Experiment 6 Lab Report
Experiment 6 Lab Report
Experiment 6 Lab Report
Faculty of Engineering
1st sem AY 2018-2019
DC & AC Circuits
Group 3
Erwin Cabangal
Alec Cambi
Mico Castillo
Juan Miguel Esporlas
along from positive to negative in line with the
INTRODUCTION current. [1] Their symbols must also be noted as
shown in Figure 1. A DC circuit is represented as
Electrical circuit is defines as a complete straight lines while an AC circuit has a symbol of
conductive path through which electrons flow a wave.
from the source to the load and back to the
source. It must be noted that the direction and Generally the basic source of direct
magnitude of the electrons flow is dependent on current is produced by batteries, electrochemical,
the kind of source. There are basically two types and photovoltaic cells. But AC is most preferred
of voltage or current source which defines the across the world. [2] Basically AC is used to
kind of circuit and they are the Alternating Current deliver power to industries, houses, office
(AC) and Direct Current (DC). [1] buildings, etc
[1]Emmanuel, O (2018) AC Circuit Theorey:
The three main passive components What is AC and How its Generated. Retrieved
used in the experiment are Resistor, the October 16, 2018 from https://circuitdigest.c
Capacitor and the Inductor. All three of these om/tutorial/ac-circuit-theory
passive components have one thing in common,
they limit the flow of electrical current through a [2] Agarwal, T (n.d) What is the difference
circuit but in very different ways. Passive between AC and DC Current. Retrieved October
components consume electrical energy and 16, 2018 from https://www.elprocus.com/main-
therefore cannot increase or amplify the power of difference-between-ac-and-dc-currents/
any electrical signals applied to them, simply [3] Passive Elements. Retrieved October 16,
because they are passive and as such will always 2018 from https://www.renesas.com
have a gain of less than one.[7] /br/en/support/technical-resources/engineer-
We also learned that electrical current school/electronic-circuits-01-passive-
can flow through a circuit in either of two ways. elements.html
Direct Current, if it flows in one steady direction [4] Capacitors in DC Circuit.Retrieved October
only it is classed as direct current while 16, 2018, from
Alternating current If the electrical current http://farside.ph.utexas.edu/teaching/302l/lecture
alternates in both directions back and forth it is s/node60.html
classed as alternating current. Although they
present an impedance within a circuit, passive [5] How Capacitors Behave in AC Circuits.
components in AC circuits behave very differently (2011, November 30). Retrieved October 16,
to those in DC circuits. 2018, from https://www.eeweb.com/profile
Resistors whether used in DC or AC in-ac-circuits
circuits will always have the same value of
resistance no matter what the supply frequency. [6] Home. (n.d.). Retrieved October 16, 2018,
This is because resistors are classed to be pure from https://engineering.mit.edu/engage/ask-an-
having parasitic properties such as infinite engineer/whats-the-difference-between-ac-and-
capacitance C = ∞ and zero inductance L = 0. [1] dc/