study, so important specifics may be
encourage students to do which of the following? 11.Ms. Stevenson calculates how correlated her omitted.
A Solve math problems students' final exam scores are with the number
B Collaborate with others of homework assignments during the school year 17.All of the following traits are characteristics of
C Memorize information and determines they are positively correlated. "worst" teachers EXCEPT _________.
D Assemble puzzles Which of the following is true? A having a dull/boring class
A When students have less, homework they B making unclear or confusing
4.Effective teachers tend to display which of the score lower on the final exam. explanations
following traits? B Having more homework causes lower scores on C treating students like adults
A They do not allow students to ask questions the final exam D lacking control
about political issues. C Having more homework causes higher scores
B They are knowledgeable about people from on the final exam. 18.Effective teachers typically exhibit
different cultural backgrounds. D When students have more homework, they __________.
CThey discourage students from discussing ethnic score lower on the final exam. A. rigidity in their teaching methods
issues. B. solid professional knowledge and skills
D They encourage students to work alone. 12.Which of the following is a descriptive C. predictability in their lesson plans and
approach to research that consists of in-depth curriculum
5.Which of the following researchers, during the examination of life with a group that includes D. control over every aspect of the classroom
late 1880s, argued for the importance of direct involvement with the participants?
observing teaching and learning in the classrooms A Descriptive research Cognitive and Language Development
for improving education? B Ethnography
A John Dewey C Case study 1.Which of the following is an example of a
B William James D Experimental research biological process that might be studied by an
C E. L. Thorndike educational psychologist?
D Leta Hollingsworth 13.Which of the following conclusions can be A The development of social relationships
drawn only from an experimental study? B The changes in children's motor skills
6.A teacher would like to identify students' A Quantity of trips to the bathroom is associated C The changes in children's ability to think
attitudes about using calculators to complete with lower academic achievement. logically
math assignments. Which of the following B High teacher expectations leads to higher D The influence of parental nurturing on
research methods would be most appropriate? academic achievement children's tendency to be aggressive
A Case study C High school students think more analytically
B Laboratory observation than elementary students. 2.During the period of development known as
C Standardized test D When the teacher drinks more caffeine he/she "middle and late childhood," a child typically does
D Questionnaire is much more animated during his/her lectures. which of the following?
A. Masters the fundamental skills of writing
7.When choosing participants for an experiment, 14.A ______ occurs when the researcher becomes B. Prefers to spend time with parents rather
an investigator most effectively ensures that the a participant in the activity or setting in order to than with peers
resultant effects are not due to any preexisting better understand life in that group. C. Makes important career decisions
group difference by ________. A participant observation D. Learns to identify letters of the alphabet
A. assigning participants alphabetically to B ethnography
treatment and control conditions. C descriptive research 3.Myelination of areas in the brain related to
B. letting participants choose treatment or D experimentation hand-eye coordination is typically completed
control groups. during which stage of an individual's life?
C. assigning participants randomly to either 15.Which of the following would be the best A Infancy
treatment or control groups. example of action research? B Early childhood
D. assigning students who arrive first to the A Answer a question about whether a school C Adolescence
treatment condition. district has an effective classroom management D Young adulthood
8.Which of the following refers to an intensive B Improve classroom management practices in a 4.____ occurs when a child incorporates new
and in-depth study of one individual? third grade math classroom knowledge into existing knowledge.
A Descriptive research C Determine best classroom management A Assimilation
B Ethnography practices that can be applied to most school B Accommodation
C Case study classrooms C Equilibration
D Experimental research D Lateralization

5.Patricia demonstrates object permanence when A. Mr. Christiansen takes every opportunity to D Society progresses toward acceptability of
her rattle is taken and hidden under a blanket and nurture students' individual strengths females serving in more administrative roles in
she __________. B. Mrs. Jackson has students write their term the schools.
A. looks to find something new to play with papers on an area of each student's
B. lifts the blanket to look for the rattle interests. 2.The link between the home and the school is an
C. begins to play with her mother C. Ms. Alicia always provides a detailed lesson example of a (a) ________.
D. cries hysterically on the Civil War before giving students their A. microsystem
term paper assignments. B. mesosystem
6.The preoperational stage, as described by D. Mr. Thompson demonstrates how to write C. exosystem
Piaget, includes individuals in which of the the letter "z" in cursive at the blackboard D. macrosystem
following age groups? before having students do so.
A Birth to 2 years 3.The school board passes a new rule that limits
B 2 to 7 years 14.Vygotsky's stage in the development of speech the number of students allowed in each
C 7 to 11 years characterized by silent "self-talk" is called classroom in order to enhance teacher-student
D 11 years through adulthood ________. relationships. This is an example of which
A private speech environmental system?
7.Choose the best example of seriation from the B personal speech A. Microsystem
following examples. C egocentric speech B. Mesosystem
A. Lorna lines her blocks up in a straight row. D social speech C. Exosystem
B. Billy lines his blocks by color. D. Macrosystem
C. Jermaine lines his blocks from biggest to 15.Kylie's parents are so proud because Kylie has
smallest. just said her first word. Having only this 4.Which of the following provides the best
D. Troy chews on his blocks. information, how old would you guess Kylie is? example of the macrosystem, as described in
A. 3-6 months Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory?
8.According to Piaget, a child is first able to B. 10-13 months A. Students interact directly with their teacher.
understand that sequences or procedures are C. 18-24 months B. A parent attends a parent-teacher conference
reversible when the child reaches which of the D. at least 36 months without the student.
following stages? C. Local government approves increased funding
A ensorimotor stage 16.Critics of Piaget assert all of the following for public school libraries.
B Preoperational stage EXCEPT _________. D. Society progresses toward acceptability of
C Concrete operational stage A. children's cognitive development does not females serving in more administrative roles in
D Formal operational stage occur in synchronous stages. the schools.
B. children at one cognitive stage can be trained
9.Tracy examines the possibilities of working with to reason at a higher cognitive stage. 5.Which of the following is the final stage of
Sam. He is very good at working with computers, C. children go through cognitive stages at the development, as proposed by Erikson?
so he may be a good partner for helping to same rate. A Autonomy versus shame and doubt
complete the research project. However, Tracy D. culture and education exert strong influences B Trust versus mistrust
also knows that Sam is chronically irresponsible on children's cognitive development. C Integrity versus despair
and may neglect the project. Tracy decides to test D Identity versus identity confusion
the waters by talking to other students who have 17.Which of the following is the best example of 6.According to Erikson's life-span development
worked with Sam as well as asking Sam a few an argument for environmental influences on theory, at approximately what age does a person
questions about his ideas about carrying out the language? undergo the stage of autonomy versus shame and
project to determine his likelihood of helping out. A. Humans are prewired to learn language. doubt?
At which stage of Piaget's theory is Tracy? B. Even if parents do not speak to children, A. The first year
A Sensorimotor children still demonstrate language acquisition. B. The second year
B Preoperational C. Parents' reinforcement of children's linguistic C. Age 6 to puberty
C Concrete Operational attempts helps them to fine-tune their use of D. Adolescence
D Formal Operational language.
D.Children have an inborn propensity to figure 7. On the basis of Erikson's life-span development
10 The following emphases are central to language out all on their own. theory, which of the following strategies would
Vygotsky's theory. best enable a teacher to stimulate identity
A Zone of proximal development 18. Effective teachers who work with formal exploration in adolescents?
B Sociocultural influences operational thinkers do all of the following A Encourage individuals to express their
C Language EXCEPT ________. views freely.
D All the above A. realize that many adolescents are not full- B. Structure activities around success rather than
11.Which of the following represents Vygotsky's fledged formal operational thinkers failure.
view of the origin of cognitive development? B. present a problem that has one, clear C.Provide opportunities for fantasy play.
A Intelligence approach to solving it D. Evaluate students' opinions carefully and
B Genetics C. propose a problem and invite students to form critically.
C Social interactions hypotheses about how to solve it
D Self-regulated behavior D. develop projects and investigations for 8. Children are most likely to have high self-
students to carry out esteem and get along well with their peers when
12.The teacher notices Shawn cannot solve a raised with which of the following styles of
problem on his own, but can when he is given Social Contexts and Socioemotional parenting?
either adult or peer guidance. This guidance is Development A. Indulgent
called __________. B. Neglectful
A assisted performance 1. Which of the following provides the best C. Authoritarian
B the zone of proximal development example of the microsystem, as described in D. Authoritative
C preoperational thinking Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory?
D lateralization A. Students interact directly with their teacher. 9.Researchers who study peer relations among
B. A parent attends a parent-teacher conference children have noted that "popular" children
13.Which one of the following is the best example without the student. typically display which of the following
of scaffolding? C. Local government approves increased funding characteristics?
for public school libraries. A. They listen carefully.

B. They are conceited. 17.Kohlberg's second level of morality, reflecting misunderstandings among students. She asks
C. They engage in delinquent behavior. an internalization of standards created by other questions that help students understand one
D. They are aggressive. people in society, is called ______. another's needs, feelings, and perspectives.
A preconventional Which type of question would Ms. Tilly most likely
10.Of the following activities, which is most B conventional ask her students?
"developmentally appropriate" for school children C midconventional A How would you feel if someone
between 5 and 8 years of age? D postconventional messed up your desk like that?
A. Highly structured activity B Would you like to go to the principal's
B. Reading silently while sitting at a desk 18.Individuals who evaded the draft due to fear office?
C. Teacher-directed lesson for their lives would be considered ______; while C Why are you so destructive?
D. Pursuit of student-selected project those who did so out of principles of peace would D Who messed up Jerome's desk?
be ______.
11. Which of the following actions by teachers A preconventional; postconventional Individual Variations
would most likely increase the self-esteem of an B conventional; preconventional 1.According to William Stern's 1912 definition of
elementary school child? C postconventional; conventional intelligence quotient (IQ), a person would have an
A. Complimenting the student for being polite D conventional; postconventional IQ greater than 100 under which of the following
toward others conditions?
B. Criticizing the student for making a mistake on 19.Mr. Johnson utilizes an activity within his social A A person's chronological age is greater
a homework assignment studies class that involves students volunteering than his or her own mental age.
C. Punishing the student for interrupting in the community. Students are given the option B A person's mental age is greater than
somebody else of helping the elderly, working in a hospital, or his or her own chronological age.
D. Showing little interest in the student's work assisting Habitat for Humanity. This is a good C A person earns average scores on an
example of ________. intelligence test, as compared to other individuals
12.Which of the following statements best A character education of the same chronological age.
describes a student with identity diffusion? B values clarification D A person earns a higher than average
A.The student has explored career paths and C cognitive moral education score on an intelligence test, as compared to
made a commitment toward a goal. D service learning other individuals of the same chronological age.
B. The student has accepted someone else's idea
for a career path and made a commitment toward 20.Kohlberg and Gilligan have proposed theories 2.William Stern's (1912) intelligence quotient is
that goal. of moral development. Kohlberg's focuses on defined as which of the following?
C.The student has not explored career paths and ____; Gilligan's focuses on _____. A A person's chronological age divided by
lacks a goal. A justice; care the person's mental age, multiplied by 100
D.The student has explored career paths but has B care; justice B A person's mental age divided by the
made no commitments toward any path. C rightness; wrongness person's chronological age, multiplied by 100
D relationships; abstract reasoning C A person's mental age divided by a
13.Alina, a high school student, loves to work with 21.Researchers have found that in some ethnic standard value for their age, multiplied by 100
computers. She is also very active in student groups, aspects of the authoritarian parenting D A person's mental age divided by the
government. She would like to pursue a career style may be associated with _________. average mental age for other people of the same
that involves interacting with people. She is A pro-social behaviors chronological age, multiplied by 100
considering careers in computer programming B identity diffusion
and computer sales, as well as careers in politics C positive child outcomes, such as high 3.Which is the truest representation of a normal
and law. She hopes to make a final decision by the academic achievement distribution?
end of this school year. Which of the following D enhanced language development A Distribution where most scores fall in
labels best describes Alina's identity status? the middle and some scores fall higher and lower
A Identity diffusion 22.The current controversy about early childhood B Distribution of normal people's scores
B Identity moratorium education is largely comprised of three groups: C Distribution where some scores fall in
C Identity achievement advocates of a constructivist approach, advocates the middle but most fall toward the extremes
D Identity foreclosure of an instructivist approach, and __________. D There is no "normal" distribution when
A advocates of programs that emphasize dealing with the social sciences.
14.A high school student who feels it is wrong to children's intellectual development
cheat because if he gets caught he will be sent to B advocates of home-based programs 4.Which of the following individuals proposed
the office is revealing which level of Kohlberg's C advocates of culture-based curriculum that there are eight types of intelligence, and
moral reasoning? D advocates of authoritarian instruction developed Project Spectrum to apply this
A Preconventional information to classroom teaching?
B Conventional 23.The NAEYC states that standards in early A Robert Sternberg
C Postconventional childhood education are useful when they B William Stern
___________. C Alfred Binet
15.An individual in the conventional level of A guide disciplinary consequences for D Howard Gardner
Kohlberg's theory would turn to which of the children 5.Which of the following descriptions of students
following when making a moral decision? B are developed by local governments reveals the greatest level of "analytical"
A Family expectations C emphasize developmentally intelligence, as proposed by Sternberg?
B Potential punishment involved appropriate content A Carlos has won numerous awards for his
C Individual values D are used to rank and place children ability to play the piano.
D Personal needs and desires B Mika is a champion tennis player.
24.A child's low self-esteem may be caused by C Anna won the science fair for designing
16.An individual in the postconventional level of _________. an irrigation system.
Kohlberg's theory would turn to which of the A competence in an area D Kara earned a perfect score on her
following when making a moral decision? B family conflict midterm history exam.
A Family expectations C emotional support
B Potential punishment involved D social approval 6.All of the following skills are included in Howard
C Individual values Gardner's eight types of intelligence except which
D Personal needs and desires 25.To improve her students' prosocial behavior, one?
Ms. Tilly moderates whole-group discussions A Sensory skills
when there are disagreements or B Movement skills

C Verbal skills D Imaginative, interested in variety, and C Avoid becoming friendly with students
D Intrapersonal skills independent or parents.
D Boast about one's own
7 Which of Gardner's intelligences is 14 Rolanda generally responds to new accomplishments frequently.
involved in an activity calling for self-reflection experiences negatively, is impulsive, and is
and setting life goals? sometimes aggressive. How would you 3 Currently in the United States, what
A Verbal skills characterize Rolanda's temperament? percent of African-American children live below
B Interpersonal skills A Easy the poverty line?
C Intrapersonal skills B Difficult A Less than 20 percent
D Naturalist skills C Slow-to-warm-up B Approximately 25 percent
C Approximately 30 percent
8 A psychologist who wants to emphasize 15 Which of the following would be the D More than 40 percent
the importance of nature in the nature-nurture best example of a slow-to-warm-up child?
debate would cite which of the following factors A Lily is fairly accommodating but is 4 Critics of bilingual education have
as being most influential in an individual's often not interested in doing things. voiced concern that bilingual education fails to do
intelligence? B Reece is a happy child who gets along which of the following?
A The individual attended preschool. with acquaintances of the family, but can be A Enhance students' self-esteem.
B The individual enjoys reading books. hesitant around complete strangers. B Increase the likelihood of academic
C The individual does well in school. C Peter is aggressive and usually rejects success.
D The individual's parents have high IQs. new people in his life. C Prepare students for the workplace.
D Show respect for students' family and
9 Which of the following best describes a 16 To help surface learners think more community.
criticism of tracking? deeply, teachers can _________.
A Slower students in each track "hold A give assignments that require students 5 Which of the following statements best
back" the progress of the class. to fit information into a larger framework represents a sexist attitude?
B Better students in each track set the B set up a system that rewards deep A In a recent study of eighth graders, boys
pace at which topics are covered. thinking and punishes surface thinking scored higher on science tests than girls.
C Students in the low-track group are C ask questions that require memory and B Since women do poorly in math, they
stigmatized. recall should not become engineers.
D A small percentage of students in each D Surface learners are "hardwired" to C Boys are more active than girls and
track are destined to fail. think in this manner. Nothing can be done to alter therefore are more likely to fidget.
this style D Hormonal changes of puberty lead to
10 Which of the following would be the increased body fat for girls.
best example of an impulsive student? 17 Imagine a teacher who prefers that her
A Lamar actively sets his own learning classroom is quiet and controlled. How would this 6 Which of the following teachers is
goals. teacher most likely label her bodily-kinesthetic exhibiting an individualist teaching strategy?
B Rhonda performs poorly in school yet is and extroverted students? A Mr. Randall stresses cooperation in his
good at problem-solving when it is in an area of A Temperamental classroom, especially in group assignments.
her interest. B Easy B Mrs. Simone thinks that students work
C Jonathan is an above-average student C Slow-to-warm-up best if they work independently rather than in
who has a knack for quickly and accurately D Difficult groups.
coming up with the answers. C Mr. Tamishi avoids criticism of students
D Sheila resolves problems in 18 To avoid using information about a in public, he'd rather express criticism in private.
interpersonal relationships through thoughtful student's intelligence in negative ways, teachers D Ms. Ohara thinks that cultivating long-
introspection. should _________. term relationships with parents and students is
A base their expectations of students on very effective.
11 Which of the following would be the IQ scores
best example of a surface style learner? B consider the students' intellectual 7 Weyne Hill High School has few
A Uses systematic reasoning and logic competence in a wide range of areas resources, a large number of students, lower
when making decisions C develop advanced curriculum to meet achievement scores, lower graduation rates, and
B Enjoys working in small groups rather the needs of students with high IQ scores lower percentage of students going to college.
than working alone D not gain access to students' IQ scores According to the information provided in this
C Evaluates and criticizes other people's scenario, where is Weyne Hill High School most
points of view Sociocultural Diversity likely to be located?
D Relies on intuition when solving A In a higher-income neighborhood
problems 1 Research suggests that people in all B In a lower-income neighborhood
cultures have a tendency to do all of the following C In a collectivist society.
12 Which of the following is the most except which one? D none of the above are correct.
accurate way to conceptualize learning and A Believe that what happens in other
thinking styles? cultures is unnatural and incorrect. 8 Which of the following teachers is using
A They are heavily dependent on B Behave in ways that favor their own a teacher strategy that is recommended for
intelligence. cultural group. students from impoverished backgrounds?
B They may be dependent on the content C Prefer to associate with individuals A Mrs. Rall is a disciplinarian; she thinks
domain. from different cultural groups. restricting freedom creates a good working
C They are reliably consistent across D Feel proud of their own cultural group. environment.
content domains. B Mr. Mesing disregards motivation as a
D You've either got them or you don't. 2 Which of the following strategies would priority; he thinks it does not effectively impact
be most appropriate in helping an individualist achievement.
13 A student who is emotionally stable teacher interact effectively with students from a C Mr. Amista teaches to improve
would most accurately be described as which of collectivist culture? thinking skills.
the following? A Emphasize cooperation rather than D Ms. Rysra looks for ways to bring in
A Careful, organized, and disciplined competition. guest speakers from non- impoverished
B Sociable, fun-loving, and affectionate B Encourage students to work backgrounds.
C Calm, secure, and self-satisfied independently rather than in groups.

9 Ms. Williams is reading over her observation and imitation of gender behavior. She classroom. All of the following suggests that
students' names as listed on her attendance is also aware of the reinforcement and classrooms are biased against girls EXCEPT
record. Although she has not met any of her punishment that she gives her students for __________.
future students because the school year will not gender behavior. She uses ________. A Boys demand more attention, while
officially begin until the following day, Ms. A psychoanalytic theory of gender girls are more likely to quietly wait their turn
Williams is already classifying some of her B cognitive developmental theory of B In many classrooms, teachers spend
students as being more intelligent, less gender more time watching and interacting with boys
competent, or more responsible on the basis of C gender schema theory while girls work and play quietly on their own
their ethnic names. What is Ms. Williams D social learning theory C Teachers often give boys more time to
engaging in? answer a question, more hints at the correct
A Creating a hierarchy based on genders 15 Susan and Jerry's teacher has noticed answer, and further tries if they give the wrong
B Creating ineffective teaching strategies that Susan, like most other female students in her answer
C Preparing for a collectivist teaching year class, enjoys establishing connections and D School personnel tend to ignore that
D Creating stereotypes based on negotiating when she is engaged in talking many boys clearly have academic problems
ethnicity relationships; whereas Jerry, like most other male
students in the class, prefers talk that gives 22 Evidence suggests that classroom
10 Mrs. Perez is a teacher at Springfield information. This is because __________ is usually environments are biased against boys because
Elementary School. She teaches academic preferred by females more than by males and _____________.
subjects to immigrant children in their native ___________ is usually preferred by males more A teachers tend to identify more girls than
languages, while gradually adding English than by females. boys as having learning problems
instruction. What type of teacher is Mrs. Perez? A sexism; gender stereotypes B teachers value behaviors such as
A A bilingual education teacher B rapport talk; report talk hyperactivity, which is typically associated with
B A special education teacher C report talk; rapport talk boys
C A regular classroom teacher D prejudice; discrimination C teachers are more likely to criticize
D A resource education teacher boys than girls and stereotype boys' behavior as
16 Thirteen-year old Diane is feminine and problematic.
11 Hugo and Javier are brothers whose nurturing yet assertive and commanding. Diane is D teachers are more likely to promote
parents moved to the U.S. from a Latin American demonstrating the concept of ____________. boys to the next grade than girls.
country a few years ago. Hugo is fourteen and A androgyny 23 Mrs. Williams' classroom is filled with
Javier is six. Although both boys can speak and B gender stereotypes books, posters, and other resources related to
write the English language, Hugo made faster C discrimination different American cultures. She communicates
progress than Javier initially. However, Hugo has D prejudice high expectations for all of her students,
more difficulty pronouncing the English accent, regardless of ethnicity or social background. Mrs.
and he scores significantly lower than his brother 17 Exposure to more family conflict and Williams is implementing effective teaching
on tests of grammar. What is likely to account for violence, less social support, polluted air and strategies for _____________.
the differences in language acquisition of these water, and inferior schools are factors A multicultural education
two brothers? representative of _________. B culture bias
A Javier is more motivated than Hugo and A high socioeconomic status C second-language learning
therefore learned the language better. B culture bias D mentoring
B Javier probably got more individual C gender discrimination
attention because he is the younger one. D an impoverished childhood 24 Mr. Newell's classroom displays pictures
C Hugo is older than Javier, and although environment of children from around the world and his
he can become competent at a second language, bookshelves contain a wide range of books and
it is a more difficult task than that of learning it 18 Parents in impoverished communities magazines. The majority of his students come
as a child like his brother. _________. from diverse backgrounds and one of Mr.
D Hugo probably has a lower IQ than A typically exhibit indulgent parenting Newell's class rules is that no child may be teased
Javier and thus cannot be as competent as his styles or excluded on the basis of race, ethnicity or
brother at learning a second language. B are less involved in their children's gender. Mr. Newell is implementing which kind of
school activities classroom curriculum?
12 Mr. Denosting wants to empower his C are equally likely to read to their A Anti-bias curriculum
students. Which of the following would he need children as their counterparts in economically B State curriculum
to begin doing in his classroom? advantaged communities C Emergent curriculum
A Better representing minorities and D rarely give their children access to TV D Subject matter curriculum
cultural groups
B Giving students the opportunity to learn 19 Although boys are more physically Learners Who Are Exceptional
about the struggles of different ethnic groups aggressive than girls, girls are more likely to
C Helping white and students of color engage in verbally aggressive behavior such as 1 Of children with disabilities,
develop multiple perspectives within their ___________. approximately what percent are considered
curricula A relational aggression mentally retarded?
D All of the above are correct B rapport talk A 6%
C report talk B 9%
13 Ms. Rogers asks her students to write D gender bias C 18 %
down their family histories so that she may D 23 %
include parts of each of the student's family's past 20 Gender-role critics believe that parents
in the class's history lesson. Ms. Rogers is should raise their children to be competent 2 A student with epilepsy will most likely
engaging in __________ education. individuals, not masculine, feminine, or display which of the following behaviors?
A minority androgynous. This view is known as _________. A Staring and/or convulsions
B culturally-relevant A gender denial B Complaining of nasal congestion and
C issues-centered B sex-typing earaches
D moral C gender equity C Difficulty learning to spell
D gender-role transcendence D Shaking and unclear speech
14 Mrs. Guenero is careful of the behaviors
that she exhibits in her class because she believes 21 Research shows that teachers
that gender development occurs through communicate differently with girls and boys in the

3 A student whose speech is hoarse, B visual impairment B Instructional technology
harsh, or too loud has which of the following C articulation disorder C Regular education technology
disorders? D voice disorder D Receptive technology
A Voice disorder E fluency disorder
B Language disorder 15 Hugo has been identified as being
C Fluency disorder 10 Tera finds it difficult to communicate gifted. What are the program options available for
D Articulation disorder with her peers and her teacher. She easily educating children who are gifted?
understands what they are saying to her but A Special classes
4 Hannah has difficulty working when she tries to communicate her response and B Acceleration and enrichment programs
independently. When asked to sit in her seat for express her thoughts she finds it very difficult. in the regular classroom setting
long periods of time, she frequently gets up to Tera is most likely to have ________. C Enrichment programs in the regular
sharpen her pencil, look out the window, or flip A expressive language disorder classroom setting
through books on the bookshelf. She does poorly B articulation disorder D Mentor and apprenticeship programs in
on repetitive tasks such as math drills. And she C receptive language disorder or out of the regular classroom setting or work-
rarely completes her homework. Hannah most D voice disorder study programs in the community
likely has which of the following conditions? E fluency disorder E All of the above are correct
A Mental retardation
B Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder 11 Mrs. Chiden has just been informed that 16 Rodney is on anticonvulsant medication.
C Down's syndrome she will have several students in her class next However he still has episodes in which he loses
D Dyslexia school year with learning disabilities. Mrs. Chiden consciousness, becomes rigid, shakes, and moves
can expect these students to all ________. jerkily. This episode can last a few minutes.
5 An enrichment program is a standard A have normal intelligence or above Rodney most likely has ________.
option for teaching which of the following groups B have difficulty in at least one academic A mental retardation
of children? area and usually several B autism
A Children with attention C have no other diagnosed problem or C attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
deficit/hyperactivity disorder disorder that can be attributing as the cause of D epilepsy
B Children with autism the disability.
C Children who are gifted D all of the above are correct 17 Most of the students who have been
D Children who are mentally retarded diagnosed with a learning disability have which
12 Mr. Sanders is concerned about one of type of disability?
6 Maria keeps rubbing her eyes during the his students. The student, Mateo, has serious and A Emotional disturbances
teacher's lesson, which takes place through the persistent problems concerning his relationships B Autism
use of an overhead. She also holds books close to with other students; he displays aggression and is C Hearing impairments
her face when she reads and she has even often out of control. Mateo displays signs of D Speech and language impairments
complained to her parents that sometimes things depression that can last up to several weeks, and
on a page appear to be moving around. Maria has he experiences fears that are often school related 18 To control their behavior, 85-90 percent
a _____________. and interfere with his learning. Mateo is most of children with ADHD _________.
A receptive disorder likely to be suffering from ________. A are placed in classes that emphasize
B expressive disorder A mental retardation rigorous physical activity
C visual impairment B attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder B are placed in environments with limited
D attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder C emotional and behavioral disorders structure
D sensory disorders C are taking stimulation medication such
7 Joey is once again not following as Ritalin
directions. The teacher notices that Joey usually 13 Ms. Meyers is a regular classroom D are placed in special education classes
has no problems following directions if he turns teacher who has just begun working with children
one ear toward her or if he asks several times to with special needs. Her principal has advised that 19 Which of the following statements is
have the directions repeated. Joey most likely has she be familiarized with the Individuals with true about students with ADHD?
one of these conditions: Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), since she will A Most physicians refuse to prescribe
A Visual impairment now be interacting with parents whose children medication for children with milder forms of
B Hearing impairment have special needs and she will have to create ADHD.
C Articulation problem individualized education plans (IEP). Which of the B The number of children diagnosed and
D Mental retardation following is not true and therefore not one of the treated for ADHD has increased substantially, by
items that Ms. Meyers will be learning about some estimates doubling in the 1990s.
8 A child in your class is identified as regarding IDEA's specific provisions that relate to C Girls are diagnosed with ADHD equally
being mentally retarded. In addition to having low the parents of a child with a disability? as often as boys.
intelligence, the child will also likely exhibit A Schools are required to send notices to D Although signs of ADHD are often
___________. parents of proposed actions. present in the preschool years, their classification
A Deficits in adapting to everyday life B Parents are not allowed to attend doesn't take place until the middle school years.
B Deficits with regard to social meetings regarding the child's individualized
responsibility education plans (IEP). 20 In 1975, Congress passed the Education
C Deficits in skills such as toileting, C Parents are allowed to attend meetings for All Handicapped Children Act. What does this
feeding, and self-control regarding the child's placement. law require?
D Deficits with regard to peer interaction D Parents have the right to appeal school A All students with disabilities receive
E All of the above are correct decisions to an impartial evaluator. homebound instruction.
B All students with disabilities receive life
9 Erin has problems pronouncing sounds 14 Mrs. Barone is using technology in her skills training
correctly and as a result, she avoids classroom to help children with disabilities C All students with disabilities placed in
communicating with her peers and is often function in the classroom environment. The separate, special education classes.
embarrassed by having to discuss anything with technology she is using consists of various D All students with disabilities given a
the teacher. Erin's parents have begun to take her services and devices that include communication free, appropriate public education.
to a speech therapist and Erin's speech is slowly aids, alternative computer keyboards, and
improving. Erin is most likely to adaptive services. What type of technology is Mrs. 21 The overrepresentation of minorities in
have____________. Barone using? special education programs has led to concern
A autism A Assistive technology among education leaders. The U.S. Office of

Education cites all of these as concerns EXCEPT D Punished by the teacher D Variable interval
A Students may be underserved or receive 5 Which of the following scenarios best 10 Every half hour or so, a teacher
services that do not meet their needs depicts "extinction"? compliments a certain student for staying in his
B Students may be misclassified or A Ivan used to bring his lunch to school seat and working quietly, unless the student fails
inappropriately labeled every day because his mother always praised to do so. This teacher is using which of the
C Special education classes are him for doing so. Now that she has stopped following schedules of reinforcement?
overcrowded praising him, he often forgets. A Fixed-interval
D Placement in special education classes B Ruby used to get very nervous when she B Fixed-ratio
may be a form of discrimination played her violin in public. She recently started C Variable-interval
practicing relaxation techniques prior to each D Variable-ratio
22 Children with disabilities can be placed performance, and now she usually feels calm.
in a variety of settings. Which of the following is C Heather forgot to take off her muddy 11 Which of the following best represents
the least restrictive environment? shoes at the door until recently, when her mother the social cognitive perspective?
A Regular classroom with supplementary posted a sign in the hallway. A The environment causes behaviors.
instruction D Dennis runs to the door when he hears B The environment and behaviors have a
B Part of time spent in a resource room a truck pull into the driveway because he knows reciprocal relationship.
C Special schools that his father opens the door within moments of C Behavior is the result of cognitive
D Homebound instruction when Dennis hears the sound of his father's car. factors, behavioral factors, and environmental
23 Lauren is a hearing-impaired student 6 Which of the following scenarios best D There is no relationship between the
who is receiving instruction in a regular second- depicts a punishment? environment, behavior, and personal
grade classroom. This approach to educating A A student answers a question correctly. consequences.
students with disabilities is called ___________. The teacher compliments the student. The
A collaborative consultation student continues to raise her hand to answer 12 The first step in self-regulated learning
B inclusion questions. is ________.
C special education B A student answers a question correctly. A goal-setting and strategic planning
D interactive teaming The teacher stops criticizing the student for not B monitoring outcomes and refining
paying attention. The student continues to raise strategies
Behavioral and Social Cognitive Approaches her hand to answer questions. C putting a plan into action and
C A student answers a question monitoring the plan
1 Learning is primarily the result of incorrectly. The teacher criticizes the student for D self-evaluation and self-monitoring
________. not paying attention. The student begins to pay
A development attention and starts answering questions 13 Kyle's third grade class is watching a
B experience correctly. presentation by local college students on how to
C innate abilities improve reading and writing skills. Kyle is excited
D socialization D A student answers a question about learning how to improve his reading and
incorrectly. The teacher stops asking the student writing skills. However, even though he paid close
2 Which of the following is the best to answer questions. The student starts paying attention to the presentation, and he remembers
example of classical conditioning? attention during class. all the tips that were shown and demonstrated,
A Harold gets hungry each morning about Kyle does not think that he has the skill that the
one half hour before lunchtime. 7 Ms. Santos is explaining geometric presenters have. In fact, he thinks that these tips
B Susan likes to chew gum during class angles, when she sees Stanley poke his pencil in are not ones that he would be able to apply.
because it helps her to relax. Sharon's arm. Sharon winces but does not say According to observational learning theory, which
C Isaac cries when he arrives at the anything. Ms. Santos immediately tells Stanley of the following processes is Kyle having difficulty
doctor's office because he usually gets shots that he has lost 10 minutes of recess. In this with?
near the end of each visit. scenario, Ms. Santos used a _________. A Attention
D Andrea takes the long way home after A positive reinforcer B Retention
school because she likes to avoid a busy B negative reinforcer C Production
intersection. C punishment D Motivation
D none of the above are correct
3 Ms. Alvarez has been teaching for 20 8 Mr. Elliot is walking around the learning 14 Mr. Rojas says "what great behavior
years. She has learned that it is best to structure centers in the room helping his students with Daniel is showing, he is standing quietly in line the
her class so that students complete the projects their activity. Jack tells Mr. Elliot that Jan is not way he is supposed to be." Soon, all of the third
and activities that they really do not like first; only doing her part of the work, in fact she is graders in Mr. Rojas class are standing in line
after completing these "disliked" activities can distracting them by telling them jokes. Mr. Elliot quietly like Daniel. Why did all of the third grade
they engage in the projects and activities that privately asks Jan to get to work and stop telling students imitate Daniel's behavior?
they do like. This is an example of: jokes or she will have to go back to her seat and A Because they were classically
A Negative reinforcement work independently. Jan does not cause further conditioned to do so
B Time-out problems in her group. In this example, Mr. Elliot B Because they watched Daniel, a model,
C Premack principle used__________, and it was __________. be positively reinforced for doing so and thought
D Punishment A punishment, ineffective they would be positively reinforced if they
B negative reinforcer, effective copied Daniel's behavior
4 Mr. Roberts, having to step out of the C punishment, effective C Because Daniel was negatively
class for a moment, tells Melody to watch the D negative reinforcer, ineffective reinforced by the teacher and they wanted to be
class. Melody begins to get teased by her negatively reinforced as well
classmates for being a goody-goody and the 9 Mr. Bristol hands his eighth graders an D Because they watched Daniel, a model,
teacher's pet. When Mr. Roberts returns, Melody agenda that tells them the due dates for all of be punished for doing so and thought they would
tells him that she does not ever want to be left in their assignments are exactly one month apart. be punished if they did not copy Daniel's behavior
charge of the class again. In this situation, Melody What type of reinforcement schedule did Mr.
was_____________. Bristol put his eighth graders on? 15 Ally just received an A on her spelling
A Positively reinforced by her classmates A Fixed ratio test. Her teacher, Mrs. Succo, compliments her on
B Negatively reinforced by her classmates B Fixed interval her achievement. Ally continues to do well on her
C Punished by her classmates C Variable ratio

spelling tests. This scenario best depicts 4 Which of the following scenarios best
a________. 21 As students in U.S. schools have become depicts elaboration?
A positive reinforcer more ethnically diverse in recent decades, A Jose memorized a list of spelling words
B negative reinforcer teacher demographics ________. for a spelling bee.
C punishment A have changed to reflect their students' B Kate and Sue brainstormed ideas for a
D none of the above are correct ethnic backgrounds poster.
16 Marchand is a first grader in Mr. Tobia's B are about 50% African American C Taylor practiced writing the numbers
class whose homework would sometimes end up C are primarily comprised of African and alphabet.
in the wrong bin. Mr. Tobia has decided to always American and Latino males D John thought about his vegetable
ensure that he reinforces Marchand for putting D are overwhelmingly non-Latino White garden when his class studied botany.
his homework in the bin labeled "Today's females
homework" and not in the other bins that Mr. 5 Which of the following examples best
Tobias has in the classroom. Marchand has been 22 Mr. Sanchez invites professionals from illustrates chunking?
placing his homework in the right bin every day. the local engineering company to serve as after A Georgia thinks of personal examples
In this scenario, what is Mr. Tobia's intention? school mentors. These mentors not only provide when learning about new concepts in science.
A To use generalization on Marchand academic help but also serve as positive role B Jodi classifies animals based on
B To use discrimination on Marchand models. This is an example of ________. common features and differences.
C To use extinction on Marchand A positive reinforcement C Adam uses symbols to represent words
D To use punishment on Marchand B observational learning that he has difficulty spelling.
C self-regulatory learning D Harold and Mohammed work together
17 Mrs. Renir tells her second graders that D classic conditioning when designing a telescope.
once they complete their reading assignment,
they may go and play on the computers. In this 23 Tanya is working on a book report that 6 Which of the following statements best
scenario, Mrs. Renir is using _______. is due the next day in school. She is talking to describes the nature of declarative memory?
A extinction herself saying, "This is a little confusing, but I A Karen applies knowledge to perform a
B generalization think I can do it. If I keep working, I know I'll get it certain task.
C premack principle done." This is an example of _______. B Scott recognizes a famous person.
D a schedule of reinforcement A observational learning C Natasha is able to provide specific
B social cognitive approaches to learning factual information about an event.
18 Mr. Mijuet had been consistently C the Premack Principle D Ivan recalls a specific event from his or
praising Talan for contributing comments in the D a self-instructional method her past.
class discussions. However, Mr. Mijuet has
noticed that Talan has become disruptive and that 24 Dillon agrees to stop pushing at the 7 . Multiple-choice questions assess a
his comments are frequently not pertinent to the drinking fountain. His teacher agrees to let him be student's ability to ________.
discussion that the class is having. Mr. Mijuet first at the drinking fountain Friday if he does not A recognize the correct answer
decides to ignore Talan's inappropriate comments push his peers all week. This is an example of B recall the correct answer
and behavior during class discussions and give ________. C construct the correct answer
him attention and praise only when his comments A contracting D explain the correct answer
are relevant. Talan's contributions to the class B prompting
discussion are no longer inappropriate. In this C a schedule of reinforcement 8 According to the decay theory, which of
scenario, Mr. Mijuet is using ________. D extinction the following is the cause of forgetting?
A shaping A Lack of schema
B prompts The Information Processing Approach B Disintegration of memory traces
C premack principle C Lack of initial encoding
D extinction 1 All of the following questions reflect a D Interference by new information
cognitive information processing approach,
19 According to Bandura, what is the except which one? 9 Mr. Abraham is having a guest speaker
concept of self-efficacy? A How do children get information into come into his first grade class to give his students
A The belief that one can master a memory, store it, and retrieve it? a lesson on space travel. The guest speaker is very
situation and produce positive outcomes. B How can teachers help children improve humorous and brought with her attention-
B The belief that one can change the their memory and study strategies? grabbing devices and pictures. Immediately upon
outcome of a situation by providing external C How do environmental factors the speaker's leaving, Mr. Abraham discusses the
consequences. influence the age at which a child learns to presentation with his class. He is puzzled to
C The belief that one can regulate crawl? discover that although the students enjoyed the
learning by becoming more aware of how it is that D What are the best strategies for helping presentation, they did not seem to know the
we acquire knowledge. children become better problem solvers? subject matter of the presentation. Most students
D Occurs when a person observes and could not recall what the guest speaker had
imitates someone else's behavior. 2 Which of the following scenarios best actually said. They did, however, remember all of
demonstrates automaticity? the unusual items that the guest speaker brought
20 Winston is very anxious when it comes A Margie knows that 3 times 4 equals 12 with her. In this scenario, why did Mr. Abraham's
to taking tests. He usually performs poorly on without thinking about it. class have trouble recalling the subject matter of
tests because of his anxiety and not his lack of B Jordan counts the number of apples in a the presentation?
knowledge. Winston's teacher has decided to basket. A Because the students lacked short-term
have Winston associate relaxation with taking C Kara practices how to print the memory
tests. She has Winston imagine a relaxing alphabet. B Because the students' attention was
situation and think of it a few days before the D Harry uses his fingers to add 5 plus 4. drawn away from the lesson by the interesting
test, the morning of the test, right before taking objects the speaker brought in to the class
the test, and finally while he is taking his test. In 3 Which of the following scenarios C Because the students do not have
this example, Winston's teacher is using which of presents the best example of encoding? memory traces
the following: A Tamara is writing a letter. D Because the students experienced the
A Generalization B Brian is practicing how to count. decay theory
B Systematic desensitization C Joan remembers her first day of school.
C Discrimination D Julie is listening to music. 10 Susan is excited about returning to
D Negative reinforcement school after summer vacation. Her first day of

middle school ended great, and once Susan is at remember the list of verbs and their A retrieval
home she begins to recall that day's events. conjugations? B encoded
Susan's memory of the day's events is A Organization C metacognitive
called__________. B Rehearsal D acclimation
A procedural knowledge C Elaboration
B chunking D Attention 21 Rehearsal is a strategy best used when
C episodic memory students need to ___________.
D semantic memory 16 Mrs. Isadora asks to see Toby during A generate examples of a concept
recess to discuss his last test performance. "Toby, B encode information for long-term
11 Brian, an eleventh grader, is taking his I want to know why you did not tell me that you memory
French exam. He prepared for this exam and he were having difficulties," Mrs. Isadora asks. "I C remember a list of items for a brief
knows the information; however, while taking the thought I knew that stuff. I always think that but period of time
exam Brian is having trouble recalling the then when I take the test I don't do so well," Toby D organize information
information because the teacher did not provide a replies. What is likely to be the cause of Toby's
word bank from which to choose the answer. problems? 22 The three types of memory that vary
Brian's forgetting is most likely due to ________. A Toby lacks metacognition. according to their time frames include all of the
A cue-dependent forgetting B Toby is exceeding the capacity of the following EXCEPT ________.
B interference theory sensory register. A sensory memory
C decay theory C Toby is lacking working memory. B semantic memory
D sensory register D Toby is employing organization. C short-term memory
D long-term memory
12 Ursula is taking an algebra exam and in 17 Mrs. Kily's ninth grade science class is
order to remember the order in which to perform learning the difference between the states of Complex Cognitive Processes
certain functions on the exam, Ursula aids her matter: solid, gas, and liquid. She tells them to
memory by writing down the word 'GRUMPY' on imagine the molecules in these states of matter as 1 All of the following are steps used in the
her paper. She smiles knowing that this will help Ping-Pong balls. Therefore she tells them to rule-sample strategy, except which one?
her reach the right answers. Ursula is using envision a solid as a group of Ping-Pong balls A Define the concept.
________. lumped together in a mass, a gas as all of those B Clarify terms in the definition.
A the method of loci Ping-Pong balls moving very fast over an area, and C Give examples to illustrate the key
B rhymes a liquid as those ping pong balls moving but features or characteristics.
C acronyms slower than they did as a gas. Mrs. Kily is helping D Do not provide additional examples, as
D keyword method her students remember by ___________. it confuses the students.
A Metacognition
13 Todd and Kimberly are seated opposite B Serial positioning effect 2 Theo is creating a __________, which is
one another getting ready to begin a game of C Construction of images a visual representation of a concept that is filled
Scrabble. Todd is 10 years old and Kimberly is 15 D Mnemonics with connections and hierarchical organizations
years old. Their camp counselor says to Kimberly, pertinent to each concept. Theo is including
"Now Kimberly, go easy on Todd, remember he is 18 Quinn tells his teacher that someone in examples and non-examples of the concept in
younger than you and there are differences in the class took his pencil while he was working order to gain a more sound understanding of the
memory ability between the two of you." with his reading group. He says that several concept.
However, much to Kimberly and the camp children have explanations for what happened to A hypothesis testing
counselor's surprise, Todd beats Kimberly at every his pencil and he would like her to hear them all. B concept map
game he plays with her. In fact, Todd has Although several of the children claim they saw C fixation
competed in Scrabble matches and has received what happened, they all have different versions of D prototype matching
awards and trophies. Todd's winning all of the the event. Nathan says that Ron took the pencil
matches against Kimberly was most likely because just like he took Nathan's eraser yesterday. Keri 3 Which of the following scenarios
________. tells the teacher that it was Ron who took the presents the best example of prototype
A Todd's intelligence was greater than pencil because he was sitting next to Quinn's desk matching?
Kimberly's at the time. Finally, Cecilia says that it was Teresa A Tyler is deciding whether an item is a
B Todd was probably cheating and who took the pencil and then gave it to Ron in member of a category by comparing it with the
Kimberly did not notice exchange for his multicolored pen. The students' most typical item(s) of the category.
C Todd was just lucky and Kimberly was various stories of what happened to Ron's pencil B Brianna is naming all of the non-
not are best accounted for by ________. examples of a concept.
D Todd was an expert in Scrabble and A schema theories C Joseph is writing all of the examples of a
Kimberly was a beginner B network theories concept on the board.
C encoding specificity principle D Jana is listening to the teacher list all of
14 Mrs. Right wants to ensure that her D expertise the defining features of a concept.
students remember the information she is
presenting in class today. Thus, after she is done 19 Experts do all of the following EXCEPT 4 Which of the following scenarios best
with the lesson, she begins a question and answer ________. depicts a student or students thinking critically?
period in which she asks the students to generate A approach new situations with the same A Abdul memorized a list of spelling words
personal examples of the concepts they just strategies for a spelling bee.
learned. What is Mrs. Right using? B detect meaningful patterns of B Felix and Sue are thinking reflectively
A Encoding information and productively, as well as evaluating the
B Elaboration C retrieve key aspects of their knowledge evidence.
C Retrieval with little effort C Gabriel and Todd are brainstorming
D Chunking D acquire extensive knowledge that is ideas for the class play.
organized in a manner that shows a deep D Martin is trying to think of all of the
15 Mr. Tyrell wants his tenth grade understanding of the subject examples of the concept "vegetable."
students to learn a list of Spanish verbs and their
conjugations by the following week. He tells them 20 Jake has difficulty in determining which 5 Which of the following examples best
to make sure that they memorize the list by the information is central to understanding a concept illustrates problem solving?
exam day. According to Mr. Tyrell's instructions, and which details are peripheral. This is an A Athena thinks of personal examples
what process are students most likely to use to example of the _________ stage of expertise. when learning about new concepts in geometry.

B Isabella classifies animals based on A subgoaling D Most highly intelligent students are very
common features. B hypothesis testing creative.
C Cheryl uses made-up symbols to C decision making
represent words that she is memorizing. D belief perseverance 18 Mrs. Daniels' students are building a
D Mona and Asha work together to find model of the rainforest in the classroom. They are
an appropriate way to attain a goal. 12 Mrs. Kombly encourages her students making trees using twisted, brown paper as well
to brainstorm, to be internally motivated, to be as a variety of tropical flowers and birds. What is
6 A type of formal reasoning that involves flexible and playful in their thinking. She is also Mrs. Daniels fostering in her students?
four parts, with the relation of the last two parts careful that she does not become overcontrolling A Concept mapping
being the same as the relation of the first two of her students. Mrs. Kombly is fostering B Problem based learning
parts is called ___________. ____________ in her classroom. C Convergent thinking
A an analogy A intelligence D Creativity
B deductive reasoning B decision making 19 Mr. Berman is moderating a classroom
C inductive reasoning C creativity debate about year-round schooling. Students in
D critical thinking D problem solving Group 1 are in favor of year-round schools and
Group 2 is opposed to year-round schools. Group
7 If a student has belief perseverance, 13 Ronald is very good at being able to 2 is sharing research that refutes the position of
which of the following would he or she most likely think about something in novel and unusual ways Group 1. A Group 2 student is passionately
display? and come up with unique solutions to the speaking against a point that was made by a
A A tendency to search for and use problem. This means that Ronald is Group 1 student. Which statement best describes
information that supports rather than refutes very___________. what is happening in Mr. Berman's classroom?
their ideas A good at problem solving A The students are engaging in a critical
B A tendency to falsely report, after the B good at analogies thinking activity.
fact, that he or she accurately predicted an event C good at thinking critically B Mr. Berman is in danger of losing
C A tendency to have more confidence in D creative control of his classroom.
judgment and decisions than he or she should C Students are being encouraged to give a
based on probability or past occurrence 14 Ronnie's history teacher has just given single, correct answer about year-round
D A tendency to hold onto a belief even an extra credit assignment consisting of a schooling.
in the face of contradictory evidence research project. Ronnie decides to assess her D Mr. Berman is pitting students against
current situation, which is that she has some each other and will ultimately undermine
8 Mr. Allport has shown his first grade possible ideas for this project. She then sketches friendships.
class four different shapes drawn on a large piece out a plan to reduce the difference between her
of poster board. He has secretly selected one of current state and the goal of doing the project. 20 When students are having fun in the
these shapes and he will now ask his students to She knows that she must now reduce the number classroom, _________.
develop educated guesses about what concept he of topic ideas down to one, research that idea by A they are less likely to absorb and retain
has selected. Students begin asking questions going to the library, and asking her uncle, who is a information
related to the different shapes and by eliminating historian, if he has any books on the topic. What B they are less attentive and less
non-examples, they will be able to identify what is Ronnie using to solve her problem? motivated to learn
concept Mr. Allport has chosen. In this scenario, A An algorithm C they are more likely to engage in
what is Mr. Allport's class taking part in? B Subgoaling disruptive and dangerous behavior
A Concept mapping C Means-end analysis D they are more likely to consider
B Analogies D Fixation creative solutions to problems
C Subgoaling
D Hypothesis testing 15 Mrs. Moran's geometry class is learning Social Constructivist Approaches
how to prove theorems. Mrs. Moran instructs
9 Swen is not excited about having to them on this concept and then will test her 1 Constructivism emphasizes that
read another Shakespearean play. He has already students in the same setting in which the concept individuals learn best when they ________.
read two of Shakespeare's plays and he concluded was learned. In Mrs. Moran's class, what type of A work in collaborative groups
from reading those two plays that he dislikes the transfer are her students involved in? B actively put together knowledge and
general nature of Shakespeare's plays. Swen is A Near understanding
engaging in ________. B Far C learn effective strategies for retrieving
A inductive reasoning C Low-road information
B deductive reasoning D High-road D solve real world problems
C critical thinking
D decision making 16 Mr. Vista always encourages his 2 Unlike Piaget's model of child
students to think about how they can apply development, Vygotsky's model emphasizes the
10 Alex and Brian are engaging in a information that they have already learned to a importance of social interactions in shaping
detective game in which they must gather and new context. What type of transfer is Mr. Vista children's knowledge.
sort through all of the clues in order to determine encouraging his students to do? A True
who has committed a crime. Alex and Brian are A Forward-rearing transfer. B False
engaging in ________ when playing this detective B Backward-rearing transfer.
game. C Near transfer. 3 Situated cognition is best described as
A inductive reasoning D Far transfer ________.
B deductive reasoning A thinking that is located in social and
C critical thinking 17 Which of the following statements physical contexts
D decision making about creativity is true? B a technique for changing the level of
11 Uma is trying to decide whether next A Creative students are able to generate a support over the course of a teaching session
year she should take calculus, which is considered single, best way to solve a problem. C a social constructivist program that
an advanced mathematics class for her grade B Students who are creative in math are encourages reflection and discussion through
level, or algebra II, which is the regular also creative in other disciplines such as language using adults as role models, children teaching
mathematics for her grade level. In making this arts, science, and the visual arts. children, and online computer consultation
decision, Uma is weighing the costs and the C Creative students think about things in D the importance of gleaning knowledge
benefits of this decision by creating a plus and novel and unusual ways. from different contexts
minuses list. Uma is using ________.

4 Three of the following teachers are B Grant is not feeling well today and is A Writing a book report about a novel
using scaffolding to help their students learn. having trouble staying on task. read aloud during class
Which one is NOT a good example of scaffolding? C Miranda's group is disagreeing over B. Creating an outline to summarize main
A Ms. Lilly gives her class some hints which topic to pursue and has reached a events studied during history class
about how to solve an especially difficult algebra stalemate. C. Writing a term paper about a topic studied
problem. D Miles is known for his lack of social skills during science class
B Mrs. Branson teaches a golf swing by and is not well liked by his peers. D. Writing an essay about a recent significant
gently guiding each student through the correct personal event
movement a few times. 11 Mrs. Little wants to use the Group
C Ms. Niles gives John a structure to Investigation method in her history class. Which 18. "Schools for Thought" emphasizes the
follow when he writes his first poem. of the following would be the best activity to importance of infusing real-world problems into
D. Mr. Johnson takes his students to the employ? the curriculum. Which of the following is an
computer lab. A Group members decide which historical example of a real-world problem appropriate for
figures they want to study and break up to meet academic content?
5. Cognitive apprenticeship is a tool that involves with students from other groups. A. How cities can reduce population
________. B. Groups decide which historical figure they B. The United States' role in reducing world
A. an expert stretching and supporting a want to study and delegate responsibilities for hunger
novice's understanding and use of a culture's initial legwork within the group before getting C. How to resolve a conflict of opinion
skills together to summarize the findings. D. All the above
B. a technique for changing the level of support C. Students work together at tables on teacher
over the course of a teaching session prepared worksheets. 19. Mr. Azaria is conducting a mock trial in his
C. a social constructivist program that encourages D. Each student signs up for a historical figure to social studies class to teach students about the
reflection and discussion through using adults as research at the library. judicial branch of government. This activity
role models, children teaching children, and exemplifies which of the following concepts?
online computer consultation 12. When a group member is given part of the A. Situated cognition
D. thinking that is located in social and physical material to be learned, becomes an expert on B. Scaffolding
contexts that material and then teaches it to others, this is C. Cognitive apprenticeship
called ________. D. Peer tutoring
6. Which of the following examples is the best use A. reciprocal teaching
of tutoring? B. jigsaw 20. On Fridays, sixth grade students spend one
A. Two students working on teacher-made C. student-teams-achievement divisions hour with kindergarten children. The older
worksheets D. group Investigation students help the younger children with math or
B. A parent volunteer assisting a student with reading work. Which of the following terms best
the alphabet 13. When heterogeneous cooperative groups are describes this example?
C. A parent volunteer circling the room to ensure formed, students of which ability level(s) are most A. The Jigsaw Classroom
students are on task. likely to feel left out? B. Cross-age peer tutoring
D. Both A and B are correct. A. High ability C. Group investigation
B. Medium ability D. Reciprocal teaching
7. Who might serve as effective tutors for C. Low ability
students? D. Both low and high ability 21. When composing groups of students for small-
A. Peers group work, teachers should ___________.
B. Volunteers 14. Mr. Weiss takes time at the beginning of the A. place students with their friends
C. Mentors school year to put students into groups to help B. create groups with diversity in ability,
D. All the above students become better listeners, get used to ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and gender
contributing to a team product, and get C. place students of the same ability-level in the
8. Which of the following is NOT true of peer experience with handling problem situations. Mr. same group
tutoring? Weiss is attempting to use ________. D. separate boys from girls
A. Using students of different grade levels to A. team-building skills
serve as mentors for students B. scaffolding 22. Which of the following conclusions is not
B. Alternating the tutor and tutee roles between C. cognitive apprenticeship true? To develop students' team-building skills,
students D. a collaborative school teachers should __________.
C. Delegating the responsibility of testing to A. help students to become better listeners
tutors 15. When working in cooperative groups, the role B. give students some practice in contributing to
D. Communicating to parents your use of peer of the praiser is best described as ________. a common product as part of a team
tutoring in the classroom A. Thinking about and evaluating the group's C. discuss the value of having a group leader and
progress different roles
9. Group rewards are essential for the effective B. Equalizing the participation of students in the D. let teams solve problem situations
use of cooperative learning. Which of the group independently
following is (are) good examples of group C. Helping with academic content
rewards? D. Showing appreciation for each student's Learning and Cognition in the Content Areas
A. Ms. Jackson recognizes winning teams in the contributions
class newsletter. 1. Constructivism emphasizes that individuals
B. Mr. Randall writes individual notes home to 16. Shanice is in charge of writing down ideas the learn best when they ________.
praise each student. group has and who is responsible for each task. A. work in collaborative groups
C. Mr. Wallace takes the time to praise each Which group role has she been assigned? B. actively put together knowledge and
student individually after class. A. Encourager understanding
D. Mrs. Chen raises each student's unit grade B. Recorder C. learn effective strategies for retrieving
with an improved test score. C. Materials monitor information
D. Reflector D. solve real world problems
10. Which of the following is an example of social
loafing? 2.Unlike Piaget's model of child development,
A. Ryan is not doing his work because he knows 17 Which of the following assignments is Vygotsky's model emphasizes the importance of
his group will complete it. most consistent with the social constructivist social interactions in shaping children's
approach to writing? knowledge.

A. True following is (are) good examples of group D. Showing appreciation for each student's
B. False rewards? contributions
A.Ms. Jackson recognizes winning teams in the
3.Situated cognition is best described as class newsletter. 16. Shanice is in charge of writing down ideas the
________. B. Mr. Randall writes individual notes home to group has and who is responsible for each task.
A. thinking that is located in social and physical praise each student. Which group role has she been assigned?
contexts C.Mr. Wallace takes the time to praise each A. Encourager
B. a technique for changing the level of support student individually after class. B. Recorder
over the course of a teaching session D. Mrs. Chen raises each student's unit grade C. Materials monitor
C. a social constructivist program that encourages with an improved test score. D. Reflector
reflection and discussion through using adults as
role models, children teaching children, and 10. Which of the following is an example of social 17. Which of the following assignments is most
online computer consultation loafing? consistent with the social constructivist approach
D. the importance of gleaning knowledge from A. Ryan is not doing his work because he knows to writing?
different contexts his group will complete it. A.Writing a book report about a novel read aloud
B Grant is not feeling well today and is during class
4. Three of the following teachers are using having trouble staying on task. B .Creating an outline to summarize main events
scaffolding to help their students learn. Which C. Miranda's group is disagreeing over which studied during history class
one is NOT a good example of scaffolding? topic to pursue and has reached a stalemate. C.Writing a term paper about a topic studied
A. Ms. Lilly gives her class some hints about how D.Miles is known for his lack of social skills and is during science class
to solve an especially difficult algebra problem. not well liked by his peers. D.Writing an essay about a recent significant
B. Mrs. Branson teaches a golf swing by gently personal event
guiding each student through the correct 11.Mrs. Little wants to use the Group
movement a few times. Investigation method in her history class. Which 18."Schools for Thought" emphasizes the
C. Ms. Niles gives John a structure to follow when of the following would be the best activity to importance of infusing real-world problems into
he writes his first poem. employ? the curriculum. Which of the following is an
D. Mr. Johnson takes his students to the A. Group members decide which historical figures example of a real-world problem appropriate for
computer lab. they want to study and break up to meet with academic content?
students from other groups. A .How cities can reduce population
5. Cognitive apprenticeship is a tool that involves B. Groups decide which historical figure they B.The United States' role in reducing world
________. want to study and delegate responsibilities for hunger
A. an expert stretching and supporting a initial legwork within the group before getting C .How to resolve a conflict of opinion
novice's understanding and use of a culture's together to summarize the findings. D .All the above
skills C. Students work together at tables on teacher
B. a technique for changing the level of support prepared worksheets. 19. Mr. Azaria is conducting a mock trial in his
over the course of a teaching session D. Each student signs up for a historical figure to social studies class to teach students about the
C. a social constructivist program that encourages research at the library. judicial branch of government. This activity
reflection and discussion through using adults as exemplifies which of the following concepts?
role models, children teaching children, and 12. When a group member is given part of the A. Situated cognition
online computer consultation material to be learned, becomes an expert on B. Scaffolding
D. thinking that is located in social and physical that material and then teaches it to others, this is C. Cognitive apprenticeship
contexts called ________. D. Peer tutoring
A. reciprocal teaching
6. Which of the following examples is the best use B. jigsaw 20. On Fridays, sixth grade students spend one
of tutoring? C. student-teams-achievement divisions hour with kindergarten children. The older
A. Two students working on teacher-made D. group Investigation students help the younger children with math or
worksheets reading work. Which of the following terms best
B. A parent volunteer assisting a student with 13. When heterogeneous cooperative groups are describes this example?
the alphabet formed, students of which ability level(s) are most A. The Jigsaw Classroom
C. A parent volunteer circling the room to ensure likely to feel left out? B. Cross-age peer tutoring
students are on task. A. High ability C. Group investigation
D. Both A and B are correct. B. Medium ability D. Reciprocal teaching
C. Low ability
7. Who might serve as effective tutors for D. Both low and high ability 21. When composing groups of students for small-
students? group work, teachers should ___________.
A. Peers 14. Mr. Weiss takes time at the beginning of the A. place students with their friends
B. Volunteers school year to put students into groups to help B. create groups with diversity in ability,
C. Mentors students become better listeners, get used to ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and gender
D. All the above contributing to a team product, and get C. place students of the same ability-level in the
experience with handling problem situations. Mr. same group
8. Which of the following is NOT true of peer Weiss is attempting to use ________. D. separate boys from girls
tutoring? A. Team-building skills
A. Using students of different grade levels to B. scaffolding 22. Which of the following conclusions is not
serve as mentors for students C. cognitive apprenticeship true? To develop students' team-building skills,
B. Alternating the tutor and tutee roles between D. a collaborative school teachers should __________.
students A. help students to become better listeners
C. Delegating the responsibility of testing to 15 When working in cooperative groups, B. give students some practice in contributing to
tutors the role of the praiser is best described as a common product as part of a team
D.Communicating to parents your use of peer ________. C. discuss the value of having a group leader and
tutoring in the classroom A. Thinking about and evaluating the group's different roles
progress D. let teams solve problem situations
9.Group rewards are essential for the effective B. Equalizing the participation of students in the independently
use of cooperative learning. Which of the group
C. Helping with academic content Learning and Cognition in the Content Areas

D. Neither approach was found beneficial helped to construct their own knowledge. What
1. A cognitive approach to reading that approach to science teaching is Ms. Mott's using?
emphasizes instruction in strategies, especially 8. Mr. Brians is teaching his students to read by A. Cognitive approach.
metacognitive strategies, is which of the emphasizing that they decode and comprehend B. HUMBIO.
following? words. He thinks metacognitive skills as well as C. Social approach.
A. Everyday mathematics general automaticity are important. What D. Constructivist approach.
B. Whole language approach approach to teaching reading is Mr. Brians using?
C. Reciprocal teaching A. A cognitive approach 15. Which statement best describes the
D. Transactional strategy instruction approach B. A social constructivist approach controversy in math education?
C. The whole language approach A. Educators currently debate whether math
2. Which of the following is a 4-year, problem- D. The interactive approach should be taught in the elementary grades.
based high school math curriculum that B. Educators currently debate whether math
emphasizes solving math problems in context? 9. Enrique is learning to read; his teacher should be taught online.
A. Connected mathematics program. understands the contribution of the social context C. Educators currently debate whether math
B. Interactive Mathematics Program. in helping children to read. Being that Enrique is should be taught using a cognitive, constructivist
C. Everyday mathematics. Hispanic, his teacher wants to be informed about approach or a practice, computational approach.
D. Interactive demonstration strategy. how much emphasis the culture places on D. Educators currently debate whether the NCTM
reading, and the extent to which his parents have math standards should be replaced with the
3. Mr. Perez is teaching in the field that seeks to exposed him to books before he entered formal standards used in Japan.
promote civic competence with the goal of schooling. Enrique's teacher wants to give him
helping students make informed and reasoned and all of the other students the opportunity to 16. Wiring a doll house, making replicas of boats
decisions for the public good as citizens of a discuss what they have read with the class. for a regatta, and dropping eggs are examples of
culturally diverse, democratic society in an Enrique's teacher is using__________ approach to __________.
interdependent world. What field is Mr. Perez reading. A. HumBio science curriculum
teaching in? A. a cognitive approach B. gender-based science activities
A. Mathematics B. a social constructivist approach C. drill and practice
B. Social studies C. the whole language approach D. a cognitive, constructivist approach to science
C. Science D. the interactive approach
D. Reading 17. Recent research in math shows that
10. Ty and Amy-Lynn are involved in a book club, __________.
4. Mrs. Treble is using a form of teaching in which which will involve peer learning and student-led A. teachers in the U.S. should emphasize basic
she initially explains strategies and then models discussions. In a book club, what is the role of the skills and formulas
how to use them in making sense of the text. teacher? B. teachers in the U.S. are less likely to assign
Then she asks her students to demonstrate the A. To serve as a guide but to give students math homework than teachers in most other
strategies, giving them support as they learn. responsibility for how the discussions will evolve countries
What teaching strategy is Mrs. Treble using? B. To remain completely uninvolved C. teachers in the U.S. are more likely to assign
A. Whole language approach C. To be completely in charge of the discussion, math homework than teachers in most other
B. Interactive demonstration strategy topics, and learning countries
C. Reciprocal Teaching D. The teacher is not present during book clubs D. assigning math homework has no positive
D. HUMBIO affect on students' overall learning and
11. Mrs. Shimm always has her students outline performance
5. Ms. Tesda thinks that the program developed and organize content information prior to
by Stanford University scientists in collaboration beginning their writing. She gives them feedback 18. According to the recent National Assessment
with middle school teachers, which integrates the for their efforts, which is beneficial because it of Educational Progress, in the fourth grade,
study of ecology, evolution, genetics, physiology, gives the students confidence. What approach to frequent calculator use was associated with
human development, culture, health, and safety is writing is Mrs. Shimm using? __________.
very effective. What program is Ms. Tesda A. Problem solving A. lower national achievement test scores in
referring to? B. Planning math
A. Transactional strategy instruction approach C. Revising B. higher national achievement test scores in
B. HUMBIO D. Metacognition math
C. Interactive demonstration strategy C. expert math knowledge in eighth grade
D. Reciprocal teaching 12. Ms. Rydell has her students learn about social D. full mastery of basic math skills
studies so that they will take what they learned
6. The interactive demonstration strategy helps and use it in school and also outside of school. 19. Mr. Anthony frequently invites local writing
students to ________. She stresses meaningful learning and thinking experts, such as journalists and authors, to his
A. construct meaningful strategies critically about values. What approach to social classroom. He also regularly schedules student-
B. integrate ecology, evolution, genetics, studies is Ms. Rydell taking? teacher writing conferences to discuss students'
physiology, human development, culture, health, A A cognitive approach writing. Mr. Anthony emphasizes _________.
and safety B A constructivist approach A. planning and problem solving in writing
C. work on everyday problems C The traditional approach B. the social context of writing
D overcome misconceptions in science in D The interactive approach C. a cognitive approach to writing
which the teacher introduces the demonstration, D. prewriting activities
asks students to discuss the demonstration with 13 Mr. Ortiz will be teaching social studies
the neighbors and predicts its outcome, and then in an elementary school. How is Mr. Ortiz likely to 20. The National Science Teachers Association,
performs the demonstration teach social studies? the National Council for the Social Studies, The
A. As an interdisciplinary course. National Council of Teachers of English, and the
7. Sam is excited about returning to school after B. As a focused single discipline. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics are
summer vacation. He will be learning to read. C. Integrated across several disciplines. all examples of _________.
According to research findings presented in your D. None of the above. A. online newsgroups
text, what approach is best to teach reading? B. professional development institutes
A. Whole language approach is best 14. Ms. Mott's ninth grade science class is taught C. teachers' unions
B. Basic skills and phonetics approach is best with an emphasis on discovery and hands-on D. professional associations
C. Both approaches were found to benefit laboratory investigation; thus her students are

21. In an effort to improve the literacy of its C. To make judgments about ideas or theories C. Problem-based learning
students, Washington Elementary School holds D. To remember information accurately D. Mastery learning
family literacy seminars for parents twice a
month. The seminars include English-as-a-Second- 7. Which of the following is a category of the 15. upporters of learner-centered instruction feel
Language classes and information about sharing affective domain in Bloom's taxonomy? it leads to students' _______.
language-related activities with children. This A. Application A. active construction of learning
program is an example of ________. B. Valuing B. positive self-esteem
A. character education C. Perception C. internal motivation
B. a social constructivist approach to reading D.Comprehension D. all of the above
C. reciprocal teaching
D. metacognitive strategies 8. Ojectives pertaining to reflex movements, basic 16. Mr. Stevenson has decided to create a
fundamental movements, perceptual abilities, location on the Web in order to post: contact
Planning, Instruction, and Technology physical abilities, skilled movements, and information, students' homework, upcoming field
nondiscussive behaviors pertain to which trips, and requests for parental involvement.
1.Ms. Alice must set instructional goals for her taxonomy? What has Mr. Stevenson created?
class, plan activities, prioritize tasks, make time A. Cognitive A. An e-mail address
estimates, and create schedules while remaining B. Affective B. A website
flexible. How would you characterize Ms. Alice's C. Psychomotor C. Electronic monitoring
activity? D. A wireless network
A. Planning 9. Which of the following characteristics is most
B. Prioritizing consistent with direct instruction? 17. Which grade level should be able to use
C. Creating a lesson plan A. It is a student-centered approach. keyboards and other common input, discuss
D. Scaffolding B.The classroom environment is typically common uses of technology in daily life, use
unstructured. technology tools (such as Web tools and
2. Teachers are attending a workshop offering C. Academic learning time is kept to a minimum. scanners), and use telecommunications and
strategies on establishing general content, D. The teacher expects students to reach high online resources?
creating basic curriculum sequence, and ordering levels of academic excellence. A. Prekindergarten — 2nd grade
and reserving materials. What might an B. Grades 3-5
appropriate title for such a workshop be? 10. Before Mr. Nielson begins his lecture, he C. Grades 6-8
A. Yearly Planning reviews the previous day's lesson, discusses its D. Grades 9-12
B. Term Planning relevance to the day's topic, and provides clear
C. Unit Planning instructions for students' work. Which behavior is 18 Which statement best describes an
D. Weekly Planning Mr. Nielson engaging in? effective teaching strategy for delivering lectures?
A. Orienting A. A Simplify the lecture focus and present a
3. According to Robert Yinger, which of the B. Lecturing single point of view.
following goals is recommended for term C. Explaining B. B Make the lecture interesting and
planning? D. Reciting motivate students' interest in a topic.
A. Establishing general content C. C Ask students to save their questions
B. Detailing of content in three-month segments 11. When using questions in the classroom, all of until after the conclusion of the lecture.
C. Developing a sequence of related and well- the following strategies are recommended, D. Avoid using visual aids as they distract
organized learning experiences EXCEPT which one? students from the lecture focus.
D. Laying out activities within the framework of A. Avoiding questions that can be answered
the weekly schedule with yes or no. 19 Knowledge, comprehension,
B. Using fact-based questions to lead into application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation are
4. Which of the following is the best example of a thinking-based questions. objectives from which of the following domains?
behavioral objective according to Robert Mager? C. Allowing plenty of time for students to think A Behavioral domain
A. Students will complete the test with 85% about answers. B Psychomotor domain
accuracy. D. Asking leading questions that suggest the C Affective domain
B. Students will correctly employ the "i" before desired answer. D Cognitive domain
"e" rule with 85% accuracy.
C. Given a 15-item teacher-made test, students 12 Advocates for the teacher-centered 20 Eric wants to conduct research about
will correctly employ the "i" before "e" rule with approach feel that it is the best strategy for dolphins on the Web. Which tool should he use to
85% accuracy. teaching _______. find information on the Internet?
D Given a 15-item teacher-made test, A critical thinking A. A search engine like Google or Yahoo!
students will complete the test with 85% B metacognition B. A wireless network
accuracy. C basic skills C. Instant messenger
D. high school students D. e-mail
5. Which of the following scenarios depicts
"application"? 13. The learner-centered principle described as 21. Which of the following statements describes
A. Melinda plants a garden after reading about "the goals of learning" refers to ________. the social inequities associated with technology?
how to grow plants. A. thinking creatively and critically A. Students from middle- and upper-income
B. Jerry identifies the assumptions of the theory B. making long-term and short-term plans families are far more likely to have
of the origin of the universe. C. improving self-esteem and appreciating one's computers at home.
C. Ingrid disagrees with her teacher's own talents B. Schools with high percentages of low-income
interpretation of a story. D. developing shared construction of important minority students tend to use computers for
D. Francisco learns about common features of all skills drill-and-practice exercises.
mammals. C. Boys are more likely to use computers for
14. Ms. Martha has students get into groups for math and science applications while girls are
6. Which of the following statements provides the their next activity. She instructs students to work more likely to use computers for word
best description of evaluation? with the paint provided at each table in order to processing.
A. To combine elements to create new find out how we get green paint. Ms. Martha is D. All of the above
information using which learner-centered strategy?
B. To break down complex information into A. Discovery learning 22. Mr. Noble frequently develops integrated
smaller parts B. Guided discovery learning curriculum units based on essential questions. His

students create charts on which they mark their C The nature of the environment in which
experiences in language and literacy, learning takes place. 9. Mr. Qintero has noticed that some of his best
mathematics, science, social studies, music, and D The student's internal motivation to students possess the belief that they are able to
art. Which of the following is the best example of achieve. learn class material, and they believe that they
an essential question? will be able to perform well in their school
A. Who was the first president of the United 3. Which of the following factors would most activities. Which of the following best describes
States? likely increase intrinsic motivation to learn as a these students?
B. How does a prism work? student progresses through the elementary to A. These students lack attributions.
C. What is the effect of World War I? high school years? B. These students are just very intelligent.
D. Does life exist on another planet? A. Increased emphasis on the importance of C. These students have a high sense of self-
getting good grades. efficacy.
23. Which of the following Bloom's Taxonomy B. Increased boredom as assignments become D. These students are completely extrinsically
objectives is most appropriate for encouraging more tedious. motivated.
students to think critically? C. Increased sense of being challenged at a
A. Knowledge level consistent with ability. 10. Patty usually does well on math tests;
B. Comprehension D. Increased feelings of isolation due to however, on the last unit test Patti did poorly. She
C. Application teachers' behaviors toward students. believes that her poor score was due to the
D. Evaluation teacher's asking difficult questions. She does not
4. Geraldo usually does well in history class, but think that the teacher asked fair questions. Patty
24. Numerous resources are available on the did poorly on a recent test. He believes that his thinks that since the teacher is biased while giving
Internet for teachers. What does The Educator's poor score was due to lack of sufficient studying. math exams she may not get a good grade in
Reference Desk provide? After all, he had a term paper due that same day math class this year. This view best represents a
A. Provides free, online information, articles, in science class, and had spent most of that week combination of which of the following causal
and research about a wide range of writing the paper rather than studying for the attributions?
educational topics. test. This view best represents a combination of A. External-Stable-Uncontrollable
B. Free access to online encyclopedias. which of the following causal attributions? B. External-Unstable-Controllable
C. Online professional development courses. A. External-Stable-Uncontrollable C. Internal-Stable-Uncontrollable
D. None of the above. B. External-Unstable-Controllable D. Internal-Unstable-Controllable
C. Internal-Stable-Uncontrollable
25. ________ involves learning one concept or D. Internal-Unstable-Controllable 11. Henrietta knows that the success of her math
topic thoroughly before moving on to a more group is dependent on which students, she, the
difficult one. 5. When faced with a difficult task, Marvin team captain, picks to be on her math team. She
A Mastery learning focuses on his abilities, or lack thereof. He tends wants to win the math group competition so she
B Discovery learning to feel overwhelmed by his own inadequacies and is determined to pick the students that she knows
C Guided discovery learning therefore has difficulty meeting the challenge. are good in math and will do well. She knows that
D Metacognition Marvin can best be described as which of the this is going to cause some problems since her
following? friends who are in this class will expect to be on
26. ________ are used at the beginning of a A. Performance-oriented Henrietta's team. However, Henrietta wants to
lesson to orient students and help them see "the B. Helpless-oriented win and therefore is only concerned with what
big picture" of what is to come and how C. Mastery-oriented she has to do in order to attain that goal.
information is connected to what they already D. Goal-oriented Henrietta can best be described as which of the
know. following?
A Visual aids 6. Mario is an eighth grade student whose older A. Performance-oriented
B Early assessment brother just dropped out of high school. Which of B. Helpless-oriented
C Advance organizers the following goals will most likely help Mario C. Mastery-oriented
D Essential questions improve his self-efficacy and sense of D. Goal-oriented
27. At the conclusion of a lecture, teachers should A I want to graduate from high school. 12. Ms. Argoal wants to improve students' self-
________. B I want to go to college someday. efficacy in her class. Which of the following would
A. tell students which parts of the lecture will C I want to be a doctor or a lawyer when I not be recommended for Ms. Argoal to do?
be on the test grow up. A. Teach specific strategies
B. select inattentive students to repeat key D I want to get an A in science this B. Guide students in setting goals
lecture points semester. C. Consider mastery
C. save students' questions until the next day D. Use only extrinsic motivation
D. summarize the main ideas and make 7. Which of the following scenarios best depicts a
connections to future lectures or activities student with "failure syndrome"? 13. Trey's teacher notices that he exhibits a
A. Freddie tries to answer questions, but pattern of having low expectations for success
Motivation, Teaching, and Learning frequently answers incorrectly. and a tendency to give up at the first sign of
B. Doug enjoys class discussions, but often gets difficulty. Trey does not put forth enough effort,
1. According to Maslow's hierarchy of motives, distracted by noise outside the classroom. often beginning tasks halfheartedly and then
which of the following needs must be satisfied C. Maya slumps in her chair when the teacher giving up quickly when he encounters a challenge.
before a person can attain esteem? is looking for someone to solve a problem at He also exhibits low efficacy and has problems
A. Safety the chalkboard. with his attributions. Trey is exhibiting ________.
B. Cognitive D. Andrea dislikes physical education class A. a need for affiliation
C. Self-actualization because other kids make fun of her. B. a performance orientation
D. Aesthetic C. the failure syndrome
8. Mr. Thetu is trying to reach uninterested or D. a social motive
2. The cognitive perspective on motivation alienated students and motivate them. Which of
emphasizes which of the following? the following should he not do? 14 The school year began just last week,
A The student's capacity for personal A. Work on developing a positive relationship. but Mrs. Rundra already knows that this school
growth. B. Make school more extrinsically interesting. year will be challenging. She has a large amount
B The teacher's ability to influence the C. Teach them strategies for making academic of students who are low achievers with low ability
student's behavior. work more enjoyable. who have difficulty keeping up and have
D. Consider a mentor. developed low-achieving expectations, students

with failure syndrome, and students obsessed different drummer. Although she has a few close B. of the differing school structures
with protecting their self-worth by avoiding friends, she is able to get along with many C. of different administrative organization
failure. All of the students described in this different types of people. Which term best D. they are not applied differently across
scenario can best be classified as being ________. describes Erica's mother? elementary and secondary schools
A. Discouraged students A. democratic
B. Students who are lacking a need for B. self-actualized 3. Mr. Gonzalez is having difficulty keeping
affiliation C. extrinsically motivated students on task. Which of the following
C. Students who are having trouble with their D. solution-oriented strategies will most likely increase academic
social contexts learning time in the classroom?
D. Students who are having trouble with their 19. Critics of Maslow's hierarchy of needs assert A. Remember that a good sense of humor is
social relationships which of the following? important.
A. Self-actualization is impossible to attain. B. Hold students accountable for their work
15. Mr. Lobos is discussing Jessica's motivation B. Students cannot satisfy their cognitive needs done during class.
with her parents at their scheduled parent- without first satisfying their love and C. Allow ample time for transition from one
teacher conference. Her parents want to know belongingness needs. activity to the next.
how they can positively affect their child's C. Safety needs should come first in the D. Interrupt class presentations when distracted
motivation and achievement. Mr. Lobos tells sequence, followed by physiological needs. by student misbehavior.
them that they need to know enough about D. It is not necessary to satisfy individual
Jessica to know the right amount of challenge and needs in the order specified by Maslow. 4. A teacher wants to have a class discussion on
the right amount of support. He also tells them current events in which all 23 of her students can
that providing a positive climate will help to 20. All of the following statements help to explain participate equally. Which of the following seating
motivate Jessica to internalize her parents' values the decline in intrinsic motivation in the middle arrangements would be most suitable for this
and goals. In addition, Mr. Lobos tells Jessica's and high school years EXCEPT _________. event?
parents that ________. A. Many teachers are more controlling just at A. Cluster style
A. their demographic factors are really the only the time when adolescents are seeking more B. Face-to-face style
ones that will be of more importance autonomy C. Off-set style
B. their close monitoring of her behavior and B. B Educators believe that it is important D. Seminar style
use of strict punishment is an asset for children to develop greater extrinsic
C. it is important to model motivated motivation, as they grow older 5. Students will most likely become self-reliant in
achievement behavior, such as persistence C. The teacher-student relationship becomes classrooms that are managed with which
and hard work more impersonal at a time when students strategy?
D. they should never exhibit any signs of failure are seeking independence from their parents A. Authoritarian
in the home so that Jessica does not imitate and need more support from other adults B. Authoritative
that behavior D. The increased emphasis on grades and C. Permissive
competitive comparisons at this time fuels D. Punitive
16. Amber is the most popular girl in her class. adolescents' natural self-consciousness
She is always surrounded by many friends and 6. Jerome has started his first day student
dates regularly. Amber likes all of the attention; in 21 Derek is working on a word problem teaching and finds that his cooperating teacher is
fact over the summers when her parents send her that involves a new algebra concept. Although he consistently aware of what is happening in the
to spend time with her relatives in another city, doesn't immediately understand how to solve the classroom, monitors students' behavior on a
Amber feels like something is drastically missing problem, he pays close attention to the teacher's regular basis, and responds to misbehavior before
from her life. Although, she loves her relatives, explanation and tries to relate the new problem it escalates. How would you describe Jerome's
she does not receive the peer attention that she to similar homework he finished the night before. cooperating teacher?
so craves. In fact, she can hardly wait to be back What type of achievement orientation does Derek A. With-it
with her friends. Usually as soon as she arrives in exhibit? B. Omnipotent
town she throws a party where she will embellish A. Solution orientation C. Punitive
about her summer trip in order to maintain her B. Helpless orientation D. None of the above
friends approval. Amber is displaying ________. C. Mastery orientation
A. a strong need for affiliation D. Performance orientation 7. Which of the following are recommended
B. a helpless orientation strategies for increasing academic learning time?
C. the failure syndrome 22. At the beginning of the school year, Latoya A. A Flip-flopping from one topic to another
D. an internal, unstable, and uncontrollable created a list. At the top of the list she wrote, "I B. B Maximizing transition time between
attribute want to finish reading a 100-page chapter book by activities
the end of the month." What type of self- C. C Avoiding dwelling on a topic once the
17. Mrs. Pfeist has read research that has found regulatory behavior is Latoya engaging in? point has been made
that students who feel they have supportive, A. Goal setting D. D Responding to distractions
caring teachers are more strongly motivated to B. Self-monitoring
engage in academic work than students with C. Extrinsic motivation 8. Rules and procedures should be _____ and
unsupportive, uncaring teachers. Mrs. Pfeist D. Peer modeling _____.
would like to ensure that her ninth graders know A. firm; punitive
that she cares. Which of the following is correct Managing the Classroom B. flexible; subjective
about teachers who care? C. reasonable; necessary
A. Teaches, even if students are not paying 1. In the current view of classroom management, D. set in stone
attention, so that they will know to pay the teacher is best viewed as which of the
attention next time. following? 9. When getting students to share and assume
B. Forgets students' names often because it is A. Guide responsibility in the classroom, teachers should
not as important as getting them to listen. B. Leader do what?
C. Makes an effort to make class interesting; C. Director A. Involve students in the planning and
teaches in a special way. D. Dictator implementation of classroom initiatives.
D. Does not try to help students so that they B. Accept reasonable excuses infrequently.
will get it on their own. 2. Classroom management principles sometimes C. Emphasize teacher control.
are applied differently in elementary and D. Have students develop the classroom
18. Erica's mother is very independent, creative, secondary schools because _______. management plan.
and seems to live according to the beat of a A. teachers are trained differently

10. Ms. Ryan offers students praise whenever 17. What are the three C's of classroom B. Determining whether a group of students
they show that they are on task. Ms. Ryan is using management? have met their teacher's objectives.
what management strategy? A. Caring community, calmness, and C. Comparing the students in one classroom to
A. Shaping consideration those in another.
B. Controlling the student's behavior B. Control, constructive conduct rules, and civic D. Evaluating the quality of a new educational
C. Reinforcement values program.
D. Prompting C. Cooperative community, constructive
conflict resolution, and civic values 2. The extent to which a test yields the same
11.Mrs. Alvarez had been having difficulty getting D. Cooperation, community, and civic duty performance when a student is given the test on
Tyrone to work in cooperative learning groups. So two different occasions is called ________.
she had started just putting him at the same table 18. Mr. Johnson wants to get the school year off A. alternate forms reliability
working among other students. When he did this to a good start. What can he do to make good use B. split-half reliability
reliably without getting into trouble, she asked of the first weeks of school? C. test-retest reliability
him to simply share the materials with students at A. He should remain at his desk so that D. concurrent validity
the same table. Now he can work in cooperative students don't feel over-controlled.
groups without getting into trouble. What is the B. He should give students games and puzzles 3. Which form of validity refers to the extent to
name for the strategy Mrs. Alvarez employed? and avoid "real" assignments. which a test measures the student's knowledge of
A. Shaping C. He should avoid talking about rules and a particular subject?
B. Controlling the student's behavior procedures so that students develop a A. Predictive validity
C. Reinforcement positive attitude about the class. B. Construct validity
D. Prompting He should give students opportunities to C. Concurrent validity
experience success with content activities. D. Content validity
12. For communicating with parents of students,
all of the following strategies are recommended 19. Mrs. Quincy teaches middle school science. 4 Sometimes Maya gets very high scores
EXCEPT which one? Her classroom includes an aquarium with fish, a on intelligence tests. Sometimes her scores are
A. Be an active listener. terrarium with an iguana, and a cage with a very low. And, from time to time, she gets an
B. Use a manipulative mode of hamster. The desks are arranged in groups of four average score for someone in her age group. In
communication. so that students can discuss science experiments Maya's case, the tests are best described as which
C. Make eye contact. and work together. Three different centers are set of the following?
D. Use "I" messages. up around the perimeter of the classroom, each
focused on a different area of science. Which of A. Both reliable and valid
13. Which of the following is the best strategy for the following best describes Mrs. Quincy's B. Reliable, but not valid
developing active listening skills? approach to classroom arrangement? C. Not reliable, but valid
A. Practice paraphrasing other people's A. She knows that arranging an engaging, D. Neither reliable nor valid
comments. interactive, and well-organized classroom
B. Practice criticizing people with different will contribute to positive student behaviors 5. What do supporters of state-mandated
points of view. and overall learning. achievement tests argue?
C. Practice offering advice to people who need B. She is wasting her time with classroom A. That such tests are one of the best ways to
it. decorations and should focus more on hold schools and teachers accountable for
D. Practice interrupting politely. seatwork. students' learning.
C. She is providing students with a chaotic and B. That such tests should include essay items.
14. Of the following modes of communication, distracting classroom environment. C. That such tests are not reliable.
which most accurately depicts one that is D. She is creating an impersonal classroom D. That such tests do not match the age-
manipulative? environment. appropriate curriculum.
A. Making demands in a hostile tone.
B. Allowing others to have their way while 20. COMP, Second Step, and Skills for Life are 6. Which of the following reasons is offered to
keeping your own feelings to yourself. examples of classroom management programs explain the poor academic performance of
C. Trying to make someone else feel sorry for that emphasize _________. American students, as compared to students of
you. A. punishment and negative reinforcement of other countries?
D. Stating your opinion directly and without inappropriate behavior A. Standardized tests taken by American
apology. B. conflict-resolution skills, anger students include more open-ended items
management, and empathy than do such tests taken by students of other
15. Linus is really upset with Janice. So Linus C. eliminating all conflicts countries.
confronts Janice and shares his displeasure and D. teacher-directed, authoritarian classroom B. Inadequate time spent on schoolwork.
says he doesn't want her to take his book environments C. American students spend more time doing
anymore without asking. In turn, he promises not homework than do students of other
to exclude her from working on his team. Which 21. To reduce bullying in schools, teachers should countries.
mode of communication is Linus using? do all of the following EXCEPT _________. D. American schools have smaller class sizes
A. Aggressive style A. form friendship groups for students who are than do schools in countries of comparison.
B. Manipulative style victims of bullies
C. Passive style B. hold regular class meetings to discuss 7. Which of the following is a measure of central
D. Assertive style bullying among students tendency?
C. develop a school program to "catch students A. Mean
16. Mrs. Henley makes sure to intermittently being good" B. Sample size
restate what students have to say when they D. provide swift and aggressive punishment to C. Standard deviation
come to her with a concern. She feels this is the bullies D. Range
most effective way to show students that their
concerns are important to her as well. Mrs. Standardized Tests and Teaching 8.Suppose 1000 students take a particular exam.
Henley is using what listening skill? Their scores follow a normal distribution and
A. Paraphrasing 1. A standardized test is least appropriate in range from 20 to 75. Of the following values,
B. Using "I" messages which of the following situations? which would most likely be the mean?
C. "You" messages A. Selecting students for entrance to a A.33
D. Synthesizing particular college. B.40

D.54 17. Mr. Capadro wants all of his tenth grade D schools that are labeled as
students to do well on the upcoming standardized "underperforming" must be closed if they do not
9.A group of students received the following test. Because more than 70% of Mr. Capadro's show improvement after five years
scores on a quiz: 44, 40, 40, 36, 35, 33, 33, 33, and students are minorities, what should Mr. Capadro
30. What is the mean? be most aware of? 22 Mrs. Williams learns that Jerome scored
A.33 A The controversy of the potential for in the 88th percentile for reading comprehension
B.35 cultural bias in standardized tests may require while Terrence scored in the 81st percentile. She
C.36 him to give his students alternative assessments. concludes that Jerome is a better reader than
D.37 B The controversy of the potential for Terrence. Mrs. Williams is most likely _________.
cultural bias in standardized tests may require A using test scores to place students in
10.A group of students received the following him to give them extra time to finish the reading groups
scores on a quiz: 44, 40, 40, 36, 35, 33, 33, 33, and standardized tests. B biased
30. What is the standard deviation? C The controversy of the potential for C a test scoring expert
A.3.34 cultural bias in standardized tests may require D overinterpreting test scores
B.4.47 him to let them take the tests a few times before
C.5.23 they are to be scored. 23 Mrs. Walker wishes to supplement
D.6.11 D The controversy of the potential for standardized testing with alternative assessments
cultural bias in standardized tests may require that emphasize real-world problem solving.
11. A person who gets the second-highest score him to give them a high-stakes test to determine Which type of assessment will meet Mrs. Walker's
of ten people taking an exam would be assigned whether or not they should take other tests. needs?
which percentile rank score? A IQ tests
A. 90% 18 Mrs. Dorafill wants to use standardized B portfolio assessment
B. 85% test scores from the end of the previous year in C short-answer exams
C. 80% planning her students' instruction for the next D true-false exams
D. 75% year. How can Mrs. Dorafill use standardized test
scores from the end of the previous year to plan 24. In recent years, schools, teachers, and
12. In a normal distribution, approximately what for the next coming school year? students have felt greater pressure to perform
percent of scores fall between the mean and two A. By using them to develop a very low or very well on state-mandated standardized tests.
standard deviations above the mean? high expectations for individual students. Potentially serious consequences can result for
A. 34% B. By using them to provide her with an low-performing schools, teachers, and students.
B. 48% indication of a student's general ability. For this reason, many teachers ___________.
C. 68% C. By using them to develop a very low or very A. incorporate state objectives into their
D. 95% high expectation for the entire class. classroom planning and instruction
D. By using them as the single indicator when B. generally spend more time teaching the
13. In a normal distribution, 99 percent of the grouping students. subjects tested
scores fall between which two values? C. are feeling pressured to teach a narrower
A. One standard deviation below the mean and 19. Ms. Lili just received her class's test scores in curriculum and lower-level thinking skills
the mean the form of standard scores. What type of scores D. All of the above
B. One standard deviation below the mean and could Ms. Lili expect to see on her class's results?
one standard deviation above the mean A a z-score 25. Intelligence tests and career placement tests
C. Two standard deviations below the mean and B a t-score are examples of ___________.
two standard deviations above the mea C stanine score A achievement tests
D. Three standard deviations below the mean D grade-equivalent score B aptitude tests
and three standard deviations above the mean E all of the above scores are standard C high-stakes tests
scores D norm-referenced tests
14 A z-score is an example of which of the 20. Mr. Jensen was told by his principal that the
following? scores of all of the students in his class formed a Classroom Assessment
A.Standard score normal distribution. Knowing this information,
B.Stanine what should Mr. Jensen expect with regard to his 1.Research suggests that teachers spend about
C.Grade equivalent students' scores? how much of their professional time dealing with
D.Percentile rank A That most of the scores were above the matters of assessment?
mean A.10%
15. A group of students received the following B That most of the scores were below the B.10-20%
scores on a quiz: 44, 40, 40, 36, 35, 33, 33, 33, and mean C.20-30%
30. What is the mode? C That most of the scores clustered D.30-50%
A.33 around the mean
B.35 D That his students' scores were not on a 2. Of the following activities, which is the best
C.36 bell-shaped curve example of pre-instruction assessment?
D.37 A. Look over students' prior grades in the
21. All of the following are facets of the federal subject of interest
16. Mrs. Brewtu is aware of the controversy No Child Left Behind act EXCEPT ____________. B. Ask students to clarify answers given during
surrounding standardized testing. In order to A by 2005-2006, teachers who are not class
ensure that her students' scores are reflective of considered "highly qualified" will receive a C. Monitor students' progress toward reaching
their performance, she ____________. reduction in pay or a warning of dismissal learning targets
A. gives them extra time to finish the B separate objectives are to be proposed D. Report assessment results for school-level
standardized tests for students who are economically disadvantaged, analysis
B. lets them take the tests a few times before students from ethnic minority groups, students
they are to be scored with disabilities, and students with limited English 3. Which of the following is the best example of
C. gives them a high-stakes test to determine proficiency formative assessment?
whether or not they should take other tests C by 2005-2006, states will be required to A. Observe students' nonverbal behavior to learn
D. gives her students alternative assessments give all students annual standardized tests in about their abilities and interests.
so she can determine how the standardized grades 3 through 8 B. Describe the extent to which students have
test scores compare achieved instructional goals and objectives.

C. Communicate students' strengths and D. Mrs. Clooney does not reread essays because
weaknesses to parents. she feels the initial response is always the 19 Ms. Hall is using a program on the
D. Identify difficulties that students are correct interpretation of a student's answer. Internet to input and monitor data about her
experiencing and offer advice. students' academic progress. Ms. Hall is using a
11. Which of the following item formats is an __________.
4. Which of the following questions is the best example of a performance assessment? A. web-based assessment
example of a thinking-based item designed to A. Multiple choice B. portfolio assessment
assess students' abilities to evaluate? B. Matching C. performance assessment
A. Give one example of a situation that C. True/false D. summative assessment
demonstrates Newton's first law of motion. D . Essay
B. Identify one weakness in the argument that 20. Mr. Kouta developed a rating scale for
deforestation will enhance the greenhouse 12. A best-work portfolio accomplishes which of evaluating his students' history dioramas. This
effect. the following goals? rating scale is called _________.
C. Were dinosaurs warm-blooded? A. Shows the student's growth during a given A. a checklist
D. Why do birds fly? school year B. an answer key
B. Shows the student's growth over a period of C. performance criteria
5. The extent to which an assessment is a several years D. a scoring rubric
reasonable sample of what actually occurs in the C. Shows a collection of the student's most
classroom is referred to as which of the outstanding work 21. Which of the following statements best
following? D. Shows the student's most outstanding piece describes current views about assessment?
A. content-related evidence of work A. A Assessment should be integrated
B. pluralistic assessment throughout the instructional process.
C. instructional validity 13. Which of the following describes a major B. Assessment should be implemented at the
D. item discrimination benefit of using portfolios as tools for conclusion of a particular lesson or unit of
assessment? study.
6. Reliability refers to the extent to which a test A. Opportunity to evaluate students' C. Assessment should only be implemented by
does which of the following? improvement teachers who are specially trained in the
A. Provides all students an equal opportunity to B. Simplicity of establishing criteria and areas of traditional and alternative
succeed. assigning grades assessments.
B. Provides equivalent scores for a diverse group C. Ease of comparing one student's work with D. None of the above.
of individuals. another student's work
C. Produces a consistent, reproducible measure D. Ability to treat skills in isolated contexts 22. The majority of Mr. Robinson's students are
of performance. from low socioeconomic backgrounds and have
D. Measures what it is intended to measure. 14. In Candace's third period algebra course, her little experience with the world beyond their
teacher uses grading to evaluate students in need neighborhoods. He is concerned about fairness in
7. When writing multiple choice test items for an of remedial work before moving on to the next standardized testing. Mr. Robinson feels that
exam, all of the following strategies are skill. Which purpose of grading does this meet? performance assessment should be used during
recommended EXCEPT which one? A. Administrative and after instruction to supplement standardized
A. Make sure that alternatives are grammatically B. Informational testing. This type of assessment is ___________.
correct. C. Motivational A. formative assessment
B. Use the exact wording as it appears in the D. Guidance B. objective assessment
textbook. C. pluralistic assessment
C. Make every effort to write the stem as a 15. When grading students, Mr. Lopez D. traditional assessment
question. consistently compares students' scores with that
D. Include as much of the item as possible in the of their peers. This is a good example of which 23. Mr. Riggles created a multiple-choice and
stem. standard of comparison? essay quiz for his students after they finished
A. Norm-referenced grading reading Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry. The exam
8.An item is considered poor if its item B. Criteria-referenced grading tested students on the main characters, plot,
discrimination index falls in which of the following C. Standards-based grading setting, and climax of the book. This type of
ranges? D. None of the above assessment is an example of a(n) ___________.
A.0 to .19 A. informal assessment
B.0.2 to .39 16. When reporting students' scores to parents B. summative assessment
C.0.4 to .69 through report cards, checklists of skills and C. formative assessment
D.0.70 to 1.0 objectives are mainly used in ________. D. standardized assessment
A. high schools
9. Which of the following are good examples of B. junior high schools
constructed-response items? C. upper elementary grades
A. True-false questions D. kindergartens and elementary schools
B. Matching items
C. Multiple-choice items 17. Mr. Woodward utilized electronic portfolios in
D. Essay items his literature class. What are examples of
materials he might have students include in the
10. Choose the most effective way to score essay portfolio?
questions from the following scenarios: A. Critical writing samples
________. B. Unit test scores
A. Ms. Elijah outlines a good example of an C. PowerPoint presentations
acceptable response before reading D. All of the above
students' essays.
B. Mr. Miles always reads through each 18. Aurbach's Cirady Profile, Hyperstudio, and
student's complete essays before moving Filemaker Pro are all examples of __________.
onto the next student's responses. A. portfolios
C. When Mr. Quan encounters an irrelevant or B. performance-based assessments
incorrect response, he puts them off to the C. electronic portfolios
side to deal with at a later time. D. electronic record-keeping tools


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