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Dark Souls The Official Guide - Future Press

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The text discusses the character creation process in Dark Souls including selecting name, gender, class and gift. It notes that gifts provide starting items but classes mainly affect early game stats and equipment.

The text lists the starting stats and equipment for each character class in Dark Souls. It explains that classes only provide early advantages and differences, as players can level all stats and use all weapons over time.

The provided text mentions areas like Undead Asylum, Firelink Shrine, Depths, Blighttown, Sen's Fortress, Anor Londo, Duke's Archives, and Kiln of the First Flame in its gameplay explanations.


This fi rst section w ill take you through all of the th ings you 'l l need to know w hen start-
ing out in the w orld of Dark Souls. Topics such as creating a cha racter, choosing your
class and how the saving system w orks may not seem very exciting, but it's best to
know how the basics work before you make any decisions that will affect the rest of
the game.

Button Legend
Guide Term I X box 360 I PS3

You'll need to create a new character any time you start a new game instead of loading
an existing one. You can create up to a maximum of 10 characters . The choices you make
while creating your character are all cosmetic and in no way affect gameplay, with the ex-
ception of your Class and the Gift you select [ ~o 01]. The options available are listed here:
Name Type in the name you want your character to have.
Sex Select between a Male or Female character.
Class Select the Class you want your character to be.
Gift After selecting one of these you'll start the game with this tn your item inventory.
Physique Body Type
Face Face Type
Hair Hair Type
Color Hair & Eye Color

Detailed Customization
Select the Customize option to enter the detailed customization menu. These tweaks
are for appearance only and have no effect on gameplay. When customizing, it's a good
idea to turn the character to the left to get a profi le view, as a front view doesn't show
changes in depth.

Initialize Resets everything to default. Nose Sliders for changtng the Nose .

Entire Affects the whole face at once. Cheeks Sliders for changing the Cheeks.
Forehead Sliders for changing the Forehead. Mouth Sliders for changing the Mouth.

Eyebrow Sliders for changing the Eyebrows. Jaw Sliders for changing the Jaw.

Eyes Sliders for changing the Eyes. Hair Color Sliders for changing the Hair Color.

When creating your character you 'll be able Gift Name J Description
to select one item from a list of eight as a None Take no Gift.
Gift. You 'll then begin the game w ith the Goddess's Blessing Divine holy water. Fully restores HP and cures all status effects, but is a single use item .
selected item in your possession . Note that
Black Firebomb An item that explodes upon impact when thrown . You 'll start wtth 10 Black Firebombs.
the Master Key is the only item from the list
of Gifts that can NOT be found in the game Twin Humanities Tiny sprite called Humanity. Grant 2 Humanity points.

-all others can. This means the Master Key Binoculars Used to peer at far away sights.
is usually the best choice for Classes other Pendant A trinket with no effect, but can be used to trade.
than Thief, as it w ill get you into some areas Master Key Opens any basic lock in the game, saves you buying or finding keys.
earlier than you 'd other w ise be able to ac-
Tiny Being's Ring Special triba l ring. Grants a small boost to HR
cess them . The Pendant is also very hard to
acquire, so it's also worth considering . Old Witch's Ring A gift from a witch. No obvious effect, but can help with communication .

Starting Stats
Your Class is one of the things you 'll select
when creating your character. It decides w hat
equipment you 'll start with and which stats
you'll gain an early advantage in [ ~o 02].

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Once you've leveled your character up and 11 10 9 11

have progressed a good w ay into the game, Wanderer 3 573 10 11 10 10 14 12 11 8
the Class you select w ill have very little
Thief 5 552 9 11 9 9 15 10 12 11
impact on your character, outside of some

un ique abilities some classes come with. Bandit 4 616 12 8 14 14 9 11 8 10

This is because every class can use all avail- Hunter 4 594 11 9 11 12 14 11 9 9
able weapons or magic types as long as Sorcerer 3 53 1 8 15 8 9 11 8 15 8
you've leveled the required stat up enough Pyromancer 573 10 12 11 12 9 12 10 8
to allow it. The starting stats and basic
Cleric 594 11 11 9 12 8 11 8 14
equipment for each Class are listed here
for easy reference. Deprived 6 594 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11


Starting Equipment
Class IArmor IWeapons IShield IMagic IOther
Warrior Standard Helm, Hard Leather Armor, Hard Leather Gauntlets, Hard Leather Boots Long sword Heater Shield None Non e

Knight Knight Helm, Knight Armor, Knight Gauntlets, Knight Leggings Broadsword Tower Kite Shield None None
.. . .. .........
Wanderer Wanderer Hood, W anderer Coat, Wanderer Manchette, W anderer Boots Scimitar Leather Shield None None

Thief Thief Mask, Black Leat her Armor, Black Leather Gloves, Black Leather Boots Target Sh1eld Bandit'S Kn1fe None None

Bandit Brigand Hood, Brigand Armor, Brigand Gaun tlet, Bngand Trousers Battle Axe Spider Shield None None
. .... .. . .... ..... .
Shortsword, Standard
Hunter Leather Armor, Leather Gloves, Leather Boots Large Leather Sh1eld None
Short Bow Arrow x30
Sorcerer Sorcerer Hat. Sorcerer Cloak, Sorcerer Gauntlets, Sorcerer Boots Dagger Small Leather Sh1eld Sorcerer's Catalyst Soul Arrow
Pyromancer Tattered Cloth Hood, Tattered Cloth Robe, Tattered Cloth Manchette, Heavy Boots Hand Axe Cracked Round Shield Pyromancy Flame Fireball
Cleric Holy Robe, Traveling Gloves, Holy Trousers Mace East-West Sh1eld Canvas Talisman None
Deprived None Club Plank Sh1 eld None None

Warrior Knight
The Warrior is a good all around choice due to The Knight is a tank class, sta rti ng w ith the
the character 's combination of high Strength highest Vitality and Resistance values of all
and Dexterity, allow ing them to make use of classes, as w ell as the most robust equip-
most early equipment they come across . It ment. Thi s does mean that Kn ights move
also has respectable Intelligence and Faith slow ly, so you wi ll need to fight careful ly and
stats, so using magic is an option if you w ant expect to take some hits. Most weapons are
to put a few levels into one of these stats . easily equippable by a Kn ight, and the ir Faith
The Heater Shield is a very good starting stat is high enough to use M iracles for hea l-
addition, as it will allow the Warrior to block ing , but you 'll need to increase your strength
100% of physical damage from the begin- in order to focus on killing enemies in as few
ning of the game . Their strong starting armor attacks as possible.
combined with decent Resistance can make
them a good choice for players that like to be
defensive and patient.

Wanderer Thief
Wanderers are another good all-round Class, The high critical rate the Thief enjoys is a very
but with a focus on speed and evading , nice advantage, especially w hen combined
rather than high defense. Their Vitality is with the speed of their Dagger attacks. They
relatively low, so getting hit is a bad idea. The aren't built very solidly, however, with low
Scimitar is a very useful starting weapon due Vitality, Strength and Endurance stats making
to the Class's high Dexterity, its high attack them a weak target and also reducing their
speed and the large radius of its attacks. weapon choices. The Dagger is capable of
You'll want to close the distance quickly and dealing with most enemies perfectly well ,
use fast combos to take out enemies before and compliments the Thief's speed and eva-
they can attack. You'll also have the option sive style. They also come with the Master
to fight at range with spells, thanks to their Key by default, which allows them to select
fairly high Attunement and Intelligence stats, a different Gift and access many locked doors
or use a Bow. much easier than other Classes could .

Bandit Hunter
The Bandit specializes in hard-hitting physical Hunters can be used to specialize in Bows,
attacks, and is great with weapons such thanks to their high initial Dexterity stat, but
as Axes and Straight Swords. The starting all of their other stats are fairly average. This
Battle Axe is great for the game's early areas, means they'll favor high Dexterity weapons
where dealing with enemies in as few hits as such as Spears and Rapiers. Their low Equip
possible is important. Their high Endurance load means they can roll fast and evade
and Strength will mean that of all Classes well, so using quicker weapons to strike and
they deal the most damage at the beginning retreat is a good idea. Using magic could be
of the game. The Bandit's magic stats are a struggle early on, but any other weapon is
very poor, so using any kind of magic isn't an realistic with only a few level ups. You should
option without spending a lot of levels on one weaken enemies from range early on with
of those stats. Their starting Armor also isn't the Short Bow, and then finish them with a
great, but you will have no trouble equipping fast strike, but be mindful of your supply of
better Armor and Shields as you find them. Arrows.

Sorcerer Pyromancer
If you want to use magic as your primary Combining powerful fire magic with decent
offensive tool, then the Sorcerer is the best physical weapon ability, the Pyromancer has
Class to begin with. The Soul Arrow will be good offensive options from the start. As
your primary source of damage early in the the only Class that starts at Level 1, you can
game, and with 30 uses you can weaken choose the order in which every single stat
enemies easily [~0 01]. The high Attun- is increased . The Hand Axe is a good starting
ement and Intelligence make both Sorcery weapon, allowing for decent damage in the
and Pyromancy viable early on. Using physi- early areas of the game. You should aim to
cal weapons will be a struggle, however, so use physical attacks with medium speed
you'll be limited to your Dagger unless you weapons against the weaker enemies and
spend points on Strength. Dexterity is de- keep magic stocked up for more serious
cent, so using Spears is also an option. This threats. The Fireball allows you to take down
can provide you with a fallback at times when some very powerful enemies early on much
enemies are resistant to your magic. easier than other Classes.

Cleric Deprived
Clerics can use Miracles to heal thanks to their The Deprived can be considered the expert
high starting Faith stat and equipped Talisman. player's Class, as its terrible lineup of starting
Their other stats are ok, so you'll have plenty equipment makes the beginning stages of
of freedom in weapon selection after a few the game much harder to get through until
level ups. The low Dexterity does hamper this you find better Weapons and Armor. The
a little, but you can use weapons such as Mac- benefit experienced players will get from the
es and Hammers to get around this [ -'>0 02] . Deprived is that it starts with all stats at 11 ,
Clerics will be well suited to these weapons, so it can truly be developed into any kind of
as taking on enemies directly with slower character. This gives a challenge in the early
weapons is offset by their ability to heal more stages, as their lack of equipment means you
often than other Classes. Aim to Heal outside won't be able to take any hits, so it relies on
battle, and use the Estus Flask in battle when the player being more experienced with the
necessary, because the Heal Miracle is slow game.
to activate and leaves you open for a while.


Saving is entirely automatic in Dark Souls, and is limited to one slot per charac- Quitting
ter you create. The game saves periodically whilst you are playing. Look for the When you quit the game your exact position and sta-
fire symbol in upper-right-hand corner to know when the game is being saved. If
tus are immediately saved. It's always best to enter
you quit a game after a save, you will restart right where you were, but if you die the in-game menu and select Quit before turning the
and then quit, you will restart at the last Bonfire you rested at. You can create game off, as this will allow you to restart from the
multiple characters, each with its own save slot, and can choose between them exact same place when you load the game again.
by selecting Load from the game's title screen.


The on-screen display in Dark Souls is fairly

basic, but it's also vital to understand each
element of it. Here are all the elements that
can appear, including an explanation of what
they mean.

01 Humanity
The Humanity counter is in the top left
of the screen. It shows you your current
Humanity count at times when you are
Human. It will also change to skull icon
when you've been Cursed.

02 Health Gauge
This red gauge represents your current
HP. and will grow in size as you level
up and increase your Vitality stat. It will
deplete when you are hit by enemy at-
tacks or caught by environmental traps,
and does not regenerate. To regain lost 05 Left Hand Slot 08 Inventory Slot
health you'll need to rest at a Bonfire, or This item shows what you currently The lowest icon shows your currently
use an Estus Flask or a Humanity item. have equipped in your left hand. You selected inventory item. This can be one
can press Left on the directional pad of the six items you equip on the Equip-
to switch between your main and sub- ment menu screen and you can press
03 Stamina Gauge weapon on this hand, which will change Down on the directional pad to cycle
The Stamina Gauge is the green bar just the icon that appears here. between these items, and then press
below your Health Gauge. It shows how the Use button to use your selection.
much Stamina you have, and will deplete
as you perform various actions, such as 06 Right Hand Slot
attacking or sprinting. It will automati- This shows your equipped right-hand 09 Soul Counter
cally regenerate at a rate determined by weapon, and you can press Right on the This number in the bottom right of the
your character's stats and equipment directional pad to switch between your screen shows how many souls you cur-
once you stop performing actions that main and sub-weapons for this hand. rently have.
consume stamina.

07 Attunement Slot 10 Resistance Meter

04 Status Icons If you have an item in one of your Attun- This meter will appear on screen when
Various icons can appear here under- ement Slots its icon will show up here. you've been afflicted with a negative
neath your Stamina Gauge to signify any Only Sorcery, Pyromancy or Miracles status effect that takes effect over time.
statuses (either positive or negative) that can actually be used from this slot, and It shows how long your resistance is
are currently affecting your character. you can cycle through the ones you taking to purge the effect. and when it
You'll find more on the possible statuses have equipped by pressing Up on the is fully depleted the status effect will
later in this chapter. directional pad. wear off.


The game has a few in-game menus that you'll be using often to
keep track of your items and your character's progress.

Game Menus Gesture Menu

Pressing Start at any time will enter the Game menu, which always Pressing the Select/Back button at any point will bring up the
displays the Inventory tab first. The Game menu is made up of four Gesture menu. This allows you to select from any Gestures you
tabs: Inventory, Equipment. Status and Settings. The Inventory and have acquired and use them. Gestures are short animations that
Equipment tabs are used to organize and equip the many weapons, your character can perform as taunts or signals, and can be useful
armor, magic and items you'll amass while playing the game, and in Online Mode to aid communication with other players.
doing this is explained in detail a little later in this chapter. It's worth
remembering that you can press Select/Back in this menu to read a
description of any item you've selected.

This section covers all of the mechanics and systems that you'll need to get familiar with
when playing Dark Souls. The game is extremely punishing to the unprepared player, so en-
suring that you fully understand each of these elements before heading into battle with the
undead (or the dead) (or the undead who have become the dead) can really pay dividends.


We'll begin by going through the way the game progresses and is Some parts of the game do require you to visit certain areas before
structured. Reading through this section will give you a quick feel continuing to others, but even at these points you will usually have
for the way you should approach the game. a choice in the order in which you tackle the available areas. There is
no truly optimal path through the game, but the Area Guide chapter is
Cut-scenes presented in a way that lets you approach the most difficult areas last.
The game features movie-like cut-scenes that play as an intra to the
game's opening section and to introduce each boss or major event. Messages
They can usually (but not always) be skipped by pressing the Start Early in the game you'll come across red flashes of color on the
button. ground fairly often [ ~ 01]. Pressing the Interact button when
standing on one of these will cause a message to appear on screen .
No Pause These messages are actually helpful hints as to the basics of the
You can't pau se the game at all w hilst playing, even in Offline game, or what you should be aiming to do, though some are pre-
Mode. This is a major departure from the way most other mod- sented in a cryptic way.
ern role-playi ng games work, and it means you can never truly
be safe. If you're playing with Online Mode enabled, you'll very likely contin-
ue to see messages throughout the rest of the game, as other play-
ers playing online can leave behind their own message anywhere in
Open World Structure the game's world for you to read (if they have the necessary item).
Dark Souls does not provide the player with any kind of map or For more on this, see the Online Mode section later in this chapter.
listed objectives. So you're on your own in its gigantic world, and
must figure out what to do and where to go by exploring the game's Souls & Dying
depths. It truly is a sandbox game, since all areas are linked as a Souls are currency for leveling up and buying items. Almost every en-
giant world, allowing you to choose your own path through the emy you kill will leave Souls behind for you. These are automatically
majority of it. absorbed by your character, so you won't have to touch the enemy's
body to obtain them [-70 02] . Humanity is another type of currency
that you can use to reverse Hollowing and Kindle Bonfires. More
detail on how Humanity works can be found later in this chapter.


When you are killed, you will lose all of the Souls and Humanity you are carrying. You then
have one chance to get back to that spot, where you'll find your Bloodstain, and recover
your lost Souls and Humanity. Get killed before then, and they are lost forever. You'll restart
the last Bonfire you rested at before dying.

Traversing the White Light

When exploring you will occasionally come across pathways blocked by a veil of white light.
Pressing the Interact button when near one these will allow you to traverse it and continue
exploring beyond. These often lead to Boss Fights, but can also simply be regular openings
to other areas. They always trigger the game to save, so if you don't die and simply quit the
game after going through one, you can reload from at that point. But if you die, all bets are
off and you'll reappear at the last Bonfire.

Yellow Lights
At a few points in the game you'll have your path blocked by a yellow veil of light, and this
won't let you pass straight away when inspected. You will need to have placed the Lordves-
sel on the Firelink Altar to make the light disappear, and only in doing so can you gain entry
to the areas on the other side.

You'll find Bonfires throughout the game's world. You'll need to light these to use them,
and once you do so you'll be able to rest and perform other actions such as leveling up your
character [~0 03] . Using a Bonfire will also cause most of the enemies you've killed in the
area to reappear, so you may not want to use one if you've cleared out an area and simply
want to explore undisturbed for a while. Note that you can't rest at a Bonfire while there are
enemies in the immediate area.

If you do use a Bonfire, it will instantly refill your health to full, along with your supply of Es-
tus Flasks and spells, so choosing to use a Bonfire will often be necessary in order to keep
going and give yourself a fighting chance. Resting will also cure any status ailments you're
currently afflicted with, with the exception of Curse. If you're being chased by a group of
enemies and you reach a Bonfire you can rest at it to reset them back to their original posi-
tions, allowing for a useful escape method.

Here we'll list the options you have when using a Bonfire and what each of them does.
Note that some of these options only become available when you've progressed some
way into the game.

leave* Leave the Bonfire.

Level Up* Level up your character by selectmg a stat to increase.
Reinforce Weapon Upgrade your weapon if you have a Weapon Smithbox.
Reinforce Armor Upgrade your armor if you have an Armor Smithbox.
Repair Equipment Fix durability of your weapons and armor. Fire Keepers
Attune Magic Set desired mag1c to top D-Pad slot. The Fire Keeper is the person that keeps
Access Bottomless Box Store inventory items so you don't have a huge list on you at all times. a Bonfire lit after you first light one. Some-
Warp Warp to other selected Bonf~res that you have lit. times you can kill them, but doing so will
extinguish the Bonfire, preventing you from
Kindle * Increase the capacity of the Estus Flask.
using it. In some cases, another NPC may
Reverse Hollowing Become Human at the cost of Humanity.
kill the Keeper, and you'll have to track this
Available form the start NPC down and return the Fire Keeper's Soul
to restart the Bonfire. Fire Keepers offer
various services from reinforcing the Estus
Flask (Fire Keeper Soul required) to starting

You can warp to the following Bonfires,

but only while you have the Lordvessel.
You can warp from any Bonfire, with the
exceptions of the ones in the Painted
World of Ariamis and the Archives Tower.

Firelink Shrine
Sunlight Altar
Chamber of the Princess
Dark moon Tomb
The Abyss
Daughter of Chaos
Altar of the Gravelord
Stone Dragon


Dark Souls is an open world game and you can Pillaging Bodies
go nearly anywhere you want, but some areas When exploring areas you should always be on the lookout for glowing lights, which
are tougher than others, so a chronology of very often appear over dead bodies, and try to find a way to them so that you can pillage
traveling should be observed so that you are the corpse of its items or equipment. Often a jump or fall is required to reach these
at the proper levels with the proper equipment corpses, so you'll need to look for anything in the environment that might allow you ac-
to handle the enemies therein. Refer to the cess to their location. Once you reach the body, you'll be prompted to press the Interact
Area Guide chapter for our suggested approach button as usual to pillage the corpse, at which point you'll receive all items the corpse
regarding this. Once you enter a new area you'll had. Besides set bodies, some enemies drop items when you kill them, so look out for
be well served by exploring it thoroughly, as that glowing white light and pillage them whenever you see it.
there will be no shortage of hidden items to
find. Treasure Chests
There are treasure chests dotted around the game environment, and these work in ex-
Interaction actly the same way as the corpses do. Get close, press the Interact button once to open
The game uses a universal Interact button to let the chest, and then press it again to pillage and claim your items. Be warned, however:
you perform a wide variety of context-specific later in the game, these chests could be an enemy called a Mimic.
tasks. These actions include climbing ladders,
opening doors, ringing bells, pulling switches Locked Doors
and pillaging corpses [ 70 01] . When you get In most cases, a locked door will be a door you'll find (or be able to buy) a key for later
close to something you can interact with, a in the game. Sometimes you'll be able to buy a key that will open more than one door.
message appears to press the Interact button. Generally, you shouldn't need to be concerned by a locked door; you'll almost always
Doing this will result in the action required tak- find the key for it or the path around it a little later on. Some doors will give you a mes-
ing place instantly. sage when inspected that says they "cannot be opened from this side': For these doors
you 'll need to explore the area more, and you'll eventually find a way to the other side,
Breakable Items where you'll be able to unlock it without the need for a key, thereby opening a useful
The environment is full of breakable items such shortcut back. [70 03]
as barrels, pots and wooden planks. Any attack
will break these items, and most will break
Breakable Walls
many such items at once if they are grouped Striking certain walls in the game will cause them to disappear completely, revealing
together. A dashing roll is enough to break
a hidden pathway to an unexplored area. These walls are not very common; there's
these items without using your weapon, so
usually only one or two in each area, and sometimes none at all. Some are in places
this is usually the best way to remove them
where the wall looks damaged or weak, but others are indistinguishable from their
from your path [70 02]. Breakable objects
surrounding environment, so if you want to find them you'll need to hit every section
will almost never contain items to pick up, but
of wall in any area you think might lead somewhere.
they sometimes hide NPCs or paths for further
exploration, so it's always worth clearing them
out of the way. Traps
Be on the lookout for dangers in the environment as you progress through unexplored
areas. There are many traps that can take you completely by surprise, even when you're
paying close attention, so it's best to keep your health near full to increase your chances
of surviving these. Keep an eye out for raised plates on the floor, as stepping on these
will very often mean something nasty comes your way. Once you know where these
are, however, you can use them to your advantage by luring enemies into to the path
of the lethal arrows that will be passing by imminently.

Some traps are one-time occurrences, such as an enemy kicking a boulder down a stair-
case . You'll be able to spot these traps in time to dodge them if you're careful enough
and always look well ahead. Some, such as statues that attempt to impale you on an
extruding spike as you walk past, will be easy to avoid once you 've become accustomed
to them; simply roll past them every time you see one.


The environment is full of hazards that can
either damage you severely or ki ll you out-
right. These include the expected cliffs and
pitfalls, which will almost always result in
death if you fall over the edge, deep water,
which has the same result, and poisoned
swamps, which reduce your health bit
by bit the longer you spend time in them
[-tO 05]. You'll come across lava-filled areas
later in the game that have a similar effect
to poisoned swamps, but will also seriously
damage and eventually destroy your Armor
if you stay too long in them.


The way you control your character may seem to be fairly standard for third person action
games, but there's always a but in a sentence like this . Dark Souls is a game that must be
played very carefully, and will heavily punish imprecision or impatience, even with reg;;~rds
to controlling your character. Here we'll explain all of the small things about controlling
your character that can help to make getting through the game easier.

Lock-On Quick Camera Turn

Combat in Dark Souls makes heavy use of the lock-on feature to You can click the Left Stick to immediately turn the camera to the
allow you to circle strafe and evade more easily, as well as help- direction you are facing. This is invaluable at times when an enemy
ing to ensure that your attacks find their target. To lock-on, face an has surprised you from behind, because you can turn your character
enemy's general direction and click the Right Stick. This will keep much quicker than you can swing the camera round manually. It's
you focused on the enemy, but can hinder other movements. Tap also useful when you're turning the camera while moving in order to
R-Stick again to release - more on this in the General Combat scan the environment, but then need to quickly focus on an enemy
section below. ahead of you.

Camera Rolling
You have full control over the camera at all times in Dark Souls. Press the Action button plus a direction to perform a roll in that
Keeping the camera in position so that you can see what you're direction. Rolling is a great form of evasion, especially in conjunction
fighting isn't always easy, especially in the game's more cramped with the lock-on feature. Once you get used to an enemy's attacks,
corridors. It's best to advance slowly and turn the camera in dif- you can wait for them to begin using one that you know is linear and
ferent directions as you move to avoid being taken by surprise then simply roll to the other side, which will often leave you with a
[-tO 06]. Lock-on affects the camera so be careful: you can't just chance for an easy backstab.
turn around and run when locked on to an enemy. Also affects
ro lls as it causes you to roll toward what you are locked onto. Rolling can also be used to break objects or cross small gaps that
you couldn't simply sprint over. Be caref ul not to repeatedly press
the Action button during a roll, because doing so will cause your
character to perform another roll the instant you recover from your
current one, which can sometimes place you in a very bad position.

Backstep Dashing Jump & Roll
Pressing the Action button whilst stationary will cause your character While sprinting, you can release and quickly tap the Action button
to backstep very quickly, which is extremely useful as a backwards again to perform a jump and then an automatic roll. This short jump
evade . This can be used to create space between you and the enemy can get you over small gaps in the environment and allow you to
without having to turn your back on them, which is always a bad reach places you otherwise couldn't. Some hidden treasures will
idea . [-70 01] require you to use this, so you'll need to look out for areas that look
like you could jump to. [-70 02]
Holding down the Action button while moving will cause your char- Falling
acter to begin sprinting. This constantly consumes your Stamina, so Falling in Dark Souls is usually a bad idea, as it causes you to take
you won't be able to do it indefinitely. Sprinting will obviously get damage, and your health is very precious . The greater the height
you where you want to go much quicker, but it also leaves you more you fall from, the more damage you'll take, and falling from a very
open to enemy ambushes and traps, so use it sparingly until you've high place can easily kill you instantly, regardless of how much
become familiar with the area you're exploring. health you have.


Leveling up your character must be done manually, at a Bonfire . Leveling up costs Souls, so
it's a good idea to find a Bonfire at times w hen you have amassed a large amount of Souls
in order to strengthen your character. Each level you go up requires an increasing number
of Souls to boost a stat. At a Bonfire, choose level up, then select the stat you want to
increase . Use Left and Right on the directional pad to boost a stat. Watch your basic stats
to see what is increasing for each stat boost you do, and, if you approve, then accept the
boost, otherwise cancel and pick something else .

ILevel Souls I r level Souls I ! Level Souls J

25 3970 49 13979 73 30901 97 56393 121 92115 145 139726 169 200884
2 673 26 4271 50 14535 74 31780 98 57666 122 93850 146 141992 170 203751
3 690 27 4581 51 15103 75 32675 99 58956 123 95606 147 144282 171 206644
4 707 28 4900 52 15683 76 33585 100 60265 124 97382 148 146596 172 209564
5 724 29 5229 53 16275 77 34510 101 61592 125 99180 149 148933 173 21251 1
6 741 30 5567 54 16880 78 35450 102 62937 126 100999 150 151295 174 215484
7 758 31 5915 55 17497 79 36406 103 64300 127 102839 151 153681 175 218485
8 775 32 6273 56 18127 80 37377 104 65682 128 104700 152 156091 176 221513
9 793 33 6641 57 18770 81 38364 105 67082 129 106583 153 158525 177 224568
10 811 34 7019 58 19426 82 39367 106 68501 130 108487 154 160984 178 227650
11 829 35 7407 59 20095 83 40386 107 69939 131 110413 155 163467 179 230760
12 847 36 7805 60 20777 84 41421 108 71396 132 112361 156 165975 180 233897
13 1039 37 8214 61 21472 85 42472 109 72872 133 114331 157 168508 181 237062
14 1238 38 8634 62 22181 86 43539 110 74367 134 116323 158 171066 182 240255
15 1445 39 9064 63 22904 87 44623 111 75881 135 118337 159 173649 183 243476
16 1660 40 9505 64 23640 88 45724 112 77415 136 120373 160 176257 184 246725
17 1883 41 9957 65 24390 89 46841 113 78969 137 122432 161 178890 185 250002
18 2114 42 10420 66 25154 90 47975 114 80542 138 124514 162 181549 186 253307
19 2353 43 10894 67 25932 91 49126 115 82135 139 126618 163 184234 187 256641
20 2601 44 11379 68 26724 92 50294 116 83748 140 128745 164 186944 188 260004
21 2857 45 11876 69 27530 93 51479 117 85381 141 130895 165 189680 189 263395
22 3122 46 12384 70 28351 94 52681 118 87034 142 133068 166 192442 190 266815
23 3396 47 12904 71 29186 95 53901 119 88707 143 135264 167 195230 191 270264
24 3678 48 13436 72 30036 96 55138 120 90401 144 137483 168 198044 192 273742


ILevel Souls I ILevel Souls .I I t~.eve~ Souls ] ILevel Souls J
193 277249 237 462250 281 714160 325 1043200 369 1459592 413 1973559 457 2595322 501 3335104
194 280785 238 467194 282 720743 326 1051655 310 1470151 414 1986454 458 2610786 502 3353369
195 284351 239 472172 283 727366 327 1060155 371 1480760 415 1999405 459 2626311 503 3371700
196 287946 240 477185 284 734029 328 1068700 372 1491420 416 2012412 460 2641897 504 3390098
197 291571 241 482233 285 740732 329 1077291 373 1502131 417 2025475 461 2657545 505 3408562
198 295226 242 487316 286 747476 330 1085927 374 1512892 418 2038594 462 2673253 506 3427093
199 298910 243 492434 287 754259 331 1094609 375 1523705 419 2051769 463 2689024 507 3445691
200 302625 244 497587 288 761084 332 1103337 376 1534569 420 2065001 464 2704856 508 3464356
201 306370 245 502776 289 767949 333 1112111 377 1545484 421 2078289 465 2720750 509 3483088
202 310145 246 508000 290 774855 334 1120931 378 1556450 422 2091634 466 2736706 510 3501887
203 313950 247 513260 291 781802 335 1129797 379 1567468 423 2105036 467 2752724 511 3520754
204 317786 248 518556 292 788790 336 1138710 380 1578537 424 2118495 468 2768804 512 3539687
205 321652 249 523887 293 795819 337 1147668 381 1589658 425 2132010 469 2784946 513 3558689
206 325549 250 529255 294 802889 338 1156674 382 1600831 426 2145583 470 2801151 514 3577758
207 329477 251 534659 295 810001 339 1165726 383 1612056 427 2159213 471 2817418 515 3596895
208 333436 252 540099 296 817154 340 1174825 384 1623333 428 2172900 472 2833748 516 3616100
209 337426 253 545575 297 824349 341 1183971 385 1634662 429 2186645 473 2850141 517 3635373
210 341447 254 551088 298 831586 342 1193164 386 1646044 430 2200447 474 2866597 518 3654714
211 345499 255 556637 299 838864 343 1202404 387 1657477 431 2214307 475 2883115 519 3674123
212 349583 256 562223 300 846185 344 1211691 388 1668964 432 2228225 476 2899697 520 3693601
213 353699 257 567846 301 853548 345 1221026 389 1680503 433 2242201 477 2916342 521 3713147
214 357846 258 573506 302 860953 346 1230408 390 1692095 434 2256235 478 2933050 522 3732762
215 362025 259 579203 303 868400 347 1239838 391 1703740 435 2270327 479 2949822 523 3752446
216 366236 260 584937 304 875890 348 1249316 392 1715438 436 2284478 480 2966657 524 3772199
217 370479 261 590708 305 883422 349 1258841 393 1727189 437 2298686 481 2983556 525 3792020
218 374754 262 596517 306 890997 350 1268415 394 1738993 438 2312954 482 3000519 526 3811911
219 379061 263 602364 307 898615 351 1278037 395 1750851 439 2327280 483 3017546 527 3831871
220 383401 264 608248 308 906276 352 1287707 396 1762762 440 2341665 484 3034637 528 3851900
221 387773 265 614170 309 913980 353 1297425 397 1774727 441 2356109 485 3051792 529 3871999
222 392178 266 620130 310 921727 354 1307192 398 1786746 442 2370612 486 3069012 530 3892167
223 396616 267 626128 311 929517 355 1317007 399 1798818 443 2385174 487 3086295 531 3912405
224 401086 268 632164 312 937351 356 1326871 400 1810945 444 2399795 488 3103644 532 3932713
225 405590 269 638238 313 945229 357 1336784 401 1823126 445 2414476 489 3121057 533 3953091
226 410127 270 644351 314 953150 358 1346746 402 1835361 446 2429216 490 3138535 534 3973539
227 414697 271 650502 315 961115 359 1356757 403 1847650 447 2444016 491 3156078 535 3994057
228 419300 272 656692 316 969124 360 1366817 404 1859994 448 2458876 492 3173686 536 4014646
229 423937 273 662921 317 977177 361 1376927 405 1872392 449 2473796 493 3191359 537 4035304
230 428607 274 669188 318 985274 362 1387085 406 1884845 450 2488775 494 3209097 538 4056034
231 433311 275 675495 319 993415 363 1397294 407 1897353 451 2503815 495 3226901 539 4076834
232 438049 276 681841 320 1001601 364 1407552 408 1909916 452 2518915 496 3244770 540 4097705
233 442821 277 688226 321 1009831 365 1417860 409 1922534 453 2534075 497 3262705 541 4118647
234 447627 278 694650 322 1018106 366 1428218 410 1935207 454 2549296 498 3280706 542 4139660
235 452467 279 701114 323 1026426 367 1438626 411 1947936 455 2564577 499 3298773 543 4160744
236 457341 280 707617 324 1034790 368 1449084 412 1960719 456 2579919 500 3316905 544 4181899

[ Level Souls I ILevel Souls l
545 4203126 576 4897225 607 5663629 638 6505914 669 7427654 700 8432426 731 9523802 762 10705358
546 4224424 577 4920800 608 5689596 639 6534388 670 7458751 701 8466260 732 9560490 763 10745014
547 4245795 578 4944450 609 5715642 640 6562945 671 7489934 702 8500184 733 9597272 764 10784768
548 4267236 579 4968176 610 5741767 641 6591585 672 7521204 703 8534200 734 9634148 765 10824620
549 4288750 580 4991977 611 5767972 642 6620308 673 7552561 704 8568306 735 9671118 766 10864570
550 4310335 581 5015854 612 5794255 643 6649114 674 7584005 705 8602502 736 9708182 767 10904618
551 4331993 582 5039807 613 5820619 644 6678003 675 7615535 706 8636790 737 9745340 768 10944764
552 4353723 583 5063836 614 5847062 645 6706976 676 7647153 707 8671168 738 9782594 769 10985008
553 4375525 584 5087941 615 5873585 646 6736032 677 7678858 708 8705636 739 9819942 770 11025350
554 4397400 585 5112122 616 5900188 647 6765173 678 7710650 709 8740196 740 9857386 771 11065792
555 4419347 586 5136380 617 5926871 648 6794396 679 7742530 710 8774848 741 9894922 772 11106332
556 4441367 587 5160713 618 5953634 649 6823704 680 7774497 711 8809590 742 9932556 773 11146972
557 4463460 588 5185124 619 5980477 650 6853095 681 7806552 712 8844424 743 9970284 774 11187708
558 4485626 589 5209611 620 6007401 651 6882571 682 7838695 713 8879350 744 10008108 775 11228546
559 4507865 590 5234175 621 6034405 652 6912131 683 7870926 714 8914366 745 10046026 776 11269482
560 4530177 591 5258816 622 6061491 653 6941775 684 7903245 715 8949476 746 10084040 777 11310516
561 4552563 592 5283534 623 6088656 654 6971504 685 7935652 716 8984676 747 10122150 778 11351650
562 4575021 593 5308329 624 6115903 655 7001317 686 7968148 717 9019970 748 10160356 779 11392884
563 4597554 594 5333201 625 6143230 656 7031215 687 8000731 718 9055354 749 10198658 780 11434218
564 4620160 595 5358151 626 6170639 657 7061198 688 8033404 719 9090832 750 10237056 781 11475650
565 4642840 596 5383178 627 6198129 658 7091266 689 8066165 720 9126402 751 10275550 782 11517184
566 4665594 597 5408284 628 6225700 659 7121419 690 8099015 721 9162064 752 10314138 783 11558816
567 4688422 598 5433466 629 6253353 660 7151657 691 8131954 722 9197818 753 10352826 784 11600550
568 4711324 599 5458727 630 6281087 661 7181981 692 8164982 723 9233666 754 10391608 785 11642382
569 4734300 600 5484065 631 6308903 662 7212389 693 8198099 724 9269608 755 10430488 786 11684316
570 4757351 601 5509482 632 6336801 663 7242884 694 8231305 725 9305640 756 10469464 787 11726350
571 4780476 602 5534977 633 6364781 664 7273464 695 8264601 726 9341768 757 10508536 788 11768484
572 4803677 603 5560550 634 6392843 665 7304130 696 8297986 727 9377986 758 10547706 789 11810720
573 4826951 604 5586202 635 6420987 666 7334882 697 8331461 728 9414300 759 10586974 790 11853056
574 4850301 605 5611932 636 6449214 667 7365720 698 8365026 729 9450706 760 10626338 791 11895492
575 4873725 606 5637741 637 6477522 668 7396644 699 8398682 730 9487208 761 10665798 792 11938030


When leveling one stat, other HP development graph
stats may or may not be affected, 2000
so watch your numbers and try to 1800
get the most from your souls .

Vitality 1400
Vitality governs your .~ 1200
maximum HP. so leveling up this ~ 1000
stat will allow you to take more ~" 800
damage before dying [ -70 01]. J:

Outside of the obvious combat 600

benefits, boosting your HP by 400
putting points into Vitality will 200
make it more likely that you'll !I I !I I I I I I I I J I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I ! ! I ! I I ! l l l l ! l l l ! l l l ! l l l ! l l l l ! l l l l l l l l l l ! !l l ll l l ! !l l l !l ll ! ! l l l l ll l ! l l l l
survive being hit by environmen- 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 94 97
tal traps or falling from heights. Vitality
Once you have Vitality at around
Level 40, you'll begin seeing
much lower gains for every point you assign to it, so
you'll be better off focusing on other stats at this point.
If you're only playing through the game once then you
won't need to get your Vitality much above 20, as you'll
want to use your points on other stats instead . If, how-
ever, you 're playing the game mu ltiple times through or
making a powerful PvP build, you'll want as much health
as you can get without hurting your character's primary
offensive stat.

Vitality MaxHP lrotality MaxHP Vitality MaxHP

400 34 1193 67 1649
2 415 35 1216 68 1658
3 433 36 1239 69 1666
4 451 37 1261 70 1675
5 471 38 1283 71 1683
6 490 39 1304 72 1692
7 511 40 1325 73 1700
8 531 41 1346 74 1709
9 552 42 1366 75 1717
10 573 43 1386 76 1725
11 594 44 1405 77 1734
12 616 45 1424 78 1742
13 638 46 1442 79 1750
14 659 47 1458 80 1758
15 682 48 1474 81 1767
16 698 49 1489 82 1775
17 719 50 1500 83 1783
18 742 51 1508 84 1791
19 767 52 1517 85 1799
Attunement Attunement Lvl. Slot Number
20 793 53 1526 86 1807 This stat is most important for 0-9 0
21 821 54 1535 87 1814 deciding how many Attunement Slots 10-11
22 849 55 1544 88 1822 you'll have, w hich in turn allow s you to
equip and use more types of magic at
878 56 1553 89 1830 14-15 3
once [ -70 02]. If you're comfortable us-
24 908 57 1562 90 1837 16-18 4
ing only a few spells at once, and don't
25 938 58 1571 91 1845 mind switching one spell out for another 19-22 5
26 970 59 1580 92 1852 when the need arises, then you won't 23-27 6
27 1001 60 1588 93 1860 actually need to put many points into 28-33
28 1034 61 1597 94
Attunement. You can also increase your
1867 34-40 8
Attunement Slots through equipping
29 1066 62 1606 95 1874 41-49 9
certain Rings , which is a good idea for
30 1100 63 1615 96 1881 Sorcery based characters, as you'll gain 50-99 10
31 1123 64 1623 97 1888 an extra Slot without assigning precious Darkmoon Seance Ring
32 1147 65 1632 98 1894 points to Attunement.
White Seance Ring
33 1170 66 1641 99 1900 Max Slots 12

Endurance affects a few different
things, but the most important is your char-
acter's amount of Stamina. Having a higher
Endurance stat means you'll have more
Stamina, so you can attack more before tir-
ing and sprint for longer. You'll also be able
to block attacks for longer, which can greatly
affect your options during combat. [ -70 01]

Bumping up your Endurance also increases

your resistance to the Bleed status, and
raises your Equip Load, allowing you to
carry more equipment without slowing
your character's movement down. These
elements are explained in more detail later
in this chapter.

Max Max
Endurance Endurance Stamina
81 21 112

2 82 22 115

3 83 23 117
4 84 24 119

5 85 25 121

6 86 26 124

7 87 27 126

8 88 28 129

9 90 29 131
10 91 30 133
11 93 31 136
12 95 32 139 Resistance
13 97 33 141 Raising your Resistance stat is the best way to increase your Defense and take less
damage from enemy attacks. Though other stats also affect Defense, Resistance has the
14 98 34 144
most impact, and also increases your resistance to the Poison status effect. Defense is not
15 100 35 146
an actual stat within the game, but it does exist behind the scenes and is affected by all of
16 102 36 149 your other character stats, as shown in the example here.
17 104 37 152
18 106 38 154 Stat I Physical DEF. I Magic DEF. I Flame DEF. I Lightning DEF.
19 108 39 157 Vital ity Low Rai se Low Ra ise Low Ra ise Normal
20 110 40-99 160 Attunement Low Ra ise Low Ra ise Low Raise Normal
Endurance Low Raise Low Raise Low Raise Normal
Increasing your strength will allow
you to equip and effectively use more
powerful striking weapons. This is obviously
important for characters that specialize in
two-handed weapons, such as Hammers, Fait h Low Ra1se Very High Ra ise Low Raise Normal
Greataxes and Greatswords. The higher
your Strength stat is, the more damage
you'll deal with each strike, which is Intelligence
especially important when combined with Raising your Intelligence stat will increase the power of your magic, so it's an es-
a high Strength Parameter Bonus. For PvP sential stat fo r magic focused Classes. You 'll need to raise it in order to be able to equip
characters aiming to use Strength based better Catalysts, Magic and Pyromancy spells [ -70 02]. You 'd need to raise Intelligence to
weapons, increasing this stat as much as 50 in order to use all available spells, so those focused on Magic or Pyromancy will need
possible is essential in order to make every to put plenty of their points into it. Raising the stat above 50 will not grant much increase
strike as damaging as it can be. in the actual power of your spells, however, so this is only worth doing for PvP focused
Dexterity works in a similar way to Faith
Strength, but its effect is applied to weap- Faith affects Miracles most directly, and also your ability to equip better Talismans.
ons that call for finesse rather than brute As with Resistance, you won't need more than 50 Faith to equip any Miracle, and once you
force, such as Bows, Spears and Daggers. have 50 you'll be better off putting points into other stats, as the actual increase in power
Raising this stat will boost your attacking beyond this point isn't great. You will see good gains in Magic defense, however, so for
power with almost all weapons, but you'll PvP based characters this can be a really important stat.
see the most gains with ones that are
based on Dexterity and also have a Dexter-
ity Parameter Bonus.



Humanity is required to stay in Human form . When you die you lose
Gaining Humanity
all of your Humanity and will become "Hollow" [~0 03]. When you
reappear in the game, you'll regain all of your lost Humanity and Method I Amount Gained
Souls if you can reach your Bloodstain without dying again. Use "Humanity" item.
Use "Twin Humanities" item.
Humanity also dictates your Item Discovery value. The more Hu-
Kill NPC (some drop "Humanity" or " Twin Humanities"). Depends on NPC
manity you have, the higher this value will be and the more items
Buy Humanity (From Undead Merchant (female)
you'll find when kill ing enemies. There is also a Ring you can equip or Patches).
Depends on shop
to boost Item Discovery further, for a potential maximum of 410.
Defeat enemies {you may acquire Humanity by defeating a Up to 10 in each
This is a very good reason to keep your Humanity count high, but
you'll be risking much more when engaging invading Phantoms in .... ................................................................ . area
normal enemy, as long as you haven't defeated the area boss)*.
When summoned as a White Phantom, defeat the
Online Mode. area boss in co op .
....... ........... .... ..
When summoned as a Red Phantom, defeat the opponent.
Uses of Humanity
Using the Humanity or Twin Humanities items recovers all HP and
increases your Humanity count by 1 or 2, respectively. You can
Dropped from defeated summoned opposing Phantom
spend your Humanity at Bonfires in order to revert back to being or Invading Phantom.
Human, or to Kindle the Bonfire, which levels it up and allows you
Use the strong attack of " Dark Hand" in PvP against the Depends on your
to start w ith more Estus Flasks. You can also spend Humanity to opponent (also effective for some opposing NPCs). Covenant rank
increase your level with in certain Covenants -you can find out more
Amount gained is
about these in the Extras chapter. Finally, having a higher Human- Collect lost Humanity by examining the Bloodstain the same as the
ity count wi ll increase your resistance to t he Curse status and w ill after respawning before you die again. amount you lost
increase your attack power when using Chaos weapons and some upon dying.
types of Sorcery. *You may acquire Humanity from following enemies:
Butcher, Infested Ghoul (Blunt), Many NPCs, Pisaca, Small Undead Rat, Large Undead Rat,
Item Item Item Giant Undead Rat, Skeleton Baby, Snow Rat
Humanity Humanity Humanity
Discovery Discovery Discovery
0 100 11 163 22 194
120 12 168 23 196
2 125 13 172 24 198
3 129 14 176
25 200 Estus Flasks are your primary source of Estus Level HPHealed
4 133 15 180
26 202 healing, unless you have access to the +0 300
5 138 16 182 Heal Miracle [~0 04]. Using an Estus +1 400
27 204
6 142 17 184 Flask will leave you vulnerable for a
28 +2 500
7 146 18 186
206 short period of time, so you'll need to
create some distance between you and +3 600
8 150 29 208
19 188
any enemies in the area before using it. +4 650
9 155 20 190 30 210
At first you 'll only be able to carry five +5 700
10 159 21 192 31-99 210 Estus Flasks at a time, but as you begin +6 750
to Kindle Bonfires and revisit ones that
+7 800
Consuming Humanity have already been Kind led, you 'll be able
to hold up to 20 at once (if you Kindle a
Usage I Consumes
Bonfire three times).
1 per Level,
Use kindling to level up the Bonfire.
up to 4 Levels
You can level up your Estus Flask by giving Fire Keeper Souls to any
Cure your Hollow status at Bonfire. Fire Keeper you may come across. Every time you give them a Fire
Cure your Curse status by lngward. Keeper Soul your Estus Flask will restore a greater amount of your
Covenant uoarkwraith ~ give Kaathe to get higher covenant rank. 1 each time health when used, as shown in the table here.

Note that once you've used an Estus Flask and the animation
The Humanity you have will change the item discovery rate and Humanity 1-30
Curse resistance. changes the rate begins, you can use multiple Flasks without resetting the animation,
.......... ..... .
allowing you to heal for a large amount at no extra risk .
Humanity 1-10
The Humanity you have changes the attack power of Chaos
changes the
weapons and Sorcery.

This section explains everything about your inventory and the usage and storing of equip-
ment in Dark Souls . Learning to properly make use of the Quick Inventory Slots should be
your first priority when starting out. This is a system that gives you instant access to your
most important items during gameplay without having to enter any menus.

the Stance button and cycling through the items. Your total equip
INVENTORY BASICS load depends on your Endurance level [ ~o 01] . Your character will
maneuver differently depending on how much you have filled your
Your inventory in Dark Souls can get very full once you start pick- Equipment Load.
ing up lots of items. You can hold up to 1984 items at maximum
load (not including key items), but holding this many items makes If your Equip Load is under 25% of your total equip load, you will be
managing your inventory a time consuming affair. So once you start able to roll much faster and further, and your Stamina will also re-
amassing items it is worth purchasing the Bottomless Box and mov- generate at its highest rate. If your equip load is over 25% but under
ing items into it. This lets you clean up your "on board" or personal 50% then you will roll and recover slightly slower than if your equip
inventory and makes for much quicker searching. load was under 25%. Having an equip load that is higher than 50%
will slow your rolling animation by a huge amount, you will take lon-
Keys ger to get back up when knocked down, giving the enemy a chance
When you acquire a key, it will be placed in the key tab in the inven- to attack you. Your Stamina will also regenerate more slowly. Having
tory screen. Keys cannot be dropped and will always remain in your an equip load that ex-
inventory until you complete the game. You can acquire keys from ceeds 100% of your total Equip Load
merchants, defeating bosses or by simply finding them on the floor. equip load will make Propon:ion
your character extremely 0 Fastest possible movement
Equipment Load sluggish; you will not be
0.25 Slightly slower movement
Each weapon or armor you equip will have an effect on your equip- able to run, sprint or roll
0.5 All movements are slow
ment load, based on its weight value. You can see what your total at all and your Stamina
equipment load is on the View Status screen. You can check how will regenerate much Sprinting, dashing. backstepping
or rolling are no longer possible
each weapon or armor will affect your equipment load by pressing more slowly.

[ Endurance EcJulp Load I Endurance EcJulpLoad Endurance Equip Load Endurance EcJulpLoad Endurance Equip Load Endurance Equip Load
35.0 18 52.0 35 69.0 52 86.0 69 103.0 86 120.0
2 36.0 19 53.0 36 70.0 53 87.0 70 104.0
87 121.0
3 37.0 20 54.0 37 71.0 54 88.0 71 105.0
88 122.0
4 38.0 21 55.0 38 72.0 55 89.0 72 106.0
5 39.0 22 56.0 39 73.0 56 90.0 73 107.0 89 123.0

6 40.0 23 57.0 40 74.0 57 91.0 74 108.0 90 124.0

7 41.0 24 58.0 41 75.0 58 92.0 75 109.0 91 125.0
8 42.0 25 59.0 42 76.0 59 93.0 76 110.0
92 126.0
9 43.0 26 60.0 43 no 60 94.0 77 111.0
93 1270
10 44.0 27 61.0 44 78.0 61 95.0 78 112.0
11 45.0 28 62.0 45 79.0 62 96.0 79 113.0 94 128.0
12 46.0 29 63.0 46 80.0 63 97.0 80 114.0 95 129.0
13 47.0 30 64.0 47 81.0 64 98.0 81 115.0 96 130.0
14 48.0 31 65.0 48 82.0 65 99.0 82 116.0
97 131.0
15 49.0 32 66.0 49 83.0 66 100.0 83 117.0
16 98 132.0
50.0 33 67.0 50 64.0 67 101.0 84 118.0
17 51.0 34 68.0 51 85.0 68 102.0 85 119.0 99 133.0


As you can see in the graph Development of equip load
here, Equip Load has a very 140.0
stable growth curve, so you'll 120.0
be increasing it noticeably right
up until the point where you've
maxed your Endurance out. ~ 80.0
Slowing your character down to 60.0
take advantage of your fu ll Equip 40.0
Load is not necessarily a bad
thing, as wearing heavier armor
will increase your defense, allow- 0 I I I I I I I I I t I II If I I II I I I I I I I I I I I /1 II I I I I I I II I II I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I II I I I I I I I II I I
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 94 97
ing you to take more hits, and
wielding heavier weapons will
allow you to deal more damage
[~0 02]. Choose the level of Equip Load that bests suits your style of play, and remem-
ber that you can increase your total equip load by equipping Havel's Ring.

Prerequisite Stats
You will often find equipment that you won't be able to use until you have reached a
minimum attribute level in a particular stat. By going through your inventory and press-
ing the Use button on the item you want, you wi ll see a ReqParam section. Under
this section you will see what is required for you to be able to use this item. The four
attributes are: Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Faith.

You will still be able to equip the item even if your attribute level is too low, but you will
not be able to use it efficiently. You will see a message on the screen alerting you of the
penalties that will be imposed. The item will also have a red X over its icon reminding
you of this fact. [ ~o 03]

the Left Hand Slot, press Start and select

the change equipment option.

Items Slot
You will be able to select five items that
you currently have in your inventory and
set them to the Items Slot for easy access
during gameplay. Once it's in the Items
Slot, simply press the Use button [ ~o 05] .
Pressing down on the directional pad will
allow to you to cycle through the items you
have available, and the next item you have
set will be equipped.

Note: If you press the Use button while

QJ!ICK INVENTORY SLOTS you don't have an item equipped, or try to
use a non-useable item, your character will
You can change the items that you have equipped in your Quick Inventory Slots at any time. shrug. This means it won't work and is not
To change an item, press the Start button and select the change equipment option. From allowed.
here you can change the five items that are currently equipped in each slot by selecting a
slot and choosing the weapon, armor or item you want from your available list . Magic Slot
The Magic Slot lets you use any spells that
Right Hand Slot you have equipped in the same way as with
You are able to equip up to two weapons in your Right Hand Slot. You can switch the weap- items; you can cycle through your equipped
ons by pressing Right on the directional pad, and can change which weapons you have spells by pressing Up on the directional
equipped by pressing Start and selecting the "change equipment" option. Press R1/RB to pad. To use a spell you must equip the cor-
do a normal attack and R2/RT to do a strong attack. rect spell-casting weapon and then press
the L1/LB or R1/RB button depending on
Left Hand Slot which hand you have equipped your magic
You are able to equip another two weapons onto your Left Hand Slot, and can switch these weapon in . To cast a Sorcery spell you must
weapons by pressing Left on the directional pad. You will most likely be equipping a shield have a Catalyst equ ipped, to cast a Miracle
on your left hand in order to block enemy attacks [ ~o 04]. Press L1/LB to block and L2/LT you must have a Talisman equipped, and
to parry. If you have a Greatshield equipped, you will use a shield bash attack instead of to cast a Pyromancy spell you must have
parrying. a Pyromancy Flame equipped. You can
change which spell you have equ ipped by
A weapon equipped to your left hand will behave differently, depending on the specific using a Bonfi re and selecting the Attune
weapon. You will either hold it up to block enemy attacks or you'll be able to attack with it, Magic option.
essentially dual wielding offensive weapons. To equip and change which weapons are in


You have many types of equipment available, including four different categories of armor and equippable
Rings. You'll need to keep track of the various stats each piece of equipment has in order to effectively
maintain and use them. First you'll need to check if your character's stats are high enough to make effec-
tive use of the equipment without penalties, and then you'll need to check the equipment's Durability to
ensure it's not about to break. We'll go through these things in more detail here.

Equipment Stats Pressing the Use button will take you to the item's information screen, and from here you
Each weapon and armor has its stats can see how much Durability the item currently has compared to its maximum amount. You
displayed for all of the different categories. can repair your equipment by using a Blacksmith, the Repair Sorcery spell, or if you have
By looking at these numbers and how they the Repair Box, you can repair your items when using a Bonfire. Note that Crystal weapons
affect your personal stats (as seen by press- cannot be repaired.
ing the Stance button on the equip screen
[ -70 01]) you can determine whether the Right Hand vs Left Hand
item is worth equipping or not. A red num- It is almost always best to equip a weapon in your right hand and a shield in your left. This
ber means a decrease from the currently setup allows you to switch between offence and defense with ease. Although you can
equipped item. A blue number means an equip the items the other way around. this can lead to having more difficulty in combat.
increase from the currently equipped item. since you'll be attacking with your shield and blocking with your weapon. Depending on the
You may think that an item with a lot of blue weapon you have equipped on your left hand, you may also lose your ability to parry, so it is
numbers is worth equipping, but remem- highly recommended to equip a shield on your left hand and a weapon on your right.
ber that you may not prefer that weapon
or style of play, so a lot is down to your Armor
personal preference. You can equip four pieces of armor: a helmet, a chest piece, a pair of gauntlets and a pair of
boots [~0 03]. These will affect your Equip Load, so pay attention to how much each piece
Parameter Bonuses weighs. To equip and change armor, press Start and select the change equipment option. Try
You can gain attack bonuses on your to keep one item equipped of each type of armor if possible in order to be as well defended
weapon based on your attribute levels in as possible. Sometimes you'll notice that equipping a particular piece of armor slows your
various stats. By increasing the specified character down, which means it's bringing you above your Equip Load threshold. In this case it
attribute, you will gain a further increase may be worth swapping this piece for a different one, or simply leaving that armor slot empty.
to your weapon's power. If you press the
Use button on the selected weapon, you
will see a ParamBonus menu [~0 02] . This
will list the four attributes and their current
bonus based on a grade. In ascending
order, the grades are E, D, C, B. A, S. The
higher the grade, the higher the rate of the
attack bonus will be. So you will still be able
to do high damage with a weapon if your
Strength attribute is low and your Faith at-
tribute is high, by equipping a weapon with
a high grade in the Faith attribute.

Equipment Durability
Your equipment loses durability as you
wield it or take damage. If the durability
runs out completely, the item will break.
A broken weapon will do very little damage
and a broken shield and armor wi ll no longer
work. The second to last icon displayed for
each weapon or armor is the Durability.


You are able to equip two Rings into the Ring Slots of your charac- T RADING ITEMS
ter. These Rings will grant your character additional stat bonuses or
abilities when they are equipped. Rings will not count towards your You can't sell your items in Dark Souls directly, but if you want to ex-
equip load, so you won't have to worry about this. If you have more change them in order to free up inventory space you'll have a couple
than two Rings, you should try to choose which two benefit you the of opportunities to do so throughout the game.
most and equip those. [~0 04]
Kingseeker Frampt
Arrows Kingseeker Frampt appears in the Firelink Shrine once you 've rung
You are able to equip two different types of arrows for use with your the two giant bells in nearby areas. You are able to feed items to
Bow. With your Bow equipped, press the L2/LT or R2/RT button to Frampt, in exchange for which he'll usually give you some Souls
cycle between the arrows. To equip and change arrows, press Start [~o 05]. You can use this to make room in your inventory while
and select the change equipment option. gaining extra Souls in the process. To feed Frampt items, talk to him
and select the "feed item" option. You can also feed him pieces of
Bolts Titanite, and doing this will replace the single piece you had with 5
You can equip two different types of bolts for use with any Crossbow. smaller pieces instead, essentially allowing you to break down your
With your Crossbow equipped, press the L2/LT or R2/RT button to materials into smaller pieces.
cycle between the bolts. To equip and change bolts, press Start and
select the change equipment option. Bird Nest
You will be able to trade various items with the Hawk Girl, who
takes the form of some eggs in an apparently unguarded nest.
She specifically requests items that are "warm and soft'; which
can help you in identifying the item . You can refer to the Extras
chapter for more info on which items you can trade and what
you'll get in return.

In this section you'll find all of the information you need to get a grasp of the combat in
Dark Souls. The combat is simple at heart, but also deep in possibilities. To begin with you'll
simply want to focus on defending and staying alive. This means being very patient and not
rushing in to attack. Learn about the various elements that affect combat here and keep
them in mind when engaging enemies.

Lock-On in Combat
CRITICAL COMBAT IN FORMATION Clicking in the Right Stick will cause you to lock-on to the nearest en-
emy. If there are multiple enemies, you can press Left or Right on the
Stamina Right Stick to switch which enemy you are locked onto. Locking on
Stamina is the energy you consume when doing various actions, will make it a lot easier to hit your desired target, and this is especially
and is one of the keys to successful combat in Dark Souls. You will important against small enemies such as Dogs and Rats. [~0 02]
use up Stamina when you attack, block an attack, parry, roll or sprint.
so it's extremely important to keep watching your Stamina gauge You should be careful when using lock-on during combat, especially
during combat. Stamina begins to regenerate when you stop doing when fighting in enclosed areas, because your movements when
these tiring actions, so you should always try to retreat and regroup locked on will be drawn to your target's location. This can actually
any time your Stamina gets low [ ~o 01]. Note that your Stamina cause you to end up rolling off the edge of a cliff if your target hap-
recovery rate is lower when you have your shield raised to block, pens to move too close to it, or you may move directly into the path
so lower your shield any time you are not in danger. If you run out of another enemy's attack. This means you'll need to switch between
of Stamina you will not be able to attack or roll, which will obviously using lock-on and fighting without it depending on the situation.
give your enemy an advantage, so make certain to always leave
some Stamina remaining for emergency use. Critical Strikes
You will be able to land critical attacks for much higher damage on
your enemies depending on your equipped weapon's critical rate.
A higher critical stat increases the extra damage that these critical
attacks will deal, which can result in huge increases of up to 500%
damage. Attacking the enemy at certain points during their attacks
or attacking them from behind will greatly increase the chance of a
critical attack happening, so this is worth attempting any time you
see the enemy using a very slow attack that you can easily interrupt.
Killing an enemy with a Critical attack will also grant a 20 % bonus to
the Souls you'll receive.

If you attack an enemy at close range from their back, you will per-
form a powerful backstab attack [ ~o 03] . A backstab attack does
a huge amount of damage, so it's always worth trying to do . Even
though the animation is lengthy you are completely invulnerable
throughout it up until just before the point when you fully recover.
Only humanoid enemies can be backstabbed, though even some
of these won't allow for it due to their size.

Attack Types
There are four types of physical attacks: Regular, Slash, Strike and
Thrust. One enemy may take more damage from Thrust attacks,
for example, while receiving less damage from Strike attacks . A
weapon may also do more than one type . For example, a w eapon's
normal attack may be a Slash attack, but its strong attack is a Thrust.
Consult the Enemy Guide chapter for specific weaknesses each
enemy may have to wh ich type of attack, and then try to use a
weapon that takes best advantage of this weakness .

Attack Hitboxes
Each attack in the game, be it yours or the enemy's, has its own
unique "hitbox: A hitbox is essentially the area in which the
attack is counted as "active; and anything that enters this area
will be hit by it. In the case of enemy attacks, this means that
some attacks may hit you from further away than it appears they
should, while others may allow you to get much closer than
you'd think without being struck. This is something you should
aim to remember about each attack and take advantage of when-
ever possible .
The same principle applies to your own attacks. You'll often notice
that with larger weapons a horizont al swinging attack can slice
through and damage multiple enemies at once if they are grouped
close enough together . You'll need to get used to this
and take advantage of it to interrupt entire groups of enemies in
order to avoid being swamped by them.


Area of Effect (AOE)
Some weapons have a special "area of
effect" attack that will let you easily hit sev-
eral enemies at once [ ~o 05]. Spectacular
effects that cover the area around you, or
send a wave ahead of you, often accom-
pany these attacks. These effects are a good
indication of the attack's range and hitbox,
though some will actually cover a much
greater area than the visuals might suggest.

Weapon Upgrading
Upgrading your weapons is one the best
ways to make yourself more effective in
combat. The extra power gained through
upgrading weapons as much as possible
will make a huge difference in your ability to
take down enemies in fewer hits, therefore
putting you at less risk in battle.


Enemy Attacks
The enemies in Dark Souls can hit you with a variety of attacks. Most of these can be
blocked or evaded. Your stats in each defensive category determine how well you can
sustain such an attack when blocking. With some attacks, you may find it better or
easier to roll under or away from them, as you will consume less Stamina and not leave
yourself vulnerable to having your guard broken ( ~o 06]. Enemies can make use of the
same different attack types as you, and your own armor's defense against Thrusts or
Slashes, for example, will determine how much damage you take from each attack.

Enemy Evasion
Many enemies will deal with your attacks in different ways. You'll mostly find that en-
emies with a shield will only try to block your attacks. However, there are some shield-
wielding enemies that can parry your attack and counter w ith a riposte attack of their
own. Most enemies have the ability to jump around you, evading your attacks, or very
quickly backdash to a position outside of your attack's maximum range. At these times
they are highly likely to retaliate with an attack of their own, so be prepared.

Enemy Tails
You wil l find that quite a few of the game's larger enemies and bosses have tails, which
they'll often use to attack you. Some of these enemies may have their tails cut off dur-
ing combat as a result of you continually attacking the tai l section. It is recommended to
attempt to cut off an enemy's tail any time you think it may be possible, as doing so may
result in a weapon being dropped.

Boss Battles
A boss is an enemy that is usually much stronger and larger than the average en-
emies you find throughout the game. Entering a boss battle will trap you in the area,
so you will not be able to leave until you defeat or are defeated by the enemy, though
you do still have the option to use items and spells that return you to Bonfires. The
boss enemy's health will be displayed via the large bar at the bottom of the screen,
which also reveals its name. ~ .J


After attacking the enemy, you will see a number appear on screen, Special Nonnal Attack
along with the enemy's health bar. The number will inform you how By pressing the Left Stick forward together with R1/RB, you will
much damage that attack dealt, and you can see how large a chunk do a special strike. With most weapons this attack will be a kick,
it depleted from the enemy's health bar. This allows you to deter- however, some weapons will have a different attack.
mine roughly how many attacks are needed before you will kill the
enemy. Special Strong Attack
By pressing the Left Stick forward together with R2/RT, you will do
Nonnal & Strong One-handed Attacks a special strong attack. This will always be a jumping strong attack,
With a weapon wielded with one hand, you can press R1/RB to use which behaves differently depending on the type of w eapon you
a normal attack and R2/RT to use a strong attack. Each attack has have equipped.
a different animation and will hit various areas depending on the
weapon. Strong attacks take longer to complete . Dual-Wielding Combat
You will be able to fight while wielding two weapons simultaneously
Nonnal & Strong Two-handed Attacks if you equip a weapon capable of attacking in the Left Hand Slot,
With any weapon that can be wielded with two hands, you can in addition to your regular right hand weapon . This will allow you to
press the Stance button to switch into two-handed stance [~0 01]. combo attacks faster, and deal damage quicker, but you w ill lose your
You can then press R1/RB to use a normal attack, and R2/RT to use ability to block effectively, so playing this way is not recommended
a strong attack, as you normally would, but the attack power will for beginner players or in areas you're not very familiar with.
be higher than if you were to wield the weapon with one hand . The
attacks will also behave differently than when wielding the weapon Plunging Attacks
with one hand and as such can open new combat possibilities If you're on a ledge or rooftop above an enemy you can drop down
and press R1/RB as you fall to perform a Plunging Attack. Certain
Rolling Attack enemies are weak to this type of attack, and against these enemies
You can attack after performing a roll by pressing R1/RB as the roll you'll trigger a special animation once you land on top of them . This
completes. You will then immediately launch into an attack with your will result in a potentially gigantic amount of damage being dealt in
equipped weapon. The attack will behave differently than when at- a single blow. [ ~~ 02)
tacking while standing. This attack is best used to close the distance
and surprise the enemy. You cannot, however, perform a strong Ranged Weapons
attack after a roll; your character will just use a strong attack as 1f Using a Bow or Crossbow will allow you to damage the enemy
you were standing. from a distance. With a Bow equipped, you can aim in first person
view by pressing the L1/LB button while holding the Bow with both
Evasive Attack hands. This will allow you to finely aim your attacks, which is always
After pressing the Action button to perform a backstep, you can worth doing when you have the chance, because landing a head-
then instantly press R1/RB to use an immediate evasive strike. This shot will count as a critical hit and deal much greater damage. You
attack is useful after a successful backstep to quickly reclose the cannot aim with crossbows, so relying on the lock-on is your only
gap and take advantage of an enemy's missed attack. option . Using ranged attacks to weaken enemies from a distance
from which they can't retaliate is always a good idea when the op-
portunity arises .

Spell effects
Not all spells will deal damage to the enemy. You will sometimes
find spells that will support you in many different ways instead of
being offensive in nature. There are basic support spel ls that will
increase your defense or temporarily enchant your weapon so that it
will cause magic damage. And there are more advanced spells that
will evacuate you to the last Bonfire you have used or slow the ac-
tions of the enemies in the immediate area. See the Magic & Items
chapter for more on using spells.

Sprinting Attack
If you hold the Action button whilst moving to sprint, and then press
the Attack button just as your sprint comes to and end you'lllaunch
into a powerful sprint attack. This attack is fairly fast and covers
ground quickly. This makes it great for attacking enemies that are
attempting to retreat. You can use this to attack hard to hit enemies
such as Crystal Lizards before they can flee .


be damaged slightly. These attacks are
usually heavy ones that you couldn't block
anyway. So if you don't have the time to
avoid the attack it's worth going for a Parry,
as this will allow you to recover quickly from
the deflection and begin attacking again.

Circle Strafing
Stamina Consumption Once you've locked onto an enemy, any
Blocking and parrying attacks will sideways movement you make will result in
consume Stamina. If you run out of your character circle strafing around them.
Stamina whilst blocking an attack This means you'll be able to avoid their
then your guard will be broken. This attacks whilst always facing them. If you do
will leave you stunned for a moment, this up close to an enemy, you'll have a very
giving the enemy an easy opportunity good chance of getting around to their back
to attack while you are vulnerable. Your when they use a linear attack, so this should
shield's Stability stat determines how much Stamina you'll consume when blocking an at- be your primary evasive tactic against single
tack. So it's best to find a shield with the highest Stability you can if you're going to rely on enemies.
blocking rather than evasion . [ ~o 03]
Equipment Dependency Rolling is always a good idea to avoid ene-
By looking at your shield's information screen, you will be able to see how much it will my attacks, as you will have a better chance
decrease enemy attack damage by reading the figures under the DmgReduction% section. to launch a counterattack while they recover
If the shield only decreases physical attacks by 80, then you will only decrease the enemy's than if you were to block. You can also try
attack damage by 80% when blocking, so you will still take some damage. Finding (or up- to roll past the enemy in order to deliver a
grading) a shield that can block 100% of Physical attacks is essential early in the game, as Backstab attack. Locking on to an enemy
this will let you take your time in combat and block until you see a clear opening to attack. may impair your rolling ability, as it will aim
for the enemy's current position most of the
A shield with 100 in physical but a 40 in lightning will be suitable for blocking physical time. You are invulnerable for a brief period
attacks, but not lightning. Once you get comfortable with the combat. you should begin during a roll, and can take advantage of this
taking note of what attacks your shield can block, so that you know which attacks to block to roll through attacks that would normally
and which attacks to evade. Remember that you can use a shield with high Stability to hit you. If you see an attack coming that you
consume less Stamina whilst blocking. That will allow you to block some heavier attacks can't block it's always worth attempting a
that you wouldn't otherwise be able to risk blocking. Getting a shield with high Stability last second roll to try and avoid it.
will balance out having a low Endurance stat, so it's well worth looking for one.
Block and Evade
Riposte If you have trouble dealing with an
After successfully parrying an attack, you can press the R1/RB button to deliver a Riposte
enemy, you can block an attack and
attack [~0 04]. This will greatly damage the enemy and often kill them outright. The window
then roll away in order to have time to
you have in which to press the Attack button will change depending on the shield you're
recuperate. This should always be an
using. Smaller shields will have a larger window in which to press the Attack button, while
option you consider, as it's better to be
larger shields usually allow a shorter duration. During the Riposte animation you are com-
safe and put some distance between
pletely invulnerable, but there is a brief period just as it ends during which you can be hit
you and the enemy. Waiting to block an
by attacks before you recover.
attack before you evade will ensure that
the enemy has to spend precious time
Baiting recovering, so you'll be much more likely
You can actually lure enemies into attacking you. Try keeping your shield up for a long to get away safely.
time, essentially baiting the enemy into attacking you. If an enemy is constantly guard-
ing against you, attack its shield to try and bait its counterattack; from here you can
block or parry the attack. This is a great tactic when fighting an enemy one on one, but
It's always worth remembering that you can
should not be used against groups.
simply run away from an enemy and then
attack it as it's trying to chase you. This is
Deflection also a useful strategy when you're trying
If you try to parry an enemy's attack and get the timing almost right but not close enough to separate one enemy from the rest of a
for the parry to work, you will instead only deflect it. You will not be knocked out of the group, as enemies will follow you deter-
parry animation and you will reduce some of the enemy's attack damage, but you will still minedly once you've attacked them.


You can be afflicted by a few different status ailments in the world of Dark Souls. Once you
are afflicted, your resistance gauge will appear in the center of the screen. Every time an
attack that can cause a status ailment hits you, the resistance gauge for that ailment will
build up. Once it reaches its maximum you'll be afflicted by the status effect [ 70 01 ]. This
gauge will then slowly decrease until the status effect wears off or you find a way to cure
the effect. You can also afflict these statuses on enemies. They can be a really powerful
addition to your offense.


Endurance Bleed llesis. Endurance Bleed Rasis. Rasis. Lvl. Polson Rasis. Rasis. Lvl. Poison Rasia.
Status Buffs
10 51 115 10 51 115
You can gain many status buffs from
2 13 52 116 2 12 52 116 various spell effects or Rings. These
3 17 53 117 3 14 53 117 effects can include many beneficial
4 20 54 117 4 17 54 117 statuses, including increases to your
defense, magic defense, attack power,
5 23 55 118 5 19 55 118
stamina regeneration rate, Equip Load
6 27 56 119 6 21 56 119 and maximum HP among others. These
7 30 57 120 7 23 57 120 are indicated by small icons displayed
8 33 58 120 8 26 58 120 underneath your health gauge.
9 37 59 121 9 28 59 121
10 40 60 122 10 30 60 122 Status Icons
11 44
61 122
11 36
61 122 Icon IEffect
12 48 12 42
62 123 62 123
13 Attack Up
13 52 48
63 124 63 124
14 56 14 54
64 125 64 125 Continuous HP regeneration/Increased Stamina
15 60 15 60 regeneration speed
65 125 65 125
16 63 16 63
66 126 66 126
17 65 17 65 Defense Up
67 127 67 127
18 68 18 68
68 128 68 128
19 71 19 71 Res1st Up
69 128 69 128
20 73 20 73
70 129 70 129
21 76 21 76 Magic effect up
71 130 71 130
22 79 22 79
72 130 72 130
23 81 23 81 Status up due to low HP
73 131 73 131
24 84 24 84
74 132 74 132
25 87 25 87 Poise Up
75 133 75 133
26 89 26 89






II Drop rate/Acquire Soul Up

78 135 78 135
29 97 29 97 Cover effect
79 136 79 136
30 100 30 100



137 a H P drain effect

82 138 82 138 Scapegoat (R1ng of the Sacrifice/Rare
33 102 33 102
83 138 83 138 Ring of the Sacrifice)
34 103 34 103
139 84 139
35 104 35 104 General parameter Up
85 140 85 140
36 104 36 104
37 105
86 141 86 14 1
37 105 Reduce Durablty reduction
87 141 87 141
38 106 38 106
39 107 88 142 88 142
39 107
40 107 89 143 40 107 89 143

41 108 90 143 41 108 90 143

Lava walk
42 109 91 144 42 109 91 144

43 109 92 145 43 109 92 145

Cu rse Resist
44 110 93 146 44 110 93 146
45 111 94 146 45 111 94 146
46 112 95 147 46 112 95 147
47 112 96 148 47 112 96 148
Poison Resist
48 113 97 149 48 113 97 149
49 114 98 149 49 114 98 149
Toxic Resist
50 114 99 150 50 114 99 150


II Bleed
Description Variations
Weapon: Bandit's Knife/Jagged Ghost
I Resist reduction * I Damage NPCs
Instantly deals Damage as a
set % of your max HP Blade/Painting Guardian SwordNVash- 30 max HP: 30 %

ing Pole/Reinforced Club This section will provide an overview of
Weapon: Barbed Straight Sword/ how NPCs work in Dark Souls. The game is
Uchigatana/laito/Morning Star/Spiked 33 max HP: 30% filled with mysterious and interesting NPC
How To Heal Shield/Notched Whip
characters, and the re are many different
Item: Bloodred Moss Clump Weapon: Flamberge/Chaos Blade/
36 max HP: 30% things to do with each of them.
Item: Divine Blessing Claw/Great Scythe
. ............
Sorcery: Remedy max HP: 50%
Weapon: Priscilla 's Dagger 20
Other: Use Bonfire
Weapon: Lifehunt Scythe
(to the opponent)
50 max HP: 50% NPC BASICS
Weapon: Lifehunt Scythe (to the user) 40 max HP: 50%
Enemy: Skeleton/Undead Attack Dog 30 max HP: 17 % Any time you find a character in the game
.. that isn't hostile, you should try Pressing
Enemy: Giant Skeleton 33 max HP: 22%
the Interact button when you are close to
Enemy: Undead Assassin 39 max HP: 32 %
speak to them. You will usually get various
options to choose from afterwards, such as
Enemy: Serpent Mage 45 max HP: 68% purchasing items or spells, and you'll gener-
Enemy: Prisc1lla the Crossbreed 80 max HP: 60% ally have the option to allow you to further
*Higher value= higher possibility
speak to the NPC after dealing with them
[ -+0 02]. You should always listen to what
the various NPCs will say. They may offer you
Poison tips or request your help, which, if granted,
Oescnptton Variations I Resist reduction* I Damage/per X sec may come back in your favor later on.
Repeatedly damages HP Pyromancy: Poison Mist 20/0 2 s 3/0.Bs
within a set interval Many NPCs in Dark Souls move around
Item: Poison Throwing Knife 55 4/l.Os
the game's world throughout the course of
Item: Rotten Pine Resin 30 3/1.0s the game, and their exact movements and
180 seconds
Weapon: Large Club 30 3/l.Os reactions can be triggered by meeting cer-
How To Heal tain conditions. This is a very complicated
Weapon: Poison Arrow 60 3/l.Os
Item : Purple Moss Clump
Enemy: Large Undead Rat/
system, and it can take many plays through
Item : Divine Blessing 12 4/l.Os the game to see most of the possibilities it
Giant Undead Rat
Sorcery: Remedy
Other: Use Bonfire Enemy: Giant Mosquito/ leads to. You should always talk to any NPC
45 9/l.Os
Small Undead Rat you come across in each area and pay atten-
Enemy: Infested Barbarian 55 7/l.Os tion to their dialog for clues on where they'll
be going next.
Enemy: Tree Lizard 60 10/l.Os
Landscape: Blighttown 3/0.06s 4/ l.Os
Attacking NPCs
*Higher value = higher possibility Attacking an NPC multiple times will cause
them to turn hostile. A hostile NPC will
keep attacking you until you are dead, and
Toxic will continue to attack you even if you return
Descnption Variations I Resist reduction* J Damage/per X sec to their location later on. You must kill the
Repeatedly damages H P within Pyromancy: Toxic Mist 20/0.2s 6/l.Os
NPC to get them to stop attacking you, as
a set interval, Slower Stamina there is no way to calm a hostile NPC. The
Item: Dung P1e 55 7/ l.Os
regeneration speed character will stay dead until you complete
Item: Dung Pie 30 7/l.Os the game. There are other reasons friendly
600 seconds
Weapon: Gravslord Sword 30 5/10s NPCs may attack you, even if you never at-
Enemy: Blowdart Sniper 80 14/0.6s tacked them, such as betraying a covenant.
How To Heal
Enemy: Snow Rat 30 5/l.Os
Item: Blooming Purple Moss Clump . .............. ...........
Item : Divine Blessing Enemy: Skeleton Baby 30 7/ l.Os
Sorcery: Remedy
Enemy: Undead Dragon 30/1.6-2.0s 7/l.Os
Other: Use Bonfire
Enemy: Nita 58 8/ lOs
Enemy: Engorged Zombie 150 8/l.Os
*Higher value= higher possibility

Oescnptton Variations J Resist reduction* J Effect
Reduce max HP by half, HP eduction Enemy: Basilisk
takes effect up to 4 times, Your att- (Curse Breath)
....... 1st time: max HP reduces to 50 %
acks hit Ghost enemies whilst cursed
Enemy: Basilisk 2nd t1me: max HP reduces to 25%
1011 0
Duratton (Jump Spit) s 3rd time: max HP reduces to 12.5%
Enemy: Seath the .................. .......................... 4th time: max HP reduces to 6%
210 15
Scaleless s
How To Heal
*Higher value = higher possibility
Item: Purging Stone
Item : Divine Blessing
Can be healed by lngward
(Cost: 1 Humanity)
Sorcery: Resist Curse
(only against 2nd to 4th effect)

Shop Keepers
Covenants There are various merchants to be found throughout the world of
Covenants play a huge part in Dark Souls. These are essentially
Dark Souls. These merchants will be able to sell you items, weap-
factions, each with a different objective. You will be able tore-
ons, armor, rings and spells in exchange for Souls [-tO 01]. Each
ceive different items and rewards based on which covenant you
merchant will sell you different items, and sometimes you'll encoun-
have decided to join, and if you help them on their quests, they ter the same merchant in another area, complete with a different
may range from Rings to powerful spells. Refer to the Extras
range of items in stock.
chapter for much more information on Covenants.


Blacksmiths will help you on your adventure by upgrading your ember [-tO 02] . The possible ascension paths are: Crystal, Light-
weapons and equipment. You are also able to buy items from them ning, Raw, Magic, Enchanted, Divine, Occult, Fire and Chaos. Raw
and have them repair your damaged equipment. There are two ways is unlike the others, as it doesn't change the weapon's abilities, only
of upgrading your weapons and equipment. The first way is by rein- its basic attack power and stats, essentially making it the strongest
forcement; reinforcing your weapons and armor will increase them possible regular version of the weapon.
by one level, improving some of their stats. You are able to reinforce
your own equipment using Bonfires if you possess the weapon and
armor smithboxes. The second way is through ascension; ascend-
ing your weapon will change its properties, essentially changing it
into a different version of the weapon. An example of this would be
ascending your Rapier so that it does Fire damage rather than physi- There are certain places within the game where you can summon
cal, and would then become the Fire Rapier. Weapon ascension an NPC to fight alongside you in battle. Usually this will mean fight-
can only be done by visiting blacksmiths and requires you have the ing a boss together, and the Summon sign necessary to summon
correct amounts of upgrading materials. The process also has a cost them will be located just before the area where you fight the boss.
in Souls that is unique to each weapon. If you defeat an NPC Phantom, for example, you may have the op-
portunity to summon him to help with a boss fight in the same area.
Ember Abilities It's worth summoning them any time you have the chance, because
You will find Embers throughout the world of Dark Souls. By giving if they manage to survive the battle you may get a medal or other
these embers to the right blacksmith, you will unlock new paths for reward from them. Sometimes you'll also have the chance to sum-
weapon ascension. Each of the four blacksmiths you'll encounter mon a merchant to a certain place. For more on summoning, see
has his own pair of specialties, so you'll need to give him the right the NPC section in the Extras chapter of this guide.

This section will provide you with all of the details on how the Online Mode in Dark Souls
works. Note that the Online Mode will change dramatically as time goes by and players dis-
cover new tactics and ways of playing, so what you'll find here is only a primer for surviving
and understanding how the various systems work.


You can play with other Dark Souls players all over the world in friendly allies or invaders. You are only able to summon up to two
Online Mode. This can involve up to three players joining another friendly allies, thus leaving room for one invader. This means that
player's world. There can be a maximum of 4 players in one world; while playing alone you can be invaded by three players, leaving no
one will be the host and the other three may be a combination of room for allies.


Playing Co-operatively If you would like to play Dark Souls without
When playing in co-op you'll be able to team up with two other players to try and clear an being invaded, you can do this by playing
area together. You are only able to summon two other Phantoms, one of which can be an the game in hallow form or by starting
NPC [ ~o 03]. To summon other players, you must answer their call signs, which will be the game in Offline Mode, which can be
displayed on the floor. Move near the call sign and press the Action button to view informa- achieved by signing out of the PlayStation
tion about the player that this call sign belongs to, and then select Yes to begin to summon Network or Xbox Live.
the player. There are conditions that need to be filled before you can summon other players,
and they are as follows:

The player who is summoning (the host) must be in Human form .

The Host player must not have yet defeated the boss in the area.
There are a few systems within the game
The Level difference between all the players must be within 10 Soul Levels.
that are designed to make online play more
interesting, and we' ll cover these here
There is no "friendly fire'.' so you will not be able to harm allies with your attacks. The sum- briefly.
moned players will not be able to interact with NPCs in your world, as they will only appear
as ghosts to them. Summoned players will be unable to use Estus Flasks, Bonfires, or Sin
open treasure chests. They will also not be able to traverse white lights until the host has Acquiring Sin will result in a player being
passed through them first. entered into the Book of the Guilty, allowing
them to face the wrath of followers of the
Success and Defeat Darkmoon Blade covenant. Players gain
If a summoned player is killed, they will be removed from your game and transported back sin by receiving indictments after invading
to their own world without any reward. If the host is killed, all summoned players will be re- another player's world and killing them .
moved from the game and transported back to their own worlds. After defeating the boss, You can request absolution from Oswald
the summoned players wi ll return to their own world and be rewarded with one Humanity of Carim, which will remove all the Sin you
on top of all the Souls gained throughout the level. If you have summoned Solaire as a have gained, for a price. The following is
Phantom, then all players wil l also be rewarded with a Sunlight Medal. a simple breakdown of the conditions for
acquiring and losing Sin:

Another player uses an

INVADING OTHER WORLDS Indictment against you: + 1
You betray an ally: +1
You are able to invade another player's world with the objective of killing the host. There are You are defeated by other player
many different ways to invade another player's world, each one involving a different method who invaded with a Blue Eye Orb: -1
and carrying a different reward for doing so. Great care must be taken when deciding to Oswald of Carim: Cleansing your Sin to 0
invade another player's game, as they may have friendly allies fighting by their side. These
The cost of Cleansing is calculated by your current
allies will be sure to try to kill and distract you as you try to take out the host. making your Sin value x 2000 Souls
chances of success very slim You will not be able to attack the enemies in the host's world
or interact with NPC's.
Being Invaded If you have this item in your inventory and
As you play Dark Souls, you may be invaded by another player who will be around the same are killed by intruders who have used cer-
soul level as you [ ~o 04]. These intruders are tasked with the objective of killing you . For tain methods of invasions, you will be able
you to be invaded, certain conditions must be fulfilled: to indict the player. This results in that player
being entered into the Book of the Guilty.
You must be in human fonn .
You must have not yet defeated the boss of the area yet. Covenants
You must kill the invader to send them back to their own world. Alternatively, if you enter the boss room, the
The Covenants in Dark Souls play a large
invader will have failed in killing you and will be sent back to their own world as they cannot enter the boss area. role in the online multiplayer mode. You
You cannot be invaded by the same player for 30 minutes after being invaded. will be able to invade other players using
methods that are exclusive to a particular
Covenant to gain a reward that you can then
offer to the covenant, increasing your rank
within it. For a full explanation on Cov-
enants, please refer to the NPCs of Dark
Souls section of this chapter.

You are able to use Gestures to communi-
cate with other players online . To do this,
access the Gesture menu by pressing the
Select/Back button. From here you will see
your seven equipped Gestures that you
are able to use; you can press the Stance
button to change the equipped Gestures,
selecting from a list of all your unlocked


White Sign Soapstone

How to Acquire You receive this item by talking to
Solaire of Astora in the Undead Burg.

This item will allow you to place a call sign Shrug Wave Praise the Sun Point Up
on the floor so that another player may
summon you into their world. You may
only place the sign at the beginning of the
area or just outside of the boss room; the
item will be unusable anywhere else. After
placing this sign, you must wait for another
player to answer the sign and summon you.

It may take some time for another player

Proper Bow Prayer
to answer the sign as they must be around
the same Soul Level as you to see the
sign. If you are not being summoned after
some time, try placing the sign in a different will be rewarded with one Humanity. If you are the person who summoned the invader and
stage. Once your call has been answered, have managed to defeat them, the invader will be sent back into their own world and leave
you will be transported to the summoner's a Bloodstain. Touch the Bloodstain to be awarded with one Humanity. The host is able to
world to fight by their side. summon up to three invaders should they wish, and invaders will be able to damage fellow
Orange Guidance Soapstone
Cracked Eye Orb
How to Acquire You can purchase this item from the
Undead Merchant (male) in the Undead Burg or find it as How to Acquire This item is finite and may be purchased off Darkstalker Kaathe or found throughout the world.
a drop.
This item will allow you to invade another player's world by force. Using this item will scan
This item will allow 1. Undead the players available in the area and then transport you to a suitable match. Once you have
you to write messag- 2. Solaire been transported to another player's world, you must look for them and defeat them. If
es that other players 3. Lady of Darkmoon you're successful, you will be transported back to your own world and will be rewarded with
may read. You will one Humanity. If you are the person who has been invaded via this method, defeating the
4. Domnhall
also be able to use invader will send them back to their own world and leave a Bloodstain. Again, redeem the
5. Frampt
this item to rate other Bloodstain to be awarded with one Humanity. The host may report the invader for an indict-
player's messages. ment upon death if they have invaded using this method.
Upon using this item you'll see a list of
pre-written messages that you may choose Red Eye Orb
from . After finishing writing the message,
How to Acquire You receive this item after ranking up once with the Darkwraith covenant, you may only use this item as
other players will see your sign in the area long as you are part of the covenant.
you have left it. Messages can be placed
anywhere. Other players will then be able to This item works the exact same way as the Cracked Eye Orb, the difference is that the host
rate your message should they wish, which will not be alerted that they have been invaded, allowing the intruder to gain an advantage.
will make them last longer within the online This item can be used as many times unlike the Cracked version. Like with the Cracked ver-
world. Getting your message rated highly sion, if the host is killed, they may report the invader for an indictment.
will also change the icon above it. There are
five levels of icons possible for messages, Blue Eye Orb
in the table here.
How to Acquire This item is gained by joining the Darkmoon Blade covenant and can be used as long as you're still part
of the covenant.
Red Sign Soapstone
Using this item will invade a player who is in the Book of the Guilty. The host will not be
How to Acquire This item is found in the Painted World
of Ariamis.
alerted to the invasion, allowing the invader to gain an advantage. If the host is killed, the in-
vader will be transported back to their own world and will receive a Souvenir of Reprisal as a
This item will allow you to invade another reward. If, however, the host successfully kills the invader, they will be rewarded with Souls.
player's world via a soul sign. Using this
item will place a soul sign onto the floor and Dragon Eye
another player must accept it to summon
How to Acqu ire Th1s 1tem 1s ga1ned upon joining the Path to the Dragon covenant and may only be used 1f you're part of
you into their world to fight. the covenant

If you have successfully been summoned You may be able to acquire Dragon Scales from other players by using this item. When this
into another player's world and defeat them, item is used, a sign will be placed on the floor, and if a player has a Dragon Scale and is
you will be sent back to your own world and within the same soul level as you are they will be able to see the sign and answer the call.


You wi ll then be transpo rted to the other a penalty. A host can also use this item to Darkmoon Blade Covenant Ring
player's world. This wi ll be a fight to the banish an invader back to their own world .
How to Acquire Th1s ring is gained by joining the
death between the two players with the Darkm oon Blade covenant.
victor being awarded w ith a Dragon Sca le. Book of the guilty
If the host is killed, they may report the This Ring can be equipped, and if there are
How to Acquire This item can be purchased of Oswald
invader for an indictment if they have the in the Undead Parish.
players who are at a similar Soul Level to
item in their inventory. you, you will be summoned into their world
Using this item will bring a list of players even if you are not in Anor Londo. The host
Eye of Death who have gained Sin, listing them in de- will not receive a message warning them
scending order. After the player information of an invader, thus giving the intruder an
How to Acquire This item can be purchased of Patches
or found throughout the world but you must be part of
has been retrieved, you can select a certain advantage. If the invader successfully kills
Gravelord Servant covenant to be able to use it. player and receive information on the Level the host. they will be sent back and will be
attributes they possess and what items and rew arded with a Souvenir of Reprisal. If the
This item can only be used if you're in spells they have equipped. host manages to kill the invader, however,
Human form. Using this item will shroud they will receive Souls as a reward . You
yourself in a dark mist. and as you play the Indictment must be part of the Da rkmoon Blade cov-
game, a sign will appear in another player's enant for the Ring's effect to occur.
How to Acquire This item can be purcha sed of Oswald
world . If they answer the sign, they will be in the Undead Parish.
transported to your world as an invader. Cat Covenant Ring
This wil l be a fight between the two of you, If you are holding this item and are killed by
How to Acquire This ring is gained by joining the Forest
with the winner gaining an Eye of Death an intruder, you will have a chance to report Hunter covenant.
item. The Eye of Death w ill spread misery the crime of the intruder. This will increase
to another player's world, causing additional the number of Sin they have gained by one With this Ring equipped, if there are players
and stronger enemies to appear in their and enter them into the Book of the Guilty. who are at a similar soul level to you, you
world . They must answer the sign to warp will be summoned into their world even if
to the item user's world and defeat the host Servant Roster you are not in the Darkroot Garden . If the
to break the effect. This effect can target invader successfully kills the host. they wil l
How to Acquire This item can be purcha sed from Pyro-
players even if they are in Hollow form. mancer Eingyi, the servant to the Daughter of Chaos.
be sent back and will be rewarded w ith a
Soul bonus. If the host manages to kill the
Black Separation Crystal The servant roster will allow you to view all invader, they will receive Souls as a rew ard .
the players who are members of the Chaos If the host is killed, they may report the
How to Acquire This ite m will be in you r inventory when
you sta rt a new game.
servant covenant. invader for an indictment if they have the
item in their inventory. You must be part of
If you have entered a player's world as an Forest Hunter covenant for the Ring 's effect
ally, you may use the Black Separation Crys- to occur.
tal to warp back into your own world without


Many of the tactics you have used to defeat the monsters of Dark If you have been warned that an invader is on their w ay, try and find
Souls can be used for the online multiplayer. Be sure to never swing passageways that can only be entered from one place and then
wildly and always leave some stamina remaining , so you may deal hide, aim ing to ambush the enemy as they pass by.
with the other player 's attacks defensively.
The Invader
Keep an eye on your surroundings, you don't want to be luring extra enemies The enemies in the host's w orld wi ll not be able to attack yo u. Be
to your location, or end up rolling off a ledge.
sure to use this to your advantage by hiding behind the enemy so
Don't leave your back exposed; you don't want to get backstabbed. the host will have to lure them out to get to you, and then ambush
Keep an eye on the opponent's movement speed and their equipment. If they are them as they are being surrounded by the enemies .
unable to roll as fast as you, use that to your advantage by attacking them as they
take longer to get back up.
The chameleon spell will help you to ambush your opponent, as it
The Dark Wood Grain ring is very useful for online play as the rolling speed and will leave you disguised . This will be very effective if you have invad-
recovery time is extremely fast .
ed the player via a method that doesn't warn them of the invasion.

The Host
Remember you can summon players as friend ly allies, so if you see
summon signs be sure to answer them . Not only w ill this give you
two extra allies but it will only allow room for one invader, dramati-
cally increasing your odds of victory.

This chapter is designed as a reference for fighting against all of the different enemies in
Dark Souls. There is a great deal of data to inspect and a staggering amount attacks to read
about, so it will serve you well to peruse this short section before looking up an enemy to
make sure you understand what all of this information actually means.

The enemies covered in this chapter are listed by area, and appear according to
the area they first appear in. So if you're having trouble with the Undead Attack
Dogs in the Undead Burg, simply head to the Undead Burg pages to find the
help you're looking for.


The data presented here for each enemy will reveal a lot about the best ways to
tackle them. To make sure every element of the way the information is present-
ed is clear we'l l go through exactly what each item means.

Enemy Data Enemy Attacks

IHP I 80 II Souls I 20 II Respawn j YES li Abilit ies I None Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Undead Parish HP 96 Souls 20 Respawn YES Bite 89 (PHY) Normal No Both Fast
Head Butt 134 (PHY) Strike No Both Fast
Depths HP 112 Souls 30 Respaw n YES
Scratch 95 (PHY) Normal No Both Fast
This is the enemy's Hit Points, or health. It is listed by area, so that Damage
you know how much HP the enemy has in the area you're currently This column shows you the damage value of the attack being
encountering it. described and they type of damage it deal. This number will give
you a good idea of how strong the attack is and what you can do to
Souls defend against it. It won't reveal the actual amount of damage the
This is the amount of Souls the enemy will leave behind when attack always deals, as this is determined by your equipped armor
killed. Again, this is listed by area so that you can see the number of and weapon among other things.
Souls the version of the enemy in your current area will drop.
Damage Type
Respawn The damage type column shows you what type of attack it is.
This column informs you if the enemy will respawn when you rest
at a Bonfire. As with previous entries, this is shown on a per area Pa rry
basis in cases where an enemy respawns in one area but not in This column simply tells you if the attack can be parried.
Abilities This column reveals the directions in which the attack will track you.
This entry details any special abilities the enemy may have, such as
healing with an Estus Flask when their health begins to get low. Speed
This column gives you an idea of the attack's speed.
Enemy Drops

The enemy drop information can be M E D C B A S

found near its name and will list all Guaranteed Drop Common Drop Semi Common Drop Semi Rare Drop Quite Rare Drop Rare Drop Very Rare Drop
of the items the enemy or group of
enemies can drop once killed. In the the group will be shown under the type's name in bold. Sometimes an enemy may drop a different item
case of enemies that are covered as a when you encounter it a second time later in the game, and in these cases the item in question will be
group, the drops for each type within listed under the name of the area where this version of the enemy appears, again shown in bold.

We'll use the example page here to explain clearly what each element of the chapter actually means and how best to use it.

01 Area Name 02 Previously Encountered Enemies

This is the name of the area currently being covered. This name This list shows you at a glance the names of all enemies that
will appear on screen every time you enter the area, regardless appear within the current area but have already been covered
of where you enter it. When you see this name appear on screen in a previous area. To read the full strategy for one the en-
you know you've crossed the boundary into the new area, and if emies in this list, simply go to the page for the first area listed
you check the map you can work out which entrance you've used after its name.
to get there by looking for the name of the area you came from.

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03 Enemy Name 04 Enemy Attacks 05 Enemy Data 06 Drops

This is the name of The enemy's attacks are Here you'll find the enemy's The items the enemy can drop are all listed
the enemy or group listed here. Each one is stats and the data for their here. The information following the enemy's
of enemies being shown in screenshots attacks. These tables are ex- name will include the drop rarity. It will also
covered. and the best way to deal plained in full in the Enemy list the area the drop occurs in, but only in
with it is described in Data Legend section imme- cases where an enemy drops different item
the accompanying text. diately follow this one. when it appears in a different area.


Some enemies covered in this chapter are actually considered NPCs, though you
can't interact with them like regular NPCs. All such NPCs have the same basic
attacks, but some may have powerful Spells or Rings equipped, so for NPC type
we've included their equipment data instead of the usual attack data.

Item Drops
Sword Archer
Broken Straight Sword (A) Short Bow (A)

The Sword-wielding Zombie will usually rush in to attack you as
soon as it spots you. Luckily, all of its attacks can be easily blocked.
Docile The Quick Barrage attack is important, as it's the only multiple-hit
The Docile Zombie will pay no attention to you, as their attention attack they use. If your Class has a shield that's not strong enough
will be focused elsewhere. Thiey usually won't even turn to face to properly block the attack then you'll need to rely on backstepping
you, so you'll be able to perform a Backstab very easily. Once at- against it. due to the its tracking. If, however, you have a shield that
tacked, the Docile Zombie will become aggressive and turn into the can fully block the attack and stagger the Zombie, then you can
Sword variant, so it's best to kill them before they have the chance easily move around to its back for a Backstab. Because of this, the
to strike back. Sword Zombies will only pose a real threat if they attack in groups,
so you must kill them before they have a chance to attack together.
IHP I 69 II souls I 20 I
II Respawn YES li Abilities I None
Undead Burg HP 88 Souls 20 Res pawn YES As you'd expect. Archers will shoot arrows from a distance. These
Undead Parish HP 105 Souls 20 Res pawn YES can be blocked rather easily or avoided by simply moving out of
their path. It's best to move towards the Archer with your shield
Depths HP 123 Souls 50 Res pawn YES
raised, though you can roll through the arrows if you want to ad-
Painted Wortd of Ariamis HP 220 Souls 150 Res pawn YES vance more quickly. Once you get close, the Archer will go down
Undead Asylum (revisited) HP 149 Souls 100 Respawn NO in a few slashes from most weapons.

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Stab Attack 108 (PHYI Normal Yes Left Medium
Two Handed Sword Slash 152 (PHY) Normal Yes Neither Slow
Running Slash 100 (PHY) Normal Yes Both Fast
Quick Barrage * 85 IPHYJ Normal Yes Neither Fast
Arrow Attack (Archer) 85 IPHYI Thrust No Neither Medium
e hit Combo


Zombie (Archer)

Boss- Asylum Demon

Undead Soldier (Sword)


Item Drops
Longsword IAJ
Hollow Soldier Shield IAJ

This is the first enemy you'll encounter that has a shield. They'll use
it for attacking with a Shield Bash (which you can either backstep or
guard). and for blocking and parrying. This means you'll need to hold
back against them, and wait for them to initiate. Most of their attacks
can only be used when they are close to you, with the exception of
the Running Stab attack, which they'll use if there is a small gap be-
tween the two of you. This means you should always defend when
closing the distance, and once close, circle strafe until you block an
attack and then use either a Backstab or a series of regular attacks.

Spell casters can easily take down these enemies from a distance
J HP J 102 JJ Souls J 50 May heal when health IS under 40%
before they can reach you, but you'll still need to be careful, as the
Firelink Shrine HP 85 Souls 50 Respawn YES Running Stab attack can hit you when you're in between casting
Undead Burg HP 85 Souls 50 Respawn YES
spells. The Undead Soldier is easy to take down in an open area,
but they'll often attack from outside your field of view, or ambush
Undead Parish HP 102 Souls 50 Respawn YES you from around corners, so you must be on your guard at all times
Undead Asylum (revisited) HP 144 Souls 150 Respawn YES when these enemies are in the area.

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Shield Bash 157 (PHY) Normal No Left Slow

Slow Poke 180 IPHYJ Thrust Yes Neither Slow
Double Stab 167(PHY) Thrust Yes Left Fast
Running Stab 195(PHYJ Thrust Yes Neither Medium

Attacks Big Pilgrim's Key (M)
Demon's Great Hammer (M)

Hammer Drive The Hammer Drive is

a pinpoint attack that the Asylum Demon
uses when you are standing right in front of
him. Impossible to guard, it has both poor
range and tracking, so simply move out of
the way when you see the Demon raise his
hammer vertically.

Butt Slam A powerful attack,

when you are too close the Asylum Demon
will fly up slowly and proceed to slam down
into the ground. This attack has an Area of
Effect that covers a decent radius around
the Demon. Due to the slow nature of the
attack, however, it's still very easy get clear
of its range in time to avoid it. The long
recovery afterwards offers an excellent op-
portunity for you to attack.

Hammer Scoop The Asylum Demon

will use the Hammer Scoop attack to try to
hit you while you are sidestepping to its left
side and are within range. Be careful if you
are moving in this direction, and roll at the
last second to avoid it if the attack is coming
your way.

Hammer Backswing The Asylum Demon

will use this attack to hit you while you're
moving to its right, making it a counterpart
to the Hammer Scoop. Again, simply roll
in the direction you are sidestepping at the
last second to avoid it.

Hammer Smash The Hammer Smash is

the Asylum Demon's bread and butter attack
in most situations. As a simple downward
smashing attack with the hammer, it can
be sidestepped quite easily, but has great
range so be careful of walking backwards to
try and avoid it.


Hammer Swing The Asylum Demon
will alternate between using this attack and
the Hammer Smash in most situations.
While it has slightly better tracking than the
Hammer Smash, you can still roll through it
easily or sidestep it in either direction.

Double Hammer Swing This attack is

made up of two Hammer Swings, one after
the other. Its tracking is a little improved
over the single Hammer Swing, but it's still
easy to roll through or around it. The Asylum
Demon can sometimes use the Hammer
Smash right after this attack as a combo, so
don't retaliate until you're sure it's finished .

Leaping Hammer Smash The Asylum

Demon will use this variat ion of the Ham-
mer Smash when you are a good distance
away from it. Be careful when you see the
Demon's wings flutter, as this indicates the
start of the attack. This attack is very fast,
but you can still easily roll to either side to
avoid it once you see it coming.

Unless you're playing New Game+, when you first run into the Asylum Demon you'll only options, so you'll only need to watch for the
have a Straight Sword Hilt to attack with. This will deal very little damage to the Demon, and Hammer Scoop and Butt Slam and react ac-
while it is possible to defeat it at this point, doing so is very difficult. If you escape the battle cordingly. Once either of these attack misses
and collect your equipment you'll come to a ledge overlooking the room where the Asylum you, move in for two or three attacks of your
Demon awaits. From here you can jump down with a Plunging Attack to instantly strip away own, and then repeat this process for as long
almost half of its HP Wait too long before doing this, however, and the Demon will jump up as the Demon lasts. This battle is even easier
and destroy the ledge, bringing you down with him to begin the battle at a disadvantage. for magic Classes, as the Asylum Demon is
slow and susceptible to magic attacks from
Once you are down and have begun the battle proper, you should move close to the Asylum range. However, you should be wary of the
Demon and begin to attack it. Stay as close as you can while strafing around the Demon, Leaping Hammer Smash, as the Asylum
using only one or two attacks at a time. Staying close to the Demon reduces its attacking Demon can use at a moment's notice.

I HP I 813 II Souls 1000 II Respawn Abilities I None

Attack Damage AttackType Parry Tracking Speed
Hammer Swing 190 (PHYI Normal No Neither Medium
Hammer Drive Normal No Neither Slow
Hammer Backswing
Hammer Scoop 205 IPHYI Normal No Left Medium
........................... ..................................... .....
Hammer Smash 245 IPHYI Normal No Neither Medium
Butt Slam 305 IPHYI Normal No Both Slow
....... ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,.
Leaping Hammer Smash 275 IPHYI Normal No Neither Medium
Double Hammer Swing 200 (PHY) Normal No Neither Medium

Item Drops
Most of the time the Armored Zombie will charge in and attack. Sword Axe Firebomb
Shortsword IAI Banle Axe (AI Firebomb (C)
This can range from one slash to a quick barrage of swings. These Cracked Round Shield (AI Cracked Round Shield IAI Hollow Warrior's Helm IAI
attacks can easily be blocked with your starting shield. Basic mage Hollow Warrior's Helm (AI Hollow Warrior's Helm (A) Hollow Warnor's Armor (A)
Classes will lose a little health trying to guard, so you'll need to Hollow Warrior's Armor (A) Hollow Warrior 's Armor (A) Hollow Warrior's Waistcloth (AI
Hollow Warrior's Waistcloth (AI Hollow Warrior's Waistcloth (A)
evade more often. You can also parry the slashes and counter with
a riposte attack; the timing isn't too difficult to get used to. The
Armored Zombie will also use its shield to block, but it will still take
some damage.

The easiest way of defeating these enemies is to block their slashes

and, as they are left stunned, circle behind them and use a Back-
stab. Even without using Backstabs or riposte attacks the Armored
Zombie will go down in a few hits. They don't pose much of a prob-
lem on their own, but in groups, however, they can become a real
threat, as their quick combination of attacks can break through your
guard and deal heavy damage very quickly. Always be prepared, as
you wi ll find these enemies jumping off screen and hiding behind
wa lls to take you down.

Since the Axe variant doesn't have a shield, you can go on the
offensive and it won't be able to guard your attacks. Its attacks are
also rather slow, so your attacks will have a speed advantage. It
uses a jumping slash attack when if there 's a small gap between
the two of you; this attack has an obvious starting animation, so you
can always tell when it's coming and begin sidestepping to ensure it
misses. At this point you'll be free to retaliate at your leisure.

This variation will throw Firebombs at you from a great distance .
The firebombs can be blocked, although this isn't recommended, as
you'll lose some health and sometimes the firebomb will explode
above the shield, causing you to take full damage. Always keep your
camera focused on the enemy so you can see w hen and where
the firebombs will strike, and make taking this enemy out your first
priority. Once you get close to the enemy, it will draw its sword and
revert to a sword variant.

IHP I 80 II souls I 30 II Respawn I YES li Abilities! None

Undead Burg HP 80 Souls 30 Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Quick Swing Combo (Sword) 113 (PHY) Normal Yes Both Slow
Two Handed Slash (Sword) 158 (PHYI Normal Yes Neither Slow
....................................... .. . ... .....
Quick Barrage (Swo!d) 110 (PHY) Normal Yes Neither Fast
Yes Neither Medium
Two Handed Slash (Axe) 1691PHY) Normal Yes Neither Medium
Firebomb (Firebomb) 158 (FIR) Normal No Neither Medium
*6 hit Combo


Armored Zombie (Axe)

Armored Zombie (Sword)

Armored Zombie (Firebomb)


Item Drops
The Undead Rat doesn't have much health and will go down in a Humanity IAI
couple of hits or one spell attack. It will be a very good idea to have
a stock of Poison curing items and equipment when fighting them,
however. Alt hough the Undead Rat has weak attacks, those attacks
all carry Poison: taking, or guarding, too many in quick succession
will overrun your resistances easily. They can be blocked very easily
and countered with your own normal attacks, but you'll need to
focus on your Poison gauge and don't hesitate to retreat at times
when it gets too high .

The Undead Rat can move and attack very quickly, so don't attack
wildly as its attacks will beat yours in terms of speed. You'll normally
encounter this enemy in groups, so try to use weapons that have
large horizontal hitboxes to hit multiple Rats with every swing.

I HP I 80 II Souls I 20 II Respawn I YES li Abilities I None

Undead Parish HP 96 Souls 20 Respawn YES

Depths HP 112 Souls 30 Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Bite 89 (PHY) Normal No Both Fast
Head Butt 134 (PHY) Strike No Both Fast
Scratch 951PHYI Normal No Both Fast

Item Drops
Sword and Shield Greatsword
Scimitar (AI Falchion IAI
Red and White Round Shield IAI Red and White Round Shield (A)

This Skeleton is equipped with a Greatsword, so his attacks will do
considerably more damage than the Sword and Shield skeleton's
equivalents. He can randomly swing it in front of him or slowly lift
the weapon above his head for a vertical slash. These attacks can be
blocked and parried easily. His attacks also cause Bleed damage, so
remember to keep your shield up and evade as often as you think is
safe. After a successful block you'll usually be able to walk behind
him and use a Backstab attack.

This variant of the Skeleton can also use a rolling attack to cover
Sword and Shield ground, and guarding this will decrease your Stamina rapidly. A
The Skeleton Swordsman is a much faster and stronger than the spell caster will have an easier time against him, but they must
average enemies you'll encounter early in the game. It has a high keep an eye out for the rolling attack, which can potentially interrupt
amount of health and trying to whittle it down can be challenging, their casting. Fortunately, as his attacks are slower than the Sword
because the Skeleton is highly evasive. The Skeleton has a range of and Shield Skeletons', so you'll be able to read and react to them
different attacks, all of which wi ll cause Bleed damage, so you must much easier.
keep your guard up at all times, and evade as much as you can. It
can also use a quick two hit slash (which is fast enough to interrupt
your attacks). followed by a jump backwards to avoid your counter
attack, so attacking hastily is not recommended. The Skeleton can
also use a spin slash that hits in a horizontal arc in front of it, or pull
his sword back for a vertical slash. These attacks come out slower
than the previous attack, so try to parry them.

A group of these enemies will be difficult to take down, as the

combination of their attacks can decimate your Stamina completely
once you're forced to guard. The worst thing to do is randomly at-
tack, because the Skeleton can parry, so you should be patient and
wait for one of their attacks to miss. They also have good defense
against spell attacks, so if you're attacking them this way you must
keep your distance.
Skeleton Swordsmen {Sword and Shield) Skeleton Swordsmen (Greatsword)

II Respaw n IYES li Abilities! Parry Stance II Respawn j YES jjAbilit ies l Parry Stance
Catacombs HP 195 Souls Respawn YES Catacombs HP 166 Souls Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Status Effect Parry Tracking Speed

Quick Swing Combo (Sword and Shield) 198 (PHY) Slash Bleed: 30 Yes Both Medium
Overhead Slice (Sword and Shield) 210 (PHY) Slash Bleed: 30 Yes Both Medium
.. ... ... ... ... .. ................. .. ...... ...... .... ... .......... .... ............................... . .................... .

Double Slice (Sword and Shield) 214 (PHY) Slash Bleed: 30 Yes Both Fast

Spin Slash (Sword and Shield) 251 (PHY) Slash Bleed: 30 Yes Both Medium
- ..........................
Swing (Greatsword) 272 IPHYI Slash Bleed: 30 Yes Both Slow
......................................................................... ...
Two Handed Slash (Greatsword) 326 (PHY) Slash Bleed: 30 Yes Both Slow
.................................. . ................................... ....
Roll (Greatsword) 50 (PHY) Slash Bleed: 30 No Both Fast


Item Drops
Murakumo lA)


The Giant Skeleton Swordsman towers above the smaller versions,
and as a result all his attacks have much greater range. It cannot
be Backstabbed nor have his attacks parried due to his size. The
Skeleton has both horizontal and vertical slash attacks that can eas-
ily be guarded or evaded. It also uses a quick Stomp attack, which
deal massive Stamina damage, so always try to evade it rather than When he begins to lift his sword up, quickly move behind him and
blocking. The most dangerous attack to look out for is the Sword attack him in safety.
Slam: it slowly brings the sword up and slams it into the ground.
Alt hough this is the Skeleton's most hard-hitting attack, it is also As long as you are patient and have a full Stamina bar you will be
the best time for offense, as he takes a while to initiate the attack. able to block his attacks and counter with your own. Spell casters
will have a much easier time with this fight. as the enemy doesn't
IHP I 448 !! souls ! 500 II Respawn I YES li Abilities ! None have any ranged attacks. As long as some distance is kept, you'll be
perfectly safe.
Catacombs HP 476 Souls 500 Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Status Effect Parry Tracking Speed

Slash Combo 314 IPHYI Slash Bleed: 33 No Both Medium
Sword Slam 352 (PHY) Slash Bleed : 33 No Neither Slow
................................................................... ,,,, , ,,,,,,.,, ,,,,,
Pound 2BBIPHYI Slash Bleed: 33 No Ne1ther Medium
Stomp 427 IPHYI Normal Bleed : 33 No Neither Fast

Undead Soldier (Spear)

Undead Soldier (Crossbow)


Item Drops
This Undead Soldier is armed with a spear, so he will be dealing Spear (A) [Undead Burg, Undead Parish]
Hollow Soldier Shield (A)
damage at decent range. allowing him to attack you as you ap- Longsword (A) [Undead Asylum (revisited)]
proach. It will most often use the three hit stab combo to try and Hollow Soldier's Helm (AI [not Undead Asylum]
break through your guard. Just like with the Armored Zombie, it Hollow Soldier's Armor lA) [not Undead Asylum]
Hollow Soldier's Waistcloth (AI [not Undead Asylum[
is best to guard against his attacks, and then circle around him to Titanite Shard (S) (not Undead Asylum]
deliver a Backstab. Spear attacks are generally very hard to parry, so
focus on guarding and evading .

This version of the Undead Soldier is highly defensive and will often
be attacking from behind his shield. You'll find that he will spend
plenty of time doing this, as he will be trying to bait you into at-
tacking without leaving himself open. You shouldn't grow impatient
and try and break his guard, but you may consider using the kick to
stagger him, gaining an opportunity to attack further. If you also find
yourself with spare Firebombs you should consider using them, as
these will be enough to kill him, even with his guard up.

IHP I 85 II souls I 50 II Respawn I YES IIAbilitiesl Mayhealwhenhealthisunder40% I

Undead Parish HP 102 Souls 50 Respawn YES

Undead Asylum (revisited) HP 144 Souls 150 Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Yes Neither Medium
Yes Neither Fast
Yes Both Medium


Item Drops
Light Crossbow (AI
Hollow Soldier's Helm IAI
Hollow Soldier's Armor lA)
Hollow Soldier's Waistcloth (AI
Titanite Shard lSI

away his Crossbow and pull out a sword. This enemy is an annoy-
ance at times when you have other enemies to deal with, so you'll
need to try and take him out first whenever possible.

Strategy Its greatest threat is in firing bolts from areas you will not be able to
This enemy will fire bolts from his Crossbow from great range. If see until you follow their trajectory back to his location. Once you've
you close manage to the distance and stand next to him, he wi ll put tracked him down, making your way to his location whilst avoiding
the bolts should be your top priority. It's usually not wise to try and
IHP I 85 II souls I 50 II Respawn I YES IIAbilities l None attack him with your own ranged weapons or spells, as he will fire
back and often hit you while you are attempting to hit him.
Undead Parish HP 102 Souls 50 Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Bowgun Shot 135 Thrust No Neither Medium


Item Drops
Black Knight Sword (C)
Black Knight Shield IBI
Titanite Chunk (M} (Undead Burg , Kiln of the First Flame]
Red Titanite Chunk (M} !Undead Asylum (revisited)]

The Black Knight is the first truly strong enemy in the Undead Burg,
and can give you real trouble at the start of the game. He has high HP.
with attack power and defense to match. The Black Knight's attacks
are fairly quick and his combos can break through your guard, so roll-
ing past his attacks is preferable to guarding. This enemy has two main
attacks: the first is a normal downward slash attack, which if success-
ful, will continue with another two hits. This combo can also home in
on you, so you may have trouble trying to circle behind him and go
for a Backstab. The second attack is a Running Stab, which can be
followed by an upward swing. He will often use this attack when there
is some distance between the two of you. It's best to try and bait out
this attack, as you can land a Backstab when he tries to follow up with
the upward swing. All his sword attacks can be parried, but the cost of
missing the timing is severe.

The Black Knight is also equipped with a shield, and will use a Shield
Bash attack capable of breaking through your guard instantly. When
this lands successfully, he can follow up with his Poke attack. Fortu-
nately the Shield Bash only has short range, so this can be evaded by
moving, or by rolling away. His shield can reduce damage from magic
spells and even Fire damage, so you must wait for him to lower it be-
fore attempting these attacks. If you're a spell caster then you should
fire spells from range, as he doesn't block much from a distance, or
wait for him to use the Running Stab attack for an opening.
IHP I 710 II souls I 600 II Respawn I NO IIAbilitiesl None
Magic users need to judge their distance perfectly, staying at the tip of
Undead Asylum (revisited} HP 745 Souls 1200 Respawn NO the Black Knight's range as much as possible. Once he attacks, move
Kiln of the First Flame HP 958 Souls 1200 Respawn YES backwards slightly and instantly cast a spell.

Attack Damage AttackType Parry Tracking Speed

Poke 296 IPHY} Thrust Yes Both Medium
3 Hit Combo 316 IPHY) Normal Yes Both Fast

Item Drops
Havel's Ring (M)

a Backstab. Guarding one of his attacks will deplete most of your

Stamina, however, so make sure to lower your shield while you
move to his back to regenerate it faster. If your shield is not strong
enough to effectively guard his attacks, you can use a roll instead
to evade them. This can sometimes make it difficult to close in fast
enough for the Backstab afterwards, however, and mistiming it even
slightly can lead to you taking massive damage.
Havel the Rock is an extremely dangerous foe due to the devastating
power of his large Hammer, and the near impenetrable defense his
armor and shield provide, truly earning his title of "The Rock ': Most
forms of attack will only deal a fraction of the damage to Havel that
they would to other enemies, including Backstabs and all types of
Sorcery. This means you wi ll be in for a long battle, regardless of
how you intend to fight him. Weapons that have been augmented
to do additional types of damage (such as Fire or Lightning) will do
significantly more damage to Havel than normal weapons, so try to
only engage him using one of these types.

Havel has two attack stances that he will switch between frequently:
one-handed and two-handed . While he is wielding his weapon in
both hands his guard is only partially effective, allowing you to do
some damage while his is blocking. When his weapon is in one
hand, however, he will always have his shield raised, which will
reduce your damage to practically nothing, making attacking him
at that time futile. His attack power is significantly lower in his one-
handed stance, and even though his attacks are faster, you can still
easily see them coming. In either stance it is also possible for Havel
to do a large backstep, followed up by a dashing attack; if you see
him backstep, do not close in and try to attack.

Try to be constantly strafing to your left while guarding, and then

after blocking one of his attacks, continue moving around him for

I HP I 1034 II souls I 3000 II Respaw n I NO IIAbilit ies l None

Havel's Armor
Havel's Gauntlets
Havel's Leggings


Item Drops 09_002
Demon's Greataxe IB)

IIIUIWU!PMI If there's too much dis-

tance between you and the Taurus Demon,
it will use the Jumping Pound to close in
rapidly. The demon will crouch down, and
then it will jump towards you and deliver a
long range vertical attack. As soon as you
see the demon crouch, either run towards it
and roll past the attack, or continue moving
backwards to get out of range.


Standing Pound This close range ver-
sion of the Pound is only used if you're very
close to the Demon , and is also much eas-
ier to avoid. Wait until you see the Demon
raise its hammer into the air slowly, and as
he commences the attack. walk around to
his back. From this position you will be safe
to attack before it recovers.

Giant Swing At the start of this at-

tack the Demon wil l draw back its wea pon
briefly, before initiating a huge swing across
a horizontal arc in front of it. This attack
does not have very much range, so it can
easily be evaded by backstepping once you
see it draw its weapon back. Alternatively,
you can roll towards the Demon and go
under the attack, which will allow you to get
some quick hits in.

Quick Ground Stab Another attack that the

Demon will only use when you're close.
Because it is one of the quickest attacks,
it's the primary one you need to be wary
of. The start of the attack is quite similar to
the Standing Pound, but the follow up is
much quicker. You can still move around to
the back of the Demon during the start of
the attack, but be ready to roll to the side in
case you do not get around in time .

Although this boss can inflict a lot of damage, it has quite low HP are having trouble getting back up the ladder after a Plunging Attack,
and most of its attacks are easy to see coming and avoid. Add run away from the tower and lure the Demon away from it. You can
to this the fact that you can also use the environment to your then wait for it to initiate an attack and roll past it to have a free shot
advantage, it can actually be quite a simple battle . When you first at the ladder; make sure you climb it quickly, however, as you can
walk through the fog, go up the ladder to the right and kill the two still be hit whilst on the ladder.
Undead Soldiers at the top of the tower. Once that is done, go back
down and walk along the bridge until the Taurus Demon appears, Another thing to be mindful of is the fact that you cannot stay
and then run back towards the tower. on top of the tower for very long while setting up your Plunging
Attacks. This is because the Demon has the ability to jump up onto
Wait until the Demon is directly below the tower, and then walk the tower with you. If this happens, quickly roll off the front of the
off and use a Plunging Attack to inflict a large amount of damage. tower onto the bridge below and lure the Demon away again. Py-
While the beast is recovering, you should try to maneuver past it so romancy and Magic can also be very effective against the Demon,
that you can climb the ladder again quickly, and then go for another and allow you to get some easy hits in while you are luring it away
Plunging Attack. It will only take a few of these attacks to kill the from the ladder. If you do happen to find yourself engaged with the
Demon, so it is by far the most effective way to take it down. If you Demon at close range, use the long startup on its attacks to move
around to its back, where you can get some land some quick hits
IHP I 1215 ll souls l 10oO II Respawn l - li Abilities ! None
before he attacks again.

Demon Ruins HP 900 Souls 1200 Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Giant Swing 315 IPHYI Normal No Both Medium

Quick Ground Stab 315(PHY) Normal No Neither Medium

Standing Pound 3151PHYJ Normal No Neither Medium

Item Drops
The Undead Attack Dog has relatively low health, but they can None
quickly overwhelm you with their fast attacks. The most difficult part
of fighting this enemy, however, is actually landing a clean hit on it
The Attack Dog is capable of using a large backwards and sideways
jumps, both of which can easily cause your attacks to miss. These
jumps will usually come just before and after it attacks, giving you a
very small window in wh ich to hit it

Both Biting attacks can be easily blocked if there is just one Dog
around, and as soon as you finish blocking, you should attack it
with your fastest attack before it jumps away. Only attacking during
this small window will greatly cut down on the likelihood of getting
hit, which is especially important against this enemy, since every
attack causes Bleed build-up. The Bite attacks from the Dog are also
extremely fast, and they can often interrupt you if you are overly
aggressive in your attacking; staying defensive and using calculated
attacks is a much more effective way to deal with the enemy.

j HP j 100 ll souls j 50 II Respawn J YES jj Abilities J None

Undead Burg/lower Section HP 100 Souls 150 Respawn NO
Depths HP 117 Souls 75 Respawn YES

Depths (Butcher's Dog) HP 126 Souls 150 Respawn NO

Bite 130 (PHYI Normal Bleed: 30 No Neither Fast

Jumping Bite 1751 PH YI Slash Bleed: 30 No Neither Fast


Item Drops

you did the others, by blocking an attack and then moving around it
for a Backstab. It does, however, have one new attack that you wi ll
need to be wary of, and that is the Crazy Run . The Zombie will start
Strategy dashing towards you while flailing its Torch in a very fast, and very
This Torch-wielding Zombie still has the same low H Pas the other powerful 4-hit combo. The Zombie will close in very quickly once it
variants, but the additional Fire damage from the Torch means that it initiates this attack, so always keep the camera tra ined on it, espe-
ca n be a threat. You'll usually be able to fight this Zombie much like cially if you are fighting other enemies in the area.

IHP I 88 II souls I 20 II Respawn I YES li Abilities! None

You'll often encounter numerous Torch Zombies in the same area,
and blocking multiple Crazy Runs will quickly deplete your Stamina.
Undead Burg/Lower Section HP 105 Souls 20 Respawn YES In these instances it is much better to try and parry the attack and
Depths HP 123 Souls 50 Respawn YES use the invulnerability of the riposte to keep you safe. Outside of
the Crazy Run, this Zombie is just as slow as the others, which
Painted Worid of Ariamis HP 220 Souls 150 Respawn YES
means it is very susceptible to ranged attacks and spells.
Undead Asylum (revisited) HP 149 Souls 100 Respawn YES

Attack Damage AttackType Parry Tracking Speed

Jump Attack 81 (PHY)/145 (FIR) Normal Yes Neither Medium

Torch 145 (FIR) Normal Yes Both Medium
* 4 Hit Combo

Item Drops
The Undead Assassin is a fast and deadly enemy despite its low Bandit's Knife (A)
Target Shield (A)
health , and because all of its attacks cause Bleed, you will have to
be especially vigilant with your guard around them. Unlike a lot of Hollow Thief's Hood (A)
normal enemies, keeping your guard up should be the rule even Hollow Thief's Leather Armor (A)
Hollow Thief's Tights (A)
if this enemy is at a distance, because it will often use Throwing
Knives to attack you from range. Because you will normally encoun-
ter multiple Assassins at once, having to contend with Knives com-
ing at you from different angles can be extremely difficult. In these
situations you are much better off retreating, and then using parts of
the environment to cut down on their possible throwing angles.

At close range this enemy can be just as deadly, thanks to the

speed and damage of its knife attacks. You will need to time your
attacks carefully, and only start attacking after blocking an Assassin's
attack and staggering it, or causing one of its attacks to miss. Out-
side of its attacks, the Assassin can also shift into a highly defensive
posture, raising its shield up to the side; any normal melee attack
you do at this time is guaranteed to be parried, so either use ranged
attacks or a Kick.

IHP I 138 il souls l

Quick Slash 130 (PHY) Normal Bleed : 39 Yes Both Fast

Throwing Knife 150 (PHY) Thrust Bleed: 39 No Neither Medium

Boss - Capra Demon


Item Drops
Attacks 09_0 03
Key to Depths (M)(Undead Burg/lower Section]
Demon Great Machete (81 ]Demon Ruins(
Single Swing

Single Swing This is a single swing

with either the Capra Demon's left or right
sword. The tracking is decent to the side the
attack is heading, but as long as you move
or roll in the opposite direction, it can still
be easily evaded. If you do not have time to
evade, then both of these attacks can also
be blocked normally.

Double Swing This attack starts off

similar to the Single Swing, but is quickly
followed up with an additional left swing.
Both of these attacks can be easily guarded,
but the loss of Stamina is high enough
to make evading them a better choice.
Depending on your position, you can either
avoid the whole series by rolling backwards,
or sidestepping all the way around them.


Left Sword Smash The Left Sword Smash
is a quick strike that tracks well to the Capra
Demon's left side. While the attack can be
blocked, it does a lot of Stamina damage
and can easily break your guard, which
can be deadly if there are any Attack Dogs
around. Rolling into the attack to avoid it is a
much safer option, and can create an open-
ing for you to get some quick hits in.

Power Slash The Power Slash is a

deadly dual sword attack that tracks incred-
ibly well. It is also unblockable and will deal
huge damage if it connects, but luckily, it
has a very long start up time and is easy to
see coming. The animation for the attack is
very unique and obvious, so as soon as you
see the Capra Demon raise both swords
together above its head, move backwards
out of the attack's range to safety.

Leaping Smash The Leaping Smash is

a surprisingly fast long range attack with
both swords that the Capra Demon will use
to close in on you quickly. It's very power-
ful and cannot be guarded, however the
tracking is non-existent and the attack can
be avoided by sidestepping or rolling to the
side very easily. The Capra Demon is vulner-
able once this attack misses, so make sure
to close in and attack before it can recover.

The Capra Demon is not such a significant threat on his own, as can also be used to your advantage, because it allows you to reach
evidenced by him appearing as a normal enemy later in the game. the top of an archway that the Demon cannot access. While you are
However, here he is joined by two Undead Attack Dogs, changing on this platform you will only have to contend with the dogs, as the
the dynamics of this battle considerably. The Capra Demon and his Capra Demon tries to attack you in vain from below.
allies will assault you as soon as you enter the tiny area where you
have to fight them, and your first priority should be to take out the Once the Capra Demon is on its own, it suddenly becomes a much
Attack Dogs as soon as possible. more manageable fight. Most of the Demon's attacks can be easily
blocked or evaded and you only really have to be wary of the Power
The Attack Dogs move much faster than the Capra Demon, and you Slash. The Demon is also extremely weak to Lightning based at-
will need to use this to your advantage. Any time the Demon gets tacks, so if you have any Gold Pine Resin it will definitely be worth
close to you, run to the opposite side of the area to create space. using it . Spell casters can have troubl e against the Capra Demon in
Since the dogs will reach you first, you can always get some hits in open ground because of slow casting times, but if you cast spells
before the Demon catches up. The staircase on the left of the room from the top of the archway you can get around this . It is also pos-
sible to use Plunging Attacks on the demon form the archway if it
IHP I 1176 ll sou1s l1200 II Respawn I - li Abilities! None happens to come close enough.
Demon Ruins HP 643 Souls 800 Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Double Swing 275 (PHY) Normal No Neither Medium
.................. ........ ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,
Single Swing 281 (PHY) Normal No Both Medium
Neither Medium

Left Sword Smash 2531PHYI ................... .. ......... Normal No Both Medium

Power Slash 405 (PHY) Normal No Both Medium

Item Drops 09 _004
Tail: Drake Sword IM)

Fire Breath The Hellkite will breathe

fire with a short sustained duration cover-
ing the entire span of the bridge. Your only
chance of avoiding this attack is to position
yourself against either the front or back wall
of the alcoves in the middle of the bridge,
depending on where the dragon is when it
uses the attack.

Bite Watch for the Hell kite

to rear its head up to one side as an indica-
tion that this attack is about to be used. It
will then sweep its head across the bridge,
and chomp on anything that gets in the way.
To avoid this attack, either roll towards the
dragon to get underneath its head for an
attack chance, or backstep away from it to
gain some space.

Dashing Flame The Hellkite dashes

towards you, coating its body in a veil of
flames. This is very difficult to block or
avoid, and it will often be used a few times
in quick succession. You must stay near the
middle of the bridge to have any chance
of avoiding it; heading down the staircase
there is your only option, so when you see
its neck retract and coil to start the attack,
head for it as quickly as possible .


Front Stomp The Hellkite will move
its leg forward to crush you with its foot.
This attack can be avoided by rolling under
the enemy or by moving backwards quickly.
It's possible to block this attack, but doing
so will consume a lot of Stamina and can
result in your guard being broken.

Stomp This attack is similar to

the Front Stomp, but the Hell kite will use it
when you're much closer. This attack affects
a small area directly under the dragon, so
you can easily avoid it by rolling away or to
one side.

Tail Whip If you are positioned

some distance behind the Hellkite, it will
attempt to whip you with its tail. It's best
to attempt to roll through this attack, in the
direction that tail is coming from. You can
eliminate the use of this attack by slicing off
the dragon's tail.

In the middle of the bridge are two alcoves, the front sides of which act as safe spots fore heading back up again. You must repeat
against the Hellkite's Fire Breath attack when the dragon is perched on the building. When- this process until the tail has been severed .
ever you move out of these alcoves, the dragon will use its Fire Breath to keep you pinned.
If you stay in an alcove for a while it will then jump down onto the bridge to engage you. If you want to continue attacking the
Hellkite with a Bow it's best to head back
Fighting the dragon while it's on the bridge is extremely difficult, and many of its attacks onto the bridge and move into the alcove
will be almost impossible to block. Make sure you have equipment with high Fire resistance by the staircase. From this position you
and either use a strong Lightning weapon or coat your normal weapon in Gold Pine Resin if can see the dragon's head, allowing you to
you want to attempt this. You'll need to stay near the middle of the bridge in order to have deal much higher damage with each shot.
a chance of avoiding the Hell kite's various attacks; you should aim to never get too far away To be perfectly safe you'll need to run down
from the staircase or alcoves. It's not recommended to attempt cutting the dragon's tail off the staircase whenever the dragon lands
when fighting like this, as trying to get behind the Hell kite will very likely get you killed. on the bridge, and then head back up once
it's clear, and then repeat the process for
Using a Bow is a much safer and more practical option for defeating the Hellkite at any point as long as it takes to kill it. Ensure that you
in the game. To safely shoot the dragon's tail off you'll need to head down the staircase onto have enough arrows before attempting
the platform below the bridge. From the right hand side of this platform you'll have a clear this (divide the Hellkite's total HP by the
shot at the dragon's tail, and shooting it will cause the dragon to drop onto the bridge, be- amount of damage your arrows are dealing),
because the dragon will heal itself if you 're
I HP* I 2208 I Souls I 10000 [[ Respawn forced to go and restock.
*Tail HP: 200

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Black Knight (Greatsword)


Item Drops
Black Knrght Grea tsword (C)
Black Knight Shield (B)
Titanite Chunk IMI!Undead Parish!
Red Tita nite Chunk (M i l Kiln of the First Flame]

This Black Knight is equipped with a Greatsword, and as a result has a
greater range and power for all of his attacks, and is just as challenging
as the Black Knight you have previously encountered. He has a greater
number of attacks, however, that he will use to take you down.

The primary threat is a horizontal slash that slices through the area
in front of him; he may follow this attack with two more horizontal
slashes then finish the move off with a stab for a four hit combo.
Rolling away from the first slash is not recommended, beacuse he
may continue the combo, which will damage you while you are in
the rolling animation. This attack will also home in on you as you
strafe, so blocking the slash and trying to move in for a Backstab
attack will be more difficult to do than before . Although his Great-
sword allows him to deal out more damage while covering a greater
area, it will be heavier for him to w ield. As a result his attacks will
take longer to initiate, offering you a chance to parry and counter
with a riposte attack. You may also roll under the attack and attempt a
Backstab as he misses. His next attack is the Golf Swing; this attack
also takes a while to perform as he must run a short distance before


swinging his Greatsword, so you 'll have an opportunity to go for a process . Like the previous Black Knight, all his attacks apart from the
Backstab attack. The Sword Pound attack causes high damage and Shield Bash can be parried.
will most often break through your guard . Do not attempt to block
against it. The best way to deal with this is to roll past it. His final A big problem with this enemy is the area you will encounter him
attacks are the stab attacks. There is a normal version and a charged in. Its small size makes it difficult for you to roll around in and
version that will come out slower. These two attacks can be blocked easier for him to hit you, as his weapon nearly covers the span of
against, although you may find yourself losing some health in the the entire area. It's best to try and lure him away from the area,
leading him to the section where the Bonfire is below, so you will
IHP I 710 II souls I 600 II Respawn I NO II Abilities l None have an easier time.

Kiln of the First Flame HP 958 Souls 1200 Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

4 Hit Combo 420 (PHY) Normal Yes Both Slow
.................. .. ......... .

Sword Pound 450 (PHY) Normal Yes Both Medium

Golf Swing 450 (PHY) Normal Yes Both Medium
Stab 413(PHY) Thrust Yes Neither Medium
......... ......... ... ...
Charged Stab 420 IPHY) Thrust Yes Both Slow
Shield Bash 210 (PHY) Strike No Both Medium


Item Drops
This enemy will be a much tougher fight than usual. He is equipped Sword Rapier
Balder Side Sword (AI Rapier lA)
with a sword which can cause serious damage, but the biggest Balder Shield (A) Buckler (AI [Undead Parish]
danger is that this enemy has the ability to parry your attacks. So if Balder Helm (A) Balder Helm (AI
you attack wildly the enemy may parry your attack with his shield Balder Armor (AI Balder Armor (AI
and counter with his own riposte attack, reducing your health by a Balder Gauntlets (AI Balder Gauntlets (AI
Balder Leggings (AI Balder Leggings (A)
large amount. He has two main attacks: a slash which he can per- Titanite Shard (AI [Undead Parish] Titanite Shard (AI [Undead Parish]
form up to three times, and a two-handed slash. These attacks can Titanite Shard (C) [Sen's Fortress] Balder Shield (AI [Sen's Fortress]
be blocked and parried without too much difficulty, which means Large Titanite Shard (A) ]Sen's Fortress] T1tan1te Shard (C) [Sen's Fortress]
Large Titanite Shard (AI [Sen's Fortress[
you can deal with this enemy rather easily by blocking the attacks
and moving in for a Backstab, or, if you're comfortable with its attack
timings, parry them and counter with your own .

Spell casters can defeat him, but must make sure that they only use
spells when his shield is down to inflict maximum damage . A group
of these enemies can easily overpower you, so you must defeat
them as quickly as possible.

This enemy is equipped with a Rapier, so his attacks are much faster
but don't have much attack power. He is still just as dangerous as
the Sword variant. His main attack is his stab attacks, which can
come very quickly. These can be parried, but the timing is much
stricter than the average attack, so it is best to just block them and
strike back. He can also do a swing attack, which may lead to a
three-hit combo. These attacks can still be blocked easily. At times,
you will find the enemy will point his weapon at you. You must not
attack when he is in this stance as he will parry your attack with his
weapon and counter with his own riposte attack. To deal w ith this
dilemma, you can either wait for him to come out of the stance or
perform a kick attack which will knock him out of the stance. You can
then attack him as he is dazed . Since this variant can attack quite
quickly, it may be easier to defeat him by blocking his attack and
going in for a Backstab while he is stunned. You can also defeat him
using spells, as long as you keep away from him and keep an eye
out for him trying to charge in and attack.

Elite Undead Guard (Sword) Elite Undead Guard (Rapier)

I HP I 228 II Souls I 100 IHP I 266 ll souls l 100 May heal when health is under 40%

Sen's Fortress HP 380 Souls 500 Respawn YES Sen's Fortress HP 399 Souls 500 Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Slash (Sword) 238 IPHYI Normal Yes Neither Med1um
. ..... ............. ..
Two Handed Slash (Sword) 300 IPHY) Normal Yes Neither Medium
Swing (Rapier) 268 IPHYI Thrust Yes Both Fast
Stab (Rapier) 309 (PHY) Thrust Yes Left Fast

Item Drops
Fang Boar Helm (C)

stab attack. One last attack is the Tusk Launch, where the enemy
will try and lift you up from the ground with its tusks. This attack can
be guarded against.

The difficult thing about this fight is that the enemy has a tendency
Strategy to push you around while you are guarding , so you can easily get
The thick armor this enemy is coated in grants it an extremely high pinned against a wall if you are not careful. To prevent this, either
resistance to both physical attacks and spells, and its size means stay out in the open where you can evade more effectively, or use
that none of its attacks can be parried. If you are standing near its the environment to block its attacks so you don't have to rely on
head, it will often attempt to use a tackle attack w here it w ill leap evasion. Upon first seeing you, the Armored Tusk will always use a
towards you quickly, so always keep your guard up to defend against charge attack, so be ready to evade and go for a Backstab. In this
it. Its deadliest attack is the Charge, which cannot be blocked, so area there are also piles of flaming corpses, and if you can cause the
you must roll out of its path . This charge can follow you, so you boar to charge into the fire it will inflict a large amount of damage .
must not roll too early or you will still end up getting hit by the
attack. As you'll notice, the Armored Tusk is covered everywhere
except its rear, which is the only place to damage it physically. When
you have rolled past the charge, quickly move to its rear and perform
a Backstab attack, which will damage it greatly. If you spend too
long behind it while attempting a Backstab, it will use the Boar Kick
with its back legs to defend itself. This attack cannot be guarded
against, so you must perform the Backstab attack and not give the
enemy the chance to use it.

If you find yourself standing to either side of its head then it will
swing its head violently, attacking the area in front and to its sides.
As it performs this attack you can strafe around to initiate a Back-

IHP I 307 II souls I 500 II Respawn I NO IIAbilities l None

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Tusk Launch 350 JPHY) Thrust No Neither Slow
Tackle 350 (PHY) Thrust No Neither Medium
Tusk Attack 238 (PHY) Thrust No Both Medium
. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... . . . . .. .......
Boar Kick 238 (PHY) Strike No Neither Medium
Charge 238 (PHY) Thrust No Both Fast

Item Drops
Strategy Channeler's Trident (A)
The Channeler doesn't have much in the way of health or defense,
but he can still be a formidable foe. He will usually attack with a
long-range spell and if you do manage to get near him, he'll switch
to wielding a trident which can cause great damage. The Channeler
cannot be Backstabbed or countered with a riposte attack.

His most frequent method of attack is the Soul Arrow spell. This
attack, like other projectiles, can come from off-screen and its main good thing is, all of his melee attacks can be blocked easily, so you
objective is to distract you. The Soul Arrow can be blocked, but you will be able to attack him while he is left stunned.
may still take some damage doing this. It's best to roll out of the
way whilst keeping the Channeler in your view. You can tell when The biggest problem the Channeler will pose is his power-up dance.
he is about to use the spell, so you can dodge it accordingly. Once When he does this, the Channeler and all nearby enemies will gain
you are near the Channeler, he will use his weapon; his one-handed an attack boost. It is best to kill the Channeler before he gets the
stab attack is deadly, as it actually hits you three times with just one opportunity to do this, because if he succeeds, you will find yourself
stab. Sometimes he will switch to wielding the weapon with two overwhelmed by powered-up enemies. Spell casters may have
hands and do a quick swing combo or a two-handed stab attack. The a harder time dealing with the Channeler. He will fire spells back


at you as you are casting them, so you'll end up losing health. Al-
j HP j 186 jj souls j 400 II Respawn I NO II Abilities j None
though he may not move in to attack you at close range, the nearby
Depths HP 217 Souls 400 Respawn NO powered-up enemies will.
The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave HP 387 Souls 800 Respawn YES

Attack Damage AttackType Parry Tracking Speed

One Handed Stab 213 (PHY) Thrust No Both Medium
Two Handed Stab 219 (PHYI Thrust No Left Medium
Normal No Left Medium
Soul Arrow 200 (MAG) Normal No Neither Medium
Power Up Dance* No Neither Medium
Raises ATK of user and nearby allies: x1.85


Item Drops
Greatsword (A) Steel Gauntlets (A)
Greataxe (A) Steel Leggings (A)
Tower Shield (A) Titanite Shard (M) !Undead Parish)
Steel Helm (A) Large Titanite Shard (C) !Sen's Fortress]
Steel Armor (A)

The Heavy Knight doesn't have many attacks. He has the weapon
swing, which he may perform more than once in a row. This attack
moves in a horizontal arc in front of him. Since the attack comes out
slow, you will have time to run or roll behind him and slash him until
he regains his composure . This attack can be blocked. He will also
do a Mace slam attack, but just like his previous attack, it takes a
long time to perform and can also be blocked . Both of these attacks
can be parried, but since the Heavy Knight is so large, you will not
be able to perform a riposte attack. You can however, still get a few
hits in as he is left stunned. The Heavy Knight can also make use of
a Shield Slam that is primarily designed to break your guard, but the
slow startup of the attack means it can easily be avoided.

Since all of the Heavy Knight's attacks are slow, you wil l easily be
able to stay behind him and attack him . Just make sure you have
enough Stamina to be able to guard or roll his next attack. This
Strategy enemy will also use his shield to block your attacks, and attacking
The Heavy Knight is a large enemy so his attacks cover a greater while he's blocking will just waste your Stamina. You can wait for
range and do extra damage. However, because of his size, the at- him to stop guarding, or try and attack the right side of his body,
tacks will take a long time to perform. He is also equipped in heavy which isn't protected by the shield. The Heavy Knight's attacks may
armor so your attacks will do much less damage to him than a nor- be slow, but they will still heavily damage you, so you must make
mal enemy. You cannot perform a Backstab attack on him because sure none of his attacks are successful. Remember to keep plenty
of his size. of Stamina in reserve to ensure he doesn't break your guard. A spell
caster will have a much easier time, as this enemy has no ranged at-
IHP I 372 ll souls l 350 May heal when health is under 40% tacks and his slow attacks will leave him vulnerable for a long time,
allowing you to land a few spell attacks on him .

.. ~ll\li~gDo.ll\ln .(la.rge .rr1a~~~ .. 303 (PHYI Strike Yes Neither Slow

Mace Slam 404 (PHY) Strike Yes Neither Slow
Shield Slam 378 (PHY) Strike No Neither Slow

Item Drops
Titanite Catch Pole (A)
Demon Titanite (M)

is by rolling . He is also quite agi le and will jump around the area
dodging your attacks, meanign you'll often have to chase after him.

The primary attack he uses is a 3-hit combo that consists of two

horizontal swings, followed by a vertical slam into the ground. There
is also a slightly slower version of this combo that takes slightly
longer to execute, but has much greater range. During t he combo
his tail can also damage you, which limits your evasive options .
The best way to deal with the attack is to stay as close as possible
to the demon , right behind his empty hand . From this position the
attacks will often miss completely because you are outside of the
attack's hitbox, allowing you to get some quick hits in . If you cannot
get close, block or roll to the left for the first attack, then roll again
towards him for the second attack. While he brings his weapon up
for the final hit you ca n then get round to his back and attack.

You can stay behind him and attack, but you must leave some
Stamina in reserve, because the enemy will jump to readjust him-
self to face you again . He may end up jumping on you as he does
this, which will also deal damage to you.

Strategy His most hard-hitting move is his Grab and Bash attack. He will initi-
The Prowling Demon is a difficult enemy to deal with ; his attacks ate this by slowly raising his weapon up and then striking the area in
cover a very large span of the area and deal heavy damage w hen front of him . If he is successful this will impale you and smash your
they hit you. His attacks can be guarded against, but at the cost of body against the ground. This attack will deal huge damage to your
a large amount of Stamina . This, added to the fact that his attacks health, very likely killing you . Fortunately, it takes a very long time to
cannot be parried, means the best way you can deal with his attacks perform and the hitbox is small, so you can avoid it by backing away.

IHP I 1506 ll souls l 1000 II Respawn I NO liAbilities! None Spell casters will not have much luck when it comes to fighting this
en emy. The Prowling Demon can shoot a lightning spell at you if
Sen 's Fortress HP 2510 Souls 2000 Respawn NO you 're far away, or he may use his jump attack and land on you . You
Anorlondo HP 2635 Souls 5000 Respawn NO must always be on the move if you're attacking him with spells . This
will be a difficult enemy to defeat and will depend entirely upon on
Catacombs HP 2133 Souls 1000 Respawn NO
how well you consume your Stamina.
Lost lzalith HP 3137 Souls 5000 Respawn NO

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

3 Hit Combo 338 IPHY) Normal No Both Slow
Long Combo 350 IPHY) Normal No Both Slow
Jump 338(PHY) Normal No Both Fast
Lightning 290 Ill G) Normal No Neither Slow
Grab and Bash 409 1PH Y) Normal No Neither Slow
* Extremely Powerfu l Grab Attack


Item Drops 09_00 5
Body: Gargoyle's Halberd lA)
Gargoyle's Shield lA)
Gargoyle Helm lA)
Single Swing
Tail: Gargoyle Ta1l Axe (M)

Single Swing The Bell Gargoyle

slowly brings its weapon back and swings it
in a horizontal arc; the hitbox for this attack
is huge. You can best dea l with this attack
by blocking it or rolling under it and attacking
the enemy wit h your weapon as the enemy
is recovering from its attack. Don't try and
block against the whole three-hit combo or
you may find your guard being broken.


Heavy Knight (Mace)

Boss- Bell Gargoyles

Two -handed Swing The Bell Gargoyle will
begin to swing its weapon, but will wield
it with two hands for an increase in attack
power. You can roll under the attack or block
it with your shield and then strike the en-
emy. Don't try to block all of these or your
Stamina will take a serious hit.

Stab The Bell Gargoyle will

thrust its weapon towards you. This attack
comes out faster than the others and can
cover a great distance. So stay focused, be
sure to block against this attack or roll to the
right and attack if you find yourself near the

One-handed Slam The enemy will raise its

weapon above its head and slam it into the
ground in front. This can cause high damage
if you don't block it. You can also roll to the
right to avoid it.

Two-handed Slam This is the the same

as the One-handed Slam, but with more
power. You can deal with this attack just like
the other Slam attack, so be sure to counter
with your own attacks if you end up rolling
through it.

Tail Whip The Bell Gargoyle will

use this attack if you are standing behind it.
It will spin its tail and try to whip you with
it. You can reduce the effectiveness of this
attack by slicing the tail off during the fight.

Flying Ta 1l Wh1p The Bell Gargoyle will

fly into the air and whip the area in front
with its tail. You can block this attack or walk
backwards to avoid it completely.


Flying Swing The enemy will fly into
the air and swing its weapon towards you.
You can avoid this attack by walking back-
wards. Alternatively, you can simply block
against this attack.

landong Attack The Bell Gargoyle will

fly into the air and then quickly land behind
you and swing its weapon. This attack
comes out fast so it would be easier to deal
with it by blocking, the moment you see the
enemy begin to land, turn around and block
the coming attack.

Shield Bash If you find yourself too

close to the enemy, it may try and bash you
with its shield. You can roll to the right of
this attack as its hitbox is rather small. Then
counter with your own attacks as it is left

Flame Breath The enemy will slowly

breathe fire from the right and move the
flames to the left. This attack is only used
once the enemy drops below 50% of its
health. When the enemy begins to initiate
the attack, try and run to the left of the
enemy's body. You will find yourself next to
the flames, but just out of their reach. This
way, you will be able to attack the enemy
for longer than normal.

This battle takes place on a roof, so you must keep away from the edges at all times to avoid Once you do around 50% damage to the
being knocked off the building. At the beginning of this fight, aim all of your attacks on its tail Bell Gargoyle, a second one will join the
to slice it off and gain the Gargoyle Axe weapon. This is easiest to do when the Gargoyle is fight. Fortunately, the second one will only
using its Flame Breath attack. have around 50% health. Concentrate all
your attacks on one, so you aren't over-
whelmed. The enemies are weak to spell
I HP I 999. Souls I 1500.. II Respawn II Abilities I None attacks, so if you find yourself with a spare
Gold Pine Resin, be sure to use it.
*Tail can be cut, HP65 / **Defeat 2 to acquire souls

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Single Swing 221 (PHY) Normal No Neither Slow
Two Handed Swing 226 (PHY) Normal No Both Slow
Stab 255 (PHYI Normal No Neither Medium
Shield Bash 221 (PHYI Normal No Neither Slow
One Handed Slam 2751PHYI No Ne1ther Slow

Flying Tail Whip 365 (PHYI Normal No Neither Slow

Two Handed Slam 288 (PHY) Normal No Neither Slow
Flame Breath 281 (FIR) Normal No Neither Medium
........................... ......
Tail Whip 343 i PHY) Normal No Neither Slow

Item Drops

Sack (C)

Butcher will initiate this attack with his left hand and takes a while
Strategy to perform. Use this time to take a few steps back and wait until
The Butcher is armed with a giant cleaver that can reduce your the Butcher has missed the attack, giving you the chance to counter
health by a large amount if you allow yourself to get hit by it. One of with your own hits.
the Butcher's main attacks is a horizontal Swing, which can be done
up to three times in quick succession. While you can block this at-
tack (and then move around for the obligatory Backstab) , it is rather
slow, so it can be just as effective to use a parry and riposte. The
enemy also has a Cut attack that can cover range and a sword slam
attack, which can be blocked and avoided rather easily, so you can
go for the long overdue Backstab as it performs this attack.

Although the other attacks are rather easy to block or evade, you
have to keep an eye out for the Knock and Cleave attack. This at-
tack will knock you down to the ground and the Butcher will then
follow with an attack wielded with all its strength. This will cause
huge damage and cannot be avoided if the first hit succeeds. The

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Cut 282 (PHYI Normal Yes Ne1ther Slow
.......... ... ........
Sword Slam 337(PHY) Normal No Neither Fast
Swing 316 (PHY) Normal Yes Both Slow
................. ............................
Knock and Cleave 378 (PHY) Normal No Neither Slow


Item Drops
Large Titanite Shard (A)/Green Titanite Shard (AI

Slimes will usually start off attached to the ceiling, where they wait
for their prey to pass beneath them. As soon as you are below one,
it will drop down and envelope you in a Grab, using multiple attacks
for a large amount of accumu lative damage. If you know one is in
the area, keep watch on the ceiling and lure it into dropping down
by walking beneath it. You can then instantly backstep to avoid the
grab. Once it's on the ground, it will generally use one of two at-
tacks. The first is the Body Slam, during which the Slime will slowly The Slime has a high defense so it won't go down quickly, but with
increase in size, and then attack you with its body. The second is the attacks that can easily be blocked, you shouldn't have too much
Spike Attack, in which bone spurs jut out around the Slime's entire trouble against this enemy. The biggest danger is when there is a
body. Both attacks are quite slow and thus can be easily blocked. group of them, as the group of enemies can attack in quick suc-
cession, causing you to lose Stamina and break your guard. Take
[HP [ 142 [[ souls [ II Respawn IYES li Abilities I None advantage of its lack of speed by keeping your distance.

Attack Damage AttackType Parry Tracking Speed

Grab* 91 IPHY) Strike No Neither Medium
Body Slam 158 IPHYI Normal No Neither Slow
...... ................................... .
Spike Attack 168 IPHYI Normal No Neither Medium
'Extremely Powerful Grab Anack

Large Undead Rat

Item Drops
This Undead Rat is larger than the previous version ; as a result it Humanity (A)
gains an increase in attack power and health. Despite having the
same attacks as the smaller rat, its attack range has now increased
due to its increase in size. Just like w ith the smaller version, its
attacks will do Poison damage to you so be sure to have Poison
heal ing items . Its bite. scratch and head butt attacks can still be
blocked like with the smaller version, so when it is left stunned from
attacking your shield, be sure to get a few attacks in.

You will need to keep your guard up to decrease the build-up of

Poison, but make sure to lower it between its attacks, so that your
Stamina can recover faster. The Large Undead Rat will attack in
groups, which will be much harder to deal with than a single one .
Like before you must not allow yourself to be overwhelmed by the
multiple enemies' attacks or your guard will break and you'll begin
to lose health . An easier strategy is to take them out one by one
from a distance with a spell or ranged w eapon so you w ill have less
enemies to fight against.

I HP I 140 II Souls I 60 II Respawn I YES I!Abilitiesl None

Attack Damage Attack Type Status Effect Parry Tracking Speed

Bite 165 1PH Y) Normal Poison: 45 No Both Fast
Head Butt 213 (PHY) Strike Poison: 45 No Both Fast
Scratch 182 IPHY) Normal Poison: 45 No Both Fast


Item Drops
Humanity (M)

This Undead Rat tow ers over the large vers ion in size and thus has
a huge increase in attack power and health . This enemy will prove
much more difficult to defeat than the previous rats. Like the Large
Undead Rat, it has the same attacks as before and still does Poison
damage, so be sure to bring Poison healing items . All of its attacks
now have a huge increase in range due to its giant stature . age, w hich is good as you don't w ant to spend t ime healing , giving
the enemy a chance to strike you.
Due to the increase in size and attack power, any attempt to block
the Giant Undead Rat's Scratch attack will only result in you taking If you find that you are having troub le defeating this enemy t hen here
a large amount of damage and having your guard broken . Wherever is a way to triumph over the Giant Undead Rat w ith ease . You w ill
possible, take advantage of the slower attack speed this attack has, see a pit where the large ember is located, hidden behind breakable
and try use Rolls to evade it rather than attempt to block it. Once barrels and boxes close by. When you fall down into th is pit you will
you have rolled under you can strike as it is left to recover. You can find yourself on a ledge directly above the enemy. From here you can
still block against the other two attacks, but these now consume attack with spells or a ranged weapon w ithout fear of rats attacking
more Stamina. As a result, you cannot spend too much time with you . You can also walk off the ledge and perform a falling stab attack
your shield up . So after blocking against one attack, be sure to lower to damage the enemy by a large amount, allowing you to defeat the
your shield so your Stamma can increase at a faster rate, giving you enemy quicker. You do, however, need to time your jump right as the
enough Stamina to block against another attack and then counter. enemy may walk away making you miss the attack and giving the
By blocking against the attacks, you will receive less Poison dam- enemy the opportunity of attacking you while you are stunned .


[ HP [ 693 [[ souls [ 400 [[ Respawn [ NO [[ Abilities[ None

Attack Damage Attack Type Status Effect Parry Tracking Speed

Giant Bite 282 IPHY) Normal Poison : 12 No Both Fast
Giant Scratch 289 IPHYI Normal Poison: 12 No Both Fast
Giant Head Butt 351 IPHYI Normal Poison: 12 No Both Fast

Item Drops
The Basilisk cannot directly attack you and inflict damage. It instead Eye of Death (AI
relies upon its breath attacks that create a white mist cloud over a
small area. Any time spent in the vicinity of the mist will cause you
to start becoming Cursed, so make sure you get out of the area
quickly. Its second attack is a jump spit. which it may use when
there is distance between the two of you. The Basilisk will jump
towards you and spit as it is airborne. This spit attack will also cause
the Curse status effect on you.

Fortunately, this enemy does not have much health or defense and
the attacks take a while to perform so you will be able to kill it eas-
ily. A group of these enemies will be able to Curse you much more
quickly. Make sure you kill them as soon as possible and stay out of
the mist attack. You may have some difficulty defeating this group
of enemies from a distance. Although they don't have much health,
they do travel very quickly, so they may close the distance as you
are attacking with a spell or ranged weapon.

[HP [ 117 [[ souls [ 200 [[ Respawn [ YES [[ Abilities[ None

The Great Hollow/Ash Lake HP 193 Souls 400 Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Status Effect Parry Tracking Speed

Curse Breath Normal Curse: 20 No Both Slow
Jump Spit Normal Curse : 9 No Neither Medium

Item Drops
g09 _006
Blighnown Key (MI
Tail: Dragon King Greataxe (MI

Left Leg Swipe The Gaping Dragon will

slowly bring its left leg up and then swing
it across its front. This attack covers great
range, so it is best to either run away from
it, or try and stick to the enemy's right-hand
side as it does this attack and start attacking
with your weapon .

Roght Punch The enemy will punch

you with its right arm. This attack doesn't
cover much distance, which enables you to
run to the left-hand side of the enemy and
start attacking with your weapon before it
has a chance to use another attack.

Tail Whip The Gaping Dragon

will swing its tail to one side of its body.
The best strategy is to quickly run to the
enemy's front to avoid the attack. You can
cut off the tail during the fight so the enemy
will no longer use this attack.

Triple Stomp The enemy will bring

its leg up and quickly stomp three times in
succession . The Gaping Dragon focuses this
attack on the area in front of it. As it does
this attack you can run to the side and attack
with your weapon.

Jump The Gaping Dragon will

fly up into the air and try to land on you .
Keep the camera focused up above so you
can see where the dragon is go1ng to land
and make sure to sprint so you can avoid
the attack easier.


Charge The enemy will begin
to charge in a straight line. You can run to
the sides to avoid this attack, as the enemy
can't change direction. Once the Gaping
Dragon stops charging, it will pause for a
moment to recover. You can use this time
to launch your counterattack.

Stomach Slam The enemy will point its

stomach in the air and then slam it into the
ground with great force. Avoid the attack
by running away or you can try rolling into
it by the enemy's side. The latter is difficult
to do however, as you need to time the
roll just right. After this attack, the enemy's
teeth will be stuck in the ground leaving it
defenseless, which gives you the opportu-
nity to attack.

Corroding Ooze The enemy will point its

stomach towards the ground and will expel
a liquid that soon covers a big portion of
the area . You must run away from the liquid
as staying in it will begin to degrade your
equipment's condition. If you stay in it for
too long it is possible for your whole armor
set and weapons to break, leaving you with
no way to attack or defend.

In this battle, it's recommended to deal with the attacks by running away, instead of rolling recovering after using those attacks . So be
or blocking. The Gaping Dragon's attacks are very powerful, so trying to block against them sure to wield your weapon with two hands
may end with your guard being broken and a large amount of your health being drained. As for the increase in attack power.
the attacks cover a large area, you may still find yourself getting hit wh1le rolling.
You may find it easier to use a ranged
When you first enter the battle, be sure to focus all of your attacks on its tail. Slicing it off weapon in this fight, as the enemy only has
will remove the tail whip attack and also gain you the Dragon King Greataxe. Afterwards, one ranged attack, which is the Jump . The
stick mainly to its sides or rear, as they are the safest spots. It will use its Jump attack to Gaping Dragon is a slow enemy in general,
fix its position, but stay persistent and sprint back to its safe spots and attack. Keep an eye so you should be able to damage it quite
out for its Charge and Stomach Slam attacks as the Gaping Dragon will spend a long time a bit before it will be able to attack you at
close range. The enemy takes greater dam-
age from lightning attacks, so use Gold Pine
I HP I 4401 * I Souls I 25000 Respawn I Abilities I None Resin if you have any in your inventory.
*Tail can be cut, HP300

Attack Damage Attack Type Status Effect Parry Tracking Speed

Stomach Slam 558 (PHYI Normal No Neither Medium



Jump 558 (PH Y) Normal No Neither Fast

Item Drops
Club Boulder
Large Club lA) Pickaxe (B)
Dung Pie IE) Dung Pie IE)

The Infested Barbarian's club will deal high damage if it hits you; for-
tunately it can be blocked rather easily. Its main method of attack is
swinging its weapon at you wildly. The Barbarian may follow up the
attack twice for a three-hit combo. You can block its attack and then
move behind it for a Backstab attack. Its attacks are slow to perform
so they will also be easy to parry. The Barbarian's strongest attack
is the Two-handed Slam. This can also be blocked and parried rather
easily, so be sure to parry and counter with your riposte attack. All
of its attacks inflict Poison damage, so evading them as much as
possible is crucial.

This Barbarian is armed with a giant rock. It deals high damage and
Infested Barbarian (Club)
is harder to block than the club-wielding Barbarian . From a distance
I HP I 883 II Souls I 250 II Respawn I YES li Abilities I None it will throw its rock at you before picking up a replacement one. It
may also roll the rock in a straight line, but you can easily move out
Infested Barbarian (Boulder)
of the way of this and perform a Backstab. The same applies to its
IHP I 883 II souls I 350 II Respawn I YES li Abilities! None swing and smash attacks, as the attack speed is slow for both.

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Yes Neither Slow
............................................. ...
Strong Swing (Club) 382 Normal Yes Neither Slow
Two Handed Slam (Club) 432 Normal Yos Neither Slow
Throw (Boulder) 423 Strike No Neither Slow
Smash (Boulder) 405 Strike No Neither Slow
Boulder Roll (Boulder) 324 Strike No Netther Medium
Boulder Swing (Boulder) 342 Strike No Both Slow


Item Drops
The Infested Ghoul has a w ide range of attacks that you 've seen Sword Spear Blunt
Broken Straight Sword (A) Spear IAJ Soul of a Lost Undead (C)
by now from numerous enemies in previous areas . It w ill mostly Large Soul of a Los t Undead ICJ
attack by sw inging its weapon wildly to try and overw helm you . Soul of a Nameless Soldier IBJ
The Ghoul's w eapon attacks can be blocked rather easily, and after Humanity (A)
you successfully guard one, move behind the enemy and perform a
Backstab attack. Its strong attack can be parried rather easily as it's
very slow with an easy parry timing. The Ghoul's most damaging
attack is the grab; you can tell when it's about to use it as it w ill hold
both of his arms out, readying to jump . If successful the ghoul will
keep biting at you, causing high damage to your health and most
likely killing you. Be sure to interrupt the attack by hitting the ghoul
when you see both of its arms out.

There are three different types of this enemy each wielding a differ-
ent weapon: a sword, a spear and a corpse. It makes little difference
what they wield as they all have the same attacks and health . These
enemies are dangerous in groups as they can break through your
guard and kill you in moments . Attacking from a distance is best to
reduce their numbers more easily.
Infested Ghoul (Sword)

I HP I 365 II Souls I 150 II Res pawn I YES li Abilities! None

Infested Ghoul (Spear) Infested Ghoul (Blunt)

IHP I 365 II souls I 150 II Respawn I YES li Abilities ! Non e I HP I 365 II Souls I 150 II Respawn I YES li Abilities I None

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Pu sh 191 (PHY) Strike No Neither Fast

Grab 113 (PHY) Normal No Neither Slow
Swing !Spear) Normal Yes Both Fast


Infested Ghoul {Blunt)

Strategy Item Drops
This enemy w ill shoot darts at you from a distance , caus ing
instant Toxin damage. The form ofTox in used by this enemy is Purple Moss Clump IMI
Blooming Purple Moss Clump (G)
extremely potent, and can reduce your HP very quickly; before
venturing into this area, make sure you have the appropriate re-
storative items to avoid an untimely death . The darts it fires can be
blocked, however, which greatly reduces the Toxin bu ild-up . You
need to try and get close to the enemy while not taking enough
darts to cause the status effect.

In addition to using your shield to block, you can also use the walls
to block the darts and then try to run towards the next nearest wall.
Another way is to wait behind the wall and see if the enemy ends
up approaching you. If so, you will be able to ambush it before it will
have a chance to attack with its darts. Once you have reached it, you
can kill it quickly as the Blowdart Sniper doesn't possess high health
at all.

Dart Thrust Venom: 80 No Nei ther Fast

Push 67 (PHY) Thrust Venom: 80 No Neither Medium


Item Drops

This enemy is a slightly different version of the Undead Attack Dog
that you have previously encountered, and it smaller size makes it
much harder to hit. It has the identical Bite and Jumping Bite attacks
to the bigger version, but has now gained a new attack : fire breath.
The enemy will breathe fire in the area in front of it; this attack can
only be blocked if your shield has good fire resistance or else you 'll
take damage. You can run to its side as it's breathing the fire, giving
yourself an opportunity to attack. The enemy will jump around to
avoid your attacks, so be sure not to attack wildly. small size, so create some distance so you don't end up swinging
your weapon above its body. You can defeat them quite easily with
This enemy does not possess much health, but the problem lies in spells or ranged attacks, as they don't have much health. These en-
actually hitting him. You'll find that your attacks will miss due to its emies will cause great harm to you if they attack in a group. Be sure
to take advantage of any enemy who is engaged in the fire breath-
j HP j 124 jj souls j 150 II Respawn IYES jj Abilities l None ing attack, by attacking them as they are stuck in the animation.

Attack Damage AttackType Parry Tracking Speed

Bite 218 (PHYI Normal No Both Fast
Jumping Bite 284 (PHY) Slash No Neither Fast
Fire Breath 374(FIR) Normal No Left Medium


Item Drops


Wall Hugger from a distance, either with magic or a ranged w eapon

like a Bow or Crossbow. If you are forced to go up close, move near
it to bait it into using the Head Thrash attack, then punish its recov-
ery quickly with one or two attacks.

Strategy Leg Stab

The Parasitic Wall Hugger is a sort of guardian of an area in Blight-
town, sealing off the entrance to a small tunnel. Upon killing it, it will
never respawn, allowing you free access to this area . The Parasitic
Wall Hugger cannot be parried or Backstabbed.

Its main attack is to thrash its bulbous head wildly when you come
near. This is a damaging attack, and is very difficult to block since it
hits numerous times. It will also shred your Stamina to pieces, and
if it hits you, will very likely knock you clean off the narrow platform,
plunging to your doom . As a result, it is imperative you take out the

IHP I 594 I Souls I 1000 I Respawn I NO li Abilities! None

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed
Head Thrash 459 IPHYI Thrust No Both Fast
Leg Stab 450 IPHYI Thrust No Both Fast

Strategy Item Drops
The Giant Mosquito possesses a very low amount of health; it
will only take one or two hits to kill it. These enemies will attack in None

groups to try and kill you. Their main attack is their stinger, they can
sting you up to four times. Each hit can be blocked, but when there
is a group of enemies doing it, your guard will break and they will
start depleting your health. Their second attack is a projectile, that
can hit you from a few paces away. All of the Giant Mosquito's at-
tacks cause Poison build-up, so try to evade them rather than block
to keep it to a minimum.
Blood loss
You will usually see a swarm of these enemies slowly flying to-
wards you from a distance. In this case you can use a ranged
weapon or a spell to kill them before they get the chance to
harm you. Even if there is a group of them, you should be able
take them all out quite easily due to their low health. These
enemies make a distinctive noise, so you can hear them from
far away. You can then prepare as they slowly fly towards you.

IHP I 50 ll souls l II Respawn I YES li Abil ities! Spawns from the swamp
Attack Damage Attacklype Parry Tracking Speed
No Both Fast
Blood loss 1081PHY) Normal No Neither Medium

Strategy Item Drops
The Giant Leech possesses low health and only a few attacks.
Its Head Smash attack can do some damage, but it can easily be Large Titanite Shard (B)/Green Titanite Shard (A)
blocked. If you are a short distance away from the enemy then it
may use its Jumping Smash attack, but this can also be blocked
easily. Its spit attack can also be used at range, however, and inflicts
Poison damage as well. If you avoid any of these attacks, you'll have
plenty of chances to retaliate, as it takes a while for it to recover.

A group of these enemies can be trouble as they may break your

guard if you hold your shield up for too long. Also, the swamp area
will restrict your movement and Poison you if you stay in it for too
long, which the enemy may take advantage of. By standing on dry
land where your movement isn't restricted, you can easily take out
an entire group of these enemies in relative ease with either ranged
attacks or spells.

IHP I 124 !! souls ! 100 II Respawn I YES li Abilities! None

Attack Damage AttackType Parry Tracking Speed

Head Smash 232 IPHY) Normal No Neither Slow
Jumping Head Smash 284(PHY) Normal No Neither Medium
Spit 180 (PHY) Normal No Neither Medium

Item Drops
The Cragspider shouldn't give you too much difficulty; it possesses None

low health and only has a few attacks. The main attack that it will
use is the Flame Whip. This can be blocked easily if you have a
shield with good fire resistance equipped. If you don't have one in
your inventory, just hold back until the enemy has finished using
the attack and then strike. It should only take a few hits to bring
the Cragspider down.

The enemy may also plant Fire Eggs, which explode on impact.
These are easy to spot and they will disappear shortly after they
have been deployed so long as you don't come into contact with
them. You can kill the enemy easily from a distance with spells or
a ranged weapon as this enemy doesn't have any ranged attacks
and isn't particularly fast when it comes to closing the distance.
You may come across a group, but they are still not as difficult as
other enemies in this stage.

!HP ! 167 !! souls ! 100 I Respawn I YES !!Abilities ! None

Attack Damage Attacklype Parry Tracking Speed


Item Drops
The Egg Carrier is a servant of Ouelaag, and usually is slow-moving None
and easy to avoid. The real danger comes when you kill the Egg
Carrier, and the Vile Maggots burst forth from its corpse. The Egg
Carriers are also unique in that they are the only enemy that can
inflict a certain status condition, the Egg Infection. This will cause Maggot Stab
you to eventually sprout an egg-like growth on your head, which in
turn stops you from equipping helmets. To cure this, you will need
to use the Egg Vermifuge item.

The Egg Carrier uses an unblockable grab attack to infect you, so

avoid this at all costs. The only other attack it has, is a short ranged
attack that uses a protruding maggot to attack you. This is easy to
avoid, and the Egg Carrier will go down in a few hits.

j HP j 129 jj souls j

Attack Damage AttackType Parry Tracking Speed

Maggot Stab 203 (PHY) Normal No Neither Slow
Parasitic Infection * 297 !PHY) Normal No Neither Medium
causes Egg Infection

Item Drops
The small, unassuming Vile Maggots sprout from the corpse of an None
Egg Carrier in groups of five. While they are very frail and complete-
ly vulnerable when they first appear, once they hit you, it is highly
likely that you will be combo'd to death by the maggots without
being able to move at all. Their attacks are incredibly fast and relent- Blood Spit
less, with almost no cooldown between them.

The best solution is to use a hammer, mace or axe type weapon to

destroy them in one strike as soon as they hatch from the Egg Car-
rier. This is made possible as they are grouped closely together as
soon as they hatch. Make sure their Jumping Bite never hits, as you
will be combo'd to death.

j HP j 68 jj souls j 15 jj Respawn j YES jj Abilities j None

Attack Damage AttackType Parry Tracking Speed

Jumping Bite 205 (PHY) Normal No Neither Fast
Blood Spit 81 (PHY) Normal No AOE Medium


Egg Carrier

Vile Maggot

Item Drops 09_007
Soul of Ouelaag (MI

lava Sp1t This attack comes from

the large spider that is the lower half of
Ouelaag's body. The spider will spit a large
pool of lava either directly in front of it, or
where you are standing. This lava lingers for
a long time, causes significant fire damage,
and can quickly block off the battlefield if
you allow Ouelaag to use it too much. It
also cannot be blocked.

Tnple Fire Slash Ouelaag's own direct

form of attack. She will extend her fire
sword and swing it twice, before using it in
a final stab. This sequence can be blocked,
but blocking all of it will reduce your Stam-
ina bar drastically. It is best avoided, either
by staying very close to Ouelaag, or staying
near her sides and back. This attack has a
small hitbox, so you will often find yourself
passing underneath it.

Fne Stab This is a long-range

thrust from Ouelaag's fire sword. It is also
the attack she uses as the last hit in her
Triple Fire Slash sequence. It is the same
here, easy to block and even easier to side-

Lava Spew Ouelaag's spider half
will begin to spew pools of lava. This has a
massive area of effect due to each glob of
lava exploding when it hits the floor, quickly
resulting in whole areas of the floor being
covered in lava . If you don't get behind Oue-
laag quickly, you will be either surrounded or
immersed in the lava.

Fire Burst An explosion of fire

energy. Th is attack has a te ll-tale animation
where Ouelaag will raise herself on her hind
legs and cha rge up. Use this opportunity to
back away as fast as possible. This attack
can be blocked, but it will do massive dam-
age to your Stamina.

Leaping Lava Spit When you are a good

distance away, Ouelaag will jump towards
you and spit lava at you at the same time.
Similar to the Lava Spit attack, but has
greater range.

Leg Stomp This attack is designed

to deter you from staying near Ouelaag's
rear and hind legs. Ouelaag will raise either
her left or right legs, and then bring them
down swiftly and forcefully.

Strategy try to wait for her to initiate her Triple Slash.

You are better off going for all out offense in this battle rather than trying to guard Ouelaag's This is a great time to move further down
few attacks that are blockable. For this reason, switch to two-handed as soon as you begin her side and attack as much as possible.
the battle, using your most powerful weapon. Try to wear armor that is resistant to fire dam-
age, and a shield that can block a good amount of fire damage. While you are close, if you see her raise
her leg, its either a Fire Burst or Leg Stomp
You'll want to stay as close as possible to Ouelaag's front and sides at all times. The nearer attack. Either way, move backwards out of
you are, the less likely it is that Ouelaag will use her Lava Spew attack. which will render large range as fast as possible. If you stay near her
areas of the battlefield unusable. Stay close to the front of Ouelaag, slightly to one side, and rear, you will be even less likely to get hit by
her lava and sword attacks, but she will be
I HP I 3139 II Souls I 20000 I Respawn I I Abilities I None more likely to use the Fire Burst attack.

Attack I Damage I Attack Type I Parry I Tracking I Speed

Triple Fire Slash 108 IPHY)/367 !FIR) Normal No Ne1ther Medium

Leg Stomp Normal No Neither Menium

.. ...
................... .. .. ..... ....... ... ... ,, ,,.,
Fire Burst 691 (FIR) Normal No AOE Slow

Fire Stab 108 (PHY)/432 (FIR) Normal No Neither Medium

Lava Spew* 198 (FIR) Normal No AOE Medium
Leaves lava on ground causing damage if stepped on


Item Drops
The Mushroom Man Child is a fairly non-threatening enemy, and is Gold Pine Resin (B) [Darkroot Basin[
sometimes completely docile and will never attack. Other times,
it throws small punches, and uses the somew hat damaging Trip
attack. Normally not a problem and easy to deal w ith, but w hen they
are supported by the incredibly powerful Mushroom Man Parents,
they can be extremely bothersome.

The Mushroom Man Child's attacks (when it is aggressive). can all

easily be blocked . It is also possible to Backstab the Mushroom
Man Child if you can get round to its back. Be careful of any nearby
Mushroom Man Parents, as more often than not the child is just a
distraction, designed to take your attention away from the looming
parent whose punch is about to put you down for the count .

I HP I 662 II Souls I 50 II Respawn I YES II Abilitiesl Non e

Darkroot Basin HP 633 Souls 50 Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Punch 229 (PH Y) Strike No Neither Medium
Trip 233 (PHY) Strike No Neither Fast

Item Drops
The beastly Parent version is different from the child in several Gold Pine Resin IMI [Darkroot Basin)
ways, starting with its always aggressive nature . As soon the parent
spots you, it will move in to begin the fight. It's stupendous power
and durability make it stand out from most other enemies, and its
great tracking makes dodging its punches very difficult. The Mush-
room Parent's attacks cannot be parried, nor can it be Backstabbed.

Since the Mushroom Parent has such great tracking on its punches,
you will inevitably end up blocking some of them. This isn't ideal,
since these punches do big damage to your Stamina bar, and will
break your guard very quickly. The best approach to take is to use a
ranged attack as you back away, so a mage is particularly effective
here. You can also move close to bait a punch and then move back-
wards to dodge it and punish. Make sure you always have open
ground behind you , since if you ever back yourself into a corner,
you probably won't get out alive.

jHP j 2484 ll souls j 150 II Respawn j YES li Abiliti es! None

Darkroot Basin HP 2376 Souls 500 Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Left Punch 686IPHYI Strike No Both Medium

Power Punch 854IPHYI Strike No Both Slow

Man-Eater Shell


Item Drops
Dragon Scale (M)
Dusk Crown Ring (M) {Darkroot Garden)

The Hydra's main form of attack will be its Water Cannon attack,
where it wi ll fire huge bursts of water from all its heads in your
direction. The multiple projectiles mean that this attack has a ve ry
Strategy large area of effect. and if get hit by one of them, you are almost
The Hydra is a huge, intimidating beast that you will encounter certain to take additional hits, so watch their trajectory and evade
twice in the game. In both instances, the Hydra will inhabit a large them early.
body of water, either in the Darkroot Basin or Ash Lake . There is
always a pitfall around the Hydra, so don't try to wade straight The heads can either attack in a concentrated area, or in a more
through the water to get to it if you wish to fight it at close range. spread out formation . This has a poor hitbox and is easy to avoid,
As soon as it spots you, it will slowly inch its way closer, so wait for and gives you a great opportunity to attack it while it is recovering .
it to do so. Use this chance to lop them off. Magical attacks are quite effective
against the Hydra, and give you the luxury of being able to hit it
IHP I 3864* II souls l10000 II Respawn I NO li Abilities! None without wading into the water. Fighting it at close range may seem
like a daunting task, but it actually has no close range attacks to hit
Darkroot Garden HP 2520 Souls 5000 Respawn NO you with, so you can hack away without serious repercussions.
*Heads can be cut, HP270 I Cut all necks to ki ll

Attack Damage AttackType Parry Tracking Speed

Head Strikes 495 (PHY) Normal No Neither Medium
Concentrated Head Strikes 495 (PHY) Normal No Neither Medium
Waster Cannon 550 (PHY) Normal No AOE Medium

It em Drops
Man-Eater Shell's are tough, resilient foes that have quick attacks Purging Stone (C)
Twinkling Titanite (B) {The Great Hollow{
and a powerful one-hit kill grab. They have sharp turning circles as Twinkling Titanite (M) {The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave{
well as good movement and agility, so outmaneuvering them can be
a difficult task. None of their attacks can be parried and they cannot
be Backstabbed .

Their basic headswing attacks have decent tracking and are quick.
While they are blockable, blocking too many will quickly reduce your
Stamina. Despite their fast turning circles and good tracking , you
shou ld still try your best to move to the ir sides, since their most
powerful attacks focus on the area in front of them.

Their Head Butt and Charging Launch attacks are damaging and hard
to dodge. They also have a one-hit kill grab attack, Munch, that is
deadly but has very poor tracking.

jHP j 795 jj souls j 200 II Respawn j YES IIAbilities j None

The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave HP 740 Souls 300 Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Quick Kick 389 (PHY) Thrust No Neither Fast
Head butt 533 (PHY) Strike No Neither Medium
Double Head Swing 485 (PHY) Strike No Both Medium
Munch* Normal No Neither Slow
*Extremely Powerful Grab Attack

Item Drops
Crest Shield (M)

Your old ally and savior from the Undead Asylum has unfortunately
lost his humanity and become Hollow. He will prove to be a formi- Dashing Shce

dable foe, and his unique fighting style can prove troublesome.

The Knight of Astora is very agile, and will make great use of
evasive rolls and backsteps. In addition, he has an excellent shield
(which you can pillage after killing him) and a strong sword. He will
also switch frequently between two-handed and one-handed styles
for wielding his sword. Some of his attacks change when he does
this, and he will generally be slower and more gung-ho when he is
in the two-handed style.

Try to keep your distance from the Oscar and force him to use his
dashing attacks. These are easy to see coming and parry, and they
are also quite linear. A swift roll behind him will allow you to go for a Backstab. He also has a lot of HP. so you may be in for a drawn
out fight. Don't take any risks when he is using the two-handed style
IHP I 793 I Souls I 1000 I Res pawn I No I
li Abilities None and you should be fine.

Right Weapon Left Weapon Armor R1ng Mag1c

Elite Knight Armor+6

Elite Knight Leggings+6


Item Drops 09_008
Titanite Slab (M)

Flam e Explos1on This is the Stray De-

mon's best attack. It is the one that is most
likely to hit you and most likely to penetrate
your defense, since it is fire-based. A shield
that blocks 100% of fire damage will render
this attack harmless however. The Stray
Demon will swing its arm outwards, and
cause a huge explosion to emanate in front
of it. This is quite damaging and almost
impossible to dodge . Stay close to the Stray
Demon to minimize the chance that it will

Hamm er Dnve Explos 1on This is an extremely

slow attack, similar to the Asylum Demon's

Hammer Drive attack. However, the differ-
ence in power is monumental. In addition,
when the hammer hits the floor, a huge
fiery explosion will detonate at the place of
impact. This is fairly easy to dodge, since as
soon as you see the Stray Demon raise the
hammer above its head in preparation for
the Hammer Drive Explosion, you can react
to it and run out of range in time.

Pow er Sm ash This is an overhead

smashing attack using the Stray Demon's
Hammer. It has excellent range and decent
tracking, and while it can be blocked, it does
huge health and Stamina damage. It is best
avoided by rolling to the side.

Double Power Smash This is a follow-up to
the Power Smash, where the Stray Demon
will raise its hammer and bring it down
forcefully again. This has good tracking, and
you will need to time a sideroll well to avoid
it. If you blocked the first Power Smash, you
won't have enough Stamina to block this
one, so you must evade it.

Double Hammer Swing This is two horizon-

tal swings with the Stray Demon's hammer,
much like the same attack from the Asylum
Demon. It has excellent range and tracks
well to both sides. It is blockable, but hav-
ing enough Stamina to block both of these
attacks is ve ry unlikely. Use the opportunity
to roll under the attack and into the Stray
Demon, and get a few hits in .

Butt Slam This is exactly the same

as the Asylum Demon's Butt Slam attack,
except for the huge increase in power. Just
like as with the Asylum Demon, this is the
attack you want the Stray Demon to use
the most. It is very easy to get out of range
of and dodge, and leaves the Stray Demon
very vulnerable afterward and ripe for a

This battle begins when you fall through the floor of the arena where you originally battled and can reach more or less anywhere in this
the Asylum Demon, so don't go there until you have prepared yourself. Having some armor room . The best thing to do is stay close, and
that is strong against fire attacks and a shield that can block 100% of fire damage is highly take advantage of the Stray Demon's close
recommended. When you are ready, step into the center of the room and the floor will give range deficiencies.
At close range, the Stray Demon will tend
You will be at a disadvantage right from the get go as you take some falling damage from to use the Hammer Drive Explosion and
your descent. Put your shield up and move close to the Stray Demon. Staying away using Butt Slam attacks more than anything else.
magic attacks won't really work here, since the Power Smash attacks have ridiculous range These are both very easy to dodge and give
you a great opportunity to punish him after-
wards. Stay close and bait out these attacks
I HP I 5250 II Souls 20000 II Respawn I II Abilities I None and counterattack.

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

........................... ...

Power Smash 672 (PHYJ Normal No Neither Medium

Double Power Smash 456 (PHY) Normal No Neither Medium

Butt Slam 744 (PHYJ Normal No AOC Fast

Flame Explosion 468 (MAGI Normal No AOE Fast
Hammer Drive Explosion 456 (MAGI Normal No AOE Medium


Item Drops
The Serpent Soldier is a powerful warrior. In conjunction with its Man-serpent Greatsword (A)
sword attacks, it can attack with an unparryable Head Butt attack.
Its attacks also have little recovery, and it can throw them out in
quick succession . With a Serpent Mage supporting it, its speed and
power can take you out quickly. It is also susceptible to Backstabs.

Many of its sword attacks have easy parry timing, and all of its
attacks can be blocked. Its attacks are also quite linear, so sidestep-
ping while blocking will quickly allow you to get to its back, where
a Backstab can do big damage. While its shield offers moderate
defense, the Serpent Soldier will never parry you, so you won't have
to worry about this. Overwhelming him with quick attacks can also
work well, as this will cause him to stagger quickly and often. He is
also fairly agile, and will backstep to dodge your swings and punish
you whenever he gets the opportunity to do so.

IHP I 430 II souls I 250 II Respawn I YES li Abilities! None

The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave HP 537 Souls 500 Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Thrust 410 (PHYI Normal Yes Left Medium

...................... . ..................
Double Slash 346 IPHYI Normal Yes Neither Medium
Head Butt 371 (PHY) Strike No Left Fast

Serpent Mage

Item Drops
Flamberge IAI

At long range, the Serpent Mage will use the Electric Bolt attack.
Sidestep this and make your way closer. Once you get in, keep your
guard up to avoid any quick attacks the Serpent could go for, and
once you block one, keep laying on the pressure until the Serpent
Mage goes down . Be careful the Serpent Mage doesn't use the
Viper Bite grab attack while you are blocking, as it is a one-hit kill.
Don't jump the gun and risk getting hit by any sword attacks, or the
Bleed status effect wil l finish you .

The Serpent Mage is a deadly w arrior, effective at every range
and able to kill if given the slightest opportunity. Its lack of a shield
means it cannot stop attacks, so you should close the distance and
overwhelm it with quick strikes. Many of its sword attacks can be
parried, and it can also be Backstabbed. However, you must be w ary
at all times, because al l of the Serpent Mage's attacks cause Bleed,
and if you 're hit cleanly with the Triple Slash combo, it will nearly
always trigger the effect and likely lead to a quick death .

IHP I 290 !! souls I 500 II Respawn I YES II Abilities l None

The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave HP 362 Souls 2000 Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Status Effect Parry Tracking Speed

Quick Triple Slash* 125 IPHYI Slash Bleed: 45 Yes Both Fast
Quick Thrust 405 IPHY) Slash Bleed: 45 Yes Neither Fast
Electric Bolt Normal No Neither Medium
Viper Bite 486 IPHYI Normal No Neither Medium
*3 hit combo

Item Drops
Symbol of t he Covetous lSI (notThe Duke's Occult Club IMIJAnor Londo]
Arch1ves/Crystal Cave] Crystal Halberd (M) {Anor Londo(
Enchanted Falchion IMI (The Duke's Archives/ Silver C01n {M) (Anor Londo)
Crystal Cave] Gold Coin IMI!Anor Londo)
Lightning Spear IMI (Sen's Fortress(

The Mimic disguises itself as an innocuous looking treasure chest,
w aiting to ensnare the unw ary. As soon as you try to open the
chest, the Mimic will try to eat you w ith its Meal attack, w hich
means instant death . This means you should alw ays stri ke any and
all chests before opening them to reveal their true nature, especi ally
in Sen's Fortress and Anor Londo .

IHP I 992 II souls I 1000 II Respawn I YES IIAbilities l NOlle Once you hit it, it will transform and begin to fight you . The incredibly
long limbs it grows are its main weapons, w hich it uses to punch and
AnorLondo HP 1041 Souls 2000 Respawn NO kick you . These attacks cannot be parried, but they can be blocked and
Anor Londo HP 1041 Souls 2000 Res pawn NO will never com e in rapid succession. Other than these easy-to-deal-
with attacks, the transformed Mimic can again use a grab attack, w hich
Anor Londo HP 1041 Souls 2000 Res pawn NO
means instant death. This also does not track, so as long as you are to
Anor Londo HP 1041 Souls 2000 Res pawn NO the side or back of the Mimic, you should be fine . Note that once you
The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave HP 1240 Souls 3000 Res pawn NO have exposed a Mimic, you can throw a Lloyd's Talisman at him to put
him to sleep.
The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave HP 1240 Souls 3000 Res pawn NO

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Mimic's Meal Strike No Both Slow

Grab and Chew* 163 IPHYI St rike No Neither Medium
*Extremely Powerful Grab Attack




Item Drops
Giant Frenzy Titanite Chunk IMJ

The huge wa rriors toiling amongst the ramparts of Sen's Fortress
are responsible for both the machinations and protection of the
Fortress's most sensitive areas. Actually getting to the Giants is a
chore in and of itself, and doing so, w hile they hurl huge explosive
cannonballs at you is not a fun task.

Some of them can be targeted with long-range weapons, such as

Bows, Crossbows and magic attacks, and if you can do this, it is
definitely the recommended way to deal with them. Their heads would be in front of the Giant and about a backroll's distance away.
are their weak points and should be the targets of all Bow-based This will keep you out of range of both the Giant Pound and Giant
attacks. However, these slow long-range attacks are not always Uppercut attacks, and allow you to react quickly to other threats.
possible, usually due to some of the Giants using the dangerous
Cannonball Toss to attack you while you are stationary and within Once you are in this position, the attacks you will have to watch out
range. In these cases, you wi ll have to get to these Giants and take for are the Front Kick and Giant Frenzy. The Front Kick is fast. and
them out from up close. you should have your shield up to block whenever you are not at-
tacking just in case it uses this attack. The Giant Frenzy is a little dif-
Once you are near and have engaged a Giant in battle, it will begin ferent; as soon as you see the Giant start the animation for it (it will
attacking you. Obviously, none of the Giants attacks are parryable, begin to stomp its feet quickly). move towards it and roll through it.
however, they are all blockable, if you have a good enough shield If done correctly, you will pass harmlessly through it, and the Giant
and enough Stamina to take the attack. The best place to stand will tire itself out. allowing you ample opportunity to attack it. If you
find yourself near the Giants legs, be wary of its Double Stomp at-
IHP I 1726 II Souls I 3000 II Respawn I NO I
li Abilities None tack, and roll backwards to avoid it.

Attack Dumage Attack Type Parry Trackmg Speed

Giant Pound 589 (PHY) Strike No Neither Slow

Giant Frenzy Strike No Both Medium

Front Kick 532IPHYJ Strike No Neither Fast
Double Stomp 418 (PHY) Strike No Both Fast
Cannon Ball Toss 333 (FIR) Normal No AOE Fast

Item Drops
Ricard 's Rapier (M)

The legendary Undead Prince Ricard is a master swordsman, and
can wield his trademark rapier with deadly speed and accuracy. The
environment you encounter him in definitely favors his style of fight-
ing , as the narrow space allows him to move back and forth quickly,
moving in and out with quick thrusting attacks and not allowing any
lateral movement from you.

As you approach, Ricard will soften you up by firing a few arrows

at you. Block these, and move closer, whereupon he will quickly to launch a counterattack. His kick attack can be troublesome, but
draw his Rapier. Ricard can launch incredibly fast thrusting attacks on its own it is not enough to break your guard. Simple block and
in quick combos, and can also parry your attacks should he be in a punish his thrusts and he will go down quickly.
defensive posture. Thankfully, all of his attacks do minimal damage,
and are very easy to block. Upon blocking any of his thrust attacks, His only answer to this is the Backstep Slash, which won't stag-
he will suffer from significant block stagger, giving you ample time ger him when you block it, and can penetrate your guard slightly
and damage you. If you don't move towards him too much, he will
IHPI 719 II souls I 4000 I Respawn I NO li Abil ities! None refrain from using this.

Right Weapon Left Weapon Armor Ring Magic

Ricard's Rapier+ 10
Longbow+10 Elite Knight Armor+B


Item Drops
Rap1er (A) Balder Legg1ngs IAI
Buckler IAI !Undead Parish! Titanite Shard (AI !Undead Parish)
Balder Helm IAI Balder Shield IAI !Sen's Fortress!
Balder Armor (A) Titanite Shard ICI !Sen's Fortress)
Balder Gauntlets (A) Large Titanite Shard IAI !Sen's Fortress]

as a close range melee weapon, which cannot be parried but can be

blocked. The Elite Undead Archer can be Backstabbed.

At long range, as soon as the Elite Undead Archer spots you, he will
Strategy immediately begin firing accurate Crossbow shots at you. Keep your
The Elite Undead Archer is the most accurate and powerful of the camera trained on him at all times if possible, and work your way
long-range archer type enemies . He is also armed w ith a powerful towards him, keeping your shield up to block his shots. If possible,
Crossbow, which can fire in rapid succession. Th is can also be used keep some terrain between you and him to block his shots. Once
you are close, he will try to run to create some distance, or else try
IHPI 266 ll souls l 100 to swing at you with his Crossbow. Block or chase him down, and
finish him off.
Sen's Fortress HP 399 Souls 500 Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Crossbow Shot 309 IPHYI Thrust No Neither Medium


Boss - Iron Golem

Item Drops

Core of an Iron Golem IMI

II .

Multiple Stomp

Multiple Stomp The Iron Golem will

stomp either three times in a row with his
left foot, or two times in a row with his right
foot. Focus all of your attacks on the other
leg during this attack.

Ground Punch The enemy will

slowly bring his hand up and then punch
the ground in front with full force, as he
prepares for this attack, quickly roll through
his legs and the attack him as he hits the

Axe Slam The Iron Golem will

slam his axe downwards with full force, it
is not recommended to try and block this
attack as it is extremely powerful. If you
are near the enemy, you will be able to roll
under his legs and attack, if not, it would be
best to run away and avoid the attack.

Axe Swing
Axe Swing The enemy will swing
his axe in a horizontal motion; he may swing
the weapon for up to three times. You can
block this attack if your shield is powerful
enough but don't try and rely on it too often.
As the Iron Golem launches this attack, you
will be able to roll under its legs and attack
its feet.At times the Iron Golem may fire a
projectile as he swings his weapon; to avoid
it, quickly run sideways.

Grab The enemy will attempt

to grab you with his hand; the hitbox is lo-
cated between his legs and when you see
him about to do this attack, run away from
it. If the enemy succeeds in grabbing you,
he will throw you to the floor causing huge
damage to your health and possibly death.
After avoiding the attack. quickly run back to
try and get a few hits as the Iron Golem is

Sweep If you are positioned

behind the Iron Golem for too long then he
will sweep his foot backwards to try and
hurt you. If you see him trying to do this.
roll through his legs so you end up in front
of the enemy, avoiding the attack complete-
ly. Then attack the legs as he is recovering
from the attack.

Scoop The enemy will swing

his weapon towards the ground by his legs.
This attack has a larger hitbox and it would
be difficult to try and roll through the attack.
The best strategy is to run away from the
Iron Golem as he is initiating this attack.

Striking Build Strategy

When you start this battle, you will be on the opposite end of the area from the Iron Golem. While here, you must attack as often as
Take note of where the Iron Golem begins; it is on a narrow path with sheer drops on either possible, concentrating your attacks on
side. Hurry over to it, and get ready to attack. one leg if possible. If you can do enough
damage to a foot in a short enough span of
You wi ll need all the power you can muster here, and blocking will be useless, so put your time, the Golem will start wobbling. This is
shield away and go in two-handed. Immediately move towards the Iron Golem's feet. and the signal for you to keep piling on the hurt
move towards the back of them. You need to be careful of certain attacks while here, in par- and to continue attacking the foot. If you
ticular the Grab and Sweep. Getting hit by either of these could result in you being knocked do this enough, the Iron Golem will trip and
off the platform yourself, killing you. Nevertheless, you should stay positioned behind either fall over backwards. And if you do this on
the Iron Golem's right or left foot. the narrow strip of platform where the Iron
Golem first appeared, he will fall backwards
I HP I 2880 II Souls I 30000 II Respawn II Abilities I None off the platform and die instantly.

Attack Damage AttackType Parry Tracking Speed

Axe Slam 5641PHYI Normal No Neither Msdium

Grab* 361 IPHYI Normal No Neither Medium

Ground Punch Normal No Neither Medium

*Extremely Powerful Grab Attack


Item Drops
Body: Gargoyle's Halberd IAI
Gargoyle's Shield IAI
Gargoyle Helm (A)
Tail: Gargoyle Tail Axe (M)

except that Flame Breath has now been replaced with a Lightning
Breath attack. The basic attack has not changed, so you will be able
to run outside of its range to attack the enemy as it is using it. All
of the strategies used for the Bell Gargoyle can still be used in this
fight, but it may be slightly harder as the walkway here is narrow.

Strategy Like before, you can slice off its tail and gain a weapon for your
The Bell Gargoyle makes a return; it has a boost in attack power and trouble. Although you will receive the same weapon, you should
strength. You have already beaten two of them, so this fight will feel still focus all of your attacks on the tail first, so that the enemy will
very familiar. Its attacks are almost the same as the previous version no longer be able to use its tail whip attacks. When the enemy uses
its swing attack it is best to roll under it as you don't want to block
IHP 1111 9* II Souls I 1000 II Respawn j NO li Abilities! None against it for too long and risk having your guard broken. You can
easily defeat it using spells and range attacks from a distance.
*Tail can be cut, HP: 65

Attack Damage Attacklype Parry Tracking Speed

Stab 320 IPHYI Normal No Neither Medium

One Handed Slam 330 (PHYI Normal No Neither Slow

Item Drops
Nonnal Royal
Giant's Halberd (AI Giant's Halberd (A)
Sentinel Shield (AI Sentinel Shield (AI
Titanite Chun k (AI

time to perform. This gives you an opportunity to run behind it or

roll through its legs and from there you are able to freely use your
weapon attacks.

Many of this enemy's attacks are similar to the Iron Golem, his
Swing attack for example can be rolled under easily. Once rolled
under, you can attack the enemy as it is left stunned. The enemy is
equipped with a large shield which decreases the damage it takes
from your attacks. It is important during the fight that you focus all
of your attacks on the enemy's right side as that section isn't being
guarded by the shield. The enemy is able to perform a huge Slam
attack, which is difficult to guard so it is recommended to move to
the side when it uses this attack.

This enemy wields the same weapon the normal variant uses . As
a result. it uses the same attacks that the normal version uses,
with the exception of the Wrath of the Gods attack. The enemy will
charge up and expel a magic blast attack in all directions, so you will
still be injured if you are placed behind him or to the sides . This can
Normal be avoided rather easily by rolling away. You will find that the enemy
The Sentinel's large halberd is capable of delivering high damage will use this attack more often when you are positioned behind him
attacks from a distance so positioning yourself in the right place is to attack. You can tell when the enemy begins to use this attack as
important for this enemy. Despite the high attack power, the enemy its arms will glow white. Use this as an indicator to judge when
takes a long time to initiate the attack, as its weapon is difficult to the spell attack will begin. When the enemy is low on health it will
wield. Due to the size of the enemy, its attacks cannot be parried use a Heal spell, restoring its health by a large amount. If you see
and you cannot perform a Backstab attack. The Sentinel also uses it crouched down, attack it as fast as possible so you are able to
a Shield Bash attack, but like all the other attacks, it takes a long defeat the enemy before it is able to cast the spell.
Sentmel (Normal) Sentinel (Royal)

IHP I 535 I Souls I 500 I Res pawn I YES li Abilities! None

Attack Damage Attacklype Parry Tracking Speed

Shield Bash (Normal, Royall 460 Normal No Neither Slow

Wrath of the Gods (Royall 380 Magic No AOE Slow

Item Drops
Painting Gua rd ian Sword (AI
Throwin g Knife (C)

The Painting Guardian can you kill in moments with the speed of its
quick attacks if you're not on your guard . Be sure to keep your shield
up, when you are close as the enemy will swing its weapon in many
different ways. After a successful block you can circle around the


enemy and deliver a Backstab attack. All of the enemy's weapon at-
tacks can be parried and countered with a riposte attack, but as the
enemy is quick, the timing for the parry is harder than normal . When
you are at a distance they will use Throwing Knives to attack you,
which you can either block or step to the side to evade.

This enemy can jump back and sidestep with great speed, so be
sure not to swing your weapon wildly. It does not possess high
health, so a successful Backstab or riposte attack will be enough to
either kill it or leave it at critical health. Fighting a group up close can
be extremely difficult because they will be able to break through
your guard and ki ll you. It's best to keep moving back while using
spells or a ranged weapon to try and kill them one at a time.

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Slash Attack 220 (PHY) Normal Yes Neither Fast
Jump Slash 358 (PH Y) Normal Yes Neither Medium
Twirl Combo 340 (PHY) Normal Yes Neither Fast
Throwing Knife 300 (PH YI Thrust No Neither Medium


Item Drops
Demon's Spear (A)

This enemy possesses high attack power and with a spear equipped
that means it can deliver the attacks from a distance. The spear does
lightning damage in addition to physical damage. In order to block its
attacks efficiently, you will need a shield that has lightning resistance
built in, otherwise you will take the lightning damage even after a suc-
cessfully blocked attack. Its main attack will be the triple stab attack;
you can block it and then as its left stunned, deliver a few attacks. The
enemy has a medium amount of health so it can be defeated reason-
ably quickly. It may do its swing combo which can be rolled under if
timed right. If you don't attack the enemy after successfully rolling, it
may carry on the swing combo.

You will be able to damage the enemy from a distance with a spell
or ranged weapon . Once alerted to your position, however, the en- so relying too much on ranged attacks can be a problem and it may
emy may deliver its flying stab attack. It can use this at a long range also throw its spear at you from afar. A group of these enemies can
kill you in moments as they can break through your guard. So in this
situation, it is best to attack from a distance .

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Impale 124 IPHYI Thrust No Left Medium

M edium
Swing Combo 100 (PHY) Normal No Left Fast

Item Drops
Sword Spear Greatbow
Silver Knight Straight Sword (A) Silver Knight Spear IAI Dragonslayer Arrow (C)
Silver Knight Shield (A) Silver Knight Shield (A)

The Silver Kn ight is capable of killing you in only a few hits due to
his high attack power. All of his attacks can be blocked, but circling
around t hem to deliver a Backstab is difficu lt due to their large
hitbox. The speed of its sword attacks are not too fast, so you will
be able to parry them without too much trouble and then counter
with a riposte attack. The enemy has a medium amount of health so
one riposte or Backstab attack will reduce its health by around 50 % .
It can use its shield to break through your guard so when you begin
to notice that it is going to use this attack, move backwards to avoid
it. The Silver Kn ight will not flinch w hen it is attacked so it will still be
able to attack you even if you 're hitting it multiple times in a row so trouble . This enemy will use its shield to block your attacks more
always keep some Stamina in reserve to deal with its next attack. often than the sword variant. It is capable of attacking you even
with its shield raised , so make sure not to attack when you notice
Spear that it is guarding .
This Silver Knight is equipped with a spear instead of a sw ord ; as a
result , it is able to deliver high damage attacks from a distance. Its Greatbow
attacks can be blocked but like the sword version , it will be harder This Silver Knight is equipped with a Greatbow so it will fire arrows
to move behind it for a Backstab attack as its attacks can follow at you from a great distance . These arrows can be blocked, but you
you . You can easily roll under its sw ing combo as it performs these may be driven backwards so be careful not to block it if there is a
slowly. Try and roll beh ind the enemy when it uses its swing attack ledge behind you. Keep this enemy in your field of view so you will
so you are able to deliver a Backstab attack. Also, since the swing be able to see when the arrow is fired so you can dodge accord-
attack is slower, you are able to parry it much easier for a riposte ingly. When you reach the enemy it will switch to wielding a sword
attack. Its triple poke attack can be blocked w ithout too much and shield so it can fight you at close range .

Silver Kn ight !Sword and Spear) Silver Knight (Greatbow)

IHP I 464 II souls I 900 II Respawn I YES IIAbilitiesl MaypertormaBackstab IHP I 464 II souls I 900 II Respawn I YES IIAb ilitiesl None

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Overhead Slice (Sword) 380 IPHYI Normal Yes Both Medium
Normal Yes Both Med1um
........ .............. ... ... .
Shield Bash (Sword) 272 IPHYI Strike No Both Medium

Normal Yes Bot h Medium

....................................... ....................................... .

Arrow Shoot (Greatbow) 380 IPHY) Thrust No Neither Slow


Silver Knight {Greatbow)

Silver Knight {Spear)

Bat Wing Demon Silver Knight {Sword)

Item Drops 09_010
Leo Ring (M) (Normal)
Soul of Ornstein (M) (Large)
Swinging Combo

Swinging Combo The enemy will swing

its weapon up to four times and you can
block this attack while making your way
towards the enemy. Then, when it finishes
the attack, you can hit the enemy with your

Lightning Bolt The enemy will charge

up its weapon and then shoot a lightning
projectile at you. This attack can be avoided
by running to the side or hiding behind one
of the pillars in the area.

Gliding Stab The enemy will be

able to glide across the area and then
stab you with its weapon. You can either
block this attack or roll away just before
it hits you. You can then attack the enemy
as it recovers. This attack can be to your
advantage, as Ornstein will separate from
Smough, allowing you to fight one on one
for a while.

Jumping Attack The enemy will jump in
the air then stab you with its weapon. It is
best to block this attack. The enemy doesn't
take much time to recover so it will be
difficult to counterattack when it uses this
move. It may also do a jumping slam attack,
which is difficult to block against. Simply run
away when it uses this attack.

Electric Banzai Drop The enemy will begin to

slowly fly into the air and then crash into the
ground below. This attack will then shoot
out lightning in all directions. You must im-
mediately run away from the enemy when
you see it begin to use this attack so you
can avoid it. Afterwards run back to the en-
emy to counterattack, as it begins to stand
up. Dragon Slayer Ornstein will only use this
attack when it has powered up, which will
happen if you kill Executioner Smough first.

Lightning Impale The enemy will charge

its spear with lightning then try to impale
you. If successful; you will lose control
of your character as the enemy will have
grabbed you. It will then follow up with a
lightning strike . This attack is very power-
ful and will most likely result in you dying .
When you see the enemy's weapon begin
to glow yellow, run backwards to avoid the
attack. The enemy will only use this attack
when it has powered up, which will happen
if you kill Executioner Smough first.

off guard. This method w ill make things easier

Strategy on you as it is very difficult trying to fight
This fight will be very challenging, as you will be battling two enemies at once. You will them both at once. Ornstein can evade great
need to keep an eye on one enemy, while focusing your attacks on the other. Ornstein's distances making you miss you r attacks.
attacks are much quicker than Smough's but are easier to block. It is recommended to bring
lightning resisting equipment to decrease your damage . The enemies will also take extra If you killed Executioner Smough first, then
damage from fire, so equipment that deals fire damage is recommended. Ornstein will power up and increase in size .
As a result of this change, Ornstein w ill gain
It is easy to separate Ornstein from Smough as Ornstein travels much faster. To do this run to new attacks and its current ones wi ll be
one side of the room so Ornstein follows you. Once separated you will have an easier time harder to block. This size change will make all
dealing with its attacks. Concentrate all of your attacks and then when Smough makes its way of its attacks slow er in speed so you w ill be
towards you, run to the other side of the room, separating them again . Focusing all your attacks able to roll under the attacks much easier than
on Ornstein is easier as Smough is so large you will be able to see its attacks and not be caught before. Make sure you have enough Stamina
Dragon Slayer Ornstein (Normal)
remaining to sprint away from its attacks.
Dragon Slayer Ornstein (Large)

[ HP [ 1642 [[ Souls [ 0 [[ Respawn [ NO [[ Abilities[ None [HP j 2982 [[ souls [ 30000 [[ Respawn [ NO [[ Abilities [ None

Attack Damage INonnal) Damage I Large) Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed
Swinging Combo 390 IPHYI 510 IPHYI Normal No Both Medium
Jumping Attack 420 (PHY) 520 IPHY) Thru st No Neither Medium
Gliding Stab 440 (PHY) 570 IPH Y) Normal No Both Medium

Lightning Bolt 530 ILIGI Normal No Neither Medium

Lightning Impale 480 (LI GI 480 (LIGI Normal No Neither Medium


Boss - Executioner Smovgh


Item Drops 09_011
None (Normal)
Soul of Smough (M) (Lightning)

Jou st The enemy will begin

to charge towards you holding its weapon
outwards. At the end of the charge the en-
emy will swing its weapon upwards to try
and launch you into the air. Avoid this attack
by running directly away, because the attack
can easily track any sideways movement.
After it swings its weapon upwards, begin
your counterattack. Blocking this attack is
difficult as the charge deals many hits which
will break your guard.

Swing The enemy will swing

its weapon. You can roll under this attack,
after which you can start attacking as the
enemy is left to recover. Blocking this attack
may use a large amount of Stamina so it is
better to try and roll under it.

:m,;,rg; The enemy will slowly

raise its weapon and then hammer the
ground in front of it. As soon as it begins
to use this attack, roll to its side and start
attacking it with your weapon.

Jumping Hammer

Jumping Hammer The enemy will jump

into the air and then hammer the ground in
front of it. You can avoid this attack by rolling
under the enemy when it is airborne . After
it lands, attack with your weapon.

Banzai Drop The enemy will slowly

fly into the air and then crash into the
ground below. When you see the enemy
begin to ascend. run away and then once
it lands, run back and begin your counterat-
tack. You will be able to deal a lot of dam-
age, as the enemy takes a while to recover
from this attack.

Electric Banzai Drop The enemy will begin

to slow ly fly into the air, and then crash into
the ground below. This attack will then shoot
out lightning in all directions. You must im-
mediately run away from the enemy when
you see it begin to use this attack to avoid the
lightning blast. Afterwards, run back to the
enemy to counterattack as it begins to stand
up. Executioner Smough will begin to use this
attack when it has powered up, which will
happen if you kill Dragon Slayer Ornstein first.

Executioner Smough's attacks are high in attack damage, but easy to wielding your weapon with two hands for extra damage . Since
to evade, since they are slow in speed . Smough will be easier to blocking the enemy's attack with your shield is a gamble, only
attack, as its body is large so you will have a hard time missing it switch to one hand to deal with Dragon Slayer Ornstein.
with your attacks. The disadvantage is that Ornstein will be harder to
detect due to its smaller size and faster speed. You can actually use If you killed Dragon Slayer Ornstein first then Executioner Smough
Smough's body as cover as Ornstein cannot pass through due to will power up, gaining a new attack. Smough's weapon will now be
its large size so try and keep Smough between you and Ornstein to coated in lightning making all of its attacks inflict lightning damage.
make the fight easier. It is therefore easier if you have lightning resisting equipment, other-
wise you w ill not be able to block against any of the attacks, as you
Executioner Smough takes greater fire damage so if you have any will be injured by the lightning damage . All of Smough's attacks still
spells or fire weapons, be sure to use them to do extra damage. have the same speed despite the power up, so you will be able to
Smough doesn't have any ranged attacks so you can evade most of roll under its swings and run past its hammer attacks . Be sure to
its attacks by keeping your distance . It is recommended to switch counterattack after doing this.
Executioner Smough (Normal) Executioner Smough (lightning)

IHP I1 642 II souls I 0 II Respawn I - li Abilities! None IHP I 2982 ll souls l30000 II Respawn I - li Abilities ! None

Attack Damage (Normal) Damage (Loghtning) Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Hammer 420 (PHYI Normal No Both Slow

Neither Slow
Joust 440 (PH Y) + 240 !LIGI Normal No Neither Slow
. ....................
Banzai Drop 480 (PH Y) 480 !PHYI + 600 ILIGI Normal No Neither Slow


Item Drops
Sword Greatsword
None None


As you might expect, this enemy is armed with a sword and knows
how to use it. Fortunately, all of her attacks can be blocked easily.
After a successful block, circle around her to deliver a Backstab at-
tack. Her attacks can be parried quite easily, which wil l allow you to
counter with a riposte attack. She will have her shield raised up so it
isn't recommended to attack wildly or you will stun yourself, which
will allow the enemy to damage you. Spell attacks are not very useful
against this enemy, as she will roll under the spell attacks w ith ease.
slow, you can easily parry them and counter with a riposte attack.
Greatsword You may have difficultly blocking this enemy's attack as this may use
This enemy wields a greatsword, which allows her to use power- too much Stamina and you'll find that your guard is close to being
ful attacks, but at a reduced speed. The enemy will mainly attack broken. Your spell attacks will not be very effective in this fight, as
by wielding the weapon with two hands. Due to the attacks being she will roll away, evading your spell attacks .
Darkmoon Soldiers (Sword) Darkmoon Soldiers (Greatsword)

IHPI 767 I souls I 5000 I Respawn I NO li Abilities! None IHPI 821 I souls I 5000 I Respawn I NO liAbilities! None


Item Drops
This enemy is able to kill you with its fast attacks. It will start off the Fire Keeper Soui(M)
fight by casting the Enchant magic spell so her attacks will now do
magic damage. If you don't have a shield with good magic resis-
tance, then you may take some damage while blocking. The enemy
attacks with quick stabs, which can be parried but the speed of the
attacks makes the timing difficult. You can block the attack and then
circle around her to deliver a Backstab attack. Make sure to always
have your guard up as her attacks are very high in attack power.

During the fight she will hold her dagger up without attacking. Do
not attack her when she is in this stance, as she will be able to parry
your attack and counter with a riposte attack. To deal with this issue,
use a kick attack to knock her out of this stance, and then as she is
left stunned, attack her with your weapon. Spell attacks are not use-
ful in this fight as the enemy will roll under the spell.

Note the she can use the Miracle Darkmoon Blade on herself during
combat in order to make her attacks much stronger.

IHPI 719 ll soul s l1000 I Respawn I NO li Abilit ies! None

Estoc+ 12 Parrying Dagger+ 12 Brass Helm+5 NO Darkmoon Blade

Darkmoon Talisman Brass Armor +5
Brass Gauntlets+5
Brass Leggings+5


Dark.moon Soldier


Item Drops 09_012
Soul of Gwyndolin IM)

Arrow Spread The enemy will slightly

raise up and shoot multiple arrows at you
with his Bow. You can block all of these
arrows as they do not use much Stamina.
Alternatively, you can hide behind the wall
so the arrow hits the wall instead of damag-
ing you.

Orb Spread The enemy will charge

its weapon and then swing it, shooting a
cluster of small blue orbs at you . These can
injure you greatly. You can hide behind the
walls as the orbs cannot go through them,
or you can roll through it.

Sphere Shot Dark Sun Gwyndolin

will charge his weapon and then shoot out
a huge magic attack, which travels at great
speed. You can dodge this attack by moving
out of its path or by rolling directly under
it. These projectiles pass through walls.
So don't try to avoid this attack by hiding
behind the wall, as it will still pass through
and damage you.


Strategy It is best to deal with his attacks while moving forward so you can
When you enter this fight, Dark Sun Gwyndolin w ill be positioned at defeat him quicker. Always move forward, and when he fires the
a distance, firing different types of projectiles at you . You must make arrows, block them. If he uses his spell attacks, roll through them so
your way over to him by dodging his attacks . When you have reached you are able to close the distance. You should not attack with your
him, you will be able to attack using a physical weapon. Try and at- ranged weapon or use spells, as he will perform his ranged attacks
tack him as much as possible, wielding your weapon with two hands faster than you, resulting in you getting injured or killed.
for the extra attack power. After reaching him, Dark Sun Gwyndolin
will teleport further back through the hallway, repeating the process Dark Sun Gwyndolin has no attacks for close range, so he will
from the beginning. Dark Sun Gwyndolin's attacks are very high in always teleport away when you reach him. Long range weapons
attack power, but fortunately they are relatively easy to dodge . like the spear will be better as you can strike her from further
away. These enable you to score a few more hits before he tele-
I HP I 2011 Souls I 40000 II Respawn Abilities I None ports away from you .

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Item Drops

sion of blood when it is killed can instantly cause the toxic status
effect if you are touched by it.

Its primary method of attack will be a single or double swipe with

a torch, which when blocked leaves it vulnerable and prone for a
Backstab. The parry timing is also easy for these attacks, as you ca n
just parry as soon as you see it about to start the attack to get the
correct timing . Its torch stab will do significant fire damage to you if
Strategy it hits, but it is slow and easy to sidestep. You wi ll need a shield with
The torch wielding Engorged Zombie will try to engage you in close good damage reduction to block all the damage from this .
range combat at any opportunity. Much stronger and more durable
than any other Zombie type enemy, it can quickly overwhelm you in The Rotten Cloud attack is more dangerous, as it w ill linge r for
numbers. In conjunction with the long-ranged Unarmed Engorged quite a while, and if it hits will cause massive damage and inflict
Zombie it can be a serious threat, but luckily most of its attacks can the toxic status effect. While you can block this, it can still build up .
be parried and it's susceptible to Backstabs . Bew are that the explo- As a mage you can easily back away and use long distance spells
before the Engorged Zombie can catch up to you as he has no
IHP I 330 II Souls I 250 I Respawn I YES li Abilities I None long-range attacks .

Attack Damage Attack Type Status Effect Parry Tracking Speed

Single Torch Swipe Normal Yes Both Slow
Yes Neither M edium
Torch Stab 257 (FI R) Normal Yes Left Fast
Rotten Cloud (toxic) 173 IPH YI Normal No Left M edium
Poison Blood at Dying * 0 (PHY) Normal Toxin : 150
*does not use it. when defeated by fi re


Item Drops

When you get close, the Unarmed Engorged Zombie will try to run
away from you and create distance to use his Fireball attacks, use
this chance to go for a Backstab. The Fireball attacks are fire based
so increasing your fire resistance while in the Painted World is a
Strategy good precaution to take.
The Unarmed Engorged Zombie is a long-range specialist, firing
Fireballs from a distance. It can kill you in seconds if you encounter The Unarmed Engorged Zombie has two different Fireball attacks
a group of them. Their blood can also cause Toxin, so be careful that it can use, one of which is slower but more powerful. There are
when you kill them . Mage types won't really be able to effectively different animations for each of these attacks. When firing the faster
fight them at long range, since their Fireballs come out much faster Fireball, it will bring its hands together, whereas with the slower
than most spells you can cast. Also, if you get hit by the powerful Fireball it will bring its hand to its mouth and fire it. When you are
slow Fireball it will probably finish you. close, it will attack with slow punches that are weak and both easy
to block and parry. Try to therefore stay at this distance to take
IHP I 330 II Souls I 250 II Res pawn I YES li Ab ilities I None advantage of these slow attacks.

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Slow Punch 182 (PHY) Strike Yes Both Slow
Double Punch 192 (PHY) Normal Yes Neither Medium
Fast Fireball 360 IFIRI Normal No Neither Fast
Slow Fireball 408 (FIR! Normal No Neither Medium

Item Drops
Souvenir of Reprisal (AI

encounter it most frequently. It is also very agile and because of this

will often end up walking off high ledges. If it does this whilst per-
forming its Mount and Bite attack, it will float safely to the ground,
otherwise it will die from the fall.

The single, double and triple Wing Swipe is generally quite slow
and easy to both block and sidestep, although it is fairly damaging
if it hits. The real threat is in its Mount and Bite attack, which will
Strategy likely kill you if it hits. It's also unblockable . The Crow Demon will
The Crow Demon is a fast and mobile enemy with some powerful scream before initiating the attack, so take this opportunity to move
attacks. It can cover distance quickly and has limited flight capabili- towards it. The jump is aimed behind where you were originally
ties. Being a large enemy, its attacks cannot be parried and it cannot standing when the Crow Demon initiated the scream, so moving
be Backstabbed. The Crow Demon doesn't have a lot of health, forward will allow you to escape. Be sure not to move backwards,
but can still be dangerous in narrow environments, where you will or you will be caught in the attack. Mage builds can have trouble
fighting it since it moves so quickly, but it is quite susceptible to
IHP I 930 II Souls I 900 II Respawn I YES li Abilities I None magic attacks.

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Double Wing Swipe 451 IPHYI Normal No Neither Me<;Jiym

Tri ple Wing Swip e 458 !PHYI Normal No left Fast
Mount and Bite 288 (PHY) Normal No left Medium
Extremely Powerful Grab Attack


Engorged Zombie

Engorged Zombie

Undead Snow Rat Phalanx

Item Drops
Humanity (A)
The Snow Rat is similar in behavior and strength to the other Un-
dead Rat variations. However, there is one huge change in this one:
it can inflict the deadly Toxin status effect on you with its attacks,
whether blocked or hit. There are also a few attack differences, with
the Undead Snow Rat having a few variations of the scratch and
bite attacks, but these are only really different in terms of timing. As
before, it cannot be parried or Backstabbed.

Since the Undead Snow Rat can attack so often and quickly, block-
ing for too long can lead to you being inflicted with the Toxin status.
Block an attack then take advantage of the stagger and counterat-
tack. Be sure not to fight more than one at a time or their attacks
could land on you. Two hits is all it takes for you to be inflicted with
Toxin. The environment you will find them in is cloistered, but try to
lure one out to an open space before engaging it.

IHP I 237 II souls I 300 II Respawn I YES IIAbilities l None

Bite 221 (PHY) Normal Toxic: 30 No Both Fast

Slow Scratch 226 (PHY) Normal Toxic: 30 No Both Medium
Head Butt 336 (PHY) Strike Toxic: 30 No Both Fast

Scratch 233 (PHYI Normal Toxic: 30 No Both Fast


Item Drops
Spear lA)
Large Leather Shield (A)

The Phalanx can attack at any range once it has spotted you. The
Spear Thrust is its most powerful attack, but doesn't track well and
can be sidestepped quite easily. You will want to be continually side-
stepping anyway, to get to the Phalanx's exposed side. The Phalanx
is quite sluggish and can be maneuvered around quite easily. The
courtyard offers a lot of objects such as pillars and crates you can
Strategy use as cover, which will be useful to avoid the Spear Toss of the
You will only ever encounter the Phalanx enemy in one location: the Phalanx enemies that are further away.
Courtyard of the Painted World. The Phalanx are in a large defensive
group much like their namesake. The large shields they hold offer The Phalanx closer to you will be using the Spear Thrust and Spear
them excellent frontal defense while their spears allow them to Swing to attack you. Both of these are relatively easy to block, but
attack from far away. The Phalanx will come towards you in numbers you can be quickly overwhelmed by successive attacks. You should
of about three or four while the remaining Phalanx will attack from use the environment to your advantage to separate a few Phalanx
long range with Spear Toss. from the rest of the pack and then pick them off. The shields of the
Phalanx are an effective defense even against magic, so mage builds
jHP j 335 JJ Souls j 250 JJ Respawn J YES Jj Abilities J May come closer by flying must use Area of Effect spells or hit them from the sides.

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Spear Toss 360 IPHY) Thrust No Left Fast

Spear Swing 360 (PHY) Strike No Neither Medium

Item Drops
Dragon Scale (M) (Painted World of Ariamisl

You will only encounter the Undead Dragon twice in the game: the
first is in the Painted World of Ariamis. The Undead Dragon here
will be guarding a bridge, and will charge forward to the end of the
bridge upon spotting you. When it gets to the end of the bridge, it the bridge, towards the Dragon's arms. This is a very risky endeavor
will stop and attack you. It is best to wait for it to reach this position however, as the Dragon will use its Talon Slam if you approach its
and then move out of range and attack. right arm, or a Talon Swipe if you approach its left arm. Both of these
are powerful, and have the added danger of potentially knocking or
Mage class builds are perfectly suited to take out the Undead Dragon dragging you off the edge of the bridge.
in complete safety from outside of its attack range. In particular, Pyro-
mancy spells will do massive damage to the Undead Dragon as he is The second Undead Dragon you encounter will be in the Valley of the
very weak to fire-based attacks. A Bow or Crossbow is also a decent Drakes. This one is completely stationary, and again highly susceptible
means of taking out the Undead Dragon, although this will take lon- to ranged attacks. There is a ledge directly in front of it, and climbing
ger. Fire element Bows and Crossbows can speed this process up. this and launching your ranged attacks from there is very effective.
This is high enough away from the Dragon that it will completely
A melee build will have a lot more trouble. Standing directly in front ignore your presence, but you should still be in range for most spells.
of the Dragon's head will trigger either a Head Bite attack or a Poison Fighting it up close is a similar proposition to the other Dragon, except
Spit attack. The Head Bite is devastating, unblockable and is likely to it will use Talon Swipes with either arm even if you are directly in front
ki ll in one hit. The Poison Spit is much easier to deal with, and while of its face. Block or avoid this and only attack when it uses Poison Spit
it is unblockable, it won't poison you quickly and offers you an excel- as before. It will never use the Talon Slam attack, but its swipes have
lent opportunity to attack. You can also approach from the side of huge range to the sides so attacking from here is not advised.


jHP J 3955 JJ souls l 5000 IJ Respawn I NO IIAbilities l None

Valley of Drakes HP 3480 Souls 3000 Respawn NO

Attack Damage Attack Type Status Effect Parry Tracking Speed

Poison Spit 283 (PHY) Normal Toxic: 30 No Both Medium
Talon Slam 830 (PHYI Strike No Neither Slow

Head Bite 881 (PHY) Strike No Neither Medium

Talon Swipe 818 (PHY) Strike No Both Slow

Undead Dragon

Item Drops
Bonewheel Shield (AI

Unless you have an extremely strong, upgraded shield that reduces

damage by 100%, don't bother trying to block the Rolling Charge
attack. It will completely deplete your Stamina and then the Rolling
Charge will continually hit until you are dead.
The Wheel Skeleton can absolutely devastate you if it catches you You must ensure the Rolling Charge misses you completely, and
unawares or corners you. The deadly Rolling Charge attack will tear then chase the Skeleton Wheel to where it stops and attack it. There
both your defense and health to shreds in seconds, unless you is quite a significant cool down between Rolling Charge attacks,
have an extremely strong shield. While the Wheel Skeleton itself is where the Skeleton Wheel will readjust itself and may attack you
not very resilient and goes down quickly to both magic and melee with the Double Punch attack if you are close enough. This attack is
attacks, its excellent speed when performing the Rolling Charge weak and easily blocked, but don't waste time waiting for this attack
allows it to both attack quickly and escape your retaliation. to come out, as you should aim to kill the Skeleton Wheel before it
launches its next Rolling Charge. Mage's shouldn't really bother with
JHP I 187 ll souls J 200 IJ Respawn i YES JJ Abilitiesi None
magic here, as the time it takes you to fire a spell could be long
enough for it to fire off another Rolling Charge.
Catacombs HP 137 Souls 200 Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Double Punch 254 (PHY) Strike No Neither Medium
Rolling Charge* 240 IPHYI Thrust No Both Fast
Multiple hit combo attack


Item Drops
The Heavy Knight you encounter in the Painted World is the only Greatsword (A) Steel Gauntlets IAI
Greataxe IAI Steel Leggings IAI
variation you will encounter with a sword. He is very similar to the Tower Shield IAI Large Titanite Shard (M)
mace variations of the Heavy Knight, except he is even stronger Steel Helm IAI
and more durable. All his attacks are the same, and should be dealt Steel Armor (A)
with in the same way. His Single and Double Swing attacks can
be parried.

The major difference you will find when you encounter this Heavy
Knight is the circumstances and environment you find yourself in.
There are numerous Zombie enemies nearby that will prove very
troublesome if you don't kill them first, particularly the Zombie
Archers. Take them all out before the Heavy Knight spots you, pref-
erably from long range. When fighting the Heavy Knight, he is near
a very narrow part of the bridge, which he can be knocked off of. It
is difficult to stagger him or knock him back, but if you can, knocking
him off the bridge is the best tactic.

IHP I 775 ll souls l 1000 II Respawn I YES IIAbilities l Mayhealwhenhealthisunder40% I

Attack Damage AttackType Parry Tracking Speed

Sword Smash Normal No Neither Slow

Shield Bash 528 (PHY) Normal No Neither Fast


Item Drops 09_013
Soul of Priscilla IMI
Tail: Priscilla's Dagger (M)

Single Slash This is a single attack

that has good forward range and tracks
quite well to both sides. While it is fairly
damaging, it can be blocked but not parried.
This attack also causes Bleed upon hitting
or being blocked.

Double Slash This move is essentially

the same as the Single Slash, but Priscilla
will swing twice, once from right to left and
then from left to right. There is quite a large
gap between the two attacks. Priscilla will
adjust herself in-between attacks to catch
you while you are sidestepping, so be ready
to roll towards her, as these attacks do not
hit directly in front of her.

Moffil This is an extremely

powerful attack that is difficu lt to block.
The cloud of dust also lingers. It does big
damage, and should be avoided at any cost.
Thankfully, Priscilla takes a long time to
expel the dust and is quite vulnerable for
a while afterwards. This is a good time to
chop off her tail.


Invisibility While not an actual
attack, this is an important ability that you
will likely have to deal with. Priscilla will turn
completely invisible and attempt to attack
you . To make her visible again, you must hit
her with three or four attacks. To find her,
you can look for her footprints that appear
in the snow as she moves. If she uses the
Fairy Dust attack, the dust cloud will also
indicate roughly where she is .

Priscilla will not begin fighting with you straight away, and will only become aggressive self time to cast a spell, since she moves
after you strike the first blow. This is very useful since it allows you to get into position, and quite slowly. However, her scythe has
prepare yourself before beginning the battle. Pick your most pow erful w eapon and go into great range so don't take any risks w hen
a two-handed stance, and move behind her. If you are a mage, it may be worth casting the she makes her way over to you. After she
Iron Flesh or Magic Barrier spells on yourself, or any other defense oriented spells . When takes a certain amount of damage, she will
you are ready, begin to attack her tail. Attack quickly and often, as even after the first few become invisible.
blows, she says a few words of dialogue before beginning to fight you properly. Hopefully
in these first few strikes you also managed to chop off her tail, meaning you won't have to She can still use all her attacks while invis-
w orry about th is later and can pick up her unique weapon after the battle is done . ible, so you must render her visible as fast
as possible . The best w ay to find her is to
Priscilla doesn't have many attacks, and will mostly use her giant scythe for big, sweep- follow the footprints in the snow, but she
ing attacks . These can be blocked, but will cause Bleed damage regardless . It is absolutely will also give away her position when she
imperative you don't allow the Bleed gauge to fill, as it will result in instant death if it does. starts using her Fairy Dust attack . Follow
Stay close and keep circling her, but don't commit to too many attacks unless she uses her them and strike in the general area they
fairy dust attack, as this has significant recovery time and there is much less risk of getting lead you, and after hitting her once, look
caught by a scythe attack. As a mage, you can run to the other end of the arena to give your- for where the blood appears . Keep hitting
this area, and she w ill eventually re-appear.
I HP I 2300' II Souls 30000 II Respawn I II Abilities I None Keep this pattern up until she is defeated .
'The tail can be cut, HP158

Attack Damage Attack Type Status Effect Parry Tracking Speed

Double Slash 490 (PHYI Slash Bleed: 80 No Neither Medium

Fairy Dust 432 (MAGI Normal No Both Medium
Invisibility* No Neither Fast
*Turns invisible and teleports

Boss - Priscilla the Crossbreed

Heavy Knight (Sword)


Item Drops
The Demonic Foliage specializes in ranged melee attacks. Fairly Bloodred Moss Clump (C)
Purple Moss Clump (C)
durable for such a common enemy, they aren 't much of a threat in Blooming Purple Moss Clump (B)
low numbers but when in a mi xed group alongside other more dam-
aging enemies they can prove troublesome. They also sprout out of
the ground w hen you come near, meaning they can be difficult to
see and avoid . They are quite susceptible to fire-based attacks, are
fairly quick and cannot be parried or Backstabbed .

The Demonic Foliage has a couple of attacks that are designed to

catch you from long range, outside of the attack range of almost al l
melee weapons. You will want to be continuously blocking while
closing the distance to get near enough for you to deal damage of Branch Swing

your own . They also track sidesteppers very w ell using the ir ci rcular
Branch Sw ipe attack. If you remain too close and stationary for too
long, the Demonic Foliage can use an unblockable grab attack on
you, the Pincushion Grab. This is deadly, and must be avoided at al
costs . Mage builds should be very careful around the Demonic Foli-
age, as they usually won't be able to create the distance needed to
effectively use spells. The Demonic Foliage also runs extremely fast,
making it very difficult for you to create any kind of distance.

IHPI 193 II Souls I 100 II Respawn IYES li Abilities! None

Oal'kroot Basin HP 283 Souls 100 Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Branch Swing 173 (PHY) Normal No Neither Medium
Branch Swipe 195 (PHYI Normal No Both Medium
Pincushion Grab * 158 (PHYI Normal No Neither Slow
*Ext remely Powerful Grab Attack


Item Drops
Stone Greatsword (A)
Stone Greatshield (A)

avoid this especially when other enemies are around, as they will
take advantage of your staggered state and attack you mercilessly.
This will probably result in you getting combo'd to death.

Strategy The Stone Knight will also periodically guard with his large shield,
The Great Stone Knight is a versatile enemy that can present a seri- and since his attacks don't track particularly well anyway you should
ous problem if you don't take him out quickly. Once he builds mo- be continuously sidewalking around him, both to get around his
mentum or fights in tandem with other enemies. he can take you defense and avoid his attacks. Most of his attacks track well to his
out quickly and in decisive fashion. His defense is strong, and he is left, so circle him to the right. In an emergency, roll into him to avoid
resistant to both physical and magical attacks. The Stone Knight only his slash attacks, as the attacking hitbox of these attacks is quite
becomes act ive when you pass near his lifeless body, after which high up, and you have a good chance of passing underneath them.
he will rise and attack you. You can take this opportunity to get a few Be careful of the Power Smash though, rolling into him when he
hits in before he begins his attack. None of the Great Stone Knight's does this is a very bad idea.
attacks can be parried and he cannot be Backstabbed.
Occasionally, the Great Stone Knight will also use a spell, the
The Great Stone Knight has a myriad of attacks with which he can Tranquil Walk of Peace. This will cause you to slow down drastically,
assault you. His primary method of attack is using a Power Smash and will give you all of the symptoms of having an equip load that
attack in combination with the weaker Double and Triple Slash exceeds your maximum threshold (namely, slow movement and
attacks to attempt to break your guard. The Power Smash attack in an inability to roll) . The startup for this spell is extremely long and
particular is designed to break your guard in a single swing . Try to obvious, and if possible, you should take this opportunity to attack
the Knight relentlessly. If you attack him enough before the spell
IHP I 288 II souls I 300 II Respawn I YES I!Abilitiesl None activates, he will be knocked out of the spell and won't cast it.

Attack Damage Attack Type Status Effect Parry Tracking Speed

Double Slash 366 (PHY) Normal No Left Medium
Normal No Left Medium
Power Smash 401 (PHY) Normal No Neither Slow
Tranquil Walk of Peace* Gravity No Both Slow
*Slows movement speed

It em Dro ps
None The Possessed Tree is more of an obstacle than an enemy, and is
simply designed to block your path and be a hindrance. It has no
attacks and will not engage you offensively in any way. You can
identify a Possessed Tree by looking at the branches and roots and
IHP I 540 II souls I 180 II Respawn I NO I!Abilitiesl None see if they are wriggling.

Item Drops

The mighty Great Felines of Darkroot Garden can cause major
problems when you come across them. They can inflict massive
damage, and are very hard to dodge or run away from. They have
several unblockable attacks that do huge damage, and if you en-
counter them in a group, death is almost certain. Thankfully, we're
here to help.


into the pursuit range of the feline if you attempt this though, as
they will attack you immediately.

If you are dealing with a lone Great Feline, you can fight it in a more
conventional manner. The Great Feline is more dangerous at certain
ranges . At max range, you will have to be especially wary of the
deadly Rolling Charge, an incredibly fast unblockable attack that
does huge damage . You will have to roll out of the way w ith good
timing to survive this attack, so be ready to move at a moment's
notice. Preferably, you will want to close the distance . At mid range,
just outside of the range of most melee weapons the fel ine will use
the quick Pounce attack, which is powerful and tracks decently well.

Close range is where you will want to be, as you will be able to side-
All the Great Felines are located in one area of the Darkroot Garden, step both the Quick Bite and Feast attacks, and be able to guard the
and this is right after the bridge you cross after climbing a series of weaker Turning Bite attack. Try to land your attacks to its head, as this
ladders beginning at the base of the waterfall in Darkroot Basin, near will do extra damage. Sustained attacks will cause the feline to flinch,
the Hydra. As soon as you cross the bridge and enter the area, at granting you extra time to do more damage. Make sure not to stay
least one Great Feline will spot you and attack. There are also several stationary, as the Feast attack is an unblockable instant kill move.
other Great Felines on the ledges around this area, and they will leap
down to join the fray should you venture too close. If you end up en-
gaging more than one, immediately retreat back towards the bridge. Pounce
The cut off point for how far the felines will chase you is here, and
they will immediately stop pursuit when you get near the bridge.

If you are a mage type class, this is a perfect place to launch your
ranged attacks from, complete ly safe from attack while the felines
back away slowly. Using a Bow will also work here, although due
to the massive HP of the feline, this will be quite time consuming .
Melee builds can also use the cut off trick to attack the felines, as
they begin to back away slowly, you can get a quick strong attack in
before backstepping away. Make you sure you don't venture back

I HP I 1465 II Souls I 2000 II Respawn I NO IIAbilitiesl None

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Quick Bite 389 IPHYI Normal No Bot h Fast
Pounce 252 IPHYI Normal No Both Fast
Rolling Charge 44 1 IPHYI Normal No Both Fast
Feast* 273 (PHY) Normal No Both Medium
*Extremely Powerful Grab Attack

Item Drops

Egg Vermifu ge (AI

item or treasure, as bait to lure the player in before attacking . The

Tree Lizard 's attack cannot be parried, and due to it never leaving its
position its back is never exposed for a Backstab. The Tree Lizard 's
attacks also cause Poison damage .

The Tree Lizard has one attack, a snapping bite w ith its tw o heads .
This attack has very quick startup and cool dow n, even after you
block it and the lizard is staggered. As such, the Tree Lizard can
launch attack after attack in rapid succession. While this wouldn't
Strategy ordinarily be a problem, the fact that these attacks cause the Poison
The Tree Lizard is fairly rare, and difficult to spot even w hen you do status affect make it an issue. The Poison buildup will occur even
come across it. It resembles the green vines hanging from most when you clock its attacks, but much more so if you are hit. The
trees in the Darkroot Garden area, and it will attack anyone that best approach to take is to attack from the side of the tree, almost
approaches too quickly. The Tree Lizard is usually placed near an behind the Tree Lizard, as its attacks cannot reach you there. The
Tree Lizard also never moves, so attacking from outside its range is
I HP I 169 II Souls I 60 II Respawn I YE S] [Abilities I None a viable tactic.

Attack Damage Attack Type Status Effect Parry Tracking Speed

Head Bite 192 (PH Y) Normal Poison: 60 No Neither Fast


Item Drops

Green Blossom IDI

or Demonic Foliage. It can also pop out from water, taking you by
surprise. While it cannot be parried or Backstabbed, it is very slow
moving and not very damaging, and will go down quickly with a few
swift hits.

The Frog-Ray has two attacks, the horizontal Tongue Lash and the
vertical Tongue Strike. Both attacks have quite good range and as
you would expect, the Tongue Lash also has good tracking and will
Strategy probably catch you while sidestepping. Both attacks do minimal
The bizarre looking mutant combination of a frog and a manta damage however and can be easily blocked, after which the Frog-
ray, the aptly named Frog-Ray is fairly easy to deal with. Found Ray will be very vulnerable during its substantial block stagger. Use
exclusively in Darkroot Garden, it can cause problems if encoun- this opportunity to take it out. A mage build shouldn't need to waste
tered with a few other enemies, such as the Great Stone Knight a spell on it, unless it's part of a large group of varied enemies and
you need to take some of them out quickly. Thankfully, the Frog-
Ray moves slowly and you can create distance between you and it
IHP I 162 II souls I SO II Respaw n I YES li Abiliti es ! None rather easily.

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed


Item Drops
The Clan of Forest Protectors inhabit the top area of the Darkroot Pharis
Black Bow of Pharis (M)
Garden and defend it from grave robbers. They are led by Alvina, the Pharis's Hat (M)
white Great Feline. They will attack anyone that enters the area, but Twin Humanities (M)
if you can reach Alvina and enter into a covenant with her, they will
immediately stop attacking you. Be warned however, if you attack
one of them after this, you will make enemies of them for life.

The first of the two mage classes, the Cleric is more aggressive and
will attack you alongside the other two melee classes. He is armed
with a mace, which is fairly damaging, but the attacks from it are
slow and lumbering. In addition, he has very poor armor and can't
take many hits. You should leave him to the end, since he can heal
himself frequently and can knock you away with the Force spell.

The Shaman will attack you from a distance using the Soul Arrow
spell until he runs out of uses. This is easy to dodge ordinarily, but
since you will be busy fighting the other members of the clan, it's
much harder to deal with. You should concentrate on dodging until
the Shaman runs out of uses, whereupon the Shaman will move in
to attack with his short sword. He has poor armor and his attack is
weak, so once he's close he is much easier to deal with.

The Thief, like the Knight, is under a spell that renders him mostly
invisible. Other than making him visually hard to see, it also makes it
impossible for you to lock on to him. The best way to approach this
fight is to stay mobile and keep moving, and when you spot an op-
portunity, parry an obvious strike from one of the slower enemies like
the Knight or Cleric, leaving the Thief for the end when you can deal
with his quick strikes easier. Try not to attack the Thief without parry-
ing or blocking beforehand, as he is very adept at parrying himself.


The Knight is also invisible, just like the Thief. He is clad in sturdy ar-
mor and has a damaging longsword, but he is not as mobile as the
Thief nor as quick. His attacks are quite slow, so while dodging the
attacks of the other enemies, you should wait for an opportunity to
parry and take him out. He is also slow to catch up to you, so if you
move away and let the other enemies reach you first, this wil l create
some distance between you and separate the Knight from his allies.


I HP I 767 Souls 2000 Respawn Abilities I None


I HP 767 Souls 5000 Respawn Abilities j None


I HP I 849 Souls 3000 Respawn Abilities I None


I HP 719 Souls 2000 Respawn Abilities INone


I HP I 767 Souls 2000 Respawn Can use Miracle: Soothing Sunlight when HP 70% or less (of self or ally

Name Right Weapon Left Weapon Ann or Ring Magic

Pharis Black Bow of Pharis + 12 Large Leather Shield + 12 Pharis's Hat+ 10 Ring of Fog None
Falchion + 12 Leather Armor+ 10
Leather Gloves+ 10
Leather Boots + 10
Knight Claymore + 12 Knight Shield + 12 Ring of Fog None

Shaman Sorcerer's Catalyst Small Leather Shield + 12 Sorcerer Cloak + 10 None Soul Arrow
Short Sword + 12 Sorcerer Gauntlets + 10 Heavy Soul Arrow
Sorcerer Boots + 10

Cleric Mace+ 12 East-West Shield + 12 Holy Robe+ 10 None Soothing Sunlight
Canvas Talisman Traveling Gloves + 10
Holy Trousers + 10
Thief Bandit's Knife + 12 Target Sh1eld + 12 Hollow Thief's Hood+ 10 Ring of Fog None
Hollow Thief's Leather Armor+ 10
Hollow Thief's Tights + 10


] . .

Item Drops
Attacks 09_014
Soul of the Moonlight Butterfly (M)

Magical Light Needles Like all of the Moonlight

Butterfly's attacks, it will first charge up en-
ergy before using this attack. This charge up
animation is the same for the Light Needles,
Soul Mass and Beam attacks, so until the
attack actually comes out. you won't know
which it is. This can be blocked, but since it
is magical damage, it will bypass most con-
ventional defenses. The Moonlight Butterfly
will fire two sets of needles, with the central
needle always being aimed at your position .

Mi!.! , i!.t. ~ffli.Vff.fl

The Homing Sou l Mass
attack f ires a group of three slow moving,
tracking projectiles in your direction. These
do more damage than t he Light Needles,
but are much easier to dodge.


Soul Sphere The Soul Sphere is
a huge ball of energy that has a massive
blast radius when it makes contact with
the surface of the bridge you are standing
on. The Moonlight Butterfly will only fire
this when it passes over you from one side
of the bridge to the other. So as soon as it
does this, run as far away as possible to try
to avoid the blast.

Moonlight Beam Sometimes it will fire a

huge beam across the bridge, which is very
hard to fight The startup animation is the
same as it uses for the Light Needle and
Soul Mass attacks. Once you see the beam,
you can try to block it or avoid it either by
running so far away from the Moonlight But-
terfly that the arc of the beam doesn't hit
you, or by rolling through the beam as it's
about to hit you.

Charged Explosion When the Moonlight

Butterfly lands on the bridge, it will rest
for a moment before beginning to charge
energy. Once this charge is complete, it will
release a huge explosion that will damage
you if you are in the vicinity. This is very
powerful and should avoided at all costs.

As the battle begins, the Moonlight Butterfly will be hovering in This is your only opportunity to attack it with melee attacks, so you
front of you over the bridge. Obviously only ranged attacks will will have to get hits in before it fully charges up and releases the
reach, so a powerful Bow will work well. A mage will get mixed re- Charged Explosion. After that, it will resume flying and you will have
sults, since many Pyromancy spells won't reach, but Soul Arrow and to dodge its attacks until it lands again.
other similar spells should still reach. It is also worth reinforcing your
magical defense with a Magical Barrier spell if you have it available, The most common attack it will use is the Magical Light Needles.
since all the Moonlight Butterfly's attacks are magic based. The best way to avoid this is to stay as far away from the Moon-
light Butterfly as possible, and timing an evasive roll as soon as it
A melee class will have to wait it out The Moonlight Butterfly will finishes its charge sequence before it releases an attack. If it was
eventually land on the bridge and use its Charged Explosion attack. a Light Needle attack, you will roll around it, and if it was one of
the slower attacks, you will recover from the roll in time to take
I HP I 1506 II Souls I 3000 II Respawn I II Abilities I None other evasive measures.

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed


Item Drops
Attacks 09_015
Covenant of Artorias (M)
Soul of Sif (M)

Dashing Slice Like all of Sit's attacks,

the Dashing Slice can be blocked. However,
blocking this attack carries some risk, as it
actually hits twice; once with the sword, and
then again if Sit's body touches you. If you are
blocking it, make sure you are far back so only
the sword makes contact with you. If you are
forced to block both, you wi ll likely not have
enough Stamina to do so and will take mas-
sive damage from the second attack.

Spinning Slice The Spinning Slice is

another attack that is very risky to block .
Since Sifs spins around twice, you could
end up blocking both spins, which you will
not have enough Stamina to do. Make sure
to evade one spin and block the other, or
preferably, evade both.

Sword Slam The Sword Slam is a

powerf ul attack, but has no tracking and
a poor hitbox. This attack is blockable and
while it will reduce your Stamina bar signifi-
cantly, it has no follow up attacks and has
substantial recovery, during which you can
attack Sif.

Evasive Slice This is an incredibly

quick attack where Sif will slice you as he
jumps backwards and away from you in one
motion. As a result, blocking it won't give
you an opportunity to attack, but will help
you survive. This attack is the best reason
why you should have your guard up at all

Single Slice The Single Slice is a

quick chop from Sifs sword from side to
side. This attack has good tracking and a
high hitbox, meaning you can roll under it
quite easily. It also does not do much dam-
age to your Stamina bar, so you can block it
fairly safely.


Boss - Moonlight Butterfly

Boss- Sif. The Great Grey Wolf

Double Slice Two slashes from side

to side, very difficult to sidewalk around
due to the great tracking. These can still
be rolled under and blocked fairly comfort-
ably without the Stamina bar being fully

Finishing Combo This is a combo where

Sif will slice twice and then finish with an
overhead smash. The last hit has poor track-
ing and a small hitbox, so use this long com-
bo as an opportunity to get some hits in.

Sif is incredibly agile, and will be jumping all over the battlefield to move into position and heights of the terrain to your advantage. If Sif
evade your attacks. You won't need to follow him all over the place though, as he will attack is on a higher part of the terrain than you, a lot
you quickly and often. Almost all of his attacks have great tracking, so sidestepping around of his attacks will pass harmlessly over your
to his sides is not as effective as it is for other enemies. Thankfully, every attack he uses can head as you attack from a lower base.
be blocked, so having a shield that reduces physical damage by 100% is absolutely essen-
tial. Having a good amount of Stamina is also preferable. Be sure to look out for his Dashing Slice
and Spinning Slice attacks, and be ready
Blocking his attacks and counterattacking is the best way to approach the battle. Mages will to roll backwards out of the range of these
have to be extremely careful when casting spells, since Sif can close the distance between you attacks. They can be blocked in part, but if
and him in a flash and attack. A good tactic is to try and use the undulations and differences in you block all the multi-hitting parts of these
attacks your guard will quickly be broken
I HP I 3432 II Souls I 30000 II Respawn I and you will take big damage.

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Single Slice 420 (PHY) Normal No Both Medium
... ................................................
Double Slice 441 IPHY) Normal No Both Medium
............... . ..... . .. .

Sword Slam Normal No Neither Medium


Item Drops
Blue Ambe r
Blue Titanite Chunk lA) None

Amber ones are much rarer and stronger, and are usually hiding
some sort of NPC inside themselves.

The Golems are incredibly slow, and most of their attacks can be
avoided by simply backing away, guarding or sidestepping. However,
take special note of the Crystal Eruption attack, this is unblockable
Strategy and very damaging. The Blue Golem version of this attack has much
The Crystal Golems are slow, clunky enemies that are very durable greater range and the crystals will erupt all around it, rather than
and have high HPThey are generally fairly easy to navigate around just in front of it like the Amber Golem. While they are dangerous
and run away from, and most of their attacks can be guarded. The in groups, you can easily get away from them since they are slow
Blue and Amber variations are more or less the same, but the moving. Just pick them off one by one or take them out with magic.
Crystal Golems (Blue) Crystal Golems (Amber)

IHP I 408 !! souls I 200 II Respawn I YES IIAbilities l None IHP I 816 ll souls l 1500 II Respawn I NO IIAbilitiesl None

The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave HP 680 Souls 800 Respawn YES The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave HP 1360 Souls 2500 Respawn NO

Attack Damage AttackType Parry Trackmg Speed

Punch (Blue) 270 (PHYI Normal No Neither Medium
.. .......... ...........

Crystal Eruption !Blue) 2781MAGI Normal No Both Slow

Double Punch (Blue) 311 IPHYI Normal No Neither Medium
Crystal Punch (Blue) 282 (PHY) Normal No Left Med1um
Leaping Punch (Blue) 365(PHYJ Normal No Neither Med1um
................................................................... .. .............................................
Punch (Amber) Normal No Neither Medium

Crystal Eruption (Amber) 323 !MAGI Normal No Both Slow

Double Punch (Amber) 4651PHYI Normal No Neither Medium
Crystal Punch (Amber) 423 IPHYI Normal No Left Med1um
Leaping Punch (Amber) 530 IPHYI Normal No Neither Medium


Item Drops
Black Knight Halberd (C)
Black Knight Shield IBI
Blue Titanite Chunk IMI (Dark root Garden. Kiln of the First Flame)
White Titanite Chunk (M) (Tomb of the Giants)

The supremely diverse Spear-type Black Knight is as dangerous as
they come. Capable of a large variety of attacks, his speed, range
and power are extremely hard to deal with. The only times you will


Crystal Golems (Blue)

encounter this variation are here in Darkroot Basin and at the Kiln of
the First Flame. Just like the other versions, this one can be parried
and Backstabbed.

The Spear-wielding Black Knight has a lot of attacks to choose from.

His bread and butter are the Thrust and Double Thrust attacks, and
when he is further away from you, the Dashing Thrust. These attacks
are difficult to parry since they are so quick and have no obvious
startup animation. You're better off blocking these, or better yet, side-
stepping around them, since their tracking is quite poor. However, his
other slashing attacks, the Spinning Slash and Spinning Strikes, both
track very well and are extremely damaging. They can be guarded, but
you should attempt a parry on the second hit of either the Spinning
Strikes or the second hit of the Double Swing. His Shield Bash is only
designed to reduce your Stamina and break your guard, so if he uses
this on you, roll out of the way of the next attack to survive.

When facing the Black Knight on the ridges of Darkroot Basin, you
will have very little room for lateral movement, making his rapid
thrusts hard to do anything about other then block. However, you
can use the cliff edges to your advantage. If you can keep your
back to the edge, and lure the Black Knight into using an attack with
significant recovery, such as the Dashing Thrust, you can roll or dash
behind him and quickly use a Backstab. If you angle and space it
correctly, the Backstab animation can knock him off the edge, mak-
ing this a very short fight.

IHP I 532 ll souls l 1800 II Respawn I NO li Abilities ! None

Tomb of the Giants HP 816 Souls 1200 Respawn NO

Kiln of the First Flame HP 958 Souls 1200 Respawn YES

Attack Damage AttackType Parry Tracking Speed

Thrust 272 (PHY) Thrust Yes Neither Fast
Double Thrust 281 (PHYI Thrust Yes Neither Fast

Spinning Strikes 374 (PHY) Thrust Yes Both Medium

Dashing Thrust 391 IPHYJ Thrust Yes Neither Fast

Shield Bash 340 (PHY) Thrust No Neither Fast

02 ENEMYGUlDE 11 9
Item Drops
Dragon Scale IS)

The primary method of attack the Wyvern uses is its Lightning

Breath. This is a lightning-based attack and thus most shields won't
be able to stop 100% of the damage, meaning blocking it is unwise.
It also hits multiple times, so taking a lot of Stamina damage is
inevitable. Thankfully, this attack does not track well and can be
sidestepped easily. It also has a long amount of recovery, making
Strategy this the best time for you to attack.
The Wyvern is a tough, quick enemy, whose unconventional elemen-
tal attacks can penetrate an unprepared defense. While its tracking The Wyvern also has a myriad of swooping movements, both forwards
is generally poor and most of its attacks can be sidestepped, a group and backwards, some of which are accompanied by a Lightning
of them are incredibly deadly, hard to engage and even harder to Breath attack launched from midair. If the Wyvern flies backwards,
escape from. roll backwards to avoid the lightning, while if it flies towards you, roll
into it to pass underneath it. Be careful to get caught by the Wyvern
IHP I 1152 II souls I 500 II Respawn I YES ![Abilities~ itself as it is landing, as this can also damage you.

Attack Damage AttackType Parry Tracking Speed

Head Bite 420 IPHYl Normal No Neither Fast
lightning Breath 414 ILIG) Normal No Both Medium
Jumping lightning 414ILIG) Normal No Neither Fast


Item Drops
Male Female
Jagged Ghost Blade (A) Ghost Blade (B)
Transient Curse (B) Transient Curse (B)

In order to fight them, you must Curse yourself, either by getting

Cursed and then returning to battle them, or by using a Tran sient
Curse item to temporarily fight them. Whichever method you
choose, you should try to increase your drop rate as much as pos-
sible and kill them quickly, in hopes of one of them dropping the
Ghost Blade weapon. This dagger can harm the ghosts without you
having to be Cursed, making your life much easier.

Most of their attacks aren't too damaging, but the long-range grab,
Ghostly Vengeance, is a one-hit kill attack that you must avoid at all
costs. Once you can actually start hitting them, every hit wi ll stag-
ger them slightly, allowing you to kill them with relentless attacks.

The extremely dangerous Ghosts of New Londo cannot be attacked
ordinarily. Not only that. but they can pursue you through walls and
over, under or through any terrain, up until the end of their pursuit
zone. They also tend to lie in wait inside or behind walls, waiting for
you to pass by before striking with a Lunging Slice or Stretch Slice.
All their attacks are unblockable, regardless of what shield you are
using. And not only are almost all of your conventional weapons
useless against them, they are also impervious to all magic attacks .
Ghost (Male) Ghost (Fema ,e)

IHP I 231 II Souls I II Respawn I YES li Abilities ! None II Respawn I YES li Abilities! None
Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed
Both Medium
Double Lunging Slice (Male) 204 (PHY) Normal No Both Medium
Quick Slice (Male) 211 (PHY) Normal No Neither Fast
Stretch Slice (Male) 204 IPHYI Normal No Neither Fast
Ghostly Vengeance" IMale) 400 IPHYI Normal No Neither Slow

Double Lunging Slice*' (Female) 454 IPHYI Normal No Both Medium

Quick Slice (Female) 315 (PHY) Thrust No Neither Fast
... ... .. ............... .. ...
Stretch Slice (Female) 238 (MAG) Normal No Neither Fast

Ghostly Vengeance (Female) 459 (PHY) Normal No Neither Slow

4 hit Combo ' Extremely Powerful Grab Attack . , 5 hit combo "Extremely Powerful Grab Attack


Item Drops
Wisps are sort of floating mines; upon detecting the player, they'll None
float towards t hem and when they get close enough, they'll begin to
emit a noise and glow, and shortly after that, explode. This explosion
is quite damaging, but it can be blocked . These explosions can also
damage any en emies caught in the blast. Wisps are either limited in
numbers, or are generated by a Mass of Souls in the area.

The best way to deal with the Wisp is to take them out from a dis-
tance as soon as you see one. Use the aim mode of a Bow and land
an arrow from long range to instantly detonate the Wisp. If any others
are nearby, they w ill also be caught in the blast and will explode too.
If using a Bow isn't an option, you can also bait them into exploding

Walk close enough to one so that it detects you, and wa it for it to

approach . As soon as it stops, makes a noise and begins to glow,
run away from it and let it explode harmlessly.

Catacombs HP 15 Souls 0 Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Explosion * 420 (PHY) No AO E Slow
*Wisp vanishes

Item Drops
T1ta nite Chunk IBI
Ti tan ite Slab lSI

The Darkwraith is an adept swordsman with dark powers to support
its attacks . While most of its sword attacks are parryable and block-
able, it can do huge damage with combos if it lands a single hit. It
also has great defense w ith its dark energy shield, and is very quick
and agile .

Most of its attacks are quick sword slashes. Of particular note is the
multi-hitting Whirling Dervish attack, which is a combo of three attacks,
w ith a possible last fourth hit w hich you can recover in time to parry.
Most of its attacks are easily parried, so this should be your main Its kick attack is al so designed to break your guard, so sidestepping
method of attack, since its dark shield w ill block most normal attacks around it often is a good idea . It is susceptible to Backstabs, and
and cause significant block stagger. most of its attacks are very linear and don't track w ell. Ma ke sure
not to stay still for too long, or it will use its unblockable one-hit-kill
IHP I 525 II souls I 900 II Respawn I YES liAbilities ! None grab on you, the Soul Steal.

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Overhead Chop 370 IPHYI Normal Yes Neither Medium


Kick 260 (PHYI Strike No Neither Fast

Soul Steal* 281 IPH Y) Strike No Neither Slow
Extremely Powerful Grab Anack


Ghost {Male)


Mass of Souls

Item Drops

When facing you, the Mass of Souls will tend to attack using a spear
it extends from its mouth. This spear has great range, but poor
tracking. It also isn't very damaging and can be blocked easily. The
thrust and slam attacks have no tracking at all, but are fairly quick,
especially the thrust. However, the Jelly Spew attack has quite a
large radius and if it hits, will cause you to slow down significantly,
Strategy making it very hard to avoid the spear attacks.
The Mass of Souls is a huge, jelly like accumulation of bodies. Despite
its size, it can actually move fairly quickly, sliding along the floor. It While the Mass of Souls' forward movement is decent, its turning
has some unconventional attacks, along with the unique ability to circle is incredibly slow. As a result, you can simply sidestep around
spawn explosive Wisps ad infinitum. It has huge amounts of HP, and to its back and stay there, hacking away, turning with the Mass to
thanks to its size, cannot be parried or Backstabbed. ensure you are always at its back. None of its attacks can reach
you there. Be careful if it spawns a Wisp though, as this will move
I HP I 2059 II souls I 5000 II Respawn I YES li Abilities! None towards you wherever you are and explode.

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Spear Swing 220 IPHYI Normal No Both Slow



Do uble Slash This attack is two

diagonal slashes with the King's huge blade.
These attacks can be guarded, and they
do not have good tracking to either side.
Blocking them isn't recommended however,
as they will do massive damage to your
Stamina bar.

Vertical Slash This is a single

powerful vertical slash. The tracking is
non-existent on this attack, so it is a great
opportunity to move to the side of the King
and get a few free hits in. This attack is
also blockable, but again, it is not recom-

Double Horizontal Slash This is a pair of wide-

sweeping slashes with the King's large
sword. These have excellent tracking and
are quite damaging to both your health and
Stamina bar. They can be rolled under, and
if you are close enough to the King, they
won't hit. You should use this opportunity to

Power Thru st A powerful straight

thrust with the sword. This is the King's
longest reaching sword attack, and will do
big damage to health and Stamina. While it
is linear and doesn't track well, the King will
only use it when you are at a distance and
cannot sidestep it well.


Energy Bolt This magical attack is
a slow moving, large purple projectile. It
has excellent homing capabilities, and will
follow you no matter how much you evade.
It is also unblockable, and does big damage.
Your only means of dealing with it is to out-
run it; you can run faster than it can chase
you . If you run from it long enough, it will
eventually disappear. This can take a while
though, and it may be enough time for a
new King to appear.

Quick Energy Shots This is another magical

attack, a quick moving set of energy shots
that will home in on your location. These
are much quicker than the Energy Bolt, but
have much weaker homing capabilities. As
a result, you can roll out of the way when
they come close to you quite easily.

Energy Explosion This is a large area of

effect magical attack that is unblockable and
very damaging. The King using it will spin
around and begin to emanate purple energy.
As soon as you see the spin, run away from
the King as fast as possible to escape the
resulting large explosion that will occur.

Soul Consumption This is a rarely used,

but deadly, unblockable one-hit kill grab
attack. The animation for it is similar to
that of the Energy Explosion; the King will
spin around, and then dash towards you
with his arm extended. Be sure not to get
caught by it.

Before going into the Abyss to fight the Four Kings, ensure you have armor that is strong battle. Thankfully, you can do something
against both physical and magical attacks, and a shield that can defend well against both. about it.

When you first land in the Abyss, spin the camera around and try to identify the first King as Each King has a set amount of health, about
soon as possible. He may be off in the distance. As soon as you find him, move forward to 20% of the total. Reducing this to zero will
engage him. To begin with there will only be one King, who will soon be joined by another. kill that King, and lower their numbers. They
Then after a while a third will join the fray, then the last one, so that you are battling four will keep spawning until you reduce their
Kings at once. Needless to say, when it gets to this point, it becomes an almost unwinnable total HP to zero, so expect to have to kill at
least four to five Kings anyway. Killing them
I HP I 9504 II Souls I 30000 II Respawn II Abilities I None as fast as possible is paramount, otherwise
you will soon be overwhelmed.
'Each character has HP2376/The four gatheres the HP

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Double Horizontal Slash 368 IPHY)/189 (MAG) Normal No Both Medium
Vertical Slash 378 (PHY)/189 (MAGI Normal No Neither Medium
Power Thrust 389 (PHY)/189 (MAG) Normal No Neither Medium
Double Slash 441 (PHY)/189 (MAG) Normal No Nerther Medium
Energy Explosion 546 (MAGI Normal No AOE Slow

'Extremely Powerful Grab Attack, absorbs 1 humanity


Item Drops
The Fully Armored Tusk is similar in almost every way to the Ar- Fang Boar Helm (C)
mored Tusk, except for a couple of key differences. The environment
you will encounter it in, and the most important change, its previ-
ously exposed rear end weak point is now completely armored.

There are only two Fully Armored Tusks, both in the corridor leading
from Anor Londo to the Duke's Archives. This is a terrible environ-
ment to fight these creatures in, as the narrow corridors are per-
fectly made for them to charge down and gore you with nowhere Tusk launch
for you to run. The end of the pursuit zone for the first Tusk is near
the entrance to the corridor, so lead it here before attacking it as it
backs away from you . Most weapons and magical attacks will be
ineffective, but fire-based attacks can have good results.

The second Tusk is near the entrance to the first real room of the
Duke's Archives. Get behind it if possible, and move into either the
left or right corner of the room, next to the lift. The Tusk cannot enter
this area due to the pillar blocking its path, so this is a safe place for
you to take your time to defeat it.

IHP I 640 ll souls l 1000 II Respawn I NO li Abilities! None

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Tusk launch 672 IPHYI Thrust No Neither Slow
. ......................... ,,,,,,,.,, ,,,,.,,, , ,,,
Tackl e 672 IPHYI Thrust No Neither Med1um
Tusk Attack 456 IPHY) Thrust No Both Medium
Boar Kick 456 (PHY) Strike No Neither Medium
Charge 456 IPHYI Thrust No Both Fast


Crystal General


Item Drops
Undead Crystal Soldier (Sword) Undead Crystal Soldier (Bow)
Crystal Straight Sword (A) Longbow (A)
Caduceus Kite Shield (A)

there is a chance of being combo'd by the soldiers you are battling .

Luckily the Archer will never switch to a sword like some of the
other Bow-using enemies, so once you close the distance it is a
simple task to dispose of them .

Strategy Arrow Shot

The Crystal Soldiers are similar in behavior to most Undead and
Zombie soldiers. However, they are much more durable and damag-
ing , and can cause trouble even in this late stage of the game . The
Crystal Sw ordsmen are very resilient to physical damage, thanks
to their crystal armor and shields. Their sw ords also do much more
damage than other soldier type enemies, and they have some qu ick
guard breaking moves like the Quick Barge, w hich cannot parried .
All of the ir sw ord based attacks can be parried how ever, and the
timing is quite simple . They can also be Backstabbed.

The Crystal Archers are an annoyance in that they will support the
attacks of the Crystal Soldiers from afar, and should they land a hit.
Undead Crystal Soldier (Sword) Undead Crystal Soldier (Bow)

IHP I 212 II souls I 150 II Respawn I YES li Abilities ! None IHP I 155 II souls I 150 II Respawn I YES li Abilities! None

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Trackmg Speed

Sword Smash (Sword) 269 IPHYI Normal Yes Neither Slow
Double Slash (Sword) 355 IPHYI Normal Yes Neither Medium
Yes Left Medium
Quick Barge (Sword) 353 (PHYI Normal Yes Neither Fast
........................................... .........
Arrow Shot (Bow) 379 (PH Y) Thrust No Neither Medium


Item Drops

While most of his attacks are parryable, you should be wary of

going for a parry. If you mis-time it and he hits you, you will be in a
world of hurt. His power slash and spinning slash in particular are
very damaging. His attacks are blockable and this is the best way to
deal with them. However, his Shield Bash attack is a little bit special
compared to others you may have encountered before. Due to him
Strategy wielding the Crystal Shield, he can cause the bleeding status effect
The Crystal General is essentially a Hollow enemy, and has all the on you by hitting you with his Shield Bash. Two of these, and you
same attacks that an ordinary longsword wielding NPC has. How- will undergo Blood Loss, which will be instant death.
ever, his crystal w eapon and armor make him very powerful, and
his crystal shield can also be a dangerous weapon . Keep your guard up and sidewalk around him, blocking his sword
attacks and aiming to get around him for a Backstab. If he lands a
IHP I 742 II souls I 3000 II Respawn I NO II Abilitiesl None Shield Bash on you, back away quickly until your bleed bar depletes.

Right Weapon Left Weapon Armor Ring Magic

Crystal Greatsword Crystal Shield+5 Crystalline Helm None None

Item Drops
Humanity IBI

still take unblockable damage. The rest of the Pisaca's attacks are
easily blocked, and don't have great forward range.

As they come up the stairs, you should goad them into attacking
and then back away, as they suffer from significant recovery after
Strategy an attack. Punish the recovery with a leaping strong attack, then roll
The Pisaca are a group of enemies that act as guards to the dun- away and repeat. If you begin to get overwhelmed, run back to your
geons of the Duke's Archives. They move quickly up the stairs right cell and close the door; the Pisaca's will retreat slowly down the
after the Serpent Soldier sounds the alarm after your escape. They stairs, giving you time to use the Bonfire and regroup.
are in a massive group and are very difficult, if not impossible to slip
past, so the battle will have to take place on the stairs. Immortal Seath the Scaleless
You will actually encounter Seath the Scaleless for the first time in
The most important thing to avoid is the Grab 'n' Stab attack, as this the Duke's Archives. However, here he is unkillable as his 'heart' is
is unblockable and an instant kill. Even if the grab doesn't connect located elsewhere. You must die by Seath's hand here, as he will
cleanly, if you come into contact with the Pisaca's tentacles you will send you to the archive's dungeon area, where you must escape
to continue. The real battle takes place in the Crystal Cave, so see
that section for the full strategy for defeating him.

Attack Damage AttackType Parry Tracking Speed

Tentacle Swing 4081PHY) Strike No Neither Medium
Spit 3B9 1PHYJ Normal No Neither Med1um
Garb N Stab* 684(PHYI Norma l No Both Slow
'Extremely Pow erful Grab Attack


Item Drops

Loght Needles Blue Titanite Chunk (B)

Blue Titanite Slab (S)

This offshoot of t he Moonlight Butterfly is actually much harder
to deal with, and you will have to face several while in the Crystal
Cave. The limited, slippery footing will be a huge hazard as you at-
tempt to dodge the Crystal Butterfly's attacks. Unlike the Moonlight
Butterfly, the Crystal Butterfly never comes in to land, and so close
range melee weapons will be utterly useless against it. has a ton of HPThe Dragonslayer Greatbow is the best option, so
try to ensure you have enough dragon arrows before going in.
This being the case, you will have to rely on long range, precise
magic like Soul Arrow variations, or on a powerful Bow. And it will In terms of attacks, the Crystal Butterfly is limited to two of the
have to be an extremely powerfu l Bow, as the Crystal Butterfly Moonlight Butterfly's attacks, the Homing Soul Mass and Light
Needles attacks. Both of them operate in the same way, and can
IHP I 1255 II soul s I 400 II Respawn I NO li Abilities ! None be evaded in the same way.

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Light Needles 312 (MAGI Strike NO Both Medium
Homing Soul Mass 432 (MAGI Strike NO Neither Medium


Item Drops
Bequeathed Lord Soul Shard (M)
Tail: Moonlight Greatsword (MJ
Close Cu rse Beam
Close Curse Beam The first of Seath's Curse
Beams: Seath will fire a beam from his mouth
in a circular arc close to his body, and crystals
will erupt from the ground around where
the beam touched. Getting hit by the crystal
eruption will cause substantial damage, and
standing amongst the crystals after they have
erupted will inflict continuous damage on you
In addition, touching these crystals builds up
your Curse meter. The eruption and all subse-
quent damage is unblockable.


Crystal Butterfly

Boss - Seath the Scaleless

Far Curse Beam The same effect as the

Close Curse Beam, except this is fired in a
circular arc further away from Seath's body.

Straight Curse Beam The last of the different

Curse Beam types, Seath fires this in a
straight line from the base of his body to
the end of the room, in the direction you are


Crystal Curse Explosion Seath's most
dangerous attack: Seath will begin charging
briefly, and will then erupt crystal from his
body in all directions. This crystal eruption is
even more damaging than the others, and
of course much harder to evade. The only
way to avoid it is to get quite far away from
Seath's body, out of range of the eruption .

Tail Thrash Seath will use this if

you stay near one of his three tails for too
long. He will begin slamming all three tails
down continuously, smashing into you if
you are too close. This can even hit multiple
times, as while you are getting up from
the first hit, he might be still be doing the
attack, hitting you again before you can get
away. This attack is unblockable.

Punches Seath will throw a

scooping punch with either his left or right
hand. This is incredibly damaging and un-
blockable, but fairly easy to dodge since his
hand hitbox is so small.

You should be completely prepared for this fight before you go into the area that activates. Thrash attacks . You may get caught in or two
The battle will start automatically after you approach close to Seath's crystal heart, located in of these attacks while doing this, but neither
Crystal Cave. Make sure you don't go too far in if you aren't yet ready. You are practically guar- is strong enough to kill you in one hit. You are
anteed to get Cursed during the course of this battle, so be prepared for this. Also, you cannot also likely to get Cursed, so keep both heal-
guard any of Seath's attacks, so just go two-handed and abandon any illusions of defense. ing and Curse break items in plentiful supply.
Keep this up until he is down.
As soon as the battle starts, turn around and run to the crystal at the back of the cave.
Destroy it with one hit. and immediately turn back and run towards Seath. It is this crystal A mage has a much, much easier time of
that makes him immortal, and destroying it has rendered him vulnerable. As he roars in pain this battle. Seath is very slow moving, and
from its destruction, you have time to run and try to get in position. You will want to be on his long-range Curse beams are easy to
his side, in between one of his side tails and his rear tail. From here, you are safe against see, react to and dodge. Simply observe
all his attacks except the Crystal Curse Eruption and the Tail Thrash, but you can see both of the arc of the beam, and move out of the
these coming and dodge them. way of the inevitable crystal eruption . When
he gets too close, move to the other side of
Begin attacking him here, and turn with him as he turns, rolling and attacking to get extra hits the cave. This strategy also keeps you safe
in. When he stops for an attack, get ready to run away, to avoid the Crystal Eruption and Tail from the powerful Crystal Curse Explosion.

I HP I 5525 II Souls I 40000 II Respawn II Abilities I None

The tail can be cut, HP 330

Attack Damage Attack Type Status Effect Parry Tracking Speed

Close Curse Beam 564(MAG) Normal No Both Medium
Breath Crystal 72 IPHY) Normal Curse: 2
Punch 624 IPHY) Normal No Neither Medium

Tail Thrash 612 (PHYI Normal No Neither Medium

Far Curse Beam Normal No Neither Medium


left Handbeat Normal


New Londo Ruins
Painted World of Ariamls
Undead Parish

Item Drops

constituting themselves and adding to the numbers. Very soon you

will find yourself overwhelmed, and even after you find the Mage,
you will still have to defeat all the Skeleton soldiers one more time
after killing him ... only to sometimes find another nearby Mage is
still reviving them!

Strategy The Undead Mage's ability to revive is undeterred by walls or ceil-

The Undead Mage isn't really much of an offensive threat on his ings, and only requires that the Skeletons be within a certain radius
own, although his Lantern Fire long-range attack is annoying and of him. However, you can bypass this whole problem by using a
painful. His real strength lies in his ability to revive all Skeleton type Divine weapon to kill the Skeletons. This will permanently kill them
enemies in the immediate area. This is an extremely dangerous abil- and stop them from reviving.
ity, since while you are searching for the nearby Undead Mage, you
wil l be moving through the area, engaging more and more Skeleton The Mage himself only has one attack, the Lantern Fire . This fires
soldiers, all while the previous ones you fought are constantly re- a fast moving fire based projectile at you. Simply avoid it ;;md close
the dtstance to finish him off, he has poor defense and no close-
jHP j 411 il souls j 800 II Respawn j YES li Abilities! None range attacks.

Attack Damage AttackType Parry Tracking Speed

Lantern Fire 303 IFIRI Normal No Neither Fast


Item Drops
Black Knight Greataxe (C)
Black Knight Shield IBI
White Titanite Chunk IMI

The axe-type Black Knight abandons finesse for brute power. He has
a multitude of hard hitting and fast attacks that track well. While they
can all be blocked, they wi ll do big damage to your Stamina bar. He
has no kick or shield bash type moves, so all of his moves can be
parried, but only do this if you are absolutely confident in your tim-
ing, as a combo from him will kill you.


You will encounter the axe Black Knight first in the Catacombs, after
you fall though the floor of a mausoleum. You will find yourself right
next to the Knight in a fairly confined space. There is a sheer drop
off to the side, so if you can maneuver him so you land a Backstab
while he is facing the drop, or land a riposte attack when his back
is to it, you can knock him off and finish the fight quickly. Obviously,
the cloistered environment is terrible for mage-type builds, so this
may be the best way for those players to defeat the Black Knight.

If fighting the Black Knight conventionally, there are a few attacks to

look out for. In particular the Spinning Launch is very dangerous, as
it hits twice and can possibly break your guard if your shield is not
sturdy enough or your Stamina is low. It does massive damage and
knocks you far away, possibly off an edge to your death. The Quick
Upper Combo hits very quickly, but the second hit of the combo
comes slowly and is an excellent opportunity to parry. Finally, try
to make the Black Knight use the Power Uppercut and make him
miss. If you do not block this the Black Knight will completely follow
through with his attack and be left in massive recovery, a perfect
time to attack him.

IHP I 603 ll souls l 1200 II Respawn I NO li Abilities! None

Kiln of the First Flame HP 958 Souls 1200 Respawn YES

Quick Upper Combo 513 (PHYI Normal Yes Both Medium

Smash 513 (PHY) Normal Yes Neither Fast
Power Uppercut 456 (PHY) Normal No Neither Fast


Item Drops 09_018
Rite of Kindling IM)(Catacombsl

Quick Fireball This is a fast fire based

attack that one of the Pinwheels will shoot
quickly. The six arms will glow and begin to
spin before a quick fireball will be launched.
This is a fire based attack, and is fairly easy
to dodge despite its speed.

Large Foreball This is a slower, larger

fireball that does more damage and has a
bigger hitbox. It also takes longer for the
Pinwheel to charge. The Pinwheel can also
launch this attack while jumping at a down-
ward angle. This is harder to avoid since it is
so large.

Combustion This is a close-range

attack that does big daiJiage. The Pinwheel
will move close to you and begin spinning
and glowing its arms as usual, before using
a close-range fire based melee attack. This
is fairly easy to avoid: the Pinwheel's intent
on using it is quite obvious, as it will move
in close.

Flamethrower This is an extremely

powerful mid-range attack that takes the
longest of all the Pinwheel 's attacks to
charge. Blocking it is very unwise, as it hits
multiple times for big damage. Sidestep to
avoid it.

Clone While not really an

attack, this is the most dangerous thing the
Pinwheel can do. It will spin in the air and give
off a purple light. creating two identical clones
of itself. The clones are indistinguishable from
the original, and can use all of its attacks.
The only way to eliminate these clones is to
hit them. This will not actually damage the
Pinwheel, but will make it easier to fight. so
make it your absolute priority. There is no limit
to the amount of clones that it can make, so
be sure to keep the numbers low to ensure
you don't get overwhelmed .


The Pinwheel uses magical fire based attacks, so before going While there are many clones around, it is almost impossible to dis-
into the battle, ensure you have some countermeasures for this . tinguish the real from the fake. However, when the original tries to
A Divine weapon will also be quite effective against it as well. As make new clones, it will do the unmistakable animation needed to
the battle begins, close the range and deal as much damage as generate the clones, and then remain in place. All the other clones
possible. Keep side-stepping around Pinwheel as you are attacking will immediately teleport, and this is how you can tell which is the
and you will avoid most of its attacks. In particular you need to be real Pinwheel in a group.
wary of when the Pinwheel uses its Clone move. The Pinwheel will
also teleport occasionally and this makes it almost impossible to Mage's will obviously have a terrible time trying to land an attack on
distinguish from the clones . You have to strike each one to find the the Pinwheel and its clones, due to their constant movement and
clones. If you should happen to hit the real Pinwheel, ignore it and teleporting . Stick to a powerful two-handed melee weapon and try
more on to a clone, to ensure you keep their numbers down and to deal as much damage as fast possible. Make sure you don't leave
only have to deal with the real one most of the time. yourself in the centre of the room, as you will be surrounded by
Pinwheels who will launch fireballs from all sides.
IHP I1 326 II souls I 6000 II Respawn I - li Abilities ! None

Tomb of the Giants HP 506 Souls 1000 Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Quick Fireball 291 (FIR) Normal No Both Medium

Combustion 384 1FIR) Normal No Both Medium

Flamethrower 291 (FIR) Normal No Neither Medium

Item Drops
Lon gbow (A)

you w ill have to their location is the direction from w hich their giant
arrows fly and the eerie glow of their eyes in the darkness . Don't be
in a massive rush to run over them though, as you are li kely to run off
the edge of your platform and fall. If you have acquired the Skull Lan-
tern, use it to ascertain your position and plan a route to the Archer,
while being mindful of the arrows he will be launching at you.

Strategy Once you actually manage to close the distance, the Giant Skeleton
The deadly Giant Skeleton Archers are incredibly accurate and pow- Archer is still very dangerous . His Big Boot attack, which he will use
erful, and the environment you encounter them in is perfect for them if you come anywhere near him, will send you flying if it hits . In the
to launch surprise attacks. In the pitch black darkness, the only clue awkward footing of the Tomb of the Giants, you will likely be sent
careening off the edge of whatever platform you are standing on to
IHP I 323 II souls I 500 II Respawn I YES liAbilities ! None your death . Be sure to keep your shield up and block, and even then
you should be careful, as the Big Boot does huge Stamina damage .
Catacombs HP 437 Souls 500 Respawn YES

Attack Damage AttackType Parry Tracking Speed

Greatbow Shot 255 Thrust NO Neither Medium


Item Drops
White Titanite Chunk (A)

The Bone Tower is usually placed in narrow corridors and pathways
where it obstructs your path and you cannot easily go around it. Ob-
viously, its attacks cannot be parried and it cannot be Backstabbed.
However, all of its attacks can be blocked .
sidestepping could just result in you being caught between multiple
Its main attack is the Tower Collapse, a very sudden and surpris- Bone Towers. Keep all of them in front of you and deal with them
ing attack. This attack can be blocked, and doing so gives you an one at a time.
excellent opportunity to counterattack while the Bone Tower raises
itself up again. The Bone Tower can use this attack in any direction, Its other attacks are based around protruding arms coming out at
so don't bother sidestepping. Usually Bone Towers are in groups, so different heights and sides of the tower. These hit multiple times, so
while they can be blocked, they could still break your guard. Thank-
IHPI 292 II Souls I 250 II Respawn I YES li Abilities I None fully, the arms have very poor range.

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Quick Arm Strikes 330 (PHY) Strike No Both Slow

Spinning Ann Strikes 330 (PHY) Strike No Neither Medium

Item Drops

Having an excellent shield and a lot of Stamina is vital. You will need
to be blocking constantly, with a powerful weapon that can kill the
Skeleton Beast as quickly as possible. An upgraded Divine weapon
is recommended. The Quick Head Bite and Double Paw attacks are
the ones you want to see, as these can be blocked fairly easily and
allow you to get a quick counterattack in. They also can be rolled
around or sometimes even sidestepped around if you are lucky, giv-
Strategy ing you a few free attacks.
The Skeleton Beast is a lethal enemy, especially in the dangerous
paths of the Tomb of the Giants, where any misstep in the darkness The Chomping Dash and Standing Frenzy are both multi-hitting for-
can send you plummeting to your death . It has a ton of HP, massive ward moving attacks that, while blockable, will quickly reduce your
power, as well as excellent tracking and speed of attacks . On top of Stamina bar to nothing and break your guard. You will want to roll
that. it has a dashing unblockable attack. to the side to avoid these altogether, and in particular, you will want
to dodge the Dashing Charge. This long-range attack is unblockable,
IHP I 446 II souls I 500 II Respawn I YES liAbilities ! None
but thankfully the Skeleton Beast rarely uses it.

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Double Paw 383 (PHY) Strike No Both Medium
Quick Head Bite 440 (PHY) Strike No Both Fast

Chomping Dash Strike No Both Medium

Dashing Charge 568 (PHYI Strike No Both Medium

Item Drops

The Pinwheel Servant is very similar to its master in terms of long-
range attacks. Just like the Pinwheel, they can use the Quick Fireball
and the Large Fireball. The attacks are almost exactly the same
other than the damage they inflict. Thankfully, they cannot use the
more powerful abilities of the Pinwheel like Clone or Flamethrower.
However, thanks to the circumstances in which you will face them, Skeleton Babies . You will want to avoid staying on the floor, or if
the Pinwheel Servant can be just as deadly. possible, take out the Pinwheel Servants from a distance.

You will face them in a cave in the Tomb of the Giants just before If you can stay back and use the pillars of the cave as cover, you can
you meet Gravelord Nito. They are in a group of four, and so can pelt use a powerful bow to take out the Pinwheel Servants without expos-
you with a barrage of magical attacks at a distance. In addition, the ing yourself to all of the servants and without engaging the Skeleton
watery floor of this cave is inhabited by the dangerous and infinite Babies. An accurate long-range offensive magic spell is also good to
use here. If this isn't viable for you, concentrate on closing the dis-
IHP I 506 ll souls l woo II Respawn I YES liAbilities! None tance and taking out the Pinwheel Servants as fast as possible.

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Quick Fireball 376IFIR) Normal No Both Medium

Combustion 497 (FIR) Normal No Both Medium

Flamethrower 3761FIR) Normal No Neither Medium


Item Drops
Humanity (B)

The Skeleton Babies go down very quickly, and they only have
one attack. However, the good news ends there. The Skeleton
Babies' Assault attack isn't very damaging, but it inflicts the Toxin
status effect, one of the most dangerous status effects. When
you are attacked by multiple Skeleton Babies, it is inevitable that
you will be inflicted with Toxin. But the real problem is, that the
Skeleton Babies respawn infinitely. No matter how many you de-
Strategy stroy, they will continue to sprout from the ground of the cave
The tiny Skeleton Babies are only found in one area, in the same in this area . Fighting them isn't an option. You must escape from
cave you will encounter the Pinwheel Servants. This combination the area, as there will be no end to them.
is what makes these two enemies so deadly, as while you are
distracted by the Skeleton Babies, the Pinwheel Servants will be Be sure to deal with the Pinwheel Servants before you even
constantly raining down fireballs on you. venture into the cave properly, and if this isn't possible, run past
the area where Skeleton Babies appear as fast as possible and take
out the Pinwheel Servants.

Attack Damage AttackType Parry Tracking Speed

Assault 229 (PHY) Normal Toxin: 30 No Both

Item Drops
Lord Soui(M)

Floor Stab
0 9_019

Nita will slowly raise its

sword up and stab it through the floor, caus-
ing it to extend from the floor directly under
your position, damaging you. Gravelord Nita
will use this attack when you are far away or
behind the rock formation in the middle of
the area. You can tell when the enemy will
use this attack, as you will hear a scream in
the background. When you hear this, sprint
to the side to avoid the sword attack.

Swing The enemy will swing

its weapon. This attack can be blocked and
rolled under. It is best to roll under the
attack so you will have a better chance to

@1!1 The enemy will slowly

raise its weapon up and then slam it into
the ground. This attack is very difficult to
block against, but fortunately, it is easy to
dodge. Simply roll to the side as the enemy
brings its weapon down. Aher the attack
the enemy will pause for a brief moment.
use this opportunity to launch your counter-


Thru st Attack The enemy will thrust
its weapon forwards. This attack can be
blocked and rolled away from. As soon as
you have avoided the attack, run back to
attack the enemy with your weapon.

Grab The enemy's hand will

begin to glow red, after which it will attempt
to grab you. If successful you will sustain a
huge amount of damage, which wi ll most
likely kill you. This attack can be evaded by
moving away from the enemy. Strike back
as soon as the enemy has missed . Switch
to wielding your weapon with two hands for
the extra attack power.

Soul Explosion The enemy will pause

for a moment to charge its attack, after
which a pool of darkness will be expelled
in all directions. This will greatly damage
your health. Avoid it by running away from
the pool until the pool begins to fade away.
Sprint to the enemy and attack while it is
recovering. After seeing this attack a few
times, you will get used to when the pool
attack will occur, so you can attack the
enemy as it is charging for the next attack.

During this battle Gravelord Nito will be surrounded by an army of
Undead Skeletons. Trying to fight Nita while being atta cked by the
Skeletons is very difficult. You must deal with the Skeleton enemies
before trying to attack Nito or you will be overwhelmed. [~0 01]

When you enter the area, hold back and wait for the Skeletons to
come to you. Begin to fight them while listening for the scream
so you wi ll know when Gravelord Nito is about to use its floor stab
attack. The skeletons will resurrect when you kill them and you will
have to kill them with a divine weapon to stop them from respawn-
ing. There will be a couple of Giant Skeleton enemies further back,
kill them with your divine weapon so they don't interrupt you when
fighting Gravelord Nito.

After you have defeated all of the Skeleton enemies; you can focus all your attacks interrupted . You can fight the enemy from a distance us-
your attacks on Gravelord Nito. With the skeletons out of the way, you ing your spell attacks, but make sure to listen for the scream so you
will be able to fight the enemy without being hit from behind or have can dodge the long-range attack.

I HP 4317 I Souls I 35000 I Respawn II Abilities I None

Attack Damage Attack Type Status Effect Parry Tracking Speed
Slam 550 (PHYI Normal No Neither Slow
Thrust 506 (PHYI Thrust No Neither Slow
Grab * 275 (PHYI Normal No Neither Slow

Floor Stab 116 (PHY) I 325 (MAG) Normal No Both Slow

Soul Explosion 528 (MAGI Normal Toxin: 58 No AOE Slow
*Extremely Powerful Grab Attack


Item Drops

None [!]

Slam The enemy will raise

its arm and slam it into the ground. As it's a
slow attack, you can avoid it by running just
before it hits you. After the enemy slams
its arm, it will stay there for a while. This
is your cue to attack, so switch to wielding
your weapon with two hands and use as
many strong attacks as possible.

Double Slam The enemy will raise its

arm, slam it into the ground, and then im-
mediately raise it again and go for a second
slam. After this the arm will stay in position
for a while recovering. This is your chance,
so switch to wielding your weapon with two
hands and attack.

Fiery Slam The enemy will dip its

hand into the lava, after which its next slam at-
tack will have flames appear around its arms.
This causes the attack to have higher attack
damage and a higher hitbox. You can avoid it
by running past it. After the attack, the enemy
will rest its arm for a brief moment, which is
when you'll be able to attack it.

Long Ranged Slam This enemy will slam its

arm into the ground and then expel a huge
explosion of fire around its arm. This attack
is extremely powerful and almost impos-
sible to dodge due to the large hitbox. It will
only use this attack when you are too far for
its slam attacks to reach, as it's the only way
for it to attack you. So it is best to never
move that far back during the fight. After
the attack, the enemy's arm will not move
for a while, so if you have survived, you can
hit it with your weapon before healing.


Swipe The enemy will swipe
its hand across the area, but you can dodge
the attack by running far back when you see
the enemy begin the move. It will be harder
to dodge the closer you are to the edge of
the cliff.

The Ceaseless Discharge will begin to attack you once you have looted the armor set in the target for the enemy. It is best to change
area . During the fight, it is best to stay close to the edge of the cliff. This will make it easier into lighter armor so your sprinting speed
for you to run past the slam attacks when it begins to use them. Don't run too far back or is faster.
the enemy w ill start to use the long ranged slam attack, which will damage you by a large
amount. As you are close to the edge, it will be more difficult to dodge the swipe attack as You can also use your spell attacks or long
you have to run back further. Unless you spot the attack early, this attack will probably hit ranged weapons to damage it when it is
you . If you do get hit by it, make sure to heal to full health . walking along the edge of the area and
not attacking. It is best to use fire resisting
In this fight the best strategy is to keep sprinting constantly, even when the enemy isn't equipment to decrease the damage you
attacking. This is recommended so you will have an easier time dodging its attacks. Do, take . The Gold-Hemmed armor set that you
however, make sure that you do not fully drain your Stamina or you will not be able to dodge pick up when you initiate the fight is a good
the attacks. Wearing heavy armor will slow down your sprinting speed making you an easier choice. It provides fire resistance and is a
light armor which will allow you to sprint
I HP I 4200 I Souls I 10000 I Respawn I Abilities INone faster.

Attack Damage AttackType Parry Tracking Speed

Slam 322 IPHY) I 541 IFIR) Strike No Both Slow

Double Slam 322 (PHY) I 541 (FIR) Strike No Neither Slow

Long Ranged Slam 560 (FIR) Normal No Neither Slow
Fiery Slam 322 iPHY) I 54 1 IFIR) Strike No Bot h Slow


Item Drops
Demon Great Mach ete IBI (Demon Ruins]

easier to defeat. The extra health w ill play little part in this fight as
you have become stronger since the encounter with the previous
Capra Demon.

Strategy Block its attacks and then counter with your own . Th is w ill be much
The Capra Demon has returned and now has more attack power easier to do as your guard will not break due to the absence of the
and health than before . Nothing else has changed for this demon Undead Attack Dogs. The area is bigger than before so you are able
though . It w ill use the same attacks as before, so you wi ll be able to roll past its attacks much easier. Switch to w ielding your w eapon
to use the same strategy to defeat it. The Capra Demon no longer with two hands to take down the enemy even faster. You can defeat
has the Undead Attack Dogs to help with the fight, making it much this enemy easily from a distance with your spell attacks or a ranged
weapon . Its attacks can still damage your health by an unw anted
IHP I 643 I Souls I 800 I Respawn I YES li Abilities I None amount so keep your guard up .

Attack Damage AttackType Parry Tracking Speed

Leaping Smash Normal No Neither Medium

Left Sword Smash 253 IPHY) Normal No Both M edium
Power Slash 405 iPHY) Norma l No Neither Medium


Item Drops
Demon's Greataxe (B)

increase in health and attack power. You can easily defeat it by roll-
ing under its swing attack and hitting it with your weapon. Its pound
attacks are the same, so can be avoided by rolling through its legs
and then attacking. It will be much easier to avoid its attacks, as the
area is no longer narrow like in the Undead Burg .

You can make short work of this enemy by wielding your weapon
Strategy with two hands and always positioning yourself behind the enemy
The Taurus Demon is another boss from the Undead Burg that has when attacking. The increase in attack power will enable you to kill
made a return. This version fights just like the previous version from the enemy in a few hits . You can attack with your ranged weapon or
the Undead Burg. It has gained no new attacks and only has a slight spell. The enemy will be unable to fight back as it doesn't possess
any ranged attacks and since it doesn't move very fast. you can
IHP I 900 ll souls l 1200 II Respawn I YES li Abilities ! None always keep a distance and kill the enemy without getting hit.

At!acl< Damage AttackType Parry Tracking Speed

Giant Swing 315 (PHY) Normal No Both Medium

Quick Ground Stab 315 (PHYI Normal No Neither Medium

Standing Pound 315 IPHY) Normal No Neither Medium


Item Drops
Large Green Titanite Shard ICI Spot
Red Titanite Chunk (A)

This enemy is burrowed into the wall and cannot come out of it. This
makes fighting it easier as it won't be able to damage you if you are
too far away. It will attack you with its body if you get too close. You
can easily avoid the body attacks by rolling back . Its most deadly
move is the grab attack. It will lunge forward to try and grab you. If
successful, it will begin to eat you damaging your health by a huge
amount and most likely killing you. You can avoid this attack by roll-
ing backwards or to the sides.

Its spit attack will damage your weapon's condition in addition to

damaging your health. This attack can also be avoided by rolling
back. The best way to fight this enemy is to approach slowly and
when it begins to attack, roll backwards and immediately start at-
tacking it with your weapon. You can switch to wielding with two
hands to damage it further. An easy way to defeat it is to attack it
from a distance. Since this enemy has no ranged attacks, it wi ll not
be able to fight back.

IHP I 616 II souls I 300 II Respawn I YES IIAbilitiesl None

Body Slam 5751PHYI Strike No Neither Medium

Normal No Neither Medium
Grab* 345 IPHYI Normal No Neither Medium
Left Slam 656IPHYI Strike No Neither Medium
Right Slam 656IPHYI Strike No Neither Medium
Extremely Powerful Grab Attack

Item Drops
This enemy is extremely slow-vmoving and can only use one attack: None
fire breath. The enemy may use this facing forward or turning with
the blast to cover a bigger portion of the area. The fire breath attack
only has a small hitbox which can be avoided by moving backwards
or by staying to the enemy's side keeping just out of range from
the attack. This enemy does not possess high health, so can be
eliminated using only a few hits with your weapon.
Turning Fire Breath
The easiest way to defeat this enemy is to attack it from behind. It
will not be able to fight back as it can only attack what's in front of
it. Switching to wielding your weapon with two hands will enable
you to damage the enemy even further. A group of these may pose
a problem as they may all use the fire attack at once. By keeping a
distance and only attacking once they have stopped using the fire
attack you will be able to defeat the group easily.

IHP I 300 II souls I 300 II Respawn I YES IIAbilitiesl None

Lost lzalith HP 312 Souls 300 Respawn YES

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Turning Fire Breath 345 (FIR) Normal No Both Medium


Item Drops
Demon's Catalyst IM) -~

Swing The Demon Firesage

will swing its weapon, and it may swing it
twice to initiate a combo. This attack can be
rolled under easily, after which you should
switch to wielding your weapon with two
hands and attack the enemy. The swing
attack can be blocked, but you must look
how much Stamina you have remaining and
decide if you can block the next hit.

Hammer Smash The enemy will slowly

raise its weapon up and then hammer it into
the ground. This attack can be sidestepped
as it hits a small area and is so slow to initi-
ate that you can run behind the enemy and
keep attacking it as it continues with the
attack. The enemy may follow up with a sec-
ond hammer smash attack. After evading
this, run to the enemy and attack before it
recovers. Don't forget to switch to wielding
the weapon with two hands.

Leaping Hammer Smash The Demon Firesage

will jump towards you and do a hammer
smash attack. You can dodge this attack by
rolling under the enemy as it is airborne,
then attack it once it has landed and
missed. This attack covers great distance
and can catch you off-guard as it is faster to
perform than its other attacks.

Butt Slam The Demon Firesage

will slowly fly up and then slam into the
ground just like the Asylum Demon. This at-
tack can be easily avoided by moving back-
wards. Once the enemy has landed, the
recovery for this attack takes longer than
its other attacks. You now have an excellent
chance to attack, so switch to wielding the
weapon with two hands and go for it.

Exploding Hammer Drive The Demon Firesage

will slowly raise its weapon and then drive
it into the ground, after which a fiery explo-
sion will be released. This can be avoided by
running away from the enemy. The explo-
sion attacks all directions so it is best to
try and keep back. After the explosion has
started to fade, you can attack the enemy
as it begins to recover.


Exploding Swing The Demon Firesage
will swing its weapon and then briefly pause
for a moment, after which an explosion will
be released. This attack can be avoided by
running away or rol ling well behind the en-
emy. After the explosion, attack the enemy
with your weapon.

drive also releases a small explosion with

Strategy the same hitbox, it can be dealt with the
The Demon Firesage is an improved version of the Asylum Demon . It uses all the same at- same way as the previous attack.
tacks as the Asylum Demon, with the addition of a few new ones. It has also gained a boost
in attack power and health. You can use the same strategy you used to deal with the Asylum For this fight it would be best to wield your
Demon's attacks because they are so similar. weapon with two hands. The enemy's attack
can be avoided rather easily due to its slow
Its new attack, the exploding swing will release a small explosion after the enemy initiates speed, so you'll do more damage when you
its swinging attack. If you're too close to the enemy to run away, then roll behind the enemy counterattack. Spell casters can keep back
as that is a safe spot from the attack. You will still get caught in the blast if you only manage and fire spells while keeping an eye out for
to roll by the enemy's legs. The second new attack is similar as well. The exploding hammer its leaping hammer smash attack. That move
can cover a great distance and catch you off
I HP I 5448 Souls I 10000 II Respawn II Abilities I None guard.

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Trackong Speed

No Both Slow
No Neither Slow

Butt Slam 713 IPHYI Strike No AOE Slow

Exploding Hammer Drive Normal No AOE Slow

Boss - Demon Firesage

Boss - Centipede Demon


Item Drops
Red Titanite Chunk IS)

This enemy is the weakest in the level, as it can die from just one
hit from your weapon. You will find them jumping around the area
in groups. You can stand in front of the enemy's jump attack and it
\HP \ 79 \\ souls \ 30 \\ Respawn \YES li Abilities \ None
won't affect you at all. You will lose no health or even flinch.

Attack Damage AttackType ParTy Tracking Speed

Ait Jump 0 IPHY) Normal No Neither Medium


Item Drops 09_022
Orange Charred Ring*
Drop frQ(I) ma1n part, arms or tail

Extending Punch

Extending Punch The enemy will extend

its right hand to try and punch you from a
distance. This attack can be avoided by roll-
ing to the right and is easy to dodge as the
punch travels in a straight line.

Punch The enemy will try and

punch you with its right hand. This version
will be used when you are near him and you
can dodge it by rolling towards the enemy
and under its legs. Once you have evaded
the attack, switch to wielding your weapons
with two hands and attack the enemy as it

Stomp If you are positioned

next to the enemy's feet, the enemy will
use its quick stomp attack. It will begin to
stomp on the floor violently and it is best
to avoid this attack by running away.


High Jump The enemy will jump
high into the air and then crash violently
onto the ground. As soon as you see the
enemy jump, move away from the area
it left and then wait for it to land . Once
it lands, quickly rush over and attack it
with your weapon. Switch to wielding the
weapon two-handed for the increase in
attack damage.

Grab The enemy will briefly

pause and roa r before trying to grab you
with its hand . If it is successful it will burn
you with its body, causing huge damage to
your health and possibly even death. When
you see it pause and roar, quickly roll under
it and attack with your weapon .

Swipe The Centipede Demon

will swipe at the ground with its hand . This
can be avoided by rolling under it or by run-
ning away. If you have rolled under it, switch
to wielding your weapon with two hands
and attack the enemy before it has a chance
to recover.

Exploding Jump The enemy w ill jump

into the air and fire an explosion below it.
This attack can be avoided by running away
and waiting for the enemy to land . Once
dow n, you w ill be able to attack it for a short
while .

The surrounding area makes this fight very difficult. There are only a handful of safe spots Quickly equip the ring so you can traverse
as the rest of the area is covered in lava , which w ill kill you in second s if you try to walk the lava, then run to the area in the middle,
over it. As soon as you enter you must wait by the entrance. The enemy will begin to use its as it's the largest safe spot in the area.
extended punch attack, dodge these attacks accordingly. After a while, the enemy will begin Here you will have much more room to
to move closer to your location to attack. Once it is positioned next to you, focus all of your move around in, so you w ill have an easier
attacks on its tai l. After enough hits the tail will be cut off and become an actual monster. time rolling under the Centipede Demon's
It can only attack you with its body which can be easily blocked or avoided by moving back . attacks. Since you are in the largest safe
The tail does not have much health and after you kill it, you will gain the Orange Charred spot, you may unequip the Orange Charred
Ring. This ring will decrease the lava damage you sustain. Ring for a ring that you prefer, as you will
not need it for the rest of the fight . Just
remember to re-equip it if you need to walk
over lava again. From here, avoid the attacks
I HP I 3432 II Souls I 20000 Respawn Abilities I None of the enemy and counter with your own.

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

M edium
High Jump 506 IPHYI Strike No Neither Slow
No Both Fast
Grab 2991PHYI Strike No Nei ther Medium
Neither Slow
Exploding Jump Normal No Neither Medium


Item Drops


This enemy possesses high health and can kill you in only a few hits
due to its high attack power. It has an attack suited for every range
and position you are in . If you are standing near its legs, it will use
its stomp attacks to try and crush you. Avoid this attack by rolling
away from the enemy's legs. It may be blocked if you raise your
shield up, but the enemy's foot may land just behind your guard,
so that you get hit anyways. After the enemy has finished using its
stomp attacks, you can quickly rush to its legs and attack.

If you are positioned in front of the enemy, it will try and kick you.
This kick attack will damage your health by a large amount and is
very difficult to guard against. You can best avoid it by trying to
move to a higher area in the level, like the branches or the stairs in
the middle of the area. You will still get hit if you try to roll through
the attack.

If you are far away from the enemy, it will jump high into the air and
then crash back down into the floor. The enemy is able to aim the
landing, but you can avoid this attack by running away. By focusing
your view on the enemy, you will be able to see which spot it will
land in. This will tell you which area you need to steer clear of. After
the enemy lands, it will pause for a brief moment, allowing you to
attack it as it is recovering.

This enemy has the ability to damage other enemies in the area. If
you are faced with a group of them, try and lure them together and
focus on avoiding all of their attacks. They will damage each other as
they try to aim their attacks on you. Keep away long enough that the
enemies end up killing each other. When only one remains you will
be able to finish it off as there is a good chance that it was injured
during the fight. Another easy method of defeating these enemies
is to hide in the buildings in the middle of the area. They are too
large to enter, allowing you to hit them from the inside with spell
attacks or a ranged weapon.

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Kick 528 (PHY) Strike No Neither Slow
Alemating Stomp 576 (PHY) Strike No Neither Slow
Triple Right Stomp 5761PHY) Strike No Neither Slow
High Jump 600 IPHY) Strike No Both Slow


Item Drops
White Titanite Chunk lSI
Red Titanite Chunk (B)
Red Titanite Slab (S)

This enemy does not use many attacks, but can still pose a threat as
it can kill you if it catches you off guard. Its main method of attack-
ing is by punching you with its tentacles. This attack can be blocked
easily and after this you should move to its back to attack with your
weapon. As you will be positioned behind the enemy, it won't be
able to attack you until it turns around.

Its most deadly attack is the grab attack, where it will try to capture
you with both of its tentacles. This attack affects a small area direct-
ly in front of the enemy. If successful, it will swallow you and attack
with its teeth. This attack is extremely powerful and will decrease
your health by a large amount, most likely killing you.

Its final attack is its spit. The enemy will spit white acid at you,
which will degrade the condition of your equipment. If you allow
yourself to get hit by this attack, your equipment will break. This
attack can be easily avoided by moving backwards. After the enemy
has finished attacking, rush in to counterattack.

IHPI 650 ll souls l1000 I Respawn IYES liAbilities! None

Punch 432 (PHY) Strike No Both Medium

Grab 398 IPHYI Strike No Neither Medium
Corroding Spit 528 IPHYI Normal No Neither Medium

Item Drops
lzalith Catalyst (M)

running as far back as possible so the pillars will not reach you. It is
possible to interrupt the enemy from using this spell by attacking
him when he begins to cast the attack. If you're quick, you will be
able to walk behind the enemy and perform a Backstab attack.

The enemy will also use other pyromancy spells, such as the fireball
attack. This can be avoided by moving to the sides, allowing the
Strategy fireball to shoot straight past you. Like with the previous spell, you
Ouelaana is a very skilled user of pyromancy spell attacks, so bring- can interrupt the enemy from casting the spell.
ing fire-resisting equipment is recommended for this fight. The main
fire spell this enemy will use is the flamestorm spell. This summons It is best to go on the offensive against this enemy to prevent him
up powerful pillars of fire all around the caster. It can be avoided by from casting spells. It has no weapon equipped so you do not need
to worry about the enemy attacking you up close and it only has a
IHPI 698 I souls I 5000 I Respawn I NO liAbilities! None moderate amount of health.

RightWeapon leftWeapon Armor Ring Magic

Great Chaos Fireball
Gold-Hemmed Black Cloak Chaos Storm
Gold-Hemmed Black Gloves Chaos Fire Whip
Gold-Hemmed Black Skirt


Boss- Bed of Chaos (Final Form)

Chaos Eater

Bounding Demon of lzalith

Ouelaana of lzalith


Item Drops 09_023
Lord Soul (M)

Double Swipe

Double Swipe The enemy will use

this attack as you near the middle of the
area. The Bed of Chaos will swipe its left
hand across the floor and then do the
same with its right hand. This attack can
be blocked, but that does consume a large
amount of Stamina making it more difficult
to block the second attack.

Slam The enemy will raise its

hand up into the air and then slam it onto
the ground. You can avoid this attack by
running away from the arm before it hits the


Fire Pick After destroying one
root, the enemy will gain an arm made of
fire. The enemy attacks by hitting the floor,
and then digging in a straight line towards
the back of the area. You can avoid this
attack by running or rolling to the side as
it only travels in a straight line. It can be
blocked, but you will need a shield with
high resistance to fire .

Double Fire Pick After destroying the

second root, the enemy will gain a second
arm made of fire. This attack will use both
arms to hurt you, but can still be avoided in
the same way.

Burning Explosion The enemy will use this

attack after both roots are destroyed. It will
begin to make flames appear in the area
to which it then erupts, causing huge fire
damage. When the surroundings begin to
flame up, you will need to find areas where
the flames do not appear, as these are the
safe spots from the attack. Some safe spots
appear at the edge of the area.

This fight will be very different to the other boss fights in that you Calmly move through the area, paying attention to which bit of floor
don't actually fight the enemy and try to whittle down its health. will fall and which bit of floor will be stable. The floor that surrounds
When you first enter the area, you will see two glowing roots at the a branch will not break.
end of each side of the area. Directly under the enemy is a passage-
way that's blocked by a magical barrier. You will need to run to each Make your way to the other side of the room, keeping just out of
side of the area and destroy both roots to break the barrier, allowing the enemy's swipe range. The floors will carry on falling at this point.
you access to the passage. Once you reach the end, destroy the second root. This will allow the
enemy to gain a second arm. Quickly run back to where you first
As soon as you can control your character, make your way to started this fight, avoiding the pitfalls along the way.
the root on the left. Stay close to the wall so you can avoid the
enemy's swipe attacks. When you have reached the end you must You will notice that the magical barrier has disappeared. As you make
cut through the branches covering the way to the root. Once your way to the passageway, the floor will crumble but you will see a
destroyed, make your way through and attack the root once. De- path in the pit below leading to the passage. Move close to the enemy
stroying the root will allow the enemy to gain an arm made of fire, so it will use its swipe attack, when you have avoided it, quickly run and
giving it a new attack. It can use this and its Swipe attack at the jump onto the pathway and then make your way down the passage
same time. After you are able to control your character again, make destroying the branches along the way. At the end of the passage you
your way back. You will notice that the floor will start crumbling. If will see the enemy's weak point. attack it to defeat the enemy and fin-
you sprint you may run across a floor that will break off, killing you. ish the fight.

I HP I I Souls I 40000 II Respawn I II Abilities I None

Attack Damage Attacklype Parry Tracking Speed
No Both Medium
.......................... .. ...
Slam 624 (PHY) Normal No Neither Medium
Fire Pick 120 IPHY) I 600 (FIR) Norma l No Neither Medium
Double Fire Pick 120 (PHY) / 600 !FIR) Normal No Neither Medium
Burning Explosion 744 !FIR) Normal No AOE Medium

Boss- Gwyn, Lord of Cinder


Item Drops 09_024
Soul of Gwyn (M)

Dashing Thrust This is a thrust attack that Gwyn will use while running towards you.
While it is one of Gwyn's few linear attacks, it is still not recommended that you try to side-
step it, as he could mix it up with his Dashing Slash attacks, which track very well. Stick to
blocking it.

Instant Dash Double Slosh

This is a very fast attack that comes out of Gwyn's instant dash
rather than his normal run. He will give off the effect of gliding across the ground and will
reach you in an instant before unleashing two powerful slashes.

Mo!!!ffl ..1fflijlt!tiitf!j This is arguably Gwyn's most powerful attack, simply because of its
superb speed and tracking. It begins with an angled slash, then a horizontal one, another
angled and finally a horizontal slash again. The horizontal slashes have excellent tracking,
however the angled ones can be sidestepped if you move early enough.


Slashing Upper Combo This immensely powerful three-hit combo starts with a strong hori-
zontal slash, which does huge damage to your Stamina bar. As a result, if you block it, you
will likely be guard broken and the second and third hits will be guaranteed, leading to mas-
sive damage and possibly death. The last attack has no tracking and can be dodged easily.

Massive Slash This is a huge, charged slash that is designed purely to break your
guard and open you up for subsequent attacks. Backroll it and avoid it at all costs.

Slash and Thrust

Slash and Thrust Occasionally Gwyn will interrupt his normal slash combo with a quick
thrust afterwards . If the slash hits you will be in enough hit stun for the thrust to combo,
leaving you badly wounded.

Kick This is a fast kick. Gwyn rarely uses it, but it leads to big Stamina
damage if it is blocked. This is one of the only kick attacks that actually tracks.


Choke Explosion Finisher Gwyn's incredibly powerful unblockable grab attack. This attack
tracks 100%, but has a high hitbox so you can roll under it with correct timing. If he lands
the grab on you, after he knocks you away he will follow up with a finisher; either a huge
jumping slash or a dashing slash. Either way, roll as soon you get up to dodge both of them.

The final boss of the game, Gwyn Lord of Cinder, is an incredibly the Choke Explosion Finisher, roll under it and attack as he recovers.
skilled swordsman, wielding a mighty flame greatsword. Surviving Never try to attack in-between the hits of his combos, always wait
this battle will come down to you recognizing the subtle differences before an attack sequence has finished before you go for an attack
in each of Gwyn's sword attacks and evading or blocking them of your own. Your shield and armor should be as sturdy as possible,
before countering accordingly. but don't compromise mobility for defense as you will need to roll
often. Persevere and you should emerge victorious.
Mages will have great difficulty getting the distance and time
needed to cast any spells, since not only is Gwyn extremely fast,
but he can also use an instant air dash to move to your position
ve ry quickly. This battle will inevitably be fought at close quarters.

Many of Gwyn's attacks can be guarded, but since they do big

Stamina damage you must be selective in what you guard. In ad-
dition, he also inflicts fire damage, so this can still penetrate your
shield's defense. You will need to be constantly sidestepping and
rolling at the correct times. His fast attacks like the Quad Slash
Combo and Slash and Thrust should be blocked initially before you
sidestep the linear parts of the attack. Be sure not to be caught
blocking against the Massive Slash and Slashing Upper Combos, as
these will break your guard quickly. Keep moving and attack selec-
tively, healing if you ever drop below half HP If you see him go for

I HP I 4185 II Souls I 50000 II Respawn I Jl Abilities I None

Attack Damage Attack Type Parry Tracking Speed

Quad Slash Combo 400 (PHYI I 250 (FIR) Normal No Both Medium
............. ..........
Slash and Thrust 388 (PHYI I 250 (FIR) Normal No Neither Med1um
Massive Slash 488 (PHYI I 250 (FIR) Normal No Neither Medium
Slashing Upper Combo 550 (PHYI I 250 (FIR) Normal No Neither Medium
Instant Dash Double Slash Normal No Neither Med1um
........ ............................. .............. ................ ......... .. ...
Kick 250 (PHYI Strike No Neither Medium

Choke Explosion Finisher*' 200 (PHYI I 638 IFIRI Normal No Neither Medium
*Hit to throw *' Extremely Powerful Grab Anack


Here you'll find all of the important data for every enemy covered in this guide, all in a single easy-to-use section. This
list is simply arranged alpabetically to make finding the enemy you're looking for as easy as possible. For full explana-
tions of each of the stats covered here, see the "How to use this Chapter" section at the very start of this chapter. The

Resistance data can only be found here, and uses a letter grading system in this order: E,D,C,B,A,S, where E is the low-
est possible Resistance and S is the highest.

t= Does not respawn Physical Defense

Enemy Appearance '(;' ' :~ ,.. . 'r

.. ll s. 1 .. \

IJ Annored Soldier (Crossbow) Undead Burg 85 50 103 103 103 103 77 72 72 D D D

Undead Parish 102 50 131 131 131 131 98 91 91 D D D
Anno red Tusk t Undead Parish 307 500 315 394 236 315 302 226 189 D D s
Annored Zombie (Axe) Firelink Shnne 80 30 85 85 85 85 64 60 64 D D D
Undead Burg 80 30 85 85 85 85 64 60 60 D D D
Annored Zombie (Firebomb) Firelink Shrine 80 30 85 85 85 85 64 60 64 D D D
Undead Burg 80 30 85 85 85 85 64 60 60 D D D
Annored Zombie (Sword) Ftrelink Shnne 80 30 85 85 85 85 64 60 64 D D D
Undead Burg 80 30 85 85 85 85 64 60 60 D D D
Asylum Demon t Undead Asylum 813 1000 83 83 83 83 62 66 54 c c D

Enemy Appearance

II Basilisk Depths 117 200 139 139 139 139 110 64 104 c c D
The Great Hollow/Ash Lake 193 400 227 227 227 227 180 137 169 c c D
BatWing Demon Anor Londo 420 500 226 226 226 226 216 167 512 c c c
Bed of Chaos t Lost lzalith 40000 s s s
Bell Gargoyle t Undead Parish 999 1500 133 133 133 133 103 98 104 A A A
Black Knight (Axe) t Catacombs 603 1200 298 298 298 298 198 221 247 B 8 A
Black Knight (Axe) Kiln of the Ftrst Flame 958 1200 384 384 364 364 255 285 318 B B A
Black Knight (Greatsword) t Undead Parish 710 600 230 230 230 230 153 171 191 B B A
Black Knight (Greatsword) Kiln of the First Flame 958 1200 384 384 384 364 255 285 318 B B A
Black Knight (Spear) t Darkroot Garden 532 1800 230 230 230 230 153 171 191 B B A
Tomb of the Giants 816 1200 349 349 349 349 232 259 289 8 B A
Black Knight (Spear) Kiln of the First Flame 958 1200 384 364 364 364 255 285 318 B B A
Black Knight (Sword) t Undead Burg 710 600 214 214 214 214 142 159 177 B B A
Undead Asylum (revisited) 745 1200 315 315 315 315 209 234 261 B B A
Black Knight (Sword) Kiln of the First Flame 958 1200 364 384 384 384 255 285 318 8 B A
Blowdart Sniper t Blighttown/Ouelaag's Domain 93 500 185 185 185 185 172 150 172 E E E
Bone Tower Tomb of the Giants 292 250 371 371 260 464 287 251 410 s s s
Bounding Demon of lzalith Lost lzalith 1407 2000 192 192 192 192 135 960 84 s s c
Burrowing Rockworm Demon Ruins 616 300 418 522 418 418 292 835 315 D D A
Butcher t Depths 672 500 135 169 101 135 102 135 102 D D D

Enemy Appearance
II Capra Demon t Undaed Burg/Lower Section 1176 1200 159 159 159 159 119 127 69 A A A
Capra Demon Demon Rums 643 800 329 329 329 329 215 280 215 c c c
Ceaseless Discharge t Demon Ruins 4200 10000 315 315 315 315 220 252 s s s
Centipede Demon t Demon Ruins 3432 20000 269 269 269 269 174 215 A A B
Channeler t Undead Pansh 186 400 163 163 163 163 325 98 98 c c c
Depths 217 400 214 214 214 214 428 129 129 c c c
Channeler The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave 387 800 364 364 384 364 768 231 231 c c c
Chaos Bug Demon Ruins 79 30 134 134 134 134 80 672 134 D D D
Chaos Eater Lost lzalith 650 1000 219 164 274 219 141 219 174 A A D
Crag spider Blighttown/Ouelaag's Domain 167 100 216 216 216 216 167 1188 178 c c c
Crow Demon Pam ted World of Ariamis 930 900 306 230 306 306 231 183 231 c c D
Crystal Golem (Ambe r) t Darkroot Garden 816 1500 261 261 196 261 1305 261 169 s s s
The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave 1360 2500 435 435 326 435 2175 435 282 s s s
Crystal Golem (Blue) Darkroot Garden 408 200 243 243 182 243 486 194 158 s s s
The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave 680 800 405 405 304 405 810 324 264 s s s
Enemy Appearance

lfl Darkwraith Valley of Drakes/New Londo Ruins 525 900 309 309 309 309 231 200 216 B B B
Demon Firesage t Demon RuinS 5448 10000 255 191 318 255 192 203 166 c c D


"'- ResiStances ~
~-t ~"'
Enemy Appearance
.\ # 1 . -
Demon Statue Demon Ruins 300 300 435 435 435 435 283 869 869 s s s
Lost lzalith 312 300 456 456 456 456 297 912 912 s s s
Demonic Foliage Darkroot Garden 193 100 173 173 173 130 139 68 155 D D s
Darkroot Basin 283 100 250 250 250 187 200 99 224 D D s
Dragon Slayer Ornstein t Anor Londo 1642 349 349 349 349 226 263 1747 c c A
Dragon Slayer Ornstein (Large) Anor Londo 2982 30000 339 339 339 339 221 256 1697 c c A

Enemy Appearance

IJ Egg Carrier Blighttown/Ouelaag's Domain 129 0 150 112 150 150 112 150 112 c c c
Elite Undead Archer Undead Parish 80 100 137 137 137 137 100 103 89 D D c
Sen's Fortress 134 500 275 275 275 275 200 207 179 D D c
Elite Undead Guard (Rapier) Undead Parish 266 100 197 197 197 197 144 149 129 D D c
Sen 's Fortress 399 500 252 252 252 252 184 189 163 D D c
Undead Parish 228 100 150 150 150 150 109 113 98 D D c
Elite Undead Guard (Sword) Sen's Fortress 380 500 275 275 275 275 200 207 179 D D c
Engorged Zombie (Torch ) Painted World of Ariamis 330 250 231 173 231 231 174 186 174 D D D
Engorged Zombie (Unarmed) Painted World of Ariam1s 330 250 231 173 231 231 174 162 174 D D D
Executioner Smough t Anor Londo 2646 180 180 224 180 153 125 108 c c c
Executioner Smough (Lightning) t Anor Londo 4095 30000 180 180 224 180 153 125 359 A A c
Enemy Appearance

a Flaming Attack Dog Blighttown/Ouelaag 's Domain 124 150 183 183 183 183 119 913 136 B B D
Four Kings t Valley of Drakes/New Londo Ruins 9504 30000 299 299 299 299 205 192 177 s s s
Frog-Ray Darkroot Garden 162 80 137 103 137 137 103 88 103 D D E
Fully Armored Tusk t The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave 840 1000 744 930 558 744 714 534 447 D D s
Enemy Appearance

liJI Gaping Dragon t Depths 4401 25000 167 167 167 167 117 108 84 s s c
Gargoyle t Anor Londo 1119 1000 258 258 258 258 199 162 251 A A A
Ghost (Female) Valley of Drakes/New Londo Ruins 290 0 171 171 171 171 128 87 342 s s s
Ghost (Male) Valley of Drakes/New Londo Ruins 231 0 167 167 167 167 126 84 334 s s s
Giant (Slave ) t Sen 's Fortress 1726 3000 210 210 210 210 130 189 158 D D D
Giant Mosquito Blighttown/Ouelaag's Doma1n 50 0 70 70 70 70 53 48 53 A A D
Giant Skeleton Archer Catacombs 323 500 301 301 211 376 231 204 313 s s s
Giant Skeleton Swordsmen Firelink Shnne 448 500 282 282 197 352 216 191 293 s s s
Catacombs 476 500 301 301 211 376 231 204 313 s s s
Giant Undead Rat t Depths 693 400 130 98 130 130 99 78 99 A A D
Gravelord Nito t Tomb of the Giants 4317 35000 317 317 317 317 238 221 317 s s s
Great Feline t Darkroot Basin 1465 2000 190 190 190 190 161 114 143 c c c
Great Leech Blighttown/Ouelaag's Domain 124 100 128 128 128 128 90 101 97 A A D
Great Stone Knight Darkroot Garden 288 300 446 558 268 446 356 356 893 s s s
Gwyn, Lord of Cinder t Kiln of the First Flame 4185 50000 354 354 354 354 267 249 1770 s s A

Enemy Appearance

IDI Heavy Knight (Mace) t Undead Parish 372 350 163 163 163 163 118 130 98 D D B
Heavy Knight (Mace) Sen's Fortress 620 700 298 298 298 298 217 238 179 D D B
Heavy Knight (Sword) Painted World of Ariamis 775 1000 384 384 384 384 279 306 231 D D B
Hellkite Dragon t Undead Parish 2208 10000 198 198 198 238 159 396 99 s s s
Hydra t The Great Hollow/Ash Lake 3884 10000 295 295 295 295 235 177 235 s s c
Darkroot Garden 2520 5000 194 194 194 194 155 117 155 s s c
Enemy Appearance

II Infested Barbarian (Boulder) Blighttown/Ouelaag's Domain 883 350 143 107 179 143 108 114 108 B B E
Infested Barbarian (Club ) Blighttown/Ouelaag 's Domain 883 250 143 107 179 143 108 114 108 B B E
Infested Ghoul (Blunt) Blighttown/Ouelaag's Domain 365 150 156 117 156 156 117 125 117 c c D
Infested Ghoul (Spear) Blighttown/Ouelaag's Domain 365 150 156 117 156 156 117 125 117 c c D
Infested Ghoul (Sword) Blighttown/Ouelaag's Doma1n 365 150 156 117 156 156 117 125 117 c c D
Iron Golem t Sen's Fortress 2880 30000 408 510 306 408 326 305 245 s s s
Enemy Appearance

Large Undead Rat Depths 140 60 120 90 120 120 90 72 90 B B E


Resistances -

Enemy Appearance
f.~ 0 ; .:
Ill Man-Eater Shelly The Great Hollow/Ash Lake 795 200 382 478 191 382 344 268 306 D D s
The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave 740 300 420 525 210 420 378 294 336 D D s
Mass of Souls Valley of Drakes/New Londo Ruins 2059 5000 190 190 237 190 143 122 143 A A c
Mimic Sen's Fortress 992 1000 231 231 231 231 161 137 196 A A A
Mimic t Anor Londo 1041 2000 244 244 244 244 170 145 207 A A A
The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave 1240 3000 297 297 297 297 207 177 252 A A A
Moonlight Butterfly t Darkroot Garden 1506 3000 184 184 184 184 230 110 148 s s s
Moonlight Butterfly The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave 1255 400 306 306 306 306 384 183 246 s s s
Mushroom Man (Child) The Great Hollow/Ash Lake 662 50 117 88 147 117 106 71 235 B B B
Darkroot Basin 633 50 112 84 140 112 101 68 224 B B B
Mushroom Man (Parent) The Great Hollow/Ash Lake 2484 150 156 117 195 156 139 93 311 A A A
Darkroot Basin 2376 500 148 111 185 148 133 88 296 A A A

Enemy Appearance

II Painting Guard Anor Londo 231 300 239 239 239 239 192 160 180 c c c
Parasitic Wall Hugger Blighttown/Ouelaag's Domain 594 1000 246 185 308 246 147 246 147 B B D

Phalanx Painted World of Ariamis 335 250 225 169 281 225 192 147 168 c c c
Pinwheel t Catacombs 1326 6000 151 151 151 151 128 121 99 B B B
Pinwheel Tomb of the Giants 506 1000 229 229 229 229 194 183 150 B B B
Pisaca The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave 350 300 201 151 251 201 132 120 132 c c E
Possessed Tree t Darkroot Garden 540 180 180 180 180 180 144 90 162 D D s
Priscilla the Crossbreed t Painted World of Ariamis 2300 30000 324 324 324 324 291 195 195 A A c
Prowling Demon t Undead Parish 1506 1000 213 213 213 213 152 152 135 s s s
Sen's Fortress 2510 2000 391 391 391 391 280 280 247 s s s
Anor Londo 2635 5000 413 413 413 413 295 295 261 s s s
Catacombs 2133 1000 379 474 379 379 334 313 334 s s s
Lost lzalith 3137 5000 504 504 504 504 360 360 318 s s s
Enemy Appearance

EJ Ouelaag t Blighttown/Ouelaag's Domain 3139 20000 255 255 255 255 229 205 s s c
Enemy Appearance

II Seath the Scaleless t The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave 5525 40000 345 345 345 345 690 207 207 s s s
Sentinel (Normal) Anor Londo 756 1000 308 384 308 308 216 246 246 c c c
Sentinel (Royal) Anor Londo 535 500 349 437 349 349 244 298 280 c c c
Serpent Mage Sen 's Fortress 290 500 340 340 340 340 172 151 144 B B D
The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave 362 2000 438 438 438 438 222 195 186 B B D
Serpent Soldier Sen's Fortress 430 250 359 359 359 359 191 161 154 B B D
The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave 537 500 462 462 462 462 246 207 198 B B D
Serpent Soldier (Key) t The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave 500 462 462 462 462 246 207 198 B B D
Serpent Soldier (Strong) Sen's Fortress 473 500 400 400 400 400 213 179 172 B B D
Sit, The Great Grey Wolf t Darkroot Basin 3432 30000 260 260 260 260 195 182 195 A A B
Silver Knight (Greatbow) Anor Londo 484 900 315 394 315 315 251 212 315 D D B
Silver Knight (Spear) Anor Londo 464 900 315 394 315 315 251 212 315 D D B
Silver Knight (Sword) Anor Londo 464 900 315 394 315 315 251 212 315 D D B
Skeleton (Bow) Firelink Shnne 144 0 247 247 173 309 191 168 266 s s s
Catacombs 153 0 264 264 185 330 204 179 284 s s s
Skeleton Baby Tomb of the Giants 34 100 207 207 145 259 161 142 262 s s s
Skeleton Beast Tomb of the Giants 446 500 339 339 237 423 259 229 393 s s s
Skeleton, Nito battle (Bow) Tomb of the Giants 126 0 282 282 197 352 218 191 304 s s s
Skeleton, Nito battle (Sword) Tomb of the Giants 140 0 282 282 197 352 218 191 304 s s s
Tomb of the Giants 252 0 321 321 225 402 246 218 334 s s s
Skeleton, Nito battle (Sword and Shield) Tomb of the Giants 171 0 282 282 197 352 218 191 304 s s s
Skeleton Swordsmen (Greatsword) Firelink Shrine 156 0 247 247 173 309 191 168 266 s s s
Catacombs 166 0 264 264 185 330 204 179 284 s s s
Skeleton Swordsmen (Sword and Shield) Ftrelrrrk Shnne 184 0 247 247 173 309 191 168 266 s s s
Catacombs 195 0 264 264 185 330 204 179 284 s s s
Slime Depths 142 0 1500 1500 1500 1500 488 75 488 s s s


J, n, ResiStances ~

Enemy Appearance
5.1 0 ; .:
Small Undead Rat Firelink Shnne 80 20 68 51 68 68 51 41 51 B B E
Undead Parish 96 20 86 65 86 86 65 52 65 B B E
Depths 112 30 114 85 114 114 85 68 85 B B E
Snow Rat Painted World of Ariamis 237 300 222 167 222 222 168 132 168 A A
Special Chaos Bug Demon Ruins 79 100 134 134 134 134 80 672 134 D D D
Stray Demon t Undead Asylum (revisited) 5250 20000 258 194 323 258 195 207 168 c c D

Enemy Appearance

II Taurus Demon t Undead Burg 1215 1000 103 103 103 103 77 88 67 B B B

Taurus Demon Demon Ruins 900 1200 280 280 280 280 183 237 183 c c c
Taurus Demon (Seven Heroes) t Demon Ruins 1282 1200 294 294 294 294 192 249 192 c c c
Tree Lizard Darkroot Garden 169 60 140 105 140 140 106 85 106 c c
Enemy Appearance

II Undead Assassin Undaed Burg/Lower Section 138 50 121 121 121 121 90 79 90 c c D

Undead Attack Dog Undaed Burg/Lower Section 100 50 100 100 100 100 75 60 75 B B D
Undead Attack Dog (Demon's) t Undaed Burg/Lower Section 100 150 100 100 100 100 75 60 75 B B D

Undead Attack Dog Depths 117 75 132 132 132 132 99 78 99 B B c

Undead Attack Dog (Butcher's) t Depths 126 150 142 142 142 142 106 85 106 B B c
Undead Crystal Soldier (Bow) The Duke 's Archives/Crystal Cave 155 150 498 623 374 498 324 324 324 B B A

Undead Crystal Soldier (Sword) The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave 212 150 642 803 482 642 333 333 333 B B A

Undead Dragon t Painted World of Ariamis 3955 5000 177 177 177 177 140 73 73 s s c
Valley of Drakes/New Londo Ruins 3480 3000 204 204 204 204 162 84 84 s s c
Undead Mage t Catacombs 411 800 150 150 150 150 113 119 113 D D E
Undead Soldier (Spear) Undead Burg 85 50 103 103 103 103 77 72 72 D D D

Undead Parish 102 50 131 131 131 131 98 91 91 D D D

Undead Asylum (revisited) 144 150 212 212 212 212 159 148 148 D D D

Undead Soldier (Sword) Undead Asylum 102 50 131 131 131 131 98 91 91 E
Firelink Shrine 85 50 103 103 103 103 77 72 72 D D D

Undead Burg 85 50 103 103 103 103 77 72 72 D D D

Undead Parish 102 50 131 131 131 131 98 91 91 D D D
Undead Asylum (revisited) 144 150 212 212 212 212 159 148 148 D D D

Enemy Appea rance

Vile Maggot Blighttown/Ouelaag's Domain 68 15 163 163 163 163 123 163 123 D D D

Enemy Appearance

Ill Wheel Skeleton Painted World of Ariam1s 197 200 348 348 244 435 267 237 366 s s s
Catacombs 134 200 239 239 167 299 183 163 251 s s s
Wisp Valley of Drakes/New Londo Ruins 29 0 57 57 57 57 44 57 44 s s s
Catacombs 15 0 45 45 45 45 35 45 35 s s s
Wyvem Valley of Drakes/New Londo Ruins 1152 500 354 354 354 354 283 213 707 A A c

Enemy Appearance

II Zombie (Archer) Undead Asylum 69 20 77 77 77 77 58 54 58 E E E

Undaed Burg/Lower Sect1on 105 20 98 98 98 98 74 69 74 E E
Painted World of Ariamis 220 150 231 231 231 231 174 162 174 E E
Undead Asylum (revisited) 149 100 159 159 159 159 119 111 119 E E E
Zombie (Docile) Undead Asylum 44 20 10 10 10 10 8 7 8 E E
Valley of Drakes/New Londo Ruins 105 20 98 98 98 98 74 69 74
Zombie (Sword) Undead Asylum 69 20 77 77 77 77 58 54 58 E
Undead Burg 88 20 77 77 77 77 58 54 58 E
Undead Parish 105 20 98 98 98 98 74 69 74 E E
Depths 123 50 129 129 129 129 97 90 97
Painted World of Anam1s 220 150 231 231 231 231 174 162 174 E E
Zombie (Torch) Undead Burg 88 20 77 77 77 77 58 62 58 E
Undaed Burg/Lower Section 105 20 98 98 98 98 74 79 74

Depths 123 50 129 129 129 129 97 104 97 E

Painted World of Ariamis 220 150 231 231 231 231 174 186 174 E E E
Undead Asylum (revisited) 149 100 159 159 159 159 119 128 119 E E E


This chapter is designed to guide you through each of the
separate areas in Dark Souls and ensure that you'll always
know where to go and what your options are. It should be
very simple to use, but just in case anything is even slightly
unclear we'll explain how all of the elements work here.


~ Text Point Arrow Trap ~ _

l t_e_m_____________________
This is a text point. These are numbered These are small pressure pads on the This icon represents an item (such as
and are simply used to link the text to a floor that trigger arrows to be fired at a Ring, Consumable item, Material or
specific position on the map. your location. Once you know where a deposit of Souls) that can be found
they are you can easily avoid them. at the location it's linked to. The name
-1- Bonfire of the item or Soul deposit will be
..C This icon represents a Bonfire, which Ladders displayed next to the icon.
you can use as a checkpoint to save the This icon means there's a ladder at
game and regain your health and sup- this position, which will often lead to a 8 Standard Enemy
plies, at the cost of the enemies in the different floor of the area, so it's often This icon indicates that a Standard
area respawning. accompanied by the Map Link icon. enemy appears at the marked location.

'aJ Boss
- ' - - -- - -
A boss battle will take place at this loca-
tion the first time you reach it. Be care-
This icon represents a weapon, shield
or Magic spell that can be found at the
It also shows you how many standard
enemies are in the location in cases
where a group of enemies appear very
close together.
ful when entering areas that have this location it's linked to. The name of the
icon marked, as you may not be able to specific item(s) will be displayed next to 8 Strong Enemy
leave until you've beaten the boss. the icon. These items are usually found This icon indicates that a Strong enemy
either in a treasure chest or on a dead appears at the marked location. It will
, _NP_C_ _ _ _ _ __ body near the marked location. display exactly how many Strong en-
An NPC, such as a merchant or traveler,
appears at this position the first time
you reach the area. Some NPCs being
I Armor
This icon represents a piece of armor
emies are in the location, though these
enemies most commonly appear on
their own rather than in groups.
present at the marked location may that can be found at the location it's
require you to have met certain condi- linked to. Often an entire set of armor 8 Rare Enemy
tions. can be found in one place, and the This icon indicates that a Rare enemy
names of each piece will be displayed (either a Crystal Lizard or a Drift Item)
:i, Locked Door next to the icon. appears at the marked location. It also
shows you how many Rare enemies are
This icon means that the door at this
location is locked, and will either require
Key in the location in cases where a group
you to find a key or open it from the This icon represents a key that can be of them appear very close together.
other side. found at the location it's linked to. The
name of the item will be displayed next 0 ~ap Links
Jlt -~~a2j~o~rTI_r~aLp________________ to the icon, and the key's name will
usually reveal the area in which it can
These icons simply show where one
area of the map links to another sepa-
This is an environmental trap that can
severely damage you if you're caught by be used. rated area. Often in places where an
it. These are often fast moving boulders area has multiple floors the map is di-
that you'll need to roll away from. vided to show all floors, and these icons
can be used to easily see where the
floors link up through stairs or ladders.

We'll use this example page to describe each of the elements that make up the Area Guide .

01 Area Name 02 Area Map

This is the name of the area currently being covered. This name This is the map of the current area, with icons marking the posi-
will appear on screen every time you enter the area, regardless tions where key items, NPCs and enemies can be found. Note
of where you enter it. When you see this name appear on screen that the enemy positions marked are their starting locations.
you know you've crossed the boundary into the new area, and if If you've disturbed a group of enemies it's possible that some
you check the map you can work out which entrance you've used other enemies will be drawn away from these positions, so you
to get there by looking for the name of the area you came from. may not always encounter them where they are marked here.


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03 Text Points 04 Enemies 05 Important Items

Text Points are basically just a number that link a position The enemies that appear in the This section lists the most
on the map to the corresponding text on the page. These current area are listed here. These important items that can be
numbers do not have to be followed in order, as this are categorized as Standard, Strong, found in the current area.
guide is designed to show you all of the key areas and Rare or Boss types. If you're having This gives you an idea of
events in an area, rather than to provide a chronological trouble against a particular enemy any important treasures in
route from start to finish. Each point will describe the you can look up your current area in the area you may miss at a
key points of interest in the area and what your options the Enemy Guide chapter and then glance. The exact loca-
are for continuing. Some will detail how to get to hidden find the enemy in question to find tions of these items will be
areas or open shortcuts to previous areas. detailed strategies for dealing with it. marked on the area map.



Enem1es Important Items


Standard Class Specific Starting Equipment

Zombie (Docile) Estus Flask
Zombie (Sword)
Zombre (Archer)
Undead Soldier (Sword)
Asylum Demon

..Jt You start your journey locked in a cell, armed with only the hilt of a broken sword. Your
first course of action is to find a means of escape. Pillage the corpse located in the cell
with you to find the key you need to unlock the cell door, and then continue up the long
corridor. The Zombies in this area are docile and will not attack you, but you can still get some
combat practice in on them for some easy Souls if you wish [ ~o 01] . When you come to
the end of the corridor, climb the ladder to reach the floor above .

. . . Directly ahead of you in this room is the first bonfire of the game. Bonfires serve as both
a means to replenish your supplies, and as points to respawn from should you die. Resting
at a bonfire will also respawn all enemies in the immediate area. so using bonfires comes at
a cost. Go up the stairs and open the door to the next area when you are ready. As soon as
you enter this room you will hear a rumbling, and the Asylum Demon will come crashing
down from above. You can take him on now, but your broken sword is not very effective, so
it is better to retreat strategically through the gate on the left.

At the end of the next corridor there is a Zombie archer firing ar-
rows at you, so quickly run forward and go into the open cell on the
left. Near the entrance to the cell you can pillage a shield from a
corpse; equip the shield and then start running towards the Zombie
while holding up the shield to protect yourself [40 02]. Pick up the
weapon from the corpse near the Zombie. and then take him out
ooo before continuing .

. . . Start running up the stairs here, but be ready because a Zombie

at the top will push a boulder down the stairs at you; as soon as
ooo you see it coming, roll to the right to fall down and avoid the boulder.
The force of the boulder managed to destroy a section of the wall,
which reveals a small room containing an injured soldier. Speak with
o oo the dying man and offer to hear about his quest. As a reward, he will
give you a valuable Estus Flask, as well as the key to a nearby gate.
[~0 03]

Go back up the stairs and after dispatching the Zombie at the top,
use your newly acquired key to get through the gate On the right
of the area just past the gate you will find another useful piece of
equipment for your class, so make sure not to miss it.


Warrior: Longsword xl, - - ---,lL.
Kn ight: Broadsword xl,
Wanderer: Scimitar xl,
Thief: Bandit's Knife xl.
Bandit: Banle Al<e xl.
Hunter: Shortsword xl,
Sorcerer: Dagger xl,
Pyromancer: Hand Axe xl,
Cleric: Mace xl.
Deprived: Club xl

. . . When you are ready, step through the fog

to once again face t he Asylum Demon. Do
not stand on the ledge above him for too long,
Wanior: Heater Shield xl,
Knight: Tower Kite Shield xl. because he will jump up and destroy the plat-
Wanderer: Leather Shield xl, form after a short while. Being above him at
0 Thief: Target Shield x l ,
Bandit : Spider Shield xl, the sta rt though does give you an advantage,
Hunter: Large Leather Shield xl, in that you can make use of t he extremely
0 Sorcerer: Small Leather Shield xl,
Pyromancer: Cracked Round Shield xl, powerful Plunging Attack by stepping off the
0 Cleric: East-West Shield xl
Deprived : Plank: Shield xl
ledge and attacking as you fa ll [ -70 04]. After
defeating the demon, use t he key you obtained
from him to open the large door. The mysteri-
Q ous Hawk Girl can be found in a bird's nest on
the right of the cliff, and if you have the right
items, you can leave one here for her now. Keep
0 walking towards the end of the cliff to trigger a
Q Oscar the Knight
cutscene that will take you to the next area.
of Astora


" Soul of a Lost Undead xl

Hunter: Short Bow xl, Standard Arrow x30,

Sorcerer: Sorcerer's Catalyst.
Pyromancer: Pyromancy Flame,
Cleric: Canvas Talisman xl



..f As soon as you land in Firelink Shrine you

will be near a bonfire that has already
been kindled, so rest up to increase your
0 9_026

supply levels. This area of the game serves

as a kind of hub, w hich you will often find
yourself traveling through, so becoming
familiar with it can be very useful and
time-saving. Nearby you'll also find a helpful
NPC that will give you more details about
your quest, and tell you the locations of the
Bells of Awakening, the ringing of which is
your most immediate goal.

The stairs near this NPC lead down to an

area where you will find the first Fire Keep-
er. These NPCs can be used to increase the
level of your Estus Flask by bringing them
New Londo Ruins
Fire Keeper Souls [-+0 01]. If you continue
down the stairs past the Fire Keeper you
will come to an elevator that will take you
down to the New Londo Ruins. This area
contains enemies that for the most part you
will be unable to hit at this time, so do not
wander too far in if you go down there .

. . . In the ruins of this building you will find

Petrus ofThorolund, a wandering cleric
who is the first NPC you can enter into a
Covenant with, if you keep talking with him.
He will then also sell you some useful
Talismans and Miracles, if you can use
them . If you go up the stairs to the side of
Petrus you will come to an elevator shaft,
and while you cannot use the elevator at
this time, if you drop down into it, you wi ll
come to an area with numerous treasure
chests, filled with useful items [ ~o 02]. To
exit the area with the chests you will need
to drop down from a small cliff into the Anast acia of Astora
graveyard, from where you can go back up
the stairs to reach the central area again .
F1rebomb x6 '

Armored Zombie (Sword)
Armored Zombie (Axe)
Skeleton Swordsman (Sword & Shield)
Skeleton Swordsman IGreatsword)
Undead Rat
Undead Soldter ISwordl
Giant Skeleton Swordsman

Important Items
Winged Spear
Ta lisman
Morning Star
Caduceus Shield



' Binocula rs xl

t Caduceus Round Sh1eld x1

.... This graveyard area holds some very useful items, but any trip
into it near the start of the game should be an extremely cautious
one. The normal skeletons here are very strong at this time and can
quickly kill you if you are not careful [ -+0 03] . There are also Giant
Skeletons guarding some of the better items and they are even more
lethal. It is recommended that you level up a bit elsewhere before
venturing down here. At the end of the graveyard is the entrance to
the Catacombs, and that is an area you do not have to venture into
until much later in the game .

. . . This path up the side of the cliff is the way you need to travel in
order to reach the Undead Burg on your way to ringing the first
bell. There are a lot of enemies scattered about on the steep slopes,
so advance slowly and try to avoid getting surrounded . When you
get near the top you wi ll also encounter an enemy who will throw
Firebombs are you, so clear the other enemies out first from a safe
distance, and then time your run up the stairs and knock him off the
cliff. [ -+0 04]

The final enemy guarding the route into the sewers is on a very nar-
row ledge, so to avoid getting knocked off yourself, try to lure him
dow n and fight him on the more open ground of the cliff top . Once
he has been defeated, enter the sewers and follow them along to
the opening on the left; then climb the stairs to reach the Undead

' Soul of a Lost Undead x1


Shortcut to Undead
Bur (Lower Section)

Armored Zombie (Sword & Firebomb)
Armored Zombie (Axe)
Zombie (Docile)
Zombie (Sword)
Undead Soldier(Spear)
Undead Soldier (Sword)
Undead Soldier (Crossbow)
Black Kn ight (Sword )
Havel the Rock

Important Items
Blue Tearstone Ring
Light Crossbow


Undead Merchant (male)


. . . As soon as you come up the

stairs into the Undead Burg you
will encounter some Armored
Zombies; try not to advance while
fighting them or you may attract the
enemies slightly ahead. Once they
have been killed, use a Roll to
destroy the cluster of barrels to the
far right of this area [ ~o 01]. This
will reveal a hidden ledge that you
can drop down to for an item.

Drop down from this ledge to the . . . Be careful as you reach the top of these stairs because the dragon,
area below, which you can also Hell kite, will come crashing down on to the path ahead briefly. Once he ' Soul of a lost Undead xl
explore for even more items. Be has flown off, run up the next set of stairs to the next enemy group. The
careful when you are walking main threat here is the archer at the top of the stairs directly ahead; try to
around this area because there are run past all the other enemies and take him out first [ -70 02]. You can then
a number of enemies hanging over take out the remaining enemies one at a time by using the stairs as a natural
the side of railings that will climb up bottleneck. If you are running low on supplies, rest at the bonfire in the room
when you are close. to the left before continuing.


..f The two enemies here can both drop a good shield at this point
in the game, so it is worth using the bonfire to respawn them a
few times to try and get it and so save you buying one. Once they
have both been killed, you can use a Roll to destroy the group of
boxes to the left of the area, which will reveal a hidden staircase.
r~o 03l

At the bottom of the stairs you come to a room with two exits. The
one on the right leads to an item on a rooftop, but if you head this
way be aware of the enemy breaking through the shelving near
the doorway. On the rooftop, you can jump to a small ledge on the
adjacent building, where you can find a Light Crossbow. The left exit
takes you to the first merchant in the game, and if you didn't get
one earlier, buying a good shield should be a high priority, along
with a bow and some arrows.

. . . Be very careful when moving along this . . . Before going too far past this point, make
bridge, because a number of enemies on sure to go up the tower on the left and take
a high platform to the left will start bombard- out the archer at the top so that he doesn't
ing it with Firebombs once you are on it shoot you in the back while you fight the enemy
[~o 04] . The room on the other side of group up ahead. Go down the stairs on the right
the bridge only starts off with a couple of after clearing the area to find a useful acces-
enemies, but shortly after you enter, sory. There is a tough fight down here, so don't
another will enter through a doorway. hesitate to use any useful items or sorcery you
may have.
The enemies who were throwing the
Firebombs will also sometimes drop down Once you are done, go back and head up the
and make their way in. If things start to get next staircase. When you reach the broken
crowded, retreat back over the bridge and section on the left, an enemy at the top will
take them out one at a time. After exiting kick a flaming barrel down the stairs; quickly
the room and going up the stairs, you'll find turn around and run out of the way before it hits
another cluster of enemies, so try and lure you [ ~ 05]. Kill the devious enemy, and then
them down the stairs one at a time. enter the tower. If you have the key you can
open the door and go down to the Darkroot
Garden, but that area is guarded by the power-
ful Havel, and best saved for later. Go up the
spiral staircase instead to reach the Upper
Section of the Burg.

Darkroot Basin
..4 As soon as you reach the bottom of these stairs, turn around and climb up the ladder to
the side of them. At the top you will find two archers, and they can be very problematic
during the upcoming boss fight if you leave them alive [~1 01] . When you are ready, continue
along the path until the Taurus Demon jumps down. Fighting him on the narrow path can be
difficult. so you are much better off retreating back to the tower where the archers were
positioned and using Plunging attacks to kill it. When the demon has been defeated, continue
along the bridge and down the series of stairs to reach the area below.

. . . As soon as you enter this area you wi ll see a locked door in front of you that leads down
to the Depths and Blighttown, which is where the second bell is located. To unlock it,
however, you will need a key from within the Undead Parish. To your right you will also find
a helpful NPC named Solaire of Astora, and if you talk to him a couple of times you will gain
the ability to summon him at specific locations to help you, as long as you are not Hollowed
[ >0 02] . The bridge to the left is the way forward towards the Parish, but crossing it is no
easy task .

.... At the end of this bridge sits the powerful Hell kite Dragon, which does not like people
entering its domain. Once you are about a third of the way across the bridge it will
unleash its fire breath, which will engulf almost the entire bridge. The only safe areas are at
the front of two small alcoves halfway across the bridge, and to reach them safely you will
need to sprint straight towards them . This means running past a large group of enemies, so
make sure you have your shield up. Thankfully, the fire will take care of them for you once
you are in the alcove. [ 03]

Beneath the Dragon is a room containing a bonfire and a handy shortcut to the Undead
Parish, but to reach it you must get past the beast itself. You can either try to time a sprint
between his allacks, 01 shoot him in the head with an arrow to lure him onto the bridge and
run past him, which is slightly easier. If you are having trouble, there is another way into the
Parish by going down the stairs in the right-hand alcove.

Armored Zombie (Sword)
Armored Zombie (Crossbow)
Undead Soldier (Spear)
Undead Soldier (Sword)
Undead Rat Undead Burg
(Main Section)
Taurus Demon
Hellkite Dragon

Important Items


J Undead Parish

Undead Parish

To Undead Burg
(Main Section)

. . . The stairs leading down to the-hand side of this room will allow
you to reach the Bonfire in the Main Section of the Undead Burg,
just make sure to kick the ladder down so that you can get back up.
The doorway straight ahead leads to a section underneath the
bridge that you can use to get safely past the dragon above.

Be careful when you are fighting the enemies in this area because
one small error can easily lead to you falling over the side to your
death [ -?0 04]. After navigating the narrow ledges you will come
into a room and be confronted by a group of rats, so try to get as far
into the room as you can before you begin fighting them. When they
are dead, use the ladder in the room to reach the Parish .

. . If you made it past the dragon into this room, you can pull the
switch on the left to open the gate. which will give you a quick
way of entering the Parish. Making it in here will also cause the
dragon to fly off, though he will return when you cross the bridge
again. [ -?0 05]


0 0

Mystery Key x1 '

..4 Try not to advance too far past the

archway behind the first enemy in this
area, because it contains a very dangerous
Armored Tusk, as well as other enemies.
Fighting them all at the same time is ex-
tremely dangerous. If you stand near the
end of the archway you should be able to
lure some of the Elite Undead Guards to-
wards you so that you take them on away
from the boar.

When you are ready, enter the area with the

boar but head over towards the staircase on
the right. The archers at the back will start
firing at you but they cannot hit you here,
and the boar is also unable to get into this
small area. The boar's heavy armor makes
using conventional means to fight it rather
difficult; instead, try to lure it into the near-
by fire-pit to inflict a lot of damage [ ~o 01] .
Keep repeating this until it is dead, and then
go up the stairs and take out the archers.
.. . . The path ahead is blocked by a large gate so you will need to find an alternate
means of reaching the church. Go down these stairs into the tunnels below the
street and fight your way past the initial group of Zombies until you reach the top of
the stairs. Go to the small alcove down a small set of stairs at the opposite side of
this area to find a corpse with the Mystery Key on it; this will come in handy shortly.

Use the nearby ladder to reach the platform above the alcove, and after taking out
the two Zombies there, walk out across the narrow beam to collect the item from
another corpse. Use the ladder on the platform afterwards to climb up again to
Enem1es the floor above, and then go through the exit on the right of the area to get back
Standard outside.
Undead Soldier (Spear)
Undead Soldier (Sword)
Undead Soldier (Crossbow)
..0 The narrow corridors in this area make dealing with the enemy difficult, because
it is highly unlikely that you will be able to get to their backs. Most of the enemies
Elite Undead Guard
also have shields and are very defensive, so try to keep your progress slow and
Black Knight (Sword) steady, only taking them on one at a time. The path to the right is a dead end, but it
Armored Tusk does lead to a good shield once you get past the Elite Undead Guard. [ ~u 03]
Prowling Demon
The path to the left is your route to the church, but be especially careful when you
Important Items come out into the long corridor where there are two enemies, because they can
Sen's Fortress easily catch you in a pincer maneuver if you rush in. The left turn out of this corridor
Mystery Key
Basement Key takes you to the front of the church, which is the best place to enter from. If you
Knight Shield double back down the large set of stairs you can flip a switch to open the gate that
was blocking you earlier, and also pick up the Basement Key, which you need to
enter the Depths .

.... If you carry straight along and across the makeshift bridge you will come to this
area beside the church. The archer at the back makes dealing with the other two
enemies out in the open difficult, so try and lure them close to the wall of the church
so that you are out of his line of fire. [ ~o 04]
Andre of Astora
If you enter the church from here you will be very close to the Heavy Knight inside,
and the Channeler on the upper floor of the church will also be able to hit you. If you
choose to fight the Heavy Knight from here, try to lure him outside so that the Chan-
neler cannot hit you .

. . If you cross the long pathway leading away from the church you can reach this
small building, which contains some very useful features. If you descend one
floor you will reach a bonfire, which you may well need at this point. Descend
another floor and you will come to the first blacksmith. r~o 05]

It is highly recommended that you reinforce your equipment as much as possible

before progressing, because there are difficult battles ahead. The stairs near the
blacksmith lead down to another entrance to the Darkroot Garden, this time guarded
by a Prowling Demon; as before, it is best not to head down there just yet.

Darkroot Garden
Fire/ink Shrine

. . The main entrance to the church is heavily guarded by a group of

Elite Undead Knights, but if you approach the entrance slow ly,
you can lure them out one at a time to make th ings easier. At the
back of the area you can also see a Heavy Kn ight standing guard,
and similarly, you should try to lure him down towards the entrance
so that the Channeler on the floor above cannot fire down at you .
[~ 01]

There is a boss fight coming, so try to conserve as ma ny of your

supplies as possible by sticking to normal attacks on these enemies.
Behind the Heavy Knight is a very valuable Fire Keeper Soul, needed
for Reinforcing your Estus Flask, so clea ring out the area is more
than worth it. The elevator system on the left of the church w ill
take you back down to the Firelink Shrine, opening up a very use-
ful shortcut back to th is area . This is a good time to return to the
Firelink Shrine and upgrade your Estus Flask with the Fire Keeper.
[~ 0 02] Undead Parish - Exterior



Zombie (Torch)
Zombie !Sword)
Elite Undead Guard (Thrusting Sword and Buckler)
Elite Undead Guard (l ong Sword and Shield)
Heavy Knight (Mace)
Twin Bell Gargoyles

Important Items
F ~re Keeper Soul

. . . Use the stairs near the elevator to reach the upper

floor of the church, but try to stay in these narrow
corridors at first . The Channeler on this floor w ill use his
powers to increase the aggressiveness of the large
number of Zombies on this floor, and they will all start
coming towards you . If you have any Firebombs, you
can use them to take out multiple Zombies at a time in
the corridors; if not, keep moving back and take them
on one at a time [ ~o 03] . Once the Zombies are out of
the way, you can deal with the Channeler; he has quite
low health so should not be a problem .


. . . If you follow the long corridor leading back across the other side of the church you
will come across a corpse 1n a barrel that you can break for an 1tem. On your way back
you will see some wooden boards on the left that you can actually break through to
reveal a hidden area; follow the path around in that area and use the Mystery Key to free
Knight Lautrec from his cell [-70 04] . He will then meet you back at the Firelink Shrine.
He'll reward you when you get there. When you have finished here, head back down the
long corridor towards the two small rooms ahead. The room on the left contains a useful
item, so grab that first and then go into the other room and use the ladder to climb to
the roof of the church.

. . . If you are not Hollowed, and spoke to Solaire

of Astora earlier on, there will be a summon
sign here that lets you call on him to assist you;
his help will be needed in the upcoming battle
[ ~o 05] . When you are ready, step through the
fog to begin the fight. At first you will only fight
one Gargoyle, but as the fight progresses a
second will join in. Try to use the pitch of the
roof to your advantage, as it can help with
avoiding their attacks, and try to cut the tail
off one of them because it will give you a
very powerful weapon .

. . . Once you have vanquished the Gargoyles,

cross the roof and enter the church spire;
then use the series of ladders to reach the
platform at the top. There are no enemies in this
area so you can move freely. Once at the top,
pull the switch to ring the first bell, and you will
have reached the halfway point of your current
goal. When the scene is over, head back down
to the bottom of the spire to encounter Oswald
of Carim. When your conversation is over, go
back through the Parish to the other side of the
bridge, where you encountered Hellkite, and
use the Basement key to go down to the Lower
Section of the Undead Burg . [ -7L' 06]


Enemr es Important Items
Standard Sorcerer Armor Set
Undead Attack Dog Sorcerer's Catalyst
Undead Assassin Black Leath er Armor Set
Zombie (Torch) Target Shield
Boss Mail Breaker
Capra Demon

Black Leather
Gloves x1 . Black
Leather Boots xl ,
Target Shield xl

I .

[!]~ .
09 _0 29


. . . The first thing you should do upon entering this area is go .... There is a locked door near here, wh ich can be opened using a key you
up the stairs to the right and unlock the gate at the top. can buy for 1000 souls from the merchant in the Main Section of the
This will open a shortcut back to the Main Section of the Undead Burg. In the room behind the door you wi ll find some useful items,
Undead Burg . Return to this point once the gate has been along with the NPC Griggs of Vinheim w ho, after you have tal ked to him,
open, and then, very slowly, start descending the stairs will relocate to the Firelink Shrine and will be able to teach you a number
ahead . There are a number of Undead Attack Dogs in the of Magic spells. [ 02]
area below. They are extremely agile w ith attacks that are
hard to judge . To limit their movement options, try to take If you continue up the path past the door you will come to a small area
them on one at a time while on the stairs. [ ~o 01] contain ing a large number of torch-bearing Zombies . If you ta ke care of
them all you wi ll be able to loot the item from the corpse at t he back of the
area, but be careful not to get surrounded, as even they can finish you off
quickly, given half a chance .

. . . While this area may seem initially safe, as you make your way forward ,
a number of doors on either side of t he area wi ll burst open to reveal
hidden Undead Assassins . These enemies parry a lot and can throw
daggers from long range , so retreat a bit round the corner to cut off t heir
throwing angles and engage them one at a time [ ~o 03]. Some of the
rooms the assassins emerged from contain items, so always make sure
you check them before continuing .


. . . As with the previous area, as you are approaching this group
of rooms, the doors will burst open and you will have to defeat
another group of Undead Assassins. Once they have been dis-
patched, go into the small alcove on the right and break the barrel
to free the corpse in order to get the item from it [-70 04]. Continue
forward through the area and use the pillars on either side to help
you fend off the two Undead Attack Dogs.

When they have been killed, go through the fog to do battle with
the Capra Demon and the two Attack Dogs that accompany him.
The staircase on the left makes an excellent position to fight them
from, because it forces them to come at you one at a time. Defeat-
ing this boss is a necessary step on the way to the Depths, because
he holds the key you need to enter them.

.I Sorcerer's Hat xl,

Sorcerer's Cloak xl,
Sorcerer's Gauntlets x1,
Sorcerer's Boots xl,
Sorcerer's Catalyst xl

. . After you have killed the boss, go

down the stairs just outside the
room you fought him in . Be careful as
you approach the first Undead Assassin
you can see at the bottom of the stairs,
because there is another one hiding
out of sight to the left. Knowing where
he is, you can sometimes attack him
before he can react, but make sure
you keep an eye on the first assassin,
as he will often throw daggers at you
whi le you are attacking. [ -70 05]

Before going through the door to the

Depths, head up the stairs on the left
to reach a section of sewers. Imme-
diately to your right as you enter is a
merchant who sells some useful items,
including Moss for curing Poison, which
will be very useful in the upcoming
areas. If you continue along you will
be able to open a gate and create a
shortcut back to the Firelink Shrine.
When you are done, head back and
go through the door down into the

03 AREAGUlDE 177
Enem 1es
Undead Rat
Zombie (Sword)
Zombie (Torch)

0 0 Undead Attack Dog

Undead Rat (Small)
Undead Rat (Large)
Giant Undead Rat

Important Items
Great Swamp
Spider Shield
Larg e Ember

~ 09_030


.... Once you have reached the bottom of the stairs and taken care of the first few
Zombies, make sure you double back down the narrow path beside the stairs for an
item. Head through the opening in the wall and slowly start to descend the stairs into the
large dining room. This area is filled with Zombies. They can quickly surround you if you
are not careful because the tables get in the way and restrict your movements. Luring
the Zombies back up the stairs and fighting them one at a time in the archway will make
things much easier for you.

After they have all been killed, go down the stairs on the left to reach the lower part of
the room. If you have previously explored that area and simply want to reach the later
parts of the Depths, you can drop down through the archway at the bottom of the stairs
you used to enter the dining room and go through the door underneath . 0


...t As soon as you start going down the
stairs to this area, an Undead Attack
Dog will leap at you, so make sure you
are blocking as you move. The Attack
Dog and Butcher at the back of the
room will not move if you do not get
close to them, but they are guarding a
treasure chest with a very valuable
item inside. Behind the Butcher there
is a waste chute that you can fall down
and use as a shortcut to reach the area
where the Giant Rat is. When ready,
descend into the flooded area, where
you will encounter more Attack Dogs.
Fighting them in the water with reduced
movement speed is extremely difficult,
so lure them back up the stairs where
your footing is more secure.

Climb the rubble at the end and go into

the room on the left, where you will
find Laurentius trapped in a barrel. Use
a Roll to break him free so that you
can talk to him [~! 02] . When you are
done, head back along the corridor. A
short way along it, another Butcher will
jump down behind you, so take care of
him and then continue along to the door
and go down.
it from this side, so continue down the . . . Be careful when moving along these narrow
.... There are a large number of Slimes tunnel ~c 03 .. The area to the right has a tunnels, because there are a number of
on the ceiling throughout this area, large number of rats guarding an item, so drains that you can fall down, landing you in an
so make sure you check above you as take them out if you want to collect it. Fol- area full of Basilisks. A well placed Roll will get
you advance so that one does not drop low the path around to the left and descend you over the drains, but you are taking quite a
onto you. To reach the bonfire at the the stairs when you come to them; dispatch risk attempting it. Follow the tunnel straight
end of the long tunnel you will need to the rats and pick up the Key if you need it, along until you come out into a large cavern .
unlock the door in front of it with the and then enter the tunnel to the side of the Be careful when fighting the group of rats
Sewer Chamber Key or the Master Key, stairs to continue. here, because they will usually get buffed by
so if you are able, do not hesitate to the Channeler to the left. >C 0
resupply at the bonfire before continu-
ing . Head back into the next section of the tunnels
once the enemies have been killed, and then
When you are ready, go down the stairs take the first turn to the right, followed shortly
in front of the door to the bonfire to a after by a left. Follow this path and you will get
small caged area. The ladder down into past all the drains safely and pick up the item
this area leads to a very useful shortcut along the way.
door, but unfortunately you cannot open
. . . As soon as you emerge from the tunnels
again you will have to do battle with the
Giant Undead Rat. so make sure you are fully
prepared . The sheer size of the rat can make
fighting it problematic, but if you get into
trouble, you can retreat into the tunnels and it
will be unable to follow you ; the tunnels also
make a good position for you to use ranged
attacks, if you can ~ . You can also
choose to run straight past the Giant Rat, if
you wish, by heading straight for the large drain
run-off at the other side of the room, which is
where you need to go anyway to reach the
Lower Levels.


Undead Rat (Small)

Undead Rat (Large)
Gaping Dragon

Important lterns
Ring of the Evil Eye
Heavy Crossbow

Domnhall of Zena


. . . After sliding down the drain run-off you'll find yourself in this tunnel offering a choice of
two drrectrons to travelrn. The path to the left takes you to an area filled with Basilisks.
If you fell down one of the drains earlier in the level and had to fight your way out, this is
where you will end up . Your goal is down the tunnel straight ahead, but as you near the
second turn, watch out for the large group of rats hiding around the corner. Running
quickly past them, taking them on one at a time, can make this fight much easier and
stop you from potentially getting pushed back towards the Basilisks if you failed to kill
them . [-+0 01]

..f If you avoided falling down any of the drains earlier in the game, this area is totally
optional; if you do not want to risk being Cursed by the Basilisks, do not venture
down here. That being said, there are some very useful items to be had in this area,
including the Ring of the Evil Eye. If you do choose to come down here, always pay
close attention to your level of Curse build-up, and do not hesitate to retreat if it starts
getting too high

The narrow passageway you have to travel through in this area is an excellent place to
fight the Basilisks, as it prevents them from being able to surround you, which means
you can always escape if you need to. Near the end of the area is an item on the other

0 side of a drain. The only way to get it is to either jump or roll over the drain [ -+0 02]. Try
to get this item after you have cleared out the area so that you do not drop down into a
group of enemies.
--I ~!:~~=~~~~: xxl~' ~;~
Leathf}r Gauntlets x1. . . . The Slimes in this area can be hard to see because of the water coloration, so make
Hard Leather Boots x,l sure you check thoroughly as you advance. Directly ahead of you, when you enter
this area, is a small alcove with a narrow staircase to the side; these stairs take you up
to the door in the caged area above, and since you can open it from this side, it creates
a useful shortcut back to the bonfire.

To the far left of this area is the door leading to Blighttown, but since you do not have
the key, you cannot go down there just yet. Near the door you will also find another mer-
chant selling some distinctly exotic items [-+0 03]. When you are ready to continue, go
up the narrow passageway just outside the area where the merchant is.

0 Jt After exiting the passageway, turn right and then follow the area around until you come
to a staircase. Descend it. There are no enemies in this area so you can explore freely,
and on this lower level it is worth taking the time to go and pick up the Heavy Crossbow
from the corner. Near the next set of stairs you have to go down you will also find more
summon signs, depending on how you have been interacting with the NPCs.

Once you are fully prepared, descend the next set of stairs and go through the fog to do
battle w ith the Gaping Dragon [ -+0 04]. Defeating the dragon will give you the key you
need to open to the door to Blighttown, so once the key is in your possession, go all the
way back to the door and go through it.

Heavy Crossbow x1 .
Heavy Bolt x11

' Soul of a Nameless Soldier x1

03 AREAGUlDE 181
.... Nearly every enemy in Blighttown can inflict either Poison or
Toxin so, where possible, try to use Rolls to avoid attacks, rather
than blocking to help keep the build-up of those statuses to a
minimum. The Barbarians at the start can be especially lethal on
the narrow walkways, so be especially careful when engaging
them . The Blowdart Snipers in the area can nearly always attack
you before you can pinpoint their location, so your best bet is to
listen out for the sound of their darts. ' laitox l

Towards the end of the entrance area on the left you will be able to
see an item sitting on a small rooftop across a gap; this item is the
very rare Ia ito sword, and to get it you will need to jump across to
the roof. From there you can drop to the level below quite safely. If
you do not jump across for the sword but continue along this floor,
you wi ll be able to find a narrow ledge to the right of the ladder
going down; if you roll down on to this ledge you can reach a small
area containing a few items, including the Shadow Armor set.
[-70 01]

. . . The first thing you should do upon reaching this floor is activate
the bonfire nearby to ensure that you have a respawn point
nearby in case you need it. Further to the left, past the bonfire, you
will come to another ladder that leads down to a small dead-end set
of platforms that contains some useful items [-tO 02]. To continue
descending the area properly you will need to go right, but be
extremely careful when crossing the stone bridge area here because
there is a Blowdart Sniper high up on a platform to the right who
will start firing at you.

Try to lure the Attacks Dogs to you first, and then get out of the
sniper's line of fire by dashing forward quickly and engaging the
Ghouls from behind the wall. Continue towards the end of this plat-
form, once it is clear, and take the ladder down to the floor below.

. . . From this platform you should have a good vantage point from
which to see the Parasitic Wall Hugger clinging to the wall below;
for safety, if you have any kind of ranged combat option, it is well
worth taking it out before continuing [ -70 03]. To the right of this
platform there is ladder, which will take you down to another
dead-end area, where you will find the Eagle Shield; straight ahead
is another ladder that will take you to the floor below.


Importan t Items
Standard Ia ito
Infested Ghoul (Sword) Shadow Armor Set
Infested Ghoul (Spear) Whip
Infested Ghoul (Blunt) Eagle Shield
Blowdart Sniper Pyromancy: Power Within
Flaming Attack Dog Fire Keeper Soul
Giant Mosquito Crimson Armor Set
Cragspider T1n Banishment Catalyst
Strong Magic: Remedy
Infested Barbarian (Club)
Parasitic Wall Hugger

. . By the time you get down to this level you will probably start getting
pestered by the Giant Mosquitoes; these enemies will keep coming,
regardless of how many you kill, so only engage them where necessary. The
ladder opposite the cave entrance leading up will take you to the platform
where one of the Blowdart Snipers has taken position, so you can climb up
there and take him out to make moving around easier.

To progress you will need to enter the cave, but do this extremely slowly,
because both a Barbarian and Ghoul are near the entrance, and fighting both at
the same time is extremely dangerous. Follow the cave along, after taking out
the enemies, and climb down the ladder ahead of you. There is a slight shortcut
you can take at this point by dropping down from this platform to the one below,
where the Whip is located. From there you can drop down again to reach the
Lower Levels. ~o 04]

. . . If you used the water-wheel from below in the swamp, you will end up on a
platform here. The platforms are even more densely packed than elsewhere
in the area, and there are a large number of Blowdart Snipers, making it even
more dangerous. The pay-off is that there are a large number of very valuable
items in the area, more than worth going for. Go up the first ladder from the
platform you start on, and then follow that platform all the way around and
cross over the giant tree root. Blowdart Snipers will start firing at you at this
time, so move quickly to the other side and continue straight on to reach the
items. [~0 05]

Now you'l l need to backtrack to where you first reached this platform and climb
the ladder in that area to the platform above. Following this platform around will
take you straight into a large tunnel that is filled with Blowdart Snipers and At-
tack Dogs; to make things easier, try to pick as many off as you can with ranged
attacks before entering. Just before the entrance to the tunnel there is also
another series of ladders going up, which will take you to a path leading out to
the Valley of Drakes.

03 AR.EA GUIDE 183


..f The area starts to open up a bit at this point, but you will be
getting attacked by the Mosquitoes more frequently. Go forward
If you continue up the tree trunk you will come to a small alcove
with an item in it, but that is not its only secret. If you hit the wall to
and then descend the first two ladders that you come to. From this the left of the item you will reveal a hidden passageway leading to a
platform look out to the left and, while using the wooden wall for treasure chest. and if you hit the wall behind that, you will reveal yet
cover, try to take out the Blowdart Sniper on the platform below another hidden path leading to The Great Hollow [ ~o 03]. Before
with a ranged weapon [ ~o 01]. Now, when you go down the next heading down there, however, you should continue through this
ladder, you can deal with the two Cragspiders much easier, and if area and clear out Ouelaag's Domain.
you follow the platform along you will be able to acquire the
Wanderer Armor Set. Once you have the items, backtrack slightly, . . . If you head up the ramp here, and then climb the ladder when
and then take the next ladder down. you come to it, you will be able to reach the base of the giant
water-wheel. If you time it correctly you can drop onto one of the
. . The remainder of this area is made up primarily of this thick large paddles and let it carry you up, then, as you near the top, you
swamp, and while you are in contact with it you will be constant- can roll off onto the platform before you drop back down [ ~o 04].
ly building up your Poison level. Try to plan your route ahead and The section of the Upper Levels you reach leads to an alternate
sprint between patches of solid ground. When on these you should route into the Valley of Drakes, as well as numerous items, but it is
always wait for your Poison levels to drop before continuing. The extremely dangerous because of all the Blowdart Snipers, so make
first area you should head for is directly to the right of this final sure you have rested at the bonfire before heading up .
platform. If you hug the back edge of the swamp you should come
to an opening leading into a tunnel where there is a bonfire . . . The area leading up to Ouelaag's Domain has a number of large
[ ~o 02]. From here, if you run directly across the swamp, you can boulder-wielding Barbarians guarding it, but if you plan your route
find a very useful Pyromancy spell and an armor set. you can avoid them. If you circle around above the large pillar before
cutting across the swamp towards the giant web mound, you can
..0 This side of the swamp is filled with Giant Leeches. Because
they are so low on the ground it can be difficult to hit them,
find a path through the branches to take you behind the Barbarians
[70 05]. From there it's just a short dash into the tunnel leading to
especially in the swamp. Try to find some solid ground by luring Ouelaag's Domain .
them up the large tree trunk and fighting them from there. If you
continue around this area to the left you will encounter a lot more
leeches, and while they can be difficult to kill, they do drop some
very useful items and the areas they are guarding also contain some
valuable goods.


Important Items
Standard Wanderer Armor Set
Cragspider Falchion
Giant Mosquito Great Club
Giant Leech Pyromancy: Poison Mist
Strong Tattered Cloth Armor Set
Infested Barbarian (Boulder) Server
Plank Shield

0 0

"" Large Titanrte Shard x l

Upper Levels


Egg Carrier
Vile Maggot
Chaos Witch Ouelaag

Lost lzalith


. . While you are running through the tunnel, try to avoid hitting these docile Egg Carriers, When you run down the passageway, make
because once they die they release a large group of Vile Maggots, which can be difficult sure you do not attack the Egg Carrier,
to kill because of their numbers [ ~o 01]. The best option is to just run past them for now because this particular one can be spoken
so that you can reach Ouelaag's lair in top condition. Just outside the fog that leads to her to. If you speak, it will allow you to continue
inner sanctum you will find another summon sign to bring in an NPC to help you in the fight, onwards without any hassle. There is a
if you are not Hollowed. bonfire here, so you can heal up after your
battle with Ouelaag, if you wish, before
.... After defeating Ouelaag your path to the second bell will be a clear one, so follow the speaking with her sister. Her sister serves
stairs around to the small chamber and pull the switch on the other side of the hole to as both the originator of a Covenant and a
ring the bel l. Before ringing it, however, decide whether or not you want to let Lautrec kill Fire Keeper; if you enter into a Covenant
Anastacia at the Firelink Shrine, because he will do so as soon as you ring the bell. The with her you will receive the Pyromancy
scene that follows shows your next major destination, which is Sen's Fortress located near Spell: Great Chaos Fireball. Since she is a
the Undead Parish. Before you go there, however, it is worth taking a trip down into the Fire Keeper, this also means you can warp
Great Hollow, if you haven't already. back here later on, once you have that
ability, which also allows you to reach the
. . . If you go down the stairs from the bell chamber, you'll reach this small room below it. To Demon Ruins quickly.
the left is an opening that you can follow to go into the Demon Ruins, but you will be
unable to complete that area until you get the Lordvessellater on, so it is best to leave it for
now. In the middle of this floor there is also an elevator plate, but until you activate it later
on in Demon Ruins you will be unable to use it. Directly opposite the stairs you will also find
another hidden passageway behind a breakable wall. [ -70 02]


. . There are no real enemies in this first
section of the tree, so your main focus
should be on finding a safe route down
without falling, while trying to collect as
many of the items as you can. There are
also a number of Crystal Lizards in the area,
so try to be as quick as possible once you
0 9_033
spot them so that you can get the rare
materials they drop. Start by walking out
along the first branch past the bonfire, and
then, when you spot another large branch
below you to the left, drop down onto it
[ -+0 03] . From there, turn to the right and
you should be able to see inside the large
tree trunk in the middle of the area; drop
down into it to get the item inside .

.0 Drop down again through the hole in the

middle of the trunk when you have the
item, and then go out through the hole in
the front and head right; drop off the end of
this branch and pick up the item on the one
below that you land on . Turn around and
start moving towards the solid platform to
the right of this branch and use a roll to
cross the gap over to it. [ -+L; 04

From here you can run up a slightly darker

branch to get another item, and then after
returning to the platform, walk close to the
small gap you rolled across and drop down
onto the branch below. When you run up
this branch be careful, because you will be
entering an area with three Basilisks, so
make sure they do not knock you off the

Mushroom Child
Mushroom Parent
Crystal Lizard

Impo rtant ltpms

Cloranthy Ring


..f used to reach this area. and follow it
Head back down the same branch you

along until it meets up with another branch

on the right; follow that branch along and kill
the two Crystal Lizards when you come to
them [~0 01]. From that platform you can
follow the next branch along until you come
to a ladder, which you can use to take you
down to the next part of the Hollow. Taking
this route is the quickest and easiest way to
get down, but it does mean you'll miss
some of the items along the way .

. . If you want to get the items, you'll need

to take a slightly more complicated route
down. Follow the same branch down as
usual from the platform with the Basilisks,
but this time, when you come to the point
where the two branches meet, drop down
to the left onto a different branch below.
Walk some way up that branch until you are
directly over the branch below, where an
item is sitting, and then drop down onto it
[ ->0 02]. This fall uses roughly one whole
block of your health, so make sure it is not
too low before you fall.

Once you have acquired that item, go to

the opposite end of the branch and fall
down forward onto the next branch slightly
below you. From here you should be able
to see the next item you are after, which is
slightly ahead to the left [ -->0 03] . To reach
it, continue forward along this branch until
it is directly over the one below that has the
item, and drop down to the left to land on
it. Pick up the item, and then look down to
the left to locate the next branch you need
to fall down to and drop onto it. Follow this
branch along as it curls around the central
trunk until you reach the end, and then drop
down to the right to get the final item in this
area. From there, drop down to the ground
below to reach the area that the ladder
would have taken you to.

, Red Titanite Chunk xl


..f There are a couple of Basilisks in this
area, so be ready to engage them as
soon as you land. When they have gone,
instead of taking the ladder down to the
section below, run around the central trunk
to the hole on the opposite side. If you look
down through the hole you should be able
to see an item on a branch below, so drop
down in order to pick it up [ ~o 04]. There
are even more Basilisks in the area below
you, so, to make things easier, try to hit one
of them with a Plunging Attack as you drop
off the branch .

After clearing this area, you only need to fol-

low the long spiraling branch down until you
come to the point where large mushrooms
start growing out of the tree. Just before
the transition from branch to mushroom,
drop down to the right of the branch to land
on a mushroom growing out of the central
trunk, and from there you can reach the
next mushroom, which has an item on it. To
complete the area, simply follow the mush-
rooms down, and then go along the tunnel
at the end to reach Ash Lake.
Stone Dragon

Man-Eater Shell
Mushroom Parent
Bo ss
. . Keep running along the inside of the giant branch after entering this area until it comes to Hydra
an end, at which time you should be able to see the giant Hydra out in the water to the
left. Before going to do battle with it, however, run back to the right to light the bonfire there
Important Items
so that you can resupply, and have a respawn point handy if you need one. After your battle
Miracle: Great Magic Barrier
with the Hydra, follow the coast around to the left of the area to find an item hidden behind
the tree. All the items in this area are worth going for because quite often they are very rare
Dragon Scales.

. . Continue up the beach until
you come to a hollowed-out
tree trunk, and then walk through
it to find an item hidden inside
[~o 01]. Shortly after this area
0 9_035

.,.& Dragon
Scale x1

you will encounter Man-Eater

Shells. This enemy has extremely
high defense, plus damaging
attacks, so be very careful when
you are fighting it.

..4 As you start to approach the

next large tree you will start to
. . . Be careful as you enter the tree because there are two
Basilisks inside that will start attacking you straight away.
see a bank of sand forming near There is also a Mushroom Parent inside, so try and take out
the coast on the left; stick to the the Basilisks first before going in. Just to the left of the
left of the sandbank to find entrance to the tree is a branch that you can run up and follow
another Dragon Scale. Once you along to a small opening that leads outside. Here, on the
have obtained the item, backtrack branch, you will encounter another Basilisk, so try and knock
slightly and then go along the it off the branch before it does the same to you.
other side of the sandbank until
you can drop down to the Just where the branch starts heading back down to the beach
entrance into the tree. [~0 02] you will pass underneath two protruding branches. At that
time, if you look down to the left, you will notice another large
branch, broken off, sticking out of the tree [ ~o 03]. Drop
down into the broken-off branch and then follow it back inside
the tree to come out on the mushrooms above the area you
were just in; from there you will be able to reach the Great
Magic Barrier Miracle item from the corpse nearby.

. . At the end of this area you will find the home of the
Everlasting Dragons, another group that you can enter
into a Covenant with . If you run around behind the back of the
Stone Dragon you can cut his tail off without triggering a real
fight, and get the Dragon Greatsword for doing so. If you have
the ability to warp you can use the bonfire here to get straight
back to the Firelink Shrine, otherwise you need to backtrack
manually all the way back out.


Armored Zombie (Sword)
Armored Zombie (Axel
Skeleton Swordsman (Sword & Shield)
Skeleton Swordsman (Greatswordl
Undead Rat
Undead Soldier !Sword)
Giant Skeleton Swordsman

New Londo Ruins

laurentius of the
Great Swamp

Undead Parish


Thorolund Vince of
Thoro lund

. . . A lot has changed since you started your journey, and the Firelink Shrine is now
potentially bustling with all the different NPCs that have either appeared or you have
rescued, the most important of which is Kingseeker Frampt [ ->1 04]. This ancient beast
is your gateway down to the Firelink Altar. It also has a lot of useful information that you
can get out of it. Perhaps its most useful feature though is its ability to eat most items in
the game and give you Souls in exchange. This makes it perfect for getting rid of all those
unwanted items that are clogging up your inventory, and gives you an extra source of
revenue .

.... Now that you have activated the elevator that leads to the Undead Parish, you can
also reach a new area that allows you to return to the Northern Undead Asylum,
where some useful items are waiting to be collected. Step onto the elevator and turn
around to face outwards as it rises; as soon as you pass over a small rooftop, roll out of
the elevator onto it. Follow the broken rooftop around to the right so that you are on a
small ledge on the cliff. Look for the part of the cliff that protrudes towards the tower in
the middle of the area and then use a roll to cross the gap and drop on to the buttress
supporting the tower. [ -->0 05]

..,f Follow the buttress up and then head left when you reach the spiral staircase. From
here you will need to rol l across to the roof of the building to get a key fo r t he locked
gate in the Undead Asylum [-->0 06] . When you have the key, look for the small ledge
that will take you back onto the tower, and this time follow the spiral staircase all t he
way up. When you get to the bird's nest. choose to curl up into a ball to trigger a cutscene,
during which the giant bird from below will carry you back to the Undead Asylum.

Zombie (Torch)
Black Knight (Sword)
Black Knight (Greatsword)
Oscar, Knight of Astora
Stray Demon

Important Items
Peculiar Doll
Rusted Iron Ring

o oo


~ ...f Things are not as they once were upon your return to this area, and the place is
now filled w1th much stronger opponents. While you are walk1ng down the cliff,
~~ you can now go to the small bird's nest on the side of it and help the needy eggs
inside by giving them various items, which they can exchange for different ones
[~0 01). As soon as you are ready, continue on down the cliff and head into the
room where you previously faced the Asylum Demon . As you enter the room the
floor will crumble and you will drop down into another chamber below; here you will
have to face the Stray Demon, who is much tougher.

. . . After defeating the Stray Demon, climb the ladder at the back of the room and
then drop down through the broken bars to reach the corridor leading to the cell
where you started the game. In the cell is the Peculiar Doll item, which you need for
entry to the Painted World of Ariamis. Guarding it, however, is a Black Knight, so you
w il l need to be careful. [~0 02]

.... When you reach this area, you wil l have to do battle with a former comrade-in-
arms who helped you out by giving you the precious Estus Flask [ ~o 03] . Oscar
of Astora is a formidable foe who likes to break your guard a lot, but his swings are
often wi ld and can be sidestepped, leaving his back exposed. Killing Oscar will usually
net you some useful gear for your trouble, so it is worth taking the time to fight him .

. . . Watch out again for the boulder trap as you climb the stairs, and then fight your
way past all the Zombies to reach the locked gate on the other side. Providing you
picked up the key form the rooftop in the Firelink Shrine, you will now be able to
unlock this gate and get the item behind it [~0 04]. When you are ready to leave,
drop back down run back up the cliff to be transported back to the Firelink Shrine.

' Rusted Iron Rrng xl

Upper Floor


...4 Be careful as you enter Sen's Fortress

because, immediately, you'll find a
pressure plate on the floor that activates an
arrow trap. This whole area is littered with
such plates, so always watch where you are
stepping to avoid taking unnecessary
damage. If you plan ahead, you can even
lure enemies out and then activate the traps
to hit them.

After ascending the stairs, you will come out into a large room filled with massive swinging blades [->0 01]. The
path of the blades is such that they swing across the very bridge you need to cross, and to make things even more
difficult, there are Serpent Soldiers to contend with as well. If you have a bow or ranged magic, try to take out the
Serpent Mages before you cross, to make things easier. To get past the blades, time your advance to begin as soon
as a blade has passed the central point. but be careful because it can easily knock you off if you time it wrong .

. . . The area below the first bridge you cross is filled with a large number of Prowling Demons, which makes it both an
excellent place to gather Souls and a very dangerous area. There are also a number of items down here to
sweeten the incentive to explore the area. If you want to drop down, wait until you are near the end of the bridge and
then drop down to the area containing the three Serpent Mages. From there, drop down again to reduce the damage
you take.

When you are ready to leave this area, head to the far end of the first room and go into the small alcove on the right.
In here you'll find a ladder that takes you back up to the floor above, where an item on a corpse highlights the area
you drop out from to get back to the bridge. Before you do so, however, attack the wall to the side of the item to
reveal a hidden area and another ladder; this ladder takes you up to the roof, where you can do battle with a huge
Giant. [ ... 02]

Scythe x1 4J



..... As you close in on the opening ahead of this area you will see a Serpent Soldier come running
into view; his bravado is short-lived, however, as a giant boulder will knock him off the ledge.
These boulders will continue traveling down the ledge outside, so in order to advance you will need
to time your runs between them. As soon as one passes across the opening run, go out onto the
ledge and sprint up to the passageway on the left near the top of the stairs.

From here you will be only a short distance away from the room at the top being guarded by a
Serpent Mage. It is worth getting past him to acquire the accessory from the treasure chest in the
room. After emptying the chest. wait for another boulder to pass and then head back down and go
through the fog to continue .

. . . The boulders that were traveling along the outside ledge will now start rolling down a series of
staircases just outside this room. You need to go up the stairs to the right in order to carry on
progressing, but before that there are some valuable items that are worth picking up. Go halfway up
the stairs to the right and then drop onto some wooden planks to the left [ -+0 03]. From here you
can either go right to reach a room containing an armor set and a path to the Upper Floor, or you can
Soul of a Brave Warrior xl '
go left through a hole in the wall to an area outside. In this area you can acquire another useful
accessory, but you have to drop onto the bridge from the start of the area to make your way back .

. . . More items can also be found at the bottom

of the staircase . If you let enough boulders
travel down the stairs they will eventually fill a
hole at the bottom, which allow the next
boulder to break through the wall on the other
side. In this room you will be able to find the
0 Covetous Gold Serpent Ring , which drastically
increases your Item Discovery [-+0 04] . Just


before the hole in the wall there is a small

passage that you can take to another room,
where you 'll find a Mimic enemy disguising
itself as a chest; if you kill it you will get a
powerful Lightning Spear. The small elevator in
this room can then take you to the Upper Floor,
but make sure you step off as soon as the
elevator comes to a stop, or else it will take you
up into some spikes .

.... If you change the direction the boulders

LOWER FLOOR travel in from the Upper Floor, you can send
one dow n the ramp into this area, caus ing it to
crash through the wall, revealing a hidden path
on the other side . This area serves as a prison.
Enern1es and the legendary sorcerer, Big Hat Logan, is
Standard being held captive. If you have the Master Key
Serpent Soldier or Cage Key you can free him, after wh ich he
Serpent Mage will return to the Firelink Shrine.
Prowling Demon

Important Items
Ring of Steel Protection
Magic: Hush
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring

F!arne Stoneplare ...t

Slumbermg Dragoncresr Rng XI

Large Titanite Shard X2 '

- B

Serpent Sold,er
Serpent Mage
Elite Undead Guard
Undead Soldier !Crossbow)
Heavy Knight !Mace)
Undead Prince Ricard
Iron Golem

Sniper Crossbow ~
Cage Key

Slumbering Dragoncrest Rmg

Black Sorcerer Armor Set
...f In this area you'll find a device that you can use to control the
boulders' direction of travel. The device's current position sends
. . . If you go down the long path to the right from this section of
rooftop you can make it to an area that is being guarded by the
the boulders down the staircase, as before. If you move it clockwise Undead Prince Ricard. Ricard has a very parry-focused fighting style,
once, the boulders will get knocked through an opening in the wall so do not attack him recklessly; wait for an opening. When he has
so that they can trouble no one. If you move it clockwise again this been killed, you will be able to loot the contents of the two chests
will cause them to be sent down to the narrow ledge where you in the room behind him before heading back to where you started .
first encountered them, and a final move clockwise will send them
down the ramp so that they can break through the wall into the Go up the stairs straight ahead . They will lead you out on to an
prison . [-+0 01] exposed walkway where you will come under fire from an archer
above . If you go left at the first fork in the walkway you will come
. . When you have finished with the boulder device, go up the to a broken section, but if you look down you will notice an item
narrow staircase and through a series of rooms until you come to below you that you can drop down to, as long as you have full health
an opening leading out onto a narrow walkway. This walkway has [ -+0 04]. If you jump across the gap you will reach an area with a
yet more swinging blades passing across it, so you will have to be very useful merchant, and be able to get the Cage Key for freeing
careful when crossing; one well-timed dash can get you past all the Big Hat Logan. Following the walkway around to the right twice will
blades . Go left and up the stairs on the other side and you will take you to an interior section of the building on the rooftops.
eventually come to an even narrower walkway.
. . This is the final area before the fight with the Iron Golem, but
If you take out the Serpent Mage first, you can stop in the gap be- there are still a couple of things you can do before fighting it. If
tween the blades and make it past in two dashes [-+0 02]. Directly you go straight ahead across the narrow bridge you will come to a
above this side of the walkway you'll be able to see an opening that small room where there is a summon sign you can use to call in an
leads out to a bonfire, but you can only access that area by dropping NPC to assist you in battle. Go to the right of this room and up the
down from above. When you are ready, go through the fog to the stairs . You will come to a small rooftop where you will be able to
right to reach the Rooftops. take on the giant that has been throwing explosives at you since
you entered the area [ -+0 05]. When you are ready, go through the
. . . Go to the right on reaching the rooftops and you will come to a fog to the left to step out onto the large bridge, where you will do
small dead-end area that contains a treasure chest. As soon as battle with the Iron Golem . When he has been defeated, touch the
you have secured the contents, backtrack to here and then start mysterious ring of light in the middle of the bridge to be transported
heading upwards. When you go up the first staircase, the looming to An or Londo.
giant will start throwing giant explosives at you from a platform in
the distance. Make sure you keep moving quickly in this area
because the explosive can cause massive amounts of damage if
you get caught in the blast. On reaching the second terrace you 'll be
able to see the destroyed section of wall to the left, past which you
can drop down to reach the bonfire. [ -+0 03]




. . . Most of the enemies at the start of Anor Londo are large

sentinels, and while they are dangerous, you generally have
to get close to them before they attack. The room at the end of
this path has two sentinels in it. and as long as you stick close
to a wall you can initiate combat with them one at a time to
make things easier. Once the room has been cleared, you will Lady of the Darkling

come out onto a large open terrace that has a number of . , Demon T1tan1te x1
routes for you to take . To the left you will find a bonfire, along
with a Fire Keeper who can reinforce your Estus Flask .

The path ahead will take you into another room filled with Enem1es
sentinels; be careful when fighting here because the treasure Standard
chest to the right is actually a Mimic. The path out of this room Bat Wing Demon
leads up to the Duke's Archives, but you w ill not be able to Painting Guard
enter that area until you acqu ire the Lordvessel . Heading right
from the terrace will take you to an elevator that you need to Sentinel INormall
descend in order to progress . [ 70 01] Silver Knight (Greatbow)
. . . As soon as you exit the chamber containing the elevator, a Dark Sun Gwyndolin
gargoyle at the end of the path will come running down to
attack you. Try to stay inside the chamber w hile fighting it so Important Items
that you restrict its movement options . In the m iddle of this Black Iron Armor Set
area is a large platform that can be raised and lowered to three Black Iron Greatshield
different positions using switches scattered around the area . Dragonslayer Greatbow
[~0 02] Sorcery: Great Magic W eapon

When you start, t he platform will be at its highest point, mean-

ing it can only be accessed from a high bridge leading out of
the nearby church. In its middle position it will create a bridge
that allows you to run straight across towards the castle. At its
lowest point, you can reach the passage leading to the cham-
ber of Dark Sun Gwyndolin; gaining access to the chamber,
however, can only be accomplished under specific conditions.


I' Orvme Blessing xl

0 0 eo
0 0

.f Black Iron Helm x1, 0 0 0 0 0

Black Iron Armor xl,

Black Iron Gauntlets xl,

Black Iron leggmgs x 1,
GreatswordxJ, Black
Iron Greatshield x J

f Great Magic Weapon x1

..G> Because you cannot access the

platform at its current position, you Will
need to find an alternate route. To the left
of the stairs leading out of the elevator
chamber you can drop down onto a narrow
ledge, and from there you can step out
Onto a buttress that leads up to the side of
the church. At the top of the buttress you
can drop down to the right onto a small
ledge, and then step through the broken
window into the church.

~ use
Numerous painting guards, who
throwing knives to attack you from

long range, guard the inside of the church .

This is especially problematic when you
are navigating the narrow beams in the
rafters, so always make sure that you are
squarely lined up with the enemy so that,
when you block the knife, it does not
knock you off the beams. When you reach
the middle of the beam section, you can
attack the chain suspending the giant
chandelier and send it crashing down so
that you can recover the item on it. C 03J ~o
Mrracle: Sunlight Slade xJ f When you come to the end of the beams,
take the ladder down and then go through
the fog. You will come out onto the bridge
leading to the movable platform . Get onto
the platform and then use the lever in the
middle to lower it once, creating a bridge
leading to the castle and a path to the
lower floor of the church . If you have the
Peculiar Doll item, you will be able to go
through the giant painting in the church
to reach
c~o 04Jthe Painted World of Ariamis.
"" S1lver Kmght Gauntlets x1,
' Silver Kn1ght Legg1ngs xl




. . The interior of the castle is made up of a number of floors,

linked via long spiraling staircases. To reach your goal in the
grand hall on the ground floor you will need to visit all of them.
On this floor you will find a bonfire in the first room on the left,
while the first room on the right has a Silver Knight guarding a
chest. As long as you are careful, these knights can be handled
quite safely and you can keep respawning them via the bonfire
to quickly acquire a large number of souls.

After passing the spiral staircase you will come to another set
of two rooms. The one on the right cannot be opened from this
Enen11es side, and while the one on the left seems empty at first glance,
Strong there is in fact a hidden passageway inside. If you strike the wall
Sentinel (Royal) inside the fireplace you will reveal a staircase leading down to a
Silver Knight (Sword) room filled with treasure chests [~I 02]. Be wary of the lone
Silver Knight (Spear) chest along the back wall, however, because it is another sneaky
Silver Knight (Greatbow)
Mimic. After collecting all the items, go back up and use the
Prowling Demon
staircase to reach the 4th floor, which is the only floor it leads to.
Executioner Smough . . . The two doorways on either side of you as you exit the
and Dragon Slayer Ornstein staircase both lead to small dead-end walkways, and while
the one on the right contains nothing, the one on the left has
both a Silver Knight and an item. The two chests on either side
IQIIIMihldll'411 of the room with the staircase are both Mimics, so be very
Dragon's Tooth careful when approaching them. [~0 03]
Havel's Armor Set
Silver Knight Armor Set You will also need to be careful when you enter the corridor
leading down on the other side, because at the other end there
is a Silver Knight wielding a greatbow, who will open fire on you
straight away. Of the two rooms on this side of the floor, you
can only enter the one on the right, because the door on the left
cannot be opened from this side. Going through the door on the
right will lead you to another staircase, which will take you up to
the rooftop.


. . There are two Silver Knights guarding the rooftop,
but make sure you focus on the one with the
greatbow at the back of the area first. because he is
the greater threat [ ~o 01]. The staircase adjacent
to the one you used to reach the rooftop will take
you back down to the room on the 4th floor that you
could not access, allowing you to get the items
from inside it. Be careful if you go down there,
however, because the room contains three Silver
Knights, and one of them is to the side of the door
when you enter and will attack you straight away.
The staircase at the far end of the rooftop will take
you all the way down to the 3rd floor, which is the
direction you need to go in order to progress.



..f You can only access a small section of this floor, so there is not
as much to do on it as the others, but it is still quite important.
The room on the left contains a prowl ing demon, and the small size
of the room can make the fight more difficult than usual, since it is
harder to avoid its attacks . If you go through the door on the right
you will be able to descend some stairs and reach the room on the
2nd floor that you could not enter earlier on. [ -70 02]

There are a couple of Silver Knights in the room to contend with,

but the contents of the chests make it more than worthwhile go-
ing down there. Because you can open the door from this side, it
also creates a handy shortcut back to the bonfire, where you can
resupply. Once you are back on the 3rd floor again, taking the path
straight ahead will lead you to the great hall, which is the final step
before the boss fight.

. . After clearing out all the enemies in the hall, the first thing you
should do is pull the lever to the left of the door so that you can
open it and create a shortcut back to the beginning of the area . When
that is done, head back up the stairs and go through the hole in the
window at the top to drop down onto a narrow ledge that will lead
you to an item outside. You will then need to drop down again and
unlock the gate you previously couldn't open, and then enter the hall
again through the front door. [ -70 03]

Before you go into the very difficult boss battle, make sure you 3RD FLOOR
reinforce your equipment at the Blacksmith's nearby, and use the
summon sign on the stairs for some additional help [-70 04]. When
the fight is over, you will need to go up one of the elevators and go
into the room above to meet w ith Gwynevere, w ho w ill give you the
Lordvessel. You need to place this in the Firelink Altar.




Painting Guardian Hood xl,

,.---- - 1 ~::~!:~~ g~:~~::~ ~~0~~=~1'

Soul of a Brave Warrior xl

Humanity xl
Painting GuardianWaistcloth x1

~IJ~~~~~~1if' Large Soul of a Proud Knight xl


..0 Once you are in the Painted World, you have to

make it all the way through the area before you can
leave; even warping between bonfires is not allowed
because the ones here have been cut off from the
others. The large door ahead of you, when you enter
the small courtyard past the bonfire, cannot be opened
from this side, so you have to find a way around .
Follow the area around to the right and you will come
to a staircase, but before going up it, use a bow to
shoot the rope suspending a body nearby to get the
item from it. [ ~o 01)

Going up the stairs will lead you to a branching path

that meets up again further ahead . The path to the
right is the quicker route, but going left will take you
to a rooftop with some items on it, and lets you drop
down inside the building for more .

.... After crossing the bridge you will come to a large

multi-floored building that contains numerous
enemies. If you go to the right straight away you
come out onto a small ledge, where you will be able
to drop straight down to the basement level of the
building . The basement is split into two sections, full
of Undead Rats, so be mindful of your Poison level
w hile you are down there . If you climb the ladder out
of the first basement section, you will be able to drop
down onto a ledge, and from there drop down again
to reach the other half of the basement; from this side
you can take a ladder back up to the main floors of the
building .

If you want to clear the main floors out first before go-
ing into the basement. go left down the stairs to enter
the building. These floors are occupied by Engorged
Zombies, so make sure you step back as soon as you
kill them so that you do not get poisoned. After cross-
ing the first room and going up the stairs. you will be
able to go up another set of stairs to take you to the
upper floor. Up here you can jump between sets of
broken planks to get some items before going back
down and through the doorway opposite the stairs to
the upper floor. r~o 02)


~ Bloodshield xl

. . . In this large underground area you will

encounter many Wheel Skeletons, and
because of the narrow passageways, it can be
difficult to avoid their attacks. Try to engage
them near an intersection, so that you can get
Zombie (Torch)
Zombie (Sword)
behind them after they roll past for easy hits.
Engorged Zombie (Torch) There are a number of suspicious looking brown
Engorged Zombie (Unarmed) walls down here too. If you strike them, they
Crow Demon will disappear and reveal hidden paths [ -+0 05].
Phalanx If you go up the stairs at the north of this area,
Wheel Skeleton you will come out into a small area of ground
Undead Rat (Snow) above. If you kill the enemy in this area it will
drop the Pyromancy Fire Surge spell.
Heavy Knight (Sword)
Dark Spirit King Jeremiah
Boss Near this area you will also be able to find the
Undead Dragon annex key, which is required to open the annex
Priscilla the Crossbreed door in the main courtyard. The room at the bot-
tom of this area is filled with a large number of
Important Items Wheel Skeletons, so it can be very dangerous.
Painting Guardian Armor Set
It is a necessary trip, however, because there
Velka 's Armor Set is a handle inside that you need to turn to open
Miracle: Vow of Silence the door leading to the lower path of the bridge,
Velka's Rapier which then leads to the way out.
Dark Ember
Pyromancy: Fire Surge

. . . This large central tower is the most dominating feature of the Painted World, and it
leads to a number of important areas. If you go through the doorway to get inside the
tower from this location, your only real option is to go up the long staircase to get the
item at the top. From just outside the tower, you can go left around to the back of it to
reach a section of the bridge where you can do battle with an Undead Dragon. [-+0 03]

If you keep following the outer wall of the tower around, you will come to another stair-
case that takes you back inside the tower and allows you to reach the bottom of it . From
the bottom of the tower you will have the option of either going out into the courtyard
or going along the lower floor of the bridge to where Priscilla is waiting. The battle with
her is purely optional, so if you do not want to fight her, just run past her to trigger the
scene that takes you back to Anor Londo .

.... The central courtyard serves as an important hub that allows you to reach many
different parts of the level. Before you do anything, however, you will first have to kill
the large number of phalanx in the middle . Once they have gone, you can open the door
that leads back out to the start of the area and resupply at the bonfire if needed. The
courtyard itself also features a number of good items, so make sure you explore the
area thoroughly; retrieving the items at the bottom of the graveyard will also cause an
NPC Red Phantom to invade your world (if you are in human form). so make sure you
are ready.

There are two ways you can get down into the underground area from within the court-
yard, but using the well to the north generally puts you in a better position to start the
area from. After you have completed the underground area, you can then use the annex
key to open the final area from the courtyard. The annex contains a large number of very
useful items, including Velka's Rapier and Dark Ember, so it is definitely worth trying to
get the key. [-+0 04]


Demonic Foliage
Wolf Ring
Elite Knight Armor Set
Possessed Tree Divine Ember
Tree Lizard Watchtower Basement Key
Frog-Ray Eastern Armor Set
Mushroom Child Stone Armor Set
Strong Enchanted Ember
Great Stone Knight Hornet Ring
Clan of Forest Protectors
Great Feline 1
Mushroom Parent ' Enchanted Ember xl ...
Moonlight Butterfly
Sif, The Great Grey Wolf

...& Large Soul of a

Nameless Soldier xl
....& Watchtower Basement Key xl ,
Divine Ember xl

. . Entering Darkroot Garden via the Undead Parish

allows you to tackle the area in a slightly better
order than if you were to simply head straight down
into the Darkroot Basin from the Undead Burg.
From this entrance, you can run straight up the
narrow path, and after a short distance you will
come to a path on the right that takes you down to
the Basin. You will need this if you do not have the
key for the door ahead.

If you have the key, you can open the door that
leads straight into the heart of the Garden. The
Blacksmith nearby sells the key, but it costs 20000
souls and all it does is open up a slight shortcut;
you are much better off saving the souls and go-
ing through the Basin to the end. Near the door,
however, there is a wall that you can strike to reveal
a bonfire on the other side, which will be handy
on your return from the battle with the Moonlight
Butterfly [ ~0 01]. You will notice throughout the
Garden that there are glowing flowers scattered
around the place. These can usually be used as a
guide, leading you in the right direction.


..t Follow the path around near the door to come to the first real section of
the Garden. There are a lot of Great Stone Knights in this area, so be
careful as you walk around and try to attack them as they are still rising. Close
to the entrance to this area, on the right, is a Possessed Tree that you can cut
down to reveal a path to the other side of the area, where there are a number
of items to be had. [ 70 02]

The large group of enemies near the middle of the first area can be espe-
cially problematic, so clear out the other enemies before you go near them.
Towards the back of this area you will find an entrance to a half-destroyed
tower; climbing the tower will take you to the bridge, where you will have to
do battle with the Moonlight Butterfly. Once you have slain the beast, go to
the top of the tower on the other side of the bridge to get some very useful
items, including the Divine Ember. At this point, if you did not exchange the
souls for the key, you will need to go back the way you came and take the
path down to the Basin in order to continue.

:Jo . . This entire area is under the protection of Alvina and her Clan of Forest
Protectors, which means you will be facing some tough opponents during
your time here. If you can cope relatively well with these enemies and keep
1 the nearby door open, this can be a good area in which to build up some
j Hornet Ring xl
souls by respawning the enemies at the bonfire. Inside the small dilapidated
building, opposite the door, you will find Alvina herself. You can enter into a
covenant with her if you wish . [ 70 03]

If you entered this area via the ladder from the Darkroot Basin, you can actu-
ally bypass most of it if you choose by crossing the bridge just down past the
ladder. Whilst this creates a bit of a shortcut to the boss fight ahead, it does
cause you to miss out on the valuable items and souls in this area .

. . . After coming down the stairs in the room on this side of

the bridge, follow the wall around to the left to reach a
small section behind the building where you will find a
chest containing the Stone Armor Set. In the upper part of
this area there are not too many enemies you have to worry
about, most of them being Mushroom Children or Parents.
The most important area to investigate is the small pond in
the middle where you will find two Mushroom Parents
guarding a chest; the chest contains the Enchanted Ember
so it is very important to secure it. [ ~o 04]

The lower part of the area has three Great Felines guard-
ing it, but thankfully you do not have to fight all three at
once. After you kill the first one, another pair of Fel ines wi ll
jump down off a cliff. Try to use the trees at either end of
this area to block the Felines' attacks, and then seize your
chance during the opening while they recover .

. . . When you are ready to do battle with Sif, go down the

narrow path that runs along the cliff and open the large
door on the other side of the bridge . To start the battle you
need to walk close to the giant sword planted in front of
the large grave. Once you have got the best of Sif and
acquired the Covenant of Artorias Accessory, make sure
you check behind the large grave, where you will find the
Hornet Ring [ ~o 05]. With the Covenant of Artorias you
can now enter the Abyss at the end of the New Londo
Ruins. Before going there, however, you should head back
to the Darkroot Basin and use the elevator to enter the
Valley of Drakes, if you have not done so already.


Black Knight Dusk of
Crystal Golem (Blue) Oolaci le
Crystal Golem (Amber)
Crysta l Li zard

09 _041
Important Items
Leather Armor Set
Grass Crest Shield
Knight Armor Set

When you are ready to do battle with the Hydra, follow the shal low
water out until you are close enough to attack its heads. Make sure
you do not wander out too far though, as there is a drop off in the
middle of the lake that will kill you. When the Hydra is dead, go to
the patch of ground on the left of the lake and fo llow the series of
ladders up to the Darkroot Garden, if you need to go that w ay, or
backtrack the way you came to leave the area more quickly.

. . . When you reach this point in the path, make sure you take the
...t If you return to th is area after visiting another area, you wi ll f ind
that a Amber Crystal Golem has taken up res idence in the cave
first left turn and follow that path to the end. From there you will behind the Hydra . By killing this enemy you will free the person
be able to drop down onto a small ledge that contains the Leather trapped inside it, and in this case it happens to be Dusk of Oolaci le
Armor Set and a longbow. If you drop down from that ledge you will [->0 03] . Freeing her will open another series of summon signs, at
then have the option to go either left or right. which you can summon her and buy various spells. The first su mmon
sign can be found nearby at the water's edge on the shore of the
You will need to go left in order to progress, but before heading that lake.
way it is worth taking the trip down to the right . Going that way will
lead you down a narrow ledge where you will have to fight a Black
Knight. The trip is well worth it, however, because you can also
get the Grass Crest Shield here, which is one of the better normal
shields in the game [->0 01]. Near the bottom of this area there is
also a tunnel that leads to a bonfire, and then onto an elevator that
takes you up to the Valley of Drakes .

..t If you have yet to face Havel the Rock, you should take the trip
up the stairs at the bottom of this area, and use the Watchtower
Basement Key so that you can get through the door into the Undead
Burg and fight him. The remainder of this area has a number of Blue
Crystal Golems that you will have to contend with . These enemies
will start coming towards you from quite a distance away; use this
to your advantage and lure them out one at a time. If you go down
to the right-hand side of the lakeshore you will also find the Kn ight
Armor Set on a floating corpse. [->0 02]


II .

. . . The only enemies you have to contend with in this whole area are the Wyverns, but
their extremely high defense and attack power make them very formidable foes.
Make sure you take advantage of the fact that they are spread out and only engage
them one at a time. Be especially careful when fighting them on the bridge, because
one attack or quick turn from them can easily knock you off. The large door on the other
side of the bridge leads to New Londo Ruins, but you can only open it from the other
side. You should still cross the bridge, however, if only to climb the tower to the right
of the door and collect the accessory that is sitting up there. [ -70 04]

New Londo Ruins

. . At the mid-point of this narrow series of pathways you will

encounter another Undead Dragon, and while you do not have
to kill it in order to get past, it is sitting on some valuable items that
are much easier to acquire once it is dead. [ -70 05]

. . . The northern part of this area is made up of two narrow ledges

that meet in the middle. At their closest point it is even possible
to cross the gap with a roll [-70 06]. The tunnel from the left ledge
will take you back into Blighttown, at the top of the area near the
giant water-wheel, while the ledge to the right will take you to a
locked gate. behind which is a staircase down to New Londo Ruins .
If you do not have the key to open this gate, you wil l have to follow
Witd"l's Gloves x1, the tunnel back into Blighttown and take it from the chest at the
Witch's Skirt x1,
Beau ice's Catalyst
end of the path.
(Will appear after
clearing The Abyss)

New Londo Ruins

Enemres Darkroot Basin

Undead Dragon

Important Items
Brigand Armor Set
Spider Shield
Red Tearstone Ring
Dragon Crest Shield
Astora 's Straight Sword

II .
09_04 3

NEW LONDO RUINS Valley of Drakes

..0 The New Londo Ruins is a cursed area where the ghosts of fallen
warriors roam freely. To hit these ghosts you must also either
water that had built up in the bottom of the area to be drained,
which will allow you to reach the lower floors [~0 03] . Now that
become cursed, or use a cursed weapon such as the Jagged Ghost the water is gone, you will be able to pull the switch just outside the
Blade. To become cursed you can either use the Transient curse gate to bring up the elevator and use it to go down to the area
item for a temporary effect, or you can become fully cursed by the below. With the doors open, you also now have a shortcut back to
Basilisks in the Depths. The Transient Curse item gives you the the Valley of Drakes, which allows you to return to this area very
benefit of being able to keep all your health, but has the downside quickly at any time .
of potentially running out in a dangerous fight. As long as you have a
Purging Stone for use before the boss fight, becoming fully cursed .... If you go up the series of staircases that are in front of you w hen
gives you a little more freedom and allows you to explore the area you first reach this bottom floor, you will eventually come to the
without worrying about time. lowest floor of a building you were in previously. If you go up the
spiral staircase in the far corner of this room you will be able to
The initial path through the area is quite straightforward. There is obtain a number of items from the floor above you, including the
only one real route to follow, along a series of pathways and stair- important Very Large Ember in the chest [-tO 04] . Because the
cases, until you come to the fog on your right after descending a water has gone you can also use the nearby elevator from this floor
long spiral staircase [ ~o 01]. Go through the fog and then follow to take you two floors back up to an area you passed through earlier
the bridge along until you come to an entrance into a large building . in the level. When you are ready to continue, go through the large
The ladder near the start of the bridge does not lead anywhere, and doorway opposite the one you used to enter this building.
is only there to give you a way up should you drop down to the level
below. . . . Head left after you exit the previous building , and shortly after
the first Darkwraith you encounter, there is a section of w all
.... Go through the opening to enter the building, and then go immedi- that you can strike to reveal a hidden passage lead ing to a chest
ately through the next opening slightly to the right to reach a small r-tO 05]. Follow the main path around when you are done, and go
room . Go through the opening in th is room to a bigger room , where up the stairs into the basement level of a second large bu ilding .
you will need to fight your way past a large group of ghosts. Once There are two Darkwraiths and a Mass of Souls in here, so you
they have been defeated, go inside the fireplace and use the ladder will need to be careful as you enter. After you have killed all of the
there to climb up to the rooftop, where you will find a helpful enemies, exit through the opening at the far left, and then cross the
guardian who will give you the Key to the Seal. [-tO 02] narrow pathway and go through the fog into the small tower on the
other side.
Head back down to the floor below, and then go down the corridor
near the entrance to the building and out of the opening on the left The spiral staircase in this tower goes down a long way and seems
after going down the stairs. Follow the ledge along and go up the to lead to nothing, but the black void below holds a secret of its
stairs to the right to reach another ledge, and follow that along until own. This void is in fact a gateway to the Abyss, which is where
you come to a small tower with a spiral staircase. you need to go to reach the Four Kings. Before you drop down into
it, however, you will need to make sure you have the Covenant of
. . . The stairs in the tower will lead you up to a small ledge overlook- Artorias equipped, or else you will simply fall to your death . When
ing the Valley of Drakes, where you will find a Composite Bow If you are in the Abyss you will be surrounded by darkness during the
you go down the stairs you will be able to open the locked gate with fight with the Four Kings, and once the battle is over, a bonfire will
the Key to the Seal, and then push the lever on the other side to appear so that you can warp out of the Abyss.
open the massive doors nearby. Opening the doors will cause all the



Zombie (Docile)
Mass of Souls

BossFour Kmgs
The . (in the Abyss)

Fire Keeper Soul x1 ' rtant Items

Fire Keeper Soul
Cursebite Ring
Composite Bow
Parrying Dagger

Estoc Ember
Very Large

Large Sou! of a '

0 Humanity x1

Nameless Soldier x1


Cracke d Aed Eye Orb x6 '

Large Soul of a Proud Knight x1 j

' Humamty x1

Soul of a Brave Warrior x 1 '


03 AREA GU ID E 211
Enern1es Important Items
Standard Maiden Armor Set
Serpent Soldier White Seance Ring
Serpent Mage Miracle: Soothing Sunlight
Blue Crystal Golem Miracle: Bountiful Sunlight
Undead Crystal Soldier !Sword) Sorcery: Strong Magic Shield
Undead Crystal Soldier (Bowl Channeler 's Armor Set
Crystal General Crystal Ember
Pisaca Crystalline Armor Set
Strong Large Magic Ember
Fully Armored Tusk
Yellow Crystal Golem
Ra re
Crystal Lizard

' Soul of a -~reat Hero x1



. . Before you can even enter the Duke's Archives properly, you will have to fight
your way past two Fully Armored Tusks; do not hesitate to use any spells you
have and use the Estus Flask frequently, if needed, because there is a bonfire once
you are past them, so you can resupply. Fight your way past the Crystal Undead
Soldiers, and then use the elevator to go up to the floor above. After defeating the
enemies here, you can go into the main archive building. Straight ahead of you there
will be a Channeler and you should focus on taking him out as quickly as possible.

As a precaution, before you continue on from this point, it is advisable to spend any
souls you have on you, because there is a battle coming up that you are unable to
win, but must enter in order to progress. When you are ready, go up the stairs and
use the elevator in the middle to reach an upper floor [~0 01]. Follow the corridor
along until you encounter Seath the Scaleless; at this time you will be unable to kill
him, and when you die, you will be transported into a cell in the archives tower.

. . . When you awake you will be locked inside a cell, but thankfully the guard holding
the key has fallen asleep just outside; kill him and retrieve the key so that you can
unlock the cell. As soon as you step out of your cell, one of the other guards will
sound an alarm, releasing a large number of Pisaca. This swarm of enemies will
start making their way up the staircase, but they cannot get inside the actual cells,
so use that to your advantage when fighting them. Go to the right from your cell and
get the Archives Extra Key from inside the third cell you come to. When you have
the key, you can return to your initial cell and open the other gate, allowing you to
drop down onto a platform for an item. [~0 02]

At the bottom of the tower is a locked gate in the room that contained the Pisaca,
and while you cannot open it at the moment. do not forget to return here later when
you have the key to free Big Hat Logan.
Climb up the nearby ladder to reach a
platform above and take out the Serpent
Guards so that you can pull the switch and
turn off the alarm. With the area clear you
can also open the chest here to get the key
you need to open the door at the top of the
area and make your escape.


..,f Once back in the archive building,
turn left and start going down the
walkway. If you go down the fixed
stairs you'll notice that a bookshelf
has moved out of the way, opening a
path back to the start of the area, but
to progress you need to keep on this
floor. Continue along until you come
to the staircase leading up on the right
and then go to the center of it. Here
you'll find a handle you can turn to
change the orientation of these stairs,
and a similar set in the other half of the
room; turn the handle once and then
continue going up the stairs.

Turn left at the top, and then go along the walkway until you come to the
opening above the second set of movable stairs. Drop down onto the stairs
below, and then turn the handle again to reposition the staircase r~o 03].
Now when you go down the stairs you will be able to go through the open-
ing just to the right, and then descend the ladder to the floor below.

. . As soon as you are off the ladder in this area you will notice a switch.
If you pull it, you will cause another bookcase to move and open up a
shortcut back to the main room. The series of rooms in this area have a
number of very useful items, including the Crystal Ember and the key
required to free Big Hat Logan from his cell in the tower. Be careful,
however, in the main room to the south, because the chest in the middle
is actually a Mimic.

If you choose to go back and free Logan, he will also relocate to the room
to the right of the ladder and you will be able to learn new sorceries form
him [~0 04]. As soon as you have all the items, pull the lever in the south-
ern room to open up a staircase that will allow you to access the garden
area outside .

. . The garden area has numerous Blue

Crystal Golems guarding it. Because
of their large detection radius, you will
need to be careful when moving around
so that you do not get overrun. Other
than items and an armor set, there is
not a lot to do here at this time, so you
should head down towards the Crystal
Caves as soon as you are ready.


Blue Crysta l Golem
Man-Eater Shell
Yellow Crystal Golem
Crystal Butterfly
Seath the Scaleless
Crystal Lizard



. . . The Crystal Caves are where you will find the lair of Seath the Scaleless. and while it is only
a small area, it is still very dangerous . The entire area is made up of very narrow ledges that
you must make your way across, and any false step will result in an instant fall to your death.
Crossing this hazardous terrain is made even more difficult because you will often have to fight
Crystal Golems, and their powerful attacks can easily knock you off any ledge you are on.

After heading down along the first series of giant crystal shards you will come to another of the
Crystal Caves' unique features: invisible floors. To navigate across these areas you must look
for places where small pieces of crystal dust are falling down and hitting something [->0 01] .
Whenever you are crossing one of these invisible sections, make sure you go very slowly and
do not move until you are sure the path in front of you is solid .

..0 The large Crystal Butterflies that you will see around the area from this point on will not
become aggressive unless you get very close to them and wake them up, which means you
can avoid fighting them if you wish. When you reach the central platform. after crossing the first
invisible bridge, you will be forced to take a small leap of faith . Follow the area around to right as
far as you can go and then look down, where you will notice another path being highlighted by
the crystal dust. Walk off the platform and drop onto it. [ ->0 02]

Once on this path, quickly turn around and run into the cave underneath
the platform and kill the Crystal Lizards hiding there. If you continue
through the cave you can cross another invisible bridge to reach a large
crystal shard on the other side of the cavern that contains an item.
Return to the cave once you have secured the item, and then continue
across the invisible bridge you first landed on to reach solid ground on
the opposite side .

.0 There are no more invisible bridges after you reach this area, so you
can walk around safely. Go through the gap in the crystals to the right
once you are off the bridge and continue into the large room ahead. This
room is filled with Man-Eater Shells, so advance slowly, engaging them
one at a time so that you do not get surrounded.

Once they have all been killed, continue on to the next room to do
battle with Seath once again. only this time you will have the means to
finish him off for good. Killing Seath will cause a bonfire to appear in the
room, enabling you to warp out if you wish, but it is worth returning to
the room where you first fought Seath in the Duke's Archives so that
you can recover your Blood Stain and collect the Large Magic Ember
sitting in a chest there.



. . Before coming dow n into th is area, make sure you equip some form of
divine w eapon, so that you can permanently kill the Skeletons without
having to track down the Undead Mages . If you do not have one that you
can equip, it is well w orth taking the time to create one, because it w ill
pay dividends throughout this entire area . Be mindful of the Wisps as you
move down the first staircase in this area, because they can inflict a large
amount of damage w hen they detonate. After descending the first ladder,

go al ong the corridor in the next room , and then follow the narrow tunnel
to the left. In the room you come out into you w ill find a lever that you can
push to open the door in the previous room . [ -+0 03]

. . . There are more Wisps in thi s area , so be ca reful w hile you move
around the narrow ledges. You also need to be ca reful not to get too
close to the statues that line the edges of these paths, as many of them
w ill fire spikes out as soon as you are within range . At first you w ill be ' Tranquil Walk of Peace x1
unable to cross the bridge to the other side of the cavern because of the
spikes; fol low the path up to the right and push the lever to the rotate the
bridge, allowing you to cross.

After crossing the bridge, if you go right into the small room there is a
patch of dirt that you can fall through to enter a tunnel below [ -+0 04]. In Standard
this tunnel you will find tw o rare Crystal Lizards that you can kill for some Skeleton Warrior (Sword)
Skeleton Warrior (Greatswordl
valuable materials. To leave the area, continue along the tunnel and up the
Skeleton Warrior (Archer)
ladder. You can fall through another patch of dirt to come back out near Wisp
the lever you pulled earlier. As soon as you are back across the bridge, go Undead Mage
straight into the room ahead and start descending the stairs . Strong
Prowling Demon
Black Knight (Sword)

Crystal Lizard

Lucern e
Firelink Shrine Miracle: Tranquil Walk of Peace

03 AREA GUIDE 2 15
' Green Titanite Shard

. , Soul of a Proud Knight x1

Dark moon seance Ring X 1 '


Tomb of the Giants


Skeleton Warrior (Sword)
Skeleton Warrior !Greats word)
Skeleton Warrior (Archer)
Wheel Skeleton
Undead Mage
Prowling Demon
Black Knight (Sword)
Giant Skeleton Warrior

Important Items
Great Scythe
Darkmoon Seance Ring
Cleric Set


. . When you reach the bottom of the first staircase, continue on down the . . . As soon as you enter this large burial chamber, you will
next one until you come to a room on the right; inside this room you will be able to see the ominous outline of a Prowling Demon
find a switch that you can push to open a door leading out from the area in the distance, but, thankfully, fighting it is purely optional.
above. At this point you can also take an extremely large shortcut, if you Doing battle with the giant beast in the narrow corridor can
wish, by exiting this room and turning right. From the end of the stairs you be quite difficult, but if you manage to overcome it, you will
can jump between a series of ledges to make your way down safely to the be rewarded with the opportunity to enter into a unique
bottom floor. This will put you very close to the boss chamber, Blacksmith Covenant. On the left-hand side of the corridor the Prowling
Vamos, and skip most of the floor. [ ~o 01] Demon was guarding, one of the coffins protrudes slightly
from the wall. If you get close to the coffin you will be
To progress normally, head back up and go through the door you have just presented with the option of nestling snugly inside it; after
opened. On the other side of the door you are faced with two paths: straight maintaining that position for 30 seconds, a mysterious
ahead will lead you to an opening, from which you can drop down between creature will carry you straight down to the chamber of
two ledges to reach a small cave containing the Great Scythe. From there Gravelord Nito in the Tomb of the Giants. [ ~o 03]
you can either go through the gap and make your way back up to where you
were a moment ago, or fall through a patch of dirt into an area near the end If you enter Nita's chamber via this method you will have
of this floor. If you go left at the fork, you will come out onto a ledge with a the chance to enter into a covenant with him and receive
spiked bridge to your right. To rotate it so that you can cross, you will need to some powerful and unique weapons for doing so. When
push the switch located at the end of the path that goes left from here. you are ready to leave his chamber, simply get back into
the coffin to return to your original location. To continue
. . . When you reach this area there is a partially bricked-up wall that you can normally from there, go through the opening on the right
strike to reveal a hidden room on the other side [ ~o 02]. This first room and take the ladder down. Instead of taking the next ladder
is filled with Skeleton Warriors, so be careful as you enter and quickly climb down, however, step onto one of the broken sections of
up the ladder on the right to take out the archer on the ledge. If you continue floor near the coffin to fall to a ledge containing an item.
on out of this room you will come to a long corridor, at the end of which
there is a partially open sarcophagus. If you close in on the sarcophagus, a .... This large cavern is filled with Wheel Skeletons, and so
Giant Skeleton will come crashing into the tunnel, so be ready to face him the main thing you have to worry about is that you do
before you retrieve the ring from within the sarcophagus. not lure them into the corridor where the Blacksmith is
working, because they can easily kill him. While you are in
Also in this corridor is an opening on the right that you can walk through and this area you should take advantage of the Blacksmith to
which will take you around to a cave where you can drop through a patch of reinforce your equipment; as soon as you are ready, follow
dirt to quickly get back to the upper level. To continue your progress through the long path to the boss chamber. r~o 04]
the area, return to this position when you are ready, and then go through
the opening near the hole in the wall and follow the ledge around to the
other side of the cavern. You can take another shortcut if you wish and pick
up some useful items along the way, having reached this position by walking
near the protruding ledge. You can then drop down to the area below. You will
land on a ledge in the cavern near the boss chamber and, if you drop down
to the side of this ledge, you can land on another one where you will find the
Holy Armor Set.

03 ARf.AGUIDE 217
....& large Soul of a
Proud Knight x 1

Large Soul of a Proud Knight xl

. . After defeating Pinwheel and climbing the ladder out of his lair,
you will emerge into a large cavern completely devoid of light.
You will have to take things very slowly as you move around this
area, because one false step and you could easily fall to your death.
If you have the Cast Light spell, it can be extremely useful down
here, otherwise your only clue as to where you need to go is a dim
trail of Prism Stones leading off into the darkness.

Go forward from the ladder and follow the cliff face along until you
come to a large fallen pillar, and then use that to cross over the gap.
Follow the edge of the cliff to the left until you see a broken section
of pillar jutting out of the cliff, and then drop onto it [ "'*0 01]. From
there if you drop down again to the right, you will land on a large
platform below that has two Giant Skeletons on it, so be ready for
a fight.
.., Covetous Silver Serpent
. . . When you reach this position and go down the ladders to the left Ringxl

you will enter a large room that is filled with Giant Skeletons;
clearing this room can be very difficult, but doing so will allow you
to claim the Large Divine Ember as a reward. If you follow the ledge
along to the right, you will come to an area where you meet Patches,
and after a brief discussion with him, walk over to the ledge near the
Prism Stone and let him help you down to the floor below. [ "'*0 02]

The only thing he was not lying about is the fact that there is some
very useful treasure down here in the form of the Skull Lantern.
Standard If you equip this weapon in your character's left hand and hold the
Bone Tow er
attack button, it can be used to light up a large portion of the area,
Skeleton Baby
making it easier to find your way. You will also meet Reah ofThorol-
Pinwheel Servant
und down here, and she will warn you about two powerful Hollows
Giant Skeleton Swordsman nearby that were once her comrades, Vince and Nico. If you defeat
Giant Skeleto n Arch er them and speak with her again she will be extremely grateful. When
Black Kn ight you are finished in this area, follow the tunnel and go up the ladder
Nico ofThorolund at the end; from there, turn right to reach Patches again and have
Vi nce ofThorol und some stern words with him for an item.
Skeleton Beast
. . . If you are using the Lantern now, you will notice that it causes
Gravelord Nito
some additional bioluminescent to glow in this area. Follow it and
it will lead you to where you need to go. Continue along the path,
Important ltPrns
and be very careful when fighting the Skeleton Beast, because its
Skull Lantern aggressive attacks can easily knock you off the edge . The route
Large Divine Ember
through this part of the area is quite straightforward, and normally
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring
there would only be one path to take . The most important thing to
pick up during your descent is the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring; to
reach it you will need to drop off a ledge near the ramp leading
down in the middle of a hole. [ -70 03]

Before you drop down, however, you should use the ramp to go
down and clear the areas below of enemies so that, when you
drop down after getting the ring , you do not land in the middle of
an enemy group. When you have the ring, continue going down the
area, and then after descending the ladder near the bottom, follow
the tunnel to come out into a large cavern where the light returns to
its normal levels .

. . There is a large number of Pinwheel Servants in this room, and

dispatch ing all of them should be your first goal before
exploring for items. When you enter this room, follow the path
around to the left and then step off the ledge to land on the narrow
path that leads to the other side of the room [ -70 04]. This route
allows you to reach most of the Pinw heel Servants without having
to go down into the waterlogged area below. Staying out of that
area initially will make things much easier for you, because as soon
as you go down there, Skeleton Babies will start continuously

This can be turned to your advantage, however, as each one of them

is capable of dropping human ity, so if you stay here killing them for
a while you can collect large amounts of it. The nearby bonfire also
allows you to resupply quickly if needed. When you are ready to
continue, go up to the area w here a large number of wooden beams
are piled up against the wall ; hack your way through them, and then
step through the fog to enter the lair of Gravelord Nita and defeat
him to acquire the next Lord Soul . If you return again to this area
after you defeat Nito, yo u wi ll be able to acquire a strong Pa ladi n
Armor Set, if you have previously killed the Divine Knight Le roy.

03 AREA GUIDE 2 19
..4J There is only one more Lord Soul to collect before you can complete your tas k, but to
reach it you w ill need to survive t w o of the most difficult areas the game has to offer.
Before heading dow n here, make sure to level-up as much as possible and reinforce
your weapons as high as you are able. The path you need to use to reach the later parts
of the area is currently underneath the lava field, so your first task is to somehow reduce
the lava flow. Follow the path around to the right, cross the bridge and go through the
fog on the other side .

Continue along this path and you w ill soon come face to face w ith the originator of the
lava, the Ceaseless Discharge. Overw helming the massive creature w ill cause the lava
flow in the area to drop dramatically, but before you leave the area, you should make
sure you pick up the armor set near the end of the ledge [~0 01] . After picking the
items, return to the other side of the cavern, and then follow the slope dow n to the right
to reach the lava f ield .

. . . Now that some of the lava has drained aw ay, you are able to walk across a large
swathe of the area that w as previously covered. Some pools of lava still remain,
however, so make sure you stay well clear of them because you cannot survive very
long in them. The far end of the lava field has been blockaded by a large group of Minor
Taurus Demons, and that is because they are guarding the very valuable Chaos Flame

0 9_048

Sou l of a Brave Warrior x1 '

Quelaag 's Domain

. , Green Titanite Shard x2


Even if you have managed to get past the demons, however, the
Ember will still be sitting in the middle of a pool of lava [ -+0 02].
Trying to pick it up is best left until later, after you have acquired
the Orange Charred Ring and can enter the lava without sustain-
ing lethal amounts of damage. When you are ready to continue,
follow the path leading off to the side of the lava field down to the
structure below.

. . . After battling past all of the Minor Capra Demons and going
down the large staircase, you will come to this fork in the path,
just ahead of the entrance to the internal part of the ruins. If you
take the path to the left you will have to battle past a number of
strong enemies, but at the end of the path you will be able to claim
the Large Flame Ember from a chest. Straight ahead at the fork will
take you into a large tunnel with an opening to the right, and fog
directly ahead. At the end of the path to the right is a very large
door that serves as a shortcut to Lost lzalith, but the only way to
open it is to be a level two Chaos Servant [ -+0 03]. To continue
normally, go through the fog and do battle with the Demon Firesage
on the other side.

. . After defeating the Firesage you will

come to a small room with a staircase
leading both up and down. Going up will
take you to a small area, where you will be
able to step on a circular plate to activate an
elevator that can take you up to Ouelaag's
Domain, giving you easy access to this area
again should you leave [ -+0 04) . Going
down the staircase will take you to a bonfire
that you should take full advantage of,
because there is another boss encounter
to get past at the end of this room .

As you are walking down the large root to

the floor below, drop off to the right of it
onto the narrow ledge and grab the item
sitting underneath the root. When you are
ready, continue down to the bottom and
go through the fog to fight the Centipede
Demon. This fight is extremely dangerous
because of the amount of lava in the area,
ErH'tllleS so to make things easier, try to cut off one
Standard of the Centipede's extremities so that you
Egg Carrier can get the Orange Charred Ring . Equipping
Vile Maggot this will allow you to move around on the
Demonic Statue
lava so that you can avoid the boss's attacks
Chaos Bug
more easily. When he has been defeated,
Minor Capra Demon
go through the small cave on the left of the
Minor Taurus Demon area and head towards Lost lzalith.
Burrowing Rockworm
Prowling Demon
Boss lrnportclnt it( rns

Ceaseless Discharge Gold-Hemmed Armor Set

Demon Firesage Chaos Flame Ember
Centipede Demon Large Flame Ember
Crystal Lizard

Gold-Hemmed Back Hood xl

Gold-Hemmed Black Cloak: xl
Gold-Hemmed Black Gloves x1 03 AREA GUIDE 221
Gold-Hemmed Black Sk.irt xl
j Large Soul of a 8 rave Warrior x1

* Soul of a Hero x1

Demonic Statue
Chaos Eater
Bounding 0
Ouelaana ofelmon of lzalith
Bed of Chaos

mportant Items
Pyromancy: Chaos Fire Whip



09_049 0 0@
- - -----,,t.-.-,.--l----1

..f Like the Demon Ruins before it, Lost lzalith has lava flowing throughout most of
the area, so always have the Orange Charred Ring equipped, and avoid staying in
the lava for too long wherever possible. The first part of this area is made up of one
giant lava fie ld, fil led with Bounding Demons. Fighting them while in the lava is all
but suicidal. Your best option is to use a ranged weapon from near the entrance to
the lava field and lure them toward you so that you can fight them from a better

If you manage to lure more than one at a time they will often do most of the work
for you, by inflicting massive amounts of damage on each other while they try to
attack you. Your best opening for moving in and doing damage yourself is after their
jumping attack; the recovery on this move normally allows you to close in and land
quite a few hits. These enemies do not respawn if you rest at the bonfire nearby, so
to make things easier, do not hesitate to use any spells you may have equipped .

. . . Clear a path across the lava field, and then run across it and enter this building
through the opening in the front. The Bounding Demons cannot enter this position,
so you can use it to lure more of them over to the building, and then use quick
hit-and-run tactics near the entrance to finish them off. Once you have thinned their . . Follow the root all the way down to the raised
numbers a bit, run across the lava to the right and head towards the next building. area on the left, but instead of going down the
stairs, head towards the opening you entered the
About halfway between the two buildings, a large tree root will form a path rising up area from and fall down into the narrow passage
out of the lava. If you follow it up you will be able to get an item from the end of a below. This area is filled with toxic mud, just like the
broken section of bridge. When you have the item, drop back down to the floor be- swamp in Blighttown, so you will need to be as fast
low, as close to the building as you can. The center of the front wall of this building as possible down here. Quickly run forward, and
is actually a fake wall that you can strike to reveal an entrance to the building, inside then turn right into the passage containing the
which is a very useful bonfire [ ~o 01] . When you are ready to continue from here, chest and retrieve the red Titanite Slab from it.
run across the lava and go inside the broken section of bridge opposite the building,
and from there climb the root up to the next floor. Make your way back to where you first fell down,
and then go up towards the middle of the room .
..0 When you reach this point you can continue straight ahead and go to the boss
fight right away, if you wish, but there are a number of good items that are worth
Be careful when walking past the large holes in the
floor, because falling into one means certain death.
spending the time collecting first. Turn right as you exit this building, follow the root Once you've cleared the central area of enemies,
all the way down to the next floor and from there follow the base of the building retrieve them, and then use the stairs on the right
around to the right for a soul item. When you have that, go back to the area where of the room to go back up to the floor above. From
you got off the root, and then drop down onto another root, just off the side of the here you can follow the root system and make your
building, to get a ring. [~0 02] back up again to leave the area. [-tO 03]

Make your way back up again to the building where you started from and this time . . Be very careful as you approach the entrance
go down the root directly in front of the building to reach a large open area below. If to the boss area, because there may be two
you look to the left you will notice an item on a corpse underneath an overhang, but Crestfallen Warriors at the top of the stairs, and
this item is in fact a trap, so do not go running out there after it. The floor in that area fighting both at the same time is extremely
will collapse as soon as you step on it, and if you are in the middle you will land right dangerous. Try to lure the knight down the stairs
into one of the Chaos Eaters lying in wait below. Stick to the left-hand wall as you without alerting the mage to make the battle much
enter, and then, when the floor breaks, you will land on a branch that you can use to simpler. When they are both dead, continue straight
go down. along the path and follow it to the right to get the
Pyromancy: Chaos Flame Whip, and then make
your way back and go through the fog to battle the
Bed of Chaos. Defeating this boss will give you the
final Lord Soul you need, so you can now return to
the Firelink Altar. [ ~o 04]






. . Now that you have them all, you can finally place all of the Lord .... Follow the path back, and then turn right at the previous intersec-
Souls into the Lordvessel sitting on the shrine, and doing this will tion; there is a Black Knight blocking this bridge, so instead of
open the door leading to the Kiln of the First Flame [ -+0 01] . This fighting him on the narrow path, lure him back to the intersection and
area of the game is relatively small, but there are numerous strong fight him there to lower the risk of falling off. There are only two
Black Knights to contend with before you can test your mettle more Black Knights to get past now, and they are on the final
against Gwyn. Once the door has been opened you can come and stretch of the path leading down into Gwyn's lair; take them on one
go as often as you like to this area, so if the enemies or Gwyn are at a time, using the height difference on the stairs to give you an
proving to be too strong for you at this time, you can always level-up advantage [-+0 04). Now is the time to make any final preparations
some more elsewhere and then return to try again. before heading in to fight Gwyn, and as soon as you are ready, step
through the fog and let battle commence .
..G The Kiln of the First Flame is a desolate, ash covered area that is
devoid of all life save for the Black Knights, so fight your way past . . After defeating Gwyn you will need to make one final decision
them and head down to the series of narrow walkways. Follow the that will affect the outcome of your journey. If you touch the
path round to the left, past the first intersection, and then turn right bonfire that appears in the area, you will choose to become one
at the next one; at the end of this path you will find a complete set with the flame and trigger the Link the Fire ending. If you walk away
of Black Knight Armor on a precariously balanced corpse hanging from the bonfire and try to leave the area, you are choosing to keep
over a ledge. [ -+0 02/03] the power for yourself, and by doing so, will get the Dark Lord
ending. Outside of personal preference, neither ending has any
direct consequences, so simply choose the one that most suits your
taste. [-+0 05]

Congratulations, you have survived Dark Souls!

Now continue to test your skills in New Game+, where
things really start to get interesting.

Black Knight !Sword)
Black Knight (Axel
Black Knight (Halberd)
Gwyn, Lord of Cinder

Important Items
Black Kn ight Armor


On the following pages you 'll find comprehensive data and information on every weapon and Category: Attack Values
piece of armor in Dark Souls. To make sure that this data is as easy to use as possible we 'll
Icon J Description
go through the way it's presented here .
Amount of Physical damage inf licted

CATEGORIES & SORTING O RDER Amount of Magic damage inflicted

In this section w e will take you through every weapon the game has to offer. These are Amount of Fire damag e inflicted
divided into the specific weapon categories to make the type you are looking for easy to
find. We describe each of the different attacks for each weapon type, along with any unique Amount of Lightning damage inflicted
attacks that special weapons may have. Because of the sheer number of different weapons,
and possible variations of each one, you can find the stats for each weapon at the crucial +5, Critical hit damage bonus

+ 10 and+ 15 levels where applicable. With this information, you can plan all of your reinforc-
ing ahead of time, and reduce the need to spend precious materials experimenting. Category: Damage Reduction
Icon J Description
The icons used for the stats here are the exact same ones that are displayed in the game,
making it very easy for you to keep track of things. To avoid any confusion, however, here is Percentage of Physical damage reduction
a list of the icons and what they represent:
Percentage of Magic damage reduction
Weapons are organized by different categories in the game, and we've used the same
categories here. At the start of each weapon category we'll provide an overview of the Percentage of Fire damage reduction
type of weapon it is, and the kind of situations they are most suited to being used in. These
overviews can give you a quick insight into the weapon's strengths and weakness and can Percentage of Lightning damage reduction
help you decide if it is the kind of weapon that you want to use .

General Attacks
The General Attacks are the common moves that each weapon within a category shares .
Category: Parameter Bonus
The descriptions for the attacks give you a quick indication of what type of attack it is, along
with the speed and motion of it. If a weapon has a variation on any of these attacks, there Icon J Description
will be a separate note within that weapon's section with an additional description detailing
the differences. Parameter bonuses are additional boosts to
a weapon's damage or defensive capabilities
based on your characters Strength, Dexterity,
Inte lligence or Faith parameters. The scale used
EXAMPLE W EAPO N D ATA goes from E for the smallest bonus, to S for the
bi ggest.

Category: Requ ired Parameters

Icon J Description

These use the same set of icons as the Param

. eter Bonu s, and the number displayed alongside
it represents the minimum number for a specific
01 Weapon Name stat that is required to wield that weapon .
This entry is the weapons
name, exactly as you will find it
in the game.

Type: This is the attack type of the weapon where you will find what type
of damage the weapon is capable of inflicting.

Weight: The weapon's weight value, which will tell you how much it will
contribute to your Equip Load.

Upgrade: The cost in Souls that you will have to pay every time you wish
02 Weapon Icon to reinforce the weapon. This section may also include any special mate-
To go along with the name, we 03 Basic Info rial require to reinforce the weapon.
have also included an icon for This part of the weapon's
the weapon so that you know entry shows the follow- Durability: This is the starting value for the weapons durability; the higher
exactly what it looks like . ing information: the number here, the longer you can go without having to repair it.

Acqu ired from : Here you will find the different weapons that it is possible
to acquire the weapon, which will range from which enemy drops it, the
area in which you can find it, who you can buy it from, or if it requires you
to ascend a normal weapon into it through use of a Boss Soul.

This column simply shows you the amount of Souls you will receive from
Kingseeker Frampt if you feed the item to him.



Category: Attack Type Defense

Icon IDescription
PhysDef: The amount of protection you receive
against Normal attacks
StrikeDef: The amount of protection you receive
against Striking attacks
SlashDef: The amount of protection you receive
.... against. Slas.h.i.".g.~~a.~k.s... .

Category: Sorcery Defense

Icon j Description
M ag Def: The amount of protection against
............ fV1agi~ base? . ~~.a.c.ks ..
FireDef: the amount of protection against Fire
based attacks
LitngDef: The amount of protection against
Lightning based attacks

Category: Resistances
Icon j Description
Poise: This value determines your characters ability
to maintain its offense form while receiving attacks;
There are many different armor pieces that you'll come across in Dark Souls, and all have the higher the number, the more likely you will not
their own unique values for a number of important categories. To make sure that you get be in.terrupt~? or ~ta(Jg~re.d .
the most of the data, we'll go through an example page here so that you know what each Bleed Resist: How much additional resistance the
different value represents. armor has to Bleed.
Poison Resist: How much additional resistance the
armor has to Poison.
Armor Upgrade Data
Similar to your weapons, armor also grows a lot in strength through efficient reinforcing, so Curse Resist: How much additional resistance the
armor has to Curse.
to let you know exactly how well you will be protected, we will again provide the stats for
every armor piece at their base, +5 and+ 10 levels . Through this information you wi ll be able
to plan ahead, and mix and match pieces between sets to come up with the best combina-
tion for your character.

03 Individual Piece Icons

Next to the full suit picture you can also
01 Set Name 02 Full Suit Icon see a slightly more zoomed look at each
The is the name given to full armor sets, Here you can see how the full set of armor piece separately so that you can visualize
comprising of matchmg pieces for the would look on e1ther a male or female how they would look with other armor
head, chest, hands and legs. character. pieces.

04 Basic Info
The same general
250 3.5 34 19 39 34 19 19 7 13
250 5.9 100 Warriof {default), Depths (1)
information from the
28 30 28 28 20 27 23 23
250 5.9 46 44 44 31 42 36 25 Weapons section can
250 59 68 72 68 68 48 65 56 0 32 28 0 also be found here
250 35 100 wamor (delad!J, Depths !1J 17 17 0 12 0
250 35 27
12 14
for each armor piece,
28 0 15 13
250 3.5 41 44 41 41 0 20 17 allowing you again to
250 35 100 Wamor (defoo't), Depths (1) 17 18 17 17 check the important
250 3.5 27 28 27 27 "
13 durability and weight
250 3.5 41 41 0 20 17 0
" " stats .

05 Attack Type Defense

These values show you how well the 07 Resistances
armor defends you against the different 06 Sorcery Defense Armors also help defend you against many
types of striking damage that can be in- These stats let you know how well the different adverse effects, and in some
flicted. Each piece of armor has their own armor will protect you against either pure areas of the game, having higher resis-
figures for these values, and they all add sorcery attacks, or melee attacks that have tance values can be a lot more useful than
up towards your overall defense. these additional properties. normal protection.


Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction
Daggers are renowned for their speed and precision, and this trait
is carried over perfectly in Dark Souls . Most daggers are capable
of both slashing and th rusting attacks, w hich makes them very ver- Are Dagger
Fire Dagger+S 112 112 0 131 10 31 .5
satile and useful against a number of enemies. Their speed means
Fire Dagger+ 10 156 156 131 45 10 33 30
they are excellent at interrupting an opponent's attack for easy criti-
Chaos Dagger 106 106 131 45 10 30 30 50
cal hits, and once an attack connects, successive strikes are nearly
Chaos Dagger+5 132 132 131 45 10 33 30
always guaranteed . This is made even more deadly by the fact that
Daggers also have an extremely high critical hit damage modifier,
which allows them to do more damage with critical hits than many PARRYING DAGGER
stronger weapons.
Type Slash!Thrust Weight 0. 5 Upgrade 100

The quick strikes and small attack motion also make them perfect Stability 26 Durability 200
w eapons to use in confined spaces like narrow tunnels or small Acquired from Valley of Drakes/New 5 14 0 0
buildings. Daggers also have the unique ability of being able to parry Londo Ruins (1)
when equipped in the left-hand, which allows you to dual wield
weapons and still be able to counter enemy attacks. 45 10 30 30

Attack Values Parameter Bonus

General Attacks
Attack I Description Panying Dagger 54 0 0 131 8 45 10 30 30 50
Quick horizont al slash that can combo into others Parrying Dagger+5 81 0 0 0 131 8 45 10 30 30
Weak Attack
.. ......~i- ~~- ~.~.~-~.~~~ .~~P.~.~~ .. Parrying Dagger+ 10 1OS 0 0 131 8 45 10 30 30
Strong Attack Slower lunging thrust that can be followed with a Panyng Dagger+ 15 135 0 131 8 45 10 30 30
... ... .. .. ... .. .. .. . .... sl~sh ;vth_an additional input Crystal Panying Dagger 118 131 B 45 10 30 30
Crystal Parrying Dagger+5 145 131 B 45 10 30 30
.. Roll +Strong Attack _ No change l.igh1111ng PBn)'lng Dagger 106 0 0 106 131 45 10 30 30
Ughtnmg PBn)'lng
Backstep +Weak Attack Dashing horizontal slash 148 0 151 131 45 10 30 42
............ . Dag +5
Raw Panying Dagger 93 131 D D 45 10 30 30 50
..Backstep + Strong Attack
No change
Raw Parrying Dagger+S 124 131 D D 45 10 30 30
Direction +Weak Attack Kick
Magic Parrying Dagger 61 56 131 E E C 45 10 30 30 50
Direction + Strong Attack Long-range jumping an ack Magk: Parrying Dagger+5 82 88 131 E E C 45 10 30 30
Magic Parrying
Two-Handed Weak Attack Quick vertica l slash, followed by a horizontal slash
102 110 131 c 45 10 30 30
.. .... ... .::':it~_ a_na.?d i ti?_na_l_ input . Enchanted Parrying
Two-Handed Strong Attack Long range th rusting anack Dagger
82 86 0 131 c 45 10 30 30 50
Enchanted Parrying
98 gg 131 A 45 10 30 30
DMne Panyng Dagger 54 67 0 131 D E C 45 10 30 30
DAGG ER Divine Parrying Dagger+5 72 90 0 131 D E C 45 10 30 30
Divine Parrying
Type Slash!Thrust Weight 0.5 Upgrade 100 Dagger+10
90 112 0 0 131 D E c 45 10 30 30
Occult Panyong Dagger 74 82 0 131 0 B 45 10 30 30 100
Stability 26 Durability 200
Occult Parrying Dagger+5 96 102 131 D 8 45 10 30 30
Acquired from Sorcerer (default), Fire Parrying Dagger 81 0 81 0 131 45 10 30 30 50
Undead Merc hant (male) 300 Souls Fire Parrying Dagger+5 108 106 0 131 45 10 31 .5 30
FlreParryingDagger+10 151 151 0 131 45 10 33 30
45 10 30 30 Chaos Parrying Dagger 102 102 0 131 45 10 30 30 50
Chaos Parrying Dagger+5 127 127 131 45 10 33 30
Attack Values

Dagger 56 0 0 131 8 45 10 30 30 50
Dagger+5 84 0 0 131 E 8 45 10 30 30
Dagger+10 112 0 131 8 45 10 30 30
Dagger+15 ._~14~0~0~~--~~1~
31~ ~E~~8~~-- 45 10 30 30
Crystal Dagger 123 131 8 45 10 30 30
Crystal Dagger+5 151 131 8 45 10 30 30
Ughtning Dagger 112 0 112 131 45 10 30 30 500
Ughtnong Dagger+5 154 0 156 131 45 10 30 42
Raw Dagger 96 0 131 D D 45 10 30 30 50
Raw Dagger+5 128 0 0 131 D D 45 10 30 30
Magk: Dagger 83 69 0 131 E E G 45 10 30 30 50
Magte Dagger+5 84 92 0 131 E 45 10 30 30
Magk:Da~+10 105 115 0 131 E 45 10 30 30
Enchanted Dagger 84 90 131 45 10 30 30 50
Enchanted Dagger+S 100 104 131 A 45 10 30 30
Divine Dagger 57 69 0 131 D c 45 10 30 30 100
Divine Dagger+S 76 92 0 131 D E c 45 10 30 30
Divlne Dagger+ 10 95 115 0 131 D E G 45 10 30 30
Occult Dagger 76 84 131 D B 45 10 30 30 100
Occult Oagger+S 98 105 131 D B 45 10 30 30


Type Slash!Thrust Weight 0.5 Upgrade 2000 + Twinkling Titanite Lightning Knne 500
Stability 26 Durability 100 Lightning Knne+5 154 156 147 45 10 30 42
Raw KrVfe 96 147 D 0 45 10 30 30 50
Acquired from Ghost (Female) (8)
5 0 0 0 Raw Knife+5 128 147 D D 45 10 30 30
Mag<: Knife - 63
.;;,;.- 6
, ;9c-.;-.....;
o- 14 7 E c 45 10 30 30 50
Mag.: Knne+5 84 92 0 147 c 45 10 30 30
45 10 30 30 Magic Knife+10 105 115 14 7 -:E- ':--c':- 45 1o 30 30
Enchanted Knne 84 90 147 c 45 10 30 30 50
Note Strong Attack is changed to a double horizontal slash that can be followed up by a
Enchanted Knifa+S 100 104 0 147 A 45 10 30 30
triple slash with an additional input. Cursed weapon sc can deal damage to the Ghosts in
e-..---~~57 69 147 D C 45 10 30 30 100
New Londo Ruins
Divine Knne+5 76 92 147 D E c 45 10 30 30
Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction Divine Knife+10 95 115 0 147 D E c 45 10 30 30
Occult Knife 76 84 147 D B 45 10 30 30 100
Ghost Blade 100 0 127 45 10 30 30 100 Occult Knife+5 98 105 0 147 D 8 45 10 30 30

Ghost 81ade+5 150 0 127 45 10 30 30 Rre Knife 84 0 84 0 147 45 10 30 30 50

Fire Knife+5 112 112 0 147 45 10 31.5 30
Fire Knife+ 10 156 156 0 147 45 10 33 30
BANDIT'S KNIFE Chaos Knife 106 106 147 45 10 30 30 50
Chaos Knife+5 132 132 147 45 10 33 30
Type Slash Weight 1 Upgrade 100

Stability 26 Durability 200

Acquired from Thief (default),

6 12 0 0
Undead Assassin (A) Type Slash Weight 1 Upgrade 10000 + Dragon Scale

Stability 26 Durability 100

45 10 30 30
Acquired from Priscilla The Crossbreed
Note Strong Attack is changed to a large horizontal slash that can be continued with suc- (Taii)(M)
cessive inputs. Bleed build-up is 30 per strike, and once inflicted, does 30% of the enemy's
total HP
45 10 30 30

Note Strong Attack is changed to a rising slash into a downward slash that can be !allowed
up by spinning horizontal slash with an additional input. Bleed build-up is 20 per strike, and
Bandit's Knife 56 147 8 45 10 30 30 50 once inflicted, does 50% of the enemy's total HP
Bandit's Knife+5 84 0 147 E 8 45 10 30 30
Bandit's Knife+ 10 112 147 E 8 45 10 30 30
Bandit's Knife+ 15 140 147 E 8 - - -....4
Crystal Knife 123 147 8 45 10 30 30 Priscilla's Daggef
Crystal Knife+5 151 147 B 45 10 30 30 Priscilla's Dagger+S


Type Reg./Thrust Weight 2 Upgrade 200
Most of the general Straight Sword attacks are like exaggerated
versions of Dagger attacks, and that is the best way to think of this Stability 32 Durability 200

we<Jpon. Each swing is just that little bit slower than a Dagger. but Acquired from Hunter (default), Undead
as an upside, the attacks all have slightly better range and normal Merchant (male) 600 Sculs, Armored
damage. These weapons do not have the high Critical Attack modi- Zombie (Sword) (A)
fier of the Daggers, so while their normal damage output is greater, 50 10 35 35
their critical damage usually works out less. The extra attack range
these weapons have do make them better for attacking multiple op-
ponents. If, however, you are having trouble landing critical attacks;
the extra normal damage is a welcome upgrade over Daggers. Shortsword
Shortsword+5 117 c c 50 10 35 35
Shortsword+ 10 156 100 c c 50 10 35 35
Shortsword+ 15 195 100 c c 50 10 35 35
Crystal Shortsword 171 100 c c 50 10 35 35
Crystal Shortsword+5 210 0 0 100 c c 50 10 35 35
Ughtn1ng Shortsword 156 0 156 100 50 10 35 35 500
General Attacks Lightning Shortsword+5 214 0 218 100 50 10 35 49

Attack I Description Raw Shortsword 135 0 100 D D 50 10 35 35 50

Raw Shortsword+S 160 100 D D 50 10 35 35
Large horizontal slash that can be continued with
Magic Shortsword 66 94 100 E C 50 10 35 35 50
Magk:: Shortsword+5 118 126 0 100 c 50 10 35 35
Magie Shortsword+ 1o 147 157 100 c 50 10 35 35
Enchanted Shortsword 118 124 100 c 50 10 35 35 50
Enchanted Shortsword+5 141 143 100 c 50 10 35 35
Roll + Strong Attack No change Divine Shortsword 79 96 0 0 100 D C 50 10 35 35 100

Backstop+ Weak Attack Dashing horizontal slash Divine Shortsword+5 106 128 100 D C 50 10 35 35
Divine Shortsword+ 10 132 160 100 D C 50 10 35 35
Backstep + Strong Attack No change
Occu~ ShortsWO<d 106 118 0 100 D B 50 10 35 35 100
Direction +Weak Attack Kick
Occu~ Shortsword+5 140 147 100 D 8 50 10 35 35
. IJir".cti~~ . Strong Attack ... .L_o~g range.J u.rn~ing thrust attack Fire Shortsword 117 117 0 100 50 10 35 35 50
Vertical slash that can be continued with Fire Shortsword+5 156 156 0 100 50 10 36.7 35
Two -Handed Weak Attack
Fire Shortsword+ 10 218 218 0 100 50 10 36.5 36
Chaos Shortsword 146 146 100 50 10 35 35 50
Two-Handed Strong Attack Advancing horizontal slash that can be continued
with successive inputs. Chaos Shortsword+5 182 182 0 100 50 10 38.5 35


Type Reg/Thrust Weight 3 Upgrade 200 Type Reg.!Thrust Weight 2 Upgrade 100

Stability 32 Durability 200 Stability 16 Durability 200

Acquired from Warrior (default), Andre of Acquired from Infested Ghoul (Sword) (A),
Astora 1000 Souls, Undead Soldier (Sword) Zombie (Sword) (A)
(A), Undead Soldier (Spear) (A) [Undead
Asylum (revisited)]

Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction
Longsword 80 100 c c 50 10 35 35 50 Broken Straight Sword 40 100 D D 20 15 15 50
Longsword+5 120 0 100 c c 50 10 35 35 Broken Straight Sword+S 60 100 D D 20 15 15
Longsword+ 10 160 0 100 c c 50 10 35 35 Broken Straight
80 0 100 D D 20 5 15 15
Longsword+ 15 200 0 100 c c 50 10 35 35 Sword+10
Broken Straight
Crystal Longsword 176 100 c c 50 10 35 35 Sword+15
100 0 0 100 D D 20 15 15
Crystal Longsword+5 216 100 c c 50 10 35 35 Crys. Broken Str. Sword 88 100 D D 20 15 15
Ughtning Longsword 160 0 160 100 50 10 35 35 500 Crys. Broken Str.
108 0 100 D D 20 15 15
Lightning Longsword+S 200 0 224 100 50 10 35 49 SWOI'd+S
Ltng. Broken S1r. Sword 80 80 100 20 15 15 500
Raw Longsword 138 0 100 D D 50 10 35 35 50
Llng. Broken Str.
Raw Longsword+S 184 100 D D 50 10 35 35 110 0 112 100 20 15 21
Magic Longsword 90 97 100 E E c 50 10 35 35 50 Raw Broken Straight
69 100 D D 20 15 15 50
Magic Longsword+S 120 130 100 c 50 10 35 35
Raw Broken Straight
Magic Longsword+ 10 150 162 100 c 50 10 35 35 92 100 D D 20 15 15
Enchanted Longsword 120 128 100 c 50 10 35 35 50 Magic Broken Straight
45 49 0 100 c 20 15 15 50
Enchanted Longsword+S 144 148 0 100 E A 50 10 35 35 Magic Broken Str.
Divine Longsword 81 99 0 100 D c 50 10 35 35 100 Sworo+5
60 88 100 E c 20 5 15 15

c Magic Broken Str.

Divine Longsword+S 108 132 0 100 D 50 10 35 35
75 82 100 c 20 15 15
Divine Longsword+ 10 135 165 0 100 D c 50 10 35 35
Ench. Broken Str. Sword 60 64 100 c 20 15 15 50
Occult Longsword 110 120 100 D B 50 10 35 35 100 Ench. Broken Str.
72 74 100 B 20 15 15
Occult Longsword+S 143 150 100 D B 50 10 35 35 Sword+S
Fire Longsword 120 120 0 100 50 10 35 35 50 Div. Broken Str. Sword 40 49 100 D c 20 15 15 100
Fire Longsword+5 160 160 0 100 50 10 36.7 35 Div. Broken Str. Sword+5 54 66 0 100 D c 20 15 15
Are Longsword+ 10 224 224 0 100 50 10 38.5 35 Div. Broken Str. Sword+ 10 67 82 0 100 D c 20 15 15
Chaos Longsword 150 150 0 100 50 10 35 35 50 Occ. Broken Str. Sword 54 60 0 100 D c 20 15 15 100
Chaos Longsword+5 187 187 0 100 50 10 38.5 35 Occ. Broken Str. Sword+S 70 75 100 D c 20 15 15
Frre Broken Straight
60 60 100 20 15 15 50
Fire Broken Str. Sword+S 80 80 0 100 20 15.8 15
BROADSWORD Fire Broken Str. Sword+ 10 112 112 0 100 20 5 16.5 15
Chaos Broken Straight
Type Regular Weight 3 Upgrade 200 76 76 100 20 15 15 50
Chaos Broken Str.
Stability 32 Durability 200 Sword+5
95 95 0 100 20 16.5 15

Acquired from Knight (default),

Andre of Astora 1000 Souls
Type Reg./Thrust Weight 3 Upgrade 200

Note One-handed Strong Attack is identical to the normal two-handed Strong Attack Stability 32 Durability 120

Attack Values Acquired from Elite Undead Guard 10 14 0 0

(Sword) (A)

Broadsword 82 0 100 50 10 35 35 50
50 10 35 35
Broadsword+S 123 0 100 c c 50 10 35 35
Broadsword+ 10 164 0 100 c c 50 10 35 35
Note Continuation to the Strong Attack is a second thrust instead of the upward slash
Broadsword+ 15 205 0 100 c c 50 10 35 35
Crystal Broadsword 180 100 c c 50 10 35 35 Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction

c c
~B~a~~~S~id~e~S-wo_rd _jl810 1iiii~Biii1001L~
Crystal Broadsword+5 221 100 50 10 35 35
Ughtning Broadsword 164 0 i 64 100 50 10 35 35 500 ____
50 10 35 35 50
Ughtning Broadsword+5 225 0 229 i 00 50 10 35 49 Balder Side Sword+5 120 100 B 50 10 35 35
Raw Broadsword 141 100 D D 50 10 35 35 50 Balder Side Sword+ 10 160 100 B 50 10 35 35
Raw Broadsword+S 188 100 D D 50 10 35 35 Balder Side Sword+ 15 200 0 100 E B 50 10 35 35
Magic Broadsword 93 100 100 c 50 10 35 35 50 Crystal Balder Side Sword 176 0 100 B 50 10 35 35
Magic Broadsword+5 124 134 100 c 50 10 35 35 Crystal Balder Side
216 100 B 50 10 35 35
Magic Broadsword+10 155 167 0 100 c 50 10 35 35 SWOfd+5
Ughtning Balder Side
Enchanted Broadsword 124 132 100 c 50 10 35 35 50 Sword
160 160 100 50 10 35 35 500
Enchanted Broadsword+S 148 153 100 c 50 10 35 35 Ltng. Balder Side
220 224 100 50 10 35 49
DMne BroadswOfd 82 102 100 D E c 50 10 35 35 Sword+5
DMne Broadsword+S 110 136 0 100 D E c 50 10 35 35
Raw Balder Side SwOfd 138 100 D D 50 10 35 35 50
Raw Balder Side
Divine Broadsword+ 10 137 170 0 100 D E c 50 10 35 35 SWOfd+5
184 100 D D 50 10 35 35
Occult Broadsword 112 124 100 D B 50 10 35 35 100 Magic Balde< Side Sword 90 97 100 c 50 10 35 35 50
Occult Broadsword+5 145 155 0 100 D B 50 10 35 35 Magic Balder Side
120 130 0 100 c 50 10 35 35
Fire Broadsword 123 0 123 100 50 10 35 35 50
Magic Balder Side
Fire Broadsword+5 164 0 164 100 50 10 36.7 35 SWOfd+10
150 162 100 c 50 10 35 35
Fire Broadsword+ 10 229 0 229 0 100 50 10 38.5 35 Enchanted Balder Side
120 128 100 c 50 10 35 35 50
Chaos Broadsword 154 154 0 100 50 10 35 35 50
Ench. Bald~ Side
Chaos Broadsword+S 192 192 100 144 148 100 A 50 10 35 35
50 10 38.5 35 Sword+5


Divine Balder Side Sword Type Reg.!Thrust Weight 3 Upgrade 200
DMne Balder Side
108 132 0 100 D E c 50 10 35 35 Stability 32 Durability 160
DMne Balder Side
135 165 0 100 D c 50 10 35 35 Acquired from Drop: Knight of Thorns, 10 10 0 0
Occu~ Balder Side Sword 110 120 100 D B 50 10 35 35 100
Occult Balder Side
143 150 100 D B 50 10 35 35
Sword+5 50 10 35 35
Fire Balder Side Sword 120 0 120 100 50 10 35 35 50
Fire Balder Side Sword+S 160 0 160 100 50 10 36.7 35 Note One-handed Strong Attack is identical to the normal two-handed Strong Attack.
Fire Balder Side 50 10 38.5 35 Bleed build-up is 33 per strike, and once infticted, does 30% of the enemy's total HP
224 224 0 100
Chaos Balder Side Sword 150 150 100 50 10 35 35 50
Chaos Balder Side
187 187 100 50 10 38.5 35
Barbed Straight Sword
Barbed Straight Sword+5 120 100 D D 50 10 35 35
160 0 100 D D 50 10 35 35

Type Reg.fThrust Weight 6 Upgrade - Barbed Straight

200 0 0 100 D D 50 10 35 35
Durability 60 Crys. Barbed Str. Sword 176 100 D D 50 10 35 35
Crys. Barbed Str.
216 100 D D 50 10 35 35
Acquired from Domnhall of Zena 4000
Souls, Undead Crystal Soldier (Sword) (A)
I Sword+5
Ltng. Barbed Str. Sword 160 0 160 100 50 10 35 35 500
Ltng. Barbed Str.
220 224 100 50 10 35 49
50 10 35 35 Raw Barbed Straight
138 100 D D 50 10 35 35 50
Raw Barbed Straight
184 100 D D 50 10 35 35
Magic Barbed Straight
90 97 100 c 50 10 35 35 50
Crystal Straight Sword
Mag<; Barbed Str.
120 130 0 100 c 50 10 35 35

Magic Barbed Str.

150 162 0 100 c 50 10 35 35
Ench. Barbed Str. Sword 120 126 100 c 50 10 35 35 50
Type Reg.fThrust Weight 4 Upgrade 200 Ench. Barbed Str. 50 10 35 35
144 148 100 B
Stability 32 Durability 240 {);v. Barbed Str. Sword Bt 99 100 D E c 50 10 35 35 100
Div. Barbed Str. Sword+S 108 ~32 100 D E c 50 10 35 35
Acquired from Drop: Solaire of Astora
{);v_ Barbed Str.
135 165 100 D E c 50 10 35 35

Occ. Barbed Str. Sword 110 120 100 D c 50 10 35 35 100

50 10 35 35 Occ. Barbed Str. 143 150 100 D c 50 10 35 35
Fu-e Barbed Straight
120 120 100 50 10 35 35 50
Fire Barbed Str. Sword+5 160 160 100 50 10 38.7 35
Sunlight Stra1ght Sword 82 0 100 c c 50 10 35 35 50 Fire Barbed Str.
224 224 100 50 10 38.5 35
&mUght Straight Sword+5 123 0 100 c c 50 10 35 35 Chaos Barbed Strajght
150 150 100 50 10 35 35 50
Sunlight Straight Sword
164 0 100 c c 50 tO 35 35
Chaos Barbed Str.
187 187 100 50 10 38.5 35
Sunlight Straight Sword+5
205 100 c c 50 10 35 35
Crys. Sunlight Str. Sword 160 100 c c 50 10 35 35
Crys. Sunlight Str.
221 100 c c 50 10 35 35 SILVER KNIGHT STRAIGHT SWORD
Ltng. Sunlight Str. Sword 164 0 164 100 50 10 35 35 500
Type Regular Weight 6 Upgrade 2000 + Twinkling Trtanite
Ltng. Sunlight Str.
225 229 100 50 10 35 49
Stability 32 Durability 300
Raw Sunlight Straight
141 0 100 D D 50 10 35 35 50
Acquired from Silver Knight (Sword) (A)
Raw Sunlight Str.
188 0 100 D D 50 10 35 35
Magic Sunlight Str. Sword 93 100 100 c 50 10 35 35 50
Magic Sunlight Str.
124 134 100 c 50 10 35 35 50 10 35 35
Mag. Sunlight Str.
155 167 0 100 c 50 10 35 35 Note Strong Attack is replaced by an advancing downward slash, follwed by a sweeping
Ench. Sunlight Str. Sword 124 132 0 100 c 50 10 35 35 50 horizontal slash with an additional input
Ench. Sunlight Str.
148 153 0 100 A 50 10 35 35 Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction
Oiv. Sunlight Str. Sword 62 102 0 100 D c 50 10 35 35 100
Div. Sunlight Str. Sword+5 110 136 0 0 100 D c 50 10 35 35 Silver Knight Straight
{);v_ SunlightStr. Sword
165 100 c 50 10 35 35 100
137 170 0 0 100 D c 50 10 35 35
Sitv. Knight Str. Sworcl+5 247 00;._..:E;.... C
""-'1.;;; 50 10 35 35
Occ. Sunlight Str. Sword 100
112 124 B 50 10 35 35 100
Occ. Sunlight Str.
145 155 100 D B 50 10 35 35
Fire Sunlight Str. Sword 123 0 123 0 100 50 10 35 35 50
Are Sunlight Str. Sword+5 164 164 100 50 10 38.7 35
Fwe Sunlight Str.
229 0 229 100 50 10 38.5 35
Chaos Sunlight Str. Sword 154 154 100 50 10 35 35 50
Chaos Sunlight Str.
192 192 100 50 10 38.5 35


Type Reg/Thrust Weight 3 Upgrade 2000 + Twinkling Titanite Type Regular Weight 6 Upgrade 10000 + Dragon Scale

Stability 32 Durability 160 Stability 32 Durability 360

Acquired from Valley of Drakes/New Acquired from Hellkrte Dragon {Tall) (M)
10 10 0 14 16 10 0 0
Londo Ruins (1)

50 10 35 35 50 10 35 35

Note Raises Fire and Magic Defence by 15 points. When held in two-hands the Strong
Frampt Attack becomes a slow downward slash that creates a shockwave, which travels along the
ground. This attack also consumes 30 points off the weapons durability
AstOfa's Straight Sword 80 80 100
Astora's Straight Sword5 120 120 0 tOO C C c 50 10 35

Drake Sword 200 100 50 10 35 35 5000

DARKSWORD Drake Sword+5 300 100 50 10 35 35

Type Regular Weight 6 Upgrade 200

Stability 32 Durability 200 STRAIGHT SWORD HILT

Acquired from Covenant: Darkwraith 16 16 0 0 Type Reg/Thrust Weight 1 Upgrade 100

Stability 10 Durability 200

50 10 35 35 Acquired from All (default) 6 6 0 0

Note Strong Attack is replaced by a spinning upward slash that can be followed up by a
downward slash with an additional input

Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction

Darksword 82 0 100 c c 50 10 35 35 50
20 15 15 50
Straight Sword Hilt 20 0 100
Darksword+5 123 0 100 c c 50 10 35 35
15 15
Straight Sword Hil1+5 30 0 100 20
Darksword+ 10 164 0 100 c c 50 10 35 35
Straight Sword Hilt+10 40 100 20 15 15
Darksword+ 15 205 0 tOO c c 50 10 35 35
Stratght Sword Hilt+15 50 0 100 20 15 15
Crystal Darksword 180 0 100 c c 50 10 35 35
Crystal Straight Sword Hilt 44 100 20 15 15
Crystal Darksword+S 221 100 c c 50 10 35 35
Crystal Str. Sword Hilt+5 54 0 100 20 15 15
Ughtning Darksword 164 0 164 100 50 10 35 35 500
Ltng. Str. Sword Hilt 40 40 100 20 15 15 500
Ughtning Darksword+S 225 0 0 229 100 50 10 35 49
Ltng. Str. Sword Hilt+5 55 56 100 20 15 21
Raw Oarksword 141 0 100 D D 50 10 35 35 50
Raw Straight Sword Hilt 34 100 20 15 15 50
Raw Darksword+S 188 100 D D 50 10 35 35
Raw Straight Sword
Magic Darksword 93 100 100 c 50 10 35 35 50 46 100 20 5 15 15
Magic Darksword+S 124 134 0 100 c 50 10 35 35 Magic Straight Sword Hilt 22 24 100 E 20 15 15 50
Magic Darks word+ 10 155 167 100 c 50 10 35 35 Mag" Straight Sword
30 32 100 E E 20 5 15 15
Enchanted Oarksword 124 132 100 c 50 10 35 35 50
Magic Str. Sword Hilt+ 10 37 40 100 E 20 15 15
Enchanted Darksword+S 148 153 100 A 50 10 35 35
Ench. Straight Sword Hilt 30 32 100 20 15 15 50
DMne Darksword 82 102 100 D c 50 10 35 35 100
Ench. Str. Sword Hilt+5 36 37 100 20 15 15
Divine Darksword+5 110 136 100 D c 50 10 35 35
Divine Straight Sword Hilt 21 25 100 20 15 15 100
Divine Darksword+ 10 137 170 100 D c 50 10 35 35
Div. Straight Sword Hitt+5 28 34 100 20 15 15
Occult Darksword 112 124 100 D B 50 10 35 35 100
DIV. Stra~ht Sword
Occult Darksword+S 145 155 100 D 35 42 0 100 20 15 15
B 50 10 35 35 Hilt+10
Fire Darksword 123 0 123 100 50 10 35 35 50 Occult Straight Sword Hilt 28 30 100 20 15 15 100
Fire Darksword+5 164 0 164 100 50 10 36.7 35 Occ. Straight Sword
36 37 100 20 15 15
Rre Oarksword+10 229 229 100 50 10 38.5 35
Rre Straight Sword Hilt 30 30 100 20 15 15 50
Chaos Oarksword 154 154 0 100 50 10 35 35 50
Fire Straight Sword Hil1+5 40 40 100 20 15.8 15
Chaos Darksword+S 192 192 0 100 50 10 38.5 35 Fire Straight Sword
56 56 100 20 16.5 15
Chaos Straight Sword Hilt 38 38 100 20 15 15 50
Chaos Straight Sword
47 47 100 20 16.5 15

GREAT SWORD General Attacks

Attack j Description
Greatswords continue the natural evolution process from Dagger Weak Attack
to Straight Sword, by sacrificing speed for additional attack power.
Each strike with these weapons has the wielders full weight behind Strong Attack Slow downward slash that can be followed up by an
them to maximize the damage they do. Because so much force and .. .. .... ......... .... .. .. ..... ...u.~~ard ~la~h ~ith .an add.itional input
effort is required with each swing, the speed of the strikes is much Roll +Weak Attack Downward slash
slower than with smaller weapons, which means they are not very Roll + Strong Attack No change
effective for attempting critical hits with. Back step+ Weak Attack Dashing horizontal slash
Backslap + Strong Attack No change
These weapons are designed simply to overpower foes, and even
Direction +Weak Attack Kick
though the st rikes may be slow, the hits are so powerful that they
often st ill stagger foes long enough to land additional hits. The size Direction + Strong Attack Jumping heavy downward slash
of the weapons, and large arc of their swing , also means that they Two-Handed Weak Attack
Slow downward slash that can be followed up by
are very good for crowd control, or for tracking evasive opponents. additional
Slow sweeping horizontal slash that can be followed
Two-Handed Strong Attack
up by additional inputs


Type Regular Weight 6 Upgrade 400 Type Reg.ffhrust Weight 6 Upgrade 400

Stability 38 Durability 200 Stability 38 Durability 200

Acquired from Andre of Astora t6 10 0 0 Acquired from Undead Burg/Undead 16 10 0 0

3000 Souls Parish (1)

Attack Values Note Strong Attack is replaced by a lunging thrust attack that can be followed up by a
vertical slash with an additional input
Bastard Sword 105 0 100 c c 60 10 40 40 50
Bastard Sword+5 157 100 c c 60 10 40 40
Bastard Sword+ 10 210 100 c c 60 10 40 40
Bastard Sword+ 15 262 0 100 c c 60 10 40 40
Claymore 103 0 100 c c 60 10 40 40 50
Claymore+S 154 0 100 c c 60 10 40 40
Crystal Bastard Sword 231 100 c c 60 10 40 40
Claymore+ tO 206 100 c c 60 10 40 40
Crystal Bastard Sword+5 283 100 c c 60 10 40 40
Claymore+15 257 0 100 c c 60 10 40 40
Ughtning Bastard Sword 210 0 210 100 60 10 40 40 500
Crystal Claymore 226 100 c c 60 10 40 40
Ughtnong Bastard
288 0 294 100 60 10 40 56 Crystal Claymore+S 278 100 c c 60 10 40 40
Ughtning Claymore 206 206 100 60 10 40 40 500
Raw Bastard Sword 181 100 D D 60 10 40 40 50
Ughtning Claymore+5 283 288 100 60 10 40 56
Raw Bastard Sword+5 242 0 100 D D 60 10 40 40
Raw Claymore 177 0 100 D D 60 10 40 40 50
Magic Bastard Sword 118 127 o 100 c 60 10 40 40 50
Raw Claymore+S 236 100 D D 60 10 40 40
Magic Bastard Sword+S 158 170 100 E c 60 10 40 40
Magic Claymore 115 126 0 100 c 60 10 40 40 50
Magic Bastard Sword+10 197 212 0 100 c 60 10 40 40
Magic Claymore+S 154 168 0 0 100 c 60 10 40 40
Enchanted Bastard Sword 158 168 100 c 60 10 40 40 50
Magic Claymore+ 10 192 210 0 100 E c 60 10 40 40
Enchanted Bastard
189 194 100 A 60 10 40 40 Enchanted Claymore 154 164 100 c 60 10 40 40 50
Enchanted Claymore+S 184 190 100 A 60 10 40 40
Divine Bastard Sword 106 130 100 D E C 60 10 40 40 100
DMne Bastard Sword+S 142 17 4 100 D E c 60104040
Divine Claymore 105 127 100 D c 60 10 40 40 100
DMne Claymore+5 140 170 0 100 D c 60 10 40 40
DMneBastardSword+10 177 217 0 100 D c 60 10 40 40
Occult Bastard Sword 144 158 100 D B 60 10 40 40 100
Divine Claymore... l 0 175 212 100 D c 60 10 40 40
Occult Claymore 142 154 100 D B 60 10 40 40 100
Occult Bastard Sword+S 187 197 0 100 D B 60 10 40 40
Occult Claymore+S 184 192 0 100 D B 60 10 40 40
Rre Bastard Sword 157 0 157 100 60 10 40 40 50
Fire Claymore 154 0 154 0 100 60 10 40 40 50
Fire Bastard Sword+5 210 0 210 100 60 10 42 40
Rre Claymore+5 206 0 206 0 100 60 10 42 40
Fire Bastard Sword+ 10 294 o 294 100 60 10 44 40 Fire Claymore+ 10 288 0 288 100 60 10 44 40
Chaos Bastard Sword 196 0 196 100 60 10 40 40 50 Chaos Claymore 194 194 100 60 10 40 40 50
Chaos Bastard Sword+S 245 245 100 60 10 44 40 Chaos Claymore+S 242 242 100 60 10 44 40


Type Regular Weight 10 Upgrade 400 Occult Flamberge 138 150 0 100 D c 60 10 40 40 100

Stability 38 Durability 300 Occult Flamberge+S 179 187 0 100 D c 60 10 40 40

Rre Flamberge 160 0 150 100 60 10 40 40 50
Acquired from Serpent Soldier (A), 24 0 0 0 Fire Flamberge+S 200 0 200 100 60 10 42 40
Serpent Soldier (Strong) (A)
Fire Flamberge+ 10 260 280 0 100 60 10 44 40
Chaos Flamberge 188 188 0 100 60 10 40 40 50
60 10 40 40 Chaos Flamberge+S 235 235 100 60 10 44 40

r Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction

100 8 60
Man-serpent Weight 8 Upgrade -
165 100 8 60 10 40 40
Man-serpent Durability 60
220 100 8 60 10 40 40
Greatsword+ 10
Man-serpent 60 10 40 40
275 100 8
Greatsword+ 15
Crys. Man-srp.
242 100 8 60 10 40 40
Crys. Man-srp. 60 10 40 40
297 0 100 8 60 10 40 40
Ltng. Man-srp.
220 0 220 100 60 10 40 40
soo l
Ltng. Man-srp.
302 0 308 100 60 10 40 56
Raw Man-serpent
Crystal Greatsword 180 100 c c 60 10 40 40
190 100 D D 60 10 40 40 50 100 C D 70 10 50 50
Great sword Crystal Greatsword+S 351
Raw Man-srp.
254 0 100 D D 60 10 40 40
Magic Man-srp.
124 133 100 E C 60 10 40 40
Magic Man-srp.
166 178 100 c 60 10 40 40
Type Regular Weight 18 Upgrade 2000 +Twinkling Titanite
Mag. Man-srp.
Greatsword+ 10
207 222 100 c 60 10 40 40
Stability 38 Durability 800
Ench. Man-srp.
166 176 100 c 60 10 40 40 50
Acquired from Shiva of the East
Ench. Man-srp. 15000 Souls, Great Stone Knight (A)
199 204 100 8 60 10 40 40
Div. Man-srp. Greatsword 111 136 0 100 D c 60 10 40 40 100
O.V. Man-srp.
148 182 0 0 100 D c 60 10 40 40
Div. Man-srp.
Greatsword+ 10
185 227 0 100 D c 60 10 40 40 Note One-handed Strong Attack is replaced with a single heavy downward slash. Two-
Occ. Man-srp. handed Strong Attack is replaced with an energy wave that radiates outwards and does no
Great sword
152 166 100 D c 60 10 40 40 100
damage, but reduces the movement speed of all enemies within range
Occ. Man-srp.
197 207 100 D c 60 10 40 40 Attack Values
Are Man-serpent
165 165 0 100 60 10 40 40 50
Rre Man-srp. Stone GreatswOfd 148 100 100
220 220 0 100 60 10 42 40
Rre Man-srp. Stone Greatsword+S 222 150 100
308 308 100 60 10 44 40
Greatsword+ 1o
Chaos Man-srp.
208 206 100 60 10 40 40 50
Great sword
Chaos Man-srp.
257 257 100 60 10 44 40
.....J Type Reg.!Thrust Weight 10 Upgrade 5000 + Demon Titanrte

Stability 38 Durability 400

Acquired from Ascension only 24 18 20 20
Type Slash Weight 6 Upgrade 400

Stability 38 Durability 160

Acquired from Shiva of the East 10000

Souls, Serpent Mage (A) Note One-handed Strong Attack is replaced with a charged dashing thrust attack. Two-
handed Strong Attack is replaced with a charged horizontal slash
60 10 40 40

Note Strong Attack is replaced with a diagonal slash that can be followed up with additional
inputs. Bleed build-up is 36 per strike, and once inflicted, does 30% of the enemy's total HP Greatsword of Artorias 120 85 0 100 c 8 8 60 10 40 40

Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction

GreatswOf'd of Artorias+5 180 127 0 100 c c 8 8 60 10 40 40
Flambefge+S 150 0 100 D 60 10 40 40
Flamberge+ 1o 200 o 100 D C 60 10 40 40 Type Regular Weight 6 Upgrade 10000 + Dragon Scale
15' - - - - 250 0 100 D C 60 10 40 40 Stability 38 Durability 300
Crystal Ramberge 220 100 D C 60 10 40 40
Acquired from Seath The Scaleless
Crystal Rarnberge+S 270 0 0 100 D C 60 10 40 40 16 10 28 0
-...a..~- (Taii)(M)
Ughtnong Flamberge 200 0 0 200 100 60 10 40 40 500
Ughtning Flamberge+S 275 0 0 280 100 60 10 40 56
Raw Flamberge 172 0 100 D D 60 10 40 40 50
60 10 40 40
Raw Flamberge+S 230 100 D D 60 10 40 40
Note Raises Magic Defense by 40 points. One-handed Strong Attack changes to an
MagicFiamberge 112 121 100 E E C 60 10 40 40 50
energy wave that travels along the ground, consumes 20 durability points. Two-handed
Ma9k: Flamberge+5 150 162 0 100 E C 60 10 40 40
Strong Attack changes to an area of effect energy sphere created in front of the character,
Magk: Flamberge+ 10 187 202 0 100 E C 60 10 40 40 consumes 40 durability points
Enchanted Flamberge 150 160 0 100 c 60 10 40 40 50
Enchan1ed F1amberge+5 160 185 0 100 8 60 10 40 40
DMne F1amberge 102 124 100 D c 60 10 40 40 100
Divine Flamberge+S 136 166 100 D c 60 10 40 40 Moonlight Greatsword 132 100 A 60 10 40 40
Divine Flamberge+ 10 170 207 100 D E c 60 10 40 40 Moonlight Greatsword+5 198 0 100 A 60 10 40 40


Type Reg.!Thrust Weight 10 Upgrade -

Stability 38 Durability 400

Acquired from Ascension only

60 10 40 40

Note Cursed weapon, so can hit the Ghosts found in New Londo Ruins. One-handed
Strong Attack is replaced with a charged dashing thrust attack. Two-handed Strong Attack
is replaced with a charged horizontal slash

GreatsiNOI'd of Artorias
_(s\Jrsed) +5
237 100 c c c c 60 10 40 40


BLACK KNIGHT SWORD Type Regular Weight S Upgrade 5000 + Demon Titanite
Type Reg.!Tl1rust Weight 8 Upgrade 2000 + Twinkling Trtanite
Stability 26 Durability 400
Stability 38 Durability 300
Acquired from Ascension only 20 10 0 0
Acquired from Black Knight (Sword) (C) 20 18 0 0

60 10 40 40
60 10 40 40
Note One-handed and two-handed Strong Attack is changed to a powerful downward
Note One-handed Strong Attack is replaced by a charged long-range thrusting attack. slash
Two-handed Strong Attack is replaced by a charged rising slash Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction
Attack Values

Great Lord Greatsword 231 0 100 0 0 60 10 40 40 10000

B""'k Kmght Swo<d Great Lord Greatsword+5 346 100 0 0 60 10 40 40


Type Regular Weight 10 Upgrade 800
Ultra Greatswords, as their name may suggest, are the biggest, Stability 44 Durability 200
heaviest, and quite often strongest type of sword you can acquire in
Acquired from Firelink Shrine (1) 24 10
the game. These massive blades all require tremendous strength to 0 0
wield, and nearly always have to be swung with both hands to have
any kind of control over them whatsoever. Your entire body weight
is put behind each of the large swings, and while that does increase
thei r damage potential significantly, it also means that any miss Note One and two-handed Strong Attacks are replaced with a running downward slash
can be extremely costly. The amount of recovery each attack with
this weapon has means that your opponent is all but guaranteed a
free hit if your blow does not connect. The style of these weapons,
however, is to ensure that if your one big attack does connect and Zweihander 130 0 100 C D 70 10 60 60
that it does lethal amounts of damage. Zweihander+5 195 0 100 C D 70 10 50 50
Zweihander-t10 260 0 100 C D 70 10 50 60
General Attacks Zweihander+ 15 325 0 100 C D 70 10 50 60
Crystal Zweihander 286 100 C D 70 10 50 50
Attack I Description Crystal Zwelhander+S 351 100 C D 70 10 50 50
Lightning Zweihander 260 260 100 70 10 50 50 500
Ughtning Zweihander+5 357 364 100 70 10 50 70
Strong Attack Slow lunging thrust Raw Zweihander 225 100 D D 70 10 50 50 50
Roll+ Weak Attack Short range thrust Raw Zweihander+5 300 100 D D 70 10 50 50
Magic Zwethander 147 159 100 E C 70 10 50 50 50
Roll + Strong Attack No change
Mag;c Zweihander+5 196 212 0 100 c 70 10 50 50
Backstep +Weak Attack Dashing toward slash Magic Zweihander+10 245 265 0 100 E C 70 10 50 50
Backstep + Strong Attack No change Enchanted Zweihander 196 208 100 c 70 10 50 50 50
Direction +Weak Attack Enchanted Zweihander+5 238 241 100 B 70 10 50 50
Divine Zweihander 132 160 100 0 c 70 10 50 50 100
Direction + Strong Attack Jumping downward slash
.. ...... ... ... .. .. ... ... .. .. .... .... ... .. . . . Divine Zweihander+S 176 214 0 70 10 50 50
Two-Handed Weak Attack Divine Zweihander+ 10 220 267 0 10 50 50
Occult Zweihander 178 196 10 50 50 100
Occult Zweihander+5 231 245 100 D c 70 10 50 50
Fire Zweihander 195 0 195 100 70 10 50 50 50
Ftre Zweihander+5 260 0 260 0 100 70 10 52.5 50
Fire Zweiha.ndef+ 10 364 364 0 100 70 10 55 50
Chaos Zweihander 244 244 100 70 10 60 60 50
Chaos Zweihander+5 305 0 305 100 70 10 55 50


Type Reg/Thrust Weight 12 Upgrade 800
Stability 44 Durability 200 Magic Demon Great
200 216 100 c 70 10 50 50
Acquired from Crestfallen Merchant 8000 28 10 0 0 Mag. Demon Great
250 270 0 100 E E C 70 10 50 50
Souls, Heavy Knight (Mace) (A), Heavy Madlete+10
Ench. Demon Great c
Knight (Sword) (A), Anor Londo (1) Machete
200 212 0 100 70 10 50 50 50

70 10 50 50 Ench. Demon Great

240 245 100 B 70 10 50 50
Divine Demon Great
135 166 100 D C 70 10 50 50 100
Div. Demon Great
180 220 0 100 D E c 70 10 50 50
Greatsword Div. Demon Great
Greatsword+S 195 0 100 c 70 10 50 50 Machete+10
225 275 100 D E c 70 10 50 50
Occu~ Demon Great
Greatsword+ 10 260 100 c D 70 10 50 50
182 200 100 D c 70 10 50 50 100
Greatsword+ 15 325 100 c D 70 10 50 50 Occ. Demon Great
260 100 70 10 50 50 500 Machete+5
236 250 0 0 100 D c 70 10 50 50
Ughtning Greatsword 260
Fire Demon Great 70 10 50 50 50
Ughtning Greatswor
57:- 0 364 100 70 10 50 70 199 199 0 100
Raw Greatsword 225 0 100 D D 70 10 50 50 50 Fire Demon Great
266 266 100 70 10 52.5 50
Raw Greatsword+5 300 0 100 D D 70 10 50 50 Machete+5
Fire Demon Great
Magic Greatsword 147 159 100 c 70 10 50 50 50 Machete-.10
372 372 100 70 10 55 50

Magic Greatsword+S 196 212 100 c 70 10 50 50 Chaos Demon Great

250 250 100 70 10 50 50 50
Magic Greatsword+ 10 245 265 100 E C 70 10 50 50 Machete
Chaos Demon Great 70 10 55 50
Enchanted Greatsword 196 208 100 E E C 70 10 50 50 50 312 312 100
Enchanted Greatsword+S 235 24 i 100 E E B 70 10 50 50
Divine Greatsword 132 160 100 D C 70 10 50 50 100
176 214 0 100 D c 70 10 50 50
Divine Greatsword+S
Divine Greatsword+ 10 220 267 0 100 D E c 70 10 50 50
Occuh Greatsword 178 196 0 100 E D c 70 10 50 50 100 Type Regular Weight 24 Upgrade 10000 + Dragon Scale
Occult Greatsword+S 231 245 100 D c 70 10 50 50
Stability 44 Durability 400
Fire Greatsword 195 0 195 100 70 10 50 50 50
Fire Greatsword+5 260 260 100 70 10 52.5 50 Acquired from Stone Dragon [Tail) (M) 50 10 0 0
Fire Greatsword+ 10 364 364 0 100 70 10 55 50
Chaos Greatsword 245 245 0 100 70 10 50 50 50
Chaos Greatsword+5 305 305 0 100 70 10 55 50 70 10 50 50

Note Raises Magic and Fire defence by 20 points each. One-handed Strong Attack is
DEMON GREAT MACHETE replaced with a running downward slash. Two-handed Strong Attack is replaced with a run-
ning downward slash that creates an energy wave. Each use of this attack also consumes
Type Regular Weight 18 Upgrade 800
50 durability points
Stability 44 Durability 600 Attack Values Parameter Bonus
Acquired from Shiva of the East 10000
Souls, Capra Demon (B) ]Demon Ruins]
Dragon Greatsword 360 0 100
Dragon Greatsw
_+_5 ~-5-40 0 100
70 10 50 50

Note One and two-handed Strong Attack is a replaced with a jumping downard slash
Type Reg.!Thrust Weight 14 Upgrade 2000 + Twinkling Titanite

Demon Great Machete Stability 44 Durability 300

Demon Great Machete+5 100 70 10
Damon Great
Acqu ired from Black Knight 32 18 0 0
266 0 100 B 70 10 50 50 (Greatsword) (C)
Demon Great
332 0 100 B 70 10 50 50
Crystal Demon Great 70 10 50 50
292 100 B 70 10 50 50
Crys. Demon Great Note One-handed Strong Attack is replaced by a lunging upwards thrust. Two-handed
359 100 B 70 10 50 50
Ung. Demon Great
Strong Attack is replaced with a charge upwards slash
266 0 266 100 70 10 50 50 500
Ltng. Demon Great
365 0 372 100 70 10 50 70
Raw Demon Great
229 100 D D 70 10 50 50 50
Machete Black Kn~ht Greatsworo 205 o 0 100 B 70 10 50 50 100
Raw Demon Great Black Kn\jh1
306 0 100 D D 70 10 50 50 307 0 0 100 B 70 10 50 50
Machete+5 Greatsword+5


Type Slash Weight 2.5 Upgrade 200
Curved Swords are very similar to Straight Swords in their usage, Stability 30 Durability 160
but they sacrifice some range for a small boost to attack speed.
Acquired from Skeleton Swordsmen 9 13 0 0
This does make them very effective in confined spaces, where it is (Greatsword) (A), Skeleton Swordsmen
difficult for enemies to get away from the quick barrage of strikes . (Greatsword) (the Grave King's servant) (A),
Slashing attacks are also the forte of these weapons, with their Blighttown/Quelaag 's Domain (1) 45 10 30 30
being very few thrust attacks in this type . This does mean that they
excel against enemies with flesh, but are largely ineffectual against Attack Values Parameter Bonus

enemies with heavy armor or scales . Souls

Falchion 82 0 100 8 45 10 30 30 60
Falchion+5 123 0 0 100 8 45 10 30 30
General Attacks Falchion+10 164 0 100 8 45 10 30 30
Fa\chion-;-15 205 o 100 8 45 10 30 30
Attack j Description 45 10 30 30
Crystal Falchion 1 80 100 8
Quick horizon ta l slash t hat can be followed up with Crystal Falchion
= +,;;.
5 _ _ __
221-;-..;-_.,., 100 8 45 10 30 30
Ughtning Falchion 164 164 100 45 10 30 30 500
Ughtning Falchion+5 225 229 100 45 10 30 42
Raw Falchion 141 0 100 D D 45 10 30 30 50
Raw Falchion+5 188 100 D D 45 10 30 30
Roll + Strong Attack No change Magic Falchion 93 100 0 100 E E C 45 10 30 30 50
Magic Falchion+S 124 134 0 100 E C 45 10 30 30
Backstep +Weak Attack Dashing vertical slash
Magic Falchion+ 10 155 167 100 c 45 10 30 30
Backstep + Strong Attack No change Enchanted Falchion 124 132 100 c 45 10 30 30 50
Enchanted Falchi0n+5 148 153 100 A 45 10 30 30

Direction + Strong Attack Ju mping diagonal slash Divine Falchion 82 102 100 D C 45 10 30 30 100
Divine Falchion+5 110 138 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30
DMne Falchion+ 10 137 170 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30
Occult Falchion 112 124 100 E D 8 45 10 30 30 100
Occult Falchion+S 145 155 0 100 D 8 45103030
Fire Falchoo 123 0 123 0 100 45 10 30 30 50
Fire Fa\chion+S 164 184 0 100 45 10 31.5 30
Fire Falc:hlon+10 229 229 100 45 10 33 30
Chaos Falchion 154 0 154 100 45 10 30 30 50
Chaos Falchion+S 192 0 192 100 45 10 33 30

Type Slash Weight 1.5 Upgrade 200 Type Slash Weight 2.5 Upgrade 200

Stability 30 Durability 160 Durability 120

Acquired from Wanderer (default), Undead 7 13 0 0 Acquired from Shiva of the East 10000
Merchant (male) 600 Souls, Skel. Swords- Souls, Sen's Fortress (1)
men (Sword and Shield) (A), Sk. Swords-
men (S.+S.) (Grave King 's servant) (A) 45 10 30 30

Attack Values Parameter Bonus

r Souls
Scimitar 80 0 100 8 Shc1el 0 50
Scim~ar+5 120 100 8 45 10 30 30 Shctel+5 123 0 100 E C 45 10 30 30
Scimitar+ 10 180 0 100 8 45 10 30 30 Shctel+1 0 164 0 0 100 E C 45 10 30 30
Scimitar+ 15 200 0 100 8 45 10 30 30 Shctel+15 205 100 c 45 10 30 30
Crystal Scimitar 176 0 100 8 45 10 30 30 Crystal Shctel 160 100 c 45 10 30 30
Crystal Scimitar+5 216 100 8 45 10 30 30 Crystal Shotel+5 221 100 c 45 10 30 30
Lightning Scimitar 180 180 100 45 10 30 30 500 Ughtning Shotel 164 164 100 45 10 30 30 500
Ughtning Sclmtar+5 220 0 220 100 45 10 30 42 Ughtning Shotel+5 225 229 100 45 10 30 42
Raw Scimitar 138 100 D D 45 10 30 30 50 RawShota 141 100 D D 45 10 30 30 50
Raw Scimitar+5 184 100 D D 45 10 30 30 Raw Shotei+S 188 100 D D 45 10 30 30
Magic Scimitar 90 97 100 E C 4S 10 30 30 50 MagocShota 93 100 0 100 c 45 10 30 30 50
Magic Scimitar+S 120 130 100 E C 45 10 30 30 Magic Shotei+S 124 134 0 100 c 45 10 30 30
Magic Scimitar+ 10 150 162 0 100 c 45 10 30 30 MagiC Shotel+ 10 155 167 0 100 c 45 10 30 30
Enchanted Scimitar 120 128 100 c 45 10 30 30 50 Enchanted Shotel 124 132 100 c 45 10 30 30 50
Enchanted Scimitar+5 144 148 0 100 A 45 10 30 30 Enchanted Shotei+S 148 153 100 8 45 10 30 30
OMne Scimitar 81 99 0 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30 100 DMneShotel 82 102 0 100 D E c 45 10 30 30 100
Divine Scimltar+S 106 132 0 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30 Divine Shote1+5 11 0 138 0 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30
DMne Scllllilar+ 10 135 165 0 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30 Divine Shotel+ 1o 137 170 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30
Occult Scimitar 110 120 100 D 8 45 10 30 30 100 Occult Shotel 112 124 100 E D c 45 10 30 30 100
Occult Scimitar+S 143 150 0 100 D 8 45 10 30 30 Occult Shotei+S 145 155 100 E D c 45 10 30 30
Fire Scimitar 120 120 100 45 10 30 30 50 FireShotel 123 0 123 0 100 45 10 30 30 50
Rre Scimitar+5 160 160 0 100 45 10 31.5 30 Are Shotel+5 164 164 100 45 10 31.5 30
Fire Scimitar+ 10 224 224 100 45 10 33 30 FireShotel+lO 229 229 0 100 45 10 33 30
Chaos Scimitar 150 150 100 45 10 30 30 50 Chaos Shotel 154 154 100 45 10 30 30 50
Chaos Scimitar+S 187 187 100 45 10 33 30 Chaos Shoi!J+5 192 0 192 100 45 10 33 30


Attack Values Parameter Bonus
Type Slash/Thrust Weight 1.5 Upgrade 2000 + Twinkling Titanite
209 212 100 45 10 30 42
Stability 30 Durability 100 Raw Painting Guardian
130 100 D D 45 10 30 30 5C
Acquired from Ghost (Male) (A) Raw Ptg . Guardian
174 100 D D 45 10 30 30
Magic Ptg. Guardian
85 93 100 B 45 10 30 30 5C
45 10 30 30 Magic Ptg. Guardian
114 124 0 100 E B 45 10 30 30
Mag. Ptg. Guardian
Note Cursed weapon, so can hit the Ghosts found in New Londo Ruins. Bleed build-up is
142 155 0 100 B 45 10 30 30
30 per strike, and once inflicted, does 30% of the enemy's total HP Ench. Ptg. Guardian
114 122 100 B 45 10 30 30 50
Ench. Ptg. Guardian
136 141 100 A 45 10 30 30
Oiv. Ptg. Guardian Sword 76 94 100 D E B 45 10 30 30
Jagged Ghost Blade Div. Ptg. Guardian
102 126 0 100 D B 45 10 30 30
Jagged Ghost Sword+S
Oiv. Ptg. Guardian
127 157 100 D B 45 10 30 30
Occ. Ptg. Guardian Sword 104 114 100 D B 45 10 30 30 100
Occ. Ptg. Guardian
135 142 0 100 D B 45 10 30 30
Fire Ptg. Guardian Sword 114 114 100 45 10 30 30
Type Slash Weight 1.5 Upgrade 200 Rre Ptg. Guardian
152 152 100 45 10 31.5 30
Stability 30 Durability 100 Fire Ptg. Guardian
212 212 100 45 10 33 30
Acquired from Painting Guard (A) Chaos Ptg. Guardian
142 142 100 45 10 30 30 5C
Chaos Ptg. Guardian
177 177 100 45 10 33 30
45 10 30 30

Note Bleed build-up is 30 per strike, and once inflicted, does 30% of the enemy's total HP Q!)ELAAG'S FURYSWORD
Type Slash Weight 3.5 Upgrade 5000 + Demon Titanite

Stability 30 Durability 600

Painting Guardian Sword
Painting Guardian Acquired from Ascension on~
114 0 0 100 A 45 10 30 30 11 13 0 0
Painting Guardian
152 0 100 A 45 10 30 30
Painting Guardian 45 10 30 30
190 100 A 45 10 30 30
Crys. Ptg. Guardian
167 100 A 45 10 30 30
Crys. Ptg. Guardian
205 100 A 45 10 30 30
Sword+~ 5 ~~~------- Ouelaag's Furysword 60 180 100 B 45 10 30 30 5000
Ltng. Ptg. Guardian
152 152 100 45 10 30 30 500 Ouelaag's Furysword+S 90 270 100 B 45 10 30 30


Type Slash Weight 10 Upgrade 400
Curved Greatswords offer the same difference in range and at- Stability 36 Durability 140
tack power of normal Curved Swords, as Greatswords do over
Acquired from Blighttown/Quelaag's
Stra ight Swords. These weapons sti ll are predominantly slashing 24 13 0 0
Domain (1)
attack weapons, but each strike has a lot more weight behind it
for increased damage over normal Curved Swords. Because of the
60 10 40 40
attack angles, th ese weapons still have slightly less range than their
traditional Greatsword counterparts, but they are still faster, which Note Each attack absorbs 7 HP from the enemy
makes them effective against enemy groups.

General Attacks
Attack j Description Server+S 160 c 80
Weak Attack Diagonal slash that can be followed up by a 8eNer+10 214 0 100 c 80 10 40 40
...... ..... .... _ .. _ ....horizonta.l. slash with an additional input Seivef+15 --~---:2-:-
67:- 0 100 c 80 10 40 40
Strong Attack Dashing horizontal slash Crystal Server 235 100 c 80 10 40 40
Crystal Server+5 288 100 c 60 10 40 40
Ughtning Server 214 214 100 60 10 40 40 500
Roll+ Strong Attack No change
Ughtning Server.;;
29;;.4 299 100 60 10 40 40
Backstep +Weak Attack Jumping horizontal slash Raw Server 184 0 100 D D 80 10 40 40 5C
Backstep + Strong Attack No change Raw Server+5 246 100 D D 80 10 40 40

Direction +Weak Attack Kick

MagicSe!ver 120 130 o 100 c 60 10 40 40 5C
MagiC Server+5 160 174 0 0 100 c 60 10 40 40
Direction + Strong Attack Jumping horizontal slash Magic Server+ 1o c
..... .................. 200 217 0 100 80 10 40 40
No EnchantedSe!ver 180 172 100 c 80 10 40 40 5C
Enchanted Setver+5 192 199 100 E E, B 80 10 40 40
DMn8 Server 108 132 100 D E c 60 10 40 40 100
Divine Server+S 144 176 0 100 D c 80 10 40 40
OivineSetver+10 180 220 0 100 D E c 80 10 40 40
Occult Server 148 180 0 100 D c 80 10 40 40 100


Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction

Occult Server+5 192 200 0 0 100 D c 60 10 40 40 Magic Murakumo+ 10 60 10 40 40

RreServer 160 160 100 60 10 40 40 50 Enchanted Murakumo 170 180 100 c 60 10 40 40 50
Fire Server+5 214 214 0 100 60 10 42 40 Enchanted Murakumo+5 204 208 100 E A 60 10 40 40
Fire Server+ 10 299 299 100 60 10 44 40 Divine Murakumo 114 139 0 100 D C 60 10 40 40 100
Chaos Server 200 200 100 60 10 40 40 50 Divine Murakumo+5 152 186 100 D C 60 10 40 40
Chaos Server+5 250 250 100 60 10 44 40 Divine Murakurno-t 10 190 232 100 D C 60 10 40 40
Occult Murakumo 156 170 100 E D B 60 10 40 40 100
Occult Murakumo+5 202 212 0 0 100 D B 60 10 40 40
MURAKUMO RreMurakumo 169 169 0 100 60 10 40 40 50
Fire Murakumo+5 226 226 100 60 10 42 40
Type Slash Weight 12 Upgrade 400
Fire Murakumo+ 10 316 316 100 60 10 44 40
Stability 36 Durability 180 Chaos Murakumo 212 212 100 60 10 40 40 50
Chaos MurakurrK>+5 265 265 100 60 10 44 40
Acquired from Giant Skeleton Swordsmen 28 13 0 0
(A), G.S.S. (Grave King's servant) (A), G.S.S.
(when king not sealed) (A), G.S.S. (when
king not sealed) (A), Drop: Shiva of the East 60 10 40 40 GRAVELORD SWORD
Type Slash/Thrust Weight 10 Upgrade 5000 + Demon Titanite

Stability 36 Durability 600

Murakumo 113 0 100 E B 60 10 40 40 50 Acquired from Covenant: Gravelord
Murakumo+5 169 0 100 E 8 60 10 40 40
24 13 0 0
Murakumo+ 10 226 100 E 8 60 10 40 40
Murakumo-+15 282 0 0 100 E 8 60 10 40 40
60 10
Crystal Murakumo 248 100 B 60 10 40 40
Crystal MurakumcH5 305 100 8 60 10 40 40 Note Toxin build-up is 30 per hit, and once infected, Toxin does 5 damager per second for
Ughtning Murakumo 226 226 100 60 10 40 40 500 600 seconds. One and two-handed Strong Attacks are replaced by a thrust attack
Ughtning Murakumo+5 310 316 100 60 10 40 56
Attack Values
Raw Murakumo 195 0 100 D D 60 10 40 40 50
Raw Murakumo+5 260 0 0 0 100 D D 60 10 40 40 Souls
Magic Murakumo 127 138 0 0 100 E c 60 10 40 40 50 Gravelord SWord 255 100 E 60 10 40 40 100
Magic Murakumo-+5 170 184 0 0 100 c 60 10 40 40 Gravelord Sword+5 382 0 100 E 60 10 40 40

Type Slash/Thrust Weight 5 Upgrade 200
Katanas are one of the better all-round balanced weapons in the Stability 30 Durability 80
game, with a good combination of slash and thrust attacks. Their
Acquired from Shiva of the East 5000
range and speed also fall somewhere between Greatswords and Souls, Drop: Undead Merchant (male)
Straight Swords so they can be used effectively at all ranges. Be-
cause the blades on these weapons are so sharp, they are all also
45 10 30 30
capable of inflicting massive amounts of Bleed damage, so succes-
sive strikes can be deadly to any foe. The sharpness of their blades Note Bleed build-up is 33 per strike, and once inflicted, does 30% of the enemy's total HP
is also their main downfall, because they all have relatively low
Attack Values Porometer Bonus Damage Reduction
durability compared to other weapons, As long as you keep them
repaired, however, there is no situation they cannot be useful in .
Uchigatana 0 B 45 10
Uchigatana+5 135 0 100 B 45 10 30 30
Uchigatana+ 10 180 0 100 B 45 10 30 30
General Attacks
Uchigatana+ 15 225 0 100 B 45 10 30 30
Attack I Description Crystal Uchigatana 198 100 B 45 10 30 30
Crystal Uchigatana+5 243 100 B 45 10 30 30
Ughtning Uchtgatana 180 180 100 45 10 30 30 500
Strong Attack Dashing thrust Ughtning Uchigatana+S 247 252 100 45 10 30 42
Raw Uchigatana 156 100 D D 45 10 30 30 50
Raw Uchigatana+5 208 100 D D 45 10 30 30
Roll + Strong Attack No change
Magic Uchigatana 102 109 0 100 E C 45 10 30 30 50
Magic Uchigatana+5 136 146 0 100 c 45 10 30 30
Magic LJchigatana+ 10 170 182 100 c 45 10 30 30

Direction +Weak Attack Kick

Enchanted Uchigatana 136 144 100 c 45 10 30 30 50
Enchanted Uchigatana+S 163 167 100 8 45 10 30 30
Divine Uchigatana 91 111 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30 100
Divine Uchigatana+5 122 148 0 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30
Two-Handed Strong Attack Slow downward slash Div1ne Uch~atana 1o 152 185 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30
Occult Uchigatana 124 136 100 c 45 10 30 30 100
Occult Uchigatana+5 161 170 100 c 45 10 30 30
Fire Uchigatana 135 0 135 100 45 10 30 30 50
Fire Uchigatana+S 180 160 100 45 10 31.5 30
Fire Uchigatana+ 10 252 252 100 45 10 33 30
Chaos Uchigatana 168 168 100 45 10 30 30 50
Chaos Uchigatana+5 210 210 100 45 10 33 30


Type Slash/Thrust Weight 8 Upgrade 200 Type Slash Weight 6 Upgrade 5000 + Demon Titanite

Stability 30 Durability 60 Stability 30 Durability 120

Acquired from Shiva of the East Acquired from Ascension only

20000 Souls

45 10 30 30

Note One-handed Strong Attack IS replaced with a thrust. Bleed build-up is 30 per strike, Note One-handed Strong Attack is replaced by a dashing horizontal slash. Player loses 20
and once inflicted, does 30% of the enemy's total HP HP with every successful hit. Bleed build-up is 36 per strike, and once inflicted, does 30%
of the enemy's total HP

Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction

Washing Pole Souls
Washing Pole+S 135 0 100 D 45 10 30 30 Chaos Blade 133 0 100 8 45 10 30 30 1000
Washing Pole+ 1o 180 100 D D 45 10 30 30 Chaos Blade+5 199 0 0 100 8 45 10 30 30
Washing Pole+ 15 225 0 0 100 D D 45 10 30 30
Crystal Washing Pole 198 100 D D 45 10 30 30
Crystal Washing Pole+5 243 100 D D 45 10 30 30
Ughtning Washing Pole 180 0 0 180 100 45 10 30 30 500
Lightning Washing Pole+5 247 0 252 100 45 10 30 42
Raw Washing Pole 156 100 D D 45 10 30 30 50
Raw Washing Pole+S 208 100 D D 45 10 30 30
Magic Washing Pole 102 109 100 E C 45 10 30 30 50
Magic Washing Pole+S 136 146 100 E C 45 10 30 30
Magic Washing Pole+ 10 170 182 100 E E C 45 10 30 30
Enchanted Washing Pole 136 144 100 c 45 10 30 30 50
Enchanted Washing
163 167 0 0 100 B 45 10 30 30
Divine Washing Pole 91 111 100 D c 45 10 30 30 100
Divine Washing Pole+5 122 148 0 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30
Divine WaShing Pole+ 10 152 185 0 0 100 0 c 45 10 30 30
Occult Washing Pole 124 136 100 D c 45 10 30 30 100
Occult Washing Pole+5 161 170 100 0 c 45 10 30 30
Fire Washing Pole 135 0 135 0 100 45 10 30 30 50
Fire Washing Pole+5 180 0 180 0 100 45 10 31.5 30
Fire Washing Pole+ 10 252 252 100 45 10 33 30
Chaos Washing Pole 168 168 100 45 10 30 30 50
Chaos Washing Pole+5 210 210 100 45 10 33 30

Type Slash Weight 5 Upgrade 200

Stability 30 Durability 80

Acquired from Blighttown!Ouelaag's

Domain (1)

45 10 30 30

Note One-handed and two-handed Strong Attack is replaced by a dashing horizontal slash.
Bleed build-up is 33 per strike, and once inflicted, does 30% of the enemy's total HP

Attack Values

taito 88 0 0 0 100
taito+5 132 0 0 100 45 10 30 30
laito+10 176 0 0 100 45 10 30 30
laito+15 220 0 0 100 45 10 30 30
Crystallaito 193 0 100 45 10 30 30
Crystal laito+S 237 0 100 45 10 30 30
Lightning laito 176 0 176 100 45 10 30 30 500
Ughtning laito+5 242 0 0 246 100 45 10 30 42
Raw laito 151 0 0 100 D D 45 10 30 30 50
Raw laito+S 202 0 100 D D 45 10 30 30
Magic laito 99 108 0 0 100 E E C 45 10 30 30 50
Magic laito+S 132 144 0 0 100 c 45 10 30 30
Magic Ia itO+ 10 165 180 0 100 c 45 10 30 30
Enchanted laito 132 140 0 100 c 45 10 30 30 50
Enchanted laito+S 158 162 100 E E B 45 10 30 30
DMne laito 88 109 100 0 E c 45 10 30 30 100
Divine laito+5 118 146 0 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30
Divine laito+ 10 147 182 0 0 100 0 c 45 10 30 30
Occult !aito 120 132 0 0 100 c 45 10 30 30 100
Occult laito+5 156 165 100 c 45 10 30 30
Fire laito 132 0 132 100 45 10 30 30 50
Fire Jaito+5 176 0 176 0 100 45 10 31.5 30
Fire laito+ 10 246 0 246 0 100 45 10 33 30
Chaos laito 166 166 0 100 45 10 30 30 50
Chaos laito+5 207 207 100 45 10 33 30


Thrusting Swords, like Curved Swords, focus on predominantly one Type Thrust Weight 1.5 Upgrade 200
type of damage, and forgo the balance of normal swords to excel Stability 22 Durability 150
in one specific field . They are the ideal weapons for getting through
Acquired from Undead Merchant (male)
the heavy armor or scales of an enemy, and their unique attack
600 Souls, Elite Undead Guard (Rapier) (A)
motion allows for very rapid attacks. While the pinpoint precision of
the strikes with these weapons make them very effective against
45 10 30 30
armor. it does also bring with it some inherent weaknesses. The im-
pact area of the strikes is very small, which means that attacks can Note One and two-handed Strong Attack is replaced by a long range thrust
often be easily evaded or blocked with a shield. To get the most out
Attack Values Parameter Bonus
of these weapons, they should be used with a counter-hitting style
that tries to interrupt an opponent's attack once it has begun.
Rapier 73 0 0 110 0 c
Aapier+S 109 0 0 110 D C 45 10 30 30
Rapier+10 146 0 110 D C 45 10 30 30
Aapier+15 182 110 D C 45 10 30 30
General Attacks 160 110 D C 45 10 30 30
Cf'JStal Rapier
Attack I Description Crystal Rapier+S 197 1 tO D C 45 10 30 30
Quick advancing thrust that can be followed up by Ughtrnng Rapier 146 0 146 110 45 10 30 30 500
Weak Attack Ughtning Rapier+S 200 0 204 110 45 10 30 42
additional inputs
Raw Rapier 126 0 110 D D 45 10 30 30 50
Strong Attack Slow advancing thrust
Raw Rapier+5 168 110 D D 45 10 30 30
Magic Rapier 82 88 110 E E C 45 10 30 30 50
Roll + Strong Attack No change Magic Rapier+S 110 118 0 110 E C 45 10 30 30
Backstep +Weak Attack Dashing thrust MagicRapier+10 137 147 110 E E C 45 10 30 30

Backstep + Strong Attack No change

Enchanted Rapier 110 116 110 c 45 10 30 30 50
Enchanted Rapier+5 132 134 110 B 45 10 30 30
Direction +Weak Attack Quick thrust followed up by a backstep Divine Rapier 73 90 0 110 D C 45 10 30 30 100
Direction + Strong Attack Jumping thrust Divine Rapier+5 98 120 0 110 D C 45 10 30 30
DMne Rapter+ 10 122 150 0 110 D E C 45 10 30 30
Occutt Rapier 100 100 110 D C 45 10 30 30 100
Occult Rapief'+S 130 137 110 D c 45 10 30 30
Fire Rapier 109 0 109 110 45 10 30 30 50
Fire Rapier+5 146 146 110 45 10 31.5 30
Fire Rapier+ 10 204 204 110 45 10 33 30
MAlL BREAKER Chaos Rapier 136 136 110 45 10 30 30 50
Chaos Rapier+S 170 170 110 45 10 33 30
Type Thrust Weight 0.5 Upgrade 100

Stability 22 Durability 200

Acquired from Undead Burg/Undead ESTOC

5 12 0 0
Parish (1)
Type Reg.!Tltrust Weight 3 Upgrade 200

Stability 22 Durability 150

45 10 30 30
Acquired from Valley of Drakes/New
Londo Ruins (1)

Mail Breaker 45 10 30 30
Mail Breaker+5 120 c 45 10 30 30
Mail Breaker+ 10 114 120 c 45 10 30 30 Note One and two-handed Strong Attack is replaced by a horizontal slash
Mail Breaker+ 15 142 0 120 D c 45 10 30 30
Attack Values
Crystal Mail Breaker 125 120 D c 45 10 30 30
Crystal Mail Breaker+S 153 0 120 D c 45 10 30 30
Lightning Mail Breaker 114 0 114 120 45 10 30 30 500 Estoc 45
Lightning Mail Breaker+S 156 159 120 45 10 30 42 Estcx::+S 112 0 100 D 45 10 30 30
Raw Mail Breaker 99 0 120 D D 45 10 30 30 50 Estoc+ 10 150 0 100 D C 45 10 30 30
Raw Mall Breaker+S 132 120 D D 45 10 30 30 Estoc+15 187 0 100 D C 45 10 30 30
Magic Mail Breaker 64 69 0 120 E E c 45 10 30 30 50 Crystal Estoc 165 100 D C 45 10 30 30
Magic Mail Braaker+S 86 92 0 120 E c 45 10 30 30 Crystal Estoc+S 202 100 D C 45 10 30 30
Magic Mail Breaker+10 107 115 120 c 45 10 30 30 Lightning Estoc 150 150 100 45 10 30 30 500
Enchanted Mail Breaker 86 92 120 c 45 10 30 30 50 Ughtning Estoc+5 206 0 0 206 100 45 10 30 42
Enchanted Mail
103 106 120 B 45 10 30 30
Raw Estoc 129 100 D D 45 10 30 30 50
Raw Estoc+S 172 0 0 100 D D 45 10 30 30
Divine Mail Breaker 57 70 0 120 D c 45 10 30 30 100
Magic Estoc 84 91 0 100 E E C 45 10 30 30 50
DMne Man Breaker+S 76 94 0 120 D c 45 10 30 30
Magic Estoc+S 112 122 0 100 E C 45 10 30 30
Divine Mail Breaker+ 10 95 117 0 120 D c 45 10 30 30
Magic Estoc+ 10 140 152 0 0 100 E C 45 10 30 30
Occult Mail Breaker 78 86 0 120 D c 45 10 30 30 100
Enchanted Estoc 112 120 100 c 45 10 30 30 50
Occult Mail8reaker+5 101 107 0 0 120 D c 45 10 30 30
Enchanted Estoc+S 134 139 100 8 45 10 30 30
Fire Ma11 Breaker 85 0 85 0 120 45 10 30 30 50
DivineEstoc 76 93 0 100 D C 45 10 30 30 100
Fire Mail Breaker+S 114 0 114 0 120 45 10 31.5 30
Divine Estoc+S 102 124 100 D C 45 10 30 30
Fire Mail Breaker+ 10 159 159 0 120 45 10 33 30
Divine Estoc+10 127 155 0 100 D C 45 10 30 30
Chaos Mail Breaker 106 0 106 120 45 10 30 30 50
Occult Estoc 104 112 0 0 100 D C 45 10 30 30 100
Chaos Mail Breaker+S 132 0 132 120 45 10 33 30
Occult Estoc+5 135 140 100 D C 45 10 30 30
Fire Estoc 112 112 0 100 45 10 30 30 50
Fire Estoc+S 150 150 0 100 45 10 31.5 30
Fire Estoc+10 210 210 100 45 10 33 30
Chaos Estoc 140 140 100 45 10 30 30 50
Chaos Estoc+S 175 0 175 0 100 45 10 33 30


Type Reg.ffhrust Weight 2 Upgrade 2000 + Twinkling Titanite Ricard's Rapier 70 0 100 B 45 10 30 30
Stability 22 Durability 130 Ricard's Rapier+5 105 0 0 100 B 45 10 30 30
Ricard'sRapier+10 140 0 0 100 8 45 10 30 30
Acquired from Painted World Of Ariamis 8 16 16 0 Ricard's Rapier+ 15 175 0 100 8 45 10 30 30
Crystal Ricard 's Rapier 154 o 100 8 45 10 30 30
Crystal Ricard's Rapier+5 189 0 100 8 45 10 30 30
45 10 30 30 Ughtning Ricard's Rapier 140 140 tOO 45 10 30 30 500
Ughtning Ricard's
192 196 100 45 10 30 42
Note One and two-handed Strong Attack is replaced by a double vertical slash that can be Rapl9f+5
followed up with a lunging thrust by an additional input Raw Ricard's Rapier 121 100 D D 45 10 30 30 50
Raw Ricard's Aapier+S 162 100 D D 45 10 30 30
Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction
Ma9oc Ricard's Rapier 79 85 0 100 c 45 10 30 30 50
MagiC Ricard's Rapier+5 106 114 0 100 E c 45 10 30 30
Velka 's Rapier 60 97 100 E Magic Ricard's Rapier+ to 132 142 0 100 E c 45 10 30 30
Velka's Rapier+S 90 145 100 E c B EnchantedAicard'sRapier 106 112 0 100 c 45 10 30 30 50
Enchanted Ricard's
127 129 100 B 45 tO 30 30
RICARD 'S RAPIER DMne Ricard's Rapief 70 87 0 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30 tOO
DivineRicard'sRapief+5 94 116 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30
Type Thrust Weight 2 Upgrade 200 OivineRteard'sRap~er+10 117 145 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30

Stability 22 Durability 100 Occult Ricard's Rapier 96 106 100 D c 45 10 30 30 100

Occult Ricard's Rapier+5 124 132 100 D c 45 tO 30 30
Acquired from Drop: Undead Prince 8 20 0 0 Rre Ricard's Rapier 105 0 105 100 45 tO 30 30 50
Ricard Rre Ricard's Rapier+S 140 0 140 100 45 tO 31.5 30
Rre Ricard's Rapier+ 10 196 196 100 45 tO 33 30
45 10 30 30 Chaos Ricard's Rapier 132 132 100 45 tO 30 30 50
Chaos Ricard's Rap1er+5 165 165 100 45 tO 33 30
Note One and two-handed Strong Attack is replaced by a quick double thrust that can be
followed up with a flury of thrusts by an additional input


Axes are a group of weapons designed for use in one-hand, where Type Regular Weight 2 Upgrade 200
the wielder puts al l of their effort behind single, hard-hitting attacks. Stability 36 Durability 250
Most Axe attacks have a very wide horizontal arc, making them
Acquired from Pyromancer (default),
very effective at dealing with sidestepping opponents or groups of
Undead Merchant (male) 450 Souls
enemies. They do, however, tend to be quite small weapons so they
do not have much reach, Th is means you have to get very close to
your opponent when using one.
Note Weak attack replaced by a quick horizontal swing that can be followed up by
General Attacks additional inputs

Attack j Description Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction

Weak Attack Horizontal swing Souls
Strong Attack Slow downward swmg Hand i>o<e 50
Hand Axe+5 120 100 C D 55 tO 40 40
Roll +Weak Attack
Hand Axe+10 160 100 C D 55 tO 40 40
Roll + Strong Attack No change HandAxe+15 200 100 C D 55 10 40 40
Backstep +Weak Attack Dashing diagonal swmg Crystal Hand Axe 176 100 C D 55 10 40 40
Backstep + Strong Attack No change Crystal Hand Axe+S 2t6 100 C D 55 tO 40 40
Ughtnw.g Hand i>o<e 160 160 tOO 55 10 40 40 500
Direction +Weak Attack Kick
Lightn1ng Hand Axe+S 220 224 tOO 55 10 40 56
Direction+ Strong Attack Jumping downward swing Raw Hand Axe 138 0 tOO D D 55 tO 40 40 50
Raw Hand Axe+S 184 0 100 D D 55 10 40 40
Magic Hand Axe 90 97 0 100 C 55 tO 40 40 50
Magic Hand Axe+S 120 130 100 c 55 tO 40 40
Magic Hand Axe+ 10 150 162 0 100 c 55 10 40 40
Enchanted Hand Axe t20 t28 0 100 c 55 tO 40 40 50
Enchanted Hand Axe+5 144 148 tOO B 55 10 40 40
Divine Hand Axe 8t 99 0 tOO D C 55 10 40 40 100
Divine Hand Axe+5 tOB 132 0 100 D C 55 10 40 40
Divine Hand Axe+ 10 t35 165 100 D C 55 tO 40 40
Occult Hand Axe 110 120 0 0 100 D C 55 10 40 40 tOO
Occult Hand Axe+S t43 150 0 0 100 D c 55 tO 40 40
RreHandAxe 120 0 120 0 100 55 10 40 40 50
Rre Hand Axe+S 160 160 0 100 55 tO 42 40
Fire Hand Axe+ 1o 224 224 0 100 55 10 44 40
Chaos Hand k<.e 150 t50 tOO 55 10 40 40 50
Chaos Hand Axe+5 t87 0 187 100 55 10 44 40


Attack Values
Type Regular Weight 4 Upgrade 200 Magic Butcher Knife 55 10 40 40 50
Durability 250 Magic Butcher Knife+S 136 146 100 c 55 10 40 40
Magic Butcher Knife+ 1o 170 182 100 c 55 tO 40 40
Acquired from Bandit (default), Andre 12 8 0 0 Enchantecl Butcher Knife 136 144 0 100 c 55 10 40 40 50
of Astora 1000 Souls, Armored Zombie Enchanted Butcher
163 167 100 8 55 10 40 40
(Axe) (A) Knife+S

Divine Butcher Knife 91 111 0 100 D E c 55 10 40 40 100
Divine Butcher Knife+5 122 148 0 0 100 D E c 55 10 40 40
Divine Butcher Krute+ 10 152 185 0 100 D c 55 10 40 40
Occult Butcher Knife 124 136 100 D c 55 10 40 40 100

Battle Axe
Occult Butcher Knife+5 161 170 100 D c 55 10 40 40

55 10 40 40 Fire Butcher Knife 135 0 135 100 55 10 40 40 50

BattleAxe+5 142 0 100 C D
Fire Butcher Knife+5 180 180 100 55 10 42 40
BattleAxe+10 190 0 100 C D 55 10 40 40
Fire Butchef' Knife+ 10 252 252 100 55 10 44 40
BattJeAxe+15 237 0 100 C D 55 10 40 40
Chaos Butcher Knife 168 168 100 55 10 40 40 50
Crystal Battle Axe 209 0 100 C D 55 10 40 40
Chaos Butcher Knife+5 210 210 100 55 10 44 40
Crystal Battle Axe+S 256 100 C D 55 10 40 40
Ughtning Battle Axe 190 190 100 55 10 40 66 500
55 10 40 40
Ughtning Battle Axe+S 261 266 100
Raw Battlek<e 163 0 0 100 D D 55 10 40 40 50
Raw Battle Axe+S 95 218 0 100 D D 55 10 40 40 Type Regular Weight 16 Upgrade 5000 + Demon Titanite
Magic Battle Axe 106 115 0 100 c 55 10 40 40 50
Stability 36 Durability 600
Magic Battle Axe+5 142 154 0 0 100 c 55 10 40 40
Magic Battle Axe+ 10 177 192 0 100 c 55 10 40 40 Acquired from Ascension only 36 8 0 0
Enchanted Battle Axe 142 152 100 c 55 10 40 40 50
Enchanted Battle Axe+S 170 176 100 B 55 10 40 40
Divine Battle Axe 96 117 100 D c 55 10 40 40 100 55 10 40 40
Divine Battle Axe+S 128 156 0 100 D c 55 10 40 40
Note One-handed strong attack is replaced by an area of effect wind sphere that does
Divine Battle Axe+ 1o 160 195 0 100 D c 55 10 40 40
Magic damage
Occult Battle Axe 130 142 100 D c 55 10 40 40 100
Occult Battle Axe+5 169 177 100 D c 55 10 40 40 Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction
Fire Battle Axe 142 0 142 100 55 10 40 40 50 Frampt
Fire Battle Axe+S 190 190 0 100 55 10 42 40
GolemAxe 155 100 c 55 10 40 40 100
Fire Battle Axe+ 10 268 266 100 55 10 44 40
GolemAxe+5 232 100 c 55 10 40 40
Chaos Battle Al.e 178 178 100 55 10 40 40 50
Chaos Battle Axe+S 222 0 222 100 55 10 44 40
Type Regular Weight S Upgrade 200
CRESCENT AxE Stability 36 Durability 150
Type Regular Weight 7 Upgrade 2000 + Twinkling Titanite Acquired from Bell Gargoyle (fail) (M), 14 14 0 0
Stability 36 Durability 180 Gargoyle (fail) (M)

Acquired from Patches 10000 Sculs, 18 12 0 16 55 10 40 40

Drop: Patches
Note Small increase to Poison, Toxin and Bleed buil-up upon initial equip. Provides 100%
55 10 40 40 additional resistance to Bleed and Poison

Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction

Crescent Axe 115 115 0 100 D D 8 55 10 40 40 100 Gargoyle Tail Axe 93 100 D C 55 10 40 40 50
Crescent Axe+S 172 172 0 100 D D 8 55 10 40 40 Gargoyle Tail Axe+5 139 0 100 D C 55 10 40 40
Gargoyle Tail Axe+ 10 188 100 D C 55 10 40 40
Gargoyle Tail Axe+15 232 100 D C 55 10 40 40
Crystal Gargoyle Tail Axe 204 100 D c 55 10 40 40
BUTCHER KNIFE Crystal Gargoyle Tail
251 100 D c 55 10 40 40
Type Regular Weight 10 Upgrade 200 Ughtmng Gargoyle
186 168 100 55 10 40 40 500
Tail Axe
Stability 36 Durability 250 Ling. Gargoyle Tail Axe+5 255 0 260 100 55 10 40 56
Raw Gargoyle Tail Axe 160 100 D D 55 10 40 40 50
Acquired from Drop: Maneater Mildred
Raw Gargoyle Tail Axe+5 214 100 D D 55 10 40 40
Magic Gargoyle Tail Axe 105 114 0 100 E c 55 10 40 40 50
Magic Gargoyie Tail
55 10 40 40 J\xe+5
140 152 0 100 E c 55 10 40 40
Magic Gargoyle Tall
175 190 100 E c 55 10 40 40
Note Each attack absorbs 5 HP form the enemy. Strong Attack is replaced wrth a jumping
Enchanted Gargoyle
diagonal swing Tail Axe
140 148 100 c 55 10 40 40 50

Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction Ench.GargoyleTaiiAxe+S 168 171 0 0 100 B 55 10 40 40
Divine Gargoyle Tail Axe 94 115 0 0 100 D E c 55 10 40 40 100
Divine Gargoyle Twl
Butcher Knife Axe+S
126 154 100 D c 55 10 40 40
Divine Gargoyle Ta;l
Butcher Knife+S 135 0 100 55 10 40 40 Axe+10
157 192 0 100 D c 55 10 40 40
Butcher Knife+ 10 180 0 0 100 8 55 10 40 40 Occult Gargoyle Tail k<e 128 140 100 D c 55 10 40 40 100
Butcher Knife+ 15 225 0 0 100 8 55 10 40 40 Occult Gargoyle Tail
Crystal Butcher Knife 198 k<e+S
166 175 100 c c 55 10 40 40
100 B 55 10 40 40
Crystal Butcher Knne+5 243 Fire Gargoyle Tail kJ.e 139 0 139 100 55 10 40 40 50
100 B 55 10 40 40
Ughtn1119 Butcher Knife 180 Rre Gargoyle Tail Axe+S 186 188 0 100 55 10 42 40
180 100 55 10 40 40 500
Ughtning Butcher Knife+5 24 7 o Rre Gargoyle Tail Axe+ 10 260 260 0 100 55 10 44 40
252 100 55 10 40 56
Chaos Gargoyle Tail Axe 174 174 100 55 10 40 40 50
Raw Butcher Knife 156 o 100 D D 55 10 40 40 50
Chaos Gargoyle Tail
Raw Butcher Knife+5 208 0 0 100 D D 55 10 40 40 217 217 0 100 55 10 44 40


Type Regular Weight 22 Upgrade 800
Greataxes are among some of the heaviest weapons in the game, Stability 38 Durability 600
and because of that, they also have some of the highest strength
Acquired from Shiva ol the East 10000
requirements in order to wield them. Each swing with these mam-
Souls, Taurus Demon (B), Taurus Demon
moth weapons wil l require large amounts of stamina, even when (Seven Heroes) (B)
they are used wi th both hands, but this power also makes them
difficult for opponents to block. Should your attack miss, however,
you will be left extremely open to a counterattack, making the cor- Note One-handed Strong Attack replaced with a large radius horizontal swing. Two-handed
rect timing of your attacks extremely important. Their arc is also not Strong Attack replaced by a slow vertical swing
generally as wide as a normal Axe, focusing instead on generating Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction
the maximum force possible in the area they do cover.
Demon's Greataxe
Demon's Greataxe+S 171 0 0 100 55 10
General Attacks Demon's Greataxe+ 10 228 0 100 A 55 10 40 40

Attack IDescription Demon's Greataxe+ 15 285 0 100 A 55 10 40 40

Crystal Demon's Greataxe 250 0 100 A 55 10 40 40
Crystal Demon's
307 100 A 55 10 40 40
Strong Attack Slow diagonal swing Greataxe+5
Lightning Demon's 55 10 40 40 500
228 0 228 100
Ltng. Demon's 55 10 40 56
Roll + Strong Attack No change 313 319 100
Backstep +Weak Attack Dashing diagonal swing Raw Demon's Greataxe 196 100 D D 55 10 40 40 50
Raw Demon's Greataxe+5 262 100 D D 55 10 40 40
Backstep + Strong Attack No change
Magic Demon's Greataxe 129 139 0 0 100 E D 8 5S 10 40 40 50
Direction +Weak Attack Kick Magic Demon's
172 186 0 0 100 D 8 55 10 40 40
Direction + Strong Attack Jumping downward swing
Magic Demon's 55 10 40 40
215 232 0 0 100 D 8
Greataxe+ 10
Enchanted Demon's 55 10 40 40
172 182 100 8 50
Ench. Demon's 55 10 40 40
206 211 0 0 100 A
OMne Demon's Greataxe 115 141 0 100 D E 8 55 10 40 40 100
Divine Demon's
E 8 55 10 40 40
154 188 0 100 D
Divine Demon's 8 55 10 40 40
192 235 0 0 100 D
Type Regular Weight 14 Upgrade 800 Greataxe+ 10
Occult Demon's Greataxe 156 172 0 100 D A 55 10 40 40 100
Stability 38 Durability 230 Occult Demon's
202 215 100 D A 55 10 40 40
Acquired from Crestfallen Merchant 8000 171 55 10 40 40 50
Are Demon's Greataxe 171 100
Souls, Heavy Knight (Mace) (A), Heavy
Fire Demon's Greataxe+S 228 228 100 55 10 42 40
Knight (Sword) (A). Depths (1)
Fire Demon's
319 319 100 55 10 44 40
Greataxe+ 10
Chaos Demon'sGreataxe 214 0 214 0 100 55 10 40 40 50
Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction Chaos Demon's
267 0 267 0 100 55 10 44 40
Frampt Greataxe+5
Greataxe 140 0 100 c 55 10 40 40 50
Greataxe+5 210 0 100 c 55 10 40 40
Greataxe+10 280 0 100 c 55 10 40 40 Type Regular Weight 24 Upgrade 10000 + Dragon Scale
Greataxe+ 15 350 100 c 55 10 40 40
Stability 38 Durability 400
Crystal Greataxe 308 100 c 55 10 40 40
Crystal Greataxe+S 378 0 100 c 55 10 40 40 Acquired from Gaping Dragon (Tail) (M) 50 8 0 0
Ughtning Greataxe 280 280 100 55 10 40 40 500
Ughtning Greataxe+S 385 392 100 55 10 40 56
Raw Greataxe 24 1 100 D D 55 10 40 40 50 55 10 40 40
Raw Greataxe+S 322 0 100 D D 55 10 40 40
Magic Greataxe 157 171 100 E E C 55 10 40 40 50 Note Raises Fire and Magic Defence by 20 points. Two-handed Strong Attack is replaced
Magic Greataxe+5 210 228 100 E E C 55 10 40 40 by a very large area of effect Magic attack around the wielder
Magic Greataxe+ 10 262 285 100 E E C 55 10 40 40
Enchanted Greataxe 210 224 100 c 55 10 40 40 50
Enchanted Greataxe+5 252 259 0 0 100 8 55 10 40 40
Divine Greataxe 142 174 0 0 100 D c 55 10 40 40 100 Dragon King Greataxe 360 100 55 10 40 40 5000
Dragon King Greataxe+5 540 100 55 10 40 40
Divine Greataxe+S 190 232 0 100 D c 55 10 40 40
Divine Greataxe+ 10 237 290 0 100 D c 55 10 40 40
Occul1 Greataxe 192 210 100 E c 55 10 40 40 100 BLACK KNIGHT GREATAXE
Occult Greataxe+5 249 262 100 c 55 10 40 40
Are Greataxe 210 0 210 100
Type Regular Weight 16 Upgrade 2000 +Twinkling Titanite
55 10 40 40 50
Fire Greataxe+S 280 280 100 55 10 42 40 Stability 38 Durability 300
Fire Greataxe+ 10 392 392 100 55 10 44 40
Acquired from Black Knight (Axe) (C) 36 18
Chaos Greatax:e 262 262 100 55 10 40 40 50 0 0
Chaos Greataxe+S 327 327 0 100 55 10 44 40

55 10 40 40

Note One-handed Weak Attack replaced by a horiztonal swing that can be followed up with
additional inputs. One-handed Strong Attack replace by a jumping downward swing. Two-
handed Weak Attack replaced by a diagonal swing that can be followed up with additional
inputs. Two-handed Strong Attack replaced with a delayed upward swing

Attack Values
Black Knight Greataxe 213 0 100 8 55 10 40 40 100
Black Knight Greataxe+5 319 0 100 8 55 10 40 40
Type Strike Weight 4 Upgrade 200
Hammers are an interesting group of weapons in that they are Stability 30 Durability 250
almost evenly split between Strike types, and types thatThrust.
Acquired from Cleric (default),
Both share similar attack animations with Axes and Greataxes, and Patches 3000 Souls, Catacombs (1)
their general usage are similar too. These weapons are designed for
single hit damage rather than a quick succession of hits. This means 45 10 30 30
their attacks are often quite labored and slow. Should your attack
connect. however, it is quite likely to stagger your foe long enough Note One and two-handed Strong attack is replaced by a slow downward swing
to land another hit. The sheer force of the blows also makes them
very effective against highly defensive opponents, because it will
not take long to break their guard .
Mace 91 0 100 B 45 10 30 30
Mace+5 136 0 100 B 45 10 30 30
Mace+10 182 0 100 B 45 10 30 30
General Attacks Mace+15 227 0 100 B 45 10 30 30
Attack IDescription Crystal Mace 200 0 100 B 45 10 30 30
Crystal Mace+5 245 0 0 100 B 45 10 30 30
Ughtning Mace 182 0 0 182 100 45 10 30 30 500
Strong Attack
-~-~-~~-i~-~--~?~.~-~~r~--~-~~~~--- . Ughtning Mace+S 250 0 0 254 100 45 10 30 42
Roll+ Weak Attack No change Raw Mace 157 0 100 D D 45 10 30 30 50
Roll+ Strong Attack No change Raw Mace+5 210 0 100 D D 45 10 30 30

Backstep +Weak Attack Dashing diagonal sw1ng

Magic Mace 102 111 100 c 45 10 30 30 50
......... ......... . Magic Mace+5 136 148 100 c 45 10 30 30
Backstep +Strong Attack No change 170 185 100 c 45 10 30 30
Magic Mace+ 10
Direction +Weak Attack Kick Enchanted Mace 136 146 100 c 45 10 30 30 50
Direction + Strong Attack No change Enchanted Mace+5 163 169 100 B 45 10 30 30
. ................... . 91 112 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30 100
Divine Mace
Two-Handed Weak Attack No change
Divine Mace+S 122 150 100 D c 45 10 30 30
Two-Handed Strong Attack No change Divine Mace+10 152 187 100 D c 45 10 30 30
Occult Mace 126 136 100 D c 45 10 30 30 100
Occult Mace+5 163 170 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30
CLUB Fire Mace 136 0 136 100 45 10 30 30 50
Type Strike Weight 3 Upgrade 200 RreMace+5 182 182 100 45 10 31.5 30
Fire Mace+10 254 0 254 100 45 10 33 30
Durability 250
Chaos Mace 170 170 100 45 10 30 30 50
Acquired from Deprived (default), Chaos Mace+5 212 212 100 45 10 33 30
Undead Merchant (male) 150 Souls

45 10 30 30 MORNING STAR
Type Strike Weight 4 Upgrade 200

Stability 30 Durability 180

Club 87 100 A 45 10 30 30 50
Acquired fro m Firelink Shrine (1)
Club+S 130 100 A 45 10 30 30 11 0 0 0
Club+10 174 100 A 45 10 30 30
CJub+15 217 100 A 45 10 30 :m
Crystal Club 191 100 A 45 10 30 30
Crystal Club+S 234 100 A 45 10 30 30 Note Bleed build-up is 33 per strike, and once inflicted, does 30% of the enemy's total HP.
Lightning Club 174 0 174 100 45 10 30 30 500 One and two-handed Strong attack is replaced by a slow downward swing
Lightning Club+5 239 0 243 100 45 10 30 42
Raw Club 150 0 100 D D 45 10 30 30 50
Raw Club+S 200 100 D D 45 10 30 30
Magic Club 97 106 100 E C 45 10 30 30 50 Morning Star 63 0 100 c 45 10 30 30
MagicCiub+5 130 142 100 c 45 10 30 30 Morning Star+5 124 0 0 100 c 45 10 30 30
MagiC Club+ 10 162 177 100 E c 45 10 30 30 Morning Star+10 166 0 0 100 c 45 10 30 30
Enchanted Club 130 140 100 c 45 10 30 30 50 Morning Star+15 207 0 100 c 45 10 30 30
Enchanted Club+5 156 162 100 A 45 10 30 30 Crystal Morning Star 182 0 100 c 45 10 30 30
Divine Club 88 106 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30 100 Crystal Morning Star+5 224 0 100 c 45 10 30 30
Divine Club+S 118 144 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30 Ughtning Morning Star 166 166 100 45 10 30 30 500
Divine Club+ 10 147 180 100 D c 45 10 30 30 Ughtning Morning Star+5 228 232 100 45 10 30 42
Occult Club 120 130 0 100 D B 45 10 30 30 100 Raw Morning Star 142 0 100 D D 45 10 30 30 50
Occult Club+5 156 162 0 100 D B 45 10 30 30 Raw Morning Star+S 190 0 0 100 D D 45 10 30 30
Fire Club 130 0 130 0 100 45 10 30 30 50 Magic Morning Star 93 100 0 100 c 45 10 30 30 50
Fire Club+5 174 174 100 45 10 31.5 30 Magic Morning Stat+5 124 134 0 0 100 c 45 10 30 30
FtreCiub+10 243 0 243 100 45 10 33 30 MagiC Morning Star+10 155 167 0 0 100 c 45 10 30 30
Chaos Club 164 164 100 45 10 30 30 Erchanted Morn1ng Star 124 132 0 100 c 45 10 30 30 5(J
Chaos Club+S 205 205 0 100 45 10 33 30 Enchanted Morning
148 153 100 c 45 10 30 30
Divine Morning Star 84 102 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30 100
Divine Momng Star+5 112 136 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30
Divine Morning Star+10 140 170 100 D c 45 10 30 30
Occult Morning Star 114 124 0 100 E c 45 10 30 30 100
Occu~ Morning Star+S 148 155 0 100 E c 45 10 30 30
Fire Morning Star 124 124 100 45 10 30 30 50
Fire Morning Star+5 166 166 100 45 10 31.5 30
Fire Morning Star+ 10 232 232 0 100 45 10 33 30
Chaos Morning Star 156 156 100 45 10 30 30 50
Chaos Morning Star +5 195 0 195 100 45 10 33 30


Type Thrust Weight 3.S Upgrade 200 Type Strike Weight 4 Upgrade 200

Stability 30 Durability 220 Stability 30 Durability 100

Acquired from Andre of Astora 800 Souls Acquired from Undead Merchant (male)
11 10 0 0 12 0 0 0
3SO Souls

4S 10 30 30 4S 10 30 30

Note One and two-handed Strong Attack is replaced with a wide horizontal swing Note Bleed build-up is 30 per strike, and once inflicted, does 30% of the enemy's total HP

Warpick 9i 0 100 C D 45 10 30 30 50 Reinforced Club

Warpick+5 i36 0 0 iOO C D 45 10 30 30 Reinforced Ctub+5 iOO 30
Warpick+10 i82 0 iOO c D 45 10 30 30 Reinforced Club+ 10 194 0 100 c 45 iO 30 30
Warpick+15 227 0 iOO c D 45 10 30 30 Reinforced Club+ 15 242 0 100 c 45 iO 30 30
CrystaJWarp<ek 200 100 c D 45 iO 30 30 Crystal Reinforced Club 213 100 c 45 iO 30 30
Crystal Warpick+S 245 iOO c D 45 10 30 30 Crystal Reinforced Club+S 261 100 c 45 iO 30 30
Lightning Warpick i82 182 100 45 iO 30 30 500 Lightning Reinforced Club 194 194 iOO 45 10 30 30 500
Lightning Warpick+5 250 254 iOO 45 10 30 42 Ughtning Reinforced
266 0 0 271 100 45 10 30 42
AawWarpick i57 100 D D 45 iO 30 30 50
Raw Reinforced Club i68 100 D D 45 iO 30 30 50
RawWarpick+5 2i0 100 D D 45 iO 30 30
Raw Reinforced Club+5 224 100 D D 45 iO 30 30
Magic Warpick i02 iii 100 E c 45 iO 30 30 50
Magic Reinforced Club 109 118 100 E E c 45 iO 30 30 50
Magic Warpick+S i36 i48 iOO E c 45 iO 30 30
MagiC Reinforced Club+S 146 158 iOO c 45 10 30 30
Magic Warpick+ 10 i70 i85 100 E c 45 iO 30 30 MagiC Reinforced
Enchanted Warpick i36 i46 100 c 45 10 30 30 50 Club+10
182 i97 iOO c 45 10 30 30
Enchanted Reinforced
Enchanted Warpick+5 i63 i69 0 100 E B 45 iO 30 30
i46 i56 100 c 45 10 30 30 50
DMne Warpick 9i ii2 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30 iOO Enchanted RBinforced
Divine Warpick+S i22 i50 0 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30 Club+5
i75 180 0 iOO c 45 10 30 30

Divine Warpick+ 10 i52 i87 100 D c 45 10 30 30 DMne Re~nforoed Club 97 120 0 100 D c 45 iO 30 30 100
OccultWarpiek i26 i36 0 100 E D c 45 iO 30 30 iOO DMne Reinforced Club+S 130 160 0 100 D c 45 iO 30 30
Divine Reinforced
Occult Warpick+S i63 i70 0 100 D c 45 10 30 30
i62 200 iOO D c 45 10 30 30
FireWarpick i36 0 i36 100 45 iO 30 30 50 Occult Reinforced Club i34 146 100 c 45 10 30 30 100
Fire Warpick+5 i82 i82 100 45 iO 3i.5 30 Occult Reinforced Club+S 174 182 iOO c 45 10 30 30
Fire Warpick+10 254 254 100 45 iO 33 30 Fire Reinforced Club 145 0 145 100 45 iO 30 30 50
Chaos Warpick i70 i70 100 45 iO 30 30 50 Fire Reinforced Club+5 194 i94 100 45 10 31.5 30
Chaos Warp1ck+S 212 2i2 iOO 45 10 33 30 Are Remforced Club+10 271 271 100 45 i O 33 30
Chaos Reinforced Club 182 i82 100 45 iO 30 30 50
Chaos Reinforced Club+5 227 227 100 45 10 33 30
Type Thrust Weight S Upgrade 200

Stability 30 Durability 2SO

Type Strike Weight S Upgrade 200
Acquired from Infested Barbarian 14 0 0 0
(Boulder) (B) Stability 30 Durability 2SO

Acquired from Drop: Andre of Astora 14 0 0 0

4S 10 30 30

Note One and two-handed Strong Attack is replaced with a slow downward swing
4S 10 30 30
Attack Values
Frampt Note One and two-handed Strong Attack is replaced with a slow downward swing
Pickaxe 45 iO 30 30 50
Pickaxe+S i33 0 100 45 10 30 30
Pickaxe+10 178 0 iOO B 45 10 30 30
Blacksmth Harrrner 45 iO 30 30 50
Pickaxa+15 222 0 0 100 B 45 10 30 30
Crystal Pickaxe i95 100
Blacksmth Hammer+S 130 0 iOO c 45 10 30 30
B 45 iO 30 30
Crystal Pickaxe+5 240 0 100 B
Blacksmth Hammer+ 10 174 0 100 c 45 10 30 30
45 10 30 30
Lightning Pickaxe 178 0 178 100 45 10 30 30
Blacksmith Hamrner+ 15 217 0 0 100 c 45 10 30 30
500 Crystal Blacksmith
Lightning Pickaxe+S 244 0 249 100 45 iO 30 42 Hammer
191 0 100 c 45 10 30 30
Raw Pickaxe 153 0 0 iOO D D 45 10 30 30 Crystal Blacksmith
234 0 100 c 45 10 30 30
Raw Pickaxe+S 204 0 0 iOO D D 45 iO 30 30 Ughtntng Blacksmith
i74 174 iOO 45 iO 30 30 500
Magic Pickaxe iOO 108 0 0 100 c 45 10 30 30 50 Hammer
Magic Pickaxe+5 134 144 0 100 c 45 iO 30 30 Ltng. Blacksmith
239 0 243 100 45 10 30 42
Magic Pickaxe+ 10 167 180 100 c 45 iO 30 30 Raw Blacksmith Hammer 150 0 100 D D 45 10 30 30 50
Enchanted Pickaxe 134 142 100 c 45 10 30 30 50 Raw Blacksmith
200 iOO D D 45 10 30 30
Enchanted Pickaxe+S 160 i64 100 B 45 10 30 30
Magic Blacksmrrh
DMne Pickaxe 90 109 0 100 D C 45 iO 30 30 100 Hammer
97 106 0 tOO c 45 iO 30 30 50
Divine Pickaxe+5 120 146 0 0 tOO D C 45 iO 30 30 Magic Blacksmith
Divine Pickaxe+ 10 i50 i82 0 0 100 D C Hammer+5
130 i42 100 c 45 10 30 30
45 iO 30 30
Magic Blacksmith
Occult PiCkaxe i22 134 0 100 D C 45 iO 30 30 100 Hammer+10
162 177 0 iOO E C 45 10 30 30
Occult Pickaxe+S i58 167 0 100 D C 45 iO 30 30 Enchanted Blacksmith
Fire Pickaxe i33 0 133 0 100 Hammer
i30 140 iOO c 45 iO 30 30 50
45 10 30 30 50
Ench. Blacksmiih
Fire Pickaxe+5 i78 178 0 100 45 iO 31.5 30 Hammer.,.5
156 162 100 c 45 10 30 30
Fire PiCkaxe+ 10 249 0 249 100 45 iO 33 30 DMne Btacksmiih
88 iOB 0 100 D C 45 10 30 30 100
Chaos Pickaxe 166 166 100 45 10 30 30 50
DMne Blacksmith
Chaos Pickaxe+5 207 207 100 45 10 33 30 Hammer+5
i18 i44 iOO D E C 45 10 30 30


Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction

Occult Blacksmith
120 130 100 c 45 10 30 30 100
Occutt B~ksmrth
156 162 100 c 45 10 30 30
Fire B~ksmith
130 0 130 100 45 10 30 30 50
Fire Blacksmith
174 174 0 100 45 10 31.5 30
Fire Blacksmith
243 243 100 45 10 33 30
Chaos Blacksmith
164 164 100 45 10 30 30 50
Chaos Blacksmith
205 205 100 45 10 33 30


Type Strike Weight 6 Upgrade 2000 + Twinkling Titanite
Stability 30 Durability 250
Type Strike Weight S Upgrade 2000 +Twinkling Titanite
Acquired from Drop: Giant Blacksmith 16 0 0 0 Stability 30 Durability 250

Acquired from Drop: Vamos 14 0 0 0

Note One and two-handed Strong Attack is replaced with a slow downward swing
45 10 30 30

Attack Values
Souls Frampt
Blacksmith Giant Hammer 120
Blacksmith Giant
Hammer of Vamos 105 64 0 100 c 100
180 0 300 100 D Hammer of Vamos+5 157 0 96 100 c 45 10 30 30


Type Strike Weight 12 Upgrade 800
Great Hammers rival even the mighty Greataxes in terms of sheer
weight and mass, and they can be equally difficult to control. In Stability 32 Durability 250

terms of pure blunt trauma force, however, no weapon in the game Acquired from Blighttown!Ouelaag's 28 0 0 0
comes close to these. Each and every attack takes every ounce of Domain (1)
strength to complete, which can mean devastation for your oppo-
nent if it connects, and just as much trouble for you if it doesn't. 50 10 35 35

Attack Values Parameter Bonus

Any of the Strong Attacks with these weapons will take nearly all Frampt
of your stamina, which means you will have next to nothing left for Souls
guarding or evading. Because of the attack angles of these weap- Great Club 135 0 100 B 50 10 35 35 50

ons, they can often be very effective in close quarters, especially as Great Clull+ 5 202 0 100 B 50 10 35 35
Great Club+ 10 270 100 B 50 10 35 35
this limits the evasive options a potential opponent may have. Get-
Great Club+ 15 337 0 0 100 B 50 10 35 35
ting them to block an attack from these weapons is almost as good
Crystal Great Club 297 0 100 B 50 10 35 35
as a hit, as it wil l almost certainly break thei r guard.
Crystal Great Club+5 364 100 B 50 10 35 35
Ughtning Great Club 270 0 270 100 50 10 35 35 500
Ughtnmg Great Ch.Jb+5 371 0 0 378 100 50 10 35 49
General Attacks Raw Great Club 232 100 0 0 50 10 35 35 50
Attack j Description Raw Great Club+5 310 0 100 D D 50 10 35 35

Weak Attack
MagMO Great Ch.Jb t51 165 0 100 E C 50 10 35 35 50
Downward strike
Magic Great Club+5 202 220 100 c 50 10 35 35
Strong Attack Slow downward strike MagiC Great Club+ 10 252 275 0 100 c 50 10 35 35
Roll +Weak Attack Horizontal swing Enchanted Great Club 202 216 100 c 50 10 35 35 50
Roll + Strong Attack No change Enchanted Great Club+5 242 250 0 100 E B 50 10 35 35
Divir<l Great Club 136 166 0 100 D C 50 10 35 35 100
Backstep +Weak Attack Dashmg downward strike
Divine Great Club+5 182 222 100 D C 50 10 35 35
Backstep + Strong Attack Divine Great Club+10 227 277 0 0 100 D C 50 10 35 35
Direction +Weak Attack K1ck Occult Great Club 186 202 100 D C 50 10 35 35 100

Direction+ Strong Attack Jumping downward strike Occult Great Club+5 241 252 0 100 D C 50 10 35 35
Fire Great Club 202 0 202 100 50 10 35 35 50
Fire Great Club+S 270 270 0 100 50 10 36.7 35
Two-Handed Strong Attack No change Fire Great Club+ 10 378 0 378 0 100 50 10 38.5 35
Chaos Great Club 254 0 254 0 100 50 10 35 35 50
Chaos Great Club+5 317 0 317 100 50 10 38.5 35


Type Strike Weight 24 Upgrade 2000 + Twinkling Titanite Type Strike Weight 18 Upgrade 10000 + Dragon Scale
Stability 32 Durability 600 Stability 32 Durability 999
Acquired from Drop: Paladin Leeroy Acquired from Anor Londo (1)
50 0 0 30 40 0 0 0

50 10 35 35 50 10 35 35

Note Two-Handed Strong Attack is replaced by an energy wave eminating from the wielder Note Raises Magic and Fire defence by 20 points. Never loses and durability points

Attack Values Parameter Bonus

Grant 125 130 0 100 B A 100 Dragon Tooth 290 100 D 50 10 35 35 5000
Grant+5 187 195 0 100 B A 50 10 35 35 Dragon Tooth+5 435 100 D 50 10 35 35


Type Strike Weight 22 Upgrade 800 Type Strike Weight 11 Upgrade 800

Stability 32 Durability 600 Stability 32 Durability 250

Acquired from Asylum Demon (M) "1 46 0 0 0 Acquired from Infested Barbarian
(Club) (A)

50 10 35 35 55 10 40 40

Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction Note Poison build-up is 30 per strike, and once inflicted, does 3 HP per second for 180
seconds. Strong Attack is replaced by a dashing horizontal swing
Demon's Great Hammer 138 0 100 8 50 10 35 35 50 Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction
Demon's Great Frampt
207 0 100 B 50 10 35 35
Hammer+S Souls
Demon's Great
276 100 B 50 10 35 35 Large Club 120 100 A 55 50
Demon's Great Large Club+5 180 0 100 A 55 10 40 40
345 0 100 B 50 10 35 35
Hammer+15 l.2rge Club+ 10 240 0 100 A 55 10 40 40
Crys. Demons Great
303 100 B 50 10 35 35 Large Club+ 15 300 100 A 55 10 40 40
Crys. Demon's Gr. Crystal Large Club 264 100 A 55 10 40 40
372 100 B 50 10 35 35
Hammer+S Crystal Large Club+5 324 100 A 55 10 40 40
Ltng. Demon's Gr.
276 0 276 100 50 10 35 35 500 Lightning Large Club 240 240 100 55 10 40 40 500
Ung. Demon's Gr. Lightning Large Club+5 330 336 100 55 10 40 56
379 386 100 50 10 35 49
Raw Large Club 207 100 D D 55 10 40 40 50
Raw Demon's Great
238 0 100 D D 50 10 35 35 50 Raw Large Club+5 276 0 100 D D 55 10 40 40
Raw Demon's Great
318 0 100 D D 50 10 35 35 Magic Large Club 135 147 0 100 c 55 10 40 40 50
Magic Demon's Gr. Magic Large Club+5 180 196 0 100 c 55 10 40 40
156 168 100 c 50 10 35 35 50 Magic Large Club+ 10 225 245 100 c 55 tO 40 40
Magic Demon's Gr. c
208 224 100 c 50 10 35 35 Enchanted Large Club 180 192 100 55 10 40 40 50
Magic Demon's Gr. Enchanted Large Club+5 216 232 100 A 55 10 40 40
260 260 100 E c 50 10 35 35
DMne Large Club 121 148 0 100 D c 55 10 40 40 100
Ench. Demons Gr.
208 220 0 100 c 50 10 35 35 50 Divine Large Club+5 162 196 0 100 D c 55 10 40 40
Ench. Demon's Gr.
249 255 100 B 50 10 35 35
DMne l.2rge Club+ 10 202 247 0 100 D c 55 10 40 40
Hammer+S Occult Large Club 164 180 100 D B 55 10 40 40 100
Div. Demon's Gr. Hammer 139 171 100 D c 50 10 35 35 100 Occult Large Club+5 213 225 100 D B 55 10 40 40
Div. Demon's Gr.
Harnmer+5 100 226 100 D c 50 10 35 35 fire l.<lrge Clul:> HlO 0 180 100 55 10 40 40 50
Oiv. Demon's Gr. Fire Large Club+5 240 240 100 55 10 42 40
232 285 100 D E c 50 10 35 35
Fire Large Club+ 10 336 336 100 55 10 44 40
Occ. Demon's Gr.
190 208 0 100 c 50 10 35 35 100 Chaos Large Club 226 226 100 55 10 40 40 50
Occ. Demons Gr. Chaos Large Club+5 282 282 100 55 10 44 40
246 260 100 c 50 10 35 35
Ftre Demon's Great
207 207 100 50 10 35 35 50
Fire Demon's Great
276 276 100 50 10 36.7 35 SMOUGH'S HAMMER
Fire Demon's Gr.
386 386 100 50 10 38.5 35 Type Strike Weight 28 Upgrade 5000 + Demon Titanite
Chaos Demon's Great
258 0 258 100 50 10 35 35 50 Stability 32 Durability 600
Chaos Demon's Gr.
322 0 322 100 50 10 38.5 35 Acquired from Ascension only
Hamrner+S 58 0 0 0

50 10 35 35

Note Each attack absorbs 10 HP from the enemy. One-handed Strong Attack replaced by
a large horizontal swing. Two-handed Strong Attack replaced by a jumping downward strike
Attack Values

&nough's Hammer 275 100 D 50 10 :;o 3b

Smough's Hammer+S 412 100 D 50 10 35 35


SPEAR Type Thrust Weight 4.5 Upgrade 200

Stability 26 Durability 140

Spears are precision long-range weapons that are for thrusting
Acquired from Firelink Shrine (1)
attacks. The extra range that spears provide, will often allow you to
attack foes before they are within range with their own weapons,
giving you a distinct advantage. Like Thrusting Swords, Spears have
40 10 30 30
a very small and narrow hit radius, which makes them difficult to
use against fast-moving opponents unless you are in a confined
area. For their range and strength. Spears are also very fast, so they
can be very effective for interrupting enemy attacks. Another unique Winged Spear
feature they have is that they allow you to attack while holding a Winged Spear+5 129 0 100 c 10 30 30
shield up to guard, giving you simultaneous offence and defense. Winged Spear+ 10 172 0 100 c 40 10 30 30
Winged Spear+ 15 215 100 c 40 10 30 30
Crystal Winged Spear 189 0 100 c 40 10 30 30

General Attacks Crystal Winged Spear+5 232 100 c 40 10 30 30

Ughtn<ng Winged Spear 172 0 172 100 40 10 30 30 500
Attack I Description Ughtr>ng Winged
236 0 240 100 40 10 30 42
Weak Attack Quick thrust
Raw Winged Spear 148 100 D D 40 10 30 30 50
Weak Attack with Shield Short range thrust Raw Winged Spear+5 198 100 D D 40 10 30 30
Strong Attack Lunging thrust Mag1c Winged Spear 97 105 0 100 E c 40 10 30 30 50
MagiC Winged Spear+5 130 140 0 100 c 40 10 30 30
MagicWingedSpear+10 162 175 tOO E c 40 10 30 30
Roll +Two-Handed Upward swing that can be followed up by a thrust
Weak Attack with an additional input
Enchanted Winged Spear 130 138 0 0 100 c 40 10 30 30 50
Enchanted Winged
156 160 0 100 B 40 10 30 30
Roll+ Strong Attack No change Spear+S
Divine Winged Spear 87 106 100 D c 40 10 30 30 tOO
Backstop +Weak Attack Dashing thrust
..................................... DivineWingedSpear+5 116 142 0 100 D c 40 10 30 30
Backstop + Strong Attack No change Divine Winged Spear+ 10 145 177 0 100 D E c 40 10 30 30
Direction +Weak Attack Kick Occult Winged Spear 118 130 100 E D c 40 10 30 30 100

Direction + Strong Attack Jumping thrust Occult Winged Spear+5 153 162 100 D c 40 10 30 30
Fire Winged Spear 129 0 129 100 40 10 30 30 50
Are Winged Spear+5 172 0 172 100 40 10 31.5 30
Fire Winged Spear+ 10 240 240 100 40 10 33 30
Chaos Winged Spear 162 162 100 40 10 30 30 50
Chaos Winged Spear+S 202 202 0 100 40 10 33 30

Type Thrust Weight 3.5 Upgrade 200 PARTIZAN
Stability 26 Durability 180 Type Reg.fThrust Weight 4.5 Upgrade 200

Acquired from Undead Merchant (male) Stability 26 Durability 160

600 Souls, Infested Ghoul (Spear) (A),
Acquired from Darkroot Garden/Basin (1)
Phalanx (A), Undead Soldier (Spear) (A)
]Undead Burg, Undead Parish] 40 10 30 30

Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction 40 10 30 30

Souls Note One and two-hander Strong Attacks replaced by a horizontal swing
Spear 40 10 30 30
Attack Values
Spear+S 120 0 100 c 40 10 30 30
Spear+10 160 100 D c 40 10 30 30 Souls
$pear+15 200 100 D c 40 tO 30 30 Partizan 40 10 30 30 50
Crystal Spear 176 100 D c 40 10 30 30 PartiZan+5 120 0 100 D C 40 10 30 30
Crystal Spear+S 216 100 D c 40 10 30 30 Partizan+10 160 0 100 D C 40 10 30 30
Ughtning Spear 160 0 160 100 40 10 30 30 500 Partizan+15 200 tOO D C 40 10 30 30
Ughtning Spear+5 220 224 100 40 10 30 42 Crystal Partizan 176 100 D C 40 10 30 30
Raw Spear 138 0 100 D D 40 10 30 30 50 Crystal Partizan+5 216 100 D C 40 10 30 30
Raw Spear+5 184 0 100 D D 40 10 30 30 Ughtr>ng Partizan 160 0 160 100 40 10 30 30 500
MagiC Spear 90 97 100 E c 40 10 30 30 50 Ughtr>ng Partizan+5 220 224 100 40 10 30 42
Magic Spear +5 120 130 100 c 40 10 30 30 Raw Partizan 138 100 D D 40 10 30 30 50
Magic Spear+10 150 162 100 c 40 10 30 30 Raw Partizan+5 184 0 100 D D 40 10 30 30
Enchanted Spear 120 128 100 c 40 10 30 30 50 Magic Partizan 90 97 0 100 c 40 10 30 30 50
Enchanted Spear +5 144 148 100 E B 40 10 30 30 Magic Partizan+5 120 130 100 c 40 10 30 30
Divine Spear 81 99 100 D C 40 10 30 30 100 Magic Partizan+ 10 150 162 0 100 c 40 10 30 30
DMne $pear+5 108 132 100 D C 40 tO 30 30 Enchanted Partizan 120 128 0 0 100 c 40 10 30 30 50
Divine Spear+ 10 135 165 100 D C 40 10 30 30 Enchanted Partizan+5 144 148 0 100 E B 40 10 30 30
Occult Spear 110 120 100 D C 40 10 30 30 100 Divine Partizan 81 99 100 D c 40 10 30 30 100
Occun Spear+5 143 150 tOO D C 40 10 30 30 Divine Partizan+5 108 132 0 100 D c 40 10 30 30
Fire Spear 120 t20 100 40 10 30 30 50 Divine Partizan+ 1o 135 165 0 100 D E c 40 10 30 30
Fire Spear+S 160 160 0 100 40 10 31.5 30 OCcult Partizan 110 120 100 E D c 40 10 30 30 100
FreSpear+10 224 224 0 100 40 10 33 30 Occult Partizan+5 143 150 0 100 D c 40 10 30 30
Chaos Spear 150 150 100 40 10 30 30 50 Rre Partizan 120 0 120 0 100 40 10 30 30 50
Chaos $pear+5 187 187 100 40 10 33 30 Rre Partizan+5 160 0 160 0 100 40 10 31.5 30
Fire Parttzan+ 10 224 0 224 0 100 40 tO 33 30
Chaos Partizan 150 150 100 40 10 30 30 50
Chaos Parttzan+5 187 187 100 40 10 33 30


Type Thrust Weight 4 Upgrade 5000 + Demon Titanite Type Thrust Weight 10 Upgrade 200

Stability 26 Durability 400 Stability 26 Durability 180

Acquired from Shiva of the East 15000 Acquired from Andre of Astora
Souls, Bat Wing Demon (A) 2000 Souls

40 10 30 30

Note One and two-handed Strong Attacks replaced by a delayed dashing thrust Note Backstep + Weak Attack replaced by a charging three hit thrust

Attack Values Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction

Demon's Spear 100 0 120 100 Pike 86 0 100 D 10 50
Demon's Spear+5 150 180 100 Pike+5 129 0 0 100 D c 40 10 30
Pike+10 172 0 0 100 D c 40 10 30 30
Pike+15 215 0 0 100 D c 40 10 30 30
CHANNELER'S TRIDENT Crystal Pike 189 0 100 D c 40 10 30 30
Crystal Pike+5 232 0 100 D c 40 10 30 30
Type Thrust Weight 6 Upgrade 2000 + Twinkling Titanite Ughtning Pike 172 172 100 40 10 30 30 500
Ughtning Pike+5 236 0 240 100 40 10 30 42
Stability 26 Durability 240
Raw Pike 148 100 D D 40 10 30 30 50
Acquired from Channeler (A) Raw Pike+5 198 0 100 D D 40 10 30 30
Magic Pike 97 105 100 E c 40 10 30 30 50
Magic Pike+S 130 140 100 c 40 10 30 30
40 10 30 30 Magic Pike+ 10 162 175 100 c 40 10 30 30
Enchanted Pike 130 138 100 c 40 10 30 30 50
Note One -handed Strong Attack replaced by a spinning thrust that hits twice. Two-handed Enchanted Pike+S 156 160 100 8 40 10 30 30
Strong Attack replaced by a dance that provides an attack boost to any nearby allies c 40 10 30 30 100
Divine Pike 87 106 100 D
DivinePike+5 116 142 100 D c 40 10 30 30
Divine Pike+ 1o 145 177 100 D c 40 10 30 30
Occult Pike 118 130 100 D c 40 10 30 30 100
Channeler's Trident 70 105 0 0 100 c 8 40 10 30 30
Occult Pike+S 153 162 100 D c 40 10 30 30
Channeler's Trident+5 105 157 0 0 100 c 8 40 10 30 30
40 10 30 30
Fire Pike 129 0 129 0 100 50
Fire Pike+S 172 0 172 0 100 40 10 31.5 30
Fire Pike+ 10 240 0 240 0 100 40 10 33 30
SILVER KNIGHT SPEAR Chaos Pike 162 162 100 40 10 30 30 50
Type Reg.!Thrust Weight 6 Upgrade 2000 + Twinkling Titanite Chaos Pike+5 202 202 100 40 10 33 30

Stability 26 Durability 300

Acquired from Silver Knight (Spear) (A)

Type Thrust Weight 10 Upgrade 5000 + Demon Titanite
40 10 30 30
Stability 26 Durability 300
Note One-handed Strong Attack replaced by a horizontal swing Acquired from Ascension only

40 10 30 30
Silver Knight Spear 155 100 c 40 10 30 30 100
Silver Knight Spear+S 232 100 E C 40 10 30 30 Note One-handed Strong Attack replaced by long range lighting bolt projectile.
Two-Handed Strong Attack replaced by an advancing thrust that can be followed
up by an upwards thrust with an additional input

Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction

Dragonslayer Spear 40 10 30 30 100
Dragonslayer Spear+5 135 0 90 100 40 10 30 30


Type Thrust Weight 4 Upgrade 5000 + Demon Titanite

Stability 26 Durability 160

Acquired from Ascension only 12 0 14 0

40 10 30 30

Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction

Moonlight Butterfly Horn 0 110 0 0 100 B 40 10 30 30 1000
Moonlight Butterfly
185 100 B 40 10 30 30


Type Reg/Thrust Weight 16 Upgrade 2000 + Twinkling Titanite
Halberds offer a mixture of the Spear's range and thrusting attacks, Stability 26 Durability 300
along with a bladed edge similar to an Axe for slashing attacks.
Acquired from Giant Blacksmith 5000
Because of the increased weight at the end of the weapon, how-
Souls, Sentinel (Normal) (A), Sentinel
ever, t he attacks are not quite as precise as they are with a Spear, (Royal) (A)
and each swing tends to take you slightly off balance. Most of the
40 10 30 30
Spears quick strikes are lost too, in favor of slower, but slightly more
powerful attacks. The ability to use a combination of slashing and Note One and two-handed Strong Attacks are replaced with a lunging thrust
thrusting attacks at range, however, can be a very useful thing, as it
enables you to be effective against most types of enemies.

Giant's Halberd
Giant's Halberd+5
General Attacks
Attack I Description
Weak Attack Slow downward slash TITANITE CATCH POLE
Strong Attack Large horizontal slash Type Regular Weight 6 Upgrade 2000 +Twinkling Titanite
Roll +Weak Attack Horizontal slash Stability 26 Durability 600
Roll + Strong Attack No change
............................. Acquired from Prowling Demon (A) 16 14 0 0
Backstep +Weak Attack Dashing downward slash
Backstep + Strong Attack No change
. ................................... .
40 10 30 30
Direction +Weak Attack Kick
Direction + Strong Attack Jumping horizontal slash Note One and two-handed Strong Attacks are replaced with a jumping downward strike
. - .
Two-Handed Weak Attack No change Reduction
Two-Handed Strong Attack Double spinning horizontal slash Frampt
Titanite Gatch Pole 120 145 100 D D D 40 10 30 30 100
Titanite Catch Pole+5 180 217 0 100 D D D 40 10 30

Type Reg.!Thrust Weight 6 Upgrade 200 GARGOYLE'S HALBERD
Stability 26 Durability 200 Type Regular Weight 6 Upgrade 200
Acquired from Undead Burg/ Stability 26 Durability 200
Undead Parish (1)
Acquired from Bell Gargoyle (A), 16 12 0 0
Gargoyle (A)
40 10 30 30

Note One and two-handed Weak Attacks are replaced by a thrust 40 10 30 30

Note Small increase to Poison, Toxin and Bleed build-up upon initial equipping.
Increases Bleed and Poison resistance by 25%
Halberd 110 0 100 D D 40 10 30 30
Halberd+S 165 0 0 100 D D 40 10 30 30
Hatberd+10 220 0 100 D D 40 10 30 30
Halbef'd+15 275 0 100 D D 40 10 30 30 Gargoyle's Halberd 115 100 D D 40 10 30 30

Crystal Halberd 242 100 D D 40 10 30 30 Gargoyte's Halberd+5 172 100 D D 40 10 30 30

Crystal Halberd+S 297 100 D D 40 10 30 30 Gargoyle's Halberd+ 10 230 100 D D 40 10 30 30

Ughtning Halberd 220 220 100 40 10 30 30 Gargoyle's Halberd+15 287 100 D D 40 10 30 30

Crystal Gargoyle's
Ughtning Halberd+5 302 308 100 40 10 30 42 253 100 D D 40 10 30 30
Raw Halberd 190 100 D D 40 10 30 30 50 Crys. Gargoyle's
310 0 100 D D 40 10 30 30
Raw Halberd+S 254 0 100 D D 40 10 30 30 Halberd+5
Ltng. Gargoyle's Halberd 230 0 230 100 40 10 30 30 500
Magic Halberd 124 133 100 E c 40 10 30 30 50
L1ng. Gargoyle~
MagiC Halberd+5 166 178 100 c 40 10 30 30 Halberd+5
316 0 322 100 40 10 30 42
Magic Halberd+ 10 207 222 0 100 c 40 10 30 30 Raw Gargoyle~ Halberd 198 0 100 D D 40 10 30 30 50
Enchanted Halberd 166 176 100 c 40 10 30 30 50 Raw Gargoyle's Hal-
264 100 D D 40 10 30 30
Enchanted Halberd+S 199 204 0 100 E B 40 10 30 30

Divine Halberd 111 136 0 100 D c 40 10 30 30 100

Magic Gargoyle's Halberd 129 139 100 c 40 10 30 30 50
Magic Gargoyle's
Divine Halberd+5 148 182 0 100 D c 40 10 30 30 Halberd+5
172 166 0 100 c 40 10 30 30
Oivme Halberd+ 10 185 227 0 100 D c 40 10 30 30 Magic Gargoyle's
215 232 100 c 40 10 30 30
Occult Halberd 152 166 0 100 D c 40 10 30 30 100
Ench. Gargoyle's Halberd 172 184 100 c 40 10 30 30 50
Occult Halberd+S 197 207 0 100 D c 40 10 30 30
Ench. Gargoyle's
Fire Halberd 165 0 165 100 206 213 100 B 40 10 30 30
40 10 30 30 50 Halberd+5
Fire Halberd+5 220 0 220 100 40 10 31.5 30 DMne Gargoyle's Halberd 117 142 0 100 D c 40 10 30 30 100
F!(e Halberd+ 10 100 Divine Gargoyle's
308 308 40 10 33 30
156 190 100 D c 40 10 30 30
Chaos Halberd 206 206 100 40 10 30 30 50 Div. Gargoyle's
Chaos Halberd+S 257 0 257 100 40 10 33 30 Halberd+10
195 237 100 D c 40 10 30 30

Occu~ Gargoyle~ Halberd 158 172 0 100 c 40 10 30 30 100

Occult Gargoyle's
205 215 100 c 40 10 30 30

Rre Gargoyle's Halberd 172 172 100 40 10 30 30 50

Fire Gargoyle's Halben:l+5 230 0 230 100 40 10 31.5 30
Fire Gargoyle's
322 0 322 100 40 10 33 30
Halberd+ 10
Chaos Gargoyle's Halberd 216 216 100 40 10 30 30 50
Chaos Gargoyle's
270 270 100 40 10 33 30


Type Slash Weight 14 Upgrade 2000 + Twinkling Titanite Magic Scythe 40 10 30 30 50

Stability 26 Durability 300 Magic 5cythe+5 166 178 100 c 40 10 30 30

Magic Scythe+ 1o 207 222 tOO c 40 10 30 30
Acquired from Black Knight (Spear) (C) 32 18 0 0 Enchanted Scythe 166 176 100 c 40 10 30 30 50
Enchanted 5cythe+5 199 204 0 100 E B 40 10 30 30
DMneScythe 111 136 0 100 D E C 40 10 30 30 100
40 10 30 30 Divine Scythe+5 t48 182 0 100 D E C 40 10 30 30
Divine Scythe+ 1o 185 227 0 100 D E C 40 10 30 30
Note One-handed Strong Attack is replaced with a double spinning diagonal swing.
Occult Scythe 152 166 0 100 E D C 40 10 30 30 100
Two-handed Strong attack is replaced with a dashing downward slash
=~ 5cythe+5 1g7 207 0 tOO D c 40 10 30 30
FiTe Scythe 165 0 165 100 40 10 30 30 50
Fire 8cythe+5 220 220 tOO 40 10 3t.5 30
Fire Scythe+ 10 308 308 100 40 tO 33 30
Black Knight Halberd 230 0 100 D 40 10 30 30 too
Chaos Scythe 206 206 0 100 40 tO 30 30 50
Black Krnght Halberd+5 345 0 0 100 D 40 10 30 30
Chaos Scythe+5 257 257 0 100 40 10 33 30

Type Thrust Weight 5.5 Upgrade 200
Type Slash Weight 5 Upgrade 200
Stability 26 Durability 200
Stability 22 Durability 130
Acquired from Catacombs (1) 15 12 0 D
Acquired from Catacombs (1) 14 14

40 10 30 30
40 10 30 30

Note Bleed build-up is 30 per strike, and once inflicted, does 30% of the enemy's total HP.
Lucerne 110 0 0 100 D D 40 10 30 30 50 Two-Handed Strong Attack is replaced with a dashing horiztonal slash
Lucerne +5 165 0 100 D D 40 10 30 30 Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction
Lucerne +10 220 0 100 D D 40 10 30 30 Frampt
Lucerne +15 275 0 100 D D 40 10 30 30 Souls
G""'t Scythe 100 0 100 B 40 10 30 30 50
Crystal Lucerne 242 0 100 D D 40 10 30 30
G""'t 5cythe+5 150 0 tOO B 40 10 30 30
Crystal Lucerne +5 297 0 100 D D 40 10 30 30
G""'t 5cythe+10 200 0 100 B 40 10 30 30
Lightning Lucerne 220 220 100 40 10 30 30 500
Great Scythe+ 15 250 0 100 B 40 10 30 30
Ughtning Lucerne +5 302 308 100 40 10 30 42
Crystal Great Scythe 220 100 B 40 10 30 30
Raw Lucerne 190 100 D D 40 10 30 30 50
Crystal Great Scythe+5 270 100 B 40 10 30 30
Raw Lucerne +5 254 100 D D 40 10 30 30
Magic Lucerne 124 133 0 tOO
Ughtrwng Great Scythe 200 200 100 40 10 30 30 500
E C 40 10 30 30 50
Ughtmng Great Scythe+5 275 0 280 100 40 10 30 42
Magic Lucerne +5 166 t78 0 0 tOO c 40 10 30 30
Raw Great Scythe 172 0 0 100 D D 40 10 30 30 50
Magic Lucerne +10 207 222 0 too c 40 10 30 30
Raw Great Scythe+5 230 100 D D 40 10 30 30
Enchanted Lucerne 166 176 100 c 40 10 30 30 50
Enchanted Lucerne +5 199 204 tOO B 40 10 30 30
Magic Great Scythe 112 121 o o t 00 E E C 40 10 30 30 50

Divine Lucerne 111 136 0 100 D E c 40 10 30 30 100

Magic Great Scythe+S 150 t62 0 0 tOO c 40 10 30 30

Divine Lucerne +5 148 182 0 100 D E c 40 10 30 30

Magic Great Scythe+ tO 187 202 0 0 100 E E c 40 10 30 30

Divine Lucerne + 10 185 227 100 D c 40 10 30 30 Enchanted Great Scythe 150 160 0 0 100 c 40 10 30 30 50
Enchanted Great
Occult Lucerne 152 166 0 100 E D c 40 10 30 30 100 5cythe+5
180 185 100 A 40 10 30 30
Occult Lucerne +5 197 207 0 100 E D c 40 10 30 30 Divine Great Scythe 102 124 100 D c 40 10 30 30 100
Fire lucerne 165 0 165 100 40 10 30 30 50 Divine Great Scythe+5 136 t66 100 D c 40 10 30 30
Fire Lucerne +5 220 220 tOO 40 10 31.5 30 Divine Great Scythe+ 10 170 207 100 D c 40 10 30 30
Fire Lucerne +10 308 308 0 100 40 10 33 30 Occult Great Scythe 138 150 100 D B 40 10 30 30 tOO
Chaos Lucerne 200 200 0 100 40 10 30 30 50 Occult Great Scythe+5 179 187 0 tOO D B 40 10 30 30
Chaos Lucerne +5 257 257 0 100 40 10 33 30 Rre Great Scythe 150 0 150 0 100 40 10 30 30 50
Fire Great Scythe+5 200 0 200 100 40 10 31.5 30
Are Great Scythe+10 280 280 100 40 10 33 30
SCYTHE Chaos Great Scythe 188 188 100 40 10 30 30 50
Type Slash Weight 5 Upgrade 200 Chaos Great Scythe+S 235 235 100 40 10 33 30

Stability 26 Durability 150

Acquired from Sen's Fortress (1) 14 12 0 0 LIFEHUNT SCYTHE

Type Slash Weight 6 Upgrade 5000 + Demon Titanite

40 10 30 30 Stability 22 Durability 100

Acquired from Ascension only 16 14 0 0

Scythe 110 0 100 c 40 10 30 30 50

40 10 30 30
Scythe+5 165 100 c 40 10 30 30
5cythe+10 220 0 0 100 c 40 tO 30 30
Note Bleed build-up is 50 per strike, and once inflicted, does 50% of the enemy's total HP.
Scyt~ 275 100 c 40 10 30 30
Online Mode: Bleed build-up is 40 per strike to the player, and once inflicted, does 50% of
Crystal Scythe 242 0 100 c 40 10 30 30 their total HP
Crystal Scythe+5 297 0 100 c 40 10 30 30
Lightning Scythe 220 0 220 too 40 10 30 30 500
Ughtmng Scythe+5 302 0 308 100 40 10 30 42 Souls
Raw Scythe 190 100 D D 40 10 30 30 50 Ufehunt Scythe 14
Raw Scythe+S 254 0 100 D D 40 10 30 30 Ufehunt 5cythe+5


WHIP Attack Values

Whips are rather unique weapons in that they have no blade or blu nt Enchanted 'M'lip 120 128 100 c 30 tO 20 20 50
surface to st rike enemies with, which makes them very ineffectual Enchanted Whip+5 144 148 100 8 30 10 20 20

against enemies with any kind of armor whatsoever. Against foes Divine Whip 81 99 100 D E c 30 10 20 20 100

without armor or scales, however, they can be relatively effective. DMneWhip+5 108 132 100 D E c 30 10 20 20

The large radius of the Whip's attack makes them ve ry good at deal- DMneWhip+10 135 165 0 100 D E c 30 10 20 20

ing with multiple opponents, and while you can't string attacks to- OccuttWhip 110 120 0 100 E c 30 10 20 20 100
Occult Whip+5 143 150 100 c 30 10 20 20
gether with it , each separate swing does come quite quickly. Whips
Rre Whip 120 120 0 100 30 10 20 20 50
can also be equipped in the left hand whe re they wi ll gain the ability Fire Whip+S 160 0 160 100 30 10 21 20
to parry, which makes them a valid choice for players looking to dual FireWhip+10 224 224 0 100 30 10 22 20
wield weapons . Chaos Whip 150 150 100 30 10 20 20 50
Chaos Whip+5 187 187 100 30 10 22 20
General Attacks
Attack IDescription
Heavy Attack Diagonal swing Type Regular Weight 2 Upgrade 200

Roll +Weak Attack No change Stability 16 Durability 200

Roll + Heavy Attack No change Acquired from Drop: Xanthous King,
Backstep +Weak Attack Dashing downwards swing Jeremiah
Backstep + Heavy Attack No change
30 10 20 20
Direction +Weak Attack Kick
Direction + Heavy Attack Jumping diagonal swing Note Bleed build-up is 33 per strike, and once inflicted, does 30% of the enemy's total HP

Notched Whip 76 0 0 100 8 30 10 20 20 50

100 B 30 10 20 20
WHIP Notched Whip+5 114 0 0
30 10 20 20
Notched Whip+ 10 152 0 100 8
Type Regular Weight 1.5 Upgrade 200 Notched WhiP+ 15 190 100 8 30 10 20 20
Crystal Notched Whip 167 100 8 30 10 20 20
Durability 200
Crystal Notched Whip+5 205 0 100 B 30 10 20 20
Acquired from Blighttown!Ouelaag's Lightning Notched Whip 152 0 0 152 100 30 10 20 20 500
Domain (1) Lightning Notched
208 212 100 30 10 20 28
Raw Notched Whip 130 100 D D 30 10 20 20 50
30 10 20 20
Raw Notched Whip+5 174 100 D D 30 10 20 20
Attack Values Parameter Bonus Magie Notched Whip 85 93 0 100 E c 30 10 20 20 50
MagicNotchedWhiP+5 114 124 0 100 E E c 30 10 20 20

Whip 80 0 100 B 10 20 20 50
Magic NotchedWhip+10 142 155 100 E E c 30 10 20 20

Whip-t5 120 0 0 100 B tO 20 20

Enchanted Notched Whip 114 122 0 100 c 30 10 20 20 50
Enchanted Notched
Whip+10 180 0 0 100 8 30 10 20 20 135 141 100 8 30 10 20 20
Whip+15 200 0 tOO 8 30 10 20 20 Divine Notched \Nhip 76 94 0 100 D E c 30 10 20 20 100
Crystal Whip 176 o tOO B 30 10 20 20 DMne Notched Whip+o 102 126 0 100 0 E c 30 10 20 20
Crystal Whip+S 216 100 B 30 10 20 20 Divine Notched Whip+ 10 127 157 100 D c 30 10 20 20
Ughtning Whip 180 0 160 100 30 10 20 20 500 Occult Notched Whip 104 114 100 c 30 10 20 20 100
Lightning Whip+5 220 224 100 30 10 20 28 Occult Notched Whip+5 135 142 100 c 30 10 20 20
Raw Whip 138 0 0 100 D D 30 10 20 20 50 Fire Notched Whip 114 0 114 100 30 10 20 20 50
AawWhip+5 184 100 D D 30 10 20 20 Fire Notched Whip+5 152 0 152 100 30 10 21 20
Magic\o'Vhip 90 97 0 100 E C 30 tO 20 20 50 Are Notched 'v'Vtup+ 10 212 212 100 30 10 22 20
MagicWhip+5 120 130 100 c 30 10 20 20 Chaos Notched Whip 142 142 100 30 10 20 20
MagicWhip+10 150 162 100 c 30 tO 20 20 Chaos Notched Whip+5 177 177 100 30 10 22 20


Type Slash Weight 1 Upgrade 100

Gauntlets have by far the shortest range of all the weapon types Stability O Durability 150
in Dark Souls, which means you have to get up close and personal
Acquired from Shiva of the East 14
with the enemies you take on. The upside to their small range 6 0 0
5000 Souls
and low weight does mean, however, that attacks can be strung
together in rapid succession eit her against one target, or switching 0 0 0 0
between multiple enemies. Like some other weapons, Gauntlets
can also be equipped to your left hand, which means you will be Note Bleed build-up is 30 per strike, and once inflicted, does 30% of the enemy's total HP.
able to parry with them. Strong attack is replaced by a jumping horiztonal slash. Roll + Weak Attack is replaced by
a rolling thrust

General Attacks
Attack I Description
Claw+5 97 100 B 0

Lunging straight punch that can be followed up Claw+10 130 100 B 0 0

Heavy Attack Claw+15 162 0 100 B 0
by an uppercut with an additional input
Crystal Claw 143 100 B
Roll +Weak Attack Quick backfist
Crystal Claw+5 175 100 B
Roll + Heavy Attack No change Ughtnlng Claw 130 130 100 500
Backstep +Weak Attack Dashing backfist Ughtning Claw+5 178 0 182 100
. . ................ .
Backstep +Heavy Attack No change Raw Claw 112 0 100 D D 50
RawCiaw+5 150 100 D D
Direction +Weak Attack Knee
MagiC Claw 73 79 0 100 E E C 0 50
Direction + Heavy Attack Jumping ground punch Magic Claw+5 98 106 0 0 tOO E C
Two-Handed Weak Attack N/A MagicCiaw+10 122 132 0 100 E C
Two -Handed Heavy Attack N/A Enchanted Claw 98 104 100 c 0 50
Enchanted Claw+5 117 120 100 E A
DMneCiaw 66 81 100 D E C 0 100
FISTS Divine Claw+5 88 108 100 D E C
Type Strike Weight O Upgrade - 0MneCiaw+10 110 135 100 D E C 0
Occult Claw 90 98 100 D B 100
Stability O Durability 5
Occult Claw+5 116 122 100 D B
Acquired from All Classes (default) RreCiaw 97 0 97 100 50
FireCiaw+5 130 130 100 0
FireCiaw+10 182 182 100
0 0 0 0 Chaos Claw 122 122 100 0 50
Chaos Claw+5 152 152 100

Fists 20 0 100 0 DRAGON BONE FIST

Type Strike Weight S Upgrade 5000 + Dragon Scale
CAESTUS Stability O Dur ability 999

Type Strike Weight 0.5 Upgrade 100 Acquired from Ascension only

Durability 300

Acquired from Andre of Astora 200 Souls

Note Raises Magic and Fire Defence by 15 po1nts. Strong Attack is replaced by a delayed
0 0 0 0 jumping uppercut

Attack Values

Gaestus 60 0 100 c c 50 Dragon Bone Fist

Caestus+5 90 0 100 c c Dragon Bone Fist+5
Gaestus+10 120 0 100 c c 0
Caestus+15 150 100 c c
Crystal Caestus 132 100 c c DARK HAND
Crystal Caestus+5 162 0 100 c c 0
Type Strike Weight 0.5 Upgrade -
Lightning Caestus 120 0 120 100 0 500
Lightning Caestus+5 165 0 168 100 0 Stability 30 Durability 999
RawCaestus 103 0 0 100 D D 0 50 Acquired from Covenant: Darkwraith
Raw Caestus+5 138 100 D D 0
0 0 0 0
Magic Caestus 67 73 100 E E C 0 0 50
Magie Caestus+5 90 98 0 100 c 80 80 80 80
Magic Caestus+ 10 112 122 0 0 100 c 0
Enchanted Caestus 90 96 100 c 50 Note Strong attack is replaced by a short range grab that is capable of stealing Humanity in
Enchanted Caestus+5 108 111 100 A 0 online play. When equipped in the left hand, can be used to create an energy shield.
DivineCaestus 61 75 0 0 100 D c 0 0 100
Attack Valuos Porometer Bonus Oamago Rodut tion
DMM CMSiu5+5 82 100 0 0 100 D E c 0 0
Divine Caestus+ 1o 102 125 0 100 D E c 0 0
Occult Caestus 82 90 100 D 8 100 Dark Hand
Occult Caestus+5 106 112 100 D B 0
Rre Caestus 90 0 90 100 0 0 50
Rre Caestus+5 120 120 100 0 0
Rre Gaestus+ 10 166 166 0 100 0 0 0
Chaos Gaestus 112 112 100 0 0 0 50
Chaos CaestusS 140 0 140 0 100 0
Bows are the only ranged weapons in the game which let you In this mode you have full control over where you fire the arrows,
take direct control over aiming . This allows you to be much more which helps you strike specific parts of an enemy's body. This enables
precise than by relying on the lock-on system. Once you have a Bow you to get around any defenses they may have. Going for the ene-
equipped, you will need to press either the appropriate hand's attack my's head is always worth doing, because any arrows that land there
button, or the Stance Change Button to draw the bow string back. will score an automatic critical hit. While in the aiming mode you can
At this time you can then choose to fire the arrow normally by lock- still move around freely to avoid incoming attacks; you will only stop
ing onto an enemy, or you can press L 1/LB to go into a first-person once you actually commit to firing an arrow. It is when going for head-
aiming mode. shots at maximum range that the power of Bows truly shines.

Type None Weight 0.5 Upgrade 200 Magic Longbow 40 43 100 0 A 0 50
Stability O Durability 100 Magic Longbow+S 54 58 100 0 A 0
Magic Longbow+10 67 72 0 100 0 A 0
Acquired from Hunter (default), Undead
Enchanted Longbow 54 58 0 100 A 50
Merchant (male) 1000 Souls, Skeleton
Enchanted Longbow+S 64 67 0 100 s 0
(Bow) (A), Skeleton (Bow) (the Grave King's
DMne Longbow 36 45 100 0 A 0 100
seNant) (A), Zombie (Archer) (A) o 0 0 0 0 100
Divine Longbow+S 48 60 0 0 A 0 0 0
Divine Longbow+ 10 60 75 100 0 A 0
Note Shot range: 50
OccuN Longbow 50 54 100 0 0 s 0 100
Occult Longbow+5 65 67 100 0 0 s
Rre Longbow 54 0 54 0 100 0 50
Fire Longbow+5 72 72 100 0
Short Bow 31 100 0 A 0 50
Fire Longbow+ 10 100 100 100 0
Short Bow+S 46 0 0 100 0 A 0 0
Chaos Longbow 68 68 100 50
Short8ow+10 62 0 0 100 0 A 0
Chaos longbow+5 85 85 100
Short Bow+ 15 77 0 100 0 A 0 0
Crystal Short Bow 68 0 100 0 A
Crystal Short Bow+S 83 100 0 A 0
Ughtning Short Bow 62 62 100 0 500
Lightning Short Bow+5 85 0 86 100 0 Type None Weight 1 Upgrade 200
Raw Short Bow 54 100 c c 50
Stability O Durability 100
Raw Short Bow+S 72 100 c c
Magic Short Bow 34 37 100 0 A 50 Acquired from Drop: Pharis 18
9 0 0
Magic Short Bow+5 46 50 100 0 A 0 0
Magic Short Bow+10 57 62 100 0 A 0
Enchanted Short Bow 46 50 100 A 50 0 0 0 0
Enchanted Short Bow+S 55 58 100 s
Divine Short Bow 0 Note Shot range: 65
31 39 100 A 0 0 100
DMne Short 8ow+5 42 52 100 0 A 0
Divine Short Bow+ 10 52 65 100 0 A 0
OccuN Short Bow 42 46 100 0 0 s 100
Black BoN of Pharis
Occult Short Bow+S 54 57 100 0 0 s
Black Bow of Pharis+5 51 0 0 0
Fire Short Bow 46 0 46 100 50
Fire Short Bow+S 62 0 62 100 0 0
Black Bow of Pharis+ 10 68 0 100 s 0 0 0

Fire Short Bow+10 fl6 0 85 100 0

B~k 6ow of Ptlarrs+ 15 85 0 0 100 s 0 0 0
Crystal Black Bow of
Chaos Short Bow 58 68 100 50 Pharis
74 100 s 0
Chaos Short 8ow+5 72 72 100 Crys. Black Bow of
91 0 100 s
Ltng. Black Bow of Phans 68 68 100 500
Ltng. Black Bow of
93 95 100
LONGBOW Pharis+5
Raw Black Bow of Pharis 58 0 100 c c 50
Type None Weight 1 Upgrade 200 Raw Black Bow of
78 0 100 c c 0
Stability 0 Durability 100 MagiC Black Bow of
39 42 100 0 A 0 50
Acquired from Giant Skeleton Archer (A), Magic Black Bow of
9 14 0 0 52 56 0 100 0 A 0 0
G.S.A. (when king is not sealed) (A), G.S.A. Pharis+5
Mag. Black Bow of
(when king not sealed) (A), Undead Crystal 65 70 0 100 0 A 0 0 0
Soldier (Bow) (A), Darkroot Garden/Basin (1) 0 Ench. Black Bow of
0 52 54 0 100 A 0 0 50
Ench. Black Bow of
Note Shot range: 50 Pharis+5
62 62 100 s
Divine Black Bow of
Attack Values 34 42 100 0 E A 0 100
Div. Black Bow of
46 56 0 100 0 A 0
Longbow 36 100 A 50 Div. Black Bow of
57 70 0 100 0 A
Longbow+5 54 0 100 0 A 0 Pharis+10
Occull Black Bow ot
Longbow+10 72 0 0 100 0 A 0 0 Pharis
46 52 0 100 0 0 s 100
Longbow+15 90 0 0 100 0 A 0 Occ. Black Bow of
59 65 100 0 0 s 0
Crystal Longbow 79 0 100 0 A
Fire Black Bow of Pharis 51 51 0 100 0 50
Crystal Longbow+5 97 100 0 A 0
Rre BlaCk Bow of
Ughtning Longbo\.v 72 0 72 100 0 0 0 500 68 68 0 100 0 0 0
Ughtning Longbow+S 99 100 100 Fire Black Bow of
Pharis+ 10 95 95 0 100 0 0
Rawloogbow 61 100 c c 0 50 Chaos Black Bow of
Raw Longbow+S 82 100 c c 64 64 100 50
0 Pharis
Chaos Black Bow of
80 80 0 100


Type None Weight 10 Upgrade 2000 + Twinkling Titanite Raw Composite Bow 50
Stability 0 Durability 100 Raw Composite Bow+S 126 100 D D 0
Magic Composite Bow 61 67 100 E E B 0 50
Acquired from Anor Londo (1) 100 E B
Magic Composite Bow+S 82 90 0
Magic Composite 102 112 100 B 0
Enchanted Composite
82 88 100 B 50
Note Shot range: 50 Enchanted Composite
98 102 0 100 A
Divine Composite Bow 55 67 100 D B 0 0 100
Divine Composite Bow+5 74 90 100 D B
DMne Composite
Dragonslayer Greatbow 85 92 112 100 D B
Dragonslayer Greatbow+5 127
Occult Composite Bow 76 82 0 100 D A 0 100
Occult Composite Bow+S 98 102 0 100 D A 0 0
Fire Composite Bow 82 82 100 0 0 50
COMPOSITE BOW Rre Composite Bow+5 110 0 110 100 0
Type None Weight 1 Upgrade 200 RreComposlteBow+10 154 0 154 100 0 0
Chaos Composite Bow 104 104 100 50
Stability 0 Durability 100
Chaos Composite Bow+5 130 130 100
Acquired from Valley of Drakes/New
Londo Ruins (1)
Type None Weight 1 Upgrade 5000 + Demon Titanite
Note Shot range: 38 Stability 0 Durability 400
Attack Values Acquired from Ascension only

Composite Bow 55 0 0 100 0 50

Composite Bow+S 82 0 100 c 0 0 0 0 0
Composite Bow+ 10 110 0 100 c c 0 0
100 c c 0
Note Shot range: 50
CompositeBow+15 137 0
Crystal Composite Bow 121 100 c c
Crystal Composite Bow+S 148 0 100 c c
Lightning Composite Bow 110 0 110 100
Ughtning Composite
151 0 154 100 0 Dart<mooo Bow+5

CROSSBOW Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction

Crossbows follow the same general principals as Bows, but without Souls
Magic Ught Crossbow+ 10 205 210 100 0
the abi lity to enter any kind of aiming mode. This means you have to
Divine Ught Crossbow 85 102 0 100 0 0 100
rely on the lock-on to guide the bolts to your target, and you cannot
Divine Ught Crossbow+S 136 164 100 0 0
choose to aim for critical head shots. To make up for lack of a manual
Divine Ught Crossbow+ 10 187 225 100 0 0
aim, Crossbows generally have slightly better attack power than
Fire Ught Crossbow 90 0 90 100 0 50
Bows . Because of the nature of how they operate, Crossbows are
Fire Ught Crossbow+S 14 7 147 0 100
much better suited to doing some quick damage as you advance on
Fire Ught CrossboW+ tO 207 207 100
a target before engag1ng them in melee combat.


Type None Weight 3 Upgrade 200 Type None Weight 5 Upgrade 200

Stability 0 Durability 150 Stability O Durability 150

Acquired from Armored Soldier (Cross- 10 8 0 0 Acquired from Depths (1) 14 0

bow) (A), Elite Undead Archer (A), Undead
Burg/Undead Parish (1)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Note Shot range: 50 Note Shot range: 50

Attack Values Pa rameter Bonus Reduction Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduct ion
Frampt Frampt
Souls Souls
Light Crossbow 50 0 100 50 Heavy Crossbow 55 0 100 50
Ught Crossbow+S 125 0 100 0 Heavy Crossbow+S 137 0 100 0
Light Crossbow+ 10 200 0 100 Heavy CrossOOw+ 10 220 0 0 0 100
Light Crossbow+ 15 280 0 100 0 Heavy Crossbow+ 15 308 0 0 0 100
Crystal Ught Crossbow 230 0 tOO Crystal Heavy Crossbow 253 0 0 100
Cry>;tal Ught Croosbow S 310 0 tOO 0 0 Crystal Hea'Y 341 0 0 100
Ughtning Ught Crossbow 150 0 0 140 100 0 0 500
Ughtning Heavy
Ughtning Ught Cross- 165 154 100 0 0 0 500
212 200 100 0 Crossbow
bow+5 Ughtning Heavy
233 0 220 100
Magic Ught Crossbow 95 94 100 50 Crossbow+S
Magic Ught Crossbow+S 150 151 100 Magic Heavy Crossbow 102 103 100 50


Magic Heavy Crossbow+S 161 Fire Avelyn
Magic Heavy Cross- Rre Avelyn+S 109 109 100
221 231 100 0
bow+10 Fire Avelyn+ 10 153 153 100
DMne Heavy Crossbow 92 112 0 0 100 0 0 0 100
Divine Heavy Crossbow+S 148 180 0 100 0 0
Divine Heavy
Crossbow+ 10
203 247 100 0 SNIPER CROSSBOW
Fire Heavy Crossbow 99 99 100 0 50
Type None Weight S Upgrade 200
Fire Heavy Crossbow+S 162 162 100
Fire Heavy Crossbow+ 10 228 228 100 Stability O Durability 150

Acquired from Sen's Fortress (1)

Type None Weight 6 Upgrade 200 0 0 0 0

Stability 0 Durability 150 Note Shot range: 70

Acquired from The Duke's Archives/ 16 14 0 0
Crystal Cave (1)

Sniper Crossbow
0 0 0 0
Sniper Crossbow+5 130 100 0
Sniper Crossbow+ 10 208 100
Note Shot range: 50
Sniper Crossbow+ 15 291 o 0 tOO 0
Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction Crystal Sniper Crossbow 239 0 100
Crystal Sniper
322 0 100
Avelyn 37 0 0 100 50 Ughtning Sniper
156 0 145 100 0 500
Avelyn+S 92 0 100 0 Crossbow
Ughtning Sniper
Avelyn+10 148 0 100 0 221 0 208 100 0
Avelyn+15 207 0 100 0 Magic Sniper Crossbow 97 96 0 100 50
Crystal Avet;n 170 0 100 Magic Sniper Cross-
154 155 0 100
Crystal Avelyn+5 229 0 0 100 bow+5
Magic Sniper Cross-
Lightning Avelyn 111 0 103 100 0 500 210 215 100
Lightning Avelyn+5 157 0 148 100 0 Divine Sniper Crossbow 87 107 0 100 100
Magic Avelyn 70 69 0 100 50 DiVine Sniper Cross- 0
140 172 0 0 100
MagiC Avelyn+5 110 111 100 0
Divine Sniper Cross-
Magic Avelyn+ 10 151 154 0 100 0 192 236 0 100 0 0
Divine Avelyn 62 77 0 0 100 100 Fire Sniper Crossbow 93 93 100 50
DMne Avet;n+5 100 124 100 Fire Sn1per Crossbow+5 153 153 100
Divine Avelyn+ 10 137 170 100 0 0 FireSniperCmssbow+10 215 0 215 100


A Catalyst is required for you to cast any kind of Magic spell, and Type Strike Weight 2 Upgrade -

for t he most part, they are highly ineffectual in any kind of melee Sta bility 16 Durability 90
attack, even though it is possible to use one if you wish . Catalysts
Acquired from Valley of Drakes/New
are also one of the few weapon types that you cannot reinforce at Londo Ruins (1)
all, but they do still have the ability to gain power. Cata lysts have an
additional rating called Magic Adjust. which can grow and change 26 8 20 20
depending on your Intelligence rating. As your Intelligence goes up,
so does t he Magic Adjust number for the Catalyst, allowing it to do Note Magic Adjust: 19-240
more damage.

Beatrice's Catalyst


Type Strike Weight 2 Upgrade - Type Thrust Weight 3 Upgrade -

Stability 16 Durability 90 Stability 16 Durability 160

Acquired from Sorcerer (default), Griggs Acquired from Blighttown!Ouelaag's 10 10 12 0

of Vinhelm, Rickert of Vinheim 500 Souls, Domain (1)
Undead Burg/Undead Parish (1)
8 20 20 26 8 20 20

Note Magic Adjust: 19-240 Note Magic Adjust: 19-220

Sorcerer's Catalyst 50 Tin Bantshment GataJyst


Type Strike Weight 2 Upgrade - Type Thrust Weight 2.5 Upgrade -

Stability 16 Durability 90 Stability 16 Durability 90

Acquired from The Duke's Archives/ 6 0 24 0 Acquired from Drop: Big Hat Logan (final)
0 32 0
Crystal Cave (1)

26 8 20 20 26 8 20 20

Note Magic Adjust: 19-250 Note Magic Adjust: 19-315

Logan's Catalyst 46 0 0 100 s 2682020 50 Tin Crystallization Ctlyst.


Type Strike Weight 1 Upgrade 5000 Type Thrust Weight 4 Upgrade -

Stability 16 Durability 60 Stability 16 Durability 300

Acquired from Ascension only Acquired from Demon Firesage (M) 12 10 10 0

26 8 20 20 26 8 20 20

Note Magic Adjust: 19-240 Note Magic Adjust: 19-200

Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction

Tin Darkmoon Catalyst 44 0 0 0 100 A 26 8 20 20 1000 Demol1~ Catalyst 110 0 170 0 100 D D B 2682020 50


Type Strike Weight 0.5 Upgrade - Type Strike Weight 2 Upgrade -

Stability 16 Durability 30 Stability 16 Durability 300

Acquired from Dusk of Oolacille 3 0 12 0 Acquired from Drop: Daughter of Chaos 6 0 14 0

1000 Souls

20 20 26 8 20 20

Note Magic Adjust: 19-180 Note Magic Adjust: 19-240

Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction
Frampt Frampt
Souls Souls
Oolacile Ivory Catalyst 1000 lzahth CataJiyst 40 0 0 100 A 26 8 20 20 1000

Th e Pyromancy Flame is needed for casting the many different No additional materials are required to re inforce them, so you only
variet ies of Pyromancy spells. Used general ly, they work exactly the need t he required number of Souls. Having direct control over the
same as Catalysts, but have an even less effective mel ee attack. The strength of the flame without having to increase your Intelligence
main difference is t hat, unlike Catalysts and Talismans, it is possible rating means that Pyromancy can be very effective for classes that
to reinfo rce the Pyromancy Flame by taking it to specific NPCs. do not have high Intelligence.


Type Strike Weight O Upgrade 0 - 25000 Type Strike Weight O Upgrade 25000 - 40000
Stability 16 Durability 30 Stability 16 Durability 30
Acquired from Pyromancer (default), 4 Acquired from Ascension only
0 0 0 4 0 0 0
Event: Laurent ius of the Great Swamp,
Event: Eingyi
26 8 20 20

Note Magic Adjust: 100 Note Magic Adjust: 254

Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction
Pyromancy Flaroo 26 8 20 20 1000 Pyromancy Flaroo (strong) 254 60 100 s 26 20 20 1000
Pymmancy Flame+5 150 0 40 0 100 D 26 20 20 Pyromancy Flame+5 270 0 60 0 100 s 26 8 20 20
Pyromancy Flame+ 10 200 0 40 0 100 B 26 20 20
Pyromancy Fla._ 15 250 0 40 0 100 s 26 8 20 20


TALISMAN Type Strike Weight 0.3 Upgrade -

Stability 16 Durability 50
Talismans are small bundles of cloth that have been imbued with
Acquired from Event: Petrus of Thorolund,
spiritual power to enable the casting of Miracles. Once equipped, Patches 5000 Souls, Drop: Rhea of
a Tal isman works the same way as a Cata lyst or Pyromancy Flame Thorolund
and will enable you to cast any Miracles that you have in your Attun-
26 8 20 20
ement slots. Also like Catalysts, you cannot reinforce Talismans, and
must instead increase their power by raising your Faith stat. Note Magic Adjust: 19-234

Ivory Talisman 14 0 0 100 A 26 8 20 20 100


Type Strike Weight 0.3 Upgrade - Type Strike Weight 0.3 Upgrade -

Stability 16 Durability 50 Stability 16 Durability 50

Acquired from Petrus of Thorolund 1000 4 0 0 10 Acquired from Drop: Solaire of Astora 4 0 0 14
Souls, Rhea of Thorolund 200 Souls,
Rrelink Shrine (1)
26 8 20 20 26 8 20 20

Note Magic Adjust: 19-200 Note Magic Adjust: 19-234

Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction
Talisman 14 0 0 100 B 26 8 20 20 2000 Sunlight Talisman 14 0 0 100 A2682020


Type Strike Weight 0.3 Upgrade - Type Strike Weight 0.3 Upgrade -

Stability 16 Durability 50 Stability 16 Durability 50

Acquired from Cleric (default), Acqu ired from Covenant: Darl<moon

Patches 1000 Souls

26 8 20 20 26 8 20 20

Note Magic Adjust: 19-220 Note Magic Adjust: 19-240

Attack Values

Canvas Talisman 14 0 Darkmoon Talisman


Type Strike Weight 0.3 Upgrade - Type Strike Weight 0.3 Upgrade -
Stability 16 Durability 50 Stability 16 Durability 50
Acquired from Petrus of Thorolund 5000 4 Acquired from Oswald of Carim
0 0 10 0 16 0
Souls, Patches 5000 Souls 5000 Souls

26 8 20 20 26 8 20 20

Note Magic Adjust: 19-150 Note Magic Adjust: 19-220

Thorolund Talisman Velka's Talisman


Type Strike Weight 0.5 Upgrade -
There is only one Lantern available in the game, and it has a very Durability 60
unique property that separates it from all of the other weapons. If
Acquired from Tomb Of The Giants (1)
you equip the Lantern in your right hand, you will only be able to
do a single downward swing attack with it, which does average fire
damage. Equipping it in the left hand slot, however, and then hold-
26 8 20 20
ing down L 1/LB will cause the Lantern to be held out in front of your
character, at which time it will start illuminating the area. As long as Attack Values Parameter Bonus Damage Reduction
you hold down the button, the Lantern will continue to light up the Frampt
area, which can make navigating through some of the darker areas 30 0 75 0 100 26 8 20 20 100
of the game a lot easier.


Small Shields generally offer a lower degree of protection than other shields due to their
small size, and you will also suffer more stamina loss while blocking attacks. Small Shields
are also normally made of wood or a soft material, which means that enemy attacks are
rarely deflected after blocking them.

They make up for this, however, by giving you a lot more time in which you can perform
a critical strike after a successful parry. Many Small Shields also have a larger window for
performing the initial parry too. The combination of both of these factors can make them
extremely deadly for players that favor parrying over blocking.


Type Strike Weight 0.5 Upgrade 200 Type Strike Weight 1.5 Upgrade 200

Stability 40 Durability 200 Stability 40 Durability 140

Acquired from Sorcerer (default), Undead Acquired from Undead Merchant (male) 13 0 0
Merchant (male) 600 Souls 600 Souls, Elite Undead Guard (Rapier) (A)
[Undead Parish]
80 35 60 60 76 32 65 53

Small Leather Sh<lld 40 0 D 60 35 60 60 40 200 50 Buckler 55 D 76 32 65 53 40 140 50

Small Leather Shield+S 50 0 D 60 35 60 60 46 200 Buckler+5 68 D 76 32 65 53 46 140
Small Leather Shield+ 10 62 0 60 35 60 60 52 200 Buckler+10 85 D 76 32 65 53 52 140
Small Leather Shield+ 15 60 D 60 35 60 60 56 200 Buckler+15 110 0 D 76 32 65 53 56 140
C!YS. Small Leather Crystal Buckler 85 0 76 32 65 53 52 14
62 0 60 35 60 60 52 20
Crystal Buckler+5 110 0 0 D 76 32 65 53 56 14
Crys. Sm. Leather
60 D 60 35 60 60 56 20 85 0. 76 32 65 59.4 40 140
Shield+5 Ughtning Buckler 85 500
Ltng. &Tiail Leather Ughtning Buckler+5 110 110 76 32 65 63.6 40 140
62 62 60 35 60 67.2 40 200 500
Ltng. Sm. Leather Magic Buckler 51 56 0 D 76 32 65 53 40 140 50
60 0 60 60 35 60 72 40 200
Magic Buckler+S 63 69 D 76 35.2 65 53 40 140
Magk: Small Leather
37 41 0 60 35 60 60 40 200 50 Magic Buckler+10 82 90 D 76 38.4 65 53 40 140
Magic Sm. Leather Divine Buckler 46 56 D 76 32 65 53 40 140 100
46 51 D 60 40.3 60 60 40 200
Shield+5 Divine Buckler+S 57 69 E E D 76 32 65 53 40 140
Magic Sm. Leather
60 66 0 60 45.5 60 60 40 200 Divine Buckler+ 1o 74 90 0 E E D 76 32 65 53 40 140
Divine Small Leather Fire Buckler 68 68 0 76 32 65 53 40 140 50
33 41 0 D 60 35 60 60 40 200 100
Shield Fire Buckler+5 85 76 32 71.5 53 40 140
Oiv. Sm. Leather
41 51 D 60 35 60 60 40 200 Fire Buckler+10 110 110 76 32 78 53 40 140
Div. Sm. Leather
54 66 0 ED 60356060 40200
Fire Sman Leather Shield 50 50 60 35 60 60 40 200 50 CRACKED ROUND SHIELD
Fire Small Leather
62 62 60 35 69 60 40 200 Type Strike Weight 1 Upgrade 200
Fire Sm. Leather
60 60 60 35 78 60 40 200 Stability 30 Durability 60

Acquired from Pyromancer (default),

TARGET SHIELD Armored Zombie (Axe) (A), Armored Zombie
(Sword) (A)
Type Strike Weight 2 Upgrade 200
65 55 10 45
Stability 45 Durability 150
Attack Values Parameter B. Damage Reduction Stb. Our.
Acquired from Thief (defau~). Undead As-
sassin (A), Undead Burg/Undead Parish (1)
Cracked Round Shield 65 10 45 60
Cmcked Round
78 30 65 50 57 D 65 55 10 45 34 60
Cracked Round
71 D 65 55 10 45 39 60
Cracked Round
92 0 0 D 65 55 10 45 42 60
Target Shield 78 65 50 45 150 50 Crys. Cracked Round
71 D 65 55 10 45 39
Target Shield+S 70 0 D 78 30 65 50 51 150 Crys. Cracked Rd.
Target Shield+ tO 92 0 D 65 55 10 45 42
66 0 D 78 30 65 50 58 150 Shield+5
Target Shield+ 15 112 D 78 30 65 50 63 150 Ltng. Cracked Round
71 0 71 65 55 10 50.4 30 60
Crystal Target Shield 86 D 78 30 65 50 58 15 Ltng. Cracked Ad.
92 0 92 65 55 10 54 30 60
Crystal Target Shield+5 112 0 D 78 30 65 50 63 15 Shield+S
Magic Cracked Round
Ughtning Target Shield 86 86 78 30 65 56 45 150 500 43 46 0 0 65 55 10 45 30 60 50
Ughtning Target Magic Cracked Rd.
112 112 78 30 65 60 45 150 54 57 65 63.3 10 45 30 60
Shield+5 D
Magic Target Shield 52 57 D 78 30 65 50 45 150 50 Magic Cracked Rd.
70 74 D 65 71.5 10 45 30 60
Magic Target Shield+5 65 71 D 78 33 65 50 45 150 Shield+10
Divine Cracked Round
Magic Target Shield+10 84 92 D 78 36 65 50 45 150 38 47 0 D 65 55 10 45 30 60 100
Divlne Target Shield 47 ~7 0 78:)()6550 45 150 100 Div. Cracklld Rd.
48 58 0 E 0 65 55 10 45 30 60
Divine Target Sh191d+5 58 71 0 0 E 0 78 30 65 50 45 150 Shield+5
Div. Cracked Rd.
DMne Target Shklid+ 10 76 92 E D 78 30 65 50 45 150 Shield+10
62 76 0 0 65 55 10 45 30 60
Fire Target Shield 70 70 78 30 65 50 45 150 50 Fire Cracked Round
57 57 65 55 10 45 30 60 50
Fire Target Shield+5 86 86 78 30 71.5 50 45 150
Fire Cracked Round
Fire Target Shield+ 10 112 112 71 71 65 55 11.5 45 30 60
78 30 78 50 45 150 Shield+S
Fire Cracked Rd.
92 92 65 55 13 45 30 60


Type Strike Weight 1 Upgrade 200 Type Strike Weight 1 Upgrade 200
Stability 45 Durability 200 Stability 40 Durability 180

Acquired from Wanderer (default), Undead Acquired from Firelink Shrine (1)
Merchant (male) BOO Sculs

85 35 60 60 85 65 30 65

Attack Values Parameter B. Damage Reduction Stb. Our. Attack Values Parameter B. Damage Reduction Stb. Our.

Leather Shield 42 D 85 35 60 60 45 200 50 Caduceus Round Shield 50 D 85 65 30 65 40 180 50

Leather Shield+S 52 D 85 35 60 60 51 200 Caduceus Round 85 65 30 65 46 180
62 D
Leather Shield+ 10 65 0 D 85 35 60 60 58 200 Gaduceus Round
77 0 D 85 65 30 65 52 180
Leather Shield+ 15 84 D 85 35 60 60 63 200 Shield+10
85 35 60 60 58 20 Caduceus Round 85 65 30 65 56 180
Crystal Leather Shield 65 0 0 D 100 D
Shield+ 15
Crystal Leather Shield+5 84 0 0 D 85 35 60 60 63 20 Crys. Caduceus Round
77 D 85 65 30 65 52 18
Ughtning Leather Shield 65 65 85 35 60 67.2 45 200 500 Shield
Crys. Caduceus Rd. 85 65 30 65 56 18
Lightning Leather 85 35 60 72 45 200 100 D
84 0 84 Shield+5
Ung. Cadoceus Round 85 65 30 72.8 40 180
Magic Leather Shield 40 42 D 85 35 60 60 45 200 50 77 0 0 77
Magic Leather Shield+5 49 52 D 85 40.3 60 60 45 200 Ling. Caduceus Rd.
100 100 85 65 30 78 40 180
Magic Leather Shield+ 10 64 68 E D 85 45.5 60 60 45 200 Shield+5
Magic Caduceus Round
Divine Leather Shield 35 43 E D 85 35 60 60 45 200 100 47 51 D 85 65 30 65 40 180 50
Divine Leather Shield+S 43 54 E D 85 35 60 60 45 200 Magic Caduceus Ad.
58 63 0 D 85 71.5 30 65 40 180
E 0 85 35 60 60 45 200 Shield+5
Divine Leather Shield+ 10 56 70
Mag. Caduceus Rd.
Fire Leather Shield 52 52 85 35 60 60 45 200 50 76 82 0 D 85 78 30 65 40 180
Fire Leather Shield+5 65 65 85 35 69 60 45 200 Div. Caduceus Round 100
42 51 D 85 65 30 65 40 180
Fire Leather Shield+ 10 84 84 85 35 78 60 45 200
Ofv. Caduceus Rd. 85 65 30 65 40 180
52 63 0
Div. Caduceus Rd.
68 82 E D 85 65 30 65 40 180
Fire Caduceus Round
Type Strike Weight 1.5 Upgrade 200 62 62 85 65 30 65 40 180 50
Fire Caduceus Rd. 85 65 34.5 65 40 180
77 77
Stability 45 Durability 120 Shield+5
Fire Caduceus Rd. 85 65 39 65 40 180
100 0 100
Acquired from Deprived (default), Shield+10
The Great Hollow/Ash Lake (1)
75 40 20 55
Type Strike Weight 3 Upgrade 5000 + Demon Titanite

Stability 40 Durability 120

Plank Shield 52 0 75 40 20 55 45 120 Acquired from Ascension only

Plank Shold+5 65 0 75 40 20 55 ~ 120
Plank Shoeld+ 10 80 0 0 0 75 40 20 55 58 120
Plank Shiad+15 104 0 0 0 75 40 20 55 63 120 70 90 70 40
Crystal Plank Shield 80 D 75 40 20 55 58 12
Note Parry is replaced by an energy ring projectile attack
Crystal Plank Shield+S 104 0 D 75 40 20 55 63 12
Lightning Plank Shield 80 80 75 40 20 61.6 45 120 500 Parameter B. Damage Reduction Stb. Our.
Lightfllng Plank Shield+S 104 104 75 40 20 66 45 120 Frampt
Magie Plank Shield 48 52 D 75 40 20 55 45 120 50
Crystal Ring Sh1eld 0 100 0 0 70 90 70 40 40 120 1000
Magic Plank Shield+5 60 65 0 75 46 20 55 45 120
Crystal Ring Shield+5 0 150 0 70 90 70 40 40 120
Magic Plank Shield+ 10 78 84 E D 75 52 20 55 45 120
OMne Plank Shield 43 53 E D 75 40 20 55 45 120 100
Divine Plank Shield+5 54 66 E D 75 40 20 55 45 120
DMne Plank Shield+ 10 70 86 0 E D 75 40 20 55 45 120
Fire Plank Shield 65 65 0 75 40 20 55 45 120 50
Fire Plank Shield+S 80 80 75 40 23 55 45 120


Type Strike Weight 1 Upgrade 200 Divine R&W Round
68 82 0 E 0 85 65 30 65 40 180
Stability 40 Durability 180 Rre R&W Round Shield 62 62 85 65 30 65 40 180 50
Fire R&W Round
Acquired from Undead Merchant (male) 77 77 85 65 34.5 65 40 180
6 0 0 0 Shield+5
800 Souls Fire R&W Round
100 100 85 65 39 65 40 180

85 65 30 65

Attack Values Parameter B. Damage Reduction Stb. Our. EFFIGY SHIELD

Type Strike Weight 3 Upgrade 200
Wanior's Round Sh<lld
Stability 45 Durability 180
Warrior's Round
62 D 85 65 30 65 46 180
Shield+5 Acquired from Tomb Of The Giants (1)
Warrior's Round
77 D 85 65 30 65 52 180
Warrior's Round
100 0 0 D 85 65 30 65 56 180
90 40 70 90
Crys. Warrior's Ad.
77 D 85 65 30 65 52 18
Crys. Warrior's Ad.
100 D 85 65 30 65 56 18
Ltng. Warrior's Rd.
77 77 85 65 30 78 40 180 90 40 70 90 45 180
Sh<lld EffigySh'"d 60 0 D
Ltng. Warrior's Rd. Crystal Effigy Shield 93 0 D 90 40 70 90 58 18
100 0 100 85 65 30 84.5 40 180
Magic Warrior's Rd. U9htning Efftgy Shield 93 93 90 40 70 90 45 180 500
47 51 D 85 65 30 65 40 180 50
Shield Magic Effigy Shield 56 61 0 D 90 40 70 90 45 180 50
Mag. Warrior's Rd.
58 63 D 85 74.7 30 65 40 180 IJMne Effigy Shield 51 62 0 D 90 40 70 90 45 180 100
Mag. Warrior's Rd. Rre EffiQYShield 75 0 75 90 40 70 90 45 180 50
76 82 D 85 84.5 30 65 40 180
Oiv. Warrior's Round
42 51 0 D 85 65 30 65 40 180 100
Div. Warrior's Rd.
52 63 D 85 65 30 65 40 180
Oiv. Warrior's Rd. Type Stnke Weight 3 Upgrade 200
68 82 0 E D 85 65 30 65 40 180
Fire Warrior's Round Stability 51 Durability 410
62 0 62 85 65 30 65 40 180 50
Fire Warrior's Ad. Acquired from Drop: Paladin Leeroy
77 77 85 65 34.5 65 40 180
Fire Warrior's Rd.
100 100 0 85 65 39 65 40 180
95 40 70 50

RED AND WHITE ROUND SHIELD Note Restores HP at the rate of 2 HP every 2 seconds

Type Strike Weight 1 Upgrade 200

Stability 40 Durability 180

Acquired from Skeleton Swordsmen (Great- Crystal Sanctus 96 0 D 95 40 70 50 41
sword) (A), Sk,.eton Swordsmen (Greatsword) (the
Ughtning Sanctus 960096 95 40 70 56 5t 410 500
Grave King's SSI'J8J1t) (A), Skeleton Swordsmen
(Sword and Sh<>ld) (A), Skeleton Swordsmen Magic Sanctus 58 62 D 95 40 70 50 51 410 50
(Sword and Sh<>ld) (the Grave King's SSI'J8J1t) (A) 85 65 30 65 Divine Sanctus 52 63 0 D 95 40 70 50 51 410 100
Fire Sanctus 77 77 95 40 70 50 51 410 50

Reel and White Ad. Type Strike Weight 3
62 0 D 85 65 30 65 46 180
Red and White Ad. Stability 53 Durability 240
77 0 0 05 G5 30 65 G2 180
Red and White Rd. Acquired from Painted World
100 0 0 D 85 65 30 65 56 180
Of Ariamis (1)
Crys1al R&W Round
77 0 D 85 65 30 65 52 18
Crystal R&W Round 100 30 70 50
100 D 85 65 30 65 56 18
Ughtmng R&W Round
77 77 85 65 30 72.8 40 180 500 Note Raises Poison/Bleed/Curse resistance by 50%
Ling. R&W Round
100 100 85 65 30 78 40 180 Attack Values Parameter B. Damage Reduction Stb. Our.
Magic A&W Round Frampt
47 51 D 85 65 30 65 40 180 50 Souls
Magic R&W Round Bloodshield 62 0 D 100 30 70 50 53 240 50
58 63 D 85 71.5 30 65 40 180
Crys1al Bkx>dshield 96 0 D 100 30 70 50 68 24
Magic R&W Round
76 82 D 85 78 30 65 40 180 Ughtning Bloodshteld 96 96 100 30 70 56 53 240 500
Divine R&W Round Magic Bloodshield 58 62 D 100 30 70 50 53 240 50
42 51 0 D 85 65 30 65 40 180 100
Divine R&W Round Divine Bloodshield 52 63 D 100 30 70 50 53 240 100
52 63 E D 85 65 30 65 40 180
Fire Bloodshield
Shleld+S 77 77 100 30 70 50 53 240 50


MagiC Wooden Shield 50
Normal Shields offer a step up in protection over Small Shields, Magic Wooden Shoeld+5 93 46 30 65 52 160
while still retaining the ability to perform a parry. The shields in this Magic Wooden
82 88 D 93 52 30 65 52 160
group are of average weight, and can usually be quipped by most Divine Wooden Shield 45 56 D 93 40 30 65 52 160 100
classes without putting too much of a burden on their Equip Load. Divlne Wooden Shield+5 55 69 D 93 40 30 65 52 160
They are also the first class of shield that allows for the blocking of Divine Wooden
72 90 D 93 40 30 65 52 160
Shield+ 10
100% of physical damage. This enables you to block most normal
Rre Wooden Shield 67 67 93 40 30 65 52 160 50
attacks in the game without sustaining damage, Early in the game
F119 Wooden Shield+5 83 0 83 0 93 40 34.5 65 52 160
this trait can literally save your life. Rre Wooden Shield+ 10 108 108 93 40 39 65 52 160

Most normal Shields are also made of metal or other hard materi-
als, which mean that blocking most normal attacks will cause them LARGE LEATHER SHIELD
to be deflected, and the enemy will be lett vulnerab le for a short Type Strike Weight 1.5 Upgrade 200
period of time. The parry and riposte windows are slightly smaller
Stability 52 Durability 200
than with Small Shields, but with a bit of practice they can still both
be used easily. The additional defensive capabilities more than make Acquired from Hunter (default), Andre of 7 0 0 0
up for slightly diminished parrying capabilities, and for most players, Astora BOO Souls, Phalanx (A)
these shields will be the optimal middle ground.

EAST-WEST SHIELD Attack Values Parameter B. Da mage Reduction Stb. Our.

Type Strike Weight 1 Upgrade 200 +1-

Large Leather Shield 46 D 91 35 60 60 52 200 50
Stability 44 Durability 160
Large Leather Shield+5 57 0 D 91 35 60 60 59 200
Acquired from Cleric (defau~). Undead 6 0 0 0 LargeleatherShield+10 71 D 91 35 60 60 67 200
Merchant (male) 400 Souls Large Leather Shield+ 15 92 0 0 D 91 35 60 60 73 200
Crys. Large Leather
71 D 91 35 60 60 67 20
88 40 30 65 Crys. Lg. Leather
92 D 91 35 60 60 72 20
Attack Values Parameter B. Damage Reduction Stb. Our. Ltng. Large Leather
71 0 71 91 35 60 67.2 52 200 500
Ltng. Lg. Leather
92 92 91 35 60 72 52 200
EastWest Shield 52 D 88 40 30 65 44 160 50 Shield+5
Magic Large Leather
East-West Shield+5 65 0 D 88 40 30 65 50 160 43 46 D 91 35 60 60 52 200 50
East-West Shield+ 10 ao o D 88 40 30 65 57 160 Mag. Lg. Leather
54 57 D 91 40.3 60 60 52 200
East~WestShield+15 104 0 D 88 40 30 65 62 160 Shield+5
Mag. Lg. Leather
Crystal East-West Shield 80 D 88 40 30 65 57 16 70 74 D 91 45.5 60 60 52 200
Shield+ 10
Crystal East-West Divine Large Leather
104 0 D 88 40 30 65 61 16 38 47 D 91 35 60 60 52 200 100
Shield+S Shield
Ughtning East-West
60 80 88 40 30 72.8 44 160 500 Div. Lg. Leall>er Shield+5 48 58 E D 91 35 60 60 52 200
Ling. East-West Div. Lg. Leather
104 104 88 40 30 78 44 160 62 76 E D 91 35 60 60 52 200
Shleid+5 Shield+10
Magic East-West Shield 48 52 D 88 40 30 65 44 160 50 Fire Large Leather Shield 57 57 91 35 60 60 52 200 50
Magic East-West Fire Large Leather
60 65 D 88 46 30 65 44 160 71 71 91 35 69 60 52 200
Shield+5 Shield+5
Magic East-West Fire Lg. Leather
78 84 D 88 52 30 65 44 160 92 92 91 35 78 60 52 200
Shield+10 Shleld+10
Divlne East-West Shield 43 53 E D 88 40 30 65 44 160 100
Divine East-West
54 66 D 88 40 30 65 44 160 HEATER SHIELD
Divine East-West
70 86 D 88 40 30 65 44 160 Type Strike Weight 2 Upgrade 200
Fire East-West Shield 65 65 88 40 30 65 44 160 50
Stability 55 Durability 250
Fire East-West Shield+5 80 60 88 40 34.5 65 44 160
Fire East-West Acquired from Warrior (default), Undead
104 0 104 88 40 39 65 44 160 8 0 0 0
Merchant (male) 1000 Souls

100 30 70 50
Type Strike Weight 1.5 Upgrade 200

Stability 52 Durability 160 Heater Shield 60 D 100 30 70 50 55 250 50

Heater Shield+5 75 D 100 30 70 50 83 250
Acquired from Undead Burg/Undead
Heater Shield+ 10 93 o D 100 30 70 50 71 250
Parish (1)
Heater Shield+ 15 120 0 D 100 30 70 50 78 250
Crystal Heater Shield 93 D 100 30 70 50 71 25
93 40 30 65
Crystal Heater Shield+5 120 D 100 30 70 50 77 25
Attack Values l.Jgh1ning Heater Shield 93 93 100 30 70 56 55 250 500
Ughtning Heater
120 120 100 30 70 60 55 250
Wooden Shield 93 40 30 65 52 160 Magic Heater Shield 56 61 D 100 30 70 50 55 250 50
Wooden Shield+5 67 0 D 93 40 30 65 59 160 MagiC Heater Shield+5 69 75 0 D 100 33 70 50 55 250
Wooden Shield+ 10 83 0 0 D 93 40 30 65 67 160 Magic Heater Shield+ 10 90 98 0 D 100 36 70 50 55 250
Wooden Shield+15 108 0 0 D 93 40 30 65 73 160 Divine Heater Shield 51 62 0 D 100 30 70 50 55 250 100
Crys1al Wooden Shield 83 D 93 40 30 65 67 16 Divine Heater Shield+S 63 77 D 100 30 70 50 55 250
Crystal Wooden DivineHeaterShield+lO 82 100 0 D 100 30 70 50 55 250
108 D 93 40 30 65 72 16
Fire Heater Shield 75 75 100 30 70 50 55 250 50
Ughtning Wooden Shield 83 0 83 93 40 30 72.8 52 160 500
l.Jghtmng Wooden Rre Heater Shleld+5 93 93 100 30 77 50 55 250
108 108 93 40 30 78 52 160
Shield+5 Fire Heater Shield+ 10 120 0 120 100 30 84 50 55 250


Type Strike Weight 5.5 Upgrade 200 Grass Crest Shield+ 10
Stability 56 Durability 200 Grass Crest Shield+ 15 124 D 95 42 70 50 72 200
Crystal Grass Crest
96 0 D 95 42 70 50 66 20
Acquired from Undead Burg/Undead 10 0 0 0 Shield
Parish (1) Crys. Grass Crest
124 D 95 42 70 50 71 20
Ung. Grass Crest Shield 96 0 96 95 42 70 56 51 200 500
100 30 60 40 Ung. Grass Crest
124 124 95 42 70 60 51 200
Attack Values Parameter B. Damage Reduction Stb. Our. Magic Grass Crest
58 62 0 0 95 42 70 50 51 200 50
MagiC Grass Crest
72 77 D 95 46.2 70 50 51 200
Knight Shield
Magic Grass Crest
Knight Slloetd+5 85 D 100 30 60 40 64 200 94 100 D 95 50,4 70 50 51 200
Knight Shield+10 105 0 0 D 100 30 60 40 72 200 Divine Grass Crest
52 63 E D 95 42 70 50 51 200 100
Knight Shield+ 15 136 0 D 100 30 60 40 79 200
Divine Grass Crest
Crystal Knight Shield 105 D 100 30 60 40 72 20 65 79 0 E D 95 42 70 50 51 200
Crystal Knight Stueld+5 136 D 100 30 60 40 78 20 Dtv. Grass Crest
64 102 D 95 42 70 50 51 200
Ughtning Knight Shield 105 0 105 100 30 60 44.8 56 200 500
Fire Grass Crest Shield 77 77 95 42 70 50 51 200 50
lightning Knight
136 0 136 100 30 60 48 56 200 Rre Grass Crest
Shield+5 96 96 95 42 77 50 51 200
Magic Knight Shield 63 66 D 100 30 60 40 56 200 50 Fire Grass Crest
124 124 95 42 64 50 51 200
Magic Knight Shield+5 79 85 0 D 100 33 60 40 56 200 Sh191d+10
MagicKnightShield+10 102 110 0 0 E D 100 36 60 40 56 200
Divine Knight Shield 57 70 0 E D 100 30 60 40 56 200 100
Divlne Knlght Sl1ield+5 71 66 0 E D 100 30 60 40 56 200
Divine Knight Shield+ 1o 92 112 o E D 100 30 60 40 56 200 Type Strike Weight 3.5 Upgrade 200
Fire Knight Shield 85 85 100 30 60 40 56 200 50
Stability 60 Durability 250
Are Knight Shield+5 105 105 100 30 66 40 56 200
Are Knight Shield+ 10 136 136 100 30 72 40 56 200 Acquired from Undead Soldier (Spear) (A), 11 0 0 0
Undead Soldier (Sword) (A)

TOWER KITE SHIELD 100 30 75 50

Type Strike Weight 3 Upgrade 200 Attack Values Parameter B. Damage Reduction Stb. Our.
Stability 58 Durability 250

Acquired from Knight (default), Andre of 10 0 0 0

Hollow SoldKlr Shoetd 66 0
Astora 1000 Souls Hollow SoldKlr Shield+5 82 0 D 100 30 75 50 69 250
HollowSoldierShield+10 102 0 D 100 30 75 50 76 250
Hollow Soldier Shield+ 15 132 D 100 30 75 50 85 250
Crys. Holow Soldier
102 0 D 100 30 75 50 76 25
Attack Values Shield
Crys. Hollow Sldr.
132 0 D 100 30 75 50 64 25
Ltng. Hollow Soldier
Tower Kite Shield 64 102 0 102 100 30 75 56 60 250 500
Tower Kite Sh1eld+5 60 0 100 30 70 50 66 250 Ung. Hollow Sldr.
132 132 100 30 75 60 60 250
Tower Kite Shield+ 10 99 0 D 100 30 70 50 75 250 Sllield+5
Magic Hollow Soldier
Tower Kite Shield+ 15 126 D 100 30 70 50 62 250 62 67 D 100 30 75 50 60 250 50
Crystal Tower Kite Sh1eld 99 D 100 30 70 50 75 25 Magic Hollow Slcir.
77 63 0 D 100 33 75 50 60 250
Crystal Tower Kite Shield+5
126 D 100 30 70 50 61 25 Mag. Hollow Sick
Shield+5 100 106 D 100 36 75 50 60 250
Ughtning Tower Kite Shield+10
99 99 100 30 70 56 56 250 500 Div. Hollow Soldier
Shield 56 67 0 D 100 30 75 50 60 250 100
Ling. Tower Kite Shield
126 126 100 30 70 60 56 250 Div. Hollow Sick
Shield+S 100 30 75 50 60 250
69 63 0 E E D
Magic Tower Kite Shield 60 65 D 100 30 70 50 56 250 50 Shield+5
M~:~yic Tower Kite
Div. Hollow Side.
90 106 0 E D 100 30 75 50 60 250
74 60 D 100 33 70 50 58 250 Sh161d+10
Rre Hollow Soldier
Mag1c Tower Kite 62 62 100 30 75 50 60 250 50
96 104 D 100 36 70 50 58 250 Sh1eld
Shield+ tO
Fire Hollow Sldr.
Divine Tower Kite Shield 53 66 0 D 100 30 70 50 58 250 100 102 102 100 30 62 50 60 250
Divine Tower Kite Rre Hollow Sldr.
66 62 E D 100 30 70 50 58 250 132 132 100 30 90 50 60 250
Shield+5 Shield+10
Divine Tower Kite
66 106 0 D 100 30 70 50 58 250
Shield+ tO
Are Tower Kite Shield
Fire Tower Kite Shield+5
0 60
100 30 70 50 58 250 50
100 30 77 50 58 250
Fire Tower Kite Type Strike Weight 4 Upgrade 200
126 126 100 30 64 50 58 250
Stability 66 Durability 220

GRASS CREST SHIELD Acquired from Crestfallen Merchant 4000 12 0 0 0

Souls, Elite Undead Guard (Sword) (A), Elite
Type Strike Weight 3 Upgrade 200 Undead Guard (Rapier) (A) [Sen's Fortress),
Elite Undead Archer (A) [Sen's Fortress) 100 20 60 50
Stability 51 Durability 200

Acquired from Darkroot Garden/Basin (1) Attack Values Parameter B. Damage Reduction Stb. Our.
0 0

BalderSh;eJd 66 0 0 D 100 20 60 50 66 220 50

Balder Shield+S 82 0 0 0 D 100 20 60 50 69 220
Balder Shield+ 10 102 0 0 0 D 100 20 60 50 73 220
Note Ra1ses Stamina regeneration speed
Balder Stueld+ 15 132 D 100 20 60 50 79 220
Crystal Balder Sh;eld 102 D 100 20 60 50 79 22
Frampt OystaJ Bald"' Slled+5 132 o D 100 20 60 50 85 22
Ughtning Balder Sh;eld 102 0 102 100 20 60 56 66 220 500
Grass Crest Shield 50
Ughtning Balder
Grass Crest Shield+S 132 0 0 132 100 20 60 60 66 220


Attack Values Parameter B. Damage Reduction Stb. Our.
Magic Balder Shield 62 67 D 100 20 60 50 66 220 Type Strike Weight S Upgrade 200
MagiC Balder Shield+S 77 83 D 100 22 60 50 66 220 Stability 52 Durability 280
Magic Balder Shield+ 10 100 108 D 100 24 60 50 66 220
Divine Balder ShJald 56 67 o
Acquired from Drop: Shiva of the East 14 0 0 0
D 100 20 60 50 66 220 100
Divine Balder Shield+5 69 83 0 D 100 20 60 50 66 220
Divine Balder Shield+ 10 90 108 0 D 100 20 60 50 66 220
Are Balder Shield 82 0 82 100 20 60 50 66 220 50 100 30 72 46
Fire Balder Shield+S 102 102 100 20 69 50 66 220
Are Balder Shield+ 10 132 132 0 100 2Q 75 50 56 220

I""' Round Shield 68 0 0 100

CREST SHIELD Iron Round Shield+5 85 0 0 D 100 30 72 46 59 280
1ronRoundShield+10 105 0 D 100 30 72 46 67 280
Type Strike Weight 3 Upgrade 2000 + Twinkling Titanite
Iron Round Shield+ 15 136 D 100 30 72 46 73 280
Stability 55 Durability 300 Crystal Iron Round
105 D 100 30 72 46 67 28
Acquired from Drop: Knight of Astora, 10
Crystal Iron Round
0 0 0 Shield+S
136 D 100 30 72 46 72 28
Oscar (Hollow)
Ughtn1ng Iron Round
105 105 100 30 72 51.5 52 260 500
100 80 55 45 Ltng. Iron Round
136 136 100 30 72 55.2 52 280
Magic Iron Round Shield 63 68 D 100 30 72 46 52 280 50
Frampt Magic Iron Round
79 85 0 100 33 72 46 52 280
Souls Shield+5
Crest Shield Magic Iron Round
100 102 110 D 100 36 72 46 52 280
Cresl Shield+5 Divine Iron Round Shield 57 70 D 100 30 72 46 52 280 100
Divine Iron Round
71 86 E D 100 30 72 46 52 280
92 112 E D 100 30 72 46 52 280
Type Strike Weight 3 Upgrade 2000 + Twinkling Titanite Fire Iron Round Shield 85 85 100 30 72 46 52 280 50
Fire Iron Round Shield+5 105 0 105 0 100 30 79.2 46 52 280
Stability 55 Durability 300
Are Iron Round
136 136 100 30 86.4 46 52 280
Acquired from Valley of Drakes/New
10 0 0 0
Londo Ruins (1)

100 20 85 45

Attack Values

Dragon Crest Shield D 100 20 85 45 55 300 100

Dragon Crest Shield+5 77 0 0 D 100 20 85 45 66 300


Type Strike Weight 3 Upgrade 200 Type Strike Weight 4 Upgrade 200

Stability 56 Durability 230 Stability 60 Durability 280

Acquired from Bandit (delault), Depths (1 ), Acquired from Drop: Solaire of Astora
10 0 0 0
Valley of Drakes/New Londo Ruins (1)

100 30 72 48

Note Raises Poison resistance by 100 points

Frampt Sunlight Shoeld 50
Souls Sunlight Shield+5 0 0 D 100 69 280
Sp<:JerSh<lld 62 0 D 100 30 72 48 56 230 50 Sunlight Shield+ 10 99 0 D 100 30 75 50 78 280
Spider Shield+5 77 D 100 30 72 48 64 230
Sunlight Shield+ 15 128 0 D 100 30 75 50 85 280
Spider Shield+~ 0 96 D 100 30 72 48 72 230 Crystal Sunlight Shield 99 D 100 30 75 50 78 28
Spider Shield+ 15 124 0 D 100 30 72 48 79 230 Crystal Sunlight Shield+5 128 D 100 30 75 50 84 28
Crystal Spider Shield 96 D 100 30 72 48 72 23 Ughtn1ng Sunlight Shield 99 99 100 30 75 56 80 280 500
Crystal Spider Shield+5 124 0 D 100 30 72 48 78 23 Lightning Sunlight
128 0 t28 100 30 75 80 80 280
ligh1nong Spider Shield 96 0 96 100 30 72 63.8 56 230 500 Shield+5
Ligh1nong Spider Magic Sunlight Shield 80 65 D 100 30 75 50 80 280 50
124 0 124 100 30 72 57.6 56 230
Shield+5 Magic Sunlight Shield+S 74 80 D tOO 33 75 50 80 280
Magic Spider Shield 58 62 D 100 30 72 48 56 230 50 Magic Sunlight
96 104 D 100 36 75 50 80 280
Magic Spider Shield+5 72 77 D 100 33 72 48 56 230 Shield+10
OMne Sunlight Shield 53 68 0 D 100 30 75 50 80 280 100
Magic Spider Shield+ 10 94 100 0 D 100 36 72 48 56 230
100 DMne Sunlight Shield+5 66 82 0 D 100 30 75 50 80 280
DMne Spider Shield 52 63 0 D 100 30 72 48 56 230
Divine Sunlight
DMne Spider Shield+5 65 79 D 100 30 72 48 56 230 86 106 0 E D 100 30 75 50 80 280
Divine Spider Shield+ 10 84 102 D 100 30 72 48 56 230 Rre Sunlight Shield 80 80 0 100 30 75 50 80 280 50
Rre Spider Shield 77 77 0 100 30 72 48 56 230 50 Rre Sunlight Shield+5 99 0 99 100 30 82.5 50 80 280
Fire Spider Sh1eld+S 96 96 100 30 79.2 48 56 230 Fire Sunlight Shield+ 10 128 128 0 100 30 90 50 80 280
Fire Spider Shield+ 10 124 124 100 30 86.4 48 56 230


Type Strike Weight 5 Upgrade 2000 +Twinkling Titanite
Type Strike Weight 3
Stability 64 Durability 250
Stability 48 Durability 160
Acquired from Silver Knight (Spear) (A), 14 0
Acquired from Drop: Knight of Thorns, 10 12 0 0 Silver Knight (Sword) (A)
100 40 75 65

Attack Values Parameter B.

Note Parry is replaced by a thrust attack. Bleed build -up is 33 per strike, and once inflicted,
does 30% of the enemy's total HP
Si'- Knoght Shield 68
II D 100 40 75 65 64 250 100
Silver Kn'ght Shield+5 82 D 100 40 75 65 83 250

Spiked Sh<lld 78 D C 90 28 69 40 48 180 BLACK KNIGHT SHIELD

Spiked Sh<lkl+5 117 D C 90 28 69 40 48 180
Spiked Sh<lid+ 10 156 0 D C 90 28 69 40 48 180 Type Strike Weight 6 Upgrade 2000 +Twinkling Titanrte
Spiked Shield+15 195 D C 90 28 69 40 48 180
Stability 62 Durability 250
Crystal Spiked Shield 171 D C 90 28 69 40 48 16
Crystal Spiked Shield+5 210 0 D C 90 28 69 40 48 16 Acquired from Black Knight (Axe) (B), 16 0 0 0
lighlnong Spiked Sh<>id 158 0 0 156 90 28 69 40 40 180
Black Knight (Greatsword) (B), Black Knight
Ughtning Spiked (Spear) (B), Black Knight (Sword) (B)
214 0 218 90 28 69 56 48 180
Shield+S 100 25 95 65
Magic Spiked Shield 88 94 c 90 28 69 40 48 180 50
MagiC Spiked Shield+5 118 126 c 90 28 69 40 48 180
Magte Spiked Shield+10 147 157 E C 90 28 89 40 48 180 Frampt
DMne Spiked Shield 79 98 E E C 90 28 69 40 48 180 100
Black Knight Shield 100
Divine Spiked Shield+5 106 128 E C 90 28 69 40 48 180
Black Knight Shield+5 85 D 100 25 95 65 74 250
OivineSpikedShield+10 132 160 E C 90 28 69 40 48 180
RreSpiked Shield 117 117 90 28 69 40 48 180 50
Fire Spiked Shield+S 156 156 90 28 72.4 40 48 180 PIERCE SHIELD
RreSpikedShield+10 218 218 90 28 75.9 40 48 180
Type Thrust Weight 3,5 Upgrade 200

Stability 49 Durability 180

Acquired from Event: Siegmeyer of
Type Strike Weight 5 Upgrade - Catarina
Stability 60 Durability 250
95 30 70 34
Acquired from Domnhall of Zena
4000 Souls Note Parry is replaced by a thrust attack

Attack Values Parameter B.

Attack Values
P~ceShield 82 0 D C 34 49 180 50
Pierce Shield+5 123 0 0 D C 95 30 70 34 49 t80
Crystal Shield D 100 80 80 80 80 250 Plerce Sh<lid+ 10 184 D C 95 30 70 34 49 180


Attack Values Parameter B. Damage Reduction Stb. Our.
P~e Shield+ 15 205 0 D C 95 30 70 34 49 180
Crystal P~ Shield 180 0 D C 95 30 70 34 49 18
Div. Caduceus Kite
Crystal Pierce Shield+5 22~ D C 95 30 70 34 49 18 66 82 D 100 30 70 50 58 250
Lightning Pierce Shield 164 0 0 164 95 30 70 34 49 180 500 O.V. Cad. Kite Shield+ 10 86 106 E D 100 30 70 50 58 250
Ughtning Pierce Fire Caduceus Kite
225 229 95 30 70 47,6 49 180 80 80 100 30 70 50 58 250 50
Shiek:l+5 Shield
MagicP~Shield 93 100 c 95 30 70 34 49 180 50 Fire Caduceus Kite
99 0 99 100 30 77 50 58 250
Magic P~ Shield+5 124 134 c 95 30 70 34 49 180
FireCad.KiteShield+10 128 128 100 30 84 50 58 250
Magic P""ce Shield+ tO 155 167 c 95 30 70 34 49 180
DIVlneP~Shield 82 102 0 c 95 30 70 34 49 180 100
DivinePierceShield+5 110 136 0 c 95 30 70 34 49 180 GARGOYLE'S SHIELD
D!Vlne~Shield+10 137 170 o E c 95 30 70 34 49 180
Fire Pierce Shield ~ 23 0 123 95 30 70 34 49 180 50 Type Strike Weight 4 Upgrade 200
Fire Pierce Shield+5 164 0 164 95 30 73.5 34 49 180
Stability 56 Durability 300
Rre Pierce Shield+ 10 229 229 95 30 77 34 49 180
Acquired from Bell Gargoyle (A), 12 0 0 0
Gargo>"e (A)
Type Strike Weight 3 Upgrade 200
Attack Values Parameter B. Damage Reduc tion Stb. Our.
Stability 58 Durability 250

Acquired from Andre of Astora 1000 10 0 0 0 Gargoyle s Shield 62 D 85 40 75 70 56 300 50

Souls, Undead Crystal Soldier (Sword) (A)
Gargoyle's Shield+5 77 0 D 85 40 75 70 64 300
Gargoyle's Shield+10 96 0 0 D 85 40 75 70 72 300
Gargoyle's Shield+ 15 124 0 0 D 85 40 75 70 79 300
Attack Values Parameter B. Damage Reduc tion Stb. Our. Crystal Gargoyle's Shield 96 0 D 85 40 75 70 72 30
Frampt Crystal Gargoyle's
124 0 D 85 40 75 70 78 30
Souls Shield+5
Caduceus Kite Shield 64 D 100 30 70 50 58 250 50 Ughtnong Gargoyle's
96 0 96 85 40 75 78.4 56 300 500
Caduceus Kite Shield+5 80 D 100 30 70 50 66 250
Ltng. Gargoyle's 124 0 124 85 40 75 84 56 300
Caduceus Kite Shield+5
99 0 D 100 30 70 50 75 250
Magic Gargoyle's Shield 58 62 D 85 40 75 70 56 300 50
Caduceus Kite
128 0 D 100 30 70 50 82 250 Magic Gargoyle's
Shteld+15 72 77 E D 85 44 75 70 56 300
Crys. Caduceus Kite Shield+5
99 D 100 30 70 50 75 25 Magic Gargoyle's
Shield 94 100 D 85 48 75 70 56 300
Crys. Cad. Kite Shield+5 128 0 D 100 30 70 50 81 25
DIV1ne Gargoyle's Shield 52 63 D 85 40 75 70 56 300 100
Ling . Caduceus Kite
99 99 100 30 70 56 58 250 500 Divine Gargoyle's
Shield 65 79 D 85 40 75 70 56 300
Ling. Cad. Kite Shield+5 128 0 128 100 30 70 60 58 250
Divine Gargoyle's
Magic Caduceus Kite 84 102 0 D 85 40 75 70 56 300
60 65 D 100 30 70 50 58 250 50 Shield+10
Fire Gargoyle's Shield 77 77 85 40 75 70 56 300 50
Magic Cad. Kite
74 80 0 D 100 33 70 50 58 250 Fire Gargoyle's Shield+5 96 0 96 85 40 82.5 70 56 300
Magic Cad. Kite Fire Gargoyle's
96 104 0 D 100 36 70 50 58 250 124 124 85 40 90 70 56 300
Shield+10 Shield+10


Type Strike Weight 6 Upgrade 800
Greatshields offer the highest levels of protection amongst the shield Stability 70 Durability 300
classes, both in terms of damage reduction. and stamina reduction
Acquired from Blighttown/Ouelaag's
while blocking, thanks to its high Stability level. The extra level of
Domain (t)
protection these shields provide, does come at a price, however, and
because of their sheer weight, you are unable to parry with them.
tOO 55 45 75
Instead of a parry, you will perform a bashing move, throwing the
full weight of the shield into your opponent. This attack does only Attack Values Para met er B. Damage Reduct ion Stb. Our.
marginal damage and its main use is to try and break the guard of Frampt
a blocking opponent. The weight of these shields also makes them EagO. Shield 62 0 0 D 100 55 45 75 70 300 50
difficult to carry without incurring significant movement penalties, Eagle Shield+5 77 D 100 55 45 75 73 300
unless you have raised your Equip Load high enough to cope. EagO. Shield+ 10 96 0 0 0 D 100 55 45 75 78 300
Eagle Shield+15 124 0 0 D 100 55 45 75 84 300
Crystal Eagle Shield 96 D 100 55 45 75 84 30
Crystal Eagkl Shield+5 124 0 0 D 100 55 45 75 91 30
Lightning Eagle Shield 98 o 96 100 55 45 75 70 300 500
Lightning Eagle Shield+5 124 0 124 100 55 45 75 70 300
Magic Eagle Shield 58 62 D 100 55 45 75 70 300 50
Mag~ Eagle Shield >5 72 77 D 100 60.5 45 75 70 300
Magic Eagle Shield+ 10 94 100 D 100 66 45 75 70 300
OMne Eagle 5rueld 52 63 D 100 55 45 75 70 300 100
Divine Eagle Shield+5 65 79 0 D 100 55 45 75 70 300
D!Vlne Eagle Shield+ 10 84 102 0 D 100 55 45 75 70 300
Fire Eagle Shield 77 0 77 100 55 45 75 70 300 50
Fire Eagle Shield+5 96 96 100 55 49.5 75 70 300
Fire Eagle Shield+ 10 124 124 100 55 54 75 70 300


Type Strike Weight 13 Upgrade 800 Type Strike Weight 26 Upgrade 2000 +Twinkling Titanite

Stability 72 Durability 300 Stability 84 Durability 500

Acquired from Crestfallen Merchant 8000 Acquired from Anor Londo (1) 50 0 0 0
Souls, Heavy Knight (Mace) (A), Heavy
Knight (Sword) (A)
100 90 80 80

Note Shield Bash is replaced by a unique spell that coats the wielders body in stone,
greatly increasing defense
Tower Shield 50
Tower Shieid+S 100 D 75 Frampt
TO\o\lerShield+10 124 D 80 300
Havel's Greatsh181d 1000
Ta.verShield+15 160 D 100 40 75 50 86 300
Havel's Greatshield+5
Crystal Tower Shield 124 D 100 40 75 50 86 30
Crystal Tower Shield+5 160 D 100 40 75 50 93 30
Ughtning Tower Shield 124 0 124 100 40 75 50 72 300 500 GREATSHIELD OF ARTORIAS
Ughtning Tower 72 300
160 0 160 100 40 75 50
Shield+S Type Strike Weight 16 Upgrade 5000 + Demon Titanite
Magic Tower Shield 75 81 D 100 40 75 50 72 300 50
Magic Tower Shield+5 93 100 D 100 44 75 50 72 300 Stability 68 Durability 600
Magic Tower Shield+ 10 120 130 D 100 48 75 50 72 300 Acquired from Ascension only
Divine Tower Shield 67 82 D 100 40 75 50 72 300 100
Divine Tower Shield+S 83 102 0 0 D 100 40 75 50 72 300
Drvine Tower Shield+10 108 132 0 0 D 100 40 75 50 72 300 100 50 80 40
Fire Tower Shield 100 0 100 100 40 75 50 72 300 50
Fire Tower Shield+5 124 0 124 100 40 75 50 72 300
Rre Tower Shield+ 10 160 160 100 40 75 50 72 300

Greatshield of Artorias 80 0 D 100 50 80 40 88 600 50

Type Strike Weight 18 Upgrade 800
Type Strike Weight 12 Upgrade 800
Stability 68 Durability 300
Stability 66 Durability 200
Acquired from Giant Blacksmith 10000
Souls, Sentinel (Normal) (A), Sentinel Acquired from Wheel Skeleton (A) 0
30 0 0
(Royal) (A)
100 60 75 75

Note Shield Bash is replaced by a triple hitting shield spin attack

Giant Shield 80 0 D 100 60 75 75 68 300 50
Giant Shield+S 100 0 D 100 60 75 75 71 300 Frampt
Giant Shield+10 124 D 100 60 75 75 76 300 Souls

Giant Shietd+15 160 D 100 60 75 75 81 300 Bonev.lheel Shield 30 51 50

CfYSlal Giant Sh'*l 124 D 100 60 75 75 81 30 Bonewheel Sh'*l+5 120 D 90 30 30 51 86 200

Crystal Giant Shield+5 160 D 100 60 75 75 88 30 Bonewheel Sh'*l+ 10 160 0 D 90 30 30 51 66 200

Ughtning Giant Shield 124 0 124 100 60 75 75 Bonewheel Shield+ 14 192 D 90 30 30 51 86 200
68 300 500
CfYSial Bonewheel
Ughtning Giant Shield+S 160 0 160 100 60 75 75 68 300 176 0 D 90 30 30 51 66 20
Magic Giant Shield 75 81 0 0 D 100 60 75 75 88 300 50 Lightning Bonewheel
160 0 160 90 30 30 51 66 200 500
Mag1c Giant Shield+S 93 100 D 100 66 75 75 68 300 Shield
Magic Bonewheel Shield 90 97 D 90 30 30 51 66 200 50
Mag1c Giant Shield+ 10 120 130 D 100 72 75 75 68 300
DMne Giant Sh'*l 67 82 0 0 E D 100 60 75 75 100
DMne Bonewheel Shield 81 99 E D 90 30 30 51 86 200 100
68 300
Fire Bonewheel Shield 120 0 120 90 30 30 51 66 200 50
Divine Giant Shteld+S 83 102 0 E D 100 60 75 75 68 300
Divine Giant Shield+ 10 108 132 0 0 E D 100 60 75 75 68 300
Fire Giant Shield 100 0 100 100 60 75 75 68 300 50 BLACK IRON GREATSHIELD
Rre Giant Shield+S 124 124 100 60 75 75 68 300
Rre Giant Shield+ 10 160 160 0 100 60 75 75 68 300 Type Strike Weight 16 Upgrade 800

Stability 71 Durability 230

Acquired from Anor Londo (1)


Type Strike Weight 20 Upgrade 2000 + Twinkling Titanite

Stability 80 Durability 400

Acquired from Great Stone Knight (A)

38 0 0 0

Black Iron Greatshield 80 0 D 100 40 90 50 71 230 50

Crys. Black Iron Grtshld. 124 o D 100 40 90 50 85 23
Ltng. Black lronGrtshld. 124 0 124 100 40 90 50 71 230 500
Attack Values Parameter B.
Mag. Black Iron Grtshld. 75 81 D 100 40 90 50 71 230 50
Div Black Iron
67 82 D 100 40 90 50 71 230 100
Stone G""'tsh<ekl 82 D 100 60 75 65 60 400 Great shield
Fire Black Iron
Stone Greatshield+S 102 0 0 D 100 60 75 65 80 400 100 100 100 40 90 50 71 230 50


Equally important to which kind of Bow or Crossbow you decide to can inflict status effects. Matching the right weapon. with a type
use is the type of Arrow or Bolt you decide to use with it. You can of Arrow or Bolt, will allow you to get the maximum benefit out of
equ ip up to two of each kind in your inventory, which allows you each of them. For example, if you choose a Bow which has more
to switch between them quickly while you are playing by pressing range than a traditional Bow, and then equip a type of Arrow that
either L2/LT or R2/RT The effects of the arrows and blots them- can travel further than normal Arrows, you will get a much larger
selves vary greatly, from ones having increased range, to others that increase to your potential range.


Type Thrust Type Thrust

Acquired from Hunter (default), Undead Merchant (male) 10 Souls Acquired from Undead Merchant (female) 100 Souls (51)
(51), Crestfallen Burnice 10 Souls (S2)

Frampt Souls Frampt Souls

Attack Value 45 0 0 0 100 5 Attack Value 42 0 0 0 100 5


Type Thrust Type Thrust

Acquired from Undead Merchant (male) 50 Souls (51), Crestfallen Acquired from Giant Blacksmith 500 Souls (S3)
Burnice 50 Souls (52), The Abyss/New Rondo Ruins (16)

Frampt Souls Frampt Souls

Attack Value 60 0 0 0 100 5 Attack Value 0 80 0 0 100 5


Type Thrust Type Thrust

Acquired from Crestfallen Burnice 100 Souls (S2). Acquired from Undead Merchant (male) 3 Souls (S1)
Darkroot Garden (16)

Frampt Souls Frampt Souls

Attack Value 50 0 0 0 100 5 Attack Value 35 0 0 0 100 3


Type Thrust

Acquired from Undead Merchant (female) 100 Souls (S1) Acquired from Giant Blacksmith 500 Souls (S3), White Knight
(Greatbow) (01 %), Anor Londo (1)

Fra mpt Souls Frampt Souls

Attack Value 35 0 50 0 100 5 Attack Value 100 0 0 0 100 5


Type Thrust Type Thrust

Acquired from Undead Merchant (male) 30 Souls (S1), Crestfallen Acqu ired from Crestfallen Burnice 250 Souls (S2), Sen's Fortress (12)
Burnice 30 Souls (S2). Undead Burg/Undead Parish (16)

Frampt Souls Frampt Souls

Attack Value 48 0 0 0 100 5 Attack Value 53 0 0 0 100 5


Type Thrust Type Thrust

Acquired from Undead Merchant (male) 100 Souls (S1). Crestfallen Acquired from Undead Merchant (male) 10 Souls (S1)
Burnice 100 Souls (S2), Depths (11)

Frampt Souls Frampt Souls

Attack Value 64 0 0 0 100 5 Attack Value 38 0 0 0 100 5

Type Thrust

Acquired from Giant Blacksmith 700 Souls (S3)

Frampt Souls
Attack Value 38 0 0 78 100 5


Other than your weapon, the armor you choose to wear will be one big armors that offer the highest levels of protection are all also
of the main factors in helping you survive Dark Souls. Like with extremely heavy, which means you will need to have high endur-
weapons, there are many different types of armor, all with their ance and strength to even wear them . Even after that they are likely
own benefits and downsides to contend with, and finding the one to have a big impact on your movement speed, which makes them
that best suits your playstyle is an extremely important process. better suited to players that like to stand there and fight, rather than
The main factors you need to take into consideration are the type evade.
of defense the armor has, as well as its weight. While all armor
offers some protection to every kind of damage, many of them can Similarly, classes that do not naturally put a lot of points into endur-
provide additional defense to specific types of damage, which can ance, will want to stay clear of these armors and go for something
help you get through different areas of the game. lighter so they can maximize their movement speed. There are no
bonuses for wearing a complete set of one armor type, so you are
For instance, when you go into an area like Blighttown, where the free to mix and match pieces as you see fit, either for aesthetic or
likelihood of getting Poisoned is quite high, changing your armor to more practical gameplay related reasons. By mixing pieces of armor
one with a very high Poison Resistance is worthwhile, even at the you can often find a balance between dense and weight, where you
sacrifice of other stats. The weight concern is more of a general may wear a slightly heavier piece for your Torso, and then lighter
issue that will have a direct impact on how you play the game. The elements in other areas to balance it out.

Armor Durability Weight F~::~t Acquired from

Standard Helm 250 3.5 100 Warrior (defau~). Depths (1)

Standard Helm +5 250 3.5 12 25 22 13 13 10 0
Standard Helm + 10 250 3.5 34 19 39 34 19 19 13 11 0
Hard Leather Armor 250 5.9 100 Wanioc (defau~). Depths (1) 28 30 28 28 20 27 23 23 20 0
Hard Leather Armor +5 250 5.9 44 46 44 44 31 42 36 25 22 0
Hard Leather Armor + 10 250 5.9 68 72 68 68 48 65 56 32 28 0
Hard Leather Gauntlets 250 3.5 100 Warrior(default), Oepths(1) 17 18 17 17 t2 16 13 14 t2
Hard Leather Gauntlets +5 250 3.5 27 28 27 27 19 25 20 15 13
Hard Leather Gauntlets + 10 250 3.5 41 44 41 41 29 39 32 20 17
Hard Leather Boots 250 3.5 100 Warrior(default), Depths(1) 17 18 17 17 12 16 13 14 12
Hard Leather Boots +5 250 3.5 27 28 27 27 19 25 20 15 13
Hard Leather Boots + 10 250 3.5 41 44 41 41 29 39 32 20 17

Fra mpt
Armor Durability Weight Acquired from
Knoght Helm 400 4.2 100 Knight (defau~). Darkroot
Gafden/Basjn (1)
Knight Helm+S 400 4.2 22 21 2t 13 14 10
Knoght Helm +10 400 4.2 34 32 39 33 20 22 12 8 13
Knight Armor 400 10.9 100 Knight (default), Darkroot 37 35 43 36 22 25 13 20 23 16 0
Garden/Basin (1)
Knight ArrTK>r +5 400 10.9 58 55 67 57 34 39 20 20 25 18 0
Knight Armor + 10 400 10.9 90 85 t04 88 53 61 32 20 32 22
Knight Gauntlets 400 3.5 100 Knlght (defau~), Dackrool 12 11 14 12 8 0
Garden/Bas1n (1)
Kmght Ollvntlets +:i 400 35 19 18 22 19 11 13 0
Knight Gauntlets + 10 400 3.5 29 28 34 29 17 t9 10 11 0
Knight legg1ngs 400 6.4 100 Knight (defau~). Darl<root 22 21 26 22 13 14 8 t2 14
Garden/Basin (1)
Knight Leggings +5 400 6.4 34 33 40 34 20 22 13 12 15 10
Knight Leggings + 10 400 6.4 53 51 62 52 32 34 19 12 20 13

Armor Durability Weight Acquired from
Wandeffic Hood 400 1.4 100 Wandefe< (default), Bl~ht
Wanderer Hood +5 400 1.4 tow.VOuetaag's Domain (1)
14 15 14 13 16 14
Wanderer Hood + 1o 400 1.4 22 23 23 22 19 24 22 0 11 11
Wanderer Coat 400 3.5 100 Wanderer {default), Blight 23 25 25 23 21 26 23 21 21
Wanderer Coat +5 town!Quelaag's Domain (1)
400 3.5 36 38 38 36 33 41 36 23 23
Wanderer Coat + 10 400 3.5 56 60 60 56 51 63 56 0 29 29
Wanderer Manchette 400 2.1 100 Wanderef (default), Bight- 14 15 15 14 12 15 13 0 13 13 0
Wanderer Manchette +5 town!Ouetaag's Domain (1)
400 2.1 22 23 23 22 19 23 20 14 14
Wanderer Manchette +1o 400 2.1 34 36 36 34 29 36 32 0 18 18 0
Wanderer Boots 400 2.1 100 Wanderer (default), Blight 14 15 15 14 12 15 13 0 13 13 0
Wanderer Boots +5 towr'VOuetaag's Domain (1)
400 2.1 22 23 23 22 19 23 20 14 14
Wandllrer Boots +10 400 2.1 34363834 Z9 36 32 1~ 18


Armor Durability Weight Frampt Acquired from

Thief Mask 2SO 1.2 100 Thtef (defau~). Undead Burg/ 10 12 0

Undead Parish (1)
Thief Mask +5 2SO 1.2 14 15 14 14 13 8 0 10 13
Thief Mask +10 2SO 1.2 22 23 22 22 19 12 15 0 13 17 0
Black Leather Armor 250 3.1 100 Thief (default), Undead Burg/ 23 25 23 23 20 14 16 23 31
Undead Parish (1)
Black Leather Armor +5 250 3.1 36 38 36 36 31 22 25 25 34
Black Leather Armor +10 250 3.1 56 so 56 56 48 34 39 32 43
Black Leather Gklves 2SO 1.8 fOO Thief (defau~). Undead Burgi 13 14 13 13 12 8 0 14 18
Undead Parish (1)
Black Leather Gloves +5 2SO 1.8 20 22 20 20 19 13 14 15 20
Black Leather Gloves + 10 2SO 1.8 32 34 32 32 29 19 22 20 25
Black Leather Boots 2SO 3 100 Thief (default), Undead Burg/ 22 24 22 22 19 13 15 23 31
Undead Parish (1)
Black Leather Boots +5 2SO 34 37 34 34 30 20 23 25 34
Black Leather Boots + 10 2SO 53 57 53 53 46 32 36 32 43

Armor Durability Weight

Brigand Hood 200 1.2

Bngand Hood +5 200 1.2 14 15 14 13 13 9 0
Brigand Hood +10 200 1.2 22 24 22 20 19 12 15 11 11 0
Brigand Armor 200 3.1 100 Bandrt (defau~). Val~ of 23 25 23 21 20 13 17 0 20 20
Drakes/New Londo Ruins (1)
Brigand Armor +5 200 3.1 36 40 36 32 31 20 27 0 22 22
Brigand Armor + 10 200 3.1 56 61 56 so 48 32 41 28 28
Brigand Gauntlets 200 1.8 100 Bandit (default), Valley of 14 15 14 13 12 10 0 12 12
Drakes/New Londo Ruins (1)
Brigand Gauntlets +5 200 1.8 22 24 22 20 19 13 16 0 13 13
Brlgand Gauntlets + 1o 200 1.8 34 37 34 31 29 19 24 17 17
Bngand Trousers 200 1.8 100 Bandit (default), Valley of 14 15 14 13 12 8 10 12 12
Drakes/New Londo Ruins (1)
Brigand Trousers +5 200 1.8 22 24 22 20 19 13 16 13 13
Brigand Trousers + 10 200 1.8 34 37 34 31 29 19 24 17 17

Armor Durability Weight Fra~pt Acquired from

Pharis's Hat 2SO 1.2 100 Drop: Pharis

Pharis's Hat +5 2SO 1.2 11 12 11 11 11
Pharis's Hat +10 2SO 1.2 17 18 17 17 12 17 15
Leather Armor 250 4.7 100 Hunter (default), Darkroot 27 29 27 27 20 27 23 21 20
Garden/Basin (1)
Leather Armor +5 2SO 4.7 42 45 42 42 31 42 36 23 22
Leather Armor +10 2SO 4.7 65 69 65 65 48 65 56 0 29 28
Leath< Glolles 2SO 2.8 100 Hunter (default), Darkroot 16 17 16 16 12 16 13 0 13 12
Garden/Basin (1)
Leather Gloves +5 2SO 2.8 25 27 25 25 19 25 20 0 14 13
Leather Gloves +10 2SO 2.8 39 41 39 39 29 39 32 18 17
Leather Boots 2SO 2.8 100 Hunter (default), Oarkroot 16 17 16 16 12 16 13 13 12
llarden!Ba~n (1}
Leather Boots +5 2SO 2.8 25 27 25 25 19 25 20 14 13
Leather Boots + 1o 2SO 2.8 39 41 39 39 29 39 32 0 18 17

Armor Durability Weight

Sorcerer Hat 200 0.9 10

Sorcerer Hat +5 200 0.9 13 14 13 13 16 9
Sorcerer Hat +10 200 0.9 19 21 20 19 24 12 15
Sorcerer Cloak 200 2.3 100 Sorcerer (defau~). Undead 20 22 21 20 27 13 17 16 12
Burg/Undead Parish (1)
Sorcerer Cloak +5 200 2.3 31 34 32 31 42 20 27 18 13
Sorcerer Cloak + 10 200 2.3 48 52 so 48 65 32 41 0 22 17
Sorcerer Gauntlets 200 1.4 100 Sorcerer (defau~). Undead 12 13 13 12 16 10 0 7
Burg/Undead Parish (1)
Sorcerer Gauntlets +5 200 1.4 19 20 20 19 25 13 16 0 10 8
Sorcerer Gauntlets +10 200 1.4 29 31 30 29 39 19 24 0 13 10
Sorcerer Boots 200 1.4 100 Sorcerer (default), Undead 12 13 13 12 16 8 10 9
Burg/Undead Parish (1)
Sorcerer Boots +5 200 1.4 19 20 20 19 25 13 16 0 10
Sorcerer Boots + 10 200 1.4 29 31 30 29 39 19 24 0 13 10


Armor Durability Weight Acquired from
Ta1tered Cloth Hood 400 1.1 100 Pyromancer (detauh). Blight- 8 12 0 23
town!OOOaag's Domain (1)
Ta1tered Cloth Hood +5 400 t.t 13 14 13 13 14 19 0 10 23
Tattered Cloth Hood +10 400 1.1 19 22 19 19 22 29 15 0 13 32
Tattered Cloth Robe 400 2.7 100 Pyromancer (defauh). Bli9ht- 21 23 30 0 23 59
town/Ouelaag's Domain (1)
Ta1tered Cloth Robe +5 400 2.7 33 36 47 25 65
Tattered Cloth Robe+ 10 400 2.7 51 56 73 0 32 63
Tattered Cloth Manchette 400 1.6 100 Pyromancer (defaun). Blight- 12 13 14 18 10 0 14 35
town/Ouelaag's Domain (t)
Tattered Cloth Manchette +5 400 1.6 19 21 19 19 22 28 0 15 39
Ta1tered Cloth Manch. +10 400 1.6 2ig 32 2ig 2ig 34 44 20 49
Heavy Boots 400 t.6 100 Pyromancer (default). Blight- 12 13 12 18 14 35
town/Quelaag's Domain (1)
Heavy Boots +5 400 1.6 19 21 19 28 39
Heavy Boots + 10 400 1.6 29 32 29 44

Armor Durability Weight

Priest's Hat 350 1.2

Priest's Hat +5 350 1.2 13 15 13 13 14 11 10
Priest's Hat +10 350 1.2 19 23 19 19 22 12 17 13 11 0
Holy Robe 350 100 Cleric (default), Catacombs (1) 22 26 22 23 14 19 24 20
Holy Robe +5 350 34 41 34 36 22 30 26 22
Holy Robe +10 350 53 63 53 56 34 46 34 28
Traveling Gloves 350 0.7 100 Cleric (defaun), The Duke's Archives/ 6 5
Crystal Cave (1 ),
Traveling Gloves +5 350 0.7 6 0
Catacombs (1)
Traveling Gloves +10 350 0.7 12 t4 12 12 12 10 0 0
Holy Trousers 350 2 100 Cleric (defauh), Catacombs (1) 14 17 14 14 15 12 15 13
Holy Trousers +5 350 22 26 22 22 23 13 19 17 14 0
Holy Trousers + 10 350 34 40 34 34 36 19 2ig 21 18

Armor Durability Weight F~~~t Acquired from

Domnhall of Zena 18 17 21 18 12 13 10 11 18
Helm of the Wise 500 5.1 100
Domnhal1 of Zena 47 45 54 47 31 34 25 20 28 19 24
Armor of the Glonous' 500 13.3 100
15000 Souls

Gauntlets of the V3nQuishef 500 100 Dolmhall of Zena 11 11 13 11 6

10000 Souls
tOO Domnhall of Zena 14 13 16 14 10 11
Boots of the Explorer 500

Mnor Reduction in Stamina recovery

Armor Durability Weight F~~~~t Acquired from

Crown of Duskt) 150 0.4 1000 Dart<rnot Garden/Basin (1)

Antiquated Dress x2 150 I 000 Dart<root Garden/Basin (1) 14 14 19 14 14
Antiquated Dress +5 150 22 22 22 30 18 18 33
Antquated Gloves 150 0.6 1000 Dart<root Garden/Basio (1) 8 11 0 8 16
Antiquated Gloves +5 150 0.6 12 12 12 12 30 17 10 10 20
Antiquated Skirt 150 1000 Darkroot Garderv'Basin (1) 40 40 40 40 57 17 55 40 40 78
Antiquated Skirt +5 150 62 62 62 62 88 26 85 51 51 99

1) Grants an additional 20% to Magic Attack, but lowers Magic Defense by 30% 21 Grants an additional 10% to Magic Attack

Armor Durability Weight Acquired from

Balder Helm 450 4.2 100

Balder Helm +5 450 4.2 27 21 13 14
Balder Helm +10 450 4.2 41 33 19 22 15 11
BaldecArrrlo< 450 10.9 100 Crestfallen Merchant 8000 Souls, 37 36 45 36 21 25 16 20 16
Balder Armor +5 450 10.9 ~~~~~:ier)~A)~I~~=~dead 58 57 70 55 33 39 16 22 18
Balder Armor + 10 450 t0.9 Guard (Sword) (A) 90 88 109 86 51 61 16 28 22
Balder Gauntlets 450 3.5 100 Crestfallen Merchant 5000 Souls, 12 12 15 12 5 6 5
Balder Gauntlets +5 450 3.5 ~~;:~..~~~~~~~~ 19 18 23 18 11 13
Balder Gauntlets +10 450 3.5 Guard (Sword) (A) 29 29 35 28 17 19 12
Balder Leggings 450 6.4 100 Crestfallen Merchant 5000 Souls, 22 22 27 21 12 14 12
Balder Leggings +5 450 6.4 ~:~~=~~~~~~~=~dead 34 34 42 33 19 22 14 13 10
Balder Leggings + 10 450 6.4 Guard (Sword) (A) 53 52 65 51 2ig 34 22 17 t3


Armor Durability Weight F~~~t Acquired from

Bi9Hat 250 100 Drop: Big Hat Logan (finaQ

Big Hat +5 250 24 24 20 67 11 17 17
Sa9e Robe 250 100 TheDuke'sArchives/CrystaJGave(1) 41 44 43 41 28 29 35 49 49
Sage Robe +5 250 64 69 66 64 43 45 54 62 62
Traveling Boots 250 t .6 100 TheDuke'sArchives/Cryst.OGave (1) 12 13 13 12 16 10 14 14
Traveling Boots +5 250 1.6 19 20 20 19 25 13 16 0 15 15
Traveling Boots + 10 250 1.6 29 31 30 29 39 19 24 0 20 20


Armor Durability Weight Acquired from

Black Iron Helm 600 100 Anor Londo (1) 27 26 31 27 11 19 12 17 10

Black Iron Helm +5 600 42 40 46 42 17 30 12 12 22 13 6
Black Iron Armor 600 15.6 100 Anor Loodo (1) 66 65 76 66 30 51 21 31 43 25 13
Black Iron Annor +5 600 15.6 105 100 121 105 47 79 33 31 55 32 17
Black Iron Gauntlets 600 9.2 100 Anor Londo (1) 40 38 46 40 17 30 13 16 25 14 8
Black Iron Gauntlets +5 600 9.2 62 59 71 62 26 47 20 16 32 18 10
Black Iron Leggings 600 9.2 100 Anor Londo (1) 40 38 46 40 17 30 13 16 25 14 6
Black Iron Leggings +5 600 9.2 62 59 71 62 26 47 20 16 32 16 10

"Major Reduction in Stamina recovery


Armor Durability Weight Acquired from
Black Knight Hetm 550 100 Kiln Of The Fwst FlaiM 111 11 8 12
Black Knight Helm +5 550 31 32 17 8 15 0
BOlek Knight Armor' 550 13 100 Kiln Of The First Flame (1) 57 54 64 56 29 48 17 21 32 15 0
Black Knight Armor +5 550 13 68 84 100 87 45 74 26 21 41 19
Black Knight Gauntlets~ 550 6 100 Kiln Of The First Flame (1) 26 25 29 26 14 23 10 15 6
Black Knight Gauntlets +5 550 40 38 46 40 22 36 12 10 19 10
Black Knight Leggings 550 100 Kiln Of The First Flame {1) 30 29 34 29 15 26 9 11 17 9
Black Knight Leggings +5 550 47 44 53 46 23 40 14 11 22 11

"Minor Reduction in Stamina recovery

Armor Durability Weight Acquired from
MaskofVelka 400 2.5 100 Paonted World Of ArOimis (1)
Mask of Velka +5 400 2.5 19 21 19 19 16 11 11 11 25
BO.ckCklric Robe 400 3.9 100 Paonted World 01 Anams (1) 23 25 23 23 29 25 19 22 22 13
Black Cleric Robe +5 400 3.9 36 39 36 36 45 39 30 0 26 26 17
Black Manche'tte 400 1.8 100 PaintedWortdOfAriamls(1) 11 12 11 11 14 11 0 10 10
Black Manchette +5 400 1.6 17 19 17 17 22 17 14 0 13 13
Black Tights 400 2.6 100 PaintedWorldOfAriamis(1) 16 17 16 16 22 17 13 15
Black Tights +5 400 2.6 25 27 25 25 34 26 20 19 11


Armor Durability Weight Acquired from
Black Sorcerer Hat 200 0.7 100 Sen's Fortress (1) 6 11 0 12 12
Black Sorcemr Hat +5 200 0.7 17 13 13 13 13
Black Sorcerer Hat + 10 200 0.7 12 13 13 12 27 19 19 17 17
Black SOI'cerer Cloak 200 1.6 100 Sen's Fortress (1) 13 13 14 13 26 21 21 31 31
Black Sorcerer Cloak +5 200 1.6 20 21 22 20 44 33 33 34 34
Black Sorcerer Cloak +10 200 1.6 32 32 34 32 66 51 51 43 43
Black Sorcerer Gauntlets 200 100 Sen's Fortress (1 ) 17 12 12 16 16
Black SOrcerer Gauntlets +5 200 13 13 14 13 27 19 19 20 20
Black Sorcerer Gauntlets + 10 200 19 20 21 19 41 29 29 25 25
Black Sorcerer Boots 200 100 Sen's Fortress (1) 17 12 12 18 18
Black Sorcerer Boots +5 200 13 13 14 13 27 19 19 20 20
Black Sorcerer Boots + 1a 200 19 20 21 19 41 29 29 25 25


Armor Durability Weight Frampt Acquired from

Catarina Helm 400 4.5 100 Crestfallen Merchant 10000 Souls

CatarinaHelm+S 400 4.5 31 34 34 19 20 11 17 11
catarina Armor' 400 11.7 100 Crestfallen Merchant 10000 Souls 57 56 66 57 31 37 19 21 34 24
Catarina Armor +5 400 11.7 66 66 102 66 48 57 30 21 43 31
catanna Gauntlets* 400 6.9 100 Crestfallen Merchant 7000 Souls 34 34 39 34 18 21 12 13 21 13
Catarina Gauntlets +5 400 6.9 53 52 61 53 28 33 19 13 27 17
catarina Leggings 400 6.9 100 Crestlallen Merchan1 7000 Souls 34 34 39 34 18 21 12 13 21 13
Catarina Leggings +5 400 6.9 53 52 61 53 28 33 19 13 27 17

"M1nor ReductiOn in Stamina recovery

Armor Durability Weight Acquired from

Chain Helm 300 100 Undead Merchant (male) 500 Souls

Chain Helm +5 300 19 19 18 13 13 11 7
Cha1n Helm + 10 300 29 29 35 28 19 19 14 8
Chain Armor 300 100 Undead Merchant (male) 800 Souls 24 24 29 23 16 16 20 12
Chain Armor +5 300 37 37 45 36 25 25 11 22 13
Cha1n Armor +10 300 58 58 70 56 39 39 17 28 17
Leather Gauntlets 300 3.6 100 UndeadMerchan1(male)500Souls 14 14 17 14 10 10 12 0
Leather Gauntlets +5 300 3.6 22 22 26 21 16 16 13 0
Leather Gauntlets + 10 300 3.6 34 34 41 33 24 24 10 17 10 0
Chain Legg1ngs 300 4.6 100 UndeadMerchant(male)SOOSouls 18 18 22 18 12 12 15 9
Chain Leggings +5 300 4.6 28 28 34 27 19 19 17 10
Chain Leggings +10 300 4.6 44 44 52 42 29 29 12 21 13 0

Armor Durability Weight F~~~t Acquired from

Mask of the Sealer 400 1.5 100 Blighttown/Ouelaag's Domain (1) 12 8

Mask of the Sealer +5 400 1.5 19 21 19 19 11 14 10 10 10
Crimson Robe 400 3.9 100 Bloghttown/Ouelaags Domaon (1) 32 35 32 32 33 19 24 21 21 21
Crimson Robe +5 400 3.9 50 55 50 50 51 30 37 27 27 27
Crimson Gloves 400 0.8 100 Bhghttown/Ouelaags Domain (1) 5
Crimson Gloves +5 400 0.8 11 12 11 11 11
Crimson Waistcloth 400 3.5 100 Bhghttown/Ouelaags Domain (1) 29 32 29 29 29 17 21 19 19 19
Crimson Waistcloth +5 400 3.5 45 49 45 45 45 26 33 24 24 24

Armor Durability Weight F~:~~t Acquired from

Crystal~ne Helm 150 4.2 1 The Dukes Archives/Crystal cave (1)

Crystalline Armor 150 10.9 TheDuke'sArchives/CrystaiCave(1) 24 32 21 15 16 15
Crystalline Gauntlets 150 6.4 TheDuke'sArchives/CrystaiCave(1) 17 15 20 17 12 9 9 9 0
Crystalline Leggings 150 6.4 TheDuke'sArchives/CrystaiCave(1) 17 15 20 17 12

Armor Durability Weight Fra~pt Acquired from
Dark Mask 300 3.8 100 Covenant: Darkwraith
Dark Mask +5 300 3.8 31 26 19 19 16 15 10 0
Dark Armor 300 9.8 100 Covenant: Darkwraith 45 45 50 42 30 31 27 16 30 21
Dark Armor +5 300 9.8 70 70 77 66 47 48 42 16 38 27
Dark Gauntlets 300 5.8 100 Covenant: Darkwraith 27 27 30 25 18 18 15 9 18 12
Dark Gauntlets +5 300 5.8 42 42 46 J9 2ft 28 23 9 ?3 15
Dark Leggings 300 5.8 100 Covenant: Darkwraith 27 27 30 25 18 18 15 18 12
Dark Legg1ngs +5 300 5.8 42 42 46 39 28 28 23 23 15


Armor Durability Weight

Dingy Hood' 150 0.8 1000 Event: Anastacia of Astora, 6 8

Anastacia Of Astora (M)
D1ngy Hood +5 150 0.8 9 12 13 0 10 8 10
Dingy Hood + 10 150 0.8 15 18 15 15 19 12 15 13 10 13
Dingy Robe' 150 1000 Event: Anastacia of Astora, 23 29 23 23 33 19 25 35 26 36
Anastacia Of Astora (M)
Dingy Robe +5 150 36 45 36 36 52 30 39 39 29 39
Dingy Robe + 10 150 56 70 56 56 80 46 61 49 36 49
D"!)Y Gloves' 150 1.2 1000 Event Anas1aaa of Astora, 9 11 9 9 13 10 14 10 14
Anastacia Of Astora (M)
Dingy Gloves +5 150 1.2 14 18 14 14 20 13 16 15 11 15
Dingy Gloves+ 10 150 1.2 22 27 22 22 32 19 24 0 20 14 20
BloodSta1ned SkJrt' 150 2.5 1000 Event: Anastacia of Astora, 19 24 19 19 27 16 21 0 29 22 29
Anastacia Of Astora {M)
Blood-Stained Skirt +5 150 2.5 30 37 30 30 42 25 33 32 24 32
Blood-Stained Sklrt +10 150 2.5 46 58 46 46 65 39 51 41 31 41

event Anastacia

Armor Durability Weight Acquired from
Eastern Helm 450 4.7 100 Darkroot Garden/Ba~n (1) 17 16 21 17 12 15 11 0
Eastern Helm +5 450 4.7 26 25 33 27 19 11 19 14 0
Eastern Armor" 450 12.3 100 Darl<root Garden!Ba~n (1) 45 43 56 44 15 33 18 20 38 28 0
Eastern Armor +5 450 12.3 70 66 87 68 23 51 28 20 48 36
Eastern Gauntlets 450 1.5 100 Darkroot Garden/Basin (1) 6 6 5
12 9 6
Eastern Gauntlets +5
Eastern Leggings
100 Darkroot Garden/Bas1n (1) 15 14 19 15 , 12 10
Eastern Leggings +5 450 23 22 29 23 17 15 13

"Minor Reduction in Stamina recovery


Armor Durability Weight Frampt Acquired from

Elite Knight Helm 450 4.5 100 Darkroot Garden/Basin (1 I

Elite Knight Helm +5 450 4.5 27 14 14 10
Elite Knight Helm + 10 450 4.5 35 41 36 22 22 15 8 13
Elite Knight Armor 450 11.7 100 Darkroot Garden/Basin (1) 39 38 45 39 23 25 15 20 23 16
Elite Knight Armor +5 450 11.7 61 59 71 61 36 39 23 20 25 18
81te Knight Asmor + 10 450 11 .7 94 92 110 94 56 61 36 20 32 22
Elite Knight Gauntlets 450 3.7 100 Darkroot Garderv'Basin {1) 12 12 14 12 8 6 7 5 0
Elite Knight Gauntlets +5 450 3.7 19 18 22 19 11 13 6 0
Bite Knight Gauntlets + 10 450 3.7 29 28 34 29 17 19 6 10
Elite Knight Leggings 450 6.9 100 Darkroot Garden/Basin (1) 23 22 27 14
Elite Knight Leggings +5 450 6.9 36 35 42 15 10
Elite Knight Leggings +10 450 6.9

Armor Durability Weight Acquired from
Mask of the Father"1) 200 1.2 100 Patches 8000 Souls 10
Mask of the Mother"2) 200 1.2 100 Patches 8000 Souls 12 10
Mask of the Child'3) 200 1.2 100 Patches 8000 Souls 10 10 0 6

1) Boosts Equip load by 15% "2) Boosts HP by 15% 3) Increases Stamina recovery rate


Armor Durability Weight F~:~~t Acquired from

Fang Boar Helm 600 1000 Armored Tusk (C), Ful~ Armored Tusk (C)
Fang Boar Helm +5 600

"MafOI" Reduction 1n Stamina recovery


Armor Durability Weight Frampt Acquired from

Gargoyle Helm 500 3.5 100 Bell Gargoyle (A), Gargoyle (A)
Gargoyle Helm +5 500 3.5

Armor Durability Weight Acquired from
Giant Helm" 600 6.3 100 Giant Blacksmtth 6000 Souls
Giant Helm+5 600 6.3 42 39 47 42 30 20 14 17 10
Giant Armor" 600 16.4 100 Giant Blacksmith 8000 Souls 72 66 81 72 32 48 33 35 32 19
Giant Armor +5 600 16.4 112 103 126 112 50 74 51 35 41 24
Giant Gauntlets 600 9.7 100 Giant Blacksmith 6000 Souls 41 38 46 41 19 29 19 21 19 11
Giant Gauntlets +5 600 9.7 64 59 72 64 30 45 30 21 24 14
Giant Leggings 600 9.7 100 Giant Blacksmith 6000 Souls 41 38 46 41 19 29 19 21 19 11
Giant Leggings +5 600 9.7 64 59 72 64 30 45 30 21 24 14

"Major Reduction in Stamina recovery


Armor Durability Weight Acquired from

Gold-Hemmed Black Hood 400 1.4 1000 Demon Ruins/Lost lzalrrh (1 I

Gold-Hemmed Black Cloak 400 3.5 1000 Demon Ruins/Lostlzalith (1) 44 47 44 44 68 40 94
Gold-Hemmed Black Gklves 400 1.2 1000 DemonRuins/Lostlzalith(1) 14 15 14 14 18 24 12 14 32 0
Gold-Hemmed Black Skirt 400 3 1000 Demon Ruins/Lost lzalith (1) 36 39 36 36 46 58 30 32 78

Armor Durability Weight F~~~t Acquired from

GolemHelm 700 6.3 100 Domnhall of lena 5000 Souls 13 17 12

Golem Armor" 700 16.4 1DO Domnhatl of Zena 7000 Sou!s 33 45 31
Golem Gauntlets 700 9.7 100 Dmmhall of Zena 50(X) Souls 54 63 25 23 10 20 27 17
Golam Legg1ngs 700 9.7 100 Domnhall of lena 5000 Souls 54 50 63 54 25 23 10 20 27 17

'Major Reduction in Stamina recovery

Armor Durability Weight Acquired from

Havel's Helm' 900 7.5 100 Anor Londo (1)

Havel's Armor 900 19.5 100 Anor Londo (1 ) 92 78 106 92 56 54 49 47 45 11 22
Havel's Gauntlets' 900 11.5 100 Anor Londo (1) 54 46 62 54 32 32 29 28 27 13
Havel's Leggings 900 11.5 100 Anor Londo (1) 54 46 62 54 32 32 29 28 27 13

"Ma;or Reduction in Stamina recovery


Armor Durability Weight F~~~~t Acquired from

Hollow SOldier Helm 200 100 Armored Soldier (Cross- 10 10 11

bow) (A), Undead Soldier
Hollow SoldOlr Helm +5 200 16 16 17 14
(Spealj (A) [except in
Hollow Soldier Helm +10 200 Undead Asylum) 24 24 27 21 15 15 10 10 0
Hollow Soldier Armor 200 7.8 1oo Armored Soldier (Cross- 26 26 29 16 17 10 12 18 13
bow) (A), Undead Soldier
Hollow Soldier Armor +5 200 7.8 41 41 45 25 27 16 12 20 14
(Spear) (A) [except in
Hollow Soldier Armor + 10 200 7.8 Undead Asylum) 63 63 70 39 41 24 12 25 18
Hollow Soldier Waistcloth 200 1.5 100 Armored Soldier [Cross- 13 13 14 11 8 10 6
bow) (A), Undead Soklier 13 13 9 11
Hollow Soldier Waistcloth +5 200 1.5 20 20 23 18
(Spear) (A) [except in
Hollow Soldier Waist cloth + 10 200 1.5 Undead Asylum) 32 32 35 28 19 19 15 14


Armor Durability Weight F~~~t Acquired from

Hollow Thief's Hood 250 1.1

Hollow Thief's Hood +5 250 1.1 13 14 13 13 13 11
Hollow Thief's Hood+ 10 250 1.1 19 21 19 20 19 12 17 0 15 0
Hollow Thief's Leather Armor 250 2.8 100 Undead Assassin (A) 21 23 21 22 20 13 18 15 29
Hollow Thief's Leather Armor +5 250 2.8 33 36 33 34 31 20 28 17 32
Hollow Thief's Leather Armor + 10 250 2.8 51 55 51 53 48 32 44 21 41
Hollow Thief's Ttghts 250 1.7 100 Undead Assassin (A) 12 13 12 13 11 8 10 0 17 0
Hollow Thief's Tights +5 250 1.7 19 20 19 20 17 13 16 10 19
Hollow Thief's Tights + 10 250 1.7 29 32 29 30 27 19 24 0 13 24 0


Armor Durability Weight F;~~t Acquired from

Hollow Warrior Helm 250 2.6 100 Armored Zombie (Firebomb)

Hollow Warrior Helm +5 250 2.6 ~~"'7s"~~ 16 15 16 9 9 6
Hollow Warrior Helm + 10 250 2.6 24 24 25 23 15 12 15
Hollow Warrior Armor 250 6.6 100 Armored Zomt>e (Rrebomb) 24 23 25 23 16 12 17 13 13
Hollow Warrior Armor +5 250 6.6 ~.:oo":':;=,~:~~wl- 37 36 39 39 25 19 27 14 14
Hollow Warrior Armor +10 250 6.6 58 56 60 55 39 29 41 18 18
Hollow Warrior Waistcloth 250 1.4 100 Armored Zombie (Firebomb) 13 13 i3 12 6 6 6
Hollow Warrior Waistcloth +5 250 1.4 (A), Armored Zomt>e (Axe) (A), 20 20 21 19 13 13
Hollow Warrior Waist cloth + 10 250 1.4
Armored Zombie (Sword) (A) 32 31 32 30 19 15 19

Armor Durability Weight Fro~pt Acquired from

Cleric Helm" 500 4.8 100 Patches 5000 Souls 15 15 17 15 6 8

ClericHelm+S 500 4.8 23 23 27 23 14 13 9 8 10
Cleric Helm +10 500 4.8 36 36 42 36 22 19 15 13
Cleric Armor' 500 12.5 100 Patches 7000 Souls 40 40 46 40 23 21 15 20 23 16
ClericArmor+5 500 12.5 62 62 72 62 36 33 23 20 25 18
Cleric Armor +10 500 12.5 97 97 111 97 56 51 36 20 32 22
Cleric Gauntlets 500 7.4 100 Patches 5000 Sools 24 24 28 24 13 12 12 14 9 0
Cleric Gauntlets +5 500 7.4 37 37 43 37 20 1g 14 12 15 10
Cleric Gauntlets + 10 500 7.4 58 58 67 58 32 29 22 12 20 13 0
Cleric Leggings 500 7.4 100 Patches 5000 Souls 24 24 28 24 13 12 12 14 9
Cleric Leggings +5 500 7.4 37 37 43 37 20 19 14 12 15 10
Cleric Leggings +10 500 7.4 58 58 67 58 32 29 22 12 20 B

Minor Reduction in Starn1na recovery


Armor Durability Weight Acquired from

lronHelrn 350 4.5 100 Drop: Sola1re of Astora 14 14 14 14 10 12

Iron Helm +5 350 4.5 22 22 22 21 16 16 14 13
Iron Helm +10 350 4.5 34 34 34 33 24 24 22 17 11
Armor of the Sun 350 9 100 Drop: Solaire of Astora 35 35 35 34 21 21 19 16 23 16 10
Armor of the Sun +5 350 55 55 55 54 33 33 30 16 25 18 11
Armor of the Sun + 10 350 9 85 85 85 63 51 51 46 16 32 22 14
Iron Bracelet 350 4.3 100 Drop: Solaire of Astora 17 17 17 17 10 10 11 7
Iron Bracelet +5 350 4.3 27 27 27 26 16 16 14 12
Iron Bracelet +10 350 4.3 41 41 41 40 24 24 22 15 10
Iron Leggings 350 5.3 100 Drop: Sola1re of Astor a 21 21 21 21 12 12 11 14 9
Iron Leggings +5 350 5.3 33 33 33 32 19 19 17 15 10
Iron Leggings +10 350 5.3 51 51 51 50 29 29 27 20 13


Armor Durability Weight Frampt Acquired from

Malden Hood 150 0.8 1000 The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave (1)
Maiden Hood +5 150 0.8 11 13 11 11 13 10
Maiden Hood +10 150 0.8 17 20 17 17 19 12 15 13 10
Maiden Robe 150 1000 The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave (1 ) 19 22 19 19 22 13 17 23 18
Maiden Robe +5 150 30 35 30 30 34 20 27 25 20
Maiden Robe +10 150 46 54 46 46 53 32 41 0 32 25 11
Malden Gloves 150 1.2 1000 TheDuke'sArchives/CrystaJCave(1) 11 13 11 11 13 8 10 0 14 10
Matden Gloves +5 150 1.2 17 20 17 17 20 13 16 15 11
Maiden Gloves +10 150 1.2 27 31 27 27 32 19 24 20 14
Maiden Skirt 150 2.5 l()(X) The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave (1) 23 27 23 23 27 16 21 29 22 10
Maiden Skirt +5 150 2.5 36 42 36 36 42 25 33 32 24 11
Maiden Skirt + 10 150 2.5 56 65 56 56 65 39 51 41 31 14

Armor Durability Weight Frampt Acquired from

Grown of the Dark Sun 300 1000 Domnhall of Zona 10000 Souls
Moonlight Robe 80 3.1 1()(X) Domnhall of Zena 10000 Souls 20 20 31 17
Moonlight Gloves 80 0.5 1000 Domnhall of Zena 10000 Souls 3 3 5 3
Moonlight Waistcloth 80 1.8 1()(X) Domnhall of Zena 10000 Souls 12 12 12 12 18 10 10 14 14

"Boosts the strength of all magic types

Armor Durability Weight F~~~~t Acquired from

Ornstein's Helm' 700 5.5 100 Domnhall of Zona 7000 Sou~ 32 30 36 32

Ornstein's Armor' 700 12 100 Domnhall of Zena 8CXX) Souls 70 67 79 70 46 40 19 18 18
Ornstein's Gauntlets 700 100 Domnhall of Zena 6000 Souls 24 23 27 24 12 16 14 6 12 6 6
Ornstein's Leggings 700 100 Domnhall of Zena 6CX)() Souls 40 38 45 40 20 28 24 11 22 12 12

'Minor Reduction in Stamina recovery


Armor Durability Weight Frampt Acquired from

Painting Guardian Hood 150 0.6 100 Painted Wortd Of Ariamis (l)
Palnttl'lg Guardtan H<XX.i +5 150 0.6 5 48 18 12 15
Painting Guardian Robe 150 1.6 100 Painted Work:! Of Ariamis (1) 11 9 34 29 21 32 78 16
Painting Guardian Robe +5 150 1.6 14 17 14 14 53 45 33 41 99 20
Painting Guardian Gloves 150 0.9 100 Painted World Of Ariamis (1) 6 22 17 12 18 46 10
Painting Guardian Gloves +5 150 0.9 11 9 34 26 8 23 58 13
Painttng Guardian Waistcloth 150 100 Painted World Of Ariams (1) 22 26 22 22 30 44 42 21 51 10
Painting Guardian
150 34 41 34 34 47 68 65 104 259 51
Waistcloth +5

Armor Durability Weight Frampt Acquired from

Paladin Helm' 500 100 Tomb Of The Giants (1) 22 21 25 22 12 13

Paladin Helm +5 500 34 32 39 34 19 20 11 17 11
Paladin Armor" 500 12.9 100 Tomb Of The Giants (1) 59 56 68 59 31 37 19 20 34 24 57
Paladin Armor +5 500 12.9 92 87 105 92 48 57 30 20 43 31 72
Paladtn GJuntlets 500 7.8 100 ToudJ Of TheGiants(1) 35 33 40 35 19 21 12 12 21 13 34
Paladin Gauntlets +5 500 7,6 54 52 62 54 30 33 19 12 27 17 43
Paladin Leggings 500 7.6 100 Tomb Of The Giants (1) 35 33 40 35 19 21 12 12 21 13 34
Paladin Leggings +5 500 7.6 54 52 62 54 30 33 19 12 27 17 43

Minor Reduction in Stamina recovery


Armor Durability Weight Frampt Souls Acquired from

Royal Helm 500 4.5 3000 Drop: Vamos 16 14 16 16 10 10 16 12

Royal Helm +5 500 4.5 25 22 25 25 16 16 18 13
Royal Helm +10 500 4.5 39 34 39 39 24 24 15 22 17

Armor Durability Weight Acquired from
Sack 150 0.6 100 Butcher (C)
Sack +5 150 0.6 16 8 13 6 0 13 11
Sack +10 150 0.6 15 24 15 12 15 19 10 0 17 14
Mimic (S) [not The Duke's
Symbol of Avarice 300 10 3000 21 11 21 21 15 10
Archives/Crys tal Cave!

'Major Reduction in Stamina recovery. Receive an additional20% to Soul acqu1ring rate.

Gain an additional 200 points to Item Discovery Rate. Continuously lose HP at a rate of 5 HP per second

Armor Durability Weight Acquired from
Helm of Favor 500 4.5 1000 Allor Lordo (1)
Helm of Favor +5 500 4.5 28 27 14 10 10
Embraced Armor of Favor 500 11.7 1000 Anor Londo (1) 48 46 56 48 20 28 22 22
Embraced Armor of Favor +5 500 11.7 74 71 86 74 20 36 28 28
Gauntlets of Favor 500 1000 Allor Lordo (1) 21 20 24 21 10 12 8 11 10 10
Gauntlets of Favor +5 500 33 31 38 33 16 19 12 8 14 13 13
Leggings of Favor 500 6.9 1000 Allor Londo (1) 28 27 33 18 11 11 15 14 14
Leggings of Favor +5 500 6.9 43 41 50 43 22 28 17 11 19 18 18


Armor Durability Weight Acquired from

The Duke's tvrnNes/

Sox-Eyed Helm of the Channelers 300 3.9
Cry.;taJ Cave (1)
The Duke's Archives/
Robe of the Channelefs 300 10.1 53 51 60 53 45 45 35 12 38 33
Crystal Cave (1)
The Duke's Archives!
Gauntlets of the Channelers 300 17 16 19 17 13 13 10 12 10 0
Crystal Cave (1)
The Duke's Archives/
Waistcloth of the Channelers 300 32 31 37 32 27 27 20 23 20
Crystal Cave (1)


Armor Durability Weight Frampt Acquired from

Domnhall of lena
Crown of the Great Lord 800 10000 16 17 18 15 16 21 21 15 8 20
2cxxx:> Souls
Domnhall of lena
Robe of the Great Lord 400 1000 32 35 37 29 32 41 41 30 15 40
2()()()() Souls
Domnhall of Zena
Bracelet of the Great Lord 400 2.8 1000 15 16 17 14 15 19 19 14 18
2()(X)() Souls
Domnhall of Zena
Anklet of the Great Lord 400 2.8 1000 20000 Souls
15 16 17 14 15 19 19 14 18


Armor Durability Weight F:~~t Acquired from

Helm ofThomsl) 250 4.1 100 Bllghttown/Quelaag's Domain (1)

Helm of Thoms +5 250 4.1 29 26 16 19 12
Armor of Thorns"2 250 10.5 100 Blighnown/Ouelaag's DomaJn (1) 45 43 49 45 28 33 20 16 26 18
Armor of Thorns +5 250 10.5 70 66 76 70 43 51 31 16 33 23
Gauntlets ofThoms"1) 250 6.2 100 Bllghttown/Quelaag's DomaJn (1) 26 25 28 26 16 18 12 9 16 10 0
Gauntlets of Thorns +5 250 6.2 40 38 44 40 25 28 19 20 13 0
Leggings of Thorns"1) 250 6.2 100 Blighttown/Quelaag's Domain (1) 26 25 28 26 16 18 12 16 10 0
Leggings of Thorns +5 250 6.2 40 38 44 40 25 28 19 20 13

"1) Adds an Attack value of 20 when rolling 1nto an enemy "2) Adds an Attack value of 50 when rolling into an enemy

Armor Durability Weight F~:~~t Acquired from

Shadow Mask 200 0.9 100 Blighttown!Ouelaag's DomaJn (1) 10 6 15 18

Shadow Mask +5 200 0.9 14 15 14 14 9 19 23
Shadow Garb 200 2.3 100 Blighttown/Quelaag's Domain (1) 23 25 23 23 12 16 17 39 47 0
Shadow Garb +5 200 2.3 36 39 36 36 19 25 26 50 60 0
Shadow Gauntlets 200 1.4 100 Blighttown/Ouelaag's Domain (1) 13 14 13 13 9 10 0 23 28 0
Shadow Gauntlets +5 200 1.4 20 22 20 20 11 14 16 0 29 38 0
Shadow Leggings 200 1.4 100 Blighttown!Ouelaag's Domain (1) 13 14 13 13 10 23 28
Shadow Leggings +5 200 1.4 20 22 20 20 11 14 16 29 36


Armor Durability Weight Acquired from
Brass Helm 600 5.1 100 Arlo< Loodo (1)
Brass Helm +5 600 5.1 27 32 17 17 14 11
Brass Armor 600 10.9 100 Anor Londo (1) 37 36 42 37 25 25 16 24 20
Brass Armor +5 600 10.9 57 55 65 57 42 39 39 16 31 25
Brass Gauntlets 600 5.4 100 Anor Londo (1) 19 18 22 19 14 12 12 8 12 10
Brass Gauntlets +5 600 5.4 30 28 33 30 22 19 19 15 13


Armor Durability Weight Frampt Acquired from

Silver Knight Helm 600 4.8 100 Anor Londo (1) 17 16 20 17 10 11 10

Silver Kmght Helm +5 600 4.8 26 25 30 26 16 17 16 11
Silver Knight Armor 600 12 100 Anor Londo (1) 42 40 48 41 26 29 25 19 24 12
Silver Knight Armor +5 600 12 65 61 75 64 40 45 39 19 31 15
Silver Knight Gauntlets 600 5.5 100 Arlo< Londo (1) 19 18 22 19 12 14 11 9 11 6
Sliver Knight Gauntlets +5 600 5.5 30 28 34 29 19 22 17 14
Silver Knight Leggings 600 6.5 100 Anor Londo (1) 23 22 27 23 15 16 14 11 14 7
Silver Knight Leggings +5 600 6.5 36 34 41 35 23 25 22 11 18 9


Armor Durability Weight Acquired from

Smough's Helm" 700 6.8 Domnhall of Zena 6000 Souls

Smough's Armor" 700 17.6 Domnhall of Zena 7000 Souls 106 92 122 106 52 66
Smough's Gauntlets 700 10.4 Domnhall of Zena 5000 Souls 61 53 70 61 31 40
Smough's Leggings 700 10.4 Domnhal1 of Zena 5000 Souls 61 53 70 61 31 40 33 21 33 16

"MatQ!' Reduction in Stamina recovery


Armor Durability Weight

Steel Helm' 500 5.4

Steel Helm +5 500 5.4 25 13 13 10
Steel Helm +10 500 5.4 39 36 45 39 19 19 12 13
Steel Armor" 500 14 100 Crestlalten Merchant 8000 42 40 48 42 22 21 13 23 23 16
Steel Armor +5 500 14 ~~~;;:;z,i~~~g~=~~~l 66 62 75 66 34 33 20 23 25 18
Steel Armor +10 500 14 102 96 117 102 53 51 32 2332220
Steel Gauntlets 500 8.3 100 Crestfallen Merchant 5000 25 24 29 25 13 12 8 14 14 9 0
Souls. Heavy Kmght (Mace) g
Steel Gauntlets +5 500 8.3 39 37 45 3 20 1g 13 14 15 10 0
(A). Heavy Knight (Sword) (A)
Steel Gauntlets +10 500 8.3 61 57 70 61 32 29 14 14 20 13 0
Steel Leggings 500 8.3 100 Crestfallen Merchant 5000 25 24 29 25 13 12 14 14 9
Souls. Heavy Kn~ht (Mace) g g
Steel Leggings +5 500 8.3 3 37 45 3 20 1g 13 14 15 10
(A). Heavy Knight (Sword) (A)
Steel Leggings + 10 500 8.3 61 57 70 61 32 2g 14 14 20 13
Hollow Thief's Hood 250 1.1 100 Undead AssaSSin (A) g 8 11

Minor Reduction in Stamina recovery

Armor Durability Weight Acquired from

Stone Helm' 800 6.8 100 Dari<root Garden/Basin (1)

Stone Armor' 800 17.6 100 Darkroot Garden!Basin (1)
Stone Gauntlets 800 10.4 100 Darkroot Garden/Basin (1) 54 51 54 33 23 27
Stone Leggings 800 10.4 HXJ Oarkroot Garden/Basin (1) 54 51 62 54 27 33 33 23 27 10

'Major Reduction in Stam1na recovery

Armor Durability Weight Acquired from

Sunlight Maggot 80 1.4 1000 Special Chaos Bug (M)

'Illuminates area surrounding the player

Armor Durability Weight Frampt Acquired from

Witch Hat 250 1.1 1000 Valk>y of Drakes/New Londo Ruins (1) 10 12 11
WitCh Hat +5 250 1.1 14 16 14 14 19 11 13 13 14
Witch Cloak 250 1000 Valk>y of Drakes/New Londo Ruins (1 I 33 37 33 33 43 20 26 36 36 12
Witch Cloak +5 250 4 51 57 51 51 67 31 40 46 46 15
Witch GlOves 250 1.7 1000 VaHey of Drakes/New Londo RUins (1) 14 16 14 14 18 9 11 0 16 16 6
Witch Gloves +5 250 1.7 22 24 22 22 28 14 17 0 20 20
Witch Skirt 250 2.5 10Cl0 Va!!ey of Drakes/New Londo Ruins (1) 20 22 20 20 27 12 17 23 23
Witch Skirt +5 250 2.5 31 34 31 31 42 1g 26 29 29 10

Armor Durability Weight Acquired from

Xanthous Crown 400 100 Painted Worid Of Ariams (1)

Xanthous Crown +5 400 28 43 24 23 12 10 14 44
Xanthous Overcoat 400 3.9 100 Painted Worid Of Ariamis (1) 32 36 32 2g 37 23 22 29 0
Xanthous Overcoat +5 400 3.g 50 56 50 45 57 11 36 28 37 0
Xanthous Gloves 400 2.3 100 Pamted World Of Anamis (1 I 18 20 18 16 22 14 12 18 0
xanthous Gloves +5 400 2.3 28312825 34622 15 23
Xanthous Waistcloth 400 100 Painted World Of Ariamis (1) 32 36 32 29 39 23 22 30
Xanthous Waistcloth +5 400 50 56 50 45 61 11 36 28 38


The items in this section can, for the most part, all be equipped to your quick-select inven-
tory so that they can be accessed without the need to go into your main menu. The items
themselves range from restorative to offensive items and having a good mixture of both
wil l ensure you are well prepared for most situations.

Recovery items can cover anything from the highly prized Estus a good idea to add the recovery item for it to your quick-select
Flask that can used to restore your health, to different types of inventory. This way, should the worse happen and start to suffer
moss that can be sued to both cure, and help prevent different ad- the effects of the status, you can quickly remove it without having
verse status effects. Whenever you go into an area where you know to enter the menu.
there are enemies that can inflict a type of status effect, it is always


Frampt Souls 50 Frampt Souls

Acquired from Undead Merchant (female) 300 Souls, Acquired from Event: Knight of Astora, Oscar, Drop:
Demonic Foilage (C) Knight of Astora, Oscar

Item Effect Reduces Bleeding build-up Item Effect Restores varying amounts of HP depending on level


Frampt Souls 50 Frampt Souls 50
Acquired from Undead Merchant (female) t 000 Souls, Demonic Acquired from Crestfallen Merchant 1000 Souls, Frog-Ray (D)
Foilage (B), Blowdart Sniper (C), Blighttown/Ouelaag's
Domain (3) Item Effect Increases Stamina recovery rate for 60 seconds

Item Effect Reduces Poison and Toxin build-up, plus cures Toxin PURGING STONE
status ~ it is already inflicted
Frampt Souls 1000
DIVINE BLESSING Acquired from Event: Siegmeyer of Catarina , Oswald of Carim 4000
Frampt Souls 1000 Souls, Man-Eater Shell (C)

Acquired from Gift, Event: Drop the Ring of the Sun Princess in Hawk Item Effect Reduces Curse build-up and breaks the Curse if it is
Girl's Nest, Rhea of Thorolund 1000 Souls, Patches already inflicted
20000 Souls, Sen's Fortress (1 ), Anor Londo (1 ),
Demon Ruins/Lost lzalith (2) PURPLE MOSS CLUMP
Item Effect Fully restores all HP and curse all status effects Frampt Souls 50
Acquired from Undead Merchant (female) 500 Souls, Demonic Foilage
EGG VERMIFUGE (C), Blowdart Sniper (M)
Frampt Souls 200 Item Effect Reduces Poison and Toxin build-up, plus cures Poison
Acquired from Event: Eingyi, Eingyi 1000 Souls, Tree Lizard (A), status if it is already inflicted
Painted World Of Ariamis (1)

Item Effect Remove parasitic eggs from your body

All of the items here can be used to grant you an additional number special boss souls can also be used to create unique and powerful
of souls, which depending on the type used, can grant you anything weapons, so always think carefully before consuming one for the
from a small amount, up to extremely large numbers. Additional extra sou Is.


Frampt Souls 500 Frampt Souls 500
Acquired from Event: Patches, Infested Ghoul (Blunt) (C), Undead Acquired from Infested Ghoul (Blunt) (B), Undead Burg/Undead Parish
Asylum (1 ), Firelink Shrine (6), Undead Burg/Undead (1 ), Depths (5), Valley of Drakes/New Londo Ruins (1)
Parish (3)
Item Effect Use to receive 800 Souls
Item Effect Use to receive 200 Souls
Frampt Souls 500
Frampt Souls 500
Acquired from Undead Burg/Undead Parish (1 ), Depths (2), Blighttown/
Acquired from Infested Ghoul (Blunt) (C), Firelink Shrine (2), Quelaag's Domain (2), The Great Hollow/Ash Lake (2),
Undead Burg/Undead Parish (5) Darkroot Garden/Basin (3), Valley of Drakes/New Londo
Ruins (3), Catacombs (3)
Item Effect Use to receive 400 Souls
Item Effect Use to receive 1(X)() Souls


Frampt Souls 500 Frampt Souls 8000

Acquired from Darkroot Garden/Basin (1), Blighttown!Quelaag's Do- Acquired from Dragon Slayer Ornstein (Large) (M)
main (5), Painted World Of Ariamis (6), Valley of Drakes/
Item Effect Use to receive 12000 Souls, or convert into Dragon-
New Londo Ruins (2), Catacombs (5), Demon Ruins/
slayer Spear
Lost lzalith (3)

Item Effect Use to receive 2000 Souls


Frampt Souls 500 Acquired from Executioner Smough (lightning) (M)

Acquired from Blighttown/Quelaag's Domain (3), Sen's Fortress (2), Item Effect Use to receive 12000 Souls, or convert into Smough's
Painted World Of Ariamis (3), Valley of Drakes/New Hammer
Londo Ruins (4), Tomb Of The Giants (6), Demon Ruins/
Lost lzalith (1)
Item Effect Use to receive 3000 Souls
Frampt Souls 4000

SOUL OF A BRAVE WARRIOR Acquired from Sit, The Great Grey Wolf (M)

Frampt Souls 500 Item Effect Use to receive 16000 Souls, or convert into Greatsword
of Artorias/Greatsword of Artorias (cursed)/ Greatshield
Acquired from Sen's Fortress (2), Painted World Of Ariamis (6), of Artorias
Darkroot Garden/Basin (1 ), Valley of Drakes/New Londo
Ruins (1), The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave (2), Tomb
Of The Giants (3), Demon Ruins/Lost lzalith (7) SOUl OF GWYNOOIIN
Item Effect Use to receive 5000 Souls Frampt Souls 20000

Acquired from Gwyndolin (M)

Item Effect Use to receive 40000 Souls, or convert into Darkmoon
Frampt Souls 500 Bow/Tin Darkrnoon catalyst
Acquired from Darkroot Garden/Basin (1 ), Sen's Fortress (1 ), The
Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave (1), Demon Ruins/Lost
lzalith (1)
Frampt Souls 15000
Item Effect Use to receive 8000 Souls
Acquired from Priscilla The Crossbreed (M)
SOUl OF A HERO Item Effect Use to receive 12000 Souls, or convert into Lifehunt
Frampt Souls 1000 Scythe

Acquired from Event: Shiva of the East, Sen's Fortress (1 ), Anor Londo
(2), The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave (1 ), Tomb Of The SOUL OF GWYN I ORO OF CINDI IZ
Giants (2), Demon Ruins/Lost lzalith (1) Frampt Souls 40000
Item Effect Use to receive 10000 Souls Acquired from Gwyn, Lord Of Cinder (M)

SOUL OF A GREAT HERO Item Effect Use to receive 20000 Souls, or convert into Great Lord
Frampt Souls 1000

Acquired from The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave (1 ), Demon Ruins/ Fl RE KEEPER SOU I
Lost lzalith (1)
Frampt Souls 1000
Item Effect Use to receive 20000 Souls
Acquired from Drop: Knight Lautrec of Carim, Drop: Lady of the Dark-
ling, Drop: Daughter of Chaos, Undead Burg/Undead
SOUL OF THE MOONLIGHT BUTTERFLY Parish (1), Blighttown!Quelaag's Domain (1), Valley of
Frampt Souls ROOO Drakes/New Londo Ruins (1), The Duke's Archives/
Crystal Cave (1)
Acquired from Moonlight Butterfly (M) [Darkroot Garden]
Item Effect Can be used to increase the level of the Estus Flask by
Item Effect Use to receive 1200 Souls, or convert into Moonlight giving it to specific NPCs
Butterfly Horn/Crystal Ring Shield


Frampt Souls 10000 Frampt Souls

Acquired from Quelaag (M) Acquired from Bed of Chaos (M), Gravelord Nrto (M)

Item Effect Use to receive 8000 Souls, or convert into Quelaag's Item Effect Must be offered to the Lordvessel after rt has been
Furysword/Chaos Blade placed in the Firelink Altar.


Frampt Souls 8000 Frampt Souls

Acquired from Iron Golem (M) Acquired from Four Kings (M), Seath The Scaleless (M)

Item Effect Use to receive 12000 Souls, or convert into Golem Axe/ Item Effect Must be offered to the Lordvessel after it has been
Dragon Bone Fist placed in the Firelink Altar.

05 MAGIC & ITEMS 287

This set of items covers all of the ones that you are able to use offensively against the differ-
ent enemies in the game or other players. Most of these can be thrown, or have large areas
of effect so they can easily make up for any shortcomings your equipped weapon may have.


Frampt Souls 50 Frampt Souls 50

Acquired from Gift, Crestfallen Merchant 500 Souls, Undead Burg/ Acquired from Undead Merchant (male) 50 Souls, Armored Zombie
Undead Parish (5) (Firebomb) (C), Firelink Shrine (6)

Item Effect Usage is identical to the standard Firebomb, but the Item Effect Can be thrown a moderate distance and causes a small
blast radius and damage dealt are much larger. explosion with average damage upon contact with an
Fire ATK Damage: 250 enemy. Fire ATK Damage: 180


Frampt Souls 50
Frampt Souls 50
Acquired from Undead Merchant (female) 500 Souls
Acquired from Domnhall of Zena 1000 Souls, Mushroom Man (Child)
Item Effect Weapons coated in this resin will gain an additional (B) IDarkroot Basin], Mushroom Man (Parent) (M) [Dark-
Fire ATK rating of 80 for 60 seconds. root Basin], Undead Burg/Undead Parish (3)

Item Effect Weapons coated in this resin will gain an additional

DUNG PIE Ughtning ATK rating of 150 for 60 seconds.
Frampt Souls 200

Acquired from Undead Merchant (female) 200 Souls, Infested POISON THROWING KNIFE
Barbarian (Boulder) (E), Infested Barbarian (Club) (E)
Frampt Souls 50
Item Effect Can be thrown long distances, and while it inflicts no
damage, rt does have the ability to inftict Toxin onto Acquired from Undead Merchant (female) 100 Souls
enemies. Each use of the item does, however, build up
Item Effect These knives work the same as normal Throwing
your own toxicity levels so continued use is not recom-
Knives, but also have the ability to inflict Poison on en-
mended. Damage from the Toxin on this item is 7 HP
emies for additional damage. Knife Damage: 60, Poison
per sec, for 600 seconds.
Damage: 4 HP per second for 180 seconds.


Frampt Souls 50
Acquired from Covenant: Path to the Dragon
Acquired from Undead Merchant (female) 1000 Souls
Item Effect Equip to a spot in your quick select inventory, and then
remove your helmet to transform your head into that of Item Effect Coating your weapon with this resin will enable it con-
a dragon. Subsequent presses will release a fire breath tinuously build up an enemy's toxicity levels with each
attack that can be sustained by holding the button strike for 60 seconds. Poison Damage from this Resin is
down. 3 HP per second for 180 seconds.


Frampt Souls
Frampt Souls 10
Acquired from Covenant: Path to the Dragon
Acquired from Undead Merchant (male) 10 Souls, Painting Guard (C),
Item Effect Similar to the Dragon Head Stone, but you must remove Undead Burg/Undead Parish (1 0)
all armor before you can activate it. Using the item again
will produce a roar that staggers enemies, and gives a Item Effect Can be thrown at enemies from maximum lock-on
temporary boost to attack range. Knife Damage: 100

All of the items here can only be used when you are playing the game online. Their effects
range from being able to summon another player into your game so that they can help you
cooperatively, to banishing a troublesome Red Phantom that has invaded your game.


Frampt Souls Frampt Souls
Acquired from Event: Anastacia of Astora, Anastacia Of Astora (M) Acquired from Oswald of Carim 1000 Souls, Drop: Oswald of Carim
Item Effect Found on the dead body of the Fire Keeper at the Item Effect Can be used to check the names of players that have
Firelink Shrine, use it in the great hall in Anor Londo to had an Indictment placed against them.
exact revenge on her killer.


Frampt Souls Frampt Souls 500

Acquired from Covenant: Darkmoon Acquired from Darkstalker Kaathe 3000 Souls, Firelink Shrine (4), Valley
of Drakes/New Londo Ruins (6)
Item Effect Acquired upon joining the Darkmoon Blades Covenant,
this item can be used to invade the games of players in Item Effect Use this item to invade the world of another player, but
the Book of the Guilty. can only be used once.


Frampt Souls Frampt Souls

Acquired from All (default) Acquired from Covenant: Path to the Dragon

Item Effect This item can be used to either send an ally in your Item Effect Can be used to invade the world of a player that
world back to their own, or if you are in another player's possesses a Dragon Scale, which you will acquire
world, it will return you to yours. if you defeat them.


Frampt Souls 500 Frampt Souls
Acquired from Covenant: Gravelord Servant, Patches 3000 Souls, Acquired from Painted World Of Ariamis (1)
Basilisk (A), Catacombs (3), Tomb Of The Giants (3)
Item Effect Leave a Summon Sign that lets other players summon
Item Effect Using this item will lure a player from another world you into their world as a Red Phantom
into your own


Frampt Souls 50 Frampt Souls

Acquired from Oswald of Carim 2000 Souls Acquired from Eingyi 500 Souls, Drop: Eingyi

Item Effect If you are killed by another player, use this item to have Item Effect This item will allow you to check the current members
their name added to the Book of the Guilty. of the Daughters of Chaos Covenant.


Frampt Souls
Frampt Souls 50
Acquired from Undead Merchant (male) 100 Souls, Drop: Undead
Merchant (male) Acquired from Crow Demon (A)

Item Effect This item allows you to either write, view or rate Item Effect This item is coveted by the Blades of the Darkmoon and
message that other players have left. is taken as a trophy after defeating a guilty player.


Frampt Souls
Frampt Souls
Acquired from Covenant: Darkwraith
Acquired from Event: Solaire of Astora, Drop: Solaire of Astora
Item Effect The un-cracked version of this item still allows you to
invade another player's world, but it can be used as Item Effect Leave a Summon Sign that lets other players summon
often as you like. you into their world as a Blue Phantom.


This group of items covers all of the ones that do not neatly fit into one of the above catego-
ries. The items featured here range from some of the most highly sought after items in the
game, to some of the most useful for keeping your character in top fighting form.


Frampt Souls 50 Frampt Souls

Acquired from Undead Merchant (female) 500 Souls, Undead Burg/ Acquired from Painted World Of Anamis (1)
Undead Parish (4)
Item Effect Greatly reduces the period of time between possible
Item Effect Can be used to lure the following enemies to specific invasions of your world.
areas for 5 seconds: Zombie, Armored Zombie, Undead
Soldier, Elite Undead Guard, Elite Undead Archer, Heavy
Knight, Undead Assassin, Butcher, Infested Ghoul, GOLD COIN
Blowdart Sniper, Infested Barbarian, Undead Crystal
Soldier, Engorged Zombie, Phalanx. Undead Mage, Frampt Souls 5000
Undead Merchant, Armored Tusk.
Acquired from Mimic (M) [Anor Londo]. Painted World Of Ariamis (1)

ARMOR SMITH BOX Item Effect Can be fed to Kingseeker Frampt

Frampt Souls

Acquired from Andre of Astora 2000 Souls HOMEWARD BONE

Item Effect Once acquired, this item allows you to reinforce your Frampt Souls 50
armor while resting at a Bonfire. Acquired from Undead Merchant (female) 800 Souls, Firelink Shrine (6)

BINOCULARS Item Effect Can be used to return to the last Bonfire you rested
at from anywhere in the game.
Frampt Souls

Acquired from Gift, Firelink Shrine (1)

Item Effect When used, this item will give you a zoomed in view
Frampt Souls 1000
of the area you are looking at. Two additional levels of
zoom can be achieved by pressing up in the D-Pad Acquired from Event: Patches, Event: Vagrant, Undead Merchant
(female) 5000 Souls, Patches 10000 Souls, Large
BOTTOMLESS BOX Undead Rat (A). Small Undead Rat (A), Snow Rat (A),
Infested Ghoul (Blunt) (A), Pisaca (B). Skeleton Baby (B),
Frampt Souls Giant Undead Rat (M), Firelink Shrine (1 ). Undead Burg/
Undead Parish (2), Depths (1), Blighttown/Ouelaag's
Acquired from Domnhall of Zena 1000 Souls Domain (1 ), Painted World Of Ariamis (2), Tomb Of The
Item Effect Giants (1 ). Valley of Drakes/New Londo Ruins (3), The
This item can be access while you are resting at a Bon-
Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave (1)
fire and it can be used to store as many items as you
wish. When viewing the contents of the box you can Item Effect Receive one additional Humanity point upon use,
see how many of a particular item you have on you, and as well as restore all HP.
how many in storage to easily keep track of everything.


Frampt Souls 1000 Frampt Souls 50
Acquired from Event: Petrus of Thorolund Acquired from Undead Merchant (male) 500 Souls, Firelink Shrine (4)

Item Effect This item is given out as a reward, but it's only use is Item Effect Prevents the use of Estus Flasks within a small area
for feeding to Kingseeker Frampt for 25 seconds.

05 MAGIC & ITEMS 289

Frampt Souls Frampt Souls

Acquired from Event: Gwynevere, Drop: Gwynevere Acqu ired from Pinwheel (M) [Catacombs]

Item Effect Allows for Warp1ng between Bonfires once acquired, Item Effect This item allows you to Kindle Bonfires past their normal
and must be placed in the Firelink Alter with enough threshold to reap even more benefits from them when
Lord Souls to open the path to the Kiln of the first resting.
Frampt Souls Undead Burg/Undead Parish (1)
Acquired from
Acquired from Undead Asylum (revisited) (1)
Item Effect Can be used to exchange for an item with Hawk Girl
Item Effect Required to gain access to the Painted World of Ariamis
PENDANT Frampt Souls 200
Frampt Souls 1000 Acqu ired from Event: Knight Lautrec of Carim, Drop: Solaire of Astora,
Anor Londo (3), Defeat a boss with Knight Lautrec on
Acquired from Gift, Event: Rhea of Thorolund, Drop: Rhea of Thorolund
your side
Item Effect Can be used to exchange for an item with Hawk Girl
Item Effect These medals are used to increase the Covenant with
Solaire of Astora
Frampt Souls 10 SILVER COIN
Undead Merchant (female), Patches 10 Sculs, Frampt Souls 3000
Acquired from
The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave (20) Acquired from Mimic (M) [Anor Londo)
Item Effect Can be dropped on the floor to leave a trail that can be Item Effect Feed to Kingseeker Frampt in return for Souls
easily followed, or dropped to gauge the height of a fall.

Frampt Souls 50
Frampt Souls
Acquired from Undead Merchant (female) 4000 Souls, Ghost (Female)
Acquired from Undead Merchant (male) 3000 Souls, Andre of Astora (B), Ghost (Male) (B), Valley of Drakes/New Londo Ruins
2000 Souls (6)

Item Effect Allows for Repairing of weapons and armor while resting Item Effect Using this item will allow you inflict damage to the
at a Bonfire. Ghosts in the New Londo Ruins for 300 seconds.


Frampt Souls 50 Frampt Souls 2000

Acquired from Undead Merchant (male) 500 Souls Acquired from Event: Patches, Patches 20000 Souls, Drop: Oswald of
Carim, Dusk of Oolacille, Undead Burg/Undead Parish
Item Effect Using this item will immediately restore the Durability of (1), The Great Hollow/Ash Lake (1), Demon Ruins/Lost
the weapon in your characters right hand, without the lzalith (1)
need of a Blacksmith or Repairbox.
Item Effect Gain an additional two Humanity Points, and fully
restore all HP

Frampt Souls

Acquired from Andre of Astora 2000 Souls

Item Effect Allows for the reinforcement of weapons while resting at

a Bonfire.

Reinforcement is an essential part of the Dark Souls experience, TlTANITE SHARD S
and players who do not spend adequate time increasing the level of TITANITE SHARD
both their weapon, and armor, will almost certainly find themselves
Frampt Souls 50
running into trouble later in the game. To get the most out of your
weapons, you will need to scour the game to acquire Titanite in its For Weapon Type + level Standard +5
different forms, and help stoke the fires of the different blacksmiths Acquired from Event: Forest Hunter: Hunt Reward, Crestfallen
with unique Embers to create unique and powerful weapons. Merchant 1000 Sculs, Andre of Astora 800 Souls,
Elite Undead Archer (A) [Undead Parish]. Elite Undead
Guard (Rapier) (A) [Undead Parish), Elite Undead Guard
Along with the different forms of normal Titanite, you can also come (Sword) (A) [Undead Parish], Elite Undead Guard
across rare and unique variations such as Demon Titanite, or other (Rapier) (C) [Sen's Fortress], Elite Undead Archer (C)
exotics materials such as Dragon Scale that are used to reinforce [Sen's Fortress], Elite Undead Guard (Sword) (C) [Sen's
Fortress], Heavy Knight (Mace) (M) [Undead Parish],
equally rare and powerful weapons. Without going out of your way Armored Soldier (Crossbow) (S), Undead Scldier (Spear)
to collect t he different Embers, however, the abilities of the black- (S) [except 1n Undead Asylum]
smiths will be severely diminished, and they will only be able to do
the most basic of reinforcements.


Frampt Souls 50 Frampt Souls 50
For Weapon Type + Level Standard + 10, Raw +5 For Weapon Type Magic + 10, Enchanted +5
Acquired from Event: Forest Hunter: Hunt Reward, Crestfallen Mer- Acquired from Moonlight Butterfly (S) [The Duke's Archives/Crystal
chant 4000 Souls, Elite Undead Archer (A) [Sen's For- Cave], The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave (1)
tress], Elite Undead Guard (Sword) (A) [Sen's Fortress],
Elite Undead Guard (Rapier) (A) [Sen's Fortress], Slime
(A), Depths (1), Blighttown!Quelaag's Domain (2), Sen's
Fortress (6) Frampt Souls 100

For Weapon Type Fire + 10, Chaos +5

Acquired from Chaos Eater (S), Demon Ruins/Lost lzalith (1)
Frampt Souls 50
For Weapon Type + Level Magic/Divine/Fire +5 WHITE TITANITE SLAB
Acquired from Event: Forest Hunter: Hunt Reward, Crestfallen Mer- Frampt Souls 50
chant 5000 Souls, Burrowing Maggot (C), Crystal Lizard
(C) [The Great Hollow/Ash Lake, The Duke's Archives/ For Weapon Type Divine + 10, Occult +5
Crystal Cave, Catacombs, Tomb of the Giants, Lost lza-
Acquired from Tomb Of The Giants (1)
lith], Blighttown!Quelaag's Domain (1), Valley of Drakes/
New Londo Ruins (1 ), Catacombs (1 ), Demon Ruins/
Lost lzalith (6)
Frampt Souls 100
For Weapon Type Weapons born from special souls +5
Frampt Souls 50
Acquired from Prowling Demon (M), Anor Londo (4)
For Weapon Type Standard +14, Crystal +4, Lightning +4

Acquired from Event: Forest Hunter: Hunt Reward, Sentinel (Normal) DRAGON SCALE
(A), Darkwraith (B). Crystal Lizard (C) [The Great Hollow/
Frampt Souls 100
Ash Lake], Crystal Lizard (E) [Undead Burg, Darkroot
GardenJ, Giant (Slave) (M), Black Knight (Sword) (M) For Weapon Type Dragon weapons +5
[Undead Burg, Kiln of the First Flame], Black Knight
(Greatsword) (M) [Undead Parish], Anor Londo (1), The Acquired from Hydra (M), Undead Dragon (M) [Painted World of
Great Hollow/Ash Lake (2), Valley of Drakes/New Londo Ariamisj, Wyvern (S), Blighttown/Quelaag's Domain (1),
Ruins (2) The Great Hollow/Ash Lake (3)


Frampt Souls 50 Frampt Souls 100

For Weapon Type Magic +9, Enchanted +4 For Weapon Type Special weapons that cannot be reinforced normally +5

Acquired from Event: Forest Hunter: Hunt Reward, Crystal Golem Acquired from Man-Eater Shell (B) [The Great Hollow/Ash Lakej, Crys-
(Blue) (A), Moonlight Butterfly (B) [The Duke's Archives/ tal Lizard (M), Man-Eater Shell (M) [The Duke's Archives/
Crystal Cavej, Crystal Lizard (C) [The Great Hollow/Ash Crystal CaveJ, Anor Londo (1 ), The Duke's Archives/
Lake], Crystal Lizard (E) [The Duke's Archives/Crystal Crystal Cave (3)
CaveJ, Black Knight (Spear) (M) [Darkroot Garden, ~In
of the First Flamej, The Great Hollow/Ash Lake (2), The
Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave (3)
Frampt Souls 50 Frampt Souls

For Weapon Type Fire c9, Chaos +4 Blacksmith Required Andre of Astora

Acquired from Burrowing Maggot (A), Chaos Eater (B), Crystal Lizard Acquired from Depths (1)
(C) [The Great Hollow/Ash Lakej, Crystal Lizard (E)
[Lost lzalith], Black Knight (Greatsword) (M) [~In of the
First Flame], Black Knight (Sword) (M) [Undead Asylum
(revisited)], Chaos Bug (S), The Great Hollow/Ash Lake Frampt Souls
(2), Demon Ruins/Lost lzalith (2)
Blacksmith Required Andre of Astora

WHITE TITANITE CHUNK Acquired from Valley of Drakes/New Londo Ruins (1)
Frampt Souls 50
For Weapon Type Divine +9, Occult +4
Frampt Souls
Acquired from Event: Forest Hunter: Hunt Reward, Bone Tower (A),
Crystal Lizard (C) [The Great Hollow/Ash LakeJ, Crystal Blacksmith Required Giant Blacksmith
Lizard (E) [Catacombs, Tomb of the Giants!. Black
Acqu ired from The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave (1)
Knight (Axe) (M), Black Knight (Spear) (M) [Tomb of the
Giants!. Chaos Eater (S), The Great Hollow/Ash Lake
(2), Tomb Of The Giants (3) LARGE FLAME EMBER
Frampt Souls

TITANITE SLABS Blacksmith Required Vamos

TITANITE SLAB Acquired from Demon Ruins/Lost lzalith (1)

Frampt Souls 50
For Weapon Type Standard + 15, Crystal/Lightning +5
Frampt Souls
Acquired from Event: Sieglinde of Catarina, Crystal Lizard (C)
Blacksmith Required Vamos
[The Great Hollow/Ash Lake], Stray Demon (M),
Darkwraith (S) Acquired from Demon Ruins/Lost lzalith (1)


Frampt Souls Frampt Souls
Blacksmith Required Rickert of Vinheim Blacksmith Required Andre of Astora
Acquired from The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave (1) Acquired from Tomb Of The Giants (1)


Frampt Souls Frampt Souls
Blacksmith Required Rickert of Vinheim Blacksmith Required Andre of Astora

Acquired from Darkroot Garden/Basin (1) Acquired from Painted World Of Ariamis (1)

Frampt Souls

Blacksmith Required Andre of Astora

Acquired from Darkroot Garden/Basin (1)

During your journey through the many different locations within UNDEAD BURG
Dark Souls, you will often come across many doors that you will be BASEMENT KEY
unable to open at first. While some of these doors can be opened
Acquired from Undead Burg/Undead Parish (1)
from another location, or from behind, most require the use of keys.
Nearly all keys only open one specific lock, but even after it has Where to use Needed to open the door near the bridge with Hellkite,
that leads down to the Lower Section of the Undead
been used, it will still remain in your inventory should you need to Burg.
check it again.
The main exception to the other keys is the Master Key, which can Acquired from Andre of Astora 20000 Souls, Drop: Andre of Astora
be used to open numerous different doors throughout the game. To
make keeping track of the large number of keys easier, this list has Whereto use Needed to open the large door near the start of the
Darkroot Garden. This negates the need to circle around
been split up according to the different areas within the game so the Garden as you go through the Basin.
that you can quickly find the one you are looking for.
Acquired from Capra Demon (M) ]Undead Burg/Lower Section]
MASTER KEY Whereto use Needed to open the door in the Lower Section of the
Undead Burg that leads down to the Depths.

Acquired from Thief (default), Gift
Acquired from Undead Burg/Undead Parish (1)
Where to use Opens any basic lock
Whereto use Needed to save Knight Lautrec of Carim, who is in a
small cell on the second floor in the church located in
the Undead Parish.


Acquired from Undead Merchant (male) 1000 Souls, Drop: Undead
Merchant (male)
Where to use Needed to open the two locked residences in the
DUNGEON CELL KEY Undead Burg. One is in the Main Section, and the other
Acquired from Undead Asylum (1) in the Lower Section.

Where to use Needed to escape from the prison at the beginning of

the Undead Asylum. DEPTHS


Acquired from Acquired from Gaping Dragon (M)
Event: Knight of Astora, Oscar, Asylum Demon (M),
Drop: Knight of Astora, Oscar Where to use Needed to enter Blighttown.
Where to use Needed to open the large door in the bess chamber of
the Undead Asylum. SEWER CHAMBER KEY
Acquired from Depths (1)
Whereto use Needed to enter the room with the Bonfire in
Acquired from Event: Knight of Astora, Oscar, Drop: Knight of Astora, the Depths.

Whereto use Needed to open the gate on the eastern side of the
second floor in the Undead Asylum.
Acquired from Blighttown/Ouelaag's Domain (1)

Whereto u&e Needed to open the gate betw8811 the New Londo
Ruins and Valley of Drakes.


Acquired from Sen's Fortress (1) Acquired from Serpent Soldier (Key) (M)
Where to use Needeo to open various lockeo cages in Sen's Fortress. Where to use Neeoed to escape from the prison after battling against
Seath in Duke's Archives.


ANNEX KEY Acquired from The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave (1)

Acquired from Painteo World Of Ariamis (1) Where to use Neeoeo to escape from the Duke's Archives,
Archive Tower.
Where to use Neeoeo to enter the storage annex in the Painted World
of Ariamis.
Acquired from The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave (1)
DARKROOT GARDEN Where to use Neeoed to open the giant cell at the bottom of the
WATCHTOWER BASEMENT KEY Archive Tower in the Duke's Archives.

Acquired from Darkroot Garden/Basin (1)

Where to use Neeoeo to open the door leading from the bottom of Acquired from The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave (1)
the watchtower in the Undead Burg's Main Section to
the Darkroot Basin. Where to use Neeoed to open up a number of prison cells within
the Archive Tower.

Acquired from Event: lngward, Drop: lngward
Acquired from Firelink Shrine (1)
Where to use Needed to open the gate that gives access to the lever,
controlling the giant door holding back the water in the Where to use Neeoeo to open the gate on the western side of the
New Londo Ruins. second floor in the Undead Asylum.

There are three main schools of Sorcery in Dark Souls: Magic, Pyromancy and Miracles. Each
of them require different items and statistics to wield effectively, but they can all be extremely
deadly when used correctly. At the start of the game only the Sorcerer can use Magic, Pyro-
mancer can use Pyromancy and the Cleric can use miracles. But as you progress through the
game, you will be able to acquire the tools to use any type of Sorcery with any class.

Magic is the most well rounded of the three schools, offering plenty Some Catalysts, however, work on Faith rather than Intelligence,
of offensive spells, and a number of useful spells for controlling which can be especially useful for high level Clerics. Casting times
elements of the environment. Most of the lower and mid-level of- for the different spells vary greatly, even within the same group of
fensive spells usually come with a large number of uses also, which spells, so finding your own preference will be crucial and changing
allows them to be used far more liberally than those of the Pyro- your equipped spells for different situations is highly recommended.
mancer. Each offensive spell has a unique damage value similar to If you know the enemy you are going up against is slow moving,
weapons, and the overall damage is a combination of that number, then you may want to sacrifice casting time for additional strength,
modified by your Intelligence and the Catalyst you have equipped. and vice-versa for fast moving targets.


Uses 20 Att. Slot s Min. INT 10 Uses 3 Att. Slots Min. INT 14

Acquired from Griggs of Vinhelm 1000 Souls Acquired from Dusk of Oolacille 1000 Souls

With the Aural Decoy you are able to lure enemies to a As the name suggests, this spell is used to create a large
specific location by casting a sound generating beam of amount of additional light, which emanates from your
energy to a fixed point. You can cast this spell over great character and can be used to help navigate extremely dark
distances and it can be extremely effective for luring places such as Blighttown. While you may only get three
troublesome enemies into areas that allow you to fight uses of this spell, each one does last for 5 minutes, which
them more easily. Even if you are already engaged in means you still get quite a lot of time for each cast.
combat with an enemy, casting this spell will cause them
to break off and go to investigate it. The sound only lasts
for 30 seconds, however, so you will only have a small
window to take advantage of it.


Uses 11 Att. Slots Min. INT 14 Uses 6 Att. Slots Min. INT 15
Acquired from Dusk of Oolacille 3000 Souls Acquired from Drop: Griggs of Vinheim. Sen's Fortress 111

Once cast, the Chameleon spell will select an appropriate While this spell is active, all general movement noise from
item from the surrounding environment and transform the caster will be masked for 30 seconds. Sound from
your character into it. From that point on, as long as you jumping or swinging a weapon can still be heard, however,
do not attack or perform any actions, you will remain so make sure you do not give your position away prema-
camouflaged as the item, and can even move around. The turely. This spell is also very useful for combating normal
primary use for this spell is during encounters with other enemies, because it can easily mask your approach and
players, where you can use it to confuse them by blending let you get the upper hand on them.
in with the environment and then gain the upper hand
by landing the first blow. This spell can also work on the MAGIC SHIELD
normal enemies within the game, but only if they do not Uses Att. Slots 1 Min. INT 10
see you cast the spell or move around as the item, which
Acquired from Gnggs of Vinhelm, Big Hat Logan 3000 Souls
severely hampers its effectiveness.


Uses 10 Att. Slots 1 Min. INT 15 Uses 3 Att. Slots Min. INT 15

Acquired from Griggs of Vinhelm 1500 Souls Acquired from The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave (1)

While the effects of this spell are active, you will not take Magic Shield allows you to augment your normal shield
any damage from falling providing the height is less than so that it can withstand high degrees of magic damage.
20 meters The normal Magic Shield will reduce this damage to only
30% of normal, and the Great Magic Shield will reduce it
HIDDEN BODY completely, so you will take no damage while blocking any
Uses 3 Att. Slots 1 Min. INT 14
magic attack. Both of these spells only have a duration of
25 seconds, however, which makes their usages some-
Acquired from Dusk of Oolacille 2000 Souls what limited because casting it in the middle of a boss
The Hidden Body spell will cause the casters body to fight where it is usually most needed, is not easy.
become almost fully transparent, making it extremely hard
for invading players to detect them. This spell is especially MAGIC WEAPON
useful in areas with low lighting to make detection even Uses Att. Slots 1 Min. INT 10
harder for the invading player. The spell only lasts for 30 Acquired from Griggs of Vinhelm. B1g Hat Logan 3000 Souls
seconds, however, so it is best used to set up quick hit-
and-run attacks. GREAT MAGIC WEAPON
Uses 3 Att. Slots 1 Min. INT 15
Acquired from Anor Londo (1)
Uses 3 Att. Slots Min. INT 14

Acquired from Dusk of Oolacille 2000 Souls CRYSTAL MAGIC WEAPON

Uses 3 Att. Slots Min. INT 25
Hidden Weapon works on similar principals to the Hidden
Body spell, but instead of your whole body becoming in- Acquired from Big Hat Logan !Duke's Archives! 20000 Souls
visible, only the weapon in your right hand does. The ben-
efit of this is that it makes it very difficult for an invading Similar to the Magic Shield, Magic Weapon imbues the
player to judge what weapon you have equipped, making weapon equipped in your right hand with additional Magic
it harder for them to defend against it. This spell also lasts Attack properties. The base version of this spell with give
for a full 60 seconds, double that of the Hidden Body, so it your weapon a Magic Attack rating of 80, the Great ver-
is better suited to longer encounters. sion ups that to 110, and the Crystal version is the stron-
gest at 140. Any weapons that already have additional
HOMING SOULMASS properties cannot be augmented by this spell, so you will
Uses 10 Att. Slots Min. INT 18
need to select your weapon carefully. All variations of this
spell also have a duration of 60 seconds, which enables
Acquired from Griggs of Vinhelm (Duke's Arch1vesl, Big Hat Logan you to cast them before a boss fight and still have time to
20000 Souls
make use of the effects.
Uses 10 Att. Slots 1 Min. INT 24 REPAIR
Acquired from Big Hat Logan (Duke's Archives! 30000 Souls Uses Att. Slots Min. INT 14

Acquired from Dusk of Oolacille 10000 Souls

Casting of either of the Soulmass spells will cause a
number of glowing orbs of energy to hover around your The Repair spell can be used at any time and it fully
character. The exact number of orbs depends on how high repairs all equipped weapons and armor. The effects are
your Intelligence is, with two being the least you will see, similar to using Repair Powders, but you get the added
and five being the maximum. Once the orbs are in place, benefit of having everything repaired in one go at no cost.
they will stay there indefinitely, and since their target ac- Because you only have one use at a time, however, it is
quisition is automatic, you can use them as a form of early best saved for critical situations, such as battles against
warning system if you constantly have them active. Even invading players where you may need to repair your equip-
if you rest at a Bonfire you will still keep any active orbs ment quickly.
that you have. You will need to be careful, however, when
moving through narrow spaces, because if the orbs come
into contact with anything in the environment they will be
destroyed. Similarly, if you have one group of orbs active,
and cast the spell again, the previous set will disappear
and have been wasted.


RESIST CURSE ness of the stronger Soul Arrows does mean that their
Uses 4 Att. Slots Min.INT 16
usefulness against invading players can be limited, and
they are best used as an opening attack before the other
Acquired from lngward 5000 Souls player knows your location. Against targets that cannot
evade them effectively, however, such as bosses, the
Similar to a Purging Stone, this spell will allow you to
Heavy Soul Arrows can be devastating and inflict massive
break the effects of a Curse once it has taken over your
amounts of damage.
character, and lower the buildup of the Curse effect in
your resistance gauge before it can take effect.
Uses 4 Att. Slots Min. INT 36
Uses 4 Att. Slots Min.INT 16 Acquired from Griggs of Vinhelm (Duke's Archives!. Big Hat Logan
40000 Souls
Acquired from Bl1ghttown/Ouelaag's Domain (1 I
Remedy provides a full cure for any form of Poison or
Uses 4 Att. Slots Min. INT 44
Bleeding effects. and instantly reduces their build up to
zero. Because it effectively takes the places of a number Acquired from Big Hat Logan [Duke's Archives) 50000 Souls
of restorative items, you can equip this spell when head-
ing into a variety of different areas or combat situations, The Soul Spears are an improved version of the Soul
and have confidence that you can deal with any statuses. Arrow that features even higher attack power than the
Heavy Soul Arrows, without their slow casting time. This
SOUL ARROW combination of power and speed makes the Soul Spears
one of the best spells in the game against both bosses
Uses 30 Att. Slots Min. INT 10
and invading players. Their only limiting factor is the low
Acquired from Sorcerer (default). Griggs of Vinhelm, Big Hat Logan number of uses that each one has, and if you have enough
1000 Souls, Rickert of Vinheim 2000 Souls
Attunement slots, it is well worth equipping both types to
increase your offensive capabilities dramatically.
Uses 20 Att. Slots Min. INT 14 WHITE DRAGON BREATH
Acquired from Griggs of Vinhelm, Big Hat Logan 6000 Souls Uses 20 Att. Slots Min. INT 50

Acquired from Drop: Big Hat Logan (final)

Uses 12 Att. Slots Min.INT 12 This spell is extremely similar to the one used by Seath
Griggs of Vinhelm, Big Hat Logan 2000 Souls, Rickert
the Scaleless, in that it causes crystal shards to form up
Acquired from
of Vinheim 4000 Souls out of the ground and travel along a straight line. This
version does not cause curse, however, but it does have
GREAT HEAVY SOUL ARROW a number of unique properties that make it one of the
Uses 8 Att. Slots Min. INT 16 most useful offensive spells in the game. Unlike nearly
all other spells, the White Dragon Breath actually follows
Acquired from Griggs of Vinhelm, Big Hat Logan 8000 Souls
the terrain, rather than impacting with it and coming to a
The Soul Arrow group of spells are a general-purpose stop. This means that you are able to cast the spell up and
selection offensive spells that have something for every down hills or stairs, without having to lock onto a target to
combat situation. All of the spells have excellent range, adjust trajectory. Having this extra layer of freedom allows
so they can be used to attack most enemies from well you to set up much better ambushes around these areas,
outside of their attack range. The more powerful variations because you can fire the spell directly at the foe before
of the Soul Arrow have significantly longer casting times you can lock onto them and have it still travel towards
than the weaker versions, so you must be sure that your them. The White Dragons Breath can also go through
target will not evade the spell once it is cast. The slow- an entire group of enemies and damage them all, unl1ke
other spells that only hit one target.

Pyromancy is focused on harnessing the elemental forces of fire
to create a number of powerful and unique spells through the Py-
romancy Flame. Whereas Magic tends to favor long range combat,
Pyromancy is most effective in close to mid ranged situations,
meaning you have to get a lot closer to your target for it to be effec- Uses Att. Slots
tive. Overall, Pyromancy spells tend to have a slightly slower casting Acquired from Painted World Of Ariamis (1 I
speed too, which makes timing them quite a bit more difficult.
Acid Surge creates a large cloud that lasts for 8 seconds,
To offset this, however, most Pyromancy spells have an excellent and anything caught within it will have its weapon and ar-
area of effect and those spells in the Chaos branch, can often leave mor durability severely diminished. Although this effect is
behind lingering lava pools for additional damage . Chaos spells minimal against the normal enemies of the game, where
also gain additional strength as you acquire more Humanity. Both it truly shines is against other players. By casting this spell
of these factors make them excellent against invading players. on another player, you can greatly diminish the war of
providing you do not give them an opening with the slow cast time . attrition and put the odds of victory severely in your favor.
As well as normal damage, Pyromancy spells can also inflict status It will not take long for the effects of this spell to totally
effects to further hamper your opponent, and leave him severely destroy the other player's equipment, and if they do not
weakened. have the means to restore it straight away, you are all but
assured victory.


COMBUSTION of the spell the radius and size of the pillars increase,
making it even more deadly, and like other Chaos spells,
Uses 16 Att. Slots
Chaos Storm will leave behind residual lava with every
Acquired from Laurentius of the Great Swamp, Ouelaana of lzalith pillar. If an enemy gets hit directly by one of the pillars, it
500 Souls
will also knock them back some distance, which allows
you to move in for a quick strike before they can recover.
The one downside is that while 20 uses may seem like a
Uses 8 Att. Slots lot, that number is per pillar, and one cast uses 17 pillars,
Acquired from Ouelaana of lzalith 5000 Souls meaning you only get one full, and one partial cast before
you run out.
While the Combustion spells may have less range than
some melee weapons, they can still be useful in the right FIRE SURGE
circumstances. Against some enemies in the game who
Uses 80 Att. Slots
have high physical defense, you can often be better off
using a spell such as this over your normal weapon. It can Acquired from Engorged Zombie (Pyromancer) IMI
also be effective against other players because it can be
Fire Surge is a unique spell in that you can keep the attack
cast relatively quickly; even if they block it, unless they
button pressed to keep the spell going until you run out
have a shield that has high fire protection, they will still
of uses. A simple tap of the attack button will only take
take a good amount of damage.
1 of your uses away, and create a small flame similar to
Combustion. If you hold the attack button down, however,
you will be able to produce a continuous stream of flame
Uses 8 Att. Slots
from your hand and still be able to move around. Even
Acquired from Pyromancer (default), Laurentius of the Great Swamp, with its limited range, if you get close to an enemy and
Ouelaana of lzalith BOO Souls manage to start casting this spell, you can easily follow
their movements so that it is nearly impossible for them
FIRE ORB to avoid taking some damage.
Uses 6 Att. Slots

Acquired from Laurentius of the Great Swamp, Ouelaana of lzalith FIRE WHIP
8000 Souls Uses 80 Att. Slots

GREAT FIREBALL Acquired from Ouelaana of lzalith 10000 Souls

Uses 4 Att. Slots

Acquired from Ouelaana of lzalith 20000 Souls
Uses 80 Att. Slots 2

GREAT CHAOS FIREBALL Acquired from Demon Ruins/Lost lzalith Ill

Uses 4 Att. Slots 2 In many respects Fire Whip can be thought of as a station-
Acquired from Covenant: Chaos Servant ary fire Surge. Once you start casting this spell, your
character will being tracing a stream of flames through
The Fireball Group of spells have by far the greatest range the area, the pattern of which changes depending on how
of all the Pyromancer spells, and for that reason alone the camera is orientated. The range of the spell is slightly
they are a worthy addition to your equipped spells. The greater than Fire Surge, but you are unable to move while
casting time for all of them is roughly the same, so there casting it. You also cannot move while casting, which
is no penalty for the increased power other than the lower makes it much better suited to narrow area where it will
number of uses. All of these spells have an area of effect be hard to avoid. Each cast of the spell will take away 21
outside of the initial impact zone, with the area getting of your uses, so even though the 80 uses may look high,
larger on the more powerful versions. The extra leeway you do not actually get many casts.
the area of effect creates means that these spells can still
be effective on faster moving targets. This is especially FLASH SWEAT
true for the Great Chaos Fireball, which has the added
effect of creating pools of lava around its impact area for a
Uses 3 An. Slots
short period of time. The lava doesn't hurt your character Acquired from Laurentius of the Great Swamp 2000 Souls
all, but anything else that touches it will take immediate
Flash Sweat causes the character to start prolifically
damage so it can be very effective for blocking off narrow
sweating, which helps cool them down and reduce any
passageways or staircases.
fire damage by 45%. The duration of the spell is roughly
60 seconds, and it has no adverse effects on your move-
FIRESTORM ment, so it can be very useful anytime you go into an area
Uses 20 Att. Slots where a lot of enemies do fire damage.
Acquired from Ouelaana of lzalith 30000 Souls
FIRE TEMPEST Uses Att. Slots

Uses 20 Att. Slots Acquired from Laurent1us of the Great Swamp 2000 Souls

Acquired from Event: Ouelaana of lzalith, Drop: Ouelaana of lzalith Iron Flesh is one of the more unique Pyromancy spells,
and gives the caster a totally different way of handling
CHAOS STORM some of the tougher fights in the game. Once activated,
Uses 20 Att. Slots 2 the casters body will become encased in metal and only
Acquired from Covenant: Chaos Servant
receive 30% of any incoming damage. The one excep-
tion to this is lightning based damage, which due to the
The Firestorm spells have quite a slow casting time, but metallic body actually gets increased by 45%. As well as
their huge area of effect more than make up for that. As the damage reduction you will also be highly unlikely to
soon as the spell is cast, flame pillars will erupt out of the be knocked out of your attacks, or knocked over, which is
ground in a large radius around the player. The actual posi- what makes it such an excellent spell for boss fights. The
tioning of the pillars is slightly random, but this just makes other downside to the spell is that it greatly reduces your
them harder for enemies to avoid, especially as they are movement speed, so much so that it is very impractical to
likely to evade straight into another pillar. With each level use on anything but the slowest or biggest enemies .


Uses 3 Att. Slots Uses Att. Slots

Acquired from Eingyi 10000 Souls, Blighttown/Ouelaag's Domain Il l Acquired from Eingyi 25000 Souls

Similar to Acid Surge, Poison Mist creates a toxic cloud in A more powerful version of Poison Mist, Toxic Mist is
front of the player once cast, which remains in place for 8 used in exactly the same manner as Poison Mist. just with
seconds. Anything caught inside the mist will start build- greater benefits. Since it is Toxin, an enemy inflicted with
ing up Poison in their system. and once infected, they will this will also have reduced stamina regeneration, on top of
take 3 damage every 0.8 seconds. For 180 seconds. the 6 HP a second damage for 600 seconds.


Uses Att. Slots Uses Att. Slots

Acquired from Blighttown/Ouelaag's Domain Ill Acquired from Ouelaana of lzalith 10000 Souls

The Power Within is another unique buff spell for Pyromanc- Anytime you can get close enough to touch them, you
ers. that lets them dramatically increase their physical can use Undead Rapport to charm an undead enemy and
attack power for 100 seconds. During this time all attacks gain an extra ally in battle for 30 seconds. This is usually
will receive a 40% increase to their power, and Stamina just long enough for them to run in and get killed by the
recovery rate will also be increased. The downside comes other enemies in the area, but it does thin the numbers
in the form of constant damage at the rate of 1% of your for you and give you an opening to strike at the others in
total HP every second for as long as the spell is active. It the confusion.
is also worth noting that this spell cannot be used in con-
junction with other spells that are used to increase your
capabilities, such as Iron Flesh.

Miracles are the final school of sorcery in the game, and it is just as
diverse as Magic, but with a greater emphasis on restorative spells a wave of energy will emanate from the castor for a short
and ones that augment your abilities. There are still some powerful distance, repelling all normal sized enemies. and even
attacking spells, however, and while they are not always easy to arrows. Emit Force differs slightly, however. as that spells
come by, their effects make them more than worth it. sends an orb of energy out ahead of the caster, and it is
very ineffective at close range. At its base level, Force
Unlike the other two schools of sorcery, Miracles draw their does no damage whatsoever, but it can still be used to kill
strength from the Faith parameter, so getting the most out of these enemies by sending them flying off a cliff or other high
spells will require building up an entirely different parameter than fall. Wrath of the Gods and Emit force, however. both do
other sorceries. Because of this, either Intelligence or Faith will usu- very good damage, and Wrath of the Gods is especially
ally have to suffer and take a back-seat with most classes useful because it also has a very fast casting time.


Uses 40 Att. Slots Min. FAITH 0
Uses Att. Slots Min. FAITH 30
Acquired from Covenant: Gravelord Servant
Acquired from Covenant: Darkmoon

The Darkmoon Blade effectively works as a more power- GRAVELORD GREATSWORD DANCE
ful version of the spell Magic Weapon. The duration still Uses 40 Att. Slots Min. FAITH 0
remains the same 60 seconds, but the Magic Attack modi-
Acquired from Covenant. Gravelord Servant
fier is much larger than w1th even the strongest form of
Magic Weapon. The main limiting factors of this spell are The Gravelord Sword Dance is very similar to the Pyro-
the fact that it only has one use, so you are forced to save mancy Spell Firestorm, but instead of flame pillars erupt-
it for only the strongest opponents, and you also have to ing out of the ground, giant swords violently thrust their
be part of the Darkmoon Blades Covenant to use it; as way upwards. The grouping of the swords is generally
soon as you leave the Covenant you will be unable to use more to the front of the caster as well, making it much
this Miracle again . more likely to hit an enemy directly in front of you. Also
similarly to Firestorm, the number displayed is the actual
FORCE number of swords you have available, and each cast of the
Uses 21 Att. Slots Min. FAITH 12 spell uses 20 swords. This means you only have two casts
Acquired from Petrus ofThorolund 4000 Souls, Rhea ofThorolund
with each of these spells. and when coupled with the
1000 Souls relatively long casting time. it is best used as an ambush
spell on an enemy as they round a corner. It is also worth
WRATH OF THE GODS remembering that, while there are a number of swords
Uses 3 Att. Slots Min. FAITH 28 being summoned, an enemy cannot be hit twice during
the same spell, so it is much better on groups rather than
Acquired from Rhea ofThorolund 10000 Souls
single big targets.

Uses 6 Att. Slots Min. FAITH 18
Acquired from Event: S1egmeyer of Catarina

This group of spells are primarily used to give yourself

room to maneuverer when surround by a group of en-
emies, or even just a single problematic one. Once cast.

05 MAGIC & ITEMS 297

HEAl against groups or fast moving targets. The Sunlight Spear,
however, has one major limiting factor: while it is by far
Uses Att. Slots Min. FAITH 12
the strongest version of the spell, you have to be a mem-
Acquired from Cleric (default), Petrus ofThorolu nd 4000 Souls, Rhea ber of the Warriors of Sunlight to be able to use it.
ofThorolund 1000 Souls, Patches 5000 Souls

Uses 4 Att. Slots Min. FAITH 14
Uses Att. Slots Min. FAITH 14
Acquired from Rhea ofThorolund 6000 Souls
Acquired from Petru s of Thorolund, Patches 10000 Souls, Rhea of
Thorolund 2000 Souls
GREAT HEAL Att. Slots Min. FAITH 24

Att. Slots Min. FAITH 24 The Great Hollow/Ash Lake (1)

Rhea ofThorolund 10000 Souls

The Magic Barrier Miracle coats the caster's body in a
Healing Miracles can be used alongside your Estus Flask special matter that helps absorb Magic based damage.
to provide an extra means of restoring your health after At the base level you will only take 70% of the damage,
combat. Because the casting times for these spells are and the Reinforced version lowers that again to only 10%.
generally slower than using an Estus flask, it is recom- Both versions also last 40 seconds, which is just long to
mended that they primarily be used outside of combat. activate before a boss fight and still be useful during it.
This allows you to save the Estus Flasks for emergency It can also be a very useful thing to have on as a backup,
healing while you are fighting. The Great Heal is also capa- just in case you are invaded by another player that is using
ble of restoring even more HP than even a fully upgraded a lot of Magic attacks.
Estus Flask, so if you have a high HP value, learning this
Miracle is definitely worthwhile. REPLENISHMENT
Uses Att. Slots Min. FAITH 16
HOMEWARD Acquired from Event: Rhea ofThorolund
Uses Att. Slots Min. FAITH 18

Acquired from Petrus ofThorolund 8000 Souls, Rhea ofThorolund

1000 Souls Uses Att. Slots 2 Min. FAITH 36

Similar to the Homeward Bone item from which it gets Acquired from Pisaca (Little Sister) (M)
its name, this Miracle will return you to the last Bonfire
Replenishment provides a slow and steady restorative
your rested at, from anywhere in the game. Although it
effect for the caster by generating 10-20 HP every second
only has one use, since you are likely to be returning to
for 40 seconds. This Miracle is very effective when cast
the Bonfire in need of resting, the number is not really a
during combat, because it allows you to keep healing
while staying defensive so that you do not give the enemy
an opening. Note that you have to be in the Princess's
Guard Covenant to use this spell.
Uses 4 Att. Slots Min. FAITH 20

Acquired from Oswald of Carim 40000 Souls SEEK GUIDANCE

Att. Slots Min. FAITH 12
Once cast, Karmic Justice will instill your character with
an automatic Magic Damage counter that is triggered Petrus ofThorolund 2000 Souls, Rhea ofThorolund
500 Souls
by specific attacks. These attacks are generally powerful
attacks that do not knock you down, or a quick series of When cast. Seek Guidance will cause a wave of energy to
attacks. Once triggered, the spell will release a wave of emanate from the caster, which will reveal more messag-
Magic energy in all directions, inflicting a large amount of es left by other players in the area. The Miracle does not,
damage and knocking over all enemies in the vicinity. however, provide any kind of filter for these messages, so
you will still encounter just as many that try to lead you
li(JHTNING SPEAR into trouble, as those that help you.
Uses 10 Att. Slots Min . FAITH 20

Acquired from Covenant: Warrior of Sunlight, Mimic (MI(Sen's SOOTHING SUNLIGHT

Fortress] Uses Att. Slots 2 Min . FAITH 48

Acquired from Pisaca lEider Sister) (M)

Uses 10 Att. Slots Min. FAITH 30 Soothing Sunlight is a large area of effect healing Miracle
Acquired from Covenant: Warrior of Sunlight that is very effective for helping out other players during
cooperative gameplay. The area is quite generous so the

Uses 5

Acquired from
Att. Slots 2

Event: Sunlight Altar

Min. FAITH 50
other players can still move around somewhat if there is a
fight going on. The actual amount healed is no small mat-
ter either, with it restoring almost as much health to each
player, as the Great Heal does to just one.
The Lightning Spear is one of the stronger offensive
Miracles and a great addition to any Clerics arsenal. This
Miracle has excellent range so it is very effective for snip- Uses Att. Slots Min . FAITH 30
ing and it also has a small area of effect so it can be used Acquired from Anor Londo (1)
on moving targets. The damage for these spells does
decrease the further the target is from the center of the The Sunlight Blade Miracle essentially provides the exact
impact point however, so it pays to be as accurate as pos- same effect for your weapon that Gold Pin Resin does .
sible. Because they are lightning based, it is also possible The additional Lightning damage modifier is the same,
to electrify a body of water by casting a Lightning Spear and it also has the same 60 second duration. Clearly,
into it. Using this tactic you can dramatically increase the however, if you have this spell you will be able to save a
area of effect the spell has, making it even more effective lot Souls by not having to by the Resin anymore, because
it still remains a very effective and useful modifier to your
weapon .


Uses Att. Slots Min. FAITH 18 Uses Att. Slots 2 Min . FAITH 30
Acquired from Catacombs (1) Acquired from Painted World Of Ariamis (1)

This Miracle is predominantly used as a means to escape The vow of silence generates a similar field to the Tranquil
combat because it generates a field around the caster, in Walk of Peace, only for this Miracle it is purple in color.
which all movement is slowed to the basic walking speed. Inside the field the casting of any kind of sorcery is denied
This makes it very easy for you to run away from a strong for the 30 seconds the field is active. This Miracle is the
opponent as they will be unable to catch you while it is perfect battle companion against Sorcery heavy enemies,
active. It can also be used to quickly get into an advanta- but it truly comes into its own against other players using
geous position, or stop an enemy form reaching one sorcery based characters. If you take away their primary
before you. The field will always follow your character for means of damage, these players will often be left relying
the full 30 second duration of the spell, and can always on their much inferior melee weapons.
tell where it is by the yellow shards of energy that rise up
from the ground within it. Likewise, you can always tell
when an enemy is being affected by the field because
they will have a yellow seal on their character.

The final piece of equipment that you can use to augment your character comes in the form of
Rings that you can equip in the two accessory slots. The effects of the different rings vary greatly,
and equipping the right one in different situations can give you a significant advantage . Rings can
be used to make up for any deficits that your character may have in certain parameters, as it allows
you to make use of other forms of equipment without putting additional points into them. Most
rings, however, are designed to increase either your offensive, or defensive capabilities in a specific
area, This allows you to further boost one specialized area, or compensate for a slightly weaker one.


Frampt Souls 100 Frampt Souls 100
Acquired from Griggs of Vinhelm 20000 Souls Acquired from Undead Burg/Undead Parish (1)
Effect Boosts the power of all sorceries by 20%. Effect Boosts all forms of Defense by 50% when your
HP is 20% or lower.
Frampt Souls 100 CLORANTHY Rl NG
Frampt Souls 100
Acquired from Oswald of Carim 10000 Souls
Acquired from The Great Hollow/Ash Lake (1)
Effect Increases Bleed resistance by 400%.
Effect Boosts Stamina recovery rate.

05 MAGIC & ITEMS 299

Frampt Souls Frampt Souls 100

Acquired from Andre (M), Sit, The Great Grey Wolf (M) Acquired from Griggs of Vinhelm 20000 Souls

Effect Required for gaining access to The Abyss. Effect Boosts the duration of all sorcery effects by 50%.


Frampt Souls 100 Frampt Souls
Acquired from Sen's Fortress (1) Acquired from Centipede Demon (M) 1, Centipede Demon (Arm) (M),
Centipede Demon (Tail) (M)
Effect Gain an additional 200 points to Item Discovery.
Effect Greatly reduces lava damage, and adds Fire damage to
COVETOUS Sl LVER SERPENT Rl NG the universal Kick attack.

Frampt Souls 100

Acquired from Tomb Of The Giants (1)
Frampt Souls 100
Effect Gain 20% additional Souls with each kill.
Acquired from Oswald of Carim 15000 Souls

CURSEBITE RING Effect Increases Poison resistance by 400%.

Frampt Souls 100

Acquired from Valley of Drakes/New Londo Ruins (1)
Frampt Souls 100
Effect Increases Curse resistance by 400%.
Acquired from Sen's Fortress (1 ), Valley of Drakes/New Londo Ruins
(1 ), Demon Ruins/Lost lzalith (1)
Frampt Souls 1000 Effect Lose no Souls or Humanity, and also cures Curse upon
death, but the ring will break.
Acquired from Catacombs (1)

Effect Is required for entering the Blades of the Darkmoon RED TEARSTONE RING
Covenant and grants an Additional Attunement Slot.
Frampt Souls 100

DARK WOOD GRAIN RING Acquired from Valley of Drakes/New Londo Ruins (1)

Frampt Souls 100 Effect Gain a 50% boost to your attack when your
HP is below 20%.
Acquired from Drop: Ninja Bodyguard

Effect Changes the wearer's Roll action to one that is much RING OF FAVOR AND PROTECTION
faster and that covers more ground.
Frampt Souls 1000

DUSK CROWN RING Acquired from Drop: Knight Lautrec of Carim

Frampt Souls 1000 Effect Boosts HP, Stamina and Equip Load by 20%, but
breaks if removed.
Acquired from Hydra (M) [Darkroot Basin]

Effect Gain 50% extra uses for all sorceries, but HP is

reduced by 50%.
Frampt Souls 1000
EAST WOOD GRAIN RING Acquired from Event: Drop the Skull Lantern 1n Hawk Girl's Nest
Frampt Souls 100
Effect Lowers the wearer's presence to reduce the
Acquired from Shiva of the East 10000 Souls chances of being discovered.

Effect Halves the rate at which a weapon loses Durability.

HAVEL'S RING Frampt Souls 100

Frampt Souls 1000 Acquired from Oswald of Carim 5000 Souls, Firelink Shrine (1 ),
Painted World Of Ariamis (1)
Acquired from Drop: Havel The Rock
Effect Lose no Souls or Humanity upon death, but the
Effect Gain an additional 50% to your Equip Load. ring will break.

Frampt Souls 100
Frampt Souls 500
Acquired from Anor Londo (1)
Acquired from Depths (1)
Effect The range of all Bows is increased by 55%.
Effect Absorbs 30 HP from enemies with every attack.

Frampt Souls 1000
Frampt Souls 1000
Acquired from Darkroot Garden/Basin (1)
Acquired from Anor Londo (1)
Effect Boosts all Critical Attack damage by 50%.
Effect Boosts the damage done from all Miracles by 20%.

Frampt Souls 100
Frampt Souls 1000
Acquired from Drop: Dragon Slaygr Ornstein
Acquired from Covenant: Princess's Guard
Effect Boosts the counterattack damage of Thrust
weapons by 40%. Effect Boosts Miracle Synergy.


Frampt Souls 100 Frampt Souls 1000
Acquired from Undead Asylum (revisited) (1) Acquired from Covenant: Darkmoon Blade

Effect Allows for nonmal movement speed in areas that would Effect Answer Dar!< Sun Gwyndolin's summoning.
normally reduce it, such as water or swamps.
Frampt Souls 100
Frampt Souls 100 Acquired from Sen's Fortress (1)

Acquired from Event: Siegmeyer of Catarina , Drop: Siegmeyer of

Effect Gain an additional 50 points to Fire Defense.
Effect Gain an additional 25 points to Magic, Fire and
Ughtning Defense. Frampt Souls 100

Acquired from Sen's Fortress (1)

Gain an additional 50 points to Physical Defense.


Frampt Souls 100

.... Acquired from Crestfallen Merchant 15000 Souls
Frampt Souls 100
Effect Gain an additional 50 points to Magic Defense.
Acquired from Crestfallen Merchant 15000 Souls

Effect Gain an additional 50 points to Lightning Defense.

Frampt Souls 100
Frampt Souls 100
Acquired from Drop: Griggs of Vinhelm, Sen's Fortress (1)
Acquired from Gift, Event: Siegmeyer of Catarina
Effect Eliminates nearly all movement related sound.
Effect Gain an additional 5% to your HP.


Frampt Souls 100 Frampt Souls 1000

Acquired from The Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave (1) Acquired from Gilt

Effect Gain an additional Attunement Slot. Effect Allows you to understand the Daughter of Chaos's


Frampt Souls 50 Frampt Souls 1000

Acquired from Darkroot Garden/Basin (1) Acquired from Covenant: Forest Hunter (Alvina of the Darkroot Wood)


05 MAGIC & ITEMS 301

There are many NPCs in the world of Dark Sou ls for you to interact comes into play. Herein we will tell you the location of every NPC,
with. Some are straightforward and interact with you immediately, what is required to make them appear, what is required to advance
while others will require you to complete special tasks or have their path through the game, and how to achieve the ultimate, and
certain items before they appear. It's very easy to miss a golden often hidden, interactions with each . Read on to get the absolute
opportunity with an NPC, and that's where this section of the guide most from the game and every NPC it contains.


NPC stands for Non Player Character, and refers to a character in the game that you can in- However, there are a few NPCs you may
teract with. Interactions range from talking, to trading and buying, and even fighting with or want to do away with in order to get some
against one another. Within the world of Dark Souls, you'll find yourself relying on NPCs for special items. In the following entries for
a wide range of services and interactions. Following are some general tips and basic rules of each NPC, we will list their Drop Items,
engagement you should observe when dealing with the NPCs of Dark Souls. which are items they drop if you kill them.
Take a look at those items and decide if it
Talk is worth the effort. But again, once you kill
The first and most important rule with an NPC is to talk to them. Always approach them and an NPC, they are gone forever, and you may
start a conversation. Often, a menu will open with several choices to chose from. lfTalk is lose a chance at valuable interactions with
an option, always use it repeatedly until the NPC begins repeating himself. The goal is to them later in the game if you kill them early.
completely exhaust all of the NPC's unique dialogue as this can often trigger the NPC to do
other things. Trade
There are many Merchant type NPCs in the
Listen game that wil l offer to sell you items . In
Talking is good, but you must also listen. Many NPCs speak crypt ically, but they often give many cases, Merchants will offer items for
you hints about what to do next. If they aren't giving you hints, then they'll typically tell you sale that simply can not be found anywhere
about the story, the world, or even gossip about other NPCs. These tid-bits of dialogue will else. The currency in the world of Lordran is
give you a greater insight into the world of Dark Souls, and help you better understand your souls. You'll use souls not only for leveling
surroundings and who you are dealing with. your character, but for purchasing items
from the various vendors. With souls being
Revisit such a hot commodity, you 'll have to weigh
Visiting an NPC once is often not enough . As you progress through the game, the NPC's your need or desire for an item with your
actions or dialogues may change. If they have a shop, they may offer new items or services . need or desire to level your character. Find-
It's always a good idea to revisit an NPC if you happen to come back to his or her area as ing the proper balance w ill be the key to
you never know what might have changed since your last visit. your success and survival.

Attack NPC Paths

Nearly all NPCs in the game can be attacked and killed if you desire [ -+0 01]. NPCs usually While severa l of the NPCs in the game are
ignore the first one or two strikes you deal to them, but if you hit them enough and do static and stick to a singular location, many
enough damage, then they'll get fed up and will attack you. Be warned, once you anger an of them have their own paths to follow
NPC like this, they stay angry and will attack you to the bitter end . If you die, the game will through the game as you progress w ith the
save with them in the angry state meaning when you come back to life at a Bonfire, that story [~0 02]. Most NPC paths are event
NPC is still gunning for you. More often than not. it is best to live and let live. or time critical meaning that if you advance


the story too far, you could miss a chance at a critical interaction. so pay particular attention to the NPC Event and Event Item entries
In some cases, missing an interaction with an NPC doesn't break that follow to ensure you reap all possible rewards.
the ir path , but in some cases it does . If a required NPC interaction
is missed when you advance the story too far, then you could break NPC Overview
that NPC's path, and they will no longer appear later in the game. Here we will list a quick reference table of all the NPCs in the game
and their events . The NPCs are listed by area and in chronological
In the following section, pay particular attention to the Events sec- order. The order of the areas listed in the chart is the suggested, and
tion of the NPCs. That section deta ils crucial interactions that must often required , chronological order in which you must visit these
happen before other points in the game are triggered. If you miss a areas due to specific item requirements of some areas .
critical event point, then you could lose your chance to interact with
that NPC later. By reviewing this table as you play through the game, you can, at a
glance, see w hat area you should explore next, and also see what
Also listed in the entries of this section are Event Items, and these NPCs w ill be there and w hat you should do when you meet them .
are items that you'll receive when certain events in that NPC's path The brief text here offers general hints or instruction, but for a more
occur. Many of these event items are unique to the NPC that pro- detailed look at each NPC, please refer to their individual entry
duces them meaning that is the only way to get them in the game, located later in this chapter.

Suggested Path

Area INPC l item or Event Area INPC litem or Event

Undead Asylum Kn ight of Astora Talk Event- Event Reward Ash Lake Stone Dragon Covenant- Covenant Item
Anastacia of Astora Fire Keeper Crestfallen Warrior Talk Only
..................... .. ....
Firelink Shrine
Anastac1a of Astora Dead - Drop Items

Kingseeker Frampt (New) Sell Items

Undead Merchant (Male) Shop Firelink Shrine
Undead Burg Griggs of Vinheim (New) Shop
Solaire of Astora Talk Event
Laurentius of the Great Shop- Pyromancy Flame -
Knight Lautrec of Carim ... .. . Set Free~ ~Umfl1on for B_
()SS Fight Swamp (New) Ascend Pyromancy Flame
Andre of Astora Gesture - Blacksmith Shop
Undead Parish ....................... .... Domnhall of Zena (New) Shop
Solaire of Astora .... . SUfl1fl10_
n for Boss Fight
Knight of Astora Fight as Hollow
Oswald of Carim Shop - Gesture -Absolve Sin Undead Asylum
Hawk G1rl (aka Sparkly) Item Conversion
Crestfallen Warrior Talk Only
Kn ight Lautrec of Canm Talk Event - Event Reward Siegmeyer of Catarina Talk Event

B1g Hat Logan Set Free

Firelink Shrine Sen's Fortress
Rhea ofThorolund (New) Talk Only Crestfallen Merchant Shop
Nice ofThorolund (New) Talk Only Black Iron Tarkus Summon for Boss F1ght

Lady of the Darkl1ng Fire Keeper

Solaire of Astora Talk Event- Summon for Boss Fight
Undead Merchant (Female) Shop
Siegmeyer of Catarina Talk Event- Event Reward
Laurentius of the Great Anor Londo
Set Free Knight Lautrec of Canm Fight for Drop Items
The Depths
Gwynevere Covenant- Covenant Item
Knight alThorns Kirk Fight as an Invader Giant Blacksmith Blacksmith Shop
Solaire of Astora ... ---~~~-~?.~. fo~ -~~-~-~f~~~t... Painted World
Xanthous King Jeremiah Fight as an Invader
Knight Lautrec of Carim Summon for Boss Fight ofAriamis

Maneater Mildred Fight as an Invader-

... ........... Sufl1fl10nforBoss Fight
Quelaag's Fire Keeper- Covenant -
Daughter of Chaos
Domain Covenant Item
Eingyi - Servant to Daughter Pyromancy Flame -Ascend
of Chaos Pyromancy Flame - Shop

06 EXTRAS 305
Area I NPC lrtem or Event Area I NPC ! rtem or Event

Anastacia of Astora Fire Keeper (revive) Anastacia of Astora Fire Keeper

Petrus ofThorolund (Returns) Shop- Covenant Petrus ofThorolund Shop - Covenant

Griggs of Vinheim Talk Only Griggs of Vinheim Shop

Laurentius of the
Big Hat Logan Shop Shop- Talk Event
Great Swamp
Firelink Shrine
Firelink Shrine Laurentius of the Domnhall of Zena Shop
Great Swamp
Sell Items
Domnhall of Zena Kingseeker Frampt
Shop (If you didn't work with Kaathe)
(New Armor)
lngward Shop - Remove Curse
Siegmeyer of Catarina (New) Talk Event - Event Reward
Patches (New) Gesture - Shop
Kingseeker Frampt Return Lordvessel - Sell Items
Rhea ofThorolund Shop- Gesture - Covenant
Solaire of Astora Talk Event - Gesture Undead Parish
Undead Burg Andre of Astora Blacksmith Shop
Sunlight Altar Covenant- Covenant Item
Witch Beatrice Summon for Boss Fight Anor Londo Covenant Item
............................ . ..........................
Darkroot Garden Alvina of the Darkroot Covenant- Covenant Item Giant Blacksmith Blacksmith Shop

Shiva of the East Talk Event Quelaag's Fire Keeper - Covenant -

Daughter of Chaos
Domain Covenant Item
Rickert of Vinheim Blacksmith
New Londo {raise covenant Eingyi- Servant to
Ruins & for shortcut) Shop
Crestfallen Warrior Fight as Hollow Daughter of Chaos
The Abyss
(can only work lngward Shop - Remove Curse Solaire of Astora Talk Event- Summon for Boss Fight
with Kaathe Demon Ruins
if you do not Witch Beatrice Summon for Boss Fight Knight ofThorns Kirk Fight as an Invader
visit Frampt with
Return Lordvessel- Covenant - Siegmeyer of Catarina Talk Event
Lordvessel) Darkstalker Kaathe
Covenant Item Lost lzalith
Solaire of Astora Talk Event
(via shortcut)
Anastacia of Astora Fire Keeper
Knight ofThorns Kirk Fight as an Invader
Petrus ofThorolund Shop - Covenant
. ............. ......... Anastacia of Astora Fire Keeper
Griggs of Vinheim
Shop Petrus ofThorolund Shop - Covenant
(New Items)
......... . ..........
Gnggs of Vinheim Shop
Laurentius of the
Firelink Shrine Great Swamp Laurent1us of the
Great Swamp
Domnhall of Zena ......................
(New Armor) Firelink Shrine Domnhall of Zena Shop

Sell Items Sell Items

Kingseeker Frampt Kingseeker Frampt
(If you didn't work with Kaathe) (If you didn't work with Kaathe)

lngward (New) Shop - Remove Curse lngward Shop - Remove Curse

The Duke's Big Hat Logan Shop Patches Shop
................... ....... ............... .. ...... ....
Archives Sieglinde of Catarina Sieglinde of Catarina (New)
Talk Event Talk Event

Ouelaana of lzalith Shop- Ascend Pyromancy Flame Siegmeyer of Catarina &

Ash Lake Talk Event- Event Item
Sieglinde of Catarina
Blighttown Siegmeyer of Catarina Talk Event- Event Reward
Quelaag's Daughter of Chaos Fire Keeper- Covenant
Shiva of the East Gesture- Shop
Domain Eingyi - Servant to
(get Kirk's Annor) Shop
Anastacia of Astora F~re Keeper Daughter of Chaos

Petrus ofThorolund Shop- Covenant Ouelaana of lzalith Shop

Blighttown Laurentius of the
Griggs of Vinheim Shop
Fight as a Hollow
Great Swamp
Laurentius of the
Shop Sen's Fortress Griggs of Vinheim Fight as a Hollow
Great Swamp
Firelink Shrine ................. ........................... .. ..........
Domnhall of Zena Shop T he Duke's Rhea ofThorolund Fight as a Hollow
Archives Big Hat Logan Fight as a Hollow
Sell items
Kingseeker Frarnpt
(If you didn't work with Kaathe) Gwynevere Kill to turn Anor Londo dark
lngward Shop- Remove Curse Gwyndolin Boss Fight
Sieglinde of Catarina (New) Talk Event Lady of the Darkling NPC Fight
Patches Talk Event- Event Item Giant Blacksmith Blacksmith Shop
Paladin Leeroy Summon for Boss Fight Anastacia of Astora Fire Keeper
The Catacombs
Vamos Blacksmith Petrus ofThorolund Shop - Covenant
Domnhall of Zena
Gravelord Nito Covenant - Covenant Item Shop
(New Armor)
Patches Firelink Shrine
Talk Event- Event Item
Sell Items
Kingseeker Frampt
Rhea of Thoro lund Talk Event- Event Item (If you didn't work with Kaathe)
Tomb of
the Giants
Vince ofThorolund Fight as a Hollow
. . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . ..........
Shop- Remove Curse

Patches Shop
Nico ofThorolund Fight as a Hollow
Kiln ofthe
Paladin Leeroy Fight as an Invader Sola~re of Astora Summon for Boss Fight
First Flame

*Special conditions required


The NPCs listed in this section are NPCs that are either needed to advance the story, or have
complicated paths through the story that you'll need to pay special attention to if you mean to
see the ultimate ending to their path . These characters don't have a shop and will not sell items.
However, if you complete their special events, then they will often reward you with special, and
sometimes rare, event items. Seeing some of these characters through their entire path to their
ultimate endings can certainly be challenging, but it also rewarding.


Area I HP IDrop Items I Condition To Appear
Undead Asylum Estus Flask. Undead Asylum F2 East None.
Undead Asylum - retum * 79l Key. Big Pilgrim"s Key .. . Crest Shield* None.
As a Hollow II *Only if the Boss Asylum Demon has been defeated early.

[ Event Items Condition To Receive

Estus Flask Talk.
Undead Asylum F2 East Key Talk.
Big Pilgrim's Key* Talk.
*Only if the Boss Asylum Demon has been defeated early. Souls
At the start of the game, make your way through the area and past the Asylum Demon.
Push onward, and you'll soon come to a flight of stairs where an Undead has set a trap for
you. When you try to go up the stairs, a large iron ball will come rolling down upon you.
After the ball passes you, it will crash through the wall below and open the room where this
NPC is located. Once the wall has been broken, enter the area and talk to him until he has
given you all his items and then asks you to leave. [ ~ o 01]

If you kill him at the start of the game, he only has 1 HP, and is an easy 1 hit kill. On the
other hand, when you revisit the Undead Asylum later in the game, he'll be a Hollow and
wi ll have much more HP meaning a tough fight on your hands, but you'll also get his Drop
Items and Souls.

Also, if you manage to kill the Asylum Demon Boss on your first pass through the area, some-
thing you're liable to do on a New Game+, then this NPC will give you the Big Pilgrim's Key.

Area I HP I Drop Items I Condition To Appear
Firelink Shrine Invincible None.

IEvent Items Condition To Receive

Dingy Robe, Dingy Gloves, Blood-Stained Dropped in front of her cave after she is killed by the assass<n Knight
Skirt, Black Eye Orb Lautrec of Carim.

Anastacia of Astora is the Fire Keeper of Firelink Shrine. She doesn't talk when you first
meet her, and like all Fire Keepers, she can reinforce your Estus Flask if you have a Fire
Keeper's Soul. When you enter the area The Depths, Knight Lautrec will kill Anastacia thus
disabling the Bonfire in Firelink Shrine.

After she is dead, check her cave to receive her drop items. Of particular interest is the
Black Eye Orb which you can use in Anor Londo to track down and face her killer. Once you
defeat Lautrec, you will recover Anastacia's Fire Keeper's soul and can then use it to restore
her to life and re-enable the Bonfire in Firelink. Also, upon bringing her back to life, she will
talk to you a little, but she doesn't like to talk much. [ ~ u 2]

06 EXTRAS 307
Area I HP I Drop Items ICondition To Appear
Firelink Shrine 793 None.
Complete Ouelaag's Domain and ring the second bell,
New Londo Ruins 793
and then enter Firelink Shrine once. then leave.
As a Hollow

Event Items Condition To Receive


When you arrive in Fire link Shrine, you 'll see

this NPC sitting on a rock near the Bonfire .
Talk to him often to get clues about what to
do next, or to learn interesting tid-bits about
other NPCs in the game . After you ring the
second Bell of Aw akening, and Kingseeker
Frampt shows up, this NPC will have one
more thing to say, and then w ill leave Firelink
after you do. Make sure to ta lk to him until
he begins repeating himself, or he won't go
to New Londo Ruins and become Hollow.

When he leaves, he will go down to the New Londo Ruins and become a Hollow. You can
fight him there by taking the path from Firelink dow n to the New Londo Ruins, and he'll
appear in the area just before the bridges that cross the w ater. Since he appears before the
bridges, you can fight him far and away from the ghosts that appear on the opposite side
w hich makes things a bit easier. [-70 01]

Area I HP IDrop Items ICondition To Appear
Undead Burg 698 None.
Anor Londo 908 Iron Helm, Armor of the Sun. Iron Bracelet,
... Iron Leggings, Sunlight Straight Sword,
Sunlight Altar 908 Talk to him in Anor Londo (optional.
... Sunlight Shield, Sunlight. Talisman.
Demon Ruins 938 Humanity (x21. White Sign Soapstone' Talk to him in Anor Londo.
Lost lzalith 938 Talk to him in Demon Ruins.
can be gotten as an Event Item through talking.

Ievent Items Condition To Receive

White Sign Soapstone Talk in the Undead Burg and accept his offer.
Sunlight Medal He lives through a Boss Fight you summoned him for.

Solaire is a Knight of the Sun. You'll be able to Summon him to help you with Boss Fights in
several parts of the game. If he lives through the Boss Fight with you, then he'll give you a
Sunlight Medal, but if he dies during the fight, then you don't get the medal .

His path through the game is rather complex, and in order to get everything out of him, and
have him fight with you in the last battle of the game, you 'll need to be persistent and care-
ful so that you interact with him at every opportunity. If yo u miss a chance to interact w ith
him, then you 'll break his path through the game and he w on't show up later after the point
at which you missed him.

Area IBoss Fight ICondition
Undead Parish Bell Gargoyles None.
The Depths Gaping Dragon None .
..... . ... ........ ............. . .
Anor Londo ...~r.a.9.~~..~1aye.r ..Ornstein &.. Execu.tio~e rs.":'? None.
Speak with him at the Sunlight Al tar.
Kiln of the First Flame Gwyn, Lord of Cinder Save him in Lost lzalith.


~ You'll first encounter Solaire in the Undead Burg . He is in the Note: You do not need to open or join the Covenant at this time.
area at the opposite end of the bridge on which the Red Dragon You only need to speak with Solaire here in order for him to be
is perched. Talk to him at the bridge and accept his offer in order to available for the Demon Ruins Centipede Demon fight .
get a White Sign Soapstone for MP play.
~ In Demon Ruins, after the Centipede Boss fight, you'll find
~ After speaking to him in the Undead Burg, you'll next be able to Solaire sitting on the ground in the next area just past where
encounter him in Anor Londo. Once there, talk to him at the the Boss fight took place. He'll be off to the left of the Bonfire .
Bonfire located in the main building that Gwynevere is located in . Talk to him there to progress with his path.
You'll find him next to the Bonfire on the first floor.
~ What happens here is going to depend on how you enter Lost
~ This one is optional and won't break his path through the game, lzalith. If you go straight into Lost lzaltih through the regular route
but it does affect whether or not he'll be available for the Demon which is right after speaking with Solaire after the Centipede Demon
Ruins Boss fight. After leaving Anor Londo, go to the Sunlight Altar, fight, then Solaire will go Hollow and you'll fight him near the area
and speak with him there. The Sunlight Altar is located to the right where the door to the Chaos Bed Boss fight is located .
of the Bonfire in the Undead Burg near where you first met Solaire.
It's the Bonfire in the small room behind where the Red Dragon was Poss1ble Outcomes
perched. The altar itself is in the area to the right of the Bonfire Enter Lost lzal1th through the Solaire becomes a Hollow and attacks you
where the broken statue is located . Go to that area and speak with front area. near the door to the Bed of Chaos Boss F1ght.
Solaire. [ ~o 02] Enter Lost lzalith via the shortcut, Solaire becomes a Hollow and can be found
but do not kill all nine Chaos Bugs. in the shortcut area.
If your Faith is at level 50, then he'll offer to let you join the Cov- Enter Lost lzalith via the shortcut,
Solaire shows up as normal just outside of the
enant: Warrior of Sunlight. Alternatively, if the value of your Faith + and kill all nme Chaos Bugs.
shortcut door and you can talk to him to t rigger
h1s f1na l Summon Sign .
(5 x number of times a Client in MP play) = 50, then he'll offer you
the covenant. This means that if you play offline only, you'll need a
value of 50 for Faith to open the covenant. If you play online, then However, if you instead take the shortcut from Demon Ru ins into
the number of times you were the client x 5 + your Faith value need Lost lza lith then you 'll encounter nine Chaos Bugs in the corridor on
to be 50. your way to Lost lzalith . You must kill all nine of them . Do not leave
a single one alive, and do not cross into Lost lzalith so that that area
For example, let's say your Faith= 12 and you were a Client in MP loads before you have killed all nine of them. If one is alive and you
8 times. That gives you 12 + 15 x 8) = 12 + 40 =52. The total value enter Lost lzalith, then Solaire will be attacked by one and turned
is 52 which is greater than 50 and is enough to unlock the Covenant. Hollow- so kill them all. If you miss one, then w hen you come back
If you don't have these stat values after leaving Anor Londo, you can to the shortcut corridor, you'll find Solaire with one of the bugs at-
still open the Covenant: Warrior of Sunlight later in the game . tached to his head, and you must kill him.

If you kill all nine of them, then return Lost lzalith before returning to
the start of the shortcut area you'll find Solaire on the sitting on the
ground just outside the door that you opened with the Daughter of
Chaos's Covenant. He'll be depressed, but by talking to him here, you
will trigger his final Summon Sign at the end of the game just before
the final Boss fight. To find it, as soon as you get off the narrow bridge
and arrive at the final spiral staircase, look left to see his Summon Sign.

You'll find the shortcut to Lost lzalith in Demon Ruins just outside
the room where you fought the Boss Firesage Demon. As you face
that room, look to the right, and you'll see a hole in the wall. Use
the tree roots to reach the ground floor and then go to the end of
the long hall where you'll find a locked door.lhe way to unlock that
door is to join the Covenant of the Daughter of Chaos, and then
level that Covenant to +2 status . That wi ll require 30 Humanity to
raise the covenant that high . After you raise the Covenant to +2,
then you can touch the locked door and it will open. Now proceed
forward and kill the nine Chaos Bugs ahead . [ ~LJ 03]

06 EXTRAS 309
Area I HP IDrop Items ICondition To Appear
Undead Parish 862 Ring of Favor and Humanity, He's locked in a cell.
Humanity (x 5), Crest Shield*,
Firelink Shrine 862 None .
... Souvenir of Reprisal*, Fire
AnorLondo 985 Keeper's Soul* Use the Black Eye Orb dropped by Anastacia .
*In Anor Londo only

(eventMnls Condition To "--Ye

Sunlight Medal Free him in the Undead Pansh, then speak to him in Firelight Shrine.
Helm of Favor, Armor of Invade Lautrec's world in Anor Londo using the Black Eye Orb. Defeat him, and
Favor's Embrace, Gauntlets of find this armor on a corpse on the balcony outside the Chamber of the Princess
Favor, Leggings of Favor in Anor Londo.

~ When you're in the Undead Parish, you can find this NPC locked up in a prison cell. To
find him, you'll need to go upstairs in the parish to where the pack of Undead and the
Channeler are located. After clearing the room of the enemy, look to the right side of the
room to find a set of stairs leading further up. Go up those stairs to the next area and then
break through the cracked wall there . Once you do, enter the newly opened area and take
the stairs to the top to find the jail cell that holds Lautrec. It requires the Mystery Key to
open, and that can be found in the Undead Burg on a corpse. Use the key to open the cell
and free him. [-70 01]

If you do not free him, he will find his own way out after you leave the Undead Parish.
Either way, he will appear in Firelink Shrine after you beat the Undead Parish Boss thus
finishing the area. Once you have finished Undead Parish, go back to Firelink Shrine and
you'll find Lautrec sitting on the ground off to the right and in front of Anastacia's cave.
If you freed him, then talk to him there to get your reward, a Sunlight Medal.

Lautrec will stay in Firelink until you enter The Depths. Once you do, he'll kill Anastacia and Once you have cleared that room of the
then disappear. However, that is not the end. When you come back from The Depths, check enemy so that it is safe, use the Black Eye
Anastacia's cave to find her dead body and some drop items. Amongst the items is a Black Orb to invade Lautrec's realm . [ -70 02]
Eye Orb which you can use to find Lautrec again, and reclaim Anastacia's stolen soul.
When you do, you'll face Lautrec and two
~ While Lautrec is in Firelink, you can get some more dialogue out of him, but you'll of his comrades in a fierce battle. All you
have to go through a series of steps, and pay him some souls . Doing this is optional, need do is defeat Lautrec himself to win,
but it does give you a bit more insight into the character of Petrus ofThorolund . Again, but if you kill his Sorcerer comrade there is
this is entirely optional and doesn't impact gameplay, but it is interesting and sheds some a chance he will drop a Catalyst weapon.
light on things. After you have killed Lautrec, return to
Firelink Shrine and again visit Anastacia 's
~ When you reach Anor Londo, make your way through the area to the Boss fight with cave to return her soul which will bring her
Ornstein and Smough. In the large room just outside the room where that fight takes back to life and re-enable the Bonfire of
place, the Black Eye Orb will begin to vibrate. That is your hint on how to find Lautrec. Firelink Shrine .

Obtaining lautrec's Information

When Rhea, Vince, and Ntco show up near Petrus,
talk to them all until they begin repeating themselves
meaning you have exhausted all unique dialogue.
Leave Firelink Shrine and go to another area like the
Undead Burg. Kill an enemy there and then return to
Firelink Shrine to ftnd Rhea, Vince, and Nico are gone.
Talk to Petrus to and he'll tell you that Rhea has left
the area.
Talk to Lautrec and pay him the requested amount of
souls. The number of souls he asks for ts based on
your level, so do this early to make it cheaper. He'll
talk about Rhea.
Talk to Petrus again to learn of his secret plan for Rhea.

Lautrec's Comrades
HP IDrop Items


I Drop Items ICondition To Appear

Area J HP
Firelink Shrine 638
Exhaust all unique dialogue in Firelink, and then leave Firelink.
Tomb of the Giants* 821
Or, enter the Catacombs and beat the Boss Pinwheel.

Area I HP J Drop Items ICondition To Appear

Exhaust all unique dialogue in Firelink, and then leave Firelink.
Or, enter the Catacombs and beat the Boss Pinwheel.

IEvent Items
Miracle: Replenishment Talk to Rhea in the Tomb of the Giants. Defeat Vince & Nico, then talk to Rhea again.

Vince and Nico are the Cleric Guards of Rhea ofThorolund. They will appear with Rhea in
Petrus' area of Firelink Shrine after you complete the Undead Parish. You can talk to them in
Firelink Shrine, but that is all. Rhea, Nico, and Vince will leave Firelink and go to the Tomb of
the Giants if you exhaust all the unique dialogue of Rhea, Petrus, Nico, and Vince in Firelink
and then leave the area. If you don't exhaust all the unique dialogue, then they will stay in
Firelink until you beat the Boss Pinwheel in the Tomb of the Giants. [ ~0 03]

Once they enter the Tomb of the Giants, you can find Rhea in the pit that Patches pushes
you into. Talk to her, and she'll tell you that Vince and Nico have gone Hollow Walk a short
distance away from her, and you'll confront them both in a fierce battle. After you kill them,
return to Rhea and speak with her once more to gain a Miracle.

06 EXTRAS 311
I I ICondition To Appear

Area HP Drop Items

Ri ng the second Bell of Awakeni ng .
Firelink Shrine Invinci ble
It's located in Ouelaag 's Domain.

[ Event hems Condition To Receive


Kingseeker Frampt is one of the Primordial Serpents. He will appear in Firelink Shrine after
you ring the second Bell of Awakening. When he appears, speak to him for a hint as to what
you should do next. Keep speaking with him, and he'll offer to eat items for you. [ ~o 01]

Feeding items to Frampt is basically a way to sell items for souls. When you chose to feed
him an item, a menu will open showing all the items you hold that you can feed him. To
the right of the item is the number of souls you will receive for feeding it to him. Be careful
when feeding him items as some of them may have other uses in different areas of the
game .

You can also feed him reinforcement materials like Titanite Slabs. When you feed him these,
he chews on them and breaks them down to a smaller size. There are three sizes, from
large to small which are Slab, Chunk, and Shard . Frampt will only eat colored shards which
breaks them down to plain Titanite Shards. H e will also chew a Slab down to a Chunk, and
a Chunk down to a Shard . This can come in handy if you need a smaller version of a material
for a particular weapon reinforcement.

Once you get the Lordvessel, take it to Frampt, and he will immediately take you to the
Firelink Altar so that you can place the vessel on its pedestal. Be warned, if you have the
Lordvessel in your possession and talk to Frampt, you will have no choice in the matter, and
he immediately takes you to Firelink Altar. Once you have placed the vessel on its pedestal,
you can speak with Frampt at any time to warp between Firelink Shrine and Fire link Altar.

Be warned though, if you ever attack Frampt, he will leave forever. Once he is gone, the hole Besides attacking Frampt, he will also leave
leading down to Firelink Altar will still be open, and all you need to do is jump into it. While if you side with the Primordial Serpent
the fall would normally kill you, with Frampt gone, special magic is in place to ensure a safe Darkstalker Kaathe and let him ta ke you to
landing . There is one exception to never attacking Frampt. If ever you come to him after he Firelink Altar. Please refer to Darkstalker
has appeared and he is asleep, then hit him with your weapon once . It will not count against Kaathe's entry in the Covenant NPC section
you, and he wi ll wake up. of th is chapter.

Area I HP IDrop Items ICondition To Appear
Sen 's Fortress
(outside I
Sen 's Fortress R~ng the second Bell of Awaken ing to open Sen's Fortress.

Anor Londo Speckled to him in Sen's Fortress and then .?.~ .a-~-~~-~-~~ - ~-i~-~~!i?~..?.~. ~-~-~ - ~~-'!YaP: ..
Firelink Shrine 1034
Ri ng, Speak to rL()ndo:"?.then . ?efe~t the.s.i.lver Knigh ts.
Blighttown Humanity
Lost lzalith . Speak to hi[l1 in . Biightto:".~ and.then give . hifl1 .3 . Pur~le Moss Clumps ..
Save him in Lost lzal1 th, and then speak to his daughter Sieglinde of Catarina
Ash Lake
for the second time in Firelink Shrine.

j Eventhems Condition To Receive

Tiny Being Ring Speak with him 1n Anor Londo, then defeat the Silver Knights and speak with him again.

Miracle: Emit Force Speak with him 1n Firehnk Shrine after saving him 1n Anor Londo. Say Yes. you were the
one that opened Sen's Fortress.
Speak with him 1n Blighttown after he leaves Firelink Shrine, then g1ve h1m 3 Purple
Pierce Shield
Moss clumps and speak with h1m again.

Speckled Stoneplate Ring Beat the enemies near him in Lost lzalith before speaking with him, and then speak

with him. This ends his path early.

Titanite Slab
Speak with him in Lost lzalith before f1ghting the enemy. Then fight alongside him and
kill the enemy before his HP drops below 50%. Now speak with his daughter S1eglinde
r ., :
in Firelink Shrine, and then go to the Bonfire near the Great Hollow in Ash Lake. This is 1!1 .
the ultimate ending of h1s path. 09_051


Siegmeyer of Catarina is a quirky little character wearing some rather unattractive Onion
Knight armor. He's on a quest for adventure, but he always seems to get himself stuck and
in trouble. That's where you come in for the rescue. If you fulfill all the obligations and fol-
low his path to the end, Siegmeyer will certainly get a lot of adventure while also rewarding
you for your efforts. However, his path is not isolated, but is tied to the path of his daughter.
This means you'll need to work on her path as you also work on Siegmeyer's path to en-
sure that you reach the ultimate ending of both their paths . Please refer to Sieglinde's entry
located later in this chapter for more information.

~ Once you are finished with the Undead Parish, go to Sen's Fortress and you will find that Siegmeyer in Lost lzalith
it is closed and locked by a heavy gate. Siegmeyer is sitting on the steps to the left of
the gate . You can talk to him here if you like, but it isn't required . All other events after this
Event I Outcome
one are required. Speak to Siegmeyer, and
Defeat the enemy
he'll give you a Speckled
without ever speaking
Stoneplate Ring , and his
~ Ring the second Bell of Awakening to open Sen's Fortress. Make your way through the to Siegmeyer.
path wi ll end here.
Fortress to the first path that has the large steel ball rolling down it. You'll find Siegmeyer Speak with Siegmeyer after
sitting on the ground below that path. Go down there and talk to him and he'll tell you he the battle. and he'll take a
can't get past the rolling ball on the path above. Now, continue on through the fortress and nap. You can fi nd him again
Speak to Siegmeyer and
in Ash Lake after complet-
change the path of the ball by turning the mechanism. This makes it safe for Siegmeyer, and defeat the enemy with
ing Lost lzalith and after
he will move onto Anor Londo once you complete Sen's Fortress. his HP above 50%.
speaking with his daughter
for the second time in
~ You'll find him in a locked room in Anor Londo. You can reach the room via the left-hand Firelink Shnne.
tower stairs on the rooftop. Once you find him, speak to him and he'll tell you he is stuck Speak to Siegmeyer and
and can't get past the three Silver Knights in the next room. Now go into that room and kill defeat the enemy with Siegmeyer wi ll die.
his HP less than 50%.
all th ree of the Silver Knights. Once you have done so, return and speak to Siegmeyer once
more for a reward. Now complete Anor Londo, and Siegmeyer will move on to Firelink
Shrine. [ ~o 02]

~ Go to Firelink Shrine after saving Siegmeyer in Anor Londo. You'll find him located to the ~ Once you are in Lost lzalith, take the tree
left of the Bonfire. Speak with him there and tell him you were the one that opened root path down to the lower courtyard
Sen's Fortress and he'll give you a reward . Once you have spoken with him, he will leave located to the right of the stairs that lead to
Firelink after you do. the door of the Boss fight with the Bed of
Chaos. Once you are in the courtyard, walk
~ After Siegmeyer leaves Firelink Shrine, you can find him again in the swamps at the forward and into the small room ahead and
bottom of Blighttown. Before you do though, you should speak to his daughter in The the floor will give way and drop you down
Duke's Archives first if you wish to fulfill Siegmeyer & Sieglinde's paths completely. If you into the area below. [ ~o 03
talk to Siegmeyer in Blighttown before speaking to Sieglinde, you'll break the path, and
won't be able to achieve the ultimate ending. Please see Sieglinde of Catarina's entry There will be another hole before you that
located later in this chapter. leads to the lowest area. Directly ahead
and across the hole on the other side is
When you are ready, go to Blighttown and enter the swamps. It's easiest to warp to the where Siegmeyer is located. Make your
Daughter of Chaos's area first, and then enter the swamps that way. After you are in the way over to him without engaging the en-
swamps, make your way to the tree root that leads to the Great Hollow. Once you reach emy and speak to him. He will then offer to
that root, turn and go right and you'll find Siegmeyer standing in front of a large rock out- save you for a change, and will attack the
cropping . enemy below. Once he does, quickly join
the battle, and defeat the enemy before
Go and talk to him and at first he is asleep. Talk to him again, and he explains he needs his HP drops below 50%. There are three
Purple Moss Clumps to make it back out of the swamps. He'll ask, so say yes and give possible outcomes here.
them to him. However, you must have 3 of the Purple Moss clumps in inventory for this to
work. After you give him the three Purple Moss Clumps, he will thank you and give you a ~ After saving Siegmeyer in Lost lzalith,
reward. Now leave the area, and he'll move on to Lost lzalith. return to Firelink Shrine and you'll find his
daughter located to the left of the Bonfire.
Speak with her, and then go to Ash Lake.
It's easiest to warp to the Stone Dragon
first (if you have rested at that Bonfire
before), and then walk over to the Bonfire
located outside the entrance of the Great
Hollow. Once you reach that Bonfire, you'll
find both Siegmeyer and his daughter
Sieglinde there for the ultimate ending of
their path.

06 EXTRAS 313
Area I HP I Drop Items ICondition To Appear
Complete events 1 - 4 for Siegmeyer, and then go to the outside area
The Duke's Archives 938 ofThe Duke's Archives. You'll find Sieglinde trapped in a Yellow Crystal
Golem in the middle of the area . Defeat the Golden Golem to free her.
Firelink Shrine 938 Save her in The Duke's Archives.
Firelink Shrine 938 Complete events 5 & 6 for Siegmeyer.
Ash Lake 938 Speak to her the second time in Firelink Shrine.

The ultimate ending to her path is tied to Siegmeyer's ending. Reach that ending,
and you get a Titanite Slab.

Sieglinde is the daughter of the adventuring Siegmeyer of Catarina. Like her father, she
too wears Onion Knight armor. Unlike her father, she doesn't like him running about on
adventures, so she is trying to track him down. Her path is tied to Siegmeyer's path, and to
reach the ultimate ending of both their paths, you'll have to work them both simultaneously.
Please refer to Siegmeyer's entry located earlier in this chapter.

~ Once you have completed events 1 through 4 for her father Siegmeyer, go to Blighttown
so that the area loads, then leave. Now, make your way through The Duke's Archives to
the outside area that leads to the Crystal Cave. In that open field, you'll find a Yellow Crystal
Golem and Sieglinde is trapped inside of it. You'll have to defeat that Golem to free her.
Once you do, speak with her and tell her yes you have seen her father. But that is not the
end of it. In order for her to get out of the area safely, you'll have to kill all the other Crystal
Golems in the area. There are 12 in all scattered about the perimeter of the area. Make your
way around to all12 and kill them before moving on. Once they are all dead, you can leave
the area and Sieglinde will go to Firelink Shrine. [ ~o 01]

...e Go to Firelink Shrine and you'll find her located to the left of the Bonfire there. Speak
with her and tell her Yes, you have seen her father, and then leave the area. She will leave
after you do.

~ Once you successfully complete events 5 & 6 for her father Siegmeyer, go back to
Firelink Shrine to find her once again located to the left of the Bonfire. Speak with her
and then leave the area. She will leave after you do .

...t. Finally, go to Ash Lake where you'll find her and Siegmeyer both at the Bonfire located
outside the entrance to the Great Hollow. It's easiest to warp to the Stone Dragon first
(if you have rested at that Bonfire before), and then walk over to the Bonfire located outside
the entrance of the Great Hollow. Once you reach that Bonfire, you'll find both Siegmeyer
and his daughter Sieglinde there for the ultimate ending to their path.

Condition To Receive

Lady of the Darkling is the Fire Keeper of

the first Bonfire in Anor Londo, and sworn
servant and protector of Gwynevere and
Gwyndolin. She is resting against the rear
of the right-hand wall in the first Bonfire
room. You can speak to her for some hints
about what to do next while you are in
Anor Londo. If you ever attack and kill either
Gwynevere or Gwyndolin, then Lady of
the Darkling will become hostile and attack
you leaving you no choice but to kill her.
Once she is dead, you'll get a Fire Keeper's
Soul, but you'll no longer be able to use her
Bonfire. [~0 02]


A Covenant is a w ay to offer your allegiance to certain NPCs in the game . When you enter
a Covenant. you'll often get a special reward that you can't get anywhere else, and you 'll be
allowed to use certain Covenant Specific items or Magic that you couldn't use otherwise .
Further, belonging to a Covenant affects online MP play. Some of these NPCs also have shops
from which they wil l sell you items, but what makes them different from a regular Merchant
type NPC is their ability to let you join, or abandon, a Covenant.


Some Covenants can be strengthened or leveled up. Leveling up a covenant will often gain Covenant Levels
you special items, and the higher rank of your Covenant will more strongly affect your online
MP play. If a Covenant can be leveled up, then there are three levels . You can check your Level INumber of Items Required
current Covenant and Covenant Level via the character stats page in the menus .
Covenant +1 10 desired items .
As you can see in the table, it takes 10 of the desired item to reach Level + 1, and then Covenant +2 20 desired items .
another 20 to max out the Covenant at Level +2 . That is 30 items total, and nearly all of the
Covenant Leveling Items are rare, so you'll need to consider Covenant Leveling carefully.
you abandon it, you lose an entire level and
If you are a member of one Covenant and then decide to join another, you will lose one rank all of those items you had previously used
level of your current Covenant when you join the new Covenant. This demands even further to level it up. However, if you come back to
consideration since it takes so many rare items to level a Covenant to begin with, and should an abandoned covenant immediately after
joining another you 'll get a one-time -5 Soul
Overview of Covenant Benefits discount to level the covenant.
Covenant Name I Covenant Giver I Benefits In all there are 9 different covenants that
Petrus ofThorolund Higher Priority Matching with other players in the following Covenants:
Way of White you can join. Should you ever attack the
Rhea ofThorolund Way of White, Princess's Guard, and W arrior of Sunlight in M P play.
- ...... . Covenant Giver and kill them, that Covenant
Higher Priority Matching with other players in th e following Covenants:
Princess's Guard Gwynevere Way of White, Princess's Guard, and Warrior of Sunligh t in M P play.
is lost to you forever. Since some Cove-
..... ......... .... .... .. ..... ....... ..... .. Ca ~- use . t_h_e .tvl.iracles.Bountiful Su n l i g~t &__ Sooth i ~g. _s unlight .
nants are required to be able to use certain
Higher Priority Matching with other players in the following Covenants:
items, you'll want to be careful about killing
Sunlight Altar Way of White. Princess's Guard, and Warrior of Sunlight in MP play. a Covenant Giver.
Can use the Miracle
Further, by attacking a Covenant giver or
Path to the Dragon Stone Dragon ... .. ...can_useth_e.. D_ragon E ye in MP play.
another Covenant Member in MP play, you
are committing a betrayal which is a Sin.
<i.'~~~.'.o ~~ . ~~~~~.~ ... Gravelord Nito ....... .. _Can use the Eye O.f O.~~th in M P play.
The higher your level of Sin, t he higher your
Forest Hunter Alvina of th e Darkroot ...c an be _sur11rnoned_:"_hen th e Cat Covena nt Ri ng is equipped in M P play. ranking on the MP bounty list meaning
Can be summoned when the Darkmoon Blade Covenant Ring in MP play. more and more MP players will be gunning
Can use the Blue Orb . Can use the Darkmoon Blade Miracle. for you . Luckily, there is a character in the
Chaos Servant Daughter of Chaos
Listed on the MP Ranking List. At Covent +2 can open the door that leads game that can absolve your Sin and erase it
to the shortcut from Demon Ruins to Lost lzalith.
-but it is an expensive service indeed .

06 EXTRAS 31 S
Area I HP IDrop Items ICondition To Appear
Undead Parish 638 Twin Humanities, Book of the Guilty Ring the first Bell of Awakening.

IEvent Items Condition To Receive


Oswald of Carim will appear at the base

of the tower that houses the first Bell of Oswald's Shop
Awakening in the Undead Parish. Once you Item I Souls
ring the bell, make your way back down and Purging Stone 4000
you'll see him standing there next to the exit Indictment 2000
of the tower. You can't miss him. When you
Book of the Guilty 1000
see him, talk to him and he'll open shop.
[~001] Karmic Justice (Miracle) 40000
Velka's Talisman 5000
Oswald is a unique Covenant character in
that he doesn't have a Covenant to join, but
instead, he lets you abandon your current
Covenant without having to join another
or kill the Covenant giver. This will come in Gesture: Well! What is it ! Free
handy during M P play if you want to change
the Priority Matching action that occurs
when you belong to a Covenant.

Oswald is also a Pardoner of Sins. If you have sinned, then Osw ald can absolve them all
and give you a fresh start when you Request Absolution from him. It's not cheap though,
and the more you sin, the more it will cost you. Naturally, Oswald expects souls as pay-
ment- and lots of them . For fun, go back to him at least once after you have left the area,
and talk to him again. When you do, he'll mention Petrus ofThorolund .

Area I HP IDrop Items I Condition To Appear
Firelink Shrine 594 Ivory Talisman None

1Event Items Condition To Receive

Copper Coin Talk to him twice.

! covenant Level Up Item for Leveling Covenant Leveling Item Received

Way of White No Join Nothing

Petrus is a Cleric from the land ofThorolund.

He's on an Undead Mission along with
Rhea , Vince, and Nico who will show up
near him after you complete the Undead
Parish by ringing the first Bell of Awakening.
When you first meet him, talk to him twice
and you'll get a Copper Coin. Talk to him
again after that, and he'll open shop. When
he does, you ca n enter his Covenant: Way
of White, buy items, and learn a Gesture .


Once his shop is open, talk to him again (via his menu) and he'll mention his Undead Mis- Petrus Shop
sion and then offer to tell you about it for a price. He requires souls as payment, and the
amount he requests is based on your current level. Item I Souls
Great Heal Excerpt 10000
He wants 100 souls for every level you are at, so if you're at level 5, then he wants 500 Homeward 8000
souls, but he'll require 3000 if your at level 30, and so on. The information he's selling isn't Force 4000
important to gameplay, but if you're curious, then buy it before you level up so it is cheaper. Seek Guidance 2000
If you ever say No when he offers to sell you the information , then he'll never offer again,
Heal 4000
so it's always best to say yes even if you don't have the required souls since he'll give you
another chance- but you never get another chance if you ever say No. [~0 02] Talisman 1000
Thorolund Talisman 5000
Once Rhea, Nico, and Vince show up, talk to all four of them until they begin repeating Gesture: Shrug Free
themselves. This means they have exhausted all of their unique dialog. Once that happens,
Rhea, Nico, and Vince will leave the next time you do. When you come back, Petrus will still
be there, but he will leave the next time as well. Although, he'll eventually come back after
you die a few times or visit another area and fight some enemies. Just avoid the Depths as
entering that area causes Lautrec to leave.

While Petrus is still there, but Rhea, Nico, and Vince are gone, talk to Petrus to see how he
really feels about Rhea . Next, talk to Lautrec who is located near Anastacia's cave and pay
him the required souls to learn more about Rhea. Once you have done so, talk to Petrus
yet again for his ultimate view on Rhea. All of this has to be done before you ever enter the
Depths since Lautrec will leave as soon as you do. But again, it's not required, but is avail-
able if you're curious.

Area I HP I Drop Items ICondition To Appear
Firelink Shrine Complete the Undead Parish and return to Firelink Shrine .
Exhaust all unique dialogue in Firel1nk Shnne, and then leave the
Tomb of the Giants
Ivory Talisman, . area or enter the Catacombs and beat the Boss Pinwheel.
....... 531
Humanity lx7)
Undead Parish

The Dukes Archives - Jail* Buy all of her limited items from her shop in the Undead Parish .
As a Hollow.

Miracle: Replenishment Talk to her 1n the Tomb of the Giants, then defeat Nico and Vince, and then talk to her again.
Pendant Petrus must kill her 1n the Undead Pansh.

Level Up Covenant leveling

Way of White No Join Nothing

Rhea is the Princess ofThorolund, and she is on an Undead Mission with Nico,
Vince, and Petrus; although Petrus abandons the three of them in the Tomb of
the Giants. Rhea and her two escorts (Nico and Vince) will show up in Firelink
Shrine next to Petrus after you have beat Undead Parish and rang the first Bell of 09_052

~ Once Rhea and her escorts arrive. talk to them all (including Petrus) until they start
repeating themselves to exhaust all unique dialog. It's best to start with Petrus since
what he has to say must come before the last things that Nico and Vince say. Once you
have finished all the talking, leave the area and Rhea, Nico, and Vince will move to the Rhea's Shop In The Undead Parish
Tomb of the Giants. Alternatively, enter the Catacombs and beat the Boss Pinwheel and
they will leave regardless of remaining dialogue. Item I Souls
Divine Blessing 1000
~ Make your way through the Tomb of the Giants to where Patches pushes you down into Heal 1000
the p1t. Once 1n the p1t, move forward to the rear wall ahead and then go right to find Great Heal Excerpt 2000
Rhea sitting on the ground [ -+0 03]. Talk to her, and she'll warn you that Nico and Vince have Homeward 1000
gone Hollow. Leave her and go up the path to fight Nico and Vince. Once you have defeated
Force 1000
them, talk to her once more for a reward. Now leave her, and finish the Tomb of the Giants,
and she'll move to the Undead Parish Great heal 10000
Wrath of the Gods 10000
~ As soon as you are done with the Tomb of the Giants, go immediately to the Undead Seek Guidance 500
Parish and you'll find Rhea praying at the altar at the front of the church . Talk to her, and Magic Barrier 6000
she'll open shop. But be warned, Petrus has it in for Rhea and if you visit two other areas in
Talisman 200
a row (besides the Undead Parish) without talking to Rhea, then Petrus will kill her. You'll not
Gesture: Prayer Free
see it happen, but instead of finding her at the altar in Undead Parish, you'll find a golden
soul light where she has dropped her items.

06 EXTRAS 317
So if you mean to find Rhea, then make sure to go to Undead Parish ~ Once you have bought all of the limited items (the items she
immediately after leaving the Tomb of the Giants. The best thing to only has one of), then she will leave the Undead Parish and show
do is Finish Tomb of the Giants, then Warp back to Firelink Shrine, up as a Hollow in the Jail section ofThe Duke's Archives. In the jail,
and then use the elevators above Petrus to reach the church of the make your way down to the bottom floor, then start back up the
Undead Parish. Take that route, and you're sure to find her. [70 01] stairs to find her in the 3rd cell up from the bottom. You'll need the
Archive Prison Extra Key to open that cell. [ 70 02]

Area I HP I Drop Items I Condition To Appear
Quelaag 's Domain 698 Fire Keeper 's Soul Find her hidden chamber.

Condition To R-mt

CowMnt Level Up Item for Leveling Covenant Leveling Item Received

Join Pyromancy: Great Chaos Fireball
Level +1 Nothing, Rank only
Yes Humanity
Servant Pyromancy: Chaos Storm
Level +2 Unlock door m Demon RUins to open shortcut Hawk Girl in the Undead Asylum. But, if you
to Lost lzalith
don't have that ring, then you can still deal
with Ouelaag's Sister, but you'll never get
The Daughter of Chaos is Ouelaag's Sister, and like Ouelaag, she is half spider,
and half woman. Also, she is blind and severely overburdened with eggs to the
point where she can barely move and is in constant pain. But, even with this af-
fliction, she can still perform her duties as a Fire Keeper and a Covenant Giver.
to hear her voice or what she has to say.
Fortunately, her shop menus are in regular
Language, so you'll be ok without the ring.
[ ~o 03l
To find her, and her servant the Pyromancer Eingyi, defeat Ouelaag in Ouelaag's Domain, Upon speaking with her, she will open
and then make your way forward and through the tower ahead to the entrance that leads to shop. As a Fire Keeper, she can reinforce
Demon Ruins. Once you find that entrance, do not go into Demon Ruins, but instead turn to your Estus Flask if you have a Fire Keeper's
your right to find a breakable wall. Hit the wall and it will disappear and reveal her chamber. Soul. As a Covenant giver, she can let you
join her Covenant if you desire . If you ever
As you try to enter her chamber, her servant Eingyi will stop you and ask if you are a new attack her and kill her, you'll get a Fire
Servant. You must say Yes, or he will deny you entrance into the chamber. After you get past Keeper's Soul, but you'll also have to face
Eingyi, speak to the Daughter of Chaos. When you do, you'll discover she speaks a different Eingyi as well. Further, killing her disables
language from you, the Chaos Language. The only way you'll be able to understand what the Bonfire in her chamber so you won't be
she says is to wear the Old Witch's Ring. That ring is obtainable as a character creation gift at able to rest there anymore .
the start of a new game when you are creating a new character or via item conversion with
Since she plays a rather important role in
opening a secret path later in the game,
it's best to let her live. The path in question
is the shortcut from Demon Ruins to Lost
lzalith. You'll find this shortcut just outside
the room where you fight the Boss Firesage
Demon . Face that room, and then look to
the right to see a hole in the wall that leads
to a long corridor below. Use the tree roots
there to reach the ground floor, and then
move to the end of the corridor to find a
locked door. If you have leveled up her Cov-
enant to +2 , then touch the door and it will
open. Not only is this a much easier way to
get into Lost lzalith, but it is also required to
reach the ultimate ending of Solaire's path.


Area I HP IDrop Items I Condition To Appear
Anor Londo, Chamber of the Princess Lordvessel* None
'This item can be received by simply talking to her.

Event Items
Lordvessel Talk to her.

!covenant Level Up Item lor Leveling Covenant Leveling Item Received

Princess's Guard No R1ng of the Sun Princess

Gwynevere is the Princess of Anor Londo, and keeper of the Lordvessel. You 'll have to make You can kill her if you like, but it is not
your way through Anor Londo and defeat the Bosses Dragon Slayer Ornstein & Executioner necessary. She has only 1 HP, and will die in
Smough in order to gain access to her chamber. Once those Bosses have been defeated, a single strike, but doing so will plunge Anor
move forward and ride either the elevator on the right or left to reach the upper level and Londo into darkness which removes nearly
then enter her chamber. Speak with her, and she'll give you the Lordvessel that you need all of the en emies in the area meaning you
to place at the Firelink Altar. Speak to her again, and she'll allow you to join her covenant. can't fight them any longer to gain souls
[~004] and item drops, and killing her will anger the
Fire Keeper Lady of the Darkling who will
then hunt you down while you are in Anor
Londo and attack you.
Another thing that killing Gwynevere does
is open the Darkmoon Tomb at the lowest
level of Anor Londo, but killing Gwynevere
angers the resident there, Gwyndolin, and
you'll not be able to join Gwyndolin's Cov-
enant, although you can still fight Gwyndo-
lin if you chose. All things considered, it's
best to let Gwynevere live, but the choice
is yours.

Area I HP IDrop Items ICondition To Appear
Equ1p the Darkmoon Seance Ring and then enter
A nor Londo, Darkmoon Tomb 2011 Soul of Gwyndolin
the Darkmoon Chamber.

IEvent Items Condition To Receive

Miracle: Sunlight Blade

Brass Helm
- - -- -- - - -- - Traverse the white light sealing Gwyndolln's area and engage Gwyndolin 1n a
Brass Annor Boss f1ght. You can find these items in the chests located 1n the room at the Souls
-B-r-as_s_G_a_u-n t-le-ts_ _ _ _ _ _ end of the corridor. 40000

Brass Leggings

Blue Eye Orb

Darkmoon Blade Covenant 1
Darkmoon Souvenir of
Blade Reprisal

You can reach Gwyndolin's area by setting the rotating bridge in the middle of Anor Londo to
its lowest setting. That allows you access to the Darkmoon Tomb. When you first get to Anor
Londo, it's a good idea to go there and rest at the Bonfire so that it shows up on your Warp
menu once you obtain the Lordvessel.

Before you can actually reach Gwyndolin, you 'll have to visit the Catacombs and find the
Darkmoon Seance Ring . Once you have that ring, equip it and then return to the Darkmoon
Tomb. When you do, the large statue in front of the Bonfire w ill disappear, and you can go
down the stairs to the kneeling area . Kneel at the prayer mat, and you can join Gwyndolin's
Covenant. [~0 05]

06 EXTRAS 319
But be warned, there is a white light barring the door ahead of
the prayer mat. If you traverse that light. Gwyndolin will see it as
sacrilege and betrayal, and you'll be locked in a Boss fight with
Gwyndolin. Once you kill Gwyndolin, you'll obtain Soul of Gwyn-
dolin, and can find some armor the chests at the back of the room,
but Gwyndolin's Covenant will be gone forever, and if you are not
part of the Darkmoon Blade Covenant, you can not use the Miracle:
Darkmoon Blade. [~0 01]

While you are in the Darkmoon Blade Covenant, not only can you
use the Miracle: Darkmoon Blade, but you can also be summoned by
Gwyndolin for MP play if you are wearing the Darkmoon Blade Cove-
nant Ring. It's interesting to note that the An or Londo Fire Keeper, Lady
of the Darkling, wears the Brass Armor you can find in Gwyndolin's
chamber, and uses the Miracle: Darkmoon Blade when she fights you.

Area J HP j Drop Items j Condition To Appear
Enter the Abyss and defeat the Four Kings, either before you obtain
The Abyss Invincible
the Lordvessel, or while you have the Lordvessel In your possession .

Condition To l*elve

Level Up Item for Leveling Covenant Leveling Item Received

Dark Hand
Wrll sell Cracked Red Eye Orbs for 3000 Souls
Level +1 Red Eye Orb (whole, not cracked)
Darkwraith Yes Humanity Dark Mask
Dark Armor
Level +2 Dark Gauntlets
Dark Leggings
Dark Sword

Darkstalker Kaathe is a Primordial Serpent like Kingseeker Frampt, but while Frampt wants
to return the world to light, Kaathe wants to plunge it into darkness. To find Kaathe, you'll
need to enter the Abyss once you have the Lordvessel in your possession but before you
have placed it at Firelink Altar (via Frampt). To enter the Abyss, you must first beat the Boss If you have already placed the Lordvessel
Sif in the Darkroot Basin. Doing so will grant you the Ring: Covenant of Astoria, and you with Frampt before entering the Abyss,
must be wearing that ring in order to enter the Abyss and fight the Boss the Four Kings. then Kaathe will never show up. If you get
Kaathe to show up, but then say No. He will
After defeating the Four Kings, talk to Kaathe near the Bonfire with the Lordvessel in your leave and you can use Frampt to help you
possession . He'll give you a Yes or No choice. Say Yes, and he'll take you to Firelink Altar to place it. Do this and you'll lose the Dark-
place the Lordvessel, and then you can join his covenant after that. Say No, and he leaves wraith Covenant forever. Finally, if you ever
forever. Siding with Kaathe will anger Kingseeker Frampt and cause him to leave the next try to attack Kaathe, he'll leave, and again,
time you ta lk to him meaning you'll no longer be able to feed him items for souls. you'll lose his Covenant.

Also remember that, if you talk to Frampt

with the Lordvessel in your possession,
you'll have no choice with him, and he'll im-
mediately take you to Firelink Altar and you
must place the vessel meaning you'll never
get to make Kaathe appear.

If you decide to side with Kaathe, you can

warp to him through the Bonfire for his Cov-
enant and to return to the Firelink Altar- as
long as you never attack him and make him
leave. Also, by siding with Kaathe, Frampt
will leave, but the hole he came from will
be open and you'll also be able to jump into
that hole to reach Firelink Altar. Normally, a
fall like that would kill you, but with Frampt
gone, special magic comes into play to
ensure a safe landing if you make that
jump This means you'll have two ways to
reach Firelink Altar if you side with Kaathe.
[40 02]


Area I HP I Drop Items ICondition To Appear Souls
Have at least one Eye of Death in your inventory, then nestle into the
The Catacombs Invincible None coffin in the Catacombs and wait 30 seconds to be taken to the Nita's
area, the Altar of the Gravelord.

Yes Eye of Death

In the Catacombs, you'll come to a large Mausoleum filled with coffins. At the end of the
long hallway, there is a Prowling Demon . Just before you reach the Prowling Demon, you'll
find a coffin on your left that sticks out a bit further than the rest. Examine it, and you'll be
given the chance to nestle into the coffin. If you have at least 1 Eye of Death in your inven-
tory, then get into the coffin and wait 30 seconds, and then you'll be transported to Nito's
area, the Altar of the Gravelord. Once there, go to Nito's sarcophagus, and pray. This will
allow you the choice of entering his covenant. [ -70 03]

Once you enter his covenant, you can level it up to +2, but other than that, there is nothing
to do since Nito doesn't sell items. All you can do is level up. Also, when you complete the
Tomb of the Giants, you'll have to face Nito in a Boss fight . Once you kill Nito, his Covenant
will be gone forever. This means that if you plan to join, you should do so before finishing
the Tomb of the Giants, otherwise, you'll lose your chance. It should also be noted that
when you arrive in Nito's area via the coffin in the Catacombs, all you can do is enter his
covenant - you can not attack the sarcophagus and trigger an early fight with Nito.

Path to the
Yes Dragon Scale

At the bottom of Blighttown, in the swamps, you'll find a large tree with a root that you
can walk up and reach a small area inside. There you'll find a corpse with an item, but more
importantly, there is a breakable wall in this area . Break the wall to reach another small room
with a Chest. Pillage the chest, and then hit the wall behind the Chest to make it disappear.
Once that wall is gone, you can move forward to the Great Hollow.

06 EXTRAS 321
The Great Hollow is the inside of the large
tree . It's very tall, and full of branches that
you must use to reach the ground below.
It's a treacherous journey, and if you slip off
a branch as you work your way down, you'll
often die from the fall. It's a good idea to
have the Sorcery: Fall Control that you can
purchase from Griggs in Firelink Shrine to
make this trip a bit easier. Once you reach
the bottom, exit the Great Hollow and you'll
be in Ash Lake. There is a Bonfire nearby,
so use it immediately. Next, there is a large
Hydra in the lake that you'll need to defeat,
and it's a tough battle. Once you have van-
quished the beast, follow the beach all the
way to the end to find another Bonfire and
the Stone Dragon. Approach the Dragon
and pray to him and you'll be able to enter
his Covenant. [-+0 01]

You'll gain the Dragon Head Stone for

joining the Covenant, and get the Dragon
Torso Stone at level +2. To use these
stones, equip them like any other useable When you use the Dragon Head Stone, your head w ill turn into a dragon head, and then
item, then press the Use button to activate you can press and hold the Use button again to breath fire. When you use the Dragon Torso
the selected stone . In order to use the Stone, your body will turn into a Dragon Body, and you can press the Use button to roar
Dragon Head Stone, you must remove your which can knock back and stun the enemy. Once you have changed into Dragon form, it will
Helmet. In order to use the Dragon Torso last until you die and respawn at a Bonfire . The stones are permanent and can be used as
Stone, you must remove all your other often as you like.


Area I HP I Drop Items I Condition To Appear

Oarkroot Garden Invincible Non e.

Condition To RMelve

Forest Hunter No Join Cat Covenant Ring

You'll find this large, white, talking cat in the Darkroot Garden not too far from the locked When you join, she'll give you the Cat
door that can be unlocked by the Crest of Astoria that Andre the Blacksmith sells. You don't Covenant Ring. This ring is for MP play and
need that crest to find Alvina though, you can instead travel through Darkroot Basin and allows Alvina to summon you when other
enter Alvina's area of the Darkroot Garden from the opposite end. Once you find her crum- players enter her area . This can be advanta-
bling building, look to the window facing the cliffs and you'll see her perched there. Speak geous for you if you want to battle other MP
with her and she'll allow you to join her covenant. [-+U 02] Players for treasure. For the Summoning to
work, you have to be online, a member of
her covenant, and you must have the Cat
Covenant Ring equipped.

As a member of the Covenant, you are not

allowed to ever attack or kill other Mem-
bers. If you do, even once, you'll be kicked
out of the Covenant, and marked as a traitor
to be hunted down by other Covenant
members. Further, Alvina herself can not be
killed, and attacking her just once will break
the Covenant, brand you as a traitor, and
cause Alvina to disappear. So if you join this
Covenant and play online, be careful about
who you attack!


Area I HP I Drop Items ICondition To Appear
To join with Solaire. com plete his events 1 - 3.
Undead Burg, Sunlight Altar Invincible
Join at any time wh en your stats are at the right level.

Condition To~
Replay the game on a New Game + file so that you have the soul of the last Boss of the
Miracle: Sunlight Spear
game. "Gwyn, Lord of Cinder': Offer that soul to the Altar when Covenant is at Level +1.
can only use this Miracle when you belong to th is Covenant.

Lwei Up Item for Leveling Covenant Lwellng Item Received

Join Miracle: Lightning Spear
Warrior of Miracle: Great Lightning Spear
Yes Sunlight Medal Level + 1
Sunlight Can offer Soul of Gwyn, Lord of Cinder It takes 10 Sunlight medals to level this
Level +2 Nothing, rank only Covenant to + 1. Unfortunately, there are
only nine possible in a single play through
the game. This means you will have to
The Sunlight Altar is located to the right of the Bonfire in the Undead Burg that is located be- level this Covenant up on a New Game+ .
hind where the Red Dragon was perched on the bridge. To the right of that Bonfire is a small When you do, you can also offer the soul of
raised area with the remains of a broken statue. That area is the Sunlight Altar. The Sunlight Gwyn, Lord of Cinder for the Sunlight Spear
Altar will not open until your stats are at a certain level. Once you open the altar. you can Miracle . Also. remember that to receive a
join the Covenant and learn a new Gesture: Praise the Sun. [ ~o 03] Sunlight Medal from Solaire. you have to
Summon him for a Boss Fight, and he has
If your Faith is at level 50, then the Altar will open. Alternatively, if the value of your Faith + to live through it.
(5 x number of times a Client in MP play) = 50, then that will open it too . This means that if
you play offline only, you 'll need a value of 50 for Faith to open the altar. If you play online.
then the number of times you were the client x 5 + your Faith value need to be 50. Sunlight Medal Locations
Location I Quantity
For example, let's say your Faith= 12 and you were a Client in MP 8 times. That gives you Bell Gargoyle Boss Fight -
12 + [5 x 8] = 12 + 40 =52 . The total value is 52 w hich is greater than 50 and is enough to Undead Parish
open the Altar. Reward from Lautrec- Firelink Shrine
Gaping Dragon Boss Fight - The Depths
You can follow Solaire's events. and join the covenant with him at his event #3 if your stats
are right. Otherwise. you can come back at anytime you do have the required stats, even Chest in A nor Londo 3
on a New Game+ . to open the Altar. Ornstein & Smough Boss Fight-
Anor Land
To get Miracle : Sunlight Spear, you'll need to replay the game on a New Game + so that you Centipede Demon Boss Fight -
have the final Boss' soul in your inventory, and then you'll need to join the Covenant of the Demon Ru ins

altar, and then you need to level the Covenant to Level + 1. Do all of that, and you can then Gwyn, Lord of Cinder Boss Fight -
Kiln of the First Flame
offer the soul of Gw yn, Lord of Cinder to the Altar in exchange for the Miracle .

Scattered throughout the world of Lord ran, you 'll find several NPCs that will offer you items
for a price- and the price is always payable in souls. Some of these Merchants are immedi-
ately available for business. and all you need do is approach them and begin talking to get
the ball rolling . Others, however, require a little more work on your part to get them to
open their shop, but in the end, it is well worth the effort.

06 EXT RAS 323

Area I HP IDrop Items I Condition To Appear
Undead Burg 360 Orange Guidance Stone, Residence Key None.

Event Items Condition To Receive


In the Undead Burg, push forward until the

Red Dragon jumps on the bridge in front
of you for the first time and then flies off.
Once you get past that. you'll be in a small
area facing some Undead. The path forward
is straight ahead, but if you go right, you
can reach another area with two Undeads
that use spears. Kill them, then break all the
boxes surrounding the stairwell there. Go
down the stairs and then out the door on the
left to find this Merchant. [ ~o 01]

Undead Merchant (Male)'s Shop

Item I Souls Item I Souls Item I Souls
Repair Powder 500 Scimitar 600 Heater Shield 1000
......... ........... ........
Throwing Knife 10 Rapier 600 Warrior's Round Shield 800
Firebomb 50 Hand Axe 450 Standard Arrow 10
lloyd's Talisman 500
Club 150 Large Arrow 50
Orange Guidance Soapstone 100
Reinforced Club 350 Wooden Arrow

Spear 600 Standard Bolt 30

Repairbox 3000
Short Bow 1000 Heavy Bolt 100
Seek Guidance 500
East-West Shield 400 Chain Helm 500
Magic Barrier 6000
Talisman 200 Small leather Shield 600 Ch ainAnnor 800
................................... ..

Dagger 300 Buckler 800 leather Gauntlets 500


Shortsword 600 leather Shield 800 Chain leggings 500


Area I HP I Drop Items I Condition To Appear
Undead Burg 420 None.

Event Items Condition To Racelve


After completing the Undead Parish, you'll have the Basement Key. You'll use that key on
the locked door in the Undead Burg located on the bridge that the Red Dragon rests on.
The door is on the opposite side of where the Red Dragon is located, and is close to where
Solaire first appears. Go through that door and down into the lower area. Push forward and
you'll come to some stairs on your right that are located just across from the door that leads
to the depths. Go up those stairs to find an exit that leads into some sewers. If you go left,
you'll reach the locked door that links Firelink Shrine to this lower area of the Undead Burg.
If you look to your right, you'll find this merchant standing behind some iron bars. [~0 02]

Undead Merchant (Female)'s Shop

Item I Souls Item I Souls
Transient Curse (x4) 4000
Purple Moss Clump 500 Rotten Pine Resin 1000
Blooming Purple Moss Clump 1000 Homeward Bone 800
Poison Throwing Knife 100 Prism Stone 10
..... ,,,.,,,,,, ., ,,,,,,
Dung Pie 200 Humanity (x1) 5000
... .. ... .... .....................................
Alluring Skull 500 Fire Arrow 100
Charcoal Pine Resin 500 Poison Arrow 100


Area I HP IDrop Items ICondition To Appear
Undead Burg, level .. 659 . Sorcery: Hush, Slum-
Firelink Shrine 659 bering Dragoncrest Use Residence Key to free him from the trapped room.
Sen's Fortress 659 . Ring, Humanity Buy all of the limited items he sells in Firelink Shrine.
'As a Hollow.

IEvent Items Condition To Receive


Griggs is a Sorcerer and apprentice to Big Hat Logan. You'll first encounter him trapped in a
locked room in the lower portion of the Undead Burg where the entrance to The Depths is
located. Once you use the Basement Key to reach the lower portion of the area, go right and
approach the large door of the building ahead and on your left. Griggs will talk to you through
the door and ask for help. You'll need the Residence Key to unlock the room and free him.
You can buy that key for 1000 souls from the Undead Merchant (Male) in the Undead Burg.

Once he is free and you leave the area, he'll show up in Firelink Shrine. Talk to him there,
and he'll sell you Sorcery spells and other items. Later in the game, when big Hat Logan
shows up next to him, Griggs will stop selling items until Big Hat Logan leaves. Once After you place the Lordvessel, if you buy
Logan does leave, Griggs will add two new Sorcery spells to his shop. Both of these spells all of the limited items (items that he only
are sold by Logan when he is in Firelink, but Logan stops selling them once he leaves. has one of), and then go to Sen's Fortress,
Logan will leave after you place the Lordvessel at Firelink Altar. [~0 03) you'll find that Griggs has gone Hollow and
will attack you. You'll find him on the second
path that leads up to the mechanism that
launches the large steel balls the giant on
the roof is dropping.

Griggs' Shop
Item I Souls
Soul Arrow 1000
Heavy Soul Arrow 2000
Soul Spear** 40000
Great Soul Arrow 6000
Fall Control 1500
Great Heavy Soul Arrow 8000
Magic Weapon 3000
Homing Soul mass* * 20000
Aural Decoy 1000
Magic Shield 3000
Sorcerer's Catalyst 500
Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring 20000
Lingering Dragoncrest Ring 20000
Available once your Intelligence stat is 10 or more II
**After Logan leaves Firelink Shrine.

06 EXTRAS 325
Area I HP I Drop Items ICondition To Appear
The Depths 719
Firelink Shrine 719 Free him from the barrel.
Own Ouelaana's Pyromancer Flame, speak to him in Firelink Shrine
Blighttown 719
and agree to tell him about the flame.
'As a Hollow

Pyromancer Flame Speak to him in Firelink Shrine. If you don't have a Pyromancer Flame, then he'll offer you one.

Once you are in The Depths, you can find Laurentius trapped in a barrel in a room near the
area whe re you encounter the Butcher enemies. Break the barrel to free him, then speak
with him. Once you comp lete The Depths, Laurentius will appear in Firelink Shrine. [ ~o 01]

At Firelink Shrine, speak to him and say No you do not find magic unsavory. He will th en
give you a Pyromancer Flame if you don't al ready have one. He'll also open shop and will
sell Pyromancy Magic, and will ascend your Pyromancer Flame up to level + 15.

If during the game you acquire Ouelaana's Pyromancer Flame and then speak with Lauren- Laurentius' Shop
tius again. He'll ask you to tell him about that flame. If you choose Yes, then Laurentius will Item I Souls
leave Firelink and go to Blighttown to try and find Ouelaana for himself. Unfortunately, he Fire Orb 8000
won't fare well and will turn Hollow. You can find him down in the Swamps at the bottom of
Combustion 500
Blighttown once this happens. If you plan to buy all of Laurentius' Pyromancy Magic, then
do so before you get the Ouelaana flame. Please refer to Ouelaana of lzalith's entry located Iron Flesh 2000
later in this chapter for more information. Flash Sweat 2000
Fireball 800

Pyromancy Flame Ascension

level I Required Souls
+1 500
+2 1000
+3 2000
+4 3000
+5 4000
+6 5500
+7 7000
+8 8500
+9 10000
+10 12000
+11 14000
+12 16000
+13 19000
+14 22000


Area I HP I Drop Items ICondition To Appear
Sen's Fortress 719 He's locked in a cage.
Firelink Shrine 719 Free him from Sen's Fortress.
... Big Hat. Tin Crystallization,
The Duke's Archives - Jail 719 Place the Lordvessel at Firelink Altar
.. . Catalyst' , Sorcery: White
The Duke's Archives- Archive Room 719 Dragon Breath' Free him from the jail cell.

The Duke's Archives - Seath's Room * Buy all of his sorceries and finish
Crystal Cave by killing Seath .
*Only drops this when you fight him as a Hollow in The Duke's Archives.

Sage Robe
Traveling Gloves
Buy all of his Sorceries when he is in the archive room of The Duke's Archives.
Traveling Boots Leave and then come back to find these 1tems in a chest that he left behtnd.
logan's Catalyst


Logan's Shop
Item I Souls
Great Soul Arrow 6000
Heavy Soul Arrow 2000
Great Heavy Soul Arrow 8000
Homing Soulmass* 20000
Soul Spear* 40000
Magic Weapon* 3000
Magic Shield * 3000
Soul Arrow 1000
Crystal Soul Spear** 50000
Crystal Magic Weapon** 20000
Homing Crystal Soulmass** 30000
*Only available at Fire link // ,... Only available at Duke's Archives

Big Hat Logan is a sorcerer with an undying thirst for knowledge. He pursues knowledge at ...t area
Once you have freed Logan, leave the
and then come back. This time you 'll
all costs, and often gets himself into trouble during his pursuits. Once he gets into a jam,
you'll have to come to his rescue to see that he can continue on his path. Once you help find Logan in one of the small archive rooms
him out and he moves to Firelink Shrine or The Duke's Archives, he'll sell you Sorceries, but near the exit that leads to the outside (the
only if your Intelligence stat is 15 or higher. same area where you found the key to free
him). When you find him there, speak to
Events him and he'll sell Sorceries to you .

~ You'll first find Logan locked in a cage in Sen's Fortress. The area to find him is one of the ~ Buy all of Logan's Sorceries that he sells
paths that the rolling ball takes. You'll need to turn the mechanism so that it launches the atThe Duke's Archives and kill Seath
ball down onto the path that has the Snakeman enemy lounging against the wall. Once the (order does not matter). Once you have
ball goes down that path, it will hit the Snakeman and break the wall behind him . Now kill bought all of Logan's Sorceries and Seath is
that enemy and go through the hole in the wall to find Logan locked in a cage on your right. dead, talk to Logan once more, and he'll get
You'll need the Cage Key that is found near the end of Sen's Fortress, or you'll need the mad and tell you to leave him alone.
character creation gift item, Master Key to unlock the cage . Once you free him and
complete Sen's Fortress, Logan will move to Firelink Shrine . Leave the area and then come back, and
you'll find Logan has gone, but he left a
. 02 In Firelink Shrine, Logan will be resting on the ground near his apprentice, Griggs of chest containing some items in his place .
Vinheim . While Logan is around, Griggs will not sell any sorceries, so you 'll have to buy Pillage the chest, and then make your way
from Logan if you want any. Once you obtain the Lordvessel and then either talk to Logan back to the room at the beginning ofThe
or simply place it at Firelink Altar, Logan will leave Firelink and go to The Duke's Archives. Duke's Archives where you first fought
Seath and lost. In that room you'll find a
~ At first, Logan will be located in a large cell at the bottom of the jail that you find yourself chest with an ember and also a Hollow
1n after dy1ng dunng your f1rst battle w1th Seath the Scaleless. You'll need to get out of jail Logan sans his clothing. Kill him, and he'll
and then make your way all the way to the end of the archives where the exit to the outside drop some nice items. [40 02]
area is located . There you'll find a key that opens Logan's cell , so backtrack and free him .

Area I HP I Drop Items ICondition To Appear
Ouelaag's Domain 277 Find and enter the chamber of the Daughter of Chaos.

Condition To Receive
Pyromancer Flame Speak to him without a regular Pyromancer Flame in your inventory and he'll offer you one.

This guy is the egg-burdened Pyromancer

and servant of the Daughter of Chaos. He is
located in her chamber in Ouelaag's Domain.
When you first encounter him, he'll ask if
you are a new servant. Say Yes, or he won't
let you into the chamber. If you do acciden-
tally say No, then leave the area and kill a
few enemies, rest at a Bonfire, and after 10
minutes, go back and talk to him again and
he'll ask you again if you are a New Servant,
so make sure to say Yes . After you are in,
talk to him, and if you don't have a regular
Pyromancer Flame, he'll offer you one and
then he'll open shop . [ 40 03]

06 EXTRAS 327
However. he will only offer you the Eingyis' Shop Pyromancy Flame Ascension
Pyromancer Flame after you have placed
the Lordvesse/. Also, he will not offer the
Item I Souls Level I Required Souls
Servant Roster 500 +1 500
Pyromancer flame or sell the majority of his
items until after you have become infected Egg Vermifuge* 1000 +2 1000
with an egg and your head has transformed +3 2000
Poison Mist* 10000
into an egg-burdened mess. Once that hap- Toxic Mist * 25000
+4 3000
pens, approach him and he'll give you an +5 4000
After you have become infected with an egg and your
Egg Vermifuge to cure your head, and then head transforms. +6 5500
he'll start selling the Egg Vermifuge and +7 7000
two new Pyromancy magics. You only have +8 8500
to become infected once; after he starts which it grabs you and the maggot comes +9 10000
selling all of his items, they will always be out of the top and plants an egg in your +10 12000
there from that point on. head. Now leave and wait 4 minutes for the +11 14000
egg to hatch. You'll know you're infected
+12 16000
To become infected, walk out to the Demon when you see your character periodically
+13 19000
Ruins and hit one of the egg-burdened en- scratching his or her head. Besides the few
+14 22000
emies there to have it target and attack you. items he sells, he can also ascend your
+15 25000
Get close, and let it do it's grab attack in Pyromancer Flame to + 15.

Area I HP I Drop Items ICondition To Appear Souls
Defeat the Hydra at the lake. leave. then come back and defeat
Darkroot Basin 276
the Golden Crystal Golem.

Event hems Condition To Receive

Crown of Dusk, Antiquated Dress, After freeing her, use her Summon Sign, and then return to the place where
Antiquated Gloves, Antiquated Skirt you defeated the Golem to find this selection of Armor waiting on the ground.

In the Darkroot Basin, go to the lake and defeat the Hydra there. Once it has been killed,
leave the area and then come back. At the lake where you defeated the Hydra, walk all the
way to the rear of the area and into the cavern in the back to find a Golden Crystal Golem.
Defeat that Golem,
and you'll release
the spirit of Dusk
of Oolacile. Say Yes
when she asks if
she can pass on her
knowledge to you,
then she'll vanish
and leave a summon
mark on the right It em I Souls
hand side of the ...Hidden . ~o~v .. . 2000
lakeshore where you ...C.ast Li! .... . 1000
fought the Hydra . ...R.~P..~ir . 10000
Go to that mark and Chameleon 3000
then Summon her .. Hidde~~eap~" 2000
to open her shop of .. <:J.ola~i l.e.. l~o.ry. ca~~ lyst ..... 1000
Sorcery. [~0 01] Gesture: Proper Bow Free


Area I HP IDrop Items ICondition To Appear ~
l~ -.

Must have a Pyromancy Flame at Level + 10 or ' ;,J
Blighttown, in the swamps 698 Pyromancy: Fire Tempest* higher in inventory, and must visit her in Blighttown
before defeating the Boss at Lost lzalith .
*Can also be gotten by beating the Lost lzalith Boss and then talking to her again .

Condition To R-'ve
Fire Tempest Talk to her, then beat the Boss at Lost lzalith when she asks a favor of you.

Ouelaana can prove a bit tricky to find. The first rule is that you have to find her before you
beat the Boss Bed of Chaos in Lost lzalith . The second rule is that you must have a Pyro-
mancer Flame at Level + 10 or higher. Once you have ascended your flame that high, and
you have not beaten the Boss of Lost lzalith, enter the swamps of Blighttown.
1000 1. )
The best way to do this is to warp to the chamber of the Daughter of Chaos, and from
there, exit Ouelaag's Domain and enter the swamp. From the exit of Ouelaag's Domain,
move forward and slightly left. Ahead you'll see a large stone column. Just behind that
one, and slightly to the left of it is another stone column. You'll find Ouelaana sitting on the Quelaana's Shop
ground at the base of that second column. [ 70 02]
Item I Souls

Once you find her, talk to her and become her pupil, and she'll open her shop of Pyroman- Fire Orb 8000
cy. She sells Pyromancy magic, and can ascend a regular Pyromancy flame. Once you have Great Fireball 20000
ascended your flame to + 15, she can convert that flame to a Ouelaana Pyromancer Flame . Firestorm 30000
Fire Whip 10000
When you convert your + 15 flame to a Ouelaana Flame, you'll notice the name of the
Combustion 500
flame stays the same (Pyromancer Flame) but its description in the inventory menus will
have changed. Once you have this flame, you can go back to Firelink and talk to Laurentius. Great Combustion 5000
Talking to him with that flame in your inventory will cause him to ask you for information Undead Rapport 10000
about the flame. If you say Yes and tell him about it, then he will leave Firelink and go to Fireball 800
the swamps in Blighttown to try and find Ouelaana for himself. Unfortunately, he fails and
becomes a Hollow and will attack you if you came across him in the swamps. If you plan to
Pyromancy Flame Ascension
buy all of Laurentius' Pyromancy Magic, then do so before you get the Ouelaana flame.
l evel I Required Souls
After you have found her and leave the area, make sure to go back and see her again, and +1 500
then talk to her. She'll ask a favor of you, which is to kill her Mother and Sister in Lost +2 1000
lzalith. They are trapped in the Boss Bed of Chaos. Once you defeat the Boss of Lost lzalith,
+3 2000
return to Ouelaana and talk to her, and she'll give you her final Pyromancy: Fire Tempest
+4 3000
If you want to buy all of her Pyromancy magic, then make sure you do it before you beat +5 4000
the Boss of Lost lzalith as she wi ll disappear after she gives you Fire Tempest and you leave +6 5500
the area. +7 7000
+8 8500
+9 10000
+10 12000
+11 14000
+12 16000
+13 19000
+14 22000
+15 25000

Conversion to Quelaana
Pyromancer Flame
l evel I Souls
Initial Conversion 25000
+1 27000
+2 30000
+3 33000
+4 36000
+5 40000

06 EXTRAS 329
Area I HP IDrop Items ICondition To Appear
New Londo Ruins 682 Key to the Seal , None.
Firelink Shrine 682 ... Humanity Beat the Four Kings in The Abyss, then speak with him again.
in New Londo Ruins only, can be gotten by simply talking to h1m w hen you have th e Lordvessel.

Event Items Condition To Receive

Key to the Seal Talk to him .

lngward is a Remedician that you'll find on

lngward's Shop
a rooftop in the New Londo Ruins. You 'll
have to find him in order to get the Key to Item * I
the Seal. It is that key that will allow you to Resist Curse 5000
open the gates leading to The Valley of the offers Service of Break Curse in exch ange for Humanity.
Drakes. Once those gates are open, all of
the water that is flooding New Londo Ruins will drain out, and you'll be able to reach the
lower levels safely, and ultimately reach the final area, The Abyss where the Boss fight with
the Four Kings awaits. It should be noted that before you can enter The Abyss, you 'll need
to defeat the Boss Sif in Darkroot Garden to get the ring Covenant of Astorias which allows
you to traverse the Abyss safely.

Once you beat the Four Kings in The Abyss, make sure to talk to lngward once again. When
you do, he'll tell you he is ready for a change of scenery and will then move to Firelink
Shrine. In either location , he on ly sells the Sorcery: Resist Curse, and he offers the service
to break a curse if you have been afflicted by one. To have him remove the curse will cost
you 1 Humanity. [~0 01]


Area I HP IDrop Items ICondition To Appear
Darkroot Garden 719 Murakumo, Iron Join Alvina's Covenant.
Round Shield, Leave Darkroot Garden after joining Alvina's Covenant
Blighttown, in t he swamps 719 Humanity and then go to the swamps in Bhghnown.

I IDrop Items
Area HP
Darkroot Garden 742
Dark Wood Grain Rmg, Humanity, Souls: 2000
Blighttown, in the swamps 742

Ievent Items Condition To Receive


You 'll first encounter Shiva in the Darkroot

Shiva's Shop in Blighttown
Garden outside of Alvina 's building. To
get him to appear, you must join Alvina 's Item I Souls
Covenant, Forest Hunter. Once you join that Flamberge 10000
Covenant, exit the building and look to your Stone Greatsword 15000
left to see Shiva. Speak with him there,
Demon Great Machete 10000
and he'll give you some general information
about Hunting for Alvina 's Covenant. Now Shotel 10000
leave the area, and go to Blighttown. Uchigatana 5000
Washing Pole 20000
You'll need to be in the lower swamp area to Demon's Greataxe 10000
find Shiva. It's best to w arp to the chamber
Claw 5000
of the Daughter of Chaos, and then exit
Demon 's Spear 15000
Ouelaag's Domain to enter the sw amp .
Once you exit Ouelaag's Domain, go slightly Gesture: Look Skyward Free
left past the first two large stone columns *You must belong to the Forest Hunter Covenant for him
and make your way to the large spinning to appear in Blighttown
wheel structure behind them . You 'll find
Shiva resting against a small wooden wall there [ -;O 02]. Talk to him, and he'll open his
shop for business. You can attack Shiva if you like, but be warned he has a Ninja Bodyguard
with him at all times . The Ninja is hard to see since he uses the Ring of Fog to make himself
transparent and nearly invisible . If you attack Shi va, then the Ninja w ill attack you . When in
the swamps of Blighttown, the Ninja is hiding behind the wall that Shiva is resting against.


Area I HP IDrop Items ICondition To Appear
Catacombs 821 Go to the Catacombs before Rhea, Nico, and Vince leave Firelink Shrine.

Tomb of the Giants 821 Beat Pinwheel in the Catacombs and then enter the Tomb of the Giants .
.... Crescent Axe,
Humanity Talk to him and say No, you are not a Cleric. Then speak to him after he
Firelink Shrine 821 pushes you off the cliff in Tomb of the Giants and tell him No you are not
friends . Finally, complete the Tomb of the Giants.

Eventltema Condition To ~
Humanity Talk in the Catacombs after his bridge trap and say Yes.
Twin Humanity Talk in the Tomb of the Giants after he pushes you over the cliff and say No.

Patches is deceitful and dangerous person when you first meet. him, but you
can straighten him out and turn him into an honest business man. It'll take a
little effort on your part, but it's worth it in the end.

~ This event is optional, so you don't have to talk to him if you don't want to. When you Patches Shop
enter the Catacombs while Rhea, Nico, and Vince are still in Fire! ink Shrine, you'll first
find Patches at the bridge switch near the Bonfire that is hidden behind the breakable wall. Item I Souls

Climb up and talk to him. He'll first ask you if you are a Cleric, and you must say No even if
you are one. He will only open his shop later in Firelink Shrine if you say No. After talking to Divine Blessing 20000
him, try to cross the bridge. When you do, he'll trigger the switch and make the bridge Prism Stone 10
rotate in an effort to drop you off onto the chasm below. To avoid this, sprint across the Humanity 10000
bridge, and you'll make it to safety easily.
Twin Humanities 20000

Once across the bridge, make your way back to Patches and talk to him again. He'll ask if Heal 5000
the bridge incident caused you any trouble. Say Yes it did, and he'll apologize and give you Great Heal Excerpt 10000
1 Humanity. Now move on to the Tomb of the Giants. Crescent Axe 10000
Mace 3000
To trigger Patches appearance in the Catacombs, you must leave Rhea, Nico, and Vince
Canvas Talisman 1000
alone so that they stay in Fire/ink Shrine. That is, do not talk to them, and they'll stay put
so that you can find Patches. ThorolundTalisman 5000
Mask of the Father 8000
~ In the Tomb of the Giants, after you get past the coffin slides, you'll find Patches off to Mask of the Mother 8000
the right of the last slide. If you didn't talk to him in the Catacombs, then he will ask you Mask of the Child 8000
if you are a Cleric. Again, you must say No, or he'll never open his Shop in Fire/ink Shrine.
Cleric Helm 5000
Patches doesn't like Clerics at all. After that, he'll have you look over the cliff at some
treasure down below. When you go to look, he'll push you over the cliff into the pit below. ClericAnmor 7000
[~003] Cleric Gauntlets 5000
Cleric leggings 5000
Once you are in the pit, grab the Skull Lantern from one of the Corpses, and then make Gesture: Prostration Free
your way back up to Patches and talk to him again. He'll be surprised to see you and will
ask if you are still Jolly Good Undeads and friends. Say No here, and he'll try to make it up
to you by giving you a Twin Humanity. Answering this question is the required part, and ~ When you have completed the Tomb of
now that you have answered his final question, he'll show up in Firelink Shrine. Now move the Giants, go back to Fire/ink Shrine, and
one and finish the Tomb of the Giants. you'll find Patches in the small area to the left
of where Frampt is located. Go there and talk
to him, and he'll open his shop. Also, speak
about several of the other NPCs.

06 EXTRAS 331
Area I HP I Drop Items I Condition To Appear
Sen's Fortress 878 None.


You'll find this Merchant in Sen's Fortress, near the end of the area. When you come to the
catwalks that are broken near the Giant that is dropping boulders down into the hole of the
mechanism, you are close. What you need to do is getting a running start and then jump
over the break in the catwalk and then make your way forward to the small tower ahead. In
the room of that tower is where you'll find the Crestfallen Merchant. Incidentally, if you take
the stairs in that room down to the next area below, you can also find the key that opens
Big Hat Logan's cage. [~0 01]

Crestfallen Merchant's Shop

Item I Souls Item I Souls
Black Firebomb 500 Sniper Bolt
...... ..................... ..
Green Blossom 1000 Catarina Helm 10000
Titanite Shard (+5) 1000 Catarina Armor 10000
Large Titanite Shard (+10) 4000 Catarina Gauntlet 7000
Catarina Leggings
.............. 7000
Green Titanite Shard 5000
Steel Helm 5000
Greatsword 8000
Steel Armor 8000
Greataxe 8000
Steel Gauntlet 5000
Balder Shield 4000
Steel Leggings
................................. 5000
Tower Shield 8000
Balder Helm 5000
Standard Arrow 10 Balder Armor 8000
Large Arrow 50 Balder Gauntlets 5000
Feather Arrow 100 Balder Leggings 5000
. . . ...................
Standard Bolt 30 Thunder Stoneplate Ring 15000
Heavy Bolt 100 Spell Stoneplate Ring 15000

Area I HP I Drop Items ICondition To Appear
The Depths 767 None.
Firelink Shrine 767 Complete the Depths and leave the area.

Sells various Boss Armor Beat specific Bosses then purchase from his shop.

Domnhall of Zena is a merchant that first appears in the Depths just outside the door that
leads to Blighttown. His armor gives him the look of a court jester, and he's located on the
right side of the area. Talk to him, and he'll open his shop for you. The interesting thing about
his shop is that he updates his armor selection once you beat certain bosses, so check back
with him often.

Fortunately, after you complete the Depths and leave that area, he'll move to Firelink Shrine.
In Firelink Shrine, he's located under the bridge area that leads to the Undead Burg. You'll
have to do a running jump to get onto that area and then walk carefully to avoid falling off,
but it's worth the effort. [ ~o 02]

It should be noted that he will sell either Ornstein's or Smough's armor once you beat them
in Anor Londo. However, he only sells the armor of the enemy that you beat last in that
fight. If you want to acquire both, you'll have to play through the game a second time on a
New Game + and beat a different one of them last in that fight.


Domnhall's Shop
Item I Souls Item I Souls Item I Souls
Gold Pine Resin 1000 New Game+ only, Beat Gwyn, Lord of Cinder Ornstein's Gauntlet 6000
Bottom less Box 1000 Crown of the Great Lord 20000 Ornstein 's Leggings 6000
Crystal Straight Sword 4000 Robe of the Great Lord 20000 Beat Smough Last in Anor Londo
Crystal Greatsword 6000 Bracelet of the Great Lord 20000 Smough's Helm 6000
Crystal Shield 4000 Anklet of the Great Lord 20000 Smough's Armor 7000
Gesture: Joy Free Beat Iron Golem in Sen's Fortress Smough's Gauntlet 5000
Domhall's Armor Golem Helm 5000 Smough's Leggings 5000
Helm of the Wise 12000 GolemArmor 7000 Beat Gwyndolin in A nor Londo
Armor of the Glorious 15000 Golem Gauntlet 5000 Crown of the Dark Sun 10000
Gauntlets of the Vanquisher 10000 Golem Legging s 5000 Moonlight Robe 10000
.. . ....
Boots of the Explorer 10000 Beat Ornstein Last in Anor Londo Moonlight Gloves 10000
.... ... .....
Ornstein's Helm 7000 MoonlightWaistcloth 10000
Ornstein's Ann or 8000


Area I HP I Drop Items I Condition To Appear
Undead Asylum Invincible None.

Event Items Condition To Re.lve


In the Undead Asylum, as you are leaving the area and heading towards the big bird nest
at the point of the cliff ahead, look to your right and you'll see another nest at the edge of Rules of Item Conversion

the cliff. Walk over to that nest. and an invisible NPC known as Hawk Girl (aka Sparkly for Only certain items will be converted.
If you drop an 1tem that is not accepted and leave,
those of you that played the first game, Demon's Souls) will speak to you. This NPC offers
that item will be discarded and lost.
a unique service in that she will convert one item to another.
Only one acceptable item at a time.
If you drop a quant1ty of more than one item, only one
Once you leave the Undead Asylum, you'll have to get back in order to work with Hawk will be converted, and the excess will be discarded
Girl. To get back to the Undead Asylum, start in Firelink Shrine. At the start of a new game and lost.
you must first go to the Undead Parish and then activate the elevators in the church that Only one type of acceptable item at a time. If you
travel to and from Firelink Shrine. When you have the elevators running, ride one of them drop two different acceptable 1tems, only the first item
and watch the wall on the Firelink Side of the area as the elevator rises or lowers. dropped will be converted, and the second item w1ll be
discarded and lost.

You'll soon come to a large hole and you'll see a small broken ledge before you. Jump off Only one conversion per item. Once an item has been
converted, more of the same item will not be accepted.
the elevator onto the ledge. After you are on the ledge, stay to the right and make your If you leave an unaccepted prev1ously converted item, it
way over to the small cliff area to the right. When you are on the cliff area, you'll need to will be discarded and lost.
do a running jump to land on the column that is attached to the tower ahead. Land on that
column, and then walk up it to the ledge above. You'll have to do a roll or two to get over
some humps as you move up. [ ~o 03] Once you are on the ledge above, follow the
stairs up to the next ledge and then around
to the large bird nest there. Step into the
bird nest and then press the Action button
to curl up into a ball. After you are curled up
into a ball, wait for 30 seconds, and then
the giant crow will pick you up and take you
back to the Undead Asylum.

To get the conversion to work, stand in

the Hawk Girl's nest and then use your
Inventory Menus to Drop the item. Please
note that you can not drop items that are
equipped to your Use menu option. So if
you mean to drop an item, you must un-
equip it first if it has been equipped.

By choosing drop from the menus, the item

will fall at your feet and will land in the nest.
If the item is acceptable, then Hawk Girl will
say nothing. If the item is not acceptable,
then Hawk Grrl wr ll complain. If that hap-
pens, pick up the item and try again with a
different item. [ ~o 04]

06 EXTRAS 333
Acceptable Items for Conversion
Item / Conversion
Cracked Red Eye Orb Purging Stone (x2)
Blood red Moss Clump Twinkling Titanite
. ........... . .............. .
Purple Moss Clump Twinkling Titanite
Blooming Purple Moss
Twinkling Titanite (x2)
Egg Vennifuge Dragon Scale
Dung Pie Demon Titanite
Humanity Ring of Sacrifice
Prism Stone Demon Titanite
Sunlight Medal White Titanite Chunk
Pendant Souvenir of Reprisal
Rubbish Titanite Chunk
Dried Finger Blue Titanite Chunk

Pyromancy Flame Red Titanite Chunk

Pyromancy Flame Red Titanite Slab

Once you have dropped an acceptable item, you need to leave the area or die and reload. If Sunlight Maggot Old Witch's Ring
you chose to leave, it will require a bit of work. You'll first have to go back to Firelink Shrine. Xanthous Crown Ring of Favor and Protection
Then you'll have to either progress further to another area like the Undead Burg so that ....... ......................... ..
Sack Demon's Great Hammer
the new area loads, or you'll need to defeat one of the enemies in the area leading to the
Ring of the Sun Princess Divine Blessing (x2)
Undead Burg . Defeating an enemy in combat in Firelink Shrine, or going to another area
past Firelink Shrine will trigger the conversion. Now you have to make your way back to the
Undead Asylum.
Alternatively, there is an even easier way to
Since it takes a bit of work to reach the nest in Firelink Shrine, an easier alternative is to stay convert your items. Simply drop an accept-
in the Undead Asylum and simply die and reload. To do so, first rest at the first Bonfire in the able item into the nest. Then quit your game
building. Now, exit the building and kill the Undead for some easy souls. After you kill them, go via the menus. The game will save upon
drop an acceptable item. With that done, simply step off the cliff there and die. You will then quitting, then you simply reload the game,
reload at the Bonfire in the building. Now all you need do is kill the Undead again, then go back and your item will have been converted and
to the nest to reclaim your Souls and Humanity as well as your newly converted item . is ready for pickup. [-tO 01]


Throughout the game you'll find glowing glyph-like symbols on the so that you can both march headlong into battle. When aided by an
ground known as Summon Signs. These signs allow you to Sum- NPC, friendly fire is turned off, meaning you can't hit them with your
mon a friendly NPC to aid you in combat in an upcoming Boss fight. attacks, and they can't hit you -so cut lose with everything you have
When you see one of these signs, you'll know a Boss fight is just and annihilate those Bosses!
around the corner, so prepare yourself, and then summon your ally



Area I Boss Fight I Cond1tion

Sen's Fortress Iron Golem None .

Just before the Iron Golem fight at the end of Sen's Fortress, face the white light that leads
to the Boss fight. Now turn to your right and then go right and out the door and across the
bridge to the tower ahead. Enter the small room, and look to your left to see the Summon
Sign on the floor in plain view. [-70 02]



Area IBoss Fight ICondition

Darkroot Garden Moonlight Butterfly None .
. . ....... ............................. . .............. .

The Abyss Four Kings Summon her for the Moonlight Butterfly Boss fight.

For the Moonlight Butterfly fight, enter the small building that leads up to the fight area.
In the very first room, straight ahead from the door, you'll see some bushes. Destroy the
bushes to reveal the Summon Sign. [ -70 03]

For the fight in The Abyss, you must first have Summoned her for the Moonlight Butterfly
fight in Darkroot Garden. If you have done so, you'll find her Summon Sign just before the
narrow bridge that leads to the tower that drops you down into The Abyss. Specifically, her
sign is behind the large column to the right of the bridge. 09_054


In Blighttown, just as you are about to enter Ouelaag's Domain, Maneater Mildred will
invade. Defeat her, and her Summon Sign will appear right outside the door just before
the white light that leads to the Boss fight with Ouelaag. [-+0 04]

06 EXTRAS 335

Area IBoss Fight ICondition In the Undead Parish, you'll find his Sum-
Undead Parish mon Sign right outside the door with the
The Depths Gaping Dragon None. white light that leads to the Bell Gargoyle
fight. In the Depths, you'll find his Summon
An or Londo ... .. Drago~ . Siayer()rnstein & Execu.ti.?ner .?mo~gh . . None.
Sign near the second flight of stairs that
Demon Ruin s . Centip~de.. Denlo.~ . Speak wi th hirT1 at the Altar. .
leads down to the door and white light of
Kiln of the First Flame Gwyn, Lord of Cinder Save him in Lost lzalith. the Gaping Dragon fight. In Anor Londo, his
Summon Sign is located in the large room
prior to the Boss fight. Specifically, it is at
the top of the stairs on the right side of the
room, just below where the Archer Knight
is positioned. [ ~ o 01]

In Demon Ruins, you must have completed

event #3 for Solaire, and then you'll find
his Summon Sign outside the door and the
white light that leads to the Centipede Boss
fight. It is located on the left side of the path
near the tree roots found just before the
door. Please refer to Solaire's entry found
earlier in this chapter for more information .

In Kiln of the First Flame, you must have

successfully completed Solaire's entire path
through the game. If you have done so,
then his Summon Sign will be on your left
just as you reach the final spiral staircase
that leads to the final Boss fight. Please
refer to Solaire's entry found earlier in this
chapter for more information.

Area I Boss Fight I Condition
Catacombs Pinwheel None.

Leeroy's Summon Sign is located on the second highest raised area on your right as you
approach the doorway and white light that leads to the Pinwheel fight. The only way to
reach it, is to fall down onto that ledge from the ledge above one level up in the Cata-
combs. You'll need high HP or the Sorcery: Fall Control to do this safely. [ ~o 02]




Area IBoss Fight ICondition

In the Undead Parish, just before the Boss Fight with the Bell Gargoyles, you can find a
hidden cell where Knight Lautrec of Carim is locked up . To find it, make your way upstairs
where the Channeler is located, then take the stairs on the right up to a breakable wall.
Break through that wall and then use the stairs in the next room to reach the cell. You will
need either the Master Key (default item for Thieves, or a Character Creation Gift Item) or
the Mystery Key found in the Undead Burg to open his cell and free him .

Once he is free, make your w ay back to Firelink Shrine and talk to him. He w ill reward you with a
Sunlight Medal, and then he will be available as a Summons for two Boss fights . You must talk to
him, or his Summon Sign will not appear. When you are ready, return to Undead Parish and make
your way to the Bell Gargoyles. Just before reaching the white light that covers the door to their
area, you will find two ladders. Take the first ladder up and then stop. Now turn from the ladder
180 degrees and look behind you . Across the gap is a small ledge, and Lautrec's Summon Sign is
over there on the floor. Use the ledge on the right side of the room to reach it. [ ~o 03]

In The Depths, make your way down to the Gaping Dragon fight, at the last set of stairs you
will find a Summon Sign for Solaire. It is in front of a large column. Go around that column
and look behind it to find Lautrec's Summon Sign . And again, you must have spoken with
him in Firelink Shrine to get this sign to appear [~0 04] . A big plus to being able to sum- I .

mon Lautrec is that you can also Summon Solaire as usual. This means you will have two [!] .
09_0 56
Summoned NPCs to help you in these Boss fights.

In a few places in the game, you will be invaded by hostile NPCs that When facing an Invader, it's best to try and isolate them from other
are looking for a fight. These invasions simulate in offline play what surrounding enemies so that you can concentrate fully on the
a real invasion in MP play is like. Think of these invasions as tutorials invader. Emerge successfully from the encounter, and you'll claim
of a sort for what you'll face when you go online with your gameplay. possible Item Drops and some Humanity for your troubles.
When an invasion occurs, a message will appear onscreen announc-
ing the name of the NPC that is invading. Once they arrive, they will
shine brightly with a red glow. and they will attack you mercilessly.


Area I HP IDrop Items

Butcher Knife,
Blighttown, In the swamps below. j ust outside Quelaag's Domain 742 Human1ty

In Blighttown, just as you are about to enter Ouelaag 's Domain, Maneater Mildred will
invade . As an Invader, Mildred can't enter Ouelaag's Domain, so lure her to the entrance
and then stay inside the tunnel where she can't reach you . You can then attack her relatively
safely with long range attacks like Magic, Bows, thrusting weapons, etc . [ -70 05]


Area I HP IDrop Items

Tomb of the Giants, Near area that was previou sly sealed by Grant, Sanctu s,
the golden light 71 9

IEvent Items Condition To Receive

Paladin's Helm, Paladin's Armor, Paladin's After defeating Leeroy, return to Gravelord Nito's chamber to find
Gauntlets, Paladin's leggings this armor set on a corpse.

After you have placed the Lordvessel, the golden seal in the Tomb of the Giants will open.
Just as you go through that opening, Lee roy will invade and attack you. [ ~o 06]

06 EXTRAS 337
Area I HP IDrop Items Souls
The Depths, Bottom of the sewers 682 Barbed Straight Sword
Demon Ruins, After defeating the Boss Ceaseless Discharge 719 Spiked Shield
Lost lzalith, Outside the doorway of the Boss Bed of Chaos 719 Humanity

Condition To Receive
Helm ofThoms, Annor of Thoms, Defeat Kirk tn all three possible locations he can appear, and then go to the
Gauntlets ofThoms, Leggings ofThoms chamber of the Daughter of Chaos to find this armor on a corpse.

In the Depths, once you fall down the water slide to the lowest levels, push forward to fight
some rat enemies, and Kirk will show up in that area. In Demon Ruins, defeat Ceaseless
Discharge, and then make your way down to the cooled lava, and push forward to the next
area. As you are walking down the stairs on the side of the cliff, Kirk will invade. It should be
noted that Kirk will not appear here until after you have placed the Lordvessel .

In Lost lzalith, just outside the doorway and the white light that leads to the Boss fight with
Bed of Chaos, you'll be invaded by Kirk [-+ 01]. Once you have beaten Kirk all three times,
go to the chamber of the Daughter of Chaos in Ouelaag's Domain, and you'll find his corpse
at the back of the chamber. Pillage his corpse to get his thorn armor. [ ...J 02]


Area I HP IDrop Items
Notched Whip, Souls
Painted World of Ariamis, In the snow field just beyond the central plaza. 719
Humanity Variable

(Event Items Condition To Receive

Yellow Crown, Yellow Overcoat, Ftrst you have to defeat both Jeremiah, and Priscilla the Halfbreed, and tf you then
Yellow Gloves, YellowWaistcloth return to the room where you fought Pnsctlla, you wtll find this Armor on a corpse.

In the Painted World, make your way for-

ward to the central plaza where the rotating
statue is located. From that plaza, enter the
unlevel snowfield area where you'll find sev-
eral empty containment cells. Walk toward
the back of that area, and King Jeremiah will
invade and attack you. ~' 03


There are four Blacksmiths to be found in the game. Each offers some of the same basic ser-
vices, and each also specializes in equipment modifications. You'll want to visit Blacksmiths to
repair your armor and weapons as well as to reinforce and modify them.

Each Blacksmith can develop new abilities if you supply them with special embers that you'll
find scattered throughout the game word. With the right embers, starting weapon, and rein-
forcement material, these Blacksmiths can create special and powerful weapons that can't be
obtained anywhere else. For more details on weapons and modifications, please refer to the
Weapons & Equipment Chapter of this guide.

Area I HP IDrop Items
Crest of Artorias *,
Undead Parish 1065
Blacksmith Hammer
Andre sells th1s item for 20000 souls.

You'll find Andre in the Undead Parish. Spe-

cifically, he's in the building across from the Default Raw
church. That is the building that also houses the
large Ember Normal +10
entrance to Sen's Fortress and Darkroot Garden.
He's located on the bottom floor below the Bon- Very large Ember Normal +15

fire. Andre has a shop that he'll sell items from, Divine Ember
- -- -- - -- Divine
as well as his regular blacksmithing duties. By large Divine Ember
giving Andre certain Embers, you can increase
Dar!< Ember Occult
his abilities of reinforcement. [ ~o 04]

A ndre's Shop
Item J Souls Item I Souls
Titanite Shard 800 Battle Axe 1000
Crest of Artorias 20000 Warpick 800
Weapon Smithbox 2000 Caestus 200
Armor Smithbox 2000 Pike 2000
Repairbox 2000 large leather Shield 800
Longsword 1000 Tower Kite Shield 1000
Broadsword 1000 Caduceus Kite Shield 1000
Bastard Sword 3000 Gesture: Hurrah ! Free


Area I HP IDrop Items 1oOo

Hammer of Vamos,
Catacombs 943
Royal Helm

Vamos is a large skeleton Blacksmith that Required Embers Relnfonlement Path

can be found at the very bottom of the Large Flame Ember F1re
spiral staircase drop in the Catacombs. It's
a bit tricky jumping from ledge to ledge to
make it down that shaft, so you may want
to get the Sorcery: Fall Control from Griggs
in Firelink Shrine before you try it. Vamos is
a no-nonsense kind of Blacksmith and only
concentrates on his work, so he doesn't
have a shop to sell items. [ ~o 05)

06 EXTRAS 339

Rickert's Shop
Item I Souls
...~~-~-~Y. - ~~.':1-~ ~!!.?.~ 4000
Sou lArrow 2000
Sorcerer's Cat alyst 500

Required Embers Reinforcement Path

Large Magic Ember Magic
Enchanted Ember Enchanted

You can find Rickert at the start of New Londo Ruins. To get there, go down the path in
Firelink Shrine that is just past Anastacia the Fire Keeper's cave. Follow the stairs down to
an elevator and then use it to reach New Londo. Get off the elevator and exit the building.
When you are out of the bui lding, go to your right to find a narrow path of stairs leading
down alongside the cliff face . Be careful as the path ends abruptly at the end and you could
fall off the path to your doom. Once you reach the bottom of the path, look left and through
the iron bars into the cell and you'll see Rickert. Talk to him to get the ball rolling . Besides
smithing, Rickert also has a small shop from w hich he'll sell you Sorcery items . [-tO 01]

Area I HP IDrop Items
New Londo Ruins 659 Blacksmith Giant Hammer

This Blacksmith is a giant, literally. He can Required Embers ReinfoRement Path

be found in Anor Londo in the main building Default Ability Lighting
where Princess Gwynevere is located. To Crystal Ember Crystal
get to him, make your way to the room just
before the Boss fight with Ornstein and
Smough. Now use the stairs on the right where the archer is to find a doorway way that
leads to a set of stairs. Follow those stairs down to the area below to reach th is Blacksmith .
Like Andre of Astora, this Blacksmith also has a shop from w hich he'll sell you items .

You'll notice there is a chest in the corner on the other side of the Blacksmith here . You can
kill the Blacksmith to open the chest, but it's better to sneak around behind him and open it
w ithout disturbing him. This w ill ensure that yo u can continue to make use of his services
later on. Inside that chest is a Haw k Ring w hich extends the range of your bow. [ ~o 02)

The Giant's Shop

Item I Souls
Giant's Halberd 5000
Giant Shield 10000
Moonlight Arrow 500
Dragonslayer Arrow 500
Lightning Bolt 700
Giant Helm 6000
Giant Armor 8000
Giant Gauntlets 6000
Giant Leggings 6000


As with the enemies, there is so much data to digest that we've complied at all in one place
here for easy reference. You can find all NPCs in alphabetical order on these pages with their
basic stats, item drops, defense va lues and equipment listed in detail.

Physical Defense

location (appearance)

Darkroot Garden 1000 203 203 203 203 172 122 153 c c c
Right Weapon : - Left Weapon : - Annor: - Ring: - Magic: - Drop Item : -
Anastacia of Astora Firelink Shrine
Right Weapon :- Left Weapon :- Armor:- Ring: - Magic:- Drop Item : -
Andre of Astora Undead Parish 1065 1000 110 83 110 110 83 77 83 D D D
Right Weapon: - Left Weapon : - Armor: - Ring: - Magic: - Drop Item:-

Location (appearance)

Darkroot Garden 908 1000 272 272 286 257 237 210 227 B B 8
Right Weapon : Battle Axe+ 13 Left Weapon: Spider Shield + 13 Ann or: Brigand Hood + 10, Brigand Armor+ 10, Brigand Gauntlets + 10, Brigand Trousers + 10 Ring :-
Magic:- Drop Item: nothing
Big Hat Logan Sen's Fortress (1 stl 719 1000 239 246 250 237 275 191 229 B B B
Right Weapon : Logan's Catalyst, Scimitar+ 10 Left Weapon: Small Leather Shield+ 10 Annor: Big Hat +5, Sage Robe +5, Traveling Gloves +8, Traveling Boots +8 Ring: -
Magic: Great Soul Arrow, Great Heavy Soul Arrow, Homing Soul mass, Soul Spear Drop Item : none
Big Hat Logan The Dukes Archives (2nd & 3rd) 719 1000 268 275 280 266 307 218 255 B B B
Right Weapon: Logan's Catalyst, Scimitar+ 14 Left Weapon: Small Leather Shield+ 14 Annor: Big Hat +5, Sage Robe +5, Traveling Gloves+ 10, Traveling Boots+ 10
Ring: - Magic: Great Soul Arrow, Great Heavy Soul Arrow, Homing Crystal Soulmass, Crystal Soul Spear Drop Item: Big HaVTin Crystallization Ctlyst./White Dragon Breath
Big Hat Logan (Hollow) The Duke's Archives (4th) 719 1000 146 148 148 144 186 134 152 D D D
Right Weapon : Tin Crystallization Ctlyst., Scim1tar + 14 Left Weapon: Small Leather Shield+ 14 Annor: Big Hat +5 Ring: - Magic: Great Soul Arrow, Great Heavy Soul
Arrow, Homing Crystal Soulmass, Crystal Soul Spear, White Dragon Breath Drop Item : Big HaVTin Crystallization Ctlyst./White Dragon Breath

Location (appearance)

Darkroot Garden 767 2000 220 220 238 220 238 182 204 c c c
Right Weapon: Mace+ 12, Canvas Talisman Left Weapon : East~West Shield+ 12 Annor: Holy Robe+ 10, Traveling Gloves+ 10, Holy Trousers+ 10 Ring:- Magic: Soothing
Sunlight Drop Item : nothing
Crestfallen Merchant Sen's Fortress 878 1000 334 366 321 334 208 226 177 c c B
Right Weapon: Greatsword +10 Left Weapon : Tower Shield +10 Annor: Steel Helm +8, Steel Armor +8, Steel Gauntlets +8, Steel Leggings +8 Ring: Havel 's Ring
Magic:- Drop Item: none
Crestfallen Warrior Firelink Shrine 793 1000 227 250 227 224 170 193 141 c c B
Right Weapon: Longsword + 10 Left Weapon: Heater Shield + 10 Ann or: Chain Armor +8, Leather Gauntlets +8, Chain Leggings +8 Ring: - Magic: - Drop Item : none

Location (appearance)

The Abyss 24464 364 364 364 364 273 255 273 s s s
Right Weapon:- Left Weapon:- Annor:- Ring : - Magic: - Drop Item: -
Daughter of Chaos Ouelaag's Domain 270 5000 139 139 139 139 103 277 110 s s c
Right Weapon:- Left Weapon:- Annor: - Ring: - Magic: - Drop Item : Fire Keeper Soul
Domnhall of Zena The Depths 767 1000 199 212 194 199 164 174 157 c c c
Right Weapon: Crystal Straight Sword, Crystal Greatsword Left Weapon: Crystal Shield +5 Ann or: Helm of the W1se, Armor of the Glorious, Gauntlets of the Vanquisher,
Boots of the Explorer Ring: - Magic: - Drop Item : none
Dusk of Oolacille Darkroot Basin (at the lake) 276 1000 89 89 89 89 101 49 116 D D C
Right Weapon :- Left Weapon :- Armor: Crown of Dusk, Antiquated Dress, Antiquated Gloves, Antiquated Skirt Ring: Dusk Crown Ring Magic: - Drop Item : none

Location (appearance)

Ouelaag's Domain 277 0 150 112 150 150 112 150 112 c c c
Right Weapon:- Left Weapon: - Annor:- Ring : - M agic:- Drop Item: -

Location (appearance)

Anor Land 1812 3000 210 210 210 210 130 117 158 D D D
Right Weapon: - Left Weapon: - Annor:- Ring: - Magic: - Drop Item:-
Griggs of Vinheim Undead Burg (1st) 659 1000 136 140 137 136 180 164 162 B B B
Right Weapon: Sorcerer's Catalyst, Mail Breaker +6 Left Weapon: Small Leather Shield +6 Annor: Black Sorcerer Hat +4, Black Sorcerer Cloak +4, Black Sorcerer Gauntlets
+4, Black Sorcerer Boots +4 Ring : - Magic: Soul Arrow, Heavy Soul Arrow Drop Item : Hush/Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring/Humanity
Griggs of Vinheim (Hollow) Sen's Fortress 13rd) 659 1000 178 184 182 178 242 217 215 B B B
Right Weapon : Sorcerer's Catalyst, Mail Breaker+ 10 Left Weapon: Small Leather Shield+ 10 Annor: Black Sorcerer Hat +8, Black Sorcerer Cloak +8, Black Sorcerer
Gauntlets +8, Black Sorcerer Boots +8 Ring: Slumbenng Dragoncrest Ring Magic: Soul Arrow, Heavy Soul Arrow Drop Item : Hush/Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring/Humanity
Gwynevere Anor Londo 0 135 135 135 135 101 96 101 s s s
Right Weapon :- Left Weapon : - Annor: - Ring:- Magic:- Drop Item: -

06 EXTRAS 341
location (appearance)

Darkroot Basin (tower to Undead Burg) 1034 3000 371 406 335 371 284 297 257 c c A
Right Weapon: Dragon Tooth +5 Left Weapon : Havel's Greatshield +5 Armo r: Havel's Helm, Havel's Armor, Havel's Gauntlets, Havel 's Leggings Ring : Havel's Ring
Magic: - Drop Item: Havel's Ring

location (appearance)

Firelink Shrine (2nd) 682 1000 199 199 210 199 193 153 170 c c c
Right Weapon: Tin Banishment Catalyst Left Weapon: Ghost Blade +5 Armor: Mask of the Sealer +4, Crimson Robe +4, Crimson Gloves +4, Crimson Waistcloth +4
Ring: - Mag ic: Heavy Soul Arrow, Great Heavy Soul Arrow, Remedy Drop Item : Humanity
lngward New Londo Ruins (1st) 682 1000 199 199 210 199 193 153 170 c c c
Right Weapon: Tin Banishment Catalyst Left Weapon : Ghost Blade +5 Armor: Mask of the Sealer +4, Crimson Robe +4, Crimson Gloves +4, Crimson Waistcloth +4
Ring: - Magic: Heavy Soul Arrow, Great Heavy Soul Arrow, Remedy Drop Item: Key to the Seal/Humanity
lzalith's Daughter Lost lzalith 698 5000 242 242 249 242 262 924 224 B
Right Weapon : Pyromancy Flame +5 Left Weapon:- Armor: Gold-Hemmed Black Hood, Gold-Hemmed Black Cloak, Gold-Hemmed Black Gloves, Gold-Hemmed Black Skirt
Ring:- Magic: Great Chaos Fireball, Chaos Storm, Chaos Fire Whip Drop Item : lzalith Catalyst

Location (appearance)

Flfelink Shrine
Right Weapon: - Left Weapon:- Armor: - Ring:- Magic: - Drop Item:-
Knight (Forest Protectors) Darkroot Garden 849 3000 328 361 318 324 233 259 192 c c B
Right Weapon : Claymore +12 Left Weapon: Knight Shield+ 12 Armor: Knight Helm+ 10, Knight Armor+ 10, Knight Gauntlets+ 10, Knight Leggings+ 10 Ring : Ring of Fog
Magic: - Drop Item: nothing
Knight Lautrec of Carim Firelink Shrine (2nd) 862 1000 256 282 248 256 166 196 155 c c c
Right Weapon: Shotel +6 Left Weapon: Shotel +6, Parrying Dagger +6 Armor: Helm of Favor +4, Embraced Armor of Favor +4, Gauntlets of Favor +4, Leggings of Favor +4
Ring: Ring of Favor and Protection Magic: Red Tears tone Ring Drop Item : Ring of Favor and Protection/Humanity
Knight Lautrec of Carim Undead Parish (1st) 862 1000 256 282 248 256 166 196 155 C C C
Right Weapon : Shotel +6 Left Weapon : Shotel +6, Parrying Dagger +6 Armor: Helm of Favor +4, Embraced Armor of Favor +4, Gauntlets of Favor +4, Leggings of Favor +4
Ring : Ring of Favor and Protection Magic:- Drop Item : Ring of Favor and Protection/Humanity
Knight Lautrec of Carim Anor Londo (3rd) 985 0 303 331 294 303 207 236 194 B B B
Right Weapon: Shotel + 12 Left Weapon : Shotel + 12, Parrying Dagger +12 Armor: Helm of Favor +5, Embraced Armor of Favor +5, Gauntlets of Favor +5, Leggings of Favor
+5 Ring: Ring of Favor and Protection Magic: - Drop Item : Ring of Favor and Protection/Humanity
Knight of Astora, Oscar Undead Asylum 100 160 184 155 160 99 104 69 E E
Right Weapon: Astora's Straight Sword +8 Left Weapon: Crest Shield +5 Armor: Elite Knight Helm +6, Elite Knight Armor +6, Elite Knight Gauntlets +6, Elite Knight
Leggings +6 Ring:- Magic:- Drop Item : Undead Asylum F2 East Key/Estus Flask/Big Pilgrim's Key
Knight of Astora, Oscar (Hollow) Undead Asylum 793 1000 248 272 248 248 186 193 155 C C C
Right Weapon: Astora's Straight Sword +8 Left Weapon: Crest Shield +5 Armor: Elite Knight Helm +6. Elite Knight Armor +6, Elite Kmght Gauntlets +6, Elite Knight
Leggings +6 Ring :- Magic: - Drop Item : Crest Shield
Knight of Thorns, Kirk The Depths (1st) 682 0 195 205 189 195 142 161 135 D D B
Right Weapon: Barbed Straight Sword +6 Left Weapon : Spiked Shield +6 Armor: Helm alThorns, Armor ofThorns, Gauntlets ofThorns, Leggings ofThorns Ring: -
Magic:- Drop Item : Barbed Straight Sword/Spiked Shield
Knight of Thorns, Kirk Demon Ruins (2nd) 719 0 305 321 296 305 231 253 212 c c B
Right Weapon: Barbed Straight Sword+ 15 Left Weapon: Spiked Shield+ 15 Armor: Helm ofThorns +5, Armor alThorns +5, Gauntlets ofThorns +5, Leggmgs of Thorns +5
Ring : - Magic: - Drop Item: Barbed Straight Sword/Spiked Shield
Knight of Thorns, Kirk Lost lzalith (3rd) 719 0 305 321 296 305 231 253 212 A A B
Right Weapon: Barbed Straight Sword + 15 Left Weapon : Spiked Shield + 15 Armor: Helm alThorns +5, Armor ofThorns +5, Gauntlets ofThorns +5, Leggings ofThorns +5
Ring:- Magic: - Drop Item : Barbed Straight Sword/Spiked Shield

location {appP.arance)

Anor Londo 719 1000 269 288 263 269 231 215 217 c c B
Right Weapon : Estoc +12 Left Weapon : Parrying Dagger +12, DarkmoonTalisman Armor: Brass Helm +5, Brass Armor +5, Brass Gauntlets +5, Brass Leggings +5
Ring :- Magic: Darkmoon Blade Drop Item : Fire Keeper Soul
Laurentius of the Great Swamp Firelink Shrine (2nd) 719 1000 195 195 205 195 191 238 175 A A B
Right Weapon : Pyromancy Flame +8, Hand Axe +B Left Weapon: Cracked Round Shield +8 Armor: Tattered Cloth Hood +6, Tattered Cloth Robe +6, Tattered Cloth
Manchette +6, Heavy Boots +6 Ring: - Magic: Fireball, Fire Orb, Combustion Drop Item: none
Laurentius of the Great Swamp The Depths (1st) 719 1000 175 175 205 175 191 238 175 A A B
Right Weapon : Pyromancy Flame +8, Hand Axe +8 Left Weapon: Cracked Round Shield +8 Armor: Tattered Cloth Hood +6, Tattered Cloth Robe +6, Tattered Cloth
Manchette +6, Heavy Boots +6 Ring: - Magic: Fireball, Fire Orb, Combustion Drop Item: none
Laurentius of the Great Swamp
Blighttown (the swamps) 719 1000 189 189 199 189 185 233 168 A A B
Right Weapon: Pyromancy Flame +8, Hand Axe +8 Left Weapon : Cracked Round Shield +8 Armor: Tattered Cloth Hood +6, Tattered Cloth Robe +6, Tattered Cloth
Manchette +6, Heavy Boots +6 Ring : - Magic: Fireball, Fire Orb, Combustion Drop Item : none
Lautrec's Comrade, Knight Anor Londo 821 0 275 275 284 275 213 270 238 B B B
Right Weapon: Pike+ 12 Left Weapon : Wooden Shield+ 12 Armor: Hard Leather Armor+ 10, Hard Leather Gauntlets+ 10, Hard Leather Boots+ 10 Ring: - Magic: -
Drop Item : none
Lautrec's Comrade, Sorcerer Anor Londo 719 0 225 225 235 225 224 182 197 c c c
Right Weapon : Tin Banishment Catalyst Left Weapon: Leather Shield +12 Armor: Cr~mson Robe +5, Crimson Gloves +5, CrimsonWaistcloth +5 Ring : - Magic: Heavy
Soul Arrow, Great Heavy Soul Arrow, Remedy Drop Item: Tin Banishment Catalyst

Location (appearance)

Maneater Mildred Blighttown (the swamps) 742 0 132 132 138 130 102 140 112 A D
Right Weapon: Butcher Knife +8 Left Weapon: Plank Shield +8 Armor: Sack +6 Ring : Rusted Iron Ring Magic:- Drop Item: Butcher Knife/Humanity


Physcal Defense
Locat1on (appearance)

Firelink Shrine (1st) 682 1000 311 348 311 311 207 191 153 c c c
Right Weapon: Crescent Axe + 14, Thorolund Talisman left Weapon : Caduceus Kite Shield + 14 Armor: Cleric Helm + 10, Cleric Armor+ 10, Cleric Gauntlets + 10,
Cleric Leggings + 10 Ring:- Magic: Replenishment Drop Item: none
Nico ofThorolund (Hollow) Tomb of the Giants (2nd) 970 1000 378 415 378 378 272 259 220 B B B
Right Weapon : Crescent Axe + 14, Thorolund Talisman left Weapon: Caduceus Kite Shield + 14 Armor: Cleric Helm + 10, Cleric Armor + 10, Cleric Gauntlets + 10,
Cleric Leggings+ 10 Ring:- Magic: Replenishment Drop Item: none
Ninja Bodyguard Darkroot Garden 742 2000 209 209 218 209 153 182 186 A A A
Right Weapon: Uchigatana + 12, Pyromancy Flame+ 12 leftWeapon :Target Shield+ 12 Armor: Shadow Mask +5, Shadow Garb +5, Shadow Gauntlets +5,
Shadow Leggings +5 Ring: Dark Wood Grain Ring, Ring of Fog Magic: Fire Surge Drop Item: Dark Wood Grain Ring/Humanity

Location (appearance)

Oswald of Carim Undead Parrsh 638 2000 141 141 148 141 163 142 126 c c c
Right Weapon : Velka's Rapier +3, Velka 'sTalisman left Weapon: Parrying Dagger +3 Armor: Mask ofVelka +2, Black Cleric Robe +2, Black Manchette +2, Black Tights +2
Ring:- Magic: Great Heal, Karmic Justice, Vow of Silence Drop Item : Book of the Guilty/Twin Humanities

Location (appearance)

Paladin Leeroy Tomb of the Giants, Invader 719 0 360 395 348 360 261 267 205 c c B
Right Weapon: Grant +5, Canvas Talisman left Weapon : Sanctus + 14 Armor: Paladin Helm +5, Paladin Armor +5, Paladin Gauntlets +5, Paladin Leggings +5
Ring: Havel's Ring Magic: Great Heal, Wrath of the Gods Drop Item : Grant/Sanctus/Humanity
Patches Catacombs 821 2000 273 273 283 273 245 219 226 A A B
Right Weapon: Winged Spear+ 14 left Weapon: Eagle Shield+ 14 Armor: Black Leather Armor +10, Black Leather Gloves+ 10, Black Leather Boots+ 10 Ring : -
Magic: - Drop Item : Crescent Axe/Humanity
Petrus ofThorolund Flfelink Shrine 594 1000 152 164 152 152 115 111 90 D D c
Right Weapon : Morning Star, ThorolundTalisman left Weapon : Knight Shield Armor: Elite Cleric Armor, Elite Cleric Gauntlets, Elite Clerrc Leggings Ring: -
Magic: Great Heal Excerpt Drop Item: Ivory Talisman/Humanity
Pharis Darkroot Garden 767 5000 281 281 291 281 228 282 253 B B B
Right Weapon: Black Bow of Pharis +12, Falchion +12 left Weapon: Large Leather Shield +12 Armor: Pharis's Hat +10, Leather Armor +10, Leather Gloves +10,
Leather Boots+ 10 Ring: Ring of Fog Magic: - Drop Item: Black Bow of Pharis/Pharis 's Hat/Twin Humanities

Locat1on (appearance)

Blighttown (swamps) 698 1000 240 240 247 240 266 915 224 A A B
Right Weapon: Pyromancy Flame +5 left Weapon :- Armor: Gold-Hemmed Black Hood, Gold-Hemmed Black Cloak, Gold-Hemmed Black Gloves, Gold-Hemmed Black
Skirt Ring:- Magic: Great Fireball, Fire Tempest. Great Combustion Drop Item: Fire Tempest

Locat1on (appearance)

Tomb of the Grants (2nd) 531 1000 97 97 107 97 128 76 97 D D c

Right Weapon: Ivory Talisman left Weapon: - Armor: Maiden Hood, Maiden Robe, Maiden Gloves, Maiden Skirt Ring :- Magic: Great Heal Drop Item: Ivory Talisman/
Rhea ofThorolund (Hollow) The Duke's Archives (4th) 531 1000 81 81 91 81 113 61 79 D D C
Right Weapon: Ivory Talisman left Weapon:- Armor: Maiden Hood, Maiden Robe, Maiden Gloves, Maiden Skirt Ring:- Magic: Great Heal Drop Item : Ivory Talisman/
Rickert of Vinheim New Londo Rurns 659 1000 80 82 B4 80 92 63 68 D D D
Right Weapon :- left Weapon:- Armor: Mage Smith Hat, Mage Smith Coat, Mage Smrth Gauntlets, Mage Smith Boots Ring: - Magic:- Drop Item: none

Locatmn (appearance)

Darkroot Garden 719 2000 227 231 235 227 255 192 209 c c c
Right Weapon : Sorcerer's Catalyst. Shortsword +12 left Weapon : Small Leather Shield +12 Armor: Sorcerer Cloak +10, Sorcerer Gauntlets +10, Sorcerer Boots +10
Ring : - Magic: Soul Arrow, Heavy Soul Arrow Drop Item: nothing
Shiva of the East Darkroot Garden 719 3000 249 280 243 245 146 214 171 c c B
Right Weapon: Murakumo +12 left Weapon: Iron Round Shield +12 Armor: Eastern Helm +5, Eastern Armor +5, Eastern Gauntlets +5, Eastern Leggings +5
Ring:- Magic:- Drop Item: Murakumo/lron Round Shield/Humanity
Sieglinda of Catarina The Duke's Archrves 938 1000 372 407 370 372 257 288 220 B B A
Right Weapon : Bastard Sword + 15 left Weapon: Pierce Shield + 15 Armor: Catarina Helm +5, Catarina Armor +5, Catarina Gauntlets +5, Catarina Leggings +5
Ring: Blue Tearstone Ring Magic: - Drop Item: none
Siegmeyer of Catarina Sen's Fortress 1034 1000 364 399 362 364 247 280 211 B B A
Right Weapon: Zweihander + 15 left Weapon: Prerce Shield + 15 Armor: Catarina Helm +5, Catarina Armor +5, Catarrna Gauntlets +5, Catarrna Leggings +5
Ring : Blue Tearstone Ring Magic: - Drop Item : Speckled Stoneplate Rrng/Humanity
Solaire of Astora Undead Burg (1st) 698 1000 181 181 181 179 139 141 133 C c c
Right Weapon: Sunlight Straight Sword +3, SunlightTalisman left Weapon : Sunlight Shield +3 Armor: Iron Helm +2, Armor of the Sun +2, Iron Bracelet +2, Iron Leggings
+2 Ring: Orange Charred Ring Mag ic: Lightning Spear, Great Heal Drop Item : Iron Helm/Armor of the Sun/Iron Bracelet/Iron Leggings, Sunlight Straight Sword/Sunlight
Shield/SunlightTalisman, White Sign Soapstone/Humanity
Solaire of Astora Anor Londo (2nd) 908 1000 335 335 335 331 247 254 239 C C B
Right Weapon: Sunlight Straight Sword+ 12, SunlightTalrsman left Weapon: Sunlight Shield+ 12 Armor: Iron Helm+ 10, Armor of the Sun+ 10, Iron Bracelet+ 10, Iron
Leggings + 10 Ring: Orange Charred Ring Magic: Lightning Spear, Great Heal Drop Item: Iron Helm/Armor of the Sun/Iron Bracelet/Iron Leggings, Sunlight Strarght Sword/
Sunlight Shield/Sunlight Talisman, White Sign Soapstone/Humanity
Solaire of Astora Lost lzalith 15th) 938 1000 294 308 291 292 260 250 240 B B A
Right Weapon: Sunlight Straight Sword + 15, SunlightTalisman Left Weapon : Sunlight Shield + 15 Armor: Sunlight Maggot, Armor of the Sun + 10, Iron Bracelet + 10, Iron
Leggings + 10 Ring: Orange Charred Ring Mag ic: Lightning Spear, Great Heal Drop Item: Iron Helm/Armor of the Sun/Iron Bracelet/Iron Leggings, Sunlight Straight Sword/
Sunlight Shield/SunlightTalisman, White Sign Soapstone/Humanity
Stone Dragon Ash Lake 0 300 300 300 300 240 210 150 s s s
Right Weapon: - left Weapon:- Armor:- Ring:- Magic:- Drop Item:-

06 EXTRAS 343
Physical Defense

location (appearance)

Darkroot Garden 767 2000 221 221 230 225 202 185 204 B B B
Right Weapon: Bandit's Knife+ 12 Left Weapon: Target Shield+ 12 Annor: Hollow Thief's Hood +10, Hollow Thief's Leather Armor+ 10, Hollow Thief's Tights+ 10
Ring: Ring of Fog Magic:- Drop Item: nothing

location (appearance)

Undead Burg !Lower Section, sewers) 420 50 77 77 77 77 58 46 58 E E

Right Weapon:- Left Weapon :- Annor:- Ring: - Magic:- Drop Item:-
Undead Merchant (male) Undead Burg (Main Section) 360 50 77 77 77 77 58 46 58 E E
Right Weapon:- Left Weapon :- Annor:- Ring:- Magic:- Drop Item:-
Undead Prince Ricard Sen's Fortress 719 4000 285 314 280 285 202 218 179 c c B
Right Weapon: Ricard's Rapier+ 10, Longbow+ 10 Left Weapon: Buckler+ 10 Annor: Elite Knight Helm +8, Elite Knight Armor +8, Elite Knight Gauntlets +8, Elite Knight
Leggings +8 Ring:- Magic: - Drop Item : Ricard's Rapier

location (appearance)

Catacombs 943 1000 268 268 201 335 206 181 288 s s s
Right Weapon: - Left Weapon: - Armor:- Ring :- Magic: - Drop Item: -
Vince ofThorolund Firelink Shrine 11 st) 638 1000 280 312 280 280 184 180 141 c c c
Right Weapon: Mace +14, ThorolundTalisman Left Weapon: Caduceus Kite Shield+ 14 Annor: Cleric Armor+ 10, Cleric Gauntlets + 10, Cleric Leggings + 10 Ring:-
Magic: Force Drop Item: none
Vince ofThorolund (Hollow) Tomb of the Giants (2nd) 821 1000 340 372 340 340 253 237 205 c c B
Right Weapon: Mace+ 14, ThorolundTalisman Left Weapon: Caduceus Kite Shield+ 14 Annor: Cleric Armor+ 10, Cleric Gauntlets+ 10, Cleric Leggings+ 10 Ring:-
Magic: Force Drop Item: none

location (appearance)

Painted World of Ariamis (Invader) 719 0 287 287 317 271 750 407 240 B B B
Right Weapon: Notched Whip+ 15 Left Weapon : Pyromancy Flame +5 Annor: Xanthous Crown +5, Xanthous Overcoat +5, Xanthous Gloves +5, Xanthous Waistcloth +5
Ring :- Magic: Great Chaos Fireball, Chaos Storm, Chaos Fire Whip Drop Item: Notched Whip


This section presents the locations of all NPCs in the game . These, Hawk Girl
aling with their conditions for appearing , are show n on maps that Default locatiOn,
make them easy to find and keep track of as they move through
the game's progression .

Knight of Astora, Oscar

1. Default location, does not move
...k-"<- - - he's dying at the start of the game
2. When you reviSit the area, he has
gone Hollow and you can fight him

You start the game in this area . It's some-
thing of a tutorial area, but can be revisited
later. When you come back, you'll see that
the area has changed a bit as there are more
and stronger enemies to contend with, as
well as a new Boss Fight to be tackled .

This is the central area of the game, and serves as a HUB of sorts that
allows you access to the other areas . NPC activity will increase and
develop as you progress through the game depending on the choices
and interactions you make . Up to 15 NPCs can appear in Firelink Shrine,
but at the start of the game, you 'll only find 3.

Talk to him after he pushes you over
the cliff in Tomb of the Giants

King seeker Frampt Default location, start of the game

Rmg the second Bell of Awakening

Crestfallen Warrior
Default locatJon, start of the game

Knight lautrec of Carim VInce & Nlco ofThorolund

Set him free in the Complete the Undead Pansh
Undead Parish

Speak With him after
Anastacia of Astora you defeat the Four
Default locat1on, start of the game Kings in the Abyss

Siegmeyer of Catarina
Talk to him in Anor Londo and
then defeat the Silver Knights
Sieglinde of Catarina
Save her in the Duke's Archives
Griggs ofVinhiem
Set him free 1n the Undead
Burg, Lower Sect1on
06 EXTRAS 345
The Undead Burg is a residential area of sorts filled with
Zombies and other undead enemies. It's typically the first
area you will want to complete as it leads to the Undead
Parish where the first Bell of Awakening is located .

Undead Merchant (Male)
Default location, does not move

The Upper section of the Undead Burg sits above the main residen-
tial area and serves as a bridge between the Undead Burg and the
Undead Parish. On one side of the bridge you'll find a door to the
lower section of the Undead Burg while the other leads to a gate
that takes you to the Undead Parish.

does not move

Solaire of Astora
First appearance at
start of the game


Just past the Undead Burg, you'll arrive at the
Undead Parish. The cent ral feature in this area is the
large church, and at the top of that Church you'll find a
spire containing the first Bell of Awakening . There is also
a pat h leading away from the Undead Parish to Sen's
Fortress as well as Darkroot Garden and Darkroot Basin.


Once you enter the church, be on your guard as there is no salvation
waiting for you. Instead, you'll confront a plethora of tough enemies
as you battle your way to the top of the church to eventually reach
the Bell of Awakening.

Rhea ofThorolund
1. Talk to and save Rhea
in the Tomb of the Giants
..,_ ___.1;,-- - 2 . Go to the Undead Parish
immediately aher finishing

the Tomb of the Giants
and talk to her or she
will be killed

0 0

Knight ~~~~~~~ ~~:~ _ _ _,... .I'. .,__ _ Solaire of Astora
Prior to the Bell Gargoyle Boss Fight {Summon Sign)
1. Must Free h1m from hiS cell Pnor to the Bell Gargoyle Boss
2. Must go back to Firelink Shrine F1ght, appears by default
before the Boss Fight and talk to him

06 EXTRAS 347
Low~rri~:c~i~~~:~~~~ - --:-
in a locked room


Located below the main residential
area of the Undead Burg, you'll need
to find the Basement Key in order to
get down here. Once you do, you'll
need to be on your guard as it is a
truly treacherous area filled with fast
and fearsome enemies.

Undead Merchant (fema le)

Lower Section, default location,
does not move


In the lower section of the undead
Burg, you'll find a door that leads
to this underground area. In these
laurentius of the
upper levels you'll find a cafeteria Great Swamp
of sorts and some waterways. The First appearance_ Set
him free and he moves
waterways ultimately lead to the to F1rellnk Shnne
sewers of the lower levels below.
Once you get past the first few areas of the upper
sections, you'll come to a large water slide that drains
down into the sewers below. Upon entering the sewers,
you'll need to keep your guard up as you are assaulted at
every corner by vile enemies and even ruthless invaders .
Ultimately, you'll have to vanquish the Boss of the area
to get the key that will let you into Blighttown.

2. Must go back to Firelink

Shrine and talk to him before
entering the Depths

Solaire of Astora
(Summon Sign)
Appears by default

Domnhall of Zena
First appearance. Will
move to Firelink after you
complete this area

Knight ofThoms, Kir1t

Invader, default locat1on

06 EXTRAS 349
Blighttown is a dilapidated area filled with ramshackle constructions in the up-
per levels, and poisonous swamps in the lower levels. It's an unwelcoming and
dangerous place. but you'll have to journey through this area to reach Ouelaag 's
Domain and the second Bell of Awakening.

_.l-- -ll.:---- -- ~:~:~~~~~ ~i~~~ ~;:~ ~~ks;~i ~:

with a Pyromancer Flame that
you have ascended to a
Ouelaana Flame

Maneater Mildred
Invader. default location


Here you will face a fearsome and firey
Boss. Get past her and you 'll soon discover
she has a sister that is a bit more helpful.
However, she's well hidden, and you'll need
to destroy a breakable wall that you 'll find
located just right of the entrance to Demon
Ruins in order to obtain an audience with
the more amicable sister.

Man eater Mildred (Summon Sign) Default location,
Must have beaten her as an Invader does not move

Stone Dragon
Default location,
does not move

Ash Lake is a w ondrous area located deep below
the swamps of Blighttown . Reaching it, however is
a bit tricky and perilous. Not only will you have to
find the hidden entrance to the Great Hollow which
connects Blighttown to Ash lake, but you 'll have to
carefully maneuver down the treacherous branch
path within the Great Hollow.

Siegmeyer & Sieglinde of Catarina

1. Fight with Siegmeyer in lost lzalith and
: . .. - - - - - / -- win the battle with his HP above 50%
2. Talk to Sieglinda in Firelink for the
second time

06 EXTRAS 35 1
Before you can enter t his massive fortress, you'll have to ring both Bel ls
of Awakening. Doing so wi ll signal the giant gate keeper to raise the gate .
Wit h that done, you'll need to carefully make your way into the bowels of
the fort ress and work your way to its top.

Big Hat logan

First appearance,
he's locked 1n a cage

Siegmeyer of Catarina
Second Appearance, will move
here automatically once the
main gates open


Once you reach the rooftop, you may want to admire the
view, but you have no time as the enemy cares not for
Crestfallen Merchant
the scenery and is fixated solely on your demise . It will Default location,
take great care and proper timing to get through the area does not move

and reach the Boss at the end that is waiting for you.

Back Iron Tarkus (Summon Sign )

Default locat1on

06 EXTRAS 353
Lady of the Darkling
Default locat1on. does not move


Anor Londo is truly a majestic city, bathed in golden sunlight.
Its central feature is a large castle that you must infiltrate to
gain an audience with the Princess Gwynevere in order to
obtain the Lordvessel.

Giant Black smith

.,'@o.---- Default location.
does not move

Default location. --~
does not move
This large castle is lavishly decorated, w ith many floors to explore,
and even more enemies to engage . You 'll encounter some locked
doors, but there is always a way into the room they bar, although
a bit of backt racking or sidetracking may be required .

Knight Lautrec of Carim

Use the Black Eye Orb
that Anastacia dropped
when she was killed to
invade his realm

Solaire of Astora
After speaking with him in the
Undead Burg, he'll be here

Siegmeyer of Catarina
After speaking with him in Sen's
Fortress and changing the path
of the boulder, he'll be here

06 EXTRAS 355
This well hidden world can be accessed by touching the large painting in the
large open room you must traverse before reaching the castle of Anor Londo.
However, there is a catch, you can only enter this world through the painting
if you have the Peculiar Doll. That doll can be found by revisiting the cell you
started the game in back in Undead Asylum .

Xanth ous
King Jeremiah
Invader, default


This large area is covered in lush foliage, and
populated with treacherous enemies. As you
make your way through the garden, don't stop to
smell the roses as they may be used to decorate
your grave should an enemy get the better of you.
There are two ways into the heart of the garden
which are to pay 20000 souls to Andre for a key
to a shortcut, or to travel the long way through
Darkroot Basin first.

Shiva of the East

Must be in Alvina's Covenant, Forest --11----------!
Hunter, for him to appear. Always
accompanied by Ninja Bodyguard

Witch Beatrice (Summon Sign)

Hidden under a bush that you can
destroy at the base of the stairs
that lead up to the Boss Fight

06 EXTRAS 357

This area is nestled below the Dark-
root Garden, and its central feature
is a large lake filled with crystal clear
water- and a Hydra . You'll need to
defeat the Hydra here if you mean
to make any progress, and don't
forget about the Crystal Golems in
the area, as they'll be attacking you
as well.

Rickert ofVinheim
Default location,
does not move

Crestfa llen Warrior

Talk to him in Firelink Shrine after Frampt _ _ _"""_ _, _
appears. Once he says he should do something,
leave Firelink and he'll appear here as a Hollow


This aging area is flooded with water, and populated
with ghosts that you can't hit with regular weapons
unless you are cursed. Your goal is to make it to the
Abyss, and to do so you'll need to drain the water
that covers the entrance. Luckily, lngward has the
key to open the floodgates .

Oarkstalker Kaathe
Must have the Lordvessel
1n your possess1on

Default location,
w1ll move to Firelink
Shrine after you beat
Four Kings and then
talk to him again

Witch Beatrice (Summon Sign)

Must have Summoned Beatrice for the
Boss fight in Darkroot Garden first

06 EXTRAS 359
Big Hat Logan (1)
Talk to him in Firehnk Shrine once you
have the Lordvessel, or s1mply place
the Lordvessel wth Frampt or Kaathe

0 Big Hat Logan {3)

Buy all of his limited items,
kill Seath (order does not matter),
leave and then come back to the
Duke's Ardlives. He'll be Hollow

Sieglinde of Catarina

C~~:~e~~t;ire~;~~e~~nE~~~~se 1a;! - --.-------- - - - --::1

loads, then leave and come here.
Defeat the Yellow Golem to free her


When you fist enter the Duke's Archives, your
goal is to face Seath the Scaleless, but you
can't defeat him as he is immortal. You'll die
and respawn in jail . Now you must free your-
self, and make your way to the Crystal Cave
fo r the final showdown with Seat h.


Enter the Catacombs before
Rhea, Nice, and Vince leave for
the Tomb of the Giants


The catacombs area treacherous and winding are filled with
skeletons and Necromancers that can bring them back to life.
There also exists a puzzle element in the upper levels in that
you must manipulate some switches in order to rotate
bridges thus allow ing them to be safely crossed .
Once you get past the upper levels and enter
Vam os
the bowels of the area, things will be a bit .....-~,.--- Default location,
darker, and even more deadly. Push onw ard does not move
through the murkiness and head for the
Boss fight that awaits you ahead .

Gravelord Nito
Must have an Eye of Death in your
inventory, then get into the coff1n and
walt 30 seconds to be taken to the

Paladin leeroy (Summon Sign)

Default location Must fall to - - -- -.IL_
it from the Upper Levels.


This is a dark and dangerous place. You can
barely see a meter in front of you, and each step
leads you closer to a fall off a cliff or an encoun-
ter with a powerful enemy. You 'll need patience
here, and the Sorcery: Cast Light from Dusk of
Oolacile would help as well. Luckily, you 'll find a
Skull Lantern once you make it a little ways in . Rhea ofThoro lund
Default Location, will move to
Undead Parish if she lives and
you hmsh Tornb of the G1ants

Vince & Nico ofThorolund

Hollows, default locations


Default locat1on. Will move to
...l-----~'---- Firehnk Shrine if you answer his
last question after he pushes
you over the cliff

06 EXTRAS 363
Solaire of Astora
Must have completed his events 1, 2 & 4.
Must have Covenant +2 w1th Daughter of
Chaos and then use Lostlzalith Shortcut - - ------...
Must kill all 9 Chaos Bugs in the shortcut
corridor before entenng Lost lzalith.

Knight ofThoms, Kirk

Invader, default location

The only thing hotter than the lava in this
place is the combat. The enemies here are
rough and ruthless, so you'll need to be on
your toes to withstand the heat of it all. Take
your time, keep a cool head, and you'll get
through this with only a minor sweat.

Solaire of Astora (Summon Sign)

Must have talked to him at Sunlight Altar - - - --\c- -----.a
after talking to him at Anor Londo

_,... J


Solaire of Astora

~~~~~- 1~~s~ ~~~~:~:~;::~=~~ --\-\-=--:;---\-1~r---/Po~ LOST lZALITH

lzalith via the normal route

Depending on how you enter this

area dictates how hard it's going
to be. Coming in the front route is
arguably one of the hardest areas
of the game, but using the shortcut
from Demon Ruins makes it much
easier. However, that requires
using 30 Humanity to level up the
Knight ofThoms, Kirk Covenant with the Daughter of
Invader, default location
Chaos to Level +2 .

Siegmeyer of Catarina
Must have completed
his events 1-5 as well as
Sieglinda's events 1 & 2


This is it , the last area of the game, and it is no push over. There aren't many
enemies here, but the ones that are here are top notch and deadly. Fight fiercel y,
and make your way to the final Boss Fight of the game, then decide your fate .

Solaire of Astora
(Summon Sign)
Must have successfully
completed all of his
Events (1 - 5).

06 EXTRAS 365
After completing the game once, no matter which ending you Surviving New Game+
choose, you will restart the game from the beginning. Dark Souls, The first thing you will find after playing a New Game+ for a while is
just like Demons Souls before it, employs a unique system relating that everything hits much, much harder than before. It is not uncom-
to subsequent plays through the game; the difficulty of the game mon to find that a basic Undead Soldier can kill you with one hit, even
will increase after every successful completion. You will be allowed though you still have the same Soul Level and equipment from the
to keep all your items, weapons and armor, along with your current end of your previous game. Your priority should thus be to strengthen
Soul Level and number of Souls. You won't get to keep any of your your armor and Soul Level as much as possible. However, this will
keys, Embers or unique Lord Souls (though you do keep regular only go so far, and inevitably you will find the enemies later in the
Boss Souls). You will also have to reclaim the Rite of Kindling and game will still kill you in one hit from some of their more powerful
Abysswalking, as well as the Lordvessel. Despite retaining your attacks, regardless of how strong your character or your equipment is.
previous strength, the massive jump in difficulty on your subse-
quent plays may still overwhelm you. You will quickly find your The dangerous power of enemies means that you will have to ap-
existing equipment and Soul Level insufficient. proach battles a little differently. Whereas before you may have been
able to get away with taking a few hits, or fighting haphazardly, this
Changes After Each Cycle won't work anymore. Fighting enemies in groups is discouraged
The health, attack and defense power changes for enemies on even more, as one enemy slipping through your defense will likely
each following playthrough . The difficulty will increase each time result in your quick death.
you complete the game until the seventh completion, and from
your eighth playthrough (the seventh New Game+) onwards it While the attack power increase is a big change, what doesn't
will remain unchanged. change much is the defense of most enemies. As a result, upgrad-
ing your weapon to the maximum possible level or switching to a
The first New Game+ (your second play through the game on a more powerful one is highly recommended, as the best strategy in
single save file), features the largest spike in difficulty. Enemies battle is to end the fight as quickly as possible. While the increased
will have higher health, attack and defense values. Health values health on some enemies can make this tough, it's still better than
will increase from between 1.5 to 2.5 times their old amounts, going for a long, drawn out defensive fight.
depending on the enemy. Attack power will increase by 1.3 to 2.3
times, while defense will increase by up to 1.6 times, or otherwise Upgrading your weaponry is easier said than done, as you will lose
remain unchanged. The general rule of thumb is that weaker, more all your Embers upon starting a new game. It is generally recom-
common enemies, such as the Zombie type enemies, will see the mended that you approach the New Game+ areas in the same order
largest gains. Stronger, less common foes that appear later in the you did when following the Area Guide chapter. However, it can be
game will see smaller gains. a good idea to go straight for some of the easy-to-reach Embers, so
that you can begin upgrading your weapons as soon as possible.
From the your second New Game+ (your third playthrough) until
your sixth (your seventh playthrough), there is a consistent jump in
Collector's Corner
difficulty for each playthrough. Each subsequent New Game+ will
But it's not all doom and gloom in a New Game+ world. Playing
increase the previous game's health, attack and defence values by
again will allow you to accomplish many of the things that were
between 1.07 to 1.25 times, depending on the enemy.
practically impossible to do in a single run. Being able to collect
the limited materials such as Titanite Slabs is very useful. You
So to summarise, your first playthrough will be of a normal difficulty.
can also acquire many unique Boss Souls again, including Lord
The second playthrough, your first New Game+, will present a huge
Gwyn's and Sif's. This will allow you to make the variations of the
step up in difficulty. Then, every subsequent New Game+, from
rare weapons that their Souls allow you to build, helping you ac-
New Game+ 2 up to New Game+ 6, will have a consistent, smaller
quire all rare weapons. Most enemies will also drop an increased
increase in difficulty each time. New Game+ 7 will be the same as
number of Souls, and having items like the Covetous Gold and
6, and remain unchanged from then onwards.
Silver Serpent rings from the start of the game helps you to farm
Souls and rare drops much earlier and in increased amounts.

While many weapons are very strong as soon as you pick them up, Derivation Flow
to unlock their true potential you will need to reinforce them by visit-
ing one of the many Blacksmiths throughout the game. Initially, the
Blacksmith will only be able to perform basic reinforcement on your
High Level Weapon
weapons, but as you progress you will be able to acquire unique
and powerful Embers. Embers open up new reinforcement avenues
for you to explore, and allow you to add many different elements,
Raw Weapon
so that you can create weapons that take advantage of different
enemy's weaknesses.
Base Weapon Magic Weapon
Once a weapon gets to +5, you will need to modify it using an
Ember before you can continue reinforcing it to the next level. If you
change the type of weapon, the level will reset back to the base ver- Divine Weapon
sion. So, for example: if you take a +5 standard weapon, and modify
it using a Magic Ember, it will become a base Magic weapon. You
will then need to upgrade that again to +5 before you can modify Flame Weapon
it once more.


To do any kind of re inforcin g yo u wi ll also need the materia ls to As w ell as the normal means of finding and re inforcing w eapon s,
w ork w ith, and each reinforcement path requires different material s, yo u can also obtain rare and pow erful w eapon s by deriving the m
w hich are covered in the Item section earlier in th is chapter. The dif- from special Boss Souls that you get after beating some of t hem in
ferent Blacksmiths are all used to w orking with different materials, the game . To acquire these w eapon s you need a highly reinforced
so if you w ant a specif ic w eapon type, you w ill need to ta ke it to a w eapon of a compatible type, and access to the Blacksmith capable
Blacksmith that is comfortable w orking with that Ember. of making it.

Soul Derivation
Boss Soul Name I Weapon Required I Weapon Derived
Soul of the Moonlight Butterfly fv1~il Breaker. Rapier. Estoc ~ Ricard 's Rapier. Spear, IJVinged S.pear. ~ar_tizan.. Pike Moonlight Butterfly Horn
Plank Shreld/Srnall Leat11er Sl11eld. Leather Shreld(Targel Shre ld. Buckler/Cracked Round Shreld, Cadu ceu s Round
Shield/Red and White Round Shield, Warrior 's Round Shield/Heater Shield. Knight Shield(Tower Kite Shield, Grass
Soul of the Moonlight Butterfly Crest Shield/Hollow Soldier Shield, Balder Shield/Iron Round Shield, Spider Shield/Spiked Shield, Pierce Shield/Sunlight Crystal Ring Shield
Shield, Caduceus Kite Shield/Gargoyle's Shield, Double-headed Eagle Shield/Wooden Shield, Large Leather Shield/
.......................... Eagle_Shi_el_d~ _To"':er. Shield/Giant Shield:._Bone"':heei _Sh ield/Eff_igy _Shield_.. Sanctus!Biood~hield/Biack _I_ron __Greats_
Soul of Quelaag .. ... ..... ................. S~irrlitar. Falchron: S~ot~l. ~hotel. ~arnting G~ardian Swcxd ~ Server. Murakumo Ouelaag 's Furysword
Soul of Quelaag .. ~chigatana ~ IJVashing P.ol~ ~ laito Chaos Blade
Claw Dragon Bone Fist
Core of an Iron Golem ....................H~_nd _AJ<e:. Batt!~ AJ<.~ ... Butcher Knife. Gargoyle Tail Axe, Greataxe. Demon 's Greataxe GolemAxe
Soul of Ornstein .... ........ .................. fy1aii _ Break~r. Raprer, Es_toc ~_ Ricard ' s Rapier. Spear.IJVi.".ge?_Spear._Partizan. Pike Dragonslayer Spear
Soul of Smough Club, Mace, Morning Star. Warpick. Pickaxe, Reinforced Club. Blacksmith Hammer, Great Club,
Smough's Hamm er
..... .. .. ....................... Demon's Great Large Club
Greatsword of Anorias
Dagger. Parrying Dagger. Bandit's Kn ife, Shortsword. Longsword, Broadsword, Balder Side Sword.
Soul of Sit Sunlight Straight Sword, Barbed Straight Sword, Darksword. Bastard Sword, Claymore, Man-serpent Greatsword. Greatsword of Artorias
.. ......... .. .. .. .... .... .......... .... .. .... ... .. .... ... .. .... .Flarnberg_e. _Zvveihander. Greatsword. Demon Great Machete
Plank Shield/Small Leather Shield, Leather Shield(Target Shield, Buckler/Cracked Round Shield, Caduceus Round
Shield/Red and White Round Shield, Warrior 's Round Shield/Heater Shield, Knight Shield(Tower Kite Shield, Grass
Soul of Sit Crest Shield/Hollow Soldier Shield, Balder Shield/Iron Round Shield, Spider Shield/Spiked Shield, Pierce Shield/Sunlight Greatshield of Artorias
Shield, Caduceus Kite Shield/Gargoyle 's Shield, Double-headed Eagle Shield/Wooden Shield, Large Leather Shield/
........................ Eagle_ Shield ~ Tower Shield/Giant _Shield:__ Bonev.ohe_ei__ S.hield/Effigy Sh ield. _Sanctus/Biood~hield(Biack Iron Greatshield
Soul of Gwyndolin .. .. .. .. ...................~hort. B_ov.o~. ~orn.PO.Site Bow, Longbow, Black Bow of Pharrs Darkmoon Bow
Soul of Gwyndolin ~orcer~r's Be~tri~e :s ~atalyst: Tin Banis~rnent ~atalyst. Logan: s Catalyst, ()olacile IvorY. Catalyst Tin Darkmoon Catalyst
Soul of Priscilla ... .. ... .. .. .... ... ............... H~Iber~: ~- ~Cyt~e. Gargoyle's H al b~rd. Great _Scv.t_h_e ~ Wh rp, Notched Whip Lifehunt Scythe
Dagger, Parryrng Dagger, Bandit's Knife, Shortsword, Longsword. Broadsword, Balder Side Sword, Sunlight Straight
Soul of Gwyn,
lord of Cinder Sword. Barbed Straight Sword. Darksword, Bastard Sword. Claymore, Man-serpent Greatsword. Flamberge, Great Lord Greatsword
Zweihander, Greatsword. Demon Great Machete

06 EXT RAS 367

This chapter will explain how to get every Achieve- you will need to make multiple characters on a single
ment/Trophy in Dark Souls. It is not possible to get profile to try to get Achievement/Trophy in a situa-
every Achievement/Trophy in a single playthrough, as tion where you will have to get one or the other. These
some of the items you will need are one of a kind and cases will be pointed out in the chapter.
available only once in the entire game. In some cases,

There are certa in Achievements/Trophies that you w ill get naturally as you progress
through the game. You w ill get all of these in one playthrough, without having to go out
of your way. While you can attempt many of them in any order, it is recommended you
follow the Area Guide Chapter's suggested orde r for best results .

Achievement/Trophy Details
Name I Xbox 360 I PS3 IDescription
Enkindle 15G Bronze Light bonfire flame .
Estus Flask 15G Bronze Acquire Estus Flask .
Reach Lordran 15G Bronze Arrive in Lordran.
Ring the Bell (Undead Church) 15G Bronze Ring Bell of Awakening at Undead Church .
Ring the Bell (Ouelaag 's Domain) 15G Bronze Ring Bell of Awakening in Ouelaag's domain.
.................................................... .....
Art of Kindling 15G Bronze Acquire the Art of Kindling .
Art of Abysswalking 15G Bronze
...... Acquire
. ..... the Art
... ol Abysswalking.
. ...
Reach A nor Londo 30G Silver Arrive in Anor Londo.
Lordvessel 30G Silver Acquire the Lordvessel.
Defeat Gravelord Nito 30G Silver Defeat the Soul Lord Gravelord Nito .
...... ..................................... ........ .....
Defeat Bed of Chaos 30G Silver Defeat the Soul Lord Bed of Chaos.
Defeat the Four Kings 30G Silver Defeat the Four Kings, inheritors of Souls .
.. ...... ....... .

To Link the Fire 90G Gold Reach " To Link the F~re" ending.
Dark Lord 90G Gold Reach "The Dark Lord" ending .


The earliest you can get this Achievement/Trophy is near the beginning of the game, at
the first bonfire you will encounter in the Undead Asylum . Simply activate the bonfire to
unlock the Achievement/Trophy. [ ~o 01]


Estus Flask
You will unlock this Achievement/Trophy after retrieving the Estus Flask from the hero of
the Undead Asylum that frees you. After running away from the Asylum Demon when it
first appears, you will come to a staircase where a sword-wielding zombie will roll a ball
down the stairs. Move out of the way, and let the ball destroy the wall at the bottom of
the stairs. Go through the hole, speak to the hero and listen to his request to retrieve a
key and the Estus Flask. [-;.O 02]

Reach Lordran
You will automatically unlock this as soon as you are carried away by the giant raven
at the end of the Undead Asylum and first set foot in Lord ran. [ ~o 03]

Ring the Bell (Undead Church)

After defeating the Bel l Gargoyles in the Undead Parish, you can climb the tower
and ring the first bell, thus unlocking this Achievement/Trophy. [ ~o 04]

Ring the Bell (Quelaag's Domain)

The second bell is located in Ouelaag's Domain, and you will need to defeat her to
get to it. Ringing it will unlock the Achievement{Trophy. [ ~o 05]

Rite of Kindling
To acquire the Rite of Kindling, you must defeat the Pinwheel boss, located in the
Catacombs, just before the Tomb of the Giants. [ -;.O 06]

Art of Abysswalking
To acquire the Art of Abysswalking, which you will need to get to the Four Kings of
New Londo Ruins, you must defeat Sif, the Great Grey Wolf, boss of Dark root Gardens.

Reach Anor Londo

After defeating the Iron Golem on top of the ramparts of Sen's Fortress, you will have
access to a circular summoning mark. Activating this will summon demons to carry you
to Anor Londo, and upon arriving you will unlock this Achievement/Trophy. [-;.0 08]

You will retrieve the Lordvessel from Gwynevere, whom you can meet after defeating Smough and Ornstein in Anor Londo.
Remember to check out the Enemy Guide Chapter for in-depth strategies on how to beat all the bosses!


Defeat Gravelord Nito

This Achievement/Trophy is unlocked after you beat Gravelord Nito, who is located at
the end of the Tomb of the Giants. [-;.O 09]

Defeat Bed of Chaos

This Achievement!Trophy is unlocked after you beat the Bed of Chaos, which is located
in the Lost City lzalith.

Defeat the Four Kings

The Four Kings are located in the Abyss in the New Londo Ruins, but to get to them you
have to fulfill a few conditions. First, you must have the Covenant of Artorias, a ring that
you can only get by beating the Great Grey Wolf Sif in Darkroot Garden. The ring will
let you enter the Abyss. To actually get access to the area where the Abyss is located,
you must drain the water in the lower levels of New Londo Ruins. See Chapter 3: Area
Guide for more details on how to do this.

Defeat Seath the Scaleless

To beat Seath the Scaleless, you must find the crystal that grants him his immortality
in the Crystal Cave and beat him there. You will not be able to defeat him in your initial
meeting in the Duke's Archives. [ ~o 10]

To Link the Fire

After you defeat Gwyn, Lord of Cinder in the Kiln of the First Flame, a bonfire will light
up in the centre of the room. Walk up to it and activate it to complete the game and see
this ending, thus unlocking the Achievement{Trophy. [ ~o 11]

Dark Lord
You will have to complete the game again, but this time, after defeating Gwyn, walk
away from the bonfire and out of the main door, thus activating the Dark Lord ending
and unlocking the Achievement/Trophy.

06 EXTRAS 369
These Achievement/Trophies w il l require you to
Achievement/Trophy Details
search high and low for all the relevant items,
weapons and magic. These vary from being Name I Xbox 360 I PS3 IDescription
found in treasure chests, to corpses, to being Knight's Honor 30G Silver Acquire all rare weapons.
enemy drops or being purchased from NPCs . Wisdom of a Sage 30G
Some of these w ill requi re mu ltiple play-
Bond of a Pyromancer 30G Silver Acquire all pyromancies.
throughs, as you simply wi ll not be able to col-
lect all the materials in one playthrough . Many Prayer of a Maiden

of t he items are one of a kind, but starting a Defeat the Carl< Sun Gwyndolin 30G Silver Defeat Dark Sun Gwyndolin, the Darkmoon God.
new characte r on the same profile might be a Defeat Crossbreed Priscilla 30G Silver Defeat Crossbreed Priscilla, the Lifehunter.
better option, as a New Game added to a spike The Carl< Soul OG Platinum Obtain All Achievements(Trophies .
in difficu lty is not for the faint-hearted .

Weapon Name I Area I Description


This Achievement/Trophy requires you to obtain Dropped by Silver Knight

Silver Knight Straight Sword Anor Londo
all t he rare w eapons in the game . Here is a
Drake Sword Undead Parish Tail of Hellkite
list of t hese weapons and how you can obtain
them : Stone Greatsword Darkroot Garden

Great Lord Greatsword Numerous Ascend weapon using Soul of Gwyn

.... . ........................ .
Moonlight Greatsword Crystal Cave Tail of Seath the Scaleless
.. ...... ...

Dragon Greatsword Ash Lake Tail of Ancient Dragon

Undead Parish, Kiln of the
Black Knight Greatsword Dropped by Black Knight
First Flame
Jagged Ghost Blade New Londo Ruins Dropped by Male Ghost
Quelaag 's Furysword Numerous Ascend weapon using Soul of Ouelaag
Gravelord Sword Tomb of the Giants Establish Covenant
Chaos Blade Blighttown Ascend weapon using Soul of Ouelaag
.. ..... ...... ...
Velka 's Rapier Painting World of Ariamis Found on corpse

Catacombs, Kiln of the

Black Knight Greataxe Dropped by Black Knight
First Flame
Dragon King Greataxe Depths Tail of Gaping Dragon
Grant Tomb of the Giants Dropped by invading phantom
Dragon Tooth Anor Londo Found in treasure chest
Smough's Hammer Numerous Ascend weapon using Soul of Smough
Silver Knight Spear Anor Londo Dropped by Silver Knight
Moonlight Butterfly Hom Numerous Ascend weapon using Soul of Moonflight Butterfly
Dragonslayer Spear Numerous Ascend weapon using Soul of Ornstein
Titanite Catch Pole Numerous Dropped by Prowling Demon
Darkroot Basin, Kiln of the
Black Knight Halberd Dropped by Black Knight
First Flame
Lifehunt Scythe Numerous Ascend weapon using Priscilla the Crossbreed
Dragon Bone Fist Numerous Ascend weapon using Core of Iron Golem
Dragonslayer Greatbow Anor Londo Found in treasure chest
Darkmoon Bow Numerous Ascend weapon using Soul of Gwyndolin
Tin Darl<moon Catalyst Numerous Ascend weapon using Soul of Gwyndol1n
Ghost Blade
This is a drop from the Female Ghosts of New ...Crystal Ring Shield
............................. Numerous Ascend shield using Soul of Moonlight Butterfly

Londo Ru ins . You w ill need to be cursed or need Crest Shield

Undead Asylum
Dropped by Knight of As tora, Oscar
a cu rsed weapon, like the Jagged Ghost Blade, (second visit)
to harm t he Ghosts. [~0 01] Dragon Crest Shield New Londo Ruins Found on corpse
Silver Knight Shield Anor Londo Dropped by Silver Knight
Black Knight Shield Numerous Dropped by Black Knight
............ ......................

Havel's Greatshield Anor Londo Found 1n treasure chest

Greatshield of Artorias Numerous Ascend shield using Soul of Sif


Priscilla's Dagger True Greatsword of Artorias Black Knight Sword
You must chop off the tail of Priscilla the This weapon must be ascended using the This is a drop from the sword type Black
Crossbreed, the boss of the Painting Soul of Sif, the Great Grey Wolf. You must Knight enemy, who is located in the Undead
World of Ariamis, to retrieve this weapon. reinforce one of the weapons from the table Burg, the Undead Asylum (second visit).
["'0 02] to +10, which will require 9Titanite Shards and the Kiln of the First Flame . He does not
and 10 Large Titanite Shards. You can then respawn, so ensure you increase your drop
Silver Knight Straight Sword ascend the sword into the True Greatsword rate as much as possible beforehand with
This is a drop from the sword-wielding Sil- of Artorias. The Broken Straight Sword is a as much humanity as possible. and by wear-
ver Knight variations that exclusively inhabit drop from the sword type zombie enemy, ing the Covetous Gold Serpent Ring.
Anor Londo. found in numerous locations, such as the
Undead Asylum and Undead Burg. Dragon Greatsword
Drake Sword Cut the tail off of the Ancient Dragon
This weapon is obtainable by chopping off Compatible Weapons located at the end of Ash Lake. There are no
the tail of the Hell kite dragon of the Undead Broken Straight Sword
negative repercussions from cutting off its
Parish (see Chapter 2 Enemy Guide for .. tail, and you can still enter into a covenant
Straight Sword Hilt
more details on this). with it afterwards.

Stone Greatsword Great Lord Greatsword Black Knight Greatsword

This is a drop from the Great Stone Knight's This weapon must be ascended using the This is a drop from the sword type Black
of Darkroot Garden. ["'0 03] Soul of Gwyn, the Lord of Cinder, the last Knight enemy, who is located in the Undead
boss located in the Kiln of the First Flame. Parish and the Kiln of the First Flame. He
Greatsword of Artorias You must reinforce one of the weapons does not respawn, so ensure you increase
This weapon must be ascended using the from the table to+ 10, which will require your drop rate as much as possible before-
Soul of Sif, the Great Grey Wolf, one of the 9 Titanite Shards and 10 Large Titanite hand with as much humanity as possible,
bosses of Darkroot Garden . You must rein- Shards. You can then ascend the sword and by wearing the Covetous Gold Serpent
force one of the weapons from the table into the Great Lord Greatsword. ring.
to +10, which will require 9Titanite Shards
and 10 Large Titanite Shards. You can then Compatible Weapons Jagged Ghost Blade
ascend the sword into the Greatsword of Dagger
This is a drop from the male Ghosts of
Artorias. New Londo Ruins.
Parrying Dagger
....... .
Bandit's Knife Quelaag's Furysword
Compatible Weapons
Demon Great Machete This weapon must be ascended using the
Greatsword Soul of Ouelaag, the boss of Ouelaag 's
Parrying Dagger
.. Zweihander
Domain, which is located near at the bottom
Bandit's Knife of Blighttown.You must reinforce one of
Demon Great M achete ........... ... the weapons from the table to+ 10, which
Man-serpent Greatsword will require 9 Titanite Shards and 10 Large
Greatsword ........... . .
Claymore Titanite Shards. You can then ascend the
Bastard Sword, sword into Ouelaag's Furysword. The Scimi-
........................ Darksword tar can be purchased from the merchant in
Man-serpent Greatsword the Undead Burg.
Barbed Straight Sword
........... . ...... ..
.. .. ....... . Sunlight Straight Sword
......... .. ........................ .. ...................... .
Bastard Sword Compatible Weapons
Balder Side Sword
Darksword Painting Guardian Sword
Barbed Straight Sword Murakumo
Sunlight Straight Sword Server
Balder Side Sword Shotel
Broadsword Moonlight Greatsword Scimitar
Longsword To retrieve this weapon, you must cut the Falchion
.. .......... . tail off Seath the Scaleless, located in the
Crystal Cave.

06 EXTRAS 371
Gravelord Sword Dragon King Greataxe Compatible Weapons
This is a reward for joining the Covenant of This weapon must be obtained by slicing off Mail Breaker
Gravelord Nito. You must reach him before the tail of the boss of the Depths, the Gap- Estoc
you go through the Tomb of the Giants and ing Dragon . [-10 02]
kill him to retrieve his Soul. To reach him to
Ricard 's Rapier
establish the covenant, make sure you have Grant
the Eye of Death (which you can purchase This divine weapon is a drop from a red Spear
from the merchant in Undead Burg). and phantom, Divine Knight Leeroy. Th is red Winged Spear
stand in the tomb in the Catacombs (see phantom will invade you when you visit a Partizan
page 215 in Chapter 3 Area Guide to find certain point in the Tomb of the Giants, a
this) until you are transported to Gravelord narrow ledge, which you should walk to
Nito. Enter into a covenant with him to the end of. See the "NPCs of Dark Souls"
receive the Gravelord Sword and a miracle. section in this chapter for more details. Dragonslayer Spear
Reinforce any weapon from the table to
Chaos Blade Dragon Tooth + 10, and then use the Soul of Ornstein, one
Reinforce any weapon from the table to This weapon is found in a treasure chest in of the bosses of Anor Londo, to ascend the
+ 10, and then use the Soul of Ouelaag to Anor Londo. weapon into the Dragonslayer Spear. To get
ascend the weapon into the Chaos Blade . Ornstein's Soul, you must defeat Smough
The Ia ito can be found on a corpse in Smough's Hammer first and Ornstein last.
Blighttown. Reinforce any weapon from the table to
+ 10, and then use the Soul of Smough, one Compatible Weapons
Compattble Weapons of the bosses of Anor Londo, to ascend Mail Breaker
Washing Pole
the weapon into Smough's Hammer. The
Infested Barbarians of Blighttown will drop
Ia ito Rapier
clubs. To obtain Smough's Soul, you must
Uchigatana defeat Ornstein first and Smough last. Ricard 's Rapier
Velka's Rapier Compatible Weapons Winged Spear
Velka's Rapier can be found on a corpse in Club Partizan
the Painting World of Ariamis. [ ~o 01]
Mace Pike

GolemAxe Morning Star

Reinforce any weapon from the table to Warpick Titanite Catch Pole
+ 10, and then use the Core of the Iron Pickaxe This is a drop from the Prowling Demons,
Golem to ascend the weapon into the Reinforced Club which are found throughout the game,
Golem Axe. Simple axes can commonly in particular at the bottom of the Undead
Blacksmith Hammer
be found on the axe type Armored Zombies, Parish and at the bottom of Sen's Fortress.
found in Undead Burg . Great Club [-10 03]
Demon's Great Hammer

Compattble Weapons Large Club Black Knight Halberd

Hand Axe This is a drop from the spear-wielding Black
Knights. There are only two in the game.
Demon's Greataxe
Silver Knight Spear The first is in Darkroot Basin, and the other
Greataxe This is a drop from the spear type Silver is in the Kiln of the First Flame .
Gargoyle Tail Axe Knights of Anor Londo.
Butcher Knife Lifehunt Scythe
Battle Axe Moonlight Butterfly Hom Reinforce any weapon from the table to
Reinforce any weapon from the table to + 10, and then use the Soul of Priscilla the
+ 10, and then use the Soul of the Moon- Crossbreed to ascend the weapon into
Black Knight Greataxe light Butterfly to ascend the weapon into the Lifehunt Scythe. The Sentinels of Anor
This weapon is dropped by the axe-wielding the Moonlight Butterfly Horn . The Spear is Londo will drop a compatible weapon for
Black Knights. There are only two available, a common drop from the spear-wielding you to use for this endeavor.
one in the Catacombs and the other in the Undead Soldiers, located in the Undead
Kiln of the First Flame. Burg and Undead Parish.


Compatible Weapons Crystal Ring Shield Greatshield of Artorias
Halberd Reinforce any shield from the table to The same shields that are compatible with the
+ 10, and then use the Soul of the Moon- Crystal Ring Shield can also be used here, so
light Butterfly to ascend the shield into refer to that table for which shield to use. Rein-
the Crystal Ring Shield. Almost any shield force the shield from to+ 10, and then use the
Gargoyle's Halberd in the game can be used for this purpose, Soul of Sif the Grey Wolf to ascend the shield
Great Scythe including the starting shield you will find into the Greatshield of Artorias.
Whip in the Undead Asylum.
Notched Whip
Compattble Weapons
Plank Shield / Small Leather Shield
Dragon Bone Fist Leather Shield/ Target Shield
Reinforce any weapon from the table to
Buckler/Cracked Round Shield
+ 10, and then use the Core of the Iron
Golem to ascend the weapon into the Caduceus Round Shield/Red and White Round
Dragon Bone Fist. The Cestus can be
purchased from the blacksmith located in Warrior's Round Shield/Heater Shield
the Undead Parish. Knight Shield/Tower Kite Shield
Grass Crest Shield/Hollow Soldier Shield
Compatoble Weapons Balder Shield/Iron Round Shield
Cestus Spider Shield/Spiked Shield
Claw Pierce Shield/Sunlight Shield
Caduceus Kite Shield/Gargoyle's Shield
Dragonslayer Greatbow Double-headed Eagle Shield/Wooden Shield
Th is can be found in a treasure chest in Large Leather Shield/Eagle Shield
Anor Londo.
Tower Shield/Giant Shield

Darkmoon Bow Bonewheel Shield/Effigy Shield

Reinforce any weapon from the table to Sanctus/Bioodshield/ Biack Iron Greatshield
+ 10, and then use the Soul of Gwyndolin
the Darkmoon God to ascend the weapon Crest Shield
into the Darkmoon Bow. A bow can be This is dropped from the Hollowed Hero,
purchased from the merchant in the who will attack you when you make a re-
Undead Burg. turn visit to the Undead Asylum. [~0 04]

Compattble Weapon s Dragon Crest Shield

Short Bow This can be found on a corpse in the New
Londo Ruins.
Composite Bow
Silver Knight Shield
Black Bow of Pharis This is a drop item from any Silver Knight
variation in Anor Londo.
Tin Darkmoon Catalyst
Acquire one of the Catalysts from the Black Knight Shield
table below, and then use the Soul of This is a drop item from any Black Knight
Gwyndolin the Darkmoon God to ascend variation found throughout the game.
the weapon into the Tin Darkmoon
Catalyst. Stone Greatshield
This is a drop item from the Great Stone
Compatable Weapon s Knight's found in Darkroot Garden .
Oolacile Ivory Catalyst
Logan's Catalyst
Havel's Greatshield
This can be found in a treasure chest in
Tin Banishment Catalyst Anor Londo.
Sorcerer's Catalyst
Beatrice's Catalyst

06 EXTRAS 373

This Achievement(Trophy requires you to obtain all sorcery spells After you have freed Big Hat Logan and have spoken to him in the
in the game. The following is a list of these spells and how you can Duke's Archives, Griggs will offer a slightly modified spell and ring
obtain them: selection. Once you have purchased all his wares, he wil l become
a Hollow in Sen's Fortress. where you must defeat him to get the
Name of Sorcery Spell J Location/Seller Hush spell.
Soul Arrow Griggs of Vinheim or Big Hat Logan
Great Soul Arrow Griggs of Vinheim or Big Hat Logan
Big Hat logan
Big Hat Logan is initially a prisoner in Sen's Fortress, and is locked
Heavy Soul Arrow Griggs of Vinheim or Big Hat Logan
inside a hanging cage there [ ~o 02] . The key to open the cage is
Great Heavy Soul Arrow Griggs of Vinheim or Big Hat Logan also found in Sen's Fortress. Free him, and he will return to Firelink
Homing Soulmass Big Hat Logan Shrine. Meet him there to purchase his first set of spells and items.
Homing Crystal Soulmass Big Hat Logan (after moving to Archives)
Soul Spear Big Hat Logan
Later, when you have been sent to the dungeons of the Duke's Ar-
chives, after being killed by Seath, you will find Logan in one of the
Crystal Soul Spear Big Hat Logan (after moving to Archives)
cells. Free him again. You can then find him in another room of the
Magic Weapon Griggs of Vinheim or Big Hat Logan
Duke's Archives, whe re he will be selling his full inventory.
Great Magic Weapon Big Hat Logan
Crystal Magic Weapon Big Hat Logan (after moving to Archives) Once you have purchased everything he has to offer, and you have
... .. . ...
Magic Shield Griggs of Vinheim or Big Hat Logan defeated Seath in the Crystal Cave, return to Seath's room in the
Duke's Archives. There, Logan will have turned Hollow, and you
Strong Magic Shield Found on a corpse in the Duke's Archives
must defeat him to obtain the White Dragon Breath spell.
Hidden Weapon Dusk of Oolacile

Dusk of Oolacile
Dusk of Oolacile has been trapped for centuries inside a Yellow
Crystal Golem. This golem can be found in Darkroot Basin, behind
the giant Hydra [ ~o 03]. Defeat the Hydra and head to the very
Aural Decoy Griggs of Vinheim
..... ... rear of the cavern to find the golem. Defeat it, and you will free the
Dusk of Oolacile . Speak to her, and accept her offer to allow her to
teach you sorcery. She will now disappear.
Chameleon Dusk of Oolacile
Dispel Curse lngward You can summon Dusk at any point by activating her summon point.
Remedy lngward
It is located close to where you fought the Hydra, near the edge
of the water. There is a boulder here that has the mark next to it.
White Dragon Breath Defeat Big Hat Logan
[~0 04]

Griggs ofVinheim lngward

Griggs of Vinheim can initially be found in the lowest levels of the lngward can be found on a rooftop in New Londo Ruins. Speak to
Undead Burg, in the area just before the Capra Demon . There, you him here before you defeat the Four Kings. After you have beaten
will find a house with a locked door, and will be able to hear Griggs them, head back to Firelink Shrine, where lngward will be waiting
crying out for help from inside [~0 01]. In order to open this door, to sell you his spells .
you must buy the Residence Key from the merchant in the Undead
Burg. After freeing him, he will return to Firelink Shrine and begin
to sell you sorceries .



This Achievement/Trophy requires you to obtain all pyromancy spells Daughter of Chaos
in the game. The following is a list of these spells and how you can You will also find her where Eingyi is. She can give you a few power-
obtain them: ful pyromancy spells, but only if you level up your covenant with her
by offering her humanity. [~0 06]
Pyromancy Spells ISeller/Location
Fireball Laurentius or Ouelana of lzalith Ouelana of lzalith
Fire Orb Laurentius or Ouelana of lzalith Ouelana of lzalith will appear in Blighttown . To make her show up,
Great Fireball Ouelana of lzalith
you must have previously rescued Laurentius. Defeat Ouelaag and
ring the second bell as normal, then go back to Laurentius and level
Firestonn Ouelana of lzalith
up your Pyromancy Hand to+ 10. Revisit Blighttown, and Ouelana
Fire Tempest After defeating Bed of Chaos for Ouelana of lzalith should be sitting against one of the stone pillars in the swamp, near
Fire Surge Dropped by Engorged Zombie in Painting World Ariamis
the entrance to Ouelaag's Domain. She will offer you several spells,
Fire Whip Ouelana of lzalith but she has a special request after you have placed the Lordvessel
Combustion Laurentius or Ouelana of lzalith on the altar. She will ask you to kill the Bed of Chaos (the boss of
Lost lzalith, and also her mother). If you do this, she will reward
Great Combustion Ouelana of lzalith
you with the mighty Fire Tempest spell.

Acid Surge Found on a corpse in the Painted World of Ariamis

Iron Flesh Laurentius
Flash Sweat Laurentius
Undead Rapport Ouelana of lzalith
Power Within Found on a corpse in Blighttown
.................. ..............................

Chaos Storm Obtained via Covenant with Daughter of Chaos

Chaos Fire Whip Found in a chest in Lost lzalith

Laurentius will sell many of the basic pyromancy spells you need
for this Achievement/Trophy. You must rescue him first though. You'll
find him in a room in the Depths, where he is trapped in a barrel.
After you free him, he will appear in Firelink Shrine. After defeating
Ouelaag, vis it Laurentius before doing anything else. Upgrade your
Pyromancy Hand to at least+ 10, and buy any spells you do not
already have, as he will soon turn Hollow. After a certain period of
time, or if you speak to him after acquiring one of Ouelana's pyro-
mancies, he w ill head to Blighttown and turn Hollow.

Eingyi is an non-violent Egg-Carrier enemy who guards Ouelaag's sister.
To get to him, you must hit the secret wall in the elevator room behind
the room where you battled Ouelaag in Ouelaag's Domain [ ~o 05].
However, he will not sell any spells to you unless you have been infected
with the egg status. To do this, attack one of the Egg-Carrier enemies
in Ouelaag's Domain and get it to use its grab attack on you. When it
does, you will be infected and eventually sprout eggs. When this hap-
pens, speak to Eingyi, and he will be much more receptive. He will also
sell you the item you need to remove the egg parasite.

06 EXTRAS 375

This Achievement/Trophy requires you to obtain all Miracle spells in the game .
Here is a list of these spells and how you can obtain them:

Moracle Spell Name ISeller/Location

Heal Petrus ofThorolund or Rhea ofThorolund
Great Heal Rhea ofThorolund

Great Heal Excerpt Petrus ofThorolund or Rhea ofThorolund

Soothing Sunlight Dropped by Pisaca in Duke's Arch ives
Replenishment During event with Rhea ofThorolund
Bountiful Sunlight Dropped by Pisaca in Duke's Archives

Homeward Petrus ofThorolund or Rhea ofThorolund

Force Petru s ofThorolund or Rhea ofThorolund
Wrath of the Gods Rhea ofThorolund

Seek Guidance Rhea ofThorolund

Lightning Spear Obtained th rough covena nt with Warrior of Sunlight
Great Lightning Spear Obtained through covenant ':"'thyvarriorofS~nligh.l
Sunlight Spear Obtained through covenant ':"ith v.arrior of S~nl1g hl

Reinforced Magic Barrier Found in treasure chest in Anor Londo

Karmic Justice Oswald of Carim
Tranquil Walk of Peace Found on corpse in the Catacom bs
Vow of Silence Oswald of Carim
Sunlight Blade Found in treasure chest in Anor Londo
Darkmoon Blade Obtained through covenant with Gwyndolin

Petrus ofThorolund
Petrus ofThorolund is available to you very early in the game . As soon as you arrive in
Lordran, you can find Petrus near the Firelink Shrine [-+0 01] . While his miracles cost
significantly more than Rhea ofThorolund's, he has a large selection that is available
early. You should also be wary of leaving Petrus alive for too long , as he w ill eventually
conspire to murder Rhea.

Rhea ofThorolund
Rhea ofThorolund first appears in Firelink Shrine near Petrus, along with her two other
allies, Vince and Nico . They are on a mission to the Catacombs. When you eventually
reach the Tomb of the Giants, you wi ll find Rhea trapped and Vince and Nico turned Hol-
low Defeat them and speak to her. She will then return to the Undead Parish . Find her
there and speak to her to purchase miracles from her, some of which are much cheaper
than Petrus's . Be sure to buy all of these as soon as possible, as Petrus w ill attempt to
kill her soon.

Oswald of Carim
Oswald of Carim is located in the Undead Parish . He will appear in the tow er that hous-
es the first Bell of Awakening, just after the place where you battled the Bell Gargoyles.
He will on ly appear after you ring the bell. [-+0 02]

Gravelord Nito
Upon entering the covenant with Gravelord Nita, you will be given the Gravelord Sword
Dance miracle. You must level-up this Covenant to Rank 2 to receive the second version
of th is spell, Gravelord Greatsword Dance. You will need the Eye of Death item to rank
this covenant up. This is dropped by the Basilisk enemy, commonly found in the Depths .

Gwyndolin the Darkmoon God

Upon entering the Covenant with Gwyndolin, you will receive the Darkmoon Blade


Warrior of Sunlight
Enter the Warrior of Sunlight Covenant, either by speaking to Solaire or visiting the
Sunlight Altar in the Undead Parish while you have 50 Faith [-tO 03]. You must use
Sunlight Medals to rank up this covenant to retrieve these spells . These are very rarely
found, but they are dotted around the game's world. You will also get one every time
you summon Solaire to help you in a boss battle and ensure he survives the battle. At
Rank 2 of the covenant, you must give the Soul of Lord Gwyn, the last boss, as a trade
for the final Sunlight Spear Miracle.

Siegmeyer of Catarina
Siegmeyer is an NPC that appears in several places . If you help in a few locations, he
will reward you with the Emit Force Miracle. First, help him in Sen's Fortress by chang-
ing the path of the rolling boulders [-tO 04] . Then, help him in Anor Londo by defeating
the Silver Knights. Finally, speak to him at Firelink Shrine and tell him you were the one
that opened the gates of Sen's Fortress to receive his miracle .

Defeat the Dark Sun Gwyndolin

This is an optional boss and not necessary for completing the game, but to get the
Achievement(Trophy you will need to defeat the Dark Sun Gwyndolin. He is located on
the lowest floor of Anor Londo, and you will either need to kill Gywnevere beforehand,
to get access to him, or have the Darkmoon Seance Ring equipped when you approach .
[-tO 05]

Defeat Crossbreed Priscilla

This is an optional boss and not necessary for completing the game, but to get the
Achievement!Trophy you will need to defeat Priscilla the Crossbreed. She is the boss
of the Painting World of Ariamis, an area that, to get to, you must travel into a painting.
The painting itself is located in Anor Londo, but to access it you need the Peculiar Doll
item [-tO 06] . This is located in your cell in the Undead Asylum, the very first room you
started the game in. However, it is now being guarded by a horde of powerful enemies.

To unlock these Achievement!Trophies, you simply have to establish a covenant with or by approaching the tomb while equipped
each of the covenant-givers in the game . You don't have to rank them up, as soon as with the Darkmoon Seance Ring. Gwyndolin
you establish the covenant, you will unlock the Achievement(Trophy. You should estab- will speak to you and ask you to kneel before
lish all covenants before ranking them up, as breaking off a covenant to join another the door; do this and you will have the option
one will lower your rank for all covenants . of entering his covenant. [-tO 08]

Achievement/Trophy Details Covenant: Warrior of Sunlight

The Warrior of Sunlight, Solaire, will offer you
Name I Xbox 360 I PS3 IDescription a covenant if you have a Faith statistic of 50.
Covenant: Way of White 15G Bronze Discover Way of Whi te Covenant. However, if for whatever reason Solaire is not
Covenant: Princess's Guard 30G Silver Discover Princess's Guard Covena nt. available, you can also visit the Sunlight Altar in
Covenant: Blade of the Darkmoon 30G Silver Discover Blade of the Darkmoon Covenant. the Undead Parish with a Faith stat of 50, and
Covenant: Warrior of Sunlight activate it. It will give you the option of joining
.. . ...... ..... . the Covenant.
Covenant: Forest Hunter 30G Silver Di scover Forest Hunter Covenant.
Covenant: Dartc:wraith 30G Silver Discover Darkwraith Covenant. Covenant: Forest Hunter
This covenant is offered by Alvina of Darkroot
Covenant: Gravelord Servant 30G Silver Discover Gravelord Servant Covenant. Garden. You will have to make it past her band
Covenant: Chaos Servant 30G Silver Discover Chaos Servant Covenant.
of forest protectors, but as soon as you join her
covenant, they will stop attacking you.

Covenant: Way of White Covenant: Darkwraith

This is the first covenant you are able to join, and the easiest to find . Petrus ofThorol- To meet the Darkwraith Kaathe and join his
und and Rhea ofThorolund both allow you to join . Petrus is right next to your starting covenant, you must defeat the Four Kings boss
position in Firelink Shrine, and Rhea can later be found in Undead Parish, after you have of New Londo Ruins before you place the Lord-
rescued her from the Tomb of the Giants . vessel on the Altar. When you have defeated
the Four Kings, Kaathe will appear in the Abyss
Covenant: Princess's Guard and offer to reveal the truth to you. Accept this,
The Princess's Guard Covenant is offered by Gwynevere of Anor Londo. You will meet and listen to him. When he has finished, speak
her after defeating Smough and Ornstein . Speak to her after she gives you the Lordves- to him again to join his covenant.
sel to join her covenant. [-tO 07]
Covenant: Path of the Dragon
Covenant: Blade of the Darkmoon This covenant is available from the Ancient
This is the covenant of Gwyndolin the Darkmoon God. He can be found at the very bot- Dragon, who resides in the end of the Ash
tom level of Anor Londo, so you must move the central rotating platform to its lowest Lake area. [-tO 09]
point. However, you can only access Gwyndolin's tomb by either killing Gw ynevere first

06 EXTRAS 377
Covenant: Gravelord Servant Covenant: Chaos Servant
To gain access to this covenant, you must meet with Gravelord This covenant is available from Ouelaag's sister. To find her, you
Nito before you fight him. To do this, you must get to an area in must hit the hidden wall located in the elevator room behind where
the Catacombs while you have the Eye of Death in your inventory you battle Ouelaag herself [~0 02] . An Egg-Carrier will ask if you
[~o 01]. Wait in this area, and you will be transported to Grave lord are a new servant; reply that you are and he will let you through to
Nito, where you can enter his covenant. For more details of how to speak to Ouelaag's sister. Speak to her to join her covenant.
get to him, see page 321 in this chapter.

These Trophies/Achievements will be unlocked
when you upgrade a weapon to the maximum Achievement!Trophy Details
weapon upgrade path. This can be done with Name I Xbox 360 I PS3 I Description
almost any basic weapon, but you should do it Strongest Weapon 15G Bronze Acquire best weapon through standard reinforcement .
on a weapon you will be using frequently. All of Crystal Weapon 15G Bronze Acquire best weapon through crystal reinforcement.
these require Titanite Slabs for the final upgrade,
lightning Weapon 15G Bronze Acquire best weapon through lightning reinforcement.
which are in extremely short supply, so you may
have to do this via multiple playthroughs. Raw Weapon 15G Bronze Acquire best weapon through raw reinforcement.
.. . .. .... .........................
Magic Weapon 15G Bronze Acquire best weapon through magic reinforcement .
Titanite Shards Enchanted Weapon 15G Bronze Acquire best weapon through enchanted reinforcement.
As you might imagine, Titanite Shards are the Blessed Weapon 15G Bronze Acquire best weapon through blessed reinforcement.
easiest materials to find. Undead Soldiers will
Dark Weapon 15G Bronze Acquire best weapon through dark reinforcement.
drop this item often, both sword and spear
types. Farm them near the bonfire located in Flame Weapon 15G Bronze Acquire best weapon through flame reinforcement.
Undead Burg . [~0 03] Chaos Weapon 15G Bronze Acquire best weapon through chaos reinforcement.

Large Titanite Shards Titanite Chunk

Large Titanite Shards are a little more danger- Titanite Chunks are much harder to come by. Your best renewable sources for these
ous to farm. Elite Undead Guards will drop this are the Sentinels of Anor Londo. Use the bonfire near the Darkmoon Knightess to make
item, so farm them near the Undead Parish, them res pawn and then farm them. [ ~o 04]
using the bonfire near the blacksmith to heal.
Titanite Slab
This is one of the most rare materials. It is an extremely rare drop, so you will need
to increase your drop rate as much as possible. The Dark Wraiths at the bottom of the
drained New Londo Ruins can sometimes drop them. The Stray Demon in the Undead
Asylum is also a guaranteed drop for this item.

Large Green Titanite Shard

The Great Leeches in the swamp of Blighttown are a great source of Green Titanite Shards.
Use the bonfire near the swamp area to respawn the leeches and heal yourself. r~o 05]

Blue Titanite Chunk

The only real way to farm this material is by farming Blue Crystal Golems. The field
between the Duke's Archives and the Crystal Cave is a good source, and a bonfire
is nearby. [ ~o 06]

Blue Titanite Slab

An extremely rare and difficult material to farm. The only renewable source of this
material is the Crystal Butterflies of the Crystal Cave, but this isn't really a viable source.
It is also collectable in the Duke's Archives.

White Titanite Chunk

This is fairly easily farmable from the Skeleton Towers of the Tomb of the Giants.

White Titanite Slab

There is no renewable source of this item, although like all materials, the Crystal Lizards
and Black Knights have a chance of dropping it. There is a collectable White Titanite Slab
in the Tomb of the Giants.

Red Titanite Chunk

The dangerous Chaos Eaters of Lost lzalith will drop Red Titanite Chunks. They are
difficult to farm as there is no bonfire nearby, but there is a large group of them in the
pit in Lost lzalith [ ~o 07]. Use a Homeward Bone to return to a bonfire quickly and
make them respawn.

Red Titanite Slab

The Chaos Eaters of Lost lzalith also drop Red Titanite Slabs, but the drop is much rarer. In-
crease your humanity and use the Covetous Gold Serpent Ring to increase your drop rate.


Crystal Weapon
This Achievement(Trophy is unlocked when you upgrade any weapon to the maximum
Crystal reinforcement level. To do so, you will need 9 Titanite Shards and 10 Large
Titanite Shards to upgrade the weapon to + 10. This can only be done with the Large
Ember and with Andre, blacksmith of the Undead Parish. Then, you must take the
+ 10 weapon to the Giant blacksmith of Anor Londo, give him the Crystal Ember and
then get him to upgrade the weapon the rest of the way. To go from + 10 normal to
+5 Crystal will require 8Titanite Chunks and 1 Titanite Slab.

Lightning Weapon
This Achievement(Trophy is unlocked when you upgrade any weapon to the maxi-
mum Lightning reinforcement level. To do so, you will need 9 Titanite Shards and 10
Large Titanite Shards to upgrade the weapon to+ 10. This can only be done with the
Large Ember and with Andre, blacksmith of the Undead Parish. Then, you must take
the + 10 weapon to the Giant blacksmith of Anor Londo and then get him to upgrade
the weapon the rest of the way. To go from + 10 normal to +5 Lightning will require 8
Titanite Chunks and 1 Titanite Slab.

Raw Weapon
This Achievement(Trophy is unlocked when you upgrade any weapon to the maximum
Raw reinforcement level. To do so, you will need 9Titanite Shards to upgrade the
weapon to +5. This can only be done with the Large Ember and with Andre, blacksmith
of the Undead Parish. You will also need to give him the Very Large Ember to make Raw
weapons. To go from +5 normal to +5 Raw will require 10 Large Titanite Shards.

Magic Weapon
This Achievement(Trophy is unlocked when you upgrade any weapon to the maximum
Magic reinforcement level. To do so, you will need 9Titanite Shards to upgrade the
weapon to +5. Then, you must take the +5 weapon to the Vinheim blacksmith of New
Londo Ruins, give him the Magic Ember and then get him to upgrade the weapon the
rest of the way. To go from +5 normal to+ 10 Magic will require 10 Large Green Titanite
Shards, 8 Blue Titanite Chunks and 1 Blue Titanite Slab.

Enchanted Weapon
This Achievement(Trophy is unlocked when you upgrade any weapon to the maximum
Enchanted reinforcement level. To do so, you will need 9Titanite Shards to upgrade the
weapon to +5. Then, you must take the +5 weapon to the Vinheim blacksmith of New
Londo Ruins, give him the Magic and Enchanted Embers and then get him to upgrade
the weapon the rest of the way. To go from +5 normal to +5 Magic will require 10 Large
Green Titanite Shards, then from +5 Magic to +5 Enchanted will require 8 Blue Titanite
Chunks and 1 Blue Titanite Slab.

Blessed Weapon
This Achievement(Trophy is unlocked when you upgrade any weapon to the maximum
Divine reinforcement level. To do so, you will need 9Titanite Shards to upgrade the
weapon to +5. Then, you must take the +5 weapon to Andre, blacksmith of the Undead
Parish, give him the Divine and Large Divine Embers and then get him to upgrade the
weapon the rest of the way. To go from +5 normal to+ 10 Divine will require 10 Large
Ember Locations
Green Titanite Shards, 8 White Titanite Chunks and 1 White Titanite Slab.
Ember I Location
large Ember Depths Dark Weapon
Very large Ember New Londo Rurns This Achievement(Trophy is unlocked when you upgrade any weapon to the maximum
Occult reinforcement level. To do so, you will need 9Titanite Shards to upgrade the
Dark Ember Painted World of Ariamis
weapon to +5. Then, you must take the +5 weapon to Andre, blacksmith of the Undead
Divine Ember Darkroot Garden
Parish, give him the Divine and Dark Embers and then get him to upgrade the weapon
Large Divine Ember Tomb of the Giants the rest of the way. To go from +5 normal to +5 Divine will require 10 Large Green
Magic Ember Duke's Archives Titanite Shards, then from +5 Divine to +5 Occult 8 White Titanite Chunks and 1 White
Enchanted Ember Darkroot Garden Titanite Slab.
Crystal Ember Duke's Archives
Flame Weapon
Flame Ember Lost lzalith
This Achievement(Trophy is unlocked when you upgrade any weapon to the maximum
Chaos Flame Ember Lost lzalith Flame reinforcement level. To do so, you will need 9Titanite Shards to upgrade the
weapon to +5. Then, you must take the +5 weapon to Vamos, blacksmith of the Cata-
combs, give him the Flame Ember and then get him to upgrade the weapon the rest of
Strongest Weapon the way. To go from +5 normal to + 10 Flame will require 10 Large Green Titanite Shards,
This Achievement(Trophy is unlocked when you 8 Red Titanite Chunks and 1 Red Titanite Slab .
upgrade any weapon to the maximum normal
reinforcement level. To do so, you will need 9 Chaos Weapon
Titanite Shards, 10 Large Titanite Shards, 8 Ti- This Achievement(Trophy is unlocked when you upgrade any weapon to the maxi-
tanite Chunks and 1 Titanite Slab. You will need mum Chaos reinforcement level. To do so, you will need 9 Titanite Shards to upgrade
the Large Ember and Very Large Ember items, the weapon to +5. Then, you must take the +5 weapon to Vamos, blacksmith of the
and give them to Andre, the blacksmith of the Catacombs, give him the Flame and Chaos Embers and then get him to upgrade the
Undead Parish. weapon the rest of the way. To go from +5 normal to +5 Flame will require 10 Large
Green Titanite Shards, then from +5 Flame to +5 Chaos will require 8 Red Titanite
Chunks and 1 Red Titanite Slab .

06 EXTRAS 379
While most of the enemies in Dark Sou ls are of a f ixed natu re, and w ill alw ays appear in
the same place and have the same stats, there are a couple of exceptions to this rule . The
Crystal Lizards and Good and Evil Drift Items are both elusive and valuable.

Crystal Lizards are sh iny creatures that like
to run aw ay and disappear at the first sight
of you, never to appear aga in. If one gets
aw ay from you and disappears before yo u
can kil l it, it w ill be gone fo r good . They are
very w eak and can be taken down in one hit 58 No

from most w eapons. They are also tiny, so

stabbing w eapons like spears and rapiers
have very little chance of hitting them . Use a
swinging w eapon like a club or axe to en sure
you connect with them . They are quick, so
chase after them and use your sprinting attack before they can disappear. [ ~o 01]

Defense Values
Phy DEF I VS slash I VS strike I VS thrust I Magic DEF I Flame DEF I Lightning DEF I Poison Resist I Venom Resist
184 230 184 184 162 152 162 s s

The table here show s the general area ea ch one can be fou nd. Remember that they can be
anywhere in th is general vici nity, so look around .

Area j location J Drops

Undead Burg In a barrel before the Taurus Demon. Twinkling Titanite/Large Titanite Shard/Titani te Chunk
. ............................ .. .... ... .... .... ........ ... .. .. .............. .. .. ... .. .. .. ..... .... ........ ........ ..... . .. ...
Darkroot Basin Near the slope opposite the Hydra in the waterfall Twinkling Titanite/Large Titanite Shard/Titani te Chunk
... .. .. ........................................ .. ... ..... ...... ....................... ........ ............. .... ......................
the flfSt lever. jump off the bridge into a room on the
Twinkling Titanite/Large Green Titanite ShardM!hite Titanite Chunk

Tomb of the Giants After you leave the darkness. it will be along the narrow slope ... . ~winkling Titanite/Large Green!ita.nit~ S.hard(lfVhiteTitanite Chu~k
Jump down to the fat branch that you can see from the start1ng
The Great Hollow Twinkling Titanite/Large Titanite Shard /Large Green Titanite Shard/Titanite
bonfire. Move on to the wall, jump down to the branch below and to
(x2 Lizards) Chunk/Blue Titanite Chunk/White Titanite Chunk/Red Titanite Chunk/Titanite Slab
your left and then again to the platform below.
.. .......... .. ... .. .... .........................................................................................
Follow the path around from where you found the first Crystal Lizard.
Twinkling Titanite/Large Titanite Shard /Large Green Titanite Shard/T1tan1te
These Lizards have a random chance of appearing, so revisit the area
Chunk/Blue Titanite Chunk/White Titanite Chunk/Red Titanite Chunk/T1tamte Slab
if do not
Move forwards from your starting point, it is near the U-shaped bend Twinkl ing Titanite/Large Titanite Shard /Large Green Titanite Shard/Titanite
The Great Hollow
in the main branch . Chunk/Blue Titanite Chunk/White Titanite Chunk/Red Titanite Chunk/Titanite Slab

The Great Hollow Twinkling Titanite/Large Titanite Shard /Large Green Titanite Shard/Titanite
Found aher jumping down from the Basilisk Nest.
Chunk/Blue Titanite Chunk/White Titanite Chunk/Red Titanite Chunk/Titanite Slab
In the shortcut passage wh1ch connects the area before the Demon
Lost lzalith Twinkling Titanite/Large Green Titanite Shard/Red Titanite Chunk
........ Firesage&corrldo_r _ ?~the _Pro'A'Iing _ ~emon
Duke's Archives Stairs before the first battle with Seath the Scaleless Twinkling Titanite/Large Green T1tan1te Shard/Blue Titanite Chunk
Enter the crystal cave and jump down from the second Crystal Golem
Crystal Cave (x3 Lizards) Twinkling Titanite/Large Green Titanite Shard/Blue Titanite Chunk
platform. Land on the transparent platform below this. and look back.


Drift Items are online, m ultiplayer based

items, and as such, you w ill never see them
if playing in Offline Mode . They are essen- Drift Item (Good)
tially items that have turned into mon sters .
How ever, they w ill only appear in places
that other players have died in w hilst playing
online, and even then only in speci fi c places
w ithin each area . The tables here explain
where they can be found and w hat they
w ill drop. A Drift Item w il l drop somethmg
related to the level and type of player that
dies there, such as Souls of Undead items .
Type I HP
Drift Item (Good) 87-334
Drift Item (Evil) 104-398


Depths Blighttown
Item Type ILocation Item Type ILocation
Good 2 levels higher fr?rn_th_e_ Gap 1 ng_Dragonl'~ht~i~g w.all,_onthet~rrace Good Opposite the area that you first land when you reach the swamp.

Evil ln the room with Laurentius. Evil Before the highest sewer entrance.

Evil Behind the iron bars where the Basilisk run through. Evil Opposite the area of the drainpipe in the swamp that houses a bonfire.

Undead Burg and Parish Demon Ruins and Lost lzalith

Item Type llocat1on Item Type I Location

Good Wooden roof that has three Firebomb Zombies.

Good In the lava of Lost lzalith that houses the Bounding Demons.

Evil Before the Fog Gate leading to the Centipede Demon.

Evil On the top of the tower, before the Taurus Demon.
Evil Corridor of the Prowling Demon in Lost lzalith.

Sen's Fortress
Item Type !Location
Good On the roof that you reach using the secret ladder where the Giant is.
Painted World of Ariamis
Good The second boulder slope, near where the Serpent Mage is.
Item Type !Location
Good Bottom of the tower with the Crestfallen Merchant
Good North-East building, jump down from the platform with Zombie (Bow).
............................................................................ Evil
Evil Second rolling slope: in th_e__h'd?_
en_room vvith 1ron balls .
Leave the north-east building, jump down before the tower to the right,
Evil Evil Behind the Elite Undead Guard in the ramparts.
again jump down to the right.

Evil Sewer, in the corner of the haiL
Anor Londo

Darkroot Garden and Basin Item Type ILocation

Item Type I Location
Turn right at the main palace gate, go through the gate, it's on the
left buttress.
Good Near the cliff edge where the Frog-Rays appear.
..................... ............... . .
Good Bridge past Alvina.
Building which leads to the Painted World of Ariamis. Near the stone
Evil Near the waterfalL ..... statue whi~hyou get t? by jumping do:-vn from the joist
Evil Opposite the cliff populated by Demonic Foliage. Evil On the buttress with the Silver Knight Archer.
Evil Before Sit Evil Just before the first broken Window.

The Catacombs New Londo Ruins

Item Type !Location Item Type !Location
Good Near Patches. Good After the first land1ng bridge, 1n the small room of the annex.
Good Near Vamos. Good In the small room of the annex, on the side of the ghost house.
Good After the first Fog Wall of the lower area after draining.
Evil In the Pinwheels room. Evil In the shadow of the stairs in the first shallow area.
Evil On the roof of the ghost house.
Tomb of the Giants Evil Just before the Fog Gate leading to the Abyss.
Item Type ILocation
Good On the cliff near the start of area. The Duke's Archives and Crystal Cave
Good Before Nito in the Pinwheel's Servants area. Item Type ILocation
Evil Pit that Patches knocks you down to. Good In the shadow of the central stairs in the first main room .
Evil Jump down from the area of the Silver Covetous Serpent ring. Good On a transparent platform in the Crystal Cave.
Evil On a bookshelf in the main room of Duke's Archives.
The Great Hollow and Ash Lake Evil On a transparent platform in the Crystal Cave.
Item Type llocat1on
Nothern Undead Asylum
Good Near the driftwood in Ash Lake Item Type jLocation

Kiln of the First Flame

Item Type ILocation
Evil On the narrow walkways.

06 EXTRAS 381
Hellkite Dragon 56 Sen's Fortress 87. 194

INDEX Humanity
11, 21
Serpent Mage
Hydra 83 Serpent Soldier 87
Abyss 124 Dark Sun Gwyndolin 102 Sewer Chamber Key 179
Annex Key 205 Darkmoon Blades 101 Indictments 33 Shopkeepers 32
Darkroot Basin 118,208 Infested Barbarians 72 Sif, the Great Grey Wolf 116
Darkroot Garden 110, 206 Infested Ghouls 73 Silver Knights 96
Darkwraith 122 Intelligence 20 Sin 33
Archive Tower Giant Door Key Dashing 16 Inventory 11' 22 Skeleton Baby 138
Armor 24 Dashing Jump 16 Iron Golem Skeleton Beast 137
Anno red Tusk 60 Dead Hollow 81 Items Skeleton Swordsmen 46
Armored Zombies 44 Defending 29 Slime 67
Arrows 25 .. ....... ........ D~.mon Firesage 144 Small Undead Rat 45
Demon Ruins 140, 220 Keys 8, 22 Snow Rat 105
Asylum Demon 42 Demonic Foliage 110 Kiln of the First Flame 152, 224 Sorcerer 10
Attunement 11, 19 Demonic Statue 143 Kingseeker Frampt 25 Soul Counter 11
Deprived 10 Souls 12
Backstab 26 Depths 66, 178 Stamina 11, 26
Backstep 16 Dexterity 20 Lady of the Darkling 101 Status Ailments 30
Bandit 10 Dragon Slayer Omstein 97 Large Undead Rat 68 Status Icons 11

Basement Key 172 Duke 's Archives 212 Lost lzalith 148, 222 Stray Demon
Basilisk 69 Dungeon Cell Key 164
BatWing Demon 95 Durability 24 Magic Slot 23
Bed of Chaos 150 Dying 12 Man-Eater Shell 83 Taurus Demon 50
Bell Gargoyle 62 Mass of Souls 123 The Abyss 124
Bird Nest 25 Egg Carrier 78 Master Key 8, 179
Black Knight (Axe) 132 Elite Undead Archer 90 Messages 12 The Duke's Archives 212

Black Knight (Greatsword) 58 Elite Undead Guards 59 Mimic 88 The Great Hollow 81 , 187
Black Knight (Halberd) 118 Endurance 20 Minor Capra Demon 141 Thief 9

I Black Knight (Sword)

Engorged Zombies
103, 104
9, 22, 24
Minor Taurus Demon
Moonlight Butterfly
Tomb of the Giants
135, 218
Bleed 31 Estus Flasks Mushroom Man (Child) 81 Trading Items 25

Blighttown 72, 182 Evasion 29 Mushroom Man (Parent) 82 Traps 14
Blowdart Sniper 74 Executioner Smough 99 Mystery Key 172 Treasure Chests 14
Bolts 25 Tree Lizard 112
Bone Tower 136 Faith 20 New Londo Ruins 121, 210
Bonfires 13 Fire Keepers 13 NPCs 31 Undead Assassin 53
Bounding Demon of lzalith 148 Firelink Shrine 44, 166 Undead Asylum 40, 84, 164
Breakable Walls 14 firelink Shrine (revisited) 191 Undead Asylum (revisited) 193
Burrowing Rockwonn 143 Flaming Attack Dog 74 Undead Asylum F2West Key 191
Butcher 66 Four Kings 124 Undead Attack Dog 52
Frog-Ray 113 Undead Burg 48, 168
Cage Key 196 Fully Annored Tusk 126 Painting Guardian 94 Undead Crystal Soldier 127
Camera 15 Parasitic Wall Hugger 75 Undead Dragon 106
Capra Demon 54 Gaping Dragon 70 Phalanx 106 Undead Mage 132
Ceaseless Discharge 140 Gargoyle 93 Physical Attacks 28 Undead Parish 56, 172
Centipede Demon 146 Gestures 12, 34 Pinwheel 134 Undead Prince Ricard 90
Channeler 60 Ghosts 121 Pinwheel Servant 137 Undead Soldier (Crossbow) 49
Chaos Bug 146 Giant 89 Pisaca 128 Undead Soldier (Spear) 48
Chaos Eater 149 Giant Leech 77 Poison 31 Undead Soldier (Sword) 41
Clan of Forest Protectors 113 Giant Mosquito 77 Possessed Tree 111
Classes 8 Giant Skeleton Archer 135 Priscilla the Crossbreed 108 Valley of Drakes 120, 209
Cleric 10 Giant Skeleton Swordsman 47 Prowling Demon 62 Vile Maggot 78
Combat 26 Giant Undead Rat 68
Controls 15 Gifts 8
Co-op 33 Gravelord Nito 138 Quelaag 78 Wanderer 9
Covenants 32 Great Feline 111 Quelaag's Domain 78, 186 Warrior 9
Cragspider 76 Great Hollow 81 Ouelaana of lzalith 149 Watchtower Basement Key 206
Critical Strikes 26 Great Stone Knight 111 Wheel Skeleton 107
Crow Demon 104 Gwyn, lord of Cinder 153 Resistance 11, 20, 30 Wisp 122

Crvslal Butterfly
.................................... 129 Rings 25 Wyvem 120
Crystal Cave 129, 214 Havel the Rock 50 Rolling 15

Crystal General 128 Health Gauge Zombie (Torch) 53

Heavy Knight (Mace) 61 ~m~~ ~

Cl"fstal Golems 118

Curse 31 Heavy Knight (Sword) 108

06 EXTRAS 383

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