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Professional Education Child & Adolescent Development 3

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PRACTICE SET Child & Adolescent Development

51. He is responsible for the theory which recognizes the importance of developing multiple
a. Jean Piaget
b. Howard Gardner
c. Frederick Froebel
d. Sigmund Freud

52. The need to recognize and develop special sensitivity to language, thus helping the learners to
use the right word, phrase and/or graph to grasp new meaning refers to
a. visual intelligence
b. linguistic intelligence
c. feelings sensitivity
d. jargon
53. The sensitivity to tone and pitch, allowing one to produce musical scoring is intelligence in?
a. musical
b. verbal ability
c. quantitative exercises
d. qualitative analysis

54. Ones ability to do abstract reasoning and manipulate symbols refers to what type of
a. musical
b. personality identification
c. mental ability
d. mathematical-logical

55. The ability to perceive how objects are related in order to mentally perceive what is seen, thus
creating concrete visual images from memory refers to?
a. visual-spatial intelligence
b. musical
c. language
d. logical reasoning

56. The capacity to analyze ones feelings and thus be able to understand and be able to know the
motives of other peoples actions.
a. spatial
b. personal
c. logical

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d. diametric

57. The type of intelligence which enables a person to understand other persons feelings, behavior
and motivation.
a. emotional
b. spatial
c. social intelligence
d. quantitative and qualitative
58. The type of intelligence which characterizes actress, actors, mimes, dancers and people of the
a. bodily-kinesthetic
b. scientific
c. research
d. emotions
59. An emerging thrust in determining ones personality, whether pleasant or unwholesome, this
type of personality measurement is the wholesomeness of ones virtues, i.e., values, relationships
with other, adjustments to varying situations, behavior an motivations
a. emotional quotient (E.Q.)
b. intelligence quotient (I.Q.)
c. maladjustment personality
d. anticipated behavior
60. It is a measurement of personality which is the result by dividing the mental age by the
chronological age.
a. emotional quotient (E.Q.)
b. intelligence quotient (I.Q.)
c. multiple Intelligence
d. forecasted behavior quotient

61. The teacher must be aware that both heredity and environment represent complex factors,
exerting many specific influences on an individuals growth. Which of the following statements best
represents the influence of heredity and environment?
a. Heredity counts; environment is less important.
b. If the environment is changed, heredity becomes less important.
c. The relative influences of heredity and environment can vary widely in an
individuals growth.
d. In the long run, both tend to cancel each others influences
e. None of the above
62. Heredity has a part in determining intelligence. Which of the following statements support this

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a. Environment affects both fraternal and identical twins

b. Intelligence hinges in physical structures
c. Intelligence is determined partly by pre-natal nutrition
d. Identical twins are more alike than fraternal twins

63. Educators who contributed to the open education movement includes:

a. Neill and piaget
b. Kohl and kozol
c. Bruner and Silberman
d. All of the above
64. A childs social skills can be measured by:
a. direct observation and parent-teacher conferences
b. psychological test
c. adaptive behavior scales
d. A and C above
65. A teacher uses behavioral modification techniques in his classes. Which of the following student
behaviors would he find most difficult to change?
a. Aggressive tendencies toward classmates
b. Poor habits in organizing work materials
c. Interrupting a speaker
d. Abandoning a project before it is finished
66. Learning-disabled children most characteristically have:
a. low IQ
b. poor socio-economic backgrounds
c. an average level of intelligence
d. minimal brain damage

67. Which of the following is true about educable mentally retarded children?
a. Their IQ range between 50 and 70
b. They have short attention spans and experience difficulty in generalizing
c. Their reading, writing, and arithmetic skills cannot be improved
d. A and B above
68. Which of the following is characteristics of a dyslexic child
a. Mirror writing
b. listlessness
c. Below-average intelligence
d. Hyperactivity


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69. Primary reading retardation is presumed to be neurologically based, related to parietal lobe
a. Inability to relate sound to letter symbols
b. Inadequate auditory information processing
c. Left-right directional confusion
d. Speech aphasia

70. Students with secondary reading problems have capacity to read, but are non-readers because
a. auditory problems
b. congenital defects
c. visual-acuity impairment
d. environmental or emotional actors
71. If a teacher accepts Maslows theory on the hierarchy of needs, he or she will probably structure
objectives to:
a. meet both the physiological and intellectual needs of students
b. eliminate testing
c. eliminate extrinsic motivations
d. maintain a certain anxiety level for increased competition
72. The knowledge explosion has led to crowding more and more information into curriculum
courses. A likely result is that:
a. the textbook will no longer be the main instructional medium in many classes
b. the child may spend more time in school
c. the teacher may have to rely more on these multimedia materials
d. all of the above
73. During the learning process the teacher has most control over:
a. the learners
b. the learning environment
c. the learning process
d. the behavior of the learners

74. Which of the following conditions does NOT contribute to a climate psychologically suited to
a. The teacher acts like a real person.
b. The teacher makes all of the decisions about students learning activities.
c. The teacher accepts students as they are
d. The teacher shows trust in students decisions


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75. William Glasser advocates the frequent use of classroom meetings, with teacher and students
sitting in a small circle. Which one of the following types of discussion would NOT be appropriate in
such a setting?
a. An educational-diagnostic conference on the learning weaknesses of individual
b. An open-ended meeting for the purpose of exploring and discussing students ideas about
the curriculum
c. A social-problem-solving meeting to resolve teacher or student problems elating to the
school, the class, or any individual member.
d. A sensitivity-training meeting for the purpose of helping students ace their school-related
problems and learn how their actions can affect others


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