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Dark Souls II Collector's Edition Guide PDF

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Getting Started 006 MAGIC & ITEMS
Gameplay Elements 010 How To Use This Chapter 308
Leveling Up & Stats 015 Reinforcement & Infusion 310
Dying & Healing 019 Weapons & Shields 310
Inventory & Equipment 020 Daggers 312
Understanding Combat 023 Straight Sworcls 314
I\J PCs 026 G reatswo rds 316
New Game+ & Bonfire Ascetics 028 Ultra Greatsvvords 319
Basic Online Play 029 Curved Swords 321
Curved Greatsvvords 322
Katan as 323
11 AREA GUI DE 030 Thrusting Swords 324
Hovv To Use This Chapter 032 Axes 326
G reataxes 327
Things Betwixt. 034
Enemies 040 Hammers 329
Majula 042 Great Hammers 331
Spears 33 3
Enemies 045
Halberds 335
Forest of Fallen Giants 047
Reapers 337
Enemies 055
Heid e's Tower of Flame & Cathedral of Blue 065 Lances 33 8
Twin blades 339
Enemies 068
Wh' I ps 340
No-Man's Wharf 075
Enemies 081 Claws 341
F.IS ts 34 2
The Lost Bastille & Belfry Luna 087
Enemies 096 Pyromancy Flan1es 342
Staffs 34 3
Huntsman's Copse & Undead Purgatory 104
Enemies 113 Sacred Chitnes 345
Harvest Valley 124 Bows and Greatbows 346
Enemies 130 Crossbows 348
Small Shields 348
Earthen Peal< 132
Enemies 139 Shields 351
The Pit & Grave of Saints 146 Greatshielcls 356
Enemies 151 Greatshielcls 356
Arrows & Bolts 358
The Gutter & Black Gulch 155
Enemies 164 Armor 359
Iron Keep & Belfry Sol. 170 Magic 386
Enemies 178 Sorceries 386
IVliracles 389
Shaded Woods 186
E nerrues
. 194 Pyromancies 391
Doors of Pharros 200 Hexes 393
ltems 395
Enemies 206
Consumables 395
Brightstone Cove Tseldora &
Lord's Private chamber 211 Recovery Items 395
Enemies 218 Soul Items 396
Sinners' Rise 228 Boss Souls 396
Offensive Items 398
Enemies 233
Shrine of Winter & Drangleic Castle 237 Enhancement Items 399
Enemies 243 lv1 u lti player lte ms 399
King's Passage & Shrine of An1ana 247 IVliscellaneous Items 400
E nerrues
. Covenant Items 401
Undead Crypt 260 Key Items 402
Enemies 265 Rings 40 3
Aldia's Keep 271
E nem,es
. 275
Dragon Aerie & Dragon Shrine 281 IV EXTRAS 406
E nerrues
. 287 The NPCs of Dark Souls II 408
Memories of the Ancients 292 Dark Chasm of Old 440
Enemies 297 New Game+ Overvievv 451
Throne of Want 300 Trap hv I Achievement Guide 454
Enemies 301 Lore Index 461
Index 462
This section will explain the details of starting a new character and choosing a gift. It will
also cover the HUD and basic in-game menus. This includes information about things
like status icons (so that you don't get petrified) and how to use the in-game explanation
system in case you forget which symbol represents which stat (so you don't level up the
wrong stat by accident!).


Character creation in Dark Souls II allows you to customize your character's appearance
and choose some basic gear and stats.

Main Creation Options

a ass Determines your starting equipment and stats
Gift AlloWs you to start the game with a special Item
Choose your gender, build and physique; these are aesthetic choices
with no gameplay effects
Face Set various options to control your face's appearance
Advanced Settings AlloWs for more precise control over your character's appearance

Gifts Gift Name I Description

These starting gifts are extra items that you can receive from the Nothing Receive no gift
start of the game. You don't have to take one if you don't want to, Liie Ring This ring of old slightly Increases HP
but there's no penalty for doing so. All of the items can be acquired ................. ................................................................................ ··················· .
Human Effigy A famlllar looking effigy. Returns the Hollowed to llfe.
through normal play as well, so don't worry about taking the wrong
Healing Wares Various Items used to cure poison and restore HP.
Homeward Bone Returns you to the last bonfire you rested al
New players are advised to take the Healing Set for a boost early in Seed of a Ttee of
A seed grown from a Tree of Giants. Inedible.
the game. Advanced players may want to choose the Bonfire Ascet- Giants
ic, which essentially sets a specific area to New Game+ mode. New ......Bonfire Ascetic
................. .............................Toss Into a bonfire to raise the strength of nearby foes .
............................. .................................................................................
Game+ will be explained in more detail later, but it offers greater Petrified Something A simple petrified lump. It may be of some use, someday.
challenges and allows you to acquire some unique items.

Starting Stats
Choosing a class in Dark Souls II determines your starting
stats and equipment - that's all. Any starting class can
eventually use any weapon, armor or spell. You can even
Warrior 12 7 6 6 6 16 11 6 6 6
eventually max every stat if you so desire. Your starting .........................................................................................................................................................................................
class just helps you begin playing with your desired style Knight 13 12 6 7 4 11 8 9 3 6
from the very beginning of the game. The only players swordsman 12 4 8 4 6 9 16 6 7 6
who need to give special thought to their starting classes 11 ..............9
are those who want to stop leveling at a certain level for
...... ......................................... ....................7 .........................
11 2 9
..................................... .14 3
................................ .1........ 8
PvP reasons, though the player matching system has
.......... "".. .. .. 14
. .. ".... 10.. .. . .. ".... 8 ..10 . . 11 . 6 4
.. .. . 4 .. 12
Sorcerer 11 6 6 6 12 3 7 8 14 4
been revamped to depend less on level in Dark Souls II.
With that in mind, you should simply choose whatever .........................................10...................
...... 7 ..............6.............................
9 7 ..................
. .......... 6 6
................... 12
.................. 6
......... 6
class fits your desired playstyle and not worry about get- Deprived 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
ting stuck with a style you don't like.

Starting Equipment
Class I Armor I Woapons I Shlold I Magic I Other
Class Armor Weapons Shield Magic Other
Warrior Standard Helmet, Hard Leather Armor, Hard Leather Broken Straight Iron Parma None Ufegem
............................. Gaunllets, ..Hard. Leather.Boots ~~r.~ .
Knight Falconer Armor, Falconer Gloves, Falconer Boots Broadsword None None Ufegem
swordsman Wanderer Hood, wanderer Coat, wanderer Mancil- Solmltar+ 1, None None Ufegem
............................. ~.!~~i.~~~~.~.~~.~.~~~ ~.~~~r.~t.! .
Spiked Bandit Helm, Bandit Armor, Bandit Gauntlets, Hand Axe,
Bandit None None Ufegem, 111.4:>od Arrows
Bandit Boots Short Bow
Cleric Archdrake Robes Cleric's Sacred None Heal Ufegem
.... .. CP,IT.~i ..~~~ .
Sorcerer's Soul
Sorcerer Black Hollow Mage Robe, lrnportedTrousers None Ufegem
................................................................................................................................. Staff, _Dagger ~r.~............................................... . .
Spell Quartz Ring, Ufegem, Wltchlng Urn, Aromatic Ooze,
Traveling Merchant Hat, Traveling Merchant Coat, Trav-
Explorer Dagger None None Prism Stone, Rusted Coln.Repair Powder, Pharros' Lockstone,
eling Merchant Gloves, Traveling Merchant Boots
111.4:>od Bolts
Deprived None None None None None


Warrior Cleric
The Warrior's starting stats will enable you to The Cleric comes with enough Attunement
use a variety of useful equipment quickly. You and Faith for basic Miracles and also has
can immediately begin putting points towards decent Strength and Vigor for me lee encoun-
using magic or increasing Vigor or Endurance. ters. You'll need to raise the Cleric's Dexterity
The Warrior's starting shield isn't great, but if you want to use most weapons, though.
it's much better than nothing. The Broken The low Endurance can also make blocking
Straight Sword, on the other hand, should be and attacking a bit challenging. Consider
replaced immediately. Once you reach Ma- raising Dexterity and Endurance early on. The
jula, you can pick up the Morning Star there Cleric starts with a Sacred Chime, but this
as a better starting weapon. isn't a big deal- there's a free one in Majula.
Starting with the Heal Miracle is very nice,
but try to find a shield quickly.

r .. v. , . Knight
The Knight is a solid choice for players who
plan to focus on melee but also want to
incorporate miracles at some point. This is
The Sorcerer has good starting Intelligence
and Attunement; this is the class to choose if
you want to focus on Sorcery from the very
'\ a really solid starting class. You can level
Strength and Dexterity to use a variety of
beginning of the game. On the other hand,
extremely low Strength and low Dextertty will
weaponry with little difficulty, and you already make basic melee combat very challenging. If
have some Faith as well. The Broadsword you don't Improve your Strength quickty, you
-- will serve you well until you find a weapon won't be able to use much more than your
you like better, but you will need to acquire a basic Dagger. Still, starting with a Sorcerer's
I. shield as a top priortty. Consider buying the Staff and Soul Arrow is a major boon early in
i -~ .... Silver Eagle Kite Shield in Majula. the game.
... - ., ...,

Swordsman Explorer
The Swordsman starts with a lot of Dexterity. The Explorer starts as a jack-of-all-trades, but
If you plan on using lighter weapons this is isn't particularly competent at anything. If
really useful, but beware of the Swordsman's you want to make a melee-focused character,
very low Vigor. Until you put points into that, you'll need to add Strength, Dexterity, and
the Swordsman's HP will be extremely low. Endurance. If you want a caster, you'll need
LowVttaltty also means that it's difficult for Attunement along with either Intelligence
Swordsmen to use heavy armor. On the or Faith. The only real reason to start as this
other hand, the Swordsman starts wtth two class is for the items, with the Pharros' Lock-
pre-upgraded weapons. You will need to stone being the most valuable of the lot. The
invest in Strength if you decide to use solid Explorer does, however, come dressed in a
normal shields, but if you can get by with very fashionable hat that provides an item
small shields this class might work well for discovery rate bonus; other classes can buy
you. this early on.

Bandit Deprived
The Bandit also starts with a lot of Dexterity Deprived is a very unique class in that It
and a good amount of Strength, but, unlike starts at Level 1 with no equipment. It has
the Swordsman, the Bandit also has decent a very balanced spread of stats and can
Vigor. On the other hand, the Bandtt has be used to make a versatile character very
the lowest amount of Intelligence and also quickly. The lack of a starting weapon makes
low Attunement. If you never intend to use this class a bit tougher for beginners. If you
Sorceries or Hexes, this is not a bad class to begin as Deprived, make sure to pick up the
choose. You'll need to raise Attunement a lot Dagger in Things Betwixt. From there, the
if you want to use Miracles or Pyromancies, weapons that you can use will be determined
though. The Bandit comes equipped with a by which stats you choose to level.
Short Bow; this is an advantage in the game's
first area, but other classes can pick one up
quickly as well.



Dark Souls II does not allow you to manually save. Any time something significant happens, Quitting
the game will auto-save. The game will also periodically auto-save even when nothing is You may be tempted to bypass the
going on. This means that if you fight through a difficult level and lose against the boss, you game's auto-save feature by turning off
can't just load a save file at the boss. You'll need to play through the level again. the console or exiting without using
the in-game menus; that is a bad idea.
You can quit via the menu at any time; doing so will save your progress. When you load Although rare, there is a chance that
your game, your character will be in the same spot as it was when you quit. Additionally, your save file will be corrupted. If that
enemies' positions are now also saved. If you quit while surrounded by a mob of angry Hol- happens, your character and all the
lows, you'll still be surrounded when you load. work you put into it is gone. Always
quit from the menu.
The only exception to this rule is boss fights. If you quit in a boss fight, you'll be placed out-
side the boss's room and the boss will be fully healed. Of course, any healing items that you
used before you quit will be gone. There is little to be gained by quitting mid-fight against a
boss unless you want to fight the boss again from full health.

The HUD will provide you with the vital
information that you need in the heat of
combat. If you want to explore your sur-
roundings without the distraction, it can be
turned off or set to automatically hide when
you are not fighting (explained later in this
section). Most players will want to keep the
HUD on, however, as it is the only way to
keep track of your status while remaining
ready to guard or attack.

01 Health Gauge Ill

This represents your Health. When this bar
drains completely, you'll die. Yellow seg-
ments indicate Health lost in the enemy's
current attack or combo. Red segments
show how much Health you have remaining.
When you die or are inflicted with Curse, 04 Left Hand Slot Ill 07 Inventory Slot Ill
Your character has ten "Belt" Slots in Dark
a new stopping point will appear on the This displays the weapon, spell catalyst
gauge. This indicates your new, reduced or shield that is in your left hand. In Dark Souls II. Your Belt Slots contain items that
maximum Health. You can lose up to half of Souls II, you can equip anything in either can be used to create a special effect. For
your maximum Health via death or Curse. If hand. You should decide based on your own example, Lifegems will heal you over the
your Sin is high, however, you may lose even preferences and the situation. You can cycle course of a few seconds. This Inventory
more! You'll need to use a Human Effigy to through up to three pieces of equipment Slot indicates which item you will use if you
restore yourself to Human and regain your per hand. A small "x" indicates that you press the Item Button. If you have multiple
full maximum Health. do not meet the stat requirements to ef- items in your Belt Slot, the next item in the
fectively use the item. The small red gauge list will appear in a small box next to the
below the weapon icon indicates its current Inventory Slot.
02 Stamina Gauge Ill durability; the lower it gets. the closer it is
to being broken.
The Stamina Gauge tracks your ability to
take actions. Running, rolling, back-stepping,
blocking, climbing quickly, casting spells and
08 Soul Counter
This number represents the number of
attacking all consume Stamina. When this 05 Right Hand Slot Ill
This displays the weapon, spell catalyst or
Souls that you currently have. Remember
that, while this number will go to zero, your
gauge is empty, you won't be able to do any
of those things until it begins to refill. While shield that you are currently using in your Souls aren't gone after dying once. They
not displayed on-screen, negative Stamina right hand. Remember that you can keep only disappear forever if you die again while
values are also possible. three equipped and cycle through them, trying to retrieve them.
but the weight of each piece counts toward
Just like with the Health Gauge, the Stamina your total (not just the current one). A small
Gauge can be artificially limited. The Bleeding "x" indicates that you do not meet the stat 09 Status Resistance Meter
status will temporarily lower your maximum requirements to effectively use the item. When a status ailment is building up on
Stamina and will be indicated by a new end Note that any weapon can be used with
point. your character, a bar will be displayed
equal effectiveness in either hand.
here. Red indicates build-up; when the
bar becomes completely red, you'll be in-
03 Status Icons 06 Magic Slot flicted with a bad status. Green indicates
These icons represent any positive or that you currently have a bad status;
If you have a spell attuned, the currently
negative status effects currently on your when the green bar drains completely,
selected spell will appear here. This can
character. See Status Ailments and Status you will recover. See Status Ailments
be a Sorcery, Miracle, Pyromancy, or
Buffs on P.026 for more information about on P.026 for more information about the
Hex. The number that appears Is the
negative statuses and status buffs. ailments, their symbols, their effects and
remaining uses of the spell. If the Icon is
how to recover more quickly.
dark, you are either not using the correct
catalyst or you do not meet the spell's



There are several menus in Dark Souls II that you will need to use
often in order to manage your character. write messages for other
players, adjust game options or quit the game.

Main Menu
If you press the Menu Button while In control of your character, a
menu will appear In the top left of the screen. While this menu is
open, note that you won't be able to attack or block, but you can still
move around. The options available here are: Equipment, Inven-
tory, Player Status, Player Info, Message, Read History, Written
History, Game Options. Screen Options and Quit Game. Many of
these menus are self-explanatory. but remember that you can push
the Help Button at any time to get a more detailed explanation of
a menu item. This Is really useful if you forget what a particular
symbol means.

Equipment Menu Ill

This is the most important and often-used menu in the game. The
top left section shows your currently equipped right hand weapons.
left hand weapons, and your currently equipped Rings [ LJ 01 l.
Below that is your currently equipped armor and the amount of time
remaining for your torch. On the bottom left are the items currently
equipped In your Belt Slots. To the immediate right of the Belt Slots
are slots for arrows and bolts.

The right side of the Equipment Menu displays the Status Pane.
When you have a currently equipped piece of equipment selected,
the Status Pane shows the equipment's stats in white numbers and
the boost it receives from your character's stats in blue [ 0-1.
You can press the Switch Button to see your player status as well.

In the bottom right of the screen, just above your Soul Counter,
your current and maximum Equipment Burdens will be displayed.
The percentage of your maximum Equipment Burden that you are
currently using is displayed as well; this is vital for determining your
roll speed. [ 03)

Pressing the Confirm Button on a currently equipped item will bring

up your Inventory Pane for that item type. As you highlight different
items, the Status Pane on the right will display the difference in
performance between the two items. Numbers that don't change
will be listed in white, numbers that become worse will be listed in
red, and blue numbers will be used to represent numbers that im-
prove. You can swap the item by pressing the Confirm Button while
highlighting the new item that you want to equip. [ u 4)

Gesture Menu Ill

Pressing the Help Button while not in a menu and in control of your
character will open the Gesture Menu. You can select or change
your Gestures here. A Gesture is a short animation that you can use
to communicate with other players; whether that means greeting
them or taunting them is completely up to you. Note that in Dark
Souls II, you can cancel your Gesture at any time. If you bow and
someone attempts to Backstab you, feel free to say "hello" via your
sword Instead! [ :::J 05 & Oo]


Dark Souls II is a very complicated game, but this section will make things easier to under-
stand. Read onward to become acquainted with exploration and combat In Dark Souls II.


First, let's go through the way the game progresses and is struc- always use your Dark Sign as a last resort. You'll sacrifice your cur-
tured. rently held Souls, but you won't lose your Bloodstain.

Cut-scenes Health & Dying Ill

Occasionally, a special event will occur and a set scene will be dis- Death in Dark Souls 2 is much more punishing than It was before.
played. This is most commonly used to introduce a powerful boss. Now, you'll lose a bit of your maximum HP with each death in a
While these events cannot be paused, they can always be skipped. process called Hollowing. If you haven't Sinned by murdering NPCs
or invading and killing other players, then this penalty will stop
Open World Structure increasing at around 50o/o of your maximum HP. The more Sins you
The small coastal village of Majula will serve as your main hub In accrue, the higher the maximum penalty will become.
the world, but many of the areas are connected and you can travel
to most of them on foot. There are four main bosses to defeat from To regain your lost maximum HP. you must use a Human Effigy. This
the beginning of your journey, and you can face them in any order will remove the penalty and begin the process once more. If you
you like, but you'll need to defeat some bosses in order to reach don't have any, or don't want to use your Human Effigies, equipping
new areas on your way towards each of these four main bosses. the Ring of Binding will limit the amount of maximum HP that you
This gulde's walkthrough provides a recommended path, but you lose due to Hollowing.
can (and should!) freely choose a different path if you encounter dif-
ficulties. You'll find Items and gain levels that will help you through Traversing the Mist Ill
the section that was too hard. Scattered throughout the world are Fog Gates, doors covered in
white mist. You'll need to press the confirm button in front of the
Messages gate to pass through. If you press confirm a second time while in
You'll occasionally see glowing letters on the ground. You can inves- the process of passing through the gate, you'll cancel the action.
tigate these to read messages left on the ground by other players. Being hit will also stop you from entering, so either kill nearby
Often, these messages will contain a useful hint. Sometimes they'll enemies or at least lure them away. [ n 02)
be a funny observation or just random nonsense. And, from time to
time, some messages will intentionally try to deceive you. Consider Fog Gates play a couple of important roles. They mark the entrance
each message carefully. to a new area, and occasionally stronger foes. Their more impor-
tant role is in multiplayer; Fog Gates serve as the boundaries of a
Souls & Dying multi player area. Whether during a co-op session or PvP battle, Fog
Souls are gained by killing enemies, using special Consumable Soul Gates cannot be passed during a multiplayer event. The only excep-
items, or selling Items to a merchant named Gav1an. You can spend tion is the Fog Gate that leads to a boss. If a Host player passes
Souls to level up, buy items, or upgrade equipment. Some spells through a Boss Gate, any active Invaders are returned home. Co-op
also use Souls to Increase their power. If you die, you'll drop them phantoms may only pass through a Boss Gate after the Host enters.
all and leave them in a Bloodstain, but if you can reach the Blood-
stain without dying again you can retrieve them. [ _J 01) These rules apply when summoning NPC phantoms as well, even
if you are offline. If you are the Host and you want to cancel co-op
If you die a second time without reaching your Bloodstain and multiplayer, you can use the Black Separation Crystal to send allied
activating it, you'll lose those Souls forever. There is one thing you phantoms home and make Fog Gates passable. You cannot termi-
can do to protect yourself in that case, though. If you equip a Ring nate a PvP session in this manner.
of Life Protection, your Bloodstain will not disappear even if you die.
Just remember that the ring only works once before breaking. Bonfires
Bonfires are extremely important checkpoints. If you die, you will
If you have a lot of Souls in a Bloodstain but you are worried about respawn at the last Bonfire you rested at. Resting at Bonfires
dying, use a Homeward Bone to go back to the Bonfire and heal up heals you and refills your Estus Flask uses. It also respawns most
before trying again. If you don't have a Homeward Bone, you can enemies, though, so think carefully before you decide to rest. You


can light a Bonfire without resting at it, and it's always a good idea
to light any Bonfire you come across for this reason. [-1 U 03)

Bonfire Ascetics are the final Burnable item. Burning an Ascetic

permanently increases the difficulty of the surrounding area. The
enemies become stronger and have more health. Additionally,
some new enemies will spawn. This is almost exactly like being in
Resting also cures many of the harmful status ailments you might New Game+, but only in a specific area. Check the section on New
be afflicted with, such as Polson, and in some cases it will be worth Game+ and Bonfire Ascetics on P.028 for more info.
resting just to take advantage of this. Another important and benefi-
cial effect of Bonfires is that they repair all of your equipment that is Item Box
not completely broken. Any item that is completely broken will need You can store any unneeded items in the Item Box to retrieve later.
to be taken to a Blacksmtth. Unlike in the first Dark Souls, this functionality is available from the
beginning of the game. Use this to store items that you don't want
Bonfire Options to sell to Gavlan.
ll'avel Allows fast travel to lit bonfires
Attune Spells Equip spells
Emerald Herald
You'll find the Emerald Herald in Majula, standing watch by the
Bum Burn Items for speclal effects Far Fire Bonfire. She will help you in various ways, not the least of
Item Box Store and retrievette ms which is through providing you with your only means of leveling up.
[ l I 05)
This option allows you to travel to any Bonfire that you have lit Emerald Herald Options
throughout the game. This is available from the beginning of the Level up Spend Souls to level up
game and is obviously very helpful. You'll often use this to go back
Upgrade Estus Flask Glw the Herald an Estus Flask Shard to upgrade your Flask
to Majula for supplies or to upgrade equipment. You should also con-
sider using this if you find an area that is too difficult. Travel around Talk Talk with the Herald
and try a different path for a bit. Beware that traveling will cause you Leave Quit speaking to the Emerald Herald
to lose any temporary buffs that you may have applied to yourself or
your weapons, however.

Attune Spells
The Attune Spells option lets you select which spells to equip.
Remember that in order to attune a spell, you'll need an Attunement
Slot. That means you need at least ten points in Attunement, or
you'll need to equip a Southern Ritual Band.

Burn Ill
The Burn system is a new mechanic in Dark Souls II. There are three
objects that you can burn in a Bonfire: Human Effigies, Sublime
Bone Dust and Bonfire Ascetics. [..., I l 04]

Human Effigies can be used as normal Items to recover from Hol-

lowing, but they can also be burned in a Bonfire to greatly reduce
the risk of Invasions. Burning a Human Effigy will lower your priority
in the PvP match-making queue. Note that this doesn't prevent Inva- Level up
sions completely; it merely temporarily lowers the likelihood that Leveling up is one of the most important ways to gain power. Speak
you will be Invaded. If you are planning to face a difficult boss but with the Emerald Herald to spend Souls in exchange for levels. Re-
you're worried about being Invaded, consider burning an Effigy. member, though, that it costs more to level up the higher your level
is. Spend your levels wisely!
Sublime Bone Dust can be burned to upgrade your Estus Flask. It
can only be burned in the Far Fire In Majula, but doing so perma- Upgrade Estus Flask Ill
nently increases the amount of Health gained from each dose of In Dark Souls II, the Estus Flask that you first receive from the Her-
Estus in your Flask. This item has no other use and the effect of ald can only be used one time before you need to rest at a Bonfire
burning it Is highly desirable - burn this every time you acquire one. to refill it. By finding Estus Flask Shards that are hidden throughout
the world, you can increase the number of uses. If you find an Estus
Flask Shard, bring it back to the Emerald Herald as soon as possible,
and she'll strengthen your flask.



Dark Souls II is a game steeped in combat and character-building, this much is true, but with a Mimic or simply don't want to fight it,
perhaps the most important element of the gameplay is the exploration. You may find you can use a Lloyd's Talisman to put the Mimic
a powerful item or a useful shortcut, or you may discover an enemy trap. If you explore to sleep and safely steal its items.
carefully, you'll find that you can thwart most enemy ambushes before they begin.
Locked Doors
Interaction Some doors are locked and can't be opened
There are a variety of objects throughout the game that will allow you to interact with normally. In these cases, you'll often need to
them. Switches, levers and doors are just the beginning. You'll also find more sophisti- find the key that fits the lock. Sometimes, doors
cated mechanisms, like Ballista that can be used to eradicate bad guys... or good guys, won't open from a specific side; you'll either
if that's how you want to play it! Just approach an object that allows special interaction need to go around or have someone open the
and the game will display guide information. [ J O J door from the other side. Some locked doors
are very worn down and can be broken. When
Breakable Items in doubt, try to hit the door a few times to
Some objects in the game world can be broken. These include things like barrels, win- check.
dow shutters, doors, and even the tip markers that line your path in the tutorial! Always
look for ropes to cut and boxes to crush; you never know where you'll find something The King's Doors II
useful. You will occasionally find large sealed doors
decorated by a special crest. These doors will
Be careful, though. Breaking some objects will put you in danger. For example, prisoners prompt you to "Produce the Symbol of the
are sometimes better left in their cages. Another example would be black powder bar- King:' If you equip the King's Ring, the doors
rels; they will explode if you hit them with a heat source. You can still use these to your wil open and allow you to pass, but it may be
advantage, though, as enemies are often capable of destroying objects as well. If you're quite some time before you can actually acquire
clever, you can trick your enemies into defeating themselves. the King's Ring ...

Pillaging Bodies Hidden Doors

You'll often encounter dead bodies scattered about the landscape during your quest. Some walls, though they may look
Sometimes, these bodies will have valuable items for you to loot. You'll see a blue glow completely normal and inconspicuous,
on the bodies rt they have treasure. will actually move upwards to reveal a
hidden door if you interact with them.
Iron Lockboxes These can be hard to find, because usually
Iron Lockboxes generally contain useful items. You must stand In front of them and there are only the subtlest of clues to their
press the displayed button to open them. Iron Lockboxes cannot be broken and are existence, but if you think there might be
often home to really useful treasures. a hidden room in an area then it can be
worth trying to interact with solid-looking
Wooden Treasure Chests II walls in case there's a nice surprise behind
Wooden chests are very similar to Iron Lockboxes, but attacking wooden chests will them.
cause them to break, along with the item inside. Instead of a nice treasure, you'll only
receive "Rubbish." [ L 02)

Mimics are enemies disguised as Wooden Chests and Iron Lockboxes. If you attempt to
open them normally, you will be eaten and likely killed. Striking a Mimic will allow you to
avoid its ambush, but this is risky if you don't know which chests are Mimics, as attack-
ing a normal Wooden Chest will mean that you lose out on some treasure.

Fortunately, Mimics do not change position. You can consult the map and walkthrough
to identify which chests to attack. If you examine a Mimic closely, you'll also realize that
their teeth are visible even when they are closed. If you don't know if you are dealing


Breakable Walls
Some walls in Dark Souls II can be broken. Usually, this will just require a few normal
attacks. Other times, an explosion will be needed. If you see explosive barrels near a
suspicious wall, try detonating them with a fire attack. [ C 03)

You'll need to use your eyes and your mind to find these secrets on your own. If you're
playing on line, other players may leave messages to help you. Of course, you could just
consult the maps in the Area Guide chapter of this book. Using a Pharros' Lockstone will often highlight a
section of a nearby wall with a ghostly face, and
Traps if you strike that part of the wall. a secret door
The world of Dark Souls II is a world filled with traps; often, these traps are far more will be revealed that you couldn't access in any
deadly than the enemies around them. Beware of raised pressure plates that can spring other way. The ghostly face won't go away, so
arrow traps, levers that free imprisoned foes, and the ever-popular large rolling boulders. you're not obliged to hit it immediately, just in
Keep an eye on your surroundings; if something seems odd, it's probably trying to kill case you suddenly have more important things
you(..,.004]. to deal with. Some Pharros· Contraptions will
also activate traps or environmental features,
Hazards so they do not always provide you with items
The hazards of Drangleic are too numerous to count, but when you come across some- [ 05). These can still be useful, however.
thing dangerous in the environment, remember that it's likely dangerous to the enemies and while Pharros' traps can be lethal to you
as well. For example, jars of poison will cause large problems for you if you break them as you explore, they can also be just as lethal
open, but tricking the enemy into doing so can kill two birds with one stone. Pitfalls are to invading opponents who aren't expecting
an ever-present danger. and you'll often find yourself battling tough foes near a perilous them ... [-1( 1 06)
drop; remember that gravity affects the enemies as well. It may be a surprise indeed,
but you never know when a bold Jump will help you fend off your Soul-starved enemies. Pharros and the Rat King
Servants of the Rat King's Covenant
Pharros' Contraptions Ill will have opportunities to receive many
In your quest, you'll see this odd face-like symbol many times; these trick devices are Lockstones; if you're looking to trigger
attributed to the great inventor Pharros, who wandered the land helping those in need. all of the Pharros contraptions, consider
You'll need a Pharros' Lockstone to activate these contraptions, and your Lockstone will offering your services to the King of Rats.
be consumed upon doing so. It's usually worth the exchange, though, as there is often See P.421 for more details on how and
useful treasure or something of even greater importance hidden there. where to side with the Rat King.

Mastering the controls in Dark Souls II might save you a broken extremely powerful, and it is, but one of the major changes in Dark
controller or two; being able to execute your tactics the way you Souls II is an overall reduction in I-Frames during rolls. Avoiding
envisioned them is key to not losing your cool. an attack by rolling now requires either very precise timing, good
movement, or both.
Click the right stick (or the key assigned to lock-on on PC) in order New players will often instinctively roll away from an enemy's
to focus on a nearby enemy. If there are multiple enemies present. attack, and this is sometimes desirable. This isn't always the best
you can then swrtch between them by moving the right stick. If method, though. Actually rolling towards and through an enemy's
there are no enemies nearby, this will orient the camera to face in attack using your i-Frames can make quick attacks easier to dodge
the same direction as your character. If you click the right stick while and will leave you in a better position to retaliate. Experiment with
already locked-on, you'll break your lock-on. [ ~ O I rolling forwards, to the side, and backwards if you are having trouble
dodging or finding a chance to attack after doing so. [ O 1
Locking-on to enemies can help you keep the camera on them
and aim your attacks. but there are plenty of occasions when not Backstep
locking-on is a much better choice. For example, fighting near ledges Press the Roll Button when not holding a direction to backstep. The
with lock-on can be risky, as your camera and your movement ori- distance of your backstep is not great, so this is a situational eva-
entation are influenced by the enemy. Fighting small or agile foes is sive technique. If you are at the edge of your opponent's range, a
another example; the default aiming of your weapon's attacks while backstep may be enough to dodge. This isn't going to be your main
locked-on may be insufficient. Consider breaking lock-on and aiming defensive technique against computer-controlled enemies, but it can
the attacks manually by moving the camera. be extremely useful against other players. One of the key points is
that you recover from a backstep much quicker than a roll, and that
Camera can give you a big advantage. Backsteps also take less Stamina to
When you are not locked-on, you can control the camera freely execute.
using the right stick (or the mouse in the PC version of the game).
You can and should use this to examine the environment very Dashing
closely. The camera helps to determine your movement controls as Hold the Roll Button and move to dash instead of walking. This
well. If the camera touches a wall, the camera will be automatically constantly drains Stamina, but is much faster than walking. Dark
adjusted by default; if you don't like that behavior, there is an option Souls II has a new feature that allows you to dash freely even when
called "Camera auto-adjust" in the Game Options. Turn it off if you locked-on to the enemy, and this can be very useful for positioning
are having visibility or control issues caused by the camera in small against large bosses.
spaces. You can also adjust the Camera sensitivity or flip the axis
controls if you like. Dashing Jump & Roll Ill
While dashing, you can perform a short jump that is useful for
Quick Camera Tum crossing small gaps. In Dark Souls 11, you can now assign a button
As previously mentioned, clicking the right stick will immediately to use for this in the Game Options. For Dark Souls veterans it may
reset the camera to face the same direction as your character. By be difficult to get accustomed to using a new button for jumping,
default. the y-axis will also be reset, but you can disable that in the but it will mean that you can reliably perform the jump instead of
Game Options menu. Quickly turn and use this feature when you accidentally rolling. Also, you can roll while dashing as long as you
hear a suspicious noise behind your character! have the jump assigned to a different button. Finally, returning play-
ers should note that now the jump can be performed much more
Rolling quickly; as soon as the dash begins, you can jump. [-1 LJ 03]
Press the Roll Button while holding a direction on the left stick (or a
key bound to movement on PC) in order to perform a quick evasive Falling
move. Rolling costs Stamina but is an excellent defensive technique. Falling too far in Dark Souls II will cause you to take damage and
potentially die. Falling can, however, also be used to escape from
Rolls possess a unique property referred to as invincibility frames enemies or take some pretty amazing shortcuts. There are a num-
(I-Frames). This means that for a short period of your roll, you will ber of pieces of equipment in the game that reduce fall damage,
be completely invincible - nothing can hit you. That might sound and these are well worth seeking out. Using those effects, you may
be able to get the drop on other players - literally.


You can increase your level by speaking to the Emerald Herald near
the Bonfire in Majula. You'll need to pay Souls to do so, and each
additional level will cost more Souls. When leveling up, you can
choose one stat to increase from the list of available stats. Each
stat can give you different benefits and allow you to use different
equipment more effectively. Essentially, your stats define what your
character can or can't do. If you want to use a massive Greatsword.
you'll need Strength. If you want to attack with a Katana. you'll need
Dexterity to deliver graceful strikes powerfully.

You can preview your level gains before confirming them; watch
the Attributes pane closely to observe the effects your changes will
have. Remember that blue numbers represent increases. You can
push the Help Button at any time if you forget what a symbol or ab-
breviation means. We'll go through each stat that can be increased
here to give you an overview of the benefits they bestow.


Increasing your Vigor will raise your maximum HP. which, as you
may imagine, is very useful. Other stats increase HP slightly, but
Vigor gives a much larger increase. Vigor also increases your natural
Petrify Resistance. Note that early in the game, increasing Vigor
provides more survivability than increasing Vitality to wear heavy
armor, but at high armor upgrade levels and high HP levels Vitality
can surpass Vigor. [ U 04]

HP Increase per Point of Vigor

[ Points of Vigor <20 >=20, <50 >=60
[ HP 1clcled per point 30 20 6

Increasing your Endurance will raise your Stamina. This will allow
you to attack more times in succession, block more attacks without
resting your guard, roll more often and run farther.

Stamina Increase per Point of Endurance

Points al Endurance <20 >= 20
St111*11 acldld per point 2 1

Endurance will also increase your Physical Defense; this will help
you take more hits in melee without dying. This component of
Endurance is more valuable for heavy armor users than light armor
users, as heavy armor typically scales a lot more with Physical
Defense than light armor does. [ L 05]

Endurance also has an interactive effect with Adaptability. Raising

the two stats at the same rate will give you natural Poise. For ex-
ample, if you have 10 Adaptability and 10 Endurance, adding 1 point
to Endurance will not increase your Poise. On the other hand, if you
have 11 points of Adaptability and 10 points of Endurance, adding 1
more point of Endurance will increase your Poise. Raising the lower
of the two stats will result in a natural Poise increase. This Poise
increase by itsetf is not particularly powerful, but be aware that the
value of each point of Endurance does depend somewhat on how
much Adaptability you have.


The primary effect of Vitality is to increase your Equip Load. A high value for Equip Load
will allow you to move quickly while using heavy weapons and armors. See P.20 later in
this chapter for a full explanation of Equip Load and Movement. Vitality also increases
your Physical Defense and Poison Resistance.

Equip Load Increase per Point of Vitality

[ Points ofVltalty <29 >=30, <49 >=60,<70 >=70, <98 =98
I Equip Load M1ded per point 1.6 1.0 0.6 0.6 {per two points of Vitality) 0.6

Vitality is your second major defensive stat. As previously mentioned, the HP granted
by Vigor will provide more survivability than Vitality when you are using non-upgraded
armors, but Vitality becomes a lot more valuable when you have access to fully up-
graded heavy armors. In addition to increasing your ability to survive hits, heavy armor
also provides Poise [ ~o
01]. You'll need to experiment with Vigor and Vitality to find out
what ratio works best for you. [ r O ]

Attunement determines how many Spell Slots you have; Spell Slots are required to
equip Sorceries, Miracles, Pyromancies and Hexes, so you'll definitely need to raise this
stat if you want to use magic.

Attunement Breakpoints for Spell Slots

jPo1ntsorAaunement <10 10-12 13-15 16-19 20-24 25-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-74 75-99
1To1a1Spe1111o1s o 1 2 3 4 6 e 1 a 9 10

Spell slots can also be gained by equipping certain items. Remember, though, that you
can only equip one of a particular ring at a time. For example, you cannot equip a South-
ern Rttual Band and a Southern Ritual Band + 1 at the same time.

Increasing Attunement also markedly increases your Cast Speed. Other stats also affect
Cast Speed, so determining how much speed you'll gain per point of Attunement is not
so simple. In principle, though, Attunement has the greatest influence on Cast Speed of
all your stats - its effect is roughly double that of Intelligence or Faith on Cast Speed.

Attunement has a couple of other minor effects, as well. It increases your Curse Resis-
tance, which will help you remain at maximum HP by resisting the Hollowing Curse.
It also increases your Aglltty slightly, which improves the speed at which you can use
items and perform some actions. Finally, Attunement has a hidden effect - increasing it
will increase the number of times you can cast each of your spells I The amount of the
increase varies by spell, but this is another excellent reason to raise Attunement if you
like to use spells. [ t J 031

STRENGTH Ill Spell Slots via Equipment

IINm No.or Slots

Strength is one of your primary melee damage stats. All weapons require some amount Southern Rltual Band 1

of Strength in order to be used effectively; some require a small amount, and some Southern Rltual Band +1 2
require a lot. See P.21 for information on Required Parameters to understand how these Southern Rltual Band +2 3
requirements work. Black Witch Hat 1

Increasing your Strength raises your "Physical Attack: Strength" stat. When calculating
how much damage your attacks will do, the game multiplies this attack value times a
hidden modifier that depends on your weapon. See P.21 later in this chapter for more
information on Parameter Bonuses if you want the details on this system. The simplified
explanation is that increasing your Strength will raise the amount of damage you do with
weapons like Swords, Axes. and Hammers. You'll see your greatest attack gains from
30 to 40 points of Strength, so 40 is recommended for many builds relying on Strength-
based weapons. [-1[ 1 04]

Strength-based Attack Power Gains

Points or ., .. au, 1 10 20 30 40 50 so 10 00 90 99
TotalAtbldc: Strength Bonus 60 67 80 102 140 165 162 170 185 192 200

Strength also boosts your Physical Defense; consider this a useful bonus for a melee
fighter. The primary reason for increasing Strength is to be able to effectively use large
weapons and Greatshields. One important thing to note is that holding your weapon
in two hands doubles your effective Strength for the purposes of meeting Parameter
Requirements. For example, a Longsword requires 10 Strength to be used in one hand,
but you can use tt in two hands with only 5 Strength.


Dexterity is the other main melee damage stat. Just like with Strength, your weapons
also require a specific amount of Dexterity to be usable. Unlike with Strength, holding a
weapon in two hands does NOT help you meet the Dexterity requirement.

Increasing your Dexterity raises your "Physical Attack: Dexterity" stat. Weapons that
scale with Dexterity will apply this as a damage bonus on your attacks. Just like with
Strength, you'll see your greatest attack increases between 30 and 40 points of Dexter-
ity. 40 Dexterity Is therefore recommended if you use a weapon with high Dexterity

Dexterity-based Attack Power Gains

l Pointsof Dutertty 1 10 20 30 40 60 60 70 80 90 99
Total Attack: Dexterity llonUI 60 67 80 102 140 166 162 170 186 192 200

Dexterity also boosts your Physical Defense; once again, this should
be considered a perk for melee-0riented characters. It's not the
main purpose of increasing Dexterity, but it is a nice bonus.

One final property of Dexterity is an increase to your Poison Bonus

and your Bleed Bonus. Those bonuses will improve the damage
done when you cause Poison and Bleed status ailments to enemies.
You won't get any benefit from these If you don't use attacks that
can cause those statuses, though. [ L 15)

Adaptability is a new stat in Dark Souls II. It is a complicated stat
with numerous effects - how valuable it will be to your character
depends a lot on what other stats you raise and what equipment
you use. First. Adaptability raises HP slightly, as all stats do. It also
increases your Poison Bonus slightly. If you use a Poison-infused
weapon, you'll get a small offense boost from Adaptability. On the
defensive side, Adaptability raises all of your status resistances.
So if you put points into this stat, you'll be more difficult to Poison,
Bleed, Petrify, and Curse.

Adaptability's primary effect, though, is to raise your Agility. Agility

boosts the ease of evasion and other actions. This allows you to do
things like drink Estus faster. The difference between drinking Estus
on a base Agility character and a max Agility character is almost half
a second. If you are having difficulty finding time to heal in boss
battles or PvP invasions, Adaptability can help. Note that Adaptabil-
ity does NOT improve Parry speedI- l 06)

Finally, Adaptability has an interactive effect with Endurance that

can create natural Poise. Raising the two stats at the same rate
will give you natural Poise. For example, if you have 10 Adaptability
and 10 Endurance, adding 1 point to Endurance will not Increase
your Poise. On the other hand, if you have 11 points of Adaptability
and 10 points of Endurance, adding 1 more point of Endurance will
increase your Poise. Raising the lower of the two stats will result in
a natural Poise increase. [ L.J 071


Intelligence Increases the power of your Sorceries by increasing your Magic Bonus.
It also slightly impacts your Cast Speed. This is a very useful stat for anyone who will
rely on Sorcery. Each point of Intelligence from 10 to 20 gives massive returns in Magic
Bonus; a bare minimum of 20 Intelligence Is highly recommended for using Sorceries.
If you decide to go beyond 20, don't stop again until 40, though, as the returns between
20 and 30 are terrible. [-tL 11

Intelligence-based Magic Power Gains

Points of llnUllgence 1 10 20 30 40 60 60 70 80 90 99
ITotalMaglcBonus 50 53 106 110 140 155 162 170 185 192 200

Intelligence also contributes to your Fire Bonus, along with Faith. Raising either Faith
or Intelligence will slightly increase your Fire Bonus, but this is not an interactive effect;
you can level one or the other and still get the boost. [ U 021

For Dark Bonus, however, you need to level BOTH Intelligence and Faith. If you want to
increase your Dark Bonus, raise whichever stat is lower between Faith and Intelligence.
Finally, Intelligence impacts your Magic, Fire. and Dark Defenses. Having these boosts
will help you out in battles with other spell casters, but note that Intelligence does not
provide any Physical Defense, so melee combat can be risky.

The primary effect of Faith is to increase your Lightning Bonus; like Intelligence, it
also impacts Cast Speed. If you are using Miracles or Lightning-infused weapons,
Faith is a great stat to increase.

Faith-based Light.ning Power Gains

Points of Ftilth 1 10 20 ~ ~ 50 60 ro oo 90 ~
Total Lightning Bonu1 50 S1 80 102 140 155 162 170 185 192 200

Faith contributes to your Fire Bonus, along with Intelligence, and, in conjunction
with Attunement, increases the amount of spells uses you have. It also affects your
Dark Bonus, and you'll need to level both Intelligence and Faith to take advantage of
this, because it's an interactive effect. So tf you want to increase your Dark Bonus,
raise whichever stat is lower between Faith and Intelligence.

Faith increases Fire, Lightning, and Dark Defense while also boosting Bleed Resis-
tance. More importantly, Faith also increases Bleed Bonus; this might be a boon to
you if you want to use a build with Faith and Dexterity. [ C- 03)


There are a few things about dying and recovering lost Health that
may not be apparent to new players, so we'll go into detail on the
topic here to make sure you understand what happens when you
die and how you can regain your precious heatth.


Consumable Humanity is gone in Dark Souls 11, and replaced with
the new Human Effigy system. When you die, the Hollowing
process begins to affect you, causing your maximum HP to get a
little lower with every death. Using a Human Effigy will completely
restore your lost HP. Additionally, you can't summon assistance
while Hollowed. Unlike in the first Dark Souls, however, you can be
invaded while Hollowed - there is no advantage to not being In Hu-
man form outside of specific equipment bonuses.

If PvP invasions are a major concern for you, you can Bum a Human
Effigy in a Bonfire. This will temporarily reduce the likelihood of
being invaded, though it won't completely prevent invasions from
happening. [ n O!:>]

ESTUS FLASKS Ill Estus Flask Healing

Namo I Duration I Amount Healed
Estus Flask 2seconds 660
Estus Flasks are used for healing. You'll receive your Flask from the Emerald Herald
in Majula. At first, however, you will only be able to use it one time before need- Estus Flask +1 2 seconds 600
. ··················· ................•..................................................................... ··············· ..
ing to refill it at a Bonfire, and tt will heal a very low amount. There are two ways to Estus Flask +2 2 seconds 660
increase the power of an Estus Flask: Estus Flask Shards and Sublime Bone Dust. Estus Flask +3
........... ..........................................2....seconds 700
............................................................. .
Giving Estus Flask Shards to the Emerald Herald will increase the number of times
Estus Flask +4
............................ . 2.6 seconds 760
Estus Flask +6 2.6 seconds 800
you can use your Estus Flask before needing to rest at a Bonfire. You'll need to
find the Shards first, though, as they are scattered throughout the world. You can
give the Herald up to eleven Shards; after doing so, your Estus will be usable up to
twelve times without resting.

Sublime Bone Dust can be Burned in the Bonfire in Majula to increase the amount
that your Estus Flask heals. You can repeat this process up to five times, resulting in
an Estus Flask +5. As you might expect, you must find the Sublime Bone Dust that is
scattered throughout the world; it is often guarded by a fearsome enemy. [-i J 0.4]

LlFEG EMS Ill Lifegem Healing

Name I Duration I Amount Healed
Life gem 11 seconds 600
Lifegems are a new type of healing Item in Dark Souls II. They can be bought or
found in a number of places throughout Drangleic. Lifegems are faster to use than Radiant Llfegem 19 seconds 860
Estus Flasks, but they heal you more slowly; ead1 Lifegem will heal you over a pe- Old Radiant Ulegem 29 seconds 1300
riod of time. They can be very useful for using a healing item quickly, but be warned
that you'll need to wait before the healing is completed. Also, unlike Estus, these
are consumed on use. If you want more, you'll have to find or buy them! [ J 06)


Inventory management is not the sexiest topic in the world, but
there are some key game concepts related to items and equipment
that can make a huge difference to your success in Dark Souls II.
Understanding topics suoh as Required Stats and Equip Load is very
important just to be able to attack and move around effectively!

The first point is to comprehend what sort of information you can
find in your inventory screens and how they can be managed, so
that's what we'll look at here.

As you progress through the game, you will occasionally find locked
doors, which prevent you from progressing. You'll need to explore
Drangleic carefully to find the keys needed to unlock the doors.
When you do, they will go into the key section of your inventory.
Check the descriptions there to determine which doors they will
unlock. Some items count as keys even though they may not look
like keys, which is another reason to pay close attention to the items Equipment that raises maximum Equip Load
in this section of your inventory. [ I J 01] Name I Equip Load Increase I Page

Equip Load Ill Royal Soldler's Ring 10% 403

Equip Load refers to the maximum amount of weight that your Royal
.... Soldler's Ring +1 .. . . 12% . .. .
403 .. .
character can carry. The amount of weight you are carrying is com- Royal Soldler's Ring +2 16% 403
pared to the maximum amount that you can carry to determine how First Dragon Ring 6% 403
quickly (or slowly) your character can move and roll. For example, Second Dragon Ring 10%
if your Equip Load is 40.0 and you equip only a Dagger, you'll have ........ ............ . 403 .
Third Dragon Ring 12.6% 403
an Equip Ratio of 1.3o/o. That means that you are only using 1.3% of
Helm of Aurous 1% 363
your maximum Equip Load. You'll roll very fast. If, on the other hand, ..................................................................................................................................................................
you equip a Giant Warrior Club, you'll have an Equip Ratio of 75.0%. . Annor of Aurous
.. . 1.6%
. 363
.. .
You'll roll much more slowly. Gauntlets of Aurous 3% 363
Leggings of Aurous 1.6% 363
Dark Souls II uses a much smoother continuum of roll speeds than Penal Mask 2.6% 380
the original Dark Souls did, but do be careful of going over 70.0o/o
Velstactt's Helm Raises Vltallty by 1 381
Equip Ratio - doing so will cause a noticeable drop in roll speed.
You can have exactly 70% Equip Ratio without having this issue,
but 70.1 o/o will slow you down [ 0 07 t! 0"]. Remember that even Item Box
though you may not notice a difference between lower ratios, it In Dark Souls II, you have access to your Item Box from the begin-
does exist. If you reach 120% of your maximum Equip Load, you ning of the game, allowing you to store and retrieve your items from
will barely be able to move at all; you'll be completely unable to roll any Bonfire. Storing items that you don't need will help you find the
or run. items that you are looking for more quickly. This is a better option
than discarding them, as you will eventually be able to sell your
If you want to improve your Equip Ratio, there are four main ways to unwanted items to the merchant Gavlan.
do it. The first is by replacing heavy armor with lighter armor (or re-
moving armor pieces altogether). The second
is to use lighter weapons or shields. The third
is to level up and increase your Vitality to raise
your Equip Load. Finally, there are a number
of pieces of equipment that actually raise your
maximum Equip Load.



Your currently equipped weapons, items. and

spells can be cycled through and accessed
quickly using shortcut commands via the
Slot system. To change the weapons and
items that you have equipped in each Slot,
press the Menu Button. To change the spells,
rest at a Bonfire and choose to Attune Spells.
l ~o 041
1 Right Hand Slot
You can equip up to three weapons
in your right hand. You'll attack and perform
actions with the currently highlighted item.
You can cycle through these weapons (press
right on the D-pad for PS3 and Xbox360

2 Left Hand Slot

You can equip up to three weapons in
your left hand. You'll attack and perform ac-
tions with the currently highlighted item. You
can cycle through these weapons (press left
on the D-pad for PS3 and Xbox360 users).

Belt Slot
3 You can have ten items assigned to
your Belt Slots. Pressing the Item Button will
activate the currently selected item. You can
cycle through these items (press down on
the D-pad for PS3 and Xbox360 users).

4 Magic Slot
The number of spells that you can
attune is determined by your Spell Slots.
Equipped Sorceries, Miracles. Pyromancies
and Hexes will all appear here. You can cycle
through these spells (press up on the D-pad).

Your character is only as good as your equipment. This section will teach you about Re- Scaling Grades
quired Stats to help you equip the weapons and armor you want. Then you'll learn about
No Scaling (damage unaffected by character stats)
Parameter Bonuses so you can get the most out of your gear, along with a number of
other useful things about equipment usage and maintenance, so read on! E Very low Scaling
D Low Scaling
Equipment Stats c Average scaling
Every weapon will yield different results. Look at each weapon's stats carefully and
B Good Scaling
choose the one that fits your character the best. Make sure you meet the Stat Require-
A Great scaling
ments for the weapon, and see if it has high Parameter Bonuses for your favorite stats.
You can check the required stats and Parameter Bonuses for all weapons in the Equip- S Perfect Scaling
ment & Items chapter of this book.
Each Scaling grade represents a hidden multi-
Required Stats Ill plier that is applied to your Attack Bonus. If you
Before you can equip your gear, you first have to meet its stat requirements. There are have a high stat (and thus high Attack Bonus).
four types: Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Faith. Not every weapon has all four you want to use a weapon that has an "Pt or
requirements, but most weapons do have one or two. If you have less than the required an "S" for that stat. If you have a low Attack
stats for a weapon, its effectiveness will be greatly reduced. [ -i 05) Bonus, you should choose a weapon with better
base damage, even if it has low Scaling.
Strength is a special exception among required stats. The number displayed is the
amount required to wield a weapon one-handed. If you hold the weapon in both hands, Simply put, if you have 40 points of Strength,
you can use it with half the required amount. For example, the Bastard Sword requires it doesn't make sense for you to use a weapon
20 Strength, but you can use it at full effectiveness with 10 Strength if you hold it in two with "E" or "D" Scaling for Strength. You'll
hands. want a "B" or better in most cases. If you only
have 10 Strength, then it doesn't matter if your
Parameter Bonuses weapon only has an "E" in Strength- you
Parameter Bonuses represent how much additional damage your weapon can deal as wouldn't get much more benefit even if It was
a result of your character's stats. This is also referred to as Scaling. Each weapon has an "S" In that case, just look for a weapon with
a grading for Strength, Dexterity, Magic, Fire, Lightning and Dark that determines how high attack power and don't worry about the
much of your attack bonuses will be applied. Scaling.


Equipment Durability Ill
Equipment breaks very quickly in Dark Souls II. Ead1 piece of gear
has a set amount of Durability. Hitting enemies and objects will
degrade your weapons, and being hit by enemies will degrade your
armor and rings. Every time you rest at a Bonfire, the durability of
all of your equipment will be refilled as long as it isn't completely
broken. If a piece of gear is completely broken, you'll need to visit a
Blacksmith to repair it, and have to pay handsomely for the privilege.
You'll receive an "At Risk" warning just before a piece of equipment
breaks. Swapping your equipment, using Repair Powder, or casting
the Repair Sorcery can prevent it from being broken, thus prevent-
ing a trip to the Blacksmith. The Bracing Knuckle Ring is useful if
you want to slow the rate at which your equipment's durability is
lowered. I c.J 011

Broken equipment is practically useless. Remember that if you are

facing a human opponent with powerful equipment, you can use
Corrosive Urns to render it worthless. This of course, works both
ways - and in this case the Bracing Knuckle Ring makes a useful
defensive tool.

Poise isn't a stat that you can raise directly, but you can increase it
through the interaction of Adaptability and Endurance or by equip-
ping heavy armor. Poise represents how difficult you are to stagger;
with high Poise, you'll be able to take a hit without flind1ing. This
is extremely useful, especially against other players. If the Poise
Damage caused by an attack is greater than your current Poise, you
will be stunned for a moment. After being hit with an attack, your
Poise will recover naturally after a short time, but successive hits
will cause you to stagger before recovering, which has the effect of
allowing enemies to combo you with a succession of attacks.

Heavy armors can provide you with additional Poise, as can the
Ring of Giants. Each weapon has a Poise Damage stat, and heavier
weapons often have higher values. A large weapon may allow you
to stagger an enemy in a single blow. The Stone Ring will allow each
of your attacks to deal additional Poise Damage. [ C.... 02)

When you block an attack, you lose Stamina. The amount of Stamina
lost depends on two things: the Stamina Damage of the enemy
attack and your Stability. Every weapon or shield that you can use to
block has a Stability stat. Stability reduces the amount of Stamina
lost when blocking. High values of Stability mean that you can
easily block an attack without losing much Stamina. Shields tend to
have higher Stability than weapons and often gain Stability when
upgraded as well.
Right Hand vs Left Hand Ill You can equip two types of arrows and two types of bolts at the
In Dark Souls II, there is no difference between holding a weapon same time. Pressing the button you have assigned to Normal Attack
in your left hand versus your right hand. This means that you can when you are using a bow or crossbow will fire one type, and press-
use whichever is comfortable for you or even change based on the ing the Strong Attack Button will fire the other. Bolts and Arrows do
environment and situation, since there are no penalties or condi- not count against your Equip Ratio.
tions to worry about.


Armor provides you with Increases to all of the various types of
defense and resistance to Status Ailments, and it also grants ad- During your journeys in Drangleic, you'll find a number of normal
ditional Poise. Armor now has Scaling, which means that it improves merchants, sure, but you'll also find Traders who seek something
as your Physical Defense stat rises. more than ordinary Souls. They may even trade you very powerful
items in exd1ange for what they seek!
Rings Ill
Rings provide you with a wide variety of special effects and boosts Lonesome Gavlan
to your stats. You can equip up to four rings in Dark Souls II. Rings Lonesome Gavlan loves to wheel and deal. You can buy items from
have their own durability and can break, just like all other equip- him, but he'll also buy items from you. Bring any of your junk to
ment, and they can also be repaired. There are also higher ranks of Gavlan, and he might Just buy it at a high price. Check out P.428 for
rings - for example, Life Ring, Life Ring + 1, and Life Ring +2 all give more info on this jovial Gyrm.
different amounts of health, with the Life Ring +2 giving the most.
Higher ranks of a ring often weigh more, though, so watch your Straid
Equip Ratio! [ 03) Straid of Olaphis may indeed be an egomaniac, but he offers power-
ful weapons in exchange for Boss Souls, so you probably shouldn't


judge him. You'll need to find him and rescue him from a ... let's say,
"hard" situation first, though. Check P.430 of the Extras chapter for
information about Straid and the weapons he can offer you.

Orn ifex
You'll first encounter Ornifex trapped like a caged bird; set the poor
girl free, and she'll offer you weapons in exchange for Boss Souls.
Her trades are different from Straid's offerings, though, and you can
read up on her on selection and requirements on P.433 of the Extras

Bird Nest
In Things Betwixt, you'll encounter two birds with a penchant for
things that are smooth and things that are silky. You can trade
smooth and silky objects to them in exchange for odd prizes. You
can refer to P.437 for more information on the trades that are pos-
sible, some of which can be a great help early in the game. [ L 05)

Exploration and character-building are important, of course, but Damage Types
sometimes you just need to bust some heads in order to make
Damage Types
progress. But busting heads in Dark Souls II requires a bit more
patience, thought and knowledge than other games. You'll need
to supply the first two yourself, but we can help with the
knowledge. Your combat education starts here. • Physlcal

Damage Types
Each attack can have one or more different types of damage
attributed to it. Each specific damage type can only be defended
•II Magic


against by the corresponding defense type. For example, a

Slash type attack is only mitigated by Slash Defense. Each
enemy has its own defense stats for the different types of de-
fense, so it's worth trying different damage types against some
of the tougher enemies to see which ones they might be weak
•llJ Lightning



Almost every action that you perform consumes Stamina -
including attacking, blocking, rolling and casting spells.
•II Bleed

Your Stamina will recover very slowly, however,
if you are blocking; drop your guard when you
Furthermore, if you don't have enough Stamina, you won't be need to recover. [ L.... 04)
able to do any of those things. Always watch your Stamina
closely and be prepared to back away from the enemy when it Guard Break Ill
is low. It will regenerate over time, and there are various pieces If your Stamina is completely depleted while
of equipment and items that can increase the rate it recovers. you are blocking, you will enter a special Guard
Break state. During this time, another player
can perform a Critical Attack. which will likely kill
you. Sometimes it's better to be hit by an attack
rather than block it and enter Guard Break.

Pressing forward and the Normal Attack
Button will result in a special Bash attack.
If the enemy is blocking when this Bash
strikes, your foe's guard will instantly be
broken. This is an extremely powerful
technique against opponents who guard
too much.


Critical Attack Ill
If you break an opponent's guard, stand in front of them and press
the Normal Attack Button. This will allow you to perform a devastat-
ing Critical Attack. If your opponent likes to keep their shield up, go
for the Guard Break I

Backstab Major Ill

If you can get behind your enemy, you'll be able to perform a deadty
Backstab by pressing the Normal Attack Button. This doesn't work
on all enemies, but does work on other players. Be careful, though;
unlike in the original Dark Souls, it's very easy for your Backstabs to
miss. You are also not invincible during the initiation of the Backstab,
and if you are hit out of it or miss, you won't deal any damage to the
enemy at all. [-1 LJ 01 J

Parry & Riposte

If you are using a weapon or shield that can Parry, then pressing the
Strong Attack button will cause your character to attempt to knock
the enemy's attack aside. If you time this properly, you will com-
pletety negate all of the damage from the attack. Some enemies
will fall to the ground when successfully Parried. Furthermore, if you
approach an enemy that is knocked down in this manner and press
the Normal Attack Button, you will do a high damage attack.

Boss Battles
You'll fight many bosses through the course of Dark Souls II. They
are often very strong opponents, and you'll be trapped in the room
until you kill the boss ... or die. If you feel like you need to escape,
a Homeward Bone will allow you to return to the last Bonfire you
rested at, but you will eventually have to face these enemies if you
want to proceed. You'll know you're fighting a boss when a Hfe bar
appears at the bottom of the screen along with its name.


You have a wide variety of combat options at your disposal; under-

standing what they are and when to use them will greatty improve
your chances of success in battle.

Normal & Strong one-handed attacks

One-handed attacks are generalty quicker to execute and to recover
from than two-handed techniques. They're also less powerful
and less likety to stagger your opponent. One-handed attacks can
rebound very easily when striking a shield, so watch closely for
guarding opponents.

Normal & Strong two-handed strikes

Two-handed attacks deal more damage and cause more Poise dam-
age than one-handed attacks. However, they are generally slower
and consume more Stamina. Two-handed attacks don't rebound as
easity when they strike an enemy's shield; continued two-handed
attacks can be used to break an enemy's guard, but be careful about
using them predictabty against other players. If you constantly at-
tack in PvP. you're sure to be parried by skilled opponents.

DualWield Ill
Dual-wielding has been completely revamped in Dark Souls II. Each
weapon can use its normal moveset regardless of which hand it's
held in. Holding a second weapon may reduce your ability to defend
due to the lack of a shield, but it gives you a greater variety of attack
options. This is most useful against other players, where using a
shield has less value.

If you have 1.5 times the required strength and dexterity for both
of your weapons, holding the button to two-hand your weapon can
instead trigger the Power Stance. In order to do this, however, your
weapons must be compatible with one another. Experiment with
your favorite weapons to see if they work well enough with each
other for this purpose.

One final note: while some weapons do have Intelligence or Faith

requirements, you do not need to meet the 1.5 times requirement


for those stats; only strength and dexterity determine whether or
not you can use the Power Stance. [ 0 J DEFENDING
Rolling Attack Protecting your own life is paramount. Damaging enemies is not dif-
If you press the button for a normal attack while rolling, you'll ficult in general; doing so without being cut down yourself ... therein
execute a special rolling attack. This can be used to retaliate quickly lies the challenge I
after rolling to dodge an attack. Often, rolling attacks differ from a
weapon's normal moveset. For example, a slashing straight sword Blocking & Stamina
may actually have a thrusting-type rolling attack. Blocking consumes Stamina; the amount drained depends on the
Stamina Damage of the attack blocked and the Stability of the shield
These attacks can be used against other players to" poke" at the or weapon used to block it. Increasing your Stamina and Stability
opponent, but, once again, don't be too predictable. If you always in order to block more attacks can help you a great deal early in the
use a rolling attack when rolling toward the enemy, you will be par- game, when you don't know what's around the next corner. Also
ried often. If you join in conversations online about Dark Souls 11, it notice that Stamina regenerates much more slowly when you are
will be useful to know that many players refer to this as WR, which blocking. This is very important - you can't keep your shield raised at
stands for "while rolling:' all times. Block just before the enemy attacks, and lower your shield
when the enemy is not attacking.
Dashing Attack
While holding the roll button and a direction to dash, pressing the Equipment Dependency
button for a normal attack will execute a special dashing attack. This The amount of damage that you can block is determined by your
varies depending on the weapon but is often quite useful. These weapon or shield's stats. Physical Reduction is the most important
attacks are generally very fast and can be used to catch an enemy stat here: shields with less than 100.0 Physical Reduction cannot
off-guard. Just like with other techniques, though, don't become too block all of the damage from a normal attack. If the number is, for
predictable. example, 85.0, you will block 85o/o of the damage. An attack that
would deal 100 damage would instead deal 15. That 15 damage
Dashing attacks can also be executed while back-stepping. Tap the would then be further mitigated by your armor's defensive capabili-
roll button while not holding a direction, and your character will step ties. I ...J 04)
backwards. While stepping back, press the normal attack button.
Among veteran Dark Souls players this attack is known as WD, You also have stats for Fire, Magic, Lightning, and Dark Reduction.
which means "while dashing." These work similarly, but for different elements. Shields also only
block a portion of Status ailment build up, so check the stats of your
Jump Attack equipment closely when deciding what to use.
Pressing Forward and the Strong Attack Button at the same time
will prompt you to leap forth and deliver a jump attack. The main Luring
feature of this technique is its long range; be careful, though, as Sometimes, enemies will be waiting near traps or hazards that are
you'll be wide-open if you miss! Judge the distance carefully and very dangerous. You can lure the enemy out with ranged attacks
use good timing to surprise your enemy. or by running close enough to get their attention and then retreat
back to a safer location to do battle. Always try to have a safe zone
Plunging Attack in which to fight. Pull the enemies to that spot with ranged attacks,
When falling from high places, you can press the Normal Attack and deal with the traps separately.
Button to execute a special Plunging Attack. This attack will deal ad-
ditional damage, but be warned that you will still take falling damage Baiting
when you land. If you land on certain large enemies correctly with a You can bait enemies to attack you by intentionally stepping in their
Plunging Attack, you'll be treated to a special animation. [ 0 O'>J attack range. Let the enemy get close enough to attack, and then
roll away or block. This is very important for fighting both normal
Special Attacks enemies and bosses. For bosses, you can even bait specific moves
Some weapons have unique moves; these Special Attacks are often - each attack tends to be used most often at a certain range. Stand
very powerful, but they generally greatly reduce the Durability of the at that distance, and you can fool the boss into performing only the
weapon. You can use the Bracing Knuckle Ring to offset that cost, moves that you want! (-iLJ 05)
though. Look for rare weapons, and try all of their attacks ... you
might just find something amazingI



There are a number of nasty status ailments in Dark Souls 11, and being afflicted with
them can be among the most lethal things that can happen to you. As aggressive as the
enemies are, curing statuses is often too little, too late - prevention is always preferable.
[ l-=:l 01) Some can be cured by resting at a Bonfire, while others require the use of valu-
able items. The information in these tables can help you to plan ahead and be prepared
to deal with status ailments.

Ailments & Prophylactics

Status Aliment I Effect I Posslbl& Cure I Preventive Item I Ukely Area(s)
!'I Bleed
Take damage; Stamina
None; must be
Red Leech Troches
No-man's Wharf, The Lost
Bastille, Iron Keep

The Gutter, Blad< Gulch,

~ Polson DamaQe over time Polson Moss Common Fruit Harvest Valley, Earthen

Ttlclops Snake Shaded Woods, Throne

Reduces max HP Human Effigy
Troches of Want

!4Jj Petrify Instant Death

None; must be
The Lost Bastllle, Shaded
Woods, Doors of Pharros

Description Description
1111 Stamina recovers more qulckly II Shot range up
Equipping certain rings and casting certain
spells will grant you a positive status for as long 1111
HP, Stamina, and Equip Load Increased
a Sun Ring retallatlon

m m
as you keep the item equipped. To the right are
some of the symbols you might see below your
Stamina bar and what they represent. [ l I 021 Defense Increased sour acquisition up

lS] Resistance Increased a Falllng damage reduced

m Attack enhanced II HP regeneration

D Polseup a HPabsorb

D Tearstone active II Drawenemles

• Life protection II Spells Improved

IJ ttern discovery up

In a barren land teeming with Hollows and worse, what manner of dialogue is a common requirement for developing their individual
folks might you encounter? Certainly not sane ones, but at least a quest lines, so make sure and talk to them until they begin repeat-
few of them mean you no harm. You might even be able to interact ing themselves. Some NPCs will even give you special gifts if you
and establish some mutually beneficial relationships. Or maybe meet certain conditions. Generally, you'll need to choose "Talk"
you'll kill everyone you meet; that's fine too. Just read this section from their menus after meeting the conditions in order to receive
first so that you'll understand the opportunities and dangers that the gifts. [ ~ o J
NPCs represent. Here we'll go through the most important things to
know about dealing with them, and you'll find a more comprehen- Attacking NPCs
sive overview of NPCs in the Extras chapter, starting on P.408. You can, of course, attack and kill NPCs. Generally, it's not a good
idea. Most NPCs have some unique purpose or offer a special
service. If you do kill them, you can usually get one of their special
INTERACT LNG items, but you can often get those lterns as part of their quest lines
anyway. Still, if you have no interest in an NPC's services and you
When you stand near a friendly NPC, you'll be prompted to press want their drop item, you can murder them, but beware that this
confirm to talk to them. They often provide exposition about the increases Sin.
story or its subplots and occasionally a useful hint. Some NPCs
offer other services, such as shopping. These N PCs will have an Tombstones Ill
additional menu option called "Talk," as well. Hearing all of an NPC's If you murder an NPC, a Tombstone will appear on that spot. You'll
often need to reload the area once or twice before this will occur.


displayed on the NPC interaction menu. Select it to gain a new ges-
ture. It will automatically be added to your list, though you'll need to
access the gesture menu and set it. Collecting all of the gestures is
needed for a Trophy/Achievement, so watch closely for this option.
[ 0 04]

Some NPCs will allow you to join a Covenant. Most of the Cov-
enants are focused on multiplayer functionality. They are all optional,
but there's enough variety that you'll probably find one or two that
can enrich your experience with Dark Souls II. See P.419 of the
Extras chapter for more information on the Covenants.

Merchant NPCs want Souls in exchange for useful goods. There are
a number of merchants scattered throughout the game, and their
inventories can change as well. Read up on the Merchants in the
main NPC section, beginning on P.424.

Blacksmiths Ill
Blacksmiths will repair and upgrade your equipment. Upgrading your
equipment is absolutely vital - it's even more important than level-
ing up! In order to upgrade your weapons and armor, you'll need to
provide materials. Most equipment can be upgraded with common
Titanite, but some special items require something rarer. Unlike in
Dark Souls 1, there are no separate upgrade paths; reinforcing your
weapon makes it stronger, full stop. Customization is now done
through the Infusion system.

Summoning NPCs for battle

If you are in human form, you may encounter an NPC Summon Sign
glowing on the ground. This can happen whether you are online or
not. Touching the sign will allow you to summon them as helper
phantoms. Their signs only appear in certain locations, but they are
often available to help you with a difficult boss. You can find more
information about who you can summon and when in the NPC sec-
tion on P.438. [-1 O!>]


Infusion is a special system that allows you to alter your weapon's

properties. Only one blacksmith in the game can perform Infusions
- Steady Hand Mc Duff. You'll need to find him in the Lost Bastille
and deliver the Dull Ember key item to him; see P.87 of the Area
Guide chapter for its location. Once he agrees to assist you, you can
Infuse your weapons and shields with a variety of different
Interacting with the Tombstone will give you the option to pay Souls
to summon the ghost of the dead NPC, after which you can then Magic Infusion
interact with the NPC normally. You'll need to pay this penalty in This Infusion will add Magic base damage and Scaling to a weapon,
order to interact with the ghost every time you return. This system but will lower Physical base damage and Strength and Dexterity
prevents you from losing access to an important NPC. It's better to Scaling. Bleed and Poison effects will also be reduced.
not murder the NPCs in the first place, though: you can always get
the items they drop elsewhere. Fire Infusion
The Fire Infusion will add Fire base damage and Scaling to a weaon,
Sin but will lower Physical base damage and Strength and Dexterity
Murdering NPCs and killing other players via Cracked Red Eye Orb Scaling. Bleed and Poison effects will also be reduced.
will increase your Sin count. As your Sins increase, the maximum
HP penalty of the Hollowing Curse will grow beyond the standard Lightning Infusion
50o/o limit - far beyond it. Moreover, if you continue to Sin, you will Lightning base damage and Scaling will be added to a weapon, but
become the target of revenge invasions by Blue Sentinels as well. its Physical base damage and Strength and Dexterity Scaling will be
Being slain by a Sentinel will reduce your Sin count by one. If you lowered. Bleed and Poison effects will also be reduced.
choose a murderous path, be prepared for the consequences.
Dark Infusion
This Infusion will add Dark base damage and Scaling to a weapon,
BENEFITS OF NPCS but will lower Physical base damage and Strength and Dexterity
Scaling. Bleed and Poison effects will also be reduced.
Here we'll go through some of the many benefits to be gained
by dealing with NPCs once you've found them and gotten their Poison Infusion
attention. This Infusion will add or improve a weapon's Poison effect, but will
generally lower Physical base damage and Strength and Dexterity
Lea m Gestures Scaling. Bleed effects will also be reduced.
When talking to certain NPCs, the option to learn a gesture will be


Bleed Infusion Enchanted Infusion
This Infusion will add or improve a weapon's Bleed effect, but will This Infusion type allows your Physical damage to Scale with your
generally lower Physical base damage and Strength and Dexterity Intelligence. It lowers all other Scaling types but does not affect
Scaling. Poison effects will also be reduced. base damage in most cases. If your weapon only deals Magic base
damage, it will be converted to Physical base damage. Spell casters
Raw Infusion can use this as a source of Physical damage for Magic-resistant
Raw Infusion lowers all Scaling for a weapon, but improves all base foes.
damage. Generally, if you are using a weapon with low Scaling or
you have low stats (or both). using this Infusion will increase your Mundane Infusion
damage. Use this if you want to put points into defensive stats after At first glance, this Infusion completely halves the effectiveness of a
meeting your weapon's Required Stats. If you improve your offen- weapon. Both base damage and Scaling are reduced. People do not
sive stats later, undo this Infusion. look favorably on the banal, but sometimes even the most mundane
of objects can cast things in a most pleasant light.


Simply finishing Dark Souls II once doesn't mean the game is fin-
ished ... not by a long shot. There are many enemies and treasures
that can only be gained in New Game+. Here we'll give a rundown
of the major things to be aware of, and in the Extras chapter you'll
find lists of the most important differences in each area, beginning
on P.451.

Accessing New Game+ Ill

To access New Game+, you must first clear the game by defeating
the final boss. After doing so, you'll be asked whether or not you
wish to continue on your second adventure in Drangleic. If you say
yes, you'll immediately begin the game again in New Game+ mode.
If you say no, you'll be able to continue playing normally, and you
will have the option to proceed to New Game+ at any time from the
Far Fire in Majula. When you beat the game, don't feel pressured to
immediately begin New Game+. You can take your time and prepare
before making the leap. [ -ri 011 putting the entire game into New Game+ mode. Before you can use
a Bonfire Ascetic, however, you will need to defeat the area boss.
Greater Difficulty Ill You can see the current level of the area in the list of Bonfires when
Enemies are much stronger in New Game+. You'll have to hit them you select 'Travel' from the Bonfire menu; the number you see in
more times to kill them, and they'll deal a lot more damage to the small picture will increase the more you use a Bonfire Ascetic in
you. You'll only deal 50o/o of the normal damage on your first New that Bonfire.
Game+, and this will get even lower on subsequent cycles through
the game. Enemies, meanwhile, will deal 150o/o of their regular dam- There are some subtle differences between New Game+ and
age to you, and again this number will rise a little on each following Bonfire Ascetics, though. Specifically, some enemies that spawn in
cycle. On top of that, you'll encounter new, and often more lethal, New Game+ cycles don't spawn through burning Bonfire Ascetics.
foes that weren't present in your first play through of the game. The Bonfire Ascetics and New Game+ cycles do, however, interact with
more often you clear the game, the harder it will become. one another. Specifically, their effects stack. If you are on your sec-
ond playthrough cycle and you burn a Bonfire Ascetic, the surround-
Greater Rewards Ill ing area will essentially be like a third playthrough cycle in terms of
New Game+ doesn't just make the game harder; it also yields great- difficulty. Furthermore, Bonfire Ascetics carry over from one cycle
er rewards. Enemies will give you more Souls, which will help you to the next. If you burn a Bonfire Ascetic in the Forest of Giants on
level up much faster. You'll be able to acquire additional copies of your first playthrough and then proceed to your second playthrough,
most of the game's items, as well. More importantly, you'll be able the Forest of Giants will have the difficulty of a third playthrough
to get new items, too. Some enemy item drops will be improved, as area. What is done cannot be undone- exercise caution. [ [ 02)
well. Some of the game's most powerful and interesting Items can
only be obtained in New Game+.

Continued Growth
New Game+ does place you at the beginning of the game's story
again, but you don't lose your character progress. You keep your
level, spells, items, and equipment. Only the key items do not carry
over into New Game+.

Bonfire Ascetics Ill

As previously mentioned in the Bonfire section, burning a Bonfire
Ascetic essentially puts the surrounding area into New Game+
mode. The increase in enemy strength and Souls given is the
same and most of the area's treasure will respawn. On top of that,
enemies will begin to yield their New Game+ drop items. You can
use Bonfire Ascetics to get specific New Game+ items without


When playing Dark Souls II In online mode, you are always vulner- Brotherhood of Blood
able to PvP Invasion, even when Hollowed. There are plenty of If you follow the path of Nahr Alma and the seekers of Blood, then
protections that are afforded to you, however, should you require use Cracked Red Eye Orbs to invade other worlds and wreak havoc
them. Or perhaps you are a hunter. as well? upon them. Successfully killing a host will increase your Sin; being
killed while a Blue Sentinel is present will reduce your Sin. If you
defeat the Blue Sentinel but are then killed, you will neither gain nor
INVADING OTHER WORLDS lose Sin. Killing hosts also rewards you with Tokens of Spite. You can
use the Token to pray at the statues of the Undead Purgatory and
You can invade other worlds using special items, such as the duel another Brother of Blood. Victory will increase your prestige
Cracked Red Eye Orb. Doing so will connect you to another player; and grant you another Cracked Red Eye Orb, but defeat will reduce
your task will be to kill your host. You will be sent home in failure if your prestige. Truly, the path of Blood is a fearful one.
you are killed or if the host player escapes through a Boss Fog Gate.
Similarly, you can be invaded as well. You can escape the Invader by Rat King's Covenant Ill
fleeing through a Boss Fog Gate. though this obviously means you'll Followers of the Rat King can equip the Crest of the Rat to lure
need to fight the boss. You could also kill the Invader if you have the trespassers into their worlds. You will have the advantage and can
strength. hunt your prey at your leisure. Should your hunt prove successful,
you will gain both a Rat Tail and a Pharros Lockstone.
Must protect the bell ... must ring the belll
The roles for each player in a multiplayer session are largely deter-
mined by the Covenant they are a part of. Each Covenant provides Wear the Bell Keeper's Seal and you will be automatically sum-
a way for its members to be summoned - sometimes as noble moned into the world of trespassers. Defeat hosts and Invaders to
guardians, sometimes as vengeful hunters, and sometimes as rank up in your covenant and ... don't forget to ring the bells!
blood-thirsty murderers. These different roles have different goals,
and you'll be rewarded for fulfilling them. Dragon Remnants
If you wish to discard your mortal flesh and accept the immortal-
Company of Champions Ill ity of the eternal dragons. you must first collect Dragon Scales to
As a follower of the arduous path, you forgo the assistance of serve as offerings. Use the Dragon Eye to search for and Invade the
others and rely only upon your own strength; as a result, you can- owner of a Dragon Scale; should you win this one on one fight to
not summon other players to help you. You can. of course, still be the death, you will take possession of the Dragon Scale. No man
invaded, but surely you have the fortitude to emerge victorious. can be your equal!
Though beset on all sides by powerful foes, you are "The Strong,"
and those who cast themselves into your world would be wise to Pilgrims of Dark Ill
flee. [ ~Li 03) As a Pilgrim of Dark, you need only explore the depths of the Old
Chasm of the Abyss ... but that's easier said than done, as you will
Heirs to the Sun constantly need to fend off Abyssal Phantoms. including other play-
You who honor the ancient God of War and still seek the noble ers. Should you successfully do so, you'll be rewarded with Bonfire
path can offer your assistance to those in need via your White Ascetics for your victories. Your ultimate goal, though, is merely to
Soapstone. When summoned, you will engage in jolly cooperation clear the Abyss.
until your time is spent. Your time will be reduced as enemies and
bosses are slain or by resting at a Bonfire. Should you and your
honorable host both survive your adventures until your time is done,
you will return to your world with a Sunlight Medal- truly, a symbol
of the highest honor. Of course. should the unthinkable happen and
either you or your host perish, you'll receive no such award.

Way of Blue Ill

It is said that the meek shall Inherit the earth; you should hope for
that to prove true. for the members of the Way of Blue are certainly
not bold. As a follower of the Way of Blue, a Sentinel of the Blue will
automatically be summoned to your aid should you be invaded. The
Sentinel will not, and indeed cannot, help you with normal foes, but
your noble savior will battle invaders on your behalf. If you are able
to defeat an invader by yourself. you'll rise in the ranks of the Way
of Blue.


For those faithful knights who accept the oaths of the Blue Sen-
tinels, you will be summoned automatically to assist followers of
the Way of Blue when they are invaded. You will only be allowed to If you lack confidence in battle, fear not; help is available. Burning a
fend off the invader, but upon successfully doing so you will receive Human Effigy in a Bonfire will reduce the risk of Invasions. If you are
prestige within the Sentinels. If the host should escape while you a member of the Way of Blue, you'll automatically have a protector
are fighting off the invader, you will be given a Token of Fidelity. summoned to save you if you are Invaded; you can turn the tables
on the Invader with a two-on-one situation. Also, there are powerful
You can use a Token In the Cathedral of the Blue training grounds items that can help to protect you. For example, the Seed of a Tree
to duel other Sentinels for training purposes. Victory in your duel of Giants causes enemies in your world to also react to Invaders!
will increase your prestige with the Sentinels and reward you with That completely strips them of their advantage. There are also
a Cracked Blue Eye Orb. Use of a Cracked Blue Eye Orb will allow many additional (and secret) matchmaking rules in place this time
you to invade a player with a high Sin count. Killing the sinner will to prevent powerful players from preying upon you when you can't
increase your prestige with the Sentinels even further. protect yourself.


Each area is covered In two sections: Walkthrough and Enemies. This should make finding
the help you need easy. If you need assistance finding where to go in an area or if you want
to make sure you don't miss any secrets or treasures, the Walkthrough will lead you through
the whole area without missing a thing. If, on the other hand, you're having trouble clearing
the enemies out of a particularly tough room, you'll find the help you need by reading the
Enemies section and applying the advice given there.

-- --------·.. .......·-- ___
_..,. _..,.
=--== ::-::::'.:::i=:::.:-...:,::.-:.."':
::::.=.:-..: c-::::-..:::c..-.:~..:...
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.J. ... ... ---- -

.,. _
(cri~~= .: _...
:._:.3"041 ..~
--- - --
--- .,

.. --·· ·-- -··- .... "'

WALKTHROUGH Area Map Legend Text Point System

Icons I Namo The walkthrough uses our usual system

Let's briefly go through the key elements of the walkthrough section. of numbered points that link the text to
Map Link positions on the map, hopefully making
the whole thing very easy to follow as
Bonfire you read through it. If you need help
01 Area Difficulty Rating
Each area is rated out of 5 On skulls of course) for its overall dif- at a certain spot, you can find it on the
ficulty level. You usually have a choice of which area to tackle in
Dark Souls II, so if you find one too hard you can look for another
I NPC map and read only the text for that part
of the area.
that has an easier rating and read how to get there. ft Ladder

Standard Enemy Walkthrough Maps

02 Recommended Soul Level The maps in the walkthrough section
Here you'll see the Soul Level we recommend tackling the area show only those parts of the area that
at. This is a very rough figure, for guidance only, but it will give
CD Strong Enemy
the text is referring to, and for clarity
you an idea of how leveling up is linked to progression through Dark Spirit are marked only with the following few
@ Enemy icons:
the game.
CD Crystal Uzard Walkthrough Map Legend
03 Enemy Chart
Icons I Name Icons I Name
This chart lists all enemies that appear in the area, along with the
page on which you'll find their strategy text. Enemy strategies ll I Text Point -t Bonfire
are shown in the order of the first time appear in the game, so :, Boss
Position Point ft Ladder

if an enemy has already appeared in an earlier area then their
strategy text will be in that area's section. Wooden aiest

04 Important Items Chart

All of the important items that can be found in the area are listed
here. These include items you can pick up and some that NPCs
•a Iron Chest

Locked Door
World Events
Some events that can occur in an area
are either affected by your progress in
other areas in Drangleic or will them-
and bosses will reward you with, but Items dropped by normal
enemies are not included. 0 Fog Gate selves affect other areas or characters.
We have separated such events in
~ Lever/SWltch boxes like this one so that you can find
05 The Item Map them easily and so that the walkthrough
The full area map is shown at the start of the Walkthrough and u Hidden Door doesn't rely on things you may or may

you'll find all items and points of interest marked on it. All items not have done in other areas .
are labeled by name, and the most common area features are BreakableWall

shown using the following icons:

.,.._ ....
·--·--·-~-· -··-·_

........--.-_ __..- ..-.-·-_.. -- .. ......... ___

__ ........... -......
_, _., _.....
--- __.. .....
-- --·.........-- - ----·--
__.__. --
... ..................._- .,.. ---
.-·---~-· - ...............
·- ... ·-·---""'--
_-::-.:: __ .. ..,..,._.._
::. -:..-..:.:::::.-:=.
:::. . . .: -.·.::..=..:::::.::--"::*
::::-: ...~;:.~:.,:::..-..:::.-
..... ....,.....,...., .... --·-
e -

== ... ..- -
. . , .,. . ,~---~--..,,.--
-.. . . -- .. . --
R W !:
. ::- •
.,- • a ,.
____ .,..

Now we'll look at the key points relating to how
we've presented the enemy strategy entries.

01 Enemy Introduction
Alongside the enemy's name and picture, we've included some introduc-
tory lore to help you piece together the story of Drangleic.

02 Strategy
This is the meat of the section: how to deal with the enemy, presented
in words and pictures. Often the strategy will describe specific attacks
and sometimes these are shown as a sequence of two screenshots, as
in this example. Bosses have all of their important attacks shown, and
how to deal with each one is described. In instances where there are
multiple versions of an enemy, all first appearing in the same area, they

will each have their own strategy text with the enemy's section.

03 Enemy Data
The tables included here show key information about each enemy at a
glance. Along with the sett-explanatory Health, Souls and Item Drops,
we have Respawn Type, which tells you if the enemy will reappear the
next time you rest at a Bonfire, and Abilities, which lists any unusual
things an enemy can do, such as healing themselves, or poisoning you.

Bosses are described in much the same way as standard enemies, but
there is some additional information in their data tables. This covers their
important attacks, listing if each one can be parried or blocked, and the
relative amount of damage doing so will deal to your stamina gauge.

05 Boss Diagrams
These small diagrams are shown for Bosses that have range-dependent
attacks. For these key attacks you can see where you would need to
be in relation to the Boss in order for them to use the attack(s). The dia-
grams also provide a quick positional overview of the battle and its arena.


A small dimensional rift that exists between Drangleic and the
outside world, this seemingly peaceful limbo serves as a gateway
between the two realms. It lies deep within a shadowy cavern
and traverses an ancient forest rising from a subterranean lake.
Three former Firekeepers reside here with their caretaker, offering
guidance to the Undead who pass through on their quest to break
the curse. The forest serves as a proving ground for visitors and
hides a great many secrets for those willing to seek them out, but
beware -while the main road is relatively safe, straying from the
beaten path can lead to a terrifying end before your journey has
even begun ...

hnport ant 110111, P,1Qo

Kobold 040 Stone Ring 404

Undead Traveler (Dagger) 040 Dagger 312
-e... UndeadTraveler (Sword) 040 Rusted Coln x1 399
Bl UndeadTraveler (Bow) 040 Gold Pine Resin x1 399
UndeadTraveler (Sword+ Bow) 040 Small Smooth & Siiky Stone x1 396
UndeadTraveler (Unarmed) 040 Human Effigy x1 396
in Ogre 041

Small Smooth &

Silky Stone X1


(Upp11r caw)

Fire Keepers

Fire Keepers' ONelling

Soul of a Lost Undead x1,

Tenn x1

Human Elfi!l'f >Cl

I IRlKlll'lR'i\ nut - 12


, ;
O •

J At the conclusion of the opening sequence, you'll assume
'I' control in the center of a grassy field. There is only one way to go
from here and no secrets just yet, so run straight ahead towards the
light filtering through the ceiling. The path narrows briefly, then
opens into a small meadow where Kobolds can be found frolicking;
these creatures are unaggressive, and will only turn on you if you
attack them. When you first enter the meadow, the obvious path
proceeds straight ahead across a rope bridge over a waterfall; a less
obvious path leads along the rocky wall to the right at Position A,
ending with a Rusted Coin on a corpse beneath a small copse of
trees [ C. 1). Pick this up, and then return to the path and make
your way to the near side of the bridge. Before crossing, however,
turn left and note the shrubs concealing a side trail. Stepping
through the bushes reveals an enormous set of footprints in the Pine Resin from a nearby corpse. Continue along the path across a
sand leading up the hill to a monstrous Ogre. small stream and drop off the ledge near the Fire keepers' home; if
you chose not to explore this area, simply proceed across the bridge
over the waterfall.
. J While crossing the bridge you will notice an item on a ledge next
VI to the waterfall. To reach it, stand at the end of the bridge closer
to the Firekeepers' house and turn left. Some overhanging shrubs
partially hide the entrance to a small cave at Position B that
doubles back around to the ledge [ 1 02). The item is a Small
Smooth and Silky Stone that, in addition to its dubious value as a
twister of tongues, holds considerably more practical worth to
connoisseurs of such esoteric trinkets. Grab it, return to the path
and climb the steps into the Firekeepers' house.
. ii/I Opening the door will trigger a series of cutscenes and events,
'II during which you will create and name your character and choose
your starting class and starting gift. It is recommended that
inexperienced players and those new to the Souls games choose
We strongly recommend that you skip this area for now. If you really the Healing Wares, as this gift provides a large selection of
want to face this deadly enemy you should consider first making a additional recovery items which range from uncommon to fairly
short trip to Majula to obtain the Estus Flask and, if stats permit at rare. Advanced players or those confident in their skills might make
least two-handed use of it. the Morning Star. Those bent on hanging better use of the Petrified Something or the Bonfire Ascetic [ ::::J 03).
an Ogre head above the mantelpiece will require every possible The Petrified Something can be used to trade for a random item
advantage in order to bring one down; victory over this particular further into the area, and some of those items can be extremely
Ogre will yield a Stone Ring and allow the safe retrieval of a Gold useful.


J After creating your character, exhaust the dialogue options of
'i' everyone in the room to learn a bit about the Firekeepers and the
limbo they call home. Before you leave, head upstairs and open the
chest for a Human Effigy. When you're ready, head out the back
door to the first Bonfire of the game [ u 041.
J In the center of this small cave is a stone tablet with an
·'41 inscription (a hint regarding Bonfires) that can be read by
examining it. Several more of these tablets are scattered throughout
the next area to serve as a sort of hands-on tutorial, so players
unfamiliar with the game should consider taking the time to read
them all. Light the Bonfire, and then destroy the wooden cart to
reveal a corpse with a small soul item and, more importantly, a Torch
[., LJ 05]. The Torch is lit from Bonfires or certain other torches in the
environment and can likewise be used to light unlit torches and
braziers. It also serves as a weak source of fire damage and in
some cases can be used to drive away enemies that hate light.

To light the torch, approach the Bonfire until the "Toggle" prompt
appears. Press the Toggle button until the" Light the Torch" option
is displayed and select it. The Torch will temporarily replace your
current left-hand weapon; it will be extinguished and put away if
you switch equipment in the left hand or change between one- and
two-handed stances with the right hand c~u 06). From here you
have two choices: explore and loot the tutorial area or skip straight
to Majula, the small ruined town which serves as a safe haven for
Undead journeying to Drangleic. To reach Majula, exit the Bonfire
room and follow the path straight ahead to a crevice that leads
outside. Otherwise, read on ...
J Exit the Bonfire room and approach the first Fog Gate on your
·IP left. When prompted, examine it to pass through into the first
real section of the area. Two Undead Travelers will be waiting for you
in the hallway and the room beyond; another hides to the left of the
entrance in the second room. Deal with them and proceed outside
through the exit. Lighting the torches in the side areas is completely
optional, though it can help you get your bearings and find your way
forward. These first areas are designed to give you a feel for the
flow of things in the world of Drangleic, and one of the most
important lessons to learn is not to rush into things; this room's exit
leads to a narrow ledge, and charging blindly outside will result in a
fatal drop into the lake below I [ 07).
. J Once outside, turn left. An UndeadTraveler stands with his back
'II to you; the stone tablet nearby clearly indicates what to do.
Continue along the ledge to another cave entrance and a corpse
with a Dagger [ LJ Oc:S]. Note that while the Dagger's attack power
is slightly lower than many of the other starting weapons, its swing
speed is much higher so It can potentially Inflict more damage in a
shorter period of time. Add to that the fact that it has an incredibly
high damage bonus modifier for critical hits (backstabs and ripostes)
and is usable to any starting class, and you might Just want to give it
a try.


J Enter the cave. An UndeadTraveler with a bow stands directly Wor1d Event
· 'Ii' ahead and, around the corner to your right, is another Undead To trade items to Dyna &Tillo, stand in the middle of the nest
Traveler with empty hands. Eliminate both enemies and proceed to and wait until they have finished speaking. Open your menu,
the next room, where two more enemies await you. The closer of select either the Small Smooth and Silky Stone or the Petri-
the two Undead Travelers can be lured into the hallway where the fied Something if you chose it as your starting gift, and then
archer behind him can't hit you. The corpse near the stone slab to select "Leave" and "Yes" to place the item on the ground at
the left of the exit holds a Lifegem [ - J O ]. your feet. Do not select "Discard" as this will simply delete
' the item from your inventoryl Close your menu and if the
.JI Walk through the Fog Gate onto the ledge outside. Immediately crows like the item you offered, they'll trade it for another,
''lW turn left, carefully make your way toward the bird's nest and kick which you can immediately pick up from the nest. The small
down the nearby ladder [ O O ]. When you approach the nest its and normal versions of the Smooth & Silky Stone, along with
residents, Dyna & Tillo, will implore you to give them items which the Petrified Something, are the only items that Dyna &Tillo
are silky and smooth, so if you have any such items, leave them in will trade for, so any time you get one remember to bring
the nest to trade them for something potentially more useful. When it back here to see what you get. For a full list of potential
you're done trading, go over to Position C on the ledge and drop items, please refer to P.437.
down onto the outcropping below to get the item there, and then
drop down again to reach the ground.
W straight through it to continue exploring the area [.... l 03]. Two
UndeadTravelers wait in this room -deal with them and proceed.
You'll find yourself outside next to a ladder and a stone tablet, which
will tell you how to execute a running jump. Practice this inside the
previous room first because a fall from the ledge outside will result
in death. Also note that the Jump button can be switched between
the analog stick and the "run" button on the" Game Options"
screen. Once you're comfortable with the game's jumping mechan-
ics you can use this technique to cross the gap ahead and claim two
Amber Herbs from the corpse on the other side.

Climb the ladder to a ledge with three stone tablets. Practice a

plunging attack on one of the sword-wielding Undead Travelers in
the room below and eliminate the other. A wooden door in a recess
clockwise from the Fog Gate leads to a small room with an item.
Exit through the Fog Gate. You can either jump back down to the
central path or. if you're carrying a lit Torch, walk across the preci- for quick kills or lead them to the nearby cave entrance through
pice and light the brazier to illuminate the area. which they are too large to fit, allowing you to attack them from
outside their range. Once you've become familiar with their attacks
,J Recover at the Bonfire if necessary, and then return here to the it may be easier simply to trick them into falling to their deaths; their
VI third and final Fog Gate. In the room beyond, you'll need to exam- lunging grab carries them far enough forward to accomplish this but
ine a rotting tree to kick it down and create a bridge across a chasm. it is safer and easier to instead bait their turnaround crush attack. For
Deal with the archer on the other side and drop into the nearby more detailed strategies, please see the Enemies section.
hole. Be sure you do so with full health, as the fall will inflict
considerable damage and you will be ambushed by a knife-wielding Wor1d Event
Undead Traveler when you land; another UndeadTraveler with a bow If you manage to defeat both Ogres, return to the Firekeep-
will take potshots at you from the ledge above. Exit through the Fog ers' house and speak with Milibeth. For proving yourself to
Gate once the room is clear, and then turn left and eliminate the the forest she will give you the Handmaid's Ladle. Killing
Un dead Traveler. them both will also allow you to safely access the nearby
' mysterious coffin that sits by the water's edge. If you ap-
J At this point you'll notice another Ogre gazing out across the lake proach and examine the coffin you'll trigger a cutscene in
VI from a sandy beach to your right. The visible Ogre also has a which you get inside and the screen fades to black. When it
friend hiding around the corner and when either of them spots you, comes back, enemies will have respawned and you'll still be
both will attack. If you intend to face them now, be sure to first walk in the same place, but you'll also have mysteriously changed
along the ledge to the left and kick down the tree to enable a quick genders. You can use the coffin as many times as you like to
return to this area in the likely event that you should become an keep switching genders.
appetizer [~o On]. Once again we recommend returning here later
to fight these powerful enemies when you've expanded your tactical '
options; we understand, however. that risk-takers and determined J When you've finished everything you wish to do in Things
big-game hunters may choose to pursue their trophies now. \I' Betwixt, return to the main road and proceed outside through the
fissure [ [l or:1. Players who chose to avoid the Ogres may want to
Fighting on the beach is not advised, as it will give both Ogres room take some time to kill Undead Travelers in the side areas for a few
to attack you at once; instead, get their attention and lure them onto extra Souls before leaving; saving up 1500 before leaving Things
the ledge leading towards the rotted tree you knocked down earlier. Betwixt will enable purchase of a very good starting shield at the
From here you can either bait both of them into falling into the lake armor shop in Majula, and you will need it in the areas ahead ...


These skittish, dog-
like creatures inhabit
the small meadow
near the Fire Keeper's
hut. Are these the Fire
Keeper's pets, or simply
a form of life native to
the limbo that exists
between Drangleic and
the outside world?

The Kobolds are non-aggressive at first. They will approach you with
great curiosity but will flee immediately if you move. Attacking one
of them, however, will turn the whole pack vicious. They will each
begin to attack you with a leaping bite. After they attack, the Kobolds
will each retreat into the shadows before striking again. Individually,
they are weak, but as a pack they can overwhelm you.

The Kobolds don't provide any great reward, so consider letting

them live. If you do attack, definitely get a weapon first. Try to corral
them so that they attack one at a time, and then counter with a
Strong attack.

p 1"'11

Kobold 160 30 Yes



The UndeadTravelers in Strategy

Things Betwixt are all Bare fists
hostile. They are wearing This unarmed opponent Is no threat to you. Honestly, you should
imported clothing similar feel guilty for two-handing your weapon and dispatching him with
to what you have at the a single blow. The way he swipes at you is more like a beast than a
beginning of your journey. man, however. You're probably doing this poor Hollow a favor, after
Their origins and motives all. Kill him and move on.
are completely unknown -
perhaps they have already Dagger
Hollowed? These enemies will attempt to slash you with two-hit combos. Their
attacks are slow, predictable, and have a long recovery time. One
key point, though, is to be careful where you fight these enemies.
If there is a bow user nearby, back around a corner so that the bow
user can't see you while you fight the dagger-wielder. This is a recur-
ring theme throughout the game. Engage melee enemies In safe
spots so that you don't take damage from ranged attackers.

Bow& Sword
Some of the Undead Travelers still have the mental capacity left to
use a bow, It seems. You are unlikely to have a shield at this point,
so the best way to avoid their arrows is to roll. Rolling forward at an
angle will help you move closer to the enemy while dodging their
shots. You can also block their arrows with your weapon by holding
it in two-hands and using guard, but you'll still take a little damage.
Be careful when you draw near, as some bow users will draw a
melee weapon to engage you in close-quarters combat.


Broken Sword
These Travelers will attempt to cut you down with a broken blade.
Their attacks have little range, so this is a good opportunity to
practice Backsteps. Tap the roll button without holding a direction on
the analog stick to Backstep. If you attack while Backstepping, you'll
use your weapon's Dashing Attack. The usefulness of this technique
varies from weapon to weapon, but it can be very effective against
enemies like these, as well as other players.
.,,, "'~1,11

UndeadThlveler (Bare fists) 160 30 Yes

Undead Thlveler (Dagger) 180 30 Yes
UndeadThlveler (Bow & Sword) 180 30 Yes
UndeadThlveler (Broken Sword) 180 30 Yes

I ro~Jbllltf P • .,


It is possible that
the rift between
Drangleic and the
outside world is
a native habitat
for the monstrous
Ogres, but are
beasts like this
simply born ... or
are they created?

the combo, the Ogre won't use the third attack at all. You can roll
Strategy under the Ogre's Right Arm Swing to get behind it.
The Ogres of Things Betwixt are seriously dangerous. If you are a
new player, you may want to avoid fighting Ogres until you have If you get behind the Ogre, it will attempt to crush you by using its
leveled up and picked up stronger equipment. If you are confident in Sit attack. This is actually a really good chance to roll away and then
your skills, the first Ogre drops a useful ring and is absolutely worth retaliate. If you position yourself well, you can trick them into Sitting
killing. over and over. Just try to stay behind them. If you use this tactic,
always be aware of the walls; if you run out of space, you'll be flat-
The most important thing to note about the Ogres is their incredible tened by a giant Ogre butt (not a fun way to die). If you are near its
reach. It's very easy to be hit and staggered by one of their attacks side rather than behind it, it may try to Uppercut you. This move has
even though you thought you were out of range. Most commonly, very little range, but watch out for it.
they will try to hit you with a Right Arm Swing followed by a Left
Arm Swing as part of a three-attack combo. The final attack of the The Ogre's final attack is Eat. It will raise both arms and then leap
combo can be either another Right Arm Swing or a Falling Crash. forward; if it grabs you, it will then Eat you (most likely ending your
If the final hit of the combo is a Right Arm Swing, the Ogre will life). This move has a very long recovery and is a great chance to hit
recover very quickly. The Falling Crash has a much longer recovery the Ogre if it misses. Be very careful, though. As previously men-
time; it's your chance to either attack the Ogre or get behind it. Note tioned, the Ogres have incredible range. Be patient and time your
that if you back too far out of range during the first two attacks of rolls well. If you roll too soon, you'll be hit or eaten.

•• H C:01:' 'l ~ . ~ u ·rv 01nr" St P'll1'1 t'1M go

Ogre 1300 1000 No Swings No Yes High

Pr t ~ lilt) Falllng Crash No Yes High

p '
Uppercut No Yes Medium
Stone Ring 100 404 Sit No Yes High
Eat No No N/A
A tiny settlement on the Northern coast
of Drangleic nestled atop the rugged cliffs
between the Forest of Fallen Giants and
Heide'sTower of Flame. This barren crossroads
is the first stop of all Undead passing through
the rift from outside. Majula has weathered
centuries of intermittent warfare and seen
the rise and fall of many kingdoms before
Drangleic. Although the windswept landscape
To Huntsman's Copse
is desolate, Majula's location at the junction
Soul V&ss&I x1
of several roads leading throughout the
kingdom has resulted in a number of destitute Homeward Bon& x5
Undead making improvised homes in its Rouge Wolter X1
sheltered alcoves. While in recent years Majula
has come to be known as a safe haven for
travelers seeking rest and refuge on their
journeys, dark secrets lie shrouded in its
forgotten history - the pit in the village center, Crimson Parma x1
foreboding and seemingly bottomless, was
once a place of disposal for the unwanted and
unspeakable mistakes of kingdoms past.

~ Enslaved Pig 046

.,, Skeleton 046 CAl l \ I ll>lJSl - r2

lmpor t.urt ltPms P,1QP
Estus Flask 396
Short BowX1
Estus Flask Shard x1 401
Morning Star 329
Cleric's Sacred Chime 345
Binoculars 311
Rusted Coln X1 399
DIVfne BleS1llng x1 396
Homeward Bone x6 400
Divina Bklssing x1

•• The Far Fir&

Emerald Her;ld
Crgslf;llcm S:lutden

To Shaded Woods

Morning Stirxl,
Cleric's S:lcred Ch imci X1

To Forest of Fallen Giants

ToThlngs Betwixt


J Exit the crevice from Things Betwixt and follow the path along
·'II the cliffside until you see a tree with an item to the left; run over
to the tree and grab the Divine Blessing, and then return to the gap
in the rocks near the cliff edge at Position A and aim the camera
downwards so that you can see the ledge below [ r 01]. Drop
down to the ledge and then to a second, narrower ledge below it.
Pick up the Morning Star and Cleric's Sacred Chime from the nearby
corpse, and then continue along the ledge and take the Binoculars
when you come to them.
.JI Drop off the end of the ledge and turn left into the underground
'If ruins. A treasure chest around the corner to the right contains a
Rusted Coin; pick it up and head back outside. Follow the edge of
the cliff straight ahead until you see the Bonfire and, beyond it, a
green-robed woman looking out over the ocean from beneath a
withered tree. Light the Bonfire and speak to the Emerald Herald to
receive your Estus Flask and some cryptic advice on how to break
the Undead curse [ I l 07.].

Exhaust all of her dialogue options and she will begin offering you
the option to level up using your acquired Souls. A warning to play-
ers with a predisposition to attacking NPCs: if you kill the Herald
she will eventually be replaced by a tombstone, and then you will
have to offer Souls to it to summon her spirit and make use of her
abilities. This will work out very expensive in the long run, so avoid
killing her at all costs.
.JI Ascend the steps to the obelisk and speak to Saulden, the
'fl Crestfallen Warrior [ _J 031. After exhausting his initial dialogue
he will offer you the opportunity to Join the Way of Blue Covenant.
Regardless of your choice, next time you speak with Saulden he will
offer you a menu of options allowing you to speak with him for
further information or join the Way of Blue at any time. Exhaust his
second set of dialogue and Join the Covenant if desired. You can
examine the inscription on the obelisk next to Saulden to see your
current total number of deaths. When your total number of deaths
is over 100, return and speak to him and he'll give you a Ring of
Steel Protection. Saulden can also teach you a Gesture, so make
sure you learn that from him before you move on.

World Event
If you choose to join the way of Blue, Sau Iden will give you a
Blue Seal Ring that slightly increases your HP, so even if you
do not want to stay in the Covenant, it's worth joining just to
get the ring. The Way of Blue is not a bad choice for a start-
ing Covenant, however, because you'll strengthen the bond
through killing invading Dark Spirits, and you'll encounter
plenty of them as you progress through the game. For more
information on this Covenant, please refer to P.420.
.JI Descend the steps from the obelisk and approach the house
'I' with the cloth awning directly adjacent to the Bonfire. Speak to
the man sitting outside to learn that he is a blacksmith named
Lenigrast and someone has locked him out of his workshop. The key
is not in this area, however, so you can offer no assistance at this
time. Proceed to the village center and find the house with a small
tent constructed beside it. Takethe item from the corpse inside the
tent and enter the house. Be careful not to overlook the diminutive
inhabitant who has taken up residence here, as her small size
makes her easy to miss. Speak with Shalquoir, the coyly sadistic cat
to whom the Emerald Herald refers as "that tiny thing inside the
ruins;' for a wide variety of information and access to her merchant

World Event
The wise Shalquoir can keep tabs on all of the different Cov-
enants you've joined, and tell you what rank you are within
each of them. She can also break the bond with a Covenant
should you wish to do such a thing.


• ·-
' -I • ~

• •

Shalquoir sells two items of particular importance: the Silvercat

Ring, which greatly reduces damage taken when falling and can
allow immediate access to several otherwise unreachable areas;
and the Ring of Whispers, which alerts its wearer to the presence
of enemies. She also mentions the Victor's Stone behind her house;
to find it face the stairway to the underground rotunda behind her
house but instead of entering, follow the cliff to the right [ I J 011.
Examining the stone allows players to join the Covenant of Champi-
ons, and a nearby corpse holds five Homeward Bones.

World Event allow; it will prove invaluable in the battles ahead, and even if you're
The Company of Champions Covenant is designed for play- starting class does not meet the requirements, it's worth building
ers looking for the biggest challenge while playing the game. up your Strength until you can use it.
Not only do you do less damage to enemies while you're a
member of this Covenant, but they will do more damage to Wor1d Event
you. You'll also be unable to use the White Sign Soapstone to Many of the merchants you'll encounter throughout your
call for assistance, and some Summon Signs will not be vis- journeys in Drangleic will expand their inventory if you fulfill
ible to you. Certain enemies will drop items called Awestones certain conditions, and Maughlln is no different. Usually the
while you're in this covenant, however, and those are used condition is to spend a certain amount of Souls with them,
to strengthen the bond within it. The number of Awestones but Maughlin will also gain additional rare and valuable
you've offered is displayed on the Victor's Stone, and you're armor sets after you defeat certain bosses, regardless of how
able to compare your amount to other players. For more much you've spent with him. For more information on the
information on this Covenant, please refer to P.419. various merchants and their inventories, please refer to P.424.
' '
.JI Exit Shalquoir's house and immediately turn right to face a well. J At this point there is nothing left to do in Majula for a while, so
'11 Shove or attack the rock sitting on the edge of the well to access IP it's time to head out in search of larger and more powerful souls I
a corpse with an Estus Flask shard [....,l O J. Take this to The But where to begin? Several areas are accessible from here: Heida's
Emerald Herald right away and have her use it to increase your Tower of Flame, The Forest of Fallen Giants and, for those who can
Flask's capacity. Beware of the three Enslaved Pigs hidden in the afford the Silvercat Ring and are willing to brave great danger and
grass behind the house with the well; they are aggressive, powerful enemies early on, The Pit. Although the enemies in Heida's
deceptively powerful and exceedingly difficult to hit, making them Tower of Flames can be quite difficult at this early stage, if you're up
very dangerous early on. This house is locked, so proceed past it to to the challenge then venturing into that area just far enough to get
the final accessible building in Majula: a disused forge where the Ring of Binding can help you out greatly in the long run. That
Maughlin the Armorer has set up shop. ring mitigates HP reduction when Hollow, so the earlier you get it
the more benefit it will give you. Your first real destination, however,
After exhausting his dialogue it is strongly recommended that play- should be the Forest of Fallen Giants, so head down towards it
ers lacking a shield purchase the Silver Eagle Kite Shield if finances when you're ready [ r 03].


These tiny piglets have a dark secret. They have a small chance
to drop Cracked Red Eye Orbs. If you seek to murder other
players and collectTokens of Spite, these will be useful to you.
One can only wonder how these piglets took possession of such
dangerous items.

Enslaved Pigs are more cute than dangerous, but they are surpris-
ingly difficult to hit due to their small stature, so try to use vertical
attacks. If you must use a horizontal swing, consider attacking with-
out l.ock-on. The Pigs have a weak kick attack that is little more than
an annoyance. Just don't let them all gang-up on you at once; if you
have low poise, they can stagger you repeatedly [ 04).

Enslaved Pig 330 20 Yes

t'n t:>..,111 'ty a

Cracked Red Eye Orb 5 400

This curved sword-wielding
Skeleton is hiding in Cale's
house in Majula. It's unknown
whose Skeleton this might
be or what force animates it;
perhaps Ca le inadvertently
disturbed this poor soul's
resting place. Either way, it
must be dispatched before
Cale will return to the
residence ... and if you want
the treasures it guards.

If you are using a shield, such as the Silver Eagle Kite from Maugh-
lin, this will be a very simple battle. Block a hit and retaliate when it
rebounds off of your shield. If you are using ranged attacks, bait It to
attack you, roll away, and then attack. If you have no shield and no
method of ranged combat, remember that you can block with your
weapon when you hold it in two-hands. This is not a strong oppo-
nent, so be confident and attack after he misses you I ~u 05).

" ,I

Skeleton 570 700 No

Pt t l>llttl

Human Effigy 100 396


Aro.1 E:rwmlns Paqr,
Hollow Infantry (Bandit Knife) 066
rorus rot rAlllNl,IANls-rt Hollow Infantry (Hand Axe) 066
Hollow Infantry (SV.ord & Shield) 066
Hollow Infantry (Bow) 066
Hollow Soldier (Bastard Sword) 066
Hollow Soldier (Halberd) 066
Hollow Soldier (SWOrd & Shield) 066
Hollow Soldier (Bcm) 066
Hum;n Effigy x1
Crystal Uzard 067
Old Ironclad Soldier 068
"' Helde Knight (Sword) 068
ill Flame Salamander 069
The Last Giant 060
The Pursuer 062 ltorns Paqr,

Helde Knight S'M>rd 316
Soldier Key 402
Chloranthy Ring 403
Flame Longsword 314
House Key 402

Lenlgrast's Key 402
Dranglelc SWOrd 317


Soul of :i Lost Undead xl

Torch x1,
Soul of :i Lost Und9ad x1
Shortsword x1,
Sool of a lost Undead x1

Soul of a Nameless Soldi9rx1, -4--

Throwing Knifll x10

Wood Bolt ,ao

Human Effigy x1

Sou I of a N:i mQless Soldillf x1.

Cradclld Rod Eyg Orb x3


In the middle of this forest lies a rundown fort that was severely damaged
during the war with the giants. The soldiers tasked with defending this fort
Thie of Giants succumbed to the curse of the undead and hollowed long ago, but they
remain a threat to any who would seek to uncover the fort's secrets. And the
undead that protect this fort are not the only threat ...
Ring of RIIStor.itlonxl. ·---Ambllf Herb x2
Torch >C3
L:irge L;gther Shield xt.
Soul of a Lost Und9'1d xl Green Blossom xl LW11gem xl
Lodr.ed (Opans
from east side)
Lodclld <Soldier Ksv> R re Arrow X1 O

Soul of a Nameless Soldier xl

1--- Locked (Soldier Kii)')

Lil&gem xl,
11,,,1--- Homeward Bone xl

Great Soul Arrow

------Tr9Cl of Giants

------+-Large Soul of a
Lost Undead X1

Large Soul of a Lost Und9.ld X1.

Blug Wooden Shield X1

Aromatic Ooze x3


Effigy X1 Torch xl Cartographer Cale Amber Herb xl
Estus Flask Shard xt.
Smal lM1ite Sign Soapstone X1

Locked (Sadler

,-------+- Smal Lea1her Shield X1.

RQPair Powder X1

DiviJ19 Blessing xt Hand A)(8 x1.

!Gdi;int liklgem X1
Troe of Giants

C/\RDIN/\1 row: R- I 2

Crow Trawl

I ()RI sr ()I I /\111 N ( ,1/\N rs - I 2

Ttee of Giants ThG Place Unbekno""'st Lo®d (King's Ring)

Drangleic !fflord x1.

Drangleic Shield x1.
Dfllngllli.c Mall xt,
Drangleic Ga untie ts x1.
Orang 1'1lc Leggings X1

Twinkling Titanite l<2

t-----Witdling Urn x5
Merchant Ha11 Melentia

Mail Breakerx1.
Soul of a Nam'119Ss Soldier x1, lnfantJy Helm x1
Torch X1

The Pursuer
(2nd Chanco)

Human Effigy x1
Soul of a
Nameless -~'.\o"~-1,::....------,}
Soldier xt,
LWggem x3

The Pursuer~~~~----~~-------_.....
11 st Chance)

Sorc«Gr's Staff x1.

Amber Herb x1


Cracked Red l:yg Orb x2

Rebel's Greatshi91d x1 --t-----

Locked (Iron Key)

Ramo Quartz Ring+ 1 X1

ll)RI\I ()I IAIIIN(ilANJ\-1\l

Hawk Ring x1
-+-- La rgg Sool oh
0 Prood Knight x1

0 0

Firedrake Stone x1
Tltanite Slab x1

Chloranthy Ring x1

Br9akable after using

Pharros' Contraption

Titanite Shard xl (Trap)

---- Life Ring xt.

Large Soul of a LargeTilanite Shardx1
Proud Knight x1,
Hunte(s Hat x1,
Leather Armor x1,
L11athor Gloves xt,
Leather Boots x1
Amber Herb X1.
Groen Blossom x1
Titanite Shard x1

.~ Just after the Fog Gate you'll come to a
·'II fork in the path; keep going straight and
drop into the room containing the two
infantrymen. Once you've taken them out
you'll be able to exit the room and attack
the enemy on the left from behind. There's a
Hollow Soldier at the opposite end of this
corridor, and you should try and lure him
towards the middle of the area to gain more
room to maneuver. There's an archer at the
top of the stairs, so you'll need to approach
carefully; the alcove on the right halfway up
the stairs can be useful for avoiding the
arrows. If you have a ranged attack, you
should try to take out the archer from that
position, along with the Hollow Soldier
standing on the tree root above the second
half of the stairs; otherwise he'll start
throwing firebombs at you once you go up

Head up the stairs to finish clearing the

area and grab the item, and then go up the
t ladder, past the door and around the corner
to face another Hollow Soldier and get the
item near him. Now backtrack to the door
and open It to reach the area's second
Bonfire. In this room you'll find Merd1ant
Hag Melentia, and she has some very use-
ful items that you can purchase, including
Lenigrast's Key to open the blacksmith's
house back in Majula [ LIO ). Another
recommend purchase would be the Travel-
ing Merchant Hat, as that will increase your
Item Discovery Rate.

~ Leave this room the same way you
''I' entered, and go to the broken wall
directly opposite the doorway; if you look
down from there you'll find a wooden
walkway you can drop down onto. Follow
FOREST OF FALLEN GIANTS the walkway all the way along (taking out
the Hollow Infantry as you go), and when
' you reach the end of it, jump across the gap
. JI As soon as you enter this area you'll come to a wooden bridge, and if you drop down to get the item on the other side. From
'II from the middle of it you'll land on a small platform containing a chest. From there you there you can use a tree root to safely go
can jump across and grab an item sitting at the mouth of a cave [ LJ 011. If you're not down to the platform below, and then after
confident in your jumping skills, you can also read1 that item by following the path out, and going down a couple of short ramps to
then double bad< up the river on the right as soon as you exit. Follow the flow of the river to another platform, walk down the trunk of a
advance into the forest, sticking to the bank on the right to pick up an item along the way. fallen tree to reach the ground ( J 04].

Shortly after that you'll be able to go up a small slope to find a clearing and the area's first Bon- There's a large number of Hollow Infantry in
fire. This is a good place to farm some of the nearby Hollow Infantry to both gain a couple of this area, so move forward slowly and try to
levels and see if you can get the Foot Soldier SIM>rd to drop, which is a good starting weapon take them out one at a time to avoid being
for some classes. There's an archer at the far end of the area, so try and use the rocks on the surrounded. Once all of them are dead, go
bank opposite the Bonfire to block his arrows. Continue along the river when you're ready, and into the small cave to grab the item there,
go up the slope to reach the ladder that takes you to the next part of the area. and then go to the other cave near it that
' has flames along the floor. These flames
.JI You'll face a difficult early battle in this area, so you'll need to be very careful. There are a will not hurt you, so you can enter the cave,
'If number of Hollow Infantry around the room, along with an archer on a walkway above but there's a Flame Salamander at the other
- but the main potential threat is the Heide Knight sitting near the tree in the middle. If you end that will start spitting fireballs at you
land any hit whatsoever on the Knight, he will join the battle, so before you even attempt it, shortly after you enter. Entering the cave
you should take out all of the other enemies in the area. The easiest way to tackle the will also trigger some more Hollow infantry
Infantrymen is to either lure them down the ladder you used to read1 this area, or go to drop down near the entrance, so take
through the archway at Position A to reach the ledge there. This ledge is very narrow, so it them out before you do anything else.
serves as a useful bottleneck to stop the enemies flanking you.
You can try and kill the Flame Salamander
You can also jump across from there to a nearby area where you can get some very useful at this point with ranged attacks tf you wish,
Throwing Knives[-+ ..J 02].0nce you're up on the walkway, follow it along and take out the but it has a lot of health and you won't get
archer first, which will make moving around below much easier. or allow you to attack the anything to make it worthwhile. There is an
enemies down there with ranged attacks if you have them. This can be especially useful item In the cave worth going for, however.
for taking down or weakening the Heide Knight, since he has no means of reaching you up and it can be reached safely with the correct
here. The Heide Knight drops a very powerful early weapon in the in the form of the Heide timing. The Salamander will spit volleys of
Knight Sword, so taking him down is more than worth the trouble. Once all of the enemies three fireballs at a time, and you need to
have been defeated, go through the nearby Fog Gate.



wait till just after third one, and then quickly run into the cave, open
the door on the left to get out of its line of fire, grab the item, and
then exit the cave using the same method. To get back to the Bon-
fire room now. you just have to use the ladder near the top of the
area to reach the wooden walkways above, and then run along them
until you come to a hole in the wall; drop down through the hole and
follow the path back to the Bonfire room.
. .JI Once you're back in the Bonfire room, go up the stairs to reach a
'11 locked door at the end of a corridor. You can't open the door
normally, but because it's damaged you can destroy it to gain entry.
There are a number of useful items to be had in the rooms beyond
the door, including an Estus Flask Shard. You can also drop down
through a hole in the second room to get the item that's sitting on a
branch above the Bonfire [ _J 05).

When you're ready to continue, go down the ladder in the Bonfire

room. There's only one path you can take in this area currently,
because the other routes lead to locked doors. Start going towards
the archway on the left, but be careful of the body slumped against
the wall nearby because it is not as dead as it appears. Finish off the
enemies, and then continue through the Fog Gate.
J There're a large number of Hollow Infantry and Soldiers in this
'IP area, many of whom have bows equipped, so you'll need to be
very careful when moving around. Before going straight up the large
tree root, it's worth taking a small detour to get some useful items.
Drop down over the wall next to the root, and after killing the
enemies down there, climb up the ladder to reach a rooftop. If you
have ranged attacks it would be well worth trying to clear out the
archers before moving on. as that will make things much easier for


To get the first item, run all the way along the wooden planks until
you reach a second rooftop, and then cross over another set of
planks and drop down into the semi-circular room near the wall.
Grab the item there, and then make your way back around to the
planks leading to the second rooftop. Instead of crossing those
planks, this time drop down to the right of them to reach the interior
of the building, and then exit via the broken wall on the side
[ LJ 01). Follow the wooden planks around to the outside of the
house, and then cross the open ground to get the item in front of
0 the portcullis, before backtracking around the area again to reach the
second rooftop.
. -' Go down the other side of the rooftop this time, and jump across
VI to the large wooden platform Just beyond it (and take out the
Hollow Infantryman there if you haven't already done so). Drop
down from there to the adjacent wooden platform, and then take a
couple of steps into the cave that you can access from there; do not
go past the crossroads in the cave, however, because a large
boulder will come rolling down a hill from the left when you
approach it. Wait for the boulder to pass, and then grab the item
directly ahead and go up the slope the boulder came from to reach
Cartographer Cale.


Speak to Cale to get the House Key, which is required to open a

door in Majula, and keep talking to him until you have gone through
all of his dialogue options. Grab the item from the end of the tunnel
near Cale, and then make your way back outside the caves and go
up the ladder just to the side of the entrance. Run along the ram-
part, and then drop down through the broken wall at the end to get
back to the first rooftop in the area, the end of whidl you can drop
down from to start going up the large tree root.
. .if A couple of Hollow Soldiers will have their backs to you near the
'ii top of the root, so try and backstab the one closest to you to get
an early advantage. Just past those two enemies you'll see a ladder
leading to a rooftop, and if you go up there you'll have the chance to
fight a boss early. The Pursuer is very difficult to defeat at this point
in the game, however, so only go up there if you're confident in your
skills. You only get one chance to fight him here, and if you drop off
the roof he'll disappear.


Wor1d Event
Continuing along the main path you'll come to a large group of Make sure to speak with Pate once you've made your way out
barrels, a number of which are explosive; if you have a Firebomb, of the area. He will give you a White Sign Soapstone, allow-
or can trick one of the nearby enemies into detonating them, you ing you to offer assistance to other players. Speaking to him
can blow a hole in the wall at Position Band create a very handy again will also allow you to advance his quest chain later on.
shortcut to the Bonfire room [ n 02). Keep going along the path
and down the ladder at the end after creating the shortcut. •
' J Opposite the hole in the wall leading to the Ballista trap room
.J Go down the stairs at the base of the ladder, and then stop just W you'll see another open courtyard with an Old Ironclad Soldier
·'41 outside the large hole in the castle wall. That hole leads to a room guarding a doorway on the other side. Going directly after him can
that houses a large number of useful items, but getting in there can be dangerous, however. because there are a couple of Hollow
be tricky. As soon as you set foot in the room, a number of Hollow Soldiers above the area that will rain down Firebombs when you
Soldiers will fire Ballista rounds at you, so take one step inside and walk out there. If you have a ranged attack, however, you can hit the
then quickly retreat back out. All of those enemies will then come Old Ironclad Soldier once to lure it towards you. To deal with the
running out of the room to attack you directly, so quickly retreat back Hollow Soldiers, go into the courtyard, and then immediately go
up the ladder you just came down to get Into a better position. From through the archway on the right and up the ladder there.
up there you can use ranged attacks to take them out, or wait for
them to split up a bit before dropping down and engaging them. Go through the door at the end of the wall from here (grabbing the
Light Crossbow along the way), and then after rounding the corner
Enter the room once all of the enemies have been dispatched so you should be able to see the area with the Hollow Soldiers just
that you can claim the spoils. Go down the ladder to the lower floor, below you to the right. Before you drop down to engage them, how-
but be careful when you open the chest, because it has a trap on it; ever, make sure you jump across to the ledge above them and grab
watch to see what kind it is, and then react accordingly. The door in the item there. There are three enemies in total to fight, and facing
the room cannot be opened from this side, but if you strike it you them at the same time can be difficult. A good tactic is to try and
can get the Hollow Soldiers on the other side to open it, grant- knock one of them down to the area below, either by using a ranged
ing you access to another chest. If you have a Pharros' Lockstone attack before you drop down, or by running in and using a quick
(either from buying the one from Melentia or picking it up in the melee strike. Open the chest when the area is clear, and then drop
house you can access in Majula with the House Key from Cale), it's back down to the courtyard and deal with the Old Ironclad Soldier.
also extremely worthwhile using it on the Contraption here, as it will '
allow you to get a Chloranthy Ring andTitanite Slab, both of which J As soon as you enter the area past the Old Ironclad Soldier, go
are extremely useful [ LJ o.,].Go back out through the hole in the VI up the stairs on the right to grab the items there. and then take
wall at the top when you're ready to continue. out the two Hollow Soldiers in the middle of the area so that you
' can reach the item on the other side. Grabbing that item will cause
, .JI At the end of the path here you'll find Mild-Mannered Pate, and if a nearby Hollow Soldier to rise up, so make sure you're ready for
W you speak with him he'll tell you tales of treasure in the area him. The main focus point of this area is the large stone sword
ahead. It's a totally optional area, and there are a large number of jutting out over the ocean, and at the end of it there's a very useful
Hollow Infantry and Soldiers, so only go inside If you're up for the Halberd that's being guarded by a Hollow Soldier [ ....J oi::-1. Fighting
challenge, because the treasure does not live up to Pate's tales. It on the sword can be difficult, so try and lure it down to the base
Shortly after you enter a gate will slam down behind you, and the to fight it on solid ground. Once it's dead (or you move too far up
only way out is to fight through all of the enemies. You'll first be the sword) another Hollow Soldier will drop down onto the sword,
attacked by two Hollow Infantry and a Hollow Soldier with a bow, so so take him out before grabbing the Halberd.
quickly run forward to small alcove directly ahead of the gate, where
the Soldier with the bow cannot hit you. Take out the two Infantry
from there, and then deal with the Soldier.

Enter the door at the opposite end of the courtyard, but be careful
as you approach the next corner, because three Hollow Soldiers
will come running around it to attack you. Try to move backwards
to separate them a bit and take one on at a time. Head around the
corner when they're dead, and then interact with the wall on the
right near the base of the stairs to reveal a hidden room containing
a chest [ 0 04]. There is another group of Hollow Soldiers at the
top of the stairs, and one of them has a Bow; try to lure the others
down the stairs with ranged attacks and fight them around the
corner away from the archer. If you go through the doorway at the
top of the stairs you'll come to a wall, from which you can drop back
down to the area where Pate is sitting.


Wor1d Event
Upon defeating The Last Giant not only do you receive the
Soldier Key, but a couple of other interesting things also
take place. If you previously went through all of the dialogue
0 options with Merdlant Hag Melentia and Cartographer Cale,
they will both relocate to Majula. Melentia can be found
leaning against a wall close to the Bonfire, while Cale takes
up residence in the house he gave you the key for, but only
If you have been in there and cleared out the Skeleton in the

With the Soldier Key you can open the door at Position C to
reach an area full of Old Ironclad Soldiers and some useful
items, and since there's also a Bonfire down there, it's quite a
good early game Soul farming area. The door you can open
with the key at Position D only leads to a chest at the mo-
ment, because you lack a key item to progress further there.
The chest does contain a Ring of Restoration, however, so
it's worth taking a quick trip to acquire it.
J After opening the door here with the Soldier Key, go up the stairs
VI until you come to a small room, and then, after taking out both of
the Hollow Soldiers, continue up a series of stairs to reach the top
of the area. Before going through the Fog Gate ahead, go through
the narrow gap just to the right of it to grab some items, and then (if
you didn't beat him earlier) prepare to fight The Pursuer just beyond
the Fog Gate. This fight can be fairly tough at this point in the game,
' so if you're having trouble you may want to gain a few levels before
. .JI Go through the Fog Gate to reach the other side of the area taking it on. It's worth attempting, however, because The Pursuer
W below the second Bonfire room, and then quickly run towards can drop a Ring of Blades (increases Physical Attack), which is a
the room just ahead on the right and try to kill the Crystal Lizard you very useful accessory.
find there to get some useful weapon upgrade Materials. Grab the
other items in this room, and then exit and continue along the path Once he's defeated, go through the small gap in the rocks opposite
on the other side until you reach the gate. Unlocking that gate gives the entrance and come to a stop near the large destroyed section of
you a great shortcut back to the second Bonfire, so make sure you floor. By dropping down from the edge of that area, you can reach
go back up there to heal up and rs-supplv before continuing a small ledge where you can acquire the powerful Drangleic Sword,
l c_J 01). and a set of Drangleic Armor [ 02). If you continue around the
hole in the floor (instead of dropping down) and go up the stairs on
Go down the elevator near the gate once you're prepared, and then the other side, you'll come to a mysterious bird nest. Interacting
start making your way down the long corridor. Near the end you'll with the bird nest will cause a giant eagle to swoop down and take
come to a door on the left that's being guarded by a Hollow Soldier, you to The Lost Bastille. While that location may be difficult to com-
but this door requires the Iron Key and that Is not something you'll plete at this time, there are a number of useful items that you can
pick up for a while. Continue on along the corridor, and if you made get in the first couple of rooms near the side you land on that can
sure to speak with Mild-mannered Pate earlier, you'll find his Sum- make it a worthwhile trip. Of Particular note are the Covetous Silver
mon Sign waiting Just in front of the Fog Gate. Summon him If you Serpent ring and the Antiquated Key. Return to Majula when you're
wish, and then go through the Fog Gate to face The Last Giant. ready to continue, and from there head to Heide's Tower of Flame.

These common Infantrymen were

soldiers for the kingdom of Orangleic
prior to being overcome by the Curse
of the Undead. Unlike Royal Soldiers
and elite troops, the equipment
issued to the Infantry is invariably
basic and inexpensive. Now Hollow,
they continue to defend their
homeland from perceived threats
despite their enfeebled condition.

Hollow Infantry are very weak individually. They attack slowly and
Hollow Infantry (Dagger) 200 60 Yes
can be staggered very easily. Bandit Knife-wielders also have no
shield, so you can attack aggressively. The key point is to kill them Hollow Infantry (Axe) 240 60 Yes
quickly, though, as they often attack in sets of two or three. Kill Hollow Infantry (Bow) 200 60 Yes
them before they surround you. Their attacks will leave them open Hollow Infantry (Sword & Small Shleld) 270 60 Yes
for you to retaliate, but watch out for their three-slash combo. It
ends with a flurry that can deal significant damage. Pr t l>I ltt
Hollow Infantry Helm 1.6 366
Melee fighters can block their attacks with a shield to wait for an
Hollow Infantry Armor 1.6 366
opening, or simply back up and allow their attacks to miss. The
slashing flurry attack leaves them open for a backstab, as well Hollow Infantry Gloves 1.6 366
[ J 03). If you are not using a shield, remember to hold your Hollow Infantry Boots 1.6 366
weapon in two hands for extra damage. Ranged fighters can attack Bandit's Knife (Dagger, Bow) 1.6 312
without fear of being blocked or retaliated against. Just make sure Infantry Axe (Axe) 1.6 326
to keep all of your enemies in front of you.
Foot Soldier SWord (SWord &t Small Shleld) 1.6 314
Axe Short Bow {Bow) 1.6 346
Hand Axe Infantrymen are very similar to their Bandit Knife-wielding Foot Soldier Shleld (SWord & Small Shleld) 1.6 349
comrades. The primary difference is that Hand Axe users also pos- LHegem 7 396
sess a leap attack that they occasionally use to close in quickly [ 0 Throwing Knife 5 398
Oq], The leap itself is still fairly slow, so as long as you are ready for
it, rolling away will pose little challenge. While they are also slow,
however. the two-handed, overhead chops of a Hand Axe user can
deal a lot of damage. Like other Hollow Infantry, Hand Axe fighters
can play dead in order to ambush you. Consult the map for ambush
locations or just attack any Infantry "corpse" that you come across.


Bow Sword & Small Shield
The Hollow Infantrymen who come equipped with a bow can be Of all the types of Hollow Infantry, the sword and shield variant is
surprisingly dangerous. You can block their arrows. roll past them. probably the most dangerous. They have better reach than the Ban-
strafe to the side to avoid them, or seek cover behind a tree or rock. dit Knife and Hand Axe enemies, and they tend to attack in three-hit
These enemies are surprisingly accurate and have a tendency to combinations that deal a lot of damage. More threateningly, they
attack you while you are engaging other enemies in melee. The best can stagger you with their quick attacks. This opens you up for
thing to do is to get the attention of the enemies you want to battle other enemies to finish you off. They can even use their worn-down
and then fall back into cover. The other types of Hollow Infantry will shields to block your attacks.
rush forward, and you'll be able to deal with them with no pesky
arrows raining down upon you. Check the surroundings for useful Try to fight these enemies alone if you can. If you must fight them
cover points. When you approach these enemies, they will draw in groups, save enough stamina at the end of your combo to roll
Bandit Knives to engage you. away.

Now Hollowed, these were once
Royal Soldiers of the Drangleic Halberd
Kingdom. Their equipment was Halberd-wielders have long reach. They tend to attack in three-hit
constructed by the royal blacksmith combos, but the final hit of the combo is always very, very slow.
from high quality materials, but now They are easy to backstab and, like their Bastard Sword-using
it is falling apart. They continue to friends, they can't stop you if you rush them. They are most danger-
defend the Kingdom loyally. ous when in a mixed group of soldiers; they have enough reach to
hit you from behind one of their shield-bearing friends, and those
shields will prevent you from aggressively attacking them. If you
find yourself facing that situation, get near enough to prompt the
Halberd-user to begin his combo, then fall back. Often. the shielded
soldier will chase you while the Halberd soldier is still far behind.

Spear & Shleld

Winged Spear Hollow Soldiers tend to be very defensive. When
they have their shield raised, you can use a Bash to stun them if
you are quick l l 02]. If you have trouble executing the Bash. you
can raise your own shield and approach them to prompt their Shield
Bash technique. You can either Backstep or strafe to the side to
avoid it and then retaliate. Be careful of their thrusts, as they have
deceptive range. Roll to the side rather than straight back.

These Hollow Soldiers two-hand wield a Bastard Sword. They can
move quickly and hit fairly hard, but they have no shield. Strike hard
and fast in order to defeat them before they can attempt an attack.
Be warned, however. that some will attack with firebombs from
range [ n 01 ]. A carefully timed roll will help you get close to begin
your assault.

Thrusting Sword & Shield

Estoc-users are the most dangerous variant of Hollow Soldier. They
are very aggressive on their own, but they are truly deadly in a
group. When the Estoc-wielders raise their shields, they will Parry
your attacks. If they succeed, you will be left at their mercy. Even if
you intend to hit one of their comrades, they can still Parry your at-
tack. Blocking their attacks with a Normal or Large shield will cause
them to rebound, allowing a full combo. Small shields won't cause
them to rebound, so you'll need to block their entire combo before
attacking. If you're confident in your ability to execute the Bash, it
will break their Parry stance (if you make a mistake and perform a
Normal attack, you'll be Parried).


Hollow Soldiers wielding Bows are very similar to Bow-wielding Hol- Hollow Soldler (Greatsword) 260 90 Yes
low Infantry when you are at range - they focus on harassing you
Hollow Soldler (Halberd) 280 90 Yes
with arrows while you engage other enemies. Using the environ-
ment as cover is the way to handle them at that distance. When you Hollow Soldler (Spear & Shleld) 320 90 Yes
get close, though, the Hollow Soldier will draw a Bastard Sword and Hollow Soldler {Thrusting sword & Shleld) 260 90 Yes
endeavor to remind you of the difference between he and the lowly Hollow Soldler (Bow) 230 90 Yes
Infantry. Hit him hard before he can get his sword outl [ _J OJ]

Hollow Soldler Helm 1.6 366

Hollow Soldler Armor 1.6 366
Hollow Soldler Gauntlets 1.6 366
Hollow Soldler Leggings 1.6 366
Bastard sword (Greatsword, Bow} 1 316
Halberd (Halberd) 1 336
Winged Spear (Spear & Shleld) 1 333
Estoc {Thrusting sword & Shleld) 1 324
Hollow Soldler Shleld (Shleld types) 1 363
Firebomb (Greatsword) 5 398
Lnegem (not Greatsword, Bow} 4 395
Radiant Lnegem (not Greatsword} 1 395
Long Bow 1 346
Wood Arrow x3 5 368

A timid species of sparkling reptile cloaked in total mystery.
These strange creatures possess a variety of useful, and Crystal Chameleon
valuable, stones. These creatures are not well understood, as
the procurement of specimens for study is an all-but-futile
endeavor; Crystal Lizards are masters of escape and have a
marked tendency to do so before anyone can get close enough
to catch them.

to reappear if you fail to deliver a killing blow; once defeated they

will not respawn until the next game cycle or the use of a Bonfire
Ascetic. These elusive creatures are tiny and exceedingly difficult to
hit; they also have unusually high defense and can survive several
blows from a weak or base level weapon.

Crystal Lizards are considerably faster in Dark Souls II than their

counterparts in previous games and it is no longer possible to catch
up to them on open ground once they start running. You must sneak
up on them and either finish them with a ranged attack or spell
before being detected or chase them Into a corner or against an
obstacle to prevent their escape. For attacking these valuable crea-
tures In melee, a powerful weapon with a vertical, overhead swing
Strategy is highly recommended.
Crystal Lizards with a blue gem on their back will not attack under
any circumstances. Upon being detected they will turn to face di- .. .,.,1
rectly away from you and run forward in a straight line. After approxi-
Crystal Lizard 200 1 No
mately ten seconds of running they will camouflage themselves
with Crystal Chameleon and disappear; if they are not killed before t'rc I 111 ttu
this time they will reappear after resting at a bonfire. Note, however,
that Crystal Lizards are one-time spawns and will only continue Titan lte Shard x2 100 310


Originally, Ironclad Soldiers
were minions created by
the Old Iron King with an
enchantment of souls. The
enchantment is long gone and
the iron husk that remains is
quite decrepit. The soldiers
who don this armor now never
speak, and no one has seen
their faces. Could it be that
King Vendrick of Drangleic
revived these ancient creations,
or perhaps he produced war
golems of his own?
though, as they can adjust their aim if you do. After they miss, you
can attack once or twice (depending on the speed of your weapon).

Occasionally, they perform a four-swing combo, during which you

should be patient and back away. If they begin the vertical smash
from too far away, they will chase you with it. Wait for them to get
close and then roll away. Finally, note that they will fall backwards
in an attempt to crush you if you stand behind them. This could be
fatal if you aren't ready for it, but you can use it as an opportunity to
attack if you can avoid the crush.

Old lrondad Soldler 640 260 Yes
Old Ironclad Soldiers can hit very hard, but they attack slowly. Step .... t Ill 't)
just inside their melee range, and they will begin a swing. For
horizontal swings, you should roll backwards. For vertical smashes, Old lrondad Helm 2 371
rolling to the side is better if you have room; don't roll too early, Old lrondad Annor 2 371
Old lrondad Gauntlets 2 371
Old lrondad Leggings 2 371
Human Effigy 1 395


Whether Heide was a

proper kingdom or not
isn't clear, as it fell into
the sea long ago. What
is known is that the Way
of Blue originated in
Heide. Equipment from
Heide still exists today,
as well, which speaks
for the durability of the
special alloy used in
its construction. If this
knight truly is from the
ancient land of Heide,
is it possible that time
distortion explains his


The Heide Knight is a powerful enemy to fight early on. It is highly a Turnaround Slash. Sorcerers can wait for him to begin a combo,
advisable to defeat all the Hollow Infantry in this area before engag- roll back, and then fire away with Soul Arrow. Just watch out for his
ing the Heide Knight. His most dangerous attacks are his Slashing Dash Attack.
Combo and his Turnaround Slash. He has quite some Poise, so
hitting him with a Normal one-handed attack might not stagger him. If you are having difficulty with this enemy, consider picking up the
If you want to fight him in melee, two-hand your weapon and use a Throwing Knives in this area before fighting him. They'll allow you to
Strong attack. This will let you stagger him and then roll away. If you stay outside of his range and deal great damage. After a few knives,
are confident in your ability to Parry, that's another option. Circling he'll be dead. Also note that this enemy cannot climb ladders, and
to his back for a backstab can be risky; he will often counter with will occasionally fall while attempting to chase you, particularly
when you make the leap to the Throwing Knives.
t'D "IJI R a\A/11 • ,,1, ,., stamln n mage

Helde Knight (Sword) 1020 3000 No Slashlng Combo Yes Yes L<m

Pr, t, J llh
Turnaround Slash Yes Yes L<m
F 1
Dash Attack Yes Yes L<m
Helde Knight sword 100 316

These mysterious creatures serve an unknown purpose, but
they are locked within the soldiers' fort behind a door older
than the Kingdom of Drangleic itself. Their fiery presence seems
to alter the very environment itself.

The Flame Salamanders in the lower section of the fort are power- Should you decide to engage them in melee, note that striking
ful enemies that aren't intended to be fought early in the game, their soft flesh, such as their throats and stomachs, will deal much
but. with some creativity. you can defeat them and collect their more damage than attacks to their hard scales. When dodging their
treasures. Specifically, the first Salamander can be killed easily from fireballs, be aware that after the first fireball, there is a short pause
above with ranged attacks [ n 01]. The second can be slain from while they re-aim. The second and third fireballs will be aimed in the
above its tunnel. same direction and fired rapidly.

Soul Arrows and Throwing Knives (purchasable from Melentia) can If you're bold, a drastic method for finishing a Flame Salamander is
be used, but one of the cheapest options available to most players to perform a Plunging Attack directly onto its head. You'll perform a
will be the Light Crossbow with Wood Bolts. It will take around 50 special attack animation if you hit the correct spot, and the amount
Wood Bolts per Salamander, but they can be bought cheaply from of fall damage you take will be survivable. Make sure that you've
Lenlgrast. weakened the Salamander enough for this attack to finish it. though.

Hr' "-.l·I D r Inc ;:,n Ir r ,ii

Rame Salamander 3340 900 Yes Ttlple Fireball No Yes High

Pl' I II tt,.. ., . Uck No No N/A

Head Bash No No N/A
cracked Red Eye Orb 20 400
Rreball 1 391
Are Orb 1 391
Great Fireball 0.6 391


It seems that the trees
of the Forest of Giants
P;lm Smash. Clos9 !mip9
really are the remains
of the Giants from long
ago. Why did the Giants
attack Drangleic, and
is this really the last of

The Last Giant will raise his arm into the air, and then fall forward in
an attempt to crush you. Run forward and roll between his legs to
avoid being smashed as he crashes to the ground. This is another
good chance to deal some damage.

Close Swipe
This is a quick attack that smashes in front of the Giant. Don't stand
in front of it, and you won't have to deal with this attack. If you
see him begin a swing while you are directly in front of him, roll
between his legs quickly.

Palm Smash
If you are near the Giant and in front of him, he can kneel down and
begin pummeling the earth (and you) with his Palm Smash. This
move is blockable, but rolling quickly away is a much better idea. If
you stay there, he'll keep Smashing.

Long Swipe Stomp

The Last Giant will reach back over his right shoulder, and then When you are behind the Giant or between its legs, it will lift its foot
lunge forward with a swing. Just run or roll toward him to avoid this into the air and bring it crashing down. Roll away. If you are feeling
and get close. This is a great opportunity to deal damage. brave, you can then attack him, but beware of the Triple Stomp.


Close Swipe (Club)
This is the same as the Close Swipe in phase one, but it has a
longer reach. Don't stand in front of the Giant when you are close
to him.

Trlple Stomp
If you stay nearby after Its first stomp, the Giant will continue
stomping up to three times. The best way to avoid this is to move
away. You can try to bait this to create an opportunity to attack, but
if he Jumps Back you might find yourself in range for a quick Close

Long Swipe (Club)

This Is the same as the Long Swipe in phase one, but it has a longer
reach. Make sure to use the full length of the room. If you let him
turn sideways, you might not have enough space to get away from
this attack.

Jump Back
When you are behind him, the Giant will occasionally leap back-
wards. If he lands on you, this will deal damage. Roll away when
you see him begin the leap. While risky, it is also possible to dodge
between his legs.

The Last Giant will Long SWipe at you when you are far away. You
can roll toward it to avoid the attack. Once you get close, you'll have
a brief moment to attack its feet [-l 01). When you are directly
underneath It, the Last Giant will attempt to Stomp on you - roll away.
If you stay too close, he'll use alternate legs to Stomp up to three
times in a row. This Is a chance to back away and lure him into his
long-range Swipe once again. Note that if you are at a medium- to
close- range, he will do a Close SWipe near his body. Try to either stay
behind him or far enough away so that he attempts a Long SWipe.

At just under 50% health, the Last Giant will rip off his own left arm
to use as a club. This is a chance for you to rack up some damage
quickly. The fight will then resume, with the only major difference casters, note that there are three target points that you can switch
being the reach of the Last Giant. Using the club, he can hit you between: right foot, left foot, and chest. You'll probably want to
from farther away. The overall tactics don't change, though. Spell target his chest for accuracy.

"fu ,u1 R ,awn • P:,rnt ~lo"'

The Last Giant 2630 10000 No Long swtpe No Yes High

aose Swipe No Yes High
• Pr h 1 llt1
"' IJ Stomp No Yes High
Soul of the Last Giant 100 396
Fall No No N/A
Soldier Key 100 402 Palm Smash No Yes High
Jump Back No Yes High


A mysterious warrior who travels by crow. Crows were once a
symbol of the Goddess of Sin, long ago. The Pursuer hunts the
Undead, perhaps to atone for his own sins. Hopefully, this will
Dashing Slash Cursed Blade, Slash,
be your final showdown with this vagrant warrior ... Shield Bash. Double Thrust

Com ho Attack

Combo Attack
The Pursuer will slash with his sword, bash with his shield, and then
perform a Sword Sweep or Mighty Chop. Block or dodge the first
hit, and then roll away from the Shield Bash. If you block the Shield
Bash, you may have your guard broken. If you are very confident,
you can parry the first sword slash. If your Stamina is low, don't at-
tack after this. Just be patient.

Dashing Slash
The Pursuer will lower his sword to the side, crouch, and then
explode forward with an upper-cutting slash. If you are close, straf-
ing toward his shield will protect you from this attack and let you
retaliate. This is good chance to attack. If you are far away, block this
one or try to roll through tt.

Double Stab
The Boss will stab at you twice, and then leap into the air. He fol-
lows up with a downward stab that has little range. Strafe toward
his shield to avoid the thrusts, and roll away If you are close to him.

Cursed Blade
This is an unblockable stab. He draws his right arm back, and then
lunges forward. Strafe toward his shield, and you will be safe. If you
do get hit by this attack, prepare to lose some maximum HP - it
causes Curse. Dodging this will give you a chance to attack.


Mighty Chop
This is a long range attack. He'll gather energy in his blade, and then
launch a whirling blue wave. As long as you stay close to him. he
won't attempt it. Even if he does use this, you should be able to roll
to the side to avoid it. Just don't fall off the edge of the ramparts.


Mighty Chop
This is the Combo Attack's other finisher. The Pursuer Chops his
sword downward from overhead. This move takes a lot of Stamina
when blod<ed. To dodge this one. roll to the side after a slight delay.

Cursed Orbs
Shleld Bash The Pursuer charges up dark energy and then sprays orbs of dark,
The Pursuer will raise his shield and smash you with it. This can homing energy. These orbs will track you and Curse you (and of
break your guard if you don't have enough Stamina - roll to avoid it. course deal damage). Note that he can't use this attack unless he
This is his most dangerous attack, but it is still easily avoided. Watch manages to hit you with Cursed Blade first!
his shield closely when you are in melee range.

Sword Sweep
The Sword Sweep is one of two finishers for his Combo Attack. In
this finisher, The Pursuer spins around in the air before lunging for-
ward with a Sweeping slash. Walk or roll toward him to avoid this.

The Pursuer has a number of attacks, including a ranged Shod<-
wave, the unblockable Cursed Blade, a Dashing Slash, a Shield Bash
and a multi-hit Combo. In his boss room, there are two ballista that
can be used to deal a huge amount of damage to him, but he can
destroy them. There are two primary strategies. The first method is
to lure him In front of a ballista and wait for him to try his Combo.
While he is attad<ing, roll away, run behind the ballista, and shoot.
If you are successful, this will either kill him or leave him critically
wounded. [-+I J 01)

The second method is to fight him normally. Stay close, and circle
to your right and forward toward his shield [.., O J. At this range,
he won't use his Shockwave. His Thrust and his Dashing Attack will
both miss you and allow you to damage him. If he attempts his
combo, blod< the first hit, and then roll away from the Shield Bash.
If he attempts the Shield Bash by itsetf, roll away. The Shield Bash
takes a lot of Stamina if it connects and may break your guard. As
long as you circle in the direction of his shield, though, most of his
attacks will miss you.

Finally, if you want to show off for your friends, he can be Parried.
Unfortunately, he doesn't fall down and is not stunned for very long
following a Parry.

HP <;0111• ll n.,,.,n Parrv l'lloc1t Stal"l11a o.,m~go

The Pursuer 3110 17000 No Cursed Blade No No N/A

Double Stab Yes Yes Medium
t II r. p
*"" sword sweep Yes Yes High
Soul of the Pursuer 100 396 Mighty Chop Yes Yes High
Ring of Blades 100 403 Slash Yes Yes Medium
Shleld Bash No Yes High
Dashing Slash Yes Yes Medium
Shod<wave No Yes Low


CA I II l u RA l ll I 8l Ul
Heide Knight Iron Mask x1,
T<M'er Shield xl

Blue Senti n111 Targray

Cracked Blue Eyg Orb ><1

Lllwr !Aftllr defootlng

nearb'f enemy)

Di-.ine Blessing xl

Old Radiant Lffegem xl

Soul of a Lost Undead ><1,

Broken Thief 9.Yord )(1

Crimson Parma ><1

'! .• 30-40

These are the remnants of a lost civilization that sank into the sea so long ago that
nobody remembers whether Heide was the name of the kingdom or was simply
what the continent was called in those days. The Way of Blue was founded in
MastllflllSS Glenoour ancient Heide and is still headquartered in the Cathedral, one of the few structures
!Summon SignJ to have survived whatever cataclysmic event submerged the surrounding area
and the subsequent centuries of erosion by the wind and waves. The Tower of
Lswr (Aftllf d&f9:lting Flame looms over the sea in stark defiance of the natural forces that leveled the
n93 rby enemy) rest of Heide, firelight from its gallery dancing and flickering in the sky. Though its
original purpose has been lost to the flow of time, the Tower now serves both as a
Or.igonrider lighthouse warning passing ships away from danger and a beacon guiding those
L9Vllr !After defeating
neartiv enemy) who seek the Blue Sentinels.

Arna t.nemlns P.lQf! lmportant Items J>;iqe

Soul of a Proud Knight x1
Human Etti gy x1 •
Dark Trochlls x1
Old Knight Halbeld x1 ..
'E Old Knight (SWord & Shield)
~ Old Knight (Greatsword)
Sublime Bone Dust
DMne Blessing
Oi Old Knight (Heavy Mace) Crimson Parma 349
., Dragonrlder 069 Ring of Binding 404
Old Dragon.slayer 071 Old Leo Ring 404
Helde Knight Iron Mask 372
Tower Shield 356
Old Knight Halberd 336
Knight Armor Set 361

To No-Man's Wharf
HQide's Ruin

Unseen Path to Heide

Lucatiel of Mirr.ih

Knight Helm x1,

Tower of Flame Knight Armor x1,
Knight Gauntlets x1.
Knight Leggings x1 (Upper leveO

Lida of Undeldt



0 0

0 0 CJ O

. JI After going down the spiral staircase from Majula you'll come to
'II an ancient sewer area with your path blocked by a sluice gate. To
raise the gate, run along the narrow ledge on the left as you enter
the area to reach a switch on the wall that, when pulled, will cause
the gate to rise [ o J. Follow the water channel along to the
opposite end, and then take the path through the open doorway
there and up the stairs to get back outside again.
-, .JI From your starting point here, you should be able to see the first
'If Bonfire of the area, which is a short distance ahead down a
narrow path. There's an Old Knight standing near the path leading to
the Bonfire, but if you run straight down the stairs you can reach it
without having to engage the knight. There are a lot of Old Knights
throughout this area, so it can be worth taking a little bit of time
fighting the one close to the Bonfire just so you get a feel for how
to handle them. The second Old Knight you encounter as you move
on from the Bonfire is equipped with a Heavy Mace, but if you
manage to kill him you'll be rewarded with a very useful Sublime
Bone Dust, used to increase the strength of your Estus Flask. That
enemy will also not respawn after it has been killed, making your
path through the area a bit easier.

After passing through a stone arch you'll come to another Old

Knight that looks like it's trying to guard something. If you kill that
knight, a switch will rise up out of the floor behind it at Position
A, and pulling that switch will cause a section of floor to rise in an
upcoming boss room, increasing the amount of space you'll have to
fight in.
, .JI Further along the path you'll come to a large circular room
I' containing three Old Knights; charging in there and fighting all
three at once is extremely dangerous, so try and lure them towards
you one at a time with ranged attacks. When all three have been
defeated, another switch will rise up out of the ground just to the
side of where you entered the room at Position B [ n O ]. Like
the previous switch, if you pull this one another section of floor in
the boss room will emerge from the ocean and give you even more
space to move around in during the encounter. There are two paths
out of this large room, one taking you along the main route, and
another to the Cathedral of Blue, which is a small optional area that
is definitely worth investigating.



-, .JI Approach the doorway leading to the Cathedral of Blue and you'll Miracles and other useful items [-1 [ 1 04]. To continue on through the
Ii' see two more Old Knights; as usual try to lure them towards you area, go across the bridge from the Bonfire area, and then, after
one at a time to make the fight easier. When they're both down, go entering the tower on the other side, go down the spiral staircase
down the broken set of stairs to the side of where they were you come to.
standing to claim the item hidden on a body at the end, and then go
up the main set of stairs that were directly ahead. After crossing a Wortd Event
short bridge you'll come to an open circular area with another Old If you go through all of Licia's dialogue, she will relocate
Knight killing this one will cause a nearby switch to rise up out of to the small circular room Just down the stairs that you de-
the ground at Position C. Pulling it will lower the drawbridge so scended when beginning your journey to this area from Ma-
t~at you can access the Cathedral of Blue [-1 LJ OJ]. jula. Once she's there, you'll be able to pay her 2000 souls to
rotate the room and open up a new path, although exploring
As soon as you reach the top of the drawbridge, open the nearby the lands along that path at this point can be quite difficult. If
chest to get the extremely important Ring of Binding, whidl you talk to her with a Faith level above 30, she'll also bestow
dramatically cuts down HP reduction when you're Hollow. Pick up an Idol's Chime and a full set of Saint's Armor unto you.
" the item next to the chest as well, and then go through the Fog
Gate to face off against the Old Dragonslayer. Once he has been ,,
defeated, you'll be able to access a staircase that leads down to . Make sure you check underneath the spiral staircase when you
another Bonfire so that you can replenish your supplies. You can also reach the bottom, because there's an item hidden underneath rt.
go out onto a balcony overlooking the ocean, where you'll find two Go through the doorway near the base of the stairs to enter the
chests with a number of good items in them, along with the NPC bowels of the tower, where you'll very quickly have to face off
Blue SentinelTargray. When you're done here, return to the large against more Old Knights. The doorways in this area are much too
circular room you were in before taking this detour. small for them to pass through, so if you lure them towards one you
can use hit-and-run attacks from the other side or just use ranged
Wortd Event attacks. After taking out both of the knights in this area you'll be
If you have a Token of Fidelity on you, you'll be able to speak able to run to the far end of the path and claim a number of items
with Targray and have the option of joining the Blue Sentinels before returning to doorway in the middle and going down the
Covenant. The Blue Sentinels have a strong sense of justice, stairs. Take out the Old Knight in the room at the bottom of the
and will be called into the worlds of other players to aid them stairs, and then follow the path around to the right to reach a small
against invaders. As a member of the Covenant, you'll also room containing an elevator that you can ride to continue down.

be able to interact with the three stone statues in the nearby

Bonfire room, through which you can initiate one-on-one J When the elevator comes to a stop you'll find yourself in a place
duels against other players to hone your skills. For more I' that is very similar to the area you were just in, only this time you
information on this Covenant, please refer to P.420. have partial flooding to contend with. Because your movement will
be hampered by the water, be extra careful when facing the Old
' Knights on this floor. If you go up the stairs on the left when you
.JI After going down the stairs on this side of the room you'll be able come to them you'll be able to claim one last item from a chest in
'IP to cross a very narrow path to reach a chest sitting on a small this area, and then after going back down to the water-logged path,
platform, and then after defeating the Old Knight in the area, go continue along and through the hole in the wall. If you follow the
through the Fog Gate to face the Dragonrlder. After defeating the path on the other side of the wall it will lead you to a Bonfire where
boss, go up the stairs on the outside of the room to reach the floor the NPC Lucatiel of Mirrah is warming herself. and just past that is
above, where you'll find another Bonfire. Kneeling near the Bonfire is No-Man's Wharf.
the NPC Licia of Lindeldt, who happens to sell a large number of


These giant warriors are relics of an era that has long passed.
Whether they attack you out of madness or merely as a trial for
would-be Knights of the Blue will matter little if they manage to
cut you down, though, so stay alert. If you do intend to enlist
as a Knight of the Blue, you'll require the power of the Cracked
Blue Orbs they hold, so consider this your rite of initiation.

and then engage him in the same way. Close in, and circle behind
him while he attacks. Retaliate after his combo. Note that this en-
emy has no shield and is thus susceptible to ranged attacks. If you
are struggling to defeat Old Knights but have no ranged attack, con-
sider fighting them with Throwing Knives or Firebombs purchased
from Melentia. Spending a few Souls to defeat tough enemies is
better than wasting Souls by dying.

Ultra Greatsword
Greatsword Old Knights have better reach than their sword and
shield-equipped brethren, but are fought in the same way. Get
close, circle to their backs, block until they finish their combos, and
then attack. Be careful, though. While most of its attacks will miss,
some of the Greatsword-user's attacks can hit you even when you
are almost directly behind it. Block until it finishes swinging, and
then get in a hit. Stay patient and achieve victory.

These enemies can often be found near sword and shield-users; pull
the Greatsword Old Knight forward alone by hitting it with a ranged
attack to get its attention. If you wish to avoid melee attogether, this
Strategy Old Knight also has no shield and can be fought easily with ranged
Greatsword & Shield attacks.
Old Knights are very large, and your first reaction might be to try
HP it"'p· ••
to keep your distance. This is fine for ranged fighters, but melee o "" wn
should do exactly the opposite. Raise a shield and close In quickly
Old Knight (Greatsword& Shleld) 740 400 Yes
1~u 01). Begin strafing around the Old Knight while blocking and
Old Knight (Great Hammer) 860 400 Yes
work your way to its back. At the end of its attack combo, get in a
hit or two, and then prepare to strafe around it again. When straf- Old Knight (Ultra Greatsword) 660 400 Yes
ing toward the Knight's sword, most of its attacks will miss you
Pr1 t 11>1 'ty l
completely as long as you stay close and keep circling to its back.
It will often use a three hit combo and will occasionally end the Old Knight Helm 1 376
combo with a thrusting fourth attack; as long as you are close and Old Knight Armor 1 376
circling to his back, hits three and four will miss completely. You can,
Old Knight Gauntlets 1 376
of course, roll through its attacks if your timing is good, but that Is
Old Knight Leggings 1 376
riskier than just strafing around it.
Old Knight Greatsword 1 317
Great Hammer (Greatsword &t Shleld)
There is only one Old Knight in Heida's Tower of Flame that uses Old Knight Hammer (Great Hammer) 1 331
a mace. It's the second enemy in the area when entering from Old Knight Ultra Greatsword 1 319
the Majula side. This enemy is very special; it drops the extremely (Ultra Greatsword)
important Sublime Bone Dust and does not respawn. Like the other Old Knight's Shleld (Greatsword &t Shleld) 1 361
Old Knights, this enemy's attacks will propel you backwards even Cracked Blue Eye Orb 20 399
if you block them, so stay away from ledges. Bring him down the Palestone 6 311
stairs to where you fought the first Sword and Shield Old Knight,


Swing, Chop, Badtswing ,

IPlus Shield Bash) '

The Dragonriders are renowned as faithful servants of King

Vendrick. Dragonrlders rode onto the field of battle mounted on
wyrms, but this was a hard-earned privilege. The training of the
Dragon riders was arduous and fraught with peril. Only the best
of the best could complete the training and join this elite unit
ofVendricl<'s troops. Those who failed in this training were torn
apart by the very wyrms they sought to command.

Shleld Bash
The Dragonrider raises his shield in the air and then smashes it
down. This is a fairly quick attack that can break your guard, but it
has short range. When you are near him, watch for shield move-
ment and be ready to roll away.

The Dragonrider raises his right arm behind him for a moment and
then swings his halberd in front of him. This move arcs wide, but
Stab not enough to hit you when you flank him. When you are behind
The Dragonrider draws his right arm back, and then thrusts his him, this attack presents a good chance for you to hit him. Watch
halberd forward. This attack has great range and will push you back- out for its range if you are in front of him, though.
wards even if you block it. This attack misses very easily if you stay
close to him or behind him. If you decide to roll through it, time it
carefully. He telegraphs this move well before he strikes. If you roll
as soon as he begins it, you'll likely be hit. Stay patient.


This technique generally follows the Chop as part of a two-attack
combo. As with his other attacks, it hits the area in front of him. If
you keep moving to his back, this will be another chance for you
to attack him. If you are in front of him, you can simply block this,
along with the Chop. This assumes that you pulled the levers to
raise the platforms. If not, blocking both hits of this combo may put
you in danger; try to stay in the center of the room.

The start of this move is very similar to the Swing. Fortunately, the
best way to deal with it is the same as the swing - just get behind
him. Instead of an arcing Swing, he'll step forward and slam his
halberd into the ground in a Chopping motion. Once again, moving
forward under his arm and to his back will mean that you won't
even need to block this move.

Prior to entering the boss room, there are some useful prepara- to get behind him. Blocking is not a good idea in this case, as even
tions that you can make. The floor in this circular room is normally a blocked attack could push you off the central space and into your
surrounded by water, and a fall would mean certain death. This is watery grave. If you are skilled, you can Parry all of his attacks
especially dangerous here, as most of the Dragon rider's attacks will except the Shield Bash, but it doesn't leave him open for long. Still,
push you back even if you block them. You can raise large platforms Parried attacks can't push you off.
that remove this threat by pulling two levers in the area. Consult
the walkthrough for details. Actually fighting the Dragonrider is not
difficult. Once you get behind him, he will have difficulty hitting you
1- J 01).
If you have raised the platforms inside the room, you can keep your
shield up as you strafe toward his weapon and slip behind him. Just
watch your stamina; remember to lower your shield when it gets
low. Once behind the Dragon rider. wait for him to miss an attack
and use the chance to strike him. You can fight him exactly like an
Old Knight. If you choose to fight from range, Just watch closely for
his Stab, as it is his longest-range attack.

If you did not raise the platforms, this fight will require some fancier
footwork. You need to time your rolls to dodge through his attacks

HP C:n41I Parry lnr ~·aMl"a D1M2n11

Dragonrlder 3050 12000 No Stab Yes Yes Medium

Shleld Bash No Yes High
r'r L lllty p '
SWfng No Yes Low
Dragonrlder Soul 100 397 Chop Yes Yes Low
Backswlng Yes Yes Low
0 0 Chalge, Dark Shots

It appears that we still haven't seen the last of Lord Gwyn's mighty knights
- Dragonslayer Ornstein appears before us once more. But this time, he's
alone, and something seems ... odd. Instead of the lightning powers that Dark Crash
he once possessed, he attacks with the power of Darkness. Is this truly the 0 0 0
same proud knight we faced in Lordran so long ago? If so, the flow of time nooooo
is distorted, indeed. If not, then where else could this Old Dragonslayer
have come from?

Leaping Stab
The Dragons layer will leap into the air, and then quickly stab forward
with his spear. This looks very similar to the Leaping Smash but
is quicker. Rolling forward is a great way to deal with this attack.
Depending on your stability and stamina, you may be able to block
it as well.

Leaping Smash
This technique looks a lot like the Leaping Stab, but the timing is
different. The boss leaps into the air and then smashes down with
his spear. This process is slower than the stab, but you can avoid it
in a similar way if you stay close. As long as you are close, rolling
forward will carry you under this attack, even if you roll too ear1yl
[ l J Oll

Dark Crash
The Old Dragonslayer gathers dark power before leaping into the air.
When he comes crashing down, the darkness spreads out across a
large circular area. Roll backwards to get out of range. If you're not
sure if you are out of range, back up some more. Better safe than
sorry with this one.


Dark Shot
When you are at long range, the Old Dragonslayer will occasionally
raise his spear above his head and begin charging power. After it
completes, he will throw a Dark Shot at you. The Dark Shot actually
starts high in the air and moves downward, so running or rolling
close to him will cause it to pass harmlessly overhead. You could
also roll to the side if you want to stay at range.

When the Dragonslayer is low on health and feeling the pressure,
he will begin to use this unblockable technique. He first raises the
spear in the air in one hand, and then lowers it, grasping with both
hands. He then rushes forward and impales his target. This move
has great range, but will miss easily if you roll toward him at close
range. If you are at long range, you can avoid it by rolling straight
backwards out of his reach, but watd1 out - the spear extends a
long way.

Dark Triple Shot Charge

Another technique only used by the Dragonslayer at long range, The Old Dragonslayer will touch one hand to the ground and draw
Dark Triple Shot begins with the boss holding his spear in front of his other arm behind him before exploding forward across the
him as he gathers power. He then fires three shots forward in a room. He often begins the battle with this attack. Due to the way
spread pattern. You can block this with a pillar or roll through it, but invincibility frames work, rolling into this attack is the best way to
be careful; if you are standing at the front of the spear when it fires dodge it. You can block it if you have good Stamina and a shield with
and all three shots connect, it can hurt a lot. good Stability. It's also possible (and stylish) to Parry this attack, but
it doesn't stun the boss for very long and is not worth the risk.


Spear Swings
This swinging combo is the Dragonslayer's most common, and
also weakest, method of attack. It's blockable and will miss if you
strafe behind him. Just watch your Stamina if you decide to block
it; be ready to roll away if your Stamina is too low. If you want to be
flashy, it's not too difficult to block the first swing and then Parry the
second. It's better to just strafe around this combo with your shield
raised, though.

Quick Swipe
The boss will take one swing at you, and then jump backwards.
There's not much you can do except block this attack and then close
the distance again. One note of caution, though - be careful about
chasing him into the sides of the room. The pews will interfere with
your rolls. It may be wiser to wait in the middle of the room for him
to come to you.

Two-handed Thrusts
This is another dangerous technique. The Dragonslayer will hold his
spear in two hands and perform a quick thrust, which he will then
follow with a powerful slow thrust. This can easily break your guard
if your Stamina is low or your shield has low Stability. An easy solu-
tion is to block the first hit and then immediately roll toward him.
His second hit will miss and you'll have another great opportunity to
deal damage.

Similar to other early game bosses, the Old Dragonslayer struggles Once you start to get his health low, he will begin to use his most
to stop you from getting behind him. Other than his Dark Crash, threatening technique - Impale. This move is unblockable, but for-
none of his moves will be a threat to you if you flank him. Always tunately easy to avoid. Stay close, and roll forward when he raises
be prepared to roll toward the boss. Many of his moves thrust and his spear into the air. He'll go right by you, and you'll have a great
propel him forward, and they can be completely avoided by rolling chance to attack him. Once you learn how easily you can avoid this
under or by him. If you have low Stamina and/or shield Stability. technique, you'll want him to use it all the time! One final piece of
blocking his two-handed attacks may break your guard. To avoid strategic advice - be careful about the obstacles in the room. If you
this, block the first one, and then immediately roll toward him. You'll keep the fight in the center of the room, you can move freely. The
dodge the second hit, avoid having your guard broken, and get sides of the room are lined with pillars and pews that will block your
behind him for a free hit. Always be vigilant, though - if he begins to attempts to roll. Keep him in the open.
gather dark energy, roll away quickly to avoid the Dark Crash that is
certain to follow.

HP <;0111• ll n.,,.,n Parrv "llor" i;:tal"'lra 0.1mam1

Old Oragonslayer 2880 20000 No Dari< crash No Yes Medium

t II t. p Leaping Stab No Yes Medium

*"" Leaping Smash No Yes High
Old Dragonslayer Soul 100 397 Dari< Shot No Yes Low
Old Leo Ring 100 404 Dar1<1ttple Shot No Yes Low
Impale No No N/A
Charge Yes Yes High
Spear Swings Yes Yes Low
Quick Swipe Yes Yes Low
Two-handed Thrusts Yes Yes High


Gfllatsword x1 Silver Talisman x2 (Trap)

Ufeg;m ,a,,
H cmeward Bone X1 CRoofl

(~I II I SI[)( - lJPPI R l I vn

Royal Soldisr's Ring x1

Soul of a Nameless
Soldier x1 Fading Soul x1

Large Soul of a NamelQSS Soldier X1 •


FirciAITow XlO

Laroci Soul of a Lost Und9'1d xt.

Emn ForC9x1
Rep;ir Powder X1. --+------+-
Tltanite Shard x1
(Upper lewO

Large Soul ofa Proud Knight xt.

Small Smooth & Silky StOIIQ x3
Bandit A¥S xt,
Brigand Hood xt,
Brigand Armor xt,
Brigand Gauntlets xt.
BrigandTrousers X1
Clower 19111111
Carhiaion of the Fold

l.:lrga Soul of a
Lost Und9'1d X1 .--
Lifegem x1

Ring of Life
Protciction x1

Soul of a Proud Knight x1

(Upper floor) Unseen Pa1h to H11ide
Lw,erlloor Lucatiel of Mirrah

Tltanite Shard x1

To Helde'sTower of Flame


Beyond the ruins of Heide on the Northern coast,
an isolated cove lies within the shelter of a dark
cavern worn into the cliffs by the relentless ocean.
Situated along this hidden inlet is No-Man's Wharf,
a former naval base constructed by a past kingdom
and re purposed as a prison port during Vend rick's
reign. The previous king had used No-Man's
Wharf as a staging point for maritime campaigns
against the Varangians, a vicious seafaring race
hailing from the unexplored continent beyond the
Northern ocean. The bloodshed ultimately ended
in the Varangians' subjugation and the victorious
king set them to task in No-Man's Wharf as slave
laborers, a plight they continued to suffer even
afterVendrick's ascension to the throne.

When the Undead curse began spreading

throughout Drangleic King Vendrick made a series
of futile attempts to halt its progress, decreeing
that the afflicted be rounded up and imprisoned.
The influx of new victims grew until eventually
the dungeons could no longer accommodate
them and the King, desperate, ordered a warped
and contorted sentry to oversee their deportation.
The condemned were brought to No-Man's
Wharf, loaded onto prison ships and carried to
the forsaken ends of the earth, never to be seen
or heard from again. The port has since been
abandoned and now lies in shambles, overrun by
the opportunistic Varangians who seized upon the
chance at freedom offered by Drangleic's descent
into chaos.

Aro.1 E:rwmlns P;1Qo ltnrns Paqn

varanglan Sailor (SWOrd & Shield) 081 Ring of Life Protection 404
varanglan Sailor (Dual-wield) 081 Bandit Axe 326
varanglan Sailor (Bow) 081 Brigand Armor Set 361
. Dark Stalker 083 Royal Soldier's Ring 403
Stray Dog 083 Miracle: Emit force 390
Hollow Infantry (Hand Axe) 081 Greatsword 319
Hollow Infantry (Bow) 081 Estus Flask Shard 401
Hollow Infantry Pyromancy Flame 342
(Foot Soldier's Sword & Shield)
Pyromancy: Fireball 391
SIIIP- l<)\'\'IR llVII 0
ID Flexlle Sentry 084

Flaxile Sentry

Pyromancy Flame xt,

Rreball X1


[ 0 j

' 0

J Make sure you speak with Lucatiel of Mirrah before setting off
'II into the main part of the Wharf so that she moves onto another
location later, and makes her Summon Sign available further into the
area [ l 01). As soon as you enter this large sea cave you'll come
under fire from a Hollow Infantry archer using fire arrows, so don't
stop to take in the view just yet. Turn left straight away, and then
follow the path across a small bridge and enter the room on the
other side, where you'll have to take out a couple of Hollow Infantry.
Make sure you enter the room quickly, because the enemy on the
balcony above will throw pots of oil down at you. After taking them
out, go up the stairs in the building to reach a chest, and then go out
onto the balcony and kill the Varanglan Sailor there before going
back downstairs.

The archer that was firing on you Is out at the corner of a jetty being
guarded by a Varangian Sailor, so charging straight up there can be
very dangerous, especially rf you've been covered In oil. From the
opening of the building you're in, move up the jetty just enough to
lure the Varangian Sailor toward you and then retreat back into the
building and fight him there. Once he's down it will be much easier
to move in and take out the archer.
. J Near the archer's location you'll be able to walk along another
'If section of the jetty that leads across the water to an area with
two broken-down wooden shacks. At the start of the jetty you 'II see
an item in the water on the left, so before advancing too far, drop
into the water and grab it I~ LJ 02). There's a Hollow Infantry in each
of the two wooden shacks at the other end of the jetty, but you'll
also have to contend with a Varangian Sailor that jumps down from
the roof of one of them.


Fighting all three of them out in the open can be problematic, es-
pecially if the fight takes you over to the right, where a Dark Stalker
is hiding in another building. As long as you stay near the light,
however. the Dark Stalker will not approach. Quickly run towards the
building on the left, kill the Hollow Infantryman in that building, and
then take out the other Infantryman and Varangian Sailor as they try
to enter. When they're all dead, go towards hole in the stone build-
ing where the Dark Stalker is hiding, and take it out so that you can
claim the item from inside.
.JI Start going up the staircase between the two wooden shacks,
'I' but stop when you reach the halfway point. At the top of the
stairs is anotherVarangian Sailor that will start throwing pots of oil
down at you if you get too close, and should you get doused in oil
and then hit with a fire arrow, things will go very badly [ 0"']. If
you become doused in oil, make sure you go back down and into
one of the shallow areas of water to wash it off. If you have a
ranged attack you should try and take that enemy out from here to
make things easier later on. From this halfway point on the stairs
you can also follow a path either to the left or to the right, and it's
recommended that you go to the right first.

other end you can take a shortcut if you wish by Jumping across a
small gap to the steps on the other side [ ._J 04). You'll miss out on
a couple of items by taking that shortcut, however, so if want to get
everything, make your way back outside this building.
' J Now that you don't have the archers firing down on you, you can
J There's a Varangian Sailor and his Stray Dog patrolling the area II' explore the area outside the building. The most important place
'I' outside a large building that has a balcony wtth two Varangian of note is a Pharros Contraption atop a small set of stairs opposite
archers on it. Try to ease forward slowly to get the attention of the the building. If you place a Lockstone in this Contraption tt will
soldier and Stray Dog so that you can lure them towards you cause a huge lantern that is being suspended from the ceiling to
without the archers opening fire. Once you've taken those first two illuminate most of the cave. What this will do is cause all of the Dark
enemies out, quickly run forward and enter the building. Inside the Stalkers to retreat out of the light and into buildings, making it much
building you'll find three Varangian Sailor slumped over tables, so if easier for you to Just run through the area.
you're quick you can get the drop on them and take out the two on
the left before they start attacking. Clear out the final enemy on this Unless you're specifically having trouble wtth those enemies,
floor, and then secure the contents of the chest that's tucked away however, it's worth keeping the Lockstone to use on more lucrative
behind the counter. upcoming Contraptions shortly. If you walk over the edge of the
area with the Contraption at Position B, however, you'll be able to
Start going up the stairs in this room now, but make sure you run land on a small wooden roof and claim an item sitting on it before
quickly up them because an enemy on the floor above will often making your way back around to the Junction halfway up the central
drop down behind you. After taking him out, open the chest on this staircase [-+C.. 05].
floor, and then go out onto the balcony to dispatch the two archers. '
On one side of the balcony you'll find a closed metal gate that you J Go left at the halfway point of the central staircase now, and go
can't do anything with at the moment, and at Position A on the 'IP up the stairs in the building on that side. As soon as you reach
the floor above you'll have to take out a Varangian Sailor, and then
once he's down, destroy the two shelving units near the doorway to
reveal a hidden item [ [ Oti]. If you look through the doorway
you'll see the Soldier that was throwing oil pots down at you on the
central staircase (if you haven't taken him out already); if you don't
have a ranged attack, run out there and kill him as quickly as

As soon as you get near him, another Soldier will come out of
a small alcove on the left and come after you, as well as a third
Soldier and a Stray Dog from the area ahead. After dispatching the
first Soldier, use the central staircase to try and separate the other
enemies and make the fight much easier to manage. Once all of the
enemies have been defeated, continue along the path in front of the
buildings and follow tt around to the left to reach a set of stairs that
will take you up to a narrow trail.


. .JI You'll have to face a number of Dark Stalkers as you advance
·'fl along this narrow cliff-side trail so advance along it slowly to
ensure that you only have to face them one at a time. If you used a
Lockstone to light the lantern, then all of the Dark Stalkers here will
have taken up residence in the building at the opposite end of the
trail. As the trail begins to widen you should be able to see a section
of the cliff sticking out on the right with an item on it at Position C,
and if you've already been through the area, there's a handy
shortcut you can take from there.

If you look down over the cltff, you should be able to see wooden
platforms sticking out from the side of a building, and you can use
them to safely make it down to the floor below [ C- oJ. It's not
recommended that you do this on your first time through the area,
however. because there are still things to be done on the upper
. J Make your way through the hole in the wall of the building at the
'Ii' end of the trail now, and then open the door inside it. There are a
couple of Dark Stalkers on the other side of the door. so back away
from it as soon as you open it, because one of them will usually
take a swipe at the door and knock down a section of the wall. Take
out both of the Dark Stalkers. and then slowly enter the room they
were in and be ready for another fight. because a third Dark Stalker
will usually drop down through a hole in the ceiling. Once that
enemy has been dealt with. go up the stairs and take out a final
Dark Stalker on the floor above.

Go through the door on this floor to enter a room with two chests
and the NPC Lonesome Gavlan. As you look at the two chests.
the one on the right has a trap on it. so be extremely careful as
you open it; If you see poisonous gas. roll away, if not. raise your
shield to block the arrows [ J 02). After getting the items from
the chests, speak with Gavlan so that you can sell off any unwanted
gear before making your back outside the building and heading left.
Gav1an will have moved on the next time you enter the area, so
make sure you take advantage of his services while he's there.
J Enter the building at the end of this path with your shield up.
'I' because there's a Varangian Sailor waiting inside for you. After
taking him out. go up the stairs and kill a second soldier before
going out onto the balcony and following the path around to the left.
You'll eventually come to a switch on a platform. and pulling it will
signal the ship that's anchored in the cove to sail in and dock at the
end of a jetty down below. Now you just have to reach it.

Start by dropping through an opening in the rope barrier around the

platform next to the switch so that you land on a rooftop just below.
After grabbing the item there, turn around and drop down again
onto another rooftop underneath the platform with the switch on it
[- J 03]. Enter the building you can access from this rooftop, and
then go down the stairs and kill the two Dark Stalkers in the room
below. before exiting through the door. The small cltff section just
outside the door gives you a good view of the ship below, and you
can even fire down on the closest enemy on the deck if you have a
ranged attack.
.J Around to the right-hand side of the building you'll find a small
W slope that you can run down to reach the area below safely. From
the bottom of the slope, turn left and run along the path to come to
another building that you can enter. Inside that building you'll find
another group of Varangian Sailors slumped over tables, so quickly
take them out before they come to their senses. Be careful during
the fight. however, because there are a large number of pots filled
with poisonous liquid In the room and you don't want to accidently
poison yourself.

Open the chest once it's all clear to obtain a highly valuable Estus
Flask Shard. You can also destroy a section of the wall just to the left
of that chest. which will reveal a hidden room on the other side con-
taining a number of items and a Crystal Lizard that you can kill for
some good reinforcement materials [ ( 04]. On the opposite side


[ 0 I I


of the room to the chest you'll also find two pots standing in front of you'll be able to pull a switch and open the metal gate that you saw
an alcove, and if you destroy them (preferably with ranged attacks). earlier in the area, creating a very useful shortcut back.
you'll be able to claim the item hidden behind. Once you have all of
the items, leave the room and head back to the bottom of the slope. Just in front of the gate you'll also find a Summon Sign for Lucatiel
' of Mirrah if you're not Hollow; it's recommended that you do not
J A short distance along from the base of the slope you'll come to summon her until you're ready to assault the ship, however, as that
W another building that you can enter. When the area is clear, go up will reduce the likelihood of her getting knocked off a jetty by normal
to the wall directly opposite the door and interact with it to reveal enemies. Exit out onto the platform outside when you're done, and
another hidden room with a couple of chests to loot [ n 05]. Go then drop down onto the platform below and get the item from the
up the stairs in the main room now, and make your way up to the body there before dropping to the ground.
top floor, taking out the Varangian Sailor along the way. On this floor


[ 0 I

Go down the stairs just in front of the house to reach a small
VI beach area where you'll have to take out two Dark Stalkers that
World Event
Carhilllon is a Sorcery teacher, and if you have more than 8
are usually in one of the rooms to either side of the stairs. After Intelligence, you'll be able to speak with him and get some
taking them out, go straight ahead into the water and get the item useful items. If you exhaust all of his dialogue options, he'll
off the boat, and then take out the Varangian Sailor that's floating in also relocate to Majula after you defeat the boss of this area;
the water near the ramp. There're two more Varangian Sailors you'll find him sitting on the edge of a cliff near a tree beside
hanging on to the edge of the jetty in this area, and if you approach Lenigrast's workshop. If you then speak to him when you
them they'll start to climb up; go up to them one at a time so that have more than 30 Intelligence, he'll give you a Northern
you don't have to fight them both at once, and make sure you don't Ritual Band + 1 Ring.
get too close to the edge when attacking, because forward
momentum can easily cause you to fall to your death in the ocean.
-' There are two Varangian archers on the deck of the ship, one at
Taking out all of these enemies is extremely important, because if VJ either end, and as soon as you step onto the deck, two more
you were to run directly to the ship they would all chase after you Varangian Sailors will come running out of the cabin to attack you.
and you would have to face enemies from two sides. Before head- The easiest way to deal with them is to run onto the deck and go up
ing for the ship, however, there's another jetty you can run along the stairs to the left, so that you can take out the archer there while
from here that will take you to where Carhillion of the Fold is sitting using the mast for cover from the archer at the opposite end.
[-' ""l 01). Since all of other enemies should have been dealt with
at this point, now is a good time to go back and summon Lucatiel if At this point the two soldiers should be running towards you if Lu-
you want to take her onto the ship. There are still some enemies on catiel hasn't distracted them, so try to take them out one at a time
the ship to contend with, but there's no risk of her getting knocked as they come up the stairs, and then run across the deck and defeat
into the ocean during these fights. the final archer. When it's all clear, enter the cabin and go down the
stairs to reach the Fog Gate that will take you to the encounter with
the Flexile Sentry. After defeating the boss, go up the ladder in the
room on the other side of the boss area. After opening the chest in
the room you come to, examine the navigational equipment to trig-
ger a cutscene that will take you to The Lost Bastille [ r I 02].


The presence of common Drangleic Infantry at No Man's Wharf
illustrates just how integrated the Varangian have become with
the normal forces of the kingdom. The Infantrymen have even
adapted to the favorite combat techniques of the Varangian,
such as using fire and oil to eradicate any who would oppose
the King.

This new variety of Hollow Infantry isn't very different from normal
Bow Infantry. The only significant difference is the fire on his arrows'
tips. The fire will deal damage even when you block them with a
100o/o physical reduction shield. Furthermore, the fire can cause you
to explode if you've been covered in oil. Roll in the water if you are
oiled-up to wash it off. [ I J 031

Hollow Infantry 230 70 Yes

?t 1:- ti 'tv
Hollow Infantry Helm 1.6 366
Hollow Infantry Armor 1.6 366
Hollow Infantry Gloves 1.6 366
Hollow Infantry Boots 1.6 366
Bandit's Knife 1.6 312
Short Bow 1.6 346
Fire Arrow x3 5 358

The Varangians were a fierce band of pirates who prowled the
seas of Drangleic's northern coastline. They were conquered by
a former king who chose to force them into hard labor at No
Man's Wharf rather than imprison them. They continue to labor
at No Man's Wharf, and still fight with deadly proficiency. Of
particular note is their long-range Sea Bow; it was once used
against monsters at sea, but it will now be put to use against
you ...

Sword & Small Shield
These guys have a four-hit combo that can take off a lot of
health. They also have a three-hit combo that incorporates a
guard-breaking kick at the end. From range, they'll throw jars
at you, and if you're hit by one you'll be doused in flammable
oil. The oil in and of itself does no harm, but if struck by a fire
attack while covered in oil. you'll explode for a large amount
of damage (even if you block the fire attack). When low on

health, these Sailors can drink Estus to heal themselves. Be careful
if they rush at you; their backhand swings are very quick and can
stagger you if you have low poise. Their shield doesn't block a lot of
physical damage or cause your attacks to rebound, so don't be shy
about attacking [ LJ 01].

Dual Curved Swords

Like otherVarangian Sailors, Dual-wielders do a lot of damage with
their combination attacks, but their strikes will rebound off of a
normal shield or greatshleld, making them easy prey for a shield
user. Dual-wielders are also able to throw oil jars. They can be easily
staggered, though, so just block and then combo them to death. If
you choose not to use a shield, watch for their two-sword swipe; it
leaves them wide open for a moment [ L, 02).

The final variety ofVarangian Sailor is the bow user. This guy also
comes equipped with Fire Arrows, which is deadly when com-
bined with the oil jars thrown by the other enemies. When they are
located in a building above you, you can try to hide near the base
of the building or take cover around corners to avoid their arrows.
When you get close to them, they will draw a sword and shield and
engage in melee [ 031.

var an glan Sall or (Sword ac Small Sh leld I 340 200 Yes

varanglan Sallor (Dual Curved swords) 260 200 Yes
varanglan Sallor (Bow) 320 200 Yes
Heals with Estus when Injured

fr I) 11'111ty

varanglan Helm 2 367

varanglan Annor 2 367
varanglan Cuffs 2 367
Varanglan Leggings 2 367
varanglan Sword (not Dual Curved swords) 2 314
Scimitar (Dual Curved Swords) 2 321
varanglan Shleld (not Dual curved swords) 2 360
Sea Bow (Bow) 2 347
Iron Arrow x3 6 368

The origin of the Dark Stalkers is shrouded in
mystery, but they drop equipment traditionally used
by Pyromancers. Could it be possible that those so
entranced by the flames have now come to fear it? Or
has their intense hatred of the flame led them to hunt
those who control it?


Strategy UI)
P "''---m
Dark Stalkers, as you may have guessed from their name, abhor
Dark Stalker 610 370 Yes
the light. They'll flee from it very quickly. You can use torches and
other light sources to avoid battle with Dark Stalkers. If you do fight Attacks cause Bleed buildup
them, be warned that they have great reach and can cause bleed r'r L 1hl''ty n,nr
status very easily, even if you block their attacks, so ranged attacks
are useful against them. If you don't have any advanced ranged Tattered Cloth Hood 3 361
attacks, Fire Bombs (which can be bought from Melentia) can do Tattered Cloth Robe 3 361
great damage while keeping you safe. If you're having trouble in the Tattered Cloth Manchettes 3 361
area, don't worry about spending a few Souls to make your Journey
Heavy Boots 3 361
through the Wharf easier [ ::::J 04).
Radiant LHegem 10 396
Longsword 5 314
Broadsword 3 314

Don't let the name fool you; this demonic hound is anything but
ordinary. Whether this is the species' natural state or a result of
some darker power is irrelevant; it wants to rip your throat out.

are low to the ground; some horizontal swings will miss them. The
only threat posed by these mangy demon dogs is when they attack
you in numbers or with another enemy. Use their aggressive nature
to separate them from their allies by backing up. They'll chase you
down much more quickly than most other enemies, giving you dis-
tance and time to dispatch them without interference [- l 05).


Stray Dog 190 100 Yes

Attacks cause Bleed buildup

Pl'1 l"lhl• lty D nn

The Stray Dogs are very weak enemies. Their only method of attack Soul of a Nameless Soldler 2 396
is a jumping bite. They'll rush at you very aggressively; simply walk Soul of a Lost Undead 5 396
backwards while blocking. After they attempt to bite you and miss, Human Effigy 3 396
attack quickly to kill them. It Is better to use a vertical attack, as they
- FLEXILE SENTRY Laaping Doubl" Slash
L.e:iping Slash

SwordFormAttacks MaOII FormAttacks

This monstrous, contorted sentry was assigned the task of

emptying the dungeons of poor, cursed souls. This terrifying,
lizard-like creature oversees the ferrying of undead into the Lost
Bastille. The Bastille is one of your destinations, but will you go
as a triumphant warrior, or as an imprisoned hollow?

Leaping Smash
This is another Club attack. It will only be used from range. It's slow
and easy to predict; as long as you have room to back-up or roll to
the side, you'll be safe. This presents a great opportunity to deal

Swing and Crush

The Sentry will swing both Clubs horizontally, and then bring them
crashing down in a vertical Crush. The boss can stop after just the
first swing. There is a delay following this attack. Take note that
blocking this, and the Sentry's other attacks, causes bleed build up.

Double Club
Trlple Smash This Club combo consists of two slow Club strikes. The Sentry can
This is the main Club-form attack. The Sentry will swing his clubs stop this combo after the first hit as well, and will usually do so if
from one side to the other twice, and then smash them forward you are too far away. As with most of the Club attacks, there is an
into the ground. The swings are slow and easy to roll through if you opening for you to retaliate if you avoid the attack rather than block-
want to get close. The smash at the end is a bit faster. ing it.


Stab and Blend
This is another quick Sword-form attack, and it's unblockable. The
Sentry will stab forward with a single blade and then lift you into the
air. This move has long reach and is fast. This is another good reason
to face the Club-side.

Contortion 1st Stab

This is an unblockable Club-form attack that is onty used after you've
dealt a significant amount of damage to the Flexile Sentry. The
Club-side will lower to the ground, and the Curved Sword side will
attempt to stab you from above. If you are very near or far away,
this attack will miss you.
Leaping Double Slash
Whlrlwlnd Slash This is a Sword-form attack that is used from range. This presents
This is a Sword attack; it's a slashing-combo that executes quickty. you with a good opportunity to switdl back to the Club-side if you
It's best to block this attack with a shield and use the recovery time like, as it has a long recovery period.
after the combo to circle around to the Club-side. If you have no
shield, roll back and use the pillar in the center as a barrier. It's not
recommended to stay close to the Sword-form, as it is capable of
rapid attacks.

players will be comfortable rolling through these attacks. They do a

good deal of stamina damage when blocked, however, so be careful
about blocking too mudl.

The easiest way to defeat the Fl exile Sentry is with ranged attacks.
By staying just outside of his range and attacking in the pauses after
the Club swings, he'll never even get close enough to hit you. Walk
backwards along the perimeter of the room to give yourself plenty
of room to work. If you're struggling to beat this boss but don't
have any magic, stock up on Fire Bombs or Throwing Knives from
Melentia. Just keep walking slowty backwards around the room and
throw a Fire Bomb when he misses a combo. It costs Souls, but it
gets the job done.

If, by chance, the Curved Sword-side turns to face you, you can
use the central pillar to impede his movement. Keep the pillar
Strategy in-between you and the Sentry, and sprint behind him to the Club-
The Flexile Sentry has two modes of combat: Barbed Clubs and side when you have an opening. Beware, though; the Clubs may
Curved Swords. The side that will attack you is determined by immediately begin attacking you. Be prepared to roll away. The best
which side of the Sentry is facing you. If you stand in front of the way to prevent the Sentry from turning is to avoid rolling to the side
Club-side, it will attack you with Clubs. If you stand in front of the often; lateral movement can easily trigger the change. Try to keep
Curved Sword-side, you'll be attacked by the Swords. If you stand to him in front of you unless you want him to change forms.
the side, it will turn so that either the Clubs or the Swords face you.
When you first enter the room, the Barbed Club-side will engage It is also possible to fight the Curved Sword-side if you choose. If
you first. r~r 1 011 you are safe behind a solid shield, you can block his attacks and try
to counter with the thrusting attacks of a spear, thrusting sword, or
The Barbed Club-side recovers more slowly and gives you more halberd. Just be careful about your stamina and don't let him cause
opportunities to attack. This is generally the side you want to keep you to Bleed; back away and use the pillar to get a rest and let your
facing you. You can bait its attacks while standing just out of its Bleed meter go down.
range and then retaliate. The Clubs attack very slowly, so skilled

HP ~oc• D n D1 r- q1nr" StaMlna Dil'l ge

Rexlle Sentry 3150 14000 No Ttlple Smash No Yes High

...... 1:-it 1111 v p <)

Leaping Smash No Yes High
Swing and Crush No Yes High
Rexlle Sentry Soul 100 397 Double Club No Yes High
Contortionist Stab No No NIA
Whlrtwlnd No Yes Medium
Stab and Blend No No N/A
Leaping Double Slash No Yes High


Bastille l(gy xl -+..,i;iµ-,1,J.1.Ju.1

P.llchion CEnch:mtedl xl

Human Effigy X1

Soul of a Nameless Soldier xl

Bf 11 RY l llNA - I I
SeM n1S' Quart9rs
Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier X1,
GrQQn Blossom x2

Flame Butterfly x3
Sk11ptic's Splc11 X1 Large Soul of a Nameless
Soldier X1 (RooO

- Soul of a Namllless
Archdra lc.e
Robes xt,

Soul of a Brave Warrior X1.

Human Effigy X1
The Tower Apa rt

ButtQrtly :a
Radiant Lifegem X1, Ruin Slllltinel
Large Tltanite Shard xi Antiquated Key xl,
Covetous Silver
S111J)Qnt Ring X'1

Bone Staff X1

Twin blade xi

Pa IT)'ing Dagger xl

Estus Flask Sh;rd xl,

L.arg11 Tlta ni t.11 Shard X1

Gold Pine Resin xl Mc Duff'sWOr1<shop

Locked (Opens from north) Pilgrim Bllllclaire (Summon Sign) Heavy Bolt x10
Iron Arrow X10
Radiant Lijggem :a
ntinite Sha rd x5
Lucatiel of Mirrah
L.argeTitaniteShard x2

Common Fruit x2
Soul of a Proud Knight X1.
Radiant Ufegem X1

Scimitar X1, Repair Powder xt, LIMlf

4 (Above lift room)

Ll)\I BA\lllll - Bl


Off the coast of Drangleic is a lonely prison filled with Undead.
The King sought to contain the curse by removing the afflicted;
though it ultimately proved futile and the Kingdom has fallen,
the now-Hollowed Jailers and Royal Swordsmen continue to
l ( )\ I BA.., 11 l l l - l\ I prevent the escape of the prisoners. At the heart of the prison,

BluQ TQ:ll"StOllQ Ring X1

J PriQSt's ChimQ x1
though, lies a lost, forgotten Sinner, whose misdeed has
slipped into legend.

Area t.nomto s P.1qc,

Helde Knight 068

T;rget ShiQld X1 RustQd Coin X1
Slray Dog 083
"' Undead Jailer 096
Royal Swordsman (Greatsword) 096
Royal swordsman (CrossboW) 096
Undead Citizen 007
Sl(Qptic's SpiCQ X1

Helde Knight (Spear)
Bell Keeper
Bell Keeper (Phantom) 009
0 Vorgel the Sinner 100
. Ruin Sentinel 101
~ Belfry Gargoyle 103 ltnms P,1q<>

Scimitar 321
Covetous Sliver Serpent
Soul of a Proud Knight x1. Antiquated Key 402
Human Effigy x1
Estus Flask Shard 401
Sorcery: Hush 388
Target Shield 349
large Oub 331
Priest's Chime 345
Blue Tearstone Ring 404
Southam Ritual Band 404
Enchanted Falchlon 321
Wanderer Armor Set 360
Bone Staff 344
Twinblade 339
Parrying Dagoer 312


Southern A ltua I Band xl

Upper Ramparts


~----l- Belf,y GargOJIQ


Radiant Lifegem x2,

SkQptic's Spice
lwilight Herb x2

Bracing Knudde Ring x 1

Bonfire Ascetic XI -1 Flame B uttsrfly X1.

Torch x3

LargeTitiniteShard X1

l osr HA s Tl l l r- 11 Soul of a Br.Ml W.rrior xt,

Golden Wing Shield x1

i.osr l\ASIIILE-1 {

Skeptic's Spice X1

l o s l BA s I 11 l l - I 4

-'iq,r-- Straid of Olaphis (Plltrifiedl

Straid's Cell


_.j Step off the pier and into the cave. Follow it through until you
'If emerge into a room with an elevator, and then step onto the
pressure plate in the middle to get it moving. Once you get to the
top, step back onto the pressure plate, and then quickly roll out of
the doors before they shut. The elevator will begin going down
without you inside it, and you should drop onto the roof of it as it
does. When it gets to the bottom, you'll be able to access a small
secret cave in the wall [- [ 01 ]. Go into it and pick up the items,
and then drop into the hole and get back into the elevator.

Get off once it comes to a stop at the top again and check out
the open cell behind and to your left for a corpse holding a couple
of items. Exit the elevator room and begin ascending the long
staircase. Go into the third cell on your right for some items, and
then enter the last cell on the left for the first Bonfire of the area.
Continue onwards up the stairs when you're ready.

World Event plenty of health before dropping off. Head right and follow that small
If you chose to use the Crow's Nest after the Pursuer battle at path around to find a corpse with some items on it, and then
the Forest of Fallen Giant's, you'll be taken to the Lost Bas- backtrack along the same path and drop down from the rubble to
tille, but to a different starting point. Upon landing, lightThe the courtyard below.
Tower Apart Bonfire in this tower. Head out onto the rampart
and go left across the broken wall. Follow the edge of the You will be attacked by two Stray Dogs as soon as you venture into
wall left to a corpse holding some items, backtrack slightly to t~e courtyard and they wil soon be joined by an Undead Jailer drop-
the two windows you passed, and then drop into the room ping down from above, so deal with them quickly before he joins
through the one on the right. Kill the Royal Swordsman wait- the battle. Once the courtyard is clear, destroy the wooden tower
ing here, and then push the black barrel off the edge of this on the far wall (opposite where you came into the courtyard) so that
ledge to kill the three Stray Dogs at the bottom. Drop down the corpse with an item on it drops to the floor. Further to the rear
into this lower area, go through the door, and then open the of the courtyard, hug the left wall and follow it around the narrow
chest in the corner to get a Covetous Silver Serpent Ring and path to a chest. Open it to get an Estus Flask Shard and a Large
the Antiquated Key. Titanite Shard. Now go back to the start of the courtyard and smash
the wooden boards hiding the entrance to a room at Position B.
It is recommended that you use a Homeward Bone now
to get back to the Bonfire so you can warp back to Majula
and tackle the areas in the suggested order. If you wish to
continue here instead, go back into the previous room and
climb the ladder on the left. Go back onto the rampart and
head left, taking out an Undead Jailer on the way. Carefully
roll into the barrels in front of the door to avoid detonating
them. Go through the door to arrive near Point 05, in the
room where you meet Lucatiel.
. .JI Along this path you'll find another Heide Knight sitting against
'If the wall, this time wielding a spear; defeat him and the spear will
be yours. After taking him out, follow the rampart to the end and fall
off the broken part at Position A onto the rubble below [ .... LJ 02].
You'll take some damage from the fall, so make sure you have



, -1' This room contains a Greatsword-wielding Royal Swordsman , ~ As you leave the courtyard, you'll encounter another Stray Dog.
~ who will attack you once you go towards the rear of the room. UJ Pull the lever to open the gate and take out two more Stray Dogs
He lies in wait behind the wooden boards, so approach carefully. on the other side. After rounding the corner and as you begin to
Defeat him, and then enter the cell in the back of the room. This ascend the stairs, you'll notice an Undead Jailer at the top, and he
room contains two Undead Citizens, enemies that, while frail, have will kick an explosive barrel down towards you once you're a short
a devastating area of effect falling attack. The explosion this causes Way up the stairs. The barrel follows your position slightly, so
is extremely damaging but can be blocked or rolled away from. Be rounding the corner will cause it to smash into the side, but that
careful if fighting the Citizens in the larger room, since their falling should not be your goal. You'll want it to crash into the wall at the
attacks can set off the explosive barrels in the room, which will bottom of the stairs at Position C, which you may have noticed has
almost certainly kill you [ n 01]. a large crack in it [ n " J. Stand in front of the wall as the barrel
descends, and roll out of the way at the last second.If you were
Once they're dead, pick up the items from within the cell and then unable to get the barrel to hit the wall, you may still be able to
exit back out to the previous room. There's also a door that can be detonate it if it came to rest near the crack using a Firebomb,
opened wrth the Antiquated Key, an item you can get from the Lost Pyromancy or other fire based method. Run into the barrel to push
Bastille if you entered it using the Crow from the Forest of Fallen Gi- it into position if need be.
ants. You'll eventually go through that area by approaching it from a
different side later; so for now make your Way back to the courtyard Alternatively, coming to this area from The Tower Apart Bonfire will
and continue on. allow you to approach the Undead Jailer from behind, meaning you
can safely kill him and push the barrel down yourself. If the barrel
World Event was wasted, you won't be able to access the area behind the wall
If you acquired the Antiquated Key from a previous visit to unless you have the Bastille Key to open the nearby door. You can
the Lost Bastille via the Forest of Fallen Giants (see P.54), get this from the Belfry Luna area, which you can access from
then you can use it to open the door in this room. If you then further in the Lost Bastille. Continue up the stairs once you're done
use a Pharros' Lod<stone in the area beyond the door, you with the barrel, and as you move along the rampart, look to your
can bypass nearly all of the Bastille if you wish and end up right for a side path containing a Stray Dog and an item. Continue on
in the area just before Sinner's Rise. If you wish to use the along the rampart, taking out another Stray Dog and Undead Jailer
Antiquated Key and go through the door right now, begin as you go. Don't fight the Jailers near the black explosive barrels, as
reading from Point 12. their wide hitting attacks could set them off.


World Event Run along this rooftop and the adjoining path to a door. The mo-
The room you can access here via the hole in the wall (or ment you step through it, you'll be attacked by a total of five Royal
through use of the Bastille Key) contains a number of use- Swordsman, two approaching from in front while three rush into
ful features. Not only will you be able to access a Bonfire the room from the left. Use the doorway as a choke point and try
and loot a number of chests, but you'll also encounter the to defeat them one at a time. Since these enemies bunch up, it can
blacksmith Steady Hand McDuff. Unfortunately, without his be an excellent place to use Firebombs if you have some, and you
precious flame, McDuff won't be able to do anything in his can always retreat back onto the rooftop if you need more space to
forge, so you'll need to return here after acquiring the Dull fight. Once they've been defeated, head back into the room and go
Ember, which is found in the Iron Keep. After giving the Em- left. You'll be attacked by two more Royal Swordsmen here. Avoid
ber to McDuff, not only will he be able to do all of the usual fighting them in this room since their attacks will likely set off the
weapon reinforcing, but he also has the ability to infuse stacks of explosive barrels. Pull the switch to open the gate, and
weapons with different properties based on various stones then defeat the two Swordsman on the other side, but don't go
you can acquire. any further. Instead, go back into the first room where you were
ambushed by the five Swordsmen, and head down the stairs.
' '
. .JI At this point of the rampart, look to your left. The broken wall can -. J Don't open the black door in this room, since it only leads to a fall
'll be walked onto, and you can follow it around carefully to get to a IP to your death. If you do open it, don't try to close It, as the
ladder on the left side of a door [ 03]. Climb the ladder to get animation of doing so will also make you fall. Head through the
into the tower and pick up the item on the ledge before dropping archway and pick up the items from the corpse before going up the
down into the room below. Go back outside the tower now. and ladder, which leads back to the area behind the gate you just
stand in the small alcove just to the right of the entrance. From that opened. Continue down the corridor this time, checking the open
location you should be able to see the barrels blocking the outside cell on your right for some items and a Summon Sign for Pilgrim
of the other door in the tower, and if you have any firebombs you Bellclaire. Step through the Fog Gate to battle the Ruin Sentinel
can throw them across the gap and blow the barrels. Doing that will Boss.
allow you to access the other portion of these ramparts, leading to
The Tower Apart Bonfire. Talk to Lucatiel of Mirrah, and then go back After the battle, go down to the bottom floor of the boss room if
through the first doorway onto the rampart, and look to your left for you are not already there, and interact with the wall at Position
a broken section of wall you can walk onto. Do so and cross over D to reveal a hidden room. Use the ladder in the room to reach a
onto the adjacent rooftop. small ledge containing a chest that you can open, and once you've
grabbed its contents, interact with the wall on the left to reveal an-
World Event other hidden door. Going through that door will allow you to access
This should be your second encounter with Lucatiel, and a ledge in the boss room with another item on it. Drop down into
when you first speak to her she will give you a Human Effigy. the main boss room again, and then interact with the wall at Posi-
Make sure you go through all of her dialogue so that she tion E to open a hidden door that leads to a small alcove containing
moves on from this place and continues her quest. a chest. There are two more hidden doors along this back wall at
Positions F and G, so open those now and grab the items [ LJ
04]. Now leave this room through the one non-secret doorway.




J Interact with the wall on the left once you reach the top of the
'fl stairs to open up a hidden door that leads to a small alcove.
Inside you'll find a chest and an Undead Citizen; make sure not to
fight the Undead Citizen inside the alcove to avoid accidentally
destroying the chest [-t LJ 01 ]. Head out and go through the
doorway and follow the path around to the right. As you enter the
next narrow corridor, grab the Soul of a Nameless Soldier. and then
run straight through this corridor into the room beyond without
slowing. There is an Undead Citizen in the last cell that uses its
falling attack shortly after you enter the corridor. and you'll want to
be well clear of the blast.

In this room, first activate the Bonfire in the corner, and then go
down the hole to the right of the Bonfire using the ladder. Defeat
the Stray Dog in the corner so that you can safely collect the items
down here, and then make your way over to the Pharros' Contrap-
tion. If you use a Lockstone on this Contraption you'll be able to
strike the illuminated section of wall and open the path to the Belfry
Luna area, which should be your next destination. The Belfry Gar-
goyle Boss in Belfry Luna can be quite difficult, so if you're having
trouble at this point. you may want to skip the Belfry and return later
once you're stronger. If that's the case, please continue reading
from Point 11.
J You'll find a Bell Keeper here on your right, and if you go through
'IP all of his dialogue he'll give you the opportunity to join the Bell
Keeper Covenant. Proceed further in and go up the stairs to the
next floor. You'll encounter an enemy Bell Keeper here. so take him
out while being careful of the holes in the floor. Grab the Skeptic's
Spice from the corpse in the corner. and then look for a hole in the
middle of the room and fall down it [..,, D 07.). Make sure you have
enough heatth to survive the fall, which does moderate damage.
Grab the Blue Tearstone Ring from the chest against the wall, and
then follow the passage around to pick up another item from the
corpse in the corner. Go through the opening next to the item to
return to the bottom of the stairs. This time go all the way up to the
top of the two staircases. At the top of the staircase you'll have to
defeat two more Bell Keepers. so take them out. and then, because
the gate here is currently locked, take the ladder to the rooftop.


World Event
The entrance to Belfry Luna is one of two locations that
contain a Bell Keeper (the other being Belfry Sol), and you'll
be able to join the Bell Keeper Covenant by talking to either
of them. The Bell Keeper's sole mission is to defend the Belfry
areas, and if you wear the Bell Keeper's Seal while being a
member of this Covenant, you'll be able to automatically
invade the worlds of other players that are currently in one
of the Belfry areas. Even as a member of the Bell Keeper
Covenant, there is still a chance that other Bell Keepers will
Invade your world, so never assume that you're safe. For
more information on this Covenant, please refer to P.422.
J There are numerous Bell Keepers on the rooftop, so your first
'4W priority should be to clear them out. Try to keep the fight away
from the wooden chest near one of the pillars to avoid accidentally
destroying it. The pillars themselves serve as an excellent means of
separating the enemies so that they don't all come at you at once,
so try moving around the outside of the area to try and get into
one-on-one situations. Open the chest once it's clear, and then after
grabbing the other items, pull the lever to ring the bell and open the
gate in the room below [) JO ]. Head back down the ladder when
you're done, and then enter the Fog Gate to battle the Belfry
Gargoyles Boss.
,J After the battle, pick up the item on the edge of the rooftop
W before heading into the tower at the other end. Take the stairs
down, and then grab the Southern Ritual Band Ring from the chest.
Head through the doorway to find a Bonfire at the end of the
rampart, and after using it to rest, look just to the right of it to find a
ladder that you can use to reach a small courtyard below [ l I 0,1 .
At the bottom you'll be attacked by no less than seven Stray Dogs,
and be invaded by a Dark Spirit, Vorgel the Sinner.

Wipe out the dogs as fast as possible, before Vorgel gets to you.
If you have ranged attacks, you might want to consider going back
up the ladder and attacking the enemies safely from above. Once
the area has been cleared, get the Bastille Key from beneath the
arch, and then climb the stairs to find an Enchanted Falchion on the
corpse. Return to the Bonfire once you have the items, and then
Travel back to the Servants' Quarters Bonfire in the Lost Bastille.
.J Go up the stairs on the opposite side of the room to the Bonfire
VI and after going through the doorway you come to, follow the
passage along and go through the next door. Step out onto the
planks of wood, then turn around and close the door so you can get
the item from behind the door. Now step onto the rampart and head
left, taking out the Undead Jailer so that you can reach another item
at the end of the ramparts that's hidden behind some barrels.

Head back along the rampart and enter the tower on the other
side when you come to it, and then ignore the stairs on the right
as you enter and go through the doorway on the left. Take out the
undead Jailer just outside the doorway, and then follow the rampart
along until you come to a broken section of wall on the right. Drop
through it onto the roof below. Make your way to the opposite end
of this rooftop to find an item on a corpse, and then carefully Jump
across to the adjacent rooftop to get another item. Going up the
nearby ladder would take you to the end of the path you could have
reached by taking the stairs in the tower earlier; if you didn't have
the Antiquated Key at the start, however, it's worth taking the time
to go down into the courtyard below to get the items there.
. .JI There's a large number of Stray Dogs in the courtyard, so if
·W you're coming from the rooftop it's worth using ranged attacks to
take some of them out if you can. If you're coming through the
Antiquated Key door, use the doorway as a bottleneck to stop them
surrounding you. You'll notice a well to your right; strike the rock on
its lip and then prepare to fight three Undead Citizens that will
emerge from a cage that rises out of it [-1 LJ 05). One of them will
drop a full set of Wanderer Armor, so taking them out is more than
worth it.


Ignore the door to the building to the left of the well, and instead
go around to its right and climb up the ladder there to access a
wooden platform. Go past the first window you come to from here,
and attack the Royal Swordsman standing in the next one; once
he's either defeated or fallen inside the building, return to the first
window and drop down through it. There's another Royal Swords-
man on this ledge - be careful how you fight him, because there are
explosive barrels in the area. Take out the other enemies in the area
with ranged attacks from here if possible, and then drop down to
the main part of the room and go up the ladder to get an item. Drop
down onto the left ledge again once you have it, and then head into
the room through the doorway here.
. .iJI This room contains two more Royal Swordsman, one of which
UI will attack you the moment you enter the room, so keep your
shield up. Takethem both out, and then open the chests in the room
for a number of good items. The ladder on the rear wall will take you
back to the main part of Lost Bastille, just beyond the courtyard,
while using a Pharros' Lockstone on the Contraption near the
entrance to the room will grant you access to two secret rooms
containing items. The only one of those two rooms that you cannot
access by other means is the one at Position H that contains a
Soul Vessel, the other room can be accessed later on. That first
room does, however, lead to a cage elevator that will take you up to
the end of the area, so if you want to skip ahead, you may want to
consider using a Lockstone [ C 01). If you want to continue
normally, go up the ladder at the back of the room.

Follow the path past the ladder all the way around until you come to
a hole in the wall. Drop down from here and you'll emerge on the
side path just behind an Undead Jailer, who kicks the barrel down
at you from the top of the stairs. If you didn't do so the first time,
this can be a good opportunity to take out the Undead Jailer from
behind and push the barrel down the stairs yoursetf, ensuring it
breaks the wall. Either way, access whichever Bonfire is closest to
you and Travel back to the Servants' Quarter's Bonfire. From there,
make your way back outside the room and into the tower at the end
of the rampart, and this time go up the stairs on the right when you
come to them.


few items. Head back down to the room below when you're done,
but don't go through the gate yet, and instead go through the door
under the stairs.
Wor1d Event
To get a Fragrant Branch ofYore you will need to travel to
the Harvest Valley, so after acquiring one there, make sure to
return here and un-petrify Straid to gain access to some of
the most powerful weapons in the game. Once you've traded
four Boss Souls with him, he'll then give you the Black
111UJ Armor Set as a bonus.
.J There are some items to get here, but make sure you have full
W health and some healing items before you attempt to get them.
Pick up the item in the room, and then instead of getting into the
cage elevator, look down through the gap in the floor to see another
item sitting on a ledge. Line yourself up with the item, and then run
off the edge to land next to It. Pick up the item on the ledge, and
then line yourself up with the narrow stone beam below and drop
onto it [ 051. Be warned that this deals a lot of damage, so make
sure you're fully healed first. From there, run diagonally off the
beam onto the floor below, next to the cage. Open the chest once
you're on the ground, and then get into the cage elevator and ride it
all the way back up.

11 Pull the lever to open the gate in the main room now. and then go
to the right as soon as you pass through it to find a Royal Swords-
man - take him out and pick up the item behind him. You can now
run straight down this rampart to get to the Fog Gate, which leads
to Sinner's Rise. There are three Royal Swordsmen with Crossbows
on top of the Fog Gate that will rain arrows down on you as you
cross, so either take them out with your own ranged attacks or rush
through the Fog Gate as fast as possible.

, .. You should now be in a room filled with barrels, and a single While you should enter Sinner's Rise to activate the first
W Undead Citizen waits behind them at the back of the room. Take Bonfire at this time, it's not recommended that you progress
him out, watching out that his falling attack doesn't set off any any further. The Boss of that area is extremely difficult, so it's
explosive barrels. The door in this room just leads to a dead end, best to return later when you're stronger. To continue along
so take the path on the right and pull the lever to open the gate the suggested route, Travel back to Majula and head for
[ J 02]. You'll have to take out three Undead Citizens once the Huntsman's Copse.
second gate rises, so be ready for that, and then go into the room
beyond the gates.

_ -' There are more Un dead Citizens to take out in this room,
·QI including some hiding amongst the statue; make sure you take
all of them out before you do anything else. Head through the
passageway straight ahead, and interact with the wall at Position I
to reveal a hidden door [ [ 03). Interact with the left wall about
halfway down this next passageway to find yet another hidden door,
and then go through that to emerge onto a rooftop. Follow the
rooftop around to the left for a short distance until you can see a
corpse with an item on it sitting on a small platform across a gap,
and then jump across to get the items.

From there, carefully walk to your right and drop down onto the
narrow ledge along the wall. Follow this ledge all the way along to
reach another corpse with some items on it. Now carefully walk
back and jump back up onto the platform you dropped down from.
This can be quite a tricky jump so it may take a few goes to get right
and you should make sure you're below 70o/o on your equip burden
so that your jump is not impeded. Once you get back on the plat-
form, jump back across to the rooftop and follow it around until you
find a corpse holding another item. Go through the nearby opening
and drop back down near the entrance to the room where this Point
started; enter the room again, and this time go up the stairs .

. .JI Kill the Undead Citizen leaning against the wall here, and then, if
IP you have a Fragrant Branch of Yore, it is highly recommended that
you go up the next set of stairs into the room above. Take out the
Undead Citizens here, and then use your Fragrant Brandl of Yore on
the statue blocking the way to the Bonfire [ l o lJ. Activate the
Bonfire, and then speak to Straid. If you have the Bastille Key, you
can use it on the cell door next to the one Straid is blocking to get a

<;,'7R I -AREA GUIDE 95
The Undead Jailers of the Lost
Bastille carry primitive weapons
intended to instill fear and can
even use Pyromancy to burn
escapees, and intruders, to a
crisp. The Jailers are wrapped in
bandages. What lies beneath?
Have they been burned by their
own flames, or are they hiding a
darker secret?

The Undead Jailers' weapon attacks can be blocked with little
problem, but do note that they can push you backwards. Watch out
for the edges of the walkways. Their wide swing is particularly slow
and can be parried if need be, but it's generally much safer to keep
your shield up and strafe to their backs; they can't be backstabbed,
but this will make their attacks miss. If a Jailer raises its left hand, it
is preparing an unblocl<able throw attack. Roll or strafe away quickly.
Be wary of this attack's deceptive range. It's much better to roll lat-
erally than straight back. They also occasionally use their left hands
to charge up and throw Fireballs.

HP C!n••• Rn"" V'l11

Undead Jailer 790 640 Yes

,'n. t 11 lt'r 11

Great Machete 1 337

1\Nlllght Herb 5 395
Lingering Rame 1 392

The Royal Swordsmen were chosen from Strategy
the bravest of King Vend rick's men, and The Royal Swordsmen are not strong enemies, but they understand
provided with the best armor available for the value of teamwork very well. You will rarely have an opportunity
the war against the Giants. However, very to fight these foes one on one. From range, many of them will uti-
few survived the battles. While they may lize crossbows to attack you. Take cover, or at least close the ground
be no match for Giants, they still pose a quickly. Be careful not to let them surround you; don't hesitate to fall
threat when they attack you in numbers. back in attempt to split them up.
.,. .. ir"nu•

Royal swordsman (Greatsword) 460 180 Yes

Royal swordsman (Crossbow) 390 180 Yes

rJr, I 11 It)

Royal swordsman Helm 1 371

Royal swordsman Armor 1 371
Royal swordsman Gloves 1 371
Royal swordsman Leggings 1 371
Royal Greatsword 1 316
Heavy Crossbow (Crossbow) 1 348
LHegem 8 396
Common Fruit 3 399



These Undead Citizens have been Strategy

gathered up and exiled to this distant Brown Core
prison. For many, their only crime Brown Core Undead Citlzens are dangerous in melee. Their arm-
was showing signs of the "Curse:' flailing punches are slow and have short range, but when they Fall
But before you decry this injustice, down they... well, burst. The force of the blast will do a lot of dam-
face them in battle and see what age and knock you down. Even if you block it, you'll probably have
horrors they are capable of... your guard broken. They tend to attack in hordes, as well. If you're
wise, pick them off from range.

Black Core
If you thought these enemies couldn't get any worse, you were mis-
taken. Petrifying Undead Citizens can turn you to Stone, instantly
killing you. Their Fall attack is, unlike Brown Core Citizens' Falls,
unblockable. It causes knockdown and also builds up your Petrify
status meter.

Kill these enemies from range. Firebombs do the job really well,
especially in conjunction with Alluring Skulls; they'll be drawn to the
Skulls and group up so that one Firebomb can take them out.

Undead Citizen (Black Core) 200 260 Yes

Undead Citizen (Brown Core) 200 260 Yes

• ?h t 1111 'I

Allurtng Skull 5 400

The bells are the symbols Normal
of forbidden love, and The Bell Keepers are individually weak, but you'll need to fight
the marionettes who several at a time if you want to ring their bell. The Keepers are very
defend them do so with small enemies, which limits their reach but also makes them dif-
zealous passion. They've ficult to hit with some attacks; vertical swings and thrusting attacks
been watching over, and will serve better than horizontal swings.
ringing, the bells forever.
If you seek to stop them, Their basic melee has multiple damage types, so you'll still take
or to ring a bell for some damage even if you block it with a 100o/o physical reduction
yourself, you'll have to shield. Bait an attack, wait for them to finish, and then strike. From
face these tiny terrors. range, they will draw bows to attack you. You need to seek cover
behind pillars or other obstacles while you fight other Keepers in
melee. Note that they often fire two-shot bursts. They can also
throw firebombs at medium range.

Dark Spirit
The Dark Spirit Bell Keeper in this area is not really different from
normal Bell Keepers. It has more HP. but otherwise behaves in the
same manner. Like other Bell Keepers. the Dark Spirit Keeper stag-
gers very easily when he doesn't block your attack. Try to take out
the small fry first, as they will die more quickly.
... . ,
Bell Keeper 770 360 Yes
Can throw Firebombs

Rusted Coln 8 399

HP D 1

Dari< Spirit Bell Keeper 1680 701 No Bell Keeper Set 383 Bell Keeper Shield 364
Hand Axe 326 Bell Keeper Bow 347
Pr t ~ lllty p '

Large Tltan lte Shard 10 310


Whether Heide was a
proper kingdom or not
isn't clear, as it fell into
the sea long ago. What is
known is that the Way of
Blue originated in Heide.
Equipment from Heide still
exists today, as well, which
speaks for the durability of
the special alloy used in its
construction. If this knight
truly is from the ancient
land of Heide, is it possible
that time distortion explains
his presence?

This Heide Knight should be a lot easier than the one in the Forest
of Fallen Giants. He tends to leave himself very open with his Triple
Combo; that's the best chance to get behind him and take him out.
Ranged fighters can use the pause after his Double Combo to gain
some distance. By now, you've probably powered up your weapons
a little bit, so he'll go down quickly.

Hr ...., D "' •.ffl • Stamina D:lm go

H tide Knight (Spear) 1260 4600 No Double Combo Yes Yes Low
Triple Combo Yes Yes Low
Pmt,~blllt y
Three Stabs Yes Yes Low
Helde Spear 100 334


In a prison filled with sinners and innocents alike, Vorgel
certainly has a special place. He stands watch over the Bastille
Key. He wears the armor and dons the shield of a Royal Soldier;
perhaps he is one of the wardens of this lost prison? What sins
rest in this warrior's den?

Vorgel the Sinner uses a spear, and his one-handed attacks rebound
very easily off a shield. He is unfortunately aware of that fact and
will often attempt to Bash you when you guard. You can use this to
your advantage, though - guard his attacks while backing up, and
if he tries to Bash he will miss. That's a chance to attack. If your
weapon has enough length to htt him after his spear rebounds from
a block, that's another good chance.


Another useful advantage for you here is his complete lack of Poise. If you need an opportunity to heal, run up the stairs. It takes some
Any weapon can stagger him. On the topic of Poise, his attacks deal time for him to follow you. Do note, however, that he will also drink
very little Poise damage to you, so heavy armor users may be able Estus and heal if you leave him alone while he is injured. Be quick to
to trade hits with him. perform a combo or backstab him if he tries.

HP .,.,IJ p,.,
r r
Dar1< Splrft Vorgel the Sinner 1550 1150 No Hollow Soldier Helm 365 Royal Soldier Leggings 366
Hollow Soldier Armor 365 Winged Spear +5 333
1-'rvl;• l.lllty
Royal Soldier Gauntlets 365 Hollow Soldier Shleld 353
Winged Spear +6 1 333


The Ruin Sentinel has no physical form; it's merely a Soul
haunting a large suit of armor. The Sentinels are the creations
of the mysterious "jailer:' There are three Sentinels here, with
three names:Yahim, Alessi a, and Ricce. Were those the names
granted to the Sentinels by the jailer, or did they belong to the
previous owners of these lost Souls7

One-handed Combo
The Sentinel will hold its weapon in one-hand and then attack. Walk
toward the Sentinel while blocking. Get behind the boss, and the
second hit will miss completely, giving you a chance to attack or
recover Stamina. If you choose not to use a shield, you'll need
to roll toward the enemy quickly to avoid the first hit.


Two-handed Sweep
For this attack, the Boss will hold its weapon behind its back with ShlelclToss

both hands and then swing in a horizontal sweep. If you roll to avoid
this attack, wait just a moment after he begins the motion before
rolling. If you use a shield to block, just be careful of the pushback
this attack causes; it can knock you off of the ledge.

Shleld Toss
This technique is most often used when you are on the ground floor.
generally when you are fighting more than one Sentinel at a time.
This attack can easily break your guard, so dodging is a better option
than blocking. Each Sentinel can only use it once, and the Sentinel
that used it will permanently lose its shield.

Two-handed Smash Ascend

The Sentinel will raise its weapon above its head, and then bring This is not technically an attack, but all of the Sentinels are capable
it smashing down. Once again, if you block, just be careful of the of jumping up to the starting platform. They usually attack immedi-
pushbad<. If you decide to roll, don't roll too quickly or the Boss will ately after doing so, as well. If you thought you would be safe there,
be able to adjust its aim. you were mistaken. Sorry - this is Dark Souls, and all that.

Spin Attack
This attack is the primary reason a shield is advised for this fight.
The Sentinel will reach back and then whirl forward, striking many
times. If you attempt to roll through this move, you'll be hit. Either
stay completely out of range, or block this attack with a shield.

High Leap
The Boss will leap very high in the air and come crashing down. This
move is blockable, but it will very likely break your guard. Rolling
away or simply getting out of range is advisable.

Short Leap
This is another leaping attack, but the Sentinels can execute this
one much more quickly. Fortunately. it takes less Stamina to block
this than the High Leap. If you can observe the difference quickly
enough, roll to avoid this.

This is a battle against three enemies, but you'll begin the fight ground very quickly. They also have a tendency to try to surround
against just one of them. The entrance to the room leads to a small you by hopping in opposite directions. Always focus on keeping
platform above the main floor of the area. You'll be on this platform them both in front of you; if you lose sight of one, move away from
with the first of the three boss enemies with very little room to the direction it went to keep from being blind-sided.
move about.
Try to get both Sentinels to commit to an attack at the same time
The best method for handling this fight is to defeat the first Sen- so that you can attack while they are both recovering. A shield with
tinel, Yahim, at the entrance before dropping to the ground floor. good stability is really recommended here so that you can block
Block or dodge Yahim's attacks and retaliate when you can get be- an attack and still have stamina left to retaliate. Anytime that both
hind it. Upon defeating Yahim, use a life gem and quickly drop to the Sentinels use the same attack at the same time, you'll have a great
ground floor. as the remaining Sentinels will close in quickly. Use chance to counter.
the Life Gem before falling, because Alessia tends to approach very
quickly. Let the slow healing take care of the fall damage. This will be a difficult fight for many players. Don't hesitate to sum-
mon the NPC Pilgrim Bellclaire or another player if you are feeling
This is the difficult part. Both Alessia and Ricce will attack you at frustrated. If you split Alessia and Ricce apart on the ground floor,
once. With their Leaps and Spin Attacks, they can cover a lot of things will be much easier.
t-~ OIJI Iii' J>!l'"1 '!lo"" Stamina Dnmngo
Ruin Sentinels 2330 33000 No One-handed Combo No Yes Lem
l\No-handed sweep No Yes Medium
Pr t, 1111 pg
l\No-handed Smash No Yes Medium
Ruin Sentinel Soul 100 397 Spin Attack No Yes Lem
High Leap No Yes High
Short Leap No Yes Medium
Shield Toss No Yes High


Gargoyles have been used as
guardians throughout the ages,
stretching far back into the early
Age of Fire. What brings these
mysterious sentinels to life?
Perhaps the sound of the bells
they guard awakens them? Or do
the gentle chimes comfort them in
their long stone sleep?

Swoop Leap Smash

The Gargoyle will fly up into the air, and then Swoop at you quickly. This technique can cover ground quickly; the Boss will jump into the
This move covers a lot of ground quickly. The Swoop looks very air and quickly bring its halberd down in an overhead Smash. This
similar to the Up-Slash, but travels much farther. Be ready to block has a lot of range, but can be blocked without issue.
or roll away.
The Gargoyles will occasionally perform an overhead smash on the
ground; this will often be used at the end of a combo. Like all of the
Gargoyle's weapon attacks, this is blockable, but you can also out-
range it to save Stamina.

Once again, the Gargoyle will fly into the air, but this time it will at-
tack the ground nearby. You have a chance to attack or heal after this
move, depending on what the other Gargoyles are doing.


This is a tricky attack; the Boss will leap over your head and attempt
to Stab you from behind. If you see this coming, you can strafe
away. If you need to react quickly, roll a~. This move does leave
the enemy open for you to attack, but it is very dangerous when
fighting multiple Gargoyles.

This is a basic melee attack, often used in combination with other
melee moves. It's not difficult to get out of range or blod< this at-
tack. Sometimes it will be followed by another attack, but it does
present a chance to attack when it is not; you'll need to watch

Spin Finisher
This spinning attack is only used as a combo finisher. This move hits
behind the Gargoyle as well as in front, so watch for it before you
try to punish his combos. It can be blocked with little trouble.

Spin Finisher

Jump Back
This is used rarely and deals little damage, but it is an annoyance.
The boss will swipe at you very quickly and jump away. It's difficult
to react to this, so your best defense is to have your shield ready.

Fire Sweep
When each Gargoyle is under half-health, it can begin breathing fire.
This version covers a wide area, but doesn't travel very far. This is
fire. however, so even a good physical defense shield won't protect
you completely. Try to roll away.

This Stab has longer reach than Swings, but is otherwise similar.
It's a basic melee move that can be used in combinations. It doesn't
have much recovery time except when used as part of the Jump-


Aerial Fire Sweep
The Aerial version of Fire Sweep is even more dangerous than the
ground version. You need to get away from the area immediately,
particularly since this attack can hit you multiple times. Finish off
wounded Gargoyles quickly.

Fire Line
This is a third fire breath attack, but this time the fire travels in a
straight path. This has the most range of all the fire breaths, but also
covers the narrowest area. Move to the side to dodge this.

Electrical Discharge
The Gargoyle will raise its Halberd into the air and channel blue elec-
tricity for a moment before discharging it over a circular area. Get
away from the Gargoyle when you see this technique start-up.

The Gargoyle enemies from Dark Souls return here, with a ven- you can. If you have powerful Sorceries, this fight will be much
geance. This time, however. you'll be fighting two or three Gar- easier. Melee fighters can also take advantage of this weakness,
goyles at a time throughout the whole battle. though; if you have any Aromatic Ooze or Dark Resin, you can use
them to greatly increase your attack power against this boss.
As soon as you enter the boss room, the first Gargoyle will come to
life. Three seconds later, the second Gargoyle will activate as well. Second, having a ranged attack to finish off a wounded Gargoyle is
The third Gargoyle activates when the overall boss life bar is less a good Idea. Throwing Knives from Melentia work well, as usual.
than 90o/o full. At less than 70%, the fourth Gargoyle springs into ac- Another option is Poison Throwing Knives from Gavlan; it will take
tion. The fifth and final Gargoyle will enter the fray at around 50o/o. If several hits to poison a Gargoyle, but once you do, the Gargoyle will
you hit a Gargoyle statue before its spawn condition has been met, die fairly quickly even if you can't get close again.
it will trigger immediately.
Third, a high Stability shield with high physical damage reduction
This is essentially a damage race. A rooftop full of five Gargoyles will help a lot for most players, as will armor upgrades. Heavy armor
will be difficult to handle, so you want to kill them as quickly as pos- users will find that the Gargoyles don't hit particularly hard. It is
sible. Additionally, you do not want to hit more than one Gargoyle at possible to use a large weapon two-handed with an Aromatic Ooze
a time, as they will contribute to spawning a new Gargoyle without buff and go toe-to-toe with a Gargoyle if you have a lot of Poise. It
killing one first. Once you get each individual Gargoyle to around may often be preferable to take a couple of hits in order to finish off
50o/o of its max HP. you'll want to finish it quickly so that you don't a Gargoyle.
need to face three Gargoyles at once. To make matters worse, low
HP Gargoyles will begin to use Fire Breath attacks and Lightning Finally, always remember that you need to create an opportunity to
Bursts. heal. Even if you are near death, don't blindly mash the button for
Estus or a Lifegem. Bait the Gargoyles to attack, get out of range,
Realistically, though, that may prove difficult, as the Gargoyles tend and then heal. They're aggressive enough to punish you if you try to
to group up. Just keep the general principle in mind - focus on heal without making an opportunity first.
finishing off weakened Gargoyles first. It can be difficult to find an
opening, but there are a few ways you can make things easier on In summary: weapon buffs (like Aromatic Ooze), ranged attacks (like
yourself. Throwing Knives). a good shield, and upgraded armor are all very
useful here. Players with powerful spells may find this fight to be
First. the Gargoyles are weak against Magic damage. Strafe back- very easy.
ward while keeping them all in front of you, and fire in shots when

Hl'1 "n··I D"'fr" Inc' Stamlr>=t o.,rn~go

Belfry Ga rgoytes 1400 26000 No Tull Swlpo Yes Yes Low

Swoop No Yes Low
Pr l I Ult p
Up-Slash No Yes Low
Belfry Gargoyle Soul 100 397 Leap Smash No Yes Low
Smash Yes Yes Low
SWlng Yes Yes Low
Stab Yes Yes Low
Jump Stab Yes Yes Low
Are Sweep No Yes Low
Aertal Fire Sweep No Yes Low
Are Una No Yes Low
Electrtcal Discharge No Yes Low


The Undead have been persecuted, hunted and imprisoned
throughout the ages. This forest was home to the Undead
Aromatic Oom xl
hunts during the reign of the Old Iron King. There's little
difference between the guards and the prisoners now, though. Large Soul of a Nameless
Soldier xl, Morning Star xl
Though the King sent his best soldiers to oversee the Hunts,
their memories were lost to the Undead Curse.
Eyg Orb Red
x2 (l.Qdgg)
Poison Moss ><l,
Gre,in Blossom x1 :}------,--=--J~t~
U ndeiad Purgatory
Soul Spgar

Titchy Gren

Soul of a Br.Ml Warrior xl -t'---J

L.;rga Soul of a Lost
Undead xt.
Small Orangg Burr xl
Notched Vvhip xl :;;,,,<:::=,../
F:idi ng Soul x1
Phalros' Lockstona x1. ~-:,.-(..1
Token of Fidellty x1

EX9cutio11&r's Chariot Cracked Red Eye Orb xi

Ar11;i I nornro s P~<J" lJNDlAD PllRliAll)RY

CrySlal Lizard 067
Rogue rrw1n Dagger) 113 Important lt em s P,l(JH
Bandit's Knffe x1. Poison
Moss xt, Lifegem x1 (Roof)
Rogue (Club) 113 Bandit's Knife 312
Rogue (Bow) 113 Pharros' Lockstone 401
Captive Undead (Broken sword) 114 Token of Fk:lellty 401

Captive Undead [Torch)
~ Great Moth
Ricard's Rapier
Notched Whip
al Necromancer 116 Sublime Bone Dust 401
Armored Skeleton (Curved Sword & Shield) 116 Fire Seed 310
Armored Skeleton [Thrustlng SWOrd & Shield) 116 Morning Star 329
Armored Skeleton (Dual SWords) 116 Sorcery: Soul Spear 387
Armored Skeleton (Bow) 118 Undead Lockaway Key 402
Wheel Skeleton 119 Magic Mace 329 Undead Refuge
Torturer ("'learm) 116 Pyromancy: Combustion
Torlurer (Whip) 116
bl Artlflclal u ndead 116

Merciless Roena (Phantom)
Greatsword Knight (Phantom)
118 To Majula
Skeleton Lords 119
Exeoutloner Charlot 121

To Harvest va11e

Und11;1d l.ockaw;y KIIY >Cl (In hut)

Poison Moss x3

Combustion, Titmite Shard x3

Skeleton Lords

Mace (Magic) xt,

ntanite Shard x1

"-- Loc:kQd (Und11;1d l.ockaw;y Kflr1

Creighton thci Wdnderer
Undood loCk:lw.l'/

11 UN I SMAN's C< ll'"il - BI

Bridge Approach

Large Soul of a
Nam!!I ess Soldier >Cl
Band~ 's Knife x1

Opens from
northeast side only

Li h!gcrn >Cl , Soul of a --1--1_:..._..

Namel9SS Soldier >Cl
Ricard's Rapier >Cl

Monastery Charm xt,

P<ll"i<lN CAVl - Bl
Soul of a Proud Knight >Cl

P<11 SClN CAVr - !) I


' '
.JI Starting from Majula again, go down the same path you took to . J There's a Rogue with a Bow on the opposite side of this room, so
'II react, Heida's Tower of Flame, but stop at the first small room you 'fl if you have a ranged weapon, ease out into the doorway and take
come to. To reach the Huntsman's Copse you'll need to either pay him out from here. As you move into the room, be ready to take on
Licia 2000 Souls to have her move the path, or fight and kill her to another Rogue that will come at you from the path to the left. Leave
get the Rotunda Lockstone, which you can then use on the device in the door at the end of the path on this side for now, and instead
the middle of the room to move it yourself. Keep running down the drop down into the central area, making sure to avoid the large
path until you near the end of the cave, at which point you'll come circular pitfall in the middle [ [ I 03).
across Felkin the Outcast sitting in a d'lair with his back to you [ _, J
01]. Continue through the tunnel once you're done with Felkin, and There are a few captive Undead enemies down there, but they
then head to the left Just as you exit to find the first Bonfire. shouldn't pose much of a threat, so finish them all off and the pick
up the items at either end of the room. Go up the stairs to read'l
World Event the area where the Rogue archer was after gathering the Items, and
If your Intelligence and Faith are both above 8, you'll be able then take out the final Rogue up there before climbing the ladder in
to talk to Felkin and eventually access his merd'landise. If the corner of the room [ _J 041.
your Intelligence and Faith are both above 20, Felkin will give '
you a Sunset Staff and some pieces of Hexer's Armor if you J On this roof area you'll initially see one Rogue directly ahead of
talk to him. 'I' you, but as soon as you get close to it another one will jump up
from the ledge on the left. Try to lure the first one towards you and
' take it out near the ladder before moving up, so that you don't have
.JI Follow the path on from the Bonfire until you come to another to fight them both at once. When they're both dead, approach the
'If cave with a narrow path leading through it. This cave has a edge of the rooftop and drop down onto a small ledge below to get
number of Great Moths inside it, and they'll shower the area with the item there. Heal up if needed, and then drop down again and
poisonous spores as you try and move through it; if you have a re-enter the buildingc~u 05].
ranged attack, take them out from long range before they release '
their spores [ 02]. There are a number of items to be found in J Now approach the doorway at the end of the path to left as you
the area below the path you're on, but since there is no easy WiJt1 V1 enter, but be careful when you get close to it, because a Rogue
down to get them from here, it's best to just continue along the will break through the door and attack you; either keep your Shield
path and exit the cave for now. Go up the stairs to the right once raised when you get close to the door to block the attack, or roll
you're out of the cave, and then approach the doorway at the base backwards straight away to evade it before dealing with the enemy.
of the building ahead. Continue on along the narrow path on the other side of the


doorway, and keep going straight towards precipice at the end.
Have your Shield raised again as you near the corner, because a
Rogue with a Club will attack you as soon as you round it.

Once that enemy has been defeated, look down from the path to
see the broken bridge support just below with an item sitting on a
small raised part of it. Line yourself up with the item, and then run
off the path straight towards it; running is better than jumping in this
instance, because it doesn't carry you as far. making it less likely that
you'll overshoot the landing [ n 06]. If you do happen to miss the
section with the item on it, you can still try again later after making
your way back around, but the rewards are definitely worth the effort.
After securing the items, tum around to face the direction you just
ran from, at which point you should see a ledge with a cave entrance
below; either run or jump down to the ledge and enter the cave.

Wor1d Event
One of the items you can pick up from the broken section of
bridge is a token of Fidelity, so if you haven't acquired one by
other means, you will now be able to return to the Cathedral
of Blue and speak with Blue SentinelTargray to join the Blue
Sentinels Covenant.
ii/I The cave you are entering now is the same one you were in back
·WP at the start of the area, only this time you're below the path you
used before. If you haven't already done so, try to take out the
Great Moths with ranged attacks to ensure that you don't get
poisoned while in here. Run to the end of the path so that you can
get the item there, and then look down past the edge of the path
on the right to see a large mushroom sticking out from the wall
[ l I 07]. Run off the path towards the mushroom to land on it, and
then drop down from there to the floor below. Using the mushroom
in that manner will mean that you'll only take minimal damage from
the drop to the floor.


Upon reaching the floor. the Torture that's been running around Moth, but you should mainly be looking out for that prowling
down there will come after you, so make sure you're ready for the Artificial Undead to make sure it doesn't catch you unaware. Try not
fight. The water's not deep enough to hamper your movement, so to venture too far into the woods before taking out that Artificial
just bait him into missing an attack and finish him off as normal. Undead, because another one is standing near an item in the far
Once he's dead, grab the item from the chest down here, and then corner [ 041.
interact with the suspicious section of wall in the corner of the
room to reveal a hidden passage. Follow the new path along to a ,~ At this point it's worthwhile taking a detour to reach the small
room wtth a cage elevator. and then, after getting the item nearby, IP Undead Purgatory area, but if you just want to power through the
get inside the cage to be taken up to another room [ [ 01). At area, continue reading from Point 14. Run up the hill here from the
the end of the path leading out of that room you can interact with end of the first bridge until you reach a second bridge, on the other
another section of wall to open a hidden door that leads back into side of which you'll see a small copse of trees with a couple of
the building near the start. From there. work your way back around Captive Undead standing around amongst them [ C I 05]. If you
the area to Position A. move across the bridge to get the attention of the Captive Undead,
or use a ranged attack on them, a Torturer will jump down from a
,~ Go down the ladder that's straight ahead of you in this area, and cliff at the back of the area and come running towards you. Try to
'II once you reach the bottom, follow the narrow path around to the take out the Captive Undead before the Torturer closes in on you, or
left under the bridge to find an opening leading to the second if need be fall back and use the bridge as a natural choke point.
Bonfire [-1 U 07.]. Just outside the Bonfire room you'll also see a
large tree at the edge of the cliff - if you interact with the tree you'll , ~ Go up the dirt path at the back of this area, but before following
be able to kick it over, making a shortcut back to the other side. Exit UJ tt around to the left, continue straight on to pick up the ttem on
the Bonfire room and follow the dirt path around the cliff to enter the floor between two trees, killing the Captive Undead along the
the forest. where you'll need to take out a couple of Captive way. Backtrack slightly and follow the branching path around through
Undead. Instead of going straight over the bridge near them. a narrow gap in the cliff until it eventually opens out. Round the

however. stay on this side of it and continue forward towards the

end of the cliff. There's a Rogue on the left hidden behind a tree, so
take him out, and then grab the ttem from the nearby body and
return to the bridge.
.~ When you cross the bridge, you should notice the huge Artificial
'II Undead stomping around in the trees ahead, so use a ranged
attack if you can to lure it towards you. There's a Great Moth in the
area too, and if you go past the end of the bridge it will rain down
spores on you, making the fight wtth the Artificial Un dead more
trouble than it should be [ ~ O J. You can take out the Great Moth
with ranged attacks before facing the first Artificial Undead, but you
should still lure tt towards you, because a second one is prowling
around the woods not too far ahead.
J Move on past the end of the bridge once the immediate area is
'II clear, and drop down into the section of forest to the left. There corner here carefully, because another Torturer will jump down from
are a couple of Captive Undead in this area along with another Great a pillar Just ahead and attack you. There are a number of Torturers
along the remainder of this path, but if you're careful you can
awaken them one at a time, which will make getting through the
area much easier.

Once the first Torturer is down, move up slowly to the top of the
small ramp ahead to trigger the second one, but make sure you
don't go down the ramp, because that will trigger a third one
[ ~c J Ob]. The second Torturer uses a Whip instead of their traditional
weapon, but that actually makes the fight easier. because of how
easy it is to block most of its attacks. Watch out when you see it
crouch down, however, because that is the start of its guard break-
ing attack and you should start circle strafing straight away to avoid
it. Once the first three have been taken care of, continue along the
path normally to make the fourth one jump down, and after defeat-
ing tt. start crossing the bridge towards the Undead Purgatory.



J Be very careful as you're crossing the bridge, because there are

''If a couple of sections where boards are missing and you'll need to
use horizontal planks to cross the gap. To cross the first gap you'll
need to use planks on the right, and for the second gap the planks
are on the left. As you near the end of the bridge you should start to
see the Dark Spirit Greatsword Knight standing in front of the Fog
Gate. This Phantom is armed with a Greatsword and a Greatshield,
and is capable of inflicting large amounts of damage if it hits you. If
you simply want to defeat the Phantom, try luring it back onto the of items [ J 02). When you have everything here, use the Bonfire
bridge, and then position yourself so that when you bait it into to Travel back to the Bridge Approach Bonfire in Huntsman's Copse,
attacking, the momentum will carry it off the bridge so that it falls to and from there make your way back to Position B.
its death.
Wor1d Event
Once the area is clear, go back to the end of the bridge again and Before Titchy Gren will talk to you, you will first need to have
look over to one of the ledges on the side, where you'll see some a Token of Spite in your possession. If you don't manage to
items. You can reach the ledge with a jump from the end of the acquire one through other means, then you can find one in
bridge, and the Sublime Bone Dust and Fire Seed are well worth a chest at the start ofThe Gutter. Once you're able to talk to
the effort [ 1 I 01). Jump back across to the bridge once you have him, he'll give you the option of joining the Brotherhood of
the items, and step through the Fog Gate to do battle with the Blood Covenant. The foundations of this Covenant are the
Executioner Chariot. antithesis of the Blue Sentinels Covenant, but it works in a
similar way. Instead of joining other people's games to aid
.JI Once the boss has been defeated, go through the opening near them, this Covenant is designed to let you interfere with any
· W the end of the circular area and use the stairs to reach the area attempts at cooperation. Also, by interacting with one of the
above. In this small area you'll find a handy Bonfire, and also the three statues in this area you'll be able to initiate a one-on-
NPCTitchy Gren. If you face the stairs, you can go around the pillar one duel against other members of this Covenant. For more
on the right and walk along a tiny ledge sticking out from the wall details on the Brotherhood of Blood, please refer to P.421.
above the stairs, where you can reach a hidden alcove with a couple


,J Start going up the large hill, but keep your guard up because two
W Rogues will come running down and attack you as you near the
top; as soon as you see them, move back down the hill and try to
separate the two of them using the trees. There's two more Rogues
armed with Bows just past the crest of the hill on either side of the
area, so keep your shield raised and close in on the one on the left
while using the trees to block the shots of the other.

Take out the other Rogue, and then look down over the nearby cliff
edge and locate the small round opening in the top of a building;
drop down into the building to get the items inside, and then follow
the path back around and make your way back up the hill. On the
left side of the hill near the cliff wall there's another small building
you can enter, but do so carefully, because a Rogue will drop down
into the room once you're inside. Take care of the Rogue, and then
pull the lever to lower the nearby bridge and start making your way
across it.

-, QP
..t the
After crossing the bridge you'll reach another small building on
right that contains a Bonfire, but it's out of reach behind a
locked gate. Just past that building there's an entrance to a cave,
and opposite is a bridge leading to a narrow path along a ravine.
While you can enter the cave if you wish now, the area is much
easier if you begin by crossing the bridge. Take out the Rogue on
the other side of the bridge, and then round the corner on the path
to get the attention of a second Rogue around the corner; lure him
back towards where you killed the first Rogue, because there's Once you've finished dealing with the Rogue that rushed you, close
another Rogue further along the path with a Bow that would open in on the final one and take it out too. You may have noticed when
fire on you while you're fighting him. you first entered this area that there is a Crystal Lizard not far from
the item, but your only way of killing it without suffering from the
Once the second Rogue has been killed, run along the path with ambush is to use ranged attacks from the top of the hill. Grab the
your Shield up, and try to use the incline of the path and the trees item from the middle now that it's safe, and then if you have a
on the side of it to block to block the incoming arrows. Along with ranged attack option, approach the far edge of this area that looks
the archer, there's another Rogue at the top of the incline, so try out onto the waterfall. Train your sights down along the cliff face on
and lure it back down the path to where you can fight it without the left to find another Rogue standing on a small platform and take
interference from the archer. Run up the incline after defeating that him out. Don't jump across to where he was, however - instead, go
enemy and finally deal with the archer. Continue along the path after to Position C nearby and drop off the ledge to land on a platform
defeating it, and then take the fork heading left when you come to below with an item on it. From this platform you should be able to
it [ L 03). see a Rogue below you, so if you have ranged attacks, take him out
' from here and then drop down to the narrow path.
J This path will lead you up to a small open area with an item '
IP sitting temptingly out in the middle; do your best to avoid the J As soon as you land another Rogue will come running towards
temptation, however. because a number of Rogues are positioned VI you from back along the path, so make sure you're ready for it.
around the area Just waiting to ambush you. Just at the top of the Once it's dead, you should notice the entrance to a small cave at
hill on the left you should be able to see one of the Rogues kneeling Position D, but do not go straight inside, because there are two
in the grass near a tree, and you should run straight for it and take it more Rogues in there [) J 05). If you go just inside the entrance
out quickly [ L..J 04]. Engaging that enemy will cause the other two you can lure one of them out of the room and fight him outside
to spring into the action and the one at the far end of the area will before going in and taking out the second enemy. The item inside
come running straight towards you. Move yourself around the area this room is the Undead Lockaway Key that you need to open the
so that by the time the second Rogue reaches you, the trees on the room with the Bonfire, so now's as good a time as any to do that.
right are blocking the arrows of the Rogue with a Bow on that side.


J Just past the room you got the key from you'll see an item
VI sitting near a cave entrance on the other side of the ravine. but
there's no way to get it from here so just move on for now. As you
get near the waterfall you'll be invaded by the Dark Spirit, Merciless
Roanna. and she can be a difficult battle in this area. If you want to
fight her normally. it's advised that you rush forward and fight her in
the area she appears, as that gives you more room to maneuver.
Fighting her on the narrow path can be difficult. but like the
Greatsword Knight earlier. if you position yourself correctly you can
make her fall off the path. Follow the path underneath the waterfall
once the invader has been defeated and you'll come to a set of
stairs on the left leading up to a Fog Gate; before going in there.
however. continue along the path to reach another cave entrance .

.J This cave area also contains a number of Armored Skeletons and
W a Necromancer, so speed is once again key to cleaning the area

.~ Head back to the wooden bridge at Position E and cross it to
now enter the cave l+l.J 0 ]. There's a Necromancer and a large
number of Armored Skeletons in this cave, and because the
out effectively. To make things slightly more difficult this time.
however. the Necromancer is on a small isolated platform that you
can only reach by jumping over to it from a couple of spots where
Necromancer can keep bringing the Skeletons back to life. you need the gap narrows. Trying to deal with the Necromancer while the
to move quickly until you've taken it down. You'll have to face a Skeletons are around will just make things more difficult for you. so
couple of Armored Skeletons near the entrance, so quickly take try and lure some of them back towards the cave entrance and take
them out, and then run straight ahead and take out the one with the them out quickly from there. One of the Armored Skeletons is
Bow directly in front of you. Just off to the right of that enemy is a wielding a bow, so once the melee ones are down. run over and kill
pot that spews out Curse Inducing fumes, so either give it a wide it so that you don't get hit with an arrow while trying to jump over to
berth, or roll into it quickly to destroy it. To the left of where that the Necromancer. Of course if you have a ranged attack, you can
Skeleton was you'll see a pillar. and hiding behind that is the simply engage the Necromancer from where you are once the
Necromancer, so move in and dispatch it quickly before it starts Skeletons are down. otherwise jump over and finish him off.
resurrecting enemies.
When all of the enemies have been defeated, take the path that's
The path leading on past the Necromancer just leads to a gate that near where you entered the cave to reach the item you could see
you can't open from this side. so leave it for now and go along the from outside [-, 02]. If you then take the other path leading out
path that's just to the side of where you entered from. In the room of the room you'll come to the locked gate you could reach from
that path leads to you'll have to face another Armored Skeleton, the first part of the cave you entered. Kill the Armored Skeleton you
along with another Curse pot that's up against the wall near the find there and pull the switch to open it and create a quick shortcut
Skeleton. Grab the items when it's clear, and then go through the back to the Bonfire. Head back to the Fog Gate when you're ready,
exit to come back out near the Bonfire area. Open the gate to ac- and step through it to face the Skeleton Lords. Defeating that boss
cess the Bonfire, and inside the room you'll also find Creighton the will let you access the path that will take you straight to the Harvest
Wanderer. When you're done here. make your way back to Posi- Valley.
tion D. either along the cliff path again or through the cave.

World Event
Creighton the Wanderer fell afoul of one of his own schemes,
and ended up locking himself in the Bonfire room while try-
ing to set a trap for the man he is hunting. Mild-mannered
Pate. Creighton has a few words of warning about Pate, so
make sure you go through all of his dialogue to find out the
details, and during the process you'll also be able to learn a
new Gesture. Doing that will also allow Creighton to move on
and begin his hunt for Pate anew.


ROGUE Hammer
These brutes are surprisingly nimble, and strikes from their Clubs
DUAL DAGGERS, HAM can cause you to stagger fairly easily. The end of their combos gen-
erally leaves them off balance, presenting an opportunity to attack.
Dangerous in life as thieves They will sometimes leap away before your attack connects - just
and highwaymen, these stay patient. Just like the Dagger Rogues, most of their attacks will
Rogues are now doubly so rebound off of normal shields; you can use that to create an opening
in death, as Hollowing has as well.
robbed them of their reason.
In life, they may have lusted Bow
after material wealth, but in These Rogues will attack you from range, and their arrows can
death they seek your very cause Poison to build up in your body, but the buildup is very slow.
Soul. Bow Rogues tend to put pressure on you when you are dealing with
other Rogues in melee. Use trees as cover from their arrows. If you
engage them in me lee, they will draw Daggers to engage you.
) n

Rogue(DualDaggers) 230 90 Yes

Rogue (Hammer) 290 90 Yes
Rogue (Bow) 260 90 Yes

.•re. t 1111 't',

Rogue Hood 1 366
Rogue Armor 1 366
Rogue Gauntlets 1 366
Strategy Rogue Leggings 1 366
Du al Daggers Broken Thief Sword (not Hammer) 1 312
These dual-wielders attack very quickly. They tend to run at you Club (Hammer) 1 329
before attacking and are qutte accurate with their attacks. They can't Short Bow (Hammer) 1 346
do much against a solid shield, though, as their attacks will bounce
Thief Dagger (not Hammer) 1 312
off harmlessly. Just be wary of fighting Rogues in groups - each
individual enemy is aggressive so it's very easy to be overwhelmed. Throwing Knife x5 (not Bow) 4 398
Use the trees to separate them. Flame Butterfly (Dual Daggers) 4 400
Polson Arrow x3 (Bow) 4 358

UNDEAD LABORER As if a lifetime of toil wasn't enough, these workers continue

their duties even in death. And this time, their job is to kill you.
Probably as in life, these under-appreciated, down-trodden
souls simply aren't equipped for the task - they face you

This enemy is extremely weak. There's no real strategy involved in
killing tt, but just be careful not to be ambushed while fighting a
more serious threat. The Undead Laborer is unlikely to kill you. but
if it distracts you at a crucial time, that could present a problem.
_., n•,1 ... ..,, """
Undead Laborer (Bare fists) 170 40 Yes
Undead Laborer (Torch) 170 40 Yes

r'r t 11 1t1 1

Prisoner's Hood 1 368

Prisoner's llltters 1 368
Prisoner's Gloves 1 368
Prisoner's Walstcloth 1 368
Small Blue Burr 3 399
Small Yellow Burr 3 399
Small Orange Burr 3 399
LHegem 6 396



These woods have seen countless Strategy

tragedies throughout the years, and Torch
each death brings an Undead ever Torch-bearing Undead are just as slow and weak as their Broken
closer to full Hollowing. Whether they Sword-wielding brethren, but they do have one special feature -
were once hunters or prey matters they deal fire damage. This means that even a shield that blocks all
little now- the march of time has physical damage will not prevent them from harming you. The fire
stolen their minds and memories damage that they actually deal, though, is low enough to present
and rendered them Hollow. little difficulty.

This poor fellow has naught but a broken sword to attack you with.
He has a two-slash combo and a slow stab attack, but they are easy
to avoid and rebound of off shields, as well. Take pity on him and kill
him quickly.

HP ~n•JI

Captive Undead (Tbrch) 220 60 Yes

Captive Undead (SWord) 220 60 Yes

r'n t- 11 .. y l I

Prisoner's Hood
Prisoner's Totters ,
1 368
Prisoner's Gloves 1 368
Prisoner's Walstcloth 1 368
lbrch (Torch) 30 401
Broken Straight sword (SWord) 1 314
Small Blue Burr 3 399
Small Yellow Burr 3 399
Small Orange Burr 3 399
Lnegem 6 396

These giant, poisonous creatures attack themselves to trees
and cave ceilings throughout the Copse. The moss that they lie
upon is itself poisonous - whether this is a result of the moth's
influence or the moth being drawn to the poison is unknown.

These moths generally float well out of melee range. You'll need
some form of ranged attack to slay them, although it is possible to
avoid them without fighting. Their only means of attack is to spray
a poisonous mist. It's easily avoided if you see the moth. Just be
aware of your surroundings - including what's above you. They are
most likely to poison you while you are fighting other enemies.
Fortunately, they often drop antidotes in the form of Poison Moss.


Great Moth 170 60 Yes

Can cause poisoning

Polson Moss 100 396



These wickedTorturers circling them, though, it will miss and leave them wide open for
don't wield conventional your Backstabs.
weapons- the tools of their
trade are intended to inflict Another tactic is to use the Leaping attack of a shield - it will knock
pain upon their Undead them to the ground for an easy kill! After the knock down, move
victims rather than death. behind them and unleash a full combo as they stand. Sometimes it
If you underestimate them, will even resutt in a Backstab.
you'll find that, regardless of
their intention, they certainly Polearm
can kill you. Polearm-carrying Torturers are much more difficult to deal with than
their Whip-using friends. Each attack deals a lot of Stamina damage
and pushes you back. Even blocked hits cause Bleed buildup, as
well. To make matters worse, they have an unblockable grab, as well
the Knee used by the Whip Torturers.

If you have good shield Stability, you can attempt to strafe around
them with your shield up. If they do their three hit-combo that ends
in a downward smash, you'll have time to land a backstab. You could
attempt Parrying, but be warned that they can stagger you easily if
you miss.

A much simpler solution is to use ranged attacks. Step in range to

bait an attack, then roll away and use a spell, bow, or crossbow to
strike. If you don't have any of those, buy some Throwing Knives
from Melentia. You'll finish these guys without cracking a sweat.

HP n

Torturer (Whip) 780 780 Yes

Torturer (Poleann) 780 780 Yes
Whip-bearing Torturers are easy enough to handle - their attacks
don't drain much stamina and have a long recovery period. You can
strafe around them for a Backstab after they attack. Be wary of Bloodled Whip (Whip) 1 340
their Knee attack - it will take a large amount of Stamina. If you are Cracked Red Eye Orb 10 400

The true origin of these Necromancers is unknown, but it is
possible that they served the Old Iron King during the Undead
Hunts in this forest. They are found near the Skeleton Lords'
domain - perhaps they now serve them as their new masters.

cal Orbs and another that launches a slow Homing Shot. These
enemies should always be your top priority- they can revive their
skeleton allies at anytime.

Getting to the Necromancers can be a bit more problematic. If you

kill one or two of their skeletons, they may choose to stop attacking
you in order to revive their defenders; during this time, you can kill
them. Another method is to simply rush them before they can react.
After the Necromancer is dead, the Skeletons can be killed normally.

Necromancer 320 660 Yes
Can revive Skeletons I can cast magic

Black Hollow Mage Hood 1 367

Strategy Black Hollow Mage Robe 1 367
These spellcasters have the power to control souls. They animate Lizard Staff 1 343
skeletons to attack you in addition to assaulting you directly with
Amber Herb 5 396
powerful attack magic, including a spell that fires a spread of magi-


These reanimated corpses are often Strategy
under the control of a Necromancer, Curved Sword & Shield
and they will be revived repeatedly Curved Sword users can cause bleeding. Despite possessing a
until the wizard is killed. Whether they shield, this type of Skeleton tends to focus too much on combina-
served the Iron King or fled from his tion attacks to use it. Block a hit with a shield or greatshield and
troops in life makes no difference they'll rebound, giving you a chance to attack. All of the varieties of
now, as they are the property of their Armored Skeleton are fairly weak individually, but they tend to attack
necromantic masters. in groups. Exercise caution.

Dual Curved Swords

These Dual-wielders use twin Curved Swords, so Bleeding is a
threat. They will often attack in three or four hit combos. After finish-
ing a combo, they'll be completely open for a Backstab - just watch
out for their allies. They also rebound off of normal shields.

Thrusting Sword & Shield

Be careful - while Skeletons can be staggered easily, these en-
emies in particular have a tendency to block your attacks and then
counter with a thrust. This may seem minor, but characters with low
poise could potentially be staggered and left at the mercy of other
enemies. Once again - block with your shield and then attack.

Bow users will, as you would expect. harass you while you fight their
allies. Given the additional pressure of killing a Necromancer, it's easy
to forget about these enemies, but try to use the twists and turns
of the caves to hide from their arrows as much as you can. They will
draw a Curved Sword and Shield when you come near.
po ~n··• p .... 11

Annored Skeleton (Dual Curved Swords) 340 110 Yes

Annored Skeleton (Curved Sword & Shleld) 340 110 Yes
Annored Skeleton 340 110 Yes
(Thrusting Sword & Shleld)
Annored Skeleton (Bow) 340 110 Yes

P1 b11,1 tty m

Faldllon (notThrustlng Sword & Shleld) 1 321

Mall Breaker (Thrusting Sword & Shleld) 1 326
Foot Soldler Shleld 1 349
(not Dual Curved Swords)
Long Bow (Bow) 1 346
Wood Arrow xl (Bow) 5 358
Alluring Skull 3 400
Human Effigy (not In Undead Purgatory) 2 396

A massive, hulking beast of an Undead,
this creature is disturbingly unnatural.
This patchwork monstrosity wields two
Full Moon Sickles and swings them with
immense power. Who would create such
a monster?The Iron King himself sought
to destroy the Undead, not create them ...

Even blocking the Artificial Undead's attacks
will push you back and drain your stamina
- it's very easy to have your guard broken.
If you want to fight these abominations in
melee, you'll need to utilize your rolls. Strafe
backwards slowly until the Artificial Undead
begins an attack, and then roll away. Watch
for it to end its combo, and then strike. A Be careful about rolling away too early. The enemy will occasionally give chase without
Strong attack that carries you forward is swinging -you'll need to be close enough for him to attack before you roll, or he'll chase you
good for this purpose. down while you waste stamina rolling away.


HP P~rrv Blork

Artlflclal Undead 1260 630 Yes Running Hooks No Yes High

Prol>al lllt'f p
Double Reaper No Yes High
Slngle Reaper No Yes High
FUii Moon Sickle 2 337
Soul or a Nameless Soldler 6 396
Ufegem 6 395


Roanna wears a helm associated with the
warlocks of Aldia. Could the unnatural
condition of this forest be related to the
experiments of the Aldian mages, or is it
mere coincidence?

Roenna is one of the few cases in which Parrying is actually worth

the risk. She uses her scythe very predictably and is thus easy to
Parry - particularly her one-handed attacks. If she approaches you
with the scythe in one hand, watch for the overhead chop and Parry
it. You can then land a critical hit and an additional combo as she
attempts to stand back up.

If you choose not to Parry, you're in for a tougher fight. It is possible

to knock her off the cliff with a heavy weapon, but fighting there
is a risk as you may also fall. She can be fooled into chasing you to
the small Crystal Lizard clearing if you want to fight her in an open
Strategy space [ u 01). She can attack quickly and with very little rest, but
Roanna can be very tough. She invades along the cliff side, leaving be patient and wait for an opening to land a combo or a spell.
you with little room to roll. Furthermore, her scythe weapon can
cause bleeding very quickly. Her one-handed attacks will rebound Blocking isn't particularly recommended, as she can cause Bleeding
off standard shields, but she recovers from that very quickly. She through your shield. Try to use the space and avoid her attacks. Also
has no poise and can be staggered for combo damage, but she also be warned that she will heal if you back off when she is injured -
will roll periodically to avoid your attacks. This will be a dangerous and she'll do it many times, too. Look for a Backstab if she tries to
opponent for many players. heal.

HP <;oul p 1

Da r1< Splrft Merciless Roenn a 1640 2301 No Warfock Mask 370 Prfestess Skirt 366
Can cause bleeding I can use Estus to heal Prfestess Robe 366 Bone Scythe 338
p~ Prfestess Gloves 366 Cursed Bone Shield 360

Warfock Mask
1 370
Prfes tess Ro be
Prfestess Gloves , 366
Prfestess Skirt 1 366
cursed Bone Shield 1 350
This phantom stands
watch over the entrance
to the Undead Purgatory.
His origin is unknown, but
he is currently standing
guard over the entrance
to the domain of Nahr
Alma's followers.

one-handed stance, he will attack with a predictable, slow over-head

swing. If you are confident in your timing, you can Parry this attack.
Another option is to watch for him to roll - he will almost always
perform a rolling attack. Once you get the timing down, you can use
the roll as your cue to Parry.

If you aren't confident in your ability to parry, you could attempt a

Bash to break his guard to set up a crttical htt. You'll need to play
defensively until he raises his shield to block. Then, quickly, move
forward and use your Bash to stun him. You have to be fast, though,
or he'll lower his guard and attack you while you are Bashing.

Another option for straight combat is to utilize the jumping attack

Strategy of a shield. If you can hit him, this will knock him down temporarily.
The Greatsword phantom is a difficult opponent. He wields a mas- You can try to use this to setup a combo, but be warned that he
sive Greatsword and a Tower Shield. Your attacks will deflect off of may use an attack that prevents him from staggering to escape your
his shield easily. To make matters worse, he hits very, very hard, and combo (and flatten you).
some of his attacks prevent him from being staggered. Attacking
him without creating an opening is very quick way to die. If you're struggling in fair combat, you can bring him out onto the
rope bridge and knock him off. If you are using a large, two-handed
So how can you damage this monster? One of the simplest ways weapon or a spell that can knock enemies back, this will be straight-
to deal with him is by Parrying. When he approaches you in his forward. Sometimes, he'll even fall by himself.

t-u c::::ri.u• p "'~Wll Pa ......

Dark Spirit Greatsword Phantom 1660 2160 No Dranglelc Helm 386 Llewellyn Shoes 385
Uewellyn Armor 386 Greatsword +3 319
Pr,. h I lh p ~
Uewellyn Gloves 386 Orma's Greatshleld 367
Greatsword +3 1 319
Orma's Greatshleld 1 357
The Old Iron King's best soldiers, in their dark resurgence, have
forgotten their original allegiance entirely. They seek to create
a new kingdom - one of bone. And now you have trespassed
upon that kingdom ...

Scythe Melee
The Scythe Lord relies on basic melee attacks. You can block or
dodge his attacks, but beware that they can cause Bleeding. The
amount of Bleed build-up is realty low. however, so this is not a
major threat.

Halberd Melee
The Halberd Lord has long range, but, like the other Lords, is not
particularly fast or powerful. Just be careful to separate the Lord you
are attacking from the Halberd Lord or he could potentially stagger
you at a bad time.

Staff Melee
The Staff Lord can use melee, but he rarely will. Instead, he tends
to run away and use magic. This is the least dangerous attack in the
battle, particularly if you save the Staff Lord for last.

Stall Melee

Explosive Blast
The Explosive Blast thrown by the Staff Lord starts a small, arcing
flame and ends in a violent explosion. This will knock you down if
you are hit by it, which can lead to you being surrounded. Stay out
of the Staff Lord's line of sight.

This is a quick, low-damage Fireball that the Lords will use to pres-
sure you and attack you from range. Use the pillars in the area to Flamethrower
stay out of their lines of sight and avoid this attack. When pursued, the Staff Lord will occasionally use this spell to
spread fire across a wide area. If you are attacking him aggressively,
he won't be able to use this. If he does use it, it'll be better to roll
back out of range than to block.

This is an odd battle in that there are three main enemies, and
you'll also have to defeat many smaller enemies as well. The main
enemies are the Scythe Lord, the Staff Lord, and the Halberd Lord.
When you first enter the boss room, the Scythe Lord will be to your
left, the Staff Lord will be in the center, and the Halberd Lord will be
on your right. Each time you defeat a Lord, four new enemies will
spawn. Which enemies spawn depends on which Lord you defeat.

The Scythe Lord spawns a mix of Dual-wielding and Curved Sword

and Shield Skeletons. The Halberd Lord's death triggers the appear-
ance of Thrusting Sword and Shield Skeletons. Finally, the Staff
Lord will spawn Wheel Skeletons on death [ _J O ]. The Wheel
Skeletons are by far the most dangerous of the smaller enemies.
When the enemies spawn, they will spawn near the spot where
their Lord was defeated. You have time to kill one or two of them as
they spawn.

It is recommended that you defeat the Scythe Lord first. He tends

to pursue you the most aggressively in melee, so you can pull him
away from the others. The enemies that he spawns tend to be the
simplest to deal with, as well. Pull him behind a pillar and kill him,
then dispatch one or two of his spawns before they can attack
[ 1 02].


While you are doing this, the other Lords will use fire magic and
chase after you in melee. Try to stay out of their sight so you can be
safe from their spells. Use the pillars around the room to hide. Just
be careful when crossing in open spaces. After you defeat the rest
of the small enemies, take out the Halberd Lord. Once again, try
to separate him from the Staff Lord before you do; you'll then have
plenty of time to defeat the Thrusting Sword Skeletons.

The Staff Lord will be the only remaining target. He can use melee,
but he prefers to keep his distance and cast spells. Hold your
weapon in both hands, dodge his spells, and take him out. Be ready
- it's very important that you defeat two of the Wheel Skeletons as
they spawn if you can. It's far easier to fight two Wheel Skeletons at
a time instead of three or four [ L, 03).

J'D Souls R awn p-,-· Rl11rl Stamina D:imago

Skeleton Lords (Halberd) 780 No Scythe Meleo Yes Yes Lem

Skeleton Lords (Reaper) 780 16000 No Halberd Meleo Yes Yes Lem
Skeleton Lords (Staff) 620 No Staff Meleo Yes Yes LCM'
Can use fire magic I SCythe attacks cause bleeding Rreball No Yes LCM'
EXploslVe Blast No Yes Medium
Prnti hlllrt fbq
Ramethrower No Yes Lem
Skeleton Lord's Soul 100 397

.Boss- EXECUTIONER CHARIOT Rggr Kick Bite, Stomp

The Executioner has slain countless Undead, and continues to

slay them again and again, eternally. Little does he know that it
is not by his own will that he slays the Undead, but that of his
Turning Bite Charge, Dark Breath

Dark Breath (Straight)

The Chariot Horse will inhale deeply before exhaling a damaging
mist. If you are near when you see it inhale, you can run forward and
stand by its side to avoid the attack. This Is the best chance to deal
some serious damage. If you are far away, hide in a nook along the
wall. This is used most often when you are at a medium distance.


The Chariot Horse will lower its heads and rush forward. Just before
reaching you, it will lower its head again, and then perform a power-
ful headbutt. This is unblockable, so you'll need to either roll to the
side at the last second or hide inside one of the notches on the wall.
From long range, hiding is advisable.

Dark Breath (Sweep)

Once again, the Chariot Horse will inhale deeply, but this time it will
turn its head to the side before breathing a sweep of Dark Breath.
If you are near it, you'll need to move toward its back legs to avoid
the sweep. If you are far away, you can back up out of range or hide
in a nook.

Stomp Bite
The Boss will rear up in the air, and then bring its powerful forelegs The horse will raise its head up and to the side slowly, and then Bite
crashing down. You can actually roll forwards underneath the horse at you. This can be blocked. The Boss will often follow the Bite with
if you are close. Otherwise roll backwards to dodge this attack. another attack. Sometimes it's a second Bite or a Stomp, but it can
Rolling to the side is risky- if you roll too soon, the Horse will adjust be a Charge at well, so be ready for it.
its aim.

Rear Kick
This Is only used when you are directly behind him. The Horse
will stand on its front legs and kick you with its hind legs. This is
unblockable, so back out of Its range. If you don't stand behind the
Boss, you won't encounter this attack.

Turning Bite
When you are to the Boss's side, it will turn quickly to face you
while using a Bite. If you are too close to the back of the Horse, it
will turn so that you are behind it for a Rear Kick instead, so watch


The Executioner Chariot is part -puzzle, and part -battle. In the first
phase of the fight, the Chariot will run in circles around the area.
You'll need to hide in nooks along the inner and outer walls to avoid
the Chariot's deadly charge. After the Chariot passes by, you'll need
to move forward in search of the lever to close a gate - closing the
gate will stop the Chariot and begin phase two of the battle.

Actually getting to the lever is not so simple, however. In the room,

there are a large number of Armored Skeletons that seek your
death. Worse yet, there are Necromancers that use necromancy to
reanimate them over and over again. Your first mission in this battle
will be to take out the wizards, then finish off the Skeletons before
finally pulling the lever. Fortunately, you'll have some assistance in
killing the Skeletons - the Chariot will gladly crush them for you.

When you enter the room, immediately move forward and hide in
a nook on the outer wall. Skeletons will approach you - if you hold
your ground with a shield and block them from entering your nook,
the Chariot will crush them. After the Chariot passes, move along
the outside wall until you find the first Necromancer. Kill it quickly so
that you can hide in its place [ n 01).

After the Chariot passes by again, cross over to the inner wall
and begin making your way forward in search of the next wizard.
Remember to hide in nooks when the Chariot is coming and protect
yourself from the Armored Skeletons by either blocking or killing
them preemptively. Watch your stamina closely if you choose to
defend. When you find the second Necromancer, kill him and stand
in his place.

From that point, you are near the lever. It's on the outside wall, and
is marked with a bright flame [-! LJ 02). Don't rush to it just yet,
though. Let the Executioner make one more pass to kill the remain-
ing skeletons. Then go pull the lever and wait. The Chariot will slam
into the gate and crash, and the real battle will begin against the
Chariot Horse.

If you are having trouble with the timing for when to hide, pay at-
tention to when the controller vibrates and the screen shakes. The
large vibrations indicate the horse has begun a new lap. If you are
near the entrance of the boss room, you have some time before you
need to hide. If you are near the end, you need to hide quickly. The
Chariot takes about 15 seconds to make a full lap. You don't need
to rush too much. Defeat skeletons as you go to prevent them from
ganging up on you, and be patient.

The Chariot Horse can use some powerful attacks, but the most
dangerous ones are easy to dodge, and it also has fairly low health.
Once you've reached this point, take a deep breath and prepare to At close range, the Boss will use one of its melee attacks. If you are
finish out the fight. behind the Horse, it will Rear Kick. You'll need to roll away, as that
attack is unblockable. If you are to the side, it will use Turning Bite.
After you pull the lever and the gate closes, you'll be safe to stand When you are directly in front of the Boss, it could Double Bite,
in that spot while the Chariot crashes. Afterwards, the Horse will Charge, or Stomp. The Stomp is easy to avoid by rolling forward;
be knocked down for a moment. This is a chance to hit him once or the Charge should be dodged by rolling to the side. The Bite can be
twice. From here, there are a few ways to proceed. blocked. If the Chariot Horse uses Dark Breath (Sweep), that's your
chance to get behind it and deal some damage.
Staying at a medium distance gives you the option to run forward
and stand next to the Horse when it uses Dark Breath (Straight), One final note for those who like to be flashy: you can dodge roll
which will let you do a lot of damage. Should it Charge you, you can through the Chariot's wheel spikes using your roll's invincibility
either move closer to him and roll quickly to avoid the Charge or period i-o 03).
seek cover in one of the hiding spots along the wall. If it uses Dark
Breath (Sweep), you can back out of range.

Ht> <;o• I A n"Nl'1 Parrv Bii"'~" i;:t,irrill''I D~'1"13CI)

Executioner's Ch a riot 4140 19000 No Dari< Breath (S tralg ht) No Yes Medium

,,, I bllli1 p Dari< Breath (Sweep) No Yes Medium

Stomp No Yes High
Executioner's Ch arfot Soul 100 397 Rear Kick No No NIA
Charge No No N/A
8118 No Yes Low


Small Smooth &
Silky Stone x1, The name "Harvest Valley" might make you think of large fields
Titanite Shard x1 of nice healthy grains, but nothing could be farther from the truth.
There are huge spreads of poison stretching out from a large
windmill. The workers here seem to be "harvesting" ores. Do they
l'l>ison Pool still serve the Old Iron King, or is there a new master?

Small Smooth & Silky Arn.1 Eno mlo s f>;1Qo ltorns Paqo
Stone xt, Fading Soul x1 Crystal Lizard 067 Fire seed 310
Armored Skeleton Ffagrant Branoh of Yore x2 401
(Dual Wield curved 130
Fading Soul x1 -8 SWords)
Old Knight Pike 336
Undead Steelworker 131 Old Knight's Shield 361
Tltanite Chunk x1 -1'--Fading Soulx1, ~
Titanite Shard x1 Polson Horn Beetle 139 Sorcery: Chameleon 389
Fading Soul x1 Estus Flask Shard 401
Poison Throwing Knife x10 ..
Undead Laborer
Artificial Undead
116 Polsonblte Ring 403

Fire S99d x1, V) Mounted Overseer 130

Divine Blessing x1 ----Torch x1
Torch xi
Small Smooth & Silky Stone x1,
Radiant lifegem x1
Old Knight Pikex1,
Long,somo Gavtan Old Knight Greatshield x1
Rotten P11e Resin x3,
l'l>ison Stone xi
Raw Stonex1

Soul ol a NamelGISs Soldier x1

Large Soul of a Bravowanior xl.

Radiant LilQOom x1

The Mines

Fading Soul x1

Fragrant Branch of'lbre x1

Soul of a BravoWaniorxl, ----•


Human Effigy x1.

Large Tlta nlte Shard x 1

Tita nite Shard x1

l'l>lsonbite Ring x1, ----+

Soul of a Proud Knight xl
Altar of Sunlight
To Earthen Peak


Huntsman's Copse

, J After crossing the bridge and dropping down, you'll come to this
'II point near a wooden cart, and to the right you'll see a cave
beyond a pond of poisonous liquid. If you step into the liquid for
anything but the briefest of time it will stick to you, and the poison
effect will persist even after you leave the liquid for a short time;
keep this in mind when traveling through the area. You will
encounter this poisonous liquid often in Harvest Valley, so try to
wear equipment that increases your poison resistance. It's also
worth stocking up on Poison Moss and Common Fruit to counteract
the poison. You can farm Poison Moss from Great Moths in
Huntsman's Copse, and Common Fruit is dropped by the Royal
Swordsmen of Lost Bastille. It's also important to remember that
you can remove negative status effects by resting at a Bonfire, so if
you have no other options, you can always rely on that. nearby. Make sure your equipment is as poison resistant as you can
make it, and you are stocked up on healing items, Poison Moss and
You'll have to run through this poisonous pond to get to the Bonfire Common Fruit. Begin by dropping off the edge of this ledge at
in the cave. Do so, and then head back out and go straight past the Position A into the gas below. Pick up the items from the corpse
pond to find Stone Trader Chloanne. From the cliff next to Chloanne directly in front of you, and then stay on the corner of this patch of
you can snipe one of the powerful Mounted Overseer enemies if clear ground next to the items while your poison buildup depletes
you have ranged attacks, and you'll be protected from his projectiles [ L I 02]. Run to the next point when you're ready.
by the cliff. It may be worth farming this Mounted Overseer since '
you are close to a Bonfire and he drops a good amount of souls .J Quickly grab the item here, and then run up the dirt mound next
[ h_J 01). 'II to it to get to a gas-free area to recover. Another Armored
Skeleton will rise up near the dirt mound, so kill it quickly to avoid
World Event prolonged exposure to the gas. Now run across to the other side
Although Chloanne's initial inventory is quite limited, as you and grab the Poison Throwing Knives, before quickly running back to
progress through the game she will acquire more and more the stairs at Position B to recover. Make a quick trip back into the
stones to sell, so always make sure you check to see if she gas to get the item opposite the stairs, and then return to them and
has any new items. Stone Trader Chloanne will head back let your poison buildup subside. There should be four items
to Majula after you go through all of her dialogue options, remaining in the gas that you can see at this time, and as you look
and you'll be able to find her sitting on a rock just outside of out over them, you should start by taking a running Jump off the
Lenigrast's workshop. Both Chloanne and Lenigrast will have stairs towards the item in the alcove on the right [ U 03]. If you're
new dialogue after her arrival in Majula, so make sure you quick you should be able to just about grab it and make it back to
speak with them both. the stairs without getting poisoned.

' Go for the next closest item now, and as usual, jump off the stairs
.J Head left here along the path, ignoring the stairs going down into towards it and run back to them before you get poisoned. The two
'If the poison gas, and after defeating the Armored Skeleton that final items are way off in the corner, and since there's no way to get
rises up, pick up the item from the corpse. Now it's time to start them without getting poisoned, you may as well get both at once.
gathering the items that are within the large poison gas cloud After picking them both up, run to the cave at the next point and use



a Poison Moss to cure the poison. If you run out of poison curing
items. remember that you can always return to the Bonfire and rest
to rid yourself of the status.
' Once the area is clear. head up the first ladder on the raised area
, .JI Defeat the Armored Skeleton that rises to your right once you to the right. Pick up the item at the top, and then go back down
'i' enter the cave, and then stand at the edge of the ledge in the the ladder and head further across this ledge to another ladder and
middle. If you have a Common Fruit, use it, or you will get poisoned climb it. Follow the path along to find a lever, and then pull it to open
again very shortly. Walk off the edge, turn around, and then go into up the large gate below you; make your way back down and go
the opening and open the chest just inside it. Quickly take the items through the gate you just opened.
before dashing back out and up the path on the right, curing the '
poison again if needed. Now follow the ledge around to the left and J Look for an opening on your right as soon as you pass through
grab the vital Fragrant Branch of Yore from the corpse. Go through ·IP the gate. Follow the passage to find and activate the second
the opening next to the item to find a chest with a Raw Stone, a Bonfire of this area. This Is a great place to farm the two Horsemen
useful item for upgrading weapons. You should also encounter the just before the gate by using the Bonfire to make them respawn
merchant Lonesome Gavlan here. If you need to sell unwanted [- C I Oll. Use powerful spells and restock them at the Bonfire to
equipment, do so, and stock up on Poison Moss, which he also ensure the process is as efficient as possible. Having the Covetous
sells. Head out of the cave now and up the path on the right. Silver Serpent Ring equipped while you do so is also very useful.
Carry on straight past the opening that leads to the Bonfire when
World Event you are ready.
Now that you have a Fragrant Branch ofYore, it is strongly
recommended that you Travel back to either the Servants' . J This area has a number of holes in the ground, and dropping
Quarters Bonfire inThe Lost Bastille, orThe Saltfort Bonfire at 'II through any of them will land you in small subterranean tunnels
Sinner's Rise if you activated it. From either of those Bonfires, full of poisonous gas. However, there are also a number of useful
make your way through the Bastille to the prison cell where items to be obtained down there. so you'll have to brave it. Before
Straid has been petrified, and use the Fragrant Branch of dropping into any of the holes. however. first go up the path on the
Yore on him. Not only will you then be able to buy some very left side of the area.
useful items from him and trade in some of your Boss Souls
for powerful weapons, but you'll also be able to activate the Watch out when you approach Position C, because a Mounted
Bonfire in the cell behind him so that you can easily go back Overseer will burst through the wooden boards in front of you.
there again. Make sure you don't kill him just yet, however. Run past him into
the area he burst through from, and you'll find another wall of
' wooden boards. You must lure the Mounted Overseer into attacking
.. J Pick up the Torch from the corpse here and then continue on the boards so he destroys these too. Stand with your back to them.
'17 down the path until a Mounted Overseer comes into view [ rJ and wait for him to draw closer, dodging his projectiles if need be.
01). If you have them, fire off ranged attacks from here while using Roll past him when he swings for you. which should also destroy
the rocky ledge on the left as cover to protect yourself from his the boards [ ~ J O'>J. It can be extremely dangerous attempting to
projectiles. Do the same with the second Mounted Overseer further dodge the Mounted Overseer's attacks in such a confined space,
down. If you are fight up close. try to pull only the first Mounted so only attempt it if you don't have many Souls to lose. Take out the
Overseer into battle using a Throwing Knife or other ranged item. Mounted Overseer once his duty has been fulfilled, and then pick
Watch out for the Undead Prisoners along the sides of the area; if up the items in the newly opened area. Come back out of that room
they spot you they will jump down and engage you and continue along the path when you're done.


J Drop down from the ledge near here and loot the chest [ rJ
"' 04]. You'll now have to venture down into the poison gas, so
ensure you have full health or close to it, but don't bother with a
Common Fruit, since getting poisoned is inevitable. Go down the
ladder and turn around immediately once you reach the bottom.
You'll see an item off in the distance; run to it and grab it. Keep
running straight on and you'll eventually find a ladder that you can
climb to escape the gas. You're most likely poisoned now, but once
you get to the top of the ladder, turn right and you'll see the opening
that leads to the Bonfire, so just heal yourself using that.
. J Head back down the left path again, and carry on along it until
'II you come to a small path leading to the right. Go along 1t. and
you'll find yourself in a large pit type area. You'll almost immediately
be accosted by a number of Artificial Undead. As soon as you get
into this area, dash straight up the slope at Position D, and then
head left along the ridge and engage the first Artificial Undead.
Defeat it quickly, and then wait for the other three to come up the
slope and along the ridge to you. Fight them here, so only one at a
time can get through to you.

If you get overwhelmed, just drop down into the central area, lure
the Artificial Undead back down and run past them up the slope to
use the same tactic again. If you prefer to use sorcery, the Yearn
spell can be useful here to send all the Artificial Undead into one
place, which will then allow you to attack them with other spells
from afar. Once they have been defeated, go about searching the
alcoves dotted around the walls here, smashing the wooden boards
to get inside [ L 05]. Some of these also contain Undead Prison-
ers so don't let your guard down totally.
, .JI When you break through the wooden boards here, you'll find a
W passage beyond them that leads to a split in the path; head left
first, but be careful not to spook the Crystal Lizard at the end of the
path [ ~l 06). Get in range and blast it with a powerful ranged
attack if you can, to make sure that you defeat it before it runs into
the pitfall at the end of the path. Head back when you're done and
follow the other branch in the path to the end to find another
Fragrant Branch of Yore, and then drop back down into the room
with the holes in the floor.


.Jj It's time to drop back into the poisonous tunnels below now.
'VI Consume a Common Fruit if you have one, and then drop into the
hole at Position E and grab the item as soon as you land [ C I 01].
Tum around so that you are facing opposite the wall and run
straight. When you hit a wall, turn right and grab another Item. and
then continue running while making slight adjustments to your right
if you get stuck. As soon as the tunnel opens up into a large pit, turn
right and run up the ramp to emerge near where you started. Use
the Bonfire to cure your poison if you're out of items, and then go
back into the room with the two Horsemen.
,J You'll want to take out the two Horsemen with ranged attacks if
'If possible, since you'll need to head down into that gas soon. If
you can't, try to lure them up the ramp towards you so you can take
them out at close range. If they won't approach, you can still
retrieve the items but it becomes a lot more dangerous. The first
item to go for is located at the end of a small alcove in the corner of
the wall opposite the bottom of the ramp. Leap off the ramp and run
in there to retrieve it as quickly as possible before running back up
the ramp to safety [ U 02). If you still got poisoned, pay a visit to
the nearby Bonfire.

Follow the path along the edge of the pit until you come to Posi-
tion F, taking out the Undead Steelworker along the way (-1 .:J 03 ].
Once you're in position, drop down into the pit onto the item below
you, and after picking it up, quickly run towards the last item in the
middle of the pit; if the Horsemen are still alive. try your best to ma-
neuver around them. Head back up the ramp again once you have
the items. and use the Bonfire again if you were poisoned.
J Take out the Undead Steelworker again if you need to, and then
,rl cross over the bridge and follow the path around to the left. At
the end of the path you'll encounter an Artificial Undead, so take
him out, and then continue on to reach a small cave where the Altar
of Sun is located [ 041. Once you're finished at the Altar, exit the
cave and make your way back outside. There are two paths you can
take to enter the Earthen Peak area here, but one of them only
really leads to a few items. while the other is the main path in.
Naturally, we'll get the items first while we're here.

World Event
If you kneel before the Altar of Sun you'll be offered the
privilege of joining the Heirs of the Sun Covenant. This elite
band of brothers thrives on the spirit of cooperation, and
while you're a member of this Covenant you'll be able to
see even more Summon Signs from other players looking
for assistance. While joining another player's world, your
Phantom will take on a golden hue to signify the warm glow
of comradeship. You'll also be able to learn a new Gesture the Estus Flask Shard at the end of the tunnel, but make sure you
from the Altar, so don't forget to acquire it while you're here. don't venture out into the room, because the liquid there is very
For more information on the Heirs of the Sun, please refer to deep and you'll fall to your death. As soon as you've picked up the
P.419. shard, start heading back the way you came, but go through the
opening on the left when you come to it.
' '
J This narrow path will lead you to a room filled with pots that J This room contains a number of Poison Hom Beetles, so defeat
W contain poisonous liquid, so avoid breaking them. There are also W those first. If you have a Pharros' Locl<stone. you can use it on
two Undead Steelworkers here, so try to lure them out of the room the Contraption here to reveal a breakable wall, behind which you'll
so you don't break the pots and poison yourself. Once they've been find a chest containing a Poisonbite Ring [ ..J Ob]. While that item
defeated, head through the room and into the doorway on the other is handy in this area, if you're running low on Lockstones there are
side. If you look to the right upon entering the next room you should much more lucrative places to use them coming up, so you may
see some stairs leading down into a pool of poisonous liquid, and want to hold onto one. Once you're done here, go back into the
just below the surface of the liquid is a path leading into the nearby large room with the poison pots and climb the ladder on the side of
tunnel [-10 15]. Run down the stairs and along the path to reach the wall to begin your proper journey through the Earthen Peal<.


The skeletons in this region are of unknown origins.They could
be former subjects of the Iron King who were worked to death
in the poisonous mines or poor Souls who wandered in more
recently. Regardless, whether it was the massive Pools of Poison
or the giant monsters overseeing the Laborers, something killed
these poor fools ... but they've left it to you to finish the job.

The skeletons here have very slow attacks that rebound easily off
shields. Even if you are not using a shield, you'll have plenty of
time to step backward out of range. The curved sword's slashes do
cause Bleeding, though. Also, the skeletons tend to ambush you by
standing up as you go by; just keep an eye open and you'll have no

HP "nu•

Skeleton 260 170 Yes

Attacks cause bleedil'lQ

Faldllon 1 321
Titan lte Shard 20 310
Human Effigy 2 395

From atop gigantic monstrosities capable of exerting tremendous
amounts of dark power, weak overseers watch over the Laborers
of Harvest Valley. The mounts have as much in common with
demonic steeds as anything humanoid.

These terrors have one extremely powerful move; the Dark Orb.
They reach behind them very, very slowly. and then hurl a big ball of
dark magic at you. It moves very, very slowly. As long as you strafe
or roll behind them, you will be safe. Don't try to block this attack; it
takes off far too much health, even when blocked. Roll behind them,
get a couple of attacks in, and then wait for the next Dark Orb.



Mounted Overseer 1190 760 Yes

Dari< Orb magic

Smooth & Siiky Stone 6 396

Sunlight Medal 401

These brutish characters may have once worked for the Iron
King in the construction of the many weapons and armors that
he required, but now they are as Hollowed as the Laborers
who slave away in the mines. There is a difference, however:
strength. The Steelworkers heft huge hammers whereas the
common laborers merely flail about with their arms

The Undead Steelworkers have very slow attacks that are easy to
dodge. Additionally, they have little poise, so any weapon with good
Poise Damage can stagger them repeatedly. For players with lighter
weapons, the Stone Ring can help. With the Stone Ring, a single
2-handed Strong Attack from a straight sword can cause them to
stagger. The Steelworkers have no shields and no ranged attacks,
either, so they're easy targets from distance.


Undead Steelworker 560 400 Yes

Pre I 11111

Titan lte Shard 20 310

Old Mundane Stone 1 311
Small Smooth & Siiky Stone 3 396
Deep within the Earthen Peak lives the Baneful Queen, but the path to face her is Arna tnemlos Paqe
fraught with peril. Puppet assassins, captive Sorceresses, and the ever-present poison
are just the beginning of your worries here. The giant, wooden blades of the windmill ....
'E Undead Steelworker 131

are ever-turning, and they fuel a clockwork pumping device that extracts the poison of
the mines and delivers it to the Queen ...
~ Pl:>lson Horn Beetle

"' Manikin
Grave warden 140

Desert Sorceress 141
Mimic 141
To HarvestValley!
0 Crescent Slokle Phantom 142
., Covetous Demon 143
Cll Myths, the Baneful Queen 144

[AR 111 L N PLAK - rI

Poisonbite Ring x1, Important Items Paqe
Soul of a Proud Knight xl
Heavy CrossboW+3 348
Pike 333
Mlrrah Shield 362
Sorcery: Great
Heavy Soul A!row
Ring of Steel Protection+ 1 403
Manikin Mask 368
Miracle: Lightning Spear 390

Estus Flask Shard x1 Poison Broadsword 314

Spell Quartz Rlno+ 1 403
W>rkHook 341
Dark Gauntlets 379
Petrified Something 401
Slcgptic's Spioe x1

Soul of a Nam~ & lARIIIIN PlAK-12

less Soldier x1. W
ntanite Shard ,a

Torch xl [Trap)

Heavy Crossbow +3 x1 .
Heavy Bolt x15

Lucatiel of Mirr11h

COYlltous D11mon
Lower Eanhen Peak

Rice x1

Bro;idsword (Poison) xt, Radiant Lffggem xl

Pharros' Locxstone xt,
TwinklingTitanite xl Burnable Windmill


Central Earthen Peak

M irrah Shield Xl

- Ligh1ning Spear x1

Pharros' Lodestone x1 ITrap)

Poison Stone x1

l:A R 111 l N Pl AK - I" ...j.

Ma nl kin Mask x1 Simpleton's Spice Upper Earthen P9ak

Dark GaunUcits xl, VIA:>rk Hook x1

(Mimic Ch9st) 0
Sma II Smooth &
Silky Stone xl

Petrified Something x1
0 '-------'1--Mytha, the Baneful OU9en

Laddersmith Gilligan

Large Soul ofa Proud Knightx1,

Divine Bl9Ssing x1

M ild-mannercid Pate

Radiant Lifegem x1 Loclc.ed (Opens from WllSt side)

Soul of a Br:iveWarrior x1,
Great Heavy Soul Alrrm To Iron Kee



.J You can approach this ledge from two ways, either from the Head to the end of the corridor, taking out another Manikin in the
·'41' ladder in the room below or through the doorway from Harvest last alcove on the left. Open the chest and take the items, and then
Valley. Either way, you'll find an Undead Steelworker and pots filled loot the corpse in the last alcove on the right. Now go back to the
with poisonous liquid. Try to lure the Undead Steelworker out platform you leapt onto to get here and jump off it to the left to land
towards the exit to Harvest Valley before fighting him to avoid at Position A [ C 02]. Go inside the room and up the ladder on
breaking the pots and poisoning yourself. Once he's down, carry on your right, and then make your way back to the top of the stairs you
through and follow this path round until you start to head up some originally leapt off from.
stairs. '
. J Drop down into the small alcove below you from this point, kill
Watch out for the Poison Horn Beetles on the staircase and in 'II the Poison Horn Beetle inside if you haven't already and pick up
the alcove on the left. While slow, their poisonous cloud covers a the Skeptic's Spice then head back up the stairs [ L 03]. Before
wide area. You'll also find more Undead Steelworkers at the top of going through the Fog Gate, head up the stairs on the right just
the stairs, so take them out too. Once the area is clear, look out before it. Defeat the Poison Hom Beetles and the Undead Steel-
over the edge of the stairs and you'll see a platform in the middle worker inside, but do so away from the chest so you don't acciden-
protruding from the wall. You'll need to leap onto this platform. Take tally break it. The chest is booby-trapped, so keep your guard up or
a running leap off the stairs at such an angle that your landing roll roll away accordingly.
will carry you into the room beyond the platform rather than off the
edge. You should be mostly facing the wall the platform is protrud- Head through the Fog Gate when you're ready to battle the Covet-
ing from when you jump [ 'l 01 J. ous Demon Boss. You'll see large pots hanging above you during the
' battle; these can be knocked down using ranged attacks to free Un-
. .JI After landing on this platform, take out the Poison Horn Beetle in dead Prisoners that will distract the Covetous Demon. Go through
'If the room beyond It. Approach the doorway to the left and lure the other doorway after it has been defeated and head up the stairs.
the Manikin there towards you, and take it out once it reaches the
room. Go through the doorway, keeping your guard up to defend J At the top of the stairs you'll come to a small room containing a
against another Manikin in the alcove to the side. Be sure not to ~ Bonfire, near which you'll also find Lucatiel of Mirrah. Go past the
stand on the pressure plate just after the doorway, as this will Bonfire and ready yourself for an attack as you go up the next set of
trigger an arrow trap. stairs, because a Manikin will come at you once you reach the top.




Wor1d Event
If you've been speaking with Lucatiel at every opportunity so
far, then when you speak to her here she'll give you a Ring of
Steel Protection+ 1 as thanks for listening to her tale. Remem-
ber to go through all of her dialogue here as well, so that she
continues her journey.
-. .A If you have any ranged attacking options, you may want to use
'117 them against the Manikin archers on the right to stop them
pelting you with arrows. Cross the bridge and you'll run into a Grave
Warden; try to lure him back over the bridge to the previous room
so you don't risk falling off the bridge while fighting him and you
won't have to think about the arrows of the Manikins r ~ 05). If
you choose to fight him on the bridge, use the large wheel to your
right as cover from the arrows of the Manikins while you do so .

. .JI Once you get to the room on the other side of the bridge, head
the nght. The first doorway on your right Just leads to one of
kins that was firing at you earlier. If you didn't take him out
before, do so now, but don't try to jump the gap behind him - you
can't make rt. Go bad< to the previous room and carry on to the
right, entering the tunnel. There is a lever on your right as soon as
you enter the tunnel; pull rt to raise the vat of poison you just
passed, and then carry on down the stairs, keeping your guard up
for the Manikin just around the corner. Defeat him, then carry on
until you emerge on a ledge. Follow it to the left for a chest, and
then go back to the previous room.
-, J As you approach the ladder on this side of the room, two
'II Manikins will drop down to attack you. Roll backwards the
moment the first one moves to make his landing attack miss, and
then kill both of them and go up the ladder. Follow the path around,
taking out a Manikin on the way, and go through the Fog Gate to
reach another Bonfire. Activate it, then use it to light your Torch. Take
it to Position B, where you'll get a prompt to light up the windmill
[-ri Oo]. This is important, because setting fire to the windmill will
cause all of the machinery in Earthen Peak that pumps poisonous
material into certain rooms, including the boss room, to grind to a
On the opposite side of this room you'll see a large vat being .·'4ii the
Once you've done that, put your Torch out and go up the stairs to
suspended from the ceiling with a chain, and in this vat is a right just before the Bonfire. Grab the item from the corpse
poisonous liquid. If you pull the switch on the wall nearby it will on your right as you emerge, then head to the back of the room.
cause the vat to rise up to the ceiling, allowing you to move in and Take out the Manikin hiding behind the pillar, and then pick up the
attack the enemies without running the risk of accidentally breaking Manikin Mask from against the wall. Ignore the ladder and head
it [ L 04). Finish them both off, and then head to the back of the back to the doorway on the other side of the room, but watch out
room to find an item, before heading out of the doorway onto the for a pressure plate on the floor just before the doorway that will
bridge. set off an arrow trap [ ( 07].


. JI Watch out for a Manikin on the left as soon as you pass through
'lW the doorway. When he's dead, destroy the wooden railings near '
the edge of the ledge at Position C [ I I 01]. Walk along the edge
of the ledge to the left, and you'll emerge onto a balcony where [J
you'll find Laddersmith Gilligan. Speak to him, and be sure to pay
him the 2000 Souls he asks for to lower a ladder nearby. After I I
you're done with him, use the ladder he has created to go down to
the ledge below. Follow it to find some extremely useful items - a
Pharros' Lockstone andTwinklingTitanite. Go back up the ladder,
and then back across the edge of the ledge, this time following it all
the way to the other end to find another item. Get back onto the
main balcony by breaking a nearby wooden railing.

World Event
After talking to Gilligan a few times, he'll eventually give you
the option to purchase some of his merchandise, and learn a
new Gesture. If you go through all of his dialogue, he'll also
decide that it's time to move on and will end up relocating to
Majula. Once Laddersmith Gilligan makes it back to Majula,
you'll find him nearThe Pit in the center of town. His ladder
making capabilities will come in extremely useful to help you
gain access to new areas, so be sure to pay him a visit.

.J Pull the lever you find on the wall here, and as soon as you do,
W quickly run to the right to ride the large wooden lift in that room
to the top. When it stops, run off the edge to the ledge just below
and loot the chest. There are enemies on the other side of the pots
on this ledge, and while you can't get close to them, you can fire
ranged attacks to take out the Manikin and Desert Sorceress.
However, if you do so. you'll miss your ride back down on the
wooden lift, and will have to drop quite a distance to get back down
so make sure you have plenty of health. Drop down and go back to
the lever. Pull it again, and this time, wait for the wooden lift to rise.
Quickly dash underneath it to retrieve the items hidden there, and
then go to the space to the left of the lift and ascend the ladder
there [ ~ u 02].
J Head through the doorway, ignoring the opening on your right
VI and heading straight towards the Grave Warden you should be '
able to see. He will usually be facing away from you, so try to .J You'll see a Desert Sorceress on the other side of a gap here. Do
backstab him before he notices you. After you defeat him, turn left VI whatever you can to take her out with ranged attacks, even if you
at the fork to start going up the stairs and be prepared for a tough have to use Throwing Knives or Firebombs. When she's down,
fight when you get to the top. approach the gap. You'll want to take a running leap onto the broken
bit of floor to the left of the gap that is slightly protruding out.
You'll find two Desert Sorceresses and a Grave Warden here, along Carefully use an angled jump at the very edge of the gap while you
with a Manikin on the other side of the large circular hole if you are on the left side, slightly facing to the left [ 04]. You should
hadn't killed any of them previously. If you set fire to the windmill land on the left part of the floor. Pick up the item on the other side
earlier. then the large blades in the circular hole will not be spinning, and loot the chest at the back before leaping back. When making
so falling down there is not the threat that it would otherwise be the jump back, run along the right edge and leap off the edge of the
[ •D 03]. Takethem out. and then be careful when opening the cracked bit of floor where you were aiming to land initialty. Now
chest on the left since it's booby-trapped. Now head back down the break the wooden railing at Position D and drop down onto the
stairs and take the path leading the other Wcf11 at the fork. area below.


. -' Upon landing, turn around and go through the doorway to find a
., path that leads to a chest that contains the Great Heavy Soul
Arrow Sorcery. Head back to where you landed. The door on the
right just leads back to a previous area just before the fork, but go
through it now so that you can talk to Mild-mannered Pate, whom
you'll find leaning against the wall [ 05]. Exit back out onto the
ledge and follow it around to Position E, from where you should
drop down to land on another ledge below.

Wor1d Event
Speaking to Pate here is extremely worthwhile because he
Q will give you Pate's Spear, Pate's Shield, a full set of Pate's Ar-
mor and a Ring ofThorns. If you continue to speak with him
he'll also give you a warning about another man that is trying
to kill him. Make sure you go through all of Pate's dialogue so
that he continues his journey.
J Go into the stone alcove area on the left for a chest containing
UJ the Lightning Spear Miracle. To the right of this ledge, you should
be able to see the central bridge that had the Manikin archer on it
from before. He has probably respawned by now, so you'll want to
take him out. You'll have to take a running leap from the ledge you
are on to reach that bridge in the middle to retrieve the item there;
this can be a tricky jump, so if you have a lot of Souls, you may want
to leave it or spend them first.

There are two support columns at the entrance to the alcove, and
you should get into position Just inside the one on the left as you
look out of the alcove [.., I 06). From here you should be able to
see the wooden beams around a filled in doorway near the item on
the bridge, and that is what you want to jump towards. If you run
and jump at the correct angle you should roll into the wall and not
over the edge of the bridge. Grab the Poison Broadsword and Hu-
man Effigy, and then leap off to the right onto the bridge there that
is slightly below you. This is the ledge that leads to the room from
Point 07. Head back to that room and go back up the ladder, which
will lead to the second Bonfire. Use it if you need to, and then go up
the stairs just before it again.
J This time, go up the ladder here. There is nothing left to do
\IP through the doorway to the right, so instead go left. As soon as
you pass through the doorway, look to the right for some poison
filled pots stacked against a wall. Carefully destroy them, preferably
with ranged attacks, and then interact with the wall for a secret door
[ n 07]. Grab the item from the corpse, and then head back out
and continue along the corridor.

Take out the two Desert Sorceresses at the top of the stairs, prefer-
ably using ranged attacks. If you can hit the pots behind them, you
should be able to poison them. Just behind them is a Grave Warden
and another Desert Sorceress. Ignore the area on the left for now and
instead go up the stairs that are Just beyond the Desert Sorceress.


.J Take a right at this fork, and try to use ranged attacks to thin out
IP the poisonous pots in the room ahead before you enter it. This
room also contains no less than sever Poison Horn Beetles; be
careful when dispatching them that you don't accidentally hit the
chest. It is actually a Mimic, and you'll want to tackle it on its own.
Kill it to get the loot it leaves, and then pick up the item from the

There is a Pharros' Contraption on the wall in the corner; if you de-

stroyed the windmill earlier, using a Lockstone on it will cause it to
create a pool of healing water, which is not a particularly good use
of a Lockstone at this point in the area, so consider saving it [ I
01]. If you haven't destroyed the windmill and use the Lockstone, it
will spew out poisonous liquid. Now head back to the fork and go
along the left path this time, but make sure you have your shield
drawn because a Full Moon Sickle Phantom is waiting at the top of
the stairs.
.A Interact with the wall just to the right of the doorway you pass
V, here to find a hidden door with a chest inside. Now go back out
and interact with the wall at Position F to open a hidden doorway
leading to a Bonfire [ ~c O ]. Use it if you need to, and then go
back out onto the ledge. Break some of the pots near the middle of
the ledge, and look down. You should be able to see two Grave
Wardens below you; take them out with ranged attacks if you can.

Drop down and pick up the item from the corpse in the comer, and
then go around to the other side of the stairs where you'll find a
Summon Sign for Jester Thomas. Summon him tf you wish, and
then go through the through the Fog Gate to battle Mytha, the
Baneful Queen. After she's been defeated, you can go through the
doorway at the rear of the room and follow the passage to get to a
lift that will take you to the Iron Keep. However, it is suggested that
you tackle The Pit next, since the Iron Keep may prove too dtfficult
at this point, so after activating the first Bonfire in the Iron Keep,
Travel back to Majula.

World Event
The Dull Ember that Steady Hand McDuff from the Lost Bas-
tille is looking for can be found part of the way through the
Iron Keep, without having to face any of the area's Bosses; if
you're feeling up to the challenge, taking a quick trip into the D
area to get the Ember can be beneficial, since it will allow you
to start infusing your weapons with additional properties a
little bit earlier.
Are these beetles the source of the poison that fills the earth
below the mines, or are they merely the only insect that can
survive in these conditions? Either way, they suit the Queen's
tastes perfectly.

The Poison Horn Beetle will emit a cloud that can poison you very
quickly when you are nearby. The strategy is to either kill them from
range or go for a quick melee kill when they temporarily stop exud-
ing fumes. As long as you fight them one-on-one, you're unlikely to
be poisoned. However, they are low to the ground, so try to use a
vertical attack if you engage in melee.

Polson Horn Beetle 310 60 Yes


LHegem 10 396
Green Blossom 10 399

These advanced
puppets were given life
by the Baneful Queen,
and she uses them
to lure unsuspecting
fools into her traps.
Once upon a time, the
Manikins had heads,
but he Queen ripped
off their faces in a fit of
rage. Watch yourself, or
yours will be next.

Dual-wielding Claws
Fast and aggressive, Claw Manikins are very dangerous if they are
able to htt you. They tend to perform high damage combos, and
they can cause Bleeding very quickly. Ranged fighters should try to
take them down fast; don't let them get close. Melee fighters are
advised to use a shield, as they will rebound harmlessly for an easy
kill. They can be staggered very easily, as well.


Dagger "'p ~n•JI

Dagger Manikins' melee attacks are less dangerous than the attacks Manikin (Dual-wielding Claws) 480 160 Yes
of Claw Manikins in that they don't cause Bleeding, but Dagger
Manikin (Curved Sword) 600 160 Yes
Manikins have a nasty penchant of throwing dangerous Poison
Knives from range. They can throw three very quickly, and even Man lkln (0.-.gger) 620 160 Yes
blocking them may leave you poisoned. Keep Poison Moss ready. Manikin (Bow) 480 160 Yes
Remember that you can get it from the Giant Moths in Huntsman's
,>1, I 11111 1
Manikin Top 1.6 368
Curved Sword
Manikin Gloves 1.6 368
Curved Sword Manikins can cause Bleeding at close range with
their sword attacks, and they'll throw Poison Knives from a distance Manikin Boots 1.6 368
as well. Like all Manikins, they have extremely low Poise; if you Manikin Claws (Dual-wielding Claws) 1.6 341
can hit them before they hit you, you can likely kill them in a single Manikin Sabre (Curved sword) 1.6 321
combo. Manikin KnHe (Dagger & Bow) 1.6 313
Manikin Shield (not Dual-wielding Claws) 1.6 349
Polson Throwing KnHe x3 (not Bow) 2 398
Bow Manikins will harass you from range. They also use Poison-
tipped arrows. Try to fight other enemies in cover, and keep Poison Polson Arrow x3 (Bow) 2 358
Moss ready. Remember that you can get it from the Giant Moths in Iron Arrow x3 (Bow) 3 358
Huntsman's Copse if you need more.

Grave Wardens are charged with watching over the Undead
Crypt. They are soaked and permeated with the power of
darkness, and they use that power to fulfill their duty as
guardians of the crypt. Be you brave knight or depraved slave,
those who disturb the Crypt will be hunted down. Only ... why
are these Wardens so far from the Crypt they are sworn to

The Wardens here have low Poise, so they stagger easily to large
weapons and two-handed Strong attacks. Additionally, their spears
rebound off of shields. Block an attack with a shield, and then you
can land a large combo. They do have high HP, so save some Stami-
na to roll away and recover if you don't think you can kill them in one
combo. Lighter weapon users should strafe around for backstabs
and hits from the side, instead.

Just remember that their spears also deal Dark damage, so your
shield probably won't block all of the incoming damage. They can
heal using Estus if you leave them alone when they are injured.

Grave Warden (Spear &c Robe) 840 380 Yes

Grave Warden (Spear & Armor) 930 380 Yes
Can heal with Estus when Injured

r'h I ll y 0111r

Grave Warden Mask 6 373

Grave Warden Top 6 373
Grave Warden CUffs 6 373
Grave Warden Bottoms 6 373
Sllverblack Spear 6 334
Sil verblack s hleld 6 363


The Desert Sorceress of Jugo project a
very seductive image, and they use their
looks to deceive others. In reality, even
many who realized that this is a trap fall
prey to the Sorceresses' wiles. Perhaps
they are part of Mytha's scheme to lure
more victims into her web?

detonate as a huge blast. They can also throw a Fireball Spread, and
they can use a short-ranged Flame Wave in melee range. They also
have basic melee attacks with their fans. Finally, if a Desert Sorcer-
ess raises her empty hand to her face, she is preparing for her
unblookable Kiss of Death, so roll away.

For melee, wait outside of range until they cast a spell, then two-
hand your weapon and rush them. They have no poise and no shield.
Also, most of their attacks take time to execute. You'd be smart to
kill them from range, but if you get close, finish them fast. Dash to
close the gap, use a Dashing Attack to stun them, and then go for
the kill.

Desert Sorceress 320 300 Yes

Powerful fire magic; unblockable grab attack

Pr t ,1,1 1
The best way to fight these wicked seductresses is from far, far Desert Sorceress Hood 0.6 374
away. A bow or a crossbow is the best method. Often times, there Desert SorceressTop 0.6 374
will be a jar of poison nearby that you can break to poison them for Desert Sorceress Gloves 0.6 374
an easy kill.
Desert Sorceress Skirt 0.6 374

If you insist on running into their range, they have several nasty at- Dragon Chann 7 396
tacks to be concerned about. Their Exploding Fireball will eventually Wiited Dusk Herb 7 395
Magic Stone 2 311
Lingering Dragoncrest Ring +1 1 404

Long ago, there was a clan that was exiled for their avarice. In
their exile, they were branded with a symbol of greed, and with
it a curse. But, truly, suffering leads to great power, and the clan
walks the earth still.


Opening a Mimic chest will result in you being ambushed and likely If you stand in front of the Mimic, it will alternate between its
killed. Until you memorize their locations, always consult the map unblockable eat attack and a basic melee. From a bit farther away. it
before opening a chest. The safest way to open a Mimic trap is from will also spit corrosive acid that lowers your equipment's durability.
range. It's also worth noting that Mimics can be poisoned, so you If you circle behind the Mimic, it will stand up and then fall over
can score an easy kill with Poison Knives, Poison Arrows, or jars of backwards on top of you. Eat is the Mimic's only truly dangerous
poison that are in the environment. attack. Still, it's better to just poison a Mimic from range and call rt
a day.
t'D .,..,ul R <;f'IW!l t p-,-' lllt>'"'' st1ml'1 D rn~ge

Mimic 720 1600 No Eat No No N/A

Will ambush you If opened I spits equipment corroding acid Ud< No Yes Lem
Spit No Yes Lem
l>r b llh F I

Work Hook 100 341

Dark Gauntlets 100 379


Though the Crescent Sickle phantom's true identity is unknown,
he does don the garb of a common brigand. But any brigand
who would seek to steal from travelers in this treacherous den
is probably after more than coins ...

The Crescent Scythe wielded by this phantom can cause Bleeding,
even through a shield. Some of his attacks also deal small amounts
of damage through your shield, regardless of your shield's physical
damage reduction.

Similar to other phantoms, he will often attack after rolling; you

can use this to time a Parry. Another tactic is to Bash him when
he blocks. You can always back up and wait for him to miss a full
combo, as well. Bring him down the stairs into the room with the
poison pool before the Boss Fog so that you have space to fight.

Finally, you can use the environment to kill him if you're struggling.
You can trick him into breaking the poison jars near his starting
point. A single Jar will take most of his life away; Just be careful not
to let him heal afterwards. It's also possible to knock him into the
poison pool. These strategies do carry some risk, as well; don't let
HIM poisonYOU.

Dark Spirit Crescent Sickle Phantom 1720 1280 No Brigand Hood +5 361 BrigandTrousers +5 361
Brigand Armor ~ 361 Full Moon SI ckle 337
Piubal>lllty p 'I
Brigand Gauntlets ~ 361
Brigand Hood ~
Brigand Annor +6 ,

Brigand Gauntlets +6 , 361

Brlgandlrousers +6
Full Moon Sickle , 361


This monster was once a man - a man whose love was
unrequited. He expressed his desire by eating, and eventually
transformed into the Covetous Demon. Is it from sick sense
of love that it remains by the Queen's side? And why does the 9.vipe. Crush
Queen permit and indulge this fiend's gluttony? Perhaps she
wishes only to be desired.

Left Arm Swipe

This is almost identical to the Right Arm Swipe but the Demon uses
his Left. One important thing to note is that these moves cover a
very wide area. It's unlikely that you will be able to strafe beyond
the sweep, so be prepared to block or roll.

When you are at a distance from the Covetous Demon, it will leap
forward and attempt to crush you. Roll to the side to avoid this at-
tack, but don't roll too soon or the demon will adjust its aim.

In close range, the Demon will rear up and then crash down. This
looks a lot like the Leap, but the roll timing is slightly faster. Watch
for this any time you are in melee range.

Right Arm Swipe Roll Over

The Covetous Demon pulls his right arm back and then lunges If you are beside or behind the Covetous Demon, it might pause
forward. This is often used when you are attempting to circle around briefly and shift its weight. That indicates that the Boss is prepar-
him or when you are standing at a medium range. Blocking is the ing to Roll Over. You should roll away from him quickly. He pauses
most reliable way to handle this - be patient and time your roll well briefly after the first roll and is vulnerable, but will quickly recover
if you decide to evade. and roll again. This is a good chance for an attack.


Eat block, so you should roll away. This is another opening for ranged at-
If you stand in front of the Covetous Demon in melee range, it will tacks. Me lee fighters can also try to get a hit in after the final slam,
attempt to lick you up and Eat you. This is an unblockable grab attack but be careful.
that does damage and removes all of your equipment. Strafe to the
side and roll Just before he tries to lick, or back out of range. Vomit
From range, the Boss will sometimes stop moving. This is your
Tall Slam signal that his Vomit attack will begin. He fires disgusting projectiles
When you are directly behind Covetous Demon, he will raise his tail that will damage your equipment if you are hit. You can back up out
in the air and then attempt to smash you with it. This is difficult to of range to avoid this. This is an opportunity for ranged attacks.

Some sort of ranged capabilities are really great for this fight, aiming technique to snipe the jars. This technique also works for
though you can do it without them. When you first enter the room, Throwing Knives.
the Covetous Demon will be sleeping in the center. High above,
suspended by chains, are Undead in jars. The Covetous Demon will If you decide to engage in melee with no distractions, be prepared
eat anything it can get to, including you ... and them. to dodge his Leap as you close in. Once you reach melee range, try
to circle behind him. If you are in front, you need to watch out for
If you use a ranged attack to break the jars, the Undead will fall to his Eat attack. His Swipes can be blocked, so keeping your shield
the ground floor and cower in fear. The Covetous Demon will chase up as you circle should help. Watch for his Roll Over and Tail Slam
them around the room and try to eat them. This is a great chance to attacks; you need to dodge them, but they are also good opportuni-
deal damage to him. Note that while he is eating, he takes reduced ties to hit the Demon.
damage - try to hit him as much as possible while he is chasing
them. If you're quick, you can kill him before he even notices you I Ranged fighters can walk backwards in large circles around the
room. Bait his Leaps, and then hit him with an attack or two. The
Bows and crossbows are very useful for attacking the jars, as they only thing you need to remember is that the room is not perfectly
can be aimed manually. Spellcasters should use the Binocular round; the broken stairs can fool you and get you trapped. Remem-
ber where you are in the room.

HP .... ~ "'Ir-"

Covetous Demon 4440 13000 No Right Ann Swipe No Yes Medium

can remove your equipment with Eat Left Ann Swipe No Yes Medium
Leap No No N/A
• p 'I
Crush No No N/A
Covetous Demon Soul 100 397 Roll Over No Yes High
Eat No No N/A
vomit No Yes Low
Tall Slam No Yes High


Once, long ago, Mytha was the fairest queen in all the land.
Throughout the two kingdoms, none was more beautiful.
Ever seeking the attentions of the King, she willingly poisoned
herself in her eternal search for true beauty; she ultimately l.uN;jing Thrust,
transformed into the monster that lies before you. What passion Chasing Spear
fueled this change? Or is it a natural effect of the poison
dredged up from the depths of the earth?

Soul R;rf. Spread Shot

Spear Slam
Mytha will bring her spear crashing down in a Slam from above. She
can re-aim the Slam if you dodge too soon, and it has very good
range. If you roll, don't do so too quickly; this requires timing. You
can block this, but it does good Stamina Damage and pushes you


Lunging Thrust Baneful Coll
From long range, the Baneful Queen will quickly raise her spear and Mytha pauses, straightens herself, reaches back with both arms,
then uncoil forward in a lightning fast strike. This has great range, and then Coils her tail around you, crushing you. This is unblockable
but as long as you are strafing to the side, it will miss you complete- but has very short range - backstep or roll away immediately if you
ly. This attack has lengthy recovery time in which you can attack. see her reach back with both arms while you are in melee range.

Tall Swipe Spread Shot

If you are directly behind Mytha, she can use her Tail Swipe to hit From range, Mytha will raise her head to fire a wide, magical Spread
you. If you see her lift her tail, backstep to avoid it. You'll then have Shot. Dodge quickly to the side to avoid this. You can also block
a chance to retaliate. If you're very close, you may need to roll away if you feel like you won't be able to dodge in time; you'll still take
instead of backstepping. some damage if you do, though.

Retreating Swipe Soul Ray

This is a quick Spear Swipe that Mytha uses to keep you from This is another magical ranged attack. Mytha will once again raise
getting behind her. It's fairly rare and she doesn't really telegraph it. her head, but this time she'll fire a single, powerful shot. It's better
Keep your shield up when strafing around and you can block it eas- to dodge this than block. Just like the Spread Shot, roll to the side
ily. She leaps backwards during this move to get out of range. to dodge this.

Snake Spin Chasing Spear

Mytha raises her spear to her right side and slashes with it. She This attack can be used from mid- to long-range. The Boss will lift
allows the momentum of the slash to spin herself, and whips at her spear up and behind her. and then begin chasing you. She'll
you with her tail as well. This is blockable but very difficult to roll wait until she is in range before attacking. This attack is tough to roll
through due to hitting multiple times. Either use a shield or stay out dodge, but can be blocked easily.
of melee range.
Head Bomb
Mytha's ultimate technique is to throw her head at you. It will land
on the ground, and explode shortly thereafter. After the blast, she'll
dive to recover it. Get out of range of the blast, and get in a free hit
Strategy when she dives. You can attempt to block this as a last resort, but
If you don't take measures to change the environment, you'll be rolling away is much better.
forced to fight Mytha in a large pool of poison. This will obviously
damage you, but, even worse, poison heals Mytha. Consult the
walkthrough to learn how to remove some of the poison from the
room. such as Spear Slam. Your best opportunities to hurt her are after
missed Lunging Thrusts, Tail Swipes, and Head Bombs. Be careful
Once you've leveled the playing field, the Baneful Queen will be when you run in after the Head Bomb, though, as her bocly can hit
a much easier opponent. She still has some dangerous attacks, you as it dives.
though. Any time you are at range, beware of her Soul Ray, Spread
Shot, and Lunging Thrust. To handle Soul Ray and Spread Shot, roll Don't worry if she moves into the poisons on the sides of the room
to the side. The Lunging Thrust can be stopped by simply walking to from time to time. This is something that is difficult to avoid, but (as
your right; it will miss, and you'll have a chance to inflict damage. long as you drained most of the poison) it won't extend the fight
very long.
It's a good idea to keep a shield up during this battle, though, as
several of her moves are quite quick. The most notable is Chasing Or you could just summon Jester Thomas and let him burn her to
Spear; it's very fast, and she often follows it with a heavy attack death while you focus on survival.

HI-' n.,,.,n 01or" i;:tal"'lra 0.1mam1

OOJI• ll "arrv

Mytha, the Banef\11 Queen 3570 20000 No Spear Slam Yes Yes Medium
Healed by the poison around the room Lunging Thrust No Yes Medium

p Tall SWlpe No Yes Medium

i'r I 11 II~\
Retreating SWfpe No Yes Low
Mytha, the Banef\11 Queen Soul 100 397 Snake Spin Yes Yes Medium
Baneful Coll No No N/A
Spread Shot No Yes Low
Soul Ray No Yes High
Head Bomb No Yes High


In the center of Majula yawns a gaping hole in the ground, incongruous against
the desolate backdrop of crumbling buildings and coastal cliffs. Past kingdoms
once disposed of their failed experiments and unwanted souls here, banishing
them from the surface world and casting them into the lightless depths to be
forgotten. Today The Pit is used merely as a garbage receptacle into which junk,
Graw Entranc11 corpses and various other forms of waste are dumped; nevertheless this grim
and ever-present remnant of Majula's dark history remains permeated with an air
of sorrow and foreboding. Though nobody in the village knows precisely where
the ominous shaft leads or what lurks beneath it in the bowels of the earth,
rumors persist of an ancient crypt housing the remains of forgotten saints and a
Rat King who presides over this subterranean domain.

Roy.ii R;t 'l.lnguard

Arna En omlo s Pago
Crystal Lizard 067

II., ,::,
-l'cJ Undead Prisoner
Corpse Rat
Undead CIUzen
0 Rhoy the Explorer 163
di Raval Rat vanguard 164

Important lterns P,,qc,

Ring of the E\111 Eye+ 1 404

•• Ash Knuoi<le Ring

Sorcery: SoulVortex
Miracle: Great
Lightning Spear

Radiant Ufclgem X1

Miracle: Great Heal 389
Wltohtree Branch 343
Wltohtree BelMne 346
Pharros' Lod<stone x2 401
Hex: Whisper of Despair 394
Bleed Stone x1 311
Poison Moss x2
Disc Chime 346
Pharros' Lod<stone x1 401
Bleed Stone x1 311
Disc Chime 346 Whisper of Despair, Torch x1 --+

R;t King

Hom&w.1rd Bone x3

(iRAVI <11 SAINr'i-11


Radiant Ufllgem x1
(lower platform)___,~ ....

Token of Spite x1
(Ground l9V91)
Human Effigy x1 -\-'""~;::::.~

To The Gutted


Ring of the Evil Eye +1

Ash Knudcle Ring x1

Disc Chime x1

1111 PII- B3

Great Hiial

1111 Plr-B2
( iRAVI ()J SAi NTS - R2
Bleed Stoll9 x1


Witchtree Br.inch x1.

Witchtree Bllllvine x1

Lodced (Foigotten K"r')


• Large Soul of a
Nameless Soldier x1
Harval's Resfog Place

Pha rros' lodestone x1

Pharros' Lodestone x1
1111 Pl I - l\ I
SmaN Smooth & Silky Stooe x3
J The Pit is not normally accessible until the player has met
'I' Laddersmith Gilligan and triggered him to move to Majula; a drop
from the lip of the shaft to the highest platform will typically inflict
enough fall damage to result in death [ n 01 ]. However, by using
the Silvercat Ring and bringing enough healing ttems to endure
several long falls the player can survive the inttial drop and enter this
area very early. Wtth some careful footwork tt is possible to reach
the two exits at the bottom without Laddersmith Gilligan's assis-
tance. The upper exit leads to the Grave of Saints and the lower to
The Gutter; anyone wishing to explore these areas is advised to visit
the Grave of Saints first. as clearing tt will position the player to
obtain several otherwise unreachable items before leading directly
to The Gutter.

World Event
After meeting Laddersmith Gilligan at Earthen Peak and
exhausting his dialogue he will return to Majula and secure
a seat at the edge ofThe Pit. From this point forward he will
offer the player his services in exchange for Souls and will
install ladders in The Pit according to how much he is paid,
with larger sums resulting in longer ladders. The cheapest
ladder is just long enough to prevent a falling death while
accessing the uppermost platform; the moderately expen-
sive option results in a ladder that reaches the platform di-
rectly below the corpse with the Pharros' Lockstone, and the
most exorbitant choice extends all the way to the platform
with the preexisting ladder to the locked stone door.
J Drop down to the uppermost platform and pick up the item on it.
'IfThe platform below has a corpse with a Pharros' Lockstone; be
absolutely sure to pick this up and save it for use in the Grave of


Saints, as it is required in order to access a side area [-1[.J 02). From
the corpse that had the Lockstone, walk to the opposite end of the
platform and drop onto the one just below. You will notice an item
on the next platform down; this is your target. but make sure you're
fully healed before attempting to reach it because it's a long drop.
The surest way to reach it safely is to perform a dashing jump; do
not attempt to roll, as doing so won't carry you far enough forward
to reach the platform. Pick up the items from the corpse, and then .J The stone ledge below is marked by two torches; drop down to it
drop down to the stone ledge with two torches illuminating a tunnel 'I' by walking carefully off the platform. This path ultimately leads to
entrance. Enter the tunnel and light the Bonfire. the Gutter, but for now you'll just be venturing a short way in.
' Before entering the tunnel, equip a weapon which will allow you to
, J At this point you can either return to the main shaft to claim the hit a small enemy close to the ground; those with overhead swings
'II Slumbering Dragoncrest and Ash Knuckle Rings, or proceed to or vertical slashes will work best. Proceed onto the rope bridge and
the Grave of Saints. If you want the rings we suggest bringing a use the aforementioned weapon to kill the Crystal Lizard before it
Homeward Bone to enable a safe return to the Bonfire; these are can escape.Retrieve its drops and perform a running jump across
dropped by the Undead Prisoner and three can be found near this the gap to reach the treasure chest containing the Ash Knuckle
area's Boss. The safest way to get the rings is to Travel back to Ring. After picking up the ring, immediately use a Homeward Bone
Majula, and then buy and use the most expensive ladder from to return to the Bonfire (you can also use the Darkslgn if you aren't
Laddersmith Gilligan. The narrow beams that cross The Pit make carrying a large number of Souls). Should you accidentally fall off the
jumping across from the tunnel entrance safely highly unlikely. bridge to the area below, you will be rushed by a mob of Undead
Another ladder ascends from the platform that you end up on, Citizens.
which leads to a large stone door that is locked and requires a key; '
ignore it for now and walk slowly off the edge onto the short J From the Bonfire, enter the tunnel resembling a rat's head. Kill
platform just beneath you [-+ ""l O J. Do not attempt to land on the W the two dormant Undead Prisoners in the tunnel, and then step
narrow beams, as they will break and drop you to your death. From through the doorway into the Grave of Saints. As soon as you pass
the short platform, aim the camera downward and note the item on through the entrance the two Undead Prisoners in the tunnel will
the longer platform below. This is the Ring of the Evil Eye + 1; drop stand up and attack you from behind if you left them alone; at the
down carefully to retrieve it. same time four Corpse Rats will emerge from tunnels in the circular

World Event °"

room ahead and move in to attack. Try to use the doorway as a
choke point to avoid fighting too many rats at once [- n J. Pick up
the soul item from the only accessible corpse in this room and
The locked stone door can be opened with a key found in
a well-hidden area of Black Gulch. After obtaining it, return proceed to the chamber ahead.
here and open the locked stone door for access to the Soul '
Vortex and Great Lightning Spear scrolls, a Witchtree Branch J Climb the steps onto a ledge overlooking an underground river.
and a Witchtree Bellvine. IP Three more rats will emerge from burrows at the end of the
ledge to the right; turning left leads to a dead end with three Small
Smooth and Silky Stones on a corpse and a dormant Undead
Prisoner who will attack when they are taken. There's a Pharros'
Contraption on the floor near here, but using a Lockstone in it will
cause all of the torches in the area to go out. so unless you're trying
to hide it's better to keep the Lockstone. There's another Contrap-
tion on the wall at Position A, and using that one will cause a
torrent of water to come flowing down above the nearby alcove.

The most important Contraption In the area, however, can be found

at Position B, on the floor directly across the river from a raised
wooden drawbridge r l 05). Place the Lockstone in this recepta-
cle to lower the bridge and enable access to a large room with three
rat statues. Three Corpse Rats will emerge from the tunnels when
you approach the item on the lower level; the corpse above it holds
the scroll of Whisper of Despair and a torch.



-, J The other drawbridge cannot be lowered from here, so backtrack

'II across the river and turn left (toward where the second group of
rats emerged from the far wall). Proceed in this direction until you
reach a niche with an ascending ladder on your right (-1U O ]. As
soon as you approach the ladder you will be invaded by Rhoy the

.J Explorer, an NPC phantom who will appear on the level above you at
the far end of the hall to the right. A Corpse Rat will drop from a
hole in the ceiling when you exit the niche and should be lured back
inside to kill it without getting Rhoy's attention; more rats wander

•. ; -. ~
the corridor to the left and may attack if you venture out far enough
for them to spot you.
When you are ready, walk into Rhoy's view to get him to chase
you and immediately descend the ladder to the lower level; this
will separate him from the rats and allow you to fight one-on-one.
Do not approach Rhoy on the upper level, as two more rats will drop
from the ceiling behind you when you move in; we suggest instead
luring him back to the drawbridge on the lower tier and pushing him
off with normal attacks. When he is defeated, return to the upper
level via the ladder. The Pharros' Contraption on the floor just in front
of the ladder will lower another bridge that leads across to the
upper part of the room on the other side of the river; if you've
already got the items over there, there's no real need to use a
Lockstone here.

If you turn left and continue up the path, you'll see three rat statues
on the ground next to three Pharros' Contraptions. Putting a Lock-
stone in any of these contraptions will cause the rat statue next to it
to spew out acidic liquid, leaving a pool of it on the floor. Since this
will only cause you problems, you should only use a Lockstone here
if you want to impede someone that has invaded you. Turn left again
into a side hallway at the end of the corridor and pick up the items
from the skeleton - Just beware of the rats beyond the gnawed
stone coffin ahead as they may crawl through to attack you [ -1 L..J 02].
.J Exit the small hallway, turn right and proceed to the opposite end
'fl of the corridor. Along the way you'll pass another Pharros'
Contraption on the floor, and this one will also cause a pool of acidic
liquid to be created by the nearby rat statue. Around the corner to
the right is a Bonfire; light it and enter the Fog to engage this area's
boss, the Royal Rat Vanguard. After defeating the Boss, proceed
through the exit, but do not attack the lone rat sitting atop a pile of
bones - atthough nearly indistinguishable from the others, this
rather nondescript fellow is in fact the Rat King himself. Go down


the tunnel near the Rat King, and then drop through the hole to . -' Drop carefully through the hole in the floor and descend using
reach the Pharros' Lod<stone in the previously inaccessible center Ill the coffins protruding from the walls. After walking off the last
of the circular crypt room. coffin, take the Bleed Stone from the corpse behind the bars at the
end of the bridge and perform a running jump from Position C to
World Event reach the Disc Chime on the broken ledge to the left of the treasure
Showing him the Rat's Tail dropped by the Royal Rat Van- chest[-' l 03]. You'll take a moderate amount of damage from
guard Boss will convince the Rat King that you're worthy of making the jump, so make sure you have enough health to survive.
joining his Covenant. Upon doing so you'll be given the Crest Drop down again and dodge the Undead Cttizens until all of them
of the Rat Ring, and if you wear it in this area, other players have detonated, and then, facing the treasure chest above as a
who are not part of the Covenant will be drawn into your reference, head down the tunnel to your left and pick up the Great
world. By bringing other players into your world like this, Heal Miracle at the dead end. Backtrack down the other tunnel to
you can set up the area before hand through the use of the access the shaft descending to The Gutter.
numerous traps you can activate, thus giving you a signifi-
cant advantage. For more details on this Covenant, please
refer to P.421.


Ubiquitous unarmed and unclothed Undead whose journeys were cut tragically
short when they went Hollow; their corpses can be found throughout Drangleic still
clutching the various items they carried. Those not yet fully dead are often dormant
when first encountered and in such cases they will stand to attack only when the
player alerts them to his or her presence.

Nonnal Attack

' i
•• j I
• '\
• •

~r .
.. I \ •.

~ ..
• •

uo ~..,.... p '1> \",,

Undead Pr1soner 240 60 Yes

Scripted Ambush

Pmt'lht, tty nail

Strategy Prisoner's Hood 1 368

As the most basic of fodder enemies, the Undead Prisoner requires Prisoner's Thtters 1 368
no great effort nor any complex strategy to defeat. Players need Prisoner's Gloves 1 368
only be mindful of the two scripted ambushes in the Grave of
Saints: the first by two Undead Prisoner in the tunnel past the first
Bonfire and the second by a single one leaning against a pile of
Prisoner's Walstcloth
Simpleton's Spice ,
1 368
rubble next to the three Small Smooth and Silky Stones. Homeward Bone 5 400


Corpse-foraging giant rats residing in the Grave of Saints. While
at first glance they appear to be no more than putrid vermin,
these sentient rodents are in fact loyal subjects of the noble
Rat King and will bravely defend their subterranean kingdom
against intruders. It is whispered that those who demonstrate
their integrity may be granted an audience with the King and, if
deemed worthy, initiated into the ranks of righteous rats ...

the attention of a group of rats, you should lead them into a room
you have already cleared to deal with them where there is no dan-
ger of interference; fighting them in the vicinity of other enemies or
environmental hazards can quickly spiral out of control. The Poison
buildup from a single Corpse Rat's attacks is fairly slow but taking
consecutive hits from a large group can fill it much more rapidly.

In general, thrusting attacks are best for hitting a Corpse Rat before
it can hit you; against groups, horizontal swings will buy you enough
breathing room to back off and recover your stamina. Corpse Rats
are susceptible to all types of damage but particularly hate fire;
ranged attacks are effective on these slow-moving targets as are all
varieties of magic.

Corpse Rat 240 70 Yes

Physical attacks cause Petrification buildup
Corpse Rats move slowly and their attacks lack range, enabling all
but the heaviest players to outrun them with relative ease. They are ,.In. t 1111 \ n
an annoyance when alone, but can become a real threat in groups,
so avoid taking on too many at a time. Ideally, once you have gotten Old Radiant Ufegem 1 396
Polson Moss 5 396
Repair Powder 2
Warmth , 400
Rat Tall 1 402

Former citizens of Drangleic
who were the victims of Lord
Aldia's experiments. Their
bodies are horribly disfigured
as a result of the unspeakable
procedures to which they were
subjected, their life forces now
sustained by unstable and
highly-volatile Souls.

Undead Citizens have a unique and deadly method of attack: throw-
ing themselves at the player and detonating their core. In the case
of the variants with red cores found in The Grave of Saints, the
detonation will trigger a wide-ranging explosion which will Instantly
kill its user and inflict severe fire damage on anything caught in the
blast, including other Undead Citizens. These enemies have fairly
low health and can be easily killed with ranged attacks or spells.
They can also be safely killed with melee weapons before they
throw themselves at the player, but their final leap has a few invin-
cibility frames and the blast becomes extremely difficult to evade
if they are allowed to initiate the lunging animation. They will also
occasionally swipe at players with their arms.


More agile players may opt simply to move out of the Undead
Citizen's way as it detonates; this can be accomplished by dashing Undead Citizen (Red Core) 260 260 Yes
toward it until it begins Its leaping animation and then continuing
directly past it in the opposite direction of its leap. Bear In mind that Chases player down and self-destructs
the player must actively deliver the finishing blow to an Undead Ph l 1 111 ~
Citizen in order to obtain Souls for the kill; those killed by their own
self-destruct can still drop items but will yield no Souls. An Undead Charcoal Pine Resin 6 399
Citizen killed by the suicide blast of another Undead Citizen WILL Flame Butterfly 6 400
yield Souls upon its defeat.


Don't be fooled by R hoy's
charade of helplessness - he
wears a suit of transparent back. Occasionally he will attempt to roll directly toward the player
armor and wields a curved in order to avoid a counterattack using invincibility frames, a behav-
sword and shield which are ior common to Al-controlled invaders; this can generally be thwarted
Invisible due to the effects with a vertical overhead swing, a thrust from a polearm or simply
of the rings with which rolling out of the way. [ ~ O ]
he is equipped. His sword
has short reach and he will Ranged attacks are effective when fighting Ahoy on the long, nar-
relentlessly attempt to close row pathways overlooking the subterranean river. as the terrain lim-
the distance, but this can be its his evasive options. Spells are also effective in these situations,
used to the player's advan- particularly those with areas of effect or homing capabilities. If the
tage - a weapon with long player has used a Pharros' Lockstone to lower either of the bridges
reach can hit the Usurper across the river, Ahoy can be lured onto them and simply pushed off
before he is able to strike with a flurry of weak attacks.

HP D n • "!\ <>-,n

Da r1< Splrtt Rhoy the Explorer 1420 2600 No Helm of Aurous 363 Leggings of Aurous 363
Wears lmllslble equipment I can heal via Estus Flask Armor of Aurous 363 Shotel +6 321

Ptobabll It T p ~ Gauntlets of Aurous 363 Heavy Crossbow +6 348

Helm of Aurous 1 363

Armor of Aurous 1 363
GaunUets of Aurous 1 363
Leggings of Aurous 1 363
Shotel+6 1 321
Heavy Crossbow +6 1 348


A servant of the Rat King tasked with overseeing the Grave of
Saints burrow and testing the worthiness of those who seek
an audience with his lord. This loyal rodent can be identified
among his subordinates by the dark ridge of fur on his back,
perhaps a symbol of his status in the underground kingdom.

After entering the Fog Gate a horde of rats will swarm out of the to fight them unless you are cornered and have no other choice.
walls and fill the room. The Boss rat will appear after 10 normal rats Instead, continue moving around the perimeter of the room until the
have been killed and his arrival on the battlefield will be announced Vanguard arrives. The rats are fairly slow and will have trouble catch-
by the appearance of his life bar. The Royal Rat Vanguard can be ing up to attack, allowing you time to heal or apply a weapon buff.
identified by the mohawk-like ridge of dark fur along his back; once The statues in the room can be used as cover and to slow pursuing
he is defeated the other rats will retreat and the fight will end. rats down. The rats can be distracted with an Alluring Skull and will
temporarily forget about the player in order to chase it; this can buy
The Royal Rat Vanguard behaves exactly the same as the normal valuable time and breathing room, so bringing as many as possible
rats, with the exception that his physical attacks are considerably to the fight is highly recommended.
stronger and cause a buildup of both Poison and Petrification. He
has a great deal more health than the other rats, but considerably In general, kite the normal rats and try to avoid taking damage until
less than most Bosses, making burst damage an ideal means of the Vanguard appears; then focus all your efforts on him and try to
ending this fight as quickly and safely as possible. eliminate him as quickly as possible. Continue to use due caution,
such as conserving enough stamina for a roll if a quick escape
The primary difficulty presented by this Boss is the constant inter- should become necessary, and take care not to back yourself into a
ference from the other rats. A total of 100 normal rats will join the corner. Defeat the Royal Rat Vanguard to claim his soul and a Rat's
battle before they stop appearing; there is little point in attempting Tail.

HI-' n'J I n D •r Rine" St11Mll"I O m 10

Royal Rat Vanguard 1410 11000 No vanguard Claw Yes Yes Minor
Physical attacks cause Polson and Petrify buildup vanguard Combo Yes Yes Minor

1.1h t I Ill• p- Royal RatTad<le Yes Yes Minor

Royal Rat Vanguard Soul 100 397

Ratl=ill 100 402


Deep within the earth beneath Majula lies an anarchic settlement of filth Area lrwml!!s f>;JQ<>

and chaos bui It by the forsaken souls cast into The Pit. Th is lig htless hel I Undead Citizen 007
is the resting place of all that the kingdoms of ages past wished to forget, Undead Prisoner (Unarmed) 114
echoing with the bitterness and despair of those who were thrown away.
Deeper still, a dim bioluminescence radiates ominously from the mouth of ..
l? Undead Prisoner (Torch)
c Undead Prisoner (Broken sword)
a cavern avoided even by most inhabitants ofThe Gutter ... ll
Polson Horn Beetle 139
Hunting Dog 164
Coal Tar 164
Soul of; Proud Knight X1 Ring of Soul Protection X1
Corrosive Ant Queen 166
Zipline <Roon
g Razorback Nlghtcrawler 166
I Ill (illf"llR-11 (I)

Elite Giant 166

Bandit GreataXll xl (I)
0 Melinda the Butcher 166
al The Rotten 167

tmport.urt lt ems P,,q<'

Token of Spite 401
Dark Pyromancy Flame 342
Tattered Set 361
Ring of the Ev11 Eye 404
Bandit Greataxe 327
Ring of Soul Protection 404
Twinkling Titanlte 310
Wicked Eye Greatshleld 368
Great Club 331
Hex: Dark Fog 393

) Fragrant Branch of Yore

Shot el
sorcery: Great Magic
Hex: Scraps of life 394
SOul of a Giant 396
Forgotten Key 402
Ring of Giants + 1 404
Petrified Dragon Bone 310
Pharros' Lockstone 401
ToThe Pit Fire Seed 310


n II c: lJ I I l R - [\ I
Large Soul of a
Nameless Soldier xl

--~ Ufegem x1

Top Floor

0 Soul of a Namelees Soldier X1

Dark P)Tomancy Flame xt,

Poison Arrow ,ao Blad( Rrebomb x2 Rotten Pine Resin lC3
[Lower floe.-)

Poison Moss X1

Wicked E.yg Greatshield x1

Havcirs G reatshield x1,
--J'- Havel's Helm x1,
Havel's Armor X1.
Havel's GaunUets x1,
Tat!Qred Cloth Hood X1.
Havel's Leggings X1
Tat!Qred Cloth Robe X1,
Tattered Cloth Manchenee X1,
Heavy Boots X1

Rotten Pine Resin lC3


To Black Gulch

Tl ll C,U I I l R - R3

Dark Fog, Torch X1

!'!;grant Branch of'll:>re X1 Ufegem >G!O


Ring of Giants + 1 X1.
Pe1rified Dragon Bene x1

Siver Talisman x4 Pharros' Lod<stone x1

Lone Hunter Schmidt

(Summon Sign)

Divine BIQSSing X1

Saaps of Lit&, Torch x1

Locked (Forgotten Keyl

Large Soul of a
Nameless Soldier x1

Bladk Gulch Mouth



0 0


.J Drop onto the scaffolding and carefully descend to the bottom,
'I' picking up the Radiant Ufegem and Human Effigy along the way,
and the Token of Spite from the chest at the bottom. Walk out onto
the ledge with the white statues, but beware - from this point
forward these will laund1 clouds of poison at players who walk
directly in front of them. You can, however, destroy the statues, so
try to come at them from the side or behind so that you can destroy
them without them shooting poison at you. Drop from the ledge
onto the top of the large descending scaffold, again to the bottom of
the scaffold and a final time to the platform with the Bonfire [..., I I
01]. Standing for too long on the left lower edge of the scaffold will
cause It to break beneath you; the right side is stable and will
remain intact when traversed.

World Event
If you haven't acquired one through other means, now that
you have a Token of Spite you can Travel to the Undead Pur-
gatory Bonfire and speak with Titd1y Gren to join the Brother-
hood of Blood Covenant. For more details on this Covenant,
please refer to P.421.

J Due to the extreme darkness in this area, it's highly recommend-

'lf ed that you make use of any time you have left on your Torch and
light the sconces around the area as you come to them to help
illuminate your path. Take the item in the pot near the Bonfire, and
then cross the rope bridge. Immediately after reaching the other
side, the floor to the left of the bridge's support posts will break if
stepped on [B [ 1 02]. After falling through that section of floor
you'll be in an enclosed space with several Undead Prisoners that
will stand up and attack. You have a brief window to take them out



while they get up, so try and finish them off as quickly as possible
to avoid getting surrounded.
.JI Once you've taken them all out. approach the opening in the
'fl room to get your bearings, and then perform a running jump
across to the platform with two more Undead Prisoner at Position
A [-i LJ 03]. Take out the enemies in the area, and then walk across
the planks to the next platform and drop through the square hole in
the center. There's only one way to go from here, so continue
through the gap toward the next room, making sure to smash the
three pots on the ledge just outside it for an item.
. .JI Kill the Hunting Dog in the large room and proceed up the series
'I' of ladders, eliminating several Undead Prisoners as you come to
them on each floor. At the top of the ladder are three more pots
- break them for an item, and then drop off the edge at Position B
to reach a platform below [ l J O l. Cross the bridge and beware of
the Undead Citizen that will rush you from the other end. As soon
as you pass beneath the overhanging bridge above, an Undead
Prisoner will drop down behind you and attack. When you step off of
the bridge you will be attacked by a Hunting Dog and several more
Undead; deal with them and climb the ladder on the left. Take the
items from the chest, and then climb back down the ladder.
. .JI After reaching the bottom of the ladder, immediately turn and
'17 walk slowly off the edge at Position C so that you land on a
small platform [ I 05]. Drop again to the platform below that and
circle around the wall to the left to find an item on a corpse inside a
pot. Circle back around, and this time walk straight through the hole
in the wall ahead to land in a room with an Undead Prisoner.
Eliminate him, smash the pots at the opposite end of the room to
collect a set of Pyromancer Armor, and then drop onto the rocky
ledge just behind the pots. Beware of the statue suspended from a
rope to the left, because it will begin launching poison if you land
within its line of sight.
. .JI After dropping onto the ledge, turn right and walk straight ahead.
'i1 Take out the Undead Prisoners when you come to them, and Dropping down the series of ledges on this side of the hut allows
then open the chest at the end of the path. Climb the nearby ladder access to a pot with two Flame Butterflies, but getting them will
after opening the chest, and then smash the pots at the top to find require retracing your steps all the way back up again. Climb the
another item after clearing out the Undead Citizens in the area. ladder to the roof of the structure, and then after using the zipline
Circle around and take out the Undead Citizen that's standing near to cross back over to the other side of the area, turn left and drop
another group of pots, and then smash them to get the item that's down onto the platform just in front of the bridge you crossed
hidden in one of them. earlier [-1 U 06].


. .J Cross the bridge again but this time cross the planks at Position
'II D toward an area with several poison statues and a ladder.
Carefully destroy the statues. and then climb the ladder and start
crossing the bridge you come to. The platform on the other side of
the bridge has an Undead Citizen and a Hunting Dog on it, and there
are also two holes in the floor of the area that the enemies occupy
- try and lure them back onto the bridge to fight them on solid
ground. Sometimes those enemies will have fallen through the
holes themselves. in which case you won't have to fight them.

When the area is clear. go to the edge of the platform at Position

E and look down below. You should be able to see a small ledge
that's lined with poison statues. and that's where you need to jump
to [ G O ]. If you land far enough to the left you will avoid being
immediately poisoned and should have enough time to destroy
some the statues before they can accomplish this. Attempting to
jump to this ledge from the lower level after falling through the floor
will often result in death, because the statues will hit you in mid-air
and cancel your momentum. If you have to try Jumping from that
location, use Firebombs if you have them to destroy some of the
statues first, giving you a small area to land in. Once safely on the
ledge, follow it around the corner to the area's second Bonfire, and
then Travel back to the Upper Gutter Bonfire.
.~ Cross the bridge near the Bonfire, and then continue on along
'IP the next one directly ahead to reach an area with a Hunting Dog.
After killing the enemy, cross the next bridge to reach another
platform and take out the numerous Undead Prisoners there. Once
you've dealt wtth them, destroy the statue hanging by a rope next
to a ramp leading up to a dead-end platform. Walk halfway up the
ramp and drop off to the right - you will see an Undead Prisoner
carrying a torch that nicely lights up the ledge you want to land on
[ ( JO ].

J Several more Undead Prisoners will attack when you approach;

'II kill them and take the item from the corpse. Proceed forward,
keeping the rock wall of the cavern on your right side, until you
reach the spot where the wall ends. Drop onto a narrow ledge, and
from there jump across to a wooden platform, from which you can
drop down to the ground [ 0 O ... ]. Circle around the wooden
structure to find the ladder and climb it to the top. Perform a running
jump onto the rocky ledge with the treasure chest and loot it for the
contents. As soon as you set foot on the ledge you will be invaded
by Melinda the Butcher; she will appear on a nearby tower, but
cannot reach you from there. so ignore her for now.
J Turn around and perform another running jump off the left side of
IV the ledge and land on the middle level of the wooden structure
you were just on top of[-,~ 04]. Grab all of the items here. and
then drop through the hole in the floor to get back to the base of the
tower, so that you can use the ladder to reach the top again. Jump
back over to the ledge with the chest and proceed forward along
the left wall.

Drop down to the ground below and continue following the left wall
to a vvooden walkway, and then follow that back to the first Bonfire
while making sure to smash the pots along the way for an item.
As soon as you drop to the wooden walkway Melinda will begin to
pursue you; wait for her at the Bonfire. where you can easily reclaim
your souls if she defeats you. She will etther eventually reach you or
fall off the platforms and die along the way. From the first Bonfire,
make the long Journey back around the area to Position E where
you jumped across to reach the second Bonfire.
.J Instead of jumping across, however. this time head to the left
VI and use the nearby bridge to reach a narrow walkway along the
wall. Go into the cave on the left as you advance along the ledge,
and after taking out the U ndead Prisoner inside, open the chest to
loot the contents. Exit the cave now and follow the ledge along to
the left until it ends. From this position you should be able to see a
Hunting Dog and an Undead Prisoner. so if you have ranged attacks,
take them out from the safety of the ledge [ U 05].


Drop off the ledge to a platform when you're ready, and smash the
pots to reveal the item hidden on a corpse inside one of them. Be
careful how you break the pots, however, because there's a hole in
the floor near them and you don't want to roll into it. Ignore the Fog
Gate for now, and continue following the left wall to another cave
containing several Poison Horn Beetles and a gigantic Corrosive Ant
Queen; besides the enemies this room only contains some Poison
Moss so head back to the Fog Gate and enter.
. .JI The room beyond the Fog Gate contains several ladders, all
,sf leading down to the floor below. The most lucrative path down m
terms of items, however, can be accessed via the ladder at
Position F, which you can reach by following the wall around to
right as you enter [-i ! 1 Ob]. After descending the ladder, continue
dropping down along a series of wooden platforms, collecting items
from within pots as you go until you reach a stone platform with a
chest on it. Loot the chest, and then descend the ladder from this
platform to reach the ground below, where you should be ready for
an ambush by several Undead Prisoners. Once you've thwarted the
ambush gather up the items from around the area before moving
.JI Try to break the oddly-shaped Jars blocking the exit at Position G
,ti from a distance, as they contain acid that will corrode your
equipment if you get doused in it [ 07). Restore your HP to full
or equip the Silvercat Ring before walking off the edge beyond the
pots, because this is a considerably long fall. The corpse on the
ground below contains an all-important Fragrant Branch of Yore;
make absolutely sure to take this before making your way along the
ledge and passing through the Fog Gate into Black Gulch.


you must drop onto a small outcropping below. The outcropping is
only visible from directly above and while holding a litTordl, and
since it is quite a long fall, you should make sure you have plenty of
health before dropping down I J 02). This cave bypasses the tar
pits and will allow you to destroy several statues on a ledge just
beyond them; Lucatiel of Mirrah can also be found inside.

World Event
The harshness of being in Drangleic is even starting to take
its toll Lucatiel, so make sure you listen to all of her dialogue
to help her through things. Talking to her will also mean that
her Summon Sign will show up later in the area, and she will
also move on to another location.
.J Upon dropping down from the ledge you'll be among a number
VP of tar pools, so make sure you move carefully and take out the
Coal Tar enemies hidden within them. When it's clear, backtrack up
the path a bit and go into the small alcove nearby to reach a chest.
Head back onto the main path now and continue on past the pools
of tar toward a large number of pots on the ground. Some of these
pots hold items, but be very careful as you approach them, because
a Razorback Nightcrawler will emerge from a hole in the wall nearby.
These giant black worm-like creatures are stationary and can either
be killed from a distance or attacked up close during the recovery in
their attacks, so take it out before you claim the items.

Directly below this area are more hidden caves, so approach the
edge of the cliff at Position I, and drop down onto the platform
below [ )L.J 03). The door you can reach on this platform is locked at
the moment, but the key is close by. Facing the door, turn right and
follow the wall. When the ledge stops, continue hugging the wall
and walk off the end to land on a much narrower outcropping with
a corpse below. Turn around (placing the cliff on your right side and
the chasm on your left) and walk forward off the end of the outcrop-
ping, sticking as close to the wall as possible.
' .A You will land on a wider outcropping with a large cave entrance.
J Beware that the statues in this area, although different in W Proceed into the cave with caution, because it opens out into a
W appearance from those in The Gutter, will continue launching large circular cavern inhabited by Elite Giants. If you're playing
poison projectiles and their placement is now far more dense. There cooperatively, there will be more Giants the more people you have,
are also numerous circular black pools on the ground, and some of
these serve as hiding spots for the Coal Tar enemy; get too close
and they will jump out and ambush you with a grab attack.

For players experiencing excessive difficulty due to the statues'

constant barrage, we recommend clearing your way to the Boss'
Fog Gate once to eliminate the statues along the way before return-
ing to the Bonfire to rest. Any statues destroyed by the player will
not respawn unless the area is reloaded (such as after a death or
warping via Bonfire); this will allow for a much safer trip back to the
Boss and help preserve Estus. A short way down the path into the
Black Gulch you'll be able to turn left into a small cave that contains
a Bonfire [ 01 ].
. .JI Exit the cave and proceed along the path to the edge of the cliff
·V, at Position H; Just before the pools of tar there is a well-hidden
cave entrance beneath you in the chasm, and in order to access it


up to a maximum of four. When they're defeated you will obtain a
Soul of a Giant and the Forgotten Key, which unlocks stone doors
like the one you passed to get here. Circle the cave clockwise along
the wall from the entrance to find a small room with a chest that
you can loot.

Continue following the wall clockwise from there and you will come
to another room with a cage elevator and a pot you can smash to
get some items. Take the elevator and exit the cave; this will place
you at another group of Coal Tar pits just before the Boss. Lone
Hunter Schmidt can be summoned from the Summon Sign on your
right immediately after dropping down from the cave exit, but you'll
also be able to summon Lucatiel shortly, so you may want to forgo
summoning him [ J 041.

Wor1d Event
Now that you have the Forgotten Key, make sure you re-
member to circle back around and drop down again so that
you can open the doors. Behind the doors ls a Shrine to the
Abyss, where you'll also find Darkdiver Grandahl. You need to
speak with Darkdiver Grandahl at each of the three Shrines of
the Abyss before he'll give you access to his merchandise and
allow you to join the Pilgrims of Dark Covenant.You'll also be
able to offer Human Effigies to him to power the Shrines to
the Abyss, which you can then use to travel to the mysterious
Dark Chasm of Old. For more information on this area, please
refer to P.423 Remember to also take another trip down The
Pit now that you have the key, since it will allow you access
to a number of items from behind the door there.
J If you follow the fossilized skeleton along from the Summon
\IP Sign, you'll come to a small cave containing a chest; there are
also several statues positioned to simultaneously strike anyone
entering the tunnel with poison, so destroy these carefully while
entering [ n 05]. The chest itself is made of wood and positioned
directly on top of a pool of tar, so using any kind of fire-based attack
in this enclosed space runs the risk of igniting the tar and destroying
the chest. Exit the tunnel and destroy the nearby pots to get
another item.
.J Cross over to the other side of the area now. and look for a
VI narrow path running around the edge that leads into a hidden
cave with the area's second Bonfire [ or:-1. Rest up at the Bonfire
if needed, and use the Summon Sign to bring Lucatiel to your aid if
you want. Break the nearby pots to reveal a hidden Pharros'
Lockstone, and then continue along the tunnel behind them to drop
back down into the main area. Head through the nearby Fog Gate
now to do battle with The Rotten.
J After defeating The Rotten, fully restore your HP and run through
Ill the large burning tar pit clockwise from the entrance to pick up a
Fire Seed [ ~ J 07]. Continue clockwise around the room to a small
cave entrance. Just inside is a small room on the right with a chest
containing a Sublime Bone Dust; take it and proceed farther in.
Light the Primal Bonfire in the center of the large room and examine
it again to Travel back to Majula, and from there, head back to the
Iron Keep.


A mutated canine born from the experiments conducted by
Lord Aldia. Hunting Dogs are not a naturally-occurring species
and are therefore only found in areas to which they were
introduced by the Dragon Acolytes. A number of them were
dumped into The Gutter over the course of Lord Aldia's research
and continue to prowl its depths in search of anything that
might serve as a meal.

An incredibly simple and straightforward enemy, the Hunting Dog is
slow-moving and lacks any means of ranged attack. These grotesque
beasts are only dangerous at close range and can be defeated
with magic or ranged weapons at virtually no risk. Up close they
will use a frontal bite attack and will swipe with their front claws
at players standing to their sides; they have no rear-aiming attacks
at all. Players utilizing melee builds should attack from outside the
Hunting Dog's range with far-reaching swings or, if restricted to
smaller weapons, bait the bite attack and then close In with a series
of two-handed strikes. Hunting Dogs can also be pushed or lured off
ledges and will follow Alluring Skulls if one is thrown to them.

HP c,,,,1

Hunting Dog 1020 660 Yes

.,. b 11.>I t

Aromatic Ooze 10 399

Ambush predators living
in the tar pits of Black
Gulch. These mysterious
invertebrates wait for
prey to pass within
striking distance and then
burst out to attack, using
finger-like appendages
to immobilize the victim
while grinding it apart
with hideous chewing
mouth parts. Strategy
The greatest danger presented by Coal Tar is their Pit Ambush at-
tack. The safest way to prevent them from ever being able to use it
is to strike the tar pits from a distance with any form of fire damage
such as Pyromancy or Firebombs. This will set the tar ablaze, forcing
the enemy to abandon its ambush and placing it in the open, where
it can be finished off with ranged or melee damage. Otherwise,
the ambush can be triggered by dashing past the edge of a tar pit
to momentarily enter the monster's range. Once its trap Is sprung,


the Coal Tar has only one other attack: it will pursue the player and
perform a spinning tackle when it reaches close range.
Coal Tar 470 300 Yes
Ambush from within tar pits
Coal Tar are simple enemies, but their attacks are quite strong; it is
best to avoid being hit if at all possible. They are extremely weak Prd:·ihlllty
against fire but also have very low poise and no abnormally high
resistances, so the universally critical element to eliminating them LargeTltanlte Shard 10 310
is to stay out of their reach. When facing a Coal Tar up close, simply Titan lte Chunk 6 310
strafe backward out of the range of their spinning tackle or block
it if equipped with a strong shield, then counterattack during their


A queen of the species of giant corrosive ants native to Jugo.
Only one exists in Drangleic; its presence in The Gutter seems
to suggest that it began its life in the laboratory of Lord Aldia's
mansion and eventually outlived its usefulness.

The Corrosive Ant Queen is completely defenseless, immobile and
incapable of attacking players. It expels a mist from large pores in
its abdomen, which will degrade the durability of equipment, but its
extremities can be safely attacked with melee weapons for a merci-
fully easy kill.

Corrosive Ant Queen 3070 300 No

fl) t p

Polson Moss 100 396

This giant millipede is found only in Blad< Gulch. In contrast
to the artificial creatures roamingThe Gutter, the Razorback
Nightcrawler is a product of an undisturbed evolution. They are
more than capable of crushing a careless passer by with their
great weight and tremendous power.

techniques are powerful but very slow, allowing ample time for the
delivery of a blade to their exoskeletons between attacks. A direct
hit from the Razorback Nightcrawler's lunging or swinging attacks
will send players flying, usually off the cltff; however they have a
blind spot at the opening of their tunnels where almost none of
their attacks can reach. They can only strike this area with Razorback
Ram, a forward charging attack which is telegraphed long in advance
and extremely easy to avoid; simply stand as close to the base of
their tails as possible and hit them until they withdraw into the wall,
then step back.

Strategy Razorback Nlghtcrawler 1620 1400 Yes

Two Razorback Nightcrawlers are encountered in close proximity
on the narrow ledge past the first set of tar pits. They are station- <>t 41>1 •• lfl
ary and will not leave their holes to pursue the player, making
them easy pickings for archers and mages. Their limited offensive Polson Stone 10 311
Dead Again 6 394


Senior soldiers of the army of Giants that invaded Drangleic Strategy
long ago. Far larger and more formidable than their Elite Giants are among the most powerful enemies in Dar1< Souls
subordinates, the only Elite Giants to have survived the war II, boasting bottomless reserves of health and unblod<able attacks.
reside in a hidden cavern in Black Gulch. The two obelisk- It is easiest to deal with them at range; projectiles will inflict some
sized stone clubs wielded by an Elite Giant can reduce flesh to damage, but the Giants' high defense and hit points render spells
paste and bone to powder. This mountain of a foe is beyond the most effective means of fighting them from a distance. Going
all but the mightiest of warriors ... or the most bottomless of toe-to-toe with these powerhouses is much trickier and generally
ammunition stockpiles. requires players to stay directly behind the Giant; however even this
spot is not completely safe as they can strike in a nearly 360-degree
radius with their horizontal swings.

Anyone fighting the Elite Giants in Blad< Gulch at range is encour-

aged to take refuge in one of the small caves off the main chamber.
The Giants cannot fit into these rooms and players situated along
the rear walls can snipe or cast from relative safety; the entrances
are not safe as the Giants' horizontal swings can strike a consider-
able distance through the walls. Melee fighters should make use
of the refuge of these small caves and dart out to attack until only
one Giant remains; at this point it is preferable to fight in the large
chamber, which affords more room to maneuver.

The Elite Giants are most vulnerable after landing from the Calami-
tous Descent jump attack; to avoid this simply run toward them
when they leap into the air. You will pass beneath them and they will
land behind you, affording an opportunity for a few swings before
circling behind them again. They can also be poisoned via Pyroman-
cy, Hexes, Poison Arrows or Poison Throwing Daggers.

" 1I

Elite Giant 2660 4000 No

r' • ' ,. "



Wherever the lost and wretched gather, those who prey upon them
are never far away. So it always has been, and so it is in The Gutter, a
settlement of filth and pestilence where the endless struggle to survive
has driven its darker souls to seek sustenance through the consumption of
living flesh. Beware, lest this cannibalistic legacy claim yet another victim ...

Melinda the Butcher will invade in The Gutter when the player reaches the ledge
with a Ring of Soul Protection in a chest. She will appear on top of a nearby plat-
form but will be unable to reach the host from that location. When she invades
simply follow the wall from the treasure chest back to the Upper Gutter Bonfire
and wait for her to find her way to you there; she may fall to her death along the
way and never even reach you.

If she does reach you, fighting at the Bonfire obfuscates the necessity of mak-
ing an extra trip to collect your Souls should you be killed. Lacking any armor to
speak of, Melinda has almost no poise and can easily be stunlod<ed with melee
attacks or targeted with spells from an adjacent platform. The quickest way to
get her out of your hair is simply to lure her to a ledge and push her off with a
flurry of weak attacks. Her Greataxe deals heavy damage, but can be dodged
easily by merely rolling or strafing to the side; its heavy swings will leave her
open and vulnerable to counterattack.

Hr "PUI ""n

Da r1< Spirit: Mell nda the Butcher 1860 1601 No Prisoner's Hood 368 Greataxe +3 327
/ltvLal.11 It)
., Prisoner's Totters 368
Prisoner's Gloves 368
Greataxe +3 1 327


Boss - THE ROTTEN Rotten Requiem

A patchwork entity born from an amalgamation of lost souls

and the withered bodies they in habited, over ti me The Rotten
absorbed so many life forces that he came to possess a
Wondrous Soul of his own. He dwells deep below the surface VVr.ith of the Ron9n
world, embracing all that arrive at his sanctuary for things
unwanted or thrown away and granting them new life as a part
of himself ...

Horizontal Cleave
The Rotten has several variations of this move in which he will
swing his cleaver in a frontal 180-degree horizontal arc from right
to left or left to right. All should be handled in the same way: if the
player is at the edge of melee range or farther from The Rotten,
simply roll or strafe backward and the slash will miss. Players within
very close range can roll through the slash either directly toward or
directly away from The Rotten, or sideways in the opposite direction
of the swing (for example, if The Rotten swings from left to right,
the player should roll through the blow from right to left utilizing the
rolling invincibility frames to avoid being hit). These swings can be
blocked with a shield but drain tremendous amounts of stamina.

Horizontal Cleaves are good opportuni-

ties to attack The Rotten, as he takes
time to recover afterward; melee char-
acters can move in immediately after
the attack and land one or two swings
before backing off, whereas ranged
characters can begin their counterattack
immediately after evading the swing.
The Rotten will only use Horizontal
Cleaves in combos as the final blow
and will otherwise employ them one
at a time. This attack can be identified
when The Rotten moves his cleaver to
one of his sides and momentarily holds
it there in preparation for the swing; if
the player is too close to roll backward it
will be necessary to use this indicator to
calculate the timing of a sideways roll. If
his right arm is severed, The Rotten will
continue attempting to use this attack,
but will be unable to damage the player
by doing so.


Vertical Cleave
The Rotten has several variations of this move in which he swings
his cleaver over his head to attack the area directly in front of him.
All variants of Vertical Cleave have some level of rotational tracking
and evading them by rolling sideways requires fairly precise timing.
The Rotten can chain up to three Vertical Cleaves into a combo, and
can alternately end the combo with a Horizontal Cleave instead. The
strongest variant of Vertical Cleave. and also the easiest to dodge,
will be used when the player is at close to mid range. The Rotten
will raise his cleaver above him and pause for an instant before
bringing it down; the momentum will carry him forward a short
distance. When you see the more exaggerated windup signifying
this attack, wait until The Rotten begins bringing down his cleaver
and then roll either directly toward him or counterclockwise (to your
right). These attacks offer opportunities to strike and attempt to
sever The Rotten's right arm.

For all other forms of Vertical Cleave. if the player is not close enough
to hit The Rotten with a melee attack it is preferable to dodge the
overhead swing by rolling backwards. This will place the player out of
range of any subsequent swings and enable an advance immediately
after The Rotten executes his strike, but be advised that it may be
necessary to wait out two or three swings before moving back in to
attack. Players who find themselves extremely close to The Rotten
when he uses the faster forms of Vertical Cleave should roll to the
sides rather than backward, as a backward roll from such close prox-
imity will not clear the danger zone. If his right arm is severed, The
Rotten will continue attempting to use this attack, but will be unable
to damage the player by doing so.

Double Slam
The Rotten will slam his left hand onto the ground at his side, fol-
lowed immediately by slamming his cleaver onto the ground at his
right side. This attack is typically seen when the player is standing
directly to either of The Rotten's sides, and it will strike these areas
but does not hit directly in front of him. The best way to avoid it in
either case is simply to strafe toward The Rotten's back or simply roll
away from him. Players who find themselves behind him when he
uses this move can take the opportunity to deliver a few additional

Left-Handed Punches
The Rotten has a few variations of a simple clothesline or ground
slam with his empty left hand. All should be handled in the same
way: simply strafe or roll backward and away from The Rotten when
he uses them. These swings all offer a prime opportunity to attack
The Rotten and, if desired, target his left arm in an attempt to sever

The Black Gulch Twist

An unblockable grab attack executed with The Rotten's left hand
when the player is at extremely close range. The Rotten will raise
his left hand slowly into the air and make a swiping grab at the
ground directly in front of him; should the hit detection box for this
attack connect in even a glancing manner the player will be pulled
into an inescapable animation in which The Rotten will lift the victim
above his head in both hands and twist. This attack inflicts severe
damage but the initial grab is easily avoided even at close range
simply by rolling backward. If The Rotten misses he will be left open
and vulnerable to attack.

Wrath of the Rotten

A wide-ranging spherical area attack which The Rotten will begin
using at or below 50o/o health to strike players within a radius of
approximately fifteen feet. There is very little time to react to this
attack and players are advised to keep The Rotten at mid range once
his life has been reduced by half; this attack can be identified when
The Rotten raises both his hands and begins charging a glowing
white mass of energy between them. As soon as you spot this


immediately roll directly backward and away from him; players who
are extremely close will need to roll twice in order to escape and
those who are just outside melee range or farther will only need to
roll once. This attack is almost entirely Dark-based and will drain a
tremendous amount of stamina if blocked, so players are cautioned
against attempting to guard it.

Rotten Requiem
The Rotten will begin using this Dark-based area attack at mid to
long range when his health has been reduced to 50o/o or below. He
will raise his cleaver into the air above him and charge a glowing
white mass of energy on the blade, then bring it down in a forward
slice, which will release a frontal cone-shaped wave of energy. The
conical blast of darkness becomes wider the farther it is from The
Rotten; therefore this attack is easier to dodge the closer he is to
the player. When you see him raise his cleaver and begin charging
energy, roll or dash clockwise; two rolls are usually required in order
to avoid being hit. Rotten Requiem has extremely long range and
players should not expect to outdistance tt: attempting to block it is
also not advised as its damage is almost entirely Dark-based and tt
will drain tremendous amounts of Stamina.

Rotten Regurgitation
At close to mid range The Rotten will hold his stomach with his hand
and vomit a cascade of dark-purple tar. This attack does not reach far
but the vomit will immediately ignite if tt comes into contact with
the player, inflicting heavy Fire damage. To avoid this attack simply
strafe backward when The Rotten places his hand on his abdomen.

Rotten Regeneration
If one or both of his arms have been severed, The Rotten will even-
tually halt his attack for a short period of time and regenerate them.
If he is missing both arms he will regenerate both simultaneously.
This is not an offensive technique and players can take advantage of
The Rotten's temporary vulnerability to deal a few additional attacks
while he regrows his lost limbs.

Meise-oriented characters should keep The Rotten at very close recommend dodging his attacks by backing or rolling away from him
range until his health has been reduced to 50o/o and are advised when possible (or to the side if he uses the slow Vertical Cleave,
to dodge his attacks by rolling toward him when possible. This will which will carry him forward and thwart a backward dodge). In
allow for an immediate counterattack after each of his swings and general, dodge The Rotten's attacks according to the move list above
will keep him within melee range. Both of The Rotten's arms can be and heal or attack during his recovery periods. He will eventually re-
severed by concentrating your attacks on the desired limb; cutting generate his arms if they have been severed, but the opportunity af-
off his left arm will yield a corpse with a Pharros' Lockstone and forded by disabling his right arm is well worth the additional trouble.
disable his grab and punch attacks, and removing his right arm will
deprive him of his cleaver and render him far less dangerous. We Ranged and magic-oriented characters should keep The Rotten at
strongly advise that melee characters make every effort to target mid to long range throughout the battle and are advised to dodge
The Rotten's right arm, as successfully severing it will create an his attacks by backing or rolling away from him whenever possible;
extended opportunity to attack him with minimal fear of reprisal. the only notable exception will be the aforementioned slow Vertical
Cleave which will typically require a clockwise roll. Non-melee builds
AfterThe Rotten's health falls below 50o/o melee fighters should will find it difficult but also unnecessary to sever The Rotten's arms;
keep him at mid range in order to maintain a sufficient buffer of ample opportunities for ranged counterattacks will be available after
space to escape Wrath of the Rotten; from this point onward we a backward dodge.
..... "l-'Jr R11 awn ... ,,..._,, Rlprl "t1m1:1~ Onmnao

The Rotten 7080 47000 No Horlzontal Cleave No Yes Extreme

Vertlcal Cleave No Yes Extreme
• 1>, , JI II .. '1
Double Slam No Yes Extreme
Soul of the Rotten 100 397 Left-Handed Punches No Yes Extreme
Pharros· Lockstone Arm Cut 401 The Black Gulchl\Nlst No No Unblockable
Wrath of the Rotten No Yes Extreme
Rottan Requiem No Yes Extreme
Rotten Regurgitation No Yes Heavy
Rottan Regeneration N/A N/A N/A


High above the Earthen
Iron Kgy x1
Peak lies the remnants of
a once mighty castle. This
keep was made out of iron, Pharros' lodestone x1
and it was so immensely
heavy that it actually sank
into the ground. Well, that's
the rumor. The Iron Keep
did indeed sink, but you'll
need to search for the real
cause for this magnificent Smelter Demon &
fortress's downfall. The Pursuer
Luc:itlel of Mirrah lifll Ring+ 1 x1,
tsummon Sig nl Twinklingntan lte x1
(Middle platform)
Large Soul of a Large ntanita Shard x2,
Nameless Soldier x1, ~1rified Dragon Bone x1
Magerold of Lanafir Red Leech Trochesx1
Soul of a Proud Knighl x1,
Repair Pwld11r x1 (Bonom ledge)
Pho11nix Parma x1
(Buming platform)

Human ~ffigy x1
---.-- Prtmal Bonfir11

Aro,, Euernlns P.lQ<! tmpo rt ant Items PaQ<!

Crystal Lizard 067 Iron Key 402

Alonne Knight 178 Life Ring+ 1 403
b1 Alonne Knight Captain 178 ZWelhander 319
Ironclad Soldier 179 Dull Ember 402
ii) The Pursuer 062 Phoenix Parma 360 Sublim11 Bon11 Dust x1
Bell Keeper 097 Petrified Dragon Bone 310
V) Bell Keeper Mage 180 Porcine Shield 364
~ Greatsword Bell Keeper 180 Thunder Quartz Ring+ 1 403
Dual Avelyn Bell Keeper 181 Pyromancy: Immolation 393

Smelter Demon 181 Black Knight Greatsword 317
Old Iron King 184 Protecuve Chime 346
Grand Spirit Tree Shield 363
Fire seed 310
Pyromancy: Chaos Storm 392
Lightning Winged Spear 333
Dark Armor Set 379
Black Knight Greataxe 328
Covetous Gold Serpent
Lightning Short Bow+ 1 346
Sublime Bone Dust 401


Protectiw Chime x1 •
Grand SplfitT111Q Shlcild x1 Large Soul of a Proud Knight x1.
Radiant Lifegem x1
Black Knight Greatsword x1

Human Effigy x1, Fire Seed x1

Trlclops Snake Troches xt CNCl6 Stonn

l\l l I RY Stll

Large Soul of ; NamelQISS Soldier x1 • 09StnJCtiW GreatHTCM' x10 (Top floor) Simpleton's Spice x1 ....,,_...,
Monastery x1
Simpleton's Spk:e x1

Old Radiant L~egem x1,
Green Blossom xl (Middle bridge)

~ <, lronhcianh Hall

~ Porcine Shield x1, CD -
Aame Bunllrlly ><5

Simpleton's Spice x1
0 0
0 0
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring x1
0 CD
0 0
Shon 8C1H + 1 (lightning) x1 Immolation
Bell Keeper

Simpleton's Spice xl
Black Knight Groataxe x1 -

Cracked Red Eye Orb x1,




.ii Before crossing the bridge, head down the stairs to the left here their attack range and then engage one of them while the other
'II to find and activate the first Bonfire of the Iron Keep. Next to the retreats. After they've been defeated, proceed through the large iron
Bonfire, you'll see an area of ground that is smoldering and appears doors.
to be on fire. Stepping on this burning ground will severely damage '
you and your equipment [ l I 01). However, several items and areas J In this room, you'll find two more Alonne Knights standing
can only be reached by crossing it. If you can't resist the lure of the 'II sentry in the middle area just past the small staircase on the left.
items available, be sure you have full health, and equipment that Attract their attention one at a time by using ranged attacks. You'll
raises your fire resistance. Casting spells like Magic Barrier or Flash see a statue spouting flames in the middle of the room. with an
Sweat can also keep you alive, and if you have it, equipping a item just under the fire at Position A. By carefully edging toward
Bracing Knuckle Ring can also keep your equipment intact. The item the item from the left side at a slight diagonal angle, you can pick it
in the burning ground near the Bonfire is a Human Effigy. Go back to up while taking minimal damage from the fire [ l J 03]. The item is
the bridge and head across it. the Iron Key. Head down the small stairs and through the door on
' the left for now .
. J Halfway across the bridge you'll notice the right-hand side has
'If collapsed away [ ~ _J O ]. If you drop down from here, you can Wor1d Event
cross a series of platforms via jumping to get to a Bonfire Ascetic. Be Now that you have the Iron Key, you can return to the Forest
warned that some of the platforms are burning and will damage you, of Fallen Giants and explore the underground area on the
so heal after crossing each one. To return back to the start of the other side of the door near where you faced off with the
bridge, you'll have to cross the platforms again, heading left to where Last Giant. That area has numerous Flame Salamanders and
you can then Jump onto low ground near the base of the bridge. On items, so taking the trip down there can be very lucrative.
the other side of the bridge are a pair of Alonne Knights, fast and
powerful enemies. Lure them back across the bridge to the limits of


,J Head down this corridor and you'll come to a small room that Further along the ledge you'll find another Alonne Knight waiting for
.. houses a merchant by the name of Magerold of Lanafir [ ~u ()q.J, you. Don't engage him, since there is an Alonne Knight Captain be-
As soon as you get to this room, turn around and raise your shield, hind him supporting him with arrows. Instead, run past the Knight,
since you might be attacked by an Alonne Knight from behind if he under the platform the Captain is standing on, where you will be
detected you. Defeat him, and then speak to Magerold. Along with safe from his arrows. Defeat the Knight here, then proceed to the
selling you items, he has the unique ability to infuse your spells with end of the ledge and drop into the gap (you'll take slight damage
Incense if you have the items Simpleton's Spice or Skeptic's Spice. from the fall, so ensure you have the health to do so). Run to the
This will lower the Intelligence or Faith requirement for the spell by end of the platform at the bottom to get the items sitting at the end,
1, whidl can be very handy for melee focused players as it will and then return and climb the ladder to the top. Take out the Alonne
allow them to make use of higher level spells without having to Knight Captain when you do, and then open the chest to get the
invest as many points in those attributes. items inside. You can take out another Alonne Knight on a bridge in
the center of the room from here if you have ranged attacks, and
Once you're done with Magerold, go back through the corridor and then you should drop down back onto the ledge.
look for an opening on your right, which will lead to a staircase. If '
you didn't trigger the ambush from the Alonne Knight when you ,J Make your way back along the ledge to get to this point, and
went into Magerold's room earlier, you'll find him at the top of the VI then head down the stairs on your left. You'll find an Alonne
stairs. Defeat him and claim the item on the corpse near the open- Knight at the bottom waiting for you, so take him out. You'll find a
ing in the wall. door and a lever on this platform. Do not touch the door; opening it
will release a jet of fire in your face that will kill you [ LJ 07]. Pull
, .Ji Once you've done that, go over to the apparent dead end in the the lever, but be careful when doing so if you left the first Alonne
il comer of the room and interact with the wall at Position B to Knight Captain alive, as he can fire upon you from where he is. Pull
discover a hidden door [ u 05]. Head through it to find a corpse the lever, and then get back onto the ledge and proceed along the
with an item on it and a ballista. Interact with the wall the ballista is newly lowered bridge, again being wary of the pesky Alonne Knight
facing to open another hidden door, on the other side of which you'll Captain.
find an Alonne Knight facing away from you. Backstab him instead
of using the ballista, since it will only do minimal damage. The next
room contains two more Alonne Knights, so use the narrow
opening leading to the ballista room to funnel them and defeat them
one at a time. The left path out of this room will just lead back to the
fire breathing statue room, so head right.
,J You'll emerge in a vast open area, crisscrossed with walkways.
'IP This area is dotted with Alonne Knight Captains equipped with
powerful Greatbows, most of whom are perched on platforms from
which they can fire at you from long range. As you head left along
the ledge, you'll be attacked by the first of these Captains from
behind and to your right [ L 06]. Take him out with ranged attacks,
or keep running along the ledge keeping the pillars on your right
between you and the captain when you can.


.J An Alonne Knight awaits you on this lowered bridge. Take him
·"' out, preferably out of sight of the Alonne Knight Captain by luring
him back to your side of the bridge. Run across the bridge after-
wards, watching out for arrows from an Alonne Knight Captain to
your lower left near a Fog Gate, and jump down onto the ledge
below at the end. Head left and take out the aforementioned
Captain, but don't go through the Fog Gate just yet. Turn around and
run to the end of the ledge, Jumping over the small gap to reach a
chest at the other end [-tL 1 ].
J Just before the chest. look over the edge of the ledge at
'II Position C and locate the platform below you near a doorway
[- n 02]. Run and jump onto that platform, and collect the Dull
Ember from the corpse there before going into the nearby doorway.
Proceed up the ladder you find here to finally come face to face
with the Alonne Knight Captain that's been tormenting you if you
haven't taken him out with ranged attacks. J You should be able to jump onto a pillar to your left from the
·U, ledge here. Be careful to space and angle the Jump just right, so
Once the area is clear, you'll notice that there is a Pharros' Contrap- your post-jump roll won't send you into the lava [ r 03]. Pick up
tion on the wall, and if you use a Lockstone on it, it will create a the Large Soul of a Nameless Warrior and Red LeechTroches from
pool of healing water Just in front of the Contraption. Unless you the corpse, and then drop down to the ledge in front of you. Again,
have a large number of Lockstones, using one on this Contraption do not enter the door you see here, since it will lead to the same
is not recommended due to the relative proximity of the Bonfires fire-filled room. Instead, pull the lever on the left to lower the earlier
in the area, and the fact that there is a much better place to use a bridge completely, and then fall off the edge to the staircase below
Lockstone in this area. Jump off the side here to land back on the you.
ledge near the chest when you're ready to continue.
The bottom of this staircase leads to a large burning platform that
World Event will be extremely tough to survive if you decide to go for the chest
The Dull Ember can be taken to the blacksmith - Steady Hand on it. which contains the Phoenix Parma shield.
McDuff if you have unlocked his area in The Lost Bastille.
Once he has the ember, you'll be able to infuse your weapons J Head back up the staircase and tt will lead to a wheel that you
with the different elemental and status effecting stones to VI can turn [ ~ LJ 04]. Do so, and you can enter the doors that
greatly augment their abilities. previously released fire upon opening them. Drop down to the right
of the wheel to get back to the door and go into the room now that

0 0
0 0

D 0 0 D
0 0


it's safe to do so. Pid< up the items from the corner, and then climb
the ladder. Defeat the Alonne Knight Captain on this bridge and then
grab the items he was guarding. Don't go up the ladder behind him
just yet, however, and instead head back toward the Fog Gate you
saw earlier.

Before going through the Fog Gate, however, make sure you use
the Summon Sign nearby to call upon the assistance of Lucatiel of
Mirrah, which will be invaluable in the upcoming battle. Go through
the Fog Gate and prepare to do battle with the optional boss, the
Smelter Demon; while this boss is optional, defeating it is highly
recommended, because it will give you access to another Bonfire in
the area. If you don't want to fight it, or are having trouble defeating
it, you can continue through the area from Point 13, which you can
reach by going through the room that was previously engulfed in
.J After defeating the Smelter Demon, go to the back of the boss
9f room and up the stairs. You'll find the second Bonfire of Iron
Keep here, as well as a chest. This is a good place to use as a base
camp to begin farming Alonne Knight Captains, who give a huge
amount of souls for this point in the game. Continue on past the
Bonfire, which will lead to the area at the top of the ladder that the
Alonne Knight Captain from earlier was guarding. If you just used
the Bonfire, be sure to kill the Alonne Knight Captain in front of you
before heading right to the next area [ Ool

World Event
If you return to the room where you faced the Smelter
Demon after resting at a Bonfire or leaving the area, an old
nemesis in the form ofThe Pursuer will appear in the middle
of the room. He's Just as tough as when you faced him earlier
in the game, so you'll still need to be very careful. If you man-
age to defeat him, however, you'll be rewarded with a Ring of
Blades +1.
,J As you approach the two Ironclad Soldiers across this bridge, the
,tJ rear one will slam his club into the ground, and start trying to
break a section of bridge while the front one advances toward you.
Let him come all the way across and fight him near the Bonfire, so
there is less risk of you being knod<ed into the lava. After he is
defeated, jump over the gap on the far side of the bridge and lure
the second Ironclad Soldier toward the doorway, but don't venture
too far into the room beyond or you will have to deal with an Alonne
Knight firing at you at the same time.

Proceed into the area beyond the bridge, and into the door on the
left. If you have a Pharros' Lockstone, use it on the Contraption
on the wall. Doing so will allow you to strike the wall next to the
Contraption, and climb to the area above [_,I Ob J. Open the chest
in this area, and after retrieving the contents, activate the Bonfire up
here before climbing the ladder nearby up to Belfry Sol. If you didn't
have a Lockstone to use here, continue reading from Point 16.
J Similar to Belfry Luna, you'll find a Bell Keeper just before the
W Fog Gate. Proceed through the Fog Gate when you're ready, after
which you'll be met by two Bell Keepers and a Bell Keeper Mage.
Use the pillars and structures dotted to keep something between
you and the Mage while you deal with the Bell Keepers. At the back
of this large area you'll encounter another Bell Keeper and a
Greatsword Bell Keeper. Take them out so you can explore in peace.

Near the rear of this area, where the Greatsword Bell Keeper was
stationed, you'll find two towers you can enter [ U 07]. Go around
the side of the left tower to find a corpse that is holding an item.
The tower on the right contains the all important lever that allows
you to ring the bell, and by entering the tower on the left you'll be
able to climb the ladder inside to reach the rooftop area.

World Event
Like your previous encounter with a Bell Keeper, if you go
through this one's dialogue, you'll eventually be given the
option of joining the Bell Keeper Covenant to help protect
their precious Belfry. For more information on this Covenant,
please refer to P.422.


.J You'll emerge onto a rooftop and immediately be accosted by a
·W Dual Avelyn Bell Keeper, so close the distance and deal with him
on the rooftop. At the rear end of the rooftop, you'll find a corpse in
the right corner holding another Simpleton's Spice. On the other
side of the rooftop, you'll see a lower area behind a gate with some
enemies waiting for you. Get their attention and the Greatsword Bell
Keeper will head toward you, while the Bell Keepers will begin
firing. Retreat backwards to the other side of the roof, using the
pitch and angle of the roof as cover. Once the Greatsword Bell
Keeper gets to you, take him out here, and then head down to the
lower area to finish off the Bell Keepers.

Before going through the Fog Gate, check to the right of it to find a
corpse holding an item, and then go through the gate and open the
chest. Go down the stairs and, after grabbing the items, proceed
along the corridor to re-enter the Iron Keep. The platform you're on
is just above the area with the ladder leading back up to Belfry Sol,
but before dropping down, interact with the wall on the right to
open a hidden door [ [ l 01]. Open the chests in the room you can
now access, and then drop down to the area below. If you need to
use the Bonfire to rest, you'll have to Travel back to the Iron hearth
Hall Bonfire and make your way back into the main room below,
otherwise just go down the ladder.
.J Pull the lever to lower a platform in the center of the room that is
·,P housing a pair of Ironclad Soldiers. Doing so will dunk them into
the lava and kill them, and also rearrange some of the platforms so
you can access a ladder you couldn't normally. Before heading out
onto the platforms, head up the stairs past the lever and continue
on straight. You'll see a Crystal Lizard just past some stairs beneath
you, so kill it from range if you want to claim it's bounty before it
runs into the lava [ )0 02]. Head around the corner and down the
stairs, being careful of an Alonne Knight Captain firing at you from
the other side.

0 0.
0 0
D 0 0 D
0 0


You'll want to move toward the Alonne Knight Captain, but be care-
ful not to step on pressure plates on the floor, because they will trig-
ger lava flows. While these flows can still be jumped over, avoiding
stepping on the pressure plates makes life easier in the long run.
Pick up the Radiant Lifegem from the corpse as you head toward
the Captain. Take him out, and if you think you can survive it, head
down the stairs next to him to a burning platform area. Heading to
the right across these will lead to a Fire Seed item, while going left
leads to a chest that contains the Chaos Storm spell. Head back up
the stairs and prepare to cross the platforms.

, .Ji While the Ironclad Soldiers have been dunked in the lava, there
\JI are still two Alonne Knight captains on the rear platforms that
can fire at you. Take them out with ranged attacks if possible, or else
their arrows will likely knock you off these platforms into the lava,
even when blocked. If that Isn't possible, quickly make your way
across the platforms, timing your run to get past the fire breathing
statues. While moving around on these platforms, be very careful
that you don't step on the pressure plates that are found on the
connecting beams, because stepping on one will cause a platform
to drop away. Take out the Alonne Knight captain on the left first,
and pick up the item on his platform before crossing over to the
other side and taking out the other enemy. When they're both dead,
climb the ladder at Position D to reach the next area [.., I J 03].

, I'4 The chest here is actually a Mimic, so hit it with powerful attacks
while it is still in chest form, and then pick up the items it drops
after defeating it. Go up the stairs past it, and then all the way to the
end of the ledge to reach a real chest. Climb the ladder that's near
to the chest up to the next area. This room contains another
Contraption on the wall which, when a Lockstone is inserted into it,
will create a healing pool of water [ ~ 04]. Use it to heal if you
absolutely must, and then head through the door on the other side D
of the room and up the stairs.

, .Ji Before getting to the end of the stairs, be aware that the next
111 room contains three Alonne Knight Captains, all with their
Greatbows trained on you. Also, if you enter the room, you'll drop around the corner. Take him out, and then watch out for the flames
off a ledge, and cannot retreat back down the stairs. Try to stand in the room beyond. Wait to see the timing of the gap in the fire,
near the edge of the stairs and do as much damage as you can with and then carefully time a roll past to the left of tt into a safe corner.
ranged attacks before dropping into the room and engaging them. Be careful not to touch the walls in this room, since they are
Once they've been defeated, get the item from the corpse, and covered in spikes and will damage you if you do, and don't be
open the chest. There's a large hole in the middle of this rooftop tempted by the item on the floor under the flames of the middle
area, and within tt are a number of beams that you can drop down statues; you'll get it soon. carefully time your run to get past the
onto to make your way down safely [ ~u 05]. two statues on the left side, and then climb the ladder in the corner
[ n 011.
,~ When you get to the long walkway above the smelting pot, try to
IP take out the Alonne Knight waiting on the adjacent walkway with You'll find a room at the top with another ladder at the back. Climb
ranged attacks. Carefully drop onto the lip of the smelting pot and it and you'll find the final Bonfire of the area, along with a switch on
pick up the item from the corpse inside it [ J 061. From there, the rear wall that will turn off the fire breathing statues. Do so, and
drop down onto the lower walkway and finally onto a ledge below you can now make your way back down and get the item you saw
that. Go through the Fog Gate instead of down the stairs, and then earlier safely. Head down the stairs out of the room, defeating a fi-
take out the Ironclad Soldier on the other side and pick up the items nal Ironclad Soldier on your way, and then continue along the narrow
that were behind it. Return back to the previous room now and go path toward the Fog Gate in the distance. Go through the Fog Gate
down the stairs. to start your battle with the Old Iron King. Upon defeating him, you'll
' receive another Great Soul. Head around the side of the building
. JI This narrow corridor houses an Ironclad Soldier, so bait him into outside which the battle took place to find a doorway leading to a
II missing attacks and take him out during the recovery. Pull the room with a chest in it. After looting the chest, go down the nearby
lever further along the corridor to raise the barrier and carry on stairs to reach another Primal Bonfire. Light it, and then use it to
through, but be careful, since there is another Ironclad Soldier just return to Majula, and from there head toward the Shaded Woods.


The Alonne Knights' loyalty
to one another is the stuff
of legends, and they held
fast in their positions even
as the once-great Iron Keep
sank into the fiery earth.
The blades they wield were
forged by one of the true
artisans entertained by
the Iron King during his
kingdom's heyday.
lighter weapon, the Stone Ring can help you stagger them more
easily. Rolling behind them and using a backstab is another option.
They tend to attack predictably upon entering me lee range, so it is
also possible to parry them.

Bow-wielding Alonne Knights are identical to other Alonne Knights in
melee combat, but they will draw a greatbow and fire large arrows
at you when you are far away. The biggest threat posed by these
arrows are the knockback and stagger they cause. Seek cover when
dealing with other enemies, and then take out bow-users on-on-one.

ti n" Mn"" V'l11

Alonne Knight (Katana) 690 700 Yes

Alonne Knight (Bow)
Strategy 690 700 Yes
Katan a I 11111 , 1

The sharp blades of the Alonne Knights can easily cause Bleeding,
even through a shield. They also tend to two-hand their weapons, so Alonne Knight Helm 3 372
they won't rebound easily. Alonne Knight Armor 3 372
Alonne Knight Gauntlets 3 372
The Alonne Knights don't have a lot of Poise and don't carry a shield,
Alonne Knight Leggings 3 372
so heavy weapon users should attack aggressively. If you use a
Blacksteel Katana 1.6 323
Iron Greatarrow >C3 (Bow) 10 368



The leaders of the Alonne Knights don fantastic armor that

retains its brilliant shine to this very day. Despite having an
army of the finest warriors equipped with the best weapons and
armor to be found across the land, the Iron King's reign did not
last. A true king requires more than simply the strength of arms.


Strategy have powerful ranged attacks, you may be able to engage them in
Katan a sniper duels. Otherwise, sprint from cover point to cover point, and
The Alonne Knight Captains are a truly dangerous foe. Each of their watdl for shots coming from unexpected angles.
attacks causes a lot of Bleeding build-up; they can make you Bleed
through a shield easily. They have good reach and their attacks are M!) c:n,,I °" '1> "'lfl
quite fast. Their weakness, however, is that their attacks have a
very long recovery. Block or roll through one, and then quickly circle Alonne Knight captain (Katana) 840 1600 Yes
around for a backstab. Alonne Knight captain (Greatbow) 840 1600 Yes

They also have fairly low Poise. Large weapons can easily combo 1'11 l 11 '( 1111

them. If you're using a smaller weapon, such as a straight sword, Alonne captain Helm 372
two-handing your weapon and equipping the Stone Ring may allow
Alonne captain Armor 2 372
you to stagger them. Strong Attacks will also assist in this.
Alonne Knight Gauntlets 2 372
Greatbow Alonne Knight Leggings 2 372
The Alonne Captains will snipe you with their Greatbows in an Alonne Greatbow (Greatbow) 1 347
attempt to knock you off ledges or stun you so that other enemies Destructive Greatarrow x3 (Bow) 5 359
can finish you. You'll need to take advantage of the Iron Keep's
Monastery aiann 2 395
many pillars and the corners of the walls in order to stay safe. If you

Unlike the worn-down, decrepit Old Ironclads of the Forest of
Fallen Giants, these brutes are in good condition. These living
armors created by the Old Iron King still fight on. Defeating
them will break the enchantment of Souls used to lend will to
the armor, and it will become wearable once more.

Smash; they'll raise their club overhead and begin chasing you. They
won't attack until you are in range, so you need to roll away at the
correct time.

Fighting the Ironclads here can be tricky, since there are many traps
as well as Alonne Knight snipers. Look for levers that you can pull to
manipulate the environment. Use the flames and blades of the Iron
Keep to your advantage in destroying these foes.


Ironclad Soldler 780 860 Yes

Can heal with Estus when Injured

r'I t y D f'n

Ironclad Helm 3 370

Ironclad Armor 3 370
Ironclad Gauntlets 3 370
Strategy Ironclad Legg In gs 3 370
Ironclad Soldiers are tougher and hit harder than their counterparts
in the Forest of the Fallen Giants, but are otherwise exactly the Flredrake Stone 3 311
same. Their most dangerous technique is probably the Chasing LargeTltanlte Shard 15 310
If you wish to ring the bell that
invokes forbidden love and creates
beautiful sounds throughout the
world, you'll need to defeat its
keepers. This mage, like the puppets
that surround her, is dedicated to
stopping you, and she's a bit more
efficient about that than the little
guys are.

Bell Keeper Mages aren't really that strong. They do have a Fireblast
attack, but they tend to rely primarily on melee attacks. Additionally,
they are easily staggered and have no shield. Attack them aggres-
sively and they'll die very quickly. If you need to go on the defen-
sive, use the pillars and walls in the area to gain space to heal.

HP "oul P-,n D Q

Dark Spirit: Bell Keeper Mage 1010 900 No Moon Hat 362 Astrologlst's Bottoms 362
Astrologist's Robe 362 Spitfire Spear 334
rr I Mii•, I-
Astrologist's Gauntlets 362 Bat staff 343
Black Witch Veil 1 364


This is another member of the Bell Keepers; he towers above
his allies in a very literal sense. What could have created such a
motley crew of guardians?That must be the power of love.

Similar to the Greatsword Phantom of Huntsman's Copse, this
Greatsword-user has slow attad<s that are fairly easy to parry. Unlike
that previous foe, this enemy doesn't really deal much damage. Even
if you miss a parry, it's not a major problem when he is one-handing
his sword. When he holds the weapon in both hands, however, his at-
tack power is a lot higher. He staggers fairly easily when not attacking,
but some of his attacks will prevent it.

"iP "'lul R
Dark Spirit Greatsword Bell Keeper 1010 900 No

,'tvWl..llt, p

Orma's Greatshleld 1 367

p q =nft

Dranglelc Helm 386 Llewellyn Shoes 386

Uewellyn Armor 386 Greatsword 319
Uewellyn Gloves 386 Orma's Greatshleld 367


The Avelyn is a weapon of ancient design that has been
rediscovered and brought into the world once more, and this
odd fellow uses two of them! He wears the mask of a Manikin,
as well. Could this be another puppet?.

The Avelyn is capable of firing three shot bursts; remember that, if
you decide to roll to avoid this phantom's attacks. His Avelyn shots
deal physical damage and can be blocked with a decent shield. Gen-
erally this phantom is very weak, but hiding behind a pillar to make
him come into melee range can give you an even bigger advantage;
his crossbows are not very strong in melee. He also lacks a shield
or any other real defensive capabilrty.

'1P ..... , q t!'} Ul'il P;-q rinr

Dart< Spirit Dual Avelyn Bell Keeper 1010 900 No Manikin Mask 368 Manikin Boots 368
Manikin Top 368 Avelyn 348
PP>I DI lty
Manikin Gloves 368 Black Witch Domino Mask 364
Black Witch Domino Mask 1 364


A mass of iron that has come to life, the Smelter Demon was
responsible for the fall of the Iron King and his castle. From the
depths of the earth he sprang, and incinerated the short-sighted
king in a single blow. What other demons lie beneath these
treacherous grounds?

Charging Thrust
The Smelter Demon will raise its sword and then begin stepping to-
ward you before lunging violently. This attack is generally used from
range. The timing to roll away from this attack is delayed compared
to the Stab.


Heat Core
Once per fight, the Smelter Demon will stop moving and power up
its flaming body. From that point onward, standing near the Boss
will cause you to take constant fire damage. It takes little damage
while performing this move, so this is a good chance to use a Small
Orange Burr or a Resin instead of attacking.

Heat Blade
The Boss can only use this technique after performing Heat Core.
This is another power up technique; Smelter Demon will stop mov-
ing and thrust its sword into its chest. This will add fire damage to all
of the Boss's melee attacks and is extremely dangerous.

The Boss raises its sword and then jabs it forward. This attack looks
similar to the Charging Thrust, but the timing to roll is faster. As with
all his attacks, it can be blocked but also does fire damage after Heat Back Slash Combo
Blade. Reaching across its body, the Smelter Demon will perform a back-
handed slash which is usually followed by another melee attack. If
you can roll through this technique and get behind the Boss, it will
be a good chance to deal damage.

Down Slash
Holding its sword above its head, the fiery demon will wait for a
moment before slamming the sword downward. This can knock you
down and has the further effect of shooting a flame wave after the
Smelter Demon uses Heat Blade. Don't roll too soon!


The Smelter Demon leaps into the air and then drives its sword into
the floor below it. This move can leave Smelter open for attacks, but
he often follows it with Flame Pulse, as well. It's safer to back away
from this and heal or use a ranged attack.

Slash Combo
In this frequently-used attack, the Smelter Demon lifts its sword
and then quickly begins slashing at you. Once again, rolling through
its attack and getting behind the Boss will provide a great chance to
deal damage.

Flame Pulse
After Plunge, Smelter Demon will occasionally pause for a moment
before emitting a spherical blast of flame from its body. This fire
Strategy attack hits on all sides of the boss and can knock you back. It's safer
The Smelter Demon will be one of the more difficult bosses for to back away from the Boss during Plunge and Flame Pulse.
many players. From the beginning of the fight, he won't be too diffi-
cult; he only does physical damage, and all of his attacks are easy to
block. After a little bit, however, he will use his Heat Core technique.
From that point onward, the flames from his body will deal small
amounts of damage to you when you are close to him.

After some more time has passed, he'll use Heat Blade. This is
when he becomes really dangerous, as all of his attacks will do addi-
tional fire damage. Unless your shield has very high fire resistance,
you'll want to dodge all of his attacks by rolling. Fortunately, most of
his moves are fairly predictable. Keep moving forward and rolling to
his back. Consider using an Aromatic Ooze, a Gold Pine Resin, or a
Dark Resin to boost your damage.

If you don't feel confident in your ability to dodge, you'll need to

block his attacks. This is a big problem, given the high amount of
fire damage that he can do through a shield. There are a number
of items that can help you reduce that, though, if you are willing to
make some preparations. There's an NPC named Rosabeth that has
a number of useful items that can assist you; check the NPC section
for information on how to reach her (P.408).

From Rosabeth, you can buy a Flame Quartz ring, which increases
your Fire Resistance. You can also buy a Small Orange Burr consum-
able item that temporarily reduces fire damage. If you equip the ring
before the fight and use the Orange Burr while the Smelter Demon
uses Heat Blade, you'll have an easier time blocking his attacks.
[- J 01]

You can also summon Lucatiel to provide a distraction for this fight.
but be warned that summoning phantoms increases the Boss's
health, as well. If she dies early, you'll be stuck fighting an enemy
with more HP than normal. She can still be helpful for spellcasters,
though, as they will be able to use powerful spells to finish the fight

Hr "nu! n .... ru c:1nr" Stamina ();Image

Smelter Demon 5970 32000 No Charglnglllrust No Yes Low

Can power up to deal additional fire damage stab No Yes Low
Down Slash No Yes Low
,>11 t 11 II r. ;>
Heat Core No No N/A
Smelter Demon Soul 100 397 Heat Blade No No N/A
Back Slash Combo No Yes Medium
Slash Combo No Yes Medium
Plunge No Yes Medium
Rame Pulse No Yes High



Claw Swipes, Pound,

Double Fist, Flame
Bfllath (SW99pl
Fire Palm. Aa me
Braath (Aimed)

A powerful but short-sighted king who

exalted the virtue of might, the Old
Iron King has been transformed into a
demon. As his flesh burned away, his
soul was possessed by the wicked things
that lurk below. He possesses the soul of
an ancient king from long ago - a king
who met with a similar fate when he
reached into the flames.

Flame Breath (Sweep)

Sometimes, the Iron King sweeps flame across the battlefield with-
out lowering his head. It takes a lot of Stamina, but it is possible to
block a hit of the fire if you can't dodge it. If you move close to him
and time your roll well, though, you can dodge through it without
taking damage.

Fire Palm
The Old Iron King will draw his hand back to his side while charging
up fiery energy before shooting a beam of flames from his palm.
Just as he shoots, dodge roll to the right to avoid this attack.

Flame Breath (Aimed)

If the Iron King inhales and lowers his head to the platform, he'll Double Fist
begin breathing fire in a controlled fashion. If you're near his head, The Iron King holds his hands together above his head, and eventu-
you can easily step to the side and avoid the fire. If you are farther ally he brings them crashing down. As you probably guessed, this is
away, try to get close when he lowers his head. yet another unblockable melee attack they you should roll to avoid.


Double Fist Firestorm
This attack is identical to the Double Fist, except that it also creates
a large blast of fire. Watch for the flames that rise from his hands
while they are over his head. On a practical level, it is avoided the
same way - dodge to the side at the last second.

Pound Firestorm
The Old Iron King raises his fist for a Pound, but flames rise up from
the fist, as well. When he hits the ground, flames will spew forth.
Again, this is dodged in the same manner as the normal Pound. Roll
to the side at the last second.

If the Old Iron King crosses his arms in front of him, back up. He's
going to use an area of effect fire blast that deals damage and
Pound knocks you back. This will only hit you if you are close to him, but it
The Old Iron King lifts his hand up while making a fist, and then can push you off the platform if it does connect. Back up.
tries to smash you with it. This move is very, very slow. The greatest
danger by far is rolling too soon. This attack Is unblockable, and he
can do it twice in a row - once with each hand. The second Pound
is quicker.

Claw Swipes
This is another unblod<able melee attack sequence. The Old Iron
King sweeps his claws across the platform; this is faster than the
Pound attack, but still slow. When he swipes with his left, you don't
even need to roll if you are close to his body.

The very first thing to note about this boss fight is the room's
shape. The ledges are quite dangerous, but the most deadly pitfall is
the hole in the middle of the platform I Screen shot). Be very careful
not to strafe too near to the hole while avoiding the boss. There is a
path around the far corner of the platform that can let you hide from
some of his melee attacks, but he'll likely knock you off with a fire your weapon in both hands and use Aromatic Ooze, Dark Resin, or
attack if you try it. Gold Pine Resin to maximize your damage.

Due to the dangers of the platform and the enemy's size, this is a The strategy for this fight is fairly simple; dodge roll each of his
fight in which you are recommended to not use Lock-on. It can be attacks at the last moment, and then counterattack. That's more eas-
difficult to get used to manually controlling the camera for some ily said than done, though. You can't block his melee at all, so you
players. but using Lock-on will increase the risk of falling and lower will need to practice dodging it. You can. however. block the Flame
the number of chances for you to hit the Boss. Sweeps with a good shield. You'll still take damage, but not as much
as you would by mistiming a roll. Using Small Orange Burrs or the
Always try to make the most of your opportunities to attack. Hold Flash Sweat Pyromancy can help you to take less damage, as well.

HP r.o· I D
~ ." D •r l'lrAI, •1r,f~1 [' M ':1'1

Old Iron King 6070 48000 No RrePalm No Yes Very High

p Ram, Breath (Aimed) No Yes Very High

i'I I l>lllr
Rame Breath (SWeep) No Yes Very High
Old Iron King Soul 100 397 Double Rst No No N/A
Pound No No N/A
ClawSWlpes No No N/A
Double Rst Rrestorm No No N/A
Pound Firestorm No No N/A
Roar No No N/A


A mist-shrouded forest connecting the village of Majula to
several other important locations, including the Shrine of Winter Estus Flask Shard x1
and Aldia's Keep, the Shaded Woods occupy an ancient territory
where great misdeeds were once committed; the remnants of \---Weaponsmith OmifQX
this dark history can be seen among the crumbling ruins and
unnaturally thick fog. -- Lock9d (Fang Ksy)

Arn., frwmlP.s P,IQP. Twinkling lit:anite XI

Crystal Uzard 057 Manscorpion Tark
Goblin 194
IC Soul of a Br;wWarrior xt,
Goblin (Club) 194
a Pharros' Lock.stone x1
Baslllsk 196
Lion Warrior 196
f Flexlle Sentry 084
.,, Giant Basilisk 196
,g Scorploness NaJka 197

Important ltnms P;iqn

- Darkdiwr Grandahl
Estus Flask Shard x2 401
Ring of Ufe Protection 404
Red Tears tone Ring 404
Fire Seed 310 Tordl x1
Old Sun Ring 405
Clear Bluestone Ring + 1 404
• Bl;ick Knight Halberd x1
Chloranthy Ring + 1 4CX3
Fang Key 402
Pharros' Locl<stone x 2 401 SIIADl D WlH )l)S - LlnNL R Ll vu
Dari< SCythe 336
Black Knight Halberd 336
Fragrant Branch ofYore 401
Uon Mage Armor Set 367
Sorcery: Homing Soulmass 387

Rosabeth of Melfia (Plltrifilld)

Soul of a Proud Knight xt,

Human Effigy XI (Upper flooo

Fading Soul x1
Benhart of Jugo

Homeward Bone x3
l..9vllr (Opens gate
and aillsl Estus Flask Shard x1
(Lower floorl

To MaJula


To Doors of Pharros

,--------t-- Soorpionciss Najla


------el~ Manscorpion Tall(

(Summon Sign)

Human Effigy >'3.

BIGGlding Sgrum ,a

Scythe (Dark) X1

Soul of a Bra'lll
Skllptic's Spicg x1
Fl.im9 Butt9r11yx1. -it---------""""~ Fragrant Branch of Yore xt,
Torch >'3 ......_ ---' Lion Mage Aob9 X1.
Lion Mage Cuffs x1,
Lion Mage Skin X1
St IADI D W< )( )[)S - lJPPI R l I VI l ntan lt9 Chunk X1 .
l'llt~fled Dragon Bone X1

To Aid la's Keep

Radiant Litgggm x1

Fire Se9d X1 Soul of a Proud Knight xt,

Human l:ffigy x1

Soul of a Nameless Soldier X1 .

Radiant Ueg9m x1

---~- Large Soul of a

Na mejess Soldier X1

Ruined F«k Road Chloranlhy Ring + 1 xl

Lloyd's Talisman x2

Pharros· Loclcstong X1

Ring of Life Protection xt,

Large Soul of a Proud Knight x1


J After traveling along the path from Majula for a while, you'll
'II eventually come across a fierce warrior by the name of Benhart
of Jugo, and if you talk to him he'll explain that his Journey has come
to a stop because of a strange statue blocking the way ahead. Enter
the nearby building and before going in too far. go through the
wooden doors on either side of the entrance and kill the Goblins
waiting inside. Once they're down, approach the door at the end of
the room and you'll notice that the statue that Benhart was talking
about has its hands firmly gripped around a switch you need to pull
[ c_J O J. Examine the statue and use a Fragrant Branch of Yore on it
to un-petrify the poor soul that was trapped in place. If you came
here early and don't have a Fragrant Branch of Yore, then you'll
either need to go to the Harvest Valley to pick one up, or to Iron
Keep and buy one from Magerold.

Pull the switch now that tt's usable again, and the nearby door will
start to creak open. At the same time, however, four doors on the
upper floor of the room will open and a Goblin will jump down from
each of them in an ambush, and there's also a Basilisk waiting on
the other side of the opening door. Quickly run back across the
room and etther make your way to the entrance or into one of the
small rooms so that you can use the doorways as choke points to
restrict enemy movement and reduce the odds of them overwhelm-
ing you. When it's clear, make your way across the room again and
through the newly opened door.

World Event
The woman you freed from Petrification is Rosabeth of
Melfi a, and if you talk to her she'll give you a Prism Stone as
thanks for freeing her. She also happens to be quite adept
at Pyromancy, and you'll be able to buy a number of useful
Items from her if you wish. Her current dilemma, however, is
that her clothes are all in shreds and she requires some new
ones. Should you choose to give her some of your equip-
ment, not only will she then decide to relocate to Majula
(making future purchases easier), but you'll also unlock the
Change of Clothes Achievementffrophy. It's also worth taking
a quick trip back outside and speaking with Benhart again,
because he'll give thanks for opening the door by promis-
ing to aid you in the future, and you'll also be able to learn a
Gesture from him.
,J Run ahead to the wooden door to the right of the stairs in this
'If room and go inside to get an Estus Flask Shard from the chest
there. The room on the other side of the stairs contains a Bonfire,
but if you rest at it, the configuration of the doors in the main room
will change again and you'll have to pull a swttch to open them.
Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but like the first room, this
one also has a number of rooms on the upper floor containing
Goblins, and they'll all jump down and ambush you again if you pull
the switch. Unlike the first room. however, you can foil this ambush
attempt, because you can access the rooms above by jumping to
the ledges from the top of the stairs [ r 1 02). Make sure you clear
every room out before pulling the switch if you rest at the Bonfire.
because killing the Goblins one at a time in that manner is much
J Keep running along the path after going through the door until
'I' you come to a small clearing with stone walls on either side.
There are a couple of Goblin's on the other side of this clearing, but
resist the urge to run in after them, because two more on top of the
wall to the left will start throwing rocks down at you. Try to lure the
two Goblins on the ground toward you with ranged attacks so that
you can fight them out of the range of the others. Run through the
clearing once they've been defeated, and double back along the
path to the left to reach the top of the wall where the other Goblins
are situated. Killing them will let you get the highly valuable Pharros'
Lockstone that's nearby [.., I Jo ].

If you continue on up the hill past the clearing you'll come to see


some old ruins at the top, and just in front of those ruins is another .J This area can be extremely difficult to navigate through because
group of Goblins. When you get the near of the hill two of them will 'I' of the dense mist, and to make matters worse, there are
rush toward you; move back down and use the hill for cover from practically invisible Phantoms running around the forested part of
the one at the back throwing rocks while you fight them, and then the area Just waiting to attack you. Using a Torch in the mist will give
move up and take out the last one before continuing along the path. you some extra visibility, but it will still be difficult to get your
' bearings, and walking around with a Shield up is very dangerous .
. .JI This building houses the second Bonfire of the area, and it's an The easiest way to keep track of where you're going is to stick to
'I' extremely important one to remember for the future. Two of the the outskirts of the area. so from the entrance, hug the cliff on the
three paths leading out of this room will take you areas that you'll left and progress into the area.
be required to go through later on in the game, but at the moment
you lack the items required to progress far along them. There is only
one real path available to you at this time, and it's the one on the
right as you enter the building. Just beside the door leading out
along that path you'll find Creighton the Wanderer if you freed him
earlier, so make sure you speak with him to find out how his search
for Pate is progressing [ r I 04].

World Event
The Shrine of Winter that you can reach from this area can
technically be accessed at this point in the game, although
it will require some skillful game play and planning. You can
open the door leading into the Shrine of Winter by amass-
ing a large number of Souls without using them, and the
number will only increase on each subsequent playthrough.
On your first playthrough, you will need 1,000,000 Souls,
the second playthrough will require 2,000,000 and so on for
each playthrough. Obviously in doing this you will miss out
on a lot of areas and the fruits they bear, so it's only recom-
mended to players on New Game+ who want to skip ahead to
later areas.
As you make your way through the woods you'll notice that some
of the trees are much larger than the others, and if you hlt those
trees they will let out an agonizing groan; these groans will attract
the Phantoms to the tree that caused them, so you can use them
to your advantage by hitting one and moving away from it quickly
so that the Phantoms are distracted. Keep pushing on with the cliff
to your left and you'll eventually come to a small path leading up to
the left, at the top of which you'll find a clearing. Sitting on a pile of
rubble in the clearing is the Head ofVengarl, and if you go through
all of his dialogue, you'll eventually be able to access his merchan-
dise [ LJ 01 ]. If you look behind the low wall near Vengarl you'll also
find a hidden Fire Seed to pick up.

Wor1d Event
Once you've spoken to Vengarl enough to open up his op-
tions, make sure you keep talking to him to hear his full story.
When you've been through all of his dialogue he'll give you
Vengarl's Helm and you'll also unlock the Reflections on Dis-
embodiment Achievement/Trophy.
J Return to the start of the area now (keeping the cliff on your
IP right). and then, after aligning yourself so that you are looking out
from the entrance again, start following the cliff on the right. Make
sure you keep your shield up while running, just in case one of the
Phantoms attacks you, but try to avoid fighting them whenever
possible because the more you kill, the more of them can appear at
the same time. Initially there will only be two, but for each one you
kill another can appear at the same time, and the only way to reset
the count is to leave the area or rest at a Bonfire. After following the
edge along for quite some distance you should come to a chest
containing an Old Sun Ring.

If you align yourself so that your back is to the front edge of that
chest, and then run directly into the woods at that angle you should
come to a large tree at Position A (-,1LJ O ]. From there you should
be able to see a second large tree with a chest next to it, and that
one contains a Clear Bluestone Ring + 1, which is very useful for
anyone using spells. After opening that chest, retrace your steps
back to the one that housed the Old Sun Ring, and then continue
through the area keeping the edge on your right.
..A After following the edge around for a while past that chest you
VI should start going uphill along a narrow path; follow that path to
the end you'll reach another chest, this time containing the
extremely useful Chloranthy Ring + 1 [ [l 03]. Drop down behind
the chest, and then keep following the edge around until you finally
start going up a set of stone stairs that leads you out of the mist.
J Enter the old ruins at the end of the path, and go up the stairs
'IP inside to find the third Bonfire of the area, tucked underneath a
broken section of the ceiling. That broken section of ceiling forms a
ramp that you can use to reach the top of the ruins, and if you run to
the opposite side of them you'll be able to get the item there. Drop
down from the end of the roof, and then go down the stairs Just
ahead on the left to reach a small room containing a chest.

Go back up the stairs now, and jump out of the destroyed section
of wall nearby on the right to land on a narrow ledge below. Quickly
destroy the nearby pot when you land, because tt will start spewing
out Curse fumes when you get close to it. Pick up the item from the
end of the ledge, and then run toward the fallen tree at the opposite
end. Close to this tree you'll see a petrified Lion Warrior, and if you
have another Fragrant Branch of Yore, it's highly recommended
that you use it here to free him [ L 04]. When you kill this enemy
you'll get the Fang Key, which is required to open a door later in the
area. Cross the fallen tree to get back to the Bonfire when you're
done here, and make your way to the opposite end of the ruins.
J Go up the ramp and through the doorway at the end of the ruins,
'fl but be extremely careful as you move up the hill outside,
because there's a Giant Basilisk just up ahead. On top of that, there
are also numerous Curse-spewing pots around the area so you
should always be watching out for them as you move around up
here. The Lion Warriors that you'll also face in this area inflict Curse
with their attacks, so fighting them in the vicinity of a Curse pot is


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doubly dangerous. Listen out for the sounds that the Curse pots
make when you get close to one, and anytime you see a buildup in
your Curse level, move out of the area and try to find the pot that's
causing it and destroy it.

From the top of this hill, you should be able to lure some of the
nearby Lion Warriors toward you with ranged attacks without attract-
ing the attention of the Giant Basilisk, so take them out to clear the
area a bit [.., 0 05]. The Giant Basilisk has a lot of health, but if you
have a good ranged attack you can also take it out relatively safely
from the top of the hill. Now that it's a bit safer to move out, go up
the hill and around to the left.
' 00
_ .JI Go straight past the entrance to the ruins at Position B to reach
W an item at the base of a wall, and then return and enter the ruin.
There are a number of Curse pots in this part of the ruins, so try to
destroy them as quickly as possible; you'll need a strong ranged
attack to destroy the one on a small section of the roof Just inside
the door, and a Throwing Knife will do if you have no other option
I J Ob]. Follow the path down the stairs, and then destroy the
large barrels when you come to them, so that you can pick up the
Pharros' Lockstone hidden behind them [ ~ ( 1 07]. After picking up
the item, go through the door that's under the stairs and enter the v--u
large room on the other side. n


-, J Through the large hole in the floor you'll be able to see Manscor-
V, pion Tark, but don't drop straight down just yet [-+U 1 ]. If you
follow the path between the broken sections of wall on the left
you'll be able to take down a Crystal Lizard for some useful
reinforcement materials, and open a chest to get a Dark Scythe.
Jump over the bit of wall near the chest, and then drop down from
the end of the path. If you turn around after landing, you should see
a tunnel leading down to a room below, v where you'll have to face
another Lion Warrior.

There are a couple of items you can grab here, and if you exit
through the door you'll come to another petrified Lion Warrior. This
one doesn't drop anything special, but If you un-petrify him you'll
be able to continue along the path to get a chest containing a Black
Knight Halberd. That's all you can do here, so make your vvay back
up through the ruins to Position B.
___________ .J Just outside that tower at Position C you'll be able to find
World Event W another hole in the ground covered by wooden boards, and this
Under normal circumstance you won't be able to commu- time you should vvalk onto them so that you fall into the cave below.
nicate with Manscorpion Tark, but with the right equipment Open the chest nearby to get the Homing Soulmass Sorcery, and
anything is possible. If you have the Ring of Whispers you'll then make sure to speak with Darkdiver Grandahl, who is on the
be able to hear his inner voice and communicate with him, opposite side of the Shrine to the Abyss l-i [ J 04].
and you can purchase that ring from Sweet Shalquoir in Ma-
jula. After hearing his tale, he'll ask that you help him kill his World Event
betrothed, who happens to the boss of this area, Scorpioness Just like the other Shrines, if you speak to Darkdiver Gran-
Najka. When you approach the Fog Gate leading to the boss, dahl, and then return to the area before speaking with him
you'll also findTark's Summon Sign just to the left of it. at both of the other Shrines he will not be here. Once you've
spoken to him in all three locations, however, he will always
be at whatever Shrine you go to.
.J Tum left as you exit the building, and move up toward the
·,P remains of another building directly ahead and open the chest
inside. There's another large set of ruins nearby, which would be Drop down from the ledge next to Grandahl, and make your vvay
directly behind where the giant Basilisk was, and venturing in there toward the opposite end of the cave. Make sure you avoid vvalking
is highly worthwhile, because you'll be able to get another Pharros' into the pools of liquid in this cave, because it is highly acidic and will
Lockstone along with some other items. If you look across the area quickly destroy your equipment [..., J 05]. As you near the door at the
from the entrance of those ruins, run forward and go through the end you should see a room on either side of the path, and each of
archway opposite them to reach a small ledge on the other side these rooms contains a number of Basilisks. Try to lure the Basilisks
[- J 02]. From that ledge you can jump across a gap (try to take out out of the rooms they're in and back down the path, so that they
the Curse pot with the roll at the end of your jump) and get another don't group up and overwhelm you. Grab the items from the room,
chest. Make your vvay back across the gap once you've secured the and then return to the main part of the cave and go through the open-
chest's contents. ing on the side of the vvall. You'll now be back on the ledge near the
' third Bonfire, so cross the fallen tree, and then go all the vvay back
J If you continue around to the right from that archway, you should through the area and take the path between the two towers.
W see an item sitting in the corner of the floor just below a raised
section of ground; do not go running straight toward this item,
because there are wooden boards covering a hole in the ground and
they will give way if you step on them. Kill the Lion Warrior near the
hole, and then make your way around the bottom edge of the raised
area to get the Item safely. Continue through the area just past the
hole, and you should be able to enter another ruined building on the
right, where you'll find a petrified Lion Warrior.

Un-petrifying that enemy is not a bad idea if you have a spare

Fragrant Branch of Yore, because it will let you access a chest con-
taining a Fragrant Branch of Yore. and a full set of Lion Mage armor.
Directly opposite from those ruins you'll see doorvvays leading into
a tower on either side of a large arch, and if you go up the stairs in
the tower on the right you'll be able to get the item that was visible
from below [~LJ 03].


I 0

World Event
If you used a Fragrant Branch ofYore to un-petrify the Lion
Warrior near the third Bonfire, and then killed it to obtain the
Fang Key, you'll be able to use that key to open the door in
this cave. Inside you'll find Weaponsmith Ornifex, and now
that you've freed her, she'll be able to return to her shop in
Brightstone Cove Tseldora, an area that you're currently head-
ing toward. At her shop you'll be able to trade Boss Souls for
powerful weapons, so freeing her at this time will pay divi-
dends later. You can also pick up an Estus Flask Shard in the
room she was being held captive in, so there are immediate
benefits to opening the door as well.

, _.j There are no enemies along this path, so you can safely run
QI along it toward the fog Gate at the end. If you spoke with
Manscorpion Tark earlier, you'll find his Summon Sign just to the left
of the Fog Gate and you can call upon him for assistance in the
upcoming battle. Enter the Fog Gate and face Scorpioness Najka
when you're ready. During the fight with her you'll notice that there
is an item sitting on top of a tree, and the only way to get that item
is to have Najka destroy it with one of her attacks. Getting her into
position, and then having her use the right attack can be very
awkward, and since the item is only a Flame Butterfly, you'll need to
think hard about how much you really want it [ -L, O J. After
defeating Najka, take the path out of the boss room and continue on
toward the Doors of Pharros.

World Event
If you had previously spoken with Manscorpion Tark using the
Ring of Whispers, make sure you return to him after defeat-
ing Najka. You'll need to either leave the area or rest at a
Bonfire for him to appear back in his usual spot. In thanks for
helping end his long waging struggle with her, he'll give you
a Fragrant Branch ofYore, and you'll also be able to learn a
Gesture from him.


Goblins and humanoid creatures that lurk in the Shaded Woods.
These deformed monstrosities give a grotesque impression and
do not appear to be products of a natural evolution; rather they
seem to have once been human. What twisted force could have
rent their humanity and left them in this sad state?

they have time to attack is the best strategy. They share the other
Goblins' lack of poise and are easily stunned; players may dispose
of them by any available means.

Unarmed Goblins whose hands lack a coating of green poison will
stand at a distance and pelt the player with stones. As they can be a
troublesome source of chip damage it is best to take cover in order
to deal with the more aggressive melee-oriented Goblins before
moving in to mop these up. Projectile Goblins will not perform any
melee attacks at all and will only throw stones.

Goblln (Bare fists) 390 90 Yes

Goblln (Hammer) 440 90 Yes
Goblln (Sii ng I 340 90 Yes
Strategy .,, t 1111 'ty
Bare fists
The most straightforward variety of Goblin, these will ag- Llfegem 5 396
gressively pursue the player and attack with simple punches Battle Axe (Bare fists) 0.6 326
and uppercuts, which can be easily blocked with a basic
Spear (Bare fists) 1 333
shield. Goblins have extremely low Poise and are suscep-
tible to attacks of nearly any kind; players lacking shields can Caestus (Bare fists) 0.6 342
simply roll or strafe out of the way of their swings and counterattack. Longsword (Hammer) 2 314
Be aware that their attacks cause poison buildup and be prepared Broadsword (Hammer) 1 314
with some Poison Moss when traveling to the Shaded Woods. Estoc (Hammer) 0.6 324
Rapier (Hammer) 1 326
Falc:hlon (Hammer) 1 321
Slightly more dangerous than the other types of Goblin, these
carry a primitive club fashioned from a human spine and skull. Mace (Sllng) 1 329
Their attacks cause Polson buildup and drain modest amounts of Club (Sllng) 0.6 329
Stamina when blocked; striking them with weapons or magic before Wood Arrow x3 (Sllng) 2 358
A peculiar species of reptile that has developed a number of
ingenious adaptations for self-defense. The large bulbous eyes
on their heads are in fact fake and act as deterrents to would-be
predators; Basilisks are also capable of spraying a petrifying
mist which has earned them their well-deserved name.

Their ability to instantly kill players unable to escape their petrifying
mist belies the fact that Basilisks are in reality quite weak and will
fall easily to nearly any form of attack. The key to safely eliminating
them is to score the first strike; this can be accomplished either
with ranged attacks or simply by rushing the Basilisk before it can
exhale a cloud of mist. These creatures have very low health and
will not last long against a sustained assault.

Baslllsk 260 200 Yes

Pr, t 111 .. .,

Raw Stone 5 311

Falntstone 1 311
Boltstone 1 311
Flredrake Stone 1 311
Darknlght Stone 1 311
Polson Stone 1 311
Bleed Stone 1 311



The lone Lion Warrior armed with only an axe can be found below
Manscorpion Tark's sand pit. He behaves in the same way as the
others, except that if his initial swing connects he may perform a
three-hit axe combo ending with lunging jump attack; otherwise he
should be handled in the same way as his kin.
A species of anthropomorphic
lions whose sudden appearance UD "n•,1 p: ..,, """
on the stage of history suggests Lion Clan Warrior (Greataxe & Shleld) 660 400 Yes
that they are not of natural
origin. They despise other races Lion Cl an Warrior (Greataxe) 860 400 Yes
and will arbitrarily slaughter
those not of their clan.
.. r'r t 11 lty 1

Lion Warrior cape (Greataxe & Shleld) 1 373

Lion Warrior Helm (Greataxe) 1 373
Strategy Lion Warrior Skirt 1 373
Greataxe & Shield
Lion warrior Cuffs 1 373
These Lion Warriors will attack only with basic swings of their axes,
but their attacks will cause Curse buildup, so it is crucial to trick Red Uon warrior Cape (Greataxe) 1 373
them into attacking first before attempting to strike them. They Lion Greataxe 1 328
can be handled from a distance using magic or projectiles; at close Lion Clan Shleld (Greataxe & Shleld) 1 352
range players must allow them to swing their axes and then imme- Tttclops SnakeTroches 5 399
diately strafe backwards. The opportunity for counterattack is during
the Lion Warrior's recovery from its swing.
An impressive Basilisk specimen of enormous size with mottled
green skin like that of a chameleon. Whether these creatures are
the result of a divergence in the species' evolutionary line or the
product of an Aldian experiment is unclear. They are not actively
predatory and will make no attempt to attack unless cornered,
so observers not looking for a fight would be wise to give them
a wide berth.

Strategy HP ~c,·,i

Far more powerful than their smaller cousins. Giant Basilisks pose Giant Baslllsk 3380 3000 No
a great challenge for players lacking upgraded equipment; however
they can be easily defeated with ranged attacks or spells at no risk, t'rt t 111 1
as they will not pursue the player even when provoked. Giant Basi-
lisks will only attack when players encroach upon their immediate Petrified Dragon Bone 100 310
vicinity; they will use the same petrifying mist as other members of
their species in addition to forward claw swipes and swings of their
tails at players behind them. They are susceptible to poison and a
few Poison Arrows or Poison Throwing Knives will make short work
of them.


Guardian spirits lurking in the thick

fog of the central Shaded Woods. Meleo Attacks
Their identities are completely
unknown as they barely maintain
corporeal forms and are almost
invisible against the mist. Are they
fallen soldiers of a war long past,
or the remnants of a clan that once
dwelled in this ancient land?

Sword & Crossbow
Forest Guardians with Longswords will fire their Crossbows from
a distance and close in with their blades when the player draws
near. They are extremely difficult to see due to the thick fog and
their near-invisibility; area-effect spells and wide sweeping swings
offer the highest chance of hitting them. The large trees with faces

Dagger & Crossbow
Crossbow Attacks These Forest Guardians will take potshots with their Crossbows
at long range and persistently strafe around the player fishing for
Backstabs up close. They should be handled in the same way as
the other type of Forest Guardian, with the additional suggestion
that players fight with their backs against a wall if possible. Hitting
Forest Guardians with single-target spells or ranged attacks is nearly
impossible and cheap, all-purpose area attacks such as Firebombs
are sufficient alternatives in a pinch.
... ..
Forest Guardian (Sword & Crossbow) 840 460 Yes
Forest Guardian (Dagger a. Crossbow) 840 460 Yes
scattered throughout this section of the Forest can be attacked, Pr.,l.aL>l,lt)
and upon doing so they will groan; this will attract any nearby
Forest Guardians and offer the player a brief opportunity to slip by None


VI/Qapon and Claw

Altlc:ks. Toxic Sting

The wife of ManscorpionTark, a fragile soul created long ago

by an ancient being in the throes of madness. Najka herself has
succumbed to the very affliction which felled her master and
has devolved into a ferocious beast, a threat to all living things.

Tall Attacks
Najka will reach over her head to strike players in front of her with
her twin tails. She will swing them back and forth horizontally to
attack players to her sides and rear and will strike behind her with
up to four consecutive vertical tail slams. Attempting to block
Najka's tall swings is not advised, as doing so will drain
large amounts of Stamina. It is possible to roll through
the swings in the opposite direction, but the timing
required is quite precise. Both of Najka's tails can be
severed, rendering her unable to use these attacks.


Toxic Sting
If Najka still has both tails she will perform an unblockable close-
range grab attack that targets the area directly in front of her. Najka
will rear up and roar, at which point players should strafe or roll back-
wards; she will proceed to strike over her head with both tails In a
pincer motion, and if this attack connects players will be impaled on
her stingers and instantly afflicted with Toxin. Severing at least one
of Najka's tails will prevent her from being able to use this attack.

Soul Spear
Najka Is capable of casting Soul Spear when she Is buried in the
sand with only her human torso exposed. This can be avoided with
a sideways roll. Alternatively, a shield with high Stability and magic
reduction paired with a Small Blue Burr can absorb the brunt of the

Crystal Soul Geyser

At long range Najka will charge magical energy on her spear and
Weapon Attacks shortly afterward fire a barrage of several Crystal Soul Spears in
Najka will attack players in front of her with her spear; she can use an arcing overhead trajectory. These will track the player and inflict
the pointed end to perform long-reaching thrust attacks and the tremendous damage if all of them connect. They can be avoided by
scythe-like end to execute wide sweeping swings. Backing Najka up running directly toward Najka or else rolling forward through them.
against the walls and standing at a lower elevation to fight her will Attempting to block these piercing blasts is not recommended
allow the player to avoid most of her horizontal swings and some- under any circumstances.
times her thrusts, but not her claw attacks. Blocking blows from Na-
jka's spear should only be attempted with a high-Stability shield, as Homing Soulmass Spear
her rapid onslaught will drain large amounts of Stamina otherwise; Najka will cast this spell at the same range and under the same con-
players are advised to avoid the thrusts by rolling sideways and the ditions as Crystal Soul Geyser. It is unmistakable, as it resembles
sweeping swings by rolling backward. the Homing Soul mass spell, but rather than small projectiles, each
Soul mass will fire an individual Soul Spear at the player. These have
moderate tracking capability but can be avoided by dashing either
clockwise or counterclockwise around Najka, perpendicular to the
trajectories of the Soul Spears. Not all the Soulmasses will fire at
once, requiring that the player continue dashing until each one has
been spent.

Claw Attacks
Najka will strike players in front of her at extremely close range with
her small claws. These attacks are chained in quick succession and
will collectively drain tremendous amounts of Stamina; attempting
to block them is not recommended and players are instead advised
to roll backward and out of Najka's range.


Subterranean Ambush
Najka will periodically dive beneath the sand. Her position can be
traced by the clouds of dust generated by her movement; she will
wander the room aimlessly at first and then make a beeline for the
player. Players should make every effort to avoid Najka, as she will
perform a two-hit attack when she bursts out of the ground; the ini-
tial blow drains enormous amounts of Stamina and will break most
players' guard if blocked, allowing the secondary strike when Najka
lands to inflict additional damage. Players will also take damage rt
standing too close to Najka when she dives.

Players seeking assistance with this fight should equip the Ring continue maximizing their opportunities to attack her should target a
of Whispers and speak to Manscorpion Tark In the sand pit at the part of her body other than her tails. Also bear in mind that in order
Shaded Ruins; his Summon Sign can subsequently be found outside to obtain the item atop the dead tree, Najka must knock the tree
Scorpioness Najka's Boss room. Tark tends not to last long, but down by striking it with her tails.
his attacks are powerful and he can provide a diversion for those
experiencing difficulty with this battle. Najka will begin the fight sub-
merged in the sand up to her waist with only her human torso ex-
posed; she will bombard the player with Soul Spears until engaged
at close range or struck from a distance at which point she will burst
from the ground, damaging adjacent players In the process.

Melee characters are advised not to lock on to Najka or circle her

at close range, as the ability to run freely around the battlefield is
crucial to avoiding her attacks. The only safe opportunities to strike
are while she is casting Crystal Soul Geyser, as it will not hit directly
in front of her; during her recovery after executing one of her tail
attacks; and when she bursts out of the ground. Attempting to hit
Najka in between her me lee attacks is strongly discouraged as
these are very rapid and will almost always inflict collateral damage.
Using Lifegems or Estus is safe in the aforementioned situations
and immediately after Najka burrows under the sand as she will
remain submerged for a long period of time [ l I 01]. Evade Najka's
attacks according to the move list above and strike only when it is
safe; exercise particular patience after severing her tails.

Ranged and magic-focused characters have a bit more freedom and

can adapt the melee strategy to suit or else allow Najka to initiate a
physical attack, strafe or roll backward and counterattack from out-
side her range. Her spells will still need to be evaded in the same
manner, although it is safe to strike Najka with ranged attacks while
she is casting Crystal Soulmass Spear; however, players should im-
mediately begin evasive maneuvers when all of Najka's Soulmasses
have appeared as she will then promptly attempt to run the player
down, attacking with her claws and spear while the Soulmasses

Najka's tails are most easily targeted when she performs the over-
head sting attack which leaves them buried in the ground in front of
her; after sustaining enough damage they will break off and leave
her unable to perform any associated attacks [ 02]. At this point
it will become more drfficult to safely damage Najka, as she will no
longer have access to her slowest strikes, so players wishing to

H roul D1rr' lnr" s•~111lnll lbm 1e

Scorploness NaJka 5910 23000 No Toll Attacks No Yes Heavy

,, I 1b1 Ii\
Toxic Sting No No u nblockabl e
• p '
Weapon Attacks No Yes Moderate
Scorploness NaJka soul 100 397 Claw Attacks No Yes Moderate
Soul Spear No Yes Moderate
Crystal soul Geyser No Yes Moderate (lndlvldualty)
Homing Soulmass Spear No Yes Moderate (lndlvldualty)
Subterranean Ambush No Yes Extreme


A cavern deep within the ancient territory of Manscorpion
Tark and Scorpioness Najka's former master, now the domain
of the Rat King and his subjects. More recently the Gyrm
have made their home here, exiled by the arrogant and
shortsighted humans. Countless sealed doors and deadly
traps line the labyrinthine halls, all operated by the mysterious
devices known as Pharros' Lockstones, but the architect of this
subterranean vault and its original purpose are long lost amid
the shifting sands of time.

ArP.,I f11P.111los p,,qH l1111xirt,111t ltam s P.,qH

Dog Rat 207 Black Scorpion Stinger 326
'!:! Gyrm 206 Dark Leggings 379
c: Gyrm warrior
Santler's Spear 336
6l (Dual Wield Greataxe)
GyrmAxe 326
Gyrm Warrior
(Great Hammer & Greatshield) 206 Hex: Twisted Barricade 394
ee Primal Knight (Undead) 207 Falntstone 311
OS Mimic 141 Twinkling Tltanlte 310
0 Bowman Guthry 208 Petrified Dragon Bone 310
0 Pharros' Lodestone 401
(D Royal Rat AUthortty 208

Torch x1

noons ()I Pl IARRl)"i - towr R l l VI I

Dragon Charm x1

Amber Herb x2

Prism Stong x10

Dark Laggings xt.

Btlck Soorpion Stinggr x1 (Mimlcl
Gyrm ·s R;s pite
Santi9r's Sp9arx1


To Brlghtstone cove Tseldora

Large Soul of a
8 r.MI Warrior x 1

Magic Arrow xt 5 (Trap)

Soul of a Braw -__.....,.,,._ _ __,


l)<1<1R"i ot Pt IARR<1"i - llrrrR l rvn

Titanite Chunk xt,

Petrified Dragon Bone x1 (Tl;ip)

Pharros' Locicstone x1, Large

Soul of a Nameless Soldier xl

Twistlld BarricadQ. Soul

of a Proud Knight x1


Faintstone x1,
Twinkling Tttanite x1



.JI At the start of this area you'll find yourself at the mouth of a
'II flooded cave, and because your movement is hampered in water
of this depth, you'll need to be extra careful when facing enemies.
Directly ahead of you you'll see a massive Primal Knight, so try and
lure it to one of the small sections of dry land sticking out of the
water so that you can maneuver around it with greater ease. While
you're engaging the Primal Knight, a Gyrm Warrior will usually start
coming toward you from the staircase ahead, and while it moves
quite slowly, you should still try and take out the Primal Knight
quickly before it closes in.

If you choose, you can forgo completing nearly all of this area and
simply head straight on to Brightstone Cove Tseldora from this loca-
tion, and if you wish to do that you should skip ahead and continue
reading from Point 11. In doing that, however, you'll miss out on a
number of good item pickups, and an excellent place to farm Phar-
ros' Lockstones by killing Dog Rats. With that in mind, start heading
toward the small cave entrance directly ahead to begin exploring the
area [ _J 01 ]. The chest to the side of the cave entrance is a Mimic,
so attack it rather than trying to open it, and for killing it you'll get
Dark Leggings and a Black Scorpion Stinger. Enter the cave now to
access the area's first Bonfire, and then continue on to the large
water-filled cavern ahead.
.JI As soon as you enter the cavern you'll get invaded by the Dark
'If Spirit, Bowman Guthry and be sealed into the area, just to give
you an indication as to what the area is designed for. This entire area
is under the Jurisdiction of The Rat King, and as such is intended for
online battles against other players. There are numerous Pharros'
Contraptions around the area that either release enemies or activate
traps, and all of them can be used to aid you during invasions if you
have sufficient Lockstones. Luckily, this Dark Spirit will stay in place
until you get close to it, which gives you room to deal with the is generally a good idea for this battle, and using ranged attacks so
Primal Knight and Dog Rat nearby [ 02). that you don't have to try and get close to him also helps.
Guthry is armed with dual Avelyns (multi-shot Crossbows), which . J While most of the Pharros' Contraptions do indeed release
can give him a bit of an advantage, seeing as your movement is 'II enemies or control traps, some of them do lead to items, and the
hampered by the water. Focusing on defense rather than evasion large door here is one such place. The door has three segments that
open, each of which is controlled via a nearby Contraption, and


while it may appear that you need to use three Lod<stones to open it, that is not actually the
case. If you simply want to gain entry to the room beyond the door, all you need is one Lock-
stone, and you have to place it in the Contraption on the floor so that the bottom segment
of the door lowers. That alone provides enough clearance for you to enter [ 03]. Don't go
running straight in, however, because there's another Primal Knight waiting behind the door
and you'll have to defeat it to claim the item inside.
J The Contraption on the floor on the opposite side of the area controls the door to a
., nearby alcove where a Gyrm is waiting, so using a Lod<stone on it is not very beneficial.
Slightly further along on this side of the area you'll come to a small archway that you can go
through leading to a ledge, where you'll be able to pick up a Gyrm AJ<e [ L 04). Make your
way back down to the main part of the cavern after picking up the items.
.i At the back of the cavern you'll find two more Pharros' Contraptions, both of which will
WP release enemies from nearby alcoves if you use a Lockstone on them [ J 05]. While
normally this wouldn't be too beneficial, the enemy you can release by using the Contrap-
tion on the right (as you look directly at them) is a Dog Rat, so the potential number of
Lockstones you could obtain from it far outweighs the one used to release it. When you're
done in the large cavern, go through the nearby door way into the small adjoining cave.
J Two more Dog Rats will come running straight at you when you enter this area, so make
IP sure you kill them for a chance at a Lockstone. There are two Pharros' Contraptions at the
opposite end of this area, but they both Just release Gyrms from alcoves so opening them
should not be a priority. A short distance into the room you'll come to a ladder, and you
should use that to reach the narrow path above. Pick up the item near the ladder, and then
take out the Gyrm Warriors further along the path. The Pharros' Contraption you come to
along this path opens up a passage way down below that leads to a chest containing a
Twinkling Tltanite and a Faintstone; if you want the reinforcement materials it's worth using
a Lockstone to get them [-1 [ J 06].
_j Stay clear of the wall on the right as you make your way around
·V, the path, because another Gyrm is manipulating a switch at
Position A that will cause spikes to protrude out along a section of
it. When you get to the small alcove, kill the Gyrm near the switch
to put an end to his mischief. Be careful while fighting him,
however, because there's a wooden chest in the area and it can
easily be destroyed if you fight near it [ -i 01). The chest also has a
trap on it, so pay attention when you open it and react accordingly
to the type of trap.

By striking the switch that the Gyrm was using, you can also
manipulate the spike wall if you wish. The alcove also contains two
more Pharros' Contraptions, and as you look into the room, the one
on the right activates an axe-throwing statue trap, and the one on
the left has no effect. Continue along the ledge, and after grabbing
the Pharros' Lockstone to the left of the stairs you come to, use
them to access an upper path in the large water-filled cavern you
were previously in.
.~ The path here runs around the entire cavern, and like the other
" parts of this area, there are numerous Pharros' Contraptions to
be found along the way. The traps that can be activated in this area
are especially fiendish and damaging so extra care should be taken
if you decide to activate any. The best approach to tackle the area is
to follow the path around going anti-clockwise. After crossing the
first bridge you'll see a Contraption on the wall to either side; both
of them activate traps, with the one on the right causing razor sharp
disks to fire across the bridge, and the one on the left causes the
nearby statue to start throwing stone axes [ 02).
J After crossing the next bridge you'll have to take out a couple of
VI Gyrm Warriors before you can consider doing anything wtth the
Contraptions. The first one you come to on the wall will activate the
nearby statue trap, while the next one along on the floor will open
up a nearby passageway that leads to a small room with a Gyrm
Warrior and a chest containing Magic Arrows x15. Given the low
amount and situational use of those arrows, it's hard to recommend
opening the passage to them unless you have an abundance of
Lockstones. The next Contraption on the floor along the path will
activate the statue trap that's next to tt, and the Contraption on the
wall will open another passageway, which provides an alternate
means of reaching the other side of the nearby bridge (->.I I 03).
·w Upon reaching the end of the bridge here you'll see another
Contraption on the wall to the right, and if you put a Lockstone in
it you'll activate another trap that will fire disks along the bridge you
just crossed. Further along the path you'll come to a Contraption on
the floor that controls the statue trap near it, and then on the wall
ahead you'll see a row of three Contraptions. All of those Contrap-
tions are used to control dtfferent parts of the nearby door, and like
the one on the floor below, you only have to use a Lockstone on the
central one to gain access to the room through the bottom part of
the door [ 04].

On the other side of the door is a Primal Knight, and just behind that
is a Large Soul of a Brave Warrior; the trade of the Lockstones for
the souls isn't a bad one, so consider using a Lockstone here if you
have one to spare. The Contraption further along the wall from the
group of three controls the statue trap opposite it near the edge of
the path.
J Continue over the next bridge and take out the Gyrm Warrior
VI that's blocking your path. Shortly after facing that enemy you'll
come to a Contraption on the wall, and if you put a Lockstone in this
one it will cause a section of the cave wall ahead to move out and
block the path, stopping you from doing a full circle of the area.
While at first this may seem pointless, if you're up against an
invader, it may just save your life.

Go through the door just past the Contraption to reach a small

room that houses the second Bonfire of the area. which happens to
be nicely positioned just in front of a Fog Gate. Rest up, and then
go through the Fog Gate to battle the Royal Rate Authority when
you're ready. Follow the path out of the boss room once tt has been


defeated and you'll soon come to a small cave; The Rat King himself
can be found here, tucked away in a small alcove on the left, so
make sure you don't accidentally attack him. Drop down through the
hole in the wall near the Rat King to land on path in the very first
room of the area. [ , 05]

World Event
As in the Grave of Saints, you can talk to the Rat King to join
his Covenant if you wish. This area, even more so than the
Grave of Saints, can give you a significant advantage in battle
after you draw an invader in due to the sheer number of traps
that you can activate.
.J Head through the doorway on the left after you land to reach a
VI room where the wondering merchant, Lonesome Gavlan can be
found; If you have any unwanted items or equipment, make sure to
take advantage of his services while he's here. Follow the spiraling
path up the side of the room once you're transactions with Gavlan
are complete, and enter the narrow corridor when you come to it.
At the end of this corridor you'll see a Gyrm Warrior with two
Greataxes, and when you close in on him, he'll try and throw them
at you. Thankfully, he can't throw them very far, so when you see
him start the throwing animation, simply walk backwards out of
range [ -i u 6].
. J Continue on along the path after taking out the Greataxe
VJ throwing Gyrm, but before you reach the point where it opens
out into a cave again, make sure you have something equipped that
can deal with the Crystal Lizard just ahead. Further along the path
past the Crystal Lizard you'll come to a small alcove on the right, in
which a foolish Gyrm can be found sitting with his back to you; take
advantage of his poor choice in seating area by running up and
attacking him from behind [ C J 07). The only thing standing
between you and the next area now is one final Gyrm Warrior on
the other side of the nearby bridge, so take him out, and then
continue up the stairs toward Brightstone Cove Tseldora.


A stocky, powerful race which once
dwelt aboveground, they were
regarded as inferior by humans
and unjustly exiled below. They are
amicable by nature but harbor an
intense distrust of surface-dwellers,
particularly humans; in addition
many of the Gyrm living in the
Doors of Pharros have gone Hollow
and become threats to the living.
Most of the Gyrm in the Doors of Pharros are encountered seated
with their backs to the player, allowing an immediate Backstab.
Should they survive they will attack with a makeshift weapon
fashioned from a blacksmith's anvil attached to a chain; nevertheless
these unfortunate souls suffer from painfully slow movement and
are easily dispatched with any means of attack.

HP it"'o··•

Gynn 730 120 Yes

• t I II

Gynn Helm 6 369

GynnAnnor 6 369
Gynn Gloves 6 369
Gynn Boots 6 369
Llfegem 20 396

Warriors of the Gyrm race clad in heavy armor customized for
their stout frames.These sturdy opponents can deal massive
damage with their improvised Great Hammers while deflecting
nearly any blow with the monstrous stone Greatshields they carry.
Some have developed proficiency in ranged combat and will
throw enormous Greataxes at enemies with frightening accuracy.

Dual Greataxe
Gyrm armed with a pair of
Greataxes will either hurl these
at the player from a distance
and proceed to attack with their
bare hands, or close in with the
Greataxes and perform slow,
powerful swings. Rolling forward
through the flying axe will allow
players to deliver melee attacks;
mages and archers will need to


either take cover or time their shots and casts to leave enough time ~l''J'

for dodging the incoming axes. Gyrm Warriors can be Backstabbed

GynnWarrlor (Dual Greataxe) 630 300 Yes
and their melee attacks Parried for a quick victory.
GynnWarrlor (Great Hammer & Greatshleld) 630 300 Yes
Great Hammer I ro ,nlllt,, p
Parrying the slow swings of the Gyrm Warriors' Great Hammers is
relatively easy; their guard can also be broken with shove attacks Gynn Warrior Helm 3 369
allowing for Guard Break Critical Hits. Ranged or magic-oriented Gynn Warrior Armor 3 369
characters may need to approach just close enough for the Gyrm GynnWarrlor Gloves 3 369
Warriors to initiate an attack in order to circumvent the defenses of
Gynn Warrior Boots 3 369
their massive Greatshields.
Gynn Greataxe (Dual Greataxe) 3 328
Gynn Great Hammer (Great Hammer & Greatshleld) 3 332
Gynn Greatsileld (Great Hammer & Greatshleld) 3 366
Old Mundane stone 5 311
Magic Stone 1 311
Titan lte Chunk 2 310

DOG RAT Subjects of the Rat King, the origins of these odd hybrid canine
rats remain unknown to all but the rats themselves. They inhabit
the Doors of Pharros and will bravely defend their rightful realm
against intruders.

Dog Rats behave in the same way as their cousins in the Grave
of Saints and should be handled as such. Bear in mind, however.
that rather than Poison their attacks cause Bleed and Petrification
buildup; avoid being hit if possible and try to pick them off one at a
time rather than taking them on in groups .
..,., i.n•1I Y'TI

Dog Rat 190 80 Yes

t'n t;. II 't ,

Pharros' Lockstone 8 401
Old Radiant Ufegem 2 396
Rat Tall 1 402


One of the original Primal Knights, this ragged creature

went Hollow long ago and now wanders mindlessly with its
equipment in tatters from long years of neglect. First created
through a dark and forbidden ritual in ages past, the Primal
Knights are artificial creatures contrived by a twisted and
power-hungry mind. Their susceptibility to the Undead Curse, a
trait they share with humans, raises foreboding questions about
the rituals through which they were given life ...

Primal Knights are large, powerful and very slow enemies with a
crippling blind spot directly behind them. Players not attacking from
a distance with magic or projectiles should launch their assault
from this spot while strafing clockwise around the Primal Knight
to maintain the position; these hulking opponents are also very
susceptible to Poison and can be dispatched in this manner from a
safe distance.

l'P ~nul p \""'1

Prlmal Knight (Undead) 1180 1100 Yes

Pr L 11 ', 1

Rusted Mastodon Helm 6 374

Rusted Mastodon Armor 6 374
Rusted Mastodon Gauntlets 6 374
Rusted Mastodon Leggings 6 374
Mastodon Halberd 6 335
Mastodon Greatshleld 6 357
A Dark Spirit with a
most unusual choice of
armaments, Guthry will
invade in the Doors of
Pharros immediately after
the player has passed
through the gate into the
Rat King's territory. Clad
in the armor of a Royal
Swordsman, could he be a
remnant of the Drangleic
Army unit dispatched
to Brightstone Cove
Tseldora ... ?
Guthry will wait for the player to act and immediately fire one of his
two Avelyns during the opening. While his redundant and seemingly
counterintuitive loadout lends him a humorous appearance, make
no mistake - he is a dangerous opponent. It's best to face Guthry
with a shield; if this is not possible he should be either forced into a
corner where he cannot escape or lured to an area where you can
take cover from his ranged attacks. Guthry will take great pains to
stay out of your melee range and will occasionally perform a shove
attack if he is cornered; however his dual crossbows prevent him
from being able to block attacks and sweeping horizontal swings
will make short work of him. Guthry can be poisoned and simply
left to die; however he will attempt to heal with Estus if given the

Dart< Splrtt Bowman Guthry 1730 1052 No Royal Swordsman Helm 371 Royal Swordsman Leggings 371
Can heal via Estus flask Royal Swordsman Annor 371 Avelyn 348

Probablllty p (1
Royal Swordsman Gloves 371 Avelyn 348

Royal Swordsman Helm 1 371

Royal Swordsman Armor 1 371
Royal Swordsman Gloves 1 371
Royal swordsman Leggings 1 371


A loyal servant of the Rat King and the enforcer of his authority, Bite Attacks
this gargantuan Dog Rat is also responsible for testing the The Royal Rat Authority will lower its head toward its right side and
strength and virtue of visitors to his lord's domain. lunge forward, striking the area in front of it with a bite. This can
be blocked with a shield though the Stamina drain will be severe;
Claw Swipes rolling backward with precise timing is the only reliable way to avoid
The Royal Rat Authority will raise its right paw and perform a frontal it, although players who are not locked on may attempt to pivot
sweeping attack, followed by another identical attack with its left and dash directly away. When the Boss has been reduced below
paw. These can be blocked by a shield with high Stability, but also approximately 20o/o of its health it will exclusively use a feeble and
afford the best opportunity for the player to dash or roll underneath much weaker version of this attack.
the Boss, from which point attacks can be launched or healing items


Lunge Attack
An extremely difficult attack to avoid, the Royal Rat Authority will
use this at mid and long range. It can be identified when the Boss
crouches and lowers its head as though about to pounce; it will
then lunge quickly forward and perform a sweeping headbutt attack
which can be dodged only with a backward roll at exactly the right
moment. This attack inflicts such tremendous Stamina damage that
only the mightiest and most heavily-upgraded of Greatshields can
stand up to it; players attempting to block it are advised to hold their
shield in both hands in order to utilize the Stability bonus thereby
granted. If the player becomes trapped underneath the Boss when
it prepares to use this move, a forward roll (toward its hindquarters)
offers the best chance of a successful escape.

Royal Rat Regurgitation

Stomp Attacks The Boss will use this attack when its health has been reduced to
The Royal Rat Authority will stomp wrth its front paws In an attempt approximately 20o/o. It will lift rtself up weakly and vomit a large pool
to strike players beneath it. One of its easiest attacks to avoid, this of yellow acid, which will spread slowly underneath rt; the acid in-
can be dodged simply by strafing or rolling toward the Boss' hind flicts significant durability damage and players should avoid contact
legs and offers a brief opportunrty to land an attack. with rt at all costs.

The Royal Rat Authority will initially be sleeping atop an Inaccessible
ledge when you enter the Boss room. Below it are several Dog
Rats; as soon as these are engaged the Boss will wake up and Jump
down to attack. Eliminating the Dog Rats before the Boss' arrival is
crucial, as their interference cannot be afforded in this fight. Sweep-
ing horizontal swings of large weapons as well as area-effect spells
are recommended; Firebombs will suffice if no alternatives are avail-
able, but are far from ideal. The Boss should be engaged only after
the small fry have been eliminated. This massive rat is deceptively
fleet-footed and very powerful; the only safe place from which to
attack is directly beneath it. In general, keep the boss at close range
when possible and use Its Claw Swipes as an opportunity to dash
under it and attack.

The basic strategy is the same for characters of all combat orienta- A well-upgraded Greatshield with high StabiHty, such as the Gyrm
tions; keeping this boss at long range is for all intents and purposes Greatshield, can block all of the Royal Rat Authority's attacks if held
impossible, as it will close its distance to the player almost imme- in both hands; this offers an alternative strategy for players with suf-
diately. Attacks can only be safely launched from beneath it while ficient Strength to make use of it. Using this method it is possible
it is using tts Claw Swipes; at all other times players must remain to block the Boss' lunge and bite attacks while waiting for it to use
focused on either blocking or dodging, as the Boss will launch an its Claw Swipes, then dash underneath it and either hit it with the
almost constant assault. Players should remain just outside its Greatshield or switch weapons and hit it with something else. When
melee range, attempt to bait the Claw Swipes and either roll or dash the Royal Rat Authority's health has been reduced to approximately
under the Boss when it begins its attack; counterattacks should be 20o/o it will become severely weakened and will only use a feeble
executed before it finishes swinging, because it will usually leap bite attack and Royal Rat Regurgitation; at this point players should
away from the player and reposition Itself to lunge. take the opportunity to deliver it a swift and decisive finishing blow.

Hf" oul "arr Dfr•

Royal Rat Author1ty 4330 14000 No Claw SWtpes No Yes Heavy

Bite Attacks No Yes Heavy
P tat lllty
I Royal Rat Author1ty Soul
Stomp Attacks No Yes Heavy
100 397 Lunge Attacks Yes Extreme
Royal Rat Regurgitation No No Unbloclcable


ChapQI Threshold

ClllJll( 11 - lJl'l'l ll I i oon

Fading Soul lCI

-------+- Fading Soul lCI

-I Crom,;ell the Pardon;r

·- • Sl<Qptic's Spice x1
t::=±::===--'- Cleric's
Fading Soul lCI,
Small Shield lCI
Bonfire Ascetic x1
uirge Soul of a
Namelll6s Soldier lCI
Estus Flask Shard x1
Benhart of Jugo (Summoo Sigl"\l
Prrmling Mag us &
Laceratjng Alrrm x15 Holy 11\titllr Um ,a Coognagatioo

Soul of a NamelllSS
Soldiw lCI
He:ivy Bolt x20 !Trap)

L.irge Soul of a
Proud Knight x1

l\RHilll\l(JNI CllVI -14

Royal Army Campsit9

Soul of a NamelBSS Soldier lCI

Soul of a Nameless
Soldier lCI

Soul of a Nameless
Soldier lCI 0 L.irge litanitll Sh:ird xl

Sout of a Braw l/\tllrior x1

L.irge Titanite Shard xl

Wilted Dusk H 9rb x2

To Doors of Pharros
l,RI<-illl\l()NI C()VI -12
Soul of a Proud Knight xt

Southern Ritual Band ~ 1 lCI

Charcoal Pine R11Sin ,a LargeTiumite Shardx1

(Inner room)

Tit.inite Chunk lCI,

Twinkling ntanitll x 1

--- Titanit9 Chunk x1

P,Rl(ill I\ f()NI C()Vl - I { L.irge Titanite Shard lCI

Toroh lCI


l'Gtrifi9d Dragon Bone x1
An abandoned brightstone quarry in the remote
Southeastern mountains. This once-flourishing mining
settlement enjoyed great prosperity during the brightstone
boom, but the community was left in ruins after an
unexplained invasion of spiders and the subsequent
disappearance of DukeTseldora, the town's founder and
Lower Brig htstone Cwe
propertier. The remains of the quarry and its surrounding
buildings beckon attractively to opportunistic scavengers
~:--Aame Butterfly x1 and would-be salvagers, but no one who has ventured in
Pharros' Lodestone xl has yet returned.

Weaponsmilh ArP,1 Eno111 IP~ PaqP. ltnms Pacw

Enslaved Pig 046 Human Effigy 396
C rvsta I Lizard 067 Estus Flask Shard x2 401
Lower room
Parasite Spider 218 Bonfl re Ascetic 401
CRllSlCent Axe xl, Sand Basilisk 218 Cleric's Small Shleld 350
Soul Vonax x1 Red Crystal Lizard 219 TwlnkllngTltanlte 310
.~-.._jr-HanitCI Chunk xt (Uppgr room)
Undead Peasant (Scythe)
Undaad Peasant (Pickaxe)
Pharros' tockstone x2
Petrified Dragon Bone
~ Undead Peasant (Torch) 219 southern Ritual Band+ 1 404
I\Rl(dll'll<1NI C<1Vl - II Undead Supplicant 220 Tseldora Den Ksy 402
Parasitlzed Undead 220 Crescent Axe 327
Hollow Mage (Male) 221 sorcery: Soul Vortex 388
Dark Cleric 221 Engraved Gauntlets 377
Rustad Coln x10 CTrap) Duke Tseldora 222 Fragrant Branch of
Engrw9d Gauntlets x1 Yore xt
(n Vengart's Body 222
Dark Quartz Ring + 1 403
I.Ddcod (Tsaldor.i Dan ~)
0 Porcine Peasant 223
Brlghtstone Key 402
Prowling Magus 224
Vengarl's Armor 386
The Duke's Dear Freja 226
Vengarl's Boots 386
Vengarl's Gloves 386
Black Knight Ultra
Twilight H11ib xt (Low11r middl11 lwelJ lh11 Duke's Dllar Frllja Pyromancy: Great
Sou I of a Hero x1 . COITOSiW Um x5 (Ground IQ'JQI) Rreball
~~~Gold Pin11 RC1Sin x.4 Rre Seed 310

-~ Lodced (Brightstone l(gy)

Black Knight
Ultra Greatsword xl, Lev&r
Great Fireball,
Fir11 Seed x1

Primal Bonfire
Radiant Lifegem x1 ( Middle Wllb)

Simpleton's Spica x1 (Ground IQ'JQO

Ashlln Knight Boyd (Ground 19'¥110

I\Rl<ill I '1 r<1Nl C<1Vl - 1\2

RRlld 11 "i I <JN r c.ov: - l\ I

Pharros' Lockstone x1 (Middle IBVlllJ


0 ,::: :,~

0 ,,,


. JI You will enter Brightstone CoveTseldora from a large stone hall around to the small cliff overlooking the well, and then run off the
'I' with a crumbling fountain. The Royal Army campsite ahead is cliff directly into it [ ( O .]. You'll land in a small hidden tunnel on
overrun with Undead Peasants whose attacks will inflict Curse; top of an item, so after picking that up, follow the tunnel along and
beware of them as you explore the encampment. The tent closest climb the ladder at the end to enter the dilapidated house that's
to you when first entering the area contains only a few empty pots; near the well. Open the d1est here, and then use the ramp created
the larger one Just past it houses this area's first Bonfire. The nearer by the pile of rubble to get back out into the main camp.
of the two nearby A-frame tents hides a group of Undead Peasants, '
while Ben hart of Jugo's Summon Sign can be found in the other at J When finished looting the encampment, find the cliff-side path
Position A [ r 01]. The wooden lookout towers in the area can be ·VJ leading down toward the valley and follow it. Two giant boulders
destroyed with melee attacks, and knocking down the one farthest on a ledge to the right betray an obvious ambush; approach the
to the left will give you access to the item on the corpse that was nearer boulder until it begins rolling, and then immediately move
atop it. An Undead Peasant along the left wall digs mindlessly with a back [ C 03]. If you try to grab the soul item on the nearby corpse
Pickax and can be backstabbed with impunity, allowing you to loot without triggering the trap first you will be killed. Climb the ladder
the corpses of several Royal Soldiers surrounding him. and kill the other Peasant as quickly as possible so that he doesn't
' have the opportunity to spring his trap. This is especially important if
J Run over to the well at Position B on the other side of camp you summoned Benhart, because he will usually continue down the
'If now, and grab the item from the corpse that's draped over it. That path and engage a group of Undead Peasants, and that battle will
item is not the only secret the well holds, however. Make your way often end up in the boulder's path. Pick up the items up here, and


then descend the ladder and continue along the path. Kill the group
of Undead Peasants guarding the door, and then take the item from
the corpse near the edge of the cliff and continue on into the
tunnels leading to the chapel.

_..j The first room you come to is empty, but the second one houses
'If a chest sitting invitingly in the middle of the room. Opening this
chest will trigger an ambush in which several Parasite Spiders will
emerge from holes in the walls and attack simultaneously. Before
opening the chest you can see the spiders hiding in the small holes
in the wall, so if you have ranged attacks, hit one of them to give
yourself an early advantage in the battle.

Collect the contents of the chest once it's safe, and then proceed
through the door on the opposite side of the room. Before going
through the Fog Gate in the room on the other side, however,
interact with the wall at Position C to reveal a hidden door; follow
the stairs up on the other side to get an Estus Flask Shard [ C 04).
Make your way back down and pass through the Fog Gate to do
battle with the Prowling Magus and his Congregation.

,J Exit the Boss room and turn back around to face the chapel. The
• niche immediately to the right of the doorway hides a ladder
leading to an attic - climb it to meet Cromwell the Pardoner and loot
several corpses. Descend to the chapel entrance, and then after
entering the nearby cave, follow the upper ledge inside it around to
the left to find a Bonfire. Walk or Jump down to the sandy floor
below and check under the last flight of steps for an item, and then
continue through the door and smash the pots on the other side to
reveal the item hidden within them. Step out onto the ledge, but
beware of the Hollow Mages perched around the area that will
bombard you with Homing Soul Arrows - if you have any form of
ranged damage available you can take them out from here to make
the going much easier.

Wor1d Event
As well as being able to purchase Miracles and other items
form Cromwell, you can also ask him for a Pardon to clear
you of any Sin you've accumulated through the killing of
NPCs and other actions.
. .JI Ride the first zipline to the ledge below, kill the mage and the
IP spider in your way, and then ride the second zipline. Kill the
enemies on the ledge and enter the door to the right. The hallway
leads to a room with two Hollow Mages, one hidden around the
corner to the left, and two spiders on the ceiling. Kill the mages, and
the spiders if you can reach them, and then take the item from the
corpse in the corner before going through the nearby doorway [
05). Slide down the ladder, and then head down the hall to access
the Bonfire in the room there.


World Event
If you have been following closely and talked to Mild-man-
nered Pate and Creighton the Wanderer at every opportunity,
when you land on the ledge after using the first zipline you
should hear the sounds of a battle raging in a room to the
left. If you enter the room you'll find Pate and Creighton
locked in mortal combat, and rather than simply stand by
and watch things unfold, an intervention of sorts is called for.
Whichever of the two men you attack first will become hostile
toward you, while the other will then become an ally; whom
you choose to side with is ultimately up to you, but you will
get different rewards depending on who is left standing.

Both men will give you their complete set of armor as reward
for helping them kill the other, so since you should already
have all of Pate's equipment from talking to him in Earthen
Peak, it's recommended that you side with Creighton and kill
Pate. Talk to whichever man is left alive after the battle to get
the rewards, and on top of them you'll also be given theTsel-
dora Den Key. You'I I get the key regardless of which of them
you side with, and it's used to open a door later in the area.
If along the journey you happened to kill either of these men,
then things play out slightly differently.

If you killed Pate, Creighton will still be in the room when you
arrive, and if you talk to him he'll ask for proof of Pate's death
in the form of the Ring ofThorns that he drops. If you give
him the ring he will give you theTseldora Key, and if you re-
fuse he will attack you. Similarly, if you killed Creighton, Pate
will ask for proof and the same situation will play out.

If you didn't kill the two spiders in the upper room they will drop
through the hole in the floor and attack you when you walk under-
neath them. Light the Bonfire and make sure to open the door lead-
ing outside, because it only opens from this side. Use the Bonfire
now to Travel back up to the Chapel Threshold Bonfire. As you made
your way down the first time, you will have noticed a number of
items in awkward to reach areas along the walls, and since there
is no way of getting them all in one go, multiple trips down are


. .JI Exit the cave leading back out toward the chapel again and
'fl immediately turn right and drop off the ledge at Position D [-, 1 1
01]. Land on the narrow ledge directly above a whirling sandpit and
kill the Crystal Lizard before it runs off the edge into the whirlpool.
Tum and face the cliff you just dropped down from, and then drop
down again onto a small rocky outcropping below. where you'll find
some more items. You need to drop down again from here to reach
the ground below. and since it's a moderately high fall, make sure
you have the health to survive. Care should also be taken to make
sure that you won't land in the quicksand pit, because there is no
escaping its pull.
.~ After landing, a Sand Basilisk will dig its way out of the sand
'I' nearby and attack, so take it quickly as soon as you see It. A
Crystal Lizard with an atypical red gem in its back sits on the other
side of the whirlpool; ignore it as it will only explode if it escapes,
leaving no items behind and inflicting severe damage on anything
caught in the blast. Go through the door at Position E once you've
dealt with the enemies, which will take you into Weaponsmith
Ornifex's workshop; grab the items laying around the room, and
then exit back out.

Continue along to the opposite side of the area until you see an
item on the ground Just behind a wooden cart [ .J 02]. When you
approach this item, a number of Parasite Spiders wil swarm over '
the ledge and ambush you, so make sure you're ready for them. .J Make your way around to the first zipline, and after using It to
Return to the Bonfire room after picking up the item, and then Travel Ill crossover to the other side, enter the dwelling to the left. The
back to the ChapelThreshold again; from there make your way partially broken door on the right leads to an empty room with a
down to the first zipline and use it to reach the ledge on the other spider hiding in a hole behind two bookcases, so destroy them and
side. kill the spider. Back in the main room, destroy the pots to get the
items from a corpse hidden inside one of them. Destroy the shelves
World Event on the opposite side of the room to reveal a rather poorly-concealed
If you had previously freed Weaponsmith Ornifex from her passageway. Follow the passageway along through a door, and then
confinement in the Shaded Woods, she will have returned pick up the item nearby on the stairs. Continue on through the next
here and set up shop. As her name implies she is an excel- door and kill the enemy outside quickly before turning to the right
lent weaponsmith, and will be able to craft powerful weapons and killing the Crystal Lizard. Pick up the item from the other side of
for you at no cost in exchange for certain Boss Souls. If you this ledge, and then drop down at Position G to land on another
made it here and she's not in the room, that means you still ledge below with a makeshift wooden railing [ L 1 04].
need to free her back in Shaded Woods, so please refer to
that area for details on how to accomplish the task.
,J Tum around once you land on this ledge, and you'll notice an
'4' item sitting just inside a door on the opposite balcony; that item
is only a Large Titanite Shard, and considering the difficulty in
obtaining it and getting down safely, the risk does not really match
the reward in this instance. Instead, walk along the ledge past the
second zlpline, and then drop off the end at Position F and
continue down a series of ledges to reach one with an item [ l I
03]. If you choose to melee the Hollow Mage here, beware of the
exploding barrels next to him. Drop carefully to the ledge below;
aiming for the two pots on the side is the best way to avoid missing
your target and landing on the ground. Enter the door and take the
Estus Flask Shard, and then return to the Chapel Threshold via Travel
from the Lower Brightstone Cove Bonfire once more.


-, .JKill the enemies on the ledge here once you land, and then enter
U, the nearby room and take out the three enemies inside. After
clearing the room, destroy the shelves along the left wall to reveal a
switch, and then activate it to lower a nearby platform with a chest
on it [- r- 01]. To reach the chest, go back to the top of the stairs
and Jump across to the platform. If you have ranged or area attacks
you can kill the Hollow Mage on the ledge outside by targeting him
through the window; otherwise open or destroy the wooden door
and walk out onto the ledge to deal with him directly. Drop down to
the ground directly below the window to avoid falling into the
whirling pool of sand; this is the only safe landing spot and missing
it will result in death.
-, J Enter the double doors ahead, kill the Hollow Mage and spider
VI and break the two shelves along the wall to reveal a hidden
......_..____ -'----------------------' room, inside of which you'll find a Parasite Spider guarding a chest
[ ...,.n
02]. After looting the chest, walk through the hole in the wall
at Position H. After dropping through the hole, turn left and get the
item in the room that's partially filled with sand, before back tracking
and opening the door at the opposite end of the hallway. There are a
number of enemies in this area, including a couple of Parasitized
Undead and some hidden Sand Basilisks, so be careful when you
first step through the door.
-. .J Enter the door on the opposite side of the area once it's clear.
UI and take out the group of spiders in the room on the other side;
clear out the spiders, and then go up the stairs and exit through the
door. As soon as you step out onto the ledge here, the Porcine
Peasant will spawn on the other side of the wall below you, but
before concerning yourself with him, make sure you pick up the
item that's on the corpse nearby. You can start attacking the


Phantom from this ledge if you have ranged attacks, just be careful the pillars in the corner directly below the entrance to find the item
where you stand on the wooden portion, because the corner on the hidden there. If you go to the pillar in the adjacent corner you'll find
left side will collapse if you step on it. the Summon Sign for Ashen Knight Boyd; it's highly recommended
' that you summon him, because when you pass through the Fog
. .JI Once the Phantom has been vanquished, note the other wooden Gate you'll have to face The Duke's Dear Freja [ l I 051.
W door at ground level near the archway; attempting to open this '
door will result in the message, "Too heavy to open." Standing well J Pick up the Boss' Soul from the glowing red spot on the ground,
back and to the side, target the door with ranged attacks. When it W and then turn and make your way through the tunnel into the
breaks, an avalanche of sand will pour out and damage you if you Lord's Private Chamber. Lord Tseldora himself is standing in front of
are anywhere near the door. You can proceed inside, but will be the desk - defeat him to claim the Brightstone Key and a number of
stopped by a locked door requiring the Tseldora Den Key. Go back other ttems. Proceed through the corridor on the right and you will
outside, through the archway and cross the wooden footbridge be attacked byVengarl's Body; destroy it to obtain the remainder of
toward the Duke's manor. Falling onto the sharp crystals beneath the Vengarl's Armor Set pieces. Once the area is clear, light the
the bridge will inflict damage with every step you take, so avoid Primal Bonfire and use tt to return to Majula; from there your next
them If at all possible [ n 03]. If you do fall In, use the stairs Just in destination should be Sinner's Rise.
front of the manor to get out.
World Event
World Event Now that you have the Brightstone Key, remember to travel
If you saw the events with Creighton and Pate to one of the back to the Lower Brightstone Cove Bonfire and make your
outcomes that leads to you getting the Tseldora Den Key, you way back across the wooden bridge into the Duke's manor
can use it to open the door here. On the other side you'll find and open the door there. Proceed across the room and ready
a room with two chests; the wooden chest has an explosive yourself for an ambush, because when you open the next
trap on it, so as soon as you open it, run back out of the room door, a large number of Parasite Spiders will drop down from
to escape the blast. In the other chest you'll find the Engraved the holes in the ceiling. After you've taken them all out, open
Gauntlets, which have the ability to make your normal attacks the chest and claim the contents.
become critical hits.
With the Duke's Dear Freja now defeated, you should also re-
turn to the Shaded Woods and speak again with Manscorpion
-, .JI When you approach the door you'll notice two enemies standing Tark; for defeating his master he will give you the Second
Ill on platforms above it; if you have ranged attacks take them out Dragon Ring.
as early as you can, otherwise they will drop down when you get
near the door. Once inside you will be set upon by a large group of
spiders, so use the doorway as a bottleneck for them to avoid
getting surrounded. You won't be able to open the door on the
right-hand side of this room yet, because it requires the Brightstone
Key, so head toward the two doors at the back. Each of these doors
is controlled by the switch next to it. and while the one on the right
only contains an item, the one on the left contains a ladder that you
need to climb In order to proceed [ u 04].
. .JI Be cautious of the spiders scattered throughout this area as you
IP work your way down - standing on the webs reduces movement
speed and can make tt difficult to evade or retreat. A Torch and a
Pharros' Lockstone can be found one level down in the corners of
the remaining floor on the opposite side of the room from the
entrance. Two corpses in the webbing near the ground hold more
items as well. Once you're down on solid ground, go behind one of


PARASITE SPIDER Parasite Spiders are quite squishy, as arachnids tend to be. They
have low health and are easily defeated from a distance with spells
Brightstone Cove was abandoned years ago when the town was or ranged attacks. Although not nimble, they move erratically and
suddenly and mysteriously overrun by this parasitic species of will occasionally attempt to evade melee attacks by leaping back-
giant spider. Many of the residents who were unable to escape ward. A single Parasite Spider poses very little threat, but they are
were caught by the spiders and became their hosts, doomed to dangerous in groups as they have the ability to launch a web pro-
wander mindlessly at the whims of their bloodthirsty masters. jectile, which will temporarily slow you to a walk If it connects. It is
rare for them to use this attack, however, and the projectile is slow
enough to be easily dodged on open ground. If the web is blocked
with a shield it will have no effect.

A single strong or two-handed attack from a larger melee weapon

will often prove sufficient to dispatch a Parasite Spider and wide hori-
zontal swings will mow down many at a time. They like to ambush
their prey from holes in walls or by dropping from ceilings on strands
of web and are almost never encountered alone, so carrying a
crowd-control weapon is advised when traversing Brightstone Cove.

HP ' I D "J) m

Pa raslte Spider 200 160 Yes

r t Ill '~ !JI

Human Effigy 5 396

Prism Stone 5 400
Tseldora Cap 1 370
Tseldora Robe 1 370
Tseldora Manchettes 1 370
Tseldora ltousers 1 370
Large Tit a nlte Sha rd x2 10 310


Sand Basilisks will be encountered initially hiding under the sand with
only their heads visible, making them difficult to differentiate from
A subspecies of Basilisk whose bulbous false eyes have rocks and debris. When they detect a player's presence they will dig
completely atrophied as an adaptation to living in desert out of the sand to attack, at which point their behavior and offensive
environments. This variant still attacks with petrifying breath patterns are identical to those of the other types of Basilisk. Their
but has also learned to burrow under the sand, enabling it to health is low and their evasive abilities are very poor, making them
ambush its prey and travel undetected. easy targets. Their breath attack will cause Petrification buildup, but is
easily avoided; players with even marginal Petrification resistance can
simply dash through the breath cloud and dispatch the Basilisk.

Sand Basll lsk 280 200 Yes


Raw Stone 5 311

Falntstone 1 311
Boltstone 1 311
Flredrake Stone 1 311
Darlrnlght Stone 1 311
Polson Stone 1 311
1 311


A Crystal Lizard whose dorsal stone is red rather than the usual Strategy
blue. It is unknown whether this is merely a mutation or an Red Crystal Lizards behave in the same way as the blue variety in
entirely different species, as the existence of these incredibly that they will turn and run from the player when approached. Their
rare specimens has only recently been confirmed. Unlike their physiology is vastly different. however, and instead of disappear-
blue brethren, Red Crystal Lizards harbor a much more bizarre ing after running away they will explode, dealing massive damage.
and dangerous secret: they are walking time bombs and wlll As Red Crystal Lizards do not drop any items even when defeated
detonate in a massive explosion if disturbed. before they can detonate, they effectively function solely to inconve-
nience players and as such it is best simply to leave them alone .
Red Crystal Uzard 330 1 No

Prob.abII tty Page



Undead Peasants with Scythes will cause minor Curse buildup if
GREAT HAMMER. REAP their physical attack connects, even if blocked with a shield. Scythe
Peasants have slightly longer range and can perform a wide horizon-
tal swing not shared by the other two types, requiring greater care
Former working-class residents when baiting their attacks. The safest way to fight them up close is
of Brightstone Cove Tseldora. The to watch for their attack and then roll backward, or else quickly bring
mysterious events surrounding them within range of your melee weapons and strike before they
the town's destruction robbed can react. Undead Peasants of all types lack Poise and are easily
these unfortunate souls of their stun locked, so if you can score the first hit they will be unable to
humanity and reduced them avoid successive swings.
to cursed monsters; they now
viciously attack any who wander Torch
into the settlement's remains. Undead Peasants carrying Torches cannot Inflict Curse buildup and
their attacks are relatlvely weak. This is the least dangerous type and
is easily brought down with a few melee swings or ranged attacks.
They share the same attack animatlons as Pickax Peasants and so
should be handled in the same way.

H" "'"'ll

Undead Peasant (Head 1: Great Hammer) 660 220 Yes

Un dead Peasant (Head 2: Great Hammer) 660 220 Yes
Undead Peasant (Head 1: Reaper) 600 220 Yes
Undead Peasant (Head 2: Reaper) 600 220 Yes
Undead Peasant (Head 1:Torch) 600 220 Yes
Undead Peasant (Head 2:Torch} 600 220 Yes

Peasant Hat 1 370

Peasant Attire 3 370
Peasant Long Gloves 1 370
Peasantll'ousers 1 370
Small Smooth & Siiky Stone 5 396
(Head 1: Great Hammer. Head1:Torch)
Flame Butterfly 5 400
Strategy (Head 1: Great Hammer, Head1:Torch)
Great Hammer Titan lte Shard 5 310
Undead Peasants wielding Pickaxes are the most dangerous type. (not Head 1: Great Hammer, Head1:Torch)
Their attacks cause heavy Curse buildup even through a shield and LargeTltanlte Shard 3 310
drain considerable Stamina when blocked. The best strategy is to (not Head 1: Great Hammer, Head1:Torch)
avoid being hit altogether - simply strafe or roll backward when they Titan lte Chunk 3 310
swing at you and counterattack while they recover or attack from a (not Head 1: Great Hammer, Head1 :Torch)
distance with ranged weapons or magic. The Pickax's short reach Torch (Torch) 30 401
makes dealing with these enemies very straightforward.


Members of the Prowling Magus' Congregation, these withered
Undead have fallen completely under their master's control.
Retaining no will of their own, they now serve the Magus with
blind dedication.

Undead Supplicants are weak, slow-moving and serve more as
obstacles than actual threats. They are present in the Prowling Ma-
gus Boss fight primarily to fill out the Congregation and distract the
player from the more dangerous Dark Clerics. Undead Supplicants
are easily dispatched with any form of attack and should either be
eliminated quickly in one fell swoop or else ignored until the Clerics
have been defeated.

Undead Supplicant 300 0 No, It)


Former residents
of Brightstone
Cove who failed to
escape the wave of
invading spiders
and became the
parasitic arachnids'
hosts. A gruesome
fate undeserved by
those whom it befell,
the still-living host is
used as a source of
nourishment by the
spider as it seeks out
new sources of food. While their consecutive attacks are only moderately quick, Parasit-
ized Undead give very little warning before striking and can stunlock
players with low Poise if their first hit connects. If fighting up close,
stand back until they've swung and missed before closing in to
counterattack. Atternately, simply block the attack with a shield and
counter immediately. If your attack does not finish the Parasitized
Undead, return to blocking and wait until the next attack rebounds
to deliver the killing blow. Holding your weapon in both hands is
recommended if not using a shield.

HP C"'n··•

Parasltlzed Undead 720 360 Yes

Pn. t 1111 't.,

Strategy Human Effigy 5 396
Parasltized Undead are similar to Parasite Spiders in that the Prism Stone 5 400
arachnid's sharp forelegs remain their primary offensive tools. Their Tseldora Cap 1 370
attacks are a bit quicker, however, and have a tendency to connect Tseldora Robe 1 370
with the player even after the Parasitized Undead's health has been
Tseldora Manchettes 1 370
reduced to 0. It is best to deal with them using weapons with long
reach or else ranged damage or magic. Tseldora ltousers 1 370
LargeTltllnlte Shard x2 10 310


Several male Hollow Mages are positioned in perches throughout
MALE the lowerTseldora Ruins and will constantly bombard players at-
tempting to traverse the area with Homing Soul Arrow. They are
Hollow Drangleic mages encountered in Brightstone Cove best dealt with using ranged attacks or manually-targeted spells; in
Tseldora. Whether they were there before the town's destruction order to kill all of them with melee weapons it is necessary to ride
or moved in afterward is unknown; what is painfully clear is that both ziplines from the Chapel Threshold Bonfire. Their ranged Hom-
they have no intention of allowing visitors to leave the ruins alive. ing Soul Arrow is slow and can be dodged if surroundings permit; in
melee range they will switch to casting Soul Spear Barrage, a lethal
spell which oscillates from left to right, launching multiple small orbs
of energy in rapid succession and can inflict many consecutive hits.
They will less frequently attempt a much weaker physical attack
with their staves.
When fighting male Hollow Mages up close, the best defense is a
good offense. They lack Poise and their casting can be interrupted if
they are struck with a physical attack; keeping the pressure on and
preventing them from using their dangerous magic is the surest
road to victory. If they begin casting at close range and you are
unable to stop them, back off as quickly as you can to avoid the bar-
rage of magic orbs.
UD .,.,,,,
Hollow Mage (Male) 440 400 Yes

•• p L 11111 y

White Hollow Mage Hood 1 367

White Hollow Mage Robe 1 367
Bat Staff 1 343
Dari< ltoches 5 399
Rouge Water 5 396
Skeptic's Spice 2 401

Drangleic clerics in the service
of the Prowling Magus. How
and why they came to serve
this evil being is as mysterious
as the clerics themselves;
it is uncertain whether
they even retain their own
consciousnesses or are merely
extensions of the Magus' will.

heal the other enemies in the room while petting the player with
Lightning Spears; it is imperative that they be killed before engaging
the Magus in order to prevent them from restoring his health and
dragging out the fight.

While their Miracles are very dangerous, the Clerics themselves

are qurte soft and a solid series of consecutive two-handed melee
attacks will typically bring them close to death. It is advisable not to
use up the last of your Stamina when attacking them, or they might
begin casting a Heal spell while you are recovering - ensure that
you are able to strike them immediately in case you need to inter-
rupt them in a pinch.

HP ~o•il
Strategy Dari< Cler1c 900 0 Yes
Two Dark Clerics appear with the Prowling Magus in the Chapel
Boss room. They are capable of casting several Miracles that can ,,. t Ill ""
cause tremendous problems if the Clerics are not promptly elimi-
nated: Lightning Spear, Heal and an area-effect Heal which targets Twlllght Herb 3 395
the entire Congregation, including the Boss. They will continually Human Effigy 10 395


Propertier of Brightstone Cove and founder of the mining town
which once flourished there. DukeTseldora disappeared after
the town was suddenly and mysteriously overrun by spiders
and was never heard from again. Though the circumstances
surrounding Brightstone Cove's destruction remain unclear,
the murky truth behind Duke Tseldora's disappearance seems
somehow related to his unnatural obsession with spiders ...

Hollow and decrepit but still clutching an Estoc in his rotting hand,
Duke Tseldora attacks with a limited and rather bland set of thrusts
and slashes; as such he is easily thwarted with a shield. He has no
means of ranged attack nor any particular elemental resistances and
nearly any means of damaging him will prove effective. The Duke
also lacks Poise and is susceptible to chain attacks, so simply block
his jabs or move to the side and counterattack to put an end to his
twisted and troubled legacy.

Duke Tseldora 400 700 No

r t Ill It

Brfghtstone Key 100 402

Fragrant Branch of Vore 100 401
Dari< Quartz Ring +1 100 403

The decapitated body ofVengarl of Forossa. Separated from
its head during a brutal war long ago and now somehow
ambulatory once again, it wanders in search of the battles it
knew in life as though reanimated by its old bloodlust ...


Vengarl's Body is encountered in the Primal Bonfire chamber of of these will make short work of it. Its predictable attack timing
Brightstone CoveTseldora after defeating the hollowed Duke. It makes parrying it fairly easy; it is susceptible to ripostes and will
uses only physical attacks with its twin swords, but is powerful assume the position if a parry against it is successful. It can also be
and agile and should be handled with caution. It will quickly close poisoned via spells or Poison Throwing Daggers, at which point the
the distance between itself and the player, pressuring ranged- and player need only stay out of its way until it succumbs.
magic-oriented characters to play defensively. All of its attacks
can be blocked with a shield, but doing so will drain tremendous HP nu•
amounts of Stamina. Attempting to guard its swings with anything
Vengart's Body 1340 8000 No
other than a Greatshield is not recommended.

Vengarl's Body is highly vulnerable to thrown weapons such as

Firebombs and Throwing Daggers and will typically stagger when hit Vengart's Armor 100 386
by one. It is particularly weak against Holy Water Urns and several Vengart's Gloves 100 386
Vengart·s Boots 100 386


A peasant of unknown origins
whose soul haunts the ruins
of Brightstone Cove. This
enigmatic character carries
the peculiar Porcine Shield,
but whether this is a clue
to his identity or simply a
coincidence can only be left to

The Porcine Peasant will appear behind the left side of the wall At or below 50o/o health the Porcine Peasant will attempt to back off
immediately preceding the wooden footbridge across the spikes and heal himself using an Estus Flask; melee characters should stay
to the Writhing Ruin when the player approaches the archway. His close to him at this point to interrupt him and use the opening to
Pickax lacks range but inflicts great damage and can easily break press their advantage. Ranged or magic-oriented characters should
the guard of a shield. The low Poise of his Peasant's Attire makes lure him toward the crystal pit and wait for an opening, then use a
him susceptible to staggering and stun locks, however, and this can flurry of weak attacks to push him in. He will turn around and walk
be used to push him onto the spikes. He can also be poisoned via slowly toward the steps out of the pit, during which time he can be
Poison Throwing Daggers and is susceptible to thrown weapons in assaulted with ranged attacks and spells from the footbridge.
general, such as Firebombs.


Dartc Spirit Porcine Peasant 2200 2900 No Peasant Hat +6 370 Peasantl'rousers +6 370
Can heal via Estus Flask Peasant Attire +5 370 Pickaxe 331
~ .. Probabll lty p .., Peasant Long Gloves +5 370 Porcine Shleld 364

Peasant Hat +5
, 370
Peasant Attire +6
Peasant Long Gloves +6 , 370
Peas a ntlh>users +6 1 370


An Aldia warlock who occupied the abandoned Brightstone Cove Chapel
and began using the site to conduct dark rituals with his Congregation of
enslaved Undead. His minions do not take kindly to interruptions of their
services and readily offer up intruders to their master as sacrifices.

Malevolent Pulse
A small, fast-moving Dark-based spherical projectile that looks
similar to the Resonant Soul Hex. It inflicts considerable damage
but drains almost no Stamina when blod<ed and a shield with high
Dark defense will stop it in its tracks. The Prowling Magus will cast
this spell at both close and long range but it is easily identified in ad-
vance: the Magus will raise its staff above its head and then lower
it to point directly at the player. At long range, strafe to either side
when you see the Magus aim its staff at you; Malevolent Pulse has
no tracking and will miss you if you move out of its path. The only
time the Magus will raise its staff at close range is when casting
Malevolent Pulse, so as soon as you spot this you can begin strafing
out of the way. Malevolent Pulse can be deflected by shields with
the ability to parry spells.

Wrath of the Demons

A Dark-based spherical area attack identical to the Miracle Wrath of
the Gods in every other regard. The Prowling Magus will use this
only at short range and will sometimes attempt to close in on the
player in order to cast it. If it connects it will inflict heavy damage
and knock the player down; however if blod<ed the knockdown
will be completely negated and a shield with high Dark defense
will render it near-harmless. Wrath of the Demons can be easily
identified when the Magus crosses its arms over its chest. Typically
before doing this it will advance and position itself with the player
on the very edge of the spell's range; taking even a couple of steps
backward will bring you out of harm's way and allow you to punish
the Magus after the spell has been cast. Wrath of the Demons can-
not be deflected by shields with the ability to parry spells.

Sphere of Omen
A Dark-based spell which behaves in the same way as the Dark Orb
Hex. It generates a large black orb that moves slowly toward the
player and has poor tracking; this is easily dodged simply by walking
or strafing out of its path. The Prowling Magus will only use this
at long range. Unlike Dark Orb. this spell drains very little Stamina
when blocked and a shield with high Dark defense will negate most
of the damage. If using a shield with the ability to deflect spells
when parrying, Sphere of Omen can be deflected. When casting
this spell, the Prowling Magus will raise its staff above its head and
then swing it across its body from left shoulder to right hip.


Strategy pleted, at which point simply back off and dodge his spells until you
After entering the Boss room, ignore the Undead Supplicants and are ready to resume the offensive.
Prisoners and rush the Dark Cleric on the right. Try to use horizontal
swings to hit both the Magus and the Cleric simultaneously; this While neither the Prowling Magus nor the Dark Clerics will pay
will help prevent either of them from casting while you stack up any attention to Alluring Skulls, the subordinate Undead Prisoners
damage. Ideally, try to position the Magus and both Clerics so that and Supplicants will; this can be used to keep them out of the way
you can hit all three at once; do not use Lock-On during this fight while you deal with the mages. Furthermore the Magus himself is
unless targeting a single enemy with focused attacks or vertical extremely susceptible to Holy Water Urns and three or four of them
strikes. If you obtained the Stone Ring from the first Ogre in Things will kill him outright. The Dark Clerics also take considerable damage
Betwixt it will help weapons with low Poise damage to stagger the from HolyWater Urns as well as from Firebombs and Throwing
enemy mages. Knives, and can be poisoned with Poison Throwing Daggers. Both
the Clerics and the Magus can be backstabbed and an ideal oppor-
Do not use up your last bit of Stamina in case you need to roll out tunity to do this is when they begin casting. Do not try to backstab
of the way of a Lightning Spear or Malevolent Pulse. Make sure you and -punish Wrath of the Demons as you will almost always end up
keep track of both Clerics and be prepared to roll to the side if you trading hits with the Magus; use normal attacks when he casts this
see or hear them casting Lightning Spear. When you've exhausted spell and make any desired backstab attempts when he uses one of
as much Stamina as you safely can, put some distance between his other abilities.
you and the mages or retreat behind one of the pews to recover it;
the pews will usually block any Lightning Spears cast by the Clerics If attempting the fight with ranged attacks or magic, enter the Fog
and will help protect you until you are ready to attack again. Gate, immediately run to the other end of the room and use the
pews as cover. They will not usually block the Magus' spells but
The top priority is to kill both Clerics to prevent them from casting will often stop the Clerics' more dangerous Lightning Spears. Make
Lightning Spear and healing spells. Once they are out of the way, good use of Alluring Skulls to keep the small fry occupied while
dodging the Magus' spells while mopping up the remainder of the you focus your ranged attacks or magic on the Clerics. Be sure to
Congregation is much easier. Simply keep him at long range until concentrate your firepower on one Cleric at a time and save enough
all the other enemies are dead, then allow him to approach you Stamina to roll out of the way of any Lightning Spears once the
and cast Wrath of the Demons or Malevolent Pulse. The Magus will pews are destroyed. Locking on is recommended if using a ranged
begin casting as soon as he enters the range at which Wrath will strategy. As mentioned above, bringing a stockpile of Holy Water
hit you, so simply take a few steps back when it goes off and then Urns will allow you to eliminate the Magus almost immediately and
move back in to punish it. If you hold your weapon in both hands this should be your preferred course of action if you have at least
when attacking it will stagger the Magus until your Stamina Is de- four; otherwise get rid of the Clerics first and then deal with the
Magus. The minor Congregation members can be saved for last.

HP 11arr,, 1:111'·" :.tamlna o.~mage

Prowling Magus 1100 7000 No Sphere of Omen Yes• Yes Low

Malevolent Pulse Yes• Yes Low
P1ubaulllty Pdw
Wrath of the Demons No Yes Low

Web Barrage Web Barrage


A monstrous two-headed spider which serves as the Keeper of the
Writhing Ruin. Apparently DukeTseldora's pet and more than likely
Acid Shower
the progenitor of the swarms of Parasite Spiders which overran and
destroyed Brightstone Cove. But what could the Duke have wanted
with such an abomination, and what madness could have possessed
him to allow the destruction of his own domain?

Close Spider Spear

Freja will jab the ground directly in front of her at close range. This
attack hits twice, once with each foreleg, and targets two points
slightly to the left and right of Freja's center line. Freja can link this
attack with another Close Spider Spear, a Fatal Finish or a Black
Widow Bomb. To evade the Close Spider Spear, simply strafe or run
backward or to the side and out of range.


Black Widow Bomb
Freja will pull her body away from you and then swing back toward
you like a wrecking ball, with much the same effect. This attack is
used at close to mid range and hits in a straight line in front of Freja;
it is easily identified when she rears up and can be evaded by run-
ning, rolling or strafing to whichever of her sides is closer.

Far Spider Spear

Freja will Jab the ground directly in front of her with two of her
forelegs just outside your me lee range, approximately ten feet from
her body. This attack hits twice, once with each foreleg, and targets
two points slightly to the left and right of Freja's center line. Freja
can link this attack with another Far Spider Spear, a Fatal Finish or a
Black Widow Bomb. To evade the Far Spider Spear, simply strafe or
run toward Freja or to the side.

Acid Shower
Both of Freja's heads will open their mouths and launch multiple
spheres of acid in an arcing frontal fan-shaped area while repeat-
edly jabbing the ground around her with all of her legs. This attack
is used at close and mid range and Freja will use it to the exclusion
of almost all other attacks when you are standing in the blind spots
to either side of her. The acid will also inflict negligible damage on
any Parasite Spiders that wander into it. To evade this attack, watch
for Freja to open her mouth and strafe or dash to whichever of her
sides is closer to you; you can also safely stand directly against the
sides of Freja's body as none of this attack's components will reach
there. Acid Shower takes some time to execute and if baited when
you are standing in one of Freja's blind spots, it is a good opportu-
nity to eliminate any problematic Parasite Spiders.
Jaws of Death
When you are within melee range of one of Freja's faces, she will
open her mouth and spread her mandibles. After a brief pause she
will bring her mandibles together directly in front of her, striking a
square area which extends to either side of her face. Jaws of Death
will knock you down if it connects. To avoid this attack, run or roll
directly to the side; alternately, dash around Freja toward the side
closer to you and roll at the last second if it looks like you might not
make it.

Web Barrage
When standing directly in front of Freja at close to mid range, she
will occasionally open the nearer mouth and spit several spheres
of silk in a forward arc. If one of these spheres hits you it will tem-
porarily decrease all movement speed to a walk and disable rolling.
To shake off the web, tap the roll button. Of all Freja's attacks, this
Spider Slam is the only one which can safely be blocked with a shield and if
Freja will leap into the air and come crashing back down to the blocked in this way, you will not suffer the web's hindering effects.
ground, usually some distance from you. She typically uses this The silk projectiles can be avoided by strafing or dashing to the side.
to retreat if she is being pressured but anyone standing under her
when she lands will take damage.


Fatal Finish ' ..
- • Strategy
., •k You can choose between either eliminating the Parasite Spiders
or ignoring them; if they are defeated more will eventually appear
',,. - '-r
. ' -. .f.·_· .. , so it's best to ignore them and focus on Freja. If the spiders prove

\. . . t ... problematic they can be safely eliminated during Freja's longer at-
J •
.. Ip - tacks.

' . ,· . ,.
Freja is covered in thick armor and her only vulnerable points are her
two heads, one at each end of her body. After entering the fog gate,
melee characters should Immediately begin circling Freja in a coun-
. •

-- r' ·. \
•• 'i

. " .. -...

terclockwise direction while awaiting an opportunity to attack. Avoid-
ing Freja's attacks is simple; nearly all of them hit directly in front of
::_........_. _.....,. :: - -. .....
'":~_..- >
or behind her, or else in the circular radius formed by her legs. Me-
lee characters should bait Ether Laser by standing at approximately
Fatal Finish mid range and allowing Freja to face them. When preparing the laser
Freja will occasionally end a combo of two Spider Spears by slam- she will rear up and open her mouth; at this point you should run
ming her body forward in a fashion similar to the Black Widow under her legs, passing her in a clockwise direction to reach her rear
Bomb, while simultaneously spewing orbs of acid from her nearer head and attack it while the front head is firing its laser.
mouth. The body slam will hit directly in front of her at close range
and the acid will arc to roughly mid range. This attack is very rare During this time you can attack Freja's vulnerable head without fear
and chances are that you will already be out of Its range when Freja of reprisal; however it is important to pay attention to any Parasite
uses it; if not, dash or roll to Freja's closer side. Spiders in the vicinity as they may close in to attack, forcing you
to abandon the assault on Freja and wait for another opportunity.
The smaller spiders can safely be dealt with during Ether Laser
or Acid Shower, the latter of which can be triggered by standing
against the sides of Freja's body. With the spiders temporarily out
of the way Freja can be attacked with impunity. The window of time
during which you can attack Freja after baiting Ether Laser allows
for approximately 3 two-handed swings of a Straight Sword; 2-3
two-handed swings of a Greatsword; or 1-2 two-handed swings of
an Ultra Greatsword. Players positioned slightly to the side of either
of Freja's heads during Acid Shower may find additional openings to
attack during this move.

Holy Water Urns inflict heavy damage to Freja and she is reason-
ably susceptible to Firebombs and Throwing Knives as well. After
concentrating enough damage on a single one of Freja's heads it
Ether Laser may fall off, leaving her with only one vulnerable point; in this case
At mid- to long-range Freja will lift her body, open the mouth facing you will need to stand just to the side of Freja's head while she uses
you and fire a white laser in a frontal counterclockwise arc from her Ether Laser or Acid Shower and attack her as soon as she finishes.
right to her left. She will sweep the beam roughly 120 degrees and Either version of Spider Spear potentially offers opportunities to
stop just before it reaches her left foreleg. If you are outside the attack afterward, but be aware that Freja can chain this move and
range of all of Freja's other attacks she will exclusively use Ether ensure that you do not walk into a follow-up strike.
Laser. In general, this attack is one of the best opportunities both
to attack Freja and to eliminate Parasite Spiders if they are causing Players utilizing ranged weapons or magic will be forced to fight
problems. The beam moves faster at its end than its source and is Freja from relatively close, as the impenetrable armor on most of
easier to outrun the closer you are to Freja. Lighter characters can her body will obstruct projectiles aimed at her heads. The evasive
evade Ether Laser by rolling clockwise through the beam in the strategy for ranged fighters is the same as for melee: circle Freja
opposite direction in which Freja sweeps it; however the timing counterclockwise, bait Ether Laser and run to her rear to attack the
required for this is very precise and the laser has effectively infinite vulnerable head during the opening. Alternately, if Freja uses Acid
range. Shower or any of her close-ranged attacks such as Jaws of Death,
players already outside her reach may be able to take advantage of
You can bait Ether Laser by standing at mid range Just outside the the opening and land an arrow or spell on her nearer head. Archery-
reach of Freja's other attacks. When she rears up and opens her or magic-focused characters do not necessarily need to stay within
mouth, immediately dash straight past her underneath her legs as melee distance of Freja, but most projectiles will need to be cast or
close to her body as possible. This will grant a wide enough window fired from no farther away than mid range in order to reliably reach
of opportunity to attack Freja's other head and run out of range their mark.
before she can react, from which point you can begin the process
anew and essentially keep Freja locked in this cycle until she is

HP "'IUI ~ r<:n""" n D"'l•f"" 1,-~1, Stamln~ l'bm•qe

The Duke's Dear Frela 4220 42000 No Close Spider Spear No Yes Heavy

>, L I 11111 p
Far Spider Spear No Yes Heavy
Acid Shower No Yes Heavy
Soul ol the Duke's Dear Frela 100 397 Black Widow Bomb No Yes Heavy
Spider Slam No Yes Heavy
Jaws ol Death No Yes Heavy
Web Barrage No Yes Light
Fatal Finish No Yes Heavy
Ether Laser No Yes Heavy


Far below the Bastille, hidden from the sight and memories
of the world, lies the heart of the prison. Through the years,
the ocean has gradually encroached upon the corridors of the
Rise, but its inhuman residents don't seem to mind at all. Here
you will find the most wicked Sinner of all - one for which a
thousand years of atonement would not be enough.

Arn,, fllP.llllP.s P,,q., important ltom s P,1<J"

'O Royal Swordsman (Greatsword) 096 Sublime Bone Dust 401

-!!J Royal swordsman (Crossbow) 096 Northern Ritual Band 404
Undead Citizen 097 Bleed Stone 311
Small Smooth & Siiky Stone x1
{ii Enhanced Undead 233 Fire Seed 310
(D Lost Sinner 234 Fraorant Branch of Y0<e 401

Burnable Oil

Primal Bonfire

Fragrant Branch of'll>rci xt.

Eizabeth Mushroom x1

Lost Sinner


SINNl Rs· Risi - 12

S I N N l RS . RI s I - I3

To The Lost Bastllle

Lac11rating Knlf8 x5

Northem Ritual Band xt, Large Soul of a

Ble9d Stonci X1 Nameless Soldier x1

SINNI Rs' R1sr - 11

Lodc9d (Bastill11 Kll')'l

Lucatiel of M irrah
(Summon Sign>

Sublime Bong Oust x1

Locked (Bastille Ks'fl SINNrRs' R1sr - 14

RreSeed X1

Soul of a Proud Knight X1,

Pharros' lodestone X1

Larg11 Soul of a
Lost Und11ad X1




World Event
Many of the locked gates you'll encounter in Sinners' Rise
require the Bastille Key. You can find this key in the Belfry
Luna area, which itself can be found in the Lost Bastille
(P.087). Gaining access to Belfry Luna requires a Pharros'
Lockstone, and if you don't have one of those, you can find
one midway through Sinners' Rise. Similarly, if you didn't
have a Fragrant Branch of yore to un-petrify Straid in the
Bastille, you'll also find one of those in this area.
J When approaching Sinners' Rise, you'll have to do so from the
'I' Lost Bastille by running along a long rampart. There are three
Royal Swordsman archers stationed above the Fog Gate that will fire
on you with their Crossbows as you approach. Either take them out
with your own bow, or keep your Shield up while dodging as you run
to the Fog Gate.

Once through, these same archers will drop down to engage you in
close quarters combat if you hadn't previously killed them. Be care-
ful of fighting too close to the edge of the broken floor here, since
there are more Royal Swordsmen below that can fire on you. Defeat
the Royal Swordsmen on this floor, and then thin out some of the
ones beneath you with ranged attacks if you wish [ C O ]. Head
through the doorway on the right when you're done, and then take
another right and go up the ladder.
.JI Just before the Bonfire, go through the doorway on your right
'If and carefully get the item on the ledge just beyond it [ ~u 02].
Go back and activate the Bonfire. If any of the Royal Swordsmen
from before didn't jump down to attack you when you passed
through the Fog Gate, you'll find them up here. Be warned that
using the Bonfire will also make all three of them respawn, so be
ready for another fight if you decide to rest. There's nothing else to
do up here, so head back down the ladder and follow the path
around the comer and down the stairs .

. .JI You'll find a Royal Swordsmen guarding a doorway here. Take him
'II out, and then go past him and round the comer to pick up the
item from the corpse hanging off the edge [-1 L 03]. Go through the
doorway now and defeat any remaining Royal Swordsmen inside. If
you keep your distance from them, they will stick to using Cross-
bows. You can also stay near the doorway and fire off ranged attacks
to thin them out somewhat before moving in closer. Once the room
is clear, take the elevator down.



l D

.JI While it's descending, keep your camera trained down over the
'I' edge. As the elevator nears the bottom, you should see a '
wooden platform running around the edge of the elevator shaft, so
when you're Just above it, run off the elevator to land on it. Pick up -, .JI This sewer-like area is populated by the powerful Enhanced
the item from the corpse, and then drop down through the hole into 'IP Undead enemies [ LJ 051. They are large and powerful, but also
the room below I- ( 04). If you missed the wooden ledge during quite slow, so you can often circle around them for a Backstab.
the descent, step back onto the pressure plate to make the elevator There are three in the area, two in alcoves on the left and one on
start going up again, and then roll off as soon as you pass the ledge. the right. Try to defeat them one at a time in the alcoves you find
When you drop through after doing things that way, however, you'll them in, rather than letting the fight spread and getting another
need to be very careful not fall into the pit that was underneath the Enhanced Undead involved. They also drop a large amount of souls,
elevator; running diagonally off the wooden ledge is usually the best so you might want to consider farming them given how quickly you
course of action. can return to a Bonfire. Once they have been defeated, you can
start collecting the items here.
There is a Summon Sign on the floor of this room that you can use '
to summon Lucatiel of Mirrah, and while she can be useful during .J In this first alcove on the left, you'll find an extremely useful
this part of the area, she'll often fall foul to the explosive attacks of IP Sublime Bone Dust, so be sure to pick that up. The first alcove on
the Undead Citizens before you get to the Boss; it's recommended the right has a hidden door on the rear wall at Position A. so
that you don't summon her at this point, and instead return to sum- interact with it to open it, revealing a vast expanse of water [ J
mon her after clearing out the area. 06). Don't be tempted to go exploring, however, because venturing
too far out will cause you to plummet to your death. Instead, turn to
your left as soon as you go through the hidden door and grab the
items there. Head back into the main room once you have, and pick
up the item in the next alcove.


[ I J

[ I J
. .A Further into the room, watch out for an Un dead Citizen in front of
'II a staircase to the right. There is also a staircase on the left. If you
have the Bastille Key from Belfry Luna at this point. go up the
left-hand stairs; the first cell on your left is empty, but the Bastille
Key can be used to open the next cell, in whid'l you'll find a Fire
Seed. Exit the cell and drop down onto the ground floor, checking
the last cell on the left for a vital Pharros' Lockstone.

If you weren't able to access Betfry Luna due to not having one
before, it's a good idea to use it there. There is nothing else here
except Undead Citizens in each of the cells, so be very careful if
you choose to take them all out. Head to the gate at the end of the
room at Position B, and then pull the nearby lever to open it. There
are no more enemies from this point forward, so if you haven't done
so already, go back and summon Lucatiel so that you can bring her
with across the narrow bridge toward the Fog Gate [ ~ U 01 J.
.iJI Before you enter the Fog Gate and if you have the Bastille Key,
IP there are a couple of things you can do at this point to make the
upcoming battle somewhat easier. If you go up the stairs to either
of the rooms at Positions C and D, you can open the gate that
leads into them with the Bastille Key. Inside each room you'll find a
narrow trough filled with black liquid leading off into the room
ahead, and if you use your Torch, you can set it alight [ L 02].

Lighting the liquid in these troughs will illuminate the Boss room,
which will substantially increase your lock-on range - for a fast mov-
ing, evasive Boss such as the Lost Sinner, the extra lock-on range
is invaluable. Once you're finished in both rooms, head back down
the stairs follow the narrow gap between the stairs. and on the left
and the wall of the room ahead to reach an item at the end. Return
to the Fog Gate now and prepare yourself for a fight with the Lost
.J Once you've claimed the Great Soul of the Lost Sinner, head
VI through the door at the back of the room behind the tattered
cloth [ -1oLJ 03]. Go down the stairs and open the chest on the left to
find a Fragrant Branch of Yore and an Elizabeth Mushroom. Head
through into the next room and rekindle the Primal Bonfire there so
that you can use it to Travel back to Majula.


This deformed, unnatural creature must surely be the product
of some serious misdeeds. Who created this monstrosity, and
is it what they intended to make? It almost seems to be half-
dragon, but, whatever it is, it has the mind of a Hollow.

Strategy This enemy can be backstabbed, but that's a risky strategy, as you
Most of this foe's attacks are difficult to block; rolling is a much bet- may have to deal with the Enhanced Undead's Spin attack. If you're
ter idea. Just step forward into his melee range and then roll back having trouble, one very sneaky method for dealing with these
as soon as you see suspicious movement. The Tail Swipe and Flail enemies is to step on the elevator switch to send the elevator back
moves both have some recovery time that you can use to strike. If up (don't actually go up with the elevator), and then lure them one
you fight from a distance, Just beware the Pounce. by one into falling down the pit in the floor.
. ., ~nut
I lr.lrrv t!I<>

Enhanced Undead 1110 1600 Yes Tall SWlpe No Yes High

Rall No Yes High
Prob ,blllt., f'.,g
Pounce No Yes Medium
Malfonned Skull 6 332 Spin No Yes High
Bell Keeper Bow 6 347
Bell Keeper Shield 6 364
The Lost Sinner eternally punishes herself for the sins of her past. Indeed, she
committed what some would believe to be the ultimate sin - she attempted to
relight the First Flame.
The Lost Sinner possesses the Soul of a Great One; she holds the remnants
of the Soul of the Old Witch of lzalith. Eons have passed since the legendary
Witch walked the land, but such was her power that it persists even now.

In this deadly attack, the Lost Sinner will show off her impressive
range with a deadly thrust. Watch for her to point her sword in your
direction. This move is quick; you can dodge roll to the right side at
the last second if you are confident. but blocking rt is a more reliable
option for most players.

This isn't necessarily an attack; the Boss will literally Leap over
your head to flank you. This is often followed by a Stab. Having
the increased lock-on range from the lights will help you track this.
Otherwise, roll away from the direction she Leaps and turn around

Slash Combo
The Lost Sinner will hold her sword behind her and run at you.
When she draws near, she'll quickly slash her sword at you. She'll
often slash twice, though she can end after the first one. Try to get
out of range by rolling back.


Parry Stance
This is another non-attack that can be very deadly. Any time the
Sinner blocks with her greatsword, do not attack; she'll parry and
riposte you. This will probably kill you. This is a chance for ranged
fighters to get some easy damage.

Leaping Smash
This Leap IS an attack. She'll bend her knees while holding her
sword in a neutral position, and then soar into the air above. She'll
come crashing down in front of where she leaped with a powerful
two-handed strike. Roll to the side to get away from this one.

Before entering this boss fight, there are some preparations you
can make to swing the environment into your favor. If you have the
Bastille Key. open the side doors of Sinners' Rise. If you have a lit
torch, you'll be prompted to set the light in each of those rooms.
You'll need to bring a torch from the Bonfire or use a Flame But-
terfly. Each of the two lights will brighten the boss room, increasing
your lock-on distance.

Once you enter the room, you'll immediately find that the Lost
Sinner is extremely fast and aggressive. More than that, she is also
extremely evasive and gives you few opportunities to attack. If you
aren't confident in your ability to fight one on one, it is highly recom-
mended that you bring a companion, such as Lucatiel, to distract Overhead Smash
the Sinner. If you do, you can get behind her for me lee attacks or The Sinner holds her sword over her head in both hands and then
attack her from range with powerful spells. smashes It down into the ground. This move has a long recovery
and is your best chance to attack or heal. Try to stay out of its range
If you decide to fight solo, you'll want to bait a specific attack. Her so that you have Stamina to retaliate. This is often used after a Slash
Overhead Smash is the primary attack that has enough recovery Combo.
time for you to safely get a hit. You'll want to bait It as often as pos-
sible while avoiding all the other nasty things she can do.

Stay locked on (remember to set the lights outside the room) and
wait just outside her range. Try to bait her combo attacks. If she
performs her Overhead Smash, quickly close in on her and strike.

HP <;i,ul ~ n:.w11 Parry a1nr" i::t11P'lr>1 D m .,.,

The Lost Sinner 3900 45000 No Slash Combo Yes Yes Medium

p, p Stab Yes Yes Low

t 11 ~
Parry Stance No No N/A
Soul ol the Lost Sinner 100 397 Leaping Smash No Yes High
overhead Smash Yes Yes High
Forgotten Chambllr
Corrosive Urn >C3
Soul of a Braw
Wlrricr x1
Eliz:abe1h Lod<cid CKlng's Rlng)

[)RAN<.~( u« CA\ ur- I\ I

Da rlcdiller Granda hi

Great Combustion, Dark AITOW x15

Fif9 Seed X1

• • Pharros' Lodcstonci x1

• • 0

Hunter's Bladd>ow x1,
Iron Arrow x20
Mastodon Gr;;tsword x1
Largci Soul of a Br:IVQ Warrior xt,
TwinklingTitanltci x1 Soul of a Hero x1,
Old Radiant Ufegem >C3,
Royal S.Vordsrnan Monastery Cha nn x1
Spawn Point Golem
Roy.I Soldier's Ring .1 xl
Under Castlci
Faraam Helm x1,
Faraam Armor xt.
l)RAN<.ol l I<. l:A\ 111 - I I Faraam Gauntlets x1.
Faraam Boots x1


111 R<.1Nl R<.1<.1.\1


To Dranglelc Castle

To Shrine of Winter
Large Soul of a Nameless
Soldierx1, Human Effigy x1

Golem The Shrine of Winter serves as a gateway between the Shaded
Old Knight Hammer xl Woods and Drangleic Castle. Only those who have proven
their worth may proceed through the Shrine to the foreboding
Cai th a 's Chim9 xl, mountaintop abode of King Vendrick and Queen Nashandra.
Soul Greatsword
Aro.1 Enornlns PaqC!

Crystal Uzard 067

R(1{al Swordsman (Greatsword) 096
Fire Greatarrow >ClO [frap) R(1{al Swordsman (CrossboW) 096
l <= Stone Soldier (Spear) 243
L) RA N l i l l I( . CA~ I l l - I . ~ Jll
Stone Soldier (Spear & Shleld) 243
R(1{al Guard (Greatsword) 243
Royal Guard (Halberd) 243
Helde Knight 068
Flexlle Sentry 084
"' <=
g Ruin Sentlnel 099
R&pair Powder x5, Alonne Knight Captain 178
Flam9 Buttertl'f x10
Primal Knight (Living) 244
0 Nameless Usurper 244
ID Dual Dragonrlders 246
Estus Flask Shard >Cl

lmport.rnt ltf>ms PaqP

SoulVessel x1,
To King's Passage
Fire S99dx1 327
Imprisoned Milfan~o Crescent Axe
Strong Magic Golden Falcon Shield 349
Shi9ld Sorcery: Repair 389
Kgy to Klng's Passage Pyromancy: Great
Locked ( l(Qy to Combustion 392
th9 Em bedded) Pharros' Lookstone 401
T<.)\.Vl R Faraam AflTlO( Set 362
Rep;ir, Large Soul Mastodon Greatsword 317
of a LDst Undead xl Benhart of Jugo
Dragons layer's Crsscsnt Axil x1. R(1{al Soldier's Ring + 1 403
Golden Falcon Shield >Cl
Hunter's BlackboW 347
Old Knight Hammer 331
To Shaded Woods J
Caltha's Chime 346
Estus Flask Shard 401
Sorcery: Soul Greatsword 388
Nashandra Pyromancy: Firestorm 392
Key to King's Passage 402
Soul Vessel 401
Fire seed 310
Sorcery: Strong
Magic Shleld
Ring of the Dead 405

Locked (Requires
al four great souls) l1RAN<.i l l I<.. CAS rt l - I 2




- •
~ To reach the Shrine of Winter you'll need to Travel to the Ruined Fork Bonfire in the
VI Shaded Woods, and from your starting position there, follow the path leading to the

-· •
Shrine of Winter. As you approach the area you'll be greeted by a Fl exile Sentry, but since
you have more room to maneuver here it's a much easier fight. Follow the path up to the left
after defeating it to reach the door at the top of a hill. If you have obtained all four Great
• Souls by defeating the required Bosses [fhe Rotten, Old Iron King, The Duke's Dear Freja
and Lost Sinner) and have lit the Primal Bonfires, or are currently holding the prerequisite
• number of Souls, the door will open for you. Approaching this door without meeting those
requirements and you'll be advised to "Seek mightier souls':

The room on the other side of the door features ancient carvings telling the history of this
once proud land, so it's worth taking the time to stop and look at them [..... l 01 ]. Head
through the room once you're done, and then after going down the winding path, go around
to the right to get the Repair Sorcery. Double back and continue straight on along the main
path. Just after rounding the corner you'll come to another Heide Knight sitting beside the
path, and if you choose to defeat this one, tt will drop a Heide Lance for you.
J Continue along the path until you start going up a staircase shortly after passing through
'11 a tunnel. The heavy rain in this area will constantly extinguish your Torch, so you won't be
able to use it to light your way. Be very careful as you start to round the corner on the
staircase because a small group of Royal Swordsmen have set up an ambush for you. Two of
them armed with Crossbows have taken up a firing position on a small platform on the left,
so if you have ranged attacks. try to use the natural bend for cover and ease out slowly so
that you can take them out one at a time [.... 07.].

If you don't have ranged attacks, try to lure the Greatsword wielding swordsman down and
around to the base of the platform, which should keep you safe from the crossbow users
above. Once he's down, run up the stairs with your shield raised to close in on the remain-
ing two enemies and get them to switch to their swords. Once the area has been cleared,
push on up the stairs toward the castle.
J As soon as you enter this area, look for a Crystal Lizard sitting in the middle of the path
'I' and make sure you kill it before it escapes, because it drops a highly valuable Titantte
Slab. At the base of the steps leading up to the castle gates you'll also find the Emerald
Herald, and if you talk to her she has a few words of encouragement for you before you
continue. Near the top of the stairs you'll see large stone statues standing guard on either
side of the path, and when you get close to them, they'll come to life In the form of two
Primal Knights [-i r l 03). Try to lure them down the stairs rather than going up to fight them,
because there are Royal Swordsmen wtth Crossbows on the stairs above.
~ Once the Primal Knights are down, run up the stairs and quickly take out the two Royal
'I' Swordsmen. One of those Royal Swords-men was standing near a chalice being held by
an ancient Golem, and if you managed to kill the enemy near the chalice tt will absorb his
souls. From the power gained by the souls the Golem will creak to life briefly and turn the
chalice. There's another Golem and chalice on the other side of the door; and you need to do
the same thing with that one to open the door [ I l 04]. You do not have to try and get this
done with those two Royal Swordsmen, however, because while you're in front of the door,
groups of three Royal Swordsmen will continuously come into the area from the left.

These reinforcements are infinite, and a fresh group of three will keep coming until you
have powered up both Golems and opened the door. While this may sound like a good soul


• •

farming opportunity, the low amount of souls you get per kill actually
makes it quite inefficient. When both Golems have been powered
up and the enemies have stopped coming, go around to the right of
the door to get the chest there, and then finally enter the castle.
.iJI If you go up the stairs In the castle entrance hall you'll find the
.. ghost of Chancellor Wellager, and it's worth talking to him to find
out a great deal about the former King and his Queen. Once you've
gone thorough all his dialogue options you'll also be able to learn a
Gesture from him and purchase some of his merchandise. The stairs
going up behind the Chancellor lead to the long abandoned throne
room, where the only remnants to be seen are the two thrones that
were once used by the King and Queen. Make your way back down
to the main hall once you're done here.
.J Just beside the stairs here you'll be able to follow a path past
IP two Royal Guards and through the archway that they were
defending [ r I 05). In the room on the other side you should see a
group of enemies off to the left with their backs to you, but you
don't have to engage them unless you want to. The doors over on
the other side of the room don't lead anywhere, and your next
destination is through the door just to the right of the archway you
came through. By ready for a fight once you go through that door,
however, because the small room on the other side contains two
Royal Swordsmen; try to lure them through the doorway to give you
more room to fight them. After defeating both of those enemies, go
down the ladder that's inside the room.
. J Go through the door at the opposite end of the room that's lined
'II wrth statues to reach a small intersection on the other srde of it.
The path down to the right leads to a door that requires the Symbol
of the King to open, so there's nothing you can do there for now.
Going straight ahead will take you to another door that leads to a
small Bonfire room, so that should be your first stop [ J O J. The
other path is the way forward, but you need to be extremely careful
in the room it leads to.


, ...& This room is also lined with statues, but unlike the previous one,
iJ all of these ones can come to ltfe in the form of Stone Soldiers if
you approach them. There are also six Golem doors in the room,
each one except for the furthest is guarded by a pair of Stone
Soldiers - the two furthest doors only have one enemy next to them
[-1 l 01). The Golem doors to each of the six rooms are similar to
the one at the castle gate, but here it is the door itself that must
absorb the souls of a defeated enemy. At the very back of the room
you'll also find two Golem statues, and if you defeat an enemy close
to one of them it will raise and light the torch in its hand to
illuminate the room. To compound the difficulty of this area, five of
the six Golem doors that you can open lead to small rooms
containing a Ruin Sentinel , so great care should be taken to avoid
having to fight Stone Soldiers and Ruin Sentinels at the same time.

You can control things in the room fairly well because you either
have to get reasonably close to the Stone Statues to awaken them,
or use a ranged attack on them while they're still kneeling. If you
do get in trouble, retreat back to the entrance to funnel enemies
toward you and reduce the odds of awakening more. The room
is wide enough so that you can walk straight through it without
triggering any enemies, meaning you can pick the ones you want
if you're careful. This is especially true if you're using fairly strong
ranged attacks on the statues while they're still kneeling, because
you'll often be able to kill one of them close enough to the Golem
door for it to absorb the souls.

It's also worth noting that after a Golem door has absorbed the
souls of an enemy, that enemy will not respawn, so each door
wil then only have one enemy guarding it if you return. The Stone
Soldiers also drop Titanite Slabs, however, so this is an excellent
opportunity to farm them for that rarest of items. Which rooms you .. _.j Go through the door at Position A, and then go all the way up
choose to open is ultimately up to you, and only the one at Position IP the series of stairs until you reach an open part of the castle with
A is truly required, as that opens the path forward; if you're having a large pool of acidic orange liquid on your left [ '"l 02). There are
trouble with the enemies here, you may want to just focus on that four dragon statues just above this area, and if you make a lot of
Golem door. noise by sprinting, rolling or similar actions, they will spit out acidic
liquid directly in front of them. To avoid that happening, simply walk
, J The door toward the back of the room at Position B again while you're in the area. Just up and to the right between two of
'II contains a Ruin Sentinel and seemingly not much else - if you those statues is a Royal Swordsman with a Crossbow, so if you
walk into the room, however, you'll fall through a weak section of have a ranged attack, take him out to make things easier for you.
the floor into a cave below. On the floor near where you land you'll There are some items to be obtained from within the pool of liquid,
find a full set of Faraam Armor, and at the back of the cave you'll but if you want to go inside and get them, make sure you take off all
find another Shrine to the Abyss with its ever-present keeper, of your equipment and accessories so that they don't get destroyed
Darkdiver Grandahl. When you're done in the cave, enter the small in the process.
room on the side where you'll find another Bonfire, and travel back
to the King's Gate Bonfire to continue. _.,j Continue up the stairs and then go through the doorway on the
'UJ floor above to exit out onto a balcony area where you'll need to
World Event climb another set of stairs to reach a door that will take you back
If you've been following the walkthrough closely, you should inside. The room you're in now has masks hanging on every wall,
have spoken to Darkdiver Grandahl three times by this point, and when you walk in front of most of them they will fire either a
which means he'll give you the option of joining the Pilgrims normal or Poison arrow at you [ I J 0::sJ. Try to use a combination of
of Dark Covenant. If you accept his offer, the Shrines to the rolls and keeping your shield elevated to make It across the room to
Abyss will all activate, and you'll be able to use them to ac- the door on the other side. If you try to pick up the item in the room,
cess different parts of the mysterious Dark Chasm of Old. For however, you're more than likely to take some damage, so make
more information on this area, please refer to P.423. sure you're fully healed just in case.


. .J At the top of the next flight of stairs you'll come to another room
VI and immediately be attacked by two members of the Royal
Guard. Fighting them in the room is much easier than fighting them
............. on the stairs but if you choose to lure them back onto the stairs,
• then try to knock them off to end the fight quickly. Once you're in
the room, stay well clear of the painting of Queen Nashandra,
• • because it has a cursed aura, and getting too close to it will make
• you suffer the same fate [ L 04). Take out the final Royal Guard
• near the door, and then exit the room. Carry on along the path after
going through the door, and then after a short while the Dar1< Spirit,
• Nameless Usurper will invade your world. The Dark Spirit appears
• near the doorway you just went through, so instead of fighting it in
• • the narrow corridor, try bringing the fight into the room with the
painting .
• • '
• • . J Near the top of the stairs here you'll find a ladder at Position C
VJ that you can climb down. Doing so will allow you to reach a small
platform at the bottom, and if you then interact with a section of the
wall in the middle you'll open a hidden door and reveal a small room
containing a very useful Bonfire [ _J 05). Move around to the other
side of the platform to grab the item there, and then climb down
another ladder on the front of the platform to reach an area below
containing a chest. Make your way back up both ladders when
you're ready to continue.
.J This next set of stairs will take you up to a balcony area, from
W which you can access the Queen's audience chamber, where
you'll be able to talk to her. albeit briefly. Leave the room and follow
the balcony along to a Fog Gate - passing through this will inttiate a
Boss battle with not one, but two Dragon riders. Defeating those
bosses will let you access a small room containing another Bonfire,
where you'll also find Benhart of Jugo; make sure you talk to him to
hear more about his journey. There are two paths leading out of this
room: one going up and one going down. Take the one going down
for now. until you come to a small room with an elevator shaft in it.
You can't pull the switch to lower the elevator at this time, or go
through the door in this area, which means your only option is to
climb the ladder r L 06).

and climb the ladder inside it to reach a ledge, and from there you
can drop down to where the captains are [ J 02].

You can't open the door in the alcove, so go down the stairs to
come to another door and enter the room beyond it. After getting
the items in this room, pull the lever to lower the gate blocking the
nearby door so that you can go through it. Follow the stairs down on
the other side and you'll eventually find yourself back in the Bonfire
room near the elevator shaft. So after resting up, make your way
back there and ride the elevator up.

,4 Upon opening the door at the top of the tower you'll be faced
\Ii'with a rather unconventional looking prison cell in the middle of
the room [ l OJ]. Since you're unable to free the occupant of the
cell at this time, open the chests in the room to get the Key to
King's Passage, and then take the elevator back down. The key you
acquired will let you open the door at the base of the elevator shaft,
so go through it once you're back down and continue on to the
King's Passage

Wor1d Event
Opening the prison cell at the top of the tower requires the
Key to the Embedded, which you can obtain in the upcoming
area, Shrine of Amana. Once you have the key, make sure
you return here to free the occupant.

_.j When you reach the top of the ladder, follow the path along and
ll go through the gate at the end. You'll now find yoursetf in another
room lined with Stone Soldiers, and a single Golem statue at the
back [ [ 1 01]. These Stone Soldiers will also come to life in groups,
with the three on the right coming to life as soon as you get close
to any of them, and the four on the right will awaken two at a time.
Try to clear out the left side of the room first, since that way you'll
only have to face two enemies at once.

After they're all down, you'll have more room to right the three on
the right, just make sure you kill one of them close enough to the
Golem to activate it. If you fail to activate the Golem, you'll have
to make a long trip back here after resting at a Bonfire to try again.
Activating the Golem lowers the elevator in the shaft you were Just
in, so your goal now should be to get back there. Go through the
door when the room has been cleared, and then, after securing the
contents of the two chests in the next room, continue on through
the doorway.

_.j You'll now find yourself in a large great hall, with Primal Knight
IP Statues lined up along numerous pillars. Thankfully, however,
none of them will come to life. The main threat in the room are the
Alonne Knight Captains using Greatbows up on the balcony, so
make sure you don't move around in the open, and always use the
pillars for cover. There's a single Primal Knight and two Royal Guard
standing near the door leading out of the room, but if you don't go
toward that end they won't come after you. Your first course of
action should be going up the stairs and dealing with the Alonne
Knight Captains.

If you have a ranged attack you can take them out from the pillar at
the top of either side of the stairs, moving behind it for cover when
they fire at you. If you don't have a ranged attack then try running
toward one of them to get it to switch to its sword, and then lure it
back down the stairs away from the others. For the trouble of clear-
ing them all out you'll be able to open a chest on either side of the
balcony, just be careful when you open the wooden one, because
it's trapped. Once all of the Captains have been dealt with, take out
the other enemies in the room near the door, and then go through
.J Another Primal Knight will come after you as soon as you open
V, the door, but try to keep the fight near the doorway, because
there are more Alonne Captions on a balcony around the corner and
if you venture too far out they'll open fire on you. Once the Primal
Knight has been defeated you can simply move forward slowly and
take out the Alonne Knight Captains with ranged attacks if you have
them. If ranged attacks aren't an option, go into the nearby alcove


Originally human soldiers
under the command of Sir
Velstadt and tasked with the
defense of Drangleic Castle.
When Velstadt departed the
castle with King Vendrick his
soldiers loyally remained
at their posts, but their
commander never returned
and eventually so much time
passed that the soldiers turned and are susceptible to Backstabs. This type of Stone Soldier will use
to stone. relatively slow physical attacks and will typically chain up to three
hits; they will employ both thrusts and sweeping swings.

Less able to protect themselves than their shield-bearing comrades,
this variety of Stone Soldier is more agile and aggressive; they wield
their Spears in both hands for quick combos of typically four or five
hits and are more persistent about chasing you down If facing both
types, it can be advantageous to first eliminate those bearing only
Spears, as they are slightly more dangerous.
jiD ~n11I

Stone Soldier (Spear & Shield) 720 360 Yes

Stone Soldier (Spear)
Strategy 600 360 Yes
Spear & Shield ,•11 I 11111 , ,
Stone Soldiers with shields alternate between cautious and aggres-
sive behavior. When they are guarding you can knock aside their Stone Soldier Spear 3 334
shields and perform a Guard Break Critical Hit; they also turn slowly Titan lte Slab 3 310
Llewellyn Shield 2 350


High-ranking Drangleic knights

whose weapons and armor are
modeled after those borne by Sir
Syan, one of King Vendrick's bravest
military leaders. Sir Syan met a
dishonorable end on the battlefield
during the war with the Giants;
shortly thereafter all of the knights
who had been issued replicas of
his armor went insane after putting Strategy
them on. Ultra Greatsword
Royal Guards are fairly tough, but very slow, and their
guard can be broken with a shove, allowing you to land
a Critical Hit. If an attack rebounds off their shields
they will often counterattack with Thunder Slash; this
technique has a considerable windup and is most easily
avoided simply by strafing backwards and out of tts
range. They will attack you with simple sword slashes
and can chain up to three, though their swings are slow
and can be easily blocked or evaded via rolling.


Protuihll tty nlfl
Royal Guards armed with Halberds behave in almost exactly the
same way as those with Greatswords, except that their attacks Syan's Helm 2 371
are primarily thrusts with a few horizontal swings. Like the others,
Syan's Armor 2 371
these can also use Thunder Slash with their Halberds and are best
dealt with by breaking their guard or waiting for them to lower it and Syan's Gauntlets 2 371
striking them with magic or ranged attacks. Syan's Leggings 2 371
Syan's Halberd (Halberd) 2 336
HP 1':nul
Greatsword (Ultra Greatsword) 2 319
Royal Guard (Halberd) 960 900 Yes Green Blossom 3 399
Royal Guard (Ultra Greatsword) 960 900 Yes Monastery aiann 2 395

PRIMAL KNIGHT A healthy, living Primal Knight. These peculiar but

unquestionably mighty creatures were recreated by King
Vendrick through a long-lost forbidden ritual most likely
rediscovered by Lord Aldia; they have been used as guards
at Drangleic Castle ever since their revival. The existence of
Undead Primal Knights suggests that they are susceptible to the
Curse and leads one to wonder if these monstrous beasts were
themselves once human ...

Living Primal Knights behave in exactly the same way as the Un-
dead originals and should be handled as such; the only functional
difference is their higher attributes due to their physical health and
the superior condition of their equipment.

HP ~o"'

Prlmal Knight (Living) 1790 1800 Yes

P t 1111 \ 11

Mastodon Helm 4 374

Mastodon Annor 4 374
Mastodon Gauntlets 4 374
Mastodon Leggings 4 374
Mastodon Halberd 4 336
Mastodon Greatshleld 4 367
Old Mundane Stone 2 311


A mysterious woman clad in the robes of a Lindelt cleric. Her
enigmatic appearance and her presence in Drangleic Castle
leave more questions than answers ...

The Nameless Usurper will attack with only a Bandit's Knife. Her
swings are very rapid but inflict relatively little damage and are
easily thwarted with a shield. Her lack of poise makes her highly
vulnerable to weapons with horizontal swings or thrust attacks; she
is agile and will attempt to dodge spells and projectiles by rolling but
correct timing will ensure that your ranged attacks connect.

un ~*'U~ p 1•·m

Dart Splr1t Nameless Usurper 2440 1000 No

,,. h 11,., n Q

Black Witch Hat 1 364 .,.,.,

Black Witch Robe 1 364
Black Witch Gloves 1 364 Black Witch Hat 364 Black Witch ltousers 364
Black Witch ll'ousers 1 364 Black Witch Robe 364 Black Witch Domino Mask 364
Black Witch Domino Mask 1 364 Black Witch Gloves 364


A pair of Dragonriders, Drangleic's elite mounted fighting units,
serving as gatekeepers of the King's Passage. They watch over
the entrance and challenge all who seek entrance to the proving
ground beyond.

Physical Attacks (Halberd)

Both Dragon riders carry Halberds; the one in red armor who is ini-
tially on the ground when you enter the Boss room will be using his
one from the start. and the one in black armor perched in the corner
will draw his after jumping down to join the battle. They attack with
this weapon in exactly the same way as the Dragonrider in the
Tower of Flame, using sweeping slashes and far-reaching thrusts; as
such they should be handled in the same fashion, by rolling through
their attacks either toward them or in the opposite direction of the

Physical Attacks (Bow)

The Dragonrider in black armor will initially be perched atop the altar
in the far left corner of the room and will continually bombard you
with arrows from his Dragonrider Bow until he is coaxed down.
These arrows travel quickly and have minor tracking capability so
simply strafing out of their path will not always be sufficient to avoid
them; typically a well-timed roll is necessary.

The priority target in this fight is the black Dragonrider with a Bow, The best opportunities to attack the black Dragonrider on his perch
as he has significantly less health than the red one and his attacks are after luring the red Dragonrider into initiating an attack from mid
are harder to evade. Melee characters should bring a ranged weap- range and then backing away; this will give you time to turn. cast a
on or at the very least a supply of Throwing Daggers or Firebombs spell or lob a Firebomb at the black Dragonrider and then turn back
in order to attack the black Dragonrider from the ground. Mages and to the red one. When wielding their Halberds these enemies behave
archers are better suited for this task and can get straight to doing in exactly the same fashion as the Dragonrider boss in Heida's
what they do best. The black-armored Dragonrider will jump down Tower of Flame and should be handled in the same way; in addition.
and join the fray when his health is reduced to approximately 75o/o it is recommended you focus your attacks on a single Dragonrider
or the red Dragonrider's health is reduced to approximately 50%. At until it is defeated in order to keep the fight as short as possible and
this point the black Dragonrider will use his Bow when you are far minimize opportunities for mistakes.
from him and draw his Halberd at close range; players should finish
him first and then focus on the tougher red Dragonrider.

HP Souls Blr,•1t

Dual Dragonrtders (Halberd & Bow) 1470 No Physlcal Attacks (Halberd) Yes Yes Moderate
Dual Dragonrtders (Halberd) 3670 No Physlcal Attacks (Bow) No Yes Light

I t Jt lllty P

Dragonrlder Soul 100 397


Large Soul of a
N:amQIQSS Soldier X1

Dragon Ch:lrrn X1

Large Soul of a A'oud Knight xi

Twinkling Tltanite X1.
Soul of a Lost Undead x1, Smoo1h & Silky Ston9 >c3
Torch X1

Crumbl9d Ruins

Crimson Wlter >c3

Klng's Cr<7Nn xt.

Soul of a Lost UndQad xt, King's Annor xt.
To Shrine of Amana SkQptic's SpioQ x1 King's GauntlQts xt.
KJng's l.Qggings x1

Soul of thQ King x1

Sunlight BladQ
• • • •
Loda!d (Door
KIN(,\ PASS/\r,r of 1h9 Living)

Soul of a Proud Knight X1.

Twinldingntanltg x1
Estus Rask Shard x1

Larg11 Soul of a Proud Knight X1. _,_ _

Old Radiant Ufegem x1

Alluring Skull >c3 Fire Tempest X1

Singer's Dress X1.

Ute Ring +2

Large Soul of a Proud Knight xt,

Green Blossom x1
Soul of a 8 rave Warrior X1.
PGtrlfied Dragon 80011 x1
To Dranglelc Castle Alluring Sk..-1 x3

Manslay11r x1 Homing Crystal


Red Iron Twinblade xt,

Soul of a Proud Knight x1

--Bonfire Ascetic X1


Magic Arrwt x20

Rise of the Dead

Demon of Song

To Undead C

Undead Supplicant 220 Sorcery: soul Bolt 388
Royal Guard 243 Spell Quartz Ring +2 403
Uzardman 262 Bonfire Ascetic x3 401
Stone Knight 262 Twl nlcllng Tltanlte x2 310
Flame Bu118rfly xt. ~
-0 Amana Shrine Malden (Staff) 263 Helix Halberd 336
T\loinkling1itanite x1
IA Amana Shrine Malden
Fire Seed x2 310
(Bare Hands)
Estus Flask Shard 401
Undeldt Clerlc 263
Miracle: Sunlight Blade 391
Acid Horn Beeue 264
Singer's Dress 372
Giant Acid Horn Beetle 264
Life Ring +2 403
Cit Ogre 041
6 Red Iron Twlnblade 339
Wilted Dusk Herb x2, bi Prowllng Magus 224
Skeptic's Spice xl Sorcery: Homing Crystal
IS Peculiar Klndalur 266 Soulmass
.,., Looking Glass Knight 266 Staff of Amana 343
SIIRINl l11 Ai\l\ANA- 12 0
Demon of SOng 268 Key to the Embedded 318
Man slayer 324
Soul of the King 397
King's Armor Set 386

Gr99n Blossom x1 Towgr of Pl7y'er


Shrini ol

SHRINr l)I Atv\ANA- 13

Loc:kQd (Door ol thi UrdeadJ


.J From the start of this passageway you'll be able to see numer-
'I' ous statues along both sides, all kneeling to pay respect to their
King. As you would expect. some of these statues will come to life
in the form of Stone Knights as you walk along the passage. The
easiest way to tell when a statue starts to animate is that the eyes
will start to glow red. Only four in total will come to life, so try to
retreat back any time one does so that you can fight them one at a
time. At the end of the passage you'll also have to do battle against
a member of the Royal Guard.

Just before the Fog Gate you'll also find a Summon Sign for Benhart
of Jugo, so make sure you summon him, because after you enter
the Fog Gate you'll have to do battle against the fearsome Looking
Glass Knight [ n 01]. Once the Boss has been defeated, head
toward the elevator on the opposite side of the room, and after
making sure to get the chest to the side of it, ride the elevator down
into the Shrine of Amana
, J Run along the narrow tunnel at the start of this area until you
'If come to an opening with a fire source that you can use if you
want to light your Torch. In that same room you can also attack
some tree roots to get the item that's hidden in a small alcove
behind them [ n o ]. Once you have the item, carry on along
another section of the narrow tunnel until it opens out again, this
time near the first Bonfire of the area. From this area you'll also
start to hear the haunting song of the Milfanito, drawing you In from
the distance.
. J Go down the staircase near the Bonfire when you're ready, and
'II then go through the wooden door on the left when you come to
it, to step out onto a narrow ledge. The first thing you'll notice is a
body holding an item that's on a branch just out of reach: if you
attack the branch the item will fall down and you'll be able to
retrieve it later [ C 3]. Continue along the ledge to reach a small
alcove containing a chest and an Acid Horn Beetle, but be very
careful about how you kill the beetle, because you don't want to
accidentally destroy the chest. Once you have the items, make your
way back to the staircase and continue descending.
. .JILoop back under the stairs when you reach the bottom to get the
'I' item there, and then advance toward the opening in the tower
and take out the Lizardman and Lindelt Cleric that come after you.


The Lizardmen like to hide themselves in the shallow water, where
you'll usually only be able to spot them thanks to the shimmering
gold could above them [- J Q.q. ]. Lizard men can also be used as
means of knowing whether or not it's safe to walk out into an area,
since wherever you see one you can be sure that the water is
shallow enough to walk in.
J From the opening in the tower, follow the rocks sticking out of
I' the water on the right to reach the area where the item on the
branch landed at Position A. Return to the main path now and
continue along it toward the small building a short distance ahead,
while taking out the Lizardmen as you go. Enter the building and
speak with the Milfanito inside; if you go through all of her dialogue
she'll give you a Smooth & Silky Stone [-1 L 1 05]. Go through the
doorway near her, and then after exiting the building, follow the
outside wall around to the right to find a chest.
. .JI Carry on along the main path slowly now, and try to take out the
'IP enemies one at a time, especially the Lindett Cleric, as they can
be very dangerous in groups. Just before the entrance to the cave
at the end of the path you should see some more rock formations
sticking up out of the water on the left near the wall, and between
them you'll find a half-submerged chest to plunder [ L Ou]. Return
to the path and enter the cave after obtaining the items from the
chest. Shortly after entering you'll come to a room on the left with a
number of Lizardmen inside, and after taking care of them all you'll
be able to open the chest in the room safely. Continue on along the
cave and enter the Fog Gate at the end.
. J As soon as you're through the Fog Gate, Amana Shrine Maidens
'II will start attacking you with Homing Soul Arrows from long
range, so the best course of action is to run out into the shallow
water toward the nearby ruins on the right so that you can use the
walls for cover. A second benefit of coming here is that there is
another Bonfire in the middle of the ruins. Be extremely careful
when walking around in the water to the right of this area, because
it changes depth suddenly and you can easily find yourself falling to
your death. If you angle the camera down you can Just about see
the edge of the shallow areas, so if you're exploring make sure to
keep the camera trained on the water to avoid any missteps.
. .JI From the ruins, cross the shallows to reach a raised section of
'I' land Just to the left of the main path, where a Amana Shrine
Maiden is, and then after killing it, follow this short path along to the
end. From the end of this path you should be able to see two tall
pillars, and if you approach them you'll find a Pharros' Contraption
hidden beneath the water at Position B. If you use a Lockstone on
this Contraption you'll be able to strike a section of the nearby wall
to reveal a hidden alcove that has a chest in it containing a Helix
Halberd [ [ J 07]. Return to the main path now, and follow it along
toward the softly lit part of the ruins ahead.

c, •

.. -;,/ ~

e .. • YHA ER II -AREA GUIDE 249


-, J From this area you should be able to see a submerged path lead-
'11 ing off toward the edge of the area, where there are some roots
dangling down [ 0 O ]. Behind the roots is a door, and although
you can't open tt at this time, it's important to remember its

Wor1d Event
The door here is called the Door of the Living, and to gain
access to it you need to be Human, and have completed an
event in the Undead Crypt. Once you have met both condi-
tions, return here to open the door to acquire the items
sealed away behind it.
.J If you go around to the other side of the ruins you'll come across
Ill an Ogre, and if you kill it you'll be able to follow a very narrow
path that runs along near a series of pillars leading out into the
water; at the end of the path you'll find an Estus Flask Shard at
Position C [ '"l 02). Once you have the Shard. return to the main
path and follow it to the next small building nearby. Inside this
building you'll find the Summon Sign for Felicia the Brave, and since
there are a lot of enemies between here and the Boss, she can
provide some very useful assistance. Continue through the small
room and open the door on the other side, but be very careful,


because a Lindelt Cleric and a couple of Amana Shrine Maidens will
be waiting for you just outside. Try to lure the Cleric back inside the
building so that you can fight him out of the reach of the Maiden's
Soul Arrows.
. .JI There are a lot of Amana Shrine Maidens in this area, so you'll
W need to be extremely careful while making your way forward. The
arch covered path just outside the previous building can serve as
good cover from which to launch your own long range attacks if you
have that option, because you can use the pillars to block the
Maiden's Soul Arrows. If long range attacks are not an option, then
you'll have move up as quickly as you can and use rolls to avoid the
Soul Arrows. Once all of the enemies have been taken out, you'll
finally be able to explore the area. Along the wall at the side of the
area near the series of ruined arches, you should be able to see a
group of tree roots at Position D.

Find where the shallow water sections starts and follow it along to Wor1d Event
the tree roots so that you can chop them down and reveal the small Now that you have the Key to the Embedded you can return
cave hidden behind them I- C 0..,.]. There's an Ogre in the cave, so to the Central Castle Drangleic Bonfire within Drangleic
make sure you deal with it first, and then chop down some more Castle, and then take the elevator up and free the captive in-
roots so that you can get the items behind them. From back on the side the cell. Doing that will get you the Ring of the Dead, and
main path you should be able to see an item sitting at the end of a if you then return and speak with the other Milfanito in this
section of rubble to the left of the Fog Gate, and luckily the water area, they will usually give you a Divine Blessing in return for
in the area is shallow enough that you can just walk over and get saving their sister.
it. Similarly, if you follow the wall around to the right of the Fog
Gate you'll be able to find another item sitting on the edge of the '
precipice. Enter the Fog Gate when you're ready, and rest up at the J The door at the top of the stairs in this tower is the Door of the
Bonfire if needed before taking out the large number of normal Acid ·U, Undead, and it will remain sealed until a couple of prerequisites
Horn Beetles, and the Giant Acid Horn Beetle. have been met. Firstly, you need to have spoken to the Milfanito in
' the building before the Boss room so that she ascends, and
.JI Continue through the cave and you'll see a large ring of pillars in secondly you must be Hollow. The easiest way to Hollow yourself at
VI the water ahead directly outside it, and within those pillars are a this time is to rest at the nearby Bonfire, and then just run out into
number of enemies. Your first priority should be to take out the the water. That way your souls will be nearby and you can collect
Amana Shrine Maidens as usual. so use the pillars at the front of them easily before going up to open the door r -1 LJ 04).
the ring for cover and take them out with ranged attacks if possible. '
The large number of Lizardmen within the ring will make going J As soon as you open the door, a group of Undead Supplicants
inside to deal with them at close range very dangerous. Once the ·W will come crawling after you, so make sure you're ready for them.
Maidens are down, however. you should move in and quickly try and Now that the door is open, you can also un-Hollow yourself if you
finish off the Lizardmen. While you're killing enemies, the Dark have the means. Run along the narrow path, and then once you see
Spirit, Peculiar Kindalur will also invade your world, and because this the Prowling Magus, try and close in on it quickly to hit it before it
Spirit is rather adept with Sorceries and Hexes, sticking close and can start casting spells. Once the Magus is down, you'll be able to
being aggressive to Interrupt spell casting Is generally the safest go through the entrance to the Shrine of the Living and speak with
tactic. If Felicia the Brave was still with you up until this point, she the Milfanito kneeling by the fire; if you keep talking to her she will
will leave your world as soon as the Dark Spirit has been defeated. give you a number of items, including a Fire Seed.

Once all of the enemies have been defeated, you can finally get to Wor1d Event
work on gathering the items. Start by looking back toward the cave You can also choose to pray in the Shrine of the Living if you
you came from, and if you follow the outside wall of it to the left wish, but unless you meet a specific set of requirements,
you'll find a hidden item there. Around to the right of the entrance no aid will come to you. This fire is designed as a means
is a dormant Amana Shrine Maiden that will awaken when you get for players to un-Hollow themselves if they have run out of
close, so be careful if you venture around that side. Pick up the vari- other options. To make use of the fire you must be Hollow,
ous items from around the ring of pillars now, and then follow the have no Human Effigies either on you or in the Item Box, and
path out from the pillars and enter the building at the end, making you must not have killed any of the Milfanito. Your overall
sure to pick up the item that was dropped by the Maiden in this Sin level is also taken into account, and if it is too high you
area. because it is the Staff of Amana. will be denied use of the Shrine. As long as you meet these
prerequisites you can pray at the fire and un-Hollow yourself
World Event as many times as you like.
Make sure you interact with the injured Mllfanito in this '
room, because that will cause it to ascend, which is a prereq-
uisite for opening the Door of the Undead later in the area. J Go down the stairs once you've finished talking with the
·'5P Milfanito, and go into the alcove to the right to get another Fire
' Seed. Head through the nearby opening now, and then straight
.JI Follow the path down in the building to reach another Fog Gate, away drop down to the left from the top of the stairs to reach a
"1 on the other side of which you will have to face off against the chest containing the Manslayer weapon; from there, hug the edge
Demon of Song. Take the path out of the Boss area once it has been of the ruins until you come to an opening that lets you get back on
defeated, and follow it along until you reach another set of ruins. Go the main path [.., LJ 05). Cross over to the other side of the main
through the stone archway, and then look for a series of slightly path now, and follow another narrow ledge around to a chest at
exposed rocks leading out into the water. Follow the path out Position F. That's everything in this area, so make your way back to
toward the stairs leading up to the tower, but before going up them, the previous Bonfire and continue on along the rocky path to get
continue on to Position E, where you'll find a partially submerged back to the series of arches. Follow the arches along and open the
chest to open; loot the chest, and then enter the tower to reach door at the end to reach a room that contains an elevator that you
another Bonfire. can use to reach the depths of the Undead Crypt.


Knights in the service of Sir
Velstadt, the Royal Aegis.
When Velstadt left with
Vendrick through the King's
Passage, the men under his
command dutifully remained
at their posts, awaiting his
return for so long that they
eventually turned to stone.

ing their heads off with ranged attacks or magic before stepping
into the hallway. They have moderate levels of Poise but can be
staggered by heavier weapons or those held in both hands. All but
two of the Stone Knights' attacks can be safely blocked; beware
of their slow left-handed punch as well as a quick offensive crouch
that will be followed by a leaping slash into a downward stab. These
techniques inflict tremendous Stamina damage and, while they can
be parried, players are cautioned against overuse of a shield against
the Stone Knights.

Hr> ~n··• p 11"'1

Stone Knight 720 1000 Yes

Jlr t:,. I , ..
The Stone Knights are deceptively agile and can perform long chains Stone lwlnbl ade 2 339
of fluid slashes with their Twinblades. When you step into Stone Parma 2 353
the hall lined with these initially inactive enemies they will wake up Llewellyn Armor 2 386
in rapid succession and attack; this can be prevented by shoot- Llewellyn Gloves 2 386
Llewellyn Shoes 2 386
Titan lte Slab 5 310

A Hollow that lived in an aquatic environment for an extended
period of time and eventually adapted to its surroundings
by mutating into its present form. These creatures prowl the
shallow waters of the Shrine of Amana, perpetually searching
for sources of fresh Souls.


Strategy Ur)

Weak enemies with a singular style of attack, the main danger

Llzardman 600 300 Yes
presented by Lizardmen is that when dormant they are very difficult
to locate beneath the surface of the water. They can be spotted by r , t 11111 '(
the sparkling cloud of Flame Butterflies above them as long as the
Demon of Song or one of the Milfanito is singing; when the player Human Effigy 6 395
gets too close and disturbs the butterflies they will disperse and Red Leechll'oches 1 399
the Lizardman will become hostile. Lizardmen attack with basic Bleeding Serum 1 399
claw swipes and a short-range lunge but are easily dispatched with Bleed Stone 1 311
simple melee attacks or low-level sorcery; do note, however, that
Smooth & Siiky Stone 1 396
their attacks cause Bleed buildup.


An Undead Lindeldt
cleric of the mysterious
Archdrake sect.
Their homeland is
subject to strict laws Strategy
and emigration is Lindeldt Clerics will use basic single and combination attacks with
a common means their polearm and will attempt to block with their shields. Their chain
of escaping the attacks cause staggering and can be dangerous if you lack poise or
authoritarian rule; time to evade, but otherwise these are straightforward enemies;
a number of the players are nonetheless advised to avoid fighting more than one at a
defectors have found time as they can become a serious problem in groups.
their way to Drangleic
in an attempt to start H., 0" p .. ,,
new lives, but some
Llndeldt Cler1c 760 650 Yes
have since gone Hollow
and become a threat to l'h t 11ll '<c r 1 I
the living.
An:hdrako Helm 2 369
An:hdrako Robes 2 369
An:hdrake Gloves 2 369
An:hdrake Boots 2 369
An:hdrake Mace 2 331
Slumber1ng Dragon Shield 2 363
Old Radiant Ufogem 6 396
TwlnkllngTltanlte 6 310


Hollowed priestesses formerly responsible for performing the
sealing rituals which imprisoned the Demon of Song. over
time the line of shrine maidens gradually died off and, with no
successors to pass down the sacred rites, the seal broke and
Demon was freed from its prison.

Strategy when first venturing into the Shrine of Amana. Shrine Maidens are
Bare fists much less dangerous up close and will use weak physical attacks
The lone bare-handed Shrine Maiden will not attack you but will heal in between Homing Soul Arrows; they will fall quickly to nearly any
herself and the enemies surrounding her. Once the other Maidens melee weapon.
have been eliminated she can and should be killed before engaging
the surrounding Lindelt Clerics. ..... !'::ou•

Amana Shrine Malden (Bare flsts) 520 380 Yes

Amana Shrine Maidens stand at various positions throughout the Amana Shrine Malden (Staff) 700 380 Yes
path to the Boss room and will bombard you with Homing Soul ,>11. t I II,. f
Arrows from extreme range. These enemies are high-priority targets
as their spells are a troublesome source of chip damage and are Staff of Amana (Staff) 2 343
very difficult to evade. The only way to get rid of them without Radiant Llfegem 3 396
having to hunt them down individually is by using ranged attacks; Crimson Water 3 396
therefore melee characters are advised to bring a bow or crossbow,
Dragon Charm 3 396
a supply of ammunition and optionally the Hawk Ring or Durgo's Hat
Holy Water Urn 1 398


A species of Horn
Beetle which has
developed the
ability to release a
cloud of corrosive
fungal spores into
the surrounding air.
These peculiar insects
reside in the damp
caves of the Shrine of
Amana and represent
a nominal threat to the Strategy
equipment, if not the Like the other species of Horn Beetle, these slow-moving creatures
lives, of passersby. are sitting ducks and easily dispatched by nearly any means. Beware
of their Spore Cloud, however. as it will inflict considerable durability
damage and is especially good at destroying rings; simply wait until
the cloud dissipates before moving in to attack.

,... "nu•

Acid Hom Beetle 600 200 Yes

•• I 11 • 't 1!1A

Llfegem 8 396
Corrosive Um 1 398


A vastly overgrown Acid Horn Beetle. Whether these impressive
specimens are the result of some misguided Aldian experiment
or an unusually long life is unknown; they are extremely rare
and only a few exist in Drangleic.

This deceptively intimidating foe behaves similarly to its smaller kin,
except that it will not use physical attacks, instead releasing an almost


constant stream of corrosive spores to deter potential attackers
from approaching rt. While its persistent release of spores makes
GlantAcld Hom Beetle 990 1200 Yes
approadling it an impractical strategy, the Giant Acid Hom Beetle
can be defeated using magic or projectiles without risk of equipment ..,.. t ,,1 ".,
damage. Ultimately, its reluctance (or inability) to use physical attacks
is its downfall; in actual fact you can simply remove all your gear, walk Corrosive Um 10 398
through the cloud of spores and punch it to death.


A strange man of unknown origins
who will invade your world a short
distance past Rhoy's Resting Place
in the Shrine of Amana. While his
name and appearance suggest an
eclectic character, his talent with
magic is unquestionable and he
will attack with a diverse arsenal of
dangerous spells.

Kindular will keep his distance while bombarding you with Dark and avoid being brought into melee range. He will try to guard with
Orb, Dark Hail, Homing Soul Arrow and Crystal Soul Spear. Lure him his Cleric's Parma and can be killed quickly by knocking away his
back to the entrance of the Bonfire cave and either target him with shield and performing Guard Break Critical Hits; otherwise back
ranged attacks or roll through his spells and run behind him, trapping him up against the deep water next to the cave entrance and push
him against the wall or the underwater ledge. Keeping heavy pres- him in. Kindalur's powerful spells make him extremely dangerous at
sure on Kindalur is necessary, as he will retreat at every opportunity longer range, so archers and mages will need to find cover if engag-
ing him from afar.


Dari< Splr1t Pvcullar Klndalur 2280 2000 No Leydla Black Hood 376 Pr1estess Skirt 366
Can heal via Estus Flask Leydla Black Robe 376 Black Witch's Staff 344

Pr1estess Gloves 366 Cleric's Parma 360

Leydla Black Hood 1 376

Leydla Black Robe 1 376
Pr1estess Gloves 1 366
Pr1es tess Skirt 1 366
Black Witch's Stall 1 344
aer1c's Parma 1 360


King Vendrick's lieutenant, charged with testing the prowess of
those who seek to serve in Dra ngleic's order of royal knights.
Ever dedicated to his duty, he continues to await challengers at
the end of the King's Passage long after Vend rick's disappearance
and the kingdom's subsequent collapse. Those who fail the test
are remorselessly slaughtered by this enigmatic knight whose
face lies hidden behind a cold metal mask.

Physical Attacks
The Looking Glass Knight will attack with a variety of horizontal and
vertical slashes and forward thrusts; none of these can be parried
and all inflict considerable Stamina damage. He can chain up to
three slashes in various combinations and on rare occasion will add
a thrust as a fourth; generally it is best to roll through these directly
toward him or sideways in the opposite direction of the swing. The
Looking Glass Knight can perform a mid-ranging jump attack which
should be avoided by retreating out of his range or rolling to either
side. He can strike behind him and with a horizontal slash and will
sometimes lift and point his sword forward while running toward
you; as soon as he enters attack range he will perform a forward
thrust which should be evaded by rolling toward him.

Stormcloud Slash
Used only following Lightning Rod. The Looking Glass Knight will
perform a horizontal electrical slash in a 360-degree radius. It is pos-
Llghtn Ing Rod sible but unreliably difficult to avoid this attack merely by standing
The Looking Glass Knight will slowly raise his sword above his head directly behind him; rolling toward him from this position or else
and a bolt of lightning will strike it, charging it with electricity. He will simply retreating out of his range are preferable alternatives. The
then immediately unleash this stored energy in one of three ways: Looking Glass Knight will sometimes perform this attack at long
Stormcloud Slash, Thunder Beam or Electrostatic Discharge. range for no good reason, allowing players time to use recovery
items or attack any hostile Phantoms.


Thunder Beam
Used only following Lightning Rod. The Looking Glass Knight will Electrostatic Discharge
perform a slow two-handed downward slash with his sword, releas- Used only following Lightning Rod. The Looking Glass Knight will
ing a large blast of electricity which travels along the ground in a perform a horizontal slash and release a series of large spheres of
straight line and has some tracking capability. This is a long-range electricity which will travel forward along the ground in an expand-
attack but the Knight will use it up close as well; at a distance it can ing, fan-shaped wave. These have relatively long range but will even-
be dodged by rolling to either side but up close the only reliable tually dissipate and can be outrun if you anticipate the attack early
way to avoid it is by standing behind the Boss. You can anticipate enough; they can also be evaded using invincibility frames by rolling
this attack by its slightly longer delay after the Looking Glass Knight forward through them. Standing directly behind the Knight and roll-
uses Lightning Rod. While Thunder Beam can be easily avoided by ing toward him when he releases these projectiles can allow you to
standing directly behind the Knight, be warned that he may quickly avoid them completely, but this is dtfficult to execute correctly and
follow it up with a horizontal slash that will strike players at his back. requires precise timing and positioning. A shield with high defense
A shield with high Lightning defense can block the projectile but not against Lightning will protect you from most of the projectile dam-
the swing itsetf. age but will be completely bypassed if hit by the Knight's sword.

Through the Looking Glass

The Looklnq-Glass Knight will slam his shield on the ground, crush-
ing players directly in front of him. Following a brief delay, a hostile
Phantom will emerge from within the shield. If the game is being
played in Online Mode the summoned Phantom will be another hu-
man player; if offline, it will be one of two nameless NPCs wielding
either a Halberd and Greatshield or a Greatsword and Greatshield.
The Looking Glass Knight can have up to two Phantoms on the
battlefield at once, and will continue to summon them at timed
intervals until he is defeated; there is no limit to the total number of
minions he can call forth in this manner. While performing a sum-
mon the Knight's defenses will be doubled; he will receive halved
damage tf attacked during this time.

An exceedingly difficult Boss due to his high defense, impenetrable
shield, far-reaching attacks and his ability to summon allies, it should
be noted first and foremost that Benhart's Summon Sign can be
found to the left of this battleground's Fog Gate if the player has
progressed his story to this point. Learning the precise timing
necessary to evade the Looking Glass Knight's attacks is crucial
to survival; even slight miscalculations can snatch defeat from the
jaws of victory. His massive shield will deflect any attacks that touch
it, meaning players using close-range weapons must attack his
exposed right side or use vertical swings from the front or rear.

Melee classes will have an especially challenging battle and will

find high-stability shields to be valuable assets; however bear in
mind that none of the Looking Glass Knight's melee swings can be ranged characters will have no choice but to evade it by rolling
parried and all take a heavy toll on Stamina. His energy attacks can toward him and should retreat as quickly as circumstances allow.
be blocked with a fairly low Stamina reduction, but players lacking a
shield with strong Lightning defense will still incur serious damage. When the Looking Glass Knight summons a Phantom, it's best to
The best opportunity to attack the Looking Glass Knight is before keep both enemies at long range regardless of your fighting style.
and after he uses Lightning Rod; staying directly behind him by The Phantoms are priority targets and should be eliminated as
strafing clockwise will enable players to avoid his attacks more eas- quickly as possible, but the only safe time to attack them is while
ily while also maximizing opportunities to strike back. the Looking Glass Knight is using Lightning Rod or walking toward
the player from far away. Phantoms will periodically dash straight
Ranged and magic-oriented characters should time their shots or at the player; allowing them to do so when the Knight is well out
casts to leave room for evasion or retreat should the Looking Glass of range will effectively separate him from them long enough for
Knight suddenly close in. He will usually walk slowly around the players to attack the Phantoms with no danger of interference.
battlefield rather than running; if he does begin to run he will either Disengage Lock-On and keep an eye on the Boss during this time,
have his sword raised in preparation for a thrust attack or lowered in however, as it may become necessary to break off your assault and
preparation for a jump attack. As he will not give up on the dash- take evasive action if he gets too close or suddenly rushes you.
ing thrust until he has run the player down and delivered the blow,
.... "•JI R ...a"'" r---. D(p..L

Looking Glass Knight 6640 34000 No Physical Attacks No Yes Heavy

.. P' I
Ughtnlng Rod N/A N/A N/A
Stormcloud Slash No No Unblockable
Looking Glass Knight Soul 100 397 Thunder Beam No Yes Light
Electrostatic Discharge No Yes Light
Through the Looking Glass No No u nblockable


A hideous, froglike Demon originally sealed within the Shrine
of Amana. When the priestesses attending the Shrine and
maintaining the seal eventually died or went Hollow the Demon
was set free, luring unsuspecting humans into its lair by
mimicking the song of the Milfanito.

Arm Attacks
At close range the Demon of Song will expose its face and perform a
slow chain of heavy attacks by swinging its arms from side to side. It
can chain up to four sweeping swings and when its health is reduced
below 50o/o it will finish the chain with a fifth vertical slam. These
are the best opportunities to attack the Demon; simply strafe, roll
or dash out of its reach until it finishes swinging, then close in and
strike its arms. It is possible to roll sideways through the arm swings
in the opposite direction of the attack, but safer simply to drop back,
as the Demon's slow speed leaves plenty of time to do so.

Panzer Press
At close or mid range the Demon will expose its face, stand straight
up on its hind legs and reach into the air with its arms, then come
crashing down on the area in front of it. This attack has very long
reach and minor tracking capability, but leaves the player more than
enough time to dash backward and out of its range. The Demon
will land with its arms still exposed, offering an opportunity to strike
them. Players at very close range can avoid this move by dashing
around the Demon in either direction as it falls.

Frog Splash
At close or mid range the Demon of Song will perform a forward
leap, landing in a belly flop on the area directly in front of it. It will
Torpedo Drive execute this attack fairly quickly and the best way to avoid it is by
The Demon of Song will perform a low backward hop and briefly rolling to either side.
assume an offensive crouch, then launch itself straight toward the
player. This attack covers a great deal of ground and will usually be Titanic Tail
executed from long range, but the Demon will occasionally use it at If you are behind the Demon of Song it will lift its hindquarters and
short range as well. Torpedo Drive has no tracking capability and the slam its tail on the ground. This attack hits an area considerably
best way to dodge it is to begin dashing to either side as soon as the larger than the tail itself and is difficult to evade due to the highly
Demon assumes its crouching stance. If you see this attack being disadvantageous positioning required to trigger it; however, under
readied up close, begin strafing to either side as soon as you identify normal circumstances the player should never even see it, as there
it and roll in the same direction just before the Demon lunges. is no reason to stand directly behind this Boss.


Aquatic Artillery Salvo
The Demon of Song will expose its face and inhale deeply, then spit
a barrage of large spherical water blasts at the player. These inflict
only physical damage and can be blocked by a decent shield; they
can also be evaded by strafing or rolling to either side. The Demon
will use this attack regardless of its distance from you but most
frequently at mid range.

Amphibious Assault
At close range the Demon of Song will expose its face and spread
its arms wide, then bring them together In a hugging motion. If this
attack connects the Demon will grab and lift you into the air, repeat-
edly slamming you on the ground before discarding you. The slow
execution of this attack leaves ample time to simply strafe backward
and out of range; its even slower recovery affords an opportunity to
close in and strike the Demon's vulnerable arms and face.

Aquatic Artillery Barrage

Identical to Aquatic Artillery Salvo, except that the Demon of Song Vertical Takeoff
will launch three groups of water projectiles instead of one. It will The Demon of Song will leap high into the air and come crashing
aim the first salvo slightly to its right and sweep the second and back to the ground, usually some distance away from where it
third progressively counterclockwise; these projectiles can be began. Typically Vertical Takeoff will be used to retreat or to move
blocked, but if two or three groups hit you the likelihood of a Guard around the battlefield but damage will be incurred if the Demon
Break is high. Dodge the first salvo by strafing or rolling to the side lands on you; it will occasionally employ this move offensively in a
and then immediately move to the spot it hit to avoid the second manner similar to Frog Splash. The leap is slow enough to allow a
and third. The Demon of Song will begin using this attack when its dash, roll or strafe out of the way to safety; you should generally
health has been reduced to at least 50o/o. move In the opposite direction of the Demon's Jump.

The Demon of Song is a slow-moving Boss whose attacks hit hard dodge the Demon's attacks according to the move list above and
but are generally very easy to evade even for heavier players. It has strike its exposed face and arms during its recovery. Archery- and
a thick, rubbery outer skin which cannot be penetrated by weapons magic-based characters can simply wait out of range for the Boss to
or magic; its only vulnerable points are its face and hands, which it expose its face and bombard it until it shields itself.
can cover with flaps of its tough skin during its attacks. In spite of
its seemingly impenetrable defenses, though, In practice it will ex- When the Demon of Song drops below 50o/o of its health, it will
pose its weak spots quite frequently and rather carelessly allowing begin using a stronger version of Aquatic Artillery and will finish
ample opportunities for you to attack it. its arm combo attacks with an additional vertical smash; apart
from this Its behavior remains the same and it should not pose a
Regardless of your combat style, it is best to keep the Demon of disproportionate challenge once players have become accustomed
Song at mid range in order to bait its arm attacks while still having to its movements and offensive techniques. Do note, however, that
enough room and time for evasive maneuvers. This Boss' sides and its arm swings cannot be blocked by anything less than a heavily-
hindquarters are completely covered with the impregnable skin, upgraded Greatshield and its other direct attacks cause enough
so you should face it head-on. Melee-oriented characters should Stamina damage to be effectively unblockable.

HP <.;c,•J I q n .,., rr- l:llr-•" St~rr,ln~ o.,m qo

Demon of Song 6180 26000 No Arm Attacks No Yes Heavy

Torpedo Drive No No Unblockable
Pi, t 1>11 It) p
Panzer Press No No Unblockable
Demon of Song Soul 100 397 Frog Splash No No Unblockable
Key to the Embedded 100 318 Aquatic Artlllery Salvo No Yes Moderate
Aquatic Artlllery Barrage No Yes Heavy
Amphibious Assault No No Unblockable
lltanl c Tall No No Unblockable
VertlcalTakeoff No No Unblockable


This expansive crypt lies below the Shrine of Amana and is a
place of rest for the living. Overseen by Agdayne and the other
Grave Wardens, it is open to all visitors provided they show proper
reverence. The Crypt's custodians treat its every occupant with the
same care and take its security equally seriously - among other
things, carrying torches or utilizing magical light sources in certain
areas of the Crypt is considered a desecration and will incur the
Wardens' swift retribution.

Arn~ lrwmlns Paqn tt orns f>acw

Undead Prisoner 114 Bracing Knuckle Rlng+2 403
Grave warden 140 Crushed Eye Orb 400
-e... Royal Guard (Halberd) 243 Fire Seed 310
'E... Royal Guard (SWord) 243 Awlyn 348
wan warrior 265 Olenford's Staff 344
Leydla Witch 266 Great lightning Spear 390
Leydla Pyromancer 266 Soul Vessel 401
V) Imperious Knight
Nameless Usurper
Mace of the Insolent
King's Ring
Velstadt, the Royal Aegis 267
Vendrick 269

~lstadt. thQ Royal AGgis

Graw Warden Agdayne

(Summon Sign)
Emerald Herald

King's Ring x1

Olenford's Staff x1,
G Lightning Spaar

Dried Fingers X1,

~;_-1-- Bonfir11 Asc9tic xl.
TwinldingTitanit11 x1

Radiam Lffegem xt, 0

Homeward Bone X1
ntanlte Chunk X1.
f'Qtrijied Dragon Bong X1

Crushed Eye Orbx1,
Fire Sggd x1

Simpleton's Spice X1.

Soul of a Great Hero x1
(Lower level>

Large Soul of a Proud Knight xt,

Dragon Charm X1
Mac11 of th11 lnsol11nt xt.
Soul of a Hlll'o X1
U ndead Ditch
Lower level

Scul of a H11ro xl
Graw Warden Agc!ayne

Soul V95Sel x1

Magic Stone x1,

Darknight Stone x1

Undegd Crypt Entrance

To Shrine of Amana


.. J Head straight through the doorway once the lift has stopped and
'If you can get off. When you reach the room with a large staircase
in the middle, go to the left of the stairs and look for a small alcove
underneath them on the left that contains a Bonfire; activate it, and
then check the right of the stairs for an item [-f 01 ]. Collect it and
then continue on up the stairs.

, -' Head into the room ahead and you'll find a patrolling Undead
'1 Prisoner with a torch. He won't engage you, so you can run past
him if you wish. In the room beyond that, you'll find more Undead
Prisoners and a trio of very dangerous Leydia Witches. Try to take
them out from long range if possible, using the pillars in the room
as cover from their spells [ r O ]. Once they've been defeated,
carry on past them through the doorway and up the stairs, until you
are ordered to halt.
. J As you enter this area you'll hear the voice of Grave Warden
'II Agdayne coming from nearby, warning you not to produce light;
make sure you extinguish your Torch if you're using one before
heading up the stairs on the right to meet with him, otherwise he
and the other Grave Wardens in the area will attack you. Pick up the
item hanging off the edge on the right, and then go and speak to
Agdayne, who is in the alcove at the back [ I 0~1. Go through his
dialogue options and you'll eventually be able to learn a Gesture and
access his merchandise. Once you're done here, carry on through
the tunnel.
,J As soon as you emerge from the doorway, you'll be approached
.. by two Royal Guards that are positioned on a bridge at the top of
the stairs ahead. Try to lure them down the stairs to separate them
so that you can take them on one at a time. Once they're down, go
up the stairs and instead of turning to follow the bridge, keep going
straight and drop down from Position A to a ledge below; it's a
fairly long drop, so make sure you have plenty of health before
taking the plunge [-i O 04].


You'll find a pair of Undead Prisoners down here, so take them out
first before picking up the Item nearby. Climb up the ladder near
where you dropped down now to reach a ledge above where you'll
find another Undead Prisoner and a chest that you can loot. Once
you have the items, drop back down onto the bridge and continue
on through the Fog Gate on the other side.
J This large room is a graveyard full of tombstones and stone
"I ornate gravestones that will spawn Leydia Pyromancers when
you get close to them. You must destroy the statues or the Apostles
will keep appearing every time you approach [ lJ 05]. Undead
Prisoners will also emerge from certain areas of the ground when
you walk over them and they will keep coming up as long as you're
in the area. As soon as you enter the room, turn right and destroy
the ornate gravestone you find there. Look in the corner to find an
item on a corpse, and then look opposite the corpse to find a ladder
that you can climb; on the ledge at the top of the ladder you'll find a
Leydia Witch to kill and a chest to loot before taking the ladder back
down again.

Just past the entrance to the room, head left to find another ornate
gravestone; destroy it, and then continue on to reach a small room
containing a Bonfire. Activate rt, and then go out of this room and
pick up the Item from the corpse opposite it. Head right from this
item across to the exit, destroying another ornate gravestone on the

-, J This room contains an ornate gravestone just slightly to your left
IP as soon as you enter it, so destroy it. Next, destroy the grave-
stone in the alcove at the far right of the room, and pick up the
Bracing Knuckle Ring+2 behind it [-1 _J 06]. The final item in the
room can be found on the corpse resting against the wall in the
center, so pick it up before going up the stairs and through the
J As you approach the item in this room, you'll be invaded by Dark
VI Spirit: Nameless Usurper. While battling her, stay away from the
walls; there are Wall Warriors hiding in them that will attack you if
you venture too close. Try to stay close to the entrance of the
previous room to avoid them. After the Nameless Usurper is
defeated, you can approach the walls to make the two Wall Warriors
appear and then take them out.

Interact with the wall on the right at Position B to find a hidden

doorway [ lJ 071. There is another Wall Warrior on the wall to the
left in this room, and another on the left side of the chest, so watch
out for that. Defeat them and take the items from the chest before
leaving through the doorway opposite you.
J As you go down this corridor, take out two Wall Warriors on the
SW left and one on the right. You'll approach what appears to be a
wall of shields, but it is in fact the two Imperious Knights, Reeve
and Orma, blocking your way. They are very tough enemies, and
fighting them in this narrow corridor doesn't help. You can lure them
back into the narrow tunnel leading to this corridor so you only have
to battle one at a time. Once they're defeated, go past them into
the room beyond. Pick up the item from the corpse on the other
side, and then drop down into the hole [-1l.J ].


. .JI You'll drop down into another graveyard, with Undead Prisoners
'I' rising up around you, and four ornate gravestones in your
immediate vicinity; taking those out should be your priority. There
are also bells in this area that the Undead Prisoners will ring, and
doing so will cause Leydia Pyromancers to come out of their
statues regardless of your proximity to then. If you do not quickly
and carefully take out the statues, you can easily get surrounded
and overwhelmed by constant attacks in this room. It's also worth
noting that the statues themselves can be used as cover points to
protect you against incoming spells, so always try and keep one
between you and any Leydia Pyromancers.

Once the statues in the immediate area are destroyed, run into the
dead end opposite the first bell to find a second one that usually
has an Undead Prisoner next to it, ringing it constantly. Killing that
Undead Prisoner will stop it from ringing the bell, and other ones
will rarely come down into the dead end, so you can then focus
your attention on the first bell.

Pick up the two items from the corpses in the main room when it's
clear, and then go down the dead end to the right of the first bell
and get the item there. If you then interact with the wall at Posi-
tion C behind the first bell you'll find a hidden door that leads to a
room containing a Pharros' Contraption [ [ 01]. Using a Pharros'
Lockstone on the Contraption will highlight a wall that you can break
through on the opposite side of the main graveyard room. Do so to
find a cnest that contains Olenford's Staff and the Great Light-
ning Spear Miracle. Now take the path at Position D to proceed
,J Pull the lever here to open up a shortcut back to the second enemies and try to only pull one or two of them toward you at a
\Ill Bonfire, and then stand on the newly created platform at time. Once they're all defeated, check the side of the crypt at
Position E. facing the edge; make sure you have full health and Position G to find the Summon Sign for Grave Warden Agdayne,
walk off the edge[.... l 02]. If you go down the stairs directly ahead and then proceed with him through the Fog Gate to do battle
of you when you land you'll come to a mysterious statue, and if you against Velstadt, the Royal Aegis.
use your Torch to set tt alight it will cause a number of large hanging '
braziers in the area to burst into flame and illuminate the chamber. -, J Just beyond Velstadt's room, you'll find King Vendrick himself. He
VI won't actually engage you unless you inflict a fair amount of
Enter the room at the top of the stairs now and open the chest to damage on him first, so you can safely claim the King's Ring from
get a Soul Vessel. After taking the contents, ascend the ladder in the back of the area [ r I 041. If you do decide to attack Vendrick,
the corner of the room here to reach a raised area. Grab the item which is worth doing for the huge amount of Souls, be prepared for
from the corpse, and then drop down through the archway into the a tough battle.
room housing the second Bonfire. Use tt if you need to, and then
make your way back to the room wtth the shortcut lever.
. .JI Grab the contents of the chest against the wall, and then head
VI on through the archway. Descend the stairs, and then head
around the side of them to Position F, where you'll find a small
room containing an Undead Prisoner standing near a bell; defeat
him while trying to avoid hitting the bell with your own attacks I ...J
OJ]. Ringing that bell will cause four Leydia Pyromancers to appear
in front of the crypts lining the passage ahead, so if you want to
avoid facing them, don't ring the bell. There are a verttable army of
Royal Guards near the Fog Gate; move up extremely slowly to the


Wor1d Event
You can make the battle with King Vendrick much easier by
obtaining multiple Soul of a Giant items. Most of these items
can't be obtained until later in the game, however, so you
may want to return after getting some more. For each one
you have, Vend rick's defense will be lowered considerably.
Before you land the final blow on Vendrick, you might also
want to consider putting on any and all pieces of equipment
you have that boost the number of Souls per kill; Vendrick
drops an extremely large number of Souls, so the boost
you'll get from these items will be significant.

If you manage to kill Vendrick (thereby unlocking the Ven-

drick Achievement/Trophy), make sure you travel back to the
Shrine of Amana and open the Door of the Living to reach the
area containing the Soul of the King, and the King's Armor
set. You can also return to Grave Warden Agdayne and talk to
him to get the Darkdrift weapon, and a full set of Agdayne's

As you leave King Vend rick's room, you'll see the Emerald Herald on
your way out, and she will offer you some guidance as to your next
step. Now that you have the King's Ring, you'll have access to sev-
eral doors, but for now, your best bet is to head to the Ruined Fork
Road Bonfire in the Shaded Woods so you can get to Aldia's Keep.

Wor1d Event
You can return to Drangleic Castle at this time and open the
King's Gate there, but you need to return there later anyway,
and the only thing to do at this time is a Boss battle. Simi-
larly, the King's Gate in Forest of Fallen Giants will let you ac-
cess a Withered Giant, but you're unable to do anything with
it now, so there's little point in going there yet.

These ghosts of former warriors will phase through the walls
of the Undead Crypt in certain spots to attack intruders. Who
were these warriors in life and how did they come to wander
the halls of the Crypt? Only the Grave Wardens know for certain,
and their lips are sealed.

Wall Warriors are stationary and incapable of pursuing the player.
The only real danger they present is that their ethereal constitution
can make them difficult to spot against the walls, so it is necessary
to make note of their fixed locations in order to best prepare for
them. They will attack with simple thrusts and slashes of their Great-
swords which are easily avoided and punished; ranged characters
can pick them off with complete impunity.

Wa II Warrior 230 200 Yes
1-'roo~blllt, Pa1,1



Witches who worship the Strategy
god of disease, Ga lib. Leydia Witches use a wide variety of magic, including Lightning
They once resided in the Spear, Affinity, Soul Shower, Dark Fog and Firestorm. At long range
Undead Crypt alongside they will almost exclusively cast Affinity; up close they will begin us-
the Fenito but over ing the other arts in their repertoire as well as weak physical attacks.
time grew conceited, They are easily deatt with by ranged characters simply by rolling
misusing their power through the slow-moving projectiles generated by Affinity or using
and usurping control the terrain to block them; melee-oriented characters are advised to
of the Crypt's gateway. back just far enough away for the Witches to cast Affinity and then
Their actions spurned immediately dodge it and rush in to attack.
the Grave Wardens and
they were slaughtered ~nul p \""l

as transgressors; their Leydla Witch 960 1100 Yes

spirits now forcibly serve
as guardians of the r'r L 11 lllt', 1n
Leydla Black Hood 2 376
Leydla Black Robe 2 376
Black Witch's Statt 2 344
Slmpleton's Spice 1 401
Skeptic's Spice 1 401
Magic Stone 3 311
Dark Quartz Ring +2 2 403

A ghostly spellcaster of the
Leydia Pyromancers. Although
pyromancers in name, they were
adept at a wide variety of magic
and in their conceit they once
occupied the Undead Crypt.
Their brazen misuse of death
drew the ire of the Fenito, who
branded them transgressors; the
apostles were slaughtered and
subsequently buried in the Crypt
alongside its other occupants.

bells. This enemy should be a priority target, as it is capable of cast-

ing a number of devastating spells including Great Chaos Fireball,
Soul Spear Barrage and Firestorm; ranged characters should stay
well back and take cover, while melee-oriented players must take
an offensive approach and keep the pressure on to prevent the Pyro-
mancers from using their dangerous spells.

HP ~n11I °".,., "'Ill

Leydla Pyromancer 360 760 Infinite

r'f1 t 1111 't-, !11

Leydla White Hood 5 376

Leydla White Robe 5 376
Leydla Gauntlets 5 376
Blue Flame 5 316
Strategy Magic Shleld 5 350
Leydla Pyromancers will rise from the large ornate gravestones in
certain areas of the Undead Crypt. Destroying their gravestones will Falntstone 2 311
prevent more of them from appearing and is highly recommended if Darknlght Stone 2 311
the local Undead Prisoners attempt to wake them up by ringing the


Long ago a pair of foolish knights attempted to conquer the Strategy
Undead Crypt. They each carried with them a greatshield split The two Imperious Knights block a hallway deep in the Undead
into two halves, which they used in lieu of weapons to reduce Crypt and will generally not take the offensive until the player
their enemies to paste. Their ill-advised crusade came to an provokes or attempts to bypass them. They attack with a variety
abrupt and unsuccessful end, however; as punishment they of heavy crushing attacks with their split greatshields, which have
were denied a peaceful death and instead put to work for deceptively long reach; regardless of your playstyle you must wait
eternity as guardians of the Crypt. for them to lower their guard and attack when they are vulnerable.
Ranged builds will have the most difficulty with this and must pay
close attention to the timing of the Imperious Knights' attacks; me-
lee builds should treat them as any other large, slow-moving enemy
and try to stay behind them. Mages will have the easiest time with
these enemies and should simply utilize their spells to the fullest
possible extent.

C • UI)
"' ul

Imperious Knight 1470 1900 Yes

Ity g
r r' '"
Imperious Helm 6 376
Imperious Armor 6 376
Imperious Gloves 6 376
Imperious Leggings 6 376
Orma's Greatshleld 6 357
6 357


A trusted knight who faithfully served King Vendrick in life, Velstadt followed his lord
when he set out for the Undead Crypt and remained there to continue serving him in
death. Velstadt and a contingent of Royal Guards stand watch over Vendrick's chamber
to this very day, inexplicably slaughtering any who enter in search of the King.

Velstadt will kneel and wave his hammer above his head, ringing
its chime and releasing large orbs of darkness in an expanding
forward fan. When he initiates this attack, dash toward Velstadt
while strafing to either side and ultimately position yourself behind
him; no projectiles will be released in this direction and the anima-
tion provides ample opportunity for you to attack. While even heavy
characters should have little trouble getting behind him in this man-
ner, Netherblast can also be dodged by rolling forward and directly
through it; bear in mind, however, that this attack is unblockable and
under no circumstances should you attempt to guard it. Velstadt will
use Netherblast from long range or after retreating to long range at
any point after casting Underworld Beacon.


Underworld Beacon
When his health has been reduced to approximately 50o/o Velstadt
will kneel and raise his hammer above his head in an elaborate
incantation which will charge his body with darkness. After invoking
this ability, Velstadt will begin using the Netherblast technique.
Underworld Beacon cannot be interrupted but is lengthy and affords
a prime opportunity to attack Velstadt.

Physical Attacks
Strategy Velstadt will execute single swings in either a frontal horizontal arc
Velstadt will initially use only physical attacks, all of which can be or vertically overhead and can chain up to three; typically he will
parried except his thrust attack. His horizontal attack inflict consider- perform one or two horizontal swings followed by an overhead
able Stamina damage but can be safely blocked by a shield with smash but will sometimes begin with the overhead smash, and fol-
high Stability; his thrust attack and two-handed vertical swings drain low it with a sweeping swing. He uses both fast and slow versions
far more and can only be safely deflected by a Greatshield. In gen- of these attacks, each of which require slightly different timing to
eral, rnetee-oriented characters should try to stay behind Velstadt evade. Velstadt can perform a thrust attack which he will always
and evade his attacks by rolling directly toward him. Ranged and precede by Jumping backward and assuming an offensive crouch;
mage characters can keep him at a distance by rolling away from he will also occasionally raise his hammer above his head and
his attacks or dashing into his reach just long enough to for him to chase you, delivering an overhead slam after closing in. All of these
initiate a swing and then dashing away again in one continuous mo- attacks, including the overhead swings, can be handled in the same
tion. In either case, Velstadt's swings are slow and the best time to way: by rolling directly toward Velstadt (for melee fighters) or rolling/
attack is during his recovery. dashing away (for ranged).

AfterVelstadt activates Underworld Beacon he will begin using

Netherblast. This provides you with a golden opportunity to land sev-
eral solid hits and escape out of his range before he can respond;
Velstadt can be lured into using this technique simply by standing at
long range and by repeatedly baiting him to do so players can bring
home an easy victory.

!iD C:nlJI J>elrrv '!lo

Velstadt the Royal Aegis 6290 60000 No Horlzontal SWlngs Yes Yes Moderate
Vertlcal SWlngs Yes Yes Heavy
Pr t, llh1
" IJ HammerThrust No Yes Heavy
Soul ofVelstadt 100 397 Underworld Beacon N/A NIA N/A
Netherblast No No Unblockable


The former King of Drangleic has been reduced to a mindless
Hollow, but still clutches something dear. While killing him is
not necessary for the completion of your quest, putting this
poor soul to rest could only be considered a final courtesy to
the man who used every means within his reach and made
unimaginable sacrifices to halt the spread of the Undead curse.
A dignified and honorable death in single combat. .. Vendrick
would have wanted it so.

Physical Attacks
Vendrick uses horizontal and vertical slashes and a jumping strike.
Though not a complicated enemy, his attacks are devastatingly
powerful In their very simplicity and no shield nor any amount of
stamina will deflect them. He can chain up to three horizontal
swings in fairly rapid succession; these inflict heavy Poise
damage and being hit by one can be expected to trap you in
the remainder of the combo. Vendrick can also perform two con-
secutive vertical swings, but these are slower and the second can
be escaped with a timely roll. Vendrick's weak spot is directly behind
him; he cannot strike this area at all and moves slowly enough that
you can remain in his blind spot simply by strafing around him with
an occasional roll. Striking him from this spot while he recovers
from his swings is the safest means of attack.

If the player is not carrying at least five Souls of a Giant when
engaging Vendrick in combat, the King will receive a defense bonus
inversely proportional to the number of Souls of a Giant held. If the
player has none of this Soul, Vendrick's defenses will be multiplied
by 32 times their base value; if the player possesses one Soul the
King will receive a 16x defense boost; two Souls an Bx boost; three
Souls a 4x boost; four Souls a 2x boost and five or more Souls of a
Giant will setVendrick's defense to standard levels.

Apart from this, Vendrick is a surprisingly simple Boss in that he has

a very limited array of attacks. While successfully evading his sword
swings requires careful timing, he is easily thwarted simply by stay-
ing directly behind him. Mages and ranged characters are encour-
aged to try this strategy as well if keeping Vendrick at a distance and
Vendrlck's Curse evading his far-reaching slashes is proving troublesome. You should
At long range Vendrick will occasionally charge a dark red sphere roll through his horizontal slashes in the opposite direction of the
of energy In his left hand and throw it at the player. This will inflict swing, bearing in mind that it may be necessary to roll as many as
Curse if it connects and has some homing capability, but can be three times; the vertical strikes can be dodged by rolling to either
evaded by rolling either to the side or forward and directly through side. It is possible but more difficult to dodge both the horizontal
it. Like Vendrick's melee attacks, this is unblockable and players slashes by rolling directly toward Vendrick; players are encouraged,
should not under any circumstances attempt to guard it with a however, to roll toward him and slightly to either side when he uses
shield. his jump attack.

Hr n ·r Inc"

Vendrick 11450 90000 No Physlcal Attacks No No Unblockable

Vendrlck"s Curse No No Unblockable
i>rvbaull h y



Soul of a Nameless Soldier xt,
J>Qtrttiod Dragon Bono x1


Roya I Sorterer Navtaa n

To Shaded Woods

Crlmsonw.itor X1

Bonfire Ascotic x2

Groat Magic Barrier


~rge Soul of a Nameless Soldier xt,
Corrosive Urn x4

;;;,,-..::::. __ Srul Geyser,

P&trified Dragon Bone x1
Malfomied Shell x1

Pharros' Lodestone x1

Guardian Dragon

Radiant Lifegem x1 SimplQ!Ofl'S Spice xt.

Twilight Hert> x1

Large Soul of; B,_ V\Qrrior x1

Soul of a Proud Knight x1

Manor of Lord Aldia, the elder brother of King Vendrick and co-
founder of the Kingdom of Drangleic. Aldia became increasingly
absorbed in his macabre experiments until finally Vendrick
confined him to the manor, but the experiments continued;
those invited to Aldia's Keep disappeared without a trace and
were gradually replaced by hideous creatures that wandered
the manor's halls.

Important ltr-ms P.1q1>

Kobold 040 Sunset Staff 344

Hunting Dog 164 Dark Mask 379
t! Fire Seed
Baslllsl< 196 310
Sorcery: Great
~ Red Crysta I Liza rd 219 391
Magic Barrier
Giant Acid Hom Beetle 264
Northern Ritual Band +2 404
Dragon .Acolyte 276
Dragon Acolyte Mask 374
Ogre 041
Bonfire Ascetic x2 401
Mimic 141
Pharros' Lockstone 401
Giant Basilisk 196
6 Sorcery: soul Geyser 388
al Enhanced Undead 233
Aldla Key 402
Looking Glass Phantom
276 Malformed Shell 332
Looking Glass Phantom (Halberd) 276 Dragon Scale 401

Royal sorcerer Navlaan 276
Aslatlel of Mlrrah 277
m Guardian Dragon 278



.JI To reach Aldia's Keep you will first need to Travel to the Ruined
'II Fork Road Bonfire in Shaded Woods. From the position you start
in when you arrive at that location, you want to take the path leading
up to the King's Gate. Make sure you have the King's Ring
equipped, and then approach the King's Gate to have it open
automatically, granting you access to Aldia's Keep [ 0 01].
. .JI There are a lot of items to be had in the grounds in front of the
'If keep, so it's worthwhile taking some time exploring the area
before heading up the stairs. Be careful as you approach the long
grass, however. because there are a number of Kobolds running
around inside it, and they can be difficutt to spot. Once you've dealt
with the enemies, enter the dilapidated wooden building to activate
the Bonfire. Exit the building once you're done there, head around
to the back of it and follow the keep wall along to the end. What
appears to be a bountrful chest sitting near the wall here, is in fact a
Mimic, so use your strongest attacks on it to kill it before it can fight
back [ ,.C 02]. For your trouble the Mimic will drop a Sunset Staff
and Dark Mask.

World Event
If you've been speaking with Lucatiel of Mirrah at every
opportunity, you should find her in the building near the
Bonfire, so as before, make sure you go through all of her
dialogue before moving on. The journey has been tough for
Lucatiel, and she will turn Hollow at the end of the dialogue,
but if you summoned her previously and vanquished bosses
with her, she will give you some items as a parting gift. For
more details on Lucatiel's quest, please refer to P.412 Also,
the Sunset Staff you obtain from the Mimic near here is an
item that's required by an upcoming NPC, so make sure you
hang onto it.

Cross the courtyard and start going up the stairs toward the
entrance to the keep now and you should come to an item sitting
in a pool of water. To get the item, simply continue on up the stairs
and drop down into the pool from above. Carry on up the stairs, and
then when you reach the top, go around to the left of the entrance
to find another item hidden there.


' '
J As soon as you enter the keep, the Dark Spirit, Aslatiel of Mirrah -, .A Once you're finished with Navlaan, return to the main part of the
''II will invade your world and you'll be unable to leave until you've 'W room and go up the stairs to the middle floor. From there. follow
defeated him [""' O ]. He starts quite far away and has to run the path around the next set of stairs to reach Position B, just in
along a narrow path to reach you, so try to weaken, or even kill him front of an area full of mirrors. As soon as you enter that area, turn
with ranged attacks as he closes in. If the fight veers toward the right again and go down the hallway to get the chest at the end.
mysteriously rocking wooden wagon, try to move it away again, There's a Red crystal Lizard in that area too, so make sure you kill it
because Aslatiel's attacks will be able to destroy the wagon and from a safe distance along the way.
release the Basilisk inside. After the invading phantom has been
defeated, continue along the hallway and go through the door at the Return to the area with the mirrors now, and while most of the
other end when you come to it. mirrors are purely decorative. a number of them have Looking
' Glass Phantoms trapped inside. If you approach a mirror that has a
,J The skeletal remains of a huge ancient dragon lay draped across Phantom inside you'll be able to see its ghostly presence material-
'I' the stairways in the room you're now in, but the beast is not as ize in the mirror, and then start smashing its way out [ I 05]. The
dead as it appears. When you start moving close to it, the remains Phantoms take a moment to get their bearings once they're out,
will come to life and the beast will try to claim one last victim by so use that time to get behind them and inflict some easy damage,
lunging toward you. As soon as you begin to see it move, start especially if you time a backstab correctly. Grab the items in the
retreating back through the doorway so that its attack will not reach area once it's clear, and then return to the staircase.
you. If you really want the souls from an extra Basilisk, however, you
should try and stand near the wagon in the room so that the
dragon's attack crashes into tt. Doing that will nearly always kill the
Basilisk as well, getting you some free souls.

Now that most of the remains have gone you'll be able to access
the majority of the room. so start by going straight ahead through
the central arch between the two staircases at Position A. If you
follow the path around to the right you'll reach an energy field that is
being used to hold Royal Sorcerer Navlaan captive, and the path to
the left will take you to a lever that you can pull to dissipate the field
and free him; the choice is yours whether to free him or leave him
captive, and both have their pros and cons [""' .J 04].

World Event
Royal Sorcerer Navlaan is rather unique in that he will react
differently to you depending on your character's state and
whether or not he is imprisoned. If you talk to him while '
you're not Hollow, you'll get to talk to his sane side, but if you . J If you have a Fragrant Branch of Yore, go up the central staircase
speak with him while Hollow, you'll talk to his insane side. IP and un-petrify the Ogre standing near the top at Position C;
Speaking to his sane side while he's still a captive will just killing that will get you the Dragon Acolyte Mask. Just make sure
lead to him giving you a cryptic warning to leave him along, you move out of the way after un-petrifying it, because a lot of
but if you talk to his sane side after freeing him, he'll offer damage will be sustained it you get hit when tt falls forward [-'1(.J
you some merchandise and a warning about what you've Ob]. Continue up the next staircase on the right once the Ogre has
done. been defeated, and then double back along the mezzanine on the
right to reach another chest. If you don't have a Fragrant Branch of
If you free Navia an, and then talk to his insane side, he'll Yore, keep going past the stairs leading up to the Ogre to reach a
present you with a statement about how he can follow his different set of stairs that will take you up to the top floor.
new mark, which happens to be you; from that point on
Navlaan will invade your world in various different areas. If, Return to the area with the trapped Giant Basilisk and start getting
however, you talk to his insane side while he's still impris- to work on taking it out now. The beast won't stay trapped for
oned, he'll propose an interesting offer to you. There are a long, however - as soon as you start attacking it, it will break free.
number of people that Navlaan's insane side wants to kill, Ranged attacks are your best option if possible, because they will
and if you agree to kill these people for him, he'll offer you allow you to retreat down the stairs as needed while still safely
the same merchandise that his sane side did for freeing him. inflicting damage. Enter the room behind where the Giant Basilisk
As proof for killing the four people he wants dead, you'll need was caged and pull the chain hanging from the mouth of the dragon
to bring him certain items, but luckily you won't actually have statue in the middle of the room to open the door at the other end.
to always kill for them. For more details on Navlaan's request,
please refer to P.432.


J As soon as you enter the dark passageway beyond the door
''fl you'll find a Pharros Contraption, and using a Lockstone in it will
cause a series of torches suspended from the ceiling to spark to life,
illuminating the area. If you're running low on Lockstones, however,
you should save at least one for an upcoming area. Slightly further
along the passage and on the opposite wall to the Contraption you
should see an old, faded painting, and if you attack it, it will fall
down and reveal a Dragon Acolyte that was hiding in an alcove
behind it; kill him and then move on l J O ].

, ; Shortly after the painting you'll come to an Ogre that's being

suspended in a cage, and similar to the Giant Basilisk, it will
remain caged until you attack it, at which time it will break free. If
you want to get all of the items in this area, you're going to need
the aid of an Ogre, so you may as well make use of this first one.
Don't attack the Ogre from the front, and instead run underneath
the cage and attack it from behind with a ranged attack; once it's
free, lure it further along the passage to Position D.

This will take you dangerously close to a caged Enhanced Undead,

so try not to bait the Ogre into attacking you near the cage to avoid
freeing a second beast; the Enhanced Undead cannot break free
on its own, so as long as the Ogre does not break the cage you
won't have to worry about it. The Ogre's attacks can also destroy the
wagons in this area, so be careful near those as well. The wall at the
end of this area can be destroyed by an Ogre attack, so lure it into
position near the wall, and then evade accordingly. It can be quite
dangerous trying to evade Ogre attacks in such a small area, so
make sure you keep your health topped up in case you get hit. Once
the wall has been destroyed, take out the Ogre, and then claim the
items from the freshly accessible area [ c...J 02].
,J Backtrack along the main passageway slightly now and attack the doorway as a point from which to use hit-and-run attacks on it, since
'II paining on the wall at Position E to reveal another hidden it cannot follow you through. If you exit this room through the same
Dragon Acolyte. After killing that enemy, enter the room on the door you came in from originally, however, and then carry on up
opposite side of the passage to the painting. Destroy the shelving the main passage, you'll come to the wall that the Ogre is standing
units on the right as you enter the room to reveal a hidden Pharros behind. When you approach the wall from this side the Ogre will
Lockstone that you can pick up. Start going down the stairs in the smash through it and attack you. While this is a more dangerous
room now, but stop halfway and interact with the wall on the left to method of fighting the Ogre, it will make traveling along the pas-
reveal a hidden door that leads to a small room containing a Bonfire sage much quicker [ 04).
[ l 03]. '
-, J Once the creature has been defeated, go through the door at the
Continue down the stairs and you'll end up in a room with a gate, W end of the passageway, and then slowly approach the door on
behind which there are two Hunting Dogs in a large pool of acidic the opposite side of the next room. Be reacly to quickly roll
liquid. Open the gate and try to lure the Hunting Dogs toward you backwards when you get near the door, because another Ogre will
with ranged attacks so that you do not have to fight them in the
liquid and ruin all of your equipment. Once they're down, un-equip
everything so that you can get the items in the liquid without de-
stroying all of your equipment.
.J Return to the main passageway (making sure to re-equip
W everything along the way), and then advance along it and take out
the caged Enhanced Undead. After defeating it. go through the
nearby door using the Aldia Key that you just acquired from in the
acid pool. There are a couple of Dragon Acolytes in this room, so
take them out first before dealing with the caged Giant Acidic Horn
Beetle and picking up all of the items.

Exit out through the door at the opposite end of the room from
where you entered to emerge back in the main passageway behind
an Ogre. The easiest way to deal with the Ogre is to use the small


come bursting through it and you'll need to evade the attack. At the
same time, Royal Sorcerer Navlaan will invade your world if you
freed him, so you'll have both of them to contend with. Quickly
retreat back to the small doorway near the previous Ogre encoun-
ter, and try to take out this one using the same tactics. With the
Ogre blocking the door it will also usually be difficult for Navlaan to
target you with his spells.

After killing the Ogre, take the fight to Navlaan using either long
rage attacks while evading his usual spells, or getting up close and
being mindful of his close range spells. After taking out both of
those enemies, continue on to the Fog Gate at the end of the path,
and then go through it to face the Guardian Dragon. Follow the path
out of the boss room once it has been defeated, and after grabbing
the Dragon Scale from the body, step into the elevator to ride it up
to the scenic Dragon Aerie.

Acolytes of Aldia responsible for the rituals and experiments
performed behind the closed doors of the Manor. Some of
Drangleic's greatest minds gathered in Aldia to conduct highly
secret research, but it is rumored that an unknown force may
have been manipulating them throughout the process; the
hideous abominations produced by their efforts would seem to
corroborate th is theory, but the precise goal of their research
remains unknown ...

Dragon Acolytes will attack with swings of their ceremonial ham-
mers and will throw Magic Urns from slightly outside melee range.
They can block attacks with their shields although this also allows op-
portunities for you to perform Guard Breaks; overall they are simple
enemies and are easily dispatched by any means. Bear in mind, how-
ever, that Dragon Acolytes can heal themselves by using Lifegems
and should be killed quickly to prevent them from doing so.

n I

Dragon Acolyte 1000 600 Yes

Can heal via Llfegems

Dragon Acolyte Robe 4 374

Dragon Acolyte Gloves 4 374
Dragon Acolyte Boots 4 374
Aldla Hammer 4 329
Bone Shield 4 354
Petrified Dragon Bone 10 310
Elizabeth Mushroom 1 395



Reflections residing in the dimension within the King's Mirror.

They can cross over to the world of the living through the
looking glass, but for what purpose? Do they seek to replace
those who originally cast them?

Ultra Greatsword
The Looking Glass Phantoms can be Backstabbed after breaking out
of the mirrors, granting an immediate advantage and allowing you to
continue attacking them as they stand up. Walking past certain mir-
rors triggers a Phantom to break out; only one Phantom will appear
from each of these predetermined mirrors, so it Is safest to trigger
the appearance of only one at a time. The Greatsword-wielding
Phantom hits hard but is slow; move in to draw his attacks and
strafe or roll backward when he swings, then launch your counterat-

The Halberd-wielding Looking Glass Phantom will use mainly Looking Glass Phantom (Ultra Greatsword) 2300 1200 No
thrust attacks and is more difficult to damage by baiting his swings; Looking Glass Phantom (Halberd) 2300 1200 No
however his guard can be broken with shove attacks allowing you Ptvh.lL>I, I) .. .ag
to execute Guard Break Critical Hits. It is also relatively easy to
block his attacks with a decent shield and counterattack when the None
opportunity arises.


A former sorcerer surrounded by conflicting rumors and great
controversy, Navlaan gained infamy when he was supposedly
executed along with his entire village for practicing Dark magic,
but the truth is far more complicated. At first glance Navlaan
appears to suffer from dissociative identity disorder and
displays two opposite personalities. The reality, however, is not
so easily explained; perhaps it would be better to draw your
conclusions after meeting him yourself.

Scraps of Life n


If freed from his prison in Aldia's Keep by pulling the lever on the
opposite side of the ground floor, Navlaan will invade in several
locations throughout Drangleic beginning with the last room of the
Manor before the Guardian Dragon boss. He uses more powerful
versions of Hexes such as Darkstorm, Scraps of Life and Dark Hail;
these spells are extremely dangerous and the safest way to deal
with him is using ranged attacks or spells. If you are equipped to
cast Hexes of your own, Profound Still will silence Navlaan and ren-
der him completely helpless; melee characters must rush Navlaan
and attack quickly to interrupt his casting.

Dart< Splrtt RoyaI Sorcerer Navlaan 2300 3601 No Chaos Hood 3S6 aiaos Gloves 386
can heal Via Estus Flask Chaos Robe 3S6 aiaos Boots 386

Prob a bll lty °"".!

Chaos Hood 1 385


Elder brother of
Lucatiel of Mirrah. He
was known as one
of Mirrah's greatest
swordsmen but
became afflicted by
the Undead Curse and
set out for Drangleic
in search of a cure. He
was never heard from
again and his fate and
whereabouts were
unknown - until now ...

Aslatiel will invade immediately after the player passes weapon with long reach: ranged characters can simply move into
through the front door of the Manor. He is equipped the main hall with the giant skeleton and snipe Aslatiel as he will not
wlth the same weapon and armor as his younger sister venture far into this room. Be warned that he can heal himsetf using
and fights in much the same way; he is agile and will stand out of an Estus Flask and should be prevented from doing so with solid
melee range waiting for you to act, and will move in to attack during attacks, spells or a Backstab.
your recovery. He will intermrttently rush forward and attempt to roll
through your swings, executing a rolling attack if he succeeds.
Melee characters should make use of either a shield or a heavier

HP =eu I

Dart< Splrtt Aslatlel of Mlrrah 2300 3200 No Lucatlel's Mask 382 Lucatlel's ltousers 382
[ Can heal Via Estus Flask Lucatlel's Vest 382 Mlrrah Greatsword 317
Lucatlel's Gloves 382

Old Mlrrah Greatsword 1 317


A dragon kept in an enormous cage behind Aldia's Keep.
It presently acts as the de facto guardian of the path to the
Ora gon Breath (Ground}
Dragon Aerie, but more than likely began as an unwilling
participant in the experiments conducted at the Manor. Bit;Attack

Physical Attacks
The Guardian Dragon can perform a variety of sweeping and crush-
ing attacks with its massive neck and tail. It will strike players in
front of it with up to two consecutive bite attacks and will likewise
aim up to two tail swings or a single vertical tail slam at players
behind it. The Dragon will stomp either foot up to two times to hit
players standing directly beneath it and will frequently leap into the
air and fly around the room; anyone in its way when it takes off or
lands will be knocked down and incur damage. The Dragon's physi-
cal attacks can all be blocked by a decent shield but not parried; it is
also possible to roll through them or simply avoid them altogether
by standing In the blind spots to the Dragon's sides or beneath it.
Cutting off its tail will create an additional safe zone behind it.

Dragon Breath
The Guardian Dragon will breathe fire in several directions from vari-
ous positions. When on the ground and facing the player it will blow
flames either straight ahead or in a counterclockwise sweeping mo-
tion; in either case it is best to dash counterclockwise and closer to
the dragon to escape the wider end of the conical flame blast. Play-
ers hit by the flames in either of these situations will be knocked
down and, if the Dragon is still breathing fire when they stand up,
hit and knocked down a second time. The first hit can be blocked
with a shield but astronomical levels of fire damage reduction,
Stamina and Stability are necessary in order to block the second.

The Dragon will sometimes fly into the air and breathe fire down-
ward onto the center of the cage; you must run to the edge in order
to avoid this. It will also frequently perch on the wall of the cage and
breathe fire at the ground in front of it; once again moving to the
edge of the cage and generally away from the center of the blast is
the only way to avoid it.


Dragon Burst
The Guardian Dragon will infrequently fly into the air and launch a
large fireball directly at you. This attack is executed quickly and while
the fireball has no tracking capability it does inflict considerable
splash damage and has a tendency to land behind you, bypassing a
shielded defense. Attempting to block this attack is not recommend-
ed as it will drain a massive amount of Stamina and will bypass
shields without high fire reduction. To avoid the fireball, run or roll
directly forward and under the dragon.

The safest place from which to launch an attack against the Guard-
ian Dragon is directly beneath, it as its only means of striking
players there are its easy-to-avoid stomp attacks. Both ranged and
melee-oriented characters are encouraged to stay as close to the
Boss as possible and block or roll through its physical attacks rather
than face its dangerous flame breath. Making every effort to cut off
the Dragon's tail is also strongly advised, as this will allow you to
stand behind it without fear of reprisal [ U 01 ]. Archers and mages

can attack the Dragon while it is flying or perched on the cage wall
breathing fire; melee characters will need to wait until it lands.

To dodge the Dragon's stomp attacks simply strafe or roll away

from it; it will stomp slightly backward so you should move toward
its sides when evading in this manner. Both of the Dragon's legs
can be targeted individually but cannot be severed; the purpose of
these additional points is to allow players to aim melee attacks at
the Dragon's feet rather than its hard-to-reach body. By targeting
the legs, melee characters can land attacks more easily. In general,
move to the edges of the cage when the Dragon breathes fire from
the air and try to run under it as soon as you see it begin breathing
fire while grounded. The Dragon will be unable to counterattack you
if you are beneath it while it is breathing fire from a standing posi-
tion and this affords a prime opportuntty to strike it from the safety
of its blind spots [ -,,LJ 01].

t'D "'"'UI R 'if"IW!l P'lr" , "'I""'' st ml~ o,m ""

Guardian Dragon 5270 37000 No Physical Attacks No Yes Moderate
Dragon Breath No Yes Heavy
Pto b J fffq 1
Dragon Burst No Yes Heavy
Guardian Dragon Soul 100 398

JI ltorns Paci"
Crystal Lizard 067 Dragon Tooth 332
Undead Citizen (Yellow Core) 287 Petrified Something 401

-el Dark Priestess
287 Ring of the Evil Eye + 1 404

lii Dragon Knight (Dual Greataxe) 288 Pharros' Lockstone 401

Dragon Knight (Sword & Shield) 288 Staff of Wisdom 344
Dragon Knight (Hammer & Shield) 288 Set of Judgment 378
Mimic 141 Drakekeeper's Greataxe 328
Guardian Dragon 278 Drakekeeper's Greatshield 356
Drakekeeper (SWord & Shield) 288 washing Pole 323
Ii, Drakekeeper (Ultra Greatsword) 288 Titanite Slab 310
Drake keeper Third Dragon Ring 403
(Great Hammer & Greatshleld)
Petrified Egg 401
Drakekeeper (Great Hammer) 288
Watchdragon Parma 365
0 Dragonfang Vil lard 289
a, Ancient Dragon 290 Crystal Magic Weapon 388

Dr.1gon Eqqs
No. Destroyed Delay Tl me
0 a,
Soul ofa B l:MI Warrior x1
1 20.5 sec
8 16.6 sec
16 12.6 sec
22 8.6sec
29 4.6 sec
Boltstone X1
Soul of a Great Hero X1

Dragoo AllriG

Old Radiant UQgem x1

[)RA( ,(>N AL RI l

To Aid la's Keep

Soul of a Braw Warrior X1

Pharros· Lockstone x1

urge Soul of a BrawWarriorx1


A great and ancient shrine situated among the clouds in the
highest reaches of Drangleic. The surrounding spires of rock
are a nesting ground for wyverns and the shrine itself is home
to the Ancient Dragon, a demigod that has lived since the
Drak.ekQeper's Greataxe xt, beginning of time. Undead seek the Ancient Dragon's guidance
Drak.ekQeper's Greatshleld xl
in hopes of breaking the Curse, but does this creature truly hold
the answer?

-- Crystal Magic Weapon

St:lff of Wisdom xl.
Mask of Judgmentxl.
Robe of Judgm9flt xt,
Manchenes of Judgment XI,
Tights of Judgment xl
(Under stairs) a
UndQr stairs
[)RA(i(>N SIIRINl - II Plitrified Egg xl
Bonfire Asaitic x3
Watchdrall()n Parma X1

Anci&nt Dfllgon
[)RA( i( )N SI IR IN I - 11
SkQptlc's Spice xt,
Twilight Htarb X1

Twinkling litanite X1 .. Third Dragon Ring x1

Petrifi9d Dragon Bone xt,

Wish Ing Pole x 1 ( Mi mid

---+--Titanite Slab X1


' '
.J Follow the tunnel leading out of the room the elevator deposit . .JI Follow the path out of the cave and up around the cliff outside to
'I' you in, and continue up the narrow mountain path it opens out VI the next bridge; you'll see an item on a ledge to the left along the
to. After going a short distance up the mountain you should be able way, but you can't get it for now, so push on across the bridge.
to see the Emerald Herald standing on the edge of a cliff; walk up There's an Aldian Citizen on the other side of the bridge, and since
and talk to her to receive an Aged Feather, which will allow you to you don't have a lot of room to maneuver, try to use ranged attacks
travel back to the last Bonfire you rested at as many times as you to take It out so that you don't have to deal with its explosive attack
want with no penalty. Slightly back from her position you should be [ LJ 02].
able to see a gap in the rocks through which you can drop down to '
reach a ledge below; go along the bridge leading out from the ledge . .JI As you enter the cave on the other side of the bridge you'll see
to reach a cave containing a Bonfire [ _J 01]. 'I' two paths on the right the first is just an alternate way to
continue through the area, but taking it will make you miss out on a


lot of items. The second path is a small dead end that has a Crystal
Lizard in it. At the opposite end of the cave to the entrance you'll
see a slope leading up to the roof of the cave, where a number of
items can be obtained; after you beat the Guardian Dragon that's
watching over them of course [ I J O">].

Wor1d Event
Scattered around this cave, and many other places through-
out the area, you'll find small speckled Dragon Eggs, and if
you strike, roll into, or fall onto them they will break. As you
might expect, the Guardian Dragons do not take too kindly to
this. The most immediate consequence of breaking their eggs
is that after destroying a certain number of them, the Guard-
ian Dragons will become more aggressive and gain a boost in
damage. After destroying three eggs they will get one boost,
and then another after you've destroyed ten.

A bridge later in the area will also get destroyed by an angry

dragon, and how quickly that happens depends on how many
eggs you've broken. There are many items, however, that
you will only be able to get by breaking the eggs, and for
that reason it is recommended that you go through the first
half of the area twice: once breaking the eggs to get all of the
items, and then, after returning to a Bonfire to reset them, go
through the area again to cross the bridge into the Dragon
Shrine. If you kill all three of the Guardian Dragon's on your
first pass through the area, they will not respawn when you
rest at the Bonfire, so running through again does not take
long. Killing all of the Guardian Dragons also has the added
benefit of weakening the Dragon Knights that you'll encoun-
ter later in the Dragon Shrine.

The easiest way to deal with the dragon here is to use ranged at-
tacks from on the slope, as that will allow you to retreat back down
into the cave to safety when the dragon attacks. Fighting from that
position will also mean that you don't scare away the Crystal Lizards
that are up there, meaning you won't have to go back to the Bonfire
to get them to respawn. Alternatively, if you're using melee attacks,
try to stick as close to the dragon as possible to help with evading
its fire breath. Once the dragon has been defeated, take out the
numerous Crystal Lizards in the area and pick up the items before
.J Cross the bridge at Position A, but be careful as you approach
'I' the item on the floor on the other side, because another Un dead
Citizen is hiding around the corner; take the enemy out first and
then pick up the item. Continue along the path and across the next
two bridges to reach a clearing where another Guardian Dragon lays
waiting for you beyond a natural stone arch [-l L 04].
J The dragon's breath can reach you even beyond this arch, and will
·"' likely knock you off the cliff if you get hit by it there, so it's not as
good a place to fight it from as it may appear. Just before the arch
there's a path leading off to the right that you can follow, which will
lead you to a ledge overlooking the area with the dragon. The
dragon's breath can penetrate even through the thickness of the
wall, but if you stand atop the wall, the dragon will usually fly up and
launch easy to dodge Dragon Burst fireballs at you, which makes it
quite an effective place to use ranged attacks from [-i-LJ 05].

If you do see the dragon start to come close to use its fire breath,
quickly drop down off the wall and run back along the path to avoid
it. Alternatively, if you prefer to use melee attacks on the dragon,
just run straight under the arch and try to damage it as much as you
can before it awakens fully. Gather up the items in the area after
defeating the dragon, and if the Crystal Lizard didn't run away, make
sure you kill that too [ 0 06].
.J Once you've killed the dragon and picked up the items here, go
IP into the small cave entrance at Position Band kill the Undead
Citizen inside it [ C I 07]. Follow the cave along to a small ledge
overlooking an area below, where another Guardian Dragon is
waiting; if you have ranged attacks you can easily kill it from this
position in relative safety. After defeating that dragon, look down to


the left side of the ledge to find a series of ledges that you can drop you can claim the Soul of a Great Hero [-1 031. Use the Aged
down onto in order to reach the ground below [ I l o J. One of the Feather to return to the Bonfire once more .
ledges has a Crystal Lizard on it, so make sure you take it out along
the way. If ranged attacks are not an option, follow the path around . .J To get the final items you'll need to head all the way back around
at Position C to reach the area with the dragon so that you can take ·IP the area using the bridges to reach Position F. From there you'll
it on with melee attacks. Gather up all of the items once the dragon be able to drop down onto another ledge that has a couple of items
is down, and then start to cross the bridge leading out of the area. on it, and then use the Aged Feather one last time to return to the
Bonfire [ U 04). Climb the ladder in the Bonfire room and again
,~ After taking a couple of steps onto the bridge, royal Sorcerer use the zipline at Position E to get back to the main path.
VI Navlaan will invade your world again if you freed him, so either '
keep hitting him with ranged attacks so that he doesn't get a chance -, -" The long bridge just beyond this point will take you across to the
to cast any spells, or close in and attack him at close range. From U,Dragon Shrine, but depending on how many Dragon Eggs you've
the other side of the bridge, the main path leads off to the right, but broken along the way here, the crossing may not go so smoothly. If
there are a few more items to get before heading that way, so use you haven't broken any eggs, there is no threat and you can cross
the zip line at Position D to reach an area above the cave with the normally, and if you've broken a few you can generally make it
first Bonfire [- r o 1. across in time before the Guardian Dragon swoops down and
' destroys the bridge [ C 05]. With a lot of eggs destroyed,
, ~ When you come to a stop, run up the hill and kick the ladder however, you won't have anywhere near enough time to cross, and
W down so that you have a way back up here from the Bonfire, and it's recommended that you return to the Bonfire and rest to reset
then go back down the hill to the end of the zipline. If you look over the status of the eggs before attempting to cross.
the edge of the cliff from there you should see a small ledge below
with an on it; if you drop down to get the item, the only way back is ,JAs soon as you enter Dragon Shrine, go through the narrow
to use an item to return to the Bonfire; you should have the Aged VIarchway directly ahead of the bridge you crossed to find a Bonfire
Feather, so use that. If you don't have that item, then you'll be in the room on the other side. Go up the stairs just outside the
forced to use a Homeward Bone or Darksign if you want to claim it. Bonfire room to reach a clearing where a Drakekeeper is standing
' guard; these enemies are very similar to the Old Knights from
,J The only safe way back from claiming this next item also requires Heida's Tower of Flame, and can be fought much the same way. Try
'II the use of an item that will return you to the Bonfire, so make not to stand still too much while fighting it, however, because a
sure you have one before attempting to get it. The zipline near the Dark Priestess further up the area will sometimes start attacking
top of the ladder at Position E will take you straight over a small you with spells. Once it's been defeated, enter the room to the side
isolated platform with an item on it, and if you time your release of the area and open the chest on the opposite side of it to claim its
from the zipline correctly, you can land safely on the platform and contents.
retrieve it. Try to time your release for the instant you pass over the
bridge to give you the best shot of landing on the platform so that Back in the area where you fought the Drakekeeper, instead of go-
ing up the stairs, destroy the crates and barrels around the arches
underneath them to reveal a hidden Pharros Contraption. If you use


• • • rr=~r1~~--iiiiii....,;...~,ar~.::.=,


c 0

a Lockstone on it you'll be able to access a nearby hidden chest con-

taining a Staff of Wisdom and the Judgment Armor set [ 0 06).
. .JI Go up the stairs now to reach another open area with a
W Drakekeeper, this time wielding a Great Hammer. Quickly run
across the area toward the arches on the left, as not only can the
Drakekeeper not follow you in there, but the pillars also offer some
protection from the Dark Priestess' spells. Go up the stairs in this
area, and then ignore the next Drakekeeper and quickly follow the
path along so that you can finally kill the Dark Priestess in the tower,
which will make moving around the area much easier.

Grab the item in the tower, and then jump through the gap in the
railing to land on a nearby ledge, where you'll find a chest to open.
From this ledge you should also be able to safely attack another
Drakekeeper in the area above if you have ranged attacks. Drop
down off the ledge near where you landed when you first jumped
over so that you don't take damage, and then go back down the
stairs and backtrack slightly through the arches. Go up the stairs
again so that you can kill the Drakekeeper and open the chest it was
standing near. Make your way back to the tower again, and this time
drop down through the gap in the railings and continue on up the
J At the top of these stairs you'll come to an area with two
W Drakekeepers (if you hadn't previously killed one), so try to lure
the closest one toward you and fight it near the stairs so that you
can move down as needed. Once they're both defeated, follow the
low wall around to the left to reach Position G, where a number of
crates have been stacked up; if you roll through the crates you'll be
able to drop down onto a ledge below [-1 LJ 07). From that ledge
you'll be able to drop down to an area where you'll find two chests,
but don't start opening them straight away. As you look directly at
the chests, the one on the right is a Mimic, so use strong attacks on
it to take it down quickly, and then claim the items it drops before
opening the other chest.






.J Follow the path out of this room to reach another room with a
W Drakekeeper, and after defeating it, go through the stone doors it
was standing near. Open the chest in the room on the other side,
and then start making your way up the spiral staircase. On the way
up the Dark Spirit, Dragonfang Villard will invade your world, and
he'll be waiting for you in the room at the top of the stairs. Villard
starts a reasonable distance into the room, so if you start hitting him
with ranged attacks straight away you can kill him before he gets
close. Alternately you could try luring him back through the doorway
and baiting him into falling off the stairs for some easy damage.

Once the Dark Spirit has been defeated, go to the opposite end too big to fit through the door even if they did follow you down that
of the room and pick up the Petrified Egg that's sitting on the altar far. Using this method you can keep getting a couple of hits in, and
[ ._J 01). Open the chest tucked away in the corner of the room on then retreat to safety when needed.
the other side of the arches, and then drop down through the open
section of wall to land on a ledge below. On this ledge you'll find When you reach the top of the stairs, go through the passageway to
another chest to open, and then after acquiring the contents, drop come face to face with an Ancient Dragon to which you can speak
down again from Position H to land back where you started before once you walk close enough [ ...;i O 02]. The dragon will give you the
this detour. Go through the nearby door, and then go up the stairs Ashen Mist Heart, which you can use to delve into the memories of
and open the next door when you come to it. ancient beings. Once you have the item, use the Aged Feather to
return to a Bonfire, and then start your trip through the memories by
World Event returning to Brightstone Cove Tseldora.
If you give the Petrified Egg you just acquired to Magerold
in the Iron Keep he'll then give you the option of joining the Wor1d Event
Dragon Remnants Covenant. As a member of this Covenant You can choose to attack the Ancient Dragon after getting the
you'll be able to send Summon Signs into other player's Ashen Mist Heart if you wish, but if you do, you should be
worlds so that they can summon you to engage in one-on- prepared for a tough war of attrition. The Ancient Dragon has
one battles- the winner of which will receive a Dragon Scale. an extremely large amount of health relative to most Bosses,
For more details on this Covenant, please refer to P.422. but if you manage to defeat it you'll be rewarded with an
equally extreme amount of Souls. Because it gives so many
Souls, you should make sure to equip as many Soul-boosting
.J The large staircase ahead of you at this point has a number of items as you can before landing the killing blow. You'll also
IP enemies along it, and the best way to deal with all of them is to get another Soul of a Giant, which will help you in the battle
try and separate them by luring them down the stairs toward the against Vendrick if you haven't already defeated him.
door. This works particularly well for the Drakekeepers, since they're


1 fl
An unfortunate victim of
the experiments conducted
in Aldia. Sustained by yet
another variation of the
sources of artificial life
developed by the Dragon

Identical to the other varieties of Undead Citizen in every respect
with the exception of its core; this variant's explosive attack will
release a cloud of acid which inflicts heavy durability damage on
equipment. They will not die from the explosion and should be
handled in the same way as the black-cored Undead Citizens.

F '"" ,,

Undead Citizen (Yellow Core) 400 360 Yes

P <It- Ult t' 9

Gold Pine Resin 6 399

Dark Pine Resin 6 399

DARK PRIESTESS Lightning Spear

A Hollowed Drangleic priestess

found in the Dragon Shrine.
The reason for her presence
there is unclear- did she
journey to the shrine in search
of a cure for the Curse, or was
she a resident responsible for
performing holy rites? As there
is no way of knowing this now,
it is best simply to put her out
of her misery.
The lone Dark Priestess in the Dragon Shrine is found in a small ga-
zebo overlooking the plaza where the first Drakekeeper waits. From
this position she will bombard players with a slow-moving shock-
wave spell and, at closer range, Lightning Spear. She is also capable
of casting Replenishment and Heal but is much less dangerous up
close and can easily be dispatched by your method of choice.

Dark Prf estess 680 1400 Yes

• • " ,t lllt1 J Q

Prfestass Headpiece 3 366

Prfestass Robe 3 366
Prfes tass Gloves 3 366
Prfes tass Skirt 3 366
Clerlc's Panna 3 360
Sliver Thllsman 10 400



Transcendent apostles of the Dragon

Remnants Covenant, they were
once human but have partially
transformed into dragons through
the use of Dragon Scales. The
immortal Dragons are unaffected
by the Curse and the prospect of
becoming one offers a glimmer of
hope for afflicted Undead, but at
what cost?

lured to the bottom of the steps and pelted with spells or projectiles
through the door; they will not follow you beyond this point and can
be attacked with near-impunity.

Each of the three Dragon Knights guarding the steps to the Shrine's
inner sanctum is equipped with a different set of weapons. All
three will gain a permanent version of the Dragon Body attack
boost when low on health and are quite agile; they will frequently
attempt to roll forward through your swings to execute rolling at-
tacks and will use shoves if you spend too much time blocking. The
sword-wielding Dragon Knight is the most nimble and will alternate
between two-handed swings and sweeping one-handed slashes; he
is easily thwarted with a shield but his quick strikes require careful
timing when counterattacking.
Greataxe HP D r-1) ••1'1

The least agile of the Dragon Knights, he will attack with slow
Dragon Knight (Greataxe) 2290 2000 Yes
swings of his twin Greataxes. His attacks inflict moderate Stamina
Dragon Knight (Warplck) 2290 3000 Yes
damage but can still be blocked with a shield; his slower speed
makes him more vulnerable in general and he can be dispatched by Dragon Knight (Sword) 2290 3000 Yes
your preferred means. Gains Dragon Body ATK boost at low HP

Warplck r'r t:,. I t D f"'

The most dangerous of the Dragon Knights, he is fleet of foot and Black Dragon Greataxe (Greataxe) 1 328
his War Pick can bypass most shields. He is vulnerable to sweeping
Black Dragon Warplck (Warplck) 1 330
horizontal swings with heavier weapons and attacking him with two-
handed strikes is recommended. All three Dragon Knights can be Black Dragon sword (SWord) 1 315
Black Dragon Shield (not Greataxe) 1 354
Dragon Scale , 401

Mysterious guardians of the Dragon Shrine who protect the
Ancient Dragon dwelling within. The Drakekeepers' true nature
and identities are unknown; their faces are perpetually hidden
beneath their onyx helmets, leaving one to wonder at their
origins. It is said that something dark eats away at them - could
it be that they, too, were once human?

•SWord and Shield Only


Weapon Swings
Greatsword & Shield
Drakekeepers behave in much the same way as the Old Knights in
Heida's Towerof Flame, except that they are far more aggressive
and attack very rapidly. Their physical attacks drain surprisingly little
Stamina when blocked, however, and it is possible and relatively
safe to defeat them using even a basic shield. Approaching them
without a shield is not recommended, as they are capable of deliver-
ing a rapid and sustained onslaught of extremely quick attacks for
enemies of their size; evading these attacks via rolling is exceed-
ingly difficult due to the unpredictability and lack of forewarning
of each swing. Drakekeepers are highly susceptible to Poison and
can be defeated from a safe distance with Poison Arrows or Poison
Throwing Knives.
Drakekeepers with swords and shields can launch a magic-based Drakekeepers armed with War Picks and Greatshields can be dif-
projectile similar to the Soul Arrow spell; they will do this using a ficult to damage due to their strong defenses and can perform stag-
very slow vertical slash with a long windup. This projectile is unique gering shield bashes which will leave you stunned for a long period
to Drakekeepers armed with swords and shields; the others will of time. Poison Throwing Daggers will still apply their effects even
not use it. In general this type of Drakekeeper Is most like the Old through the Drakekeepers' shields, however, makJng them an ideal
Knights and should be handled in the same way. way of dealing with these otherwise incredibly stubborn enemies.
War Pick Drakekeepers can also be lured to the limits of their radius
Ultra Greatsword of pursuit and bombarded with ranged attacks or magic.
The two Drakekeepers wielding Ultra Greatswords are encountered
on the steps to the inner Shrine and as such it is possible to use R "D \IUfl
the difference in elevation to evade some of their attacks; however Orakekeeper (Greatsword & Shield) 1240 1900 Yes
their vertical slashes will still hit players considerably lower on the
Orakekeeper (Ultra Greatsword) 1060 1900 Yes
steps and their attacks are similar to those of the Great Hammer
Drakekeepers in speed and aggression. Once again we recommend Orakekeeper (Great Hammer) 1370 1900 Yes
using Poison Throwing Daggers against these foes or else luring Orakekeeper (Hammer) 1370 1900 Yes
them to the bottom of the steps and attacking them with magic or
projectiles through the door and out of their reach. plrc l I ., '111

Orakekeeper Helm 2 376

Great Hammer
Orakekeeper Armor 2 376
The most dangerous of the Drakekeepers, these swing their Great
Hammers about as though they were twigs and can deliver a Orakekeeper Gauntlets 2 376
practically endless barrage of rapid attacks. Fighting them up close Orakekeeper Boots 2 376
is not recommended without a shield, but if absolutely necessary Orakekeeper's Sword (Greatsword_Shleld) 2 316
it is safest to stand behind and as close to them as possible. The Orakekeeper's Shleld (Greatsword_Shleld) 2 364
delays between their attacks are still very short and leave little time
Orakekeeper's Ultra Greatsword 2 319
for players to counterattack; we suggest bringing a stack of Polson (Ultra Greatsword)
Throwing Daggers to the Shrine as a universal means for players of Orakekeeper's Great Hammer 2 332
any combat orientation to deal with these formidable foes. (Great Hammer)
Orakekeeper'sWarplck (Hammer) 2 332
Greatshleld of Glory (Hammer) 2 356
Dragon Charm 16 396


A Dragon Knight charged with protecting the Petrified Egg
stored in the Dragon Shrine. He is the strongest of the apostles
residing in the shrine and will invade as soon as you enter
the spiral staircase after defeating the first War Pid<-wieldi ng


Villard is equipped with the Black Dragon Greatsword, a power-
ful weapon in its own right, but doubly deadly in the hands of
this extremely aggressive Dragon Knight. Villard will not tolerate
attempts to block his attacks and will frequently use shoves to break
your guard; he also utilizes the same rolling tactics as most other
invading NPCs and will attempt to bypass your attacks in this way
to counterattack with his rolling swings. Attempting to lure him
into the staircase is not recommended, as there is a barrier at the
top landing that will prevent you from pushing him off; however, it
is possible to take cover in the stairwell and pelt him with ranged
attacks, as he will not follow you down the stairs.


Dartc Splrtt Dragontang Villard 2310 3600 No Black Dragon Helm 363 Black Dragon Leggings 363
Can heal via Estus Flask Black Dragon Armor 363 Black Dragon Greatsword 318
Black Dragon Gauntlets 363 Black Dragon Shield 364
Pml>\1 llty p q

Dragon Scale 10 401

Black Dragon Greatsword 1 318
Black Dragon Shield 1 364


A dragon so old that it was alive before the dawn of time. Its power
has grown to godlike proportions and it resides in the Dragon Ancient Dragon Breath (Ground) Ta~ Slam
Shrine as a deity; the few Undead who survive their journeys long
enough to meet it seek its counsel in their quest for a cure. The
Ancient Dragon willingly obliges its supplicants and harbors no ill
intent toward visitors who show proper respect, but provoking its
wrath will result in swift and unimaginably fierce retribution.
Physical Attacks Ancient Dragon Breath
The Ancient Dragon is a mind-numbingly massive foe but its very The Ancient Dragon will breathe fire in three ways depending upon
size renders its physical attacks quite slow and easy to evade. its proximity to you. If facing you on the ground tt will breathe a
It will use a sweeping bite to strike players directly in front of massive cone of flame straight ahead and sweep the blast from
it; this will often miss with no evasive action required but can side to side; avoid this by running toward the Dragon and slightly
be evaded simply by strafing backward. The Dragon will strike to either side in order to get behind its head and out of the way.
directly beneath it by stomping with whichever foot is closest If you are standing directly underneath the Dragon it will rear up,
to you; again, simply strafing out of the way is sufficient due to bend its head down and breath fire between its legs; this is easily
the Boss' slow speed. The Dragon will attack players behind it avoided simply by moving to the Dragon's side and out from under
by slamming its tail twice on the ground; if you are standing on it. Its most dangerous and difficult breath attack to avoid is launched
the right side of the dragon's tail when it does this, you need from the air; it will leap into the sky and pour flames at the ground
only strafe a bit further counterclockwise to avoid both swings. in front of it, immolating an enormous circular area; as soon as you
see the Dragon crouch before taking off, run under it directly toward
the tip of its tail.

Ancient Dragon Descent

When the Ancient Dragon lands from any form of flight, players
beneath it who fail to move in time will be crushed and take mas-
sive damage. Every part of the Dragon's body that normally touches
the ground when it is standing will strike the player in this manner.
including its tail. Avoiding this simply requires keeping a careful eye
on the Dragon while it is airborne and giving it room to land before
charging in to attack.

After entering the boss room. immediately run toward the Ancient
Dragon and slightly counterclockwise around it. Stop approximately
halfway to the Dragon and allow it to begin breathing fire, then run
the rest of the way around tts flames and position yourself under-
neath it. This and the spot directly behind the Dragon on the right
side of its tail are the safest places to stand and you are encouraged
to launch your attacks from these zones if possible. Striking the
Dragon's legs and heels will inflict very little damage but its toes and
the end of its tail are vulnerable; melee characters should focus on
these areas while ranged and magic-oriented players can aim for you should immediately locate and run directly toward the tip of its
any of the targetable points on the Dragon's massive body. The tail tail. This is most easily accomplished if you are standing underneath
of this hulking beast cannot be severed, so you should focus solely the Dragon when it takes off; it tends to rotate slightly when it leaps
on dealing damage. into the air and keeping track of its tail can be tricky. Identifying
the Dragon's skyvvard leap and responding quickly are critical for
Melee characters can use one of two similar strategies. The first successfully escaping the massive radius of this attack; seconds
involves standing directly behind the Dragon on the right side of its count and if you're unable to react in time you will be caught in the
tail and baiting the tail slam; this attack is incredibly easy to avoid inferno. The Ancient Dragon's breath CAN be blocked but only the
and leaves ample opportunity for counterattack during its recovery. mightiest of Greatshields will stand up to the hellish flames.
The second method requires that you stand directly beneath the
Dragon and bait either its stomps or its rearward flame breath; The Ancient Dragon's attack patterns and behavior will remain
again, these attacks are telegraphed long in advance and leave more consistent throughout the battle and do not change based upon its
than enough time for both evasive maneuvering and counterattacks. current health; the most important aspect of this fight is to learn
Ranged characters are encouraged to follow these basic strate- the rhythm of alternately escaping the airborne flame breath and at-
gies as well, but have more freedom in terms of the distance from tacking the Boss' exposed points when it leaves itself open. Players
which they let loose their projectiles. It is crucial to spread out your who are able to attune themselves to this pattern will find the battle
attacks in order to conserve enough Stamina to escape the Ancient with the Ancient Dragon a surprisingly simple, if lengthy, endeavor.
Dragon's airborne fire breath. It should be noted that both the Head of Vengar1 and Melinda the
Butcher can be summoned via Soul Signs outside the Boss room
The Ancient Dragon will alternate between breathing fire from the should the player require a temporary distraction.
air and using its other attacks; when it launches itself into the sky

HP <;nul n ·r

Ancient Dragon 19840 120000 No Physical Attacks No No Unblockable

p Ancient Dragon Breath No Yes Extreme

),.. l 1t Ill
Ancient Dragon Descent No No Unblockable
Soul or a Giant 100 396


The world of the past as it exists within the lingering memories of the
withered. Using the Ashen Mist Heart obtained from the Ancient Dragon
it is possible to briefly enter these nebulous memories and even interact
with the past, but what exactly did the Dragon intend for us to see there?
BRICII rs J()NI l:{)VI I SI I l){)RA - I\)



Ancient Dragon Soul X1

Ar~.1t nomto s Pa(I~

Royal Soldier (Spear & Shield) 297
Royal Soldier (Greatsword) 297
'E Royal Soldier (B<m) 297 lmportant ltorns Paq~
c Royal Infantry (Daggei, 297 Ancient Dragon soul 398
~ Royal Infantry (Sword) 297 Steel Armor Set 379
Royal Infantry (Axel 297 Fire Seed x3 310
DRAGON MEMORIES Royal Infantry (Bowl 297 Grand Lance 338
' Giant (Bare Fists) 298 Bonfire Ascetic x6 401
J Now that you have the Ashen Mist Heart, this section will take .,. Giant (Great Hammer) 298 Soul Vessel 401
'I' you through all of the areas you can access with its power. We'll 6 Giant (Flame)
298 Giant Warrior Club 332
get the easiest area out of the way first, so Travel back to the Lower Giant (Polson) 298 Blossom Kite Shield 366
Brightstone Cove Bonfire in Brightstone Cove Tseldora, and from Elite Giant 298 Giant's Kinship 402
there make your way back to the room where you faced The Duke's 0
m Giant Lord 299 Soul of a Giant X3 396
Dear Freja. Near the edge of the precipice in this room you should
see a large purple crystal formation at Position A, and if you
examine it you'll be transported through space and time into the
Dragon Memories.

The power of the Ashen Mist cannot hold you in this mysterious
ethereal plane for long, and you'll only have five minutes with which
to explore. Messages will appear on-screen periodically letting you
know that your time is running out. There are no enemies to deal
with in the area, however, and only one item to track down, so the
time you have should be plenty. If you run out of time you can also
come straight back again if you wish. The main point of interest
here is the huge body of an Ancient Dragon slumped over the rocks
on the opposite side of the area at Position B [ O ]. If you ap-
proach the head of the dragon and examine it you'll get an Ancient
Dragon Great Soul, and if you examine it a second time you'll be
transported straight back to Brightstone Cove Tseldora.


Soul of a Gro;t Hero X1, Torch xt

Old Radiant Ufggem X1

Giant Warrior Club xl

Soul of a Gre;;it Hero xl,

BontlrQ Asc:Gtic xl

Smoo1h & Silky Stone x5

Largg Soul of a
Namel9SS Soldier X1

I ( 1 R rs r ( 1 f I A I I r N ( 1 I J\ N rs - I I captain Drummond
·-'17 •

.J There are three Withered Giants that you can delve into the
'I' memories of within the Forest of Fallen Giants, and approaching
them in the order recommended here will give you the best picture
as to the progression of the historic battle with the Giants. Because
of the limited time you have inside the memories, getting every-
thing from inside them may take a few attempts, but the large
number of Souls and items you can acquire while doing so makes it
more than worthwhile.

Start by Travelingto the Cardinal Tower Bonfire in the Forest of

Fallen Giants, and once you're there, go through the hole in the wall
and follow the path down to the left, descending the ladder when
you come to it. Go left again into the courtyard, and then straight
away turn right and examine the Withered Giant at Position A to
enter the Memory of Vammar [-i LJ 02].
-, J At the start of this memory you'll be in a narrow tunnel and all
'If you can do is run forward. After a while the tunnel will open out
into an area where you'll find an injured Captain Drummond, so
make sure you speak with him to get some insight into what's
happening [ U 03]. If you keep talking with him you'll also be able
to learn a new Gesture and he'll tell you that by mentioning his
name his men won't attack you, so any Royal Infantry or Royal
Soldiers you run into from this point on will be friendly. If, however,
you hit one of them with an attack, they will all immediately turn
hostile again, so make sure you try and keep fights away from them
or aim very carefully.

On the opposite side of the area to Drummond you'll also find

a wooden door that you can go through to reach a small room
containing a chest. Go through the door once you've learned all you
can from Drummond, but be careful as you advance along the next
passageway because a Giant will come crashing through a wall on
the left after you've taken a few steps. Defeat the Giant, but instead
of going straight through the hole it created, continue along to the
end of the passageway to get an item there, and then backtrack and
go through the hole.
J Two Giants will start attacking you straight away, so try and use
'fl the hole in the wall as a natural bottleneck to stop them surround-
ing you. If you have ranged attacks you can even take them on
relatively safely from bad< within the passageway. Once the Giants
have been defeated, push on into the area and go up the wooden
ramp on the left when you come to reach a ledge with an item on it
[ c_J Qq], Go back down the ramp now, and then go through the
nearby doorway.


,J A huge battle between Giants and Royal Soldiers will break out
'I' as soon as you approach the courtyard on the other side of the
doorway, and since the Royal Soldiers are putting up a valiant fight,
the Giants will usually be focused on them at the start. The main
threat in the area is not the normal or Elite Giants on the ground,
but two Flame Giants that are on a rooftop on the left, just past the
large arch. If you get close to the arch they will start throwing huge
fireballs down at you, and fighting the Giants on the ground while
that is happening extremely dangerous.

Your aim should be to clear out all of the Giants on the ground
before moving past the arch, so rf possible, try to use ranged at-
tacks to lure the Giants toward you so that you can fight them out of
the Flame Giant's line of fire. Once all of the Giants at ground level
have been defeated, if you have ranged attacks you can take out the
mage Giants by using the wall supporting the arch on the left for
cover [ U 01). If ranged attacks are not an option, then simply run
through the area as quickly as you can while hugging the wall on the
left and avoiding the fireballs.
. .JI Go into the alcove at the end of the area on the left and open the
'll chest there for a Blossom Kite Shield, and then enter the nearby
doorway. The ladder in this room will let you reach the rooftop that
the two Flame Giants occupied, so if you haven't killed them
already, you can go out there and engage them at close range.
There's also an item on the rooftop, so it's worth making the trip up
there even if you have killed them.
' ed that you try and take it on from the bottom of the stairs, where
-, J Make your way back down the ladder once you've acquired the you'll have more space and can retreat quickly back into the
'IPitem, and then go through the doorway at the back of the room previous room if needed. Pick up the items after taking down the
and follow the wall around to the left to reach an alcove with Elite Giant, and then examine the body of the fallen Giant at
another item in it. At the top of the nearby stairs you'll have to face Position B to get a Soul of a Giant; examine it a second time to
an Elite Giant; if you have ranged attacks, it's strongly recommend- leave the area [ LJ on.


l<JRl'II ot IAlllN (ilANl'l-12

Soul of a Br.MI W.urior x1

Bonfirg Ascetic x3

Soul of a Proud Knight x1

Wilt9d Dusk Herb x3

Soul of a Great Hero x1, Fading Soul x1

Soul Vessel x1

Fire Se9dx1

Soul of a Hero x3 (Trap) Steel Helm x1,

Steel Amlor X1.
St Gel Gau ntlgts xt,
Steel Leggings xt


J Make your way back to the Cardinal Tower Bonfire again, and
''II then go down the ladder in the Bonfire room and follow the path
around to the area with the large sword jutting out of the ground.
From there, go through the Soldier Key door, and then go all the way
up to the top. Approach the Withered Giant at Position A and you
should also find Benhart of Jugo sat nearby [ ~u 03]. By speaking
to Benhart first, he will appear inside the Memory as well and you'll
be able to hear some additional dialogue. After speaking with him,
examine the Withered Giant to enter the Memory of Orro.
.JI Aun past the ballistae once you're in the memory and speak with
'If Benhart of Jugo again, who can now be found sitting against a
wall between two passageways leading out of the room. Like all
trips into the memories, you only have a limited amount of time in
here before you're transported back to the real world; if that
happens, simply re-enter the memory and keep advancing. Take the
path leading up the stairs to the left of Benhart to enter a room full
of Royal Infantry. If you previously spoke with Captain Drummond in
the Memory of Vammar, they will all be sat down and relaxed, if you
didn't, however, then they'll be hostile and you'll need to take them
J When the area's clear, use a Pharros' Lockstone in the Contrap-
'I' tion on the waf at Position B if you have one. This will highlight a
section of wall at the back of the room that you can hit to open a
path to another room. The chest in that room has a trap on it, so be
very careful when you open it and react accordingly to safely claim
the item inside. There's also another Pharros Contraption in this
room, but placing a Lockstone in it will only activate a spike a trap
on the nearby wall. If you interact with the waf just to the right of
the Contraption, however, you'll open a hidden door that leads to
another room with two more chests; grab the contents and
backtrack through the rooms and continue up the stairs [ r I 041. so already, and unless you're moving quickly, you can easily get
' caught in the impact. Ignore the Giant for now and make your way
.JI Tum to the left when you reach the roof of the castle to witness back up the series of staircases to the rooftop again.
'I' a battle between the Royal Soldiers and a couple of Giants. The '
Giants will focus on the Royal Soldiers at first, so use that opportu- . ..A This time drop down through the gap in the wall at Position F so
nity to attack them with ranged attacks. Move up once the Giants VI that you land on top of the large arch below. The item you want is
have been killed, and approach the first large wooden wheel on the sitting in plain sight on the arch, so pick it up, and then drop down
left at Position C. At the base of the wheel you'll notice that a onto the tiled roof below. If there's still any enemies around, try to
wooden beam is being used to hold the wheel in place, and if you finish them off with ranged attacks from this position, and then
attack the beam you can destroy it to let the wheel spin. Doing that when it's clear, go down and examine the remains of a fallen Giant
on this first wheel will cause a wooden platform to descend, giving slumped against a wall at Position G to get a Soul of a Giant
you an alternate means of readling the ground below. [ U 06]. Examine it a second time to leave the area.

Do the same thing to the second wooden wheel at Position D so

that another platform descends, this time coming to a stop near a
hole in the vvall below. Move up to the gap in the castle wall near
the wooden wheel and look down to locate the platform; it's a fairly
long drop, so make sure you have the health to survive it, and then
step off and drop onto the platform. From your position on this
platform you'll have an excellent view of the battle waging below, so
if you have ranged attacks, try and take out as many enemies from
here as you can to make things easier later. Just make sure you
don't accidentally fall off.
. JI When you're ready to continue, jump through the nearby hole in
'll the wall and engage the Giant waiting in the room you land in.
After killing the Giant, open both of the chests, and then approach
the other hole in wall. You should be able to see a Royal Soldier on a
wooden ledge just beyond this hole, so if they're hostile and you
have a ranged attack, take him out from here. Go through the hole
and drop onto the tiled rooftop, and then after picking up the item
on that roof, go to the opposite end and drop down onto the
wooden roof below. From there you can drop down onto the ground
safely and pick up the item in the alcove nearbv I- J 05).
J Aun out of the alcove and go up the ladder at Position E to
'IP reach the ledge that the Royal Soldiers were standing on. If you
haven't killed the enemies up here already, do so now if they're
hostile, and then grab the item and go back down. There's still one
item in the area that can only be obtained from back up on the roof,
so instead of continuing along the courtyard, run toward the
doorway leading back to where Ben hart is. Make sure you're
running toward the doorway, because as you approach it another
Giant will usually come crashing down from above if it hasn't done


Giant Lord
Captain Drummond (Surrvncn Sign!
Soul of a Giant x1 Old Radiant Ute gem X1

Benhart of Jugo (Summon Sign!

Fire SIMld x1 Bonfire Ascetic X1

. .JI Return one final time to the Cardinal Tower Bonfire, and then go
'If down the nearby ladder. Cross over the bridge this time and
follow the path around to one of the King's Gates; open the gate by
equipping the King's Ring, and then activate the Bonfire in the next
room. Exit to the area on the other side of the Bonfire room to find l(lRfSJ o: IAlllN (,IANl"i-12
another Withered Giant at Position A (-i L 1 ]. From this area you
can also access an item that you probably saw when you were first
going through this area by dropping down the broken stairs near the
Withered Giant. The item is Twinkling Titanite x2, so it's worth
dropping down for, even with the long trek back. Examine the
Withered Giant when you're ready to enter the Memory of Jeigh.
. .JI As soon as you start this memory you'll see the summon sign
'If for Captain Drummond, and just past that is the Summon sign for
Benhart of Jugo; you can only summon one of them, so choose
whomever you prefer. Once you've made your choice, head up the
nearby stairs and go through the Fog Gate at the top to enter a
fierce battle. Numerous large fireballs will be continuously mortared
into this area by Giants out on the ocean, so you'll need to keep one
eye on the skies at all times.

A couple of Elite Giants will try to halt your progress at first, so try
and let your summon partner draw their attention while you either
used ranged attacks or flank around and melee them from behind.
There are also Balllstae here aimed out to the ocean, and you can
use them to fire on the giants on the ships in the ocean, but there is
only a very low probability of hitting one of them, so you'll need to
be very lucky.
. .JI The familiar head of a huge statue will come crashing down
.. shortly after you enter the area, so make sure you stick to the
wall on the right to avoid it if you're in the vicinity [ ~c O .. ]. At this
point, the leader of the Giant's forces should be in view at the other
end of the area, so keep closing in to initiate the battle with the
Giant Lord. Once you move past the statue head you'll no longer
have to worry about the mortars because they do not land on that
side of the area, allowing you to focus on the Giant Lord. The Giant
Lord's attacks have massive range and can cover most of the ground
between where he started and the statue head, so never assume
you're safe and always be ready to evade an attack. Its attacks are
fairly slow, however, and you should usually have enough time to
evade as long as you're not being overly aggressive.
Wor1d Event
Killing the Giant Lord will net you his Soul, and also the Giant Kin- After killing the Giant Lord, make sure you return to the
ship key item. Go down the stairs the Giant Lord was standing Memory ofVammar and speak once again with Captain
in front of to find another Giant corpse that you can examine for Drummond; for helping with the battle he will give you the
a Giant Soul and a way back to the Forest of Fallen Giants. If you Drangleic Helm to complete the Drangleic Armor set, which
freed the Royal Sorcerer Navlaan, you may find that he invades your will also unlock the Holder of the Fort Achievement/Trophy.
wor1d upon your return to the Forest of Fallen Giants, so don't relax You might also want to consider returning to Drangleic Castle
until you know it's clear. With the Giant's Kinship now in hand, your and talking to ChancellorWellager again, because he will be
next and final destination should be the Throne of Want in Drangleic so impressed that you defeated the Giant Lord that he will
Castle. give you a Royal Dirk and an Espada Ropera.


ROYAL SOLDIER Spear & Shield
SPEAR & SHIELD, CREATSWORD, Bow The living Royal Soldiers of the past attaok in essentially the same
WcryS as their Hollowed future selves and should be handled in a
•• A living and healthy, similar manner; they are a bit stronger as a result of being alive, fit
albeit battle-sea rred and equipped with new weapons and armor but no other notable
and exhausted, soldier differences exist. They can be observed actively fighting the Giants
of the Drangleic in several locations but will usually mistake the player for an enemy
Army. Under the and attack. Royal Soldiers with spears and shields are most easily
command of Captain dealt with using shove attaoks, or merely by leading them into the
Drummond, they path of an oncoming Giant.
defended the fort
against the invading Greatsword
Giants. Many of those Royal Soldiers with Greatswords attack in the same way as their
who died during the Hollowed counterparts and are easily defeated by any desired
battle rose again as means; they can also be lured into the vicinity of a Giant and will
Hollows and have usually abandon the player to attack their sworn enemy. Their
continued to watch swings inflict significant Stamina damage but are nevertheless eas-
over the fort until this ily thwarted by a decent shield.
very day.
The easiest of the Royal Soldiers to deal with, they should be
handled as any other archer-type enemy. Typically, Royal Soldiers
armed with bows will be preoccupied firing at any nearby Giants
and will usually ignore you completely.
~D ~n11I

Royal Soldler (Spear & Shleld) 680 260 Yes

Royal Soldler (Greatsword) 560 260 Yes
Royal Soldler (Bow) 490 260 Yes

• •• ?1vt:.a1Jl,ll} ,lljl,


ROYAL INFANTRY Enlisted infantrymen of the Drangleic Army, these brave but
lightly-equipped men are weary from battle and suffering
DAGG ER, SWORD, AxE, Bo waning morale. They are found locked in combat with the
Giants in several locations throughout the flashback areas and
may also misidentify you as a threat.

Much like their Hollowed future selves, Royal Infantrymen are weak
and unremarkable enemies. They will attack in the same fashion as
their counterparts and can be easily dispatched through any desired
means; however most of them will be slaughtered by the Giants be-
fore ever crossing paths with the player. Those with Daggers attack
quickly but fall just as quickly to a few melee attacks or basic spells.


Sword Bow
Infantrymen with Swords are a bit more irritating to deal with than Infantrymen armed with Bows can be a nuisance at range but will
the others due to their slightly longer reach; you can dispatch them generally be busy shooting at any nearby Giants should they survive
with ease or leave them alone and let the Giants do so instead. long enough to encounter you. It is best simply to leave them alone
and allow them to distract the Giants but determined or otherwise
Axe pernicious players can hunt them down and eliminate them if so
Axe-wielding Infantrymen inflict a bit more Stamina damage than inclined.
their comrades but otherwise represent a nominal threat at best.
Wide, sweeping swings or area-effect spells will fell them in groups, HP !::n•il
as will the Giants. Royal Infantry (Dagger) 200 50 Yes
Royal Infantry (Sword) 660 150 Yes
Royal Infantry (Axe) 660 150 Yes
Royal Infantry (Bow) 660 150 Yes

.. r'r .;l:.Jul,It} rag


A member of the race of Giants first conquered by King
Vendrick and later responsible for a vengeful counter-invasion
of Drangleic. Giant soldiers specialize in several different types
of combat and can be differentiated by their appearance.

allowing for ranged counterattacks during their recovery. Strafing

around them in a clockwise direction will allow you to deliver Back-
stabs for a quick victory.

By far the most dangerous type of Giant soldier. These can be
identified by their vaguely mage-llke robes and three metal bracelets
on each wrist; they will attack by throwing fireballs at the player
which inflict a potent knockdown and will quickly shred delicate
equipment such as rings. Precise timing is required to roll forward
through these fireballs without being caught in the blast radius and
the Giants will lob a constant barrage of them at you; in general this
enemy is best dealt with from behind cover or out of its range, or by
standing behind it and using Backstabs.

Bare fists
Bare-handed Giants will attack you with overhead punches, up-
percuts and overhead slams. They are susceptible to Backstabs and
this is the preferred method of eliminating them if using a melee
character; mages and archers should simply roll away from them
and attack while they recover.

Great Hammer
Giants wielding large clubs will attack with both horizontal and
vertical swings; these should be avoided by rolling sideways either
through or away from them. Again, Backstabs are an ideal means of
bringing down these tough opponents; ranged and magic-oriented HP "'o•,1
characters should keep them at a distance via backward rolls and
Giant (Bare fists) 1280 800 Yes
attack during their recovery.
Giant (Great Hammer) 1390 800 Yes
Polson Giant (Polson) 1240 800 Yes
Poison Giants can be identified by their uneven shoulders, tattered Giant (Fire) 1240 800 Yes
hoods and green-tinged fists and forearms. Their physical attacks
cause Poison buildup and they are capable of throwing a toxic t'tvb...>I,it 't a11
projectile, at players from long range. Up close they will attack with None
punches and uppercuts; at a distance they will use their projectile


King of the Giants that invaded Drangleic, this towering
monstrosity came to the fight replete with his crown and a
massive Greatsword. He seeks vengeance for the subjugation of
his kingdom and intends to reclaim a precious prize stolen from
him by King Vendrick, but what could this "prize" possibly be?

Horizontal Sword Attacks

If the player is standing on the raised area behind the giant stone
shield on the face of the fort, the Giant Lord will assault the area
with his Greatsword. His horizontal slashes can be blocked with a
strong shield but rt is preferable simply to roll through them in the
opposite direction of the swing.

Vertical Sword Attacks

When you're standing on the raised area next to the Giant Lord, he
will attack with vertical swings of his Greatsword. These downward
slashes will completely bypass a shielded defense and must be
evaded by strafing or rolling to either side. If the player is standing
at the Giant Lord's feet he will attack by swing his Greatsword in
a pendulum motion; this can be evaded by running between his
feet and standing behind him. The Giant Lord will also use a vertical
slash to attack players who stand behind him for too long; this can
likewise be dodged by running between his feet to stand in front of
him or to his side.

Stomp Attacks
The Giant Lord will attack players at his feet by attempting to stomp
on them. He will stomp slightly forward of the initial positioning of
his feet and the blow can be evaded by strafing to his side or run-
ning behind him. As this is a vertical attack it will completely bypass
a shield and cannot be blocked.

Strategy Poison Arrows or Poison Throwing Knives, but this alone will not in-
Melee characters should target the Giant Lord's feet and evade his flict enough damage to defeat him before time runs out; players can
attacks as described above. Ranged and magic-focused characters summon Captain Drummond at the start of the area for additional
are best served by standing on the raised area at the top of the assistance with this Boss. The short time limit before ejection from
steps adjacent to the Boss and striking him with spells or projectiles the area and the Boss' lack of tactical diversity make this a simple
in between swings of his sword. The Giant Lord can be poisoned via and straightforward fight.

Hr o·JI .. n n n ·r Inc" Stu,,111:t D-1m2qe

Giant Lord 6970 76000 No Horlzontal Sword Attaacs No Yes Heavy

p Vertlcal Sword Attacks No No Unblockable

iJr t 11 11 lfy
Stomp Attacks No No Unblockable
Giant Lord Soul 100 398
Giant's Kinship 100 402


At last, your journey has come to an end. With the symbol of the
King, you've proven that you have the power needed to become the
next Monarch, but a King cannot rule by might alone - you need
strength of Will.
Benhan of JuQo
(Summon Sign}
Your throne will show you the answers you seek, but the throne
of a king is sacred. It is watched and defended, but if you want to
proceed, then you have little choice.
• • •
• • •
Head of Vengral
(Summon Sign}

Emerald Herald Throne Defender & Throne

W;itcher. Nasha ndra

Aro., Euoml es Paci"

"' Throne Watcher & Throne Defender 301

Nashandra 304
To Dranglelc castte
There's no WcJy out of the room other than to complete the game,
and even if you try to use a Homeward Bone or similar item you
will just end up back here again. Completing the game is not the
' end, however, and after the credits roll you'll get the option of either
, J The end is near1y upon you, and it's time to find out just how far picking "Yes" and moving on to New Game+, or "No" which will
'II the Curse can carry you. Travel to the King's Gate Bonfire in drop you back in to your existing game. If at any point after that you
Drangleic Castle, and then use the King's Ring to open the King's want to move to New Game+, simply return to the Far Fire Bonfire
Gate at Position A, granting you passage into the Throne of Want. in Majula and select "Begin journey 2 to Drangleic''. Once you move
As soon as you pass through the King's Gate you'll see the Emerald on to New Game+ there's no WcJy bad<, so make sure you're as
Herald on the left; take the time to speak with her to learn some prepared as can be, because things will get far more difficult in the
important information. There's only one path to travel in this area journeys ahead.
and no enemies to contend with, so Just follow the narrow path
down the cliff-side and out toward the Fog Gate in the distance. Congratulations on surviving your first foray into the
' land of Dranglelc ... but Is your want for power enough
.JI Just outside the Fog Gate you'll find the summon signs for Head to lure you back again?
'If of Vengarl, and Benhart of Jugo, and unlike other times where
you've had the choice of multiple Summon Signs, you can summon
both of them for the upcoming battle [ L.J 01 ]. Once your allies

have arrived, go through the Fog Gate to do battle with the Throne
Watcher and Throne Defender.

If you've been following the walkthrough, this should be your first

trip to this area, but if you came here before and didn't have the
Giant's Kinship, there will be nothing more to do after defeating
those bosses until you acquire that item. When you then return to
this area you'll be able to summon both allies once again and enter
the Fog Gate to begin the next battle. Assuming you already had the
Giant's Kinship, the next battle will begin straight away, and after a
brief cutscene you'll have to face off against Nashandra in her true
form. After defeating her, approach the chasm at the back of the
room to bring about the ending.


This mysterious duo watches and protects the Throne of Want.
They have been here for ages, watching and waiting for the
next Monarch. But their souls have an odd taint ...

Buff Weapon
If you take off around half of the maximum HP of either the De-
fender or the Watcher. the weakened enemy will begin powering
up his weapon. This lasts for awhile, and they will reapply the buff
when it fades; this is a chance to deal damage.

Watcher Slashes
This is the normal combo of the Watcher. He'll use up to three
slashes in combination. Like all of their attacks, this is very easy to
block, and it's recommended that you do so while waiting for an
opening. If you have high Poise, you can trade hits with this attack.

When either the Watcher or the Defender dies, the other will go to
his fallen ally's side and kneel. After a few seconds of chanting, the
caster will bring his comrade back to life with full health. This can be
Interrupted by staggering the caster. but that can be difficult.


Watcher's Wrath
If you persist in staying near the Watcher, he will eventually kneel
and begin casting a spell. You need to back away quickly, as he will
unleash an unblockable shockwave of energy that will knock you

Watcher Lunge
The Watcher will point his sword at you from a distance and then
charge. He'll stab at you when he gets near; this attack has a lot of
range. You can block it easily, but dodging it requires careful timing.

Watcher Cleave
Sometimes, the Watcher will begin running at you and then leap into Backfllp
the air. He'll come crashing down wtth a thunderous vertical slash. Periodically. the Watcher will Backflip away from you. This is often
This is used from far away and has really good range. used after Watcher Slashes. If you chase the Watcher when he uses
this, you have a chance to separate the Watcher and the Defender.

Watcher Dash
The Watcher will occasionally hold his sword behind him, sprint in Defender Combo
your direction, and then slash at you. This is dangerous if you are This is the normal combo of the Defender. You can block it without
focusing on the Defender. It can hit you from the side if you lose much difficulty, but watch your Stamina if both the Defender and
track of the Watcher. the Watcher are attacking you at the same time. Be ready to roll
away if your Stamina gets too low.


Defender Bash
If you stay very close to the Defender while he is using his shield,
he'll raise it into the air and then quickly bash at you. This move
deals a lot of Stamina Damage and will likely cause you to stagger.
Back up or roll away from this attack.

Defender Great Combo

After you've dealt some damage to the Defender. he'll put away his
shield and begin swinging his sword with both hands. These attacks
are a bit slower than his one-handed attacks, and they also drain
more Stamina. Always be prepared to roll away if needed.

Defender Impale
After the Defender begins holding his sword with both hands, he'll
start using this dangerous attack. He'll draw his sword back slowly,
and then lunge forward with an unblockable stab. This has really
long range, so either circle toward him and to your right or roll far

Strategy If you don't want to use Polson, consider summoning a helper or

Of the two foes, the Throne Watcher is far more nimble and likely two for this fight. Being able to split the Defender and the Watcher
to attack from odd angles. The Watcher also has less HP than the apart makes things much, much easier. Both Benhart and Vengarl
Defender. These facts combine to make the Watcher a much easier can be used as summons here; check the walkthrough text for more
target to kill than the Defender. Going after the Defender will take information.
longer. and you'll be open to the Watcher's swift attacks while at-
tempting to attack the Defender. If you don't want to use Poison or summon assistance, this will be a
challenging fight. You need to try to either separate the two Bosses
Unfortunately, you can't Just kill one of them without hurting the or bait them both into attacking at the same time. If you have high
other, due to their Revive spell. When one dies, the other will fight health and Poise, consider occasionally trading hits with the Watcher
for a short time before attempting to Revive his fallen ally. If you Slashes; they don't do much damage, and you can use that as an
don't kill the enemy that is casting Revive before the spell finishes, attack opportunity. Chasing the Watcher when he uses his Backflip
the enemy you defeated will be restored to full life. If you are able is another tactic that you can use to separate them.
to deal a lot of damage quickly, you may be able to kill one enemy
from full health while he is using Revive; otherwise, you'll need to Ultimately, without Poison or allies, this will be a battle of patience
damage both enemies before killing one. and concentration. Move carefully around the room while blocking
and avoiding their attacks. If one of the enemies finishes an attack
Luckily, there is a strategy that allows you to deal a large amount and the other is far enough away, attack once and then prepare to
of damage to both enemies without even needing to attack often defend yourself again. Chip away at them over time. Make sure you
- Poison. The Poison Mist and Toxic Mist Pyromancies are both ex- weaken them both evenly so that you don't need to deal with Re-
tremely effective in this battle. Both the Watcher and the Defender vive. Once you kill one of them, get ready to two-hand your weapon
are susceptible to Poison; if you can Poison them both at the same and unleash your wrath on the other. Once he begins casting
time, you can deal a huge amount of damage while staying safe Revive, hit him with everything you've got and pray for the kill.
behind a shield. Even better, both will be weak, so you can easily
finish the fight before one of them is able to cast Revive. If you Finally, most of the attacks in this fight can be parried. If you're very
can't use Pyromancy, Poison Knives and Poison Arrows are another skilled at parrying, it actually is useful here to give yourself more
option. They'll enable you to apply your poison from range, and any chances to attack. If you're not extremely good at it, however, rely-
character type can use Poison Knives. ing on parries here will prove risky and frustrating.
pn Souls R a ·111 ,.. 'll<I Stnmln1 D m'lgo

Throne Watcher 3910 No Revive No No N/A

Throne Defender 2760 No Buff Weapon No No N/A
Pr.,h hlllty 1-iq
Watcher Slashes Yes Yes Lem
Watcher Lunge Yes Yes Lem
Throne Watcher Soul 100 398 Watcher Cleave No Yes Lem
Watcher Dash Yes Yes Lem
Watcher's Wrath No No N/A
Backfllp No No N/A
Defender Combo Yes Yes Lem
Defender Great combo Yes Yes Medium
Defender Bash No Yes Very High
Defender Impale No No N/A


Boss - NASHANDRA SpiMing Scythe,
Sweeping Scythe,
Nashanrda's \Nrath

The Queen, Nashandra, has a secret, Dark and ancient. She

is the smallest piece of Manus, the Father of the Abyss.
Long ago, after his defeat in the lost land of Oolacile, he split
into miniscule fragments. As the fragments recollected, they
assumed a human form - Nashandra.
Cursed Sweep,
She convinced Vendrick to cross the sea and pilfer a mighty Cur'SQd 89.lm
prize from the Giants. She brought a Dark-like peace to
the Kingdom of Drangleic, but eventually Vendrick realized
something was amiss. He fled and refused to take part in
Nashandra's plans any longer. But now she has found you,
the new Heir to the Throne ofWant ...

Cursed Beam
Nashandra fires a beam of Cursed energy into the ground in front of
her, and then sweeps it upward so that it strikes at you. Roll to the
side to avoid this attack. This is a chance to run in and hit her once
or twice.

Cursed Sweep
For the Cursed Sweep, Nashandra aims her beam wide and then
moves it around the room in a circular pattern. If you are very near
to her or very far, this will miss. If you are at mid-range, you'll need
to either get close quickly or time a roll through the beam.

Dark Beacon
Periodically, Nashandra will place Dark Beacons around the room.
Standing near a Beacon will damage and Curse you. One solid Nashandra's Wrath
melee attack will destroy a Beacon, but you may be Cursed in the If you are close to Nashandra, she will sometimes use this spell to
process. attack in a sphere around her. If her decrepit chest begins to glow,
quickly roll away from her. Try not to roll into a Dark Beacon's influ-
ence, though.


Piercing Scythe
Nashandra will raise her scythe up with one hand, and then bring
it spiking downward when you are at close to medium range. This
attack drains a lot of Stamina and causes Curse, so roll toward her
to avoid It if you rely on melee attacks. Ranged fighters should roll

Sweeping Scythe
When you are close to her, Nashandra will unleash quick, short-
range scythe sweeps. This is a dangerous attack. Each hit deals a lot
of Stamina damage and causes Curse. This only hits Just in front of
her, though -you can block the first hit and then roll backwards to
avoid the rest.

Spinning Scythe
This is another very close-range scythe attack, and it can Curse
you, Just like everything else Nashandra does. The Spinning Scythe
Is quick and sometimes strikes at an odd angle; don't let it hit you
from the side If you are fighting with allies.

You might imagine that the final boss of the game would be ridicu- If you're having trouble with the Dark Beacons or being Cursed in
lously hard, but she's not. If you've made it this far, you can certainly general, check your equipment and look for ways to increase your
beat Nashandra. The main point to the fight is to keep an eye on the Curse resistance. Some armor has little Curse resistance, and some
Dark Beacons. When she first uses the move, be ready to destroy has a lot. The Cursebite Ring and the Ring of Resistance are both
any Beacon that appears near you. This will give you space to move useful, as well. Finally, you can keep Human Effigies in your item
in without being Cursed. If she is surrounded by Beacons, run away bar if need be; this is the final boss, so there's no sense in hoarding
out of range. Just be patient and dodge her attacks. She'll eventu- now if you're having trouble.
ally either come close to you (and away from the Beacons) or the
Beacons will disappear.

Other than that, Nashandra's attacks are all very manageable. If she
performs Cursed Beam, step to the side. You can then run close and
hit her if there are no nearby Dark Beacons. You can also attack her
from range if there are Beacons in the way. When she uses Cursed
Sweep, move close to her and hit her, then back up again. If you are
far from her when she uses it. you can back up out of its range -
just be careful not to fall off the ledge.

At close range and mid-range, she might try her Piercing Scythe;
just roll toward her. You can get behind her and deal some damage.
If she tries Sweeping or Spinning Scythe, you can roll backwards to
avoid it. If you're not quick enough, block one hit and then roll away.
The only other thing to watch out for is Nashandra's Wrath, and it's
very easy to see coming and avoid. Just roll away when her chest

l'D "''"J'"' R11...,.iwn P"lrru "Ir>"' St11mhn D~l"'age

Nashandra 8770 90000 No Dar1< Beacon No No N/A

cursed Beam No Yes High
•r I 111, Pi a
cursed Sweep No Yes High
Soul of Nashandra 100 398 Nashandra's Wrath No Yes High
Piercing Scythe No Yes High
Sweeping Scythe No Yes Medium
Spinning Scythe No Yes Medium


The lists you'll find in this chapter will let you know exactly where to acquire each weapon or
item, what its stats are, and whether or not it's worth upgrading it. Here we'll explain how
to get the most out of the Information provided.

Sorting Order
The equipment and item categories and entries within each of them
are presented in the order that they are displayed in the game to
make finding things as easy as possible.

Required Parameters
On top of how to acquire each weapon, you'll also find full statistics
for each one, so that you can study the different weapons in a group
before deciding which one best suits your playstyle. Being able to
see the required parameters ahead of time will also let you plan
ahead, so that by the time you reach the weapon you want, you can
wield it straight away.

Base and Upgraded Values

The attack values displayed for each weapon will not only show you
the base values, but also what they'll be once you have reinforced
the weapon to its highest level, allowing you to easily compare the
potential strength of different weapons.

Acquired From
If you want to know where to get a piece of equipment or an item,
look no further than this box in each entry. The name of the char-
acter that has the Item, the enemy that drops it or the area it can
be picked up in will be listed here, along with E = Enemy
one of the following code letters displayed in
brackets: P = Pld up
M = Merchant
C = Cownant rewlfd
a - NPC Quest rWIMI
Icon Legend
All of the Icons used to display the various attributes of each piece
of equipment or item have also been reproduced for each entry in
this chapter (again, in the same arrangement that they are found in
the game). We'll go through the Icon categories on this page and
explain what each icon type means.

General Attacks (Weapons)

At the start of each entry in the Weapons section you'll also find
a General Attacks table and some accompanying text. The table is
designed to show you the most common attacks with that type
of weapon, and any time a weapon has a unique attack that is
significantly different from one shown in the table, it will be marked
with a Note in that weapon's entry. The text accompanying the table
outlines some general usage tips for the weapon type, along with
details about how they differ from other types.

Female Armor Variations

If you see a red rectangle next to the name of a piece of armor, it
means that its appearance will change slightly on female characters.

Accuracy of the Data

In the intro to this book we've already pointed out that the
data it contains is likely to become inaccurate in the future,
after From Software have updated the game. We'll reiter-
ate this fact here, though, because it's important to us that
readers understand why we've included all this data despite
knowing that it will eventually be unreliable. Though changes
to balance will surely happen, they are not likely to be severe
enough to make the relative picture the data as a whole pro-
vides much less accurate. The data in this chapter can also be
used as a valuable base for our own updates on our website
(, and for the online Dark Souls II
community to build upon.


Category Category Category
Weapon Damage Reduction Attack Details Armor Defense
I Doscrlptlon I Description I Descl1ptl on
iii Percentage of Physlcal damage reduction
"11 _ weapon_category . ii . Base.defense against Physical attacks .

II Percentage of Magic damage reduction

• . ~~~~I<:.~ . fij ~~~~~~~--~a.1.~s.~.~-~-'-~-~-1..s~~I-~~~~-~~~-~-~-~...... . .
• Percentage of Fire damage reduction rJI.,;;~;!~:.;~~;:i~;;,~t~l'..~ted ~~-~~~.:'.~.e ..
Defense against Physical Slashing attacks

• Percentage of Lightning damage reduction

r4 Amount of Magic damage Inflicted at base value
111!1 ...and maximum
.................. reinforcement
........................ ...................................................
II Defense against PhyslcalThrustlng attacks
Amount of Fire damage Inflicted at base value and
II Percentage of Dari< damage reduction II maximum reinforcement .................................
............................................................ it ~~~~~~~--~·a'.~~~-~-~~I~.~~-~ .
l'I Percentage of Polson damage reduction
lf'ill Amount of Lightning damage Inflicted at base value
• and maximum reinforcement
ii . Defense. against.Fire.attacks ..

• Percentage of Bleed damage reduction Im . ~:~~~~r~l~f~:e':~~'.~'.'.'.~~.~-~~--~~-~~'.~~.-~.~~---

ii . ~~~~~~~ . ~-aln~~ ~~.~-~~!~.~. ~tta~ ..
liiil Percentage of Petrify buildup reduction
.,,. Strength of the Polson effect at base value and
• ....maximum
....................................................................... fl . ~~~~~~~. ~a·l-~s.~.?.~~-.~~~~.~-~a.~~~~ .
Strength of the Bleed effect at base value and
• ........ .. reinforcement
maximum .. . .. Ii) --~~11'.~.~~-~l~s.'.~~--~~-a··'-~~-ac_t ~~--~-~~~---·· .
• Percentage of Curse buildup reduction
• _counter Strength of the weapon . i1. ~~11'.~.~-~-~I~~~~~--~~~~.~ ..~~~~ .
• Poise damage Inflicted wtth each attack
fill ................................................................................................
Resistance to Bleed attacks

fl Resistance to Curse attacks

AnTIO< donned t,v Hollowed thit!Y99.
Dospit• its crude ~ranee, this
armor ,s ~r'GIY atutcly.
B Rogue Hood

Repair C09t 164


Repair Coot 690

Roguo Gountlolt

Repair Coat 164

Rogue LOi)gings

Repair Coet 284

11•22 0 0 0 0
11•22 4•8 21 ••2 1t •22 15•30
11023 ••8 20••0 10021 J,402'9

...,..., ... ,. II ooo

ti ,,23 0"0 0"0 OoO



I 0•0

5•8 E 8 12•2A E 11•:M E
Acquired from
Rogue CEI
Reinforcement Meterielrrtanile

Category Category

Miscellaneous (Weapons & Armor) Attribut
e Bonuses (Weapons & Armor) A ,,.nclonl
doogor. Has only

I Descrlptlon I Description modo!t attadc•nd lllon ,-._ bu1

For Bows and Crossbows, this will show you the
maximum firing range of the weapon.
wn be iolit>.d in rapid

It • potent
tl>o capable.
With• powolful crilic<JI •ttod(. !hit
in tl>o lwld1 of
0 20
The value here represents the casting speed for
Iii Staffs and Chimes.
Bonuses are an additional value that Is added to Acquired from Things 8t1WU<t IP)


The Stablllty value Influences how much stamina 0

• Is required to block attacks; the higher the number

the less stamina consumed.
your equipment based on the level of attribute with
the bonus attached, and the rank of the bonus. The
Rtinforc.ment Mottri1I
R01>,11r Cost 430

bonus value ranges from E at the lowest, Which IO 11

The value shown here Is the equipment's maxi- would onty give you a minimal gain, to S, which 0 11
~ mum durability, and the higher the number, the would give you a large gain. 0 eo
m longer you can keep attacking without ha-.lng to •-m-
repair It.
The weight of the equoment will let you know how
1:1 much It wlll Impact your overall Equip Load once
It's equipped.
Required Parameters (Weapons & Armor)
I Description
The numbers alongside these Icons show you the
exact requirements for each attribute In order to
effectlvety wield the weapon In question, or equip
the piece of armor.


Choosing the right weapons and equipment for both the situation at hand, and your playstyle,
is one of the biggest parts of building your character in Dark Souls, and this section hopes to
provide you with enough details to make an informed decision. Every weapon and piece of
armor will be displayed in this chapter so that you can find out if it's the type of thing that will
suit you character build, allowing you to plan ahead and better focus your efforts.

Once you've actually chosen what weapon to wield and armor to REINF<)RCING THINGS THAT CANN<)T
wear, the next step is to Reinforce it so that you get the maximum N<.1R/v\ALLY BE REINF<.1RCED
benefit from it. Reinforcing weapons will often give you immediately
noticeable increases in damage output that would have otherwise TWINKLING Tl TANI ff
taken numerous stat increases to achieve, so it is one of the best Item Effect Reinforces what cannot normally be reinforced
ways of making your character more effective in combat. Similarly, A form of titanite with sp9Cial pOW11r. R9inforce equipm9nt that cannot normally be
every individual piece of armor can be Reinforced to provide better rQinforCQd up to +5. What cosmic -nt could haw croatlld such a pow11rful class of
levels of protection, without having to resort to potentially heavier litlnillll

armor pieces.
Some rare weapons and pieces of armor cannot be upgraded
Shields should also not be ignored when it comes to Reinforce- via normal means, and you'll have to use pieces of rare Twinkling
ment, as each level you take a Shield to will bring with it an increase Titanite. Although weapons that require Twinkling Titanite can only
in damage reduction capabilities while you're guarding. In order to be Reinforced to +5, generally speaking they see much bigger
actually perform the Reinforcement, you'll need to visit one of the increases per level than normal weapons, and can end up gaining
Blacksmiths, and while they can all Reinforce any weapon, some of more power overall, even with having only gone up half as many
them have additional abilities that make them worth seeking out. levels.


ltam Effect Reinforces equipment Item Effect Reinforces special equipment
Titanite shard used to reinf0f09 equipment. Reinforces equipment up to +3. Titanite was A large p91rffi9d bone. R9inforcas equipment mad9 from sp9cial souls. Commonly callld
disc0\/9rod in an ancient l:l'f9r of oartti. and is s.iid to boa gift of tho (IOds. Tilanita of this dragon bona. but the wracity of lha nama is qullStionablo. In any case, this pgtrifilld bon9
sizg has very itd11 pomr, but it is stil a rar11 find. hOUSQS gr11a1 pow11r.


Certain weapons in the game can only be acquired by trading Boss
ltam Effect Reinforces equipment
Souls to specific NPCs for them, and those weapons can only be
Larg11 lltinite shard us11d to r11inforce gqulpmgnt. R11inforc11s gquipmgnt up to +6. litanil9 Reinforced through the use of Petrified Dragon Bone. Much like
was discover11d in an and11nt laYQr of 11art11, and is said to b11 a gift of thlil gods. Titinite of
this sizg has 1ram11ndous pOWllr, and is a very rar11 find. things that are Reinforced with Twinkling Titanite, these weapons
can also only go to +5, but the stat growth per level is often even
Tl TAN I rt CHUNK more significant with these weapons, making them generally some
ltam Effect Reinforces equipment of the strongest weapons in the game.
litanil9 chunk us11d to r11inforc1111quipm11nt Rainforc11s 11quipm11nt up to +g, Titanil9 was
disc0\/9rod in an ancient l:rfer of eartti, and is said to be a gift of the gods. Thero aro said
to be only a scarce few titanile chunks in the world.
Item Effact Sttenothens pyromancy flame
ltam Effect Reinforces equipment
A tjnv waning flame. Used to strengthen a pyromancy flame. A womancy flame s91Ws
Titanite slab used to reinforce equipment. Reinforces equipment up to+ 10. Tltanite was as the catalyst for pyromandes, and scales 1he strength of each spell according to its
disc0\/9rod in an ancient l:rfer of eartn, and is said to be a gift of the gods. One of the lewl. Fire is a common object of worship. It can n9V9r be grasplld, and its mystery stokes
o.-igina I slabs that provided the world with all forms of titanile. Titanil9 slabs were created the human imagination.
to smith th11 WGapons of th11 gods, or so thlil l9011ncls S:l'f.

Pyromancy Flames cannot be reinforced through traditional means,

Most weapon and armor pieces in the game can be upgraded so to strengthen them you will first need to find special items called
through the use of normal Titanite in its various forms. As you Fire Seeds. Finding one of these rare seeds is only half the battle,
increase the level of your equipment you'll need more of each however, because it takes years of dedication and training to be
type ofTitanite, and increasingly rare forms of it, so you'll need to able to apply its powers to the Pyromancy Flame, and only a select
think wisely about where and how you use your resources. On top few NPCs are capable of undertaking the task. You will either need
of needing the required type and amount ofTitanite, every time to have the required Intelligence (Bl to speak with Carhillion of the
you want to upgrade it will cost you a number of Souls, the exact Fold, or have removed the petrification from Rosabeth of Melfia,
amount of which varies between the different weapons, and the as they are the only two that can perform this process. Pyromancy
cost will also rise along with the level. Flames can be strengthened to + 10 if you manage to find enough
Fire Seeds.


The only Blacksmith capable of Infus- fAI NTST<.~N F
ing weapons with additional proper- Item Effect Adds Magic Attack damage and Increases Magic Reduction on
ties is Steady Hand McDuff. and he a weapon
can be found in his workshop in The An altered state of titanite. Use to imbue wvapons with magic, or 10 proode magic
reduction to shields. Sor011rers at the Melfian Magic.Academy once attempted to imtue
Lost Bastille. Before you can talk to titanite with various elements, but are said 10 have fai9CI. Someone must haw suoc91lded
him, however, you'll need to retrieve thou(lh; what el sci would l!Xplain this stonci 1
the Dull Ember from the Iron Keep,
for without it his forge will not burn. BoLrsroNE
Once you have the Ember, McDuff
will happily do any Reinforcing or
Infusing that you need. In order to
----- -
Item Effect Adds Lightning Attack damage and Increases Lightning
Reduction on a weapon
An allllrcid statci of titanitci. Usci to imbYCI WGapons with Hghtning. or to provide tiglltning
reduction 10 shields. Sor09rers at the Melfian Magic.Academy once attempted 10 imtuci
Infuse an additional property onto a titanitci with various elemcints, but are said 10 have fai9CI. Someone must haw suoceGded
weapon. you will need the corre- though; what Clise would explain this stone?
sponding stone, but once you have
them. most weapons can be Infused flREDRAKE SrONE
with any type. Item Effect Adds Fire Attack damage and increases Fire Reduction on a
There are, of course, a few excep- An altered state of titanite. Use to imbue ,wapons with fire. or lo provide fire reduction 10
tions to this. Staffs can only be shkllds. Sorcenn at the MeWian Magic Academy once attempUld 10 imbue titanite with
various cilciments. but are said to haw failed. Someone must haw succeCldod. 1hough:
Infused using either Faintstones what else would axplain this stone?
or Darknight Stones to further
increase their normal attack types. [)ARKNIGHT STONE
and similarly, Chimes can only be Item Effect Adds Dark Attack damage and Increases Dari< Reduction on a
Infused with Boltstones or Darknight weapon
Stones. Similarly, you cannot Infuse An altered state of titanite. Use to imbue wvapons with dark, or to proode dark reduction
to shields. Sor011rers al the Mellian Magic.Academy once attempUld to imbue titlnite wi1h
Poison Stones or Bleed Stones onto various elements, but are said 10 have failed. Someone must haw succeeded, 1hough;
Bows. If you pici< up a weapon that what else would axplain this stone?
is already Infused with a certain ele-
ment (such as a Fire Longsword). or POISl)N S ll)Nl
you want to change the attributes of Item Effect Adds Polson Attack damage end Increases Pl:>lson Reduction
a weapon you've previously Infused, on a weapon
you can do so at any time by simply An altercid state of titanite. Usci to imbYCI WGapons with poison. or to providci poison
reduction to shields. SorOllrers at the Melfian Magic.Academy once attempUld to
selecting whatever new Infusion you imbue titanite with various elements, but are said 10 have tail9CI. Someone must have
want to use. succe9d9CI, though; what else would explain this stoo117

For weapons such as the Heide BLEED STONE

Knight Sword that already deal ad- Item Effect Adds Bleed Atteok damage and Increases Bleed Reduction on
ditional elemental damage, but do a weapon
not count as elemental weapons. you An altered state of litanite. Use to make wggpons la011rating, or to provide bl91lding
rciduction 10 shicilds. Sorairers at 1h11 M111fian Magic.Academy oncci attempted to
can still Infuse additional proper- imbuci titanitci w~h va nous elemcints. but .are s:iid to have failCld. Someona must haw
ties onto them. So using the Heide succe9<19CI. though; what else would explain this stooci?
Knight Sword again as an example.
since it already has Lightning dam- RAW STONE
age, you could choose to use a Item Effect Lowers the Attribute Bonus, but slgnlflcanuy Increases base
Boltstone to further increase its damage on a weapon (not shields)
Lighting damage at the cost of nor- An altered staUI of titanite. Changes weapon class 10 Raw. Cannot be used on shields.
This unusuany hard titaniUI raises a waapon's physical attack power, but lowgrs streng1h
mal damage. You could also choose and d9Xlerity bonuses.
to Infuse it with a different elemental
type, so that it deals both Lighting
t; {.,' MAGIC SrONl

and Fire damage, for example. By In- ' ,
Item Effect Places a Magic Attribute Bonus onto a weapon (not shields) so
fusing various weapons with different that It gets increased damage based on Intelligence
properties, you can greatly increase An a1ter11d state of titanite. Usci on WGapon to coowrt wicilder's inUlllig;ncci into attadc.
your tactical options in battle, and Cannot bci usGd on shields. Sorairers at thci Mcilfian MagicAc.lderTrf once attcimpted to
since they are so easy to change. imbue titanite with various elem11nts, but .are said to have failCld. Someona must haw
succe9<19CI, though; what else would explain this stonci7
there's no harm in experimenting.
After Infusing a weapon. you'll also l)LD MUNDANE STONE
get a small icon on its picture to let Item Effect Cuts all attack values on the selected weapon in half
you know what effect it currently has
An altercid state of Utanitci. Usci to imbYCI WGapons with powGr of the mund.lnlil. cannot
on it. be usGd on shi11lds. f'Qopl11 do not look favorably on the banal, but som11tim11S QI/Qn lhll
most mundane of objects can cast things in .a most pleasant light.

Item Effect Remows all other Infusions from weapons and shields
An altercid state of titanite. Usci on a WGapon or shield to undo all imbued pOWlilrs. This
dOQS not rawrt rQinforaiment. but undOQS imbYCld powers such as magic, fire, poison.


Daggers are small, fast. light. and are capable of both thrusting
and slashing attacks, making them useful for many situations. Due
to their fast speed, you can overwhelm enemies with a flurry of
Quick horizontal slash that can be used
attacks. which can easily interrupt them out of their own attacks. It's Weak Attack
also worth noting that buffing Daggers to do additional damage is ... .. repeatedly
. ..
Slower thrust attack that can be fol lowed
normally recommended, since the fast attack speed of the Dagger Strong Attack
with another thrust
will make great use of the flat damage caused from weapon buffs.
Roll+ Weak Attack Quick short range thrust
Daggers also benefit from a high critical hit damage modifier; not Backstep + Weak Attack DashlnQ horizontal slash
only does this mean your critical hits will be dealing more dam- TINo-Handed Weak Attack
Quick horizontal slash that can be used
age, but you will also get more damage from landing a backstab or repeatedly
riposte. Very little stamina is used with each Dagger attack, meaning TINo-Handed Strong Attack
Slower thrust attack that can be followed up
you can chain attacks in rapid succession before finally running out with another thrust

of steam. Due to the small size of the Dagger, however, caution 1\No-Handed Roll+ Weak Attack
...........lonQ range thrust
........................... ...........................
should be taken when taking on multiple enemies. TINo-Handed Backst»p + Weak Attack DashlnQ diagonal slash


A standard dagger. Has only Dagger used by those who lurk In
modest attack and short reach, but Dagger Dagger
the shadows. Formed by bending a
can be Jabbed In rapid succession. SlasNThrust s1M>rd Into the shape or a dagger. Slash/Thrust
With a powerful critical attack, this 57 .. 115 45 In Mlrrah, the land of knights, there 60,,.120 45
ls a potent weapon In the hands of exists an order or shadow knights
the capable. 0 10 0 10
who carry out assassinations In the
0 30 cover of darkness. Those who fled 0 30
0 30 even the order of shadoW knights 0 30
had rejected all forms of honor, and
0 20 0 20
Acquired from Things Betwixt (P) resorted to unseemly mercenary work.
0 15 0 15
Acquired from Suspicious Shadows (E) (NG+)
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 15
0 0 15
Repair Cost 430 Reinforcement Material Titanlte
150 15 130 15
Repair cost 600
10 15 10 15
0 16 0 20
0 60 o 0 60
m 1.5


Unlike standard weapons, this Dagger with a orooked tip. A
dagger Is equipped on the left hand Dagger Dagger
common accessory of thieves,
for parrying. Accomplishments SlasNThrust shoddily crafted and without much Slash/Thrust
are forever out of reach to those 40 .. 80 45 bite. 52 "105 45
who constantly fear failure. A true
warrior hones hls body and mind, 0 10 0 10
and peers far beyond Immediate 0 30 0 30
hardship. 0 30 0 30
0 20 0 20
Acquired from The Lost Bastille (P) Acquired from Rogue (Bowl (El.
0 16 0 15
Rogue (Dual Daggers) (E)
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 0 15 0 15
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte
Repair Cost 670 120 15 110 15
Repair cost 680
10 15 10 15

l!:J- 4 -r.i
11-u-0 1-0- I I ~ 15
60 L!J2rJ1U~110

~ E n A • - =•=-==•=-==c!c====I ~Em 0.5

II 0.5


A knl1e with a slightly broad single A broken straight sword. Handled
edge. Its tip Is shaped to leave
r; Dagger Ill Dagger
as a dagger due to Its length. This
a wound that won't easily close. / 1111 Slash/Thrust
Designed for unsavory work. and ./ !i0 .. 100 ,. 45
Inexpensive sword Is terribly worn.
but nevertheless a faYOrlte amongst 57 .. 115 45
beloved by those of unsavory Ilk. thieves.
0 ~' 10
, 0 \ 30 0 30
A; 0 ().
20 0 20
Acquired from Huntsman's Copse (P), ,,, 0 i 15 Acquired from Heida's Tower or Flame IP), Rogue (BoW)
0 15
Hollow Infantry IE) .._ (E), Rogue (Dual Daggers) (E)
67 .. 100

25 0 15 r
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte
Repair Cost 690
130 ",. 15
Reinforcement Material Titanlte
100 15
10 15 16 15
0 15 .. llll!!!!!!ll...... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii]~•COlll!!!!st!!lll69•011111!!!!!1!1 0 5
8 r.J U o II / '{ti
i~il M~a-m-
3 11 0 60 0 60
~Dn-11-m-•-m- g =1===1 5 0


Knife of the manikins of Harvest
Valley. The peculiar art of puppetry DaggGr
Is a wstlge of the two lost lands. SlashfTllrust
The Queen, entranced by poison, 52 = 105 45
used It to beokon unknowing souls
to the defiled valley. 0 10
0 30
0 30
0 20
Acquired from Manlldn (Bowl (El. Manikin (Dagger) (El
0 15
Reinforcement Mater1al Titanlte
0 15
Repair Cost 1090 150 15
10 15
0 15
0 90

A dagger fashioned from rare
gelsteel, boasting an unusually Dagger
long blade. Gelsteel was a precious SlashfTllrust
alloy created In the eastern land of
100= 150 45
Mlrrah, Its composmon long kept
secret from foreign lands. That 0 10
Is, until Chancellor Weilager was 0 30
ordered by King Vendrick to grant 0 30
the gifted blacksmith Llewellyn a
0 20
lifetime contract, whatever the cost, In order to Introduce
the rare alloy to Dranglelc. 0 15
Acquired from ChancellorWellager (0) 0 15
Reinforcement Mater1al T\\inkllng Tltanlte 130 15
10 15

Repair Cost 1090

0 15

1~1:1°1~-- 0 60


Dagger forged from the soul of
Myths, the Baneful Queen. Coated Dagger
with a potent poison. Mytha was Sia shfTllrust
the fairest queen In the land, until

40=100 45
something unhinged her. Was It
the poison found deep within the 0 10
earth, or the passion that consumed 0 30
her heart? 0 30
0 20
Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Soul Trade) (Ml
67,olOQ 65
Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone
0 15
Repair Cost 1600 150 15
10 15
0 15
II o 0 40

m- II- 0.5


A dagger affixed with a black
crystal. Found deep Inside the DaggGr
Gutter. In the Black Gulch. Heavier SlashfTllrust
than a standard dagger. but with a 55:>110 45
fine crystal that gives It a smoother
slice. Some of the more determined 0 10
souls exiled to the Gutter sought 0 30
to scale the walls of the forsaken 0 30
place and walk the earth once
again, but failed, and wasted away mired In misery and 0 20
resentment 0 15
Acquired from ChancellorWellager (M) 0 15
Reinforcement Mater1al ntanlte 130 15
Repair Cost 590 5 15
0 15
0 50


Straight Swords have a range of different attack types. and since General Attacks
they are longer than most Daggers this makes them a good all-
rounder weapon type. Though the Straight Sword does not tend
Attack I Description
to have high critical damage like the Dagger. they make up for that Dlagooal slash that can be followed up with
Weak Attack
a rising diagonal slash
with higher base damage and longer reach, which helps when deal-
Strong Attad< Horizontal slash that can be used repeatedly
ing with multiple enemies. Straight Swords also use less stamina
than the heavier weapons and benefit from being light. meaning you Roll + Weak Attack Quick short range thrust
............ ... . .
can chain numerous attacks before running out of stamina. Backstop + Weak Attack Dashing horizontal slash
Dlagooal slash that can be followed up with
l\No-Handed Weak Attack
Another benefit of the lighter weight is the fact that you will be able a horizontal slash
to focus on heavier armor sets without sacrificing dodging speed, Rising dlagooal stash that can be followed
l\No-Handed Strong Attadc
making them a great choice for those that prefer a more defensive ·•
up with a horizontal slash
. ..
character build while still having fast attack speed. Though Straight l\No-Handed Roll + Weak Attad< Quick long range thrust
Swords can be used for many different situations and are faster l\No-Handed Badcst.ep + Weak Attad< Dashing thrust
than most weapons, they do have smaller range than a lot of other
weapons. meaning you still need to be close to an enemy before
you're able to deal damage.

A small straight sword. Longer Standard straight sword. This
than a dagger. but stlll llghtwelghL Straight S\vord straight sword Is sufficient In most
r; Straight ~ord
Wldety used, as It requires no respects, and ellectlve In most /
particular strength. A reasonable situations If wielded properly. Those .,_,

III 50
I '

choice that wtll suffice In many who aspire to master the sworo are
10 r. 0 10
situations, but not the thing to take certain to wield this at some point
along If you expect to face any 0 35 during their journey. ~ 0 35
serious challenge. 0 35 ,,
, 0 35
0 25 A> 0 25
Acquired from Forest of Fallen Giants (P), Dark Spirit:
0 20
Acquired from Earthen Peak (P), Dark Stalker (El, Goblin ,,, 0 20
Heavy crcssocw (E) (NG+) (Hammer) (El. Blacksmith Lenlgrast (Ml
0 20 0 20
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte Reinforcement Material Tltanlte
120 20 110 20

Repair Cost 766

.. !!!l!l!!!.. llllll!!!!!~--...iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim111
20 ~ I 20

~ c1
~ rJca-m-•-m-
rJ 10 U o II o II 0 00
2 i~i~l1~.-m- 0
0 60


Standard straight sw::>rd. This Inexpensive straight sword.
• straight sword Is sufficient In most Straight SWord
/ Standard Issue for Dranglelc foot Straight ~Ord

respects, and effective In most Slastvrhrus t soldiers. No masterpiece, this Slash/Thrust
situations If wtelded properly. Those
ill j weapon won't be used to lend off

who aspire to master the sword are
certain to wield this at some point
during their Journey.

any truly threatening foe.
I 30
0 35 "-:-- 0 20
0 25 0 10
Acquired from Forest of Fallen Giants (P), Dark Stalker Acquired from Hollow Infantry
(El. Goblin (Hammer) (El, Blacksmith Lenlgrast (Ml 0 20 (SWOrd & Small Shield) (El 0 15
0 20 0 16
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte Reinforcement Material Titantte
110 20 110 15
Repair Cost 726 Repair Cost 745
20 20 25 20
0 30 0 20
0 00 0 20
3 2


Straight sw::>rd with Its blade broken Straight sword wielded by
near In hall. Nearly useless In
r; Straight SWord Varanglans and engraved with a Straight ~Ord
battle, but •nearly useless· trumps / Slastvrhrust skull. A former king launched a Slash/Thrust
~·· campaign to capture these terrors
20 125.. 250

I 50
of the high seas, but rather than
,., 0 5 0 10
Imprison them, forced them Into
~ 0 20 hard labor at No·man'sWharl. 0 35
}( 0 20 0 35
,f.) 0 10 0 25
Acquired from Forest of Fallen Giants (Pl, Captive ,,, 0 15
Acquired from Varanglan Sailor (Bowl (E), Varanglan
0 20
Undead (Sword) (E), Surprising Undead (SWOrd) IE), Sailor (SWOrd & Small Shield) IE)
Merchant Hag Melentla (Ml 0 15 0 20
,. Reinforcement Material Titanlte
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 100 16 110 20
Repair Cost 726
Repair Cost 276
~· ·- 15 15 20 20
0 5 0 30
/ 0 40 ~
...., 1<1 ""'s
U Mo
U II o 0 40
~c rJc ·- m- 5


Straight sword wielded by Leydla An extremely sturdy pitch-black
apostles. Imbued wtth a speolal • Straight S\Vord straight sword. Colossal warriors • Straight Sword
magic that makes the Blue Flame rJI Slastvrhrus t staunchly watch over the shrine, r.ii Slashflllrust
both a sword and magic catalyst. 73<> 110 50 ready to defend Its resident, or 122<>245 50
Execute a strong attack to emit allow one worthy enough to be
magic. The Leydla apostles, adept at 107 0160 10 granted audience. 0 10
magic, wielded unique weapons but 0 35 0 35
were hunted down as traitors. 0 35 0 35
0 25 0 25
Acquired from Leydla Pyromancer (E) Acquired from Drakekeeper (Greatsword_Shleld) (E)
0 20 0 20
Reinforcement Mater1al TwlnkllngTltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
0 20 0 20
Repair Cost 670 110 20 Repair cost 765 100 20
Note Strong Attaok will cast an equipped Sorcery 20 20 25 20
0 30 0 30
0 00 0 70
3 6


,,. Straight sword originating In In legend, this oddly-shaped straight
Helde. Aspeclal alloy makes It • Straight S\wrd sword Is said to be forged from the • Straight Sword
I very durable. The composttlon of SlastvThrust black dragorfs tall. As It Is told, the Slashllllrust
/ the alloy of these swords remains 75 .. 150 50
black dragon lost Its tall to a brave 120 .. 300 50

a mystery, but In Dranglelc the warrior In a magnificent battle, and
attempt to Imitate It resulted In the 0 30 the tall was later used to forge 0 10
similar bradden steel. 0 35 several legendary weapons. 0 35
50<>00 35 0 35

Acquired from Helde Knight (SWord) (E), Helde Knight

(El (NG+)
0 I 25
Acquired from Dragon Knight (SWord) (E)
Relnforcem ent Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone
0 I 25

Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte

Repair Cost 755
I 20
Repair cost 1255
I 20
20 r1
15 a~
m I -11-11-


Straight sword of warrior Vengarl of A straight sword affixed with yellow
Forossa. This sword Is battle-worn Straight S\YOrd quartz. This lonQsword was found
and terribly rusted, but remains SlastvThrust In the Iron Keep. Breaks easily due Sia shflllrust
a deadly weapon owing to its 1360205 50
to corrosion, but Is light and still 110,n20 50
Incredible weight. Legend has It Inflicts very significant damage. In
that It was built to test the limits 0 10 the Old Iron King's great Iron keep 0 10
of the strength of Forossa knights, 0 35 was a vast collection of weapons, 0 35
until Vengarl swung It about Ilka 0 35 erected as a display or strength to 0 35
a wooden plaything, claiming the world. But they were lost when
ownership by demonstration.
I 0 25 the king's conceit doomed the castle to sink Into a lake 0 25

0 20 of fire. 0 20
Acquired from Vengarl of Forossa (Ml
0 • 20 Acquired from ChancellorWellager (M) 0 • 20
Reinforcement Mater1al TwlnkllngTltanlte
100 20 Reinforcement Mater1al Tltantte 120 20
Repair Cost 1266
25 20 Repair Cost 726 20 20
0 30 0 30
0 00 0 30
8 2

A well-forged long sword. Of
unknown origin, and exhibiting no Straight SWord
special power, but sturdily crafted. Slastvrhrus t
Perhaps It does not live up to Its 87<>175 50
name, but nevertheless. merely
wielding this sword seems to cause 0 10
warmth to wall up within one's 0 35
bosom. 0 35
0 25
Acquired from Heirs to the Sun (C)
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
II 0 20
0 20
Repair Cost 726 110 20
20 20
0 30
0 60


Longer and heavier than a Straight Sword, Greatswords sacrifice
speed in order to dish out extra damage. Though it can be difficult
to land an attack against speedier foes, the size of the weapon and
arc of its swing makes it perfect for dealing with multiple enemies
at the same time. Another benefit of using a Greatsword is that
the hits are so powerful that quite often it will actually stagger the
enemy, allowing you to deal additional hits. Though the Greatsword
is surprisingly effective in experienced hands, the heavier weight
does mean it will deplete your stamina quicker. Caution should be
taken when using a Greatsword against more experienced players
as they may be able to parry due to the slow swing speed of the
Greatsword. However, those that can master the moveset can be
a very scary sight. as a Greatsword can be used to interrupt spell
casts and stagger opponents mid swing while inflicting heavy dam-
age in the process.

General Attacks
Attack I Description
Quick horizontal slash that can be used
Weak Attack
Long range thrust that can be follcmed up
Strong Attack
with a horlzontal slash
Roll + Weak Attack Quick long range thrust

..............Attack Dashing diagonal slash
.................................................................. .........................................................
Quick diagonal slash that can be follcmed up
TWO·Handed Weak Attack
with a rising diagonal slash
Horizontal slash that can be folloWed up
TWo-Handed Strong Attack
with a rising vertical slash
TWo-Handed Roll +Weak Attack Quick vertical slash
TWo-Handed Backstep +Weak Attack Dashing horizontal slash


A standard greatsword. Heavy A very large greatsword. Very
greatswords are designed to be Greatsword heavy, and designed for use with Greatsword
wielded two-handed. Normally Slashfrhrus t both hands. Allows for broad attacks Sia sh/Thrust
swung In large arcs and effective 140 ..280 60 that are effective against multiple 145 ... 2go 60
against multiple foes, be wary that foes. Requires great strength and
such attacks leave the wielder wide 0 10 experience to handle effectively. 0 10
open. 0 40 0 40
0 40 0 40
0 20 0 20
Acquired from Forest of Fallen Giants (P), Hollow Soldier Acquired from Vengar1 of Forossa (M)
(Greatsword) (El, Steady Hand McDuff (Ml 0 20 0 20
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte
0 20 0 20
Reinforcement Materlal Tltanlte
120 20 Repair Cost 930 110 20
Repair Cost 880
35 20 35 20
0 40 0 40
0 60 0 60
6 e


A greatsword with an undulating Greatsword of the royal
blade. The unique shape Is designed GrQ;JtsWOrd swordsmen. Its undulating blade GrQQtsword
to pare the flesh, and Is highly Slashfrhrus t draws blood from Its foes. Despite Slash/Thrust
effective at causing bleeding. 125 ..250 60 the magnificence of this weapon, It 120 .. 240 60
Flamberge llterally means "flame was terribly Inadequate In the war
blade; but It also seems to bear a 0 10 against the mighty Giants. 0 10
certain creature's likeness. 0 40 0 40
0 40 0 40
0 20 0 20
Acquired from Chancellor Wellager (M) Acquired from Royal Swordsman (E)
0 20 0 20
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 67 .. 100 Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 67 .. 100
30 30
Repair Cost 880 110 20 Repair Cost 880 110 20
35 20 35 20
0 40 0 40
0 60 0 70
7 6


An old undated great sword. Greatsword Issued to the p<oud
Wielded by a warrior from a time so Graatsword knights of Mlrrah's otncial order. Greatsword
ancient that there exists no record Slastvrhrus t This greatsword demands advanced SlashfTllrust
of his endeavors. Has extremely 140 ..290 so sl<fli In a rare and unique sword 125,0250 60
low durabllfty. Sometimes, Just as a technique. A tiny message Is
thing falls to pieces, It unleashes Its 0 10 Inscribed In the blade, a promise to 0 10
last flash of great power... 0 40 someone special. 0 40
0 40 0 40
0 20 0 20
Acquired from Old Knight (Greatsword & Shield) (El Acquired from Dark Spirit: Aslatlel of Mlrrah (E)
0 20 0 20
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al Titanlte
0 20 0 20
Repair Cost 976 100 20 Repair Cost 930 120 20
40 20 35 20
0 40 0 40
0 30 0 60
13 7


Greatsword of the Primal Knights The blade of this greatsword shines
that defend Dranglelc castle. The Gre;tsword like the brilliant rays of the moon. In Gr;iatsword
brutish and mighty Primal Knights Slastvrhrus t the oldest legends, rarely spoken of SlashfTllrust
wield this sword like a featheFslight 150 .. 300 so today, It Is said that the sword was 100 .. 320 60
twig, but to the ordinary warrior born of a great white being. Then,
It Is a chore to even hold up, 0 10 what explains th Is ltfeless weapon? 0 10
owing to Its great weight. Terrible 0 40 Perhaps there has been some 0 40
experiments were said to have 0 40 mistake ... 0 40
taken place In a hidden manor In
Dranglelc. The mastermind presiding !JI/er the deeds was 0 20 0 20
Acquired from Benhart of Jugo (Q)(E)
known as Lord Aldla. 0 20 0 20
0 20 Reinforcement Mater1al Titanlte 0 20
Acquired from Dranglelc Castle (P)

100 20 Repair Cost 930 110 20
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
40 20 35 20
!!Re!!papiml iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
-1 0 40 0 40

fi:H:l l~a-m-
3 1 0
0 70
0 30


Greatsword of Drummond, The blade of this greatsword shines
Royal Army Captain. An old and Graatsword like the brilliant rays of the moon. In GrQQtsword
unadorned sword, perhaps, but SlasM"hrust the oldest legends, rarely spoken of Sia shlTllrust
today, It Is said that the sword was
the pride and Joy of this venerable
captain. An heirloom passed from
• 196 ..290 ~ so
born of a great white being. The
O ill 60
grandfather to father, and then 0 10 strong attack unleashes Its strength, 152 .. 300 10
from father to son. Drummond, and 0 40 launching a WrNe of moonlight 0 40
those before him, used this sword 0 40 0 40
to repel those who would threaten
their great land. 0 20 0 20
Acquired from \Neaponsmlth Ornlfex (Soul Trade) (M),
0 20 Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (M) (NG+) 0 20
Acquired from Forest of Fallen Giants (Pl
0 20 0 20
Reinforcement Mater1al TwlnkllngTltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone
120 20 120 20
Repair Cost 1380 Repair Cost 1476 Note Strong Attack launches a WrNe
35 20 35 20

of green moonlight In front of you

lfJ--I : 0
I 40
~g ~;
ti~18 1811111111!!!!!!1 0 .--_
~ ------1


Greatsword Issued to the proud Greatsword wielded by knights
knights of Mlrrah's official order. Gre;tsword who served a lord of fight In a GrQQtsword
This one was wielded by Lucatlel. Slastvrhrus t long-forgotten age. Even after their SlashfTllrust
This greatsword demands advanced 12s .. 2so so flesh was charred by flame, they 196 .. 200 60
skill In a rare and unique sword remained as strong as ever, and
technique. A tiny message Is 0 10 stood watch, challenging visitors to 0 10
Inscribed In the blade, a promise to 0 40 their land. 50,090 40
someone special. 0 40 0 40
0 20 0 20
Acquired from Merchant Hag Melentla (M), Acquired from Iron Keep (Pl
Lucatlel of M lrrah (Q) 0 20 0 20
Reinforcement Mater1al Twtnk.llng Tltanlte
0 20 0 20
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
120 20 Repair Cost 976 110 20
Repair Cost 930
35 20 35 20
0 40 0 40
0 so 0 70
•-m- 12


Greatsword wielded by the Throne
Watcher. Unleash Its true power to Greatsword
enwreath In magic. The watcher has Slash/Thrust
stood by the throne for ages. Wiii 74 .. 195 60
his wait be worth the while 7
60 .. 1so 10
0 40
0 40
0 20
Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (SoulTredeJ (Ml
0 20
Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone
0 20
Repair Cost 1336 110 20
Note Coats the weapon with magic energy, replaces 35 20
Two-Handed Parry
0 40

I 1: e : I : I ~~·~=-~·~=-=cJ!: : :=== ====


Greatsword ofVendrlok, King of

Dranglelc. The strength of this
sword Is relatlVe to the number of
souls possessed by Its wielder. The
great king shut himself away, and
I Gre:itsword
112 ..290 60
was soon reduced to a mere shell. 0 10
Just what was It that he yearned 0 40
to protect? 0 40
0 20
Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (SoulTredeJ (Ml
0 20
Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone 0 20
Repair Cost 1880 110 20
Note The attack of this weapon Increases along with the 35 20
total number of Souls you hold
0 40
0 60


A greatsword forged from the soul In legend, this oddly-5haped long
GrG.ltsWOrd sword ts said to be forged from the Greatsword
of the Looklno Glass Knight Strono
attack unleashes Its latent power. Slastvrhrus t black dragon's tall. As It Is told, the Slash/Thrust
Fearing something wicked, the King
fled the castle and never returned.
94 .. 210 .JI 00 black dragon lost Its tall to a brave
warrior In a magnl llcent battle, and
136 .. 340 ill 60

But his warrior. forever true to his 0 10 the tall was later used to forge 0 10
command, stands ready to expunge 0 40 several legendary weapons. 0 40
those who would challenge him. so .. oo 40 0 40
0 20 0 20
Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (Soul Trade) (M) Acquired from Dark Spirit: Dragonfang Villard (E), Dragon
0 20 Remnants (CJ 0 20
Reinforcement Mater1al F9trllled Dragon Bone 0 20 0 20
Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone
Repair Cost 1380 110 20 100 20
Repair Cost 1430
Note Using strong attack will allow you to use a special 35 20 35 20
attack, launchlng a spear of energy In front of you
0 40 0 40
0 70 ~ zs l"J ,a U o II o 0 70
~ m II m- • - m =-"===~_c__:_:_


Greatsword wielded by the Throne Sword that opens the Embedded's
Grgatsword door. Shaped like a weapon, bu tis Greatsword
Defender. Unleash Its true power to
enwreath In magic. The Defender Slastvrhrus t In fact a key. Plunge the key Into Stash/Thrust
has stood by the throne for ages. the Embedded to bring a rhapsodic

115 .. 230 60

90 .. 200 00 end to his fate. The once-human
Wiii his wait be worth the while?
0 10 Embedded, realizing that he oould 0 10

0 40 never resist the temptations of the 0 40

flesh, bound himself eternally with 0 40
30 .. 00 40
chains. Since then, he has awaited
0 20 the day that somebody wlll find this key, and bury It 0 20
Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (Soul Trade) (M) within his bosom. 0 20
0 20
Reinforcement Mater1al F9trlfled Dragon Bone Acquired from Demon of Song (El 0 20
0 20
Repair Cost 1430 110 20 Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte 150 20
Note Coats the weapon with electrical ene rgv. replaces 35 20 Repair Cost 836 35 20
Two-Handed ?arry 0 40
0 40

pj 12 b 0 00 II o 0 60
cfl oa O 1115

m 8 m-•-m- 4


Ultra Greatswords are the biggest and heaviest out of all the Sword General Attacks
types. Due to their massive size they tend to require a high amount
of Strength to have any chance of wielding it, and because of the
Attack I Description
weight. each swing will be painfully slow and drain a lot of your Diagonal slash that can be followed up with
Weak Attack
a horlzontal slash
stamina. Wielding the weapon in two hands can offset some of these
drawbacks, and is the recommended way of using these weapons. Overhead vertical slash that can be followed
Strong Attack
up with a rising vertical slash
........................................... ············••···· . .
Roll + Weak Attack Overhead vertical slash
However, due to the large size and weight of them, each successful
attack will cause tremendous damage to enemies unlucky enough Backstop + Weak Att.lck Dashing diagonal slash
to be hit by one. Another benefit of having such a large weapon is 1\No-Handed Weak Attack Diagonal slash that can be used repeatedly
it gives you excellent attack range, allowing you to slash multiple LonQ range thrust that can be followed up
1\No-Handed Strong Attack
enemies at the same time, with a very high chance of staggering with a rising diagonal slash
them as well. One of the downsides of having such a large weapon 1\No-Handed Roll+ Weak Attack Rising diagonal stash
is missing an attack will leave you extremely vulnerable, due to how
1\No-Handed Backstep + Weak Attack DashlnQ diagonal slash from below
long it will take you to recover. This of course can be very costly
in PvP as opponents will most likely be able to get around and
backstab you.

A straight sword with a very
long blade. One of few ultra Ultra Greatsword
greats'WOrds. As the name Slash
suggests, the Zwelhander Is held 175=>350 70
with two hands, but Its weight Is
such that even wielding It In this 0 10
manner requires strength worthy of 0 50
tha blade. 0 50
0 35
Acquired from Iron Keep IP)
0 25
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte
0 25
Repair Cost 1110 130 25
50 25
0 45

II o 0 so
m -=""•=-===m~-


A straight sword with a very An extremely sturdy pitch-black
long blade. One of few ultra Ullr.i Greatsword greatsword. Colossal warriors U ltr.l Greatsword
greats'WOrds. No human was Slash staunchly watch over the shrine, Slash
Intended to wield a s'WOrd of this 200=>400 70 ready to defend Its resident, or 165 .. 330 70
weight or destructiveness. Only allow one 'WOrthy enough to be
a few famed warriors have ever 0 10 0 10
granted audience.
wielded this great blade, for It 0 50 0 50
challenges the very limits of human 0 50 0 50
0 35 0 35
Acquired from No-man's Wharf (P), Dark Spirit Acquired from Drakekeeper (Ultra Greats'WOrd) (E)
Greats'WOrd Phantom (El, Royal Guard (Ultra Greats'WOrd) 0 25 0 25
(El. Vengart of R>rossa (Ml Reinforcement Material Titanlte
0 25 0 26
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 130 25 Repair Cost 1610 130 25

Repair Cost 1336 50 25 50 25

0 45 0 46

rJ do II
·- o
0 70 13 0 70
22 ct D m- •-m- 20


An undated ultra greats'WOrd. Ultra greatsword wielded by knights
Wielded by a warrior from a time so Ultr.i Greatsword who served a lord of light In a Ultra Gr11atsword
ancient that there exists no record Slash long-forgotten age. Even after their Slash
of his endeavors. Has extremely 176=>360 70 flesh was charred by flame, they 1es .. 200 70
low durability. Sometimes, Just as a remained as strong as ever, and
thing falls to pieces, It unleashes Its 0 10 stood watch, challenging visitors to 0 10
last flash of great power ... 0 50 their land. eo .. 110 50
0 50 0 50
0 35 0 36
Acquired from Old Knight (Ultra Greatswordl (El Acquired from Brlghtstone Cove Tseldora (P), Kobold (El
0 25 0 26
Reinforcement Materfal Tltanlte 0
Reinforcement Materfal T~nkllng Tltanlte
25 0 25
Repair Cost 1186 130 25 Repair Cost 1260 130 26
50 25 60 25

1~ g lo a~ ·- m
0 46 0 45
0 30 16 0 70
20 c - 19


An ultra greatsword forged from A sword decorated with drake
the soul of the Smelter Demon. Its Ultra Greaisword wings. Use strong attack to unleash Ultra GrCl:ltsword
blade bears the strength of terrible Slash ' Its latent power. The blade of this Slash
I ..
flames, a latent power unleashed by 132 ,.330 70 sword Is split Into two, and Is 136 .. 340 70
a strong attack. The earth spouted best swung In smashing motions
fire, and a beast arose from the 0 10
rather than slices. Drakes are 0 10
flames. The short-sighted ldng was 100,.150 50 likely descendants of the ancient 0 50
Incinerated by the creature In one 0 50 dragons, and although their 0 50
swing, and his castle devoured In a strength pates In comparison to the
sea of flames. 0 35 what Is described In legend, to mere humans they are 0 35
0 25 still mighty beasts. 0 26
Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Soul Trade) (M)
0 25 Acquired from weaponsmlth Ornlfex (Soul Trade) (Ml 0 25
Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone
130 25 Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone 130 25
Repair Cost 1760
50 25 Repair cost 1636 50 25
Note Strong Attaok causes a fiery explosion In front
0 46 0 45
of you Note Two-Handed Strong Anaok will launch a ball of
0 70 energy In front of you 0 70
22 12


An ultra greatsword forged from the
soul of the Lost Sinner. Its blade Ultra Greaisword An ultra greatsword forged from the
soul of KlngVendr1ck. Inflicts heavy U ltr.i G rCl:ltSWOrd
saps the life of Its wielder. The true Slashfrhrus t
nature of this sword Is unknown, damage on enemy armor. Only the Strike
160,.400 70 King knows whether the deplctJon
even to the Lost Sinner herself. 1ro .. 450 70
Those who choose this sword 0 10 of the Queen Is a resentful
mockery, or an affectionate 0 10
will share the burden of the Lost 0 50
Sinner's misdeeds. exaltation. 0 50
0 50
0 50
0 35
Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (Soul Trade) (Ml 0 35
0 25 Acquired from weaponsmlth Ornlfex (Soul Trade) (Ml
Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone 0 25
0 25 Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone
Rapa Ir Cost 2006 0 26
130 25 Repair cost 2416 110 25
Note This blade will sap the life of Its wielder with ewry 50 25
successful attack 60 25
0 45
0 60
0 50

0 100


Ultra greatsword of the Pursuer. Ultra greatsword symbolizing
Known as the mightiest of the Ultra GrealSWord guardianship over the Undead Ultra GrCl:ltS\YOrd
straight swords, It demands great Slash Crypt The sword has never seen Slash
strength and dexterity of its wielder. the light of day, and Is steeped
The Pursuer hunts down those
branded by the curse, as If each
Undead soul that he claims will
In dark.
148 .. 370
I 70
atone one of his sins. 0 50 0 50
0 35 80<>130 46
Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Soul Trade) (Ml Acquired from weaponsmlth Ornlfex (Soul Trade) (Ml.
0 25 Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (Ml (NG+) 0 25
Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone 0 25 0 25
Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone
Repair Cost 1686 130 25 130 25
Repair cost 1760
50 25 60 25
0 45 0 45
rJ IJo lo rJ b I
·- ·- ·-
30 19 0 60 40 10 12 12 0 70
B m C m- •-m- 18 o mo m- A 24


Though similar in some ways to Straight Swords, Curved Swords General Attacks
tend to be a little smaller, and make up for it with faster attack
speed. Though Curved Swords are useful when fighting enemies
Attack I Description
one at a time, as you can overwhelm an enemy with a flurry of Quick diagonal slash that can be followed up
Weak Attack
with a horizontal slash
attacks, they can be difficult to use when facing multiple enemies ···-···,.................................. .. .
Rising diagonal stash that can be followed
due to their small size. Their lower than average base damage Strong Attad<
up with a horizontal slash
does mean, however. that they tend to be less effective against
Roll+ Weak Attack Short range horizontal slash
opponents wearing heavy armor or with hard skin. Where Curved .................................................................•................................................................................................
Swords truly shine is when you are dual wielding; when wielding a Backstep + Weak Attack Spinning vertical slash
Curved Sword in the left hand it becomes one of the few weapon 1\No-Handed Weak Attack
Diagonal slash that can be used repeatedly
"' .. ..
types that will actually allow you to parry while dual wielding, giving Rising diagonal stash that can be followed
1\No-Handed strong Attad<
you access to a defensive option if needed, while still drawing on up with a horizontal slash
the strengths of dual wielding. 1\No-Handed Roll+ Weak Attad< Spinning diagonal slash
1\No-Handed Bad<step + Weak Attad< Rising diagonal stash

A small curved sword with a narrow
blade. The rapid slashing of the Curved Sword
lightweight scimitar hardly allows Slash
the victim to catch a breath. Has a
sharp blade, but Is rather Ineffective
105•210 ;I 46

against armor and hard sldn. 0 10

0 30
0 30
0 20
Acquired from The Lost Bastllle (Pl. Varanglan Sailor
(Dual Curved Swords) (E) 0 15
0 25
Reinforcement Material Titanlte
110 15
Repair cost 660
20 16

~ 7 ~ 16 D O II O I 0

~ E a B • m - • - m =-~===-== 1.5


A standard curved sword. Each Small ourved sword of the manikins
CurwdSNord Curwd S\vord

.. / slash of a curved sword does less

damage than a stra lght sword, but
can deal a series of hits In flowing

120•240 45
of Harvest Valley. The peculiar art
of puppetry Is a vestige of the two
lost lands. The Queen, entranced
10700215 45

succession. The sharp blade Is by poison, used It to beckon
effective at causing bleeding, but Is 0 10 unknowing souls to the defiled 0 10
soon dulled. Beware when facing 0 30 valley. 0 30
'--... rock-solid foes. 0 30 0 30
0 20 0 20
Acquired from The Lost Bastille (P), Armored Skeleton Acquired from Manlldn (Curved S\Wrd) (E)
0 15 0 15

(Bow? IE), Armored Skeleton (Curved sword & Shield)
(El, Armored Skeleton (Dual Curved swords) IE), Goblin 53 .. 90 15 Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 0 16
(Hammer) (E), Skeleton (E), Blaoksmlth Lenlgrast (M) Repair cost 660
110 16 110 15
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte
20 16 16 15

~Ens• 11
.. ~ ....
l'J 13 H O II O

~ll l l l! ! l!I~:
;1!!!!!11!!11111 H B~o
~I~-.-- I!--I :
I 30


A uniquely-shaped curved sword.
The name of Its creator Is unknown, I Curwd SNord
Crafted at the Llndelt Monastery to
repltcate an ancient. sacred scimitar I CUIVGd SWord
but he was clearly a true craftsman. Slash characterized by Its uniquely shaped • Slash
The curved blade Is designed to 110 .. 220 45 tip. When a true master Wields Q5o100 45
reach around an opponent's shield this solmltar, their graceful chained
to deal damage. Use the strong 0 10 attacks are described as mystical 0 10
attaok to utilize. 0 30 dances, and their deadly slashes as 0 30
0 30 lingering nightmares. 0 30
0 20 0 20
Acquired from Blaok Gulch (Pl, Dari< Spirit: Rhoy the Acquired from Dari< Spirit: The Painting Protector (E)
Explorer (E) 0 16
(NG+) 0 15
0 15 0 15
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte Repair Cost 660 Reinforcement Material Titanlte
110 15 110 15
Note Strong Attaok Wiii allow you to pierce through Repair cost 660
shields 15 15 15 15

10 l'_J 16 H O I O


Scimitar of Laddersmlth Gilligan. A curved sword forged from the
Nothing notable about this weapon, • CurwdSNord soul of the Flexlle Sentry. Once • Curwd S\.-ord
except perhaps the luxurious Jewels rJI Slash straight, but later twisted to reflect Iii Slash
embedded In the hilt. If your aim Is 105 eo210 45 Its warped owner. Long ago, the 92 eo230 45
to appear dazZllng on the battlefield, dungeons overflowed with the
this might Just do Just the trick. 0 10 accursed, and the King commanded 0 10
0 30 a contorted sentry to dellwr those 0 30
0 30 who had no cells to a faraway land, 0 30
and to make certain they were
0 20 never heard from again. 0 20
Acquired from Laddersmlth Giiiigan (Q)(E)
0 15 0 15
Acquired from Strald of Ola phis (Soul Trade) (M)
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
0 15 0 15
Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone
Repair Cost 706 100 16 130 15
Repair Cost 1205
15 15 25 15
0 30 0 30
0 50 0 50
4 3.5


Curved sword of warrior Vengarl of
Forossa. This sword Is battle-worn i CurwdSNord
Curved sword forged from the soul
of the Duke's Dear FreJa. Its blade Is • CuMd S\.-ord
and terribly rusted, but remains ri111 Slash coated with a sticky silk that Is cast rilll
a deadly weapon owing to Its
Incredible weight Legend has It
fill 160eo240 45 with each strong anack, slowing
enemy movement Supposedly, 84:210
that It was built to test the limits ti O 10 the duke himself, an eccentric soul 10
of the strength of Forossa knights, 0 30 fascinated with spiders, went on 0 30
until Vengarl swung It about like 0 30 to take a form that was far from 0 30
a wooden plaything, claiming human.
ownership by demonstration. 0 20 0 20
Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (Soul Trade) (Ml
0 15 0 15
Acquired from Vengarl of Forossa (Ml
0 16 Relnforcom ent Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone 0 15
Reinforcement Mater1al TwlnkllngTltanlte
100 15 Repair Cost 1186 110 15
Repair Cost 730
25 15 Note Strong Anack will launch a ball of sticky silk at the 10 15
0 40 0 I 0 30
~~~!.=='======== 2

Heavier and longer than the standard Curved Svvord, Curved General Attacks
Greatswords lose some of their smaller cousin's attack speed, but
gain a significant increase to attack power. Curved Greatswords
Attack I Oescr1ptlon
Quick diagonal slash that can be followed up
tend to have arced and overhead type attacks, making them ideal Weak Attack
with a horizontal slash
to deal with multiple enemies at a time due to their range. Attacks
Overhead vertlcal slash that can be used
with a Curved Greatsword tend to use up a lot of stamina due to its Strong Attack
weight, and because of the angle of the attacks they also tend to
Ro II + Weak Attack Overhead vertlcal slash
have slightty shorter range than a normal Greatsword. As with the
Greatsword, caution should be taken when facing other players with Backstep + Weak Attack Dashing diagonal slash
this weapon as a missed swing will leave you vulnerable to attack. lWo-Handed Weak Attack
Quick diagonal slash that can be used
Overhead vertlcal slash that can be followed
MURAKUMO lWo-Handed Strong Attack
up with a hortzontal slash
......................................................................... , .
A curved greatsword sa Id to have lWo-Handed Roll + Weak Attack Spinning diagonal slash
been brought to this I.and by an
lWo-Handed Backstep + Weak Attack Dashing horizontal slash
foreign warrior. Hold with both
hands to make parrying possible. 60
The exquisitely crafted wide blade
makes deadly use of both Its weight 0 10
and smooth slicing action. A tough 0 40
training regimen Is required to 0 40
master this sword.
0 30
Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (Ml
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
I 0 20

0 20
Repair Cost 1185 110 ii 20

45 20
0 40
0 70


A curved greatsword forged from A curved greatsword forged from
the soul of the Flexlle Sentry. There • Curwd Greatswo.-d the soul of the Ancient Dragon. • Curwd Gre;tsword
Is something unsettling, and at rJISlash In the Age of Ancients, the world Iii Slash
the same time beautiful, about Its 144 ,.350 so was unformed, shrouded by fog. A ieo .. 400 60
long curved blade. Long ago, the land of grey crags, archtrees, and
dungeons overflowed with the 0 10 everlasting dragons. 0 10
accursed, and the King commanded 0 40 0 40
a contorted sentry to deliver those 0 40 0 40
who had no cells to a faraway land,
and to make certain they were never heard from again. 0 30 0 30
Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (Soul Trade) (Ml
0 20 0 20
Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (SoulTradel (Ml
Reinforcement Material Petrified Dragon Bone
0 20 0 20
Reinforcement Material Petrified Dragon Bone
110 20 Repair cost 1685 110 20
Rep.alr Cost 1270
45 20 Note Strong Attack will unleash a w.Ne of energy In 45 20
front of you, hitting everything In Its path
0 40 0 40
0 70
I ~ g I I o~·~=-~m~=-=1:=====o====~:
~B O

Katanas are great all-round weapons, and due to their wide variety General Attacks
of attacks, can be used in many different situations. Katanas are
relatively light and have a good attack range, making it a great
Attack I Descriptfon
Quick diagonal slash that can be followed up
weapon whether you are facing one or multiple enemies. Even Weak Attack
with a rising diagonal slash
though Katanas have many things going for them they should still
Long range thrust that can be followed up
be wielded with caution, as their delicate constitution means they Strong Attack
with a rising diagonal slash
have relatively low durability compared to other weapons; be sure . . ··········· ···········•••···· .......•• .. . .
Roll + Weak Attack Rising diagonal slash
to keep Katanas constantly repaired so you don't end up breaking
Backstep + Weak Attack
them in the middle of a fight. ............ Dash Ing thrust
. .. .
Quick diagonal slash that can be followed up
1\No-Handed Weak Attack
with a rising diagonal slash
Slow diagonal slash that can be followed up
1\No-Handed Strong Attack
with an overhead vertical slash
1\No-Han ded Roll + Weak Attack Quick horizontal slash
A katana of unknown origin.
Crafted w1th a peculiar yet refined
technique. The finely-sharpened
Ig Katana
1\No-Handed Backstop + Weak Attack Dash Ing thrust

blade of a katana slices with

unmistakable smoothness, but
should be wielded with caution, as
Its clellcate constitution means It's
easily worn.
Ii O
0 20
Acquired from Steady Hand McDuff (Ml
0 16
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 0 15
Rep.air Cost 800 150 15
20 15
0 30
rJ Uo II o
10 16 0 40

E II B m- II - m- Iii 5


A katana of unknown origin. Blacksteel katana wielded by
Crafted w1th a peculiar yet refined Katana Alonne Knights. One of the Katana
technique. The extremely long SlasM'hrus t sturdiest types of katana, preferred Slash/Thrust
blade allows for strikes from great by masters of the quick-draw. In

120 ..240 45 g5 .. 100 45
distance, but Its construction makes the heyday of his land, the Old
It extremely fragile. 0 10 Iron King fancied entertaining 0 10
0 30 dubious and eccentric guests from 0 30
0 30 faraway lands. Most of them were 0 30
charlatans, but amongst the riff-raff
0 20 were true masters of authentic and refined arts. 0 20
Acquired from Dragon Shrine (Pl, The Pursuer (El
0 15 0 15
(NG++) Acquired from AJonne Knight (El
0 15 0 25
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte Reinforcement Material Tltanlte
130 15 130 15
Rep.air Cost 840 Repair cost 840
20 15 20 15
0 30 0 30
0 20 0 40
10 fl 9


A k.atana of unknown origin. The katana of a berserker. by Its
Damage to foes also damages Its name. The thick. shiny black blade • Katana
owner. The peculiar pattern upon 1::rust cuts exquisitely. Its origins and r.ii Slashflllrust
the blade suggests the sinister 1060265 45 owner are unknown, but at some ieo .. 240 45
nature of this cursed blade. It Is an point the blade became known by
allurl™J vortex, and a lonely soul. 0 10 this name. 0 10
0 30 0 30
Acquired from Weaponsmlth
Ornlfex (SOul Trade) (M), 0 30 0 30
Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (Ml (NG+)
0 20 0 20
Reinforcement Material Petrified Dragon Bone Acquired from Dark Spirit: Samurai Sorcerer (NG+)
0 15 0 15
Repair Cost 1266 Relnforoement Material TwtnkllngTltanlte
0 15 0 15
Note This blade will sap the life of Its wielder with awry 160 16 Repair cost 1340 150 15
successful attack
20 15 20 15

12 r.J 25 D o III
rl - II - II -
~ 18
l'J 18 6 o I -11-11-


A k.atana with a terribly worn Katana of Grave warden Agdayne.
blade. Appears useless, but Is In • Katina Has a crystal-clear blade and a la Katana
fact coated with deadly poison. fil Slastvn,rus t strong attack that slices through fil Slashflllrust
This sword has claimed countless
victims. and the bloodstains upon
• 153,.230 45 enemy shields. This k.atana was
originally wielded by the one who
• 115 ,0230 ill 45
Its blade have turned to poison. 0 10 gaw us the first death, and still 0 10
0 30 exists Imperfectly between planes. 0 30
0 30 0 30
0 20 0 20
Acquired from Shrine of Amana (P) Acquired from Merchant Hag Melentla (M), Grave
s, .. 100 35 0 15
warden Agdayne (01
Reinforcement Material Twlnl<llngTltanlte 0 16 0 15
Relnforoement Material Tltanlte Repair cost 1725
Repair Cost 800 150 15 130 15
Note Strong Attack will allow you to pierce through
20 15 shields 15 15
0 30 0 30
0 40 0 20
6 3

Thrusting swords are light swords with fine tips that focus on pri- ESTOC
marily thrusting based attacks, making them very useful for piercing
hard-skinned foes. Attack speed is also very good with these weap- A large thrusting sword with a
Thrusting !mord
ons, and they can be used to chain a number of attacks in quick blade. The sturdy, slender long
blade Is designed to pierce the Thrust/Slash
succession; some Thrusting Swords will even allow you to parry armor of enemies, and Its strong
when dual wielding. They're also one of the few weapon types that attack can awn Inflict damage
106•210 iii 45
can be used to attack even while holding up a shield, allowing you upon foes hiding behind shields. t.t 0 II 10
to damage enemies while still protecting yoursetf. Although they Though primarily a thrusting sword, 0 30
Its blade can also be used to slash
have lower base damage than similar sized weapons, this is offset 0 30
your enemy.
somewhat by the fact that they generally have higher critical dam- 0 20
age rates, which makes them ideal for players that like to parry. Due Acquired from Goblin (Hammer) (E), Hollow Soldier
(Thrusting Sword & Shield) (E), Blacksmith Lenlgrast (Ml 0 15
to having primarily thrusting based attacks, they are also effective 0 15
when fighting enemies in narrow spaces. since you'll never have to Relnforoement Material Tltanlte
120 15
worry about accidentally striking a wall. Repair Cost 646
20 15
0 30
General Attacks U o II o 0 45
Weak Attack
I Doscriptlon
Quick thrust that can be used repeatedly
II - m- II - ID - 3

Strong Attack Slower thrust that can be used repeatedly
Roll +Weak Attack Quick thrust
Backstep + Weak Attack Dashing thrust
Two-Handed Weak Attack Quick thrust that can be used repeatedly
Two-Handed Strong Attack Slower thrust that can be used repeatedly
Two-Handed Roll +Weak Attack Quick thrust
Two-Handed Backstep +Weak Attack Dashing thrust


A standard thrusting sword.
Thrusting swords are light swords
with fine tips that can be used
I Thrusting Sword
while holding up a shield, and are 110 .. 220 45
effective for parrying. Use quick
thrusts to damage hard-skinned 0 10
foes. Also effective When fighting In 0 30
narrow spaces. 0 30
0 20
Acquired from Goblin (Hammer) (El, Blacksmith
Len lgrast (M) 0 15
0 15
Reinforcement Material Tltantte
140 16
Repair Cost 630
10 15
0 20
0 45


A slightly stubby thrusting sword.
Has a sharp, sturdy blade designed Thrusting Sword
Thrusting sword of Chancellor
Wellager. Forged with rare Ill Thrusting 9Nord
for thrusting. The Mall Breaker Thrust gel.steel. A masterpiece of the rilll Thrust
has limited reach, but a powerful great blacksmith Llewellyn that he
35,.70 45 11115,.230 .. 45
critical attack. Effecttve against
foes donning thick armor or with
naturally hard skin.
brought along as a gift when he left
Mlrrah for Dranglelc. m O
II 10
0 30 0 30
0 20 0 20
Acquired from Forest of Fallen Giants (P), Armored Acquired from ChancellorWellager (0)
Skeleton (Thrusting sword & Shleldl (El 0 15 0 15
0 16 Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 0 15
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte Repair Cost 666
140 15 Repair Cost 1166 140 15
Note Strong Attack will allow you to pierce through
shields 15 15 10 15

0 30 0 20
~ 6 pj 12 m o II o 0 45 0 45

~cmcm-m-•-m- 0.6 2


An exquisitely decorated rapier. Man scorpion Tark's thrusting sword.
Said to belong to a prince who Thrusting Sword The scorpion pincer guard contains Thrusting 9Nord
appears In an ancient tale. There Thrust poison, which Is Injected Into foes Thrust
are numerous variations of the 81),0160 45 pierced by the blade. Tark's past Is 146 .. 220 45
story of the prince Who wandered a thing obscure. But then again,

the lands and eventually became 0 10 do any of us know who we are, let 0 10
Undead. The majority of these tales 0 30 alone what we may have been? 0 30
end In tragedy, but there are some 0 30 0 30
0 20 0 20
Acquired from Huntsman's Copse IP) Acquired from Doors of Pharros IP),
0 15 67,.100 35
Manscorplon Tari< (OJ
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 0 15 0 15
Reinforcement Material Twinkling Tltanlte
Repair Cost 1000 140 15 100 15
Repair Cost 646
10 16 10 15
0 20 0 20
lo 0 45 10 rJ 18 0 30
II - 2 - ml - 2


Rapier of darkness and chaos. Thrusting sword forged from the
Navlaan claims to have sealed fia Thrusting Sword soul of the Duke's Dear FreJa. Its Thrusting 9Nord

himself awf!( to prevent tragedy, Thrust needl&-llke blade can easily pierce Thrust
but cou Id a sorcery truly possess the seams of the toughest armor. 72=>180 45
45,.70 45
a will of Its own?Truth can be SupposedlV. the duke himself,
0 10 an eccentric soul fascinated with 0 10
elusive, and the tales surrounding
him are questionable. Only, It Is 60<>110 45 spiders, went on to take a form that 0 30
clear a strange power possesses was far from human. 0 30
0 30
this sword.
0 20 0 20
Acquired from Enhanced Undead IE) Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (Soul Trade) (Ml
0 15 0 15
Reinforcement Material TwlnkllngTltanlte Reinforcement Material Petrified Dragon Bone
0 15 0 15
Repair Cost 630 Repair Cost 1130 100 15
140 15
10 15 Note Strong Attack will allow you to pierce through 10 15
0 20 0 10
II Iii ii
0 O 30
,__ _ m 0.5


AXES generally are heavier and have shorter range than swords, General Attacks
but tend to make up for this by boasting higher damage. Attacks
tend to be either horizontal or vertical, giving you the flexibility to
Attack I Description
use whatever is best in a given situation. Their wide horizontal arcs Quick diagonal slash that can be followed up
Weak Attack
with a horizontal slash
also make them ideal for dealing with multiple enemies, although
Overhead vertical slash that can be followed
caution should be taken due to the smaller reach. It can be tempting Strong Attad<
up with a horizontal slash
to swing an AY.e with wild abandon. but effective use of an AY.e de-
Roll + Weak Attack Overhead vertical slash
mands caution and precise timing, due to the fact that each swing .............................................................................................................................................................
leaves its wielder vulnerable to attack. Backstep + Weak Attack DashlnQ diagonal slash
Quick horizontal slash that can be used
Two-Handed Weak Attack
Overhead vertical slash that can be followed
Two-Handed Strong Attad<
up with a diagonal slash
Two-Handed Roll + Weak Attad< Overhead vertical slash
Two-Handed Bad<st.ep + Weak Attad< Dashln<J horizontal slash


A crude hand axe. More of a tool An axe wielded by Dranglelc
than a weapon. Its short range .Axe Infantry. A makeshift, crude weapon .AXIi
necessitates close-ranee, and Ill Sfash that deals an underWhelmlng Slash Iii
therefore perilous, combat. Does 110 .. 220 55 amount of damage. 100 .. 200 55
a respectable amount of damage,
however, considering Its relatively 0 10 0 10
light weight. 0 30 0 30
0 30 0 30
0 30 0 30
Acquired from Forest of Fallen Giants (Pl, Merchant Hag Acquired from Hollow Infantry (Axe) (El
0 15 0 15
Melentla (Ml
15 Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 15
0 0
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte
110 15 110 15
Repair Cost 620
25 15 25 15
.. ll!!!!!!!III ~
0 20 0 20
0 60
2 ti:i:B l:11-m-
1 0
0 50


An axe crafted for battle. Axes An axe of bandits of the Forossan
generally deal more damage than Axe outskirts. Very sturdily built for
swords, but each swing leaves Slash the armament of a bandit. When Slash
Its wielder vulnerable. One Is 115.0230 55 Forossa fell to war, Its citizens 125,0250 55
tempted to swing axes with wild were left landless, and entirety
abandon, but In fact their effective 0 10 to their own devices. Many were 0 10
manipulation demands caution and 0 30 reduced to thievery, while Forossan 0 30
preclse timing. 0 30 knights scattered to other lands as 0 30
Acquired from Goblin (Bare fists) (El. Blacksmith
I 0 30
Acquired from No-man's Wharf (Pl
0 30

Len lgrast (Ml 0 15 0 15
Reinforcement Material Titanlte
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte
Repair Cost 806
ll 15
Repair Cost 846
I 15
0 30 0 30
0 so 0 50
4 5


An oddly large butcher's knife. Not An axe used by the nomadic Gyrm .
your standard weapon, but certainty Axe At first glance this axe appears • AXIi
deadly enough to be utilized as one. Slash crude, but with further examination Slash
Absorbs the HP of foes. Who In 120=300 55 one sees the fine craftsmanship 1Q0<>300 55
their right mind would create such of Gyrm blacksmiths. Quite heavy
a thl ng 7 Perhaps It Is best not to 0 10 for a human, but flung about with 0 10
ctwell on how It was likely used In 0 30 reckless abandon by the ovrrn 0 30
the past. 0 30 0 30
0 30 0 30
Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (Soul Trade) (Ml Acquired from Doors of Pharros (P)
0 15
Reinforcement Material Petrified Dragon Bone Reinforcement Material Titanlte
0 15
Repair Cost 1270 100 15 Repair Cost 846
Note Absorb the HP of foes with every successful 35 15 15
0 40 30
0 40 90
22 19


The beloved black axe of the gallant An axe with an unusual deslQn.

(t Shleldless Lothian, formerly of

Forossa. No warrior matched the
ferocity of unbeatable Lothian,
1:h 1330200 55
Found In the Undead Purgatory.
The chains and spikes wrapped
around the axe cause bleeding,
1:,:h90:>180 55
but he abruptly retired from the but weaken the axe's effectiveness
battlefield and was never heard 0 10 when slashing. Accessories that 0 10

from again. Some Srtf that he grew
tired of the frailty of human foes,
and set off to slrt{ the legendary
30 .. 60
30 natural effect111eness.
are added to a weapon for the sole
purpose of tormenting foes can
often detract from the weapon's
0 15 0 15
Acquired from Shaded W,Ods (P), Shrine of Winter (Pl Acquired from ChancellorWellager (M)
0 15 67:>100 25
Reinforcement Mater1al TwlnkllngTltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
110 16 110 15
Repair Cost 806 Repair Cost 806
30 15 25 15
0 30 0 30
0 60 0 60
7 3.5

Greataxes are designed to Inflict heavy damage and require a high General Attacks
amount of Strength to wield. Due to their heavy size Greataxes are
used to mostly smash your opponents either from above or from Attack I Descr1ptlon
the side, as each swing of the Greataxe requires the full force of the Diagonal slash that can be followed up with
Weak Attack
a horizontal slash
body. The Greataxe does have a few drawbacks, however; it has a
small attack range, meaning you need to be very close to enemies Slow overhead vertical slash that can be
Strong Attack
used repeatedly
in order to deal damage, and due to how heavy it is each swing will . . ..
Ro II + Weak Attack Spinning horizontal slash
leave you wide open to attacks. Each swing with the Greataxe will
also use up a considerable amount of stamina. Backstop + Weak Attack DashlnQ venlcal slash
'Two-Handed Weak Attack Diagonal slash that can be used repeatedly
Slow overhead vertical slash that can be
'Two-Handed Strong Attack
used repeatedly
.. .. .. ..
'Two-Handed Roll + Weak Attack Spinning horizontal slash
A bronze greataxe with a crescent-
shaped blade. Its long handle • Gr9ataxe 'Two-Handed Backstep + Weak Attack Dashing venlcal slash
gives the weapon great reach. One Slash
senses that this axe was once 120 .. 100 55
Imbued with a sacred power. but
only traces of It remain. Perhaps 50,.90 20
those who blessed this axe are no 0 30
longer with us. 0 30
0 30
Acquired from Brlghtstone Cove Tseldora (P)
0 15
Reinforcement Mater1al TwlnkllngTltanlte 0 15
Repair Cost 770 110 15
30 16
0 30
0 60


I i
;' .. ,
A greataxe wielded with both A greataxe of bandits of the
hands. This greataxe, crafted Gr9ataM Forossan outskirts. Very sturdily GreataXQ
with a gigantic, weighty blade, Is fJI stash . ·._, \..
built for the armament of a bandit • Slash
designed to Inflict heavy damage, 195,.390 55 When Forossa fell to war, Its 55
. t ; . -~
1111150 .. 300
and requires Inhuman strength to l.
citizens were left landless, and
handle. Each swing of the greataxe 0 10 .. entirely to their own devices. Many 0 10
requires the full force of the body, 0 30 were reduced to thievery, while 0 30
leaving the wielder wide open. 0 30 Forossan knights scattered to other 0 30
Mastering this weapon will require lands as sellswords.
the most thorough training of both body and mind. 0 30 0 30

Acquired from Dark Spirit Melinda the Butcher (E), .a 0 15

Acquired from The Gutter (P)
0 15

Steady Hand McDuff (M) 0 16
Reinforcement Mater1al Titanlte 0 15
110 15 Repair Cost 866 110 15
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte

.. !!!!!!!!....

;:g1;101:._._ ===-=~====~c!.=~~~===
0 00
0 60


An extremely sturdy pltct,
greataxe. Colossal warriors Greatllxe
staunchly watch over the shrine, Slash
reedy to defend Its resident., or 190 .. 300 55
allow one wonhy enough to be
granted audience. 0 10
0 30
0 30
0 30
Acquired from Dragon Shrine (Pl
0 15
Reinforcement Mater1al Titanlte
0 15
Repair Cost 1220 110 15
50 15
0 40
0 70


Greataxe wlelded by knights
who served a lord of fight In a I Gr'11atl1Xll
long-forgotten age. Even after their Slash
flesh was charred by flame, they 226 .. 340 55
remained as strong as ever, and
stood watch, challenglng visitors to 0 10
their land. eo .. 120 30
0 30
0 30
Acquired from Iron Keep (Pl
Reinforcement Mater1al Twtnl<llng Tltanlte
Repair Cost 1160
I 0
45 15
0 40
0 60

•-m- 20


Greataxe wielded by Lion Clan
warriors. The finely-crafted blade I Greataxe
Greataxe forged from the
Last Giant's soul. This weapon I Greatllxe
cuts smoothly, evidence that the Slash resembles a primitive stone tool, Slash
lion clansmen are much more than 145<>2QO 55 but Is quite powerful owing to Its 160 .. 400 55
vulgar beasts. Immense size. The Giants were
0 10 eventually defeated by an unnamed 0 10
0 30 hero, but alas, victory came all 0 30
0 30 too late. 0 30
0 30 0 30
Acquired from Lion Clan Warrior (El Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (SoulTradel (M)
0 16 0 16
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte 0 15 Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone 0 16
Repair Cost 1006 110 15 Repair Cost 1660 100 15
45 15 50 15
0 40 0 40
0 60 0 70
12 25


A greataxe used by the nomadic
Gyrm. At first glance this greataxe I Greataxe
In legend, this oddly~haped
greataxe Is said to be forged from I Greataxe
appears crude, but with further f'illlSlash the black dragorfs tall. As It ls told, f'illl Stash
examination one sees the fine 180•360 55 the black dragon lost Its tall to 156•390 55
craftsmanship of Gyrm blacksmiths. a brave warrior In a magnificent
Quite heavy for a human. but 0 10 battle, and the tall was later used to 0 10
swuno about with reekless abandon 0 30 forge several legendary weapons. 0 30
by the Gyrm. 0 30 0 30
0 30 0 30
Acquired from Gyrm Warrior (Dual Greataxe) (E), Acquired from Dragon Knight (Greataxe) (El
Lonesome Gavlan (O)(E) 0 16 0 15
0 15 Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone 0 15
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
110 15 Repair Cost 1676 110 15
Repair Cost 1160
so 15 45 15
0 40 0 40
0 00 ~ 35 fJ ts U o II o 0 70
~ m • m-•-m- -~~---


Hammers have the ability to break the guard of a shield, making General Attacks
them very useful against highly defensive opponents. Attacks with
Hammers tend to be faster than that of and they also recover
Attack I Descrtptlon
quicker, although they do share a similar short attack range. Ham- Rising diagonal stash that can be followed
Weak Attack
mers allow for many horizontal and diagonal based attacks, making ...... .
up with a diagonal slash from above
Diagonal slash that can be followed up with
them not only useful for tackling multiple enemies, but also against Strong Attack
a spinning diagonal slash
single targets that constantly have their shield up; by carefully
Roll + Weak Attack Overhead vertical slash
pounding away at their guard you will eventually be able to crack
open their shell. Backstep + Weak Attack Rising diagonal stash
Quick diagonal slash that can be followed up
lWo-Handed Weak Attack
with a rising diagonal stash
Diagonal slash that can be followed up with
lWo-Handed Strong Att.ack
a horlzontal slash
lWo-Handed Roll+ Weak Attack Overhead vertical slash
lWo-Handed Backstep + Weak Attack DashlnQ vertical slash


A wooden club. A primitive weapon,
to be certal n, but quite powerful, so H;mmer

A wooden club headed with nails.
Designed as a deadlier club, and I H;mmer
much so that it can break the guard StrikQ certainty offers a stronger attack, Strike
of a shield. 105 .. 210
I but this club also seems quid< to
fall apart. perhaps due to Its shoddy
1~ .. 260
0 40 0 40
Acquired from Goblin (Sling) (El, Rogue (Hammer) (El, Acquired from Laddersmlth Gilligan (Ml
Merchant Hag Melentla (Ml 0 15 0 15
Reinforcement Matertal Titanlte 0 15
0 15
Reinforcement Matertal Tltanlte
120 15 Repair cost 845 120 15
Repair Cost 660
25 15 25 15

12 rJ ~ a
o II o
3 a~
I o
- II - DI _- _._



A club fitted with a head crafted for An old smithing hammer. Looks
battle. The mace Is the archetypal Hammer like a typical hammer, but is In fact Hammer
blunt weapon. It has a primitive StrikQ incredibly sturdy. Some Sf1'/ It was Strike
appearance, but aLso many
advantages. Including the ability to
,20 ..2<10 45
the hammer used long ago by a
famed blacksmith of yore.
166 .. 250 ;I 45

break the guard of a shield. Keep 0 10 0 10

the p(oper distance from your foe, 0 30 0 30
and this can be a very effective 0 30 0 30
0 40 0 40
Acquired from Huntsman's Copse IP), Goblin (Sling) (El, Acquired from The Lost Bastille (P)
Blacksmith Lenlgrast (Ml 0 15 0 15
Reinforcement Matertal Twinkling Tltanlte 0 15
0 15
Reinforcement Matertal Tltanite
120 16 Repair cost 81 o 130 15
Repair Cost 810
30 15 30 15
0 40 0 20
0 00 0 90
4 3


A club fitted with a spiked head. Hammer used by Aldlan acolytes.
The spikes of this blunt weapon H;mm9r Hammer
Not used as a weapon, but as an
1, cause bleeding. Normally wielded StrikQ instrument to dissect the bodies of Strike
by clerics, but clear1y Intended to the victims of their experimentation.

. ..____•
I draw blood.
115 .. 230
They Sf1'/ that Lord Aldla was the
King's elder brother and helped
found Dranglelc, but he later lost
interest in the land's fortunes.
100 .. 200
0 I
0 30 0 30
0 40 0 40
Acquired from Huntsman's Copse (P), Majula (P), Blue Acquired from Dragon Acolyte (El
sentlne1Targrf1'{ (Ml 0 15 0 15
67 .. 100 Reinforcement Matertal Titanlte
25 0 15
Reinforcement Matertal Tltanlte
120 16 Repair cost 770 120 15
Repair Cost 810
30 15 20 15

0 40 0 40
0 60 18 rJ 12 do II o 0 60
4 c II D II - m- II - 3.5


An ordinary kitchen ladle. Ha who In legend, this oddly-shaped war
chooses this as a weapon either Hammgr hammer Is said to be forged from Hammer
faoes extenuating circumstances or StrikQ the black dragon's tall. As It Is told, Stnkci
has an odd sense of humor. If you 20,o40 25 the black dragon lost Its tall to 128 .. 320 45
care for your life, leave this one In a brave warrior In a magnl licent
the kitchen. 0 5 battle, and the tall was later used to 0 10
0 20 forge several legendary weapons. 0 30
0 20 0 30
0 10 0 40
Acquired from Mlllbeth (CJ Acquired from Dragon Knight (Warplckl (El
0 10 0 15
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlta Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bona
0 10 0 15
Repair Cost 405 100 10 Repair Cost 1310 120 15
10 10 25 15
10 t=i
~ m
20 n uo
I -•-m-


An ordinary hammer used by a A pole with lumps attached to IL
blacksmith. Can be used as a Hammer Found In the manor In Aldla. Heavier Hammer
hammer, but not to any great errect, Stril(Q than a standard mace, but with StMke
as It was made to shape weapons. 130,.260 45 more effective striking owing to 130 .. 260 45
not serve as one. Its hard lufTl)s. In the far eastern
0 10 outskirts of Dranglelc lies an old 0 10
0 30 manor that Is now long forgotten. 0 30
0 30 As It should be, for the things that 0 30
lurk there are better left unknown.

0 40 0 40
Acquired from Blacksmith Lenlgrest (Q)(E) Acquired from ChancellorWellager (Ml
0 15 0 15
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlta 15 Reinforcement Mater1al Titanlte 15
0 0
Repair Cost 620 100 15 Repair Cost 810 120 15
30 15 25 15
0 20 0 40
0 60 0 60
5 6


The mace of formerly high-ranking
clerics. It Is combined with a sacred Hammar
chime, and can cast miracles and Strikll/Spel
hexes with strong attack. The clerics 56,0110 45
held venerated positions once, but
now. their sools wander aimlessly In 0 10
the depths of a murky darkness. 0 30
30,060 30
30,060 40
Acquired from Undead Crypt (Pl
0 15
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlta 0 15
Repair Cost 1270 120 15
Note This Mace Is combined with a Sacred Chima, 25 16
allowing you to cast Miracles and Hexes by using Strong
Attack 0 40
0 60

A club forged from the soul of the
Raxlla Sentry. The spikes oowrlng I Hammer
Its length are as vile as the sentry g Stril(Q
Itself. Long ago, the dungeons 100,.250 45
ovartlowad with the accursed, and
the King commanded a contorted 0 10
sentry to deliver those who had 0 30
no cells to a faraway land, and to 0 30
make certain they were never heard
from again. 0 40
0 15
Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (SoulTradel (Ml
67 .. 100 16
Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone
120 15
Repair Cost 1310

r :. . . . I

:ll l l l ! ! ! ~;
H l~o ll~-I
iiiiiiiiiiiiiii- : 60


Big and heavy, Great Hammers are designed to simply smash your General Attacks
foes and are extremely effective against common shields. Great Attack I DGscrlptlon
Hammers have a long attack range and their attacks mostly consist Weak Attack Ovsrhaad vertical slash that can be used repeatedly
of smashing your opponents either from above or from the side. Spinning dlagonal slash that can be followed up with
Due to how large and heavy they are, however, any missed attacks Strong Attack
an overhead vertical slash
will leave you extremely vulnerable so careful timing Is required. Roll + Weak Attack Rising diagonal slash
However, anything hit by this gigantic weapon will take a tremen-
Backstep + Weak Attack Rising diagonal slash
dous amount of damage, and its moveset makes it perfect for
taking on multiple enemies. Caution should be taken as the heavy Spinning diagonal slash that can be followed up with
1'1110-Handed Weak Attack
a diagonal slash
weight will take its toll on your stamina bar, and wielding them in
Owrhead vertical slash that can be follO'N&d up with a
two-hands is recommended for the most effective usage. l\No-Handed Strong Attack
spinning horlzontal slash that hits twice
2H Roll +WeakAtt.ick Rising diagonal slash
2H Backstep +Weak Attack Dashing wrtical slash


A large wooden club. Not an
elegant weapon by eny means,
but a beastly thing with plenty of
I GreatHammer
An undated great hammer. Wielded
by a warrior from e time so ancient
that there exJsts no record of his
weight to easily break a shielded 45
endeavors. Has extremely low
180•360 45
defense. durability. Sometimes, Just as a
0 10 thing falls to pieces, It unleashes Its 10
0 30 last flash of great power ... 30
0 30 0 30
0 40 0 40
Acquired from The Lost Bastille (P) Acquired from Dranglelc Castle (Pl, Old Knight (Great
0 15 0 15
Hammel1 (El
Reinforcement Matertal Tltanlte 0 15 0 15
Reinforcement Matertal Titanlte
Repair Cost 1340

I 100
Repair Cost 1650
60 I 15

I 26
I I 0 0
·- m -
I 0

12 ; Ii 30 6

B fl 0 0
·- I 0


A giant wooden club made from A mace normally Issued to clerics
the branches of a towering tree. Great Hammer of the Archdrake sect of Undelt. Great Hammer
Designed to smash foes. Simple Strik9 The land of Lindell Is gowrned by
but terribly effective against stringent laws, and those who dare

210 .. 420 45 110•220 45
common shields. defy them are punished without
0 10 mercy. 0 10
0 30 0 30
0 30 0 30
0 40 0 40
Acquired from The Gutter (Pl Acquired from Lindell Cleric (E)
0 15 0 15
Reinforcement Matertal Tltanlte 0 15 Reinforcement Matertal Tltanlte 0 15
Repair Cost 2166 100 15 Repair Cost 1130 100 15
60 15 60 15
0 30 0 30
mo 0 70 rJ 16 0 60
II - 15 Cl D 6

A pickaxe used for mining. Not
Intended as a weapon, but packs a Great Hammer
powerful punch. This tool, designed Thrust
to crush hard rock, can easily 150•300 46
puncture weaker forms of armor.
0 10
0 30
0 30
0 40
Acquired from Brlghtstone Cove Tseldora (Pl*
0 15
Reinforcement Matertal Tltanlte 0 15
Repair Cost 845 100 15 *There Is a 1/1000 chance that a special piglet will spawn In Brlghtstone CoveTseldora's
50 15 Royal Army campsite. If It doesn't appear, resting at the Bonfire or otherwise resetting the
area will give you another chance to find him. This plglet Is not hostile and will follow you.
0 30
If you can take him all the Wfrf to the mushrooms In the bottom of the Cove, he'll eat the
0 60
mushrooms and you'll get the PlokaXe. The mushrooms are In the building following the
crystal damage floors.


Club of the Giants that besieged An extremely sturdy pitch-black
Dranglelc. Nothing more than a • Gr11a1Hammor war hammer. Colossal warriors • Groat H;mmor
boulder bound to a tree, but a very &II StrikQ staunchly watch over the shrine, Iii Striko
powerful, If primitive, weapon. A 230,.460 45 ready to defend Its resident, or 200,.400 45
human would require great strength allow one worthy enough to be
to wield this Giant-sized club. 0 10 granted audience. 0 10
0 30 0 30
0 30 0 30
0 40 0 40
Acquired from Memory of Vammar (Pl Acquired from Drakekeeper (Hammer) (El
0 15 0 15
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al Titanlte
0 15 0 15
Repair Cost 1760 100 16 Repair cost 990 100 15
60 15 35 15
0 30 0 30
0 50 0 70
30 20


The skull of some unidentified Great hammer made of unknown
creature. Swing as a great hammer • Gr11at Hammor materials. Perhaps It Is stone, or • Groat H;mmor
to use as a weapon. Possibly the Strike even wood. The origins of Its name Strike
skull of a dragon. A rare specimen, 245,.490 45 are unclear. Its tremendous weight 300 .. 450 45
likely too rare to be swung about suggests that It was never Intended
Wiiiy-niiiy. 0 10 for humans. Perhaps It was an 0 10
0 30 offering to the demons that appear 0 30
0 30 In legend. 0 30

0 40 0 40
Acquired from Enhanced Undead (El Acquired from Sparkling Sisters Dyna & Tillo (Ml
0 15 0 15
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al Twinkling Tltanlte
Repair Cost 1446
I 15
Repair cost 1445
I 15
0 30 0 30
0 20 0 70
12 26


A great hammer used t::1f the A giant dragon tooth used as a
nomadic Gyrm. A makeshift weapon Gr11at Hammar great hammer. As solid as a boulder,
created from a blaoksmlth's anvil. As Strike this tooth Is said to be taken from
heavy as it appears. Crafted rather 215 ,.430 45 a dragon, but the truth of this claim 313 ,.470 45
shoddily, but each hit landed Is Is unclear. What Is certain Is that It
certain to Inflict serious damage. 0 10 bears some mystical power, and Its 0 20
0 30 wielder gains resistance to magic 0 40
0 30 and fire. 0 30

I 0 40 0 40
Acquired from evrrn Warrior (Great Hammer) (El Acquired from Dragon Aerie (P)

0 15 0 15
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte 0 15 Reinforcement Mater1al Twinkling Tltanlte 0 15
Repal r Cost 1560 100 15 Repair cost 2155 100 15
60 16 Note Increased resistance to magic and fire 60 15
0 30 0 30
0 00 0 70
20 20


An extremely sturdy pltoh-olaok One of the malformed weapons
great hammer. Colossal warriors Gr11at Hammar developed In Aldla. Swung like a Gl'9ilt H;mmar
staunchly watch over the shrine, StrikQ great hammer. Appears to be a Striko
ready to defend Its resident, or 205 ,.410 45 fragment of a giant shell, but Its 296 .. 430 45
allow one worthy enough to be precise origins are unkn<YNn. The
granted audience. 0 10 peculiar figure known as Lord Aldla 0 10
0 30 attempted to uncover the secrets of 0 30
0 30 life Itself, and viewed the Undead as 0 30
a key to this mystery.
0 40 0 40
Acquired from Drake keeper (Great Hammer) (El Acquired from Aldis's Keep (P)
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
Iii O 15
Reinforcement Mater1al Twinkling Tltanlte
O rill 15
0 15 0 15
Repair Cost 1666 100 16 Repair cost 16'30 100 15
60 15 60 15
0 30 0 30
0 70 0 50
20 19


Great hammer of the Royal Aegis. Great hammer forged from the
The power of this hammer's • Gr11atHammor soul of the Old Iron King. The tip Is • Groat Hammor
blessing has not faded completely, &II StrikQ formed of molten rock, The corpse Iii Striko
despite Its being exposed to the 152 ,.390 45 of the Old Iron King became the 112 ,.280 45
dark of the Undead CrypL Unleash vessel that bred lchorous Earth. The
Its latent power with a strong 0 10 heavy rock tip Is formed of cooled 0 10
attacl(. Sir Velstadt. known as the 0 30 magma, with a still-smoldering 50 ,o 120 30
Royal Aegis, gave himself to the 0 30 core. Strong attack releases Its 0 30
King In both life and death. Inner power.
50,.150 40 0 40
Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (Soul Trade) (Ml Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (SoulTradel (Ml
0 15 0 15
Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone
0 15 0 15
Repair Cost 1946 100 16 Repair cost 1840 100 15
Note ~Handed Strong Attack launches three orbs of 60 15 Note Strong Attack causes a fiery explosion In front 60 15
darkness of you
0 30 0 30

I ~o ; 12 112 I ~ •- m c
0 70
• - IE -
0 60

Spears allow you to attack foes from a distance with mostly thrust- General Attacks
based attacks, and are one of the few weapon types that allow you
to attack while holding up a shield. Though Spears are effective Attack I Descr1ptlon
against opponents with a strong defense, they have a narrow point Weak Attack Quick thrust that can be used repeatedly
of contact and are largely ineffective against shielded opponents. Strong Attack
Diagonal slash that can be followed up with
Spears can use thrusting attacks in quick succession to deal dam- a thrust
age, but have relatively poor stagger capabilities. They are best Roll + Weak Attack Quick vertical slash
used in narrow areas where enemies will have trouble avoiding the Backstep + Weak Attack Dash Ing thrust
thrusting attacks. Spears also have the benefit of being relatively l\No-Handed Weak Attack Quick thrust that can be used repeatedly
light for a weapon that has long range, meaning you can attack from
relative safety. . lWo-Handed Strong Attack
Slow thrust that can be used repeatedly
.. .
l\No-Handed Roll + Weak Attack Rising diagonal slash
l\No-Handed Backstep + Weak Attack Dash Ing thrust

A standard spear. Spears alloW one A spear ~th an extended pole.

to attack a foe from a distance, and Spear Offers a very long reach, even Sp93r
while holdlno up a shield. Thrusting Thrust for a spear, allowing for attacks Thrust
attacks are effective even against from safer distances. Traditionally 85,0170

ll5 ,o 100 40 40
opponents with strong defense. but a weapon of regimental rather
they have a narrow point of contact 0 10 than single oombat due to Its 0 10
and won't effectively break through 0 30 unwieldiness. However, If you can 0 30
a shielded defense. 0 30 manage to effectively step around 0 30
an opponent, they will hardly have a
0 30 chance to hit back. 0 30
Acquired from Goblin (Bare fists) (El, Blacksmith
Lenlgrast (Ml 0 10 Acquired from Earthen Peal< (Pl 0 10
0 10 0 10
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
130 10 130 10
Repair Cost 800 Repair cost 726
20 10 20 10
0 25 0 25
II rJ i O

0 50 16 0 50

m-•-m- 3.5 r.Jc II- 8


A spear with winged lugs. Longer A spear ~th a broad blade. The

I than standard spears, allowing for

anaocs from further away. Thrusting
attacl(s are effective even against
106 ,0210 40
blade Is ~dened and given extra
weight to allow for slashing. The
broader attacks of the partlzan,
100 .. 200 40

j opponents with high defense, but

they have a narrow point of contact
and won't effectively break through
a shielded defense.
, x

'., 0
however, make It less effective In
narrow spaces. 0
.0 0 ')' 30 0 30
Acquired from Iron Keep IP), Dark Spirit ~rgel the Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (Ml
;I 0 10 0 10
Sinner (El, Hollow Soldier (Spear & Shleldl (El, Steady
Hand McDuff (Ml , 10 Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 10
0 0
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte 130 •• 10 Repair cost 1300 130 10
Repair Cost 836
~· .. 20 10 20 10
0 26 0 26
II o / 0 ,;;, 50 12 rJ a~ I20 o 0 60

m-•-m- ,I,. 4.5 Ems111-m-•-m- 4.5


Spear of the castle stone soldiers. A trident wielded by an old
Sir Velstadt could always be found • Spgar sorcerer. The tip Is sharpened so 8'll Spoar
at the King's side, and followed
him upon his exit. The knights In
rJI Thrust smoothly that It suggests a degree r.ii Thrust
95 .. 170 40 of madness. Use strong attaclc to 130 .. 260 40
his serlllce waited patiently for his perform a powe~hannellng dance,
return, until they turned to stone. 0 10 the madness of which boosts the 0 10
0 30 morale of nearby allies. 0 30
0 30 0 30
0 30 0 30
Acquired from Stone Soldier (E) Acquired from Sparkling Sisters Dyna &Tlllo (Ml
0 10 0 10
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al Titanlte Repair cost 1260
0 10 0 10
Repair Cost 836 130 10 Note Two-Handed Strong Attaok wtll allow you to 130 10
perform a power-channeling dance, giving an attaclc boost
20 10 to you and any nearby allies 20 10
0 25 0 25
0 50 0 40
7 4


A sllVer-blaok spear Imbued with the A spear said to have been forged
power of dark. The grave wardens Spgar In Aldla. Contains the power of a la Spoar
vowed to ensure the tranquility of Thrust great flame, which Is unleashed 1111 Thrust
those who slumber In the Undead In a strong attaclc. The mysterious 40

50 .. 100 40 • 64 .. 160
Crypt. If one dares disturb them, Lord Aldla secluded himself
0 10 Inside a manor to conduct various 0 10
the grave wardens make no
allowance for stature or riches, and 0 30 experiments. Those Invited to the 50 .. 90 40
will readily bury them along with manor disappeared, replaced over 0 30
0 30
the others. time with malformed beasts that
eo .. 1,0 40 roamed Its halls. 0 30
Acquired from Grave Warden (E)
0 10 0 10
Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (SoulTradel (Ml
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte 0 10 0 10
Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone
Repair Cost 800 130 10 130 10
Repair cost 1300
20 10 20 10
Note Strong Sttack launches a fireball •

0 25 0 25
fj u II !!!!!!,....11!!!!!!111~~1111!!!!!!!!11----1 r.l

ti:i~Bl I~ -
~ 0 16 B B 0 50 0 40

~crJca-m-•-mc 6 1 0


A spear originating In Helde. A A ranseur forged from the soul
special alloy makes It very durable. Spgar of the Old Dragonslayer. The Spear
The composition of the alloy of Thrust spear of the knight known as the Thrusl
these spears remains a mystery, 75 .. 150 40 Dragonstayer was Imbued with the 62 .. 130 40
but In Dranglelc the attempt to power of lightning, and shattered
Imitate It resulted In the similar 0 10 tile stone scales of dragons. Strong 0 10
bradden steel. 0 30 attack unleashes its latent power. 0 30
go .. 100 30 60 .. 105 40
0 30 0 30
Acquired from Helde Knight (Spear) (El Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (SoulTradel (Ml
0 10 0 10
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte 10 Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone 10
0 0
Repair Cost 1336 130 10 Repair cost 1300 130 10
20 10 Note Strong Attack launches a lightning spear 20 10
0 25 0 25
0 60 0 60
B m- 10


A long spear wielded by Pate. This A two-pronged spear that Imitates
appears to be a very ordinary spear, • Spgar a weapon mentioned In an ancient 8'll Spear
but seems to have accumulated Thrust text. Gargoyles are said to guard Thrus1
power over the course of countless 133 .. 200 40 castles and forts from Ill fortune, 100 .. 250 40
battles. It Is not always adllisable and they have appeared In many
to stand out Especially If you have 0 10 forms In all the great lands 0 10
something to hide. 0 30 throughout history. Some of them 0 30
0 30 are so meticulously Cfafted that 0 30
they look as If they might come
0 30 to life. 0 30
Acquired from Miid-Mannered Pate (O)(E)
0 10 Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Soul Trade) (M) 0 10
Reinforcement Mater1al TwlnklingTltanlte 0 10 0 10
Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone
Repair Cost 800 130 10 130 10
Repair cost 836
20 10 20 10
0 25 0 25
0 50 0 60
6 12


Halberds have a variety of different attacks ranging from thrusts to General Attacks
large sweeping swings, and they inherit a lot of functionality from
the two weapons they are derived from: Spears and Axes. Due to
Attack I Description
how heavy Halberds are, however, each swing will cause you to Overhead vertical slash that can followed up
Weak Attack
with a th rust
be slightly off balance, leaving you vulnerable to attack. The heavy
Overhead vertical slash that can be followed
weight will also use up a considerable amount of stamina, particu- Strong Attack
up with a horizontal stash
larly for the sweeping attacks. Halberds have a high damage output, •· . .
Roll + Weak Attack Rising vertical slash
and their long range makes them excel at taking out multiple en-
emies from a distance. Halberds are one of the few weapon types Backstop + Weak Attack Dashing horizontal slash
that cannot parry when held with both hands. Two-Handed Weak Attack
Overhead vertical slash that can be followed
up with a diagonal slash

............ .
Two-Handed Strong Attack
. . Spinning horizontal attack that hits twice
Two-Handed Roll + Weak Attack Quick diagonal slash
Two-Handed Backst.ep + Weak Attack Spinning horizontal attack

Halberds are combinations of axes
and spears with unique bladed tips.
Can be used In spear-like thrust
attacks, or In ax&-llke sweeping 175 .. 350 40
attacks. The halberd challenges a
warrior~ skills, but can be a very 0 10
effective weapon when Its two 0 30
functions are applied properly. 0 30
0 35
Acquired from Forest of Fallen Giants (P), Hollow Soldier
(Halberdl (E), Blue SentlnelTargray (Ml
I 0

Iii 10

0 10
Reinforcement Matertal Tltanlte
120 10
Repair Cost 945

35 10
0 40
0 70


A halberd characterized by a Halberd of the Primal Knights that
sharp beaked spike. This weapon Halberd defend Dranglelc castle. The brutish
Is swuno down upon foes like a Slash and mighty Primal Knights wield
pickaxe, utilizing Its own weight In a 150 .. 300 40 this halberd like a feather-light twig, 205 .. 410 40
powerful attack. Can break through but to the ordinary warrior It Is a
a shielded guard and deal damage. 0 10 chore to even hold up, owing to Its 0 10
0 30 great weight. Terrible experiments 0 30
0 30 were said to have taken place In 0 30
a hidden manor In Dranglelc. The
Acquired from Chancellor Wellager (M)
I 0 35 mastermind presiding Oller the deeds was thought to be 0 35

0 10 LordAldla. 0 10
Reinforcement Matertal Tltanlte
Repair Cos1 746
Note Strong Attack w1ll allow you to pierce through
ll 10
Acquired from Primal Knight (living) (E), Primal Knight
(Undeadl (E)
Reinforcement Matertal Tltanlte Repair Cos1 990
0 40 0 40
0 so 1:1 29s rJ 15 U o II o 0 70
6.5 ~ 11 11 m-•-m- 16


A scythe fitted with a large custom A spear that was embedded In a
• Halberd stone statue. According to an old
blade. Has an extended slash Ing
reach when swung broadly, but rill Slash local legend, a great spear was
used to defeat Santler, the walking
133<>200 40
beware, these attacks make the 135 ,0270 40
wielder very vulnerable. statue. Perhaps this Is that very
0 10 spear... But ft will be difficult to 0 10
utilize such a thing In the manner 0 30
0 30
of a spear. Your only choice Is to 0 30
0 30 swing It around, and smite foes

Acquired from Shaded IM>ods (P),

Steady Hand McDuff (Ml
about the head.
Acquired from Doors of Pharros (P)
Reinforcement Matertal Tw1nkllngTltanlte
I 35
Reinforcement Matertal Tltanlte ••
120 10 120 10
Repair Cos1 895 Repair Cost 646
35 10

fi~ B~or I
35 10
0 40
0 40

m~- so 1:120 rJ~2 U o II o 0 500

...ill!!~ 0.......iiiiiiiiiiiiiii-
5 rti1 11 11 m-•-m- 16


Halberd of the Dragonrlders, King Replica of the halberd of the loyal
Vendrlck's royal guard. A highly • Halberd knight Syan. A meticulously-crafted, • HalbGrd
rJI Slash Iii Slash
versatile weapon that can slash, distinguished weapon. Sir Syan was
sweep, and thrust when wielded 100 ..260 40
widely known as the kingdom's 165 .. 330 40
nimbly, and Is also Imbued with most loyal knight. and when the
magic. Demands great skill of Its 00 .. 120 30 Giant's Invaded, he volunteered to 0 10
I wielder, and thus served to test the 0 30 lead the adVance party, but was 0 30
worthiness of those who aspired to 0 30 slaughtered most dishonorably. 0 30
----- join the Dragonrlders. The King commissioned replicas of
0 35 Syan's accoutrements and bestowed them to promising 0 35
Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Soul Trade) (Ml
0 10 knights, but not long after they donned the armor did 0 10
Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone they go thoroughly mad.
0 10 0 10
Repair Cost 990 120 10 Acquired from Royal Guard (Halberd) (El 120 10
35 10 Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte 35 10
0 40 Repair Cost 1446 0 40

·-·- i
0 70 0 60
o o
- m - •-m- 12


Halberd ofTargrav. Knight of
the Blue. A fitting weapon for a i H;lberd
Halberd wielded by knights who
served a IOfd of light In a long- fa HalbGrd
shepherd of lost souls. Those who rJI Slash forgotten age. Even after their Iii Slash
put faith In an absolute good also 2200330 40
flesh was charred by flame, they 213 .. 320 40
bell eve In the existence of true remained as strong as ever, and
evn. But to others. the distinction 0 10 stood watch, challenging visitors to 0 10
between the two can be quite 0 30 their land. 00 .. 130 30
unclear. 0 30 0 30

Acquired from Blue Sentinel Targray (E) I 0 35

Acquired from Shaded Woods (Pl
0 35

Reinforcement Mater1al TwlnkllngTltanlte

Reinforcement Mater1al Twinkling Tltanlte
Repair Cost 895
I 10
35 10 35 10
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i •III
0 40 0 40

l:e:1°1~--m- -='====
0 60
12 11-11-
0 70


An undated halberd. Wielded by
a warrior from a time so ancient I H;lberd
Halberd forged from the soul of a
Skeleton Lord. Imbued with the I HalbGrd
that there exists no record of his Ill Slash power of dark. The unsettling skull Ill Slash
endeavors. Has extremely low
durability. Sometimes, Just as a
Ill 170 .. 340 al 40
carved Into this halberd recalls the
final moments of the Skeleton Lord
Ill 72,.190 ill 40

thing fails to pieces, It unleashes Its 0 10 from whom It was created. 0 10

last flash of great power ... 0 30 0 30
0 30 0 30
0 35 100 .. 130 45
Acquired from Heida's Tower of Flame (Pl Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (SoulTradel (M)
0 10 0 10
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte 0 10 Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone 0 10
Repair Cost 990 120 10 Repair Cost 845 120 10

35 10 35 10

0 40 0 40
0 20

I 40


An undated pike. Wielded by a A halberd with a heliJE.shaped

warrior from a time so ancient H;lberd handle, headed with a double blade. HalbGrd
that there exists no record of his Slash A complex design, some would Slash
endeavors. Has extremely low say excessively so, that hides a

170 .. 340 40 196•200 40
durability. Sometimes, Just as a spear within Its handle. Although

thing fails to pieces, It unleashes Its 0 10 Its precise origins are unclear, Its 10
last flash of great power ... 0 30 construction appears to utilize 30
0 30 techniques from the lost land of 30
Acquired from Harvest valley (P)
0 35
Acquired from Shrine of Amana (Pl
a1 0 35
0 10 0 10
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al Twinkling Tltanlte
0 10 0 10
Repair Cost 945 120 10 Repair Cost 1395 120 10
35 10 35 10
0 40 0 40
go II II
o o

0 20 0 70
II - m- •-m- _ ___,,..._ _ 16 m- _...,,.. _ 0


Reapertype weapons mostly consist of Scythes and Sickles, and General Attacks
they have good range, with mostly overhead and diagonal based
slashes. Most Reaper type weapons are relatively light given their Attack I Description
size, and are great for slicing foes from a distance. Reaper attacks Overhead vertical slash that can followed up
Weak Attack
with a diagonal slash
can be chained together relatively quickly, although that will use
Slow diagonal slash that can be followed up
up your stamina in a hurry. Both Sickles and Scythes are unable to Strong Attack
with a faster diagonal slash
parry attacks when held with both hands. Caution should be taken
when using strong attacks with Reaper type weapons as you will Ro II + Weak Attack
.............. . Rising wrtlcal slash .. .. .
be extremely vulnerable to attack if opponents are familiar with their Backstep + Weak Att.lck Dashing horizontal slash
movesets and your attack whiffs; both Scythes and Sickles also lWo-Handed Weak Attack
Horizontal slash that can be followed up
have a general weakness against enemies that move to your right with a d lagon al slash
side, since they do not cover well in that direction. Sickles do have a lWo-Handed Strong Attack
Horizontal slash that can be followed up
light attack that hits that side when two-handing them, however. with an overhead vertical slash
lWo-Handed Roll + Weak Attack Quick diagonal slash
lWo-Handed Backstep + Weak Attack Running diagonal slash


A great scythe used to harvest
grain. Normally used as a farm tool, i Reaper
A large sickle with a round blade.
The thin blade, fortified with
not a weapon. It feels almost as If l'illll Slash bradden steel, slices with a fine
there were power In Its giant blade,
perhaps drawn from the fears of
• 125=>250 ;m 40
smoothness. Hooks Into flesh, then
rips It apart to cause bleeding.
those hunted by this fearsome 0 10 10
thing. 0 20 0 20
0 20 0 20
0 45 0 45
Acquired from Tltd"ly Gren (Ml Acquired from Artificial Undead (El. Dark Spirit Crescent
0 20 0 20
Sickle Phantom (El
Reinforcement Materlal Tltanlte 0 20 107 .. 160 30
Relnforoement Material Tltantte

Repair Cost 690 110 20 110 20
Repair Cost 926
15 20 15 20


0 Im 20


A silVer-black sickle imbued with the
power of dark. The large arced blade
read"les around shields and Inflicts
III RB;iper
A sickle with a crescent-shaped
blade. This sickle, enchanted by
magic, Is not Intended as a weapon,
III Reaper
Slash Slash
damage. The grave wardens vr::med fill 75 .. 150 but rather a ceremonial Instrument.

55 • 90 .. 180 40
to ensure the tranquility of those

0 10 ~ 60 .. 110 30
who slumber In the Undead Crypt
If one dares disturb them, the grave
wardens make no allowance for
II o 30 lio 20
0 30 0 20
stature or riches, and will readily
bury them along with the others. 60 .. 105 40 0 45
Acquired from ChancellorWellager (Ml, Brotherhood of
0 15 Blood (Cl, Chancellor Wellager (Ml (NG++) 0 20
Acquired from Grave Warden (El
0 15 0 20
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte Repair Cost 770 Relnforoement Material Titanlte
110 15 110 20
Note Strong Attack will allow you to pierce through Repair Cost 766
shields 20
..... -.~-0
rJ - ----1

-,gl....l l l lJl1-2
0 Im


Created by strapping a large blade The scythe used bylltchy Gren,

to a hilt. A crude makeshift weapon Reaper and by believers In Nahr Alma, Rll9per
with low durability. Pr1mltlve Slash god of blood. Normally used only Stash
weapons can be more effectlve at In ceremonies. Imbued with the 93,.140

100=>200 40 40
evoking fear than more advanced power of dark. This Is no place for
efforts. Perhaps this Is Why the 0 10
tall< of sucn things, however. 1.1 0 10

wielder d"lose this fearsome 0 20 20
creation. 0 20 20
0 45 60
Acquired from Undead Jailer (El Acquired from Merchant Hag Melentla (Ml,
0 20 Tltd"ly Gren (0) 0 20
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte
0 20 0 20
Relnforoement Material Twinkling Tltanlte
Repair Cost 8S6 110 20 110 20
Repair Cost 800
15 20 15 20
0 20 0 20
l!:l is fj 16 a o II o 0 30 a 14 rJ 12 ~ 12 11 12 0 50

~c rJo 11- m- •-m- 6 ~omlsll-m-•- c 5


Scythe forged from the soul of A scythe born from the soul of
the Covetous Demon. The curved • R11:1pgr Nashandra. The old one of the • Rggper
spine of the Covetous Demon Is rJI Slash Abyss was re born In death, spll t Iii Slash
as hard as rock, and rather than 112 .. 280 40 into mlnlscule fragments, and 104 .. 260 40
sllclng through flesh, this weapon spread across the land. The pieces
seems to grind It apart. That thing 0 10 began to coalesce once again, 0 10
that ended up as a monstrous fiend, 0 20 becoming human In shape. 0 20
what was It to begin with, and 0 20 0 20
why did It never leave the queen?
Perhaps It was entranced by some perversion of love. 0 45 120 <>200 45
Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornifex (Soul Trade) (Ml
0 20 0 20
Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (SoulTradel (Ml
Reinforcement Material Petrified Dragon Bone
0 20 0 20
Reinforcement Material Petrified Dragon Bone
110 20 Repair cost 1425 110 20
Rep.alr Cost 1340
15 20 15 20
0 20 0 20
0 50 0 60
10 12

Lances are quite similar to Spears, but they are heavier, more General Attacks
durable and require both Strength and Dexterity in order to wield.
They are also generally slower than Spears, but to compensate Attack I Description
for this they tend to deal a lot more damage. Most of the attacks Weak Attack Quick thrust that can be used repeatedly
with a Lance are thrusts, and some attacks even cause you to run Strong Attack
Running thrust that can be followed up with
with your Lance extended, hitting everything in your path. Critical a rising diagonal slash
hit damage is also usually above average with Lances, so they can Roll + Weak Attack Quick thrust
be a very good post riposte weapon. Due to their heavy weight, Backstep + Weak Attack Running thrust
Lances use up a considerable amount of stamina, and most attacks 1\lvo-Handed Weak Attack Quick thrust that can be used repeatedly
leave you extremely vulnerable to attack if you miss, especially the
Running thrust that can be followed up with
running thrusts. Lances are best used in confined spaces where you 1\lvo-Handed Strong Attack
a normal thrust
don't have to worry about enemies getting around your attacks and
1\lvo-Handed Roll+ Weak Attack Quick thrust
punishing you.
1\lvo-Handed Backstep + Weak Attack Running thrust


A lance originating In Helde. A A lance fashioned from rare
special alloy makes It very durable. Lance gelsteel. Designed for high- Lanoe
The composition of the alloy of Thrust ranking Dranglelc knights, hence Thrust
these lances remains a mystery, but 40 the decorative design. Geist eel 170 .. 340 40
153 ..230 ~
In Dranglelc the attempt to Imitate equipment Is of the finest make,
It resulted In the similar bradden 11 0 10 but gelsteel Is so rare that very few 0 10
steel. Lances are normally wielded 0 30 of these weapons were actually 0 30
by mounted knights, and It takes 60,0100 30 used In combat. 0 30
considerable training to handle one
on the ground. 0 30 0 30
Acquired from Memory of Orro (Pl
0 10 0 10
Acquired from Helde Knight (SWOrdl (E)
Reinforcement Material Titanlte
0 10 0 10
Reinforcement Material TwlnkllngTitanlte
160 10 Repair cost 138 5 160 10
Rep.air Cost 885
30 10 35 10
0 15 0 15
o o 0 60 0 • 0 0 70
- m- 8 - m- 12


A lance originating In Helde. A Lance forged from the soul of the
special allCff makes It very durable. Lance Executioner's Charlot Its cross- Lance
The tip of the lance has been Thrust shaped blade causes bleeding. Thrust
extended. The composition of the The perverse design of this spear

135 .. 270 40 124 =>310 40
alloy of these lances remains a mirrors the oharlot from which It
mystery, but In Dt'anglelc the attempt 0 10 0 10
came. a merciless creation that
to Imitate It resulted In the similar 0 30 endlessly tortured the Undead. 0 30
bradden steel. Lances are normally 10 .. 00 30 0 30
wielded by mounted knights, and It
takes considerable training to handle one on the ground. 0 30 0 30
Acquired from Strald of Ola phis (scurtraoei (M)
0 10 0 10
Acquired from Helde Knight (El (NG+)
Reinforcement Material Petrified Dragon Bone 67,.100
0 10 20
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte
160 10 Repair cost 1430 160 10
Rep.air Cost 835
30 10 36 10

j;!!!1111•6~1!~-,-ollll!!!!il.-o----------PJ 0
50 3l r.J 18 II o

Ir.IC rJE ·- a .Cm- 10 B Cl E m- •-m- =='=====~- m 16

Twinblades are unlike any other weapon - they are completely General Attacks
unique both in the way they look and in their moveset. When
wielded with one hand, Twinblades are quite similar to Swords and Attack I Descr1ptlon
consist of mostly diagonal slashes. However, this weapon truly Weak Attack
Rising diagonal stash that can be used
shines when wielded with two hands. When held with two hands,
Twinblades allow you to overwhelm your opponent with a flurry of Slow diagonal slash that can be used
Strong Attack
spinning attacks that hardly allows a foe the opportunity to retaliate.
Though the base damage may seem low, each attack strikes your Ro II + Weak Attack Quick diagonal flurry
opponent multiple times in quick succession for high damage out- Backstep + Weak Attack DashlnQ diagonal slash
put. Sadly, Twinblades are one of the few weapon types that cannot Quick diagonal flurry that can be foll<med up
l\No-Handed Weak Attack
parry when held with both hands. with a horizontal flurry
Horizontal flurry that can be followed up
l\No-Handed Strong Attack
with a vertical flurry
.. .. .. .. . .
l\No-Handed Roll+ Weak Attack Horizontal spin
l\No-Handed Backstep + Weak Attack Dashing vertical slash


Twlnblade of the castle stone
soldiers. SlrVelstadt could always lwlnbladQ
be found at the King's side, and Slash/Thrust
followed him when he fled. The 00 :>180 60
knights In his service waited
patiently for his return, but turned to 0 10
stone before he did. 0 40
0 40

Acquired from Slone Knight (El,
Dark Spirit Twlnblade (NG+)
Reinforcement Mater1al Titanlte
I 0
120 20
Repair Cost 836
10 20
0 30
D~i 0 0 60
a-m- 10

' A twlnblade fashioned from rare
A twlnblade with heavy blades on

gelsteel. Designed for high- each end. More suited to smashing
ranking Dranglelc knights, hence Slastvrhrust foes than slashing them. Requires Sia sh/Thrust

. .(
the decorative design. Gelsteel
equipment Is of the finest make,
but gelsteel Is so rare that very few
of these weapons were actually
used In combat
$rO I 00
40 ---1 .
a great deal of muscle to wield
artfully. The twlnblade closely
Imitates the design of a foreign.
made weapon that has blades
affixed to both ends of Its hilt
00 .. 180
0 I

Acquired from The Lost Bastille (P), Weaponsmlth

0 30
Acquired from Shrine of Amana (Pl
0 Ill 30

Ornlfex (Ml 0 20 0 20
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
0 20 0 20
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
120 20 Repair Cost 1420 120 20
Repair Cost 836
10 20 15 20
0 30 0 30
2680 lo 0 50 0 70

cia-m-•-m- 8 14


A twlnblade Imported from a Twlnblade of the Dragonrlders, King

( foreign land. The razor-sharp Twinblade Vendrlck's royal guard. Twlnblades Twin blade
blades cause bleeding, but as a Slastvrhrust are wielded with an unusual Slash/Thrust
result, are easily worn and dulled. 113 .. 140 00 technique. This one strikes hard, but 60 .. 150 60
I When wielded by a master, this Is very heavy. Demands great skill

0 10 80c100 10
I dual-tipped blade Is an unparalleled of Its wielder, and thus serwcl to

. -...:..__
weapon that hardly all<ms a foe the
opportunity to retaliate.

Acquired from Chancellor Wellager (M), Brotherhood of

I 0
test the '1/1/0rthlness of those Who
aspired to Join the Dragonrlders.

Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Soul Trade) (M)

0 Ill

Blood (C), ChancellorWellaoer (Ml (NG++) 0 20 0 20

Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone
27 :>40 30 0 20
Reinforcement Mater1al TwlnkllngTltanlte
110 20 Repair Cost 876 120 20
Repair Cost 1296
10 20 10 20
0 30 0 30
0 50 rJ 22 IJ ~ II o 0 60

•-m- 10 Cl c iacm- •-m- 18


Against enemies that do not have tough exterior scales, or are General Attacks
wearing armor. Whips can be a reasonably effective weapon. Their
long reach means that you'll often be able to out range most other
Attack I Description
weapon types, letting you attack enemies from a relatively safe Weak Attack Forward swing that can be used repeatedly
distance. The slow speed of their attacks, coupled with extremely Strong Att.lck
Slow forward swing that can be used
linearity for most attacks does, however, mean that they are not so
effective against quick moving targets, or enemies that are familiar Ro II + Weak Attack Quick forward swing
the Whip's moveset and know how to evade accordingly. Similarly, if Backstep + Weak Attack Spinning horizontal swing
an enemy is wearing armor, or has tough exterior scales, Whips will 1\No-Handed Weak Attack Diagonal swing that can be used repeatedly
suffer a severe drop in damage output due to lack of a striking edge Spinning forward swing that can be follWled
or cutting blade, which means that they will nearly always be out 1\No-Handed Strong Attack
up with a normal forward swing
damaged by other weapon types. ... . .
1\No-Handed Roll+ Weak Attack Quick forward swing
1\No-Handed Backstep + Weak Attack Dashing forward swing

A blood stained whip. A tool made

for a purpose forbidden by the

gods. its effect Is augmented by Its
pointed tip, but stlil only marginally
effective against protective covering
such as hard armor. 10
0 20
0 30
Acquired from Torturer (Whip) (El
0 10
Reinforcement Material Titanlte 0 10

Repair Cost 660 100 10
20 10

I 0


A leather whip. Not normally used A whip born from the soul of
on the battlefield. Very effectlw Whip the Demon of Song. Covered IMlip
against bare flesh, but not against Slash with strange spots that betray its Slash
enemies with armor or like poisonous effects. The Demon's

105 .. 210 30 66 .. 165 30
protection. sonorous voice, In stark contrast to
0 10 0 10
Its hideous form. Is surely Intended
0 20 to lure people close so that It may 0 20
0 20 devour them. 0 20
0 30 0 30
Acquired from Laddersmlth Giiiigan (M) Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Soul Trade) (M)
0 10 133 .. 200 20
Reinforcement Material Titanlte Reinforcement Material Petrified Dragon Bone
0 10 0 10
Repair Cost 495 100 10 Repair Cost 1146 100 10
15 10 16 10
0 15 0 15
{!s fj mo II o i! pj 25 fjo lo

17 0 50 Q 0 60

~ - rJB II - m- - II 1.5 l?J - Cl B II - m- II - II 2


A whip covered In spikes. Shreds A leather whip that has seen plenty
skin and causes bleeding. Very Whip of use. It appears no different than IMlip
effective against bare flesh, but not Slash an ordinary whip, but Is charmed Slash
against enemies with armor or like 75,..150 30 by an ancient blessing that boosts 233,..350 30
protectlon. damage Inflicted on Hollows. The
0 10 biassing Is likely the work of a 0 10
0 20 cleric, but whether the spell Is good 0 20
0 20 or evil ls unclear. 0 20
0 30 0 30
Acquired from Huntsman's Copse (P) Acquired from Sparkling Sisters Dyna & Tilio (Ml
0 10 0 10
Reinforcement Material Titanlte 133 .. 200 20 Reinforcement Material Twinkling Titanlte 10
Repair Cost 626 100 10 Repair Cost 646 100 10
15 10 Note Attack boost against hollows 16 10
0 15 0 15

I R: I I ~ • - m -
O 0 50
0 40


Claws are very light and have faster than average attack speed. They General Attacks
suffer from having low damage output and very short range, how-
ever Claw type weapons consist of primarily horizontal and diagonal
Attack I Description
slashes, making them useful for dealing with multiple enemies in Quick diagonal slash that can be used
Weak Attack
front of you. All Claw weapons require Strength and Dexterity in
Diagonal slash that can be followed up with
order to wield them, and they all scale from these stats to cause Strong Attack
a Jumping attack
more damage, with the exception of the Work Hook. . .
Roll + Weak Attack Rising vertical slash
Backstop + Weak Attack Dashing diagonal slash
Rising diagonal slash that can be used
lWo-Handed Weak Attack
Overhead vertical slash that can be followed
lWo-Handed Strong Attack
up with a spinning diagonal slash
lWo-Handed Roll+ Weak Attack Spinning dlagonal slash
lWo-Handed Backstop+ Weak Attack Dashing horizontal slash


A weapon that attaches to the Claws used by the manikins of
hands. The wearer attacks In a Cl;w Harvest Valley. The peculiar art of Claw
scratching motion with these three- Slash puppetry Is a vestige of the two Strike
pronged claws. Claws Inflict deep 65 .. 130 30 lost lands. The Queen. entranced 760160 30
wounds and cause bleeding. by poison, used It to beckon
0 10 unknO'Nlng souls to the defiled 0 10
0 20 valley. 0 20
0 20 0 20
0 30 0 30
Acquired from Laddersmlth Giiiigan (M) Acquired from Manikin (Dual-wielding Claws) (E)
0 10 0 10
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 00 .. 120 10 Relnfon:ement Material Titanlte 10
Repair Cost 600 120 10 Repair Cost 616 120 10
10 10 10 10
0 5 0 6
0 30 0 50


One of the malformed weapons A hook that covers the hand. Clearly
developed In Aldia. Appears to Claw not Intended as a weapon, but Claw
be a crustacean pincer, but Its Striks certainly sharp enough to shred an Strike
precise origins are unclear. Use .. enemys skin.
66 110 40 20•40 30
strong attack to Inflict damage even
upon foes with raised shields. The O 16 0 10
peculiar figure kncmn as Lord Aldla o 25 0 20
attempted to uncover the secrets of O 25 0 20
life Itself, and viewed the Undead as
a key to this mystery. O 35 0 30
Acquired from Earthen Peak (P), Mimic (El
0 10 0 10
Acquired from Suspicious Shadows (El (NG+)
0 10 Relnfon:ement Material Titanlte 67 .. 100 10

Reinforcement Material Tltanlte
120 10 Repair Cost 686 120 10
Repair Cost 630

I 10 10 10 10

.-_I : I
Note Strong Attaok wlll allO'N you to pierce through

There is only one fist weapon in the game, and tt also has by the CA ESTUS
shortest range of all weapon types, but that does not mean it is
without merit. Although you'll need to be aggressive in the pursuit Weapon used to strike with ones
fists. The thick leather covering Fists
of your opponents, constantty running right up next to them, once
bears Iron studs, and protects Strike
you're inside, the true potential of the Fist can be unleashed. Wtth the hands while augmenting their 46,011() 30
Just a single fist weapon on one hand, your attack options are quite striking power. Attacks with the
limited and the single hits are not especially fast to compensate for fists are solely dependent on one's 0 10

this. Dual wield with them, however, and it's a very different story. strength. With this weapon, any 0 20
When dual wielding normally you'll be able to access new moves encounter becomes a brawl. 0 20
by alternating attacks with each hand, and if you then enter the dual 0 30
Acquired from Goblin (Bare fists) (El, Merohant Hag
wield Power Stance, you gain even more different attacks, including Melenua (Ml
0 10
one that covers quite some distance. It's the versatility of the Fists • 0 • 10
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
that makes up for their lack of raw damage, and makes them a fun 130 Iii 10
choice of weapon. Repair Cost 540
16 10

General Attacks
Attack I Description
1:1 10 l"J
7 D O I -•-m-

Quick diagonal hook that can be followed up

Weak Attack
with a horlzontal hook
Overhead diagonal hook that can be fo~
Strong Attack
lowed up with an uppercut
......... . . .
......Roll.. +Weak Attack
.. .. Quick uppercut
. .
Backstop +Weak Attack Dashing diagonal hook
Rising diagonal double knuckle that can be
lWo-Handed Weak Attack
used repeatedly
Overhead double knuckle that can be fol-
lWo-Handed Strong Attack lowed up with a spinning diagonal double
lWo-Handed Roll +Weak Attack Spinning diagonal double knuckle
lWo-Handed Backstop +Weak Attack Dashing horizontal hook

Through the use of a Pyromancy flame, any build of character, also be found in various places throughout the game, and with
regardless of their stats, can make use of the various Pyromancy these you can Reinforce the Pyromancy Flame to even greater
spells, as long as they have the Attunement Slots for them. This strengths by taking tt to one of the appropriate NPCs. Once you
sets it apart from Staffs and Chimes, and is one of the biggest venture out of its Pyromancy casting abilities, however, the only
draws of Pyromancy, since it ensures that you will always have a other attack with it is a very weak short range punch, and it gains no
non-melee option to help tackle tough opponents. Fire Seeds can benefits if you dual wield them.


A flame catalyst used by A flame catalyst used by
!>(romancers. Pyromancers rouse Pyrom;ncy Fla m11 pyromancers. Pyromancers rouse Pyroma ncy Flam11
this flame to produce vanous fire arts. SpgQ/Stri l(Q this flame to produce various flre Sp11IVStrike
Equip pyromancy flame to produce
P(romancy. Attune pyromanoles at a
bonfire. The strength of a pyromancy
depends on the strenoth of one's
II o
126 .. 260
arts. The flame rewards those
with a thirst for power. The more
Hollowed one Is, the stronoer Its
I : ..
P(romancy flame, which can be 0 20 0 20
Improved through reinforcement.
0 20 0 20
Acquired from No-man's Wharf (P) Acquired from The Gutter (P), Imprisoned Mllfanlto (0)
0 5 0 5
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 0 5 Reinforcement Material Titanlte 0 5
Repair Cost 665 100 5 Repair Cost 1066 100 5
5 5 Note Pyromancy power Increases the more Hollow 5 5
li!!!!!ll omll l ! !B.-0--1~~
ll!!!!!!!llyou!!,: -.-_
-11-- I 100
0 0


Staffs are primarily designed for casting either Sorceries or some always be considered; because the spell is fired from the tip, if an
Hexes, since in most cases they have both Magic and Dark damage enemy gets inside of that range your spell will miss, and the longer
values. Between the different Staffs the balance of those two dam- the Staff the more you have to account for this. Also Staffs do, how-
age types will usually fluctuate towards one or the other, allowing ever, have a melee attack that you can use in a pinch If an enemy
you to pick the one that is most appropriate for the types of spells gets too close, but the damage done by this attack is usually quite
you're using. The length of the Staff Is also something that should low so it's not something to be relied upon.


The first staff of most sorcerers.
A catalyst for sorceries and hexes. i Staff
Staff used by hollowed Dranglelc
sorcerers. A catalyst for sorceries • Staff
To use sorceries, attune a sorcery • Spell/Stri ks and hexes. The lizard affixed to Its Ill SpelVStrike
at a bonfire and equip a staff. tip Is a simple charm, and has no
0 25 25
The strength of most sorceries Is bearing on the staff's powers.
affected by the caster's Intelligence. Q0•190 30 110:220 30
0 20 0 20
0 20 0 20
00 .. 100 20 40,.200 20
Acquired from Forest of Fallen Giants (Pl, Carhllllon of Acquired from Dark Wizard (E)
the Fold (Ml 0 5 0 5
0 5 Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 0 5
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte
5 Repair cost 645

•I •
100 100 5
Repair Cost 495
10 5 10 5

0 15 0 15
~ l'J o U to II o
o 135 30 ~ 0 rJ O u 19 II O 120 30
lt!l II lie m-11- me 2 lt'J m •Am-II-lie ---


Slaff held by a priestess of Aman a. Slaff of members of the Archdrake

A ritual staff that was not Intended sect of Undelt. A catalyst for Staff

for use In battle, but nevertheless sorceries and hexes. In Llndelt, SpelVStrike
It functions as a catalyst for known for Its clerics and their

25 26
sorceries and hexes. The Demon miracles, sorcery Is believed to

I"':'" 30 g5,.1go
O 30
was contained within the shrine be a profane practice. But as with
by sacred rituals, but <111er time the 20 anything, such beliefs are part faith 0 20
tradition was lost, and the Demon
set free. It gained knowledge, and
learned to lure humans Into Its lair using song.
115 .. 230
and part front, and this staff was
born of that hypocrisy. m o
70 .. 230
• 20
Acquired from Felkln the Outcast (M)
Acquired from Amana Shrine Malden (Staff) (El 0 5 0 5
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte
0 5 0 5
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte
100 5 Repair Cost 630 100 5
Repair Cost 1130
10 5 10 5

Note While you are Human you will recleve a small
boost In damage to Sorceries 0 16 0 15
100 45 O rJ O 19 11 15 125 40
3 - m - II B m- •-me 3.5


Branch of a forest-wandering
witch tree. A catalyst for sorceries
and hexes. Now It Is used as a I z., Staff used by hollowed Dranglelc
sorcerers. A catalyst for sorceries
and hexes. The bat affixed to Its tip


weapon, but this was origin ally a 25 Is a simple charm. It has no bearing 25
part of a wltchtree. on the staff's powers, but the
100:200 30 germs on the cadaver poison foes 102:2C6 30
o 20 upon contact In str1ke attacks. O 20
0 20 0 20
100 .. 200 20 102 .. 2C6 20
Acquired from The Pit (P) Acquired from Hollow Mage (Male) (E)
0 5 107•160 10
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte Reinforcement Material Tltanlte
0 5 0 5
Repair Cost 665 100 5 Repair Cost 665 100 5
10 5 10 5
0 16 0 15
~o l'J O U 16 II o 140 30
~or.JoU25llo II 125 30
m- m-•e m-11-ma 1
m- lie a ·-me 2


Staff crafted with animal bones. A Staff of Olenford the sorcerer. A
catalyst for sorceries and hexes. Staff catalyst for sorceries and hexes. Staff
Properly trained sorcerers receive SPQII/Stri kQ Olenford, revered as the father SpelVStrika
their first staff from their master 0 25 of sorcery In Melfla, sought 0 25
after reaching a certain level of knowledge that surpassed
accomplishment Those without QS .. 100 30 manklncfs ken, and so ventured Into 140•210 30
proper training must delltse 0 20 the Undead Crypt. and did SW!fo/ 0 20
something of their own mal<fng. 0 20 with his humanity. 0 20
95 .. 100 20 140 .. 250 20
Acquired from The Lost Bastille (Pl Acquired from Undead Crypt (P)
0 5 0 5
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al T\\inkllng Tltanlte
0 5 0 5
Repair Cost 665 110 5 Repair Cost 1146 100 5
15 5 10 5
0 20 0 15
100 50 1~ 30
4.5 2


Staff of the lost land of Olaphls. Staff used 'cl'{ Leydla wltdles.
Sorcery-<Jedlcated catalyst Cannot Staff Imbued \\1th a speclal magic, Staff
be used to cast hexes. The crystal Spell/Stri Ice making It a catalyst for sorceries, SpelVStrike
at the tip of the staff greatly 0 25 miracles, and hexes. Leydla 0 25
augments spell strength. Already a apostles are adept at magic, and
flne!y-<:rafted staff, made even more 180 ..270 30 wielded unique weapons, but 110 .. 220 30
effective 'cl'{ Its crystal, the brilliance 0 20 were deemed blasphemous and 110 .. 220 20
of which has been polished over slaughtered.

0 20 110 .. 220 20
time with powerful magic.
0 20 20
Acquired from Dragon Shrine (P) Acquired from Dark Spjrlt: Pecullar Klndular (E), 110:220
0 5 Leydla Witch (El 5
Reinforcement Mater1al TwlnkllngTltanlte
0 5 0 5
Reinforcement Mater1al Titanlte Repair Cost 1645
Repair Cost 1145 110 5 100 5
Note This staff can be used to cast spells from the
15 5 Sorcery, Mlrcale and Hex sdlools 10 5
0 20 0 15
110 50 120 30
3 2.5


A staff said to have been forged
In Aldla. A catalyst for sorceries
and hexes. Particularly powerful
for casting hexes. The mysterious
Lord AJdla secluded himself
I z., 0 25
A staff enwreathed In a matte
blackness. Found In the heart of
the Dark Chasm. A cata!yst for
sorceries and hexes. No one knC1Ns
what lies beyond the dark passages
0 25
Inside a manor to oonduct various 106 .. 160 30 found across Dranglelc, but perhaps eo .. 160 30
experiments. Those lnlltted to the 0 20 they are better left u ndlsturbed. 0 20
manor disappeared, repjaced over 0 20 0 20
time with malformed beasts that
60 .. 290 20 4Qd210 30
roamed Its halls.
Acquired from ChancellorWellager (Ml
0 5 0 5
Acquired from Aldis's Keep (P),
Felkln the Outcast (Ol(EJ 0 5 Reinforcement Mater1al Titanlte 0 5
Reinforcement Mater1al Twinkling Tltanlte 100 5 Repair Cost 645 100 5

Repair Cost 1145 15 5 10 5

0 15 0 15
105 30 120 50
2 3
Equipping and using a Sacred Chime is much the same as a Staff,
except rather than relying on Intelligence, Chime's work through
Faith. Their primary purpose is to cast Miracles, or some Hexes that
require them, and nearly all of them will have their damage values
split between Lightning and Dark. Also like Staffs, different Chimes
will lean more towards one damage type or the other, allowing
you to choose one focused on Miracles, or go for one that's better
suited to Hexes if you wish. The short range of most Chimes means
that enemies getting inside of the casting point is not as much of
an issue, but they still give you access to a weak melee attack just
in case.


Most clerics receive this as their A sacred chime shaped as a dragon.
first sacred chi me. A catalyst Sacred Chima Sacred Chime
A catalyst for miracles and hexes.
for miracles and hexes. To use SPQfl/Strl kl! This chime sat long In the Dark
miracles, equip a sacred chime Chasm, but stlll one senses a
0 25 26
and attune a miracle at a bonfire. sublime purity. Only those with the
The strength of most miracles Is 0 20 20
deepest faith can wield this chime,
affected by the caster's faith. 0 20 but they will be rewarded ~th 20
Q0 .. 180 30 greatly amplified spells. 30
Q0 .. 160 20 166 .. 200 20
Acquired from MaJula (P), Llcla of Lindell (Ml Acquired from Darkdlver Grandahl (O)(E)
0 5 0 5
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 0 5 Reinforcement Materlal T~nkllng Tltanlte
0 5

Repair Cost 416 100 5 Repair Cost 610 100 5
5 5 5 5

l.!J rJ I I I
0 5 0 5
140 30 145 30
llJ II -aemc
o o 10


Wltohtree bellvlne that sprouts Sacred chime used by members
amongst old growth. A catalyst Sacred Chima Sacred CNme
of the Archdral<e Sect of Llndelt
for miracles and hexes. Clerics Spgfl/Strlk9 A catalyst for miracles and hexes. SpelVStrike
who were ostracized devised

25 The land of Llndelt Is governed by 0 25
this as an alternative catalyst for stringent laws, and those who dare
casting miracles. Most eenes who 20 0 20
defy them are punished without
are stripped of their status are 20 mercy. 0 20
oooc:Hor-nothlngs, but among them 100 .. 200 30 105 .. 210 30
are powerful spell casters who
represented real threats to the establishment Although 100.0200 20 1os .. 210 20
Acquired from Felkln the Outcast (Ml
not a proper catalyst. the bellvlne Is quite pCM1erful. 0 5 0 5
Acquired from The Pit (P) 0 5 Reinforcement Materlal Titanlte
0 5
100 5 Repair Cost 676 100 5
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte
Repair Cost 1086 5 5 5 5
0 5 0 5
mo 100 30 120 30
II - c 0.5 0.5


Sacred chime granted to high-
ranking clerics. A catalyst for Sacred Chime
Sacred chime of Lida of Lindert. A
catalyst for miracles and hexes. In ~ ...
miracles and hexes. Dranglelc was Spgfl/Strik9 any town there will be a few folk / ..
the home of many clerics, but King 0 25 with unusual urges. They either / 25
Vendrick held a lukewarm opinion endeavor to resist these urges,
0 20 )(
of their powers. and kept them only
as attendants to ceremony. In this
sense, Drangleic was not the place
0 20
or act upon them out of the view
of others. The world Is not so ~
0 ' 20
QS .. 111() 30 welcoming they may bare their )( 150 .. 220 \ 30
for a cleric ~th any ambition. souls true.
Acquired from The Lost Bastille (P), Tltchy Gren (Ml
QS .. 190 20 ..0 150 .. 225 '". 20
Acquired from Llcla of Llndelt (O)(El ;
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte
5 Reinforcement Materlal T~nk.llng Tltanlte " ,·
Repair Cost 686 100 5 Repair Cost 1096 100
5 5 5 5

0 5 0 ' 5
120 30 / tes ,', .
·1 30
0.5 .... 0.5


Sacred chime blessed by Galtha, A rare sacred chime of unknown
• Sacred Chime • SaCTild Chim11
goddess of tears. Hex-dedicated ,,-,-:·-... origin. Can be used as a shield.
catalyst. Cannot be used to cast
miracles. Caltha, the goddess of
tears, Is known as a compassionate
II Spgll/Stri ke
0 25
(~ (:'~ "
( : ., .l ·,T•...•'.-_.,
This chime, likely brought here by
a visiting saint, slightly augments
the effects of miracles. Use strono
Iii Sp91VStrik9
0 80

being that Is with us In times of 0 20

' . '...,
. ;i. .-· .• ' • attack to emit miracles and hexes. 0 40
traoedY. but some believe that
she Is a demoness that guides us
0 20

,, .. ..,
•' I

0 35
0 30 110,. tso 85
toward misfortune.
125,.250 30 110 <>180 65
Acquired from Dranglelc Castle (P) Acquired from Grave of Saints (Pl
0 5 0 20
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al Titanlte Repair cost 1085
0 5 0 20
Repair Cost 610 100 5 Note Can be used as a Shield by holding the weak 110 20
attack button, white strong attack will cast equipped
5 5 Miracles/Hexes 15 20
0 5 0 50
145 30 100 40
0.5 2


Sacred chime commonly used by Sacred chime created from the soul
clerics of Lindell A catalyst for • Sacred Chime of Nashandra. Greatly amplifies • SaCTild Chime
miracles and hexes. A sacred chime II Spgll/Stri Ice spells. The old one of the Abyss Iii SpelVStrike
serves to conduct the power of 0 25 was reborn In death. split Into 0 25
miracles, but In the past, something mlnlscule fragments, and spread
entirely different served the same 0 20 across the land. The tiniest of these 0 20
purpose. 0 20 pieces, precisely due to Its size, 0 20
110 .. 220 30 was the first to restore Its form. 100 .. 210 30
110•220 20 100.. 250 20
Acquired from Iron Keep (P) Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (SoulTrade) (M)
0 5 0 5
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone
0 5 0 5
Repair Cost 620 100 5 100 5
5 5 5 5
0 5 0 6
140 30 130 30
1 0.5


Outside of the different forms of spells, Bows are the primary of the hand that the Bow is not equipped in, you will bring up a
ranged attack weapons in the game, and they come with the added targeting reticule that you can use to precisely fire arrows exactly
benefit of being able to manually adjust the aim, which allows you where you want them. This allows you to arc arrows over long
to be extremely accurate. After equipping a Bow, you'll need to distances to ensure they hit their target, or hit exposed areas of
press either the corresponding hand's attack button, or the Stance an enemy with greater ease, and you still have the ability to strafe
Change button to use the Bow with both Hands, and at that point around to avoid getting hit if needed.
you can start firing normally. If, however, you press the attack button


The type of small boW used by
hunters In training. Equip arrows
to use. Equip up to two types of
A standard bow used by hunters.
Equip arrows to use. Equip up to
two types of srrowe to give yourself I
ProJQCtJIQ/Strikll ::ctQQ/~ke
arrows to give yourself Immediate
options In battle. Use arrows to hit
enemies from afar to gain the upper
Immediate options In battle. Use
arrows to hit enemies from afar
to gain the upper hand by drawing
I 75:150 I 0
hand by drawing first blood. 0 0 first blood. 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Acquired from MaJula (P), Hollow Infantry (Bowl (El, Acquired from Armored Skeleton (Bow) (El. Steady
Rogue (Bow) (El 0 0 Hand McDuff (M) 0 0
0 0 0 0
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
100 0 100 0
Repair Cost 455 Repair Cost 606
5 0 6 0

45 10 50 10
~ 1 rJ 12 m o II o 0 so 0 60

~DnA• m-•-m- 1 2


A bow crafted from various
materials. Inflicts more damage
than ordinary bows, but has a
shorter range, making ft unfit for

82 .. 165 ~ 0
Bow wielded by the Dragonrlders,
KlngVendrlck's royal guard. Merely
drawing this bow requires Inhuman
strength, but each shot has deadly
potential. Demands great skill of Its

ProjectiQ(Stri kll

72 .. 190 iii 0
0 0 wielder, and thus served to test the eo .. 100 0
0 0 worthiness of those who aspired to 0 0
0 0 Join the Dragomlders. 0 0
0 0 0 0
Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (Ml Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Soul Trade) (Ml
0 0 0 0
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte 0 0 Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone 0 0
Repair Cost 1106 100 0 Repair cost 1130 100 0
5 0 5 0

35 10 35 10
0 60 0 40
2 3


A bow built for sea-faring marine A bow created from the soul of
Bow Bow

warriors. Has an extended range for Nashandra. The old one of the
hunting down sea monsters from ProjectilQ/S1rikll Abyss was reborn In death, split Into Project~Q(Stri kll
afar. A great sea lies to the north
of Dranglelc, and beyond that Is an n:, as
0 mlnlscule fragments, and spread
across the land. The smallest of the
40<>100 ill 0

unexplored continent that Is home

to things Inhuman.
pieces, sensing Its own fragility,
yearned for what ft lacked.

II 0
0 0 0
Acquired from Varanglan Sailor (Bowl (E) Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (SoulTrade) (Ml
0 0 0 0
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone
0 0 0 0
Repair Cost 620 100 0 Repair cost 1090 100 0
5 0 5 0
66 10 50 10
Uo II o 0 60 IJ O g 1e 0 70
II - m- •-m- 2 II - m- 2


Wooden bow used by bell keepers. Unique bow equipped by Alonne
Very light, and requiring hardly Bow Knights. This very powerful bow Gl93tboW
any strength. The bells symbolize Proj11ttilQ/S1rik11 uses greatarrows, but each draw ProjectWQ(Strl kll
forbidden love, the bell keepers, 65 .. 130 0 of the string requires a great 130 .. 260 0
their faithful guardians. ever-ready deal of time, leaving the shooter
to annihilate trespassers. They 0 0 vulnerable. In the heyday of his 0 0
will stand watch, for ever and 0 0 land, the Old Iron King fancied 0 0
ever, these determined, If Ill-fated, 0 0 entertaining dubious and eccentric 0 0
marionettes. guests from faraway lands. Most of
0 0 them were cnartatans, but amongst the riff-raff were true 0 0
Acquired from Enhanced Undead (E)
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
0 0 masters of authentic and refined arts. II o 0
0 0 Acquired from Alonne Knight Captain (Bowl (E) 0 0
Repair Cost 690 100 0 100 0
Reinforcement Mater1al Titanfte
5 0 Repair cost 1605 15 0
50 10 50 10
0 70 0 70
1 8


A black bow designed for long A greatbow said to be used to
distances. Difficult to handle at (I Bow down ancient dragons flying high II Greatbow
first, and requiring some amount II ProjectilWS1rikG above the clouds. Extremely fl ProjectiQ(Strl kll
of practice to master. The hunting
goddess Evlana was no goddess
11 77,.155 0 large for a mere bow, and more
destructive than any ranged weapon
11 116 .. wo iii 0

at all, but rather a brave and highly 0 0 Imaginable. Shooting this bow 0 0
skilled bow huntress. Long after 0 0 tlrst requires the grounding of Its 0 0
her demise, the passing of lore 0 0 stabilizing andlor, which takes time 0 0
transformed her Into a deity. and leaves the shooter vulnerable.
0 0 Also requ Ires greatarrows. 0 0
Acquired from Dranglelc Castle (Pl
0 0 0 0
Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (SoulTrade) (M),
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte 0 0 Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (M) (NG+) 0 0
Repair Cost 1000 100 0 Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone 100 0
5 0 Repair cost 2005 15 0
60 10 50 10
0 70 0 70
2 10


In many ways Crossbows are similar to Bows, but the main differ- not holding the weapon you'll also bring up an aiming reticule, just
ences are they generally do more damage, but cannot fire as far. like with a Bow. Because of the reduced shot range, however, they
You also have the ability for fire them one-handed, which means are nowhere near as good for sniping as Bows, and are much better
you can be a lot more versatile with your equipment choices while suited to mid or close-range combat where you'll be able to pair the
still using one. You can switch to using Crossbows two-handed, power of the Crossbow with a good Shield or alternate weapon.
however. and at that time if you press the attack button of the hand


A standard crossbow. Equip bolts to
use. Unlike boWs, a crossbow can i Crossbow
An extremely rare rapid-firing
crossbow. Fire three successive la CrossbO\"I
be held In one hand. Equip up to r'illl ProjllClile/Strike bolts. I nfllct heavy da maoe by Ill Projectile/Stri ks
two types of bolts to glw yourself
Immediate options In battle.
QS .. 190

making all three shots count
Florenza, the richest merchant In
all of ~lgen, recreated this lost
I 83:170 I 0
0 0 weapon after reading of It In an 0 0
0 0 old book. 0 0
0 0 0 0
Acquired from Forest of Fallen Giants (Pl, Steady Hand Acquired from Undead Crypt (P)
McDuff (M) 0 0 0 0
0 0
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 0 0
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte
Repair cost 1730

• •
100 0 100 0
Repair Cost 660
10 0 10 0

i ·~ I I ' I '. •- m - II I
35 10 45 10
l'J 4 U o II o 40

~ 13 0 60 0

~ m II m-11-m- 3 is 6


A large crossbow that deals heavy Crossbow created from the soul of
damage. Equip bolts to use. Unlike Crossbow the Executioner's Charlot Iron plate CrossbO\'i

~:.» I
bows, a crossbow can be held In serves as a shleld while firing. The Projectile/Stri ks
one hand. Equip up to two types 0
merciless chariot Inflicted agony 70
of bolts to give yourself Immediate upon others with utter Impunity,
options In battle. 0
and the crossbow created from Its 65
0 soul strives to protect from possible 55
m o
• 55
Acquired from Dark Spirit Rhoy the Explorer (El. Royal Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Soul Trade) (Ml
0 0 0 45
SWofdsman (Crossbow) (E), Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (Ml,
Dark Spirit Heavy Crossbow (El (NG+) Relnforcem ent Material Petrified Dragon Bone
0 0 0 45
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 100 0 Repair cost 770 100 45
Repair Cost 846 10 0 Note While the attack button Is held down, you can use 10 45
the Shield to block, and then upon release a Crossbow
40 10 36 30
~20r.Js go llo 0 70
bolt will fire
0 60

~- 11-11- m- •-m- --~-- Iii 4 ~

10 rJ
10 H
o II o


As their name implies. Small Shields are the smallest class of Shield, BUCKLER
and along with their small stature, they usually offer less in the way
protection than the other Shield types. More stamina loss will also A traditional small metal shield.
usually be incurred when blocking with these Shield types, and since Small shields are wry light and easy la Small Shi11ld
to use, but have low stability when • Parry/Strike
they're usually constructed out of wood or leather, they can seldom attacked. The center of a buckler Is 60,.120 76
be relied upon to deflect attacks. Because they are so light, however, convex. designed to brush attacks
and have generally low usage requirements, they can be used by al- aside, making parrying easier. 0 30
most any character, so they are usually one of the first Shields you'll 0 65
be able to use, depending on your class. Many Small Shields also 0 50
come with the added benefits of having much large parry windows 0 50
than their bigger cousins, so if you prefer light, fast characters that Acquired from ForeSl of Fallen Giants (P)
0 50
favor parrying over blocking, they are the perfect fit. Relnforcem ent Material Tltanlte 0 40

_lll fl100
100 40

i ~ ~ I I ~ •- m -

13 O
0 50


Small, leather-covered shield. A A small shield used by Dranglelc
particularly traditional type of small • Smlll Shield foot soldiers. A clearly makeshift • Small Shl11ld
shield. Small shields are very light II Parry/Strilai shield that does not offer significant • Parry/Strikll
and easy to use, but not very stable 50 .. 100 75 defense. The only advantage of 42 .. 85 60
when attacked. this shleld Is that It makes parrying
0 35 easier. 0 55
0 50 0 20
0 60 0 35
0 40 0 20
Acquired from Forest of Fallen Giants (Pl Acquired from Armored Skeleton (Bowl (El, Armored
0 50 Skeleton (Curved Sword & Shield) (El, Armored Skeleton 0 30
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte (Thrusting Sword & Shield) (El, Hollow Infantry (Sword &
0 40 0 25
Repair Cost 660 Small Shield) (El
100 40 100 25
10 Relnforoement Mater1al Tltanlte 10
40 25
0 30 Repair Cost 370 0 20
0 70 0 40
0.5 1.5


Small metal shield with protrusions. A shield used by the manikins of
Small shields are very light and (I Smlll Shield Harvest Valley. The peculiar art of fl Small Shl9ld
easy to use, but are not very stable • Parry/Strilai puppetry Is a vestige of the two IllParry/Strikll
when attacked. The protrusions 1111 50 .. 120 00 /'~~\
.~:·''.\ lost lands. The Queen, entranced .. 35,070 iii 85
on the center of the shield are by poison, used It to beckon
designed to brush attacks aside and 0 30 \'·~. _Ii' ~~ ·,i," ./ . unknowing souls to the defiled 0 35

make parrying easier. 0 65 / valley. 0 35
0 60 0 35
0 45 0 35
Acquired from The Lost Bastille (Pl Acquired from Manikin (Bowl (El, Manll<ln (Curved
0 60 Sword) (El, Manikin (Dagger) (El 0 65
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte 0 40 0 65
Relnforoement Mater1al Tltanlte
100 40 100 65
10 40 10 65
.. ~lllll!lll--...iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.•l~ .. llll!!!!!!lll ......
ri:.e~p-al.rCollll!!!!s~t~62•011111111!!!!!!P iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimJ~
0 35 0 40

Ii ~ H B I ~ •- m - .. 12

O 0 60
2 1!:g;1°1:._ .. 0 40


A standard wooden parma. The Small shield used byVolgen Falcon-
Smlll Shield Small Shield
'\ ..
fancy name and nifty paint are ers. Appears like a gllstenlng gold

t ,-,,~ •, .

.: ,1!I ,.~.- <.• -,-~

surely a merchant's efforts to make
this very ordinary shield more
50 .. 100
.i(~~- -
falcon from afar. Domestic Volgen
soldiers are Infamously timid, so It
Is no wonder that this fierce band
of mercenary falconers was hired

• ... :_ .r'..
- ·: ;. !k'. 0 20 . to compensate. The falconers are 65
,-......._ rumored to be untrustlng of others,
0 45 65
and demanding of prompt, full pay-
0 45 ment But no wonder, they deliver much more than they 65
Acquired from Heida's Tower of Flame (Pl, Majula (Pl
0 30 are paid, and are well aware of It 20
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
0 25 Acquired from Shaded IM>ods (Pl, Shrine of Winter (P) 20
Repair cost 620 100 25 20
Relnforoement Mater1al Titanlte

~I : 25
Repair Cost 635 20

~--1!!!!!!!!1--1!!!!!!!!1__ 1!!!!!!!!!!1__ .........

i~i~a:1~--m-11 ~--~~,-~~""=~~~~~-=~~==-<
0 40


A small shield made of Iron. The Small shield of Benhart of Jugo. This
unusual design suggests a foreign Smlll Shield parma, emblazoned with a family Small Shi91d

~:·~ I ~:·~ I
origin. Lightweight despite Its Iron Parry/Strike crest of some sort, has clearly been Parry/Strik9
construction, and sturdy despite 85
around for several generations, bUt 80
Its small size, but not sufficient to has no special value.
protect one from real danger. 30 50

II 65 II 40

m 0
m 0
• 50
Acquired from Maughlln the Armorer (Ml Acquired from Merchant Hag Melentla (Ml,
0 30 Benhart of JUQo (Q) 0 50
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte 0 30 0 50
Relnforoement Mater1al Titanlte
Repair cost 620 100 30 100 50
Repair Cost 470
10 30 10 50
0 45 0 40
lo II fj

0 00 7 O 0 60

II - m- •-m- 3 D II c 2


A small shield fashioned from rare Small shield used by AJdlan
gelsteel. A masterpiece of the • Smlll Shield warlocks. Reinforced by a covert • Small Shl11ld
great blacksmith Uewellyn that he II Parry/Strilai r1tual that granted the shield the Iii Spell parry/Strilai
brought aloog as a gift when he left 73<> 110 ~
power of flame. Can deflect spells 23035 85
Mlrrah for Dranglelc. by parrying. The peculiar figure
0 75 known as Lord Aldla kept Giants 0 70
0 70 In his manor, and attempted to 27 .. 40 86
0 70 recreate a dragon, but after some 0 70
time, was not heard from again.
0 70 0 70
Acquired from Stooe Soldier (E) Acquired from Dark Spirit Merciless Roenna (E)
0 50 0 30
Reinforcement Mater1al TwlnkllngTltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al TwlnkllngTltanlte
0 50 0 30
Repair Cost 1135 100 46 Repair cost 590 100 60
10 45 10 60
0 45 0 30
0 00 0 70
•-m- 3


A parma used by clerics on
pilgrimage. Enchanted with a Smlll Shield
Small Varanglan shield engraved
with a strange pattern. A former Ill Small Shl11ld
somewtlat fragile blessing that SJ)CIII parry/Strike king launched a campaign to rilll Parry/Strike
allows spells to be deflected by
parrylno. Unfortunately, the shield
provides very little physical defense,
147:g5 50
capture these terrors of the high
seas, but rather than lmpr1son
them, forced them Into hard labor at
I 52:105 I 80
and Is more of a lucky charm than a 0 75 Ncrman's Wharf. 0 40
proper shield. 0 75 0 40
0 65 0 20
Acquired from Dark Priestess (E), Dark Spirit Peculiar Acquired from Varanglan Sailor (Bow) (El, Varanglan
Klndular (E) 0 30 Sailor (SWord & Small Shield) (El 0 60
0 30 0 60
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanite
100 30 100 60
Repair Cost 690 Repair Cost 620
10 30 10 60

0 20 0 40
0 50 0 70
1.6 3


A small shield used by clerics Small shield used by the Throne

on pilgrimage. Enchanted with a Smlll Shield Watcher. Made from an old sacred Small Shield
somewtlat fragile blessing that SJ)CIII parry/Strike chime. The watcher has stood by Parry/Strike

~t I iii
allows spells to be deflected by 75 the throne for ages. Will his wishes 40 .. 100 g5
parrylno. Specially-crafted to provide be fulfilled?
extra durability and some level of
physlcal defense.
11 °
Ii O

34 .. 50 ~ 0 go
0 65 0 80
Acquired from Brlghtstooe Cove Tseldora (P) Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (SoulTrade) (M)
0 40 0 40
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte Relnforcem ent Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone
0 40 0 40
Repair Cost 690 100 40 Repair cost 1105 100 50
10 40 10 50
0 30 0 40
ii u II rJ IJo II
12 O o 0 00 11 o 0 70
rJoll- m- acm- ~------ 2.6 rJc II - m- 3


Small shield used by Leydia A small shield decorated with a
apostles. Imbued with a special Smlll Shield phoenix. The sea of flame that Small Shield
magic that allows spells to be SJ)CIII parry/Strike swallowed the Iron Keep took
deflected by parrying. The Leydla 22 .. 45 75 this shield as well, but when It 70
apostles were Inhabitants of the was retrieved It was mysteriously
Undead Crypt, but failed to treat
death with the proper respect. As
40 .. 00
70 ·.~~
.. '
unscathed, save a degree of
punishment. they were denied 0 70 0 40
peaceful deaths.
0 70 0 40
Acquired from Leydla Pyromancer IE) Acquired from Iron Keep (Pl
0 10 0 45
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
0 10 0 45
Repair Cost 1106 100 10 Repair Cost 636 100 46
10 10 10 45

0 25 0 40
0 00 0 50
•-m- 2.5


A small shield depicting a hero A shield enwreathed In a matte
of yore. Perhaps these famed • Smlll Shield blackness. Found In the heart of • Small Shi11ld
champions are no more, or perhaps II Parry/Strilai the Dark Chasm. No one knows • Parry/Strik'1
they have no desire appear In public 50 .. 100 65 what lies beyond the dark passaqes 26 .. 50 75
view. But their very absence has found across Dranglelc, but perhaps
made tales of their brave deeds all 0 45 they are better left undisturbed. 0 36
the more alluring, and this shield 0 30 0 60
memorializes one of their brethren. 0 45 0 60
0 40 34 .. 50 go
Acquired from Heirs to the sun (Cl Acquired from ChancellorWellager (Ml
0 70 0 50
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al Titanlte 40
0 70 0
Repair Cost 620 100 70 Repair cost 635 100 40
10 70 10 40

1 r.J D o III

~om. J o 60 lo -•-me 0

Normal Shields are the most versatile group of Shields, offering The increased Stability from these Shields will also allow you to
Shields that excel etther in blocking Physical damage, or reducing block incoming attacks much more effectively than with a Small
damage done by various elements. while still giving you the ability Shield, which in turn will allow you to adopt a slightly more defen-
to parry. Similarly, stat requirements and weight fall between Small sive posture instead of relying upon parries. Most Shields in this
Shields and Greatshields, so many of them can be used by most type are also much better at deflecting enemy attacks, so by being
classes without having a significant impact on equip burden, and defensive, you'll actually open up many more attacking opportuni-
without a heavy investment in Strength and Dexterity. ties. The increased size also makes the Jumping attack with these
Shields extremely effective for knocking foes down.


A leather-covered shield. Preferred Medium-sized metal shield. A
by hunters. Inferior to metal shields • Shield commonly-used, standard shield. • Shield
In terms of stability and physical II Parry/Strilai Has a pointed top designed for ease • Parry/Strik'1
damage reduction, but easy to use 65 .. 130 ~ of use while on horseback. 60 .. 120 go
and weighing so little that It hardly
requires any strength to bear. 0 35 0 30
0 60 0 60
0 60 0 50
0 45 0 30
Acquired from Forest of Fallen Giants (Pl Acquired from Maughlln the Armorer (Ml

I I..
0 0 46
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al Titanlte
0 so 0 46
Repair Cost 690 110 50 Repair cost 800 110 45
15 50 15 45
0 40 0 50
r.Jo Do lllo 6 II

~orJ. m-•-•- ==c!.=====-====

0 60
t:J 10 rJ
o o

0 90


Wooden shield used from ancient An undated ancient shield. Wielded
by a warrior from a time so ancient Shield
times. Inferior to metal shlelds
In terms of stablllty and physical that there exists no record of his
damage reduction, but easy to use endeavors. Has extremely low
55 .. 110 85 100
and weighing so little that It hardly durablllty. Sometimes, Just as a
requires any strength to bear. 0 40 thing falls to pieces, It unleashes Its 70
0 30 last flash of great power... 0 70
0 65 0 70
0 40 0 40
Acquired from Forest of Fallen Giants (Pl Acquired from Old Knight (Greatsword & Shield) (El,
0 35 Dark Spirit Twlnblade (NG+) 0 60
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte 0 35 0 60
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
Repair Cost 675

110 35 110 60
Repair cost 800



m •
I ~
m -=-----'•~-==11-'-'-=-=="'~~~=-"--=~1==='-

I: i~li

l M~.-le- • 0 0





Shield used by the Lion Clan Shield of Vendrick, King of
warriors. Made or wood, but • Shillid Dranglelc. The great king shut • Shield
reinforced with metal. Light yet II Parry/Striiai himself away, and was soon • Parry/Strike
sturdy. The design on the shield 62 .. 125 ~ reduced to a mere shell. Just what 28 .. 70 100
appears to have some religious was It that he yearned to protect?
0 45 0 60
significance, but we will never know
what sort or gods these warriors 0 20 60 .. 00 86
answer to. 0 45 0 65
0 35 0 45
Acquired from Lion Clan Warrior (Greataxe & Shield) (E) Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (SoulTrade) (Ml
0 30 0 60
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone
0 30 0 60
Repair Cost 766 110 30 Repair cost 1340 110 60
15 30 15 60
0 45 0 55
0 70 0 80
•-m- 5


Shield of the Archdrake sect of
Lindell The dragon was engraved
for ritual purposes, but the
shield Itself Is highly functional.
The secrets or Llndelt rituals are
I z;
A shield with a blue relief of a spirit
tree. A rather wel~bullt shields
decorated by the spirit tree that
appears In the allegory of Quella,
god or dream. Has a ralnt residue

I 30 .. 60
Spoil parry/Striiai

I 60
protected by the Archdrake sect, 65 of magic, and can deflect spells by 1111 54 .. 90 llil 65
and only a select few are given 0 60 parrying. 0 55
access to their canon or knowledge, 0 60 0 55
which Includes the truthful origins
0 40 0 45
of the Archdrake sect ltse If. Acquired from ChancellorWellager (M), Blue Sentinels
0 40
(Cl, ChancellorWellager (Ml (NG++l 0 45
Acquired from The Lost Bastille (Pl
0 40 0 45
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
110 40 110 45
Repair Cost 800 Repair cost 766
15 40 15 45

0 60 0 50
0 00 0 60
4 6


Shield Issued to the proud knights A blue shield with a gold relief

of Mlrrah's official order. In Mlrrah, Shield of wings. Likely a symbol of Shield


~,:>".\. .• ·. a land perennially beset by unrest, Pa rry/Striiai guardianship used by Knights of the Spoil parry/Striiai
"·.--.·,· ill
~ this shield was a symbol of ~ Blue. Contains materials enchanted 25 .. 50 60

Jj the great knights' strength and

willingness to glw their llws for
their country.
by magic, allowing spells to be
deflected by parrying. 11
so .. 90

0 46 0 60
0 45 0 55
Acquired from Earthen Peal< (Pl Acquired from The Lost Bastille (P)
0 30 0 45
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
0 30 0 45
Repair Cost 766 110 30 Repair cost 1340 110 45
15 30 15 45
0 60 0 55

ii Uo II rJ IJo II
·- ·-
~ 12 O o 0 70 O o 0 70
f!:I E rJ B m- •-m- 4.5
m- lie m- 5.5


Captain Drummond's shield. Shield depicting the moon butterfly.
Even with Its embossing terribly Shield A decorative shield not Intended
r; Shield
worn, this shield exudes pride and tor battle, but effective at poisoning /

Pa rry/Stri iai Parry/Strike
authority. An heirloom passed from 136 .. 130 100 foes. Little Is known about the / 20
grandfather to rather, and then moon butterfly, which only appears
from father to son. Drummond, and 0 60 on full-moon nights In winter. Some
)<. 0 15
those before him, held this shield 0 55 say the butterfly Is a magical being, 'i! 0 15
when racing those who would 0 55 and Its larvae have never once been / 0 15
threaten their great land. spotted.
0 ,0 15
Acquired from Forest or Fallen Giants (Pl
Reinforcement Mater1al TwlnkllngTltanlte
Acquired from Chest lnslde Maughlln's shop (Pl (NG++)
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte "
.. go
0 25 15
Repair Cost 1300 110 25 Repair cost 690 110 15
15 25 15 15

0 55 0 35
0 70
6 m


The shield of formerly high-ranking Shield of the Archdrake sect of
clerics. The effects of a blessing are • Shield Lindell Represents a slumbering • Shield
stlll w1th It, and the shield recovers II Sp;II pa1TY/Strikll dragon, and Is Intended for use In • Parry/Strik'1
one's stamina. The clerics held 65 .. 130 55 covert rituals. Recovers stamina. 40 .. 80 45
venerated positions once, but now, The secrets of Lindell rituals are
their souls wander aimlessly In the 0 40 protected by the Archdrake sect, 0 60
depths of a murky darkness. 0 40 and only a select few are given 0 60
0 40 access to their canon of knowledge, 50,.75 85
which Includes the truthful origins
0 30 of the Archdrake sect Itself. 0 60
Acquired from Grave Warden Agdayne (Ml
0 35 0 65
Acquired from Llndelt Cleric (E)
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
0 35 0 65
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
Repair Cost 800 110 35 110 65
Repair Cost 766
Note Increased Stamina regeneration while the Shield 15 35 15 65
Is equipped Note Increased Stamina regeneration while the Shield
0 45 Is equipped 0 45
0 40 0 60
6 rJ O Uo II o 4.6

~- II - m-
A sllVer-black shield Imbued with Shield of darkness and chaos.
the power of dark. The equipment Shield Navtaan claims to have sealed • Shield
of the wardens of the U ndead Crypt Pa iTY/Stri lcQ himself away to prevent tragedy, Parry/Strik'1
are soaked In Its darkness, and 35,.70 00 but could a sorcery truly possess 60 .. 00 45
permeated by Its power. The grave a will of Its own 7 Truth can be
wardens are said to know the name 0 00 elusive, and the tales surrounding 0 60
of every guest who rests In the 0 70 him are questionable. Only, It Is 40•60 60
crypt. no matter how long they have 0 70 clear a strange power possesses 0 60
been with them. this shield.
60 .. 00 85 0 85
Acquired from Grave Warden (El Acquired from Enhanced Undead (El
0 40 0 65
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al TwinkllngTltanlte
0 40 0 65
Repair Cost 800 110 40 Repair cost 800 110 65
15 40 15 65
0 45 0 45
0 70 0 60
•-m- 4.5


Shleld of the castle stone soldiers.
Sir Velstadt could always be found i Shield
A long wooden shield. Its face
features a lion. Its wooden • Shield
at the King's side, and followed • Pa1TY/Strilai constructlon makes It lightweight Ill Parry/Strik'1
him when he fled. The knights In
his servtce waited patiently for his
• 75 .. 150 100 and easy to use, but as a shield Is
Inferior to Its metal counterparts.
• 60 .. 120 i'II 85

return, but turned to stone before 0 20 0 40

he did. 0 20 0 30
0 20 0 65
0 45 0 40
Acquired from Stone Knight (E) Acquired from Laddersmlth Gilligan (M)
0 55 0 35
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte 0 56 Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte 0 35
Repair Cost 766 110 85 Repair cost 616 110 35
15 55 15 35
0 55 0 40
0 00 0 60
5 1.5


Shield of the blue spirit tree that Shield of hollowed royal soldiers.
and Is said to possess divine Shield The thing Is In tatters, and only Shield
powers. Appears In the allegory serves as a shield In a most minimal
of Quella, god of dream, and can 53,,.g5 00 respect. The accoutrements of royal 80
deflect spells by parrying. Once soldiers feature a depiction of a
there was a boy who was easily 0 65 brave knight from an old parable. 0 15
fr~htened, until the talking tree of 0 00 0 15
dreamworld transformed Itself Into 67 .. 100 00 0 15
a shleld to protect him.
0 70 0 5
Acquired from Iron Keep (P) Acquired from Hollow Soldier (Spear & Shield) (E),
0 45 Hollow Soldier [Thrustlng Sword & Shield) (El 0 20
Reinforcement Mater1al TwlnkllngTltanlte 45
0 0 20
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
Repair Cost 800 110 45 110 20
Repair Cost 676
15 45 15 20
0 45 0 35
O UO 0 70 rJ O o II o 0 40

- II - 5.5 m- - m - •-m- 3


A metal shield Issued to knights. A wooden parma Issued to bell
Nothing special about this shield, Shield keepers.Very llght. and requiring Shield
which Is precisely why It Is so easy Pa ITy/Stri kQ hardly any strength. The bells Parry/Strikll
to use, and the likely reason for Its 80,>160 100 symbolize forbidden love, the bell 25,050 60
popularity. People rarely agree over keepers, their faithful guardians,
what constitutes quality, but the 0 45 ever-ready to annihilate trespassers. 60 .. QO 85
broad popularity of these shields 0 65 They wrn stand watd'1, for ever and 0 20
proves that there are exceptions. 0 50 ever. these determined, If Ill-fated, 0 20
0 40 0 20
Acquired from Steady Hand McDuff (Ml Acquired from Enhanced Undead (El
0 45 0 20
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte 45 Reinforcement Mater1al Titanlte
0 0 20
Repair Cost 800 110 45 Repair Cost 726 110 20
15 45 15 20
0 50 0 45
0 00 0 50
4 2


Shield used by Aldlan acolytes. Shield of warrior Vengarl of Forossa.
Crafted from the skull of some Shield The ohlsels on the face were carved Shield
creature that outlived Its usefulness Pa fTY/Stri kll by Vengarl, to count the heads he Parry/Strike
for experimentation. The peculiar claimed.The shield Is terribly rusted
n ..155 50 106 .. 160 100
figure known as Lord Aklla kept and worn, but Incredibly powerful,
Giants In his manor, and attempted 0 50 as If the deeds of Its previous 0 10
to recreate a dragon, but after some 0 20 owner have rubbed off on It 0 10
time, was not heard from again. 0 20 0 10
0 70 0 10
Acquired from Dragon Acolyte (El Acquired from Vengarl of Forossa (Ml
0 30 0 70
Reinforcement M ater1al Tltanlte 0 70 Reinforcement Mater1al Twinkling Tltanlte 0 70
Repair Cost 800 110 70 Repair Cost 800 110 10
15 70 15 10

0 50 0 55
0 30 0 70
6 6


An extremely sturdY pitch-black Shield of the Throne Defender.
Shield Shield

shield. Colossal warriors staunchly Permeated by powerful magic. The

·~:~ I
watch over the shrine, readY to PaiTY/StrikQ Defender has stood by the throne Parry/Strikll
defend Its resident, or allow one 100 for ages. Will his wait be worth the 100
worthy enough to be granted while? 36 .. 00
65 740110 70
65 0 60
0 65 0 65
0 45 0 50
Acquired from Drakekeeper (Greatsword_Shleld) (El Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (Soul Trade) (Ml
0 65 0 40
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone 40
0 65 0
Repair Cost 840 110 65 Repair Cost 1340 110 40
15 65 15 40
0 55 0 60
f!l ti Uo rJ o Io II
·- o

17 O 0 80 0 70
~er)- •-m- 6 rJoac m- 5


A strangely porcine shield. The pig A shield that appears In ancient
head looks eerily authentic, but Is Shield legends. Strangely shaped, and said Shield
an Imitation. Though the shield's Pa fTY/Stri kQ to be crafted from the talons of the Parry/Strike
defensive capacity Is ordinary, It 75,0150 65 black dragon. The legend of the pale 80 .. 200 100
may spook an unsuspecting foe. dragon Is told In various locales,
0 40 but each account Is fragmentary. 0 60
0 65 Very rarely Is the bled( dragon 0 60
0 40 mentioned, and some Sfto/ that It Is 0 60
merely an embellishment adopted
0 40
In later retelllngs of the story. 0 60
Acquired from Iron Keep (P)
0 30 Acquired from Dark Spirit Dragonfang VIiiard (El, 0 55
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte 0 30 Dragon Knight (SWord) (E), Dragon Knight (Wclrplck) (El 0 55
Repair Cost 800 110 30 110 55
Reinforcement Mater1al Petrified Dragon Bone
15 30 Repair Cost 1340 15 55
0 40 0 50
0 20 0 70
4 6.5


A shield decorated by Intertwined A small shield affixed with a yellow
dragons. The black and white Shield quartz. This shield was found In Shield
contrast de plcts the ebb and ftow of Pa ITy/Stri kQ the Iron Keep. Breaks easily due to Parry/Strikll
the fate of all things llvlng, and the 105<>210 go conosion, but Is light end still very 05<>190 90
serpentine dragons that watch CNer stable. In the Old Iron King's great
the march of time. The bearer of 0 75 Iron keep was a vast collection of 0 35
this shield will be blessed by great 0 75 weapons, erected as a display of 0 40
fonune In battle. 0 60 strength to the world. But they 0 40
were lost When the king's conceit
0 60 doomed the castle to sink Into a lake of fire. 0 25
Acquired from Dragon Shrine IP)
0 40 0 30
Acquired from ChancellorWellager (Ml
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
0 40 0 30
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte
Repair Cost 1300 110 85 110 30
Repair Cost 576
15 85 15 30
0 50 0 55
0 60 0 60
4.5 3


A rare shield depicting a blossoming A shield with en unusual design.
flower, that soothes the weary Shield Found In the Undead Purgatory. The Shield
heart of Its bearer. What makes Pa rry/Stri kll chains and spikes wrapped around Parrytrhrust
flowers beautiful, and why are we 100 .. 200 75 the shield cause bleeding, but oo .. 1eo 00
comforted Wien we gaze upon weaken the shield's effectiveness.
them? Sadly, the flower depicted on 0 60 Accessories that are added to a 0 20
this shield went extinct long ago. 0 65 weapon for the sole purpose of tor- 0 30
0 65 menting foes can often detract from 0 65
the weapon's natural effectiveness.
0 65 0 40
Acquired from Memory ofVammar (P) go
Acquired from ChancellorWellager (Ml
0 0 35
Reinforcement M ater1al Tltanlte 0 Ii) Reinforcement Mater1al Titanlte 40 .. 60 76
Repair Cost 766 110 65 Repair Cost 660 110 45
Note Increased Stamina regeneration while the Shield
I 15 65 15 45

g~o1-omll ! ! ! !l.-_
Is equipped

~o -m--
0 45 0 40
0 60 0 60

4 3


A small shield affixed with a black A shield with lumps attached to
crystal. Found deep Inside the Shield It Found In the manor In Aldia. Shield

Gutter, In the Black Gulch. Heavier Pa rry/Stri ks Heavier than a standard shield, Parry/Strike
than a standard small shield but 85 but more stable owing to the hard 85
the hard crystal boosts Its defense 60:120 lumps. In the far eastern outskirts 70:140
against slashing. Some of the more 45 of Dranglelc lies an old manor that 65
determined souls exiled to the 0 25 Is now long forgotten. As It should 0 30
Gutter sought to scale the walls 0 45 be, for the things that lurk there are 0 65
of the forsaken place and walk the better left unknown.
0 45 0 45
earth once again, but failed, and wasted fJWaY mired In Acquired from ChancellorWellager (M)
misery and resentment. 0 30 0 35
Reinforcement Material Titanlte
Acquired from Chancellor Wei lager (M) 25 0 35
100 65 Repair Cost 800 110 35
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte
Repair Cost 876 10 25 15 35
0 45 0 45
0 40 0 70
2.5 3.5
Greatshields are the largest type of Shield in the game, and thanks
to their extremely high Stability, they offer by far the best means
of blocking enemy attacks. Damage reduction in general is also a
step above the other Shield types. and their large size means less
of you is exposed while blocking. They do, however, have much
higher stat requirements than the other types of Shield, so serious
investment is required before you'll be able to use them. Weight is
also an issue with these Shields, and increasing your equip load is
almost essential when using them. The weight also brings with it
another downside in that you're unable to parry with these Shields,
but luckily the high stamina will usually mean that you can weather
most attack strings. Not all is lost with the parry, however, because
with these Shields you'll gain the ability to do a powerful overhead
shield bash attack instead.


A wooden greatshleld featuring An undated ancient greatshleld.
twin dragons. Quite IIQht for Wielded by a warrior from a time so
this stze of shield. One requires ancient that there exists no record
strength to handle a greatshleld, but of his endeavors. Has extremely 100
they are very stable. In battle, one low durability. Sometimes, Just as a
fights using shield bash Instead of 55 thing falls to pieces, It unleashes Its 0 20
parrying. 45 last flash of great power... 0 20
0 65 0 20
0 40 0 20
Acquired from Maughlln the Armorer (M) Acqu Ired from Harvest Valley (Pl
0 40 0 85
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 0 40 Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 0 85
Repair Cost 865
I '3; I 40 Repair Cost 1636 120

I 85

1:1 D II
Uo llo • o
II Ii - =-===.c~=-===.c~=='-'~~~~===.c
• - II -
0 I 40
0 Im


A metal greatshleld. Very heavy, and Greatshleld or the King's loyal knight
requiring great strength to handle, Grsatshield Syan. The King commissioned this Grsatshield
but prollides excellent defense. Strik& greatshleld speclflcally for his loyal Strike
One requires strength to handle knight, but Syan met his demise

150-,300 100 100
a greatshleld, but they are very before Its completion.
stable. In batUe, one fights using 0 40 40
shield bash Instead of parrying. 0 75 34,.50 go
0 50 0 50
0 40 0 60
Acquired from Cathedral of Blue (Pl Acquired from Dral<el<eeper (Hammer) (El
0 45 0 60
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 0 45 Reinforcement Material Titanlte 0 60
Repair Cost 1326 120 45 Repair Cost 1930 120 60
35 46 36 60
0 70 0 65
0 IIO 0 80

1:1 13
1:11 15


A grealShleld used by the nomadic An extremely sturdy pitch-black
Gyrm. Appears to be a stone Grsatshield greatshleld. Colossal warriors G rsa tshield
monument that was converted Strik& staunchly watch over the shrine, Strike
Into a makeshift shield. Naturallv. 160 -,320 100 ready to defend Its resident, or 135•270 100
It Is quite heavv. and haphazardly allow one worthy enough to be
crafted, but very few attacks will 0 30 granted audience. 0 70
make It past this monster. 0 100 0 75

Acquired from Gyrm Warrior (Great Hammer) (El

I 0
Acquired from Dragon Shrine (Pl
O Ill
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 0 30 Reinforcement Material Tltanlte 0 70
Repair Cost 1430 120 30 Repair Cost 1326 120 70
35 30 36 70

., 0 75 0 65
o- Io - 0 100 0 go

•-m- 15 16.5


Pate's favorite greatshleld. Appears Shield of the knights who long ago
rather humdrum, but In fact was • Gr11,11Shleld attempted to conquer the Undead • Groatshield
forged by layering thin sheets &II StrikQ Crypt They bore no weapons, Iii Strike
of Iron, a process that creates a 135,.270 95 only a shield split Into left and 200,,.300 100
shield with excellent defense for Its right halves, which they used to
weight. It Is not always advisable 0 45 playfully crush their foes until their 0 30
to stand out Especially If you have 0 45 corpses were kneaded beyond 0 55
something to hide. 0 45 recognition. The engraving depicts 0 55
two messengers from the hereafter
0 55 Who welcome the recently dead by reviewing the merits 0 65
Acquired from Merchant Hag Melentla (M), Mlld-
Manne red Pate (Cl 0 75 of their deeds In life. 0 60
0 75 Acquired from Dark Spirit Greatsword Bell Keeper (E), 0 60
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte
120 70 Dark Spirit Greatsword Phantom (El, Imperious Knight (El 120 80
Repair Cost 1220
35 70 Relnf. Material TwlnkllngTltanlte Repair Cost 2030 35 55
0 65 0 70
0 70 0 90
10.5 16


Shield of the Primal Knights that Shield of the knights who long ago
defend Dranglelc castle. Very heavv. • Gr11,11Shield attempted to conquer the Undead • Groatshield
and has the power of lightning. The Strike Crypt They bore no weapons, Strike
brutish and mighty Primal Knights 126,.260 00 only a shield split Into left and 200 .. 300 100
wield this shield as If It were made right halves, which they used to
of paper, but to the ordinary warrior 0 65 playfully crush their foes until their 0 30
It Is a chore to even hold up, owing 0 65 corpses were kneaded beyond 0 55
to Its great weight. Whatever was 54,.90 00 recognition. The engraving depicts 0 55
created by Lord Aldla was lost with two messengers from the hereafter
his disappearance, but the King attempted to revive
these things, even If only fragments remained.
0 I 65
Who welcome the recently dead by reviewing the merits
of their deeds In life.
0 I 65
Acquired from Primal Knight (Living) (El. Primal Knight
(Undead) (El
Reinforcement Material Tltanlte Repair Cost 1635
I 50
Acquired from Imperious Knight (El
Relnforoement Material Twtnkllng Tltanlte
Repair Cost 1000
I 60
0 65 0 70
0 100 0 go
14 16


A shield formed by chiseling a giant Greatshleld of the Dragonrlders,
boulder. As solid as rock, this shield Gr11,11Shield King Vendrlcl<'s royal guard. The
~~)· offers Incredible defense, but Is StrikQ rank of Dragonrlder was reserved
for honorable warriors who

·.' : . also terribly heavy. So heavy, In fact. 253 ,,.390 124 ,.310 100

fH> 100
.i;·n, that he Who takes It Into battle Is helped found Dranglelc. Together
0 60

. J;' .. not allowed to flee, until he or his 0 00 with the King, they crushed Its
i. '
., . '~ opponent has fallen. 0 00 former Inhabitants and erected a 0 75
- _.J magnificent kingdom upon their
0 00 0 75
0 75 0 50
Acquired from The Gutter (Pl Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Soul Trade) (Ml
0 70 0 55
Reinforcement Material TwlnkllngTltanlte Relnforoement Material Petrified Dragon Bone
0 70
Repair Cost 2630 Repair Cost 1220
120 00
35 70 20
0 00 70

D rJ

·-·- _._
_ 120


Greatshleld of the Pursuer. For A greatshleld created from the soul
those who can handle the weight Grea1Shield of the Looking Glass Knight Can Greatshield
of this shl aid, It offers reslstance StrikQ deflect spells. The Looking Glass Striko/SPQII pariy
to curses. The Pursuer hunts down 104,,.260 100 at the castle Is said to have been a 112 .. 280 gs
those branded by the curse, as If passage to another world.
each Undead soul that he claims 0 50 0 75
wlll atone one of his sins. 0 00 0 70
0 40 0 70
0 60 0 70
Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Soul Trade) (Ml Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornifex (Soul Trade) (Ml
0 65 0 35
Reinforcement Material Petrified Dragon Bone Relnforoement Material Petrified Dragon Bone
0 65 0 35
Repair Cost 1326 120 65 Repair Cost 1430 120 35
35 65 35 35

aII -o
16 ;:g 1°1~--m-
0 Om
0 65


Shield of the rebel Ralme. Ralme A greatshleld with an unsettling
andVelstadt were known as the • Gr11,11Shleld design. Covered In the prints of • Groatshield
left- and right-arms of the King, until &II StrikQ countless hands. The true origin of Iii Strike
their wills clashed, and Ralme was 145,o2QO 70 this shield Is unknown. No amount 145 .. 200 80
deemed a traitor. The black raven Is of polishing can clear Its face of the
0 go 0 65
despised as an augur of death, but mysterious hand prints.
It was Ralme's favorite bird. 0 go 0 70
0 go 0 70
0 85 0 40
Acquired from Forest of Fallen Giants (Pl go Acquired from The Gutter (Pl
0 0 50
Reinforcement Mater1al Tltanlte go Reinforcement Mater1al Titanlte
0 0 50
Repair Cost 1326 120 go Repair cost 1620 120 50
30 go Note Absorbs a small amount of HP upon landing a hit 30 50
0 65 0 60
0 go 0 70
13.5 13.8


Bows and Crossbows are only as good as the Arrows and Bolts and you don't even have to switch between them to use them both.
fired from them, and thankfully you have numerous options to When you want to fire the weapon, simply use the Normal attack to
choose from for both. Through the various elemental or status fire the first equipped Arrow/Bolt, and the Strong attack to fire the
inflicting Arrows and Bolts, you'll be able to systematically target second. The power of having access both of the same time cannot
different enemies weaknesses from long range, changing up the be underestimated, especially when it comes to applying status
ammo type when, and where needed. You can equip two different effects as you no longer have to break fire to start applying a second
types of arrows, and two different types of Bolts at the same time, effect.


III 111 50 l'j - Ii - 11 - a- 11 - • -
I '
j ·;
III 11 50 m- 11 - 11 - a 160 11 - • -
Thrust )
Description Arrow made from wood Description Arrow that Inflicts dark damage

Inexpensive wooden arrows. Easily acquired, but not very threatening. jf Arrows Imbued with dark flame. Tipped with Dark Pine Resin. Weapons
Bows are excellent tools for attacking foes from a safe distance, but require fortified with dark are effective against those Who fear the dark, such as
the equipping of some type of arrow. olerlcs and magical creatures. Useful In the short term for those who have
learned no magic, or whose magic Is exhausted.

III Thrust III as m- Ii - 11 - a - 11 - • - POISON ARROW
II Thrust 11 50 tr, - Ii - g - a- 11300 • -
Description Arrow made from Iron
Description Arrow that Inflicts poison damage
Standard arrows made of Iron. Sturdy arrows that pierce effectively. Iron
arrows are powerful, but not cheap. Be certain not to overuse them. Arrows Imbued with poison. Tipped with Rotten Pine Resin. Poisoned foes
slowly lose HP over time.
III Thrust 11 50 m 160 Ii - 11 - a - 11 - • - LACERATING
II Thrust II 50
l"1 - II - (j - aJ - Iii - • 300
Description Arrow that Inflicts magic damage
Description Arrow that Inflicts bleeding damage
Arrows Imbued with magic. Tipped with a Aromatic ooze. Weapons
fortified with magic are particularly effective against heavily armored foes Arrows that cause bleeding. Tipped with finely sharpened arrow heads.
or creatures with thick scales. Useful In the short term for those who have Bleeding foes' max HP Is lowered.
learned no magic, or whose magic Is exhausted.

Description Arrow that Inflicts lightning damage

Standard greatarrows made of Iron. More effective than regular arrows, but
Arrows Imbued with lightning. Tipped with Gold Pine Resin. weapons considerably heavier.
fortified with llghtnlng are effective against foes resistant to magic and fire.
Useful In the short term for those who have learned no magic, or whose
magic Is exhausted.
III Thrust 11 100 ti - Ii - l12so
Description Greatarrow Inflicting lightning damage
a- 11 - • -
Ill Thrust II 60 l"1 - Ii 160 ,i - aJ - (ii - • - Greatarrows Imbued with lightning. Tipped with Gold Pine Resin. Weapons
fortllled with lightning are effective against foes resistant to magic and fire.
Description Arrow that Inflicts fire damage
If you require magic but have learned none yourself, these will serve you
Arrows Imbued with fire. Tipped with Charcoal Pine Resin. Weapons
fortified with fire are effective against against foes vulnerable to magic and
fire, such as Undead or beasts. Useful In the short term for those who ha\19
learned no magic, or whose magic Is exhausted.


g Thrust g 100 1i1 - Iii 200 m- a1 - 11 - • -
Description Greatarrow Inflicting fire damage

Greatarrows Imbued with fire. Tipped with Charcoal Pine Resin. Weapons Bolt Imbued with magic. Tipped with Aromatic Ooze. Weapons fortified with
fortified with fire are effective against against foes vulnerable to fire, such magic are particularly effective against heavily armored foes or creatures
as U ndead or beasts. If you require magic but have learned none yourself, with thick scales. Crossbows and specialized bolts allow warriors with low
these will serve you well. dexterity to Inflict elemental damage.


III Thrust 111100 Im - Iii - 11 - Im - 11 - • - r. Thrust 10r. t.t - 11 - 1'11ao Im - a- • -
Description Greatarrow lnfllctlng break damage Description Crossbow bolt Inflicting lightning damage

Greatarrows with Intricately crafted tips. Designed to destroy equipment Bolt Imbued with lightning. Tipped with Gold Pine Resin. Weapons fortified
with Impact Bravery does not necessarily entail going head-on with a foe, with lightning are effective against foes that are resistant to magic and fire.
especially If they have better armor than you. Use these arrows, and grind Crossbows and specialized bolts allow warriors with low dexterity to Inflict
them down from afar. elemental damage.

Description Crossbow bolt made from wood

Inexpensive wooden bolts. Not very Intimidating, but highly portable and Bolt Imbued with fire. Tipped with Charcoal Pine Resin. Weapons fortified
easy to use. Use of a crossbow requires the equipping of bolts, which are with fire are effective against foes vulnerable to fire, such as Undead or
shorter than arrows. beasts. Crossbows and specialized bolts allow warriors with low dexterity to
inflict elemental damage.
,.._,,111~ g Thrust D11100 Ii - Iii - m- Im - II - • -
Ii~· ' Description Crossbow bolt made from Iron

Standard crossbow bolts made of Iron. Effective at piercing enemies. Very

effective In ranged attacks, though somewhat expensive to use wllly-nllly.
Description Crossbow bolt Inflicting dark damage

Bolt Imbued with dark flame. Tipped with Dark Pine Resin. Weapons fortified
with dark are effective against those who fear the dark, such as clerics and
magical creatures. Crossbows and specialized bolts allow warriors with low
dexterity to Inflict elemental damage.

Your choice of armor is arguably just as important as your choice defense, and those with high elemental resistance for example.
of weapon when it comes to surviving your trip through Drangleic, Outside of their protection levels, the overall weight of an armor
because it is the armor that's responsible for keeping you alive most piece should also be a big consideration, since it will have a direct
of the time. Selecting what armor to wear. however, is no easy impact on your equip burden, and thus movement ability.
task given the vast amount of choices you have available; careful
planning into the different benefits and downsides that each piece In some instances you may want to opt for a lightweight armor that
of armor brings with it is the only way to find one that suits your allows you to move quickly and be evasive, and in others you might
playstyle. want a heavy armor that offers you greater protection. For some
character builds, vitality can be increased to offset the impact on
Each piece of armor has different protection levels against both the your equip load somewhat, but that will result in sacrifices in other
different types of normal damage, and the different elemental and areas. Many builds, however, will not want to invest heavily in Vital-
status effect damages, so finding one set that suits all situations ity, and in those instances there are still Rings that can be equipped
is highly unlikely. Having a range of armor ready to go that you to help ease the burden. There is no benefit to wearing a complete
can switch between as needed is often the best course of action, set of a single armor, however, so often the best end result will be
specifically when switching between sets that offer high normal to mix and match pieces of different sets together to get an overall
balance that's right for you.


Traveler's armor. Won't provide much Imported
In the way of protection. Hemp hood , Imported Hood Manchettes
fully covers the face and provides
protection from the elements, and Repair Cost 56 Repair Cost 56
little more. The cursed souls who
ii 16c>32
Ii 0 ii 47<>05 fl 0
II 13 .. 26
fl 0
ii 26 .. 52 fl 0
wander the lands have a strange way
of ending up here, as If drawn from 18c>36 6 .. 12 a 53.,105
II 17 .. 34 1s .. 211 5.,g 20 .. se
II 11 .. 10
afar by some force.

I I 15c>31 6c>13

Iii 45c>OO

Iii 1Qc>3B

13c>25 Sc>10 25c>50 10,,. 21

• •
15 •31 0•0 45c>OO Oc>O 13c>25 0•0 2Sc>50 Oc>O

ii 5.,g
ii o .. o 14 .. 28 o .. o ii 4 .. 9 o .. o
ii e .. 1s o .. o

Acquired from
Dark Spirit: Heavy Crossbow (El
III 4.,9

6 .. 11
III 36


Iii 12 .. 24


III 35




1 .. 13




Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte I i i I I I i B
Armor made of sturdy leather. A Hard Leather
commonplace piece of armor. No Standard Helm Gauntlets
embellishments. Very solid.
Repair Cost 164 Repair Cost 164

II 40 .. 80
II 5 II 68 .. 135
II 0 II 40,.90
II 0 II 40 .. 00
II 0
29,.55 10 .. 1g
a 11 .. 141
ii 2s .. 52 f;j 42,..93 14 .. 28 42,..93 14.. 28

i I 53 .. 105 18 .. 36
o .. o III
66 .. 132

I 74,..47
o .. o Iii

I I I 13 .. 26 39 .. 78 13 .. 26
o .. o

39,.79 57 .. 133 39,.79 O•O 311 .. 78

II 8015
ii o .. o 21 .. 42 o .. o 13 025
ii OoO
ii 13026
ii o .. o
Ac,qut red from
Iii 10 .. 20
a .. 1s
IID 65

14.. 28

i1 26 .. 53
Ill 22 .. 44
Iii e .. 1s
13 .. 26
iiID 65
Iii e .. 1s
1s .. 31
13 .. 26
IID 65
Maughlln the Armorer (Ml
Reinforcement Materla!Tltanlte m B m l"J
• i i m I
!I & ,., l
Armor dyed btaok. Allows the wearer Black Loather
Thief Mask Gloves
to blend In with the dark. Often used '

by those with Ill-Intent Metlculously '

crafted, and provides fair defense. Repair Cost 143
The Thief Mask Is a full face mask.

20 .. 40 0 65 .. 131 0 30,..50 0 37,.74 0
Called a thief mask since most
people wearing them are up to no


• • • •
21 .. 42 12 .. 23 68 .. 135 39,.75 31 .. 62 17,.35 21 .. 42
good. Not terribly effective as armor.
fl 20 .. 39 e .. 1s 54 .. 128 26 .. 61
fl 29 .. 5g
II 12 .. 24 3s .. n 15.. 29

20c>39 o .. o 64 o 128 o .. o 29 ,,.59 o .. o 36on o .. o
10 .. 1g O<>O ii 31 .. 62
ii o .. o ii 14 .. 29 OoO
11 1e .. 35
ii o .. o
ii 7,.15
iil 55
ii 74,.47
ii 11 .. 22
iil 55
ii 13027

m 7,..14 12 23 .. 45 3.Q 10 .. 21 1.8 13 .. 25 2.2

Ac,qul red from

L.addersmlth Giiiigan (M)
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
u I I
u I I
u I I
u I
a .. 1s

E 26 .. 51

B 12 .. 24

E. 15 .. 2g


An armor for the roving type. Light,
sturdy leather made for long Journeys.
it Wanderer Hood
Man chsttes

s -. .A • Repair Cost 154

.. II 23 .. 46
II 0 II 58 .. 115
II 0 II 35,..5g
II 0 II 35,..99
II 0

a a a a

Jij, ,.l\ 22 .. 44
II g,.17 56 .. 111
ii 22 ,.43 33,.57
II 13 .. 26 33,.57
II 13 .. 26

-- !l - III 23 .. 47

Iii 14 .. 29
o .. o Iii se .. 111

I 35.,70
o .. o Ia
35 .. 70

Iii 21 .. 42

Iii 35,.70

I 21 ... 2
o .. o

• •I
24 .. 47 59 .. 11e 35.,71 O•O 35,.71

', , , .• • 9 .. 15 o .. o 19 .. 39 o .. o 12 .. 23 o .. o 12023 O=>O


.... '\ 10 .. 20 50 25,.50 50 15,.x, 50 15,.30 50
•ii •i •ii
11 .. 22 14 28 .. 56 3.5 17,.33 2.1 17,.33 2.1
' Acquired from
e .. 1s E. 20 .. 40
ID B 12 .. 24 E. 12 .. 24

~I '
Undead Citizen (El
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte I I I i B

Armor made from soft leather. A
commonplace piece of equipment Hunter's Hat Leather Gloves
Traditionally used by bow hunters.
The hunting goddess Evlana was no Repair Cost 123 Repal r Cost 123
goddess at all, but rather a brave and

17,.33 0 65 .. 130 0 39,.77 0 311 .. n 0

I I • • • I I •
highly skilled bow huntress. Long
after her demise, the passing of lore 18 ,.35 7,..13 99 .. 139 26 .. 53 41 .. 82 16 .. 31 41 .. 132 16.. 31
transformed her Into a deity. Few
16 .. 32 s .. 11 53 .. 126 22 .. 44 37,.75 13•26 37,.75 13 .. 26
embellishments. Lightweight and
easy to use.
II 16 .. 32
ii o .. o II 630126 II o .. o ii 37 .. 75
ii o .. o II 37 .. 75
II o ..o
11 24=>47 ii ii
5 .. 12 o .. o OoO 14 .. 28 o .. o 14 .. 28 a .. o
4,.9 50
ii 15,.30 iil 60
ii 9,.19 60 g,.19 60

m m
e .. ts 12
i1 31 .. 62 4.7
ii 1g,.37 2.8
i1 1915 .... 3730 2.8

Ac,qulred from
Forest of Fallen Giants (P)
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
I I [@u R Iu I [@u 11
1 .. 13

D 25,.51

B 15,.30




Metal armor worn by knights.
Standard Issue for new Dranglelc Knight Helm Knight Gauntlets
knights. Knights have long
trusted this armor for Its excellent Repair Cost 175 Repair Cost 175
II 35,.71
II 8
II 112 .. 184
II 20
II ig,.511
II 6 II 54 .. 108
II 12
34,.511 11 .. 111 a 011 .. 179
m 24 =>4ll f;j ig,.57 a .. 1s 52=>105 14=>211

i I 40 .. 80 13 .. 27

o .. o
1104 .. 2011

I 34=>69

o .. o Iii 34=>67

I I I 11 =>22 61 =>123 20=>40

o .. o

35,.71 112 .. 184 29 .. 59 O•O 54 .. 108

II 11 .. 21
ii o .. o II 27 .. 55 o .. o 11 .. 10
ii o .. o ii 15,.32
ii o .. o

Acquired from
IID 11 =>23

11 .. 21



20 .. 3g





iiID 90


IID 11 .. 35

12 .. 23


m B m • i i m I
Heida's Tower of Flame (Pl
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte


Armor made of bradden steel.
ProVides sturdy defense, making It
an old-time favorite of elite knights.
Bradden steel Is used widely In
Dranglelc. This fine alloy Is made from
Elite Knight

Repair Cost 185 1 . Elite Knight



40=>80 6 15 33=>66 4 s1 .. 122 g
ores mined In the southern kingdom. 1104=>207

311=>78 11=>111 101 =>202 24 .. 4ll 32=>64 8=>15 51l=>111l 14=>211

44,.99 13 .. 27 • 114 .. 229 34,.59 36,072 11 .. 22 67 .. 135 20=>41

Iii Iiil Iiil
40c>80 o .. o 11104 .. 201 o .. o 33c>66 OoO 61 o 122 o .. o
11 .. 23 O<>O ii 29 .. sg
ii o .. o ii 9<>19 OoO
11 17 .. 35
ii OoO

12 .. 24 95
ii 32 .. 63
ii 10=>20 95
ii 19 .. 37
9,..1s 4.5 21 .. 43
m 11.7 7,..14 3.7 13 .. 25 6.Q

Acquired from
Maughlln the Armorer (Ml
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
11 .. 23

c 211 .. 1,g



c 17,.35


Armor favored by pyromancers. It
appears tattered but In fact Its fabric
Is reinforced with pyromancy. Magic
i 1~~;~~~430
Tattered aoth
Tattered aoth
Man chsttes

Repal r Cost 112 I.~ alr ~ st ,,,

Is no show. It Is an art that allows • Repair Cost 112
mere mortals to glimpse Into the very
fabric of what Is and may be. II 20=>41
Iii 0
II 50=>100
II 0
II 2Q=>511
II 0
II 211 .. 1,g
II 0

a 21 .. 43
II 19,.35
a 53 .. 105
m 43.,97
a 31,.52
II 25 .. 51
a 31 .. 62
II 2s .. s1

III 20 .. 30

Iii s .. 12

o .. o Iii I
49 .. 97 15 .. 30

o .. o Ia
29 .. 57

Iii 0 .. 10

Iii 20 .. 57

I o .. 1e

o .. o

• •I
20 .. 30 49 .. 97 29057 O•O 20 .. 57

11 =>22 4,,.9 25 .. 53 10=>10 16=>31 6=>11 15 .. 31 6 .. 11

Acquired from
Iii 1s .. 29

10 .. 111

11 .. 22
IID 55

3s .. n

24 .. 47



Iii 21 .. 43

14 .. 29

IID 55


Iii 21 .. 43

14 .. 28


The Gutter (P), Dark Stalker (E)
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte i I m I i I i B

Armor donned by looting brigands. Brigand
Mountains surround Dranglelc on 'Brigand Hood Gauntlets
three sides. Most travelers who try
to cross them end up hapless prey Repair Cost 164 Repal r Cost 154
to the countless brigands lurking
there. This armor may appear shoddy,

I I •
22=>44 0

57 =>113


I I I 33=>66 0 33=>66


but Is In fact a very functional piece 24=>48 0=>18 62 => 124 23=>46 36=>72 13=>26 36=>n 13=>26
of work, Its materials meticulously
22 .. 43 9•19 56 .. 111 23 .. 46 32,.55 13•27 32 .. 66 13 .. 27
crafted together.
II 20c>41
ii o .. o II 530105
II o .. o ii 31 .. 61
ii OoO
II 31 .. a,
II o .. o
11 ii ii o .. o
I I I I Im
11022 o .. o 28 .. 56 o»o 16 .. 32 15 .. 32 o .. o
9<017 60
ii 22 .. 45
iil 60
ii 13 .. 26 60 13=>26 60
8=>16 12
i1 21 ,.42
m 3.1
ii 12 .. 25 1.8
i1 12 .. 25 1.8
Acquired from
No-man's Wharf (P), Dark Spirit
Crescent Sickle Phantom (E)
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
I [@

E 24,.49


I11 I [@11

E 14,.29




Armor worn by merchants from Traveling Traveling
Lanatlr, where blue represents Merchant Hat Merchant Gloves
knowledQe. The eagle Is normally a
symbol of strength, but In Lanaflr Repair Cost 154 Ropal< cost 164
It symbolizes wealth. Lanatlr Is the
farthest land to the south and follows II 25 .. 50
II 0 II 74 .. 149
II 0 II 37,.73
II 0 II 37,.73
II 0
a strict edict of Isolationism. The 21 .. 53 9 .. 10
a JQ=> 158
m 26=>52 f;j 31l .. 78 13=>26 39=>78 13=>26
rare visitor from Lanaflr Is always a
little odd.
i I 24=>48 10=>20
o .. o III
n .. 143

I 29=>59

Iii 35=>71

I I I 14=>29 35=>71 14=>29

24 .. 48 n .. 143 o .. o 35,.71 O•O 35.,71 o .. o

II 7,.14
ii o .. o 21 .. 42 o .. o 10 .. 21
ii o .. o ii 10 .. 21
ii o .. o

Acquired from
Merchant Hag Melentla (Ml
25 .. dSl

Ill 21 =>42 ID
11 .. 23
10 .. 21
iiID 60
11 .. 23
12 .. 24

Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
Effect Hat raises Item discovery m B m • i i m I
A boldly-colored Jester's armor. A nice

Jester's Cap Jester's Gloves

bit of fun to try on. Jesters are more
than festival fixtures, some have a
second face, hidden from public view. Repair Cost 102 Repair Cost 102

Ifl I I I Ifl III I I

34=>69 0 66 => 131 0 26:o53 0 31 :o62 0

• • • • •I
37=>73 21 .. 42 70=>139 40=>80 29=>56 16=>32 33=>66 19=>39
33,.57 16 .. 32 63=>127 30=>60 26 .. 61 12 .. 24 30 .. 60 14 .. 20

Iii Iiil
33,,.57 20 .. 41 63 o 127 3!l:on 2s .. s1 16 .. 31 30»60 19 .. 37
Acquired from
Magerold of Lanaflr (M)
1Qc>3Q 14 .. 27
ii 37,.74
ii 26=>52
ii 15 .. ~ 10 .. 21
11 17 .. 35
ii 12 .. 24

Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
iil 45
ii 37,.74
ii 15=>~ 45
ii 17 .. 35

m19,.39 3 37:o74 5.7 15 .. ~ 2.3 17:o35 2.7

Effect cap raises Item discovery.

Robe nu lltfles foes' critic a I h Its. 19 .. 39 D 37=>74 8 15 .. ~ D 17=>35 D
Gloves Increase number of Souls 14 14 14 14
acquired. Tights reduce falling
damage. u u u u II II II II

I l.,. , c,~1 2
Armor worn by astrologists In Melfla. • • • Astrologist's
Astrologists believe that magical Moon Hat • • r Gauntlets
powers can be obtained at moments
of special heavenly alignment Ewn Repair Cost 112 Repair cost 430
the collective wisdom of the Melflan
Magic Academy cannot pull magic II 26=>52
II 0 II 60=>121
II 0 II 25=>50 II 0 II 45=>90
II 0
out of the skv. but the Ideas of the
astrologists led to the creation of new
a 21 .. 54
II e .. 16
a 63 .. 126
m 19 .. 39
a 26=>52
II e .. 1s
a 47,.94
II 14 .. 29

III Iii Iii I Ia Iii Ia I

and very useful magic devices.
zs .. so s .. ts 69 .. 111 111 .. 37 24 .. 49 s .. 15 43 .. 97 14 .. 29

• •I
25 .. 50 o .. o 59 =>117 O»O 24 .. 49 O•O 43=>87 o .. o
19=>38 o .. o 44,,.97 O=>O 19 .. 35 o .. o 33 .. 55 O=>O


13,o26 50 30,060 50 12 .. 25 50 22 .. 44 50
•ii •i •i
13 .. 26 2.2 30=60 5.1 12 .. 25 2.1 22=44 3.8
Acquired from
Royal Sorcerer Navlaan (Ml 16 .. 32 E 37=>74
ID B 16=>31 E 28=>56 ID E
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
Effect Hat raises I ntelllgence by +2 I I I i B

Armor worn by the Forossa Lion Faraam
Knights. The mighty Lion Knights, Faraam Helm Gauntlets
worshippers of the war god Faraam,
wore heavy armor and were Repair Cost 370 Repair Cost 370
feared for their nimble tw:>-handed

47,..g5 9 1124 .. 249 24 46:oQ:J 11 18:0156 11
swordplay. But their legacy was cut

• • •
short with the fall of Forossa. 45,..go 0=>18 119 .. 235 24=>48 44=>98 0=>18 74,,.147 15,,.30
s1 .. 101 12 .. 25 • 133•265 33,.55 50,.gg 12•24 83 .. 166 20 .. 41
49,.gs o .. o II 12s .. 2s3 II o .. o
ii 4710 .... 9421 ii o .. o
II 79,.1511
II o .. o
o .. o 11 28 .. 56 ii ii o .. o
11 .. 21 o»o 19 .. 35 o .. o
12=>23 85
ii 30=61 iil BS
ii 11 ,,.23 85 111 .. 39 85
7:o14 4.9
i1 1B:o37
m m
iii 7:o14 4.7
i1 12:o23 7.g

Acquired from
Dranglelc Castle (Pl
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
11 ,,.21 c
29 .. 55

R Iu I [@u 11
A 10,,.21

c 19 .. 35



Eerily-shaped armor spoken of In
legend, crafted with scales of the
Black Dragon. The Black Dragon was
ll Black Dragon
Black Dragon

Repair Cost 328

long considered a mere legend, but • Repair Cost 328
this proves Its existence.
II 56 .. 140
II 4
II 12 11 II II n .. 1so
11125 .. 312 49 .. 120 6 8
54=o136 10 .. 25 121 .. 302
ii 23 .. 57 f.1 47=ol17 ll=o22 70=o175 13 .. 33

i I 57=>143 14 .. 36 1127=>318

I 32=>80 140=>123

I I I 12=>31 74 .. 194 1g .. 47

56•140 12 .. 29 125•312 26 .. 66 49 .. 120 10 .. 25 n .. rso 15 .. 39

II 9o20
ii 12 029
II 18:>45 26 .. 66
ii 7o17
ii 10025
ii 10026
ii 15 .. 39

Acquired from
Equip Dragon Head Stone/Torso
Stone (Dragon Remnants IC))

9 .. 21




19 .. 45




iiID 225


11 .. 21

10 .. 26


m B m • i i m I
14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
Reinforcement Material ~trifled
Dragon Bone


Armor of kings of the desert land of

If f!i
Gauntlets of
Helm of Aurous
Jugo. First worn by Aurous, the land's Aurous
heroic founder. According to legend,
the armor of Aurous Is oomposed of Repair Cost 328 328
a mysterious substance that cannot

I I I I t1 I I I
be seen by cowards. What do your
29,..43 0 76 .. 115 0 w .. 43 0 40 .. n 0
a .. 12 s .. 12 s1 .. n

eyes tell you 7

• • • •
31 .. 46 92 .. 123 20 .. 31 31 .. 46 13 .. 1g

fl 27 .. 41 9 .. 13 72=>109 24=>36
fl 27=>41
II 9=>13 46=>68 16=>22

28 .. 42 o .. o 740111 o .. o 28<>42 o .. o 45,.59 o .. o
11 .. 17 O<>O
ii 30=>45
ii o .. o ii 11 .. 17 QoO
11 19<>28
ii OoO

Acquired from
ii 0 .. 14
iil 40
ii 25 .. 37
ii 9,.14
iil 40
ii 15 .. 23
Dark Spirit Rhoy the Explorer (El.
12 .. 19 12 32,.49 3.2 12 .. 18 1.2 20 .. 30 2

Maughlln the Armorer (0)

10 .. 15 E 28 .. 41 B 10 .. 15 E 17,,.25 E
Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng
Effect Raises equipment load a a a a II II II II

Armor of kings of the desert land of Gauntlets of
Helm of Aurous Annor of Aurous
' Jugo. First worn by Aurous, the land's Aurous
,t heroic founder. According to legend,
Repair Cost 349 ,340 Repair Cost 349
.. "'t
'-r, .••
the armor of Aurous Is oomposed of
a mysterious substance that cannot
I ; a,,,
:.· . ' , • ..
be seen by cowards. What do your
eyes tell you 7
45 .. 5g

13 .. 1g a 122 .. 193
119 .. 177 ii
11 .. 1s
70 .. 105
68 .. 102
20 .. 211

III 49.,72

Iii 1s .. 25

o .. o 1ii 129 .. 192

44 .. 66

o .. o Ia Iii41 .. 61 14 .. 21

Ia 74 .. 110

I 25,.37

o .. o

\ /~~'
46 .. 69 123<>184 O•O 11 .. 106

16 .. 24 o .. o o .. o 14 .. 21 O<>O 25 .. 37 O=>O

43,.55 •

: '
I .

Acquired from
Dark Spirit: Twlnblade (NG+)
Iii 1s .. 24

11 .. 17

11 .. 25
IID 90


1Ill ID

30 .. 45
13 .. 20

10 .. 14

15 .. 22


III 24 .. 36

26 .. 40

.... ,, Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng
Tltanite ii I i I i I i B
Armor made from wings of the Moon Buttorlly Moon Butterfly
rare moon butterfly. Little Is known Hat Culls
• about the moon butterfly, which only
appears on run-moon nights In winter. Repair Cost 182
Some say the butterfly Is a magical
being, and Its larvae have never once
been spotted.

I I • •

30 .. 45

26 .. 30

11 .. 11
4a .. n

I 0
46 .. 68

20 .. 29
I •
41 .. s1

I 0

17 .. 25

Acquired from
II 25,.39
ii 15 .. 22
II 45,.69
Iii 25.,39
II 39068
Iii 22 .,33

11 ii
I I IIt Im
14021 16 .. 24 25 .. 37 29 .. 42 21 <>32 24r>36
Maughlln the Armorer (M)
0 .. 14 35
ii 16 .. 25
iil 35 14 .. 21 35
Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng
Tltanlte m
14 .. 22 0.9
i1 25,.39 1.4 22 ,.33 1.2

Effect Poisons nearby foes. Hat

raises Intelligence by+ 1. Pinions and
skirt Increase length of Jump and
reduce falling damage
I [@
12 .. 19

E 21 .. 32




Armor worn by Alva the Wifo/farer.
Light but offers very high defense. Alva Helm Alva Gauntlets
Alva crossed many a land In search
of a cure for Saint Serreta's sickness, Repair Cost 185 Repair Cost 185
but failed and relinquished his
knighthood. II 39,..75
II 6
II 9g,..17g
II 15
II ig,05g
II 4
II 53,0105
II g

35,..72 11 .. 22
11 85=> 170
ii 26=>53 f;j 28=>56 g .. 11 50 .. 101 16=>31

i I 3g,..79 15 .. 2g

o .. o III ll2 => 185

I 36=>69
o .. o Iii

I I I 11 =>23 65=>10g 20=>41

o .. o

37 .. 74 880176 29 .. 59 O•O 52 .. 104

II 10 .. 21
ii o .. o 25 .. 49 o .. o s .. 16
ii o .. o ii 15 .. 2Q
ii o .. o

Ac,qul red from

IID 11 =>23

e .. 15

11 .. 22


21 .. 54

26 .. 53



s .. 12
g .. 17
iiID 80



11 .. 22

16 .. 31

m B m • i i m I
Maughlln the Armorer (Ml
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte


Armor worn by Zullle the Witch,
seducer of Alva the wayfarer. Boasts
excellent magic defense. When Zullle
I Black Wltdl Veil
Black Witch

11n . I
the Witch learned of Alva's dedication Repair Cost 182 Repair Cost 182
to Saint Serrata, she used all manner
of tricks and deceit to ruin him, but In
10 .. 15

0 14s 0

Ifl 34,.52


I 34,.52


• •
the end she would spend her Ille with 11 .. 1s 3=>5 105 .. 157 32 ,o4Q 37,.55 11 .. 17 37,.55 11 .. 17
him, supporting his endeavors.
10 .. 16 4,.5
ll4=>141 3Q=>68 33=>50 14=>21 33=>60 14=>21

Iii Iiil Iiil
10 .. 15 5.,7 Q4c>141 43,,65 33 .. 50 15 .. 23 33,.50 15 .. 23

0 .. 14 5 .. 7
ii Q0c>135
ii 43,065
ii 32<>48 15 .. 23
11 32 .. 49
ii 15 .. 23

Ac,qul red from

7 .. 11 45
ii 72 .. 108
ii 25 .. 39 55
ii 25=38

Veil: Bell Keeper Mage (El, Others: 0 .. 13 0.5 84 .. 126

m 4.8 30.,45 1.7 30,o45 1. 7
Dark Spirit Nameless Usurper (E),
Royal Sorcerer Navlaan (M)
Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng

E 97,0131


31 .. 46

E 31 =46



Hat w:>rn by Zullle the Witch, seducer
of Alva the Wayfarer. Allows the 'Black Witch Hat

attunement of an extra spell. When

Zullle the Witch learned of Alva's Repair Cost 273
dedication to Saint Serrata, she used
all manner of tricks and deceit to ruin II 1g .. 2g
II 0
him, but In the end she w:>uld spend
her life with him, supporting his
a 23 .. 34
II 1 .. 10


Ac,qul red from

III 10 .. 29


Iii e .. 12

12 .. 1e

Dark Spirit: Nameless Usurper (E), 1 .. 11 55
Royal Sorcerer Navlaan (M)
15=22 1.5
Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng 15 .. 22 E
Effect Allows attunement of
add ltl ona I spells ii 20
Domino mask worn by Zullle the Black Witch
Witch, seducer of Alva the WrIYfarer. Domino Mask
Strengthens magic attacks but
reduces max HP. When Zullle the Repair Cost 273
WI toh learned of Alva's ded lcatlon to 10 .. 15 0

Saint Serreta, she used all manner of
tricks and deceit to ruin him, but In 11 =>16 5.,7
the end she would spend her Ille with
9•14 5,.9
him, supporting his endeavors.
II 9,.14
ii 11 .. 26

16 .. 24 11 .. 26
Ac,qul red from
Dark Spirit: Dual Avelyn Bell Keeper 8=>12 60
(E), Dark Spirit: Nameless Usurper (El
16 .. 24 0.5
Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng
Effect Strengthens magic attacks but
reduces max HP
I 16 .. 24



Armor worn by Hollowed royal
soldiers. Appears to be crafted
with quality materials, but Is highly
Hollow Soldier
1~~~.~ . ,;, Hollow Soldier

Repal r Cost 123

degraded and close to falling apart Repair Cost 123
wearing this will be of little use.
II 34,..59
II 4 II sg .. 130 II 7
II 26 .. 51
II 4
II 14 .. 211
II 0
33,..55 11 .. 10 a 66=>132
ii 18=>37 f;j 24 .. 411 7=>14 14•28 4,..9

i I 35,..73 11 .. 21

o .. o

21 =>42

o .. o Iii 27 .. 54

I I I 8=>16 15=>30 4 .. 0

35 .. 70 70 .. 1311 26 .. 62 O•O 16 .. 2Q 0•0

II 11 .. 22
ii o .. o II 22 .. 44 o .. o s .. ts
ii o .. o ii 5,.Q
ii o .. o

Acquired from
12 .. 23

a .. 15

11 .. 22


23 .. 46

15 .. 31

22 .. 44


5 .. 11
iiID 35


5 .. 10



Hollow SOidier (E)
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte m B m • i i m I
Royal Dranglelc soldier armor.
Equipment crafted by the royal
blacksmith. Finely polished and ready
for battle.
Royal Soldier

Repair Cost 175 1 Royal Soldier




41 .. 02 6 , JQ .. 157 16 32,.55 6 45=>111 B

30=>78 11 =>22 74 =>1411 21 =>42 31 =>62 11 .. 11 43=>96 12=>24

43,.95 12 .. 25 • 82,0164 23=>47 J4,o68 10 .. 10 47,.gs 14 .. 27

o .. o II II o .. o ii II II o .. o
Iii Iiil Iiil
42 .. 04 00 .. 160 33c>66 o .. o 46<>112
13 .. 26 O<>O
ii 24<>49
ii O=>O
ii 10 .. 20 O<>O
11 14<>28
ii o .. o
13 .. 26 70
ii 25 .. 50
iil 70
ii 10=>21 70
ii 14 .. 211
iil 70
0 .. 17 4.8 17,,.33
m 0.2 7,,.14 3.8 10 .. 111 5.3

Acquired from
Maughlln the Armorer (M)
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
13 .. 25

c 24 .. 40


10 .. 20

c 14 .. 28



Armor worn by Hollowed Infantry. A Hollow Infantry Hollow Infantry
piece of basic, minimal equipment. Halm Gloves
\Norse yet, It's worn and nearly falling
apart Not recommended unless your Repair Cost 115 Repal r Cost 115
options are spent.
II 31 .. 62
II 0
II 46 .. 111
II 0
II 22 .. 43
II 0
II 35,,.70
II 0

a 32c>64
II 1 .. 13
a 47 .. 114
ii 10 .. 20
El 22 .. 45
II s .. o
a 3s .. n
II 1 .. 15

III Iii Iii I Ia Iii Iii I

30 .. 61 1 .. 13 45 .. ll() 10 .. 20 21 .. 42 s .. o 34,068 7,.15

o .. o

45 .. ll()

30 .. 61 O<>O 21 <>42 O•O 34=>68 Oc>O

7=>13 o .. o 10<>20 O=>O 5 .. g o .. o 9=>15 O=>O

6 .. 11 40 8=>16 40 4,..9 40 5,..13 40

•ii •i •ii
9,,.17 4 12 .. 24 5.11 5 .. 12 2.8 0 .. 10 4.5

Acquired from
7,,.13 D 10=>20
ID B 5=>0 D 9=>15

Hollow Infantry (El

Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte I I I i B

Armor worn by Dranglelc Infantry. A
piece of basic, minimal equipment. At Infantry Helm Infantry Gloves
least It's light and easy-to-use.
Repair Cost 143 Repal r Cost 143

39=>77 0 57 =>113 0 27=>54 0 43=>96 0

39 .. 75
10 .. 20
o .. o •
50 .. 110

55 .. 111
55 .. 111

16 .. 2Q
o .. o •
I I29=>66
26 .. 63
26 .. 63

o .. o

42 .. 95
42 .. 86
11 =>22

11 .. 22
o ..o
o .. o 11 ii ii o .. o o .. o
I I Im
10 .. 10 14 .. 28 O<>O 7,.14 11 .. 22

Q=>18 65
ii 13 .. 26
iil 55
ii 5,,.13 55 10=>20 55
12 .. 25 4
II 1e .. 35
m 5.Q
II g,,.17 2.8
It 14,o28 4.5

I11 I [@11
Acquired from

10 .. 10 D 14=>28 B 7,,.14 D 11 .. 22 D
Helm: Forest of Fallen Glants (P),
Others: Maughlln the Armorer (M) [@ 11II
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte 11 II


Traditional Robe worn by Dranglelc
clerics. The clerics of Dranolelc
were not viewed with particular
I ,. , rJ"'"'" fl... :. ~.
White Priest

Repair Cost 112 ~~p~lr cost 430

White Priest


reverence, and their posltlons were cost 112
only preserved as a nod to tradition.
It Is customary for clerics to wear
23 .. 47
II 0
II 55 .. 111
II 0
II 18 .. 37
Iii 0 11 40 .. 00 11 o
different garb depending on their sex. a m
25 .. 4g 10 .. 1g 58 .. 11s 23 .. 45 f;j 1g .. Jg 9,..15
11115 ..
i I I I I I 1
42 .. 94 33
but the reason for this practice Is g,..19 3g,..-,g te .. 31
23 .. 46 54 .. 100 21 .. 43 18 .. 36 7 .. 14
unknown. This Is a men's armor set.
15 ..

23 .. 45 Q•18 54 .. 108 21 .. 42 18 .. 36 7,.14 JQ .. 79 31

II u ..2e
ii g,.19
ii 33:066 21 ,,42
II 11 .. 22
ii 7:>14 11 24048 ii 15 .. 31

I I I I ii 1 ii
14 .. 2e 50 33,..65 50 11 .. 22 50 24 .. 48 50

Acquired from
18 .. 37 1.4
i1 43,..95 3.3 14 .. 20 1.1 31 .. 63 1:1 2.4
Cromwell the Pardoner (M)
II 16 .. 31
tB E ii 37,.73
ti B ii 12 .. 24
tB E II 27 .. 53 tB E

m B m • i i i I
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
Effect Headpiece raises Faith by + 1

Armor worn by Dranglelc clerics. The
clerics of Dranglelc have retained
their nominal status throughout
the ages, but were always at arms
length from the royal family, as If
Ill~~~.~~~, rJ"'"'" El~~~,:~

Repair Cost 112

11 &1
Prtestas.s Gloves

con 112
st 207

I I I I I I ios
23 .. 46 0 53 .. 0 17,.34 0 35 .. 0
their e><lstence was little more than
g .. 1g fil 11

a formality. Ills customary for clencs 24 .. 47 56 .. 110 22 ,.44 19 .. 35 7,.14 37,..75 15 .. 30
to wear different garb dependlno
fl 22 .. 44
Iii 0 .. 19 52 .. 104 Iii fl 17 .. 33
II 7 .. 14 35,..70
Iii 14 .. 20

152 .
on their sex, but the reason for • 21 .. 42

ii II ii
this practice Is unknown. This Is a 22 .. 44 11 .. 22 104 •• 26 .. 62 17033 8017 36070 19 .. 35
women's armor set
Acquired from
14c>28 11 022 IEi!!I 33 .. 66 26 .. 62
ii 11 c>21 8=>17
11 22 .. 45
ii 1e .. 35

ii 55 ~
Dark Priestess (E), Dark Spirit
Merciless Roenna (El (not
ii 14 .. 28

20 .. 3g I iil 50
33 .. 50 ii 10 .. 21
15 .. 2g
iil 50
ii 22 .. 44
31 .. 62

45,.g1 2.8
Headpiece), Dark Spirit: Peculiar
Klndular (El (only Gloves & Skirt)
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
16 .. 31 E
37,,.73 f'J 8
12 .. 24 E 25 .. 50 E

Effect Headpiece raises Faith by +1 u II u u U II II II

Armor donned by Hollowed thieves.
Despite Its crude appearance, this
armor Is surprisingly sturdy. The hood
B Rogue Hood Rogue Gauntlets

Repair Cost 164

•a •a m a •a
Is primarily Intended to hide the face • Repair Cost 154
of the wearer. and Is of no practical
value as defensive gear.
11 .. 22
Iii 0 56=>111
II 0
II zg,..57
II 0 40 .. 7ll
II 0
11 .. 22
II 4,.9 54 .. 108 21 .. 42 28c>55
II 11 .. 22 3g,.77
II 15 .. 30

I I I I Ia I I I
11 023 4 .. 9 66 .. 113 20 .. 40 2g .. 59 10 .. 21 40 .. 81 14 .. 20

o .. o o .. o

11 ,o2J 56 c>113 29,058 O•O 40 .. 81 Oc>O

II 4,..7
ii O=>O
ii 18=>35 o .. o 0<>18
ii O=>O
ii 13<>25
ii o ..o

4,..9 40 21 .. 42 55 11 .. 22 55 15,.30 SS

4,..9 0.7 20 .. 40 3.5 10 .. 21 1.8 14 .. 211 2.5

Acquired from ii 5,..g

tB E 24,.47
ti B ii 12 .. 24
tB E II 17,..34
tB E
Rogue (El
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte ii I i I i I i B
Armor of bandits of the Forossan
outskirts. The territory of Forossa
became lawless after the kingdom
I: . . ~.:.,
Spiked Bandit
Helm Bandit Gauntlets

Repal r Cost 164

fell to war. Citizens became bandits, Repair Cost 164
and scattered to other lands.

44,..99 3.5 57,.133 5 :JJ .. 60 3.5 30,..50 3.5

I I •

42 .. 85
ii • I I
10 .. 1g

14 .. 28
o .. o II
66 .. 133

99 .. 137
14 .. 20

21 .. 42
o .. o ii
:Jl .. 60
31 .. 62
29 .. 59

o .. o
31 .. 62
211 .. se
7 .. 13

10 .. 19
o ..o
o .. o 11 ii ii o .. 1e o .. o o .. o
I I I Ii1 I1:1
13<>26 20040 OoO Qo18

14 .. 27 60
ii 21 .. 41
iil 60
ii g .. 10 60 g,.1g 60
11 .. 22 4.1
i1 17 .. 33
1:1 6.2
iii 1 .. 15 2.8 7,o15 2.8

Acquired from
Magerold of Lanaflr (M)
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
13 .. 26

20 .. 40






Armor worn byVarangians that
terrorized nearby seas. The coastline Varanglan Helm Varanglan Cuffs
stretches far In northern Dranglelc.
Beyond this northern sea Is an Repair Cost 164 Repair Cost 164
unexplored continent, said to be the
home of things Inhuman. II 53 .. 106
II 5 II 67 .. 135
II 0 II 18 .. 35
Iii 0 II 26 .. 52
Iii 0
45,..g2 11 .. 33
a 11 .. 142
ii 26 .. 52 f;j 1g .. 37 7,,.14 21 .. 55 10 .. 20

i I so .. 11g 23,,.45
o .. o III
66 .. 132

I 73,..47
o .. o Iii
17 .. 35

I I I 6 .. 12 26 .. 51 g .. 1a
o .. o

55•109 66 .. 132 17,..35 O•O 25 .. 51

II 11 .. 34
ii o .. o 22 .. 43 o .. o 6011
ii o .. o ii a .. 11
ii o .. o

Acquired from
10 .. 20
ii 16 .. 31
i1 25,.51
Ill 22 .. 43 ID
6 .. 11
iiID 55
IID 6 .. 12
,0 .. 20
a .. 11

m B m • i i m I
varanglan Sailor (El
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte


Armor worn by Hollowed Dranglelc Black Hollow
mages. Dranglelc mages vex« Mage Hood
different garb depending on their
sex. What function this served, Repair Cost 112
however, Is unknown, as with many

32 .. 64 0 55 .. 110 0
old practices. This Is a women's

• • •
armor set 34,..57 13 .. 26 se .. 111 23 .. 46

fl 31 .. 62 12 .. 24 54 .. 109 21 .. 42

I I 31 <>62 12 .. 25 54,.109 22 .. 43
27 .. 54 12 .. 25
ii 47,.04
ii 22 .. 43

ii lll .. 38
iil 50
ii 33,.57
iil 50

21 .. 41 tll 35 .. n 3.3

Acquired from
Dark Wizard (El

23 .. 45 E 3g .. ,g B
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
Effect Raises lntelllt;ience by+ 1 u u II II
Armor worn by Hollowed Dranglelc
mages. Dranglelc mages WOfe
different garb depending on their sex.
What function this served, however. M """"'
White Hollow
Mage Hood

Cost 112
I .. R~ir Co~t 430
Is unknown, as with many old
practices. This Is a men's armor set. 11 34,..57 Iii 0 II 52 .. 105
II 0

11 35 .. 10
13 .. 27
a 54=> 1<XI
ii 21 .. 41

I 33 .. as
33 .. ss 11
13 .. zs

Iii I
51 .. 102 111 .. 311
30 ,.6()

19 .. 39 51 <>102
29 .. 56 44,..99 30 .. 6()

IIll mID
20 .. 41 50 32,063 50
21 .. 43 ta 33,056 2.9
Acquired from
Hollow Mage (Male) (El 23 .. 47 E 37,..73 B
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
Effect Raises Intelligence by+ 1 ii I i I

Armor worn by Uon Clan mages.
Lion Mage Cuffs
The Lion aan are an offshoot race
that appear In historical records quite
abruptly, as If one day they ell mbed Repair Cost 102
up out of the depths of the very

3g,..Jg 0 25=>50 0 25=>50 0
earth Itself.

• • •
41 .. 93 17 .. 34 26=>63 11 =>22 26 .. 53 11 .. 22
36•n 17 .. 34 23 .. 46 11 •22 23 .. 46 11 .. 22
35 .. rz
II 20 .. 40
ii 23 .. 46
ii 13 .. 25
II 23 .. 46
II 13 <>26

ii ii
37 .. 74 45 .. 00 24 .. 47 2g .. 57 24 .. 47 20 .. 57
iil 40
ii 1g .. 39 40 111 .. 39 40
31 .. 62
m 2.2
m ii 20 .. 311 1.4
i1 20 .. 3g 1.4

I Iu I [@u 11
Acquired from
Shaded Woods (Pl 37=>74 B 24,..47 E 24=>47 E
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
Effect Improves casting speed II II II


Used to hide In the cover of Shadow
night Those who are especially Shadow Mask Gauntlets
adept assassins are often hired
as bodyguards. In an attempt to Repair Cost 154 Repair Cost 154
stave off the curse, King Vendrick
hired shadowmen to put down the II 34,..57
II 0 II 49 .. 117
II 0 II :Jl .. 60
II 0 II 30 .. 60
II 0
Hollows, but before long they were 38 ,..75 27,..54
a 55,..1w
m 311 .. n f;j 34,..57 24 .. 49 34 .. 67 24 .. 48
Hollowed themselves.

i I 30 .. 60 21 .. 41


I 30 .. 60

Iii 27 .. 53

I I I 19 .. 'JJ 77,.53 19 .. 37

30 .. 60 17 .. 34 43•87 25 .. 49 27 .. 53 15 .. ~ 27 .. 53 is .. 30

II 10 .. 36
ii o .. o 25 .. 52 o .. o 16 .. 32
ii o .. o ii 16 .. 32
ii o .. o

Acquired from
Suspicious Shadow (El (NG+)
Iii 20 .. 41
1g .. 37
24 .. 49
IID 60
ii 29,
i1 77,..54
ii 35,..70 ID
Iii 10 .. 36
17 .. 33
21 .. 43
iiID 60
IID 1e .. 3e
21 .. 43

ii B m • i i m I
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte 16

Effect Gauntlets have bleeding attack


Armor of the manikins of Harvest '

valley. The peculiar art of puppetry Manikin Mask Manikin GIOVIIS

Is a vestige of the two lost lands. A
queen breathed life Into these dolls Repair Cost 154 Repair Cost 154
with the very miasma that affllcted
her poison- drenched bosom, so that


Ita 45,..92

II 0

Ifl 24,o49


Ita 32 .. 64

II 0

•I • •
she would have slaves to serve her 39 .. 75 21 .. 43 4Q,oll7 77,..54 25 ... 51 14:>28 34 .. sa 111 .. 39
temperamental will. She tore off their
35,..59 20 ... 50 44,.99 39,..75 23,046 20 .. 30 31 .. 61 26 .. 52
faces. How else could she forgive
Iii Iiil
those who dared gaze upon her? 36 .. 60 0 .. 10 44 .. 99 12 .. 24 23 .. 46 s .. 13 31 .. 61 a .. 11
19 .. 37 o .. o ii 23=>47
ii o .. o ii 12 .. 24 o .. o 11 ts .. 32
ii o .. o
iil 65
ii 22 .. 44
iil 65
ii 11 .. 23 65
ii 15 .. 31
iil 65
22 ... 43 1.8 29,..55
m 2.3 14 .. 2g 1.2 111 ... 39 1.6
Acquired from
Mask: Earthen Peak (P), Others:
Manikin (El
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
22 .. 45

E 211 .. 57


I15 .. :xi

E zo,..40


Rags worn by Imprisoned Hollows.
Judging by Its looks and apparent Prisoner's Hood Prisoner's Gloves
virtues, this really Is no more than a
tattered scrap of cloth. It stlll carries Repair Cost 46
the stench of a Hollow.
II 4,..9
II 0 II 11 ... 22
II 0 II 5 ... 10
II 0 II 5,010
II 0

a 4,..g
II 5 .. g
a 12 .. 25
m 13 .. 25
a s .. 11
II 6 .. 12
a s ... 11
II s .. 12

III Iii Iii I Ia Iii Iii s .. o

4,.9 4.,.7 10 .. 21 10 .. 10 5 .. g 4.,.g 4,.g
o .. o o .. o 5,.g o .. o


4 .. 9 10 .. 21 O•O
4,..9 o ... o 11 .. 23 o ... o 5 .. 10 o .. o 5 .. 10 o ..o
Acquired from 4,..9 25 12 .. 23 25 5,.11 25 5,o11 25
Captive Undead IE), surprising

•ii •i •ii I
5 .. 12 0.9 1s .. 33 2.2 7,015 1 7,015
Undead (El, Undead Laborer (E)
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
5,..g E 13:>26
ID B 6:>12 E 6:>12

Effect Rags worn on the head and

body raise Item discovery I I i B

Rags worn by Imprisoned Hollows.
Judging by Its looks and apparent Prisoner's Hood
virtues, this really Is no more than a
tattered scrap of cloth. It still carries Repair Cost 46
the stench of a Hollow.

d:08 0

11 .. 22

I 0

5:>Q 5:>Q 12:>26 13 .. 26
4,.9 3 .. 7 11 .. 21 10 .. 10

II 4,,9
ii o .. o II 11 .. 21 II o .. o
11 11 .. 23 ii
4,,9 o .. o o .. o
4,..9 25
ii 11 .. 23 iil 25

i1 17:033 m
Acquired from
6:012 0.8 2.2

Captive Undead (E), Surprising

Undead (El, Undead Laborer IE) 5,,.g E 13:026 B
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte [@
Effect Raises Item discovery a II u
Armor of the Archdrake sect of Arch drake
Archdrake Helm Gloves
Llndelt Little Is known about the
Archdrake sect and Its ancient rituals,
but It Is said that their well-honed Repair Cost 185 Repair Cost 185
miracles and unwavering faith In the
II 4g,..g9
II 7.5 II 9g,..179
II 13.5
II ig .. 59
II 6 II 43,..95
II 7.5
face of death made them worthy
a m
rivals to Dranglelc's forces In their

i I
13 .. 25
11 =>22 I ag .. 179

ag .. 11e

o .. o

w .. 58
2g .. 59

a .. 15
11 .. 23
o .. o

49,.ge o .. o 80 .. 178 29 .. 58 O•O 43.,95

II 15 .. 31
ii o .. o
II 29 .. 57 o .. o 0 .. 19
ii o .. o
ii 14 .. 27
ii o .. o

Acquired from
Linde It Cleric (E), Robes: The Lost
Bastille (P)
IID 15=>30
ii 27=>54
i1 47=>00
Ill 27=>63 ID
Iii o .. 1e
iiID 80
IID 13=>26

m B m • i i m I
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
Effect Raises lntell~ence by+ 1

Armor of the nomadic Gyrm.
Excellent poise but heavy. The stocky
I Gynn Helm Gyrm Gloves
Gyrm are kind-natured, but humans
deemed them Impure, and drove
them underground.
I Repair Cost 175 Repair Cost 175
9s .. 1n

19 1129=>258

II 26

I 39.,75


Ita 59=>117

II 14

• • • •I
95 .. 1n 24 .. 40 12g .. 25e 35,..73 38=>75 11 =>21 5Q=>117 17=>33
• 90 .. 179 19 .. 37 ta 135 .. 260 28 .. 56 39,.70 a .. ts 61 .. 123 13 =25

13 .. 26 11123 .. 245 10 .. 30 36c>72 6=>11 55 .. 112 0 .. 19
192 .. 1~
12 .. 25 13 .. 26
ii 10=>37
ii 10 .. 30
ii 5 .. 11 6=>11
11 9.,17
ii 0 .. 19

ii 11 =>23
iil 70
ii 17 .. 34
iil 70
ii 5=>10 70
ii 8=>16
iil 70

m10 .. 20 8.2 15,.30 12.3 4 .. g 3.6 7=>14 5.6

Acquired from
Gyrm (El
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
12 .. 25

c 19,..37

A 5 .. 11

c 8 .. 17



warrior armor of the nomadic Gyrm.
Excellent poise and defense, but
very heavy. Most Gyrm descendants
I gGynn Warrior
Gyrm Warrior
Ropai, cost 176
refuse contact with outsiders, and Repair Cost 206
live with a sense of deep contempt
a 100 .. 205 IIII II II II II II
gg .. 1g1 20 12g .. 25e 26 39,..75 8 50 .. 111 14
for those who exiled them.
0 .. 11 a 12g .. 25e
m 35,.73
El 39,.75
II 11 .. 21
a 511-.117
II 17,.33

1100 .. 205

Iii 23 .. 46 1136 .. 260

I 28·56

Ia Iii 39 .. 70 a .. 1s

Iii s1 .. 123

I 13 .. 25


go .. 1e1 o .. o 123•246 10 .. 39 6"' 11 ss .. 112 9 .. 19

II 12 .. 24 O=>O ii 19=>37 10 .. 30 5 .. 11 5 .. 11 9,.17 g.,19

I 14 .. 28

IID 75

I 17 .. 34 70

I IID 5:>10 70

III e .. 1s 70

•ii •i •ii I
14 .. 28 8.0 15:>30 12.3 4 .. g 3.6 7 .. 14 5.6

Acquired from
12=>24 c 1g .. 37
ID A 5=>11 c 8=>17
ID c

I I i B
GyrmWarrior (El 14

Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte


Greathelm worn by the nomadic
Gyrm. Excellent poise and defense,
i Gynn Warrior

1,, .. ,
but very heavy. Most Gyrm
descendants refuse contact with Repair Cost 206
outsiders, and live with a sense of

deep contempt for those who exiled
them. 100=>205 ll=>17
100 .. 205 23 .. 45
ii 90 .. 181
ii o .. o

12 .. 24 o .. o
14=>28 75
14 .. 28 8.9

Acquired from
Gyrm Wa rrlor ( El
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
a I 12 .. 24



Strange mask worn by Aldia
warlocks. Grants dark defense, and
Increased soul acquisition. Warlocks
I~ Warlock Mask

In Aldla gave rise to wicked things, Repair Cost 245

and even cast forbidden rituals
upon themselves. No one knows If II 26 .. 52 II 4
they were born mad, or If their own 30,.511
misdeeds drove them over the edge.

i I
24 .. 49
24 .. 49
24 .. 47
so .. 120

IID 50
Acquired from 24,.49 4.9
Dark Spirit: Merciless Roenna (El
35 .. 72 E
Reinforcement MaterlalTitanlte
Effect Increases number of Souls
acquired and raises Intelligence by+ 1 m B 14


Armor worn by settlers ofTseldora. Tseldora
Rather fancy but With low defense Tseldora cap Manchettes
and unfit for battle. Its deslgn recalls
Tseldora's glory days, the peak: of the Repair Cost 90 IR,p,frCo,190
bflghtstone boom.

I I I I t1 I I I
10 .. 21 0 22 .. 44 0 15 .. 211 0 15 .. 29 0

•I •I • • • I • •
11 .. 23 5 .. 10 24,..49 10 .. 20 15 .. 32 7 .. 14 1s .. 32 7 .. 14
10 .. 20 5 .. 10 21 .. 42 11 .. 21 14 .. 29
II 7,.14 14 .. 29 7,.14
10 .. 20 o .. o II 21 =>42
II o .. o ii 14 .. 29 o .. o
II 14 .. 29
II o .. o
5 .. g O<>O ii 10 .. 20
ii o .. o ii 7 .. 13 o .. o 11 7 .. 13
ii o .. o
Acquired from ii 5,.10
ii 40 ii 11 .. 21 ii 40 ii 7 .. 14
ii 40 ii 7,.14
ii 40
Parasite Spider (El. ParaslUzed
5 .. 12 14 13 .. 26 3 11 .. 18 2 g,.19 2

Undead (El, Maughlln the Armorer (El

4,,.11 E 11 .. 1g B 5,.13 E 6=>13 E
Reinforcement MaterlalTitanlte
Effect Increases number of Souls
acquired a a a a II II II II
Clothes commonly worn by peasants. Peasant Long
Peasant Hat Gloves
Normal workwear, more flt for
blocldng sunlight and farming than
fighting. Repair Cost 82 Repair Cost 82

II 11 .. 17 II 0 II 25 .. 50 II 0 II 12 .. 24
II 0 II 17 .. 34 II 0

a 11 .. 111
II s .. 12
a 29 .. 55
II 19 .. 35
a 13=>26
II 11 .. 11
a 111 .. 39
II 12 .. 25

III e .. 1s
e .. ts Iii 5 .. 10
o .. o Iii 24,.49

I ts .. 20
o .. o Ia Iii
11 .. 23 7,.14

Iii ts .. 33

I 10 .. 20
o .. o

24,.49 11 .. 23 1s .. 33

4,.9 o .. o 12 .. 23 o .. o 5<> 11 O<>O 9 .. 16 o .. o
4,.g 45 13 .. 25 45 s .. 12 45 g,..17 45

II , .. 15

•ii •i •ii I
5 .. 11 13 1s .. 31 3.9 1.9 11 .. 21 2.6
Acquired from
Dark Spirit: Pl>rclne Peasant (El.
4 .. 9 E 11 .. 23 ID B 5 .. 11 E 9 .. 1s
Undead Peasant (El
Reinforcement MaterlalTitanlte I I i B
/' Armor worn by Ironclad Soldiers.
:~, \ 'll,;
:' Provides high defense, but is so
heavy tha1 it requires great strength
to move. The Ironclad Soldiers were
Ironclad Helm Ironclad
Repair Cost 181
' ( .
.,,., I ,T":""::r'
' ~- I. \... minions created by the Old Iron King,

,,, ·~ "
... 64=o121l 13 32 20 20

their life granted by an enchantment
.:.. ~- ,.
; of souls. By now this Is again an Iron 511 .. 1111 s .. 11 15 .. 30 9 .. 17 8=>17
. .. '1'- • ' . . husk, and flt to wear.
?' .' - ..' """='- . 47,.ga

~·~1, ,,-~
68•137 17 .. 35 26 .. 52 26 .. 52
•• -.

- ~-W'I

"-=- ,
ii 64 .. 129 ii o .. o o .. o o .. o o .. o
It o .. o o .. o o .. o
~ ~.,

Acquired from
Ironclad Soldier (El. Helm & Armor:
Looking Glass Phantom (El
10 .. 20
11 .. 22 I 00
o .. o

Reinforcement Material Titanite

10 .. 20 c A c c
• 14
• Effect Helm and Armor nullify foes'
critical hits


Old armor worn t:Jy Ironclad Soldiers. Old Ironclad Old Ironclad
Provides high defense, but extremely Halm Gauntlets
heavy. One daY. warriors wearinQ
decrepit armor emerged from Repair Cost 227 Repair Cost 870 Repair Cost 227

11 11 iii
i .,.,~ I
ii ii
Dranglelc castle, and quietly assumed
positions amongst the royal army. Not 55 .. 113 11 150 .. 3:11 28 84 .. 168
II 18
ii 84 .. 168
II 18

II f;j 79,..155
one of them ever spoke a word, or
revealed the face under the mask.
61 .. 121

14 .. 28

o .. o
f:113g .. 21g

1161 .. 3231
12 .. 25


o .. o
I ll0 .. 181


21 .. 42
713.• 156
1 .. 14

21 .. 42

o .. o

66 .. 113 150•3:11 84 .. 168 O•O 94 .. 168

II e .. ts ii o .. o II 22 .. 43 o .. o ii 12 .. 24
ii o .. o ii 12 .. 24
ii o .. o

Acquired from
Old Ironclad Soldier (El
Reinforcement Mat.erlalTltanlte
IID 0 .. 19





22 .. 43


Iii 13 .. 26
10 .. ,0

12 .. 24
iiID 45

IID 13 .. 26

10 .. 19

12 .. 24

m B m • i i m I
14 14 14 14
Effect Helm and Armor nullify foes'
critical hits


Armor of a royal swordsman. Its Royal Swordsman Royal Swordsman :'; Royal swordsman
shape provides defense while Halm Gloves i Leggings
allowing great mobility. Stripped
of ornamentation, this armor Is Repair Cost 164 Repair Cost 164 • ~.1 i .,_111!1.•.••, • • •
designed strictly for battle. King
Vendrick supplied his bravest men
42 .. 84

7 1101 .. 201

III 18

55 .. 110

III 10

I 55,.110

III 10

•I •
with the best armor available to 37,.74 5 .. 11 88 .. 176 13 .. 27 49,.g5 7 .. 15 49,.115 7 .. 15
face the great giants, but wry few
47,.g4 ,2 .. 25 • 112 .. 223 21) .. 69 • 61 .. 122 15 .. 32 61 .. 122 ts .. 32
returned alive.
Iiil Iiil
44088 o .. o 11105 .. 210 o .. o 57 .. 114 o .. o 57.·114 o .. o
10o1Q o .. o ii 23:>46
ii o .. o iii 12 .. 25 o .. o 11 12 .. 25
ii o .. o
ii 12 .. 25 75
ii 2g .. sg
75 ii 16 .. 32 75
ii ie .. 32 ~
1 .. 13 4.7 16:>31
m 11.2

1,::~ 6.1 g,.17 6.1

Acquired from
Dark Spirit: Bowman Guthry (El,
Royal sworcsma n (El
Reinforcement Mat.erlalTltanlte
10 .. 1g

c 23,046


I c 12 .. 25



Replica of the armor of the loyal
knight Syan. This solidly-crafted gear Syan's Helm Syan's Gauntlets
offers high defense. Sir Syan was
widely known as the kingdom's III Repair Cost 195 st zso Repair Cost 195
most leal knight, and when the
ii II 10 ii II iii 46 ,.113 II
52:>103 ss ii 70 .. 141
II 12

a a
61:>123 137:>273 23
Giants Invaded, he volunteered to
lead the advance party, but was
slaughtered most dishonorably. The
55 .. 110
II 1 .. 14 123 .. 246
II 1s .. 31
a ss .. II s .. 12
a 63 .. 126

II e .. 16
Klng commissioned replicas of Syan's 165 .. 131

Iii 20 .. 41

o .. o
1146 .. 201

I 46 .. 111

o .. o Ia

Iii 17 .. 34

III 75 ..

I 23,.47

o .. o

•m •I
accoutrements and bestowed them 63 .. 125 13Qz>27Q 52 .. 1cs O•O 72 .. 143
to promising knights, but not long
after they donned the armor did they II 12:>24 o .. o ii 26:>63 O:>O 10:>20 o .. o 14 .. 27 O=>O

Iii IID IIll ID Iii IID Iii

go thoroughly mad. 16:>32 85 35,o70 85 13 .. 27 85 18:>36 85
7:>14 6.2 15 .. 31 13.8 s .. 12 5.2 B .. 16 7.1

Acquired from
,2 .. 24 c 26 .. 63 A 10=>20 c 14 .. 27
ID c
Royal Guard (E)
Reinforcement Mat.erlalTltanlte ii I i I ii I i B

Armor worn t:Jy Helde Knights. Helde Knight Holde Knight
Whether Helde refers to a klnQdom Greathelm Gauntlets
or was Just a name for the land Is
not clear, for no records date back Repair Cost 195 Repair Cost 195

far enough to tell. All that Is known
Is that the Way of Blue has Its origins
5g .. 1111 11 11oe .. 215

III 20

53,.101 B 63 .. 12s


In Helde, and that Helde was later ig,.3g 101 •202 35,..70 50 .. 100 11 .. 35 5g .. 11g 21 .. 41
subsumed t:Jy the sea. w,m
63•127 1s .. 20 • 115•230 27 .. 53 67 .. 114 13•26 68 .. 135 ts .. 31

II so .. 110
ii o .. o II ioa .. 215
II o .. o ii ii
53 .. 101 o .. o 63 o 126
II o .. o

I I 11 ii ii
I I Im
10 .. 20 16 .. 31 19 .. 37 29 .. 57 g .. 19 14 .. 28 11 .. 22 17 .. 33

13:>26 1)0
ii 24:>47
iil oo ii 12 .. 23 1)0 14:>28 llO
g .. 11 6
i1 16:>32
m 10.0
i1 e .. ts 5.4 g,.1g 6.4

Acquired from
Helde Knight (E) (NG+)
Reinforcement Mat.erlalTltanlte
I 19,..35



Ia I

c 111 .. 39



Iron mask worn by Helde Knights. Heldo Knight
Whether Helde refers to a ktnodom Iron Mask
or was Just a name for the land Is
not clear, for no records date back Repair Cost 195
tar enough to tell. All that Is known
ii 11
i . .~ I
53 .. 105 8.5
Is that the Way of Blue has Its origins
In Helde, and that Helde was later 1g,,.39
subsumed by the sea.
62=>123 30=>50
52•104 o .. o

II 11 .. 22
ii 16 .. 32

11 =>22 05
4,,.9 5.2

Acquired from
17 .. 34 c
Cathedral or Blue (Pl
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte m B
Dress worn by a far-gone muse.
Offers almost no physical defense,
but Is blessed with high resistance
to magic. These enchanting singers ~ "~' eo,: izs
were given song by the Great Dead

30 .. 45 0
One, and have little concept of

• •
self. They live only to slog, and will 33,.40 31 =>47
continue singing until they can do so
20 .. 43 23 .. 35
no longer.
II 20:>43
II 43:>66

II 45=>68
ii 43=>66

ii 35,,.53
iil 40

m 41,,.52 2.6
Acquired from
Shrine of Arnana (P)
Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng
41 .. 62



Armor worn by the captain of the Alonne Captain ,:"' :.ii Alon ne captat n
Alonne Knights. The accoutrements
of the Alonne Knights, who served
the Old Iron King, were created with

Repair Cost 370

r~ \
.. .. ....
... ; • •
an adVanced casting technique. SOiid
ii 53 .. 106
II 12 ii 162 .. 324 II 38
and handsomely crafted, their shine
remains brilliant to this day.
a 50 .. 100
II s .. 11 a 153 .. 305 II 17 .. 34

ss .. 112 12 .. 25 1111 .. 343 39,.75
o .. o

53 .. 106 o .. o 162 .. 324
11 .. 22 o .. o
ii 34 .. 68 o .. o

17,,.34 00 53,,.105 go

•ii •i
7,,.15 5.1 23 .. 45 15.6
Acquired from
Alonne Knight Captain (E) 11 =>22 c 34,069
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
Effect Resistant against fire I I
Armor worn by Alonne Knights. Alonne Knight Alonno Knight
The bonds or the Alonne Knights, Helm Gauntlets

1,. .
who served the Old Iron King, were
Repair Cost 185 Repair Cost 186

172 .
mightier than the land's Iron, but In
the end the knights were subsumed

4g,,.gg g 34 12 20


by the flames that brought the castle 1152 .. 305 144

• •
dO'Ml. 47,.g4 146,o2Q1 14.. 28 60 .. 137 7,.13 100 .. 201 10 .. 10
52•104 10=>21 • 161 •321 32 .. 64 51 76,0151 16=>~ 111 •222 22 ,044

II 49,.go
ii o .. o 11152,.305
II o,.o ii 12 .. 144 ii o .. o 11,os .. 210
II o .. o

11 ii ii 13 .. 26
I I I I Im
0 .. 19 o .. o 27=>65 o .. o o .. o 10 .. 3e o .. o

ii iil i1 2110 .... 4321

• •I I •[@ 11
15 .. 20 BO 45,..91 BO BO 31 .. 62 90
7,..14 4.6 22 .. 44
m 14.2 6.7 15 .. 30 0.8
Acquired from
Alonne Knight (El, Gauntlets &
I I [@
Q=o18 c 27=o55

A 13=026 c 10=o38 c

• • •
Legglnos: Alonne Knight captain (El
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte 11 a 11 a
Armor worn by Lion Clan warrtors,
The Lion aan are an offshoot
race that haw no ties to humans,
I UonWarr1or
[l Lion Warrior

Repair Cost 133

and 'WOUid murder anyone who Repair Cost 266
might have the curious notion of
approaching them. The lion clansmen II 11 .. 23
Iii 0
II 28,056
Iii 0
II 24"®
Iii 0
II 23,.45
Iii 0
seem to despise their own looks, as 12 .. 24 4,.9
a 2g,.58
ii 8,016 f;j 25 .. 50 7,.14 23 .. 47 s .. 13
they hate being seen.

i I 11 .. 22 4,.9


I 8=>15

24 .. 48

I I I 7,.13 22 .. 44 6=>12

11 .. 22 8•16 29 .. 55 21 .. 43 24 .. 48 1g .. 37 22 .. 44 17 .. 34

II s .. 11
ii 16 .. 32 12 .. 24 40 .. 81 10 .. 21
ii 35,.70
ii 10 .. 1Q
ii 32 .. 65

Acquired from
Lion Clan Warrior (El

5 .. 10
g .. 1e


11 .. 23

11 .. 23

22 .. 43


Iii 10 .. 20


iiti 40




17 .. 35


m B m • i i m I
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
Effect Reduces falling carnsee


Red cape worn by Lion Clan warriors. Red Uon Warrior

I ..
The Lion aan are an offshoot race Cape
that have no ties to humans, and
; I I
'WOUid murder anyone with the
curious notion of approaching them.
The lion clansmen seem to despise
their own looks, as they hate being
I 34 .. 68

I 0

• •
35•71 12 .. 24
33 .. 66 11 =>23

II 33:>66
II 24:>47

II 16=>32
ii 47 .. Q6

ii 15 .. 30

m 15,.30 1.5

Acquired from
Lion Clan Warrior (Greauixe) (El
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
Effect Reduces falling damage u
I 26 .. 53



Armor worn by wardens of the crypt. Grave Warden Grave Warden
The wardens of the crypt watch over ,Mask Cutts
the slumbering dead, making sure
they are not awoken. Be they king Repair Cost 112 Repair Cost 112
Of peasant, wise Of dull, rich or poor,
the wardens treat them with the
Iii 0
II 7ll =>158
II 0
II 2Q=>59
II 0
II 50=>100
II 0

same care. 1 .. 14
II 4,.7
a es .. 112
ii 42 .. 86
El 32,.53
II 16 .. 31
a 54 .. 1011
II 21 .. 54

s .. 13

Iii 3•6
o .. o Iii I 75,.152 34,.59

o .. o Ia 28·66

Iii 13 .. 25

Iii 49,.115

I 22 ,.43

o .. o

• •I
5 .. 13 75,.152 28 .. 66 O•O 48=>116

3=>6 O=>O 35=>69 O=>O 13=>25 O=>O 22 .. 44 o .. o

Iti IIll mti III Iti III

3,.5 40 33,066 60 12,o24 60 21 .. 42 60
4,.7 0.5 42 .. 84 6 15 .. 31 2.2 27,.53 3.8

Acquired from
4,.7 E 45,.eg B 15 .. 33 E 28 .. 57
ti E
Grave warden (El
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte I m I i I i B
Armor worn by the Vol gen Falconers.
DomestlcVolgen soldiers are Falconer Helm Falconer Gloves
Infamously timid, so It Is no wonder
that this fierce band of mercenary Repair Cost 164 Repair Cost 164
falconers was hired to compensate.
In practice they serve as bodyguards
for the affluent elite, and they
serve well, such that nobody dares
scrutinize their backgrounds.

I I • • • I I •
38 .. ill
11 .. 19



71 .. 142
I 12

24 .. 49
1Q .. 3Q
31 .. s1
~ .. SQ

10 .. 20

e .. 16
55 .. 111

54 .. 107
I 8
18 .. 36

15 .. 20

II 44,,99
ii o .. o II 71 o 142
II o .. o ii ~ .. so
ii o .. o II 54 .. 107
II o ..o
o .. o 11 ii o .. o ii o .. o
I I I I I o .. o
13 .. 26 22 .. 44 g .. 19 17 .. 33

1g,.37 75
ii ig,.37
iil 75
i1 9,.15 75 14,.28 75

m 4.5
i1 25,.50 7.7
ii 10 .. 21 3.2
i1 111 .. 39 5.8
Acquired from
Maughlln the ArmOfer (M), Falconers
I I [@ R I I
13 ,.25
[@ 11
D 22 .. 44 B g .. 1e D 11 .. 33 D

• •
(E) (NG+)

Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte 11 a a a II II


Armor worn by the Primal KnlQhts of Mastodon
Mastodon Helm Gauntlets
Dranglelc castle. Its weloht would
normally crush a man, but the Primal
Knights wear it as if it were silk, so Repair Cost 216 Repair Cost 216
fearsome Is their brute strength.
The King restored a forbidden,
long.lost art to create these Inhuman
ii 74.,147

i"·'~ I
II 12
12 .. 24
a 1118 .. 3115
184 .. 3611
II gs .. 1115

ii ...,,, I
II 18
16 .. 3'l
121 .. 241
II 24
20 .. 40
711 .. 157 14 .. 28

o .. o
1211 .. 421


o .. o
1105 .. 2()11 . 18 .. -n 120 .. 267

I 73,.45

o .. o

74 .. 147 198•395 9B .. 1Q6 O•O 121 .. 241

II 10 .. 1g
ii o .. o II zs .. 51 o .. o ii 13 .. 25
ii o .. o ii 1s .. 31
ii o .. o

Acquired from
10 .. 21

10 .. 111




26 .. 51

14 .. 28

13 .. 25
iiID 00



10 .. 21

16 .. 31


Primal KnlQht (Ltvlng) (El

m B m • i i m I
16 16 16 16

Reinforcement MaterlalTitanlte


Armor worn by the Primal KnlQhts of
Drangielc castle. Durablltty Is low due
to rustino. Its weight would normally
crush a man, but to the brutish Primal
KnJohts It may as well be made of
Mastodon Helm

Repair Cost 173 Iii

~ :~Rusted Mastodon

Rop,fr Co,I 173 os ,,.:

10 • 156 .. 312 28 13 llS .. 1113 17
papyrus. 11.. 153
fil go .. 110

10 .. 20 146 .. 2111 26 .. 52 71 .. 143 13 .. 26 1s .. 32

11 ... 22 • 167 .. 334 30 .. so !j 92 .. 164

II 16 .. 20 • 103 .. 206 19 .. 37
o .. o ii o .. o II II o .. o
11156=>312 0=>0 77,.153 Q6o103

O<>O ii 21 =>41 o .. o ii 10 .. 20 o .. o 11 13 .. 25
ii o .. o
40 ii 22 .. 45 40
ii 11 .. 22
ii 40
ii 14 .. 28
iil 40
6 14 .. 27 15.0 1 .. 13 7.8 9.,17 ll.B

Acquired from
Primal KniQht (E)
Reinforcement MaterlalTitanlte
1u 21 .. 41


10 .. 20


c 13.,75




Sorceress armor from the distant Desort Sorceress Desert Sorcoross t t f f ~ ..

land of Jugo. Appears to be a plain, Hood Gloves

thin fabric, but is permeated with
powertul magic. Desert Sorceresses Repair Cost 91 Repair Cost 91 Repair Cost 168
have enchantlno looks, and they
use them to catch people off guard. ii 10 .. 20
Iii 0
ii 45 .. gg
II 0
II 75,.50
II 0
ii 40 .. 70
II 0
Oddly enough, even those who are
perceptive enough to realize the
a 10 .. 21
II 4o7
a 47,.113
II 16 .. 32
a 26052
II 11 .. 1s
a 42,.83
II 14 .. 2g

III Iii Iii I Ia Iii Iii Iii

10 .. 1g 2 .. 6 43 .. 87 11 .. 21 24·48 6 .. 12 39,.77 g .. 10
ploy fall prey to their seductions with
alarming regularity. 2Q .. 58 39,.77

10<>19 s .. 13 43,.87 24 .. 49 16 <>3'l 26052
Q,o1Q 3,.5 42 .. 83 14 .. 27 23 .. 46 g .. 15 37,.74 12 .. 24

5.,13 50 2g .. 57 50 16 .,3'l 50 26 .. &1 50

•ii •i •ii
9.,15 0.6 35.,sg 2.7 1g.,39 1.5 31 .. 61 2.4
Acquired from
Desert Sorceress (El g,.17 E 39,.75
ID B 21 .. 42 E 34 .. 67 E
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
Effect Hood raises Intelligence by +3 I I I i B
hi . .

[I . .
Armor worn by acolytes of Aldla. Dragon Acolyte Dragon Acolyte
Several of the oreatest minds Mask . . Gloves
converged In Aldia to weave strange
new rituals, but rumors suggest Repair Cost 123 Repair Cost 470 Ir Co,I "'
that during the course of their work
II Iii.
73,.45 0 5g .. 118 0 0 36 .. 73 0

I I • • I •
their thoughts were not their own. 24,.4s
The nebulous face of the mask Is 74,.49 11 .. 21 62 .. 124 27 .. 56 fii 25,.51 Iii 11 .. 22 JQ,076 17,.34
designed to deflect the Ire of the
ritual sacrifice, and the remaining
22 .. 44 9•17 57 .. 115 23 .. 45 • 24 ,.47 Ill 24 ,.47 35.,71 33 .. 66
pieces are designed to bear the brunt
II 22 .. 44
ii o .. o II 57 .. 115
II o .. o ii 24 .. 47 ii o .. o II 35,.71
II o ..o
of the gushing blood.
11 ii I I o .. o
0<>10 11 .. 21 24,.49 21 .. 54 10 .. 20 o .. o 15 .. 30
g,.19 55
ii 74,.49
iil 55 - 10 .. 20 B'il 55 16 .. 30 55

i1 II it II
11 .. 22 15 28 .. 56 3_g 11 .. 23 ts 17,.34 2.4
Acquired from
Mask: Ogre (El (Petrified), Others:
Draoon Acolyte (El
Reinforcement MaterlalTitanlte
a I [@
11 .. 23

E 30 .. so


12 .. 25




Hood worn by the Arohmaster of Dragon Sage
Aldla. Several of the greatest minds Hood
converged In Aldla to weave strange
new rituals, but rumors suggest ~~ Rop,i, Co,126'
that during the course of their work
25 .. 50 0
their thoughts were not their own.
The nebulous face of the mask Is 21 .. 53 12 .. 23
designed to deflect the Ire of the
25,.40 10 .. 10
ritual sacrifice.
25 .. 40 o .. o
11 11 .. 21 ii 21 ,.42
ii 11 ,.21 ii 55
Acquired from
Giant Baslllsk ( El ii 12 .. 24 11 2

Reinforcement Mat.erlalTltanlte
ii 13,.25 ta E

Effect Raises lntelll<ience and Faith

by+1 i B
Old undated Armor. How old oould Old Knight
this nearty-crumbllng armor be? Has , Old Knight Helm Gauntlets
extremely low durability. Sometimes,

Just as a thing falls to pieces, It Repair Cost 206 Repair Cost 206
unleashes Its last flash of great


, 77 .. 155 14 1181 ,..353 40 g1 .. 1a1 16 01 ... 1a1 16

73 .. 145 7 .. 14 170 .. 340 15 .. 32 95 .. 170 85 .. 170 9 .. 15
• 80 .. 161 15 .. 29 • 199 .. 377 34,069 • Q4 .. 1B9 17,.34 04,..199 17.. 34
o .. o II o .. o ii o .. o II II o .. o
11181 :>363 g1 .. 1a1 91 o 181
177 .. 1551
9<>17 O<>O ii 20=>40
ii o .. o ii 10020 OoO
11 10<>20
ii OoO

ii g,.17
iil 20
ii 20 .. 40
iil 20
ii 10 ,.zo 20
ii 10 .. 20
iil 20
1 .. 13 7 1s .. 30
II 16.4 a .. 1s 8.2 e .. 15 8.2

Acquired from
Old Knight (E)
Reinforcement Mat.erlalTltanlte
g .. 17

c 20 .. 40


10 .. 20

11 II
c 10 .. 20


Giant onyx armor. Something Drakokeeper Drakekeoper
dark Indeed eats a~ at the Helm Gauntlets
drakekeepers, eternal guardians of
Repair Cost 411 Repair Cost 411

the shrine.

Iii II
a 170.. 340 IIII II II
• 57 .. 135 12 • 177,..353 36 g4 .. 1ag 14 114 .. 1eg 14
a a
65 .. 13'

171 .. 142
10 .. 21
14 .. 29
o .. o
1186 .. 371

21 .. 54
39,.75 I g1 .. 192

g9 .. 1gg
15 ...2g
20 .. 40

111 .. 1e2
1s .. 211
o .. o

• •I
67 .. 135 177 .. 353 O<>O 94•1B9 O•O 04 .. 199

II 10 .. 21 14=>28 ii 27 .. 54 35 .. tz a 15 .. 29 1g .. 39 15<>29 1g .. 3g

iil so
I Ita I I Ita III
11 .. 23 90 30,oSQ oo 15,.32 90 16 .. 32
g .. 1g
•ii •i •ii
6 24 .. dll 15.7 13 .. 26 8.4 13 .. 26 8.4

Acquired from
10 .. 21 c 21 .. 54
ta A 15 .. 2g c 15 .. 211
ta c
Drakekeeper (El
Reinforcement Mat.erlalTltanlte I I I i B
Armor worn by Leydla witches. Loydla Black
Leydla apostles worship Gal lb, god Hood
of disease. They once resided In
the Undead Crypt beside Fenlto. Repair Cost 203
The Leydla witches grew conceited,

20 .. 30 0 10 .. 105 0

I I •
and began to manipulate both the
onset and curing of disease, making 22 .. 33 10=>15 77 =>116 35,..53
themselves the effective gatekeepers
19 .. 28 9•14 ss .. 100 33 .. 50
of the crypt
II 19 .. 29
ii e .. 12
II 660100
II 21 .. 40

11 49 .. n
14 .. 20 12 .. 18 43 .. 54
Acquired from
Dark Spirit: Peculiar Klndular (El,
Leydla Witch (El
g,.14 50
ii 33,.50
iil 50
e .. 12
ii 2g .. 43
II 3.5
Reinforcement Mat.erlalTwlnkllng
Effect Hood raises Intelligence and
Faith by+ 1
I [@
10 .. 21

E 53,.g5



Armor of a Leydla pyromancer. Leydla
apostles, In their conceit, occupied
the Undead Crypt and misused
ri Loyd la White

I .. Leydla Gauntlets

ir Co,1112
death. This ln110ked the Ire of Fenlto, ' Repair Cost 112
who branded them as transgressors.
II 14 .. 28
II 0
II 49,.llfl
II 0
II 17,.33
II 0
15,.30 1 .. 13
a 53=> 106
ii 23=>46 f;j 19 .. 35 8=>16

i I 13 .. 26 6=>12

Iii 45 .. 02

I 21 =>43

Iii 16 .. 32

I 7=>15

13 .. 26 5•10 46•02 18 .. 35 16 .. 32 s .. 12

II llo18
ii 8016 32=>64 28<>66 11 .. 22
ii II :o 111

Acquired from
IID 11 .. 19

12 .. 24

32 .. 64

27 .. 54

41 .. 92

Iii 11 .. 22

9 .. 10

14 .. 28
iiID 50


m B m • i i
Leydla Pyromancer (E)
Relnfon:ement MaterlalTltanlte


II "'""
Armor worn by once-proud knights. I mperlou s
Imperious Helm

Relles of a party who long ago Gloves
long ago attempted to conquer the
Undead Crypt. For this act of conceit Repair Cost 195
Co,I 195
they will never rest In peace, and
Instead serve as crypt guardians. 163,0127

10 1160 .. 321

I 30 55 .. 131

III 10

I 82 .. 154

I 14

• • • •
61 .. 121 11 .. 21 154 .. 308 27=>54 63,0126 11 .. 22 Jll ,o 157 14 .. 27

• 57 .. 133 13 .. 27 • 169 .. 338 34,058 • 69 .. 138 14 .. 28 86 .. 173 17,.35

10 .. 21 11160:0321 26=>63 65 .. 131 11 .. 22 82 o 164 13 .. 27
163 .. 1271
13c>26 10 .. 21
ii 33,..66
ii 26,063
ii 13 .. 27 11 .. 22
11 17 .. 34
ii 13 .. 27

ii 11 .. 22
iil 85
ii 28:>55
ii 11 =>23 85
ii 14<>28

m g,..19 5.8 23,..46 14.7 11 .. 10 6 12 .. 23 7.5

Acquired from
Imperious Knight (El
Relnfon:ement MaterlalTltanlte
13 .. 26

a II
c 33 .. 66

A 13 .. 27

c 17,.34


Armor worn by once-proud clerics.
Relles of a party who long ago Insolent Helm Insolent Gloves
attempted to conquer the Undead
Crypt. For this sin their deaths have Repair Cost 185 Repair Cost 185
been postponed, so they may serve
as crypt sentries. II 42 .. 84
Iii 6
II 95 .. 171
II 16
II 50 .. 101
II 0
II 50 .. 101
II 0

a 40 .. eo
II 10 .. 10
a 81 .. 162
ii Hl.,30
a 48oll6
II 12023
a 49,.ll5
II 12 .. 23

III 45,.110

Iii 13 .. 25

Iii 91 .. 193

I 2s .. s1

Ia Iii 54 .. 100 15,.30

Iii 54 .. 109

so .. 101 I 15,.30

• •I
42 .. 84 10c>21 85 .. 171 21 .. 42 50 .. 101 13 .. 25 13c>25

11 .. 21 10=>21 22:>44 21 .. 42 13:>26 13=>25 13<>26 13:>25

I 11 .. 21

IID 75

I 22:>44

aa I IID 13:>26 75

III 13:>26 75

•ii •i •ii I
13 .. 27 4.8 27:>54 16:>32 5.8 16:>32 5.8
Acquired from
Grave warden Agdayne (Ml 10=>20 c 20=>40
ID A 12=>24 c 12=>24
ID c
Relnfon:ement MaterlalTltanlte
Effect Helm raises Faith by +2 I I i B
Monocled hat fa110red by Blue~ed
Durgo. Extends arrow range. The Durgo's Hat
hero Durgo, an expert bowman, and
his brother-In-law defended their Repair Cost 245
homeland from aggressors. In spite
22=>33 0

of Lanaflr's policy of lsolatlonlsm,
Durgo was well known even beyond 21 =>32 0=>14
Its domain.
23 .. 35 8•12

II 21 .. 31
ii o .. o

12 .. 1e o .. o
10=>15 48
Acquired from
0 .. 13 2.6

Dark Spirit Durgo (NG+)
10 .. 15 E
Relnfon:ement MaterlalTwlnkllng
Tltanlte 16

Effect Boosts range of bows a II


Stone gauntlets engraved whh odd Engraved
writing. Said to bring good fortune to Gauntlets
their wearer. The wealthy merchant
Florenza searched for these rare and Repair Cost 286
preclous gauntlets his entire life, but
was not the one who found them. II ig,.44
Iii 0
f;j ig,..44 15 .. 22

2g .. 44
29 .. 44
rs .. 22
Acquired from
Brlohtstone Cove Tseldora IP)
Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng
Iii 15 .. 22
15 .. 22
15 .. 22
iitB SS

i i
12 12
Effect Rare chance normal attacks
become er ltlcal h Its


I .
Boots crafted with brown fur. Absorb . .
shock and reduce fall damage. These ~
boots, used In a celebratlve festival,
are light, rugged, and retain warmth. Repair Cost 413

Ita 40 .. 60

II 0

41l=> 74 17=>26
35,.53 11l .. 28

II 36054
II o .. o
11 15 .. 22
ii 50 .. 75

Acquired from
ii g .. 14
iil 66

sweet Shalquolr (Ml
16 .. 24 E
Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng
Effect Reduces falling darnsee u II
Armor as If hewn from a glant ' Havel's
Havel's Helm Gauntlets
boulder. Offers stupendous defense,
but weighs a ton. The origin of the
name Havel Is not clear. Some say Repair Cost 520
It was the warrior who wore the
ii 112 .. isa Iii 17 • 21J1,o437 II 47 • 172 .. 258 II 28 • 172=>258 II 28
armor, but others Sflf that It was the
a a a
name of a great kingdom ruined In a
barbaric war.
sa .. 147
II 21s ....1040
255 .. 382

1329 .. 491
11 .. 25
f;i 150 .. 225
I 11lh•200
10 .. 15
41 •61 I 150 .. 225
10 .. 15
41 .. 61

• •I
112 .. 1se 13•19 291 .,437 33,.49 172 .. 259 19 .. 29 112 .. 258 11l .. 2Q

II 16=>24 13 .. 19
ii 42=>62 33,..49
a 25 .. 37 1g .. 29
II 25 .. 37 19=>29

17,o26 255 45,o67 255 27,o40 255 27,o40 255

•ii •i •ii
15 .. 22 7.5 39,058 11l.5 23,034 11.5 23,034 11.5
Acquired from
The Gutter (P)
16 .. 24 c 42 .. 62
fl A 25 .. 37 c 25 .. 37
tB c
Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng

I 20

I 20

I i 20

This blindingly-bright yellow oosturne
Is said to have been worn by the
Xanthous King. Perhaps the heinously
1... [[j "'""'°'" Iii "~'' """
Xanthous Crown

Xanthous Gloves

I I Ita I I : :: I II
towering head cloth crown served Repair Cost 203
203 375
some purpose, or perhaps It was
0 52 .. 79 0 54,oOO 0
some strange display of power.
"•'00 so .. gg

• I I •
Despite the costume's being In 116 .. 174 7=>11 23 .. 35 113:20 61 =>112 24=>36
near tatters, Its yellow hues are
mysteriously unfaded.
67•100 7•10 52•78 21 .. 31 • 31 .. 46 Ill 12 .. 18 54 .. 00 21 .. 32

II 44 .. ss
ii o .. o II 45,.67
II o .. o ii 2s .. 40 IJ o .. o II 46069
II o .. o
11 ii o .. o
I I I I o .. o
16 .. 24 830125 39,.sg 23 .. 35 o .. o 40061
5=>7 60
ii 10=>15
iil 60 - 5,og B'il 60 11,o16 60

ii II ii II ii II
11 16 5 25=>37 3.9 ,5 .. 22 2.3 25=>38 4


Acquired from
Pilgrims of Dark (C)
[@ R 11 0
15 .. 22
. [@ 11
E 30 .. 46 B
E 31 .. 47 E

Reinforcement Material Twinkling

Tltanlte a • u u • u II II


Armor honoring an ancient goddess.
Sin was said to be her domain, but
the name of this goddess Is long
I Mask ol
Manchettos ol

Repair Cost 164

forgotten. Little Is known about what Repair Cost 154
purpose the armor served, only that
It was worn by a person of great II 411.,74
II 0 II 11.. 115
II 0 II 35,.53
II 0 II 55.,93
II 0
authority. 53 .. 111 13 .. 20
a B2 .. 123
ii 21 .. 31 f;j 39.,57 11 .. 14 511 .. 00 15 .. 22

i I 47 .. 71 14 .. 21
o .. o Iii 74 .. 111

I 22 .. 33
o .. o Iii 34.,51

I I I 10 .. 15 53 .. 90 1s .. 24
o .. o

47,.71 74 .. 111 34,.51 O•O 53.,90

II 25 .. 39
ii 21 .. 41 39 .. 59 43,.64 19 .. 21
ii 20 .. 211
ii 29 .. 42
ii 31 .. 46

Acquired lrom
Dragon Shrine (Pl
Iii 20 .. 30
17 .. 26
22 .. 33
IID 50
32 .. 49
27 .. 41
Iii 15 .. 22
13 .. 111
16 .. 24
iiID 50
20 .. 20
25 .. 37

Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng
Tltanlte ii B m • i i m I
A traditional sacred armor crafted
at the Undett Monastery. Made of
a lightweight. flowing White fabric.
The ceremonial design suggests that
they revered whatever It was they


Repair Cost 133

Monastery Long
p R~,;, ~fl 246
watched over.
15 .. 22
16 .. 24
14 .. 21
11 .. 25
10 .. 16
Ifl 22 .. 34
24 .. 36
21 .. 31
25 .. 37
16 .. 23
1100 .. 150

106 .. 158
112 .. 13g
110 .. 166
6IQ .. 104

ii II II
Iii Iiil Iiil
14 .. 21 g .. 14 21 .. 31 14<>21 112 .. 1311 62 .. 03
13 .. 20 11 .. 17
ii 20 .. 30 17 .. 25
11 99 .. 132
ii 74 .. 111
10 .. 15
11 .. 13
ii 15 .. 22
13 .. 111
ii ss .. g1
iil 55
Acquired from
Dark Spirit The Painting Protector
(El (NG+)
Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng
I 10 .. 14


14 .. 22

E 64 .. 116


An unassuming dingy armor.
Although by now gray with soot
and nearly unraveled, Its fabric was
ii IR. ..Dingy Hood

Dingy Cutts

Repair Cost 133

orlglnally a pure white. A close Repair Cost 133
Inspection of the skirt reveals old
dried blood. What tragedy could have II 14 .. 211
Iii 0 II 64,0108
II 0 II 22 .. 43
II 0 II 45,..11()
II 0
befallen Its orlglnal owner?
a 16 .. 32
II s .. 11 a s1 .. 122
ii 20 .. 41
El 24 ,.411
II e .. 1s a 51 .. 101
II 17,.34

Iii Iii Iii I Ia Iii Iii I

13 .. 27 s .. 12 61 .. 101 23 .. 46 20 .. 40 g,.19 42,084 19 .. 30


13 .. 27 12 .. 25 51 .. 101 20 .. 40 18•37 42,.94 39,.77
11 .. 17 12 .. 25 33,.55 46,>Q2 13 .. 26 19 .. 37 27 .. 54 39,.77

Iii IID Iii Iii IID Iii
1 .. 15 40 21 .. 55 40 11 .. 22 40 23.,46 40

Acquired lrom
Q,o16 0.8 31 .. 62
II 3 12 .. 25 1.2 26 .. 51 2.5

Dark Spirit: The Forlorn Sister (El

e .. 16 E 31 .. 62
ID B 12 .. 25 E 26 .. 51
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte i I m I i I i B
Odd armor shaped like an onion. Catarina

This armor appears rather absurd, catanna Helm Gauntlets
but Its multi-faced construction Is In
fact quite practical as It effectively 1Ropa>COOl7~0 aRop,J,Coot196
Coot "'

I I II as .. 132 &I 11
deflects physical attacks. The old

III ee .. 132
51 .. es g 25 13 13

tales speak of brave Catarina knights 11411 .. 224
wearing this armor as they rushed 10=>15 1411 .. 224 25 .. 39 fii 99.. 132 11 15 .. 23 ee .. 132 11 15 .. 23
courageously Into battle. 67•W
67•100 16 .. 24 ta 173 .. 260 41 .. 62 ta 10'2 .. 153 11 24 .. 36 102 .. 153 11 24 .. 36

II 57 .. 86
ii o .. o 11149 .. 224
II o .. o ii 99.,132 ii o .. o II ee .. 132 II o .. o
11 3235,.53 ii I I o .. o fa
I I o .. o
12 .. 18 o .. o .. 49 o»o 19<>28 111 .. 29 •
14.,20 95
ii 21 .. 32 iil 1)5 - 21 .. 31 B'il gs ii 21 .. 31 iil Sl5
e .. 12 i1 32.. 49 II iii 13 .. 111 II i1 11
1 R
4.5 11.7 6.0 13 .. 111 6.Sl
Acquired from
Dark Spirit: Catarina Knight (NG+)
I I 12 .. 1e c
[@ RII A
·g .. za
c [@ 111 .. 28 11 c
Reinforcement Materlal Twinkling
Tltanlte 11 II 11 11 II 11 II -~==""


Heavy steel armor. A relic of an order
Steel Helm Steel Gauntlets
of knlohts said to be the mlohtlest
warriors of their time.
Repair Cost 216 Repair Cost 216

i """' I
• 62 .. 124 II 12

160 .. 321
153 .. 306
22 ,.44
ii ss .. II

I 1,,.,., 16
13 .. 25
• 115 .. lllO II 16
13 .. 26
66 .. 132 14 .. 28
o .. o
1171 .. 342

o .. o
1101=>203 21 .. 43 101 =>203

I 21 =>43
o .. o

62•124 160•321 g5 .. 1go O•O g5 .. 190

II 9o1Q
ii o .. o II 24049 o .. o ii 14 029
ii OoO
ii 14o2Q
ii o .. o

Ac,qulred from
10 .. 20
ii 2s .. 52
i1 ig.,37
Ill 24=>411 ID
11 =>22
14 .. 211
iiID 100
11 .. 22
Memory of Orro (Pl
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte m B m • i i m I
Armor of a knight subsumed by dark. '

No one knows the true Identity of , ,Dar1< Mask Dark Gauntlets

these men who are said to freely
manipulate dark. Old foreign legends Repair Cost 175 Repair Cost 175
describe them as poor souls who


ea .. 101
Ifl IIii
44=>66 6 16 II g
chased the lost art of lifedraln. 1114 .. 171

44=>66 12=>18 114=>171 31 =>46 19 .. 27 68=>101 18=>27
47,..70 14=>21 • 120 .. 100 35,..53 21 .. 31 71 =>107 21 =>31
o .. o ii o .. o II ii o ..o
Iii Iiil Iiil
Ac,qulred from 42 c>64 11100 .. 164 o .. o 55 .. g7
Dark Mask: Aldla's Keep (Pl, Dark
Armor: Iron Keep (Pl, Dark Gauntlets:
12"' 17 O<>O ii 30 .. 45
ii o .. o OoO
11 10 .. 21
ii o .. o
Earthen Peak (Pl, Mimic (El, Dark 12=>17 oo ii 30 .. 45
90 oo ii 18=>27
Leggings: Doors of Pharros (Pl
a .. 12 3.9 20 .. 30
m 11.8 5.9 12 =>18 5.8
Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng
Effect Mask raises Intelligence and
Faith by+ 1

c 64,0115


I c 38=>56



Armor worn by the Dragoorlders, Dragonrlder Dragonrldor
Klng Vend rick's royal guard. According Helm Gauntlets
to legend, the Dragonrlders straddled
not horses, but wyrms. Aspiring Repair Cost 206
Dragoorlders who had not the mettle
II 14
II 40
II 12
to handle their training were torn
apart by their wyrms, and those
who survived emerged with detflc

II 12 .. 19

242 .. 362
226 .. 3311 ii 26=>39 a
• 112 .. 168
104 .. 157
II 12 .. 19

Iii I I
1110 .. 1n 1s .. 23 1252 .. 377 33.,50 1116 .. 115 15 .. 23
o .. o

• •I
113 .. 170 O•O 242<>362 O<>O 112 .. 168

II 13=>19 O=>O ii 27 .. 40 o .. o ii 12=>19 O=>O

12 .. 10 95 25.,39 95 115 12 .. 10 95
•ii •i
Acquired from 13 .. 1g 7.5 28 .. 41 16 6.2 13 .. 111 7.4
Magerold of Lanaflr (Ml, Magerold of
Lanaflr (Ml (NG+)
13=>111 c 27=>40
ID A c 12=>111
ID c
Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng
Titanite I I i B
Armor worn by the jailer's creation,
Ruin Helm Ruin Gauntlets
the Ruin Sentinel. The sentinel has
no form, Its soul residing within the

armor Itself. Stare at It for long and Repair Cost 185 Repair Cost 185
Its seems ready to spring to life, but

53=>80 8 18 10 B2=>123 12

surely, such Is an Illusion. 1311 .. 2011 182=>123
48=>72 7=>11 126 .. 189 20=>29 75=> 112 12 .. 11 75=>112 12 =>17
57.,95 17 .. 25 • 160•224 Iii 44 .. 66 • 88•133 26,o3Q 99,.133 26 .. 39

II 54 .. 91
ii 22 .. n 11142 .. 213 II 57,..96 ii 84 .. 126 ii 34 .. 51
II 84 o 126
II 34 .. 51
o .. o 11 ii o .. o ii 19<>29 o .. o o .. o
I I I Ii1 Im
12 .. 19 33 .. 49 111 .. 211
14 =>21 105
ii 37=>55
iil 105 i1 22 .. 32 105 22 .. 32 105
8=>13 4
i1 22 .. 33
m 10.5
ii 13=>20 6.2 13=>20 6.2
Ac,qulred from
Ruin Sentinel (El (Dranglelc Castle)
Reinforcement Material Twinkling
I 12 .. 111



111 .. 211

111 .. 211



Black Armor worn by the executioner
of the Undead Purgatory. The spikes
are designed to evoke fear. The
I Executioner

Repair Cost 307

executioner mercilessly put down , Repair Cost 307
countless Un dead, but how could he
know that It was never his own will, II s1 .. g2
II 5
II 113 .. 140
II 7.5
II 38 .. 56
Iii 4
II 39 .. 56
Iii 4

but that of the chariot horse? 55,..94 11 .. 17

a 85 .. 120
m 11 .. 25 f;j 34,..52 1 .. 10 34,..52 1 .. 10

i I 55,..g7 42 .. 63

o .. o III

I 64 .. !l6

o .. o Iii

I I I 26 .. 38 40 .. 60 26 .. 38

o .. o

53,.g5 ga .. 144 39,.58 O•O 39.,59

II 14 =21
ii 2g .. 44 21 :o32 45:o67 9.,13
ii ra .. 21 ii Q"' 13
ii 18=27

Acquired from
Titchy Gren (Ml
IID 15 .. 22

10 .. 15


23 .. 34

15 .. 22

50 .. 75


20 .. 30
iiID 65




20 .. 30


Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng
Tltanlte m B m • i i m I

Skeleton Lord armor. High dark
defense. The Old Iron King led his
best men on Undead hunts, but their
memories were purged In rebirth. The
Bone Crown

Repair Cost 182 I:~:.~~-;,;

Bone King Cutts

Repair Cost 182

~.. ·~". &1
very men who were ordered to hunt
. &1Ua1 •
\-. 11.1:, 11
down the Undead were themselves
32 .. 48


11 .. ios



Ita 54,.91

II 0

•I •
hollowed, and founded a kingdom 35 .. 52 16 .. 24 11 .. 116 36 .. 56 39 .. 58 18 .. 27 5g,.B9 28 .. 42

, ,I

\\ ': •
of bone.
30 .. 46 10 .. 16 ta ss .. 102 fl 23 .. 35 34 .. 51 12=>17 52 .. 79 1e .. 2s
.&,· ,,. \JI
I illl za .. ii II II
Iii Iiil
'iD 30=46 12 .. 1g 34 ,.51 14<>21 52 .. 78 21 .. 32
' ,,\. 0 se.,,102 42

., •J 't •.
'. \
20=30 20<>30 IEi!!I 45,.69 45,.57
ii 23 .. 34 22 .. 34
11 34,.52
ii 34.,51

ii iil
22 .. 34

10 .. 21
iil 65
t7 I

If'J 85
ii 25 .. 37
20 .. 30
ii 39,.57

31 .. 48
iil 65

41 .. s1 3.B
Acquired from
28 .. 42 E
! 31 .. 47 E. 49,.n E

Titchy Gren (Ml 630094 B

Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng
Tltanlte u II U II u u II II
Armor of the Smelter Demon, a great
mass of Iron that was given Ille. High
fire defense. The Old Iron King was
possessed of a great bounty of ore,
but was I nclnerated by a creature
smelter Demon

Repair Cost 328

l.,. , c,~, .
Smelter Demon

Iii II 3g
12g .. 1g4 15

252003111 14!l .. 224 23 11141100224 23
that rose from the Infernal depths of
the earth.
11 115
.. 175
II 12 c> 18 255 .. 382
m 24 .. 36 f;i 135.,202 II 14 .. 21 135 .. 202
II 14 .. 21

1142 .. 213

Iii 28·42 1304 .. 456

I 54 .. 82 1164 .. 246

Iii 32 .. 49 1164 .. 246

Iii 32 .,49

12g .. 1g4 18 .. 28 186z>27Q 36,064 149 .. 224 21 •32 1411 .. 224 21 .. 32

II 18 .. 27 18 .. 28
ii 35 .. 53 35,.54
a 21 .. 31 21 <>32
II 21 .. 31 21 .. 32

34,.51 160 es .. 100 160 39.,5g 160 311,.59 160

17 .. 28 0 33,.50 17.6 20 .. 30 10.4 20 .. 30 10.4

Acquired from
Maughlln the Armorer (Ml
18 .. 27 c 35,.53 A 21 .. 31 c 21 .. 31 c

ii I i I ii I i B
16 16 16 16
Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng

Armor of the Lost Sinner. The spikes '
of the mask pointing Inward suggest Penal Masi< Penal Handcutts
that this was not only used to bind
prisoners, but to torture them as well. ~
The tightly cinched belt of the Jacket I I 6550,.
Repair Cost 224
.. g807 5
Re~alr ~st

.. 113 II

Repair Cost 224

55,.92 0 68 .. 102

I 0

I I •
presses against the waist The hand
restraints are a device used to restrict 10 .. 15 11.. 116 11 12 .. 1e 57,.95 11 .. 16 70 .. 105 11 .. 16
the use of the hands. The tattered
73• 109 15 .. 22 ta 77 .. 116 • g .. 14 57,.95 9,.13 70 .. 105 g .. 13

skirt Is worn In shame by the guilty.
By now, no one knows who this was ii so.,.go Iii 21 .. 32 11 10.,.1os II zs .. 31
ii 50 .. 75
ii 22 .. 34
II 63,.QEj
II 22 ,.34
used to punish, or for what reason. riil ii ii ii
27=40 ~ 41 .. 62 31 .. 47 32 .. 49 21 <>32 2g .. 44 29 .. 42 29 .. 44
!:Ill !:'v'J
Acquired from 33,.50 g 120 - 3g,.59 r.ill 55 ii 35,.53 55 35,.53 55
Maughlln the Armorer (Ml
i1 II ii i1 II
11 .. 26 5.1 280042 8.2 10 .. 28 4.8 26 .. 38 4.8
ReInf. Materfal Twinkling Tltanlte
Ettee1 Mask raises equipment load.
Hand restraints raise power of
30 .. 45 D
35 .. 52


25 .. 37

I [@u 11
D 32 .. 47



Armor worn by the Looking Glass
Knl(Jht. Made of metal, but has high
lightning defense. Those who wish
1- Looking Glass
Looking Glass

to serve the king as loyal warriors Repair Cost 390 Repair Cost 390
must take the King's Passage and
face the Looking Glass Knl(Jht.Those
who fall the test are sacrificed by the
i , ., ,
• 100 .. 150 II 16
13 .. 20
a 2s2 .. 3g3
232 .. 347
34 .. 51
• 14ll .. 223
f;i 132 .. 1g7
II 24
1g .. 2g 1,, ., ,
• 141l .. 223 II 24
1g .. 2g
merciless specular monstrosity.
113 .. 1m

I 25=>37
o .. o
1205 .. 443

o .. o
1168 .. 252

I 37,.55 168 .. 262

I 37 .. 55
o .. o

100 .. 150 262•393 149 .. 223 O•O 149 .. 223

II 14 .. 21
ii o .. o II 35.,54 o .. o ii 20 .. 31
ii o .. o ii 20 .. 31
ii o .. o

Acquired from
Maughlln the Armorer (Ml
15 .. 23
23 .. 34
14 .. 21
ii 40 .. 60
ii 35 .. 54
60 .. BQ

23 .. 34
34 .. 51
20 .. 31
iiID 150
20 .. 31
m B m • i i m I
16 16 16 16
Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng

Armor worn by the Royal Aegis.
Orlglnally Imbued with the power of
miracles, now soaked with dark after
extended exposure In the Undead
Crypt. A knight from a faraway land
Velstadt's Helm

Repair Cost 390 l.,., co~,~o I


Repair Cost 390

Iii Iii III Iii

1113 .. 1611 11 1220 .. 343 29 rs .. 113 12 11oe .. 153 14
was lured to this accursed land, but
gg .. 140

forgot even why he came, eventually 103 .. 155 13=>10 200 .. 314 26 .. 38 60 .. 103 8=>13 12 .. 19
reduced to a shadow of h Is former
• 11Q .. 17Q 31 =>46 • 242 .. 363 53 .. ~ 00 .. 1111 21 .. 31 !ii 11s .. 112 30 .. 45

II ii II
19 .. 21 11239,.355 37=>66 79 .. 117 12 .. 19 11113 .. 1511 11 .. 26
1111 .. 1761
17 .. 25 23 .. 35
ii 35=>52
ii 48=>71
ii 11 .. 17 16 .. 23
11 ts .. 25
ii 23=>34
Acquired from
ii 19 .. 27
iil 140
ii 35,.54
ii 12 .. 18 140
ii 17 .. 26
Maughlln the Armorer (Ml
10 .. 15 7.5 21 .. 31
m 15.2 1 .. 10 5 10 .. 15 7.2
Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng
Effect Helm raises Endurance and
Vitality by +1

c 73 .. 100



c 34,.52



Armor worn by the Throne Defender. Throne Defender l{,\1 · Thro no Defender Throne Defender
The Defender has stood by the [Halm ,,~ •• Armor Gauntlets
throne for ages. Wiii his wait be
Repair Cost 370 Repair Cost 370

worth the while?
• 97 .. 131 II 9 • lW .. 283 II 25 57 .. 86
II 9 • 105 .. 159 II 13
a a a
I 84 .. 126

Q0 .. 136
12 .. 19
20 .. 31
o .. o
I 101 .. 212
105 .. 2g2
2s .. 40
59 .. sg
e .. 12
13 .. 20
101 .. 152

1109 .. 153
15 .. 22
24 .. 37
o .. o

•m •I
99 .. 132 199.,294 OoO 59086 O•O 1060169

II 18 .. 26 o .. o ii 39,.57 O:>O 12:>17 O:>O

ii 21 :>32 O=>O


20 .. 211 100 42 .. 63 100 13 .. 19 100 24,.35 100

•ii •m •ii
10 .. 16 6.4 22 .. 34 13.9 7 .. 10 4.2 12 .. 1g 7.7
Acquired from
Maughlin the Armorer (Ml
19 .. 26 c 38=057
ID A 12 .. 17 c 21 =032
ID c
Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng
Titanite I I I i B
[l.,. , c,~349
Armor worn by the Throne Watcher. Throne Watcher ThronoWatcher Throne Watcher
Has hl(Jh magic defense. The Watcher , Helm Armor Gauntlets
waited by the throne for ages. Wiii all
his waiting ever be rewarded? Repair Cost 349 • : I '

I"·'~ I
s5 .. g9
75 .. 112
19 .. 28

132 .. 100
Iii I::: IIll
31 =047
37,056 •
14 .. 21 I
92 .. 123
89 .. 132
18 .. 29
22 ,.33
1110 .. 104 o .. o 11139 .. 2011
II o .. o 61 076 o .. o II 92 .. 123

11 51 .. 01 ii I I
I I o .. o
30 .. 46 o .. o OoO 22 .. 33 36<>54 OoO
20 .. 30 115
ii 30:>69 iil 1)5 - 14 .. 22 B'il 95 23,.35 95

i1 313g,.sg II i1 12 .. 11 II
15 .. 24 5.6 =047 11.2 4.1 111 .. 2e 6.6
Acquired from
Maughlln the Armorer (Ml
Reinforcement Material Twlnkllng
I 20 .. 30


14 .. 22

23 .. 35




r.l"'"'" II~. . .
Although It appears to be
Pate's Helm Pate's Gloves
common armor, It has In fact been
meticulously customized. Belonged
to mild-mannered Pate. This has been Repair Cost 164 <'4 .. soa
cost '"
conslderably altered. Perhaps It was
pUlaQed. II 39,.77
II 6 II 65 .. 130
II 0 II 39.,,,77
II 0 II 39,.n
II 0

a21 .. 53 g .. 11 67 .. 135
ii 23 .. 46 f;j ao .. ao 14 .. 27 40 .. 00 14 .. 27

i I I I I I I I
51 .. 102 17 .. 34
o .. o
63 .. 127 21 .. 41
o .. o
39 .. 75 12=-24 39 .. 75 12 .. 24
o .. o

39,.75 63 .. 121 39,.75 O•O 39,.75

II s .. is ii o .. o II 21 .. 42 o .. o fl 13 .. 25
ii o .. o fl 13 .. 25
ii o .. o

I I I I ii I I ii
10 .. 20 80 14 .. 29 70 e .. 15 70 e .. 16 70

Acquired from
J,06 3.5
i1 26 .. 53 5.Q 16 .. 31 3.5 1s .. 31 3.5

Merchant Hag Melentla (Ml, Miio- II 8=>16

tB D
Ill 22=>44 ti B ii 13 ""26 tB D
II 13 .. 26
tB D

m B m • i i m I
Mannered Pate (Ol
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte


I "'"'"
Armor of unknown origin. Belonged Benhart's Knight Ban hart's
to Benhart of Juoo. Apparently Halm Gauntlets
Benhart found this while wandering
land to land, but its origins are Repair Cost 175
con 175
unknown. He wore It all the time, he

I r. I I I I I
160:0139 11 1104 .. 200 18 55:o 109 0 64 ""1211 11
adored It so, leaving a slight odor.

• • I • •
67=>134 18=>36 100=>200 27 .. 54 52=>1!l:i 14 .. 20 62=>124 17 .. 34
• 72,.144
II 14=-28 1oe .. 216 21 .. 42 66 .. 113
II 11 .. 22 67=-134 13 .. 26

169 .. 1391
o .. o 11104 .. 209
II o .. o ii 55 .. 109 o .. o
II 64 .. 12g
II o ..o
16c>32 O<>O ii 24<>48
ii o .. o ii 12 .. 25 OoO
11 15 .. 30
ii OoO

ii 15 .. 30
iil 72
ii 23 .. 46
ii 12 .. 24
iil 72
ii 14 .. 28

14:o28 7 21 :o41 10.5 11 .. 22 5.5 13:o26 6.5
Acquired from
Merchant Hag Melentla (Ml, Benhart
of Jugo (Q)
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
16 .. 32

Ic 24,.49

A 12.,,,25

c 15,.30


Armor of a llght Mlrrah foot soldier.
Belonged to ca1e the cartographer. ca111·s Helm
Apparently Cale procured this
Inexpensively second-hand, but It's Repair Cost 143
surprisingly well-made.
II 3g .. 79
II 0 II 311=>78
II 0 II 93=>166
II 0

a 39,.77
II 11 .. 34
a 30 .. n
ii 17 .. 34
a B2 .. 154
II 37,.73


39,.77 11 .. 21 3e .. n 11 .. 21 B2 .. 164 23,.45
o .. o o .. o o .. o

•m •I
40c>80 40000 es .. 111
11 .. 22 o .. o 11 .. 22 o .. o 24 .. 47 O=>O

12 .. 23 60 12 .. 23 60 25,.50 60

•ii •i
Acquired from g .. 10 3 3 20 .. 40 6.4
Cartographer Cale (0), Helm:
Cartographer Cale (El, Others:
11 .. 22 D 11 =>22
ti B 24=>47
tB D
Merchant Hag Melentla (Ml
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte I I i B
Armor worn by knights while on
travel. Belonged to Lucatlel of Lucatlel's Mask Lucatlel's Gloves
Mlrrah. Normally hats and masks
are separate, but these two have Repair Cost 349 R11pal r Cost 349
been adjoined. Only those Who

25 .. 51 0 16:0153 0 25:o51 0 51 :o 102 0

have distinguished themselves on

• • • •
the battlefield were admitted Into 27 .. 55 11 .. 22 B2=>164 33=>66 27=>55 11 =>22 65:ol()g 22 ,.43
the elite ranks of Mlrrah's official
25 .. 4g Q•17 74 .. 1a1 26 .. 61 25 .. 49 Q .. 17 4Q .. ge 17 .. 34
order of knights. It Is common to
hear of a peasant's dream of striving
for knighthood as an escape from
25,.4g 5,.g
II 740147
II 14027
ii 25049
ii 5,.g
II 4Q .. ge
II g,.19

11 ii ii
14028 Oo18 42084 27054 14 .. 28 Q:>18 28 .. 66 18 .. 36
hardship, but Who would ever think
It possible? 12 .. 25 65
ii 37,.75
iil 65
ii 12 .,,,25 65 25,.50 65
Acquired from 15:o30 2
i1 m 46:oQl
m 6
i1 15,o3} 2
i1 30:061 4
Lucatlel of Mlrrah (Q), Mask: Lucatlel
of Mlrrah (El. Others: Merchant Hag
Melentla (Ml
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
14 .. 28 D
42 .. 84
11 II
B 14:o28

D 29=>56



Atypical armor Belonged to CrelQhton Qelghton's Stool Creighton's
the Wanderer. Its design resembles Mask Chain Gloves
that of the knight order of the eastern
land of Mlrrah, but with some odd Repair Cost 175 Repair Cost 175
differences that catch the f1,(e.
Perhaps It Is a finely-crafted Imitation. II 40 .. 80
II 6
II go,.190
II 14.5
II 32,.53
II 6.5
II 42,.94
II 7.5
311,.79 11 .. 19
a 99,.175
m 21 .. 42 f;j 31,.52 7:>15 41 :>82 10 .. 111

i I 41 .. 83 15 .. 30

o .. o III
113 .. 197

I 34,.57

o .. o Iii
33 .. ss

I I I 12=-24 43,.97 16 .. 31

o .. o

40 .. 80 Q0 .. 180 32,.53 O•O 42 .. 94

II 12 .. 24
ii o .. o 27 .. 54 o .. o 10 .. 19
ii o .. o ii 13 .. 25
ii o .. o
Acquired from
Creighton the wanderer (OJ,
Creighton's Steel Mask: Creighton
the Wanderer (El, Merchant Hag
IID 13 .. 27

12 .. 24


30 .. so
15 .. 31


Iii 11 .. 21

5 .. 11

iiID 70


IID 14 .. 28

13 .. 25


m B m • i i m I
Melentla (Ml
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte


An old armor that Is oddly Bell Keeper
corntorteote. Belonged to a Bell Helmet Bell Keeper Cuffs
Keeper. To this day, the forbidden
low of the Prince of Alken and the Repair Cost 164 Repair Cost 164
Princess of Venn manipulates these
marionettes. Surely they never
52 .. 105

I 5

Ita 66,0131

II 0

27 ,.,55


Ita 44,.97

II 0

•I • •
Imagined that their dolls woold 45,.,110 8 "'15 ag,., 138 1s,.,32 2Q ,058 7,.13 46,0112 11 .. 21
outlast the Ir cmn le lngdoms.
67 .. 114 16 ,.,31 64 "'128 13,o26 27 ,063 6"' 11 43,.95 9 .. 17

Iii Iiil
55,.,110 o .. o 64 o 128 o ... o 27,.53 o .. o 43,.95 o .. o
11 .. 22 O<>O
ii 14=>28
ii o .. o ii s .. 12 O<>O
11 9<>19
ii o .. o
18 .. 36
iil 60
ii 13<>26
iil 60
ii 5<>11 60
ii 9 .. 19
iil 60
5,.,10 4.8 19 ,.,37
m 6 8,016 2.5 12 ... 25 4

Acquired from
Bell Keepers (C)
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
20 .. 40

D 25<>60


I10 .. 21

D 17,033



Armor from an unknown forelQn Mad Warrior Mad Warrior
land. King Vendrick called upon Mask Gauntlets
powers from beyond his borders In
an attempt to stave off the curse. Repair Cost 185 Repal r Cost 185
Perhaps this belonged to one of his
12 12

611-100 111-257 25 11101 .. 152 11101- 152
11 611 .. 100
II 14 .. 21 111 .. 257
m 35,.53 f;i 101 .. 152 II 21 .. 32 101 .. 152
II 21 .. 32

III 12 .. 100

Iii 14 .. 21 1100 .. 210

I 35.,53 1106 .. 160

Iii 21 .. 32 11os .. ieo

I 21 .. 32

•m •I
65098 13 .. 20 163<>246 33,.49 97 .. 145 19 .. 29 97 .. 145 1Q .. 2Q

11 .. 17 13 -20
ii 28<>42 33 ,o4Q
a 17,.25 19<>29
ii 17 .. 25 19<>29

11 .. 16 75 27 ,.,40 75 16 .. 24 75 16,o24 75

•ii •i •ii
8<>12 5 21 <>31 12.5 12 .. 18 7.4 12 .. 1a 7.4
Acquired from
Dark Spirit: Samurai Sorcerer (NG+)
11 .. 17 c 29 .. 42
ID A 11 .. 25 c 17 .. 25
ID c
Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng
Tltanite I I I i B
Armor worn l:1t' ml ract~astl ng Saint's Long

1.,. ,,c,ot22•

clerics. Belonged to Ltcla of Llndelt. Saint's Hood (~' Saint's Dress Gloves
Llndelt Is founded upon stringent
commancments. Its Inhabitants often Repair Cost 224 t; . ' . :• I

travel to distant lands for ascetic

11 Iii.
training, but more than a few of these

23 .. 35 0

67 .. 101

I 0

ze .. 3g

I •

II 0

trainees liberate themselves from 25 .. 37 10=>16 72,.109 30•45 28 .. 42 12•17 55,.113 23=>35
Llnctelt's teachings In the process.
While It's true Ucla dedicated herself
22033 9•14 64•96 2s .. 3g • 25 .. 37 Ill 10 .. 15 49.,74 20 .. 30
to miracles, It's rare for anyone to pass
II 22033
ii 20 .. 30
II 64 .. 96
II 57,.96 ii ii 22 ,.33
II 49=>74
II 44 .. 66

25 ,.37
through life without trouble. Even
11 ii
I I Ii1 Im
17 .. 25 18 .. 27 49,.74 53,.79 19 .. 29 20 .. 30 39 .. 57 41 .. 51
clerics aren't always who thf1,f seem.
17 .. 25 55
ii 49<>74
iil 55 - 19 .. 28 B'il 55 39,.57 55
Acquired from Merchant Hag
i1 m ii II
21 ,.,32 0.9 61 .. 91 2.6 23,.35 1 47,.70 2

Melentla (Ml, Llcla of Unctelt (OJ

17 ,.,25 E 4g,.74 B E 39,.57 E
Relnf. Materfal TwinklingTltanlte
[@ 1g .. 29
[@ 11II
Effect Hood Increases number of
casts for each spell a II 16
u 16
U II 16
u 16


Armor worn by a hexer. Belonged to
Hexer's Hood Hexer's Gloves
Felkln the outcast. Hexl no appears
to be an offshoot of sorcery, but Its
specific origins are unlmown. Those Repair Cost 224 Repair Cost 224
who have a taste of dark are drawn
Into Its vortex and rarely return. II 23 .. 35
II 0 II 67 .. 101
II 0 II 26 .. 311
II 0 II 52,. 78
II 0
Perhaps ft appeals to something deep 25,.37 10 .. 16
a 12 .. 100
m 30 .. 45 f;j 20 .. 42 12 .. 11 55,..93 23 .. 35
within the human soul.

i I 22 .. 33 11 .. 14


2s .. 3g

Iii 25 .. 37

I I I 10 .. 15 411 .. 74 20 .. 30

22 .. 33 13 .. 20 64•1l6 3g,.59 25 .. 37 15 .. 22 4g,.74 30 .. 45

Acquired from II 11 .. 25
ii 12 .. 10 4Q .. 74 35,..53 19 .. 29
ii 14 .. 20
ii 39,.57
ii 27 .. 41
Merchant Hag Melentla (Ml, Feikln
the Outcast (0)
Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng
24 .. 37

73 .. 110

Ill 71 .. 106 ID
28 .. 42
10 .. 29
27 .. 41
iiID 55

Effect Hood Increases number of
casts for each spell ii 16
B 16
m 16

• 16
i 16
i 16
m 16
I 16


Armor of one who guides others. Targray's
Targray's Helm Manllers
Belonged to Targrav. Knight of the
Blue. Targray can appear obtuse,
but the blue knight means no harm. Repair Cost 175 Repair Cost 175
He only wishes to offer guidance to

35,..73 5.5 ag .. 110 17 :JJ .. 60 7 53,.105 10
those In need, for that Is his purpose.

• • • • •
The Blue Sentinels have vowed to 34,..59 11 .. 22 93 .. 166 27=>54 28 .. 56 11=>18 411 .. 118 16 .. 32
uplift themseiVes through tireless
training and selfless adherence to fl 39 .. 79 12 .. 24 gs .. 193 30 .. 59
fl 32 .. 55
II 10 .. 20 57 .. 114 17 .. 35
o .. o II II o .. o ii o .. o II II o .. o
order and Justice. May this armor 35,.73 890178 :Jl,060 530105
ease their difficult Journey.
9<>18 O<>O
ii 22=>44
ii o .. o ii 7<>15 O<>O
11 13<>26
ii o .. o
ii g,.19
iil 75
ii 22 .. 44
ii 7,.15
iil 75
ii 13 .. 26

7,..15 4 10 .. 35 Q.8 5,..12 3.3 11 .. 21 5.8
Acquired from
Merchant Hag Melentla (Ml, Blue
Sentinel Targray (0)
Reinforcement MaterlalTltanlte
10 .. 20

a a
c 75,04Q

A 9,.17

c 15 .. 211


Armor worn by servants of Nahr
Nahr Alma Hood
Alma, god of blood. Increases souls
acquired for each kill. Belonged to
Titchy Gren. Those who profess faith Repair Cost 203
In Nahr Alma have rejected all that Is
this 'WOrld, and vow to travel a path II 1g .. 39
II 0 II 44,
II 0
stained with blood.
a 20 .. 41
II 11 .. 111
a 47 .. 115
m 22 ,.44

III Iii Iii I

1g .. 37 g .. 1Q 43 .. 97 22 .. 44

19 .. 37 12 .. 25 43,.97 211 .. 57
11 .. 21 12 .. 25 25,o4Q 2Q,o57

Acquired from 9,o18 50 21 .. 42 50
Tltchy Gren (Ol, Hood: Tltchy Gren (El,
•ii •i
10 .. 20 15 73,..45 3.5
Robes: Merchant Hag Melentla (M)
Reinforcement MaterlalTitanlte
1g .. 39 E 44 .. 88

Effect Increases number of Souls

acquired I I

A blaok armor. Grants slight Increase
'e1ack Hood Black Gloves
to spellcastlng speed. Belonged to
Strald of Olaphls. Strald was Invited
to the old kingdom of Olaphls for his Repair Cost 224 Repair Cost 224
wisdom, but Its depth was such that

23 .. 35 0 67 .. 101 0 25,..311 0 52,.. 78 0

I I • • • I I •
people soon feared him, and In the
end Strald was led Into a dreadful 25 .. 37 10=>16 72 .. 109 30 .. 45 28 .. 42 12 .. 17 55,..93 23,.35
trap. Strald spent several lifetimes as
22 .. 33 0•14 54,.gs 25 .. 39 25 .. 37 10 .. 15 4g,.74 20<>30
stone. During this hiatus. kingdoms
rose and fell, until the land called
Dranglelc came to be.
II 22033
ii 13 .. 20
II 54,.gs
II 3g,.59
ii 25 .. 37
ii rs .. 22
II 4g,..74
II 30 .. 45

11 ii ii
25 .. 39 12 .. 19 73 .. 110 35 .. 53 28<>42 14 .. 20 56<>86 27041
17 .. 25 55
ii 4Q,o]4
iil 55
ii 10 .. 28 55 39,.57 55
Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Ol.
m O.Q
i1 4Q,o74 2.6
ii 10 .. 28 1
i1 39,..57 2

Hood: Strald of Olaphls (E), Others:

Merchant Hag Melentla (Ml 11 .. 25 E 4g .. 74 B 1g .. 29 E 39 .. 57 E
ReInf. Material Twinkling Tftanlte [@ [@ 11
Effect Hood Improves casting speed a a a
a II 16
II 16
II 16


Armor worn by a chaos sorcerer. He
Chaos Hood Chaos Gloves
calls himself Navlaan, now.
Repair Cost 224 Repair Cost 224

II 23 .. 35
II 0 II 67 .. 101
II 0 II 26 .. 311
II 0 II 52,. 78
II 0
25,.37 10 .. 16
a 12 .. 109
m 30 .. 45 f;j 29 .. 42 12 .. 11 55,..93 23 .. 35

i I 22 .. 33 g,..14


I 25 .. 3g

Iii 25 .. 37

I I I 10 .. 15 4g,..74 20 .. 30

22 .. 33 13 .. 20 64•1l6 3g,.59 25 .. 37 15 .. 22 4g,.74 30 .. 45
Acquired from
Royal Sorcerer Navlaan (0), Hood: II 11 .. 25
ii 12 .. 19 4Q .. 74 35,..53 19 .. 29
ii 14 .. 20
ii 39,.57
ii 27 .. 41
Dark Spirit: Royal Sorcerer Nallfaan
(E), Others: Merchant Hag Melenua
Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkling
17 .. 25
73 .. 110

Ill 4g,.74 ID
Iii 28 .. 42
10 .. 29
iiID 55

m B m • i i m I
Effect Hood Improves casting speed

Armor reinforced with rare geisteel.
Belonged to ChanceliorWellager. Llewellyn Gloves
Quality equipment that Is both llght
and strong. Crafted by the castle's Repair Cost 175
resident master smith Llewellyn,
and supplied only to a select few.
I 0

I 55,..92

III 0 0

His work easily Identified by Its lack 3g =>59 51 .. 'JS 18 .. 27
of ostentation, Llewellyn focused
solely on an economy of simplicity
55,.92 fj 57,..95 25 .. 37

II ii
and strenctn, 22 .. 33 55,.93 10 .. 15

ii 22 .. 33
ii 17,.25 10 .. 15

ii 85
ii 21 .. 31 85

m 6.8 13 .. 20 3.1
Acquired from
S1one Knight IE)
Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkllng

I 17 .. 26


Traditional Dranglelc armor. Belonged Dranglelc
to Captain Drummond. Drummond's Dranglelc Helm Gauntlets
ancestors have served Dranglelc for
generaUons, principally as defenders Repair Cost 175 Repal r Cost 176
of the great fort, but Captain
II 7g .. 11g
II 10 1i 1g5 .. 2g3 11 28 II a3 .. 125 II 10 11102 .. 153 II 12
Drummond Is the last In this proud
a m a a
line. In his dav. King Vendrick was fair
and Just, and expected the same of
his llegemen. This helm was proof of I
11 75 .. 112

se .. 120
13 .. 20
11 .. 26
o .. o
184 .. 2')8

1211 .. 3161
42 .. 64
o .. o
I 111 .. 119

00 .. 135
14 .. 21
ra .. 21
111 .. 145

1110 .. 166
11 .. 26
22 ,.33
o .. o

King Vend rick's trust, an honor, until

81 .. 121 199z>298 85•127 O•O 104 .. 166
his transfiguration.
II 13 .. 19 o .. o ii 32,.41 o .. o a 14 .. 20 o .. o ii 17 .. 25 O=>O

13 .. 19 00 32,.41 90 1a .. 20 00 11 .. 25 go

•ii •i •ii
Acquired from 11 .. 17 5.Q 29<>42 14.5 12 .. 19 6.2 15 .. 22 7.6
Helm: Captain Drummond (Q)(E),
Others: Forest of Fallen Giants (Pl
13 .. 1g c 32 .. 47
ID A 14 .. 20 c 17.. 25
ID c
Reinforcement MaterlalTwlnkling
Tltanite I I I i B

. --
. Armor of the ferocious Vengarl of
Forossa. Vengarl was known as a
I '
Vengarl's Helm Vengarl's Gloves

1,, . , , I
raging, deadly warrior. Even Forossa's
.,,c .• :·-,.
S,'. •

~-;,. .

Lion Knights, a motley ete« of rabid
fighters, kept him at arm's lenoth.
As Vengarl's helmet suggests, he

I I "•'G
Repair Cost 175
12 I 21g .. 32g

I 34 8 14

• •
g3 .. 140 14 .. 21 207 .. 311 32 ,.47 11 .. 11 109 .. 163 17,..25

.•. .
was not unlike a mad beast on the
, ,.- battlefield.
105 .. 158 18 .. 27 40 .. 69 122 .. 193 21 .. 31
• 234•351
II ii Iii21g,.32g II o .. o Iii 115 .. 172 II o ..o
' •t;·,.~
·' ~ 99 .. 149 o .. o
11 34,.52 ii
I I Ii1 Im a .. o
15023 o .. o o .. o 1a .. 21
1g,.zg 95
ii 42<>64
iil 95 22 ,.33 85
Acquired from
Helm: Vengarl's Head (E), Vengarl 14 .. 20 6.8
i1 30,.45
m 15.1 16 .. 24 7.g
of Forossa (0), Others: Venoarl's
BodY (El
a •
15 .. 23 c

19 .. 21

Reinforcement Material Twlnkllng
Tltanlte a a •
Armor worn by Agdayne of the
Undead Crypt. Life Itself Is suffering;
Of karma, as some have called It. The
embrace of death awaits all things.
But does death mean an end to
suffering? II 0 46 .. 70 0 0
55,..93 49,..74 28 .. 41 28 .. 41

I 39,..57 45 .. 68 10 .. 28
u ..36
10 .. 28

48•72 45 .. 68 24 .. 36
66 .. !lll 21 .. 41 :n .. 4g 33 .. 49
65 26 .. 39 65 65
Acquired from
Grave vvarden Agdayne (0), Kiit: 5.8 24 .. 36 2.9 2.Q
Grave V\Jarden Agdayne (El, Others:
Merchant Hag Melentla (Ml tB B 36 .. 54 E E

Reinforcement MatarlalTwlnkllng
Titanlte I

I ..... ~
Armor of Vendrick, King of Dranglelc.
What makes a king? some say that
It Is birthright, While others call It
destiny. Perhaps It Is not lmp()ftant,

as Iorio as the king's name serves to
unite his people.
45 .. 68
43 .. 65
III 2.5
17 .. 26
1143 .. 215
136 .. 204
III 16.5
54 .. 81
III 8.5
10 .. 20
185 .. 127
91 .. 121
III 10
32 .. 48

48 .. 72
46 .. 68
16 .. 23
11 .. 25
• 151 =>227

4g .. 74
so .. 75
17 .. 26
10 .. 28 I
• go,..134

2g .. 43
31 c>47

1143 .. 215 85 .. 127
15 .. 23 o .. o 48=>72 O<>O 17,..25 o .. o 28 .. 42 o .. o
Acquired from 15 .. 23 230
ii 48=>72
120 17 .. 25 120
ii 28=>42
Shrine of Amana (P)
12 .. 18 3.8 38,o57
m 12 13 .. 20 4.2 22,o34 7.1
Reinforcement MatarlalTwlnkllng
Effect crown raises Intelligence and
Faith by +3
11 .. 16

14 III A
I 12 .. 18

20 .. 30


Acquired from Majula (M)

Item Effect A simple yet functional pair of emocuars- equip them In either
hand to use them. Spells can be cast while looking through the Binoculars,
allowing fOf Improvised manual targeting.

There are four different schools of spells in Dark Souls II: Sorcery, Binoculars are used to peer at distant sights. Equip in place of a weapon to use. A rare
Miracles, Pyromancy and Hexes. Each school has its strengths and tool crafted inVolggn. Theso won't help you in battle, but Y<ith a linlo creadvity, can be put
to oood usa,
weaknesses, and all require different items and statistics in order to
use. If you want to use magic from the start of the game you can
choose Sorcerer, as they'll start out with enough Intelligence to use different tactical options that can aid you in almost any situation.
Sorcery, or Cleric for enough Faith to use Miracles. As you progress Spells give you the option to attack enemies from all ranges with
through the game you'll discover Pyromancy and Hexes, and as you different elemental properties, use crippling status effects to wear
level up and increase the required stats, you'll be able to use any them down or stop them from attacking altogether. A multitude of
type of magic, regardless of starting class. different healing and defensive options are also available between
Each school of spells can shine in different situations, and by combin- the different schools, and regardless of what playstyle you choose to
ing different spells from different schools you can open up vastly employ, you'll always be able to find something to aid you.

SORCERIES and most of them require only a single attunement slot, so you can
wield several Sorceries at once, provided you have allocated enough
points to Attunement. All offensive Sorceries cause magic damage,
Of the four schools of magic, Sorcery is the closest to an all-rounder which is generally effective against heavily armored targets. Low to
type, offering offensive, defensive and utility spells, and proving use- mid-level Sorceries tend to have a high amount of available uses,
ful in a wide variety of situations. Sorceries require a catalyst, such allowing you to rely on them for much longer before finally having
as a staff, to use, along with the necessary amount of Intelligence to rest at a Bonfire. This gives them an essential utility even when
for each spell. There are more Sorcery spells than any other type, you've acquired more powerful spells late in the game.


mended that you do not attempt to use this spell In confined areas.

u- 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 The bast way to use this spell ls to cast It before heading Into a fight, as not
only does It have a protracted casting time, but the homing properties of the
Acquired from Marchant Hag Malantla (Ml, Carhllllon of tl1a Fold I Ml, spell wlll take a few seconds to activate after casting. Enemies can still walk
Magarold of Lanaflr (Ml Into the orbs fioatlng around you and take damage from them during this time,
however, so you basically become a walking minefield.

Acquired from Carhllllon of the Fold IMl, Magarold of Lanaflr IMl,

Forest of Fallen Giants IPI

UIOS 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Acquired from Carhllllon of the Fold IMl, Magarold of Lanaflr I Ml Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Ml
This spell was said to have bean devised by a master sorcerer, but his name
Is long forgotten.
H 16 II - UIOS 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 As the name suggests, this spell fires off a soul mass shaped Ilka a spear that
can pierce through multiple enemies to raok up a lot of damage vary quickly.
Acquired from Carhllllon of the Fold (Ml, Magarold of Lanaflr (Ml, The projectile Itself moves at around the same speed as a normal Soul Anow,
Harvest \/allay (Pl but It Is much larger, so hitting anemias that are not directly In line Is not
generally a problem. On top of the piercing affect, these spells offer soma of
A long-range offensive spell, the Soul Arrow and Its variants are best used to
the highest single hit damage potential of all Sorceries, so they can awn be
attack enemies from outside of their attaok range. They are the most general effective single targets If you need a quick burst of damage.
purpose of the Sorcery spells, and the ones you'll end up using against most
anemias, especially as your number of uses Increases. In fact, the more you Casting time for these spells Is also on the quicker and, and they cast at about
develop your character he better many of these spells become. especially In the same pace as some of the weaker Soul Arrows, maldng them dlfflcult
the case of the Initially slow to cast Great Heavy Soul Arrow. As the number to aVada, even for players that are familiar with them. The sheer force of the
of uses Increases, and your character's Casting Spead goes up, Great Heavy proJactlla also means that blocldng It takes a large amount of Stamina, so It Is
Soul Arrr:JW becomes more and more useful, and If you have multiple scrolls, It very useful for breaking an opponent's guard at range. The only real drawback
can easily take the place of the other variants as your main spell. to these spells are their low number of uses, which means you'll really need
to save them for the right moment, even when you reaoh the higher usage
All of the Soul Arrf1!Ns also work exceptionally well when paired with the
number thresholds.
Binoculars In your off-hand, as with them you no longer have to be constrained
by lode-on range, and can manually aim at targets to snipe them from a
distance; there Is soma damage drop-off Whan using the spells at the edge
of their range, but not enough to stop It from being a very affective tactic.
MobUe enemies, however, are the bane of Soul Arrows, because once fired, Acquired from Carhllllon of the Fold (Ml
they fly In a straight line and can easily be evaded If the enemy moves to
the side Instead of coming straight at you. That fact further compounds their Shodcwava Is very similar to the Emit Force Miracle, except Instead of
usefulness as sniping tools, where you'll often be firing on an enemy before It knocking an opponent backwards, It knocks them straight down to the ground
knr:JWs you're there. without dealing any actual damage. Once cast, a relatively slow moving orb
will move towards the target, and If It connects they wfll lmmadlataly be
knocked to the floor. The brief period In which the opponent Is down Is usually
Just about enough time for you to either mow around Into an advantageous
position, or switch to a different spell to Inflict some damage.
Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Ml, Waaponsmlth Ornlfax (Ml
The main drawback to this spell ls that It does not work against large anemias,
which llmlts Its usefulness when fighting against the creatures of Dranglelc.
HEAVY HOMING Sl1UL ARROW AQalnst other Invading players, however, It can be extremely useful If you get It
H 35 11 - u- a a 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 to connect, although you may need to use another area control spell to try and
create an opening to land It
Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Ml
One of the sorceries devised by Strald, the great mage of ancient Olaphls.

Homing Soul Arrr:JWs are very slmllar to traditional Soul Arrows, except that
once they're fired, they will continually compensate for their target's move- Acquired from Carhllllon of the Fold (Ml
ment and follow them. Since the normal Soul Arrow's biggest weakness Is
A reworking of an ancient spell concocted at the Melflan Magic Acadel'T'tf. A
against mobile targets, this spell can serve as a perfect accompaniment to It simple Idea, but potentially highly effective. When used PfOperly, of course.
The actual projectile of the Homing Soul Arrf1W moves much slower than a
normal Soul Arrow to allow ft to compensate for an enemy's movement. and Soul Spear Barrage, as you might expect, tires a short flurry of small Soul
while that does make It lass of a quick direct attack spell, the slow speed can Spears In a cone shaped area directly In front of you. Individually, the spears
actually play to your advantage. Once It's fired, you know the enemy will have do little damage, but the Intent of the spell ls to cover a fairly wide area to
honor the Homing Soul Arrow and eventually roll to evade It, so If you have an- either hit multiple opponents a few times for light damage, or a single large
other. fast spell ready to go, you can often catch them at the end of their roH. opponent multiple times, where the accumulative damage will than be
The low number of uses you get with these spells does, however, make them significant.
slightly more situation al than normal Soul Arrows, so you should only use Be wary of your surroundings before casting this spell, however, as not only
them against especially fast moving anemias, or other human opponents. does It have a long casting time of almost 4 seconds, but you'll be stuck In
Slmllarlv. their damage output Is not as high as many other spells, so If you try place for the full duration of the casting animation. If an enemy or opponent
to use them to kill multiple enemies you'll soon run out They are much better manages to get around this spell, thaYII almost certainly have an open win-
served being used as area controlling spells to set up other attacks on strong dow within Which to attack you. Using the spell In narrow. confined areas can
opponents. help offset that downside however. as opponents will be forced to either back
awav. or try and roll through the barrage, whloh ls extremely difficult

;"-~~ I
w,' j fi 1 U 22 II - U11s 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8
Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfax (Ml, Shaded Woods (Pl
This spell was said to haw been devised by a master sorcerer, but his name .• (
...: . Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Ml
Is long forgotten.
' Casting this spell hurls a huge soul mass Into the air above the target, which
then splits Into smaller souls that rain from above. In many ways It Is similar to
Soul Spear Barrage, but Instead of firing prolectltes directly at an enemy, this
spell showers down projectiles In an area around them. Quite a large radius
Is covered by the soul masses that rain down, but since each one only does
Acquired from Shrine of Amana (Pl
a small amount of damage, and very few land In the same place, Inflicting a
Crystalllzation makes souls and sorceries all the more powerful. significant amount of damage to a single target Is very difficult unless It's quite
Depending on your Intelligence, 2-6 soul masses appear abow your head: with large.
16 Intelligence you will get 2 orbs, 24 will glw you a 3rd, at 30 you'll get a 4th Similarly, because the effect Is localized to an area directly below the Initial
and finally when you reach 40 you'll have all 6 orbs. Once the spell ls cast, the soul mass, If the enemy moves out of the way quickly, they can avoid It
orbs wlll appear above your head, where they will stay until you either get close altogether. It should also be noted that If the Initial soul mass hits a wall or
enough to an enemv. or the 30 second duration of the spell expires. Ba careful celling, It will be destroved before breaking apart. This spell ls best employed
of Where you era when casting It, as you'll lose a Soulmass If It hits any part of either against large, slow moving targets that wlll be hit multiple limes, or as
the environment, Including walls and plllars; for that reason alone It's racom- an area control spell.


• 1 a 27 II - Usos 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 • 1 a 10 II - Uses 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15
Acquired from Oranglelc Castle (P) Acquired from Carhllllon of the Fold (M)
Use of this sorcery Is not too dissimilar to swordplay, and so Inherently Wielding a sword and casting a sorcery are two different things, and some
endangers the caster. members the Melflan Magic Academy view these varieties of spells as
A powerful Sorcery that attacks foes using a Greatsword made of souls. It can
be extremely useful for spellcasters who like to get up close and personal,
not least because of Its fast cast time. Soul Greatsword unleashes a single
horizontal slash that deals massive damage, has great range and a very wide '~]rt.
- '.7,. l • 1 l?J 18 II - Uses 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6
arc, so It's Ideal for engaging multiple opponents at the same time. The attack
Itself Is also extremely fast once the Initial casting phase Is Oller, Which can
-, 'Ir"

. Acquired from Company of Champions (Lvl. 1) (C), Royal Sorcerer
Navlaan (Ml, The Gutter ( P)
make It wry difficult for other players to evade.
The old purists of the Melflan Magic Academy view swordplay as a barbaric
If they do evade It, however, there Is a short recovery period after the attack, form of engagement
so you are left somewhat open. Like many other spells, It's worth remember-
ing that you can rnove around during the casting phase If you need to make
last second adjustments. Because of the situational nature of the spell, the
low number of uses should never really be an Issue, especially once you start
reaching the upper thresholds.

The utlllzatlon of crystals to enhance soul power Is an ancient form of

SOUL VORTEX magical reinforcement
• 1 6 37 II - Usos 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8
Magic Weapon Is a Sorcery that, when casted, Imbues the weapon In your
Acquired from Grave Warden Agdayne (M), The Pit (P), Brtghtstone other hand with magic, essentially adding magic damage to It, and also
CoveTseldora (P) Increasing any existing elemental damage the weapon already does. The
one of the lost sorceries preserved only In the Undead Crypt. equivalent of 60 points worth of straight magic attack Is added to the weapon
with all versions of the spell, and the overall damage done by the element Is
Casting this Sorcery creates a slowm011lng central spinning soul mass that Increased by 16% for Magic Weapon, 20% for Great Magic Weapon, and 30%
fires off numerous smaller homing soul masses, creating a vortex around the for Crystal. The boosts last for roughly 90 seconds for all versons, although
central mass as It moves. There Is an Initially lengthy casting period, so this Is that time can be extended through the use of use of a Lingering Dragon Ring.
not a spell that you'll be able to cast If under duress, but once the vortex Is out
there, Its sheer size and numbering of homing masses make It very difficult Not all weapons can have the buff applied to them: Staffs, Chimes, Bow,
to fully evade. Crossbows and Shields all fall Into the group that cannot. You can, however,
also buff weapons In your left hand by using a Staff In your right, which means
Each soul mass does a reasonable amount of damage on Its own, so It can that wtth two Staffs equipped (or through using resins) you can buff weapons
be a very useful spell to use when attempting to clear out rooms of multlple In both hands, which Is excellent for dual-wielding players.
enemies. Similarly, when used on bosses or larger enemies where It can hit
multlple times, the damage can stack up to some very significant amounts. STRONG MAGIC SHIELD
Because the homing soul masses come out at random angles, It can mean
that the damage output from the spell ls a lot more Inconsistent than others, • 1 a 18 II - Uses 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 6
and you may find It doing very low damage on some casts, and extreme Acquired from Royal Sorcerer Navlaan (Ml, Dranglelc Castle (P)
amounts the next.
Certain members of the Melflan Magic Acaderr?( scoff at these types of
magic. The purists, In particular, are disdainful of anything vaguely linked to
SOUL Bl1LT sword fighting.
• 1 l?j 45 II - Usos 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4
Through using Strong Magic Shield you can Imbue your Shield with additional
Acquired from Oranglelc Castle (P) defense prowess, taking all normal, elemental and status resistance levels up
One of the sorceries devised by Strald, the great mage of ancient Olaphls. to the equivalent of 100%. That means that regardless of what type of attack
Strald started with an unwieldy spell that bade-fired on Its caster. and In comes your way, you'll be able to block It perfectly without taking damage.
time, perfected It. You also get a 10% Increase to Shield StabllltY. so you're much less likely to
have your guard broken. Timing wtll be critical when using this spell, however,
After casting Soul Bolt, a beam of energy wtll hit the floor directly In front of because It only lasts for 30 seconds, and trying to reapply It during a fight will
you, and then slowly start mcNlng upwards In a straight line, obliterating every- be very dangerous.
thing In Its path. Under the right circumstances, this spell can cause very high
damage, but those circumstances are quite specific and will generally require YEARN
you put yourself In harm's way. To get the most out of this spell you will need
to be extremely close to your target, because the energy beam starts doing
damage the Instant It touches the ground, and If you're close, those extra few
seconds worth of damage can really make the difference.
.0 g 1 l?j 19 II - Uses 4
Acquired from Carhllllon of the Fold (M)
4 4 5 5 6 6 7

People regret loss, and yearn for what they do not have. Perhaps the name
of this sorcerv harkens to this Irony.
7 6

Of course this also means that It's only useful against big, slow moving
targets, or ones that have enough reoovery after an attack for you to run In and Upon casting Yearn, a sound-generating, soul-like orb will float straight ahead
cast this spell. Once the beam starts moving upwards, It gradually picks up Into the distance along the direction you cast It In until It hits something In the
speed, so It won't contact things outside of a few feet In front of you for very environment. This Is a great spell for luring troublesome enemies away from
long, which greatly reduces the damage potential. casting the spell ls also a areas that can be awl<Ward to fight them In, and can even be used In combat
significant commitment because It takes a full 6 seoonds to oomplete, and to get out of sticky situations, as It will still divert enemy attention away from
since the beam Is also very narrow. If an enemy does manage to avoid It you'll you. If you're coming up against a group of enemies, It can also be used as an
be left extremely vulnerable. The narrowness of the beam can oome In useful easy means of grouping them altogether In the exact place that you want, so
In confined areas such as corrkiors, however, especially If there are multiple that you can take them all out with a powerful area of effect spell.
enemies along It.
Careful aiming of this spell ls the key to Its use, and you should always try
to aim at a wall or similar object near the enemies that you want to attract to
avoid the spell potentially traveling past them. Enemies will focus on the orb
either until It expires (12 seoonds) Of until you hit them and make them divert
th etr attention back onto you, so while they're distracted, make sure you hit
them with something powerful to mal<e It oounl
This blasphemous spell ls a family heirloom of Lord Aldla's. It was designed
to pummel foes until Its power ls entirely exhausted. HUSH
Soul Geyser has a fairly lengthy casting time, but the rewards that come with
this spell more than make up for IL A large mass of souls Is cast out, and
• 1 a 15 II - Uses 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20
Acquired from Way of Blue Covenant (Lvl. 2) (Cl, Lost Bastille (P)
they Immediately start homing In the target. After the Initial hit, they break

apart and hit multiple times again. This spell ls much better suited for attack- The eastern land of Mlrrah Is not only the home of proud knights. There
ing single targets, because while each hit does conslderable damage, the ts also a traditional order of shadow knights, Who quteUy carry out
accumulative damage that can be Inflicted upon a single target Is staggering. unspeakable tasks.
Once you obtain this spell and the Intelligence to wield It, you'll have access
For 90 seconds, this spell will mask the casters general movement noise,
to one of the best boss.killing spells tn the game. If there Is a downside to the
making It a useful spell for lnVaders. It doesn't mask all noise made, however,
spell, It's only that with so few uses you cannot use It more often, but since
as noise made from rolling, Jumping and swinging a weapon can still be heard.
using It on anything other than a boss Is 011erklll, that's hopefully not an Issue
Being able to sprint sllentlY. hoWever. does allow you to get the drop on a lot
you'll run Into too often. of enemies, as they won't be able to see you oomlng. Similarly, when battling
against invading opponents, being able to m011e silently While they are looking
for you can be Invaluable for glV!ng you an early advantage.


1 a 15 II - Usos 10

Acquired from Weaponsmlth Ornlfex (Ml

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 m•
3 a 58 II - Uses

Acquired from Royal Sorcerer Navlaan (M)

1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3

The eastern land of Mlrrah Is not only the home of proud knights. There Is The terrible deeds carried out In Aldla led to the unlntentlonal birth of several
also a traditional order of shadow knights, who use any means necessary to shadowy things, all of them eerily malformed.
carry out their orders.
Upon casting Unleash Magic you'll be bathed In a blue aura that draws out
While Fall Control ls active, you can safely drop down from most heights dormant maglcal abllltles to Increase your magical attack power by 20% for 60
without taking any damage. It does not, however, offer protection from falls seconds. Because It Is a flat Increase, spells that already deal high damage will
that will kill you, so you'll still need to be extremely careful In some areas. As receive the biggest boost from this spell, making Soul Geyser or Soul Vortex
long as the fall Vv'OUld leave you with even a single point of health, however, the perfect candidates. This power does come at a cost, however, and by
you wlll be perfectly safe. With that In mind, you can use this spell to set up taking up 3 Attunement Slots with this spell you'll have to sacrifice versatlllty
some Interesting things during Invasions, as you'll be able to drop down onto In favor of power; equipping this spell at a Bonfire just before a tough battle Is
opponents from great heights to gain the element of surprise without taking the most effective means of using It until you reach a point where you have
any damage. more than enough Attunement Slots. The other downside to the spell ls that
while It's active, your total HP will be reduced by 30%, which means you'll
have to deal with the high risks If you want the reward.
• 1 a 14 II - UsCIS 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 20

Acquired from Bell Keeper Covenant (Lvl. 2) (C)

A sorcery that dates farther back than recollection. Makes weapon In other
hand Invisible. Effective use of this, like any tool, perhaps, Is reliant upon the
Ingenuity of Its caster.

Hidden Weapon will cause your weapon to become Invisible for 90 seconds,
and while It may not be a useful spell against normal enemies, It truly shines
against other players. Whether you are Invading or being invaded, casting this
spell on your weapon makes It dtfflcult for your opponent to defend against Miracles offer the best range of support spells, focusing as they do
what cannot be seen; the time It takes them to figure out what weapon
you're using gtves you clear early adVantage In the fight. For melee focused on healing and defense, although there are some powerful offensive
characters, uslnQ Simpleton's Spice to lower the requirements of the spell so Miracles as well. Instead of being based on Intelligence like Sorcer-
that It can be used without Investing as many points Into Intelligence can be a ies, Faith is required in order to use Miracles, and a Sacred Chime
very effective choice. is needed to cast them with. Most offensive Miracles are also light-
ning based, and since very few enemies in the game are resistant
Pf • 1 a 15 II - Uses 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4
to that element, they can be extremely useful.

Kl: Acquired from Shrine of Winter (P)

A sorcery that dates farther back than recollection. Supposedly this sorcery
Miracles also Include weapon and self-augmentation spells that
can help give you the advantage in tough battles, and some spells
restores Items to a past state, but with the knowledge of this art lost, the can also aid other players that have Joined your world in the spirit
finer details of the phenomenon are unknown.
of cooperation. With the scarce amount of Estus Flasks uses, and
Casting this spell will partially replenish the durablllty of all equipped weapons the slow healing over time provided by Lifegems, Miracles have
and armor provided that they have not fully broken (at which point only a become more useful than ever.
Blacksmith can fix them). 20 points of durability are restored to weapons, 30
to armor, and 1 Oto rings. Due to the low amount of uses, It's best to save
this spell for when the durability of your weapon and armor Is beginning to
get dangerously low, but you're too far avvay from a Bonfire to do anything
about It. Where It Is most useful, however, us during prolonged battles against
Invading players, where being able to repair your equipment can easily mean
the difference between llfe and death. The only thing you need to be mindful
of Is the 3 second casting time, so make sure you have enough time to safely
cast the spell before tryl ng.
Acquired from Llcla of Llndelt (Ml
II 1 H 14 g - Uses 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 Miracles are tales of the Gods passed down long ago, but only a small
number of the original tomes remain In their entirety; and most that exist
Acquired from Darkdlver Grandahl (Ml are restorations.
A sorcery that dates farther back than recollection. Light banishes dark, and
reveals all. Whether this Is desired, Is another matter.
Cast Light will allow you to create a small orb of light above your head, Im II u - GREAT HEAL EXCERPT
1 II 14 USIIS 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3
lllumlnatlng the area around you. This spell can prove Invaluable In some of
the darker areas of the game, such as The Gutter, or when you've ran out of
~j Acquired from Llcla of Llndelt (Ml
Torches to use. Do be careful, however, as each spell cast will only last for 60 The erudite Great Heal tome requires extensive training to properly
seconds, and with such a limited number of uses, you can stlll easily be left In Interpret, making It accessible to only a select few.
the dark If you're not paying attention.
• •
CHAMELEON 1 U - 28 Uses 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5
II 1 l?j 14 g - Uses 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 Acquired from Cromwell the Pardoner (M), Grave of Saints (P)
Acquired from Harvest Valley (P) Only a select few have learned to recite this epic romance In Its entirety, but
A sorcery that dates farther back than recollection. Those who fear the those who do are amply rewarded.
unseen are cowards. Those who never doubt their eyes are fools.
Primarily a spell to use against other Invading players, the Chameleon spell
will transform you Into an appropriate environmental object based on your sur-
r:71 2 -
roundings. This can be anything from a barrel to a crate, or even small statues, ~j Acquired from Llcla of Llndelt (E)
and you can even turn Into different Items In the same area so It wlll never be
obvious to your opponent. While you're transformed, you still retain the ability
This miracle, once kept by the Linde It Monastery, was stolen and ne119r
to move around normally, so you can reposition yourself as needed. Taking any
action other than moving, however, will result In the spell being broken. Healing Miracles are a great way to restore your health and save those valu-
able Estus Flask and healing Item uses. Heal wlll restore 600 HP, Med Heal
gives 860 HP. both of the Great Heals restore an Impressive 1300 HP. and
Soothing Sunlight heals for 1000 HP. Due to the long casting time on Healing
Miracles, It's generally better to use them while outside of combat, as that
will also allow you to use the far quicker Estus Flask during battle. Many of the
Healing Miracles also heal considerably more than using an Estus Flask, espe-
cially when you have high levels of Faith. Soothing Sunlight Is a great Healing
Miracle that not only greatly heals your HP, but will also heal nearby a Illes.


U - •
t::a 1 16 Usos 2 2 2 3 3

Acquired from Llcla of Lindell ( M), Cromwell the Pardoner (Ml

3 4 4 4 5
1 17 Uses 4 4 4 5 5

Acquired from Blue SentlnelTargray (M), Cromwell the Pardoner (M)


Scholars bicker over whether this Is the original Lightning Spear, or a

7 7 8

This miracle Is used by the resolute Lindell cleric knights when fighting on
the front lines. derivative. One can never gain full control of the power of the Gods, but
with a little favor from lady luck, this spell will destroy your foes.
RESPLENDENT LIFE When cast, Heavenly Thunder will cause numerous lightning bolts to strike
~. 2 l!j - II 25 Uses 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 down from above over an en extremely large radius around you. Each lightning
~j Acquired from Llcla of Llndelt (Ml, Strald ofOlaphls (M)
bolt Inflicts a decent amount of damage, so whether you're using It to hit
multiple opponents that have managed to surround you, or a single large
Cleric Forsalle of Lindell was a master of miracles who fought battles across opponent, the damage caused by the spell can start to rack up very qulclcly.
the lands. His allies called him a holy knight, but his enemies feared him for The main downside to the spell ls that the pattern In which the lightning bolts
his demonic powers. strike Is completely random, so If you get lucky It can very easily save you
from a sticky situation; If you're unlucky you might totally miss the target and

r.::,• B<..1UNTIFUL SUNLIGHT leave yourself open to attack.

6 - II
3 38 Uses 2 2 2 3 3

Acquired from Blue Sentinels (Lvl. 3) (Cl, ChancellorWellager (Ml


This miracle, once kept by the Undelt Monasterv. was stolen and never
4 4 4 5

1 0 - II
Acquired from
22 Usos

uera of Llndelt
10 11 12 13

(M). Harvest valley (P)

14 15 16 17 18 20

The Replenishment school of spells will gradually restore your health once
cast. and while they all restore the same amount of health overall, which Is
around 840 HP until you reach around 60 Faith, at which point It starts healing ml 1. -
for a bit more. The main difference Is the speed at which they deliver that
health; Replenishment takes 120 seconds to fully dellwr the health, while
Resplendent Life only takes 60. Bountiful Sunlight also takes 120 seconds, but
l.~.:.i/j Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (M), The Pit (P), Undead Crypt (Pl
Said to be the legacy of an ancient clan whose leader was revered as the
when you cast the spell you'll see a large magic circle on the ground, and any God of Sun. The name of the clan has been lost to time, but the gross
alltes within the circle will also have the effect applied to them. allowing for Incandescence of our magnificent father shall never wane.
longer periods of jolly cooperation. Because of the generous duration of these
spells, using them before passing through a Fog Gate to Initiate a boss fight
can be very useful.
G'J 8
2 0 - II
55 U111s 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6

~fj Acquired from Heirs to the Sun (Lvl. 3) (C)

M 6 - II1 15 Uses 4 4 4 5 5

Acquired from Llcla of Llndelt ( M), Cromwell the Pardoner (Ml

6 e 7 7 8
P<mered with Immense wondrous souls. One of the ancient origlnal
miracles, said to have existed from the Infancy of the very world.

The Lighting Spear family Is one of the best general purpose groups of of-
This spell was recently developed, and may not be an authentic miracle. fensive spells to be found within Miracles, and no olerlc worth their salt should
be without at least one of the spells within It at all times. All of the Lightning
Similar to the Pojson Moss Item, Caressing Prayer will both tower your Pojson
Spears Inflict a significant amount of damage, and they rank very highly In
buildup levels, and cure you of Pojson If you have already been afflicted with
terms of slngle hit damage amongst all spells. They also have excellent range
the status. The great thing about this spell ls that not only will It cure you of
and can very easily be used for sniping enemies from a safe distance.
Polson, but It will also cure any nearby allies of It as well. When you're areas
such as The Gutter or Harvest Valley that feature a lot of poisonous elements, Staying far back while casting these spells also helps to mitigate one of their
having a spell like this to fall back on can be Invaluable, especially If you start main drawt>acl<s, and that Is a fairly lengthy casting time, and for that reason
running low on Polson Moss. they can be difficult to use against enemies at close range. Each spear does
have a small area of effect around it. so you have some leeway while trying to
hit an enemy with them, but It should be noted that the further away from the
. .
center of the spear you hit an enemy, the less damage It w111 do.
1 - 12 Uses 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Acquired from Llcla of Llndelt ( M), Cromwell the Pardoner (Ml


1 l'J - 1119 Uses 4 4 4 5 5

Acquired from Stone Trader Chloanne (M), Grave Warden Agdayne (M)
6 6 7 7 8

D M 1 l!J - II 30 Uses 1 1 1 1 1 2

Acquired from Blue Sentinels (Lvl. 2) (C), Chancellor Wellager (M)


Little Is known about the origins of this miracle, except Its shared roots

with the Force spell. It makes mention of certain Gods, but alas, their actual
2 3 One of the lost miracles preserved only In the Undead Crypt The Undead
Crypt Is a place of rest for the living. Those afflicted by the curse can only
pray to one d;ff gain entrance.

The casting animation for Sol Appease sees you kneel clown on the floor
brtetly before releasing a golden burst of energy around you. Any Hollow
names are long forgotten.

enemies caught within the energy burst will take a large amount of damage,
but anything that Is not Hollow will remain unscathed. Since you'll enoounter

a large number of Hollow enemies as you play through the game, this Miracle
1 6 - II 20 Uses 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 can be a very handy thing to have In one of your Attunement slots. The only
thing preventing It from being a good general-purpose tool ls the fact that It
Acquired from Blue SentlnelTargray (M), Cromwell the Pardoner (M),
only has a low number of uses, which means It's best to save It for groups of
No-Man's Wharf (P)
enemies, or single tough opponents.
Throughout history, there have been many examples of Imitative miracles.
When discerning original from Imitator Is nigh on Impossible, which Is which

hardly matters.

The Force group of spells Is primarily used to give yourself some breathing
room when surrounded t,y enemies. Force has a very short cast time, at A<q":,., •,m- St~ld of otapnts (Ml
the end of which It releases a burst of energy In a small radius around you. Crafted In ancient times by the God of Sun. but later forbidden by the same
Although the blast deals no damage, humanoid sized enemies caught within It deity. Was It to protect the world from hatred, or sorr(:}N7
will be knocked baci<Ward slightly and staggered for a brief period of time. Be-
cause It knocks back normal sized enemies, It can be sued to send them flying Blinding Bolt Is easily one of the most powerful Miracles In the game, and
over cliffs or Into pitfalls, so even though It doesn't damage them directly, It Its power more than makes up for the fact that you can't obtain It untll NG+.
can still prove very useful. Once cast, a small orb of lightning will trawl out In front of you for a short
distance until It either hits an enemy or comes to a stop. If It hits an enemv.
wrath of the Gods Is similar to Force In a lot of ways, In that It creates a burst only minimal damage Is dealt, but If It comes to a stop on Its (:}NO, the true
of energy around you, but as well as staggering foes It also deals a consider- power Is unleashed with multiple bolts of lightning striking out In all directions
able amount of damage. With the damage comes a rather lengthy cast
from the orb, each one dealing a significant amount of damage.
tlme, however, so It does require more forward planning to use than Force.
Emit Force works slightly differently than the other two spells In this family, Because you have to try and get the Initial orb not to actually hit anything,
because Instead of a localized burst of energy around you, Emit Force focuses using the spell does require some skill and good Judgment of range, but once
the blast and shoots It out as a projectile. As well as having the ability to stag- you become familiar with the correct range to cast It at, It becomes extremely
ger enemies, the projectile form Emit Force can travel relatively far and deals a deadly. The Blinding Bolt Is equally useful for taldng out a group of enemies
decent amount of damage; outside of the Lightning Spears, Emit Force should over a large as It Is for Inflicting heavy damage against bosses, and since It's
be one of your primary general purpose Miracles. lightning based very few enemies are resistant to It.


Im • a -
II 14 Usos 2 2 2 3

Acquired from Head ofVengarl (Ml, Felkln the Outcast (Ml

3 3 4 4 4 5 m
1 u- II 15 Usn 4

Acquired from Cromwell the Pardoner (M)

4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 6

This mlracle Is said to shleld Its caster with the Rock's armor, and was Enwreathes Its caster with a pure vell. Lindell ascetics are sent to distant
common amongst the Vl<izard knights of Mlrrah. lands for proselytizing and self-training, but many of them decide not to
GREAT MAGIC BARRIER Casting Perseverance creates an aura that grants a temporary Increase In

~. 1 H - II 26 Uses 1 1 1 1

Acquired from ChancellorWellager (M), Aldla's Keep (P)

1 2 2

The knights of Mlrrah are expected to fight honorably, with reliance only
2 2 3 resistance to a number of different status effects. Increasing your resistance
to status effects means that It will take longer for you to become afflicted
by them, which Is very useful during certain areas of the game. It can also
be very useful against Invading players that are using status effect Inducing
upon swordsmanship. They only resort to magic the only time they truly weapons or spells. Perseverance will Increase resistance against poison and
need It to face the magic of an enemy. bleed by 16%, petrify and curse by 30%, and It lasts for 60 seconds.
The Magl.c Barriers create a field around the body tnat raises resistance
against Magic, Ugh Ung, Fire and Dark element attacks. The entry level Magic SUNLIGHT BLADE
Barrier Increases the resistance factor by 16%, white Great Magic Barrier will
Increase It by 26%. Both vartatlons also last for 90 seconds, which gives you
8 1 0 - II 36 Us11S 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3

plenty of time to reap the benefits of It during a boss battle, even If you cast It Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Ml, Shrine of Amana (Pl
before entering the Fog Gate. It's also worth using If you are being Invaded (or An ancient miracle of the sun. The sun grants Ille to all things upon the
Invading) In case your opponent Is a magic user themselves. earth, even If the worshippers of sunlight no longer bless the surface with
their presence.
HOMEWARD Sunlight Blade follows the same prlnclpal as the Magic Weapon Sorcery In
• 1 H - II 16 Usos 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 that It will apply a temporary damage buff to the weapon In the hand not
currently holding the Chime. In this case, the lightning element value of
Acquired from Llcla of Llndelt ( M) the weapon will Increase by 30%, and It V\<111 gain an additional 60 points of
A miracle that returns Its caster to the last bonfire rested at Traditlonallv. llghtnlng attack. The effect of the spells lasts for 90 seconds, which Is more
Its destination was the caster's homeland. The curse slowly erodes one's than long enough to cast It before a tough battle and reap the benefits during
memory, untll even one's blrthplace Is reduced to a figment of a clouded IL While the effect Is active, the weapon actually becomes coated In lighting,
past But the bonfires are constant. a beacon for the tragically afflicted. and since the effect extends beyond the blade of the weapon, you also gain a
small Increase In attack range.
Similar to the Homeward Bone Item, this Mlracle Vl-111 warp you to the last
Bonfire that you rested at. Should you find yourself being overwhelmed by
enemies, you can use this spell to make a tactical retreat. provided you allow
yourself enough breathing room to successfully cast It. Also like Homeward
Bones, there Is no penalty for using this Item, so you can feel free to use It
whenever you like, and even though It only has one use, since you're return-
ing to a Bonfire. that should never be an Issue. This spell also saves you the
trouble of having to constantly make sure that you have Homeward Bones to
use In an emergency. PYROMANCIES
~. 1 m- II 12 Uses 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20
Pyromancies tend to specialize in short to mid-range fire spells, with
a few utility spells thrown into the mix, and all of them are cast with
i:::.::j Acquired from ucia of Llndelt (M)
Countless worlds I oosalv overlap, and at the seams of contact. kindred
a Pyromancy Flame. Unlike the other schools of spells, Pyromancy
does not require Intelligence or Faith at all, and instead Pyromancy
souls, who have lost their way, call out to one another with fleeting spells can be strengthened through the Pyromancy Flame itself,
messages of hope. which can be upgraded up to 10 times to increase their damage
If you find yourself having trouble with a particular enemy or If you have output. There is also a Dark Pyromancy Flame that gains even
Just slmply lost your way and are trying to figure out where to go, casting more power the more Hollowed you become. Because nearly all
Guidance will reveal more messages lelt by other players In the area for 60 Pyromancies are fire based, however, if you come across an enemy
seconds. Exercise extreme caution, however, as there are Just as many play- or opponent that has high fire resistance, many of the spells will be
ers trying to hinder your progress as there are those who genulnely want to
help; If there are multiple messages in an area, try to read all of them to get a rendered highly ineffective.
clearer picture.
Though most Pyromancy spells tend to have fairly short range and
a relatively long cast time, this is offset by the fact that they inflict
4 H - II 25 Usos 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 very good damage and can be wielded by anyone; the only limiting
factor is that you still need Attunement Slots to put the Pyromancy
~'.~ Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (M)
spells into, although there are Rings that you can equip to accom-
An ancient miracle said to have been devised by warriors who once served
the God of Sun. plish that so you do not have to invest any points into Attunement if
you don't wish. Several Pyromancy spells also have a wide area of
Casting Sacred Oath will give both you and any nearby allies a temporary at- effect, with some spells even leaving behind a pool of lava after the
tack and defense boost. This spell will Increase physical attack damage by 60,
physlcal defense by 76, and wlll last for 60 seconds. Due to Its relatively slow initial explosion that will damage anything that steps into tt.
cast time it Is best to cast Sacred Oath before a boss fight or shortly alter
being Invaded, because you won't generally have time to cast It In the heat of FIREBALL
battle. Similarly, the radius within which other players can receive the buff Is
not particularly large, so you'll need to gather people up If you want to apply • 1 0 - II - US&s 8 6 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15
It to your allies. Acquired from Rosabeth of Melfla (M), Flame Salamanders (E), The
Gutter (P)

~ 2 - 13 Usos 4 4

~j Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Ml

8 1 0 - II - Uses 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 6

A miracle that senses traitors. Reveals the locatlon of the nearest enemv. or Acquired from Rosabeth of Melfla (M), Flame Salamanders (E)
Invading dark spirit. Those who serve the Lindell Monastery V\<illfully adhere
to strict commandments. This mlracle was created to castigate those who GREAT FIREBALL
Ignore the righteous teachings.
• 1 l?J - II - Uses 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6
Unveil ls a Mlracle that reveals the location of the nearest enemy, or Invading Acquired from Flame Salamanders (El, Brlghtstone CoveTseldora (Pl
dark spirit. casting this spell will create a glowing red eye above your head
that will start moving In the direction of the nearest hostile target. Although The exalted flame, long pined after. Even If It would scorch our very flesh.
It can be difficult to keep track of the eye as It can go through walls, floors
and celllngs, It should give you a general Idea to which direction the enemy or
Invading player Is so that you can either close In on them, or continue evading
If necessary.


Casting Fire Whip will allow you to sweep foes In front of you with a whip-like
• 2 a- II - Usos 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5
flame. In usage terms, this spell works much like the Combustion spells
except that It has slightly long range, and Inflicts more damage. Those benefits
do come at a cost. however. and the casting time for this spell ls nowhere
Acquired from Brotherhood of Blood (Lvl. 3) (C), ChancellorWellager near as quick as Combustion. Fire Whip Is best used In narrow areas, as not
only will enemies be unable to awld your spell and take the full bfunt of the
The chaos flame Is said to have devoured the mother of pyromancy. damage, but for the entire duration of this spell you will be unable to move, so
casting It In narrow areas should leave you relatively safe.
The Fireball group of spells are some of the more general-purpose Pyroman-
cles thanks to the number of uses you get, and they are an excellent ranged
attack option for primarily melee-based players. All of the Flreballs have a small POISON MIST
area of effect around their Impact point, with the size of that area growing In
each more powerful version. What that allows you to do Is often hit multiple
• 1 0 - II - Usos 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5

enemies with a single spell to further Increase Its damage output. Acquired from Rosabeth of Meltla (M)
A fringe pyromancy of unknown origin. This spell contradicts the very
The casting time for all of the Fireball variations Is generally the same, so you principles of pyromancy, suggesting that Its creator had a heretical streak.
should upgrade to the more power versons as you come to them, because
the extra damage and blast radius more than makes up for the reduced uses.

Great Chaos Fireball also goes a step further, because not only does It have
a massive explosion radius, but It also leaves behind a surge of molten lava
wherever It lands, causing damage to enemies standing on IL
• 1 a- • - Uses 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6

.,· Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (M)

Whoever created this spell did not believe his enemies deserved a swift
• 1 l?j - II - Uses 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8
Polson Mist creates a cloud of poison around your target, which will remain In
Acquired from Tltchy Gren (M), Poison Horn Beetles (E), Dranglelc place for 8 seconds. Enemies unlucky enough to stay In the mist will become
castle (P) poisoned and lose health over a period of time. Toxic Mist Is an even stronger
An ancient, primal pyromancy. The Firestorm Is said to be the wrath and Ire poison that deals a lot more damage In less time. Both of these spells are
of the spell's creator. extremely effective against bosses because not only do they take off large
amounts of health, but once the boss has been Infected, you can stay on the
defensive While still Inflicting constant damage.

Acquired from Shrine of Amana (P), Guardian Dragons (E) • 1 l?j - II - U111s 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5

The fire tempest Incinerates all life. What menace was so great as to make Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Ml
such a fearsome spell necessary? . .

A fringe pyromancy of unknown origin. Yet another pyromancy Inspired by

Acid Surge Is similar In many ways to Polson Mist, but Instead of creating a
poisonous cloud, this spell creates an acidic cloud that will constantly corrode
Acquired from Iron Keep (P) the equipment of anything caught within It. The cloud has a much larger range
The chaos flame Is said to have devoured the mother of pyromancy. Those than Polson or Toxic Mist, so It's much harder for opponents to escape without
who sought great power were consumed by their own desires. Where are Incurring at least some durability loss. Since It also lasts for 8 seconds, It can
these lost souls now? be a great area control spell, since no opponent In their right mind IMII want to
mow through It. While Polson andToJdc Mist are most effective during boss
Upon casting this spell, numerous pillars of flame will erupt In a large radius encounters, Acid Surge truly shines against other human players; destroying
around you. The exact posltlon of the pillars Is random with each cast, but the equipment of an Invader will go a long way to securing victory.
with each more powerful version of these spells, the pillars themselves will
stay out longer and have a bigger area of effect, greatly Increasing the odds of
them hitting something. Chaos Storm In particular has very large pillars, and LINGERING FLAME
each one leaves behind a lingering flame for a few seconds a1ter It vanishes • 2 l?j - II - Us&S 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 6
that also Inflicts damage. These spells are Ideal to use against multiple op-
Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Ml, Undead Jailers (E)
ponents, or those that are extremely evasive, because they won't be able to
predict where the pillars will come from When trying to time their rolls. One of the pyromancles devised by Strald, the great mage of ancient
Olaphls. Strald was an oddly gifted mage, well-versed In both sorceries
The only real means of escape Is to try and run out of the radius during the and pyromanctes, but his curious temperament never allowed him to settle
lengthy casting time. It's also worth noting that you'll be unable to move until down In one place for very long.
the spell has completely ended, although this most llkely won't be a problem
against normal enemies since the pillars will also knock them back a little. Casting Lingering Flame wlll release a static fireball that floats In the air a short
Against bosses, however, you could end up In wry dangerous situations If you distance In front of you, where It will stay for 30 seconds until dissipating. If
don't time the usage of these spells extremely well. any hostile target moves near the fireball It will Immediately detonate with
a huoe explosion that causes massive damage. You can even use all 4 spell
casts to have numerous fireballs out In the open, creating your very own prox.
a- • - Usos 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 15
lmlty mlnefleld. With It you have numerous zoning opportunities both against
enemies and Invading players, where you can use It to block off areas, or set
traps around corners and likely entry points.
Acquired from Rosa beth of Melfla (Ml, Huntsman's Copse (P)

Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Ml, Bell Keepers (El

Acquired from Tltchy Gren (M), Drangleic Castle (Pl One of the pyromancles devised by Strald, the great mage of ancient
Olaphls. Strald, always Immersed In magic, never accepted an apprentice.
The Combustion group of spells all release a short range burst of flame In As a result, much of his extensive knowledge Is permanently lost.
front of you When cast, VI-1th Great Combustion featuring a larger burst than
Combustion. One of the main benefits of these spells Is their fast casting Flame swathe Is like a directed version of Lingering Flame where you throw
times, with normal Combustion being especlally quick. Both spells also deal a similar fireball out, but Instead of sitting In place nearby and waiting for an
wry reasonable damaQe considering their fast casting time, so even with their enemy to get close, the fireball ls thrown further and detonates after a couple
short range, they provide a very useful atternatiw to melee attacks, especlally of seconds. The same large blast radius and huge damage are caused by this
against enemies that do not have high fire resistance. detonation, so It Is extremely effective against bosses and groups of enemies.
Like many powerful spells, the low number of uses does make It fairly sltu-
Because of the elemental nature of the damaQe Inflicted by these spells, even
human opponents trying to guard with Shields will usually Incur some damage atlonal, but you can be sure that not many things will survlw more than a
unless they haw shields with very high fire resistance. For that reason alone couple of casts.
these spells make excellent tools for finishing off weakened opponents. The
one main downside to these spells Is that they require a lot of stamina to cast, FORBI ODEN SUN
so even though they can be cast very quickly, only a couple of uses are gener-
ally all that It takes to deplete all of your stamina.
• 3 a- • - Us&S 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3

Acquired from Royal Sorcerer Navlaan (Ml

Pyromancy developed In Aldlan rites. What could possibly Justify such
FIRE WHIP excessive destructive power? In all likelihood, the madmen of Aldla never
M 1 l?j - II - Usos 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 awn questioned the need.

----------- -
Acquired from Tltchy Gren (M). Bell Keepers In Belfry Sol (El
An ancient, primal pyromancy. One of the original pyromancles.


Forbidden Sun Is one of the most destructive spells In all of Pyromancy, and
although It only has an extremely limited number of uses, Its benefits should
not be over-looked. When cast, a giant fireball gets thrown directly ahead
towards the target at great speed, which can be a conslclerable distance a~
thanks to the fact that It travels much further than any other Pyromancy.
The damage caused by this spell comes In two stages: first from the Initial
Impact, and second from the subsequent explosion. Both parts deal plenty of
damage, but because there Is a secondary explosion, you can miss your target Hexes are a unique school of spells; they require points in Intel-
and still have the chance to Inflict damage. This Is especlally true because ligence and Faith as well as a staff or sacred chime depending on
not only does the follow-up explosion haw an extremely large radius, but It
also creates pools of lava on the ground that stay there for a few seconds the spell, in order to cast. Some require a staff and others require
afterwards. a chime. and as a rule, those that use a staff have a higher Intel-
ligence requirement, and those that use a Chime need more Faith.
Not only that, but a number of Hex spells even require a set amount
of souls In order to get the best out of them.
Acquired from Strald of Olaphis (M)
Though similar to Sorcery in that Hexes have a wide variety of
Pyromancy and sorcery are said to be like oil and water. but In fact their
origins can be traced to a common source. spells to cater for many situations, certain Hex spells can be quite
difficult to use effectively, but in the right hands can be extremely
Flame Weapon Imbues the weapon In the non-Pyromancy Flame hand with useful. Because they require heavy investment and management
the power of fire. 60 points of fire attack are added to any weapon with the
effect applied to It, as well as an Increase of 30% to your fire elemental
of both Intelligence and Faith, Hexes are generally speaking one of
power for 90 seconds. The uses for this spell are similar to those of the Magic the more advanced types of spells; they will require you to balance
Weapon Sorcery and Sunlight Blade Miracle, In that It's best used before stats carefully, and be patient to get to the point where you can use
facing a strong opponent that you know Is not resistant to fire based attacks a lot of them. Similarly, many Hex spells need more than one At-
In this case.
tunement Slot in order to use so heavy investment into Attunement

' '
Is also required.

Acquired from Rosa beth of Melffa (M)

A pyromancy that Internalizes the power of flame. Most useful when facing
other flame-manipulating pyromancers. Just don't take the looks you get
II 1 12 10 Uses 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30
Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Ml, Felkln the Outcast (M), Darkdlver
Grandahl (M)
A hex modified from an old sorcery by Gllleah, the father of Hexing.
Casting Flash sweat will cause you to sweat profusely, reducing fire damage
by 30%. The spell wlll last for 90 seconds, making It great for extended battles

against foes that have fire damage. It's also worth casting this spell against
other players. Just In case they happen to use Pyromancy. 2 •19 12 Uses 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 13

Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Ml, Magerold of Lanaflr (Ml,

IRON FLESH Darkdlver Granda hi (Ml
II 1 a- II - Uses 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 Hexing Is rooted In both sorcery and miracles, but Is viewed as a perilous
affront to all life, and banned In most lands.
Acquired from Rosa beth of Melfla (Ml
A pyromancy that Internalizes the power of flame. As one might guess, A similar spell to Soul Arrow, casting Dark Orb fires a heavy orb of darkness
towards an enemy. The orb Itself moves slower than Soul Arrow and doesn't
the rock-solid flesh enabled by this spell dramatically slows movement.
Guaranteed to cause trouble If used at an Inopportune moment travel as far, but It deals about the same amount of damage and the size of It
does mean that It has a slgnlflcantly larger Impact point
A Pyromancy that Internalizes the power of flame, casting Iron Flesh wlll turn
While Dark Orb Is a medium range single target spell dealing decent damage,
the body Into Iron, Increasing defense and resistance. This spell will Increase
Dari< Hall fires a spread of smaller. less damaging orbs In a cone In front of
defense by 100, all resistances by 10%, poise by 100 and lasts for 20 seconds.
you. Each orb Is smaller than Dark Orb, but the spread formation of the shot
Due to the high poise you are far less likely to be staggered by the enemy or
means that It covers a much wider area. Dark Hall ls a much more close range
have your attacks Interrupted. The major downside to Iron Flesh Is that for the
spell than Dark Orb, however, because each of the orbs It fires does not travel
duration of the spell you will have greatly reduced movement speed and will very far. Because the orbs are fired In a spread, It does mean that you can
not even be able to run or roll. This makes Iron Flesh a very situational spell,
either choose to cast It at the edge of Its range to try hit multiple targets, or
best suited against big or slow enemies that you need to go toe-to-toe with. by using It up close you can guarantee that all orbs hit a single target to Inflict
maximum damage.


Acquired from Corpse Rats In the Grave of Saints (El, Grave Warden 625
Agdayne (Ml
- Acquired from
one of the lost pyromanaes preserved only In the Undead Crypt. Fire can This hex Is regarded as a poison due to the outward symptoms, but In fact
be a show of strength, but It Is also a symbol of wisdom and comfort. Fire Is the mist eats f!Way at the target's Inner essence. Just the traits that led to
what the caster wishes It be. the prohibition of hexing.
warmth creates a static soothing orb of flame Just In front of you when It's Uslng Dark Fog Is very similar to using the Polson Mist Pyromancy, In that
cast, and It will remain In place for 20 seconds. While you or any ally Is stand- a dense cloud of noxious gas Is created at the target area. With Dark Fog,
ing within the proximity of the orb, It will heal anyone that needs It for 160 HP however, enemies only have to be In the cloud for the briefest of times to be
every 6 seconds until It dissipates. The cast time Is fairly slow and the radius afflicted, at which point they will continuously take damage for a short period
Is quite small, so Is best used outside of combat Where players can group up of time. The overall damage done ls similar to that of poison, but Dark Fog
and absorb the healing powers of flame for Its duration. does not take as long to reach that damage point.

SI 40 II
- • 3 24 Uus 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15
Acquired from Iron Keep (Pl Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (Ml, Kobolds (El
If a person Is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on tire does An advanced hex based on an ancient sorcery. It appears to be a
not seem so bad. manifestation of an emotion. Perhaps of hate, perhaps of love.
Immolation coats your entire body In flames, from which you will receive A very similar spell to Homing Soulmass, Affinity creates a number of dark
constant, albeit small amounts of damage for 30 seconds. Any enemy that mass orbs around you that will then home In on Its target. While the orbs
gets close to you while the spell ls active Wiii immediateiy start taking damage may appear small while theYre aboVe your head, once they fire they become
as well, but at a much faster rate than you do. If you're considering getting up significantly larger, meaning theYre much more likely to hit their target. Also
close and uslng melee attacks on a tough opponent, Immolation can let you like Homing Soulmass, the number of orbs that are used when the spell ls
Inflict some extra damage between your weapon swings. cast Is dependent on your Intelligence; at 40 Intelligence you will have three
Gradual healing Items such as Llfegems can also be used to offset the dam- orbs, at 60 you'll gain a fourth, and upon reaching 60 you'll have the maximum
age taken by Immolation, but casting the Replenishment Miracle will cancel of five orbs.
the effect Immolation can also be used as a means of lowering your health Unlike Homing Soulmass, however, Where the orbs will all attack the nearest
In order to activate the abllltles of things that require you to be at low health, enemy, Affinity orbs will sometimes target different enemies If more than one
such as the RedTearstone Ring. By using Immolation to control the rate of Is nearby. If all of the orbs go towards an enemy, but It dies before all of them
health loss at a time and place of your choosing you'll be able to reap the hit, any remaining orbs wlll continue on and try to seek out another target
benefits of such Items whenever you like.


rg;~II ,
a ,, 11 zo u~ " u " " ,. is " "
Acquired from Stone Trader Chloanne (Ml, Razorback Nlghtcrawlers (El
" " n • SJ
2 42 II 30 Uses
Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (M)
3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6

Hexes such as these, that tamper with life Itself, are partlcularly abhorred. If It cannot be observed, It does not exlst. Certainly a common conception,
but one with far too many exceptions In this world.
A Hex that casts a dark flame upon the corpses of fallen enemies, causing
them to combUst violently. Casting this spell near a recently defeated enemy Numbness ls a very useful Hex, because once cast. it reduces all Incoming
will cause them to explode a few moments later for tremendous damage. damage by 36% for 20 seconds. While the reduction In damage doesn't mean
It's a very situation al spell because It requires dead bodies nearby In order to that you should abandon defense altogether, It does allow you to be slightly
work, which means that If the bodies of the enemies you're factno disappear more aggressive than you may have otherwise been. As you may expect, such
when you kill them, this spell wlll be of no use. While that does limit the areas a useful spell does come with downsides, and In this Instance, as soon as It
that you can use the spell, In areas that you can use It, It can be extremely Is cast, the peripheries of the screen wlll darken and you'll essentlally have
effective, especially against Invaders. tunnel vision for the duration. AgalllSt most enemies you should be able to
manipulate the camera enough to keep them In your narrow field of view, but
If you wait or lure an Invading pleyer Into an area where you have previously against faster enemies and evasive human opponents, losing sight of them Is
killed a lot of enemies that leave their bodies, you'll be able to set a very a very distinct posslblllty.
deadly trap for when they catch up to you. All of the bodles do detonate
at the same time, however, so a well timed roll can still avoid all damage.
Fortunately, however. the spell does not consume the body after It explodes,
so you can keep castll"IIJ It again and again In the same area thanks to the large Bil g SCRAPS OF LIFE
number of uses.
SJ 1 8 1112 Uses 4 4 4
Acquired from Gutter (P), Cromwell the Pardoner (Ml
6 5 6 6 7

An esoteric spell created by Navlaan, the Infamous exiled sorcerer. The

7 8

·, 16 heretic Navlaan was executed alol"IIJ with his entire village, and the mere
utterance of his name became a crime. Some say It was because he sought
Acquired from Felkln the Outcast (M) to restore the banned art of resurrection.

Felkln the Outcast applied his art to transform Magic Weapon Into a hex. Similar to the Firestorm Pyromancy, soul pillars will erupt from the ground In
Those who choose the path of dark are admonished by all manner of a large area once you cast this spell. Numerous pillars will contlnue to erupt
sorcerers. But this does not stop the curious from being drawn to this from the ground for 8 seconds after you cast It, and unlike Firestorm you'll
strangely alluring craft be able to start moving before the spell has run Its course. Each pillar does
reasonable damage, which Is a good thing because the location that the pillars
Dark Weapon Imbues the weapon In the other hand to the Staff with dark erupt from Is random within the area of the spell, so you never know exactly
energy. While this spell ls active, the weapon that It's cast on will gain 50 what you'll hit, or how many times.
dark attack, and you'll get an overall Increase of 30% to dark damage for 90
seconds. Very ff1W things In the game are resistant to Dark, so using this Hex Each pillar does not have a very large area of effect either, so you'll have to
on your weapon can greatly Increase your damage In many areas of the game. hope that one pops up very close to your Intended target. Of course If that
target happens to be a large boss, you can expect to Inflict a heavy amount
of damage. The relatlvely low requirements for this Hex also mean that It can
WHISPER OF DESPAIR be a viable option for players that are not fully Invested In upgrading both
fii 1 6 24 II 18 Uses 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 Intelligence and Faith.
Acquired from Grave of Saints (P)
A hex that releases verbose darkness. The Dark blankets the world In black.
A thing of tranquility, a thing serene.
Casting Whisper of Despair will launch a slow moving skull at the enemy, low-
• U
2 12 II 21 Usu 3 3 3 4 4 4
Acquired from Magerold of Lanaflr (M), Darkdlver Grandahl (M)
5 5 5 6

erlng their defense by 100 on Impact, with the effect lasting for 30 seconds. An esoteric spell created by Navlaan, the Infamous exiled sorcerer. The
Although It has a slow cast time, Whisper of Despair can be cast from long heretic Navlaan was executed along with his entire village, and the mere
ranoe and will home In on the targeted enemy somewhat, so as long as you're utterance of his name became a crime. Some say It was because he sought
plannlng ahead, you can generally use It quite safely. It's also worth noting that to restore the banned art of resurrection.
the effect can be applied to most bosses In the game, so If you're planning
on tackling one using melee attacks, this spell can make things conslderaolv Casting Darkstorm wlll create a vortex of dark orbs that spin around you
easier for you. Slmllarly, It can be very effective when used during Invasions, while gradually moving outwards, and any enemy caught within the radius of
where lowering an opposing player's defense so slgnlflcantly will undoubtedly this spell will take huge amounts of damage from the continuously striking
give you an edge. orbs until they dissipate. Caution must be undertaken When using this spell,
however, as not only does It have a long cast time, but you wlll be unable to
mow for nearly the entire duratlon of the spell. Unfortunately that means that
the spell will be extremely difficult and dangerous to use on other human op-
3 35 27 UsH 4 ponents, since you'll rarely have enough time to cast It. Relegatlng this spell to
prlmarlly a boss fighting toot, however, Is not necessarily a bad thing, because
Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (M)
• It Just so happens to excel at that
The hexer Gllleah took no apprentice, and It Is unclear how his spells were
passed down. It Is even possible that hexes originated from another source
altogether. RESONANT SOUL
Repel wlll cover you In a mysterious dark sphere, and for 1.5 seconds after the
• 2 U 10 g ia Uses 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30

Initial cast you will be totally Immune to all damage. Because the lnvulnerabll- Acquired from Pilgrims of Dark (Lvl. 1) (C)
lty window Is so small, this spell ls best used when you can Identify an lncom-
ll"IIJ attack early enoUtJh to still have time to cast It Some boss attacks will fall
Into this category, but more lmportantlY. It should be used during Invasions to
easily evade some of the slower, more powerful spells.
Acquired from Pilgrims of Dark (Lvl. 2) (C)
• 2 a 38 II 25 Uses 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5
Acquired from Doors or Pharros (P) ~ 4 U 30 II 47 Uses 3
Hexer Gllleah never took an apprentice, making It unclear how his spells
were passed down. It Is even posslble that hexes came from another
~Ji Acquired from Pilgrims of Dark (Lvl. 3) (C)
A hex that distorts the power of life.
source entirely.
The Resonant Soul family of spells emit a dark mass of energy that gets fired
Twisted Barricade Is very similar to the Repel spell, but Instead of grantlno
you full Immunity, you will gain the ability to deflect all spells for 1.5 seconds. directly towards the targeted area. They all haw a slow Initial casting time,
but the projectile Itself moves fairly quickly once It gets going. Each version of
Most of the attacks that give you enoUtJh warning to actually cast this spell will
be other spells, so having the ability to deflect them can be extremely useful. the spell deals a good amount of damage for the number of uses you get, but
unfortunately, getting the best damage out of the spell requires souls.
While deflected spells never return directly to their casters, sometimes you
can get lucky and a deflection will go your way. All of these spells can be cast even If you do not have any souls, but the
damage they do will be significantly less. Resonant Soul requires 100 souls,
Great Resonant Soul requires 600 souls, and Climax will use up every single
soul you have on you at the time. To compound the harshness of Cllmax's
Soul requirement, using anything over 6000 Souls to cast It will not actually
result In any more damage, so you need to be extremely careful about when
you choose to use It When you do spend SOUis to caste these spells they do
Inflict a decent amount of damage, so If you have the SOuls to spare they can
be a very deadly spell.


1 a 11
II 19
Acquired from Felkln the Outcast (M)
Usos 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4
~ .
·- ~. •
1 SJ 20 II 35
Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (M)
Uses 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6

. '
A hex developed Independently by Outcast Felkln. Something gained,
something lost.
This distorted dark, brewed by hexers, drains the life-force of those who
touch It. I
Resonant Flesh will temporarily Increase your max HP at the cost of souls. If Casting Ufedraln Patch Wiii release a swirling mass of dark energy that comes
you have little to no Souls on you when you cast this spell, you'll barely notice to rest a short distance In front of you and stays In place for B seconds. Any-
your health bar Increase at all, and that tiny Increase will only last 30 seconds. thing that comes In contact with this mass of energy will start taking constant
If you have enough souls so that the spell can take the 2000 that It requires, damage untll they move out of It, and that Includes you; make sure you have
however. the Increase In health Is around 20% and It will last for a full 60 plenty of space when casting this spell, because If you get caught within It
seconds. It should be noted, that while you technically h811e enough uses, the you'll start taking the same damage you wanted to Inflict on the enemy.
effect of Resonant Soul does not actually stack on top of Itself, but It will stack
on top of the effect brought on by other Items or equipment that Increase your The amount of damage done by the spell ls dependent on the number of
Souls that are awilable when you cast It, with 3000 being the highest amount
It will take. You can also have multiple Ufedraln Patches out at the same time,
you can use them to effect111ely block access to area Is you wish. The long
RESONANT WEAPON casting time does mean, however, that using In the heat of battle will be
- • 2 H 15 II 24 Uses 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5
extremely difficult.

- Acquired from Felkln the Outcast (M)

A hex developed Independently by Outcast Felkln. Something gained,
something lost. ~ • 2 U 27 II 44 Uses 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5

As with other Resonant Hexes, Resonant Weapon will require Souls to reap - Acquired from Darkdlver Granda hi (M)
the biggest benefits, which In this Instance r9\IOIVe around Imbuing the A hex created by an ostracized cleric. This hex, born of Jealousy and
weapon In the other hand with the dark element At the lower end of the humlllatlon, Is a locus of dark thoughts. The very things that reflect the true
boost when you have little to no Souls when you cast the spell, you will still essence of life Itself.
get the equlwlent of 60 dark attack power added to your weapon, on top of an
extra 10% dark element damage, but these effects will only last 10 seconds. Profound Still unleashes a wave of dark energy In an area around you, and any
enemies caught within the range of the wave will be unable to cast any spells
For maximum effect you will need to sacrifice 2000 Souls, at which point the
dark element damage will go up by 60% along With the 60 dark attaclc, and the for a full 30 seconds. Being able to totally take away the arsenal of opposing
speilcasters, even If only for a short time, can be an extremely wluable tool
effects wlll last for 60 seconds.
to have, and can easlly give you the upper hand during Invasions against that
type of opponent. It does h811e a very long casting time, however, so catching
opponents within Its reach wlll take some planning and forethought.

While Consumable items are more commonplace than their unique enemy at bay, knowing what to assign to your quick-select slots and
brethren, they are undeniably vital to your survival in Drangleic. when to use them could be the only thing that separates you from
From recovery items for survival to offensive items to keep the being affluent in Souls to being a Soul pauper.


Unlike in the original Dark Souls, recovery items outside of Estus ELIZA BE ru MUSHROOM
Flasks are much more commonplace here, so it's important not to Item Effect Restores 2000 HP CNer 44 seconds
be stingy in their use. Don't try to conserve your Lifegems in the Specially treated dried mushroom. Creal8s a euptxiric sensation \'ltien ingested, and
thinking that the next Bonfire is just round the corner; you'll never restor9S a large amount of HP owr time. Saint Elizabeth d9l'Oted her Ufe to helping the
needy by concocting medicine and potions. It's thought her great virtue was matched only
make it to that Bonfire if you do. by I\Qr sub! lmG b11:1 uty. but who can say no.v1


Item Effect Drink to restore 550 HP; each level restores an additional 50
H Pl; replenish at bonfires
A green glass bottle of unknown make. Fill it with Estus at a bonfire. and drink from
' '
Item EffGct Restores 35% of total number of spell uses
An annual I\Qrb with an amber color so deiip. it glV9S !he impression of lumin1;5c;nc11.
RIIS!ores a small numb,;r of spiill uses. It is the mistakCln belief of many that thii flowers
it to f'IISlore HP. lhe na1!Jrg of the link betwe;n the Estus Flasks and the bonfirgs that of this hiirb do not blossom. Howiiwr. small. white flowiirs do bl01Ssom during dusk when
illuminate the world of the Undggd is entirely unknown. But that is of 6nle concern, for any the moon is visible.
Undggd knows the value of 1h9Se f)fecious flasks.

HUMAN EFFIGY Item Effect Restores 60% of total number of spell uses
Item Effect Use to reverse Hollowing, or burn at a Bonfire to block certain
types of lnvaslon Agr.iy herb that grO\YS hidden among the rocky surfaais of tall mountains. Restores a
number of spell uses. There is no end to the scores of people who risk 6fe and limb to
A warm. soft. shadow1ikii effigy. Use this hiim to riiwrse Hollowing. It also weakens forage for this valuable herb, which led to a banning of hs harwst in som11 regions.
the links to otl\Qr wo~ds. p!WQnting invasions and most cooperation. f'Qer closiily at an
effigy, and one bQQi ns to pere11iw a human form, but whose form it tak1;1S depends on the
person looking. WILTED DUSK HERB
Item Effect Restores 70% of total number of spell uses
LIFEGEM A wilted and faded stalk of dusk herb. Restores a great deal of spell usss, A dusk herb in
bloom worjs wonders, but wil wilt in the blink of an r,ye. Needless to say, finding such an
Item Effect Restores 500 HP over 11 seconds
herb is of the utmost difficulty.
Small stone made up of crystallized souls. Gradually r9Stor9S a small amount of HP. Often
found near abandoned corpses, as if it were what remains of the soul.
P<.)I SON M<.)SS
........~..·. ,
~ ~ Item Effect Reduces poison build-up and cures poison
RADIAN r LI FEGEM , •. • r · ~
Item Effect Restores 860 HP over 19 seconds • A fainti'f poisonous clump of moss. \Jlihlll'l ingested, it counteracts poison and cl11anses
one's insides. If enouiih pcison builds up in the body to break out and cause poisoning,
Stone made up of orystallimd souls. Gradually restores HP.The dull g6mmer of these your HP will start to decreasG. If you wish to stay alive. you would do wGII to keep a
mysl8rious stones brightens whh the passage of time. supply close to l"gnct


Item Effect Restores 1300 HP over 29 seconds Item Effect Cures poison and restores 860 HP
Stone made up of crystallized souls. Gradually restores a large amount of HP. A rare stone A blessed charm. Cures poison and l'llStoriis HP. Many such charms w,;r11 bliissed In
wilh so briliant a shine would fetch a handsome price. But what 11alue could it really have, reconstructed ,mciiint airemonies. carried out in the monastery of Li ndelt. now knO\Yn as
wilhout knowing who died to l11aw it behind? the nrm home of miracles. Though it may lack lhe pO\ver of an original, in circumstances
dire enough, an imitation can be quite enough.


Item Ettect Cures poison and restores 1600 HP Item Effect Fully restores HP and cures all status effects

A blessed charm. Cures poison and greatly restores HP. A rare, ancient charm that is Holy water endo,.ved with a divine blessing. Cures status elfects and fully restores
s.aid to be endcmed wilh the po,.wr of dragons. It is not clear whether it is a m:in-made HP. Wolter blessed by an ancient goddess. Her name ls long forgotten. and the Magic
creafon. or of some olher nature. AcadQO'Tf of Melfia denies ewn har ;xistence. In any age, there are those who refuse to
see roason. It is their meddling that distorts the tMh.

Item Ettect Restores 860 HP and 60% of spell uses
Item Effect A smooth and silky stone. Restores 10% of HP when used, or
Crimson water of unkno,.vn origin. RllSlores HP and spell uses. Though kno,.vn to some as can be traded to Dyna & Tlllo
red holy water. not 6Wryone ackncmledges its holy status.
A smooth and silky stone. Use to slightly restore HP.The shine of this stone is no ordinary
polish. and can only be achi6Wd owr a long period. Some in this land are in sggrch of
0 CRIMSON WATER such stones.

!{ Item Ettect Restores 1500 HP and 70% of spell uses

Crimson water of unknown origin. Greatly restores HP and spell uses. Those who have
expe<ienced the powerful effect of this dimly lucent red water care not that its very origins
Item Effect Perfectly smooth and silky stone. Restores 20% of HP when
are completely unknown. used, or can be traded to Dyna & Tlllo
A perfectly smooth and silky stone. Use to restore HP.The shine of this stone is no
ordinary polish. and can only be achiewd CNer a long period. Some in this land are in
search of such mystical stones.


Common Soul items can be very useful when you are running low on Souls. Seen a particu-
larly useful Ring or need to strengthen that piece of armor just one more level? Consume a
few Soul items. Remember, only use them just before you spend them to avoid losing your
Souls. You can also use these from your Inventory menu all at once to save time instead of
using them one by one via a quick-select item slot.


Item Ettect Use to acquire 50 Souls Item Effect Use to acquire 3000 Souls
The fllding soul of a lost Undead who has gone HoUcm and still. Use to acquire souls. The

~ . Large soul of a proud Undead might who has long ago gone HoUow. Use to acquire many
soul Is the sourai of all life. and gygn In undeath. or hollcming. the mind se11«s souls. . . souls, The soul is 1hll sourai of all life. and ewn In undeath. or hollowing. tha mind seG«S souls.


Item Ettect Use to acquire 200 Souls Item Effect Use to acquire 6000 Souls
Soul of a lost Undead who has long ago gon11 Hollo,.v. Use to acquire souls. Th11 soul is the Soul of a brave Undead warrior who has long a go gone Hollow. U s11 to acquire a larg11
source of all tile. and eYen in undeath, or hollo,.'Ving, the mind seeks souls. amount of souls. The soul is the source of all lffe. and 6Wn in undeath. or hollowing, the
mind seeks souls.


Item Ettect Use to acquire 400 Souls LARGE St1UL OF A BRAVE WARRIOR
Item Effect Use to acquire 8000 Souls
Large soul of a lost Undeadwho has long ago gone Hollcm. Use to acquire souls. The soul
Is the source of all life. and own in undeath. or hollowing. the mind seeks souls. Larg11 soul of a brave Undead warrior who has long ago gona Hollcm. Use to acquire a
large amount of souls. The soul Is the souroe of all l~e. and ewn in undeath. or hollcming,
the mind seelcs souls.
Item Ettect Use to acquire 800 Souls
Soul of a nameless Undead soldiGr who has long ago gom1 Hollow. Us11 to acquir11 souls. Item Effect Use to acquire 10000 Souls
The soul is the soercs of all life, and ewn in undeath. or hollo\'Ang, th11 mind seeks souls.
Soul of a hero of leg11nd who has long ago gon11 H ol lo,.v. Us11 to aoquir11 a larg11 a mount
of souls. The soul is the source of all lffe. and eYen in undealh, or hollcming, the mind
Item Ettect Use to acquire 1000 Souls
Large soul of a nameless U ndggd sold ie< who has long a go gone Hollow. Use to acquire SOUL or A GREAT HERO
many souls. The soul Is the source of all life, and eYen in undeath. or hollcming. the mind Item Effect Use to acqul re 20000 Souls
seeks souls.
Great soul ofa he<o of legend who has long ago gone Hollcm. USII to acquire an incredible
amount of souls. The soul Is tha source of all life. and wen In undeath. or hollcmlng, tha
. I SOUL OF A PROUD KNIGHT mind Sllllks souls.
• Item Ettect Use to acquire 2000 Souls

. .'
Soul of a proud Undead ltnight who has long ago gone Hollo,.v. Use to acquire m:iny souls. SOUL OF A GIANT
·.. Th11 soul is th11 sourc11 of all lif11. and ewn in undeath, or hollo\'Ang, th11 mind seeks souls. Item Effect The soul possessed by a Giant. Use to acquire 10000 Souls, or
wlll lowerVendrlck's defense while In Inventory
The soul of a Giant who came to conquer Ora ngleic. VI.Ill the Giants' resentment for Iha
King be pacified In death. or only Gmboldened? can be used to acquire souls. only ...



These could be the most important items you ever have in your
Acquired from The Last Giant (El
Inventory. While it can be tempting to just consume one or two for
the quick Soul boost they'll give you, it is far more beneficial in the Item Effect Acquire 6000 Souls or trade for Giant Stone Axe
long run to trade them for powerful pieces of equipment or magic. Soul of the surviving glanl who was bound belcm the Forest of the Giants. M:any seasons
had come and gone. and the giant prepared for his final rest. But his soul remained
While they are very rare, remember you can beat bosses again magnifiainl testimony to his former strenglh. Use the special soul of the Last Giant to
to get more boss Souls by using a Bonfire Ascetic to make them acquire numerous souls. or to a-sate sorn11thing of groat wor1h.
spawn again, or by fighting them on a New Game+ run.
Acquired from The Pursuer (E)
Item Effect Aoqulre 8000 Souls or trade for Pursuer's Greatsword or
Pursuer's Greatshleld
Soul of the Pursuer. who lurks in Drangleic. The l'\Jrsuer. ,..tio seeks the bearer of the
sign. will not rest until his tirget is slain. Use the spsda I soul of the l'\Jrs uer to acquire
numerous souls. or to create somelhing of great worth.


Acquired from Dragonrlder (El, Dual Dragonrlders (El Acquired from Old Iron King (E)
Item Effect Acquire 6000 souis or trade for Dragonrlder's Halberd, Item Effect Acquire 25000 Souls or trade for Iron King Hammer
DragonrlderTwlnblade, Dragonrlder Bow or Dragonrlder Greatshleld
Soul of the Old Iron King, who succumbed to th11 flames that swallowed his castle. The
Soul of a Dragon rider. who faithfullyserwd King Vendrick. Long ago, the dragoll(iders Iron King's IIHh \WS charred, and his soul posSC1ssed b>f the things that lul1c below. Use th11
mounted wyrms, and \Wfe feared on the batllefield for their unparallelled strength. Use a spaool soul of the Old King to acquir11 num11rous souls. or to cr11a111 something of geat worth.
Dragonrider soul to acquire numerous souls. or to crlltate something of gr9:lt worth.
OLD DRAGONSLAYER SOUL Acquired from Scorploness NaJka (E)
Acquired from Old Dragonslayer (El
Item Effect Acquire 8000 Souls or trade for Soul Shower
Item Effect Acquire 10000 Souls or trade for Dragonslayer Spear
Soul of Scorpioness Najl(a. Najkli was born of the misdeeds of an ancient being. a frail
Soul of the Old Dragonslay&r. The Old DragonslaYQr is reminisaint of a certain knight that soul from the beginning. that soon succumbed to madn11Ss. USII the special soul of
ai;pears in old legends. US19 the special soul of the Old Dragonslayer to acquif9 numerrus SoorpionllSS Najka to acquir11 numerous souls. Of to create som11thing of great wonh.
sruls, or to create something of gr9:it worth.
fLEXIL E SENTRY SOUL Acquired from Royal Rat Authority (E)
Acquired from Flexile Sentry (E)
Item Effect Acquire 6000 Souls or trade for Acid Surge
Item Effect Acquire 6000 souts or trade for Warped Sword, Arced Sword
Soul of the Royal Rat Authority, of the underground re:i Im. Thos11 who chOOSll to sel'lll the
or Barbed Club Rat King must ha1111 IN courage to fac11 His chall11ng11s. Use the special soul of this rat to
Soul of the FIQXilll Sentry. The ReXile Sentry is a merciless creaue whose purpose is to acquire numerous souls, or to cr11ate som11thing of grci;it worth.
punish the Undead. Use the special soul of the Rexile SGntry to QCQUir11 num11rous souls.
or to cr1111t11 something of gr;at worth. SOUL C)F rHE DUKE'S DEAR fREJA
Acquired from The Duke's Dear FreJa (E)
Acquired from Ruin Sentinels (E) Item Effect Acquire 25000 Souls or trade for Spider Fang or Spider's Silk
Soul of thll Duke's loyal F'reja. the Withing Ruin's Keep;r. The Withing Ruin is an ancient
Item Effect Acquire 6000 souts or trade for He311Y Homing Soul Arrow thing whose shadow f9malns cast over Iha land. Tsc;jdora is a place burdened by terrible
Soul of th11 Ruin Sentinel, a Clllatlon of tho jaier. Tho Ruin S11ntinol has no corporeal form. misd1111ds. and thOSIII who rgmained thQre w;re transf«med beyond recognition. Use the
It is only an 11mpty soul that haun1S the armor. USII the special soul of thQ Ruin SentinQI to splldal soul of the KQ;p;r to acquire numerous souls. or to creat11 something of grci;it worth.
acquire numgrous souls, or to cr;ate something of great worth.
BELFRY GARGOYLE SOUL Acquired from Royal Rat Vanguard (E)
Acquired from Belfry Gargoyles (E)
Item Effect Acquire 6000 Souls or trade for Toxic Mist
Item Effect Acquire 6000 soue or trade for GargO'{le Bldent Soul of the Rat King's vanguard. of th11 underground realm. Thl Rat Klng's I01al servant
Soul of the Gargoyle of the Lost Bastllle. Thl elaborate stone statue on the belfry judges lhe worthin11Ss of those who s1111k royal audience. Use the special soul of this
myst;riously came to tile. Use the splldal soul of this living statue to acquire numerous soldier to acquire numerous souls, or to create something of great worth.
sruls. or to cre:i 111 something of great worth.
SOUL (.)F rHE Ro1-rEN
SOUL OF rHE i.osr SINNER Acquired from The Rotten (E)
Acquired from The Lost Sinner (E)
Item Effect Acquire 25000 Souls or trade for Butoher's Knife
Item Effect Acquire 26000 souls or trade for Lost Sinner's sword Soul of the Rotten. who writhes deep within the Gutter. The Rotten embraces all. in his
Soul of the Lost Simer. prisoner of Sinner's Rise. The Lost Sinner etema lly punishes sanctuary for all things unwanted or tossed away. Use the special soul of the Rotten to
herself for the sins of her past. Use the special soul of the Lost SI nn;r to acquire acquire numerous souls, or to cr11ate som11thing of gr;at worth.
numerous souls. or to craatll something of great worth.
EXECUTION ER'S CHARIOT SOUL Acquired from Darklurker (E)
Acquired from Executioner's Charlot (E) Item Effect Acquire 22000 Souls or trade for Ufedraln Patch
Item Effect Acquire 8000 Souls or trade for Charlot Lance or Shleld Crossbow Soul of what lurks in the Dark Chasm. The Dal1c Chasm of Old is the remnant of some
Soul of the Executioner's Chariot that holds control ovsr the Undead Purgatory. The ancient. dissipatlld bQing. Use thQ sp11eial soul of what lurks within to acquif'II num;rrus
chariot \WS crlltated only to torment Und93d. and it took Iha rorm of a horrendous mad souls, or to cr11ate som11thing of gr;at worth.
steed. a window into th11 soul of its master. Use the special srul of the Execution;r's
Charlot to acquire numerous souls. or to cr1111t11 something of gr11at worth. LOOKING GLASS KNIGHT SOUL
Acquired from Looking Glass Knight (E)
Ac qui red from Slee le ton Lords (E) Item Effect Acquire 18000 Souls or trade for Thorned Greetsword Of King's Mirror
Srul of the Looking Glass Knight. who challllflges visitors to the lordless castle. Long
Item Effect Acquire 6000 sects or trade for Roaring Halberd ago, the Kin11·s Passage was a route taken by the brawst warriors to prove 1hemsc;jws,
Soul of a Skeleton Lord, who reigned from deep within the Huntsman's Copse. The Old but now it only pre'l'9nts one from pursuing thll runaway king. Use tha special soul of this
Iron King commanded the capture of all Undead, but those charged with tha task werg knight to acquir11 numerous sruls. or to create something of great worth.
owrcome by the cursa. Use the special soul of tha Skeleton Lord to acquire num;rrus
sruls, or to cr11at11 something of great worth. DEMON OF SONG SOUL
Acquired from Demon of Song (E)
Acquired from Covetous Demon (E) Item Effect Acquire 12000 Souls or trade for Spotted Whip
Srul of the Demon of Song at the Shrine of Amana. When this demon devc;joped a taste
Item Effect Acquire 6000 souts or trade for Bone Scythe ror human f111Sh. It was contained within the Shrine of Amana. but the lin11 of priestesses
Soul of the Covetous Demon. that dewurs all things. Eating is an e)(J)f9ssion of d11Sir11. who looked after the shrine and ai;peased th11 crci;iture h.lVll died off. Use th11 sp11eial soul
Th;r11 once \WS a man whose deep affections were unrequited. He transformlld into th11 of this demon to acquire numerous sruls. or to Cf9atll something of grgat worth.
Cov111rus Demon. which only made lonelier than -r before. Use the special srul of th11
Covetrus Demon to acquire numerous sruls. or to create something of gr;at worth. SOUL OF VELSTADr
Acquired from Velstactt. the Royal Aegis (E)
Item Effect Acquire 15000 Souls or trade for Sacred Oath or Sacred Chime
Acquired from Mytha, the Baneful Queen (El
Item Effect Acquire 10000 Souls or trade for Mytha's Bent Blade
Srul of th11\lelstadt. d11fender of the King insid11 th11 Undead Crypt. ~lstadt was always at
Soul of Mytha. the Baneful Queen, who llvllS in the Earthen Pllak. The QueGO sought the King's side, as ff he were his lord's own shadow. Aftsr the King retired to the Undead
thQ King's aff11ctloo. -n poisoning herself to att.iln b;auty, despite thll monstrous Crypt, ~lstadt followed, never to return. Use thll special soul of thi.s might to acquire
consgqu11nces. All for the compelling madness known as love. Us11 the special srul of the num&rrus souls, or to create something of great worth.
Oue11n to acquire numerous sruls, Of to create som11thing of great wonh.
SMELJ'ER DEMON St.)UL Acquired from Shrine of Amana (Pl
Acquired from Smelter Demon (E)
Item Effect Acquire 50000 Souls or trade for Ruler's SWOrd, King's Ultra
Item Effect Acquire 8000 Souls or trade for Smelter sword Greatsword or King's Shield
Srul of the sme1111r Demon. that haunts the castlll that sank Into a pool of iron. The Old Iron Soul of \llndrick. King of Dranglelc. The King \WS wasted a\WY. a shadow of his former
King's l~e was takGn b>/ a mass of Iron that had be11n glvlln a srul. was this meta I goliilth self. but still held something dear. Us11 the soul of he who would link the flame to acquire
there from the b;ginning. or was it a product of lhe king's concQitl USII the special srul of numerous souls. or to create something of great worth.
the SmQllllr Demon to acquire num;rous souls. or to creat11 something of great wOllh.
Acquired from Guardian DraQon (E) Acquired from Nashandra (E)
Item Effect Acquire 14000 Souls or trade for Drakewlng Ultra Greatsword Item Effect Acquire 30000 Souls or trade for Scythe of Want, Chime of
or Spitfire Spear Want or Bow of Want
Soul of a dragon that guards the path to the shrine. Do the dragcos watch ovsr the land of Soul of Nash.Indra, Qu99n of DrarY,lleic. Nashandra was born of the Dark with an insatiable
their O\Yn will, or are they in the grip of coe of Aldia's spells? Use the special soul of this I ust for stnlrY,lth. Use the special soul of this priscoer of desire to acquire numi;rous souls.
dragon to acquire numerous souls. or to create something of gr99t worth. or to create something of great worth.


Acquired from Dragon Memories (P) Acquired from Lost Sinner (E) (NG+ onty)
Item Effect Acquire 76000 Souls or trade for Curved Dragon Greatsword Item Effect Acquire 60000 Souls or trade for Chaos Blade
Soul of the great ancient dragon that stands magnificently, deep within the shrine. This Soul of the ineffable. This once-magnificent soul continues to exsrt influence over the land,
powerful being stands and waits, for whoewr may \isit him. Use the dragon soul. cr9aled ewn after the eons have reduced It to th9Se remnants. Use it to acquire numerous souls,
by those who peered into the essence of the soul. to acqure numerous souls. or to create or to create something of great worth.
something of great worth.


GIANT LORD SOUL Acquired from Old Iron King (E) (NG+ only)
Acquired from Giant Lord (E)
Item Effect Acquire 75000 Souls or trade for Blinding Bolt or Dragonslayer
Item Effect Acquire 26000 Souls or trade for Repel Greatbow
Soul of the Giant Lord, who once conquered Drangleic. The Giants landed on the northern Soul of thg ineffable. This onoe-magnificgnt soul continugs to gX8rt influcinc:Q ovgr the land.
shores, and set siege to King Vendrick's casde to claim an invaluable prizs. Use the special even after the eons have reduc:Qd It to tha,se remnants. Use it to acquire numerous souls,
soul of this Giant to acquire numerous souls, or to cr99te something of grggt wor1h. or to create a something of great worth.


Acquired from Throne Defender (E) Acquired from The Rotten (E) (NG+ only)
Item Effect Acquire 16000 Souls or trade for Defender Greatsword or Item Effect Acquire 60000 Souls or trade for Crypt Blacksword
Defender's Shield
Soul of the ineffable. This onoe-magnificgnt soul continues to gX8rt influcinc:Q ovgr tha land,
Soul of the Throne Dgfender. Thg throng of thg King is sacrgd, and r9quirgs an appropria!Q even aftgr thg sons have reduc:Qd it to thGSe remnants. Usg it to acquirg numerous souls.
guardian. Use th; spGClal soul of thg Ogfgndgr to acquire numgrous souls. or to crga!Q or to crgate something of great worth.
something of great wonh.


THRONE WATCHER SOUL Acquired from Duke's Dear Freja (E) (NG+ only)
Acquired from Throne Watcher (E)
Item Effect Acquire 60000 Souls or trade for Moonlight Greatsword or
Item Effect Acquire 16000 Souls or trade forWatd'ler Greatsword or Crystal Soul Spear
Watcher's Shield
Soul of the ineff.ible. This once-magnificent soul continues to exsrt influenc:Q <Mlr thg land,
Soul of the Throne Watcher. The throne of the King is sacred. and must be obserwcf even after the eons have reduced It to tha,se remnants. Use it to acquire numerous souls,
closely at all tlrnes, Use the special soul of theWatchi;r to acquire numerous souls, or to or to create something of great worth.
create something of great worth.



Offensive items are fairly commonplace, but it can be easy to forget Item Effect Cleanse Undead with holy essence
you have them. For melee classes in particular, Throwing Knives can
be a ltfesaver to attack from range when you have no other options An urn filled with crystal-dear water. Originally intendad as a soothing potion, this water
sea Ids the skin of Undead and HollO\YS. In the old capital of Mirrah, an ancient. wel~
to do so. Remember also that Firebombs can be used to detonate protected spring produo9S holy water, but the water has been dffficult to acquire ever
since Mirrah became embroiled in wa[
explosive barrels or set fire to tar, useful for taking out nearby en-
emies or opening shortcuts. -·---

Fl REB<.1MB Item Effect Uses acid to destroy equipment
Item Effect Explodes, Inflicting fire damage
Bisqll9 urn fined with blade pO\Wer. Explodes, inflicting fire damage. Though this urn
is a crude and commonplace weapon. it OW9S its continued usage to its simpicity and
effectivenGSs In a 1,grlgty of situations.
' .. Um filled with secretions of giant corrcslvs ants. Powerful add inflicts damaoe on
equipmgnt. G lant anthUls creatCld by thg corrosive ants I ing the horizon of the dgsen land
of Jugo. Ant lar1,ge are consldergd a delicacy. but he who enters an anthill uninvited will
have th11ir flesh melted to thg bong.


Item Effect Explodes, Inflicting fire damage CNer a large radius Item Effect Throw at enemies to Inflict physlcal damage
Throwing knff11. Used as a projectilll. This simple weapon is easily utilized. Its range is
Bisqll9 urn filled with blade pO\•~er. Explodes, inflicting great fire damage. Utilizes a
limited. and It deals V9ry lil1fe damage, but even still. it is a valuable tool in Iha absencg of
powerful explosive devllloped in the fa lien kin11(1om of Forossa. Black firebombs can cause
othar ranged weapons.
harm to their owners when misused. and Forossa law defined stringent standards for their
safg storagg,


WITCHING URN Item Effect Throw at enemies to Inflict physlcal and poison damage
Item Effect Explodes to deal magic damage
A throwing knife. Intended to poison the target more than inflict direct damage. This
A small clay urn enwreathed in magic. Explod9S, inflicting magic damage. Created in simple weapon is ggsily utilized. but has limlted range and deals little damage. Howewr. if
Mglfla. a land that flourishes with magic and 17iromancy. Though thg magic contained In the knife can cause poison. the target will take damage for some time.
thg um lacks potency, It is a boon to any inexp;rienc:Qd travel;r.


.! Item Effect Throw at enemies to Inflict physical and bleed damage

Item Effect Explodes, lnfllctlng lightning damage
A throwing knife. Its sharp bladg Is Intended to cause blCIGding rather than simply inflict
A small clay urn enwreathed in lightning. Explodes. inflicting lightning damage. Created in damagg. This simplg weapon is easily utWiNd. but has limitQd rangg and deals lil1fg
Melfla. a land that flourishes with magic and 17iromancy. Though thg Ughtnlng con ta lngd in damagQ. Howciwr. If thg knffli can causg blgCldlng. the targgt's max HP will be 10\YQred.
thg um lacks potency, It is a boon to any inexp;rignc:Qd travel;r.

Item Effect Explodes, lnfllctlng dark damage
Hexed black lacquer urn. Explodes. inflicting dark damage. VI.Ith the dark an of hexing
sticdy forblddgn. who would darg fill an urn with such power? Tog vr;,ry origins of the an
,~. - .
Item Effect Poisons foes, but also affects oneself
A large axcrement. Still rath;r warm. Throw at enemy to cause rapid onsat of poison, but
you too will be subjected to the samg bang. Most warriors are loath to coma n9ar a thirY,l
like this. much 19SS carry It around, but therein W9S the advantage.
;irg unclear. Y9t another reason hexing is !Qarcid.


Enhancement items are also easy to forget to use, but they can Item Effect Boosts petrify DEF by 20% for 90 seconds
be the most important aspect of making a particularly tough boss irod'les that 9Xllde the sci;nt of rust. Temporarily boosts petrify rssist. Varbal histories
fight much, much easier. Strengthen your weapon to the boss's o1ten mantion Saint Elizabeth; her uniquely concocted medicines and potions are stil
widsly used today.
elemental weakness and wade in two-handed to deal epic damage.
Defensively, researching an area then strengthening the relevant
resistances you will need can be very useful to aid survival, particu- AR<)MATIC OOZE
Item Effect Boosts exlsUng element by 30% and adds 60 to magic attack
larly in poison Infested areas. value of the right-hand weapon for 90 seconds
A myst;rlous sticky substanc:G that radiates a pale whit; light. Appies magic to right-hand
GREEN BLOSSOM weapon. The affectad weapon inflicts magic damage for a short tima. Particula rty effective
Item Effect Boosts stamina recovery by 7% for 60 seconds against hea~ly armored foes or creatures with thick scales.

Green we9d shaped like a leafy flow"4'. Tempoorily boosts stamina rec0\/9ry sp99d. At one
point, this hQrb was awided due to Its unusually bitter tiste. but once its effec1S bGCame GOLD PINE RESIN
known. it was harwsl9d to near axtinction l7t merchants. NOIY, only gxceptionally r-re.
Item Effect Boosts exlsUng element by 30% and adds 60 to lightning
wild spooimens of this plant are left.
attack value of the right-hand weapon for 90 seconds
A rare pine resin with a golden glint. Appli;s lightning to right.hand weapon. The aff9Cled
SMALL BLUE BURR weapon inflicts lightning damage for a short time. Particularty effective against foes who
Item Effect Boosts magic DEF by 15% for 90 seconds ar; r;sistant to magic and fir9.

A small blu9 burr. Tirnporarily boosts magic d9fense. Th9s9 burrs bloom magnific9ntly
on a shrub ewry 1- )'llars, their color and effllct d9termined l7t soil quallty and r9C9nt CHARCOAL PINE RESIN
W9ilther. Knc,.,;n to haw b9Gn used in rltuals long ago.
Item Effect Boosts existing element by 30% and adds 60 to fire attack
value of right-hand weapon for 90 seconds
SMALL YELLOW BURR Blade d'larcoal~ike pine resin. Appfies fire to right-hand weapon. The affecl9d weapon
Item Effect Boosts lightning DEF by 16% for 90 seconds i nflic1S fire damage for a short tima. Particularly effectiv9 against anamies vulnerable to
fire. such as Undead or b9asts.
A small )'llll OIY burr. Temporarily boosts lightning dllfenSII. Thgse burrs bloom magnificently
on a shrub awry few )'llars, their color and afflict d9termined l7t so~ quallty and r9e9nt
weather. KnOl'ln to haw been used in rituals long ago. DARK PINE RESIN
Item Effect Boosts exlsUng element by 30% and adds 60 to dark attack
value of right-hand weapon for 90 seconds
Item Effect Boosts fire DEF by 16% for 90 seconds H9Xlld pine rasin. Applies dark flame to right-hand weapon. The affected waapon inflicts
dark damage for a short time. Particularty effec1ive against enamies that fear dark, such as
A small orang9 burr. Tempoorily boosts fire defllns9. Th9s9 burrs bloom magnWk:ently clerics and magical creattKes.
on a shrub ewry few ygars. their color and effect dlll9rmined l7t so~ quallty and r9C9nt
weather. Kn01Yn to haw been used in rituals long ago.
.. {{•·. -·1 Item Effect Boosts exlsUng element by 60% and adds 20 to poison attack
.~~· ·.....-" ,'
value of right-hand weapon for 90 seconds
Item Effect Boosts dark DEF by 16% for 90 seconds \.,. . /
This Rott9n Pine Resin has gone poisonous. AppliCIS poison to right-hand weapon.
Troches with an ine)(plicably pungent odor. Temporarily boosts dark defense. \49rbal Pl:>isoned foes slowly lose HP owr time.
histories often mi;nlion Saint l:lilllb&th; her uniquely concocted medicines and potions are
stil I widely used today.
Item Effect Boosts exlsUng element by 60% and adds 20 to bleed attack
COMMON FRUIT value of right-hand weapon for 90 seconds
Item Effect Boosts poison DEF by 20% for 90 seconds
A jar of carnivorous plant secretions. Applies bleeding effect to right.hand w1iapon.
A spotted fruit. Temporarily boosts poison resist. This common fruit has no taste. but when Ble9ding foes' max HP is IOIYGf9d.
facing a true test of mettl9. its b9n9fi1S could makQ the differenc:G b9tw9Gn life and death.


RED LEECH TROCHES ,f-, I Item Effect Boosts luck and Increases Item discovery by 1 % for 300
/•,·.~ -.
Item Effect Boosts bleed DEF by 20% for 90 seconds . . ;,
·, • ' . 6'
Troches with an oddly charred odor. Temporarily boosts bleeding resist. Verbal histories An old rusted coin. Crushing the coin temporarily boosts ludc. This rusted coin gives you that
often mi;ntion Saint l:lilllbeth; her uniquely concocted mlldicines and potions are still I ittla extra bit of ludc, making items and the like egsier to find. The coin is with the
widely used today. ' imaga of a god that was worshipped in ancii;nt times, but no one knOl'IS i1S true origins.


These items are largely used to interact with other players when playing online. Whether
invading or co-operating, entering the worlds of other Undead Is one of the most important
aspects of Dark Souls II.


Acqul red from M !Id-Mannered Pate (Q) Acquired from Tltchy Gren (M)

Item Effect Leave summon sign : AlioWs you to enter another game as Item Effect Leave Invasion sign: Allows you to enter another game as a
a friendly White Phantom (Gold Phantom If part of the Heirs of the Sun Dark Spirit
Online play item. Leave ir,.,asion sign. Be summonad to anothllf wo~d as a dark spiri~
Online play Item. Legve summon sign. Be summoned as a phantom to another world in and def11at the summoner to acquira a Token of Spite. Somg Undead pm;vere along th9
order to help that world's master for a c:Grtaln time. 'rou will b9 r!l>varded with a Tok;n of honorabla path QYQn altar crossing into the dark. Tha Rad Sign Soapstone is for them.
Rdelity for suoogssfully assisting the other playgr. The flow of timg is distorted in th9SCI
lands, and the White Sign Soapstone allows Undllad to assist on11 anoth;r.


Acquired from Cathedral of Blue (P), Old Knight (E), Sparkling Sisters Dyna
&Tlilo (Ml
Acquired from Forest of Fallen Giants (P)
Item Effect Invade the world of the gullty: Can only be used when part of
Item Effect Leave summon sign: Allows you to enter another game as a
Blue Sentinels Covenant, allows you to Invade other Invaders
friendly small White Phantom (small Gold Phantom If part of the Heirs of
the Sun Covenant) Onlirni play it;m. lnvad9 thewoMdof the guilty. Can only b9 used bym9mbers of tho Blue
Sontinels cownant. Punish the guilty to strengthen the bond with your covenant.
Online play itsrn Leave summon sign. Be summoned as a shade to another world in
order to help that world's master for a cQflaln time. 'rou will b9 reward9d for succ9SSfully
assisting the other pl;yllf. The effect Is not as long.lived as that of the Wlite Sign
Soapstone. and It is used only in particular places.


Acquired from Forest of Fallen Giants (Pl, Huntsman's Copse (Pl, Iron Acquired from Altar at Things Betwixt (Pl (after time has passed)
Keep (Pl, Things Betwixt (Pl, Undead Purgatory (Pl, Enslaved Pig (El, Flame
Salamander (El, Torturer (El, Sparkling Sisters Dyna & Tlllo (Ml Item Effect Restores the link to other worlds: Allows you to take part In
multlplayer activities fl you have been restricted due to disconnecting
Item Effect Invade other worlds : Allows you to Invade as a Red Phantom,
Online play item. You will be punished for fleeing from other wortds l>t disconn9Cting
winning a Token of Spite If you defeat the host unjustly. HowllVQr, this ch:irm will dlspgrse 1he ire directed at you. But sins are not easily
Online pt;iy item. lnv.i de other worlds. Defeat 1he master ol lhG wo~d you h:lve Invaded burted. and there's no telling if you will be let off so eas~y next time. Each encoun!Qr in Mle
to acquire a Token of Spite. The residual sins of those who haVG succumbed to dark Is a PfllCious turn of fate. and fate 1.,;11 not be cheated.
temptations are contained in the form of the Cracked P.Qd Eye Orb.
DRAGON EYE Acquired from Forest of Fallen Giants (P), also starting gift

Acquired from Dragon Remnants (C)
Item Effect Invade a world with a dragon scale: Allows you to Invade a
player that has a Dragon Scale which you can take upon defeating them
Item Effect Enemies react to Invaders from other worlds; Makes enemies
attack Invading players
Online play ltGm. enemies react to inv.lders. Vvhen the giants fell. 1hQ'f grllW into
Online pay item. lnv.ide a world with a Dragon Scal11 to daim the scale from its master. If great trees. Death is not the end. for any1hing that has QVQr OOCQ liVGd remains a part of a
our human flesh is our greatest weakness. then those who seek a form that imitates the great cycle of regeneration. But what of 1hose outside of the cycle!
a ndent dragons are the true \Qnguard.
BLACK SEPARATION CRYSTAL Acquired from Victor's Stone In Majula
Acquired from Default Item
Item Effect View the names of glorious champions: Use this when
Item Effect Banish phantoms, return to your world: No other details onllne to view the rankings of other players belonging to the company of
Champions Covenant
A symbol of farewells that has bean passed oown since time immemorial. The crystal
sends phantoms back to their hom9S. or sends you back to yours. lM'lather anding in hopg Online pla'f itGm. Shows the names of the greatest victors ol 1he Company of Champions
or despeir. enooun!Qrs are valuable QXPertences. Bl!Ware lickle use of this i!Qm. COIIQnant. This tablet, chiseled from the "1ctor's Stone. is engraved wi1h the names of the
brave warriors who have offered the most awestones. as if they were epitaphs, honoring
their llv9S.
Ac qui red from Un dead Crypt (Pl
Item Effect Dried fingers with multiple knuokles: Greatly reduces the Acquired from Undead Crypt (Pl, Iron Keep (P)
period of time between Invasions so that other players can Invade your
world more frequently. Item Effect Invade world of a traitor: Lets you Invade the world of the
Nameless Usurper, ucia
Dried lingers with multiple knuckles. ShrivGied, but radiating a pecufiarwarmth. By the
number of knuckles. it couldn't h:ive been human. but perhaps some qulllSlions are blllSI A crushed eye orb with an unfocused gaze. The aushed QY9 writh9S unsteadily, in search
left unasked. of dishonorable miscreants. Where are 1he fiends. where are they ...


Some of the most important items in the game fall in this category, like the Soul Vessel.
Make sure you make use of all of them when you find them, and don't let them gather dust
in your Inventory. Of particular note are Pharros' Lockstones and Fragrant Branches of Yore;
these will grant you access to paths and characters that you would otherwise miss out on.


Item Effect •Return to last bonfire rested at• Item Effect "Transform to blend In to environment"
A white.ashen bone. Return to last bonfire rested at. Bonfir95 bum on the bones of A tiny charm embedded with imitatiwmagic. Use to transform into something to blend in.
Undead. And this bone. belonging to one wh059 journey was cut short, has the p(J\'Yer to Use this talisman to hide from invaders. Only prOIAdes the most superficial camouflage,
travel to bonfires. As if it yearns to resume its futile quest. .. but sometimes that is anough to do the trick.


Item Effect •Return to last bonfire rested at Item will not be consumed.• Item Effect "Lures certain types of enerntesr Lasts for 5 sec
Can also be traded with Royal Sorcerer Navlaan
A skull of unknown uwnersh ip. Smashing it releases traces of souls, which attract nearby
An aged bird feather. Return to last bonfire rested at. Can be used repeatedly. The child of foes. Does not work on all enemies, but can prOV9 us&ful in un9Xpected ways.
th11 dragon. sequlllSlered away from the world. imagined a world of boundless possibilities
from the mere sight of a leather.
Item Effect "Blocks Estus recovery within a limited area.· Lasts for 30 sec
Talisman used by darlc knights. Blocks Estus reC0\19ry within a limited area. It is said that
Item Effect· Lose souls, and return to last bonfire used." the daric knights used these talismans to hunt down accursed Undead. Clarie knights
An accursed mark. The Darkslgn induais death. returning the player to the last bonfire fight with pride. and by blocking th11 rec<M1ry of the Undead. thQ'f can also fight with
restGd at. at th11 cost of all souls held. Do what you must to gather the pieces. scraping impunity.
them into some semblanai of a wholia, before 1he will to do so lades.
REPAIR POWDER Item Effect "Head becomes a dragon head until you die." Set to Item Slot
Item Effect· Restores equipment durability of all slot weapons. armor and and use to equip, use again to breathe flame
rings.· Restores 30 durablllty to weapons, 60 to armor, 20 to rings. A stone containing the strength of dragons. Transforms the head into that of a fire-
Enchanted metal rendered into powder. Repairs equipment. Wea pons and armor wear breathini;i dragon. an affect 1hat w,11 urnain until deeth. The zeelots who sought 9\lll~asting
do,m with use. Allow too much waar, and you won't be able to use them. You have only IWa ara said to have ccnducted rites to imbua stones with 1he strength of dragons. but
yourself to blame ii you find yourself in aisis with no powder to spare. their ar11 no rscords confirming their success.


Item Effect "Body becomes a dragon until you die." Set to Item Slot and
Item Effect • Emits light, and marks one's path." Also plays sound at deadly
use to equip, use again to Increase attack
A stone containing the strength of dragons. Transforms the body into a roaring dragon, an
A slighUy warm rock. Emits a beautiful. phasing aura of seven colors. with a VGry rare
effect that will remain until death. The zealots who sought 9119rlastirQ life are said to haw
eighth. The prism stone does nothing special, but~ you fllel you may lose your way. it can
conducted rites to imbue stones with the strength of dragons. but the truth of such claims
s;rVG as a pa th marker.
is qug,stionabla.


Item Effect· Light tord"I autonomously." Lets you light Torch without having Item Effect "Old wood carving that says "Hello: Item will not be
a source of fire available consumed.•
Bottle filted wi1h dried red butterflies. Stimulation of th9Se rare butterflies creates a small This t;ai s:iys "HeMol" Doesn't it look friendly?
flame. aUowing torches to be lit on the go. Th959 butterflies 9XUdll secretions which Ignite
upon exposure to air. prot9Cting them from natural predators. Known and loved as handy
fir~ighters. but feared as the catalysts of disastrous fires when found in swarms.


Item Effect ·01d wood carving that says ·ThankYou~ Item will not be Item Effect "Lowers required faith by 1 for chosen spell~ Speak to
consumed." Magerold of Lanafir In Iron Keep to Infuse Spice Into a spell
lhis faCII s;ys "Thank You" Dogsn't it look app-gdative? A spic9 exuding a peculiar aroma. A sp911 d9mands devotion from its cast9f. but using
this splCII makes a chos9n sp911 attainable with 1 less flllth. Wil only wcrk with assistance
from a Cllrtain person. The spice does not raise one's faltl\. but only obfuscates the
l'M SORRY CARVING rgquirem9nt.
Item Effect ·01d wood carving that says· rm Sorry7 Item wUI not be
consumed." PETRIFIED EGG
lhis faCII s;ys "I'm So,ry" Doesn, it look apologetic? Item Effect "An unidentified petrified egg." Can be traded
A large perlfied ggg. SurQly bQalS no Ille. Eggs are wssels that harbor Ufe Itself. and
VERY GOOD! CARYi NG symboli:m lhe deepest secrots of existenCII. But what does a p9trified egg harbor?
Item Effect ·01d wood carving that says ·very Good I~ Item will not be
lhis faog says "Very Good I" Do9Sn't It look ch&&rtul? Item Effect "Activates Pharros' contraption.· Contraptions can be found on
walls and In floors
ESTUS FLASK SHARD Stone activating a creation of Pharros the Vagabond. Pharros the Vagabond was a legend
who wandered the lands, creating contrapfons to help those in sinoere and dire need. lhe
Item Effect "Grants addltlonal Estus Flask uses (up to 12)." Give to Emerald scope of his trawls was so wide that the Pharros has been mistakenly credited with many
Herald In Majula to gain extra Estus Flask uses inventions lhat were crafted by others.
lhe shard of an Estus Flask. Shards :Ill!deeply soaked in Estus. Graft the shard to an
Es1Us Flask to inaQQse flask uses. CNer th11 ages, countless souls r11Sted their bon9S as
thllY drank from th11 original flask. And now this shard r11mains, serving as a VllCStige of
their nopes and dreams. Item Effect "Restores Uvlng things from petrification." Vital for Interacting
with some N PCs
SUBLIME BONE DUST A fragrant trQe branch with a fllint SWQetsmQII. Restorgs the l~e of things turned to stone.
Extended inhalation of the branch's scent can lead to coughing and nausea.
Item Effect "Burn In bonfire to upgrade Estus Flask." Increases recovery
power up to 6 levels
Charllld, ashen bcnss. Cast 1h&m into th& Far Fir& in Majula to ina&asg the HP rt!Slored
with each use of your flask. n,gy say these are the rema Ins of a saint who cast himself Item Effect "A petrified object that Is pleasant to toucl\." Can be traded
into the bonfire. But we wiU never know for sure. for soot and ashes tell no story.
An unld9ntified petrified object. Pleas:ant to the touch. despite Its looks. A rare and
peculiar thing, to be Cllrtain. but one without a known purpose.
Item Effect ·sum In bonfire to strengthen nearby foes.· Recreates SOUL VESSEL
environment near Bonfire as If In a NG+ Item Effect "Show this to a certain person, and ... • Speak to Fire Keeper In
Tossing 1his into a bonfire strengthens nearby follCS. Once the Bonfire Ascetic is dewured Things Betwixt to re-assign stat points
by the flam9S, its effects can never be rewrsed. Be prepared before using this perilous
embl!f. Fi ra exhit:its a connection to 1he curse, and when the flames grow stronger, so A VQSSQI that will accept your souls. It can allow reallocation of l9V9ls, but wilhout propg-
dogs the curse. assista nee. it may simply drain you of souls. If you truly 1<Ash to start again, go to the place
where your journey began.

Item Effect • Has no value· I
Item Effect "Light on sconces or bonfires for Illumination." Each Torch

A piece of rubbish that is good for nothing. One man's rubbish is another man's riches. for collected acids +3 min to total time, unless you have O time, collected Torch
value, is in the eye of the beholder. But utiltyis anothllf matter. and lhis has none. then adds +6 min
A torch made by soaking the end of a long sdck in pine resin. Light the torch on the fire
SIMPLEfON's SPICE of a sconce to illuminate areas for a shat time. Find new torches to extend this period.
Torlhes can ewn be lit on bonfires. the flames of which do not normally set objects alight
Item Effect "Lowers required Intelligence by 1 for chosen spell." Speak to dU9 to th9 coaling of th9 bones usgd to fu911hem.
Magerold of Lanaflr In Iron Keep to Infuse Spice Into a spell
A spice exuding a peculiar aroma. A spQI I demands devotion from its caster. but using
this spiCII makllS a chosen spell attainable with 1 less intQllig'1flce. W~I only work with
assistance from a amain person. The spice dollS not raise one's intelligence. but only
obfuscat;s the requiroment.


While many Covenants are related to activities that don't require items to rank them up,
some still do. Others still require you to hold a certain item before they will even let you Join
them. This list will tell you what's what.


Acquired from Succeed In a co-op multlplayer endeavor, Huntsman's Acquired from Mounted Overseer (E), also granted to both players when
Copse (Pl co-operating using White Stone Soapstone while part of Covenant

Item Effect Proof of helplng another world's master (recovers host's HP): Item Effect Medal to offer to Altar of Sunlight: Used to Increase devotion
Used to Join Blue Sentinels Covenant As recovery Item, lasts 6 sec to to Heirs of the Sun Covenant
restore 360 HP
A medal depicting the sun. Offer it to the altar to stnmgth9n 1he bond with your covenant.
Token recognizing that the a.vner has trawled worlds to help others. Whgn in olher ThQ slight warmth of thQ medal makes valor trim within one's bosom. The braw fighters
wo~ds, it can also be used to restore the master of the world's HP. but this is only a who bore 1hese meda Is :are gone. but the sun newr sets. On this day begins lhe contest
secondary effect of the item. Simply carrying these tokens shows the deplh of the to find the Sun's ruest son.
holder's fidelity.

TOKEN OF SPITE Acquired from Aldla's Keep (Pl, Dark Spirit: Dragonfang Villard (El, Dragon
Acquired from Succeed In Invasion multlplayer endeavor. Grave of Saints Knight (E). Invade another player using Dragon Eye and defeat them
Item Effect Scale to offer to the dragon: Used to increase devotlon to
Item Effect Proof of defeating another world's master (remains until death Dragon Remnants covenant
or transportation): Used to Join Brotherhood of Blood Covenant
A scale from the body of an anci11nt dragon. Offer to the dragon to bring your own flesh
Token recogniZing that the a.vngr has traveled worlds to defeat others. IM'l'1fl used .. closer to that of th9 eternal ancient dragon. Touching an ancloot dragon scale gives one
you are more litcllly to summon invaders from other worlds for a period of time. Simply a glimpse into the abyss. Betiewrs in the dragon wiU rise abow this petty COfP()real
carrying these tokens shows the t:ittemess of lhe grudges the holder has accumulated. GXistence.


Acquired from Corpse Rat (El, Dog Rat IE), Royal Rat vanguard (E), also t ·r • Acquired from Granted by defeating invading players While part of
"' I
granted by defeating forcibly summoned Grey Phantoms Covenant
Item Effect Tall to offer to the Rat King: Used to Increase devoton to Rat Item Effect Stone to offer to Victor's Stone: Used to Increase dewtlon to
King Covenant Company of Champions Covenant
A SQVC!red rat's ~ii. Demonstrate tidelity by offering it to the Rat King, and strengthGn A stone lhat Is tllrribly hggvy tor Its si2'!. Offer It to the Victor's Stene to strenglhen
thQ bond with yC1Ur OOVQnant. The Rat King is proud and merciful, as a r1f king tnR to his the bond with your covenant. The Victor's Stone thirsts for the souls of fallen warriors,
stal!Jre should be. The Rat King looks f.ivorably upcn thosg Who fellow thQ p;nhof right, condensed within aWGstones. as if they were once pan of the same whole.
ewn disgraceful humans.


These are vital items that you can only ever have one of, and can
;' Acquired from Dranglelc Castle (P)

Item Effect Key to King's Passage In Dranglelc castle

KBf to the King's Passage, inside Orangleic Castle. King Vendrick tried an manner of things
only find in one place. They mostly serve to grant you access to new to purge the ClJrse that threatened his kingdom. But when wery last attempt failed, the
areas and are necessary to complete the game. These are some of King fled through the King's Passage.
the only items you will lose when starting a New Game+.
) LEN IGRAST'S KEY Acquired from The Lost Bastille (P)
Acquired from Merchant Hag Melentla (M) Item Effect A very old key. Opens doors In Lost Bastille
Item Effect Opens Blaol:smith Lenlgrast's shop in MaJula This key is vary old, but in wry good condition, such that it should still function. Only.
what lock does this key tit?
KJ1,J ot Blacksmlth Lenigrast of Majula. Majula. the land of QXUes. Is comprised of
abandoned old houses. one of which Lenigrast has fashioned into a workshop.

! ~- . HOUSE KEY
Acquired from Cartographer Cale (0)
Acquired from Petrified Lion Warrior IE)
Item Effect A key shaped like the fang of a beast, opens door to
/ Item Effect Opens the abandoned house In Ma]ula
Weaponsmlth Ornlfex
A strange key shaped lilcQ a wild bGast's fang. What manner ot dilettante would create
KJ1,/ to the abandoned house in Maj~a. Received trom Cale the Cartographer. In the past, such a key, and what might it unlock?
Majula served as a dumping ground for horrible things. but is to« a gathering place tor
those with no better place to go. It seems this house in Majula was the final home for a
tew such souls. TSELDORA DEN KEY
Acquired from Mild-Mannered Pate (OJ, Creighton the Wanderer (0), Duke
SOLDIER KEY Tseldora (0)
Acquired from The Last Giant (E) Item Effect Opens the den In Brlghtstone Cove Tseldora
Item Effect Opens soldier's door In the Forest of Giants KJ1,J to thCI den in Brights tone Cove Tseldora. Th9 fools that wnture into Tseldora, unaware of
the ancient deeds that still haunt the oove. are transtigured into unspggkable malformations.
K(I{ to th9 soldier's door In lhe Forest ot Fallen Giants. A fort was erected in the forest to
face the Giants. but now the soldiers are lost and HoRowed. They are gntQQbled. but not
without honor. and continue to steadfastly dQfend their country. ALOIA KEY
Acquired from Aid la's Keep (Pl

v , '·
,..... BASTll l E KEY
Acquired from The Lost Bastille (P)
Item Effect Opens the mansion In Aldla
KJ1,J used in the mansion of AJdia. King Vendrick condemned his own elder brother to the
Item Effect Opens cells of the Lost Bastll le
K(I{ to the Clllls of the Lost B.i still11. Long ago, a bas ti lie lord. driven to desp11ration by the
mansion. They both sought the trulh, but through different means, and their fervor meant
the 91/Qntual wilhering of their famWial ties.

rapid spread ot curs11 aaoss the land, began to se11 each subjCICt as a carrier ot the blight,
and locked them .m.rt in droves. This entire bastille was turned into a prison, and left LADDER Ml NIATURE
abandoned to rot with its prisoners. Acquired from Laddersmlth Gilligan (Ml

Item Effect An ornament depicting a ladder. Give to Royal Sorcerer Navlaan

A small ornamental ladd11r. A quaint little thing. but cnly tor she7,v. Th is ornament does
Acquired from Huntsman's Copse (Pl not seem to have any panicutar tunction. and should not be worth much, but is sold at an
QXorbitant prioe.
Item Effect Opens the stone lockaway In Huntsman's Copse
K;y to the priscn in the Huntsman's Copse. The Undead hunts during the reign ot the Old DULL EMBER
Iron King took place in this forest. and the cells in which the Undead WGre held still stand
thare to this d,1,/. He7,vever. the mardl of time has eroded .m.rt •rl'/ diffarance between Acquired from Iron Keep (P)
the captors and the captiws.
Item Effect An ember that radiates a dull light Give to Steady Hand
An ember radiating a dull light. This flame seems nearly exhausted, but exhibits an eerie
Acquired from Iron Keep IP) resilienl:ll. Perhaps this Is its ordinary state?
Item Effect Opens the Iron door of the Iron Keep
Key to lhe iron door of the Iron Keep. The Old Iron King's castles unk into a lalcQ of tire,
weighed down by the castle's ircn. and the burden ot the king's concGit Over lhe ages. Acquired from Licia of Linde It (E) or Invade her world and defeat her In
th9 iron was stripped rrom the castle b,t opportunistic passers-by. MaJula
Item Effect Moves the Ma]ula Rotunda
A stone which rotates the Majula AolUnda. lnsen into the central pillar to align the rotunda
Acquired from Duke Tseldora (El wilh a different passagl!Way. Nothing magical about It, but a fine feat of ;ngineering.
Item Effect Opens the door to Brights tone Cove
Key to Brightstone Cow Tseldora. The eccentric LordTseldora, known for his fascination ASH EN MIST HEART
with spiders, built a te7,vn and a personal tonune by mining brightston9. One day. the town Acquired from Ancient Dragon (0) or Ancient Dragon (E)
was overrun by spiders. but Lord Tseldora only stood by and watched. eerWy contented.
Item Effect DelVe Into the memories of the withered
Manitest.ation of ashen mist rel:lllwd trom the ancient dragon. The magic of lhe ancient
FORGOTTEN KEY dragon allows one to delve into the memories of the "Athered.
Acquired from Ellte Giants IE)

Item Effect Key tossed Into the Gutter. opens doors there GIANT'S KINSHIP
Acquired from Giant Lord (El
KJ1,/ found in the Guner. Intricately designed, but of unkno¥.T1 origin. All manner of terrible
things haw been cast into the Gutter in Majula, forming a set1!ement of filth and chaos. Item Effect Grants access to the throne room beneath the castle
Each king has his rightful throne. And when he sits upon It, he sees what he chooses to
see. Or perhaps, it is the throne. which shows the king only what he wants.
Acquired from Rosa beth of Metfia (Ml. + 1: Duke Tseldora (El. +2: Leydla
Witch (E)
With the addition of being able to equip two more Rings in Dark Item Effect Increases dark defense by 6/8/10%
Souls II, for a total of four, comes new possibilities. Rings can A ring bestcmed upon students of a cllft:lin standard at the Mllffian MagicAcadcimy. Its
enhance every aspect of your character, no matter the class or style dark~nlused quartz increas9S dark defense. Pyromancer Glod(en was criticized for crafting
these replicas, but it is wet I kncmn that they h:ive sawd the life of many a trawler.
you play. Be sure to try out a new Ring whenever you find one to
see if it suits your play style.
Acquired from Earthen Peal< (P), Harvest Valley (Pl, Cromwell the Pardoner
LIFE RING <+l/+2>
Acquired from Forest of Fallen Giants (Pl. + 1: Iron Keep (P), +2: Shrine of
Amana (P) Item Effect Increases poison resistance by 16%

Item Ettect Raises maximum HP by 517.6/12.6% One of sCM1ral • bite" rings, known for their peculiar d9Sign. Increases poison resistance.
The similar, oddly disturbing d9Sign of th9S8 rings suggests a ccmmon source. Whoewr
AA old rino set with a red jllW91. Raises maximum HP. Each ring has a different power. and the master craftsman was, he cleaMy knew his trade.
ewn very modestrings can be! a grggt boon on a perilous journey.

CHLORANTHY RING (+l/+2) Acquired from CrorrMtell the Pardoner (Ml. Waf of Blue (C)
Acquired from Forest of Fallen Giants (P), + 1: Shaded Woods (P), +2:
Executioner's Charlot (El (NG+ only) Item Effect Increases bleeding resistance by 16%

Item Ettect Increases stamina recovery rate by 3.6{5.6/8.5% recovery One of sllVl!ral • bite" rings, for their peculiar design. Increases bleeding resistance.
The similar, oddly disturbing d9Sign of th9S9 rings suggests a ccmmon source. Whoever
speed the master craftsman was. he clQ:IMy knew his trade.
The ring is named for its decorative gr91ln blossom. but its lustl!f is long since faded.
Raises stamina recovgry speed.
Acquired from crorrweu the Pardoner (Ml, Maoerold of Lanaflr (Ml
Item Effect Increases curse resistance by 40%
Acquired from No.Man's Wharf (P), + 1: Dranglelc Castle (P), +2: Velstadt,
the Royal Aegis (E) (NG+ only) One or sCM1ral "Me" rings, known for their peculiar d9Sign. Increases curse r9Sistance.
The similar. oddly disturbing d9Sign or th9S8 rings suggests a ccmmon source. Whoewr
Item Ettect Increases maximum load by 10/12/16% the master craftsman was, he cleaMy knew his trade.
A ring bc!aring a soldil!f's seal. Increases the load that can be carried. These rings were
granted to warriors who distinouished themselves in the service of King Vendrick. The king BRACING KNUCKLE RING (+1/+2)
favored simple warriors who staked their gvery ba111e on strength alone.
Acquired from Lost Bastllle (Pl, + 1: Chancellor Wellager (M), +2: Undead
Crypt (Pl
Item Effect Reduce weapon degradation by 20/36160%, armor degradation
Acquired from Company of Champions (Cl, Second: Manscorplon Tari< (Q),
Third: Dragon Shrine (Pl by 20/26146%, ring degradation by 20/26146%
Knuckle ring worn bf Rhoy the Explorer. Slows equipment degradation. l:xpensiv11, flashy
Item Ettect Increases HP by 3/6(7.6%, stamina by 6/10/12.6%, and g9:lr will not a>Nays make life easier for you. Sometimes. you just n91ld your tried
maximum load by 6/10/12.6% equipment to last the long haul.
A dragon signet ring. Grants its bciarer the protection of dragons. lncrciases HP. stmina ..
and maximum load. but is easil'f broken. Raulmond, knight of Orangleic. SQrvQd the ASH KNUCKLE RI NG
king tr( guarding the rcrt until his own dQmiSQ, and was said to have cherished this ring
throughout his life of serllice. Acquired from GrSl/e of Saints (P)
Item Effect Increases petrification resistance by 40%
Knuckle ring worn bf Rhoy the l:xplorer. lncrciases petrWication resistance. f'Qtlilication is
Acquired from Crestfallen Saulden (OJ, + 1: Lucatlel of Mlrrah (0), +2: tantamount to dciath, and ifl that sense. this knuckle ring is a dlarm that may saw your
Looking Glass Knight (E) (NG+ only) life.

Item Ettect Increases physical defense by 60/761100

Wearer gains the protection of steGI. Increases ptrysical deten5'1. Said to be the ring of
the onoa legendary Knight King, though his tales are long IOl'gl)tten. and even the greatl'f Acquired from Royal Sorcerer Navlaan (Q)
wizened have no recollection of his exploits.
Item Effect Increases magic, llghtnlno. fire and dark defense by 6%
A protective ring set with gemston9S of four diffl!fent colors. lOO'eases the weare(s
SPELL UARTZ RING (+1/+2) resistance to magic, lightning, fire and dark. The artistry required to attune the 113rying
Acquired from Carhllllon of the Fold (Ml, + 1: Earthen Peal< (P), +2: Kings pa.vers of rour different stones within one ring could only be! described as transcendental.
Passage (P) There Is ontt one soroarer who could haw done this: a man rrorn the lost land of Olaphis.

Item Ettect Increases magic defense by 618/10%

A ring b9St<Y>YGd upon students of a c,;rtain standard at the Melfian Magic Academy. Its Acquired from crorrweu the Pardoner (Q)
soul-based quartz incrggs,gs magic defense. Pyromancer Glocken crafts these replicas,
much to the dismay of the conservatiw old-guard faculty. Item Effect Raises poison, bleed, curse and petrify resist by 12 %
A protective ring adorned with lour blessed gems. lna-ggses resistance to poison.
FLAME UARTZ RING <+l/+2) bleeding, petr~ication and curs9S. A crciation of the lost land of Olaphis. The sorcerer who
Acquired from Rosabeth of Melfla (Ml, + 1: Forest of Fallen Giants (Pl, +2: crciated this was so powerful that he bc!came widel'f fggrecf.
Guardian Dragon (El
Item Ettect Increases fire defense by 6J8/10%
Acquired from The Pursuer (El, + 1: The Pursuer (E), +2: The Pursuer (El
A ring b9St<Y>YGd upon students of a c,;rtain standard at the Melfian Magic Academy. Its (NG+ only)
lire.based quartz incrciaSQs fire defense. There are rumors that Pyrornancllf Glocken has
made a hefty profit sening these replicas. Item Effect Increases physical attack by 20/36/60
The Ring of Blades is modi;jed alter the mad knight of Aiken's wggpcn of choice. lncrciases
THUNDER UARTZ RING(+ 1/+2) pl'rfsical attack. The kingdoms of Alken and \~nn long ago flouiished on th- very grounds.
Acquired from Rosabeth of Melfla (Ml, + 1: Iron Keep (P), +2: Royal They were both founded tr( the same mar1, but WGre reduced to rivalry and spte.
Sorcerer NSl/laan (M)
Item Ettect Increases llghtnlno defense by 6/8/10%
Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (M)
A ring besto,wd upon students of a certain st.indard at the Magic Acadllfl'IY.
Its lightning quartz increascis lightning dQfen5'1. Pyromancer Glocken crafted so many Item Effect Increases Intelligence by 6
of these replicas that they became widespread, such that his fellcm magicians harshl'f
scolded him for undermining lessons gained from harsh training. A ring blessed by the High Priest of Volgen. lncr9ases intelligence. The clerics of the great
city of \blgen are pl!fennially entrenched in scandalous power struooles, but among them
remain a few strong-willed. upstanding noblemen.


Acquired from Ucla of Undelt (M) Acquired from Sinner's Rise (P), +1: Carhllllon of the Fold (Q), +2: Aldla's
Keep (P)
Item Effect Increases faith by 6
Item Effect Increases spell uses by 10/20/30%, but reduces HP by
A ring bl9SSQd by the High PriQSl of Volg,in. Increases faith. The clGrics of the great city of
Volgen are perennially entrenched in scandalous po>,ver struggles. but among thgm remain 20/25160%
a few strong.willed. ups~nding noblgmen. Om1 of the s9Cl'et treasun1s restored in Aldia. lncreasllS spell usllS. but at the cost of HP.
This modQSl-looking ring contains wry powQl'ful magic. To imagine what unsp11akable
dQQds were performed to aggte such rings, one nQQd only recall th; cruel fate of the
STONE RING residents of Aldia.
Acquired from Ogre (E)
Item Effect Deal additional 10 damage to poise SourHERN RlrUAL BAND (+l/+2)
The beloved ring of the gallant Shieldless Lothian. formerly of For=. Hits greally reduce Acquired from Belfry Luna (P), +1: Brlghtstone CoveTseldora (P), +2:
enemy poise. The effect may seem trlvial. but for those who comprehend ho>,v critical it is Scorpioness Najka (E) (NG+ only)
to exploit a hole in enemy defens9S, the siiinificance of this ring will be dear.
Item Effect Increases Attunement Slots by 1/2/3
One of the secret treasures restored in Aldia. Raises the number of spells you may attune.
RED TEARSTON E RING This modest-looking rinii contains very powQ"ful magic. To imagine what unspeakable
Acquired from Aldla's Keep (P), Shaded WXlds (P) deeds wer9 performed to aggte such rings, one need only recall the cruel late of the
residents of Aldia.
Item Effect Boosts attack by 20% when HP Is below 30%
A ring set with a rare !Qarstone. R11acts when the 1vearer is in danger, !Qmporarity increasing COVETOUS GOLD SERPENT RING (+1/+2)
its wearer's physical attack po>,ver. Caitha, goddess of tears, mourns the undeserving dead,
shedding tears as red as blood. It is said that the stone set in this ring is one sucll tear. Acquired from Iron Keep (P), + 1: Magerold of Lanafir (QJ, +2: Belfry
Gargoyle (E) (NG+ only)
Item Effect Increases Item discovery by 50/75/100%
A gold ring depicting th; snake. both the serv;ant and manlfQStation of the god of desire.
Acquired from The Lost Bastille (P), Wtl'{ of Blue (C) Zinder. Greed is 1radltionalty as a vioe. but only a coward se9S every chance as
something to rear.
Item Effect Increase defense by 35% when HP Is below 30%
A ring set ,..,th a rare t11arstone. Aaacts when the WQarer is in danger. temporarily COVETOUS SILVER SERPENT RING(+ l/+21
incfllasing its wearer's physical d.irense. Caitha. goddess of tears. mourns those who
haw lost lewd ones by shedding pure tears of blue. It ls said that the stone set In this ring Acquired from Lost Bastille (P), +1: Merchant Hai;i Melentla (Q), +2:
is one sucll teGlr. Mytha, the Baneful Queen (El (NG+ only)
Item Effect Fallen foes yield 10/20/30% more souls
A silwr ring depicting the snal<ll, both the servant and manifestation of the god of greed.
Acquired from Lonesome Gavlan (M), + 1: Black Gulch (P), +2: Giant Lord Zandroe. Greed is tradition.illy llie1ved as a llioe, but only a fool allows that to ruin a good
(E) (NG+ only) opponunity.

Item Effect Increases poise by 10/20/30

The b91owd ring of the gallant Shieldless Lothian. formerly of Forossa. lnaeases poise.
Lothian was born a peasant, and died a general. His determinatjon and diligence were Acquired from The Gutter (P), Sweet Shalquolr (M), +1: Dragon Aerie (Pl.
unmatched, especiaMy on the battlefield, where he earned his name by clloosing to fight The Pit (P), +2: Throne Defender and Watcher (El (NG+ only)
without a sh iejd.
Item Effect Absorb 30,'50/80 HP from each defeated foe

~':"' OLD LEO RING A modest but inexplicably disturbing ring. Absorb HP for eech enemy defeated. Peer too
closely at the rare stone that forms the aye of this ring, and things that writhe and stir m7(
:i";'fi>i • Acquired from Old Drai;ionslayer (El come into locus.
-"r ,, Item Effect Strengthens thrust weapon counter attacks by 12.5%
The beloved ring of a dragon.slaying knight. Strengthens thrust ,veapon counter attacks.
Aftgr many years of use. the ring's face has wom down. but close inspection reveals an Acquired from Fofest of Fallen Giants (P)
engraved lion.
Item Effect Restores 3 HP every 1.5 seconds

RING OF SOUL PROTECTION A protective ring passed do>,vn in House Osteria. Gradually restores HP. In the sacred land
of Lindell. this ring symboized prosperity and longevity for the great House Osteria. But
Acquired from The Gutter (Pl, Vengarl of Forossa (Ml the ring is fragile and breaks eesily, as if It hates being taken for granted.

Item Effect Do not turn Hollow or lose Souls upon death, Immune to
petrification. Breaks when activated but can be repaired for 6000 Souls RING OF BINDING
Divine ring that watches over one's soul. Created by Ivory Rhones. sage of lindQlt. Its Acquired from Cathedral of Blue (P)
great protectiw po>,ver will protect you from any loss upon death or petrification. but af!Qr
its po>,ver is spenl the ring will breGlk. Item Effect Limits HP reduction when Hollowing by 26%, and stops HP
reduction at 80% of max Instead of 50%

RING OF LI FE PROTECTION An unusual ring of unkno>,vn orioin. Limits the wggre(s HP reduction when Hollo>,v. Alas,
this ring will not make you human. What is lost is not easily retri9V9d.
Acquired from No-man's Wharf (P), Shaded Wlods (P), Felkln the Outcast (M)
Item Effect Do not turn Hollow or lose Souls upon any death other than SI LVERCAT RI NG
petrification. Breaks when activated but can be repaired for 3000 Souls Acquired from Sweet Shalquolr (Ml
Divine ring that watches over one's life. Crea!Qd by the students of !wry Rhones. sage of
Undelt Its great protectiw power will protect you from any loss upon dealt\ but alter its Item Effect Reduces damage from falling from any height except a lethal
power is spent 1he ring will break. drop
Silver ring depicting a leaping felin9. Reduc9S damag9 from lalli ng. Leoend has It 1hat
when cats gro>,v old. a force brCIWs within them. and th,ay are rQbom as something nQ\11.
Acquired from Strald of Olaphls (M), +1: Desert Sorceress (E), +2: Defeat
100 Dark Spirits REDEYE RING
Acquired from Sweet Shalquolr (Ml
Item Effect Extends length of spell effects by 16/26/40%
Item Effect Easler to be detected by enemies
A ring used long, long ago in a land that 9Xisted where Orangleic does now. Extends
length of spell effect. Pr9Sumably, 1his ring was usQd by a high sorcerer. but no proof of A cursed ring depicting a demon aye. Becomes easier to be detect9d by ernimies. II It is
sucll rgmains. tranq uillty that you seek, then you should never have left yrur home. If yru seek strife.
then lair enough, but no need to overdo it.
Acquired from Carhllllon of the Fold (M), +1: Shaded Woods (P), +2: GOWER'S RI NG OF PROTECTION
Skeleton Lords (El (NG+ only) Acquired from Shaded Woods (P) (NG+ only)
Item Effect Shortens spell casting time by 20/36/55% Item Effect Ignore Increased back:stab damage
A ring that b91onged to Fiorenza, 1he only truly mongyed merchant in Volgen. Shortens The ring of the assassin Gower, who has killed a haij-dozen kings. and sgygral
spell casting time. l='iorenza used his ricoos to buy up trinkets of luxury and rare distinguished clergymen. Reduces damage Ulken from behind. For an assassin, whose
callllClibles, but was ruined after years of exx:9Ssive debauchery. °'"" life is always at stake, the greatest liabiity is one's exposed back.


~~<JJ'·, . Acquired from sweet Shalquolr (Ml Acquired from Undead Crypt (P)
~. -, ·~ < Item Effect Easler to connect to players who chose same god Item Effect Opens the Klng's Gates and Increases fire element damage
\' '
A sp9Cial ring that can be engraved \"1th the na mg of a god. B9COmes easier to com11ct to
woncs of playgrs who chOSQ th11 same god. There are countless V9Stig11S of long~ost gods A powerful soul is like a curse. AndVendridc, King of Drangleic used a pa.wrful soul to
in the ruins of Drangl11ic. Or p11rha ps thgy ar11 the VQIY same gods as ours, only known by keep the curse at bay. King Vendrick sought great I!( souls, and made the giants' stren~h
different n.imes. his own. but even still. Iha curse OVGrcame him. Wear this ring to open the King's Gate.


Acquired from Rat King (Cl Acquired from way of Blue (Cl
Item Effect Walking/Running produces no sound Item Effect covenant ring for apostles of Blue. increases max HP by 3%
An old ring of th11 M11lfian Magic Academy. Depicts a soundl'f slumbering dragon. Masks Ring of the Way of Blue cov;nant tncrsasas HP slighll'f. The~ of Blue is not a
th11 sounds made by its wear11r. lh11 precis11 origins of the Magic Academy are hazy, for d9'1'9loped reNgion. It is a humble prayer that spread naturall'f amongst those seeking
over lts long history, its faculty has be11n dissolved and reestablished at l11ast a dozen help. IMlen apostles of Blue ar11 invaded by dark spirits, they can receive assistance from
times. masters of other wo~ds.


Acquired from Forest of Fallen Giants (Pl Acquired from Blue Sentinels (Cl
Item Effect Extends the range of arrows by 7.66% Item Effect Automatically summons you to other worlds
A ring grac11d with th1111ngraving of a hawk. Extends th11 rang11 of arrows. Bl Ull4(11d Ring of the Blue Sentinel COVGn,int. Join this CO'lllnant and wear this ring to be
Durgo. the nomadic bowman. had many a valiant victory in battle, half owing to th11 boon automatically summoned to the wo~ds of blue a pasties who have b99n invaded by dark
of this ring. spirits. The ring is engraved with the crest of the \NJf of Blue, symbolizing the dignified
oath to protect each world's mastgr from dark spirits.
Acquired from Shaded Woods (P) CREST OF· BLOOD
Acquired from Brotherhood of Blood (C)
Item Effect Has a 10-30% of causing an explosion once It reaches the
damage threshold. The higher the durability, the higher the probablllty Item Effect covenant ring given to those who seek blood. Adds 60 to
An odd stone ring containing a fiery heat. Accumulates power as the user is harmed. then bleed attack
l!)(J)lodes, damaging surrounding enemies while lea'ling its 1warer unscathed. Our deeds
Ring of the Brotherhood of Blood covenant. No notable 11ffect. This ring is nothing special.
will come back to us in some form or another. both good and bad. Perhaps, in the end, an oath is but a window into the ambitions of the oath taker. If you
ha'III taksn this oath. then '/OU kna.Y what you want. To be soaksd in the blood of your

Acquired from Clear game without dying

Item Effect Left hand weapon becomes lnlllslble
Acquired from Rat King (C)
A ring of blue stone. The stone is misshaped, howgvl!( imperoepti bly. Rendl!(s ce(!ain
equipment invisible. Do notjudge your foes by their a ppsa rares. He who approaches Item Effect Ring for the Rat King covenant. Adds 60 to poison attack
without a sword carries two behind his back.
Ring of the Rat King covenant. Join this cOVGnant and wear this ring to lure trespassers of
the Rat King's territory into 'll)Urwo~d. If you reoeiw this ring, rejoice in the opportunity to
ILLUSORY RING OF THE EXALTED demonstrate your allegiance to an eminentl'f noble being.

Acquired from Clear game without resting at Bonfire

Item Effect Right hand weapon becomes Invisible
Acquired from Bell Keepers (Cl
A ring of y&jlow stone. The stone is misshaped, howw11r imperoeptibl'f. Renders oertain
equipment invisible. Do notjudge your foes by their a ppsa rarai. He who approaches Item Effect Ring for the Bell Keeper covenant
without a sword carries two behind his back.
Ring of the Bell Keeper COVQnant. Join th Is covenant and WGar this ring to be automatically
summoned to the wo~d of an invader of the bell ke;pers' domain. lhe twin bells
RING OF TH r DEAD symbolize the bond betweGn two IO'lllrs who could never be unitlld. The bell keepers are
their etsmal guartlians. For that is their love; that is their curse.
Acquired from Imprisoned Mllfanlto (01, Grave Warden Agdayne (Ml
Item Effect Keep human appearance even when Hollow SUN SEAL
The 1vearer of this ring appears human 9'1'9n when Holla.Y. They say that in the Undead Acquired from Heirs to the Sun (C)
Crypt W9 can reacquaint ourselves with the dead. We all suffer loss. And rone of us can
escape death. Then. what is the fascin.ition with reclaiming that which has already passed Item Effect covenant ring for Heirs of the Sun. Increases the strength of
into the beyond? Miracles by 6%

Ring of the Heirs to the Sun covenant. SlighUy increases miracle attack pow11r. Worship
RING OF THORNS ( + 1/+2) of the sun, ro« a lost belief, was onoe widespread amongst great warriors. Members of
this covenant can leaw their golden signs to be more easil'f summoned to join brethren
Acquired from Miid-Mannered Pate (0), + 1: Grave Warden Agdayne (M),
in Jolly cooperation.
+2: Invade and defeat the host player 1000 times

Item Effect Has a 30/50/70% chance of counter-attacking when damage VAN UISHfR'S SfAl
Is taken
Acquired from Company of Champions (C)
Ring gramed protection by Kremmel, god of St~gl11. Th11 ring's spikes drive into the
wearer's skin. so that each bla.Y taksn fuels spits toward the perpetrator. When damage is Item Effect covenant ring for Champions. Increase pare handed attack
taken, the ring retaliates and inflicts damage upon enemy. power
Ring of the Company of Champions cownant. Greatl'f increases attack pOWI!( of bare
DELICATE STRING hands. The souls of fallen heroes found .ilong the way salute those who scoff .it danger
and brawl'( SIIClk the harder path. Joining this covenant str11ngth;ns the enemies w~hin
Acquired from Titchy Gren (Ml 'll)Ur IVO~ci
Item Effect Increases chances of being Invaded

A sot\ string~iks ring tied around the finger. Makes It easier for invaders to find 'll)Ur world.
Who would create such a ring. and wtrf? Perhaps the answer is better left unknown. Acquired from Dragon Remnants (Cl

Item Effect covenant ring for would-be dragons. Estus Flask use restores
Acquired from Sparkling Sisters Dyna & Tlllo (Ml
Ring of the Dragon Rll!'Tlnants covenant. SMQhtl'f incr11as11S Estus Flask HP rgcovery.
Item Effect Take the appearance of a white phantom Possessing a dragon scal11 is proof of ilS owners prowess. Strength should a~Yays
be displayed boldly, and metsd out justl'f. Members of the covenant who bear dragon
A precious ring which grants the prot9Clion of Quella, god of dreams. Makes Its wearer sea les can fight with one another. The survivor of the duel claims the dragon sea le of the
appear as a phantom misl11acfing invaders. He who sets the trap must be wary. For traps opponent.
are kna.Yn to spring upon their own11rs.

RING ()F WHISPERS Acquired from Piigrims of Dark (Cl
Acquired from sweet Shalquolr (Ml
Item Effect covenant ring for Pilgrims of Dark. Also Increases the power of
Item Effect Causes a sound when you're near enemies, and can be used Hexes by 20% at the cost of 30 HP per cast
to talk to ManscorplonTark
Ring of the Pilgrims of Dark Increases the attack strength of hexes, but casting
Ring worn by Ahoy the Explorer. Hear the inner voices of surrounding foes. Useful for them reduces HP.What is dark? Perhaps we alJ9ildy know. We f9ar dark. ygt find solaoe in
locating hidden Mem IIIS. and perhaps for a fllw other things. as well. IL Those who Join this covenant can se; the hldd;n Dark Chasm


There are many Non-Player Characters (NPCs) in the world of Dark through every available opportunity to interact with them - we will
Souls II. Some are straightforward and will interact with you im- tell you the location of each NPC, what conditions must be met be-
mediately while others require that you possess particular items or fore they will open up to you, any requirements for advancing their
fulfill certain conditions before they will deal with you; still others paths through the game and how to achieve all possible interactions
are hostile and will attack you on sight. While many NPCs are easily with each. Read on to get the absolute most from your journey and
overlooked. the information presented in this chapter will guide you the allies (and enemies) you'll meet along the way.


The term "NPC" stands for "Non-Player Character" and refers to Listen
any character not under the player's direct control, be they friend Talking is good, but you must also listen! Many NPCs speak crypti-
or foe. Your interactions with these NPCs will range from simple cally and will provide only vague information rather than definitive
conversations to purchasing items and equipment, fulfilling specific statements, but by paying careful attention you can often glean
requests, working together to overcome powerful enemies and in valuable hints from their ramblings. When not offering leads on
some cases even fighting each other to the death. where to go next. they'll typically tell you about the story, the world,
or even gossip about other NPCs. Many Important fragments of
the lore of Dark Souls II can only be collected from these fleeting
lNTERACTlNG WlTH NPCS conversations- make good use of this chapter to hear them all!

There are various possible ways to interact with NPCs in Dark Souls Revisit
11, and we'll go through them here in detail. Talking, listening and at- Visiting an NPC once is often not enough. As you progress through the
tacking can all have very different consequences when dealing with game. the NPCs' actions or dialogues will change- Merchants may of-
NPCs so it's important to consider your actions carefully around fer new items or services. for example, and certain magic instructors
them if you want to see each of their stories and quests through to will expand the lists of spells they can teach. It's always a good idea
their ends. to revisit an NPC If you happen to come back to his or her area, as you
never know what might have changed since your last visit.
The first and most important rule of interacting with NPCs is to talk Attack
to them. The "Talk" prompt will appear when you approach an NPC Nearly all NPCs in the game can be attacked and killed if so desired
with whom it is possible to start a conversation. Pressing the Talk - we promise we won't Judge. NPCs will usually forgive your first
button will either initiate a conversation or open a menu with several few attacks but can be expected to defend themselves if you persist
options from which to choose. If "Talk" is displayed as a choice in making your malign intentions clear to them. In Dark Souls II
within this menu, selecting it repeatedly will allow you to continue every choice carries a consequence; the consequences of alienating
your conversation with the NPC and ultimately advance his or her an NPC are not easily undone and you will be unable to engage in
storyline. The goal is to completely exhaust all of the NPC's unique normal interactions with them as long as they remain hostile to you.
dialogue, as this can often trigger them to move to a different loca- Angering an NPC to this point is permanent and resting at a bonfire
tion, give you gifts or offer their assistance in battle. or restarting the game will not quell their Ire. If your sins lie heavy
upon you, seek out the Pardoner. Cromwell - he will offer absolution
of your guilt and restore your standing with any hostile NPCs ... for a
price befitting your transgressions.
On the other hand. there are a few NPCs whom you may wish to
eliminate at the earliest opportunity in order to obtain special equip-
ment or prevent them from becoming bigger problems later on. In
the following entries for each N PC we will list their Drop Items - the
items they drop if you kill them. Look through these before attempt-
ing to assassinate a particular NPC and decide whether or not it's
worth the consequences. Bear in mind that while it is possible to
interact with many NPCs after their deaths by praying at their Tomb-
stones, it may no longer be possible to continue their storylines or
access their expanded interaction options.
If you find yourself unintentionally attacking NPCs when you put
your controller down. we would like to offer a helpful tip: open the
menu first! No combat inputs will be recognized with the menu
open, allowing you to set your controller aside without fear of ac-
cidentally turning your favorite Merchant hostile.


Buying, Selling andTrading
A number of Merdiant-type NPCs can be encountered through-
out Drangleic and they specialize in various commodities such as
weapons, armor and consumable items as well as more specialized
options depending upon the Merchant. Certain Merchants may trade
Boss souls for unique weapons or spells while others will offer to
buy items and equipment from you; knowing which vendor provides

the goods or services you need is crucial to adequate preparation for
the challenges ahead. The universal currency in Drangleic is Souls
-you'll use them for purchasing Items and equipment, leveling
your character and in certain unique situations • for opening a path or
other service. As Souls hold universal importance and can be quite
difficult to obtain early in your journey, you must think carefully about
when and how you spend them.

NPC Paths
The majority of the game's NPCs are either found in fixed locations or
will move once to take up permanent residence elsewhere, usually
in Majula, after their initial dialogues have been exhausted. However,
several transient NPCs will continually travel from area to area without
ever settling down in one place. The story paths of most NPCs and
their corresponding movements across Drangleic progress accord-
ing to specific chronological or event-related triggers, meaning that
if you advance the story too far you could miss a chance at a critical
interaction. In some cases skipping a step in an NPC's storyline will
not interfere with their progression but in others it will; if a mandatory
interaction is missed in this way it may become impossible to com-
plete that NPC's quest line in your current game cycle.
When reading the following chart, pay particular attention to each
NPC's entry in the "Item or Event" column. This table lists crucial
interactions which must occur before other points in the game are
triggered. If you miss a critical event, you could lose your chance to
interact with that NPC later.
Listed In each NPC's biography are Event Items - rewards you'll re-
ceive when certain events occur in that NPC's path. Some of these

items are unique to the NPC by whom they are given, meaning that
the only way to obtain them is to complete the associated event.
Please refer to the" Event Item" and "Conditions for Receipt"
entries to ensure that you obtain every available reward!

Tombstones of Deceased NPCs

Dark Souls II introduces a new system whereby it is possible to
interact with NPCs even after they have been killed:Tombstones.
When most NPCs die - regardless of whether or not their demise
was your doing- they will eventually be replaced by a large Tomb-
stone. Depending upon the NPC, this Tombstone may appear either
in the spot where they were killed or at a fixed, predetermined
location. By praying at these Tombstones you can make an offering
of Souls to conjure the spirit of the deceased NPC; while in some
cases you may proceed to access that person's Merchant inven-
tory as before, the dead are dead and reawakening their spirits will
typically not allow you to continue any associated quest lines. In
general, the more important the NPC the higher the cost to conjure
his or her Soul- after all, cutting someone down in cold blood carries
a heavy price.
NPC Overview
In this section we've provided a quick-reference table of all the NPCs By referencing this table as you advance through the game, you
in the game and their associated events. The NPCs are listed by area can see which areas you could explore next, as well as what NPCs
and in chronological order; the sequence of area progression shown will be there and how you should proceed when you meet them.
in the chart is the suggested (and in some cases required) order in The abbreviated text offers general hints or instruction; for a more
which you must visit these regions due to specific items or conditions detailed look at each NPC please refer to their individual biographies
necessary for entry. located later in this chapter.

Suggested Path
Arca I NPC j 1tom or Event Area j NPC I ttem or Event
Strowen Character Creation Mild-Mannered Pate Duel Event - Event Reward
Grlant Character Creation Brlghtstone Cove Creighton the Wanderer Duel Event - Event Reward
Things Betwixt
Morre I Character Creation Tseldora Cromwell the Pardoner Absolve Sins - Shop
Mlllbeth Character Creation - Event Reward Weaponsmlth Ornlfex Shop - Boss soul Blacksmith Shop
Emerald Herald Talk Event - Event Reward - Lord's Private DukeTseldora Betti a Event
......................... . l,.;~E!I Y.P..:..~J.!'.~.r:1gY.1E!n E~W~..f:.1.~.~.~ . Chamber Body of Vengarl Battle Event
sweet Shalquoir Talk Event - Shop
Sinner's Rise Lucatlel of Mlrrah Summon for Boss Fight
MaJula Mauohlln the Armorer Shop
Talk Event (Requires Ring of
Talk Event - Gesture - Covenant· Manscorplon Tark
Crestfallen Saulden ....................................................... Whispers) - _Event. Reward .
Covenant Item Shaded Woods
Talk Event - Event Reward -
The Victor's Stone Covenant - Covenant Item Head ofVengarl
Expanded Shop Inventory
Mll~Mannered Pate Talk Event - Event Reward - Shrine of Winter
Forest of Fallen
...................... . §.!!~m<?."..f!?!..~~-~.~..F!1mt .
Merd'lant Hag Melentla Talk Event - Shop Emerald Herald Talk Event

Masterless Glencour Summon for Boss Fight Chancellor Wellager Talk Event - Shop
Heldt'sTowtr of ........... ....... .. .
Rame Ucla of Undelt Talk Event - Shop Darkdlver Grandahl Talk Event
Dranglelc Castle
Cathedral of Blue Blue SentlnelTargray Covenant - Covenant Item - Shop Queen Nashandra Talk Event

Lucatlel of Mlrrah Talk Event - Summon for Boss Fight Ben hart of Jugo Talk Event
No-Man's Wharf
Lonesome Gavlan Shop Nameless Usurper Invades

Lucatlel of Mlrrah Talk Event • Event Reward· King's Passage Ben hart of Jugo Summon for Boss Fight
........................ . ~!!~m~.f!?!..~~-~.~.. F!g~t . Milfanlto #1 Talk Event - Event Reward
Piigrim Bellclalre Summon for Boss Fight
The Lost Bastllle ................................. .. . Shrine of Amana Mllfanlto #2 Talk Event - Event Reward
Strald of Olaphls Talk Event· Shop
......... ............... . . Injured Mllfanlto Talk Event
Steady Hand McDuff Blaoksmlth Shop
The Embedded Talk Event (Mer Obtaining
Bell Keeper Covenant - Covenant Item
Belfry Luna ............................................................................................................................. Dranglelc Castle ...................................................... Embedded! .
Bell Keeper Invades Talk Event (Mer Freeing Her)·
Imprisoned M llfanlto
Event Reward
Felkln the Outcast Shop
Huntsman's Milfanito #1 Talk Event - Event Reward
Creighton the Wanderer Talk Event Shrine of Amana
copse Mllfanlto #2 Talk Event - Event Reward
Merciless Roenna Invades
Talk Event - Shop - Summon for Boss
Undead GraYe warden Agdayne Fight - Event Reward (After Obtaining
Purgatory Tltohy Gren Covenant· Covenant Item
Undead Crypt ....................................................... King's. Ring> .
Stone Trader Chloanne Shop
Harvest valley Nameless Usurper Invades
Lonesome Gavtan Shop
Emerald Herald Talk Event
Laddersmlth Gilligan Talk Event - Shop
Lucatlel of Mlrrah
Miid-Mannered Pate Talk Event
......................................................................Talk Event - Event Reward (conditlonall
.................... ..................................
Earthen Peak Aslatlel of Mlrrah Invades
Jester Thomas Summon for Boss Fight Talk Event ('Mien Player Is Human) -
Lucatlel of Mlrrah Talk Event - Event Reward Aldla's Keep Murder Request Events (When Player
Is Holl<M') - Shop (After Being Freed,
The Pit Royal Sorcerer Navlaan
When Player Is Human OR After All
Rhoy the Explorer Invades Murder Requests Fulfilled, When
Grave of Saints Player Is Hollow) - Invades (If Freed)
The Rat King Covenant - Covenant Item
Emerald Herald Talk Event - Event Reward
The Gutter Melinda the Butcher Invades Dragon Aerie
Royal Sorcerer Navlaan Invades (If Freed)
Lucatlel of Mlrrah Talk Event· Summon for Boss Fight
Head ofVengarl Summon for Boss Fight
Bl aclc Gui ch Lone Hunter Schmidt Summon for Boss Fight
.......................................................................................................................... Melinda the Butcher Summon for Boss Fight
Darkdlver Grandahl Talk Event Dragon Shrine
Magerold of Lanaflr Talk Event - Shop .Dragonfang VIiiard Invades
. .
Iron Keep Talk Event - Event Reward -
Lucatlel of Mlrrah Summon for Boss Fight #1 Ancient Dragon
Optional Boss
Belfry Sol Bell Keeper Covenant - Covenant Item Memory of
Captain Drummond Talk Event
Benhart of Jugo Talk Event
Memory of Orro
Rosabeth of Melfla Talk Event - Event Reward - Shop
Captain Drummond Summon for Boss Fight
Creighton of the wanderer Talk Event Memory of Jelgh
............................................................................................................................. Ben hart of Jugo Summon for Boss Fight
Shaded Woods Head ofVengart Talk Event - Shop
Memory of Talk Event - Event Reward
Manscorplon Tark Talk Event (Requires Ring of Captain Drummond
Vammar (After Defeating Giant Lord)
....................................................... WMspers) -.summon.for.Boss.Fight .
Dragon Memories -
Weaponsmlth Ornlfex Talk Event
Emerald Herald Talk Event
Darkdlver Grandahl Talk Event
Ben hart of Jugo Summon for Boss Fight
Lonesome Gavtan Shop (Permanent Location) Throne of Want
Doors of Pharros Head ofVengarl Summon for Boss Fight
Bowman Guthry Invades ................................................................ ...................................................
Queen Nashandra CUtscene{Talk Event - Boss Fight
Benhart of Jugo Summon for Boss Fight #1
Brlghtstone cove .. " "... .. . "" "" .. .. " .. "" . " " .. Dari< Chasm
Tseldora Ashen Knight Boyd Summon for Boss Fight #2 of Old


Here we'll take a look at those NPCs with extensive or complicated opportunity and supporting them throughout their Journeys can
storylines and those who make significant contributions to the plot yield useful and sometimes rare or unique rewards. Fulfilling every
of Dark Souls II. While none of the NPCs in this category run shops requirement for the completion of these NPCs' quests requires due
or maintain Merchant inventories, interacting with them at every diligence but is almost always worth the extra time and effort.


The retired Firekeepers are the first NPCs encountered after starting a New Game.
Entering their home automatically triggers the Character Creation event and restores
your Humanity via a Human Effigy given by Strowen during the cutscene. If you return
to Things Betwixt in possession of a Soul Vessel and speak to Strowen, she will use it
to help you reallocate your character's Soul Levels; speak with her again after you've
obtained the King's Ring she will give you six more Human Effigies.

General Info I HP I Souls I Prerequisites I item Drops I Grave

Strowon 1090 None Human Effigy x6 Yes
Morro! 1090 None None Yes
Gralnt 1090 None None Yes

Movement Info
t.ocatton J Notes
Things Betwixt Permanent location. Given by Strowen once you'va
Human Effigy x6
obtained the King's Ring.

As Fire-keepers are often target for Pyromancy and Hex materials, Strowen and her sisters
have retired to this remote region for their own protection. Wise and cynical with age, Griant
Strowen offers advice and assistance to the Undead travelers passing through the rift to A retired Firekeeper residing in the dimen-
Drangleic. The ringleader of the mischievous trio of retirees, Strowen is never above instigat- sional rift with her sisters and their caretak-
ing her sisters in enjoying a good laugh at the expense of their Undead visitors. er. Like Morre!, she is disinclined to initiate
conversations and tends to prefer throwing
Morre I in her two cents while her somewhat more
A former Flrekeeper living deep in the forest with her sisters Strowen and Griant. They live outgoing sister Strowen is speaking to their
in isolation but do not turn away Undead travelers bound for Drangleic; in fact they receive a many visitors. Much like her sister Morre!,
relatively steady stream of wayward visitors and are quite accustomed to company. Morral Griant participates in the initial series of
is a bit more reserved than her sister Strowen and will contribute sardonic comments to cutscenes but serves no other function and
conversation but tends not to start them herself. has no items to give.
Morre! participates in the Character Creation event cutscenes but gives no items and lacks
any other gameplay-related role.

A housemaid who lives with the three retired Firekeepers in Things Betwixt. Milibeth
cares for the elderly sisters and handles the chores and housework, a role fulfilled by
many generations of her maternal ancestors before her.

Gcnoral Info I HP I Souls J Proroqulsltes I item Drops I Gravo

Mlllboth 1090 None Human Effigy J<3 Yes

Movement Info Event Items

t.ocatton J Notes Item J Conditions for Receipt
Things Betwixt Permanent location. Defeat the two Ogres on the beach
Handmaid's Ladle
near the stone coffin.

Milibeth will initially provide you with some background information on herself and the
three elderly women in her care. After venturing past the Firekeepers' home and defeat-
ing the two Ogres on the beach, speak to Milibeth again and she will reward you with the
Handmaid's Ladle; this is something of a Joke weapon, however, and is practically useless in


A strikingly beautiful and eminently mysterious young woman whose gentle
demeanor belies a deep sadness. Known throughout Drangleic as a kind and
benevolent shepherd of the accursed, she tends the Far Fire in Majula as the last
active Firekeeper. In this capacity she offers guidance and support to those who seek
her council, pointing the cursed Undead who visit her down the path to that which
they desire. Her enigmatic power enables her to reinforce the treasured Estus Flasks
and embolden human flesh with the power of Souls.

Gcnoral Info I HP I Souls I Proroqulsltos I 1to111 Drops I Gravo

The Emerald Herald 1320 None Aged Feather Yes

Movement Info
Location I Notos
MaJula Starting location and can always be found here.

.. Dranglelc Castle Moves to this location automatically when you first enter the area .
Undead Crypt Moves to this location after obtaining the King's Ring.
Dragon's Aerie Moves to this location automatically when you first enter the area.
Throne of Want Moves to this location automatically When you enter.

Event Items rive; however her expanded menu is not

ltom I Conditions for Receipt available outside of Majula and in these
Estus Rask Talk to her after arriving In MaJula. cases you should simply exhaust all of her
Aged Feather Talk to her after arriving In the Dragon's Aerie.
dialogue and move on. Be warned that the
Emerald Herald CAN be killed and the price
The Emerald Herald can lways be found in Majula, where she will allow you to increase of recalling her spirit is astronomical, so you
the capacity of your Estu Flask using Estus Flask Shards and spend your Souls to level are advised not to harm her if you value the
up. She will follow you t certain other locations and will be waiting for you when you ar- ability to level up your character.

A lady knight from Mirrah, though she views feminine traits as unnecessary in the
knighthood and neither embraces nor acts upon her own. Honorable and loyal to
a fault, Lucatiel has ostensibly traveled to Drangleic in search of her missing elder
brother Aslatiel whom she believes fell victim to the Undead Curse and left in search
for a cure. She is always on the move and can be encountered in several locations;
after you've crossed paths with her a few times she will open up to you and reveal the
true reason for her quest to Drangleic ...

General Info I HP J Souls I Prerequisites I item Drops I Grave

Yes (If killed bef04'e the
Lucatlel of Mlrrah 3220 1700 None Lucatlel's Mask
conclusion of her quest)

Movement Info Event Items

Location I Notes Item I Conditions for Recel1>t
No-Man's Wharf Talk to her In a total of two
Human Effigy x1
The Lost Bastllle Appears when you first arr1w locations.
..................................... and will stay unUI her dialogue Is Ring of Steel Talk to her In a total of three
Earthen Peak
............... .. exhausted. Protection+ 1 x 1 locations .
Black Gulch Mlrrah Greatsword
Aldla's Koep
Will move here after encountered In "u'i'~~ti~j;~·,.;·~~k .......... Summon her and defeat the Boss
all four other locations. ......................................... In at least three of the four areas In
Lucatlel'sVest which her Summon Sign appears.
"u'i'~~ti~j:~·Gi~·~~~ ....... Lucatlel may not die during any of
...................................... these Boss battles.
Lucatiel's quest can be started in any of the four locations where she is encountered; the
order in which you meet and summon her does not affect her storyline. In order to obtain her
equipment, however, it is vitally important that you summon her in at least three of the four you will encounter Lucatiel in person after
areas where her Summon Sign appears and defeat the Boss together before speaking to her defeating the Covetous Demon in Earthen
at Aldia's Keep. Lucatiel may not die during the fight and must survive until after the Boss is Peak, she will not leave a Summon Sign in
defeated or else the victory will not count towards her total. When you exhaust her dialogue this area; likewise you will find her Summon
at the Foregarden Bonfire she will give you her equipment if you fulfilled the prerequisites Sign outside the Smelter Demon Boss Room
and then disappear permanently; if you do not receive her gear through this interaction you in the Iron Keep but Lucatiel herself will not
can kill her before she disappears and then purchase it from Melentia. Bear in mind that while appear there.


A wandering knight who traveled to Drangleic from his distant homeland of Jugo to
hone the ancient blade that has been passed down through many generations of his
family. While he comes across as gruff and a bit standoffish when you first meet him,
he will open up to you after you remove an obstacle preventing him from continuing
his journey. He claims, and appears to genuinely believe, that the sword he carries is
a legendary blade imbued with the power of moonlight; perhaps consulting someone
with special expertise in such matters will illuminate the truth behind this mysterious

General Info I HP I Souls I Prerequisites I item Drops I Grave

Benhart of Jugo 1340 2000 Cure Rosabeth of Mellla·s petrtflcatlon. Bluemoon Greatsword 3000 Souls

Movement Info Event Items

Location I Notes Item I Conditions for Receipt
Stanlng location (along the path to Talk to him a1ter curing
Shaded Woods •Joy• Gesture
the WOOds from MaJula). Rosabeth.
Talk to him after curing Rosabeth's Bluemoon Greatsword
Dranglelc Castle
petrification. Benhart's Parma Summon him and defeat the
................................................. Boss In at least three of the
Forest of Fallen
Talk to him In Dranglelc Castle. .. Benhart's_Knlght_Helm .... four areas In which his Sum-
Benhart's Armor mon Sign appears. Benhan
Talk to him on the battlement In the ......... .. .. may not die during any of these
Memory of Orro
Forest of Fallen Giants. Benhart's Gauntlets Boss battles.
Memory of Jelgh Talk to him In the Memory of Orro. Benhart's Boots

In order to start Benhart's quest you must use a Fragrant Branch may not die during any of these fights and must survive until after
of Yore to cure Rosabeth of Melfia's petrification, thereby opening the Boss is defeated in order for the victory to count towards his
the road to the Shaded Woods and allowing Benhart to continue on prerequisites. Furthermore, only the first Boss fight at the Throne of
his journey. It is important that you remember to speak to Benhart Want will be applied to Benhart's total; the second battle occurring
after curing Rosabeth or he will not acknowledge that the obstacle in that area will not. Ben hart does not disappear at the conclusion
has been removed and will remain at the entrance to the Shaded of his quest and will eventually make a permanent move to the
Woods. In order to obtain Benhart's equipment you must sum- Memory of Orro, so you can obtain his gear at any time by speaking
mon him in at least three of the four areas in which his Summon to him there after fulfilling his quest requirements or killing him and
Sign appears and defeat the corresponding Boss together. Ben hart purchasing it from Melentia.

A self-styled treasure hunter with a calm demeanor, he appears outgoing and
friendly ... perhaps a bit too much so. Pate is encountered in several locations and
will lend his assistance in battle as well as point you toward various treasures while
offering warnings when there is danger ahead; however his overtures lend him a
decidedly suspicious air and there may be more to him than meets the eye. Trusty
comrades support each other even through rough patches, but is Pate truly a worthy

General Info I HP I Souls I Prerequisites I item Drops I Grave

Ring of Thoms. Yes (before the conclusion or h Is quest
Miid-Mannered Pate 1120 1100 None
Pate's Spear or afterward If you sided with him)

Movement Info
Location I Notes
Forest of Fallen Talk to him after escaping the trap In the
Starting location.
Giants Forest of Fallen Giants.
Talk to him In the Forest of Fallen Pate's Spear
Earthen Peak
Giants after escaping the trap.
....... . . Pate's Shleld
Brlghtstone Cove Talk to him In Earthen Peak after
Tseldora escaping the trap. ...~~.~.!·...~~.~.~~ Talk to him after defeating the Last
Pate's Armor Giant together.
You will first encounter Pate down the stairs P~t~~~·cii~~·; .
from the destructible wall of the Cardinal Pate'slrousers
Tower Bonfire room in the Forest of Fallen
Giants. He will tell you that there is treasure .. ~~~.~.~-~!~.~~-~ ~1•1•1.. ~(~: ..
through the nearby gate but will warn you Tselclora Oen Key Complete his quest by siding with him.
pointblank that this is an ambush; proceed
anyway and speak with him after escaping. Pate will reward you with the White Sign Soap-
stone and can then be summoned outside the Last Giant Boss room to assist with the fight;
he will give you his equipment if you speak to him after defeating the Last Giant. You will
encounter him again on one of the upper floors of Earthen Peak outside a locked door. Again


Pate will tell you that there is treasure ahead while warning you of a arrived they can be found fighting each other in the house accessed
trap; speak to him after triggering it and he will move to Brightstone by riding the first zipline from the Chapel Threshold Bonfire. If you
Cove Tseldora. In order for Pate to appear in the Cove you must kill Creighton, Pate will give you the Tseldora Den Key. Pate will NOT
also have completed Creighton the Wanderer's parallel quest up to leave a Tombstone if killed during this event nor wil he give you the
the point at which he moves to this area; once both of them have key if you watch the battle from afar without interfering.


A traveler from Mirrah who hides his face behind a steel mask. You will find Creighton
imprisoned in Huntsman's Copse; after freeing him he will offer a suspiciously generic
explanation for his presence in Drangleic and warn you about a man whom he claims
deceived and attempted to murder him. Creighton's forceful and aggressive way of
speaking quickly betrays a violent, unstable personality; he seems to know more
than he is telling, but could his words still hold truth? Sometimes it is best to gather
information and seek a second opinion before trusting a stranger...

Gcnornl Info I HP I Souls I Proroqulsltos I 1tem Drops I Grave

Creighton the Creighton's 2000 Souls (wtll not leave a grave If you
2200 1460 Lockaway Key
Wanderer Steel Mask side with f>ate during their duel)

Movement Info Event Items

Location I Notes Item I Conditions for Receipt
Huntsman's copse Starting location. Talk to him after freeing him
"Pumped Up" Gesture
from the Undead L.ockeway.
Release and speak to him In
Shaded Woods
Huntsman's Copse. Creighton's Steel Mask
Brlghtstone cove Talk to him at the Ruined Fork Road Creighton's Chalnmall
Tseldora Bonfire In the Shaded Woods. ··c~~-,iiht~· ~;~·Ch~i~··G·i~~~- ~-""" Complete his quest by
.......... . siding with him.
Creighton's Chain Leggings
Creighton can be found in the Undead Locka- ··,.:;id~~··0·;~ ~~····· ·· .
way in Huntsman's Copse; in order to free
him you will need the Lockaway Key. After
opening the cell door, speak wlth him and exhaust his dialogue. He Threshold Bonfire. Siding with Creighton by killing Pate will result
will move to the Ruined Fork Road Bonfire in the Shaded Woods; in Creighton rewarding you with his armor and the Tseldora Den
exhausting his dialogue there will cause him to move to Brightstone Key. If you already killed Pate before this point and are carrying his
Cove Tseldora. Once you have also triggered Mild-Mannered Pate Ring of Thorns, Creighton will demand it from you; hand it over and
to move to the Cove, you will find the two of them fighting to the he'll give you the Tseldora Den Key. Refusing to give up the ring will
death in a house accessed by riding the first zipline from the Chapel cause Creighton to attack you.

A purveyor and connoisseur of maps, Gale traveled to Drangleic from his homeland
of Mirrah but can't seem to remember exactly why. His reasons for making such a
dangerous journey seem related to his love of cartography; to this end he has taken up
residence in an abandoned house in Majula in order to study an ancient raised-relief
map in the structure's basement. Although his memory seems to be deteriorating due
to the effects of the Undead Curse, Cale may still be able to recall valuable scraps of
information on others from his homeland.

General Info I HP I Souls I Prerequisites I 1tern Drops I Grave

cartographer Cale 860 800 None Cale's Helm Yes

Movement Info
t.ocauon I Notes
Forest or
Fallen Giants Starting location.
Cale's Helm Talk to him In MaJula after defeating
Wiii move here permanently after 8ld'laustlng ··c~i;;~·A~~~······ all the skeletons In his basement and
all dialogue In Forest or FallenGiants, defeat· ................................ lighting all 8 fires on the map In the
Ing the Last Giant and defeating all enemies Cale's Shoes basement
In the basement or the mansion In MaJula.

You will find Cartographer Cale digging through a pile of rubble in a Beware that a giant boulder will roll through the cave as you approach
cave at the Forest of Fallen Giants. The cave can be accessed via a the item just inside; let rt safely pass and then find Cale at the top
series of jumps off of the giant roots into the courtyard below the of the slope. Exhaust his dialogue and he will give you the key to his
Cardinal Tower Bonfire; from ground level you will need to climb a house in Majula. After defeating the Last Giant, make your way there
ladder and walk across the scaffolding to reach the cave entrance. and eliminate any skeleton enemies in the cavern below the map


room in order to trigger his return. From this point onward Cale can 8 and speak to Cale to receive his equipment and unlock an Achieve-
be found in the basement of his house poring over the map. Complet- ment/Trophy (Curious Map). Check out P.454 of the Achievement/
ing certain key events in the game will light fires on this map; light all Trophy guide to find out exactly how to light these fires.

The product of a twisted experiment in an age long past,Tark's body is human above
the waist and scorpion below. While his terrifying appearance unilaterally scares away
visitors or misleads them into assuming he is a monster and attacking him, in actual
factTark is a respectable and upstanding person whose apparent loneliness is more
than understandable given his circumstances. Tark resides in the Shaded Ruins and
originally lived together with his wife Najka, a female human-scorpion born from the
same experiment as he. Najka's transformation, however, had rendered her mind
fragile and unstable; she gradually went insane and ultimately devolved into a raging

Gcnornl Info I HP I Souls I Prurequlsltas I 1tam Drops I Grava

Must be wearing the Ring of
Manscorplon Tur1c 1790 1200 Second Dragon Ring -
Whispers In order to talk to him.

Movement Info Event Items

Location I Not11S Item I Conditions for Receipt
Shaded Permanent Ffagrant Branch of'tbre x1 Talk to him after defeating Scorplonass NaJka.
Ruins location.
Second Dragon Ring
........................................................ Talk to him after defeating the Duke's Dear Freja.
Black Scorpion Stinger

Tark can be found in the sandy lower area of the Shaded Ruins through the rooms full of curse
jars. In order to be able to speak to him you must be wearing the Ring of Whispers; after ex-
hausting his dialogue you will be able to summon him for the fight against Scorpioness Najka
even if you are no longer wearing the ring. Speak to Tark after defeating Najka and he will give
you a Fragrant Branch of Yore; speak to him again after defeating the Duke's Dear Freja to
receive a Second Dragon Ring and the Black Scorpion Stinger.

A songstress given eternal life by the Great Dead One. The Milfanito, an immortal
race who sing to comfort those bound by death and Dark, reside in the Shrine of
Aman a and have never seen the outside world. They are partially linked to one another
through a hive mind and possess only rudimentary awareness of their individual
selves; this trait combined with their purity, innocence and general naivete has
resulted in several of their number either wandering into the territory of the Demon of
Song or being kidnapped and carried off by outsiders with ill intentions.

Movement Info Event Items

t.ocatlon I Notes
Shrine of Permanent Smooth & Silky Stone x1
Aman a location.
Divine Blessing x1 Talk to her after defeating the Demon of Song.
Divine Blessing x1 Talk to her after rescuing the Imprisoned Mllfanlto.

The blond Mitfanito lives in the hut visible

from the Tower of Prayer Bonfire in the
Shrine of Amana. Speaking to her when first
arriving at the Shrine will yield a Smooth &
Silky Stone; doing so a second time after
defeating the Demon of Song will net you a Divine Blessing and checking in with her a final
time after rescuing the Milfanito imprisoned in the tower of Castle Drangleic rewards you
with another Divine Blessing.


A member of the Milfanito race, immortal maidens given life and purpose by the Great
Dead One. She spends her days at the Altar of the Living, praying for those bound by
death and Dark.

General lnlo J HP I Souls J Prerequisites I item Drops J Grave

Mllfanlto (Brunette} 920 600 Player is HolloWed and has None Yes
rescued the Injured Mllfanlto.

Movement Info Event Items

Location I Notes Item I Conditions for Receipt
Shrine of Permanent Smooth & Siiky Stone x1 Talk to her for the first time.
Aman a location.
Divine Biassing x1 Talk to her after defeating the Demon of Song.
Are Seed x1 Talk to her after rescuing the Imprisoned Mllfanlto.

The brown-haired Mitfanito can be reached by opening the Door of the Undead after defeat-
ing the Demon of Song. This is the black door above the Rise of the Dead Bonfire in Amana this Milfanito are the same as for the other,
Shrine; it can only be opened while you are Hollowed and after rescuing the Injured Mitfanito although this one will give you a Fire Seed
outside the Boss room. The conditions you must meet in order to receive any rewards from in lieu of a second Divine Blessing.

A Milfanito kidnapped and imprisoned by the one known as The Embedded. Unable to
fulfill her duty in calming the dead, she now spends her days in tears and sorrow.

General Info I HP I Souls I Prerequisites I Item Drops I Grave

After obtaining the Key to
I mprlsoned
1000 600 the Embedded, use It to Ring of the Dead No (after rescuing her).
free her from her cage.

Movement Info Event Items

t.ocatton I Notes Item J Conditions for Receipt
Dranglelc Castle Starllng location. Dark Pyromancy

Disappears permanently after .. F..1.~~.! Talk to her after unlocklng the cage.
rescuing her. Ring of the Dead

The Imprisoned Mitfanito can be found locked in the cage atop the tower just beyond the
Central Drangleic Castle Bonfire. In order to rescue her you must defeat the Demon of Song
and obtain the Key to the Embedded; use this item to unlock her cage and speak to her to
receive the Dark Pyromancy Flame and the Ring of the Dead.

A scarred and wounded Milfanito found cowering outside the Boss room in the
Shrine of Amana, apparently attacked by the Demon of Song. How she survived the
encounter is uncertain; she might actually be a ghost.

General lnlo I HP I Souls J Prerequisites I item Drops I Grave

lnJured Mllfanlto 10 None None No (after rescuing her).

Movement Info Event Items

t.ocatlon I Notes Item J Conditions for Receipt
Shrine of Amana Starting location. None
(Disappears} Disappears permanently after rescuing her.

The Injured Milfanito srts outside the Boss room in the Shrine of Amana; to rescue her sim-
ply speak to her. She will disappear without a word and without leaving behind a reward, but
saving her fulfills one of the requirements for opening the Door of the Undead.


'I I' . .. I '

Once a human, but his worldly desires began spiraling out of control and ultimately
. j
i I i
-- •
j I

I \
,'.,i ~
I ' i
corrupted him. Realizing that he lacked the strength to resist the temptations of the
flesh, The Embedded chained himself for eternity in the tower of Drangleic Castle to
i I

I , , • • + I

ensure that he could never act upon his sinful urges. Though he covets the pure and
; 1' • I I!
.. I•

I 11 '
ij : i
innocent Milfanito held prisoner by his own chains, he can never touch her and is able
only to wait in anguish for the bearer of his key to arrive and deliver him from his
I! \ 'I ': I 'l

Genoral Info I HP I Souls I Proroqulsltos I 1tom Drops I Gravo !f

I ·t
j .
i II

The Embedded lnvlnclble Key to the Embedded None No
-4 -
1- !
. I !.- ' '
Movement Info Event Items
-- .·.-·- '
Location J Notos Item I Conditions for Rocolpt
........... Starting location.
(Disappears) Disappears permanently after saving him from his fate.

The Embedded is a stationary and invincible NPC chained to the cage in the tower of Drangle-
ic Castle. Speaking to him with the Key to the Embedded in your inventory will allow you to
release him from his torment, thereby opening the cage and freeing the Imprisoned Mitfanito.

The arachnophiliac proprietor of Brightstone Cove Tseldora and founder of the mining
town that once flourished there. The brightstone boom brought great wealth and
prosperity to the community, but one day the mine was overrun by giant spiders while
Duke Tseldora merely stood by and watched. The Duke vanished without a trace after
the town's destruction and is widely presumed to have been among the casualties;
a more detailed investigation has not been conducted as those who visit the ruins
frequently fail to return.

General Info I HP I Souls J Preroqulsltos ! 1tom Drops J Grave

Defeat the Duke's Fragrant Branch ofYO(B, Dark
DukeTseldora 400 700 No
Dear Ffe)a. Quartz Ring+ 1, Brlghtstone Key

Movement Info Event Items

Location J Notes Item I Conditions for Receipt
Lord's Private Chamber Permanent location. Tseldora Den Key Put him out or his misery.

Duke Tseldora is found in the Lord's Private Chamber after defeating the Duke's dear Freja.
He cannot be engaged in conversation and must be defeated in order to obtain the Tseldora
Den Key.

Captain of the Drangleic Army battalion stationed at the fort during the invasion by the
Giants. He is a noble, honorable and highly competent commander whose family has
protected the kingdom from the Giant scourge for generations. Captain Drummond
and his men stood bravely against grim odds and very few of them survived; it is said
that with the help of an unnamed hero they were finally able to defeat the king of the
Giants and bring an end to the war.

Goneral Info I HP J Souls J Preraqulsltos J 1tem Drops J Grave

Captain Drummond 2900 2600 No Dranglelc Helm Yes

Movement Info Event Items

Location J Notes Item J Conditions for Rocel1>t
Memory ofVammar Starting location. Talk to him after summoning him In
Dranglelc Helm the Memory of Jelgh and defeating
After speaking to him In the
the Giant Lo<d together.
Memory of Vammar his Summon
Memory of Jelgh
Sign will appear outside the Fog


Captain Drummond is only encountered in two of the Memories of location he can be summoned outside the Fog Gate in the Memory
Giants. He is initially encountered in the Memory ofVammar lying of Jeigh. Speak to the Captain after defeating the Giant Lord to-
among the corpses of his men; after exhausting his dialogue in this gether and he will hand over the missing piece of his armor set, the
Drangleic Helm.


Founder of Drangleic along with his brother Aldia, Vendrick was later crowned as the
fledgling kingdom's first monarch. While widely respected by his subjects, Vendrick
was plagued with misfortune throughout his rule - the epidemic spread of the Undead
Curse throughout Drangleic forced him to resort to increasingly brutal and inhumane
measures to contain it; meanwhile the kingdom's armies faced imminent invasion by
the great Giants of the Northern continent. With nowhere left to turn, Vendrick finally
departed the castle on a last desperate errand and was never heard from again.

General Info I HP I Souls I Prerequisites I 1tem Drops I Grave

Vendrick I of Clear the Wc1f to his chamber In
11460 90000 None No
the Crypt by defeating Velstadt.

Movement Info Event Items

Location I Notes Item I Conditions for Receipt
Undead Crypt Permanent location. Check the dlscarded pile of Ms armor.
King's Ring
Can be taken without flghUng him.

You will finally track Vendrick down in the Undead Crypt, but he won't be much help in his
present state. You do not need to fight him to clear the game; it is possible to simply take
his ring and depart. If you do intend to fight Vendrick, be aware that he will gain a massive
defense multiplier if you are carrying fewer than five Souls of a Giant when you initiate
hostilities with him. Though the King himself will not drop any items when defeated, putting
him out of his misery will allow you to open a door in the Shrine of Amana behind which can
be found Vendrick's equipment and his Soul.


A woman of mysterious origin who appeared at Drangleic Castle claiming to have
ventured there from a foreign land. She bore a warning for King Vendrick of a looming
threat beyond his borders and urged him to take action; after mobilizing the kingdom's
army the King took Nashandra's hand in marriage. The circumstances surrounding
Nashandra's arrival in Drangleic and her motives for seeking an audience with the
King remain shrouded in uncertainty; in Vendrick's absence the truth behind these
events is known only to the Queen herself.

General Info I HP I Souls I Prerequisites I item Drops I Grave

Nashandra I of
8770 90000 Gain access to Dranglelc CasUe. Soul of Nashandra No

Movement Info Event Items

Location J Notes Item I Conditions for Receipt
Dranglelc Castle Starting location. Soul of Nashandra Defeat her.
............................................................................................................................... --------------
After obtaining the Giant's Kinship and def ea Ung
Throne of Want
the Throne watcher and Throne Defender.

Nashandra is first encountered in Drangleic Castle. She will cryptically suggest that you visit
Vendrick but offer no other information; her dialogue will change slightly after obtaining the
Ashen Mist Heart and she will disappear when you acquire the Giant's Kinship. From this
point onward she can be found at the Throne of Want once you have defeated the Throne
Watcher and the Throne Defender; depending upon the order in which you complete the
endgame plot events you may be forced to fight Nashandra in a consecutive battle immedi-
ately after the two guardians.


Covenants in Dark Souls II are large, organized factions of player distinct from ordinary Merchants in that they typically make unique
characters led or represented by a particular NPC who serves as items or other special services available to those who swear al-
the group's administrator. The Covenant leaders handle recruitment legiance. They will also sometimes offer important fragments of
and quartermaster duties for their respective constituents and are game lore which some players may find more valuable than the
Covenants' tangible rewards.


Nine Covenants exist in Dark Souls II, each with its own unique Think of a Covenant as a greater cause, a banner beneath which you
objectives and significance to the game's story. Each Covenant can choose to fight for the sake of the group's goals (or purely for
tracks its participants' contributions using a three-tier ranking your own benefit}.
system whereby rewards are granted as members attain progres-
sively higher ranks; in addition nearly all Covenants offer some form Killing a Covenant's administrator while you are a member of that
of immediate benefit when you first establish membership. Some faction will typically cause them to leave behind a Tombstone; by
Covenants provide reliable sources of otherwise rare items such as praying at that NPC's Grave and conjuring their spirlt it may be pos-
Pharros' Lockstones or Bonfire Ascetics while others simply offer sible to restore membership and resume normal operation of the
opportunities to cut loose and duke tt out with fellow players; certain associated Covenant. Bear in mind, however, that the unprovoked
completely unique rewards can only be obtained by joining particular slaughter of innocent NPCs will earn you one point of Sin for each
Covenants and achieving the maximum level of prestige. murder you commit and when you reach a high enough total of Sin
points you will become a target of the Blue Sentinels. Moreover,
You can leave your current Covenant simply by joining a new one or beware that killing a Covenant administrator before joining his Cov-
speaking to Sweet Shalquoir in Majula and selecting the "Abandon enant may permanently disable the dialogue options through which
Covenant" option. Leaving a Covenant in Dark Souls II will neither he would have initially recruited you; this will effectively prevent you
decrease your rank nor increase your Sin count, and you can rejoin from accessing the associated Covenant for the remainder of your
at any time with the same level of prestige you had when you left. current game cycle.

Covenant Rank & Prestige

Name I Administrator j Condttlon for Rank Up I Rank 1 Requirements* j Rank 2 Requirements• I Rank 3 Requirements*
Heirs to the Sun Sunlight Altar Offer sunlight Medals 10 20 30
Defeat Invading Black Phantoms
Way of Blue Crestfallen Saulden 1 6 10
(Including NPCs)
.............. . ,............................. .. . .
Death of Black Phantoms during co-op OR Death
Blue Sentlnels Blue sentinel Targray of the target host when Invading as a Revenge 60 150 500
Phantom OR Victory In a Training Matoh
Death of the host or a Blue Phantom during an
Brotherhood of Blood Tltchy Gren 60 150 500
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. "... .. . .. . .
Invasion OR Vlctory In Deathmatd1
"... .. " .. " .. " . "........ .. .
Rat King The Rat King Offer Rat's Tails 10 20 36
Defeat the host when Invading In the Belfries as
Bell Keeper Bell Keepers a Gray Phantom OR Defeat Black Phantoms that 10 30 100
Invade In the Belfries

...Dragon Remnants
..................... Magerold of Lanatlr
...................................................... ..................................Offer Dragon Scales
................. ................................. ........................................................10...........................................................20
Company of Champions Victor's Stone Offer Awestones 10 26 50
Successfully clear one LIQht all three braziers In Defeat the Boss of the
Pllgrl ms of Dark Darkdlver Grandahl Increases automatically after certain events
area of the Dark Chasm•• the Dark Chasm Dark Chasm
• Requirements listed In this table represent the total necessary for attaining the corresponding rank, not the difference between
the previous and current ranks. For example, to attain Rank 3 In the Heirs to the Sun Covenant you must offer a total of 30 Sunllght Medals.
•• Once the area is clear you must leave via the exit hole. Dying, warping via Homeward Bone or falllng Into the wrong pit will not register a successful completion.

Overview of Covenant Rewards

Covenant I rnttlal Reward I R1nk 1 Reward I Rank 2 Roward I Rank 3 Roward
.......... to the sun Sun Seal Sunlight Parma
.. Sun Sword Sunlight Spear
....Way of Blue
.................... ..................................Blue
..........Seal Bloodblte Ring
............................. ....................................... Hush
........................................................................ .......................................................Blue Tearstone Ring
........................ .............................................
Blue Sentinels Guardian's Seal Spirit Tree Shield \Nrath of the Gods Bountiful Sunlight
Brotherhood of Blood Crest of Blood Curved Twlnblade Crescent Sickle Great Chaos Fireball

...Rat King
..................... Crest of the Rat
............................................... Small Smooth & Siiky Stone x10
......................................................................... Smooth & Siiky Stone x10
....................... ..................................................................................................Slumbering
.......................Dragone rest Ring
................................... .........
Bell Keeper Helmet; Bell Keeper Bellyband;
Bell Keepers Bell Keeper's Seal Tltanlte Slab x1 Hidden Weapon
......... .. . . ' . Bell Keeper CUffs; Bell Keeper Trousers
.. .. .. .. "
Dragon Remnants Dragon Eye; Ancient Dragon Seal Dragon Head Stone Dragon Torso Stone Black Dragon Greatsword
Company of Champions Champion's Tablet Great Magic Weapon First Dragon Ring Vanquisher's Seal
Climax; Xanthous Crown; xanthous Overcoat;
Pilgrims of Dark Abyss Seal Resonant Soul Great Resonant Soul
xanthous Gloves; xanthousWalstcloth


A victim of the Undead Curse who traveled to Drangleic in the usual way, for the usual
reasons, only to realize that the cure he sought was not so easily obtained. Saulden
lost the will to continue his quest and settled down in Majula, where he spends his
days wallowing in misery. He still has good advice on offer, however, and heads
the Drangleic chapter of the Way of Blue- a Covenant which provides protection and
guidance to Undead travelers newly arrived in the kingdom. While the bleak and
desolate landscape of Majula only serves to deepen Saulden's sadness, livening up
the town by bringing in some new residents will raise his spirits considerably.

General Info I HP I Souls I Prerequisites I item Drops I Location I Grave

Clestfallen Saulden 1320 800 None RlnQ of Steel Protection MaJula 600 Souls

Event Items
Item I Conditions for Receipt
"Welcome" Gesture lnltlally available when accessing his expanded menu.
Ring or Stael Protection Die 100 or more times In single-player mode. Deaths as a phantom do not count.
Soul Vessel x1 At least nine new NPCs have taken up residence In Majula.

Saulden can be found perpetually moping at the monument in Majula. He will initially
provide you with some information on the town and the surrounding areas as well as some
basic lore; speaking to him later in the game when you've triggered more NPCs to move to
Majula will get you a valuable Soul Vessel. You do not need to join the Way of Blue to access
Saulden's expanded menu and can learn the "Welcome" gesture from him immediately.


SirTargray oversees the original chapter of the Blue Sentinels based in the Cathedral
of Blue in Heide. Although he sometimes comes across as condescending due to his
unwavering faith in the righteousness of his actions, in realityTargray is selfless and
stoic; determined to train himself to achieve a higher state of mind and help fellow
Knights of Blue. Targray remained in Drangleic to continue supporting his comrades
even after people began fleeing the ruined kingdom and he himself became Undead.

General Info J HP J Souls I Prerequisites I item Drops I Location I Grave

Blue Sentinel You must possess at least Blue Knight's Halberd cathedral of
1660 1500 6000Souls
lllrgray one Token or Fidelity. Blue

Event Items Merchandise

Item I Conditions for Receipt Item I Oty.Avallable I Cost I Prerequisites
Join the Blue Sentinels Morning Star co 1600
"Duel Bow·
Covenant and speak
to him. . Halberd co 2600
lllrgray's Helm Monastery Charm 3 2200
....................................... Select the "Talk" option In Holy Water Urn co 300
.. ~~~(~.~.~.~~ .......... his expanded menu after
Bo ltston e co 7000
lllrgray's Manlfers
reaohlng Rank 3 In the
Blue Sentinels Covenant
...... .............................................................. ...........................................................
Emit Force co 4200
lllrgray's Leggings
Heavenly Thunder co 3300

Targray waits on the balcony accessed after defeating the Old Dragonslayer in the Cathe-
dral of Blue. He will not deal with you unless you are carrying at least one Token of Fidelity;
furthermore you cannot access his merchant inventory unless you are a member of the Blue
Sentinels. Among other things Targray sells a consumable thrown item, the Holy Water Urn;
these highly potent weapons will deal significant damage to nearly all early-game enemies
and can be used to easily eliminate the Old Knights scattered throughout Heide. Select the
"Talk" option in Targray's expanded menu after reaching Rank 3 in the Blue Sentinels and he
will reward you with the full set of his equipment.


A follower of Nahr Alma, the God of Blood. He leads the Brotherhood of Blood, a
Covenant whose members tout themselves as servants who offer blood to the gods;
however in reality they are merely lovers of violence seeking to recruit those with
similar personalities. Gren makes no pretenses about his Covenant's objectives and in
fact advertises them with sadistic pride: they live to slaughter the innocent in droves
until blood runs in rivers across the land and view their enemies, the Blue Sentinels,
merely as another opportunity to sow carnage and death.

Gcnoral Info I HP I Souls I Proroqulsltos ] 1to111 Drops I Location I Gravo

Tltchy Gron 1600
You must possess at least Nahr Alma Undead
1690 6000 SOUis
one Token of Spite. Hood Purgatory

Event Items Merchandise

ltom I Conditions for Receipt I torn I
Qty. Avallable Cost Prerequisites I I
Scythe of Nahr Select the "Talk" option Great Scythe 3000 -
Alma In his expanded menu Priest's Chime .......................................
...N·~·h~·Ai;~..H~·~d........ after reaching Rank 3 In .............................. oo
..................- .....................
......................................... the Brotherhood of Blood Bone Crown 1 3600
Nahr Alma Robes Covenant Bone King
................. ........Robe 1
................................................................. 6000 Defeat the
Bone King Cuffs 1 4200 Skeleton Lords.
Titchy Gren can be found in the ...................... .................................................... .....................
Bone King Skirt
...................... ..........................................1 .......................4800
Undead Purgatory after defeating
the Executioner's Chariot; in order ...~~?.~.~!.~.~~-~.~?.!.~ ~ ~~ Defeat the
for him to offer you entrance into Executioner Armor 1 7600 Executioner's
............................................................................................... Charlot and
the Brotherhood of Blood you must
be carrying at least one Token of
...~~~~t!~.~~.~.~~.~~~~~ \ ~ open the Shrine
Executioner Leggings 1 6700 of Winter.
Spite. After reaching Rank 3 in this
Are storm 1 4500 -
Covenant, speak to Gren using the
"Talk" option in his expanded menu Great Combustion 1 4800 -

and he will give you the complete RreWhlp ...............................................1 .......................3800

...................... .................- ..................
three-piece set of his equipment. Dellcate String 1 20000 -
Red Sign Soapstone 1 5000 -
SllverTallsman 1300 -
Hexing Um 360


King of the rats who dwell in the underground domain. Easily underestimated due to
his plain appearance and modest stature, in reality he is a just, honorable and virtuous
ruler. The Rat King harbors a deep and bitter distrust of all who walk the surface
world, especially humans; while this often causes him to give the impression of
haughtiness and contempt, he does not bear such ill sentiment without good reason.
By demonstrating your loyalty and dedication to him, however, you may be able to
restore a measure of his faith in humankind and convince him to open up to you about
his past.

General Info I HP J Souls I Prerequisites I item Drops J tocauon I Grave

The Rat IOng 4330
You must possess at None Grave of saints; 3600 Souls
least one Rat's Tall. Doors of Pharros

Event Items Merchandise

Item I Conditions for Receipt Item I Qty. Available I Cost I Prerequisites
None Common Ault 1600
Red Leechlh>ches 1600
The Rat King can be found in the 1t1c1ops snake
00 2000
small chambers past the Boss rooms .. :!!:~~~!.! .
in the Grave of Saints and the Doors ...............
Dung Pie 600
of Pharros. Accessing him requires Corrosive Um 700
that you defeat the Boss in either of
these two areas and he will not deal with you unless you are carrying at least one Rat's Tail.
It is important to note that the Rat King looks very similar to the other rats found elsewhere
in these zones, particularly the Grave of Saints, so take care not to mistake him for an
enemy and attack him.


Inanimate dolls given life by the Prince of Alken and Princess of Venn in a forgotten
age, they were tasked with protecting the great bells which serve as symbols of the
forbidden love between the two. The Bell Keepers have long outlived their creators
and even their kingdoms as they continue to watch over Belfry Luna and Belfry Sol,
viciously expunging intruders in the names of their lost masters.

General Info I ~IP I Souls I Prerequisites I 1temDrops j Location I Grave

Bell Keepers 2100 360 None None Belfry Luna; Belfry Sol 4600 Souls

Event Items
Item I Conditions for Receipt
Rusted COin xs Ring the bell to summon another Bell Keeper Phantom at least three times.

The Bell Keeper in charge of Covenant recruitment can be found at Belfry Luna in the Lost
Bastille and Belfry Sol in the Iron Keep. The Keepers who fulfill this role in each area are
actually the same person and turning him hostile in one location will carry over to the other.

A self-proclaimed treasure hunter and purveyor of eclectic and unusual items.
Magerold presents himself as casual and friendly, speaking in a relaxed and informal
manner; he claims not to care for the material value of an item and instead chooses
them by instinct based on what "grabs" him. His disarmingly nonchalant personality
seems a bit out of place for someone of such a dangerous profession, however, and
he gives a faint impression of being far more knowledgeable than he lets on.

General Info I HP I Souls I Prerequisites I item Drops j Location I Grave

Mageroldof Petrified Egg (only for access Covetous Gold
1660 1660 Iron Keep 8600 souls
L.anaflr to his Covenant options). Serpent Ring +1

Event Items
Item I conditions for Receipt
covetous Gold Serpent Purchaseat least 10,000 Soulsworth of merchandise from him and then select 'Talk' from
Ring +1 his expanded menu.

Item I Qty. Avan. j Cost I Prerequisites Item I Qty. Avall. j Cost I Prerequisites
Spiked Bandit Helm OD 1000 - Great Heavy Soul
1 4600 -
Bandit Armor OD 1600 -
Fall control 1 4800 -
Bandit Gauntlets OD 1200 -
Dark Hall 1 1600 -
Bandit Boots 1300 -
Darkstorm 1 4700 -
Jester's Cap OD 2000 -
Hello Carving 1 2000 -
Jester's Robes OD 3000 - ............................................................................................................
Thank you Carving 1 2000 -
Jester's Gloves OD 2300 -
............................................................................................................ I'm Sorry Carving 1 2000 -
Jester'sTlghts OD 2600 -
Very Goodl Carving 1 2000 -
Dragonrlder Helm 1 7200
.............. .. · Clear Green Blossom 10 1300 -
.. ~~~?~nrl~~~.~.~~.... .. ..1 !.).~~? ..
Charcoal Pine Resin oo 1500 -
Dragonrlder Gauntlets 1 8000 Castle In New ....... ............................................................................................
.......... .. .. .. Game+. Black Rrebomb OD 300 -
Dragonrlder Leggings 1 0000
............................................................................................................ Rusted Coln 6 900 -
CUrseblte Ring 1 9000 -
Repair Powder 1 2500 -
Soul Arrow 1 1600 -
Human Effigy 1 3000 -
Great Soul Arrow 1 3000 -
Heavy Soul Arrow 1 2000 -

Magerold can be found in the Iron Keep. To locate him, open the can use it with Magerold's help; bringing him the Petrified Egg from
double doors past the Threshold Bridge Bonfire and enter the large the Dragon Shrine will enable you to join the Dragon Remnants
room with a flame-spewing bust of a bull; immediately turn right Covenant. After defeating the two Dragon Riders in Drangleic Castle
and proceed down the hall to the circular room overlooking the lake during a New Game+ cycle or higher, Magerold will add their equip-
of lava. If you are carrying any Simpleton's or Skeptic's Spice, you ment to his lineup.


A mysterious old man encountered in several out-of-the-way places throughout
your journey. He will initially offer only vague musings and cryptic remarks, but after
crossing paths with him three times he will reveal that he is the leader of a group of
pioneers dedicated to exploring the fragmented remains of the legendary Abyss. While
Grandahl's wheelchair and his aged, wizardly appearance lend him an air of frailty,
his ability to open dimensional gates to the Dark Chasm and seemingly teleport from
place to place indicate that there is far more to him than meets the eye.

Gcnoral Info I HP I Souls I Proroqulsltos ] 1tom Drops I Location I Gravo

Shaded Ruins;
Oarkdlver Speak to him In Blaok Gulch (requires
1690 2700 all three locations. Dragon Chime Forgotten Key); 6600 Souls*
Granda hi
Dranglelc Castle.
• If killed before Joining the Pilgrims of Dark, he will leave a Grave at the locatlon of his death and will not resume Covenant
functions. If k[lfed after Joining the Covenant he will leave Graves at all three locations and will resume Covenant functions.

Event Items Merchandise

ltom I Conditions for Rocolpt Item [ Qty. Available ] Cost I Prorequlsltos
Dragon Chime
Defeat the boss of the
Dark Chasm of Old.
.....Cast.. Ught 1 3000
Dark Orb 1 600
Dark Hall 1 1500
You will encounter Darkdiver Gran- ··0~-.:ic"~t~~················ ; "4700 ..
dahl after opening the Forgotten Key
door in Black Gulch, dropping through Profound Stlll 1
the false floors in the Shaded Ruins .. ~~-~-~-~-~.~.~Y. ?. ??.~~ .- •.
and behind the Soul-activated door in ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~____;:
BonflreAscetlc 10 7500
the far left corner of the large room
adjoining the King's Gate Bonfire in Drangleic Castle. When you speak to him
for the third time, regardless of the order in which you meet him, he will offer
you the chance to join the Pilgrims of Dark and subsequently grant you access
to his expanded menu. Speak to him after defeating the Darklurker in the Dark
Chasm of Old and he will reward you with the Dragon Chime.
Merchants represent the backbone of any economy; their own sanity has resulted In the emergence of Souls as the de
their services are vitally important to those depen- facto currency of Dranglelc; this being the case, the Merchants
dent upon them for equipment and supplies. This is of Dark Souls II will accept no other form of compensation. Virtu-
especially true In the lawless. crumbling kingdom of ally every transaction you complete wil require Souls and you will
Dranglelc and no matter what your circumstances, you invariably face difficult decisions on when and how to spend them.
are assured to eventually find yourself browsing their In the following subsection you will find a complete list of the game's
wares. The universal need of the Undead to preserve various Merchants as well as their locations and inventories; use this
information to help you decide which items and equipment you wish
to buy and plan your budget accordingly.


An entrepreneur from Volgen, Maughlin traveled to Orangleic in hopes of establishing
a commercial armory. Unfortunately, business has been slow and he is struggling to
make ends meet. By lending him your support as a customer, however, you can give
the business a shot in the arm and help him get his franchise off the ground. Though
his memories are already fading due to the effects of the Curse, he will remember
your generosity and may return the favor should you find yourself bankrupt.

General Info I HP ] Souls I Prerequisites ] item Drops I Grave

Tseldora Cap, Tseldora Robe, Tseldora
Maug hlln tho Annou ror 1100 900 None 3600 Souls
Manohettes, Tseldora Trousers

Movement Info Event Items

Location I Notos Item I Conditions for Receipt
MaJula Permanent locatlon. Helm of Aurous
.. Purchase a total of at least 16 ooo
souls worth
--~-~e>·~-e>.!.~.u~~.!......... .. of merchandise from Maughll~ and then speak
Gauntlets of Aurous to him Ilia the "Talk" option In his expanded
................................................... menu when you have O Souls In your stock.
Leggings of Aurous

Item I Qty. Avan. I Cost I Prerequisites Item I Qty. Avan. I Cost I Prerequisites
Iron Panna 00 1200 - Smoltor Demon Throne Watcher Defeat the
1 7800 1 10200
Sliver Eagle Klto
00 1600 -
Helm .. ~~-~~-~~!~ Throne watcher
Shleld Smelter Demon Throne Watcher and Throne
1 10000 1 11600 Defender.
Ann or Defeat the Loggings
Twin Dragon ............................................................................
00 2000 - Smelter Demon.
Groatshlold Smoltor Demon Defeat all
1 8600
Gauntlets Bosses listed
Standard Helm 00 800 -
Smelter Demon Moon Butterfly Hat 1 10000 above during the
Hard Leather Armor 00 1260 - 1 9000 third game cycle
(New Game+2).
Hard Leather 1
00 940 - Looking Glass Mask 8200
Gauntlets Moon Butterfly Defeat all
Looking Glass 1 16000
1 13600 Wings Bosses llsted
Hard Leather Boots 00 1100 -
Annor . . ... Defeat the ·-M~-~~--B~tt~~·Y···· ·······································above during the
Falconer Helm 00 900 - Looking Glass Looking Glass Cuffs 1 10000 second game
Gauntlets 1 9600 Knight. . cycle (New
Falconer Armor 00 1600 - ............................................................................ Moon Butterfly Skirt 1 10000 Game+) .
Falconer Gloves 00 1060 - Looking Glass
1 10800
..................Boots 1200 -
........................................oo............................... ................ Penal Mask 1 7000 Maughlin runs his business out of a repur-
Infantry Armor oo 1100 -
--~~~-1--~-~.1-~~-~~-~~-!.! ~ 8200 .. Defeat the Lost
posed forge in Majula. After spending at
Infantry Gloves 00 730 - least 1000 Souls on his merchandise he will
Penal Handcuffs 1 6800 Sinner.
Infantry Boots 00 840 - expand his inventory; he will upgrade his
Penal Skirt 1 7600
Royal Soldlor Helm 00 1600 ................... ............................................................................. ......... stod< a second time when you have spent a
Velstadt's Helm 1 9800
Royal Soldler Armor 00 2700 total of 16,000 Souls. Furthermore, once you
Royal Soldler --~~~~~-~-~.-~-~-~~---··············-~·-·········-~-~~-- Defeat Velstadt, have defeated certain Bosses Maughlin will
00 1900 Velst11dt's Gauntlets 1 10700 the Royal Aegis. add their unique equipment to his lineup. To
Gauntlets ............................................................................
············································································ Purchase a total
Velstadt's Leggings 1 12000 update his inventory simply rest at the nearby
Royal Soldler of at least 1000
00 2200 Bonfire after making the requisite purchases
...~~~ I~~.!......... .. .. souls worth of Throne Defender
1 11000 and then speak to him. Once you have trig-
Ellte Knight Helm oo 2200 merchandise Helm
......................................................................... from Maughlln. gered the second expansion to Maughlin's
EUte Knight Annor oo 4000 Throne Defender
............................................................................ 1 16000 inventory by spending at least 16,000 Souls,
Ann or
Ellte Knight Gloves oo 2600 speak to him via the "Talk" option in his
........................................................................... Throne Defender
Ellte Knight 1 12600 Defeat the expanded menu with O Souls in your pos-
2900 .. ~~-~n-~~-~~........... .. Throne watcher
Leggings session and he will give you a free set of the
Throne Defender and Throne
13800 Defender.
Alva Helm 6200 Purchase a Armor of Aurous.
~ aooo" total of at least
Throne Watcher
............................................................................ 16,000 souls 1 9300
Alva Gauntlets oo 6000 worth of mer- Helm
.......... . chandlse from Throne watcher
Alva Leggings oo 7100 Maughlln. 1 12600
Ann or


The epitome of deceptive appearances, at first glance Shalquoir looks every bit like an
ordinary cat. Beneath her cute and fluffy exterior, however, she is actually a sentient
being who has lived since ancient times and has watched the repeating cycles of
history with her own eyes. Shalquoir prefers the company of the Undead to that of the
living and only reveals her true nature to those afflicted with the curse; in front of all
others she pretends to be normal cat.

For all her pretenses, however, Shalquoir displays the genuine narcissism and
selfishness of a real cat; she involves herself in the affairs of men solely for her own
amusement and treats the suffering of others as a source of entertainment. While even
the gentle Emerald Herald speaks sardonically of her, Shalquoir's long life and vast
experience have made her highly knowledgeable of the land and its inhabitants. She
offers sound advice ... provided you catch her on a good day.

General Info I HP I Souls J Proroqulsltos I 1tom Drops I Gravo

sweet Shalquolr Invincible None None

Movement Info Event Items

t.ocatton J Notes Item J Conditions for Receipt
MaJula Permanent location. None Shalquoir lives in one of the houses on the
edge of The Pit in Majula and can be found
Merchandise there throughout the game. She sells a
Item J Oty.Avallablo I Cost I Proroqulsltes number of rare and valuable items including
the Silvercat Ring, which will allow you
Rylng Feline Boots 1 6000 Clear Brightstone Cove Tseldora.
........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... to access several restricted areas at the
Ring of the Evll Eye 1 4600 very beginning of your adventure, and will
Sllvercat Ring 1 13400 eventually offer important tidbits of lore.
1 Once you've opened the door to the Shrine
Redeye Ring
.......... .. ' .. . 6700
.. of Winter, Shalquoir will restock her inven-
............. .
Name-engraved Ring
.. .. 6600
.. tory with an unlimited supply of her usual
Ring of Whispers 1 6800
.................. . consumable items .
Prism Stone 10•oo 300
Alluring Skull 1 O ~.. 300
·············· ················································································································ Infinite stock after opening the Shr1ne of Winter.
Uoyd's lllllsman 1 o ,... 1600
Homeward Bone 10 .... 600

A simple and humble blacksmith, when Lenigrast became Undead he moved to
Majula to continue practicing his trade. He established a shop in one of the abandoned
residences and stored all of his tools and supplies inside, but it seems a local
prankster locked him out of the building and made off with the key. Retrieving the
key to Lenigrast's forge will enable him to get back to work, from which point he will
repair your weapons and armor as well as perform basic equipment upgrades. In spite
of his eloquent and somewhat haughty exterior, Lenigrast is a family man and firmly
believes in settling down to establish a permanent home; he speaks of his transient
daughter Chloanne with the exasperation and worry of a doting father.

General Info I HP I Souls I Prerequisites J 1tem Drops I Grave

Blacksmith Lenlgrast 1320 1360 Unlock the door to his house. Blacksmith's Hammer 2000 Souls

Movement Info Event Items

Location I Notes Item I Conditions for Receipt
Ma)ula Permanent location. Spend a total of at least sooo Souls on Lenlorast's merchandise
and then speak to him via the "Talk" option In his expanded

Merchandise In order to unlock Lenigrast's house you

must purchase Lenigrast's Key from
ltom I Qty. Avail. I Cost I Prerequisites Item I Qty. Avail. I Cost I Prerequisites Merchant Hag Melentia in the Forest of
Longsword oo 1300 Spear oo 1400 - Fallen Giants. Once you've let him back
............................................................................................................ .................. . .
Broadsword oo 1700 Wood Arrow oo 10 into his shop, he will resume operations
Estoc 00 1600 Iron Arrow 60 30 and offer his services straight away. After
1000 26
spending a minimum of 8000 Souls on
...............................................oo................................................. .... Wood Bolt oo
merchandise, Lenigrast will give you a
Falchlon oo 1200 Heavy Bolt 60 50
....... ............ . .. Blacksmith's Hammer.
Battle Axe 1600 Tltanlte Shard 10 1000 -
.............. 00
.. -.................. .. .
Mace 00 1200 Repair Powder 1 2500 -
Chloanne is the daughter of Blacksmith lenigrast. Much to her father's dismay she
has taken up the profession of a wandering ore trader, combing the land's mineral
deposits for rare and valuable stones. Chloanne's relaxed, carefree disposition
contrasts sharply with her father's rigid stoicism and although both are good people
at heart, their lack of common ground has made it difficult for them to live with each
other. Nevertheless, convincing Chloanne to settle down in a safe place- even if only in
the short term- will greatly ease her father's mind.

General Info I HP I Souls I Prorequlsttos I ttom Drops I Gravo

Stone Trader 2500 Souls (at the location
1100 700 None Palestone
<llloanne In which she Is kllled)

Movement Info Event Items

Location I Notos Item I Conditions for Receipt
Harvest valley Starting location. Purchase at least 20,000 Souls
worth of merchandise from
MaJula Exhaust her dialogue In Harvest Valley. lwlnkllng Tltanlte x1
Chloanne and then select the 'Tall<'
option In her expanded menu.

ltom I Qty. Avall. I Cost I Prorequlsltos Item I Qty. Avall. I Cost I Preroqulsttas
Soul Appease 1 8800 - Tltanlte Slab 1 13000
Dead Again 1 4000 - lwlnkllng
3 16000
Bonfire Ascetic 1 7600 - .........................................................................
Available by d&- Dragon Bono
3 17600
fau IL I nflnlte stock
Tltanlte Shard 1000 Falntstone 3 7000
after olearlng Iron .........................................................................
Keep. Boltstone 3 7000
......................................................................... Clear the
Added to Inven- Flredrake Undead Crypt You will encounter Chloanne just past
3 7000
tory after clearing Stone
........................................................................ the Poison Pool Bonfire in Harvest Valley;
Large lltanlte the Iron Keep. Darknlght exhausting her dialogue options here will
2500 3 7000
Shard Infinite stock after Stone trigger her to move to Majula outside her
claarlng Dranglelc
Castle. Raw Stone 3 6000 father's shop. Chloanne will periodically up-
Magic Stone 3 7000 date her inventory as you progress through
Added to Inven-
tory after clearing
the game and will give you a free Twinkling
Old Mundane
the Undead Crypt. 3 10000 Titanite if you select the "Talk" option in her
Tltanlte Chunk 10-*ao 6000 Stone
Infinite stock after expanded menu after purchasing at least
defeating the flnal .. ~~~~.~.~.!~.~~ ? .'..~ Clear Dranglelc 20,000 Souls worth of her merchandise.
boss. Bleed Stone 3 7000 Castle.


A master blacksmith who lives only for his trade. Quiet and unsociable by nature, he
despises distractions to the extent that he locked himself in the Bastille to concentrate
on his study of smithing. McDuff's long career in the forge has given him an intimate
understanding of fire and brought him to the realization that the power of flame was
never meant for humankind. Though this wealth of experience has brought the world's
fundamental truths nearly within his grasp, McDuff lacks the words to express his
thoughts to others; his vast knowledge and erudite wisdom are easily misinterpreted
as madness due to his antisocial disposition and obsession with fire.

Gonoral Info I HP I Souls I Prarequtsttes I item Drops I Grava

Steady Hand McDuff 1860 1600 Dull Ember Tltantte Slab 3600Souls

Movement Info Event Items

Location I Notes Item I Conditions for Receipt
The Lost Bastllle Permanent location. None

McDuff resides in a cell most easily accessed from The Tower Apart Bonfire in The Lost Bastille;
you will need the Bastille Key to unlock the door. You can enter without the key by locating the
keg of gunpowder at the top of the nearby stairs, posrtioning it next to the cracked wall at the
bottom of the steps and setting it off, though doing so without getting caught in the blast can be
problematic. Firebombs are the best way to detonate the barrel from a safe distance; the sur-
rounding enemies should be eliminated beforehand to prevent them from destroying it while
attacking you.


Beware that the barrel has a tendency to fall Merchandise
out of sight, rendering it inaccessible and
potentially forcing you to reset the area via a Item I Qty. I Cost I Prorequlsltes Item I Qty. I Cost I Preroqulsltos
Bonfire warp. If this happens when the barrel Uchlgatana 1 .. 00 6000 Wood Arrow 00 10
is close to the cracked wall, try throwing a Bastard sword 1 .. oo 3000 Iron Arrow 00 30
few Firebombs at the spot where you last Greataxe 1 .. oo 6200
.. .. Wood Bolt oo 26
saw it; it will often get stuck just below the Winged Spear 1 =-00 2600 Infinite stock In .
floor and in these cases can still be detonated ................................................................................ Heavy Bolt oo 60 -
Scythe 1 .. oo 3600 New Game+. .. .
with splash damage. Lighting the torch near Iron Greatarrow 00 120
the anvil at the far end of the room will lure Long Bow 1 ,.oo 2000
the flame-loving Mc Duff away from the Light Crossbow 1 .. oo 1600 Largelltan Ito Shard 00 2600 -
. .. .. .
treasure chest he is sitting on, allowing you Royal Kite Shleld 1 .. oo 2400 Repair Powder l 2600 -
to swipe its contents.


A destitute citizen of Drangleic who wanders the land with her few possessions
packed on her back and ekes out a living as a peddler. Although cunning and capable
of delivering a convincing sales pitch, at heart Melentia is a kindly woman who has
suffered through decades of war and crushing poverty.

General Info I HP I Souls I Prerequisites I item Drops I Grave

Merchant Hag Melentla 660 760 None COYetous Sliver Serpent Ring + 1 2600 Souls

Movement Info Event Items

Location I Notes Item I Conditions for Receipt
Forest of Fallen Giants Starting locatlon. Spend a total of at least 10,000
Covetous Sliver Souls on Melentla's merchandise
Exhaust her dlaloge In the Serpent Ring +1 and then select the 'Talk' option In
Forest of Fallen Giants. her expanded menu.

Item I Qty. Aval!. I Cost I Prerequisites Item I Qty. Aval!. I Cost I Prerequisites
Broken Straight Cale's Leather
00 400 - 1 5600 Kill Cartographer
Sword Armor
................................ ····· ·· Cale.
Hand Axe oo 1000 - Cale's Shoes 1 6200
Cub oo 800 - Mlrrah Greatsword l 10000
caestus 00 1000 - .. ~.~~~~~:~.':'.'~~~ ~ 6800 .. Kill Lucatlel of
Travellng Merchant Lucatlel's Gloves l 5200 Mlrrah.
00 860 - ............. ···························································· Item I Qty. Avall., Cost I Prerequisites
Lucatlel's ll'ousers 1 6000
Travellng Merchant Available by
00 1600 - Black Robes 1 6000 default; stock
Coat .......................................................................... Kill Strald f
Travellng Merchant
00 1000 -
Black Gloves 1 4200 °
. .. .... ... ..... .. .. .. .. . .. ..... .... .. ... .... .. .. .. .. ... .... .. .. .. . .. ... 0 laphIs. Llfegem 10 '*00 300
Infinite When
Gloves Black Boots l 4800 she moves to
Travellng Merchant Majula.
00 1280 - Saint's Hood 1 3600
Boots Added to
Darkdr1ft 1 16000 .. ~~~~-~!.~~.~ ~ 6000 .. Kill Llcla of
Radiant Llfegem 10 1000
Inventory after
...... · ; ···· Kill Grave
Agdayne s Black W d ....Saint's
.................Long Gloves
......................... ...............1...............
4200 Llndelt. clearing the Lost
Robe 1 6000 ar en Saint's ltousers 1 4800
.......................................................................... Agdayne. Amber Herb 3 1600 -
Agdayne's Cuffs 1 4800 Hexer's Hood l 3600
Throwtng Knife 00 100 -
ctialnmall 1 7000 ...Hexer's
. Kill Feikln the
Witching Um 00 400 -
Hexer's Gloves 1 4200 Hexer.
crelghton's Chain Kill Creighton Firebomb 00 400 -
1 6100 Hexer's Boots 1 4800
Gloves the Wanderer. Human Effigy 6 3000 -
Chaos Robe 1 6000
crelghton's Chain
1 6200 "'ch·~·~~-Gi~~~~ , 4200 .. Kill Royal Sor-
...................................................................... cerer Navlaan.
Benhart's Parma
Melentia is initially located at the Cardinal
l 5000 Chaos Boots 1 4800
Tower Bonfire in the Forest of Fallen Giants.
Benhart's Knight Scythe of Nahr
Helm 1 5000 1 8800 After exhausting her dialogue there she
............................................................................ Kill Benhart of .. ~~~~ KIIITltohy Gren. will move to Majula, where she will remain
Benhart'sArmor 1 7400 Jugo. Nahr Alma Robes 1 5000
............................................................................ ............................................................................................................ for the rest of the game. As Melentia is a
Benhart's Gauntlets 1 5900 Targray's Helm 1 4800 scavenger and obtains many of her com-
Benhart's Boots l 6400 Targray's Armor l
............................................................................7200 Kill Blue Sentlnel modities from the corpses of the deceased,
Pate's Shleld 1 6800 Targray's Manlfers 1 5400 Targray. killing certain NPCs will update her inventory
Pate's Helm 1 3000 Targray's Leggings 1 6300 with their equipment. Melentia will give you a
......................................................................... Kill Mlld-M 8n- Covetous Silver Serpent Ring + 1 if you select
Pate'sArmor 1 6600
............................................................................ nered Pata. . Soul Arrow 1 1600 - . the "Talk" option in her expanded menu after
Pate's Gloves 1 3800 Heal 1 1600 - spending at least 10,000 Souls on her wares.
Pate'sll'ousers 1 4600 Lenlgrast's Key 1 1000 -


Chief of the Gyrm, a stocky dwarf-like race that dwell underground. While most Gyrm
are cheerful and friendly, they also harbor a strong distrust of the humans who exiled
them from the surface world; nevertheless Gavlan will happily wheel and deal with
you over the course of his travels throughout Drangleic.

Event Items
Item I Conditions for Receipt
Purchase at least 16,000 Souls
worth of merchandise from Gall1aan
Talk to him In No-Man's Wharf. Gynn Greataxe
and then select 'Tai k" from his
Talk to him In Harvest Valley. expanded menu.

6000 (first meeting); 6000 (second Restocks and Increases In price each
... .. meeting); 7000 (third meeUnoJ time Gall1an moves. . . 1600
Rotten Pine Resin 20 ~co 2000 Available by default. Infinite stock
...................................................................................................................................................... when Gall1an m()',185 to the Doors
Polson Throwing Knife
......... 20~co 360 . of Pharros .
Polson Arrow 20 ~co 160

Gavlan is Initially found on the top floor of a house In No-Man's Wharf. After meeting him for
the first time he will move to a cave adjoining the large poison pool next to Chloanne's starting
location in Harvest Valley; speaking to him there will trigger him to move to the Doors of Phar-
ros where he will permanently remain in the circular antechamber on the WaY to Brlghtstone
Cove Tseldora. Gavlaan is the only merchant in the game what will buy items from you and will
accept nearly anything besides key items or those required to advance the story.

A student of Carhillion of the Fold who journeyed with him to Drangleic to further her
study of Sorcery, which she loves. Innocent and well-meaning but also scatterbrained
and a bit of an airhead, Rosabath proved inept at Sorcery but discovered that she
possessed a natural aptitude in Pyromancy. Sha laments the divergence of her
hobbies from her talents but cheerfully presses on in spite of the circumstances, much
to the chagrin of her more composed and serious mentor. Rosabath was separated
from Carhillion soon after setting out and eventually fall prey to monsters, leaving her
petrified on the outskirts of Majula.

Gonoral lnto I HP I Souls I Proro11ulsltos j Item Drops I Grave

Rosabeth of Melfla 1280 1300 FfaQrant Branch of Yore Fire Seed 4000 Souls

Movement Info Event Items

Loc.1t1011 I Notes Item I Conditions for Rocolpt
Shaded Woods Starting location. E>Chaust Rosabeth's dialogue after
Prism Stone x1
curtng her petrification.
Cure Rosabeth's petrification and You will find Rosabeth petrified at the en-
give her something to wear. trance of the Shaded Woods. As she is ob-
structing the switch to the gate and thereby
Merchandise blocking access to the areas beyond, you
Item I Qty. Avall. I Cost I Proroqulsltos Item I Qty. Avall. j Cost I Prerequisites will need to cure her with a Fragrant Branch
Thunder Quartz Ring
of Yore in order to pass. Out of modesty
Rreball 1 1200 - 1 2000 -
Rosabeth will not move to Majula until her
Are Orb 1 3400 - Dark Quartz Ring 1 2000 - tattered clothes have been replaced; you
Combustion 1 1600 - Small Blue Burr co 1200 - may trade her any desired combination
Polson Mist of armor via her expanded menu in order
1 3400 - SmallYellow Burr
........... . . . co 1200 -
. to achieve this, but bear in mind that you
Rash sweat 1 2300 - Small Orange Burr co 1200 -
can never retrieve what you give her and
Iron Resh 1 3600 - Fire Seed 3 8000 -
a single inexpensive piece of equipment
Rame Quartz Ring 1 2000 -
will meet the conditions for her to relocate.
Rosabath sells basic Pyromancies and can
upgrade your Pyromancy Flame.


An accomplished sorcerer and formerly a professor at the Magic Academy of Melfia.
Carhillion grew increasingly disgusted with the Academy's internal politics and shortsighted
administration until he finally decided to leave Melfia and pursue his research alone.
Although he is a bit of a megalomaniac and has trouble communicating with others,
Carhillion is a good person at heart and his only desire is to expand his knowledge.

General Info I HP I Souls I Prerequlsttes I Item Drops I Grave

camunon of the Fold 1610 1300 Your INT must be 8 or higher. Northern Ritual Band +1 3600 Souls

Movement Info Event Items

Location I Notes Item I Conditions for Receipt
No-Man's Wharf StarUng location. Select the ,all<' option from his
Northern Rttua I
expanded menu when your INT Is 30
Exhaust his dialogue In No-Man's Band +1
Ma)ula or higher.
Wharf and defeat the Flexile Sentry.

ltom I 0.A. I Cost J Prerequisites
Sorcerer's Staff co 1000 -
Spell Quartz Ring 1 2000 -
aear Bluestone Ring 1 2000 -
Carhillion can be found on the
Amber Herb 10 1600 - docks at No-Man's Wharf. He
lwlllght Herb 6 2400 - will not speak to characters with less than
Slmpleton•s Spice 1 13000 - 8 Intelligence; bonuses from equipment
are not counted toward the total and this
Soul Arrow 1 1600 Available by default; stoc:I< becomes Infinite after passing through Shrine of Winter.
requirement applies directly to your base
Great Soul Arrow 1 3000 Available by default; stoc:1< becomes Infinite after passing through Shrine of Winter. stats. Carhillion will move to Majula once
Heavy Soul Arrow 1 2000 Available by default; stoc:I< becomes Infinite after passing through Shrine of Winter. his dialogue has been exhausted and you
Great Heavy Soul Arrow 1 4600 Available by default; stoc:I< becomes Infinite after passing through Shrine of Winter.
have defeated the Flexile Sentry. Like
Rosabeth, Carhlllion can upgrade your
......Shod<wave 1
.......................................................... 1800 Available by default; stoc:I< becomes Infinite after passing through Shrine of Winter.
........... ................................................................................................................................................. Pyromancy Flame and sells basic spells;
Soul Spear Barrage 1 2600 Available by default; stoc:I< becomes Infinite after passing through Shrine of Winter. speaking to him via his expanded menu
Magic Weapon 1 2000 Available by default; stoc:I< becomes Infinite after passing through Shrine of Winter. when your Intelligence is 30 or higher will
"'am 1 3000 Available by default; stoc:I< becomes Infinite after passing through Shrine of Winter. Impress him so much that he'll hand over
a Northern Ritual Band + 1.

A greedy yet strangely likable merchant from Volgen who worships
money above all else, Gilligan specializes in the somewhat niche ladder
industry and serves a fairly narrow base of cllantsle. Nevertheless, he
gets around enough to have made a number of enemies and claims
to have come to Drangleic to avoid them; however in reality his goal
is simply to maximize his profits by taking advantage of the ruined
kingdom's (apparently) dire need of ladders.

General Info I HP J Souls J Prerequisites I item Drops I Grave

Laddersmtth Complete his event In Earthen Peal< Melu SClmltar, 13,000
1710 1300
Gllllgan or defeat Mytha, the Baneful Queen. Ladder Miniature Souls ao

Whip co 1800 -
Movement Info Event Items co
Claws 1600 -
t.ocatlon J Notes Item I Con. for Receipt
Wooden Shleld ao 1200 -
Earthen Peak Starting location. Buy his most
Melu Scimitar Thief Mask 1000 -
expensive ladder.
Moves here permantly after buying
Ma)ula his ladder In Earthen Peak or de- Black Leather
1200 -
feating Mytha, the Baneful Queen. Armor
Black Leather
Gilligan is first encountered in Earthen Peak. To find him, climb the castle 1000 -
to the landing at which the large windmill blades attach to the axle and Black Leather
destroy the wooden railings to access the lip of the balcony. Step out onto co 1100 -
the ledge and follow it to the left; Gilligan stands on a hidden outcropping.
Lacerating Knife 360 -
Buy the ladder he offers in order to access the items on the ledge below.
and then exhaust his dialogue. Gilligan will return to Majula after either pur- Aromatic Ooze ao 2000 -
chasing his ladder in Earthen Peak or defeating Mytha, the Baneful Queen; .....Bleedlng
..................Serum 2000
......................... .co......................... -
beating Mytha without speaking to him will still trigger him to change loca- Ladder
1 6399 -
tions. If you select "Talk" in Gilligan's expanded menu after buying his most Miniature
expensive ladder in Majula, he will give you a Melu Scimitar.


A legendary sorcerer born in the lost land of Ola phis, a civilization which once
occupied what is now the kingdom of Drangleic. Straid was brilliantly talented at
both Sorcery and Pyromancy, devising a wide array of potent new spells and earning
renown as one of the great est sages of his ti me. Such was Straid's reputation that he
was invited to the capital and granted an audience with the king; but the people of
Olaphis eventually grew fearful of his incredible power and, acting on their irrational
fears, betrayed and imprisoned him in the Bastille along with the hordes of cursed
Undead. Not being one to sit idly by and accept his fate, Straid nearly succeeded in
escaping but was ambushed and turned to stone.

General Info I HP I Souls J Prerequisites I 1tem Drops I Grave

Strald of Olaphls 3860 1800 Fragrant Branch of Yore Black Hood 14,000 Souls

Movement Info Event Items

t.ocatton J Notos Item J Conditions for Rocolpt
Tho Lost Bastille Permanent locatlon. Black Hood
Black Robes
........... . Trade him four or more Boss souls.
Black Gloves
Black Boots

Item J Qty. Avall. J Cost J Prerequisites Item J Qty. Avan. J Cost J Prerequisites
Homing Soul Arrow 1 6500 - You will find Straid petrified in a cell at the
....Flame Swathe 1
............................................................. 9600 -
top of the Lost Bastille opposite Sinner's
...Strong Magic Shleld
................................ .....................1........................
6300 -
...................... Dark Orb 1 600
Rise. Using a Fragrant Branch of Yore to
Cast Ught 1 3000 -
....... Hall . 1 1600 -
. cure him will grant you access to his inven-
Resplendent Life 1 4500 - Dark Fog 1 6200 - tory of spells and items; you can also trade
Great Lightning
.. ~.~~-~........
1 13000 Clear the
Ring of Knowledge
. 1
28000 -
-.. him your Boss Souls for rare and unique
weapons. Beware of the swarm of Undead
Sunlight Blade 1 12400 Crypt. Citizens outside his cell- their explosion
................................................................... ..................................... Lingering Dragon· 1 2600 -
Unvell 1 2200 - crest Ring attack inflicts petrification buildup and they
Ungerlng Flame 1 6700 - Rouge Water 3 3000 - may damage Straid if you attempt to speak
to him without eliminating them.
Boss Soul Trades
Woapon J Cost J Soul Required J Prerequisites
Pursuer's Ultra Greatsword 1600
........... . ··· . ···· soul of the Pursuer Defeat the Pursuer In Forest of Fallen Giants or Iron Keep.
Pursuer's Groatshlold 1600
Giant Stone Axe 1600 SOul of the Last Giant Defeat the Last Giant In Forest of Fallen Giants.
Dragonrlder's Halberd 1600
Dragonrlderl\Nlnblade 1600
...................................................................................................... ····················· ···· Dragonrlder SOul Defeat the Dragonrlder In Heida's Tower of Flame or Dranglelc Castle.
Dragonrlder Bow 1600
Dragonrlder Greatshleld 1600
Warped SWord 1600
Arced sword 1600 Flexlle Sentry soul Defeat the Flexlle Sentry In No-Man's Wharf.
Barbed Club 1600
Olarlot Lance 1600 Executioner's Charlot soul Defeat the Executioner's Charlot In Undead P\Jrgatory.
Shleld Crossbow
................. ..........................................................................................................1600 Executioner's Charlot SOul
......................................... Defeat the Executioner's Charlot In Undead P\Jrgatory
Roaring Halberd 1600 Skeleton Lord's Soul Defeat the Skeleton Lords In Huntsman's Copse.
Bone Scythe 1600 Covetous Demon SOul Defeat the Covetous Demon In Earthen Peal<.
Mytha's Bent Blade 1600 Mytha, the Baneful Queen soul Defeat Mytha, the Baneful Queen In Earthen Peal<.
Smelter Sword 1600 Smelter Demon soul Defeat the Smelter Demon In Iron Keep.

...................Whip 1600
..................................................................................................... Demon of Song Soul
..................................... Defeat the Demon of song In Shrine of Amana.
................................................................................ ............................................................................................
Gargoyle Bldent 1600 Belfry Gargoyle Soul Defeat the Belfry Gargoyles In Belfry Luna.
Heavy Homing Soul Arrow 1600 Ruin Sentinel SOul Defeat the Ruin Sentinels In Lost Bastille.

... Shower 1600 scorplooess NaJka Soul
.. .. Defeat Scorploness NaJka In ShadedVVoods.
........ Mist 1600 Royal Rat Vanguard Soul Defeat the Royal Rat Vanguard In Grave of Saints . .
Acid Surge 1600 Royal Rat Authority Soul Defeat the Royal Rat Authority In Doors or Pharros.
Sacred Oath 3000 SOul ofVelstadt Defeat Velstadt, the Royal AeQls In UndeadCrypt.
......................................................................... , 0,,, .

Repel 6000 Giant Lord SOul Defeat the Giant Lord In Memory of Jelgh.
Ufedraln Patch 6000 Darklurker SOul Defeat the Darklurker In Dark Chasm of Old.
............. .. .. .. .. . .
Rame Weapon 6000 Old Witch Soul Defeat the Lost Sinner In New Game+ In Sinner's Rise.
......................... ' .. . . _ ..
Blinding Bolt 10000 Old King SOul Defeat the Old Iron King In New Game+ In Iron Keep.
Numbness 6000 Old Dead One Soul Defeat The Rotten In New Game+ In Black Gulch.
0-ystal Soul Spear 10000 Old Paledrake Soul Defeat the Duke's Dear Freja In New Game+ In Brtghtstone Cove Tseldora.


A shady, suspicious woman who claims to be a cleric from Lindeldt. She goes to great
lengths to convince others that her goal is to selflessly spread the art of Miracles, but
her tendency to inadvertently speak her true thoughts quickly betrays her obvious
hunger for profit. Licia is friendly enough as a simple con artist, but so consumed is
she by her desire for Souls that the full extent of her efforts to procure them reaches
far beyond simple racketeering ...

General Info I HP ] Souls I Prerequisites ] 1tem Drops I Grave

Ucla or Llndeldt 2440 1000 Your FTH must bes or higher. Idol's Chime, Rotunda Lockstone 7000 souls

Movement Info Event Items

Location J Notes Item J Conditions for Receipt
Helde'sTower of Idol's Chime
Starting locatlon.
Saint's Hood • •
............................................... Select the Talk option from
Exhaust her dialogue In Heida's
MaJula Saint's Dress her expanded menu when your
Tower or Flame. ................. .. FTH I 30 hi h
Saint's Long Gloves 6 or g er.
Saint's ltousers

Item J Oty. Avan. J Cost J Prerequisites Item I Qty. Avan. j Cost I Prerequisites
aerie's Sacred Available by
1400 -
Chime default; stock
Ring of Prayer Caressing becomes Infinite
28000 - 1 ~ .. 2000
Prayer after passing
Available by through Shrine of
default; stock Winter
becomes Infinite
Heal 1 """" 1600 Available by
after passing
through Shrine or default; stock
becomes Infinite
Winter Force 1 .. "" 1800
after passing Licia is located directly above the Dragon-
Available by through Shrine of
default; stock
rider Boss room in Heide's Tower of Flame,
becomes Infinite but in order to access her inventory of
Med Heal 1 .. "" 3000 Available by
after passing goods and spells you must have at least
default; stock
through Shrine of 8 Faith; bonuses from equipment are not
Lightning becomes Infinite
Winter 6000
Spear after passing counted toward the total and this require-
Available by through Shrine of ment applies directly to your base stats.
default; stock Winter
Great Heal becomes Infinite
............................................................................................................ After exhausting her dialogue, she will
1 """" 4600 Available by move to the underground rotunda behind
Excerpt after passing
default; stock
through Shrine of
becomes Infinite
Shalquoir's house in Majula. For a fee Licia
Winter Homeward 1 ~ .. 2400 will switch the rotunda's path between the
after passing
Avallable by through Shrine of Tower of Flame and Huntsman's Copse; she
default; stock Winter will also sell basic Miracles and is analogous
becomes Infinite
............................................... ........... . ..
Replenlshment 3000
after passing Available bV to Carhillion as an earlv-qarne magic instruc-
through Shrine or default; stock tor. Select the "Talk" option from Licia's
becomes Infinite
Winter Guidance 3700
after passing
expanded menu when your Faith is 30 or
Available by through Shrine of higher and she will give you the full set of
default; stock Winter her equipment. Using the Crushed Eye Orb
Resplendent becomes Infinite from the Undead Crypt while inside the
1 "9"" 4600
Ufe alter passing
through Shrine of rotunda will reveal Licia as a traitor and pit
Winter you against her in a battle to the death.


Blessed with natural talent at Sorcery as a child, Felkin attended a prestigious
school of magic and was thought to have a promising career as a sorcerer.
He had little interest in Sorcery, however, and learned almost nothing at
the university; he was drawn instead to the forbidden Hexes and dedicated
himself to research on Dark magic. This invariably drew fear and hatred from the
people around him and he was shunned as an outcast, but in spite of others' negative
reactions Felkin remained in Drangleic to continue his research even after the
kingdom's collapse. Although Felkin's prolonged exposure to the power of darkness
has left him more than a bit eccentric, at heart he is a pure and earnest man who will
readily extend a hand in friendship to those with a knack for Hexes.

General Info I HP I Souls I Prerequisites I Item Drops I Grave

Your INT and FTH must both
Felkln the Outcast 1660 1760 Sunset Staff 0000 souls
be at least 8.

Movement Info Event Items

Location I Notes Item I Conditions for Receipt
Huntsman's Copse Permanent location. Sunset Staff
Hexer's Hood • •
........... .. Select the Talk option In his
Hexer's Robes e)(panded menu when both your
.. H~~·;;;~·Gi'~~~~ INT and FTH are 20 or higher.

Hexer's Boots

Felkin can be found sitting in a chair facing a

wall just before the Undead Refuge Bonfire
Item I Qty. Avan. I Cost I Prerequisites Item I Qty. Aval!. I Cost I Prerequisites in Huntsman's Copse. He will not deal with
Arc:hdrake Staff 1 4000 - Dark Orb 1 600 - you unless both your Intelligence and Faith
Arc:hdrake Chime 1 4000 - Dark Weapon 1 2700 - are at least B; bonuses from equipment
are not counted toward this total and the
Ring of Life Resonant Soul 1 1100 -
1 6000 - requirements apply directly to your base
Great Resonant Soul 1 3400 -
............................................................................................................ stats. Speaking to Felkin when your Intel-
Dartc Pine Resin DO 1600 - Resonant Resh 1 3400 - ligence and Faith are each 20 or higher will
M aglc Ba mer 1 2700 - ResonantWeapon 1 4000 - impress him enough to grant you the full
set of his equipment.


A former court sorcerer surrounded by conflicting rumors and great controversy.
Navlaan gained infamy when he was supposedly executed along with his entire
village for practicing the forbidden art of Dark magic, but the truth behind his
disappearance is far more complicated. At first glance Navlaan appears to suffer from
dissociative identity disorder and displays two diametrically opposite personalities
reminiscent of Jekyll and Hyde, switching back and forth between them depending
upon whether he is being addressed by a human or a Hollow. The reality behind this
phenomenon, however, is not so easily explained; perhaps it would be better to draw
your conclusions after meeting him yourself.

General Info I HP I Souls I Prerequisites I item Drops J Grave

Speak to Navlaan while Hollow to Initiate
his quest line; release him from his prison
Royal Sorcerer
2760 2000 to enable his Invasion e\18nts. Complete all Chaos Hood 9000 Souls
assassinations to get access to shop or re-
lease him and speak to him while human.

Movement Info Event Items

lo cat Ion I Notos 110111 I Conditions for Receipt
Aldla's Keep Starting location. Dlspelllng Ring Reward for his first
.......................... as~~.~.1.~.~.~~~.!.~9.~.~~t " .
Aldla's Keep Invades here If you release him. , Reward for his second
Slmpleton 5 Spice assassination request
The Gutter Invades here If you release him. .............................................................................................................
Reward for his third
Forbidden Sun
Brfghtstone Cove . assassination request .
Invades here If you release him.
Tseldora Reward for his fourth
Unleash Magic
......................................... assassination_ request .
Dranglelc Castle Invades here If you release him.
Chaos Hood
....................................... Select the 'Talk" option from
Dragon Aer1e Invades here If you release him.
.. ~~~.~~-~o~ Navtaan's e)(panded menu
Chaos Gloves after compleUng all lour of his
...... . assassination requests.
Chaos Boots


Nav1aan is sealed behind the barrier on the Merchandise
ground floor of Aldia's Keep. Initiating a
conversation with him when you are human
Item I Qty. Avail, I Cost I Prorequlsltes Item I Qty. Ava11. I Cost I Preroqulsltos
Moon Hat
wil yield only a few lines of cryptic dia- ....... .. ".... . .. ".... .. . co
" ".. .3600 -
. .. ".... . .. . " . Ughtnlng
180 -
logue; doing so while Hollow will start his Astrologlst's Robe co 6000 - Greatarrow

series of assassination quests. Pulling the Astrologl st's Are Greatarrow 180 -
3600 -
lever on the opposite side of the manor will Gauntlets
break the seal and release Navlaan, which 180 -
Astrologlst's Bottoms co 4800 - Greatarrow
wil cause him to repeatedly invade you
Black Witch Robe co 7700 - Dragon Charm 6 3600 -
throughout your quest. In order to access
Black Witch Gloves co 6600 - Crimson Water 4200 -
Nav1aan's expanded menu, you must either 6
Black Witch ltousors 6600 -
release him and then speak to him while Bonfire Ascetic 10 7600 -
human or else complete all of his assassina- Black Witch Hat 7200 -
tion requests and then speak to him while
Hollow. Navlaan will not take the items he
Thunder Quartz
, 8400 -
Great Magic Wllapon

strong Magic Shleld

6300 -

requests and it is not even necessary to ac-

tually kill the targets; In each case the Item
Nav1aan specifies can be obtained from its
original owner without resorting to violence.

A woman of an ancient and near-extinct species, she is among the few of her race who
have survived by learning the common language and assimilating into human culture.
Calm, civil and intelligent, Ornifex wears her kind heart on her proverbial sleeve and
in spite of the chilling memories, her unmistakable silhouette is likely to evoke in
Souls veterans, she should not be mistaken for an enemy. Ornifex's clan has special
expertise in the production of unique weapons from so-called "Wondrous Souls;' and
she will make this service available to you once you have earned her trust.

General lnlo I HP I Souls I Prerequisites I item Drops I Gravo

Weapon smith Rescue her In the
None 11,000 Souls
Omltex Shaded Ruins.

Movement Info Event Items

t.ocatlon I Notes Item I Conditions for Receipt
Shaded Ruins Starting location. None
Brlghtstone coveTseldora Rescue her In the Shaded Ruins.

Merchandise Ornifex is locked in an underground cave in

Item I Qty. Avan, I Cost I Prerequisites Item I Qty. Avail. I Cost I Prerequisites the Shaded Ruins directly below the false
floor near the Giant Basilisk; in order to
Murakumo 6800 - Stock becomes
free her you will need the Fang Key. After
Partlzan 3000 - Green Blossom 10 '*"° 1300
after def ea ting exhausting her dialogue she will return to
lwlnblade 6000 - Nashandra. her workshop next door to the Lower Bright-
Flame Butterfly stone Cove Bonfire in Brightstone Cove
..............................Bow co
..................................... 6500 -
.................................... 00 600 -
Tseldora, from which point you will be able
Heavy Crossbow co 4000 - Homing Soul Arrow 1 6600 -
............................................................................................................. to access her expanded menu. Ornifex will
Are Arrow 60 Homing Soulmass 1 6000 -
trade Boss Souls for unique weapons and
Are Bolt 80 Fall control 1 4800 - can perform the same basic weapon and ar-
Stock becomes mor upgrades as Lenigrast; she also stocks
unlimited an unlimited supply of the otherwise rare
Amber Herb 1600 after defeating
Nashandra. Amber Herbs and Green Blossoms. In honor
of her debt to you, Ornifex will perform your
first Boss Soul trade free of charge.


Boss Soul Trades
Woapon I Cost I Soul Roqulrod I Proroqulsltes
Dragonslayer Spear 1600 Old Dragonslayer Soul Defeat the Old Dragonslayer In Cathedral of Blue .
Lost Sinner's Sword 6000 Soul of the Lost Sinner Defeat the Lost Sinner In Sinner's Rise.

......Iron.... King
.. ' Hammer .. . 6000
-............................. Old Iron King Soul
. "
Defeat the Old Iron King In Iron Keep.
.. ' . ..
Butcher's Knife 6000 Soul of the Rotten Defeat the Rotten In Black Gulch.
Spider Fang 1600
....................................... " Soul of the Duke's Dear Freja Defeat the Duke's Dear FreJa at Brlghtstone COveTseldora.
Spider's Siik 1600
Thorned Greatsword 3000
.................................................................................................... Looking Glass Knight soul Defeat the Lool<lno Glass Knight In Klno's Passage.
King's Mirror 3000
Sacred Chime Hammer 3000 Soul ofVelstadt Defeat Velstadt. the King's Aegis In Undead Crypt
King's Ultra Greatsword 10000
......... . .
King's Shield 10000 Soul of the Klno Found In Shrine of Amana after defeatlno Vendrick.
Ruler's Sword 10000
Drakewlng Ultra Greatsword 1600
.................................................................................................... Guardian Dragon Soul Defeat the Guardian Oregon In Aldla's Keep.
Spitfire Spear 1600
curved Dragon Greatsword 1600 Ancient Dragon Soul Defeat the Ancient Dragon In Dragon Shrine .
...... ......... .
Scythe of Want 10000
Ollme of Want 10000 Soul of Nashandra Defeat Nashandra In Throne of Want
BowofWant 10000
Defender Greatsword 3000
.............. . Throne Defender Soul Defeat Throne Defender and Throne Watcher In Throne of Want
Defender's Shield 3000
Watcher Greatsword 3000
···································································································· Throne Watcher Soul Defeat Throne Defender and Throne Watcher In Throne of Want
Watcher's Shleld 3000
Olaos Blade 10000 Old Wttoh Soul Defeat the Lost Sinner In New Game+ In Sinner's Rise.
Dragonslayer Greatbow 10000 Old King Soul Defeat the Old lroo King In New Game+ In Iron Keep.
O'ypt Blacksword 10000 Old Dead One Soul Defeat The Rotten In New Game+ In Black Gulch.
Moonlight Greatsword 10000 Old Paledrake Soul Defeat the Duke's Dear FreJa In New Game+ In Brightstone Cow Tseldora.

The ghost of the former Chancellor of Drangleic, one of King Vendrick's most trusted
confidants. Wellager was an honorable man and a loyal servant of his kingdom, but
appears to have fallen victim to the widespread chaos left in the wake of his lord's
disappearance and is not even aware of his own death. The sad state in which he
is first encountered raises suspicions of foul play and leaves more questions about
the plight of Drangleic than answers; yet even in death the Chancellor is cordial and
hospitable toward his guests and will endeavor to make you feel welcome at the

Movement Info
tocatton J Notes
Dranglelc Castle Permanent locatlon. ·--~~~.' ..[)-~~ Select "Talk" from Wellager's expanded menu
Espada Ropera after defeating the Giant Lord.


ltom I Qty. Av.111.1 Cost I Preroqulsltes Item J Qty. Av,111. I Cost I Prerequlsltos
Ramberge 00 4200 - Black Ramestone
1 8000
Lucerne 00 4800 - Panna
Bracing Knuckle Vellow Quartz Shield 1 8000
1 9000 - ................................................................................... Added to Inventory after defeating Looking
Ring +1
Bound Wooden Glass Knight
.............Arrow oo
.................................................... ............60............................................................................ Shield 1 8000
Ughtnlng Arrow oo 60
............................................... . . Homunculus Wooden
Magic Bolt oo 80 1 8000
Ughtnlng Bolt 00 80
CUrvedl\Nlnblade 1 10000
Radiant Ufegem 10 2500 -
..................................................................................................................................................................... 0-escent Sickle 1 10000
Wilted .Dusk Herb 10 4000 -....................................................................
................. ................... .........................................................
Divine Blessing 1 6000 - SplrltTree Shield 1 10000 Added to Inventory after defeatlng Looking
................................................................................... Glass Knight and Nashandra In fourth game
Repair Powder 00 2500 - Wrath of the Gods 1 8200 cycle (New Game+++) or later
Great Magic Barrier 1 0000 - Bountiful Su nil ght 1 11000
Black Ramestone
1 8000 Great Chaos Fireball 1 11400
Vellow Quartz
1 8000
Bound Hand Axe 1 8000 Added to Inventory after defeating Looking
· Glass Knight
Homunculus Mace 1 8000
Transgressor's Staff 1 8000
1 8000
Leather Shield

Wellager's ghost stands atop the staircase in the threshold of Drangleic Castle; he will provide
several important pieces of lore and access to his merchant inventory when you first speak to
him. His selection is initially quite limited, but will expand once you have defeated the Looking
Glass Knight; he also sells an unlimited supply of Repair Powder whidl can prove invaluable if
you are using a weapon with a Durability-consuming special attack .


A chaplain who acquits sinners of their crimes, Cromwell is a shadowy figure whose
quiet and calculating demeanor belies inhuman intelligence and power. While his
religious authority is questionable at best, his true strength lies in his ability to instill
penitence by telepathically forcing sympathy on others. How Cromwell learned such
a skill remains shrouded in mystery, but his morbid appearance and enigmatic way of
speaking seem to indicate a connection to Aldia.

General Info I HP I Souls I Prerequisites I item Drops I Grave

0-omwell the Pardoner 1840 1200 None Ring of Resistance 7000Souls

Movement Info Event Items

Location J Notes Item I Conditions for Receipt
Brlghtstone cove Ring of Select 'Talk' from his e>cpanded menu
Permanent location.
Tseldora Resistance when your FTH Is 36 or higher.

Item J Qty. Avau. J Cost J Prerequls. Item I Qty. Ava II. I Cost J Prerequls.
White Priest Headpiece 1 4600 - Great Heal 1 8000 -
White Priest Robe 5000 - Replenishment
.................. .. . 1.. 3000 - .
White Priest Gloves 1 4600 -
............ ..Prayer 1 2000 - ..
...White Priest Skirt
......................... 1
......................................................... 4800 -
....................... Force 1 1800 -
Polsonblte Ring
.......... .. . . 1 5600 -
.. Emit Force 1 4200 -
Bloodblte Ring 7000 - HeavenlyThunder 1 3300 -
his merchant inventory, Cromwell can com-
QJrseblte Ring 1 9000 - Perseverance 1 3500 -
" .. .. . .. .. pletely absolve you of any Sins you have
Da~~~~ ® 1200 - Scraps of Ute 1 2200 - accumulated if you can afford his exorbitant
rates. Furthermore, he will grant you a Ring
Cromwell is relatively well-hidden in the attic of the Brightstone Cove Chapel. To reach him, of Resistance if you select the "Talk" option
exit the Prowling Magus Boss room and turn around 1 BO degrees to face the building. To from his expanded menu when your Faith is
the right of the exit is a narrow niche with a ladder leading to the upper floor. In addition to at least 35.


A member of the Fenito race, immortal guardians of the Undead Crypt who were
originally given life and purpose by the Great Dead One. While his morose appearance
and manner give the impression of one obsessed solely with death, Agdayne is in fact
quite level-headed and inestimably wise due to the fact that he has lived for thousands
of years and witnessed the land's history as it transpired. Agdayne and the other
Grave Wardens take their jobs very seriously; while they welcome visitors to the Crypt
as a matter of course and harbor no ill will toward humans in general, they will not
hesitate to cut down infidels who would defile the graves they so meticulously attend.

General Info I HP I Souls I Prerequisites j 1tem Drops I Grave

Grave Warden Do not approach him Agdayne's Kilt
4580 4000 3000 Souls
Agdayne with a light source.

Movement Info Event Items

Location I Notes Item I Conditions for Receipt
Undead Crypt Permanent location. Oarkdrlft
.. Agdayne's.Black_ Robe Select "Talk" from his expanded menu after
Agdayne's Cutts obtaining the King's Ring .
............................. ...
Agdayne's Kiit

Item I Qty. Av.ill. I Cost I Prorequls. Item I Qty. Avan. I Cost I Preroquls.
Shield of the Insolent 6400 - Dark Bolt co 80
Insolent Helm 1 5400 - Human Effigy 13 3000 -
Insolent Armor 9000 - Elizabeth Mushroom 13 4500 -
Insolent Gloves 6300 - Soul Spear 1 12000 -
Insolent Boots 7200 - SoulVortex 1 10400 -
........... ......................................................................... ............. .......... ..... .
Ring of Thoms +1 9000 - Soul Appease 1 8800 -
Dark Arrow co 60 Warmth 1 5200 -

Agdayne and several generic Grave Wardens await visitors in an antechamber not far into
the Undead Crypt. When you first enter this room you will hear Agdayne's voice warning
you not to proceed if you are using a source of illumination such as a Torch or the Cast Light
Sorcery; ignoring his warning and carrying a light into the room will immediately turn Agda-
yne and all of the Grave Wardens hostile. Select the "Talk" option from Agdayne's expanded
menu after obtaining the King's Ring and he will give you the full set of his equipment.

A bestial warrior originally born in the kingdom of Forossa ... or what's left of him.
When Forossa eventually collapsed from constant warfare and strife, its people
dispersed and many became bandits or sellswords. Vengarl, who had spent his
entire life on the battlefield and knew only how to fight, found himself supporting the
Drangleic Army as a mercenary. He was decapitated in an especially bloody battle but,
by some inexplicable twist of fate did not die; when he awoke his body was gone and
all that remained of him was his severed head.

Gonoral Info I HP I Souls I Prerequlsltos ] 1tom Drops I Grave

Vengarl of Forossa 1340 8000 None Vengarl's Helm 3000 Souls

Movement Info Event Items

Location I Notes Item I Conditions for Receipt
Shaded Woods Exhaust Vengarls dialogue when
Permanent locatloo. Vengarl's Helm
(only his head) you first meet him.


Merchandise Vengarl's head lies in a pile of rubble in the
foggy section of the Shaded Woods. To
Item l0tv. Avail, I Cost I Prerequisites Item latv. Ava11.J Cost I Pl'erec1ulsltes find him, exit the Ruined Fork Road Bonfire
Ring of
....... oo 4300 -
. . Soul 1 8000 -
room through the door to the right and pro-
Greatsword oo 6000 - ceed into the mist; follow the left wall and
Red Rust eventually you will reach Vengarl's head. He
1 7000 Destructive
Sword Added to Inventory
180 - will give you his helmet after his dialogue is
······· after defeating Body of
Red Rust exhausted and will expand his inventory to
Scimitar 1 7500 Vengarl In Brlghtstone Lightning
400 - include his unique swords and shield after
......................................................... Cove Tseldora Um
Red Rust
Gold Pine
you have defeated his body.
1 4600 1600 -
Shleld Resin
1 2700 -


Twin sisters residing in the ancient forest. Though they never
show themselves to humans and their true forms remain
unknown, Dyna &Tillo are enamored of all things silky smooth
and will cheerfully call out to passersby in hopes of adding new
trinkets to their collection.

General Info I HP J Souls I Prerequisites J 1tem Drops I Grave

Spartcllng Sisters Give them some-
Dyna &Tlllo N/A N/A
thing silky smooth. N/A N/A

Movement Info Event Items

Locatlon I Notos Item J Conditions for Ro col pt
Things Betwixt Permanent locatlon. None

Items Offered J 1toms Received"
offered them, the trade will take effect imme-
diately and the item you left will be instantly
Soul of a Lost Undead, Soul of a Proud Knight. Tltanlte
Shard, Tltanlte Chunk, Twlnkllf"IIJ Tltanlte, Tltanlte Slab, Petri-
replaced with the one you are given in return;
fied Dragon Bone, Boltstone, Magic Stone, Flredrake Stone, there is no need to quit to the title screen as
Small Smooth & Siiky Stone, Smooth & Siiky Stone or Polson Stone, Bleed Stone, Darknlght Stone, Raw Stone, in previous Souls games. Dyna andTillo do
Petrified Something Falntstone, Old Mundane Stone, Ufegem, Crimson Water, not offer fixed rewards for specific items and
Divine Blesslng, Amber Herb, Human Effigy, Cracked Red
Eye Orb, Cracked Blue Eye Orb, Old Whip, White Ring, will instead randomly select a reward from
Demon's Great Hammer, Channeler's Trident. their list regardless of what they received
• All trades with Dyna andTlllo yleld rewards selected at random from this fist. from you; however trading them a Petrified
Something has the highest chance of yielding
Dyna & Tillo reside In the bird's nest on the cliff just past the Fire Keepers' Dwelling Bonfire in more valuable results such asTitanite Slabs,
Things Betwixt. To reach them you must enter the first Fog Gate on the left and proceed along Petrified Dragon Bones and the Demon's
that path until you exit through another Fog Gate onto a ledge. The nest is directly to the left, Great Hammer.
adjacent to a ladder which can be kicked down to allow an easy return. To trade an item to Dyna
&Tillo. simply drop it in their nest using the "Leave" option (do not select "Discard" or you will
permanently lose the item without placing it on the ground). If the sisters accept what you have


In addition to the Summon Signs left by other players, certain NPCs recognize; others lack any backstory whatsoever and are merely
will inscribe their signatures in fixed locations and can be summoned there to lend a helping hand. Unlike human players. you can sum-
to assist you in battle. Some of these characters you'll immediately mon NPC allies even when playing the game in Offline Mode.


Area I Conditions Are.1 I Conditions Area I Conditions
No-Man's Wharf Forest of Fallen Obtain the White Sign Soapstone The Lost Bastllle
The Lost Bastine Initiate tueeuers quest line by Giants from Mlld,Mannered Pate.
......... . exhausting her dialogue the first Pilgrim Bellclaire's Summon Sign can be
Pate's Summon Sign can be found outside found in one of the cells lining the hallway
.. !.~~ K!.~~ time you meet her.
the Last Giant Boss room after progressing
Black Gulch leading to the Ruin Sentinels Boss room from
through his dialogue to the point at which The TowerApart Bonfire; there are no special
After starting her quest, t.ucatters Summon he gives you the White Sign Soapstone. conditions for its appearance apart from
Sign can be found in the following locations: the universal requirements for summoning
1. Behind the one-way gate on the far
side of No-Man's Wharf, accessible
from the rooftop with two Varangian
Exhaust his dialogue while
archers near the Pharros' Lockstone Shaded Ruins
wearing the Ring of Whispers. Area I Conditions
2. At the bottom of the elevator in Sin- Tark will leave his Summon Sign outside Dragon Shrine Defeat her In The Gutter.
ner's Rise. the Scorpioness Najka Boss room once you Melinda the Butcher's Summon Sign is
3. Outside the Smelter Demon Boss have exhausted his dialogue. In order to located on the first landing to the right of
room in the Iron Keep. speak to Tari< you will need to first equip the
the steps leading to the Ancient Dragon
4. In the Hidden Chamber Bonfire room Ring of Whispers. Boss room in the Dragon Shrine, but wifl
in Black Gulch. only appear if you have already defeated her
LONE HUNTER SCHMIDT in the Gutter and turned the Ancient Dragon
Are., I Conditions
Aroa I Conditions Black Gulch
Brig htstone Cove
Lone Hunter Schmidt's Summon Sign
............................................. Initiate Benhart's quest line by can be found near the Boss room in Black Area I Conditions
...~~-g·s.~~~-~~-- rescuing Rosabeth and then Gulch; there are no special conditions for its Shrine of Amana
Memory of Jelgh exhausting his dialogue. appearance apart from the universal require- Felicia the Brave's Summon Sign can be
Throne of Want ments for summoning Phantoms. found in the abandoned hut halfway through
After initiating his quest, Benhart's Summon the Shrine; there are no special conditions
Sign can be found in the following locations: MASTERLESS GLENCOUR for its appearance apart from the universal
requirements for summoning Phantoms.
1. In one of the tents surrounding the Area I Conditions
Royal Army Encampment Bonfire in Helde'slbWer of Flame
Brightstone CoveTseldora.
Masterless Glencour's Summon Sign can
2. Outside the Looking Glass Knight Boss be found outside the Dragon rider Boss Area I Conditions
room in the King's Passage. Room in Heide'sTower of Flame; there are Memory of Jelgh
Exhaust his dialogue when you
3. In the Memory of Jeigh, down the first meet him.
no special conditions for its appearance
stairs from Captain Drummond's Sum- apart from the universal requirements for Captain Drummond will leave his Summon
mon Sign. summoning Phantoms. Sign in plain sight outside the Giant Lord
4. Next to the Fog Gate at the Throne of
Want. Boss area in the Memory of Jeigh after you
ASHEN KNIGHT BOYD have met him in the Memory of Vammar
and exhausted his dialogue.
HEAD OF VENGARL Aro.1 I Conditions
Area I Conditions Brlghtstone CoveTseldora GRAVE WARDEN AGDAYNE
Ashen Knight Boyd's Summon Sign can be
.. ~~~-~~-~-~~~~~!
Throne of Want
Exhaust his dialogue when you
first meet him. found behind one of the pillars opposite Area I Conditions
the Duke's Dear Freja Boss room entrance Exhaust his dialogue when you
Undead Crypt
Vengarl will leave his Summon Sign in the first meet him.
in Brightstone Cove Tseldora; there are no
following places: special conditions for its appearance apart Grave Warden Agdayne will leave his Sum-
from the universal requirements for sum- mon Sign along the wall to the left of the
1. Outside the Ancient Dragon Boss room mon Ing Phantoms. Velstadt Boss Room in the Undead Crypt
(only if you have turned the Ancient after you have exhausted his dialogue.
Dragon hostile).
2. Next to the Fog Gate at the Throne of


Not all of the NPCs you'll encounter throughout your journey will have your best interests in
mind. Some of them will invade your world in fixed locations and attempt to cut you down in
cold blood. Unlike player characters, these NPCs can and will invade even if you are playing
the game in Offline Mode.


Aro:i J Conditions Area I Conditions
Grave or Saints Doors of Pharos
Rhoy the ExPlorer will invade in the Grave As soon as you enter the Rat King's territory
of Saints as soon as you approacn the lad- in the Doors of Pharros, Bowman Guthry
der leading to the upper balcony along the will invade at the opposite end of the room.
underground river.
Arca J Conditions
Aro:i J Conditions Shrine or Amana
The Gutter
Peculiar Kindalur will invade among some
When you jump from the top of one of the nearby ruins when you exit the cave in which
wooden towers in The Gutter to the ledge Rhoy's Resting Place Bonfire is located.
with a chest containing a Ring of Soul
Protection, Melinda the Butcher will invade
atop a nearby platform. ASLATIEL OF MIRRAH
Area I Conditions

Are., J Conditions Aslatiel of Mirrah will invade in the hallway

The Lost Bastille
next to the first cage cart as soon as you
pass through the front door of Aldia's Keep.
Vorgel the Sinner will invade as soon as you
descend the ladder to the enclosed court-
yard below the Upper Ramparts Bonfire in DRAGONFANG VILLARD
Belfry Luna. Area I Conditions
Dragon Shrine
MERCILESS ROENNA As soon as you enter the spiral staircase
Aro., J Conditions leading to the Petrified Egg in the Dragon
Huntsman's Copse Shrine, Dragonfang Villard will invade in the
room at the top of the stairs, where the egg
Merciless Roenna will invade next to the is stored.
Skeleton Lord Boss room in Huntsman's
Copse as you are approaching the area
along the narrow ledge. ROYAL SORCERER NAVLAAN
Aroa I Conditions
The Gutter
............................................. Free Navlaan by pulling the lever
Aro:i J Conditions Brlghtstone Cove surrounded by warning mes-
Tseldora sages on the opposite side of
.~~~~.~~l~-~!5!!.!....... She must mO'l0to Majula before
Undead Crypt she will begin invading you. "o;:;;~iii~i~·c~~ti~"""""' the manor's ground floor.

Dragon Aerie
After meeting Licia at Heide's Towerof
Flame and exhausting her dialogue, she will If you free Navlaan in Aldia's Keep, he will
move to Majula. From this point forward invade you in the following locations:
she will invade you in the lower levels of
Drangleic Castle and in the room immedi- 1. In the room with the second Ogre
ately before the two Imperious Knights in just before the Guardian Dragon Boss
the Undead Crypt. By using the Crushed room in Aldia's Keep.
Eye Orb obtained in the Undead Crypt while 2. On the platform adjacent to the Upper
standing near Licia in the rotunda, you can Gutter Bonfire in The Gutter.
counter-invade and kill her as a Revenge 3. Just before entering the Writhing Ruin
Phantom; if she is already dead when you in Brightstone Cove Tseldora.
reach either of the areas where she would 4. In the lower levels of Drangleic Castle.
otherwise have invaded you will not have to 5. Halfway through the Dragon Aerie.
deal with her.


According to Darkdiver Grandahl, these ancient caverns are the remains Aro., tnomlos J>;1Qo
of what was once a vast and expansive void. Only the Pilgrims of Dark Forest Spirit (Staff) 444
venture into this mysterious and forbidden dimension, exploring its Forest Spirit (Saaed Chime) 444
innermost reaches in search of a deeper and truer darkness ....
Ar,,/ss Ironclad 444
Tenebrous Rogue 446
Underworld Deadeye 446
Shadowvell Assassin 447
Pretender to the Xanthous Throne 445
The Ghost of Princes Past 448
A Chip Off the 01' Rock 448
Dark lurker 449

Lower level




This mysterious area takes a bit of effort to get into, and even more
to complete. There are three steps that you need to complete be-
fore you can enter, and you'll be required to travel to three different
areas to accomplish them. Hidden within the Black Gulch, Shaded
Woods and Drangleic Castle are the Shrines to the Abyss, and near
each of them you'll find the NPC, Darkdiver Grandahl. You need to
speak with him at each of these locations, and then he'll give you
the option of joining the Pilgrims of the Dark Covenant.

Once you're in the Covenant, you'll have the option of offering a

Human Effigy, and if you do so a surge of magical energy will flow
through the Shrine and open a portal to the Dark Chasm of Old. If
you die while in the Chasm you'll be transported back outside and
have to use another Human Effigy if you want to return. Each Shrine
takes you to a different section of the Chasm and you'll need to light
an Abyss Beacon in each section before you'll finally be able to face
the boss.


While you're in the Chasm you'll take the form of a Dark Spirit,
along with all of the restraints that accompany it. Most of the
enemies you'll face in this area are also Dark Spirits, and they are
a lot trickier than your normal enemies. You should also make sure
you have some Flame Butterflies with you when you enter these
areas, because you need to use the Torch to light the Abyss Bea-
cons and there's no natural source of fire to use. If you're playing
through this area while online, it's important to remember that you
can be invaded by up to three other players at the same time in the
Chasm, so always make sure you're prepared for the worst. All of
the enemies, and any invaders that you kill in this area will have the
chance of dropping Bonfire Ascetics, so it can be an excellent place
to stock up on them.
.JI You can attempt these areas in any order you wish, but for the
'I' purposes of this guide, we'll be starting from part of the Chasm
that the Shrine in the Black Gulch takes you to [-,i r 1 01 ]. At the start
of this area you'll be in a tunnel, so follow it along until it opens out
to a small room. Along the way you'll pass beneath a small
waterfall, and if you're using a torch to illuminate the area, make
sure you avoid walking through the water, because it will extinguish
the light. If you only have a few Flame Butterflies, it's recommended
that you save them for lighting the Abyss Beacons, just to ensure
that you don't run out beforehand. If you walk forward to the end of
the upper ledge in the room you should be able to see an Abyss
Ironclad below, so if you have ranged attacks, start attacking it from

up here to get an early advantage.

If you don't have ranged attacks you should still try and lure the
enemy up the ramp on the right and fight it in this area, because
there's another Dark Spirit and a Forest Spirit in the area below. The
second Dark Spirit is the Pretender to the Xanthous Throne, and
both it and the Forest Spirit have access to a number of spells, so
dealing with them at the same time as the Abyss Ironclad can be
difficult. If the Pretender did not get alerted during the fight with the
first Abyss Ironclad, you should be able to see it by looking down to ARl A - l R<1tv\ SI IAOI O W<1<1DS
the right from the ramp leading down, again giving you the chance
to get an early advantage using ranged attacks.
.JI Carry on down the path until you come to a fork, and then take Exit

'If the left branch to reach the area with the first Abyss Beacon at
Position A; use a Flame Butterfly to light your Torch, and then set
the light on the Beacon. Make your way back to the fork in the path
once you're done at the Beacon, and follow the other branch this
time until you come to another small room. The same group of
enemies you faced in the previous room is also present in this one,
and again, the Dual Great Hammer wielding Phantom will be the
first that you encounter. It's usually positioned at the bottom of the
ramp on the right, so try and lure him back up towards you to keep
the fight away from the other enemies. Be careful not to move too
far over to the left during the fight, however, because there's a hole
in the ground there that leads to a small ledge below.

Providing that you've killed the other enemies along the way, once
you kill the final enemy here, the Fog Gate in the area should disap-
pear; all enemies have to be defeated for the fog to dissipate, so tf
you left any behind, you'll have to go back and kill them to remove
it. Run down the path that the Fog Gate was blocking, and then fall
into the hole at the end to be transported back to Black Gulch. Get
to one of the Bonfires in the Black Gulch now, and then Travel to
the Shaded Ruins Bonfire in the Shaded Woods and make your way
around to the Shrine in that area. Hand over another Human Effigy
to Darkdiver Grandahl to activate the Shrine, and then use it to
transport to the next section of the Chasm [ "'l O ].

World Event
Lighting the first Abyss Beacon will strengthen the bond with
the Pilgrims of Dark Covenant, so when you next speak with
Darkdiver Grandahl, he'll give you the Resonant Soul Hex.
J Follow the path along until you come to a narrow section along
'I' the left side of the cliff that takes you around a pitfall. The room
just after that one contains two Dark Spirits and a Forest Spirit
I- l 03). One of the Dark Spirits is the Tenebrous Rouge with dual
daggers, and the other is the Underworld Deadeye using a Bow; try


to hit the Tenebrous Rogue with a ranged attack and lure it back up
the path so that you can fight it away from the Underworld

The Forest Spirit usually moves around that area as well, so retreating
back up the path will also give you some cover from its spells. If the
Forest Spirit is in the same area as the Underworld Deadeye, then Shring to thQ ~
make sure you take it out first because it can cast Shockwave, whidl
knocks you down to the ground and leaves you vulnerable. There are
also a number of pitfalls in the area, so make sure you keep an eye on
your surroundings and don't accidentally fall into one.
.J When all of the enemies have been defeated, light the Abyss
·'IJ Beacon at Position B, and then continue down the path and pull
the lever at the end to summon the elevator [ 0 01). Ride the
elevator down, but make sure you're ready for a fight because you'll
see anotherTenebrous Rouge as soon as it reaches the bottom.
There are no other enemies in the immediate area, however, so you
can just fight it normally. That's also the final enemy in this area, so
continue along the path and fall into the hole at the end to transport
back to the Shaded Woods. Make your way back to a Bonfire, and
then Travel to the Under Castle Drangleic Bonfire in Dranglelc Castle
to reach the next Shrine; offer another Human Effigy to Darkdiver
Granda hi once you get there to gain access to the final part of the


AR.rA - I Rl1i\:\ SI IAI11 n wooris

.JI Be extremely careful when you first enter this part of the Chasm,
'f1 because you begin on a small rocky platform in the middle of a
pool of deep water, and one wrong step will lead to your death.
Angle the camera down so that you get a better view into the water
and you'll notice that there is a slightly submerged path leading
away from your starting position; follow the path around between
the rocky sections to reach the solid ground on the other side of the
cave [~o O J. The boundaries of the path are lined with stalag-
mites, so you can also use those as a handy visual aid.
.J Just after passing beneath the waterfall you should see the first
'IP enemy on the other side of the area, and it's A Chip Off the 01'
Rock [ _J 03]. Try not to go too far forward while fighting this
enemy because a second Dark Spirit is hiding along a path on the
opposite side of the area. Once the first enemy is down, move up
and engage the second one, who is The Ghost of Princes Past. A
Forest Spirit is a short distance away along the path to the left from
this area; try and fight the second Dark Spirit within the confines of
the path it's on so that the walls can shield you from the Forest
Spirit's spells. If the narrow confines of the path are making the
battle difficult for you, retreat back to the area with the waterfall to
get more space.
J Take care of the Forest Spirit after defeating both Dark Spirits,
'II and then continue down the path to reach the final Beacon at
Position C [ _J Qq), After lighting the Beacon, backtrack to where
you faced the first group of enemies, and then take the path leading
in the opposite direction. One final enemy, in the form of the
Shadowveil Assassin, will be blocking your path, and the area you
fight it in can make things a bit tricky.


Stvi ns to tha Abyss

Abyss Beacon

ARI A - IRt)tv\ l)RANl rl Ill, CAS l I I

The path leading up to the Phantom is extremely narrow, and there's Wor1d Event
a pitfall in the middle of the room where it's standing. If you have Make sure you speak with Darkdiver Grandahl a number
ranged attacks, however, you can simply fire at it before going down of times after exiting the Chasm, because lighting all of the
the path, or go into the area and keep circling around the hole in the Beacons and defeating the Darklurker will fulfill all of the
middle and time your hits to stay safe. Taking out that final enemy requirements for maximizing the bond in his Covenant. The
will remove the Fog Gate that was blocking your path so that you Covenant rewards can only be received when you first speak
can advance towards the hole at the end. with him, and not through the Talk option that comes up
' afterwards. For lighting all of the Beacons you'll receive the
J Because all three Beacons should now have been lit, when you Great Resonant Soul Hex, and for defeating the Darklurker
'II fall off the end of the path this time you won't be transported you'll get the Climax Hex, and a full Xanthous Armor Set.
back to Drangleic Castle, but instead you'll be taken to a boss room, Through using the Talk option in the menu, he'll also give you
where you have to face off against the Darklurker [- 0 05]. After the Dragon Chime.
defeating the boss, take the only exit out of the room and drop off
the end of the path to now transport back to Drangleic Castle.



A ghostly entity that drifts through the Dark Chasm. Although
its true nature and origins are entirely obscure, its twisted root-
like appearance is somehow familiar ...

Sacred Chime
Forest Spirits carrying Sacred Chimes can prove incredibly trouble-
some due to their wide variety of knockback Miracles such as Wrath
of the Gods and Emit Force; they are also capable of casting Great
Lightning Spear and Great Heal. A Small Yellow Burr will significantly
mitigate the damage from their Lightning attacks and they are
susceptible to poison via Poison Arrows or Poison Throwing Knives.
These enemies are priority targets and should be eliminated as
soon as possible due to their healing abilities and powerful ranged

Forest Spirit (Staff) 660 600 Yes

Forest Spirit (Sacred Chime) 660 600 Yes
Forest Spirits wielding staves will cast a wide variety of powerful i!11
spells, including Soul Spear Barrage, Heavy Soul Arrow, Soul Spear
and Unleash Magic. They can be poisoned from a distance with Bonfire Ascettc 20 401
Polson Arrows and left to die or assaulted up close with me lee at-
tacks. Forest Spirits are susceptible to Backstabs and using a Small
Blue Burr before engaging this type will render their Sorceries far less
dangerous .


One of many travelers of the Dark Chasm of Old, identity
unknown. This Dark Spirit takes the form of an Ironclad with
twin Great Hammers, which it uses with a rare and frighteningly
powerful Dual Wield technique.


Encountered in the Black Gulch section of the Dark Chasm, the
Abyss Ironclad is horrifically powerful due to its use of two Great
Hammers in the Dual Wield stance. However, it is also quite slow
and can be defeated with relative ease from a distance or via
poison. Attacks from heavy weapons such as Ultra Greatswords
will stun it; players should adjust their tactics according to their
character's combat style. Its massive hammers will quickly crush
a weak guard so attempting to block it with lighter shields is not

H" • P"'q p -

Dar1t SplrltAt,vss Ironclad 2510 2400 No Ironclad Helm 370 Iron cl ad Legglngs 370
Can heal via Estus Flask Ironclad Armor 370 Drakekeeper's Great Hammer 332
Ironclad Gauntlets 370 Drakekeeper's Great Hammer 332
Prob '1111tv °"'I

Bonfire Ascetic 5 401


A traveler of the Dark Chasm of Old, this Dark Spirit casts an
unmistakable shadow and attacks with an array of deadly
Pyromancy. But could it really be?

Encountered in the Black Gulch section of the Dark Chasm, the
Xanthous Pretender will assail the player using lethal Pyromancies
such as Great Chaos Fireball, Great Combustion, Flame Swathe and
Forbidden Sun. A shield with strong fire reduction will stop these in
their tracks, as will a Small Orange Burr, at which point players can
slaughter the Pretender with impunity as it has no means of attack
other than fire damage.

Dar1t Spirit 2510 2400 No

Pretender to the XanthousThrone
Can heal via Estus Flask

• Pr-,!- blllty p r.

Bonfire Ascetic 5 401

Xanthous Crown 377 Xanthous Walstcloth 377

Xanthous Overcoat 377 Dar1t Pyromancy Rame 342
Xanthous Gloves 377 Dark Pyromancy Rame 342


One of many pilgrims
wandering the Dark Chasm
of Old, this unidentified
Dark Spirit wields a
Bandit's Knife and Mytha's
Bent Blade; a tattered hood
conceals its malevolent
face. Who are these
nameless explorers of the
Dark, and what do they
hope to gain when their
pilgrimages reach an end7

Appearing in the Shaded Ruins section of the Dark Chasm, this
opponent will persistently attempt to break the player's guard with makes it vulnerable to all manner of attacks. It can be defeated most
shove attacks followed by flurries of slashes from its Bandit's Knife. easily by luring it toward one of the pits in this area and pushing it
It will rarely bring the Mytha's Bent Blade in its other hand to bear in using consecutive weak swings. Like all residents of the Dark
for long enough to inflict poison on the player and its low poise Chasm, it is also susceptible to Poison.

Dark Splr1tTenebrous Rogue



! Hexer's Hood

384 Hexer's Boots

can heal via Estus Flask Hexer's Robes 384 Bandit's Knife 312

Pmh11'.-llltv D Q
Hexer's Gloves 384 Mytha's Bent Blade 313

Bonfire Ascetic 6 401

An explorer of the Dark whose visage lies concealed by the
monocle of Durgo's Hat. Whether this is in fact the legendary
archer himself is uncertain - after all, what could so noble a
hero hope to gain from lurking the dark depths?

Encountered in the Shaded Ruins section of the Dark Chasm, this
spirit will attack from a distance with a powerful Compound Bow
and draw a Shortsword at close range. He is easily thwarted by a
shield and can be lured toward one of the pits, enabling players
to simply push him in with a flurry of weak attacks. His low poise
renders him vulnerable to all weapons light and heavy; he will
sometimes attempt to dodge spells and projectiles by rolling, but
backing him into a corner or against a ledge will allow ranged and
magic-oriented characters to pin him down and prevent his escape.

Dark Spirit Underworld Oeadeye 2610 2400 No Pg

Can heal via Estus Flask
Ourgo's Hat 376 Leather Boots 360
Pmti,Hllry pg
Leath er Armor 360 Compound Bow 347
Bonfire Ascetic 6 401 Leather Gloves 360 Shortsword 314


Yet another of the pilgrims traversing the Dark Chasm, its face is obscured
beneath a shadowy hood. Its wicked and murderous armaments raise many
questions about the intentions, and the sanity, of those who walk the Dark.

Encountered in the section of the Dark Chasm accessed from head-on is best approached with sweeping horizontal swings to
beneath Drangleic Castle. The Shadowveil Assassin is capable of prevent it from escaping and launching a counterattack; it is quite
bypassing shielded defenses with its Shotel and is extremely ag- agile and spells with area of effect damage or tracking capability are
gressive; however this can be used against it to lure it towards a pit recommended. Archer characters may have difficulty with this Dark
and knock it in with weak attacks. Fighting the Shadowveil Assassin Spirit and in such cases are encouraged to push it off one of the
nearby ledges.
c..,u, Pa ..... .
Dark Spirit: ShadowvellAssassln 2610 2400 No Desert Sorceress Hood 374 Desert Sorceress Skirt 374
Can heal via Estus Flask Desert SorceressTop 374 Shotel 321

p ., Desert Sorceress Gloves 374 Warped sword 322

I Prob 11•-.,

Bonfire Ascetic 6 401


Though at first glance this netherworld traveler might appear
nondescript and mundane, its lightning-fast sword technique
tells a different story. Who is this nimble warrior of shadow, and
from whom did he learn this deadly art?The mysteries of the
Dark Chasm are as numerous as the murderous eyes glinting
from its shadowy corners ...
Encountered in the sec-
tion of the Dark Chasm
accessed via Drangleic
Castle. This traveler of
the Dark is capable of
using a deadly multi-
hit rapier technique
which, in spite of its
impressive execution.
is easily blocked by a
shield. Conveniently en-
countered close to a pit
in case you choose to
so dispose of him, this
enemy will strafe slowly
around you before clos- be struck with ranged attacks or magic as long as he is out of melee
ing in to attack and can range or obstructed by terrain (or the lack thereof).

H o•JI 'f n n "a

Dari< SplrftThe Ghost of Prfnces Past 2510 2400 No Ellte Knight Helm 361 Ellte Knight Leggings 361
Can heal via Estus Flask Ellte Knight Annor 361 Ricard's Rapier 326
Ellte Knight Gauntlets 361 Target Shleld 349

Bonff re Ascetic 6 401


A pilgrim of the
Dark Chasm whose
striking resemblance
to an old friend
couldn't possibly be a
coincidence ... could it?

Strategy thrown at it with its mighty Greatshield. Unfortunately for it, it is

Encountered in the encountered in the immediate vicinity of a pit and can be pushed in
section of the Dark with the greatest of ease; players attempting to fight it through other
Chasm accessed via the means will have a battle of attrition on their hands and are advised
basement of Drangleic to roll sideways through the swings of its massive Great Hammer;
Castle, it uses powerful Backstabs are effective, as are powerful spells when it is executing
physical attacks and can an attack and cannot guard. If all else fails, trusty Poison Throwing
block nearly anything Daggers will eventually get the job done.

HI"' "oi:I n 1 ",r,

Dari< Splrft A Chip Off the 01' Rock 2510 2400 No Havel's Helm 377 Havel's Leggings 377
Can heal via Estus Flask Havel's Armor 377 Dragon Tooth 332
Havel's Gauntlets 377 Havel's Greatshleld 367
Prnt>1l"IIIt p "

Bonff re Ascetic 6 401


An entity cloaked in complete and total mystery. It has been in the
Dark Chasm since the dimension was first split asunder and its
existence was unknown until now; the only thing that is certain is
its hostility toward interlopers. What manner of unholy being is
this, and from what great Darkness was it born ... ?

Hel lflre Barrage

The Darklurker will create a fiery sphere above its head which will
charge for several seconds and then release three large fireballs
at the player. These have no tracking capability but are launched in
succession and will target your current location To avoid them either
dash to the side or roll forward through them. The fireballs inflict
area of effect damage and can be blocked by a shield, but each one
drains a large amount of stamina, and blocking all three consecu-
tively will produce disastrous results unless using a shield with high
Stability and fire reduction.

Dark Soul Bomb

The Darklurker will create a black sphere above its head; another
black sphere will appear somewhere else on the battlefield, usually
either above you or near the Darklurker. The Boss will throw a small
black orb similar to the Affinity Hex into the sphere above its head;
this will then emerge from the other sphere and fly towards the
player, generating a large dark-based explosion when it connects. To
avoid it, roll forward through it or dash away sideways. The timing
required to roll through this attack is fairly precise and the explosion
can be blocked by a shield with high Stability and strong darkness
Dark Spear reduction, but the toll on Stamina will be severe.
The Darklurker will launch a dark-based projectile resembling a
smaller version of Soul Spear. This can be dodged by rolling to either
side and can be blocked by a shield with high darkness reduction.


Black Laser
Abyss Blast
The Darklurker will ascend into the air and sweep a dark-based laser
from the ground at its feet progressively higher and farther away
from itself. It will generally project the beam in a straight line, but
will adjust its aim slightly sideways to track the player. It Is possible
to strafe or dash away from the laser or simply stand behind the
Darklurker when it uses this attack. The laser can be blocked with
a shield whose darkness reduction and Stability are high, but even
under the best of circumstances it will inflict tremendous Stamina

Abyss Blast
The Darklurker will use this attack at close range. It will slowly cross
its arms over its chest and then quickly spread them, generating
a large dark-based explosion around itself which will inflict heavy
damage. The explosion can be blocked but is almost guaranteed to
fully deplete your Stamina; evading this attack is best accomplished
simply by backing or rolling away.

Dual Darkness
When its health is reduced to between 50% and 60o/o the Dark-
lurker will create a doppelganger of itself which acts identically to
the original and will remain for the rest of the battle. Both share the
same life bar and attacking either one will contribute to the overall
damage the Boss has incurred; striking both simultaneously will add
the damage received by each to the total, effectively doubling the
effects of the attack.

Shadow Blade
When the player is in melee range of the Darklurker it will use a
spell identical to Soul Greatsword except that its damage is dark-
based. This can easily be blocked by a shield with high resistance to
darkness; players can also roll under it or stand behind the Dark-
lurker and avoid it completely. The Darklurker can execute a second
swing of its energy blade, so you should be prepared to block or
dodge the follow-up strike.

Melee characters should stand close to the Darklurker to bait to each other, you should remain within melee range and continue
Shadow Blade, as this is the best opportunity to strike. If the Boss to bait Shadow Blade while waiting for opportunities to laundl a
begins using a ranged attack, such as Hellfire Barrage or Dark Soul counterattack. Mages should make use of area-effect spells and me-
Bomb, you should put as much distance between it and yourself lee characters are advised to use wide, sweeping swings; ranged
as possible in order to make evading these attacks easier. Ranged characters with no area-effect attacks will be forced to continue
characters and mages may find it easier to follow this strategy as damaging the Darklurkers individually until they are defeated.
well since it will minimize the Darklurker's use of its more danger-
ous area-effect abilities. This Boss will periodically tum invisible Separating the Darklurkers is an alternative for ranged characters
and appear to teleport, but in fact can be targeted and damaged and players experiencing difficulty dealing with them in close prox-
throughout the process. Dodge its attacks according to the move imity. This strategy eliminates the necessity of dodging attacks from
list above until the Darklurker's health drops to about 60%, at which both Darklurkers at once, but requires that the player monitor two
point it will clone itself. opponents in separate locations. By drawing the Darklurkers as far
apart as possible players can attack one at close range while dealing
At this juncture you may choose to lure both Darklurkers as close with its easy-to-dodge Shadow Blade and take evasive or defensive
together as possible or separate them. Consolidating them accom- action when the distant Boss uses a long-range attack. The Dark-
plishes two objectives: making it easier to keep track of the Bosses lurkers cannot be poisoned, so it will be necessary to inflict direct
and evade their ranged attacks, and enabling you to hit both of them damage instead; patience and prudence are the keys to winning this
at once for essentially doubled damage. To keep both Bosses close challenging fight.

l •

Dar1<1 ur1<er


No Dar1< Spear


Stamhn D~l"'"'i19

Hellflre Barrage No Yes Heavy
•r I 111, Pi a
Dar1< Soul Bomb No Yes Heavy
Dar1<1 ur1<1r Soul 100 397 Heavy
Black Laser No Yes
Shadow Blade No Yes Light
Abyss Blast No Yes Heavy
Dual Darkness N/A NIA N/A


The first thing you need to be aware of when starting subsequent It's important to remember, however, that you don't actually need
trips into Drangleic is that on each successive trip, you will both deal to make it all of the way to New Game+ to see a lot of this extra
less damage to enemies, and take more damage when they hit you. content, thanks to the power of Bonfire Ascetics. Any time you
On NG+ it starts with you dealing half the damage you did on the come to an area where you like the sound of some of the New
previous playthrough and taking 50o/o more; each of those figures Game+ enemies or items, simply use a Bonfire Ascetic at a nearby
will increase on subsequent playthroughs. What this means is that Bonfire to raise the playthrough rating of the area. You can even do
you'll generally have to play even more carefully when venturing into this while on New Game+ to access some of the items that would
New Game+ and beyond, especially since things are not always the otherwise require you to reach New Game++. While most areas do
same as they were before. either have new items or enemies, some remain largely the same
and are not covered here.
You'll notice subtle differences as you play, such as an increased
number of consumables being picked up from the numerous MAJLJLA
corpses around the land, but there are also some very big changes.
Numerous items can only be obtained on New Game+, and while
many of them are better versions of items you could previously get, Name J Details
some of them are totally new and extremely powerful. On top of Moon Butterfly Shleld* Can be found In the chest Inside Maughlln's shop
new items you'll also find that enemies are sometimes in different Moon Butterfly Hat*
places, a general increase in the numbers of normal enemies, and ... · ·.. ·· · You need to spend wer 16,000 Souls with Maughlln, and
new Dark Spirits being commonplace. M~.?.~.. ~~.~~~r ~ng~ .. have defeated: Smelter Demon, Looking Glass Knight,
Moon Butterfly Cuffs Lost Sinner. Velstadt, the Royal Aegis, Throne Guardian and
·· · .. · ....... .... .... .. · · ... · ·· · Throne Watcher
Moon Butterfly Skirt

Name I Details Name J Details

An add~ional SkQIGton will tak.11 up residena1 in thQ bas11ment of the
Falconer Helm locklld house for each playthrough you're on up to 9
Falconer Armor
............. · Dropped by the Falconers
Falconer Gloves Fl1REST ()F FALLEN GIANTS
Falconer Boots New Items
Heavy crossbow +6
Namo J Details
Imported Hood +6 Helde Knight Sword
lmportedl\mlc +5 Helde Knight Greathelm
................. ······ Dropped by the Heavy Crossbow Dari< Spirit ..................................................
Imported Manchettes +6 Helde Knight Chalnmall Dropped by the Helde Knight
Imported Trousers +5
Shortsword +5
...Helde Knight Gauntlets
; . ,.
Helde Knight Leggings
New Enemies
Name I Location Namo J Location
Falconers Scattered around the clearing you start In Dark Spirit In the ambush room full of Balllstae
Dari< Spirit Gobllns At the far end of the starting clearing. Dark Spirit Ironclad In the courtyard opposite the ambush room,
Heavy crossbow Dari< Go through the second Fog Gate on the left after the Fire near the Withered Giant
Spirit Keeper·s hut, and after kicking the tree dCMln and crossing Dark Spirit Ironclad Near the Soldier's Rest Bonfire
the chasm, drop dCMln the hole on the other side .,................ .. " ..
Dari< Spirit Hollow On the stairs leadlng up to the main Pursuer battle area, Just
So Idler after passing through the Soldier Key door
Dark Spirit x2 In the open area Just before the King's Gate after obtaining
the King's Ring


Namo J Location
Old Knight x2 One of the Old Knights Is at the back of the large circular
room, and the other Is near the exit on the right
Dark Spirit On the path leading up to the Cathedral of Blue, shortly after
eidtlng the large circular room
.. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .
Dark Spirit x 2 Further along the path leading to the cathedral of Blue, Just
after going up the stairs
Old Knight Near the switch that lowers the draWbridge to the
Cathedral of Blue
Dark Spirit Just In front of the Fog Gate leading to the Dragonrlder boss


Nowltoms New Enemies

Namo I Detalls Namo I Location

Stonel\Nlnblade Grave Warden On the opposite side of the first narrow bridge you come to
after passing the Lower Earthen Peak Bonfire
Old Knight's Shleld
Grave Warden In the room containing the Pharros· Contraption near the
Helm ol Aurous
............. ·· ······· Each piece can be dropped by the Twin blade Dark Spirit Upper Earthen Peak Bonfire
Annor ol .Aurous Grave Warden Along the path leading to the Fog Gate you have to pass
Gauntlets ol Aurous through to face MYtha, the Baneful Queen

Leggings ol Aurous
Shadow Dagger Dropped by the Suspicious ShadoWs
Now EnemlH New Items

Name I Location Name I Dotalls

Dart< Splrft On the deck of the ship Dingy Hood +6
Suspicious Shadows Durtno the battle with the Flexlle Sentry Dingy Robe +5
................................................... Dropped by Dark Spirit The Forlorn Sister
Dingy Culls +5

Nowltoms NewEnemlH

Name I Detalls Name I Location

Helde Knight Greathelm Dart< Splrft:The Forfom Along the dead end path at the end of the area where
............................................. Sister and Greatsword you drop down and get attacked by the Red Core Undead
Helde Knight Chalnmall Dart< Spl If t
..................... .. Dropped by the Helde Knight Citizens
Helde Knl ght Gauntlets
............. .. . ' .
Helde Knight Leggings THE PIT & GRAVE OF SAINTS
Mlracle: Resplendent
on a corpse In the cell next to the Strald's Cell Bonfire New Items
Covetous Gold Serpent
Obtained upon defeating the Belfry Gargoyle
Name I Dotalls
Ring +2 Dingy Hood +6
' ..
Crystal Soul Spear Trade the Old Paledrake Soul to Strald of Olaphls Dingy Robe +5
. .." " ... ..
. . . ... " .. " ..... "... .. ............................................. Dropped by Dark Spirit: The Forlorn Sister
Bllndln g Bolt Trade the Old King Soul to Strald of Olaphls Dingy Culls +5
AameWeapon Trade the Old Witch Soul to St raid of Olaphls Blood-Stained Skirt +5
Numbness Trade the Old dead One Soul to Strald of Oiaphls New Enemies
Now Enemies Name I Location
Name I Location Dart< Splrft:The Forfom Along the dead end path at the end of the area where
Dart< Splrft Undead At the top of the stairs Just past the Exile Holding Cells Sister and Greatsword you drop down and get attacked by the Red Core Undead
Jaller Dart< Spl If t Citizens
Dart< Splrft Undead
Just In front of the cnest containing the Antiquated Key
Dart< s lrft Stra Do x2 At the bottom of the spiral staircase you reach shortly after New Items
P Y g defeating the Belfry Gargoyle
. " "... . "... .. .. .. . . "..... .. ".... .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. " .. "... .. .. .. .. . . Namo I Dotalls
Dart< Splrft Stray Dog At the top of the ladder In the room with the Pharros'
Contraption Just past the Antiquated Key door Old Dead One Soul Obtained upon defeating The Rotten

Nowltoms New Items

Name I Details Name I Detalls

Olloranthy Ring +2 Obtained upon defeating the Executioner Charlot Dragonrfder Helm
aear Bluestone Ring~ Obtained upon defeating the Skeleton Lords Dragonrfder Armor can be purchased from Magerold after defeating
·· D;:;;~~-~~-d~-~-G~-~~tiet~ · · the Dragonrlders In Dranglek: Castle
Now Enemlts ... . .
Namo I Location Dragonrfder Leggings
........... . '

Dart< Splrft Artlflclal On the roof of the building Just past the cave with Old King Soul Obtained upon defeating the Old Iron King
Undead the Great Moths
. .. . New Enemies
Along the path Just before the bridge leading to the
Dart< Splrft Torturer x4
Undead Purgatory Name I Location
Dart< Splrft Alonne In the room containing the Iron Key near the
Dart< Splrft Artlflclal On the narrow path Just ahead of where Merciless
Knight Captain start of the area
Undead Rowena Invades
Dart< Splrft Alonne Below the end of the path on the left side of the
Knight Captain tlrst large lava filled room
HARVEST VALLEY Dart< Spl rft Alonn e Just Inside the doorway near where you pick up the Dull
Now Items Knight Ember

Name I Details Dart< Splrft Alonne

Knight Captain x2
Inside the central furnace room that requires you to
turn a wive to enter
Covetous Sliver Serpent
Ring +2 Obtained upon defeating Mytha, the Baneful Queen Dual Avelyn Dark Splrft The rooftop section of Belfry Sol

Now Enemies Dart< Splrft Alonne At the end of the molten rock path In the large room Just
Knight past the brldl;Je guarded by the two Iron Clads
Name I Location Dart< Spl rft Alonn e
Dart< Splrft Artlflclal On the stairs leadlng up to the roof section of F2
In the area that features a large number of Artificial Undead, Knight Captain
Undead Just past The Mines Bonfire
Darfc Splrft Alonne On the narrow metal beam near the smelting pot Where you
Dart< Splrft Artlflclal In the small alcow full of items behind the boarded up area
Undead that a Horseman breaks through
' . . . . get the Gold covetous Serpent Ring
Dart< Splrft Just before you climb the ladder up to the
Eygll's Idol Bonfire


New Enemies
SHADED WOODS Name I Locatlo n
Nowltoms Dark Spirit Just outside the castle gates
Namo I Detalls Royal swordsmen x4 Groups of 4 Instead of 3 will spawn while you try to open
the castle gates
Southern Rltual Band +2 Obtained upon defeating Scorploness NaJka ' ., ,,... ' .
Gower's Ring of Pick from a corpse along the right-hand side of the mist Pursuer x2 In the throne room behind ChancellOf Well ager
Protection tilled forest area Alonne Knight captain An additional Alonne Knight Captain Is up on the mezzanine
Now Enemies x2 ................................... .................of
........ .......the great
......... hall lines
. ................... ........with Primal
............. Knight
. . ............ statues
.............. .....
Name I Location Dark Spirit In the room at the top of the tower that requires
the long elevator rlde
Dart< Spirit Goblin On the path leading up to the Shrine of Winter
. ............. .. .
Dark Spirit x2 Just outside the King's Gate after obtaining the KJng's Ring

BRll.111 S !{)NE Ct)VE TSEL Dt)RA &

New Items

Name I Detalls Name I Detalls

Ring of Stoel Protec- Receive upon defeating the Looking Glass Knight
Olaos Blade Trade the Old Witch Soul toWeaponsmlth Omlfex tion +2
Moonllght Greatsword Trade the Old Paledrake Soul toWeaponsmlth Ornlfex New Enemies
Dragonslayer Greatbow Trade the Old King Soul to Weaponsmlth Om Ifex
............ Name I Location
Q'ypt B la cksword Trade the Old Dead One soul to Weaponsmlth Ornlfex
Dark Spirit Near the set of ruins that lead off to the Door of the Living
Old Paledrake Soul Obtained upon defeat the Duke's Dear FreJa
Namo I Location New Items
Fanged Beasts Near the Royal Almy Campsite Bonfire
Name I Detalls
The Duke's Dear Ft'eJa She'll crawl up the cliff Just past the boulder trap, and you'll
Royal Soldier's Ring +2 Obtained upon defeating Vslstadt, the Royal Aegis
haw 30 seconds within which to damage her. After that
she'll retreat back down and any damage you dealt wtll carry NewEnemlH
CNer Into the real fight
Dark Spirit Dark C1 erlc In the narrow corridor you reach by going through the hidden
Name I Location
door Just before the Prowling Magus battle Imperious Knights x2 In the room full of Leydla Witches Just past the
undead Crypt Entrance Bonfire
Dark Spirit Parasite In the room above the Lower Brlghtstone Cove Bonfire . .. .. ". . .. . .. "". .. .. . """".. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. .
Spiders x2 Wall Warrior x2 After dropping down off the bridge near the two Royal
Guard, you'll find the first one on the alonQ the wall at the
Dark Spirit In the same area as the Porcine Peasant Dark Spirit. Just bottom. The second wtll attack you as you climb the ladder
before crossing the wooden bridge above the spikes. out of that area


Nowltoms New Items
Name I Detalls Name I Details
Old Witch Soul Defeat the Lost Sinner Monastery Headcloth
Now EnemlH
M~.~~~.~~Y..~.~gshlrt . Each piece can be dropped b'( Dark Spirit
Name I Location Monastery Long Gloves The PalntinQ Protector
Dark Spirit Red core Just past the area with all of the Enhanced Undead Monastery Skirt
Undead Citizen
......... ' .. NewEnemlH
Dark Spirit Undead Standing outside each of the rooms you can enter to Ignite
Jailers the black liquid before facing the Lost Sinner Name I Locatlo n
Dark Spirit Pyromancer During the battle with the Lost Sinner Darfc Splrlt:Tho Painting Behind the painting opposite the door that requires
x2 Protector the Aid la Key


Now Items New Items

Namo I Detalls Namo I Detalls

Helde Greatlance Ring of Giants +2 Obtained upon defeating the Giant Lord In Memory of Jelgh
Helde Knight Greathelm
Helde Knight Chalnmall Dropped by the Helde Knight THRONE OF WANT
Helde Knight Gauntlets New Items
Helde Knight Leggings Name I Details
O'escent Slade RecelVed upon defeating the Throne Watcher and
Ring of the Evll Eye +2
Curvedlwtnblade Throne Defender

.. ~P..1.r~.!e.~ Shle·l·d Can be purchased from ChancellorWellager after defeating

Bountlful sunlight the Looking Glass Knight on NG++

Wrath of the Gods

Great Chaos Flreba II
Ring of Blades +2 Obtained upon defeatlngThe Pursuer
.......... . .. '""""'" I

Washing Pole Obtained upon defeating The Pursuer on NG++

Great Magic Barrier On a corpse under the stairs of the room Just beyond the
room full of Ruin Sentinels near the King's Gate Bonfire


On your quest through Drangleic to flee your cursed destiny as an
Undead, you will complete these events naturally, unlocking the
Achievementsffrophies as you go. While you can attempt many of
them In no particular order, it is highly recommended that you follow
the order in the Area Gulde.

Achievement/Trophy Details
Namo I PS3 I Xbox 360 I Doscr1ptlon
Reclaim flesh and set out
• Self Recollectfon Bronze 10G
asan Undead

Last Giant Bronze 10G Defeat the Last Giant

Light the Primal Bonfire

• Gulch Bonfire SOwr 20G
In the Black Gulch

Light the Primal Bonfire

Iron Keep Bonfire
• Iron Keep Bonfire SOwr 20G
In the Iron Keep After besting the Old Iron King in the bowels of the Iron Keep, head
inside the hut near where the battle took place. At the back, you'll
• Br1ghtstone Bonfire SOwr 20G
Light the Primal Bonfire In find another Primal Bonfire. For more details, see P.177.
Brlghtstone cow Tseldora
Brightstone Bonfire
Light the Primal Bonfire In
• Sinner's Bonfire snwr 20G
Sinner's Rise Once you find and defeat The Duke's Dear Freja and claim its Soul,
proceed onwards to the next chamber. You'll eventually find the
Looking Glass
snwr 20G Defeat Looking Glass Knight
Primal Bonfire, but this one is defended by a strong foe known as
• Knight the Body ofVengarl. Defeat it and light the Bonfire to unlock the
Achievementrrrophy. See P.217 for more details.
• King's Ring snwr 20G Acquire the King's Ring
Sinner's Bonfire
After proceeding through Sinner's Rise and defeating the Lost Sin-
Ancient Dragon sowr 20G Acquire Ashen Mist Heart
ner, you'll find another Primal Bonfire in the rear chamber behind the
tattered cloth. Light the Bonfire to unlock the Achievementrrrophy.
The Heir Gold 100G See the ending See P.232 for more details.

Looking Glass Knight

Once you gain access to the King's Passage in Drangleic Castle,
Self Recollection you will soon come face to face with the Looking Glass Knight, who
You'll unlock this after completing the creation of your first charac- guards the lift that takes you to the Shrine of Amana at the end of
ter. After starting the game, carry on to the Fire Keeper's Hut and the passage. Defeat him to unlock this Achievement!frophy. See
finalize the creation of your character, selecting a name, class and P.248 for more details.
starting gift at the bare minimum. Once you regain control of your
character, you'll unlock this Achievementrrrophy. King's Ring
After journeying through the Undead Crypt, you will eventually find
Last Giant King Vendrick himself. Whether to fight him is up to you, but be sure
This Achievementrrrophy is unlocked by defeating the first major to pick up the King's Ring from the back of this chamber to unlock
boss of the game, the Last Giant. He can be found in the Forest of this Achievementrrrophy. See P.264 for more details.
Fallen Giants. For more details about where he can be found and to
find out exactly how to beat him, see P.060. Ancient Dragon
Reaching the top of the Dragon Shrine and battling past its many
Gulch Bonfire defenders, you will finally encounter the majestic Ancient Dragon.
Upon defeating The Rotten in the Black Gulch area and claiming its Speak to it to receive the Ashen Mist Heart, which will allow you
Soul, you'll be able to access a large cavern behind the boss room. to explore the memories of withered things, and also to unlock this
You'll find a Primal Bonfire inside; light it to unlock this Achievement/ Achievementrrrophy. See P.286 for more details.
Trophy. See P.163 of the Area Guide to see exactly when and where
this takes place. The Heir
Defeating the true form of Nashandra won't Just result in you fulfill-
ing your destiny as the chosen undead; it will allow you to unlock
this Achievementrrrophy after you've viewed the ending.


COMPLETIONIST Achievement/Trophy Details
Name I PSJ I Xbox 360 I Descrtptlon
The Completionist Achievements{Trophies will take up the bulk of Sliver 60G
Reinforce a weapon to
• Supreme Weapon
your time to unlock. Thanks to Bonfire Ascetics, you can get all of Its limit
these items in one playthrough, so even the rarest of items can
be farmed to some extent. Many of them require some interaction Gesture Maestro Sliver 60G Learn all Gestures
with an NPC; remember that if you kill one for whatever reason, you
can usually revive them from their gravestone. If you have made Master of Sorcery Sliver 30G Learn all sorceries
them hostile towards you, you can also get Cromwell the Pardoner
to forgive your sins and restore neutrality.
Master of Miracles Sliver 30G Learn all Miracles

Master of Pyromancy Sliver 30G Learn all Pyromancles

Ill Master of Hexes Sliver 30G Learn all Hexes

Supreme Weapon Reinforcement I Matertals I Souls I Matertal Dropped By I Enemy Location

As soon as you gain access to Blacksmith Leni-
Longsword+ 1 1 Tltanlte Shard 600 Skeleton Harvest valley, Others
grast and have the relevant materials and Souls,
you can unlock this Achievementrrrophy. Be Longsword+2 2 Tltanlte Shards 630 Undead Peasant Brlghtstone Cove Tseldora
advised that you should upgrade a normal piece Longsword+3 3 Tltanlte Shards 760 Undead Steelworker Earthen Peak, Others
of equipment that only requires Titanite Shards Brlghtstone Cove Tseldora,
Longsword+4 1 Large Tltanlte Shard 1000 Parasite Spider
for the initial upgrade if your only intention is to Others
unlock the Achievementrrrophy, since more rare
equipment requires harder-to-find materials. The
.......Longsword. +6
................................2 Large Tltanite Shards 1130 Undaad Peasant
.................................................................... .......................................................Brlghtstone Cove Tseldora
....................................... .....
Longsword+6 3 Large Tltanite Shards 1260 Bell Keeper Belfry SOVBelfry Luna
table below shows the requirements for fully
upgrading a typical early game weapon - in this ...Longsword+7
Tltanlte Chunk 1600 Undead Peasant
......................................................... ......................................................Brlghtstone Cove Tseldora
example, a Longsword. Remember that the Longsword+& 2 Tltanlte Chunks 1630 CoalTar Black Gulch
enemies listed are not the only ones that drop Longsword+9
....... .......... .. 3 Tltanlte Chunks 1760 Gyrm WarrlOf Doors of Pharros
.. .
the needed materials, but are recommended Longsword+10 1 Tltanlte Slab 2000 Stone Soldier Dranglelc castle
because they are easy to find and farm.

Gesture Maestro
This Achievementrrrophy will require you to find every Gesture in the game. While you
will start off with 8, the rest must be learned from NPCs you will meet along your journey.
Check out the table to see where to get them all, and how to get the NPCs in question to
teach you them.

Name I Location I Acquisition Details I Page Name I Location I Acquisition Details I Page

I Point None Owned by default None

After un-petrlfylng Rosabeth of Melfla Just
before the Shaded Woods, go back and
speak to Benhart of Jugo. Go through his 413

11 won't bite None Owned by default None

dialogue until you get the option of learning
the Gesture.
Equip the Ring of Whispers which can be

I Bow None Owned by default None

Warm up
purchased from SWeet Shalquolr In Majula
and speak to ManscorplonTark. then speak
to him again after defeating scorponess
NaJka .

I ....................................................................................................................................................

Wave None Owned by default None

of Fallen
After acquiring the Ashen Mist Heart from
the Ancient Dragon, use it to access the
Memory of vammar. Speak to Captain Drum- 417

Hurrahl Memory
mond In the memory and exhaust dialogue
of Varn-
to learn his Gesture.
Pumped up None Owned by default None mar

Speak to Chancellor Wellager on the stairs

I Warcrv None Owned by default None

one's me
Just Inside the main entrance until you get
the option to learn the Gesture.

Approach and speak to Grave Warden Agda-
Have Undead
yne without having a Torch lit. and learn the 436
mercy I Crypt
Rlghty-hol None Owned by default None Gesture from him.

Upon encountering Laddersmlth Gilligan at

Earthen Peak and paying him 2000 Souls,
Prostration Peak/ 429
None Owned by default None you can learn the Gesture. Or, learn It from
Noway MaJula
him after he has moved to MaJula.

I Welcome MaJula
Can be learned from Crestfallen Saulden
when you first enter Majula by going through
all of his dialogue and gaining access to his
I Decapitate Shaded
Speak to the Head of Vengarl who can be
found In a clearing In the Shaded Woods.
Learn Gesture after going through all

I Duelbow
of Blue
After acquiring a Token of Fldellty, speak with
Blue Sentinel Targray; once you go through
all of his dialogue and can access his menu,
you'll be able to learn the Gesture.
Find the petrified Strald of Olaphls In a cell In
Lost Bastille. Use a Fragrant Branch of Yore
to free him. Speak to him to get option to
learn his Gesture.

Unlock the door to the room containing You can learn this Gesture at the Altar of
Praise the Harvest
Hunts- the Undead Lockaway Bonfire and next to Sunlight without having to rank up the 419
Sun Valley
man's It you'll find Creighton the Wanderer; go 414 Covenant
Copse through all of his dialogue to get the ocuon
to learn the Gesture.


Master of Sorcery Narno I Acquisition Dotalls Name J Acquisition Detalls
This Achievement/Trophy will require you to Purchased from Greve
find every Sorcery in the game. Check out Soul Spear warden Agdayne or found In Crystal Magic Found In Dragon Aerie
the table to see where to get them all. For Huntsman's Copse
more information, check out the Area Guide
Trade with Strald of Olaphls Strong Magic Purchased from Royal Sorcerer
(P.030) to see where an item or NPC is, or Crystal Soul
using Old Paledrake Soul Nevlaan/Strald of Olaphis or
the NPC section (P.408) to find out how to (New Game+) Shield found In Dranglelc Castle
access their items.
Purchased from Carhllllon Purchased from Carhllllon
Namo I Acqulsltton Dotalls
of the Fold of the Fold

Purchased from Merchant Hag

Reward for reaching Rank 2 In
Soul Arrow Melentla/Carhllllon of the Fol<V Soul Spear Purchased from Carhllllon
Hush the Way of Blue Covenant or
Magerold of L.anaflr Barrage of the Fold
found In Lost Bastille

Purchased from Carhllllon of

Great Soul Trade with Strald of Olaphls us- Purchased from Weaponsmlth
the Fold/Magerold of L.anafir or Soul Shower Fall Control
Arrow ing SCorploness NaJka soul Omlfe,rJMagerold of L.anaflr
found In Forest of Fallen Giants

Heavy Soul Purchased from Carhllllon of Soul Great. Hidden Reward for reaching Rank 2 In
Found In Drangtelc Castle
Arrow the Fold/Magerold of L.anaflr sword Weapon the Bell Keeper Covenant

Great Heavy
Soul Arrow
Purchased from carhllllon of
the Fol<VMagerold of Lana fir
Purchased from Grave warden
Agdayne or found In The PiV
Brlghtstone Cove Tseldora
I Repair Found In Shaded Woods

Purchased from Darkdlver

Homing Soul Purchased from Strald of Ola- Soul Bolt Found In Dranglelc Castle Cast Light
GrandahVStrald of Otaphls
Arrow phLsl\Neaponsmlth Omlfex

Heavy Hom- Soul Geyser Found In Aldla's Keep Chameleon Found In Harvest Valley
Trade with Strald of Olaphls
ing Soul
using Ruin Sentinel Soul
Received from Royal Sor-
Magic Purchased from Carhllllon ~ Unleash cerer Navlaan after giving Aged
Purchased from Weaponsrnlth
Homing Weapon of the Fold ~ Magic Feather for fourth
Omlfex or found In Shaded
Soul mass assassination
Reward for reaching Rank 1 In
the Company of Champions
Great Magic
Homing Crys- Covenant or purchased from
tal SOulmass Found In Shrine of Amana Weapon
Royal sorcerer Nalltaan or
found In The Gutter

Master of Miracles Name I Acquisition Details N,lme J Acquisition Detalls

This Achievement/Trophy will require you to

Reward for reaching Rank 3 In
find every Miracle in the game. Check out !":i
Blue Sentinels Covenant or puF-
chased from Chancellor Wet lager
Soul AP·
Purchased from Stone Trader
Chloanne/Grave warden Agdayne
the table to see where to get them all. For ··································· .
(New Game++)
more information, check out the Area Guide
Bllndtng Trade with Strald of Otaphls for
(P.030) to see where an item or NPC is, or Caressing Purchased from ueta of LJndelV Bolt Old King Soul (New Game+)
the NPC section (P.408) to find out how to Prayer Cromwell the Pardoner ~
access their items.

~ Magic Purchased from Head ofVengarV

Namo J Acquisition Detalls Force

Purchased from Llcla of LlndelV W ············
Barrier Felldn the Outcast

Cromwell the Pardoner
Great Purchased from Chancellor

Purchased from Merchant Hag Magic
Heal Reward for reaching Rank 2 In Wellager or found In Aldla's Keep/
Melentla/Llcla of Llndelt Barrier Dranglelc Castle
Wrath of Blue Sentlnets Covenant or pur-

I MedHeal Purchased from Ucla of Llndelt

the Gods chased from Chancellor Wellager
(New Game++)
Homeward Purchased from Ucla of Undelt

Purchased from Blue Sentinel

t:JJ Great Heal
Purchased from Ucla of Llndelt
Emit Force Targraytcromwell the Pardoner or
found In No-Man's Wharf
~ Guidance Purchased from Ucla of Undelt
' Great Heal
Purchased from Cromwell the
Pardoner or found In Greve of
I Heavenly
Purc,hased from Blue Sentinel Tar-
gray/Cromwell the Pardoner
Trade with Strald of Otaphls using
Soul of Velstadt
Ughtnlng Purchased from Llcla of Llndelt or
~ Soothing Invade and defeat Uola of Undelt Spear found In Harvest Valley ~ Unvell Purchased from Strald of Olaphls
~ Sunllght

~ Replenlsh- Purchased from Ucla of UndelV

Available for purchase from
Strald of Olaphis after defeating m Persever- Purchased from Cromwell the

Li.;J ment Cromwell the Pardoner Spear

Velstadt or found In The Pit/
Undead Crypt
~ ance Pardoner

.......................................................................................... Available for purchase from

Resplen- Purchased from Strald of OlaphlS/ Sun Ilg ht Reward for reaching Rank 3 In sunlight Strald of Olaphls after defeating
dent Life Ucla of Llndelt or found In Lost Spear the Heirs of the Sun Covenant Blade Velstadt or found In Shrine of
Bastllle (New Game+) Amana


Master of Pyromancy
This Achievement/Trophy will require you to
find every Pyromancy in the game. Check
out the table to see where to get them all.
For more information, check out the Area
Guide (P.030) to see where an item or NPC
is, or the NPC section (P.408) to find out
how to access their items.

Namo I Acqulsltton Dotalls

II Rreball
Purchased from Rosabeth of
Mettle after she moves to Ma-
Jula or dropped by Salamander
In Forest of Fallen Giants or
found In No-Man's Wharf

Cl RreOrb
Purchased from Rosabeth of
Metfla after she moves to Ma-
Jula or dropped by Salamander
In Forest of Fallen Giants
Dropped by salamander In For-
... Great
U Rreball
est of Fallen Giants or found In
Brights tone cove Tseldora
Reward for reaching Rank 3 In
Great Chaos Brotherhood of Blood Covenant
Rreball or Purchased from Chancellor
Wellager (New Game++)
Purchased fromTltchy Gren or
dropped by Poisonous Horn
Beetle In the Gutter or found In
Dranglelc Castle
Dropped by Guardian Dragon In
Are Tempest Dragon Aerie or found In Shrine
of Amana

Chaos Stonn Found In Iron Keep

I Combustion
Purchased from Rosabeth
of Melfla after she moves to
MaJula or found In Huntsrnans

Purchased fromTltchy Gren or
found In Dranglelc Castle
Trade with Strald of Olaphls
using Giant Lord Soul

Purchased fromTltchy Gren
T\Nlsted Bar-
Are Whip or dropped by Bell Keeper rtcado Found In Doors of Pharros
Phantom In Belfry Sol

Purchased from Rosabeth Trade with Strald of Olaphls
Polson Mist of Melfla after she moves to
Master of Hexes Numbness using Old Dead One Soul (New
Majula This Achievementffrophy will require you to Game+)
acquire every Hex in the game. Check out ..................................................................................
Toxic Mist
Trade with Strald of Olaphls us-
ing Royal Rat vanguard Soul
the table to see where to find them all.For
more information, check out the Area Guide
I Saaps of
Purchased from Cromwell the
Pardoner or found In the Gutter

Acid Surge
Trade with Strald of Olaphls us-
lnQ Royal Rat Authority Soul
(P.030) to see where an item or NPC is, or
the N PC section (P.408) to find out how to
access their items.
I Darlcstorm
Purchased from Darkdlver Gran-
dahVMagerold of Lanaflr

Purchased from Strald of Name I Acqulslt Ion Details Reward for reaching Rank 1
Olaphls or dropped by Undead Resonant In Piigrims of Dark Covenant

Rame Purchased from Felkln the Out-
Jailer In Lost Bastll le Soul or purchased from Felkln the
Dar1< Orb cast/Strald of OlaphlS/Darkdlver
Ill Purchased from Strald of Ola- Grandahl
phts or dropped by Bell Keeper
n Reward for reaching Rank 2

.:. swathe Purchased from Darkdlver Gran- Great Reso- In Piigrims of Dark Covenant
Phantoms in Belfry Sol
Dar1< Hall dahl/Strald of OlaphlS/Magerold ~ nantSoul or purchased from Felkln the
r, Received from Royal Sorcerer of Lanaflr
........ .. .............................................................................. Outcast

M Navlaan after giving Sunset

Staff for third assassination

Trade with Strald of Olaphls

using Old Witch Soul (New
I Dar1< Fog Purchased from Strald of Ola-
phis or found In the Gutter
Reward for reaching Rank 3 In
Piigrims of Dark Covenant

Weapon Purchased from Strald of
Game+) Resonant Purchased from Felkln the
Affinity Olaphls or dropped by Kobold of
Flesh Outcast
Purchased from Rosabeth AJdla's Keep

RashSWoat of Melfla after she moves to

Iron Resh

Purchased from Rosabeth

of Melfla after she moves to
Purchased from Stone Trader
Chloanne after move to MaJula
................................................................................ I. .. ,.
Purchased from Felkln the


I Dar1<Weapon Purchased from Felkln the

Outcast ~
~· .. Llfedraln
Trade with Strald of Olaphls
using Dark:lurker Soul

Purchased from GraveWarden
Wannth Agdayne or dropped by Corpse
. ....................................................................................

Rat In Grave of Saints

Found In Iron Keep

Whisper of
Found In Grave of Saints
I Profound
Purchased from Darkdlver


Just like the original Dark Souls, there are numerous Covenants dotted around
throughout the game that you can join. Unlocl<ing these Achievements/Trophies doesn't
require you to do anything other than join each of the Covenants. Remember you can
speak to Sweet Shalquoir in Majula to keep track of which Covenants you have joined.

Achievement/Trophy Details
Name I PS3 I Xbox360 I Description
• Covenant of the Meek Bronze 100 otscover the Covenant of the meek
..... . .. . . .
• Covenant of the Attest Bronze 100 otscover the Covenant of the fittest

• Protector Covenant Bronze 100 Otscover the Covenant of the protectors

• Clangorous Covenant Bronze 100 otscover the clangorous Covenant

• Sanguinary Covenant Bronze 100 Dlscover the Covenant of the bloodthirsty

• Br1111ant Covenant Bronze 100 Dlscover a most brilliant Covenant

II Gnawing Covenant Bronze 100 Otscover the Covenant of rodents

• Abysmal Covenant Bronze 100 Otscoverv the abysmal Covenant

• Covenant of Ancients

Selfless Giver


otscover an ancient covenant

Max-out deVotlon to covenant

Covenant of the Meek Clangorous Covenant Gnawing Covenant
...~~ti.?~ Ma Ju la .. ... ~?.~~~.1~.n Belfry_ Luna/Belfry_ Sol .. <rr: Location Grave of Sa lnts/Doors
.. ~.~.enan_t .~.3.!!:1.8. YVav.~~.~lue . .. ~.~enant -~-~!!:1.8. ~el!.1<.~.~eer . . ,,,, .'t .,·' ,,.." of Pharros

, .. Saulden .. .. NPC/ Altar ~ell 1< , .. ~ ' ..~~-~.~~-~.~~. ~~~.e R.~~..~!nc .
Page Ref. P.420 Page Ref. P.422 " . ;
-~~~~l~~r......... . R.~~..~!ng........... . .
Page Ref. P.421
Speak to Saulden. the crestfallen warrior Simply speak to the Bell Keeper NPC that
at the top of the stairs past the Emerald is stationed at the entrance to both Belfry You can find the Rat King in the two loca-
Herald in Majula. Go through his dialogue Luna and Belfry Sol repeatedly to get the tions mentioned in the table. Speak to him
until he eventually offers to let you join the option to join the Covenant. while you have a Rat Tail in your inventory to
Covenant. get the option to join his Covenant.
Sanguinary Covenant
Covenant of the Fittest Locatlon l!.n~~~-~urg~~.°.(Y
Abysmal Covenant
r ...~~tl?~ ~aJ~!~ .. Covenant ....Name ..
.................. Brotherhood of Blood . . '. {
I .,... ..
Location Shaded Woods/Black


. ! --: Covenant Name company of NPC/Altar !.ltc.~.Y..C3.(en . . .

} .. ~~-l~(Dr.a.n.?,l~lc ~.a.~t!~ .
................................... ~~~r:n.P.!~~~ .. Page Ref. P.421 ..£ -~
..~~-v.8.~.~.~~.. ~~~.e !".1.1_9.(~!!'S..°.! ..'?~(.k .
. .. . Victor's Stone . NPC/
.. Altar . . .Darkdiver. Grandahl. .
Page Ref. P.419 After defeating the boss in the Undead Pur- Page Ref. P.423
gatory, speak toTitchy Gren. the NPC next
Examine the Victor's Stone at the top of the to the Bonfire there, while you have a Token To join this Covenant, you must find and
stairs In Majula next to the path that leads of Spite in your inventory. Respond affirma- speak to Darkdiver Grandahl in the three
to Heida's Tower of Flame to get the option tively to all his questions and he will let you locations noted in the table. You can do so
to join the Covenant. join the Brotherhood of Blood Covenant. in any order you wish. After speaking him in
the third location, you will get the option to
Protector Covenant Brilliant Covenant join the Covenant.
Location Cathedral of Blue Location
.......... .. Harvest Valley .. .. Covenant of the Ancients
.. '
Name Blue Sentinels
" . .. .. . .. Covenant . Name Heirs of the . Sun ..
NPC/ Alt.II~. .. ~lue ..~~~tlnel,!,~(_9rav . NPC/ A!tar ?.f..
~lt~r .. ~un!lq~~ . ~~c~~!~.~..... . !r~~ ..~eep ..
Page Ref. P.420 Page Ref. P.419 .. Covenant .Name Dragon. Remnants ..

Speak to Blue Sentinel Targray, who stands Fol low the side path just before the en-
, 'I"

, .\.U.
r, .. NPC/ Altar
Page Ref.
Mag erold. of. Lanafir

on a balcony after the boss in the Cathedral trance to the Earthen Peak in Harvest Valley
of Blue, while you have a Token of Fidelity in to find the Altar of Sunlight. Kneel at it to Make sure you have a Petrified Egg in your
your inventory and you will get the option to get the option to join the Heirs of the Sun inventory when you speak to Magerold of
join the Covenant .. Covenant. Lanafir (in Iron Keep) and he will ask to have
it. Give it to him, and then speak to him
again to get the option to join the Covenant.


Selfless Giver
For most players playing through the single player mode of the
game through to the end, joining the Way of Blue will be enough for
you to max out your devotion to the Covenant. This is because even
Al controlled Dark Spirits that are guaranteed to invade you, even
while offline, count towards the requirements to rank up this Cov-
enant. You will easily kill more than 10 before the end of the game,
thus ensuring you maximize your devotion to the Covenant.

The Pilgrims of Dark Covenant is also a good option for players

that will mostly play offline. Since it only requires the completion
of three short events to maximize your devotion, this can be done
easily as soon as you find Darkdiver Granda hi in all three of his
locations. See P.423 for more details. If you wish to maximize your
devotion to a different Covenant, check out the requirements for
doing so in the table.

Achievement/Trophy Details
Name I Rank 1 Req. I Rank 2 Req. I Rank 3 Req. I Offering Req.
Way of the Blue 1 5 10 Kiii invading Phantoms

....Company of Champions
................................... .........................................10.... .................................
25 60
.. .................................... ...............Offer Awestones
.............. .......................
Blue Sentlnels 50 150 500 OfferTokens of Fidelity
......... .. .. . .
Bell Keeper 10 30 100 Kiii Belfry Invaders
......... of Blood
. 50
,......... .. .. 150 500
......... OfferTokens
. of Spite
.. . -..
Heirs to the Sun 10 20 30 Offer Sunlight Medals
.......... .. .. .. .. ' .
Rat King 10 20 35 Offer Rat Tails
Pllgrl ms of Dark Event Event Event N/A
Dragon Remnants 10 20 30 Offer Dragon Scales

MISCELLANEOUS Achievement/Trophy Details

These Achievements/Trophies don't fall into any of the previous Name I PS3 I Xbox 360 I Description
categories, and most of them involve interacting with NPCs in vari-
ous ways. Be sure to check out the NPC section of the guide for
II This Is Dark Souls Bronze 100 Die for the first time

additional details should you require them. Inherit Steady Hand McDuff's
• Smith for Life Sliver 300 equipment
This is Dark Souls
Rest assured, you'll get this Achievement/Trophy hundreds of times Inherit Laddersmlth Giiiigan's
Garrulous Miser Silver 30G
in the course of a normal playthrough I Try to die near a Bonfire if
you are just trying to get the AchievemenVTrophy so you can quickly Give Rosabeth of Melfla
• Change of Clothes Sliver 30G something to wear
retrieve your Souls.
Increase the population of
Smith for Life Gathering of Exiles Sliver 30G
After finding the Dull Ember in the Iron Keep, give it to Steady Hand
McDuff in the Lost Bastille to gain access to his shop menu. Once Reflectlonson Sliver Inherit equipment from the
• Dlsembodlmerrt Head of Vengarl
you've spent a total of at least 14000 Souls for his various services, ..................................................................................................................................................
select the talk option in his menu. He will give you an item as Curious Map Sliver Light all flames on the map
thanks and you will unlock the AchievemenVTrophy. • In MaJula

Garrulous Miser Vendrick Sliver 500 Defeat Vendr Id<

After you've met Laddersmith Gilligan at Earthen Peak and spoken
to him so he moves to Majula, visit him there. Pay him to set his Inherit equipment from
Lucatlel Sliver 30G
Lucatlel of Mlrrah
most expensive ladder down. Once you've done this, select the talk
option from his menu to receive a reward and unlock this Achieve- Inherit Captain Drummond's
• Holder of the Fort Sliver 30G
menVTrophy. equipment

Moonllght Silver Inherit Benhart of Jugo's

Change of Clothes • Greatsword
After you've un-petrified Rosabeth of Melfia near the door at the
Acquire all TrophleS/Earn all
entrance to the Shaded Woods, speak to her again. Eventually, The Dark Soul Platinum 50G
she will ask a favor; a donation of clothes. Give her some of your
old equipment that you don't need any more and you'll unlock this
AchievemenVTrophy after you do.

Gathering of Exiles
As you progress through the game, you'll meet numerous friendly
characters on the way that will eventually move to Majula to offer
their services to you, if you meet certain conditions. The table below
shows which of these NPCs will move to Majula and what you have
to do to facilitate the move.


NPC Name J Location J Movement Requirements Lucatiel
cartographer Cale Forest of Fallen Giants
Exhaust his dialogue and beat the You will encounter Lucatiel of Mirrah in numerous locations
Last Giant boss throughout Drangleic. In order to get her to bestow her equipment
Merchant Hag Melentla Forest of Fallen Giants EXhaust her dialogue upon you, you will have to meet her in each of these locations and
Exhaust his dialogue and defeat activate each of her Soul Signs, ensuring she does not die and
cam II lion of the Fold No-Man's Wharf
the Flexlle Sentry boss defeating a boss while doing so. Check out P.412 of the NPC section
Stonolrader Olloanne Harvest Valley Exhaust her dialogue for exact details on how to complete her quest, and the table below
Pay for ladder and exhaust
for quick reference.
Laddersm Ith GI lllga n Earthen Peak
Rosa both of M elfla ShadedWOods Un-petrify and give equipment
Locatlo n I Details
Appears when you flrst arrive and will stay until her dialogue Is
No-Man's Wharf
Reflections on Disembodiment The Lost Bastille
Appears when you flrst arrive and will stay until her dialogue Is
Once you've found the Head of Vengarl in a clearing in the Shaded exhausted.
Woods, exhaust all his dialogue options. When you get access to his Earthen Peak
Appears when you flrst arrive and will stay until her dialogue Is
menu, but sure to learn his Gesture, but also keep selecting the talk exhausted.
option. Do it repeatedty until he thanks you for your time and give Black G Ulch
Appears when you first arrive and will stay until her dialogue is
you Vengarl's Helm, which will also unlock this Achievement/Trophy. exhausted.
Aldla's Keep Wiii move here after encountered in all four other locations.
Curious Map
In the mansion in Majula, there is a certain map. Once you have I Summon Sign Location
met Cartographer Cale in the Forest of Fallen Giants and have No-Man's Wharf Near the one-way gate
acquired the House Key from him, enter the mansion and head to Sinner's Riso At the bottom of the elevator shaft
the basement. There, you'll find the map. When you first go to it, if
Iron Koep Outside the Smelter Demon Boss room
you haven't defeated any bosses, you won't see anything special.
However, as you complete certain key events in the game and light Black G Ulch In the same room as the Hidden Chamber Bonfire

certain Bonfires, a corresponding fire will appear on the map.

Holder of the Fort
In order to unlock the Achievement/Trophy, you'll have to complete You'll find Captain Drummond in the Memory ofVammar, which can
the 8 events listed in the table, as well as light the correct Bonfire be accessed via the withered tree in courtyard area of the Forest of
related to that event. Once you have, speak to Cartographer Cale in Fallen Giants after you have the Ashen Mist Heart. Go through all
the basement next to the map. Go through his dialogue repeatedly his dialogue options. then head to the Memory of Jeigh and take
until he gives you his equipment, which will unlock the Achieve- on the Giant Lord. After defeating the Giant Lord (you do not have
ment!frophy. to summon Drummond before the battle if you don't wish to). go
back into the Memory ofVammar. Speak to him again and he will
In addition, completing each of these events on your eighth play- give you a Drangleic Helm, which will also unlock the Achievement/
through, or after you have increased the level of the listed Bonfire to Trophy.
8 using Bonfire Ascetics, will make the flame on the map relating to
that event turn blue. This is not required for unlocking the Achieve- Moonlight Greatsword
rnent/Irophv however. You will encounter Benhart of Jugofirst in Majula, just before the
entrance to the Shaded Woods. After freeing Rosabeth of Melfia,
Area J Bonfire Name J Event I Page Ref. speak to him again. You will then encounter him and his Soul Sign
Forest of Fallen Giants cardinal Tower Defeat the Last Giant P.060 in numerous other locations; if you summon him and defeat three
SI nner's R lse The Saltfort Defeat the Lost Sinner P.234 bosses while he is with you without him dying, he will bestow his
equipment upon you the next time you speak to him. Check out
Iron Keep Eygll's Idol Defeat the Old Iron King P.184
P.413 of the NPC section for exact details on how to complete his
Black Gulch Hidden Chamber Defeat the Rotten P.167 quest, and the table below for quick reference.
Brlghtstone Cove Lower Brlghtstone Defeat the Duke's
Tseldora cove
............. .. Dear FreJa
Location I Details
Undoad Crypt Undead Ditch Obtain the King's Ring P.264 Shaded Woods Starting location (along the path to the VVoods from MaJula).
Obtain the Ashen Mist Dranglolc castle Tall< to him after curing Rosa beth's petrification.
Dragon Shrine Shrine Entrance Heart from the Ancient P.286
Dragon Forest of Fa lien
Tall< to him In Dranglelc Castle.
Dranglelc Castle King's Gate Defeat Nashandra P.304
Memory of Orro Talk to him on the battlement in the Forest of Fallen Giants.

Deep in the Undead Crypt lies the former king Vendrick. While you I Summon Sign Location
don't need to defeat him to proceed with the game, you will need Brtghtstone Cove
. A tent near the,,.................
Royal Army Encampment
.. _ ..
to for this Achievement/Trophy. He is a deadly foe, but the battle will King's Passage Outside the Looking Glass Knight Boss room
go much easier if you first retrieve the Soul of a Giant items. For Memory of Jelgh Down the stairway from the starting position
every one you retrieve from the different Memories you can access,
Throne of Want Outside the Boss room
Vendrick's defense will lower. Since you need the Ashen Mist Heart
item to access Memories, it is recommended that you don't attempt
this until Just before the end of the game. For more details on how The Dark Soul
to defeatVendrick, see P.269. Completing the arduous, painstaking task of acquiring every other
Achievement/Trophy will endow you with two things; this final
Achievement/Trophy, and a profound sense of accomplishment. Well


Rof.....,lCo Pago Rofergnco Page
Executioner's Chariot Soul 3117 Manus Fattw>< ol 1he Abyt Rotloo. Th•

THE LORE INDEX Shield Crossb<M'

Rorenz.i ofVolgon
348 Bow of Want
Chime olWmt
Old DCllld One Soul
Soul of the Rotten
Avelyn 348 DarkJurker Soul 397 !Ruin Sentinel
Rnitbom Son of Lord Gw n Scythe ofWant 338 Ruin S9ntinel Soul 3g7
Dark Souls II provides you with a fantastic world with Smlight Medal 401 Soul of Nashandra 398 ,sant&.>,
a rich history to use as a setting for your adventures, sunlight Palllla 351 Mem, Santier's Sp11ar 335
but the story is somewhat hidden in dialogue and Redo Sent~ Divine Blessing 306 !sealh lhe Scaleleu
Araid SWord 323 Lightning Um 398 See Duke's Dear Frgja
item descriptions. Throughout this guide, we have
Barbed Club 330 Olenford's Staff 344 IShanalotte
endeavored to provide you with a context for the ar- R9Xile Sentr:r: Soul 3117 WtchingUm 3Q9 See Emerald Herald, The
eas and enemies that you have faced, but this is only Warpad Sword 322 Mlrrah ls1u11eton Lord
the beginning of the story. If you want to dig deeper Foroasa Espada RoP!!ra 325 Roanna Halberd 336
BanditAxa 326 HolyWater Um 3Q9 Skeleton l.o«l's Soul 397
and speculate about the game's hidden truths, the Bandit GroataXQ Ugwgllyn Shield
327 350 !Smelter Demon
following Lore Index will serve as a fine starting point Black Dragon Gr9atax.e 328 Mirrah GrCllltsword 317 Smeltllf Demon Soul 397
for your investigations and theories. Simply search Black R re bomb 3g9 Mirrah Shield 352 Smelter Sword 320
among the topics in grey for the one that you are Dragonslayer's Old Mirrah Greatsword 317 1svan Sir
Cresc,ent A¥a 327
Royal Dirk 313 ~ n's Halbgrd 336
interested in, and then refer to the items referenced Rad Rust Scimitar 322 Shadow Dagg9r 312 !Tar9ray. Knl!!ht of 1he Bue
beneath it to find the sources of the information Rad Rust SWord 315 Moon Butterfly Blue Kniii!ht's Halberd 336
on that topic. Furthermore, we have printed the in- Glanb Moon Butter11y Shield 352 rThrone of Want
Giant Lord Soul 3118 Mytha, the 13:inelul Ou--. Defender GJ9.atsword 318
game descriptions of the items to assist you in your
Giant Stone A¥a 328 BoneSc{thQ 338 Throne Defender Soul 3118
research without needing to spend hundreds of hours Giant Warrior Club 332 Manikin Claws 341 Throne Watcher Soul 3Q9
collecting all the items; just flip to the noted page and Sead of a Tree of Giants 400 Manikin Knife 313 Watcher Greetsword 318
take the real story straight from the source! Soul of a Giant 396 Manikin 5.lbre 321 Watcher's Shield 350
Soul of tho Last Giant 3116 Manikin Shield 349 [T1m.
Gutt«. Th• Mytha. the Baneful White Sign Soaestone 3gg
Happy hunting, and see you in Drangleicl Black Ramll!ltone Dagger 313 OuGon Soul
[Tltct,v Gren
Gwl!!, Lord of Sunl!!lhl Mytha 's Bent Blade 313 Scythci of Nahr Alma 337
Reference Pago Roleronco Pago Se9 Old Iron Kinlj Nat.Alms iTseldor'J ;
Dragon Scale 401 Gwy,-. Seythe of Nahr Al ma 317 Soul of the Duke's
Crypt Blacksword 320 DraQon Tooth 332 DMne Blessing 31l6 Na(b, Scorpion Dear Freja
Darkdrift 324 DraQon Torso Stone 400 Gynn Scorpioness Najk.a Soul 307 I Undoad Crypt
I Drakekeeper's
Gnaat Hammer
Gyllll Great Hammer
Bow of Want 347
Mace of the Insolent
Magic Shield
Aldi.a Hammer
Bone Shield 354 DrakekeeP!!r's Gr11atax.e 328 Hawk!}! Gou11h Chime otWlm 346 Olenford's Staff 344
Cursed Bone Shield 350 Drakekeeper's Shield 354 Hello Carving 400 King's lA1r.1 GrealSWord 320 Shield ol lhe lnsol1111t 353
Guardian Dragon Soul 398 DrakelaleP!!r's 9.wrd 315 I'm Soov Carvin11 401 Scythe ofWant 338 Silwrbtack Shield 353
Homunculus Mace 330 DrakekQeper's Ul1r.1 Thank'ltlu Carvi!!!! 401 Navlaan Silwrbtack Sicklci 337
Malformed Claws 341 Gnaatsword \Airy Good I Carving 401 Chaos Raper 325 Silwrblack Spear 334
Malformad Sholl 332 DrakekeeP!!r's Wa !J!ide 332 Helde Chaos Shield 353 jundead cur~
Malformad Skull 332 Guardian Dragon Soul 308 Heid9 Gr11atlance 338 !'Ito, Gravelord Bonfire Asootic 401
Mastodon Greetsword 317 Petr~ied Egg 401 Heide Knight Sword 315 See Rotten, The Darksign 400
Mastodon Ha lbllrd 335 Dr:!fi!!!nrl<M HGide Lanco 338 Olaphl• Esrus Rask 3116
SpltfiJ9 Spear 334 Dragonrider B<M' 347 Heide Spear 334 Helix Halberd 336 Es11Js Rask Sha rd 401
Sunset Staff 344 Dragonrider Soul 307 He• Staff of Vlilsdom 344 P.ldi~ Sol.II 3116
Al-tither Uc>Jd I Dragonrider's Halberd 336 Hexing Um 3118 Old Dragon1hpr Homllw.lrd Bone 400
Uoyd's Talisman 400 DragonriderTwinblade 33g lz.lllth, Wltdl of Dragonslaygr Spear 334 Human Effigy 3116
Aman.a, Shrlrw of
Demon of Song Soul 397
I Drakn See Lost Sinner
.Ja I fQf, Thi>
Old DragonslaY'!r Soul
Old Iron Klnq
307 !Unknown. '
Porcine Shield 354
DrakBWing Ultra
Staff of Amana 343 Gr9atsword Ruin Sentinel Soul 397 Alonne G re;itb<M' 347 iV:wanglan
,Belfry Gargoyle I Drangle1e I •igo Blacksteel Katana 323 See Bow 347
Belfry Gargoyle Soul 397 Drangleic Shield 352 CorrosiwUm 398 Iron King Hammllf 333 Varangian Shield 350
w;leBident 334 Drangleic 9.wrd 317 Knight• of BIUII Old Iron King Soul 307 Va ra!!Siia n Sword 314
'.B•I ra Foot Soldier Shield 340 Golden Wi!:1Q Shield 352 Old Ki1"9 Soul 398 [\\llstadt, Sir
Bell Keeper Bcm 347
• Foot Soldier Sword 314 Laddenmlth Giii !li~ Phoenix Parma 350 Sacred Chime Hammer 333
Bell Keeper Shield Grand Lance 338 Melu Scimitar 322 Skeleton Lord's Soul 307 Soul of Velstadt 307
8enhart's Palllla 3,tg
! Hllide Greatlance
Hllide Knight SWord
Black IMtch's Stiff 34A
Smelter Demon Sou
Smelter SWo<d
Stone Palllla
Stone Soldier Spggr
Bluemoon GrealSWord 317 Hade Lance 338 Blue Flame 315 Yell<M' Ouanz Lllngsword 315 Stone Twinblade 339
Blad Knights
Blade Knight Greataxe 328
I Hllide Se!!ar
Hdl<M' Sadler Shield
Magic ShiQld
Ucla of lhdelt
350 'ad Knlphta
Old Knight GJ9atsword 317
!'olondrtck, Kini
Aldia Hammer 320
Blade Knight GrealSWORI 317 lnfam,v Ax.e 326 Idol's Chime 345 Old Knight Halberd 336 Giant Lord Soul 3Q9
Sia de Knight Halberd 336 Mastodon GrealSWord 317 Undolt Old Knight Hammer 331 King's Shield 352
Slade Knight Ultra Mastodon Halberd 335 Archdraks Chime 345 Old Knight Pi kQ 336 King's Ultra Gr9atsword 320
Greats word Priest's Chi me 345 Archdra kQ Mace 331 Old Kn12ht's Shield 351 Lookin2 Glass Kni2ht Soul 3g7
Bonn .. , I Royal G J9.atsword 316 Archdra lal Shield 352 Old Knight Ultra
Royal Dirk 313
Homeward Bone 400 Sou of Nashandra 308 Archdra kQ Staff 343 Great sword Ruler's SWo<d 318
Cahh Godd .. , Stone Tw nblad9 330 Idol's Chim9 345 Ql...,rord Sacred Chime Hammer 333
Caltha's Chime 346 • Twinblade 339 Monastery Charm 395 Olenford's Staff
Oms ten
344 Soul of the King 307
: Covetous Demon
Bone Scythe 338
I Duku Dear Fr!!ja
Bl uemoon Gr9atsword 317
Monaste~ Scimitar
Protective Chime
346 See Old Dragonsl.lyer
Soul of Nashandra
Soul of Velstadt
Covetous Demon Soul 397 Moonlight GrealSWord 317 Slumbering Dra11on Shield 363 Pate. Mld,mannerad ~n's Halberd 336
Dark Chasm ol U. Abyss Old Paled rake Soul 398 Wltchtree Bellvine 345 Pate's Sp11ar 334 Thorned Greatsword 318
Dragon Chime 345 • Scorpon- Najka Soul 307 Linking the Rr• Pharro !'Jaligarl of Foro ..
Transgressor's Sou of th9 Duke's SUblime Bone Dust 401 Philrros' l.oc:kston9 401 Rod Rust Scimitar 322
351 307
Leath gr Shield Deer Ff9ja UonQan Purouer. Th• Red Rust Sword 315
Transgressor's Staff 344 Spider Fil!]§! 322 Lion Clan Shield 352 Pursuer's Ultra i\blggn
Demon of Song
Demon of Song Soul 397
I Spider's Silk
Fllublllh, Saint
325 Lion GJ9ataXII
328 Grll9tsword
Soul of the Pursuer 306
Spotted Whip 340 Dark Troches 390 Eseada RoP!!ra 325 Pyromancy Golden Rllcon Shield 349
Staff of Amana 343 Elizabeth Mushroom 395 LIBWBI ~n Shield 350 Pyromancy Flame 342 [wellagor
Dragon RQCI Lecidl Troches 301l Royal Dirk 313 Dark Pyromancy Flame 342 Espada Ropera 325
Anciem Dragon Soul 398
• Tricloes Snake Troches
Embedded, Th•
390 Lo t Sinner
Lost Sinner's SWord
Quella, God ol Dream
Gr.ind Spirit Tree Shield
R!!el Dirk 313
Bia de Dragon SWord 320 353
Bia de Dragon GrealSWord 318 Kgy to the Eml>9ddad 318 Old Wtch Soul 308 Spirit Tree Shield 352
Bia de Dragon Warpick 330 Emerald Herald. n. Soul of the Lost Sinner 397 Rat Klnu
Curved Dragon Aged Feather 400 Lothl.all. ShWcl.,. Ac:,f,ll Rat Authority Soul 307
Greats word Fv\ana, Goddosa Dragonslayer's Ac:,f,ll Rat 11.lnguard Soul 307
Dragon cnarm 396 Hunter's Blackb<M' 347 Cresc,ent A¥a RatTai 402
Dragon Eye 400 EJIIICU!lonet's Ola riot ManM:O rplon lark Ricard, Prince
Dragon Head Stone 400 Chariot Lanc9 338 Black SCO!J!ion Stinger 325 Ricard's Raeier 325


Dral!!!n Tooth 332 Golden Falcon Shield 349
Dragon Torso Stone 400 Golden Wing Shield 352
INDEX Dra!!!!nla!!9 VIiiard
GowQr's Ring of Protcic:tion
Grand l.llnce
Dra!!2nrid11r Bow Glllnd seirltTrGG Shl9ld 353
Dragonrid11r Greatshield 357 Glllw of Saints 146
If you're looking for something, be It a weapon, enemy, Item or place, you'll find Dra!l!?nrid11r Sat 37Q Glllw Warden 140
it here along with the page to flip to in order to get the full details you need. Dra!l!?nridgr Soul 3Q7 Glllw Warden Aoclavna 436
Dra!!2nrid11rTwinblade 330 Glllw Warden Set 373
Everything Is listed alphabetically for ease of seard'llng. Dra!!2nrid11r·s Halberd
Dra!l:!!nslayGr ~rciatbow
Dra!l!?nS ~r

Great Chaos Fireball
~eat~lu6 Com bustlon
Dra112ns ~r's Cresc,gnt Axe 327 Great Fireball 301
Drakakllllear 299 Great Heal 38Q
Drakakllllear Sat 375 Great Heal Exc,grpt 38Q
Bloodbilll Ri!:!11 403 C!Y! tal Soul S!!!!ar 387 Drakak1111e11(s Great Hammer 332 Great Hoa~ Soul ArroN 397
AD{ssSeal 405 BloodiedWhie 340 Cursebite Ring 400 Drakak1111e11(s Gr11at1X11 328 Lil!!:?tning S!!!!ar 300
Acid Hom Beetle 254 Blossom K~e Shield 355 Cursed Bone Shield 350 DrakQk1111e11(s Grciatshicild 356 Machete 337
Acid SU!J! 302 Blue Flamci 315 Curved Dr:igon Greatsword 323 DrakQk1111e11(s Shield 354 Magic Barrier 301
Adaptabiity 017 Blue Kni2hl's Halberd 336 Curved lwinblade 33g Drakekeepci(s Sword 315 Great Magic Weapon 398
Affini!Y 393 Blue Seal 405 D Drakek91lpa(s Great Moth 114
Aad~na's Sat 396 Blue Sentinel Targrak'. 420 Da1111!1r 312 Ultra Graatsword Great Resonant Soul 304
~d Feather 400 Blue Tearstone Ring 404 Dark A/Tow 358 DrakQk1111ee(s Wl!Eick 332 GreatS~he 337
diaHammer 320 Blue Wooden Shield 351 Eiark Holt 350 DrakQwi!!II Ultra ~rciatsword 32() i:;;e;it~o Arrr:m 397
Aldla K!!i! 402 Bluemoon G 19atsword 317 Dark Chasm of Old 440 Ora !!9ICIIC Gastlll 237 Greata~ 327
Aldia 's Kii!!! 260 Bone King SQ! 380 Dark Clciric 221 Ora !!9ICIIC Set 395 Greatshield of Glo!:k: 356
Alluring Skull 400 Bone of Order 400 Dark F251 3Q3 Dra!!llleic Shield 352 Greats word 319
Alonne Gaetain Set 372 Bone Scythe 339 Dark Hail 3Q3 Dra!!llleic Sword 317 Green Blossom 309
Alonne Greatbow 347 Bone Shield 354 Dark Orb 3Q3 Dried Fingers 400 Grlant 411
Alonne Knight 179 Bone Staff 344 Dark Pine Resin 300 Dual Oragonrid11rs 245 Guardian Dragon 278
Alonne Knight Caetain 179 Bonfire 010 Dark PriCISIIISS 287 222 Guardian Dra11on Soul 308
Duka TSllldora
Alonnci Knight Set 372 Bonfire Asccitic 401 Dark ~oma!Et Flamci 342 417 Guardian·s Scia I 405
Alva Scit 364 Bound Hand~ 327 Dark auanz Rini! 400 Dull Ember 402 Guidancci 301
Amana Shrine Maid9n 253 Bound Wooden Shi9ld 365 Dark Set 370 Dung Pie 3Q9 §):rm 206
Amber Herb 3Q5 Bountiful Sunlight 3QO Dark Spirit: Du!Jlo'S Hat 376 Gyrm~ 326
2QO A Chip Off thll 01' Rock
Ancient Dragon Bow of Want 347 ~na&Tillo 437 §):rm Great Hammer 332
Ancient Dra11on Seal 405 Bracin11 Knuckle Fling 403 Dark Seirit: A~s Ironclad 444 '1a Gyrm GreataX9 328
And9nt Dragon Soul 309 Brigand Set 361 Dark Spirit: Asatiel of Mlrrafi 2n Eanhen Peak 132 Gyrm ~rciatshi91d 356
Antiguatcid ~ 402 Brightstonci Cow Tscildora 211 Dark Seilit: BciR K1111e11r Mage 190 Eite Giant 166 §):rm Scit 360
A/OQd Sword 323 Brighlstonci ~ 402 Dark S(!irit: Brmman Guth!)'. 200 Eite Knight Set 361 §):rm Warrior 206
Archdrakci Chime 345 Broadsword 314 Dark Spirit: Eizabllth Mushroom 305 Q}:rm Warrtor Grciathcilm 360
142 3QO
Archdrakci Mace 331 Broklln Strai11ht Sword 314 Crascent Sickle Phantom Emit Forcci ~rm Warrtor Set 3611
Archdrake Set 36Q Broken Thief Sword 312 Dark Spirit:
191 Endurance 015 I
Archdrake Shield 352 Buckler 349 Dual Awlyn Bell K99pgr E!3Jraved Gauntl9tS 377 Halb9rd 335
Archdrakci Staff 343 Butchcir's Knife 326 Dark Spilit: Enhanclld Undllad 233 HandP.iw 326
Armorcid Sk;teton 116 c Grciatsword Bell K1111eer
190 Handmaicfs l.lldlci 330
Enslawd Pill 045
Aromatic OoZCI 3ii1i CaCISIUs 342 Dark Spirit:
Equip Load ii'io Hard L.eathcir !:et 360
Artificial Undciad 116 Caitha's ChimCI 346 Grciatsword Phantom Ese da Roecira 325 Harwst Vall!!X 124
Ash Knuckle Ring 403 Cale's Set 392 Dark Spirit Es toe 324 H3Wll's Greatshield 357
Ashen Mist Hean 402 Caetain Drummond 417 Meinda the Butcher Estus Flasks (about! 01Q H3Wll's Set 377
Astrologist's Set 362 Captive Undead 114 Dark Spirit: Merciless Roen na 117 Estus Flask Ulllm) 3Q5 Hawk RinQ 405
Attunement 016 Caressing Prayer 390 Dark Spilit: Estus Flask Shard 401 Heal 399
Avg[}!! 349 Carhillion of 1he Fold 420 Nameless Usurper EXllCutioncir Chariot 121 H ciaven !): n,under 300
AIN11Ston11 402 can!:!llra J!hllr ca111 414 Dark Seirit: f'Qculiar Kinclalur 265 EXllCutioncir Scit 390 HCla:!1'; Bolt 350
Cast Lil!ht 380 Dark selrlt: POltlne Peasant 223 EXllCutioncir's Chariot Soul 307 H Cla:!I'; Cross bow 348
Bandit~ 326 Catarina Set 379 Dark Spirit: Pretender to the F H ciavy Homing Soul Arrow 397
Xanthous Throne
445 3Q6
Bandit Greataxs 327 Ca1h9dral of Blue 065 Fading Soul Hea~ Soul Arrow 397
Bandit Set 366 Chameleon 3BO Dark Seirit: Rh~ the Exelorgr 153 Faith 019 Heide Greatlanc,g 338
Bandit's Knije 312 ChamJ!iOn's Tablet 400 Dark Spirit: Falchion 321 Heide Knight ISC>earl 008
Barbed Club 330 Cha nc,gllor Wella519r 434 Raval Sorcerer Navtaa n
276 Falconer S9t 373 Heide Kni& ht (Sword) 059
lias~isk 1iis ~hannele(s 'i'rident ~~ Dark Spirit:
~al I C:ontrol ailii A eide i<nla ht Iron Mask 372
Bastard Sword 316 Chaos Blade 324 Shado\Wllil Assassin Fang~ 402 Helde Knight Set 371
Bastillci ~ 402 Chaos Rael11r 326 Dark Seirtt: Ten9brous Rog UCI 446 Faraam Se1t 362 He1id11 Knight Sword 316
Bat Staff 343 Chaos Set 395 Dark Spirit: Felkin thll Outcast 432 Heide l.ll nee 338
Battle~ 326 Chaos Shield 353 The Ghost of Pl"inc,gs Past 449 RraAITow 359 Heide Spear 334
Bett!:k'. Garg~l9 Soul 307 Chaos Storm 302 Dark Spirit: Fira Bolt 350 Heide'sTower of Flame 065
Underworld Dead9'1Q
Blltt!:k'. Garg!?x'.l9S 101 Charcoal Pine R11Sin 300 R ra Gre.ita rrrm 350 Heix Halbllrd 336
Sett!)'. Luna 097 Cha riot l..:lnOCI 339 Dark Seirit: Vo!J!I thll Simcir 008 Firci Orb 301 HCIDO Carllin11 400
Sett!)'. Sol 170 Chimci of Want 346 Dark Sta 11:Qr 082 Firci Tcime11st 302 H QXClr's Slit 394
eeu K1111pcir 007 Chloranthy RinS 403 Dark Trochcis 300 FirciWh1e 302 Hl»Cin~ Um 308
BeD K99eer Bow 347 Claws 341 DarkWeaeon 3Q4 Rraball 391 HiddenWeaeon 38Q
Ben K99eer Set 393 Cl:!'.r'.more 316 Darkdiver Granda hi 423 Rrabomb 399 055
Holrm Infantry
890 Keeper Shield 354 Clear Bluestone Ring 404 Darkdrift 324 Rrastorm 3Q2 001
lieu Keepe?s Sea I 405 Clenc1s Parma 350 Darklurker 449 Rrst Eiragon Ring 403 Holrm lnfiintry Set 365
BeD Klllll!Clf'S 422 Cleric's Sacred Ch imci 345 Darklurkllr Soul 3g7 Rambll!]l9 316 H ollrm Mage 221
Benhan of Jugo 413 Clciric's Small Shlcild 360 DarksiJl!! 400 Ra me ButtCllflk'. 400 H olrm Soldicir 056
Benhan 's Parma 34Q Climax 31l4 Darkstorm 3Q4 Ra me1 Quartz Ring 403 H olrm Soldicir S9t 365
Benhan's Set 392 Club 32Q Dead Again 3Q4 Rame Salamander OSQ H oNrm Soldier Shield 353
Berserker Blade 324 Coal Tar 164 Defender Greatsword 319 Ra me Swathe 3Q2 Holy Water Urn 398
Black Dra11on Greata,oo 329 Combustion 3112 Defende(s Shield 354 RameW9aeQn 3Q3 Homeward 301
Black Drall.!!n Greatsword 319 Common Fruit 300 Def11nding 025 Rash SWeat 3Q3 Homeward Bone 400
~Dragon Set 363 _comeosite Bow 347 Delicate Stnn11 405 RcixileS~ ()34 Homin!l Ctuital Soulmass 397
Black Dragon Shield 354 Corl!:!! Rat 152 Demon of Song 268 Rcixile Sent~ Soul 3Q7 Hom Ins Sou Arrow 397
Blade Dragon Sword 316 Corrosiw Ant Queen 165 Demon of Song Soul 307 R~i!3J Feline Boots 377 Homing Soulmass 397
Blade Dragon Wa!Eick 330 Corrosiw Um 3Q9 Demon's Great Hammer 332 Foot Soldier Shield 34g Homunculus Mace 330
Black Fsirebomb 3g9 Covetous D11rnon 143 Desert Sorc,gress 141 Foot Soldier Sword 314 Homunculus Wooden Shield 355
Black Fslam9Stone DagQer 313 Covetous D11rnon Soul 3Q7 Desen Sorc,gress Set 374 Forbidden Sun 3Q2 House Ksy 402
Black Fslam9Stone Parma 355 Covetous Gold Serpent Ring 404 Destructive GreatarroN 350 Force 3QO Human Effigi9s CabouU 019
Black Gulch 155 Covetous Silvgr Sci!J1!!nt Ring 404 DQXlllri!Y 017 Forast Guardian 1Q6 Human Effi9k'. Cltcrn> 305
Black Hollow Magci Set 367 Cradeed Bluci E):! Orb 300 Di ngi.: Set 378 Forast of P.lll;n Gian1S 047 Hu nt11r's Bladebow 347
Blade Kn111ht Gre.ita~ 329 Cracl<Cld Rcid E):! Orb 400 DiscChlmCI 346 Fonast se1n t 444 Hu ntllr's Slit 360
Black Kni11ht Greatsword 317 Cra1tsman·s Hammer 320 DiSJ!llli!!II Rini! 400 Fo!!!!tten ~ 402 Hu ntinll Dog 164
Black Knight Halb11rd 336 Creighton 1heWand11r11r 414 Divine Blessi~ 3Q6 Fragrant Branch of 'lbre 401 Huntsman's Co~ 104
Black Knight Ultra Greatsword 31Q Creighton's Set 383 02J! Rat 207 Full Moon Sickle 337 Hush 398
Black Scoieon Sti!31er 325 Crescent~ 327 Doors of Pha rros 200 G I
Black See!!ration C!)'.stal 400 Crciscent Sickle 337 Dragon Aco!:z'.!11 275 Garoovlci Bident 334 I'm So~ Garvin& 401
Black !:et 394 Crcist of Blood 40!: ISragon Acolytci !:et 374 Giant 2~§ Idol's ciiimci 345
Black Witch Domino Mask 364 Crest of 11\Q Rat 405 Dragon Allrie 291 Giant Acid Horn Beetlci 254 llluSCl!:k'. Rl!:!i! of a Conguciror 405
Black Witch Hat 364 Crestfal11n Saulden 420 Dragon Charm 3116 Giant Basitisk 1Q6 llluSCl!:k'. R!!!!l of the Exalted 406
Black Witch Set 364 CrimSCln Parma 34Q Dragon Chime 345 Giant Lord 2QQ Immolation 3Q3
Black Witch's Staff 344 CrimSCln Water 396 DraDon Eye 400 Giant lord Soul 399 l!!)Eerious Knight 267
Blacksmith L.enigrast 425 Cromwell the Pardoner 435 Dragon H ciad Stone 400 Giant Stone Axa 329 l!!!{!erious Set 376
Blacksmith's Hammcir 330 Crushed E):! Orb 400 Dragon Knight 299 Giant Warrior Club 332 1!!!£!0rtlld Set 359
Blackstllel Katana 323 C!:k:e! Blacksword 320 Dragon Sa911 Hood 375 Giant's Kinshie 402 l!!!erisoned M ilfanito 416
Blelldin!I Serum 300 Crt!!al Lizard 057 Dragon Scalci 401 Goblin 104 Infant~ AxCI 326
Blinding Bolt 300 Crystal Magic Weapon 399 Dragon Shrine 291 Gold Pine Resin 300 Infantry Slit 365


Infusion 027 Mastodon 5'1t 374 Raelor 325 Sinnors' R ISQ 228 ThronG DGlfondGr 5'11 381
Injured Milfanlto 416 Ma ushlln the ArmourGr 424 RatTall 402 Skeleton 045 Throoe DGlfender Soul 308
lnsol9nt Set 376 Med Heal 389 Razorback Ni51htcrawler 165 Skeleton (Dua~wielding Throne of Want 300
lntellig91109 Curved 9Nord)
018 Melee Combat 024 Rebel's Greatshield 358 Throne Watcher &
lnvadi!!!i! OtherWo~ds 020 Melu Scimitar 322 Red C!}stal Lizard 210 Skeleton Lord's Soul 397 Throne Defender
Iron Arrow 358 Memories of the Ancients 202 Red lronTwinblade 33g Skeleton Lords 1Hl Throne Watcher Set 381
Iron Flesh 303 1'1e~nt Hag Melenti:i 427 RGd LGech TrochQs 3i!g Skeetic's ~ce 401 Throne vilitcher Soul 308
Tron""Greatarrow 358 Mild-Mamimid PatG 413 Red Lion Warnor cal! 373 SlumbQr!!)a Dra51on Shield 35:f Throwins Knife 308
Iron l<llee 170 Milt.mito !Blonde) 415 Red RIB! Scimitar 322 SlumbQr!!!g DragoncrGst Ring 405 Thunder Quartz Ri[!I 403
Iron Kev 402 Milfanito (Brunette! 416 Red RIB! Shield 354 Small Blue Burr 39g Titchv Gren 421
Iron Kins Hammer 333 Milibeth 411 Red RIB! 9Nord 315 Small Leather Shield 34g Token of Fidei!X 401
Iron Parma 34g Mimic 141 Red Sign Soapstone 39g Small Orange Burr 39g Token of Spite 401
Ironclad Set 370 Mirra h Greatsword 317 RedTearstone Ring 404 Small Smooth & Stlky Stone 396 Torch 401
Ironclad Soldior 170 Mirra h Shield 352 Rod~G Ring 404 SmallWhito Sign Soae!!ono 311g TortJnir 115
J Mon:istG!)i'. Charm 305 ROWlil°S GrGatshiGld 357 Small YGIIOW Burr 311g Towor Shiold 356
Jostllr's SGt 362 Mon:isto!l'. Scimltlr 321 RoinforcGd Club 32g SmGltor Domon 181 TO>Cic Mist 30.2
K Mon:iSIG!l'. SGt 37tl Re~ir 380 SmGltor DGmon Set 380 Trans11ressor's LGathGr ShiGld 351
Kev to Ki[!!'s Passage 402 Moon Butterfli Set 363 R~irPowder 400 Smelter Demon Soul 397 Transgressor's Staff 344
Kev to the Embedded 318 Moon Butterfli Shield 352 R~I 394 Smelter Sword 320 Trawling Merchant Set 362
Kinsi's Do0/1 012 Moonlight Greatsword 317 Reelenishment 390 Smooth & Sil~ Stone 396 Tricloes Snake Troches 30Q
Kinsi's Mirror 357 Morninll Star 320 Resonant Flesh 395 Soldi11r~ 402 TsGldora Don K~ 402
King's 15assa!! ~4§ Morr GI 411 Resonant !:Ou1 ~4 ~oothln~unfi§!ht ~~ i'sGldora ~ot ~7~
Klng's Rl!!ll 405 Mounted Ovlll'SllGr 130 Rosonant WllaE!Qn 31l5 SorcGrer's Stiff 343 TwUlght HGrb 305
Klng's Sot 386 Murakumo 322 ReselondGnt Life 31l0 Soul Ael!9ilSO 31l0 Twin Dragon Greatshiold 356
Kinll's Shield 352 Mytha, the Baneful Queen 144 Ricard's Raeier 325 Soul Arrow 387 Twinblad9 33Q
King's Ultra Greatsword 320 Mytha, the Baneful Rini! of Binding 404 Soul Bolt 388 Twisted Barricade 394
Queen Soul 307
Knight Set 361 Ring of Blades 403 Soul G!!:f'.ser 388
Kobold 040 M:£!!:!a's Bont BladG 313 Ring of Giants 404 Soul Gr11atsword 388 Ud'ligatana 323
N RinQ of Knowodgo 403 Soul of a Braw Warrior 3116 Und9ild Citizen 007
Lac11ratinS Arrow 358 Nahr Alma Slit 384 RinS of Ufo Protllction 404 Soul of a Giant 396 Und9ild Citizen (Red Coro) 152
Lacoratin2 Knife 308 Name.on2raved Ring 405 Rin~ of Pray11r 404 Soul of a GrCl9t Horo 3116 Und9ild Ci!IZ911 (YGIIOW Coro) 287
Ladder Mini:iture 402 Nashan~ I of Orangleic
304 Ring of ReslstanOII 403 Soul of a Hero 396 Undead C!Yet 258
Laddersmlth Gilligan 42Q 418 Ring of Restoration 404 Soul of a Lost Undead 396 Undead Jai lsr Cll6
La !:!19 Club 331 Necromancsr 115 Rinll of Soul Protection 404 Soul of a Nameless Soldier 396 Undead Laborer 113
Large Leathsr Shield 351 New Game+ 451 Rini! of Steel Protection 403 Soul of a Proud Kni&ht 396 Undead Lockaw~ K~ 402
la!llG Soul of a BravGWarrior 3g5 No-Man's Wharf 075 Ring of thGI Ooad 405 Soul of Nashand ra 3118 Und9ild Poas:int 210
la!llG Soul of a Lost Undead 3g5 Northorn Rltual Band 404 Ring of tho Elli! E:to 404 Soul of tho Oukll's 011ar Froja 31l7 Undoad Prisoner 151
Larg11 Soul of a Notched Wh ie 340 Rins of Thorns 405 Soul of tho Kl!!j 3!l7 Undoad P\Jrgato!l'. 104
Namllloss Soldi11r
306 Numbn11ss 304 Rins ofWhise!!rs 405 Soul of th11 Last Giant 31l6 Und9ild StGelworker 131
Large Soul of a Proud Knight 3Q6 0 Roaring Halberd 336 Soul of the Lost Sinner 397 Und9ild Suppl leant 220
LGn!grast's Kev 402 Ogre 041 RQllUCl 113 Soul of the Pursuer 31l6 UndeadTlllll91er 040
l.Jlvdia Black Set 375 Old D11ad One Soul 31l9 RQjjUCl Sot 366 Soul of the Rottcin 3!l7 Un leash Magic 38Q
l.Jlvdia t!}'.romancor 266 Old 0ra11onsta~r 071 Rosaboth of Molfia 428 Soul of Volstad I 3!l7 Unwil 301
L!f:!ia lfilhito Slit 376 Old 0ra11onsta~r Sou I 307 Rotten Pino Reisin Soul Showor 387 v
Leydia Witch 266 Old Iron King 184 Rotunda Lockstono 402 Soul Spear 387 V:lnquishor's Soal 405
Lida of Lindeldt 431 Old Iron King Soul 3Q7 Rouge Water 396 Soul Seear Barrage 387 V:lra!!!jian Sailor 001
Life Rin11 403 Old Ironclad Set 371 R!!'i!I Dirk 313 Soul V9SSl!I 401 Vllransian Set 367
Lifedrain Patch 3g5 Old Ironclad Sold isr 058 R!!'i!I Greatsword 316 SoulVortsx 388 Vllra!!llian Shield 350
Ofegem 3Q5 Old King Soul 31l9 R<7f,I I Guard 243 Southern R~ual Band 404 Vllra ngian 9Nord 314
Light Crossbow 348 Old Knight oss R~l lnfant!Y 2g7 S~ar 333 Volstad!, thci R~I Allais 267
Lightni!!9 Arrow 358 Old Knight GreatshiClld 356 R~ I Kiili Shi old 354 S~II Quartz Ring 403 Volstadt's 5'1t 381
LiSh tn !!!!! Bolt 35g Old Knight Greatsword 317 R~I Ra!Authorlt:t 208 seldor Fan51 322 418
Vendrick I of Drangleic
LiShlni!!SI Greatarrow 358 Old KniShl Halberd 336 R!!'i!I RatAuthorlt:t Soul 397 Seider's Silk 325 26Q
Lightning Spear 3QO Old Knight Hammer 331 R<7f,II RatVanguard 154 Spirit Tree Shield 352 222
Vongart of R>rossa
Ugh tn i!!!l Urn 3Q8 Old Knight Pike 336 R~I Rat Vanguard Soul 397 Seltfire Spear 334 436
Lindeldt Cleric 253 Old Knight Set 375 R!!'i! I Sold isr 207 Si!!!tl9dWhie 340 Vena:!~ 's Set 385
Unseri!!SI Dragoncrest Rt!3l 404 Old Kni51ht Ultra G reatsword 310 R!!'i! I Sold isr Set 365 Slaff of Aman; 343 Ve!}'. Good! Carvin& 401
Unserl!!SI Flame :'i~~ Old i<nl2hl 's ~hield :'i5i R<7f,I I ~old ier·s R Ins ;m~ Slaff of Wisdom :!44 C'igor on;
Lion Clan Shi old 352 Old Loo Ri[!! 404 R~I Sorcerer Navlaan 432 Slatus Allm,mts 026 Vital!!Y 016
Lion Clan Wlrrior 105 Old Mirrah Greatsword 317 R~I ~ordsman 006 Slatus Buffs 026 w
Lion Greataxe 328 Old Paledrake Soul 31l9 R!!'i! I 9Nordsma n Set 371 Stea~ Hand McDuff 426 Wall Warrior 265
Lion Mall!! Set 367 Old Radiant U~em 395 Rubbish 401 Steel Set 37g Wanderer Set 360
Llon Warrior Set 373 Old Sun Ring 405 Ruin Sentinel Sou I 397 Stone Knight 252 Warlock Mask 370
Lizard Sta ff 343 OldWhie 340 Ruin Sentincils ()Ilg Stone Parma 353 Warmth 303
Uz:ardman 252 OldWitd'I Soul 31l9 Ruin Sot 37g Stone Ring 404 Ware!!d SWord 322
Uowol!)'.n Sot 385 OIGnford's Slaff 344 Rulor's Sword 318 Stone Soldior 243 Washina Pole 323
UowGllyn ShlClld 350 Orma's GroatshlClld 357 RustodColn 31l0 Stone Soldior Spear 334 Watchdra~n Parma 355
Uovd'sTalisman 400 p Rusted Mastodon Set 374 Stone Trader Chloa nne 426 Watd'ler Greatsword 318
Lonesome Gallian 428 Parasite Seider 218 !; Stone Twinblade 339 Watd'ler's Shield 350
Lon11 Bow 346 Parasitized Undead 220 Sacred Chime Hammer 333 Straid of Olaehis 430 WeaE!QnSmith Omifex 433
Lon11sword 314 Pa!!¥ing 0a a11er 312 Sacred Oath 31l1 s9: 0211 003 Whie 340
Looklns ~lass i<nl11ht ~~~ 15art1zan :'i~:'i ~lnt'ii !:111 38~ ~ITM!!!h 016 Whisper of 15cispa~ ~§4
Looking Glass Knight Soul 307 Pato'sSGt 382 Sand Ba siUsk 218 Strong Ma9!c ShiGld 388 WhitQ Hollow Magg 5'11 367
Looking Glass Phantom 276 Pate's Shield 367 Santier's Se9ilr 335 StrOWlln 411 White Pri9SI Set 366
LooklnQ Glass Set 381 Pate's seear 334 Scimitar 321 Sublime Bone Oust 401 White Ring 406
Lord's Private Chamber 211 Peasant Set 370 Second DraQon R in!! 403 Sun Seal 405 White Sisn Soa~one 39Q
Lost Sinner's SWord 320 Penal Set 380 Sc~ioness Najka 1g7 Sun Sword 315 Wicked EJl9 Greatshield 359
Luc;itiel of Mirrah 412 Persewrance 3Q1 Sc~ionoss Najka Soul 397 Sunlight Blade 391 Wilted Dusk Herb 305
Luc;iticil 's Set 382 Petrified EQg 401 Sera l!S of Uo 31l4 Sunlight Medal 401 Wingod Se!!ar 333
Luc11rne 335 Petrified SomGthinS 401 S9:the 335 Sunlight Parma 351 Witchi!3l Urn 309
M ! Pharros' LockstonG 401 Scytho of N:ahr Alma 337 Sunl i§!hl Sp11a r 390 Witchtre11 Belllli ne 345
Mace 32Q Phoenb< Parma 360 S9:the of Want 338 Sunset Staff 344 Witchtree Branch 343
Mace of the Insolent 330 Picl:aX9 331 Sea Bow 347 !meet Shalguoir 425 Wood Arrow 359
MadWanior Set 383 Pike 333 SGed of a Tree of Giants 400 Sya n's Halbsrd 336 Wood Bolt 3511
Mall!!rold of Lanafir 422 Poison Arrow 358 Set of Au rous 363 ~n's Set 371 Wooden Shield 353
Magic Arrow
Magic Barricir
Poison Hom BGetlci
Poison Mist
13g Sot of Au rous rrransearcint) 363 I WOik Hook
W:ith of tho Gods
302 Sot of Judgmcint 378 Ta!llOI Shlold 340 300
Magic Bolt 35g Polson Moss 305 Shadod Woods 186 Ta!ll~'s Sot 384 x
Magic Shi11ld 350 Polson Throwi!3l Knife 31l9 Shadow Dasll!!r 312 Tattsred S11t 361 X:mthous Sot 377
Magic W99pon 388 Poisonbite Ring 403 Shadow Set 368 ThankYou Carving 401
Mail Breaker 325 Porcine Shield 354 Shield Crossbow 348 The Duke's Dear Free 225 Yearn 388
Majula 042 Priest's Chime 345 Shield of tho Insolent 353 The Embedded 417 Yellow Quanz Lo!31sword 315
Malformed Claws 341 Pliostllss 5'11 366 Shocl:waw 387 ThG Emcirald Horald 412 'lllllow Quanz Shield 355
Malformed Sholl 332 Primal Knight (Living) 244 Short Bow 348 ThG Gutter 155 z
Malformed Skull 332 Primal Knight Und11ad 207 Shorts word 314 The Last Giant 060 ZWGihander 31Q
Manikin 13Q Prism Stone 400 Shotel 321 The Lost Bastlle 007
Manikin Claws 341 Prisoner's Set 36ll Shrine of Amana 240 The Lost Sinner 234
Manikin Kotte 313 Prisoner's Set (91e cow~ 36ll Shrine of Winter 237 The Pit 146
Manikin Sabre 321 Profound Still 395 Silver Eagle Kite Shield 351 The Pursuer 062
Manikin SGt 368 Protectiw Chime 346 Silver Talisman 400 The Rat King 421
Manikin ShiClld 34g Prowling M~us 224 Silvorblaclc Shield 353 The Rotton 167
MansCO!J?ion Tark 415 Pursuor's Groatshiold 357 Silvorblaclc Sick:IG 337 Thief Dag!!r 312
Mansl~11r 324 Pursuer's Ultra Groatsword 320 SilV91blacl( Se!!ar 334 Thief Set 360
Mastodon Greatshield 357 Pvroman9: Flame 342 Silvercat Ring 404 Things Betwixt 034
Mastodon Grnatsword 317 R Simeleton's sece 401 Third Dragon Ring 403
Mastodon Halberd 335 Radiant Lifesem 3g5 Singer's Dress 372 Thorned Greatsword 318


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