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Rube Goldberg Design Process Packet

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micah come

Name: Period: Group #:

8th Grade Rube Goldberg Machine Project Packet
Objective: You will be able to design and construct a Rube Goldberg machine using at minimum 3 different simple
machines, lasting at least 30 seconds, ending with setting off a pre-made catapult.


1. The entire project must fit on or fall directly off a single workshop table that will be provided.
a. Smaller platforms may be given if needed to glue parts of project down.
2. Dominos may only be used as a transitional part of the project, should not be excessive (determined
my teacher).
3. Once the machine is set off, there can be no outside help to keep it running.
4. Any other limitations/criteria may be subject to change, added onto, or removed at instructor’s


1. The RG machine must set off a catapult at the end of its run time.
2. The machine should run for at least 30 continuous seconds without outside help.
3. You must use at least 3 different simple machines throughout the project.

Simple Machine Checklist:

Wheel & axel Screw Wedge

Inclined Plane Pulley Lever
o Class 1, class 2, class 3

Possible Rube Goldberg Project Materials

1. Toilet paper centers 2. Pulleys

3. Wrapping paper 4. Latches
5. Mouse traps 6. Rubber bands
7. Hot wheel cars 8. CD’s
9. Marbles 10. Hooks
11. String 12. Variable weights
13. Legos 14. Magnets
15. Dixie cups 16. K-nex
The items you may bring in are not limited to the
examples given above. Be sure to ask Mr. Basham for
approval of additional items.

*You do not have to buy your own materials. Material

requests can be given to Mr. Basham.*

Please be sure to show your parents this list, they may

be able to help you out.
Name: Period: Group #:
Design Process Steps
1. Define the problem:
a. You will be able to design and build a Rube Goldberg machine using at minimum 3 different simple
machines lasting at least 30 seconds ending with setting off a given catapult.

2. Research information (This is your simple machine activity sheet. 60pts possible)

3. Generate Possible Concepts (Directions: Sketch a 10 second portion of your Rube Goldberg machine. Be
sure to label what you are drawing, include at least 2 simple machines and provide estimated dimensions.
10 pts possible: 3pts for labels, 2 pts for SMs, 2pts for dimensions, 3 pts for time)

P 2 Ft

4. Select & Design the Best Solution (Directions: Design what you think will be the best idea for this
challenge. Draw it out on whiteboards, sheets of paper or a shared google doc. Be sure to include your 3
simple machines, what you predict to be 30 seconds worth of project (checked by Mr. Basham), and how
you will set off the given catapult. Be as detailed as possible by labeling each part of your project and
providing estimated dimensions. 30pts possible: 3pts per SM, 10pts for approved design, 8pts for labels)
Name: Period: Group #:
5. Build & Test the solution: (Directions: Complete 3 timed tests & 3 other tests of your choice before the
final testing day. Be sure to fill in each part of the tests. 20pts possible: 2pts each for test 1-3, 4pts each
for test 4-6)

Preliminary Test 1 Preliminary Test 2 Preliminary Test 3

Description: Description: Description:
Timed Test Timed Test Timed Test
Time: . Time: . Time: .

Did your machine have any Did your machine have any Did your machine have any
stoppages for the tested section? stoppages for the tested section? stoppages for the tested section?
Yes/no Yes/no Yes/no

Preliminary Test 4 Preliminary Test 5 Preliminary Test 6

Test Description: Test Description: Test Description:

Test Results: Test Results: Test Results:

6. Evaluate the solution: Directions: Analyze your project from beginning to end. Discuss 2 celebrations you
had throughout the project, in detail. These are the things that went well in your project. Then discuss 2
struggles you had throughout the project, in detail. These are the things that were big challenges for you
or your group. Then discuss 2 ways to improve your project. What would you do differently to improve
your project if you were given another chance? (10pts possible)
Name: Period: Group #:

Name: Period: Group #:

8th Grade: Rube Goldberg Project

Objective: You will be able to design and build a Rube Goldberg machine using at minimum 3 different simple machines
lasting at least 30 seconds ending with setting off the catapult.

Point Break Down

1. Simple Machines (group)
a. Must use at least 3 different simple machines (+4pts per extra machine)
Wheel & axel Screw Wedge
Inclined Plane Pulley Lever
2. 3 Chances for Success (group)
a. Must work at least 1 out of 3 times on test day
Test 1: yes/no (30pts)
Test 2: yes/no (25pts) /20
Test 3: yes/no (20pts)
Extra Tests & works all the way through: yes/no (15pts)
Works partially but not all the way through (10pts)
3. Machine Run Time (group)
a. 36s + = 25pts EC
b. 30s – 35s = 20pts
c. 25s –29s = 15pts
d. 20-24s = 12pts /20
e. 15-19s = 9pts
f. 10-14s = 6pts
g. 5-9s = 3pts
h. 1-4s= 1pt
4. Completed Simple Task (group)
a. Catapult launched as end result of a successful continuous RG machine. (10pts)
b. Catapult launched with only its firing mechanism and not as a result of the continuous
RG machine running from start to finish. (5pts)
5. Planning Packet (individual)
a. Research: Simple Machine Activity Sheet: 60pts
b. Generate Possible Concepts: 10pts
c. Select & Design Best Solution: 30pts
d. Build & Test the Solution: 20pts
e. Evaluate the Solution: 10pts
6. Safety (individual)
a. General Lab & Machine Rules followed /5
Every Reminder = -1pts
Total /200

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