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Inggris Radikal Hisab

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Nama : Radikal Hisab

Nim : 2012111019
Prodi : Agroteknologi 2A

1.Reading compreherensi strategies: Skimming and Scanning techniques, SQ3R

(survey, question, read, review) Method.
Metode SQ3R
Reading activities using the SQ3R method in clude five Steps as follows.
• Survey (penelaahan pendahuluan),
• Question (bertanya),
• Read (baca).
• Recite (mengutarakan kembali).
• Review (mengulang kembali)
Step 1 Survey
How to open the book quick and immediately visible Anatomy of a book
includes (1) Introduction section, such as title page (title, author name, publisher
where Publisher, year of publication, etc.), table of contents, thank you page, table
of tables, and list of images (if applicable). Any), perhaps also a page containing
the approval of the Authorized to publish the book, and an abstract; (2) the book
content section which describes the order and arrangement of the book content
presentation (3) the final section of the book, which contains conclusions,
suggestions or recommendations, bibliography, and index.
Step 2 Question
When we face a reading, have we ever asked ourselves questions about
things related to reading? These questions can guide us to understand the reading
and direct our minds to the content of the reading that will be entered so that we
are active We do not just follow what the author says. We can criticize and
question what the author said while later looking at the evidence.
Step 3 Read
After we survey and formulate questions, we start doing reading activities.
No need for all sentences, we can read with by the questions that have been
formulated Slow down how to read we are on the parts that are important or that
we think are difficult and hurry back to the parts that are not important or that we
already know. Thus, our reading activities are relatively faster and more effective,
but we have obtained a thorough understanding of the reading or the book. At this
step, self-concentration is very important.
Step 4 Recite
Every time we finish reading a passage, pause for a moment. Make
important notes about the passage that was read in your own words, do it
Continue until we finish reading, the notes can be in the form of quotes,
conclusions, or our comments. If we are still having difficulties, repeat the
difficult part once again. These notes will help us to remember what we have read
so that it doesn’t happen when we finish reading what we have read.
Step 5: Review
After we finish reading the book as a whole, review the Important things
we have read. Find important points to remember, especially those that have been
marked or underlined. This repetition will help our memory to clarify
understanding of the reading, also helps find important things that may have been
missed before.
2. How to find main idea, main topic, and main purpose question on particular
Main idea
That know ledge can be summarized as follows:
Placethe main sentence; usually in scientific writing the main sentence
occupies the position of the beginning of a paragraph, i.e. in the first or second
sentence, the final parts A paragraph, i.e. in the last or penultimate sentence, and a
combination (parts of Beginning and end). Knowing the main idea of a
paragraphisusually in theformofwordsorphrasesfound in sentences Main;
sometimesthe main idea is seen clearly orexplicitly but there are also Implied,
eitherentirely orotherwise.
How to determine the main idea; The main idea can beseen from the word
(whichis) in The main sentence is repeated again, replaced by personal pronoun
sorthesame words Meaning, and is followed by changing the instructions in the
explanatory sentences.
Explanatory ideas are found in explanatory sentences.
Main topic
In the English national exam questions, there are questions in the form of
reading. And in reading, there are questions that we must understand and answer.
The questions are as follows:
• What is the main topic of this passage?
• The text is talking mainly about?
• What does the text tell about?
• What is the subject of the passage?
• The passage is about?
The questions above are examples of questions to find the main topic or
theme of a reading.The main topic is the main subject of the reading, what the
reading is about. The topic or theme in a text or paragraph is the subject of the
writing which can be in the formof: the main content of the article (the text is
about) or the title of the article. A good paragraph only covers one subject. This
subject is usually referred to as a Topic Noun or subject.
How to search/find a topic or theme:
Read the first and second lines if there is only one paragraph; Observe the
entire first paragraph if there is more than one paragraph. Look for the most
frequently repeated key words in the passage, bo that the beginning of the line but
also in later sections, including the conclusion. If the question is about a topic,
then the answer is in the formof ‘One Word’ or ‘Form Phrase’ (group of words).
The topic or the meof a paragraph is the subject of the article which can be: the
main body of the article (the text is about) or the title of the text (title).
Main purpose
One approach that applies specifically to purpose questions is to question
the key terms in the answer choices. Purpose questions usually come in the form
“...mainly serves to...” They ask you for the purpose behind a particular portion of
the passage. What’s the point of it? Why is it there? Here are some purpose
questions from past exams:
The first paragraph mainly serves to. The first paragraph of Passage 1 primarily
serves to. In context, what is the main effect of Smith’s use of the word “tyrant” in
lines 40 and 83?
In the last sentence of Passage 2, the author uses the phrase “five years and
$500 million” primarily to. In context, the reference to remembering a relative’s
birthday mainly serves to. The answer choices to these types of questions will
always include key terms that you need to assess. To find the author’s purpose, it
is usually known by reading the essence of the first paragraph (usually in sentence
1,2) or it could be at the conclusion of the reading (last paragraph).

 What is the purpose of the text?

 What is the purpose of the passage?

3. Factual question, negative question, and scanning question on reading text

Factual information questions ask you to recognize information that is
explicitly stated in the text. These may includefacts such as major ideas,
supporting details,or definitions. Negative factual information questions are
similar, except that,instead of only one answer being true, three of the four answer
are true, and you have to determine which one is false.
Usually, a “Negative Factual Information” question requires you to check
more of the passage than a Factual Information question. You need to pick the
choice that is not mentioned in The passage, is stated inaccurately. Or contradicts
other statement.
Scanning means searching for specific phrases in the text to answer the
questions. The best way to practice scanning is to search specific key word in the
text to find answer for the question. Scanning answering strategy.
• Read the question.
• Detect the key word in the question.
• Scan the text for the key words to find the night answer.

4. Interference questions and porpose questions on reading test

Inference question
Inference questions ask you to identify information or understand ideas
that are not explicitly stated in your reading. You can recognize inference
questions because they usually include the words “accept”, “imply”, “suggest”, as
in this example:
• Which of the following inferred from paragraph 1 about x?
• The author of the paragraph implies that x......
• Paragraph x suggest which of the following abouty?
Purpose question
Purpose questions are similar, asking for information that is not explicitly
stated. This will ask why the author has presented a piece of information. One
way to approach this type of question, if you don’t immediately identify the
correct answer is to eliminate the wrong answer you will see more about this
when we look at examples.
For example:
• “why do you want to be in the basketball team?”
• “i want to be in the basketball team for popularity”
To explan the purpose, start the utterance with “ i...” Before giving an answer
based on the question given. We may use pronouns in our answer. Such replacing
location/place name with “there” or object names with “it” and so on. Do not
immediately star the answer with “ bacause”, “in order to”,”to”, or “for”.
However, in everyday conversation in informal situations, it is still permissible to
give an answer beginning with “because”.

5. vocabulary-in-context and reference questions on reading test

Reading compreherension is one of the most difficult skills to master but
also one of the most prominent. Vocabulary is a very important understanding in
reading skills and we can understand new terms only using the surrounding
context. We don’t have to memorize every word, just remember how to use
context clues.
Reference questions
A reference question is a queston asked by the library to the referee service
librarian to fulfil the required information. There are 2 types of reference
questions according to saleh in 1992 :
Questions with clear specifications. This means that what is desired such as
requests for documents, books, articles and so on is accompanied by bibliographic
data such as author, title or both.
Questions that don’t have clear apecifications. To answer these types of questions,
it is necessary to interview beforehand so that the information provided by the
referral officer is in accordance with what is needed by the questioner.

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