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Second Year Chemical Engineering Syllabus

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II/IV B. Tech. 1st Semester

Maximum Marks
Code Instruction Periods per week
Subject Category Credits
Sessional External Total
Lecture Tutorial Lab Total
CHE 211 BS 3 1 - 4 40 60 100 3
Mathematics – III
CHE 212 Organic Chemistry BS 3 1 - 4 40 60 100 3
CHE 213 Engineering and ES 3 1 - 4 40 60 100 3
Strength of Materials
Basic Electrical and
CHE 214 Electronics ES 3 1 - 4 40 60 100 3
Chemical Process
CHE 215 PC 4 1 - 5 40 60 100 4
Organic Chemistry
CHE 216 BS - - 3 3 50 50 100 2
CHE 217 Engineering ES - - 3 3 50 50 100 2
Total 16 5 6 27 300 400 700 20

II/IV B. Tech. 2nd Semester

Maximum Marks
Instruction Periods per week
Subject Category Credits
Code Sessional External Total
No. Lecture Tutorial Lab Total
CHE 221 BS 3 1 - 4 40 60 100 3
Mathematics – IV
CHE 222 Momentum Transfer PC 4 1 - 5 40 60 100 4
Mechanical PC
CHE 223 4 1 - 5 40 60 100 4
CHE 224 PC 4 1 - 5 40 60 100 4
CHE 225 Engineering PC 4 1 - 5 40 60 100 4
Thermodynamics -I
Momentum Transfer
CHE 226 PC - - 3 3 50 50 100 2
CHE 227 Operations PC - - 3 3 50 50 100 2
Total 19 5 6 30 300 400 700 23

(Common for Chemical, Mechanical, EEE and ECE)

Credits: 3

Instruction: 3 periods & 1 tutorial / week Sessional Marks: 40

End Exam: 3 Hours End Exam Marks: 60

Course Objective:

The knowledge of Mathematics is necessary for a better understanding of almost all

the Engineering and Science subjects. Here our intention is to make the students acquainted with
the concept of basic topics from Mathematics, which they need to pursue their Engineering
degree in different disciplines.

Course outcomes: At the end of the course student will be able to:

1. Understand the concepts of Gradient, Divergence and Curl and finding scalar potential
function of irrotational vector fields.
2. Understand the concepts of Green’s, Stoke’s, Divergence theorems and evaluate their
related integrals like line, surface, flux.
3. Understand some basic techniques for solving partial differential equations.

4. Apply the knowledge of partial differential equations to various engineering problems.

5. Understand the characteristics, properties of Fourier transforms and gain knowledge in the
application of Fourier Transforms.


Differentiation of Vectors – Scalar and Vector point function – Del applied to Scalar
point functions - Gradient geometrical interpretations – Directional Derivative - Del applied to
vector point function – divergence - Curl – Physical interpretation of Divergence and Curl - Del
applied twice to point functions- Del applied to product of point functions.


Integration of vectors – Line integral – Surface – Green’s theorem in the plane –

Stokes theorem – Volume integral – Gauss Divergence theorems (all theorems without proofs) –
Irrotational fields .

Introduction – Formation of Partial Differential Equations – Solution of Partial

Differential Equations by Direct Integration – Linear Equations of the First order – Higher order
Linear Equations with Constant Co-efficients – Rules for finding the complementary function -
Rules for finding the Particular integral – Non- Homogeneous linear equations with constant


Introduction – Method of separation of variables – Vibrations of a stretched string-

Wave equation – One dimensional Heat flow - Two dimensional Heat flow – Solution of Laplace’s
equation.- Laplace’s equation in Polar Co-ordinates.


Introduction – definition – Fourier integral theorem - Fourier sine and cosine integrals
– Complex form of Fourier integrals – Fourier integral representation of a function – Fourier
Transforms – Properties of Fourier Transforms – Convolution Theorem – Parseval’s identity for
Fourier transforms – Fourier Transforms of the Derivatives of functions – Application of
Transforms to Boundary value problems – Heat conduction – Vibrations of a string.

Text Books:

1. Dr. B.S. Grewal, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, 43rd ed., Khanna Publishers,
New Dehli.
Reference books:

1. N.P. Bali et al, “A Text book on Engineering Mathematics”, 8th ed., Laxmi pub.(p) Ltd.,


2. H.K.Dass , “Advanced. Engineering Mathematics”, 1st ed., S. Chand, 2008.

3. Erwin kreyszig , “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 10th ed., wiley publishers.

4. Dr.M.K. Venkataraman, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, National Pub.Co., Madras.

Credits: 3
Instruction: 3 periods & 1 tutorial / week Sessional Marks: 40
End Exam: 3 Hours End Exam Marks: 60

Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on the basic concepts of organic chemistry.
2. To know the importance of stereo chemical approach of organic reactions.
3. To create basic idea on the mechanism of organic reactions involving reaction
4. To understand the industrial preparation methods of certain organic compounds and
their synthetic applications.
5. To create awareness on various applications of chemical reagents and biological
activity of few organic compounds.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1 Understand the basics of reaction intermediates and polar effects.
2 Design organic molecules in stereo chemical models.
3 Arrive at an idea on mechanism of addition and condensation reactions.
4 Meet the need to understand the industrial preparation of organic compounds at
various conditions.
5 Develop further organic applications using synthetic reagents and understand the
biological activity of few organic compounds.

UNIT-1 12 periods
Introduction to organic functional groups - IUPAC nomenclature and Isomerism. Organic
reactions – Types - addition, elimination, substitution, rearrangement, polymerization-examples.
Types of reagents- electrophile, nucleophile. Reaction intermediates & hybridisation-
carbocation, carbanion, free-radical, examples. Polar effects – Inductive effect, mesomeric effect,
electromeric effect and Hyper conjugation with examples; Acidic nature of carboxylic acid and
phenol; basic nature of Amines.

UNIT-2 10 periods
Stereosisomerism - definition - types. Representation of compounds – saw horse projection,
newmann projection, fisher-projection, wedge formula- examples. Conformational isomerism-
examples of ethane, n-butane, cyclohexane & potential energy diagrams. Axial & equatorial
bonds in cyclohexane - Examples of 1, 2 & 1, 3 interactions in substituted cyclohexanes.
Geometrical isomerism- Cis-trans & E-Z isomerism-sequence rules and examples. R & S
configuration- sequence rules-examples. Optical activity- chirality. Enantiomers, diastereomers,
mesomers, racemic mixture. Racemisation, Resolution of racemic mixture.
UNIT-3 12 periods
Industrial Preparations of Ethyl alcohol (molasses), Differences between alcohols- oxidation,
Lucas Test, catalytic dehydrogenation, victor-meyer test. Chemical reactions of phenols- Fries
rearrangement, Kolbes reaction , Reimar-tiemann reaction. Reactivity of carbonyl compounds.
Chemical reactions-Cannizaro, Aldol, Reformatsky and Wittig reactions, Perkin, Cope,
Knoevenagel and Pinacol-Pinacolone reactions, Differences between Aldehyde and Ketone.

UNIT-4 12 periods
Industrial Preparations of Acidic acid, chemical reactions- Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky reaction, Wolf
rearrangement. Functional derivatives of carboxylic acids- esters (acid & base catalyzed
hydrolysis of Ester, Claisen condensation), amides, (Hoffmann Bromamide reaction) and acid
halides (Rosenmunds reduction). Aniline preparation, differences between amines and chemical
reactions - Hoffmann elimination, Hinsberg test, mustard oil test, carbyl amine reaction. Benzene
Diazonium salts and Synthetic applications-coupling reactions, Schiemann reaction, Gatterman
reaction, Sandmayer reaction.

UNIT-5 10 periods
Aromaticity, Preparation, Properties and uses of – Five membered heterocyclic compounds-
Pyrrole, Furan, Thiophene, Indole. Six membered heterocyclic compounds- Pyridine, Quinoline.
Elementary idea on mode of action of sulpha drugs (Sulphanilamide, Sulphapyridene). Chemical
nature and Synthetic applications of LiAlH4 and OsO4.

Text Books:

1. Arun Bahl and B.S.Bahl, “Text Book of Organic Chemistry”, 21st ed., S.Chand, 2012.
2. Morrison & Boyd, “Text Book of Organic Chemistry”, 7th ed. Pearson, 2008.

Reference Books:
1. Jerry March, “Organic chemistry”, 6th ed., Wiley ind. (P).Ltd., 2012
2. I.L.Finar, “Text Book of Organic Chemistry” 7 ed., Vol.1&2, Pearson, 2011.
Credits: 3
Instruction: 3 periods & 1 tutorial / week Sessional Marks: 40
End Exam: 3 Hours End Exam Marks: 60
Course Objectives:

1. To provide knowledge on thermodynamic laws and their applications.

2. To impart knowledge on boilers and use of steam tables.
3. To provide knowledge on various types of IC engines.
4. To impart knowledge on stress and strain concepts.
5. To provide knowledge on stress relations in various types of shells.

Course Outcomes:

By the end of the course, student will be able to

1. Understand the application of thermodynamic laws.
2. Understand the use of boilers in industries.
3. Understand the concept of IC engines and their applications.
4. Understand the relation between stress, strain and various moduli.
5. Understand the design of thin and thick cylinders.

Part A: Mechanical Engineering

UNIT – I: Thermodynamics
Definitions, systems, classification of thermodynamic systems, cycle, and zeroth law of
thermodynamics, first law of thermodynamics, Second law of thermodynamics, Carnot cycle,
inequality of Classius-reversible Carnot cycle, entropy, general expression for entropy change,
entropy change of a perfect gas during various thermodynamic processes, air standard cycles,
Otto, diesel, dual combustion cycles.
UNIT – II: Boilers
Properties of steam and use of steam tables, Boilers, classification steam boilers, simple
vertical, Cocheran locomotive boiler, Babcock and Wilcox boiler, steam generation, Rankine

UNIT – III: IC engines

Classification-main composition of IC engines, carburetter, fuel pump injector, cooling systems
for IC engines, working of 2-stroke and v4- stroke petrol and diesel engines, power and
efficiency of IC engines.

Part B: Strength of Materials

UNIT – IV: Simple stress and strains

Hook’s law, stress strain curve for mild steel, stress in compound assemblies, thermal stresses,
Poisson ratio, relation between elastic modulus, Principal stresses and principal planes,
maximum shear stress and its plane.
UNIT – V: Thin and Thick Cylinders

Stress in thin cylindrical shells and spherical shells, stress in thick cylinders, compound
cylinders, pressure due to shrink-fitting.

Text books:

1. P.K.Nag, “Engineering Thermodynamics”,5th ed., Mc Graw Hill education, 2013.

2. V. Ganeshan, “Internal Combution Engines”, 4th ed., Mc Graw Hill education,2012.
3. Ramamrutaham, “Strength of Materials”, 18th ed., Dhanpati Publishing Company (P) Ltd.,

Reference books:

1. J.B.Jones and R.E.Dugar, “Engineering Thermodynamics”, 1st ed., PHI Learning, 2009.
2. R.K.Rajput, “A Text Book of Engineering Thermodynamics”, 4th ed. Laxmi Publications,
3. E. Popov, “Mechanics of solids” Prentice Hall, 1998.

Credits: 3
Instruction: 3 periods & 1 tutorial / week Sessional Marks: 40
End Exam: 3 Hours End Exam Marks: 60
Course Objectives:

To make the students to understand the basic concept of electrical and magnetic circuits,
principle and construction, operation of both AC&DC machines and apply them to some
practical applications. To make the students to understand the basic concept of Electronics
devices like Diode, Zener Diode and Transistor.

Course Outcomes:

CO1 Able to understand the basic concepts of electrical and magnetic circuits and
electromagnetic induction.
CO2 Able to understand the Construction details & Principle of operations of D.C
Machines, methods of Excitation, Starting methods of D.C Motor and applications.
CO3 Able to understand the AC circuit analysis and asses efficiency and regulation of
transformer with and without loading.
CO4 Able to analyzed the performance of Three phase induction motor, and Regulation
methods of Alternator, construction of synchronous motors
CO5 Able to understand the basic concepts of electronic components like diode, zener
diode and transistor.


Magnetic circuits & Electromagnetic induction: Definitions of magnetic circuit, reluctance,

magneto motive force (mmf), magnetic flux, simple problems on magnetic circuits, hysteresis
loss, Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction, induced E.M.F, dynamically induced E.M.F,
statistically induced E.M.F, self inductance, mutual inductance.

D.C. Machines: D.C generator principle, construction of D.C generator, E.M.F equation of D.C
generator, types of D.C generators, armature reaction, losses in D.C generator, efficiency,
characteristics of D.C generators, applications of D.C generators. D.C motor principle, working
of D.C motors, significance of back E.M.F, torque equation of D.C motors, types of D.C motors,
characteristics of D.C motors, applications of D.C motors, Swinburne’s test, losses and

A.C. circuits & Transformers: Introduction to steady state analysis of A.C circuits, single and
balanced 3 phase circuits, Transformer principle, EMF equation of transformer, transformer on
load, equivalent circuit of transformer, voltage regulation of transformer, losses in a transformer,
calculation of efficiency and regulation by open circuit and short circuit tests.

AC Machines: Induction motor working principle, construction of 3-phase induction motor,
principle of operation, types of 3-phase induction motor, power stages of induction motor,
efficiency calculation of induction motor by direct loading, Alternator working principle, EMF
equation of alternator, voltage regulation by Synchronous impedance method. Synchronous
motor principle of operation, construction, methods of starting of synchronous motor.

Principles of Electronics: Semiconductors materials, p-n junction, properties of p-n junction,
Semiconductor Diode, Zenor Diode, Transistor construction, operation and their configurations.

Text books:
1. V.K. Mehta, “Elements of Electrical Engineering & Electronics”, S.Chand & Co., 2010.
2. Robert L. Boyiestad, Louis Nashelsky, ”Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”11th ed.,
Pearson, 2015.
Reference books:
1. ‘A first course in Electrical Engineering’ by Kothari.
2. V.K. Mehta, “Principles of Electronics”,11th ed., S.Chand & Co., 2008
Credits: 4
Instruction: 4 periods & 1 tutorial / week Sessional Marks: 40
End Exam: 3 Hours End Exam Marks: 60
Course Objectives:

1. To master fundamentals of stoichiometry and gas laws.

2. To familiarize and to apply material and energy balance for various chemical
operations and processes
3. Utilize the knowledge of subject for better understanding of core subjects

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, student will be able to
1. Understand basic stoichiometry calculations.
2. Calculate composition of gases at various temperatures and pressure.
3. Understand the application of material balance on various unit operation and
4. Understand the application of material balance on various unit operation and
5. Understand the application of humidity to humidification and dehumidification

Unit – I
Stoichiometry and composition relationships
The gram-mole and pound-mole, limiting reactant, excess reactant, degree of completion, basis
of calculation, weight percent, volume percent and mole percent, density and specific gravity-
Baume and API gravity scales.

Unit – II
Behavior of ideal gases
Application of the ideal-gas law, Dalton and Amagat laws to gaseous mixtures, composition of
gases on dry basis and on wet basis.
Unit – III
Material Balances
Tie substance, yield, conversion, and processes involving chemical reactions, material balance-
calculations involving drying, dissolution, and crystallization, processes involving recycle,
bypass and purge.
Unit – IV
Energy Balances
Effect of temperature on vapor pressure, Antoine equation, vapor pressure plots, vapor pressure
of immiscible liquids, ideal solutions and Raoult’s law, non-volatile solutes.
Heat capacities of gases and gaseous mixtures- effect of temperature on heat capacity of gas,
Kopp’s rule, latent heats of fusion and vaporization, Trouton’s rule, Kistyakowsky equation for
non-polar liquids.
Standard heat of reaction - Laws of thermochemistry, Standard heat of formation, standard
heat of combustion, standard heat of reaction and their calculations, effect of temperature on heat
of reaction, adiabatic and non-adiabatic reactions, theoretical and actual flame temperatures.

Unit – V
Percentage saturation, relative saturation or relative humidity, dew point, vaporization,
condensation, wet and dry bulb temperatures, adiabatic vaporization and adiabatic saturation
temperature .

Text books:
1. David M. Himmelblau,”Basic principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering”, 6th
ed., Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, 1995.
Reference books:
1. Olaf A Hougen, K.M. Watson and R.A.Ragatz, “Chemical Process Principles, Part-I -
Material and Energy balances”2nd ed., CBS Publishers and Distributors, 1995.
2. K.V. Narayanan and B. Lakshmikutty, “Stoichiometry and Process Calculations”, 5th ed.,
Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd , 2006.
3. B.I. Bhatt and S.M. Vora, “Stoichiometry”, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Limited, New Delhi, 1996.
Credits: 2
Practical/week:3 Sessional Marks: 50
End Exam: 3 Hours End Exam Marks:50

Course Objectives:
1. To improve skills in synthesizing organic compounds using various chemical techniques.
2. To enable the students to analyze the functional group in the organic compound through
qualitative analysis.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Synthesize and analyze the properties and nature of the organic compound.
2. Use different types of solvents and reagents in analyzing the functional group of the
organic compound.

One step synthesis or Microwave assisted synthesis of organic compounds and determination of
melting point:
1. Phthalimide
2. Nerolin
3. Benzanilide
4. Aspirin
5. m-dinitrobenzene
6. Methyl Orange


Qualitative analysis for the identification of functional group in the organic compound:
1. Demonstration of Qualitative analysis
2. Analysis of Compound -1
3. Analysis of Compound -2
4. Analysis of Compound -3
5. Analysis of Compound -4
6. Analysis of Compound -5
7. Analysis of Compound -6

Prescribed book:-
Organic Chemistry Lab Manual prepared by Department of Chemistry.
Reference books:-
Vogel’s textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry, 5th edition, Pearson education.

Credits: 2
Practical/week:3 Sessional Marks: 50
End Exam: 3 Hours End Exam Marks:50

Course Objectives:
1. To improve skills in measuring the physical properties of a given sample.
2. To enable the students to familiarize with the load test and valve timing diagram.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Measure the physical properties of a given sample.
2. Perform the load test and draw the performance curves.

List of experiments:
1. Find the viscosity of the given sample of oil using Redwood viscometer-1
2. Find the viscosity of the given sample of oil using Redwood viscometer-II
3. Find the flash point of the given sample of oil using Abel’s flash point tester
4. To calibrate pressure gauge using standard pressure and standard weights
5. Draw the valve timing diagram of a 4-stroke diesel engine and port timing diagram of a
2-stroke petrol engine
6. Perform load test at full load, half load, ¼ th load on a 4-stroke Ruston engine and draw
the performance curves
7. Find the volumetric efficiency, isothermal efficiency of the given compressor
8. To determine the moment of inertia of a fly-wheel and shaft experimentally and compare
the values with the calculated values
9. To determine experimentally the calorific value of a gaseous fuel by using Junkers gas
10. To determine the modulus of rigidity of the material of the wire by torsional oscillators

(Common for Chemical and Mechanical)

Credits: 3

Instruction: 3 periods & 1 tutorial / week Sessional Marks: 40

End Exam: 3 Hours End Exam Marks: 60

Course Objective:

The knowledge of Mathematics is necessary for a better understanding of almost all the
Engineering and Science subjects. Here our intention is to make the students acquainted with the
concept of basic topics from Mathematics, which they need to pursue their Engineering degree in
different disciplines.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course student will be able to:

1. Understand, interpret and use the basic concepts: analytic function, harmonic function, Taylor
and Laurent series, singularity.
2. Familiarize the concepts of Finite Differences interpolation techniques.

3. Familiarize the concept and solving of differentiation and integration by numerical methods.

4. Examine, analyze, and compare Probability distributions.

5. Analyze the Statistical data by using statistical tests and to draw valid inferences about the
population parameters.


Introduction –Limit of a Complex function- Derivative of – Analytic functions-

Harmonic functions - Applications to Flow problems. Complex Integration- Cauchy’s Theorem-
Cauchy’s Integral Formula –Series of Complex terms (Statements of Taylor’s and Laurent’s Series
without proof ) - Zeros of an Analytic function .


Finite Differences – Forward differences – Backward differences – Central differences –

Differences of a Polynomial – Factorial Notation – Other difference operators – To find one or
more missing terms – Newton’s Interpolation Formulae – Central Difference Interpolation
Formulae - Interpolation with Unequal Intervals – Lagrange’s interpolation formula – Inverse


Numerical Differentiation – Formulae for derivatives – Maxima and Minima of a Tabulated

Function – Numerical Integration – Newton-Cotes Quadrature Formula – Trapezoidal rule – Simpson’s
One-Third rule, Simpson’s Three-Eighth rule.


Introduction – Basic Terminology – Probability and set notations – Addition Law of Probability –
Independent events – Baye’s Theorem – Random variable – Discrete Probability Distribution – Continuous
Probability Distribution – Binomial Distribution - Poisson distribution - Normal Distribution. (Mean ,
Variance , Standard Deviation and their properties without proofs).


Introduction – Sampling Distribution – Testing a hypothesis – Level of Significance –

Confidence Limits – Test of Significance of Large samples (Test of significance of single mean,
difference of means) – Confidence limits for unknown – Small samples – Students t-distribution
– Significance test of a sample mean – Significance test of difference between sample means –
Chi-Square ( ) Test – Goodness of fit.

Text Books:
1. Dr. B.S. Grewal, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, 43rd ed., Khanna Publishers,
New Dehli.
Reference books:
1. N.P. Bali et al, “A Text book on Engineering Mathematics”, 8th ed., Laxmi pub.(p) Ltd.,
2. H.K.Dass , “Advanced. Engineering Mathematics”, 1st ed., S. Chand, 2008.
3. Erwin kreyszig , “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 10th ed., wiley publishers.
4. Dr.M.K. Venkataraman, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, National Pub.Co., Madras.
Credits: 4
Instruction: 4 periods & 1 tutorial / week Sessional Marks: 40
End Exam: 3 Hours End Exam Marks: 60

Course Objectives:
1. To provide an understanding of fluid mechanics and its scope in the chemical industry.
2. To impart fundamental concepts in fluid mechanics with the knowledge of applying basic
quantitative laws and the equations of fluid flow.
3. To provide the basic knowledge on compressible fluids, pressure drop, friction factor,
Reynolds number and their relations in flow systems.
4. To provide an understanding about flow past immersed bodies and fluidization.
5. To acquaint knowledge on fluid moving machinery and flow measuring devices.

Course Outcomes:
After studying this subject, students would be able
1. To demonstrate their understanding of the basic principles of static and fluid systems.
2. To apply quantitative laws to hydrostatic and fluid flow problems.
3. To analyze the velocity distributions, frictional flow patterns in pipes and piping
4. To determine the pressure drop, velocities in packed and fluidized bed columns.
5. To analyze the performance aspects of fluid machinery specifically for pumps and flow
metering devices.

Basic concepts: Unit systems, units and dimensions, dimensional analysis – Rayleigh’s method,
Buckingham π theorem, equations of state, similarity.
Fluid statics: Nature of fluids, hydrostatic pressure, pressure distribution in a static fluid,
pressure measuring devices.

Fluid flow phenomenon: Types of fluids, concept of stream lines, stream tubes, viscosity,
rheological properties of fluids, turbulence, flow in boundary layers, its formation and growth in
tubes and on plates, boundary layer separation.
Basic equations of fluid flow: Mass balance, steady state energy balance, equation of motion,
momentum balance and Bernoulli’s equation with the correction factors.
Flow of incompressible fluids: Relation between skin friction - wall shear, laminar flow in
pipes, Hagen-Poiseuille equation, turbulent flow in pipes, velocity distribution equation, friction
factor, friction from changes in velocity or direction.
Flow of compressible fluids: Basic equations, Mach number, flow through variable area
conduits, adiabatic and isothermal frictional flow.

Flow past immersed bodies: Flow through beds of solids, motion of particles through fluids,
terminal velocity, fluidization, mechanism of fluidization, pressure drop in fluidization,
applications of fluidization.

Unit – V
Transportation and metering of fluids: Pipes, fittings, valves, positive displacement and
centrifugal pumps, fans, blowers and compressors, jet ejectors.
Flow measuring devices: venture meter, orifice meter, pitot tube, rotameter, notches and weirs.

Text books:
1. Warren L.McCabe and Julian C.Smith, “Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering”, 7th
ed., Mc Graw Hill, 2005.
2. R. K. Bansal, “ A Text Book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, 8th ed.,
Laxmi publisher, 2008. ( for topics Unit systems, units and dimensions, dimensional
analysis, notches and weirs )
Reference Books:
1. De Nevers N., “Fluid mechanics for chemical engineers”, 3rd ed., Mc Graw Hill.
2. J.M.Coulson, J.F.Richardson, “Chemical engineering”, 5th ed., Vol –I & II,, Elseveir,
3. Cengel and Cimbala, “Fundamentals of fluid mechanics”, 3rd ed., Mc Graw Hill Education,
4. R. K. Rajput, “ A Text Book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, 3rd ed., S.
Chand, 2002.
Credits: 4
Instruction: 4 periods & 1 tutorial / week Sessional Marks: 40
End Exam: 3 Hours End Exam Marks: 60
Course Objectives:
1. To familiarize with characteristics of solids, size reduction aspects, working of various
size reduction equipment and its operations.
2. To know about the different screening techniques and screening equipments and other
separation methods.
3. To understand the principles of filtration and the working of different filtration and
centrifugation equipments.
4. To understand the principles of settling of solids in fluids and sedimentation.
5. To understand the concept of agitation and mixing of liquids.

Course Outcomes:
After studying this subject, students would be able
1. To understand the working of various size reduction equipment.
2. To apply the screening techniques for different size separations.
3. To understand the operation of different filters and centrifuges.
4. To understand the industrial application of the equipment for settling and sedimentation.
5. To familiarize with the working of the equipments for agitation, mixing and conveying.


Characteristics of solid particles: shape, size, differential and cumulative screen analyses,
specific surface area, particle population, different mean diameters for a mixture of particles.
Principles of comminution: Laws of crushing, description and working of size reduction
equipment - jaw, gyratory and roll crushers, hammer mills, revolving mills, attrition mills, fluid
energy mill, cutting machines, equipment operations, open and closed circuit grinding, wet and
dry grinding, Grindability Index.


Miscellaneous separations: screening, industrial screens - grizzly, gyratory and vibratory

screens, revolving screens - trommels, capacity and effectiveness of screens, magnetic
separation, electrostatic separation, froth flotation.

Filtration: description and working of filtration equipment, plate and frame filter press, shell
and leaf filters, rotary drum filter, filter aid, centrifugal filtration, top suspended batch centrifuge,
theory of filtration, washing of cakes.
Motion of particles through fluids: drag, free and hindered settling, settling velocities,
classification, sink and float methods, differential setting methods - jigging and tabling, cyclone
separators, batch sedimentation, thickeners, flocculation, centrifugal sedimentation, gravity and
centrifugal decanters.
Agitation of liquids: power consumption in agitated vessels, mixing equipment for mixing of
solids and pastes, mixers for dry powders, mixing index.
Conveying: types of conveyors – mechanical, belt, chain and screw conveyors, elevators,
pneumatic conveyors, size enlargement.
Text books:
1. W.L. McCabe, J.C. Smith and P.Harriot, “Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering”, 4th
ed., McGraw- Hill.
2. J.H.Coulson and J.F.Richardson, “Chemical Engineering -Vol.2” 5th ed., Elsevier
Science, 2002 (for topics of trommels, magnetic separator, electrostatic separator and
froth flotation).

Reference books:
1. R.H.Perry, “Chemical Engineer’s Hand Book”, 8th ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co., 2007.
2. Brown et al., “Unit Operations”, 1st ed., CBS Publisher, 2005.
3. Badger and Banchero, “Introduction to Chemical Engineering”, 1st ed., McGraw-Hill,
2002. ( for conveying topic).
Credits: 4
Instruction: 4 periods & 1 tutorial / week Sessional Marks: 40
End Exam: 3 Hours End Exam Marks: 60
Course Objectives:
1. To familiarize with characteristics of instruments and their response, types of layouts for
the process instrumentation.
2. To know about the principles of expansion thermometer and thermoelectric temperature
3. To know about the principles of resistance and radiation thermometers.
4. To know the concept of composition analysis by various methods.
5. To know the measurement of pressure, vacuum, head and level, the principles and
equipment used
Course Outcomes:
After studying this subject, students would be able
1. To understand the functions, elements, responses of the various instruments and their
2. To know the working and use of various expansion and thermoelectric thermometers.
3. To understand the working and use of various resistance and radiation pyrometers.
4. To apply the various techniques for composition analysis.
5. To apply the various techniques for measuring pressure, vacuum, head and level.
Qualities of measurement: Measurement, functions and the elements of instruments, static and
dynamic characteristics, dynamic response of first order and second order instruments.
Process Instrumentation: Recording instruments, types of charts indicating and signaling
instruments, control center, different layouts, diametric control center.

Expansion thermometers: Temperature scales, constant-volume gas thermometer, pressure
spring thermometer, theory of volumetric and pressure thermometers, static accuracy of
thermometer and comparison of pressure-spring thermometers.
Thermoelectric temperature measurement: Thermoelectricity, industrial thermocouples,
thermocouple lead wires, thermal wells, response of thermocouples, the millivoltmeter,
nullpotentiometer circuits.
Resistance Thermometers: Thermal coefficient of resistance, industrial resistance thermometer
bulbs, resistance thermometer circuits, Wheatstone, Calender-Griffithus, double slide wire
bridges, nullbridge resistance thermometers, deflectional resistance thermometers.

Radiation temperature measurement: Introduction, laws of radiation, blackbody conditions

and devices, radiation receiving elements, radiation pyrometers, radiation receivers, photoelectric
pyrometers and optical pyrometers.

Composition analysis: Spectroscopic analysis, types, IR and UV absorption spectrometry, Beer
– Lambert’s law, mass spectrometry, gas analysis by thermal conductivity, analysis of moisture
in gases (humidity), psychrometer, hygrometer and dew-point methods, pH measurement, gas
chromatography, HPLC.
Measurement of pressure and vacuum: Pressure, vacuum and head, liquid column
manometers, measuring elements for gauge pressure and vacuum, indicating elements for
pressure gauges, electric pressure gauges, measurement of absolute pressure, measurement of
pressure in corrosive fluids.

Measurement of Head and Level: Density and specific gravity, direct measurement of liquid
level, pressure(level) measurement in open vessels, level measurement in pressure vessels,
density measurement.

Text books:

1. Donald P.Eckman, “Industrial Instrumentation”, Wiley Eastern Ltd., 2004.

2. R. Chatwal & Sham K. Ananad, “Instrumental methods of analysis”, Gurudeep Himalaya
publishing house (for topics of gas chromatography and HPLC).

Reference Books:

1. Principles of Industrial Instruments, Patrenabis, Tata McGraw Hill Inc,.


Credits: 4
Instruction: 4 periods & 1 tutorial / week Sessional Marks: 40
End Exam: 3 Hours End Exam Marks: 60

Course Objectives:

1. To provide knowledge on first law of thermodynamics and its importance.

2. To impart the relation between Pressure, Volume and Temperature.
3. To provide the relation between various heat effects and their temperature dependence.
4. To provide knowledge on second law of thermodynamics and its importance.
5. To impart knowledge on different balance equations and their usage.

Course Outcomes:

By the end of the course, student will be able to

1. Understand the application of first law of thermodynamics.
2. Understand the application of virial equations.
3. Apply the concept of heat effects on industrial reactions.
4. Apply the concept of heat engine and entropy and its applications.
5. Understand the application of balance equations on various equipments.


The first law and other basic concepts: Joule’s experiments, internal energy, the first law of
thermodynamics, thermodynamic state and path functions, enthalpy, steady-flow process,
equilibrium, the phase rule, the reversible process, constant-V and constant-P processes, heat


Volumetric properties of pure fluids: PVT behavior of pure substances, virial equations, the
ideal gas, application of the virial equations, cubic equations of state, generalized correlations for
gases, generalized correlations for liquids, molecular theory of fluids, second virial coefficients
from potential functions.

Heat effects: Sensible heat effects, internal energy of ideal gases, microscopic view, latent heats
of pure substances, standard heat of reaction, standard of heat of formation, standard heat of
combustion, temperature dependence of heat effects of industrial reactions.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics: Statement of the second law, heat engines,
thermodynamic temperature scales, thermodynamic temperature and ideal-gas scale, entropy,
entropy changes of an ideal gas, mathematical statement of the second law, the third law of
thermodynamics, entropy from the microscopic view point, Ideal work, lost work,
Thermodynamic analysis of steady state flow process.


Thermodynamic Properties of Fluids: Property relations for homogeneous phases, residual

properties, two-phase systems, thermodynamic diagrams, generalized property correlations for
gases, Thermodynamics of flow processes, Equations of balance, duct flow of compressible
fluids, turbines (expanders), compression processes.

Text Books:

1. J.M.Smith, H.C.Van Ness and M.M. Abbott, “Introduction to Chemical Engineering

Thermodynamics” 6th ed., McGraw-Hill International Editions, 2000.
Reference Books:

1. Y.V.C.Rao, “Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”, University Press (India) Ltd.,

Hyderabad, 1997.
2. B.F.Dodge , “Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”, McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
3. Michael M. Abbott and Hendrick C.VanNess, ”Schaum Outline of Theory and Problems
of Thermodynamics’”, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill education, 2013.
4. K.V. Narayanan, “A Text book of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”, PHI
publications, 2009.
Credits: 2
Practical/week: 3 Sessional Marks: 50
End Exam: 3 Hours End Exam Marks:50

Course Objectives:
1. To improve skills in measuring the flow rates.
2. To enable the students to familiarize with the different pumps.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Measure the flow rate by using different flow measuring devices.
2. Draw the characteristic curves of various pumps.

List of Experiments:

1. Identification of laminar and turbulent flows (Reynolds apparatus).

2. Measurement of point velocities (Pitot tube).
3. Verification of Bernoulli equation.
4. Calibration of rotameter.
5. Determination of orifice coefficient.
6. Determination of venturi coefficient.
7. Friction losses in fluid flow in pipes.
8. Pressure drop in a packed bed for different fluid velocities.
9. Pressure drop and void fraction in a fluidized bed.
10. To study the coefficient of contraction for a given open orifice.
11. To study the coefficient of discharge in a V – notch.
12. To study the characteristics of a centrifugal pump.

Credits: 2
Practical/week: 3 Sessional Marks: 50
End Exam: 3 Hours End Exam Marks:50

Course Objectives:
1. To understanding the measuring of the average size of the given sample.
2. To enable the students to familiarize with the different crushing and grinding units and the
concepts of equipment operation.
3. To understand the various separation techniques like screening, froth floatation and
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Measure the average size of a given sample.
2. Understand the working of different crushing and grinding equipment.
3. Apply various separation techniques for the separation of different components in a

List of Experiments:

1. To take a representative sample from a bulk by two methods, viz. Riffle and cone &
quartering and to find out the average size (volume-surface mean diameter) of the
2. To determine the time of grinding in a ball mill for producing a product with 80%
passing a given screen.
3. To verify the laws of crushing using any size reduction equipment like jaw crusher,
crushing rolls or ball mill and to find out the work Index {WI} of the material.
4. To compare open circuit and closed circuit grinding by means of a ball mill.
5. To determine the optimum time of sieving for a given sample of material.
6. To find the effectiveness of hand screening of a given sample by a given screen.
7. To find the screen effectiveness of a trommel.
8. To separate a mixture of coal into two fractions using sink and float method.
9. To separate a mixture of coal into two fractions using froth flotation technique.
10. To find the size analysis of a given fine sample using beaker decantation method.
11. To obtain batch sedimentation data and to calculate the minimum thickener area under
given conditions.
12. To determine the collection efficiency of a cyclone separator.
13. To determine the settling velocities of various particle sizes and densities.

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