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Wizard Spells

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The document provides descriptions of spells from various levels in the D&D spellcasting system, including their damage types, ranges, and saving throw requirements.

Cantrips like Acid Splash, Fire Bolt, and Ray of Frost deal elemental damage, while others have utility effects like Friends, Light, and Mage Hand. Poison Spray and Shocking Grasp can also impose negative conditions on enemies.

1st level spells include offensive options like Burning Hands and Chromatic Orb, as well as utility spells like Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, and Illusory Script. Spells like Charm Person, Sleep, and Thunderwave can control enemies in combat.

0 Level (Cantrips) Disguise Self: Changes your appearance.

Expeditious Retreat: You can take the Dash action

Acid Splash: Creature takes 1d6 acid damage on a
as a bonus at the end of your turn.
failed Dex Save.
False Life: Gain 1d4+4 temporary hit points.
Blade Ward: Caster gains resistance to
Feather Fall: Objects or creatures fall slowly.
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
Find Familiar: Gain the service of a creature
Chill Touch: Ranged spell attack with a ghostly
hand deals 1d8 necrotic damage and cannot regain
Fog Cloud: 20 ft radius of fog obscures vision.
hit points for a turn.
Grease: Creates a 10 ft square of slippery grease.
Dancing Lights: Creates torches or other lights.
Identify: Determines properties of magic item.
Fire Bolt: Throw a bolt of, the target takes 1d10
fire damage if hit. A flammable object hit by this Illusory Script: Create text that is only readable to
spell ignites if it isn’t being worn or carried. certain people.
Friends: You gain advantage on all Cha checks vs Jump: A target’s jump distance triples.
creatures who aren’t hostile to you, but they may Longstrider: A target’s speed increases by 10 ft.
become hostile when the spell ends. Mage Armor: You touch a willing creature who
Light: Object shines like a torch. isn’t wearing armor, and a protective magical force
Mage Hand: 5-pound telekinesis. surrounds it until the spell ends. The target’s base
Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object. AC becomes 13 + its Dexterity modifier.
Message: Whispered conversation at distance. Magic Missile: You create three glowing darts of
Minor Illusion: You create a sound or an image of magical force that each deals 1d4 + 1 force damage
an object within range that lasts for the duration. to the target/s. Each dart hits a creature of your
Poison Spray: Creature must succeed on a Con choice that you can see within range.
save or take 1d12 poison damage. Protection from Evil & Good: Creatures of the
Prestidigitation: Performs minor tricks. selected type have disadvantage against the affected
Ray of Frost: Ray deals 1d8 cold damage, reduces target.
target’s speed by 10 ft. Ray of Sickness: Ranged spell attack causes 2d8
Shocking Grasp: Touch delivers 1d8 electricity poison damage. On a failed Con save, they also
damage and target cannot take reactions until its become poisoned.
next turn. Shield: Until the start of your next turn, you have a
True Strike: Next turn, you gain advantage on your +5 bonus to AC, + no damage from magic missile.
first attack.
Silent Image: Creates minor illusion of your
1st Level design.
Alarm: Wards an area for 8 hours. Sleep: Roll 5d8; the total is how many hit points of
Burning Hands: 3d6 fire damage in 15ft cone. Dex creatures this spell can put into a magical slumber.
save halves damage. Tasha’s Hideous Laughter: Creature starts
Charm Person: Makes one person your friend. hysterically laughing, must make a Wis save or fall
Chromatic Orb: Choose either acid, cold, fire, prone.
lightning, poison or thunder, then make a ranged Thunderwave: 15 ft cube of thunder, targets make
spell attack with an orb that deals 3d8 on a hit. a Con save. If failed, they take 2d8 thunder damage
Color Spray: 15 ft cone of color that blinds all
and are pushed back 10ft. If not, halve the damage.
creatures based on a 6d10 roll. (to determine
number of hit points affected) Unseen Servant: Invisible force obeys your
Comprehend Languages: You understand all commands.
spoken and written languages. Witch Bolt: Ranged spell attack deals 1d12
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items lightning damage, and each turn after (if you take
within 60 ft. no other actions) you can deal another 1d12.
Melf’s Acid Arrow: A ranged spell attack that deals
2nd Level 4d4 acid damage on hit and 2d4 at the end of the
Alter Self: Assume form of a similar creature.
target’s turn. On a miss, it deals half initial damage.
Arcane Lock: Create a magical lock. Password is
Mirror Image: Creates 3 illusory duplicates of
yourself. When a creature targets you, roll a d20 to see
Blindness/Deafness: Blinds or Deafens a foe who
if it hits a copy. If hit, the copy disappears.
fails a Con save. If they succeed, the spell ends.
Misty Step: teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied
Blur: Body becomes blurred; attacks have a
space that you can see.
disadvantage against you.
Nystul’s Magic Aura: You place an illusion on a
Cloud of Daggers: Creates a cube 5 feet on each side
creature or an object you touch so that divination
that deals 4d4 slashing damage to anything that enters.
spells reveal false information about it.
Continual Flame: Makes a permanent, heatless torch.
Phantasmal Force: You craft an illusion that takes
Crown of Madness: On a failed Wis save, creature is
root in the mind of a creature that fails an Int save.
charmed and attacks its comrades at your control.
Ray of Enfeeblement: On a ranged spell attack hit, a
Darkness: 15 foot sphere of magical darkness.
target only deals half damage with weapons that
Darkvision: Grants a target Darkvision up to 60 ft.
require strength.
Detect Thoughts: Allows “listening” to the surface
Rope Trick: As many as eight creatures hide in
thoughts of a target.
extradimensional space.
Enlarge/Reduce: Either doubles or halves a
Scorching Ray: Ranged spell attack shoots 3 rays of
creature’s size.
fire, each dealing 2d6 fire damage.
Flaming Sphere: Creates rolling ball of fire, 2d6
See Invisibility: Reveals any invisibility.
damage on failed Dex save.
Shatter: 10 ft sphere of ringing noise that deals 3d8
Gentle Repose: Preserves a corpse and prevents it
thunder damage on a failed Con save, half if
from decay or undeath.
successful. Objects also take damage. Creatures made
Gust of Wind: Creates a 60 ft long, 10 ft wide gust of
of inorganic material have a disadvantage.
strong wind. Creatures in it must take a Str saving
Spider Climb: Grants ability to walk on walls and
throw or be pushed 15 ft back. It also takes twice as
long to move in it.
Suggestion: Compels subject to follow stated course
Hold Person: Paralyzes one humanoid on failed
of action.
Wisdom save.
Web: Webs fill a 20-foot cube. Failed Dex save
Invisibility: A creature you touch becomes invisible
restricts creatures inside.
until the spell ends.
Knock: Magically open an object/door. 3rd Level
Levitate: One creature or object of your choice that Animate Dead: Creates an undead servant.
you can see within range rises vertically, up to 20 feet, Bestow Curse: On a failed Wis save, target is cursed.
and remains suspended there for the duration. Con Choose between that target having disadvantage on
save to prevent. one anything with one ability score (saves and
Locate Object: Describe or name an object that is checks), disadvantage on attacks against you, a failed
familiar to you. You sense the direction to the object’s Wis score each turn makes the turn pointless, or your
location, as long as that object is within 1,000 feet of attacks/spells do an extra 1d8 necrotic damage.
you. If the object is in motion, you know the direction Blink: Roll a d20 at the end of each of your turns, on
of its movement. a roll of 11 or higher, you vanish from your current
Magic Mouth: You can implant a message in an plane of existence and appear in the Ethereal Plane,
object. When the trigger you decide happens, a magic and on your next turn you appear again.
mouth appears and says your message. Clairvoyance: Creates a small sensor that you can use
Magic Weapon: Weapon becomes a magic weapon to spy with.
with a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls.
Counterspell: Counters 3rd level or lower spell, on a Sending: You send a short message of twenty-five
higher level spell, make a spell ability check DC= words or less to a creature with which you are
10+spell level. Spell is cancelled on a success. familiar.
Dispel Magic: Cancels magical spells and effects. Sleet Storm: Create a 40 ft wide, 20 ft tall cylinder of
Fear: Each creature in a 30 ft cone must make a Wis freezing rain and sleet that creates difficult terrain.
save or drop everything and become scared. When a creature enters it makes a Dex save, on a
Feign Death: Puts a creature into a willing, death-like failure it falls prone.
coma. Slow: 40 ft cube of altered time that affects up to 6
Fireball: 8d6 damage 20-ft. radius. Half damage on a creatures. They have a -2 penalty to AC and Dex save,
successful Dex save. and cannot use reactions. They also can only use an
Fly: A willing target gains a flying speed of 60 feet action or a bonus action, not both. When a spell is
for the duration. cast, roll a d20. On an 11 or higher the spell doesn’t
Gaseous Form: Transforms target into a misty cloud go until the next turn. Wis save ends the spell for a
with a fly speed of 10 ft. It has resistance to target.
nonmagical damage, and advantage on Str, Dex, and Stinking Cloud: 20 ft sphere of disgusting gas that on
Con saving throws. It can also pass through objects. a failed Con save, makes a creature spend its turn
Glyph of Warding: Places a magical Glyph on an vomiting.
item of your choice. When the item is triggered (Ex: Tongues: This spell grants the creature you touch the
Opening a door or picking up a jar) the glyph either ability to understand any spoken language it hears.
casts a 3rd level or lower spell or explodes in a 20 ft Moreover, when the target speaks, any creature that
radius dealing 5d8 acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder knows at least one language and can hear the target
damage on a failed Dex save. (Halves damage if understands what it says.
successful) Vampiric Touch: Melee spell attack that deals 3d6
Haste: A willing target gains a +2 bonus to AC, it has necrotic damage and heals the caster half that damage.
advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and it gains an Water Breathing: Up to 10 subjects can breathe
additional action on each of its turns. underwater.
Hypnotic Pattern: Creates a 30 ft cube of pretty
swirls and colors that on a failed Wis save charms
4th Level
Arcane Eye: Invisible floating eye spies for you.
creatures and incapacitates them.
Banishment: You attempt to send one creature that
Leomund’s Tiny Hut: Creates a 10 ft dome of force
you can see within range to another plane of
and up to 9 medium or smaller creatures can take
existence. The target must succeed on a Charisma
shelter in it.
saving throw or be banished.
Lightning Bolt: Line of electricity 100ft long/5ft
Blight: On a failed Con save (half on success) target
wide deal 8d6 damage. Dex save halves damage.
takes 8d8 necrotic damage. If the target is a plant
Magic Circle: Creates a 10 ft wide, 20 ft tall cylinder
creature it has disadvantage, if it’s a plant it dies.
that can have certain affects against a type of creature
Confusion: On a failed Wis save in a 10 ft sphere,
of your choice. (See PHB for more details)
affected creatures become confused.
Major Image: As silent image, plus sound, smell and
Conjure Minor Elementals: Summons either one
thermal effects.
elemental of CR 2 or lower, 2 of CR 1 or lower, 4 of
Phantom Steed: A Large quasi-real, horselike
CR ½ or lower, or 8 of CR ¼ or lower.
creature appears on the ground in an unoccupied space
Control Water: Until the spell ends, you control any
of your choice and you may ride it.
freestanding water inside an area you choose that is a
Protection from Energy: Willing creature you touch
cube up to 100 feet on a side.
has resistance to one damage type of your choice.
Dimension Door: You teleport yourself from your
Remove Curse: At your touch, all curses affecting
current location to any other spot within range.
one creature or object end.
Evard’s Black Tentacles: Creates a 20 ft square of Stone Shape: You touch a stone object of Medium
black tenticles that deal 3d6 bludgeoning damages and size or smaller or a section of stone no more than 5
restrains a creature on a failed Dex save. If the feet in any dimension and form it into any shape that
creature is restrained on its next turn, it takes another suits your purpose.
3d6. Stoneskin: Target gains resistance to nonmagical
Fabricate: Creates products based on raw materials bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
available. (Must all be of same material) Wall of Fire: You can make a fire wall up to 60 feet
Fire Shield: Creates a fire or chill shield in a 10 ft long, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick, or a ringed wall up
radius that gives you resistance to fire or cold and to 20 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick.
deals 2d8 fire or cold damage to anything that hits you When a creature comes in contact with it it deals 5d8
with a melee attack. fire damage on a failed Dex save. (Half on a success)
Greater Invisibility: You or a creature you touch
becomes invisible until the spell ends.
5th Level
Animate Objects: Up to ten non-magical objects
Hallucinatory Terrain: You make natural terrain in a
come to life at your command. Medium objects count
150-foot cube in range look, sound, and smell like
as 2, large as 4, and huge as 8 objects.
some other sort of natural terrain.
Bigby’s Hand: Creates a large spectral hand that can
Ice Storm: Hail deals 4d6 cold and 2d8 bludgeoning
attack, push, intercept, or grapple a target.
damage in a cylinder 40 ft. across. Dex save halves
Cloudkill: Creates a 20 ft sphere of poisonous gas
that deals 5d8 poison damage on a failed Con save.
Leomund’s Secret Chest: You hide a chest, and all
(Half on a success)
its contents, on the Ethereal
Cone of Cold: 60 ft cone deals 8d8 cold damage on a
Plane and can summon it by touching a miniature
failed Con save. Damage is halved on a successful
version of it.
Locate Creature: Describe or name a creature that is
Conjure Elemental: Summons an elemental of CR 5
familiar to you. You sense the direction to the
or lower in an appropriate area. (Ex: Fire elemental
creature’s location, as long as that object is within
from a bonfire)
1,000 feet of you. If the creature is in motion, you
Contact other Plane: On a succusful DC 15 Int
know the direction of its movement.
check, you mentally contact a demigod, the spirit o f a
Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound: Creates an
long-dead sage, or some other mysterious entity from
invisible (expect to you) hound that can attack and
another plane and can ask them up to 5 questions. On
guard places.
a failure, take 6d6 psychic damage and go insane until
Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum: You make an
finishing a long rest.
area within range magically secure. The area is a cube
Creation: Creates a nonliving object smaller then a 5
that can be as small as 5 feet to as large as 100 feet on
ft cube made of vegetable mater or minerals. The rarer
each side.
the materials, the shorter the thing lasts.
Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere: Creates a sphere that on
Dominate Person: Controls humanoid telepathically.
a failed Dex save traps the target.
Dream: Shape a creature’s dream
Phantasmal Killer: Creates an illusion of a target’s
Geas: If the target can understand you, it makes a Wis
nightmares and on a failed Wis save becomes
save. On a failure, it becomes charmed and must obey
frightened. On every turn after with a failed Wis save
a command you give. (Not suicidal, that ends the
it takes 4d10 psychic damage.
spell) If it disobeys, it take 5d10 psychic damage.
Polymorph: This spell transforms a creature that you
Hold Monster: Paralyzes one creature on a failed Wis
can see within range into a new form. An unwilling
save. A successful Wis save cancels the spell.
creature must make a Wis save to avoid the effect. A
Legend Lore: The spell brings to your mind a brief
shapechanger automatically succeeds on this saving
summary of the significant lore about a person, place
or object.
Mislead: You become invisible at the same time that Create Undead: You can cast this spell only at night.
an illusory double of you appears where you are Choose up to three corpses of Medium or Small
standing. You can control and see through your humanoids within range.
double. Each corpse becomes a ghoul under your control.
Modify Memory: On a failed Wis save, a creature Disintegrate: Target takes 10d6 +40 force damage if
becomes charmed and you may modify a memory it fails a Dex save. If this kills the target, target is
from the past 24 hours. disintegrated.
Passwall: Creates passage through wood or stone Drawmij’s Instant Summons: Leaves an invisble
wall. mark on a 10 lb or less object and also one on a
Planar Binding: You attempt to bind a celestial, an sapphire. You can summon the object by crushing the
elemental, a fey, or a fiend to your service. Takes 1 sapphire.
hour to cast and the target must be in range! At the Eyebite: Your eyes become inky voids that can make
end, on a failed Cha save, the creature serves you for creatures up to 60 ft away either fall asleep, panic, or
24 hours. become sick on a failed Wis save.
Rary’s Telepathic Bond: You forge a telepathic link Flesh to Stone: On a failed Con save, a creature
among up to eight willing creatures of your choice begins to harden. If it fails 3 more Con saves it turns
within range, psychically linking each creature. to stone until the spell ends. On a success it is freed.
Scrying: You can see and hear a particular creature Globe of Invulnerability: 10 ft globe blocks all 5th
you choose that is on the same plane of existence as level or lower spells.
you. The target must make a Wis save, which is Guards and Wards: Creates guards and wards in an
modified by how well you know the target and the area up to 2,500 square feet. You can create a
sort of physical connection you have to it. password to deactivate the traps. (See PHB for full
Seeming: This spell allows you give a new, illusory details)
appearance to any number of creatures that you can Magic Jar: Your body goes into a coma while your
see within range. soul goes into a jar. You can then attempt to possess a
Telekinesis: You gain the ability to move or humanoid, if they fail their Cha save you succeed.
manipulate creatures or objects by thought. Mass Suggestion: As Suggestion, but with up to 12
Teleportation Circle: Creates a 10 ft diameter portal targets.
that remains open for 1 turn and takes you to a new Move Earth: Reshape an area of 40 feet or less of
place on the Material Plane. (See PHB for more earthen terrain for up to 2 hours.
details) Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere: 60 ft sphere of freezing
Wall of Force: Creates a wall of invisible force that cold that deals 10d6 cold damage on a failed Con save
nothing can psychically pass through. (Save halves damage) Also freezes any water.
Wall of Stone: Creates a stone wall that can be Otto's Irresistible Dance: Target has to do a comical
shaped. dance. Wisdom saving throw cancels spell.
Programed Illusion: You create an illusion of an
6th Level object, a creature, or some other visible phenomenon
Arcane Gate: Creates two portals 500 ft away from
within range that activates when a specific condition
each other.
Chain Lightning: A lightning bolt hits a target, then
Sunbeam: Creates a 5ft wide, 60 ft long beam of light
hits three other targets dealing 10d8 damage. Dex save
from your hand that deals 6d8 radiant damage and
halves damage.
blinds affected creatures on a failed Con save. (Halves
Circle of Death: A 60 ft sphere deals 8d6 on a failed
on a success and no blindness) Undead and Oozes
Con save, half on a successful.
have disadvantage.
Contingency: Makes a 5th level or lower spell that
True Seeing: Lets you see all things as they really are.
effects you occur in a specific circumstance. (Ex:
Water breathing when engulfed in water)
Wall of Ice: You can make an ice wall that when a 5. Blue. The target takes 10d6 cold damage on
creature comes in contact with it it deals 10d6 ice a failed save, or half as much damage on a
damage on a failed Dex save. (Half on a success) successful one.
6. Indigo. On a failed save, the target is
7th Level restrained. It must then make a Constitution
Delayed Blast Fireball: Delayed explosion in a 20 ft
saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If
sphere. Deals 12d6 fire damage, Dex save halves.
it successfully saves three times, the spell
Etherealness: You step into the borders of the
ends. If it fails its save three times, it
Ethereal Plane and can see both planes but aren’t
permanently turns to stone.
affected by anything on the Material plane.
7. Violet. On a failed save, the target is
Finger of Death: 7d8 + 30 necrotic damage, Con save
blinded. It must then make a Wisdom saving
halves damage. If target is killed this way, it rises as
throw at the start of your next turn. A
your loyal zombie next turn.
successful save ends the blindness. If it fails
Forcecage: Creates an invisible cage (20 ft square) or
that save, the creature is transported to another
box (10 ft square) to imprison targets.
plane of existence of the DM’s choosing and
Mirage Arcane: You make terrain in an area up to 1
is no longer blinded.
mile square look, sound, smell, and even feel like
8. Special. The target is struck by two rays.
some other sort of terrain.
Roll twice more, rerolling any 8.
Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion: Creates an
Project Image: You create an illusory copy of
extradimensional home which lasts for 24 hours and
yourself that lasts for up to a day.
includes furnishings, servants, and lots of food, all the
Reverse Gravity: Reverses gravity in a 50-foot-
caster can modify to their whim.
radius, 100- foot high cylinder centered on a point
Mordenkainen's Sword: A hovering sword that deals
within range.
3d10 force damage with a successful melee attack.
Sequester: A willing creature or an object can be
Plane Shift: You and up to eight willing creatures
hidden away, safe from detection. When you cast the
who link hands in a circle are transported to a
spell and touch the target, it becomes invisible and
different plane of existence.
can’t be targeted by divination spells or perceived
Prismatic Spray: Eight multicolored rays of light
through scrying sensors. If the target is a creature, it
flash from your hand. Each ray is a different color and
falls into a state of suspended animation. Time ceases
has a different power and purpose. Each creature in a
to flow for it, and it doesn’t grow older. You can set a
60-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. For
condition for the spell to end when you wish.
each target, roll a d8 to determine which color ray
Simulacrum: You shape an illusory duplicate of one
affects it.
beast or humanoid. This copy is partly real, partly
1. Red. The target takes 10d6 fire damage on a
snow or ice, and also has half the HP of the original. It
failed save, or half as much damage on a
also does not have the original’s equipment.
successful one.
Symbol: You inscribe a harmful glyph either on a
2. Orange. The target takes 10d6 acid damage
surface (such as a section of floor, a wall, or a table)
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
or within an object and choose a trigger and one of the
successful one.
following affects.
3. Yellow. The target takes 10d6 lightning
1. Death. Each target must make a
damage on a failed save, or half as much
Constitution saving throw, taking 10d 10
damage on a successful one.
necrotic damage on a failed save, or half
4. Green. The target takes 10d6 poison
as much damage on a successful save.
damage on a failed save, or half as much
2. Discord. Each target must make a
damage on a successful one.
Constitution saving throw. On a failed
save, a target bickers and argues with
other creatures for 1 minute.
3. Fear. Each target must make a Wisdom Incendiary Cloud: Creates a 20 ft radius of burning
saving throw and becomes frightened for 1 smoke that deals 10d8 fire damage on a failed Dex
minute on a failed save. While frightened, save.
the target drops whatever it is holding and Maze: Banishes a creature to a maze demiplane. A
must move at least 30 feet away from the successful Int save allows escape.
glyph on each of its turns, if able. Mind Blank: For 24 hours, one willing creature you
4. Hopelessness. Each target must make a touch is immune to psychic damage, any effect that
Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, would sense its emotions or read its thoughts,
the target is overwhelmed with despair for divination spells, and the charmed condition.
1 minute. Power Word Stun: Stuns creature with 150 HP or
5. Insanity. Each target must make an less. A successful Con save at the end of its turn can
Intelligence saving throw. On a failed end the spell.
save, the target is driven insane for 1 Sunburst: 60 ft radius of sunlight deals 12d6 radiant
minute. damage and blinds targets for 1 minute. Successful
6. Pain. Each target must make a Con save halves damage and prevents blindness.
Constitution saving throw and becomes Telepathy: You create a telepathic link between
incapacitated with excruciating pain for 1 yourself and a willing creature with which you are
minute on a failed save. familiar.
7. Sleep. Each target must make a Wisdom
saving throw and falls unconscious for 10
9th Level
Astral Projection: You and up to 8 willing creatures
minutes on a failed save. A creature
project your astral bodies onto the Astral Plane while
awakens if it takes damage or if someone
your material bodies remain unconscious.
uses an action to shake or slap it awake.
Foresight: Willing creature gains advantage on attack
8. Stunning. Each target must make a
rolls, ability checks, saving throws, and cannot be
Wisdom saving throw and becomes
surprised. Other creatures have disadvantage on attack
stunned for 1 minute on a failed save.
rolls against the target.
Teleport: Transports you and up to 8 willing creatures
Gate: Creates a portal to location on a different plane.
to where you wish.
Can only travel through the front portal.
8th Level Imprisonment: You create a magical restraint to hold
Antimagic Field: Creates a 10ft sphere were magic of a creature that you can see within range. The target
any kind does not work. must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be bound
Antipathy/Sympathy: Either repels or attracts a by the spell.
creature of your choice with a failed Wis save. Meteor Swarm: Each creature in a 40-foot-radius
Clone: Creates an exact duplicate of a creature that sphere centered on each point you choose takes 20d6
takes the creature’s soul into it when it dies. fire damage and 20d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed
Control Weather: You take control of the weather Dex save, or half as much damage on a successful
within 5 miles of you. one.
Demiplane: Creates an empty room demiplace that Power Word Kill: If the creature you choose has 100
closes when the spell ends. hit points or fewer, it dies.
Dominate Monster: Controls creature telepathically. Prismatic Wall: A shimmering, multicolored plane of
Feeblemind: You blast the mind of a creature that you light forms a vertical opaque wall—up to 90 feet long,
can see within range and it takes 4d6 psychic damage 30 feet high, and 1 inch thick—centered on a point
and must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a you can see within range. Alternatively, you can shape
the wall into a sphere up to 30 feet in diameter
failed save, the creature’s Intelligence and Charisma centered on a point you choose within range. It lasts
scores become 1. for 10 minutes and has 7 layers.
1. Red. The target takes 10d6 fire damage on a rest, you take 1d10 necrotic damage per level of any
failed save, or half as much damage on a spell you cast afterwards. Your strength also goes
successful one. down to 3 for 2d4 days.
2. Orange. The target takes 10d6 acid damage
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
3. Yellow. The target takes 10d6 lightning
damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.
4. Green. The target takes 10d6 poison
damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.
5. Blue. The target takes 10d6 cold damage on
a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
6. Indigo. On a failed save, the target is
restrained. It must then make a Constitution
saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If
it successfully saves three times, the spell
ends. If it fails its save three times, it
permanently turns to stone.
7. Violet. On a failed save, the target is
blinded. It must then make a Wisdom saving
throw at the start of your next turn. A
successful save ends the blindness. If it fails
that save, the creature is transported to another
plane of existence of the DM’s choosing and
is no longer blinded.
Shapchange: You assume the form o f a different
creature for up to an hour. The new form can be of
any creature with a challenge rating equal to your
level or lower.
Time Stop: You act freely for 1d4+1 rounds.

True Polymorph: You transform a creature into a

different creature, a creature into an object, or an
object into a creature (the object must be neither worn
nor carried by another creature). If you concentrate on
it for an hour, the spell becomes permanent.

Weird: Drawing on the deepest fears o f a group of

creatures, you create illusory creatures in their minds,
visible only to them. Each creature in a 30-foot-radius
sphere centered on a point of your choice within range
must make a Wisdom saving throw or become
frightened. At the start of each of the frightened
creature’s turns, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving
throw or take 4 d10 psychic damage. On a successful
save, the spell ends for that creature.

Wish: You may alter reality itself, to the DM’s

discretion. After you cast this, until you finish a long

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