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Swot Analysis Workshop: Time Minutes

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8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
October 10, 2017
SD – 209, San Pedro College

Facilitator : Dr. Emily Joy M. Delgra

Participants : Administrators of the Institution
Documenter : Samantha Faye R. Moral

8:51 AM Dr. Noveno gives the opening remarks.
8:54 AM Dr. Delgra gives an introduction.
 The following offices will be reporting their output for the year:
Spirituality and Formation Center, E-Learning and IT Services, Laboratory
Department and Planning and Quality Assurance.
8:55 AM Director for E-Learning and IT Services, Ma’am May Tajon, gives her report.
 Since the last year, the office was renamed as E-Learning and IT services.
 The office has been making preparations to conduct an orientation for Blended
Learning Readiness such as looking for a speaker and getting the tools needed
for E-Learning. Blended Learning is a face-to-face instruction and once a
month, the instructor will give an online session to his/her students. The remark
for this is not yet accomplished since the orientation is not yet conducted. But
the office has already identified the steps to produce E-Learning services from
 The UPOU took 10 years to implement their E-Learning services and took
every 6 years to come up with a new version. They are already conducting 99%
online classes or full online classes.
 The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) model has also been brought up in
the presentation.
 The implantation of the E-Learning services will continue in the current school
year. Potential resource speakers for the E-Learning orientation have already
been identified.
 COMCEN has also proposed to conduct an assessment on readiness of faculty
for the E-Learning as the first step to implantation.
 In the area of HR personnel development, staff bonding activities to continue
our relationship in office has been proposed and remarked as not accomplished
due to the staff members’ different work schedule and availability. In the
previous years, it was successfully conducted but not last year.
 Attending trainings and seminars was remarked as accomplished. Mostly, the
staff attended seminars regarding new products and technologies but there no
trainings for skill updates.
 The staff was also encouraged to take a masters degree but only one of them
 In the area of IT support system, the update system is a priority and the new
update is available but not launched. Hopefully, during this current school year,
it will be launched.
 The WiFi monitoring connection is partly accomplished because the monitoring
is not conducted on a daily basis.
 GoWiFi is accomplished. It was installed last February and can be accessed in 5
areas with 30 minutes daily free data. Currently, there are two SSID in SPC.
One is the 30 minute free data and the other is a subscribed card. For continued
usage, the user must load their smart phones to access the data.
 Intensifying the school automate modules is partly accomplished because not all
modules are used.
 Annual inventory hardware and software are partly accomplished.
 Customer satisfaction survey is partly accomplished because the survey forms
are made but not yet distributed.

 How does the office intend to implement the Blended Learning plan in the
graduate school considering that the faculty’s technique is different from
Blended Learning? ANS: there will be a workshop to gauge how ready the
faculty is to that kind of technology. The goal is to create a manager system that
is user-friendly to all faculty members. There are also tools available in the
internet that can help the faculty.
 When the idea was introduced to the faculty, it was noted that schools are
heading in this direction. The faculty members find face-to-face sessions to be
lacking and having Blended Learning will reinforce the lessons to the students.
It would be good to have a comprehensive demo for the Blended Learning. This
delivery will be coming close to the learning style of the millennials.
 A program needs to be created that require the instructors to come up with their
course pack. It is expensive because the school will have to invest in equipment
and training such as in ODeL.
 There is a new program for other professors; a digital solution that is a
combination of a learning management system that is already also a course
pack. The pharmacy department is hoping to implement it next semester. There
are readymade videos and test banks that the professor can use and these
quizzes can be randomly sent to students.
 There is a need to revisit the program in order for us to be the first health school
to have it.
 How was the online defense it was online and it was good in September? ANS:
the defense went well. There is an improvement needed for daily online
conferences. It will start with Blended Learning. But there is a need for more
inputs and it calls for a research.
 There is an expression of gladness toward the improvements made by the office
but also a concern for the limitations of the internet. A lot of researchers are
spending money for WiFi outside because of the weak connection, and
therefore, the establishment of the WiFi should be stronger. ANS: Based on the
statistics of the loggers, there are three thousand users per day. The office is
planning to create a different logger for the faculty from the students and also to
reconfigure the system to make access easier for each faculty department.
 There should be an evaluation conducted since there are now cheaper DSL,
LTE, Fiber networks that can be availed for the same price as the previous
years. If the brands the school has today are not enough, then there should be a
better bandwidth accommodated.
 Is Ulas included there? ANS: Ulas has a bandwidth of 100MBPS but the faculty
is still complaining about the internet connection.
 Will separating the connection slow the internet down? ANS: No, it will not.
Because of the upgrades, the new system will allocate connection per access
point and area. It will not share the connectivity with other areas because it is
intended only for that access point.
 Regarding the bill for Bayantel, is it still an existing account? ANS: No, but the
finance is still paying for it. Because of the recent changes of provider, the last
bill will be paid this September and a new bill will be sent for October that will
depict the changes. Globe (phone line) and PLDT (WiFi) are still used. Ulas has
a separate connection.
 It’s been a month since the RT results were announced but there was no banner
in the website of the results. ANS: a banner will be uploaded in the website of
the results by the office as soon as able.
 RT articles may not have passed through MANCOMM needs to be checked by
the Executive Vice President.
 The article in the website regarding the essay writing regional competition did
not stress clearly who won the competition and did not depict the joy of the
school for the winners of the competition. Instead, the article seemed to have
put the competition in a negative light and did not deliver the appropriate
message. Even the pictures did not clearly depict the results. The HR director
accepts responsibility for this because she thought that the article has passed
through the deans.
 What is the appropriate protocol in regards to publishing articles? ANS: it
should be verified by the department and MANCOMM will give the signal to
publish it. The HR director suggested that the procedure should be included in
the manual. The nonacademic articles will be subjected to the same procedure
as the academic articles.
 Blended Learning helps the school decongest of students and leaves more
classrooms available. But it should be decided who will adapt to this new
system in order to arrange a proper schedule for face-to-face classes. The
schedule shouldn’t change so that the dates will remain the same, so, it is
important there should a syllabus so that the resources can be maximized.
9:42 AM Dr. Delgra synthesized the report and introduced the next reporter.
9:46 AM Director for Laboratories, Ma’am Helen Ancla, gives her report.
 Plan to upgrade lab facilities and equipment. The goal is to acquire state of the
art equipment but the equipment acquired had only been basic equipment. The
budget overshot. The office had P1.2 million for budget for 3 years but
P2.6million that was spent for equipment instead.
 There are requested equipments that were acquired in advance but there were
also equipments that were delayed.
 The Medical Laboratory Science department did not submit their request for
equipment yet.
 The refrigerated microcentrifuge is not yet acquisitioned. The budget for this
equipment is under the Biology department but it can be used by all
departments. It is capable of checking DNA and protein samples but it cannot
read them, so, the capacity of this equipment is limited.
 There should a meeting with all of the departments to decide as to what
equipment is needed by all departments to reduce cost such as a thermocycler.
 The office also need to identify which equipment will need to be calibrated and
when they need to be calibrated (either annually or every 5 years).
 Ensure annual acquisition of cadaver. The office has purchased 3 cadavers; 1
whole and 2 who were dissected from DMSF.
 Research is remarked as not accomplished. There is collaboration between the
office and the AS faculty in the conduct of research gearing towards toxic
emission of fumes this year.
 We started to accommodate teachers from other schools to use the laboratory
equipment and, so far, the office has accommodated 6 groups from UIC and
from DMSF and SPMC. P30, 000 was earned from this endeavor. Was there a
MOA? ANS: There was no MOA between the schools. There are only
formulated guidelines to the extent of the service provided by SPC. The office
accepted the samples but had not allowed them to do it inside the school. Only
supervisions were provided for the groups. The guidelines are how they will
assist the researchers to what extent the equipments will be used and what will
be the charges for the usage. Recently, there were also students from other
schools who requested to use the equipment but the office needs to prioritize
SPC students first.
 There is a need to transfer the waste room because of the physical changes
happening in the school but there is no available location of where it should be
 The office has also contributed to community engagement. Loot bags of
goodies were given to children of the CCEC community in Andap. P5,000
(taken from the personal pockets of the office staff) was produced as donation
to the people of Andap.
 To assist the departments in PAASCU is remarked as accomplished because the
documents and permits needed have all been passed. The office also facilitated
the renewal and preparation of report to regulating agencies such as PNP,
PDEA, PCSO, and DENR. There is also a need for seminars from PCSO. The
monthly and quarterly report for PDEA, DENR, and PNP are all complied.
 To improve the technical capabilities and attitudes towards work among the
staff, two seminars were conducted; one is conducted by Prof. Tesoro and the
other is conducted by the supplier of the equipment of SPLC.
 One of the personnel has extended his service to December but there is a need
to train new personnel.
 This year, the office has purchased plastinated cat, muscles, and organs.
Hopefully, the office will also be able to acquire a plastinated cadaver in the
future. In the Philippines, according to the supplier, only one medical school in
Bicol has a plastinated cadaver.
 Collaborate with Finance and COMCEN in setting up the system inventory is
ready but because of the demolition, this is put on hold and will be established
in the new location of the laboratories.
 There were a series of meetings debating the relocation of the laboratories in the
PL building.
 The office is also collaborated with constructing an animal research facility in
Ulas. An appointment was made for the director of the office to part of the
IAUC. If the animal research facility is not constructed, the school cannot
compete in research competitions or publish studies regarding animals. The
budget to create the facility has already been reduced from P7 million to P3.8
 Develop a waste management program (which is carried out by the PCO, PQA,
clinic, and director of laboratories)
 Since the school is using chemicals, some of the chemicals are going down the
drain or it creates fumes, it is suggested that the school can do its own
institutional environmental monitoring so that the school can declare that it is a
nontoxic environmental area.
 RAD Green is contracted to collect the biological waste. Is there are monthly
monitoring? ANS: There are but the samples are sent to UIC to conduct the
tests. It is suggested that it is possible to have the school’s own internal system
of checking its own waste. A committee can be formed to monitor the waste of
the school.
 The municipal waste is reported by kilogram monthly. There is no treatment
system to neutralize the waste. In the USA, it is collected every 3 years but in
Mindanao there is no one that can collect them.
 PCO is working with SPH but the problem is there isn’t sufficient space. The
space in Cabantian is already full because of the biological waste. Partly, it is
solved through RAD Green (sharp objects) but most of the waste is still in SPH.
 There should be an expert regarding the chemicals can react terribly with other
 During the next demolition, the waste room can be transferred to the ground
floor in case of an earthquake or any other calamities.
 How can the chemicals be disposed? ANS: DENR has no protocol for disposal,
only storing the chemicals.
 Why can’t we accommodate the chemicals to be transferred from somewhere
else? ANS: There was a plan to transfer this in Cabantian but there should be
permit for transportation and a permit for storage.
 The risk is growing with the chemicals kept in the school; the only solution is to
transfer it to another place aside from Cabantian. If the risk and the danger are
weighed against agricultural policies, can the school build a concrete storage?
ANS: Concrete is not allowed.
 How can the school move these wastes to another place? What is the school
supposed to do if there will be a fire or an earthquake? What will be the damage
inflicted? ANS: Each kind of waste has a different treatment, but these
treatments can also be harmful.
 In prudence, DENR may be able to appreciate that the safety of the students are
prioritized against the agricultural restrictions of Cabantian. ANS: The waste
will have to be transported in a rocky road which will be dangerous for the
chemicals. There should be a committee that can decide for these wastes.
 What about other schools, what are they doing with their waste? ANS: UIC
buried their waste which was alerted to the DENR. In Ateneo, it is also stored in
the 5th floor of their building.
 Even if it will be stored, it should be transported somewhere else. How will it
be transported? There should be a study on how to safely transport somewhere
else. ANS: There is already a list of requirements for permit and will be
reviewed for compliance. There are requirements which are difficult to comply
and will need to be reviewed. The danger needs to be evaluated regarding
storing the chemicals here in the school and will be a topic evaluated by
 A suggestion was made that why not do a microscale usage instead of a
macroscale usage. It will reduce waste and the cost of chemicals. The manual
should be changed/revisited.
10:55 AM Dr. Delgra synthesized the report. The next presenter is called.
11:05 AM Director for Spirituality and Formation Center, Sr. Zoselie T. Escolano, gives her
 To promote and start the implementation of the Dominican BOT is remarked as
not accomplished.
 To conduct orientation and reflection with at least 50% of the personnel.
 Strengthen existing and organize Small Caring Community. 80% of class
presidents were given an orientation. There are 40 small communities under the
 Institutionalize inter-faith/inter-religious dialogue.
 Celebrate Peace Week.
 Improve participation and enhance meaning in the celebration of sacraments.
 Active masses and retreats.
 Enrich spiritual journeys of among SPC through meaning full recollection and
retreats. There was a trainer who flew to train the staff how to do conduct a
 At least 6 recollection modules were redone.
 Involve and enrich curriculum for religious studies aligned with DSFP. There
were 3 colleges who were reviewed and questionnaires was distributed to the
RS faculty but still were not received back.
 Embark on research that is relevant to the DSFP. But there were no research
output produced, just a research agenda. There were 3 research topics that
 Sustain and enrich the formative value of community engagement. SPICE
provided Marilog school supplies and scholarship. There is a present proposal
with CES SOPs for CES activates and production of guides.
 Improve participation of personnel implementation of the DSFP. Established
partnership with HR office in the conduct of orientation of involvements. No
formal office to office talk done with clear agenda. At least 25 personnel
became part of the pool of formatters and have facilitated animation and
formation sessions.
 Volunteer evangelizers from employees and students committed to provide
assistance to the mission schools where PSC provides catechetical instructions.
 Sustain linkages in support of the DSFP. Improve spice information
dissemination and feedback mechanisms. There were FB pages that are no
longer regulated. The implementation should be based on the four pillars but
this is difficult to do.

 There were programs but there were no evaluation research.
 The dissertation should not be made as the institutional research of the office.
The director of the office has volunteered to do an evaluation research.
 There were no evaluations about the implementation. (ex. Did this help the
students pass the board exams?)
 How to combat bad news to the students regarding the religious authority? How
do we combat this fake news regarding the Catholic Church? ANS: It is
possible that maybe the advisors can monitor these behaviors. There can be an
orientation that these behaviors are not acceptable that these are not the right
behavior during religious gathering. There is a different belief that the students
need only be in masses because it’s compulsory. There should be small group
discussions. Small Caring Communities can have programs that are common to
 When we do masses, is this part of the limitation of pastors or priests? Can they
give encouragement or admonishment to the students? ANS: These behaviors
can stem from the basic education such as elementary so they grow up knowing
the proper behavior. It also starts with the family, if the parents do not set a
proper example to their children.
 There should be a suggestion to the priests that they shouldn’t admonish the
people but rather deliver this in a different manner. The commentator should
remind the children that the proper behavior should be observed during the
mass. The faculty of all departments should be spread out to observe behaviors.
 This problem is not just the problem of the institution; we cannot fully trust the
faculty to do these things because who will care if the members themselves
cannot do these things themselves? If the faculty themselves do not comply,
how can we expect them to observe the behavior of others? What about the non-
Catholics? ANS: These are the challenges of the heads of the departments.
 What do we do with personnel who defy the institutional activities? ANS: It is
in the policies and part of the responsibilities of the personnel that these policies
are adhered to. The Administrators should set an example to the personnel. The
admin should champion the policies.
 What if there are conflicting ideals and opinions between admin, what do we do
about it?
11:52 AM Dr. Delgra synthesized the report.
11:53 AM Morning reports synthesized.
11:58 AM Continue to PQA report while waiting for lunch.
Director for Planning and Quality Assurance, Dr. Emily Joy M. Delgra, gives her
 Objectives of the office are to be facilitative and initiate the inventory and
upgrading of manuals. The office is hoping to review at least 2 manuals. The
RPO manual was reviewed first but is now pending because of the Ethics
Review of the undergrad programs has been withheld and the implication of
that is the financial constraint. But it’s not a total cessation of the undergrad
research. The director of the PQA office is not in agreement with this because
these researches need to undergo Ethics Review. Therefore, this should be
further considered by MANCOMM. HR has taken the duty of reviewing the
manuals; therefore, the PQA office has transferred the responsibility onto HR.
 The office has extended to provide aide to Barangay San Miguel due to being
considered as a depressed community because children had to walk 4
kilometers to school and the office has decided to provide them with slippers.
The office did a rapid appraisal and then by the time the office decided that they
needed to give the barangay aide, another group has provided the community
with slippers and the leader has declined to accept the aide for now.
 Coordination with CADAC. The office has adopted 12 barangays in Agdao and
Buhangin (10,000 – 100,000 drug surrenderees). When these communities were
endorsed to CES, CADAC requested to Dr. Delgra to sit in the committee as a
clinical psychologist. There was a meeting with DepED and now moving on to
private schools to discuss drug abuse prevention. Drug abuse prevention is not
implemented in the school; only a forum is given, under the clinic according to
OSA. It is possible that if the office sits down with CADAC to discuss the
possibility to participate in the Drug Abuse Week. The forum for the SHS is
done. UIC conducted a project that started with 30 drug surrenderees and there
were programs made for them. When UIC tried to monetized for the drug
surrenderees and it reached to millions of pesos. P300,000 – P500,000 were the
estimated amount spent for the project. P11,000 per surrenderee and there were
30 surrenderees in total.
 During the time of the previous VPA, the office had been involved in Andap.
 Accreditation with PACUCOA. With the graduate school, the agreement is that
MS Psych is not yet ready to be accredited. There was only one graduate and
there were no board takers as of yet. Follow up on the plans to graduate school,
recommendations and the research proposals have already been forwarded to
the EVP. The direction of the school is to be a university, and for this to
happen, there needs to be 30 faculty members who are active in research. The
reality is that not everyone wants to do research. USEP has a policy for new
faculty member to do one research per semester.
 Conduct orientation for ISO certification. This November, the office will attend
a seminar for ISA and for now this is the priority. This is part of international
linkages and this will probably be removed in the next report.
 Strengthen culture of efficiency and culture of excellence.
 Drug free workplace/campus policy. This is implemented by the clinic.
 In research, the office defended a proposal; a comorbid of Substance Abuse
Disorder and Depression. This research is expensive so the deliberation was a
long process. It was suggested by CADAC if they can pass it on to DOST for
funding. The expenses totaled to P500,000.
12:18 PM LUNCH
1:52 PM Introduction:
What is SWOT? What it is about? What is a full blown SWOT?
 SWOT is a difficult process because it sheds light on issues that people would
prefer to hide.
 The goal is to create a clear picture of an effective future-oriented planning
process; to come up with a macro picture that the administrators see for the
The afternoon would be to determine the Opportunities and Threats.
 The participants will write down Opportunities in an orange post-it and the
Threats in a green post-it.
Dr. Noveno gives an additional input regarding SWOT.
2:47 PM Participants begin to write down what they perceive as Threats and Opportunities.
3:21 PM The processing of the Threats and Opportunities begins.
1. Regional economic uptrend (NEDA) 1. E-Learning environment
(gross domestic products are doing 2. Free college education in SUCs
very good) that will enable parents 3. CHED CMO 63 guidelines for local
to send their children to school off campus activities
2. Invitations for membership in 4. CHED’s regulation of tuition fees
international linkages 5. Establishment of new HEIs in the
3. Internationalization of education region
(ASEAN) 6. Transfer of faculty to public schools
4. Increasing demand for PT and abroad
professionals (local, national, and 7. Decrease in enrollment due to
international) transition period
5. Peace and order 8. Future government plan to tax the
6. CHED and private educational non-stock, non-profit educational
scholarships institution,
7. CHED’s new curriculum 9. Higher compensation/salaries from
8. Establishment of health care other schools
facilities 10. Hiring of new teachers for college
9. Free learning management system and SHS by school year 2018-2019
available in the market and beyond
10. Job opportunities abroad for SPC 11. Terrorism outside of Region XI
graduates 12. PSGs that are restrictive
11. Demand for use of laboratory 13. Fast changing technology
12. K-12 implementation
13. Availability of research funds from
14. CHED’s challenge to HEIs to
actively engage in research and
15. Influx of foreign students
4:33 PM Synthesizing the Opportunities and Threats
4:35 PM Closing Prayer


8:30 AM – 7:30 PM
October 11, 2017
SD – 209, San Pedro College

Facilitator : Dr. Emily Joy M. Delgra

Participants : Administrators of the Institution
Documenter : Samantha Faye R. Moral

8:47 AM Welcome remarks of Dr. Delgra.
Dr. Bernacer leads the prayer.
8:49 AM Presentation of the proposal for the intramurals
10:20 AM Snacks
10:44 AM Identifying the Strengths and Weaknesses
 SPC’s image as the best school in  Lesser budget (few students have the
health-related courses chance for national training
 Support from the alumni conventions)
 Quality of students (board  Innovative pedagogy
exams) and employees (years of  School infrastructure is not yet ready
service and turnover) for students and personnel with
 Open inter-religious admission disability
(respect and accommodation of  Higher level of accreditation (limited
faith practices) research output)
 Courses can admit foreign  Some inconsistencies and unclear
students (minimum level 1 policies
programs)  Unsystematic internal processes and
 Quality education at affordable communication
cost  Inadequate facilities and programs for
 Strategic location of the school foreign students
 Extensive experiential education  Less emphasis on Dominican identity
 Operation of the SHS at the main (spirituality, prayer, etc.)
campus due to the location  No protection of intellectual property
 Students are actively engaged in right
community development  Unattained, autonomous status
 Committed and experienced  No research publication since 2011
faculty  Inadequate doctorate holders for aligned
 Physical plant expansion specialization (university status)
 Organized and systematic  Unaligned academic qualification
disaster response team  Lack of determination for university
 Admission and retention policy status
 Proximity to clinical affiliating  No appropriate waste disposal system
center and agencies  Lack of valuing on the institutional
 SPC has its own base hospital culture (as a catholic school)
and school-based Community  Limited research output
health center  Lack of collaborative projects and
 Supportive administration researches with other schools
 Established relationship with  Absence of a workable succession plan
reputable affiliating agencies  Non-Master degree holders among
 Family-Spirit faculty
 Availability of expansion areas  Lack of Intellectual Property
 Conducive classrooms with LCD application
 Employability of graduates  Limited space, lack of student centers
 Updated learning resource  Difficulty/unwillingness to carry out
materials change
 Respect for cultural diversity
 Benefits of employees
12:00 PM LUNCH
1:46 PM Ice breaker: Baby Shark
2:00 PM Announcement from Sr. Zoselie regarding the retreat.
4:12 PM Strategies of the SWOT
1. With economic uptrend, with peace and order in the locality, sustain
quality education at affordable cost. Continue with SPC’s image as best
school in health-related course. Operate SHS at the main campus.
2. Engaging in pursuit of internalization of education, local, and foreign
students, who enroll in SPC, and who go through a culturally diverse
environment, complete degree programs and get employed, locally or
- Establish and adapt
3. With SPC’s image as the best school in health-related programs, with
committed and experienced faculty who give quality education at affordable
cost, provide extensive experiential education, to students. It’s going
through established admission and retention policy. In addition, to open
inter-religious admission, the school has conducive classrooms with LCD,
updated learning resource materials, and base hospital and school-based
community health center and established relationship with reputable
affiliating agencies.
- Continue to enhance current practices
- Work on other programs
- Build image of non-health programs
4. Sustain community engagement by both faculty students and NTP. Continue
pursuits of organized and systemized disaster response team and
establishment of health care facilities
5. With a supportive administration, who live in a community where family
spirit lives as shown in better benefits for employees.
1. Market SPC as an institution that provides Quality Education at AC
(recruitment, advertisement, multi-media, social media blast).
- Admission should identify and review values on marketing strategy
2. Create a clear-cut policy on local off-campus activities (with monitoring
3. Offer higher compensation and attractive retirement program.
- Sustain and maintain infrastructure
- Competitive compensation package
4. Increase attendance/participation in faculty development.
5. Intensify coordination with affiliates (within Region XI).
6. Coordinate with Local Government Unit for safety and security updates.
- Committee for Safety and Risk Reduction
7. Adopt utilization of e-learning technology.
8. Periodic curriculum audit; consultation with stakeholders.
1. Acquisition of more IT facilities.
- Prioritizing of items needed
2. Hire highly skilled faculty.
- Choose those who are experienced or familiar or open to the use of
new techniques (Blended learning, use of new technology, etc.)
3. Train/invest on personnel training and re-tooling.
- Capacity building of faculty and NTP
4. Prioritize application for intellectual property right (for our manuals).
- Ensure the originality of the documents and the manuals.
- LRC, PQA, and RPO will take charge.
5. Incorporate in the new building-provisions for persons with disability; and
student centers.
- Done
6. Review the budget allocation for student activities.
- OSA will take charge.
7. Prioritize student activities according to importance.
- OSA will take charge.
8. Review existing policies.
- Re-orientation of our personnel.
- On institutional practices
9. Do a talent development plan.
- Succession development plan
- HR will take charge
10. Link with other schools for collaborative projects and researches with other
- RPO, CES, and academic departments will take charge.
11. We wait for the conversion of our land in Cabantian.
12. Consolidate SPC manual of procedures.
13. Conduct basic evangelization seminar to all personnel.
- Part of Dominican spirituality formation program.
14. Re-orientation on our institutional practices.
- Mass, recollection, retreat
- HR + SPICE will take charge
15. Assess and evaluate Dominican spirituality formation program.
- Need for a written program
1. Strengthen research output through available funds from CHED. (minimum
30 research output per year)
- RPO will take charge
2. Require faculty to earn master’s degree/PhD, availing CHED/non-
government educational scholarship.
3. Allocate appropriate budget for students to attend national
- Academic department and OSA will take charge
- Not properly communicated to offices
- Create guidelines for students attending convention and prioritize
the activities
4. Adapt innovative pedagogy using international education system such as the
use of free learning management system.
- Go with the trend
- RPO and IT will do a research for e-learning
- Other sources of research funds
5. Collaborate with international universities/colleges in the field of instruction
like exchange program of professors and students, research collaboration
and publication.
- International linkages with Mae Fah Luang University (Nursing
6. Avail research fund from CHED to increase research output.
7. Allocate budget from increased enrollment to build PWD compliant
- For old buildings
- To be done in new buildings
8. Review existing policies on waste disposal system and other unclear
policies such as internal processes and line of communication.
9. Orientation and re-orientation on SPC’s vision mission and Dominican
10. Intensify compliance for autonomous status.
11. Involve foreign students in the student body organization.
- Need for services
- Incorporate in OSA plans
- Encourage a club for foreign students
7:02 PM Closing plans with the tactical plan for the next two school years
7:29 PM Closing remarks and final inquiries
Documentation prepared by Ms. Samantha Moral of the Research and Publications Office
Our deepest gratitude to Dr. Sam Migallos for sharing his staff with us.


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