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¾ Each processor in the 80x86 family has a corresponding

coprocessor with which it is compatible
¾ Math Coprocessor is known as NPX,NDP,FUP.
Numeric processor extension (NPX),
Numeric data processor (NDP),
Floating point unit (FUP).

M. Krishna Kumar MM/M4/LU10/V1/2004 1

Compatible Processor and Coprocessor
Processors Coprocessors
1. 8086 & 8088 1. 8087
2. 80286 2. 80287,80287XL
3. 80386DX 3. 80287,80387DX
4. 80386SX 4. 80387SX
5. 80486DX 5. It is Inbuilt
6. 80486SX 6. 80487SX

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Pin Diagram of 8087
GND 40 Vcc
(A14) AD14 39 AD15
(A13) AD13 3 38 A16/S3
(A12) AD12 4 37 A17/S4
(A11) AD11 5 36 A18/S5
(A10) AD10 6 35 _____ A19/S6

(A9) AD9 7 34 BHE/S7

(A8) AD8
8 8087 33 RQ/GT1
9 32 INT
AD6 10
AD5 11
30 NC
AD4 12
29 NC _
AD3 13
28 __ S2
AD2 14 27 __ S1
AD1 15 26 S0
AD0 16 25 QS0
NC 24 QS1
NC 18 23 BUSY

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Architecture of 8087

™ Control Unit
™ Execution Unit

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Block Diagram of 8087

0 register

INT 8-register stack, each has 80 bits to


tracking Floating point arithmetic module
AD15 - AD0 control
logic, Status Register 16 bit
A19/S6 __ A16/S3 instruction
queue Control Register

____ ____ 16 LBS of instruction address
____ ____0 4MSB inst address 0 11 LSB of op code
RQ/GT1 16 LSB of operand address
Ready 4 MSB of operand address 0
Reset vss
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Block Diagram of 8087
Control Unit Numeric execution unit

Control word Exponent bus Fraction bus

Status word
able shifter
Module interface
Micro control 68 Arithmetic
buffer unit module
16 64
Operand temporary
queue 16 register
Status Tag
Addressing 8 Register Stack
bus tracking
Exception 80 Bits
Address pointer 0
M. Krishna Kumar MM/M4/LU10/V1/2004 6
Control Unit

¾ Control unit: To synchronize the operation of the

coprocessor and the processor.
¾ This unit has a Control word and Status word and Data
¾ If instruction is an ESCape (coprocessor) instruction,
the coprocessor executes it, if not the microprocessor

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Status Register (cont..)
15 0


• C3-C0 Condition code bits

• TOP Top-of-stack (ST)
• ES Error summary
• PE Precision error
• UE Under flow error
• OE Overflow error
• ZE Zero error
• DE Denormalized error
• IE Invalid error
• B Busy bit
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Status Register (cont..)
¾ Status register reflects the over all operation of the
¾ B-Busy bit indicates that coprocessor is busy executing a
task. Busy can be tested by examining the status or by
using the FWAIT instruction. Newer coprocessor
automatically synchronize with the microprocessor, so
busy flag need not be tested before performing additional
coprocessor tasks.
¾ C3-C0 Condition code bits indicates conditions about the

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Status Register (cont..)
¾ TOP- Top of the stack (ST) bit indicates the current
register address as the top of the stack.
¾ ES-Error summary bit is set if any unmasked error bit (PE,
UE, OE, ZE, DE, or IE) is set. In the 8087 the error
summary is also caused a coprocessor interrupt.
¾ PE- Precision error indicates that the result or operand
executes selected precision.
¾ UE-Under flow error indicates the result is too large to be
represent with the current precision selected by the control

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Status Register (contd..)
¾ OE-Over flow error indicates a result that is too large to be
represented. If this error is masked, the coprocessor
generates infinity for an overflow error.
¾ ZE-A Zero error indicates the divisor was zero while the
dividend is a non-infinity or non-zero number.
¾ DE-Denormalized error indicates at least one of the
operand is denormalized.
¾ IE-Invalid error indicates a stack overflow or underflow,
indeterminate from (0/0,0,-0, etc) or the use of a NAN as
an operand. This flag indicates error such as those
produced by taking the square root of a negative number.

M. Krishna Kumar MM/M4/LU10/V1/2004 11

Control Register

¾ Control register selects precision, rounding control,

infinity control.
¾ It also masks an unmasks the exception bits that
correspond to the rightmost Six bits of status register.
¾ Instruction FLDCW is used to load the value into the
control register.

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Control Register
15 0


• IC Infinity control
• RC Rounding control
• PC Precision control
• PM Precision control
• UM Underflow mask
• OM Overflow mask
• ZM Division by zero mask
• DM Denormalized operand mask
• IM Invalid operand mask

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Control Register (cont..)
¾ IC –Infinity control selects INFINITY CONTROL
either affine or projective
infinity. Affine allows 0 = Projective
positive and negative 1 = Affine
infinity, while projective
assumes infinity
¾ RC –Rounding control 00=Round to nearest or even
determines the type of 01=Round down towards minus infinity
10=Round up towards plus infinity
11=Chop or truncate towards zero

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Control Register

¾ PC- Precision control sets PRECISION CONTROL

the precision of he result as
define in table
00=Single precision (short)
¾ Exception Masks – It
Determines whether the 01=Reserved
error indicated by the 10=Double precision (long)
exception affects the error
11=Extended precision
bit in the status register. If a
logic1 is placed in one of (temporary)
the exception control bits,
corresponding status register
bit is masked off.

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Numeric Execution Unit

¾ This performs all operations that access and manipulate the

numeric data in the coprocessor’s registers.
¾ Numeric registers in NUE are 80 bits wide.
¾ NUE is able to perform arithmetic, logical and transcendental
operations as well as supply a small number of mathematical
constants from its on-chip ROM.
¾ Numeric data is routed into two parts ways
a 64 bit mantissa bus and
a 16 bit sign/exponent bus.

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Circuit Connection for 8086 – 8087 (cont.)

8086 CPU
PIC Multi
____ ____ 8086
RQ/GT1 master
BUS System
QS0 QS1 TEST master INTER- bus
8284A bus
CLICK ____ _____
CLK CLK 8087
____ _____

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Circuit Connection for 8086 – 8087 (cont.)

¾ Multiplexed address-data bus lines are connected directly

from the 8086 to 8087.
¾ The status lines and the queue status lines connected directly
from 8086 to 8087. __ ___
¾ The Request/Grant signal RQ/GT0 of 8087 is connected to
___ ___
RQ/GT1 of 8086. ______

¾ BUSY signal 8087 is connected to TEST pin of 8086.

¾ Interrupt output INT of the 8087 to NMI input of 8086. This
intimates an error condition.

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Circuit Connection for 8086 – 8087 (cont.)
¾ The main purpose of the circuitry between the INT output
of 8087 and the NMI input is to make sure that an NMI
signal is not present upon reset, to make it possible to mask
NMI input and to make it possible for other devices to
cause an NMI interrupt.
¾ BHE pin is connected to the system BHE line to enable the
upper bank of memory.
¾ The RQ/GT1 input is available so that another coprocessor
such as 8089 I/O processor can be connected and function
in parallel with the 8087.

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Circuit Connection for 8086 – 8087 (cont.)

¾ One type of Cooperation between the two processors that you

need to know about it is how the 8087 transfers data between
memory and its internal registers.
¾ When 8086 reads an 8087 instruction that needs data from
memory or wants to send data to memory, the 8086 sends out
the memory address code in the instruction and sends out the
appropriate memory read or memory write signal to transfer a
word of data.

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Circuit Connection for 8086 – 8087 (cont.)

¾ In the case of memory read, the addressed word will be

kept on the data bus by the memory. The 8087 then
simply reads the word of data bus. The 8086 ignores this
word .If the 8087 only needs this one word of data, it can
then go on and executes its instruction.
¾ Some 8087 instructions need to read in or write out up to
80-bit word. For these cases 8086 outputs the address of
the first data word on the address bus and outputs the
appropriate control signal.

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Circuit Connection for 8086 – 8087 (cont.)
¾ The 8087 reads the data word on the data bus by memory or
writes a data word to memory on the data bus. The 8087 grabs
the 20-bit physical address that was output by the 8086.To
transfer additional words it needs to/from memory, the 8087
then takes over the buses from 8086.
¾ To take over the bus, the 8087 sends out a low-going pulse on
___ ____
RQ/GT0 pin. The 8086 responds to this by sending another low
____ ____
going pulse back to the RQ/GT0 pin of 8087 and by floating its

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Circuit Connection for 8086 – 8087 (cont.)

¾ The 8087 then increments the address it grabbed during the

first transfer and outputs the incremented address on the
address bus. When the 8087 output a memory read or memory
write signal, another data word will be transferred to or from
the 8087.
¾ The 8087 continues the process until it has transferred all the
data words required by the instruction to/from memory.

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Circuit Connection for 8086 – 8087 (cont.)

¾ When the 8087 is using the buses for its data transfer, it
____ ___
sends another low-going pulse out on its RQ/ GT0 pin to
8086 to know it can have the buses back again.
The next type of the synchronization between the host
processor and the coprocessor is that required to make sure the
8086 hast does not attempt to execute the next instruction before
the 8087 has completed an instruction.

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Circuit Connection for 8086 – 8087 (cont.)
¾ Taking one situation, in the case where the 8086 needs the data
produced by the execution of an 8087 instruction to carry out
its next instruction.
¾ In the instruction sequence for example the 8087 must
complete the FSTSW STATUS instruction before the 8086
will have the data it needs to execute the
MOV AX , STATUS instruction.
¾ Without some mechanism to make the 8086 wait until the
8087 completes the FSTSW instruction, the 8086 will go on
and execute the MOV AX , STATUS with erroneous data .
¾ We solve this problem by connecting the 8087 BUSY output
to the TEST pin of the 8086 and putting on the WAIT
instruction in the program.

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Circuit Connection for 8086 – 8087 (cont.)
¾ While 8087 is executing an instruction it asserts its BUSY pin
high. When it is finished with an instruction, the 8087 will
drop its BUSY pin low. Since the BUSY pin from 8087 is
connected to the TEST pin 8086 the processor can check its
pin of 8087 whether it finished it instruction or not.
¾ You place the 8086 WAIT instruction in your program after
the 8087 FSTSW instruction .When 8086 executes the WAIT
instruction it enters an internal loop where it repeatedly checks
the logic level on the TEST input. The 8086 will stay in this
loop until it finds the TEST input asserted low, indicating the
8087 has completed its instruction. The 8086 will then exit the
internal loop, fetch and execute the next instruction.

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Example (cont..)

FSTSW STATUS ;copy 8087 status word to memory

MOV AX, STATUS ;copy status word to AX to check
; bits


¾ In this set of instructions we are not using WAIT instruction.

Due to this the flow of execution of command will takes place
continuously even though the previous instruction had not
finished it’s completion of its work .so we may lost data .

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Example (cont..)
FSTSW STATUS ;copy 8087 status word to memory
FWAIT ;wait for 8087 to finish before-
; doing next 8086 instruction
MOV AX,STATUS ;copy status word to AX to check
; bits


¾ In this code we are adding up of FWAIT instruction so that it

will stop the execution of the command until the above
instruction is finishes it’s work .so that you are not loosing
data and after that you will allow to continue the execution of

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Circuit Connection for 8086 – 8087 (cont.)
¾ Another case where you need synchronization of the processor
and the coprocessor is the case where a program has several
8087 instructions in sequence.
¾ The 8087 are executed only one instruction at a time so you
have to make sure that 8087 has completed one instruction
before you allow the 8086 to fetch the next 8087 instruction
from memory. ________
¾ Here again you use the BUSY-TEST connection and the
FWAIT instruction to solve the problem. If you are hand
coding, you can just put the 8086 WAIT(FWAIT) instruction
after each instruction to make sure that instruction is
completed before going on to next.

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Circuit Connection for 8086 – 8087

¾ If you are using the assembler which accepts 8087 mnemonics,

the assembler will automatically insert the 8-bit code for the
WAIT instruction ,10011011 binary (9BH), as the first byte of
the code for 8087 instruction.

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Interfacing ( cont..)
¾ Multiplexed address-data bus lines are connected directly
from the 8086 to 8087.
¾ The status lines and the queue status lines connected directly
from 8086 to 8087. __ ___
¾ The Request/Grant signal RQ/GT0 of 8087 is connected to
___ __
RQ/GT1 of 8086. ______
¾ BUSY signal 8087 is connected to TEST pin of 8086.
¾ Interrupt output INT of the 8087 to NMI input of 8086. This
intimates an error condition. ______
¾ A WAIT instruction is passed to keep looking at its TEST pin,
until it finds pin Low to indicates that the 8087 has completed
the computation.

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¾ SYNCHRONIZATION must be established between the

processor and coprocessor in two situations.
a) The execution of an ESC instruction that require the
participation of the NUE must not be initiated if the NUE has
not completed the execution of the previous instruction.
b) When a processor instruction accesses a memory
location that is an operand of a previous coprocessor
instruction .In this case CPU must synchronize with NPX to
ensure that it has completed its instruction.
Processor WAIT instruction is provided.

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