CitectSCADA Cicode Reference
CitectSCADA Cicode Reference
CitectSCADA Cicode Reference
November 2008
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Introduction .................................................................................11
Functions Reference.................................................................117
Part: 1
This section provides some introductory material for CitectSCADA:
Introducing Cicode
Chapter: 1 Introducing Cicode
Cicode is a programming language designed for use in CitectSCADA to monitor and con-
trol plant equipment. It is a structured language similar to Visual Basic or ’C’. You need no
previous programming experience to use it.
Using Cicode, you can access all real-time data (variables) in the CitectSCADA project, and
all CitectSCADA facilities: variable tags, alarms, trends, reports, and so on. You can use
Cicode to interface to various facilities on the computer, such as the operating system and
communication ports. Cicode supports advanced features including pre-empted multi-
tasking, multi threads, and remote procedure calls.
Getting Started
Use the following sections as a quick start to using Cicode in your CitectSCADA projects:
Cicode can be stored in procedures called functions for multiple reuse and centralized
maintenance. For details, see Using Cicode Files.
Cicode can be typed directly into command fields in online CitectSCADA forms. For de-
tails, see Using Cicode Commands.
Cicode expressions are used to display and log data for monitoring and analysis, and to
trigger various elements in your system, such as alarms, events, reports, and data log-
ging. For information on using expressions, see Using Cicode Expressions.
A Cicode function is a small program, a collection of statements, variables, operators,
conditional executors, and other functions. A Cicode function can perform complex
tasks and give you access to CitectSCADA graphics pages, alarms, trend data, and so
on. For information on using functions, see the section titled Using Cicode Functions.
Cicode has many pre-defined functions that perform a variety of tasks. For details on
commonly used functions, see the section titled Working with Commonly Used Func-
tions. Where system functionality cannot be achieved with built-in functions, you can
write your own functions. See Writing Functions.
The Cicode Editor is the code editing tool provided with CitectSCADA for the writing,
editing and debugging of your Cicode code. For details, see The Cicode Editor.
See Also
Performing Advanced Tasks
Using Cicode Programming Standards
Chapter: 1 Introducing Cicode
When you compile your CitectSCADA project, the compiler reads all the functions in your
Cicode source files. Your system can then use these functions in the same way as it uses
built-in functions. You can use as many Cicode files as required. Cicode files reside in the
same directory as your CitectSCADA project. When you back up your project, all Cicode
source files in the project directory are also backed up.
See Also
The Cicode Editor
Creating Cicode files
Opening Cicode files
Part: 2
Using Cicode
This section contains information for Users and describes the following:
Using Cicode Commands Using Cicode Macros
Using Cicode Expressions Converting and Formatting Cicode Variables
Using Cicode Functions Working with Operators
Working with Commonly Used Functions Working with Conditional Executors
Writing Functions Performing Advanced Tasks
Using Variables Editing and Debugging Code
Using Arrays Using Cicode Programming Standards
Chapter: 2 Using Cicode Commands
Cicode commands extend the control element of a CitectSCADA control and monitoring
system. You use commands to control your CitectSCADA system and therefore the pro-
cesses in your plant.
Each command has a mechanism to activate it. Commands can be issued manually,
through an operator typing a key sequence, or by clicking on a button (or object) on a
graphics page. You can also configure commands to execute automatically:
When an operator logs into or out of the runtime system
When a graphics page is displayed or closed
When an alarm is triggered
In a report
When an event is triggered
To define a Cicode command, you enter a statement (or group of statements) in the com-
mand field (Input category) for an object.
Each statement in a command usually performs a single task, such as setting a variable to
a value, calculating a value, displaying a message on the screen, or running a report. For
information on using variables, see the section titled Using Variables.
If you want to evaluate a condition, like checking the state of your plant rather than per-
form an action or command upon your plant, use an expression instead. See the section ti-
tled Using Cicode Expressions.
See Also
Using Cicode Programming Standards
Setting Variables
You can set a Variable in CitectSCADA within a Command field, an Expression field, or in
a Cicode Function, by using the mathematical ’equals’ sign ( = ) assignment operator. The
value on the right is assigned (set) to the variable on the left, as shown in the following
Cicode example :
<VAR_TAG> = Val;
<VAR_TAG> is the name of the variable, and Val is the value being assigned to the variable.
To set a digital variable (named BIT_1) to ON (1), use the command:
BIT_1 = 1;
To set a digital variable (named BIT_1) to OFF (0), use the command:
Chapter: 2 Using Cicode Commands
BIT_1 = 0;
To set a digital variable (named B1_PUMP_101_M) to OFF (0), use the command:
B1_PUMP_101_M = 0;
To set an analog variable (named B1_TIC_101_SP) to a value of ten (10), use the command:
B1_TIC_101_SP = 10;
You can copy a variable to another by assigning (setting) the value of a variable to the value
of another variable, for example:
Performing Calculations
Mathematical calculations can be performed between variables in a Cicode statement. For
B1_TIC_101_SP = B1_TIC_101_PV + B1_TIC_102_PV - 100;
When this command is executed, the variable B1_TIC_101_SP is set to a value that is the
sum of variables B1_TIC_101_PV and B1_TIC_102_PV minus 100.
Chapter: 2 Using Cicode Commands
B1_TIC_101_SP = 10;
The example above uses three statements, separated by semi-colons ( ; ). The first statement
sets the variable B1_PUMP_101_COUNT to the value of the variable
B1_PUMP_101_CLIMIT; the second statement sets the variable BATCH_NAME to the
string "Bread"; and the third statement sets the variable B1_TIC_101_SP to 10. Each state-
ment is executed in order.
Note: Separate each statement in a command with a semicolon (;). If you don’t, CitectSCA-
DA will not recognize the end of a statement, and errors will result when the project is com-
The number of statements you can enter in a command property is limited only by the size
of the field. However, for clarity, don’t use too many statements; enter the statements into
an Include File or write a Cicode Function. You then refer to the include file or call the func-
tion in the command property field.
where <filename> is any valid DOS file name. Be aware that the bracket characters (< >) are
part of the syntax.
You can use include files with most properties (except record names), but they are most
commonly used for commands and expressions, for example:
Key sequence: F5 ENTER
Command: @<setvars.cii>
Chapter: 2 Using Cicode Commands
In the above example, the setvars.cii include file would contain commands to be substi-
tuted for the Command property when you compile your project, for example:
PV12 = 10;
PV22 = 20;
PV13 = 15;
PV23 = 59;
The include file name can contain a maximum of 64 characters, or 253 characters includ-
ing a path, and can consist of any characters other than the semi-colon (;) or the single
quote(’). You do not need to include the .cii extension, but if the file is not in the project
directory, you must enter the full path to the file. If the file is not in the project directory,
it will not be backed up with the Backup facility.
If modifying an Include file with the Cicode Editor, when you save your changes a .ci
file extension will be appended to the file name. Change this to a .cii file extension in
Windows Explorer.
The operator issues the command by pressing the F2 key, up to three characters, and the
Enter key. The three character sequence (identified by the three hash (#) characters) is called
an argument. The argument is passed into the command (as Arg1) when the command is
completed (when the operator presses the Enter key).
The operator might type:
The value 123 is passed to the command, and B1_TIC_101_SP is set to 123.
Always use a specific key (for example, Enter) to signal the end of a key sequence. If, for
example, you use the key sequence F2 ####, the operator must enter 4 characters for the
command to be executed - CitectSCADA waits for the fourth character. But if you use F2
#### Enter, the operator can enter between one and four characters as necessary. The com-
mand executes as soon as the Enter key is pressed.
Chapter: 2 Using Cicode Commands
To use more than one argument in a command, separate the arguments with commas ( , ):
Key sequence: F2 ###,## Enter
Command: B1_TIC_101_SP = Arg1; B1_TIC_101_PV = Arg2;
To set both variables, the operator can type:
The values 123 and 18 are passed to the command. B1_TIC_101_SP is set to 123 and
B1_TIC_101_PV is set to 18.
Chapter: 2 Using Cicode Commands
Chapter: 3 Using Cicode Expressions
Cicode expressions are the basic elements of the Cicode language. An expression can be a
constant, the value of a variable tag, or the result of a complex equation. You can use ex-
pressions to display and log data for monitoring and analysis, and to trigger various ele-
ments in your system, such as alarms, events, reports, and data logging.
You can enter a Cicode expression in any CitectSCADA editor form or graphic object that
contains an expression property. Unlike a command, an expression does not execute a spe-
cific task - it is evaluated. The evaluation process returns a value that you can use to display
information on the screen (for example, as a bar graph) or to make decisions. The following
expression returns a result of 12:
Numeric expression: 8 + 4
In the above example, the value of the expression is a constant (12) because the elements of
the expression are constants (8 and 4).
See Also
Displaying Data Using Expressions
Logging Expression Data
Triggering Events Using Expressions
Using Cicode Programming Standards
Using Cicode Files
Some expressions return only one of two logical values, either TRUE(1) or FALSE(0). You
can use these expressions to make decisions, and to perform one of two actions, depending
on whether the return value is TRUE or FALSE. For example, you can configure a text ob-
ject with appearance as follows:
Chapter: 3 Using Cicode Expressions
When the system is running, the value of the expression B1_TIC_101_PV + B1_TIC_102_PV
is logged to the file [log]:B1_TIC.
See Also
Using Cicode Expressions
Trigger B1_PUMP_101_CMD
In this example, the trigger is the expression B1_PUMP_101_CMD (a digital variable tag).
If the pump is ON, the result of the trigger is TRUE, and the value of the expression
(B1_TIC_101_PV + B1_TIC_102_PV) is logged. If the pump is OFF, the result is FALSE, and
logging ceases.
See Also
Using Cicode Expressions
Chapter: 4 Using Cicode Functions
A Cicode function can perform more complex tasks than a simple command or expression
allows. Functions give you access to CitectSCADA graphics pages, alarms, trend data, and
so on.
CitectSCADA has several hundred built-in functions that display pages, acknowledge
alarms, make calculations, and so on. You can also write your own functions to meet your
specific needs.
See Also
Working with Commonly Used Functions
Writing Functions
FunctionName is the name of the function
Arg1, Arg2, ... are the arguments you pass to the function
Evaluating Functions
You can use a function in any expression. For example, the AlarmActive() function returns
TRUE (1) if any alarms are active, and FALSE (0) if no alarms are active. In the following
text object, either "Alarms Active" or "No Alarms Active" is displayed, depending on the
return value of the expression.
ON text when AlarmActive(0)
ON Text "Alarms Active"
OFF Text "No Alarms Active"
Note: All functions return a value. This value either indicates the success of the function,
or provides information on an error that has occurred. In many cases (for example, when
used in a command) the return value can be ignored. You must use the parentheses () in
the function name, even if the function uses no arguments. Function names are not case-
sensitive: PageNext(), pagenext() and PAGENEXT() call the same function.
Chapter: 4 Using Cicode Functions
Each statement is executed in order. The "Shift" report is started first, the variable
B1_TIC_101_PV is set to 10 next, and finally, the "Boiler 1" page is displayed.
Functions combine with operators and conditional executors to give you specific control
over your processes, for example, you can test for abnormal operating conditions and act
on them.
This function displays the graphics page called "Boiler 1". Be aware that when you pass a
string to a function, you must always enclose the string in double quotes.
You can use the PageDisplay() function to display any graphics page in your system - in
each case, only the argument changes. For example, the following command displays the
graphics page "Boiler 2":
Command PageDisplay("Boiler 2");
You can use the Report() function to run a report (for example, the "Shift" report) when the
command executes:
Command Report("Shift");
The following example uses the Prompt() function to display the message "Press F1 for
Help" on the screen when the command executes:
Command Prompt("Press F1 for Help");
String assignment
You can also assign string variables in commands. For example, if BATCH_NAME is a vari-
able tag defined as a string data type, you can use the following command to set the tag to
the value "Bread":
Chapter: 4 Using Cicode Functions
BATCH_NAME = "Bread";
The order of the arguments is important to the operation of any function. The Login() func-
tion logs a user into your runtime system. The first argument ( "Manager" ) indicates the
name of the user, and the second argument ( "ABC" ) is the user’s password. If you reverse
the order of the arguments, the function would attempt to login a user called "ABC" - if a
user by this name does not exist, an error message displays.
Chapter: 4 Using Cicode Functions
In this instance, the value of B1_TIC_101_PV displays. If it is a real-time variable, the num-
ber that displays depends on its value at the time.
Note: Do not use double quotes around variables, for example, "B1_TIC_101_PV", other-
wise the text string B1_TIC_101_PV displays, not the value of the variable.
When the command executes, the page name is passed to the function as Arg1. The opera-
tor can then display any page, for example:
The following example shows an entry command event for a graphics page, using a com-
bination of two functions. The FullName() function returns the name of the user who is cur-
rently logged in to the run-time system, passing this name to the calling function, Prompt().
When the page is opened, a welcome message displays in the prompt line.
On page entry Prompt("Hello, " + FullName())
Chapter: 4 Using Cicode Functions
For example, if the current user is John Citizen, the message "Hello, John Citizen" displays.
Chapter: 4 Using Cicode Functions
Chapter: 5 Working with Commonly Used Functions
Cicode has many functions that perform a variety of tasks. Many of these are used for
building complex CitectSCADA systems. The functions you will most often use are divided
into six categories:
Alarm Functions
Page Functions
Keyboard Functions
Report Functions
Time/date Functions
Miscellaneous Functions
See Also
Functions Reference
Alarm Functions
You can use alarm functions to display alarms and their related alarm help pages, and to
acknowledge, disable, and enable alarms. You can assign a privilege to each command that
uses an alarm function, so that only an operator with the appropriate privilege can perform
these commands. However, you should assign privileges to commands only if you have
not assigned privileges to individual alarms.
AlarmAck: Acknowledges an alarm. The alarm where the cursor is positioned (when
the command is executed) is acknowledged. You can also use this function to acknowl-
edge multiple alarms.
AlarmComment: Adds a comment to the alarm summary entry at run time. The com-
ment is added to the alarm where the cursor is positioned when the command is execut-
ed. A keyboard argument passes the comment into the function. Verify that the length
of the comment does not exceed the length of the argument, or an error results.
AlarmDisable: Disables an alarm. The alarm where the cursor is positioned (when the
command is executed) is disabled. You can also use this function to disable multiple
AlarmEnable: Enables an alarm. The alarm where the cursor is positioned (when the
command is executed) is enabled. You can also use this function to enable multiple
AlarmHelp: Displays an alarm help page for the alarm. Each alarm in your system can
have an associated help page. The help page for the alarm at the position of the cursor
(when the command is executed) is displayed.
AlarmSplit: Duplicates an entry in the alarm summary display. You can use this func-
tion to add additional comments to the alarm entry.
Page Functions
With the page functions, you can display your graphics pages and the standard alarm pag-
Note: The following page functions are not supported in the server process in a multipro-
cessor environment. Calling page functions from the server process results in a hardware
alarm being raised.
Chapter: 5 Working with Commonly Used Functions
PageAlarm: Displays current alarms on the alarm page configured in the project.
PageDisabled: Displays disabled alarms on the alarm page configured in the project.
PageDisplay: Displays a new page on the screen. The Page name or number is required
as an argument. (Use the PageLast() function to go back to the last page - the page that
this new page replaced).
PageFile: Displays a file on the file page configured in the project.
PageGoto: Displays a new page on the screen. This function is similar to the PageDis-
play() function, except that if PageLast() is called, it does not return to the last page.
PageHardware: Displays hardware alarms on the alarm page configured in the project.
PageLast: Displays the graphics page that was displayed before the current one. You
can use this function to ’step back’ through the last ten pages.
PageNext: Displays the next graphics page (defined in the Next Page property of the
Pages form).
PagePrev: Displays the previous graphics page (defined in the Prev Page property of the
Pages form).
PageSummary: Displays summary alarm information on the alarm page configured in
the project.
PageTrend: Displays a standard trend page.
Keyboard Functions
Keyboard functions control the processing of keyboard entries and the movement of the
keyboard cursor on the graphics page.
KeyBs: Backspaces (removes) the last key from the key command line. Use this function
with a ’Hotkey’ command. It is normally used to erase keyboard characters during runt-
ime command input.
KeyDown: Moves the cursor down the page to the closest animation point number
KeyLeft: Moves the cursor left (across the page) to the closest animation point number
KeyRight: Moves the cursor right (across the page) to the closest animation point num-
ber (AN).
KeyUp: Moves the cursor up the page to the closest animation point number (AN).
Report Functions
To run a report by operator action, use the following function:
Report: Runs the report on the report server.
Time/date Functions
The following functions return the current date and time:
Date: Returns the current date as a string.
Time: Returns the current time as a string.
Miscellaneous Functions
Beep: Beeps the speaker on the CitectSCADA computer.
FullName: Returns the full name of the user who is currently logged in to the system.
InfoForm: Displays the animation information form. This form displays the real-time
data that is controlling the current animation.
Chapter: 5 Working with Commonly Used Functions
Chapter: 5 Working with Commonly Used Functions
Chapter: 6 Writing Functions
CitectSCADA is supplied with over 600 built-in functions. One of these functions (or sev-
eral functions in combination) can usually perform most tasks in your system. However,
where system functionality cannot be achieved with built-in functions, you can write your
own functions.
A Cicode function is a small program: a collection of statements, variables, operators, con-
ditional executors, and other functions.
While you do not have to be an experienced programmer to write simple Cicode functions,
do not attempt to write large, complex functions unless you are familiar with computer
programming, and have experience with Cicode. Functions are equivalent to the subrou-
tines of BASIC and assembly language, and the subroutines and functions used in Pascal
and C.
Note: The Cicode Editor is designed specifically for editing and debugging Cicode func-
See Also
The Cicode Editor
Using Cicode Files
The line immediately following the FUNCTION statement, contains the name of the func-
tion, which is used to identify the function to CitectSCADA. This name is referred to when
the function is called upon (called) to be executed (perform the statements it contains) by
some other event, action, or function in CitectSCADA.
Note: Functions can contain statements that call other functions. These functions are then
executed before returning to the rest of the statements within the calling function.
The function name always ends with parentheses ( ), which may or may not contain one or
more arguments required by the function. Arguments are explained in the section titled
Function Argument Structure.
Chapter: 6 Writing Functions
All the lines between the function name line and the END statement line contain the state-
ments that will be executed when the function is called in CitectSCADA. These statements
are executed one at a time in logical order from top to bottom within the function. For de-
tails about function structure, see Formatting Functions. For details about Cicode function
syntax, see Following Cicode Syntax.
For details about using comments in Cicode and in Cicode functions, see Using Comments
in Cicode.
Function Uses
Cicode functions can have many purposes. Most often, functions are used to store a com-
mon set of commands or statements that would otherwise require repetitious typing and
messy command or expression fields.
Some functions are simple, created to avoid a long command or expression. For example,
the following command increments the variable tag COUNTER:
= 0; END;
This command would be easier to use (and re-use) if it was written as a function that can
be called in the command:
Command IncCounter ( );
To be able to use the function like this, you must write it in a Cicode file, and declare it with
the FUNCTION keyword:
IncCounter ( )
Be aware that the indented code is identical in functionality to the long command above.
By placing the command code inside a function, and using the function name in the com-
mand field as in the previous example, this function need only to be typed once. It can then
be called any number of times, from anywhere in CitectSCADA that requires this function-
ality. Because the code exists in the one location, rather than repeated wherever needed (in
potentially many places), it can be easily maintained (altered if necessary).
Chapter: 6 Writing Functions
by other functions, or called directly in commands and expressions. In fact, any function
can call - and be called by - any other function.
For example, you might need to write a set of functions for handling alarms. To perform
any action on an alarm, you first need to know which alarm. You would identify the alarm
in a separate function, and call this function from the other functions.
The pseudocode above is a Cicode comment, enclosed between the comment markers /*
and */, and is ignored by the compiler. With pseudocode, you can get the logic of the func-
tion correct in a more readable structure, before you write it in Cicode syntax, leaving the
pseudocode within the finished code as comments.
It is good practice to use comments as file headers at the start of each Cicode file, to describe
the functions in the file - their common purpose, a broad description of how they achieve
that purpose, special conditions for using them, and so on. You can also use the header to
Chapter: 6 Writing Functions
record maintenance details on the file, such as its version number and date of revision. For
** FILE: Recipe Download.Ci
** AUTHOR: AJ Smith
** DATE: March 2008
** REVISION: 1.0 for CitectSCADA v7.1
** This file contains functions to allow the operator to load the
** recipe data from the SQL server to the PLC.
Chapter: 6 Writing Functions
Single line ( ! ) and C++ style ( // ) comments can have a line of their own, where they refer
to the block of statements either before or after it. It is good practice to set a convention for
these comments. These comments can also be on the same line as a statement, to explain
that statement only. All characters after the ! or // (until the end of the line) are ignored by
the compiler.
Block (C style) comments begin with /* and end with */. These C style comments need no
punctuation between the delimiters.
The complete ELSE condition of the IF conditional executor will be ignored (and not exe-
cute) so long as the block comment markers are used in this example.
Note: The inline ( // ) comments have no effect within the block ( /* and */ ) comments (as
the whole section is now one big comment), and should remain unchanged, so that when
you do remove the block comments, the inline comments will become effective again.
Chapter: 6 Writing Functions
This function is called from a keyboard command. The operator
presses the key and enters the name of the page to be displayed. If
the page cannot be displayed, an error message is displayed at the
prompt AN.
MyPageDisplay ( STRING sPage ) ! pass in the name of the page to be displayed
! declare a local integer to hold the results of the pagedisplay function
INT Status;
! call the page Cicode pagedisplay function and store the result
Status = PageDisplay ( sPage ) ;
! determine if the page display was successful
IF Status < > 0 THEN ! error was detected
! display an error message at the prompt AN
DspError ( "Cannot Display " + sPage ) ;
! return the status to the caller
RETURN Status;
The rules for formatting statements in Cicode functions are simple, and help the compiler
in interpreting your code.
It is good practice to use white space to make your code more readable. In the example
above, all code between the FUNCTION and END statements is indented, and the state-
ment within the IF THEN conditional executor is further indented to make the conditions
and actions clear. Develop a pattern of indentation - and stick to it. Extra blank lines in the
code make it easier to read (and understand).
Chapter: 6 Writing Functions
Function Scope
The optional Scope Statement of a function (if used), precedes all other statements of a func-
tion declaration in Cicode, including the FUNCTION Statement.
The scope of a function can be either PRIVATE or PUBLIC, and is declared public by de-
fault. That is, if no Scope Statement is declared, the function will have public scope.
Both PRIVATE and PUBLIC are Cicode keywords and as such, are reserved.
A private scope function is only accessible (can be called) within the file in which it is de-
Public scope functions can be shared across Cicode files, and can be called from pages and
CitectSCADA databases (for example, Alarm.dbf).
Chapter: 6 Writing Functions
Because functions are public by default, to make a function public requires no specific dec-
laration. To make a function private however, you must prefix the FUNCTION Statement
with the word PRIVATE.
FunctionName ( <Arguments> )
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;
Chapter: 6 Writing Functions
If the RETURN Statement within the function encounters a different data type to that de-
clared in the return data type statement, the value is converted to the declared return data
In the example below, the variable Status is declared as a real number within the function.
However, Status is converted to an integer when it is returned to the caller, because the
data type of the return was declared as an integer type in the return data type statement:
INT ! declare return value as integer
FunctionName ( <Arguments> )
<Statement> ;
REAL Status = 5; ! declare variable as a REAL number
<Statement> ;
RETURN Status; ! returned as an integer number
If you do not specify a return data type, the function does not return a value.
Declaring Functions
The required FUNCTION Statement follows the optional Scope Statement (if used) and the
optional Return Data Type Statement (if used), and precedes all other statements of a func-
tion declaration in Cicode. Everything between it and the END Statement, contains the
Both FUNCTION and END are Cicode keywords and, as such, are reserved.
You declare the start of a function with the FUNCTION Statement, and declare the end of
a function with the END Statement:
<FunctionName> ( <Arguments> )
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;
The FUNCTION Statement must be followed by the Name Statement, then the Argument
Statement, before any code statements that will be processed by the function.
For information on the Name and Argument Statements, see the sections titled Naming Ar-
guments and Function Argument Structure.
All code (as represented by the <Statement> placeholders) located between the FUNCTION
and END Statements, will be executed (processed by the function) when called to do so.
Functions can execute a large variety of statements, and are commonly used to process and
manipulate data, including the arguments passed when the function was called, plant-floor
and other CitectSCADA data, Windows data, and so on. CitectSCADA provides many
built-in functions. For more information, see the section titled Working with Commonly
Used Functions.
Chapter: 6 Writing Functions
Naming Functions
The required name statement follows the FUNCTION Statement and precedes the argu-
ments statement in a CitectSCADA function. The function name is used elsewhere in Cit-
ectSCADA to activate (call) the function to have it perform the statements it contains.
Replace the <FunctionName> placeholder in the following function example with an ap-
propriate name for your function. See the section Function Naming Standards for details.
<FunctionName> ( <Arguments> )
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;
You can use up to 32 ASCII text characters to name your functions. You can use any valid
name except for a reserved word. The case is not important to the CitectSCADA compiler,
so you can use upper and lower case to make your names clear. For example, Mixer-
RoomPageDisplay is easier to read than mixerroompagedisplay or MIXERROOMPAGE-
MixerRoomPageDisplay ( <Arguments> )
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;
Your functions take precedence over any other entity in CitectSCADA with the same name:
Variable tags. When you call a function by the same name as a variable tag, the function
has precedence. The variable tag can not be referred to because the function executes
each time the name is used.
Built-in functions. You can give your function the same name as any built-in Cicode
function. Your function takes precedence over the built-in function - the built-in func-
tion cannot be called. Because built-in Cicode functions cannot be changed, this pro-
vides a method of ’modifying’ any built-in function to suit an application. For example,
you might want to display the message "Press F1 for Help" whenever you display a
page. You could simply write a new function called PageDisplay ( ). The body of the
function would be the statements that display the page and prompt message:
Prompt ( "Press F1 for Help" ) ;PageDisplay ( <Arguments> ) ;
Your function is invoked whenever you use the function name in CitectSCADA.
Chapter: 6 Writing Functions
When you call a function, you can pass one or more arguments to the function, enclosed
within the parentheses ( ) located after the function name statement. Replace the <Argu-
ments> placeholder in the following function example with your Argument Statement.
FunctionName ( <Arguments> )
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;
For your function to perform tasks with data, it requires accessibility to the data. One way
to achieve this, is to pass the data directly to the function when the function is being called.
To enable this facility, Cicode utilizes arguments in its function structure. An argument in
Cicode is simply a variable that exists in memory only as long as its function is processing
data, so the scope of an argument is limited to be local only to the function. Arguments can-
not be arrays.
Arguments are variables that are processed within the body of the function only. You can-
not use an argument outside of the function that declares it.
As arguments are variables used solely within functions, they must be declared just as you
would otherwise declare a variable in Cicode. See the section titled Declaring Variable
Properties. An argument declaration requires a data type, a unique name, and may contain
an initial value which also behaves as the default value for the argument.
Notes: In the following function syntax example:
Every placeholder shown inside arrow brackets ( <placeholder> ) should be replaced in
any actual code with the value of the item that it describes. The arrow brackets and the
word they contain should not be included in the statement, and are shown here only for
your information.
Statements shown between square brackets ( [ ] ) are optional. The square brackets
should not be included in the statement, and are shown here only for your information.
Cicode function argument statements have the following syntax:
[ = <InitialDefaultValue> ]
<ArgumentDataType> = Argument Data Type Statement: required, INT or REAL or
STRING. See the section titledDeclaring Argument Data Type.
<ArgumentName> = Argument Name Statement: required, up to 32 ASCII text charac-
ters, case insensitive, no spaces, no reserved words. See the section titled Naming Argu-
<InitialDefaultValue> = Argument Initialization Statement: optional, preceded by
equals ( = ) assignment operator, a value to assign to the argument variable when first
initialized, must be the same data type as that declared in the argument <Argument-
DataType> parameter, defaults to this value if no value passed in for this argument
when the function was called.
See the section titled Setting Default Values for Arguments.
Chapter: 6 Writing Functions
The Argument Statement in a Cicode function can have only one set of surrounding paren-
theses ( ), even if no arguments are declared in the function.
If more than one argument is used in the function, each must also be separated by a comma.
Argument Statements can be separated over several lines to aid in their readability.
When you call a function, the arguments you pass to it are used within the function to pro-
duce a resultant action or return a value. For information on passing data to functions, see
the section titled Passing Data to Functions (Arguments). For information on returning re-
sults from functions, see the section titled Returning Data from Functions.
Arguments are used in the function and referred to by their names. For instance, if we name
a function AddTwoIntegers, and declare two integers as arguments naming them FirstInt-
eger and SecondInteger respectively, we would end up with a sample function that looks
like the following:
AddTwoIntegers ( INT FirstInteger, INT SecondInteger )
INT Solution ;
Solution = FirstInteger + SecondInteger ;
RETURN Solution ;
In this example, the function would accept any two integer values as its arguments, add
them together, and return them to the caller as one integer value equal to the summed total
of the arguments values passed into the function.
This functionality of passing values into a function as arguments, manipulating the values
in some way, then being able to return the resultant value, is what makes functions poten-
tially very powerful and time saving. The code only needs to written once in the function,
and can be utilized any number of times from any number of locations in CitectSCADA.
Write once, use many.
Chapter: 6 Writing Functions
To declare the argument data type that will be used in the function, you must prefix the
Argument Name Statement with one of the Cicode data type keywords, in the <Argument-
DataType> placeholder in the following example.
FunctionName ( <ArgumentDataType> <ArgumentName> [ =
<InitialDefaultValue> ] )
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;
The Argument Statement in a Cicode function must have only one set of surrounding pa-
rentheses ( ) brackets, even if no arguments are declared in the function.
If more than one argument is used in the function, each must also be separated by a comma.
Argument Statements can be separated over several lines to aid in their readability.
Naming Arguments
If an argument is listed in a Cicode function declaration, the Argument Name Statement is
required, and is listed second, after the required Argument Data Type Statement, and be-
fore the optional Argument Initialization Statement.
The argument name is used only within the function to refer to the argument value that
was passed into the function when the function was called. The name of the argument vari-
able should be used in the executable statements of the function in every place where you
want the argument variable to be used by the statement.
Note: In the following function syntax example:
Every placeholder shown inside arrow brackets ( <placeholder> ) should be replaced
in any actual code with the value of the item that it describes. The arrow brackets and
the word they contain should not be included in the statement, and are shown here only
for your information.
Statements shown between square brackets ( [ ] ) are optional. The square brackets
should not be included in the statement, and are shown here only for your information.
Replace the <ArgumentName> placeholder in the following function example with an ap-
propriate name for your Argument variable. See the section titled Function Argument
Structure for details.
FunctionName ( <ArgumentDataType> <ArgumentName> [ = <InitialDefaultValue> ] )
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;
You can use up to 32 ASCII text characters to name your arguments. You can use any valid
name except for a reserved word. The case is not important to the CitectSCADA compiler,
so you can use upper and lower case to make your names clear. For example, iPacketQnty
is easier to read than ipacketqnty or IPACKETQNTY .
Chapter: 6 Writing Functions
FunctionName ( INT iPacketQnty )
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;
To refer to the argument (in the body of your function) you use the name of the argument
in an executable statement:
AddTwoIntegers ( INT FirstInteger, INT SecondInteger )
INT Solution ;
Solution = FirstInteger + SecondInteger ;
RETURN Solution ;
The default value for an argument must be of the same data type as declared for the argu-
ment in the Argument Data Type Statement.
You assign a default argument variable value in the same manner that you assign a Cicode
variable value, by using the equals ( = ) assignment operator. For example:
PlotProduct ( INT iPackets = 200 , STRING sName = "Packets" )
Chapter: 6 Writing Functions
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;
If you assign a default value for an argument, you do not have to pass a value for that ar-
gument when you call the function, (because the function will use the default value from
the declaration.) To pass an empty argument to a function, omit any value for the argument
in the call. For example, to call the PlotProduct function declared in the previous example,
and accept the default string value of "Packets", a Cicode function call would look like:
PlotProduct ( 500 , )
Notice that the second argument for the function was omitted from the calling code. In this
instance, the default value for the second argument ( "Packets" ) would remain unchanged,
and so would be used as the second argument value in this particular function call.
If you do call that function and pass in a value for that argument in the call, the default val-
ue is replaced by the argument value being passed in. However, the arguments are reini-
tialized every time the function is called, so each subsequent call to the function will restore
the default values originally declared in the function.
If more than one argument is used in a function, each must also be separated by a comma.
Equally, if a function containing more than one argument is called, each argument must be
accounted for by the caller. In this case, if an argument value is to be omitted from the call,
(to utilise the default value), comma placeholders must be used appropriately in the call to
represent the proper order of the arguments.
For more information on function calls, callers, and calling, see the section titled Calling
Functions from Commands and Expressions.
Argument Statements can be separated over several lines to aid in their readability.
Chapter: 6 Writing Functions
<Statement> ;
RETURN <ReturnValue> ;
The RETURN Statement consists of the RETURN keyword followed by a value to be re-
turned and finished with the semicolon (;) end-of-line marker.
The RETURN value must be of the same data type as was declared in the Return Data Type
Statement at the start of the function declaration. The return data type of a function can be
only one of four possible data types: INT (32 bits), REAL (32 bits), STRING (255 bytes), or
OBJECT (32 bits). If no Return Data Type Statement is declared, the function will not be able
to return any type of data.
If the RETURN Statement within the function encounters a different data type to that de-
clared in the Return Data Type Statement, the value is converted to the declared return data
type. For information about the Return Data Type Statement, see the section titled Declar-
ing the Return Data Type.
FUNCTION, INT, REAL, STRING, and OBJECT are Cicode keywords and as such, are re-
Note: In the following function syntax example every placeholder shown inside arrow
brackets ( <placeholder> ) should be replaced in any actual code with the value of the item
that it describes. The arrow brackets and the word they contain should not be included in
the statement, and are shown here only for your information.
To declare the value that will be returned to the calling code, you must replace the <Return-
Value> placeholder in the following example with an appropriate data value to match the
Return Data Type as declared in the function.
FunctionName ( <Arguments> )
<Statement> ;
<Statement> ;
RETURN <ReturnValue> ;
The RETURN statement passes a value back to the calling procedure (either another func-
tion, command or expression). Outside of the function, the return value can be read by the
calling statement. For example, it can be used by the caller as a variable (in a command), or
animated (in an expression).
Chapter: 7 Using Variables
A variable is a named location in the computer’s memory where data can be stored. Cicode
variables can store the basic data types (such as strings, integers, and real numbers) and
each variable is specific for its particular data type. For example, if you set up a Cicode vari-
able to store an integer value, you cannot use it for real numbers or strings.
Note: Each data type uses a fixed amount of memory: integers use 4 bytes of memory, real
numbers use 4 bytes, and strings use 1 byte per character. PLC INT types use only 2 bytes.
The computer allocates memory to variables according to the data type and the length of
time you need the variable to be stored.
Real-time variables (such as PLC variables) are already permanently stored in database
files on your hard disk. Any variable you use in a database field command or expression
must be defined as a variable tag, or the compiler will report an error when the system is
Note: Cicode variables can handle a wide range of CitectSCADA variable tag data types.
For example, a Cicode variable of INT data type can be used to store I/O device data types:
See Also
Using Arrays
Variable Declaration Standards
Variable Naming Standards
Variable Scope Standards
Using Cicode Files
If you want to specify a digital data type, use the integer type. Digital types can either be
TRUE(1) or FALSE(0), as can integer types.
Chapter: 7 Using Variables
Note: Cicode may internally store floating point values as 64 bit to minimize the loss of data
during floating point calculations.
Naming Variables
Throughout the body of the function, the variable is referred to by its name. You can name
a variable any valid name except for a reserved word, for example:
REAL Result;
INT x, y;
OBJECT hObject;
Global variables
A global Cicode variable can be shared across all Cicode files in the system (as well as
across include projects). They cannot be accessed on pages or databases (for example,
Global Cicode variables are prefixed with the keyword GLOBAL, and must be declared at
the start of the Cicode file. For example:
GLOBAL STRING sDefaultPage = "Mimic";
MyPageDisplay(STRING sPage)
INT iStatus;
iStatus = PageDisplay(sPage);
IF iStatus <> 0 THEN
Chapter: 7 Using Variables
RETURN iStatus;
The variable sDefaultPage could then be used in any function of any Cicode file in the sys-
Note: Use global variables sparingly if at all. If you have many such variables being used
by many functions, finding bugs in your program can become time consuming. Use local
variables wherever possible. Global Cicode STRING types are only 128 bytes, instead of 256
Module variables
A module Cicode variable is specific to the file in which it is declared. This means that it
can be used by any function in that file, but not by functions in other files.
By default, Cicode variables are defined as module, therefore prefixing is not required
(though a prefix of MODULE could be added if desired). Module variables should be de-
clared at the start of the file. For example:
STRING sDefaultPage = "Mimic";
MyPageDisplay(STRING sPage)
INT Status;
Status = PageDisplay(sPage);
IF Status <> 0 THEN
RETURN Status;
Note: Use module variables sparingly if at all. If you have many such variables being used
by many functions, finding bugs in your program can become time-consuming. Use local
variables wherever possible.
Local variables
A local Cicode variable is only recognized by the function within which it is declared, and
can only be used by that function. You must declare local variables before you can use
Any variable defined within a function (that is, after the function name) is a local variable,
therefore no prefix is needed. Local variables are destroyed when the function exits.
Local variables always take precedence over global and module variables. If you define a
local variable in a function with the same name as a global or module variable, the local
variable is used; the global/module variable is unaffected by the function. This situation
should be avoided, however, as it is likely to cause confusion.
Chapter: 7 Using Variables
See Also
Variable Scope Standards
where Tag is the name of the database variable. For example, to change the value of the da-
tabase variable "LT131" at run time, you would use the following statement in your func-
LT131=1200; !Changes the value of LT131 to 1200
Chapter: 8 Using Arrays
A Cicode variable array is a collection of Cicode variables of the same data type, in the form
of a list or table. You name and declare an array of variables in the same way as any other
Cicode variable. You can then refer to each element in the array by the same variable name,
with a number (index) to indicate its position in the array.
See Also
Variable Declaration Standards
Declaring Array Properties
Declaring the Array Data Type
Naming Arrays
Declaring the Variable Array Size
Setting Default (Initial) Array Values
Passing Array Elements as Function Arguments
Using One-dimensional Arrays
Using Two-dimensional Arrays
Using Three-dimensional Arrays
Using Array Elements in Loops
Using the Table (Array) Functions
Using Cicode Files
See Also
Using Arrays
Using Cicode Files
Chapter: 8 Using Arrays
See Also
Using Arrays
Using Cicode Files
Naming Arrays
Throughout the body of a Cicode function, a Cicode variable array is referred to by its
name, and individual elements of an array are referred to by their index. The index of the
first element of an array is 0 (that is a four element array has the indices 0,1,2, and 3). You
can name a variable any valid name except for a reserved word; for example:
STRING StrArray[5]; ! list
REAL Result[5][2]; ! 2-D table
INT IntArray[4][3][2]; ! 3-D table
See Also
Using Arrays
Using Cicode Files
This single dimension array contains 5 elements. The compiler multiplies the number of el-
ements in the array by the size of each element (dependent upon the Data Type), and allo-
cates storage for the array in consecutive memory locations.
You cannot declare arrays local to a function. However, they can be declared as Module
(that is at the beginning of the Cicode file), or Global. When referring to the array within
your function, you must not exceed the size you set when you declared the array. The ex-
ample below would cause an error:
StrArray[10] = 100;
The compiler allows storage for 5 strings. By assigning a value to a 10th element, you cause
a value to be stored outside the limits of the array, and you could overwrite another value
stored in memory.
See Also
Using Arrays
Using Cicode Files
Chapter: 8 Using Arrays
See Also
Using Arrays
Using Cicode Files
See Also
Using Arrays
Using Cicode Files
Chapter: 8 Using Arrays
See Also
Using Arrays
Using Cicode Files
See Also
Using Arrays
Using Cicode Files
You use arrays in your functions in the same way as other variables, but arrays have special
properties that, in many situations, reduce the amount of code you must write.
See Also
Using Arrays
Using Cicode Files
Chapter: 8 Using Arrays
See Also
Working with Conditional Executors
Using Arrays
Using Cicode Files
Chapter: 8 Using Arrays
Chapter: 9 Using Cicode Macros
Cicode has the following macros:
IFDEF: Determines one of two possible outcomes based on the existence of a specified
non-alarm tag at compile time. Use one of the macros below for alarm tags.
IFDEFAdvAlm: Determines one of two possible outcomes based on the existence of a
specified advanced alarm tag at compile time.
IFDEFAnaAlm: Determines one of two possible outcomes based on the existence of a
specified analog alarm tag at compile time.
IFDEFDigAlm: Determines one of two possible outcomes based on the existence of a
specified digital alarm tag at compile time.
The IFDEF macro allows you to define two possible outcomes based on whether or not a
specified tag exists within a project at the time of compiling. The macro can be implement-
ed anywhere a simple expression is used, including fields within relevant CitectSCADA di-
The macro was primarily created to avoid the "Tag not found" compile error being gener-
ated whenever a genie was missing an associated tag. By allowing a "0" or "1" to be gener-
ated within the Hidden When field of a Genie’s properties, elements could simply be
hidden if a required tag was missing, allowing the genie to still be pasted onto a graphics
The macro accepts three arguments: the first specifies the tag that requires confirmation,
the second defines the outcome if the tag exists, the third defines the outcome if it does not
exist. In the case of a genie being pasted on a graphics page, the IFDEF function would be
configured as follows in the Hidden When field of the object properties dialog:
If the tag "Bit_1" is defined in the tag database, the value in the Hidden When field will be
0. If Bit_1 is undefined, the value will be 1. Since the object is hidden when the value is
TRUE (1), the object will be hidden when Bit_1 is undefined. See Hiding Graphics Objects
for details.
Beyond this purpose, the IFDEF macro can be broadly used as a conditional variable. The
[<value if defined>] and <value if not defined> arguments can support any variable, expres-
sion, or constant. The [<value if defined>] argument is optional; if you leave it blank it will
generate the current variable. You can also use nested IFDEF macros.
Note: As different types of alarms can share the same name, you have to use a variation of
IFDEF to check for the existence of alarm tags. See IFDEFAnaAlm for analog alarms, IF-
DEFDigAlm for digital alarms, or IFDEFAdvAlm for advanced alarms.
IFDEF(TagName, [<value if defined>], <value if not defined>)
Chapter: 9 Using Cicode Macros
Return Value
If the tag specified in the first argument exists, the value defined by the second argument
is returned. This could be a variable, expression, or constant, or the current tag value if the
argument has been left blank. If the specified tag does not exist, the variable, expression, or
constant defined by the third argument is returned.
! Generate the tag value if tag "Bit_1" is defined
! Generate an empty string if "Bit_1" is not defined
IFDEF("Bit_1",," ")
! Generate a zero value (0) if tag "Bit_1" is defined
! Generate a true value (1) if "Bit_1" is not defined
For more examples of how to implement the IFDEF macro, see the CitectSCADA Knowl-
edge Base article Q3461.
See Also
IFDEFAnaAlm, IFDEFDigAlm, IFDEFAdvAlm, Hiding Graphics Objects, IFDEF macro
Based on the IFDEF macro, IFDEFAdvAlm allows you to define two possible outcomes
based on whether or not a specified advanced alarm tag exists within a project at the time
of compiling. The macro can be implemented anywhere a simple expression is used, in-
cluding fields within relevant CitectSCADA dialogs.
The macro accepts three arguments: the first specifies the advanced alarm tag that requires
confirmation, the second defines the outcome if the alarm exists, the third defines the out-
come if it does not exist.
Note: As different types of alarms can share the same name, you have to use a variation of
IFDEF to check for the existence of alarm tags. See IFDEFAnaAlm for analog alarms, or IF-
DEFDigAlm for digital alarms.
IFDEFAdvAlm(TagName, [<value if defined>], <value if not defined>)
Return Value
If the advanced alarm tag specified in the first argument exists, the value defined by the
second argument is returned. This could be a variable, expression, or constant, or the cur-
rent tag value if the argument has been left blank. If the specified alarm does not exist, the
variable, expression, or constant defined by the third argument is returned.
! Generate tag value if advanced alarm "AdvAlarm_1" is defined
! Generate an empty string if "AdvAlarm_1" is not defined
! Generate a zero value (0) in Hidden When field if advanced alarm
"AdvAlarm_1" is defined
! Generate a true value (1) in Hidden When field if "AdvAlarm_1"
is not defined
Chapter: 9 Using Cicode Macros
For more examples of how to implement the IFDEF macro, see the CitectSCADA Knowl-
edge Base article Q3461.
See Also
Based on the IFDEF macro, IFDEFAnaAlm allows you to define two possible outcomes
based on whether or not a specified analog alarm tag exists within a project at the time of
compiling. The macro can be implemented anywhere a simple expression is used, includ-
ing fields within relevant CitectSCADA dialogs.
The macro accepts three arguments: the first specifies the analog alarm tag that requires
confirmation, the second defines the outcome if the alarm exists, the third defines the out-
come if it does not exist.
Note: As different types of alarms can share the same name, you have to use a variation of
IFDEF to check for the existence of alarm tags. See IFDEFDigAlm for digital alarms, or IF-
DEFAdvAlm for advanced alarms.
IFDEFAnaAlm(TagName, [<value if defined>], <value if not defined>)
Return Value
If the analog alarm tag specified in the first argument exists, the value defined by the sec-
ond argument is returned. This could be a variable, expression, or constant, or the current
tag value if the argument has been left blank. If the specified alarm does not exist, the vari-
able, expression, or constant defined by the third argument is returned.
See Also
! Generate tag value if analog alarm "AnaAlarm_1" is defined
! Generate an empty string if "AnaAlarm_1" is not defined
! Generate a zero value (0) in Hidden When field if analog alarm
"AnaAlarm_1" is defined
! Generate a true value (1) in Hidden When field if "AnaAlarm_1"
is not defined
For further examples of how to implement the IFDEF macro, see the CitectSCADA Knowl-
edge Base article Q3461.
See Also
Based on the IFDEF macro, IFDEFDigAlm allows you to define two possible outcomes
based on whether or not a specified digital alarm tag exists within a project at the time of
Chapter: 9 Using Cicode Macros
compiling. The macro can be implemented anywhere a simple expression is used, includ-
ing fields within relevant CitectSCADA dialogs.
The macro accepts three arguments: the first specifies the digital alarm tag that requires
confirmation, the second defines the outcome if the alarm exists, the third defines the out-
come if it does not exist.
Note: As different types of alarms can share the same name, you have to use a variation of
IFDEF to check for the existence of alarm tags. See IFDEFAnaAlm for analog alarms or IF-
DEFAdvAlm for advanced alarms.
IFDEFDigAlm(TagName, [<value if defined>], <value if not defined>)
Return Value
If the digital alarm tag specified in the first argument exists, the value defined by the second
argument is returned. This could be a variable, expression, or constant, or the current tag
value if the argument has been left blank. If the specified alarm does not exist, the variable,
expression, or constant defined by the third argument is returned.
! Generate tag value if digital alarm "DigAlarm_1" is defined
! Generate an empty string if "DigAlarm_1" is not defined
! Generate a zero value (0) in Hidden When field if digital alarm
"DigAlarm_1" is defined
! Generate a true value (1) in Hidden When field if "DigAlarm_1"
is not defined
For more examples of how to implement the IFDEF macro, see the CitectSCADA Knowl-
edge Base article Q3461.
Related macros
Macro Arguments
The Cicode macros use the following arguments.
[<value if defined>]
<value if not defined>
The name of the tag you would like the IFDEF macro to confirm the existence of. The Cit-
ectSCADA compiler will check the current project database for a tag matching this name.
[<value if defined>]
Defines the outcome of the macro if the specified tag exists in the current project. This ar-
gument is optional, which means you can:
Generate any variable, constant, or expression.
Generate the current value for the specified tag by leaving the argument blank.
Chapter: 9 Using Cicode Macros
Chapter: 9 Using Cicode Macros
Chapter: 10 Converting and Formatting Cicode Vari-
CitectSCADA provides four functions for converting integers and real numbers into
strings, and vice versa.
IntToStr: converts an integer variable into a string
RealToStr: converts a floating-point variable into a string
StrToInt: converts a string into an integer variable
StrToReal: converts a string into a floating-point variable
You can convert data types without using these Cicode functions, but the result of the for-
mat conversion might not be what you expect. If you want more control over the conver-
sion process, use the appropriate Cicode functions.
Note: Variables of type object cannot be converted to any other type.
When variables are automatically converted, or when the return value from a function call
is converted, specific rules apply.
See Also
Converting Variable Integers to Strings
Converting Real Numbers to Strings
Converting Strings to Integers
Converting Strings to Real Numbers
Formatting Text Strings
Escape Sequences (String Formatting Commands)
Using Cicode Files
The value of StringVar = " 5". (The ’#’ formatting characters determine the size and number
of decimal places contained in the string, that is a length of 4 with no decimal places.)
Chapter: 10 Converting and Formatting Cicode Variables
See Also
Converting and Formatting Cicode Variables
Using Cicode Files
The value of StringVar = " 5.200". (The ’#’ formatting characters determine the size and
number of decimal places contained in the string, that is a length of 10 including a decimal
point and three decimal places.)
See Also
Converting and Formatting Cicode Variables
Using Cicode Files
The value of IntVar is set to 50. If StringVar contains any characters other than numeric
characters, IntVar is set to 0.
See Also
Converting and Formatting Cicode Variables
Using Cicode Files
Chapter: 10 Converting and Formatting Cicode Variables
The value of RealVar is set to 50.25. If StringVar contains any characters other than numeric
characters, RealVar is set to 0.
See Also
Converting and Formatting Cicode Variables
Using Cicode Files
More than one string can be joined together (concatenated) using the Cicode ’plus’ mathe-
matical operator ( + ). For example:
STRING sMyStringVariable;
sMyStringVariable = "This is my text string." + "This is my second
text string.";
The two strings would be joined together and assigned to the string variable sMyString-
Variable. However, if subsequently displayed somehow, like in the following MESSAGE
example, the concatenated string would look wrong because there is no space character po-
sitioned between the string sentences.
STRING sMyStringVariable;
sMyStringVariable = "This is my text string." + "This is my second
text string.";
MESSAGE("String Concatenation Example",sMyStringVariable,32);
Chapter: 10 Converting and Formatting Cicode Variables
To overcome this potential formatting problem, you could include an extra space as the last
character in the strings, or include the space as a third string in the concatenation. For ex-
sMyStringVariable = "This is my text string. " + "This is my
second text string. ";
sMyStringVariable = "This is my text string." + " " + "This is my
second text string. ";
However, these are considered poor programming practices and not recommended. In-
stead, you can use special string formatting commands known as escape sequences.
If the two strings (as used in the previous example), were formatted using appropriate es-
cape sequences positioned within the strings, and subsequently displayed somehow, like
in the following MESSAGE example, the concatenated string would look different, For ex-
STRING sMyStringVariable;
STRING sNewLine = "^n";
sMyStringVariable = "This is my text string." + sNewLine + "This
is my second text string.";
MESSAGE("String Concatenation Example",sMyStringVariable,32);
Strings and string variables can also be concatenated as in the previous example. Notice
how the newline escape sequence ( ^n ) was assigned to the string variable sNewLine, and
how this value was concatenated between the other strings and assigned to the string vari-
able sMyStringVariable for display in the MESSAGE function.
See Also
Converting and Formatting Cicode Variables
Using Cicode Files
Chapter: 10 Converting and Formatting Cicode Variables
can format the string display to do such things as break into separate lines at specific posi-
tions, insert tab spaces, insert quotes, or to display Hexadecimal numbers.
All Cicode escape sequences are preceded by a caret ( ^ ) character. The caret character is
interpreted as a special instruction, and together with the characters immediately following
it, are treated as an Cicode escape sequence formatting command. The escape sequences
used in Cicode are:
^b backspace
^f form feed
^n new line
^t horizontal tab
^v vertical tab
^’ single quote
^" double quote
^^ caret
^r carriage return
^0xhh where hh is a hexadecimal number (for example, ^0x1A)
See Also
Converting and Formatting Cicode Variables
Using Cicode Files
Chapter: 10 Converting and Formatting Cicode Variables
Chapter: 11 Working with Operators
With Cicode, you can use the data operators that are standard in most programming lan-
guages: mathematical, bit, relational, and logical operators.
See Also
Using Mathematical Operators
Using Bit Operators
Using Relational Operators
Using Logical Operators
Order of Precedence of Operators
The following are examples of mathematical operators
Command PV12 = PV10 + PV11;
Comment PV12 is the sum of PV10 and PV11
Command Counter = Counter - 1;
Comment The value of Counter is decreased by 1
Command PV12 = Speed * Counter;
Comment PV12 is the product of Speed and Counter
Command Average = Total / ShiftHrs;
Comment Average is Total divided by ShiftHrs
Command Hold = PV12 MOD PV13;
Comment If PV12 = 10 and PV13 = 8, Hold equals 2 (the remainder when PV12 is
divided by PV13)
Command Hold = PV12 MOD PV13;
Comment If PV12 = 10 and PV13 = 8, Hold equals 2 (the remainder when PV12 is
divided by PV13)
Note: Cicode uses the standard order of precedence, that is multiplication and division are
calculated before addition and subtraction. In the statement A=1+4/2, 4 is divided by 2 be-
Chapter: 11 Working with Operators
fore it is added to 1, and the result is 3. In the statement A=(1+4)/2 , 1 is first added to 4 be-
fore the division, and the result is 2.5.
You can also use the addition operator (+) to concatenate (join) two strings.
Operator Description
+ Concatenate
For example:
See Also
Working with Operators
Using Cicode Files
For example
Command Tag3 = Tag1 BITAND Tag2;
Command Tag3 = Tag1 BITAND 0xFF;
Command Tag3 = Tag1 BITOR Tag2;
Command Tag3 = Tag1 BITXOR Tag2;
See Also
Working with Operators
Using Cicode Files
Chapter: 11 Working with Operators
For example:
Command IF Message = "Alarm Active" THEN ...
Expression PV12 <> PV10;
Command IF (Total + Count) / Avg < 10 THEN ...
Expression Counter > 1;
Command IF PV12 <= PV10 THEN ...
Expression Total >= Shift * Hours;
See Also
Working with Operators
Using Cicode Files
Command Result = (PV12 = 10 AND PV13 = 2);
Comment If PV12 equals 10 and PV13 equals 2 then Result is TRUE(1)
Expression Motor_1 AND Motor_2;
Comment If both Motor_1 and Motor_2 are TRUE, that is Digital bits are 1 or ON,
then the expression is TRUE
Expression PV12 = 1 OR PV13 > 2 OR Counter <> 0;
Comment If either PV12 equals 1 or PV13 is greater than 2 or Counter is not equal
to 0, then the expression is TRUE
Command Result = (Motor1_Ol OR Motor2_Ol);
Comment If either Motor1_Ol or Motor2_Ol is TRUE, that is Digital bit is 1 or ON,
then Result is TRUE (1)
Command IF NOT PV12 = 10 THEN ...
Comment If PV12 does not equal 10 then the result is TRUE. This is functionally
identical to IF PV12 <> 10 THEN . . .
Expression NOT Tag_1;
Comment This expression is TRUE if Tag_1 = 0. This is most commonly used for
testing digital variables
See Also
Working with Operators
Using Cicode Files
Chapter: 11 Working with Operators
See Also
Working with Operators
Using Cicode Files
Chapter: 12 Working with Conditional Executors
The statements that control decisions and loops in your functions are called conditional ex-
ecutors. Cicode uses four conditional executors: If, For, While, and select case.
See Also
Formatting Executable Statements
Setting IF ... THEN Conditions
Using FOR ... DO Loops
Using WHILE ... DO Conditional Loops
Using the SELECT CASE statement
Using Cicode Files
When you use the If Then format, the statement(s) following are executed only if the ex-
pression is TRUE, for example:
INT Counter;
IF PV12 = 10 THEN
Counter = Counter + 1;
In this example, the Counter increments only if the tag PV12 is equal to 10, otherwise the
value of Counter remains unchanged. You can include several statements (including other
IF statements), within an IF statement, for example:
INT Counter;
IF PV12 = 10 THEN
Counter = Counter + 1;
IF Counter > 100 THEN
Chapter: 12 Working with Conditional Executors
In this example, the report runs when the Counter increments, that is when PV12 = 10, and
the value of the counter exceeds 100.
You can use the If Then Else format for branching. Depending on the outcome of the ex-
pression, one of two actions are performed, for example:
INT Counter;
IF PV12 = 10 THEN
Counter = Counter + 1;
In this example, the report runs if PV12 is equal to 10 (TRUE), or the counter increments if
PV12 is anything but 10 (FALSE).
See Also
Working with Conditional Executors
This function displays the single message "This is a String Array" on the screen one word
at a time pausing for 15 seconds between each word.
See Also
Working with Conditional Executors
Chapter: 12 Working with Conditional Executors
WHILE Expression DO
Be careful when using WHILE loops in your Cicode functions: WHILE loops can cause ex-
cessive loading of the CPU and therefore reduce system performance. If you use a WHILE
loop to loop forever, you should call the Cicode function Sleep() so that CitectSCADA can
schedule other tasks. The Sleep() function increases the performance of your CitectSCADA
system if you use many WHILE loops.
See Also
Working with Conditional Executors
Nested Loops
You can "nest" one loop inside the other. That is, a conditional statement can be placed com-
pletely within (nested inside) a condition of another statement.
See Also
Working with Conditional Executors
Chapter: 12 Working with Conditional Executors
Where the TO keyword specifies an inclusive range of values. The smaller value must be
placed before TO.
- IS <relop> expression.
Use the IS keyword with relational operators (<relop>). Relational operators that may be
used are <, <=, =, <>, >, >= .
If the Expression matches any CaseExpression, the statements following that CASE clause
are executed up to the next CASE clause, or (for the last clause) up to the END SELECT. If
the Expression matches a CaseExpression in more than one CASE clause, only the state-
ments following the first match are executed.
The CASE ELSE clause is used to indicate the statements to be executed if no match is found
between the Expression and any of the CaseExpressions. When there is no CASE ELSE
statement and no CaseExpressions match the Expression, execution continues at the next
Cicode statement following END SELECT.
You can use multiple expressions or ranges in each CASE clause. For example, the follow-
ing line is valid:
CASE 1 To 4, 7 To 9, 11, 13, Is > MaxNumber
You can also specify ranges and multiple expressions. In the following example, CASE
matches strings that are exactly equal to "everything", strings that fall between "nuts" and
"soup" in alphabetical order, and the current value of "TestItem":
CASE "everything","nuts" To "soup",TestItem
SELECT CASE statements can be nested. Each SELECT CASE statement must have a
matching END SELECT statement.
For example, if the four possible states of a ship are Waiting, Berthed, Loading, and Load-
ed, the Select Case statement could be run from a button to display a prompt detailing the
ship’s current state.
select case iStatus
Prompt("No Status");
See Also
Working with Conditional Executors
Chapter: 13 Performing Advanced Tasks
This section introduces and explains event handling, CitectSCADA tasks, CitectSCADA
threads, how CitectSCADA executes, and multitasking - including foreground and back-
ground tasks, controlling tasks, and pre-emptive multitasking.
See Also
Handling Events
How CitectSCADA Executes
Foreground and background tasks
Controlling tasks
Pre-emptive multitasking
Handling Events
Cicode supports event handling. You can define a function that is called only when a par-
ticular event occurs. Event handling reduces the overhead that is required when event trap-
ping is executed by using a loop. The following example illustrates the use of the OnEvent()
FUNCTION MouseCallback()
INT x, y;
Prompt("Mouse at "+x:####+","+y:####);
The function MouseCallBack is called when the mouse is moved - you do not need to poll
the mouse to check if it has moved. CitectSCADA watches for an event with the OnEvent()
Because these functions are called each time the event occurs, you should avoid complex
or time consuming statements within the function. If the function is executing when anoth-
er call is made, the function can be blocked, and some valuable information may be lost. If
you do wish to write complex event handling functions, you should use the queue han-
dling functions provided with Cicode.
See Also
Performing Advanced Tasks
Chapter: 13 Performing Advanced Tasks
Multitasking is when you can run more than one task at the same time. Windows supports
this feature at the application level. For example you can run MS-Word and MS-Excel at the
same time.
CitectSCADA also supports multitasking internally; that is you can tell CitectSCADA to do
something, and before CitectSCADA has completed that task you can tell CitectSCADA to
start some other task. CitectSCADA will perform both tasks at the same time. CitectSCADA
automatically creates the tasks, all you have to do is call the functions.
Multitasking is a feature of CitectSCADA not the operating system. Most applications can-
not do this, for example if you start a macro in Excel, while that macro is running you can-
not do any other operation in Excel until that macro completes.
A multitasking environment is useful when designing your Cicode. It allows you to be flex-
ible, allowing the operator to perform one action, while another is already taking place. For
example, you can use Cicode to display two different input forms at the same time, while
allowing the operator to continue using the screen in the background.
Chapter: 13 Performing Advanced Tasks
See Also
Performing Advanced Tasks
Controlling tasks
You can use the Task functions to control the execution of Cicode tasks, and use the Cit-
ectSCADA Kernel at runtime to monitor the tasks that are executing. Since CitectSCADA
automatically creates new tasks (whenever you call a keyboard command, etc.), schedules
them, and destroys them when they are finished, most users will not need to consider these
activities in detail.
Sometimes it is desirable to manually ’spawn’ a new task. For example, suppose your
Cicode is polling an I/O Device (an operation which must be continuous), but a situation
arises that requires operator input. To display a form would temporarily halt the polling.
Instead you can spawn a new task to get the operator input, while the original task contin-
ues polling the device.
Note: The TaskNew Cicode function is used to spawn new tasks.
See Also
"Using the CitectSCADA Kernel" in the CitectSCADA User Guide
Performing Advanced Tasks
Task Functions
Pre-emptive multitasking
Cicode supports pre-empted multitasking. If a Cicode task is running, and a more impor-
tant task is scheduled, CitectSCADA will suspend the original task, complete the more im-
portant task and return to the original task.
Preemption is supported between Cicode threads and other internal processes performed
by CitectSCADA. You can, therefore, write Cicode that runs forever (for example, a contin-
uous while loop) without halting other Cicode threads or CitectSCADA itself. For example:
Chapter: 13 Performing Advanced Tasks
In the above example, the function Sleep() is used to force preemption. The Sleep() function
is optional, however it will reduce the load on the CPU, because the loop is suspended each
second (it will not repeat at a high rate).
See Also
Performing Advanced Tasks
Chapter: 14 Editing and Debugging Code
This section describes how to edit and debug your Cicode using the Cicode Editor.
Chapter: 14 Editing and Debugging Code
Chapter: 14 Editing and Debugging Code
Creating functions
To create a new Cicode function:
Start the Cicode Editor.
Choose File | New, or click New.
Type in your new Cicode function in the blank space, or at the end of the file. Format
the Cicode function correctly, following the documented syntax.
Save the Cicode file.
Saving files
To save a Cicode file:
Choose File | Save, or click Save.
If the file is new, you will be prompted by the Save as dialog. CitectSCADA automati-
cally suggests a name.
Type in a new name in the File name field.
Click Save to save the file, or Cancel to abort the save.
To save your Cicode file under a new name, choose Save as instead of Save. The original
file will remain in your project under the original filename, until you delete it. All source
files in your project directory will be included when you compile your project.
Chapter: 14 Editing and Debugging Code
Chapter: 14 Editing and Debugging Code
Chapter: 14 Editing and Debugging Code
Chapter: 14 Editing and Debugging Code
The Windows and Bars tab displays the current display state of the listed Toolbars and De-
bug Windows within the Cicode Editor. A check mark in the checkbox next to the Window
or Toolbar name enables the display of that Window or Toolbar in the Cicode Editor. A
grayed-out checkbox indicates that the window is disabled (presently unable to be dis-
played). For example: Many of the debug windows which display the active state of project
Cicode variables are disabled when a Cicode project is not running, and therefore the
Cicode Editor cannot be in debug mode).
Note: Right-click in the toolbar area to view a menu of available toolbars and debug win-
dows. For a description the buttons, see The Cicode Editor.
Toolbar options
Click the button on the toolbar to display the tool bar you want; for example, click Edit to
display the Edit tool bar.
Window options
The Cicode Editor has several editing and debug windows that you can use to display in-
formation about running Cicode and CitectVBA.
The Cicode Editor windows available are:
Breakpoint window
Output window
Global Variable window
Stack window
Thread window
Compile Errors window
CitectVBA Watch window
Files window
Chapter: 14 Editing and Debugging Code
Breakpoint window
Displays the Breakpoint Window, which is used to list all breakpoints that are currently set
within the project. Double clicking an item in the list loads the file into the editor and jumps
to the breakpoint position. Right-clicking an item allows the enable/disable/removal of the
list item.
Output window
Displays the Output Window, which lists the output messages sent by CitectSCADA dur-
ing debugging. It states when threads start and terminate, and if a break occurs. This win-
dow will show messages sent by the TraceMsg() function.
The Output window shows entries in the order that they occur:
Chapter: 14 Editing and Debugging Code
to the list when it is first assigned a value. Each time the Global variable is processed, its
value will be updated in the Global Variable Window.
Note: You must be in debug mode to view global variable values in this window.
Stack window
Displays the Call Stack window, which lists the stack values of the current thread. The stack
consists of the functions called (including the arguments), any variables used in the func-
tions, and return values. This is especially useful during debugging to trace the origin of
the calling procedures.
A stack is a section of memory that is used to store temporary information. For example,
when you call a Cicode function, the variables used inside the function exist only as long
as the function runs.
To view the values of arguments and variables in a procedure, place a breakpoint within
the procedure under watch. When that breakpoint is reached, the Stack Window will dis-
play the current call stack of the procedure containing the breakpoint. The values of the
stack are updated as the values change.
Thread window
Displays the Threads History window.
Chapter: 14 Editing and Debugging Code
Chapter: 14 Editing and Debugging Code
Files window
Displays the Files window containing three tabs.
The ’All Projects’ tab displays a tree hierarchy view of all projects and their Cicode and
CitectVBA files available within Citect Explorer.
The ’Open Project’ tab displays a tree hierarchy view of the currently selected project,
and all included projects. The currently selected project will be the top entry.
The ’Open Files’ tab lists the names of all files currently open for editing in the Cicode
Note: Clicking any of the file names displayed in the tree will open that file in the editor
and give it the focus.
Chapter: 14 Editing and Debugging Code
Chapter: 14 Editing and Debugging Code
This option is overridden by the CitectSCADA will start debugger on hardware errors op-
tion. That is, if the above option is disabled, then this option is disabled also.
Note: Foreground Cicode cannot be suspended. The break point will be marked, but you
will not be able to step through the function.
[CitectSCADA startup options] Allow remote debugging
Allows debugging of Cicode on this computer from a remote CitectSCADA computer.
[CitectSCADA startup options] Remote IP Address
The Windows Computer Name or TCP/IP address of the remote CitectSCADA computer.
The Windows Computer Name is the same as specified in the Identification tab, under the
Network section of the Windows Control Panel. You specify this name on the computer
from which you are debugging.
The TCP/IP address (for example, or can be determined as
Go to the Command Prompt, type IPCONFIG, and press Enter.
[Debugger options] Save breakpoints between sessions
Save the location and states of breakpoints between running sessions of the Cicode Editor
and Debugger. This means breakpoints inserted using the Cicode Editor can later be re-
called when an error is detected - even though the file (and application) has been closed.
[Compile options] Incremental compile
Enables the incremental compilation of the project.
See Also
Debugging Cicode
This dialog displays the currently selected programming language that the editor will use
to format the syntax of the file being edited in the code window. If you open a Cicode file
(with a .Ci extension), the current language formatter changes to Cicode. If you open a Ci-
tectVBA file (with a .bas extension), the current language formatter changes to CitectVBA.
Chapter: 14 Editing and Debugging Code
Similarly, if you open a file with neither a Cicode nor a CitectVBA extension, say a text file
(with a .txt extension), the editor will not know which language type you intend to use, and
will not apply any formatting to the file. You can use this dialog to select which program-
ming language the file contains, and it will format the file appropriately for display in the
code window.
Note: The Cicode Editor can be used to edit any ASCII text based file, including Microsoft
JScript. The editor recognizes JScript files (with a .jav extension) and will change the current
language formatter to JScript. CitectSCADA does not support JScript, and will not compile
it into your project. However, the editor can still be used separately to edit or create a
JScript file or any other ASCII text based file.
Displays the currently selected programming language formatter for appropriate syntax
coloring of the file displayed in the code window.
Displays the range of possible programming languages that can be chosen as the current
language for formatting and display in the code window.
Debugging Cicode
To help you locate Cicode errors, you can switch the Cicode Editor to debug mode to ana-
lyze running Cicode. You can toggle debugging on and off as required, but CitectSCADA
must be running for the debugger to work.
Note: The Cicode Editor cannot debug foreground Cicode. A break in a foreground Cicode
will result in the Foreground Cicode cannot break message.
See Also
Cicode Editor Options | Function Error handling | Debug Error Trapping
Debugging functions
To debug a function:
Run the Cicode Editor.
Open the file containing the function you wish to debug.
Click the Toggle Debug button, or choose Debug | Start Debugging.
Note: If the current project is not running, CitectSCADA compiles and runs it automat-
ically. The bug in the bottom right-hand corner is green when debugging.
Insert a breakpoint where you want to start debugging.
Chapter: 14 Editing and Debugging Code
From the View menu, select any debug windows you want to use. If you are unsure,
you can use them all.
Initiate the thread by calling the function. You can do this directly from the Cicode win-
dow in the Kernel, or by using a function, etc.
The function will break at the specified breakpoint. You can then use the step tools to
step through and trace your function.
Click the Toggle Debug button to stop debugging, or choose Debug | Stop Debugging.
Using breakpoints
There are three ways for a processing thread to halt:
Manually inserting a breakpoint.
Using the DebugBreak() Cicode function.
If a hardware error is detected.
To debug a function, you must first be able to stop it at a particular point in the code. You
can place a breakpoint on any line in the source code functions. Breakpoints may be insert-
ed or removed while editing or debugging and do not need to be saved with the file.
For a detected hardware error to halt a function, you must have either the Break on all
hardware errors or Break on hardware errors in active thread option set (Debug menu -
Options). When the break occurs, the default Cicode Editor will be launched (if it is not
open already), with the correct code file, function, and break point line displayed. To
Chapter: 14 Editing and Debugging Code
launch the debugger in this case, you must have the CitectSCADA will start debugger on
hardware errors option set.
Enabling/disabling breakpoints
You can enable or disable breakpoints you have inserted into your Cicode.
To enable/disable a breakpoint:
Open the Cicode Editing Window.
Position the cursor on the line where the breakpoint is located.
Press Ctrl + F9, or choose Debug | Enable/Disable Breakpoint.
Note: A disabled breakpoint appears as a large dark gray (disabled) dot at the beginning
of the line.
Chapter: 15 Using Cicode Programming Standards
Implementing programming practices results in Cicode that is more robust, manageable,
and predictable in execution, regardless of the author. Using programming standards en-
Adopting modular programming techniques.
Ensuring that programs are adequately described by suitable module headers.
Formatting code to improve readability.
The following topics are presented as a suggested means of achieving good programming
Variable Declaration Standards
Variable Scope Standards
Variable Naming Standards
Standards for Constants, Variable Tags, and Labels
Formatting Simple Declarations
Formatting Executable Statements
Formatting Expressions
Cicode Comments
Formatting Functions
Modular Programming
Defensive Programming
Function Error handling
Debug Error Trapping
See Also
Using Cicode Functions
Note: Parts contained within square brackets are optional. For example, you do not have to
specify the variable scope (it defaults to local if you do not). Parts contained within greater
than ( < ) and less than ( > ) signs should be replaced with the relevant text/value. For ex-
ample, you would replace <initial value> with an actual value. (You would not bracket
your value with greater than and less than signs.)
Chapter: 15 Using Cicode Programming Standards
When declaring your variables, all parts of each should align vertically (the scope part of
each should be vertically aligned, the type part of each should be aligned, etc.). Each part
of the declaration is allotted a set amount of space. If one part is missing, its space should
be left blank. The missing part should not affect the positioning of the next part:
See Also
Using Cicode Programming Standards
Variable names typically consist of up to three words. Each word in a variable name
should start with a capital letter, for example:
iTrendType, rPeriod, sFileName
Module variable names should be prefixed with an "m", for example:
miTrendType, mrPeriod, msFileName
Global variable names should be prefixed with a "g", for example:
Chapter: 15 Using Cicode Programming Standards
See Also
Using Cicode Programming Standards
In Cicode there is no equivalent of #defines of C language, or a type that will force variables
to be constants (read-only variables). However, the variable naming convention makes
constants easily identifiable so developers will treat those variables as read-only variables.
Constants must have the prefix ‘c’.
Constants must be declared and initialized at the beginning of the Cicode file and never
assigned a value again.
For example:
INT ciTrendTypePeriodic = 1;
INT ciTrendTypeEvent = 2;
STRING csPageName = "Mimic";
Variable tags
Variable tags that have been defined in the database (with the Variable Tags form) can be
used in all functions in the Cicode files. Variable tags are identifiable because they will not
have a prefix (also, they are generally in uppercase letters).
Labels, like variable tags, can be used in all functions in the Cicode files. They can be either
all upper case letters or mixed case. In order to differentiate them from the variable tags and
other Cicode variables they should have an ‘_’ (underscore) in front of them. For example:
Note: There are a few labels without an underscore defined in the Labels form in the IN-
CLUDE project. Although they do not follow the guidelines set in this document their wide
usage makes changing those labels impractical. These labels are: TRUE, FALSE,
BAD_HANDLE, XFreak, XOutsideCL, XAboveUCL, XBelowLCL, XOutsideWL, XUp-
Trend, XDownTrend, XGradualUp, XGradualDown, XErratic, XStratification, XMixture,
ROutsideCL, RAboveUCL, RBelowLCL
Chapter: 15 Using Cicode Programming Standards
See Also
Using Cicode Programming Standards
See Also
Using Cicode Commands
Using Cicode Programming Standards
Chapter: 15 Using Cicode Programming Standards
IF statements can be used in one of the formats below. When indenting the IF state-
ments, a tab stop should be used. For example:
Simple IF block
IF <expression> THEN
IF <expression> THEN
For WHILE and FOR statements see Working with Conditional Executors.
See Also
Using Cicode Commands
Working with Conditional Executors
Using Cicode Programming Standards
Formatting Expressions
The following conventions should be observed when formatting Cicode functions:
When an expression forms a complete statement, it should, like any other statement, oc-
cupy one or more lines of its own and be indented to the current level. Operators should
be surrounded by spaces. For example:
i= i*10+c-’0’; // WRONG
i = i * 10 + c - ’0’; // RIGHT
Chapter: 15 Using Cicode Programming Standards
a = b * ( c - d ); // WRONG
a = b * (c - d); // RIGHT
The round brackets which surround the arguments of a function all attract no spaces,
for example:
DisplayText( "hello" ); // WRONG
DisplayText("hello"); // RIGHT
Commas, whether used as operators or separators, would be placed hard against the
previous symbol and followed by a space. For example:
DevSeek(hDev ,Offset); // WRONG
DevSeek(hDev, Offset); // RIGHT
See Also
Using Cicode Expressions
Using Cicode Commands
Using Cicode Programming Standards
Cicode Comments
Comments are designed to to aid understanding and maintenance of code. You should
place comments in the notes of the function header so as not to clutter up the code. Small
one-line comments are acceptable to explain some small part of the code which may be
hard to understand in the normal header comment.
See Also
Using Cicode Programming Standards
Formatting Functions
Cicode functions have up to seven parts: Scope, Type, Keyword, Name, Argument(s),
Statement(s), Keyword.
The scope of the function. If you do not specify a scope, the function will be Public by de-
fault. That is, it will be available to all Cicode files, pages, and CitectSCADA databases (for
example, Alarm.dbf). To make a function Private (that is only available within the file in
which it is declared), you must prefix it with the word PRIVATE.
The return type of the function. This should be on a separate line.
The keyword FUNCTION. This should be on a separate line.
The function name. Function names should follow the Function Naming Standards. This
should be on a separate line.
Chapter: 15 Using Cicode Programming Standards
The argument list. The arguments are separated by commas and they can have default val-
ues. The argument list is normally on the same line as the function name but multiple line
argument list is also acceptable if it improves readability.
The statements. Each statement should be on a separate line.
The keyword END which marks the end of the function. This should be on a separate line.
Note: Parts contained within square brackets - [ ] - are optional. For example, you do not
have to specify the function scope (it will default to Public if you do not). Parts contained
within greater than & less than signs - < > - should be replaced with the relevant text/value.
For example, you would replace <initial value> with an actual value. You would not brack-
et your value with greater than & less than signs.
For example:
PlotOpen(STRING sName, INT nMode)
hPlot = .....;
WasteInfoName(INT nType, INT nMode)
STRINGsName = "Sydney";
sName = .....;
See Also
Writing Functions
Using Cicode Functions
Using Cicode Programming Standards
Chapter: 15 Using Cicode Programming Standards
See Also
Naming Functions
Note: Declare all module variables at the MODULE VARIABLES section at the beginning
of the file and initialize the module variables.
For example:
//** FILE: Recipe.CI
//** DESCRIPTION: Contains all functions for gathering recipe data.
//** OpenRecipeDatabase
//** CloseRecipeDatabase
//** ReadRecipeData
//** WriteRecipeData
//** GatherRecipeData
//** RecipeForm
//** OpenRecipeDatabase
//** ButtonCallback
//*************** MODULE CONSTANTS***********************
module int cmiRecipeMax =100; //Maximum number of recipes
//**************** MODULE VARIABLES ***********************
module int miRecipeNumber =0; //Minimum number of recipes
Chapter: 15 Using Cicode Programming Standards
Function headers
Functions should have a descriptive header, formatted as follows:
//** FUNCTION : <name of function>
//** DESCRIPTION : <suggests the operation, application source and
//** multi-tasking issues>
//** <revision number> <date> <author> <comments about the change>
//** ARGUMENTS: <argument description>
//** RETURNED VALUE: < description of possible return values>
//** NOTES:
Modular Programming
One of the more effective programming practices involves partitioning large, complex pro-
gramming challenges into smaller and more manageable sub-tasks and reusable functions.
A similar approach should be taken when using a programming language like Cicode to
Chapter: 15 Using Cicode Programming Standards
complete a task. Reducing the task to smaller tasks (or functions) has the following advan-
Reduced Complexity - Once the function is created and tested, the detailed operation
about how it works need not be revisited. Users need only focus on the results produced
by the function.
Avoids Duplicate Code - Creating a generic function instead of copying similar code
reduces the total amount of code in the system. It also means the function can be reused
by separate code areas. This makes the code more maintainable because it is smaller in
size, and only one instance needs to be modified.
Hides Information - Information can be in the form of operations, data, or resources.
Access to information can be controlled when functions are written that provide a lim-
ited set of actions to be performed on the information. For example, if a user wishes to
log a message to a database, he or she should only send the message to a function, say
LogDBaseMessage("hello world"), and the function should control the database re-
source. The function then becomes the single interface to the database resource. Re-
sources that have multiple interfaces to them are harder to control. This is because in a
multitasking environment, the user cannot control or even know in advance the order
of code execution, and hence a resource may be modified at the same time by different
tasks. Information hiding can also smooth out any wrinkles in standard functions, min-
imizing possible misuse of resources such as semaphores, queues, devices, and files.
Functions that do this are often called ‘wrapper’ functions as they add a protective shell
to existing functions.
Improves Performance - Optimizing code that resides in one place immediately in-
creases the performance of code that calls this function. Scattered code will require all
areas to be modified should any optimization be necessary.
Isolates Complex Code - Code that requires complex operations such communications
protocols, complex algorithms, boolean logic, or complex data manipulation is suscep-
tible to errors. Placing this code in a separate function reduces the possibility of this code
corrupting or halting other code.
Improves Readability - A small function with meaningful parameter names assists
readability as it is a step towards self-documenting code and reduces the need to scan
multiple pages of code to establish what the operation is meant to achieve.
Modular programming has a few rules that define how functions should be structured -
Cohesion - and how they are related to other functions - Coupling.
See Also
Defensive Programming
Using Cicode Programming Standards
A goal of modular programming is to create simple functions that perform a single task,
but perform that task well. This can be described as how ’cohesive’ a function is.
Two factors that affect the level of cohesion are:
Number of tasks the function performs.
Similarity of the tasks.
Chapter: 15 Using Cicode Programming Standards
For example, the function Sin(x) will perform one task - return the trigonometric Sine value
of x. This is an example of a highly cohesive function. The function SinAndTan(x) performs
two tasks - calculate the trigonometric Sine and Tan of the value X. This function has lower
cohesion than Sin(x) because it performs two tasks.
Highly cohesive functions are more dependable, easier to modify, and easier to debug than
functions that have lower levels of cohesion and are hence acceptable and encouraged.
Low cohesion functions are typically complex, prone to errors, and are more costly to fix.
Low cohesion functions are regarded as poor programming practice and discouraged.
Another rule of modular programming is to reduce the number of relationships between
functions. This is referred to as function coupling. Functions that have few, or no, relation-
ships between them are loosely coupled. Loosely coupled functions provide simple, visible
interfaces to the function. This makes the functions easier to use and modify. For example,
the Cicode function TimeCurrent() is a loosely coupled function. To use this function, a
user need only call its name, and the function will return with the desired result. The user
does not need to be aware of any relationships because there are no parameters passed to
the function, and it does not read from, or write to, any global data. There is very little like-
lihood of error with this function; it only returns a time/date variable and does not support
error codes. In the unlikely event that the function did not return the time/date variable, it
would be through no error of the calling function because it has no relationship to it.
Functions that have many relationships between them are tightly coupled. For example, a
user written function like AddCustomerRecord(hDatabase, sFirstName, sSurname, sAd-
dress, sAge, sPhone) has a higher level of coupling than the function TimeCurrent(). Tight-
ly coupled functions are inflexible in their use, less robust, and harder to maintain. The
AddCustomerRecord() function is less robust because it could experience an error of its
own accord, or if the function calling it passes bad data to it. Tightly coupled functions are
harder to maintain because modifying a function with many relationships in it may result
in modifications to other functions to accept the data.
The different types of function relationships are listed below:
Passed parameters. A simple, visible form of loose coupling that is encouraged. Once
the number of parameters passed to a function exceeds seven, you should consider par-
titioning the function into two smaller functions. These types of relationships are ac-
Control information. Control information causes the called function to behave in a dif-
ferent way. For example, the function ChangeData(iMode), behaves differently de-
pending on the value of the variable iMode that is passed into it. It may be responsible
for deleting, inserting, or updating data. In addition to being a tightly coupled function,
Chapter: 15 Using Cicode Programming Standards
it has low cohesion because it performs multiple tasks. This function could be broken
up into three separate functions to perform the separate tasks. These types of relation-
ships are moderately acceptable.
Shared common data. This is often referred to as global variable data. This is an invisi-
ble form of tight coupling that, particularly in pre-emptive, multi-tasking environ-
ments, can result in an unpredictable, hard-to-maintain program. When functions write
to the global variable data there is no monitoring of or restriction on who is writing to
the variable. Hence the value can be indeterminate. Global variables are acceptable
when they are used for read-only purposes, otherwise their use is discouraged. Similar-
ly, module variable data in CitectSCADA should be treated the same way. The use of
local function variables is encouraged to decrease function coupling.
Defensive Programming
Defensive programming is an approach to improve software and source code. It aims to
improve general quality by reducing the number of software bugs and problems. It pro-
motes making the source code readable and understandable. It aims to make your code be-
have in a predictable manner despite unexpected input or user actions.
You should try to:
Verify that your code does not produce unexplained hardware alarms.
Check that denominators in division are not zero.
Check that array indexes cannot go out of range.
Check that arguments from external sources are valid.
Check that loop terminations are obvious and achievable.
Do not write the same code twice. If you find that two sections of code look identical or
almost identical it is worth spending the time to re-write or re-design it. This will gen-
erally reduce the size of the code in question by a third or more, which reduces complex-
ity and therefore maintenance and debugging time. The most effective method to
achieve this is to convert the identical code to a new function.
Do not access the module data in any function other than the member functions.
Write the member functions whenever an array is defined. Do not try to pass arrays be-
tween functions, make the arrays the centre piece of the object.
Cicode is a multitasking language. Several tasks (commands, expressions and tasks cre-
ated by TaskNew function) can be executed concurrently. This powerful feature of
Cicode should be used with care as some of the functions may be modifying module da-
ta. It is important that the number of tasks running at any point in time be minimized.
This may require the use of semaphores to protect the module data from interference
and corruption. (For the use of semaphores, refer to SemOpen, SemClose, SemSignal
and SemWait functions in on-line help or the Cicode Reference manual).
See Also
Using Cicode Programming Standards
Modular Programming
Function Error handling
Chapter: 15 Using Cicode Programming Standards
If an error is detected in one of these functions, your Cicode task will generate a hardware
error and be halted. You may stop your Cicode task from being halted by using the ErrSet()
function and checking for errors using IsError().
The parameter [Code]HaltOnError allows you to stop any errors detected in these functions
from halting your Cicode. If you set. . .
then your Cicode will continue to run after a hardware error is detected in these functions.
For example:
Example of error code only
INTnError = 0;
nError = ExampleOpen("MyForm");
IF nError = 0 THEN
ExampleOpen(STRING sName)
INTnError = 0;
IF <an error has been detected> THEN
nError = 299;
RETURN nError;
Example of handles
Chapter: 15 Using Cicode Programming Standards
hFile = ExampleFileOpen("MyFile.txt");
ExampleFileOpen(STRING sName)
hFile = FileOpen(sName, "r+");
hFile = FileOpen(sName, "r");
See Also
Debugging Cicode
Chapter: 15 Using Cicode Programming Standards
DebugMsg function
DebugMsg() internally calls the TraceMsg() function if the debug switch is on. The imple-
mentation of this function can be found in DEBUG.CI in the INCLUDE project. You can
turn the debug switch on or off by doing any of the following:
Calling DebugMsgSet(INT bDebugMsg) on the Kernel Cicode window. (Or, this function
can be called from a keyboard command or something similar.)
Changing the [Code]DebugMessage parameter in the INI file.
For example:
FilePrint(STRING sDeviceName, STRING sFileName)
INT hFile;
INT hDev;
Assert function
Assert reports an error if the test passed by the argument does not return the expected val-
ue. The implementation of this function can be found in DEBUG.CI in the INCLUDE
For example:
FileDisplayEx(STRING sFileName)
Chapter: 15 Using Cicode Programming Standards
See Also
Debugging Cicode
Part: 3
Functions Reference
Cicode includes the following function categories:
Accumulator Functions I/O Device Functions
ActiveX Functions Keyboard Functions
Alarm Functions Mail Functions
Clipboard Functions Math/Trigonometry Functions
Cluster Functions Miscellaneous Functions
Color Functions Page Functions
Communication Functions Plot Functions
DDE Functions Report Functions
Device Functions Security Functions
Display Functions SPC Functions
DLL Functions SQL Functions
Error Functions String Functions
Event Functions Super Genie Functions
File Functions Table (Array) Functions
Form Functions Tag Functions
Format Functions Task Functions
FTP Functions Time/Date Functions
FuzzyTech Functions Trend Functions
Group Functions Window Functions
Chapter: 16 Accumulator Functions
Accumulator functions enable you to programmatically browse and control Accumulators
and retrieve information from them.
Accumulator Functions
Following are functions relating to accumulators.
AccControl Controls accumulators for example, motor run
AccumBrowseClose Closes an accumulator browse session.
AccumBrowseFirst Gets the oldest accumulator entry.
AccumBrowseGetField Gets the field indicated by the cursor position in the
browse session.
AccumBrowseNext Gets the next accumulator entry in the browse ses-
AccumBrowseNumRecords Returns the number of records in the current browse
AccumBrowseOpen Opens an accumulator browse session.
AccumBrowsePrev Gets the previous accumulator entry in the browse
See Also
Functions Reference
Controls accumulators, for example, motor run hours. You can reset the values of Run
Time, Totalizer Inc, and No. of Starts (defined in the Accumulator database), re-read these
values from the I/O device, or flush pending writes of these values to the I/O device.
AccControl(sName, nMode [, ClusterName] )
The name of the accumulator or a mask for the names of accumulators. You can
use the following wildcards:
* matches all following characters, for example, "Motor*" matches all accumu-
lators starting with the word "Motor"
? matches any single character, for example, "Motor?10" matches "MotorA10"
and "MotorB10"
This argument can be prefixed by the name of the cluster for example Cluster-
The mode of the control:
1 - Reset Run Time and Totalizer value
2 - Reset No. of Starts
Chapter: 16 Accumulator Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
! Reset all accumulator variables for accumulator "MCC123".
AccControl("MCC123", 3, "ClusterXYZ");
See Also
Accumulator Functions
The AccumBrowseClose function terminates an active data browse session and cleans up
all resources associated with the session.
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AccumBrowseOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the accumulator browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AccumBrowseFirst, AccumBrowseGetField, AccumBrowseNext, AccumBrowseNum-
Records, AccumBrowseOpen, AccumBrowsePrev
See Also
Accumulator Functions
The AccumBrowseFirst function places the data browse cursor at the first record.
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
Chapter: 16 Accumulator Functions
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AccumBrowseOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the accumulator browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AccumBrowseClose, AccumBrowseGetField, AccumBrowseNext, AccumBrowseNum-
Records, AccumBrowseOpen, AccumBrowsePrev
See Also
Accumulator Functions
The AccumBrowseGetField function retrieves the value of the specified field from the
record the data browse cursor is currently referencing.
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
AccumBrowseGetField(iSession, sFieldName)
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AccumBrowseOpen call.
The name of the field that references the value to be returned. Supported fields
See Browse Function Field Reference for information about fields.
Return Value
The value of the specified field as a string. An empty string may or may not be an indication
that an error has been detected. The last error should be checked in this instance to deter-
mine if an error has actually occurred.
Related Functions
AccumBrowseClose, AccumBrowseFirst, AccumBrowseNext, AccumBrowseNum-
Records, AccumBrowseOpen, AccumBrowsePrev
STRING fieldValue = "";
STRING fieldName = "TYPE";
INT errorCode = 0;
fieldValue = AccumBrowseGetField(iSession, sFieldName);
IF fieldValue <> "" THEN
// Successful case
Chapter: 16 Accumulator Functions
// Function returned an error
See Also
Accumulator Functions
The AccumBrowseNext function moves the data browse cursor forward one record. If you
call this function after you have reached the end of the records, error 412 is returned
(Databrowse session EOF).
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AccumBrowseOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the accumulator browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AccumBrowseClose, AccumBrowseFirst, AccumBrowseGetField, AccumBrowseNum-
Records, AccumBrowseOpen, AccumBrowsePrev
See Also
Accumulator Functions
The AccumBrowseNumRecords function returns the number of records that match the fil-
ter criteria.
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AccumBrowseOpen call.
Return Value
The number of records that have matched the filter criteria. A value of 0 denotes that no
records have matched. A value of -1 denotes that the browse session is unable to provide a
fixed number. This may be the case if the data being browsed changed during the browse
Chapter: 16 Accumulator Functions
Related Functions
AccumBrowseClose, AccumBrowseFirst, AccumBrowseGetField, AccumBrowseNext, Ac-
cumBrowseOpen, AccumBrowsePrev
INT numRecords = 0;
numRecords = AccumBrowseNumRecords(iSession);
IF numRecords <> 0 THEN
// Have records
// No records
See Also
Accumulator Functions
The AccumBrowseOpen function initiates a new browse session and returns a handle to
the new session that can be used in subsequent data browse function calls.
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
AccumBrowseOpen( [sFilter] [, sFields] [, sClusters] )
A filter expression specifying the records to return during the browse. An empty
string indicates that all records will be returned. Where a fieldname is not speci-
fied in the filter, it is assumed to be tagname. For example, the filter "AAA" is
equivalent to "name=AAA".
Note: Use the following fields with care in filters since they return the actual val-
ue of the variable tag which they refer to.
Specifies via a comma delimited string the columns to be returned during the
browse. An empty string indicates that the server will return all available col-
umns. Supported fields are:
See Browse Function Field Reference for information about fields.
An optional parameter that specifies via a comma delimited string the subset of
the clusters to browse. An empty string indicates that all connected clusters will
be browsed.
Return Value
Returns an integer handle to the browse session. Returns -1 when an error is detected.
Chapter: 16 Accumulator Functions
Related Functions
AccumBrowseClose, AccumBrowseFirst, AccumBrowseGetField, AccumBrowseNext, Ac-
cumBrowseNumRecords, AccumBrowsePrev
INT iSession;
iSession = AccumBrowseOpen("NAME=ABC*", "NAME,AREA",
IF iSession <> -1 THEN
// Successful case
// Function returned an error
See Also
Accumulator Functions
The AccumBrowsePrev function moves the data browse cursor back one record. If you call
this function after you have reached the beginning of the records, error 412 is
returned (Databrowse session EOF).
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AccumBrowseOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the accumulator browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AccumBrowseClose, AccumBrowseFirst, AccumBrowseGetField, AccumBrowseNext, Ac-
cumBrowseNumRecords, AccumBrowseOpen
See Also
Accumulator Functions
Chapter: 17 ActiveX Functions
ActiveX functions enable you to create and interact with ActiveX objects, using CitectSCA-
DA as an ActiveX container.
ActiveX Functions
Following are functions relating to ActiveX objects:
_ObjectCallMethod Calls a specific method for an ActiveX object.
_ObjectGetProperty Retrieves a specific property of an ActiveX ob-
_ObjectSetProperty Sets a specific property of an ActiveX object.
AnByName Retrieves the animation point number of an
ActiveX object.
CreateControlObject Creates a new instance of an ActiveX object.
CreateObject Creates the automation component of an Ac-
tiveX object.
ObjectAssociateEvents Allows you to change the ActiveX object’s
event class.
ObjectAssociatePropertyWithTag Establishes an association between a variable
tag and an ActiveX object property.
ObjectByName Retrieves an ActiveX object.
ObjectHasInterface Queries the ActiveX component to determine if
its specific interface is supported.
ObjectIsValid Determines if the given handle for an object is
ObjectToStr Converts an object handle to a string.
See Also
Functions Reference
Calls a specific method for an ActiveX object. (See the documentation for your ActiveX ob-
ject for details on methods and properties.)
Note: The parameter list passed to the control can only have Cicode variables or variable
tags; it cannot use values returned directly from a function because an ActiveX control may
modify parameters passed to it.
For example:
//Calculate a value and pass to ActiveX control
_ObjectCallMethod(hControl, "DoSomething" CalcValue());
is not allowed because the return value of a function cannot be modified. The following
should be used instead:
Chapter: 17 ActiveX Functions
INT nMyValue;
//Calculate Value
nMyValue = CalcValue();
//Pass Value to ActiveX control
_ObjectCallMethod(hControl, "DoSomething" nMyValue);
_ObjectCallMethod(hObject, sMethod, vParameters)
The handle for the object (as returned by the ObjectByName() function).
The name of the method.
A variable length parameter list of method arguments. The variables will be
passed however you enter them, and will then be coerced into appropriate auto-
mation types. Likewise, any values modified by the automation call will be writ-
ten back - with appropriate coercion - into the passed Cicode variable.
Return Value
The return value from the method - if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
ObjectByName, DspAnCreateControlObject, CreateObject, CreateControlObject
See CreateControlObject.
See Also
ActiveX Functions
Gets a specific property of an ActiveX object.
_ObjectGetProperty(hObject, sProperty)
The handle for the object (as returned by the ObjectByName() function).
The name of the property you want to get.
Return Value
The value of the property - if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
ObjectByName, DspAnCreateControlObject, CreateObject, CreateControlObject
Chapter: 17 ActiveX Functions
See CreateControlObject
See Also
ActiveX Functions
Sets a specific property of an ActiveX object.
_ObjectSetProperty(hObject, sProperty, vValue)
The handle for the object (as returned by the ObjectByName() function).
The name of the property you want to set.
The value to which the property will be set. This value can be of any data type.
Appropriate coercion will take place when creating the equivalent automation
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
ObjectByName, DspAnCreateControlObject, CreateObject, CreateControlObject
See CreateControlObject
See Also
ActiveX Functions
Retrieves the animation point number of an ActiveX object.
The name for the object in the form of "AN" followed by its AN number, for ex-
ample, "AN35". This name is used to access the object.
Return Value
The animation point number of the object - if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 17 ActiveX Functions
Related Functions
See Also
ActiveX Functions
Creates a new instance of an ActiveX object.
An object created using this function remains in existence until the page is closed or the as-
sociated Cicode Object is deleted. This function does not require an existing animation
point. When the object is created, an animation point is created internally. This animation
point is freed when the object is destroyed.
CreateControlObject(sClass, sName, x1, y1, x2, y2, sEventClass)
The class of the object. You can use the object’s human readable name, its pro-
gram ID, or its GUID. If the class does not exist, the function will return an error
For example:
"Calendar Control 8.0" - human readable name
"MSCAL.Calendar.7" - Program ID
"{8E27C92B-1264-101C-8A2F-040224009C02}" - GUID
The name for the object in the form of "AN" followed by its AN number, for ex-
ample, "AN35". This name is used to access the object.
The x coordinate of the object’s top left hand corner as it will appear in your Cit-
ectSCADA window.
The y coordinate of the object’s top left hand corner as it will appear in your Cit-
ectSCADA window.
The x coordinate of the object’s bottom right hand corner as it will appear in your
CitectSCADA window.
The y coordinate of the object’s bottom right hand corner as it will appear in your
CitectSCADA window.
The string you would like to use as the event class for the object.
Return Value
The newly created object, if successful, otherwise an error is generated.
Chapter: 17 ActiveX Functions
Related Functions
DspAnCreateControlObject, CreateObject, AnByName
// This function creates a single instance of the calendar control
at the designated location with an object name of "CalendarEvent"
and an event class of "CalendarEvent"//
OBJECT Calendar;
STRING sCalendarClass;
STRING sEventClass;
STRING sObjectName;
sCalendarClass = "MSCal.Calendar.7";
sEventClass = "CalendarEvent";
sObjectName = "MyCalendar";
Calendar = CreateControlObject(sCalendarClass, sObjectName, 16,
100, 300, 340, sEventClass);
// This function shows how to change the title font of the
CalendarSetFont(STRING sFont)
OBJECT Calendar;
Calendar = ObjectByName("MyCalendar");
Font = _ObjectGetProperty(Calendar, "TitleFont");
_ObjectSetProperty(Font, "Name", sFont);
// This function shows how to change the background color of the
CalendarSetColour(INT nRed, INT nGreen, INT nBlue)
OBJECT Calendar;
Calendar = ObjectByName("MyCalendar");
_ObjectSetProperty(Calendar, "BackColor",
// This function shows how to call the NextDay method of the
Calendar = ObjectByName("MyCalendar");
_ObjectCallMethod(Calendar, "NextDay");
// This function shows you how to write a mouse click event
handler for the calendar//
CalendarEvent_Click(OBJECT This)
INT nDay;
INT nMonth;
INT nYear;
nDay = _ObjectGetProperty(This, "Day");
nMonth = _ObjectGetProperty(This, "Month");
nYear = _ObjectGetProperty(This, "Year");
Your code goes here...
Chapter: 17 ActiveX Functions
See Also
ActiveX Functions
Creates a new instance of an ActiveX object. If you use this function to create an ActiveX
object, it will have no visual component (only the automation component will be created).
If you assign an object created with the CreateObject() function to a local variable, that ob-
ject will remain in existence until the variable it is assigned to goes out of scope. This means
that such an object will only be released when the Cicode function that created it ends.
If you assign an object created with the CreateObject() function to a module or global scope
variable, then that object will remain in existence until the variable either has another object
assigned or is set to NullObject, provided the CreateObject() call is not made within a loop.
Objects created by calls to CreateObject() within WHILE or FOR loops are only released on
termination of the Cicode function in which they are created, regardless of the scope of the
variable to which the object is assigned. The use of CreateObject() within a loop may there-
fore result in the exhaustion of system resources, and is not generally recommended unless
performed as shown in the examples below.
The class of the object. You can use the object’s human readable name, its pro-
gram ID, or its GUID. If the class does not exist, the function will return an error.
For example:
"Calendar Control 8.0" - human readable name
"MSCAL.Calendar.7" - Program ID
"{8E27C92B-1264-101C-8A2F-040224009C02}" - GUID
Return Value
The newly created object, if successful, otherwise an error is generated.
Related Functions
DspAnCreateControlObject, CreateControlObject
The following examples show correct techniques for calling CreateObject() within a loop.
/* In the example below, the variable objTest is local. Resources
associated with calls to ProcessObject() will be released each
time that function ends. */
FUNCTION Forever()
Chapter: 17 ActiveX Functions
FUNCTION ProcessObject()
.OBJECT objTest;
- do something
/* In the example below, the variable objTest is global. Resources
associated with calls to ProcessObject() will be released when
objTest is set to NullObject. */
FUNCTION Forever()
FUNCTION ProcessObject()
- do something
See Also
ActiveX Functions
Allows you to change the ActiveX object’s event class. If you have inserted an object on a
graphics page using Graphics Builder, it allows you to change the event class to something
other than the default of PageName_ObjectName
ObjectAssociateEvents(sEventClass, hSource)
The class of the object. You can use the object’s human readable name, its pro-
gram ID, or its GUID. If the class does not exist, the function will report an error.
The source object firing the events which are to be handled by the event handler.
For example:
"Calendar Control 8.0" - human readable name
"MSCAL.Calendar.7" - Program ID
"{8E27C92B-1264-101C-8A2F-040224009C02}" - GUID
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspAnCreateControlObject, CreateControlObject
Inserting ActiveX objects using Cicode
Chapter: 17 ActiveX Functions
If you have created an ActiveX object using Cicode (for example, by calling the function
CreateControlObject()), the parameter ’sEventClass’ would have required you to define
an event class for the object to enable event handling. If you want to change the class you
used, you can call ObjectAssociateEvents().
Inserting ActiveX objects via Graphics Builder
If you have inserted an ActiveX object in Graphics Builder, runtime will automatically cre-
ate an event class for the object in the form PageName_ObjectName. If this is the case, you
may want to change the object’s event class.
Using the example of an ActiveX sludge tank controller, the default event class for the ob-
ject could be "PageName_AN35". This means any events handlers for the object would take
the form "PageName_AN35_Click" (presuming this example relates to a click event). You
may want to define this more clearly, in which case you can call the following:
// This function redefines the event class for the ActiveX sludge
tank controller at AN35 to "SludgeTank". //
ObjectAssociateEvents ("SludgeTank", ObjectByName(AN35));
With the event class for the object now defined as "SludgeTank", the event handlers can
take the form "SludgeTank_Click".
This would be useful if you define event handlers in relation to an object that will eventu-
ally be copied to other graphics pages, as it will reduce the need to redefine the event han-
dlers to identify the default event class associated with each new placement of the object.
See Also
ActiveX Functions
Establishes an association between an ActiveX property and a variable tag. This means that
any changes made to an ActiveX object property will be mirrored in the variable tag.
Generally, ActiveX objects issue "property change notifications" to CitectSCADA whenev-
er a change occurs to a specific property value. This notification tells CitectSCADA when
to read the property value.
Note: An association will not succeed if property change notifications are not supported
and the OnChangeEvent argument is left blank. Verify that the scaling and units of the as-
sociated tag are compatible with the ActiveX property values. However, some property
changes do not trigger property change notifications. If this is the case, you need to choose
an appropriate "on change" event instead - an event fired by the ActiveX object in response
to a change. An "appropriate" event is one that happens to be fired whenever the property
value changes. For example, the MS Calendar Control fires an AfterUpdate event whenev-
er a day button is pressed.
ObjectAssociatePropertyWithTag(sObject, sPropertyName, sTagName [, sOnChangeEvent] )
The object instance that associates a property with a tag.
Chapter: 17 ActiveX Functions
The name of the ActiveX property to associate with the tag.
The name of the CitectSCADA variable tag to associate with the property.
The name of the "on change" event that informs CitectSCADA of a change to the
ActiveX object. This is required where the ActiveX object does not automatically
generate a property change notification. Choose an event that happens to be fired
whenever the ActiveX object property changes, for example, the MS Calendar
Control fires an AfterUpdate event whenever a day button is pressed.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspAnCreateControlObject, CreateObject, CreateControlObject
See Also
ActiveX Functions
Retrieves an ActiveX object. This is useful when you know the object by name only (this
will often be the case for objects created during configuration, rather than those created at
runtime using a Cicode function).
The name for the object in the form of "AN" followed by its AN number, for ex-
ample, "AN35". This name is used to access the object.
Return Value
The requested object, if successful, otherwise an error is generated.
Related Functions
DspAnCreateControlObject, CreateObject, CreateControlObject
See CreateControlObject
See Also
ActiveX Functions
Queries the ActiveX component to determine if its specific interface is supported. (Refer to
the ActiveX object’s documentation for details of its interfaces.)
Chapter: 17 ActiveX Functions
ObjectHasInterface(hObject, sInterface)
The handle for the object (as returned by the ObjectByName() function).
The name of the interface (case sensitive).
Return Value
0 if the interface is not supported, otherwise 1.
Related Functions
ObjectByName, CreateObject, CreateControlObject
hPen = _ObjectGetProperty(hControl, "Pen");
IF ObjectHasInterface(hPen, "IDigitalPen") THEN
//Fill is only supported on digital pen
_ObjectSetProperty(hPen, "Fill", 0)
See Also
ActiveX Functions
Determines if the given handle for an object is a valid handle. This function is useful for
programmatically checking that an object was returned for a call.
The handle for the object (as returned by the ObjectByName() function).
Return Value
0 if the handle is not valid, otherwise 1.
Related Functions
ObjectByName, CreateObject, CreateControlObject
hFont = _ObjectGetProperty(hControl, "Font");
IF ObjectIsValid(hFont) THEN
_ObjectSetProperty(hFont, "Size", 22)
Chapter: 17 ActiveX Functions
See Also
ActiveX Functions
Converts an object handle to a string.
The handle for the object (as returned by the ObjectByName() function).
Return Value
A string containing the converted object handle
Related Functions
ObjectByName, CreateObject, CreateControlObject
See Also
ActiveX Functions
Chapter: 17 ActiveX Functions
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Alarm functions display alarms and their related alarm help pages, and acknowledge, dis-
able, and enable alarms. They provide information about alarms and allow your operators
to add comments to alarm records. You can also access alarms at the record level (on the
alarms server) for more complex operations.
Alarm Functions
Following are functions relating to alarms:
AlarmAck Acknowledges alarms.
AlarmAckRec Acknowledges alarms by record number.
AlarmActive Determines if any alarms are active in the user’s area.
AlarmClear Clears acknowledged, inactive alarms from the active
alarm list.
AlarmClearRec Clear an alarm by its record number.
AlarmComment Allows users to add comments to alarm summary en-
AlarmDelete Deletes alarm summary entries.
AlarmDisable Disables alarms.
AlarmDisableRec Disables alarms by record number.
AlarmDsp Displays alarms.
AlarmDspLast Displays the most recent, unacknowledged alarms.
AlarmDspNext Displays the next page of alarms.
AlarmDspPrev Displays the previous page of alarms.
AlarmEnable Enables alarms.
AlarmEnableRec Enables alarms by record number.
AlarmEventQue Opens the alarm event queue.
AlarmFirstCatRec Searches for the first occurrence of an alarm category
and type.
AlarmFirstPriRec Searches for the first occurrence of an alarm priority
and type.
AlarmFirstTagRec Searches for the first occurrence of an alarm tag,
name, and description.
AlarmGetDelay Gets the delay setting for an alarm.
AlarmGetDelayRec Gets the delay setting for an alarm via the alarm
record number.
AlarmGetDsp Gets field data from the alarm record that is displayed
at the specified AN.
AlarmGetFieldRec Gets alarm field data from the alarm record number.
AlarmGetInfo Gets information about an alarm list displayed at an
AlarmGetOrderbyKey Retrieves the list of key(s) used to determine the or-
der of the alarm list.
AlarmGetThreshold Gets the thresholds of analog alarms.
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
See Also
Functions Reference
Acknowledges alarms. You can acknowledge the alarm where the cursor is positioned, one
or more alarm lists on the active page, a whole category of alarms, or alarms of a particular
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
You would normally call this function from a keyboard command. No action is taken if the
specified alarms have already been acknowledged.
AlarmAck(Mode, Value [, ClusterName])
The type of acknowledgment:
0 - Acknowledge a single alarm where the cursor is positioned. Set Value to 0 (ze-
ro) - it is not used.
1 - Acknowledge a page of alarms. AN alarm page can contain more than one
alarm list:
Set Value to the AN where the alarm list is displayed.
Set Value to 0 to acknowledge the (displayed) alarm list (on the active
page) where the cursor is positioned.
Set Value to -1 to acknowledge all (displayed) alarm lists on the active
2 - Acknowledge a category of alarms:
Set Value to the alarm category (0 to 16376) of the alarms to be acknowl-
edged. Please be aware that Alarm category 0 indicates all categories;
alarm category 255 indicates hardware alarms.
Set Value to the group number to acknowledge a group of categories.
3 - Acknowledge alarms of a specific priority.
Set Value to the alarm priority (0-255) of the alarms to be acknowledged.
Alarm priority 0 indicates all priorities.
Hardware alarms are not affected by priority.
Set Value to the group handle to acknowledge a group of alarms of differ-
ent priorities.
Used with Mode 1 and 2 to specify which alarms to acknowledge.
Used with Mode 2 or 3 to specify the name of the cluster in which the alarms be-
ing acknowledged reside. This argument is optional if the client is connected to
only one cluster containing an Alarm Server or are resolving the alarm server via
the current cluster context.
This argument is not required where:
the mode is 2 and the value is 255 (hardware alarm category).
This argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
System Keyboard
Key Sequence LeftButton
Command AlarmAck(0, 0)
Comment Acknowledge the alarm where the cursor is positioned
System Keyboard
Key Sequence ShiftLeftButton
Command AlarmAck(1, -1)
Comment Acknowledge a page of alarms
System Keyboard
Key Sequence AlarmAck ### Enter
Command AlarmAck(2, Arg1, "clusterXYZ")
Comment Acknowledge all alarms of a specified category in cluster XYZ
System Keyboard
Key Sequence AckPri ############# Enter
Command AlarmAck(3,Arg1, "clusterXYZ")
Comment Acknowledge all alarms of a specific priority in cluster XYZ
See Also
Alarm Functions
Acknowledges alarms by record number on both the Primary and Standby Alarm Servers.
This function can be called from Alarm Server or Client and should not be used with a
MsgRPC() call to the Alarm Server.
AlarmAckRec(Record [, ClusterName] )
The alarm record number, returned from any of the following alarm functions:
AlarmFirstCatRec() or AlarmNextCatRec(): used to search for a record by
alarm category, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstPriRec() or AlarmNextPriRec(): used to search for a record by
alarm priority, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstTagRec() or AlarmNextTagRec(): used to search for a record by
alarm tag, name, and description.
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
AlarmGetDsp(): used to find the record that is displayed at a specified AN, for
either an alarm list or alarm summary entry. Set the sField argument in
AlarmGetDsp() to "RecNo".
To store this value, use data type Int in Cicode or Long for variable tags (Long
needs 4 bytes).
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Alarm Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlarmFirstCatRec, AlarmFirstTagRec, AlarmNextTagRec, AlarmGetDelayRec, MsgRPC
/* Acknowledge all unacknowledged (Type 1) alarms of the specified
alarm category. */
AutoAccept(INT Category)
INT Current;
INT Next;
WHILE Current<>-1 DO
See Also
Alarm Functions
Determines if any alarms are active in the user’s area. Call this function from the Page
Strings database, to display an alarm message at a specified AN on a graphics page. You
can specify the type of alarms, for example, active hardware alarms or disabled non-hard-
ware alarms.
AlarmActive(Type [, ClusterName] )
The type of alarms to check:
Non-hardware alarms
0 - Active alarms
1 - Unacknowledged alarms, ON and OFF
3 - Disabled alarms
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Hardware alarms
5 - Active alarms
6 - Unacknowledged alarms, ON and OFF
The name of the cluster to check for active alarms. If this argument is blank or
empty, the function will check all connected clusters.
Return Value
1 or 0 for Non-hardware alarms (modes 0, 1, and 3).
The number of active alarms for Hardware alarms (modes 5 and 6).
AN 9
Expression AlarmActive(5)
True Text "Hardware Alarms Active"
False Text "No Active Hardware Alarms"
Comment Display the alarm status at AN 9
See Also
Alarm Functions
Clears an acknowledged (and off) alarm from the active alarm list. You can clear the alarm
where the cursor is positioned, one or more alarm lists on the active page, a whole category
of alarms, or alarms of a particular priority.
If you set the [Alarm]AckHold parameter to 1, alarms that go off and have been acknowl-
edged are not removed from the active list until this function is called.
AlarmClear(Mode, Value [, ClusterName] )
The type of clear:
0 - Clear a single alarm where the cursor is positioned:
Set Value to 0 (zero) - it is not used.
1 - Clear a page of alarms. AN alarm page can contain more than one alarm list:
Set Value to the AN where the alarm list is displayed.
Set Value to 0 to clear the (displayed) alarm list (on the active page) where
the cursor is positioned.
Set Value to -1 to clear all (displayed) alarm lists on the active page.
2 - Clear a category of alarms:
Set Value to the alarm category (0 to 16376) of the alarms to clear. Please be
aware that alarm category 0 indicates all categories; alarm category 255 in-
dicates hardware alarms.
Set Value to the group number to clear a group of categories.
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
System Keyboard
Key Sequence Clear
Command AlarmClear(0, 0)
Comment Clear the alarm where the cursor is positioned
System Keyboard
Key Sequence ClearAll
Command AlarmClear(1, -1)
Comment Clear a page of alarms
System Keyboard
Key Sequence AlarmClear ### Enter
Command AlarmClear(2, Arg1, "clusterXYZ")
Comment Clear all alarms of a specified category in cluster XYZ
System Keyboard
Key Sequence CtrlClear
Command AlarmClear(2, 0, "clusterXYZ")
Comment Clear all categories of inactive alarms in cluster XYZ
System Keyboard
Key Sequence ClearPri ########### Enter
Command AlarmClear(3,Arg1, "clusterXYZ")
Comment Clear all alarms of a specific priority in cluster XYZ
See Also
Alarm Functions
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Clears an alarm by its record number on both the Primary and Standby Alarms Servers.
This function can be called from Alarm Server or Client and should not be used with a
MsgRPC() call to the Alarm Server.
AlarmClearRec(Record [, ClusterName] )
The alarm record number, returned from any of the following alarm functions:
AlarmFirstCatRec() or AlarmNextCatRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm category, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstPriRec() or AlarmNextPriRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm priority, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstTagRec() or AlarmNextTagRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm tag, name, and description.
AlarmGetDsp() - used to find the record that is displayed at a specified AN,
for either an alarm list or alarm summary entry. Set the sField argument in
AlarmGetDsp() to "RecNo".
To store this value, use data type Int in Cicode or Long for variable tags (Long
needs 4 bytes).
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Alarm Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlarmFirstCatRec, AlarmAck, AlarmFirstTagRec, AlarmNextTagRec, AlarmGetDelayRec,
See Also
Alarm Functions
Allows an operator to add a comment to a selected alarm summary entry during runtime.
You would normally call this function from a keyboard command.
Comments can only be added to alarm summary (Alarm Type 10) alarms.
The comment to add to the alarm summary entry. Comments have a maximum
of 128 characters.
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
System Keyboard
Key Sequence Com ################## Enter
Command AlarmComment(Arg1)
Comment Add an alarm comment to the alarm where the cursor is positioned
See Also
Alarm Functions
Deletes alarm summary entries that are currently displayed. You can delete the alarm
where the cursor is positioned, one or more alarm lists on the active page, a whole category
of alarms, or alarms of a particular priority.
You would normally call this function from a keyboard command.
AlarmDelete(Mode, Value [, ClusterName] )
The type of deletion:
0 - Delete a single alarm where the cursor is positioned.
Set Value to 0 (zero) - it is not used.
1 - Delete a page of alarms. AN alarm page can contain more than one alarm list:
Set Value to the AN where the alarm list is displayed.
Set Value to 0 to delete the (displayed) alarm list (on the active page) where
the cursor is positioned.
Set Value to -1 to delete all (displayed) alarm lists on the active page.
2 - Delete a category of alarms.
Set Value to the alarm category (0-16376) of the alarms to delete. Please be
aware that alarm category 0 indicates all categories; alarm category 255 in-
dicates hardware alarms.
Set Value to the group number to delete a group of categories.
3 - Delete alarms of a specific priority.
Set Value to the alarm priority (0-255) of the alarms to be deleted.
Alarm priority 0 indicates all priorities. Hardware alarms are not affect-
ed by priority. Set Value to the group handle to delete a group of alarms
of different priorities.
Used with Mode 1 or 2 to specify which alarms to delete.
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Used with Mode 2 or 3 to specify the name of the cluster in which the alarms be-
ing deleted reside. This argument is optional if the client is connected to only one
cluster containing an Alarm Server or you are resolving the alarm server via the
current cluster context. This argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
System Keyboard
Key Sequence DelSum
Command AlarmDelete(0, 0)
Comment Delete the alarm summary entry where the cursor is positioned
System Keyboard
Key Sequence ShiftDelSum
Command AlarmDelete(1, -1)
Comment Delete a page of alarm summary entries
System Keyboard
Key Sequence SumDelete ### Enter
Command AlarmDelete(2, Arg1, "clusterXYZ")
Comment Delete all alarm summary entries of a specified category in cluster XYZ
System Keyboard
Key Sequence DelSum ############# Enter
Command AlarmDelete(3,Arg1, "clusterXYZ")
Comment Delete all alarm summary entries of a specified priority in cluster XYZ
See Also
Alarm Functions
Disables alarms. You can disable the alarm where the cursor is positioned, one or more
alarm lists on the active page, a whole category of alarms, or alarms of a particular priority.
You would normally call this function from a keyboard command. No action is taken if the
alarms are already disabled. Use the AlarmEnable() function to re-enable an alarm.
After you disable an alarm, it does not display on the alarm page, alarm summary page, or
alarm log. If you set the [Alarm]DisplayDisable parameter to 1, logging of disabled alarms
continues, but the disabled alarms are not displayed on the alarm display or alarm summa-
ry pages.
AlarmDisable(Mode, Value [, ClusterName] )
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
GrpOpen, AlarmEnable, AlarmDisableRec
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
System Keyboard
Key Sequence Disable
Command AlarmDisable(0, 0)
Comment Disable the alarm where the cursor is positioned
System Keyboard
Key Sequence ShiftDisable
Command AlarmDisable(1, -1)
Comment Disable a page of alarms
System Keyboard
Key Sequence AlarmDisable ### Enter
Command AlarmDisable(2, Arg1, "clusterXYZ")
Comment Disable all alarms of a specified category in cluster XYZ
System Keyboard
Key Sequence DisPri ############# Enter
Command AlarmDisable(3,Arg1,"clusterXYZ")
Comment Disable all alarms of a specific priority in cluster XYZ
See Also
Alarm Functions
Disables alarms by record number on both the Primary and Standby Alarms Servers. This
function can be called from Alarm Server or Client and should not be used with a
MsgRPC() call to the Alarm Server.
AlarmDisableRec(Record [, ClusterName] )
The alarm record number, returned from any of the following alarm functions:
AlarmFirstCatRec() or AlarmNextCatRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm category, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstPriRec() or AlarmNextPriRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm priority, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstTagRec() or AlarmNextTagRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm tag, name, and description.
AlarmGetDsp() - used to find the record that is displayed at a specified AN,
for either an alarm list or alarm summary entry. Set the sField argument in
AlarmGetDsp() to "RecNo".
To store this value, use data type Int in Cicode or Long for variable tags (Long
needs 4 bytes).
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Alarm Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlarmFirstTagRec, AlarmNextTagRec, AlarmDisable, MsgRPC
/* Disable/enable the specified "Pump" alarm. Flag determines
whether the alarm is disabled (Flag=0) or enabled (Flag=1). */
DisablePumps(STRING sTag, INT Flag)
INT Current;
INT Next;
WHILE Current<>-1 DO
IF Flag=0 THEN
See Also
Alarm Functions
Displays an alarm list, starting at a specified AN and then on subsequent ANs. You specify
the number of alarms to display, the type of alarms and the name of the cluster the alarms
belong to, for example, active hardware alarms or disabled non-hardware alarms in cluster
XYZ. Before you call this function, you must first add animation points to the graphics page
for each alarm to be displayed.
If you only need to display the standard alarm page, use the PageAlarm function - it uses
this AlarmDsp() function to display alarms. If you need more control over the display of
alarms you can use this function, but only to display alarms on the alarm page. Use the
AlarmDspLast function to display alarms on another graphics page (it uses less memory).
AlarmDsp(AN, Count [, Type] [, ClusterName] )
The AN where the first alarm is to display.
The number of alarms to display.
The type of alarms to display:
Non-hardware alarms
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlarmDspNext, AlarmDspPrev, AlarmDspLast, AlarmGetInfo, PageAlarm
Advanced Animation
Command AlarmDsp(20,15,3)
Comment Display 15 disabled alarms at AN 20
See Also
Alarm Functions
Displays the most recent unacknowledged alarms, at a specified AN with the cluster
named. Use this function to display the last alarms on all (or selected) pages. You can spec-
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
ify the number of alarms to display of a specified type, for example, active hardware alarms
or disabled non-hardware alarms.
AlarmDspLast(AN [, Count] [, Type] [, ClusterName] )
The AN where the last alarms are to be displayed.
The number of alarms to display. If you do not specify a Count, the default is 1.
The type of alarms to display:
Non-hardware alarms
0 - All active alarms, that is Types 1 and 2
1 - All unacknowledged alarms, ON and OFF
2 - All acknowledged ON alarms
3 - All disabled alarms
4 - All configured (non-hardware) alarms, that is Types 0 to 3, plus acknowledged
OFF alarms.
Hardware alarms
5 - All active alarms, that is Types 6 and 7
6 - All unacknowledged alarms, ON and OFF
7 - All acknowledged ON alarms
8 - All disabled alarms
9 - All configured alarms, that is Types 5 to 8
Alarm Summary
10 - All summary alarms
Alarm General
11 - All ON alarms
12 - All OFF alarms
13 - All ON hardware alarms
14 - All OFF hardware alarms
If you do not specify a Type, the default is 1.
The cluster name to which the alarms belong. This is optional if you have one
cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster context. The argu-
ment is enclosed in quotation marks "".
If a cluster name is not specified, alarms are returned for all clusters.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Advanced Animation
Command AlarmDspLast(11, ’ClusterXYZ’)
Comment Display the last alarm at AN 11
Advanced Animation
Command AlarmDspLast(21,3, ’ClusterXYZ’)
Comment Display the last 3 alarms at AN 21
See Also
Alarm Functions
Displays the next page of alarms. This function pages down (scrolls) the alarms displayed
by the AlarmDsp() function. You would normally call this function from a keyboard com-
The AN where the alarm list is displayed, or:
-1 - Scroll all alarm lists displayed on the page.
0 - Scroll the alarm list where the cursor is positioned.
Note: An alarm page can contain more than one alarm list.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlarmDsp, AlarmDspPrev
System Keyboard
Key Sequence NextAlarm
Command AlarmDspNext(20)
Comment Display the next page of alarms (from the alarm list) at AN20
See Also
Alarm Functions
Displays the previous page of alarms. This function pages up (scrolls) the alarms displayed
by the AlarmDsp() function. You would normally call this function from a keyboard com-
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
The AN where the alarm list is displayed, or:
-1 - Scroll all alarm lists displayed on the page.
0 - Scroll the alarm list where the cursor is positioned.
Note: An alarm page can contain more than one alarm list.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlarmDsp, AlarmDspNext
System Keyboard
Key Sequence PrevAlarm
Command AlarmDspPrev(20)
Comment Display the previous page of alarms (from the alarm list) at AN20
See Also
Alarm Functions
Enables an alarm on the active alarm list. You can enable the alarm where the cursor is po-
sitioned, one or more alarm lists on the active page, a whole category of alarms, or alarms
of a particular priority.
No action is taken if the alarms are already enabled. You would normally call this function
from a keyboard command.
AlarmEnable(Mode, Value [, ClusterName] )
The type of enable:
0 - Enable a single alarm where the cursor is positioned.
Set Value to 0 (zero) - it is not used.
1 - Enable a page of alarms. AN alarm page can contain more than one alarm list:
Set Value to the AN where the alarm list is displayed.
Set Value to 0 to enable the (displayed) alarm list (on the active page) where
the cursor is positioned.
Set Value to -1 to enable all (displayed) alarm lists on the active page.
2 - Enable a category of alarms.
Set Value to the alarm category (0-16376) of the alarms to be enabled. Please
be aware that alarm category 0 indicates all categories; alarm category 255
indicates hardware alarms.
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
GrpOpen, AlarmDisable, AlarmEnableRec
System Keyboard
Key Sequence Enable
Command AlarmEnable(0, 0)
Comment Enable the alarm where the cursor is positioned
System Keyboard
Key Sequence ShiftEnable
Command AlarmEnable(1, -1)
Comment Enable a page of alarms
System Keyboard
Key Sequence AlarmEnable ### Enter
Command AlarmEnable(2, Arg1, "clusterXYZ")
Comment Enable all alarms of a specified category in cluster XYZ
System Keyboard
Key Sequence EnPri ############# Enter
Command AlarmEnable(3,Arg1, "clusterXYZ")
Comment Enable all alarms of a specific priority in cluster XYZ
See Also
Alarm Functions
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Enables alarms by record number on both the Primary and Standby Alarms Servers. This
function can be called from Alarm Server or Client and should not be used with a
MsgRPC() call to the Alarm Server.
AlarmEnableRec(Record [, ClusterName])
The alarm record number, returned from any of the following alarm functions:
AlarmFirstCatRec() or AlarmNextCatRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm category, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstPriRec() or AlarmNextPriRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm priority, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstTagRec() or AlarmNextTagRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm tag, name, and description.
AlarmGetDsp() - used to find the record that is displayed at a specified AN,
for either an alarm list or alarm summary entry. Set the sField argument in
AlarmGetDsp() to "RecNo".
To store this value, use data type Int in Cicode or Long for variable tags (Long
needs 4 bytes).
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Alarm Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlarmFirstTagRec, AlarmNextTagRec, AlarmEnable, AlarmDisableRec, MsgRPC
See AlarmDisableRec
See Also
Alarm Functions
Opens the alarm event queue. The Alarms Server writes events into this queue as they are
processed. These events include all activated, reset, acknowledged, enabled and disabled
alarms. To read events from this queue, use the QueRead() or QuePeek() functions. The
data put into the queue is the alarm record identifier (into the Type field) and the alarm
event format (into the Str field). The function puts all state changes into the queue and Ci-
tectSCADA does not use this queue for anything.
To use this function, you must enable the alarm event queue with the [Alarm]EventQue pa-
rameter. This parameter will tell the Alarms Server to start placing events into the queue.
The [Alarm]EventFmt parameter defines the format of the data placed into the string field.
You can enable the EventQue parameter without setting the event format so that the
Alarms Server does not place a formatted string into the queue.
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Enabling this formatting feature can increase CPU loading and reduce performance of the
Alarms Server as every alarm is formatted and placed in the queue. You should reconsider
using this feature if a decrease in performance is noticeable.
The maximum length of each queue is controlled by the [Code]Queue parameter. You may
need to adjust this parameter so as not to miss alarm events. When the queue is full, the
Alarms Server will discard events.
Return Value
The handle of the alarm event queue, or -1 if the queue cannot be opened.
Related Functions
QueRead, QuePeek, TagWriteEventQue
hQue = AlarmEventQue()
QueRead(hQue, nRecord, sAlarmFmt, 1);
/* do what ever with the alarm event */
See Also
Alarm Functions
Searches for the first occurrence of an alarm category and type. You can search all areas, the
current area only, or specify an area to limit the search. If calling this function from a re-
mote client, use the MsgRPC() function.
This function returns an alarm record identifier that you can use in other alarm functions,
for example, to acknowledge, disable, or enable the alarm, or to get field data on that alarm.
Note: Record numbers obtained from AlarmGetDsp must not be used with this function.
When the Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and
cannot be called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and
a Cicode hardware alarm will be raised.
AlarmFirstCatRec(Category, Type [, Area] [, ClusterName] )
The alarm category or group number to match. Set Category to 0 (zero) to match
all alarm categories.
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Return Value
The alarm record identifier or -1 if no match is found.
Related Functions
GrpOpen, AlarmNextCatRec, AlarmFirstPriRec, AlarmNextPriRec, AlarmGetFieldRec,
AlarmAckRec, AlarmDisableRec, AlarmEnableRec, AlarmGetThresholdRec, Alarm-
SetThresholdRec, MsgRPC
See AlarmAckRec
See Also
Alarm Functions
Searches for the first occurrence of an alarm priority and type. You can search all areas, the
current area only, or specify an area to limit the search. If calling this function from a re-
mote client, use the MsgRPC() function.
This function returns an alarm record identifier that you can use in other alarm functions,
for example, to acknowledge, disable, or enable the alarm, or to get field data on that alarm.
Note: Record numbers obtained from AlarmGetDsp must not be used with this function.
When the Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and
cannot be called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and
a Cicode hardware alarm will be raised.
Note: This function will return a match for an Acknowledge Off alarm with [Alarm]Ack-
Hold=1 even after it has been cleared using AlarmClear or AlarmClearRec.
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
AlarmFirstPriRec(Priority, Type [, Area] [, ClusterName] )
The alarm Priority or group handle of a group of alarm priorities. Set Priority to
0 (zero) to match all alarm priorities.
The type of alarms to find:
Non-hardware alarms
0 - All active alarms, that is Types 1 and 2.
1 - All unacknowledged alarms, ON and OFF.
2 - All acknowledged ON alarms.
3 - All disabled alarms.
4 - All configured alarms, that is types 0 to 3, plus acknowledged OFF alarms. If
you do not specify a type, the default is 0.
The area in which to search for alarms. If you do not specify an area, or if you set
Area to -1, only the current area will be searched.
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Alarm Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
The alarm record identifier or -1 if no match is found. If you do not specify an area, only
alarms in the current area on the alarms server are searched.
Related Functions
GrpOpen, AlarmNextCatRec, AlarmFirstPriRec, AlarmNextPriRec, AlarmGetFieldRec,
AlarmAckRec, AlarmDisableRec, AlarmEnableRec, AlarmGetThresholdRec, Alarm-
SetThresholdRec, MsgRPC
/* Acknowledge all unacknowledged (Type 1) alarms of the specified
alarm priority. */
AutoAccept(INT iPriority)
INT iCurrent;
INT iNext;
WHILE iCurrent <>-1 DO
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
See Also
Alarm Functions
Searches for the first occurrence of an alarm tag, name, and description. If calling this func-
tion from a remote client, use the MsgRPC() function.
When the Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and
cannot be called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and
a Cicode hardware alarm will be raised.
Note: Record numbers obtained from AlarmGetDsp must not be used with this function.
This function returns an alarm record identifier that you can use in other alarm functions,
for example, to acknowledge, disable, or enable the alarm, or to get field data on that alarm.
Note: This function will return a match for an Acknowledge Off alarm with [Alarm]Ack-
Hold=1 even after it has been cleared using AlarmClear or AlarmClearRec.
AlarmFirstTagRec(Tag, Name, Description [, ClusterName] )
The alarm tag to be matched. Specify an empty string (" ") to match all alarm tags.
The alarm name to be matched. Specify an empty string (" ") to match all alarm
The alarm description to be matched. Specify an empty string (" ") to match all
alarm descriptions.
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Alarm Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
The alarm record identifier or -1 if no match is found.
Related Functions
AlarmNextTagRec, AlarmGetFieldRec, AlarmAckRec, AlarmDisableRec, AlarmEna-
bleRec, AlarmGetThresholdRec, AlarmSetThresholdRec, MsgRPC
See AlarmDisableRec
See Also
Alarm Functions
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Gets the delay setting for the alarm the cursor is currently positioned over.
The type of delay:
0 - Delay (digital alarm/advancedalarm)
1 - High high delay (analog alarm)
2 - High delay (analog alarm)
3 - Low delay (analog alarm)
4 - Low low delay (analog alarm)
5 - Deviation delay (analog alarm)
Return Value
The alarm delay if successful, otherwise -1 is returned. Use IsError() to retrieve extended
error information.
Related Functions
AlarmNotifyVarChange, AlarmSetDelayRec, AlarmGetDelayRec
See Also
Alarm Functions
Gets the delay setting for an alarm via the alarm record number.
When the Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and
cannot be called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and
a Cicode hardware alarm will be raised.
AlarmGetDelayRec(Record, Type [, ClusterName] )
The alarm record number, returned from any of the following alarm functions:
AlarmFirstCatRec() or AlarmNextCatRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm category, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstPriRec() or AlarmNextPriRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm priority, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstTagRec() or AlarmNextTagRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm tag, name, and description.
AlarmGetDsp() - used to find the record that is displayed at a specified AN,
for either an alarm list or alarm summary entry. Set the sField argument in
AlarmGetDsp() to "RecNo".
The type of delay:
0 - Delay (digital alarm/advancedalarm)
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Return Value
The alarm delay if successful, otherwise -1 is returned. Use IsError() to retrieve extended
error information.
Related Functions
AlarmNotifyVarChange, AlarmSetDelayRec, AlarmGetDelay
See Also
Alarm Functions
Gets field data from the alarm record that is displayed at the specified AN. You can use this
function for both Alarm Pages and Alarm Summaries (an Alarm Page or Alarm Summary
must be displayed before this function can be used).
You can call this function on an Alarms Server or a client to get the contents of any field in
the alarm record at that AN.
You can return the record number of the alarm record for use in other alarm functions, for
example, to acknowledge, disable, or enable an alarm (on an Alarms Server).
The AlarmGetDsp() function does not support hardware alarms.
AlarmGetDsp(AN, sField)
The AN where the alarm entry is displayed.
The name of the field from which the data is retrieved. The contents of the follow-
ing fields can be retrieved when the Alarm Page is displayed:
Field Description
Category Alarm category
Desc Alarm description
Help Alarm help page
Name Alarm name
Tag Alarm tag
Time The time that the alarm changed state (hh:mm:ss)
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Field Description
RecNo The alarm record number
Comment Operator comments attached to the Alarm Log entry (if any)
Date The date that the alarm changed state (mm/dd/yyyy)
DateExt The date that the alarm changed state in extended format
Type The type of alarm or condition
State The current state of the alarm
Value The current value of the alarm variable
High High Alarm trigger value (Only Valid on Analog Alarms)
HighHigh High High Alarm trigger value (Only Valid on Analog Alarms)
Low Low Alarm trigger value (Only Valid on Analog Alarms)
LowLow Low Low Alarm trigger value (Only Valid on Analog Alarms)
Rate Rate of change trigger value (Only Valid on Analog Alarms)
Deviation Deviation Alarm trigger value (Only Valid on Analog Alarms)
Deadband Deadband (Only Valid on Analog Alarms)
LogState The last state that the alarm passed through
AlmComment The text entered into the Comment field of the alarm properties
Custom1..8 Custom Filter Fields
State_desc The configured description (for example, healthy or stopped) of
a particular state
The contents of the any of the above fields (except for State) and the following fields can
be retrieved when the Alarm Summary is displayed:
Field Description
UserName The name of the user (User Name) who was logged on
and performed some action on the alarm (for example,
acknowledging the alarm or disabling the alarm, etc.).
Note that when the alarm is first activated, the user
name is set to "system" (because the operator did not
trip the alarm).
FullName The full name of the user (Full Name) who was logged
on and performed some action on the alarm (for exam-
ple, acknowledging the alarm or disabling the alarm,
etc.). Note that when the alarm is first activated, the full
name is set to "system" (because the operator did not
trip the alarm).
UserDesc The text related to the user event
OnDate The date when alarm was activated
OnDateExt The date (in extended format) when the alarm was ac-
tivated (dd/mm/yyyy)
OffDate The date when the alarm returned to its normal state
OffDateExt The date (in extended format) when the alarm returned
to its normal state (dd/mm/yyyy)
OnTime The time when the alarm was activated
OffTime The time when the alarm returned to its normal state
DeltaTime The time difference between OnDate/OnTime and Off-
Date/OffTime, in seconds
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Field Description
OnMilli Adds milliseconds to the time the alarm was activated.
OffMilli Adds milliseconds to the time the alarm returned to its
normal state.
AckTime The time when the alarm was acknowledged
AckDate The date when the alarm was acknowledged
AckDateExt The date (in extended format) when the alarm was ac-
knowledged (dd/mm/yyyy)
SumState Describes the state of the alarm when it occurred
SumDesc A description of the alarm summary
Native_SumDesc A description of the alarm summary, in the native lan-
Native_Comment Native language comments the operator adds to an
Alarm Summary entry during runtime.
Return Value
Field data from the alarm entry (as a string).
Related Functions
! Display the tag and category for the alarm at the specified AN.
AlarmData(INT AN)
STRING Category;
Prompt("Alarm "+Tag+" is Category "+Category);
See Also
Alarm Functions
Gets the contents of the specified field in the specified alarm record. If calling this function
from a remote client, use the MsgRPC() function.
Note: Record numbers obtained from AlarmGetDsp must not be used with this function.
When the Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and
cannot be called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and
a Cicode hardware alarm will be raised.
AlarmGetFieldRec(Record, sField [, nVer] [, ClusterName] )
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
The alarm record number, returned from any of the following alarm functions:
AlarmFirstCatRec() or AlarmNextCatRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm category, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstPriRec() or AlarmNextPriRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm priority, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstTagRec() or AlarmNextTagRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm tag, name, and description.
AlarmGetDsp() - used to find the record that is displayed at a specified AN,
for either an alarm list or alarm summary entry. Set the sField argument in
AlarmGetDsp() to "RecNo".
To store this value, use data type Int in Cicode or Long for variable tags (Long
needs 4 bytes).
The name of the field from which the data is retrieved.
Field Description
Category Alarm category
Desc Alarm description
Help Alarm help page
Name Alarm name
Tag Alarm tag
Time The time that the alarm changed state (hh:mm:ss)
Comment Operator comments attached to the Alarm Log entry (if
Date The date that the alarm changed state (mm/dd/yyyy)
DateExt The date that the alarm changed state in extended for-
Type The type of alarm or condition
State The current state of the alarm
Value The current value of the alarm variable
High High Alarm trigger value (Only Valid on Analog Alarms)
HighHigh High High Alarm trigger value (Only Valid on Analog
Low Low Alarm trigger value (Only Valid on Analog Alarms)
LowLow Low Low Alarm trigger value (Only Valid on Analog
Rate Rate of change trigger value (Only Valid on Analog
Deviation Deviation Alarm trigger value (Only Valid on Analog
Deadband Deadband (Only Valid on Analog Alarms)
LogState The last state that the alarm passed through
AlmComment The text entered into the Comment field of the alarm
properties dialog.
Custom1..8 Custom Filter Fields
State_desc The configured description (for example, healthy or
stopped) of a particular state
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Field Description
UserName The name of the user (User Name) who was logged on
and performed some action on the alarm (for example,
acknowledging the alarm or disabling the alarm, etc.).
Note that when the alarm is first activated, the user
name is set to "system" (because the operator did not
trip the alarm).
FullName The full name of the user (Full Name) who was logged
on and performed some action on the alarm (for exam-
ple, acknowledging the alarm or disabling the alarm,
etc.). Note that when the alarm is first activated, the full
name is set to "system" (because the operator did not
trip the alarm).
UserDesc The text related to the user event
OnDate The date when alarm was activated
OnDateExt The date (in extended format) when the alarm was ac-
tivated (dd/mm/yyyy)
OffDate The date when the alarm returned to its normal state
OffDateExt The date (in extended format) when the alarm returned
to its normal state (dd/mm/yyyy)
OnTime The time when the alarm was activated
OffTime The time when the alarm returned to its normal state
DeltaTime The time difference between OnDate/OnTime and Off-
Date/OffTime, in seconds
OnMilli Adds milliseconds to the time the alarm was activated.
OffMilli Adds milliseconds to the time the alarm returned to its
normal state.
AckTime The time when the alarm was acknowledged
AckDate The date when the alarm was acknowledged
AckDateExt The date (in extended format) when the alarm was ac-
knowledged (dd/mm/yyyy)
SumState Describes the state of the alarm when it occurred
SumDesc A description of the alarm summary
Native_SumDesc A description of the alarm summary, in the native lan-
Native_Comment Native language comments the operator adds to an
Alarm Summary entry during runtime.
The version of an alarm.
If an alarm has been triggered more than once in a given period, the version lets
you distinguish between different instances of the alarm’s activity.
The version is used in filtering alarms for display. A query function passes a val-
ue to this parameter in order to get field information for a particular alarm.
This parameter is not needed when you use AlarmGetFieldRec() for purposes
other than filtering. It will default to 0 if you do not set a value.
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Alarm Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Return Value
The alarm field data (as a string).
Related Functions
AlarmFirstTagRec, AlarmNextTagRec, MsgRPC
GetNameFromTag(STRING sTag)
INT record;
record = AlarmFirstTagRec(sTag, "", "");
IF record <> -1 THEN
sName = AlarmGetFieldRec(record,"NAME");
sName = "";
See Also
Alarm Functions
Gets data on the alarm list displayed at a specified AN. Use this function to display the cur-
rent alarm list information on an alarm page. If only one alarm list has been configured on
an alarm page, modes 2 and 3 of this function return the current alarm page information.
Note: You cannot retrieve the order by key setting for an alarm list using this function, as
it can only returns numeric values. To retrieve this information, use the function AlarmGe-
AlarmGetInfo(AN, Type)
The AN where the alarm list (with the required information) is displayed. Set the
AN to 0 (zero) to get information on the alarm list where the cursor is positioned.
The type of data:
0 - Alarm page number. The vertical offset (in pages) from the AN where the
alarm list commenced. The alarm list must have scrolled off the first page
for this type to return a non-zero value.
1 - Alarm list offset. The vertical offset (in lines) from the AN where the alarm list
commenced. You must have scrolled off the first page of alarms for this
type to return a non zero value.
2 - Category of alarms displayed on the alarm list. You can use a group number
to display a group of categories.
3 - Type of alarms displayed on the alarm list. See AlarmDsp() for a list of these
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
7 - Priority of alarms displayed on the alarm list. The return value may be a group
number if the alarm list contains alarms of more than one priority.
8 - Display mode of the alarm list.
9 - Sorting mode of the alarm list.
Return Value
Alarm list data as a numeric value.
Related Functions
AlarmDsp, AlarmSetInfo, AlarmGetOrderbyKey.
/* In all of the following examples, data is returned on the alarm
list where the cursor is positioned. */
page = AlarmGetInfo(0,0);
! returns the alarm page number.
offset = AlarmGetInfo(0,1);
! returns the alarm list offset.
cat = AlarmGetInfo(0,2);
! returns the alarm category displayed.
type = AlarmGetInfo(0,3);
! returns the type of alarms displayed.
See Also
Alarm Functions
Retrieves the list of key(s) that are used to determine the order of the alarm list. These keys
can be set by the AlarmSetInfo() function.
The AN where the alarm list (with the required information) is displayed.
Return Value
Order-by key (as a string).
page = AlarmGetOrderbyKey(21);
! returns the order-by key string of the alarm list at AN ’21’.
See Also
Alarm Functions
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Gets the threshold of the analog alarm where the cursor is positioned.
The type of threshold:
0 - High high
1 - High
2 - Low
3 - Low low
4 - Deadband
5 - Deviation
6 - Rate of change
Return Value
The alarm threshold.
Related Functions
AlarmGetThresholdRec, AlarmSetThreshold, AlarmSetThresholdRec
See Also
Alarm Functions
Gets the threshold of analog alarms by the alarm record number. If calling this function
from a remote client, use the MsgRPC() function.
Note: Record numbers obtained from AlarmGetDsp must not be used with this function.
When the Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and
cannot be called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and
a Cicode hardware alarm will be raised.
AlarmGetThresholdRec(Record, Type [, ClusterName] )
The alarm record number, returned from any of the following alarm functions:
AlarmFirstCatRec() or AlarmNextCatRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm category, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstPriRec() or AlarmNextPriRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm priority, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstTagRec() or AlarmNextTagRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm tag, name, and description.
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Return Value
The alarm threshold.
Related Functions
AlarmGetThreshold, AlarmSetThreshold, AlarmSetThresholdRec, MsgRPC
See Also
Alarm Functions
Displays the alarm help page (associated with the alarm) where the cursor is positioned.
You can assign a help page to each alarm when you define it (using the Digital Alarms or
the Analog Alarms database, depending on the type of alarm). You must also define the
help page in the Pages database.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
System Keyboard
Key Sequence AlmHelp
Command AlarmHelp()
Comment Display the alarm help page
See Also
Alarm Functions
Searches for the next occurrence of an alarm category and type, commencing with the spec-
ified alarm record identifier (returned from the previous search through the AlarmFirstC-
atRec function). You can search all areas, the current area only, or specify an area to limit
the search. If calling this function from a remote client, use the MsgRPC() function.
This function returns an alarm record identifier that you can use in other alarm functions,
for example, to acknowledge, disable, or enable the alarm, or to get field data on that alarm.
Note: Record numbers obtained from AlarmGetDsp must not be used with this function.
When the Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and
cannot be called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and
a Cicode hardware alarm will be raised.
AlarmNextCatRec(Record, Category, Type [, Area] [, ClusterName] )
The alarm record number, returned from any of the following alarm functions:
AlarmFirstCatRec() or AlarmNextCatRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm category, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstPriRec() or AlarmNextPriRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm priority, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstTagRec() or AlarmNextTagRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm tag, name, and description.
AlarmGetDsp() - used to find the record that is displayed at a specified AN,
for either an alarm list or alarm summary entry. Set the sField argument in
AlarmGetDsp() to "RecNo". To store this value, use data type Int in Cicode or
Long for variable tags (Long needs 4 bytes).
The alarm category or group number to match. Set Category to 0 (zero) to match
all alarm categories.
The type of alarms to find:
Non-hardware alarms
0 - All active alarms, that is Types 1 and 2.
1 - All unacknowledged alarms, ON and OFF.
2 - All acknowledged ON alarms.
3 - All disabled alarms.
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Return Value
The alarm record identifier or -1 if no match is found.
Related Functions
GrpOpen, AlarmFirstCatRec, AlarmFirstPriRec, AlarmNextPriRec, AlarmGetFieldRec,
AlarmAckRec, AlarmDisableRec, AlarmEnableRec, AlarmGetThresholdRec, Alarm-
SetThresholdRec, MsgRPC
See AlarmAckRec
See Also
Alarm Functions
Searches for the next occurrence of an alarm of a specified priority and type, commencing
with the specified alarm record identifier (returned from the previous search through the
AlarmFirstPriRec() function). You can search all areas, the current area only, or specify an
area to limit the search. If calling this function from a remote client, use the
MsgRPC() function.
This function returns an alarm record identifier that you can use in other alarm functions,
for example, to acknowledge, disable, or enable the alarm, or to get field data on that alarm.
Note: Record numbers obtained from AlarmGetDsp must not be used with this function.
When the Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and
cannot be called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and
a Cicode hardware alarm will be raised.
AlarmNextPriRec(Record, Priority, Type [, Area] [, ClusterName] )
The alarm record number, returned from any of the following alarm functions:
AlarmFirstCatRec() or AlarmNextCatRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm category, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstPriRec() or AlarmNextPriRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm priority, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Return Value
The alarm record identifier or -1 if no match is found.
Related Functions
GrpOpen, AlarmFirstCatRec, AlarmFirstPriRec, AlarmNextCatRec, AlarmGetFieldRec,
AlarmAckRec, AlarmDisableRec, AlarmEnableRec, AlarmGetThresholdRec, Alarm-
SetThresholdRec, AlarmSetInfo, MsgRPC
See Also
Alarm Functions
Searches for the next occurrence of an alarm tag, name, and description, starting with the
alarm record identifier (returned from the previous search through the AlarmFirstTagRec()
function). If calling this function from a remote client, use the MsgRPC() function.
This function returns an alarm record identifier that you can use in other alarm functions,
for example, to acknowledge, disable, or enable the alarm, or to get field data on that alarm.
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Note: Record numbers obtained from AlarmGetDsp must not be used with this function.
When the Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and
cannot be called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and
a Cicode hardware alarm will be raised.
AlarmNextTagRec(Record, Tag, Name, Description [, ClusterName] )
The alarm record number, returned from any of the following alarm functions:
AlarmFirstCatRec() or AlarmNextCatRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm category, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstPriRec() or AlarmNextPriRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm priority, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstTagRec() or AlarmNextTagRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm tag, name, and description.
AlarmGetDsp() - used to find the record that is displayed at a specified AN,
for either an alarm list or alarm summary entry. Set the sField argument in
AlarmGetDsp() to "RecNo".
To store this value, use data type Int in Cicode or Long for variable tags (Long
needs 4 bytes).
The alarm tag to be matched. Specify an empty string (" ") to match all alarm tags.
The alarm name to be matched. Specify an empty string (" ") to match all alarm
The alarm description to be matched. Specify an empty string (" ") to match all
alarm descriptions.
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Alarm Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
The alarm record identifier or -1 if no match is found.
Related Functions
AlarmFirstTagRec, AlarmGetFieldRec, AlarmAckRec, AlarmDisableRec, AlarmEna-
bleRec, AlarmGetDelayRec, AlarmGetThresholdRec, AlarmSetThresholdRec, MsgRPC
See AlarmDisableRec.
See Also
Alarm Functions
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
This function is used to provide time-stamped digital and time-stamped analog alarms
with data. When called, it notifies the alarm server that the specified variable tag has
The alarm server will then check all time-stamped digital and time-stamped analog alarms
that use the variable tag to see if their alarm states need to be updated as a result of the
change. Any alarm state changes that result from this check will be given the timestamp
passed into this function as their time of occurrence.
Note: Although you can hardcode a value into the setpoint when using analog alarms, you
cannot use hardcoded values with time-stamped analog alarms. If the setpoint is hardcod-
ed, this function cannot be used to notify the alarm when the variable changes.
AlarmNotifyVarChange(Tag, Value, Timestamp [, TimestampMS] [, ClusterName] )
Name of the variable tag that has changed as a string. This name may include the
name of the tag’s cluster in the form cluster.tagname. This cluster name may be
different from the cluster of the alarm server indicated by ClusterName below.
The Tag parameter is resolved on the alarm server, so the alarm server should be
configured to connect to the tag’s cluster.
Value of the variable tag at the time of the change as a floating-point number
Time/date at which the variable tag changed in the standard CitectSCADA time/
date variable format (Seconds since 1970).
Millisecond portion of the time at which the variable tag changed.
Name of the cluster of the alarm server. This is optional if you have one cluster or
are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster context. The argument is en-
closed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
The error that was detected when the function was called.
AlarmNotifyVarChange("LOOP_1_SP", 50.0, TimeCurrent() - 10, 550,
This will tell the alarm server in cluster XYZ that the value of
variable tag LOOP_1_SP changed to 50.0 at 9.450 seconds ago.
See Also
Time-stamped Digital Alarm Properties, Time-stamped Analog Alarm Properties
Alarm Functions
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Searches for the first occurrence of an alarm category (or priority) and type. This is a wrap-
per function of AlarmFirstCatRec and AlarmFirstPriRec.
When the Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and
cannot be called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and
a Cicode hardware alarm will be raised.
AlarmQueryFirstRec(Group, Type, Area, QueryType [, ClusterName] )
Alarm category if QueryType is 0 or alarm priority if QueryType is 1.
Type of alarms to find:
Non-hardware alarms
0 - All active alarms; that is, types 1 and 2.
1 - All unacknowledged alarms, ON and OFF.
2 - All acknowledged ON alarms.
3 - All disabled alarms.
4 - All configured alarms; that is, types 0 to 3, plus acknowledged OFF alarms.
Area in which to search for alarms. Set Area to -1 to search all areas.
Query type.
0 - Search by category.
1 - Search by priority.
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Alarm Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
The alarm record identifier or -1 if no match is found.
Related Functions
See Also
Alarm Functions
Searches for the next occurrence of an alarm category (or priority) and type, commencing
with the specified alarm record identifier (returned from the previous search through the
alarm query functions).
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
When the Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and
cannot be called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and
a Cicode hardware alarm will be raised.
This is wrapper function of AlarmNextCatRec and AlarmNextPriRec.
AlarmQueryNextRec(Record, Group, Type, Area, QueryType [, ClusterName] )
Alarm record number.
Alarm Category if QueryType is 0 or alarm priority if QueryType is 1.
Type of alarms to find:
Non-hardware alarms
0 - All active alarms; that is, types 1 and 2.
1 - All unacknowledged alarms, ON and OFF.
2 - All acknowledged ON alarms.
3 - All disabled alarms.
4 - All configured alarms; that is, types 0 to 3, plus acknowledged OFF alarms.
Area in which to search for alarms. Set Area to -1 to search all areas.
Query type.
0 - Search by category.
1 - Search by priority.
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Alarm Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
The alarm record identifier or -1 if no match is found.
Related Functions
See Also
Alarm Functions
Changes the delay setting for an alarm (that is Delay, High High Delay, Deviation Delay,
etc.). This function acts on the alarm that the cursor is positioned over. Use this function
during runtime to change the delay values that were specified in the alarms database. De-
lay changes made using this process are permanent (that is they are saved to the project).
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
AlarmSetDelay(Type, Value)
The type of delay:
0 - Delay (digital alarm/advanced alarm)
1 - High high delay (analog alarm)
2 - High delay (analog alarm)
3 - Low delay (analog alarm)
4 - Low low delay (analog alarm)
5 - Deviation delay (analog alarm)
The new value for the delay. Enter a blank value " " to remove the delay setting.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlarmGetDelay, AlarmSetDelayRec, AlarmGetDelayRec
See Also
Alarm Functions
Changes the delay setting for an alarm (that is Delay, High High Delay, Deviation Delay,
etc.) by the alarm record number. You can only call this function on an alarms server for
local alarms, or on a redundant server if one has been configured. However, a client can call
this function remotely by using the MsgPRC() function.
AlarmSetDelayRec(Record, Type, Value)
The alarm record number, returned from any of the following alarm functions:
AlarmFirstCatRec() or AlarmNextCatRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm category, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstPriRec() or AlarmNextPriRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm priority, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstTagRec() or AlarmNextTagRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm tag, name, and description.
AlarmGetDsp() - used to find the record that is displayed at a specified AN,
for either an alarm list or alarm summary entry. Set the sField argument in
AlarmGetDsp() to "RecNo".
The type of delay:
0 - Delay (digital alarm/advanced alarm)
1 - High high delay (analog alarm)
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Related Functions
AlarmGetDelay, AlarmNotifyVarChange, AlarmGetDelayRec
See Also
Alarm Functions
Controls different aspects of the alarm list displayed at a specified AN.
AlarmSetInfo(AN, Type, Value)
The AN where the alarm list originally commenced. (AN alarm page can contain
more than one alarm list). You can also specify:
-1 - Change the display parameters of all alarm lists displayed on the page.
0 - Change the display parameters of the alarm list where the cursor is positioned.
The type of data. The aspects and related types are listed below:
Display aspect Types
Change display line and page offset 0, 1
Formatting of alarms in the alarm list 4, 5, 6
Filtering of alarms 2, 3, 7, 8
Sorting of alarms - to control the sorting as- 9, 10
pect of the alarm list, type 9 and 10 should
be used together.
0 - Alarm page number. The vertical offset (in pages) from the AN where the
alarm list commenced.
1 - Alarm list offset. The vertical offset (in lines) from the AN where the alarm list
2 - Category of alarms displayed on the alarm list. To specify all categories use a
value of 0.
You can use a group handle to display a group of categories. (A group can be de-
fined using Groups - from the Project Editor System menu - or by using the
GrpOpen() function.) Before you can display a group of categories, you
must first open the group using the GrpOpen() function. You would usu-
ally do this by entering the GrpOpen() function as the Page entry com-
mand for your alarm page (set using Page Properties). Note, however, that
you should not close the group until you close the display page. If you do,
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
the group will be destroyed and the group handle will become invalid. The
page would then be unable to continue displaying the desired group. The
handle may be reused for another group, which means the page may dis-
play a different category, or display all alarms.
You would normally close the group by entering the GrpClose() function as the
Page exit command.
3 - Type of alarms displayed on the alarm list. See AlarmDsp() for a list of these
4 - Display all alarms according to the format and fonts specified for one category
(specified in Value).
5 - The display format for all alarms specified by a format handle. All of the alarm
categories will display in the same format.
6 - The display font for all user alarms specified by a font handle. All of the user
alarms will appear in the same font and color.
7 - The priority of the alarms to be displayed in the alarm list. You can use a group
number to display a group of priorities.
You can use a group handle to display a group of priorities. (A group can be de-
fined using Groups - from the Project Editor System menu - or by using the
GrpOpen() function.) Before you can display a group of priorities, you
must first open the group using the GrpOpen() function. You would usu-
ally do this by entering the GrpOpen() function as the Page entry com-
mand for your alarm page (set using Page Properties). Note, however, that
you should not close the group until you close the display page. If you do,
the group will be destroyed and the group handle will become invalid. The
page would then be unable to continue displaying the desired group. You
would normally close the group by entering the GrpClose() function as the
Page exit command.
8 - Use the Value argument of the AlarmSetInfo() function to specify whether the
display mode of the alarm list is based on Alarm Category or Priority:
Set the Value argument to 0 (zero) to display by Category.
Set the Value argument to 1 to display by Priority.
9 - Use the Value argument of the AlarmSetInfo() function to specify the sorting
mode of the alarm list:
Set the Value argument to 0 (zero) to display alarms sorted by ON time
within their groups.
Set the Value argument to 1 to display alarms sorted by the order-by keys.
Please be aware that this option will only be meaningful if you have al-
ready called the AlarmSetInfo() function with a Type of 10 to set the order-
by keys.
10 - Use the Alarm Order-by key specified in the Value argument of the Alarm-
SetInfo() function to determine the order in which the alarm list will be dis-
The AlarmSetInfo() function should then be called again using a Type of 9 and a
Value of 1 for CitectSCADA to sort the alarms in the order specified.
The meaning of the Value argument depends on the data type specified in the
Type argument.
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
If you set Type = 8, the Value argument determines whether alarms are dis-
played by category or priority:
0 - Alarm list displayed by Category.
1 - Alarm list displayed by Priority.
If you set Type = 10, the Value argument specifies the order-by keys to be used
in sorting. Up to sixteen keys may be specified:
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
GrpOpen, AlarmDsp, AlarmGetInfo
In the following example, the alarm list is set to display in the order of the order-by key.
Please be aware that this is a two-step process requiring two calls to the AlarmSetInfo()
function, and that it applies only to non-hardware alarm lists.
! Set the order-by key.
! Set the sorting mode.
Type 8 of the function is used to set the display mode to either category or priority. This is
helpful when filtering based on either of these fields. So In order to filter on category 2 we
should use:
AlarmSetInfo(21, 8, 0);
AlarmSetInfo(21, 2, 2);
Once we do this the alarms with category 2 will be displayed in the alarm list and remain-
ing although active will not be displayed.
Similarly if we want to filter on priority we set the mode to priority and then use type 7. For
example to filter on priority 4 we should use:
AlarmSetInfo(21, 8, 1); ! priority mode
AlarmSetInfo(21, 7, 4); ! apply filter
In the following examples, the display parameters of the alarm list where the cursor is po-
sitioned are changed.
! Change the vertical offset (pages) to 2.
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
In the following examples, the display parameters of the alarm list at AN 20 are changed.
! Display all alarms with category 120 format and fonts
AlarmSetInfo(20, 4, 120);
! Display all alarms with a new format
AlarmSetInfo(20, 5, hFmt);
! Display all alarms with a new font
hFont = DspFont("Times",-60,black,gray);
AlarmSetInfo(20, 6, hFont);
The following example displays all alarms with categories 1-10, 20, or 25. Before AlarmSet-
Info() is run, the page entry command for the alarm display page is configured as follows:
On page entry command hGrp=GrpOpen("MyGrp",1); StrToGrp(hGrp,"1..10,20,25");
Note: hGrp is defined in the variables database. The page exit command for the alarm dis-
play page is configured as follows:
On page exit command GrpClose(hGrp)
AlarmSetInfo(20, 2, hGrp);
See Also
Alarm Functions
Allows you to choose which alarms display on a page, by calling a user-defined query func-
tion to filter the alarms on specific criteria. The query function is called for each alarm, and
only alarms matching the criteria are displayed on the page.
There are two steps involved in using a query to display alarms:
Write the Cicode function that will be used as the query function.
Specify the query function and its arguments in a call to AlarmSetQuery().
Note: You can also use AlarmSetQuery() to remove filtering from an alarm list. Alarm-
SetQuery( -1, "", "" ) stops the query function filtering the display of alarms.
AlarmSetQuery(AN, QueryFunction [, sArgs] [, iAlways] )
The AN where the alarm list originally commenced. (AN alarm page can contain
more than one alarm list). You can also specify:
-1 - Change the display parameters of all alarm lists displayed on the page.
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
0 - Change the display parameters of the alarm list where the cursor is positioned.
The name of the Cicode query function written by the user. Once this function has
been specified, it is called for each alarm, and determines whether or not the
alarm should be displayed.
The QueryFunction returns an INT value of 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE). If a value of
TRUE is returned, the alarm will be displayed. If the query function returns
FALSE, the alarm will be ignored and not displayed.
The query function’s first parameter must be an INT. This parameter is initialized
with the record ID of the current alarm, providing the query function with infor-
mation about the alarm.
The query function’s second parameter must also be an INT. It represents the in-
stance or event of an alarm, and is used in filtering the alarms for display.
A list of arguments to be passed to the Cicode query function. The arguments are
enclosed by double quotes ("") and separated by commas. This parameter is op-
tional. If the query function does not require parameters other than the default
INT parameter, then the list of arguments may be left out as follows:
AlarmSetQuery(0, "AlarmQueryDate");
In this case, the default value of an empty string will be used for the third param-
If the query function requires values to be passed in by the user, the following
rules apply to determine the types of arguments:
Digits are interpreted as INT
Digits with decimals are interpreted as REAL
Anything enclosed by ^" ^" is interpreted as a STRING
For example, to pass an INT of 23, a string of "23/12/1999", and a REAL value of
23.45 to the query function MyQueryDate(), AlarmSetQuery() should be invoked
in the following way:
AlarmSetQuery(0, 1 ,"MyQueryDate", "23, ^"23/12/1999^", 23.45");
The query function MyQueryDate() would be defined as follows:
MyQueryDate(INT nRID, INT nVer, INT iOne, STRING sOne, REAL rOne)
The types of the arguments listed in AlarmSetQuery() should match the types of
the arguments defined in the query function.
Set to TRUE to so that the query is performed whenever it is called (no optimiza-
tion). Default value is 0 (FALSE).
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlarmGetFieldRec, AlarmSetInfo, QueryFunction
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
!Sets MyQueryDate() as the query function and provides the
arguments 23, 23/12/1999, and 23.45
AlarmSetQuery(0, "MyQueryDate", "23, ^"23/12/1999^", 23.45");
!Removes filtering by the current query function from all alarm
lists on the page
AlarmSetQuery(-1, "", "");
See Also
Alarm Functions
Changes the thresholds (that is High High, Low etc.) of analog alarms. This function acts
on the analog alarm where the cursor is positioned. Use this function to change (at run
time) the threshold values that were specified in the Analog Alarms database. Threshold
changes made using this function are permanent (that is they are saved to the project). The
display format currently specified for the record (in the Analog Alarms form) will be ap-
plied to these values.
AlarmSetThreshold(Type, Value)
The type of threshold:
0 - High high
1 - High
2 - Low
3 - Low low
4 - Deadband
5 - Deviation
6 - Rate of change
The new value of the threshold. Enter a blank value "" to remove the threshold.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
System Keyboard
Key Sequence SetHighHigh ### Enter
Command AlarmSetThreshold(0, Arg1)
Comment Change the threshold of a high high alarm
System Keyboard
Key Sequence SetHigh ### Enter
Command AlarmSetThreshold(1, Arg1)
Comment Change the threshold of a high alarm
System Keyboard
Key Sequence SetLow ### Enter
Command AlarmSetThreshold(2, Arg1)
Comment Change the threshold of a low alarm
System Keyboard
Key Sequence SetlowLow ### Enter
Command AlarmSetThreshold(3, Arg1)
Comment Change the threshold of a low low alarm
See Also
Alarm Functions
Changes the threshold (that is High High, Low etc.) of analog alarms by the alarm record
number. You can call this function only on an Alarms Server for alarms on that server, or
on the redundant server (if a redundant server is configured). If calling this function from
a remote client, use the MsgRPC() function.
Threshold changes made using this function are permanent (that is they are saved to the
project). The display format currently specified for the record (in the Analog Alarms form)
will be applied to these values.
Note: Record numbers obtained from AlarmGetDsp must not be used with this function.
When the Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and
cannot be called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and
a Cicode hardware alarm will be raised.
AlarmSetThresholdRec(Record, Type, Value)
The alarm record number, returned from any of the following alarm functions:
AlarmFirstCatRec() or AlarmNextCatRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm category, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstPriRec() or AlarmNextPriRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm priority, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstTagRec() or AlarmNextTagRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm tag, name, and description.
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlarmSetThreshold, MsgRPC
See Also
Alarm Functions
Duplicates an entry (where the cursor is positioned) in the alarm summary display. You
can use this function to add another comment to an alarm summary entry. You would nor-
mally call this function from a keyboard command.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
System Keyboard
Key Sequence Split
Command AlarmSplit()
Comment Duplicates an alarm summary entry
See Also
Alarm Functions
Appends a new blank record to the alarm summary. Use this function to add new alarm
summary entries, either for actual alarms or as special user summary entries.
If you specify a valid alarm tag in the sTag field, the summary entry is linked to the actual
alarm. If you specify an asterisk ’*’ as the first letter of the tag, the summary entry becomes
a user event.
User events are not attached to alarm records, so their status will not change. You must
manually change the status of the user event, by calling the AlarmSumSet() function with
the index returned by AlarmSumAppend(). As user events are not attached to alarms, they
don’t have the alarm fields - so the AlarmSumGet() function will not return any field data.
You can use user events to keep a record of logins, or control operations that you need to
display in the alarm summary etc. To set the {ONTIME} {OFFTIME} etc. data, use the
AlarmSumSet() function.
This function can only be used if the Alarm Server is on the current machine. When the
Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and cannot be
called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and a Cicode
hardware alarm will be raised.
AlarmSumAppend(sTag [, ClusterName] )
The alarm tag to append. Use an asterisk ’*’ as the first letter to append a user
event to the alarm summary. Please be aware that if you using this ’user event
mode’ the AlarmSumAppend function returns the alarm summary index - not
the error code.
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Alarm Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
The index of the alarm summary entry, or -1 if the record could not be appended.
Related Functions
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
! Append alarm to summary display
! Append user event
iIndex = AlarmSumAppend("*MyEvent");
AlarmSumSet(iIndex, "Comment", "My event comment");
AlarmSumSet(iIndex, "OnTime", TimeCurrent());
See Also
Alarm Functions
This command is deprecated in this version of CitectSCADA. Use the AlmSummaryCom-
mit command instead.
Commits the alarm summary record to the alarm summary device. Alarm summaries are
normally written to the alarm summary device just before they are deleted from the sum-
mary queue. The length of time that alarm summary entries remain in the alarm summary
queue is controlled by [Alarm]SummaryTimeout parameter.
This function allows you to commit the alarm summary records now, rather than when
they are deleted from the queue.
This function can only be used if the Alarm Server is on the current machine. When the
Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and cannot be
called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and a Cicode
hardware alarm will be raised.
AlarmSumCommit(Index [, ClusterName] )
The alarm summary index (returned from the AlarmSumFirst(), AlarmSum-
Next(), AlarmSumLast(), AlarmSumPrev(), AlarmSumAppend(), or AlarmSum-
Find() function).
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Alarm Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlarmSumFirst, AlarmSumNext, AlarmSumLast, AlarmSumPrev, AlarmSumGet, Alarm-
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
/* This function commits all alarm summary entries that match the
specified tag. */
SumCommitTag(STRING sTag)
INT Next;
INT Index;
WHILE Index<>-1 DO
IF Name=sTag THEN
See Also
Alarm Functions
This command is deprecated in this version of CitectSCADA. Use the AlmSummaryDelete
command instead.
Deletes an alarm summary entry. You identify the alarm summary entry by the Index, re-
turned by one of the alarm summary search functions.
By embedding this function in a loop, you can delete a series of alarm summary entries. To
start deleting from the oldest entry, call the AlarmSumFirst() function to get the index, and
then call AlarmSumNext() in a loop. To delete back from the most recent entry, call Alarm-
SumLast() and then AlarmSumPrev() in a loop.
You can also get the Index from the AlarmSumFind() function, which finds an alarm sum-
mary entry by its alarm record identifier and time of activation.
When the Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and
cannot be called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and
a Cicode hardware alarm will be raised.
AlarmSumDelete(Index [, ClusterName] )
The alarm summary index (returned from the AlarmSumFirst(), AlarmSum-
Next(), AlarmSumLast(), AlarmSumPrev(), AlarmSumAppend(), or AlarmSum-
Find() function).
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Alarm Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if the specified alarm entry exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlarmSumFirst, AlarmSumNext, AlarmSumLast, AlarmSumPrev, AlarmSumGet, Alarm-
/* This function deletes all alarm summary entries that match the
specified tag. */
SumDelTag(STRING sTag)
INT Next;
INT Index;
WHILE Index<>-1 DO
IF Name=sTag THEN
See Also
Alarm Functions
This command is deprecated in this version of CitectSCADA. Use the AlmSummary com-
mands instead.
Finds the alarm summary index for an alarm that you specify by the alarm record identifier
and alarm activation time (OnTime). You can use this index in the AlarmSumGet() function
to get field data from an alarm record, in the AlarmSumSet() function to change the existing
data in that record, or in the AlarmSumDelete() function to delete the record. If calling this
function from a remote client, use the MsgRPC() function.
To work with a series of alarm summary records, call this function to get the index, and
then call either AlarmSumNext() to move forwards in the summary, or AlarmSumPrev() to
move backwards in the summary.
Note: Record numbers obtained from AlarmGetDsp must not be used with this function.
When the Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and
cannot be called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and
a Cicode hardware alarm will be raised.
AlarmSumFind(Record, OnTime [, ClusterName] )
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
The alarm record number, returned from any of the following alarm functions:
AlarmFirstCatRec() or AlarmNextCatRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm category, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstPriRec() or AlarmNextPriRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm priority, area, and type (acknowledged, disabled, etc.).
AlarmFirstTagRec() or AlarmNextTagRec() - used to search for a record by
alarm tag, name, and description.
AlarmGetDsp() - used to find the record that is displayed at a specified AN,
for either an alarm list or alarm summary entry. Set the sField argument in
AlarmGetDsp() to "RecNo".
To store this value, use data type Int in Cicode or Long for variable tags (Long
needs 4 bytes).
The ON time of the alarm associated with the Record, that is, the time that the
alarm was activated.
AlarmSumFind() requires that the OnTime argument contains the number of sec-
onds from Midnight, so the formulation:
iOnTime = StrToTime(AlarmSumGet(iIndex, "OnTime"));
will NOT yield the correct result. The correct formulation for this calculation is:
"OnTime")) + TimeMidnight(TimeCur-
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Alarm Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
The index of the alarm summary entry, or -1 if no alarm summary entry is found.
Related Functions
AlarmSumNext, AlarmSumSet, AlarmSumDelete, AlarmSumFirst, AlarmSumNext,
AlarmSumLast, AlarmSumPrev, MsgRPC
/* This function sets the summary comment from the alarm record
number and the ontime of the summary event. */
SumSetComment(INT AN, STRING sComment)
INT nRecord;
INT iOnTime;
INT Index;
Index = AlarmSumFind(nRecord, iOnTime);
IF Index<>-1 THEN
AlarmSumSet(Index,"Comment", sComment);
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
See Also
Alarm Functions
This command is deprecated in this version of CitectSCADA. Use the AlmSummaryFirst
command instead.
Gets the index of the oldest alarm summary entry. You can use this index in the Alarm-
SumGet() function to get field data from an alarm record, in the AlarmSumSet() function to
change the existing data in that record, or in the AlarmSumDelete() function to delete the
To work with a series of alarm summary records, call this function to get the index, and
then call AlarmSumNext() within a loop, to move forwards in the alarm summary.
This function can only be used if the Alarm Server is on the current machine. When the
Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and cannot be
called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and a Cicode
hardware alarm will be raised.
AlarmSumFirst( [ClusterName] )
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Alarm Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
The index of the oldest alarm summary entry, or -1 if no alarm summary entry is found.
Related Functions
AlarmSumGet, AlarmSumSet, AlarmSumDelete, AlarmSumNext, AlarmSumLast, Alarm-
/* This function finds all alarm summary entries that match the
specified tag and sets the "OffTime" to the time specified. The
alarm entry is not acknowledged or set to the off state, the alarm
summary "OffTime" field is all that is affected. */
SumSetTime(STRING sTag, INT Time)
INT Index;
WHILE Index<>-1 DO
IF Name=sTag THEN
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
See Also
Alarm Functions
This command is deprecated in this version of CitectSCADA. Use the AlmSummaryGet-
Field command instead.
Gets field data from an alarm summary entry. The data is returned as a string. You identify
the alarm summary entry by the Index, returned by one of the alarm summary search
functions. If calling this function from a remote client, use the MsgRPC() function.
By embedding this function in a loop, you can get data from a series of alarm summary en-
tries. To start from the oldest entry, call the AlarmSumFirst() function to get the index, and
then call AlarmSumNext() in a loop. To work back from the most recent entry, call Alarm-
SumLast() and then AlarmSumPrev() in a loop.
You can also get the Index from the AlarmSumFind() function, which finds an alarm sum-
mary entry by its alarm record identifier and time of activation.
Note: Record numbers obtained from AlarmGetDsp must not be used with this function.
When the Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and
cannot be called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and
a Cicode hardware alarm will be raised.
AlarmSumGet(Index, sField [, ClusterName] )
The alarm summary index (returned from the AlarmSumFirst(), AlarmSum-
Next(), AlarmSumLast(), AlarmSumPrev(), AlarmSumAppend(), or AlarmSum-
Find() function).
The name of the field from which to extract the data:
Tag Alarm tag
AckDate Alarm acknowledged date
AckTime Alarm acknowledged time
Category Alarm category
Comment Alarm comment
DeltaTime Alarm active time
Desc Alarm description
Help Help page
Name Alarm name
OffDate Alarm OFF date
OffTime Alarm OFF time
OnDate Alarm ON date
OnTime Alarm ON time
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Alarm Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
Field data from the alarm summary entry (as a string).
Related Functions
AlarmSumSet, AlarmSumFirst, AlarmSumNext, AlarmSumLast, AlarmSumPrev, Alarm-
SumFind, MsgRPC
See AlarmSumFirst
See Also
Alarm Functions
This command is deprecated in this version of CitectSCADA. Use the AlmSummaryLast
command instead.
Gets the index of the most recent alarm summary entry. You can use this index in the
AlarmSumGet() function to get field data from an alarm record, in the AlarmSumSet()
function to change the existing data in that record, or in the AlarmSumDelete() function to
delete the record.
To work with a series of alarm summary records, call this function to get the index, and
then call AlarmSumPrev() within a loop, to move backwards in the alarm summary.
This function can only be used if the Alarm Server is on the current machine. When the
Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and cannot be
called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and a Cicode
hardware alarm will be raised.
AlarmSumLast( [ClusterName] )
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Alarm Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
The index of the most recent alarm summary entry, or -1 if no alarm summary entry is
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Related Functions
AlarmSumGet, AlarmSumSet, AlarmSumDelete, AlarmSumPrev, AlarmSumFirst, Alarm-
/* This function finds all alarm summary entries that match the
specified tag and sets the "OffTime" to the time specified. The
alarm entry is not acknowledged or set to the off state, the alarm
summary "OffTime" field is all that is affected. */
SumSetTime(STRING sTag, INT Time)
INT Index;
WHILE Index<>-1 DO
IF Name=sTag THEN
See Also
Alarm Functions
This command is deprecated in this version of CitectSCADA. Use the AlmSummaryNext
command instead.
Gets the index of the next alarm summary entry, that is, the entry that occurred later than
the entry specified by Index. You can use this index in the AlarmSumGet() function to get
field data from an alarm record, in the AlarmSumSet() function to change the existing data
in that record, or in the AlarmSumDelete() function to delete the record.
You can use this function to work with a series of alarm summary records. Call the Alarm-
SumFirst() or AlarmSumFind() function to get the index, and then call AlarmSumNext()
within a loop, to move forwards in the alarm summary.
You can also get the index of an entry as soon as it displays on the alarm summary. Alarm
summary entries are recorded with the most recent entry at the end of the list. Call Alarm-
SumLast() to get the index for the most recent entry, and then call AlarmSumNext() to get
the index for the next entry that occurs.
When the Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and
cannot be called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and
a Cicode hardware alarm will be raised.
AlarmSumNext(Index [, ClusterName] )
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Return Value
The index of the next alarm summary entry or -1 if no more alarm summary entries are
Related Functions
AlarmSumGet, AlarmSumSet, AlarmSumDelete, AlarmSumFirst, AlarmSumLast, Alarm-
SumPrev, AlarmSumFind
See AlarmSumFirst
See Also
Alarm Functions
This command is deprecated in this version of CitectSCADA. Use the AlmSummaryPrev
command instead.
Gets the index of the previous alarm summary entry, that is, the entry that occurred before
the entry specified by Index. You can use this index in the AlarmSumGet() function to get
field data from an alarm record, in the AlarmSumSet() function to change the existing data
in that record, or in the AlarmSumDelete() function to delete the record.
You can use this function to work with a series of alarm summary records. Call the Alarm-
SumLast() or AlarmSumFind() function to get the index, and then call AlarmSumPrev()
within a loop, to move backwards in the alarm summary.
When the Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and
cannot be called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and
a Cicode hardware alarm will be raised.
AlarmSumPrev(Index [, ClusterName] )
The alarm summary index (returned from the AlarmSumFirst(), AlarmSum-
Next(), AlarmSumLast(), AlarmSumPrev(), AlarmSumAppend(), or AlarmSum-
Find() function).
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Alarm Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm summary entry exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlarmSumGet, AlarmSumSet, AlarmSumDelete, AlarmSumFirst, AlarmSumNext, Alarm-
SumLast, AlarmSumFind
See AlarmSumLast.
See Also
Alarm Functions
This command is deprecated in this version of CitectSCADA. Use the AlmSummarySet-
FieldValue command instead.
Sets field information in an alarm summary entry. You identify the alarm summary entry
by the Index, returned by one of the alarm summary search functions.
By embedding this function in a loop, you can change field data in a series of alarm sum-
mary entries. To start from the oldest entry, call the AlarmSumFirst() function to get the in-
dex, and then call AlarmSumNext() in a loop. To work back from the most recent entry, call
AlarmSumLast() and then AlarmSumPrev() in a loop.
You can also get the Index from the AlarmSumFind() function, which finds an alarm sum-
mary entry by its alarm record identifier and time of activation.
When the Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and
cannot be called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and
a Cicode hardware alarm will be raised.
AlarmSumSet(Index, sField, sData [, ClusterName] )
The alarm summary index (returned from the AlarmSumFirst(), AlarmSum-
Next(), AlarmSumLast(), AlarmSumPrev(), AlarmSumAppend(), or AlarmSum-
Find() function).
The name of the field in which data is to be set:
AckTime Alarm acknowledged time
Comment Alarm comment
OffMilli Alarm millisecond off time
OffTime Alarm OFF time
OnMilli Alarm millisecond on time
OnTime Alarm ON time
State Alarm state
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm summary entry exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlarmSumGet, AlarmSumFirst, AlarmSumNext, AlarmSumLast, AlarmSumPrev, Alarm-
See AlarmSumFirst
See Also
Alarm Functions
Duplicates the alarm summary entry identified by Index. You can use this function to add
another comment to an alarm summary entry.
When the Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and
cannot be called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and
a Cicode hardware alarm will be raised.
To duplicate an alarm summary entry on a Control Client, use the AlarmSplit() function -
the entry at the cursor position is duplicated.
AlarmSumSplit(Index [, ClusterName] )
The alarm summary index (returned from the AlarmSumFirst(), AlarmSum-
Next(), AlarmSumLast(), AlarmSumPrev(), AlarmSumAppend(), or AlarmSum-
Find() function).
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Alarm Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
The Index of the new entry, or -1 on error.
Related Functions
AlarmSumGet, AlarmSumFirst, AlarmSumNext, AlarmSumLast, AlarmSumPrev, Alarm-
SumFind, AlarmSplit
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
/* This function finds the first alarm summary entry that matches
the specified tag, splits that entry and then adds the specified
comment to the new entry. */
AlarmSplitAdd(STRING Tag, STRING Comment)
INT Index;
WHILE Index<>-1 DO
IF Name=sTag THEN
See Also
Alarm Functions
This command is deprecated in this version of CitectSCADA. Use the AlmSummary com-
mands instead.
Retrieves a value that indicates a specified alarm’s type, that is whether it’s a digital alarm,
an analog alarm, hardware alarm, etc.
This function can only be used if the Alarm Server is on the current machine. When the
Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and cannot be
called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and a Cicode
hardware alarm will be raised.
AlarmSumType(Index [, ClusterName] )
The alarm summary index (returned from the AlarmSumFirst(), AlarmSum-
Next(), AlarmSumLast(), AlarmSumPrev(), AlarmSumAppend(), or AlarmSum-
Find() function).
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Alarm Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
A number that represents one of the following alarm types:
0 = digital alarm
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
1 = analog alarm
2 = advanced alarm
3 = Multi-Digital alarm
4 = Argyle analog alarm
5 = user-generated event
6 = high resolution alarm
8 = time-stamped digital alarm
9 = time-stamped analog alarm
-1 indicates an invalid response to the request.
Related Functions
AlarmSumGet, AlarmSumFirst, AlarmSumNext, AlarmSumLast, AlarmSumPrev, Alarm-
SumFind, AlarmSplit
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmSummaryAck function acknowledges the alarm at the current cursor position in
an active data browse session.
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmSummaryOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlmSummaryClear, AlmSummaryClose, AlmSummaryCommit, AlmSummaryDelete,
AlmSummaryDeleteAll, AlmSummaryDisable, AlmSummaryEnable, AlmSummaryFirst,
AlmSummaryGetField, AlmSummaryLast, AlmSummaryNext, AlmSummaryOpen, Alm-
SummaryPrev, AlmSummarySetFieldValue
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmSummaryClear function clears the alarm at the current cursor position in an active
data browse session.
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmSummaryOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlmSummaryAck, AlmSummaryClose, AlmSummaryCommit, AlmSummaryDelete,
AlmSummaryDeleteAll, AlmSummaryDisable, AlmSummaryEnable, AlmSummaryFirst,
AlmSummaryGetField, AlmSummaryLast, AlmSummaryNext, AlmSummaryOpen, Alm-
SummaryPrev, AlmSummarySetFieldValue
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmSummaryClose function terminates an active data browse session and cleans up
all resources associated with the session.
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmSummaryOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlmSummaryAck, AlmSummaryClear, AlmSummaryCommit, AlmSummaryDelete,
AlmSummaryDeleteAll, AlmSummaryDisable, AlmSummaryEnable, AlmSummaryFirst,
AlmSummaryGetField, AlmSummaryLast, AlmSummaryNext, AlmSummaryOpen, Alm-
SummaryPrev, AlmSummarySetFieldValue
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmSummaryCommit function triggers the actual write of the value for the field pre-
viously specified by AlmSummarySetFieldValue.
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlmSummaryAck, AlmSummaryClear, AlmSummaryClose, AlmSummaryDelete, Alm-
SummaryDeleteAll, AlmSummaryDisable, AlmSummaryEnable, AlmSummaryFirst,
AlmSummaryGetField, AlmSummaryLast, AlmSummaryNext, AlmSummaryOpen, Alm-
SummaryPrev, AlmSummarySetFieldValue
INT errorCode = 0;
errorCode = AlmSummaryCommit(iSession);
IF errorCode = 0 THEN
// Successful case
// Function returned an error
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmSummaryDelete function deletes the record that the browse cursor is currently ref-
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmSummaryOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlmSummaryAck, AlmSummaryClear, AlmSummaryClose, AlmSummaryCommit, Alm-
SummaryDeleteAll, AlmSummaryDisable, AlmSummaryEnable, AlmSummaryFirst,
AlmSummaryGetField, AlmSummaryLast, AlmSummaryNext, AlmSummaryOpen, Alm-
SummaryPrev, AlmSummarySetFieldValue
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
INT errorCode = 0;
errorCode = AlmSummaryDelete(iSession);
IF errorCode = 0 THEN
// Successful case
// Function returned an error
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmSummaryDeleteAll function deletes all of the records from the data browse source.
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmSummaryOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlmSummaryAck, AlmSummaryClear, AlmSummaryClose, AlmSummaryCommit, Alm-
SummaryDelete, AlmSummaryDisable, AlmSummaryEnable, AlmSummaryFirst, Alm-
SummaryGetField, AlmSummaryLast, AlmSummaryNext, AlmSummaryOpen,
AlmSummaryPrev, AlmSummarySetFieldValue
INT errorCode = 0;
errorCode = AlmSummaryDeleteAll(iSession);
IF errorCode = 0 THEN
// Successful case
// Function returned an error
See Also
Alarm Functions
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
The AlmSummaryDisable function disables the alarm at the current cursor position in an
active data browse session.
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmSummaryOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlmSummaryAck, AlmSummaryClear, AlmSummaryClose, AlmSummaryCommit, Alm-
SummaryDelete, AlmSummaryDeleteAll, AlmSummaryEnable, AlmSummaryFirst, Alm-
SummaryGetField, AlmSummaryLast, AlmSummaryNext, AlmSummaryOpen,
AlmSummaryPrev, AlmSummarySetFieldValue
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmSummaryEnable function enables the alarm at the current cursor position in an ac-
tive data browse session.
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmSummaryOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlmSummaryAck, AlmSummaryClear, AlmSummaryClose, AlmSummaryCommit, Alm-
SummaryDelete, AlmSummaryDeleteAll, AlmSummaryDisable, AlmSummaryFirst, Alm-
SummaryGetField, AlmSummaryLast, AlmSummaryNext, AlmSummaryOpen,
AlmSummaryPrev, AlmSummarySetFieldValue
See Also
Alarm Functions
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
The AlmSummaryFirst function places the data browse cursor at the first record.
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmSummaryOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlmSummaryAck, AlmSummaryClear, AlmSummaryClose, AlmSummaryCommit, Alm-
SummaryDelete, AlmSummaryDeleteAll, AlmSummaryDisable, AlmSummaryEnable,
AlmSummaryGetField, AlmSummaryLast, AlmSummaryNext, AlmSummaryOpen, Alm-
SummaryPrev, AlmSummarySetFieldValue
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmSummaryGetField function retrieves the value of the specified field from the
record the data browse cursor is currently referencing.
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
AlmSummaryGetField(iSession, sFieldName)
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmSummaryOpen call.
The name of the field that references the value to be returned. Supported fields
See Browse Function Field Reference for information about fields.
Return Value
The value of the specified field as a string. An empty string may or may not be an indication
that an error has been detected. The last error should be checked in this instance to deter-
mine if an error has actually occurred.
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Related Functions
AlmSummaryAck, AlmSummaryClear, AlmSummaryClose, AlmSummaryCommit, Alm-
SummaryDelete, AlmSummaryDeleteAll, AlmSummaryDisable, AlmSummaryEnable,
AlmSummaryFirst, AlmSummaryLast, AlmSummaryNext, AlmSummaryOpen, AlmSum-
maryPrev, AlmSummarySetFieldValue
STRING fieldValue = "";
STRING fieldName = "TYPE";
INT errorCode = 0;
fieldValue = AlmSummaryGetField(iSession, sFieldName);
IF fieldValue <> "" THEN
// Successful case
// Function returned an error
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmSummaryLast function places the data browse cursor at the most recent summary
record from the last cluster of the available browsing cluster list.
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmSummaryOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlmSummaryAck, AlmSummaryClear, AlmSummaryClose, AlmSummaryCommit, Alm-
SummaryDelete, AlmSummaryDeleteAll, AlmSummaryDisable, AlmSummaryEnable,
AlmSummaryFirst, AlmSummaryGetField, AlmSummaryNext, AlmSummaryOpen, Alm-
SummaryPrev, AlmSummarySetFieldValue
See Also
Alarm Functions
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
The AlmSummaryNext function moves the data browse cursor forward one record. If you
call this function after you have reached the end of a summary, error 412 is
returned (Databrowse session EOF).
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmSummaryOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlmSummaryAck, AlmSummaryClear, AlmSummaryClose, AlmSummaryCommit, Alm-
SummaryDelete, AlmSummaryDeleteAll, AlmSummaryDisable, AlmSummaryEnable,
AlmSummaryFirst, AlmSummaryGetField, AlmSummaryLast, AlmSummaryOpen, Alm-
SummaryPrev, AlmSummarySetFieldValue
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmSummaryOpen function initiates a new browse session and returns a handle to the
new session that can be used in subsequent data browse function calls.
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
AlmSummaryOpen( [sFilter] [, sFields] [, sClusters] )
A filter expression specifying the records to return during the browse. An empty
string indicates that all records will be returned. Where a fieldname is not speci-
fied in the filter, it is assumed to be tagname. For example, the filter "AAA" is
equivalent to "TAG=AAA".
Specifies via a comma delimited string the columns to be returned during the
browse. An empty string indicates that the server will return all available col-
umns. Supported fields are:
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Return Value
Returns an integer handle to the browse session. Returns -1 on error.
Related Functions
AlmSummaryAck, AlmSummaryClear, AlmSummaryClose, AlmSummaryCommit, Alm-
SummaryDelete, AlmSummaryDeleteAll, AlmSummaryDisable, AlmSummaryEnable,
AlmSummaryFirst, AlmSummaryGetField, AlmSummaryLast, AlmSummaryNext, Alm-
SummaryPrev, AlmSummarySetFieldValue
INT iSession;
iSession = AlmSummaryOpen("NAME=ABC*", "NAME,TYPE",
IF iSession <> -1 THEN
// Successful case
// Function returned an error
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmSummaryPrev function moves the data browse cursor back one record. If you call
this function after you have reached the beginning of a summary, error 412 is
returned (Databrowse session EOF).
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmSummaryOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlmSummaryAck, AlmSummaryClear, AlmSummaryClose, AlmSummaryCommit, Alm-
SummaryDelete, AlmSummaryDeleteAll, AlmSummaryDisable, AlmSummaryEnable,
AlmSummaryFirst, AlmSummaryGetField, AlmSummaryLast, AlmSummaryNext, Alm-
SummaryOpen, AlmSummarySetFieldValue
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmSummarySetFieldValue function sets a new value for the specified field for the
record the data browse cursor is currently referencing. The value is not committed until a
call to AlmSummaryCommit is made.
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
AlmSummarySetFieldValue(iSession, sFieldname, sFieldValue)
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmSummaryOpen call.
The name of the field whose value is to be updated. Supported fields are:
See Browse Function Field Reference for information about fields.
The field value to update.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlmSummaryAck, AlmSummaryClear, AlmSummaryClose, AlmSummaryCommit, Alm-
SummaryDelete, AlmSummaryDeleteAll, AlmSummaryDisable, AlmSummaryEnable,
AlmSummaryFirst, AlmSummaryGetField, AlmSummaryLast, AlmSummaryNext, Alm-
SummaryOpen, AlmSummaryPrev
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
STRING sFieldName = "COMMENT";
INT errorCode = 0;
errorCode = AlmSummarySetFieldValue(iSession, sFieldname,
IF errorCode = 0 THEN
// Successful case
// Function returned an error
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmTagsAck function acknowledges the alarm tag at the current cursor position in an
active data browse session.
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmTagsOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlmTagsClear, AlmTagsDisable, AlmTagsEnable, AlmTagsClose, AlmTagsFirst,
AlmTagsGetField, AlmTagsNext, AlmTagsNumRecords, AlmTagsOpen, AlmTagsPrev
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmTagsClear function clears the alarm tag at the current cursor position in an active
data browse session.
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmTagsOpen call.
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlmTagsAck, AlmTagsDisable, AlmTagsEnable, AlmTagsClose, AlmTagsFirst, AlmTags-
GetField, AlmTagsNext, AlmTagsNumRecords, AlmTagsOpen, AlmTagsPrev
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmTagsClose function terminates an active data browse session and cleans up all re-
sources associated with the session.
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmTagsOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlmTagsAck, AlmTagsClear, AlmTagsDisable, AlmTagsEnable, AlmTagsFirst, AlmTags-
GetField, AlmTagsNext, AlmTagsNumRecords, AlmTagsOpen, AlmTagsPrev
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmTagsDisable function disables the alarm tag at the current cursor position in an ac-
tive data browse session.
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmTagsOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
Related Functions
AlmTagsAck, AlmTagsClear, AlmTagsEnable, AlmTagsClose, AlmTagsFirst, AlmTags-
GetField, AlmTagsNext, AlmTagsNumRecords, AlmTagsOpen, AlmTagsPrev
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmTagsEnable function enables the alarm tag at the current cursor position in an ac-
tive data browse session.
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmTagsOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlmTagsAck, AlmTagsClear, AlmTagsDisable, AlmTagsClose, AlmTagsFirst, AlmTags-
GetField, AlmTagsNext, AlmTagsNumRecords, AlmTagsOpen, AlmTagsPrev
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmTagsFirst function places the data browse cursor at the first record.
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmTagsOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlmTagsAck, AlmTagsClear, AlmTagsDisable, AlmTagsEnable, AlmTagsClose,
AlmTagsGetField, AlmTagsNext, AlmTagsNumRecords, AlmTagsOpen, AlmTagsPrev
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmTagsGetField function retrieves the value of the specified field from the record the
data browse cursor is currently referencing.
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
AlmTagsGetField(iSession, sFieldName)
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmTagsOpen call.
The name of the field that references the value to be returned. Supported fields
See Browse Function Field Reference for information about fields.
Return Value
The value of the specified field as a string. An empty string may or may not be an indication
that an error has been detected. The last error should be checked in this instance to deter-
mine if an error has actually occurred.
Related Functions
AlmTagsAck, AlmTagsClear, AlmTagsDisable, AlmTagsEnable, AlmTagsClose,
AlmTagsFirst, AlmTagsNext, AlmTagsNumRecords, AlmTagsOpen, AlmTagsPrev
STRING fieldValue = "";
STRING fieldName = "TYPE";
INT errorCode = 0;
fieldValue = AlmTagsGetField(iSession, sFieldName);
IF fieldValue <> "" THEN
// Successful case
// Function returned an error
See Also
Alarm Functions
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
The AlmTagsNext function moves the data browse cursor forward one record. If you call
this function after you have reached the end of the records, error 412 is returned
(Databrowse session EOF).
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmTagsOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the browse has successfully been moved to the next record, otherwise an error is
Related Functions
AlmTagsAck, AlmTagsClear, AlmTagsDisable, AlmTagsEnable, AlmTagsClose,
AlmTagsFirst, AlmTagsGetField, AlmTagsNumRecords, AlmTagsOpen, AlmTagsPrev
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmTagsNumRecords function returns the number of records that match the filter cri-
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmTagsOpen call.
Return Value
The number of records that have matched the filter criteria. A value of 0 denotes that no
records have matched. A value of -1 denotes that the browse session is unable to provide a
fixed number. This may be the case if the data being browsed changed during the browse
Related Functions
AlmTagsAck, AlmTagsClear, AlmTagsDisable, AlmTagsEnable, AlmTagsClose,
AlmTagsFirst, AlmTagsGetField, AlmTagsNext, AlmTagsOpen, AlmTagsPrev
INT numRecords = 0;
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
numRecords = AlmTagsNumRecords(iSession);
IF numRecords <> 0 THEN
// Have records
// No records
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmTagsOpen function initiates a new browse session and returns a handle to the new
session that can be used in subsequent data browse function calls.
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
AlmTagsOpen( [sFilter] [, sFields] [, sClusters] )
A filter expression specifying the records to return during the browse. An empty
string indicates that all records will be returned. Where a fieldname is not speci-
fied in the filter, it is assumed to be tagname. For example, the filter "AAA" is
equivalent to "name=AAA".
Specifies via a comma delimited string the columns to be returned during the
browse. An empty string indicates that the server will return all available col-
umns. Supported fields are:
See Browse Function Field Reference for information about fields.
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
An optional parameter that specifies via a comma delimited string the subset of
the clusters to browse. An empty string indicates that all connected clusters will
be browsed.
Return Value
Returns an integer handle to the browse session. Returns -1 when an error is detected.
Related Functions
AlmTagsAck, AlmTagsClear, AlmTagsDisable, AlmTagsEnable, AlmTagsClose,
AlmTagsFirst, AlmTagsGetField, AlmTagsNext, AlmTagsNumRecords, AlmTagsPrev
INT iSession;
iSession = AlmTagsOpen("NAME=ABC*", "NAME,TYPE",
IF iSession <> -1 THEN
// Successful case
// Function returned an error
See Also
Alarm Functions
The AlmTagsPrev function moves the data browse cursor back one record. If you call this
function after you have reached the beginning of the records, error 412 is
returned (Databrowse session EOF).
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a AlmTagsOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the alarm browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AlmTagsAck, AlmTagsClear, AlmTagsDisable, AlmTagsEnable, AlmTagsClose,
AlmTagsFirst, AlmTagsGetField, AlmTagsNext, AlmTagsNumRecords, AlmTagsOpen
See Also
Alarm Functions
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
The user-defined query function set in AlarmSetQuery. Called for each active alarm, the
query function can be written to display an alarm based on specific information (for exam-
ple, OnDate). To examine the information in an alarm field, call the function AlarmGetFiel-
dRec from within your query function.
Note: The function name "QueryFunction" can be any valid Cicode function name specified
by the user.
QueryFunction(nRID, nVer [, Arg01, Arg02, ....] )
The record number of the alarm currently being filtered. This provides the query
function with access to information about the alarm. This parameter is represent-
ed with an INT, and must be the first parameter of your query function.
The version of an alarm.
If an alarm is triggered more than once in a given period, the version lets you dis-
tinguish between different instances of the alarm’s activity.
Since you may wish to display on a page alarms which have more than one in-
stance, this parameter must be passed to AlarmGetFieldRec in order to correctly
filter the alarms.
The version is represented with an INT, and must be the second parameter of
your query function.
Arg01, Arg02:
A list of arguments, separated by commas.
The query function is passed the arguments specified in the call to AlarmSetQue-
ry(). For this reason, the arguments listed in AlarmSetQuery() must be of the
same type as those defined in the query function.
Return Value
The return value must be defined as an INT with a value of either 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE).
If the function returns a value of TRUE, the alarm being filtered is displayed, otherwise it
is excluded from the alarms list.
Related Functions
AlarmSetQuery, AlarmGetFieldRec, AlarmSetInfo
! The query function AlarmQueryDate() compares sDate with the
OnDate of each alarm.AlarmGetFieldRec() is used to check the
contents of the "OnDate" field for each alarm.
! If they are the same, the alarm is displayed.
AlarmQueryDate(INT nRID, INT nVer, STRING sDate)
INT bResult;
IF sDATE = AlarmGetFieldRec(nRID, "OnDate", nVer) THEN
bResult = TRUE;
Chapter: 18 Alarm Functions
bResult = FALSE;
RETURN bResult;
See Also
Alarm Functions
Chapter: 19 Clipboard Functions
With the Clipboard functions, you can copy data to, and paste data from, the Windows
Clipboard Functions
Following are functions relating to the Windows clipboard:
ClipCopy Copies a string to the Windows clipboard.
ClipPaste Pastes a string from the Windows clipboard.
ClipReadLn Reads a line of text from the Windows clipboard.
ClipSetMode Sets the format of data sent to the Windows clipboard.
ClipWriteLn Writes a line of text to the Windows clipboard.
See Also
Functions Reference
Copies a string to the Windows clipboard. When the string is in the clipboard, you can
paste it to any Windows program.
The string to copy to the clipboard.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
ClipCopy("put this in clipboard");
See Also
Clipboard Functions
Pastes a string from the Windows clipboard.
Chapter: 19 Clipboard Functions
Return Value
The contents of the clipboard (as a string). If the clipboard is empty, an empty string is re-
Related Functions
/* Get string from clipboard into sText. */
sText = ClipPaste();
See Also
Clipboard Functions
Reads a single line of text from the Windows clipboard. With this function, you can read a
block of text from the clipboard - line by line. Call the function once to read each line of text
from the clipboard. When the end of the clipboard is reached, an empty string is returned.
Return Value
One line of text from the clipboard (as a string). If the clipboard is empty, an empty string
is returned.
Related Functions
/* Get first line of text from clipboard. */
sText = ClipReadLn();
WHILE StrLength(sText) > 0 DO
! Do something with text
! Read next line of clipboard
sText = ClipReadLn();
See Also
Clipboard Functions
Chapter: 19 Clipboard Functions
Sets the format of data sent to the Windows clipboard.
The mode of the data:
1 - ASCII Text
2 - CSV (Comma separated values) format
You can select multiple modes by adding modes together.
Return Value
The value of the previous mode.
Related Functions
ClipCopy, ClipWriteLn
/* Set the clipboard to CSV mode, write two values, and reset the
clipboard to the original mode. */
nOldMode = ClipSetMode(2);
See Also
Clipboard Functions
Writes a line of text to the Windows clipboard. With this function, you can write any
amount of text to the clipboard. Call this function once for each line of text. To terminate
the block of text, call this function and pass an empty string.
The line of text to write to the clipboard, or an empty string ("") to end the write
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Chapter: 19 Clipboard Functions
ClipWriteLn("first line of text");
ClipWriteLn("second line of text");
ClipWriteLn(""); ! End of write operation
See Also
Clipboard Functions
Chapter: 20 Cluster Functions
This section describes functions for manipulating clusters, checking their status, getting in-
formation, activating and deactivating them.
Cluster Functions
Following are functions relating to clusters:
ClusterActivate Allows the user to activate an inactive cluster.
ClusterDeactivate Allows the user to deactivate an active cluster.
ClusterFirst Allows the user to retrieve the first configured cluster in the
ClusterGetName Returns the names of the primary and standby cluster serv-
ClusterIsActive Allows the user to determine if a cluster is active.
ClusterNext Allows the user to retrieve the next configured cluster in the
ClusterSetName Connects to a specific cluster server.
ClusterServerTypes Allows the user to determine which servers are defined for a
given cluster.
ClusterStatus Allows the user to determine the connection status from the
client to a server on a cluster.
ClusterSwapActive Allows the user to deactivate an active cluster at the same
time as activating a deactive cluster.
See Also
Functions Reference
This function allows the user to activate an inactive cluster. When a cluster is made active,
all data associated with that cluster is available to the client, and hardware alarms will oc-
cur if no connections can be made to the servers in the cluster.
The name of the cluster to activate enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
ClusterDeactivate, ClusterFirst, ClusterGetName, ClusterIsActive, ClusterNext, Clus-
terServerTypes, ClusterSetName, ClusterStatus, ClusterSwapActive, TaskCluster
Chapter: 20 Cluster Functions
See Also
Cluster Functions
"About cluster context" in the CitectSCADA User Guide
This function allows the user to deactivate an active cluster. When a cluster is made inac-
tive, no data associated with that cluster is available to the client, and hardware alarms will
not occur if no connections can be made to the servers in the cluster.
The name of the cluster to deactivate enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
ClusterActivate, ClusterFirst, ClusterGetName, ClusterIsActive, ClusterNext, ClusterServ-
erTypes, ClusterSetName, ClusterStatus, ClusterSwapActive, TaskCluster
See Also
Cluster Functions
"About cluster context" in the CitectSCADA User Guide
This function allows the user to retrieve the first configured cluster in the project.
Return Value
The name of the first configured cluster.
Related Functions
ClusterActivate, ClusterDeactivate, ClusterGetName, ClusterIsActive, ClusterNext, Clus-
terServerTypes, ClusterSetName, ClusterStatus, ClusterSwapActive, TaskCluster
See Also
Cluster Functions
"About cluster context" in the CitectSCADA User Guide
ClusterGetName is deprecated in this version of CitectSCADA.
Chapter: 20 Cluster Functions
ClusterGetName(sPrimary, sStandby, nMode)
The variable containing the name of the cluster’s primary server (that is that
which was set as sPrimary using the ClusterSetName() function).
The variable containing the name of the cluster’s standby server (that is that
which was set as sStandby using the ClusterSetName() function).
The mode is for future expansion of the function - set to 0 (zero).
Return Value
The status of the get name.
Related Functions
ClusterActivate, ClusterDeactivate, ClusterFirst, ClusterIsActive, ClusterNext, Clus-
terServerTypes, ClusterSetName, ClusterStatus, ClusterSwapActive, TaskCluster
// Return and display the server names.//
ClusterGetName(sPrimary, sStandby, 0);
Prompt("Name of Cluster" + sPrimary);
See Also
Cluster Functions
"About cluster context" in the CitectSCADA User Guide
This function allows the user to determine if a cluster is active.
The name of the cluster to query enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
TRUE if active, FALSE otherwise. If the cluster name was invalid, this function will return
FALSE and a hardware alarm will be generated.
Related Functions
ClusterActivate, ClusterDeactivate, ClusterFirst, ClusterGetName, ClusterNext, Clus-
terServerTypes, ClusterSetName, ClusterStatus, ClusterSwapActive, TaskCluster
Chapter: 20 Cluster Functions
See Also
Cluster Functions
"About cluster context" in the CitectSCADA User Guide
This function allows the user to retrieve the next configured cluster in the project.
Any configured cluster name enclosed in quotation marks "", this will usually be
the name of the previous cluster as returned from ClusterFirst, or a previous call
to ClusterNext.
Return Value
The name of the next configured cluster or an empty string if there is no more clusters.
Related Functions
ClusterActivate, ClusterDeactivate, ClusterFirst, ClusterGetName, ClusterIsActive, Clus-
terServerTypes, ClusterSetName, ClusterStatus, ClusterSwapActive, TaskCluster
See Also
Cluster Functions
"About cluster context" in the CitectSCADA User Guide
This function allows the user to determine which servers are defined for a given cluster.
The name of the cluster to query enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
Logical OR of the following server flags:
0001 - 1st bit set means an Alarm Server is configured
0010 - 2nd bit set means a Trend Server is configured
0100 - 3rd bit set means a Report Server is configured
1000 - 4th bit set means an IO Server is configured
For example, a return value of 14 indicates an IO Server, a Report Server, and a Trend Serv-
er are configured.
Related Functions
ClusterActivate, ClusterDeactivate, ClusterFirst, ClusterGetName, ClusterIsActive, Clus-
terNext, ClusterSetName, ClusterStatus, ClusterSwapActive, TaskCluster
Chapter: 20 Cluster Functions
See Also
Cluster Functions
"About cluster context" in the CitectSCADA User Guide
ClusterSetName is deprecated in this version of CitectSCADA.
ClusterSetName(sPrimary, sStandby, nMode)
The name of the cluster’s primary server (Reports Server, Alarms Server etc.), as
defined using the Computer Setup Wizard. When the ClusterSetName() function
is used, CitectSCADA will attempt to connect to this server.
The name of the cluster’s standby server (Reports Server, Alarms Server etc.), as
defined using the Computer Setup Wizard. If the sPrimary server is unavailable
when the ClusterSetName() function is used, CitectSCADA will attempt to con-
nect to this server.
If there is no standby server, enter an empty string for sStandby.
The mode of the connection:
0 - If you select this mode, CitectSCADA will renew the last connection. If it was
connected to the sPrimary server, when this function was last used, it will
attempt to connect to it again. If it was last connected to the sStandby serv-
er, it will attempt to connect to it again.
This mode is useful when a server is known to be unavailable, as it facilitates fast-
er cluster switching.
1 - CitectSCADA will attempt to connect to the sPrimary server first, each time
this function is used. If the sPrimary server is unavailable, CitectSCADA
will try the sStandby server.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
ClusterActivate, ClusterDeactivate, ClusterFirst, ClusterGetName, ClusterIsActive, Clus-
terNext, ClusterServerTypes, ClusterStatus, ClusterSwapActive, TaskCluster
// Connect to Cluster A, with server CITECTA1 as primary server,
and CITECTA2 as standby.//
ClusterSetName("CITECTA1", "CITECTA2", 0);
// Display the menu page for Cluster A Project.//
Chapter: 20 Cluster Functions
See Also
Cluster Functions
"About cluster context" in the CitectSCADA User Guide
This function allows the user to determine the connection status from the client to a server
on a cluster.
ClusterStatus(clusterName, serverType)
The name of the cluster to query enclosed in quotation marks "".
The type of server (not a bit mask):
1 - Alarm Server
2 - Trend Server
4 - Report Server
8 - IO Server
Return Value
One of the following values:
-1 - if the cluster does not contain a server of the given type.
-2 - if the cluster does not exist"
0 - if the cluster contains the server but the cluster is inactive.
1 - if the cluster is active but the connection to the server is offline.
2 - if the cluster is active and the connection to the server is online.
Related Functions
ClusterActivate, ClusterDeactivate, ClusterFirst, ClusterGetName, ClusterIsActive, Clus-
terNext, ClusterServerTypes, ClusterSetName, ClusterSwapActive, TaskCluster
See Also
Cluster Functions
"About cluster context" in the CitectSCADA User Guide
This function allows the user to deactivate an active cluster at the same time as activating
an inactive cluster. The arguments may be passed in any order, but one cluster must be ac-
tive and the other must be inactive.
ClusterSwapActive(clusterNameA, clusterNameB)
The name of the cluster to activate or deactivate enclosed in quotation marks "".
Chapter: 20 Cluster Functions
The name of the cluster to activate or deactivate enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
ClusterActivate, ClusterDeactivate, ClusterFirst, ClusterGetName, ClusterIsActive, Clus-
terNext, ClusterServerTypes, ClusterSetName, ClusterStatus, TaskCluster
See Also
Cluster Functions
"About cluster context" in the CitectSCADA User Guide
Chapter: 20 Cluster Functions
Chapter: 21 Color Functions
Allow manipulation of colors (for example, to convert CitectSCADA colors to the format
required by ActiveX objects).
Color Functions
Following are functions relating to colors:
CitectColourToPackedRGB Converts a CitectSCADA color into a packed RGB color
value that can be used by an ActiveX object.
GetBlueValue Returns the Blue component of a packed RGB color.
GetGreenValue Returns the Green component of a packed RGB color.
GetRedValue Returns the Red component of a packed RGB color.
MakeCitectColour Creates a color from red, green and blue component
PackedRGB Returns a packed RGB color based on specified red,
green, and blue values.
PackedRGBToCitectColour Converts a packed RGB color into the nearest equiva-
lent CitectSCADA color.
See Also
Functions Reference
Converts a CitectSCADA color value into a packed RGB color value that can be understood
by an ActiveX object.
The CitectSCADA color value to be converted into a packed RGB color. Cit-
ectSCADA colors are defined in the labels database, or calculated by the function
Return Value
The packed RGB color value - if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
See Also
Color Functions
Returns the Blue component of a packed RGB color.
Chapter: 21 Color Functions
The packed RGB color.
Return Value
The red value (0-255) - if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
GetRedValue, GetGreenValue
See Also
Color Functions
Returns the green component of a packed RGB color.
The packed RGB color.
Return Value
The red value (0-255) - if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
GetRedValue, GetBlueValue
See Also
Color Functions
Returns the red component of a packed RGB color.
The packed RGB color.
Return Value
The red value (0-255) - if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
GetGreenValue, GetBlueValue
Chapter: 21 Color Functions
See Also
Color Functions
Creates a color from red, green and blue component parts.
Note: To define a transparent color, use the label TRANSPARENT.
The color value for red, from 0-255
The color value for green, from 0-255
The color value for blue, from 0-255
Return Value
An integer that is an encoded representation of the color created.
! creates the color red
! creates the color white
See Also
Color Functions
Returns a packed RGB color based on specified red, green, and blue values.
PackedRGB(nRed, nGreen, nBlue)
The red component of the desired packed RGB color.
The green component of the desired packed RGB color.
The blue component of the desired packed RGB color.
Return Value
The packed RGB color value - if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 21 Color Functions
Related Functions
See Also
Color Functions
Converts a packed RGB color into a calculated CitectSCADA color value.
The packed RGB color.
Return Value
The CitectSCADA color value if successful; otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
See Also
Color Functions
Chapter: 22 Communication Functions
The communication functions give you direct access to the communication ports on your
computer(s). You can use these functions to communicate with external equipment, such
as low speed devices (e.g. bar code readers), serial keyboards, and dumb terminals.
You should not use these functions to communicate with high speed PLCs, as they are de-
signed for low-level communication on a COM port and the performance may not be ade-
quate. To communicate with a PLC, a standard I/O device setup should be configured
using the required driver.
Note: The Communication functions can only be called from an I/O server.
Communication Functions
Following are functions relating to communications:
ComClose Closes a communication port.
ComOpen Opens a communication port for access.
ComRead Reads characters from a communication port.
ComReset Resets the communication port.
ComWrite Writes characters to a communication port.
SerialKey Redirects all serial characters from a port to the keyboard.
See Also
Functions Reference
Closes a communication port. Any Cicode tasks that are waiting for a read or write opera-
tion to complete (or that are retrying to read or write) return with a range error. CitectSCA-
DA automatically closes all communication ports at shutdown.
This function can only be called from an I/O Server.
The communication port handle, returned from the ComOpen() function. This
handle identifies the table where all data on the associated communication port
is stored.
Return Value
0 if the port is successfully closed, or an error if the port is already closed or if the port num-
ber is invalid.
Related Functions
ComOpen, ComRead, ComWrite
Chapter: 22 Communication Functions
See ComOpen
See Also
Communication Functions
Opens a communication port for access. The board and port must both be defined in the
database (using the Boards and Ports forms from the Communication menu).
If you try to open the same COM port twice with ComOpen(), the second open will not suc-
ceed and return -1. If this is passed without checking other Com functions, the COM port
may not do anything. For this reason, do not open COM ports twice, and always check the
return value from ComOpen().
The communication system should be used for low speed communications only. You
should not use the communication functions to communicate with high speed PLCs - the
performance may not be adequate. If you need high speed communication (for communi-
cating with PLCs, etc.), you should write a protocol driver. Refer to the CitectSCADA
"Driver Development Kit".
This function can only be called from an I/O Server.
ComOpen(sPort, iMode)
The port name as specified in the Ports database.
The mode of the open:
0 - Take control of the port from CitectSCADA. In this non-shared mode, you
have complete access to the port - CitectSCADA cannot use the port. Com-
munication will be restored when the port is closed.
1 - Share the port with CitectSCADA. In this mode, you can write to the port, and
CitectSCADA can also use it. Please be aware that ComRead will be unre-
liable if the communication port is opened as shared.
Return Value
A communication port handle if the communication system is opened successfully, other-
wise -1 is returned. The handle identifies the table where all data on the associated port is
stored. You can use the handle in the other communication functions, to send and receive
characters from the port.
Related Functions
ComClose, ComRead, ComWrite
StartSerial(STRING sPort)
Chapter: 22 Communication Functions
INT hPort;
hPort = ComOpen(sPort, 0);
IF hPort < 0 THEN
Prompt("Cannot open port " + sPort);
TaskNew("SerialRead", hPort, 0);
TaskNew("SerialWrite", hPort, 0);
SerialWrite(INT hPort)
STRING buffer;
INT SerialWriteError;
INT length;
! put data into buffer and set length
SerialWriteError = ComWrite(hPort, buffer, length, 2);
IF SerialWriteError THEN
Prompt("Error Writing port");
SerialRead(INT hPort)
STRING buffer;
INT length;
INT total;
INT SerialReadError;
total = 0;
length = 128; ! must set length as read modifies
SerialReadError = ComRead(hPort, buffer, length, 2);
IF SerialReadError THEN
Prompt("Error from port " + SerialReadError : ####);
! get data from buffer, length is set to number read
See Also
Communication Functions
Chapter: 22 Communication Functions
Reads characters from a communication port. The characters are read from the communi-
cation port into a string buffer. If no characters have arrived after the specified timeout, the
function returns with a timeout error. If the timeout is 0, the function gets any characters
that have arrived from the last call, and returns immediately.
You use the iLength variable to specify the length of the buffer, or the maximum number
of characters to read when ComRead() is called. When ComRead() returns, iLength is set to
the actual number of characters read. Because iLength is modified by this function, you
must reset it before each call.
You should not treat the string buffer as a normal string - it has no string terminator. Use
the StrGetChar() function to extract characters from the buffer.
Do not call ComRead() while another ComRead() is still pending on the same port, because
it can produce unexpected results.
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
complete. This function can only be called from an I/O Server.
ComRead(hPort, sBuffer, iLength, iTimeOut)
The communication port handle, returned from the ComOpen() function. This
handle identifies the table where all data on the associated communication port
is stored.
The buffer into which to put the characters. The actual number of characters read
is returned in iLength.
The number of characters to read into the buffer. The maximum length you may
read in one call is 128 characters. When the function returns, this variable is set to
the actual number of characters read.
The timeout for the read to complete:
If iTimeOut = 0 (zero), the function checks for characters in the buffer and re-
If iTimeOut > 0, the function returns after this number of seconds - if no char-
acters have been received.
If iTimeOut < 0, the function waits forever for characters.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the read is successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
ComOpen, ComClose, ComWrite, StrGetChar
See ComOpen
Chapter: 22 Communication Functions
See Also
Communication Functions
Resets the communication port. This function can only be called from an I/O Server.
The communication port handle, returned from the ComOpen() function. This
handle identifies the table where all data on the associated communication port
is stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the write is successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
ComOpen, ComClose, ComRead, StrGetChar
See ComOpen
See Also
Communication Functions
Writes characters to a communication port. The characters are written from the string buff-
er to the port. If the characters have not been transmitted after the specified timeout, the
function returns with a timeout error. If the timeout is 0, the function returns immediately
and the characters are transmitted in the background.
ComWrite() does not treat the buffer as a true string, but rather as an array of characters of
the length specified - you can send any character to the communication port. Use the StrSet-
Char() function to build the buffer. Do not call ComWrite() while another ComWrite() is
still pending on the same port, because it can produce unexpected results.
You use the iLength variable to specify the length of the buffer, or the maximum number
of characters to write when ComWrite() is called. When ComWrite() returns, iLength is re-
set to zero.
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
This function can only be called from an I/O Server.
ComWrite(hPort, sBuffer, iLength, iTimeOut)
Chapter: 22 Communication Functions
The communication port handle, returned from the ComOpen() function. This
handle identifies the table where all data on the associated communication port
is stored.
The buffer from which to write the characters.
The number of characters to write from the buffer. The maximum number of
characters you can write is 128.
The timeout for the write to complete.
If iTimeOut = 0 (zero), the characters are copied to the communication buffer
and the function returns immediately - the characters are transmitted in the
If iTimeOut > 0, the function returns after this number of seconds - if the char-
acters cannot be transmitted.
If iTimeOut < 0, the function waits forever to transmit the characters.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the write is successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
ComOpen, ComClose, ComRead, StrGetChar
See ComOpen
See Also
Communication Functions
Redirects all serial characters from a port to the keyboard. If using a keyboard attached to
a serial port, you should call this function at startup, so that CitectSCADA copies all char-
acters (read from the port) to the keyboard. The Port must be defined in the Ports database.
If the port is not on an I/O server, you must create a dummy I/O server record (for example,
name the server DServer1). Complete the Boards and Ports records. Set the following pa-
rameters in the CITECT.INI file:
[IOServer]Name to the server name (for example, DServer1)
[IOServer]Server to 0
This method enables the port without making the computer an I/O server. (If the I/O server
is enabled (and not required as an I/O server), extra overhead and memory are used.)
This function can only be called from an I/O server.
Chapter: 22 Communication Functions
The name of the port connected to the serial keyboard.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
SerialKey("Port1"); ! enable the serial keyboard
See Also
Communication Functions
Chapter: 22 Communication Functions
Chapter: 23 Dynamic Data Exchange Functions
The Cicode DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) functions permit you to exchange data be-
tween CitectSCADA and other Windows applications running on the same computer in
real time, continuously, and with no operator intervention. For example, you can send your
run-time data to a DDE compliant spreadsheet or word processing application, either by
posting the data to memory for DDE access by other applications, or by writing the data
directly into another application. Conversely, you could read data from a DDE compliant
application like a spreadsheet or document directly into a CitectSCADA variable.
You could also run processes in any DDE compliant Windows application running on the
same computer by using the Cicode DDEExec() function to send commands to that appli-
cation. Similarly, you can call any Cicode function (built-in or user-written) in CitectSCA-
DA from any Windows application (running on the same computer), that supports a DDE
Execute command.
The DDERead(), DDEPost(), DDEWrite(), and DDEExec() functions each perform a single
exchange of data. Each of these functions starts a DDE conversation with the external ap-
plication, sends or receives the data (or command), and ends the conversation - all in one
The DDE handle (DDEh...) functions return a handle to the conversation - a DDE channel
number. You should use the DDE handle functions for Network DDE, in particular for Ac-
cess DDE.
Note:CitectSCADA runtime automatically behaves as a DDE Server and makes its variable
tag database available for DDE Client applications to link with.
DDE Functions
Following are functions relating to Dynamic Data Exchange:
DDEExec Executes a command in an external DDE compliant Windows ap-
DDEPost Makes a CitectSCADA variable available for DDE linking by other
DDE compliant Windows applications.
DDERead Reads a variable from a DDE compliant Windows application.
DDEWrite Writes a variable to a DDE compliant Windows application.
DDEhExecute Executes a command in an external DDE compliant Windows ap-
DDEhGetLastError Gets the most recent Windows DDE error code.
DDEhInitiate Starts a DDE conversation with an external DDE compliant Win-
dows application.
DDEhPoke Writes data to a DDE compliant Windows application.
DDEhReadLn Reads a line of text from a DDE Conversion.
DDEhRequest Requests data from a DDE compliant Windows application.
DDEhSetMode Set the mode of a DDE conversation.
DDEhTerminate Closes a DDE conversation with a Windows application.
DDEhWriteLn Writes a line of text to the DDE conversation.
Chapter: 23 Dynamic Data Exchange Functions
See Also
Functions Reference
Executes a command in an external Windows application running on the same computer.
With this function, you can control other applications that support DDE. Refer to the doc-
umentation provided with the external Windows application to determine if DDE is sup-
ported and what functions can be called.
You cannot use DDEExec() to call macros on a remote computer or to call Access SQLs. For
these calls, Network DDE needs to pass the sDocument argument, so you must use the
DDEh... functions, passing sDocument in the DDEhInitiate() function.
DDEExec(sApplication, sCommand)
Application name (.EXE filename), for example, "WinWord".
The command that the application will execute.
Return Value
1 (one) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DDEPost, DDERead, DDEWrite, DDEhExecute
/* Instruct the Excel application to recalculate its spreadsheet
immediately. */
See Also
DDE Functions
Executes a command in an external Windows application. You must first start a conversa-
tion with the DDEhInitiate function, and use the handle returned by that function to iden-
tify the conversation.
With this function, you can control other applications that support DDE. Refer to the doc-
umentation provided with your other Windows application to determine if DDE is sup-
ported and what functions can be called.
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
Chapter: 23 Dynamic Data Exchange Functions
DDEhExecute(Handle, sCommand)
The integer handle that identifies the DDE conversation, returned from the DDE-
hInitiate function.
The command that the application will execute.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DDEhInitiate, DDEhRequest, DDEhPoke, DDEhTerminate, DDEhGetLastError
See DDEhInitiate
See Also
DDE Functions
Gets the latest error code issued from Windows for the conversation identified by the han-
The integer handle that identifies the DDE conversation, returned from the DDE-
hInitiate function.
Return Value
The error code last issued from Windows DDEML (for that conversation):
Chapter: 23 Dynamic Data Exchange Functions
Related Functions
DDEhInitiate, DDEhExecute, DDEhRequest, DDEhPoke, DDEhTerminate
See DDEhInitiate
See Also
DDE Functions
Starts a conversation with an external Windows application. When the data exchange is
complete, you should terminate the conversation to free system resources.
DDEhInitiate(sApplication, sDocument)
The application name (.EXE filename), for example, "WinWord".
The document, topic, or file name.
Return Value
An integer handle for the conversation between CitectSCADA and the other application, or
-1 if the conversation is not started successfully. The handle is used by the other DDEh...
functions, to identify the conversation.
Related Functions
DDEhExecute, DDEhRequest, DDEhPoke, DDEhTerminate, DDEhGetLastError
! Read from Excel spreadsheet
INT hChannel;
hChannel = DDEhInitiate("EXCEL", "DATA.XLS");
IF hChannel > -1 THEN
sData = DDEhRequest(hChannel, "R1C1");
hChannel = -1;
Chapter: 23 Dynamic Data Exchange Functions
See Also
DDE Functions
Writes a value to an external Windows application, for example, an Excel spreadsheet. The
value is written once to the application. (To write the value dynamically, you must call this
function at the rate at which the data must be updated.)
You must first start a conversation with the DDEhInitiate function, and use the handle re-
turned by that function to identify the conversation.
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
DDEhPoke(Handle, sItem, sValue)
The integer handle that identifies the DDE conversation, returned from the DDE-
hInitiate function.
A unique name for the item; for example, the variable name, field name, or
spreadsheet cell position.
The value of the item.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 23 Dynamic Data Exchange Functions
Related Functions
DDEhInitiate, DDEhExecute, DDEhRequest, DDEhTerminate, DDEhGetLastError
See DDEhInitiate
See Also
DDE Functions
Reads a line of text from a DDE Conversion, for example, from an Excel spreadsheet. You
must first start a conversation with the DDEhInitiate function, and use the handle returned
by that function to identify the conversation. This function allows you to read a large
amount of data via DDE. Keep calling the function until an empty string is returned to ver-
ify that all the data has been read.
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
DDEhReadLn(Handle, sTopic)
The integer handle that identifies the DDE conversation, returned from the DDE-
hInitiate function.
A unique topic name for the item; for example, the variable name, field name, or
spreadsheet cell position.
Return Value
A line of data, or an empty string when all data has been read.
Related Functions
DDEhSetMode, DDEhWriteLn, DDEhInitiate, DDEhExecute, DDEhRequest, DDEhTermi-
nate, DDEhGetLastError
See DDEhWriteLn
See Also
DDE Functions
Reads a value from an external Windows application, for example, from an Excel spread-
sheet. You must first start a conversation with the DDEhInitiate function, and use the han-
dle returned by that function to identify the conversation.
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
Chapter: 23 Dynamic Data Exchange Functions
DDEhRequest(Handle, sItem)
The integer handle that identifies the DDE conversation, returned from the DDE-
hInitiate function.
A unique name for the item; for example, the variable name, field name, or
spreadsheet cell position.
Return Value
A string of data, or an empty string if the function cannot read the value.
Related Functions
DDEhInitiate, DDEhExecute, DDEhPoke, DDEhTerminate, DDEhGetLastError
See DDEhInitiate
See Also
DDE Functions
Set the mode of the DDE conversation. The default mode of a DDE conversation is to use
TEXT data format - a simple string of data. This function allows you to set the mode to CSV
(Comma Separated Values). Some Windows applications support this mode of data as it
helps them to separate the data. For example, when you send CSV format to Excel, each val-
ue will be placed into a unique cell. If you use TEXT mode all the data will be placed into
the same cell.
DDEhSetMode(Handle, sMode)
The integer handle that identifies the DDE conversation, returned from the DDE-
hInitiate function.
The mode of the DDE conversation:
1 - Text (default)
2 - CSV
Return Value
The error code.
Related Functions
DDEhInitiate, DDEhExecute, DDEhRequest, DDEhTerminate, DDEhGetLastError, DDEh-
Poke, DDEhReadLn, DDEhWriteLn, DDEhSetMode
Chapter: 23 Dynamic Data Exchange Functions
See DDEhWriteLn
See Also
DDE Functions
Closes the conversation identified by the handle, and frees the resources associated with
that conversation. After you call this function, the handle is no longer valid.
With Network DDE, you might need to terminate and re-initiate a conversation. For exam-
ple, if you delete rows on an MS Access sheet, the deleted rows display as #DELETED until
you terminate and re-initiate the conversation.
The integer handle that identifies the DDE conversation, returned from the DDE-
hInitiate function.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DDEhInitiate, DDEhExecute, DDEhPoke, DDEhRequest, DDEhGetLastError
See DDEhInitiate
See Also
DDE Functions
Writes a line of text to the DDE conversation. With this function, you can write any amount
of text to the DDE conversation. Call this function once for each line of text. To terminate
the block of text, call this function and pass an empty string.
DDEhWriteLn(Handle, sTopic, sData)
The integer handle that identifies the DDE conversation, returned from the DDE-
hInitiate function.
A unique name for the topic the data will be written to; for example, the spread-
sheet cell position. The topic is only used when you complete the write by passing
an empty string for data.
Chapter: 23 Dynamic Data Exchange Functions
The line of data to write. To terminate the data and make CitectSCADA send the
data, set the data to an empty string.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DDEhInitiate, DDEhExecute, DDEhRequest, DDEhTerminate, DDEhGetLastError, DDEh-
Poke, DDEhReadLn, DDEhWriteLn, DDEhSetMode
! Write to Excel spreadsheet
! write the numbers 1..8 into 8 unique cells in Excel.
FUNCTION WriteExcelData(STRING sData);
INT hChannel;
hChannel = DDEhInitiate("EXCEL", "DATA.XLS");
IF hChannel > -1 THEN
// set to CSV mode so EXCEL will put each value in a cell
DDEhSetMode(hChannel, 2);
DDEhWriteLn(hChannel, "", "1,2,3,4");
DDEhWriteLn(hChannel, "R1C1:R2C4", "5,6,7,8");
hChannel = -1;
See Also
DDE Functions
Makes a CitectSCADA variable value available for DDE linking (that is posts a DDE link so
that it can be read by other DDE compliant applications running on the same computer).
This sets-up CitectSCADA to behave as a DDE Server for this DDE channel.
After a value is posted, other Windows applications running on the same computer can
read the value by using their own DDE Client functions. If the value of the posted variable
changes, any linked applications are informed of the new value.
To link to this value from any DDE Client applications running on the same computer, they
must appropriately use the DDE Client syntax with:
"Citect" as the <DDE Server application name>
"Data" as the <DDE Topic name>
The name used for the first parameter sItem in this DDEPost() function as the <DDE
data item name>.
Unlike the DDERead() and DDEWrite() Cicode functions which are static, the DDEPost()
function can be used to create a dynamic DDE link, providing the DDE Client applications
appropriately set their side of the DDE channel to be automatically updated.
Chapter: 23 Dynamic Data Exchange Functions
DDEPost(sItem, sValue)
A unique name for the item; for example, the variable name, field name, or
spreadsheet cell position.
The value of the item.
Return Value
The value that is posted, or 0 (zero) if the function does not succeed in posting the link.
Related Functions
DDEExec, DDERead, DDEWrite
! In Citect Project Editor, create a variable tag named PV1
! In Cicode, post a link to the tag PV1 for external DDE
applications to connect with DDEPost("TAGONE",PV1);
/* To link to this posted tag from a cell in Excel, set the cell to
=Citect|Data!TAGONE. This will set the value of the Excel cell to
the value of tag PV1. */
/* To link to this posted tag from a field in Word, set the field
to{DDEAuto Citect Data TAGONE}. This will set the value of the
field link to the value of tag PV1. */
See Also
DDE Functions
Reads values from an external DDE compliant Windows application running on the same
computer, (for example, from an Excel spreadsheet cell or a Word document).
This is a one-way static communication which is read once from the application per call. To
read the value dynamically, call this function at the rate at which the data is required to be
Use this function when you want precise control over exactly what you want from the DDE
DDERead(sApplication, sDocument, sItem [, Mode] )
The application name (.EXE filename), for example, "WinWord".
The document, topic, or file name.
Chapter: 23 Dynamic Data Exchange Functions
A unique name for the item; for example, the variable name, field name, or
spreadsheet cell position.
A flag that tells the application whether or not to set up an advise loop:
0 - Do not set up advise loop.
1 - Set up advise loop (default).
Return Value
The value (from the external application) as a string, or an empty string if the function can-
not read the desired values.
Related Functions
DDEExec, DDEPost, DDEWrite
/* Read the value from R1C1 (Row1,Column1) of an Excel spreadsheet
named "Sheet1". */
/* Read the value from the Item1 bookmark of the Word document
named "Recipes.doc". */
See Also
DDE Functions
Writes a value to an external Windows application, for example, to an Excel spreadsheet.
The value is written once to the application. To write the value dynamically, you must call
this function at the rate at which the data must be updated.
Use DDEWrite() to cause CitectSCADA runtime to initiate the DDE conversation with a
DDE compliant application running on the same computer.
DDEWrite(sApplication, sDocument, sItem, sValue)
The application name (.EXE filename), for example, "WinWord".
The document, topic, or file name.
A unique name for the item; for example, the variable name, field name, or
spreadsheet cell position.
The value of the item.
Chapter: 23 Dynamic Data Exchange Functions
Return Value
The value that is sent to the other application, or an empty string if the function does not
successfully write the value.
Related Functions
DDEExec, DDEPost, DDERead
/* Write the value of a CitectSCADA variable named
TAGONE to R1C1 (Row1,Column1) of an Excel spreadsheet named
"Sheet1". The value is in string format. */
See Also
DDE Functions
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
The device functions provide access to devices. They allow access to SQL, dBASE, and
ASCII files through database-like operations, and provide more control over output to
With these functions you can open and close any device, and read from and write to any
record or field in the device. You can store recipes or any other data in a database, and then
down-load or up-load the data as required to an I/O device on the plant floor, or to the op-
erator. You can also update the database with real-time data for data exchange with other
Device Functions
Following are functions relating to devices:
DevAppend Appends a blank record to the end of a device.
DevClose Closes a device.
DevControl Controls a dBASE or SQL device.
DevCurr Gets the current device number.
DevDelete Deletes the current record in a database device.
DevDisable Disables (and re-enables) a device from any access.
DevEOF Checks for the end of a file.
DevFind Finds a record in a device.
DevFirst Finds the first record in a device.
DevFlush Flushes buffered data to a device.
DevGetField Gets field data from the current record.
DevHistory Renames a device file and any subsequent history files.
DevInfo Gets device information.
DevModify Modifies the attributes of a device.
DevNext Gets the next record in a device.
DevOpen Opens a device for access.
DevOpenGrp Opens a group of devices.
DevPrev Gets the previous record in a device.
DevPrint Prints free-format data to a group of devices.
DevRead Reads characters from a device.
DevReadLn Reads a line of characters from a device.
DevRecNo Gets the current record number of a device.
DevSeek Moves to any record in a device.
DevSetField Sets new field data in the current record.
DevSize Gets the size of a device.
DevWrite Writes a string to a device.
DevWriteLn Writes a string with a newline character to a device.
DevZap Zaps a device.
Print Prints a string in a report.
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
See Also
Functions Reference
Appends a blank record to the end of a device. After the record is appended, you can use
the DevSetField() function to add data to fields in the record.
You must first call the DevOpen() function to get the device handle (hDev).
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the record is successfully appended, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DevOpen, DevSetField
FUNCTION WriteAlarmCount( INT hDevice, STRING sAlarm,
INT iCount, INT iTime )
DevSetField(hDevice, "ALARM", sAlarm);
DevSetField(hDevice, "TIME", IntToStr(iTime));
DevSetField(hDevice, "COUNT", IntToStr(iCount));
See Also
Device Functions
Closes a device. Any data in the buffer is flushed to the device before it is closed. After a
device is closed, its device handle becomes invalid and cannot be used.
DevClose(hDev, Mode)
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
Set to TRUE to keep logging or FALSE to remove logging. Default value is 0
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
See Also
Device Functions
Controls a dBASE or SQL device. You can pack a dBASE device to physically remove de-
leted records, or re-index a dBASE device to regenerate the keys. You can issue queries to
an SQL device, or get the error status of the last SQL query.
DevControl(hDev, Type [, sData])
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
The type of command:
0 - Re-index the device based on the key defined in the device record (dBASE de-
vices only).
1 - Pack the database file - all deleted records are removed (dBASE devices only).
2 - Issue a direct SQL query to the device (SQL devices only).
3 - Get error status of the last SQL query (SQL devices only).
Note: ASCII files and printers are not supported.
The command data, that is the SQL query to be issued. Used only for Type 2 com-
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DevOpen, DevZap
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
! pack a dBASE file device
DevControl(hDev, 1, "");
See Also
Device Functions
Gets the current device handle. You can only call this function in a report, to get the handle
of the device where the report is logging. You can then use the other device functions (for
example, DevPrint()) to access that logging device. (To get the handle of a device other than
a logging device, you must use the DevOpen() function.)
If the report is logging to a group of devices, this function will return the group handle.
However, not all device functions support group handles, for example, you cannot read
from a group of devices.
Return Value
The current device handle or group handle. If no device is configured, -1 is returned.
Related Functions
DevOpen, DevPrint
! Get the report device number.
See Also
Device Functions
Deletes the current record in a dBASE database device. The record is not physically deleted,
but is marked for deletion. You can physically delete the record by packing the database
with the DevControl() function.
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if the record is successfully deleted, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DevOpen, DevClose, DevControl
! Delete the current record.
See Also
Device Functions
Disables (and re-enables) a device from all access, and discards any data written to the de-
vice. When a device is disabled, it cannot be opened, and data cannot be read from the de-
vice. Use this function to disable logging to a database or printer.
The State argument is a toggle. A State of 1 disables the device(s), but you can then re-enable
the device(s) by repeating the function with State = 0.
DevDisable(sName, State)
The device name, or * (asterisk) for all devices.
The disable state:
0 - Enable the device.
1 - Disable the device.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Disable the AlarmLog device.
DevDisable("AlarmLog",0); ! Re-enable the device.
See Also
Device Functions
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
Gets the status of the end of file (EOF) flag for a device. When you use the DevPrev(),
DevNext(), or DevSeek() function, the start or end of the device will eventually be reached,
and the EOF flag will be set. Use this function to test the EOF flag.
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
Return Value
1 if the EOF flag has been set, otherwise 0 (zero).
Related Functions
DevOpen, DevPrev, DevNext, DevSeek, DevReadLn
hDev = DevOpen("Log", 0);
See Also
Device Functions
Searches a device for a record that contains specified data in a specified field. The search
starts at the current record and continues forward until the matched data is found or the
end of the database is reached. If the file has a keyed index, an indexed search is used.
DevFind(hDev, sFind, sField)
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
The data to find in sField, as a string.
For SQL devices: The DevFind() function can distinguish between numbers,
strings, and dates, so you do not need to enclose the data in quote marks. Dates
and times must be in the correct format:
Time: HH:MM:SS
DateTime: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.F...] (The fraction .F... is optional.)
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
The field name to match.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DevOpen, DevSeek
! Find the Ice cream recipe.
DevNotFount=DevFind(hDev,"Ice cream","Recipe");
IF DevNotFount=0 THEN
! Get the recipe values.
Prompt("Ice cream not found");
See Also
Device Functions
Finds the first record in a device.
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
Return Value
The first indexed record (if the device is an indexed database), otherwise the first record in
the device.
Related Functions
DevOpen, DevClose
! Find the first record.
FirstRec = DevFirst(hDev);
See Also
Device Functions
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
Flushes all buffered data to the physical device. CitectSCADA normally optimizes the writ-
ing of data for maximum performance, so use this function only if it is really necessary.
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DevOpen, DevClose
! Flush device to disk.
See Also
Device Functions
Gets field data from the current record in a device.
DevGetField(hDev, Field)
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
The field name, as a string of up to 10 characters. (The dBASE file format limits
all field names to a maximum of 10 characters.)
Return Value
The field data (as a string). If the field is not found an empty string is returned.
Related Functions
DevOpen, DevSetField
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
GetRecipe(STRING sName)
INT hDev;
hDev = DevOpen("Recipe", 0);
IF hDev >= 0 THEN
DevSeek(hDev, 1);
IF DevFind(hDev, sName, "NAME") = 0 THEN
PLC_FLOUR = DevGetField(hDev, "FLOUR");
PLC_WATER = DevGetField(hDev, "WATER");
PLC_SALT = DevGetField(hDev, "SALT");
PLC_MILK = DevGetField(hDev, "MILK");
DspError("Cannot Find Recipe " + sName);
DspError("Cannot open recipe database");
See Also
Device Functions
Renames a device file and any subsequent history files. The current device is closed and re-
named as the first history file. For example, the device file ’Templog.txt’ is renamed as
’Templog.001’. If a history file ’Templog.001’ already exists, it is renamed as ’Templog.002’,
and so on. The next time data is written to the device, a new device file is created.
Note: If the device file has not been created (that is data has not been written to the device),
only existing history files are renamed. Use this function for direct control of the device his-
tory process.
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DevOpen, DevControl
! Create history file
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
See Also
Device Functions
Gets information on a device.
DevInfo(hDev, Type)
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
Type of information:
-n: Name of field n (where n is any number up to the total number of fields). For
example, if there are 10 fields, -7 will return the name of field 7.
- (Total no. of fields + n): Length of field n (where n is any number up to the total
number of fields). For example, if there are 10 fields, -15 will return the length of
field 5.
0: Device Name
1: Format
2: Header
3: File Name
4: Number of history files
5: Form length
6: Number of fields
7: Disable flag
8: Device type
9: Record size
10: Format number
11: Type of history schedule:
0: Event triggered
1: Daily
2: Weekly
3: Monthly
4: Yearly
12: The history period, in seconds, or week day, month or year, for example, if his-
tory is weekly then this is the day of the week, that is 1 to 7
13: Synchronisation time of day of the history in seconds, for example, 36000 (that
is, 10:00:00)
14: The time the next history file will be created in seconds
Return Value
The device information as a string if successful, otherwise an empty string is returned.
Related Functions
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
! Get the number of fields in a device.
FOR I=1 TO NoFields DO
! Get and display the name of each field.
nLength=DevInfo(hDev,-I - NoFields);
Prompt("Field Name "+sField + "Length " + nLength:##);
See Also
Device Functions
Modifies the attributes of a device. The device must be closed before you can modify a de-
This function allows you to dynamically change the file name or other attributes of a device
at run time. You can use a single device to access many files. For example, you can create a
device called Temp with a file name of TEMP.DBF. Using this function you could dynam-
ically change the file name to access any dBASE file.
This function is useful in conjunction with the FormOpenFile() or FormSaveAsFile() func-
tions. (These functions allow the operator to select file names easily.)
When using this function, you should be careful that no other Cicode function is already
using the same device. Always check the return value of this function before opening the
device or you will destroy the data in the device to which it is already attached. Use a sema-
phore to protect your Cicode.
When using this function, you should be careful that no other Cicode function is already
using the same device. Always check the return value of this function before opening the
device or you will destroy the data in the device to which it is already attached. If the device
is already open, calling DevModify will return an error (and raise a hardware alarm to no-
tify user).
If DevModify returns error, it means it has not modified the device and the device param-
eters will remain as they were before the call to DevModify.
Use a semaphore to protect your Cicode.
DevModify(Name, Format, Header, FileName, Type)
The name of the device.
A new format for the device or "*" to use the existing format.
A new header for the device or "*" to use the existing header.
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
A new file name for the device or "*" (asterisk) to use the existing filename.
A new device type.
Device Type Device
SQL_DEV SQL database
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DevOpen, DevClose, DevSetField, DevInfo, DevAppend, FormOpenFile
! change the file name of MyDev
DevModify("MyDev", "*", "*", "c:\data\newfile.dbf", -1);
! change the fields and file name of MyDev
DevModify("MyDev", "{time}{date}{tags}", "*",
! change the device to TXT file
DevModify("MyDev", "*", "*", "C:\DATA\OLDFILE.TXT", ASCII_DEV);
See Also
Device Functions
Gets the next record in a device. If the end of the database is reached, the EOF flag is set and
an error code is returned.
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
Return Value
0 if the next record is read, or an error if the end of the database is reached.
Related Functions
DevEOF, DevPrev
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
I = 0;
hDev = DevOpen("Log", 0);
WHILE Status = 0 DO
DspText(20 + I, 0, DevGetField(hDev,"Tag"));
I = I + 1;
Status = DevNext(hDev);
See Also
Device Functions
Opens a device and returns the device handle. The device must be defined in the Cit-
ectSCADA database. If the device cannot be opened, and user error checking is not en-
abled, the current Cicode task is halted.
You can use this function to return the handle of a device that is already open. The De-
vOpen() function does not physically open another device - it returns the same device han-
dle as when the device was opened. The mode of the second open call is ignored. To re-
open an open device in a different mode, you must first close the device and then re-open
it in the new mode.
When using an ODBC driver to connect to an SQL server or database, experience has
shown that connecting only once on startup and not closing the device yields the best per-
formance. ODBC connection is slow and if used on demand may affect your system’s per-
formance. Also, some ODBC drivers may leak memory on each connection and may cause
errors after a number of re-connects.
Note: If you are opening a database device in indexed mode (nMode=2), an index file will
automatically be created by CitectSCADA if one does not already exist. If you feel a device
index has become corrupt, delete the existing index file and a new one will be created the
next time the DevOpen function is run.
DevOpen(Name [, nMode] )
The name of the device.
The mode of the open:
0 - Open the device in shared mode - the default mode when opening a device if
none is specified.
1 - Open the device in exclusive mode. In this mode only one user can have the
device open. The open will return an error if another user has the device
open in shared or exclusive mode.
2 - Open the device in indexed mode. In this mode the device will be accessed in
index order. This mode is only valid if the device is a database device and
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
has an index configured in the Header field at the Devices form. Please be
aware that specifying mode 2 when opening an ASCII device is ignored in-
4 - Open the device in ’SQL not select’ mode. If opened in this mode, you must
not attempt to read from an SQL device.
8 - Open the device in logging mode. In this mode the history files will be created
16 - Open the device in read only mode. In this mode data can be viewed, but not
written. This mode is supported only by DBF and ASCII files - it is ignored
by printers and SQL/ODBC databases.
Return Value
The device handle. If the device cannot be opened, -1 is returned. The device handle iden-
tifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
Related Functions
DevClose, DevOpenGrp
PrintRecipe(STRING sCategory)
STRING sRecipe;
INT hRecipe, hPrinter;
ErrSet(1); ! enable user error checking
hRecipe = DevOpen("Recipe", 0);
IF hRecipe = -1 THEN
DspError("Cannot open recipe");
hPrinter = DevOpen("Printer1", 0);
IF hPrinter = -1 THEN
DspError("Cannot open printer");
ErrSet(0); ! disable user error checking
WHILE NOT DevEof(hRecipe) DO
sRecipe = DevReadLn(hRecipe);
DevWriteLn(hPrinter, sRecipe);
See Also
Device Functions
Opens a group of devices.
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
DevOpenGrp(hGrp [, nMode] )
The handle to a database containing a group of devices.
The mode of the open:
0 - Open the device in shared mode - the default mode when opening a device.
1 - Open the device in exclusive mode. In this mode only one user can have the
device open. The open will return an error if another user has the device
open in shared or exclusive mode.
2 - Open the device in indexed mode. In this mode the device will be accessed in
index order. This mode is only valid if the device is a database device and
has an index configured in the Header field at the Devices form. Please be
aware that specifying mode 2 when opening an ASCII device is ignored in-
4 - Open the device in ’SQL not select’ mode. If opened in this mode, you must
not attempt to read from an SQL device.
8 - Open the device in logging mode. In this mode the history files will be created
16 - Open the device in read only mode. In this mode data can be viewed, but not
written. This mode is supported only by DBF and ASCII files - it is ignored
by printers and SQL/ODBC databases.
Return Value
Returns 0 if successful or -1 if the function is provided with a bad handle and cannot open
the group.
Related Functions
DevClose, DevOpen
Gets the previous record in a device. If the start of the database is reached, the EOF flag is
set and an error code is returned.
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
Return Value
0 if the record is read successfully, or an error if the start of the database is reached.
Related Functions
DevOpen, DevEOF, DevNext
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
I = 0;
hDev = DevOpen("Log", 0);
iError = DevSeek(hDev, DevSize(hDev)); ! seek to end
WHILE iError = 0 DO
DspText(20 + I, 0, DevGetField(hDev,"Tag"));
I = I + 1;
iError = DevPrev(hDev);
See Also
Device Functions
Prints free-format data to groups of devices. Using this function, you can write data to
many devices at the same time. You would normally use this function in a report.
DevPrint(hGrp, sData, NewLine)
The device handle, or the group handle for a group of devices.
The data to print to the group of devices.
The newline flag:
0 - Do not insert a newline character.
1 - Insert a newline character.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DevWriteLn, DevCurr
! Get the report device number or group number (for a group of
! Print PV123 to a group of devices.
See Also
Device Functions
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
Reads characters from a device. If the device is record-based, the current field is read. If the
device is free-format, the specified number of characters is read. If the number of characters
specified is greater than the number of characters remaining in the device, only the remain-
ing characters are read.
DevRead(hDev, Length)
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
The number of characters to read.
Return Value
The data (in string format). If the end of the device is found, an empty string is returned.
Related Functions
DevOpen, DevReadLn, DevFind
! Read 20 characters from a device.
See Also
Device Functions
Reads data from the current record of a device until the end of the line, or end of the record.
If the device is record-based, the record number is incremented. The carriage return and
newline characters are not returned.
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
Return Value
The data (in string format). If the end of the device is found, an empty string is returned
and the EOF flag is set.
Related Functions
DevOpen, DevRead, DevEOF, DevFind
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
See Also
Device Functions
Gets the current record number of a device. If the device is record-based, the record number
ranges from 1 to the maximum size of the file. If the device is free-format, the record num-
ber ranges from 0 to the maximum byte size -1.
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
Return Value
The record number. If an error is detected while getting the record number, -1 is returned.
Related Functions
DevOpen, DevSeek
! Get the current record number.
See Also
Device Functions
Moves the device pointer to a specified position in the device. If the device is a database,
and it is opened in indexed mode, DevSeek will seek to the record number - not through
the index. To locate the first record in an indexed device, call the DevFirst() function.
DevSeek(hDev, Offset)
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
The offset in the device. If the device is a database device, the offset is the record
number. If the device is a binary device, the offset is in bytes (from 0 to the max-
imum file size -1).
Note: If offset causes a seek past the end of the file, DevSeek returns no error, but
sets the EOF flag (that is, a subsequent DevEOF() call will return true).
Return Value
0 (zero) if the seek was successful, otherwise an error code is returned.
Related Functions
DevOpen, DevEOF, DevRecNo, DevFirst
hDev=DevOpen("Log", 0);
! Gets the value of the "Tag" field at record 100.
See Also
Device Functions
Sets new field data in the current record in a device.
DevSetField(hDev, Field, sData)
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
The field name, as a string of up to 10 characters. (The dBASE file format limits
all field names to a maximum of 10 characters.)
New field data, in string format. CitectSCADA converts any other data type into
a string before setting the data.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the data is successfully set, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DevOpen, DevAppend, DevGetField
! Set the fields in the "Recipe" device.
hDev=DevOpen("Recipe", 0);
DevSeek(hDev, 1);
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
DevSetField(hDev,"Name", "WhiteBread");
DevSetField(hDev,"Flour", IntToStr(iFlour));
DevSetField(hDev,"Water", iWater:####);
DevSetField(hDev,"Salt", iSalt);
See Also
Device Functions
Gets the size of a physical device.
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
Return Value
If the device is a database device, the number of records is returned. If the device is a binary
device, the number of bytes in the file is returned. If an error is detected, -1 is returned.
Related Functions
DevRecNo, DevSeek
INT NoRec;
! Seek to the last record.
See Also
Device Functions
Writes a string to a device. If the device is free-format, the data is written to the device as
specified. If the device is record-based, the data is written to the current field, and the field
pointer is moved to the next field.
Writing to a DBF device appends the data to the device.
DevWrite(hDev, sData)
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DevOpen, DevWriteLn
! Write PV123 to the device.
For SQL devices: The DevWrite() function can distinguish between numbers, strings, and
dates, so you do not need to enclose the data in quote marks. Dates and times must be in
the correct format:
Time: HH:MM:SS
DateTime: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.F...] (The fraction .F... is optional.)
See Also
Device Functions
Writes a string to a device. If the device is free-format, the data is written to the device, fol-
lowed by a newline character. If the device is record-based, a new record is appended to
the device and the data is written to this record. The record pointer is then moved to the
next record.
DevWriteLn(hDev, sData)
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
The data to write, as a string.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DevOpen, DevWrite
/* Write PV123 to the device followed by a newline character */
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
See Also
Device Functions
Zaps a device. If a database device is zapped, all records are deleted. If an ASCII file is
zapped, the file is truncated to 0 (zero) length. Use this function when you want to delete
all records in a database or file without deleting the actual file.
The device handle, returned from the DevOpen() function. The device handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated device is stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Delete all records in the alarm log database.
hDev = DevOpen("AlarmLog", 0);
See Also
Device Functions
Prints a string on the current device. You should call this function only in a report. The out-
put is sent to the device (or group of devices) defined in the Reports database (in the output
device field).
Note: To print a new line in an RTF report, use the "\par" special character. For example,
Print("String" + "\par").
The string (data) to print.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
Related Functions
! Print "Testvar" and stay on the same line.
Print("Value of Testvar="+Testvar:##.#);
See Also
Device Functions
Changes the printing font on the current device. You should call this function only in a re-
port. It will change the font style for the device (or group of devices) defined in the Reports
database (output device field). It has effect only on reports being printed to a
PRINTER_DEV - it has no effect on other types of devices, such as ASCII_DEV and
The CitectSCADA font (defined in the Fonts database).
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
The following report file...
{! example.rpt }
AN example Report
Plant Area 1
{Time(1) } {Date(2) }
PV_1 {PV_1:#####.##}
PV_2 {PV_2:#####.##}
----------End of Report---------------
Chapter: 24 Device Functions
AN example Report
Plant Area 1
04:41:56 19-10-93
PV_1 49.00
PV_2 65.00
----------End of Report---------------
See Also
Device Functions
Prints a string on the current device, followed by a newline character. You should call this
function only in a report. The output will be sent to the device or group of devices defined
in the Reports database (in the output device field).
Note: To print a new line in an RTF report, use the "\par" special character. For example,
PrintLn("String" + "\par").
The string (data) to print.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Print "Testvar" followed by a new line.
PrintLn("Value of Testvar="+Testvar:##.#);
See Also
Device Functions
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Display functions control the display and processing of graphics pages and objects. You
can use these functions to display graphics pages, print them on your printer, send them to
a file, or copy them to the Windows Clipboard. You can also display text files on screen.
Note: The properties defined for an object will override any conflicting Cicode Display
You can create and move ANs (animation-point numbers), and obtain runtime information
about graphics pages and their associated ANs.
Display Functions
Following are functions relating to the display of graphics pages and objects:
DspAnCreateControlObject Creates a new instance of an ActiveX object. If the ob-
ject already exists for the given Animation Point Num-
ber, then that object will be used (a new object is not
DspAnFree Frees (removes) an AN from the current page.
DspAnGetArea Gets the area configured for an object at a specific AN
(animation-point number).
DspAnGetPos Gets the x and y coordinates of an AN (animation-point
DspAnGetPrivilege Gets the privileges configured for an object at a specific
AN (animation-point number).
DspAnInfo Gets information on the state of the animation at an
DspAnInRgn Checks if an AN is within a specified region.
DspAnMove Moves an AN.
DspAnMoveRel Moves an AN relative to its current position.
DspAnNew Creates an AN.
DspAnNewRel Creates an AN relative to another AN.
DspBar Displays a bar graph at an AN.
DspBmp Displays a bitmap at a specified AN.
DspButton Displays a button at an AN and puts a key into the key
command line (when the button is selected).
DspButtonFn Displays a button at an AN and calls a function when
the button is selected.
DspChart Displays a chart at an AN.
DspCol DspCol is deprecated in this version.
DspDel Deletes all objects at an AN.
DspDelayRenderBegin Delays screen updating until DspDelayRenderEnd() is
DspDelayRenderEnd Ends the screen update delay set by DspDelayRender-
DspDirty Forces an update to an AN.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
See Also
Functions Reference
Creates a new instance of an ActiveX object. If the object already exists for the given Ani-
mation Point Number, then that object will be used, that is a new object will not be created,
the existing object will merely be refreshed.
AN object created using this function remains in existence until the page is closed or the
associated Cicode Object is deleted.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
DspAnCreateControlObject(AN, sClass, Width, Height [, sEventClass] )
The animation-point number.
The class of the object. You can use the object’s human readable name, its pro-
gram ID, or its GUID. If the class does not exist, the function will return an error.
For example:
"Calendar Control 8.0" - human readable name
"MSCAL.Calendar.7" - Program ID
"{8E27C92B-1264-101C-8A2F-040224009C02}" - GUID
The width of the ActiveX object.
The height of the ActiveX object.
The string you would like to use as the event class for the object.
Return Value
The newly created object, if successful, otherwise an error is generated.
Related Functions
CreateObject, CreateControlObject
See CreateControlObject
See Also
Display Functions
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and will be superseded in
future releases.
Frees (removes) an AN from the current page. If an animation exists at the animation num-
ber, it is deleted before the AN is freed. Use this function to free existing ANs or ANs cre-
ated with the DspAnNew() function. Please be aware that the ANs are only freed in
memory - the change is not permanent. The next time the page is opened it will display the
The animation-point number.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
/* Remove AN20 from the current page. */
See Also
Display Functions
Gets the area configured for an object at a specific AN (animation-point number). The area
is returned as an integer.
Note: This function does not return the areas of keyboard commands associated with the
The animation-point number.
Return Value
The area if successful, otherwise an error is returned. If the object is configured with ’Same
area as page’ checked, the area of the page will be returned. AN area of 0 (zero) means no
areas are configured for the object.
Related Functions
/* Get the area configured for the object at AN60. /
See Also
Display Functions
Gets the x and y coordinates of an AN, in pixels, relative to the top-left corner of the win-
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
DspAnGetPos(AN, X, Y)
The animation-point number.
X, Y:
The variables used to store the x and y pixel coordinates of the AN, returned from
this function.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned. The X and Y variables are set to the
AN’s position if successful, or to -1 if an error has been detected.
Related Functions
DspAnMove, DspAnInRgn, DspGetAnCur, DspGetMouse, DspGetNearestAn
/* Get the position of AN20 into X and Y. /
See Also
Display Functions
Gets the privileges configured for an object at a specific AN (animation-point number). The
privilege is returned as an integer.
Note: This function does not return the privileges of keyboard commands associated with
the object.
The animation-point number.
Return Value
The privilege if successful, otherwise an error is returned. A privilege of 0 (zero) means no
privileges are configured for the object.
Related Functions
/* Get the privileges of the object at AN45. /
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
See Also
Display Functions
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and has been superseded
by future releases.
Gets information on an AN - the type or state of the animation that is currently displayed.
DspAnInfo(AN, Type)
The animation-point number.
The type of information:
0 - The type of animation currently displayed at the AN. The following is re-
1 - No animation is displayed.
2 - Color is displayed.
3 - A bar graph is displayed.
4 - Text is displayed.
5 - A symbol is displayed.
6 - AN animation symbol is displayed.
7 - A trend is displayed.
8 - A button is displayed.
9 - A slider is displayed.
10 - A plot is displayed.
11 - The state of the animation currently displayed. If color is displayed, the color
is returned. If a bar graph, trend, or symbol is displayed, the bar, trend, or
symbol name is returned. If text is displayed, the font handle is returned.
Return Value
The animation information, as a string.
Related Functions
IF DspAnInfo(25,0) = "1" THEN
/* If color on AN 25, then get the color */
col = DspAnInfo(25,1);
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
See Also
Display Functions
Checks if an AN is within a region bounded by two ANs.
pAnInRgn(AN, One, Two)
The animation-point number.
One, Two:
One - the AN at a corner of the region; two - the AN at the opposite corner of the
Return Value
1 if the AN is within the region, or 0 (zero) if it is not.
IF DspAnInRgn(250,20,30) THEN
Prompt("Mouse in region bounded by AN20 and AN30");
Prompt("Mouse not in region");
See Also
Display Functions
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and was superseded by
future releases.
Moves an AN to a new position. Any animation at this AN is also moved.
DspAnMove(AN, X, Y)
The animation-point number.
The x pixel coordinates of the new position.
The y pixel coordinates of the new position.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Moves AN25 to pixel location 100,200.
See Also
Display Functions
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and was superseded by
future releases.
Moves an AN relative to its current position. Any animation at this AN is also moved.
DspAnMoveRel(AN, X, Y)
The animation-point number.
The number of pixels to move the AN in the x plane.
The number of pixels to move the AN in the y plane.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
/* Moves AN25 by 10 pixels to the right and 20 pixels downward,
relative to its current position. */
See Also
Display Functions
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and was superseded in
later releases.
Creates an AN at the specified x and y coordinates.
DspAnNew(X, Y)
The x pixel coordinate where the new AN is created.
The y pixel coordinate where the new AN is created.
Return Value
If successful, the new AN is returned. If the AN cannot be created, -1 is returned. If an AN
already exists at this location, that AN is returned.
Related Functions
DspAnNewRel, DspAnFree
/* Displays symbol 20 at pixel location 100,200 */
See Also
Display Functions
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and was superseded in
later releases.
Creates an AN at a distance of x,y pixels from a specified AN.
DspAnNewRel(AN, X, Y)
The AN used as a reference for the new AN.
The distance in the x plane (in pixels) from the reference AN to the new AN.
The distance in the y plane (in pixels) from the reference AN to the new AN.
Return Value
If successful, the new AN is returned. If the AN cannot be created, -1 is returned. If an AN
already exists at this location, that AN is returned.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Related Functions
DspAnNew, DspGetAnCur
/* Creates an AN at 100x and 200y pixels from AN20 */
See Also
Display Functions
Displays a bar graph (on a graphics page) at a specified AN. To scale a tag into the correct
range, use the EngToGeneric() function.
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and was superseded in
later releases.
DspBar(AN, Bar, Value)
The AN where the bar graph will be displayed.
The name of the bar graph to display in the format <[LibName.]BarName>. If you
do not specify the library name, a bar graph from the Global library displays (if it
exists). To display a Version 1.xx bar graph, specify the bar definition (1 to 255).
For example, if you specify bar 1, CitectSCADA displays the bar graph Glo-
The value to display on the bar graph. The value must be from 0 to 32000 to give
0 to full-scale range on the bar.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
/* Displays a value of 320 (that is 10%) on the loops bar (from the
bars library) at AN25. */
/* Displays a value of 320 (that is 10%) on bar definition 3
(CitectSCADA Version 1.xx) at AN25. */
/* Displays Tag1 on the loops_bar (from the global library) at
AN26. Tag1 has an engineering scale of 0 to 100. */
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
See Also
Display Functions
Displays a bitmap at a specified AN. This function allows you to display any bitmap file at
run time. (You can get a new bitmap file from operator input or from the plant, and display
it dynamically.)
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and was superseded in
later releases.
DspBmp(AN, sFile, Mode)
The animation-point number.
The name of the bitmap (.BMP) file. The file must be in the user project path.
(Does not support 1 bit, 24 bit or OS/2 bitmaps.)
The mode of bitmap display:
0 - Erase the existing bitmap and display this bitmap.
1 - Do not erase the existing bitmap, just draw the new bitmap. (This mode pro-
vides smoother animation than Mode 0, but the bitmaps must be the same
2 - Do not erase the existing bitmap, just draw the new bitmap. This mode is sim-
ilar to mode 1, but it displays the bitmap about 3 times faster. However, the
bitmap should not contain any transparent color, or it will display as a ran-
dom color. Use this mode for fast, smooth animation.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
// Display the bitmap "MyImage.bmp" at AN 60
DspBMP(60, "MyImage.bmp", 0)
See Also
Display Functions
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Displays a button at a specified AN. When the button is selected, the key definition is put
into the key command line. The font, width, height, and down and repeat keys of the button
are optional. If you do not specify a width and height, the button adjusts to the size of the
button Name.
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and was superseded in
later releases.
DspButton(AN, UpKey, Name [, hFont] [, Width] [, Height] [, DownKey] [, RepeatKey] [, Style])
The animation-point number.
The key generated when the command button is selected (when the mouse but-
ton is released after being clicked down). This is the default operation for com-
mands activated by a button.
The name to display on the button.
The handle of the font used to display the button name. Use the DspFont() func-
tion to create a new font and return the font handle. Use the DspFontHnd() func-
tion to return the font handle of an existing font. The Windows button font is used
if the font is omitted or is not defined in the database.
The width of the button in pixels.
The height of the button in pixels.
The key generated when the mouse button is clicked down (over the command
button). Normally this parameter is not used, because most buttons are config-
ured to activate a command when the mouse button is released (returning to the
‘up’ position).
The key generated repetitively, while the mouse button is being held down (over
the command button).
A number indicating the visibility style of the button:
0 - NORMAL: The button appears as a standard button.
1 - BORDER_3D: The button is drawn with only the 3-D border (transparent
2 - BORDER: The button is drawn with only a thin line border.
3 - TARGET: The button is totally transparent - this constitutes a screen target.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Related Functions
DspButtonFn, KeySetSeq, DspFont, DspFontHnd
/* Display a self-sizing button at AN20 using the default font.
The button is named "Help". When selected, the Key Code "KEY_F1"
is put into the key command line. */
/* Display the same button at AN20, but in an existing font called
"BigFont". */
See Also
Display Functions
Displays a button at a specified AN. When the button is selected, a user function is called.
If the width and height are 0 (zero), then the button adjusts to the size of the button Name.
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and was superseded in
later releases.
DspButtonFn(AN, UpFunction, Name [, hFont] [, Width] [, Height] [, DownFunction] [, Repeat-
Function] )
The animation-point number.
The user function called when the command button is selected (when the mouse
button is released after being clicked down). This is the default operation for com-
mands activated by a button. This callback function can have no arguments, so
specify the function with no parentheses (). The callback function must return
INT as its return data type. You cannot specify a CitectSCADA built-in function
for this argument.
The name to display on the button.
The handle of the font used to display the button name. Use the DspFont() func-
tion to create a new font and return the font handle. Use the DspFontHnd() func-
tion to return the font handle of an existing font. The Windows button font is used
if the font is omitted or is not defined in the database.
The width of the button in pixels.
The height of the buton in pixels.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
The user function called when the mouse button is clicked down (over the com-
mand button). Normally this parameter is not used, because most buttons are
configured to activate when the mouse button is released (returning to the ‘up’
position). The callback function must have no arguments, so specify the function
with no parentheses (). The callback function must return INT as its return data
type. You cannot specify a CitectSCADA built-in function for this argument.
The user function called repetitively, while the mouse button is being held down
(over the command button) The callback function must have no arguments, so
specify the function with no parentheses (). The callback function must return
INT as its return data type. You cannot specify a CitectSCADA built-in function
for this argument.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspButton, DspFont, DspFontHnd
! Call this function when the button is selected.
See Also
Display Functions
Displays a chart at an AN. Charts are trend lines with markers on them. Values are plotted
on the chart pens. You must specify Value1, but Value2 to Value8 are optional.
If more values (than the configured pens) are specified, the additional values are ignored.
If fewer values (than the configured pens) are specified, the pens that have no values are
not displayed.
You should use this function only if you want to control the display of charts directly.
DspChart(AN, Chart, Value1 [, Value2 ... Value8] )
The AN where the chart will be displayed.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspDel, DspTrend
/* Using chart definition 5 at AN25, display a value of 10 on
Pen1, 20 on Pen2, 30 on Pen3 and 40 on Pen4 of the chart. */
/* Using chart definition 6 at AN26, display a value of 100 on Pen1
and 500 on Pen2 of the chart. */
See Also
Display Functions
DspCol is deprecated in this version of CitectSCADA.
DspCol(AN, Color)
The animation-point number.
The color to display at the AN.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
/* Displays the color red at AN25. */
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
See Also
Display Functions
Deletes all objects from a specified AN.
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and was superseded in
later releases.
The animation-point number.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Deletes all animation at AN25.
See Also
Display Functions
Delays screen updating until DspDelayRenderEnd is called. This function should be used
with DspDelayRenderEnd() to "sandwich" Cicode that will modify the appearance of a
page. The code should be preceded by DspDelayRenderBegin(), and followed by DspDe-
layRenderEnd(). This will reduce screen update times, because the modifying code is given
time to execute before the page is updated with the changes, and the changes are all made
in a single re-draw.
Note: If you have not changed the [Page]DelayRenderAll parameter from its default
(TRUE), then you do not need to use this function.
You can call this function as many times in a row as you like, as long as each is ended with
a call to DspDelayRenderEnd.
Because your display will stop updating while the "sandwiched" code runs, you should try
to make that code as efficient as possible. Do not call Sleep() or any other Cicode functions
that will take a long time to run.
Do not call WinSelect within the "sandwiched" code. Do not call this function directly from
the Kernel.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Related Functions
/* Begin delay so the following code can be executed before the
images are re-drawn. */
DspBMP(50, "Image1.bmp", 0) ! Display the bitmap "Image1.bmp"
at AN 50
DspBMP(100, "Image2.bmp", 0) ! Display the bitmap "Image2.bmp"
at AN 100
DspBMP(150, "Image3.bmp", 0) ! Display the bitmap "Image3.bmp"
at AN 150
DspBMP(200, "Image4.bmp", 0) ! Display the bitmap "Image4.bmp"
at AN 200
DspBMP(250, "Image5.bmp", 0) ! Display the bitmap "Image5.bmp"
at AN 250
/* End delay so the images can be re-drawn. */
See Also
Display Functions
Ends the screen update delay set by DspDelayRenderBegin. This function should be used
with DspDelayRenderBegin() to "sandwich" Cicode that will modify the appearance of a
page. The code should be preceded by DspDelayRenderBegin(), and followed by DspDe-
layRenderEnd(). This will reduce screen update times, because the modifying code is given
time to execute before the page is updated with the changes, and the changes are all made
in a single re-draw.
Because your display will stop updating while the "sandwiched" code runs, you should try
to make that code as efficient as possible. Do not call Sleep() or any other Cicode functions
that will take a long time to run.
Do not call WinSelect within the "sandwiched" code. Do not call this function directly from
the Kernel.
Note: If you have not changed the [Page]DelayRenderAll parameter from its default
(TRUE), then you do not need to use this function.
Return Value
No value is returned.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Related Functions
/* Begin delay so the following code can be executed before the
images are re-drawn. */
DspBMP(50, "Image1.bmp", 0) ! Display the bitmap "Image1.bmp"
at AN 50
DspBMP(100, "Image2.bmp", 0) ! Display the bitmap "Image2.bmp"
at AN 100
DspBMP(150, "Image3.bmp", 0) ! Display the bitmap "Image3.bmp"
at AN 150
DspBMP(200, "Image4.bmp", 0) ! Display the bitmap "Image4.bmp"
at AN 200
DspBMP(250, "Image5.bmp", 0) ! Display the bitmap "Image5.bmp"
at AN 250
/* End delay so the images can be re-drawn. */
See Also
Display Functions
Forces CitectSCADA to update an AN. Normally, CitectSCADA updates the animation on
the AN only if the data has changed. This function tells CitectSCADA to update the AN the
next time it animates the AN - even if the data has not changed.
Use this function when you have complex animations that overlap. If two or more anima-
tions overlap, you should use the DspDel() or DspDirty() function on their ANs, and then
display them in the same order (when they need to be updated).
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and was superseded in
later releases.
The animation-point number.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Forces an update of AN20.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
See Also
Display Functions
Displays an error message at the prompt AN on the operator’s computer. You can disable
the error message display (of this function) by setting the Cicode execution mode in the
CodeSetMode() function.
The message to be displayed.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
CodeSetMode, Prompt
DspError("Error found");
! Displays "Error found" at the prompt AN.
See Also
Display Functions
Defines the screen attributes for displaying a text file. This function defines a "window"
where the file will be displayed. You should call this function before any file-to-screen
You must define sequential ANs for each line of text in the display. The file is displayed
starting at the specified AN, then the next (highest) AN, and so on. You should not use pro-
portionally-spaced fonts, because the columns of text might not be aligned.
You would normally call this function as the entry function for a graphics page. Use the
DspFileSetName() function to specify the file to be displayed. This function is a low level
animation function - it controls exactly how the file is to display. If you just want to display
a file, use the PageFile() function.
DspFile(AN, hFont, Height, Width)
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
The AN where the file display window will be positioned. When this is set to -2,
the window will be created in the Citect Kernel. However, the hFont argument is
The handle for the font that is used to display the file, returned from the Dsp-
Font() or DspFontHnd() function. The font handle identifies the table where all
data on the associated font is stored.
The maximum number of lines to display on one page of the file display window.
The width of the file display window, in characters.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
PageFile, DspFileGetInfo, DspFileGetName, DspFileScroll, DspFileSetName, DspFont,
/* Defines the attributes of a screen display to start at AN20,
using the default font, with a window size of 20 lines x 80
columns. */
See Also
Display Functions
Gets the attributes of a file-to-screen display (used for displaying text files).
DspFileGetInfo(AN, Type)
The AN where the file display window will be located. This AN must be the same
as the AN specified with the DspFile() function.
The type of data required:
0 - The width of the file display window, in characters.
1 - The maximum number of lines that can display in one page of the file display
2 - The file-to-screen row offset number.
3 - The file-to-screen column offset number.
4 - The number of lines in the displayed file.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Return Value
The attributes of the "window" as an integer. If an incorrect AN is specified, an error is re-
Related Functions
DspFile, DspFileGetName, DspFileScroll, DspFileSetName
! Display the page number of the file display.
DspText(12,0,"Page No "+PageNumber);
See Also
Display Functions
Gets the name of the file being displayed in the display "window". You can use this func-
tion to display the file name on the screen.
The animation-point number.
Return Value
The name of the file (as a string). If an incorrect AN is specified, an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspFile, DspFileGetInfo, DspFileScroll, DspFileSetName
! Displays the name of the file displayed at AN20.
See Also
Display Functions
Scrolls a file (displayed in the display "window") by a number of characters.
DspFileScroll(AN, Direction, Characters)
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspFile, DspFileGetInfo, DspFileSetName, DspFileGetName
Page Keyboard
Key Sequence PgUp
Command DspFileScroll(20,3,10)
Comment Scroll up 10 lines
See Also
Display Functions
Sets the name of the file to display in the display "window". You should call the DspFile()
function first (as the entry function for a graphics page) to define the attributes of the dis-
play. You can then use the DspFileSetName() function (as a keyboard command) to display
a user-specified file. When you call this function, the specified file name is read from disk
and displayed on the screen.
DspFileSetName(AN, sName)
The animation-point number.
The name of the file to display.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Related Functions
DspFile, DspFileGetInfo, DspFileGetName, DspFileScroll
Page Name FilePage
Entry Command DspFile(20,0,20,80)
Comment Defines a file to screen display to commence at AN20
Page Keyboard
Key Sequence ######## Enter
Command DspFileSetName(20, Arg1)
Comment Displays a specified file on the page
/* Defines the file-to-screen display to commence at AN20 using
the default font, with a window size of 20 lines x 80 columns. */
! Displays file C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT.
See Also
Display Functions
Creates a font and returns a font handle. If the requested font already exists, its font handle
is returned. You can use this font handle in the functions that display text, buttons, and text
If the exact font size does not exist, the closest font size is used.
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and was superseded in
later releases.
DspFont(FontType, PixelSize, ForeOnColour, BackOnColour [, ForeOffColour] [, BackOffColour]
The font type, for example, "Helv".
The font size, as a positive number for pixels, or a negative number for points.
The foreground color used for the text. If implementing flashing color, this is the
initial color that will be used. Select a color from the list of Predefined Color
Names and Codes or create an RGB-based color using the function MakeCitect-
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
The color used for the background of text. If implementing flashing color, this is
the initial color that will be used. Select a color from the list of Predefined Color
Names and Codes or create an RGB-based color using the function MakeCitect-
An optional argument only required if implementing flashing color for the font
foreground. It represents the secondary color used. Select a color from the list of
Predefined Color Names and Codes or create an RGB-based color using the func-
tion MakeCitectColour.
An optional argument only required if implementing flashing color for the font
background. It represents the secondary color used. Select a color from the list of
Predefined Color Names and Codes or create an RGB-based color using the func-
tion MakeCitectColour.
Return Value
The font handle as an integer. If the font cannot be created, -1 is returned. The font handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated font is stored.
Related Functions
DspFontHnd, DspText, DspButton, DspButtonFn, DspFile
DspText(20,Font,"Text in Helv Font");
/* Displays "Text in Helv Font" in 12-point Helvetica font in
white on red at AN20. */
DspText(20,Font,"Text in Helv Font");
/* Displays "Text in Helv Font" in 24 pixel Helvetica font in
flashing black and white on red at AN20. */
See Also
Display Functions
Gets the font handle of a font that is defined in the Fonts database. You can use this font
handle in the functions that display text, buttons, and text files.
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and was superseded in
later releases.
The font name in the fonts database.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Return Value
The font handle as an integer. If the font cannot be found, -1 is returned. The font handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated font is stored.
Related Functions
DspFont, DspText, DspButton, DspButtonFn, DspFile
Font Name BigFont
Font Type Helv
Pixel Size 24
Foreground Color Blue
Background Color -1
Comment Defines a font
DspText(20,hBigFont,"Text in Big Font");
/* Displays "Text in Big Font" in 24-point Helvetica font in blue
on an unchanged background at AN20. */
See Also
Display Functions
Disables or enables the full screen mode of the currently active window. This function does
not resize the window when it is called; it merely sets the mode flag. The next time the win-
dow is displayed, its size (on screen) changes to reflect the setting of the flag. This function
overrides the [Animator]FullScreen parameter setting.
If [Page]DynamicSizing is turned on, a page in full screen state takes up the entire display
area (assuming this does not affect its aspect ratio), and it cannot be resized. Also, a full
screen page will display without a title bar unless Title Bar is checked in Page Properties
(or was checked when the page was created). Resizing pages can result in degraded picture
quality. If this is unacceptable, you should re-design the page using the desired resolution.
If [Page]DynamicSizing is turned off, full screen will have the same limitations as it had in
versions of CitectSCADA prior to V5.10. In other words, for a page to be displayed in full
screen, the size of the page must be the same size as the display (or bigger). If the page is
smaller than the display, the title bar will still display even if full screen mode is enabled.
Check the size of the graphic pages in CtDraw Tools|Page Attributes Dialog to verify that
it is the same as the display resolution. For example 640x480 for VGA, 800x600 for SVGA
and 1024x768 for XGA.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
/*Minimize the Window, Enable full screen mode and then maximize
the window.*/
See Also
Display Functions
Gets the bottom extent of the object at the specified AN.
The animation-point number.
Return Value
The y coordinate of the bottom extent of the object at the AN. If no object exists at the AN,
-1 is returned.
Related Functions
DspGetAnBottom, DspGetAnWidth, DspGetAnHeight, DspGetAnLeft, DspGetAnRight,
DspGetAnTop, DspGetAnNext, DspGetAnExtent
nBottom = DspGetAnBottom(30);
See Also
Display Functions
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Gets the number of the current graphics AN. You should only call this function from the
database, by using one of the Page forms (for example, the Page Number, Page String, and
Page Trend forms). This function is useful for writing general functions and macros that ap-
ply to graphics pages.
You cannot call this function from the Button or Keyboard forms.
Return Value
The AN associated with the current record in the associated Page database. If this function
is called outside the page animation system then -1 will be returned.
AN 20
Expression MyFunc(PV_10)
Comment Display the value of PV_10 at AN20
See Also
Display Functions
Gets the extent of the object (the enclosing boundary) at the specified AN.
DspGetAnExtent(AN, Top, Left, Bottom, Right)
The AN at which the object is positioned.
A buffer that contains the top-most extent of the object.
A buffer that contains the left-most extent of the object.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned. The Top, Left, Bottom, and Right argu-
ments contain the extents of the object, in pixels.
Related Functions
DspGetAnWidth, DspGetAnHeight, DspGetAnLeft, DspGetAnRight, DspGetAnBottom,
// Get extents at AN 25.
DspGetAnExtent(25, Top, Left, Bottom, Right);
See Also
Display Functions
Gets the first AN on the current page, based on the order in which the ANs were stored by
Graphics Builder.
Return Value
The value for the first AN, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
See Also
Display Functions
Gets the AN of the object at a specified set of screen coordinates. If the X and Y coordinates
given are within the extents of an object, then the AN number of the object will be returned.
For example, if there is a button at coordinates (300, 140), and it is 100 wide, 50 high, this
function would return the AN if it uses X between 300 & 400 and Y between 140 and 190,
such as DspGetAnFromPoint(325,180).
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Hint: If you are using groups and the specified coordinates point to an object that is part of
a group, the AN of the object is returned, not the AN of the group.
DspGetAnFromPoint(X, Y [, PrevAN] )
The x coordinate of the screen point.
The y coordinate of the screen point.
Retrieves the previous AN (in z-order) in situations where a number of objects
overlap at the specified point. The default of 0 (zero) specifies no previous AN. A
non-zero value should only ever be passed if it is the result of a previous call to
Return Value
The AN or 0 (zero) if no object exists at the point.
// GetMouse position
AN = DspGetAnFromPoint(X,Y);
// Gets AN if mouse is over the object
Prompt("AN of object ="+AN:###);
!Displays the object’s AN at the prompt line
If several objects overlap each other at the specified point, the PrevAN argument can be
used to produce a list of the associated ANs. This is achieved by using PrevAN to pass the
previous result into another call of the function until a zero return is given.
INT nAn;
nAn = DspGetAnFromPoint(100,100)
WHILE nAn <> 0 DO
//Do Something
nAn = DspGetAnFromPoint(100,100,nAn);
See Also
Display Functions
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Gets the height of the object at a specified AN.
The animation-point number.
Return Value
The height of the object (in pixels). If no object exists at the AN, -1 is returned.
Related Functions
DspGetAnWidth, DspGetAnLeft, DspGetAnRight, DspGetAnBottom, DspGetAnTop
nHeight = DspGetAnHeight(30);
See Also
Display Functions
Gets the left extent of the object at the specified AN.
The animation-point number.
Return Value
The x coordinate of the left extent of the object at the AN. If no object exists at the AN, -1 is
Related Functions
DspGetAnWidth, DspGetAnHeight, DspGetAnRight, DspGetAnBottom, DspGetAnTop,
nLeft = DspGetAnLeft(30);
See Also
Display Functions
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Returns the AN that follows the specified AN, based on the order in which the ANs were
stored on a page by Graphics Builder.
The animation-point number.
Return Value
The value for the next AN. If -1 is returned, it means the specified AN is invalid or it is the
last AN on the page.
Related Functions
See Also
Display Functions
Gets the right extent of the object at the specified AN.
The animation-point number.
Return Value
The x coordinate of the right extent of the object at the AN. If no object exists at the AN, -1
is returned.
Related Functions
DspGetAnWidth, DspGetAnHeight, DspGetAnLeft, DspGetAnBottom, DspGetAnTop,
nRight = DspGetAnRight(30);
See Also
Display Functions
Gets the top extent of the object at the specified AN.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
The animation-point number.
Return Value
The y coordinate of the top extent of the object at the AN. If no object exists at the AN, -1 is
Related Functions
DspGetAnWidth, DspGetAnHeight, DspGetAnLeft, DspGetAnRight, DspGetAnBottom,
nTop = DspGetAnTop(30);
See Also
Display Functions
Gets the width of the object at a specified AN.
The animation-point number.
Return Value
The width of the object (in pixels). If no object exists at the AN, -1 is returned.
Related Functions
DspGetAnHeight, DspGetAnLeft, DspGetAnRight, DspGetAnBottom, DspGetAnTop,
nWidth = DspGetAnWidth(30);
See Also
Display Functions
Gets a page environment variable.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
The name of the variable (set using the page environment dialog)
Return Value
The value of the variable (as a string).
See Also
Display Functions
Gets the x and y coordinates of the mouse position, relative to the top left corner of the win-
DspGetMouse(X, Y)
The variables used to store the x pixel coordinate of the mouse position, returned
from this function.
The variables used to store the y pixel coordinate of the mouse position, returned
from this function.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned. The X and Y variables are set to the
mouse position.
Related Functions
KeyGetCursor, DspAnGetPos, DspGetMouseOver, DspGetNearestAn
! If the mouse cursor is at x,y pixel coordinate 43,20;
! Sets X to 43 and Y to 20.
See Also
Display Functions
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Determines if the mouse is within the boundaries of a given AN.
The AN of the animation you wish to check, or -1 for the current AN. Defaults to
Return Value
1 if within the specified AN, 0 if not.
Related Functions
KeyGetCursor, DspAnGetPos, DspGetMouse, DspGetNearestAn
See Also
Display Functions
Gets the AN nearest to a specified x,y pixel location.
If using groups and the nearest object to the specified coordinates is part of a group, the AN
of the object is returned, not the AN of the group.
DspGetNearestAn(X, Y)
The x coordinate (in pixels).
The y coordinate (in pixels).
Return Value
The animation point number (AN). A value of -1 is returned if no AN is found.
Related Functions
DspGetMouse, DspAnGetPos, DspGetAnFromPoint
! Gets mouse position.
! Gets AN nearest to the mouse.
Prompt("Mouse At AN"+AN:###);
! Displays AN nearest to the mouse.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
See Also
Display Functions
Gets the parent animation number (if any), for the specified animation number. AN anima-
tion point will have a parent animation point if it corresponds to an object in a group.
The animation-point number.
Return Value
The parent animation point number (AN). If no parent animation exists or an invalid ani-
mation number is passed, 0 (zero) is returned.
Related Functions
// Get the parent animation for object 89 (part of a symbol set)
AN = DspGetParentAn(89);
See Also
Display Functions
Gets the current position (value) of a slider at an AN. You can call this function in the slider
event to find the new position of the slider.
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and was superseded in
later releases.
The animation-point number.
Return Value
The value of the slider from 0 to 32000. If no animation exists at the AN, -1 is returned.
Related Functions
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
// Get the position of the slider at AN 30
nPos = DspGetSlider(30);
See Also
Display Functions
Gets the tool tip text associated with an AN.
DspGetTip(AN, Mode)
The AN from which to get the tool tip text. If no object is configured at the AN,
the function will return an empty string.
0 - Tool tips from all animation records configured at the AN. Tips are concate-
nated with a newline character between each string. (This mode is only used for
V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and has been subsequently superseded.)
1 - The tool tip from the object configured at the AN.
Return Value
The tool tip text (as a string). If no user tip is available, an empty string is returned.
Related Functions
DspSetTip, DspTipMode
!Display the tool tip text on AN19
DspText(19, 0, DspGetTip(KeyGetCursor(), 1));
See Also
Display Functions
Grays and disables a button. If the button is a symbol, the symbol is overwritten with a gray
mask. (When a button is grayed, it cannot be selected.) If the Disabled field in the Buttons
database is blank, the button is enabled unless you use this function. If the Disabled field
in the Buttons database contains an expression, this function will not override the expres-
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and was superseded in
later releases.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
DspGrayButton(AN, nMode)
The AN where the button is located.
The mode of the operation:
0 - Ungray the button.
1 - (GRAY_SUNK) Recess the text or symbol (the text or symbol on the button is
recessed and shadowed).
2 - (GRAY_PART) This mode is now obsolete - it now has the same effect as
3 - (GRAY_ALL) - Mask the entire button (a gray mask displays over the face of
the button).
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise, -1 (if no AN is found).
Related Functions
DspButton, DspButtonFn, DspIsButtonGray
! Disable button at AN21
DspGrayButton(21, GRAY_SUNK);
See Also
Display Functions
Extracts individual pieces of object information from an AN. Each AN can have multiple
expressions associated with it, and each expression can have multiple variables associated
with it. You use an index to refer to each individual expressions or variables. Typically, you
would query the number of expressions, then the number of variables in a given expres-
sion, then the details of a given variable tag.
Note: Before calling this function you must first use DspInfoNew() to create a handle to
the information block from which you want to extract information.
DspInfo(hInfo, Type, Index)
The object information block handle, as returned by DspInfoNew(). This handle
identifies the table (or block) where all object data is stored.
The type of data to extract:
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Return Value
The object information (as a string). A blank string is returned if you specify a non-existent
expression or variable.
Related Functions
DspInfoNew, DspInfoField, DspInfoDestroy, TagSubscribe, SubscriptionAddCallback,
INT hInfo;
INT iEngineeringValue;
INT iNumberOfExpressions;
INT iNumberOfTags;
INT iExpressionIndex;
INT iTagIndex;
STRING sObjectType;
STRING sExpressionText;
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
STRING sExpressionResult;
STRING sExpressionContext;
STRING sTagName;
hInfo = DspInfoNew(AN);
IF (hInfo > -1) THEN
sObjectType = DspInfo(hInfo, 0, 0);
iNumberOfExpressions = StrToInt(DspInfo(hInfo, 7, 0));
FOR iExpressionIndex = 0 TO iExpressionIndex < iNumberOfExpressions DO
sExpressionText = DspInfo(hInfo, 1, iExpressionIndex);
sExpressionResult = DspInfo(hInfo, 2, iExpressionIndex);
sExpressionContext = DspInfo(hInfo, 6, iExpressionIndex);
iNumberOfTags = StrToInt(DspInfo(hInfo, 8, iExpressionIndex));
FOR iTagIndex = 0 TO iTagIndex < iNumberOfTags DO
sTagName = DspInfo(hInfo, 3, iTagIndex);
iEngineeringValue = StrToInt(DspInfo(hInfo, 5, iTagIndex));
See Also
Display Functions
Destroys an object information block created by DspInfoNew(). You should destroy an ob-
ject information block when you no longer need it, to free CitectSCADA resources.
When the page (with which the object is associated) is closed, CitectSCADA automatically
destroys the object information block.
The object information block handle, as returned by DspInfoNew(). This handle
identifies the table (or block) where all object data is stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspInfo, DspInfoNew, DspInfoField, DspInfoValid
! Do animation operation
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
See Also
Display Functions
Obtains static and real-time data from a variable tag. You get static data from the Variable
Tags database. The additional field "Eng_Value", returns dynamic real-time data for the
variable tag. To get this real-time data, you must first call the DspInfoNew() function to get
the information block handle hInfo.
Getting the raw value of a variable tag using DspInfoField is no longer supported. To get
the raw value of a tag, use the TagSubscribe function, specifying a value of “Raw” for the
sScaleMode parameter. When using TagSubscribe, you can either call SubscriptionGetAt-
tribute to obtain the value whenever required or register callback cicode function to run
when the value changes. See TagSubscribe for more details.
DspInfoField(hInfo, sTag, sField [, ClusterName] )
The object information block handle, as returned by DspInfoNew(). This handle
identifies the table (or block) where all data on the object is stored. Set this handle
to 0 (zero) if you do not require real-time data.
The name of the variable tag. The name of the tag can be prefixed by the name of
the cluster that is "ClusterName.Tag". This argument does not support arrays. If
array syntax is used, the information will be retrieved for only the tag name.
The name of the field from which to extract the data:
Cluster - Name of the cluster in which the Tag resides
Comment - Variable tag comment
Eng_Full - Engineering Full Scale
Eng_Zero - Engineering Zero Scale
Eng_Units - Engineering Units
Eng_Value - Scaled engineering value - Dynamic
Field - Description
FullName - Full name of the tag in the form cluster.tagname.
Name - Variable Tag Name
Type - Data Type
Unit - I/O Device Name
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Tag resides. This is optional if you
have one cluster or are resolving the tag via the current cluster context. The argu-
ment is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
The data (as a string).
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Related Functions
DspInfo, DspInfoNew, DspInfoDestroy, SubscriptionGetAttribute, SubscriptionAddCall-
back, TagSubscribe
! Get the I/O device that Variable Tag "PV123" belongs to.
! Get the real-time engineering value of a tag.
See Also
Display Functions
Creates an object information block. Use this function with the associated low-level anima-
tion information functions to get and process object information on an AN.
Note: When you have finished with the object information block, you must destroy it with
the DspInfoDestroy() function. There are limited number of info 383 blocks that can be al-
located, if they are not freed properly DspInfoNew will return -1.
If you need simple animation help, use the InfoForm() or the InfoFormAn() functions.
The AN for which object information is provided.
Return Value
The object information block handle. If no object data is available, then -1 is returned.
Related Functions
DspInfo, DspInfoField, DspInfoDestroy, InfoForm, InfoFormAn
/*This example creates a form, with the title "Tag Info" and a
size of 25 x 5 characters. It creates an information block for the
AN closest to the mouse cursor and then extracts the name, I/O
device, and engineering value for the first tag in the object
INT hInfo;
IF hInfo>-1 THEN
FormNew("Tag Info",25,5,2);
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
See Also
Display Functions
Checks if an object information block handle is valid. An object information block handle
becomes invalid after it is destroyed, or if the user closes the page it is associated with. Use
this function if background Cicode is using the object information block, and the operator
closes the page.
The object information block handle, as returned by DspInfoNew(). This handle
identifies the table (or block) where all object data is stored.
Return Value
1 if the information block handle is valid, otherwise 0 (zero).
Related Functions
DspInfoNew, DspInfoField, DspInfoDestroy
IF DspInfoValid(hInfo) THEN
See Also
Display Functions
Gets the current status of a button.
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and has been superseded.
The AN for which object information is provided.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Return Value
The current mode of the button:
0 - The button is active (not grayed).
1 - (SUNK_GRAY) The button is inactive (the text or symbol on the button is recessed).
2 - (PART_GRAY) This mode is now obsolete. The button will be inactive even if
part_gray is returned.
3 - (ALL_GRAY) The button is inactive (the entire button is masked).
Related Functions
DspButton, DspButtonFn, DspGrayButton
! Check the status of the button at AN21
status = DspIsButtonGray(21);
See Also
Display Functions
Displays the Kernel window. You should restrict the use of this function because once you
are in the Kernel, you can execute any Cicode function with no privilege restrictions. You
therefore have total control of CitectSCADA (and subsequently your plant and equip-
ment). Please be aware that you can also open the Kernel by setting the Citect [De-
bug]Menu parameter to 1 and, when your system is running, selecting Kernel from the
control-menu box.
Note: You should be experienced with CitectSCADA and Cicode before attempting to use
the Kernel as these facilities are powerful, and if used incorrectly, can corrupt your system.
Note: You should only use the Kernel for diagnostics and debugging purposes, and not for
normal CitectSCADA operation.
You should restrict access to the Kernel, because once you are in the Kernel, you can exe-
cute any Cicode function with no privilege restrictions. You therefore have total control of
CitectSCADA (and subsequently your plant and equipment).
The display mode of Kernel:
1 - Display the Kernel. If the Kernel is already displayed and iMode=1, the key-
board focus is changed to the Kernel.
0 - Hide the Kernel
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Related Functions
KerCmd, TraceMsg
!Display the Citect Kernel window
See Also
Display Functions
Moves a trend or chart marker to a specified position.
DspMarkerMove(AN, hMarker, Offset)
The AN where the trend or chart is positioned.
The marker handle, as returned from the DspMarkerNew() function. The marker
handle identifies the table where all data on the associated marker is stored.
The offset by which to move the marker. Vertical markers have an offset from 0
(zero) to the maximum number of samples in the trend. Horizontal markers have
a offset of 0 (zero) to 32000.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspMarkerNew, OnEvent
See DspMarkerNew
See Also
Display Functions
Creates a new trend marker. A trend marker is used to show cursor values or limits on a
trend. You can use up to 10 markers on a single trend or chart.
If you add markers to a trend or chart that CitectSCADA is animating, you must repaint
them using the trend paint event (OnEvent(Window,22)). (Otherwise CitectSCADA will de-
lete any markers displayed when the trend is updated.)
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
DspMarkerNew(AN, Mode, Color)
The animation-point number.
The mode of the marker:
0 - A vertical marker
1 - A horizontal marker
The color of the marker (flashing color not supported). Select a color from the list
of Predefined Color Names and Codes or create an RGB color using the function
Return Value
The marker handle, or -1 if the function is unsuccessful. The marker handle identifies the
table where all data on the associated marker is stored.
Related Functions
DspMarkerMove, OnEvent
INT offset; ! offset of marker
INT hMarker; ! marker handle
hMarker = DspMarkerNew(40, 0, WHITE);
! create a new marker, vertical WHITE
offset = 100;
DspMarkerMove(40, hMarker, offset);
! Moves marker to offset 100
OnEvent(22, MyTrendPaint);
! set trend paint event, must stop event when change pages
! this function is called when CitectSCADA updates the trend
DspMarkerMove(40, hMarker, offset);
See Also
Display Functions
Controls a multimedia device. The Media Control Interface (MCI) is a high-level command
interface to multimedia devices and resource files. MCI provides applications with device-
independent capabilities for controlling audio and visual peripherals (for example, for
playing multimedia devices and recording multimedia resource files).
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Using this function, you can control multimedia devices by using simple commands like
open, play, and close. MCI commands are a generic interface to multimedia devices. You
can control any supported multimedia device, including audio playback and recording.
For a full overview of MCI, see the Windows Multimedia Programmer’s Guide.
The MCI command. See the Microsoft Windows Multimedia Programmer’s
Guide for details.
Return Value
A string message with the status of the MCI command.
Related Functions
DspMCI("open cdaudio")
DspMCI("set cdaudio time format tmsf")
DspMCI("play cdaudio from 6 to 7")
DspMCI("close cdaudio")
/*Plays track 6 of an audio CD*/
DspMCI("open c:\mmdata\purplefi.wav type waveaudio alias finch")
DspMCI("set finch time format samples")
DspMCI("play finch from 1 to 10000")
DspMCI("close finch")
/*Plays the first 10,000 samples of a waveform audio file*/
See Also
Display Functions
Plays a waveform (sound). Wave form sound files *.WAV are provided with Windows and
by third-party developers, or you can record them yourself to play long (and complex)
sound sequences.
This function searches the [Sounds] section of the WIN.INI file for an entry with the speci-
fied name, and plays the associated waveform. If the name does not match an entry in the
WIN.INI file, a waveform filename is assumed. The function will then search the following
directories for the waveform file (directories are listed in search order):
The current directory
The Windows directory
The Windows system directory
The directories listed in the PATH environment variable
The list of directories mapped in the network.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
If the file is not in one of the aforementioned directories, you must include the full path to
the sound file. If the file doesn’t exist in one of the above directories or at a location speci-
fied with a full path, the sound will not be played.
DspPlaySound(sSoundname, nMode)
The waveform to be played. Predefined sounds (in the WIN.INI file) are:
Not used. Must be 0 (zero).
Return Value
TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE (if an error is detected).
Related Functions
See Also
Display Functions
Creates a popup menu consisting of a number of menu items. Multiple calls to this function
enable you to add new items and create sub menus, building a system of linked, Windows-
style menus.
Menu items can be displayed as checked and/or disabled. You can also specify a bitmap to
display as a menu icon.
This function is first called to build the menu’s items and links, and then called again to dis-
play it on the screen. In this final call, you have the option to specify the coordinates at
which the menu will display, or let it default to the current cursor position.
DspPopupMenu(iMenuNumber, sMenuItems [, XPos] [, YPos] )
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
An integer representing the menu you are adding items to. The first menu created
is Menu 0. If left unspecified, this parameter defaults to -1, causing the menu to
be displayed on the screen.
Multiple function calls with the same iMenuNumber allow you to build up en-
tries in a particular menu. For example, the following four function calls with iM-
enuNumber = 1 build up 8 entries in Menu 1:
DspPopupMenu(1, "Selection A>2, Selection B>3");
DspPopupMenu(1, "Selection C>2, Selection D");
DspPopupMenu(1, "Selection E>2, Selection F>3");
DspPopupMenu(1, "Selection G>2, Selection H");
A comma-separated string defining the items in each menu. The default value for
this parameter is an empty string, which will get passed to the function in the call
to display the menu.
The (!), (~), and (,) symbols control display options for menu items.
For example, !Item1 disables Item1; ~Item2 checks Item2; and ,Item3 inserts a sep-
arator above Item3. To insert a link from a menu item to a sub menu, use the (>)
symbol. For example, : Item4>1 means Item4 links to menu 1.
To insert a bitmap to the left of a menu item as its icon, use the following notation:
[Icon]Item5 Inserts the bitmap Icon.BMP to the left of Item5. [Icon] must be
placed before the Item name, but after any disable (!) or check (~) symbols you
may wish to specify.
Bitmap files used for menu icons must be saved in the project directory so that
they can be found by CitectSCADA.
The x-coordinate at which the menu will be displayed. This parameter is option-
al. If it is left unspecified, the menu will display at the cursor’s current position.
The y-coordinate at which the menu will be displayed. This parameter is option-
al. If it is left unspecified, the menu will display at the cursor’s current position.
Return Value
The selected menu item as an integer. This comprises the menu number (return value div
100), and the position of the item in the menu (return value mod 100). For example, a return
value of 201 indicates that the first item in Menu 2 was selected, and a return value of 3 in-
dicates that the third item in Menu 0 was selected.
Note: Links to sub menus are not counted as menu items. For example, if your menu con-
sists of 10 links and one unlinked item, the function will return only when the unlinked
item is selected.
!Example 1 illustrates one menu with three menu items.
FUNCTION BuildPopupMenus()
INT iSelection;
DspPopupMenu(0, "Item 1,!Item 2,~Item 3");
iSelection = DspPopupMenu(-1, "", 150, 300);
! The above builds a menu with three items:
! ’Item 1’ will be shown as normal, ’Item 2’ will be shown as disabled,
! and ’Item 3’ will be shown as checked.
! The menu will be displayed at position (150, 300).
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Example 2
!Example 2 illustrates the creation of two menus which are linked.
FUNCTION BuildLinkedPopupMenus()
INT iSelection;
DspPopupMenu(0, "Item A,Item B>1,Item C");
DspPopupMenu(1, "Item B1,,[Trend]Item B2,,Item B3");
iSelection = DspPopupMenu();
! The above will build two menus - Menu 0 and Menu 1
! Item B on Menu 0 links to Menu 1.
! ’Item B2’ will be shown with Trend.BMP at its left.
! The menu will be displayed at the cursor’s position.
! If ’Item A’ is selected, iSelection will equal 1
! If ’Item C’ is selected, iSelection will equal 2
! If ’Item B1’ is selected, iSelection will equal 101
! If ’Item B2’ is selected, iSelection will equal 102
! If ’Item B3’ is selected, iSelection will equal 103
See Also
Display Functions
Creates a Rich Text object of the given dimensions at the animation point AN. This object
can then be used to display an RTF file (like an RTF report) called using the DspRichText-
Load function.
DspRichText(AN, iHeight, iWidth, iMode)
The AN at which the rich text object will display when the DspRichText com-
mand is run.
The height of the rich text object in pixels. The height is established by measuring
down from the animation point.
The width of the rich text object in pixels. The width is established by measuring
across to the right from the animation point.
The display mode for the rich text object. The mode can be any combination of:
0 - Disabled - should be used if the rich text object is to be used for display pur-
poses only.
1 - Enabled - allows you to select and copy the contents of the RTF object (for in-
stance an RTF report), but you will not be able to make changes.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
2 - Read/Write - allows you to edit the contents of the RTF object. Remember,
however, that the object must be enabled before it can be edited. If it has
already been enabled, you can just enter Mode 2 as your argument. If it is
not already enabled, you will need to enable it. By combining Mode 1 and
Mode 2 in your argument (3), you can enable the object, and make it read/
write at the same time.
Because the content of the rich text object is just a copy of the original file, changes
will not affect the actual file, until saved using the DspRichTextSave function.
Return Value
0 if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspRichTextLoad, PageRichTextFile
//This will produce a rich text object at animation point 57,
which is 200 pixels high, and 200 pixels wide. This object will be
for display purposes only (that is read only)//
See Also
Display Functions
Enables editing of the contents of the rich text object at AN if nEdit = TRUE, and disables
editing if nEdit = FALSE.
DspRichTextEdit(AN, bEdit)
The reference AN for the rich text object.
The value of this argument determines whether you will be able to edit the con-
tents of the rich text object at AN. Enter TRUE to enable editing, or enter FALSE
to make the contents read-only.
Changes made to the contents of the object will not be saved until the DspRich-
TextSave function is used.
Return Value
0 if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
PageRichTextFile, DspRichTextEnable, DspRichTextSave
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
// Enables editing of the rich text object at AN 25 - if one
exists. Otherwise an error will be returned to iResult //
iResult = DspRichTextEdit(25,TRUE);
See Also
Display Functions
Enables the rich text object at AN if nEnable = TRUE, and disables the object if nEnable =
FALSE. When the object is disabled, its contents cannot be selected or copied etc.
DspRichTextEnable(AN, bEnable)
The reference AN for the rich text object.
The value of this argument determines whether the rich text object at AN will be
enabled or disabled. Enter TRUE to enable the object (that is you can select and
copy the contents of the RTF object, but you can’t make changes). Enter FALSE to
disable the object (that is make it display only).
Return Value
0 if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
// This line disables the rich text object at AN 25 - if one
exists. Otherwise an error will be returned to iResult //
iResult = DspRichTextEnable(25,FALSE);
See Also
Display Functions
Retrieves size information about the rich text object at animation point AN.
DspRichTextGetInfo(AN, iType)
The reference AN for the rich text object.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
The following size information (in pixels) can be returned about the specified rich
text object:
0 - Height
1 - Width
Return Value
The requested information as a string (units = pixels).
Related Functions
! Gets the height of the rich text object at AN 25 - if one exists.
iHeight = DspRichTextGetInfo(25,0);
! Gets the width of the rich text object at AN 423.
iWidth = DspRichTextGetInfo(423,1);
See Also
Display Functions
Loads a copy of the file Filename into the rich text object) at animation point AN. (The rich
text object may have been created using either the DspRichTextLoad function or the PageR-
ichTextFile function.)
DspRichTextLoad(AN, sFilename)
The animation point at which a copy of the rich text file (for example, an RTF re-
port) will display. This AN must match that of a rich text object (created using ei-
ther the DspRichText function, or the PageRichTextFile function), or the copy of
the file will not be loaded into anything, and will not display.
The name of the file to be copied and loaded into the rich text object at the speci-
fied animation point. The filename must be entered in quotation marks "".
The maximum file size that can be loaded is 512kb.
If you are loading a copy of an RTF report, the report must already have been run
and saved to a file. Remember that the filename for the saved report comes from
the File Name field in the Devices form. The location of the saved file must also
be included as part of the filename. For example, if the filename in the Devices
form listed [Data];RepDev.rtf, then you would need to enter "[Data]\repdev.rtf"
as your argument. Alternatively, you can manually enter the path, for example,
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
If you are keeping a number of history files for the report, instead of using the ex-
tension rtf, you must change it to reflect the number of the desired history file, for
example, 001.
Return Value
0 if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspRichText, PageRichTextFile
// This will look in the [Data] path (as specified in the
Citect.ini file), and load a copy of the file DayRep.rtf into the
rich text object at animation point 57. //
// This will look in the [Data] path (as specified in the
Citect.ini file), and load a copy of the history file DayRep.003
into the rich text object at animation point 908. //
DspRichTextLoad(908, "[Data]\DayRep.003");
// This will load a copy of the history file
f:\MyApplication\data\DayRep.006, into the rich text object at animation
point 908. //
DspRichTextLoad(908, "f:\MyApplication\data\DayRep.006");
See Also
Display Functions
Scrolls the contents of the rich text object displayed at AN, by one page length in the direc-
tion given in direction.
DspRichTextPgScroll(AN, iDirection)
The reference AN for the rich text object.
The direction in which you want to scroll each time this function is run. You can
choose from the following:
1 - Left
2 - Right
3 - Up
4 - Down
8 - Scroll to top
16 - Scroll to bottom
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Return Value
0 if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
PageRichTextFile, DspRichTextEdit, DspRichTextScroll
// This line scrolls the contents of the rich text object at AN 25
down one page. Otherwise an error will be returned to iResult //
iResult = DspRichTextPgScroll(25,4);
// This line scrolls the contents of the rich text object at AN 423
right one page. Otherwise an error will be returned to iResult //
iResult = DspRichTextPgScroll(423,2);
See Also
Display Functions
Prints the contents of the rich text object at animation point AN, to the port PortName.
DspRichTextPrint(AN, sPortName)
The reference AN for the rich text object.
The name of the printer port to which the contents of the rich text object will be
printed. This name must be enclosed within quotation marks "". For example
"LPT1", to print to the local printer, or "\\Pserver\canon1" using UNC to print to
a network printer.
Return Value
0 if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspRichText, FileRichTextPrint
! This lines prints
See Also
Display Functions
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Saves the contents of the rich text object at animation point AN, to the file Filename.
DspRichTextSave(AN, sFilename)
The reference AN for the rich text object.
The name under which the contents of the rich text object will be saved. This
name must be enclosed within quotation marks "", and must include the destina-
tion path. For example "[Data]\saved.rtf".
Return Value
0 if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspRichText, PageRichTextFile, DspRichTextLoad, DspRichTextEdit
// These lines show two different ways of saving the contents of
the rich text object (at AN 25) to file DayRep.rtf//
See Also
Display Functions
Scrolls the contents of the rich text object displayed at AN, in the direction given in direction,
by the number of lines/units given in amount. Remember that the height of a line varies ac-
cording to the font used, therefore if you need to scroll absolute distances, it might be ad-
visable to use the DspRichTextPgScroll function.
DspRichTextScroll(AN, iDirection, iAmount)
The reference AN for the rich text object.
The direction in which you want to scroll each time this function is run. You can
choose from the following:
1 - Left
2 - Right
3 - Up
4 - Down
8 - Scroll to top
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
16 - Scroll to bottom
The amount by which you would like to scroll each time this function is run. En-
ter the number of lines (for a vertical direction) or units (for a horizontal direc-
tion) by which you would like to scroll.
Return Value
0 if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
PageRichTextFile, DspRichTextEdit, DspRichTextPgScroll
See Also
Display Functions
Ends the rubber band selection, and returns the coordinates of the rubber band selection.
The meaning of the cx and cy values depend on the nMode you specify in the DspRubStart()
DspRubEnd(x, y, cx, cy)
The x and y coordinates of the start position.
The x and y coordinates of the end position.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspRubStart, DspRubMove, DspRubSetClip
See DspRubStart
See Also
Display Functions
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Moves the rubber band selection to the new position. You must first have defined a rubber
band selection using the DspRubStart() and DspRubEnd() functions.
This function will erase the existing rubber band and then redraw it in the new position.
You would normally move the rubber band by mouse input, but you can get input from
the keyboard or any other Cicode to control the rubber band.
DspRubMove(x, y)
The x and y coordinates of the current position.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspRubStart, DspRubEnd, DspRubSetClip
See DspRubStart
See Also
Display Functions
Sets the clipping region for the rubber band display. If you enable the clipping region, the
rubber band will not move outside of the clip region. This allows you to restrict the rubber
band to within some constrained region. (For example, to prevent an operator from drag-
ging the rubber band outside of the trend display when zooming the trend.)
You must call this function (to enable the clipping region) before you can start the rubber
band selection (with the DspRubStart() function).
DspRubSetClip(x1, y1, x2, y2)
The x and y coordinates of the clipping region.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspRubStart, DspRubEnd, DspRubMove
// Set the clipping region to a rectangle starting at 100, 100 to
200, 300
DspRubSetClip(100, 100, 200, 300);
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
See Also
Display Functions
Starts the rubber band selection. Call this function when the left mouse button is pressed -
the rubber band is displayed at the starting position. Call the DspRubEnd() function to end
the selection, when the mouse button is released. The DspRubMove() function moves the
selection to the new position.
This function is used by the trend templates for the trend zoom function. Use the rubber
band functions whenever you want the operator to select a region on the screen or display
a dynamic rectangle on the screen.
You can only display one rubber band per page. If you display a second rubber band, the
first rubber band is erased. To move a rubber band with the mouse, use the OnEvent() func-
tion to get notification of the mouse movement, and then the DspRubMove() function. Be-
cause these are generic rubber-band display functions, you can get input from the
keyboard, Cicode variables, the I/O device, and the mouse.
DspRubStart(x, y, nMode)
The x and y coordinates of the current position.
The mode of the rubber banding operation:
0 - cx,cy as absolute pixel positions
1 - cx,cy in pixels relative to x,y
2 - (x,y) the distance from top left to (cx,cy)
4 - enable the rubber band selection using the clipping region defined by DspRub-
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspRubEnd, DspRubMove, DspRubSetClip, OnEvent
See also the ZOOM.CI file in the Include project for details.
INT xRub,yRub,cxRub,cyRub;
/* Call this function on left mouse button down. */
INT x,y;
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
See Also
Display Functions
Sets the current position of a slider at the specified AN. You can use this function to move
a slider, and adjust the value of the variable associated with the slider.
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and was superseded in
later releases.
DspSetSlider(AN, nPos)
The animation-point number.
The position of the slider from 0 to 32000 where 0 is the zero position of the slider
and 32000 if full position of the slider.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
// Set the position of the slider at AN 30 to 1/2 scale
DspSetSlider(30, 16000);
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
See Also
Display Functions
Sets tool tip text associated with an AN. Any existing text associated with the AN will be
replaced with the new text.
DspSetTip(AN, sText)
The animation-point number.
The tool tip text to set for the AN.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspGetTip, DspTipMode
!Set a tool tip for AN19
DspSetTip(19, "Start Slurry Pump");
See Also
Display Functions
Sets the font for tool tip text.
The parameter [Animator]TooltipFont also specifies the tool tip font. The parameter is
checked at startup, and if it is set, the font is set accordingly. You can then use DspSetTool-
tipFont() to override the parameter until the next time you start CitectSCADA.
DspSetTooltipFont(sName [, nPointSize] [, sAttribs] )
The name of the Windows font to be used, enclosed by quotation marks " ". A val-
ue for this parameter is required, however specifying an empty string "" will set
the tooltip font to the default of MS Sans Serif.
The size of the font in points. If you do not specify a value, the point size defaults
to 12.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
A string specifying the format of the font. Use one or all of the following, enclosed
by quotation marks " ":
B to specify Bold
I to specify Italics
U to specify Underline
If you don’t specify a value for this parameter, it will default to an empty string
and no formatting will be applied.
Return Value
No return value.
Related Functions
DspGetTip, DspTipMode
!Set the tool tip font to Bold, Italic, Times New Roman, with a
point size of 12
DspSetTooltipFont("Times New Roman", 12, "BI");
See Also
Display Functions
Determines whether the object at the specified AN will be grayed (hatch pattern) in the
event communication attempts are unsuccessful.
DspStatus(AN, nMode)
The animation-point number.
0 - Normal display when communication attempts are unsuccessful
1 - Gray the object (with a hatch pattern) when communication attempts are un-
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
DspStatus(67, 1)
// Disable the animation at AN 67
See Also
Display Functions
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Displays a string at a specified AN.
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and was superseded in
later releases.
DspStr(AN, sFont, sText)
The AN where the text will be displayed.
The name of the font that is used to display the text. The Font Name must be de-
fined in the Fonts database. If the font is not found, the default font is used.
The text to display.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspStr(25,"RedFont","Display this text");
/* Displays "Display this text" using "RedFont" at AN25. "RedFont"
must be defined in the Fonts database. */
See Also
Display Functions
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations. In later releases this func-
tion is redundant. The same functionality can be achieved using objects.
Displays a symbol at a specified AN. If the symbol number is 0, any existing symbol (at the
AN) is erased.
DspSym(AN, Symbol [, Mode] )
The AN where the symbol will be displayed.
The name of the symbol to display in the format <[LibName.]SymName>. If you
do not specify the library name, a symbol from the Global library will display (if
it exists).
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Not used. The mode is always set to 1, which means do not erase the existing
symbol, just draw the new symbol.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Display the centrifuge symbol (from the pumps library) at AN25.
! Display the centrifuge symbol (from the global library) at AN26.
See Also
Display Functions
Animates a series of symbols at an AN. Sym1 displays first, then Sym2, Sym3 . . . Sym8 and
then Sym1 displays again, etc. When the next symbol in the sequence is displayed, the cur-
rent symbol is not erased, but is overwritten to provide a smoother animation. The symbols
should all be the same size.
The frequency of changing the symbols is determined by the [Page]AnmDelay parameter.
You only need to call this function once to keep the animation going. To stop the animation
call the DspDel() function, or call this function again with different symbols (to change the
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations. In later releases this func-
tion is redundant. The same functionality can be achieved using objects.
DspSymAnm(AN, Sym1 [, Sym2 ... Sym8] [, iDisplayMode] [, sSym9] )
The AN where the animation will occur.
The name of the first symbol to animate in the format <[LibName.]SymName>. If
you do not specify the library name, a symbol from the Global library will display
(if it exists). Sym1 must be specified.
The names of the symbols to animate in frames 2 to 8 in the format <[Lib-
Name.]SymName>. If you do not specify the library name, a symbol from the
Global library will display (if it exists).
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Not used. Always set to -1, which means Soft animation. The background screen
(a rectangular region beneath the symbol) is restored with the original image.
Any objects that are within the rectangular region are destroyed when the back-
ground is restored. Use this mode when each animation symbol is a different size.
Not all symbols have to be specified. If for example, only two symbols are to dis-
play, specify Sym1 and Sym2.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Alternately displays the centrifuge symbol and the flotation symbol(from the pumps
library) at AN25.
See Also
Display Functions
Animates a series of symbols at an AN. Sym1 displays first, then Sym2, Sym3 . . . Sym9 and
then Sym1 displays again, etc. When the next symbol in the sequence is displayed, the cur-
rent symbol is not erased, but is overwritten to provide a smoother animation. The symbols
should all be the same size.
The frequency of changing the symbols is determined by the [Page]AnmDelay parameter.
You only need to call this function once to keep the animation going. To stop the animation
call this function again with a different Mode.
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations. In later releases this func-
tion is redundant. The same functionality can be achieved using objects.
DspSymAnmEx(AN, Mode, Sym1 [, Sym2 ... Sym9] )
The AN where the animation will occur.
Not used. Always set to -1, which means Soft animation. The background screen
(a rectangular region beneath the symbol) is restored with the original image.
Any objects that are within the rectangular region are destroyed when the back-
ground is restored. Use this mode when each animation symbol is a different size.
The name of the first symbol to animate in the format <[LibName.]SymName>. If
you do not specify the library name, a symbol from the Global library will display
(if it exists). Sym1 must be specified.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
The names of the symbols to animate in frames 2 to 9 in the format <[Lib-
Name.]SymName>. If you do not specify the library name, a symbol from the
Global library will display (if it exists).
Not all symbols have to be specified. If for example, only two symbols are to dis-
play, specify Sym1 and Sym2.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Alternately displays the centrifuge symbol and the flotation symbol(from the pumps
library) at AN25.
See Also
Display Functions
Displays a symbol at the specified scale and offset from the AN position.
By calling this function continuously, you can move symbols around the screen and change
their size and shape, to simulate trippers, elevators, and so on. You change the PositionX,
PositionY values to change the position of the symbol, the SizeX, SizeY values to change its
size, or the symbol itself to change its shape.
You can only use this function at a blank AN, or an AN with a symbol defined without sym-
bols configured. The AN must not be attached to any other animation object.
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and was superseded in
later releases.
DspSymAtSize(AN, sSym, PositionX, PositionY, SizeX, SizeY, Mode)
The AN where the symbol will be animated.
The name of the symbol to display, move, or size. If sSym is 0 (zero), any existing
symbol at the AN is erased.
The horizontal offset position (from the AN) of the symbol (in pixels).
The vertical offset position (from the AN) of the symbol (in pixels).
SizeX, SizeY:
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
The horizontal and vertical scaling factors for the symbol (0 - 32000). For example,
if PositionX and PositionY are both 32000, the symbol is displayed at its normal
size. Please be aware that symbols can only be reduced in size.
The mode of the display:
-1 - Soft animation. The background screen (a rectangular region beneath the
symbol) is restored with the original image. Any objects that are within the
rectangular region are destroyed when the background is restored. Use
this mode when each animation symbol is a different size.
0 - Overlap animation. The background screen (beneath the symbol) is not erased
- the next symbol is displayed on top. Transparent color is supported in
this mode, allowing for symbol overlap. For this mode to display correctly,
each symbol must be the same size.
1 - Animate animation. The background screen (beneath the symbol) is not
erased - the next symbol is displayed on top. This mode provides the fast-
est animation. For this mode to display correctly, each symbol must be the
same size. Transparent color is not supported in this mode.
8 - Stops animation at last symbol displayed. Use this mode where you want to
freeze your animation at the end of the sequence.
16 - Stops animation at current symbol displayed. Use this mode where you
want to freeze your animation instantly.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspAnMove, DspAnMoveRel, DspSym
! Display tripper moving in x axis at normal size.
DspSymAtSize(21, "lib.tripper", x, 0, 32000, 32000, 0);
! Display elevator going up and down.
DspSymAtSize(22, "lib.elevator", 0, y, 32000, 32000, 0);
! Display can getting bigger and smaller.
DspSymAtSize(23, "lib.can", 0, 0, size, size, 0);
See Also
Display Functions
Displays text at an AN. This function does the same operation as DspStr(), however it uses
a font number rather than a font name.
Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and was superseded in
later releases.
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
DspText(AN, Font, Text)
The AN where the text will be displayed.
The font number that is used to display the text. (To use the default font, set to -1.)
The text to display.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspStr, DspFont, DspFontHnd
/* Displays "Display this text" at AN25 using the font defined as
BigFont. */
DspText(25,hBigFont,"Display this text");
See Also
Display Functions
Switches the display of tool tips on or off. This function overrides the setting in the
[Page]TipHelp parameter.
The display mode:
0 - Off
1 - On
2 - Toggle the tool tip mode
3 - Do not change the mode, just return the current value
Return Value
The old mode.
Related Functions
DspSetTip, DspGetTip
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
DspTipMode(1); //Switch on tool tips
See Also
Display Functions
Displays a trend at an AN. Values are plotted on the trend pens. You must specify Value1,
but Value2 to Value8 are optional. If more values (than configured pens) are specified, the
additional values are ignored. If fewer values (than configured pens) are specified, the pens
that have no values are not displayed.
DspTrend() is optimized so that it will not display the trend until a full set of samples has
been collected. For example, if you have defined 100 samples for your trend, the trend will
not display until value 100 is entered.
You should use this function only if you want to control the display of trends directly. If
you use the standard Trends (defined in the Trends database) this function is called auto-
DspTrend(AN,Trend,Value1 [,Value2 ... Value8] )
The AN where the trend will be displayed.
The name of the trend to display in the format <[LibName.]TrnName>. If you do
not specify the library name, a trend from the Global library will display (if it ex-
To display a Version 1.xx trend, specify the trend number (0 to 255). For example,
if you specify trend 1, CitectSCADA displays the trend Global.Trn001.
The value to display on Pen 1 of the trend.
The values to display on Pen 2...Pen 8 of the trend (optional).
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
/* Using the main_loop trend (from the trends library) at AN25,
display a value of 10 on Pen1, 20 on Pen2, 30 on Pen3 and 40 on
Pen4 of the trend. */
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
See Also
Display Functions
Get information on a trend definition.
DspTrendInfo( hTrend, Type, AN)
The name of the trend in the format <[LibName.]TrnName>. If you do not specify
the library name, a trend from the Global library is assumed.
To get information on a Version 1.xx trend, specify the trend number (0 to 255).
For example, if you specify trend 1, CitectSCADA obtains information from the
trend Global.Trn001.
Type of trend info:
0 - Type of trend:
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
0 = line
1 = bar
1 - Number of samples in trend
2 - Height of trend (in pixels)
3 - Width of trend sample (in pixels)
4 - Number of trend pens
11 - Color of pen 1. If the pen uses flashing color, the initial color used. (Use type
19 to determine the secondary flashing color for pen 1.)
12 - Color of pen 2. If the pen uses flashing color, the initial color used. (Use type
20 to determine the secondary flashing color for pen 2.)
13 - Color of pen 3. If the pen uses flashing color, the initial color used. (Use type
21 to determine the secondary flashing color for pen 3.)
14 - Color of pen 4. If the pen uses flashing color, the initial color used. (Use type
22 to determine the secondary flashing color for pen 4.)
15 - Color of pen 5. If the pen uses flashing color, the initial color used. (Use type
23 to determine the secondary flashing color for pen 5.)
16 - Color of pen 6. If the pen uses flashing color, the initial color used. (Use type
24 to determine the secondary flashing color for pen 6.)
17 - Color of pen 7. If the pen uses flashing color, the initial color used. (Use type
25 to determine the secondary flashing color for pen 7.)
18 - Color of pen 8. If the pen uses flashing color, the initial color used. (Use type
26 to determine the secondary flashing color for pen 8.)
19 - The secondary color used for pen 1, if flashing color is used.
20 - The secondary color used for pen 2, if flashing color is used.
21 - The secondary color used for pen 3, if flashing color is used.
22 - The secondary color used for pen 4, if flashing color is used.
23 - The secondary color used for pen 5, if flashing color is used.
24 - The secondary color used for pen 6, if flashing color is used.
25 - The secondary color used for pen 7, if flashing color is used.
26 - The secondary color used for pen 8, if flashing color is used.
The AN where the trend is displayed.
Return Value
The trend information (as an integer). If Pen Color (Types 11 - 18) is requested from a bar
trend, the return value is -1.
Related Functions
! get the number of samples for the main_loop trend (from the
trends library).
nSamples = DspTrendInfo("Trends.Main_Loop", 1);
! get the number of samples for trend 3 (CitectSCADA
Chapter: 25 Display Functions
Version 1.xx).
nSamples = DspTrendInfo(3, 1);
See Also
Display Functions
Chapter: 26 DLL Functions
The DLL (Dynamic Link Library) functions allow you to call any DLL, including the Win-
dows standard functions, any third-party library, or your own library.
With the DLL functions, you can write functions in ’C’, Pascal, or any other language that
supports DLLs, and then call those functions from CitectSCADA.
DLL Functions
Following are functions relating to DLLs:
DLLCall Calls a DLL function.
DLLCallEx Calls a DLL function, and passes the specified arguments to that function.
DLLClose Closes a link to a DLL function.
DLLOpen Opens a link to a DLL function.
See Also
Functions Reference
Calls a DLL function, and passes a string of arguments to that function. CitectSCADA con-
verts these arguments (where required) into the type specified in the DLLOpen() call. If an
argument cannot be converted, it is set to zero (0) or an empty string "".
You must first open the DLL with the DLLOpen() function.
Only one call to the DLLCall() function can be made at a time, which means runtime will
wait for the called function to return before doing anything else. If the called function takes
too long to return, it won’t let other tasks execute. Therefore, care must be taken so that one
call returns before the next is made.
Good programming practice requires that functions which are not expected to complete in
a short time are run as separate Windows threads and return a value immediately to Cit-
DLLCall(hFunction, sArgs)
The DLL function handle, returned from DLLOpen().
The string of arguments to pass to the DLL function. The argument string con-
tains all the arguments for the function, separated by commas (,). Enclose string
arguments in quote marks "", and use the string escape character (^) to put a
string delimiter within a string. This syntax is the same as the syntax for the
TaskNew() function
Chapter: 26 DLL Functions
Return Value
The result of the function, as a string.
Related Functions
DLLOpen, DLLClose
See DLLOpen
See Also
DLL Functions
Calls a DLL function, and passes the specified arguments to that function.
You must first open the DLL with the DLLOpen function.
Only one call to the DLLCallEx() function can be made at a time, which means runtime will
wait for the called function to return before doing anything else. If the called function takes
too long to return, it won’t let other tasks execute. Therefore, care must be taken so that one
call returns before the next is made.
Good programming practice requires that functions which are not expected to complete in
a short time are run as separate Windows threads and return a value immediately to Cit-
The DLL function handle, returned from DLLOpen().
A variable length parameter list of method arguments. The parameters will be
passed to the function in the order that you enter them. Specifying too few or too
many parameters will generate an Invalid Argument hardware error. An Invalid
Argument hardware error will also be generated if you specify a parameter to the
DLL function with the wrong type.
Return Value
The result of the function. If the DLL function returns a string then your Cicode return vari-
able should be of type STRING. All other types will be INT.
Related Functions
DLLOpen, DLLClose
/* This function is called when CitectSCADA starts up,
to initialize all the DLLs that are called */
INT hAnsiUpper;
INT hGlobalAlloc;
Chapter: 26 DLL Functions
! Open DLL to AnsiUpper
hAnsiUpper = DLLOpen("USER.DLL", "AnsiUpper", "CC");
hGlobalAlloc = DLLOpen("Kernel", "GlobalAlloc", "IIJ");
/* This is the Cicode entry point into the DLL function call. This
function hides the DLL interface from the rest of CitectSCADA. *
FUNCTION AnsiUpper(STRING sString)
STRING sResult;
sResult = DLLCallEx(hAnsiUpper, sString);
RETURN sResult;
/* Allocate memory and return memory handle */
FUNCTION GlobalAlloc(INT Mode, INT Length)
INT hMem;
hMem = DLLCallEx(hGlobalAlloc, Mode, Length);
See Also
DLL Functions
Closes the link to a DLL function, and frees the memory allocated for that function link.
When the link is closed, you cannot call the function. CitectSCADA automatically closes all
function links at shutdown.
The DLL function handle, returned from DLLOpen().
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DLLOpen, DLLCall
See DLLOpen
See Also
DLL Functions
Opens a link to a DLL function, by loading the specified DLL library into memory and at-
taching it to the named function. After you open the function link, you can call the function
Chapter: 26 DLL Functions
with the DLLCall() function. You pass the function number returned from the DLLOpen()
function as an argument in the DLLCall() function.
One accepted method for interfacing with a DLL function is to write a Cicode function file.
This file contains the DLLOpen() function to initialize the functions, and one Cicode func-
tion for each DLL function, as an interface. In this way, you can hide the DLL interface in
this file. Any other Cicode function will call the Cicode interface, and the call to the DLL
remains transparent.
Please be aware that DLLs must be on the path. The file extension is not required.
Note: You must specify the arguments to the function correctly. CitectSCADA has no way
of checking the number and type of arguments to the function. If you specify the number
of arguments incorrectly, your computer will crash. You should test your interface thor-
oughly before using it on a live system.
DLLOpen(sLib, sName, sArgs)
The DLL library name.
The function name. An underscore (_) is required in the function name for a ’C’
function, but not for a Pascal function. When you call a DLL from a Cicode func-
tion, sName must be the same as the name defined in the .DEF file used to link
the DLL. The file extension is not required.
The string specifying the function arguments. The first character in the string is
the return value of the function.
A - Logical.
B - IEEE 8 byte floating point number.
C - Null terminated string. Maximum string length 255 characters.
D - Byte counted string. First byte contains the length of the string, maximum
string length 255 characters.
H - Unsigned 2 byte integer.
I - Signed 2 byte integer.
J - Signed 4 byte integer.
Return Value
The DLL function handle, or -1 if the library or function could not be found or loaded.
Related Functions
DLLCall, DLLClose
/* This function is called when CitectSCADA starts up,
to initialize all the DLLs that are called */
INT hAnsiUpper;
INT hGlobalAlloc;
Chapter: 26 DLL Functions
! Open DLL to AnsiUpper
hAnsiUpper = DLLOpen("USER.DLL", "AnsiUpper", "CC");
hGlobalAlloc = DLLOpen("Kernel", "GlobalAlloc", "IIJ");
/* This is the Cicode entry point into the DLL function call. This
function hides the DLL interface from the rest of CitectSCADA. */
FUNCTION AnsiUpper(STRING sString)
STRING sResult;
sResult = DLLCall(hAnsiUpper, "^"" + sString + "^"");
RETURN sResult;
/* Allocate memory and return memory handle */
FUNCTION GlobalAlloc(INT Mode, INT Length)
STRING sResult;
INT hMem;
sResult = DLLCall(hGlobalAlloc, Mode : #### + "," + Length : ####);
hMem = StrToInt(sResult);
See Also
DLL Functions
Chapter: 26 DLL Functions
Chapter: 27 Error Functions
The error functions trap and process errors. You can use these functions to check the status
of any other function.
Error Functions
Following are functions relating to errors:
ErrCom Gets the communication status for the current Cicode task.
ErrDrv Gets a protocol-specific error message.
ErrGetHw Gets a hardware error code.
ErrHelp Displays help information about a hardware error.
ErrInfo Gets error information.
ErrLog Logs a system error.
ErrMsg Gets the error message associated with a hardware error.
ErrSet Sets the error mode.
ErrSetHw Sets a hardware error.
ErrSetLevel Sets the error level.
ErrTrap Generates an error trap.
IsError Checks for an error.
See Also
Functions Reference
Gets the communication status for the current Cicode task. You can call this function in re-
ports, Cicode that is associated with an object, and in any Cicode task.
Return Value
0 (zero) if all I/O device data associated with the task is valid, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
IF ErrCom()<>0 THEN
Prompt("I/O device data is bad");
In a report format:
Chapter: 27 Error Functions
IF ErrCom()<>0 THEN
PrintLn("This Report contains bad data");
See Also
Error Functions
Gets a protocol-specific error message and native error code.
ErrDrv(sProtocol, sField, nError)
The CitectSCADA protocol.
The field in the PROTERR.DBF database:
The protocol specific error code. This field must be a variable as it also the place
where the returned error code is stored.
Since the first 34 specific error codes are standard for all protocols, CitectSCADA
may add ’masking’ to make the error code unique. For example, if an I/O device
returns errors 1 to 10 (which are already used), the driver may add 0x100000 to
its error codes. When this function is called, the mask will be removed before the
result is returned to this variable.
Return Value
The error message (as a string), or an empty string ("") if the error is not found. The error
code is returned into the nError variable.
Related Functions
ErrInfo, ErrHelp
// Get the error message and number associated with error 108
nError = 108;
sError = ErrDrv("TIWAY", "MESSAGE", nError);
Chapter: 27 Error Functions
See Also
Error Functions
Gets the current hardware error status for an I/O device.
I/O devices can be grouped into 2 distinct categories: Those that are created by the system
engineer, and those that are created by CitectSCADA itself.
I/O devices that are created by the system engineer include any I/O device listed in the Ci-
tectSCADA I/O devices database, and any device visible as a record in the I/O Device form
in the Project Editor.
I/O devices that are created by CitectSCADA include Generic, LAN, Cicode, Animation,
Reports Server, Alarms Server, Trends Server, and I/O Server, and are those specifically not
created by the system engineer.
The argument’s values you supply in this function are used by CitectSCADA to determine
which type of device hardware alarm you want to work with.
Note: Do not use this function if you have more than 511 I/O devices in your project and
the flag [Code]BackwardCompatibleErrHw is set to 1. You may retrieve the hardware error
status for the wrong I/O device.
ErrGetHw(Device, DeviceType)
For I/O devices that are created by the system engineer, select the IODevNo as
the argument value.
To determine the IODevNo of a physical I/O device in your project, use the I/O
device record number from the I/O Device form in the Citect Project Editor. When
using an IODevNo, the DeviceType argument must be set to 2.
For I/O devices that are created by CitectSCADA itself, select one of the following
options as the argument value:
Reports Server
Alarms Server
Trends Server
I/O Server
Select a value from the following options to indicate the ’Type of Device’ used in
the Device argument:
0 - for I/O devices that are created by CitectSCADA itself (Generic, LAN, Cicode,
Animation, etc).
2 - for I/O devices that are created by the system engineer.
The DeviceType argument was added to this function in CitectSCADA V5.40
and later. Earlier versions of CitectSCADA did not pass a value for the Device-
Chapter: 27 Error Functions
Type argument (as it did not exist). CitectSCADA versions prior to V5.40 identi-
fied an I/O device by passing the IODevNo (masked with the value of 8192) to the
function as the Device argument, in the structure:
IODevNo + 8192
This was for versions of CitectSCADA permitting a maximum limit of 4095 I/O
Versions of CitectSCADA prior to V5.20 masked the IODevNo with a value of
512. The backward compatibility flag for using this mask must be set in the Cit-
ect.INI file (see code parameter BackwardCompatibleErrHw.).
Return Value
The detected error.
Related Functions
ErrHelp, ErrInfo, ErrMsg, ErrSetHw
! Sets Error to the current error status for the animation device.
IF Error=0 THEN
DspText(4,0,"Hardware error");
See Also
Error Functions
Displays information about a hardware error.
The Cicode hardware error string (as returned by ErrMsg()).
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error (274) is returned.
Related Functions
ErrInfo, IsError, ErrMsg
Chapter: 27 Error Functions
! Invokes the CitectSCADA Help with help on the
hardware alarm.
iResult = ErrHelp(ErrMsg(IsError()));
See Also
Error Functions
Gets extended error information on the last error that was detected.
The type of error information. If type is 0 (zero), function returns the animation
number where the error occurred.
Return Value
The error information.
! Get the animation number where the last error occurred
AN = ErrInfo(0);
See Also
Error Functions
Logs a message to the CitectSCADA system log file.
This function is useful for logging errors in user functions, and for debugging user func-
tions. The CitectSCADA system log file ’SYSLOG.DAT’ is created in the local Windows di-
rectory of the computer, eg C:\WINDOWS.
The message to log. This field can also contain control (such as /n) and formatting
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 27 Error Functions
Related Functions
DebugMsg, DebugMsgSet, CodeTrace, TraceMsg, Halt
ErrLog("Invalid arg in Myfunc");
See Also
Error Functions
Gets the error message associated with a detected hardware error.
The hardware error number returned from the IsError() function.
Return Value
The error message (as a string). A null value is returned if nError is not in the range of
Cicode errors.
Related Functions
IsError, ErrHelp, ErrInfo, ErrTrap
//Get the message of the last hardware error
sMsg = ErrMsg(IsError());
See Also
Error Functions
Sets the error-checking mode. When Mode is set to 0 and an error occurs that causes a com-
ponent to stop executing, CitectSCADA halts the execution of the Cicode task that caused
the error, and generates a hardware error.
You can perform error checking by setting Mode to 1 and using the IsError() function to trap
errors. When the type of error is determined, you can control what happens under partic-
ular error conditions.
Chapter: 27 Error Functions
The operation of the ErrSet() function is unique to each Cicode task. If you enable user error
checking for one task, it does not enable error checking for any other tasks.
Note: This has changed from previous versions of CitectSCADA where this feature used to
affect all Cicode tasks.
Error-checking mode:
0 - default - CitectSCADA will check for errors.
1 - The user must check for errors.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
IsError, ErrSetHw, ErrSetLevel
! Sets Error to 273 (divide by zero).
See Also
Error Functions
Sets the hardware error status for a hardware device. Call this function to generate a hard-
ware error.
I/O devices can be grouped into two distinct categories: those created by the system engi-
neer, and those created by CitectSCADA itself.
I/O devices that are created by the system engineer, are any I/O device listed in the Cit-
ectSCADA I/O devices database, visible as records in the I/O Device form in the Project Ed-
I/O devices that are created by CitectSCADA, including Generic, LAN, Cicode, Animation,
Reports Server, Alarms Server, Trends Server, and I/O Server (are those specifically not cre-
ated by the system engineer).
The arguments values you supply in this function are used by CitectSCADA to determine
the type of device hardware alarm you want to work with.
Note: To use this function, you must set [Code]BackwardCompatibleErrHw to 1. You can-
not use this function if you have more than 511 I/O devices in your project.
Chapter: 27 Error Functions
ErrSetHw(Device, Error, DeviceType)
For I/O devices that are created by the system engineer, select the IODevNo as
the argument value.
To determine the IODevNo of a physical I/O device in your project, use the I/O
device record number from the I/O Device form in the Citect Project Editor. When
using an IODevNo, the DeviceType argument must be set to 2.
For I/O devices that are created by CitectSCADA itself, select one of the following
options as the argument value:
0 - Generic
1 - LAN
2 - Cicode
3 - Animation
4 - Reports Server
5 - Alarms Server
6 - Trends Server
7 - I/O Server
The error code.
Select a value from the following options to indicate the ’Type of Device’ used in
the Device argument:
0 - For I/O devices that are created by CitectSCADA itself (Generic, LAN, Cicode,
Animation, etc).
2 - For I/O devices that are created by the system engineer.
The DeviceType argument was added to this function in CitectSCADA V5.40
and later. Earlier versions of CitectSCADA did not pass a value for the Device-
Type argument (as it did not exist). CitectSCADA versions prior to V5.40 identi-
fied an I/O device by passing the IODevNo (masked with the value of 8192) to the
function as the Device argument, in the structure:
IODevNo + 8192
This was for versions of CitectSCADA that permitted a maximum limit of 4095 I/
O devices.
Versions of CitectSCADA prior to V5.20 masked the IODevNo with a value of
512. The backward compatibility flag for using this mask must be set in the Cit-
ect.INI file (see code parameter BackwardCompatibleErrHw).
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
ErrHelp ErrMsg ErrSet ErrSetHw
Chapter: 27 Error Functions
! Generates a divide by zero error (273) on the report device.
! Resets any error on the animation device.
See Also
Error Functions
Sets the nesting error level to enable CitectSCADA error checking inside a nested function
(when CitectSCADA error checking has been disabled). This function returns the old error
level and sets a new error level.
The nesting error level is incremented every time the ErrSet(1) function is called.
The nesting error level.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! ErrorLevel 0 defaults to ErrSet(0) - enables CitectSCADA error-checking.
! ErrorLevel 1 - disables CitectSCADA error checking.
! Enables CitectSCADA error checking.
! ErrorLevel 2 - disables CitectSCADA error checking.
! Sets Error to 273 (divide by zero).
! Enables CitectSCADA error checking.
! Sets nesting error level to 0 to enable CitectSCADA error-checking.
! Cicode halts and a hardware alarm is generated.
Chapter: 27 Error Functions
! Resets nesting error level to disable CitectSCADA error-checking.
See Also
Error Functions
Generates an error trap. If CitectSCADA error checking is enabled, this function will gen-
erate a hardware error and may halt Cicode execution (see bHalt argument). If user error
checking is enabled, the user function specified in OnEvent(2,Fn) is called.
ErrTrap(Error, bHalt)
The error number to trap.
Determines whether the Cicode execution will be halted.
0 - Cicode execution is not halted
1 - Cicode execution is halted
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
ErrSetHw, ErrSet, ErrSetLevel, OnEvent
ErrTrap(273); ! Traps a divide by zero error.
See Also
Error Functions
Gets the current error value. The error value is set when any error is detected, and is reset
after this function is called. You can call this function if user error-checking is enabled or
You should call this function as soon as possible after the operation to be checked, because
the error code could be changed by the next error.
Chapter: 27 Error Functions
Return Value
The current error value. The current error is reset to 0 after this function is called.
Related Functions
! Enable user error-checking.
! Invalid ArcSine.
! Sets ErrorVariable to 274 (invalid argument passed).
See Also
Error Functions
Chapter: 27 Error Functions
Chapter: 28 Event Functions
The event functions trap and process asynchronous events.
Event Functions
Following are functions used to trap and process asynchronous events:
CallEvent Calls the event function for an event type.
ChainEvent Calls an event function, by function number.
GetEvent Gets the function number of the current callback event.
OnEvent Sets an event callback function, by event type.
SetEvent Sets an event callback function, by function number.
See Also
Functions Reference
Simulates an event, triggering any OnEvent() function that has the same Type argument
CitectSCADA starts running the function immediately, without reading any data from the
I/O devices. Any I/O device variable that you use will contain either 0 (zero) or the last val-
ue read.
CallEvent(Window, Type)
The number of the window, returned from the WinNew(), WinNewAt(), or Win-
Number() function.
The type of event:
0 - The mouse has moved. When the mouse moves the callback function is called.
The return value must be 0.
1 - A key has been pressed. When the user presses a key, the callback function is
called after CitectSCADA checks for hot keys. If the return value is 0, Cit-
ectSCADA checks for key sequences. If the return value is not 0, Cit-
ectSCADA assumes that you will process the key and does not check the
key sequence. It is up to you to remove the key from the key command line.
If you are using a right mouse button click as an event, you should read about the
ButtonOnlyLeftClick parameter.
2 - Error event. This event is called if an error is detected in Cicode, so you can
write a single error function to check for your errors. If the return value is
0, CitectSCADA continues to process the error and generates a hardware
error - it may then halt the Cicode task. If the return value is not 0, Cit-
Chapter: 28 Event Functions
ectSCADA assumes that you will process the error, and continues the
Cicode without generating a hardware error.
3 - Page user communication error. A communication error has been detected in
the data required for this page. If the return value is 0 (zero), CitectSCADA
still animates the page. If the return value is not zero, it does not update the
4 - Page user open. A new page is being opened. This event allows you to define
a single function that is called when all pages are opened. The return value
must be 0.
5 - Page user close. The current page is being closed. This event allows you to de-
fine a single function that is called when all pages are closed. The return
value must be 0.
6 - Page user always. The page is active. This event allows you to define a single
function that is called when all pages are active. The return value must be
7 - Page communication error. A communication error has been detected in the
data required for this page. Reserved for use by CitectSCADA.
8 - Page open. This event is called each time a page is opened. Reserved for use
by CitectSCADA.
9 - Page close. This event is called each time a page is closed. Reserved for use by
10 - Page always. This event is called while a page is active. Reserved for use by
11..17 - Undefined.
18 - Report start. The report server is about to start a new report. This event is
called on the report server. The return value must be 0.
19 - Device history. A device history has just completed. The return value must
be 0.
20 - Login. A user has just logged in.
21 - Logout. A user has just logged out.
22 - Trend needs repainting. This event is called each time CitectSCADA re-ani-
mates a real-time trend or scrolls an historical trend. You should use this
event to add additional animation to a trend, because CitectSCADA de-
letes all existing animation when a trend is re-drawn. (For example, if you
want to display extra markers, you must use this event.)
23 - Hardware error detected.
24 - Keyboard cursor moved. This event is called each time the keyboard com-
mand cursor moves. The cursor can be moved by the cursor keys, the
mouse, or the Cicode function KeySetCursor(). Please be aware that you
can find where the keyboard command cursor is located by calling the
function KeyGetCursor().
25 - Network shutdown. A Shutdown network command has been issued.
26 - Runtime system shutdown and restart. (Required because of configuration
27 - Event. An event has occurred.
28 - Accumulator. An accumulator has logged a value.
Chapter: 28 Event Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is set. To view the error, use the IsError() function.
Related Functions
OnEvent, GetEvent, WinNew, WinNewAt, WinNumber, IsError
! Call Event Type 1 - key has been pressed in the current window.
See Also
Event Functions
Calls an event function using the function handle. This creates a chain of event handlers
from a single event. Use the GetEvent() function to get the function number of the current
event handler.
The function handle, as returned from the GetEvent() function.
Return Value
The return value of the called event function.
Related Functions
OnEvent, GetEvent
Chapter: 28 Event Functions
See GetEvent
See Also
Event Functions
Gets the function handle of the existing callback event handler. You can use this function
handle in the ChainEvent() function to chain call the existing event function, or in the Set-
Event() function to restore the event handler.
The type of event:
0 - The mouse has moved. When the mouse moves the callback function is called.
The return value must be 0.
1 - A key has been pressed. When the user presses a key, the callback function is
called after CitectSCADA checks for hot keys. If the return value is 0, Cit-
ectSCADA checks for key sequences. If the return value is not 0, Cit-
ectSCADA assumes that you will process the key and does not check the
key sequence. It is up to you to remove the key from the key command line.
If you are using a right mouse button click as an event, you should read about the
ButtonOnlyLeftClick parameter.
2 - Error event. This event is called if an error is detected in Cicode, so you can
write a single error function to check for your errors. If the return value is
0, CitectSCADA continues to process the error and generates a hardware
error - it may then halt the Cicode task. If the return value is not 0, Cit-
ectSCADA assumes that you will process the error, and continues the
Cicode without generating a hardware error.
3 - Page user communication error. A communication error has been detected in
the data required for this page. If the return value is 0 (zero), CitectSCADA
still animates the page. If the return value is not zero, it does not update the
4 - Page user open. A new page is being opened. This event allows you to define
a single function that is called when all pages are opened. The return value
must be 0.
5 - Page user close. The current page is being closed. This event allows you to de-
fine a single function that is called when all pages are closed. The return
value must be 0.
6 - Page user always. The page is active. This event allows you to define a single
function that is called when all pages are active. The return value must be
7 - Page communication error. A communication error has been detected in the
data required for this page. Reserved for use by CitectSCADA.
8 - Page open. This event is called each time a page is opened. Reserved for use
by CitectSCADA.
Chapter: 28 Event Functions
9 - Page close. This event is called each time a page is closed. Reserved for use by
10 - Page always. This event is called while a page is active. Reserved for use by
11 - 17 Undefined.
18 - Report start. The report server is about to start a new report. This event is
called on the report server. The return value must be 0.
19 - Device history. A device history has just completed. The return value must
be 0.
20 - Login. A user has just logged in.
21 - Logout. A user has just logged out.
22 - Trend needs repainting. This event is called each time CitectSCADA re-ani-
mates a real-time trend or scrolls an historical trend. You should use this
event to add additional animation to a trend, because CitectSCADA de-
letes all existing animation when a trend is re-drawn. (For example, if you
want to display extra markers, you must use this event.)
23 - Hardware error detected.
24 - Keyboard cursor moved. This event is called each time the keyboard com-
mand cursor moves. The cursor can be moved by the cursor keys, the
mouse, or the Cicode function KeySetCursor(). Note that you can find
where the keyboard command cursor is located by calling the function
25 - Network shutdown. A Shutdown network command has been issued.
26 - Runtime system shutdown and restart. (Required because of configuration
27 - Event. An event has occurred.
28 - Accumulator. An accumulator has logged a value.
29 - Slider. A slider has been selected.
30 - Slider. A slider has moved.
31 - Slider. A slider has been released (that is stopped moving).
While responding to slider events 29, 30, and 31, you can set any variables but
you cannot call functions that cause immediate changes to animations on
the page (for example, DspText() and DspSym()).
Types 29, 30, & 31 relate only to V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and will be super-
seded in future releases.
32 - Shutdown. CitectSCADA is being shutdown.
33 - 127 - Reserved for future CitectSCADA use.
128 - 256 - User defined events. These events are for your own use.
Return Value
The function handle of the existing callback event handler, or -1 if there are no event han-
Related Functions
OnEvent, CallEvent, ChainEvent, SetEvent
Chapter: 28 Event Functions
! Get existing event handler.
! Trap mouse movements.
! Restore old event handler.
! Chain call old event handler.
RETURN ChainEvent(hFn);
See Also
Event Functions
Sets an event callback function for an event type. The callback function is called when the
event occurs.
Using callback functions saves polling or checking for events. Callback functions have no
arguments and must return an integer.
CitectSCADA starts running the function immediately, without reading any data from the
I/O devices. Any I/O device variable that you use will contain either 0 (zero) or the last val-
ue read. The return value of the callback will depend on the type of the event. Set the Fn
argument to 0 (zero) to disable the event.
OnEvent(Type, Fn)
The type of event:
0 - The mouse has moved. When the mouse moves the callback function is called.
The return value must be 0.
1 - A key has been pressed. When the user presses a key, the callback function is
called after CitectSCADA checks for hot keys. If the return value is 0, Cit-
ectSCADA checks for key sequences. If the return value is not 0, Cit-
ectSCADA assumes that you will process the key and does not check the
key sequence. It is up to you to remove the key from the key command line.
If you are using a right mouse button click as an event, you should read about the
ButtonOnlyLeftClick parameter.
2 - Error event. This event is called if an error is detected in Cicode, so you can
write a single error function to check for your errors. If the return value is
0, CitectSCADA continues to process the error and generates a hardware
error - it may then halt the Cicode task. If the return value is not 0, Cit-
ectSCADA assumes that you will process the error, and continues the
Cicode without generating a hardware error.
Chapter: 28 Event Functions
Chapter: 28 Event Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
GetEvent, CallEvent, ChainEvent
! Calls a function named KeyFn().
INT Key;
IF Key=27 THEN
Prompt("ESC pressed");
! Calls a function named MouseFn().
See Also
Event Functions
Chapter: 28 Event Functions
Sets an event callback function by specifying a function handle. You can use this function
with the GetEvent() function to restore an old event handler.
SetEvent(Type, hFn)
The type of event:
0 - The mouse has moved. When the mouse moves the callback function is called.
The return value must be 0.
1 - A key has been pressed. When the user presses a key, the callback function is
called after CitectSCADA checks for hot keys. If the return value is 0, Cit-
ectSCADA checks for key sequences. If the return value is not 0, Cit-
ectSCADA assumes that you will process the key and does not check the
key sequence. It is up to you to remove the key from the key command line.
If you are using a right mouse button click as an event, you should read about the
ButtonOnlyLeftClick parameter.
2 - Error event. This event is called if an error is detected in Cicode, so you can
write a single error function to check for your errors. If the return value is
0, CitectSCADA continues to process the error and generates a hardware
error - it may then halt the Cicode task. If the return value is not 0, Cit-
ectSCADA assumes that you will process the error, and continues the
Cicode without generating a hardware error.
3 - Page user communication error. A communication error has been detected in
the data required for this page. If the return value is 0 (zero), CitectSCADA
still animates the page. If the return value is not zero, it does not update the
4 - Page user open. A new page is being opened. This event allows you to define
a single function that is called when all pages are opened. The return value
must be 0.
5 - Page user close. The current page is being closed. This event allows you to de-
fine a single function that is called when all pages are closed. The return
value must be 0.
6 - Page user always. The page is active. This event allows you to define a single
function that is called when all pages are active. The return value must be
7 - Page communication error. A communication error has been detected in the
data required for this page. Reserved for use by CitectSCADA.
8 - Page open. This event is called each time a page is opened. Reserved for use
by CitectSCADA.
9 - Page close. This event is called each time a page is closed. Reserved for use by
10 - Page always. This event is called while a page is active. Reserved for use by
11..17 - Undefined.
18 - Report start. The report server is about to start a new report. This event is
called on the report server. The return value must be 0.
Chapter: 28 Event Functions
19 - Device history. A device history has just completed. The return value must
be 0.
20 - Login. A user has just logged in.
21 - Logout. A user has just logged out.
22 - Trend needs repainting. This event is called each time CitectSCADA re-ani-
mates a real-time trend or scrolls an historical trend. You should use this
event to add additional animation to a trend, because CitectSCADA de-
letes all existing animation when a trend is re-drawn. (For example, if you
want to display extra markers, you must use this event.)
23 - Hardware error has been detected.
24 - Keyboard cursor moved. This event is called each time the keyboard com-
mand cursor moves. The cursor can be moved by the cursor keys, the
mouse, or the Cicode function KeySetCursor(). Please be aware that you
can find where the keyboard command cursor is located by calling the
function KeyGetCursor().
25 - Network shutdown. A Shutdown network command has been issued.
26 - Runtime system shutdown and restart. (Required because of configuration
27 - Event. An event has occurred.
28 - Accumulator. An accumulator has logged a value.
29 - Slider. A slider has been selected.
30 - Slider. A slider has moved.
31 - Slider. A slider has been released (that is stopped moving).
While responding to slider events 29, 30, and 31, you can set any variables but
you cannot call functions that cause immediate changes to animations on
the page (for example, DspText() and DspSym()). Types 29, 30, & 31 relate
only to V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and will be superseded in future re-
32 - Shutdown. CitectSCADA is being shutdown.
33... 127 - Reserved for future CitectSCADA use.
128... 256 - User-defined events. These events are for your own use.
The function handle, as returned from the GetEvent() function.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
See GetEvent.
See Also
Event Functions
Chapter: 29 File Functions
The file functions provide access to standard ASCII files. You can open or create files and
then read and write data in free format. Use these functions when you require more com-
plex file operations than are possible with the device functions. For example, importing
and exporting data to and from other programs (that support ASCII files).
You can build complex I/O functionality by combining these functions with the format
File Functions
Following are functions relating to file operations:
FileClose Closes a file.
FileCopy Copies a file or group of files.
FileDelete Deletes a file.
FileEOF Checks for the end of a file.
FileExist Checks if a file exists.
FileFind Finds a file that matches a specified search criteria.
FileFindClose Closes a find (started with FileFind) that did not run to comple-
FileGetTime Gets the time on a file.
FileMakePath Creates a file path string from individual components.
FileOpen Opens or creates an ASCII file.
FilePrint Prints a file on a device.
FileRead Reads characters from a file.
FileReadBlock Reads a block of characters from a file.
FileReadLn Reads a line from a file.
FileRename Renames a file.
FileRichTextPrint Prints a rich text file.
FileSeek Seeks a position in a file.
FileSetTime Sets the time on a file.
FileSize Gets the size of a file.
FileSplitPath Splits a file path into individual string components.
FileWrite Writes characters to a file.
FileWriteBlock Writes a block of characters to a file.
FileWriteLn Writes a line to a file.
See Also
Functions Reference
Closes a file. All data written to the file is flushed to disk when the file is closed, and the file
number becomes invalid.
Chapter: 29 File Functions
The file number.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Do file operations.
! Close the file.
See Also
File Functions
Copies a file. You can use the DOS wild card characters (*) and (?) to copy groups of files.
In asynchronous Mode, this function will return immediately and the copy will continue in
the background. Unless you are accessing to the floppy drive, copying files does not inter-
fere with the operation of other CitectSCADA tasks, because this function is time-sliced.
FileCopy(Source, Dest, Mode)
The name of the source file to copy.
The name of destination file to copy to. To copy a file to the printer, specify the
name as "LPT1.DOS".
The copy mode:
0 - Normal
1 - Copy only if the file time is different.
2 - Copy in asynchronous mode.
Multiple modes can be selected by adding them together (for example, set Mode to 3 to copy
in asynchronous mode if the file time is different).
Chapter: 29 File Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned. However, if you copy in asynchronous
mode, the return value does not reflect whether the copy operation was successful or not,
because the function returns before the actual copy is complete.
Related Functions
! Copy Report.Txt to Report.Bak.
FileCopy ("C:\Data\Report.Txt", "C:\Data\Report.Bak",0);
/* Copy AlarmLog.Txt to AlarmLog.Bak only if the file time is
different. Copy in the background. */
FileCopy ("AlarmLog.Txt", "AlarmLog.Bak",1+2);
See Also
File Functions
Deletes a file.
The name of the file to delete.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Delete old report file.
See Also
File Functions
Determines if the end of the file has been reached.
Chapter: 29 File Functions
The file number.
Return Value
1 if the end of file has been reached, otherwise 0 (zero).
Related Functions
See Also
File Functions
Checks if a file exists. If the return value is 1, the file exists.
The name of the file to check.
Return Value
TRUE (1) if the file exists, otherwise FALSE (0).
Related Functions
! Check if the file exists
IF FileExist("C:\Data\Report.Txt") THEN
! The file exists
See Also
File Functions
Finds a file that matches a specified search criteria. To find a list of files, you must first call
this function with the required path and mode (to find the first file), then call the function
Chapter: 29 File Functions
again with an empty path and a mode of 0 (to find the remaining files). After the last file is
found, an empty string is returned.
If the search is for multiple files, FileFindClose must be called if the search does not run to
completion (for example, you do not run until an empty string is returned).
FileFind(sPath, nMode)
The name of the file to check. To search for multiple files, the wildcards * and ?
can be used to match multiple entries.
The type of file to check:
0 - Normal files (includes files with read-only and archived attributes)
1 - Read-only files only
2 - Hidden files only
4 - System files only
16 - Subdirectories only
32 - Archived files only
128 - Files with no attributes only
These numbers can be added together to search for multiple types of files during
one search.
Return Value
The full path and filename. If no files are found, an empty string is returned.
Related Functions
FileOpen, FileSplitPath, FileMakePath
! Search for all dBase files in the run directory and make a backup
sPath = FileFind("[run]:\*.dbf", 0);
WHILE StrLength(sPath) > 0 DO
FileSplitPath(sPath, sDrive, sDir, sFile, sExt);
sBak = FileMakePath(sDrive, sDir, sFile, "BAK");
FileCopy(sPath, sBak, 0);
! Find the next file
sPath = FileFind("", 0);
See Also
File Functions
Closes a find (started with FileFind) that did not run to completion.
Chapter: 29 File Functions
Return Value
0 if no error is detected, or a Cicode error code if an error occurred.
Related Functions
//Find the first dbf file starting with fred
sPath = FileFind("[run]:\fred*.dbf", 0);
IF (StrLength(sPath) > 0) THEN
//Do work here
See Also
File Functions
Gets the time on a file.
The file number.
Return Value
The file time of the file (in the CitectSCADA time/date variable format).
Related Functions
FileOpen, FileClose, FileSetTime
File = FileOpen("[data]:report.txt", "r");
! Get the time of the file
iTime = FileGetTime(File);
See Also
File Functions
Creates a file path string from individual components.
Chapter: 29 File Functions
FileMakePath(sDrive, sDir, sFile, sExt)
The disk drive.
The directory string.
The file name (without the extension).
The file extension.
Return Value
The full path as a string.
Related Functions
FileSeek, FileFind, FileSplitPath
See FileFind
See Also
File Functions
Opens a file and returns a file number that can be used by other file functions.
You can also use this function to check if a file exists, by opening the file in read-only mode.
A return value of -1 indicates that the file cannot be opened.
ErrSet(1) needs to be in the previous line of your code, else the execution stops and a hard-
ware error is generated. If ErrSet(1) is used then it doesn’t halt, and -1 is returned.
FileOpen(Name, Mode)
The name of the file to open.
The mode of the opened file:
"a" - Append mode. Allows you to append to the file without removing the end
of file marker. The file cannot be read. If the file does not exist, it will be
"a+" - Append and read modes. Allows you to append to the file and read from
it. The end of file marker will be removed before writing and restored
when writing is complete. If the file does not exist, it will be created.
"r" - Read-only mode. Allows you to (only) read from the file. If the file does not
exist or cannot be found, the function call will return the value -1.
Chapter: 29 File Functions
"r+" - Read/write mode. Allows you to read from, and write to, the file. If the file
already exists (before the function is called), its contents will be deleted. If
the file does not exist or cannot be found, the function call will return the
value -1.
"w" - Write mode. Opens an empty file for writing. If the file already exists (before
the function is called), its contents will be deleted. If the file does not exist
or cannot be found, the file will be created.
"w+" - Read/write mode. Opens an empty file for both reading and writing. If the
file already exists (before the function is called), its contents will be deleted.
If the file does not exist or cannot be found, the file will be created.
Return Value
The file number. If the file cannot be opened, -1 is returned and the code is halted.
Related Functions
FileClose, FileRead, FileReadLn, FileWrite, FileWriteLn
! Open a file in read-only mode.
See Also
File Functions
Prints a file on a device.
FilePrint(Devicename, Filename)
The name of the target device.
The name of the file to print on the device.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
FileOpen, FileClose, FileWrite, FileWriteLn
! Print a data file on the system printer.
Chapter: 29 File Functions
See Also
File Functions
Reads a number of characters from a file. The string can contain less characters than re-
quested if the end of file is reached. A maximum of 255 characters can be read in each call.
FileRead(File, Length)
The file number.
The number of characters to read.
Return Value
The text from the file (as a string).
Related Functions
FileOpen, FileClose, FileReadLn
See Also
File Functions
Reads a number of characters from a file. The buffer can contain less characters than re-
quested if the end of file is reached. A maximum of 255 characters can be read in each call.
The data should be treated as a binary data and should not be passed to string functions.
You may use StrGetChar() function to extract each character from the buffer, or pass the
buffer to another function which will accept binary data.
FileReadBlock(File, Buffer, Length)
The file number.
Chapter: 29 File Functions
The buffer to return the binary data. This may be a string or a string packed with
binary data. The string terminator is ignored and the length argument specifies
the number of characters to write.
The number of characters to read.
Return Value
The number of characters read from the file. When the end of the file is found 0 will be re-
turned. If an error occurs -1 will be returned and IsError() will return the error code.
Related Functions
FileOpen, FileClose, FileRead, FileWriteBlock, StrGetChar
// read binary file and copy to COM port
length = FileReadBlock(File, buf, 128);
WHILE length > 0 DO
ComWrite(hPort, buf, length, 0);
length = FileReadBlock(File, buf, 128);
See Also
File Functions
Reads a line from a file. Up to 255 characters can be returned. The carriage return and new-
line characters are not returned. If the line is longer than 255 characters, the error overflow
(code 275) is returned - you should call this function again to read the rest of the line.
The file number.
Return Value
The text, as a string.
Related Functions
FileOpen, FileClose, FileRead
sLine = FileReadLn(hFile);
! do stuff with the string
WHILE IsError() = 275 DO
! read the rest of the line
sLine = FileReadLn(hFile);
! do stuff with the rest of the line
Chapter: 29 File Functions
See Also
File Functions
Renames a file.
FileRename(Oldname, Newname)
The original name of the file.
The new name of the file.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
FileCopy, FileDelete
See Also
File Functions
Prints the rich text file sFilename to the printer given by sPortname.
FileRichTextPrint(sFilename, sPortName)
The filename of the rich text format file. The filename must be entered in quota-
tion marks "".
Remember that the filename for a saved report comes from the File Name field in
the Devices form. The location of the saved file must also be included as part of
the filename. For example, if the filename in the Devices form listed [Data];Rep-
Dev.rtf, then you would need to enter "[Data]\repdev.rtf" as your argument. Al-
ternatively, you can manually enter the path, for example,
Chapter: 29 File Functions
If you are keeping a number of history files for the report, instead of using the ex-
tension rtf, you must change it to reflect the number of the desired history file, for
example, 001.
The name of the printer port to which the rich text file will be printed. This name
must be enclosed within quotation marks "". For example "LPT1", to print to the
local printer, or "\\Pserver\canon1" using UNC to print to a network printer.
Return Values
0 if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
PageRichTextFile, DspRichTextPrint
// This would print the file [Data]\richtext.rtf to LPT1. Remember
that the [Data] path is specified in the Citect.ini file. The file
richtext.rtf is the name of the output file for the report, as
specified in the Devices form. //
iResult = FileRichTextPrint("[Data]\richtext.rtf","LPT1:");
// This would print the file f:\citect\data\richtext.rtf to LPT1.
The file richtext.rtf is the name of the output file for the
report, as specified in the Devices form. //
iResult =
See Also
File Functions
Moves the file pointer to a specified position in a file.
FileSeek(File, Offset)
The file number.
The offset in bytes, from 0 to the maximum file size -1.
Return Value
The new file position, or -1 if an error is detected.
Related Functions
Chapter: 29 File Functions
! Seek to the start of the file.
See Also
File Functions
Sets the time on a file.
Note: In order for this function to work, the file must first be opened in write or read/write
FileSetTime(File, iTime)
The file number.
The new file time, in the CitectSCADA time/date variable format.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
FileOpen, FileClose, FileGetTime
File = FileOpen("[data]:report.txt", "r+");
! set the file to the current time
See Also
File Functions
Gets the size of a file.
The file number.
Chapter: 29 File Functions
Return Value
The size of the file, in bytes.
Related Functions
! Get the size of the file.
See Also
File Functions
Splits a file path into individual string components. You enter the full path string as sPath.
The individual components of the path name are returned in the arguments sDrive, sDir,
sFile, and sExt.
FileSplitPath(sPath, sDrive, sDir, sFile, sExt)
The full path string.
The disk drive.
The directory string.
The file name (without the extension).
The file extension.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
FileSeek, FileFind, FileMakePath
See FileFind
See Also
File Functions
Chapter: 29 File Functions
Writes a string to a file. The string is written at the current file position.
FileWrite(File, String)
The file number.
The string to write.
Return Value
The number of characters written.
Related Functions
FileOpen, FileClose, FileWriteLn
! Write to the file.
See Also
File Functions
Writes a string or buffer to a file. The data is written at the current file position. You may
create the binary data by using the StrSetChar function or by reading the data from some
other function. This function is similar to the FileWrite() function however you specify the
length of data to write to the file. The FileWrite() function will send the data to the file until
the sting terminator is found. FileWriteBlock() will ignore any string terminator and copy
the length of bytes to the file. This allows this function to be used for binary data transfer.
FileWriteBlock(File, Buffer, Length)
The file number.
The data to write to the file. This may be a string or a string packed with binary
data. The string terminator is ignored and the length argument specifies the num-
ber of characters to write.
The number of characters to write. The maximum number of characters you may
write in one call is 255. (If you use a string without a terminator in a function that
expects a string, or in a Cicode expression, you could get invalid results.) To use
the string to build up a buffer, you do not need the terminating 0 (zero).
Chapter: 29 File Functions
Return Value
The number of characters written to the file. If an error is detected -1 will be returned and
IsError() will return the error code.
Related Functions
FileOpen, FileClose, FileWrite, FileReadBlock, StrSetChar
FOR I = 0 TO 20 DO
StrSetChar(buf, I, I); // put binary data into string
! Write binary data to the file.
FileWrite(File, buf, 20);
See Also
File Functions
Writes a string to a file, followed by a newline character. The string is written at the current
file position.
FileWriteLn(File, String)
The file number.
The string to write.
Return Value
The number of characters written (including the carriage return and newline characters).
Related Functions
FileOpen, FileClose, FileWrite
! Write a line to the file.
FileWriteLn(File,"Line of file data");
See Also
File Functions
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
Form functions create and display data entry forms. Use them to display large amounts of
data or request data from the operator; for example, to display, load, and/or edit a database
of recipes.
Form Functions
Following are functions relating to forms:
FormActive Checks if a form is currently active.
FormAddList Adds a text string to a list box or combo box.
FormButton Adds a button to a form.
FormCheckBox Adds a check box to the current form.
FormComboBox Adds a combo box to the current form.
FormCurr Gets the current form and field handles.
FormDestroy Removes a form from the screen.
FormEdit Adds edit fields to a form.
FormField Adds general fields to a form.
FormGetCurrInst Gets data associated with a field.
FormGetData Gets all data associated with a form.
FormGetInst Gets data associated with a field on a form.
FormGetText Gets field text on an active form.
FormGoto Go to a specified form.
FormGroupBox Adds a group box to the current form.
FormInput Adds an input field to a form.
FormListAddText Adds a new text entry to a combo box or a list box.
FormListBox Adds a list box to the current form.
FormListDeleteText Deletes existing text from combo box or list box.
FormListSelectText Selects (highlights) a text entry in a combo box or a list
FormNew Creates a new form.
FormNumPad Provides a keypad form for the operator to add numeric
FormOpenFile Displays a File Open dialog box.
FormPassword Adds a password (no echo) input field.
FormSecurePassword Adds a secure password (no echo) input field.
FormPosition Sets the position of a form on the screen, before it is dis-
FormPrompt Adds a prompt to a form.
FormRadioButton Adds a radio button to the current form.
FormRead Displays a form and reads user input.
FormSaveAsFile Displays a File Save As dialog box.
FormSelectPrinter Displays the Select Printer dialog box.
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
See Also
Functions Reference
Checks if a form is currently active (displayed on the screen). This function is useful when
forms are being displayed in asynchronous mode and another Cicode task is trying to ac-
cess the form.
The form handle, returned from the FormNew() function. The form handle iden-
tifies the table where all data on the associated form is stored.
Return Value
TRUE (1) if the form is active or FALSE (0) if it is not.
Related Functions
FormDestroy, FormNew
See FormDestroy
See Also
Form Functions
Adds a text string to a list box or combo box. You should call this function only after the
FormNew() function, and immediately after either the FormComboBox() or the FormList-
Box(), and before the FormRead() function otherwise an error is returned. The text is added
at the end of the list box or combo box.
To add text to a form that is already displayed, use the FormListAddText() function, and
use the FormListSelectText() function to highlight text on the list.
The text string to add to the list box or combo box.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
Related Functions
FormNew, FormRead, FormListBox, FormComboBox, FormListAddText, FormListDelete-
Text, FormListSelectText
See FormComboBox and FormListBox
See Also
Form Functions
Adds a button to the current form. You can add buttons that run callback functions (spec-
ified in Fn) to perform any actions you need, as well as the standard buttons - an [OK] but-
ton to save the operator’s entries and close the form, and a [Cancel] button to close the form
but discard the changes.
You should call this function only after the FormNew() function and before the FormRead()
function. The button is added to the form at the specified column and row position. The
width of the button is automatically sized to suit the text.
FormButton(Col, Row, sText, Fn, Mode)
The number of the column in which the button will be placed. Enter a number
from 0 (column 1) to the form width - 1. For example, to place the button in col-
umn 8, enter 7.
The number of the row in which the button will be placed. Enter a number from
0 (row 1) to the form height - 1. For example, to place the button in row 6, enter 5.
The text to display on the button.
The callback function to call when the button is selected. Set to 0 to call no func-
tion. Please be aware that the Fn parameter must be of type INT and the callback
function cannot contain a blocking function.
Button mode:
0 - Normal button. When this button is selected the callback function is called.
1 - OK button. When this button is selected, the form is closed, and all operator-
entered data is copied to buffers (specified by the other form functions).
FormRead() returns 0 (zero) to indicate a successful read. The callback
function specified in Fn is called. Note that this mode destroys the form.
2 - Cancel button. When this button is selected, the form is closed and operator-
entered data is discarded. FormRead() returns with an error 299. The call-
back function specified in Fn is called. Note that this mode destroys the
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
Return Value
The field handle if the button is successfully added, otherwise -1 is returned.
Related Functions
FormNew, FormRead
! Create a form, add buttons and then display the form on the
current page
FormButton(0 ,4 ," FIND ", FindMenu, 0);
FormButton(10,4 ," TAG ", ShowTag, 0);
FormButton(0 ,5 ," CANCEL ", KillForm, 0);
FormButton(10,5 ," GOTO ", GotoPg, 0);
See Also
Form Functions
Adds a check box to the current form. The check box is a form control that allows the oper-
ator to make individual selections. Each check box can be either checked (true) or cleared
You should call this function only after the FormNew() function and before the FormRead()
function. The check box is added to the form at the specified column and row position. The
width of the button is automatically sized to suit the text.
FormCheckBox(Col, Row, sText, sBuf)
The number of the column in which the check box will be placed. Enter a number
from 0 (column 1) to the form width - 1. For example, to place the check box in
column 8, enter 7.
The number of the row in which the check box will be placed. Enter a number
from 0 (row 1) to the form height - 1. For example, to place the check box in row
6, enter 5.
The text associated with the check box.
The string buffer in which to put the state of the check box. You should initialize
this buffer to the state of the check box. When the form returns, this buffer will
contain either ’1’ or ’0’ if the box is checked.
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
Return Value
The field handle if the check box is successfully added, otherwise -1 is returned.
Related Functions
FormNew, FormRead
! Create a form, add check boxes, and display the form.
! The operator may select none or all of the check boxes.
STRING sNuts, sCherrys, sChocolate;
sNuts= "1";
sCherrys= "0";
sChocolate= "1";
FormCheckBox(2 ,2,"Nuts",sNuts);
FormCheckBox(2, 3,"Cherrys",sCherrys);
FormCheckBox(2 ,4,"Chocolate",sChocolate);
If sNuts = "1" THEN
! add the nuts
IF sCherrys = "1" THEN
! add the cherrys
IF sChocolate = "1" THEN
! add the chocolate
See Also
Form Functions
Adds a combo box to the current form. A combo box is a form control that allows the oper-
ator to type a selection or make a single selection from a text list.
You should call this function only after the FormNew() function and before the FormRead()
function. The combo box is added to the form at the specified column and row position
with the specified width and height. If more items are placed in the list than the list can dis-
play, a scroll bar displays (to scroll to the hidden items).
Use the FormAddList() function to add items for display in the list box. If the form is al-
ready displayed, you can use the FormListAddText() and FormListSelectText() functions
to add (and highlight) text in the list box.
FormComboBox(Col, Row, Width, Height, sBuf [, Mode] )
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
The number of the column in which the combo box will be placed. Enter a num-
ber from 0 (column 1) to the form width - 1. For example, to place the combo box
in column 8, enter 7.
The number of the row in which the combo box will be placed. Enter a number
from 0 (row 1) to the form height - 1. For example, to place the combo box in row
6, enter 5.
The width of the list box, which should be wide enough to display your widest
item. Items wider than the list box are clipped.
The height of the list box (the number of items that can be seen in the list box with-
out scrolling).
The string buffer in which to store the selected item. The sBuf parameter can also
hold the starting selection for the Combo box. For example if you set the sBuf
string to "HELLO" before calling FormComboBox, HELLO will be displayed in
the box upon opening the form.
The mode in which to create the combo box:
0 - Sort the combo box elements alphabetically.
1 - Place elements in combo box in the order they were added.
Default mode is 0.
Return Value
The field handle if the combo box is successfully added, otherwise -1 is returned.
Related Functions
FormNew, FormRead, FormAddList, FormListAddText, FormListSelectText, FormListBox
! Create a form, add combo box and then display the form
! the operator may type in or select one of the items from the list
FormNew("Select Item",20,6,1);
FormComboBox(2 ,2, 15, 5, sBuf, 1);
FormAddList("Item One");
FormAddList("Item two");
FormAddList("Item three");
! sBuf should contain the selected item or entered text
See Also
Form Functions
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
Gets the form and field handles for the current form and field. You should call this function
only from within a callback function. You can then use the same callback function for all
forms and fields, regardless of how the boxes, buttons, etc. on the forms are used. You
should use this function with the FormGetInst() function.
FormCurr(hForm, hField)
The form handle, returned from the FormNew() function. The form handle iden-
tifies the table where all data on the associated form is stored.
The field handle of the field currently selected.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
See FormGetInst.
See Also
Form Functions
Destroys a form, that is removes it from the screen. Use this function (from an event) to
close a form.
The form handle, returned from the FormNew() function. The form handle iden-
tifies the table where all data on the associated form is stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
/* Display message to the operator. If after 10 seconds the
operator has not selected OK, then destroy the form. */
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
See Also
Form Functions
Adds an edit field to the current form. You should call this function only after the Form-
New() function and before the FormRead() function. A user input/edit box is added to the
form at the specified column and row position. The operator can enter or edit the text in the
edit box. This text is then passed to this function as Text.
FormEdit(Col, Row, Text, Width [, maxTextLength] )
The number of the column in which the edit field will be placed. Enter a number
from 0 (column 1) to the form width - 1. For example, to place the edit field in col-
umn 8, enter 7.
The number of the row in which the edit field will be placed. Enter a number
from 0 (row 1) to the form height - 1. For example, to place the edit field in row 6,
enter 5.
The text in the edit field. Text initially contains the default text (if any) for the op-
erator to edit. When the function closes, this argument is passed back with the op-
erator’s input.
The width of the edit field.
This optional parameter specifies the maximum length of input text. The default
value is 0 meaning the string can have the maximum length allowed in the system
(Cicode allows strings of 255 characters).
Return Value
The field handle if the string is successfully added, otherwise -1 is returned.
Related Functions
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
STRING Recipe;
! Add edit field, default Recipe to "Jam".
! Read the form.
! Recipe will now contain the operator-entered data.
See Also
Form Functions
Adds a field control device (such as a button , check box, or edit field) to the current form.
You should call this function only after the FormNew() function and before the FormRead()
function. This function allows you to specify a control device with more detail than the oth-
er field functions.
FormField(Col, Row, Width, Height, Type, Buffer, Text, Fn [, maxTextLength] )
The number of the column in which the control will be placed. Enter a number
from 0 (column 1) to the form width - 1. For example, to place the control in col-
umn 8, enter 7.
The number of the row in which the control will be placed. Enter a number from
0 (row 1) to the form height - 1. For example, to place the control in row 6, enter 5.
The width of the control device.
The height of the control device.
The type of control device:
0 - None
1 - Edit
2 - Edit Password
3 - Text
4 - Button
5 - OK button
6 - Cancel button
7 - Group box
8 - Radio button
9 - Check box
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
The output buffer for the field string. The default value of the control device is
initialized to the value of the buffer. If you specify a Radio button or Check box,
you should initialize the buffer to "0" or "1". The result of the field will also be set
to "0" or "1".
The display prompt text for a button, or the default text for an edit field (which is
then passed back with the operator’s input).
The callback function to call when the button is selected. Set to 0 to call no func-
tion. Please be aware that the Fn parameter must be of type INT, and the callback
function cannot contain a blocking function. For types other than 4,5, and 6, set
this argument to 0.
This optional parameter specifies the maximum length of input text for edit fields
(this parameter is ignored for other controls). The default value is 0 meaning the
string can have the maximum length allowed in the system (Cicode allows strings
of 255 characters).
Return Value
The field handle if the field is successfully added, otherwise it will return -1.
Related Functions
! Display a form with check boxes to start
!! specific motors.
FUNCTION SelectMotor()
INT hform;
STRING check1 = "0";
STRING check2 = "0";
STRING check3 = "0";
hform = FormNew("Selection Menu", 26, 22, 6);
FormField(16, 1, 12, 1, 9, check1, "Primary ", 0);
FormField(16, 2, 12, 1, 9, check2, "Secondary", 0);
FormField(16, 3, 12, 1, 9, check3, "backup ", 0);
FormButton( 9, 20, " &Cancel ", 0, 2);
IF FormRead(0) = 0 THEN
IF check1 = "1" THEN
IF check2 = "1" THEN
IF check3 = "1" THEN
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
See Also
Form Functions
Extracts data associated with a field (set by the FormSetInst() function). You should call this
function only from within a field callback function. This function is the same as calling the
FormCurr() function and then the FormGetInst() function.
FormGetCurrInst(iData, sData)
Integer data.
String data.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
FormCurr, FormGetInst, FormSetInst
INT hDev;
See Also
Form Functions
Gets all data associated with a form and puts it into the output string buffers. Normally the
field data is copied to the output string buffers only when the user selects the [OK] button.
If you want to use the data while the form is displayed, call this function to get the data.
You should call this function only while the form is displayed otherwise an error is re-
turned, for example, from a field callback function.
The form handle, returned from the FormNew() function. The form handle iden-
tifies the table where all data on the associated form is stored.
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Field callback to save data.
INT hForm,hField;
! Access all data.
See Also
Form Functions
Extracts the data associated with a field (set by the FormSetInst() function). You would nor-
mally use this function in a field callback function. It allows single callback functions to
know that the form and field are associated.
FormGetInst(hForm, hField, iData, sData)
The form handle, returned from the FormNew() function. The form handle iden-
tifies the table where all data on the associated form is stored.
The field handle of the field currently selected.
Integer data.
String data.
Return Value
The data (as a string).
Related Functions
FormSetInst, FormCurr, FormGetCurrInst
INT hDev,hForm,hField;
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
! Get field data, for example, the hDev value.
! Display new record in form.
See Also
Form Functions
Gets the current text from a form field. You should call this function only while the form is
displayed; for example,, from a field callback function.
FormGetText(hForm, hField)
The form handle, returned from the FormNew() function. The form handle iden-
tifies the table where all data on the associated form is stored.
The field handle of the field currently selected.
Return Value
The field text (as a string).
Related Functions
INT hForm,hField;
STRING Recipe;
! Go and find recipe.
See Also
Form Functions
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
Goes to a specified form. The form is displayed on top of all windows and the keyboard
focus is set to this form.
The form handle, returned from the FormNew() function. The form handle iden-
tifies the table where all data on the associated form is stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
See Also
Form Functions
Adds a group box to the current form. A group box is a form control box drawn to the spec-
ified size. If the box contains radio buttons, they are grouped together. You should call this
function only after the FormNew() function and before the FormRead() function.
The group box is added to the form at the specified column and row position with the spec-
ified width and height. Use the FormRadioButton() function to add the radio buttons to the
box, and call this function between each group of radio buttons.
FormGroupBox(Col, Row, Width, Height [, Text] )
The number of the column in which the group box will be placed. Enter a number
from 0 (column 1) to the form width - 1. For example, to place the group box in
column 8, enter 7.
The number of the row in which the group box will be placed. Enter a number
from 0 (row 1) to the form height - 1. For example, to place the group box in row
6, enter 5.
The width of the group box, which should be wide enough to display your wid-
est item.
The height of the group box.
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
The text to display as the group box label.
Return Value
The field handle if the group box is successfully added, otherwise -1 is returned.
Related Functions
FormNew, FormRead, FormRadioButton
! Create a form, add to radio buttons groups and then display the
! The operator may select one of the radio buttons from each group
STRING sFast, sSlow, sMedium;
STRING sNorth, sSouth, sEast, sWest;
FormNew("Select Item",40,7,1);
FormGroupBox(1 ,1, 15, 5, "Speed");
FormRadioButton(2 ,2,"Fast", sFast);
FormRadioButton(2, 3,"Medium", sMedium);
FormRadioButton(2 ,4,"Slow", sSlow);
FormGroupBox(19 ,2, 15, 6, "Direction");
FormRadioButton(20 ,2,"North", sNorth);
FormRadioButton(20, 3,"South", sSouth);
FormRadioButton(20 ,4,"East", sEast);
FormRadioButton(20 ,5,"West", sWest);
See Also
Form Functions
Adds a prompt and edit field to the current form. You should call this function only after
the FormNew() function and before the FormRead() function. When FormRead() is called,
the form will display with the prompt and edit box. The operator’s input is passed back as
a string (Text).
FormInput(Col,Row,Prompt,Text,Width [, maxTextLength] )
The number of the column in which the prompt will be placed. Enter a number
from 0 (column 1) to the form width - 1. For example, to place the prompt in col-
umn 8, enter 7.
The number of the row in which the prompt will be placed. Enter a number from
0 (row 1) to the form height - 1. For example, to place the prompt in row 6, enter 5.
The prompt string.
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
The output text string containing the operator’s input.
The width of the edit field.
This optional parameter specifies the maximum length of input text. The default
value is 0 meaning the string can have the maximum length allowed in the system
(Cicode allows strings of 255 characters).
Return Value
The field handle if it is added successfully, otherwise -1 is returned.
Related Functions
FormNew, FormRead
See Also
Form Functions
Adds a new text entry to a combo box or a list box while the form is displayed. It only adds
the text to the list - it does not select it. Use the FormListSelectText() function to select (high-
light) an entry. Call this function only when the form is displayed, for example, from a field
callback function.
FormListAddText(hForm, hField, Text)
The form handle, returned from the FormNew() function. The form handle iden-
tifies the table where all data on the associated form is stored.
The field handle of the field currently selected.
The output text string containing the operator’s input.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
FormListSelectText, FormListDeleteText, FormSetText
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
/* create a form with a list */
hForm = FormNew("Ingredients", 40, 10, 1);
hField = FormListBox(2,2,20,5,sBuf);
/* Display the form */
/*Add Milk to list */
FormListAddText(hForm, hField, "Milk");
See Also
Form Functions
Adds a list box to the current form. The list box is a form control that allows the operator
to select from a list of items. You should call this function only after the FormNew() func-
tion and before the FormRead() function.
The list box is added to the form at the specified column and row position with the speci-
fied width and height. If more items are placed in the list than the list can display, a scroll
bar displays for scrolling to the hidden items.
Use the FormAddList() function to add items for display in the list box. If the form is al-
ready displayed, you can use the FormListAddText() and FormListSelectText() functions
to add (and highlight) text in the list box.
FormListBox(Col, Row, Width, Height, sBuf [, Mode] )
The number of the column in which the list box will be placed. Enter a number
from 0 (column 1) to the form width - 1. For example, to place the list box in col-
umn 8, enter 7.
The number of the row in which the list box will be placed. Enter a number from
0 (row 1) to the form height - 1. For example, to place the list box in row 6, enter 5.
The width of the list box, in characters. Width should be wide enough to display
your widest item. Items wider than the list box are clipped.
The height of the list box, as the number of items that can be seen in the list box
without scrolling.
The string buffer in which to store the selected item.
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
The mode in which to create the list box:
0 - Sort the list box elements alphabetically.
Return Value
The field handle if the list box is successfully added, otherwise -1 is returned.
Related Functions
FormNew, FormRead, FormAddList, FormListAddText, FormListSelectText, FormCom-
! Create a form, add list box and then display the form.
! The operator may select one of the items from the list.
FormNew("Select Item",20,6,1);
FormListBox(2 ,2, 15, 5, sBuf, 1);
FormAddList("Item One");
FormAddList("Item two");
FormAddList("Item three");
FormButton(0,0," OK ",0,1);
FormButton(5,0," CANCEL ",0,2);
See Also
Form Functions
Deletes an existing text entry from a combo box or a list box while the form is displayed. It
only deletes the text from the list - it does not change the selection. Call this function only
when the form is displayed, for example, from a field callback function.
FormListDeleteText(hForm, hField, Text)
The form handle, returned from the FormNew() function. The form handle iden-
tifies the table where all data on the associated form is stored.
The field handle of the field currently selected.
The text to delete.
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
FormListSelectText, FormListAddText
/* create a form with a list */
hForm = FormNew("Ingredients", 40, 10, 1);
hField = FormListBox(2,2,20,5,sBuf);
/* Display the form */
/*Remove Sugar from the list */
FormListDeleteText(hForm, hField, "Sugar");
See Also
Form Functions
Selects (highlights) a text entry in a Combo box or a List box while the form is displayed.
The text to be selected must exist in the list. (Use the FormListAddText() function to add a
text entry to a list.) Call this function only when the form is displayed, for example, from a
field callback function.
FormListSelectText(hForm, hField, Text)
The form handle, returned from the FormNew() function. The form handle iden-
tifies the table where all data on the associated form is stored.
The field handle of the field currently selected.
The text to be selected. If this text is not present in the list, then no item will be
selected (and this text will not be added).
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
FormListAddText, FormSetText
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
/* Create a form with a list */
hForm = FormNew("Ingredients", 40, 10, 1);
hField = FormListBox(2,2,20,5,sBuf);
/* Display the form */
/*Select Flour */
FormListSelectText(hForm, hField, "Flour");
See Also
Form Functions
Creates a new data entry form and defines its size and mode. After the form is created, you
can add fields, and then display the form.
Before you can display a form on the screen, you must call this function to set the size and
mode of the form, and then call the various form field functions, FormInput(), FormBut-
ton(), FormEdit() etc to add user input fields to the form. To display the form on the screen
(to allow the user to enter data) call the FormRead() function.
FormNew(Title, Width, Height, Mode)
The title of the form.
The character width of the form (1 to 131).
The character height of the form (1 to 131).
The mode of the form:
0 - Default font and text spacing
1 - Small font
2 - Fixed pitch font
4 - Static text compression where the vertical spacing is reduced. This can cause
formatting errors if buttons are too close, because the vertical spacing will
be less than the height of a button.
8 - Keep the form on top of the CitectSCADA window.
16 - The current window cannot be changed or closed until the form is finished
or cancelled.
32 - Makes a form with no caption.
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
128 - The form will not close if the ESC or ENTER key is pressed, unless you spe-
cifically define at least one button on the form which acts as an OK or Can-
cel button. For a form with no buttons, the ENTER key normally closes the
form; this mode disables that behavior.
256 – Makes a from with no system-menu (mostly appears as a single close button
X) .
Multiple modes can be selected by adding them (for example, to use Modes 4 and
2, specify Mode 6).
Return Value
The form handle if the form is created successfully, otherwise -1 is returned. The form han-
dle identifies the table where all data on the associated form is stored.
Related Functions
FormDestroy, FormInput, FormButton, FormEdit, FormRead
FormInput(1,1,"Recipe No",Recipe,20);
See Also
Form Functions
Provides a keypad form for the operator to add numeric values. You can customize the
standard form as a mathematical keypad, with the +, -, and / operators and the decimal
point. For a time keypad, use the AM, PM, and : (hour/minute divider) buttons. You can
also include a password edit field.
FormNumPad(Title, Input, Mode)
The title to display on the number pad form.
The existing or default value. This value is returned if the form is cancelled or
accepted without changes.
The buttons to include on the keypad form. The Mode can be a combination of
the following:
0 - Standard keypad
1 - Password edit field
2 - not used
4 - With +/- button
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
8 - With / button
16 - With . button
32 - With : button
64 - With AM, PM buttons
Multiple modes can be selected by adding them. For example, to include +/- but-
tons and a . button, specify Mode 20 (16+4).
Return Value
The string value entered by the operator. The IsError() function returns 0 (zero). If the form
was cancelled, the value of Input is returned, and the IsError() function returns error num-
ber 299.
/* Set defaults first, then four keypad forms to adjust recipe. */
Qty_Flour=FormNumPad("Add Flour", Qty_Flour, 17);
Qty_Water=FormNumPad("Add Water", Qty_Water, 17);
Qty_Salt=FormNumPad("Add Salt", Qty_Salt, 17);
Qty_Sugar=FormNumPad("Add Sugar", Qty_Sugar, 17);
See Also
Form Functions
Displays a File Open dialog box.
FormOpenFile(sTitle, sFileName, sFilter)
The name of the default file to display in the "File Name" field.
A title to display at the top of the form.
A file filter list to display in the "List Files of Type" field. The file filter list has the
following format:
<File Type>|<Filter>|
File Type is the text that displays in the drop-down box, for example All Files
(*.*). Filter is the file type, for example *.CI
Return Value
The name and full path of the selected file (as a string) or an empty string ("") if the Cancel
button is selected.
Related Functions
FormSaveAsFile, FormSelectPrinter
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
// Display the Open File dialog with the following filter list:
// All Files (*.*)
// Exe Files (*.EXE)
// Cicode Files (*.CI)
sFilename = FormOpenFile("Open", "*.CI", "All Files (*.*)|*.*|Exe
Files (*.EXE)|*.EXE|Cicode Files (*.CI)|*.CI|");
See Also
Form Functions
Adds both a password prompt and edit field to the current form. You should call this func-
tion only after the FormNew() function and before the FormRead() function. When Form-
Read() is called, the form will also display the password prompt and edit field.
The operator’s input is not echoed in the field; a single asterisk (*) is displayed for each
FormPassword(Col, Row, Prompt, Password, Width)
The number of the column in which the prompt will be placed. Enter a number
from 0 (column 1) to the form width - 1. For example, to place the prompt in col-
umn 8, enter 7.
The number of the row in which the prompt will be placed. Enter a number from
0 (row 1) to the form height - 1. For example, to place the prompt in row 6, enter 5.
The prompt string.
The password entered by the operator.
The width of the edit field.
Return Value
The field handle if it is added successfully, otherwise -1 is returned.
Related Functions
! Add Password input.
FormPassword(1,2,"Enter Password",Password,10);
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
See Also
Form Functions
Sets the position of a form on the screen, before it is displayed. You should call this function
only after the FormNew() function and before the FormRead() function.
FormPosition(X, Y, Mode)
X, Y:
The x and y pixel coordinates of the form.
Not used, set it to 0.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
FormNew, FormRead
hForm = FormNew("title", 20, 5, 0);
! display form at x=100, y=50
FormPosition(100, 50, 0);
See Also
Form Functions
Adds a prompt field to the current form. You should call this function only after the Form-
New() function and before the FormRead() function.
FormPrompt(Col, Row, Prompt)
The number of the column in which the prompt will be placed. Enter a number
from 0 (column 1) to the form width - 1. For example, to place the prompt in col-
umn 8, enter 7.
The number of the row in which the prompt will be placed. Enter a number from
0 (row 1) to the form height - 1. For example, to place the prompt in row 6, enter 5.
The prompt string.
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
Return Value
The field handle if it is added successfully, otherwise -1 is returned.
Related Functions
FormNew, FormRead
FormPrompt(1,2,"Enter Recipe");
See Also
Form Functions
Adds a radio button to the current form, allowing the operator to make a selection from a
multiple choice list. You should call this function only after the FormNew() function and
before the FormRead() function.
The radio button is added to the form at the specified column and row position. The width
of the button will be sized to suit the text.
By default, all radio buttons are placed into the one group. If you require separate groups,
use this function in conjunction with the FormGroupBox() function.
FormRadioButton(Col, Row, sText, sBuf)
The number of the column in which the button will be placed. Enter a number
from 0 (column 1) to the form width - 1. For example, to place the button in col-
umn 8, enter 7.
The number of the row in which the button will be placed. Enter a number from
0 (row 1) to the form height - 1. For example, to place the button in row 6, enter 5.
The text associated with the radio button.
The string buffer in which to put the state of the radio button. You should initial-
ize this buffer to the state of the button. When the form returns, this buffer will
contain either ’1’ or ’0’ if the radio button is checked.
Return Value
The field handle if the radio button is successfully added, otherwise -1 is returned.
Related Functions
FormNew, FormRead, FormGroupBox, FormCheckBox
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
! Create a form, add radio buttons and then display the form.
! The operator may only select one radio button , either Fast,
Medium or Slow
STRINGsFast, sSlow, sMedium;
sFast = "1";
sMedium = "0";
sSlow = "0";
FormRadioButton(2 ,2,"Fast", sFast);
FormRadioButton(2, 3,"Medium", sMedium);
FormRadioButton(2 ,4,"Slow", sSlow);
If sFast = "1" THEN
! do fast stuff
IF sMedium = "1" THEN
! do Medium stuff
IF sSlow = "1" THEN
! do slow stuff
See Also
Form Functions
Displays the current form (created with the FormNew() function), with all the fields that
were added (with the form field functions).
You can display the form and wait for the user to finish entering data by setting the Mode
to 0. This mode is the most commonly used, with [OK] and [Cancel] buttons to either save
or discard operator entries and to close the form.
To display the form and return before the user has finished, use Mode 1. This mode is used
to animate the data on the form or to perform more complex operations.
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
Mode of the form:
0 - Wait for the user.
1 - Do not wait for the user.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
Related Functions
! Display the form and wait for the user.
! Display the form and do not wait for the user.
! While the form is displayed, update the time every second.
WHILE FormActive(hForm) DO
See Also
Form Functions
Displays a File Save As dialog box.
FormSaveAsFile(sTitle, sFileName, sFilter [, sDefExt] )
A title to display at the top of the form.
The name of the default file to display in the "File Name" field.
A file filter list to display in the "List Files of Type" field. The file filter list has the
following format:
<File Type>|<Filter>|
File Type is the text that displays in the drop-down box, for example All Files
(*.*). Filter is the file type, for example *.CI
The file extension that will be used as a default when you use the FormSaveAs-
File() function. If you do not specify a default extension, files will be saved with-
out an extension.
Return Value
The name and full path of the selected file (as a string) or an empty string ("") if the Cancel
button is selected.
Related Functions
FormOpenFile, FormSelectPrinter
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
// Display the SaveAs dialog with the following filter list:
// All Files (*.*)
// Exe Files (*.EXE)
// Cicode Files (*.CI)
sFilename = FormSaveAsFile("Save As", "Alarms", "All Files
(*.*)|*.*|Exe Files (*.EXE)|*.EXE|Cicode Files (*.CI)|*.CI|",
See Also
Form Functions
Adds both a password prompt and edit field to the current form. You should call this func-
tion only after the FormNew() function and before the FormRead() function. When Form-
Read() is called, the form will also display the password prompt and edit field.
The operator’s input is not echoed in the field; a single asterisk (*) is displayed for each
character. The function does not return the password as a plain text, it returns an encrypted
password string. The user can send this string to the UserLogin or UserVerify functions.
FormSecurePassword(Col, Row, Prompt, Password, Width)
The number of the column in which the prompt will be placed. Enter a number
from 0 (column 1) to the form width - 1. For example, to place the prompt in col-
umn 8, enter 7.
The number of the row in which the prompt will be placed. Enter a number from
0 (row 1) to the form height - 1. For example, to place the prompt in row 6, enter 5.
The prompt string.
The encrypted password entered by the operator.
The width of the edit field.
Return Value
The field handle if it is added successfully, otherwise -1 is returned.
Related Functions
FormEdit, UserLogin, UserVerify
! Add Password input.
FormSecurePassword(1,2,"Enter Password",Password,10);
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
See Also
Form Functions
Displays the Select Printer dialog box.
Return Value
The name of the selected printer (as a string) or an empty string ("") if the Cancel button is
Related Functions
FormOpenFile, FormSaveAsFile
// Display the Select Printer dialog
sPrinter = FormSelectPrinter();
See Also
Form Functions
Sets all the edit data from the string buffers into the form. You should call this function only
while the form is active.
The form handle, returned from the FormNew() function. The form handle iden-
tifies the table where all data on the associated form is stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
INT hForm,hField;
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
See Also
Form Functions
Associates an integer and string value with each field on a form. This data could then be
used by a callback function. You can use a single callback function for all fields, and use the
data to perform different operations for each field.
FormSetInst(hForm, hField, iData, sData)
The form handle, returned from the FormNew() function. The form handle iden-
tifies the table where all data on the associated form is stored.
The field handle of the field currently selected.
Integer data.
String data.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Open recipe database.
hDev=DevOpen("Recipe", 0);
/* The device handle hDev is put into the next button , so when the
button is selected it can get hDev and get the next record. */
See Also
Form Functions
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
Sets new field text on a field. This function allows you to change field text while the form
is displayed. Call this function only when the form is displayed, for example, from a field
callback function.
If you are using this function on a Combo box or a List box, it will select the text from the
Combo box or List box list. If no text exists in the Combo box or List box list, the function
will add it.
FormSetText(hForm, hField, Text)
The form handle, returned from the FormNew() function. The form handle iden-
tifies the table where all data on the associated form is stored.
The field handle of the field currently selected. If the hField is a handle to the se-
cure edit field created with FormSecurePassword, the text in the secure edit field
will not be changed. However, when an empty string is passed to FormSetText(),
the contents of the secure edit field will be cleared.
New field text.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
FormCurr, FormListSelectText, FormListAddText
/* Create a form with a field */
hForm = FormNew("Ingredients", 40, 10, 1);
hField = FormPrompt(2,2,"Motor1:");
/* Display the form*/
/* Change the text in the field */
FormSetText(hForm, hField, "Pump1:");
See Also
Form Functions
Gets the window handle for the given form. The window handle may be used by ’C’ pro-
grams and CitectSCADAWnd... functions. You should call this function only after the
FormNew() function and before the FormRead() function.
The window handle is not the same as the CitectSCADA window number and cannot be
used with functions that expect the CitectSCADA window number (the Win... functions).
Chapter: 30 Form Functions
The form handle, returned from the FormNew() function. The form handle iden-
tifies the table where all data on the associated form is stored.
Return Value
The window handle if successful, otherwise a 0 is returned.
Related Functions
FormNew, FormRead, WndFind
/* Create a form with a field */
hForm = FormNew("Ingredients", 40, 10, 1);
hField = FormPrompt(2,2,"Motor1:");
/* Get the form’s window number for future reference */
hWnd = FormWndHnd(hForm);
/* Display the form*/
See Also
Form Functions
Chapter: 31 Format Functions
Format functions convert data into formatted strings. You can convert many different items
of data into single, formatted strings that can then be displayed, printed, or written to a file.
The format functions also convert (formatted) data back into individual elements; for ex-
ample,, strings that are read from files or other devices.
Format Functions
Following are functions used for formatting data:
FmtClose Closes a format template.
FmtFieldHnd Gets the handle of a field in a format template.
FmtGetField Gets field data from a format template.
FmtGetFieldHnd Gets field data from a format template using a field handle.
FmtOpen Creates a new format template.
FmtSetField Sets data in a field of a format template.
FmtSetFieldHnd Sets data in a field of a format template using a field handle.
FmtToStr Converts format template data to a string
See Also
Functions Reference
Closes a format template. After it is closed, the template cannot be used. Closing the tem-
plate releases system memory.
The format template handle, returned from the FmtOpen() function. The handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated format template is stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
See Also
Format Functions
Chapter: 31 Format Functions
Gets the handle of a field in a format template. You can then use the field handle in the Fmt-
GetFieldHnd() and FmtSetFieldHnd() functions. By using a handle, you only need to re-
solve the field name once and then call other functions as required (resulting in improved
FmtFieldHnd(hFmt, Name)
The format template handle, returned from the FmtOpen() function. The handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated format template is stored.
The field name.
Return Value
The handle of the format template field, or -1 if the field cannot be found.
Related Functions
FmtGetFieldHnd, FmtSetFieldHnd
!Resolve names at startup.
!Set field data.
See Also
Format Functions
Gets field data from a format template. Use this function to extract data after a call to
FmtGetField(hFmt, Name)
The format template handle, returned from the FmtOpen() function. The handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated format template is stored.
The field name.
Return Value
The data (as a string). If the field does not contain any data, an empty string will be re-
Chapter: 31 Format Functions
Related Functions
StrToFmt, FmtSetField, FmtToStr
StrToFmt(hFmt,"CV101 Raw Coal Conveyor");
! Str will contain "CV101".
See Also
Format Functions
Gets field data from a format template. Use this function to extract data after a call to
StrToFmt(). This function has the same effect as FmtGetField(), except that you use a field
handle instead of the field name.
FmtGetFieldHnd(hFmt, hField)
The format template handle, returned from the FmtOpen() function. The handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated format template is stored.
The field handle.
Return Value
The data (as a string). If the field does not contain any data, an empty string will be re-
Related Functions
StrToFmt, FmtFieldHnd
StrToFmt(hFmt,"CV101 Raw Coal Conveyor");
! Str will contain "CV101".
See Also
Format Functions
Creates a format template. After you create a template, you can use it for formatting data
into strings or extracting data from a string. To format a template, use the same syntax as a
device format, that is {<name>[,width[,justification]]}.
Chapter: 31 Format Functions
FmtOpen(Name, Format, Mode)
The name of the format template.
The format of the template, as {<name>[,width[,justification]]}.
The mode of the open:
0 - Open the existing format.
1 - Open a new format.
Return Value
The format template handle, or -1 if the format cannot be created.
Related Functions
FmtSetField(hFmt,"Name", "CV101");
FmtSetField(hFmt,"Desc","Raw Coal Conveyor");
Str =FmtToStr(hFmt);
! Str will contain "CV101 Raw Coal Conveyor".
See Also
Format Functions
Sets data in a field of a format template. After you have set all the fields, you can build the
formatted string with the FmtToStr() function.
FmtSetField(hFmt, Name, Data)
The format template handle, returned from the FmtOpen() function. The handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated format template is stored.
The name of the format template.
Field data.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 31 Format Functions
Related Functions
FmtGetField, FmtToStr
hFmt=FmtOpen("MyFormat","{Name}{Desc, 20}",0);
FmtSetField(hFmt,"Name", "CV101");
FmtSetField(hFmt,"Desc","Raw Coal Conveyor");
Str =FmtToStr(hFmt);
! Str will contain "CV101 Raw Coal Conveyor".
See Also
Format Functions
The fields, you can build the formatted string with the FmtToStr() function. This function
has the same effect as FmtSetField() except that you use a field handle instead of the field
FmtSetFieldHnd(hFmt, hField, Data)
The format template handle, returned from the FmtOpen() function. The handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated format template is stored.
The field handle.
Field data.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
FmtFieldHnd, FmtToStr, FmtSetField
See Also
Format Functions
Builds a formatted string from the current field data (in a format template).
Chapter: 31 Format Functions
The format template handle, returned from the FmtOpen() function. The handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated format template is stored.
Return Value
The formatted string as defined in the format description.
Related Functions
! Get the formatted string.
See Also
Format Functions
Chapter: 32 FTP Functions
FTP functions are used to manage your FTP communications and files (used when running
your project over the Internet). These functions can only be used on the Internet Display
FTP Functions
Following are functions relating to FTP:
FTPClose Closes an FTP session.
FTPFileCopy Copies a file from the FTP server to the Internet Display Client.
FTPFileFind Finds a file on the FTP server that matches a specified search cri-
FTPFileFindClose Closes a find (started with FTPFileFind) that did not run to com-
FTPOpen Connects to an FTP server
See Also
Functions Reference
Closes an FTP session. This function can only be used on the Internet Display Client.
The handle of a valid FTP session, as returned by FTPOpen().
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
INT hFtp;
hFtp = FtpOpen("", "", "");
See Also
FTP Functions
Chapter: 32 FTP Functions
Copies a file from the FTP server to the Internet Display Client. Before calling this function,
you must call FtpOpen(). This function can only be used on the Internet Display Client.
FTPFileCopy(hndFTP, sSrcPath, sDestPath)
The handle of a valid FTP session, as returned by FTPOpen().
The file name and path of the file to be copied from the FTP Server to the Internet
Display Client. This can be any FTP server.
The destination of the copied file (including the name of the file).
Return Values
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Note: The [Internet]ZipFiles parameter does not apply to files copied to the Internet Dis-
play Client using this function.
Related Functions
FTPOpen, FTPFileFind
See Also
FTP Functions
Finds a file on the FTP server that matches a specified search criteria. Before you can call
this function, you must call FTPOpen(). This function can only be used on the Internet Dis-
play Client.
To find a list of files, you must first call this function twice: once to find the first file, then
again with an empty path to find the remaining files. After the last file is found, an empty
string is returned.
If the search is for multiple files, FTPFileFindClose must be called if the search does not run
to completion (for example, you do not run until an empty string is returned).
FTPFileFind(hndFTP, sPath)
The handle of a valid FTP session, as returned by FTPOpen().
The path you want to search for the desired file. Do not use path substitution
here. To search for multiple files, the wildcards * and ? may be used to match mul-
tiple entries.
The type of file to check:
Chapter: 32 FTP Functions
Return Value
The full path and filename. If no files are found, an empty string is returned.
Related Functions
FTPFileCopy, FTPOpen
INT hFtp;
STRING sFindPath;
sFindPath = "\User\Example\*.RDB";
hFtp = FtpOpen("", "", "");
sPath = FtpFileFind(hFtp, sFindPath);
WHILE StrLength(sPath) > +0 DO
sPath = FtpFileFind(hFtp, "");
See Also
FTP Functions
Closes a find (started with FTPFileFind) that did not run to completion. This function can
only be used on the Internet Display Client.
The handle of a valid FTP session, as returned by FTPOpen().
Return Value
0 if no error is detected, or a Cicode error code if an error occurred.
Related Functions
Chapter: 32 FTP Functions
//Find the first DBF file starting with fred
sPath = FileFind("\User\Example\FRED*.DBF", 0);
IF (StrLength(sPath) > 0) THEN
//Do work here
See Also
FTP Functions
Connects to an FTP server. This function can only be used on the Internet Display Client.
FTPOpen( [sIPAddress] [, sUsername] [, sPassword] )
The TCP/IP address of the FTP server you wish to connect to (for example, or If you do not specify an IP address, the Cit-
ectSCADA FTP server running on the Internet Server you are connected to will
be used.
The FTP login username. If you omit both the username and IP address, the Cit-
ectSCADA FTP password will be used. If you omit just the username, an anony-
mous logon will occur.
The FTP server password. If you wish to log on anonymously or you wish to log
on to the CitectSCADA FTP server, do not specify a password, here.
Return Value
A handle to the FTP server otherwise -1 if an error occurs (for example, the server cannot
be found).
Related Functions
See Also
FTP Functions
Chapter: 33 FuzzyTech Functions
The CitectSCADA FuzzyTech functions support fuzzy logic control and provide an inter-
face to the FuzzyTech functions provided by INFORM Software Corporation. To use these
functions you must purchase the development environment from INFORM - the makers of
FuzzyTech Functions
Following are functions relating to fuzzy logic control:
FuzzyClose Closes specified fuzzy instance.
FuzzyGetCodeValue Gets a specified Code variable from the specified instance.
FuzzyGetShellValue Gets a specified Shell variable from the specified instance.
FuzzyOpen Creates a new fuzzy instance.
FuzzySetCodeValue Sets a specified Code variable in the specified instance.
FuzzySetShellValue Sets a specified Shell variable in the specified instance.
FuzzyTrace Controls the tracing.
See Also
Functions Reference
Frees all memory and information for the specified instance. After the fuzzy instance is
closed, the handle given in the hFuzzy parameter is no longer valid.
The fuzzy instance handle (and integer greater than 0).
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
See FuzzyOpen.
See Also
FuzzyTech Functions
Gets a value for the specified input of the specified instance.
Chapter: 33 FuzzyTech Functions
FuzzyGetCodeValue(hFuzzy, iIOIndex, NoHitFlag)
The fuzzy instance handle (and integer greater than 0).
Specifies the variable to receive the value. The I/O-Indices start with 0 and incre-
ment by 1 for each variable. To find the correct index for a specific variable, the
variables must be sorted in alpha-numerical order, first the inputs and then the
Variable to receive the new value of the No-hit-flag. The No- hit-flag is TRUE if
no rule was active for the variable specified by iIOIndex, otherwise it is FALSE.
This must be a Cicode variable of INT type - it cannot be a constant or PLC vari-
able tag.
Return Value
The code value if the function was successful, otherwise -1. Use IsError() to find the error
number if the function does not succeed.
Related Functions
FuzzyOpen, FuzzySetCodeValue
See FuzzyOpen
See Also
FuzzyTech Functions
Gets a value for the specified input of the specified instance. The variables in the instance
must have the data type REAL (floating point values).
FuzzyGetShellValue(hFuzzy, iIOIndex, NoHitFlag)
The fuzzy instance handle (and integer greater than 0).
Specifies the variable to receive the value. The I/O-Indices start with 0 and incre-
ment by 1 for each variable. To find the correct index for a specific variable, the
variables must be sorted in alpha-numerical order, first the inputs and then the
Variable to receive the new value of the No-hit-flag. The No- hit-flag is TRUE if
no rule was active for the variable specified by iIOIndex, otherwise it is FALSE.
This must be a Cicode variable of INT type - it cannot be a constant or PLC vari-
able tag.
Chapter: 33 FuzzyTech Functions
Return Value
The shell value if the function was successful. Use IsError() to find the error number if the
function does not succeed.
Related Functions
FuzzyOpen, FuzzySetShellValue
See FuzzyOpen
See Also
FuzzyTech Functions
This function loads a *.FTR file, allocates memory and creates a handle for this fuzzy in-
stance. To use the FuzzyTech functions you must be a registered user of one or more of the
following fuzzyTech products: fuzzyTECH Online Edition, fuzzyTECH Precompiler Edi-
tion, or fuzzyTECH for Business PlusC. And you must only use fuzzyTECH to generate the
*.FTR file for FTRUN.
The application must call the FuzzyClose function to delete each fuzzy instance handle re-
turned by the FuzzyOpen function.
Specifies the filename of the .FTR file to load.
Return Value
The handle to the fuzzy instance, or -1 if the function cannot complete the operation. Use
IsError() to find the error number.
Related Functions
FuzzyClose, FuzzyGetShellValue, FuzzySetShellValue, FuzzyGetCodeValue, FuzzySet-
CodeValue, FuzzyTrace.
INT hFuzzy;
INT NoHitFlag;
INT Status;
REAL MemOutput;
// open the Fuzzy Tech runtime instance
hFuzzy = FuzzyOpen("C:\Program Files\Citect\CitectSCADA 7.10\bin\");
Status = IsError();
IF hFuzzy <> -1 THEN
MemOutput = PLCOutput;
WHILE Status = 0 DO
FuzzySetShellValue(hFuzzy, 0, 42.0);
FuzzySetShellValue(hFuzzy, 1, 3.14150);
MemOutput = FuzzyGetShellValue(hFuzzy, 2, NoHitFlag);
Chapter: 33 FuzzyTech Functions
Status = IsError();
// Only write to PLC if output changes.
// This reduces load on PLC communication.
IF MemOutput <> PLCOutput THEN
PLCOutput = MemOutput;
See Also
FuzzyTech Functions
Sets a value for the specified input of the specified instance.
FuzzySetCodeValue(hFuzzy, iIOIndex, iCodeValue)
The fuzzy instance handle (and integer greater than 0).
Specifies the variable to receive the value. The I/O-Indices start with 0 and incre-
ment by 1 for each variable. To find the correct index for a specific variable, the
variables must be sorted in alpha-numerical order, first the inputs and then the
The value to be copied to the variable specified by iIOIndex.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
FuzzyOpen, FuzzyGetCodeValue
See FuzzyOpen.
See Also
FuzzyTech Functions
Sets a value for the specified input of the specified instance.
FuzzySetShellValue(hFuzzy, iIOIndex, rShellValue)
Chapter: 33 FuzzyTech Functions
The fuzzy instance handle (and integer greater than 0).
Specifies the variable to receive the value. The I/O-Indices start with 0 and incre-
ment by 1 for each variable. To find the correct index for a specific variable, the
variables must be sorted in alpha-numerical order, first the inputs and then the
The value to be copied to the variable specified by iIOIndex.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
FuzzyOpen, FuzzyGetShellValue
See FuzzyOpen.
See Also
FuzzyTech Functions
Controls the trace process (starting and stopping) of the specified instance.
FuzzyTrace(hFuzzy, TraceOn)
The fuzzy instance handle (and integer greater than 0).
Specifies whether to start or to stop a trace process for the Fuzzy instanse speci-
fied by hFuzzy. If this parameter is TRUE (1), the trace process is started. If this
parameter is FALSE (0), the trace process is stopped.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
See FuzzyOpen.
See Also
FuzzyTech Functions
Chapter: 33 FuzzyTech Functions
Chapter: 34 Group Functions
Group functions manipulate groups of areas, alarm categories, and any other data that can
be accessed as a group. Use these functions to create a group dynamically to use for various
purposes; for example, to allow operators to change their areas, or to view alarms by cate-
gory, and so on.
Group Functions
Following are functions relating to groups of objects:
GrpClose Closes a group.
GrpDelete Deletes items from a group.
GrpFirst Gets the first item in a group.
GrpIn Tests if an item is in a group.
GrpInsert Inserts items into a group.
GrpMath Performs mathematical operations on groups.
GrpName Gets the name of a group from a group handle.
GrpNext Gets the next item in a group.
GrpOpen Opens a group.
GrpToStr Converts a group into a string
See Also
Functions Reference
Closes a group. The group is destroyed and the group handle becomes invalid. You should
close a group when it is not in use, to release the associated memory. CitectSCADA closes
all groups on shutdown.
The group handle, returned from the GrpOpen() function. The group handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated group is stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Chapter: 34 Group Functions
See Also
Group Functions
Deletes a single element or all elements from a group. You can also delete another group
from within the group.
GrpDelete(hGrp, Value)
The group handle, returned from the GrpOpen() function. The group handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated group is stored.
The element to delete from the group, from 0 to 16375.
Set Value to -1 to delete all elements from the group.
Set Value to a group handle to delete another group from this group.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
GrpInsert, GrpOpen
! Delete 10 and 14 from a group.
See Also
Group Functions
Gets the value of the first element in a group. The first element in the group is the element
with the lowest value. You can follow this function with a GrpNext() call, to get the value
of all the elements in a group.
The group handle, returned from the GrpOpen() function. The group handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated group is stored.
Chapter: 34 Group Functions
Return Value
The value of the first element in a group or -1 if the group is empty.
Related Functions
GrpOpen, GrpNext
IF Value<>-1 THEN
Prompt("First value is "+Value:###);
See Also
Group Functions
Determines if an element is in a group.
GrpIn(hGrp, Value)
The group handle, returned from the GrpOpen() function. The group handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated group is stored.
The element to locate, from 0 to 16375.
Set Value to a group handle to check if another group exists in the group.
Return Value
1 if the element is in the group, otherwise 0 is returned.
Related Functions
GrpOpen, GrpInsert, GrpDelete
IF GrpIn(hGrp,10) THEN
Prompt("Area 10 in this group");
See Also
Group Functions
Adds an element (or another group) to a group.
Chapter: 34 Group Functions
GrpInsert(hGrp, Value)
The group handle, returned from the GrpOpen() function. The group handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated group is stored.
The element to add to the group, from 0 to 16375.
Set Value to -1 to add all elements (0 to 16375) to the group.
Set Value to a group handle to insert another group into the group.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
GrpOpen, GrpDelete, GrpIn
! Add 10 and 14 to a group.
See Also
Group Functions
Performs mathematical operations on two groups, and stores the result in another group.
You can add the two groups, subtract one from the other, or perform Boolean AND, NOT,
and XOR operations on the two groups.
GrpMath(hResult, hOne, hTwo, Type)
The group number where the result is placed.
Number of first group used in the mathematical operation.
Number of the second group used in the mathematical operation.
Type of mathematical operation:
0 - Add groups one and two.
1 - Subtract group two from group one.
2 - AND groups one and two.
3 - NOT groups one and two.
Chapter: 34 Group Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Subtract Section1 from Plantwide and place in Result.
See Also
Group Functions
Gets the name of a group from a group handle.
The group handle, returned from the GrpOpen() function. The group handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated group is stored.
Return Value
The name of the group (as a string).
Related Functions
! Get the current group name.
See Also
Group Functions
Gets the value of the next element in a group. You can get the value of all the elements in a
group. Call the GrpFirst() function to get the value of the first element, and then call this
function in a loop.
Chapter: 34 Group Functions
GrpNext(hGrp, Value)
The group handle, returned from the GrpOpen() function. The group handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated group is stored.
The value returned from GrpFirst() or the latest GrpNext() call.
Return Value
The value of the next element in a group, or -1 if the end of the group has been found.
Related Functions
! Count all values in a group.
WHILE Value<>-1 DO
Prompt("Number of values in group is "+Count:###);
See Also
Group Functions
Creates a group and returns a group handle, or gets the group handle of an existing group.
After you open a group, you can use the group number in functions that use groups, for
example, SetArea() and AlarmSetInfo(). You can open a group that is specified in the
Groups database. You can also create groups at runtime.
When you open a group that is defined in the database, a copy of the group is made - the
original group is not used. You can therefore change the values in the group without affect-
ing other facilities that use this group.
GrpOpen(Name, Mode)
The name of the group to open.
The mode of the open:
0 - Open an existing group
1 - Create a new group
2 - Attempts to open an existing group. If the group does not exist, it will create it.
Chapter: 34 Group Functions
Return Value
The group handle , or -1 if the group cannot be created or opened. The group handle iden-
tifies the table where all data on the associated group is stored.
Related Functions
! Open Plantwide group defined in the database.
! Set current user area to Plantwide.
! Set area to 1...10, 20 and 25 by creating a new group.
See Also
Group Functions
Converts a group into a string of values separated by " , " and " .. ". You can then display
the group on the screen or in a report.
The group handle, returned from the GrpOpen() function. The group handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated group is stored.
Return Value
The group (as a string).
Related Functions
GrpOpen, StrToGrp
! Display current areas.
See Also
Group Functions
Chapter: 34 Group Functions
Chapter: 35 I/O Device Functions
The I/O device functions allow you to read the values of variables in I/O devices such as
PLCs, and to write data into these I/O device variables. These functions also allow you to
control I/O devices and to display information about I/O devices.
See Also
Functions Reference
Provides information about the driver for a specified I/O device. Select the device using the
IODevice argument, and the information to be returned using the Type argument.
This function can only be used if the I/O Server is on the current machine. When the I/O
Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and cannot be called
from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and a Cicode hard-
ware alarm will be raised.
DriverInfo(IODevice, Type [, ClusterName] )
The name of the I/O device.
The type of information returned about the driver. Specify one of the following:
0 - Driver Name
1 - Driver Title
2 - Block constant
3 - Max Retrys
4 - Transmit Delay
5 - Receive Timeout
6 - Polltime
Chapter: 35 I/O Device Functions
7 - Watchtime (milliseconds
Note: The DISKDRV driver name is returned as "Disk" instead of "DISKDRV". If the Poll-
time is set as "Interrupt", the function returns "0".
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the I/O Server resides. This is optional
if you have one cluster or are resolving the I/O server via the current cluster con-
text. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
The driver information as a string. It is important to note that in the case of an error the
return value is an empty string.
// Using the IODevice Number
sName = DriverInfo(20, 0); ! Get the name of the driver used with I/O device 20
sName = DriverInfo(2, 1); ! Get the title of the driver used with I/O device 2
// Using the IODevice Name
sName = DriverInfo("IODev",3); ! Get the Max Retrys value of the driver used with
sName = DriverInfo("IODev1",5); ! Get the Receive Timeout value of the driver used
with IODev1
See Also
I/O Device Functions
Provides control of individual I/O devices. You might need to call this function several
times. If you use incompatible values for the various options of this function, you might get
unpredictable results.
This function can only be used if the I/O Server is on the current machine. When the I/O
Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and cannot be called
from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and a Cicode hard-
ware alarm will be raised.
IODeviceControl(IODevice, Type, Data [, ClusterName] )
The number or name of the I/O device. If you call this function from an I/O server,
you can use the I/O device name. If you call this function from a client, you may
use either the I/O device number or name. To specify all I/O devices, use "*" (as-
terisk) or -1.
The type of control action:
0 - No longer supported.
1 - Enable/Disable the I/O device on the I/O server. All attempts to read and write
from the I/O device are ignored. (If another I/O device is configured as a
Chapter: 35 I/O Device Functions
Chapter: 35 I/O Device Functions
O devices, this value is configured in the Cache Time field at the I/O Devic-
es Properties form.)
12 - The time of day at which to add the I/O device to the list of I/O devices to be
contacted. Set the time in Data in seconds from midnight (for example,
specify 6 p.m. as 18 * 60 * 60). Use Type 12 to specify a one-timecommuni-
13 - The communication period (the time between successive communication at-
tempts). The value you specify represents different periods, depending on
what type of schedule you are using (that is daily, weekly, monthly, or
yearly. This is set using Type 15.). You can choose to specify the communi-
cation period either in seconds from midnight, day of week (0 to 6,
Sunday = 0), month (1 to 12), or year. Enter the value in Data. For example,
if your schedule is weekly, and you set Data = 3, you are specifying each
Wednesday. If your schedule is monthly, Data = 3 indicates March. For dai-
ly communication, set the period in Data in seconds from midnight; for ex-
ample, set Data to 6 * 60 * 60 to contact the I/O device every 6 hours.
14 - The time at which the I/O Server will first attempt to communicate with the
I/O device. Set the time in Data in seconds from midnight, for example, to
synchronize at 10a.m., set Data to 10 * 60 * 60.
15 - Type of schedule. Set Data to one of the following:
1 - Daily
2 - Weekly
3 - Monthly
4 - Yearly
16 - (For remote I/O devices) Read all tags from the I/O device. Data is unused -
set it to 0 (zero).
Data for the control operation*:
1 - Disable the I/O device (Disable Write On Request mode for Type 10)
0 - Enable the I/O device (Enable Write On Request mode for Type 10) or the I/O
device name (for Type 2 or 3).
* For Type 5-8, Data is ignored; enter 0 (zero).
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the I/O Server resides. This is optional
if you have one cluster or are resolving the I/O server via the current cluster con-
text. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
IODeviceInfo, IODeviceStats, TagRead, TagWrite
IODeviceControl(4, 1, 1); ! Disable I/O device 4
Chapter: 35 I/O Device Functions
See Also
I/O Device Functions
Gets information about a specified I/O device.
Apart from when Type is set to 3 or 17, this function can only be used if the I/O Server is on
the current machine, otherwise the function will not succeed and will return empty string.
When the I/O Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and
cannot be called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and
a Cicode hardware alarm will be raised.
If both the primary and standby I/O devices are on the same server and they have the same
I/O device name, you can get information about them individually by specifying the fol-
IODeviceInfo("PLC1,P",1); // for the Primary
IODeviceInfo("PLC1,S",1); // for the Standby
where P represents the primary I/O device and S the standby I/O device.
If you have more than one standby device on the same server, there is currently no way of
using this function for other than the first standby device.
Note: When the I/O server is not in the calling process, this function could become a block-
ing function if the information required by this function is on an I/O server (except types 3
and 17, which are normally non-blocking). If this is the case, this function cannot be called
from a foreground task (such as a graphics page) or an expression. Otherwise the return
value will be undefined and a Cicode hardware alarm raised.
IODeviceInfo(IODevice, Type [, ClusterName] )
The I/O device number, or the I/O device name enclosed in double quotes.
The type of information:
0 - Name of I/O device
1 - Protocol of I/O device
2 - Protocol address
3 - Client I/O device state
1 = Running - Client is either talking to an online I/O device or talking to a
scheduled device that is not currently connected but has a valid cache
2 = Standby - Client is talking to an online standby I/O device
4 = Starting - Client is talking to an I/O device that is attempting to come
8 = Stopping - Client is talking to an I/O device that is in the process of stop-
16 = Offline - Client is pointing to an I/O device that is currently offline
32 = Disabled - Client is pointing to a device that is disabled
Chapter: 35 I/O Device Functions
Chapter: 35 I/O Device Functions
22 - Number of queued read requests for the scheduled I/O device. (This mode
causes redirection to the I/O server if running in separate processes.)
23 - Number of queued write requests for the scheduled I/O device. (This mode
causes redirection to the I/O server if running in separate processes.)
24 - The cache timeout (in milliseconds).
26 - The name of the line device (for example, modem) you are using to connect
to the I/O device. (This mode causes redirection to the I/O server if running
in separate processes.)
27 - The call_status of a currently connected remote I/O device.
Chapter: 35 I/O Device Functions
(This mode causes redirection to the I/O server if running in separate processes.)
28 - The call rate (in bits per second) which may be the DTE or DCE connection
speed depending on the server modem settings. (This mode causes redi-
rection to the I/O server if running in separate processes.)
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the I/O Server resides. This is optional
if you have one cluster or are resolving the I/O server via the current cluster con-
text. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
The type of information (as a string).
Related Functions
IODeviceControl, IODeviceStats, TagRead, TagWrite
//Using the IODevice Number
sName = IODeviceInfo(20, 0); ! Get the name of I/O device 20
sName = IODeviceInfo(2, 1); ! Get the protocol of I/O device 2
//Using the IODevice Name
sName = IODeviceInfo("IODev",10); ! Get the I/O Server State
sName = IODeviceInfo("IODev1",3); ! Get the State of IODev1
See Also
I/O Device Functions
Gets statistical information for all I/O devices, and displays the information in a dialog box.
Note: In a multi-process environment this function must be called from the IOServer pro-
cess or redirected there using MsgRPC. If this isn’t done, some of the information on the
IODeviceStats form will not be displayed correctly.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Chapter: 35 I/O Device Functions
IODeviceStats(); ! display all I/O device information
See Also
I/O Device Functions
Adds a function callback to a tag subscription. When the value change for a subscribed tag
is detected, a callback function can be called. This implements change based Cicode and
avoids continuously polling a tag value to monitor changes.
Multiple callbacks are possible to the same subscription.
To remove a callback from a subscription use the SubscriptionRemoveCallback function.
SubscriptionAddCallback(iHandle, sCallback)
Integer handle of the subscription to add a callback to.
String stating the name of a function to call when the value is updated. The func-
tion should have the structure:
FUNCTION evtHandler(INT subsHandle)
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TagSubscribe, TagUnsubscribe, SubscriptionGetAttribute, SubscriptionRemoveCallback
See Also
I/O Device Functions
Reads the specified attribute value of a subscribed tag. Similar to TagRead.
SubscriptionGetAttribute(iHandle, sAttribute [, iOffset] )
Integer handle of the subscription to read from.
Chapter: 35 I/O Device Functions
Return Value
String representation of the cached value for a subscribed tag. On error, an empty string
and an error is set.
Related Functions
TagSubscribe, TagUnsubscribe, SubscriptionAddCallback, SubscriptionRemoveCallback
See Also
I/O Device Functions
Removes a function callback from a tag subscription. The subscription handle and callback
function must match those used when adding the callback.
SubscriptionRemoveCallback(iHandle, sCallback)
Integer handle of the subscription of the callback.
String stating the name of the callback function.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TagSubscribe, TagUnsubscribe, SubscriptionAddCallback, SubscriptionGetAttribute
See Also
I/O Device Functions
Chapter: 36 Keyboard Functions
Keyboard functions control the processing of keyboard entries, including the movement of
the keyboard cursor and manipulation of keyboard commands.
Keyboard Functions
Following are functions relating to the keyboard:
KeyAllowCursor Allows the command cursor to move to any AN or only to ANs that
have commands defined.
KeyBs Deletes the last character from the key command line.
KeyDown Moves the command cursor down.
KeyGet Gets the raw key code from the key command line.
KeyGetCursor Gets the AN where the cursor is positioned.
KeyLeft Moves the command cursor left.
KeyMove Moves the command cursor in the requested direction.
KeyPeek Gets a key from the key command line without removing the key.
KeyPut Puts a raw key code into the key command line.
KeyPutStr Puts a string into the key command line.
KeyReplay Replays the last key sequence.
KeyReplayAll Replays and executes the last key sequence.
KeyRight Moves the command cursor right.
KeySetCursor Moves the command cursor to a specified AN.
KeySetSeq Adds a keyboard sequence at runtime.
KeyUp Moves the command cursor up.
SendKeys Sends a keystroke (or string of keystrokes) to a window.
See Also
Functions Reference
Allows (or disallows) the command cursor to move to the specified AN or to all ANs. The
command cursor normally moves only to ANs that have commands defined.
KeyAllowCursor(AN, State)
The AN where the command cursor can move. If 0, all ANs are implied.
Allow state:
0 - Do not allow the cursor to move to this AN.
1 - Allow the cursor to move to this AN.
Chapter: 36 Keyboard Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Allows the command cursor to move to AN20.
! Allows the command cursor to move to any AN.
See Also
Keyboard Functions
Removes the last key from the key command line. If the key command line is empty, this
function will not perform any action.
You should call this function using a "Hot Key" command (as shown in the example below),
otherwise the backspace character is placed into the key command line and the command
does not execute. A "Hot Key" command is a command that executes as soon as it is placed
into the key command line.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
System Keyboard
Key Sequence *Bs
Command KeyBs()
Comment Define a backspace Hot Key
Chapter: 36 Keyboard Functions
! Removes Key_F1.
! Performs no action.
See Also
Keyboard Functions
Moves the command cursor down the page to the closest AN. If an AN-Down cursor over-
ride is specified (in the Page Keyboard database) for the graphics page, the command cur-
sor moves to that AN instead.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
KeyUp, KeyLeft, KeyRight, KeyMove
See KeyDown.
See Also
Keyboard Functions
Gets the last key code from the key command line. The key is removed from the command
line. Use this function to process the operator key commands directly. You should call this
function from the keyboard event function.
Return Value
The last key code from the key command line. If the key command line is empty, 0 (zero)
is returned.
Related Functions
KeyPeek, KeyPut
/* If "START A B C" is in the key command line and "START" is
the Key Name for the "F1" key: */
Chapter: 36 Keyboard Functions
! Sets Variable to 67 (ASCII "C").
! Sets Variable to 66 (ASCII "B").
! Sets Variable to 65 (ASCII "A").
! Sets Variable to 170 (the ASCII value of the F1 key (Key_F1)).
! Sets Variable to 0.
See Also
Keyboard Functions
Gets the AN at the position of the command cursor. If you are using groups, and there are
currently two command cursors, the AN for the innermost will be returned. For example,
if there is a cursor for a group as well as a cursor for one of its objects, the AN for the object
will be returned.
Return Value
The AN at the position of the command cursor. If no cursor is visible, -1 is returned.
Related Functions
! If the command cursor is on AN25:
! Sets AN to 25.
See Also
Keyboard Functions
Moves the command cursor left (across the page) to the closest AN. If an AN-Left cursor
override is specified (in the Page Keyboard database) for the graphics page, the command
cursor moves to that AN instead.
Chapter: 36 Keyboard Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
KeyRight, KeyUp, KeyDown, KeyMove
See KeyRight
See Also
Keyboard Functions
Moves the command cursor in a specified direction to the closest AN. If an AN cursor over-
ride is specified, the command cursor moves to that AN directly. This function is equiva-
lent to the KeyUp(), KeyDown(), KeyLeft(), and KeyRight() functions.
Direction to move the cursor:
0 - Do not move
1 - Left
2 - Right
3 - Up
4 - Down
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
KeyUp, KeyDown, KeyLeft, KeyRight
! Moves the cursor left.
See Also
Keyboard Functions
Gets the ascii key code from the key command line (at a specified offset), without removing
the key from the key command line. An offset of 0 returns the key code from the last posi-
tion in the key command line.
Chapter: 36 Keyboard Functions
The offset from the end of the key command line
Return Value
The ASCII key code.
Related Functions
! If "A B C" is in the key command line:
! Sets Variable to 67 (ASCII "C")
! Sets Variable to 65 (ASCII "A")
See Also
Keyboard Functions
Puts an ASCII key code or Keyboard key code into the last position of the key command
line. If this key completes any command, that command will execute.
The key code to put into the key command line.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
/* Puts "Key_F1" (the Key Code for the "F1" key) into the last
position of the key command line. If "START" is the Key Name for
the "F1" key, this would be equivalent to
KeyPutStr("START"). In either case, "START" will display on the
key command line. */
/* Puts the Key Code for the "A" key into the last position of the
key command line. */
Chapter: 36 Keyboard Functions
See Also
Keyboard Functions
Puts a string at the end of the key command line. The string can contain either key names
or data characters. If this string completes any command, that command will execute.
The string to put into the key command line.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
KeyPutStr("START ABC");
! Places "START ABC" at the end of the key command line.
KeyPutStr("TURN PUMP 1 ON");
! Places "TURN PUMP 1 ON" at the end of the key command line.
See Also
Keyboard Functions
Replays the last key sequence (except for the last key, which would execute the command).
This function is useful when a command is to be repeated. To call this function from the
keyboard, use a Hot Key "*" (asterisk) command, otherwise the KeyReplay() function itself
is replayed.
Number of characters to subtract before replay. Default value is 1.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 36 Keyboard Functions
Related Functions
If the previous contents of the key command line were:
! Replays "START ABC".
See Also
Keyboard Functions
Replays the last key sequence and executes the command. To call this function from the
keyboard, use a Hot Key " * " (asterisk) command, otherwise the KeyReplayAll() function
itself is replayed.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
If the previous contents of the key command line were:
! Replays "START ABC ENTER" and executes the command.
See Also
Keyboard Functions
Moves the command cursor right (across the page) to the closest AN. If an AN-Right cursor
override is specified (in the Page Keyboard database) for the graphics page, the command
cursor moves to that AN instead.
Chapter: 36 Keyboard Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
KeyUp, KeyDown, KeyLeft, KeyMove
See KeyLeft
See Also
Keyboard Functions
Displays the command cursor at a specified AN. A keyboard command must exist, or you
must first call the KeyAllowCursor() function (at the AN) to allow the cursor to move to the
AN. If the AN does not exist, or if a command does not exist at that AN, or if KeyAllowCur-
sor() has not been called, the command cursor does not move.
The AN where the command cursor will be displayed.
Return Value
If the AN does not exist, or if a command does not exist at that AN, or if KeyAllowCursor()
has not been called, the return value is 1. Otherwise, the function will return 0.
Related Functions
KeyGetCursor, KeyAllowCursor
! Move the command cursor to AN20.
See Also
Keyboard Functions
Adds a keyboard sequence to the current page at runtime. The key sequence is only added
to the current window. When the page is closed, the keyboard sequence is deleted.
KeySetSeq(sKeySeq, AN, Fn)
Chapter: 36 Keyboard Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspButton, DspButtonFn
/* Set the key sequence and call the "Callback" function when the
sequence is found. */
KeySetSeq("F2 ### Enter", 0, Callback);
! This function is called when the key sequence is found.
INT Value;
! Get user data.
See Also
Keyboard Functions
Moves the command cursor up the page to the closest AN. If an AN-Up cursor override is
specified (in the Page Keyboard database) for the graphics page, the command cursor
moves to that AN.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
KeyDown, KeyLeft, KeyRight, KeyMove
See KeyUp.
Chapter: 36 Keyboard Functions
See Also
Keyboard Functions
Sends a keystroke (or string of keystrokes) to a window as if they were typed on the key-
board. The window receives input focus and is brought to the foreground.
SendKeys(sTitle, sKeys)
The title (caption) of the destination window.
The key (or keys) to send to sTitle.
To send a single keyboard character, use the character itself. For example, to
send the letter a, set sKeys to a. To send more than one character, append each
additional character to the string. For example, to send the letters a, b, and c,
set sKeys to abc.
The plus (+), caret (^), and percent sign (%) have special meanings. To send
one of these special characters, enclose the character with braces. For example,
to send the plus sign, use {+}. To send a { character or a } character, use {{} and
{}}, respectively.
To specify characters that are not displayed when you press a key (such as En-
ter or Tab) and other keys that represent actions rather than characters, use
the codes shown below:
Key Code
Backspace {backspace} or {bs} or{bksp}
Break {break}
Caps Lock {capslock}
Clear {clear}
Del {delete} or {del}
End {end}
Enter {enter} or ~
Esc {escape} or {esc}
Help {help}
Home {home}
Insert {insert}
Num Lock {numlock}
Page Down {pgdn}
Page Up {pgup}
Print Screen {prtsc}
Scroll Lock {scrolllock}
Tab {tab}
Up Arrow {up}
Down Arrow {down}
Right Arrow {right}
Chapter: 36 Keyboard Functions
To specify keys combined with any combination of Shift, Ctrl, and Alt, pre-
cede the regular key code with one or more of these codes:
Key Code
Shift +
Ctrl ^
Alt %
To specify that Shift, Ctrl, and/or Alt are held down while several keys are
pressed, enclose the keys in parentheses. For example, to hold down the Shift key
while sending E then C, use +(EC). To hold down Shift while sending E, followed
by C without the Shift key, use +EC. To specify repeating keys, use the form {key
number}. For example, {left 42} means send the left arrow key 42 times. Note that
you must leave a space between the key and number.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
SendKeys("Untitled - Notepad", "abc");
// Send the key sequence "abc" to the Notepad application
See Also
Keyboard Functions
Chapter: 37 Mail Functions
The mail facility enables you to send data (for example, a report) between CitectSCADA us-
ers (or any other computer). CitectSCADA can send mail automatically, triggered by an
event such as a report or an alarm. It can also read mail, so any user on the system can send
mail to CitectSCADA (for example, a batch recipe).
You can use the mail facility to send information from CitectSCADA to Managers, Super-
visors or anyone on a LAN or WAN whether they are running CitectSCADA or not. You
can use it to send mail directly to these people whenever an event occurs (for example, you
can mail reports directly to the QA department when they are scheduled, or send mail to
the maintenance department when equipment is due for service).
The mail system uses the MAPI standard interface, so you can use any mail system that
supports this standard. The mail system allows data transfer across different computer
platforms and to remote sites (using a data gateway), enabling you to send high-level data
across a wide area network.
Mail Functions
Following are functions relating to sending or receiveing mail:
MailError Gets the last mail error code
MailLogoff Logoff from the mail system
MailLogon Logon to the mail system
MailRead Reads a standard mail message
MailSend Sends a standard mail message
See Also
Functions Reference
Gets the last mail error code. The error code is extracted from the MAPI mail system, and
explains what caused the MAPI error.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned. Refer also to MAPI errors.
Related Functions
MailLogon, MailLogoff, MailSend, MailRead
! Logon to the mail system
IF MailLogon("RodgerG", "password", 0) THEN
error = MailError();
Chapter: 37 Mail Functions
See Also
Mail Functions
Logs off from the mail system. You should log off the mail system when all mail operations
are complete. CitectSCADA automatically logs off the mail system on shutdown.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
MailLogon, MailSend, MailRead
! Send the report to Rodger
MailLogon("Andrew", "password", 0);
MailSend("Rodger Gaff", "Report", "This is the weekly report",
"[data]:weekly.txt", 0);
See Also
Mail Functions
Logs on to the mail system. You must call this function before any other mail function.
The mail system uses the MAPI standard interface, so you can use any mail system that
supports this standard.
You should log on to the mail system when CitectSCADA starts, and log off only at shut-
down. (The logon procedure can take a few seconds to complete.) You can only log on as
one user at a time for each computer, so you can only read mail for this user name.
MailLogon(sName, sPassword, iMode)
The name of the mail user. This name is the user’s mail box name (the unique
shorthand name, not the full user’s name).
The password of the mail user.
Chapter: 37 Mail Functions
The mode of the logon:
0 - Normal logon.
2 - Get unique logon, do not share existing mail client logon.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
MailLogoff, MailSend, MailRead, MailError
! Send the report to James
MailLogon("RodgerG", "password", 0);
MailSend("James Glover", "Report", "This is the weekly report",
"[data]:weekly.txt", 0);
See Also
Mail Functions
Reads a standard mail message. The mail message can contain text, an attached file, or both.
Before you can use this function, you must use the MailLogon() function to log on to the
mail system. You can only read mail sent to the user name specified in the MailLogon()
MailRead(sName, sSubject, sNote, sFileName, iMode)
The name of the mail user who sent the message.
The subject text of the mail message.
The note section of the message. If the message is longer than 255 characters, Ci-
tectSCADA will save the message in a file and return the file name in sNote. Use
the file functions to read the message. The name of the file will be in the form
CTxxxxx where x is a unique number. You must delete the file after you have fin-
ished with the mail message.
The name of any attached file. If there is no attached file in the message, specify
sFileName as an empty string "".
The mode of the read:
Chapter: 37 Mail Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
MailLogon, MailLogoff, MailSend, MailError
! Logon to the mail system
MailLogon("RodgerG", "password", 0);
! Read a message. Don’t wait if no message
IF MailRead(sName, sSubject, sNote, sFileName, 1) = 0 THEN
! got message now do something with it
! wait for a mail message
MailRead(sName, sSubject, sNote, sFileName, 0);
See Also
Mail Functions
Sends a standard mail message. The mail message can contain text, an attached file, or both.
Before you can use this function, you must use the MailLogon() function to log on to the
mail system. You can only send mail from the user name specified in the MailLogon() func-
tion. You can send mail to any mail user or to another Citect client.
MailSend(sName, sSubject, sNote, sFileName, iMode)
The name of the mail user who will receive the message. This name is the user’s
full name (not their mailbox name).
The subject text of the mail message (a short description of what the message is
The note section of the message (the main section of the message text). You can
enter up to 255 characters, or a file name for longer messages. If you enter a file
name, set iMode to 1.
The name of any attached file. If there is no attached file in the message, set sFile-
Name to an empty string "".
Chapter: 37 Mail Functions
The mode of the send:
0 - Normal mail message.
1 - The sNote argument is the name of a text file to send as the note.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
MailLogon, MailLogoff, MailRead, MailError
! Logon to the mail system
MailLogon("Wombat", "password", 0);
! send the report to Andrew
MailSend("Andrew Bennet", "Report", "Attached is the weekly report", "[data]:week-
ly.txt", 0);
! send hello message to JR
MailSend("Jack Russell", "Hello", "You’ve only got yourself to blame!", "", 0);
! send a big note to Nigel
MailSend("Nigel Colless", "Big Message", "[data]:message.txt", "", 1);
See Also
Mail Functions
Chapter: 37 Mail Functions
Chapter: 38 Math and Trigonometry Functions
The following functions allow you to perform mathematical calculations in your Cicode
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Following are mathematical or trigonometrical functions:
Abs Gets the absolute value of a number.
ArcCos Gets the arccosine of an angle.
ArcSin Gets the arcsine of an angle.
ArcTan Gets the arctangent of an angle.
Cos Gets the cosine of an angle.
DegToRad Converts an angle from degrees to radians.
Exp Raises e to the power of a number.
Fact Gets the factorial of a number.
HighByte Gets the high-order byte of a two-byte integer.
HighWord Gets the high-order word of a four-byte integer.
Ln Gets the natural logarithm of a number.
Log Gets the base 10 logarithm of a number.
LowByte Gets the low-order byte of a two-byte integer.
LowWord Gets the low-order word of a four-byte integer.
Max Gets the higher of two numbers.
Min Gets the lower of two numbers.
Pi Gets the value of pi.
Pow Raises a number to the power of another number.
RadToDeg Converts an angle from radians to degrees.
Rand Gets a random number.
Round Rounds a number.
Sign Gets the sign of a number.
Sin Gets the sine of an angle.
Sqrt Gets the square root of a number.
Tan Gets the tangent of an angle.
See Also
Functions Reference
Calculates the absolute (positive) value of a number. The absolute value of a number is the
number without its sign.
Chapter: 38 Math and Trigonometry Functions
Any number.
Return Value
The absolute (positive) value of Number.
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to 67.
! Sets Variable to 67.
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Calculates the arccosine of an angle.
The cosine of the angle.
Return Value
The arccosine (the angle, in radians) of Number.
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to 1.1592...
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Calculates the arcsine of an angle.
Chapter: 38 Math and Trigonometry Functions
The sine of the angle.
Return Value
The arcsine (the angle, in radians) of Number.
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to 1.5707...
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Calculates the arctangent of an angle.
The tangent of the angle.
Return Value
The arctangent (the angle, in radians) of Number.
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to 0.3805...
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Calculates the trigonometric cosine of an angle.
Chapter: 38 Math and Trigonometry Functions
Return Value
The cosine of Angle.
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to 0.7071...
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Converts an angle from degrees to radians.
Any angle (in degrees).
Return Value
The angle in radians.
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to 3.1415... (pi).
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Calculates the exponential of a number (natural logarithm base e).
Any number.
Chapter: 38 Math and Trigonometry Functions
Return Value
The exponential of Number (to the base e).
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to 2.7182...
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Calculates the factorial of a number.
Any number.
Return Value
The factorial of Number.
! Sets Variable to 720 (that is 720=1x2x3x4x5x6).
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Gets the high-order byte of a two-byte integer.
A two-byte integer.
Return Value
The high-order byte (that is | X | - |)
Chapter: 38 Math and Trigonometry Functions
Related Functions
LowByte, HighWord, LowWord
! Sets Variable to 0x56.
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Gets the high-order word of a four-byte integer.
A four-byte integer.
Return Value
The high-order word (that is | X | X | - | - |)
Related Functions
LowWord, HighByte, LowByte
! Sets Variable to 0x1234.
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Calculates the natural (base e) logarithm of a number.
Any number.
Return Value
The natural (base e) logarithm of Number.
Chapter: 38 Math and Trigonometry Functions
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to 0.6931...
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Calculates the base 10 logarithm of a number.
Any number.
Return Value
The base 10 logarithm of Number.
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to 2 (that is 100=10 to the power of 2).
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Gets the low-order byte of a two-byte integer.
A two-byte integer.
Return Value
The low-order byte (that is | - | X |)
Chapter: 38 Math and Trigonometry Functions
Related Functions
HighByte, LowWord, HighWord
! Sets Variable to 0x78.
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Gets the low-order word of a four-byte integer.
A four-byte integer.
Return Value
The low-order word (that is | - | - | X | X |)
Related Functions
HighByte, LowByte, HighWord
! Sets Variable to 0x5678
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Gets the higher of two numbers.
Max(Number1, Number2)
The first number.
The second number.
Chapter: 38 Math and Trigonometry Functions
Return Value
The higher of numbers Number1 and Number2.
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to 24.
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Returns the lower of two numbers.
Min(Number1, Number2)
The first number.
The second number.
Return Value
The lower of numbers Number1 and Number2.
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to 12.
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Gets the value of pi (the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter).
Chapter: 38 Math and Trigonometry Functions
Return Value
The value of pi.
! Sets Variable to 3.1415...
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Calculates x to the power of y.
Pow(X, Y)
The base number.
The exponent.
Return Value
X to the power of Y.
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to 125.
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Converts an angle from radians to degrees.
Any angle (in degrees).
Chapter: 38 Math and Trigonometry Functions
Return Value
The angle in degrees.
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to 180.
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Generates a random number between 0 and a specified maximum number less one.
The Rand function is zero-based, so the resultant number generated will range from zero
to one less than the number provided in the Maximum argument.
The maximum number. This number must be between 2 and 32767 (inclusive).
Return Value
A random number of integer type.
! Sets Variable to a random number from 0 to 100.
// To create a random number between 0 and 1 with 2 decimal places,
divide the above variable by 100, as shown here: //
Variable = Variable/100;
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places.
Round(Number, Places)
The floating-point number to round.
Chapter: 38 Math and Trigonometry Functions
The number of decimal places.
Return Value
The number rounded to Places decimal places.
! Sets Variable to 0.78 (result is rounded to 2 decimal places).
! Sets Variable to 120.0 (rounded to -1 decimal place).
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Gets the sign of a number.
Any number.
Return Value
The sign of Number.
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to 1.
! Sets Variable to -1.
! Sets Variable to 0.
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Calculates the trigonometric sine of an angle.
Chapter: 38 Math and Trigonometry Functions
Any angle (in radians).
Return Value
The sine of Angle.
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to 0.7071...
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Gets the square root of a number.
Any positive number.
Return Value
The square root of Number.
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to 2.
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Calculates the trigonometric tangent of an angle.
Chapter: 38 Math and Trigonometry Functions
Return Value
The tan of Angle.
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to 1.5574...
See Also
Math/Trigonometry Functions
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
This section describes general Cicode functions.
Miscellaneous Functions
Following are miscellaneous functions.
AreaCheck Determines whether the current user has access to a speci-
fied area.
Assert Verifies a particular condition is true, or halts the task.
Beep Beeps the speaker or sound card in the computer.
CitectInfo Gets information about a CitectSCADA variable.
CodeTrace Traces Cicode into the Kernel and the SYSLOG.DAT file.
DebugBreak Causes a breakpoint error to start the Cicode Debugger.
DebugMsg In-line debug messages of user Cicode.
DebugMsgSet Enables/disables the DebugMsg function.
DelayShutdown Causes CitectSCADA to shut down after a specified period
DisplayRuntimeManager Starts and displays CitectSCADA Runtime Manager.
DumpKernel Dumps Kernel data to the Kernel.dat file.
EngToGeneric Converts a variable into generic scale format.
Exec Executes an application or PIF file.
GetArea Gets the current viewable areas.
GetEnv Gets an environment variable.
InfoForm Displays graphics object help information for the AN closest
to the cursor.
InfoFormAn Displays graphics object help information for an AN.
Input Gets text input from the operator.
IntToReal Converts an integer variable into a real (floating point) num-
KerCmd Executes a command in a kernel window.
KernelQueueLength Obtains the number of rows in a queue.
KernelTableInfo Provides a consistent method of accessing items within a Ker-
nel Table.
KernelTableItemCount Obtains the number of rows in a Kernel Table.
LanguageFileTranslate Translates an ASCII file into the local language.
Message Displays a message box on the screen.
ParameterGet Gets the value of a system parameter.
ParameterPut Updates a system parameter.
ProcessIsClient Determines if the currently executing process contains a Cli-
ent component
ProcessIsServer Determines if the currently executing process contains a par-
ticular server component.
ProcessRestart Restarts the current process in which Cicode is running.
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
ProjectRestartGet Gets the path to the project to be run the next time Cit-
ectSCADA is restarted.
ProjectRestartSet Sets the path to the project to be run the next time Cit-
ectSCADA is restarted.
ProjectSet Sets the name or path of the current project.
Prompt Displays a message in the prompt line.
Pulse Pulses (jogs) a variable tag every two seconds.
ServerInfo Gets client and server information.
ServerInfoEx Gets client and server information from a specified process in
a multiprocessor environment.
ServerRestart Restart any specific alarm, report, trend or I/O server from
any Cicode node in system,
without affecting other server processes running on the same
ServiceGetList Gets information about services running in the component
calling this function.
SetArea Sets the current viewable areas.
SetLanguage Sets the current language for runtime text, and the character
Shutdown Ends CitectSCADA’s operation.
ShutdownForm Displays a form that allows an operator to shut down the Ci-
tectSCADA system.
ShutdownMode Gets the mode of the shutdown/restart.
SwitchConfig Switches focus to the CitectSCADA configuration application.
TestRandomWave Generates a random wave.
TestSawWave Generates a saw wave.
TestSinWave Generates a sine wave.
TestSquareWave Generates a square wave.
TestTriangWave Generates a triangular wave.
Toggle Toggles a digital tag on or off.
TraceMsg Displays a message in the Kernel and Debugger debug win-
Version Gets the version number of the CitectSCADA software.
See Also
Functions Reference
Determines whether the current user has access to a specified area.
The area number (0 - 255)
Return Value
TRUE (1) if the user has access to the Area or FALSE (0) if not.
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
Related Functions
GetArea, GetPriv
IsArea = AreaCheck(5);
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Verifies that the specified expression is TRUE. If then expression is FALSE, the current task
will be halted. This is useful to help prevent the execution of code you do not want to run
in the event an error has been detected.
This function can be used in a debug mode, where the FALSE assertion will be logged to
the Kernel and SysLog.DAT, with the time, date, Cicode file name, and line number. Addi-
tionally the operator will be prompted with a dialog. The debug mode can be set by using
the [Code]DebugMessage parameter or DebugMsgSet() function.
Note: If you have the "Citect will start debugger on hardware errors" option set in the
Cicode Editor, the Debugger will start with the position before the Halt() instruction. You
must ’step over’ this command if you want to continue debugging the function that called
the Assert().
The boolean expression. This expression must evaluate to TRUE (1) or FALSE (0).
Return Value
None. However, if the assertion tests as FALSE, error 347 is generated.
Related Functions
Halt, DebugMsg, DebugMsgSet, CodeTrace, TraceMsg, ErrLog
FUNCTION FileDisplayEx(STRING sFileName);
INT hFile;
hFile = FileOpen(sFileName, "r");
Assert(hFile <> -1);
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Beeps the internal speaker or sound card (installed in the computer). If you use the internal
speaker on your computer, the function does not return until the sound has completed. If
you use a sound card, the function returns immediately and the sound plays in the back-
Use the Windows Control Panel to set up waveforms.
The type of sound:
-1 - Standard beep
0 - Default beep waveform
1 - Critical stop waveform
2 - Question waveform
3 - Exclamation waveform
4 - Asterisk waveform
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
/* Beeps the speaker with the default waveform. */
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Gets information about a CitectSCADA variable. This function returns internal statistics
and other information about the CitectSCADAruntime system.
Note: This function is a non-blocking function and can only access data contained within
the calling process; consequently it cannot return data contained in a different server pro-
cess. This function is not redirected automatically by CitectSCADA runtime. If you want to
make a call from one process to return data in another, use MsgRPC() to make a remote pro-
cedure call on the other process. Alternatively, include the server process that has the in-
formation that CitectInfo requires in the calling process.
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
CitectInfo(sGroup, sName, sType)
The name of the group to which the variable belongs. Valid group names are:
"General", "Port", "IODevice", "Network", "Stats", "Memory", or "Disk".
The name of the variable. This name depends on sGroup:
"General" - the name is ignored.
"Port" - the name of the I/O port configured in the database (with the Ports da-
tabase). The port information is only valid for an I/O server. If the port name
is "total", the total statistics for the I/O server are returned.
"IODevice" - the name of the I/O device configured in the I/O devices database.
"Network" - the name is ignored.
"Stats" - The name of the statistics buffer or Statistical Information Record
"Alarm Proc" - Alarm Processing (includes Digital, Analog, Advanced and High
Resolution alarms).
"Citect n" - The CitectSCADA window where n is the window number (returned
from the WinNumber() function)
"Code n" - The user Cicode task (thread) where n is the task handle (returned from
the TaskHnd() function)
"Reset" - Reset the CitectSCADA statistics.
"ElapsedTimeMS" - The elapsed time since statistics have been reset. Returns -1 if
more than 20 days has elapsed.
"Memory" - the measurement used
0 = bytes
KB = kilobytes
MB = megabytes
GB = gigabytes
"Disk" - The disk drive to access:
0 = The current drive
1 = A:
2 = B:
3 = C: and so on.
The type of information to get, depending on sGroup:
"General" - General statistics:
0 - CPU usage
1 - CitectSCADA kernel cycles per second
2 - CitectSCADA kernel tasks per second
3 - Citect Kernel boot time
4 - Citect Kernel running time (in seconds)
5 - CitectSCADA startup time
6 - CitectSCADA running time in seconds
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
Return Value
The type of information (as an integer).
Related Functions
IODeviceInfo, WinNumber, TaskHnd
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
! Get free memory
FreeMemory = CitectInfo("Memory", "", 0);
! Get free disk space on C:
FreeDisk = CitectInfo("Disk", 3, 0);
! Get max cycle time for digital alarms
MaxCycleTime = CitectInfo("Stats","Digital Alm","1");
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Traces Cicode into the Kernel and the SYSLOG.DAT file. Use this function for finding bugs
in your Cicode. It will trace all functions called, the arguments to those functions, and their
return values. It will also trace any errors, writes to the I/O devices, and task state changes.
Note: Use this function only during system development; it can cause excessive loading on
the CPU.
CodeTrace(hTask, nMode)
The Cicode task handle as returned from TaskHnd() function or any of the fol-
lowing special values:
0 - Foreground Cicode.
-2 - The next created task.
-3 - All new created tasks.
-4 - All tasks.
The mode of the trace:
0 - Tracing off
1 - Trace user Cicode functions calls
2 - Trace built-in function calls
4 - Trace errors
8 - Trace writes to the I/O devices
16 - Trace task state changes
-1 - All modes (except 0)
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Assert, TaskHnd, DebugMsg, DebugMsgSet, TraceMsg, ErrLog
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
// Start tracing errors
CodeTrace(TaskHnd(), 4);
// Stop tracing
CodeTrace(TaskHnd(), 0);
// trace all functions in new task
CodeTrace(-2, 1 + 2);
TaskNew("MyFunc", "data", 0);
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Causes a breakpoint exception error to occur (error number 342). This allows programmers
to trap invalid states in their Cicode. If the Cicode Editor is not running, and the Citect will
start debugger on hardware errors option is set (Debug menu - Options), the Debugger
will be started. When the debugger starts, the correct Cicode file, function, and line will be
Return Value
Related Functions
DspKernel, KerCmd, DumpKernel, TraceMsg
!Check to see that rSpan is greater than zero else cause a break.
If rSpan equals 0 it would cause a Divide by Zero hardware error
IF rSpan > 0 THEN
rCalcRate = iAmount/rSpan;
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Provides in-line debug messages of user Cicode, to the Kernel, Debugger Debug window,
and the SysLog.DAT file. This function can be enabled or disabled with the [Code]Debug-
Message parameter or DebugMsgSet() function at runtime.
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
The debugging message to log. Be sure to enclose this message in double quotes
(" ").
Return Value
Related Functions
Assert, DebugMsgSet, CodeTrace, TraceMsg, ErrLog
FileDisplayEx(STRING sFileName);
INT hFile;
hFile = FileOpen(sFileName, "r");
DebugMsg("When opening file " + sFileName + ", the handle was: " + IntToStr(hFile));
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Enables/disables the DebugMsg() logging functionality. It also controls whether logging is
enabled for the Assert() function. This function also sets the [Code]DebugMessage param-
eter appropriately.
The logging mode:
0 - Disable logging.
1 - Enable logging.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Assert, DebugMsg
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
Text Debug Enable
Command DebugMsgSet(1)
Comment Enable debug logging
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Terminates CitectSCADA’s operation after the specified delay period (in milliseconds).
This function is suitable to be called by the CTAPI. The delay period enables the user to
close the connection between the CTAPI and third-party applications before CitectSCADA
shuts down.
The period (in milliseconds) after whichCitectSCADA will shut down.
Return Value
No return value.
Related Functions
CtOpen, CtClose, CtCicode
DelayShutdown(10 000)
!Terminates CitectSCADA’s operation after 10 seconds
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
This function will start the CitectSCADA Runtime Manager if it is not already running ,
otherwise it will just bring the CitectSCADA Runtime Manager to the foreground.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
DumpKernel(iMode, sName)
The Kernel data to dump:
0x0001 Dump general statistics
0x0002 Dump the task
0x0004 Dump the I/O device
0x0008 Dump the driver
0x0010 Dump netstat
0x0020 Dump the table
0x0040 Dump the queue
0x4000 Dump in verbose mode
0x8000 Dump all the kernel data in non-verbose mode.
To dump all data in verbose mode, set iMode to 0xc0000 (0x8000 + 0x4000).
You can select any one of the above modes or may add them together to get more than one
type of information. For example, to dump netstat and I/O device data in verbose mode, set
iMode to 0x4014 (0x0004 + 0x0010 + 0x4000). Using 0x4000 on its own will dump no data,
it must be combined with another mode.
The queue or table name(empty for all queues or tables). Only valid if iMode is
0x0001 or 0x0040.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspKernel, KerCmd, TraceMsg
DumpKernel(0x8000, "");
!Dump all the Kernel data
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Gets a variable in the CitectSCADA generic scale format. CitectSCADA uses this scale to
display trends. It calls this function automatically for trends defined in the project. If you
want to display a trend using Cicode you must call this function.
EngToGeneric(Value, EngLow, EngHigh)
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
The value to convert to the CitectSCADA generic scale format.
The engineering units zero scale.
The engineering units full scale.
Return Value
The variable (in the range 0 - 32000).
Related Functions
DspBar, DspTrend
/* Using trend definition 5 at AN20, display the value of Tag1 on
Pen1 of the trend. Tag1 has an engineering scale of 0 to 100. */
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Executes an application or PIF file. The application or command starts up and continues to
run in parallel with CitectSCADA.
This function can return while the application is still starting up, so you should use the
Sleep() function to allow the application enough time to start.
Exec(Command [, Mode] )
The operating system command to execute.
The mode of the window:
1 - Normal
3 - Maximized
6 - Minimized
If you do not enter a mode, the default mode is 1.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
! Starts up the Paint application with a normal window.
Exec("cmd /c mkdir c:\test");
! Uses the DOS shell to create a new directory
You must quote paths and applications passed to the exec function (using ^" to embed
quotes) so that the function can be executed correctly when long file names are used. For
Exec(PathToStr("^"" + "[BIN]:\Ctcicode")+ "^" ^"" +
PathToStr("[RUN]:\") + "^"")
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Gets the current logged-in areas.
Return Value
The login area groups as an integer that represents a group handle. If this group is modi-
fied, the actual login areas do not change.
Related Functions
! If the current areas are 1, 5 and 20:
! sets Str to "1,5,20".
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Gets a DOS environment variable.
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
The name of the environment variable.
Return Value
The DOS environment variable (as a string).
/* Get the current DOS path. */
sPath = GetEnv("Path");
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Displays graphics object information for the object under the mouse pointer. If there is no
object directly under the mouse pointer, it displays information for the nearest object. Each
tag associated with the object is displayed, along with its raw and engineering values and
a button that displays all the details from the Variable Tags form. The function also displays
the Cicode expression, with any result that the expression has generated.
This function only supports the display of simple Cicode expressions.
For security purposes, the Write button on the information form displayed by this
function can be disabled.
0 - The Write button on the displayed information form will be available and will
function normally.
1 - The Write button will not be shown.
If you do not enter a mode, the default mode is 0.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
System Keyboard
Key Sequence AnHelp
Command InfoForm();
Comment Display graphics object help for the AN closest to the cursor
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Displays graphics object information for a specified AN. This function displays each tag as-
sociated with the object, along with its raw and engineering values and a button that dis-
plays all the details from the Variable Tags form. The function also displays the Cicode
expression, with any result that the expression has generated.
InfoFormAn(AN [, Mode] )
The AN of the graphics object for which information is displayed.
For security purposes, the Write button on the information form displayed by this
function can be disabled.
0 - The Write button on the displayed information form will be available and will
function normally.
1 - The Write button will not be shown.
If you do not enter a mode, the default mode is 0.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
System Keyboard
Key Sequence ### AnHelp
Command InfoFormAn(Arg1);
Comment Display graphics object help for a specified AN
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Displays a dialog box in which an operator can input a single value. The dialog box has a
title, a prompt, and a single edit field. For multiple inputs, use the Form functions.
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
Input(Title, Prompt, Default)
The title of the input box.
The prompt text.
The default text that the operator can edit or replace.
Return Value
The edit field entry (as a string). If the user presses the Cancel button , an empty string is
returned and the IsError() function returns the error code 299.
Related Functions
Message, FormNew
/* Shut down CitectSCADA if the user inputs "Yes". */
sStr=Input("Shutdown","Do you wish to shutdown?","Yes");
IF sStr="Yes" THEN
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Converts an integer into a real (floating point) number.
The integer to convert.
Return Value
The real number.
Related Functions
RealToStr, StrToInt
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
! Sets Variable to 45.0
! Sets Variable to -45.0
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Executes a command in a Kernel window.
KerCmd(Window, sCommand)
The name of the Kernel window.
The command to execute in the Kernel window.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspKernel, TraceMsg, DumpKernel
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Obtains the number of records in a queue.
The name of the queue, which can be enumerated by the page queue kernel com-
Return Value
This function returns the Length value of the page queue command.
Related Functions
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Provides a consistent method of accessing items within Kernel Table.
KernelTableInfo(sTable, sRecord, sField)
The name of the table. The following tables are supported:
sTable sRecord sField Notes
Bufferpool The value of the Mode, Size, Total, These names are
‘Name’ field Free, InUse, Max, unique when each
Peak, Short, Gets, Bufferpool is created
TotErr, Grow, Shrink
CiCode The value of the Name, HND, State, The CiCode function
‘Name’ field or CPU_Time, TaskNew exposes the
the ‘HND’ field. If Poll_Time, Slice handle. That is why
the user specifies record access by han-
a number as the dle is acceptable for
sRecord we will this table. The name
assume it is a field may or may not
handle, other- be unique (if you run
wise we will look the same CiCode task
it up as a string twice with different
name parame-ters). Access-
ing by ‘Name’ will fail if
there are duplicates
Task The value of the Mode, Hnd, State, None
‘Name’ field Prty, Cpu, Min, Max,
Avg, Count
Trendqueues The value of the FlushQueueLength, None
‘DriverName’ FlushQueuesMax ,
field TotalFlushes, File-
The key to a column in the table depending on the sTable parameter.
The key to a column in the table depending on the sTable parameter.
Return Value
Returns the content of a field of the given table in the format of a Cicode STRING.
Related Functions
KernelTableItemCount, DumpKernel
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
Obtains the number of rows in a Kernel Table.
The name of the table that can be enumerated by the page table kernel command.
Return Value
Returns the number of active records in the table (not the length value displayed by the
page table kernel command).
The following tables row counts are not returned by this command (it returns 0)
KernelTableInfo, DumpKernel
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Translates an ASCII file into a local language. Use this function to translate RTF reports for
viewing on client screens.
The local language used by this function is specified by the [Language]LocalLanguage pa-
rameter. You must set this parameter accordingly.
LanguageFileTranslate(sSourceFile, sDestFile)
The name of the ASCII file containing multi-language text, which will be copied
and translated. You should specify the full path or use path substitution. The path
and name should be contained within quotation marks.
The name of the destination file which will be created/ replaced with the local/
translated version of the source file. You should specify the full path or use path
substitution. The path and name should be contained within quotation marks.
Return Value
1 if successful, otherwise 0.
Related Functions
SetLanguage, StrToLocalText
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
/* Translates the text in Shift.RTF and saves it in LShift.RTF. */
/* Translates the text in [Data]:Shift.RTF and saves it in
[LocalData]:LShift.RTF. */
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Displays a message box on the screen and waits for the user to select the OK or Cancel but-
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
Message(Title, Prompt, Mode)
The title of the message box.
The prompt displayed in the message box.
The mode of the message box:
0 - OK button
1 - OK and Cancel button
16 - Stop Icon
32 - Question Icon
48 - Exclamation Icon
64 - Information Icon
Select more than one mode by adding the modes. For example, set Mode to 33 to
display the OK and Cancel buttons and the Question icon. You can only display
one icon for the message box.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned. If the user presses the Cancel button
the function returns an error code of 299.
Related Functions
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
/* Display an error message in a message box. */
IF Total<>100 THEN
Message("Error","Total not 100%",48);
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Gets the value of a system parameter. The system parameter can exist in the CITECT.INI
file and/or in the Parameters database.
If the system parameter does not exist in the CITECT.INI file or the database, the default
value is returned. If the system parameter exists in both CITECT.INI and the database, the
value of the system parameter is taken from CITECT.INI.
ParameterGet(Section, Name, Default)
The section name.
The system parameter name.
The default value of the parameter.
Return Value
The parameter (as a string).
Related Functions
ParameterPut, WndGetFileProfile, WndPutFileProfile
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Updates a system parameter in the CITECT.INI file. If the system parameter does not exist,
it is added to the CITECT.INI file.
ParameterPut(Section, Name, Value)
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
The section name.
The system parameter name.
The value to put in the system parameter.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
ParameterGet, WndGetFileProfile, WndPutFileProfile
/* Changes the [Page] Windows system parameter in CITECT.INI to "4". */
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Determines if the currently executing process contains a Client component.
Return Value
TRUE (1) if the process contains a Client component, otherwise FALSE (0).
Related Functions
ProcessIsServer, ServerInfo, ServerInfoEx, ServiceGetList
To execute local variable simulation code on the client only:
IF (ProcessIsClient()) THEN
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Determines if the currently executing process contains a particular server component.
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
ProcessIsServer(sServerType [, sClusterName] [, sServerName])
Case insensitive string specifying the type of server to check for. Supported val-
ues are "IOServer", "Trend", "Alarm" and "Report".
Optional case insensitive string specifying the cluster name to combine with the
server type specified in the first argument and the server name (if specified).
Optional case insensitive string specifying a server name to combine with the
server type specified in the first argument and the cluster name (if specified).
Return Value
TRUE (1) if the process contains the specified component, otherwise FALSE (0).
Related Functions
ProcessIsClient, ServerInfo, ServerInfoEx, ServiceGetList
To execute disk PLC tag simulation code only on the I/O server in Cluster1 with the name
IF (ProcessIsServer("IOServer", "Cluster1", "IOServer3")) THEN
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Restarts the current process in which Cicode is running.
INT error = ProcessRestart()
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise the following error is returned:
256 - General software error
See Also
Related Functions
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Gets the path to the project to be run the next time CitectSCADA is restarted. (You must
have a project already set using either ProjectSet or ProjectRestartSet. Use this function
with the Shutdown() function to shut down and then restart the project that is currently
Return Value
The path to the project to be run the next time CitectSCADA is restarted.
Related Functions
Shutdown, ShutdownMode, ProjectSet, ProjectRestartSet
See Shutdown.
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Sets the path to the project to be run the next time CitectSCADA is restarted.
The path to the project. You must use the full path, for example to specify the
path to the project "Demo", use: "C:\CITECT\USER\DEMO".
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Shutdown, ShutdownMode, ProjectSet, ProjectRestartGet
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
Sets either the name or the path of the project to be run next time CitectSCADA is restarted.
The project path is written to the [CtEdit]Run parameter.
The name of the project (for example "DEMO"), or the path to the project. If you
specify the path to the project, you must use the full path. If you do not specify a
project, the current project will be used.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Shutdown, ShutdownMode, ProjectRestartGet
/* Set the next project to "Demo". */
/* Set the next project to "MyPath". */
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Displays a message in the prompt line (AN=2) on the operator’s computer.
The message to be displayed.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Message, DspError
/* Display "This is a prompt!" at the prompt AN. */
Prompt("This is a prompt!");
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Pulses (jogs) a variable tag on, then off. The variable tag is switched ON (1) and two sec-
onds later it is switched OFF (0). The exact period of the pulse is determined by the com-
munication channel to the I/O device. If the communication channel is busy, the pulse time
may be longer than two seconds. The code in the I/O device should not rely on a pulse time
of exactly 2 seconds. Use the pulse as a trigger only.
The digital tag to pulse.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Text Jog 145
Command Pulse(M145)
Comment Pulse the variable tag M145 every two seconds
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Gets status information on clients and servers.
Note: This function is a non-blocking function and can only access data contained within
the calling process; consequently it cannot return data contained in a different server pro-
cess. This function is not redirected automatically by CitectSCADA runtime. If you want to
make a call from one process to return data in another, use MsgRPC() to make a remote pro-
cedure call on the other process. Alternatively, use the ServerInfoEx function that allows
you to specify the name of the component from which you want to retrieve data.
ServerInfo(sName, nType [, ClusterName] )
The name of the client or server, either "Client", "Server", "Alarm", "Trend", or
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
You can also pass a number instead of the name (but it still must be enclosed
in quotes). The number represents the target client. For example, if there are
12 clients, passing "3" will get information on the 3rd client.
If this server is an Alarm, Trend, Report, and I/O server then each client will
be attached 4 times. So 12 clients would mean there are 3 CitectSCADA com-
puters using this server - one of which is itself.
The type of information required (depends on the Name you specify):
"Alarm", "Trend", or "Report" name:
0 - Active flag (returns 1 if this is the active server, 0 if an inactive server).
1 - Number of clients attached to this server.
2 - If this client is attached to the primary or standby server for the specified serv-
er name. If Name is "Alarm" and if this client is attached to the primary
alarm server, the return value is 0. If this client is attached to the standby,
the return value is 1.
3 - The status of the client connection to the specified server name. If Name is "Re-
port" and the client is talking to a report server (either primary or standby),
the return value is 1. If not, the return value is 0.
"Client" name:
0 - The computer name, as specified by [LAN]Node.
1 - Not supported.
2 - Not supported.
3 - Not supported.
For modes 1,2 and 3, use ServerInfoEx instead.
"Server" name:
0 - Not supported.
1 - The number of clients attached to this server. This is the total number of Alarm,
Trend Report, and I/O server clients.
0 - The name of the server this client is talking to. For example, "Alarm", "Trend",
"Report", or "IOServer".
1 - The login name of the client. This may be an empty string if the client has not
logged in.
2 - The CitectSCADA computer name of the client computer.
3 - The time the client logged in.
4 - The number of messages received from this client.
5 - The number of messages sent to this client.
6 - If this client has a licence (1) from this server or not (0).
7 - The type of the licence; full licence (0), View-only Client (1), or Control Client
8 - If the client is remote (1) or local (0).
The name of the cluster that the server belongs to. This is only relevant if:
The Name is "alarm", "report", or "trend"; AND
The type of information required, nType, is 2 or 3.
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
Return Value
Status information specified by nType.
Related Functions
IF sSrvInfo THEN
! This is a primary report server.
! This is a stand-by report server.
/* Get and store the names of all clients attached to this server */
iCount = 1;
iClients = ServerInfo("Server", 1);
WHILE iCount <= iClients DO
sName[iCount] = ServerInfo(IntToStr(iCount), 2);
iCount = iCount + 1;
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Gets status information on clients and servers from a specified component in a multipro-
cess runtime environment.
When this function is called, the system redirects the call to the process that contains the
specified component. If the specified component is in the calling process, the call is not re-
directed. If the specified component is not one of the servers listed in the sComponent argu-
ment description (see below), of if the system cannot find the component from all the
connected local processes, a hardware alarm is raised.
ServerInfoEx(sName, nType, sComponent [, ClusterName] )
The name of the client or server, either "Client", "Server", "Alarm", "Trend", or
You can also pass a number instead of the name (but it still must be enclosed
in quotes). The number represents the target client. For example, if there are
12 clients, passing "3" will get information on the 3rd client.
If this server is an Alarm, Trend, Report, and I/O server then each client will
be attached 4 times. So 12 clients would mean there are 3 CitectSCADA com-
puters using this server - one of which is itself.
The type of information required (depends on the Name you specify): "Alarm",
"Trend", or "Report" name:
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
Note: If sName is "Client", the function will NOT be redirected to the component specified
by sComponent. Instead, the function gets information of type nType from the current client
connection to the component specified by sComponent.
The name of the cluster that the server belongs to. This is only relevant if:
The Name is "alarm", "report", or "trend"; AND
The type of information required, nType, is 2 or 3.
Return Value
Status information specified by nType.
Related Functions
This example gets the server information from the report process.
sSrvInfo=ServerInfoEx("Report",0, "Report");
IF sSrvInfo THEN
! This is a primary report server.
! This is a stand-by report server.
/* Get and store the names of all clients attached to the report server */
iCount = 1;
iClients = ServerInfoEx("Server", 1, "Report");
WHILE iCount <= iClients DO
sName[iCount] = ServerInfoEx(IntToStr(iCount), 2, "Report");
iCount = iCount + 1;
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Restart any specific alarm, report, trend or I/O server from any Cicode node in system,
without affecting other server processes running on the same machine.
INT error = ServerRestart (STRING sServerName, STRING sCluster = "")
The name of the server to restart
The cluster the server belongs to. This parameter is optional. If sCluster is not specified the
current system cluster is used.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise one of the following error codes is returned:
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
Related Functions
ServerRestart("AlarmServer1", "Cluster1");
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Determines the service type(s), cluster name(s), and service name(s) of all services current-
ly running in the component that called this function. It also determines if the client com-
ponent is running.
If you call this function from a component that is running purely as a Control Client or
View-only Client, the function will return "Client".
If you call this function from a single-process component that includes:
I/O server called IOServ1 on ClustA
Trend server called Trend1 on ClustB
Alarm server called Alarm1 on ClustA
Report server called Report1 on ClustB
The function will return a string similar to:
The order of components in the string is not fixed so the exact string may vary from the
above. You should parse the returned string or alternatively use ProcessIsClient or Proces-
sIsServer to find the information you need.
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
Return Value
String in the form:
serviceType1.clusterName1.serviceName1,serviceType2.clusterName2.serviceName2, ... ,Client
Related Functions
ProcessIsClient, ProcessIsServer, ServerInfo, ServerInfoEx
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Sets the current viewable areas. You can pass a single area number, or a group of areas to
set multiple areas. You can only set areas that are flagged for the current user.
The area to set (1 to 255).
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
/* Set current viewable area to Area 1. */
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Sets the language database from which the local translations of all native strings in the
project will be drawn, and specifies the character set to be used. Native strings are those
that are preceded by a @, and enclosed in brackets (for example, @(Motor Overload)).
This function will dynamically change the language of display items such as alarm descrip-
tions, button text, keyboard/alarm logs, graphic text, Cicode strings etc. The language will
only be changed on the client that calls the function. This means that you can display dif-
ferent languages at different clients, even though they are running the same project.
If the local language character set differs from the default character set of the Windows in-
stallation, the runtime text may be garbled. You can set the local language and character set
by using this function, or through the [Language]LocalLanguage and [Language]CharSet
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
SetLanguage(sLanguage, nCharSet)
The name of the language database from which the local translations of all native
strings in the project will be drawn. You do not need the .dbf extension.
The character set to use when displaying the localized text in runtime:
1 Default
128 Japanese - Shiftjis
129 Korean - Hangul
130 Korean - Johab
134 Chinese - simplified
136 Chinese - traditional
161 Greek
162 Turkish
163 Vietnamese
177 Hebrew
178 Arabic
186 Baltic
204 Russian
222 Thai
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise 262 (the file could not be opened).
Related Functions
LanguageFileTranslate, StrToLocalText
! Changes the current language to French, using the Windows
default character set.
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Terminates CitectSCADA’s operation. Use this function to shut down the CitectSCADA
system, otherwise buffered data could be lost.
Note: With one exception, the Shutdown command will succeed only if there is an Alarm
Server in your system. The exception to this is if you specify an empty string for the sDest
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
parameter (shutdown this computer only). In this case the shutdown will succeed even if
there is no Alarm Server.
The shutdown can affect only the computer that calls it, or all or part of a CitectSCADA net-
work. If you are shutting down a network, specify the computers (Control Clients and serv-
ers) to be shut down in sDest, and the extent of the shutdown in Mode.
Note: If [Shutdown]NetworkIgnore parameter is set to 0 (zero) and a client receives a shut-
down request message from a server. Phase 2 clients only receive a shutdown request when
the first phase 1 client has reconnected to the server.
You can allow selected computers to override the shutdown with the [Shutdown]Net-
workIgnore parameter. (You might set this parameter for critical servers, for example, I/O
Use the ShutdownForm() function to prompt the user for verification before shutting Cit-
ectSCADA down.
Note: If the [Shutdown]NetworkStart parameter is set to 0 (zero), the Shutdown() function
will ignore the sDest argument. This will result in the shutting down and restarting of the
machine the function is run on regardless of the machine specified.
Shutdown( [sDest] [, sProject] [, Mode] [, ClusterName] )
The destination computer(s) to be shut down, as a string:
"" (blank string) - This computer only - Default value
["Computer_Name"] - The specified CitectSCADA client (defined in the comput-
er’s CITECT.INI file)
["Server_Name"] - The specified CitectSCADA server
"All Clients" - All CitectSCADA clients on the network
"All Servers" - All CitectSCADA servers on the network
"Everybody" - All CitectSCADA computers on the network
The full path of the project to run on restart as a string. The path is written to the
configuration files and is used when the system restarts. The default value is "",
which means that no changes are made to the configuration and the current
project is restarted.
The type of shutdown:
1 - Shutdown CitectSCADA only - Default value
2 - Shutdown and restart CitectSCADA (do not log off Windows)
3 - Shutdown and restart CitectSCADA and log off Windows (must set up an auto
4 - Shutdown CitectSCADA and re-boot the computer
5 - Shutdown CitectSCADA only
6 - Shutdown and restart CitectSCADA clients, but not this computer
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
The name of the cluster that the machine(s) named in Dest belongs to. This is not
required if:
the function is called with Dest empty (the default); OR
the client is connected to only one cluster containing an Alarm Server.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
ProjectRestartGet, ProjectRestartSet, ProjectSet, ShutdownMode, ShutdownForm, On-
/* Shut down CitectSCADA on this computer. */
/* Shut down and restart CitectSCADA clients, but not this computer. */
Shutdown("All Clients", ProjectRestartGet(), 6, "ClusterXYZ");
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Displays a dialog box to verify that the user really wants to shut down the CitectSCADA
system. If the user selects [Yes], CitectSCADA is shut down.
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
System Keyboard
Key Sequence Shutdown
Command ShutdownForm();
Comment Display the shutdown form
Text Shutdown
Command ShutdownForm();
Comment Display the shutdown form
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Gets the mode of the last Shutdown function call. The mode is useful to identify the type of
Shutdown that was performed.
Return Value
The shutdown mode set when shutdown was called.
Related Functions
nMode = ShutdownMode()
If nMode = 4 Then
Prompt ("Citect closed down and computer was rebooted")
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Switches focus to a specific CitectSCADA configuration application. If the specified appli-
cation is not running, it will be started.
The configuration application:
1 - Citect Graphics Builder (CTDRAW32.EXE)
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
! Switch to the Graphics Builder.
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Generates a random wave. The height of the wave is restricted by minimum and maximum
values. You can offset the starting point of the wave, for example, to display multiple
waves at the same AN. You can use this function to generate test input.
TestRandomWave( [Period] [, Low] [, High] [, Offset] )
The number of seconds required to generate one cycle of the wave. If no period
is entered, the period has a default of 60.
The lowest value of the wave. If no low value is entered, this value has a default
of 0.
The highest value of the wave. If no high value is entered, this value has a default
of 100.
The offset in seconds, to generate the wave. If no offset is entered, the offset has a
default of 0.
Return Value
The value of the random wave.
Related Functions
TestSawWave, TestSinWave, TestSquareWave, TestTriangWave
/* Specify a random wave of 60 seconds duration, with a minimum
value of 0 units and a maximum value of 100 units, with no offset.
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Generates a saw wave. The height of the wave is restricted by minimum and maximum val-
ues. You can offset the starting point of the wave, for example, to display multiple waves
at the same AN. You can use this function to generate test input.
TestSawWave( [Period] [, Low] [, High] [, Offset] )
The number of seconds required to generate one cycle of the wave. If no period
is entered, the period has a default of 60.
The lowest value of the wave. If no low value is entered, this value has a default
of 0.
The highest value of the wave. If no high value is entered, this value has a default
of 100.
The offset in seconds, to generate the wave. If no offset is entered, the offset has a
default of 0.
Return Value
The value of the saw wave.
Related Functions
TestRandomWave, TestSinWave, TestSquareWave, TestTriangWave
/* Specifies a saw wave of 60 seconds duration, with a minimum
value of 0 units and a maximum value of 100 units, with no offset.
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Generates a sine wave. The height of the wave is restricted by minimum and maximum val-
ues. You can offset the starting point of the wave, for example, to display multiple waves
at the same AN. You can use this function to generate test input.
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
TestSinWave( [Period] [, Low] [, High] [, Offset] )
The number of seconds required to generate one cycle of the wave. If no period
is entered, the period has a default of 60.
The lowest value of the wave. If no low value is entered, this value has a default
of 0.
The highest value of the wave. If no high value is entered, this value has a default
of 100.
The offset in seconds, to generate the wave. If no offset is entered, the offset has a
default of 0.
Return Value
The value of the sine wave.
Related Functions
TestRandomWave, TestSawWave, TestSquareWave, TestTriangWave
/* Specifies a sine wave of 30 seconds duration, with a minimum
value of 0 units and a maximum value of 100 units, with no offset.
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Generates a square wave. The height of the wave is restricted by minimum and maximum
values. You can offset the starting point of the wave, for example, to display multiple
waves at the same AN. You can use this function to generate test input.
TestSquareWave( [Period] [, Low] [, High] [, Offset] )
The number of seconds required to generate one cycle of the wave. If no period
is entered, the period has a default of 60.
The lowest value of the wave. If no low value is entered, this value has a default
of 0.
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
The highest value of the wave. If no high value is entered, this value has a default
of 100.
The offset in seconds, to generate the wave. If no offset is entered, the offset has a
default of 0.
Return Value
The value of the square wave.
Related Functions
TestRandomWave, TestSawWave, TestSinWave, TestTriangWave
/* Specifies a square wave of 30 seconds duration, with a minimum
value of -1000 units and a maximum value of 1000 units, with an
offset of 10 seconds. */
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Generates a triangular wave. The height of the wave is restricted by minimum and maxi-
mum values. You can offset the starting point of the wave, for example, to display multiple
waves at the same AN. You can use this function to generate test input.
TestTriangWave( [Period] [, Low] [, High] [, Offset] )
The number of seconds required to generate one cycle of the wave. If no period
is entered, the period has a default of 60.
The lowest value of the wave. If no low value is entered, this value has a default
of 0.
The highest value of the wave. If no high value is entered, this value has a default
of 100.
The offset in seconds, to generate the wave. If no offset is entered, the offset has a
default of 0.
Return Value
The value of the triangular wave.
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
Related Functions
TestRandomWave, TestSawWave, TestSinWave, TestSquareWave
/* Specifies a triangular wave of 60 seconds duration, with a
minimum value of 0 units and a maximum value of 100 units, with no
offset. */
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Toggles a digital tag on or off. If the variable tag is ON (1), this function will turn it OFF. If
the variable tag is OFF (0), this function will turn it ON.
The digital tag to toggle.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Text Motor 145
Command Toggle(M145)
Comment Toggle the variable tag M145 (Motor 145) on or off
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Displays a message in the Kernel and Debugger debug windows.
Chapter: 39 Miscellaneous Functions
The message to display.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspKernel, KerCmd, DumpKernel, DebugBreak, Assert, DebugMsg, DebugMsgSet, Code-
Trace, ErrLog
TraceMsg("Error Found");
// Displays "Error Found" in the debug window
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Gets the version number of the CitectSCADA software in use.
The type of version:
0 - Major version number
1 - Minor version number
2 - Revision number
3 - Version text
Return Value
The version number as a string.
! If the CitectSCADA version number is 1.2:
! Returns 1.
! Returns 2.
! Returns "1.2".
See Also
Miscellaneous Functions
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
Page functions display graphics pages, files, and the standard alarm, trend, and menu pag-
Page Functions
Following are functions relating to graphics pages:
PageAlarm Displays a category of active alarms on the predefined alarms
PageDisabled Displays a category of disabled alarms on the predefined alarms
PageDisplay Displays a graphics page.
PageFile Displays a file on the predefined file to screen page.
PageFileInfo Returns the width or height of an unopened page in pixels.
PageGetInt Gets a local page-based integer.
PageGetStr Gets a local page-based string.
PageGoto Displays a graphics page without pushing the last page onto the
PageLast stack.
PageHardware Displays the active hardware alarms on the predefined alarms
PageInfo Gets page information.
PageLast Displays the last ten graphics pages.
PageMenu Displays a menu page with page selection buttons.
PageNext Displays the next graphics page.
PagePeekLast Gets any page on the PageLast stack.
PagePopLast Gets the last page on the PageLast stack.
PagePopUp Displays the pop up window at the mouse position.
PagePrev Displays the previous graphics page.
PagePushLast Puts a page on the end of the PageLast stack.
PageRichTextFile Used as a page entry function - creates a rich text object, and
loads a rich text file into that object.
PageSelect Displays a dialog box with a list of graphics pages defined in the
PageSetInt Stores a local page-based integer.
PageSetStr Stores a local page-based string.
PageSummary Displays a category of alarm summary entries on the predefined
alarm page.
PageTrend Displays a standard trend page in a single cluster system.
PageTrendEx Displays a standard trend page in a multi-cluster system.
See Also
Functions Reference
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
Displays a category of active alarms on the alarm page. To use this function, you must use
the Graphics Builder to create a page called "Alarm" (using the alarm template).
The operation of this function has changed. In Version 2.xx this function displayed the
built-in alarm page from the Include project.
This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
PageAlarm( [Category] )
The alarm category to display. Set to 0 (the default) to display all alarm catego-
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
PageDisabled, PageHardware
System Keyboard
Key Sequence AlarmPage
Command PageAlarm(0)
Comment Display all active alarms on the alarm page
System Keyboard
Key Sequence Alarm ### Enter
Command PageAlarm(Arg1)
Comment Display a specified category of active alarms on the alarm page
See Also
Page Functions
Displays a category of disabled alarms on the alarm page. To use this function, you must
use the Graphics Builder to create a page called "Disabled" (using the disabled template).
The operation of this function has changed. In Version 2.xx this function displayed the
built-in disabled alarm page from the Include project.
This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
PageDisabled( [Category] )
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
The alarm category to display. Set to 0 (the default) to display all alarm catego-
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
System Keyboard
Key Sequence DisabledPage
Command PageDisabled(0)
Comment Display all disabled alarms on the alarm page
System Keyboard
Key Sequence Disabled ### Enter
Command PageDisabled(Arg1)
Comment Display a specified category of disabled alarms on the alarm page
See Also
Page Functions
Displays a graphics page in the active window. The page must be in one of the operator’s
current areas. The page to be displayed is identified by its Page Name or the Page Number.
When this function is executed, it tests whether or not the identified page is based on a
CSV_Include project template. If it is, the function uses TaskNew to run a CSV version of
the PageDisplay function, "CSV_MM_PageDisplay". This confirms if multi-monitor sup-
port is required. As TaskNew is used to execute this function, no return value becomes
available to PageDisplay. Under these circumstances, PageDisplay will return zero (0).
You can specify if the page operates within the context of a particular cluster in a multiple
cluster project. When the page launches during runtime, the ClusterName argument is
used to resolve any tags that do not have a cluster explicitly defined.
CitectSCADA saves the current page (onto a stack) before it displays the required page.
You can call PageLast() to re-display the pages on the stack.
You cannot call this function from the Exit command field (see Page Properties) or a Cicode
Note: This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
The name or page number of the page to display (in quotation marks ""). Can be
prefixed by the name of a host cluster, that is "ClusterName.Page". This will take
precedence over the use of the ClusterName parameter if the two differ.
The name of the cluster that will accommodate the page at runtime (in quotation
marks ""). The specified cluster is used to resolve any tags that do not have a clus-
ter explicitly defined. If the Page parameter is prefixed with the name of a cluster,
this parameter will not be used.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the page is successfully displayed, otherwise an error is returned.
If the page is based on a CSV_Include project template, the function will return 0 (zero) as
a CSV version of the function is executed via TaskNew.
Related Functions
PageGoto, PageLast
Text Mimic Page
Command PageDisplay("Mimic")
Comment Display the "Mimic" page
System Keyboard
Key Sequence Page ############## Enter
Command PageDisplay(Arg1)
Comment Display a specified page
! Displays page "MIMIC1".
/* Displays page "MIMIC2" and places page "MIMIC1" onto the
PageLast stack. */
/* Displays page "10" and places page "MIMIC2" onto the PageLast
stack. */
/* Displays the last page on the stack, that is page "MIMIC2" and
removes it from the stack. */
Note: Before CitectSCADA version 5.0, page records could be edited in the Project Editor.
One of the fields available for configuration was "Page Number". The value entered for a
page could then be used in runtime with the Page Cicode functions such as PageDisplay(),
PageGoto(), and PageInfo(1).
For example, PageDisplay("1") can be used to display the page that has "1" (without the
quotes) set in the Page Number field. PageInfo(1) returns the Page Number of the current
From version 5.0 on, this feature is only backwards-supported. The "Alias" field in the
project Pages.DBF file still contains the Page Numbers from upgraded projects; however,
the Pages database records are no longer available for direct editing in CitectSCADA.
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
See Also
Page Functions
Displays a file on the page. After the file is displayed, you can scroll up and down through
the file. To use this function, you must use the Graphics Builder to create a page called "File"
(using the file template).
The operation of this function has changed. In Version 2.xx this function displayed the
built-in file page from the Include project.
This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
The name of the file to display.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the file is successfully displayed, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
System Keyboard
Key Sequence File ######## Enter
Command PageFile(Arg1)
Comment Display the specified file on the page
See Also
Page Functions
Returns the width or height of an unopened page.
PageFileInfo(sPageName, nMode)
The name of the page you would like to retrieve size information for.
Retrieves either the width or the height of the specified page in pixels.
0 - returns the page width
1 - returns the page height
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
Return Value
The height or width of the specified page in pixels, depending on the value set for nMode.
See Also
Page Functions
Gets a local page-based integer. Page-based variables are local to each display page. If two
or more windows are displayed, each window has a unique copy of the variable. You can
use these variables in Cicode to keep track of variables unique to each window.
You can find out the current setting for [Page]ScanTime parameter, by calling this func-
tion as follows: PageGetInt(-2).
This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
The offset in the array of integers.
Return Value
The value of the integer.
Related Functions
PageSetInt, PageGetStr, PageSetStr
See Also
Page Functions
Gets a local page-based string. Page-based variables are local to each display page. If two
or more windows are displayed, each window has a unique copy of the variable. You can
use these variables in Cicode to keep track of variables unique to each window.
Specify the position of the variable in the array in the Offset argument. (The length of the
array is set by the [Page]MaxStr parameter.)
Note: This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
The offset in the array of strings.
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
Return Value
The string.
Related Functions
PageSetInt, PageGetInt, PageSetStr
See Also
Page Functions
Displays a graphics page in the active window. The page must be in one of the operator’s
current areas. You can specify either the Page Name or the Page Number of the graphics
You can also specify if the page operates within the context of a particular cluster in a mul-
tiple cluster project. When the page launches during runtime, the ClusterName argument
is used to resolve any tags that do not have a cluster explicitly defined.
This function is similar to PageDisplay(), however PageGoto() does not put the current
page onto the PageLast stack.
You cannot call this function from the Exit command field (see Page Properties) or a Cicode
Note: This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
The name or page number of the page to display (in quotation marks ""). Can be
prefixed by the name of a host cluster, that is "ClusterName.Page". This will take
precedence over the use of the ClusterName parameter if the two differ.
The name of the cluster that will accommodate the page at runtime (in quotation
marks ""). The specified cluster is used to resolve any tags that do not have a clus-
ter explicitly defined. If the Page parameter is prefixed with the name of a cluster,
this parameter will not be used.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the page is successfully displayed, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Displays page "MIMIC1".
/* Displays page "MIMIC2" and places page "MIMIC1" onto the
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
PageLast stack. */
/* Displays page "10". Page "MIMIC2" is not placed onto the
PageLast stack. */
Note: Before CitectSCADA version 5.0, page records could be edited in the Project Editor.
One of the fields available for configuration was "Page Number". The value entered for a
page could then be used in runtime with the Page Cicode functions such as PageDisplay(),
PageGoto(), and PageInfo(1).
For example, PageDisplay("1") can be used to display the page that has "1" (without the
quotes) set in the Page Number field. PageInfo(1) returns the Page Number of the current
From version 5.0 on, this feature is only backwards-supported. The "Alias" field in the
project Pages.DBF file still contains the Page Numbers from upgraded projects; however,
the Pages database records are no longer available for direct editing in CitectSCADA.
See Also
Page Functions
Displays the active hardware alarms on the alarms page. To use this function, you must use
the Graphics Builder to create a page called "Hardware" (using the alarm template).
The operation of this function has changed. In Version 2.xx this function displayed the
built-in hardware alarm page from the Include project.
This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
System Keyboard
Key Sequence Hardware
Command PageHardware()
Comment Display active hardware alarms on the hardware alarms page
See Also
Page Functions
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
The type of page information required:
0 - Page Name
1 - Page Number
2 - Page Title
3 - Display filename
4 - Symbol filename
5 - Next Page Name
6 - Previous Page Name
7 - Previous display count, incremented at each page scan. The page scan rate de-
faults to the value of the Citect.ini parameter [Page]ScanTime, and can be
overridden per page by changing the scan time setting in the General tab
of the page properties in Graphics Builder.
8 - Parent window number. Returns -1 if there is no parent
9 - First child window number. Returns -1 if there are no children
10 - Next child in child link. Returns -1 for the end of the list
11 - Window mode (set by the WinNewAt() function)
12 - Width of window
13 - Height of window
14 - X position of window
15 - Y position of window
16 - Dynamic window horizontal scale
17 - Dynamic window vertical scale
Types 16 and 17 return a real number between 0 and 1 (as a STRING) and will be
identical, as the dynamic scaling does not allow a change in the aspect ra-
18 - Flashing color state. Type 18 returns one of the following:
"0" - the palette does not flash
"1" - the palette is primary now
"2" - the palette is secondary now
19 - In animation cycle. Returns a 1 (true) or 0 (false)
20 - In communications cycle. Returns a 1 (true) or 0 (false)
21 - Width of background page
22 - Height of background page
23 - The number of animation points on a page
24 - The value of the highest animation point on the page
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
25 - Indicates when the page’s "On Page Shown" event has been triggered. Re-
turns 1 if triggered, 0 if it has not.
26 - The cluster that has been specified to host the page. Returns the cluster name,
or an empty string if no cluster has been specified.
Return Value
The information (as a string).
Related Functions
! If currently on page "MIMIC1";
! Sets Variable to "MIMIC1".
Note: Before CitectSCADA version 5.0, page records could be edited in the Project Editor.
One of the fields available for configuration was "Page Number". The value entered for a
page could then be used in runtime with the Page Cicode functions such as PageDisplay(),
PageGoto(), and PageInfo(1).
For example, PageDisplay("1") can be used to display the page that has "1" (without the
quotes) set in the PageNumber field. PageInfo(1) returns the Page Number of the current
From version 5.0 on, this feature is only backwards-supported. The "Alias" field in the
project Pages.DBF file still contains the Page Numbers from upgraded projects; however,
the Pages database records are no longer available for direct editing in CitectSCADA.
See Also
Page Functions
Displays the graphics page that was last displayed. With this function, you can successively
recall the last ten pages that were displayed.
Graphics pages displayed using this command cannot be subsequently recalled.
You cannot call this function from the Exit command field (see Page Properties) or a Cicode
Note: This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the page is successfully displayed, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
Related Functions
PagePeekLast, PagePopLast, PagePushLast
Text Last Page
Command PageLast()
Comment Display the graphics page that was last displayed
! Displays page "MIMIC1".
/* Displays page "MIMIC2" and places page "MIMIC1" onto the
PageLast stack. */
! Displays page "10" and places page "MIMIC2" onto the PageLast
/* Displays the last page on the stack, that is page "MIMIC2" and
removes it from the stack. */
/* Displays the last page on the stack, that is page "MIMIC1" and
removes it from the stack. */
/* Returns an "Out of range" error code as there are no more pages
on the stack.*/
See Also
Page Functions
Displays a menu page with page selection buttons. A page goto button is displayed for each
of the first 40 pages defined in the project.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the page is successfully displayed, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
PageGoto, PageLast, PagePrev, PageSelect
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
Text Menu
Command PageMenu()
Comment Display the menu page
System Keyboard
Key Sequence Menu
Command PageMenu()
Comment Display the menu page
See Also
Page Functions
Displays the next page as specified in the project.
You cannot call this function from the Exit command field (see Page Properties) or a Cicode
Note: This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the page is successfully displayed, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Text Page Next
Command PageNext()
Comment Display the next page in the browse sequence
System Keyboard
Key Sequence PageNext
Command PageNext()
Comment Display the next page in the browse sequence
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
See Also
Page Functions
Gets the Page Name at an offset in the PageLast stack (without removing the page from the
Note: This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
The offset from the end of the PageLast stack. Offset 0 is the last page on the stack,
Offset 1 is the second last page on the stack, etc.
Return Value
The Page Name or an empty string if there is no last page.
Related Functions
PagePopLast, PagePushLast
! Displays page "MIMIC1".
/* Displays page "MIMIC2" and places page "MIMIC1" onto the
PageLast stack. */
! Displays page "10" and places page "MIMIC2" onto the PageLast
! Displays page "MIMIC2".
! Displays page "MIMIC1".
See Also
Page Functions
Gets the Page Name of the last item on the PageLast stack and removes the page from the
Note: This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
Return Value
The page name or an empty string if there is no last page.
Related Functions
! Displays page "MIMIC1".
/* Displays page "MIMIC2" and places page "MIMIC1" onto the
PageLast stack. */
! Displays page "10" and places page "MIMIC2" onto the PageLast
/* Sets Variable to "MIMIC2" and removes "MIMIC2" from the
PageLast stack. */
! Displays page "MIMIC1".
See Also
Page Functions
Display pop up window at the mouse position. If the mouse position is not known then the
pop up will display in the centre of the screen. The window is displayed with no resize and
will be closed if the page is changed.
The name of the page (drawn with the Graphics Builder).
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Note: Before CitectSCADA version 5.0, page records could be edited in the Project Editor.
One of the fields available for configuration was "Page Number". The value entered for a
page could then be used in runtime with the Page Cicode functions such as PageDisplay(),
PageGoto(), and PageInfo(1).
For example, PageDisplay("1") can be used to display the page that has "1" (without the
quotes) set in the Page Number field. PageInfo(1) returns the Page Number of the current
From version 5.0 on, this feature is only backwards-supported. The "Alias" field in the
project Pages.DBF file still contains the Page Numbers from upgraded projects; however,
the Pages database records are no longer available for direct editing in CitectSCADA.
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
Related Functions
See Also
Page Functions
Displays the previous page as specified in the project.
You cannot call this function from the Exit command field (see Page Properties) or a Cicode
Note: This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the page is successfully displayed, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Text Page Previous
Command PagePrev()
Comment Display the previous page in the browse sequence
System Keyboard
Key Sequence PagePrev
Command PagePrev()
Comment Display the previous page in the browse sequence
See Also
Page Functions
Places a page at the end of the PageLast stack.
Note: This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
The Page Name or Page Number (of the page) to place at the end of the PageLast
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
PagePopLast, PagePeekLast
! Displays page "MIMIC1".
/* Displays page "MIMIC2" and places page "MIMIC1" onto the
PageLast stack. */
! Displays page "10" and places page "MIMIC2" onto the PageLast
! Places page "TREND1" onto the PageLast stack.
/* Displays the last page on the stack, that is page "TREND1" and
removes it from the stack. */
/* Displays the last page on the stack, that is page "MIMIC2" and
removes it from the stack. */
See Also
Page Functions
This function creates a rich edit object, and loads a copy of the rich text file Filename into
that object. The rich text object will be rectangular in shape, with dimensions determined
by nHeight, and nWidth. If you do not specify nHeight and nWidth, AN will define the posi-
tion of one corner, and (AN + 1) the position of the diagonally opposite corner. This function
would often be used as a page entry function.
PageRichTextFile(AN, Filename, nMode [, nHeight] [, nWidth] )
The animation point at which to display the rich text object.
The name of the file to be copied and loaded into the rich text object. The filename
must be entered in quotation marks "".
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
If you are loading a copy of an RTF report, the report must have already been run
and saved to a file.
Remember that the filename for the saved report comes from the File Name field
in the Devices form. The location of the saved file must also be included as part
of the filename. For example, if the filename in the Devices form listed [Da-
ta];RepDev.rtf, then you would need to enter "[Data]\repdev.rtf" as your argu-
ment. Alternatively, you can manually enter the path, for example,
If you are keeping a number of history files for the report, instead of using the rtf
extension, you must change it to reflect the number of the desired history file, for
example, 001.
The display mode for the rich text object. The mode can be any combination of:
0 - Disabled - should be used if the rich text object is to be used for display pur-
poses only.
1 - Enabled - allows you to select and copy the contents of the RTF object (for in-
stance an RTF report), but you will not be able to make changes.
2 - Read/Write - allows you to edit the contents of the RTF object. Remember,
however, that the object must be enabled before it can be edited. If it has
already been enabled, you can just enter Mode 2 as your argument. If it is
not already enabled, you will need to enable it. By combining Mode 1 and
Mode 2 in your argument (3), you can enable the object, and make it read/
write at the same time.
Because the content of the rich text object is just a copy of the original file, changes
will not affect the actual file, until saved using the DspRichTextSave function.
The height of the rich text object in pixels. The height is established by measuring
down from the animation point.
If you do not enter a height and width, the size of the object will be determined
by the position of AN and AN+1.
The width of the rich text object in pixels. The width is established by measuring
across to the right of the animation point.
If you do not enter a height and width, the size of the object will be determined
by the position of AN and AN+1.
Return Value
Related Functions
DspRichText, DspRichTextLoad, DspRichTextEdit, DspRichTextEnable, DspRichTextGet-
Info, DspRichTextPgScroll, DspRichTextPrint, DspRichTextSave, DspRichTextScroll, File-
// This function would produce a rich text object at animation
point 108. Into this object a copy of f:\citect\data\richtext.rtf
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
See Also
Page Functions
Displays a dialog box with a list of all graphics pages defined in the project. AN operator
can select a page name for display.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
PageGoto, PageLast, PagePrev, PageMenu
Text Page Select
Command PageSelect()
Comment Display the page selection dialog box
! Displays the page selection dialog box.
See Also
Page Functions
Stores a local page-based integer. Page-based variables are stored in an array, local to each
display page. This function allows you to save integer variables in temporary storage.
You can dynamically change the setting for [Page]ScanTime parameter, by calling this
function as follows: PageSetInt(-2, <scantime>).
This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
PageSetInt(Offset, Int)
The offset in the array of integers.
The integer value to store.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
PageGetInt, PageGetStr, PageSetStr
See Also
Page Functions
Stores a local page-based string. Page-based variables are stored in an array, local to each
display page. This function allows you to save string variables in temporary storage.
Specify the position of the variable in the array in the Offset argument. (The length of the
array is set by the [Page]MaxStr parameter.)
Note: This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
PageSetStr(Offset, String)
The offset in the array of integers.
The string to store. The string length is 128 characters.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
PageGetInt, PageGetStr, PageSetInt
See Also
Page Functions
Displays a category of alarm summary entries on the alarm page. To use this function, you
must use the Graphics Builder to create a page called "Summary" (using the alarm tem-
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
The operation of this function has changed. In Version 2.xx this function displayed the
built-in summary alarm page from the Include project.
This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
The category number for the alarms you want to summarise.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
System Keyboard
Key Sequence SummaryPage
Command PageSummary(0)
Comment Display all alarm summary entries on the alarm page
System Keyboard
Key Sequence Summary ### Enter
Command PageSummary(Arg1)
Comment Display a specified category of alarm summary entries on the alarm
See Also
Page Functions
Displays a trend page with the specified trend pens. Use this function to display trends in
a single cluster system with a single trend page. You must create the trend page with the
Graphics Builder and set all the pen names to blank. Then display that page by calling this
function and passing the required trend tags. Call this function from a menu of trend pages.
Note: Because you cannot mix templates in a project, PageTrend will not work if you have
included the CSV_Include project in your project. For example, if your project includes the
CSV_Include project, PageTrend("pagename", "trendtag") only works on trend pages
based on XP-style templates (that is, "Trend"). When using PageTrend to go to a page based
on a standard template (for example, "SingleTrend"), the page displays, but no trend tag is
added. This also applies for the CSV_Trend_Page function.
This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment. Call-
ing this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised. For a
multi-cluster system use PageTrendEx.
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
PageTrend(sPage, sTag1 [, sTag2..sTag8] )
Name of the trend page (drawn with the Graphics Builder).
The first trend tag to display on the page.
Optionally trend tags 2 to 8 to display on the page.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Note: Before CitectSCADA version 5.0, page records could be edited in the Project Editor.
One of the fields available for configuration was "Page Number". The value entered for a
page could then be used in runtime with the Page Cicode functions such as PageDisplay(),
PageGoto(), and PageInfo(1).
For example, PageDisplay("1") can be used to display the page that has "1" (without the
quotes) set in the Page Number field. PageInfo(1) returns the Page Number of the current
From version 5.0 on, this feature is only backwards-supported. The "Alias" field in the
project Pages.DBF file still contains the Page Numbers from upgraded projects; however,
the Pages database records are no longer available for direct editing in CitectSCADA.
Related Functions
TrnNew, TrnSelect, TrendWin, TrendPopUp, PageTrendEx
Text Process Trend
Command PageTrend("MyTrend", "PV1", "PV2", "PV3")
Comment Display the trend page with three trend pens
See Also
Page Functions
Displays a trend page of a specified cluster in a multi-cluster system with the specified
trend pens. Use this function to display trends in a mult-cluster system with a single trend
page. You must create the trend page with the Graphics Builder and set all the pen names
to blank. Then display that page by calling this function and passing the required trend
tags. Call this function from a menu of trend pages. This function can also be used in a sin-
gle cluster system, the sCluster argument is optional in such a case.
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
Note: Because you cannot mix templates in a project, PageTrendEx will not work if you
have included the CSV_Include project in your project. For example, if your project in-
cludes the CSV_Include project, PageTrend("pagename", "trendtag") only works on trend
pages based on XP-style templates (that is, "Trend"). When using PageTrend to go to a page
based on a standard template (for example, "SingleTrend"), the page displays, but no trend
tag is added. This also applies for the CSV_Trend_Page function.
This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment. Call-
ing this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
PageTrendEx(sPage, sCluster, sTag1 [, sTag2..sTag8] )
Name of the trend page (drawn with the Graphics Builder).
Name of the cluster in which the trend page is located.
The first trend tag to display on the page.
Optionally trend tags 2 to 8 to display on the page.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Note: Before CitectSCADA version 5.0, page records could be edited in the Project Editor.
One of the fields available for configuration was "Page Number". The value entered for a
page could then be used in runtime with the Page Cicode functions such as PageDisplay(),
PageGoto(), and PageInfo(1).
For example, PageDisplay("1") can be used to display the page that has "1" (without the
quotes) set in the Page Number field. PageInfo(1) returns the Page Number of the current
From version 5.0 on, this feature is only backwards-supported. The "Alias" field in the
project Pages.DBF file still contains the Page Numbers from upgraded projects; however,
the Pages database records are no longer available for direct editing in CitectSCADA.
Related Functions
TrnNew, TrnSelect, TrendWin, TrendPopUp, PageTrend
Text Process Trend
Command PageTrendEx("MyTrend", "MyCluster", "PV1", "PV2", "PV3")
Comment Display the trend page on the specified cluster with three trend pens
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
See Also
Page Functions
Chapter: 40 Page Functions
Chapter: 41 Plot Functions
With the plot functions, you can plot system data on the screen or on your system print-
Plot Functions
Following are functions relating to plotting data:
PlotClose Displays and/or prints the plot, then closes the plot.
PlotDraw Draws a point, line, box, or circle on a plot.
PlotFile This function is now obsolete.
PlotGetMarker Gets the marker number of a symbol that is registered as a mark-
PlotGrid Draws gridlines to be used for plotted lines.
PlotInfo Gets information about a plot.
PlotLine Plots a line through a set of data points.
PlotMarker Draws markers on a plotted line or at a specified point.
PlotOpen Opens a new plot, sets its output device, and returns a plot handle
for use by the other plot functions.
PlotScaleMarker Draws scale lines (with markers) beside the grid on your plot (if
there is one).
PlotSetMarker Sets (registers) a symbol as a marker.
PlotText Draws text on a plot.
PlotXYLine Draws an XY line through a set of data points.
See Also
Functions Reference
Displays the plot on screen or sends it to the printer (depending on the output device you
specified in the PlotOpen() function), then closes the plot. Once the plot is closed, it cannot
be used.
The plot handle, returned from the PlotOpen() function. The plot handle identi-
fies the table where all data on the plot is stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 41 Plot Functions
Related Functions
PlotDraw, PlotGetMarker, PlotGrid, PlotInfo, PlotLine, PlotMarker, PlotOpen, PlotScale-
Marker, PlotSetMarker, PlotText, PlotXYLine, TrnPlot
See PlotOpen
See Also
Plot Functions
Constructs drawings on your plot. Use the coordinates (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2) to define a
point, line, rectangle, square, circle, or ellipse. You can specify the style, color, and width of
the pen, and a fill color for a box or circular shape.
You must call the PlotOpen() function first, to get the handle for the plot (hPlot) and to spec-
ify the output device.
PlotDraw(hPlot, Type, PenStyle, PenCol, PenWidth, nFill, X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
The plot handle, returned from the PlotOpen() function. The plot handle identi-
fies the table where all data on the plot is stored.
The type of drawing:
1 - Rectangle or square
2 - Circle or ellipse
3 - Line
4 - Point
The style of the pen used to draw:
0 - Solid
1 - Dash ( - - - - - )
2 - Dot (...............................)
3 - Dash and dot ( - . - . - . - . - )
4 - Dash, dot, dot ( - . . - . . - . . - )
5 - Hollow
The color of the pen (flashing color is not supported). Select a color from the list
of Predefined Color Names and Codes or create an RGB-based color using the
function MakeCitectColour.
Pen width in pixels. If the width is thicker than one pixel, you must use a solid
pen (PenStyle = 0). Maximum width is 32.
Chapter: 41 Plot Functions
The fill color of the rectangle, square, circle, or ellipse (flashing color is not sup-
ported). Select a color from the list of predefined color names and codes or create
an RGB-based color using the function MakeCitectColour. For a point or line,
nFill is ignored.
X1, Y1:
X and y coordinates (in pixels) of the upper-left corner of the drawing (the origin).
X2, Y2:
X and y coordinates (in pixels) of the lower-right corner of the drawing.
For a point, (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2) are assumed to be the same, so (X2,Y2) is ignored.
To draw a circle or ellipse, enter the coordinates for a square or rectangle; the cir-
cle or ellipse is automatically drawn within the box.
If the plot is for display on the screen, all coordinates are relative to the AN spec-
ified in the PlotOpen() function. If the output device is a printer, all coordinates
are relative to the point (0,0).
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
PlotClose, PlotGrid, PlotInfo, PlotLine, PlotMarker, PlotOpen, PlotScaleMarker, PlotText,
PlotXYLine, TrnPlot
See PlotOpen.
See Also
Plot Functions
Gets the marker number of a symbol. The symbol must be a symbol and registered with the
PlotSetMarker() function.
The library name and symbol name ("Library.Symbol") of the symbol that is reg-
istered as a marker.
Return Value
The marker number if successful, otherwise -1 is returned.
Related Functions
PlotMarker, PlotScaleMarker, PlotSetMarker
Chapter: 41 Plot Functions
/*Assume that the symbol was registered by PlotSetMarker function */
/*Later on, this symbol can be used as shown below*/
hPlot = PlotOpen(36,"Display",1);
/* Display red hourglass as marker at point (100,200) on AN36. */
MarkerNo = PlotGetMarker("Global.Hourglass");
See Also
Plot Functions
Defines a frame and draws horizontal and vertical grid lines within this frame. These grid
lines can then be used by the PlotLine(), PlotXYLine(), and PlotScaleMarker() functions.
You must define the frame for a plot before you can plot points with the PlotLine() and
PlotXYLine() functions. nSamples specifies the maximum number of samples that can be
plotted for a single line. If you set FrameWidth to 0 (zero), the frame will be defined but not
displayed (however, the plot will still be displayed).
You can specify the number of grid lines and their color, as well as the background color
which will fill the frame. If nHorGrid and nVerGrid are set to 0 (zero), then the grid lines will
not be drawn.
You must call the PlotOpen() function, first, to get the handle for the plot (hPlot), and to
specify the output device. Then call this function to set up the frame and grid. You can then
call the PlotScaleMarker() function to draw scale lines beside the frame, and call the Plot-
Line() or PlotXYLine() to plot a set of data points.
PlotGrid(hPlot, nSamples, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, nHorGrid, HorGridCol, nVerGrid, VerGridCol,
FrameWidth, FrameCol, nFill, nMode)
Plot handle, returned from the PlotOpen() function. The plot handle identifies the
table where all data on the plot is stored.
The maximum number of samples that can be plotted for a single line in this
grid (valid values between 2 and 16000 inclusive). For example, if you set nSam-
ples to 10, then plot 2 lines in this grid (using the PlotLine() function), each line
will be plotted with a maximum of 10 samples. For this example, a line can pos-
sess less than 10 samples, but if it has more, it will be shortened to 10 samples.
X1, Y1:
The x and y coordinates of the upper-left corner of the frame containing the grid
X2, Y2:
Chapter: 41 Plot Functions
The x and y coordinates of the lower-right corner of the frame containing the grid
If the plot is for display on the screen, you should set (X1,Y1) to (0,0). The origin
of the frame is then positioned at the AN specified in the PlotOpen() function.
If the output device is a printer, both (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2) are relative to the point
The number of rows (formed by the horizontal grid lines) to draw within the
frame. If you do not need grid lines, set nHorGrid to 0 (zero) and HorGridCol to
0. nHorGrid cannot exceed the pixel width of the plot.
The color of the horizontal grid lines (flashing color is not supported). Select a col-
or from the list of Predefined Color Names and Codes or create an RGB-based
color using the function MakeCitectColour.
The number of columns (formed by the vertical grid lines) to draw within the
frame. If you do not need grid lines, set nVerGrid to 0 (zero) and VerGridCol to
0. nVerGrid cannot exceed the pixel height of the plot.
The color of the vertical grid lines (flashing color is not supported). Select a color
from the list of Predefined Color Names and Codes or create an RGB-based color
using the function MakeCitectColour.
The width (also called pen width) of the frame enclosing the grid, in pixels. To
define the frame without drawing its boundaries, set FrameWidth to 0 (zero) and
FrameCol to 0. The maximum is 32.
The color of the frame enclosing the grid (flashing color is not supported). Select
a color from the list of Predefined Color Names and Codes or create an RGB-
based color using the function MakeCitectColour.
The background color for the frame (flashing color is not supported). Select a col-
or from the list of Predefined Color Names and Codes or create an RGB-based
color using the function MakeCitectColour.
The mode of the plot. For future use only - set it to 0 (zero).
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
PlotClose, PlotDraw, PlotInfo, PlotLine, PlotMarker, PlotOpen, PlotScaleMarker, PlotText,
PlotXYLine, TrnPlot
See PlotOpen
Chapter: 41 Plot Functions
See Also
Plot Functions
Gets information about the plot. You can call this function to determine the number of pix-
els per page or inch, the resolution of a plot, and the size and spacing of characters for a
specified text font. You can also check whether a printer can print rotated text. (See Plot-
You must first call the PlotOpen() function to get the handle for the plot (hPlot) and specify
the output device.
PlotInfo(hPlot, Type [, sInput] )
The plot handle, returned from the PlotOpen() function. The plot handle identi-
fies the table where all data on the plot is stored.
The type of plot information to get:
0 - Horizontal pixels on a printout page
1 - Vertical pixels on a printout page
2 - Horizontal pixels per inch
3 - Vertical pixels per inch
4 - Horizontal resolution
5 - Vertical resolution
6 - Height of the font used
7 - External leading of the font used
8 - Character width of the font used
9 - Rotatable text is allowed or not
10 - Indicates whether or not a font is supported
11 - Horizontal size of a page in millimeters
12 - Vertical size of a page in millimeters
The font handle (hFont), returned from the DspFont() function. Useful only for
Type 6, 7, 8, or 10.
Return Value
The attributes of the plot as a string.
Related Functions
PlotClose, PlotDraw, PlotGrid, PlotLine, PlotMarker, PlotOpen, PlotScaleMarker, PlotText,
PlotXYLine, TrnPlot
Chapter: 41 Plot Functions
hPlot = PlotOpen(36,"Display",1);
/* Print text in upward direction but first check if printer
supports text rotation. Set default text orientation to left to
right (just in case). */
Orient = 0;
IF PlotInfo(hPlot,9) THEN
Orient = 1;
/* Print text "Citect Graph" centred horizontally at top of page.*/
PageWidth = PlotInfo(hPlot,0); ! Get width of page
hFont = DspFont("Courier",14,black,-1);
TextWidth = PlotInfo(hPlot,8,hFont); ! Get width of each character
TextPosn = (PageWidth - TextWidth * 12) / 2 ! Get start of 1st character
PlotText(hPlot,hFont,0,TextPosn,0,"Citect Graph");
See Also
Plot Functions
Draws a line (in the CitectSCADA plot system) for a set of data points. You specify the data
points in the table pTable, and plot these points between the LoScale and HiScale values. The
line is drawn inside the frame defined by the PlotGrid() function.
For each line on a plot, you can specify a different pen style, color, and width, and a differ-
ent marker style and color. You can draw lines either from left to right or from right to left.
You must first call the PlotOpen() function to get the handle for the plot (hPlot) and specify
the output device. You should then use the PlotGrid() function to set up the frame and grid,
before you call this function to plot the line.
PlotLine(hPlot, PenStyle, PenCol, PenWidth, MarkerStyle, MarkerCol, nMarker, Length, pTable,
LoScale, HiScale, Mode)
The plot handle, returned from the PlotOpen() function. The plot handle identi-
fies the table where all data on the plot is stored.
The style of the pen used to draw:
0 - Solid
1 - Dash ( - - - - - )
2 - Dot (...............................)
3 - Dash and dot ( - . - . - . - . - )
4 - Dash, dot, dot ( - . . - . . - . . - )
Chapter: 41 Plot Functions
5 - Hollow
The color of the pen (flashing color is not supported). Select a color from the list
of Predefined Color Names and Codes or create an RGB-based color using the
function MakeCitectColour.
The width of the pen, in pixels. If the width is thicker than one pixel, you must
use a solid pen (PenStyle = 0). The maximum width is 32.
The style of the markers:
0 - No markers
1 - Triangle
2 - Square
3 - Circle
4 - Diamond
5 - Filled triangle
6 - Filled square
7 - Filled circle
8 - Filled diamond
20 - 32000 - User-defined markers. You can register any symbol as a marker with
the PlotSetMarker() function. Call the PlotGetMarker() function if you do
not know the number of a marker you have previously registered.
The color of the markers (flashing color is not supported). Select a color from the
list of predefined color names and codes or create an RGB-based color using the
function MakeCitectColour.
The number of samples between markers.
The length of the array, that is, the number of points in the table pTable for Plot-
Line(), or in tables xTable and yTable for PlotXYLine().
For every line you draw with the PlotLine() and PlotXYLine() functions within
a plot, you must add the Length arguments for each call, and pass the total to
the PlotGrid() function (in the nSamples argument).
The points to be plotted (as an array of floating-point values).
The lowest value that will be displayed on the plot (that is the value assigned to
the origin of your grid). The LoScale and HiScale values determine the scale of
your grid. This scale is used to plot values. for example, If LoScale = 0 (zero) and
HiScale = 100, a value of 50 will be plotted half way up the Y-axis of your grid.
LoScale must be in the same units as the values in pTable.
Chapter: 41 Plot Functions
The highest value that will be displayed on the plot. The LoScale and HiScale val-
ues determine the scale of your grid. This scale is used to plot values. for example,
If LoScale = 0 (zero) and HiScale = 100, a value of 50 will be plotted half way up
the Y- axis of your grid. HiScale must be in the same units as the values in pTable.
The origin of your grid, and the direction of the plotted line:
1 - Origin is bottom-left, x is left to right, y is upwards
2 - Origin is bottom-right, x is right to left, y is upwards
4 - Origin is top-left, x is left to right, y is downwards
8 - Origin is top-right, x is right to left, y is downwards
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
PlotClose, PlotDraw, PlotGetMarker, PlotGrid, PlotInfo, PlotMarker, PlotOpen, PlotScale-
Marker, PlotSetMarker, PlotText, PlotXYLine, TrnPlot
See PlotOpen
See Also
Plot Functions
Draws markers on a plotted line or at a specified point. You can plot any one of the stan-
dard markers, or use a symbol of your choice. (You must first register your symbol as a
marker, by using the PlotSetMarker() function.)
To draw a single marker at a specified point, set X and Y to the coordinates of the point,
and set Length to 1.
You can draw markers on a plotted line when you draw the line, that is within the Plot-
Line() or PlotXYLine() function. You would use the PlotMarker() function only if you need
to draw a second set of markers on the same line. Call PlotMarker() immediately after the
line is drawn. Set X and Y to -1 and Length to the number of data points (specified in the
Length argument of the PlotLine() or PlotXYLine() function).
You must first call the PlotOpen() function to get the handle for the plot (hPlot) and specify
the output device.
PlotMarker(hPlot, MarkerStyle, MarkerCol, nMarker, Length, X, Y)
The plot handle, returned from the PlotOpen() function. The plot handle identi-
fies the table where all data on the plot is stored.
The style of the markers:
Chapter: 41 Plot Functions
0 - No markers
1 - Triangle
2 - Square
3 - Circle
4 - Diamond
5 - Filled triangle
6 - Filled square
7 - Filled circle
8 - Filled diamond
20 - 32000: User-defined markers. You can register any symbol as a marker with
the PlotSetMarker() function. Call the PlotGetMarker() function if you do
not know the number of a marker you have previously registered.
The color of the marker (flashing color is not supported). Select a color from the
list of Predefined Color Names and Codes or create an RGB-based color using the
function MakeCitectColour.
The number of samples between markers.
The length of the array (the number of line points in the table pTable) plotted in
the PlotLine() or PlotXYLine() function. To draw only one marker at a specified
point, set Length to 1.
X, Y:
The x and y coordinates, in pixels, of the point where the marker is to be drawn.
If the plot is for display on the screen, the coordinates are relative to the AN spec-
ified in the PlotOpen() function. If the output device is a printer, the coordinates
are relative to the point (0,0).
To draw the markers on a plotted line, set both X and Y to -1, and set Length to
the same value as the Length passed in the PlotLine() or PlotXYLine() function.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
PlotClose, PlotDraw, PlotGetMarker, PlotGrid, PlotInfo, PlotLine, PlotOpen, PlotScale-
Marker, PlotSetMarker, PlotText, PlotXYLine, TrnPlot
/* Draw a filled red square marker at the point (X=100,Y=200). */
/* Draw 10 black triangles and 5 green cylinders along a plot
line. */
Chapter: 41 Plot Functions
See Also
Plot Functions
Opens a new plot, sets its output device, and returns its plot handle. You can send the plot
to any one of your system printers, or display it on screen at the specified AN.
You must call this function before you can call the other plot functions.
PlotOpen(AN, sOutput, Mode)
The animation point (AN) where the plot will display. Set the AN to 0 (zero)
when sOutput is a printer.
Do not use an animation point number at which a graphic object exists as this will
prevent the PlotOpen() function from succeeding.
The output device where the plot is sent, for example:
"Display" - Display on screen. The plot is recorded in a metafile and displayed
(at the specified AN) when the plot system is closed.
"LPT1:" - Send to printer LPT1.
"LPT2:" - Send to printer LPT2.
"\\ABC\Printers\Color1" - Send to UNC port (and so on for any output de-
When a plot is removed or updated, the portion of the background screen be-
neath it is blanked out. The mode determines how the background screen is re-
stored. The mode of the plot system:
1 - Normal mode
2 - Use for compatibility with the old graph functions
17 - Soft (valid for normal mode). The background screen (a rectangular region
beneath the plot) is restored with the original image. Any objects that are
within the rectangular region are destroyed when the background is re-
33 - Hard (valid for normal mode). The background screen (a rectangular region
beneath the plot) is painted with the color at the AN.
65 - Persistent (valid for normal mode). The plot is not erased. As the plot is up-
dated, it is re-displayed on top. This mode provides fast updates. Trans-
parent color is supported in this mode.
129 - Opaque animation (valid for normal mode). The plot is not erased. As the
plot is updated, it is re-displayed on top. This mode provides the fastest
updates. Transparent color is not supported in this mode.
Chapter: 41 Plot Functions
257 - Overlapped animation (valid for normal mode). The background screen (the
rectangular region beneath the plot) is completely repainted.
Return Value
The plot handle if the plot is opened successfully, otherwise -1 is returned. The plot handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated plot is stored.
Related Functions
PlotClose, PlotDraw, PlotGrid, PlotInfo, PlotLine, PlotMarker, PlotScaleMarker, PlotText,
PlotXYLine, TrnPlot
IF hPlot <> -1 THEN
/* Set up a black frame with red & blue grid lines. */
/* Draw a scale line to the left of the frame. */
/* Plot a simple line in green for a table of 10 values. */
/* Plot a line in yellow (with black markers) for tables of 8 X and Y values. */
/* Draw a title box above the plot frame, with the heading "Citect Graph". */
hFont = DspFont("Times",-60,black,grey);
PlotText(hPlot,hFont,0,950,350,"Citect Graph");
Chapter: 41 Plot Functions
See Also
Plot Functions
Draws scale lines beside the grid on your plot (if there is one) and places markers on them.
The height of the scale line is automatically set to the height of the frame set in the Plot-
Grid() function.
You must first call the PlotOpen() function to get the handle for the plot (hPlot) and specify
the output device. You should then use the PlotGrid() function to set up the frame and grid,
before you call this function to draw the scale lines.
PlotScaleMarker(hPlot, X, Y, nMarker, PenWidth, PenCol, Mode)
Chapter: 41 Plot Functions
The plot handle, returned from the PlotOpen() function. The plot handle identi-
fies the table where all data on the plot is stored.
X, Y:
The x and y coordinates of the point where the scale line starts. The end coordi-
nates of the scale line are automatically defined by the size of the frame (set in the
PlotGrid() function).
If the plot is for display on the screen, all coordinates are relative to the AN spec-
ified in the PlotOpen() function. If the output device is a printer, all coordinates
are relative to the point (0,0).
The number of markers on the scale line.
The width of the scale line, in pixels.
The color of the pen (flashing color is not supported). Select a color from the list
of Predefined Color Names and Codes or create an RGB-based color using the
function MakeCitectColour.
The mode of the markers:
0 - Both sides of the scale line
1 - Left of the scale line
2 - Right of the scale line
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
PlotClose, PlotDraw, PlotGrid, PlotInfo, PlotLine, PlotMarker, PlotOpen, PlotText, PlotXY-
Line, TrnPlot
See PlotOpen
See Also
Plot Functions
Registers a symbol as a marker. You can then draw the new marker at points and on plotted
lines, by specifying the MarkerNo of the symbol as the MarkerStyle in the PlotMarker() func-
tion. Call the PlotGetMarker() function if you do not know the number of a marker.
PlotSetMarker(MarkerNo, sSymbolName)
Chapter: 41 Plot Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
PlotMarker, PlotScaleMarker, PlotGetMarker
/* Display red hourglass as marker at point (100,200). */
See Also
Plot Functions
Prints text on a plot. You can specify the font, position, and orientation of the text. If you
specify an orientation other than ’left-to-right’, you must check that the font (and the print-
er) supports the orientation.
You must first call the PlotOpen() function to get the handle for the plot (hPlot) and specify
the output device. You also must call the DspFont() function to get a handle for the font
PlotText(hPlot, hFont, Orientation, X, Y, sText)
The plot handle, returned from the PlotOpen() function. The plot handle identi-
fies the table where all data on the plot is stored.
The font handle, returned from the DspFont() function. The font handle identifies
the table where details of that font are stored.
The orientation of the text:
0 - Left-to-right
1 - Upwards
2 - Right-to-left
Chapter: 41 Plot Functions
3 - Downwards
You should check that the font supports rotation (where Orientation = 1, 2, or 3).
Most true type and vector fonts support rotation. If the PlotInfo(hPlot, 9) function
returns false, you must specify an Orientation of 0 (zero).
X, Y:
The x and y coordinates (in pixels) of the start of the text. If the plot is for display
on the screen, the coordinates are relative to the AN specified in the PlotOpen()
function. If the output device is a printer, the coordinates are relative to the point
The text string to be plotted.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
DspFont, PlotClose, PlotDraw, PlotGrid, PlotInfo, PlotLine, PlotMarker, PlotScaleMarker,
PlotXYLine, TrnPlot
See PlotOpen.
See Also
Plot Functions
Plots values from two different tables. Values from one table are considered X coordinates,
and values from the other are considered Y coordinates. Points are plotted between the low
and high scale values specified for x and y. The line is plotted inside the frame defined by
the PlotGrid() function.
For each line, you can specify a different pen style, color, and width, and a different marker
style and color. You can draw lines either from left to right or from right to left. You must
first call the PlotOpen() function to get the handle for the plot (hPlot) and specify the output
device. You should then use the PlotGrid() function to set up the frame and grid, before you
call this function to plot the line.
PlotXYLine(hPlot, PenStyle, PenCol, PenWidth, MarkerStyle, MarkerCol, nMarker, Length,
xTable, LoXScale, HiXScale, YTable, LoYScale, HiYScale, Mode)
The plot handle, returned from the PlotOpen() function. The plot handle identi-
fies the table where all data on the plot is stored.
The style of the pen used to draw:
0 - Solid
1 - Dash ( - - - - - )
Chapter: 41 Plot Functions
2 - Dot (...............................)
3 - Dash and dot ( - . - . - . - . - )
4 - Dash, dot, dot ( - . . - . . - . . - )
5 - Hollow
The color of the pen (flashing color is not supported). Select a color from the list
of Predefined Color Names and Codes or create an RGB-based color using the
function MakeCitectColour.
The width of the pen, in pixels. If the width is thicker than one pixel, you must
use a solid pen (PenStyle = 0). The maximum width is 32.
The style of the markers:
0 - No markers
1 - Triangle
2 - Square
3 - Circle
4 - Diamond
5 - Filled triangle
6 - Filled square
7 - Filled circle
8 - Filled diamond
20 - 32000 - User-defined markers. You can register any symbol as a marker with
the PlotSetMarker() function. Call the PlotGetMarker() function if you do
not know the number of a marker you have previously registered.
The color of the markers (flashing color is not supported). Select a color from the
list of Predefined Color Names and Codes or create an RGB-based color using the
function MakeCitectColour.
The number of samples between markers.
The length of the array, that is the number of points in the table pTable for Plot-
Line(), or in tables xTable and yTable for PlotXYLine().
For every line you draw with the PlotLine() and PlotXYLine() functions within a
plot, you must add the Length arguments for each call, and pass the total to the
PlotGrid() function (in the nSamples argument).
The x coordinates for the points in the line, as an array of floating point values.
The lowest X-axis value that will be displayed on the plot (that is the X-coordi-
nate of the origin of your grid). The LoXScale and HiXScale values determine the
scale of your grid. This scale is used to plot values. for example, If LoXScale = 0
Chapter: 41 Plot Functions
(zero) and HiXScale = 100, a value of 50 will be plotted half way along the X-axis
of your grid.
LoXScale must be in the same units as the values in xTable.
The highest X-axis value that will be displayed on the plot. The LoXScale and
HiXScale values determine the scale of your grid. This scale is used to plot values.
for example, If LoXScale = 0 (zero) and HiXScale = 100, a value of 50 will be plot-
ted half way along the X-axis of your grid.
HiXScale must be in the same units as the values in xTable.
The y coordinates for the points in the line, as an array of floating point values.
The lowest Y-axis value that will be displayed on the plot (that is the Y-coordi-
nate of the origin of your grid). The LoYScale and HiYScale values determine the
scale of your grid. This scale is used to plot values. for example, If LoYScale = 0
(zero) and HiYScale = 100, a value of 50 will be plotted half way up the Y-axis of
your grid.
LoYScale must be in the same units as the values in xTable.
The highest Y-axis value that will be displayed on the plot. The LoYScale and
HiYScale values determine the scale of your grid. This scale is used to plot values.
for example, If LoYScale = 0 (zero) and HiYScale = 100, a value of 50 will be plot-
ted half way up the Y-axis of your grid.
HiYScale must be in the same units as the values in xTable.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
PlotClose, PlotDraw, PlotGrid, PlotInfo, PlotLine, PlotMarker, PlotScaleMarker, PlotText,
See PlotOpen
See Also
Plot Functions
Chapter: 42 Report Functions
With the report functions, you can run reports on the report server, change their schedul-
ing, or get their status.
Report Functions
Following are functions relating to Reports:
RepGetCluster Retrieves the name of the cluster the report is running on.
RepGetControl Gets report control information.
Report Runs a report.
RepSetControl Sets report control information.
See Also
Functions Reference
This function retrieves the name of the cluster a report is running on. This function should
only be called from a report file.
Return Value
The name of the cluster the report in running on.
See Also
Report Functions
Gets report control information on a report. This function is a blocking function. It will
block the calling Cicode task until the operation is complete.
RepGetControl(ReportName, Type [, ClusterName])
The name of the report (can be prefixed by the name of the cluster that is Cluster-
The type of report control information to get (send back in the return value):
0 - State of the report - returns one of:
0 -Idle
1 - Waiting for PLC data for trigger
2 - Waiting for PLC data
Chapter: 42 Report Functions
3 - Running
1 - Time of day that the report is due to run next.
2 - The report period, in seconds, or week day, month or year, for example, if the
report is weekly, this is the day of the week, 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday).
3 - Synchronisation time of day of the report, for example, 10:00:00 (In seconds
from midnight).
4 - Type of report schedule - returns one of:
0 - Event triggered
1 - Daily
2 - Weekly
3 - Monthly
4 - Yearly
5 - Report state - returns one of:
0 - Enabled
1 - Disabled
Name of the cluster in which the report resides. This is optional if you have one
cluster or are resolving the report server via the current cluster context. The argu-
ment is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
The control information, as an integer.
Related Functions
RepSetControl, Report
! Sets Next to the time that the report is due to run.
! Display a message at the prompt AN (AN2) if
! the report is running.
IF RepGetControl("SHIFT",0,"ClusterXYZ")=3 THEN
Prompt("Shift report is running");
See Also
Report Functions
Runs a report on the Report Server. This function only schedules the report for execution.
The running of the report is controlled entirely by the Report Server.
This function will start the specified report on the Reports Server to which the CitectSCA-
DA computer is communicating. If you are using the Reports Servers in Primary/Standby
mode, the report can run on the Standby Server. If you call this function on the Standby
Server then the report will definitely run on the Standby Server, even if the Primary Server
is active.
Chapter: 42 Report Functions
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
Report(ReportName [, ClusterName] )
The name of the report to run (can be prefixed by the name of the cluster that is
Name of the cluster in which the report resides. This is optional if you have one
cluster or are resolving the report server via the current cluster context. The argu-
ment is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
RepSetControl, RepGetControl
Text Shift Report
Command Report("Shift", "ClusterXYZ")
Comment Runs the Shift Report
System Keyboard
Key Sequence Report ############ Enter
Command Report(Arg1)
Comment Runs a specified Report
! Runs the report named "SHIFT".
! Runs the report named "DAY".
/* The "SHIFT" and "DAY" reports are started. The order in which
the reports are run cannot be determined. If you want the "DAY"
report to run after the "SHIFT" report, call Report("DAY") at the
end of the "SHIFT" report. */
See Also
Report Functions
Sets report control information to temporarily override the normal settings for a specified
report. You can change the report schedule for a periodic report, and run one-time or event-
triggered reports. These new settings are set on both the primary and standby report serv-
ers, but are not saved to the database. When you restart your system, CitectSCADA uses
the existing settings, defined in the Reports database.
Chapter: 42 Report Functions
You might need to call this function several times. For example, to change an event-trig-
gered report to run at 6 hourly intervals, you need to change the schedule (Type 4), syn-
chronization time (Type 3), and period (Type 2). If you use incompatible values for these
options, you can get unpredictable results. To change more than one option, disable the re-
port, set the options, and then re-enable the report.
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
RepSetControl(ReportName, Type, Data [, ClusterName] )
The name of the report (can be prefixed by the name of the cluster that is Clus-
The type of report control information to set:
1 - The time of day at which to run the next report. Subsequent reports are run at
the times calculated from the period (Type 2) and synchronisation time
(Type 3). Use Type 1 to specify a one-time report. Set the time in Data in
seconds from midnight (for example, specify 6 p.m. as 18 * 60 * 60).
2 - The report period. Set the new period in Data according to the report schedule
(Type 4), in seconds from midnight, day of week (0 to 6, Sunday = 0),
month (1 to 12), or year.
For a daily report schedule, set the report frequency in Data in seconds from mid-
night; for example, set Data to 6 * 60 * 60 for a 6 hourly shift report. If the
report is weekly, set Data to the day of the week, for example, when Data
= 2, the day is Tuesday.
3 - Synchronisation time of day of the report. Set the time in Data in seconds from
midnight, for example, to synchronize at 10a.m., set Data to 10 * 60 * 60.
4 - Type of report schedule. Set Data to one of the following:
0 - Event triggered
1 - Daily
2 - Weekly
3 - Monthly
4 - Yearly
5 - Report state. Set Data to either:
0 - Enabled
1 - Disabled
The new data value, dependent on the Type.
Name of the cluster in which the report resides. This is optional if you have one
cluster or are resolving the report server via the current cluster context. The argu-
ment is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 42 Report Functions
Related Functions
RepGetControl, Report
! Runs the "Shift" report in 1 minute.
! change weekly report to 8 hour shift starting at 7 am
RepSetControl("Weekly", 5, 1,"ClusterXYZ"); ! disable report
RepSetControl("Weekly", 4, 1,"ClusterXYZ"); ! change mode to daily
RepSetControl("Weekly", 3, 7 * 60 * 60,"ClusterXYZ"); ! sync at 7:00:00 am
RepSetControl("Weekly", 2, 8 * 60 * 60,"ClusterXYZ"); ! run every 8 hours
RepSetControl("Weekly", 5, 0,"ClusterXYZ"); ! enable report
! change yearly report to run on March 10 at 7 am
RepSetControl("Yearly", 5, 1,"ClusterXYZ"); ! disable report
RepSetControl("Yearly", 4, 4,"ClusterXYZ"); ! change mode to yearly
RepSetControl("Yearly", 3, 7 * 60 * 60,"ClusterXYZ"); ! sync at 7:00:00 am
RepSetControl("Yearly", 2, 31 + 28 + 10,"ClusterXYZ"); ! run on March 10th
RepSetControl("Yearly", 5, 0,"ClusterXYZ"); ! enable report
See Also
Report Functions
Chapter: 42 Report Functions
Chapter: 43 Security Functions
The security functions allow you to control logins, logouts, and general security, and to
add, delete, and modify user records during run time. By giving selected users access to
these functions, you can provide them with supervisory control of the system.
Security Functions
Following are functions relating to Security:
FullName Gets the full name of the current operator.
GetPriv Checks the privilege and area of the current operator.
Login Logs an operator into the CitectSCADA system. Not avail-
able when logged in as Windows user.
LoginForm Displays a form that allows an operator to log in to the Cit-
ectSCADA system.
Logout Logs an operator out of the CitectSCADA system.
LogoutIdle Sets an idle time logout for the current operator.
MultiSignatureForm Displays a form that allows up for 4 users to have their cre-
dentials verified in order to approve an operation.
MultiSignatureTagWrite Displays a form that allows up for 4 users to have their cre-
dentials verified in order to approve a write of
a specific value to a specific tag.
Name Gets the user name of the current operator.
UserCreate Creates a new user record during run time. Not available
when logged in as Windows user.
UserCreateForm Displays a form to create a record for a new user. Not avail-
able when logged in as Windows user.
UserDelete Deletes a new user record during run time. Not available
when logged in as Windows user.
UserEditForm Displays a form for a selected user to create or delete user
records during run time.
Not available when logged in as Windows user.
UserInfo Gets information about the operator who is currently
logged-in to the system.
UserLogin Logs an operator into the CitectSCADA system using a se-
cure password string.
UserPassword Changes a user’s password during run time. Not available
when logged in as Windows user.
UserPasswordExpiryDays Returns the number of days left before the user’s password
is due to expire.
Not available when logged in as Windows user.
UserPasswordForm Displays a form for the operator to change their own pass-
word during run time.
Not available when logged in as Windows user.
UserVerify Uses the authentication functionality in the user login sys-
VerifyPrivilegeForm Displays a form that allows a single user to enter their cre-
Chapter: 43 Security Functions
VerifyPrivilegeTagWrite Displays a form that allows any single user to enter their
credentials in order to approve a write of
a specific value to a specific tag.
WhoAmI Displays the name of the operator who is currently logged-
in to the system.
See Also
Functions Reference
Gets the full name of the user who is currently logged on to the system. The user can be a
Citect or a Windows user. For a Citect user the full name is the one defined in the users
form. For a Windows user the full name is in the format of <DomainName>\<UserName>.
When there is no one logged in or the logged in user is a "system user" this function returns
an empty string.
If the user is logged on as a Domain user the name should be the Windows domain name
and user account name in the format of <DomainName\UserName>.
If the user is logged on as a local user the name should be the local machine name and user
account name in the format of <MachineName\UserName>.
Return Value
The user name (as a string).
Related Functions
Name, UserInfo
/* Display the full name of the current user at AN20. */
DspText(20, 0, FullName());
See Also
Security Functions
Checks if the current user has a privilege for a specified area. With this function, you can
write your own Cicode functions to control user access to the system.
GetPriv(Priv, Area)
The privilege level (1..8).
Chapter: 43 Security Functions
Return Value
Returns 1 if the user has the specified privilege in the area, or 0 (zero) if the user does not
have the privilege.
Related Functions
/* User must have privilege 2, or cannot do operation. */
IF GetPriv(2, 0) THEN
! Do operation here
Prompt("No privilege for command");
See Also
Security Functions
Not available when logged in as Windows user.
Logs a user into the CitectSCADA system, using CitectSCADA security and gives users ac-
cess to the areas and privileges assigned to them in the Users database. Only one user can
be logged into a computer at any one time. If a user is already logged in when a second user
logs in, the first user is automatically logged out.
When using Windows security use UserLogin to limit Windows credentials being exposed
as plain text.
At startup, or when the user logs out, a default user is active, with access to area 0 (zero)
and privilege 0 (zero) only. Use the LoginForm() function to display a form for logging in
to the system.
Login(sUserName, sPassword)
The user’s name, as defined in the Users database.
The user’s password, as defined in the Users database.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
LoginForm, Logout, LogoutIdle, Message, Input, UserLogin
Chapter: 43 Security Functions
/* Log in a user whose user name is "FRED" and whose password is
"ABC". */
See Also
Security Functions
Displays a form in which a user can log in to the CitectSCADA system by entering their
name and password. If the login is correct, the user is logged into the CitectSCADA system
with the area(s) and privilege(s) assigned to them in the Users database.
From version 7.10 this form can be pre-filled by the caller. Both Citect and Windows users
are supported.
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
LoginForm(sUserName, sPassword)
The user’s name, as defined in the Users database.
The user’s password, as defined in the Users database.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Login, UserLogin
System Keyboard
Key Sequence Login
LoginForm Display the Login form
Comment Allow user login
Text Operator Login
LoginForm Display the Login form
Comment Allow user login
See Also
Security Functions
Chapter: 43 Security Functions
Logs the current user out of the CitectSCADA system. CitectSCADA continues to run, but
with access to area 0 (zero) and privilege 0 (zero) only.
Calling this function to logout the logged on user will cause an automatically logged in user
to be logged back on. If there is no user logged in, calling this function will return an error.
When the logged on user is an automatically logged in user, calling this function will return
an error.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Login, LoginForm, LogoutIdle, UserInfo, Message, Input
/* Log the current user out of the system. */
See Also
Security Functions
Sets an idle time for logging out the current user. If the current user does not execute a com-
mand within the specified idle time, a prompt is displayed. If the prompt is ignored, then
the user is logged out. For all users to have the same idle time, you would call this function
at startup. Otherwise, you can call the function from the Users database to specify an idle
time for each user. This function will not log out an automatically loged on user.
The number of minutes the user must be idle before logout will occur. Set Idle to
-1 to disable the current logout timeout.
Return Value
No return value.
Related Functions
Logout, Login, LoginForm
Chapter: 43 Security Functions
User Name Operator1
LoginForm LogoutIdle(5)
Comment Logs the user out after five minutes
See Also
Security Functions
Displays a form that allows up for 4 users to have their credentials verified in order to approve an operation. The
usernames can be Citect or Windows users.
MultiSignatureForm(sOperationDescription, sLogDevice, sUser1, sUser2, sUser3, sUser4)
A description of the operation that requires approval. This string will be dis-
played on the signature form and logged to the log device if the operation is ap-
The name of a log device if logging is required, otherwise pass an empty string.
Each sUser argument must be either a Citect user name, a Windows user name
(including domain\ prefix) or a blank string. Even though the sUser arguments
are numbered 1 through 4, this only controls the order in which users are dis-
played on the multi-signature form. You can pass empty strings for any of these
arguments, but at least one user must be specified.
Return Value
TRUE (1) if the operation approved (that is all users’ credentials were verified and the op-
erator clicked the "Approve" button, otherwise FALSE (0).
Related Functions
// This example sets the page integer to indicate the approval status, but
// it can be used to perform any logic necessary to trigger the operation
// that was approved.
Chapter: 43 Security Functions
See Also
Security Functions
Form Functions
Displays a form that allows up for 4 users to have their credentials verified in order to approve a write of a specific
value to a specific tag. If all users are verified successfully, the write to the tag is performed by this function before
it returns. The usernames can be Citect or Windows users.
MultiSignatureTagWrite(sTagName, sValueToWrite, sLogDevice, sUser1, sUser2, sUser3,
The name of the tag to which a write needs to be approved.
The value to write to the tag if approval succeeds.
The name of a log device if logging is required, otherwise pass an empty string.
Each sUser argument must be either a Citect user name, a Windows user name
(including domain\ prefix) or an empty string. Even though the sUser arguments
are numbered 1 through 4, this only controls the order in which users are dis-
played on the multi-signature form. You can pass empty strings for any of these
arguments, but at least one user must be specified.
Return Value
TRUE (1) if the operation was approved (that is all users’ credentials were verified and the
operator clicked the "Approve" button, otherwise FALSE (0).
Related Functions
// This example generates a form to request two users to approve the tag write op-
// When approved, the PLC_VAR1 tag is written with the value 123 and a page string
// is set to indicate the approval status.
IF (MultiSignatureTagWrite("PLC_VAR1", "123", "", "John Smith", "Angela Huth", "",
"")) THEN
PageSetStr(1, "TagWrite Successful");
Chapter: 43 Security Functions
See Also
Security Functions
Form Functions
Gets the name of the operator who is currently logged on to the display system. The user
can be a Citect or a windows user.If this function is called on a server, it returns the name
of the local operator. If there is no one logged on, or the logged on user is a "system user"
this function returns an empty string.
Return Value
The name of the user as a string. If the user is logged on as a Windows user the name will
be the Windows user account name.
Related Functions
FullName, Login, LoginForm
/* Display the user name of the current user at AN20. */
See Also
Security Functions
Not available for a Windows user.
Creates a record for a new user. A new user of the specified type is created. The name of
the user must be unique.
UserCreate(sName, sFullName, sPassword, sType [, sAccess] [, sPrivGlobal] [, sPriv1..sPriv8] )
The name of the user.
The full name of the user.
The password of the user.
Chapter: 43 Security Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
UserDelete, UserEditForm, UserPassword, UserPasswordForm, UserCreateForm
/* Create a new user */
UserCreate("Fred", "Fred Jones", "secret", "Operator");
See Also
Security Functions
Not available for a Windows user.
Displays a form to create a record for a new user. A new user of the specified type is creat-
ed. The name of the user must be unique.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
UserDelete, UserEditForm, UserPassword, UserPasswordForm, UserCreate
Chapter: 43 Security Functions
See Also
Security Functions
Not available for a Windows user.
Deletes the record for a user. Changes are written to both the Users database and the runt-
ime database in memory.
The name of the user.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
UserCreate, UserEditForm
/* Delete Fred from the database */
See Also
Security Functions
Not available for a Windows user.
Displays a form to allow the user to create or delete any user record in the database. This
function should have restricted access. Changes are written to both the Users database and
the runtime database in memory.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 43 Security Functions
Related Functions
UserCreate, UserDelete
/* Display a form for the user to create or delete user records. */
See Also
Security Functions
Gets information about the operator who is currently logged-in to the system.
The type of user information:
0 - Flag to indicate if anyone is logged in or not
1 - The login name of the user
2 - The full name of the user
3 - The time the user logged in
4 - The time the user entered the last command
5 - The number of commands entered by the user
6 - The type of login:
"0" indicates there is no one logged in.
"1" indicates there is a user explicitly logged in.
"2" indicates the logged on user is a system default user (server process
auto login Super user).
"3" indicates the logged on user is a system default user (control client auto
login windows user).
Return Value
The information (as a string). If an error is detected, an empty string is returned.
Related Functions
/* Check if a user has logged on. If so, get the user’s full name
and the number of commands they have performed. */
String sName;
String sCount;
IF UserInfo(0) = "1" THEN
sName = UserInfo(2);
sCount = UserInfo(5);
Chapter: 43 Security Functions
See Also
Security Functions
Logs a user into the CitectSCADA system, using either Windows security or CitectSCADA security and gives users
access to the areas and privileges assigned to them in the Users database. Only one user can be logged into a
computer at any one time. If a user is already logged in when a second user logs in, the first user is replaced by
the newly logged on user.
To call this function at user login, the password argument passed must be in secure string
At startup, or when the user logs out, a default user is active, with access to area 0 (zero)
and privilege 0 (zero) only. Use the LoginForm() function to display a form for logging in
to the system.
UserLogin(sUserName, sPassword)
The user’s name as defined in the Users database, or the Windows User account
name, in plain text.
The user’s password, as defined in the Users database or Windows account for-
matted as a secure string.
To improve the user credentials protection provides a system built-in user login
function that takes the user name and secure password as the arguments. This re-
duces the chance that the user’s password can be exposed in plaint text from the
runtime system
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
LoginForm, Logout, LogoutIdle, Message, Input
**This function displays the login form, get the user name and
**password then trys to log the user in. If the login fails it
Chapter: 43 Security Functions
bDone = FALSE;
FormPrompt(1, 0, "@(Name)");
FormPrompt(1, 2, "@(Password)");
IF FormRead(0) = 0 THEN
bDone = TRUE
nStatus = 0;
sPassword = "";
IF FormActive(hForm) THEN
Chapter: 43 Security Functions
bDone = TRUE;
nStatus = 298;
RETURN nStatus;
See Also
Security Functions
Not available for a Windows user.
Changes the password for the user. Changes are written to both the Users database and the
runtime database in memory.
UserPassword(sName [, sPassword] [, sOldPassword] )
The name of the user.
The password of the user.
The sPassword argument is optional. If not passed, this argument defaults to an
empty string which is subsequently ignored. It is included for the purposes of
handling duplicate user names and separate password identification compatibil-
The password assigned to the user before the UserPassword() function is run.
The sOldPassword argument is optional. If passed, CitectSCADA will only permit
the password change (and consequent re-setting of the expiry period) when the
old password is correctly entered. If the sOldPassword parameter is not passed,
the password change will proceed without restriction.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
UserPasswordForm, UserCreate, UserEditForm
Chapter: 43 Security Functions
/* Change Fred’s password */
UserPassword("Fred", "secret");
See Also
Security Functions
Not available for a Windows user.
Returns the number of days left before the user’s password is due to expire.
To use this function, you can build a form page by using cicode that takes the user name
and password as inputs and output the number of days that return by UserPasswordExpi-
UserPasswordExpiryDays(sUserName [, sPassword] )
The name of the user.
The password of the user.
The sPassword argument is optional. If not passed, this argument defaults to an
empty string which is subsequently ignored. It is included for the purposes of
handling duplicate user names and separate password identification compatibil-
Return Value
The return value contains either the number of days before password expiry, or one of two
exception conditions:
0 to 365 - number of days
-1 - no expiry
-2 - user not found or password wrong
Related Functions
See Also
Security Functions
Not available for a Windows user.
Display a form to allow users to change their own passwords. Changes are written to both
the Users database and the runtime database in memory.
Chapter: 43 Security Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
UserPassword, UserCreate, UserEditForm
/* Allow users to change their own passwords */
See Also
Security Functions
Verifies a given user by authenticating the user’s credential, verifies the user privileges and
areas against those specified in the functions parameters. Successful verification however
does not log the user into the CitectSCADA runtime system.
UserVerify(sName, sPassword, [, sAccess] [, sPrivGlobal] [, sPriv1..sPriv8] )
The name of the user.
The password of the user. The sPassword argument must be passed as a secure
Specifies the required user’s viewable areas.
Specifies the required user’s global privilege.
Specifies the required areas for privileges 1 - 8. That is, sPriv1 contains the areas
(1,2,3,4,...,255) where the user has Privilege 1.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
The successful verification has to meet the following conditions:
The selected user credentials can be authenticated
The required user privileges are included in the authenticated user’s total privileges.
Chapter: 43 Security Functions
Related Functions
UserDelete, UserEditForm, UserPassword, UserPasswordForm, UserCreateForm
INT FUNCTION UserVerifyTest()
STRING sPassword;
INT bDone;
INT nStatus;
bDone = FALSE;
FormNew("@(Login Form)", 30, 5, 5);
FormInput(1, 0, "@(Name)" + " ", sName, 16);
FormSecurePassword(1, 2, "@(Password)" + " ", sPassword, 16);
FormButton( 1, 4, " " + "@(OK)" + " ", 0, 1);
FormButton(17, 4, "@(Cancel)", 0, 2);
IF FormRead(0) = 0 THEN
IF UserVerify(sName, sSecurePassword) = 0 THEN
bDone = TRUE;
nStatus = 0;
Message("Info", "Verification successful", 0)
sPassword = "";
Message("Info", "Verification not successful", 0)
bDone = TRUE;
nStatus = 298;
RETURN nStatus;
See Also
Security Functions
Displays a form that allows a single user to enter their credentials. These credentials are checked against a spec-
ified set to ensure the user has the required privileges before allowing the operation to proceed.
VerifyPrivilegeForm(sOperationDescription,sLogDevice, sAccess, sGlobalPriv, sPriv1, sPriv2,
sPriv3, sPriv4, sPriv5, sPriv6, sPriv7, sPriv8)
A description of the operation that requires approval.
The name of a log device if logging is required, otherwise pass an empty string.
The required user viewable areas, or pass an empty string for none.
Chapter: 43 Security Functions
The required global privilege, otherwise pass an empty string.
Specifies the required areas for privileges 1 - 8. That is, sPriv1 contains the areas
(1,2,3,4,...,255) where the user has Privilege 1. Each argument must be either spec-
ified or an empty string for none.
Return Value
The name of the user that met the required privileges, otherwise ""
Related Functions
// This example generates a form to request a user to approve an operation.
// This user needs the global privilege level of 8.
// When approved, the operation is completed and a page string
// is set to indicate the approval status.
IF (VerifyPrivilegeForm("Shut Down Plant", "ApprovalLog", "PlantWide", "8", "", "",
"", "", "", "", "", "")<>"") THEN
// Do operation
PageSetStr(1, "Operation approved");
PageSetStr(1, "Operation not approved");
See Also
Security Functions
Form Functions
Displays a form that allows any single user to enter their credentials in order to approve a write of a specific value
to a specific tag. These credentials are checked against a specified set to ensure the user has the required privi-
leges before allowing the operation to proceed.
The usernames can be Citect or Windows users.
VerifyPrivilegeTagWrite(sTagName, sValueToWrite, sLogDevice, sAccess, sGlobalPriv,
sPriv1, sPriv2, sPriv3, sPriv4, sPriv5, sPriv6, sPriv7, sPriv8)
The name of the tag to which a write needs to be approved.
The value to write to the tag if approval succeeds.
Chapter: 43 Security Functions
The name of a log device if logging is required, otherwise pass an empty string.
The required user viewable areas, or pass an empty string for none.
The required global privilege, otherwise pass an empty string.
Specifies the required areas for privileges 1 - 8. That is, sPriv1 contains the areas
(1,2,3,4,...,255) where the user has Privilege 1. Each argument must be either spec-
ified or an empty string for none.
Return Value
Name of user that met the required privileges (and therefore the value was written to the
specified tag), otherwise ""
Related Functions
// This example generates a form to request a user to approve the tag write operation.
// This user needs privilege levels of 6 and 3.
// When approved, the PLC_VAR1 tag is written with the value 123 and a page string
// is set to indicate the approval status.
IF (VerifyPrivilegeTagWrite("PLC_VAR1", "123", "ApprovalLog", "PlantWide", "", "6",
"3", "", "", "", "", "", "")<>"") THEN
PageSetStr(1, "TagWrite Successful");
PageSetStr(1, "TagWrite Not Successful");
See Also
Security Functions
Form Functions
Displays the user name and full name of the user currently logged-in to the system. When
the current logged on user is Windows user this function returns the user’s full name in the
format of <DomainName>\<UserName>. The names are displayed at the prompt AN.
Chapter: 43 Security Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Name, FullName, UserInfo
/* Display the user’s full name and user name at the prompt AN. */
See Also
Security Functions
Chapter: 44 Statistical Process Control Functions
SPC (Statistical Process Control) functions allow you to alter the properties and parameters
that affect the SPC calculations. By using the SPC functions you can also gain direct access
to the SPC data and alarms.
SPC Functions
Following are functions relating to Statistical Process Control:
SPCAlarms Returns the status of the specified SPC alarm.
SPCClientInfo Returns SPC data for the given SPC tag.
SPCGetHistogramTable Returns an array containing the frequency of particular
ranges for the given SPC tag.
SPCGetSubgroupTable Returns an array containing the specified subgroup’s ele-
ments with the mean, range and standard deviation.
SPCPlot Generates a single page print showing three separate
trends of the SPC Mean, Range, and Standard Deviation.
SPCProcessXRSGet Gets the process mean, range and standard deviation
SPCProcessXRSSet Sets the process mean, range and standard deviation
SPCSetLimit Sets the upper or lower control limits of X-bar, range, or
standard deviation charts.
SPCSpecLimitGet Gets the upper and lower specification limits for the spec-
ified tag.
SPCSpecLimitSet Sets the upper and lower specification limits for the spec-
ified tag.
SPCSubgroupSizeGet Gets the size of a subgroup for the specified SPC tag.
SPCSubgroupSizeSet Sets the subgroup size for the specified SPC tag.
See Also
Functions Reference
Returns the status of the specified SPC alarm. This function is used to configure SPC
alarms, by defining alarms with this trigger in Advanced Alarms.
This function can only be used if the Alarm Server is on the current machine. When the
Alarm Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and cannot be
called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and a Cicode
hardware alarm will be raised.
SPCAlarms(sSPCTag, AlarmType)
The SPC Tag name as defined in SPC Tags.
Chapter: 44 Statistical Process Control Functions
The description of the alarm type. The following types are valid:
XFreak XGradualUp XStratification
XOutsideCL XGradualDown XMixture
XAboveUCL XUpTrend ROutsideCL
XBelowLCL XDownTrend RAboveUCL
XOutsideWL XErratic RBelowLCL
Return Value
Alarm status, ON (1) or OFF (0).
Related Functions
Advanced Alarms
Alarm Tag Feed_SPC_XBLCL
Alarm Desc Process mean below LCL
Expression SPCAlarms("Feed_SPC", XBelowLCL)
Comment Trigger an alarm when XBelowLCL condition becomes true.
Advanced Alarms
Alarm Tag Temp_SPC_GRADUP
Alarm Desc Mean is drifting up
Expression SPCAlarms("Temp_SPC", XGradualUp)
Comment Trigger an alarm if mean drifts up.
See Also
SPC Functions
Returns SPC data for the given SPC tag. The information retrieved through this function is
from the cache maintained by the client. This function will give a faster response than the
related functions which access the SPC (trend) server.
This function can only be called while on an SPC page.
SPCClientInfo(sSPCTag, iType)
The SPC Tag name as defined in SPC Tags.
The information to be returned:
1 - Subgroup Size
2 - No. of Subgroups
3 - Process Mean (x double bar)
4 - Process Range
Chapter: 44 Statistical Process Control Functions
Return Value
The requested data specified by iType. It is of type REAL.
Related Functions
SPCSpecLimitGet, SPCProcessXRSGet, SPCSubgroupSizeGet
/* This function will check the capability of a particular SPC tag.*/
CheckCapability(STRING sTAG)
REAL rReturn;
rReturn = SPCClientInfo(sTag, 8);
!rReturn holds the inherent capability value
IF rReturn > 1.0 THEN
Message(sTag + "Assessment","The process is Capable.",64);
Message(sTag + "Assessment","The process is not Capable.",64);
Return rReturn;
See Also
SPC Functions
Returns an array containing the frequencies of particular ranges for the given SPC tag. The
histogram structure is implied in the order of the table as follows - the first array element
is the data less than -3 sigma. The second value is the data between -3 sigma and -3 sigma
plus the bar width etc. The last value is the data greater than +3 sigma.
This function can only be called while on an SPC page.
SPCGetHistogramTable(sSPCTag, iNoBars, TableVariable)
The SPC Tag name as defined in SPC Tags.
Chapter: 44 Statistical Process Control Functions
The number of bars in the table. The valid range is restricted to values from 7 to
100. This also indicates the size of the array to be returned.
The Cicode array that will store the histogram data. This variable must be defined
as a global array of type INT. The number of elements in the array must be equal
to (or greater than) iNoBars.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned. The histogram table is written
to TableVariable.
Related Functions
/* This function will get the maximum frequency present in the
histogram of a particular SPC tag.*/
INT iFrequency[7];
! This variable must be global to the file so is declared outside
of the function
INT iError;
INT iMax = -1;
iError = SPCGetHistogramTable(sTag, 7, iFrequency);
!The elements of iFrequency now hold the histogram table frequencies.
IF iError = 0 THEN
! Get maximum
iMax = TableMath(iFrequency,7,1,0);
Return iMax;
See Also
SPC Functions
Returns an array containing the specified subgroup’s elements with the mean, range and
standard deviation. The data will be in the following order:
Element0, Element1, ... , Element(n-1), Mean, Range, StdDev
SPCGetSubgroupTable(sSPCTag, iSubgroup, TableVariable)
The SPC Tag name as defined in SPC Tags.
Chapter: 44 Statistical Process Control Functions
The number of the subgroup being displayed whose data is to be retrieved. Zero
(’0’) represents the most recent subgroup.
The first element of the Cicode array that will store the sample data. This variable
must be defined as a global array of type REAL. The number of elements in the
array must be equal to (or greater than) the subgroup size + 3.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned. The subgroup’s data is written
to TableVariable.
Related Functions
/* This function will get the minimum value present in the sample
data of a particular SPC tag.*/
REAL rSubgroup[8]; ! 5 samples + mean + range + stddev.
! This variable must be global to the file, so is declared outside
of the function
GetMinSample(STRING sTAG)
INT iError;
REAL iMin = 0;
iError = SPCGetSubgroupTable(sTag, 7, rSubgroup);
!The elements of rSubgroup now hold the group samples, mean, range and stddev.
IF iError = 0 THEN
! Get minimum. Note that the range of data is 5
iMin = TableMath(rSubgroup,5,0,0);
Return iMin;
See Also
SPC Functions
This function is designed to work only on an SPCXRSChart page. It prints a single page
showing three separate trends of the SPC Mean, Range, and Standard Deviation. The Mean
must be at AN, the Range at AN + 1, and the Standard Deviation at AN + 2. You can specify
a title and a comment for the plot, and whether it is printed in color or in black and white.
SPCPlot(sPort, AN [, sTitle] [, sComment] [, iMode] )
Chapter: 44 Statistical Process Control Functions
The name of the printer port to which the plot will be printed. This name must
be enclosed within quotation marks. For example LPT1:, to print to the local
printer, or \\Pserver\canon1 using UNC to print to a network printer.
The animation point at which the Mean chart is currently situated. The Range
and Standard Deviation charts must be on the next two consecutive animation
numbers. For example, if the Mean chart is at animation point 40, the Range chart
must be at animation point 41, and the Standard Deviation chart must be at ani-
mation point 42.
The title of the trend plot.
The comment that is to display beneath the title of the trend plot. You do not have
to enter a comment.
The color mode of the printer.
0 - Black and White (default)
1 - Color
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnPlot, TrnComparePlot, TrnPrint, PlotOpen
/* This function will print the Mean trend (currently displayed at
animation point 40), the Range trend (currently at animation point
41), and the Standard Deviation trend (currently at animation
point 42). The result is a one page, black and white combination
of all three trends, printed to LPT1. */
SPCPlot("LPT1:",40, "CitectSCADA SPC Chart","Gradually
increasing trend",0);
See Also
SPC Functions
Gets the process mean, range, and standard deviation overrides for the specified SPC tag.
The values that are returned are the values that are currently being used by the SPC (trend)
server, not necessarily the values specified in the SPC Tag definition.
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
This function can only be called while on an SPC page.
Chapter: 44 Statistical Process Control Functions
SPCProcessXRSGet(sSPCTag, XVariable, RVariable, SVariable [, ClusterName] )
The SPC Tag name as defined in SPC Tags.
The Cicode variable that stores the process mean (X double bar). This variable
must be defined as a global of type REAL. Do not specify a constant in this field.
The Cicode variable that stores the range (R). This variable must be defined as a
global of type REAL. Do not specify a constant in this field.
The Cicode variable that stores the standard deviation (S). This variable must be
defined as a global of type REAL. Do not specify a constant in this field.
Specifies the name of the cluster of the SPC tag.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned. The process mean is written
to XVariable, the process range to RVariable, and the standard deviation to SVariable.
Related Functions
SPCClientInfo, SPCProcessXRSSet
/* This function will set a new override value for Mean, without
overwriting the values already in place for Standard Deviation and
Range */
REAL rOldMean;
REAL rRange;
REAL rStdDev;
! These variables must be global to the file, so are declared
outside of the function
Tank1SPCNewMean(REAL rNewMean)
INT iError;
iError = SPCProcessXRSGet("TANK_1_TEMP", rOldMean, rRange, rStdDev);
! If no error, rOldMean, rRange and rStdDev now hold the current values of XRS.
IF iError = 0 THEN
iError = SPCProcessXRSSet("TANK_1_TEMP", rNewMean, rRange, rStdDev);
Return iError;
See Also
SPC Functions
Chapter: 44 Statistical Process Control Functions
Sets the process mean, range and standard deviation overrides for the specified SPC tag.
The values entered here will override CitectSCADA’s automatic calculations, and the over-
rides specified in the SPC Tags definition.
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
This function can only be called while on an SPC page.
SPCProcessXRSSet(sSPCTag, rMean, rRange, rStdDev [, ClusterName] )
The SPC Tag name as defined in SPC Tags.
The new value of process mean (x double bar) to set.
The new value of process range to set.
The new value of process standard deviation to set.
Specifies the name of the cluster of the SPC tag.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned.
Related Functions
See SPCProcessXRSGet
See Also
SPC Functions
Sets the upper or lower control limits of X-bar, range, or standard deviation charts. Using
this function will only set the controller limits on the Client display which will not affect
the SPC Alarms. To set the server control limits, use the SPCProcessXRSSet function.
SPCSetLimit(AN, Type, Value, Setting)
The AN where the SPC chart is located.
The SPC type:
1 - X-bar upper control limit
Chapter: 44 Statistical Process Control Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
! Sets X-bar upper control limit to 250 at AN40.
See Also
SPC Functions
Gets the process Upper and Lower Specification Limits (USL and LSL) for the specified SPC
tag. The values that are returned are the values that are currently being used by the SPC
(trend) server, not necessarily the values specified in the SPC Tag definition.
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
SPCSpecLimitGet(sSPCTag, LSLVariable, USLVariable [, ClusterName] )
The SPC Tag name as defined in SPC Tags.
The Cicode variable that stores the Lower Specification Limit (LSL). This variable
must be defined as a global of type REAL. Do not specify a constant in this field.
The Cicode variable that stores the Upper Specification Limit (USL). This vari-
able must be defined as a global of type REAL. Do not specify a constant in this
Chapter: 44 Statistical Process Control Functions
Specifies the name of the cluster of the SPC tag.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned. The LSL is written to LSLVa-
riable, while the USL is written to USLVariable.
Related Functions
SPCClientInfo, SPCSpecLimitSet
/* This function will increase the current USL and LSL of the
specified Tag by 10 percent.*/
! These variables must be global to the file, so are declared
outside of the function
ExpSLbyPercent(STRING sTAG)
REAL rIncPercent = 1.1;
REAL rDecPercent = 0.9;
INT iError;
iError = SPCSpecLimitGet(sTag, rLSL, rUSL);
! If no error, rLSL and rUSL now hold the current values of LSL and USL for sTAG
rLSL = rLSL * rDecPercent;
rUSL = rUSL * rIntPercent;
IF iError = 0 THEN
iError = SPCSpecLimitSet(sTAG, rLSL, rUSL);
Return iError;
! The function would be called as follows;
Page Button
Button Text Expand Temperature Limits
Expression ExpSLby10Percent("TANK_1_TEMP");
See Also
SPC Functions
Sets the process Upper and Lower Specification Limits (USL and LSL) for the specified SPC
tag. The values entered here will override those specified in the SPC Tags definition.
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
SPCSpecLimitSet(sSPCTag, rLSL, rUSL [, ClusterName] )
Chapter: 44 Statistical Process Control Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned.
Related Functions
See SPCSpecLimitGet
See Also
SPC Functions
Gets the subgroup size for the specified SPC tag. The value that is returned is the value that
is currently being used by the SPC (trend) server, not necessarily the value specified in the
SPC Tag definition.
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
This function can only be called while on an SPC page.
SPCSubgroupSizeGet(sSPCTag, SizeVariable [, ClusterName] )
The SPC Tag name as defined in SPC Tags.
The Cicode variable that stores the subgroup size. This variable must be defined
as a global of type INT. Do not specify a constant in this field.
Specifies the name of the cluster of the SPC tag.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned. The subgroup size is written
to SizeVariable.
Related Functions
SPCClientInfo, SPCSubgroupSizeSet
Chapter: 44 Statistical Process Control Functions
See SPCSubgroupSizeSet.
See Also
SPC Functions
Sets a new subgroup size for the specified SPC tag. The new subgroup size becomes the
new size as long as the SPC (trend) server is running. The subgroup size is updated first in
the SPC server, which then informs all clients to update. This will force re-calculation of
SPC values (UCL and LCL) across the span of any displayed charts.
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
This function can only be called while on an SPC page.
SPCSubgroupSizeSet(sSPCTag, iSize [, ClusterName] )
The SPC Tag name as defined in SPC Tags.
The new size of the subgroup to set.
Specifies the name of the cluster of the SPC tag.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned.
Related Functions
/* This function increments the subgroup size for FEED_RATE_1 by
the specified amount. */
INT iSize;
! This variable must be global to the file, so is declared outside
of the function
IncSubgroupSize(INT iIncrement)
INT iError;
iError = SPCSubgroupSizeGet("FEED_RATE_1", iSize);
! If no error, iSize now contains the current subgroup size of FEED_RATE_1
iSize = iSize + iIncrement;
IF iError = 0 and (isize > 1) THEN
iError = SPCSubgroupSizeSet("FEED_RATE_1", iSize );
Return iError;
Chapter: 44 Statistical Process Control Functions
See Also
SPC Functions
Chapter: 44 Statistical Process Control Functions
Chapter: 45 SQL Functions
SQL functions allow you to define, manipulate, and control data in SQL databases and oth-
er relational databases. By using the SQL functions (or the device functions with an SQL
device), you can directly access data on database servers, mini-computers, and mainframe
SQL Functions
Following are functions related to SQL operations:
ExecuteDTSPkg Loads and executes a Data Transformation Services package which
initiates data transfer between OLE DB data sources.
SQLAppend Appends a text string to the SQL buffer.
SQLBeginTran Starts a database transaction.
SQLCommit Commits a transaction to the database.
SQLConnect Makes a connection to a database system for execution of SQL
SQLDisconnect Closes a database connection.
SQLEnd Terminates an SQL query.
SQLErrMsg Returns an error message from the SQL system.
SQLExec Executes an SQL query on a database.
SQLFieldInfo Gets information about the fields or columns selected in an SQL
SQLGetField Gets field or column data from a database record.
SQLInfo Gets information about a database connection.
SQLNext Gets the next database record from a SQL query.
SQLNoFields Gets the number of fields or columns that were returned by the last
SQL statement.
SQLNumChange Gets the number of records that were modified in the last insert,
update, or delete SQL statement.
SQLRollBack Rolls back (or cancels) the last database transaction.
SQLSet Sets a statement string in the SQL buffer.
SQLTraceOff Turns off the debug trace.
SQLTraceOn Turns on the debug trace.
See Also
Functions Reference
Loads and executes a DTS (Data Transformation Services) package which initiates data
transfer and transformations between OLE DB data sources.
A DTS package is created using the DTS utility provided in Microsoft SQL Server 7.0. It can
be saved in a COM structured file, a Microsoft Repository, or in an SQL Server Database.
Chapter: 45 SQL Functions
All except the first of this function’s parameters are optional, and their use will depend on
your needs.
ExecuteDTSPkg(sFileOrSQLSvrName [, sPkgName] [, sParam1, ... , sParam5] [, sPkgPwd] [, sP-
kgVer] [, sLogFile] [, sSQLSvrUsr] [, sSQLSvrPwd])
The path and name of the file containing the package (for file-based packages), or
the SQL Server name (for SQL Server stored packages).
The package name.
For file-based packages where only one package is stored in a file, you can ig-
nore this parameter, as the package name defaults to the name of the file.
If the package has been named differently to the file, or a file contains more
than one package, you must specify the package name. You must also specify
the package name for SQL Server stored packages.
sParam1, ,sParam5:
Five optional variables which may be used as global variables within the DTS
package. The variables must be named Param1, Param2, Param3, Param4, and
The package password.
The creator of the DTS package may have implemented a password so that unau-
thorized users cannot access it. In this case, you must specify the package pass-
word. If no password has been implemented, you can omit this parameter.
The package version. If you don’t specify a version, the most recent version is
AN optional path and name for a log file. The log file can track activity such as:
File DTS package detected
SQL DTS package detected
Package initialized successfully
Package executed sucessfully
Package execution was not successful
The user name providing access to the SQL Server where the DTS package is
stored. A user’s account on the SQL Server consists of this user name and, in most
cases, a password.
This parameter also determines which method is used to load the package.
If sSQLSvrUsr is specified, the package is assumed to be an SQL Server stored
package. In this case, the package is loaded using the LoadFromSQLServer()
method. Otherwise, the package is file-based and LoadFromStorageFile() is
The password providing access to the SQL Server, if the user’s account on the
server requires a password.
Chapter: 45 SQL Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if the package was executed successfully, otherwise a DTS error number is re-
/* File-based package with one package per file, where the package
name is the same as the file name.*/
iResult = ExecuteDTSPkg("c:\dtspackages\package.dts");
/*SQL Server stored package with additional parameters */
iResult = ExecuteDTSPkg("Server1", "TestPackage", "Param1", "Param2", "Param3",
"Param4", "Param5", "Fred", "1", "c:\packages\PkgLog.txt", "jsmith", "secret");
See Also
SQL Functions
Appends a statement string to the SQL buffer. Cicode cannot send an SQL statement that
is longer than 255 characters. If you have an SQL statement that is longer than the 255 char-
acter limit, you can split the statement into smaller strings, and use this function to append
the statements in the SQL buffer.
SQLAppend(hSQL, String)
The handle to the SQL connection, returned from the SQLConnect() function.
The SQL connection handle identifies the table where details of the associated
SQL connection are stored.
The statement string to append to the SQL buffer.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned. (For details of the 307 error
code, call the SQLErrMsg function).
Related Functions
SQLSet, SQLBeginTran, SQLCommit, SQLConnect, SQLDisconnect, SQLEnd, SQLErrMsg
See SQLSet
See Also
SQL Functions
Chapter: 45 SQL Functions
Starts a database transaction. When you make a transaction, your changes are not written
to the database until you call the SQLCommit() function. Alternatively, you can use the
SQLRollBack function() to discard all changes made during the transaction.
After you begin a transaction, you must call either SQLCommit() to save the changes or
SQLRollBack() to discard the changes. You must use one of these functions to complete the
transaction and release all database locks. Unless you complete the transaction, you cannot
successfully disconnect the SQL connection.
A single database connection can only handle one transaction at a time. After you call SQL-
BeginTran(), you must complete that transaction before you can call SQLBeginTran() again.
If you disconnect from a database while a transaction is active (not completed), CitectSCA-
DA automatically "rolls back" the transaction any changes you made to the database in that
transaction are discarded.
You do not need to begin a transaction to modify a database. Any changes you make to a
database before you call the SQLBeginTran() are automatically committed, and no data-
base locks are held.
The SQLBeginTran() function is not supported by all databases. If the function is not per-
forming as you expect, check that both your database and ODBC driver support transac-
tions. Refer to the documentation for your database for more information on transactions.
The handle to the SQL connection, returned from the SQLConnect() function. The
SQL connection handle identifies the table where details of the associated SQL
connection are stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned. (For details of the 307 error
code, call the SQLErrMsg function).
Related Functions
SQLCommit, SQLConnect, SQLDisconnect, SQLEnd, SQLErrMsg, SQLExec, SQLFieldIn-
fo, SQLGetField, SQLInfo, SQLNext, SQLNoFields, SQLNumChange, SQLRollBack, SQL-
TraceOff, SQLTraceOn
/* Increase each employee’s salary and superannuation by a
specified amount. If any errors occur, the changes are aborted */
PayIncrease(STRING sIncrease)
INT Count1;
INT Count2;
hSQL = SQLConnect("DRV=QEDBF");
SQLExec(hSQL, "UPDATE C:\DATA\EMPLOYEE SET Salary = Salary + " +sIncrease);
Count1 = SQLNumChange(hSQL);
SQLExec(hSQL, "UPDATE C:\DATA\EMPLOYEE SET Super = Super + " +sIncrease);
Chapter: 45 SQL Functions
Count2 = SQLNumChange(hSQL);
IF Count1 = Count2 THEN
See Also
SQL Functions
Commits (to the database) all changes made within a transaction. If you call the SQLBegin-
Trans() function to begin a transaction, you must call the SQLCommit() function to save the
changes you make to the database during that transaction (with the Insert, Delete, and Up-
date SQL commands).
The SQLCommit() and SQLRollBack() functions both complete a transaction and release all
database locks. But while the SQLCommit() function saves all changes made during the
transaction, the SQLRollBack() function discards these changes. Unless you call the SQL-
Commit() function before you disconnect the database, CitectSCADA automatically rolls
back the transaction any changes you made to the database in that transaction are discard-
The SQLCommit() function could affect different databases in different ways. If the func-
tion is not performing as you expect, check that your database is ODBC compatible. Refer
to the documentation for your database for information on committing transactions.
The handle to the SQL connection, returned from the SQLConnect() function. The
SQL connection handle identifies the table where details of the associated SQL
connection are stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned. (For details of the 307 error
code, call the SQLErrMsg() function).
Related Functions
SQLBeginTran, SQLConnect, SQLDisconnect, SQLEnd, SQLErrMsg, SQLExec, SQLField-
Info, SQLGetField, SQLInfo, SQLNext, SQLNoFields, SQLNumChange, SQLRollBack,
SQLTraceOff, SQLTraceOn
See SQLBeginTran
See Also
SQL Functions
Chapter: 45 SQL Functions
Makes a connection to a database system, and returns a handle to the connection for use by
the other SQL functions. Through this connection, you can execute SQL statements in the
specified database. You must call this function before any other SQL function.
You only require one connection for each database system to be accessed (for example, Or-
acle, dBASE, Excel, etc.).
Do not use an SQL database for storage of real-time data (such as alarms), because SQL da-
tabases do not provide real-time performance when accessing database data. Only use an
SQL database where data transfer is not critical (for example, recipes or reports). If you try
to use SQL to store real time data, CitectSCADA’s performance could be greatly decreased.
The connection string, in the format:
<attribute>=<value>[;<attribute>=<value>. . .]
The following attributes can be used in a connection string:
DSN Data Source Name. The name of the data source defined with the ODBC util-
ity in the Windows Control Panel. You must use the DSN attribute, unless you
are using CitectSCADA v2.01 or earlier.
DLG Dialog box. Set DLG to 1 to display a dialog box that allows the user to input
their user ID, password, and connection string. DLG is an optional attribute.
UID User name or Authorization/Login ID. Check the documentation for your
ODBC driver and database to see if you need to use the UID attribute.
PWD Password. Check the documentation for your ODBC driver and database to
see if you need to use the PWD attribute.
MODIFY The ability of CitectSCADA to understand and accept native SQL depends on
SQL the database driver being used. Set MODIFYSQL to 1 (the default) for an
ODBC-compliant SQL. Set MODIFYSQL to 0 to use the native SQL syntax of
the database system, as well as for any CitectSCADA databases you created
with versions 2.01 or earlier, that employ database-specific SQL statements.
The Q+E ODBC database drivers are backward compatible with those sup-
plied with earlier versions of CitectSCADA.
REREAD Set to 1 to reread records from the database after updating them. Use this
AFTER UP- attribute to get the correct value of automatically updated columns, such as
DATE time and date stamps.
REREAD Set to 1 to reread records from the database after inserting into it. Use this
AFTER IN- attribute to get the correct value of automatically-updated columns, such as
SERT time and date stamps.
DRV Use the DRV attribute for compatibility with CitectSCADA v2.01 and earlier.
Use the DRV instead of the data source name (DSN) in the connection string.
Do not use DRV in new CitectSCADA applications.
CitectSCADA recognizes the above attributes for all the database systems in the
table below, but not all these attributes are essential for all databases. The aster-
isks (*) beside each database indicate the attributes you must use to connect to
that database. The acceptable values for each attribute also vary according to the
database system, so select from the list to see the attributes and values:
Chapter: 45 SQL Functions
DRV names are included only for maintaining CitectSCADA applications built
using CitectSCADA v2.01 or earlier. For these early version, use DRV instead of
the data source name (DSN).
No longer supported directly. See information on the OS/2 and DB2/2 database
drivers and the "Q+E Database Drivers Reference Manual".
Return Value
The SQL connection handle if the connection is successful, otherwise -1 is returned. (For de-
tails of the 307 error code, call the SQLErrMsg() function). The SQL connection handle iden-
tifies the table where details of the associated SQL connection are stored.
Related Functions
SQLBeginTran, SQLCommit, SQLDisconnect, SQLEnd, SQLErrMsg, SQLExec, SQLField-
Info, SQLGetField, SQLInfo, SQLNext, SQLNoFields, SQLNumChange, SQLRollBack,
SQLTraceOff, SQLTraceOn
/* Make a connection to an SQL server and select the name field
from each record in the employee database. */
INT Status;
hSQL = SQLConnect("DSN=MyDatabase;UID=billw;SRVR=CI1");
IF hSQL <> -1 THEN
IF Status = 0 THEN
sName = SQLGetField(hSQL, "NAME");
Chapter: 45 SQL Functions
Message("Error", SQLErrMsg(), 48);
Message("Error", SQLErrMsg(), 48);
See Also
SQL Functions
Closes a database connection. You should close all connections to databases before you
shut down CitectSCADA, to release system resources.
For each active transaction (that is, for each SQLBeginTran() call), you should complete the
transaction before you disconnect from the database call SQLCommit() to save your chang-
es, or SQLRollBack() function to discard changes. If you call SQLDisconnect() while a trans-
action is still active, CitectSCADA automatically "rolls back" the transaction any changes
you made to the database in that transaction are discarded.
CitectSCADAalso automatically ends any queries that are active when the database is dis-
connected. If you have called SQLExec() during a database connection, you must call
SQLEnd() before you disconnect from the database or the disconnection attempt might not
The handle to the SQL connection, returned from the SQLConnect() function. The
SQL connection handle identifies the table where details of the associated SQL
connection are stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned. (For details of the 307 error
code, call the SQLErrMsg function).
You should not call SQLErrMsg() if SQLDisconnect() returns zero (that is, if the disconnec-
tion is successful). SQLErrMsg() would provide information about a connection that does
not exist; the information could be meaningless.
Related Functions
SQLBeginTran, SQLCommit, SQLConnect, SQLEnd, SQLErrMsg, SQLExec, SQLFieldInfo,
SQLGetField, SQLInfo, SQLNext, SQLNoFields, SQLNumChange, SQLRollBack, SQLTra-
ceOff, SQLTraceOn
See SQLConnect
Chapter: 45 SQL Functions
See Also
SQL Functions
Ends the execution of an SQL query (from the latest SQLExec() call). If you have called the
SQLExec() function from within a database connection, you should call SQLEnd() before
you disconnect from that database. When the SQLEnd() function ends the execution of the
current SQL query, it frees the memory that was allocated for that query.
Only one query can be active at a time, so you do not need to end one query before you
execute another query each time you call SQLExec(), the previous query (through a previ-
ous SQLExec() call) is automatically ended. Similarly, CitectSCADA automatically ends the
latest query when it disconnects the database, even if you have not called SQLEnd(). How-
ever, the SQLEnd() function aids efficiency SQLEnd() releases the memory that was allo-
cated when the latest query was executed.
The handle to the SQL connection, returned from the SQLConnect() function. The
SQL connection handle identifies the table where details of the associated SQL
connection are stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned. (For details of the 307 error
code, call the SQLErrMsg() function).
Related Functions
SQLBeginTran, SQLCommit, SQLConnect, SQLErrMsg, SQLExec, SQLFieldInfo, SQLGet-
Field, SQLInfo, SQLNext, SQLNoFields, SQLNumChange, SQLRollBack, SQLTraceOff,
See SQLConnect
See Also
SQL Functions
Returns an error message from the SQL system. If a 307 error code occurs when one of the
SQL functions is called, an SQL error message is generated. Call this function to get that
error message.
Chapter: 45 SQL Functions
Return Value
The error message (as a string).
Related Functions
SQLBeginTran, SQLCommit, SQLConnect, SQLDisconnect, SQLEnd, SQLExec, SQLField-
Info, SQLGetField, SQLInfo, SQLNext, SQLNoFields, SQLNumChange, SQLRollBack,
SQLTraceOff, SQLTraceOn
See SQLConnect
See Also
SQL Functions
Executes an SQL query on a database. With this function, you can execute any SQL query
or command supported by the SQL database. Only "CHAR" type fields are supported in
database tables.
Keywords such as "DATE", "TIME", and "DESC" cannot be used as field names by some da-
tabase systems. To use fields with these names, you must append underscores to the names
(for example, "TIME_", "DATE_", "DESC_").
The SQLNext() function must be called after the SQLExec() function before you can access
data in the first record.
Only one query can be active at a time, so you do not need to end one query before you
execute another query;each time you call SQLExec(), the previous query (through a previ-
ous SQLExec() call) is automatically ended. Similarly, CitectSCADA automatically ends the
latest query when it disconnects the database, even if you have not called SQLEnd(). How-
ever, the SQLEnd() function aids efficiency;SQLEnd() releases the memory that was allo-
cated when the latest query was executed.
SQLExec(hSQL, sSelect)
The handle to the SQL connection, returned from the SQLConnect() function. The
SQL connection handle identifies the table where details of the associated SQL
connection are stored.
The SQL query to be sent to the SQL database.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned. (For details of the 307 error
code, call the SQLErrMsg() function).
Chapter: 45 SQL Functions
Related Functions
SQLBeginTran, SQLCommit, SQLConnect, SQLDisconnect, SQLEnd, SQLErrMsg,
SQLFieldInfo, SQLGetField, SQLInfo, SQLNext, SQLNoFields, SQLNumChange, SQL-
RollBack, SQLTraceOff, SQLTraceOn
These examples assume that the following tables are setup in a SQL server (with the name
configured in Windows Control Panel) and opened with the SQLConnect() function:
MARTIAN 5551000
CASE 5551010
BOLT 5551020
LIGHT 5551030
Each SQL string (sSQL) should be encased within the SQLExec function, for example:
SQLExec(hSQL, sSQL);
To add a record to a table:
Assuming that OK was clicked on the Message Box, the tables change to:
Chapter: 45 SQL Functions
CASE 5551010
BOLT 5551020
LIGHT 5551030
To change a record:
This SQL command changes the PEOPLE table to:
This SQL command will return the following table back to CitectSCADA. The table can
then be accessed by the SQLNext() function and the SQLGetField() functions.
You can also select data using a much more complete SQL string, for example:
Chapter: 45 SQL Functions
STRING sInfo[3][10]
int i = 0;
WHILE ((SQLNext(hSQL) = 0) and (i < 10)) DO
sInfo[0][i] = SQLGetField(hSQL, "SURNAME");
sInfo[1][i] = SQLGetField(hSQL, "OCCUPATION");
sInfo[2][i] = SQLGetField(hSQL, "NUMBER");
This code example leaves the information in the sInfo two dimensional array as follows:
0 1 2
0 CASE SUPPORT 5551010
See Also
SQL Functions
Gets information about the fields or columns selected by a SQL query. The function returns
the name and width of the specified field. If you call the function within a loop, you can
return the names and sizes of all the fields in the database.
Keywords such as "DATE", "TIME", and "DESC" cannot be used as field names by some da-
tabase systems. To use fields with these names, you must append underscores to the names
(for example, "TIME_", "DATE_", "DESC_").
SQLFieldInfo(hSQL, hField, sName, Width)
The handle to the SQL connection, returned from the SQLConnect() function.
The SQL connection handle identifies the table where details of the associated
SQL connection are stored.
The field (or column) handle, indicating the position of the field in the database.
A string variable in which the function stores the field name.
An integer variable in which the function stores the field width.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned. (For details of the 307 error
code, call the SQLErrMsg function).
Chapter: 45 SQL Functions
Related Functions
SQLBeginTran, SQLCommit, SQLConnect, SQLDisconnect, SQLEnd, SQLErrMsg, SQLEx-
ec, SQLGetField, SQLInfo, SQLNext, SQLNoFields, SQLNumChange, SQLRollBack, SQL-
TraceOff, SQLTraceOn
! Lists all fields in the Employee database
STRING sField;
INT Count;
INT Width;
INT Index;
hSQL = SQLConnect("DRV=QEDBF");
Count = SQLNoFields(hSQL);
Index = 0;
See Also
SQL Functions
Gets field or column data from a database record. To get the database record, use the
SQLExec() and SQLNext() functions.
Keywords such as "DATE", "TIME", and "DESC" cannot be used as field names by some da-
tabase systems. To use fields with these names, you must append underscores to the names
(for example, "TIME_", "DATE_", "DESC_").
SQLGetField(hSQL, sField)
The handle to the SQL connection, returned from the SQLConnect() function. The
SQL connection handle identifies the table where details of the associated SQL
connection are stored.
The name of the field or column.
Chapter: 45 SQL Functions
Return Value
The field or column data (as a string). A null string is returned if the field or column does
not contain data.
The maximum length of the return data is 255 characters. If the returned data is longer than
this, the function will return error 306.
Related Functions
SQLBeginTran, SQLCommit, SQLConnect, SQLDisconnect, SQLEnd, SQLErrMsg, SQLEx-
ec, SQLFieldInfo, SQLInfo, SQLNext, SQLNoFields, SQLNumChange, SQLRollBack, SQL-
TraceOff, SQLTraceOn
See SQLConnect
See Also
SQL Functions
Gets information about a database connection.
SQLInfo(hSQL, Type)
The handle to the SQL connection, returned from the SQLConnect() function. The
SQL connection handle identifies the table where details of the associated SQL
connection are stored.
The type of information to get:
0 - The connection string
1 - The current SQL statement
2 - The current database filename (only works with SQL device)
3 - The SQL format handle
4 - The current Q+E library SQL handle. This handle can be used with functions
in the Q+E library which can be called in Cicode with the DLL functions.
Return Value
The information (as a string).
Related Functions
SQLBeginTran, SQLCommit, SQLConnect, SQLDisconnect, SQLEnd, SQLErrMsg, SQLEx-
ec, SQLFieldInfo, SQLGetField, SQLNext, SQLNoFields, SQLNumChange, SQLRollBack,
SQLTraceOff, SQLTraceOn
Chapter: 45 SQL Functions
See Also
SQL Functions
Gets the next database record from an SQL query. Use the SQLExec() function to select a
number of records or rows from the SQL database, and then use the SQLNext() function to
step through each record separately.
The handle to the SQL connection, returned from the SQLConnect() function. The
SQL connection handle identifies the table where details of the associated SQL
connection are stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned. (For details of the 307 error
code, call the SQLErrMsg function).
Related Functions
SQLBeginTran, SQLCommit, SQLConnect, SQLDisconnect, SQLEnd, SQLErrMsg, SQLEx-
ec, SQLFieldInfo, SQLGetField, SQLInfo, SQLNoFields, SQLNumChange, SQLRollBack,
SQLTraceOff, SQLTraceOn
See SQLConnect
See Also
SQL Functions
Gets the number of fields or columns that were returned by the last SQL statement.
The handle to the SQL connection, returned from the SQLConnect() function. The
SQL connection handle identifies the table where details of the associated SQL
connection are stored.
Chapter: 45 SQL Functions
Return Value
The number of fields. A value of 0 is returned if no fields were returned or if an error has
been detected. (For details of an error, call the SQLErrMsg function).
Related Functions
SQLBeginTran, SQLCommit, SQLConnect, SQLDisconnect, SQLEnd, SQLErrMsg, SQLEx-
ec, SQLFieldInfo, SQLGetField, SQLInfo, SQLNext, SQLNumChange, SQLRollBack, SQL-
TraceOff, SQLTraceOn
See SQLFieldInfo
See Also
SQL Functions
Gets the number of records that were modified in the last SQL Insert, Update, or Delete
The handle to the SQL connection, returned from the SQLConnect() function. The
SQL connection handle identifies the table where details of the associated SQL
connection are stored.
Return Value
The number of records that were modified. A value of 0 is returned if no fields were re-
turned or if an error has occurred. (For details of an error, call the SQLErrMsg function).
Related Functions
SQLBeginTran, SQLCommit, SQLConnect, SQLDisconnect, SQLEnd, SQLErrMsg, SQLEx-
ec, SQLFieldInfo, SQLGetField, SQLInfo, SQLNext, SQLNoFields, SQLRollBack, SQLTra-
ceOff, SQLTraceOn
See SQLBeginTran
See Also
SQL Functions
Rolls back (discards) all changes made to the database within the current transaction. If you
call the SQLBeginTrans() function to begin a transaction, you are not committed to changes
to the database made by the Insert, Delete, and Update commands until you call the SQL-
Commit() function. You can discard these changes by calling the SQLRollBack() function.
Chapter: 45 SQL Functions
You can only call the SQLRollBack() function if you have called SQLBeginTran() to begin a
transaction. You do not need to begin a transaction to modify a database, but any changes
you make to a database outside of a transaction are automatically committed.
The SQLRollBack() function could affect different databases in different ways. If the func-
tion is not performing as you expect, check that your database is ODBC-compatible. Refer
to the documentation for your database for more information on rolling back transactions.
The handle to the SQL connection, returned from the SQLConnect() function. The
SQL connection handle identifies the table where details of the associated SQL
connection are stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned. (For details of the 307 error
code, call the SQLErrMsg function).
Related Functions
SQLBeginTran, SQLCommit, SQLConnect, SQLDisconnect, SQLEnd, SQLErrMsg, SQLEx-
ec, SQLFieldInfo, SQLGetField, SQLInfo, SQLNext, SQLNoFields, SQLNumChange, SQL-
TraceOff, SQLTraceOn
See SQLBeginTran
See Also
SQL Functions
Sets a statement string in the SQL buffer. Cicode cannot send an SQL statement that is long-
er than 255 characters. If you have an SQL statement that is longer than the 255 character
limit, you can split the statement into smaller strings, and use this function and the SQLAp-
pend() function to append the statements in the SQL buffer.
SQLSet(hSQL, String)
The handle to the SQL connection, returned from the SQLConnect() function. The
SQL connection handle identifies the table where details of the associated SQL
connection are stored.
The statement string to set in the SQL buffer. The string must contain the first part
of an SQL statement.
Chapter: 45 SQL Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned. (For details of the 307 error
code, call the SQLErrMsg() function).
Related Functions
SQLAppend, SQLBeginTran, SQLCommit, SQLConnect, SQLDisconnect, SQLEnd
hSQL = SQLConnect("DRV=QEDBF");
SQLAppend(hSQL, " FROM EMP");
SQLAppend(hSQL, " ORDER BY last_name");
SQLExec(hSQL, "");
See Also
SQL Functions
Turns off the debug trace. Use this function to stop tracing function calls that are made to
the database.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned. (For details of the 307 error
code, call the SQLErrMsg function).
Related Functions
SQLBeginTran, SQLCommit, SQLConnect, SQLDisconnect, SQLEnd, SQLErrMsg, SQLEx-
ec, SQLFieldInfo, SQLGetField, SQLInfo, SQLNext, SQLNoFields, SQLNumChange, SQL-
RollBack, SQLTraceOn
See SQLFieldInfo
See Also
SQL Functions
Turns on a debug trace. Use this function to begin tracing function calls that are made to
the database. The information is written to a log file.
Chapter: 45 SQL Functions
The output file name for the debug trace.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned. (For details of the 307 error
code, call the SQLErrMsg function).
Related Functions
SQLBeginTran, SQLCommit, SQLConnect, SQLDisconnect, SQLEnd, SQLErrMsg, SQLEx-
ec, SQLFieldInfo, SQLGetField, SQLInfo, SQLNext, SQLNoFields, SQLNumChange, SQL-
RollBack, SQLTraceOff
See SQLFieldInfo
See Also
SQL Functions
Chapter: 46 String Functions
String functions allow you to manipulate strings in various ways. You can extract charac-
ters or substrings from a string, convert strings into other data types, format strings, search
for strings, and perform other operations.
String Functions
Following are functions relating to Strings:
CharToStr Converts an ASCII code into a string.
HexToStr Converts a number into a hexadecimal string.
IntToStr Converts an integer variable into a string.
PathToStr Converts a CitectSCADA path into a string.
RealToStr Converts a floating-point variable into a string.
StrClean Removes control characters from a string.
StrFill Fills a string with characters.
StrFormat Formats a variable into a string.
StrGetChar Gets a single character from a string or buffer.
StrLeft Gets the left-most characters from a string.
StrLength Gets the length of a string.
StrLower Converts a string to lower-case.
StrMid Gets characters from the middle of a string.
StrPad Pads a string to the required length.
StrRight Gets the right-most characters from a string.
StrSearch Searches for a string within a string.
StrSetChar Sets a single character into string or buffer.
StrToChar Converts a string to an ASCII code.
StrToDate Converts a string into a date variable.
StrToFmt Converts a string into format fields.
StrToGrp Converts a string into a group.
StrToHex Converts a hexadecimal string into an integer.
StrToInt Converts a string into an integer variable.
StrToLines Converts a string into lines of limited length.
StrToLocalText Converts a string from Native language to Local language.
StrToPeriod Converts a string into a (time) period.
StrToReal Converts a string into a floating-point variable.
StrToTime Converts a string into a time variable.
StrToValue Converts a string into a floating-point variable.
StrTrim Trims spaces from a string.
StrUpper Converts a string to upper-case.
StrWord Gets a word from a string.
Chapter: 46 String Functions
See Also
Functions Reference
Converts an ASCII code into a string.
The ASCII code to convert.
Return Value
A string containing the converted ASCII code.
Related Functions
str = CharToStr(65);
! Sets str to "A".
See Also
String Functions
Converts a number into a hexadecimal string. The string is the width specified (padded
with zeros).
HexToStr(Number, Width)
The number to convert.
The width of the string.
Return Value
A string containing the converted number.
Related Functions
StrToHex, IntToStr
Variable=HexToStr(123, 4);
! Sets Variable to "007B".
Chapter: 46 String Functions
See Also
String Functions
Converts a number into a string.
The number to convert.
Return Value
A string containing the converted number.
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to "5".
See Also
String Functions
Converts a CitectSCADA path into a string. The path string can contain one of the standard
CitectSCADA path operators, BIN, DATA, RUN, or a user-configured path. If the string
does not contain a CitectSCADA path, it is unchanged.
The CitectSCADA path to convert.
Return Value
A string containing the converted path.
! Sets Variable to "c:\MyApplication\data\test.txt".
! assuming that DATA=C:\MyApplication\DATA
Chapter: 46 String Functions
See Also
String Functions
Converts a floating-point number into a string.
RealToStr(Number, Width, Places)
The floating-point number to convert.
The width of the string.
The number of decimal places contained in the string.
Return Value
The floating-point number (as a string).
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to " 12.3" (10 characters long).
See Also
String Functions
Removes control characters from a string. Any character that is not a displayable ASCII
character is removed from the string.
The source string.
Return Value
The string with all control characters removed.
Chapter: 46 String Functions
Related Functions
/* Sets Variable to "Text" (the "*" character in this example
represents an unprintable character). */
See Also
String Functions
Fills a string with a number of occurrences of another string.
StrFill(String, Length)
The string to be repeated.
The length of the string.
Return Value
The filled string.
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to "abcabcabca".
! Sets Variable to "xxxxxxxxxx".
See Also
String Functions
Converts a variable into a formatted string. This function is the equivalent of the Cicode
" :#### " operator.
StrFormat(Variable, Width, DecPlaces, EngUnits)
Chapter: 46 String Functions
Return Value
The variable (as a formatted string).
Related Functions
StrToReal, StrToInt, RealToStr, IntToStr
! Sets Variable to "10.35%".
See Also
String Functions
Gets a single character from a string or buffer. Use this function to read a string, character
by character.
StrGetChar(String, iOffset)
The source string.
The offset in the string, commencing at 0.
Return Value
The character at the offset in the string.
Related Functions
FOR i = 0 To length DO
char = StrGetChar(str, i);
! Get char from string
Chapter: 46 String Functions
See Also
String Functions
Gets the left-most characters from a string.
StrLeft(String, N)
The source string.
The number of characters to get from the source string.
Return Value
A string containing the left-most N characters of String.
Related Functions
StrRight, StrMid, StrLength
! Sets Variable to "AB".
See Also
String Functions
Gets the length of a string.
The source string.
Return Value
The length of the string (as an integer).
Related Functions
StrRight, StrMid, StrLeft
! Sets Variable to 6.
Chapter: 46 String Functions
See Also
String Functions
Converts a string to lowercase.
The source string.
Return Value
The string (as lowercase).
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to "abcdef".
! Sets Variable to "abcdef".
See Also
String Functions
Gets characters from the middle of a string.
StrMid(String, Offset, Characters)
The source string.
The offset in the string, commencing at 0.
The number of characters to get, commencing at the offset.
Return Value
A string containing the number of characters from the offset.
Chapter: 46 String Functions
Related Functions
StrLeft, StrLength, StrRight
! Sets Variable to "BCD".
! Sets Variable to "E".
See Also
String Functions
Pads a string with a number of occurrences of another string. Padding can be added to the
left or to the right of a string. If the string is already longer than the required string length,
the string is truncated.
StrPad(String, PadString, Length)
The source string.
The padding string.
The length of the string. If a positive length is specified, padding will be added to
the right of the string. If a negative length is specified, padding will be added to
the left of the string.
Return Value
A padded string.
Related Functions
Variable=StrPad("Test"," ",10);
! Sets Variable to "Test ".
! Sets Variable to "abcabcabcaTest".
See Also
String Functions
Chapter: 46 String Functions
StrRight(String, N)
The source string.
The number of characters to get from the source string.
Return Value
A string containing the rightmost N characters of String.
Related Functions
StrLeft, StrMid, StrLength
! Sets Variable to "EF".
See Also
String Functions
Searches for a string within a string, commencing at a specified offset. The result of the
search is the index in the source string, where the first character of the sub-string is found.
Index 0 is the first character in the string, index 1 is the second, and so on.
StrSearch(Offset, String, Substring)
The offset in the string, commencing at 0.
The source string.
The substring to search for.
Return Value
The index in the search string, or -1 if the sub-string does not exist in the string.
Related Functions
Chapter: 46 String Functions
! Sets Variable to 2.
! Sets Variable to -1.
! Sets Variable to 5.
See Also
String Functions
Sets a single character into a string or buffer. Use this function to build up a string, character
by character, and terminate the string with the end-of-string character 0 (zero). (If you use
a string without a terminator in a function that expects a string, or in a Cicode expression,
you could get invalid results.) To use the string to build up a buffer, you do not need the
terminating 0 (zero).
StrSetChar(sText, iOffset, Char)
The destination string.
The offset in the string, commencing at 0.
The ASCII character to set into the string.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Set chars in buffer, Buf is NOT a valid string
! and cannot be used where a normal string would be used.
FOR i = 0 To length DO
StrSetChar(Buf, i, 30 + i);
StrSetChar(sStr, 0, 13); ! put CR into string
StrSetChar(sStr, 1, 0); ! terminate so may be used as a normal string
See Also
String Functions
Chapter: 46 String Functions
Gets the ASCII code of the first character in a string.
The source string.
Return Value
The ASCII code of the first character in String.
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to 65 (ASCII "A").
See Also
String Functions
Converts a "date" string into a time/date variable. This variable is the same as returned from
the TimeCurrent() function. To set the order of the day, month, and year, and the delimiter,
use the Windows Control panel.
Time/date functions can only be used with dates from 1980 to 2035. You should check that
the date you are using is valid with the following Cicode:
IF StrToDat(Arg1)>0 THEN
The source string.
Return Value
A time/date variable, or 274 if the time/date is out of range.
Related Functions
StrToPeriod, StrToTime
Chapter: 46 String Functions
! Australian format (dd/mm/yy) is set in the Windows Control panel.
NewDate= TimeToStr(DateVariable, 2);
! Adds 24 hours to 3/11/95 and sets NewDate to "4/11/95".
See Also
String Functions
Converts a string into field data for a format template. This function is useful for splitting
a string into separate strings. After the string is converted, you can call the FmtGetField()
function to extract the individual data from the template fields.
StrToFmt(hFmt, String)
The format template handle, returned from the FmtOpen() function. The handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated format template is stored.
The source string.
Return Value
The string (formatted as template field data).
Related Functions
FmtOpen, FmtGetField
StrToFmt(hFmt,"CV101 Raw Coal Conveyor");
! Sets Name to "CV101".
See Also
String Functions
Converts a string into a group and places it into a group number. Any existing values in
the group are cleared before the new values are inserted. The group string is a series of
numbers separated by " , " to list individual values or " .. " to specify a range of values.
StrToGrp(hGrp, Str)
Chapter: 46 String Functions
The group handle, returned from the GrpOpen() function. The group handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated group is stored.
The string to convert.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Set group to 1 ... 10 and 20, 30 and 40.
See Also
String Functions
Converts a hexadecimal string into an integer. This function will search the string for the
first non-blank character, and then start converting until it finds the end of the string or a
non-hexadecimal numeric character. If the first non-blank character is not one of the follow-
ing hexadecimal characters, the return value is 0 (zero):
(0-9, a-f, A-F);
A space;
A"+" (plus) or a "-" (minus) sign.
The string to convert.
Return Value
An integer (converted from String).
Related Functions
StrToReal, StrToValue, HexToStr
! Sets Variable to hex 123, decimal 291
! Sets Variable to hex F2, decimal 242
Chapter: 46 String Functions
! Sets Variable to 0.
! Sets Variable to hex, -F decimal -15.
See Also
String Functions
Converts a string into an integer. This function will search the string for the first non-blank
character, and then start converting until it finds the end of the string or a non-numeric
character. If the first non-blank character is not a numeric character (0-9), a space, a " + " or
a " - " sign, the return value is 0 (zero).
The string to convert.
Return Value
An integer (converted from String).
Related Functions
StrToReal, StrToValue
! Sets Variable to 45.
! Sets Variable to 45.
! Sets Variable to 0.
See Also
String Functions
Converts a string into separate lines that contain no more than the number of characters
specified in the MaxChars argument.
The function splits the string by inserting newline characters into the text string, thus di-
viding it into separate lines. The string will be split at a whitespace character if possible,
and that whitespace will be replaced by the newline character. If no whitespace characters
are available then the insertion will be made at the maximum number of characters from
the previous line break.
Chapter: 46 String Functions
StrToLines(String,MaxChars, nLines)
The string to convert.
The maximum number of characters permitted in each new line produced by the
StrToLines() function.
The number of lines produced by the StrToLines() function from the input string.
Return Value
An integer (nLines) containing the number of lines produced by the StrToLines() function
from the input string.
BrokenString=StrToLines("Was that a real Stegosaur?", 5, nLines);
!The function returns the value 6 in nLines, and Broken String now contains:
BrokenString=StrToLines("It breaks the string by inserting newline characters into
the text.", 16, nLines);
!The function returns the value 6 in nLines, and Broken String now contains:
It breaks the
string by
characters into
the text.
See Also
String Functions
Converts a native string into the local version of that string. (The string must be contained
within quotation marks, as shown in the example below.) The local version is taken from
the current language database(as specified using the [Language]LocalLanguage parameter).
The string for which you would like the local translation returned. This string
must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example:
"@(Motor Overload)"
Chapter: 46 String Functions
Return Value
The local version of the text if it was found, otherwise the native text or "#MESS" is re-
turned, depending on the setting of the [Language]DisplayError parameter.
Related Functions
LanguageFileTranslate, SetLanguage
StrToLocalText("@(Motor Overload)");
! Returns the Local translation of Motor Overload.
See Also
String Functions
Converts a string into a time period. You would normally use this function to convert op-
erator input, for example, to set a trend period.
A valid period string is in the format HH:MM:SS, MM:SS or SS, where HH is the hours, MM
is the minutes and SS is the seconds. The colon character (’:’) represents the time delimiter
for these fields, which will be the current system time delimiter as set in the Windows Con-
trol Panel.
If minutes are specified, seconds must be in the range 0-59. If hours are specified, minutes
must be in the range 0-59.
The string to convert.
Return Value
A period (converted from String), or -1 if no conversion can be performed.
Related Functions
StrToTime, StrToDate
! Sets Variable to 200 (seconds).
! Sets Variable to 12040 (12000 + 40 seconds).
! Sets Variable to 172840 (172800 + 40 seconds).
Chapter: 46 String Functions
See Also
String Functions
Converts a string into a floating-point number. This function will search the string for the
first non-blank character, and then start converting until it finds the end of the string or a
non-numeric character. If the first non-blank character is not a numeric character (0-9), a
space, a decimal point, a " + " or a " - " sign, the return value is 0 (zero).
The string to convert.
Return Value
A floating-point number (converted from String).
Related Functions
StrToInt, StrToValue
! Sets Variable to 45.
! Sets Variable to 45.23
! Sets Variable to 0.
See Also
String Functions
Converts a "time" string into a time/date variable. The value returned is the number of sec-
onds from midnight. You can add this value to the date to get the current time value. To set
the time delimiter, use the Windows Control Panel.
A valid time string is in the format HH:MM:SS or HH:MM:SS tt, where HH is the hour in
the range 0-23, MM is the minute in the range 0-59, SS is the second in the range 0-59 and
tt is the time extension; for example,, am or pm. The colon character ’:’ represents the time
delimiter for these fields, which will be the current system time delimiter as set in the Win-
dows control panel.
Times may also be passed in the for HH or HH:MM. In other words, you may omit the
right-hand fields if they are 0.
Chapter: 46 String Functions
The string to convert.
Return Value
A time/date variable, or -1 if no conversion can be performed.
Related Functions
Time, Date
! Sets Variable to (11*3600+43*60+0) seconds.
! Sets Variable to (9*3600+2*60) seconds.
! Sets Variable to (2*3600) seconds.
See Also
String Functions
Converts a string into a floating-point number. This function is similar to the StrToReal()
function except that the function halts if it is passed an empty or invalid string. The function
will search the string for the first non-blank character, and then start converting until it
finds the end of the string or a non-numeric character. If the first non-blank character is not
a numeric character (0-9), a space, a decimal point, a " +" or a " - " sign, the function will halt.
Use this function to check keyboard input from the operator by setting control points (for
example,, it prevents a setpoint from being set to 0 if the operator presses ENTER or enters
invalid data by mistake).
The string to convert.
Return Value
A floating-point number (converted from String).
Related Functions
StrToReal, StrToInt
Chapter: 46 String Functions
System Keyboard
Key Sequence F3 ######## Enter
Command SP123 = StrToValue(Arg1);
Comment Set setpoint 123 to value unless value is invalid
Note that the Cicode is halted. Any other Cicode after the StrToValue() function will not
See Also
String Functions
Removes leading and trailing spaces from a string. Internal spaces are not removed from
the string.
The source string.
Return Value
String with leading and trailing spaces removed.
Related Functions
StrPad, StrFill
Variable=StrTrim(" Test String ");
! Sets Variable to "Test String".
See Also
String Functions
Converts a string to uppercase.
The source string.
Return Value
The string (as uppercase).
Chapter: 46 String Functions
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to "ABCDEF".
! Sets Variable to "ABCDEF".
See Also
String Functions
Gets the first word from a string. The word is removed from the string to allow the function
to be repeated. Word separators can be a space, newline, carriage return, or tab character.
The source string.
Return Value
The first word from String (as a string).
Related Functions
! Sets Variable to "THIS".
! Sets Variable to "IS".
! Sets Variable to "A".
! Sets Variable to "STRING".
See Also
String Functions
Chapter: 46 String Functions
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
The Super Genie functions allow you to use SuperGenies in your runtime system.
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
See Also
Functions Reference
Associates a variable tag with a Super Genie. This association is only made for the next Su-
per Genie you display (either in the current window or in a new window). You cannot cre-
ate an association for a Super Genie that is already displayed. You must call this function
once for every Super Genie substitution string in the Super Genie, otherwise the variable
(substitution string) will remain uninitialized and it will be displayed as #ASS.
This function provides the lowest level of support for associating Super Genie variables
with physical tags. The higher level functions (listed below) are simpler to use.
Ass(hWin, nArg, sTag, nMode [, ClusterName] )
The association will be created for the next Super Genie to display in the window
specified here; enter the window number or:
-3 - for the current window.
-2 - for the next new window displayed.
The argument number (substitution string number) of the Super Genie string to
be replaced by sTag. For example, to replace ?INT 3? with sTag, set nArg to 3.
The variable tag that will replace the Super Genie substitution string. The tag
must be the same data type as that specified by the Super Genie substitution
string. For example, only a digital tag could replace the substitution string ?DIG-
ITAL 4?. Any other type of tag may raise a hardware alarm or display #err. If the
substitution string does not specify a type (for example, ?5?), you can use any
type except STRING.
The name of the tag can be prefixed by the name of the cluster for example, "Clus-
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Variable Tag resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the tag via the page’s current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Resolution of the tag’s cluster context occurs when the page is displayed. It is re-
solved to the page’s cluster context, not the context in force when this function is
The mode of the association. Set to 0.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
Related Functions
AssTag, AssPage, AssWin, AssPopUp, AssInfo, AssChain, AssChainPage, AssChainWin,
AssChainWinFree, AssChainPopUp
// Associate variable tag PV123 with the next Genie to display in
the current window
Ass(-3, 5, "PV123", 0);
See Also
Super Genie Functions
Chains the associations from the current Super Genie to a new Super Genie. Use this func-
tion to display a new Super Genie when you already have one displayed. The new Super
Genie will inherit all the associations of the first Super Genie.
This function provides the lowest level of support for chaining associations from one Super
Genie to another. You should call the higher level functions AssChainPage(), AssChain-
Win(), and AssChainPopUp() - these functions are simpler to use.
AssChain(hDest, hSource, nMode)
The next Super Genie to display in the window specified here will inherit all the
associations of the current Super Genie - enter the window number, or:
-3: for the current window
-2: for the next new window displayed.
The number of the window containing the source Super Genie (that is the Super
Genie from which the associations will be inherited).
The mode of the association. Set to 0.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Ass, AssTag, AssPage, AssWin, AssPopUp, AssInfo, AssChainPage, AssChainWin, Ass-
ChainWinFree, AssChainPopUp
// Copy all associations from the current Super Genie to !NewGenie
AssChain(WinNumber(), WinNumber(), 0);
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
See Also
Super Genie Functions
Chains the associations from the current Super Genie to a new Super Genie, and displays
the new Super Genie (in the current window). Use this function to display a new Super Ge-
nie when you already have one displayed. The new Super Genie will inherit all the associ-
ations of the first Super Genie.
The page name of the Super Genie. If you prefixed your Super Genie page name
with an exclamation mark (!), remember to include it here.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Ass, AssTag, AssPage, AssWin, AssPopUp, AssInfo, AssChain, AssChainWin, AssChain-
WinFree, AssChainPopUp
// Display new Super Genie in current window, using current associations
See Also
Super Genie Functions
Chains the associations from the current Super Genie to a new Super Genie, and displays
the new Super Genie in a new popup window. Use this function to display a new Super
Genie in a new popup window when a Super Genie is already displayed. The new Super
Genie will inherit all the associations of the first.
Note: This function prevents the Super Genie from being opened more than once (at the
same time). However, the same Super Genie with different associations can be opened.
The page name of the Super Genie. If you prefixed your Super Genie page name
with an exclamation mark (!), remember to include it here.
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Ass, AssTag, AssPage, AssWin, AssPopUp, AssInfo, AssChain, AssChainPage, AssChain-
Win, AssChainWinFree
// Display new Super Genie in new popup using current associations
See Also
Super Genie Functions
Chains the associations from the current Super Genie to a new Super Genie, and displays
the new Super Genie in a new window. The new window will be of the same type as the
current window. Use this function to display a new Super Genie in a new window when a
Super Genie is already displayed. The new Super Genie will inherit all the associations of
the first.
AssChainWin(sPage, X, Y, Mode)
The page name of the Super Genie. If you prefixed your Super Genie page name
with an exclamation mark (!), remember to include it here.
X - The x pixel coordinate of the top left corner of the window.
Y - The y pixel coordinate of the top left corner of the window.
The mode of the window:
0 - Normal page.
1 - Page child window. The window is closed when a new page is displayed, for
example, when the PageDisplay() or PageGoto() function is called. The
parent is the current active window.
2 - Window child window. The window is closed automatically when the parent
window is freed with the WinFree() function. The parent is the current ac-
tive window.
4 - No re-size. The window is displayed with thin borders and no maximize/min-
imize icons. The window cannot be re-sized.
8 - No icons. The window is displayed with thin borders and no maximize/mini-
mize or system menu icons. The window cannot be re-sized.
16 - No caption. The window is displayed with thin borders, no caption, and no
maximize/minimize or system menu icons. The window cannot be re-
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
32 - Echo enabled. When enabled, all keyboard echo, prompts, and error messag-
es are displayed on the parent window. This mode should only be used
with child windows (for example, Mode 1 and 2).
64 - Always on top.
128 - Open a unique window. This mode prevents this window from being
opened more then once.
256 - Display the entire window. This mode ensures that no parts of the window
will appear off the screen
512 - Open a unique Super Genie. This mode prevents a Super Genie from being
opened more than once (at the same time). However, the same Super Genie
with different associations can be opened.
1024 - Disables dynamic resizing of the new window, overriding the setting of the
[Page]DynamicSizing parameter.
You can select multiple modes by adding modes together (for example, set Mode
to 9 to open a page child window without maximize, minimize, or system menu
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Ass, AssTag, AssPage, AssWin, AssPopUp, AssInfo, AssChain, AssChainPage, AssChain-
WinFree, AssChainPopUp
// Displays a new super genie in a new window using the current associations
AssChainWin("!NewGenie", 100, 200, 1 + 8);
See Also
Super Genie Functions
Saves the first 8 tag associations on an existing Super Genie, closes it, then assigns the 8 tags
to a new window. This allows a Super Genie popup window to call another popup win-
dow, and close the parent popup.
This function is effectively the same as the AssChainWin() function, but frees the current
Super Genie.
AssChainWinFree(sPage, X, Y, Mode)
The page name of the Super Genie. If you prefixed your Super Genie page name
with an exclamation mark (!), remember to include it here.
X - the x pixel coordinate of the top-left corner of the window.
Y - the y pixel coordinate of the top-left corner of the window.
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
The mode of the window:
0 - Normal page.
1 - Page child window. The window is closed when a new page is displayed, for
example, when the PageDisplay() or PageGoto() function is called. The
parent is the current active window.
2 - Window child window. The window is closed automatically when the parent
window is freed with the WinFree() function. The parent is the current ac-
tive window.
4 - No re-size. The window is displayed with thin borders and no maximize/min-
imize icons. The window cannot be re-sized.
8 - No icons. The window is displayed with thin borders and no maximize/mini-
mize or system menu icons. The window cannot be re-sized.
16 - No caption. The window is displayed with thin borders, no caption, and no
maximize/minimize or system menu icons. The window cannot be re-
32 - Echo enabled. When enabled, all keyboard echo, prompts, and error messag-
es are displayed on the parent window. This mode should only be used
with child windows (for example, Mode 1 and 2).
64 - Always on top.
128 - Open a unique window. This mode prevents this window from being
opened more then once.
256 - Display the entire window. This mode ensures that no parts of the window
will appear off the screen
512 - Open a unique Super Genie. This mode prevents a Super Genie from being
opened more than once (at the same time). However, the same Super Genie
with different associations can be opened.
1024 - Disables dynamic resizing of the new window, overriding the setting of the
[Page]DynamicSizing parameter.
You can select multiple modes by adding modes together (for example, set Mode
to 9 to open a page child window without maximize, minimize, or system menu
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Ass, AssTag, AssPage, AssWin, AssPopUp, AssInfo, AssChain, AssChainPage, AssChain-
Win, AssChainPopUp
// Close the current genie window and display a new genie using the current associ-
AssChainWinFree("!GeniePopup", 200, 300, 1 + 8);
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
See Also
Super Genie Functions
This function gets association information about the current Super Genie from the data-
source (that is information about a variable tag that has been substituted into the Super Ge-
nie). You can only call this function on a Super Genie after all the associations are
Use this function to display association information as part of the Super Genie. For exam-
ple, if you have a Super Genie that is a loop controller, you could display the name of the
loop at the top of the loop controller box. Each time the Super Genie is used with different
associations (specifically a different tag name association) the correct loop name will be dis-
If a constant value is associated, then only the constant value can be retrieved through the
TagName property. All other properties are not valid.
This function replaces AssInfo.
AssGetProperty(iArg, sProperty [, iCached] )
The argument number of the association from which to get information.
The property to read. Property names are case sensitive. Supported properties
Address - The configured address of the associated tag (as specified in the variable
tags form)
ArraySize - Array size of the associated tag. Returns 1 for non-array types
AssFullName - Full name of the association tag in the form cluster.tagname even if
the tag is not resolved
ClusterName - Name of the cluster the associated tag resides on.
DataBitWidth - Number of bits used to store the value
Description - Description of the associated tag
EngUnitsHigh - Maximum scaled value
EngUnitsLow - Minimum scaled value
Format - Format bit string. The format information is stored in the integer as fol-
Bits 0-7 - format width
Bits 8-15 - number of decimal places
Bits 16 - zero-padded
Bit 17 - left-justified
Bit 18 - display engineering units
Bit 20 - exponential (scientific) notation
FormatDecPlaces - Number of decimal places for default format
FormatWidth - Number of characters used in default format
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
FullName - Full name of the association tag in the form cluster.tagname If the as-
sociation tag is not resolved, returns an empty string.
RangeHigh - Maximum unscaled value
RangeLow - Minimum unscaled value
TagName - Name of the tag for the specified association
Type - Raw type of associated tag
Units - Engineering Units for example, %, mm, Volts
Optional flag to attempt to retrieve the cached value for the property rather than
the current value. This makes the function non-blocking. If the property has not
yet been cached, an error is set.
0 - Do not force cached read. Cicode is blocking
1 - Force cached read. Cicode is non-blocking
Default value is 1 (true).
Return Value
String representation of the property of the association. On detection of an error, an empty
string and an error are set.
Related Functions
AssGetProperty, AssGetScale, AssInfo, AssScaleStr, TagGetProperty, TagGetScale, Tag-
ScaleStr, TagInfo
// Get the engineering full scale value for the 2nd
// argument of the association of the current Super Genie
EngFullScale = AssGetProperty(2, "EngUnitsHigh", 0);
// Get the cached engineering units for the 3rd argument
// of the association of the current Super Genie
MeasureUnits = AssGetProperty(3, "Units", 1);
See Also
Super Genie Functions
Gets scale information about the associations of the current Super Genie from the data-
source (that is scale information about a variable tag that has been substituted into the Su-
per Genie). You can only call this function on a Super Genie after all the associations are
Use this function to display association scale information as part of the Super Genie. For
example, if you have a bar graph illustrating output, you could indicate zero, 50%, and full
scale output on the vertical axis of the graph. Each time the Super Genie is used with dif-
ferent associations the correct scale values will be displayed.
The value is returned as a formatted string using the association format specification and
(optionally) the engineering units.
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
AssGetScale(iArg, iPercent, iEngUnits [, iCached] )
The argument number of the association from which to get information.
The percentage of full scale of the returned value.
Flag to determine if the value is returned with engineering units:
0 - Do not return the value with engineering units
1 - Return the value with engineering units
Optional flag to attempt to retrieve the cached value for the property rather than
the current value. This makes the function non-blocking. If the property has not
yet been cached, an error is set.
0 - Do not force cached read. Cicode is blocking
1 - Force cached read. Cicode is non-blocking
Default value is 1 (true).
Return Value
The scale of the association (as a string).
Related Functions
AssGetProperty, AssInfo, AssScaleStr, TagGetProperty, TagGetScale, TagScaleStr, TagInfo
// Display the zero, 50% and full scale of the 2nd argument
// of the association of the current Super Genie
DspText(31,0,AssGetScale(2, 0, 1));
DspText(32,0,AssGetScale(2, 50, 1));
DspText(33,0,AssGetScale(2, 100, 1));
See Also
Super Genie Functions
Gets association information about the current Super Genie (that is information about a
variable tag that has been substituted into the Super Genie). You can only call this function
on a Super Genie after all the associations are completed.
Use this function to display association information as part of the Super Genie. For exam-
ple, if you have a Super Genie that is a loop controller, you could display the name of the
loop at the top of the loop controller box. Each time the Super Genie is used with different
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
associations (specifically a different tag name association) the correct loop name will be dis-
Note: This function is being deprecated and is replaced by the AssGetProperty function. If
the Tag properties are updated, AssInfo does not get the updated values whereas AssGet-
Property does. In addition, the function AssInfoEx has been introduced to make it easier to
make legacy Cicode compatible with online changes. In most cases AssInfo can be replaced
with AssInfoEx using Find and Replace (see Using Find and Replace in a project). Please be
aware that if you are replacing an instance of AssInfo with AssInfoEx in a loop, you may
want to make AssInfoEx blocking using the iCached argument to verify you are using the
correct value for the Tag in your logic.
AssInfo(nArg, nType)
When you associate variable tags with super Genies, the Super Genie substitution
strings are replaced by variable tags. The nArg argument allows you to get infor-
mation about one of those variable tags. All you need to know is which substitu-
tion string it replaced when the association was performed.
Enter the argument number (substitution string number) of the relevant substitu-
tion string. For example, if you want information about the variable that replaced
substitution string
?INT 3?
set nArg to 3.
The type of information to get:
0 - The Tag name of the association. If the association tag is not resolved, returns
an empty string.
1 - Engineering units
2 - Raw zero scale
3 - Raw full scale
4 - Engineering zero scale
5 - Engineering full scale
6 - Width of the format
7 - Number of decimal places of format
8 - The Tag format as a long integer. The format information is stored in the inte-
ger as follows:
Bits 0-7 - format width
Bits 8-15 - number of decimal places
Bits 16 - zero-padded
Bit 17- left-justified
Bit 18 - display engineering units
Bit 20 - exponential (scientific) notation
9 - Logical Unit Number - I/O device number (for internal use)
10 - Raw Type - Protocol’s raw data type number for this tag. Type numbers are:
0 - Digital
1 - Integer
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
2 - Real
3 - BCD
4 - Long
5 - Long BCD
6 - Long Real
7 - String
8 - Byte
9 - Void
10 - Unsigned integer
11 - Bit Width - Tag’s size in bits. For example, an INT is 16 bits
12 - Unit Type - Protocol’s unit type number for this tag
13 - Unit Address - Tag’s address after the protocol DBF’s template is applied.
14 - Unit Count - Array size. For example, if the tag’s address is I1[50], the unit
count is 50.
15 - Record Number - Tag’s record number in variable.DBF - 1. That is, the first
tag has a record number of 0.
16 - Comment - As defined in the variable tags list.
17 - ClusterName of the tag. If the association tag is not resolved, returns an emp-
ty string.
18 - Full name (cluster.tagname) of the associated tag. If the association tag is not
resolved, returns an empty string.
19 - Full name (cluster.tagname) of the associated tag even if the association tag is
not resolved.
Return Value
The value of the information as a string.
Related Functions
Ass, AssInfoEx, AssTag, AssPage, AssWin, AssPopUp, AssChain, AssChainPage, Ass-
ChainWin, AssChainWinFree, AssChainPopUp, AssGetProperty, AssGetScale, AssScal-
eStr, TagGetProperty, TagGetScale, TagScaleStr, TagInfo, TagInfoEx
sTag = AssInfo(1, 0); // Get the name of association 1
sEngLow = AssInfo(1, 4); // get the low engineering scale of association 1
See Also
Super Genie Functions
Gets association information about the current Super Genie (that is information about a
variable tag that has been substituted into the Super Genie). You can only call this function
on a Super Genie after all the associations are completed.
Use this function to display association information as part of the Super Genie. For exam-
ple, if you have a Super Genie that is a loop controller, you could display the name of the
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
loop at the top of the loop controller box. Each time the Super Genie is used with different
associations (specifically a different tag name association) the correct loop name will be dis-
Note: When replacing an instance of AssInfo with AssInfoEx in a loop, you may want to
make AssInfoEx blocking using the iCached argument to verify you are using the correct
value for the Tag in your logic.
AssInfoEx(nArg, nType [, iCached] )
When you associate variable tags with super Genies, the Super Genie substitution
strings are replaced by variable tags. The nArg argument allows you to get infor-
mation about one of those variable tags. All you need to know is which substitu-
tion string it replaced when the association was performed.
Enter the argument number (substitution string number) of the relevant substitu-
tion string. For example, if you want information about the variable that replaced
substitution string
?INT 3?
set nArg to 3.
The type of information to get:
0 - The Tag name of the association. If the association tag is not resolved, returns
an empty string.
1 - Engineering units
2 - Raw zero scale
3 - Raw full scale
4 - Engineering zero scale
5 - Engineering full scale
6 - Width of the format
7 - Number of decimal places of format
8-16 - Not supported
17 - ClusterName of the tag. If the association tag is not resolved, returns an emp-
ty string.
18 - Full name (cluster.tagname) of the associated tag. If the association tag is not
resolved, returns an empty string.
19 - Full name (cluster.tagname) of the associated tag even if the association tag is
not resolved.
Optional flag to attempt to retrieve the cached value for the property rather than
the current value. This makes the function non-blocking. If the property has not
yet been cached, an error is set.
0 - Do not force cached read. Cicode is blocking
1 - Force cached read. Cicode is non-blocking
Default value is 1 (true).
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
Return Value
The value of the information as a string. If an error is detected an empty string is returned.
The error code can be obtained by calling the IsError Cicode function.
Related Functions
Ass, AssInfo, AssTag, AssPage, AssWin, AssPopUp, AssChain, AssChainPage, AssChain-
Win, AssChainWinFree, AssChainPopUp, AssGetProperty, AssGetScale, AssScaleStr, Tag-
GetProperty, TagGetScale, TagScaleStr, TagInfo, TagInfoEx
sTag = AssInfoEx(1, 0); // Get the name of association 1 in non-blocking mode
sEngLow = AssInfoEx(1, 4, 0); // get the low engineering scale of association 1,
block until data is available
See Also
Super Genie Functions
Associates up to eight variable tags with a Super Genie and displays the Super Genie in the
current window. The first variable tag (sTag1) replaces Super Genie substitution string 1.
The second variable tag (sTag2) replaces substitution string 2, and so on.
This function has the same effect as calling Ass() or AssTag() eight times, and then calling
the PageDisplay() function. The AssPage() function provides a quick way of associating
eight Super Genie variables and displaying the Super Genie - at the same time.
If you want to associate more than eight tags with the Super Genie, you must call the Ass-
VarTags(), AssTag(), or Ass() function to create the associations before you call this func-
AssPage(sPage, sTag1, [sTag2..8] )
The page name of the Super Genie. If you prefixed your Super Genie page name
with an exclamation mark (!), remember to include it here.
The first eight physical tags to be associated with the Super Genie. For any given
Super Genie, the variable tags will replace the Super Genie substitution strings as
Variable tag... replaces substitution string...
sTag1 1
sTag2 2
sTag3 3
sTag4 4
sTag5 5
sTag6 6
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
sTag7 7
sTag8 8
Because there is a strict correlation between the variable tag numbers and the sub-
stitution string numbers, it is important to know how your Super Genie substitu-
tions are numbered. For example, if your Super Genie has three unique
substitution strings, numbered 1, 3, & 4, you must enter a blank ("") for sTag2.
The variable tags that you specify here must be the same data type as that speci-
fied by the relevant Super Genie substitution strings. For example, only a digital
tag could replace the substitution string ?DIGITAL 4?. If the substitution string
does not specify a type (for example, ?5?), you can use any type except STRING.
The name of the tag can be prefixed by the name of the cluster for example, "Clus-
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Ass, AssTag, AssWin, AssPopUp, AssInfo, AssChain, AssChainPage, AssChainWin, Ass-
ChainWinFree, AssChainPopUp
// Associate 3 tags with the Super Genie then display the Super Genie
AssPage("!MyGenie", "PV123", "OP123", "SP123");
See Also
Super Genie Functions
Associates up to eight variable tags with a Super Genie and displays the Super Genie in a
popup window. The first variable tag (sTag1) replaces Super Genie substitution string 1.
The second variable tag (sTag2) replaces substitution string 2, and so on.
This function has the same effect as calling the Ass() function or the AssTag() function eight
times, and then calling the WinNewAt() function to create a window at the position of the
mouse. The AssPopUp() function is a quick way of associating eight Super Genie variables
and displaying the Super Genie in a new window at the same time.
If you want to associate more than eight tags with the Super Genie, you must call the Ass-
VarTags(), AssTag(), or Ass() function to create the associations before you call this func-
Note: This function prevents the Super Genie from being opened more than once (at the
same time). However, the same Super Genie with different associations can be opened.
AssPopUp(sPage, sTag1, [sTag2..8] )
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
The page name of the Super Genie. If you prefixed your Super Genie page name
with an exclamation mark (!), remember to include it here.
The first 8 physical tags to be associated with the Super Genie. For any given Su-
per Genie, the variable tags will replace the Super Genie substitution strings as
Variable tag... replaces substitution string...
sTag1 1
sTag2 2
sTag3 3
sTag4 4
sTag5 5
sTag6 6
sTag7 7
sTag8 8
Because there is a strict correlation between the variable tag numbers and the sub-
stitution string numbers, it is important to know how your Super Genie substitu-
tions are numbered. For example, if your Super Genie has three unique
substitution strings, numbered 1, 3, & 4, you must enter a blank ("") for sTag2.
The variable tags that you specify here must be the same data type as that speci-
fied by the relevant Super Genie substitution strings. For example, only a digital
tag could replace the substitution string ?DIGITAL 4?. If the substitution string
does not specify a type (for example, ?5?), you can use any type except STRING.
The name of the tag can be prefixed by the name of the cluster for example, "Clus-
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Ass, AssTag, AssPage, AssWin, AssInfo, AssChain, AssChainPage, AssChainWin, Ass-
ChainWinFree, AssChainPopUp
// Associate 3 tags with the Super Genie then display it
AssPopUp("!MyGenie", "PV123", "OP123", "SP123");
See Also
Super Genie Functions
Gets scale information about the associations of the current Super Genie (that is scale infor-
mation about a variable tag that has been substituted into the Super Genie). You can only
call this function on a Super Genie after all the associations are completed.
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
Use this function to display association scale information as part of the Super Genie. For
example, if you have a bar graph illustrating output, you could indicate zero, 50%, and full
scale output on the vertical axis of the graph. Each time the Super Genie is used with dif-
ferent associations the correct scale values will be displayed.
The value is returned as a formatted string using the association format specification and
(optionally) the engineering units.
Note: This function is being deprecated and is replaced by the AssGetScale function. If the
Tag properties are updated AssScaleStr does not get the updated values whereas Ass-
GetScale does.
AssScaleStr(nArg, Percent, EngUnits)
When you associate variable tags with super Genies, the Super Genie substitution
strings are replaced by variable tags. The nArg argument allows you to get scale
information about a particular variable tag. All you need to know is which sub-
stitution string the tag replaced when the association was performed.
Enter the argument number (substitution string number) of the relevant substitu-
tion string. For example, if you want scale information about the variable that re-
placed substitution string:
?INT 3?
set nArg to 3.
The percentage of full scale of the returned value.
Determines if the value is returned with engineering units:
0 - Do not return the value with engineering units
1 - Return the value with engineering units
Return Value
The scale of the association (as a string).
Related Functions
AssGetProperty, AssGetScale, AssInfo, TagGetProperty, TagGetScale, TagScaleStr, TagIn-
// Display the zero, 50% and full scale of the variable that was substituted for
Super Genie arg no. 3
DspText(31,0,AssScaleStr(3, 0, 1));
DspText(32,0,AssScaleStr(3, 50, 1));
DspText(33,0,AssScaleStr(3, 100, 1));
See Also
Super Genie Functions
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
Associates a variable tag with the a Super Genie. The association will only be created for
the next Super Genie you display in the current window, and will only come into effect af-
ter you re-display the Super Genie. You must call this function once for every substitution
string in the current Super Genie, or the super-genie variable (substitution string) will re-
main uninitialized and it will display as #ASS. You cannot use this function to create asso-
ciations for variables that will display in new windows.
AssTag(nArg, sTag [, ClusterName] )
The argument number (substitution string number) of the Super Genie string to
be replaced by sTag. For example, to replace ?INT 3? with sTag, set nArg to 3.
The variable tag that will replace the Super Genie substitution string. The tag
must be the same data type as that specified by the Super Genie substitution
string. For example, only a digital tag could replace the substitution string ?DIG-
ITAL 4?. If the substitution string does not specify a type (for example, ?5?), you
can use any type except STRING.
The name of the tag can be prefixed by the name of the cluster for example, "Clus-
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Variable Tag resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the tag via the current cluster context.
The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Resolution of the tag’s cluster context occurs when the page is displayed. It is re-
solved to the page’s cluster context, not the context in force when this function is
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Ass, AssPage, AssWin, AssPopUp, AssInfo, AssChain, AssChainPage, AssChainWin, Ass-
ChainWinFree, AssChainPopUp
// Associate variable tag PV123 and PV124 with !MyGenie
AssTag(1, "PV123");
AssTag(2, "PV124");
// Re-display the current Super Genie
See Also
Super Genie Functions
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
Sets the runtime window title to the tag name of the first variable substituted into the Super
AssTitle( [Mask] [, Prefix] [, Suffix])
The number of characters to mask (hide) from the right of the title string (option-
A string to add to the beginning of the title string (optional).
A string to add to the end of the title string (optional).
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Ass, AssTag, AssPage, AssWin, AssPopUp, AssInfo, AssChain, AssChainPage, AssChain-
Win, AssChainWinFree, AssChainPopUp
See Also
Super Genie Functions
Associates up to eight variable tags with a Super Genie. This association is only made for
the next Super Genie you display (either in the current window or in a new window). This
function has an offset that allows you to specify which substitution string the first variable
tag will replace. This means that if you have a Super Genie with more than 8 substitution
strings, you can use this function repeatedly (while increasing the offset), until you have
associated all the necessary variable tags.
This function has the same effect as calling the Ass() function or the AssTag() function eight
times. The AssVarTags() function is a quick way of associating up to eight Super Genie
variables at the same time.
AssVarTags(hWin, nOffset, sTag1, [sTag2..8] )
The association will be created for the next Super Genie to display in the window
specified here - enter the window number or:
-3 - for the current window.
-2 - for the next new window displayed.
By default, the first variable tag (sTag1) will replace substitution string 1, and
sTag2 will replace substitution string 2, and so on. Enter an offset to change this
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
so that sTag1 replaces a substitution string other than the first. For example, an
offset of 8 means that sTag1 replaces string 9 instead of the default string 1
(8+1=9), and sTag2 replaces string 10 instead of string 2 (8+2=10) etc. This means
that you can use this function repeatedly to associate more than eight variables.
The physical variable tags (up to eight) to be associated with the Super Genie. For
any given Super Genie, the variable tags will replace the Super Genie substitution
strings as follows:
If nOffset is 0... sTag1 will replace the substitution string 1,
sTag2 will replace the substitution string 2, etc.
If nOffset is 8... sTag1 will replace the substitution string 9,
sTag2 will replace the substitution string 10, etc.
Because there is a strict correlation between the variable tag numbers and the sub-
stitution string numbers, it is important to know how your Super Genie substitu-
tions are numbered. For example, if your Super Genie has three unique
substitution strings, numbered 1, 3, & 4, you must enter a blank ("") for sTag2.
The name of the tag can be prefixed by the name of the cluster for example, "Clus-
Return Value
No value is returned.
Related Functions
AssTag, AssPage, AssWin, AssPopUp, AssInfo, AssChain, AssChainPage, AssChainWin,
AssChainWinFree, AssChainPopUp
// Associate 12 variables to the Super Genie
AssVarTags(WinNumber(), 0, "PV123", "SP123", "OP123", "PV124", "SP124", "OP124",
"PV125", "SP125");
AssVarTags(WinNumber(), 8, "OP125", "PV126", "SP126", "OP126");
PageDisplay("!MyGenie"); // Display the Super Genie
See Also
Super Genie Functions
Associates up to eight variable tags with a Super Genie, and displays the Super Genie in a
new window. This function has the same effect as calling the Ass() or AssTag() function
eight times, and then calling the WinNewAt() function. The AssWin() function is a quick
way of associating eight Super Genie variables and creating a new window - at the same
If you want to associate more than eight tags with the Super Genie you must call the Ass-
VarTags(), AssTag(), or Ass() function to create the associations before you call this func-
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
AssWin(sPage, X, Y, Mode, sTag1, [sTag2..8] )
The page name of the Super Genie. If you prefixed your Super Genie page name
with an exclamation mark (!), remember to include it here.
X - The x pixel coordinate of the top left corner of the window.
Y - The y pixel coordinate of the top left corner of the window.
The mode of the window:
0 - Normal page.
1 - Page child window. The window is closed when a new page is displayed, for
example, when the PageDisplay() or PageGoto() function is called. The
parent is the current active window.
2 - Window child window. The window is closed automatically when the parent
window is freed with the WinFree() function. The parent is the current ac-
tive window.
4 - No re-size. The window is displayed with thin borders and no maximize/min-
imize icons. The window cannot be re-sized.
8 - No icons. The window is displayed with thin borders and no maximize/mini-
mize or system menu icons. The window cannot be re-sized.
16 - No caption. The window is displayed with thin borders, no caption, and no
maximize/minimize or system menu icons. The window cannot be re-
32 - Echo enabled. When enabled, all keyboard echo, prompts, and error messag-
es are displayed on the parent window. This mode should only be used
with child windows (for example, Mode 1 and 2).
64 - Always on top.
128 - Open a unique window. This mode prevents this window from being
opened more then once.
256 - Display the entire window. This mode ensures that no parts of the window
will appear off the screen
512 - Open a unique Super Genie. This mode prevents a Super Genie from being
opened more than once (at the same time). However, the same Super Genie
with different associations can be opened.
1024 - Disables dynamic resizing of the new window, overriding the setting of the
[Page]DynamicSizing parameter.
You can select multiple modes by adding modes together (for example, set Mode
to 9 to open a page child window without maximize, minimize, or system menu
The first eight physical tags to be associated with the Super Genie. For any given
Super Genie, the variable tags will replace the Super Genie substitution strings as
Variable tag... replaces substitution string...
sTag1 1
Chapter: 47 Super Genie Functions
sTag2 2
sTag3 3
sTag4 4
sTag5 5
sTag6 6
sTag7 7
sTag8 8
Because there is a strict correlation between the variable tag numbers and the sub-
stitution string numbers, it is important to know how your Super Genie substitu-
tions are numbered. For example, if your Super Genie has three unique
substitution strings, numbered 1, 3, & 4, you must enter a blank ("") for sTag2.
The variable tags that you specify here must be the same data type as that speci-
fied by the relevant Super Genie substitution strings. For example, only a digital
tag could replace the substitution string ?DIGITAL 4?. If the substitution string
does not specify a type (for example, ?5?), you can use any type except STRING.
The name of the tag can be prefixed by the name of the cluster for example, "Clus-
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
AssTag, AssPage, , AssPopUp, AssInfo, AssChain, AssChainPage, AssChainWin, Ass-
ChainWinFree, AssChainPopUp
// Associate 3 tags with the Super Genie
// then display the new window at (100,200) in mode 9
AssWin("!MyGenie", 100, 200, 1 + 8, "PV123", "OP123", "SP123");
See Also
Super Genie Functions
Chapter: 48 Table (Array) Functions
Table functions perform mathematical functions on entire tables (or arrays), such as the cal-
culation of minimum, maximum, average, and standard deviation values.
See Also
Functions Reference
Searches for a value in a table, and returns the position (offset) of the value in the table.
Note that the first item in a table is offset 0 (zero), the next item is offset 1, etc.
TableLookup(Table, Size, Value)
The table to search. The table must be an array of real numbers.
The maximum number of items in the table.
The value to locate.
Return Value
The offset to the table value, or -1 if the value does not exist.
Related Functions
REAL Levels[5]=10,15,50,100,200;
! Sets Variable to 2.
! Sets Variable to -1.
Chapter: 48 Table (Array) Functions
See Also
Table (Array) Functions
Performs mathematical operations on a table of real (floating-point) numbers. This function
supports minimum, maximum, average, standard deviation, and total operations on a ta-
ble of values. Use this function for operating on tables returned from the trend system with
the TrnGetTable() function. You can set the Mode to either accept or ignore invalid or gated
data returned from TrnGetTable().
Note: This function cannot check the length of any arrays passed to it. If the array is shorter
than the size argument, unpredictable results can occur, such as data in memory being
overwritten, or a general protection fault.
TableMath(Table, Size, Command [, Mode] )
Any table of floating-point numbers.
The maximum number of items in the table.
The mathematical operation to perform on the table:
0 - Minimum
1 - Maximum
2 - Average
3 - Standard deviation
4 - Total
The mode of the operation:
0 - Operate on all data - default
1 - Ignore invalid or gated data returned from the TrnGetTable() function
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TableLookup TrnGetTable
REAL Array[5]=10,15,50,100,200;
REAL Min,Avg;
! Get the minimum value.
Min=TableMath(Array, 5, 0, 0); ! Sets Min to 10.
! Get the average value.
Avg=TableMath(Array, 5, 2, 0); ! Sets Avg to 75.
Chapter: 48 Table (Array) Functions
See Also
Table (Array) Functions
Shifts table items in a table by a number of positions. You can shift the table left or right.
Items shifted off the end of the table are lost. Items within a table that are not replaced by
other items (that have moved) are set to 0.
TableShift(Table, Size, Count)
The table to shift, an array of real numbers.
The maximum number of items in the table.
The number of positions to shift the table items. A negative Count moves items
to the right and a positive Count moves items to the left.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TableMath, TableLookup
REAL Levels[5]=10,15,50,100,200;
/* Shifts the table items by 2 positions to the left, that is
Levels[4]=0 */
See Also
Table (Array) Functions
Chapter: 48 Table (Array) Functions
Chapter: 49 Tag Functions
The Tag functions allow you to read the values of variables in I/O devices such as PLCs,
and to write data into these I/O device variables. These functions also allow you to control
I/O devices and to display information about I/O devices.
Tag Functions
Following are functions relating to Tags:
TagDebug Displays a dialog which allows you to select any configured tag
to read or change (write) its value.
TagGetProperty Gets a property for a variable tag from the datasource.
TagGetScale Gets the value of a tag at a specified scale from the datasource
TagInfo Gets information about a variable tag.
TagInfoEx Gets information about a variable tag.
TagRamp Increments a tag by a percentage amount.
TagRDBReload Reloads the variable tag database so when TagInfo is called it
picks up all online changes to the tag database.
TagRead Reads a variable from an I/O Device.
TagScaleStr Gets the value of a tag at a specified scale.
TagSubscribe Subscribes a tag for periodic monitoring and event handling.
TagUnsubscribe Unsubscribes a tag for periodic monitoring and event handling.
TagWrite Writes to an I/O Device variable
TagWriteEventQue Opens the tag write event queue.
See Also
Functions Reference
Displays a dialog which allows you to select from a list of all the configured variable tags
in your system. Once you have selected a tag, you can either press the Read button to get
the tag’s current value; or change the value by entering a new one, and pressing the Write
button. This function should only be used for debugging or commissioning.
To read or change (write) the value of an element in an array variable, type it into the dia-
log’s variable tag field as follows:
Chapter: 49 Tag Functions
Return Value
The name of the tag entered in the dialog.
Related Functions
TagInfo, TagRead, TagWrite
TagDebug(); /* Display debug form to allow user to debug */
See Also
Tag Functions
This function reads a property of a variable tag from the datasource. This function replaces
TagGetProperty(sName, sProperty [, iCached] [, ClusterName] )
The name of the tag from which to get information. The name of the tag can be
prefixed by the name of the cluster that is "ClusterName.Tag".
The property to read. Property names are case sensitive. Supported properties
Address - Returns the configured address of the tag (as specified in the variable
tags form).
ArraySize - Array size of the associated tag. Returns 1 for non-array types.
DataBitWidth - Number of bits used to store the value
Description - Tag description
EngUnitsHigh - Maximum scaled value
EngUnitsLow - Minimum scaled value
Format - Format bit string. The format information is stored in the integer as fol-
Bits 0-7 - format width
Bits 8-15 - number of decimal places
Bits 16 - zero-padded
Bit 17- left-justified
Bit 18 - display engineering units
Bit 20 - exponential (scientific) notation
FormatDecPlaces - Number of decimal places for default format
FormatWidth - Number of characters used in default format
Chapter: 49 Tag Functions
Return Value
String representation of the property of the tag. On error, an empty string and an error is
Related Functions
AssGetProperty, AssGetScale, AssInfo, AssScaleStr, TagGetScale, TagScaleStr, TagInfo
// Get the engineering full scale value for the variable "PV131"
EngFullScale = TagGetProperty("PV131", "EngUnitsHigh", 0);
// Get the cached array size for the array variable "PLC_Array"
ArrayLength = TagGetProperty("PLC_Array", "ArraySize", 1);
See Also
Tag Functions
Gets the value of a tag at a specified scale from the datasource. The value is returned as a
formatted string using the tags format specification and (optionally) the engineering units.
Use this function to write generic Cicode that will work with any type of tag. This function
replaces TagScaleStr.
Chapter: 49 Tag Functions
TagGetScale(sName, iPercent, iEngUnits [, iCached] [, ClusterName] )
The name of the tag. The name of the tag can be prefixed by the name of the clus-
ter that is "ClusterName.Tag".
The percentage of full scale of the returned value.
Flag to determine if the value is returned with engineering units:
0 - Do not return the value with engineering units
1 - Return the value with engineering units
Optional flag to attempt to retrieve the cached value for the property rather than
the current value. This makes the function non-blocking. If the property has not
yet been cached, an error is set.
0 - Do not force cached read. Cicode is blocking
1 - Force cached read. Cicode is non-blocking
Default value is 1 (true).
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Tag resides. The argument is en-
closed in quotation marks.
Return Value
The scale of the tag (as a string).
Related Functions
AssGetProperty, AssGetScale, AssInfo, AssScaleStr, TagGetProperty, TagScaleStr, TagInfo
// Display the zero, 50% and full scale of the tag CV_123_PV
DspText(31,0,TagGetScale("CV_123_PV", 0, 1));
DspText(32,0,TagGetScale("CV_123_PV", 50, 1));
DspText(33,0,TagGetScale("CV_123_PV", 100, 1));
See Also
Tag Functions
Gets information about a variable tag. This function allows you to develop generic Cicode
and Super Genies.
TagInfo(sName, nType [, ClusterName] )
Chapter: 49 Tag Functions
The name of the tag from which to get information. The name of the tag can be
prefixed by the name of the cluster that is "ClusterName.Tag".
To get information on a particular element in an array, enter the array name here,
followed by the number of the element as follows:
The above example tells the function to get information on the tenth element in
PLC_Array (remember, the address of the first element in an array is 0 (zero)).
The type of information to get:
0 - The Tag name from the variables table. This is the same as sName argument.
(Returned to be compatible with the AssInfo() function).
1 - Engineering units
2 - Raw zero scale
3 - Raw full scale
4 - Engineering zero scale
5 - Engineering full scale
6 - Width of the format
7 - Number of decimal places of format
8 - The Tag format as a long integer. The format information is stored in the inte-
ger as follows:
Bits 0-7 - format width
Bits 8-15 - number of decimal places
Bits 16 - zero-padded
Bit 17- left-justified
Bit 18 - display engineering units
Bit 20 - exponential (scientific) notation
9 - Logical Unit Number - I/O device number (for internal use)
10 - Raw Type - Protocol’s raw data type number for this tag. Type numbers are:
0 - Digital
1 - Integer
2 - Real
3 - BCD
4 - Long
5 - Long BCD
6 - Long Real
7 - String
8 - Byte
9 - Void
10 - Unsigned integer
11 - Bit Width - Tag’s size in bits. For example, an INT is 16 bits
12 - Unit Type - Protocol’s unit type number for this tag
13 - Unit Address - Tag’s address after the protocol DBF’s template is applied.
14 - Unit Count - Array size. For example, if the tag’s address is I1[50], the unit
count is 50.
Chapter: 49 Tag Functions
15 - Record Number - Tag’s record number in variable.DBF - 1. That is, the first
tag has a record number of 0.
16 - Comment - As defined in the variable tags list.
17 - ClusterName of the tag. If the tag is not resolved, returns an empty string.
18 - Full name (cluster.tagname) of the tag. If the tag is not resolved, returns an
empty string.
19 - Reserved for internal operation.
20 - Configured Address of the tag. If the tag is not resolved, returns an empty
If the tag is a local variable, modes 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 17 will return an empty
string, while mode 18 will return only the tag name (without the cluster speci-
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Tag resides. The argument is en-
closed in quotation marks.
Return Value
The value of the information as a string.
Related Functions
AssGetProperty, AssGetScale, AssInfo, AssScaleStr, TagGetProperty, TagGetScale, TagIn-
foEx, TagScaleStr
/* Get the engineering full scale value for the variable "PV131" */
EngFullScale = TagInfo("PV131", 5);
/* Get the engineering zero scale value for the array variable "PLC_Array" */
EngZeroScale = TagInfo("PLC_Array", 4);
See Also
Tag Functions
This function replaces TagInfo and supports online changes. It is recommended therefore
that instances of TagInfo in legacy code are migrated to either TagInfoEx or TagGetProper-
ty. New Cicode should use TagGetProperty.
Gets information about a variable tag. This function allows you to develop generic Cicode
and Super Genies. Execution can be blocking or non-blocking depending on the iCached
Note: When replacing an instance of TagInfo with TagInfoEx in a loop, you may want to
make TagInfoEx blocking using the iCached argument so that you are using the correct val-
ue for the Tag in your logic.
TagInfoEx(sName, nType [, ClusterName] [, iCached] )
Chapter: 49 Tag Functions
The name of the tag from which to get information. The name of the tag can be
prefixed by the name of the cluster that is "ClusterName.Tag".
To get information on a particular element in an array, enter the array name here,
followed by the number of the element as follows:
The above example tells the function to get information on the tenth element in
PLC_Array (remember, the address of the first element in an array is 0 (zero)).
The type of information to get:
0 - The Tag name from the variables table. This is the same as sName argument.
(Returned to be compatible with the AssInfo() function).
1 - Engineering units
2 - Raw zero scale
3 - Raw full scale
4 - Engineering zero scale
5 - Engineering full scale
6 - Width of the format
7 - Number of decimal places of format
8 - The Tag format as a long integer. The format information is stored in the inte-
ger as follows:
Bits 0-7 - format width
Bits 8-15 - number of decimal places
Bits 16 - zero-padded
Bit 17- left-justified
Bit 18 - display engineering units
Bit 20 - exponential (scientific) notation
9 - Logical Unit Number - I/O device number (for internal use)
10 - Raw Type - Protocol’s raw data type number for this tag. Type numbers are:
0 - Digital
1 - Integer
2 - Real
3 - BCD
4 - Long
5 - Long BCD
6 - Long Real
7 - String
8 - Byte
9 - Void
10 - Unsigned integer
11 - Bit Width - Tag’s size in bits. For example, an INT is 16 bits
12-15 - Not supported
16 - Comment - As defined in the variable tags list.
17 - ClusterName of the tag.
18 - Full name (cluster.tagname) of the tag.
Chapter: 49 Tag Functions
If the tag is a local variable, modes 9, 11 and 17 will return an empty string, while
mode 18 will return only the tag name (without the cluster specified).
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Tag resides. The argument is en-
closed in quotation marks.
Optional flag to attempt to retrieve the cached value for the property rather than
the current value. This makes the function non-blocking. If the property has not
yet been cached, an error is set.
0 - Do not force cached read. Cicode is blocking
1 - Force cached read. Cicode is non-blocking
Default value is 1 (true).
Return Value
The value of the information as a string. In case of error an empty string is returned. The
error code can be obtained by calling the IsError Cicode function.
Related Functions
AssGetProperty, AssGetScale, AssInfo, AssScaleStr, TagGetProperty, TagGetScale, TagIn-
fo, TagScaleStr
/* Get the engineering full scale value for the variable "PV131".
Obtain the value from Cluster1 in blocking mode */
EngFullScale = TagInfoEx("PV131", 5, "Cluster1", 0);
/* Get the engineering zero scale value for the array variable
"PLC_Array" in non-blocking mode*/
EngZeroScale = TagInfoEx("PLC_Array", 4);
See Also
Tag Functions
This function will increment a Tag by the amount defined by iPercentInc. It is often used
for incrementing a tag while a button is held down.
TagRamp(sTag, iPercentInc)
The variable tag name (or alarm property name), as a string. The name of the tag
can be prefixed by the name of the cluster that is "ClusterName.Tag".
To read a particular element in an array, you can enter the array name here, fol-
lowed by an index to the element as follows:
"PLC_Array[9] "
The above example tells the function to read the 10th element in the array variable
PLC_Array (remember, the address of the first element in an array is 0 (zero)).
Chapter: 49 Tag Functions
If you enter an array offset using the nOffset argument, it will be added to the in-
dex value specified here. For example, TagRead("PLC_Array[9]", 4) will read the
14th element in PLC_Array (because [9] means the 10th element, and an offset of
4 means 4 elements after the 10th = element 14).
The percentage by which you want to increase the value of the variable. A nega-
tive number will decrease the variable. The increment is calculated as a percent-
age of the full range.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TagInfo, TagRead, TagWrite
Text Ramp Up
Repeat Command TagRamp("PLC_VAR_1",2);
Comment Continual increment by 2%
See Also
Tag Functions
Works in conjunction with the TagInfo function. Reloads the variable tag database so when
TagInfo is called it picks up all online changes to the tag database.
Return Value
Returns 1 if the tag database was successfully reloaded, and 0 if the tag database fails to
Note: This function will fail and return 0 if the parameter [General]TagDB as been set to 0.
Related Functions
See Also
Tag Functions
Reads a variable from the I/O device. The variable tag must be defined in the Variable Tags
database. Because the variable tag is specified as a string (not as a tag), you can ignore the
data type of the variable.
Chapter: 49 Tag Functions
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
TagRead should only be used when the variable tag name is a calculation such as sAlarm-
Ext+".Paging". For simple assignment of variables use the assignment operator. For exam-
ple, MyString = MyCluster.MyAlarm.MyProperty.
If you try to read many variables at the same time, the TagRead() function may be slow.
The offset index for array variables is checked against the size of the array.
TagRead(sTag [, nOffset] [, ClusterName] )
The variable tag name (or alarm property name), as a string. The name of the tag
can be prefixed by the name of the cluster that is "ClusterName.Tag".
To read a particular element in an array, you can enter the array name here, fol-
lowed by an index to the element as follows:
"PLC_Array[9] "
The above example tells the function to read the 10th element in the array variable
PLC_Array (remember, the address of the first element in an array is 0 (zero)).
If you enter an array offset using the nOffset argument, it will be added to the in-
dex value specified here. For example, TagRead("PLC_Array[9]", 4) will read the
14th element in PLC_Array (because [9] means the 10th element, and an offset of
4 means 4 elements after the 10th = element 14).
The offset for an array variable. This argument is optional - if not specified, it has
a default value of 0.
If you enter an array index as part of the sTag argument, it will be added to this
offset value. For example, TagRead("PLC_Array[9]", 4) will read the 14th element
in PLC_Array (because [9] means the 10th element, and an offset of 4 means 4 el-
ements after the 10th = element 14).
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Tag resides. The argument is en-
closed in quotation marks.
Return Value
The value of the I/O device variable, as a string. An error is returned if the tag does not exist,
or if the variable cannot be read from the I/O device.
Related Functions
TagWrite, IODeviceControl, IODeviceInfo
sValueVar1 = TagRead("PLC_VAR1");
sValueVarStr = TagRead("PLC_VAR_STR"); ! Read string data
/* Read the 15 element in array variable "PLC_Array" */
PLC_Array_15 = TagRead("PLC_Array[14]");
Chapter: 49 Tag Functions
See Also
Tag Functions
Gets the value of a tag at a specified scale. The value is returned as a formatted string using
the tags format specification and (optionally) the engineering units. Use this function to
write generic Cicode that will work with any type of tag.
Note: This function is being deprecated and is replaced by the TagGetScale function. If the
Tag properties are updated TagScaleStr does not get the updated values whereas Tag-
GetScale does.
TagScaleStr(sTag, Percent [, EngUnits] )
The name of the tag.
The percentage of full scale of the returned value.
Optional flag to determine if the value is returned with engineering units:
0 - Do not return the value with engineering units
1 - Return the value with engineering units
Return Value
The scale of the tag (as a string).
Related Functions
AssGetProperty, AssGetScale, AssInfo, AssScaleStr, TagGetProperty, TagGetScale, TagIn-
// Display the zero, 50% and full scale of the tag CV_123_PV
DspText(31,0,TagScaleStr("CV_123_PV", 0, 1));
DspText(32,0,TagScaleStr("CV_123_PV", 50, 1));
DspText(33,0,TagScaleStr("CV_123_PV", 100, 1));
See Also
Tag Functions
Subscribes a tag so that Cicode functions can be called when a tag’s value changes. The sub-
scription checks each poll period whether the tag has changed value and if it has, the spec-
ified callback function is called. This avoids continuously polling a tag value to monitor
changes. To add a function callback to the subscription, use the optional parameter in this
command or the SubscriptionAddCallback function.
Chapter: 49 Tag Functions
Multiple subscriptions are possible to the same tag. Each new subscription returns a new
subscription handle. Multiple callbacks are possible to the same subscription.
To unsubscribe a tag use the TagUnsubscribe function.
TagSubscribe(sTagName [, iPollTime] [, sScaleMode] [, dDeadband] [, sCallback] )
String representing the tag to subscribe to in the form of
Optional integer representing the Datasource Poll time in milliseconds (default
Optional string stating the mode to subscribe. Supported modes are: Raw, Eng,
Percent. Default is "Eng".
Optional real value specifying the percentage of the variable tag’s engineering
range that a tag must change by for an update to be sent through the system. De-
fault value is -1.0, indicating the deadband specified by the tag definition is to be
Optional string stating the name of a function to call when the value is updated.
If an empty string is specified, no handler is registered. Default value is "" (empty
The function should have the structure:
FUNCTION evtHandler(INT subsHandle)
Where subsHandle is the subscription that raised the event.
Return Value
Integer representing the subscription handle that can be used to read values, hook to events
or unsubscribe. If unsuccessful, -1 is returned and an error is set.
Related Functions
TagUnsubscribe, SubscriptionAddCallback, SubscriptionGetAttribute, SubscriptionRe-
The following example subscribes the tag "Conveyor1" in order to manually poll for at-
tributes of the tag:
INT subsHandle = TagSubscribe("Conveyor1");
// Get the last changed value, quality and timestamp for the tag
convValue = SubscriptionGetAttribute(subsHandle, "Value");
convQual = SubscriptionGetAttribute(subsHandle, "ValueQuality");
Chapter: 49 Tag Functions
The following example subscribes the "conveyor1" tag as a percentage and polls it every
100ms to check for changes. When the value changes the functions OnValueChanged and
ValChanged2 are called.
INT subsHandle = TagSubscribe("Conveyor1", 100, "Percent",
SubscriptionAddCallBack(subsHandle, "ValChanged2");
Function OnValueChanged(INT handle)
subsVal = SubscriptionGetAttribute(handle, "Value");
subsQual = SubscriptionGetAttribute(handle, "ValueQuality");
Function ValChanged2(INT handle)
subsVal = SubscriptionGetAttribute(handle, "Value");
subsTime = SubscriptionGetAttribute(handle, "ValueTimestamp");
// Remove all callbacks and unsubscribe
See Also
Tag Functions
Unsubscribes the tag subscription specified by the integer subscription handle that was re-
turned from the TagSubscribe function. This function also removes any callbacks that are
associated with the subscription.
Integer handle of the subscription to unsubscribe.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TagSubscribe, SubscriptionAddCallback, SubscriptionGetAttribute, SubscriptionRemove-
Chapter: 49 Tag Functions
See Also
Tag Functions
Writes to an I/O device variable by specifying the variable tag. The variable tag must be de-
fined in the Variable Tags database.
This function completes asynchronously to the caller. An error occurs if the tag does not
exist or if a write request could not be sent. This function does not test whether the write
succeeded. In cases where the write does not succeed, TagWrite does not return a driver
error code. For important write operations, perform a TagRead to confirm that the write
took place.
TagWrite should only be used when the variable tag name is a calculation such as sAlarm-
Ext+".Paging". For assignment of variables use the assignment operator. For example, My-
Cluster.MyAlarm.MyProperty = MyString.
Note: When using this function, you cannot use the ClusterGetName function or
[Code]ScaleCheck parameter to write an out-of-range value to a device. This function
checks a value before writing it to a PLC. If the value is out of range, the attempted write
operation will not occur, but no hardware alarm will be generated.
TagWrite(sTag, sValue [, nOffset] [, bSynch] [, ClusterName] )
The variable tag name (or alarm property name), as a string. The name of the tag
can be prefixed by the name of the cluster that is "ClusterName.Tag".
To read a particular element in an array, you can enter the array name here, fol-
lowed by an index to the element as follows:
"PLC_Array[9] "
The above example tells the function to read the 10th element in the array variable
PLC_Array (remember, the address of the first element in an array is 0 (zero)).
If you enter an array offset using the nOffset argument, it will be added to the in-
dex value specified here. For example, TagRead("PLC_Array[9]", 4) will read the
14th element in PLC_Array (because [9] means the 10th element, and an offset of
4 means 4 elements after the 10th = element 14).
The value to be written to the I/O device variable. The value is specified as a
string. The function converts the string into the correct format, and then writes it
to the variable.
To write to a particular element in an array, you can enter the array name here,
followed by an index to the element as follows:
"PLC_Array[9] "
The above example tells the function to write to the 10th element in the array vari-
able PLC_Array (remember, the address of the first element in an array is 0 (ze-
If you enter an array offset using the nOffset argument, it will be added to the in-
dex value specified here. For example, TagWrite("PLC_Array[9]", 24, 4) will set
the 14th element in PLC_Array to 24 (because [9] means the 10th element, and an
offset of 4 means 4 elements after the 10th = element 14).
Chapter: 49 Tag Functions
Optional offset for an array variable. Default is 0.
Note: If you enter an array index as part of the sValue argument, it will be added
to this offset value. For example, TagWrite("PLC_Array[9]", 24, 4) will set
the 14th element in PLC_Array to 24 (because [9] means the 10th element,
and an offset of 4 means 4 elements after the 10th = element 14).
An optional boolean argument that specifies whether the command is synchro-
nous (blocking) or asynchronous (non- blocking). This parameter is "False", or
asynchronous, by default. To use this parameter and an offset is not relevant, you
must specify 0 for the offset.
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Tag resides. The argument is en-
closed in quotation marks.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful.
Related Functions
TagRead, IODeviceControl, IODeviceInfo
TagWrite("PLC_VAR1", 123);
TagWrite("PLC_VAR1", 123, 0, TRUE); ! Write to PLC variable
! and block until write is successful.
TagWrite("PLC_VAR_STR", "string data to write");
TagWrite("PLC_ARRAY", 42, 3); ! Write to element 4 in array
TagWrite("PLC_Array[9]", 2); ! Write to element 12 in array
See Also
Tag Functions
Opens the tag write event queue. The TagWriteEventQue is a queue of data containing de-
tails of tag value changes initiated by the process. To read events from the queue, use the
QueRead() or QuePeek() functions. The queue contains timestamp, tagname and value
data for each change event.
This queue is enabled by the corresponding INI parameter [General]TagWriteEventQue.
Writes are logged to the queue for all tags whose IODevices have their Log Write parameter
Return Value
The handle of the tag write event queue, or -1 if the queue cannot be opened.
Chapter: 49 Tag Functions
Related Functions
AlarmEventQue, QueRead, QuePeek
To enable tag logging:
On the client, set the INI param [General]TagWriteEventQue = 1.
Enable the IODevices that you want to be logged by setting their
Log Write parameters to TRUE. See I/O Devices Properties.
To read the queue you need to create a Cicode function. For example:
STRING sTagAndValue = "";
INT nDateTime = 0;
INT hQue = TagWriteEventQue();
IF hQue = -1 THEN
QueRead(hQue, nDateTime, sTagAndValue, 1);
Message("Value written", sTagAndValue, 64);
nDateTime is the timestamp of the tag write.
sTagAndValue is the tagname and value written to the queue.
When the function is run, all successful writes to tags on the IODevice will show as a mes-
sage "Value written <tagname> <value>".
Note: The TagWriteEventQue is enabled on each process and will only log the data changes
initiated by this process. By combining this data with the current user and machine name
CitectSCADA can generate a user activity log with respect to setting data within the control
system. This functionality can also be combined with CitectSCADA Reports to augment the
detail of the historian data.
See Also
Tag Functions
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
Task functions support advanced multi-tasking operations in Cicode, handling queues,
semaphores, messages, and other process functions. The task functions control the transfer
of data between different Cicode tasks and across the network to different computers (by
remote procedure calls).
Task Functions
Following are functions relating to Tasks:
ClusterGetName Sets the execution mode of a Cicode task.
EnterCriticalSection Requests permission for the current thread to have access to a
critical shared resource (critical section). If the critical section
is already being accessed, the thread will be granted access
when it is free.
Halt Halts the current Cicode task.
LeaveCriticalSection Relinquishes the current thread’s ownership of a critical shared
resource (critical section).
MsgBrdcst Broadcasts a message.
MsgClose Closes a message.
MsgGetCurr Gets the handle of the message that called the current report
or remote procedure.
MsgOpen Opens a message session with a CitectSCADA server or client.
MsgRead Reads a message from a session.
MsgRPC Calls a remote procedure on another CitectSCADA computer.
MsgState Verifies the status of a message session.
MsgWrite Writes a message to a session.
QueClose Closes a queue.
QueLength Gets the current length of a queue.
QueOpen Creates or opens a queue.
QuePeek Searches a queue for a queue element.
QueRead Reads elements from a queue.
QueWrite Writes elements to a queue.
ReRead ReRead is deprecated in this version.
SemClose Closes a semaphore.
SemOpen Creates or opens a semaphore.
SemSignal Signals a semaphore.
SemWait Waits on a semaphore.
Sleep Suspends the current Cicode task for a specified time.
SleepMS Suspends the current Cicode task for a specified time (in milli-
TaskCluster Gets the name of the cluster context in which the current task
is executing.
TaskGetSignal Retrieves a value that indicates the stop signal for a specific
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
See Also
Functions Reference
Sets various execution modes for Cicode tasks in the current thread. Using this function,
you can specify whether to:
Write to a local image of an I/O device.
Check if a variable is within range before writing it to the I/O device.
Echo error messages to the operator.
Check the case of string data in Cicode.
CodeSetMode(Type, Value)
Type of mode:
0 - Write to a local image of an I/O device. If you set Value to 1, this mode is en-
abled, and Cicode writes its local memory image of the I/O device when-
ever you write to the I/O device. (Cicode assumes that most writes to the I/
O device will be done immediately).
This local image might produce problems, or you might want to verify that the
data was actually written to the I/O device. If you set Value to 0 (zero), this
check is disabled, and Cicode does not write to the local memory image.
1 - Check if a variable is within range before writing it to the I/O device. If you set
Value to 1, this mode is enabled. When a variable tag is modified, Cicode
checks the new value of the variable against the Scales specified in the Vari-
able Tags database. If the value of the variable is out of scale, Cicode gen-
erates a hardware error, and does not write to the I/O device.
If you set Value to 0 (zero), this check is disabled. Cicode writes the variable to
the I/O device without checking if its value is within range.
2 - Echo error messages to the operator. If you set Value to 1, this mode is enabled.
When a simple user error occurs (for example, if the PageDisplay() func-
tion is passed a bad page name), Cicode displays an error message at the
Error AN, and returns an error code from the function.
If you set Value to 0 (zero), the echo is disabled. Cicode does not display the error
message, and the output of the DspError() function is stopped.
3 - Ignore the case of string data in the current thread of Cicode. If you set Value
to 1, this mode is enabled, and CitectSCADA will ignore case in string data.
For example, CitectSCADA will equate "Hello" to "HELLO".
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
If you set Value to 0 (zero), CitectSCADA will be case sensitive to string data.
Case sensitivity is used when a string comparison operation is performed.
For example:
IF sStr1 = sStr2 THEN
(You can also make CitectSCADA case sensitive to strings in all of your Cicode,
using the [Code]IgnoreCase parameter.)
The value of the mode:
0 - Disable
1 - Enable
Return Value
-1 if there is an error, otherwise the last value of the mode.
! disable local image write
CodeSetMode(0, 0);
See Also
Task Functions
Requests permission for the current thread to have access to a critical section (shared criti-
cal resource). If the critical section is already being accessed by another thread (using the
EnterCriticalSection() function), the current thread will be granted access when the other
thread relinquishes ownership using the LeaveCriticalSection() function.
Once a thread has ownership of a critical section, it can access the same section repeatedly
(using the EnterCriticalSection() function each time). Remember, however, that LeaveCrit-
icalSection() must be called once for each EnterCriticalSection() used.
Note: This function is process-based, not computer-based, and so is only effective for
threads within the same process. Any threads attempting to gain access to this critical sec-
tion will be blocked until the thread relinquishes ownership. This function will have no ef-
fect on threads running within other processes.
The name of the critical section. The name must be entered in quotation marks.
Return Value
This function does not return a value.
Related Functions
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
/* Request access to critical section, execute code and relinquish
ownership of critical section. */
// critical code is placed here
See Also
Task Functions
Stops the execution of the current Cicode task and returns to CitectSCADA. This function
does not affect any other Cicode tasks that are running.
Use this function to stop execution in nested function calls. When Halt() is called, Cicode
returns to CitectSCADA and does not execute any return function calls.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
Assert, TaskKill
MyFunc(INT Arg)
Prompt("Invalid Arg");
See Also
Task Functions
Relinquishes the current thread’s ownership of a critical section (shared critical resource).
Once ownership is relinquished, access to the critical section is available to the next thread
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
that requests it (using the EnterCriticalSection() function). If a thread has been waiting for
access, it will be granted at this point.
LeaveCriticalSection() must be called once for each EnterCriticalSection() used.
Note: This function is process-based, not computer-based, and so will only prevent access
to a critical section within a single process. This function only works between Cicode tasks
within the same process.
The name of the critical section. The name must be entered in quotation marks.
Return Value
This function does not return a value.
Related Functions
/* Request access to critical section, execute code and relinquish
ownership of critical section. */
// critical code is placed here
See Also
Task Functions
Broadcasts a message to all the clients of a server. You should call this function only on a
CitectSCADA server. The message is only received by clients that have a current message
session (opened with the MsgOpen() function).
MsgBrdcst(Name, Type, Str)
The name of the CitectSCADA server.
The message number.
The message text.
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
MsgOpen, MsgClose, MsgRead, MsgWrite, MsgRPC
! Send a message to all alarm clients.
MsgBrdcst("Alarm",0,"Alarm Occurred");
See Also
Task Functions
Closes a message. After the message is closed, the message post function (the callback func-
tion specified in the MsgOpen() function) is not called if a message is received. When the
server side is closed, all clients are closed. When the client side is closed, only the specified
client is closed.
MsgClose(Name, hMsg)
The name of the CitectSCADA server.
The message handle, returned from the MsgOpen() function. The message han-
dle identifies the table where all data on the associated message is stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
MsgOpen, MsgRead, MsgWrite, MsgRPC
See Also
Task Functions
Gets the handle of the client message that called the report or remote procedure that is cur-
rently running. You can call this function only in a report or a remote procedure call.
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
If the report was called by a client, this function returns that client message handle. The re-
port can then send a message back to the client. If a function was called remotely by MsgR-
PC(), this function returns the message handle for the remote client.
Return Value
The handle for the client message. The message handle identifies the table where all data
on the associated message is stored. The function returns -1 if no client called the report or
Related Functions
MsgOpen, MsgRPC
! Send message back to the client.
IF hMsg<>-1 THEN
MsgRPC(hMsg,"Prompt","^"Hello Client from Report Server^"",1);
See Also
Task Functions
Opens a message session with a CitectSCADA server. You can specify a message post func-
tion - a callback function that is automatically called when a message arrives. In this func-
tion you can call MsgRead() to get the message, and perform other tasks common to your
message sessions. You can then call MsgWrite() to send a message back to the caller, Ms-
gRPC() to call a procedure on the caller, and so on.
MsgOpen(Name, Mode, Fn [, ClusterName] )
You should use MsgState() to check the return value of MsgOpen(). The message post func-
tion is set effectively only if MsgState() returns 1, which means the message session is on-
You can open a client-server message session or a session between redundant servers. This
function does not create extra network sessions; it uses CitectSCADA’s existing sessions, so
you create sessions to the Alarm Server, Report Server, Trend Server, or a named I/O Serv-
The name of the server to open, either:
For Mode 0, 1, or 3: "Alarm", "Report", "Trend", or the name of an I/O Server.
For Mode 2: The default computer name, as set in the [Lan]Node parameter.
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
Return Value
The message handle, or -1 if the session cannot be opened. The message handle identifies
the table where all data on the associated message is stored.
Related Functions
MsgClose, MsgRead, MsgWrite, MsgRPC
INT hClient = -1;
// Open message session on the client, connecting using the
//existing message session to the current Alarm server
INT nState;
hClient = MsgOpen("Alarm", 0, MsgPostClient);
IF hClient <> -1 THEN
nState = MsgState(hClient);
Prompt("Message session is online!");
//Send a message to the server
MsgWrite(hClient, 1, "MyMessage");
Prompt("Message session handle is invalid!");
Prompt("Message session is offline!");
Prompt("Message session is connecting!");
Prompt("Message session is disconnecting!");
Prompt("Message session has unknown status!");
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
Prompt("Message session could not be opened!");
// This function is called when the client receives a message from
//the server
INT Type;
Prompt("Client recieved message: Type = "+Type:###+" Str = "+Str);
See Also
Task Functions
Reads a message from a message session. You can call this function only in a message post
function (the callback function specified in the MsgOpen() function), to read the current
The Type and Str variables of this function return the message number and the text of the
message. The return value of this function is the message handle (allowing a response to be
sent back if required).
You must open the message session using the MsgOpen() function, to enable the callback
MsgRead(Type, Str)
The message number.
The message text.
Return Value
The message handle of the message being read.
Related Functions
MsgOpen, MsgClose, MsgWrite, MsgRPC
/* This function will read a message from the session and if
Type=1, will display the string as a prompt. If Type=2 then the
speaker beeps and an acknowledgment is sent back to the caller. */
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
INT Type;
INT hMsg;
IF Type=1 THEN
IF Type=2 THEN
See Also
Task Functions
Calls a remote procedure on another CitectSCADA computer. You can call any of the built-
in Cicode functions remotely, or your own functions. You pass the Name of the function as
a string, not as the function tag, and pass all the arguments for that function in Arg.
You can call the function in synchronous or asynchronous Mode. In synchronous mode,
MsgRPC() does not return until the remote function is called and the result is returned. In
asynchronous mode, MsgRPC() returns before the function is called, and the result cannot
be returned.
MsgRPC(hMsg, Name, Arg, Mode)
The message handle, returned from the MsgOpen() function. The message han-
dle identifies the table where all data on the associated message is stored.
The name of the function to call remotely, as a string.
If this function returns an error, you should confirm that the name you have used
is not a label instead of the actual function name. Some functions are aliased using
a label, for example, the function _AlarmGetFieldRec is defined in the labels da-
tabase as "AlarmGetFieldRec". In this case, only "_AlarmGetFieldRec" should be
passed to MsgRPC.
The arguments to pass to the function, separated by commas (,). Enclose string
arguments in quotes "" and use the string escape character (^) around strings en-
closed within a string. If you do not enclose the string in quotes, then the string is
only the first tag found.
The mode of the call:
0 - Blocking mode - synchronous.
1 - Non-blocking mode - asynchronous.
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
Return Value
The result of the remote function call (as a string). If the function is called in asynchronous
mode the result of the remote function cannot be returned, so an empty string is returned.
Related Functions
MsgOpen, MsgClose, MsgRead, MsgWrite
! Call remote procedure, call MyRPC() on server. Wait for result
! Call remote procedure, pass two strings. Don’t wait for call to complete.
! be careful of your string delimiters as shown.
MsgRPC(hMsg,"MyStrFn","^"First string^",^"Second string^"",1);
! Call remote procedure, pass Cicode string. Don’t wait for call to complete.
STRING sMessage = "this is a message";
MsgRPC(hMsg,"MyStrFn","^"" + sMessage + "^"",1);
! These functions could be used to acknowledge an alarm by record
from any CitectSCADA Client on the network.
! The AlmAck() function is initialized by the Control Client
(Don’t forget that servers are also Control Clients.)
! The Alarm tag is passed into the function as a string and a
message is sent to the Alarms Server to initialize
! the AlmAckMsg() function.
AlmAck(String AlmTag)
INT hAlarm1;
hAlarm1 = MsgOpen("Alarm", 0, 0);
MsgClose("Alarm", hAlarm1);
! The AlmAckMsg() function is executed on the Alarms Server that
the client is connected to. This could be
! either the primary or standby Alarms Server. The function
performs the alarm acknowledge.
AlmAckMsg(String AlmTag)
See Also
Task Functions
Verifies the status of a message session. Use MsgState() to check the return value of Ms-
gOpen(). A message post function is set effectively only if MsgState() returns 1, which
means the message session is online.
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
The message handle, returned from the MsgOpen() function. The message han-
dle identifies the table where all data on the associated message is stored.
Return Value
This function has the following possible return values:
-1 if the message session handle is invalid
0 if the message session is offline
1 if the message session is online
2 if the message session is connecting
3 if the message session is disconnecting.
Related Functions
INT hClient = -1;
INT nState;
hClient = MsgOpen("Alarm", 0, MsgPostClient);
IF hClient <> -1 THEN
nState = MsgState(hClient);
Prompt("Message session is online!");
//Send a message to the server
MsgWrite(hClient, 1, "MyMessage");
Prompt("Message session handle is invalid!");
Prompt("Message session is offline!");
Prompt("Message session is connecting!");
Prompt("Message session is disconnecting!");
Prompt("Message session has unknown status!");
Prompt("Message session could not be opened!");
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
See Also
Task Functions
Writes a message to a message session. The message is sent to the remote computer’s call-
back function and can be read by calling MsgRead(). If the remote computer has not opened
the session, this message is disregarded.
This function returns immediately after passing the message to CitectSCADA. CitectSCA-
DA sends the message over the LAN in the background.
You must first open the message session using the MsgOpen() function, to obtain the mes-
sage handle.
MsgWrite(hMsg, Type, Str)
The message handle, returned from the MsgOpen() function. The message han-
dle identifies the table where all data on the associated message is stored.
The integer message data, that is the message number.
The message text.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
MsgRead, MsgOpen
See Also
Task Functions
Closes a queue opened with the QueOpen() function. All data is flushed from the queue.
If a Cicode task is waiting on the QueRead() function, it returns with a "queue empty" sta-
tus. You should close all queues when they are no longer required, because they consume
memory. At shutdown, CitectSCADA closes all open queues.
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
The queue handle, returned from the QueOpen() function. The queue handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated queue is stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
QueLength, QueOpen, QueRead, QueWrite, QuePeek
See Also
Task Functions
Gets the current length of the queue.
The queue handle, returned from the QueOpen() function. The queue handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated queue is stored.
Return Value
The current length of the queue. If the queue is closed then 0 is returned.
Related Functions
QueClose, QueOpen, QueRead, QueWrite, QuePeek
See Also
Task Functions
Open a queue for reading and writing data elements. Use this function to create a new
queue or open an existing queue. Use queues for sending data from one task to another or
for other buffering operations.
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
QueOpen(Name, Mode)
The name of the queue.
The mode of the queue open:
0 - Open existing queue.
1 - Create new queue.
2 - Attempts to open an existing queue. If the queue does not exist, it will create it.
Return Value
The queue handle, or -1 if the queue cannot be opened. The queue handle identifies the ta-
ble where all data on the associated queue is stored.
Related Functions
QueClose, QueLength, QueRead, QueWrite, QuePeek
! Create a queue.
! Write data into the queue.
! Read back data from the queue.
See Also
Task Functions
Searches a queue for a queue element. You can search for the element by specifying a string,
an integer, or both. You can remove the element from the queue by adding 8 to the Mode.
Note: This function may modify the arguments Type and Str depending on the Mode.
Therefore, these arguments must be variables. You should consider that they may be im-
pacted by the setting for Mode when calling the function.
QuePeek(hQue, Type, Str, Mode)
The queue handle, returned from the QueOpen() function. The queue handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated queue is stored.
The number to search for (if using the search mode for a matching number). If
you are using a matching string mode, the number found is returned in Type.
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
The string to search for (if using the search mode for a matching string). If you
are using a matching number mode, the string found is returned in Str.
The mode of the search:
1 - Search for a matching string.
2 - Search for a matching number.
4 - Search for a matching string and use a case-sensitive search.
8 - If the element is found, remove it from the queue.
16 Search the queue, in order, for the element at the offset specified by Type.
Use mode 16 when you know the location of the element you want. For example
if you set Type = 0, QuePeek will return the first element in the queue, type = 2,
will return the 3rd element in the queue, etc. If you specify an offset which is
greater than the length of the queue, the "queue empty" error (296) is returned.
You can extend the search by adding modes. For example, set Mode to 3 to search
for a matching string and matching number, or set Mode to 11 to also remove the
string and number from the queue.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
QueClose, QueLength, QueOpen, QueRead, QueWrite
INT Type;
! search for ’mystring’ in queue, don’t remove if found
Str = "mystring";
IF Status = 0 THEN
! Now use found Type
See Also
Task Functions
Reads data from a queue, starting from the head of the queue. Data is returned in the same
order as it was written onto the queue and is removed from the queue when read. If the
Mode is 0 (non-blocking) and the queue is empty, the function returns with an error. If the
Mode is 1 (blocking) the function does not return until another Cicode task writes data onto
the queue.
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
QueRead(hQue, Type, Str, Mode)
The queue handle, returned from the QueOpen() function. The queue handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated queue is stored.
The integer variable to read from the queue (written to the queue as Type by the
QueWrite() function).
The string variable to read from the queue (written to the queue as Str by the
QueWrite() function).
The mode of the read:
0 - Non-blocking.
1 - Wait for element.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
QueClose, QueLength, QueOpen, QueWrite, QuePeek
IF Status = 0 THEN
! Now use Type and Str.
See Also
Task Functions
Writes an integer and string onto the end of a queue. The integer and string have no mean-
ing to the queue system, they are just passed from QueWrite() to QueRead(). Queue data is
written to the end of the queue. When the data is later read from the queue, it is returned
on a first-in-first-out basis.
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
QueWrite(hQue, Type, Str)
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
The queue handle, returned from the QueOpen() function. The queue handle
identifies the table where all data on the associated queue is stored.
The integer to put into the queue.
The string to put into the queue.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
QueClose, QueLength, QueOpen, QueRead, QuePeek
QueWrite(hQue,2,"Hello there");
See Also
Task Functions
ReRead is deprecated in this version of CitectSCADA.
Tags are now subscribed at the start of a function and updated tag values are sent to the
subscribing function. Tag subscriptions are made at the update rate of:
the graphics page if called from a page
the default subscription rate as determined by [Code]TimeData if called from Cicode
(default 250ms)
the update rate requested of a task created using TaskNewEx
the update rate requested of a subscription created using TagSubscribe
You will want to verify that the subscription update rate matches the requirements of your
After removing ReRead from looping code you may need to extend the period of the Sleep
function. This is to replace the pause ReRead created while it read all the tag values.
The mode of the read:
0 - Read only if data is stale.
1 - Read anyway.
Return Value
No value (void).
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
See Also
Task Functions
Closes a semaphore opened with SemOpen(). You should close all semaphores when they
are no longer required, because they consume memory. If any Cicode tasks are waiting on
this semaphore, the tasks are released with an error.
Note: This function is process-based, not computer-based, and so will only prevent access
to an importantsection within a single process. This function only works between Cicode
tasks within the same process.
The semaphore handle, returned from the SemOpen() function. The semaphore
handle identifies the table where all data on the associated semaphore is stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
SemOpen, SemSignal, SemWait
See Also
Task Functions
Opens a semaphore for access control. When the semaphore is opened, it is initially sig-
nalled. Use a semaphore for controlling access to a restricted device, for example, to stop
another Cicode task accessing a device while it is in use. You might require semaphores for
some Cicode operations, because they can access a device that is critical. (Cicode is a multi-
tasking system.)
Note: This function is process-based, not computer-based, and so will only prevent access
to a critical section within a single process. This function only works between Cicode tasks
within the same process.
SemOpen(Name, Mode)
The name of the semaphore.
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
The mode of the open:
0 - Open existing semaphore.
1 - Create new semaphore.
2 - Attempts to open an existing semaphore. If the semaphore does not exist, it
will create it.
Return Value
The semaphore handle, or -1 if the semaphore was not opened successfully. The semaphore
handle identifies the table where all data on the associated semaphore is stored.
Related Functions
SemClose, SemSignal, SemWait
See Also
Task Functions
Signals a semaphore. If several Cicode tasks are waiting on this semaphore, the first task is
released. This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the
operation is complete.
Note: This function is process-based, not computer-based, and so will only prevent access
to a critical section within a single process. This function only works between Cicode tasks
within the same process.
The semaphore handle, returned from the SemOpen() function. The semaphore
handle identifies the table where all data on the associated semaphore is stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
SemClose, SemOpen, SemWait
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
See Also
Task Functions
Waits on a semaphore to be signalled. This function is a blocking function. It will block the
calling Cicode task until the operation is complete.
Note: This function is process-based, not computer-based, and so will only prevent access
to a critical section within a single process. This function only works between Cicode tasks
within the same process.
SemWait(hSem, Timeout)
The semaphore handle, returned from the SemOpen() function. The semaphore
handle identifies the table where all data on the associated semaphore is stored.
Semaphore time-out time:
-1 - Wait until semaphore is clear (regardless of how long).
0 - Do not wait - return immediately. (This timeout can be used to check the state.)
> 0 - The number of seconds to wait if semaphore is not signalling, then return.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the semaphore has been gained, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
SemClose, SemOpen, SemSignal
IF Status=0 THEN
Prompt("Could not get semaphore");
See Also
Task Functions
Suspends the current Cicode task for a specified number of seconds. After the time delay,
the Cicode task wakes and continues execution. If the sleep time is 0, the Cicode task is pre-
empted for 1 time slice only.
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
This function does not affect any other Cicode tasks - only the task calling Sleep() is sus-
pended. If you have Cicode that runs continuously in a loop, you should call the Sleep()
function somewhere within the loop, to pause the loop and allow other tasks to run.
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
The number of seconds. Set to 0 to pre-empt the task for one time-slice.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TaskNew, ReRead, SleepMS
Text Step
Command PLCBit=1;Sleep(2);PLCBit=0;
Comment Switch Bit ON and then OFF 2 seconds later
See Also
Task Functions
Suspends the current Cicode task for a specified number of milliseconds. After the time de-
lay, the Cicode task wakes and continues execution. This function is similar to the Sleep
function but with greater resolution.
Although a value of 0 milliseconds is accepted, it is not recommended. Try to use at least a
value of 1.
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
This function does not affect any other Cicode tasks; only the task calling SleepMS() is sus-
pended. If you have Cicode that runs continuously in a loop, you should call the SleepMS()
or Sleep() function somewhere within the loop, to pause the loop and allow other tasks to
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
The number of milliseconds (1000 milliseconds per second). Set to 0 to pre-empt
the task for one time-slice. Be careful not to use a value that is too small. Setting
the value to 0 would generally have no desirable effect.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TaskNew, ReRead, Sleep
Text Step
Command PLCBit=1;SleepMS(500);PLCBit=0;
Comment Switch Bit ON and then OFF 500 milliseconds later.
See Also
Task Functions
Gets the name of the cluster context in which the current task is executing.
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
Return Value
The cluster name of the current context or an empty string if the task is executing without
a cluster context.
Related Functions
ClusterActivate, ClusterDeactivate, ClusterFirst, ClusterGetName, ClusterIsActive, Clus-
terNext, ClusterServerTypes, ClusterSetName, ClusterStatus, ClusterSwapActive,
TaskNew, TaskNewEx
! Get the cluster context of the current task
sCluster = TaskCluster();
See Also
Task Functions
Cluster Functions
About cluster context
Retrieves a value that indicates the signal that is currently set for a specific task. This func-
tion can be used to check the value of the current signal before using TaskSetSignal to apply
a new signal.
The task’s handle. To retreive this use the function TaskHnd().
Return Value
The value of the current signal. (0 (zero) represents normal operation, 1 indicates the task
is stopped).
Related Functions
TaskSetSignal, TaskHnd, TaskKill, TaskNew, TaskResume
See Also
Task Functions
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
Gets the task handle of a specific task. You can then use the task handle with other task
functions to control the task. If you do not specify a thread name, it will default to that of
the current task.
TaskHnd( [sName] )
The thread name of the task. The thread name is the name of the function that was
passed to the TaskNew() function. For example, if. . .
will return the handle of this task.
If you do not specify a thread name, it will default to that of the current task.
Return Value
The task handle, identifying the table where all data on the task is stored.
Related Functions
TaskKill, TaskNew, TaskResume, TaskSuspend
! Get the task handle of the current task and then kill it.
! Get the task handle of MyTask and then kill it.
See Also
Task Functions
Kills a task. The Cicode task will be stopped and will not run again.
The task handle, returned from the TaskNew() or TaskHnd() function. The task
handle identifies the table where all data on the associated task is stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Note: TaskKill is an abrupt way to stop a Cicode task. It can cause system errors and may
have unintended consequences. Whenever possible, use TaskGetSignal and TaskSetSignal
to stop Cicode tasks. Use TaskKill as a last resort and after observing the following:
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
Related Functions
TaskGetSignal, TaskSetSignal, TaskHnd, TaskNew, TaskResume, TaskSuspend
! Create a task, run it for 10 seconds and then kill it.
INT Count;
Prompt("Hello "+Count:###);
See Also
Task Functions
Creates a new Cicode task and returns the task handle. You pass the Name of the function
(that creates the task) as a string, not as the function tag, and pass all the arguments for that
function in Arg. After the task is created, it runs in parallel to the calling task. The new task
will run forever unless it returns from the function or is killed by another task.
You can set the Mode to run the task forever or only until the current page is changed or the
current window is freed. If you do not add 4 to the Mode, CitectSCADA starts the task im-
mediately, without reading any data from the I/O devices - any I/O device variable that you
use will either contain 0 (zero) or the last value read. If you add 4 to the Mode, CitectSCA-
DA requests all I/O device data and waits for the data to be returned before starting the task
- the task is provided with the correct data, but there will be a delay in starting the task. Use
Mode 4 when the I/O device data must be read, but do not use Mode 4 when the task has
to start immediately.
You can specify that if the task is already running, the function will exit without launching
a new task and an error will display. This is useful when you want only a single instance
of the function running at any point in time.
It is also possible to run the task within the context of a particular cluster in a multi cluster
system by setting the ClusterName parameter. If a cluster is not specified, the task will use
the cluster context of the caller, be it a page or Cicode task. Please be aware that the cluster
context cannot be changed once the code is running.
Any animation output for the new task is displayed in the window where it was created. If
you want to send output to other windows, use the WinSelect() function.
TaskNew(sName, sArg, Mode [, ClusterName] )
The name of the function to create the task, as a string.
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
The set of arguments to be passed to the function. Individual arguments must be
separated by commas (,). Enclose string arguments in quotes "" and use the string
escape character (^) around strings enclosed within a string. If you do not enclose
the string in quotes, then the string is only the first tag found. The entire set of ar-
guments must be enclosed in quotes ("").
The mode of the task:
0 - Task runs forever.
1 - Task runs until the current page is changed.
2 - Task runs until the current window is freed.
4 - Request all I/O device data before starting task.
8 - If the task already exists, the function will exit without launching the new task.
You can select any one of modes 0, 1 or 2 and may add mode 4 and/or mode 8.
For example, set Mode to 6 to request all I/O device data before starting the task,
and to run the task until the current window is freed.
The name of the cluster context to be applied to the new Cicode task. This is op-
tional if you have one cluster or are resolving the task via the current cluster con-
text. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "". You may pass "-" as the
ClusterName argument to run the requested Cicode task without a cluster con-
Return Value
The task handle, or -1 if the task cannot be successfully created. The task handle identifies
the table where all data on the associated task is stored.
Related Functions
TaskHnd, TaskKill, TaskNewEx, TaskResume, TaskSuspend, ReRead, WinSelect
! Create a task that displays a message for 10 seconds.
! Continue to run while task runs.
MyFunc(STRING Msg)
FOR I=0 TO 10 DO
! Call a function which expects more complex argument
hTask=TaskNew("ArgFunc","^"string one^",^"string two^",1,2",0);
ArgFunc(STRING sOne, STRING sTwo, INT iOne, INT iTwo)
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
See Also
Task Functions
Creates a new Cicode task with an individual subscription rate and returns the task handle.
You pass the Name of the function (that creates the task) as a string, not as the function tag,
and pass all the arguments for that function in Arg. After the task is created, it runs in par-
allel to the calling task. The new task will run forever with tags updated at the specified
time interval unless it returns from the function or is killed by another task.
You can set the Mode to run the task forever or only until the current page is changed or the
current window is freed. If you do not add 4 to the Mode, CitectSCADA starts the task im-
mediately, without reading any data from the I/O devices - any I/O device variable that you
use will either contain 0 (zero) or the last value read. If you add 4 to the Mode, CitectSCA-
DA requests all I/O device data and waits for the data to be returned before starting the task
- the task is provided with the correct data, but there will be a delay in starting the task. Use
Mode 4 when the I/O device data must be read, but do not use Mode 4 when the task has
to start immediately.
You can specify that if the task is already running, the function will exit without launching
the new task and an error will display. This is useful when you want only a single instance
of the function running at any point in time.
It is also possible to run the task within the context of a particular cluster in a multi cluster
system by setting the ClusterName parameter. If a cluster is not specified, the task will use
the cluster context of the caller, be it a page or Cicode task. Please be aware that the cluster
context cannot be changed once the code is running.
Any animation output for the new task is displayed in the window where it was created. If
you want to send output to other windows, use the WinSelect() function.
TaskNewEx(sName, sArg, Mode, SubscriptionRate [, ClusterName] )
The name of the function to create the task, as a string.
The set of arguments to be passed to the function. Individual arguments must be
separated by commas (,). Enclose string arguments in quotes "" and use the string
escape character (^) around strings enclosed within a string. If you do not enclose
the string in quotes, then the string is only the first tag found. The entire set of ar-
guments must be enclosed in quotes ("").
The mode of the task:
0 - Task runs forever.
1 - Task runs until the current page is changed.
2 - Task runs until the current window is freed.
4 - Request all I/O device data before starting task.
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
8 - If the task already exists, the function will exit without launching the new task.
You can select any one of modes 0, 1 or 2 and may add mode 4 and/or mode 8.
For example, set Mode to 6 to request all I/O device data before starting the task,
and to run the task until the current window is freed.
The subscription rate for the task, between 0 and 60000 milliseconds, which de-
termines the frequency at which the I/ O Server reads I/O device data in order to
provide tags with up-to-date Cicode variables. A value of -1 may be passed which
will use the current task’s subscription rate or the default value as set by the ex-
isting parameter [CODE]TimeData which defaults to 250.
The name of the cluster context to be applied to the new Cicode task. This is op-
tional if you have one cluster or are resolving the task via the current cluster con-
text. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "". You may pass "-" as the
ClusterName argument to run the requested Cicode task without a cluster con-
Return Value
The task handle, or -1 if the task cannot be successfully created. The task handle identifies
the table where all data on the associated task is stored.
Related Functions
TaskHnd, TaskKill, TaskNew, TaskResume, TaskSuspend, ReRead, WinSelect
! Create a task that calls a function every half second.
See Also
Task Functions
Resumes a task that was suspended by the TaskSuspend() function. After a task is resumed,
it runs on the next time-slice.
The task handle, returned from the TaskNew() or TaskHnd() function. The task
handle identifies the table where all data on the associated task is stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
Related Functions
TaskHnd, TaskKill, TaskSuspend, TaskNew
See Also
Task Functions
Manually applies a signal to a specified task.
TaskSetSignal(Hnd, nSignal)
The task’s handle. To retrieve this use the function TaskHnd().
Allows you to signal a specified task. Set to 0 (zero) for normal operation, 1 to stop
the task or any other number that represents a defined signal.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TaskGetSignal, TaskHnd, TaskKill, TaskSuspend, TaskNew, TaskResume
See Also
Task Functions
Suspends a task. The task will stop running and will start again only when TaskResume()
is called.
The task handle, returned from the TaskNew() or TaskHnd() function. The task
handle identifies the table where all data on the associated task is stored.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TaskHnd, TaskKill, TaskNew, TaskResume
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
See Also
Task Functions
Chapter: 50 Task Functions
Chapter: 51 Time and Date Functions
Time/date functions manipulate time and date variables. CitectSCADA stores time/date-re-
lated variables as a single integer. This integer represents the number of seconds since 01/
01/1970. It is in GMT, but it has an offset that updates it to local time (determined by the
timezone the application is in). The Time/date functions convert this integer into time and
date variables.
Note: The Time/date functions can only be used with dates between 1980 and 2035.
Time/Date Functions
Following are functions relating to Time and Date:
Date Gets the current system date in string format.
DateAdd Adds time to a date.
DateDay Gets the day from a date.
DateInfo Returns the date format currently in effect on the CitectSCADA Serv-
DateMonth Gets the month from a date.
DateSub Subtracts two dates.
DateWeekDay Gets the day of week from a date.
DateYear Gets the year from a date.
OLEDateToTime Converts an OLE DATE value to a CitectSCADA time/date value.
SysTime Marks the start of an event.
SysTimeDelta Calculates the time-span of an event.
Time Gets the current system time in string format.
TimeCurrent Gets the current time/date value.
TimeHour Gets hours from a time.
TimeInfo Returns the time format currently in effect on the CitectSCADA Serv-
TimeMidNight Converts a time variable into the time at midnight.
TimeMin Gets minutes from a time.
TimeSec Gets seconds from a time.
TimeSet This function is now obsolete.
TimeToStr Converts a time/date variable into a string.
TimeUTCOffset Determines the local time bias from UTC at a specified time.
See Also
Functions Reference
Gets the current date in string format.
Note: Time/Date functions can only be used with dates between 1980 and 2035. You should
check that the date you are using is valid with Cicode similar to the following:
Chapter: 51 Time and Date Functions
IF StrToDate(Arg1)>0 THEN
Date( [Format] )
The format required:
2 - Short date format, dd/mm/yy
3 - Long date format, day month year
9 - Extended date format, dd/mm/yyyy
If omitted, the default Format is 2. All of these formats follow the Regional Set-
tings found in the Windows Control Panel.
Return Value
The current date (in string format).
Related Functions
Time, TimeToStr, TimeCurrent
/* If the current system date is 3rd November 1991 and the Windows
date format is dd/mm/yy; */
str = Date();
! Sets str to "3/11/91".
str = Date(2);
! Sets str to "3/11/91".
str = Date(3);
! Sets str to "3rd November 1991".
See Also
Time/Date Functions
Adds time (in seconds) to a time/date value. The return value is in time/date variable for-
mat. Use this function for time and date calculations.
DateAdd(Time, AddTime)
The time/date to which the AddTime will be added.
The time to add, in seconds.
Chapter: 51 Time and Date Functions
Return Value
The date as a time/date variable.
Related Functions
TimeToStr, DateSub
! Adds 24 hours to 3/11/91.
! Sets NewDate to 4/11/91.
See Also
Time/Date Functions
Gets the day of the month from a time/date variable.
Time/date functions can only be used with dates between 1980 and 2035. You should check
that the date you are using is valid with Cicode similar to the following:
IF StrToDate(Arg1)>0 THEN
The time/date variable.
Return Value
The day of the month as an integer.
Related Functions
! If the current system date is 3rd November 1991;
! Sets Variable to 3.
See Also
Time/Date Functions
Chapter: 51 Time and Date Functions
Returns the date format currently used on the CitectSCADA Server.
DateInfo(nInfo, nExtra)
Determines the contents of the string returned by the DateInfo() function. Valid
values and resulting strings are:
1 - The current date order:
"0" - MMDDYY
"1" - DDMMYY
"2" - YYMMDD.
2 - The current date delimiter.
3 - The current short date format.
4 - The current long date format.
5 - The current extended date format.
6 - The short weekday string. The particular weekday returned is determined by
the nExtra argument.
7 - The long weekday string. The particular weekday returned is determined by
the nExtra argument.
8 - The short month string. The particular month returned is determined by the
nExtra argument.
9 - The long month string. The particular month returned is determined by the
nExtra argument.
When an nInfo argument of 6 or 7 is specified, the nExtra argument determines
which weekday (1-7) is returned by the DateInfo() function.
When an nInfo argument of 8 or 9 is specified, the nExtra argument determines
which month (1-12) is returned by the DateInfo() function.
The nExtra argument is ignored if any other nInfo value is passed to the function.
Return Value
A string containing one of the following:
Current date order ("0" for MMDDYY, "1" for DDMMYY, "2" for YYMMDD;
Current date delimiter;
Current short date format;
Current long date format;
Current extended date format;
Short weekday string;
Long weekday string;
Short month string;
Long month string;
depending on the nInfo and nExtra arguments passed to the function.
Related Functions
Chapter: 51 Time and Date Functions
! If the current system date is the fourth of December 2002;
! Sets TwelfthMonth to "December".
See Also
Time/Date Functions
Gets the month from a time/date variable.
Note: Time/date functions can only be used with dates from 1980 to 2035. You should check
that the date you are using is valid with Cicode similar to the following:
IF StrToDate(Arg1)>0 THEN
The time/date variable.
Return Value
The month of the year as an integer.
Related Functions
! If the current system date is 3rd November 1991;
! Sets Variable to 11.
See Also
Time/Date Functions
Subtracts time (in seconds) from a time/date value. The return value is in time/date variable
format. Use this function for time and date calculations.
DateSub(Time, SubTime)
Chapter: 51 Time and Date Functions
The time/date from which the SubTime will be subtracted.
The time to subtract, in seconds.
Return Value
The time difference (in seconds) as an integer.
Related Functions
Date, DateAdd
! Sets Variable to number of seconds between 2 date/times.
! Sets Str to "48:00:00".
See Also
Time/Date Functions
Gets the day of the week from a time/date variable.
Time/date functions can only be used with dates from 1980 to 2035. You should check that
the date you are using is valid with Cicode similar to the following:
IF StrToDate(Arg1)>0 THEN
The time/date variable.
Return Value
An integer representing the day of the week as follows:
1 - Sunday
2 - Monday
3 - Tuesday
4 - Wednesday
5 - Thursday
6 - Friday
Chapter: 51 Time and Date Functions
7 - Saturday
Related Functions
Date, TimeCurrent
! If the current system date is Sunday, 3rd November 1991;
! Sets Variable to 1.
See Also
Time/Date Functions
Gets the year from a time/date variable.
Time/date functions can only be used with dates between 1980 and 2035. You should check
that the date you are using is valid with Cicode similar to the following:
IF StrToDate(Arg1)>0 THEN
DateYear(Time [, Mode] )
The time/date variable.
The format required:
0 - Short year, yy. If you use this mode during the year 2000, 0 (zero) will be re-
1 - Long year, yyyy
If omitted, the default Mode is 0.
Return Value
The year as an integer.
Note: In the year 2000, this function will return 0 (zero) if mode 0 (zero) is used.
Related Functions
Chapter: 51 Time and Date Functions
! If the current system date is 3rd November 1991;
! Sets Variable to 91.
! If the current system date is 18th October 2000;
! Sets Variable to 0.
! Sets Variable to 1991.
See Also
Time/Date Functions
Converts an OLE DATE value (stored in a REAL) to a CitectSCADA time/date value.
Note: An OLE DATE representing a local time in the daylight savings(DST) to standard
time(Std) transition period will be converted to the DST value internally. For example, if
the DST transition is 30/3/2003 2:00:00 Std, the local time will behave in the following man-
ner: 2:00:00 DST -> 2:59:59 DST -> 2:00:00 Std. Because of this, a value representing the pe-
riod between 2:00:00 and 2:59:59 on that date will be interpreted as 2:00:00 DST, not Std.
OLEDateToTime(OLEDate, Local)
The OLE DATE value to convert (stored as a REAL).
0 - OleDate represents a UTC time.
1 - OleDate represents a Local time.
Return Value
Returns a CitectSCADA time/date value.
Related Functions
TimeCurrent, TimeToOLEDate
Real = TimeToOLEDate(TimeCurrent(), 1);
! Sets Real to the local date/time value
TimeVariable = OLEDateToTime(Real, 1);
! Sets TimeVariable to the value of Real when interpreted as Local
See Also
Time/Date Functions
Chapter: 51 Time and Date Functions
Gets the CitectSCADA internal system millisecond counter. The counter is not based on
time, but counts from 0 up to the maximum integer value and then back to 0.
You can use this function to time events down to the millisecond level, either by subtracting
the current SysTime from the SysTime at the start of the event, or by using the SysTimeDel-
ta() function (which will give the same result).
The SysTime() function does not return the time of day. Use the Time() or TimeCurrent()
function to obtain the time of day.
Time/date functions can only be used with dates between 1980 and 2035. You should check
that the date you are using is valid with Cicode similar to the following:
IF StrToDate(Arg1)>0 THEN
Return Value
The CitectSCADA internal system millisecond counter (as an integer).
Related Functions
SysTimeDelta, Time, TimeCurrent
! Gets the current time.
! Sets Delay to the time difference, in milliseconds.
See Also
Time/Date Functions
Calculates the time difference between a start time and the current time, and updates the
start time to the current time. You can time continuous events in a single operation. See the
SysTime() function for information on its use.
Time/date functions can only be used with dates between 1980 and 2035. You should check
that the date you are using is valid with Cicode similar to the following:
IF StrToDate(Arg1)>0 THEN
Chapter: 51 Time and Date Functions
The start time returned from the SysTime() function.
Return Value
The time difference from a start time and the current time.
Related Functions
! Gets the current time.
! Sets Delay1 to the time difference from Start.
! Sets Delay2 to the time difference from the last SysTimeDelta()
See Also
Time/Date Functions
Gets the current time in string format.
Time/date functions can only be used with dates from 1980 to 2035. You should check that
the date you are using is valid with Cicode similar to the following:
IF StrToDate(Arg1)>0 THEN
Time( [Format] )
The format of the time:
0 - Short time format, hh:mm
Chapter: 51 Time and Date Functions
Return Value
The current time (as a string).
Related Functions
Date, TimeToStr
! If the current time is 10:45:30;
! Sets Variable to "10:45".
! Sets Variable to "10:45".
! Sets Variable to "10:45:30".
See Also
Time/Date Functions
Gets the current system time/date in time/date variable format. Please be aware that Cit-
ectSCADA stores time as the number of seconds since 01/01/1970. You can convert this val-
ue into usable date and time variables by using the various Date and Time functions.
Time/date functions can only be used with dates between 1980 and 2035. You should check
that the date you are using is valid with Cicode similar to the following:
IF StrToDate(Arg1)>0 THEN
Return Value
A time/date variable.
Related Functions
StrToDate, StrToTime
! If the current system time is 11:43:10 a.m.;
! Sets TimeVariable to "11:43".
Chapter: 51 Time and Date Functions
See Also
Time/Date Functions
Gets the hour value from a time/date variable.
Time/date functions can only be used with dates from 1980 to 2035. You should check that
the date you are using is valid with Cicode similar to the following:
IF StrToDate(Arg1)>0 THEN
The time/date variable.
Return Value
The hour (as an integer).
Related Functions
! If the current system time is 11:43:10 a.m.;
! Sets HoursVariable to 11.
See Also
Time/Date Functions
Returns the time format currently used on the CitectSCADA Server.
Determines the contents of the string returned by the TimeInfo() function. Valid
values and resulting strings are:
1- The current time hour format:
Chapter: 51 Time and Date Functions
"0" - 12 hour
"1" - 24 hour
2- The current time delimiter.
3- The current morning time extension.
4- The current evening time extension.
Return Value
Depending on the nInfo argument passed to the function, a string containing:
Current time hour format ("0" for 12 hour, "1" for 24 hour)
Current time delimiter
Current morning time extension
Current evening time extension
Related Functions
! If the current system time is 15:43:10.;
! Sets ClockType to "1".
See Also
Time/Date Functions
Returns the number of seconds between midnight on January 1, 1970, and the midnight im-
mediately prior to the specified time/date. This function is useful for performing calcula-
tions with the time and date.
Time/date functions can only be used with dates from 1980 to 2035. You should check that
the date you are using is valid with Cicode similar to the following:
IF StrToDate(Arg1)>0 THEN
The time/date variable.
Return Value
A time/date variable.
Chapter: 51 Time and Date Functions
Related Functions
timeNow = TimeCurrent();
! get the time variable at 7am today
time7am = TimeMidNight(timeNow) + 7*60*60;
IF timeNow > time7am AND timeNow < time7am + 10 THEN
Prompt("Wake Up!");
See Also
Time/Date Functions
Gets the minutes value from a time/date variable.
Time/date functions can only be used with dates from 1980 to 2035. You should check that
the date you are using is valid with Cicode similar to the following:
IF StrToDate(Arg1)>0 THEN
The time/date variable.
Return Value
The minute (as an integer).
Related Functions
! If the current system time is 11:43:10 a.m.
! Sets MinutesVariable to 43.
See Also
Time/Date Functions
Chapter: 51 Time and Date Functions
Gets the seconds value from a time/date variable.
Time/date functions can only be used with dates from 1980 to 2035. You should check that
the date you are using is valid with Cicode similar to the following:
IF StrToDate(Arg1)>0 THEN
The time/date variable.
Return Value
The second (as an integer).
! If the current system time is 11:43:10 a.m.;
! Sets SecondsVariable to 10.
See Also
Time/Date Functions
Converts a CitectSCADA time/date value to an OLE DATE value (this should be stored in
a REAL).
TimeToOLEDate(Time, Local)
Time/date variable.
0 - The return value is output as UTC time.
1 - The return value is output as Local time.
Return Value
Returns an OLE date value.
Chapter: 51 Time and Date Functions
Related Functions
TimeCurrent, OLEDateToTime
Real = TimeToOLEDate(TimeCurrent(), 1);
! Sets Real to the local date/time value
See Also
Time/Date Functions
Converts a time/date variable into a string. Use this function for calculating time differenc-
es or run times, and so on. Set Format to 6 to convert time periods that are in milliseconds,
such as the times that are returned from the SysTime() and SysTimeDelta() functions.
Note: Once a date/time is retrieved as UTC, the string cannot be used by the Cicode func-
tions StrToDate and StrToTime to synthesize a date/time value as these functions support
local time only.
Time/date functions can only be used with dates from 1980 to 2035. You should check that
the date you are using is valid with Cicode similar to the following:
IF StrToDate(Arg1)>0 THEN
TimeToStr(Time, Format [, UTC] )
The time/date variable.
Format of the string:
0 - Short time format, hh:mm.
1 - Long time format, hh:mm:ss.
2 - Short date format, dd/mm/yy.
3 - Long date format, day month year.
4 - Time and date, weekday month day year hh:mm:ss.
5 - Long time period, hh:mm:ss. Time must be in seconds.
6 - Millisecond time period, hh:mm:ss:xxx ("xxx" represents milliseconds). Time
must be in milliseconds.
7 - Short time period, hh:mm. Time must be in seconds.
8 - Long time period, days:hh:mm:sec. Time must be in seconds.
Chapter: 51 Time and Date Functions
Return Value
A string containing the converted time/date or period variable, or an empty string if in-
Related Functions
Time, TimeCurrent, Date
! If the current system time is 11:50:00 a.m.
! Sets String to "11:50".
String=TimeToStr(125 + TimeCurrent(),5);
! Sets String to "11:52:05" (the current time + 2 minutes and 5
See Also
Time/Date Functions
Determines the local time bias from UTC that was in force at a specified time. For example,
US Pacific Standard Time is -8 hrs from UTC, so -28800 would be returned (-8 hours x 60
minutes x 60 seconds). However, if the specified time occurred during daylight saving, the
returned value would be -7 hours (or -25200 seconds).
The time/date variable.
Return Value
The local time bias in seconds.
Related Functions
See Also
Time/Date Functions
Chapter: 51 Time and Date Functions
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
You can control a trend’s operation by using the trend functions. CitectSCADA has stan-
dard trend pages, so you would not normally use these low-level functions unless you
want to define your own trend displays. You can control the movement of the trend cursor,
trend scaling, and the definition of trend attributes (such as the trend starting time and
sampling period). You can also create, and subsequently delete trends.
Trend Functions
Following are functions relating to Trends:
TrnAddHistory Restores an old history file to the trend system.
TrnBrowseClose Closes a trend browse session.
TrnBrowseFirst Gets the oldest trend entry.
TrnBrowseGetField Gets the field indicated by the cursor position in the
browse session.
TrnBrowseNext Gets the next trend entry in the browse session.
TrnBrowseNumRecords Returns the number of records in the current browse
TrnBrowseOpen Opens a trend browse session.
TrnBrowsePrev Gets the previous trend entry in the browse session.
TrnClientInfo Gets information about the trend that is being dis-
played at the AN point.
TrnComparePlot Prints two trends (one overlaid on the other), each
with up to four trend tags.
TrnDelete Deletes a trend created by the TrnNew() function.
TrnDelHistory Deletes an old history file from the trend system.
TrnEcho Enables and disables the echo on the trend display.
TrnEventGetTable Stores event trend data and the associated time
stamp in an event table and time table, for a specified
trend tag.
TrnEventGetTableMS Stores event trend data and time data (including mil-
liseconds) for a specified trend tag.
TrnEventSetTable Sets trend data from a table, for a specified trend
TrnEventSetTableMS Sets event trend data and time data (including milli-
seconds) for a specified trend tag.
TrnExportClip Exports trend data to the clipboard.
TrnExportCSV Exports trend data to a file in CSV (comma separated
values) format.
TrnExportDBF Exports trend data to a file in dBASE III format.
TrnExportDDE Exports trend data to applications via DDE.
TrnFlush Flushes the trend to disk.
TrnGetBufEvent Gets the event number of a trend at an offset for a
TrnGetBufTime Gets the trend time at an offset for a pen.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
The following trend functions are used on all standard trend templates. Use these functions
only if you create your own trend templates
(These functions are written in Cicode and can be found in the include project.)
TrendDspCursorScale Displays a scale value for the current pen.
TrendDspCursorTag Displays the tag name of the current pen.
TrendDspCursorTime Displays the cursor time of the current pen.
TrendDspCursorValue Displays the cursor value of the current pen.
TrendGetAn Gets the AN number of the trend under the mouse po-
TrendPopUp Displays a pop-up trend with the specified trend pens.
TrendRun Initializes the cursor and rubber-band features on a
trend page.
TrendSetDate Sets the starting date for all the pens on a trend.
TrendSetScale Sets the scale of one or more pens on a trend.
TrendSetSpan Sets the span time of a trend.
TrendSetTime Sets the starting time for all the pens on a trend.
TrendSetTimebase Sets a new sampling period for a trend.
TrendWin Displays a trend page (in a new window) with the
specified trend pens.
TrendZoom Zooms a trend in either one or both axes.
See Also
Functions Reference
Displays a scale value for the current pen in the current pen font.
TrendDspCursorScale(AN, Percent)
The AN of the trend.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
The percentage of full scale to display for the current pen, as an integer.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrendDspCursorScale, TrendDspCursorTag, TrendDspCursorTime, TrendDspCursorVal-
ue, TrendGetAn, TrendRun, TrendSetDate, TrendSetScale, TrendSetSpan, TrendSetTime,
TrendSetTimebase, TrendZoom
See built-in trend templates.
See Also
Trend Functions
Displays the trend tag name of the current pen in the pen font.
TrendDspCursorTag(AN [, Mode] )
The AN of the trend.
An optional argument used to specify whether the trend tag name is displayed
with a cluster prefix. Set:
0 display tag without cluster prefix (default)
1 display tag with cluster prefix.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrendDspCursorScale, TrendDspCursorTag, TrendDspCursorTime, TrendDspCursorVal-
ue, TrendGetAn, TrendRun, TrendSetDate, TrendSetScale, TrendSetSpan, TrendSetTime,
TrendSetTimebase, TrendZoom
See built-in trend templates.
See Also
Trend Functions
Displays the cursor time of the current pen in the current pen font.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
TrendDspCursorTime(AN, Format)
The AN number of the trend.
Format of the string:
0 - Short time format, hh:mm.
1 - Long time format, hh:mm:ss.
2 - Short date format, dd/mm/yy.
3 - Long date format, day month year.
4 - Time and date, weekday month day year hh:mm:ss.
5 - Long time period, hh:mm:ss. Time must be in seconds.
6 - Millisecond time period, hh:mm:ss:xxx ("xxx" represents milliseconds). Time
must be in milliseconds.
7 - Short time period, hh:mm. Time must be in seconds.
8 - Long time period, days:hh:mm:sec. Time must be in seconds.
9 - Extended date format, dd/mm/yyyy.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrendDspCursorScale, TrendDspCursorTag, TrendDspCursorValue, TrendGetAn, Tren-
dRun, TrendSetDate, TrendSetScale, TrendSetSpan, TrendSetTime, TrendSetTimebase,
See the built-in trend templates.
See Also
Trend Functions
Display the cursor value of the current pen in the current pen font.
The AN of the trend.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Related Functions
TrendDspCursorScale, TrendDspCursorTag, TrendDspCursorTime, TrendGetAn, Tren-
dRun, TrendSetDate, TrendSetScale, TrendSetSpan, TrendSetTime, TrendSetTimebase,
See built-in trend templates.
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the AN number of the trend beneath the current mouse position.
Return Value
The AN of the trend, or 0 (zero) if the mouse is not positioned over a valid trend.
Related Functions
TrendDspCursorScale, TrendDspCursorTag, TrendDspCursorTime, TrendDspCursorVal-
ue, TrendRun, TrendSetDate, TrendSetScale, TrendSetSpan, TrendSetTime, TrendSetTime-
base, TrendZoom
See built-in trend templates.
See Also
Trend Functions
Displays a pop-up trend with the specified trend pens. You must create the trend page with
the graphic builder and set all the pen names to blank.
TrendPopUp(sPage, sTag1 [, sTag2..sTag8] )
The name of the trend page (drawn with the Graphics Builder).
The First trend tag to display on the page.
The trend tags to display on the page.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
PageTrend, TrendWin, WinNewAt
Text Popup Trend
Command TrendPopUp("MyPop", "PV1", "PV2", "PV3")
Comment Display a popup trend with three trend pens
See Also
Trend Functions
Initializes the cursor and rubber-band features on a trend page. This function is included
as a Cicode Object on all new trend pages. Only use this function when configuring a trend
template that requires this functionality.
The type of the page:
0 - Normal trend page template
1 - Compare trend page template
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrendDspCursorScale, TrendDspCursorTag, TrendDspCursorTime, TrendDspCursorVal-
ue, TrendGetAn, TrendSetDate, TrendSetScale, TrendSetSpan, TrendSetTime, TrendSet-
Timebase, TrendZoom
See built-in trend templates.
See Also
Trend Functions
Sets the end date for all pens on a trend. Samples taken after this date will not be displayed.
You can enter the date in the Value argument, or leave the Value blank - a form is then dis-
played in run time for the operator to enter an end date.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
TrendSetDate(AN, Value)
The AN of the trend.
The new date, as a string. Samples taken after date will not be displayed. This ar-
gument is optional.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrendDspCursorScale, TrendDspCursorTag, TrendDspCursorTime, TrendDspCursorVal-
ue, TrendGetAn, TrendRun, TrendSetScale, TrendSetSpan, TrendSetTime, TrendSetTime-
base, TrendZoom
See built-in trend templates.
See Also
Trend Functions
Sets the scale of the current pen or of all pens on a trend. You can enter a scale in the Value
argument, or leave the Value blank. A form is then displayed in run time for the operator to
enter a value for the scale.
TrendSetScale(AN, Percent [, Value] )
The AN of the trend.
The scale to be set:
0 - Zero scale
100 - Full scale
An optional value for the scale, as a string.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrendDspCursorScale, TrendDspCursorTag, TrendDspCursorTime, TrendDspCursorVal-
ue, TrendGetAn, TrendRun, TrendSetDate, TrendSetSpan, TrendSetTime, TrendSetTime-
base, TrendZoom
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
See built-in trend templates.
See Also
Trend Functions
Sets the span time of the trend. The span time is the time period covered in the trend win-
dow. You can enter a span time in the Value argument, or leave the Value blank - a form is
then displayed in run time for the operator to enter a value for the span time.
TrendSetSpan(AN [, Value] )
The AN of the trend.
An optional value for the span time, as a string.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrendDspCursorScale, TrendDspCursorTag, TrendDspCursorTime, TrendDspCursorVal-
ue, TrendGetAn, TrendRun, TrendSetDate, TrendSetScale, TrendSetTime, TrendSetTime-
base, TrendZoom
See built-in trend templates.
See Also
Trend Functions
Sets the end time for all the pens on a trend. Samples taken after this time will not be dis-
played. You can enter an end time in the Value argument, or leave the Value blank - a form
is then displayed in run time for the operator to enter a value for the end time.
TrendSetTime(AN [, Value] )
The AN of the trend.
An optional value for the end time, as a string. Samples taken after this time will
not be displayed.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrendDspCursorScale, TrendDspCursorTag, TrendDspCursorTime, TrendDspCursorVal-
ue, TrendGetAn, TrendRun, TrendSetDate, TrendSetScale, TrendSetSpan, TrendSetTime-
base, TrendZoom
See built-in trend templates.
See Also
Trend Functions
Sets a new sampling period for a trend. You can enter a sampling period in the Value argu-
ment, or leave the Value blank. A form is then displayed in run time for the operator to enter
a value for the sampling period.
TrendSetTimebase(AN [, Value] )
The AN of the trend.
An optional value for the sampling period, as a string.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrendDspCursorScale, TrendDspCursorTag, TrendDspCursorTime, TrendDspCursorVal-
ue, TrendGetAn, TrendRun, TrendSetDate, TrendSetScale, TrendSetSpan, TrendSetTime,
See built-in trend templates.
See Also
Trend Functions
Displays a trend page (in a new window) with the specified trend pens. You must create
the trend page with the graphic builder and set all the pen names to blank. You then display
that page by calling this function and pass the required trend tags. The function will create
a new window with the specified window mode.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
TrendWin(sPage, X, Y, Mode, sTag1 [, sTag2..sTag8] )
The name of the trend page (drawn with the Graphics Builder).
The x pixel coordinate of the top left corner of the window.
The y pixel coordinate of the top left corner of the window.
The mode of the window:
0 - Normal page.
1 - Page child window. The window is closed when a new page is displayed, for
example, when the PageDisplay() or PageGoto() function is called. The
parent is the current active window.
2 - Window child window. The window is closed automatically when the parent
window is freed with the WinFree() function. The parent is the current ac-
tive window.
4 - No re-size. The window is displayed with thin borders and no maximize/min-
imize icons. The window cannot be re-sized.
8 - No icons. The window is displayed with thin borders and no maximize/mini-
mize or system menu icons. The window cannot be re-sized.
16 - No caption. The window is displayed with thin borders, no caption, and no
maximize/minimize or system menu icons. The window cannot be re-
32 - Echo enabled. When enabled, all keyboard echo, prompts, and error messag-
es are displayed on the parent window. This mode should only be used
with child windows (for example, Mode 1 and 2).
64 - Always on top.
128 - Open a unique window. This mode prevents this window from being
opened more then once.
256 - Display the entire window. This mode ensures that no parts of the window
will appear off the screen
512 - Open a unique Super Genie. This mode prevents a Super Genie from being
opened more than once (at the same time). However, the same Super Genie
with different associations can be opened.
1024 - Disables dynamic resizing of new window, overriding the setting of the
[Page]DynamicSizing parameter.
You can select multiple modes by adding modes together (for example, set Mode
to 9 to open a page child window without maximize, minimize, or system menu
The firs trend tag to display on the page.
The trend tags to display on the page.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
PageTrend, TrendPopUp, WinNew
Text Trend Window
Command TrendWin("MyTrend", 0, 0, 4, "PV1", "PV2", "PV3")
Comment Display a trend page in a new window with no maximize and minimize
See Also
Trend Functions
"Zooms" a specified trend in either one or both axes. Set the zoom values (TimeZoom and/
or ScaleZoom) to greater than one to "zoom in" or to less than one to "zoom out".
If you specify a destination AN, you can zoom one trend (at SourceAn) onto another (at
DestAn), in the same way as on the standard zoom trend page.
TrendZoom(SourceAn, TimeZoom, ScaleZoom [, DestAn] )
The AN on which the source trend is located.
The scale by which the Time axis will be changed (as a real number).
The scale by which the Scale axis will be changed (as a real number).
The AN on which the destination or target trend is located. If you do not enter a
DestAn, it is set to the same AN as SourceAn.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrendDspCursorScale, TrendDspCursorTag, TrendDspCursorTime, TrendDspCursorVal-
ue, TrendGetAn, TrendRun, TrendSetDate, TrendSetScale, TrendSetSpan, TrendSetTime,
TrendZoom(30, 2.0, 2.0);
/* Zoom in by a factor of 2 on both the time and scale axes. */
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
See Also
Trend Functions
Adds an old (backed up) trend history file to the trend system so that its data can be used.
When you back-up a trend file, change its extension so that it indicates the age of the file’s
trend data (for example, the month and year).
An archived trend file does not need to reside in the same directory as existing active
trends. CitectSCADA retrieves the trend name from the header of the specified file and
adds its data to the trend history. Please be aware that only a reference to the archived file,
and not the file itself, is kept in the trend history. Therefore, care must be taken if using this
function to access archived files residing on removable storage media. When you remove
the media, the archived data is no longer available for display.
This function can only be used if the Trend Server is on the current machine. When the
Trend Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and cannot be
called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and a Cicode
hardware alarm will be raised.
TrnAddHistory(FileName [, ClusterName] )
The file name and directory path of an old history file. The old file does not need
to reside in the same directory as existing active trends to be restored.
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Trend Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the trend server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnDelHistory, MsgRPC
! Adds the file TR1.MAY91 to the trend system.
See Also
Trend Functions
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
The TrnBrowseClose function terminates an active data browse session and cleans up all
resources associated with the session.
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a TrnBrowseOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the trend browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnBrowseFirst, TrnBrowseGetField, TrnBrowseNext, TrnBrowseNumRecords, Trn-
BrowseOpen, TrnBrowsePrev
See Also
Trend Functions
The TrnBrowseFirst function places the data browse cursor at the first record.
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a TrnBrowseOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the trend browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnBrowseClose, TrnBrowseGetField, TrnBrowseNext, TrnBrowseNumRecords, Trn-
BrowseOpen, TrnBrowsePrev
See Also
Trend Functions
The TrnBrowseGetField function retrieves the value of the specified field from the record
the data browse cursor is currently referencing.
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
TrnBrowseGetField(iSession, sFieldName)
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a TrnBrowseOpen call.
The name of the field that references the value to be returned. Supported fields
See Browse Function Field Reference for information about fields.
Return Value
The value of the specified field as a string. An empty string may or may not be an indication
that an error has been detected. The last error should be checked in this instance to deter-
mine if an error has actually occurred.
Related Functions
TrnBrowseClose, TrnBrowseFirst, TrnBrowseNext, TrnBrowseNumRecords, Trn-
BrowseOpen, TrnBrowsePrev
STRING fieldValue = "";
STRING fieldName = "TYPE";
INT errorCode = 0;
fieldValue = TrnBrowseGetField(iSession, sFieldName);
IF fieldValue <> "" THEN
// Successful case
// Function did not succeed
See Also
Trend Functions
The TrnBrowseNext function moves the data browse cursor forward one record. If you call
this function after you have reached the end of the records, error 412 is returned
(Databrowse session EOF).
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a TrnBrowseOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the trend browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnBrowseClose, TrnBrowseFirst, TrnBrowseGetField, TrnBrowseNumRecords, Trn-
BrowseOpen, TrnBrowsePrev
See Also
Trend Functions
The TrnBrowseNumRecords function returns the number of records that match the filter
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a TrnBrowseOpen call.
Return Value
The number of records that have matched the filter criteria. A value of 0 denotes that no
records have matched. A value of -1 denotes that the browse session is unable to provide a
fixed number. This may be the case if the data being browsed changed during the browse
Related Functions
TrnBrowseClose, TrnBrowseFirst, TrnBrowseGetField, TrnBrowseNext, TrnBrowseOpen,
INT numRecords = 0;
numRecords = TrnBrowseNumRecords(iSession);
IF numRecords <> 0 THEN
// Have records
// No records
See Also
Trend Functions
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
The TrnBrowseOpen function initiates a new browse session and returns a handle to the
new session that can be used in subsequent data browse function calls.
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
TrnBrowseOpen( [sFilter] [, sFields] [, sClusters] )
A filter expression specifying the records to return during the browse. An empty
string indicates that all records will be returned. Where a fieldname is not speci-
fied in the filter, it is assumed to be tagname. For example, the filter "AAA" is
equivalent to "name=AAA".
Specifies via a comma delimited string the columns to be returned during the
browse. An empty string indicates that the server will return all available col-
umns. Supported fields are:
See Browse Function Field Reference for information about fields.
An optional parameter that specifies via a comma delimited string the subset of
the clusters to browse. An empty string indicates that all connected clusters will
be browsed.
Return Value
Returns an integer handle to the browse session. Returns -1 on error.
Related Functions
TrnBrowseClose, TrnBrowseFirst, TrnBrowseGetField, TrnBrowseNext, TrnBrowseNum-
Records, TrnBrowsePrev
INT iSession;
iSession = TrnBrowseOpen("NAME=ABC*", "NAME,TYPE",
IF iSession <> -1 THEN
// Successful case
// Function did not succeed
See Also
Trend Functions
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
The TrnBrowsePrev function moves the data browse cursor back one record. If you call this
function after you have reached the beginning of the records, error 412 is
returned (Databrowse session EOF).
This function is a non-blocking function. It does not block the calling Cicode task.
The handle to a browse session previously returned by a TrnBrowseOpen call.
Return Value
0 (zero) if the trend browse session exists, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnBrowseClose, TrnBrowseFirst, TrnBrowseGetField, TrnBrowseNext, TrnBrowseNum-
Records, TrnBrowseOpen
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets information about the trend that is being displayed at the AN point.
TrnClientInfo(AN, Pen, Type, Data, Error)
The AN point number at which the trend is displayed.
The trend pen number:
0 - The pen currently in focus
1...8 - Pen1. . .Pen8
The type of information you would like returned.
1 - The number of samples configured for the trend. If you select Type 1, the Data
argument is ignored.
For future enhancements; is currently ignored.
An output argument. If the function is successful, the error is set to 0 (zero). If un-
successful, an error value is set, and a hardware alarm is triggered.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Return Value
The requested information (as a string) if successful, otherwise a hardware alarm is gener-
Related Functions
INT nError;
INT nSamples;
INT nTime;
!Gets the number of samples configured for the current pen of the
trend displayed at AN 30.
nSamples = TrnClientInfo(30, 0, 1, "", nError);
IF nError = 0 THEN
nTime = nSamples * 50;
nTime = 0;
See Also
Trend Functions
Prints two trends, one overlaid on the other. Each trend can have up to four tags configured
on it. The significance of this type of plot is that the two trends show different times and
display periods. It is possible to compare a trend tag or tags over different time slots. Each
trend line is drawn with a different pen style and marker as appropriate. The trend plot in-
cludes a comment and a legend, and you can specify the vertical high and low scales.
For more advanced trend plotting, you can use the low-level plot functions.
TrnComparePlot(sPort, sTitle, sComment, AN, iMode, nSamples, iTime1, rPeriod1, iTime2,
rPeriod2, Tag1......Tag8, rLoScale1, rHiScale1,......rLoScale8, rHiScale8)
The name of the printer port to which the plot will be printed. This name must be
enclosed within quotation marks. For example LPT1:, to print to the local printer,
or \\Pserver\canon1 using UNC to print to a network printer.
The title of the trend plot.
The comment that is to display beneath the title of the trend plot. You do not have
to enter a comment.
Sets the display mode. A value of 0 causes the default display mode to be used.
Otherwise, the display mode of the specified AN is set.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
The color mode of the printer.
0 - black and white (default)
1 - Color
The number of data points on the plot.
The end point in time (the most recent point) for the first trend.
The period (in seconds) of the first trend. This can differ from the actual trend pe-
riod. If you do not enter a period, it defaults to the sample period of Tag1.
The end point in time (the most recent point) for the second trend.
The period (in seconds) of the second trend. This can differ from the actual trend
period. If you do not enter a period, it defaults to the sample period of Tag5.
Tag1. . .Tag8:
The trend tags for the plot. Tags 1 to 4 must be for the first trend, and tags 5 to 8
must be for the second.
rLoScale1, HiScale1,....LoScale8, HiScale8
The minimum and maximum on the vertical scale for the trend line of each of the
tags (Tag1. . . Tag8)
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnPlot, TrnPrint, PlotOpen SPCPlot
/* Prints two black and white trends (one overlaid on the other)
to LPT1, comparing the trend lines of one trend tag (Feed_Flow) at
different times. The first trend line has a starting time of
12 noon, on 11/12/96, and the second has a starting time of 9am, on
11/10/96. Both contain 200 sample points, and have a period of 2
seconds. Both trend lines will be on a vertical scale of 10-100.
INT Time;
INT RefTime;
Time = StrToDate("11/12/96") + StrToTime("12:00:00");
RefTime = StrToDate("11/10/96") + StrToTime("09:00:00");
TrnComparePlot("LPT1:","Citect Flow Comparison Plot","Comparison
with Reference",0,
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
See Also
Trend Functions
Deletes a trend that is displayed on a current page. This trend may have been created by
the TrnNew() function or by a trend object.
The AN where the trend is located.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Deletes the trend at AN20.
See Also
Trend Functions
Removes a trend history file that has been added to the trend system by the TrnAddHisto-
ry() function. This function does not delete the file completely, it only disconnects it from
the historical trend system.
This function can only be used if the Trend Server is on the current machine. When the
Trend Server is not in the calling process, this function will become blocking and cannot be
called from a foreground task. In this case, the return value will be undefined and a Cicode
hardware alarm will be raised.
TrnDelHistory(FileName [, ClusterName] )
The trend history file to disconnect from the historical trend system.
Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Trend Server resides. This is option-
al if you have one cluster or are resolving the trend server via the current cluster
context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnAddHistory, MsgRPC
! Disconnects the file from the trend system.
See Also
Trend Functions
Enables and disables the echo of the trend display. Use this function when you need to
make many changes to a trend display, so that the display updates only once. You should
first disable the trend echo, do all the trend changes, and then enable the echo to show the
TrnEcho(AN, nMode)
The animation number of the trend.
The mode of the echo:
0 - Disable echo of the trend display.
1 - Enable echo of the trend display, to show changes.
Return Value
The current echo mode, otherwise 0 (zero) is returned, and an error code is set. You can call
the IsError() function to get the actual error code.
Related Functions
TrnSetScale, TrnSetPeriod
! Disable echo of trend display at AN40
! Change the scales on pens 1 and 2
! Enable echo to show changes to the display
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
See Also
Trend Functions
Stores event trend data in an event table and the associated time stamp in a time table, for
a specified trend tag. Data is stored at the specified Period, working backwards from the
starting point specified by EventNo. If Period differs from the trend period configured in the
Trend Tags database, the values to be stored are calculated from the trend data. Values are
either averaged or interpolated.
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
TrnEventGetTable(Tag, EventNo, Period, Length, Table, TimeTable, Mode [, ClusterName] )
The trend tag enclosed in quotation marks "" (can be prefixed by the name of the
cluster that is ClusterName.Tag).
The starting event number for entries in the trend table.
The time difference between tabulated trend values (in seconds). For example, if
you set this period to 30 seconds, CitectSCADA will get the last trend value (sam-
pled at the end of the trend section), then get the trend value that was sampled 30
seconds before that, and so on until it reaches the start time of the trend section.
If this period is different to the trend’s sampling period, the trend values will be
averaged or interpolated. Set to 0 (zero) to default to the actual trend period.
The number of trend values to store in the trend table, from 1 to the maximum
number of items in the table.
The Cicode array in which the trend data is stored. You can enter the name of an
array here (see the example).
The table of integer values in which the time stamp is stored.
The Display Mode parameters allow you to enter a single integer to specify the
display options for a trend (for a maximum of eight trends).
To calculate the integer that you should enter for a particular trend, select the op-
tions you want from the list below, adding their associated numbers together.
The resulting integer is the DisplayMode parameter for that trend.
Invalid/Gated trend options:
0 - Convert invalid/gated trend samples to zero.
1 - Leave invalid/gated trend samples as they are.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Return Value
The actual number of samples read. The return value is 0 if an error is detected. You can
call the IsError() function to get the actual error code. If EventNo is 0 (zero) then the Event-
No will be set to the current event number.
Related Functions
TrnEventSetTable, TrnGetEvent, TrnGetDisplayMode
See Also
Trend Functions
Stores event trend data and time data (including milliseconds) for a specified trend tag. The
event trend data is stored in an event table, and the time stamp in time tables. Data is stored
at the specified Period, working backwards from the starting point specified by EventNo. If
Period differs from the trend period configured in the Trend Tags database, the values to be
stored are calculated from the trend data. Values are either averaged or interpolated.
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
TrnEventGetTableMS(Tag, EventNo, Period, Length, Table, TimeTable, Mode, MSTimeTable [,
ClusterName] )
The trend tag enclosed in quotation marks "" (can be prefixed by the name of the
cluster that is ClusterName.Tag).
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
The starting event number for entries in the trend table.
The time difference between tabulated trend values (in seconds). For example, if
you set this period to 30 seconds, CitectSCADA will get the last trend value (sam-
pled at the end of the trend section), then get the trend value that was sampled 30
seconds before that, and so on until it reaches the start time of the trend section.
If this period is different to the trend’s sampling period, the trend values will be
averaged or interpolated. Set to 0 (zero) to default to the actual trend period.
The number of trend values to store in the trend table, from 1 to the maximum
number of items in the table.
The Cicode array in which the trend data is stored. You can enter the name of an
array here (see the example).
The table of integer values in which the time stamp is stored.
The Display Mode parameters allow you to enter a single integer to specify the
display options for a trend (for a maximum of eight trends).
To calculate the integer that you should enter for a particular trend, select the op-
tions you wish to use from those listed below, adding their associated numbers
together. The resulting integer is the DisplayMode parameter for that trend.
Invalid/Gated trend options:
0 - Convert invalid/gated trend samples to zero.
1 - Leave invalid/gated trend samples as they are.
Ordering trend sample options:
0 - Order returned trend samples from oldest to newest.
2 - Order returned trend samples from newest to oldest.
Condense method options:
0 - Set the condense method to use the mean of the samples.
4 - Set the condense method to use the minimum of the samples.
8 - Set the condense method to use the maximum of the samples.
Stretch method options:
0 - Set the stretch method to step.
128 - Set the stretch method to use a ratio.
256 - Set the stretch method to use raw samples.
Gap Fill Constant option:
n - the number of missed samples that the user wants to gap fill) x 4096.
Note: Options listed in each group are mutually exclusive. The default value for
each Display Mode is 258 (0 + 2 + 256).
The table of integer values in which the millisecond component of the time stamp
is stored.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
The name of the cluster in which the trend tag resides. This is optional if you have
one cluster or are resolving the trend via the current cluster context. The argu-
ment is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
The actual number of samples read. The return value is 0 if an error is detected. You can
call the IsError() function to get the actual error code.
Related Functions
TrnEventSetTableMS TrnGetEvent, TrnEventGetTable
See Also
Trend Functions
Adds new event to a trend, or overwrites existing points with new values.
To add new events, set ’EventNo’ to zero. The events are inserted at a point determined by
the time stamp associated with each event. If the timestamp of a new event is identical to
that of an existing event, the new event will overwrite the old one.
To overwrite specific existing events, set ’EventNum’ to the last event number of the block
of events to be overwritten, and set the times of the new events to zero.
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
TrnEventSetTable(Tag, EventNo, 0, Length, Table, TimeTable [, ClusterName] )
The trend tag enclosed in quotation marks "" (can be prefixed by the name of the
cluster that is ClusterName.Tag).
Event Number:
When adding new events to a trend, set EventNo to 0.
When overwriting existing values, set EventNo to the last event number to be
overwritten. For example, if overwriting events 100 to 110, set EventNo to 110.
The number of trend values in the trend table.
The table of floating-point values in which the trend data is stored. You can enter
the name of an array here (see the example).
The table of integer values in which the time stamp is stored. If you would like
events to stay in correct time-stamp order, sort the values in this table in ascend-
ing order. When EventNo is non-zero the values in this table may be zero. This
will result in the values of the requested events being overwritten but the time-
stamps staying the same.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
The name of the cluster in which the trend tag resides. This is optional if you have
one cluster or are resolving the trend via the current cluster context. The argu-
ment is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
The actual number of samples read. The return value is 0 if an error is detected. You can
call the IsError() function to get the actual error code.
Related Functions
REAL TrendTable1[100];
INT TimeTable[100];
/* Defines an array of a maximum of 100 entries. Assume that
TrendTable1 has been storing data from a source. */
TrnEventSetTable("OP1",nEventNo, 1,10,TrendTable1[0],
TimeTable[0], "ClusterXYZ");
/* A set of 10 trend data values are set for the OP1 trend tag. */
See Also
Trend Functions
Sets event trend data and time data (including milliseconds) for a specified trend tag. The
event trend data is set in an event table, and the time stamp in time tables. Data is set at the
period specified, working backwards from the starting point specified by EventNo.
If the period of setting data differs from the trend period (defined in the Trend Tags data-
base), the values to be set are calculated from the trend data, either averaged or interpolat-
ed. The user must have the correct privilege (as specified in the Trend Tags form),
otherwise the data is not written.
This function is a blocking function. It blocks the calling Cicode task until the operation is
TrnEventSetTableMS(Tag, EventNo, Period, Length, Table, TimeTable, MSTimeTable [, Clus-
terName] )
The trend tag enclosed in quotation marks "" (can be prefixed by the name of the
cluster that is ClusterName.Tag).
Event Number:
When adding new events to a trend, set EventNo to 0.
When overwriting existing values, set EventNo to the last event number to be
overwritten. For example, if overwriting events 100 to 110, set EventNo to 110.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
This will be the interval (in seconds) between trend values when they are set (that
is it will be the perceived sampling period for the trend). This period can differ
from the actual trend period. Set to 0 (zero) to default to the actual trend period.
Number of trend values in the trend table.
Table of floating-point values in which the trend data is stored. You can enter the
name of an array here (see example).
Table of integer values in which the time stamp is stored. If you would like events
to stay in correct time-stamp order, sort the values in this table in ascending or-
der. When EventNo is non-zero the values in this table may be zero. This will re-
sult in the values of the requested events being overwritten but the timestamps
staying the same.
The table of integer values in which the millisecond component of the time stamp
is stored.
The name of the cluster in which the trend tag resides. This is optional if you have
one cluster or are resolving the trend via the current cluster context. The argu-
ment is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
The actual number of samples read. The return value is 0 if an error is detected. You can
call the IsError() function to get the actual error code.
Related Functions
// Arrays for trend data
REAL garSingleValue[1];
INT ganSingleTime[1];
INT ganSingleMS[1];
// Push the data in the trend system
FUNCTION LogTrend(STRING sTagName, REAL rValue, INT nDateTime, INT
INT nSamplesWritten;
garSingleValue[0] = rValue;
ganSingleTime[0] = nDateTime;
ganSingleMS[0] = nMS;
nSamplesWritten = TrnEventSetTableMS(sTagname, 0, 0, 1, garSingleValue[0],
ganSingleTime[0], ganSingleMS[0], "ClusterXYZ");
RETURN nSamplesWritten;
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
See Also
Trend Functions
Exports trend data to the Windows Clipboard. The data is set at the specified Time and Pe-
riod, and listed from earliest to latest. Any gated or invalid data is written as 0.0.
Data is stored as a grid, with each row time-stamped. The first column/field is the date, fol-
lowed by the time, followed by the tags 1 to 8.
You can use the ClipMode argument to make the output more useful. For example, to paste
the data into Excel, use ClipMode 2 for CSV format. If you use ClipMode 1 or 3, the default
paste menu option causes data to be pasted into the user’s spreadsheet as text. If you use
ClipMode 3, use the Paste Special option to paste the required format. Please be aware that
not all packages support multiple clipboard formats in this way.
TrnExportClip(Time, Period, Length, Mode, ClipMode, sTag1 ... sTag8, iDisplayMode1 ... iDis-
playMode 8)
The starting time for the data being exported.
The period (in seconds) of the entries being exported. (This period can differ from
the actual trend period.)
The length of the data table, that is The number of rows of samples to be exported.
for example if you put the length as 12, and you declare two tags to be exported,
you get a grid with 12 rows of samples. Each row has values for each of the two
tags making a total of 24 samples in all.
The format mode to be used:
Periodic trends
1 - Export the Date and Time, followed by the tags.
2 - Export the Time only, followed by the tags.
4 - Ignore any invalid or gated values. (Only supported for periodic trends.)
8 - The time returned will have millisecond accuracy.
Event trends
1 - Export the Time, Date and Event Number, followed by the tags.
2 - Export the Time and Event Number, followed by the tags.
8 - The time returned will have millisecond accuracy.
The format for the data being exported.
1 - Text
2 - CSV
You can add these modes for a combination of formats.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Note: If using this function to export trends by using event numbers, you must specify a
valid event number in the Time argument, rather than a time.
Related Functions
ClipSetMode, TrnExportCSV
TrnExportClip(TimeCurrent(), 2, 60 * 60/2, 2, 3, "Feed",
/* Export the last hour of data from the trend tags Feed and Weight
to the clipboard in both Text and CSV formats. Note that the 60 *
60/2 is a decomposed way or writing 1800, which is the number of 2
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
See Also
Trend Functions
Exports trend data to a file in CSV (Comma Separated Variable) format. The data is set at
the specified Time and Period, and listed from earliest to latest. Any gated or invalid data is
written as 0.0.
Data is stored as a grid, with each row time-stamped. The first column/field is the date, fol-
lowed by the time, followed by the tags 1 to 8.
You can view the CSV file with a text editor, and import the file directly into other packages
such as Excel for data analysis and presentation.
If you’re using this function to export trends by using event numbers, you must specify a
valid event number in the Time argument, rather than a time.
TrnExportCSV(Filename, Time, Period, Length, Mode, sTag1 ... sTag8, iDisplayMode1 ... iDis-
playMode 8)
The name of the destination path and file.
The starting time for the data being exported.
The period (in seconds) of the entries being exported. (This period can differ from
the actual trend period.)
The length of the data table, that is, The number of rows of samples to be export-
ed. for example if you put the length as 12, and you declare two tags to be export-
ed, you get a grid with 12 rows of samples. Each row has values for each of the
two tags making a total of 24 samples in all.
The format mode to be used:
Periodic trends
1 - Export the Date and Time, followed by the tags.
2 - Export the Time only, followed by the tags.
4 - Ignore any invalid or gated values. (This mode is only supported for periodic
8 - The time returned will have millisecond accuracy.
Event trends
1 - Export the Time, Date and Event Number, followed by the tags.
2 - Export the Time and Event Number, followed by the tags.
8 - The time returned will have millisecond accuracy.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnExportDBF, TrnPrint
TrnExportCSV("c:\TrnData.CSV", TimeCurrent(), 2, 60 * 60/2, 2,
"Feed", "Weight");
/* Export the last hour of data from the trend tags Feed and
The 60 * 60/2 is a decomposed way or writing 1800, which is the
number of 2 second samples in 1 hour. */
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
See Also
Trend Functions
Exports trend data to a file in dBASE III format. The data is set at the specified Time and
Period, and listed from earliest to latest. Any gated or invalid data is written as 0.0.
Data is stored as a grid, with each row time-stamped. The first column/field is the date, fol-
lowed by the time, followed by the tags 1 to 8.
You can import the DBF file directly into other packages such as Excel, for data analysis and
TrnExportDBF(Filename, Time, Period, Length, Mode, sTag1 ... sTag8, iDisplayMode1 ... iDis-
playMode 8)
The name of the destination path and file.
The starting time for the data being exported.
The period (in seconds) of the entries being exported. (This period can differ from
the actual trend period.)
The length of the data table, that is The number of rows of samples to be exported.
for example if you put the length as 12, and you declare two tags to be exported,
you get a grid with 12 rows of samples. Each row has values for each of the two
tags making a total of 24 samples in all.
The format mode to be used:
Periodic trends
1 - Export the Date and Time, followed by the tags.
2 - Export the Time only, followed by the tags.
4 - Ignore any invalid or gated values. (This mode is only supported for periodic
8 - The time returned will have millisecond accuracy.
Event trends
1 - Export the Time, Date and Event Number, followed by the tags.
2 - Export the Time and Event Number, followed by the tags.
8 - The time returned will have millisecond accuracy.
sTag1 ... sTag8:
The trend tag names for the data being exported. Tag names longer than 10 char-
acters will be truncated, as the standard DBF field format is 10 characters.
iDisplayMode1 ... iDisplayMode8:
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
The Display Mode parameters allow you to enter a single integer to specify the
display options for a trend (for a maximum of eight trends).
To calculate the integer that you should enter for a particular trend, select the op-
tions you wish to use from those listed below, adding their associated numbers
together. The resulting integer is the DisplayMode parameter for that trend. By
default, this argument is set to 3 (see the details for options 1 and 2 below).
Invalid/Gated trend options:
0 - Convert invalid/gated trend samples to zero.
1 - Leave invalid/gated trend samples as they are.
Invalid and gated samples that are not converted to zero will appear in the desti-
nation file as the string "na" (for invalid) or "gated".
Ordering trend sample options:
0 - Order returned trend samples from oldest to newest.
2 - Order returned trend samples from newest to oldest.
Condense method options:
0 - Set the condense method to use the mean of the samples.
4 - Set the condense method to use the minimum of the samples.
8 - Set the condense method to use the maximum of the samples.
12 - Set the condense method to use the newest of the samples.
Stretch method options:
0 - Set the stretch method to step.
128 - Set the stretch method to use a ratio.
256 - Set the stretch method to use raw samples.
Gap Fill Constant option:
n - the number of missed samples that the user wants to gap fill) x 4096.
Options listed in each group are mutually exclusive. The default value for each
Display Mode is 258 (0 + 2 + 256).
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnExportCSV, TrnPrint
TrnExportDBF("c:\TrnData.DBF", TimeCurrent(), 2, 60 * 60/2, 2,
"Feed", "Weight");
/* Export the last hour of data from the trend tags Feed and
Weight. Note that the 60 * 60/2 is a decomposed way or writing
1800, which is the number of 2 second samples in 1 hour. */
See Also
Trend Functions
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Exports trend data via DDE. The data is set at the specified Time and Period, and listed
from earliest to latest. Any gated or invalid data is written as 0.0. Data is stored as a grid,
with each row time-stamped. The first column/field is the date, followed by the time, fol-
lowed by the tags 1 to 8.
You can use the DDEMode argument to make the output more useful. For example; to
paste the data into Excel, use DDEMode 2 for CSV format. If you use DDEMode 1, data will
be put into the user’s spreadsheet as text.
Note: If you’re using this function to export trends by using event numbers, you must spec-
ify a valid event number in the Time argument, rather than a time.
TrnExportDDE(sApplication, sDocument, sTopic, Time, Period, Length, Mode, DDEMode,
sTag1 ... sTag8, iDisplayMode1 ... iDisplayMode 8)
The application name to export the data.
The document in the application to export the data.
The topic in the application to export the data. Note you may have to use a special
topic format to make the data export correctly. See your application documenta-
tion for details; For example with Excel you must specify the matrix of rows and
columns as "R1C1:R8C50" depending on the size of the data.
The name of the destination path and file.
The starting time for the data being exported.
The period (in seconds) of the entries being exported. (This period can differ from
the actual trend period.)
The length of the data table, that is The number of rows of samples to be exported.
for example if you put the length as 12, and you declare two tags to be exported,
you get a grid with 12 rows of samples. Each row has values for each of the two
tags making a total of 24 samples in all.
The format mode to be used:
Periodic trends
1 - Export the Date and Time, followed by the tags.
2 - Export the Time only, followed by the tags.
4 - Ignore any invalid or gated values. (This mode is only supported for periodic
8 - The time returned will have millisecond accuracy.
Event trends
1 - Export the Time, Date and Event Number, followed by the tags.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnExportCSV, TrnExportClip, TrnExportDBF
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
TrnExportDDE("Excel", "data.xls", "R1C1:R61C4", TimeCurrent(), 1,
60, 2, 2, "Feed", "Weight");
/* Export the last 60 seconds of data from the trend tags Feed and
Weight into Excel at R1C1:R61C4 in CSV formats */
See Also
Trend Functions
Writes acquired trend data to disk without waiting for the trend buffer to be filled. Cit-
ectSCADA normally buffers the trend data in memory and only writes to disk when re-
quired, to give optimum performance. Because this function reduces the performance of
the Trends Server, use it only when necessary.
TrnFlush(Name [, ClusterName] )
The name of the logging tag (can be prefixed by the name of the cluster that is
ClusterName.Tag). Set to " * " to flush all trend data.
The name of the cluster in which the trend tag resides. This is optional if you have
one cluster or are resolving the trend via the current cluster context. The argu-
ment is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnFlush("Trend1", "ClusterXYZ");
! Forces the Trend1 data to be written to disk.
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the event number of a trend at an offset for a specified pen. This function only operates
on an event-based trend.
TrnGetBufEvent(AN, Pen, Offset)
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
The AN where the trend is located.
The trend pen number:
0 - The pen currently in focus
1...8 - Pen1. . .Pen8
The trend buffer offset, in samples. The number of samples can range from 0 to
the maximum number of samples that can display on the trend - 1.
Return Value
The event number. If Offset is not within boundaries, 0 (zero) is returned. If AN or Pen is
invalid, 0 (zero) is returned and an error code is set.
Related Functions
TrnGetEvent, TrnSetEvent, TrnGetCursorEvent
! For the trend at AN20
/* Displays the trend event at offset 10 for the pen currently in
focus. The event will display at AN31. */
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the time and date of a trend at an offset for a specified pen. The Offset should be a value
between 0 (zero) and the number of samples displayed on the trend.
TrnGetBufTime(AN, Pen, Offset)
The AN where the trend is located.
The trend pen number:
0 - The pen currently in focus
1...8 - Pen1. . .Pen8
The trend buffer offset, in samples. The number of samples can range from 0 to
the maximum number of samples that can display on the trend - 1.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Return Value
A time/date variable. If Offset is not within boundaries, 0 (zero) is returned. If AN or Pen is
invalid, 0(zero) is returned and an error code is set.
Related Functions
! For the trend at AN20
INT time;
time = TrnGetBufTime(20,0,10);
IF time <> 0 THEN
/* Displays the trend date at offset 10 for the pen currently in
focus. The time will display at AN31. */
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the value of a trend at an offset for a specified pen. The offset should be a value be-
tween -1 and the number of samples displayed on the trend.
TrnGetBufValue(AN, Pen, Offset)
The AN where the trend is located.
The trend pen number:
0 - The pen currently in focus
1...8 - Pen1. . .Pen8
The trend buffer offset, in samples. The number of samples can range from -1 to
the maximum number of samples that can display on the trend minus 1.
-1 means get the last valid value in the display (provided it is less than 1.5 sample
periods old).
If there is no invalid or gated sample within the last 1.5 sample periods, it is as-
sumed that a sample has been missed and an invalid trend value is returned. See
the TrnIsValidValue function.
Return Value
The trend value. If the actual value is gated or invalid, the standard invalid or gated values
are returned (no error is set). You can check this return value using TrnIsValidValue().
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Related Functions
TrnGetCursorValue, TrnIsValidValue
! For the trend at AN20
/* Displays the trend value at offset 10 for the pen currently in
focus. */
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the cluster name of a trend graph on a page.
The AN of the chosen trend graph.
Return Value
The name of the cluster the trend graph is associated with.
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the event number of a trend, at the trend cursor position for a specified pen. This func-
tion only operates on an event-based trend.
TrnGetCursorEvent(AN, Pen)
The AN where the trend is located.
The trend pen number:
0 - The pen currently in focus
1...8 - Pen1. . .Pen8
Return Value
The event number, or 0 (zero) if the trend cursor is disabled.
Related Functions
TrnSetEvent, TrnGetCluster, TrnGetEvent
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
! For the trend at AN20
/* Displays the trend event at the cursor for the pen currently in
focus. The event will display at AN31. */
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the time (in milliseconds from the previous midnight) at a trend cursor for a specified
TrnGetCursorMSTime(AN, Pen)
The AN where the trend is located.
The trend pen number:
0 - The pen currently in focus
1...8 - Pen1. . .Pen8
Return Value
The number of milliseconds since the previous midnight. If the trend cursor is disabled, 0
(zero) is returned. If AN or Pen is invalid, 0 (zero) is returned and an error code is set.
Related Functions
! For the trend at AN20
STRING timeStr;
STRING msecStr;
timeStr = TimeToString(TrnGetCursorTime(20,1),2) + " ";
msecStr = TimeToString(TrnGetCursorMSTime(20,1),6);
DspText(31,0,timeStr + msecStr);
! Returns "23/02/01 10:53:22.717"
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the offset of a trend cursor from its origin, in samples.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
The AN where the trend is located.
Return Value
The offset of a trend cursor from its origin, in samples, or -1 if the trend cursor is disabled.
Related Functions
! For the trend at AN20
! If the trend cursor is disabled
! Sets Offset to -1.
! If the trend cursor is 50 samples from the origin
! Sets Offset to 50.
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the time and date at a trend cursor for a specified pen.
TrnGetCursorTime(AN, Pen)
The AN where the trend is located.
The trend pen number:
0 - The pen currently in focus
1...8 - Pen1. . .Pen8
Return Value
A time/date variable. If the trend cursor is disabled, 0 (zero) is returned. If AN or Pen is in-
valid, 0 (zero) is returned and an error code is set.
Related Functions
! For the trend at AN20
INT time;
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
time = TrnGetCursorTime(20,1);
! Displays the trend cursor date for Pen1.
! Displays the trend cursor time for Pen1.
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the value at a trend cursor for a specified pen.
TrnGetCursorValue(AN, Pen)
The AN where the trend is located.
The trend pen number:
0 - The pen currently in focus
1...8 - Pen1. . .Pen8
Return Value
The trend value. If the actual value is gated or invalid, the standard invalid or gated values
are returned (no error is set). You can check this return value using TrnIsValidValue().
Related Functions
! For the trend at AN20
! Displays the value at the trend cursor for the focus pen.
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the value at a trend cursor for a specified pen. The value is returned as a formatted
string using the pen’s format specification and (optionally) the engineering units.
TrnGetCursorValueStr(AN, Pen, EngUnits)
The AN where the trend is located.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
The trend pen number:
0 - The pen currently in focus
1...8 - Pen1. . .Pen8
Engineering units mode:
0 - Do not include the engineering units at the end of the formatted string.
1 - Include the engineering units at the end of the formatted string.
Return Value
The trend value (as a string). If trend data is invalid, or an argument passed to the function
is invalid "<na>" is returned. If the actual value is gated (not triggered) "<gated>" is re-
turned. If the trend cursor is disabled, an empty string is returned.
Related Functions
! For the trend at AN20
/* Displays the value at the trend cursor for the focus pen. The
value will display as a formatted string (including the
engineering units).*/
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the default engineering zero and full scales of a trend tag.
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
TrnGetDefScale(Tag, LoScale, HiScale [, ClusterName] )
The trend tag enclosed in quotation marks "" (can be prefixed by the name of the
cluster that is "ClusterName.Tag").
The engineering zero scale.
The engineering full scale.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
The name of the cluster in which the trend tag resides. This is optional if you have
one cluster or are resolving the trend via the current cluster context. The argu-
ment is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnGetScale, TrnInfo
REAL LoScale;
REAL HiScale;
/* Returns engineering zero and full scales of the trend tag
"PV1". */
See Also
Trend Functions
Returns the display mode of the selected trend pen. The display mode is set using TrnSet-
TrnGetDisplayMode(AN, PenNumber)
The AN of the chosen trend.
The trend pen number:
0 - The pen currently in focus.
1...8 - Pen1. . .Pen8.
Return Value
An integer representing the trend’s display mode:
Invalid/Gated trend options:
0 - Convert invalid/gated trend samples to zero.
1 - Leave invalid/gated trend samples as they are.
Ordering trend sample options:
0 - Order returned trend samples from oldest to newest.
2 - Order returned trend samples from newest to oldest.
Condense method options:
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Related Functions
int DisplayMode = TrnGetDisplayMode (10, 7)
/* Returns The Display Mode of pen 7 for the trend at AN 10.*/
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the event number of the trend at a percentage along the trend, using the current event
as the base point. This function only operates on an event-based trend. The first recorded
event (the start event) would be event number 1 and the highest number would be the latest
event. The event number is stored in a LONG and would eventually wrap around if you
have enough events.
TrnGetEvent(AN, Pen, Percent)
The AN of the chosen trend.
The trend pen number:
0 - The pen currently in focus
1...8 - Pen1. . .Pen8
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
The percentage of the trend from the starting event, from 0 (the start event) to 100
(the end event).
Return Value
The event number.
Related Functions
TrnSetEvent, TrnGetCluster, TrnGetCursorEvent
/* Display the start event for the current pen of the trend at
AN20. */
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the format of a trend tag being plotted by a specified pen.
TrnGetFormat(AN, Pen, Width, DecPlaces)
The AN of the chosen trend.
The trend pen number:
0 - The pen currently in focus
1...8 - Pen1. . .Pen8
The width of the format.
The number of decimal places in the format.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnGetScale, TrnGetUnits
/* If the trend tag being plotted by Pen1 of the trend at AN20 has
a format of "###.#" */
! Sets Width to 5 and DecPlaces to 1.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
See Also
Trend Functions
Returns the internally stored value for <GATED>. If the internally stored value changes in
the future, you will not need to modify your Cicode, as this function will return the correct
Return Value
The internally stored value for <GATED>.
Related Functions
TrnGetInvalidValue, TrnIsValidValue
REAL MyTrendValue;
IF MyTrendValue = TrnGetGatedValue() THEN
Prompt ("This value is <GATED>")
IF MyTrendValue = TrnGetInvalidValue() THEN
Prompt("This value is <TRN_NO_VALUES>")
Prompt("Trend value is = " + RealToStr(MyTrendValue, 10, 1));
See Also
Trend Functions
Returns the internally stored value for <INVALID>. If the internally stored value changes
in the future, you will not need to modify your Cicode, as this function will return the cor-
rect value.
Return Value
The internally stored value for <INVALID>.
Related Functions
TrnGetGatedValue, TrnIsValidValue
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
REAL newArray[100];
REAL oldArray[90];
INT trigger;
INT i;
FOR i = 0 TO 99 DO
IF TrnIsValidValue(oldArray[i]) = 1 OR trigger = 0 THEN
newArray[i] = TrnGetGatedValue();
IF i >= 90 OR TrnIsValidValue(oldArray[i]) = 2 THEN
newArray[i] = TrnGetInvalidValue();
newArray[i] = oldArray[i] * 2;
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the mode (real-time or historical trending) of the trend pen.
TrnGetMode(AN, Pen)
The AN of the chosen trend.
The trend pen number:
0 - The pen currently in focus
1...8 - Pen1. . .Pen8
Return Value
The current mode, 0 for real-time or 1 for historical.
Related Functions
! For the trend at AN20
INT Mode;
! Gets the current mode of the pen in focus.
IF Mode=0 THEN
DspText(31,0,"Real Time Trending");
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
DspText(31,0,"Historical Trending");
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the time (in milliseconds from the previous midnight) of the trend (plotted by a spec-
ified pen) at a percentage along the trend, using the time and date of the right-most sample
displayed. The time associated with the right-most sample displayed is known as the end
time. The start time is the time of the left-most sample displayed. Percent 0 (zero) will cor-
respond to the end time, and Percent 100 will correspond to the start time
TrnGetMSTime(AN, Pen, Percent)
The AN of the chosen trend.
The trend pen number:
0 - The pen currently in focus
1...8 - Pen1. . .Pen8
The percentage of the trend from the time and date of the right-most sample dis-
played (end time), from 0 to 100.
Return Value
The number of milliseconds since the previous midnight. Zero (0) is returned if an error is
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Related Functions
! For Pen 1 at AN20
STRING timeStr;
STRING msecStr;
timeStr = TimeToString(TrnGetTime(20,1,100),2) + " ";
msecStr = TimeToString(TrnGetMSTime(20,1,100),6);
DspText(31,0,timeStr + msecStr);
"23/02/01 10:53:22.717"
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the trend tag being plotted by a specified pen.
TrnGetPen(AN, Pen [, Mode] )
The AN of the chosen trend.
The trend pen number:
0 - The pen currently in focus
1...8 - Pen1. . .Pen8
An optional argument used to specify whether the trend tag name is returned
with a cluster prefix. Set:
0 return tag without cluster prefix (default)
1 return tag with cluster prefix.
Return Value
The trend tag (as a string) being plotted by Pen. If AN or Pen is invalid, an empty string is
returned, and an error code is set. You can call the IsError() function to get the actual error
Related Functions
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
! For the trend at AN20
! Displays the trend tag with cluster prefix of the focus pen.
See Also
Trend Functions
Retrieves the comment of a pen.
TrnGetPenComment(AN, Pen)
The AN of the chosen trend.
The trend pen number:
0 - The pen currently in focus
1...8 - Pen1. . .Pen8
Return Value
The comment of the pen as a string.
Related Functions
! For the trend at AN18
! Displays the trend comment of the focus pen.
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the number of the pen currently in focus.
The AN of the chosen trend.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Return Value
The pen currently in focus (between 1 and 8). If AN is invalid, -1 is returned and an error
code is set.
Related Functions
! For the trend at AN20
! Displays the pen currently in focus.
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the pen number of a pen name. The pens on a trend are either defined in the Page
Trends database or set by the TrnSetPen() function.
TrnGetPenNo(AN, Tag)
The AN of the chosen trend.
The trend tag.
Return Value
The pen number, or 0 (zero) if an error is detected.
Related Functions
/* Assume that 8 trend fonts, Pen1TrendFont ... Pen8TrendFont are
defined in the Fonts database. The following code will display the
trend tag using the matching font for that pen. */
! For the trend at AN20
INT iPen;
iPen = TrnGetPenNo(20,"PV1");
IF 0 < iPen AND iPen < 9 THEN
sFont = "Pen" + IntToStr(iPen) + "TrendFont";
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the current display period of a trend. (To obtain the sampling period, use the TrnInfo
The AN of the chosen trend.
Return Value
The current display period of a trend (in seconds), or 0 (zero) if an error is detected.
Related Functions
TrnSetPeriod, TrnInfo
/* For the trend at AN20, get and display the current display
period. */
! If the period is 10 seconds
INT Period;
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the display scale of the trend tag being plotted by a specified pen.
TrnGetScale(AN, Pen, Percent)
The AN of the chosen trend.
The trend pen number:
0 - The pen currently in focus
1...8 - Pen1. . .Pen8
The percentage of the full scale, from 0 to 100.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Return Value
The scale of the trend tag being plotted by Pen. If AN or Pen is invalid, 0 (zero) is returned
and an error code is set.
Related Functions
TrnSetScale, TrnGetDefScale
! For the trend at AN20
! Displays the zero scale of the focus pen.
! Displays the 50% scale of the focus pen.
! Displays the full scale of the focus pen.
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the scale of the trend tag being plotted by a specified pen. The value is returned as a
formatted string using the pen’s format specification and (optionally) the engineering
TrnGetScaleStr(AN, Pen, Percent, EngUnits)
The AN of the chosen trend.
The trend pen number:
0 - The pen currently in focus
1...8 - Pen1. . .Pen8
The percentage of the full scale, from 0 to 100.
Engineering units mode:
0 - Do not include the engineering units at the end of the formatted string.
1 - Include the engineering units at the end of the formatted string.
Return Value
The scale of the trend tag being plotted by Pen (as a string). If AN or Pen is invalid, <na> is
returned and an error code is set.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Related Functions
! For the trend at AN20
/* Displays the zero scale of the focus pen. The scale displays as
a formatted string (including the engineering units). */
/* Displays the 50% scale of Pen2. The scale displays as a
formatted string (including the engineering units). */
/* Displays the full scale of the trend tag being plotted by the
focus pen. The scale displays as a formatted string (excluding the
engineering units). */
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the span time of a trend (if the span was set by the TrnSetSpan() function). The span
time is the total time displayed in the trend window.
Note: If you call the TrnSetPeriod() function after the TrnSetSpan() function, the span is au-
tomatically set to 0 (zero).
The AN of the chosen trend.
Return Value
The span time, in seconds. 0(zero) is returned if the AN is invalid or if the span was not set
by the TrnSetSpan() function.
Related Functions
TrnSetSpan, TrnGetPeriod, TrnSetPeriod
// Use a keyboard command or button to set a span of 2 hours.
// Then use TrnGetSpan function to display the span
Time = TrnGetSpan(40)
See Also
Trend Functions
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
This function allows you to tabulate values from a specific section of trend. The values in
the table (possibly an array variable) are arranged by time.
If the period (Period) is different to the trend’s sampling period (configured in the Trend
Tags database), the returned values are determined by DisplayMode.
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
TrnGetTable(Tag, Time, Period, Length, Table, DisplayMode, Milliseconds [, ClusterName] )
The trend tag enclosed in quotation marks "" (can be prefixed by the name of the
cluster that is ClusterName.Tag).
The end time and date (long integer) of the desired trend section. Once you have
entered the end time and date (Time), period (Period), and number of trend tag
values collected (Length), the start time and date will be calculated automatically.
For example, if Time = StrToDate("18/12/96") + StrToTime("09:00"), Period = 30,
and Length = 60, the start time would be 08:30. In other words, the trend values
for the period between 8.30am and 9am (on December 18, 1996) would be tabu-
If this argument is set to 0 (zero), the time used will be the current time.
The time difference between tabulated trend values (in seconds). For example, if
you set this period to 30 seconds, CitectSCADA will get the last trend value (sam-
pled at the end of the trend section), then get the trend value that was sampled 30
seconds before that, and so on until it reaches the start time of the trend section.
If this period is different to the trend’s sampling period, the trend values will be
averaged or interpolated. Set to 0 (zero) to default to the actual trend period.
The number of trend values to store in the trend table, from 1 to the maximum
number of items in the table. This argument has a max of 4000 (in v6). Specifying
a length of greater than 4000 results in a return value of 0 and IsError()=274
(INVALID_ARGUMENT). This limitation can be configured using the citect.ini
parameter [Trend]MaxRequestLength.
The Cicode array in which the trend data is stored. You can enter the name of an
array here (see the example).
The Display Mode parameters allow you to enter a single integer to specify the
display options for a trend (for a maximum of eight trends).
To calculate the integer that you should enter for a particular trend, select the op-
tions you want to use from those listed below, adding their associated numbers
together. The resulting integer is the DisplayMode parameter for that trend.
Invalid/Gated trend options:
0 - Convert invalid/gated trend samples to zero.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Return Value
The actual number of samples read. 0(zero) is returned if an error occurs. You can call the
IsError() function to get the actual error code.
Related Functions
TrnSetTable, TrnGetDisplayMode
REAL TrendTable1[100];
/* Defines an array of a maximum of 100 entries in which the trend
data is stored. */
+StrToTime("09:00"),2,10,TrendTable1[0],0, "ClusterXYZ");
/* Stores the values of trend tag "OP1" in Table TrendTable1. Data
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the time and date of the trend (plotted by a specified pen) at a percentage along the
trend, using the time and date of the right-most sample displayed. The time associated with
the rightmost sample displayed is known as the end time. The start time is the time of the
left-most sample displayed. Percent 0 (zero) will correspond to the end time, and Percent
100 will correspond to the start time.
TrnGetTime(AN, Pen, Percent)
The AN of the chosen trend.
The trend pen number:
0 - The pen currently in focus
1...8 - Pen1. . .Pen8
The percentage of the trend from the time and date of the right-most sample dis-
played (end time), from 0 to 100.
Return Value
A time/date variable. 0 (zero) is returned if an error is detected.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Related Functions
! For the trend at AN20
! Displays the trend current date for the focus pen.
! Displays the trend current time for the focus pen.
! Displays the time 50% along the trend for the focus pen.
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the data units for the trend tag plotted by a specified Pen.
TrnGetUnits(AN, Pen)
The AN of the chosen trend.
The trend pen number:
0 - The pen currently in focus
1...8 - Pen1. . .Pen8
Return Value
The data units for the trend tag plotted by Pen, otherwise an empty string is returned, and
an error code is set. You can call the IsError() function to get the actual error code.
Related Functions
TrnGetFormat, TrnGetScale
! For the trend at AN20
! Displays the data units for the focus pen.
See Also
Trend Functions
Gets the configured values of a trend tag.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
TrnInfo(Tag, Type [, ClusterName] )
The name of the trend tag enclosed in quotation marks "" (can be prefixed by the
name of the cluster that is ClusterName.Tag).
The type of information required:
1 - Trend Type
2 - Sample Period (to obtain the Display Period, use the TrnGetPeriod function)
3 - Trend File Name (without file extension)
4 - Area
5 - Privilege
6 - Current Event Number. Valid only for event type trends
7 - Engineering Units
8 - The storage method used for the tag. A returned value of 2 represents two byte
storage (scaled), 8 represents eight byte storage (floating point).
9 - The file period of the tag in seconds. If the file period is set to monthly or year-
ly, a file period cannot be calculated as months and years vary in length.
Therefore, a file period of 0 will be returned for trends with such file peri-
The name of the cluster in which the trend tag resides. This is optional if you have
one cluster or are resolving the trend via the current cluster context. The argu-
ment is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
The value (as a string), otherwise an empty string is returned, and an error code is set. You
can call the IsError() function to get the actual error code.
! Get the file name of trend tag LT131
sFileName = TrnInfo("LT131", 3, "ClusterXYZ");
See Also
Trend Functions
Determines whether a logged trend value is:
<VALID> - an actual trend value;
<GATED> - if a periodic trend has a trigger condition, and that condition is FALSE, a
standard substitute (or GATED) value is logged instead of the actual value; or
<INVALID> - for some reason, no value was logged.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
A trend value (of type REAL).
Return Value
0 for <VALID>
1 for <GATED>
2 for <INVALID>
Related Functions
TrnGetGatedValue, TrnGetInvalidValue
INT i;
FOR i = 0 TO 99 DO
IF TrnIsValidValue(oldArray[i]) = 1 OR trigger = 0 THEN
newArray[i] = TrnGetGatedValue();
Prompt ("This value is <GATED>");
IF i >= 90 OR TrnIsValidValue(oldArray[i]) = 2 THEN
newArray[i] = TrnGetInvalidValue();
newArray[i] = oldArray[i] * 2;
Prompt ("This value is <TRN_NO_VALUES>");
See Also
Trend Functions
Creates a new trend at run time. This function performs the same operation as an entry in
the Page Trends database. After the trend is created by the TrnNew() function, all the other
trend functions can access and control the trend.
TrnNew(AN, Trend [, Tag1 ... Tag8] [, ClusterName] )
The AN where the bottom right-hand corner of the trend is located.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnNew(20,"trn002","PV1","OP1", "ClusterXYZ");
/* Creates a new trend at AN20 using trend definition 2, plotting
"PV1" on Pen1 and "OP1" on Pen2. */
See Also
Trend Functions
Prints the trend line of one or more trend tags. Each trend line is drawn with a different pen
style and marker as appropriate. The trend plot includes a comment and a legend, and you
can specify the vertical high and low scales. The Mode defines the color mode of the printer.
The default mode is black and white.
For more advanced trend plotting, you can use the low-level plot functions.
TrnPlot(sPort, nSamples, iTime, rPeriod, sTitle, AN, Tag1......Tag8, iMode, sComment,
rLoScale1, rHiScale1, ......rLoScale8, rHiScale8)
The name of the printer port to which the plot will be printed. This name must be
enclosed within quotation marks. For example LPT1:, to print to the local printer,
or \\Pserver\canon1 using UNC to print to a network printer.
The number of data points on the plot.
The end point in time (the most recent point) for the trend plot.
The period (in seconds) of the trend plot. This can differ from the actual trend pe-
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnComparePlot, TrnPrint, PlotOpen, SPCPlot
/* Prints a black and white plot to LPT1, containing the trend
lines of two variable tags (PV1 & PV2). The trend lines have a
starting time of 9am, on 11/10/96, 200 sample points, and a period
of 2 seconds. The trend line of PV1 will be on a vertical scale of
0-200, and PV2 will be on a vertical scale of 0-400. */
INT time;
Time = StrToDate("11/10/96") + StrToTime("09:00:00");
TrnPlot("LPT1:",200,Time,2,"Citect Trend
Plot","PV1","PV2","","","","","","",0,"Process variable operation
at shutdown",0,200,0,400);
See Also
Trend Functions
Prints the trend that is displayed on the screen (at AN) using the current display mode for
each trend. You can specify the trend title, the target printer, whether to print in color or
black and white, and whether to display the Plot Setup form when the function is called.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
TrnPrint(sPort, sTitle, AN, iModeColour, iDisplayForm)
The name of the printer port to which the plot will be printed. This name must be
enclosed within quotation marks "". For example "LPT1:", to print to the local
printer, or "\\Pserver\canon1" using UNC to print to a network printer.
It is not necessary to enter a printer port. The first time the printer port is omitted,
you will be prompted to select one at the Printer Setup form. The selection you
make will then be used as the default.
The title to print at the top of the trend plot. If you do not specify a title in sTitle,
the page title will be used.
The AN where the trend plot is located.
The color mode of the printer.
-1 - Color to be decided (Default). CitectSCADA refers to the [GENERAL]Print-
erColourMode parameter to determine print color. If there is no setting for
this parameter, it will default to black and white.
0 - Black and White
1 - Color
Defines whether or not the Plot Setup form will display when the function is
called. This form allows you to enter the color mode of the printer, and define the
printer setup etc. (See Printing Trend Data for more information on this form.)
-1 - CitectSCADA refers to the [GENERAL]DisablePlotSetupForm parameter to de-
termine if the form will display.
0 - Do not display form
1 - Display form
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnPlot, TrnComparePlot, WinPrint, SPCPlot
TrnPrint("LPT1:","Test Print",40,0,0);
/* Prints the trend plot displayed at AN40, without prompting for
setup details.*/
See Also
Trend Functions
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Gets the number of samples configured for the currently displayed trend.
The AN where the trend is located.
Return Value
The number of samples configured for the trend, or 0 (zero) if an error is detected. You can
call the IsError() function to get the actual error code.
/* For the trend at AN20, get and display the number of samples */
INT nSamples;
See Also
Trend Functions
Scrolls the trend pen by a specified percentage (of span), or number of samples.
TrnScroll(AN, Pen, nScroll [, nMode] )
The AN where the trend is located. Set to -1 for all trends on the current page.
The trend pen number. Set to -1 for all pens.
The amount by which the trend will be scrolled. Use nMode to specify whether
the trend will be scrolled by percentage or by number of samples.
Because the resolution of Client requests is 1 second, requests of millisecond ac-
curacy are rounded to 1 second. For example, if requested to scroll 2 samples of
400 milliseconds (a total of 0.8 seconds), the trend will actually scroll 1 second.
The type of scrolling to be performed.
1 - The trend will be scrolled by a percentage of span. Default.
2 - The trend will be scrolled by a number of samples. This mode is not available
if the user puts the trend into the ’trend span’ mode by setting the span. In
this case no scrolling would take place; the user must use nMode 1.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Scroll all pens (of the trend at an20) 100% forwards.
TrnScroll(20,-1,100); or TrnScroll(20,-1,100,1);
! Scrolls all pens (of all trends on the current trend page) 300% backwards.
TrnScroll(-1, -1, -300); or TrnScroll(20,-1.-300,1);
!Scrolls all pens (of all trends on the current trend page) 3 samples forwards.
!Scrolls all pens (of all trends on the current trend page) 1 sample backwards.
See Also
Trend Functions
Sets up a page for a trend. This function allows you to set up a trend before the trend page
is displayed. You can therefore use a single trend page to display any trend in the project
by selecting the trend first, and then displaying the trend page. The PageTrend() function
uses this function to display the standard trend pages.
Call this function and a set of TrnSetPen() functions before you display a trend page. When
the trend page is displayed, all pens set by the TrnSetPen() functions are displayed. You can
use the TrnSelect() function to configure different set of pens to be displayed on one generic
trend page. The pen settings in the Page Trend database are overridden.
Note: Trend functions used after the TrnSelect() function must use the special value -2 as
their AN. (See the example below).
TrnSelect(Window, Page, AN [, ClusterName] )
The window number (returned from the WinNumber function).
-3 - for the current window.
-2 - for the next window displayed.
The name of the page that displays the trend.
The AN where the trend displays, or -3 for the first trend on the page.
The name of the cluster that is associated with any trend tag for this trend graph.
This is optional if you have one cluster or are resolving the trend via the current
cluster context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnSetPen, PageTrend, WinNumber
TrnSelect(WinNumber(), "TrendPage", 40, "ClusterXYZ");
See Also
Trend Functions
Moves the trend cursor by a specified number of samples. If the trend cursor is disabled,
this function enables it. If the cursor is enabled and the number of samples is 0 (zero), the
cursor is disabled. If the cursor is moved off the current trend frame, the trend scrolls.
TrnSetCursor(AN, Samples)
The AN where the trend is located. Set to -1 for all trends on the current page.
The number of samples to move the cursor.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnGetCursorTime, TrnGetCursorValue, TrnGetCursorValueStr, TrnSetCursorPos
! For the trend at AN20
! Moves the trend cursor forwards 1 sample.
! Moves the trend cursor (of all trends on the current trend page)
backwards 40 samples.
See Also
Trend Functions
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Moves the trend cursor to a specified x-axis point, offset from the trend cursor origin. If the
trend cursor is disabled, this function enables it. If the position is outside of the trend frame,
it sets the trend cursor to half of the frame.
TrnSetCursorPos(AN, Position)
The AN where the trend is located. Set to -1 for all trends on the current page.
The x-axis point at which to position the trend cursor, offset from the trend cursor
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnGetCursorPos, TrnSetCursor
! For the trend at AN20, if the trend frame is 400 points
! Moves the trend cursor to its origin.
! Moves the trend cursor to half of its frame size (200 points).
See Also
Trend Functions
Specifies how raw trend samples are displayed on the screen.
TrnSetDisplayMode(AN, PenNumber, DisplayMode)
The animation number of the chosen trend.
The pen number of the chosen trend. Specify:
0 - The current pen
1-8 - Pens 1 through 8
-1 - All pens
The Display Mode parameters allow you to enter a single integer to specify the
display options for a trend (for a maximum of eight trends).
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
To calculate the integer you should enter, select the options you want to use from
the list below, adding their associated numbers together. The resulting integer is
the DisplayMode parameter for that trend.
Note: Options listed in each group are mutually exclusive. The default value for each Dis-
play Mode is 258 (0 + 2 + 256).
Invalid/Gated trend options:
0 - Convert invalid/gated trend samples to zero.
1 - Leave invalid/gated trend samples as they are.
Ordering trend sample options:
0 - Order returned trend samples from oldest to newest.
2 - Order returned trend samples from newest to oldest.
Condense method options:
0 - Set the condense method to use the mean of the samples.
4 - Set the condense method to use the minimum of the samples.
8 - Set the condense method to use the maximum of the samples.
12 - Set the condense method to use the newest of the samples.
Stretch method options:
0 - Set the stretch method to step.
128 - Set the stretch method to use a ratio.
256 - Set the stretch method to use raw samples.
Gap Fill Constant option:
n - the number of missed samples that the user wants to gap fill) x 4096.
Display as Periodic options:
0 - Display according to trend type.
1048576 - display as periodic regardless of trend type.
Since the Display as Periodic options are read-only, they cannot be set using
TrnSetDisplayMode. They can be retrieved using TrnGetDisplayMode() and also
used with the TrnExport group of functions.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnGetDisplayMode, TrnGetTable
See Also
Trend Functions
Sets the start event of a trend pen. This function only operates on an event-based trend.
TrnSetEvent(AN, Pen, Event)
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnGetEvent, TrnGetCluster, TrnGetCursorEvent
! Sets pen1 to event number 123456
! Scrolls pen1 back by 100 events
See Also
Trend Functions
Sets the trend tag of a trend pen. The trend pen changes to the specified tag and the trend
is refreshed. The trend pen must be in the operator’s area to be displayed. If outside of the
operator’s area, data is not displayed. You cannot mix periodic trends and event trends in
the same trend window.
TrnSetPen(AN, Pen, Tag)
The AN where the trend is located.
-1 - All trends on the current trend page.
-2 - The function being called is using the special AN setup by the TrnSelect()
The pen for which the trend tag will be changed.
-2 - The first available pen (This value is automatically changed to 0 for SPC
trends because they have only one pen per trend.)
-1 - All pens on the trend. (DO NOT USE for SPC trends.)
0 - The pen currently in focus.
1...8 - Pen1....Pen8
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
The trend tag. If Tag = ! the pen is deleted.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned. Note that if a mixture of periodic and
event trends is detected, the return value is 0 (zero), but the hardware alarm #329 is set.
Related Functions
TrnGetPen, TrnSelect
! For the trend at AN20
! Sets the trend tag of Pen1 to "PV1".
See Also
Trend Functions
Sets the focus to a specified pen. After the focus is set, the focus pen is used with other trend
TrnSetPenFocus(AN, Pen)
The AN of the chosen trend.
The trend pen:
-4 - Make the next pen the focus pen; do not skip blank pens.
-3 - Make the previous pen the focus pen; do not skip blank pens.
-2 - Make the next pen the focus pen; skip blank pens.
-1 - Make the previous pen the focus pen; skip blank pens.
0 - Do not change the focus pen.
1...8 - Change Pen1. . .8 to be the focus pen.
Return Value
The old pen focus number, or -1 if an error is detected. You can call the IsError() function
to get the actual error code.
Related Functions
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
System Keyboard
Key Sequence NextPen
Command TrnSetPenFocus(20, -2)
Comment For the trend at AN20, make the next pen the focus pen
See Also
Trend Functions
Sets the display period (time base) of a trend. When the period is changed, CitectSCADA
reads the historical data to reconstruct the trend data, and refreshes the trend. All pens
have the same display period.
This function clears the span set by the TrnSetSpan() function.
TrnSetPeriod(AN, Period)
The AN where the trend is located. Set to -1 for all trends on the current page.
The new sampling period (in seconds) of the trend. To set the display period to
the sampling period, set this argument to 0 (zero),
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnGetPeriod, TrnEcho, TrendSetTimebase, TrendSetSpan
System Keyboard
Key Sequence ## Enter
Command TrnSetPeriod(20, Arg1)
Comment Set a new sampling period for the trend at AN20
See Also
Trend Functions
Sets a new scale for a trend pen. In the automatic scaling mode, the zero and full scales are
automatically generated.
TrnSetScale(AN, Pen, Percent, Scale)
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
The AN where the trend is located. Set to -1 for all trends on the current page.
The trend pen number:
-1 - All pens
0 - The pen currently in focus
1...8 - Pen1...Pen8
The scale mode:
-2 - Set both zero and full scales to the default scales.
-1 - Place the trend into automatic scale mode.
0 - Set the zero scale.
100 - Set the full scale.
The new value of the scale. Scale is ignored if Percent is -2.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnGetScale, TrnEcho, TrnSetScale
! For the trend at AN20
! Sets the full scale of all pens to 5000.0
See Also
Trend Functions
Sets the span time of a trend. The span time is the total time displayed in the trend window.
You can set the period to contain fractions of a second. For example, if you set a trend with
240 samples to a span of 10 minutes, then each sample would be 2.5 seconds. Choose a span
long enough to provide a sufficient sample rate to capture accurate real time data.
TrnSetSpan(AN, Span)
The AN of the chosen trend.
The span time (in seconds).
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnSetPeriod, TrnGetSpan, TrnSetSpan
// Set a span of 2 hours.
// Then use TrnGetSpan function to display the span
Time = TrnGetSpan(40);
See Also
Trend Functions
Writes trend tag data from a table to the trend logging system (starting at the top of the ta-
ble, and continuing to the bottom). Each value is written with a time and date, as specified
by Period. If Period differs from the trend sampling period (defined in the Trend Tags data-
base), the trend’s sample values will be calculated (averaged or interpolated) from the tab-
ulated trend data.
The user must have the correct privilege (as specified in the database), otherwise the data
is not written.
This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation
is complete.
TrnSetTable(Tag, Time, Period, Length, Table, Milliseconds [, ClusterName] )
The trend tag enclosed in quotation marks "" (can be prefixed by the name of the
cluster that is ClusterName.Tag).
The time and date (long integer) to be associated with the first value in the table
when it is set. Once you have entered the end time and date (Time), set period
(Period), and number of trend tag values to be set (Length), the start time and
date will be calculated automatically. For example, if Time = StrToDate("18/12/
96") + StrToTime("09:00"), Period = 30, and Length = 60, the start time would be
08:30. In other words, the first value from the table would be set with time 9am,
and the last would be set with time 8.30am (on December 18, 1996).
If this argument is set to 0 (zero), the time used will be the current time.
This will be the interval (in seconds) between trend values when they are set (that
is it will be the perceived sampling period for the trend). This period can differ
from the actual trend period. Set to 0 (zero) to default to the actual trend period.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
The number of trend values in the trend table.
The table of floating-point values in which the trend data is stored. You can enter
the name of an array here (see the example).
This argument allows you to set the time of the first sample in the table with mil-
lisecond precision. After defining the time and date in seconds with the Time ar-
gument, you can then use this argument to define the milliseconds component of
the time.
For example, if you wanted to set data from the 18/12/96, at 9am, 13 seconds, and
250 milliseconds you could set the Time and Milliseconds arguments as follows:
Time = StrToDate("18/12/96") + StrToTime("09:00:13")
Milliseconds = 250
If you don’t enter a milliseconds value, it defaults to 0 (zero). There is no range
constraint, but as there are only 1000 milliseconds in a second, you should keep
your entry between 0 (zero) and 999.
The name of the cluster in which the trend tag resides. This is optional if you have
one cluster or are resolving the trend via the current cluster context. The argu-
ment is enclosed in quotation marks "".
Return Value
The actual number of samples read. The return value is 0 if an error is detected. You can
call the IsError() function to get the actual error code.
Related Functions
REAL TrendTable1[100];
/* Defines an array of a maximum of 100 entries. Assume that
TrendTable1 has been storing data from a source. */
+StrToTime("09:00"),2,10,TrendTable1[0], "ClusterXYZ");
/* A set of 10 trend data values are set for the OP1 trend tag. */
See Also
Trend Functions
Sets the end time and date of a trend pen. If you set a time less than the current time, the
trend display is set to historical mode and samples taken after this time and date will not
be displayed. If you set the time to the current time, for example by using the TimeCurrent
or TrendZoom cicode functions, the trend is displayed in real-time mode and samples after
this date and time will display.
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
TrnSetTime(AN, Pen, Time)
The AN where the trend is located, or:
-1 - All trends on the current page
0 - The trend where the cursor is positioned
The trend pen number:
-1 - All pens
0 - The pen currently in focus
1...8 - Pen1. . .Pen8
The end time and date of the trend. Samples taken after this time and date will
not be displayed. Set to 0 (zero) to set the trend to the current time (real-time
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
TrnGetTime, TrnSetTime
/* Sets Pen1 to 30 minutes before the current time (30 minutes ago). */
/* Sets the trend to real-time mode. */
See Also
Trend Functions
Chapter: 52 Trend Functions
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
Window functions control the display of windows. You can open, move, size, activate, and
de-activate windows. You can also specify titles for your windows.
Window Functions
Following are functions relating to Windows:
GetWinTitle Returns the name of the active window as a string.
HtmlHelp Invokes the Microsoft HTML Help application
WinCopy Copies the active window to the Windows clipboard.
WinFile Writes the active window to a file.
WinFree Removes a display window.
WinGetFocus Gets the number of the CitectSCADA window that has the keyboard
WinGetWndHnd Gets the window handle for the current window.
WinGoto Changes the active window.
WinMode Sets the display mode of the active window.
WinMove Moves the active window.
WinNew Opens a display window.
WinNewAt Opens a display window at specified coordinates.
WinNext Makes the next window active.
WinNumber Gets the window number of the active CitectSCADA window.
WinPos Positions a window on the screen.
WinPrev Makes the previous window active.
WinPrint Prints the active window.
WinPrintFile Prints a file to the printer.
WinSelect Selects a window for Cicode output.
WinSize Sizes a window.
WinStyle Switches on and off scrolling and scroll bar features for existing win-
WinTitle Sets the title of the active window.
WndFind Gets the Windows number of any window in any application.
WndGetFileProfile Gets a profile string from any .INI file.
WndGetProfile This function is obsolete from this version of the product.
WndHelp Invokes the Windows Help application.
WndInfo Gets the Windows system metrics information.
WndPutFileProfile Puts a profile string into any .INI file.
WndPutProfile This function is obsolete from this version of the product.
WndShow Sets the display mode of any window of any application.
WndViewer Invokes the Windows Multimedia application.
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
See Also
Functions Reference
Returns the name of the active window as a string.
Note: This function is unavailable in the Web Client.
Return Value
The title of the active window as a string if successful; otherwise, an error is returned.
Related Functions
See Also
Window Functions
Invokes the Microsoft HTML Help application (hh.exe) to display a specific topic from a
specific HTML help file (.chm).
HtmlHelp(sHelpFile, nCommand, sData)
The help file to display. For example: "C:\Program Files\Citect\CitectSCADA
The type of help:
0 - Display a topic identified by an internal file name in the sData field. This is the
name of the file within the .chm file. For example:
1 - Display a topic identified by the Mapped Topic ID in the sData field. For ex-
ample: "1000"
2 - Terminate the help application
3 - Display the index
Optional data, depending on the value of nCommand. See above.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
Related Functions
The following example displays the overview page of the CitectSCADA help:
Files\Citect\CitectSCADA 7.10\bin\CitectSCADA.chm", 0,
See Also
Window Functions
Copies the graphics image of the active window to the Windows Clipboard. You can paste
this Clipboard image into other applications.
This function might not work as expected if called directly from the Kernel; instead, this
function should be called from a graphics page.
This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
WinCopy( [xScale] [, yScale] [, bSwapBlackWhite] [, fromColor] [, toColor] [, sMap] )
The x scaling factor for the item being copied. This argument is optional, as a de-
fault setting of 1 is used to maintain the current horizontal scaling of the image.
The outcome is proportional to 1; for example, 0.5 halves the width of the image.
The y scaling factor for the item being copied. This argument is optional, as a de-
fault setting of 1 is used to maintain the current vertical scaling of the image. The
outcome is proportional to 1; for example, 0.5 halves the height of the image.
Swaps the colors black and white for the purpose of printing pages with a lot of
black content. Use the value of 1 to swap black and white. default is 0 (optional).
The hex RGB color value (0xRRGGBB) to change into toColor. The default value
of -1 results in no color change (optional).
The hex RGB color value (0xRRGGBB) into which fromColor is changed. The de-
fault value of -1 results in no color change (optional).
Note: To change a color, a value must be specified for both fromColor and toColor.
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
The file name or path of a text based map file used to specify colours to swap
when printing. By default Citect will look in the bin directory for the map file. The
format for the map file is:
RRR1, GGG1 and BBB1 are decimal values for red, green and blue in the range 000
to 255. They specify the color to change FROM.
RRR2, GGG2 and BBB2 are decimal values for red, green and blue in the range 000
to 255. They specify the color to change TO.
HHH, SSS and LLL are optional tolerance values to enable swapping a range of
colors. The tolerance values are applied to the FROM color when replacing indi-
vidual pixels in the image. Default values are shown below.
HHH is a decimal value representing the Hue tolerance. Valid range is 0 to 360.
Default = 0.
SSS is a decimal value representing the Saturation tolerance. Valid range is 0 to
255. Default = 2 * Hue tolerance.
LLL is a decimal value representing the Luminance tolerance. Valid range is 0 to
255. Default = 2 * Hue tolerance.
Leading zeros are not required, however they aid readability.
Comments may be placed at the end of each line, or on individual lines, and must
be proceeded with // or !.
Example map file:
043 043 255 155 205 255 025 000 025 //Change dark blue to light blue using Hue and
Luminance tolerance of 25
000 000 000 255 255 255 //Swap black to white with no tolerance
Note: A Hue tolerance range cannot overlap with another specified Hue, or Hue tolerance
range. If this occurs, there is a possibility that the color will not be swapped.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Copies the active window to the Windows Clipboard.
! Copies the active window to the Windows Clipboard at half the
current size.
See Also
Window Functions
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
Writes the graphics image of the active window to a file. The file is saved in the CitectSCA-
DA compressed .bmp format.
This function might not work as expected if called directly from the Kernel; instead, this
function should be called from a graphics page.
This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
WinFile(sFile [, xScale] [, yScale] [, bSwapBlackWhite] [, fromColor] [, toColor] [, sMap] )
The name of the file to be created.
The x scaling factor for the item being printed. This argument is optional, as a de-
fault setting of 1 is used to maintain the horizontal scaling of the image. The out-
come is proportional to 1; for example, 0.5 halves the width of the image .
The y scaling factor for the item being printed. This argument is optional, as a de-
fault setting of 1 is used to maintain the current vertical scaling of the image. The
outcome is proportional to 1; for example, 0.5 halves the height of the image.
Swaps the colors black and white for the purpose of printing pages with a lot of
black content. The value of 1 swaps black and white. Default is 0 (optional).
The hex RGB color value (0xRRGGBB) to change into toColor. The default value
of -1 results in no color change (optional).
The hex RGB color value (0xRRGGBB) into which fromColor is changed. The de-
fault value of -1 results in no color change (optional).
Note: To change a color, a value must be specified for both fromColor and toColor.
The file name or path of a text based map file used to specify colours to swap
when printing. By default Citect will look in the bin directory for the map file. The
format for the map file is:
RRR1, GGG1 and BBB1 are decimal values for red, green and blue in the range 000
to 255. They specify the color to change FROM.
RRR2, GGG2 and BBB2 are decimal values for red, green and blue in the range 000
to 255. They specify the color to change TO.
HHH, SSS and LLL are optional tolerance values to enable swapping a range of
colors. The tolerance values are applied to the FROM color when replacing indi-
vidual pixels in the image. Default values are shown below.
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
HHH is a decimal value representing the Hue tolerance. Valid range is 0 to 360.
Default = 0.
SSS is a decimal value representing the Saturation tolerance. Valid range is 0 to
255. Default = 2 * Hue tolerance.
LLL is a decimal value representing the Luminance tolerance. Valid range is 0 to
255. Default = 2 * Hue tolerance.
Leading zeros are not required, however they aid readability.
Comments may be placed at the end of each line, or on individual lines, and must
be proceeded with // or !.
Example map file:
043 043 255 155 205 255 025 000 025 //Change dark blue to light blue using Hue and
Luminance tolerance of 25
000 000 000 255 255 255 //Swap black to white with no tolerance
Note: A Hue tolerance range cannot overlap with another specified Hue, or Hue tolerance
range. If this occurs, there is a possibility that the color will not be swapped.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
/* Writes the active window to a file named DUMP in the current
directory. */
See Also
Window Functions
Removes the active display window. Be aware that the last window (and any child win-
dows owned by the last window) cannot be removed. You cannot call this function as an
exit command (see Page Properties) or from a Cicode Object.
This function cannot be used in the CitectSCADA Web Client.
This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
Related Functions
WinNew, WinNewAt
! Removes the active display window.
See Also
Window Functions
Gets the number of the CitectSCADA window that has the keyboard focus.
Return Value
The window number of the CitectSCADA window that has the keyboard focus. Note that
this is not the same as the window handle, returned from the WndFind() function.
Related Functions
! Gets the number of the CitectSCADA window that has
the keyboard focus
See Also
Window Functions
Gets the window handle for the current window. The window handle may be used by ’C’
programs and CitectSCADA Wnd... functions. You may pass the windows handle to a ’C’
program by using the DLL functions.
Return Value
The window handle if successful, otherwise 0 (zero) is returned. Note that this is not the
same as a CitectSCADA window number returned from the WinNumber() function.
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
Related Functions
DLLCall, WinNew, WndFind, WndShow
INT hWnd;
hWnd = WinGetWndHnd();
WinShow(hWnd,6); //iconize the window
See Also
Window Functions
Changes the active window. The specified window is placed in front of all other windows
and all keyboard commands will apply to this window. You cannot call this function as an
exit command (see Page Properties) or from a Cicode Object.
Note: This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
The window number (returned from the WinNumber() function). Note that this
is not the same as the window handle, returned from the WndFind() function.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! If two windows are displayed;
! Changes the active window to Window 1.
! Changes the active window to Window 0.
See Also
Window Functions
Sets the display mode of the active CitectSCADA window.
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
Note: This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
The mode:
0 - Hide the window.
2 - Activate the window in an iconized state.
3 - Activate the window in a maximized state.
4 - Display the window in its previous state without activating it.
5 - Activate the window in its current state.
6 - Iconize the window.
7 - Display the window in an iconized state without activating it.
8 - Display the window in its current state without activating it.
9 - Activate the window in its previous state.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Iconize the active CitectSCADA window.
See Also
Window Functions
Moves the active window to a new location and sizes the window in a single operation.
This is the same as calling the WinPos() and the WinSize() functions. You use PageInfo to
get the current window position.
This function cannot be used in the CitectSCADA Web Client.
This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
WinMove(X, Y, Width, Height)
X, Y:
The new x and y pixel coordinates of the top-left corner of the active window.
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
The width of the window, in pixels.
The height of the window, in pixels.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
WinSize, WinPos, PageInfo
/* Moves the top-left corner of the active window to the pixel
coordinate 100,50 and size the window to 500 x 300 pixels. */
See Also
Window Functions
Opens a new display window, with a specified page displayed. The window can later be
destroyed with the WinFree() function.
You can also specify if the displayed page operates within the context of a particular cluster
in a multiple cluster project. When the page is displayed during runtime, the ClusterName
argument is used to resolve any tags that do not have a cluster explicitly defined.
Note: This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
The name or page number of the page to display (in quotation marks ""). Can be
prefixed by the name of a host cluster, that is "ClusterName.Page". This will take
precedence over the use of the ClusterName parameter if the two differ.
The name of the cluster that will accommodate the page at runtime. This is op-
tional if you have one cluster or are resolving the page via the current cluster con-
text. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "". If the Page parameter is
prefixed with the name of a cluster, this parameter will not be used.
Return Value
The window number of the window, or -1 if the window cannot be opened. Note that this
is not the same as the window handle returned from the WndFind() function.
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
Related Functions
WinFree, WinNewAt
! If the display window being opened is window number 2:
! Displays the Alarm page and sets Window to 2.
See Also
Window Functions
Opens a new display window at a specified location, with a selected page displayed. The
window can later be destroyed with the WinFree() function.
You can also specify if the displayed page operates within the context of a particular cluster
in a multiple cluster project. When the page is displayed during runtime, the ClusterName
argument is used to resolve any tags that do not have a cluster explicitly defined.
Note: This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
WinNewAt(Page, X, Y, Mode, ClusterName)
The name or page number of the page to display (in quotation marks ""). Can be
prefixed by the name of a host cluster, that is "ClusterName.Page". This will take
precedence over the use of the ClusterName parameter if the two differ.
The x pixel coordinate of the top left corner of the window.
The y pixel coordinate of the top left corner of the window.
The mode of the window:
0 - Normal page.
1 - Page child window. The window is closed when a new page is displayed, for
example, when the PageDisplay() or PageGoto() function is called. The
parent is the current active window.
2 - Window child window. The window is closed automatically when the parent
window is freed with the WinFree() function. The parent is the current ac-
tive window.
4 - No re-size. The window is displayed with thin borders and no maximize/min-
imize icons. The window cannot be re-sized.
8 - No icons. The window is displayed with thin borders and no maximize/mini-
mize or system menu icons. The window cannot be re-sized.
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
Return Value
The window number of the window, or -1 if the window cannot be opened. Note that this
is not the same as the window handle returned from the WndFind() function.
Related Functions
WinFree, WinNew
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
Text Mimic Page
Command WinNewAt("Mimic", 100, 20, 0)
Comment Display the mimic page in a new window at coordinate 100, 20.
Text Pop Page
Command WinNewAt("Popup", 100, 200, 2)
Comment Display the popup page in a child window at coordinate 100, 200
Text Pop Page
Command WinNewAt("Popup", 100, 200, 4)
Comment Display the popup page in a new window with no maximize and minimize
System Keyboard
Key Sequence Pop ######## Enter
Command WinNewAt(Arg1, 100, 200, 2)
Comment Display a specified popup page in a child window at coordinate 100, 200
System Keyboard
Key Sequence Pop ######## Enter
Command WinNewAt(Arg1, 100, 200, 4)
Comment Display a specified popup page in a new window with no maximize and
minimize icons
See Also
Window Functions
Makes the next window (in order of creation) active.
Return Value
The window number of the window, or -1 if there is no next window. Note that this is not
the same as the window handle returned from the WndFind() function.
Related Functions
WinNew, WinPrev
! If the display window being made active is window number 2:
! Makes the next window active and sets Window to 2.
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
See Also
Window Functions
Gets the window number of the active CitectSCADA window. This number can be used
with other functions to control the window.
Return Value
The window number of the window. Note that this is not the same as the window handle
returned from the WndFind() function.
Related Functions
WinNew, WinGoto
! Create a new window, but keep the active window the same:
See Also
Window Functions
Moves the active window to a new location. You use PageInfo() to get the current window
Note: This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
WinPos(X, Y)
X, Y:
The new x and y pixel coordinates of the top-left corner of the active window.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
WinSize, WinMove, PageInfo
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
/* Moves the top-left corner of the active window to the pixel
coordinate 100,50. */
See Also
Window Functions
Makes the previous window (in order of creation) active.
Return Value
The window number of the window, or -1 if there is no next window. Note that this is not
the same as the window handle returned from the WndFind() function.
Related Functions
! If the display window being made active is window number 2:
! Makes the previous window active and sets Window to 2.
See Also
Window Functions
Sends the graphics image of the active window to a printer.
This function might not work as expected if called directly from the Kernel; instead, this
function should be called from a graphics page.
This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
WinPrint(sPort [, xScale] [, yScale] [, bSwapBlackWhite] [, fromColor] [, toColor] [, sMap] )
The name of the printer port to which the window will be printed. This name
must be enclosed within quotation marks "". For example "LPT1:", to print to the
local printer, or "\\Pserver\canon1" using UNC to print to a network printer.
sPort may not contain spaces.
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
The x scaling factor for the print. The default value of 0 (zero) automatically scales
the print to fit the page. A value of 1 is used to maintain the current horizontal
scaling of the image. The outcome is proportional to 1; for example, 0.5 halves the
width of the image (optional).
The y scaling factor for the print. The default value of 0 (zero) automatically scales
the print to fit the page. A value of 1 is used to maintain the current horizontal
scaling of the image. The outcome is proportional to 1; for example, 0.5 halves the
width of the image (optional).
Swaps the colors black and white for the purpose of printing pages with a lot of
black content. Use the default value of 1 to swap black and white (optional).
The hex RGB color value (0xRRGGBB) to change into toColor. The default value
of -1 results in no color change (optional).
The hex RGB color value (0xRRGGBB) into which fromColor is changed. The de-
fault value of -1 results in no color change (optional).
Note: To change a color, a value must be specified for both fromColor and toColor.
The file name or path of a text based map file used to specify colours to swap
when printing. By default CitectSCADAwill look in the bin directory for the map
file. The format for the map file is:
RRR1, GGG1 and BBB1 are decimal values for red, green and blue in the range 000
to 255. They specify the color to change FROM.
RRR2, GGG2 and BBB2 are decimal values for red, green and blue in the range 000
to 255. They specify the color to change TO.
HHH, SSS and LLL are optional tolerance values to enable swapping a range of
colors. The tolerance values are applied to the FROM color when replacing indi-
vidual pixels in the image. Default values are shown below.
HHH is a decimal value representing the Hue tolerance. Valid range is 0 to 360.
Default = 0.
SSS is a decimal value representing the Saturation tolerance. Valid range is 0 to
255. Default = 2 * Hue tolerance.
LLL is a decimal value representing the Luminance tolerance. Valid range is 0 to
255. Default = 2 * Hue tolerance.
Leading zeros are not required, however they aid readability.
Comments may be placed at the end of each line, or on individual lines, and must
be proceeded with // or !.
Example map file:
043 043 255 155 205 255 025 000 025 //Change dark blue to light blue using Hue and
Luminance tolerance of 25
000 000 000 255 255 255 //Swap black to white with no tolerance
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
Note: A Hue tolerance range cannot overlap with another specified Hue, or Hue tolerance
range. If this occurs, there is a possibility that the color will not be swapped.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Prints the active window on printer "LPT3". The print will be
scaled to fit the largest possible page area and will retain the
orientation of the printer, aspect ratio and colors that are
displayed on screen.
!Prints the page as in the first example, but swaps black and
white on the printout.
!Changes green to red.
!Changes green to red and black to white.
See Also
Window Functions
Prints a file to the system printer. The file must be saved with the WinFile() function.
Note: This function might not work as expected if called directly from the Kernel; if the
WinFile function fails, WinPrintFile either doesn’t print anything or prints a previously
saved page. This function should be called from a graphics page.
WinPrintFile(sFile, sPort [, xScale] [, yScale] [, bSwapBlackWhite] [, fromColor] [, toColor] )
The file name.
The name of the printer port to which the window will be printed. This name
must be enclosed within quotation marks "". For example "LPT1:", to print to the
local printer, or "\\Pserver\canon1" using UNC to print to a network printer.
sPort may not contain spaces
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
The x scaling factor for the print. The default value of 0 (zero) automatically scales
the print to fit the page. A value of 1 is used to maintain the current horizontal
scaling of the image. The outcome is proportional to 1; for example, 0.5 halves the
width of the image (optional).
The y scaling factor for the print. The default value 0 (zero) automatically scales
the print to fit the page. A value of 1 is used to maintain the current horizontal
scaling of the image. The outcome is proportional to 1; for example, 0.5 halves the
width of the image (optional).
Swaps the colors black and white for the purpose of printing pages with a lot of
black content. Use the default value of 1 to swap black and white (optional).
The hex RGB color value (0xRRGGBB) to change into toColor. The default value
of -1 results in no color change (optional).
The hex RGB color value (0xRRGGBB) into which fromColor is changed. The de-
fault value of -1 results in no color change (optional).
Note: To change a color, a value must be specified for both fromColor and toColor.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
! Save image to disk then print.
WinPrintFile("temp", "LPT3:",0,0,0);
! Prints the file "temp" on printer "LPT3". The print will be
scaled to fit the largest possible page area and will retain the
orientation of the printer, aspect ratio and colors that are
displayed on screen.
! Prints the page as in the first example, but swaps black and
white on the printout.
! Changes green to red.
! Changes green to red and black to white.
Window Functions
Selects a window to make active. This function only affects the output of Cicode functions.
It does not change the screen focus of the windows, or move a background window to the
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
Always re-select the original window if it is called from a Page database (Page Numbers,
Page Symbols, and so on), because other Cicode tasks will assume it is the correct window.
This function only changes the active window for the Cicode task that called it.
Note: This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
The window number to select. Note that this is not the same as the window han-
dle returned from the WndFind() function.
Return Value
The old window number.
Related Functions
WinGoto, WinNumber
! Selects window number 1.
Prompt("Message to Window 1");
! Sends message to window number 1.
! Selects window number 2.
Prompt("Message to Window 2");
! Sends message to window number 2.
! Selects original window.
See Also
Window Functions
Sizes the active window. The origin of the window does not move.
Note: This function is not supported in the server process in a multiprocessor environment.
Calling this function from the server process results in a hardware alarm being raised.
WinSize(Width, Height)
Width, Height:
The new width and height of the window, in pixels.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
Related Functions
WinMove, WinPos
! Sizes the active window to 200 pixels wide x 100 pixels high.
See Also
Window Functions
Switches on and off scrolling and scrollbar features for existing windows.
WinStyle(Style, Mode)
One of the following:
1 - Hide horizontal scroll bars.
2 - Hide vertical scroll bars.
3 - Disable horizontal scrolling.
4 - Disable vertical scrolling.
The mode of the option:
0 - Turn option off.
1 - Turn option on.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
To turn horizontal and vertical scroll bars off for the current window:
WinStyle(1, 1);
WinStyle(2, 1);
See Also
Window Functions
Sets the title of the active window.
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
If a window title has been set with the [Page]WinTitle parameter, CitectSCADA uses this
title when it refreshes the page (overriding the window title set with the WinTitle() func-
tion). To prevent CitectSCADA from overriding the title, set the parameter [Page]WinTitle
to *.
The new title for the window.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
WinNew, GetWinTitle
WinTitle(Time()+" "+Date());
! Places the current time and date into the window title.
See Also
Window Functions
Gets the Windows handle of any window of any application, so that the window can be
manipulated. The window handle is not the same as the CitectSCADA window number
and cannot be used with functions that expect the CitectSCADA window number (the
Win... functions).
The window title (caption) must be an exact match of the window name (including any
blank spaces) for this function to find the window. You should therefore check that the oth-
er application does not change the title of the window during execution.
Note that if the title banner of a CitectSCADA window is set with the CitectSCADA param-
eter [Page] WinTitle, you should not specify justification (for example, use {TITLE,32,N}).
If justification is not disabled (that is the N is omitted), you must pass the full title of the
window (including leading and trailing blanks) to this function.
The title (caption) of the window.
Return Value
The window handle. Note that this is not the same as a CitectSCADA window number re-
turned from the WinNumber() function.
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
Related Functions
hWndExcel=WndFind("Microsoft Excel - Book1");
! Gets the Windows number of the window titled "Microsoft Excel -
See Also
Window Functions
Gets a profile string from any .ini file.
WndGetFileProfile(sGroup, sName, sDefault, sFile)
The name of the [group].
The name of the variable.
The default value.
The .ini file name.
Return Value
The profile string from sFile.
Related Functions
! get this user startup page from USER.INI File
sStartup =
See Also
Window Functions
Invokes the Windows Help application (WinHlp32.EXE) to display a specific topic from a
specific help file.
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
WndHelp(sHelpFile, Command, Data)
The help file to display.
The type of help:
1 - Displays the help topic identified by the context string/number in the Data
field. The context string/number must be defined in the [MAP] section of
the help’s .HPJ file.
2 - Closes the Help application. Enter an empty string for the Data argument.
3 - Displays the help contents topic defined by the CONTENTS option in the [OP-
TIONS] section of the .HPJ file.
4 - Displays the contents topic of the designated How to Use Help file. The context
string/number (specified in the Data field) must be defined in the [MAP]
section of the .HPJ file.
5 - Changes the current help contents topic to match the context string/number
specified in the Data field. This topic is used instead of the one defined by
the CONTENTS option in the [OPTIONS] section of the .HPJ file. NOTE:
This will affect Command 3 (see above). The context string/number must
be defined in the [MAP] section of the help’s .HPJ file, and the help file
must already be open. The change will last only until the help file is closed.
8 - Displays, in a pop-up window, the help topic identified by the context string/
number in the Data field. The context string/number must be defined in the
[MAP] section of the .HPJ file.
9 - Tests that the correct help file is displayed. If the correct help file is currently
displayed, this command merely makes the help the active window. If the
incorrect help file is displayed, WinHelp opens the correct file, and dis-
plays the help contents topic defined by the CONTENTS option in the [OP-
TIONS] section of the .HPJ file.
Note: This command will not distinguish between two files of the same name, regardless
of their paths.
11 - Displays the CitectSCADA Help Topics with either the Contents, the Index,
or the Find tab selected, depending on which one was last used. Enter an
empty string for the Data argument.
257 - Searches the help index for your keyword (as specified in the Data field) and
displays the first topic in the index with an identical match. If there is no
match, displays the index with your keyword already entered. To display
the index without passing a keyword, enter an empty string for the Data
258 - Executes the Help macro string specified in the Data field. Help must be run-
ning and the help file must be open, or the message is ignored.
260 - Displays, in a pop-up window, the help topic identified by the context
string/number in the Data field.
261 - Searches the help index for your keyword (as specified in the Data field) and
displays the first topic in the index with an identical match. If there is no
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
match, displays the index with your keyword already entered. To display
the index without passing a keyword, enter an empty string for the Data
The context string/number or keyword of the help topic that is requested.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
WndHelp("MyHelp.HLP", 3, 1);
! Displays the "MyHelp" Contents page.
WndHelp("C:\Help\Process.HLP", 8, 239);
! Displays topic labelled "239" in the "Process" help file.
See Also
Window Functions
Gets information on the window system (such as the widths and heights of the various el-
ements displayed by Windows). WndInfo() can also return flags that indicate whether the
current version of the Windows operating system is a debugging version, whether a mouse
is present, or whether the functions of the left and right mouse buttons have been ex-
The system measurement to be retrieved. All measurements are in pixels. The
system measurement must be one of the following values:
0 - Width of the screen.
1 - Height of the screen.
2 - Width of the arrow bitmap on a vertical scroll bar.
3 - Height of the arrow bitmap on a horizontal scroll bar.
4 - Height of the window title. This is the title height plus the height of the win-
dow frame that cannot be sized (SM_CYBORDER).
5 - Width of the window frame that cannot be sized.
6 - Height of the window frame that cannot be sized.
7 - Width of the frame when the window has the WS_DLGFRAME style.
8 - Height of the frame when the window has the WS_DLGFRAME style.
9 - Height of the scroll box on vertical scroll bar.
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
Return Value
The system metric information.
width = WndInfo(0); ! get width of screen
height = WndInfo(1); ! get height of screen
WinPos(width/2, height/2); ! move window to centre of screen
See Also
Window Functions
Puts a profile string into any .INI file.
WndPutFileProfile(sGroup, sName, sData, sFile)
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
WndPutFileProfile(Name(), "What", "100", "USER.INI");
See Also
Window Functions
Sets the display mode of any window of any application.
WndShow(hWnd, nMode)
The Windows handle of the window (returned from the WndFind() function).
Note that this is not the same as a CitectSCADA window number returned from
the WinNumber() function.
The window mode:
0 - Hide the window.
1 - Activate the window in normal mode.
2 - Activate the window in an iconized state.
3 - Activate the window in a maximized state.
4 - Display the window in its previous state without activating it.
5 - Activate the window in its current state.
6 - Iconize the window.
7 - Display the window in an iconized state without activating it.
8 - Display the window in its current state without activating it.
9 - Activate the window in its previous state.
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Related Functions
WndShow(WndFind("Microsoft Excel"), 0);
! Hides the "Microsoft Excel" window.
See Also
Window Functions
Invokes the Microsoft Multimedia application.
WndViewer(sViewerFile, Command, Data)
The Multimedia Viewer file to display.
The type of help:
1 - Displays a Viewer topic (specified in the Data field) in the main Viewer win-
2 - Displays a Viewer topic (specified in the Data field) in a pop-up window.
The context string of the Multimedia Viewer topic.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
Note:CitectSCADA cannot test if the topic has been found or displayed correctly. For ex-
ample, if you pass an invalid topic, the viewer will open with "Viewer topic does not exist"
- but this function will return 0.
Related Functions
WndViewer("MyFile.MVB",1, "Contents");
! Displays the contents topic in the Multimedia file "MyFile.MVB".
WndViewer("HelpFile.MVB",2, "HelpTip");
! Displays the HelpTip topic in the Multimedia file "HelpFile.MVB"
in a popup.
Chapter: 53 Window Functions
See Also
Window Functions
Part: 4
Technical Reference
This section contains information for Users and describes the following:
Browse Function Field Reference
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
This section describes the error codes used by CitectSCADA in the following situations:
Hardware related errors
Cicode and general errors
Mail API errors
Hardware/Cicode Errors
CitectSCADA ’traps’ system errors automatically. When CitectSCADA detects a system er-
ror, it generates a hardware alarm, and the corresponding error message is placed in the
alarm description. Each error has an associated (unique) error number.
You can use the IsError() function to get the number of the last error. Alternatively, you can
trap and process errors within your user functions. Use the ErrSet() function to enable or
disable error trapping.CitectSCADA ’traps’ system errors automatically. When a system
error occurs, CitectSCADA generates a hardware alarm, and the corresponding error mes-
sage is placed in the alarm description. Each error has an associated (unique) error number.
Range Source Cause
0 - 31 PLC or I/O The I/O Device is reporting an error, or CitectSCADA is experienc-
Device ing the reported error trying communicate with an I/O Device. Of-
Generic er- ten caused by incorrect configuration or improper cabling.
256 -511 General General errors are wide ranging, from animation to server prob-
lems. However, there are two main causes of general errors:
1. Device
External devices such as printers, databases, and files can cause
many different hardware errors since they are beyond the control
of CitectSCADA. Often the device itself is improperly configured or
2. Cicode
Cicode errors are generated when your project configuration calls
a Cicode function in an invalid way, or when a Cicode function re-
turns an error or does illegal operations.
For a detailed list of these errors see Cicode and General Errors.
382 - Invalid tag This will indicate that the tag data validation process has identified
383 data a discrepancy with the tag index values. See Validating distributed
project data for tag-based drivers for more information.
You can use the IsError() function to get the number of the last error. Alternatively, you
can trap and process errors within your user functions. Use the ErrSet() function to enable
or disable error trapping.
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
266 Field not found in file The specified field does not ex-
ist in the device or database. A
function that is trying to access
an individual field in a database
cannot find that field. Check
that you have specified the cor-
rect field name and database
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
268 Key not found in file The requested key was not
found when a key search was
performed on a database de-
vice, that is the record specified
on an indexed search cannot be
found. Either the record does
not exist or you have specified
the wrong key.
271 No more free handles left All the available file handles
have been used, that is too
many files or databases are
open at the same time. Open
fewer files at one time or in-
crease the number of file han-
dles in the [CtEdit]DBFiles
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
279 Report is late for execu- The report cannot run at the
tion rate requested in the configura-
tion. An attempt could have
been made to run a report too
frequently, and the required
data cannot be read from the I/
O Device(s) in time for the next
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
283 Trend has missed sam- The trend cannot run at the
ples rate requested in the configura-
tion. An attempt could have
been made to trend the data
too frequently, and the required
data cannot be read from the I/
O Device(s) in time for the next
trend. Either increase the per-
formance of the communication
link to the PLCs or slow the rate
of trend data acquisition.
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
289 Name does not exist The specified name does not
exist in this context. You are
probably using the wrong
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
291 File not CitectSCADA for- The specified file is not in Cit-
mat ectSCADA format. The file
(trend, graphic, or any other
file) is in an invalid format.
Check that the name of the file
is valid or that the file has not
become corrupted.
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
300 Trend not found The trend does not exist at the
specified AN and page. A trend
function may have been called
when the trend is not defined
for that AN.
301 Trend pen not found The required trend pen name
does not exist in the Trends da-
tabase or is not in the current
user area. Check that the pen
name exists and check the cur-
rent user’s privilege and area.
302 Trend data not valid The requested trend data is not
valid. Either the I/O Device
data was bad, or the CitectSCA-
DA trend server was shut down,
or the trend data was disabled.
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
308 SQL null field data re- Data has been requested from
turned a field that contained no data,
or the SQL server does not sup-
port this type of field data. Cit-
ectSCADA will return an empty
string. Call the SQLFieldInfo()
function to list the fields in the
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
311 Alarm tag synchronize er- When the Alarm server shuts
ror down it writes an alarm save
file. If the alarm server is in tag
mode (rather than record
mode) this message will dis-
play. You can set the mode with
the [Alarm]SaveStyle parame-
ter. You can ignore this mes-
sage as it is an alert only.
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
323 Super Genie not Associat- A Super Genie variable has not
ed been associated correctly. This
error can be detected if a vari-
able passed to the Super Genie
is the wrong data type or the
variable does not exist. The er-
ror will also be detected if the
Ass() function has not been
called for the variable.
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
337 Trend in file does not ex- The trend name inside the
ist trend file does not exist in the
trend database. It is likely that
the trend file belongs to a trend
which is deleted from the sys-
tem configuration.
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
382 Page data / variable tag Page data / variable tag data
data mismatch mismatch with tag-based driv-
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
404 Cluster name and tag A cluster name and a tag with
mismatch a cluster name prefix were both
passed, but they do not match
each other.
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
MAPI Errors
The table below describes the MAPI errors in Cicode.
Error Error title Description
0 SUCCESS_SUCCESS The command completed successfully.
1 MAPI_USER_ABORT The command was aborted by the user.
2 MAPI_E_FAILURE General MAPI error.
3 The login failed, either the login user is unknown,
MAPI_E_LOGIN_FAIL misspelt, or the password is incorrect.
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
4 MAPI_E_DISK_FULL The disk is full. The mail system will copy files into
the temporary directory when mail is read. This can
fill up the local hard disk.
5 Insufficient memory to complete the command.
6 You do not have enough privilege to complete the re-
MAPI_E_ACCESS_DE quested command.
8 You have tried to open too many sessions to the mail
9 Too many attached files in a message.
10 Too many recipients for a mail message.
11 Cannot find the attached file.
12 Cannot open the specified attached file. Most likely
MAPI_E_ATTACHME the file does not exist.
13 Cannot write the attached file.
14 Recipient of the mail message is unknown. Check if
MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_ the user is configured in the mail system or check the
RECIPIENT spelling of the user’s name.
15 Unknown recipient type.
16 No new messages to read.
17 The mail message is invalid.
18 Text message is too large to be sent. If you want to
MAPI_E_TEXT_TOO_ send large text messages, write the text to a file and
LARGE attach the file to the mail message.
19 Mail session is invalid. You should not get this error
MAPI_E_INVALID_SE message; contact Citect Pty Ltd Technical Support.
20 You should not get this error message; contact Citect
MAPI_E_TYPE_NOT_ Pty Ltd Technical Support.
21 The recipient of the mail message is ambiguous.
MAPI_E_AMBIGUOU Specify the exact user name to which the mail is to
S_RECIPIENT be sent.
22 Mail message is in use. You should not get this error
MAPI_E_MESSAGE_I message: contact Citect Pty Ltd Technical Support.
Chapter: 54 Cicode Errors
Chapter: 55 Browse Function Field Reference
Chapter: 55 Browse Function Field Reference
Chapter: 55 Browse Function Field Reference
Chapter: 55 Browse Function Field Reference
Otherwise "System".
Chapter: 55 Browse Function Field Reference
Otherwise - Configured
alarm description.
Chapter: 55 Browse Function Field Reference
Chapter: 55 Browse Function Field Reference
>’, ’<sql_time_format>’)".
Chapter: 55 Browse Function Field Reference
PAGING Alarm paged flag 8 A flag to indicate that the
alarm is going to be paged.
Values are 1 (TRUE) or 0
PAGINGGROUP Paging group for 80 A freeform text field indicat-
alarm ing the sequence of people
to notify in the event the
alarm occurred.
Chapter: 55 Browse Function Field Reference
Chapter: 55 Browse Function Field Reference
Otherwise - Configured
event [or alarm in case
event not defined] descrip-
Otherwise <tag>.
Chapter: 55 Browse Function Field Reference
For Trends:
Chapter: 55 Browse Function Field Reference
Otherwise "System".
Symbols AlarmNextCatRec Cicode function 171
: operator 67 AlarmNextPriRec Cicode function 172
_ObjectCallMethod Cicode function 125 AlarmNextTagRec Cicode function 173
_ObjectGetProperty Cicode function 126 AlarmNotifyVarChange Cicode function 175
_ObjectSetProperty Cicode function 127 AlarmQueryFirstRec Cicode function 176
AlarmQueryNextRec Cicode function 176
alarms, hardware 861
A AlarmSetDelay Cicode function 177
Abs Cicode function 479 AlarmSetDelayRec Cicode function 178
AccControl Cicode function 119 AlarmSetInfo Cicode function 179
AccumBrowseClose Cicode function 120 AlarmSetQuery Cicode function 182
AccumBrowseFirst Cicode function 120 AlarmSetThreshold Cicode function 184
AccumBrowseGetField Cicode function 121 AlarmSetThresholdRec Cicode function 185
AccumBrowseNext Cicode function 122 AlarmSplit Cicode function 186
AccumBrowseNumRecords Cicode function 122 AlarmSumAppend Cicode function 187
AccumBrowseOpen Cicode function 123 AlarmSumCommit Cicode function 188
AccumBrowsePrev Cicode function 124 AlarmSumDelete Cicode function 189
Accumulator Cicode functions 119 AlarmSumFind Cicode function 190
ActiveX Cicode functions 125 AlarmSumFirst Cicode function 192
Alarm Cicode functions 137 AlarmSumGet Cicode function 193
AlarmAck Cicode function 139 AlarmSumLast Cicode function 194
AlarmAckRec Cicode function 141 AlarmSumNext Cicode function 195
AlarmActive Cicode function 142 AlarmSumPrev Cicode function 196
AlarmClear Cicode function 143 AlarmSumSet Cicode function 197
AlarmClearRec Cicode function 145 AlarmSumSplit Cicode function 198
AlarmComment Cicode function 145 AlarmSumType Cicode function 199
AlarmDelete Cicode function 146 AlmSummaryAck Cicode function 200
AlarmDisable Cicode function 147 AlmSummaryClear Cicode function 200
AlarmDisableRec Cicode function 149 AlmSummaryClose Cicode function 201
AlarmDsp Cicode function 150 AlmSummaryCommit Cicode function 201
AlarmDspLast Cicode function 151 AlmSummaryDelete Cicode function 202
AlarmDspNext Cicode function 153 AlmSummaryDeleteAll Cicode function 203
AlarmDspPrev Cicode function 153 AlmSummaryDisable Cicode function 204
AlarmEnable Cicode function 154 AlmSummaryEnable Cicode function 204
AlarmEnableRec Cicode function 156 AlmSummaryFirst Cicode function 205
AlarmEventQue Cicode function 156 AlmSummaryGetField Cicode function 205
AlarmFirstCatRec Cicode function 157 AlmSummaryLast Cicode function 206
AlarmFirstPriRec Cicode function 158 AlmSummaryNext Cicode function 207
AlarmFirstTagRec Cicode function 160 AlmSummaryOpen Cicode function 207
AlarmGetDelay Cicode function 161 AlmSummaryPrev Cicode function 208
AlarmGetDelayRec Cicode function 161 AlmSummarySetFieldValue Cicode function 209
AlarmGetDsp Cicode function 162 AlmTagsAck Cicode function 210
AlarmGetFieldRec Cicode function 164 AlmTagsClear Cicode function 210
AlarmGetInfo Cicode function 167 AlmTagsClose Cicode function 211
AlarmGetOrderbyKey Cicode function 168 AlmTagsDisable Cicode function 211
AlarmGetThreshold Cicode function 169 AlmTagsEnable Cicode function 212
AlarmGetThresholdRec Cicode function 169 AlmTagsFirst Cicode function 212
AlarmHelp Cicode function 170 AlmTagsGetField Cicode function 213