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IELTS - Essay Structure With Sample Answers

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Question type: Argument essays:

This includes:

 Do you agree or disagree?

 Is this positive or negative opinion?
 Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Note that all types of the questions above need a thesis statement in the introduction. Also,
you have to restate your opinion in the conclusion paragraph.

The structure of this type of question would be:


Sentence1: Paraphrase the general topic of the question. (Sometimes this is not given)

.Sentence2: State your opinion (thesis statement), and the main points you will explain in each

Body paragraph 1:

Sentence1: Main view point1 (Topic sentence of the paragraph).

Sentence2, 3: Explain /elaborate on the topic sentence (what, why, how).

Sentence4: Cite with example to support your idea.

Sentence5: A short summary of your ideas in this paragraph. (Ex: owing to that reason,
Therefore, it can be seen that ….

Body paragraph 2:

Sentence1: Main view point2 (Topic sentence of the paragraph).

Sentence2, 3: Explain and expand the topic sentence (what, why, how).

Sentence4: Cite with example to support your idea.

Sentence5: A short summary of your ideas in this paragraph:

Sentence1: Restate your opinion.

Sentence2: Summarize your two main points.

Sentence3: prediction or advice if any.

Notes regarding (agree or disagree question type) type of questions:

1. If the question given is (to what extent do you agree or disagree) then your answer
should state the certainty of your agreement. For example, (I strongly
agree/disagree), (I completely agree/disagree), (I partially agree) or (I agree to some

2. We often use the expression "some people argue" to show that this view is not being
supported by us. Thus the examiner will understand this is not the view we're
supporting and that would show cohesion. These expression are used when we start
a paragraph stating other people's opinions that we oppose then we refute their
views by providing some explanation and evidence to prove they are wrong.

"Some people believe that....However, I believe that…

"Some argue that……Nevertheless, I would argue that…

"It is argued that……In spite of that, I would argue that …

"Although some people claim that…. I believe that…

"Those people who support the idea of …….Having said that, I would argue that..
Notes regarding (Is this positive or negative development) question type:

 For this type of question, you have three methods to approach it.

a. One opinion essay. (You think it's a positive development).

b. Balanced opinion essay. (You think it's both a positive and also
negative development).
c. Refutation essay. (You think it is a positive development but you
should refute the opposing opinion in one of the body paragraphs)

Notes regarding (do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages) question


 In this type of question, you have to decide whether the statement presented in
the question have more or less advantages than disadvantages.
 If you decided that there are more advantages than disadvantages, then
throughout your essay you should talk more about advantages than
disadvantages and vice versa. Therefore, you will be using the balanced
 Allocate two paragraphs to support the side you think it has more
 Start your body paragraphs with the side you think it has more

Bear in mind that in argument essays that ask you about your opinion you should
always state your opinion in the introduction and then restate it in the conclusion.
* Note that there are three different approaches to structure the argumentative essay and you
have to know what are the differences between them and when or how to use them.

1. One opinion approach. (strong opinion) "recommended and less risky"

2. Refutation approach. (strong opinion)
3. Balanced approach. ( flexible opinion)

1. One opinion approach: (strong opinion)

- In the body paragraphs you don’t write anything about the opinion you don’t agree with.
For example, if you disagree with the opinion, then you should write about why you
disagree without mentioning any side of the other opinion in any part of your essay. It is
often called very strong one-sided opinion essay.
- When writing your thesis, use this language (I agree/disagree, I completely agree, I firmly
agree/disagree) rather than this language (I partly agree/disagree, I somewhat

2. Refutation approach: (strong opinion)

- When using this type of approach, in the first sentence of the second body paragraph you
should mention the other people opinion and its benefit as they believe, and then
complete writing the paragraph refuting their opinion (prove it's wrong or has bad

3. Balanced approach: (flexible opinion)

- This type of approach is based on flexible opinion. In other words, you agree with both
sides of the arguments.
- If you bias towards one side of the argument, then you should start writing your body
paragraph supporting the side you biased towards and write more about it maybe two
paragraphs and the other side wire only one paragraph for it.
- If you equally support both arguments, then you should write equally about them, one
paragraph each.
Now that we have learned about these approaches, you may ask when to use them or
which one to use. Well, this depends on how many ideas you can come up with during
the exam.

To clarify even further, consider the two scenarios as below:

 Use the one opinion approach IF:

You can come up with a lot of ideas about one side. Also keep in mind this method is preferable
and easier to approach than the other approach, so it's better to use this one if you have many
ideas in favor of one argument (opinion).

 Use the balanced or the refutation approach IF:

You can't think of many ideas regarding one opinion, then you can think of ideas about both side
of the argument, thus you can come up with a lot of ideas to write in your essay and use the
either the balanced approach or the refutation approach to write your essay.

Very Important notes:

The body of the essay should logically fit with the thesis statement you wrote in the
introduction. The last two sentences of your introduction [the thesis and the outlining
sentence] should serve as a guide for the body of the essay. For instance, if you answered
that you "totally agree" in the introduction, then the body should consist of two or three
paragraphs about why you agree. If you answered that you "somewhat agree", then the
body should be about why you agree, and also why you disagree with the opinion. The body
of an IELTS essay should usually consist of two or three paragraphs. You need to have logical
paragraphing to score well for cohesion and coherence.

The conclusion of your essay also should logically fit the main points of the body paragraphs
and the thesis statement. In other words, your introduction and conclusion should serve as a
mirror reflecting what you have written in the body paragraphs. That way you will not be
penalized under the coherency marking criteria.
How to write introduction for an argument essays?
Every approach we discussed has its own styles and rules in writing the introduction, so now
we will learn how to write introduction for each type of approach.

1. One opinion essay (arguing in favor of one opinion):

If your opinion would be "totally agree/disagree" then in your thesis statement you should
state two main points (reasons) why you agree/disagree without considering or supporting
the opposite opinion, thus in your body paragraph you would not mention anything
regarding the opinion you disagreed with. Therefore, you'll be using the "one opinion
approach" to structure your essay.


Some people believe that the fast pace and stress of modern life is having a negative effect
on families.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer introduction:

There is currently a contentious argument over whether family life is being harmed by the
high-speed and pressure of contemporary lifestyles. I totally agree with this opinion because
the fast pace leads to less time for families to be together, and stress leads to arguments
among family members.

Analyzing the above introduction:

I totally agree with this opinion… (This is part one of the thesis statement "your stance")

" fast pace leads to less time for families to be together, ( this is the first main point/opinion
that the writer will explain and give evidence supporting it in the first body paragraph)

"stress leads to arguments among family members" ( this is the first main point/opinion that
the writer will explain and give evidence supporting it in the first body paragraph)

Note: It's up to you if you want to separate the thesis statement sentence from the outlining
sentence. But if you connect them together it would be a bonus for you as it is regarded as
complex sentence so the examiner will increase your grammar criteria score.

As you can see in the introduction style above, the writer totally agrees that the high-speed
and pressure of contemporary life-style is harming family life. So he did not write anything
about the benefits of the contemporary life-style.
This approach can be used with other argument essay such as:

 Is this positive or negative development?

 What do you think the trend has for the future? It means "Positive, negative
or both"

But don’t use it with this kind of question:

Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Why you may ask! Well, mainly it’s because in this question you will look at both side of the
argument so you will consider both side of the argument in your essay and then give your
opinion on which side outweigh the other..

2. Balanced opinion essay:

If you write your essay using this approach, then your opinion in thesis statement should be
neutral (50/50) or more biased towards one opinion (70/30). Your answer would be one of
those expressions:

I partly agree…
I somewhat agree…
To some extent I agree…

If your answer be one of those expressions, then you should be in favor of both opinion and
then you could equally argue in favor of both side of the argument.


Some people believe that the fast pace and stress of modern life is having a negative effect
on families.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer introduction:

Many people feel that family life is being harmed by the high-speed and pressure of
contemporary lifestyles. I somewhat agree with this opinion because the fast pace leads to
less time for families to be together, and stress leads to arguments among family members;
however, due to the increased time pressure and stress families are forced to cooperate
more, which brings them closer together.
Analyzing the above introduction:

I somewhat agree with this opinion... (This is part of the thesis statement thesis statement
"your stance")

"Less time for families to be together… (This is the first reason why he agree "second part of
the thesis statement")
"Stress leads to arguments among family members… (This is the second reason why he agree
"third part of the thesis statement)

"Due to the increased time pressure and stress families are forced to cooperate more, which
brings them closer together." (This is his reason (argument) in favor of the other side of the
debate. In other words, this is his reason why he disagree with the view given in the

The writer, obviously, agrees and disagrees at the same time as he thinks that there are
negative and also positive points for the question's argument. Therefore, he decided to write
a balanced argument when writing his essay.

Note that in the first body paragraph you should explain the first main point you mentioned
in the thesis statement, and then in the second paragraph you should explain the second
main point you mentioned in the thesis statement. This organization will help your essay in
terms of cohesion and coherence. If you mix them up by explaining the second main point of
the thesis statement in the first paragraph and the first one in the second paragraph that
would affect the cohesion and coherence criteria of your essay.

Note that the topic sentence of the first and the second body paragraph should be logically
and coherently connected with each other and also should be logically and coherently
connected with the thesis statement sentence.

Also not that you should always start the first body paragraph with the argument you most
agree with.
3. Refutation essay:

This type of essay is identical to the strong opinion essay but the difference is that you
mention the opinion of other people who believe that there are positive points for the
opinion you think it's negative.


In the future, it may be scientifically possible for people to live for 150 years. This is a largely
negative development with dangerous effects on our society. Do you agree with this

Sample answer introduction:

Since its invention, the Internet has affected the way people communicate. Some argue that
its influence on the way we communicate is largely negative. However, I believe that the
Internet has greatly increased the possibilities for interaction.

Analyzing the above introduction:

Some argue that its influence on the way we communicate is largely negative. (This is the
opinion of other people which contradict with your opinion and it's in favor of the opinion you
oppose, also it's the opinion you will refute in your essay).

I believe that the Internet has greatly increased the possibilities for interaction.
(This is your opinion that you will support throughout your essay).

Note: when mentioning the other people opinion in your paragraph don’t expand on it just
give a very brief statement about it then connect it with the sentence that will support your
opinion by using these contrasting expressions (nevertheless, however, that being said) or
use although to start the sentence that support the other people opinion.

Below, are some recommended expressions to start off the refutation paragraph:

"Some people believe that....However, I believe that…

"Some argue that……Nevertheless, I would argue that…

"It is argued that……In spite of that, I would argue that …

"Although some people claim that…. I believe that…

"Those people who support the idea of …….Having said that, I would argue that..
Mistakes when deciding on writing balanced essay:

Essays that ask for your opinion have words in the question such as “to what extent do you
agree;” “what is your opinion;” “do you agree or disagree.” My advice to students is always
to say that you totally agree/disagree and only focus on one side of the argument. I would
only write “somewhat agree/disagree” if I didn't have enough things to say about one side of
the argument. I have three main reasons for this.

First, it is more persuasive and therefore leads to a higher score for task response. This is
because when the examiner thinks about the extent you have convinced them of your opinion
it is more powerful when you have just argued about one side.
The second reason is because it is much more difficult to structure an essay this way and it is
more difficult to write it. In this case you are more likely to have issues with cohesion and
coherence and it may take longer to write the essay.

The third reason is because it is less likely you will end up arguing against yourself. I have
read many essays where the writer says they “somewhat agree” but then they have gone on
to write the body of the essay and less has been mentioned about agreeing than disagreeing.

In this case, your score for task response will be limited to 6 because your opinion does not
match the main points of your essay. As well as this your score for cohesion and coherence
may be lowered because confusion may be created in the mind of the reader.
Finally, concessions (where you argue against your main position) can lead to total
confusion when the candidate makes errors with grammar and vocabulary. In other words, it
is risky to write a concession because if you make errors with vocabulary and grammar, the
meaning can be totally unclear and then your score will go spiraling down for all four criteria.

Important note

Basic vs Complex Arguments (thesis statements)

There are two main types of arguments in academic essays: basic and complex.

A basic argument (thesis) consists of a position statement, linked to a series of supporting

points. For example:


“The Lord of the Rings is a great film because the story is riveting, the characters are Commented [d1]: The reader's stance or opinion.
brilliant and the settings spectacular” Commented [d2]: The two main points that support the
reader's position.
A complex argument (thesis) both supports a position statement and rejects or modifies an
opposing one. In other words a complex argument consists of a combination of the basic
argument structures: position statement, supporting points and opposing points of view. For

“Some people do not like The Lord of the Rings (opposing point of view), as it is very
long (supporting point for the opposing point of view). However, despite its length, it is
a great film (author's position) because the story is riveting, the characters are brilliant
and the settings spectacular (supporting points for author's position)"

Guideline from IELTS examiner Simon to approach (To what

extent do you agree or disagree) question type

IELTS Writing Task 2: 'agree or disagree' essay structures

If you're still confused about how to answer questions that ask "to what extent do
you agree or disagree?", just use one of the essay structures below.
Notice that we never discuss the views of other people in this type of essay; the
question asks for your views.
Strong answer, two supporting ideas
1. Introduce the topic, then state a strong opinion (e.g. I completely agree)
2. Main paragraph: explain one reason for your opinion
3. Main paragraph: explain another reason for your opinion
4. Conclusion: repeat / summarise your view
Strong answer, refute the opposite view
1. Introduce the topic, then state a strong opinion (e.g. I completely agree)
2. Main paragraph: explain your opinion
3. Main paragraph: explain why you think the opposite view is wrong
4. Conclusion: repeat / summarise your view
Balanced opinion
1. Introduce the topic, then explain that you have a balanced view
2. Main paragraph: explain your views on one side of the argument
3. Main paragraph: explain why you also recognise the opposite view
4. Conclusion: repeat / summarise your views
Almost balanced opinion, but favouring one side
1. Introduce the topic, then use a "while" sentence (while I accept A, I believe B)
2. Main paragraph: explain why you accept one side of the argument
3. Main paragraph: but explain why you still favour the opposite view
4. Conclusion: repeat / summarise your views
I have used all four of the 'systems' above in different essays here on the blog.
Can you find and link to an example essay for each system?

1. Strong answer, two supporting ideas

Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, so protecting them is a

waste of resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people argue that it is pointless to spend money on the protection of wild
animals because we humans have no need for them. I completely disagree with
this point of view.
In my opinion, it is absurd to argue that wild animals have no place in the 21st
century. I do not believe that planet Earth exists only for the benefit of humans,
and there is nothing special about this particular century that means that we
suddenly have the right to allow or encourage the extinction of any species.
Furthermore, there is no compelling reason why we should let animals die out.
We do not need to exploit or destroy every last square metre of land in order to
feed or accommodate the world’s population. There is plenty of room for us to
exist side by side with wild animals, and this should be our aim.
I also disagree with the idea that protecting animals is a waste of resources. It is
usually the protection of natural habitats that ensures the survival of wild animals,
and most scientists agree that these habitats are also crucial for human survival.
For example, rainforests produce oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide and stabilise the
Earth’s climate. If we destroyed these areas, the costs of managing the resulting
changes to our planet would far outweigh the costs of conservation. By protecting
wild animals and their habitats, we maintain the natural balance of all life on
In conclusion, we have no right to decide whether or not wild animals should
exist, and I believe that we should do everything we can to protect them.
Can you suggest an appropriate conclusion to finish my essay below?
Extreme sports such as sky diving and skiing are very dangerous and
should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?
In recent years, extreme sports have become increasingly popular, and some
people argue that governments should prohibit them. I completely disagree with
the idea that these sports are too dangerous, and I therefore believe that they
should not be banned.
In my opinion, so-called extreme sports are not as dangerous as many people
think. All sports involve some element of risk, and there should always be clear
regulations and safety procedures to reduce the possibility of accidents. People
who take part in extreme sports are usually required to undergo appropriate
training so that the dangers are minimised. For example, anyone who wants to try
skydiving will need to sign up for lessons with a registered club, and beginners
are not allowed to dive solo; they must be accompanied by an experienced
professional. Finally, the protective equipment and technology used in sports from
motor racing to mountain climbing is constantly improving safety.
While I support regulations and safety measures, I believe that it would be wrong,
and almost impossible, to ban extreme sports. In the first place, we should all be
free to decide how we spend our leisure time; as long as we understand the risks,
I do not believe that politicians should stop us from enjoying ourselves. However,
an even stronger argument against such a ban would be the difficulty of enforcing
it. Many of the most risky sports, like base jumping or big wave surfing, are
practised far away from the reach of any authorities. I cannot imagine the police
being called to stop people from parachuting off a mountain face or surfing on an
isolated beach.
In conclusion, given the aforementioned argument, it can be seen that extreme
sports can be practiced safely provided that an adequate training is taken
beforehand. Likewise, the idea of making this kind of sports illegal is far more
2. Strong answer, refute the opposite view

Can you suggest an appropriate conclusion to finish my essay below?

Extreme sports such as sky diving and skiing are very dangerous and
should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?
In recent years, extreme sports have become increasingly popular, and some
people argue that governments should prohibit them. I completely disagree with
the idea that these sports are too dangerous, and I therefore believe that they
should not be banned.
In my opinion, so-called extreme sports are not as dangerous as many people
think. All sports involve some element of risk, and there should always be clear
regulations and safety procedures to reduce the possibility of accidents. People
who take part in extreme sports are usually required to undergo appropriate
training so that the dangers are minimised. For example, anyone who wants to try
skydiving will need to sign up for lessons with a registered club, and beginners
are not allowed to dive solo; they must be accompanied by an experienced
professional. Finally, the protective equipment and technology used in sports from
motor racing to mountain climbing is constantly improving safety.
While I support regulations and safety measures, I believe that it would be wrong,
and almost impossible, to ban extreme sports. In the first place, we should all be
free to decide how we spend our leisure time; as long as we understand the risks,
I do not believe that politicians should stop us from enjoying ourselves. However,
an even stronger argument against such a ban would be the difficulty of enforcing
it. Many of the most risky sports, like base jumping or big wave surfing, are
practised far away from the reach of any authorities. I cannot imagine the police
being called to stop people from parachuting off a mountain face or surfing on an
isolated beach.
In conclusion,…
3. Balanced opinion
It is inevitable that traditional cultures will be lost as technology develops.
Technology and traditional cultures are incompatible. To what extent do
you agree or disagree with this view?
Some people believe that technological developments lead to the loss of
traditional cultures. I partly agree with this assertion; while it may be true in the
case of some societies, others seem to be unaffected by technology and the
modern world.
On the one hand, the advances in technology that have driven from
industrialisation in developed countries have certainly contributed to the
disappearance of traditional ways of life. For example, in pre-industrial Britain,
generations of families grew up in the same small village communities. These
communities had a strong sense of identity, due to their shared customs and
beliefs. However, developments in transport, communications and manufacturing
led to the dispersal of families and village communities as people moved to the
cities in search of work. Nowadays most British villages are inhabited by
commuters, many of whom do not know their closest neighbours.
On the other hand, in some parts of the world traditional cultures still thrive. There
are tribes in the Amazon Rainforest, for example, that have been completely
untouched by the technological developments of the developed world. These
tribal communities continue to hunt and gather food from the forest, and
traditional skills are passed on to children by parents and elders. Other
traditional cultures, such as farming communities in parts of Africa, are embracing
communications technologies. Mobile phones give farmers access to information,
from weather predictions to market prices, which helps them to prosper and
therefore supports their culture.
In conclusion, many traditional ways of life have been lost as a result of advances
in technology, but other traditional communities have survived and even
The older generations tend to have very traditional ideas about how people
should live, think and behave. However, some people believe that these
ideas are not helpful in preparing younger generations for modern life.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?
It is true that many older people believe in traditional values that often seem
incompatible with the needs of younger people. While I agree that some
traditional ideas are outdated, I believe that others are still useful and should not
be forgotten.
On the one hand, many of the ideas that elderly people have about life are
becoming less relevant for younger people. In the past, for example, people
were advised to learn a profession and find a secure job for life, whereas today’s
workers expect much more variety and diversity from their careers. At the same
time, the ‘rules’ around relationships are being eroded as young adults make their
own choices about who and when to marry. But perhaps the greatest disparity
between the generations can be seen in their attitudes towards gender roles. The
traditional roles of men and women, as breadwinners and housewives, are no
longer accepted as necessary or appropriate by most younger people.
On the other hand, some traditional views and values are certainly applicable to
the modern world. For example, older generations attach great importance to
working hard, doing one’s best, and taking pride in one’s work, and these
behaviours can surely benefit young people as they enter today’s competitive job
market. Other characteristics that are perhaps seen as traditional are politeness
and good manners. In our globalised world, young adults can expect to come into
contact with people from a huge variety of backgrounds, and it is more important
than ever to treat others with respect. Finally, I believe that young people would
lead happier lives if they had a more ‘old-fashioned’ sense of community and
In conclusion, although the views of older people may sometimes seem unhelpful
in today’s world, we should not dismiss all traditional ideas as irrelevant.
4. Almost balanced opinion, but favouring one side

Some parents buy their children whatever they ask for, and allow their
children to do whatever they want. Is this a good way to raise children?
What consequences could this style of parenting have for children as they
get older?
It is true that some parents are overly permissive and tend to spoil their children.
In my opinion, this is not a good parenting style, and it can have a range of
negative long-term consequences.
If parents want to raise respectful and well-rounded children, I believe that a
certain amount of discipline is necessary. Having worked with children myself, I
have learnt that clear expectations and boundaries are necessary, and it is
important to be able to say ‘no’ to children when they misbehave or try to push
against these boundaries. This is the only way to help young people to regulate
their desires and develop self-control. In my view, parents who do the opposite
and constantly give in to their children’s demands are actually doing more harm
than good. They are failing their children rather than being kind to them.
The children of indulgent or lenient parents are likely to grow up with several
negative personality traits. The first and most obvious danger is that these
children will become self-centred adults who show little consideration for the
feelings or needs of others. One consequence of such an attitude could be that
these adults are unable to work successfully in teams with other colleagues. A
second negative trait in such people could be impulsiveness. A person who has
never lived with any boundaries is likely to lack the patience to carefully consider
options before making decisions. This may lead, for example, to compulsive
shopping, unwise financial decisions, or even criminal activity.
In conclusion, parents should help their children to develop self-control and
respect for others, and I do not believe that the permissive parenting style
supports this objective.
Model essays regarding agree or disagree questions

In the future, it may be scientifically possible for people to live for 150 years. This is a largely
negative development with dangerous effects on our society. Do you agree with this

To live a longer life has been a dream for countless years. Yet if science delivered this
development to humankind, it could prove to be a disaster for life on earth. This essay will argue
that living a longer life is a negative development for both individuals and for society as a whole.

Those people who support the idea of living a longer life argue that there are significant
advantages such as more time for a quality lifestyle and for achieving personal goals. (Argument
against your viewpoint) However, in my view there are other more important issues such as poor
quality of life due to ill health and limited world resources, which need to be considered.
(Argument to support your viewpoint)

For individual quality of life, living for one hundred and fifty years might be more of a liability
than an advantage. If people lived to an extreme age, their body organs could start to
deteriorate and they may feel unhealthy for many years. They may also have to live with long
periods of illness such as arthritis, which is common among older people.
(Arguments to support your viewpoint) From a more practical point of view, problems could
occur when increasing numbers of older people begin to rely on the welfare system. We have
already seen a preview of this happening in Japan, where a small number of young people have
to pay more and more tax to support an increasing older population. In addition, there could be
a serious decline in world resources if people lived longer. As it is, there is barely enough water for
the present population of the world. (Arguments to support your viewpoint)

Therefore, I strongly agree with the statement that living for one hundred and fifty years would
be a negative and dangerous development for both individuals and for our planet. (Conclusion)

Note that in the first body paragraph, you have briefly mentioned 2 positive aspects of living a
longer life (more time for a quality lifestyle and achieving personal goals). These ideas oppose
your viewpoint. However, in the rest of his essay, you strongly support your viewpoint (... that
living a longer life is a negative development for both individuals and for society as a whole).
An alternative structure for an Argument essay is one that presents your viewpoint and
the opposing viewpoint in the same paragraph.

Some people say that the Internet is bringing people together by making
the world smaller. Do you agree that the Internet is making it easier for
people to communicate with one another?

Since its invention, the Internet has affected the way people communicate. Some argue that its
influence on the way we communicate is largely negative. However, I believe that the Internet
has greatly increased the possibilities for interaction.

Some people say that even though so much information is available through the Internet,
nobody is really processing all this information. (Argument AGAINST)Nevertheless, everyone
would have to agree that the Internet appears to make communication between people much
easier. In the past, it was difficult to find out information about organizations and current events,
whereas in modern society most professional organizations have their own websites and events
constantly updated on the Internet. This has meant that receiving information has become a lot
easier. (Argument FOR)

Before the Internet age, the only way people could communicate in writing with others was by
writing and sending letters. Now, with the invention of internet-based email, communication is
fast and cheap. Taking advantage of this development means that people can keep in
touch/contact on a more regular basis. (Argument FOR) Although this has meant that users now
spend long periods of time in front of their computer screens and may not be involved in as
much spoken communication as before, (Argument AGAINST) I would argue that the Internet has
actually increased the amount of communication between people – it is only that the means of
communication have changed from more spoken language to written communication.
(Argument FOR)

In summary, it can be seen that the Internet has had a positive effect, giving people the
opportunity to communicate more easily and frequently with others. (Conclusion)

Note that in the body of your essay, you present arguments that are both FOR and AGAINST your
viewpoint, so that in each paragraph there are contrasting arguments. However, it is always clear
to the examiner that you strongly agrees with the viewpoint 'that the Internet is making it easier
for people to communicate with one another'.

Why is it always clear for the examiner that you are supporting a particular viewpoint
throughout your essay?
- It is because you’ve employed (used) the contrasting language to connect the opposing
viewpoint with the view point you agreed with.
The growing number of overweight people is putting a strain on the health care system in an
effort to deal with the health issues involved. Some people think that the best way to deal with
this problem is to introduce more physical education lessons in the school curriculum.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Owing to the problem which a growing population of overweight people causes for the
health care system, some people think that the key to solving these issues is to have more
sport and exercise in schools. In my opinion, I completely agree that this is the best way
to tackle the issue of deteriorating public health in relation to weight.

Firstly, dealing with the issues surrounding obesity and weight problems is best solved
by taking a long term approach and introducing more sport and exercise in schools. This
method will ensure that the next generation will be healthier and will not have
such health problems. At the moment, the average child in the West does sport possibly
twice a week, which is not enough to counteract their otherwise sedentary lifestyle.
However, by incorporating more sports classes into the curriculum as well as
encouraging extracurricular sports activities, they will undoubtedly become fitter and
more active.

Another point to consider is that having more sports lessons for children in schools will
probably result in children developing an interest in exercise which might filter through
to other members of their family and have a longer lasting effect. In other
words, parents with sporty children are more likely to get involved in sport as a way of
encouraging their children. By both parents and children being involved, it will ensure
that children grow up to incorporate sport into their daily lives. This is certainly a natural
and lasting way to improve public health.

In conclusion, to deal with an increasing population of unfit and overweight people,

changing the lifestyle of the coming generation by introducing sport in schools is the
easiest and most effective method to use.

Note that in this essay we totally agreed with one view point and we supported it
throughout our essay without writing anything about the opposing opinion that other
people think it is true.

A Growing number of counteract something unpleasant

Put a strain on Incorporate into

The key to solving/tackling Long term approach

Currently, there is a trend towards the use of alternative forms of medicine. However,
at best these methods are ineffective, and at worst they may be dangerous.

To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Alternative medicine is not new. It is accepted that it pre-dates conventional medicine and it is
still used by many people all over the world. I am unconvinced that it is dangerous, and I feel
that both alternative and conventional medicine can be useful.

There are several reasons why the conventional medical community is often dismissive of
alternatives. Firstly, there has been little scientific research into such medicine, so there is a
scarcity of evidence to support the claims of their supporters. Furthermore, people often try
such treatment because of recommendations from friends, and therefore come to the therapist
with a very positive attitude, which may be part of the reason for the cure. Moreover, these
therapies are usually only useful for long-term, chronic conditions. Acute medical problems,
such as accidental injury, often require more conventional methods.

On the other hand, there remain strong arguments for the use of alternatives. Despite the lack Commented [d3]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
of scientific proof, there is a lot of anecdotal evidence to suggest that these therapies work. In
addition, far from being dangerous, they often have few or no side effects, so the worst
outcome would be no change. One of the strongest arguments for the effectiveness of
alternative therapies in the West is that, whilst conventional medicine is available without
charge, many people are prepared to pay considerable sums for alternatives. If they were
totally unhelpful, it would be surprising if this continued.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that conventional medicine and alternative therapies can and
should coexist. They have different strengths, and can both be used effectively to target
particular medical problems. The best situation would be for alternative therapies to be used
to support and complement conventional medicine.

(280 words)


Conventional medicine

Alternative therapies

Dismissive of

Anecdotal evidence

Some people believe that the fast pace and stress of modern life is having a negative Commented [d4]: The situation (reason/problem).

effect on families. Commented [d5]: This is people's point of view.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There is currently a contentious argument over whether family life is being harmed by the
high-speed and pressure of contemporary/modern lifestyles. I totally agree with this opinion Commented [d6]: Paraphrasing the question given.
because the fast pace leads to less time for families to be together, and stress leads to Commented [d7]: The writer's opinion

arguments among family members. Commented [d8]: The main point #1 for the body
paragraph #1

The main reason why I believe family life is being compromised is because families have less Commented [d9]: The main point #2 for the body
paragraph #2
time to be with each other. This is due to family members being busier at work and with their
social lives. As well as this, people have many things they have to do these days such as Commented [d10]: The general topic of the topic
checking e-mail, updating their online social status and so less time is left for family life. To
illustrate, I spend about two hours online every night attending to daily correspondence before Commented [d11]: This is the controlling idea of the
chatting with my family members, whereas ten years ago I would spend time with my family topic sentence that we should explain.

as soon as I walked in the door.

Commented [d12]: This sentence is the supporting
details of the controlling idea's sentence, and it's written
Another reason why I support the notion that families are being impacted negatively is that as a reason.
the pressure of life these days means that even when families do get together, arguments are
Commented [d13]: Example given to explain the
more likely. This is because everyone feels tired and they are more likely to get irritated and to preceding sentence.
react to their heightened emotional levels. Commented [d14]: The general topic of the topic
In conclusion, I completely agree that the rapid pace and stressful nature of contemporary Commented [d15]: This is the controlling idea of the
lifestyles is having negative consequences on family relationships. This is because family topic sentence that we should explain.

members have less time, and when they are together they feel less relaxed. Given this Commented [d16]: This sentence is the supporting
details of the controlling idea's sentence, and it's written
situation, it seems that family members should try to be more supportive to one another and as a reason.
also parents need to set aside regular times for families to relax together. Commented [d17]: Restating the opinion
Commented [d18]: Rephrasing the two controlling ideas
[281 words] of the two paragraphs by using a compound sentence.
Commented [d19]: A recommendation sentence.

Contentious argument given this situation

Contemporary lifestyle Set aside


Get irritated
Computers are being used more and more in education and some people believe there will soon Commented [d20]: A situation (trend/development) for the
be no role for the teacher in education. argument in the statement.
Commented [d21]: The argument that caused because of the
situation, which we should agree or disagree with.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Technology is being used increasingly in the classroom and some people believe that Commented [d22]: Paraphrasing the situation
educators will become redundant. I somewhat disagree that teachers will be replaced
Commented [d23]: Paraphrasing the argument that caused by
by machines. the situation.
Commented [d24]: The writer's opinion and argument, which
The main reason why I think that teachers are essential is because they encourage and he will support and explain upon in the rest of the essay.
discipline students. Many people find it difficult to be interested in learning new Commented [d25]: The general topic of the topic sentence.
things. Therefore, educators are crucial /key to making classes more interesting and Commented [d26]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
stimulating students’ desires for learning. Also, in the case of young people, teachers
often need to force students to learn through the use of punishments.Another Commented [d27]: Supporting details defending the
controlling idea.
reason why teachers are needed is because they can teach young people important
Commented [d28]: The general topic of the topic sentence of
skills and values. This is because educators serve as role models to their students and the second paragraph.
teach them how to appropriately interact with their peers. Therefore, if people only
Commented [d29]: The controlling ideas of the topic sentence
learn using machines, they will lose the opportunity to learn important social skills that should be explained and argued upon in order to prove they
and values. are true.
Commented [d30]: Supporting argument for the controlling
idea. The writer argued by using this technique:
1. He mentioned the importance of the teachers in one
However, studying over the internet certainly offers a lot of convenience. First, we are sentence.
2. Then he wrote about what would happen if the people did
able to study in the comfort of our own homes, without the need to commute to otherwise, and this is to strengthen his argument for his
controlling idea.
school. Second, we can choose to study at any time we like even in the middle of the
night. Commented [d31]: The general topic of the topic sentence of
the third body paragraph.
Commented [d32]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
In conclusion, I somewhat disagree that machines can replace teachers. This is
Commented [d33]: The supporting details for the controlling
because teachers can encourage students to learn and teach them how to interact with idea. To argue for the controlling idea, the writer used the
other people. Yet computers do offer the ability for people to learn anywhere at any technique of writing the advantages and the positive consequences
of these advantages.
Commented [d34]: Restating the opinion.
Commented [d35]: Summarizing the two controlling ideas of
the body paragraphs 1,2.
Commented [d36]: Summarizing the controlling idea of the 3rd
body paragraph.
This is a balanced opinion approach to write the essay.

Some people believe that the fast pace and stress of modern life is having Commented [d37]: This is the situation (trend/development).

a negative effect on families. Commented [d38]: This is people's opinion.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Many people feel that family life is being harmed by the high-speed and pressure of
contemporary lifestyles. I somewhat agree with this opinion because the fast pace leads to less
time for families to be together, and stress leads to arguments among family members;
however, due to the increased time pressure and stress, families are forced to cooperate more,
which brings them closer together.

The main reason why I believe family life is being compromised is because families have less
time to be with each other. As individual family members are busier at work and with their
social lives, they have less time to spend with their family. As well as this, people have many
things they have to do these days such as checking e-mail, updating their online social status
and so less time is left for family life. To illustrate, I spend about two hours online every night
attending to daily correspondence before chatting with my family members, whereas ten years
ago I would spend time with my family from the moment I walked in the door. (This paragraph
is to argue in favor of the writer's stronger opinion)

In addition, the pressure of life these days means that even when families do get together
arguments are more likely. This is because everyone feels tired and they are more likely to get
irritated and to react to their heightened emotional levels. (This paragraph is another
support to argue in favor of the writer's stronger opinion)

However, it does seem reasonable that this pressure may also lead to positive outcomes. One
such possibility is that family members will cooperate more in order to overcome time
limitations. For instance, they may share household chores, so that everybody has time to relax
afterwards. (This paragraph is to argue in favor of the other side of the argument and you
can do that by mentioning the advantages of the other side of the debate. If you do that then
you should partly agree; in other words you agree on both sides of the argument).

In conclusion, I somewhat believe that the rapid pace and stressful nature of contemporary
lifestyles are having negative consequences on family relationships. This is because family
members have less time, and when they are together they feel less relaxed. However, I admit
that sometimes adversity can bring people closer together. Given this situation, it seems that
family members should try to be more supportive to one another and also parents need to set
aside regular times for families to relax together. (340 words)

Essay analysis: As you can see, the above essay was written with balanced essay style. The
writer argued in favor of the two sides of the argument. He thinks that the other side of the
argument has also some merits so he supported it with one paragraph which is the last body
paragraph. The first two body paragraphs were written to argue in favor of the opinion the
writer biases more towards.
Government investment in the arts, such as music and theatre, is a waste of
money. Governments must invest this money in public services instead.

To what extent do you agree with this statement??

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
experience or knowledge.

Sample IELTS Writing - Model Answer

These days, the government spends a large part of its budget not only on public
services, but also the arts. Although I agree that it is important to spend money on Commented [d39]: Paraphrasing
public services, I do not think spending on the arts is a waste of money. Commented [d40]: The thesis statement which include both
the writer opinion and the main points for each body paragraph.
There are several reasons for spending a significant amount of the government
budget on public services. First and foremost,, public services are the things such
as hospitals, roads and schools, and these things determine the quality of life that
most of us will have. For example, if the government does not spend enough
money on hospitals, the health of our society may decline. Similarly, if not Commented [d41]: Reason #1 with explanation, and it should
support the topic sentence.
enough money is spent on schools, our children may not be properly educated.
Also, it will be the indigents in our society who will be affected more if we do not
spend enough on these things because they are the ones more dependent on
such services. Commented [d42]: Reason #2 with explanation, and it should
support the topic sentence.
However, this does not mean that the arts should be completely neglected. To Commented [d43]: The "this" word bridge the topic sentence
of the previous body paragraph with the current one.
begin, it is difficult for many arts institutions to generate much profit, so without
some help from the government, many theatres and other such places may have Commented [d44]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.

to close. Moreover, the arts also have an important impact on our quality of Commented [d45]: The first supporting details that argue for
the controlling idea.
life. Many people get great pleasure in going to see music and theatre
performances, so it is important that the government assists such institutions so
that they can continue to provide entertainment to the public. Commented [d46]: The second supporting details that support
the topic sentence.
To sum up, there are clear benefits of ensuring a large amount of investment
goes into public services as this influences the quality of life for nearly all of us.
That said, I do not believe spending money on the arts is a waste of money as
this too provides important benefits.

(299 words)

Public services People get great pleasure in going to theater or museum

Determine the quality of life there are clear benefits of alternative medicine

Similarly there are clear benefits to society

Properly educated

Indigent people

Important impact
In the question above, you are given the opinion that spending money on the arts
is a waste of money, and it would be better spent on public services.

You then have to say if you agree or disagree. So you would need to decide what
you think and give reasons to support your decision.

The sample IELTS writing model answer presented here is a balanced argument
that partly agrees with this opinion.

This is made clear in the thesis statement:

Although I agree that it is important to spend money on public services, I do not

think spending on the arts is a waste of money.
So the writer does not think it is a 'waste of money'; however, he/she does think
the majority of money should go on public services.

The essay, therefore, needs to explain this, and so is organized as follows:

Body 1: Support for spending most money on public services

Body 2: Support for spending some on the arts

And note that the writer argued in favor of both sides without being biased
towards one side of the argument therefore he wrote same amount of words for
each side; one paragraph for the first side of the argument and another paragraph
for the other side of the argument.

The examiner comments

The essay gives a clear thesis at the beginning. This makes it clear that the writer
partly agrees with the statement i.e. it is not a waste of money, but it is if too
much is spent on it.

It is also a well-organized essay. The first paragraph sets out why the writer
thinks a significant portion of money should go on public services. This is
supported with reasons and examples.

The second paragraph in this sample IELTS writing then sets out clearly why
some money should also go on the arts.

The conclusion then restates the author's opinion.

Smoking not only harms the smoker, but also those who are nearby. Commented [d47]: The situation (trend, problem) and also
called "background information".
Therefore, smoking should be banned in public places.
Commented [d48]: This is the argument that raised as a result
of the situation. We should agree or disagree with this view.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer
Medical studies have shown that smoking not only leads to health problems for
the smoker, but also for people close by. As a result of this, many believe that
smoking should not be allowed in public places. Although there are arguments on Commented [d49]: Paraphrasing the question, which include
(the background information and the argument that we should
both sides, I strongly agree that a ban is the most appropriate course of action. agree or disagree with.
Commented [d50]: This is the thesis statement which includes
Opponents of such a ban argue against it for several reasons. Firstly, they claim the writer's stance and the main points that he will defend in the
that passive smokers make the choice to breathe in other people’s smoke by rest of the essay.
going to places where it is allowed. If they would prefer not to smoke passively, Commented [d51]: This is the general topic of the topic
then they do not need to visit places where smoking is permitted. In addition, sentence.
they believe a ban would possibly drive many bars and pubs out of business Commented [d52]: This is the controlling idea of the topic
as smokers would not go there anymore. They also argue it is a matter of sentence that we will expand on.

freedom of choice. Smoking, as claimed, is not against the law, so individuals

should have the freedom to smoke where they wish.

However, there are more convincing arguments in favour of a ban. First and Commented [d53]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
foremost, it has been proven that tobacco consists of carcinogenic compounds Commented [d54]: "ban" is the general topic of the topic
that inflict serious harm on a person’s health, not only the smoker. Anyone sentence.

around them can develop cancers of the lungs, mouth and throat, and other
sites in the body. It is simply not fair to impose this upon another person. It is also Commented [d55]: The first argument that support the topic
the case that people’s health is more important than businesses. In any case,
pubs and restaurants could adapt to a ban by, for example, allowing smoking
areas. Commented [d56]: The second argument that support the
topic sentence.
In conclusion, it is clear that it should be made illegal to smoke in public places.
This would improve the health of thousands of people, and that is most definitely
a positive development.

(290 words)

This is a ban smoking in public places essay.

It is an example of an essay where you have to give your opinion as to whether

you agree or disagree.

The sample answer shows you how you can present the opposing argument
first, that is not your opinion, and then you present your opinion in the following
It is always a good idea to present a balanced essay which presents both sides of
the argument, but you must always make it very clear what your opinion is and
which side of the argument you support.

Examiner comments:

This essay is well organized and presented.

The introduction is clear - note how it follows the ban smoking in public places
essay question - it paraphrases the information in order to introduce the topic and
the argument.

The argument against a ban on smoking in public places is presented first. It is

made clear that it is not the author's opinion by the topic sentence:

"Opponents of such a ban argue against it for several reasons".

And also by the use of the word 'they' to refer to the opponents.

The writer then clearly shows they are moving on to the other argument which is
their own (and it has clearly been stated in the thesis that this is their argument):

"However, there are more convincing arguments in favour of a ban".

In this paragraph, 'they' is dropped because it is now the writer's opinion.

The essay above was written using the "refutation style" this is because when
the writer wrote and explained the other people argument in the first body
paragraph, he didn't write using the self-narrative words such as "I" or "in my
view" but instead, he used the other people's narrative words such as "they" or "
some people claim". If he used the expressions such as "I" or in "my view" when
writing about the other opinion, then it would be called "balanced view essay".
In the last 20 years there have been significant developments in the field of
information technology (IT), for example, the World Wide Web and
communication by email. However, these developments in IT are likely to Commented [d57]: The situation (trend, problem), and it’s also
called "background information".
have more negative effects than positive in the future.
Commented [d58]: The viewpoint that came as a result of the
To what extent do you agree with this view?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
experience or knowledge.

The last two decades have seen enormous changes in the way people's lives are
affected by IT, with many advances in this field. However, while these Commented [d59]: Paraphrasing the situation or the
background information.
technological advances have brought many benefits to the world, it can be
argued that these developments in IT will result in more negative impacts than
positive. Commented [d60]: This Is the thesis statement that include the
writer's stance as well as the main points that will be argued for in
the two body paragraphs.
To begin, email has made communication, especially abroad, much simpler and
faster, resulting in numerous benefits for commerce and business.
Furthermore, the World Wide Web means that information on every conceivable
subject is now available to us. For example, people can access news, medical
advice, online education courses and much more via the internet. It is evident
that these improvements have made life far easier and more convenient for
large numbers of people and will continue to do so for decades to come.

Nevertheless, the effects of this new technology have not all been beneficial. For Commented [d61]: The topic sentence of the second
paragraph. The writer used the "bridging technique" to write this
example, many people feel that the widespread use of email is destroying sentence. Bridging technique is to connect this topic sentence with
traditional forms of communication such as letter writing, telephone and face-to- the previous one.
face conversation. This could result in a decline in people's basic ability to
socialize and interact with each other on a day-to-day basis. Commented [d62]: This is the first argument for the topic
sentence that argue against the technology advances. In order to
the writer to argue for his opinion, he used the technique of
In addition, the large size of the Web has meant that it is nearly impossible to mentioning the disadvantages of the other view (the technology
regulate and control. This has led to many concerns regarding children accessing advances) and the bad consequences of it.
unsuitable websites and viruses. Unfortunately, this kind of problem might even Commented [d63]: The general topic of the topic sentence.
get worse in the future at least until more regulated systems are set up. Commented [d64]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
Commented [d65]: This is the second argument in favor of the
In conclusion, developments in IT have brought many benefits, yet I believe writer's stance, and the writer used the same technique of the
developments relating to new technology are likely to produce many negative previous paragraph to argue in favor of his stance.
effects in the future that must be addressed if we are to avoid damaging
impacts on individuals and society.

The examiner comments

The IELTS essay introduction talks in general about the increasing use of IT, thus
introducing the topic well. The thesis then clearly sets out the writer's opinion.
The following paragraph mentions the present benefits of these developments,
but the opening sentence in the third paragraph is a qualifying statement
(Nevertheless, not all the effects...), so the writer can now focus on the
negative elements.

The fourth paragraph provides two other negative examples (lack of regulation,
viruses). Both paragraphs suggest that these problems will continue in the future.

The essay concludes with a clear opinion that agrees with the statement.

Overall, it is a well-balanced text that mentions the present situation (...this has
made life...) but importantly, also refers to the future of IT (...likely to
increase..., might get worse...).

Analyzing the previous essay

An IELTS essay is structured like any other essay; you just need to make it
shorter. There are three key elements:

1. Introduction
2. Body Paragraphs
3. Conclusion
We will look at each of these in turn, using the essay question above as an

1) Introduction
You should keep your introduction for the IELTS essay short. Remember you only
have 40 minutes to write the essay, and some of this time needs to be spent
planning. Therefore, you need to be able to write your introduction fairly quickly
so you can start writing your body paragraphs.

You should do just two things:

 State the topic of the essay, using some basic facts (that you may be able to
take from the question)
 Say what you are going to write about
Here is an example introduction for the above essay question about IT:

The last two decades have seen enormous changes in the way people's
lives are affected by IT, with many advances in this field. However, while
these technological advances have brought many benefits to the world, it
can be argued that these developments in IT will result in more
negative impacts than positive.
As you can see, the first sentence makes sure it refers to the topic (IT) and uses
facts about IT taken from the question. Note that these are paraphrased - you
must not copy from the rubric!
The second part then clearly sets out what the essay will be about and confirms
the writers opinion (some questions may not ask for your opinion, but this one

View this lesson for more advice on writing IELTS essay introductions.

2) Body Paragraphs
For an IELTS essay, you should have 2 or 3 body paragraphs - no more, and no

For your body paragraph, each paragraph should contain one controlling idea,
and have sentences to support this.

Let's look at the first paragraph for the essay about IT. The essay is about the
benefits and drawbacks of IT, so these will need to be discussed in separate
Here is the first body paragraph:

To begin, email has made communication, especially abroad, much

simpler and faster, resulting in numerous benefits for commerce and
business. Furthermore, the World Wide Web means that information on
every conceivable subject is now available to us. For example, people can
access news, medical advice, online education courses and much more
via the internet. It is evident that these improvements have made life far
easier and more convenient for large numbers of people and will continue
to do so for decades to come.
The controlling idea in this first paragraph is the 'benefits of IT', and there are
two supporting ideas, which are underlined. No drawbacks are discussed as the
paragraph would then lose coherence.

Most of the essay will focus on the negative aspects of IT, as the writer says
there are more negative effects in the introduction. So the next two paragraphs
are about these.

The topic sentence in the next paragraph therefore tells us we are changing the
focus to the negative points:

Nevertheless, the effects of this new technology have not all been
beneficial. For example, many people feel that the widespread use of
email is destroying traditional forms of communication such as letter
writing, telephone and face-to-face conversation. This could result in a
decline in people's basic ability to socialize and interact with each other on
a day-to-day basis.
The final body paragraph gives the last negative effect:

In addition, the large size of the Web has meant that it is nearly impossible
to regulate and control. This has led to many concerns regarding children
accessing unsuitable websites and viruses. Unfortunately, this kind of
problem might even get worse in the future at least until more regulated
systems are set up.
3) Conclusion
The conclusion only needs to be one or two sentences, and you can do the

 Re-state what the essay is about (re-write the last sentence of your
introduction in different words)
 Give some thoughts about the future
Here is an example:

In conclusion, developments in IT have brought many benefits, yet I

believe developments relating to new technology are likely to produce
many negative effects in the future that must be addressed if we are to
avoid damaging impacts on individuals and society.

IELTS Human Cloning Essay

This is a model answer for a human cloning essay.

If you look at the task, the wording is slightly different from the common 'do you
agree or disagree' essay. However, it is essentially asking the same thing.

As people live longer and longer, the idea of cloning human beings in
order to provide spare parts is becoming a reality. The idea horrifies most Commented [d66]: This is the situation (trend).
people, yet it is no longer mere science fiction.
To what extent do you agree with such a procedure?

Have you any reservations?

You are asked if you agree with human cloning to use their body parts (in
other words, what are the benefits), and what reservations (concerns) you
have (in other words, what are the disadvantages).

So the best way to answer this human cloning essay is probably to look at both
sides of the issue as has been done in the model answer.

As always, you must read the question carefully to make sure you answer it
fully and do not go off topic.

You are specifically being asked to discuss the issue of creating human clones to
then use their body parts. If you write about other issues to do with human
cloning, you may go off topic.
Model Answer for Human Cloning Essay
The cloning of animals has been occurring for a number of years now, and this
has now opened up the possibility of cloning humans too. Although there are Commented [d67]: Paraphrasing the situation.
clear benefits to humankind of cloning to provide spare body parts, I believe it
raises a number of worrying ethical issues. Commented [d68]: Thesis statement that include the writer's
viewpoint and the main points that will be elaborated upon with
evidence in the body paragraphs.
Due to breakthroughs in medical science and improved diets, people are living
much longer than in the past. This, though, has brought with it problems. As
people age, their organs can fail so they need replacing. If humans were cloned, Commented [d69]: This is the general topic of the topic
their organs could then be used to replace those of sick people. It is currently the
case that there are often not enough organ donors around to fulfill this need, so Commented [d70]: This is the topic sentence of the whole
paragraph. In this paragraph the writer put it in the middle.
cloning humans would overcome the issue as there would then be a ready
Commented [d71]: This is the controlling idea of the topic
supply. sentence.

However, for good reasons, many people view this as a worrying development. Commented [d72]: Part of the controlling idea.
Firstly, there are religious arguments against it. It would involve creating
Commented [d73]: Part of the controlling idea of the topic
another human and then eventually killing it in order to use its organs, which it sentence.
could be argued as a murder. This is obviously a sin according to religious texts. Commented [d74]: Reason (argument)#1
Also, dilemmas would arise over what rights these people have, as surely they
would be humans just like the rest of us. Furthermore, if we have the ability to Commented [d75]: Reason (argument)#2
clone humans, it has to be questioned where this cloning will end. Is it then
acceptable for people to start cloning relatives or family members who have died? Commented [d76]: Argument( reason) #3

To conclude, I do not agree with this procedure due to the ethical issues and
dilemmas it would create. Cloning animals has been a positive development,
but this is where it should end.

(276 words)

Examiner comments
The essay is well-organized, with a clear introduction which introduces the topic:

The cloning of animals has been occurring for a number of years now, and this
has now opened up the possibility of cloning humans too.
And it has a thesis statement that makes it clear exactly how the human cloning
essay will be structured and what the candidate's opinion is:

Although there are clear benefits to humankind of cloning to provide spare body
parts, I believe it raises a number of worrying ethical issues.
The first body paragraph discusses the advantages of cloning humans, and then
the second body paragraph looks at the problems associated with this. The
change of direction to look at the other side is clearly marked with a transition
word ("however") and a topic sentence:

However, for good reasons, many people view this as a worrying development.
Other transition words are used effectively to guide the reader through the ideas
in the human cloning essay: Firstly,.. Also,... Furthermore,...

The candidate demonstrates that they can use a mix of complex structures. For

Due to breakthroughs in medical science and improved diets, people are living
much longer than in the past.
It would involve creating another human and then eventually killing it in order to
use its organs, which it could be argued is murder.
...if we have the ability to clone humans, it has to be questioned where this
cloning will end.

IELTS Writing Task 2: 'unpaid work' essay

Some people think that all teenagers should be required to do unpaid work
in their free time to help the local community. They believe this would
benefit both the individual teenager and society as a whole. Both sentence in the question work as one :Commented [d77]
united opinion.
Do you agree or disagree?
Many young people work on a volunteer basis, and this can only be beneficial for
both the individual and society as a whole. However, I do not agree that we Commented [d78]: Paraphrasing the question.
should therefore force all teenagers to do unpaid work. This essay will explore Commented [d79]: The writer's opinion .
why it is inappropriate to compel the youth to be involved in such activity. Commented [d80]: Thesis statement with the main ideas of the
Most young people are already under enough pressure with their studies, without
Commented [d81]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
being given the added responsibility of working in their spare time. School is just
Commented [d82]: The general topic of the topic sentence.
as demanding as a full-time job, and teachers expect their students to do
homework and exam revision on top of attending lessons every day. When
young people do have some free time, we should encourage them to enjoy it with
their friends or to send it doing sports and other leisure activities. They have
many years of work ahead of them when they finish their studies.
At the same time, I do not believe that society has anything to gain from obliging Commented [d83]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
young people to do unpaid work. In fact, I would argue that it goes against the Commented [d84]: The general topic of the topic sentence.
values of a free and fair society to force a group of people to do something
against their will. Doing this can only lead to resentment amongst young people,
who would feel that they were being used, and parents, who would not want to be
told how to raise their children. Currently, nobody is forced to volunteer, and this
is surely the best system.
In conclusion, teenagers may choose to work for free and help others, but in my
opinion we should not make this compulsory.
(250 words, band 9)

The above essay was written by the IELTS former examiner "Simon"
Simon, in the above essay, was in favor of one side of the argument, so he
wrote the two paragraphs supporting his opinion "strong essay opinion".

IELTS Writing Task 2: 'foreign tourists' essay

This essay is with strong answer in which the writer refutes the opposite view.

Foreign visitors should pay more than local visitors for cultural and
historical attractions. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this Commented [d85]: An opinion (argument).

It is often argued that tourists from overseas should be charged more than local
residents to visit important sites and monuments. I completely disagree with this Commented [d86]: Paraphrasing the question.
idea. Commented [d87]: Thesis statement.

The argument in favor of higher prices for foreign tourists would be that cultural or
historical attractions often depend on state subsidies to keep them going, which
means that the resident population already pays money to these sites through the
tax system. However, I believe this to be a very shortsighted view. Foreign
tourists contribute to the economy of the host country with the money they
spend on a wide range of goods and services, including food, souvenirs,
accommodation and travel. The governments and inhabitants of every country
should be happy to subsidize important tourist sites and encourage people from
the rest of the world to visit them.
If travelers realized that they would have to pay more to visit historical and
cultural attractions in a particular nation, they would perhaps decide not to go to
that country on holiday. To take the UK as an example, the tourism industry and
many related jobs rely on visitors coming to the country to see places like
Windsor Castle or Saint Paul’s Cathedral. These two sites charge the same price
regardless of nationality, and this helps to promote the nation’s cultural heritage.
If overseas tourists stopped coming due to higher prices, there would be a risk of
insufficient funding for the maintenance of these important buildings.
In conclusion, I believe that every effort should be made to attract tourists from
overseas, and it would be counterproductive to make them pay more than local
(269 words, band 9)

This essay also was written by the examiner Simon. In this essay, he wrote it using the
"refutation approach" which to write the other people opinion in the first half of the first body
paragraph and then refute in the second half of the paragraph and in the second paragraph by
arguing in favor of your opinion that you agreed with in the introduction.
IELTS Writing Task 2: 'traditional views' essay by Siom.

The older generations tend to have very traditional ideas about how people
should live, think and behave. However, some people believe that these Commented [d88]: The situation (fact).
ideas are not helpful in preparing younger generations for modern life. Commented [d89]: The argument (opinion).

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

It is true that many older people believe in traditional values that often seem
incompatible with the needs of younger people. While I agree that some Commented [d90]: Paraphrasing the question.
traditional ideas are outdated, I believe that others are still useful and should not
be forgotten. Commented [d91]: Thesis statement with the two main points
for the two body paragraphs.
On the one hand, many of the ideas that elderly people have about life are
becoming less relevant for younger people. In the past, for example, people were Commented [d92]: The controlling idea.
advised to learn a profession and find a secure job for life, but today’s workers
expect much more variety and diversity from their careers. At the same time, the
‘rules’ around relationships are being eroded as young adults make their own
choices about who and when to marry. But perhaps the greatest disparity
between the generations can be seen in their attitudes towards gender roles. The
traditional roles of men and women, as breadwinners and housewives, are no
longer accepted as necessary or appropriate by most younger people.
On the other hand, some traditional views and values are certainly applicable to Commented [d93]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
the modern world. For example, older generations attach great importance to
working hard, doing one’s best, and taking pride in one’s work, and these Commented [d94]: The general topic of the topic sentence.

behaviors can surely benefit young people as they enter today’s competitive job
market. Other characteristics that are perhaps seen as traditional are politeness
and good manners. In our globalized world, young adults can expect to come
into contact with people from a huge variety of backgrounds, and it is more
important than ever to treat others with respect. Finally, I believe that young
people would lead happier lives if they had a more ‘old-fashioned’ sense of
community and neighborliness.
In conclusion, although the views of older people may sometimes seem unhelpful
in today’s world, we should not dismiss all traditional ideas as irrelevant.
(299 words, band 9)

This essay was also written by the examiner Simon and it argues in favor of one
side of the argument (balanced essay). This is fairly balanced argument essay as
the writer argued fairly equally about both side and didn't biased towards one side
IELTS Writing Task 2: agree, disagree or partly agree?

Here's some advice for people who are still confused about "agree or disagree"
If you completely agree or completely disagree:
 Make your opinion clear in the introduction and conclusion. If you don’t do
so, then that will affect the essay coherence therefore you will be marked
 Explain one reason for your opinion in paragraph 2 (body paragraph one) and
another in paragraph 3 (body paragraph 2). Imagine that you are persuading
the examiner that your opinion is right.
 Don't write a paragraph about what 'other people' think. If you do that, you are
in danger of writing a "discuss both views" essay. If you mention the opposite
argument, make sure that you refute it (explain why you think it's wrong), like I
did in paragraph 2 of this essay. And also make sure to mention the other
people opinion if in the introduction (in the thesis statement) and the
If you partly agree (balanced writer's opinion essay):
 Make it clear in the introduction and conclusion that you have a balanced view
i.e. that you accept both sides of the argument to some extent, like I did in last
week's lesson.
 Write one paragraph about each side of the argument. But do this
from your point of view e.g. On the one hand, I accept that... / On the other
hand, I also believe that...
 Don't write a discussion essay e.g. some people believe / other people argue...
, because you would use this only in refutation essay where you bring other
people opinion as a topic sentence when in the rest of the paragraph you
prove it is a wrong view.
PS. This week's (free) video lesson will also help with this "agree, disagree or
partly agree" problem. It will be ready tomorrow.
IELTS Writing Task 2: festivals essay

Most people have forgotten the meaning behind traditional or religious

festivals; during festival periods, people nowadays only want to enjoy
themselves. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Some people argue that we no longer remember the original meaning of festivals,
and that most of us treat them as opportunities to have fun. While I agree that
enjoyment seems to be the priority during festival times, I do not agree that
people have forgotten what these festivals mean.
On the one hand, religious and traditional festivals have certainly become times Commented [d95]: The general idea of the topic sentence.
for celebration. In the UK, Christmas is a good example of a festival period when Commented [d96]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
people are most concerned with shopping, giving and receiving presents,
decorating their homes and enjoying traditional meals with their families. Most
people look forward to Christmas as a holiday period, rather than a time to
practice religion. Similar behaviour can be seen during non-religious festivals,
such as Bonfire Night. People associate this occasion with making fires, watching
firework displays, and perhaps going to large events in local parks; in other
words, enjoyment is people’s primary goal.
However, I disagree with the idea that the underlying meaning of such festivals
has been forgotten. In UK primary schools, children learn in detail about the Commented [d97]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
religious reasons for celebrating Christmas, Easter and a variety of festivals in
other religions. For example, in late December, children sing Christmas songs,
which have a religious content, and they may even perform nativity plays telling
the story of Jesus’ birth. Families also play a role in passing knowledge of Commented [d98]: The first supporting details with
religious festivals’ deeper significance on to the next generation. The same is true explanation and evidence.

for festivals that have a historical background, such as Bonfire Night or

Halloween, in the sense that people generally learn the stories behind these
occasions at an early age. Commented [d99]: The second supporting details in favor of
the topic sentence.
In conclusion, although people mainly want to enjoy themselves during festivals, I
believe that they are still aware of the reasons behind these celebrations.
(296 words, band 9)

This essay was also written by the examiner Simon. What is distinctive in this essay is that the
question has two opinions so the writer agreed with one of the opinion and disagreed with the
other one. So this essay is still "balanced essay".
The government's investment in arts, music and theatre is a waste of
money. Governments should invest these funds in public services instead.

To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Balanced opinion essay ( you agree with both side)

It is often argued that the government should finance public services

instead of spending its budget on arts, music and theatre. Although I
agree that government’s investments in public services play a very
important role, I think that proper funding of arts sector is also crucial for
the society.

On the one hand, the government should definitely allocate a large part
of its budget on public services. This economic sector determines the Commented [d100]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
overall quality of life, ensuring that some basic services, like schools,
hospitals and roads, are available to all citizens irrespective of their
income or social status. In addition to that, public services satisfy the
primary needs of the society and thus need a proper funding, while
artists and musicians are not curing diseases or building houses, so their
role is secondary. For example, any country can live without music
concerts, but absence of medicine will create significant problems. That
is why the government should adequately finance public services in the
first place.

On the other hand, arts, music and theatres are not a waste of money,
since they are an integral part of the society’s cultural and intellectual
development and amusement. Firstly, art and music draw people’s Commented [d101]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
attention to diverse phenomena and represent the inward significance of
things. Quite often a single drawing, piece or song can exhort myriads of
people to reconsider their attitude towards some situations. This way, art
serves as a major source of nation’s personal and intellectual
development. Moreover, visiting museums, watching movies and
listening to music are common ways of relaxation and entertainment.
Thus, art sector is also important for the society and should not be

To conclude, though I agree that the government should allocate a

large part of its budget on such urgent needs of the society like public
services, I think that arts, music and theatre should also be financed since
they play a vital role in people’s development and entertainment.
Commented [d102]: The situation (fact) or sometimes it called
Many children these days have an unhealthy lifestyle. Both schools and the background information.

parents are equally responsible for solving this problem. Commented [d103]: The opinion (claim) that we should have
an opinion either for or against.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

In the media, we often hear or read about the rising trend of children leading unhealthy
lifestyles. While many believe both schools and parents share equal responsibility for
solving this problem, I disagree and feel that parents are fully responsible for changing the Commented [d104]: Paraphrasing the question.
unhealthy lifestyles of their children. Commented [d105]: Thesis statement and the main points for
the body paragraphs.

As the main caregiver and educator, parents spend the most time with their children and Commented [d106]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
therefore are the biggest influence on the way their child eats and acts. The best way to solve Commented [d107]: The topic sentence's general idea.
this is to be a role model for their child, by making healthy choices on what to eat and how
much activity or sports they take part in. If a child sees his parents eating vegetables or goes
for a walk with them after dinner, their habits will change for the better. Besides, with parents
in control of providing the child’s day-to-day food and organizing their child’s free time
activities; they are the most effective ones to tackle this problem.

Because the primary purpose of school is to focus on academics and learning development, Commented [d108]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
schools should not be responsible for solving the problem of children’s unhealthy lifestyles. Commented [d109]: The topic sentence's general idea.
Moreover, with 20 students or more in a classroom, teachers already have a relatively small
amount of time with each child to actually influence their decisions on what to eat and what to
do. In short, schools would be the least effective because they have no control or means
over what each child eats or how they spend their free time.

To sum up, I believe that only parents, rather than parents and schools equally, are
responsible for changing children’s unhealthy lifestyles. As primary caregivers and role-
models, parents, rather than schools, are closest and most influential to each child.

( 287 words)

Main Reason #1

I believe parents are fully responsible for solving this problem.

 main caregiver and spend the most time with their kids
 should be the primary role model of living a healthy lifestyle
 most effective because parents provide child’s food/meals and guidelines for child’s free time and
Main Reason #2

Schools should not be responsible for solving this problem.

 Schools should focus on academics – reading/writing/maths and science

 Teachers have a relatively small amount of time with each child – they have to worry about a
classroom full of 30+ children
 least effective because they don’t provide for the child’s regular diet

Note: It's very important that your topic sentence is focused on one reason and all
other supporting sentences should be logically connected to the main reason. In other
words, you should not give totally different reason in the same paragraph.
A person’s worth nowadays seems to be judged according to social status
and material possessions. Old-fashioned values, such as honor, kindness Commented [d110]: This is the situation or background
information that introduce the main topic.
and trust, no longer seem important. Commented [d111]: This is the claim of the task and we should
base our stance on.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Model Answer from British Council:

Given the power and influence of the super-rich, it might seem as if/though social status
and material possessions are the new symbols of personal worth, but in everyday life I do Commented [d112]: Paraphrasing the question.
not think this is true. Commented [d113]: The thesis statement.

It is apparent that most celebrities today are admired or envied solely for their material
wealth or position in various social hierarchies. Many of these people are known to turn Commented [d114]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
their backs on friends, cheat on their spouses or spend their evenings over-indulging in
alcohol and/or drugs. Things like owning a mansion, driving an expensive car and getting into
A-list parties are exalted above old-fashioned values. Ultimately, though, it is the many
readers of gossip magazines and celebrity blogs who reinforce these ideas.

Nevertheless, I do believe that in their day-to-day lives most people still believe in values
such as honor, kindness and trust. In some way, most of us want to form loving families, raise Commented [d115]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
our children to be good citizens, stand up for the downtrodden and protect our communities
from harm. We still form friendships, romances and business partnerships based on old-
fashioned criteria. When our trust is abused or we are unfairly treated, we see that as a major
violation of our relationship and we judge the wrongdoer accordingly.

In conclusion, I believe there is some truth to the notion that status and possessions have
superseded old-fashioned values as a measure of a person’s worth. Looking beyond the
tabloids, however, it is apparent that most ordinary people have still preserved an old-
fashioned conscience.
Using a computer every day can have more negative than
positive effects on children. Do you agree or disagree? Commented [d116]: The argument that we should argue for or

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant

examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Essay 1 – High Score – Band 8-9

In today's modern world, computers are an essential part of everyday life. Around Commented [d117]: Background information (a hook) written
the globe, children often use computers from a very young age. Although it is important by the writer, although not exist in the question.
for children to participate in various well-balanced activities, in my opinion, children who Commented [d118]: Paraphrasing the argument given in the
use the computer daily are actually developing a critical/crucial skill for future success. question.
The bases for my views are personal, academic, and professional.
Commented [d119]: The thesis statement with the main points
of each body paragraph.
From a personal point of view, computers are an invaluable resource to help young
people explore the world around them. For example, children who use Internet to Commented [d120]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
satisfy their curiosity about diverse topics are already becoming independent learners. No
child with a computer is ever bored! By starting early in their lives, children feel totally at
ease around computers; they are also able to take advantage of the wide range of
services computers provide.

From an academic viewpoint, children have no choice but to master this technological
invention. For instance, when I was in university, students brought their laptops to class Commented [d121]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
to take notes, do research and exchange information. They wrote assignments,
created presentations and developed databases. Children who build early confidence
and experience in these abilities are at a distinct advantage over those who have not.

From a professional perspective, the computer has found a permanent place in the
workplace. Today, employers still pay to provide computer training to their employees. Commented [d122]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
Tomorrow, corporations will expect prospective job applicants to already possess
these critical/vital/crucial job skills. Consequently, parents who encourage their child
to use the computer for a reasonable period of time daily are in fact investing in the
child's future career.

In conclusion, there is no doubt that the computer as a technological tool is here to

stay. The sooner children become computer-literate, the better for many aspects of
their future lives.
(299 words)
Advertising discourages people from being different
individuals by making us want to be and to look the same. Commented [d123]: The question's opinion.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

An often debated topic is whether advertising has a major influence on the growing
similarity of people’s lifestyle in the modern world. Personally, I partly agree with this Commented [d124]: Paraphrasing the question.
opinion for a number of reasons.
Commented [d125]: The thesis statement.

On the one hand, the power of advertising is undeniable. The growth of the Commented [d126]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
advertising industry has resulted in many people buying products of the same
manufacture, which can be seen in the case of consumer goods. Today, the advertising
campaigns of multinational companies such as Unilever have been so successful that
their products almost dominate the market. Smaller enterprises tend not to be able to
compete with/against these giant market leaders due to their disadvantages of capital
poured into advertising programs. Thus, customers are often swayed to buy products of
famous brands rather than those made by less well-known companies.

On the other hand, it is also true that people have the tendency to copy others’ lifestyles
without being affected by advertising. For example, it is valid to argue that many young Commented [d127]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
people are trying to emulate the fashion styles of their idols. Many manage to purchase
the same clothes, dye their hair and wear the same perfume as their stars do. People can
also turn to their social relations for advice when they need to buy something. For
instance, junior citizens usually ask their friends before they come to a final decision on
buying a smart phone.

In conclusion, it is true that advertising has bridged the gap between each individual’s
lifestyle in modern society. However, I believe that it is not the sole factor that
contributes to the trend.
Counties with long working days are more successful economically,
but there are some negative social consequences. Commented [d128]: The question's opinion(argument).

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people think that a country’s economic success is related to the amount of
work done by its citizens each day, and therefore countries with longer working hours
tend to have higher levels of productivity. However, although this may seem like a Commented [d129]: Paraphrasing the question.
positive phenomenon, there are actually some serious drawbacks. This essay will
argue that longer hours can be counter-productive. Commented [d130]: Thesis statement.

To begin with, the claim that longer working hours equates to economic success is Commented [d131]: The topic sentence's general idea.
hard to substantiate. For one thing, the most economically developed countries in the Commented [d132]: The controlling idea
world do not necessarily have longer working days than the less-developed nations.
In fact, in recent decades Europe and North America have seen the average work
day decreases in length along with a rise in output, while many poorer countries
see their populations toil with little to show for their efforts. Thus, one could conclude
that it is quality of work and not quantity that is important.

The reason why some countries have longer working days and yet lower levels of
economic productivity is most likely related to the negative social impact of these Commented [d133]: The topic sentence's general idea.
long hours. To maintain a strong economy, a country needs a healthy and happy Commented [d134]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
population who are engaged in activities that generate commerce. However, if people
are working all day, they have less time to eat out at restaurants or go shopping.
While it may seem trivial, these are important for the economy. Moreover, when
people work too much, their health may suffer, along with their relationships. These
too can cause a drain on the economy.

In conclusion, it is not always true that longer working hours correlate with
economic success, and the reasons for this are varied. In fact, as demonstrated
above, having a population work too much may actually do the opposite of what is
The society would benefit from a ban on all forms of advertising because Commented [d135]: This is the opinion that we should argue
for or against.
it serves no useful purpose, and can even be damaging. Do you agree or
Commented [d136]: This is the situation that caused the
disagree? opinion.

It is regularly argued that prohibition of all categories of advertisement,

which are thought to be pointless and even detrimental, could generate
numerous benefits for the community. Notwithstanding, from my
standpoint, social members tend to not only reap advantages but also
tolerate demerits from this trend.

On the one hand, it seems undeniable that the ban on multiple kinds of
advertisement can be beneficial for consumers. Forbidding advertising is
synonymous with the fact that purchasers may not have to pay a
remarkable measure of money for advertising services included in
product prices. This can serve to reduce consumers’ expenditures for
shopping. Moreover, no sooner are numerous advertisements
exaggerating the functions, values and qualities of commodities with a
view to pressing citizens to purchase their products prohibited than
individuals may select their items to fulfill their requirements without
being adversely affected by the messages in which the truths related to
these goods can have been exaggerated or even distorted.

On the other hand, it would appear that the bar to advertisement

services likewise pose untold drawbacks to the community. The first
shortcoming could be the joblessness which employees involved in
advertising could be confronted with, in all likelihood, giving rise to an
increase in the unemployment rate. Another disadvantage might be that
this prohibition can keep consumers in ignorance of the latest goods
available on the market. Hence, they may be faced with obstacles in
searching for and comparing the quality and price concerning the
products of the same category before deciding to purchase them.

In conclusion, it is my conviction that banning advertisements can wield

both desired and adverse effects on community members.
Model essays on "Do the advantages outweigh the
disadvantages" type of question.

People now have the freedom to work and live anywhere in the world due to
the development of communication technology and transportation.

Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

These days, many people choose to live or work in other countries, which has
been made possible because of the convenience of air travel and modern
communications. I believe that this has more benefits than drawbacks.

The disadvantage of this development / trend is the distance that is put

between family members. If a person moves away, it is true that air travel and
devices such as Skype mean that communication and contact can be maintained. Commented [d137]: The opposing opinion to be refuted.
However, it is likely that a person will only be able to return one or two times a
year during holidays, and speaking on Skype or via email is not the same as face-
to-face contact. Commented [d138]: The rebuttal sentence. We refuted the
opposing claim by mentioning its drawbacks.
Despite this, there are significant advantages it can bring to people’s lives. Commented [d139]: The controlling idea of the topic sentence.
Firstly, it means that people have the opportunity to see other parts of the world
and the way people live. For example, people from the West often go to work in
Asia or the Middle East and vice-versa. This, as a result, would enrich many
people’s lives as they get to learn about other languages, traditions, cultures
and different ways of working from their own country. In addition to this, on a
wider level/scale it may also benefit other countries. If someone moves abroad for
work, it is usually because his skill is required there. To illustrate, nurses and
Doctors often move to work in hospitals in other countries where there is a
shortage of these professions, so this is very valuable to the place they move to.

In conclusion, I would argue that although there are disadvantages of the current
trend to live and work abroad, they are outweighed by the advantages. It can
enrich people’s lives and lives of the people in the countries that they move to.

(283 Words)

the convenience of face-face contact

air travel and modern technology significant advantages

can be maintained language, traditions, customs, cultures

family members shortage of

The examiner comments:
As you can see in the essay, the writer believes there are more benefits so the
essay is biased towards this opinion, giving more advantages than

The opinion is very clear, and repeated in the conclusion, and the body of the
essay reflects this opinion so there will be no confusion when someone reads it.

Other Ways to Answer the Question

This is not to suggest that this method is the only way to answer this type of
question. There could be other ways.

For example, some people advise to write two body paragraphs - one on the
advantages and another on the disadvantages, then in the conclusion state which
one outweighs the other.

You can do this, but it can look at bit odd if you write about them equally,
but then say there are more of one than the other! A conclusion can be
cleverly worded to make this work, but that is a high level skill that many
candidates do not have.

You could write only about the advantages or only about disadvantages and
argue that one vastly outweights the other. However, the fact that the question
uses 'outweigh' or 'more' is suggesting that there are both benefits and

The benefit of organising your advantage disadvantage essay as illustrated in this

lesson is that by looking at both sides, you will have more ideas to brainstorm.
And importantly, your opinion is clear and this is reflected in the essay, which
is balanced to reflect and support your opinion.

Note again that if you decide that the advantages outweigh the
disadvantages then you have to write two advantages and one
disadvantage and when writing the advantages allocate one paragraph for
each advantage. But for the disadvantage, explain only one disadvantage in
one paragraph. However, if you think the opposite, then do the opposite for
the advantages and the disadvantages.
Do the dangers derived from the use of chemicals in food production and
preservation outweigh the advantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Food Additives Essay Model Answer

Most foods that are purchased these days in small stores and supermarkets have
chemicals in them as these are used to improve production and ensure the food
lasts for longer. However, there are concerns that these have harmful effects. In
my opinion, the potential dangers from this are greater than the benefits we

There are several reasons why chemicals are placed in food. Firstly, it is to
improve the product to the eye, and this is achieved via the use of colourings
which encourage people to purchase food that may otherwise not look tempting
to eat. Another reason is to preserve the food. Much of the food we eat would
not actually last that long if it were not for chemicals they contain, so again this is
an advantage to the companies that sell food as their products have a longer
shelf life.

From this evidence, it is clear to me that the main benefits are, therefore, to the
companies and not to the customer. Although companies claim these food
additives are safe and they have research to support this, the research is quite
possibly biased as it comes from their own companies or people with
connections to these companies. It is common to read reports these days in the
press about possible links to various health issues such as cancer. Food
additives have also been linked to problems such as hyperactivity in children.

To conclude, despite the fact that there are benefits to placing chemicals in
food, I believe that these principally help the companies but could be a danger to
the public. It is unlikely that this practice can be stopped, so food must be clearly
labeled and it is my hope that organic products will become more readily
available at reasonable prices to all.

(Words 298)

The potential dangers principally/ basically

From this evidence organic food/products
Biased research reasonable prices
Hyperactivity in children
Has been linked to
Some museums and art galleries charge admission fees, while
others have free entry. Do you think the advantages of free
admission outweigh the disadvantages?
With the increasing popularity of museums and art galleries, whether or not they should be
free of charge has drawn much discussion amongst the general public. Whilst many
advocates claim that people should be charged to enter these places, their opponents may
argue otherwise. Personally, I am inclined to the view that the merits of charging a fee upon
entrance outweigh the drawbacks.

One of the cogent reasons for charging fees is that the building and the maintaining costs of
any major museums and art galleries are tremendous. Undoubtedly, by charging a
reasonable entry fee, it can definitely help covering the cost incurred from day-to-day
activities such as utility bills, repairing costs, renovation and staff costs. Additionally, these
charges allow a museum or an art gallery to expand quickly and they can buy in more
exhibits to attract more people. Consequently, charging an admission fee seems very
utilitarian to create a better museums and galleries. (Summary of the main idea).

However, the major drawback to charging admission fees is that it may reduce the number
of visitors. This is particularly disadvantageous if poor members of society are unable to
afford to visit these places. It seems a great pity if children and economically
disadvantaged people are unable to benefit from the culture experiences these venues

In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that the benefits of an entry fee to museums and art
galleries prevail over the downsides. However, it is recommended that they can provide
concessions to special groups such as the indigent, students, disabled people and so on.
Only by doing so can we ensure that people are still willing to pay a visit.

Museums and art galleries

Free of charge

The general public

Advocates claim…

Opponents argue otherwise…

Cogent reasons…




Prevail over

Provide concessions to

Pay a visit
Some experts/pundits believe that it is better for children to begin
learning a foreign language at primary schools rather than
secondary school.

Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Some authorities/pundits think that it is more favorable for pupils to begin

studying languages at primary school instead of secondary school. This essay will
argue that the advantages of this outweigh the drawbacks. The essay will first
demonstrate that the earlier someone learns an additional language the more
likely they are to master it and that it brings added cognitive benefits, followed
by an analysis of how the primary disadvantage, namely confusion with their
native tongue, is not valid.

The main reason to start kids off with foreign languages early is that this
increases the likelihood they will achieve fluency in adulthood. That is to say
that they will have far more years to perfect their skills and it will seem perfectly
normal to speak bilingually. For example, in countries such as Holland and
Norway where English is taught from a very young age, more than 95% of
adults speak it at an advanced level. Learning a second language also helps to
improve overall cognitive abilities. In other words, it benefits the overall
development of a child’s brain. A recent survey by Cambridge University
found that children who studied a new language before the age of 5 were
significantly more likely to score higher in Mathematics and Science.

Those opposed to this say that it causes the child to become confused between
their mother tongue and the other language. However, there is actually no
evidence to support this view and children from bilingual families do just as well
in both languages. My own son was brought up speaking both Vietnamese and
English and outperforms most of his classmates in both.

On balance, the fact that early foreign language learning leads to higher fluency
and improved brain function clearly outweighs the flawed argument that it
impairs uptake of native languages.

(299 words)

That is to say that… there is no evidence to support this view…

Cognitive abilities flawed argument…
A recent survey
Those opposed to…
People now have the freedom to work and live anywhere in the world due Commented [d140]: The trend that we should base our
opinion upon.
to the development of communication technology and transportation. Commented [d141]: This is the situation (background
Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? information) that made the trend possible.

Generally, nowadays people around the world are free to live or work
anywhere because of the convenience of travel and modern
communications. I consider this has more benefits than drawbacks.

In my opinion, the only shortcoming of this development is the detachment

that is put among family members because when a person moves away, air
travel and communication devices like Skype mean that contact can be
maintained. However, a person probably will only be able to return one or
two times a year during holidays, and conversations on Skype or by Email is
not the same as face-to-face contact.

In spite of this, there are considerable benefits it can bring to people’s

lives. First, people have the opportunity to see other parts of the world and
diverse cultures. For instance, people from the Middle East or Asia often go
to work in West. Thus, this enriches many people’s lives as they get to learn
about other languages, cultures and different ways of working from their own
country. In addition to this, on a broader level, it may also assist other
countries as if someone moves abroad for work; it is usually because their
skill is required there. To illustrate, teachers and nurses often move to work
in other countries when there is a shortage, so this is very valuable to the
place they move to. In other words, not only the mover gets the benefit but
the new country also.

To conclude, I believe that though there are minor handicaps of the current
trend to live and work abroad, they are outweighed by the advantages. It
enhances people’s lives and lives of the people in the countries that they
move to.

278 Words
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of
living off-campus?

When students enter university, they often have to choose a place to live. It is
certainly true that living in an apartment outside campus has several obvious
benefits. However, like anything else, there are some drawbacks.

The advantages of staying off-campus are undeniable. First of all, it is more

convenient to live in an apartment. To clarify, students have a choice to choose
their room-mates as well as how big the house is. They can select a room big
enough to have a private space and contain all staffs they want. They also can
decide to live with how many people. Secondly, off-campus housing gives
students more freedom. Unlike living in the dormitory, there is no strict rule when
students stay in an apartment. For example, they can come back late at night,
cook and eat whatever they want, listens to loud music, and so on. Another
point is that living off-campus gives students a better preparation for their future
life. To be more specific, after graduating, they have to face house renting, bills
and other financial problems.

In spite of these strong points, living off-campus has its own downsides. A
common criticism is that students have to commute to and from their university.
As a consequences, this will take much of their time and money, they may have
to go far to go to the library or computer rooms. Another objection is high cost of
off-campus housing. They have to pay more money to their apartment, to buy
furniture, to pay for security, and the like. Last but not least, the final
disadvantage of living off-campus is the lack of security. Indeed, if students live
on campus, they are protected by the college security guards that patrol the

In conclusion, while there are some obvious drawbacks to live off-campus, this
challenges students to live in an apartment. Therefore, I strongly believe that
staying in off-campus housing has brought more pros than cons.

Strict rules

"Has its own downsides"

A common criticism

Commute to and from university

And the like…

Last but not least

Has brought more pros than cons

International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At the same time,
there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment.

Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages?

Model Answer:

Travel industry has experienced a major boom in the later part of the 20th
century and has been a boon in disguise, which has helped some weaker
nations to uplift their failing economies. While questions have been raised
regarding the negative impacts that accompany the growth in the travel sector,
these definitely do not outweigh the associated benefits.

The economic boost that accompanies a successful travel industry is quite well
recognized and Thailand is the prime example. The entire Thai economy
revolves around tourism and the country had been able to uplift its socio
economic status through its flourishing hospitality sector. Egypt is another
nation that is heavily dependent on its hospitality sector. The growth in the
number of incoming tourists leads to innumerable prospects in terms of local
entrepreneurship & employment generation. This is also associated with
international investments and infrastructure development. The national
authorities, in order to ensure the safety of the international visitors, provide
better law and order enforcement, improve transportation and healthcare
facilities, which in turn benefit the local population.

On the other hand, the rising influx of holidaymakers is associated with

increased incidences of crimes, prostitution and antisocial activities like drugs,
human trafficking and gambling, which affect the values of the indigenous
society. The local population is also affected by the growth in property value
indices. Environmentalists are also concerned regarding environmental
remodeling, that is associated with increased tourist activities in natural
reserves. In this context, it is worth mentioning that by enforcing stern laws and
orders and implementing strict legislations, governments can control most of
these negative impacts of tourism.
Henceforth, it can be confidently conveyed that even though the growth in
travel industry has accompanying negative social impacts, these do not
outweigh the contributions made by this sector towards social development.
Total Words: 296

In the later part of the 20th century economic boost

A boon in disguise heavily dependent

Uplift their failing economies. The growth in the number of

that accompany innumerable prospects

Employment generation entrepreneurship

Local population… antisocial activities

Human trafficking… the growth in property value indices

Enforcing stern laws and orders it can be confidently conveyed that

Model Answer (Band 8):
There is no doubt that international tourists have brought about a lot of positive impacts
to many countries. However, these benefits also come with many negative issues.
Personally, I feel that international tourism has resulted in more advantages than
disadvantages to the affected nations in general. This essay examines both the benefits
and their related cost followed by a reasonable conclusion.

First of all, many people argue that many local inhabitants have been sacrificed in order to
make way for the development of tourist attractions. For examples, tress were cut down
so that hotels can be constructed/erected; old heritage sites were demolished and
replaced by new shopping malls; local residence, especially the aboriginals, have to be
relocated so that their land can be used for a new airport. However, people tend to ignore
the economics and social benefits brought upon by these developments. For example, the
number of jobs created by the constructions of hotels and shopping malls could stimulate
the economic growth of a nation and benefit both the people and the nation as a whole.

Secondly, many people also claimed that the influx of foreign tourists will increase the
social problems such as crime and immoral activities. For examples, they claimed that
tourists usually like to visit pubs and clubs in the evening and that will lead to a higher
rate of alcohol-related problems such as noise pollution, vandalism and prostitution.
However, I believe that the millions of foreign dollars brought in by these tourists could
actually decrease the problems if the money is put into proper use by the government.
For example, the tax collected from the entertainment outlets could be used to help
combat crime and actually make the country a safer place.

In conclusion, I believe that if we look at the overall picture of international tourism

when doing the cost-benefit analysis, we will see that tourism is more of advantages than
of disadvantages.

Total Words: 318

Nowadays, with the advancement of technology, people can work and live anywhere
they want.

Do its advantages outweigh disadvantages?

Write at least 250 words.

Over the past few decades, it has become possible to relocate and work in different parts of
the world due to the convenient transportation modes provided by the modern technological
methods. Advantages of this advancement are comparatively more as compared to the
To embark upon, there are various advantages associated with modern technology. The
recent boom in technology has made it easy for people to travel to other countries; they
can seize the opportunity to visit new places and discover the other parts of the world. For
example, people travelling from East to the Western part of the world can come to know
various aspects of culture, tradition, values, language, and the like. This, as a result, can
enhance their knowledge and experience when meeting new people, which in turn increase
their tolerance towards people who belong to other culture or religion.

In addition to this, it would also benefit the other countries in terms of meeting the
shortage of skilled professionals. If there is a requirement of professionals with specific skills
in a country, it can hire skilled and experienced professionals from other country. For
example, health professionals such as doctors and nurses are often relocating to other
countries for meeting the skills shortage in those countries.

On the other hand, one of the disadvantages of modern means of communication and
technology is that it has widened the distance between family relationships. If a person has
travelled far from his home, it is not possible for him to meet his family members face to
face. Due to this reason, he can only talk to them using software such as Skype via video
calling or through phone.

In conclusion, it can be argued that though there are disadvantages of working and living
in other countries, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages since this benefits both the
person who is moving and also the country which is hiring that person.

Over the past few decades widened the distance between family relationships

It has become possible to Due to/owing to this reason

associated to it can be argued that

Seize the opportunity Health professionals

Shortage of skilled professionals

Differences between countries become less evident each year. Nowadays, all
over the world, people share the same fashions, advertising, brands, eating
habits and TV channels. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of

It is undoubtedly the case that the world today has become a global village. One of
the effects of this is that increasingly people in all corners of the world are
exposed to similar services and products and adopt similar habits. My view is that
although there are some minor cons associated with this trend, I would argue
that this is largely a beneficial process and this essay discusses why.
The first point to make is that there are some downsides to this process of
cultural globalization, but these are relatively minor. The most significant of these
disadvantages is that it can weaken national culture and traditions. For example,
if people watch films and television programmes produced in the United States,
sometimes they adopt aspects of the lifestyle of the American characters they see on
television. Typically, however, this only affects minor details such as clothing and
does not seriously threaten national identity. (Concession sentence to sign off the
side you argue against).

When we turn to/consider the other side of the argument, there are two major
points to make in favour of this process. The first of these is that the more we
share habits, products and services, the better we understand each other and this
reduces prejudice against other nations. The other point relates to modernity. It is
a sign of progress in a society where people are no longer restricted to brands and
advertisements from their own society but are able to access more international
goods. If, for example, they were unable to drink Coca Cola or wear Nike, then that
would mean their society was not part of the international community.

In conclusion, I understand the point of view of people who worry about cultural
globalization because it is a threat to national traditions. However, this is
outweighed by its positive impacts on international understanding and the fact
that it represents/reflects progress within a society.

Less evident global village cultural globalization

It is undoubtedly the case that… weaken national culture and traditions
Exposed to similar services and products national identity
Adopt similar habits modernity
Beneficial process international community

‘In some countries, some criminal trials in law courts are shown on
television so that the general public can watch.

Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?’

In recent years, criminal trials have been televised in some nations to allow the
public an opportunity to watch them. I believe, although there are advantages to
this, making trials public can lead to too much injustice and other problems.

One of the main advantages of allowing court trials to be broadcasted on TV is that

the entire judicial system is open to the public to watch and supervise. In some
countries, where the judicial system is corrupt, it would be a step forward towards
more justice by televising the trials as it is overseen by the public. Another benefit
is that opening the doors of the court room allows the public rights to information.
The public have a right to know the details of trials so that they can form their own
opinions. This is important in countries where the government has restricted
public access to information.

On the other hand, allowing trials to be shown on TV has serious/grave

consequences. Firstly, the public might form opinions which are based on mass
media bias and a lack of understanding of the legal system. This public and media
pressure might affect the outcome of the trial, thus justice will not be served.
Secondly, the legal team might see this as an opportunity to promote themselves
which means they may be distracted and not put all their attention into defending
or prosecuting. Lastly, the jury is supposed to decide the verdict, but by televising
the trial, the entire public removes the effectiveness of a jury system.

In conclusion, regardless of the aforementioned benefits, the disadvantages of an

open televised trial can be devastating due to public and media pressure, which
might result in a lack of justice.

Criminal trials


broadcast on TV

Judicial system

Serious consequences

Today, people can work and live anywhere they want because of the improvement
of communication technology and transport.

Do advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Nowadays, with the advancement of telecommunication technology and travel, today’s Commented [d142]: Showing the cause of the trend given in
person can reside and get employment in any part of the globe. The advantages of this the statement of the task.
definitely outweigh the disadvantages. This essay delves into the number of arguments
with a reasoned conclusion.

First of all, the main advantage of being able to live and work from anywhere is that
people can have more choices of jobs because of technological advances. Not only
can you work in any part of your home country, you can also work for any company in
any part of the world by telecommuting as modern wireless technology has made work
easier and created more time for self and family. Besides this, wireless internet and 4g
services reduce the paper work and help to create online work jobs like web designing
and blogging.

Furthermore, the modern transportation modes, such as the metro and light rail, have
lessened the travel time and also made it more convenient for commuters. This has
also decreased the need for people to live in cities and come back to peaceful
countryside in the evenings because of modern transport systems. Delhi metro and
Mumbai local rails are the prime example, people commute daily to cities from
countryside for work.

On the downside, some people think that this is leading to a sedentary lifestyle as
people do not need to travel. People become so dependent on technology that any
network failure may lead life to come to a standstill .However, these minor disadvantages
are of no importance if we look at the plethora of advantages this situation has to
offer. IT specialists made it very easier to normalize the down server and network in a
few minutes.

Summing up, people can live and work anywhere today and this situation is more of a
boon than a bane. So the number of benefits prevails over its drawbacks.

 Has made it easier

 The modern transportation modes…
 Has made it more convenient
 Sedentary lifestyle
 This trend is more a noon than a bane.

One of the consequences of improved medical care is that people are living
longer and life expectancy is increasing. Do you think the advantages of
this development outweigh the disadvantages? Give reasons for your
answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge of

As advances in medical care continue, life expectancy/longevity is increasing

and more people are living longer than ever before. I believe the disadvantages of
this progress clearly outweigh the advantages. As longer lives means an ever
expanding population who will need feeding and clothing, and more elderly who
will require expensive medical care, in contrast to having more time to spend with
their families.
While a greater life span sounds like a good idea in practice, it will only
exacerbate current world problems. The world can barely feed, clothe and
house the 7 billion people currently on our planet. For example, the WHO (World
Health Organization) estimates that if world population rises by more than 10% of
the current rate per annum, then severe food and water shortages will occur in
the world's poorest regions. Also, just because life spans are longer this does not
mean that extended life is a happy one. Many elderly people suffer from serious
age-related health complaints such as arthritis, diabetes, lung disease, etc. For
example, a recent survey by the UN (United Nations) shows that people aged
80 and above account for up to 70% of many developed nation's expenditure on
medical care.

In contrast, living longer may give people more time to do the things they want to
do after retirement, such as spending time with their families, etc. However, as
mentioned above this is only if the elderly have sufficient resources and the
good health to enjoy this extended life span. For example, as WHO figures
show, in the UK, and other Western countries, the average state pension is often
below the rate of inflation, making it difficult for old people to have a comfortable
existence in their retirement. When this is taken into account coupled with failing
health, it is difficult to argue that living longer has any real benefits.

In conclusion, although the average life span is becoming longer than ever
before, I believe that the pressure of an increasing struggle for resources that an
expanding population can bring, coupled with a serious decline in the quality of
life for the elderly, clearly outweighs any possible benefit longer life can bring.

362 words

Some people believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign
language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the
advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Foreign language studies are a typical component in education curriculums. However, the
exact age at which students should first be introduced to a second language is often
debated. Whether first taught at primary school or secondary school, advantages and
disadvantages can be identified. This essay will analyse these items in an effort to prove one
age group better than the other at which to begin foreign language studies.

Introducing a new language to primary school students has several advantages over
delaying this introduction to secondary school. For one, as evidenced in numerous scientific
studies, young minds are much more capable of acquiring accent, a truth that enables young
people to reproduce language at a quality comparable to that of a native speaker. In addition
to this, the heightened memories of young children make them much more capable of taking
on the task of learning the massive amounts of vocabulary needed to be communicated in a
second language. This of course accelerates their second language studies in ways not seen
at the secondary school level. It is thus clear that teaching a second language at primary
school has certain undeniable benefits.

Despite these advantages, there are potential drawbacks/pitfalls to introducing a foreign

language at the primary school level. If the language component of the curriculum is not
related to local customs and traditions, it could interfere with a young learner’s understanding
of their own culture, a challenge that is not apparent among the more mature secondary
students. However, although this is a concern that should be taken seriously, educational
bodies within a country have the power to review and vet content; this is a practice that
curbs the possibility of cultural erosion. Further, delaying the introduction of foreign
language studies also delays a student’s development as a worldly/cosmopolitan person
that understands cultures outside their own. Thus, after analysis, the disadvantages to
foreign language studies in primary school are not quite as discouraging as they may first

The above discussion makes it clear that despite the disadvantages, language learning is
more effectively executed at primary school than secondary school. I thus hope governments
the world over encourage the introduction of foreign language classes among their young

undeniable benefits

interfere with

educational bodies

Being a celebrity – such as a famous film star or sports personality –

brings problems as well as benefits. Do you think that being a celebrity
brings more benefits or more problems?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from
your own experience.

Being a well-known personality has both positive and negative aspects. However,
in my opinion, the benefits behind being a celebrity outweigh the negatives. In this
essay, I will support my stand by showing how fame elevates a person’s social
standing and helps them feel good about themselves and the work they do.
One of the advantages of being a celebrity is that fame almost always brings riches.
Celebrities are popular, and this popularity makes them great brand ambassadors.
Companies hire them to endorse their products as the products promoted by
celebrities tend to sell well. Since celebrities are rich, they can buy just about
anything they wish without having to worry about the cost. Their popularity and
their purchasing power make them feel satisfied with the work they do and help
boost their morale.

Furthermore, celebrities enjoy huge fan-following. Their fans regard them as role
models and look up to/admire them and follow their actions religiously. They do
this with the hope of reaching the same level as their role models. To illustrate, sports
personalities like Roger Federer and Lionel Messi have numerous fans all over the
world. Millions of children aspire to become champions like them. Thus it is evident
how fame elevates a person’s social standing.

Conversely, at times, famous people can become victims of privacy invasion by

their fans; such incidents, however, do not affect all of them. Some celebrities guard
their privacy, whereas others don’t mind living in the limelight all the time, not to
mention that they enjoy the adulation they get.

To conclude, there are several benefits to being a celebrity. After analyzing how fame
makes a person rich and a role model for many, it is not hard to see that being a
celebrity is an advantage, not a disadvantage.

Boost their morale

Privacy invasion limelight adulation

What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism? In general, do the

advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

In the past couple of decades, the tourism industry has emerged as one of
the fastest growing industries in the world. More and more people are
interested in visiting other places during their holiday. There have been both
positive and negative consequences associated with this recent development.

Tourism has brought many benefits for tourist destinations. Tourism not only
helps to generate/create jobs, but also boosts the economy. When tourists
visit, they stay at hotels, eat at local restaurants and use taxis. All of this
contributes to increasing revenue for business owners involved in these
industries. This income, in turn, helps the local community to improve their
standard of living. Furthermore, it has been found that tourism has played an
important role in the restoration of historical monuments and the revival of
several cultural heritages. Cities and towns make an effort to maintain sites for
tourists to visit, helping to preserve important parts of the past.

Tourists also benefit from visiting new cities and countries. When a tourist visits a
different country, they learn about a new language and culture. They are also
introduced to new cuisine and forms of dress. As a result, visitors are able to
explore the new culture and broaden their thinking. Furthermore, children who
accompany their parents gain immeasurable benefits from exposure to a new
culture. In addition, interacting with local residents helps to facilitate
understanding between cultures. These are important benefits in a world that
seems to be shrinking each day.

Despite the numerous/innumerable/several advantages of tourism, one cannot

afford to ignore the disadvantages. Opponents of tourism criticize the industry
on the ground that it exposes local culture to outside influence and leads to the
dilution of their culture. Moreover, with heavy tourist traffic, environmental
damage and pollution to local regions is inevitable.

In conclusion, technological advances have made the world a global village and
coexistence between people of different countries and cultures has become a
part of life. Despite the disadvantages of tourism, most countries cannot afford to
grow their economies in isolation by shutting their doors to the outside world.

In the past couple of decades historical monuments

has brought many benefits revival of several cultural heritages

boosts the economy immeasurable benefits

helps the local community exposes local cul

ture to outside influence

standard of living shrinking each day.

on the ground that dilution of their culture./culture erosion

Some people believe that teaching children at home is best for a child’s
development while others think that it is important for children to go to

Discuss the advantages of both methods and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

The argument over whether learning at home or at school is better for children has not
been settled yet. Whereas home education offers better protection with individual
learning and opportunities for families to bond, schools have a superior range of material
and human resources. Ultimately, I think the school experience is best for children.

There are several advantages for children who learn at home. Firstly, they can spend
more time with their parents and siblings. Many social problems are associated with
families not spending enough quality time together. Teaching children at home also
provides them with an individualized/tailored learning environment. Instruction is custom
designed and moves at the child’s own pace and in accordance with his or her individual
learning style. Finally, home schooling protects children from bullies and others who
might be a bad influence.

On the other hand, the school environment/stting also offers advantages for children.
Schools encourage children to socialise with their peers and learn how to cope with gossip,
bullying and peer pressure. In addition, children will receive better tuition/education
across a range of disciplines, as schools have teachers who are trained in special subjects.
What is more, schools provide better access to physical resources such as sports
equipment, musical instruments and library books.

To conclude, I believe that children are better off in a school environment. Although family
time and individual learning are important, the range of expertise and resources that schools
offer cannot be matched in the home. School environments may present difficult social
situations, but so too does the real world and children must learn to navigate these on
their own.

Essays about type of question

"Is this positive or negative development"

Living Alone Essay

In this living alone essay, you have to examine the trend for more people to live
by themselves rather than other people.

IELTS essay questions tend to deal with current topics that are being debated
and discussed, and this is a good example of this.

It is another representation of the general trend towards individualism in society.

Remember you should start by examining the question very carefully.

In recent times, many people are making the decision to live alone.

What are the causes of this?

Does it have positive or negatives effects on society?

You should first note that there are two tasks that need to be addressed:

1. The causes
2. The negative / positive impacts on society
You must address all these things.

You should also have noted that it says effects on society. So you should not be
talking about impacts on the individual (or if you do, you should explain how it will
then impact society).

You could do three body paragraphs in the living alone essay - one on the
causes, one on the positive effects and one on the negative. Or you could just
split it into two body paragraphs.

However, you don't have to write about positive and negative effects if you don't
want to. It says negative or positive, so you could decide it is one or the other.

You should make those decisions after you have brainstormed your ideas. If
you can only think of negative effects then fine, just write about those and make
sure your opinion states that.

Now, take a look at the model answer. In the model, positive and negative effects
are discussed, so the opinon is that there are both.

In recent times, many people are making the decision to live alone.

What are the causes of this?

Does it have positive or negatives effects on society?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
experience or knowledge.
Model Answer - Living Alone Essay

Over recent years, there has been a tendency in many countries for more
people of all ages to choose to live alone. This essay will discuss the reasons for
this and explain why this can have both advantages and disadvantages for

One reason for this trend is economic. People are generally more affluent than
in the past, and this means that they can afford to make the choice to live
alone, something not always possible in the past. In addition to this, there are
also cultural factors. There used to be more pressure to marry young and think
about having a family. Now though, people desire self-fulfillment, and will marry
later or divorce if their marriage is not happy. Also, the developments in
communication technology such as social media mean that people can live
alone but still feel connected to others.

I would argue that this development has both positive and negative impacts on
society. A positive impact is that those individuals who are young and single
have helped to revitalize cities around the world, as they are more likely to live in
central locations and socialize, spend money and participate in public life than
those living with others. However, a drawback is that some people living alone
who experience problems may not have an outlet to talk with. This lack of social
support could lead to more mental health problems in the general population,
which would need to be dealt with by public health care services.

To conclude, economic and cultural factors/reasons/grounds, and changes in

communication have resulted in more people living alone, and, although this has
benefits to society, there are also negative impacts.

(277 Words)

This living alone essay would receive a high IELTS score.

It is well structured. Paragraphing is appropriate, with an introduction, conclusion,

and two body paragraphs, each one tackling a diffferent part of the question.

The task is fully addressed as well, as the essay discusses both the causes and
the impacts on society. The topic sentence in the second body paragraph makes
it clear what the view of the author is, as does the thesis in the introduction.
There is also a good mix of topic relevant vocabulary and complex sentences.

Some universities now offer their courses on the Internet so that people can
study online. Is this a positive or negative development?

It is true that online courses are becoming a common feature of university

education. Although there are some drawbacks linked to Internet-based
learning, I would argue that there are far more benefits.
The main drawback of the trend towards online university courses is that there
is less direct interaction. Students may not have the opportunity to engage face-
to-face with their teachers and will instead have to rely on written forms of
communication. Similarly, students who study online do not come into direct
contact with each other, and this could have a negative impact on peer support,
discussion and exchange of ideas. For example, whereas students on
traditional courses can attend seminars and even discuss their subjects over
coffee after lessons, online learners are restricted to chatting through website
forum areas. These learners may also lack the motivation and element of
competition that face-to-face group work brings.
Despite the negatives mentioned above, I believe that online university
courses are a positive development for various reasons. Firstly, they allow
learners to study in a flexible way, meaning that they can work whenever and
wherever convenient, and they can cover the material at their own pace.
Secondly, the cost of a university education can be greatly reduced, while
revenues for institutions may increase as more students can be taught. Finally,
online learning offers open access to anybody who is willing to study, regardless
of age, location, ability and background. For example, my uncle, who is 65 years
old, has recently enrolled in an online MBA course in a different country, which
would have been impossible in the days before Internet-based education.
In conclusion, while I recognize the possible/potential disadvantages of online
learning, I consider it to be a positive development overall.

 are becoming a common feature restricted to

 less direct interaction meaning that

 engage face-to-face with would have been


 Similarly, Internet-based education.

 come into direct contact with

 this could have a negative impact on

 whenever and wherever convenient

In recent years, the family structure and the role of its

members are gradually changing. What kinds of changes
can occur? Do you think these changes are positive or

It is true that these days the family structure has considerably

shifted, and the changing role of men and women in the family
has become increasingly similar. There are several new forms
of family composition, and in my opinion, these developments are
not always desirable.

In the past, nuclear families where parents and their offspring

lived together under one roof used to be prevalent. However, there
is now a huge trend towards single-parent families due to more
marriages end in divorce, while the increase in cohabiting
couple families and stepfamilies is probably a result of
cohabitation and remarriage becoming much more acceptable. In
addition, the number of single-mother families has increased as
many mothers want to have children without getting married. In
terms of changing parental roles in a family, there has been a rise
in the number of stay-at-home dads in recent years when it has
become normal for women to gain qualifications and pursue
their own career path. This is in sharp contrast to about half a
decade ago when men were breadwinners and women were in
charge of household chores in their families.

In my view, the changes described above could have both positive

and negative consequences. On the one hand, due to the lack of
emotional attachment and legal binding, non-traditional
households such as stepfamilies and cohabiting parents are
more prone to breaking down. Consequently, children of these
families are more likely to be involved in antisocial behaviors
while their parent may experience feelings of loneliness and worry.
On the other hand, the changes in the roles of members in the
family could be seen as progress because women are not put
under pressure to sacrifice their own careers to assume childcare
and domestic responsibilities.

In conclusion, I believe that the changes in the roles of family

members and the family structure are both positive and negative.

308 words, Band 8.5

 IELTS Examiner’s comment:

This is one of the best essays I have ever seen. It’s amazing! I don’t know
what to suggest to improve this apart from minor improvements to the
introduction and the conclusion, which is very short & unclear (positive &
negative). All IELTS band scores would be 9 apart from Task Response,
which would be 8.0. Overall – 8.5. Did you write this in 40 mins with no

 Band 8.5 Model Answer 2:

The changes of family structure and family roles have become a

major topic of concern in modem society. Some of the main
changes will be identified, before an evaluation on whether this is a
positive or negative trend is made.

A few drastic changes could be observed in families today. The

most obvious one is the decreased size of an average family in
society. In Vietnam, for example, a majority of extended
families of three generations or more living under the same roof
have been transformed into nuclear families with only parents and
children. In addition, there is also a significant change in terms of
the roles of the father and the mother in a family. The
responsibility of males as the sole breadwinner of the family
has now been shared with females, and now women have equal
working opportunities compared with their male counterparts.
Accordingly, household duties are also shared equally between the
two sexes.

I contend that this new family structure is without a doubt

beneficial for all families. As regards the smaller family size, each
family member could benefit from an increased sense of
freedom. For instance, parents have more time for themselves
now, compared with the situation in the past when they had to
bear the responsibility of taking care of both grandparents and
children. With respect to the change in family roles, women may
reap the benefit of having their own career and thus financial
freedom. Men also gain from this change since they have been
freed from the financial pressure of being the only source of
income in the family.

To conclude, the most apparent changes in today’s families

include a decreased family size and a shared financial and
household responsibility of men and women. All the existing
data has provided a concrete foundation that these changes are
beneficial for all members of the family.

Model Essay 3
It is true that there have been significant changes in not only the
family structure but also family roles. In my opinion, these
changes should be regarded as a positive tendency.

To begin with, the structure of a family is relatively different from

that of some decades ago. In the past, it was likely that extended
families became prevalent among societies when many
generations including children, parents and grandparents lived
under the same roof. In contrast, these days are witnessing the
domination of nuclear families which have only parents and their
offspring. Regarding parental roles, in earlier periods, men and
women were supposed to be breadwinners and homemakers
respectively as fathers tended to earn a living while mothers were
supposed to stay at home to fulfill household duties as well as
looking after children. In the present time, however, both men and
women go to work to support the whole family, whereas household
tasks are often divided.

I am of the opinion that these changes would have beneficial

effects on family life. First of all, if fewer generations reside
together, people seem to have more freedom and privacy to do
anything they have interest in without disturbing other members.
For instance, in extended families juveniles adoring pop music
might have to stop listening to it because their grandparents could
find it annoying and noisy. Furthermore, pursuing their own
careers can allow women to become financially independent from
men and this also provides families with another income to have a
higher standard of living. Another benefit when husbands assist
their wives with household chores is that women would ease the
burden of housework and have more time for themselves which
can be spent on recreational activities.

In conclusion, I hold the view that several changes in family

pattern and the role of member such as the fact that extended
families are gradually replaced by nuclear ones and the fair
division of household duties is a positive development.

 IELTS Examiner’s Comment:

Criteria Grade Assessment

– 323 words

– addresses all parts of the task

Task Achievement 7.5
– presents a clear position throughout the response

– presents, extends and supports main ideas

– logically organises information and ideas; there is

clear progression throughout

Coherent &
8 – uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately

– presents a clear central topic within each


– uses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task

– attempts to use less common vocabulary

Lexical Resources 7.5

– makes some errors in spelling and/or word

formation, but they do not impede communication

– uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms

Grammar Range &
– produces frequent error-free sentences

Overall 7.5

Nowadays, more people are choosing to socialize online rather than

face to face. Is this a positive or negative development?
An increasing number of people meet and talk to their friends online instead of
in person. In my opinion, this is a negative development which can lead to
isolation, potentially harmful situations and also problems later on in life.

One serious problem that can arise from people socializing online is that it can
lead to isolation. Before the internet age, people would frequently go out to meet
friends, for example in cafes, bars or restaurants, whereas now people prefer to
stay at home alone, chatting online. As a result, people are starting to spend the
majority of their time alone at home in their room without meeting others.
Isolation of this kind is not healthy and can sometimes lead to depression and
other issues.

Another issue is that meeting people online can be risky. In other words, people
can assume fake identities online as well as hide their true characteristics. This is
particularly concerning for teenagers who are impressionable and can easily be
led into dangerous situations. Furthermore, as this interaction is online, parents
have no way of monitoring it and protecting their children.

Finally, socialising online can end in difficulties years later as conversations and
shared photos that had been forgotten reappear. This situation is currently critical
for many people, again especially for teenagers who do not think carefully before
posting online. That is to say, information which is put online can remain there
forever and while people may share intimate communications with close friends,
these words can then resurface later on leading to much embarrassment.

In conclusion, although it has become more popular for people to socialise

through the internet, it has brought about too many problems for this to be
considered a positive trend.

Nowadays many people go shopping in their free time. Shopping has replaced
many other activities that people used to choose as their hobby. What are the
reasons for this? Is this a positive or negative development?

Sample Answer:

In the current scenario, shopping is the main activity people prefer doing in their
leisure time rather than performing any activity as per their hobbies. Many
reasons are there that have led people to choose shopping than pursuing hobby
and it is definitely a negative development which needs serious attention.
To embark upon, people are often seen shopping in the big malls along with
their friends or family members. First and major reason behind this can be the
fact that large shopping malls are attractive and popular source of recreational
activity, and hence people go for buying things whenever they get free time. For
example, working professionals visit Big Bazaar, a famous mall with branches all
across the nation during weekends rather than going for sports
activities. Secondly, sedentary lifestyle of people allows them to avoid any
physical activity such as playing badminton or basketball.

While there is nothing wrong to do shopping, ignoring other activities that you
would otherwise perform as hobbies is surely not the right thing to do. People
should be motivated by their friends or family members to enjoy sports activities
by playing together some games such as cricket, badminton and the like. Such
healthy activities would help them to gain leadership skills and boost up their
personalities. Apart from this, competitions should be organized in the societies
so that people can put efforts learning the skills to win such contests. For
instance, creative art workshops can be organized and the one that performs well
can be rewarded.

To conclude, shopping is essential and inevitable part of daily life. However, it

should not be considered as a hobby and one should utilize time for other healthy
activities as well.

In most developed countries, shopping is not only about buying the goods

you need, it is also perceived as entertainment. Is it a positive or negative


In many developed nations, consumerism is not only about buying the

everyday things we need to survive but is also seen as a form of
entertainment. This essay will argue that this is a very negative
development because of the detrimental effect marketing and
advertising has on people and the fact that it is a very unproductive
The main reason people buy luxury items is because of the influence
multinationals’ marketing campaigns have on them. We are constantly
bombarded with messages telling us that if we buy a certain product
we will be happier, more beautiful or more complete. In many ways,
these companies trick us into buying their products, when all we need
to be happy are much simpler items. For example, fashion chains like
Chanel and Prada tell people that they are only good enough if they
wear nice clothes and use glamorous models to make people feel
unsatisfied with their appearance.

Shopping for goods you don’t really need is also not the most productive
thing you can do with your time. Not only is it a huge waste of money; it
does nothing to develop a person either physically or intellectually. If
we compare this activity with other popular pastimes like sport, reading
or even watching movies, we can see how unfulfilling shopping really
is. For instance, most of my friends who spend their weekends shopping
have nothing else to talk about, other than their purchases, whereas my
friends who use their time more wisely are often much more interesting
to talk with.

In conclusion, people should only shop for the necessities and not for
pleasure because they are being manipulated by transnational
companies and there are also much more constructive ways for people
to spend their free time.

 In many developed nations bombarded with

 Consumerism fashion chains like Chanel
 luxury items transnational companies
 unfulfilling being manipulated
 shop for the necessities
 constructive ways pastimes

Some universities offer online courses as an alternative to classes

delivered on campus. Do you think this is a positive or negative

Nowadays a lot of people are debating whether online classes can be

an alternative to regular classes. In my opinion, they can. I personally
believe that the advancement in technology has made it possible to
make some revolutionary changes to the education system. Online
learning is one of them.
The biggest advantage of online classes is that they are convenient.
They allow students to learn at their own pace and at a time convenient
for them. Regular classes, on the other hand, have fixed hours. If you
have a full time job or a young child or aged parents to take care of, you
cannot attend them. Online classes are actually a boon for people who
have other commitments that prevent them from attending classes
delivered on the campus.

In this day and age, learning has become a never-ending process.

People are constantly upgrading their skills to improve their career
prospects. They are enrolling in new courses in the middle of their
career. If universities did not offer the option of online learning, most of
them would be in a fix because few people can afford to quit their job
to learn a new skill. Online courses also allow students to obtain foreign
degrees without having to leave their country. For example, students in
India can join online courses offered by foreign universities and obtain
coveted degrees sitting at home.

Perhaps the biggest argument against online courses is the lack of

quality control. But this has changed over the years because of
advancements in technology. Now that several internationally acclaimed
universities have also started offering online classes, their credibility
has also increased.

To conclude, in my opinion, online classes are a positive development

and a productive alternative to regular classes conducted on campus.

Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed Commented [d143]: This is the trend.

because of technology. In what ways has technology affected personal Commented [d144]: This is what caused the trend given in the
relationships? Has this become a positive or negative development?

Advances in technology have without doubt influenced/revolutionized the way

we communicate with each other in a number of different ways. While some of this
change can have a negative influence on the way we interact, my view is that
overall modern technology typically improves communication in personal

It is clear that technology has changed the way we communicate in several

respects. Perhaps the clearest example of this is that nowadays many people prefer
to keep in touch with their friends and relatives using applications and social
networking sites like FaceTime, Skype, Facebook and the like. Another way this
change is evident is how the email and texting have almost completely replaced
the letter as the primary form of written communication. As these modern
forms of communication are typically much more convenient and instant, one
result is that we can communicate more easily with people who we do not see on
a daily basis.

I would argue that these innovations have mostly improved personal

relationships. The principal benefit is that it is just so much easier to stay in
touch with people we might otherwise lose contact with. It is, for example, now
very straightforward to keep in contact with friends from university who move to
different cities after they graduate and this means relationships last longer. The
only real drawback is that sometimes people become so addicted to their online
social networks that they stop communicating with friends in the real world. That,
however, is a minor issue.

In conclusion, technological communications have in fact largely improved

human interaction because emails, texting and social networks enable us to
maintain friendships which might otherwise be lost.

Advances in technology have without doubt keep in contact with= stay in touch with

modern technology that, however, is a minor issue.

in several respects maintain friendships

social networking sites = social networks which might otherwise be lost

primary form of written communication

one result is that

I would argue that these innovations

Scientists say that in the future humanity will speak the same
language. Do you think this is a positive or negative social development?

Commented [d145]: This is the general statement about the

One of the consequences of globalization is that even though there are more humans on topic. We can come up with the general statement by asking
why/where/how the trend is happening. Keep in mind we only
earth, the number of languages spoken is decreasing. As nomadic people and small tribes need to come up with the general statement if the statement given
in the question is too short to paraphrase.
are assimilated into the wider population, and as powerful languages are increasingly
taught in schools, it seems likely that in future all people will speak the same language. I
do not believe this is a terrible thing, but it is not without its problems.

On the surface, it may seem as though the loss of languages is inherently negative.
Our language is a part of our cultural identity, and without it people may feel a sense of
loss. For example, some populations whose traditional language is dying out will lose
their ancient stories and traditions, and feel that they are now no different from other
groups of people. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that dominant cultures,
whose languages are spreading throughout the world, maintain their cultural

However, although there are clearly some unfortunate side effects of this aspect of
globalization, there are so many benefits that they outweigh the negatives. For one
thing, the dominance of major languages like English ensures an increased level of
literacy throughout populations where previously there were only oral languages or very
limited written materials. While the loss of cultural artifacts is regrettable, the rise of
literacy increases standards of living, and this is more important.

In conclusion, there are some undeniably negative consequences of a global language;

however, the increase in literacy levels/rates is an example of a benefit to humanity
that vastly outweighs any imaginable/conceivable drawback.

One of the consequences of globalization… although there are clearly…

Nomadic people… unfortunate side effects
Assimilated into a wider population the dominance of major languages
On the surface, level of literacy
Is inherently negative cultural artifacts
Cultural identity standards of living
Dying out undeniably negative consequences
Feel a sense of loss
Essays about the type of question "Discuss both side of the argument"

Some people believe that in present times, women do get as much equality
at work as men, while others believe that even today women have to fight
their way to succeed at work.
Discuss both views.

Women have carved their way into the offices and are doing a great job in the
different aspects of life. Not only managing a great career, but also ensuring a
healthy home. Although many people are of the belief that these days men and
women are treated equally in the office arena, there have been voices stating
against the statement.
Women have made a huge progress in workplace but still get lesser pay than
their male counterparts. Even more, it is often more easier for a man to get a
promotion than a female, especially when it comes to higher ranks of the
organization. Even in industries like film industry, most of the actresses have
complained as to how they are offered lesser pay as compared to their male
partners. Recently, it was Indira Nooyi who grasped the attention when she said
that women cannot have it all in their lives and have to adjust.
However, the situation has definitely improved when compared to the past.
Presently, we can see more of working women in organizations. In health and
education sectors, most countries have largely closed the gap between males
and females. With initiatives from organizations like SEBI, there are now an
increased number of women in the board of an organization when compared to
the past. Furthermore, companies are now keeping in mind the life of working
women and provide offerings to ensure they are able to work comfortably.
In conclusion, there have been attempts on part of both the employers and the
women employees to make sure they get the equal right and opportunity. But,
we have just started and there is a long way to go before we finally assume to
have succeeded in bringing balance in the work culture.

Some people are of the opinion that children should be rewarded for good
behavior. Others think they should be punished for bad behavior. Discuss
both views and give your personal opinion and reasons.

The debate over a child’s moral education is difficult due to the various
viewpoints each party holds. The question of discipline is exceptionally important,
and whether to treat good behavior with a neutral attitude or to just focus on
correcting incorrect actions is a moot point. My personal opinion is that any
positive actions ought to be immediately recognized by parents and vice versa for
negative conduct. This balanced approach makes for a more positive outcome for
both the child and family.

Firstly, rewarding a good act immediately signals a positive reaction in the

child’s brain which should encourage the child to want to behave similarly in the
future. Failure to recognize such behavior leaves the child with the same emotional
feeling as if they had done nothing. Therefore, rewarding the child regularly for
good behavior enforces the action, making it more likely to repeat itself in the

Secondly, punishing the son or daughter is also necessary, and failure to discipline
could have serious consequences in the future. For example, if a child has no clear
concept of respect for elders or authority, it is quite possible to encounter more
serious problems later in life. This pattern is prevalent in marginal neighborhoods
throughout the world. Therefore, it is essential to immediately discipline the child
whenever witnessing an unruly act so as to enforce the correct behavior from an
early age.

To conclude, both bad and good actions need to be recognized and dealt with
immediately to correct or encourage the future actions. Failure to do either of these
could result in a less fortunate life or a youth who rarely performs any good acts
for anyone. Therefore, it is critical that both types of behavior are treated
accordingly for the benefit of the child in the future.

In order to reduce crime, some argue that attacking its cause like
poverty is the best solution, while others believe that putting more
people in prisons and having more policemen are more convenient
way in tackling crime. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Band 9 essay sample

Reducing the crime rate is crucial to ensuring the safety and security of
people living in a particular society. While some people are in favour of
building more prisons and increasing the number of policemen, others
feel that achieving economic welfare is the key to tackling crime. In my
opinion, all of these measures are required to fight crime effectively.

There are several benefits to increasing the number of policemen

patrolling the streets. They will act as a deterrent and force offenders to
think twice before engaging in robbery or shoplifting. They will also
increase the sense of safety among law-abiding citizens. It is equally
important to punish those engaging in criminal activities. They are a
threat to the life and property of people and hence they should be
kept in confinement. The hardships that they face in the prison and
the subsequent social alienation may reform at least some of them.

Perhaps a better solution/course of action to reduce the crime rates is to

ensure financial security for everyone. Studies have shown that most
criminals have poor financial backgrounds. In most cases, it is their
poverty that compels them to commit criminal deeds. If the
government can create more jobs and provide economic security for all
the people, the crime rates will automatically drop. Of course, this will
require the government to invest more in education and vocational
training. Educated and trained people will be able to create jobs
themselves to secure their lives financially. They are also less likely to
get into crime.

To conclude, tackling crime is a tough task and the government has to

employ all possible means to achieve this. This will involve deploying
more policemen on the streets, putting criminals behind the bars
and ensuring economic security for all the people.

 Crime rate reform some of the criminals

 While some people are in favor of financial security
 Achieving economic welfare studies have shown that
 Is the key to tackling sth poor financial backgrounds
 Policemen patrolling commit criminal deeds/acts
 Act as a deterrent create more jobs
 Engage in a robbery or shoplifting economic security
 Sense of safety invest more in education
 Be kept in confinement employ all possible means/measures
 Social alienation putting criminals behind the bars
Scientists agree that people are harming their health by eating too
much fast food. Some people think that the solution to this problem
is to make people aware of the problems. Others think education
will not work. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Band 9 essay sample

Excessive consumption of fatty foods leads to a lot of health problems.
Some people believe that creating awareness about the health
consequences of junk food is the solution to this problem. Others,
however, feel that other measures are required to tackle this issue. In
my opinion, creating awareness is important but that alone will not work.

Most people lead a hectic life these days. They do not have the time or
energy to cook proper meals. As a result, they subsist on fast food.
Many of them are actually aware of the ill effects of fast food; yet they
consume it because they prefer convenience to health. Such people will
not stop eating junk foods even if the government launches awareness
campaigns against such foods. There are also some people who
consume fast food because they are ignorant of the consequences of
fast food consumption. Awareness campaigns will work best amongst

As we have seen, in many cases, lack of awareness is not the sole

factor that encourages the consumption of fast foods. Therefore other
actions are also required to deal with this problem. People who eat fast
food in spite of knowing that it is unhealthy may stop eating it if the
government makes it unaffordable by imposing more taxes on it. Even
this measure will not deter wealthy people from consuming fast foods.
Perhaps a better solution is to make healthy food more affordable and
accessible. The government can perhaps open eateries that serve
healthy food at reasonable prices. In Tamil Nadu, for example, there
are state-funded canteens that serve healthy foods for a nominal price.
When healthy options are available conveniently at least some people
will give up fast food.

To conclude, creating/raising awareness about the harmful effects of fast

foods is certainly important but it will not solve the problem. In addition to
creating awareness, the government has to take measures that make
fast foods unaffordable and healthy foods more accessible.
Excessive consumption prefer convenience to health
Fatty foods launches awareness campaigns against
Health consequences make it unaffordable
Create awareness by increasing taxes
Lead hectic lifestyle open eateries to serve healthy food
Subsist on fast food state-funded canteens
Ill effects of junk food nominal price
Computers are being used more and more in education. Some
people say that this is a positive trend, while others argue that it is
leading to negative consequences.

Discuss both sides of this argument and then give your own

There is an ever increasing use of technology, such as tablets and

laptops, in the classroom. It is often argued that this is a positive
development, whilst others disagree and think it will lead to adverse
ramifications. This essay agrees that an increase in technology is
beneficial to students and teachers. This essay will discuss both points
of view.

It is clear that the use of computers has provided students with access
to more information than ever before. Moreover, learners have the
ability to research and learn about any subject at a touch of a button. It is
therefore agreed that technology is a very worthwhile tool for
education. Wikipedia is a prime example, where students can simply
type in any keyword and gain access to in-depth knowledge quickly
and conveniently.

However, many disagree and feel that technology deprives people of

real human interaction. Human interaction teaches people valuable
skills such as discourse, debate and empathy. Despite this, human
interaction is still possible through the internet and this essay disagrees
technology should be dismissed for this reason. For instance, Skype and
Facebook make it possible for people to interact in ways that were never
possible before.

In conclusion, while the benefits of technology, particularly the internet,

allow students to tap in to limitless sources of information, some still
feel that people should be wary of this new phenomenon and not allow
it to curb face-to-face interaction. However, as long as we are careful to
keep in mind the importance of human interaction in education, the
educational benefits are clearly positive.

There is an ever increasing use of in ways that were never possible before
Adverse ramifications limitless source of information
Access to more information
Worthwhile tool
In-depth technology
Real human interaction
Discourse skills
Some people believe the aim of university education is to help graduates
get better jobs. Others believe there are much wider benefits of university
education for both individuals and society.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

These days, more and more people are making the choice to go to university.
While some people are of the opinion that the only/sole+ purpose of a university
education is to improve job prospects, others, however, think that society and
the individual benefit in much broader ways.

It is certainly true that one of the main aims of university is to secure a better
job. The majority of people want to improve their future career prospects and
attending university is one of the best ways to do this as it increases a person's
marketable skills and attractiveness to potential employers. In addition, further
education is very expensive for many people, so most would not consider it if it
would not provide them with a more secure future and a higher standard of
living. Thus job prospects are very important.
However, there are other benefits for individuals and society. Firstly, the
independence of living away from home is a benefit because it helps the students
develop better social skills and improve as a person. A case in point is that
many students will have to leave their families, live in halls of residence and
meet new friends. As a result, their maturity and confidence will grow, enabling
them to live more fulfilling lives. Secondly, society will gain from the
contribution that the graduates can make to the economy. In other words, we
are living in a very competitive world, so countries need educated people in
order to compete and prosper.

Therefore, I believe that although the main aim of university education is to get
the best job, there are clearly further benefits. If we continue to promote and
encourage university attendance, it will lead to a better future for individuals
and society.

Making the choice develop better social skills

Improve job prospects improve as a person
Secure better job a case in point is that
Future career prospects hall of residence
Marketable skills their maturity and confidence will grow
Potential employers live more fulfilling lives
Secure better future very competitive world
In order to compete and prosper should be promoted and encouraged

It is sometimes argued that too many students go to university, while

others claim that a university education should be a universal right.
Discuss both sides of the argument and give your own opinion.

In some advanced countries, it is not unusual for more than 50% of young adults
to attend college or university. Critics, however, claim that many university
courses are worthless and young people would be better off gaining skills in the
workplace. This essay will examine both sides of this argument and try to reach a
There are several reasons why young people today believe they have the right
to a university education. First, growing prosperity in many parts of the world
has increased the number of families with money to invest in their children’s
future. At the same time, falling birthrates mean that one- or two-child families
have become common, increasing the level of investment in each child. It is
hardly surprising, therefore, that young people are willing to let their families
support them until the age of 21 or 22. Furthermore, millions of new jobs have
been created in knowledge industries, and these jobs are typically open only to
university graduates.
However, it often appears that graduates end up in occupations unrelated to their
university studies. It is not uncommon for an English literature major to end up
working in sales, or an engineering graduate to retrain as a teacher, for
example. Some critics have suggested that young people are just delaying their
entry into the workplace rather than developing professional skills. A more
serious problem is that the high cost of a university education will mean that many
families are reluctant to have more than one child, exacerbating the falling
birthrates in certain countries.
In conclusion, while it can be argued that too much emphasis is placed on a
university education, my own opinion is that the university years are a crucial
time for personal development. If people enter the workplace aged 18, their
future options may be severely restricted. Attending university allows them
time to learn more about themselves and make a more appropriate choice of

Completing university education is thought by some to be the best way to get a good job.
On the other hand, other people think that getting experience and developing soft skills
is more important.
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

It is considered by some that being a university graduate is the key to securing a

good job while there are others who think that it is better to have experience and
soft skills/interpersonal skills. In my opinion, I believe that having university
education is essential for academic jobs while soft skills and experience are more
useful in business.

On the one hand, many think it is easier for most people to find a good job if they
are university graduates with a coveted degree. In other words, having tertiary
education puts people one step ahead of others who do not and this can be the
deciding factor in getting a good job. The competition to get in to universities
and the increasing number of graduates shows just how significant this level of
education is for people’s future work opportunities.

On the other hand, having work experience and soft skills, such as leadership
skills and other interpersonal skills, can also throw the balance in favour of the
applicant, according to some. For many positions there are an overwhelming
number of applicants and, therefore, it is often thought that having relevant
experience in that line of work or having acquired useful soft skills that can be
valuable to a company can put one ahead of the game when applying for a

Finally, in my opinion, whether needing high level education or skills and

experience, depends on the position being applied for. Take for example law,
medicine or teaching, it is impossible to be considered for a position without the
required educational background. In contrast, in business, it would be more
important for a candidate to have soft skills and experience in that line of
business so they can step into a position without further training and be of
immediate benefit to the company.

In conclusion, getting a good job requires a relevant background either in

experience or education depending on the type of work and field. People should
make sure they attain the necessary skills or degrees before applying for a job in
order to be sure of success.

The free movement of goods across national borders has long been a
controversial issue. Some people argue that it is necessary for
economic growth, while others claim that it damages local industries.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion. You should write at
least 250 words.

One of the most debatable issues of the last century has been the extent to
which international trade benefits or harms national economies. Many
arguments have been made for and against free trade between nations. In this
essay, I will discuss both views and state my own position.
Those who support the expansion of global free trade claim that economies
grow faster when they can specialise in just a few industries in which they have a
strong advantage. As a result, each region or country produces something of
value to the world economy. For example, East Asia manufactures electronic
goods, the Middle East exports energy, and the EU produces luxury items. Free
trade proponents claim that dependence on global trade helps to strengthen
international cooperation and prevent wars.
Meanwhile, opponents of free trade—sometimes called ‘protectionists’—claim
that the unrestricted movement of goods and services causes damage to
local communities. This is because jobs are lost when it becomes cheaper to
import a product than to produce it domestically. They also argue that the vast
distances travelled by food, oil, and consumer goods is harming the environment
and making our lives unsustainable. Protectionists are in favour of tighter
controls on the movement of goods and services in order to protect jobs and
In conclusion, while there are convincing arguments on both sides of the
debate, a return to protectionist policies would surely be a mistake. I believe that
global trade is inevitable and should not be restricted. It is no longer realistic for
nations to source all of their energy, food, and manufactured goods within their
own borders.

One of the most debatable issue protectionist policies

The extent to which unrestricted movement of goods and services

International trade produced domestically

National economy tighter controls

Many arguments have been made for and against convincing arguments

Global free trade

Something of value

Why does this Task 2 answer get a Band 9 score?

Task response: The model answer discusses both sides of the argument in
equal measure and ends with a clear opinion. The writer includes background
information and examples. The essay meets the word requirement.
Coherence and cohesion: The model answer is clearly structured, with each
body paragraph discussing a different side of the argument. The relationship
between paragraphs is clearly signalled by words like Meanwhile and In
conclusion. Ideas are developed further with logical links such as For
example, because and also.
Lexical resource: The writer uses higher-level vocabulary relevant to the topic
such as opponents,domestically, unsustainable, and interdependence. The core
concept of ‘free movement of goods across national borders’ is repeatedly
paraphrased. Spelling is correct throughout the model answer.
Grammatical range and accuracy: The writer uses a wide variety of
grammatical features including concessive clauses (while…), relative clauses (in
which…), and other complex forms (It is no longer realistic for nations to…).
There are no grammatical errors in the model essay.

Some people say that excessive noise should be a criminal offence, while others say
people should be free to make noise without limitation.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Everybody has the right to a little bit of peace and quietness, but does that mean we
should impose silence upon others? This essay will argue that it is only reasonable to
criminalize noisiness, as it is a form of anti-social behavior that should not be tolerated.
The following paragraphs will explore two of the foremost arguments relating to this
contentious issue.

One argument that is often raised during a discussion of this issue is that we should
all be free to express ourselves, and that includes being loud. Some people argue that we
all have a right to pursue our own happiness with the boundaries of reason, and so we
should be allowed to make noise without worrying about legal consequences. However, it
is clear that to maintain a harmonious society, people need to act in consideration of
others, and should therefore impose laws to ensure this happens. Japan is one of the most
peaceful and pleasant countries on earth, and people there would never consider talking
loudly on the phone or listening to TV shows without headphones while riding public

The counterpoint to the right of free expression is the right to freedom from unnecessary
disturbance. Excessive noise is irritating, and people should not have to worry about it
while at home, at work, or in public. It seems clear that people should be able to live their
lives without being subjected to unreasonable levels of noise and that therefore there
should be a legal assurance for this. For example, people with noisy neighbors should be
allowed to prosecute those neighbors for disturbing the peace.

In conclusion, people disagree over whether we should strive to ensure the freedom to
express ourselves wherever and whenever we want, and the right to a certain level of calm
in our lives. However, it is reasonable to suggest that there should be laws in place to
ensure our right to a quiet and peaceful life, and to deter others from engaging in anti-
social behavior.

Some people think the most efficient way to reduce the industrial pollution is to tax
the companies which cause the pollution. Others think that there are better ways to
reduce the pollution.
Discuss both sides of the argument and give your views.
Write at least 250 words.

Sample Answer :

Pollution is one of the most pressing global issues nowadays and government of
different countries are trying to battle this heinous issue from different perspectives
and imposing tax on companies who are responsible for creating pollution is one of
the ways. Definitely, imposing high tax on industries that are responsible for
polluting environment is a good way to tackle the pollution, but in my opinion this is
not the best way to reduce pollution.
It is true that industries that are in manufacturing sector are polluting the air, water
and sound significantly. The amounts of CO2 emission by such industries are higher
than many other sectors. So to control the amount of pollution they are creating,
government can impose a really high tax rate. This would, on one hand, discourage
the expansion and growth of such industries due to the high tax rate, and on the
other hand it would increase the fund the government has for fighting the
environmental pollution. Almost every government has projects like plantation,
green environment and the high tax would ensure bigger amounts in these funds.

Again, high tax rate in industry level would not be the best way to reduce the
environment pollution. Awareness among people, taking more initiatives like
creating a green environment, controlling the amount of private cars run in the
streets, controlling unfit vehicles, reducing the unnecessary factories and researching
to find out the type of fuels that create less pollution would be other better solutions.
Some large industries that are polluting the environment would not reduce the
amount of pollution they create even if they are imposed with high tax. Their
earnings are in millions of dollars per day. Few thousands for tax are insignificant
for them. So in my opinion this is definitely not the best course of action to fight

In conclusion, high tax imposing on industries is a good way to increase the

government funds for battling the pollution; however, this is not the best way to
control the environmental pollution. Individual person’s awareness, participation
and government’s policy to reduce the private car ownership, plantation and
research for innovation methods would be better solutions.

Some people think that art is essential subject for children at school while others think it is a waste of
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:

One of the highly controversial topics today relates to whether art is a crucial
subject for school children or not. In this essay, I am going to shed some light on this
question from both points of view and then give my own opinion on the matter.
On the one hand, there are people who argue that the benefits of art as an academic
subject considerably outweigh its disadvantages. The main reason for believing this is
that art is actually imagination of an individual on paper; thus, art aids students in
broadening their imagination. It is also possible to say that art acts as a medium for
the shy pupil to express their emotions directly. One good illustration of this is that
children express their love and emotions for their parents by creating a birthday card
using their creativity, provided they had learned this art at the school level. Therefore,
it is easy to see why this argument has gained support.
On the other hand, people often argue that art is just a waste of time. People often
have this opinion because students are already burdened with other academic subjects;
thus adding art subject will enhance that load. Additionally, nowadays, there are no
job prospects for students in art; consequently, they opt for other vocational academic
subjects. To exemplify, students choose either science or commerce stream, which
have jobs available in abundant in these fields. Hence, it goes without saying that this
viewpoint is credible and realistic.
In my opinion, both arguments have their merits. On balance, however, I tend to
believe that art should be optional subject keeping in mind that job prospects of
students are of utmost importance.

Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged.

Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete
become more useful adults.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

The way to bring up a child is a contentious topic for many adults. While some
parents and teachers persuade youths to compete, others think that it is better to
teach juveniles about the importance of cooperation. The debate over this question
seems to consist of two irreconcilable poles. Both sides of the argument will be
analysed before my own perspective is given.

Teaching children to compete can be immensely beneficial. The main benefit

of rivalry is that it motivates children to do their best. This is because youths will
compare themselves to others and try to be better than them. More specifically,
students will work harder when competitive goals have been set. Furthermore, it
prepares youths for competition in areas such as their future working lives.
Many innovative corporations such as Google and Facebook embrace the spirit of
competition and often set various challenges among their staff.

In spite of these considerations, cooperation is undoubtedly an essential part of

everyday life. Firstly, collaboration is vital to success in many areas of life. Team
sports are an excellent example of this and many failures have been attributed to
poor teamwork, such as the American basketball team’s failure to win at the 2004
Olympic Games. In addition, our everyday life depends on an ability to get on well
and communicate with people. For instance, it would be impossible for people to even
buy food if they do not cooperate with other people.

In conclusion, in my opinion, both sides of the argument have their own merit.
However, after analysing the opposite camps, my personal view is that a competitive
environment can have a more positive effect on children. This is because they would
be more motivated to study hard and better prepared for everyday struggles in the
future. [297 words]
Essay about the question type causes (reasons)/effects
(problems) and solutions

The internet has transformed the way information is shared and consumed,
but it has also created problems that did not exist before.

What are the most serious problems associated with the internet and what
solutions can you suggest?
The enormous growth in the use of the internet over the last decade has led to
radical changes to the way people consume and share information. Although
serious problems have arisen as a result of this, there are solutions to counter

One of the first problems of the internet is the ease with which children can
access potentially dangerous sites. For example, pornography sites are easily
accessible to them because they can register with a site and claim to be an
adult. There is no doubt that this affects their thoughts and development, which
is a negative impact on the children and society as a whole. Another major
problem is the growth of online fraud and hacking. These days, there are
constant news stories about government and company websites that have been
hacked, resulting in sensitive information falling into the hands of criminals.

It is important that actions/measures are taken to combat these problems.

Governments should ensure that adequate legislations and controls are in
place that will prevent young people from accessing dangerous sites, such as
requiring more than simply confirming that you are an adult to view a site.
Parents also have a part/role to play. They need to closely monitor/oversee
the activities of their children and restrict their access to certain sites, which can
now be done through various computer programs. Companies must also improve
their onsite IT security systems to make fraud and hacking much more difficult
by undertaking thorough reviews of their current systems for weaknesses.

To conclude, the internet is an amazing technological innovation that has

transformed people’s lives, but not without negative impacts. However, with
the right action by individuals, governments and businesses, it can be made a
safe place for everyone.

The enormous growth in the use of measures/actions should be taken

Radical changes/solutions adequate legislations and controls
Problems have arisen laws and rules in place
Pornography parents have a part/role to play
Another major problem restrict their access to
Online fraud and hacking technological innovations
Fall into the hands of fraudulents by individuals and governments
The internet has transformed the way information is shared and
consumed, but it has also created problems that did not exist before.

What are the most serious problems associated with the internet and
what solutions can you suggest?

There is no doubt that the internet has revolutionized communication and

information-sharing in the same way that the telegraph and the television did
before it. However, societies have had to cope with unanticipated new
problems, including crimes which traditional laws are powerless to prevent. This
essay will address some of the illegal acts enabled by the internet and
propose solutions.
To begin with, the global scale of the internet means that national laws are no
longer adequate to control what happens online. Take restrictions on legal
reporting, for example. In some countries, the media is prohibited from revealing
details of a defendant’s past in case this prejudices a fair trial. However, such
restrictions are no longer enforceable now that information may be freely
published in other countries and accessed by all. The only solution here, it
seems, is to adopt global standards. Since the internet traverses national
borders, the flow of information can only be controlled if all nations agree on
what can and cannot be shared.
Another problem concerns anonymity, as internet users can easily conceal
their identity and even impersonate others. Many crimes such as identity theft
and child abuse result from the ease with which criminals can operate
anonymously online. Some have proposed a system of online identification,
similar to a passport, which would allow all internet users to be verified and
traced. I believe this idea should be explored further, though there are clearly
concerns about the security of those who use the internet to protest against
oppressive regimes.
In conclusion, the only long-term solution to the problem of internet crime is
greater international cooperation. Since the problem is global in scale, the
solution must also be global. A new agency of the United Nations should be
created to tackle the problems described here.
Information-sharing oppressive regimes
Unanticipated problems long-term solutions
Traditional laws greater international cooperation
Restrictions on legal reporting United Nations
Traverses national borders
The flow of information
Anonymity problems
Conceal their identity
Child abuse

Despite a large number of gyms, a sedentary lifestyle is gaining popularity in

the contemporary world.

What problems are associated with this?

What solutions can you suggest?

These days a sedentary lifestyle is becoming more and more popular

despite a big number of sport facilities. This essay will discuss the main
problems associated with this epidemic and propose some possible
solutions to avoid them.

The main problems caused by inactive lifestyle are obesity and various
spine disorders. A growing number of body research shows that long
periods of physical inactivity raise a risk of becoming overweight. This is
owing to the reason that people burn fewer calories and easily gain
weight. What is more, a lot of studies show that so-called ‘sitting
disease’ often results in posture and backbone problems. Due to
constant sitting, person loses muscle tissue and curves spine, developing
numerous spinal diseases. For example, it has been proven that
about 80% of people experience backache at least once a week.

In my opinion, the best solution to these problems is promoting active

lifestyle. Firstly, millions of people stay less active because they use cars
instead of walking. Therefore, an effective way to make people more
active is to advertise walking and cycling as safe and attractive
alternatives to motorized transport. Moreover, inactive lifestyle is
gaining popularity because nowadays a lot of people prefer passive rest
to workouts in the gym. And the best way to avoid the hazards of
unhealthy living is to obtain a regular dose of physical activity. Thus,
promoting gyms and regular exercising would increase the level of

In conclusion, leading a sedentary lifestyle causes a lot of health

problems, including obesity and spinal diseases. The most effective
solution is to increase the level of fitness among society by
advertising physical activity.

Sedentary lifestyle is becoming a trend it has been proven that

Sport facilities promoting/leading active lifestyle

Epidemic motorized transport

Physical inactivity hazards of unhealthy living

Sitting diseases leading a sedentary lifestyle

Muscle tissue increase the level of fitness

Numerous spinal disorders

The internet has greatly speeded up the way we find and share information
nowadays to the benefit of our society. There are however problems resulting
from this development.

What are some of the problems (effects) and possible solutions?

There has been a rapid growth in the spread of information by the internet
throughout the world over the past fifteen years. Nowadays, the use of the internet
is prevalent from primary school through to tertiary education and beyond into the
world of work and leisure. Despite the many advantages of the internet, there are
several disadvantages such as censorship and hacking of personal information.

The problem of the new ease of access to information through the internet can lead
to children being exposed to unsuitable websites e.g. with pornographic photos,
violence and crime. Children often spend more time alone these days with the
parents at work and can perhaps find information which is totally inappropriate for
their age. The second problem is computer hacking. Hackers can gain access to
our personal information sometimes such as banking details and embezzle money
from unsuspecting internet users purchasing products online.

The problem of children’s access to inappropriate material on the internet could be

addressed by parents putting a net nanny or blacklist software on the computer.
This would restrict access to sites with unsuitable images or materials. Regarding
access to personal information, net users should be vigilant for websites which do
not display the protection padlock symbol when making a purchase. This can help
alleviate problems of fraud.

In conclusion, by being alert to the potential problems associated with our high
dependence/reliance on the internet, people can better protect themselves and
their children from potential drawbacks. The internet has opened up great access
to gain and share information and the benefits of this should be enjoyed by
individuals who are informed about the risks and means to minimize them.

In some countries the average weight people is increasing and their

levels of health and fitness are decreasing.
What do you think are the causes of these problems and what
measures could be taken to solve them?

These days, all around the world people are becoming fatter, less healthy
and less fit. This essay will look the main causes of this and it will discuss
some solutions.
First of all, there are a number of reasons why people are fatter and less
healthy. One reason is people do less exercise and are less active when
they are not exercising. For example, in Taiwan, high school students do
less PE classes at school because the teachers want them to study for
tests. Also, most adults work in shops or in offices. They rarely move,
which means they burn fewer calories. Another reason is people generally
eat more, which makes the situation worse. Finally, in general they are
eating worse, too. In other words when we eat, we consume more fat, salt,
sugar, and other chemicals than ever before. All these things contribute to
the problem of being unhealthy.

Fortunately, the government can deal with these problems in several

ways. One option is to force restaurants to reduce portions. This would
mean that although people eat out a lot, they would consume fewer
calories. A second idea is to make government and company office
workers get up regularly and move around more. This could involve having
meetings while walking, or removing chairs so workers have to stand up to
work. Alternatively, we could encourage healthier eating by teaching
children and teenagers how to cook good food at home. This is a long
term solution but it could reduce the number of times people choose to
eat out.

In conclusion, we are becoming fatter because our eating, work and study
habits are changing. However, there are several things we can do to
change this behavior, and therefore become healthier.
Words: 283

” All over the world, societies are facing a growing problem with obesity.
This problem affects both children and adults. What are the reasons for this
rise in obesity, How could it be tackled? “

All around the world, nations are dealing with the increasing/growing/pressing
issue of obesity. This problem is having a negative effect on all age groups. There
are two main reasons for this which are the over consumption of fast food and
lack of exercise. I would like to outline more detail about this problem and suggest
some possible ways to address the issue.

One of the main reasons that people are becoming obese these days is that they
are eating junk food, ready meals and convenience food rather than cooking
healthy meals at home. This is owing to the fact that people tend to lead a busy
and hectic lifestyle and after a long day at work it is easier to just buy ready meals
at the supermarket or get a take away. For example, in my country sales of these
types of foods have risen sharply in recent times because busy people see cooking
at home as time consuming. To tackle this issue, the government should take
steps to impose more tax on high fat, high sugar or unhealthy foods. Therefore,
consumers would think twice about the foods they consume and this would lead
them to lose weight.

Another problem that needs to be considered is that lack of exercise contributes

to obesity. As a result of leading a busy life or pressures at work, many people
are just too tired to go to the gym or join a sports club. For example, after a hard
day at work many people prefer to just come home and sit in front of the TV and
on weekends go out drinking with friends. When people do have time off or a
vacation they tend to relax and recover rather than going to a gym. One possible
solution is for the government and employers to consider the health and well-
being of workers and offer in-house company gyms or special incentives, such as
paid leave once a week to join a sports or fitness club. This would have a positive
effect on people's health and they would also perform better and be motivated in
the workplace.

In conclusion, obesity is a growing problem these days in the developed world

because of fatty food and a lack of exercise due to fast-paced lifestyles. The
government needs to look at taxing unhealthy food and set up incentives for sports
activities. Unless this issue is tackled soon, the problem of obesity will lead to a
higher mortality rate in the future.

Influence of human beings on the world's ecosystem is leading to the

extinction of species and loss of bio-diversity.

What are the primary causes of loss of bio-diversity?

What solutions can you suggest?

Despite knowing about biodiversity’s significance for a long time,
humans have been causing massive extinctions of different species due to
their activities. This essay will examine the main causes of loss of
biodiversity and possible solutions to this problem.

The two main causes/reasons of species extinction are change of their

habitats and overexploitation of natural resources. When humans
artificially/deliberately transform the environment, they destroy
vegetation and animals’ natural habitat. For instance, to build new roads
people are cutting down the trees and cementing the soil, altering the
environment. Owing to this, a lot of species are dying out. Also, when
the activities connected with capturing and harvesting a natural resource
is too intense in a particular area, the resource becomes exhausted. For
example, too frequent fishing doesn’t leave enough time for fish to
reproduce and therefore makes them disappear. In other words, human
activities are depleting local flora and fauna and causing loss of bio-

Some possible solutions to this problem are protecting natural areas

and promoting awareness among people. By protecting areas where
human activity is limited and avoiding overexploitation of its
resources, we can save the untouched/untapped environment and
prevent species from dying out. Moreover, the next step in
curbing/confronting/dealing with bio-diversity loss is informing the
general population about the dangers of this problem. This way,
people will be more conscious of the environment and will not overuse
or destroy its resources.

To conclude, people’s activities that change the environment have

negative impact on the world's ecosystem. However, we can
significantly lessen/minimize the extinction of species by protecting
natural areas and enlightening people as to this problem.

Biodiversity importance biodiversity loss

Natural resources overexploitations overuse of natural resources

Natural habitats world's ecosystem

Cut down the trees

Alternating the environment

The Internet has transformed the way information is shared and

consumed, but it has also created problems that did not exist before.
What are the most serious problems associated with the Internet?
What are the best ways to solve them?
The Internet is one the most outstanding innovations in the digital age. Although the
Internet has the potential to make human lives simple and convenient, it also creates
issues. This essay discusses the Internet’s two primary problems and proposes

One of the main problems caused by the internet is a lack of security for personal
information. For instance, online banking transactions or other online services often
make private information vulnerable to theft. Needless to say, the damage inflicted
/caused/ imposed by cyber-crimes is often irreparable. Another annoying problem
with the Internet is its ability to create rifts between the real and virtual world. More
specifically, the virtual world is so alluring that once hooked it can become an
addiction creating both physical and mental issues.

However, there are solutions to alleviate these problems. To address cyber-crime,

rigorous government regulations on a global scale are needed. In addition,
cooperation is needed amongst law enforcement agencies around the world in order
to track down and apprehend these criminals who operate across multiple borders.
Dealing with addiction requires intertwined cooperation between parents and schools,
as most addicted Internet consumers are children. Children should be educated to
realise the implications of Internet addictions and also should be encouraged to
engage in outdoor activities

In conclusion, the main problems caused by the Internet are related to crime and
addiction. To resolve these, parents, teachers and governments should participate in
eradicating the problems stemming from the Internet. By addressing these issues,
people can harness the Internet’s unlimited potentials and steer clear of its adverse
impacts. [258 words]

In some countries, the average weight of children is increasing and their

level of health and fitness is decreasing.
What are the causes of these problems?
What measures could be taken to solve them?

In many countries, youths are increasingly becoming obese and their health and
fitness are deteriorating. This essay will look at the possible reasons for these
developments and will suggest solutions to overcome them.

There are two main causes of obesity and the deterioration of physical health. The
main reason for obesity and the related adverse health effects can be found in the
changing eating patterns of the population. Cooking with fresh ingredients is
becoming less popular and many people consume too much fast food or convenience
food from supermarkets. But these kinds of food, on average, contain significantly
higher amounts of fat and sugar than freshly prepared meals and, therefore, are an
important contributing factor to obesity. Secondly, there is a trend that young
people are doing less sport in their free time. These sedentary lifestyles are due to
the increase of activities like watching TV or surfing the internet.

Solutions to this problem have to start at a very early age. Both parents and schools
have to put a high emphasis on explaining to children the importance of a healthy
and balanced diet. The role of the school should be primarily to educate children
about the merits of a healthy diet and the dangers of unhealthy food, whereas the
parents should provide their children with nutritious, freshly prepared meals and
should restrict their consumption of sweets and fast food. In a similar way, early
childhood education should also emphasize the benefits of doing sufficient sports. At
schools there should be mandatory sports classes and children should be encouraged
to become members of a sports club.

In summary, the main reasons for obesity and low level of fitness are poor nutrition
and insufficient physical exercise. The best solutions are for education regarding
nutrition as well as forcing and encouraging students to participate/take part/get
involve/ join/engage/partake in sports. [311 words]
There is growing evidence that man-made activities are making global
temperatures higher.
What are the causes of temperatures rising?
How should we deal with this problem?

There are many signs that the activities of mankind are leading to global warming.
This essay will discuss the reasons why this problem is occurring, and make some
suggestions about how this problem can be tackled.

Perhaps the main cause of global warming is that populations are rising in almost
every country, and this is causing trees to be constantly cut-down to provide shelter
and also food. Trees are important given the fact that they absorb CO2, and rising
levels of CO2 have been linked to higher temperature levels. Another factor that is
causing CO2 to rise is the industrialization of our societies. Today, we have more and
more factories and they are causing high levels of pollution in our atmosphere.
Industrialization is also leading to the burning of fossil fuels to power the factories
and this is also another source of carbon emissions. Therefore, economic activities are
another cause of our planet warming.

Urgent attention is required to deal with the problem of global warming. The main
way to tackle this is for forests to be protected and new trees grown. This can be
achieved by the government making laws to protect the remaining forests. Grass root
programs could also be started to plant new trees. In addition, the government should
create incentives for factories to adopt clean energy programs to reduce the pollution
they are emitting.

In conclusion, the earth’s temperature is rising because of deforestation and

industrialisation. The solutions are to start preserving our remaining forests, plant
new ones and to switch to cleaner energy sources.
These days, students have to cope with numerous difficulties in order to
do well on their study.

What are, in your opinion, the ways by which students can overcome
these barriers?

Students face many challenges in their college years, and one of those challenges is studying
adequately for their classes. Students who struggle finding time and energy to study may feel
like there is no solution to their problem. However, there are several ways for college
students to improve their study habits. (thesis statement)

Studying in a quiet environment helps students improve their study habits. (topic
sentence 1) For example, studying in a quiet place like a library allows students to get away
from distracting noises. Also, students are able to think better when they can hear their own
thoughts. Students will do better in their classes if they find a serene place to do their

Paying attention in class helps students improve their study habits. (topic sentence 2)
When students are alert in the classroom, they will remember the class lectures better than
those who did not listen attentively. Also, students who take good notes in class will not have
missing information when they are studying for tests and quizzes. Successful students find
that good studying starts in the classroom.

Managing their time well helps students improve their study habits. (topic sentence 3)
Students who set a time aside each day for study will give them enough time to get their
homework done. In contrast, students who choose to party every night rather than work on
assignments will not have a chance to meet deadlines. Furthermore, students who use a
planner to schedule their homework time will have a better idea of what they need to do to

In conclusion, many options are available to students who truly want to develop better study
skills. Studying is not an easy activity, and it takes planning, determination, and
attentiveness to study well. Fortunately, students who apply themselves to these study
techniques will be happy with the results.

Many old buildings protected by law are part of a nation’s history. Some
people think they should be knocked down and replaced by news ones.
How important is it to maintain old buildings?

Should history stand in the way of progress?

Most nations around the world have at least some, or possibly many, old/vintage
buildings such as temples, churches and houses in their cities, villages and
surrounding areas which have historical significance. In my opinion, it is very
important to maintain these, but this does not mean progress should stop.

Preserving certain old buildings is important for several reasons. Firstly,

these structures provide an insight into the history of our countries, showing us
how people many centuries ago lived their lives. Without them, we could only
learn by books, and it would undoubtedly be sad if this were the only way to see
them. Many of these buildings are also very appealing. Take for example the
many religious buildings such as churches and temples that we see around the
world. Not only this, but on a more practical level, many of these buildings
provide important income to a country as many tourists visit them in great

However, this certainly does not mean that modernization should be

discouraged. I believe that old buildings can be protected in tandem with
progress. For example, in many circumstances, we see old historic buildings
being renovated whilst maintaining their original character, and being used for
modern purposes. Also, in no way does history hinder progress, and in fact it is
the opposite. By studying and learning about our history, we understand more
about the world we live in, and this helps us to build a better future.

To conclude, I believe that it is very important to protect and preserve old

buildings as we can learn about our history as can others from other countries.
Such knowledge can also help us to understand how to modernize our
countries in the best way.

Words 287

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